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I had listen about Karma before this many times. My elders told me
there exit karma for everyone. I found interested this topic to research on it. I
encountered that is it really something that exist with the name karma and
cleared my doubt regarding this concept. May be I have cleared others
concepts regarding this concept. When I did research on karma I came to
know it exits in many religions. The frustrating thing I found in it was people
behavior who dont believe on karma. If I would be a teacher I would rate this
piece of work excellent. If I had a chance to do it again I would add other
reports on this concepts from other religions. The enjoyment in this topic
was, there is no definite equation that is accommodated to inform how and
when karmic responses will show up in our lives. However, one can make
sure they will show up in some structure or other. One may have the capacity
to escape with a wrongdoing they submitted, or abstain from paying duties.
Although as per karma, nobody escapes with anything for long.

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