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Case Study 2

I. Problem
Is it better to implement flat rates on both native and non-native cigarette
industry? Does will have a bigger effect on the part of the consumers and
II. Areas of Consideration

If this will be implemented, on the part of non-native cigarette industry,

the producers will shoulder double taxation. One from their country
they were produced and the other from our country.

The price of the cigarettes will increase that the consumer will burden
or shoulder it.

The cigarette industry will experience declining sales from time to time.

The numbers of cigarette users will lessen as it become an advantage

on the health of every Filipino.

The cigarette industry in our country, native cigarette, will increase

sales as to non-native for the possible effect on their price in our

III. Solution/ Justification

I think that it is better to implement Tax rates for the fund that will be
collected from it will be benefited by the tobacco industry here in the Philippines.
This will result for us to support our very own product. Aside of that, for sure the
price of the cigarettes will increase that may result to the declining rate of
cigarette users. By this the number of different sickness and diseases caused by
using cigarettes will decreased.
If that will happen, Every Filipino will be more Health-conscious. The
Department of Health must work on it.

Case Study 4
I. Problem
Does International Convergence of taste affect the part of the producers
and business firms?
II. Areas of Consideration

In the part of the producers, because of the continuous global

competition they must develop better products for them to survive.

Because of this, the culture of each respective country was affected and
influenced by different cultures all over the globe.

People become slave of the products from other countries instead of

supporting their very own products.

Small firms may wipe out their entire product line because of the new
global products.

Business firms must think of new ideas to promote their respective

product lines.

III. Solution/ Justification

International Convergence of tastes is just a result of the growing world of
globalization. It just shown how competitive each country in terms of their
respective products. It just prove that this factor affects the producer to be
competitive. If they will not compete with the new global products, it might result
to the dissolution of their firms.
A country must promote their own made products more for its just their
national industry was in risk here but their very own culture. If this is the case, it
was just like they become slaves of the other culture. The Government must
work on it and especially the people must participate in promoting their own
People now develop their own demands so products must also upgrade
from time to time. The demand of the people must be directly proportional to the
quality and quantity of product they needed.

Case Study 5
I. Problem
Does substitution between domestic and foreign goods promotes
consumers welfare and How they can handle it if it has a big effect on producing
a product of a certain country?
II. Areas of Consideration

Substitution of foreign products from domestic parts of a product can

result to a lower selling price.

The originality of a certain product will be lessening for it was mixed by

foreign parts.

There will be confusion on calling a certain product a 100% made from

their resources for example an American Car. How can you call a car an
American if some parts of it were from Japan.

The effectiveness of that certain product will depend of how effective the
substitution is.

A more developed product may arise.

III. Solution/ Justification

Due to continuous globalization, we cannot prevent copying one product
to another. So as a solution, producers must develop a product not based on
which it came from but what will be better to the welfare of the consumers. On
which one will be effective. On how effective it will be to satisfy the endless needs
of the consumers. Sometimes, the resources are limited and thats the point
substitution arises.
Substitution is just a strategy to lessen the cost of producing a product.
Producers must think the possible outcome on the substitution they take place.
By this an ideal product will comes up.


Does implementation of flat rates on native and non-native cigarette
industry? What is the effect on the part of the producers and consumers?
If this will be implemented, on the part of non-native cigarette industry, the
producers will shoulder double taxation. One from their country they were
produced and the other from our country. Aside from that, The price of the
cigarettes will increase that the consumer will burden or shoulder it.
The cigarette industry will experience declining sales from time to time
especially on non-native cigarette industry. The cigarette industry in our country,
native cigarette, will increase sales as to non-native for the possible effect on
their price in our market.
The numbers of cigarette users will lessen as it become an advantage on
the health of every Filipino. For Filipinos are more prepare to disregard
something if the price is high that will result to decreasing number of smokers.
Implementation of Tax rates is good for the fund that will be collected from
it will be benefited by the tobacco industry here in the Philippines. This will result
for us to support our very own product. Aside of that, for sure the price of the
cigarettes will increase that may result to the declining rate of cigarette users.
By this the number of different sickness and diseases caused by using
cigarettes will decreased. If that will happen, every Filipino will be more Healthconscious. Number of smokers in the country will decrease.
Flat rates, is an advantage to our country but it may become an
disadvantage on the part of outside business firms.


