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8 Music Theatre Workshop

Production Number Goal Sheet

Make a copy of this document, add your name to the
file name, and SAVE to your music folder. You will turn
this in as a part of your project and performance.
Highlight your class:





What are you going to accomplish? Be specific.

We are going to perform our dance and singing to the very best of our
How will you know you are ready to perform?
We knew that we were ready to perform when everyone could sing their
lyrics from memory and when we could time the choreography with the
What are the challenges you will face in meeting your goal?
We have trouble coming up with dance moves to correlate with the
What skills, concepts, and vocabulary will you apply in working towards
your performance?
We are using our vocal and dancing skills to help with our performance.

What elements of this experience are transferrable to the real world?

Performing in front of an audience.

What is your timeline to become performance-ready?
Two weeks.

After your performance:

The standard descriptions are at the left. For each
standard, self-assess YOUR individual progress and
achievements (4, 3, 2, 1), and give an explanation for
each score.
NCAS Standards

4 - exceed
3 - meet
2 - approaching
1 - emerging

Select, organize, and document musical ideas for
arrangements, songs, and compositions within
expanded forms that demonstrate tension and
release, unity and variety, balance, and convey
expressive intent.

Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or audio/
video recording to document personal rhythmic
phrases, melodic phrases, and harmonic

Describe the rationale for refining works by
explaining the choices, based on evaluation

Cr 3.2.8
Present the final version of their documented
composition, song, or arrangement, using
craftsmanship and originality to demonstrate the
application of compositional techniques for
creating unity and variety, tension and release,
and balance to convey expressive intent.

Pr 4.2.8.c
Identity how cultural and historical context inform
performances and result in different musical

Pr. 5.1.8
Identify and apply personally-developed criteria
(such as demonstrating correct interpretation of
notation, technical skill of performers, originality,
emotional impact, variety, and interest) to
rehearse, refine, and determine when the music is
ready to perform.

Pr. 6.1.8.a
Perform the music with technical accuracy, stylistic
expression, and culturally authentic practices in
music to convey the creators intent.

Pr. 6.1.8.b
Demonstrate performance decorum (such as
stage presence, attire, and behavior) and
audience etiquette appropriate for venue, purpose,
context, and style.

Re. 9.1.8
Apply appropriate personally-developed criteria to
evaluate musical works or performances.

Cn 10.1.8
Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills
relate to personal choices and intent when
creating, performing, and responding to music.

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