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Tamiko of

By: Ben Breitbach, Shannon

Antonini, Julia Clark

- Background Information
Japan has a long history with the first humans arriving around
35,000 B.C.. Japan is located near the Asian mainland and
played a big part in the country's development. There is a big
amount of open sea, which separates the two landmasses.
Throughout most of Japan's history, it has been closed to the
outside world refusing to open its borders to foreigners. The
sakoku policy, which means "locked country", became active in
1633 by the Tokugawa Shogunate prevented foreigners from
entering Japan on penalty of death. The same policy also
prevented Japanese from leaving Japan.

Religion in Japan is a bunch of
ideas from Shintoism and
Buddhism. Religion in Japan is
rarely preached, nor is it
written. Instead it is a moral
code, a way of living, almost
identical from Japanese social
and cultural values.

the koto very

Indirect Characters
play so
Princess Tamoki
step mother
is summoned
to the sound
of it.





Direct Characters

Princess Tamoki

Hey mom can I got practice the koto, is that ok?

Ill clean my room after I study.

All the princes like me, but I dont know which one
I want.

Indirect Characters
Queen Terute (evil step
Gold digger


Bad heart


She only
Toyonari for
his money
and power.

Direct Characters
Queen Tertue (evil step

You're not my child, you're not my child.

You cant go on a date because you have to clean

the house.
I dont think you should pick that prince to be with
you for the rest of your life.

Get that cat out of here

Indirect Characters

Naoyuki (poor boy)

Hard working





He has a
thats a cat
that never
leaves his

Direct Characters

Naoyuki (poor boy)

Come here boy(to his cat)

I wish I could marry the=at beautiful girl


Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Tokyo, Japan. There once

lived a King Fujiwara and his beautiful wife Murasaki. They had a
daughter named Tamoki. One day Queen Murasaki got deathly ill
and the doctors could not save her. Sadly, she passed away and
left King Fujiwara and her daughter to rule their kingdom alone.
Shortly after her death King Fujiwara re married to Queen Terute.
Queen Terute was not found of her new step daughter.

Rising Action
Queen Tertue was moving into the castle while a cat came up and almost
tripped her. Out she screamed to a poor boy, get that cat out of here.
Then, she got into the castle went up to Princess Tamokis room and told
her to stop playing the koto and to clean her room. Princess Tamoki asked
her father and her step-mother if she could go to the party. Her step
mother said no, but later that night, her friends came to her palace to
sneak her to the party, because her parents left and went out of town. A
few hours after they arrived at the party, Princess Tamoki wasnt having
fun because she felt bad about sneaking out. As she was walking out to
leave, she bumped into a guy named Naoyuki and knocked everything he
was holding onto the ground. When she helped him clean up the mess,
they looked into each others eyes and fell in love.

After princess Tamoki helped Naoyuki clean up, she said Oh my
gosh! I am so sorry. Im in a rush to get home because my parents
dont know I'm here. Naoyuki said Its alright. Im not supposed
to be here either. As the two walked home together, she started
to realize that he was one of her servants. She knew that if she
liked him, there would be consequences because her parents want
her to marry rich. When they parted ways she saw her parents
pull into the drive and she darted to her room to ovoid any trouble.
Right as she slipped into her room through the window, her step
mother barged in and started questioning her. The princess felt
her heart beating rapidly.

Climax Continued
Not long after, her step mom she found out that Tamoki snuck out
and she grounded her for 2 months. After she got grounded, the
princess begged for her forgiveness. Her step-mom slammed the
door and left the princess crying in her room. Shortly after,
Naoyuki came to see if she was okay. He walks out of her room
and over hears the princess step mom talking on the phone about
how she is planning to poison her.

Falling Action
The next night, the whole family sits down for the princess correlation
dinner. Naoyuki warns princess Tamoki about her step moms evil plan.
Once she hears this, she begins to question if her step mom is really that
evil and would do something that cruel to her. Naoyuki says to her please
believe me I want you to be save. and she says Ill keep my eyes open.
While at the dinner, everything seems normal but she feels a that there is
a little tension between Naoyuki, the step mother and herself. The boy
notices a discoloring in Tamokis drink. The father offers a toast to his
daughter and right when shes about to take a sip, Naoyuki hits the drink
out the girls hand and says No! dont drink that. Your step mom poisoned
that drink! The father says Is this true? Theres only one way to find
out. claimed Tamoki. After they found out the drink was poisoned, the
father banished the step-mom from the kingdom forever.

After all the chaos, the king askes Naoyuki if there is anything he
can do for him after he saved his daughters life. Naoyuki says Sir,
Im in love with your daughter, and I would like to ask for her hand
in marriage. The king says Since you saved her life, I guess I will
grant you my permission. On her 18th birthday, they got married
and became the king and queen of Japan.

1. Good vs. Evil
2. Love
3. The Hero
4. The Ruler
5. The Rebel

6. The Regular Guy
7. The Innocent
8. Man vs. Man
9. The Catalyst
10. The Creator

How does this story reflect the

original story?
We didnt really keep much the same, but it reflects the original
story because in the story the real mom dies and the hatred
between the step mother and daughter are still there. We used
how she tried to poison her step daughter and used all of their
characteristics. We kept the same plot, but we changed it a little.

How have you changed it to

reflect the audience?
We changed it to reflect our audience by using easier vocabulary
and less violence. Also, we changed the text to modern day life.
We also changed the names because all of the names mean
something that go along to their personalities. We added in that
Princess Tamoki found true love. We also added the father
banishing the step-mom from the kingdom. We took out a lot of
the violence in the story to make it better for younger viewers.

After Princess Tamoki and
Naoyuki got married on her 18 th
birthday, two years later her
father passed away and they
had two children. They took
over the kingdom and became
King and Queen. The evil stepmom never came back to Japan
again and spent the rest of her
life being a peasant. They lived
happily ever after.

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