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West Virginia State University

College of Professional Studies

Department of Education
Professional Development (PD) Reflection

Circle one: FR SOPH JR SR
Kathy West

PD Topic/Title:
PD Units:

Major Content Area:


PD Date:


Andes Manta Project for Mary C. Snow Elementary

Please respond to the following prompts:


Summarize the key points you learned from this Professional Development
Being at Mary C Snow Elementary was very different for me because I am a
secondary major, little children are not my cup of tea. I taught a lesson about
a musical group from Ecuador to five different classes, grade 3 rd thru 5th. I
taught four of those lessons with another classmate and e of those lessons on
my own. I learned that teaching elementary school is much different than
teaching secondary. Elementary school students ask a lot more questions
that secondary students and the elementary students seemed to hang on
every word. I was a bit refreshing teaching the younger students because I
saw a love for learn in their eyes, a love I hope I can give my secondary
students. I learned that sometimes teaching out of your element will help you
refresh your view of teaching. I know I can use some of the techniques I used
with the elementary school students with my secondary students. I need to
remember to make learning enjoyable.

Discuss how these key points connect to your content area.

Teaching the lesson I taught connects with my content area because I was
teaching about the culture and geography of Ecuador.

Share how you might use this new information in your future classroom.
I will take what I learned from the elementary school students and use that
to teach my secondary students.

I can take the simplicity of my lesson and jazz it up to make it from complex
for the secondary students but having to also me enjoyable from them.

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