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Guillaume Standaert, Gellynck Alix, Adisa Ramic, Valeria Troisi & Pham Kim - Hoang
2IBM01 Artevelde University College

History ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Solving problems with a smile .................................................................................................................. 3
Problem solving is a service ...................................................................................................................... 3
Humor ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4
The Meeting Motivator, don't Tweet, just meet! .................................................................................... 4
Users of the Meeting Motivator ............................................................................................................ 4
Price settings ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Where can you buy this Meeting Motivator And what is his price? ..................................................... 5
SWOT - Analysis of the Meeting Motivator ........................................................................................... 6
Strengths: ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Weakness: ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Opportunities: .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Threats: .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Advantages & disadvantages of the Meeting Motivator ..................................................................... 7
Advantages ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Disadvantages .......................................................................................................................................... 7
References ........................................................................................................................................... 8

Solving problems with a smile
Gelotology, the company behind the meeting motivator is founded by Hans Kerkhoff and Raoul
Maris. Solving problems with electronics is Hans his goal. Raoul started his career at Guillaume
Duval advertising agency. They have been working together since 2007 and in 2011 they became
together creative directors of Boondoggle. They helped brands such as Douwe Egberts and De
Lijn with advertisements.
After all, in 2013 they established Gelotology, They'd like to solve current problems companies
are suffering from. For them, each problem is a thing to be solved.

Problem solving is a service

To make the difference between you and competitors Gelotology thinks service is the big issue.
It is much more than the ordinary customer-friendliness or a decent ratio of price/quality.
Thinking about possible problems clients may experience is already big thing. It is incredible
how much things that can be improved when you just think about it for a second.

When they solve a problem they do this using:
1) Technology
2) Design
3) Humor
First of all Hans and Raoul think there isn't a problem in the world that can't be solved using
technology. Certainly when we make the comparison between 50 years ago and the enormous
technological improvements that have taken place during that period.
Next to that, for them a solution does not only have to sound and work good, but also has to be
attracting and look good.
To end, for them humor is the thing that makes the big difference. Humor makes people more
receptive for upcoming information. Besides, humor makes people more attentive.
As you see, Humor means a lot for the company. Certainly when googeling the company's name
"Gelotology" you will fing out that this is the term used for: science of laughter. They chose for
"Gelotology" because there is a lot of science behind laughing, next to that, each solution will
make you happy. (Gelotology, 2015)

The Meeting Motivator, don't Tweet, just meet!
At least 40% of all employees mails and texts during meetings. Those acts annoy 80% of
participants. As a consequence a lot of money goes wasted. We all know that in the
businessworld the phrase 'Time is money' is a reality.
The cooperation between Gelotology and Cobra Radiobrewery (Cobra - The Radio Brewery, n.d.)
lead to a new innovation to improve the flow of meetings and to keep the attention of the
participants during the meeting. The Meeting Motivator is a device that rewards you for giving
your phone away at the beginning of a meeting with funny one-liners.
The Meeting Motivator is a wooden box in which there is place for ten phones and yes even the
IPhone 6+ fits in it. When you put your phone in it, a funny motivating quote is stated. The
device has a special build-in clock that has extra motivating and funnier jokes for special days
and hours. The volume of the voice coming out of the box is adaptable and a whisper mode is
also available.
Looking at the bigger picture of benefits we can conclude that everyone profits from the Meeting
Motivator. The participants of the meeting as well as the company in general. No interruptions
and no distracted attendants and it's favorable for the meeting culture.


Users of the Meeting Motivator

In these firms the meeting are already more efficient: Omega Pharma, Pelckmans, Durabrik,
Upgrade Estate and many more. The Meeting Motivator is in its growing phase so without a
doubt that many more firms will implement it in their meetings.

