Severi Alanne Finnish Dictionary

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Copyright 1919


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Englanninkielen oppimisen tarpeellisuus on suomalaiselle tss maassa kielt
mtn ja kiertmtn. Mutta kunnollisia, kytnnllisi vlineit thn kie
lenoppimiseen on hnelt puuttunut. Tymies Kustannusyhtin johtokunnassa
syntyi jo noin kymmenisen vuotta sitten keskustelua siit, ett olisi ryhdyttv
perusteellisesti ja jrkiperisen suunnitelman mukaisesti poistamaan nit esteit
englanninkielen opiskelun tielt. Tuloksena oli, ett ptettiin ensimiseksi ryh
ty kustantamaan suomalais-englantilaista sanakirjaa koska sen puute oli ilmeisin.
Teoksen toimitusty uskottiin allekirjoittaneelle, joka kuitenkin vasta vuonna
1913 kevll saattoi ruveta todenteolla ajattelemaan sanakirjatyhn ksiksi ryh
tymist. Senjlkeenkin ovat monet hiritsevt tekijt viivyttneet tyn valmis
tumista Niinp toimin puolisen vuotta Tymiehen vastaavana toimittajana v. 1914
ja tuolla ajalla ty luonnollisesti ei edistynyt minkn vertaa. Tyn kuluessa on
myskin alkuperinen tysuunnitelma huomattavasti kehittynyt ja laajentunut.
Alussa suunniteltiin suppeampaa sanakirjaa, mutta laajat lhdekirjat ja halu teh
d perusteellista tyt vaikuttivat sen, ett alustavassa tyss aineksia kerntyi
niin runsaasti, ett ainoastaan hylkmll suuri osa jo tehty tyt olisi voitu
edes jotakuinkin pysy alkuperisen suunnitelman puitteissa. Kun ttkn ei ole
tahdottu tehd, tarjotaan nyt tyn lopullisena tuloksena yleislle sanakirja, jossa
on lhes 1,000 sivua ja joka sislt noin 70,000 suomenkielist hakusanaa, pu
humattakaan suuresta mrst yhdyssanoja, joita ei ole otettu laskussa lukuun,
niit kun ei ole suoranaisina hakusanoina knnetty, vaan on kytetty esimerkkei
n suomalaisten yhdyssanaryhmicn kntmisest annettujen yleisten ohjeiden va
laisemiseksi. Teoksen laajuus myskin selitt, miksi sen valmistuminen on tun
tuvasti viivstynyt alkuperisest suunnitelmasta.
Kun nyt tm monivuotinen ty on kaikenlaisten vaiheiden ja vastuksien lpi
vihdoinkin loppuun suoritettu, pyydn lausua sydmellisimmt kiitokseni kaikille
niille, jotka ovat minua tyssni tavalla tai toisella avustaneet. Ensi tilalla ha
luan lausua kiitollisuuteni ja tunnustukseni apulaiselleni E. V. Latvalalle, joka vii
meisen kahden ja puolen vuoden aikana on snnllisesti tyskennellyt apunani,
m. m. suorittaen kaiken korehtuurinluvun ja valmistaen pohjaksikirjoituksen t,u- ja v-kirjaimille sek suurimmaksi osaksi s-kirjaimelle ; sitpaitsi on hn valvo
nut kaikkien sanakirjatyt koskevien teknillisten kysymysten jrjestely, tehnyt
useita arvokkaita huomautuksia knnsten tarkisteluun nhden jne. Suuressa kii
tollisuuden velassa olen myskin Superiorin korkeakoulun englanninkielen opetta
jattarelle, neiti Lulu J. Dickinsonille, jonka kanssa olen lpikynyt suurimman
osan sanakirjani ksikirjoitusta (alusta s-kirjaimeen saakka), tarkoituksella jt
t pois sellaista lhdekirjoista kerntynytt ainesta, joka ei kuulu tavallisen
kielenkytn piiriin, ja pyrkimyksess samalla lyt mahdollisimman kytnnl
liset vastineet kuhunkin hakusanaan tai lausetapaan. Neiti Dickinson on sitpaitsi
kynyt yli korehtuurien englanninkielisen puolen aina t-kirjaimen loppuun saakka.
Samanlaisesta avustuksesta pyydn lausua kiitokseni myskin Superiorin opettaja
seminaarin ("normaalikoulun") opettajattarille Agnes Kirkille, Nona MacQuilkinille ja Ellen Clarkille, joista varsinkin kaksi ensiksimainitHn o-at teoksen lop
pupuolella antaneet minulle arvokasta apuaan.

Lhtein sanakirjaani laatiessani olen pasiallisesti kyttnyt kolmea teosta,

nimittin tohtori Knut Cannelinin suomalais-ruotsalaista sanakirjaa (toinen pai
nos, vuodelta 1913), XVenstrm-Harlockin ruotsalais-englantilaista sanakirjaa (kol
mas painos, vuodelta 1912) sek Funk & VVagnallsin kustantamaa jttilisteosta
"The New Standard Dictionary of the English Language", joka viimemainittu
on ollut mrvn englanninkielen oikeinkirjoituskysymyksiss vallitseviin horjuvaisuuksiin (kuten esim. yhdysviivan kyttn) nhden. Ahkeraan olen myskin
viljellyt VVebsterin "New International Dictionary" sek siit lyhennetty
"Webster's Secondary-School Dictionary", piten yleisen sntn, ett jlki
misest lytymttmi englanninkielisi sanoja en ole liian harvinaisina sana
kirjaani vastineiksi ottanut. Suomenkielisen puolen oikeinkirjoituksessa olen seu
rannut edellmainittua toht. Cannelinin sanakirjaa ja aivan teoksen loppupuolella
yksityisten sanain oikeinkirjotukseen nhden jossakin mrin myskin saman te
kijn julkaisemaa "Kieliopasta". Tieteellisen ja teknillisen sanaston tarkistelussa
olen mahdollisimman tarkoin seurannut suomalaista Tietosanakirjaa. Suomenkie
liseen sanastoon nhden olen joutunut tuontuostakin turvautumaan Elias Lnnro
tin suomalais-ruotsalaiseen sanakirjaan, joka vanhuudestaan huolimatta on yh
viel arvokas lhde suomenkielen kyttjlle. Pitkin matkaa olen silloin tllin
lisnnyt sanakirjani hakusanoihin jonkin Lnnrotin sanakirjasta lytyvn sanan.
jota ei ole Cannelinin sanakirjassa ollut.
Muista huomattavassa mrin vhemmn kyttmistni lhdekirjoista mainitta
koon: Karl Ervastin suomalais-saksalainen sanakirja, Flugel-Schmidt-Tangerin
"VVrterbuch der Englischen und Deutschen Sprache, II". Silloin tllin olen
joutunut kyttmn myskin englantilais-suomalaisia tai englantilais-ruotsalaisia
sanakirjoja, joista edellisist olen enin apua saanut Toivo VValleniuksen englantilais-suomalaisesta sanakirjasta: jlkimisist taas mainittakoon Erik Lindgrenin
toimittama "Engelsk-Svensk Ordbok" (kolmas painos, vuodelta 1909). Muitakin
sanakirjateoksia ja apulhteit olen tyn kuluessa joutunut tilapisesti silmmn.
Teokseni on tarkoitettu etupss palvelemaan ja tyydyttmn Amerikan suo
malaisten siirtolaisten tarpeita. Kuitenkin on koetettu pit silmll myskin si
t, ett kirjaa voitaisiin kytt Suomen kouluissakin. Edellist tarvetta silml
lpiten on kirjaan otettu useita sellaisia jokapivisen kielen tai kansankielen
sanoja, jotka esim. Cannelin on jttnyt suomalais-ruotsalaisesta sanakirjastaan
kokonaan pois. Jlkimist tarkotusta varten taas on koetettu teoksen sanastoon
ottaa ainakin kaikki yleisimmt sanat tieteen eri haarojen (kuten elin- ja kasvi
opin, kemian y.m.) aialta. Ottaen huomioon sen, ett Suomen oppikouluissa vil
jelln englanninkielt siin muodossa kuin sit emmaassa, Englannissa, kyte
tn, on hakusanojen englanninkielisi vastineita annettaessa sulkumerkeiss eri
koisesti huomautettu, mik sana on kytnnss Englannissa, milloin tm sana
eroaa Amerikassa kytetyst.
Jos sanakirjani, kuten toivon, osottautuu olevan hydyksi ja avuksi niille suo
malaisille, jotka haluavat englanninkielt oppia, niin on tarkoitukseni saavutettu
ja viimeisen viiden vuoden ponnistelut eivt ole menneet hukkaan.
Lopuksi lausun toivomuksen, ett ne, jotka lytvt teoksestani puutteellisuuk
sia tai epjohdonmukaisuuksia, hyvntahtoisesti niist minulle huomauttaisivat :
kaikki tmnlaiset huomautukset otan kiitollisuudella vastaan.
Superior, Wis., elok. 27 p., 1919.

Sanakirjan kyttjn pitisi ensi tykseen huolella tutustua alempana oleviin

Miten voi lyt hakemansa sanan tai

lausrtavan (fraasin) '!
Kaikki hakusanat tss sanakirjassa
ovat Jrjestetyt aakkosjrjestykseen, kat
somatta siihen mist Juuresta ne Johtuvat.
Lausetavat ovat Jrjestetyt siten ett
varsinaisen hakusanan vastineiden Jlkeen
tulevat ensin aakkosjrjestyksess kaikki
ne lausetavat. Jotka alkavat Joko haku
sanalla Itselln tai Jollakin sen taivutus
muodolla: senjlkeen seuraa tauskin aak
kosjrjestyksess toinen ryhm lausetnpoja, jotka kalkki alkavat jollakin ruuullu sanalla kuin kyseess olevalla haku
ryhmn kuuluvan
(varsinkin hakusanalla alkavan) lausetuvan jlkeen saattaa esiinty (aina tllin
hakasissa) yksi tai useampia selittvi
lausetapoja. joiden tarkoituksena on tuo
da esille poikkeuksellisia knnksi.
Lausetavat on koetettu yleens Jrjest:!
sen sanan alle. Jolla ne alkavat. Poik
keuksia on tst snnst kuitinkin ty
tynyt tehd. Sen vuoksi. Jollet lyd etsi
msi lausetapna sen ensimuisen sanan
alta. etsi vnrm uuden vuoksi jonkin toisen
lausetavassa esiintyvn sanan alta. Jois akin harvinaisissa tapauksissa koskee t
m snt myskin yhdyssanoja.
S. Sanakirjassa kytettyjen lyhenysmerkklen selitykset.
Seuraavia lyhennysmerkkej on kytet
ty tilan sstmiseksi:
. jota selvyyden vuoksi on kytetty
yksinomaan sellaisen (suomenkielisen) ha
kusanan tilalla. Joku alkaa uuden rivin
tai kappaleen.
1 . Jota on kytetty hakusanoina esiin
tyviss yhdyssanoissa, tarkoituksella vlt
t enslmisen (tai muutamissa tapauk
sissa kahden enslmisen) yhdysosan ker
taamista. Kaikissa muissa samassa kap
paleessa esiintyviss yhdyssanoissa siis
on || merkin vasemmalla puolen oleva
yhdyssanan osa kerrattava.
I merkki on Joissakin tapauksissa ky
tetty. Jotta vltyttisiin kertaamasta Jo
ko jonkin uomalaisen tai Jonkin eng
lantilaisen sanan alkuosaa. Niinp esim.
lyhennys: k o h d a | 1 1 a. -Ile. -Ita kuu
lua tydellisesti kirjoitettuna : kohdal
la kohdalle, k o h d a I t a.
Pisteit . . on kytetty kahdessakin tar
koituksessa. Yleisimmin osottamaan koh
teen paikkaa sellaisissa lausetnvoissa. joism esiintyy tekoa. tolm:n:aa tai tunnetta
ilmaiseva teonsana (trans:tllvinen verbi).
Tllaisissa tapauksissa vastaavat ne siis
sanoja "a thlng" (Jokin. Jotakin) tn! "a
person" (Joku. jotakuta) tai niiden mo

nikkoa. Esim. b!ow . . up tnrkottaa : blow

a tilini.' up (rjhdytt jokin ilmaan).
Pisteit on myskin kytetty Joko sellais
ten englanninkielisten laatusanuln edess,
jotka nimisanaa mrtessn pannaan ni
misanan Jlkeen (eik yleisen snnn
mukaisesti sen edelle) tai sellaisten laa
tusanuln edess. Jotka esiintyvt ainoas
taan maineen (predikaatin) tytteen. Kun
esim. laatusana
knnetty m. m. " . . of those tlmes", tarkottnvat pisteet sit. ett esim. "senai
kainen tapa" on knnettv "a custom
of those tlmes".
S. Sulkumerkkien kytt.
Tss sanakirjassa on kytetty kaarisulkumerkkej () sek hakasia f], kum
puisiakin useammassa kuin yhdess tar
Kaarisulkumerkkelhin on pantu suomen
kielisin hnkusanun eri merkltysvivahduksia tai niiden luonnetta selittvt sanat.
Sanakirjan englanninkielisell puolella on
kaariin pantu (1. merkill varustettuna)
kaikki yhdenarvoiset rinnnkkaiskunnkset. Samaten on englanninkielisell puo
lella kaurlsulkuibln pantu kalkki sellai
set sanat tai knnkset. Jotka voidaan
vaihtoehtoisesti Joko ottaa huomioon tai
Jtt pois.
Valaistaksemme esimerkeill nit kaari
sulkujen eri kyttj, otamme ensiksikin
esim. hakusanan ilma. Kun se on kn
netty nin: air: (s) weather. tarkoit
taa se, ett sana "ilma" on knnettv
"air', paitsi milloin sit kytetn mer
kityksess "s", jolloin se on knnet
tv "woather". Samaten kun hakusana
"bell-eow :
(kuv.) lender". tarkoittaa tm sit. ettit
tm sana on nlkuperTsessn knnet
tv "belI-eow". jota vastoin se kuvannollisessa merkityksess kytettyn on
knnettv "leader". Lyhennysmerkint
"noise (l. dln) of the falr" olisi tydel
lisess muodossaan "noise of the falr, din
of the falr": samoin merkint: "take part
In (1. lie present at) the proeeedings (1.
the dlseussion)" vastaa lyhentmttm
n: "take part in the proeeedings. take
part in the dlseussion. he present at the
proeeedings. be present at the dlseussion".
Lyhennysmerkint "noette (ai)" taas vas
tan tydellist merkint "poetic. poetlcnl": samaten esim. knns "tali (of
statnre " ilmaisee, ett kvseess oleva
suomalainen sana voidaan knt Joko
"tali" tai "tuli of stature".
Hakasiin on suljettu kalkki Valaisevina
esimerkkein kytetyt sanat tai lnuseta-

