Mapeh - 7 QUIZ 1.2

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QUIZ 1.2
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The ___________________ is produced by the vibration of body
a. Sound
b. Music
c. Noise
d. Tone
2. The ___________________ is an art regarded the characteristics of sounds determined by the type of voices or
instruments that produce them.
a. Noise
b. Tone
c. Music
d. Sound
3. There is another kind of sound which is the exact opposite of music and
that is __________________.
a. Tone
b. Noise
c. Music
d. Sound
4. A tone maybe sustained for varying lengths of time.
a. G-cleft
b. F-cleft
c. Duration
d. Intensity
5. Tones vary in their degree of loudness and softness
a. Duration
b. F-cleft
c. G- cleft
d. Intensity

Directions: Choose the letter of correct answer.
1. A _______________________ is a properly designed trademark for an enterprise or entity.
a. Economics
b. Technology
c. Logo
d. Art
2. The _________________________ is the high dimensions of thought, creativity, communication and expression
songs and musical instruments.


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