Is International Convergence of taste affects the Global competition
especially on the part of the producers and different firms?
In the part of the producers, because of the continuous global competition
they must develop better products for them to survive. Huge competition like
this may overcome other firms and industries of a country. Because of this, the
culture of each respective country was affected and influenced by different
cultures all over the globe.
People become slave of the products from other countries instead of
supporting their very own products. The nationalism of a country decreases.
Small firms may also wipe out their entire product line because of the new
global products. Business firms must think of new ideas to promote their
respective product lines for this may result to an income to outside firms and a
loss to inside business firms.
International Convergence of tastes is just a result of the growing world of
globalization. It just shown how competitive each country in terms of their
respective products. It just proves that this factor affects the producer to be
competitive. If they will not compete with the new global products, it might result
to the dissolution of their firms.
A country must promote their own made products more for its just their
national industry was in risk here but their very own culture. If this is the case, it
was just like they become slaves of the other culture. The Government must
work on it and especially the people must participate in promoting their own
People now develop their own demands so products must also upgrade
from time to time. The demand of the people must be directly proportional to the
quality and quantity of product they needed.


Does substitution between domestic and foreign goods promotes
consumers welfare and How they can handle it if it has a big effect on producing
a product of a certain country?
Substitution of foreign products from domestic parts of a product can
result to a lower selling price for alternatives will arise although the originality of
a certain product will be lessening for it was mixed by foreign parts especially
on making it.
The effectiveness of that certain product will depend of how effective the
substitution is. A more developed product may arise.
There will be confusion on calling a certain product a 100% made from
their resources for example an American Car. How can you call a car an
American if some parts of it were from Japan. The culture may be also affected
but the most important is to come up to a better product that will satisfy all the
needs of the consumers all over the world.
Substitution is just a strategy to lessen the cost of producing a product.
Producers must think the possible outcome on the substitution they take place.
By this an ideal product will comes up.
Due to continuous globalization, we cannot prevent copying one product
to another. So as a solution, producers must develop a product not based on
which it came from but what will be better to the welfare of the consumers. On
which one will be effective. On how effective it will be to satisfy the endless needs
of the consumers. Sometimes, the resources are limited and thats the point
substitution arises.

Case Study 2
I. Problem
Do flat rates to be implemented on the industry of native and non-native
cigarettes have an effect in our national market as well in our national gross
II. Areas of Consideration
The native cigarette industry in our country will increase sales compare
as to non-native for the possible effect on their price in our market.
The numbers of cigarette smokers will decrease resulting to an
advantage on securing the health of every Filipino.
On the part of non-native cigarette industry, the implementation of flat
rates will result for producers to shoulder double taxation. One from
their country they were produced and the other from our country.
The price of the cigarettes will increase that the consumer will burden
or shoulder it. Because of additional taxes, manufacturers will bear
their loss to the consumers.
The cigarette industry will experience declining sales starting the time it
was implemented.
III. Solution
As a solution, I think that implementation of Tax rates will be benefited by
the tobacco industry inside the Philippines. It will help every Filipino consumer to
support our very own made products especially cigarettes. Aside from that, the
price of the cigarettes will increase that may result to a declining rate of cigarette
users. By this, the number of different sickness and diseases caused by using
cigarettes such as Tuberculosis, Asthma and Lung cancer will decreased in our
country. If that will happen, Every Filipino will be more Health-conscious. The
Department of Health must work on it.
Our Government must work on it. Maybe, its time for our country to be a
Non- Smoking country as what the Department of Health promotes.

Case Study 4
I. Problem
Does International Convergence of taste affect the part of the producers
and different firms around the world?
II. Areas of Consideration
Small firms may wipe out their entire product line because of the new
global products. Domination of products rules here.
Because of the continuous global competition, in the part of the
producers to be able to survive the competition they must develop
better products and be competitive all the time.
People become slave of the products from other countries instead of
supporting their very own products.
The culture of each respective country was affected and influenced by
different cultures all over the globe resulting to the extinction of some
Business firms must think of new ideas to promote their respective
product lines.
III. Solution
I admit that International Convergence of tastes has a big help on the
different industries around the world for it is just a result of the growing world of
globalization. It just shown how competitive each country in terms of promoting
their very own products. This factor let every producer to be competitive all the
time. If they will not compete against the new global products, it might result to
the extinction of their business firms.
The promotion of a country of their own made products was important for
their national industry was in risk here as well as their very own culture. If this is
the case, they become just a follower of different culture around the world. The
Government must work on it and especially the people must participate in
promoting their own industry.
People now develop their own demands so products must also upgrade
from time to time. The demand of the people must be directly proportional to the
quality and quantity of product they needed.

Case Study 5
I. Problem
Does substitution between domestic and foreign goods can promote
consumers welfare and what will be the effect on the uniqueness of the product
produced by one country?
II. Areas of Consideration
The act of substitution of domestic products to foreign spare parts of a
product can result to a lower selling price. For producers can choose in
which they can get the cheapest way to produce ones product.
Because of the substitution made by one firm, a more developed
product may arise.
The originality of a certain product will be lessening for it was mixed by
foreign parts.
The effectiveness of that certain product will depend of how effective the
substitution is and how well it was planned
There will be confusion on calling a certain product a 100% made from
their resources for example an American Car. How can you call a bread
a French if some ingredients used to made it were from America.

