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Kress and van Leeuwen (2006) stated that a narrative Process or action is realized

by the presence of a Vector while conceptual Processes do not indicate action but more
about what the object try to represent. Ravelli (2008, p. 29) suggests that buildings with
dynamic vectors are narrative structures and that they tell a story and so in figure 1 we
tried to create a more dynamic structure for our gazebo. We tilt the gazebos roof, add
some flap on the rim of the roof and surround the main column with vine so that it
represent the gazebo or even the park itself as growing and blooming as time pass. The
path that was inside the park represent waving movement as there was a lot of path
inside the park so that our client could walk with more dynamic course rather than
having straight path to the center which is too monotone and it give our client the
freedom to choose where they want to go from to the gazebo.

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