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West Virginia State University

College of Professional Studies

Department of Education
Professional Development (PD) Reflection

Circle one: FR SOPH JR SR
Kathy West

PD Topic/Title:
PD Units:

Major Content Area:


PD Date:


Flipped Learning: Gateway to Student Engagement Webinar

Please respond to the following prompts:

Summarize the key points you learned from this Professional Development
This webinar was about teaching a flip lesson in the classroom. This lesson
went into details about how to make a flip lesson that your students will enjoy
and how you can use a flip lesson to build a relationship with your students.
When you mix up the everyday classroom routine, this can make learning
exciting for your students. This webinar also talked about how you need to
use blooms taxonomy in your lessons because you need to make your
students think and use the higher levels of blooms.

Discuss how these key points connect to your content area.

I think you can use a flip lesson in any content area.
In social studies, you have endless possibilities on how you can use a flip
lesson to teach your students about history and the world.

Share how you might use this new information in your future classroom.
I feel that I can use a flip lesson in my classroom to make my students think
outside of the box.
Using a flip lesson, I can make my students do work on their own before
coming back into the class to discuss what they did or what information they

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