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Book Summaries # 3

Non- Fiction/ Informational/ Biography/ Autobiography

Beautiful Oops! By Barney Stalzberg

Grade Level Equivalent:1.0
Interest Level:P-K
Beautiful oops is a fun interactive book that teaches kids the beauty and possibility in mistakes.
Each of the pages has a different flaw or mistake that is turned into something exciting when you
open the flap or look through the hole. Children can learn its ok not to do things perfectly.
Mistakes are good! Mistakes are possibilities. This a perfect book to read to your little artist!

At Ellis Island by Louise Peacock

Grade Level Equivalent: 5
Interest Level:3-5
This is the fictional diary of Sura, a little girl escaping from the Armenian genocide. She writes
to her mother as she journeys across the Atlantic to safety in America. Sura is going to live with
her father and feels excited but also a little fearful as she begins her new life. She describes the
crowded cabins of the ship, the frightening interrogations at Ellis Island and the feelings of
starting over in a new home. The book includes beautiful pictures, and quotes. This is a beautiful
way to introduce the idea of immigration into your classroom. Children can get a firsthand
account of what is like to move to a new country.

26 Fairmount Avenue by Tomie dePaola

Grade Level Equivalent:4.4
Interest Level:2-5
Tomies families house is destroyed by a hurricane. They have to wait another year before
they can move in. The book tracks the year that Tomie waits to move into his new house.
We follow Tomie through his first day of kindergarten, going to the movies to see Snow
White and the Seven Dwarves, his time with his grandparents, and family holidays and
celebrations. Through it all Tomie realized the value of home and family. He and his family
finally move into their house at the end of the book.This is the first in a series of books my
Tomie DePaola and is a personal account of his experiences growing up. Kids will love the
characters and story.
How Did That Get in my Lunchbox? By Christ Butterworth
Grade Level Equivalent:
Interest Level:
This is a fantastic book about food! We eat food every day and we know that it comes from a
grocery store. However, it doesnt grow there so where does it come from? The author takes the
reader through the world of food explaining everything from growing tomatoes to making
cheese. The illustrations are bright and exciting. Kids will have so much fun learning about
where all the food they eat comes from. The writer speaks in a language that kids will understand
and relate to and lays out the steps for making a healthy lunch. I would definitely recommend
reading it to your child.

I Feel Better with a Frog in My Throat by Carlyn Beccia

Grade Level Equivalent:1.0
Interest Level:P-2
People used to do some crazy things to feel better! From drinking millipedes to putting mustard
on their heads people have come up with some very strange remedies throughout the ages. Some
of the remedies worked and some didnt. Kids will love this book! It will make them laugh and
they will learn about the history of medicine in the process.

If I were President by Catherine Stier

Grade Level Equivalent:4.6
Interest Level:K-3
This story is told from the perspective of children about what they think it would be like to be
president of the United States. The book gives a peek into what its like to live in the white
house, from the movie theater to the oval office. The children talk about how hard it would be to
keep everyone in the country happy. Children can learn what it is like to be a president why its
hard and why its fun. The book talks about how there are campaigns before becoming president
and what you have to do when you get in office. This is a fun way to introduce children to

Mix It Up! By Herve Tullet

Grade Level Equivalent:
Interest Level:
Kids will love this book! The author takes the reader through a colorful journey and the reader
mixes, taps, smudges and flicks paint all throughout the pages. Kids can learn to follow
directions, use the color wheel and be imaginative with the colors they have created while
reading this book.

Malala Yousafzai: Warrior with Words by Karen Leggett Abouraya

Grade Level Equivalent:5.4
Interest Level:2-5
This is the true story of a Pakistani girl who stands up for the right of all children to have
She faces many hardships and is even shot by Taliban gunmen but she never gives up. At sixteen
she was able to speak before the UN and share he vision and story. This is an absolutely inspiring
story that will teach children how important it is to stand up for what you believe in.

Noah Webster and His Words by Jeri Chase Ferris

Grade Level Equivalent:5.2
Interest Level:K-3
This is the story of the famous Noah Webster and how he made his book of words.
Noah grew up on a farm but he loved words more than crops. Eventually he became a teacher
but there were no American school books so he decided to write some. Now that America was
free from England Noah thought that Americans should have their own books and their own way
of spelling. It took over twenty years but he finally published his dictionary. Today Noah is
hailed as one of the founding fathers and we still use his dictionary. This is a great book to use
when teaching students about history, and English. Kids will love the funny cartoony characters.

Sit-In by Andrea Davis Pinkney

Grade Level Equivalent: 3.7
Interest Level:K-2
This book tells the story of the black students in the time of segregation who stood up for what
they believed in. David, Joseph, Franklin and Ezel, followed the words of Dr. King when they
fought hate with love. The sat in a whites only restaurant and calmly refused to move until they
were served. Their sit ins became a revolution and spread all over the country and hundreds of
black students took a stand for justice. This is a wonderful way to introduce students to the
history of the Civil rights movement. The pictures and words are beautiful and inspiring.
Students will learn the importance of standing up for what they believe in.

A Splash of Red by Jen Bryant

Grade Level Equivalent: 4.1
Interest Level:K-3
This is the story of Horace Pippin. Horace grew up in a poor family. He had big hands and his
grandmother knew that he would do great things with them if he kept them busy. Horace loved to
draw and would sketch pictures for his friends and family whenever he had the chance. One day
he entered a drawing contest and won a box of art supplies. He painted and drew all the time and
when he painted he liked to add a splash of red. Because Horaces family was poor he had to go
to work to help support them. He grew up and did not have as much time for art but still loved it
very much. When the war broke out Horace went to fight and was injured. He couldnt paint
anymore. When he returned to the United States he got married and did odd jobs to help support
his wife. Because he was injured it was hard for him to get a job. Eventually he tried painting
again started hanging his works all over town and traded them for services. Soon he was
discovered by the art society and his paintings became famous. This is a good book to introduce
art to young children. It will teach them the importance of perseverance.

Worst of Friends: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and the True Story of an American Feud
by Suzanne Tripp Jurmain
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were as different as could be, Like pickles and Ice cream.
In spite of their differences they were best of friends and helped to found the United States. They
were even in opposing political parties but eventually found themselves in the oval office. The
book is written in a warm funny way and the author takes the reader through some humorous
situations that the two friends found themselves in. This book will make history more real for
elementary students. They will enjoy laughing along with Jefferson and Adams.
Grade Level Equivalent:
Interest Level:

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