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Bumgarner 1

Mason Burngarner

Professor Lynn Raymond

uwRT 1103-038
27 0ctober 2015

Questioning the past

When researching for my family tree project, I had found that many of my ancestors had
been heavily involved in the Civil War, many of which never returned home. The head of that

family became a prominent member of the 7th NC lnfantry, where he was promoted to flag
carrier. He was taken capture the day before the battle of Antietam, which happened to be the
bloodiest day in allof the war, where his entire regiment was wiped out, so lguess you could

say this was lucky iq some


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This discovery sparked my interest in many ways, and I began asking my grandparents

questions, and researching prisoners of war further online. I was very interested in how my

grandfather was treated back then, and how prisoners are treated in the modern era as well.
When it came time to select a topic for the semester long project, this was naturally my
proposed idea and my partner felt this was a good path to take for the project. We felt as if it
was broad enough to expand upon or pick a target area if need be.
We had each taken an area to research and we are still in the process of doing this
research in order to compile it into our project, and determine the most vital information to

include in our drafts, which should be coming together within the next few weeks in order to


Burngarner 2
prepare a finalproduct. We are currently having a hard time finding a good comparison on rhe
harshness of th treatmnt be.tween the wars, but hope to find a good base to go off of

the nextweek so we can stat t to plan out our presentation of the lnfor.mation,


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