Chs. 5 & 6 Study Guide

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Chapter 5 & 6 Study Guide

1. Describe life for the colonists prior to 1763.
2. Which countries had the largest land claims in North America in 1763 (pg.
66)? ______________
3. Why was there conflict in the Ohio Valley?
4. What were the three major results of the French and Indian War?
A.) ___________________________________________________________________________
B.) ___________________________________________________________________________
C.) ___________________________________________________________________________
5. Describe the Proclamation of 1763 andwhy was there a problem with the
A.) ___________________________________________________________________________
B.) ___________________________________________________________________________
6. Describe the Stamp Actand what was the problem with the Stamp Act
A.) ___________________________________________________________________________
B.) ___________________________________________________________________________
7. Describe the Quartering Actand what was the problem with the Quartering
A.) ___________________________________________________________________________
B.) ___________________________________________________________________________
8. Describe the Townshend Actsand what was the problem with the Townshend
A.) ___________________________________________________________________________
B.) ___________________________________________________________________________
9. How did the colonists respond to the Townshend Acts?
10.Why was Britain forced to repeal the Townshend Acts?
11.Why did Britain send troops to Boston in 1768-1770?
12.Describe the Boston Massacre. How did it begin and how did it end?
13.How did Paul Revere impact the incident?
14.Describe the Tea Actand what was the problem with the Tea Act?

A.) ___________________________________________________________________________
B.) ___________________________________________________________________________
15.How did the colonists (Sons of Liberty) respond to the Tea Act?
16.Describe the Intolerable Acts.
17.What was Britains intent (or purpose) in passing the Intolerable Acts?
18.What was the actual result of the Intolerable Acts?
19.Describe the First Continental Congressand what did the First Continental
Congress do?
A.) ___________________________________________________________________________
B.) ___________________________________________________________________________
20.How did the colonists handle the Intolerable Acts?
21.Why did the colonies form militias?
22.What happened at Lexington?
23.What happened at Concord?
24.What did the battles tell about the colonists?
25.What was the key question facing the colonists after the battles of Lexington
and Concord? ____
26.Who became the commander of the Continental armyand how was he
A.) ___________________________________________________________________________
B.) ___________________________________________________________________________
27.What was the significance of the Battle of Bunker Hill?
a.) ___________________________________________________________________________
b.) ___________________________________________________________________________

28.During the Siege of Boston, which fort did Washington send Henry Knox toand
why did he send him there?
A.) ___________________________________________________________________________
B.) ___________________________________________________________________________
29.Why did the British abandon Boston?
30.What was the Olive Branch Petitionand how did King George III respond to it?
A.) ___________________________________________________________________________
B.) ___________________________________________________________________________
31.Who wrote Common Sense? What was the major claim in Common Sense?
What was the significance of Common Sense?
A.) ___________________________________________________________________________
B.) ___________________________________________________________________________
C.) ___________________________________________________________________________
32.Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
33.What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
34.What does the Declaration of Independence say about all menand what are
they all entitled to?
A.) ___________________________________________________________________________
B.) ___________________________________________________________________________
35.What are your unalienable rights?
36.According to the Declaration of Independence, what is the job of the
government? ___________
37.What right do citizens have if the government fails to do its job?
38.According to the Declaration of Independence, where does the government
get its power to rule?
39.What two major statements are made about the King in the Declaration of
a.) ___________________________________________________________________________
b.) ___________________________________________________________________________
40.What are the 28 items listed in the Declaration of Independence?
41.Why was slavery not included in the Declaration of Independence?

42.What was Independence Day andwhen was it?
A.) ___________________________________________________________________________
B.) ___________________________________________________________________________

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