III. Solution
I admit that a country cannot prevent copying one product to another. A
solution on this, firms must develop a product not based on which it was
originated but what will be better to the welfare of the consumers to supply their
needs. On which one will be effective. On how effective it will be to satisfy the
endless needs of the consumers.
Sometimes, the resources are limited and thats the point substitution
arises. It becomes an intelligent move made by the producers.
Substitution is just a strategy to lessen the cost of producing a product.
Producers must think the possible outcome on the substitution they take place.
By this an ideal product will comes up.

Case Study no. 2

I. Problem
If flat rates to be implemented on the industry of native and non-native
cigarettes, does it have an effect in our national gross income?
II. Areas of Consideration
If this will be implemented, the native cigarette industry in our country will
increase sales compare as to non-native for the possible effect on their price in
our market. On the part of non-native cigarette industry, the implementation of flat
rates will result for producers to shoulder double taxation. One from their country
they were produced and the other from our country.
The price of the cigarettes will increase that the consumer will burden or
shoulder it. Because of additional taxes, manufacturers will bear their loss to the
consumers. The cigarette industry will experience declining sales starting the
time it was implemented.
The numbers of cigarette smokers will decrease resulting to an advantage
on securing the health of every Filipino.
III. Solution/Justification
I do believe that implementation of Tax rates will be benefited by the
tobacco industry inside the Philippines. It will help every Filipino consumer to
support our very own made products especially cigarettes. Aside from that, the
price of the cigarettes will increase that may result to a declining rate of cigarette
users. By this, the number of different sickness and diseases caused by using
cigarettes such as Tuberculosis, Asthma and Lung cancer will decreased in our
country. If that will happen, Every Filipino will be more Health-conscious. The
Department of Health must work on it.
For a better outcome our Government must work on it. Maybe, its time for
our country to be a Non- Smoking country as what the Department of Health

Case Study no. 4

I. Problem
Does International Convergence of taste affect the part of the producers
and different firms around the world?
II. Areas of Consideration
Due to International Convergence of taste, small firms may wipe out their
entire product line because of the new global products. Domination of products
rules here.
Because of the continuous global competition, in the part of the producers
to be able to survive the competition they must develop better products and be
competitive all the time. People become slave of the products from other
countries instead of supporting their very own products.
The culture of each respective country was affected and influenced by
different cultures all over the globe resulting to the extinction of some traditions
Business firms must think of new ideas to promote their respective product
lines. It is a must on their part.
III. Solution
I admit that International Convergence of tastes has a big help on the
different industries around the world for it is just a result of the growing world of
globalization. It just shown how competitive each country in terms of promoting
their very own products. This factor let every producer to be competitive all the
time. If they will not compete against the new global products, it might result to
the extinction of their business firms.
The promotion of a country of their own made products was important for
their national industry was in risk here as well as their very own culture. If this is
the case, they become just a follower of different culture around the world. The

Government must work on it and especially the people must participate in

promoting their own industry.
People now develop their own demands so products must also upgrade
from time to time. The demand of the people must be directly proportional to the
quality and quantity of product they needed.

Case Study no. 5

I. Problem
Does substitution between domestic and foreign goods can promote
consumers welfare and what will be the effect on the uniqueness of the product
produced by one country?
II. Areas of Consideration
The act of substitution of domestic products to foreign spare parts of a
product can result to a lower selling price. For producers can choose in which
they can get the cheapest way to produce ones product. Because of the
substitution made by one firm, a more developed product may arise.
The originality of a certain product will be lessening for it was mixed by
foreign parts.
The effectiveness of that certain product will depend of how effective the
substitution is and how well it was planned
There will be confusion on calling a certain product a 100% made from
their resources for example an American Car. How can you call a bread a French
if some ingredients used to made it were from America.
III. Solution
I admit that a country cannot prevent copying one product to another. A
solution on this, firms must develop a product not based on which it was
originated but what will be better to the welfare of the consumers to supply their
needs. On which one will be effective. On how effective it will be to satisfy the
endless needs of the consumers.

Sometimes, the resources are limited and thats the point substitution
arises. It becomes an intelligent move made by the producers.
Substitution is just a strategy to lessen the cost of producing a product.
Producers must think the possible outcome on the substitution they take place.
By this an ideal product will comes up.

Case study
Submitted by:
Casey Edward Mosquera
Submitted to:
Mrs. Mosquera

Case study
Jonathan Flores
MWF (5:00-6:00)
Submitted to:
Mrs. Mosquera

Case study
Economics 2
Submitted by:
Jomin Jorge Raeses
MWF 5:00-6:00
Rm. 105
Submitted to:
Mrs. Mosquera

Case study
Economics 2

Submitted by:
Ryan Paul Querubin
MWF (5:00-6:00pm)
Submitted to:
Mrs. Mosquera

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