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I am looking at the connections between cultural diversity and biological diversity

in the country of Sri Lanka. I believe the peaceful nature of the culture has greatly
affected the positive balance of biodiversity. The culture largely identifies themselves as
Buddhists. This is a peaceful and respectful belief system which in turn has made the
culture behave the same, particularly towards nature and their surroundings. Sri Lanka
has some of the most diverse species of plants and animals in the world. According to an
article on biodiversity in Sri Lanka, 23% of the plants and 16% of the mammals are
endemic to the area (or common among this area only). The climate and variation in
topography contributes to this. Below is a picture of a fruit bat endemic to the area.
I think that the culture and the bio diversity go hand in hand in this country. Large parts
of the culture are influenced by the nature around them. As stated previously the religious

beliefs are an influence on respecting the area. Another cultural factor that is intertwined
with nature are the peoples agricultural views and practices. A portion of the people in
Sri Lanka farm the land and produce several types of products from them. Tea is one of
the biggest exports from the country and it is harvested from the land. Another big one
that is easy to see culture and nature coming together is through rice; harvested from the
land and used in many traditional dishes.
Some religious references that could have been influenced by the biological
factors could be the use of elephants. The figure and shape of an elephant is used in many
pictures, drawings and buildings that are considered sacred. Below is an example:*hIG4rkyA7wgT6GMmhnm6u4KXwK7XFkZfJmLuzx

Works Cited
(n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2015, from
AMARA ELEPHANT BLOG!: The Spirituality of The Elephant. (n.d.). Retrieved November
18, 2015, from
Biodiversity. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2015, from
Environment Sri Lanka - Biodiversity, Nature Tourism, Education. (n.d.). Retrieved
November 18, 2015, from

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