vat, Jullisi eivt oleellisesti kuula itse
knnkseen ; samoin kaikki lausetavat.
Jotka knnetn poikkeuksellisesti. Ha
kasiin on myskin pantu sellaiset lausetavoissa esiintyvt suomalaiset tai eng
lanninkieliset sanat, Joita on kytetty
rinnukkaisesimerkkein. Ensimist kyt
t valaisee osim. hakusana istuttaa.
Joka on knnetty : "plant fpotatoes, pe
runoita]". Tst merkinnst selvi, ett
"istuttusi" knnetn "plant" Ja "is
tuttua perunoita" knnetn "plant potatoes". Toisen kytn pitsiisi olla itsestn
selv tai selv ainakin <en perusteella,
mit on sanottu niden ohjeiden ensimisen osan kolmannessa kappaleessa. Kol
matta kytt valaisee seuraava esimerk
ki: lsiusetapa "hyvll [p a h a 1 1 a\
silmll favorably [ with disfavor] '
esimerkiksi on lyhennetty muoto. Joka
sislt kalisi rinnakkaista esimerkki:
hyvll silmll favorably. Ja p ahalla silmll vrith disfavor.
Isoissa tapauksissa on teonsanan (har
vimmin laatusanan ta: n:misanan) Jl
keen hakasissa liitetty prepositsionl el',
ctusana osottatnaan. mink iirepositionin
kanssa kyseesaftolevaa teonsanaa kyte
tn. eslm."give preferonce [to]". Joskus
on pr .positioni liitetty teonsanaan ilman
mitn hakasia.
4. Yleislil ohjeita.
Jouduttatessa tiiman sanakirjan avulla
isiliintiiniil suomesta englanninkielelle oli
si hyv ottaa huomioon seuraavia yleisi,
nkkohtia ja ohjeita:
a. Lheskn kaikkia teonsanoista joh
dettuja minen-ptteisl nimisanoja (verhaalisubstanttilveja) el ole voitu ottaa
hakusanoina thn sanakirjaan. Nm.
osaa kuitenkin helposti knt, kun ottaa
huomioon, ett vastasivat englanninkieli
set nimisanat Johdetaan teonsanasta sn
nllisesti liittmll siihen -ing. Niinpi,
es. m. teonsanasta makeilla johl uva
n misana makeileminen knnetn
isimn snnn mukaisesti :fawning. flt
ti ring.
b. Englanninkielisess on ilmeinen tai
pumus jtt kyttmtt sellaisia teon
sanoista muodostettuja er-ptteisi nimi
sanoja, jotka ilmaisevat tekij Ja kytt
sen sijaan sivulauseita, toisin sanoen
knt ne kiertmll. Esim. lause sellalnen kuin "pojan yiiajajaa ei ole viel
saatu kiinni" knnettisiin: "the ma n
\vho ra n over the boy has not yet been
npprehended", eLk: the overruuner of the
boy jne." samaten esim. iause "halutaan
"five elioppers of wood wanted". Koska
kyseess olevan teonsanasta Johtuneen
nimisanan kntmiseen kytetyn sivu
lauseen maine saattaa olosuhteiden mukiisin viitata Joko nykyiseen, menneeseen
tai tulevaan aikaan, on kynyt mahdot
tomaksi antaa tmnlaisille hakusanoilla
' yhjentiiviii vastineita. Niinp esim. sansi
li si 1 o n h n k k a a J a. kun se joutuu tl
l tavoin kiertoteitse knnettvksi, saat

taa merkit "miest, joka hakkasi tai on

hakannut halkoja." "miest. Joka (parai
kaa) on hakkaamassa halkoja", "miest
hakkaamaan halkoja" Ja kenties viel
muutakin. Suuret sanakirjat kyll useim
missa tllaisissa tapauksissa antavat vas
tineeksi vastaavan er-pttelsen nimisanan,
mutta kuten sanottu, kytsnt (varsinkin
puhutussa kieless) pyrkii niit hylkiliiiin.
Jotakuinkin samoin on taita ness-ptteisten nimisanojen, Jotka vastaavat suo
menkielen uus- Ja yys-pttelst nimi
sanoja. Varsinkin Jos tllainen nimisana
on pitk tai johtuu verraten harvinaises
ta laatusanasta, ei sit kytet (vaikka
pa se suurista sanakirjoista lytyisikin).
Niinp esim. leivttmyya sanaa ei
knnet "breadlessness", vaan Joko lack
(I. want) of bread" tai sitten kiertoteitse
sivulauseen avulla (toe fact that there
vvas no bread, jne). Samaten el esim. sanaa
runollisuus knnet "poeticalness",
vaikka tuon sanan lytkin suurista sa
nakirjoista, vaan mieluummin kierten.
Joko "poetie character", "poetic spirlt" t.
m.s. Tllaisissakaan tapauksissa ei nit
kiertoteitse tapahtuvia knnksi ole voi
tu esitt tyhjentvsti, koska niiden
muodostaminen riippuu suureksi osaksi
sit lauseyhteydest, miss noita nimi
sanoja kulloinkin kytetn.
e. Suomenkielest englanninkielelle kn
tjien tulisi viel ottdji tarkoin huomioon
se seikka, ett kntjn onnistuakseen
hyvin tytyy tuntea kummankin kielen
idiomit eli kieliomltulsuudet ja ottaa ne
Niinp esim
suomenkielen Idiomia "pist silmiin" el
knnet "stick into the eyes", vaan kn
netn se englanninkielisell Idiomilla
"eateh a persons eye", Joka sananmukai
sesti knnettyn kuuiutst : "saada kiinni
jonkun silm"; samoin on suomenkielelle
ominainen lausetapa "tytt Jonkun pyyn
t" knnettv "eomply with a person's
request", eik suinkaan "fiil a person's
request", Jne., Jne. Kaikki tllaiset idio
mit on tss sanakirjassa koetettu mah
dollisimman tarkoin ottaa huomioon ja
klintl on epilemtt pienell etsiske
lyll lvtv suoranaiset vastineet useim
piin lJlaisiln "kompastusklviin", mik
kantmisfyss on oleva hnelle suureksi
tl. Englanninkielisten sanojen ntmis
ohjeita ei tss sanakirjassa ole voitu an
taa, koska se olisi na-suttnnut kirjan
koon lhes kahdenkertaiseksi. (Sama eng
lantilainen ssina saattaa net esiinty
useissa kymmeniss eri paikoissa tt
ssinakirjaa ja jokaisessa niist olisi tuon
sanan ntminen ollut osutettava). Jori
sanakirjan kyttj el ole selvill Jonkin
tss sanakirjassa esiintyvn sanan oi
keasta ntmisest, on hnen katsottava
josisikin englantilais-suomalaisesta sana
kirjasta, miten kyseessoleva sana n
Niiss ntmisohje annetas^n
sulkumerkeiss heti jokaisen englannin
kielisen hakusanan jlkeen.

Kytettyjen lyhennysten selitykset

a.adjektiivi, laatusana.
absol.absoluuttisesti (riippumattomasti,
s. o. ilman kohdetta) kytettyn.
adv.adverbi, seikkasana.
algeb.algebran alalta.
alle., alkumerk., alkup.alkumerkityksess, alkuperisess merkityksess.
Am. suom., Amer. suom.Amerikan
anaLanatomian 1. ruumiinrakenneopin
a p.a person.
a th.a thing.
bkd.biologian 1. elo-opin alalta.
edell.edellinen, edellist.
ehdoll.ehdollinen, ehdollisissa.
elinlk.elinlkeopin alalta.
elint.elintieteen alalta.
embryol.embryologian 1. sikiopin
Engl.Englannissa, Englannin.
epil.epilev, epileviss.
et., etenk., etup.etenkin, etupss.
Eur.Europassa, Europan.
fil., filos.filosofian 1. viisaustieteen
fys.fysiikan alalta.
fysiol.fysiologian 1. eloilmiopin alalta,
geol.geologian alalta.
geom.geometrian 1. mittausopin alalta
hakus.hakusana, hakusanaa.
' ! lv., halveks.halveksien, halveksivasti ; halveksivassa.
hammaslk hammaslkrinammatin
hist.historian alalta, historiassa.
hyv. merk., hyv. merkit.hyvss merkityksess.
inf.infinitiivi, nimitapa.
interj.interjektsioni, kiihtosana.
itr.intransitiivinen 1. kohteeton verbi.
ivalLivallisesti, ivallisessa puheessa.
jkpv.jokapivisess puheessa.
jne.ja niin edespin.
kasv.kasvitieteen alalta.

katol.katolilaisen uskonnon alalta,

katol. kirk.katolisessa kirkossa.
kaupp., kauppak.kauppa-alalta, kauppnkieless,
keitt.keitto-opin alalta,
kem.kemian alalta.
kielkielitieteen alalta, kieless, kielenkytss.
kieltv. laus., kieltv. vast. (1. vastauks.)
kieltviss lauseissa, vastauksissa.
kirjanp.kirjanpidon alalta,
kirjap.kirjapainotaidon alalta.
kirk., kirkol.kirkolliselta alalta.
kirkkohist.kirkkohistorian alalta.
kiv.kivennisopin alalta,
koll.kollektiivisesti, kollektiivisessa
merkityksess, ryhmnimen.
komp.komparatiivi, voittoaste.
konkr. konkreettisesti, konkreettisesi
kreik., krcikk.kreikkalainen, kreikknlaisen, kreikkalaisessa,
kuv.kuvannollisessa merkityksess.
kysyv.kysyv, kysyviss.
1.eli, tai.
lak.lakitieteen alalta,
laskuop.laskuopin alalta.
lat.latinaa, latinankielell, latinaksi.
leik., leikil.leikillinen lausetapa, leikillisess puheessa.
lievemm., lievemm. merk. lievemmin,
lievemmss merkityksess.
log.logiikan alalta,
luonn., luonnont.luonnontieteen alalta
I. v.lhin vastine; lhimain vastaava.
lyh.lyhennys, lyhennettyn,
lk.lketieteen alalta,
maal.maalarinammatin alalla : maalaustaiteen alalta.
maanm., maanmit.maanmittausalalta.
maant.maantieteen alalta,
maanv.maanviljelyksen alalta.
mat.matematikan ala"ta.


mek.mekaaniselta alalta.
mer., merik.merenkulkuopin alalta,
merk., merkit.merkityksess.
metall.metalliteollisuuden alalta.
mets.metsnhoito-opin alalta.
metsst.metsstyksen alalta.
min., mincr.mineralogian 1. kivennisopin alalta.
mus.musiikin 1. soitanto-opin alalta.
myt., mytol.mytologian 1. jumalaista
ru-opin alalta.
nyk., nykyaik.nykyaikainen, nykyaikai
sessa (merkityksess y. m.).
o. s.oneself, one's self.
pah. merk., pah. merkit.pahassa mer
pari.parlamenttaarisessa kielenkytss.
pilkall.pilkallisessa puhetavassa.
pl., plur.pluraali, monikko.
postp.postpositsioni, jlkisana.
poliitt.poliittinen, poliittisessa.
prees.preesenssi (n. 1 :nen persoona).
prep.prepositsioni, etusana.
pron.pronomini, asemosana.
psyk.psykologian 1. sielutieteen alalta.
puus.puusepnammatin alalta.
puut., puutarh.puutarhurinammatin
pas.pasiassa, pasiallisesti.
rak., raken.rakennustaidon alalta.
ranskal.ranskalainen, ranskalaisen,
rk., run.runokieless, runouden alalta
room., roomal.roomalainen, roomalai
sen, roomalaisessa.
rt.rtlinammatin alalta.
s.substantiivi, nimisana.

sep.sepnammatin alalta.
seur.seuraava, seuraavaa.
sielut.sielutieteen alalta.
sot.sotilaalliselta alalta.
sotav.sotaven, sotavess.
subst.substanti ivinen.
superl.superlatiivi, yliaste.
suut.suutafinammatin alalta.
shk.shktekniikan alalta.
taid., tit.taidealalta, taiteen alalta.
teat., teatt.teatterialalta.
tekn.tekniikan alalta.
teol.teologian 1. jumaluusopin alalta.
tiet.tieteen alalta.
tr.-transiitivinen 1. kohteellinen verbi.
tuttav.tuttavallisesti, tuttavallisessa.
tht.tahtitieteen alalta.
urh.urheilun alalta.
usk.uskonnon alalta.
v.verbi, teonsana.
valok., valokuv.valokuvauksen alalta.
valt., valtioll.valtio-opin alalta, valtiol
liselta alalta.
valtiot.valtiotieteen alalta.
vanh.vanhentunut sana, vanhentunees
sa kielenkytss ; vanhoilla jne.
vars., varsink.varsinkin.
vir., virall.virallisessa tyyliss.
voim., voimist.voimistelun alalta.
Yhd., Yhdysv.Yhdysvalloissa, Yhdys
valtain jne.
yi.yleens ; yleisess.
y. m., y. m.ynn muuta, ynn muita,
ynn muun jne.

Aadolf Adolpbus, Adolpb.

aakkosellinen alphabetic(al) [llst, luette
lo], aakkoset alphabet; (tae) a-b-c (inys
kuv., kS. alkeet ,.
aakkosjrjestys alphabetical order; vrt.
asettaa, luetella, -luettelo (kirjassa) Index.
aallokko svvell; sea; (aaltoilu) surglng (of
the vvaves) ; ks. meri.
aallon- (ybd.) . . of a vvave, vvave- [esim.
-harja crest of a wave, wave-crest; -kaltainen vvave-llke; -pituus length or a
wave, vvave -length]. -Jljet prlnts or tbe
vvaves, wave prlnts. -murtaja breakvvater,
mule. -vre rlpple.
aalto vvave; billovv; (vyry-) roller; aal
lon pohja (l. laakso) truugb (of a \vave) ;
aaltojen ajattavana drlfllng on tbe vvaves,
adrlft on tbe billows, vrt. ajella-, aaltojen
valtaan K s. joutua.
aaltoileminen = aaltoilu, aaltoileva surging [ocean, morlj ; blllovvy ; waving;
svvaylug; riovvlng [beard, parta]; undulatiug; aaltoilevat kutrit vvavlng (1. vvavy)
locks; vrt. lainehtiva.
aaltoilla (esim. jrvest) be covered (1.
cut) wltb vvaves; (merest:) beave, swell
(molemmat mys kuv., esim. povesta),
surge, billovv; (bulmuta) wave; (huojua) sway; (maasta y. m.) undulate;
varaillen be rlppled, rlpple; jrvi aaltoi
let kovasti tbe lake is rougb, tbere are
big waves (1. tbe waves are blgb) on tbe
lake; ruis aaltoilee tuulessa tbe rye Is
svvaylng- In (1. before) tbe \vlnd. aaltoilu
heavlng; surglng (of the vvaves), svvell;
(esim. maan) undulatlon.
aaltOLlevy corrugated sbeet [of Iron, tln
etc.J. -liike vvave-motlon; (fys.) undulatlon.
aaltomainen vvavy; vvave-like; undulating.
aaltomaisesti: muodostunut, ~ liikehtiv
aalto teoria (fys.) undulatory tlieory.
-viiva vvavy line; (geol.) vvave-llne.
aarni (nestemitta) aam, aum.
aamiainen breakfast; aamiaisen aikaan at
breakfast-tlme; olfa aamiaisella be at
breakfast, (paraikaa) be eatlng one'8
breakfast, vrt. syd (aamiaista).
aamiais- (ybd.) breakfast- [esim. -aika
breakfast-tlme; -pyt breakfast-table].
aamu mornlng; (run.) morn; (kuv.) davvn;
aamulta In tbe mornlng; aamuin illoin
(every) mornlng and evenlng; aamun sa
rastaessa at daybreak, at davvn; aamusta
iltaan from mornlng tili nlgbt; aamusta
varhain from early mornlng, from (1. at)
an carly bour; vrt. huomen,
eamu- (ybd.) mornlng [esim. -aurinko
mornlng sun; -juna mornlng traln; -lehti
mornlng paper; -thti mornlng star] ;
(joskus:) early [esim. -juna early traln;
-tunnit early bours].
-hetki mormng
(hour); aamuhetki kullan kallis (sanani.)
the early bird catches the worm; early

to bed and early to rise makes a mau

healtby, vvealtby and \vlse. -hamara gray or
tbe mornlng, mornlng tvvlllgbt; davvn.
aamuinen (ybd.) . . momlng's [esim. eilis yesterday mornlng's; tmn-' tbls
mornlng's] ; with a .. mornlng [esim.
kaunis~ [piv] [a day] vvlth a beauti
ful mornlng]. aamuisin in tbe mornlng;
of a mornlng; mornings; vrt. aina.
aamullinen: ~ sade tbls mornlng'* rin,
the ram of tbls mornlng.
aamun|koite, -koitto, -sarastus davvn (or
day) , daybreak.
aamu||nuttu (naisen) mornlng (1. dresslng)
govvn, doyh) kimono; (miehen) batbrobe, dresslng govvn. -puhde: aamupuh
teella In the early mornlng (1. hours).
-puoli =- aamupiv; aamupuolella piv
In the forenoon; aamupuolella (1. -sra)
yt kS. aamuy (ta), -piv forenoon;
mornlng; kello 10 aamupivll at 10
o'clock In tbe mornlng, (kirj. tav.) at 10
A. M.; vrt. tnn, -rusko mornlng glovv,
glovv of the davvn, rosy davvn.
aamusella in tbe mornlng.
aamu [I tunnelma mornlng atmosphere (1.
erfect). -uninen Sleepy mornings (1. in
the mornlng). -viile cool of the morn
lng, mornlng freshness. -yo (tlme) arter
mldnlght; aamuyst after midnlght, tovvards daybreak, in the small hours.
Aapeli Abel.
aapinen, aapiskirja a-b-c book; book for
beglnners, prlmer; speller, spelling book.
aapisto alphabet.
aaprotti (kasv.) abrotanum, southernvvood.
aarakki arrack. -punssi (ar)rack puncb.
aari (metrisen plntamlttauksen yksikk) are.
Aaro Aaron.
aarre treasure; hoard. -aitta, -kammio
treasure-house; treasury. -lyt (lak.)
aarteeen 11 etsij treasure-seeker. -kaivaja
digger for (hldden) treasure (s).
aarteinen (yhd.) . . vvlth . . treasures
[esim. runsas-' vvlth rlch treasures].
aarteisto treasure, hoard; (aarreaitta)
treasure-house, treasury.
aasi donkey, ass (molemmat mys kuv.) ;
(suuri tyhmyri) jackass.
Aasia Asia. aasialainen I. (a.) Asiatlc
[race, rotu]. Asian. II. (s.) Aslatic.
aasianpuoleinen sltuated on the Asiatlc side;
(,A)~ Turkki Turkey In Asia, Asiatlc Turkey; (A)~ Venj Asiatlc Russla, Russla
In Asia.
aasi mainen aslnine, ass-llke. aasimaisuus
aasin- (ybd.) . . of an ass, ass's [esim.
-fcoma ear of an ass, ass's ear; -varsa
colt of an ass, ass's colt (1. foal)]; don
key-, ass- [esim. -ajaja donkey-drlver,
ass-driver]. -nahka ass1 skin. -tamma
sbe ass, Jenny (-ass).

