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To Health Care Provider

As we all know, many disease in our time are more likely to be on the respiratory
system. It was because of one common factor that even teenagers are now being
exposed to, cigarette smoking. Many of the youth today man and women, as early as 12
years old are now smokers. If this continue on their late life, it won’t be impossible for
them not to acquire any respiratory disease like emphysema (COPD). This is an
irreversible condition, and certainly at this moment there are no mediations for
emphysema although there are some bronchodilators. Health Care Provider shall
provide more knowledge to anyone especially to heavy smokers that smoking does
harm our body innate system. And if this will continue or worsen, heart failure may take
its course.

To Individuals

As cigarette smoking continue to become a habit of young men, it will not be

impossible not to acquire any disease that involves cigarette smoking. It’s not just
emphysema or more on respiratory system but also in cardiovascular system. That’s
why we should not smoke and avoid the factors that bring our lives into danger. Take
this precaution; Let live a healthy and balance lifestyle for the sake of our next


We therefore conclude that Emphysema, which one of the Chronic Obstructive

Pulmonary Disease, is a serious respiratory problem that involved most especially men
with long exposure to cigarette smoking, exposure to air pollutant like gas and some
chemicals in fumes and some patient with alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (which cause
by decrease action of Alpha 1 Antitrypsin that is produce in the liver to protect the blood
and the lung). And by the increased in number of elastase enzyme in the lungs. This
disease can cause lung damage and may lead to pulmonary hypertension, lung cancer
and death due to decrease oxygen supply to all body organs. As this happen, it may
lead to heart diseases or heart attack and may lead to death if not have been avoided.


Book Source:
Medical-Surgical Nursing 6th Edition by Brunner/ Suddarth; page 472-482

Essential of Anatomy and Physiology 5th Edition by Seeley, Stephens, Tate; Chapter
15; page 421-445

MIMS Annual 2007-2009 Edition

Hydrocortisone page 1113-1115
Terbutaline page 48
Aspilet page 95-96
Ranitidine page 301
Budenoside page 94-95

NANDA (Nurses Pocket Guide) 10th Edition Marilyn Doenger, Mary Frances
Moorhouse, Alice Murr
Avtivity Intolerance page 65-68
Impaired Gas Exchange page 266-270
Risk for Infection page 322-325


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