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Fall 2015

The Things They Carried: Final Assessment

Please complete each question on a separate piece of paper. Each response is to be 1-2 paragraphs in
length unless otherwise specified.

1) In your own words, summarize the book as you see fit. This can include your
opinion of the book and your reasoning behind your thinking.

2) Why do you think the author named the title of the book The Things They Carried?
Use specific examples from the book to support your claim.

3) Describe one major theme from the book that we discussed in class or that you
observed on your own. Use examples from the book to illustrate why this was an
important theme in your book.

4) Thinking about the book as a whole, which chapter or story sticks out in your mind
the most? Was this your favorite? Least favorite? Neither?

5) Thinking about this unit as a whole, which reading strategy(ies) helped you the
most to understand what you were reading? Why?

6) Thinking about this unit as a whole, which reading strategy(ies) did not help you
understand or made you confused about what you were reading? Why?

7) Do you think this was a helpful unit for you? In the future when you are reading,
do you think you will ever use any of the strategies that we used for reading The
Things They Carried?

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