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Georgia Gifted Rule and Services Activity

Answer the following questions. You may refer to the Georgia Resource
Manual for Gifted Education Services and other resources available in this
Name:________GINA GULLO________________________
What is the basis and authority for the
provision of gifted education in
How does Georgia define a gifted

When did the new Gifted Rule

become effective?
What is a LBOE and LEA? For which LEA
do you work?

How is Option A the same as Option B?

How is Option A different from Option


What type of consent, and from whom,

is required before testing a student for
gifted services?
Explain reciprocity in terms of gifted
education in the state of Georgia.

What is the difference between a

reported referral and an automatic
How do qualifying scores differ
between mental ability tests and

Response (in your own words)

State law, State Board of Education Rule, and
SBOE-approved Regulations serve as the
authority for gifted ed. In GA
One who demonstrates a high degree of
intellectual/creative ability, motivation, and
excels in academic fields and who needs
special instruction to achieve levels with their
1993-1995 and lastly May 30, 2012
LBOE- Local Board of Education.
LEA- Local Education Agency
Cobb County Board of Education
They are the same .both need mental
abilities score 96%, and achievement 90%,
creativity, and motivation
Option A DOES NOT include further testing
after student qualifies based on Mental
Abilities, Achievement, and teacher rating
scalestudent automatically qualifies
Written consent by parent or guardian

Reciprocity is when a student moves from

another state to GA and had already been
identified as gifted. There is no mandated
reciprocity between states unless the student
is in a military situation. The student from
another state will be considered.
The difference between a reported and
automatic referral is test scores. One is a
consideration while the other is based on test
Mental abilities test must score a 96% whereas
achievement must score a 90% in total subject

achievement tests?
At what grade levels do qualifying
mental ability scores differ, and how?

What are the accepted areas of mental

ability scores?
What are the accepted areas of
achievement scores?
What three types of items can be used
to establish a creativity score for gifted
qualification? At what score?

What three types of items can be used

to establish a motivation score for
gifted qualification? At what score?
Who is considered qualified to
administer individualized mental ability
How shall schools utilize assessment
data gathered outside the school or
school system? What are the
parameters of this use?
Describe the curriculum the state
states must be provided by the local
board of education.

Name 3 ways to deliver direct services

to gifted students.
How are gifted services delivered in
your school?
What is meant by indirect services?
Give examples.
How should curriculum be
differentiated for gifted learners?
What is FTE? Why is it important to

area.math, reading etc.

Grades K-2 ----99% percentile
Grades 3-12---- 96% or greater
Higher scores are in needed in the lower
Verbal, nonverbal, and quantitative composite
Math, reading, and total composite
1. Greater 90% on nationally normed
creativity test
2. Rating scales must equate to 90
3. Motivational portfolio score of 90% or
greater by a panel
1. Grade 6-12---3.5 GPA in core subject
2. K-12 rating scale 90% or higher
3. K-12 superior performance 90 or higher
on portfolio scored by a panel
Qualified psychological advisor

Data shall be considered a part of evaluation

process. External data shall not be substituted
for or used as a sole component
Curricula must focus on developing cognitive
learning, research and reference, and
metacognitive skills at each grade level
grouping using the principles of differentiation,
in 1 or more of the following subjectsmath,
science, LA, SS, fine arts, etc.
1. Resource class
2. Advanced content
3. Internship/mentorship
1.Gifted resource class/enrichment class
2. AC Classes
An indirect service would be collaborative
teaching with a regular classroom teacher, or
cluster grouping
Curriculum should be differentiated to meet
the needs of gifted learners through tiered
assignments, or tiered products
FTE stands for Full Time Equivalent. It is

gifted education?
How are gifted/high ability students to
be placed into Advanced Content
How does gifted fit into the Response
to Intervention (RTI) framework?

Explain the role and importance of the

school and/or system level Student
Search/Eligibility team(s).
What type of statistical data related to
gifted students must be maintained by
the school system?

Name 4 or more organizations that

support gifted learners and education.
Explain their philosophy/mission and
areas of support.

important for funding/count purposes

Students are based in AC classes based on
standardized test scoresCogat/IOWA
All identified gifted students are on Tier IV in
the general education RTI processthis allows
gifted and high achieving students access to a
differentiated curriculum, flexible pacing, and
cluster grouping
This is a decision making team that considers
information collected on a student referred.
The team will decide to proceed with the
evaluation or not.
The school must collect and maintain data on
the students referred for evaluation of
eligibility for education services, the number of
students determined eligible for services and
the number of students actually served
1. GA Association for Gifted Children
2. National Society for the Gifted and
3. National Association for Gifted
4. National Center for Research on
Gifted Education

How do you see various aspects of the state gifted resource manual in action in
your current school? Give examples as related to student gifts and schools services.
Teaching third grade, I see many components of the gifted rules especially when it
comes to standardized testing focusing on Option A and Option B. I also see
versions of the direct and indirect models. Our school focuses on the direct model
but upper grades do use the AC class model.

What questions do you have about gifted services in Georgia? In the United States?
The only question I have about gifted services in GA is: Why should a student be
allowed to maintain gifted status, if they cant perform in the regular classroom. I
feel as though it takes an act from God to remove a struggling student.
As for the U.S.: Why do so many states define the term gifted student differently?

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