Mexico Gov

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Mexicos Government

November 17. 2015

Vol. 1

Three Branches of Government: Executive, Judicial, and

Legislative Branch.
Executive Branch: The president rules over the executive
branch. He is in office for 6 years. The president cannot be reelected after those 6 years. The president is also the Supreme
Commander over the military and can declare war on other
Legislative Branch: This branch is in charge of making laws and
discussing the countrys problems. The Congress of Union is
made up of the Chamber of Representatives and the Chamber
of the Senate. Another duty is to approve the national budget.
Judicial Branch: This branch is made up of the Supreme Court

Mexico is made up of 31
states and 1 federal
district. The capital of
Mexico is Mexico City. The
states are led by governor.
They are also divided into
municipalities, governmed
by a mayor. There are 8
parties represented in
Congress. The two most
dominating are the liberals
and conservatives.
Their current constitution
was established in 1917.

Mexicos President is
Enrique Pena Nieto. He was
elected in 2012 for his 6
year term. He is the 57th
president of Mexico and
was a governor of the State
of Mexico for 6 years.

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