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West Virginia State University

College of Professional Studies

Department of Education
Professional Development (PD) Reflection

Circle one: FR SOPH JR SR
Kathy West

PD Topic/Title:
PD Units:

Major Content Area:


PD Date:


Andes Manta performance form Mary C. Snow Elementary

Please respond to the following prompts:


Summarize the key points you learned from this Professional Development
After teaching lessons at Mary C. Snow Elementary School, I had the
opportunity to go and watch the performance with the students. I loved
seeing their faces during the show because they were seeing the stuff in
person that we had taught them. After the show, they were able to ask
questions. They asked questions that had to do with the lesson I taught them
and that made me feel like they had learned and paid attention when I was
teaching them. The students remembered me and I got a ton of hugs and
that just melted my heart.

Discuss how these key points connect to your content area.

I think going to this show connects with my content because I got to see in
real life the information that I taught.
How often do you get to see what you teach? Not often so it was awesome.
I think I enjoyed it as much as the elementary students did.

Share how you might use this new information in your future classroom.
I want to me about to show my students what I am teaching them whenever
I can.
This means taking field trips whenever possible, bringing in special speakers,
or just bringing in artifacts that go with the lesson I am teaching.
I think when you do something like that, the students are able to connect
better to the lesson.

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