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MUED 3311 TE Planning Framework

(Type your plan in the form below. Boxes will expand as you enter text.)
Teacher/Conductors Name:
Title of Composition:

Zach Gonzalez

Date of TE: 09/06/15


Teaching Episode (A, B, A.1, etc): TE-A

Rehearsal Objectives/Outcomes:
(What will your students be able to do as a result of this rehearsal?)
Students will be able to perform their part with accuracy and will begin to develop an internal pulse. Students will also build
a better understanding of subdivision.
Skill and/or Knowledge Outcome:
Students will work on Part work. Students will developing an internal pulse and an understanding of subdivisions.

Affective/Aesthetic Outcome:
The students will be able to become independent on their own part. Students will also be able to understand how their part
works inside of an ensemble.

Rehearsal Plan: (Step-by-step plan for the rehearsal, with timing, that leads to your objective.)



Description of

Purpose of Activity (Why?)

Assessment (What strategies

will you use to assess during the

Divide the group into 3 parts.

Separate the students into different part.

This group will
clap on their legs
2.This group will clap on their chest
3. This group will clap

Dividing the students into different groups with

different places to clap will create a different
timbre for each group. This will make error
detection easier while also helping students in
each group to stay together with their group.

Using the different timbres will help to hear errors.

Perform bars 2-6

Pointing out the rhythm (hemiola/ 3

against 2); what group is acting as the
Have the individual groups perform
their part from mm 2-6.

Point out what group acting as a metronome will

help the students to listen across the ensemble.
Pointing out the hemiola figure will also help
ensemble as well as serving as a teachable

By dividing the ensemble into individual parts then

add the other parts back in, it would allow me to
evaluate how well each group performs their part
and as an ensemble.

Perform bars 11- 20

Performing the next section looking for

errors and teachable moments such as:
the quarter note triplets in mm14.
Ensemble work, no rushing.

The quarter note triplets are different then the 8th

note triplets that happen earlier. This might cause
some ensemble problems. The quarter note triplets
causes a syncopation but the first note of the triple
groups lands on beat 1 and 3.Make sure the
ensemble is listening to each other especially to the
group that has the metronome to help the
ensemble to not rush.
Conduct in 4 then show an emphasis on bear 1
and 2 by snaping. Have the students copy you.
Then say 1-la-le 2-la-le

Keeping my own internal beat it would be easy to

tell if there is a difference in my tempo and the
ensembles. This could help me determine if they are
rushing or dragging.

Perform bars 21-32

Work on ensemble making sure all of

the parts line up by working with one
group while the other groups shadow
their part. I will ask the groups who are
showing their parts to join the
ensemble and drop out periodically in
order to asses the students and their
individual parts.
Once all groups have a chance to work
on their part I will add them all back

The ensemble work in the last part of the

composition is a little more complex. It is
important that students are able to perform their
part while fitting it into the rest of the ensemble.

By having each part perform separately it would be

easier to asses if any one group is having
difficulties with a their part.

Have the students perform the

composition will as little errors as

It is important to have the ensemble to perform the

composition after working on it so show then and
the instruction of their progress, and retention of
the earlier part.

While the students are performing the instructor

will listen and watch the different groups, and if
possible take notes about what the students still
need help on. This will make a good starting place
for next rehearsal.


(# of min)

Perform the entire composition


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