Aatami Adam; vanha ~ (kuv.) the Old evll), (epill) suspect evll (l. wrong) ;
Adam. aataminomena, -pala Adam's upple. aavistin sit I thought that (1. as much) ;
aate Idea; notlon; (aatos) thought; (liian
en aavistanut hnen tulevan I had no no
ne; ideal; (periaate; prlnclple.
tlon Of hls COming; enp osannut silloin
aate- (yhd.) . . of ldeas t esiin, -maailma ~ Iit tie did I think tben; kuhapa olisi
World or ldeas; -piiri fleld (1. sphere) voinut sit \vlio would have thought lt.
aavistamaton unroreseen, unlooked-ror;
or ldeas].
aateli noble blrtb; (aatelisto) llie noblllty; (odottamaton) unexpected. aavistamatta
vanhaa aatelia of Old noblllty, of Old and unawares, unexpectedly; mitn pahaa
noble famlly. aatelinen noble, of noble aavistamatta suspecting no evll, unsusplclous(ly), unsuspectlngly; tapasin h
aatelisiiarvo rank (1. dlgnity) of a noble; net aavistamattani I met him unawares.
-kartano manordal estate) ; aavistus presentlment, rorebodlng, sur
(rakennus) manor-house. -kirja letters mise; (ajatus) notlon. Idea; minulla ei
patent or nobillty.
-mies nobleman, ollut aavistustakaan siit, ett . . 1 had
noble. -nainen, -neiti lady of rank. -suku no notlon (1. Idea) that . . . -kyky clairnoble famlly; aatelissukua of noble fam- voyant (1. psycblc) power.
liy. -sty nobillty; (vanu. valtiopivill) aavistuttaa: minua ~, ett . . I have a feel
Estate Of the iVOblllty; korottaa aatelis- ing that . .; lt strlkes me (1. I surmise)
styyn raise to tbe rank of a noble that . . .
(1. to tbe nohility), ennoble.
aavuus openness; wldeness; vastness, imaatelisto tbe (body oD nobles, tbe noblll
ty, (Engl.) the peerage; (ylimyst) the abbedissa (luostarin Johtajatar) abbess.
aristocracy. aatelisuus noblllty. aatelis Abessinia Abyssinla. abessinialainen (a. &
vaakuna armorlal bearlngs; vrt. vaakuna- s.) Abyssinian.
kiipi, aateliton not of noble birth; aate abnormi (snnllisest poikkeava) ablittomat sdyt tbe unprlvlleged estates. normal; anomalous.
absolutismi absolutlsm; (ehdoton raittius)
aatella ks. ajatella.
aateloida: ~ joku confer a tltle of noblll
total abstlnence. absolutisti (ehdottomasti
ty upon one, ennoble one, (Engl.) ralse raitis) teetotaler, total abstalner. absoluut
one to tbe peerage, confer a peerage tinen (ehdoton) absolute [alcohol, alkoholi;
upon one.
aateloiminen ennoblement. temperature, lmptila; zero, nollapiste].
aateluus nobleness, noblllty.
adjektiivi (klel.) adjective.
aate. rikas neli (1. fertlle) in ldeas; (rikas- adressi address; petltion. -kirjelm address.
ajatukslnen) sententlous | wlsdom, vii Adrianmeri the Adriatlc Sea, the Gulf or
saus], -rikkaus rlchness (1. fertlllty) or Venlce.
ldeas. -suunta trend or ldeas. -virtauk adverbi (klel.) adverb. adverbiaali adverset currents of thougbt (1. of ldeas). blal pbrasc. adverbinen adverblal.
aeroplaani ks. lentokone.
aatos thought; Idea, notlon.
aatteellinen lntellectual; ldeal; (periaat Afrikka Arrlca. afrikkalainen (a.&s.) Arrican.
teellinen) lnvolving prlnclple, fundamen- agaatti (miner.) agate.
tal; (ihanteellinen) ldeallstlc; ~ ihminen agentti (asiamies) agent; (edustaja) reprea hlgb-mtnded person, a person vvlth sentative. agentuuri (asiamiestolml)agency.
hlgh IdealS, an IdeallSt; aatteelliset harras agitaattori agitator. agitatsioni (klibotustukset noble endeavors, strlvlng for hlgh ty) agltation. agitatsioni- (yhd.) ks.
ideals; lntellectual actlvlty. aatteellisesti kiihotus-, agiteerata agitate.
ideally; (henkisesti) lntellectually. aatteel agraari- (yhd.) agrarlan [esim. -lake agralisuus ideallty, ldeallsm. aatteeton vvlthout rian movement; -liitto agrarlan league;
ldeas, destitute (1. vold) of ldeas.
-puolue agrarlan party], -politiikka agra
aatto eve; jonkin aattona on tbe eve Of . .; rlan pollcy; (-kysymys) agrarlan questlon.
vrt. joulu, uudenvuoden, -ilta eve. agronomi agrlculturist; agronomlst.
-piv day berore a hollday (1. a Church ah ah! (voi) oh! aha, ahaa aha!
festival), -y night berore a hollday.
ahava (1. v.) March wind. ahavoitua
aava 1. (a.) open; (avara) wlde [ocean, make . . weather-beaten. ahavoitua get
meri]; vast, extenslve [view, nkala], weather-beaten; get tanned. ahavoitunut
expansive; aavalla merell on the open weather-beaten; seasoned [sailor, meri
sea (1. main), on the hlgh seas; aavoja mies] ; (pivettynyt) tanned.
alueita vast areas. II. (s.) ks. aukea, II. ahdanta packing, stowing, sturring; vrt.
aave 1. (kummitus) ghost, specter, spook, ahtaa.
apparltion; (tiaavenky) phantom; 2. (en ahdas narrow [passage, kytv; vlew,
(kaita) stralt [gate,
ne) rorebodlng; presage, omen; vrt. katsantokanta];
nhd, aaveellinen aavemainen, aavei- portti]; (tiukka, piukka) tight [shoe,
denpelko dread (1. fear) or ghosts. kenk] ; (rajotettu) clrcumscrlbed, limaaveilla ks. kummitella.
aavemainen lted; (ahdettu) cramped [space, tila],
ghostlike, ghostly, spectral; spooky; crowded [corner, nurkka]; ~ ilma ks.
ummehtunut; ahtaalla ks. asua, olla, pit;
aavemainen kalpeus ghastly pallor. aave
maisesti ghostly. aavemaisuus ghostll- ahtaalla rahasta (hard) pressed l'ur money;
ahtaalle ks. joutua, ottaa, panna; ahtaaseen
aavikko vast treeless plain; (ruoho-) pral- rakennettu kaupunginosa CTOWdCd part or
rie, vrt. aro; (vuori-) (vast) plateau; the City; [esim. sanan] ahtaassa merkityk
(hiekka-) desert; (ermaa) waste; aavi- sess In the strict sense (1. exact meanlng) [or the word]; ahtaat ajat (val
kon palo prairie fire.
keat) hard (1. bad) limes; ahtaat vaat
aavistaa have a presentlment (1. feeling)
[that . ., ett ..], reel (it) in one's teet tight clothes (1. dress) ; meill on
bones [that ..]; (arvella) surmise, think; tll ahdasta there Is no (1. not much)
space to spare here, \ve are (1. Il Is)
have an Idea (I. notlon) [or . .] ; (epil
crowded In here, we are cramped (I.
l) doubt, suspect; (edeltpin tiet)
foresee, loretell; (odottaen) antlclpate, limlted 1. plnched) lor room.
expect; (tiet, ennustaa) rorebode, por- ahdas- (yhd.) narrow- [esim. -kaulainen
tend; pahaa have a rorebodlng (1. a no- narrow-necked; -mielinen narrow-niindtion) that ali is not well (1. of somethlng ed]. -henkinen short or breath; short



ular attendant at church; ahkerassa tys
t busy worklng, busily at work; ~ temtteristakvij regular tbeatergoer, fre
quent attendant at the tbeater. ahke
raan, ahkerasti dlligently, industrlously;
attentively; asslduously; busily; fre-

inded; (kuv.) narrow(-mlnded). -henki

syys shortness of breath. -mielinen (mys: )
narrow, bigoted, Uliberal. -mielisesti narrow-minded(ly). -mielisyys narrow-mindedness, narrovvness, bigotry. -suinen narrow-necked [bottle, pullo].
ahdattu bave . . packed (1. stovved 1.
sturred) ; riihi have a drying barn
stoued wltb (sheaves oD graln; ~ ty
teen bave . . packed full, bave . . rilled
(up 1. to tbe top).
ahde steep, preciplce; (men ~) slope,
blllside; riihi on ahteesta tbe drying
barn Is stowed wltb (sbeaves oO graln.
ahdettu packed, stowed, sturred; ahdet
tuina huin silakat tynnyriin packed like
sardines (m a box) ; tyteen ~ packed
full, rilled up, cbock-(l. clioke-) full.
ahdin (mer.) brace.
ahdinko crush(lng), crowding;
stralls; dimculty; distress; ahdinkoon
asti tytetty (1. tynn oleva) packed
[nouse, sali], crowded, tbrouged, full to
tbe door; ahdinkoon asti tynn vke
packed, tbronged \vith people. -tila
stralls; distress; straltened clrcumstances,
dimculty; (pula) pllgbt, predicament;
olla ahdinkotilatta be In straits (1. dim
culty), lie m i predicament (1. pllgbt).
ahdistaa 1. (tr.) press [a debtor for payment, velkamiest maksusta] , rorce, drive
(I. pusb) [one agalnst tbe ali. Jotakuta
seini vasten] ; plncb; (kyd kimppuun)
attack; (vainota) pursue, cbase; baunt;
(kuv.) beset, harass [a country wltb
war. Jotakin maata sodalla], perplex,
< vaivata) trouble, (painostaa) oppress;
2. (Itr. olla ahdas) be tlght; ~ jota
kuta kytymyhtill harass (1. torment 1.
press) one with questlons, (alituisilla)
importune one; henkeni (1. rintaani)
I am sbort of breath, lt is hard for me
to breathe, I bave dimculty In breatbIng; kammo sydntni dread (1. terror) oppresses my heart (1. makes my
heart heavy) ; kenk rinnatta (puris
taa) tbe sboe plncbes over tbe lnstep;
nuoltani alkaa I am getting anxlous (1.
becoming distressed), my heart Is get
ting (I. grovvlng) heavy; olla pakotti
jonkin] ahdistama be hard preSS-

ed by a p. [a tli.J. ahdistaja one wbo

besets (1. barasses 1. perplexes) ; (hyk
kj) one wbo makes (1. made) an at
tack, the attacklng party; (vainooja)
pursuen baunter. ahdistella trouble, har
ass. perplex. press; (alituisilla kysymyk
sill y. m.) importune; (vainota) pur
sue. ahdistelu harassing, pressing, perplexing; pursulng, cbaslng. ahdistus op
pression, anxlety; distress; (tuska) agony, tbroes; ahdistuksen alainen OPpreSSed; distressed; (masentunut) depressed,
ahdos amount or cut graln packed in a
drying barn.
aherrus strivlng(s); bustle; hustle. aher
taa vvork eagerly (1. bard 1. like a Trojan) ;
busy o.s., hustle; (raataa) toil; strlve.
ahertaminen hustling; toll(ing), striving.
ahingas (flsli- ) spear, tlsbglg.
ahjo forge (mys kuv.) ; (kuv.) seat,
nest; ks. opin.
ahkera dillgent [in dolng a tn., Jotakin te
kemn]; industrious; (tytelis) hardvvnrklng; (tarmokas) energetlc; (tarkkaa
va) attentlve; (uuttera) assiduous; (ahke
raan hriv) busy; ( kymn Jossa
kin) frequent; kapakkavierat a frequenter of saloons; ~ kirkossakvij
frequent churchgoer, (snnllinen) reg-






jos . . (Jkpv.) you bave to step llvely (1.

