Russo Poster 2013

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What is integrated space?

Natural Featues have been proven throghout many dierent studies to be

both psycologically and physically benecial to people. This is a summary
of those ndings:


In periods as low as 5 minutes,

Areas of space that integate natural processes in a partially outdoor setting

alongside elements and programmingtypically found within indoor spaces.


by the presence of surveillance and

are shiny things such as water.

by greenery, signicantly reduce the

studies have found the presence of

maintenance of energy or bodily

resources. Long term exposure to the
overall mood, health, and pain
tolerance of prison inmates and

- Dogs and cats have been found to

signicantly reduce stress in adults
and children as they convey security

peaceful feelings.
- In a study of students, large bodies

- The presence of any animal facilitates

found to be most tranquil.

- Higher pain tolerance for people in
images of water with trees.



-Sunshine make us to want to help others

by putting people in a good mood. We
will answer more survey questions
regardless of temperature and tip more
-College applicants who are highly
academic are more likely to be admitted
on an overcast day, while those who are
sociall strong are more likely to be
admitted on sunny ones
-The stock market is three times more
likely to go up when it's city of exchange
is sunny. Investors attribute a happy feeling
to the stocks prospect. This is called a
halo eect.
-Weather induced bad moods induce poor
self control, causing us to gamble more
on cloudy days.
-Suicides in crease in warmer months.
-Substance abuse and related crime are
more prevalent on cloudy days.

- Airow encourages physical comfort


Interior Courtyards

Roof Space

What Makes these spaces successful?

-Seating and Lounging arrangements
Varied in style and group size/use
Sun/shade exability
Ornate/custom design
Oriented towards best views
-Dining Areas
Multiple spaces per site for dierent dining occasions
Heavy integration of natural elements
-Several other designed spaces that focus on specic programming
functions for typically indoor activities
-Use of natural views
-Integration of Vegetation and Water into Spatial Boundaries
-Coherent in color and texture
-Repeating feature throughout site




Living Space

from an Indoor Structure into the Landscape

Self-Sustaining Spaces

Structurally Dened Spaces

O the Street
O the Beach
Completely Outdoor

Kitchen Space

by Sarah Russo

Integrated Indoor/Outdoor Spaces of Puerto Rico

Why do we need these spaces?

Study Question

The benefits of Indoor/Outdoor spaces can be broken into 3 major categories:

How are indoor and outdoor features incorporated into a

transitional indoor/outdoor space, fcusing on those in a
primarily outdoor setting, and what aere their benets to both
site users and to their surrounding environment?`

Typological - What purpose is this type of site intended to serve and how is its
approach unique and successful?

Health (physical & psycological) - Determining factors include aesthetics,

incorporation of natural elements, and spatial layout.

Environmental - Any notable environmental benets was recorded on a case

by case basis



-Plan View
Compliments photos
Non-mapable processes
-Sketching - to show
site character

-18 sites
-Sorted by typology

Benets Analysis and

Comparative Analysis
-Culmination of all forms of data

Diagramming used to show natural air conditioning

eectin the Castillo Serralles interior courtyard.
AutoCAD used to show Plan View
of Parque Urbana Site

Use Typologies

What do they look like?


Gradients of Integration

Attached to indoor structure

Calle Cristina Courtyard

Castillo Serralles

structure dened by built


structure dened by built and site placed in completely natural

natural materials


Castillo Serralles

Parque de Bombas


Parroquia la Resurreccion del Senor


Gallery Inn

Rainforest Inn


Bahia Beach Resort & Golf Club

La Concha

El Conquistador Resort

Hotel El Convento

Copamarina Beach Resort


Clavell Urban Park International Walk Cuisine

Pitos Seafood Cafe & Restaurant

Santorini Ocean Lounge Restaurant

Gran Melia Golf Resort


El San Juan

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