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Biodiversity refers to the variety of living things in the natural environment (Australias

Biodiversity, 2015). Anything from animals to plants to micro-organisms are considered part of
biodiversity. Spain is considered one of the most biodiverse countries in Europe as well as the
world. This is due in part to their great geographical diversity. Spain consists of different
biogeographical regions as well as various landscapes and ecosystems (Spain). Of the nine
biogeographical regions of the European Union, Spain contains four- Atlantic, Alpine,
Mediterranean, and Macaronesian (Spain-Biodiversity).

This is a map of Spain showing the 4 different biogeographical regions present in Spain.

Although Spain is considered extremely biologically diverse, there has been a significant
decline as of late. Few habitats and species are studied thoroughly enough to guarantee
conservation, causing a large lack of knowledge concerning most habitats in Spain. Of what they
do know is that 30% of amphibia, 23% of reptiles, 23% of continental fish, 19% of mammals
and 33% of reproductive birds are endangered due to human activities in Spain (Spain-

Biodiversity). Most of Spains issues concerning the decline in biodiversity is due to intense
human activity, erosion, introduction of invasive species, extreme natural events, overexploitation of species of economic interest, desertification, soil degradation, forest fires and
climate change are factors contributing to habitat degradation and biodiversity loss (Spain).

This image shows an example of the decline certain species of animals (Iberian Lynx) in Spain due to a
decline in biodiversity.

Spain has concocted several plans to aid in preserving and even regaining their previous
biodiversity status. First, there was the Strategic Plan on National Heritage and Biodiversity
which was approved in 2011. It provided actions for the conservation and sustainable use of
biodiversity (Spain). A few of the objectives of this plan consisted of: raise awareness, promote
research, development, and innovation, plan and manage conservation, promote sustainability in
tourism, etc. (Spain-Biodiversity). In order to implement preservation at a national scale, like
through legislation or funding, Spain then had to implement the Spanish Inventory of Natural
Heritage and Biodiversity. This inventory increases knowledge of habitats in danger, as well as
animals and natural areas that are protected by law (Biodiversity-Facts). The Spanish Minister
for the Environment launched the Business and Biodiversity Initiative between fifteen
companies. The aim of this initiative is to integrate natural capital into businesses, increase value
from companies contributing to conservation, and to channel private funding to conservation
(News Archive 2010).

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2015, November 11). Retrieved November 18, 2015, from Article1200910#Top
News Archive. (2010). Retrieved November 18, 2015, from
Spain - Country Profile. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2015, from
Spain Biodiversity. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2015, from

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