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Believes that talents are developed through life

experiences and enhanced through sports, arts,

technology, business, etc. (outside connections
increase background knowledge)


believed that 3 factors contribute to gifted

behavior.1. above average intelligence 2. Creativity
and 3. Motivation three-ring conception of giftedness

Believes that 4 natural abilities are determined at

birth/geneticthe 4 abilities are intellectual,
creative, socioaffective, and sensorimotor.


Believes that motivation, is not just working harder, but

personalizing the task and getting involved in ithe also believes
motivation will increase when one has ownership in the task at

Gagne believes that there is a difference between a

naturally gifted (something you are born with) and a
talent (something you develop thorough life)

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Believed in addition forms of assessment to identify

giftedness, so created the Renzulli Rating ScaleIQ
tests tell us something, they dont tell us everything

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Believes in three components to have successful intelligenceanalytical
(problem solving), creative (using prior knowledge), and practical (the
ability to change)..he also believes it is not enough to possess these
components, but one must know how and when to use them.

Believes each student has seven different

types of intelligences.

Believes in key functions under each of the three components

ANALYTICAL (one must be able to judge, evaluate, assess, compare
and contrast) PRACTICAL (being able apply, use, practice, implement.)
CREATIVE ( being able to create, invent, discover, imagine, predict)

Believes that just because one does well in school does not make them
intelligentit is most important to know your individual strengths and
weaknesses. When you know these you can exploit your strengths and
compensate or modify your weaknessthus creating an independent learner

Believes that students should be discovering and uncovering

information on their own (independent learning) thus increasing selfesteem, decision making, and problem solving skills..the teacher is
used a role model and to facilitate if needed

George Betts

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Believes that his seven intelligences will enhance a students understanding and
learning . For example, one might have a better grasp of the Branches of Govt if
music was involved or the roles of govt were explained in song. If one was
visualthey would learn better by drawing a tree and using the branches to write
about each level.

Believes that the 7 Multiple intelligences can be

cultivated, strengthened, overlooked or weakened
depending how the student chooses to utilize them

Believes in the Autonomous Learning Model.a 5 step approach

(orientation, individual development, enrichment, seminars, and indepth study) giving students more power, the model was actually
created with student input

Believes that learning should be student centered and that the

model is successful or most effective when students are able to work
independently and they have the emotional maturity to reflect on
themselves as learners

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