Letter of Support by Macy Norlen

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November 13, 2015


To Whom It May Concern:

I enthusiastically support the teaching of Dr. Genna Reeves-DeArmond. I was a student in her
AT 430: History of Apparel FashionRenaissance to Present class during the Fall 2015
Dr. Reeves-DeArmond is one of the most talented teachers I have had in my collegiate career.
When I walked into class on the first day of this fall semester, I was unsure of how well I would
succeed and thrive in a hybrid course environment. This semester, Dr. Reeves-DeArmond taught
our class via Zoom, an online video chatting application similar to Skype. I wasnt confident that
I would be able to get all of the help or information I needed from a teacher who was not
physically present. I was very wrong! Dr. Reeves-DeArmond is by far the most helpful and
thorough professor I have ever had, despite the fact that she is in a different time-zone than her
AT 430 students. Every instruction is given to us in utmost detail.
I have very much enjoyed the content and projects in this course. My favorite assignment thus
far is an oral history report about someone over the age of 60 and the style period of their
choosing. Before this project, I wasnt entirely sure what an oral history report was. The layout
of the project helped me understand what the content of the report was supposed to be and
helped me finish everything in a timely fashion. Every aspect of the report was split up and due
on different days. Having deadlines for each section of the project was very effective for me. Dr.
Reeves-DeArmond is the only professor I have ever had who has laid out a project in this
manner. This layout helped me have fun with the project, and I produced a well-written report
because of it.
As far as interacting with students, Dr. Reeves-DeArmond excels in that area, as well as the
other areas I have discussed. A teacher of a hybrid classroom needs to be responsive to emails, of
course, but Dr. Reeves-DeArmond goes above and beyond. She almost always responds to
emails within the day and is sure to provide ample information and suggestions to answer any
questions a student may have. She is also more than willing to Zoom with students outside of
class if they have any questions or concerns that require a face-to-face meeting. I have been truly
impressed with the thorough feedback and the quick responses I receive from Dr. ReevesDeArmond.

Dr. Reeves-DeArmond is by far the most impressive and most enjoyable professor I have had the
pleasure of working with in my collegiate career. Her enthusiastic and friendly personality makes
going to class a fun experience. The respect she gives to her students is very much appreciated
and returned. Any university would be very fortunate to have such a poised and intelligent
faculty member on their team. Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Kerstina M. Norlen
Textile and Apparel Marketing Undergraduate Student
Kansas State University

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