step aiong pretty quick) , lf . . .
ahkeroida be busy (at work) ; exert o. s.,
endeavor; strive, try hard; taka (1. be
at) palns to; labor [to at tai n an end, Jo
honkin pmrn pstkseen] ; ~ edis
tykseen strive (1. be at pains 1. exen
o. s.) to make progress.
ahkeruus dlligence; Industry; assldulty;
ahkio Laplander's sled, pulk(ha). -retki
trip in a puikba.
ahma wolver|ene (1. -ine) ; (Engl.) glutton.
ahmailla ks. ahmia, ahmailu gormandizing,
gorging [upon] ; gobbling, bolting; devouring.
ahmaista devour (with avldity), eat voraciously (1. ravenously) ; gobble, bolt
[one's food, ruokansa]; suuhunsa s\vallow greedily, gobble, bolt.
ahmatti glutton, gormandizer; (Jkpv.) pig,
ahmia devour (mys kuv. = ahmien naut
tia;; (ahmailla) gormandize, gorge (oneseir 1. itseir) [upon. Jotakin], (Jkpv.) pig
down [one's food, ruokansa]; (kuv.)
reast [on 1. upon], revel [in]; ~ kat
seiltaan ci. silmilln) devour . . with one's
eyes, reast one's eyes (up)on; Jonkun
sanoja drink In a p.'s vvords; suuhunsa
gorge (1. glut) o. s. wltb, gobble, bolt,
(mtt) sturr o. s. on (1. with), sturr
one's moutb wlth, (Jkpv.) fill up on a
th.; ahmien, ahmimalla VOraclOUSly, devouringly, vrt. nauttia; liekit ahmivat
saalistaan the flames were greedily devouring (1. were lieking up) their prey.
.ahmija devourer; glutton, gormandizer;
vrt. ahmatti, ahmiminen, ahminta = ah
mailu. ahmiva ravenous [appetlte, ruoka
halu] ; devouring [look, katse].
ahnaasti greedily, avariclously; voraciously, wlth voracity (1. greedlness) ; (kiih
kesti) eagerly, hungrlly, covetously.
ahnas voracious; ravenous; gluttonous;
vvoirish [appetite, ruokahalu]; (kuv.)
greedy; vrt. seur. ahne greedy; (ahvatll)
gluttonous, woIflsh; (saita) avarlcious,
mlserly, nlggardly, sordid; (halukas)
covelous, eager [Tor 1. arter. Jollekin],
hungry; ahnein tiimin \villi greedy (1.
liungry) eyes; rahan ahne greedy Tor
money, covetous. ahneesti = ahnaasti.
ahnehtia (Itselleen) lay hold or greedily,
grasp lat 1. arter, Jotakin]; (kokoon)
tioard up; (halata) covet, have a craving
for; ahnehtia ruokaa suuhunsa ks. ah
mia; ahnehtien grasplngly, boggishly;
l ahnehdi enemp kuin jaksat syd
(Jkpv.) don't let your eyes be blgger
tliaii your stomach. ahnehtiminen: jonkin
ahnehtiminen grasplng arter (1. at) a th.;
hoarding up. ahneus greed(lness), avldi
ty; (petomainen) voracity, ravenousness;
(kitsaus) stlnglness, closeness; close (1.
mean) ways; (saituus) avarice; nlggardliness; (himo) covetousness; rahan ah
neus love oi money, greed (Tor money).
aho clearing (lert \vaste); (kentt) meadow. -sieni common musbroom.
ahrain = atrain.
ahtaa (sulloa) pack Tuli, (tyteen) stow,
sturr; choke; cram; (tytt) flll up;
riihi pack sheaves or graln in a dry

ahtaan lainen

iiii,- barn, stovv a drylng barn with

(slieaves Of) graln; Jokin tyteen jo
takin pack a tn. Tuli wltb, stuir (1. stop)
a tb. (lull) \vltli, cram a th. \vitii,
(esim. porausrelk) rill up (1. stop)
\vitli a tb. Ilmoni, esim. kirkko oli ah
dettu tyteen ihmisi the Church WaS
cranuned (\viih people), ttie churcb was
packed Tuli (1. was Tuli to tlio doors 1.
was chock-Tull or people)]; vrt. ahdettu.
ahtaanlainen somewhat (1. rather) narrow
(1. tight). ahuasti tlgbtly, closely.
ahtaminen packing, stowing, stufring; ty
teen ~ packing lull, cramming; rilling up.
ahtaus narro\vne9S, tlghtness; (ahdinko)
crowdlng; ks. tilan.
ahtautua crowd [into a small room, pie
neen huoneeseen]; Jam [into].
ahtoj pack-lce, pack. -vyhyke zone or
ahven perch.
Ahvenanmaa Aland;
AI. lii'!; Ahvenanmaan saaristo the Aland
archipelago. Ahvenanmeri Aland's Haf.
ahvenliparvi school (1. shoal) or perch.
-ruoho 1. -vita (kasv.) pondvveed.
ahvettua ahavoitua.
ai oh! oh dear! ouch!
aidake railing, rall;
(oikeussalin) bar.
aidakset aitatarpeet.
aidanpano putting up a (vvattled) fence,
lencrng. -seivts fence -post; stake (tn a
wattled Tence). -vitsas wlthe.
aidas rail; aidaksia rails, (altatarpeita)
renclng, \vattle. aidata Tence; Tence in
(1. around), inclose (by a Tence). aidattu
Tenced, inclosed (by a Tence); aidattu
alue inclosure, enclosure.
aie (aikomus) intention; intent, purpose;
(suunnitelma) pian;
inotlve, object; (tarkotus) alm; (vahva
~) resolution; aiheessa (aikoen Jotakin)
plannlng (1. imin?) to do a tb., conslderlng a th.; (Jossakin tarkotuksessa) Tor
the purpose or . . , ks. olla; hnell on
pahat aikeet he has bad (1. evil) deslgn9,
hls intentiona aie bad.
aiemmin earlier, beTore; (edell) prevlously, Tormerly.
Alyeia: Aigeian meri the /Egean Sea.
aihe (syy; cause, reason; occasion; (pe
ruste) ground(s); (vlehke) lnducement;
(aine) subject, theme, topic, (Joskus:)
matter, subject-matter; (taideteoksen y.m.)
motive, motif; (alku) beglnnlng, orlgin,
rlse; (alkulhde) source; (esine) ob
ject; vrt. aine; aiheetta ks. aiheetto
masti; jonkin ~ (syy) reason (1. cause
1. occasion) Tor, cause oT, (alkusyy)
source oT, (aine) subject oT (1. Tor),
(esine) object oT [esim. naurun cause
lor laugliter, (esine) object oT mirth] ;
mietiskelyn aihetta matter (1. TOOd) Tor
reTlection; mist olet aiheen saanut
\vhero have you got the motive Trom?
\vhat has suggcsted the motive to you?
on aihetta tehd se muistutus there Is
reason (1. there are grounds) Tor makiiiK sucli a remark, that remark is well
Tounded; siihen ei ole mitn aihetta
there Is no reason (1. occasion) Tor it,
(perustetta) there Is no Toundation Tor
lt, lt is unTounded; valituksen aihetta ei
ole olemassa there Is no reason to complain (1. no occasion Tor complaint).
aiheellinen \vell-Tounded, well-grounded;
(oikeutettu) JustiTlable, Just(iTied), legitlmate; (Jrjellinen) sound, reasonable.
aiheenlpitely 1. -ksittely treatment oT the
motive (1. theme).
aiheeton ungroundcd, groundless; (per


tn) unTounded [rumor, huhu], baseiess;

(vr) lalse; (el oikeutettu) unJusttTled
[blame, moite; remark, muistutus 1, unjustiliable; unauthorlzed, unwarranted;
uncalled-Tor; ~ hlyyty* Talse alarm;
muistutus unJustlTiable (1. uncalled-Tor)
remark; pelko groundless Tear, lmaglnary Tear(S); aiheettoman ankara unjustlTlably severe. aiheettomasti wlthout a (1.
any) reason (1. cause), causelessly; groundlessly;
causelessness ; groundlessness, baselessness.
aihelma (albe) motive, inutir, theme, sub
ject; (luonnos) design; (alotelma) ont
une, (rough) drart, (taideteoksen y. m.)
aiheuttaa cause, occasion; brlng about;
lead to; call Torth, call out, evoke; give
cause (1. rlse) to, brlng on (1. about),
glve birtli to; lead to the consequence,
result In; (edellytt) presuppose; (tuot
taa) prepare, Turnlsh; kustannuksia be
a source or expense, cause expense, cost;
~ ret teloita cause (1- make) trouble, be
a cause (1. source) or trouble; esitys
aiheutti pitkn keskustelun (mys:) the
motlon lnduced a prolonged debate;
hnen tekoaan ei aiheuttanut . . llis action
was not caused by ... he was not
lnduced (1. moved) to hls action by . .;
jonkin aiheuttama caused (1. occasloned)
by, arlsen (1. sprung) Trom, called Torth
(I. out) by; laki on aiheuttava suuria
muutoksia the law \vill brlng about (1.
\vlll result In) great cbanges; se aiheutti
meille monta ylltyst It caused US (I.
prepared Tor us 1. Turnlshed us) many a
surprise, lt had many a surprlse In store
ror us.
aiheuttaja (alkuunpanija) orlginator; (etup.
elottomista) cause, source; kuoleman cause oT death; kurjuuteni the nm
triver oT my mlsery; retteliden ~ instlgator or trouble [huom. mys: hn
on koko retteln - he IS the olle Wiio
lins caused the who!e trouble, he is the
cause of ali the trouble]. aiheuttaminen
causlng, occaslonlng, brlnging about.
aiheutua (Jostakin) be caused (1. occa
sloned) by, be lnduced by, come (1. rlse)
Trom (1. of 1. out oT) , orlglnate In (1. Trom) ,
spring (1. proceed) Trom, be due (1.
owing) to; (synty) come (1. spring)
up, ensue; esityksest aiheutui pitk kes
kustelu a long dlscusslon grew out or
the motlon; korjaustist on aiheutu
nut suuria kustannuksia the repalrs have
cost a good deal (1. have caused a great
deal oT expense) ; mist tm aiheutuu
v/tiat causes thls? what Is the cause oi'
thls? \vliat Is thls due to? siit aiheutuu
hnelle suuria kustannuksia that wlll
brlng a great deal or expense upon hlm,
that \vlll cause (1. brlng) blm (a) great
(deal oT) expense; tulipalo aiheutui va
romattomuudesta the Tire was caused by
(1. due to) carelessness. aiheutuminen
cause, orlgin. aiheutunut: jostakin ai
heutunut caused (1. occasloned) by . .,
(1. owing)
to . .
[huom. mys:
matkasta aiheutuneet kustannukset the
expenses lncldent to (1. incurred on 1.
caused by) the Journoy).
jostakin aiheutuva due (1. OVVing) to . . ,
(sukeutuva) growing out oT.
aile ks. aie.
aika I. (s.) time; (et. historiallinen) age;
(ajanjakso) perlod;
(vuoden- y. m.)
season; (palvelus- y. m.) term; (Jos
kus:) Willie; [huom. kansainvaelluksen
the epoch or mlgrations; keski- the

millille SUres; sadan vuodin (a perlod n) novvadays, at the present time (1.
oij Hundred years, a century; tunnin ~
<ia\ i; thn ~ vuodesta (at) thls tlmeoryear.
n hourCs tiine), space of an hour]; ai kaani saada errect [a reconcillatlon, so
- ajoin at times, at lntervals, Tor perl- vinto], brlng about; work [wonders, Ih
Odstogether, Vrt. silloin tllin; aikaa, meit], do;
(aiheuttaa) cause, make
eekamn ks. hakus.; aikaansa seuraava up
fgreat havoc, suurta vauriota]; call
with the times, up 10 aate, moriern; aikana rorth; (Johtaa Johonkin) lead to; aikaan
Kf. hakus.; aikanaan In dU6 (COUrse Of)
saada hiriit cause dlsturbance, dlstime. (hyviss ajoin) (ali) In good tlme; turb, lead to compllcatlons; vrt. saada
aikansa kallakin everythlng haa Its tlme,
(aikaan), -saaminen, -saanti efrectlng,
every dog- has hls day, ali tblngs have an brlnging about Jne., vrt. edell. -saattaja
end; sahoina ks. hakus.; aikoinaan (Ihmi
one who (1. that whlch) brings about (i.
sist:) m one's day, (asioista:) In It errects 1. causes 1. leads to); orlglnator
day, mys = aikanaan; aikoja sitten long
(Jonkin pahan) lnstigator, contrlver.
ago. long since; aikojaan, ajaksi, ajalla ai kaali sstv time-saving. -viep timeks. hakus.; ajallansa = aikanaan; ajan consumlng (1. -absorblng) ; (hidas) te
kalaksi ks. ajankulu; ajan merkki a sign OT dious, lengthy, long, slovv.
the times; ajan ollen, ajan pitkn VVlth aikaero dirrerence in tlme.
time, In (due) tlme. In course (1. process) aikaihminen adult, (Jkpv.) grovvn-up; oifcaor time, as tlme passed (1. vvent) on, as ihmitet (mys:) grown people.
time goes on. In the long run; ajan tullen aikaileminen delaylng; lagging; vrt. aikai
when the (rlght 1. proper) tlme comes, in lu, aikailla delay; be slow; waste tlmerourse (1. in due process) of tlme; ajas
poke, lag; lolter; aikaili vastatessaan
taan edell ahead of the times, In advance poked (1. lagged) about ansvverlng, hesior the age; [olla] ajastaan jljess [be]
tated berore ansvverlng, was slow to rehfhind the times; ajoiksi, ajoin ks. hakus.;
aikailu delay; poking, lagging;
ajoissa in tlme, (aikaisin) early, (hyviss
ajoin) In good tlme, betlmes, (asianmukai aikainen 1. (varhainen) early, (vuodentusen ajan kuluessa) In due tlme (1. season) ;
losta, mys:) rorvvard; 2. jonkun ~ or
kan joutaa when the tlme comes, In due the age (I. tlme) of .. [esim. Napoleonin
season, ali in good tlme; kun minusta jt
~ of the age (1. tlme) or Napoleon] ;
aikuinen, laittomuus-'.
t when my time comes, \vhen my hour Is
early [in the morning, aamulla], be
struck, vvhen I depart this life; minun on ~
tlmes, at an early hour. aikaisemmin =
lhte it ls about (1. hlgh) tlme ror me to
aiemmin, aikaisimmin' (at the) earliest.
go, I must go now; nkin aikoihin at tilat
aikaisin aikaiseen, aikaisintaan at the
time. in tbose days, then, (suunnilleen)
aikaisuus earliness.
about tbat tlme; san ajan tacon mukaan
aikailjakso perlod; epoch, era. -Jrjestys
(mys:) as the custom was then.
Chronologlcal order; aikajrjestykseen,
aika II. i . (taipumaton a.) good-sized, large,
-sess (mys:) chronologically, vrt. aset
goodly, (Jkpv.) strapplng big, vrt. aika
taa, luetella,
moinen; ~ lailla, ~ tavalta (esim. sel
kn saannista:) roundly, soundly. (esim. aikakausi period; (historiallinen) age, era,
epoch. aikakauslklrja 1. -lehti perlodical,
sateesta.-) pretty hard; ~ valhe big He;
magazine; (aikakauslehti) Journal; (kier- veitikka regular rascal (1. rogue) ;
S. (adv.) very, (Jkpv.) pretty, qulte, tokatsastava) revlew.
mlgbty [big, suuri] ; (melkoisen) rather, aikai! kautinen periodlc(al). -kirja chronicle; aikakirjat annals, chronlcles, records;
ralrly, conslrterably; ~ hyv pretty (1.
(raamatun) Aikakirjat (the Books or)
rairly I. qulte) good; ~ paljon quite a
good deal, qulte an amount; ~ rikas Chronlcles. -ksite perceptlon (1. sense)
or tlme.
qulte rlch, pretty well-to-do.
jonkin ~ coeval with, conaikaa (aikaa sitten) long ago; ~ myten with aikalainen:
temporaneous VVlth [esim. Ranskan val
tlme. in course (1. due process) or tlme, lankumouksen
contemporaneous vvtth
(vhitellen) gradually, little by llttle; French Revolutlon; renessansin ~
sitten long ago; ~ ooittaen wlth time, In the
coeval vvlth the Renalssance] ; jonkun ~
(due) tlme, In course (1. process) or contemporary vvlth (1. or), .. or the age
tlme, as tlme passed (1. went on), as
(1. tlme) Of . .; (meidn) aikalaisemme
tlme goes on. In the long run; jo ~ (sit
oiir contemporarles.
ten) long (time) ago (1. slnce) : joksikin aikamies
adult, (Jkpv.) grown-up (man).
~ (ajaksi) ror a (1. some) tlme, ror a aikamoinen good-sized, large, goodly; conhile, ror a perlod. vrt. viel; jonkun slderable; mighty; big, huge; (qulte)
some tlme, ror a (1. some) tlme, (for) a powerrul: Mi a good-sized (|kpv.:
whlle; jos ~ riitt ir there is (any)
a strapplng big) salmon; - trhdys a
tlme (to spare), ir there Is tlme enough; mighty shake, a powerrul joit; ~ valhe
minulla mi ole tulla I have no tlme (1. a big He; ni a big (1. loud) voice.
I cannot rind (any) time) to come; pian aikai muoto (klel.) tense. -mr tlate.
- ks. pian; pitkksi ror a long time -mrinen ks. mraikainen, -mrys
(1. while); s* viepi It takes tlme, it
(klel.) adverb or tlme, temporal adveib;
takes a long (I. rather too much) tlme;
vrt. ajanmritys,
oiel jonkun yet a while, Tor a vvhile aikana: aterian at mealtime; kahdeksan
yet, ror some time yet.
~ (at) about eight 0'clock; kahden vii
alkaa! Umottava (kiel.) temporal. -kuluttava kon - durlng a tlme (1. perlod) or tvvo
. . vvastlng tlme; time-consumlng; tedious.
vveeks, durlng tvvo vveeks' tlme, (kahteen
aikaan: ~ nhden sopimaton ill-tlmefl, unviikkoon) ror tvvo vveeks; [vuoden! kuutlmely; ei moneen (l. pitkn) not Tor
mimpana ~ in (1. durlng) the hottest
a (very) long time, not thls long tlme;
season [or the year] ; Ludvig XIV:nnen
hetken lor a vvhile; kello 9:n abOUt
In the age or Louis XIV., (hallitus9 (o'clock), by 0 (o'clock); mikin - (at)
aikana) in the reign or (1. under) Louis
what tlme? vvhen? puolisen ~ at (1. about)
XIV.; minun aikanani in my tlme (1.
dlnner-tlme; siihen ~ at that tlme (1. pe
day) ; viimeisen kolmen viikon dur
rlod), then; thn ~ by thls time, (nykylng the last three vveeks.


