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Math Lesson Plan

Mrs. Jessie Caprio

Addition Practice
Grade Level: 1st
Subject Area: Math
Time: 45min.
Date: November 12th, 2015/November 13th, 2015
VA SOL 1.5
The student will recall basic addition facts with sums to 18 or less and the corresponding subtraction facts.
All students should

Develop an understanding of the addition and subtraction relationship.

Develop addition and subtraction strategies for fact recall.

Develop fluency with basic number combinations for addition and subtraction.

The student will use problem solving, mathematical communication, mathematical reasoning,
connections, and representations to

Identify + as a symbol for addition and = as a symbol for equality.

Recall and state orally the basic addition facts for sums with two addends to 18

Recall and write the basic addition facts for sums to 18

Dominos recording sheet with single math problem
Dominos recording sheet with double math problem

Day 1



Review ways in which we can solve addition problems from anchor chart
from Monday. (Use your fingers, use snap cubes, use number lines, tally
marks, draw a picture, count on and touch math)
Allow volunteers to share the ways in which we can solve addition
Explain to class that we will be using dominos to practice counting on
today. Show the class a domino and explain that each domino has a dot
that represents one.
Model how to complete addition problems using dominos.
Have volunteers model for the class.
Students will be split into groups based on level of understanding.
They will complete activity page(s).


On Level Group: Dominos recording sheet with single math problems

Slightly Above Level: Dominos recording sheet with double math
Review ways in which to count on.
Students will be assessed on completion/accuracy of math activity
Differentiation: Differentiate by having on grade level students complete math sheet that consists
on having students answer a single math problem. Above level students should complete a math
sheet that requires the students to complete the problem by using two steps.
Classroom Management: Dominos should be placed in a bucket in the middle of the room and
students should come to the bucket to get one domino at a time to avoid students having too many
dominos at their desk.


Day 2


Five butcher paper rolls with a number line draw on it

Deck of cards
Recording sheet

Review the counting on strategy from yesterday where the students used
dominos to practice addition.
Explain to the students that today we will be practicing our counting on
strategies again but this time using a number line. Model for students by
rolling a die and stepping on the butcher paper where the number they
rolled is on the number line. They should then roll a second die. This
number will be added to the first number. The student should hop that
number of spots on the number line. For example, if their first number is
a 2 on their first roll they will be standing on the 2. If they were to get a 9
the second time they would hop to the number 11 on the number line.
Model for students the technique of counting on by starting to count with
the first number they drew and hopping the second number of spaces.
Model recording the numbers on the recording sheet.

Students should be divided into three groups of five and two groups of
six and place them in various corners of the room. Students should
practice counting on by using the number line and dice or a deck of
cards. Ensure students are recording their turn as well as the other
students turn on the recording sheet.
On level group will complete practice by using dice. Above level group
will use a deck of cards.
Review todays activity with the students.
Teacher will assess students on their ability to accurately complete the
counting on technique.
Differentiate: On level group will complete the task with dice while the slightly above level group
will complete the task using a deck of cards.
Behavior Management: Teacher should ensure that students are on task and completing the
practice by actively circulating the room checking on each of the groups. Teacher should provide
any assistance if needed.

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