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Consideration means preparing every message with the

receiver (s) in mind putting yourself in place of
Effective communication must take the audience into
consideration e.g the audiences view points,
backgrounds, mind set, education level etc.
Consideration means understanding of human nature.
It is communicating with the target group.

Three specific ways to indicate

Focus on you instead of I and we.
I am delighted to announce that we will be extending
our hours to make shopping more convenient (focus is
on We)
You will be able to shop evenings with the extended
hours (Focus on You Instead of I)

Show audience benefit or interest of the receiver

and emphasize pleasant positive facts:
Stress on what can be done instead of what cannot be
Show optimism towards your audience. Emphasize on what is
possible rather than what is impossible. Lay stress on positive
We dont refund if the returned item is soiled or unsalable.
We refund when the returned item is clean and resalable

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