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Career Resource Center Internship Program

Summer Internships paperwork is due by May 1, 2015. Extensions may be requested and
granted until June 15, 2015. Paperwork for Summer Internships will not be accepted after
June 15, 2015.
Signed hardcopies should be delivered to the Career Resource Center and electronic
agreements emailed to See Handbook for Semester and Outside
the Semester Internships deadlines.

End Date:
Total Hours: 256
Course Rubric, Number and Title:
Academic Level:
WF 3993 Internship in Captive Wildlife
Care and Education
Intern Position Title:
Internship Site Name:
Zoo Hospital Keeper Intern
Audubon Zoo Hospital
Required On-site Hours
Start Date: 06/14/15

Semester: Summer
# of credits: 3

1 credit = 60 hours | 3 credits = 180 hours | 9 credits = 420 hours | 2 credits = 120 hours | 6 credits = 300 hours
| 12 credits = 540 hours

Expected Grad Date: Spring
Secondary email:
College Box #: 184 Primary Email Address:
Cell #: 508-525Phone #:
Degree Type: Bachelors of Science
Major: Captive Wildlife Care & Education
Second Major: none
Academic Advisor Name: Sarah CunninghamAdvisor Email:
Emergency Contact Name: Cherilyn
Relationship: Mother
Phone#: 508-441-9050
First Name: Paige

Last Name: Pimental


Sponsor Name: Sarah Cunningham
Sponsor Email:
Sponsor Phone#: 207-509-7266
Emergency Phone#: 510-708-7859
Communication Plan: Email, every other week
(Describe how frequently and what method of communication ex: email, phone etc. that will be
used to contact your sponsor. Interns must be in contact with Faculty Sponsors bi-weekly.)


Internship Site Street Address:
6500 Magazine St.
Supervisor First Name: Julie

New Orleans
Last Name: Liberante

Supervisor Phone#: 504-212-5247

Ext: none

Supervisor Title: Hospital Keeper
Supervisor Email:

Compensation: Stipend
Hourly XUnpaid
Rate of Pay: none

Non-Monetary Compensation: One uniform shirt

(Ex. Uniform, training, equipment, room & board, certifications, etc)
Organization Mission Statement:
Audubon Nature Institute's purpose of Celebrating the Wonders of Nature is woven into our
vision of creating a family of museums and parks dedicated to nature. This vision is fulfilled by
eight objectives that support our mission:

Provide a guest experience of outstanding quality

Exhibit the diversity of wildlife

Preserve native Louisiana habitats

Educate our diverse audience about the natural world

Enhance the care and survival of wildlife through research and conservation

Provide opportunities for recreation in natural settings

Operate a financially self-sufficient collection of museums and parks

Weave quality entertainment through the guest experience
(Copy and paste the organizations mission statement here. Cite Source)

Intern Address during internship:

2101 Calhoun Street. New Orleans, Louisiana 70118

Internet access during your


Will you be covered by workmens comp or

Did you visit the site prior to accepting this
general liability:
internship: No
Internship Description:
I will be working with keeper staff to care for injured, ill, recovering or quarantined collection
animals. I will also have the opportunity to assist with wildlife rehabilitation efforts. This will
provide valuable experience working with keeper staff to learn aspects of animal care such as
animal husbandry, exhibit maintenance, enrichment, and animal restraint. In the afternoons I
will have time to work on a project of my choosing with the approval of my site supervisor.
(Using first person narrative, describe the nature of your position and anticipated duties.
Include specific projects, tasks and duties of the position.)


After college I plan to pursue a career in exotic animal husbandry with a main focus in animal
health. Working at a zoo hospital will broaden my knowledge base of caring for sick and injured
animals other than domestics.
(Describe your long term career goals and how this internship will help you prepare for these

1. Expand my current knowledge of domestic animal care to include exotic wildlife.
2. Better understand the process of captive population and studbook management.
3. Further my skills as a veterinary technician through observation and application of skills;
such as collection and analyzing of blood, urine, and fecal tests.
4. Learn proper restraint techniques and skills for exotic animals both sedated and nonsedated.
5. Learn how to manage a budget while living on my own for the first time.
(In a numbered list format, identify 5 specific educational, professional, and/or personal goals
that you hope to fulfill by the end of the internship. Learning objectives should not try to cover
all aspects of the internship, but focus on select areas that you will be exposed to throughout
the internship. Each learning objective should involve new learning, expanded growth, or
improvement on the job. Begin each object with words such as Learn how to, Expand
knowledge of, Better understand the process of.)

