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Twenty years ago I graduated college with a business degree and

began my career as an accountant in the busy city of Manhattan. I

was working eighty to ninety hours a week, ate dinner at eleven
oclock at night and never really saw the light of day. I asked myself
one afternoon, is this what I want to do with my life? The answer was
no. I started working for a Deaf agency in the city, learning and
enhancing my American Sign Language (ASL) skills.
I started a family and now have three beautiful, amazing
children! Having a family made me realize that I no longer wanted to
work in the city and my interests changed to the field of education. I
had a business degree which enabled me to use my sign language AND
business skills simultaneously leading me to the next stage of my life.
I started my own company, CASLE teaching ASL to preschool
and early elementary school children. The business took off and in a
matter of a few years, I had two teachers working for me, with twentyfour schools throughout New York participating in the program. Most
recently, I decided to go back to school because my interests changed
from teaching four and five year olds, to working with high school
students. To work in the public schools in New York, a teacher needs to
have a Masters Degree and be certified.
University of Northern Colorado became my next step. I am
currently pursuing my masters while teaching ASL to hearing students
at a private school. My goal is to teach full-time at either the high
school or college level, exposing as many students as I can to the
beautiful world of ASL and the Deaf community.

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