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Due Nov. 23
- Five page limit double spaced, one inch margins, 12 point
font, cover page, use headings. Page limit does not include
any Appendixes you wish to add.
- Cite sources.
- Avoid using bullet points
- Do not summarize case. Get right into questions
You will be expected to use outside sources in addition to
the material in the case in answering questions 2 and 3
below. Please reference these sources.
1 Use self-image theory to describe how Doves Campaign for
Real Beauty has differentiated itself from traditional
approaches in advertising beauty products to women.
2 What are the objections to Doves campaign for real beauty
cited by some critics of the campaign. Do you agree with
these objections? Why or why not?
3 Doves Real Beauty Sketches campaign is cited in the
case as the most viral of all time. (See video in Session 23
of Lessons.) What are the pros and cons of the campaign.
4 Should Dove continue the Real Beauty campaign or should it
change the focus to a more conventional campaign strategy?
Fully support one position or the other.

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