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Together, the U.S.

and China made bold

commitments to act on climate.

Together, we must leave dirty coal behind

and turn commitments into action.


China has joined the U.S. in committing to tackle the climate

crisis by making historic commitments to limit carbon
pollution while launching massive investments in clean,
renewable energy. Now, the worlds two leading polluters
are becoming two of the worlds clean energy leaders,
creating major momentum for a global climate agreement
as the world gathers this December. No country is immune
from climate change and no country can meet the challenge
alone. Together, we must leave dirty coal behind, turn our
commitments into action, and #ActOnClimate.

E X P LO R E , E N J OY, A N D P R OT E C T T H E P L A N E T. S C . O R G / U S C H I N A

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