aikanaan I. aikanansa In time, tn due (course

oD time, ali In good time, betimes.
aikaDtaulu time-table, time-scheduie: ai
kataulun mukaan pitisi junan lhte k:lo
l pivll (mys:) the train is timed (1.
scheduled 1. down In the time-table) to
leave (1. depart) at 1 P. M. -yksikk
unlt of time.
aikoa Intend; mean, propose; (suunnitel
la) pian, design; (valmistua Johonkin)
be preparing Tor; joksikuhsi intend to
hecome a . . [esim. hn aikoo papiksi he
Intends to become a clergyman, (mys:)
he intends (l. expects) to be a ministeri;
jotakin (esinett) jollekulle (l. jota
kuta varten) Intend (1. pian) a tn. for
one [esim. jotakin lahjaksi jollekulle
Intend a tn. as a present for one] ; ~
pojastaan pappia intend one's son to be a
clergyman (1. for the clergy), mean to
make one's son a minlster, destine one's
son Tor the Church; ~ tehd jotakin in
tend (1. have an intention 1. mean 1.
propose 1. pian) to do a th., (olla juuri
alkeessa) be going to do a th., (tuumia)
contemplate (1. be thlnking of) doing a
th.; aioin juuri lhte, kun . . I was Just
about to depart (I. just going to start)
\vheri . ., I vvas Just on the polnt of
Ieavtng (1. going) when . .; aion lhte
tn iltana I Intend (1. expect) to leave
(1. I am planning to go) to-night; aion
(menn) teatteriin I Intend (1. it Is my
intention) to go to the theater, I am
going to the theater; aron ryhty kirjot
tamaan I am going to (1. I am to) wrlte;
en aio sit tehd (en suostu tekemn)
I do not mean to do It; hn aikoo lhte
ulkomaille he contemplates going
plans to go) abroad; kokous aiottiin pi
dettvksi tiistaina (oli mr pit) it
vvas Intended to hold the meetlng on
Tuesday, the meetlng was planned to be
held on Tuesday (1. \vas arranged for
Tuesday) ; paikka on aiottu toriksi the
place is designed (1. Intended) for (I. is
Intended to be) a market; vrt. aiottu.
aikoina: [Jonkin] ensi ~ early In . ., during the flrst (1. early) years of . .,
(alussa) at rirst. In the beginning of . .;
kaikkina at ali tlmes, (aina) alvvays;
ks. viime, aikoinaan In one's (I. its)
time (1. day) ; kerran aikoinaan once
upon a time, once.
aikoja one vvho intends (1. proposes I.
means) to . .; kouluun one who plans (1.
means) to attend a school (1. who In
tends to g-o to school), (pyrkij) appllcant for admlsslon Thuom. mys: kaikki
kouluun aikojat ali those seoking admls
slon to the school].
aikojaan: ks. ennen, ilman, kesken, suotta.
aikomaton (el aiottu) not Intended, unIntentional; .. \vlthout Intention (1. de
sign) ; unpremcditated. aikominen IntendIng, proposlng, planning; contemplatlng.
aikomus Intention; (ale) intent, purpose;
(tuuma, suunnitelma) pian. design; mo
tlve; object; (ajatus) meanlng; aiko
muksetta \vlthotit Intention, unlntentionally; minulla on lkte matkalle 1 In
tend to set out on a Journey, it Is my
Intention to go avvay, I contemplate leaving home; vahingoittamisen aikomuksessa
Tor the purpnso of rausing damage (1.
doing harm), vvith the design (1. vievv)
to cause damage: vrt. aie.
aikuinen i. (Jonkin ) contemporaneous
vvith . .. ronlemporary of . ., coeval vvith
hnen onnensa tuttava an actiuaintance of hls better (1. piosperous)

ai noston

days; kivikauden tykalu a tool 01 (1.

belonging to) the stone age; sen tapa
a custom of that time (I. or those
tlmes 1. or those days): 2. (aikainen)
adult, . . of age; (Jkpv.) grown up; ihmi
nen kg ilriliiiHii ; Vrt ,lr'iiii, mau .
ailahtaa start, give a start, jump; quiver;
sydn a,lahti ilosta the beart Jumped (1.
ieaped) for Joy.
aimo goodly; good, sound, Ihorough;
hearty [raeal, ateria]; (kelpo, kunnon)
sturdy, brave; smart; ~ selksauna a
good thrashing, a thorough (1. sound)
beating, vrt. aika, II; ~ tavalla soundly,
aina alvvays, ever, at ali times; aamui
sin (iltaisin) every mornfng (evenlng); ~
jostakin lhtien (\. asti) ever Since . . ,
(paikkaa ilmottaen:) ali the way from . .;
~ nihin asti (rigbt) up to thls time, up to
this very time, thus far, (up) tili now;
~ sen mukaan kuin according as (I. to),
ever as, alvvays as; siihen aikaan asti
rlght up to that time, tili that very day,
up to that very time; siit lhtien
ever since; siit saakka kun ever
since; silloin kun alvvays vvhen, vvhenever; silloin tllin every now and
then, every once in a vvhile, ever and
anon, olT and on; ~ thn asti to this
very time, rlght up to this time, thus
far, tili now; cain constantly, (yh
vain) Still [huom. mutta hn vain te
kee sit but (still) he keeps dolng it].
ainainen perpetual, contlnual [vexation,
harmi Ja kiusa], lasting, permanent;
(Jkpv.) everlastlng.
si naiseksi for ali
time, rorever. ainaisesti Tor alvvays, forever (and ever); (ikuisesti) eternally.
ainakaan: ei at least not, at any rate
not, not . . any ho vv ; si ~ hn sit saa
at any rate he won't get it, least or ali
he vvill (ever) get it; min en puoles
tani hyvksy sit I, for one, (1. I, ai
least.) do not approve or that.
ainakin at least; (vhintnkin) at the
(very) least, to say the least; (joka ta
pauksessa) at any rate, at ali events,
anyhovv; kymmenen piv at least
(1. to say the least) ten days, ten days
at the least; mit minuun tulee at
least as far as I am concerned; kuin ~
rehellinen mies Just llke an honest man;
min I, at least, . .; I, Tor one, ...
aine 1. matter (mys kuv.), stulT; (kem.)
substance, body; (raaka-) materlal; 2.
(puheen, keskustelun, klrjotuksen y. m.)
subject, theme, toplc; (narjotus-, kou
lussa:) composition, theme, essay; fcemialliset aineet Chemical bodics (1. subStances) ; vrt. alku, keskustelu, lke,
oppi, perus, ravinto, tarttuma y. m.
aineellinen materlal; corporeal; substanttal :
(maallinen) temporal; ero materlal
benerit (I. advantage) ; hyvinvointi
materlal vveirare (I. vvell-being); hnen
toimeentulonsa on ollut hyv he has
bcen prosperous as far as materlal vvei
rare Is concerned; aineelliset asiat mate
rlal things, thlngs temporal. aineellisesti
materiaily, corporeally; temporally. aineellistuttaa materlalize. aineellisuus materlality; materlallsm.
aineenkoetus testing or materlals. -laitos
laboratory (1. establlshment) Tor testing
aineen kulutus consumptlon of materlal.
-mukainen: aineenmukainen luettelo table
of contents according to subjects treated;
(general) index, -vaihto (biol.) metabollsm.
aineeton iilimatona].



ainehlukkanen mlle; atom. alne(h)lsto 1.

'sisllysluettelo) table or i-ontents, Index;
3. (ainekset) subject-matter: materlal;
kirjan aineisto (ali) the subject-matter
for the book. alnekirjotus composltlon.
uneksinen (yhd.) . . in subject-matter,
\vith . . materlal [esim. runsas ~ rlch In
subject-matter. wlth rlch (mys: vvith a
uealth or) materlal].
aine osa romponent. constltuent (part),
ingr< -ii.-nt. -ryhm (oppiaine-) group of
subjects (I. Studies); (kpm.) group of
borties (I. substances).
aines materlal, stulT; matter; (osa) element; ainekset lngredlents, materlals,
sturr, (esitelmn, kirjateoksen, y. m.)
subject-matter, materlal; kaman parhaat
ainekset the plck (1. the cholcest 1. the
best) of the people; ruokalajin ainekset
the lngredlents or a disb. -kokoelma collertion or materlal (1. subject-matter).
ainevaihdos 'blol.) metabollsm; (yhd.) metabolic [esim. -taudit metabollc dlseases].
aineyhdistys compound.
ainiaaksi Torever. ainiaan ainaisesti.
ainoa nnly rchild, lapsi], sole rproprletor,
omistaja; heir, perillinen]; single; solltary; hyvksyttv the only acceptable r proposition, ehdotus], the only one
to be accepted; ~ laatuaan = ainoalaa
tuinen; poika the only son; hn oli
perheen tapsi he \vas an (1. the) only
rhild Of the famlly; tmn ainoan kerran
(for) thls once. ainoakaan: ei ainoakaan
I. (a.) not a single, not one; S. (s.) not a
one. no one. none. ainoalaatuinen the
nnly one or Its kind, unlque; unparalleled.
ainoastaan I. ainoasti only; (yksinomaan
vain) merely, solely; nimellinen only
rK.minal (1. tltular), nomlnal (1. tltular)
only; tmn kerran for thls onceonly;
ei . . , vaan mys not only . . , but also.
ainoinen, ainokainen only; (raam.: ainosyntyinen) only-begotten.
aiottu proposed;
[for one. Jotakuta varten 1. Jollekulle],
matkani my proposed (1. intended) trip,
the trip I (had) planned, the trlp I had
intended to take; lahjaksi lntended
for (I. as) a girt; vrt. aikoa.
airo oar; (lyhyt) scull; (mela) paddle:
istua airoille (soutamaan) slt down to
row. bend o. s. to the oars.
iroinen (yhd.) . .-oared [esim. monimany-oared; neli four-oared].
airokas ankerias.
airon? hanka oarlock, row!ock; thole-pln(s).
-lapa Made of an oar. -varsi loom. -veto
*troke (or an oar), puli (wlth an oar).
airopari patr or oars.
airut (sanansaattaja) messenger, herald;
(kuv.) harblnger, precursor, Torerunner;
juhlakulkueissa) marsbal, (hiss y. m.
Juhlissa) usher.
aisa (reen tai krryjen) shatt; (parival
jakko-ajoneuvojen) pole, tongue; (nuo
tan) wing; aitat (pair OD sharts: aitoi
hin tn the sharts, ks. astua, panna; ai
toitta tn the sharts, (kuv.) in check, ks.
olla, plUS, pysy; aitoitta ks. pst.
-kallo bell rastened to a v.agon-shaTt.
aisaton ulthout (1. wtth no) sharts.
aisti sense; (maku) taste; (pukeutumises
sa y. m.) Style; hnell on aistia he has
good taste: kaikki viisi aistia ali the rive
senses: runouden taste for poetry.
aistia percelve, be sensible or. aistikas
tasterul. in good taste; (tyyliks) stylish. elegant; aistikas puku st vi I sh (1.
tasty 1. tasterul) dress; aistikkaan hieno


exqulslte, elegant [go\vn, puku]; kaikki

oli mit aistikkainta everythlng \vas In
the best or taste. aistikkaasti tasteTully,
in good taste, tn a tasterul manner; styllshly, in good style:
rashionably. aistikkuus tasterulness, good
taste; elegance, style; stylishness; (muo
dikkuus) rashlonableness. aistillinen senSUOUS; Sensual, Carnal; aistillinen ihminen
a SenSUaliSt; tuntea aistillista nautintoa
reel a sensuous dellght (1. enjoyment),
(lihallista) reel a sensual (1. carnal)
pleasure. alstilllsentaa render apprehenslble to the senses.
aistillisesti sensuously; sensually, carnally.
carnality, carnal-mtndedness. aistimelli
nen apprehenslble (to the senses), perceptible; sensual. aistiminen perreiving.
aistimus perception, apprehension; sensatlon. aistin (organ or) sense. alstlnhairahdus Illusion; (valhealstlmus) hallucinatlon. aistiton epaistlkas. aisti ttomuu'
lack or (good) taste, poor taste.
aisti II viallinen derective (in one or more
or one's senses); abnormal; (heikkomie
linen) Teeble-mlnded, lmbeclle. -vlalliskoulut schools Tor derective children ( =
schools ror dear mutes, Tor the bllnd
and ror the Teeble-mlnded). -viallisuus
aita Tence;
(aidaksista tehty)
rence, wattle; rall Tence: (aitaus) renclng.
(pensas-) hedge; (pysty-) pale(s) (usein
kuv.), pallng, plcket-rence; vrt. kivi,
lauta y. m. aitaamaton nlthout rences,
not renced In. aitaaminen renclng (In);
altanjuoksu (urh.) leaping hurdles. -tar
peet (materlal ror) renclng; wattle.
aitaus Inclosure, enclosure; (piha-) yard;
(talli- I. karjapiha-) corral; (huoneessa)
railing; mys aitaaminen, -velvollisuus
obllgatlon to Tence (1. to bulld rences).
aitio (teatterissa) box. -rivi row (1. tler
1. Circle) or boxes.
aito- (yhd.) true, genulne Teslm. -ame
rikkalainen true (1. genulne) American:
-saksalainen true Herman 1 ; real, sterling
[esim. -nopea rcal (1. sterling) sllver].
-hopeinen . . or pure (1. sterling) Silver,
-perinen genulne, true, rcal. -suomalainen
true Finnish; aitosuomalaiseen tapaan in
true (1. genuine) Finnish rashlon.
aitovieri: aitovieress, -viereen clnse to
(1. near) the Tence.
aitta (ruoka-) shed (1. outbulldlng) Tor
provlsions (1. supplles) ; larder; (Jyv-)
granary: (varastohuone) storehouse. -ra
kennus storehouse; (Jyv-) granary.
aituu = aitaaminen.
aituus lnclosure;
(karjapiha-) corral.
aivan qutte; rlght, altogether: (varsin)
very [well, hyvlnl ; (tysin) Tullv: perTectly [true, tosi]; (kokonaan) whollv,
(Juuri) JllSt; aiheettomasti TVlthollt
Silghtcst cause; alutta (asti) Trom the
very (1. rlght Trom the) beginnlng;
erinomainen very best, tlp-top; heti
rlght at once, rlght awav, thls very mlnnte. rlght now; - huono altogether
poor. absolutely no good, (Jkpv.) as poor
as ran bc; hyvin perTertlv well, (val
keudetta) vvlthout any dlTTIcnlty Thnom.
mys: tina voit tehd ten hyvin you
wlll be perrectly able to do It] ; ilman
mitn apua wlthout any help whatever,
hiilly unalded; kuin (Just) as il', as



tliouRli ; liian kallim much (1. entirely)