BI 3173 Animal Behavior
SA 20132012 Livestock and Pasture Management
WF 2003 Animal Training
BI 3283 Ornithology
WF 3023 Enrichment and Exhibit Design
WF 31012012 Seminar in Captive Wildlife Care and Education
(List academic courses and course rubrics. You may include volunteer experiences that have
prepared you for this experience. Please note that all 3000 and 4000 level internships require
12 credits at or above the 2000 level. )



1. Track and Complete Required Hours
2. Bi-weekly Check-in with Faculty Sponsor
Share one accomplishment you achieved since your last check-in. You may
attach your journal entries.
Please explicitly state that things are either a) going well, no problems, or b) not
going well, in which case clearly identify anything that may be troubling you
and any questions you may have about the internship or internship process.
3. Internship Portfolio
Internship Agreement, Resume, Job description
Photo documentation (unless prohibited by the internship site)
Worksite Supervisor Evaluation (Response to Supervisor Evaluation if requested
by faculty sponsor)
Final Reflection Paper addressing Learning Objectives
Internship Journal
(Please select one, see Internship Handbook for Specific Requirements)
X Reflective Journal
Weekly Blog
Daily Log with directed questions
4. Project or Report (6, 9, 12 credit internships only)

Please describe your project ideas. This should be discussed with your
faculty sponsor and site supervisor prior to submitting your internship
agreement form.
5. Public Presentation (3000 and 4000 level internships)
Presentation Type:
Presentation Location:
Public Forum
Student Conference
Open House
PowerPoint Presentation
X Internship Showcase Event
If presenting in a class please specify the class, please include specific
Name of Class:
Name of Class Professor:
Date of Presentation:




I agree to serve as the faculty sponsor for this internship. I have reviewed this agreement
form with the student and believe that it meets the standards described in the Internship
Handbook. I have read and understand my responsibility as outlined in the handbook and
will contact the site supervisor prior to the internship start date.

Faculty Sponsor Print

Faculty Sponsor Signature

Intern has met with the Director of Student Accounts and understands the financial
obligations he/she is undertaking when registering for this internship.

Signature of Director of Student Accounts/ Unity College

Business Office

I agree by signing and submitting this internship agreement that I am committing to the
college and my internship site the terms listed within the agreement. Furthermore I
understand that I am responsible for:

Finding, reviewing, and understanding the internship site location, position duties and
housing accommodations
Funding all travel expenses to and from the site location, as well as all expenses
incurred during the internship
Fulfilling all reasonable tasks and responsibilities assigned by my site supervisor
Completing all the required hours according to my credit level requirements
Following all internship site safety procedures and policies
Conducting myself in an ethical and professional manner, acting as a positive
representative of Unity College
Notifying the Career Resource Center and Faculty Sponsor immediately of any
changes or problems during this Internship
Completing the required academic work and public presentation before the final due
date listed above
Reporting to your Faculty Sponsor as detailed in the agreement

Student Signature

Release, Covenant Not To Sue,

And Assumption of Risk Agreement
I, the undersigned Participant, for myself, my heirs, legal representatives and assigns,
in consideration of permission granted to me by Unity College, located in Unity, Maine,
to enroll in and to participate in a program offered by Unity College, entitled and
scheduled as follows: Unity College Internship Program, which will take place during the
2014 calendar year inclusive, hereby release, acquit and forever discharge Unity
College, its Trustees, officers, employees and agents, both in their individual capacities
and in their capacities as Trustees, officers, employees and agents of Unity College,
their heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns, from any and all claims,
demands, actions or causes of action, of any kind whatsoever, including claims for
contribution and/or indemnification, arising out of my participation in said program.
I, also, for myself and for my heirs, legal representatives and assigns, for the same
consideration, covenant with Unity College, its Trustees, officers, employees and
agents, both in their individual capacities and in their capacities as Trustees, officers,
employees and agents of Unity College, their heirs, legal representatives, successors
and assigns, never to institute any suit or action at law or in equity against them, or
any of them, whether or not the result of their negligence, by reason of any claim I now
have or may hereafter acquire relating to said program and/or my participation in said
I assume the risk of any injuries which I may receive as a result of my participation in
said program, whether or not the result of their negligence.
I also certify that the information I have provided to Unity College in the registration
packet accompanying this release, covenant not to sue, and assumption of risk
agreement, is true and accurate and recognize that any false or incorrect statements
made therein are grounds for my dismissal from the program.

Intern Name (Print or type)
Intern Name (signature)


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