Price settings
Where can you buy this Meeting Motivator And what is his price?
The Meeting Motivator is a Gelotologys creation, and therefore only available on their official
website (Gelotology, n.d.). It is not available anywhere else, like in shops.
The online shop offers two color options. You can choose either a black meeting motivator, or a
white one. The standard price for this object is 549 Euros.
The website offers you the possibility to personalize your meeting motivator. You can add colors,
your firms logo, your name, etc. However, if you want to personalize it, you have to send an
email to Gelotology and ask if it is possible. Of course, the more options or colors you add, the
more it will cost.
The online shop gives you the possibility to pay with Master Card, Visa or Maestro. You put
your product in the shopping cart; fill in your billing details and pay. (Of course you have to
login at the beginning.)
If you want, you can also subscribe online by putting your email to receive newsletters, and all
new information about new products and sales.
This meeting motivator comes with a 220v recharge cable, a manual for explanations and a lot of
meeting motivator stickers. This product has funny integrated quotes and a clock to surprise you
every moment of the day with a pick-up line. One of the options is that it has the possibility to
put the meeting motivator in discrete mode. This is crucial during important meetings. It is not
very professional to hear loud noises from the motivator during a presentation.

SWOT - Analysis of the Meeting Motivator

The best way to get further information or to know people's opinion about this product is to make
a SWOT - analysis, of course you won't find any reviews since it's still new on the market.

Keep everyone motivated, new system that make people curious about the product.
A humorous way to be in a meeting.
No disrupting by a smartphone during the meeting session. Nowadays many people use their
phone nonstop, this could make an opportunity for the people who are addicted to their phone.
High quality product made of wood, environmental based. Has only two colors white and black,
but the colors itself make the product exclusively.

Some people might get annoyed if they can't see their personal mails during the meeting.
Quite expensive product for a new product on the market, people will doubt whether to buy it or
No reviews on the internet available so people are not sure whether it is a good product or not.

New way of meeting, it is always nice to do something new than to do the same thing all over
New development marketing, can become a big competitor on the market.

Competitors might steal their idea and produce this product for a cheaper price.
Their idea is not protected
New system markets can have a negative impact on people, they tend to be too curious about
new things, they want to discover it but if there is a technical problem everyone will know.
Only 10 spots available in the product, which is a pity if you are with more people.

Advantages & disadvantages of the Meeting Motivator

- The employees will be more motivated for the meetings.
- They wont be disturbed anymore.
- Everybody will participate fully in the meeting.
- Each time somebody put is phone in the Meeting Motivator they will hear one of the funny
quotes, which will motivate the employees to put their phones actually in it. (Gelotology, sd)
- It is possible to let the funny quotes from the Meeting Motivator hear during the meeting
which can make a stressful, serious meeting more relax and fun.
- The Meeting Motivator has a beautiful design. (De Tijd , sd)
- It is not only motivating and good for the employees but it might as well be useful for the
Chair Person of the meeting, so he/she wont be disturbed while speaking.
- The Meeting Motivator is made with high quality materials.
- The Meeting Motivator has already been successfully used in the following big companies:
OmegaPharma, Var, VanMiert, Durabrik, ContentCowboys, Pelckmans, UpgradeEstate and
BonkaCircus which will probably motivate other smaller companies to start using the
Meeting Motivator. (Gelotology , sd)

- It might be that the employees will start using their computer for social media instead of their
- Sometimes they do need their phone during a meeting for their agenda or their mails.
- Unfortunately, there is only place for 10 phones, this means big companies will have to buy
more than one Meeting Motivator.
- You cant charge your phone in the Meeting Motivator, which a lot of people want to do
during a meeting.
- The place for the phone might be to small for some models such as the Galaxy Note.

Cobra - The Radio Brewery. (n.d.). Work. Retrieved from Cobra - The Radio Brewery:
De Tijd . (n.d.). Retrieved from
Gelotology. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Gelotology . (n.d.). Retrieved from
Gelotology. (2015). Solving problems with a smile. Retrieved October 26, 2015, from Gelotology:
Gelotology. (n.d.). Shop. Retrieved from Gelotology:
Gelotology. (n.d.). Solving problems with a smile. Retrieved from Gelotology:

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