behair or 1. to promote) ; 2. (ltr.) ride
[a blcycle, polkupyrll; a hobbyhorse,
too dear; ~ niin exactly! Just so! t liat 's
H! oiktin quite (1. perrectly) nght, keppihevosella; on a traln, Junassa],
exactly; ~ pinvastoin quite to the con
drlve [a team, parivaljakolla], go [by
tra ry [huom. asia on ~ pinvastoin lt 13 traln, rautateitse; thlrd class, kolman
just the contrary, the very opposite Is nessa luokassa], travel [rree or cost (1.
true] ; ~ rauhasta In perfect peace, on a pass), Ilmaiseksi]; vrt. ajella; ~
(rauhallisesti) quite calmly; ~ sama Jonkun asiaa oikeudessa plead a p.'S
miss the very (same) man; ~ silmiemme cause in the court (I. berore the court) ;
edess berore our very eyes; ~ terve asioita (lakiasioita) practise (1. be
rully well, In perrectly good health; practlslng) law; ~ hajalleen dlsperse,
~ vakuutettu rully (1. perfectly 1. thor- scatter; ~ hevosella rlde, drive; hielle
oughly) convlnced; ~ varmaan Tor cer- (\. hikeen) (jostakin lkkeest puhuen:)
taln (I. sure), surely, certalnly, wlthout induce perspiratlon; hurjaan pakoon
Tall, (epilemtt) undoubtedly; ~ yh
(cause to) stampede; ~ karille 1. (ltr.)
dentekev minulle Just the Same (1. ali strike ton a rock), run aground, 2. (tr.)
one 1. quite Immaterial) to me, doesn't drive (1. run) .. on the rocks (1.
make any dirrerence (at ali) to me; ~ aground) [esim. myrsky ajoi laivan ka
yht hyv Just (1. fully) as good; ~ yli
rille the storm drove the shlp on the
sin ali (1. entirely) alone; ~ sken Just rocks (1. aground]: ~ karvansa (luoda)
novv, this very (1. Just thls) mlnute, a shed (1. east) its halr; ~ kilpaa rlde a
moment ago; ei ~ paljon not very (1. race, (Jonkun kanssa) race a p.; Jon
over) much; hn on ~ toinen mies he 13 kun kintereill run close to one, (kllpaquite a (1. an entirely 1. a very) dilTer- ajossa) run one a close second, (takaa)
ent man; olin -* kuin toinen mies pursue; ~ Joku kumoon ride (I. run) a
(mys:) I loit a new man, I was a p. down; ~ lpi drive . . through, (esim.
changed man.
aivastaa sneeze; panna aivastamaan ks. through, puli through, vrt. ~ perille;
aivastuttaa, aivastaminen sneezlng. ai
maanpakoon (drlve Into) exllc, banish,
vastella sneeze, (yh) keep sneezlng. expatrlate; ~ jotakin mielipidett advo
aivastus sneeze, sneezlng.
aivastuttaa cate (1. push) an opinion: mrille
cause sneezing, make one sneeze; m/nna
(tr.) cause to suppurate; (ltr.) suppuaivastuta I feit like sneezlng, I bad to rate; ~ nelist trot; nelivaljakolla
drive rour-ln-hand, travel In a coach and
aivina s\vlnglcd riax; (-kangas) Unen. rour; ohjelmaansa push Torward one's
aivinainen . . or Unen, Unen.
pollcles (1. program), stand out Tor
aivo ks. aivot.
one's pollcles; ~ Joku ovesta ulos turn
aivo- (yhd.) . . or the braln, (tiet.) cere- one out or doors, turn (1. put) one
bral [esim. -aine cerebral substance; out, expel; ~ pakoon (1. pakosalle) put to
-tauti disease or the braln, cerebral dls- riight, (sot.) rout; parta (a) nsa shave
ease; -pehmennys sortenlng or the braln;
(oneselD; perille carry through (to
-verenvuoto cerebral hemorrhage, hem- the end), carry out (1. to the end)
orrhage or the braln]; (harvemmin:)
[esim. ~ tuumansa perille carry out
[esim. -kuume brain rever; one's pian (1. proJect)]; pois drlve
-ontelo brain-cavlty]. -halvaus (cerebral) orr (I. away), chase, (karkottaa) expel:
apoplexy, apoplectlc stroke.
~ Jotakin politiikkaa stand out Tor (1.
aivolnen (yhd.) . .-brained [esim. heikko~ advocate) a policy, push Torward a pollvveak-bralned; suuri large-bralned].
cy; ~ jotakin Jonkun phn (pntt)
aivokalvontulehdus (lk.) menlngitls. ai
beat (1. hammer 1. pommcl 1. drum 1.
pound) .. Into oncCs head), rram (1.
vokalvot (anat.) mentnges.
aivo kohju hernla or the braln. -komero sturr) .. into a p.'s head; ~ raittiutta
rccess or the braln. -koppa braln-box advocate (1. champion) the cause or tem(1. -case), bralnpan; skull; (anat.) cra- perance, work in the lnterest oT tempcrntum. -poimu (anat.) convolution or the ance; ~ reell pihaan drive (1. rlde in)
braln; (cerebral) gyrus. -puolisko heml- a slelgh Into the yard (1. rlght up to
sphere or the braln. -ph vvater on (1. the door) ; ~ syytett jotakuta vastaan
(oikeudessa) push the case against one,
dropsy or) the braln; (lk.) hydroprosecute; takaa pursue [an enemy,
vihollista], (glve) chase (to), hunt, (Jl
aivosto braln.
aivot braln [huom. bralns, tav. = ly] ; ki myten) trall, track, (kuv. = tavoaivojen kovettuminen sclerosis of the braln; tella) seek, aim at, asplre to, strlve Tor
(1. arter) [huom. kahden poliisin takaaaivojen surkastuminen atrophy or the braln,
aivojen toiminta brain actlvlty; aivojen ajamana with two pollcemen in pursuit
(1. arter him 1. on his track) ; juuri sit
vesiph ks. aivoph; isot the cerebrum; pienet CI. taka ) the cerebel- olen takaa ajanut thafs Just \vhat 1 have
at (1. strlven arter)]; tiehens
Inni. aivotulehdus Inriammation or the
(Joku) drlve .. away (1. orr), put ..
braln, braln rever; (lk.) phrenltls.
out, send . . packlng, pack . . orr; (kar
aivotus thought.
kottaa, esim. huolet) dlspel; ~ ulos
aivotrhdys concusslon or the braln.
ajaa 1. (tr.) drlve [a horse, hevosta; the drlve .. out, turn (1. put) out, eject.
(pahoja henki) exorctse, (raam.) east
clouds, pilvi; away, pois (1. tiehens) ;
out; ~ ulos siki perrorm an abortion;
one into despair, Joku eptoivoon]; (kul
yli sillan drlve across a bridge, cross
jettaa hevosella) haul [hay to the city,
a bridge; jalkaani ~ I have a palnTul
heini kaupunkiin], cart, (vuokra-ajuris
sore on my leg; Jkoira ~ jnist the dog
ta puhuen:) dray; (ajaa takaa) chase,
pursue, hunt [wolves, susia]; (pakottaa)
gives chase to (1. Is chaslng) a rabbit;
compel (1. rorce) [one to do a tn.. Joku sillalla ei ole lupa ~ juosten rast drlving
johonkin tekoon (1. tekemn Jotakin) ] ; on (1. over) the bridge is rorbidden;
fauii ~ pilvi (mys:) the clouds are
(ammentaa) ball [a boat, vesi (1. vett)
veneest] ; (kuv.) champion, advocate, drlven by (I. drlving berore) the wind.
espouse, push Torvvard, work Tor (1. In ajaja (kuski) drlver, coachman, (parlval



Jakon) teamster; (automobiilin) chaurconsequenccs (1. or uhat wlll rollow) !

renr; (kuv.) Champion, advocate, (edis
ajatelkaa tarkkaan [ennenkun . .] conslder
tj) promoter; jonkin asian innokas ~
(1. think) carerully (1. weH) [berore
ardent Champion (1. zealous advocate) or ..], conslder (1. think) lt over; (koetta
a cause; harras tyvenasian an en- kaa muistella) take palns to recollect . . ;
thusiastic cbamplon of the cause of la~ asiaa tarkemmin think the matter
bor, an enthusiastic vvorker in the ln- over; Jotakin helpoksi think a th. easy,
terest of the labor movement.
rancy (1. imaglne) a th. to be easy;
ajakai: hetken Just Tor a moment; ly
hyv jostakusta think \vell or a p., have
hyiksi for a short tlme, for a vhlle; a good opinion or one: ~ itsekseen think
puoUn tonnin ror (the space oD hair to o. s.; muuttamista be thlnklng or
an hour; yhden vaodsn for a year, moving; se semmoiseksi concelve It
ror a perlod (1. space) of a year.
thus; tehd jotakin mean to do (1.
ajalla aikana; kuukauden ~ dnring a think or f loini?) a th.; ~ vapaasti think
month. withln a month's tlme, tvlthln rreely, be untrammel(l)ed (1. unTetterthe space or a month; uudella In the ed) in one's thoughts; ~ neens think
lOUd, think
modern age. (nykyaikana) In modern tlmes. out
ajallaan, ajallansa ks. aikanaan, -nansa. oleva ks. ajateltava (hakUS.) ; ajattele en
you speak;
ajallinen temporal; (maallinen) mundane.
ajattelehan ensin hiukan just think a
ajajliemuoto = aikamuoto.
ajamaton untrodden [road, tie], untravajattelematta ks. hakUS. ; ajatteleppas, et
eldied, untraversed. ajaminen drivlng,
ridlng jne., vrt. ajaa.
ajan- (yhd.) .. or tlme [esim. -kysymys think or (1. Imaglne) hls really bavlng
done that! ajatteleppas, jos hn nkisi
questlon or tlme; -laskeminen computatlon or tlme; -mittaas measurement of sen only think (Engl.: just rancy) If be
tlme: -pituus length or tlme], .. or the should (1. were to) see it! ajatteleppas,
times. of the age [esim. -henki splrlt or jos tekisin sen suppose (I. what IT) I
the tlmes (1. or the ase) ; -kuva plcture \vere to do it! ajattelin hnt nuorem
or the tlmes (1. or the age) ; -merkki maksi I thought hlm younger, (kuvitte
-iin] or the tlmes (1. of the age)]. -hukka lin) I Imaglned hlm to be younger; en
loss of tlme; (-kulutus) waste or tlme; tied mit siit I don't kno\v uhat (I
(viivytys) delay. rjakeo perlod; epoch, era. ought) to think or (1. about) It: en voi
mitn muuta mahdollisuutta I cannot
-kohta polnt, moment; date, tlme; (krii
tillinen) Juncture. -kulu 1. -kuluke pas- concelve any other posslbllity (I. or anytiine, amusement; ajankuluksi as a pas- thlng else belng posslble) ; et ole sit ol
lenkaan ajatellut you have not thought or
tlme, ror (an) amusement, by (1. as a)
uay or passin g the tlme, to pass (1. that (1. taken that Into conslderation) at
uhlle away 1. begulle) the tlme, to kili ali; hn ajatteli kauan, ennenkun uskalsi
. . he thought lt well over (I. he pontlme. -kulutua = ajanhukka; (tahalli
nen) temporlzlng-. -knne epoch. -lasku dered the matter well) berore he dared
calenrtar; style; kristillinen ajanlasku the to . .; jos ajattelee, ett .. If one bears
Christian era; vanhaa ajanlaskua Of Old In mlnd (1. takes into conslderation)
style. -luonne ks. ajanhenki. -mittaaja 1. that . .; kauheinta, mit voi the most
dreadrul thing to be thought of, the
-mittari chronometer; tlmepiece. -mu
kainen In conformlty wlth (1. approprlate most dreadful thlng that could be im
minun olisi pitnyt tehd niinkuin
to l. abreast or 1. up with 1. up to) the
ensin ajattelin I OUght to have done (1.
tlmes: up to date: (nykyaikainen) mod
ern. -mukaisesti up to date; ajanmukaisesti actedl as I lntended In the Hrst place, I
sisustetut huoneet rooms wlth ali modern should have carried out my rirst Inten
tion (s); mit minun on hnest ajattele
rurnlshlngs and convenlences. -mukai
suus modernness. modernlty. -mr ks. minen (\. ajateltava) I don't know uhat
-mrys determlnatlon (I. to think or hlm; on ajateltava maaseu
speclficatlon) of the tlme; flxing or (I. tuakin one must also bear In mlnd the
provlnces, the country (-dlstrlcts) must
upon) the date; vrt. aikamrys. -m
rmistp way (I. method) or determln- also be taken In (to) conslderation, the
inar the tlme. -olot clrcumstances (1. country-dlstricts must be remembered,
conditlons of) the tlmes. -pidennys ex- too; sit ajatellessani Cl. ajatellen) at the
tenuatlon or the tlme (llmlt); (lykkys) thought Of lt; tarkemmin ajatellessani on
postponement. -pitkn In process (1. sccond thought (s), on rurther consldera
tion; tarkemmin (asiaa) ajateltuani atter
conrse) or tlme. In the long run, (lo
pulta) in the end. -puute lack (1. \vant) thlnklng the matter over, after reflectlng
nr tlme. -sst savlng or (1. in) tlme. upon the matter, vrt. mys edell.; voiko
~ mitn sen hullumpaa can von imaglne
-tieto (vanh.) chronlcle, annals. -vaati
ma required by the tlmes, correspondlng anything more roolish? could you think
to the requlrements (1. exlgencles) or or anything more roolish? l en sit
the tlmes; vrt. ajanmukainen.
-vaihe ajattele don't think any more about that,
perlod; epoch, era. -vlete, -vietto pas- dismlss that from your thoughts, put
that out of your mind, (unohda se)
time; amusement: vrt. ajankulu, -viivy
forget about that.
tys procrastinatlon, delay; (tahallinen)
temporlzlng. -voitto galn or (1. in) tlme. ajatelma adage, maxlm; (lyhyt Ja sattu
ajasta! ka (vanh.) -= vuosi.
va) aphorlsm.
ajatella think [or (1. about), Jotakin]; ajateltava to be (1. that can be) thought
(punnita) ponder, reriect (1. medttate)
or; (ajattelemisen arvoinen) uorth thlnk
(on ..]; (kuvitella) concelve, rancy, lmlng or (1. taklng Into conslderation), deairtne (to o. s.); (harkita) conslder, take mandlng conslderation; ajateltavissa oleva
Into conslderation (I. account) ; (ottaa thinkable, concelvablc, devlsable, imaghuomioon) bear In mind; (muistaa) relnable [esim. kaikki ajateltavissa olevat
member, call to mlnd; ajatelkaa asiaa keinot ali means that could be thought
think the matter over, conslder It \vell; of. ali devlsable means, ali means imagajatelkaa seurauksia (just) think Of the Inable (1. concelvable) ; paras ajateltu-



oit va tulom the best conceivable re

sult, the best result imaginable] ; Hntll
on podn ajatcltavaa be has much to
think about; e ei ole ajattltauissahaan
such a thin? is not (even) to be thought or,
there's no thinking- of that, It Is (per
fectly) Inconceivable, ajateltu (suunniteltu) devised, thought out; vitkkaasti
ajateltu fuumaa shrewd (1. cleverly devised)
scheme, a cunningly thought out plan,
ajaton Inconvenient, Inopportune, unsea
sonable; aiatlomalla ajalla at ,411 inrumcn
lent time.
ajattaa have . . driven (hauled, carted,
drayed Jne., ks. ajaa. 1.); ~ jollakulla otakin have one drive (1. haul 1. dray) a th.;
~ arkbunta aiemall* (mys:) have the
drayman take one's trunk to the depot;
- partania have o.s. shaved, (Jkpv.)
have a shave, be shaved; *ihiS alas
have an abortion performed (on o.e.);
- veti veneetta have the boat balled,
ajattelematon thoughtless, heedless. Incon
siderate, unthinking, unreflecting; indis
creet [utterance, lausunto; word, sana],
unguarded [act, teko]; (jota el ole aja
teltu) unpremeditated, not thought over;
headed, scatter-brained, frivolous; reck
less, rash [act, teko]. ajattelematta
without thinking, unthinkingly, thought
lessly, without reflecting (1. reflection) ;
vrt. ajatella. ajattclcmattomasti Incon
siderately, Indiscreetly; without consid
eration, carelessly, thoughtlessly; heed
lessly, recklessly, rashly; vrt. edell.
njattelemattomuus lack of consideration.
Indiscretion, thoughtlessness, want of
thougbtfulness, heedlessness; llght-headedness, recklessness; rashness.
ajatteleminen thinking Jne., vrt. ajatella;
ajatlelemisen amainen wortb thinking Of,
worth taking Into consideration, worthy
of (1. demanding) consideration; hnells
on nun Vahan ajattelemista he has SO
little to think about: se antoi minall*
aiattelemisen aihetta (myS:) It set me
thinking, It afforded me food for thought
(1. matter for reflection); *n pelhka
ajatteleminenhin jo kauhietuttaa minua
the mere thought of It is a horror to
me; it ei ole ajattrltminenhaan there's
no thinking of that, it can never be
thought of, that Is perfectly Inconceiv
able: vrt. jnt t -in.
ajatteleva - - ajattelevalnen ; lento a
thinking (1. reasoning 1. rational) being,
ajattelevainen thinking, (of a) reflect
ive (I. reflecting 1. thoughtful 1. serious)
(turn of mind) ; serious-minded; (huolellinen) considerate; (malttavalnen) de
liberate, discreet; (arvelevalnen) pru, dent, careful, cautious, wary, ajattelevaisuui solicitude; thoughtfulness, seri
ous turn of mind, considerateness; reflec
tion, consideration; cautiousness, caution.
ajattelija thinker; (fllosofl) philosopher;
(viisas) sage, ajattelu thinking; reflec
tion: (mletlskely) meditation, cogitation;
(harkinta) deliberation.
ajatteluttaa set .. thinking (1. pondering),
make .. thoughtful; (arveluttaa) make ..
scrupulous (1. hesitate) , make . . conscien
tious; mini/a alkoi ~ I began to feel scru
pulous, it set me thinking; vrt. arveluttaa.
ajatuksellinen concerning (1. pertaining to)
the thought; Intellectual; (looRlllinen) log
ical, ajatukseton (tolktiton) meaningless,
senseless: without any sense (1. meaning).
ajatuksen harjotus exercise of the think tng- (1. reasoning-) powers; exercise of


reason, mental drill. -Juoktu 1. -kt

(ajatustapa) way of thinking, run
line) of thought; (ajatuksenkulku) t
of thought, chain of reasoning; (aja
suunta) trend (1. tenor) of thought;
jrjenjuokiu. -lento flight of tnou
-ponnlatut exertion of the think
powers (1. of the mind), effort
thought, mental effort; eoUnonc/I

