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Rotation: 1 Semester: 1
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TIJ1O - Exploring Technologies / Gr. 9 Television Broadcast

Unit 01: Unit 01: TV Show Green Screen Intro Video
Teachers: Mr. Snyder and Mr. Elsie

Assignment 02: Green Screen TV Show Intro Editing

Learning Goals - by the end of this activity, students will be expected to:
be able to identify the various elements of the iMovie application
be able to explain using correct vocabulary, the basics of audio video editing
be able to use the iMovie application to create a green screen video introduction that captures the intent of the teams TV show
work independently to complete the task correctly and on time
Assignment Objective: Students are to produce a 15 - 20 second video introduction for their production team broadcast. Students will do so using
iMovie and green screen editing techniques. Students will select a title style and add appropriate music of their choice.
Green Screen TV Show Intro Editing Mark Sheet


Clean Green Screen Key (App - 10%)


clean removal of green screen background

subjects have clean edges
green screen not visible
portions of green screen or subjects not transparent


Title Properties (App - 5%)


consistent title style used to compliment the existing colours on screen

title colour is influenced by the existing on screen visuals
titles remain on screen long enough to read
titles are appropriately placed without inferring with the visuals


Video Clips Used (App - 10%)


best portion of the video clips were used in intro

a variety of clips are used to show excitement, action and fun


Workflow (App - 5%)


student submits green screen intro as a correctly exported .mpg file

student correctly names and submits .mpg file to teacher inbox

Green Screen Intro Mark


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