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Day 8: Authentic Assessment

Each student will pick one of the following choices for the authentic assessment part of this unit. Each
option should show a clear understanding of The Scarlet Letter and its key themes.
1. Write a song/rap/poem about Hester, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth, and/or Pearl
1. Consider character descriptions in the book and themes that are present throughout the
novel to fuel your creativity.
2. Create a collage of words/pictures from magazines, the computer, or original drawings that
display one or more themes presented throughout the book
1. Consider how the characters are described in the book and words that could be used to
describe the characters or the setting.
3. Write an alternative ending to the story.
1. Consider how the story could have changed had Dimmesdale lived or if Hester had not gone
to the United States
4. Create the front page of a newspaper.
1. This could represent any part of the book. Main scenes such as Hester being accused of
adultery, Pearl and Dimmesdale by the river, or Dimmesdale coming out as being the father
of Pearl could serve as a starting point.
5. Make a comic book version of The Scarlet Letter.
1. Include at least 5 different scenes from the book and with each scene, not only draw a
picture but also write at least 3 sentences to describe what scene is being represented.
Day 9: Authentic Assessment
Students will continue to work on the project of their choice. I will be present if there are any
questions or if I can be of any assistance to steer the students in the right direction to making their
project successful and display a full knowledge of what they have learned throughout the unit. After the
students have completed their projects, they will have the option of presenting them to the class for
extra credit.
Rubric for the Authentic Assessment
This rubric will be used to assess the project each student chose
1 point
5 points
10 points

15 points

20 points


The student did not

include any of the
necessary components
for the project, but did
turn a project in. They
do not seem to
understand the material
that was covered in
class. Their project
does not show that they
understand any of what
we went over in class

The student has

included only a couple
of the necessary
components as outlined
in the guidelines. They
have showed that they
do not understand the
material that was
covered in class. Their
project does not include
enough of content to
show that they
understand the topic.

The student has

included some of the
necessary components
as outlined in the
guidelines. They have
showed that they
understand some of the
content presented in
class. Their project is
relevant to the topic, but
does not include enough

The student has

included most of the
necessary components
as outlined in the
guidelines. They have
showed that they
understand most of
content presented in
class. The project is

The student has

included all of the
necessary components
to the project as
outlined in the
guidelines. They have
presented a
knowledge of the
material. Work is strong
and clear.


The student does not

understand the unit and
did not display his/her
comprehension of the
subject in the project.

The student does not

have a solid knowledge
of the content, but did
include a couple of
pieces of information
from the unit in their

The student understands

most of the unit, but
may have made some
information errors in
their project.

The student mostly

understands the
components of the unit,
but may have left out of
a couple of key points.

The student fully

understands all of the
components of the unit
and has displayed this
knowledge in his/her


The organization is
poor and very difficult
to understand. Much
rearranging of material

The organization is
okay, but does not
make complete sense.
Content is scattered and

The organization needs

work, but it is still
understandable and
conveys their points in

The organization could

be rearranged to make
understanding the
content easier, but

The organization is
clear, concise, and is
easy to follow all the
way through. The focus

must be done in order

for this project to be

there is no clear focus.

the project.

overall provides a clear

understanding of the

is clear and reviewing

the project is done with


There is not creative

style present anywhere
in the project and the
student did not add any
personal style to the

The style does not

show creativity, some
effort has been put into
coming up with a
project theme.

The style has a lack of

creativity, but it is
evident that some effort
was put into thinking up
the topic and choosing
the project.

The style shows

creativity, but could
have included a bit
more thought to make
the project have a more
creative tone.

The style is creative,

interesting, presents
ingenuity and it is
evident that much
thought was put into the
idea for the project.


The project is filled

with grammatical and
spelling errors to the
point where one can not
understand what the
author is trying to say.

The project has many

errors that take away
from the overall content
of the paper.

The project has 3-5

grammatical errors, but
it can still easily be

The project has 1-3

The project has no
grammatical errors, but grammatical errors.
it does not take away
from the content.


There are no citations.

The citations are

completely done wrong
and display no
knowledge of MLA

The citations are

present, but lack an
understanding of MLA
format and the content
in a project that needs
to be cited.