*nuri ajatukienponnittu* it was too gr(

strain (1. tax) on his mind (1. his me
powers), -selvyys clearness of thoi
(1. Ideas). -vaihtO kS. ajatuitenvai
aJatuKsinen (yhd.) with . . thoughts
rieta with vile (1. Impure) thougli
vrt. mys: yvS~.
ajatus thought; Idea; reflection; (me
tys, si sill lys) meaning, sense; (ksi
conception; (miellplde) opinion, noi
view(s); sentiment; (aikomus) intent
ajatuksiinsa oaipuneena burled (1. 10!
deep 1. absorbed) in thought, wrap





thoughts. In one's (own) mind, di

mlellsestl) absent-mindedly, in a n
absent-mindedness [huom. olla a}atu
*aan (1. ajatuktiinsa vaipuneena) be
led (1. lost 1. absorbed) in thought
in a brown study, be musing, (Jkpv.
wool-gathering; tein ten ajatuktii
(bajamlellsyydessanl) I did it abs
mlndedly (1. without thinking), (m
ajatellessani) I was thinking of sc
thing else while doing it (1. when I
It)]; ~ tehd /otoJtin thoughts (1
Idea) of doing a th., (aikomus) an
tention to do a th.; hnell on
afatuksct siria mieheta he has a hlgl
great) opinion of (1. a high regard
that man, he thinks much (1. a .
deal) of that man; Aunen o/ataba
mukaan (ksityksens) according to
idea (1. notion), (miellpitecnsa) in
opinion (1. estimation) ; HSnessa h>
~ koettaa toitta keinoa a thought
In his mind to try another way,
thought of trying another means
gested itself to him (I. to his mi
)o* maan sanoa ajatuksent If I am to
what I (honestly) think, If I am to
(you) my candid opinion (1. my s
ments), if I may express my opli
mik on sinun ajatuhsesi asia*ta wha
you think of (1. about) the mal
what are your Ideas about (1. regat
1. on) the matter? what is your op
In the matter? mika siina on ajatut
what's the Idea (1. meaning) of t
What's that for? minalla on siitd on
ajatuksenl I have an Idea (1. opinion
my own on the point, I have my
private opinion about that; . . oli a hnen ajatuksiseaan . . const
busied (I. occupied 1. took up)
thoughts, . . was never off his min
never absent from his thoughts) ;
(ajatteleminen) the thought of It.
ajatus aika time to think; time for
flection (1. consideration) ; vrt. m
misaika. -juoksu
- ajatukaenju
-kanta position, standpoint; poim
(mleliplde) views, opiniot
(mlellala) sentiments, -kyky thlnktn
contemplative) faculty, faculty (1.
er) of thought, reasoning facultie
powers), capacity for thought; fc
ajatuskykyn use one's reasoning
ties (1. powers), (Jkpv.) use one's
(1. head) . -merkkl = ajatuviiva. -oppi
-peralnen abstract, -piiri sphere (1. si
Of Ideas; hnen ajata*piiris*n \\




the scope or his Ideas. -suunta (general) ajokoira hound: (eri lajeja:) otterhound,
roxhound, beagle, harrler; (metsstyskoi
drirt of tbougbt, trend of ideas ; vrt. aja
tuksenjuoksu, -tapa \\av or thlnklng; ra) hunting-dog. -metsstys huntlng \villi
ay of looklng at things; (Jonkun taval
hounds (1. dogs).
linen) hablt of thought.
ajoi metsstys' (the) chase: (kuv.) running
ajatusten lukija mtnd-reader. -luku 1. -lu
don, hot pursuit, -miss driver, coachman;
keminen mlnd-readlng, readlng thoughts; (tht.) Charloteer, Wagoner, Auriga; ajotelepathy. -vaihto exchange (1. lnter- miehet (mets.) beaters, drlvers. -neuvo
change) of thoughts (1. Ideas) ; intercourse. (tav. pl.) vehicle, conveyance; wagon, carajatus toiminta thinking, the act (1. rlage; (ty-) cart; vrt. ajokalut, -nuotta I.
process) or thtnklng; mental activlty; -verkko drirt-net. -palkka drayage; cartage,
thought-activlty. -tyo mental \vork (1. (Engl.) aggonage; hn otti S dollaria
appllcation) ;
head-work; ajopaikkaa he charged 5 dollars drayage
thought: vaatii jatkavaa ajatustyt <!<
(1. 5 dollars ror haullng the goods).
mands consecutive thought, requlres men
-palit = ajoneuvo (t). -poro dratt reindenr.
tal applicatlon. -vapaus fTeedom (1. lii - -rata drive (way). -rskl slelgh; cutter.
erty) or thought. -viiva dash.
-retki drive, rlde; (useita palvia kestv)
ajautua 'virran, aaltojen y. m. kuljetta
mana) drirt, be adrirt; (tuulen y. m. ajos tumor: (paise) Imi!, abscess.
kuljettamana) drive, be drlven (I. driv aJoEsilta bridge to a barn. -tie carriageing;';
(ankkurissa olevasta latvasta:) road, wagon-road: (ajorata) drlveway. -uu
drag (her) anchor; laiva ajautui karille ni (tekn.) assay-rurnace, rerinlng rurnace.
the sblp was drlven aground, the sbip aju ks. ly.
drirtpil on a rock.
ajuri livoryman; (Engl.) cab-proprletor,
ajelehtia (laineilla) be adrirt, drirt, rioat, Job-master; (ajaja) driver, (parivaljakon)
(etenkin tuulen ajelemana) drive; (olla teamstcr: (plka-ajurln kuski) cabman.
sikinsokin, tavaroista puhuen:) lie aroun.1 rab-driver: (kuorma-) drayman,(Eng!.)rar(l. abOUt) ; paikasta toistan (kUV. = ter, waggoner; vrt. ajaja. -asema cao-stand.
kierrell Ilman pmr) rove, drirt (l. ajurin
ammatti (1. v.) llvcry (1. dray) busi
rioat) about. roam about; ajelehtimassa ness, -hevonen
livery horse.draya.lnfl ajelehtiminen drirtlng. ajelehtiva horse; (Engl.)cab-horse,
hackney. -istuin driver's
drirnng; rioattng.
(kuorma) dray,
ajella (hevosella) rlde, drive; (ajaa takaa)
(kaksipyriset) cart; vrt. ajurinvaunut.
drive; chase [the riies, krpsi]; (hiuk
set tai parta) sbave (orr) ; olla aaltojen
ajeltavana be drirtlng (on the waves). -vaunut carrlage Tor hlre.
cabbe adrirt: tuuli ajalta pilvi tbe wlnd is drlvers' unlon.
driving the clouds. ajeltu: ajeltu plaki
ajutanttl ald(e) -de-camp; (rykmentin)
shaved (I. polled) crown.
ajelu driving, ridlng; (ajoretkl) drive, adjutant.
n de: lhte ajelulle go ror s drive, go akaatti (min.) agate. -morttell agate mortar.
out driving, set out on a rlde. -rata l. akalllnen (nainut) . . \vltli a wirc, marrled [man, mies].
-tie drive; 'Joskus:) boulevard.
ajettua swell, become sxvollen, purr up; akana husk; (kasv.) glume; akanat (koll.)
kuin akanat tuulessa as charr berore
intumesce. ajsttuma svelllng; (lftk.)
tumor. ajettuminen stvelllng. ajettunut the \viml. akanainen charry; akanainen
wlth bran In It, bran breart.
swollen [rrom the b!ow. Iskusta], purred
up. swelied; tumld; protuberant; ajettu- akateemikko (ylloplstonopettaja) universi
nttt kasvot selled race. ajatus s\vell- ty tcacher (1. proressor) ; (tiet. arvonlIng. tumidity: olla ajatuksissa be sxvollen men) acadcmlclan. akateemKIIDnen ac(I. purred up). ajatuttaa cause .. to ademlc(al).
akatemia academy; (yli
swell. make . . purr up: (lk.) tumery. opisto) university.
aja (metsstys) chase: hunt(lng); (met- akka (old) woman; vrt. eukko, mm.
snotuksen, koiralla y. m.) drive, chase: akkamainen (old-) vvomanlsh. like an old
(Jlki myten) trall(lng), tracklng; -oman; unmanly; (kuv.) mean, roward(hevos-) driving, ridlng, rlde: (kuor
ly; akkamainen mies mllksop. akkamaiman) haultng. cartlng. carrying; olla sesti llke an old 'oman; meanly, co\vjossa be out driving (1. haullng 1. cart
ardly. akkamalsuus (old-)'omanlshness;
lng), be out \vlth the team. -haukka lack or manllness; mcanness, cowardire.
(sportsman-s) hawk: (gyr)ralcon. -hevo
akkavalta pettlnoat rule; olla akkavallan
nen work-horse, cart-horse; (plka-ajurln) alla bc henpecked: stVn talossa vallitsee
rab-horse: (kuormahevonen) drart-horse, akkavalta (Jkpv.) the woman Is the boss
(kaakki) hack; ajohevoset xvorklng team. in that house.
-hiekka drirt-sand. -hlrki dratt-ox.
akkumulaattorl (tekn.) accumulator.
ajoiksi: ikuisiksi ~ rorever (and a day), akkuna = ikkuna, akkunus 1 lndow,
eternally, to the end or tlme; pitkiksi ~ loop(llght): (laivan) portbole.
ror a long tlme, ror years and years. akkusatiivi (klel.) accusatlve (case).
ajoin: hyviss ~ In good time, In plcnty aklei j i a (kasv.) columblne.
or tlme, betimes; kalkin at ali tlmes, akrobaatti acrobat.
ai ay s, ever; monin ~ many tlmes ; toi Akaeli Axel.
sin at other tlmes, (aika ) at tlmes. akseli 1. (geom.) axls (pl. axes) ; 2. (mek.)
ajoittain at tlmes: occaslonally; Tor pe- axle; shart; (et. pieni) splndle: koneen
riods together; (aika ajoin) once In a shart or an englne; krryn ~ axle or a
hile. ajoittainen occurrlng at tlmes (1. cart, cart-axle: maan the eartrTs axls.
Intervals), perlodlc(al) ;
(satunnainen) akselinen (yhd.) wlth . . axles f esim.
kaksi~ wlth two axles] ; wlth . . sharts
ajo juhta draft-anlmal, beast or burden. (1. splndles).
-Jaa drirt-lce. -kalastus drirt-net risliing, akseli poksi I. -pes Journal-box, axle-box,
f i -in uv vrlth a drirt-net. -kalut harness(es) -tappi llnclipin; axlc-pin.
and sxvlngletrees (I. vfhlppletrees) ; vrt. aksldensslpaino Job-prlnting offlce.

aksioma, aksiomi ks. selvi.

aktllvl (kiel.) active (voice), aktllvlnen
active, aktllviaeati actively.
akustiikka acoustics, akustinen acoustic.
akutin curtain.
akvaarl 1. akvarlo aquarium.
akvarelli water color (painting) ; aqua
relle, -maalaaja water color painter,
painter In water colors, -maalaus paintIng in water colors, water color painting,
-maall 1. -vari water color.
ala territory, ground; area; (ammatM-)
trade, profession; (tolml- 1. valkutus-)
line, field, sphere, scope, province, do
main; (osasto) department, branch; (lllkkuma-) range; (ura) career; (laajuus)
extent; (tila) space; alallaan (ammatlssaan) in one's trade (I. profession 1.
line), (paikallaan) In one's place, quiet,
ks. pysyK; kaikilla inhimillisen tieJon
aloilla In every department (1. sphere 1.
domain 1. province) of human knowl
edge; loo/a alaltaan large In extent (1. In
area) ; mrtylia alalia within a given
area (1. space), (kuv.) within a given
field (1. sphere 1. province 1. domain);
filia alalia han oll rinomainen In that
branch he was excellent; tledon er aloilta from various fields of knowledge: fiteellitella (I. fifteen) alalia Within the do
main (1. field 1. province 1. scope 1. sphere)
of science, In the scientific field; vrt.
ammattl, nk-, toiminta, tyo y. m.

ala- (yhd.) (alempl) under, lower [esim.

