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Valerie Flores

Kiker, 2nd
Regression Project
Carbon Dioxide Emissions vs. Life Expectancy in the Bahamas
There has been much talk about the ways in which the increasing
population affects our earth for decades now. Due to the vast amount
of people that inhabit this planet, we produce an immense amount of
everything, including carbon dioxide. So I asked myself, if the human
population affects the amount of emissions emitted, does the amount
of emissions affect the health of humans? It is important for the human
race to understand and be aware of what damage we are doing to our
home, regarding the high levels of gases released and realize that it
could be affecting our lives. Researchers, scientists, and organizations
that concern themselves with issues germane about carbon dioxide
levels in particular, are possibly the most interested people in this
specific set of data since they are the ones who can convince people
that we indeed are facing an effect to our health due to the vast
amounts of gases our activities produce. They could even do
something to help us reduce the emissions and change and help the
planet for the better.

Valerie Flores
Kiker, 2nd
Regression Project
C02 Emissions and Life Expectancy in the Bahamas

Life Expectancy




02 Emissions
My variablesCbecame
per capita)
C 02 Emissions
and life expectancy from 1989 to 2003.
I chose the Bahamas because I
believed that tons of tourists vacation here, rent cars, drive boats, tour
the ocean and island, creating a magnificent amount of C 02
emissions. I collected the data of C 02

emissions and life

expectancy in the Bahamas from 1989 to 2003. I concluded that

the parent function for the data was that of a quartic, f(x) =

. This creates a quartic regression with the data. The

regression equation for the data is y=-1.059 x 4 +26.395 x 3 244.248 x 2 +993.492x-1425.708. I chose this parent function
because it best depicted the shape the data points created and was
the best-fit line. The slope of the regression is 993.492x and because it
is a negative line that means that it decreased each year by a factor of
993.492x. And my y-intercept is -1425.708, which means that my line
will cross the y-axis at this point. My

value is .9136997862, which

Valerie Flores
Kiker, 2nd
Regression Project
was the highest value and the closest to 1; it was also the best fit for
the data. Because my
correlation. The C 02


value is so close to 1, my data clearly has a

emissions does in fact effect the life expectancy

of the people in the Bahamas.

In the future, I predict that when at 4 metric tons, life expectancy
will be 58.5 years, at 6 metric tons, life expectancy will be 71.15 years,
and at 8.4 metric tons, life expectancy will be 57.446 years. A career
that would best benefit from this data would be a scientist in the
Bahamas, studying trends of C 02

emissions or the emissions in

general trying to figure out what can be changed to reduce the amount
emitted. Or perhaps even doctors trying to understand why life
expectancy either decreases or increases with certain variables.
In conclusion, the variables that I chose were closely related. And
one did depend on the other. Hopefully, if this data is put to the correct
use, scientists working with global warming issues, researchers, or
activist in the Bahamas, studying trends of C0^2 emissions could try to
implement changes to reduce the amount of emissions or perhaps
doctors can possibly change the predictions for the future and reduce
the amount of emissions and increase the overall life expectancy.

Valerie Flores
Kiker, 2nd
Regression Project

Works cited:
The World Bank. IBRD, IDA. Website. 7 Sept. 2014.
The World Bank. IBRD, IDA. Website. 7 Sept. 2014.

Valerie Flores
Kiker, 2nd
Regression Project

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