The citations are done,

but MLA format is not

The citations are done

correctly in MLA

Student Self Assessment

For my eleventh grade English Language Arts Class, I will be having daily bell work of two to three
questions that I will have written on the board when students walk in each day. These questions will be
a direct reflection of the chapters assigned for the students that they should have read the night before.
The students will be graded on completion and will be thoroughly discussed in class to ensure that
everyone has a keen understanding of the text. The students will be able to assess their knowledge and
comprehension of the book by seeing how well they are able to answer the daily bell work questions
that will be administered on days two through seven.
Day 10: Traditional Assessment
1. What crime is Hester accused of?
A. Adultery
B. Assassination
C. Treason
D. Abduction
2. In what year was the Scarlet Letter written?
B. 1902
C. 1864
D. 1850
3. Of what profession does Chillingworth pretend to be?
A. Doctor
B. Clergyman
C. Blacksmith
D. Senator
4. What does it symbolize that Pearl continuously touches the symbol on Hester's chest? (2 points)
5. Which of the following is a method Dimmesdale uses to punish himself for
his sins?

A. Whipping himself
B. Hating God
C. Running away with Hester
D. Covering his body in leeches
6. When in the forest, why does Pearl not recognize her mother?
A. Hester is not wearing her normal attire
B. She has removed the symbol on her chest
C. Hester has suddenly aged significantly
D. There has been a spell cast on Pearl where she can no longer recognize
her family
7. In 2-3 sentences, explain another meaning of the symbol that Hester wears
on her chest and why you believe this meaning is relevant? (2 points)
8. How many times throughout the novel does Hester remove the symbol from
her chest?
A. 2
B. 0
C. 1
D. 5
9. Which of the following is NOT a symbol for something else?
A. The prison door
B. The scarlet letter
C. The rose bush
D. Pearl's name
10. Why does Hester not want Dimmesdale to reveal that he is Pearl's father?
A. He isn't really the father
B. It would ruin his reputation as a pastor
C. He has threatened to kill her and Pearl if she reveals that he is the father
D. She is embarrassed that he is the father
11. Which of the following does not take place in the novel?
A. Hester has a child
B. Chillingworth tortures Dimmesdale
C. Hester and Dimmesdale run away together
D. Mistress Hibbins is said to be a witch
12. Explain in 2-3 sentences what Pearl asks Dimmesdale continuously throughout the book? Hint:
what he does is an action. (3 points)
13. What event preceded Dimmesdale proclaiming that he was Pearl's father?
A. Pearl's death
B. Hester's public shaming
C. His election day sermon
D. Chillingworth's death

14. In 3-4 sentences explain who you think sinned the most: Hester, Chillingworth, or
Dimmesdale? Support your answer. (4 points)
15. What was the relationship between Hester and Roger Chillingworth?
A. They were divorced
B. They were just married
C. They were married but had been separated
D. They were in love
16. What happened to Chillingworth?
A. He vanished.
B. He gave up the practice of medicine to become a clergyman after seeing the error of his ways.
C He died within a year, leaving his property to Pearl.
D. He died within a year, penniless, a broken, miserable man.
Test Answer Key
1. A
2. D
3. A
4. Short Answer
5. A
6. B
7. Short Answer
8. C
9. D
10. B
11. C
12. Short Answer
13. C
14. Short Answer
15. A
16. C
Short Answer Rubric
No Credit

Half Credit

Full Credit


Does not address any of the

requirements of the prompt
or is totally inaccurate.

Includes inferences or claims Includes valid inferences or

that are loosely based on the claims from the text.
Fully and directly responds
Responds partially to the
to the prompt.
prompt or does not address
all elements of the prompt.


The response is blank.

A mostly literal recounting of Includes evidence of

events or details from the
reflection and analysis of the


The response includes no

evidence from the text.

Includes some relevant facts, Includes relevant and

definitions, concrete details, sufficient textual evidence to

or other information from the a develop response.

text(s) to develop an analysis
of the text.


The response is unintelligible Includes incomplete

or indecipherable.
sentences or bullets

Uses complete sentences

where errors do not impact

Report of Student's Progression

At nine week intervals, in the Wadsworth City Schools, students receive a report card using a
format mandated by the district. The letter grade they received for the course will be listed as well as
have a comment section for either of the student's teachers to make a note of something good or bad
that the parents should be aware of. The report cards will be posted online along with a copy being
sent to the residence where the student lives. Half way through the semester an interim report card will
be sent home with the student for their parent/guardian to be able to see their progress.
If a student is not progressing throughout the course, I will first send a note home and have the
parents sign the note and have the student return it to me to ensure the parent received the note. If
improvement is not seen, a phone call will be made to the parent and after that, they will be asked to
come in to have a conference with me.

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