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Bumgarner L

Mason Bumgarner

Professor Lynn Raymond

uwRT 1103-038
5 November 2015

Sizing Down The ToPic

ln order to find out what others think of my topic for the semester long project, I asked

two of my roommates

a set

of questions to find out what they would like to know about the

topic, as well as any advice on what to present, how to present it, ways to research more

told my immediate roommate, Matt, that I needed some help on my project and he

was velyllad to lend a hand. First


I asked

ofi I told

him all about the project and our ideas for it as

what he would like to know about the topic, and he immediately said that he

would include the POW-MI,A organization and its goals in the presentation. This was also a huge
hit when we asked the class what they would like to know as well, so we will definitely have to
research and make this a point in the project as well. Another thing he mentioned were rules
and regulations enforced when taking prisoners and keeping them. He named the Jewish

concentration camps as an example, as there was no slowing Hitle/s massacre.

I gave

the same information to Nick, one of my suitemates and a big thing he would like

to be included

is certain statistics on the countries

that tock prisoners and how long they were

kept captive. He also stated that it would be a good idea to recall certain accounts of men that

Bumgarner 2

were once prisoners of war. He named John McCain, which was brought up in class before as
well. Nick expressed much interest in the topic, and told me to send a copy his way when the
project was complete so he could read it.
I was surprised

at how closely related allthe suggestions were, as my two roomm


suggested the exact same things as was presented to us in class the other day as well. My


partner and I were also shocked that they thought of prisoners of war to be a modern affair,
and didn't seem to care as much about ancient times, but instead from the world wars and on.

Ultimately, I feel like this will help majorly in deciding what information to research and include
in our final product

to present to the




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