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Research Report: Poetry Research Report

Teacher Name: Ms. Huffman

Student Name:



First Draft

Detailed draft is neatly

presented and includes all
required information of
which specific type of poem
they are researching.
Writing is legible.

Draft includes most of the

required information-some
of the aspects of which
poem they are researching
are left out. Writing is

Draft includes most required Draft is missing required

information and is legible.
information on their specific
type of poem and is difficult
to read.


All three sources

(information and graphics)
are accurately documented
in the desired APA format.

All three sources

(information and graphics)
are accurately documented,
but a few are not in the
desired APA format.

All three sources

Some sources are not
(information and graphics)
accurately documented or in
are accurately documented, the desired APA format.
but many are not in the
desired APA format.


Information is very
organized with wellconstructed, 5-sentence
paragraphs and

Information is organized
with well-constructed, 5sentence paragraphs.

Information is organized, but The information appears to

there is not enough
be disorganized and there
are not 5-sentence
constructed paragraphs.

Amount of

All topics are addressed and

all questions answered with
at least 5 sentences about

All topics are addressed and

most questions answered
with at least 4 sentences
about each.

All topics are addressed,

and most questions
answered with 3 sentences
about each.

One or more topics were not

addressed. Not enough

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