Convocation 2015 Script DR Farley

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(2015 and Beyond)

Past, Present, Future
For creative simplicity, use the studio setting to record all of the segments for this video.
Use green screen technology to create effects for the interviewees.
The primary host(s) of the video can be videotaped any place on campus or in the

ACT I (Washburn 150


logo treatment and collage of historic pictures appear behind host)

Dr. Jerry Farley

On February 6, 2015 Washburn University celebrated an historic milestone in its history.
We celebrated our sesquicentennial or for those of you who might be questioning such a
big word--our 150th birthday. Im Jerry Farley, President of Washburn University. From
the founding of the university in 1865 until now, it has evolved to be a 21 st century
institution marked by years of productive, innovative and pioneering achievements. So
it goes without saying, this is a great juncture at which to reflect-- just a little, talk ab out
where we are now-- just a little and speculate on the future of Wasburn University-- just
a little bit more. So join me as we go back to the future by visiting with some people from
our past:
Yesterday (8 people 60+; work with Alumni Affairs to identify them)
Answers should be stated in a definitive/affirmative manner
What years did you attend Washburn?
What did the campus look like?
What were the students like?
How were the classes?
What was your major?
How did you pay for your education?
What is the purpose of an education?

What was the campus like, Did you live on-campus, What do you
remember about campus life? Were you the first in your family to go to
college? Do you remember how much you paid per semester for tuition?
What was your first job after college? What advice do you have and or
what would you recommend to young people going to college now or

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considering it in the future? Did the tornado in 1966 affect your Washburn
educational experience in any way? What was Topeka like when you were
a student at Washburn?

As you have seen and heard, Washburn has an esteemed and rich history that is best
expressed by the motto, Non Nobis Solum which simply means not for ourselves alone.
Washburn enriches the lives of students by providing opportunities for them to develop
and realize their intellectual, academic and professional potential, leading them to
become productive and responsible citizens.
We develop and engage in relationships that enhance educational experiences and
improve our community. Weve heard from others about the pastwhat about today?
Today (10 people; students, faculty, staff, administrators)
Answers should be stated in a definitive/affirmative manner
Will need to adjust questions for faculty, staff and administrators
How do we create success for all students?
How has our community changed over the years?
Who pays for education?
What does the student body look like?
How has the curriculum changed?
How has the campus changed?
How do students access and receive their education?
What year did you graduate?
Did you take any on-line classes while at Washburn? Did you work
on campus or off campus during your time as a student at
Washburn? Did you live on campus as a student? Did your area of
study give you an opportunity to be involved in the Washburn
community in some way (WTE, internships, etc.)?

Like other educational institutions, Washburn must continue to educate graduates for
living and working in a complex global environment. As the political, business,
technical and social environments change we must be dynamic as well, providing the
intellectual and practical resources that create success. Youve heard a little about our

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past, and a little about what is happening today at Washburnbut what about

Tomorrow (10 people; community leaders, administrators, students, faculty)

How do we create success for all students in the future?
How will our community change in the future?
What will the student body look like?
How will the curriculum change?
How will the campus change?
Who will pay for education in the future?
How will students receive their education in the future?
I would hope that our Vision 2022 goals could be highlighted in this
section..facilities (Rick), degree possibilities, community
engagement, etc. So, maybe asking current Washburn leaders and
community leaders would be important. Funding will be a major
factor in terms of affordability of tuition, continuing to attract and
retain quality faculty and staff, delivery of content (maybe invite
Margaret Wood to talk about teaching excellence), student
academic support (maybe Alan, Sean, or James from the Center for
Student Success and Retention), learning assessment (Nancy),
student life (Denise).

You and I both know that there is really no way we can predict the future. But I have to
admit, it is entertaining to think about the possibilities. And even though we dont know
exactly what the future holds, Im pretty sure that Washburn will continue to hold onto
its core values of integrity, excellence, accountability, respect, collaboration and
innovation. For the future, our goals are the same as they were in the past and as they
are now:
To serve the Topeka community and the surrounding area
To provide a high quality education thats within your reach
To continue to have approachable faculty with professors who know your name
To make your education affordable
To provide something for everyone through a vibrant and engaging campus
And to help you realize your dreams through a Washburn degree
Beyond (little kids) (8 kids)
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What do you want to be when you grow up?

What is a college education?
What is Washburn University?
What is your favorite subject?
I think we could use several of our photos from the first 4 videos when we
close with holding onto our core values of excellence, collaboration,
innovation. Etc. As I said, I also think it would be FUN to have
several groups (Schools, athletic teams, student groups [e.g.
sororities, WSGA], City Council, etc.) say Happy 150th anniversary
Washburn University. I wonder if we could break with protocol and
have Mr. Ichabod say it! Im trying to remember the movie where the
famous mime, Marcel Marceau, actually spoke. If we dont want to go
that direction, maybe Mr. Ichabod could hold up a sign, that would
get a laugh!

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