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By Jens, Alec, and Ryan

What is Ethanol used for?

Can be used as a solvent in varnishes and perfume
Preservative for biological specimen
Preparation of essences and flavorings
Used in medicines and drugs
Used as a disinfectant
Most commonly used as fuel and gasoline additive

How is Ethanol Renewed?

Currently ethanol is renewed by refining the plants sugars.
When ethanol is burned, emissions are burned into the atmosphere.
There isnt a way to reuse the gas that is burned but it is possible to
incorporate the unused part of the corn into other useful items.

What is the cost of using Ethanol?

Cost of production, combined with the time and amount of space it
consumes makes a self-sustaining ethanol life difficult, if not impossible,
for the average consumer.

(Ethanol = A lot of money)

What are Positive Aspects of Ethanol?

Renewable resource
Not a fossil fuel like gasoline
Becoming more affordable to produce
Doesn't cause as much damage to the environment because it only
has 15% gasoline in it.
Ethanol burns more cleanly in the air than gasoline or petroleum.

Disadvantages of Ethanol
Ethanol produces less power than gasoline
Large amounts of land are required to grow the crops to make
There could be environmental problems due to the waste of the
fermentation liquors used to make ethanol
Typical current engines would require modification to use ethanol
Usually costs more than gasoline

What is the Science behind Ethanol?

Made from plant material such as
corn, sugarcane, or grasses
It is combined with regular fuels up
to 85% ethanol

When will it be available to the public?

Ethanol is accessible to the public in most gas stations.
Available in 80% and 85% ethanol

Works Cited
Renewable Fuel Standard Program 29 Sept. 2015. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.
"Ethanol Fuel." 12 June 2014. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.

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