-huuli lower (1. under) lip; -luokka low
er rlass; -puoii lower (1. under) side],
(Joskus:) nether; (arvossa tai merkltyksessft) sub- [esim. -homitea subcommit
tee; -ooslo subsection, subdivision].
ala'arvolnen not up to the standard (1.
mark), below the standard, base [coin,
rana] ; Inferlord.poor l.low)quallty; (of) In
ferior (value); cheap; (arvoton) unworthy;
ala-arvoinen maito milk of Inferior grade
(1. quality); ala-arvoitta tavaraa goods
of inferior (1. poor 1. low) quality, cheap
(1. tawdry) goods, -arvolauua Inferiority,
Inferior (1. poor) quality; cheapness,
baseness; unworthlness. -nanka lower
oarlock; (lalvan vasen puoll) port, lar
board; soutaa alahangoissa TOW at the
lower oarlock (1. at the stern), -huone
= alihuone. -Ikilnen (a.) under age;
(s.) minor, (lak.) Infant: jStten alkeent alaihaisen pojan leaving a son un
der age, leaving a son still a minor; nil,,
alaihainen be under aire, be a minor.
-ikaisyys minority; (Joskus:) nonage,
(lak., myos:) Infancy; oaltiollinen alaikatiyy* political nonage,
ajalnen: onkin ~ under (1. below) a th.,
subject to . ., open to . ., (Jollekin altis)
exposed to, (Johonkln velvollinen) liable
to . ., (Jonkln eslne) object of . ., (Jo
honkln kuuluva) belonging to . ., (jonkln
alalseksl Joutunut)
subjected to . .
[esim. hovioihfttden alaieet tnomioietmm*t the courts below the Court of Ap
peals; poliisivaloonnan ~ (being) under
police supervision (1. under surveil
lance) ; rangaiitukten - subject (1. lia
ble) to punishment (1. discipline), (Jo
rangalstusta karslva) subjected to pun
ishment: tolftn Itntvallan subject
jo the domination of another (1. to an
other's control), dependent upon anoth; vtrotuh*n ~ liable to taxation, lia
ble tQ duty (1. taxes), taxable], vrt.
myOS: epailykn~, kysern , rnaan,
vcdcn - y. in. : nnkun ~ a p.'s subordinate,
(jostakusta rllppuva) dependent upon
1 liiiiiin. .- afaffcnia ( virhamithet) his


subordinates, those (1. the officials)

der him].
alalsin I. ks. ylos~. II. (8.) ks. al
alalljakao subdivision. -Jaotua subdlvld
subdivision, -kerroa (rakennuksen) le
story, (kakslkerroksisen) ground fl
alakerrohtttta in the lower Story, do
stairs, -kerta 1. = alakerroa; 2. (sano
lehden) section [of newspaper] set
by lines at the foot of a page; alaktrr
(sanomalehden) at the foot (1. bott
Of the (1. a) page; alakertaan
kennuksen) go downstairs, (lahlnnS al
paan Icerrokseen) go to the floor be
alakkain alatuaten.
alakuloinen blue, melancholy; dlscoura
disheartened, depressed, downhearted,
Jected, down In the mouth, downcast
cast down); low-spirited, dispirited, lo'
spirits; out of spirits; (masentunut) cr
fallen; (murheelllnen) sad. alakulolt
In a dispirited (1. downcast 1. do
hearted) manner (1. way); dejectei
(alakulolsena) cast down, dejected,
heartened; (surulllsesil) sadly; i
tati alakuloisetti he answered dejectc
(1. In low spirits), he gave a dlsplr
reply, alakulolauua dejection, depress
low spirits, lowness of spirits; disco
agement; melancholy; (Jkpv.) the bli
alallkuu the waning moon, -kynal: /ot
aiakynieen come off a loser, lose (
meet defeat [at the hands of one, J
kun kanssa otellessaan], be defeated
vanquished), have to yield (the palm
one [huom. myos: oaduin alakyntttn
nen hanssaan vitelletani he got
better of me In the debate, In the deb
with him I was a loser; olla alakynnr
have to yield (the palm), have the wo
[of, Jossakln aslassa]. -leuanluu un
(1. lower) Jawbone: (anat.) submaxl
ry. -leuka lower jaw; (elalnt.) mandil
luokka) the lower class (es) (of peopl
(Jkpv.) the masses; alalaobat (koulus
the lower grades (Engl.: forms). -Im
kalainen (yhtelskunnassa) one of
lower classes (1. of the masses); (ki
lussa) pupil of the lower grades. -lu<
(sllrnan) lower (eye)lld. -maa (al
mu, i descent, slope; (alankomaa) lo
land; hoko matba oli alamaata It
down grade (1. downhill) the wh
distance, the whole way was down gra
Alamaat ks. Alankomaat.
alamainen I. (a.) (nyr) humble, si
(kuullalnen) obedient; (uskolllnen) 1<
al; ~ kyis crlnglngly subservli
conduct. II. (S.) subject; alamailen t
vollisuudft the duties of a subject, (J<
kun) one's duties as a subject; Vena,
~ subject of Russia, Russian subje
alamaisesti subserviently, humbly: ol
dlently. alamalaimmaati most humbly,
deepest humility, alamalauudenvala
alamalauua subjection; (nyryys) humb
ness; subserviency; (allstuvalsuus) si:
mlsslveness; (uskolllnen) allegiance, le
alty: haikttta alamaifuudttta With
humbleness, In all humility, -vala (i
kolllsuusvala) oath of allegiance.
alallmlttalnen under size, under the s
prescribed by law, below (legal) standa
-mikl = alasmKki.
alanko, alanne (alankomaa) low land, lo
land(s); bottom (land) ; (laakso) dale, d(
alankomaalainen I. (s.) Netherlander.



(a.) Netherlandish. Alankomaat the Netherlands, the Low Countries.

ala. osa lovver part (1. portion), (esim.
joen) lower sectlon; (Joskus:) lower
parts, bottom, root, (Jkpv.) bottom part.
-osasto subdivlsion; subsectlon; (esim.
Jonkun yhdistyksen.; subordlnate branch.
-ota (volm.) under hold. -puolella on
the IOWer Side; kosken alapuolella belovv
the ralli, -puolella to (1. on) the lo\vor
side; (alle) below. -puolalta from the
k>wer Side; jonkin alapuolelta rrom below
(1. beneath) a. th.; lydettiin kosken ala
puolelta was found below the rails (l.
raptds) ; tarttua Johonkin alapuolelta tako
hold underneath (1. from belovv). -puoli
lower side, (alaosa) lower part(s); bot
tom, Tool; ala, puolella, -puolelle, -puolelta
ks. hakus. -puolinen (the) lovver [part,
osa]; (the) bottom [part, osa], -puolia
ko lower halr. -pai lovver end. -pllikk
second in command; lieutenant. -raajat
lower limbs, lower extremltles. -reuna
lovver (l. under) edge, lovver side; ala
reunassa (mys:) at the bottom (1. foot)
Leslm. (kirjan) sivun alareunasta at the
root (1. bottom) or tbe page). -rivi
lovver row. -ruumia lovver part or the body.
alaa down; (alaspin) downward(s); ~
astuessaan when dcscendlngr (1. gettlng
down) [rrom. Jostakin], (esim. krryil
t) wben alighting [from . .] ; ~ por
taista (I. portaita - ) down the stalrs,
downstairs; ~ tultaessa on the way
down, (on) comlng down; itsevaltius
petturit} down wlth despotism [wlth
traltors] : jokea down (along) tbe rlver.
-haitto throvvlng down, downthrow. -huu
to cry or protest, Jeer of derlslon; jou
kosta kuului alashuutoja cries or "down!
down!" (l. cries or protest) were beard
rrom the crowd. -hyppys leaplng down;
a leap down, a downward leap.
alasin anvll. -plkky (anvll) block.
alasi kaareva curved downward.
rarrylnir down.
-kasin downward(s),
down. -kiintiminen turnlng (1. letting)
down; tipplng over. -laaku I. -laskeminen
letting down, lowerlng; dropplng; (lui
i koskesta
shootlng (down), vrt. koskenlasku, -meno
guing down.
-miki slope, decllvlty;
alasmkeM downhill. -nosto urtlng down.
-otto taking down. -painunut sunk down;
-piin downward(s), down;
down along. -repiminen pulling (1. tearing down; (esim. rakennuksen) deraolltlon. -suin upslde down; bottom side
up; vene kaatui alassuin the boat capsized (1. turned upside down), the boat
was upset (1. overturned). -syydinti
shoving down.
-taipunut bent, bent
down (1. double), welgbed down; (kasv.)
decllnate. -tempaua pulling (1. plucklng
l. haullng) down.
alasti: elia be naked, be nude, be
(completely) undressed, be strlpped; rii
sua itsens take off ali one's clothes,
strlp (to tbe skln). alastomuus nakedness, nudlty, bareness; kaikessa alasto
muudessaan (mys:) In ali lts baldness
IL crudlty). alaston naked [boy, poika;
trutb, totuus]; (etup. lait. & luonnont.)
bare [tree, puu], uncovered; (riisuutu
nut) undressed: (kalju) bald; alastomin
ksivarsin [hartioin] bare-armed [-sbouldered] ; alaston vuorenhuippu bald (1.
barren) mountain top.
alas' tulo romlng down; (koskesta) shoot-


lng [tbe raplds].

-vetimlnen pulling
down. -vienti brlnglng (1. taking) down.
alati ever, always, constantly, perpetually,
continually; maistossa silyv ever
remembered. -vihre (a. & s.) evergreen.
alatse: jonkin ~ under a th.; huikea sillan
pass under a bridge, alatuaten under
each otber, one below another.
alava low(-lying) ; (syv) deep. -perilnen
alavuua lowness; (alavaperisyys) lowlylng position, low sltuatlon.
alaiinl low (1. deep) tone; alanet the
lovver register.
Albania Albania, albanialainen Albanian.
albumi album.
albumiini (kem.) albumin.
albumiininilpitoinen contalnlng albumin, albumlnous. -pitoisuus amount or albumin
contained, percentage or albumin.
Aleksanteri Alexander; (A)~ Ensiminen
Alexander tbe First; (A) Suuri Alexan
der the Great.
Aleksi Alexls.
alemma(kai), alemmas lovver, lovver (1.
Tarther) down. alemmaksisiirto lowering.
alemmuus (alkup.) lovver position; (kuv.)
inferiortty; hinnan the prlce being
lower, the lower (1. cbeaper) prlce.
alempaa lower, fartber down; rrom farther
down; tavara oli parempaa the artlcle
was better fartber towards the bottom
(1. nearer the bottom).
alempana farther- down, lovver down; far
ther belovv; In the lovver parts; (tuon
nempana) farther on, In tbe followlng,
(klrjotuksessa, samalla sivulla) belovv;
kuin vuosikausiin (esim. vesi) at the
lowest level known for years. -mainittu
mentioned (1. stated) belovv, (tuonnem
pana) mentloned further on; alempanamainitulla tavalla (mys:) in manner herelnarter mentioned.
alempi lower, under, nether; (arvossa, vi
rassa y. m.) inferlor, subordlnate [offlcial, virkamies]; ~ kansakoulu (1. v.) tbe
lovver (1. prlmary) grades; ~ palkka lower
wages, smaller salary, less pay; virka
mies subordlnate (1. Inferlor 1. petty) officer (1. orricial); kohdella tylysti alempiaan
treat one's subordlnates harsbly. -arvoi
nen . . or lower rank, Inferlor, subordl
nate [orricer, upseeri], -palkkainen wlth
(I. havlng 1. getting) lovver vvages (1.
smaller salary 1. less pay), lower pald.
-sty inen . . of a lovver order (1. estate).
aleneminen slnking, declinlng, dropplng
Jne., vrt. aleta; fali, decline, descent;
(vheneminen) decrease; hintojen tbe
decline (1. Tall) In prlces, the dropplng
or prlces ; lmpmrn - the Tall (1.
drop 1. decline) In tcmperature. aleneva
declinlng, falllng, dropplng, (vhenev)
decreaslng; (tasaisesti) descendlng; suo
raan alenevassa polvessa In direct descent
(1. line). alennettu lowered, brought down,
vrt. alentaa; alennettu nuotti flat; alennet
tuun hintaan at (a) reduced prlce, at a
lovver rtgure, at a reductlon (1. bargaln).
alennus (alentaminen) slnking, lowerlng,
brlnglng down; (hinnan y. m.) reductlon;
(kurssi-) rall; (myntl-) discount; deduction; abatement, rebate; (arvon-) de
crease (In valuc), depreclatlon; (virka-,
mys kuv.)
abasemcnt, humillatlon. -lasku discount.
-luettelo (hintojen) llst of reductlons.
-merkki (nuotin) flat. -tila State of abasenii-iit (l. humillatlon).
alentaa lower [one's volce, ntn; the
prlce, hintaa], brlng down; (laskea alas)

slnk, drop [one's volce to a whlsper, the abyss) a cry was heard; ~ laaksosta
nens kuiskaukseksi]; (painaa alaa; nousee usvaa from the valley below a fog
depress [the prices, hintoja]; (kuv.) IS rlslng; se on parempaa (pohjalta) Il
lower, reduce, abate, (vhent) de- ls better at (1. toward 1. near) tbe bottom.
crease, diminisb, lessen, detract from, -pin from below, rrom beneath.
(moraalisesti) degrade, abase, demean, alhainen low [temperature, lmpmr;
(nyryytt) humiliate; ~ arvoa (Jon
deed, teko] ;
(alhalsstylnen) plain,
kin) depreciate a th. (in value), decrease common; lowly, humble; (katala) base
(1. diminish) the value of a th.; (jon
[act, teko], mean, ignoble, vile; ~ kansa
kun) lovver a p. Un the estimation (1. plain (1. common) people; alhaisella si
opinion) of his fellow men, hnen kans- vistykannalla (esim. Jostakin kansasta
sailimistensii silmiss], east a reflection puhuen:) on a low level (1. plane) of
(1. a shadovv) upon a p. (1. upon a p.'s Clvllizatlon; alhaisimmillaan, alhaisin k.-.
naine); ~ hintaa (mys:) reduce the hakUS.; alhaista syntyper Of louiy (1.
price, (Jkpv.) cut (1. cut down) the humble) parentage; vrt. ylhinen, aiheisesti
prlce; ~ ihmisten tiimitt degrade (1. meanly, basely; menetteli aikaisesti (hal
iiumiliate) . . in the eyes of the people; pamaisesti) acted mean (1. contemptlble).
~ itsens (raam.) humble (1. abase) o. s.; alhaisimmillaan at lts lovvest mark (1. ebb) ;
vrt. alentua, il.; ~ nuotti Hauen a note; at the lowest; (kuv.) at the (l. lts) lowest
~ sotamiehekti degrade to the ranks; ~ ebb. alhaisin lowest, lowermost; meanest,
nens (mys:) lei one'S VO ice Tall, vllest;
kaikkein alhaisimmat vietit the very
speak lovver (1. in subdued tones) ; oppi
lowest (1. vllest) instlncts.
las alennettiin luokaltaan the pupil VvaS alhaiso populace; mob, rabble. -valta mob
put (lovver) down, (Yhdysv.) the pupil (1. rabble) rule.
\vns demoted.
alentaminen lowering,
1. -syntyinen of humble
bringing down jne., vrt. alentaa, alentau- alhaisllsukulnen
famlly, lowly born, or humble origin;
tua lower o.s., bring o.s. down [to, Jo
lovvly blrth, hum
honkin] ; (kuv.) alentua, 2. alenta
ble origin. -sty Inen of humble statlon,
va inem degrading [for (1. to), jolle
without rank.
kulle], debaslng, huiiilliatlug, depreciato- -styisyys low statlon (1. order)
; alhaisry, disgraceful; jonkun mainetta (l. ar
be OT a 10W
voa) alentavaa (mys:) injurious (to a order (socially) is no crlme.
p.'s reputation), derogatory to a p. (1. to
lowness; baseness, meanness,
a p.'s renown). alentavasti In a degrad alhaisuus
ing (1. debaslng 1. humlliatlng) manner; alho
(suoperinen maa)
disgracelully, lnjuriously; with a deroga
(1. low 1. marshy) place, swamp.
tory etTeCl; puhua alentavasti jostakusta swampy
(yhd.) ks. ala-, -huone (lalnsufttujuspeak derogatory or one, speak of one in alikunnan y. m.) the Lower House; (Engl.
a derogatory manner.
parlamentin) the House or Commons;
alentua 1. = aleta; 2. (kuv.) condescend (Yhdysv. kongressin) the House of Rep(1. stoop) [to, johonkin]; ~ ottamaan resentatlves. -hylly lower shelf. -Insi
puheilleen condescend to receive in audl- nri subordinate englneer. -Johtaja asence; ~ tottelemaan jonkun kskyj SUb- slstant director. -kapteeni (Engl.) capmit (1. yleld) to a p.'s commands; ~ tain-lleutenant. -konduktri conductor's
varkaaksi StOOp tO Im- a Ulli-l; kuinka asslstant. -konstaapeli common pollcetaatoit ~ tiihen (l. sellaiseen) hOW COUld man. -luutnantti second lieutenant. -l
you stoop to (1. lower yourself to do) kri asslstant physlcian (1. surgeon) ;
liiat? how could you dcscend so low?
(sotalaivalla) surgeon's mate; sairaalan
alentuminen sinking, golng down, declin- alilkri hospltal asslstant, (sairaalassa
ing, dropping; drop, Tall; (kuv.) conde- asuva) house physician, intern.
humlllation. alimainen 1. (alempi kahdesta) lower, unalentuvainen (kuv.) condescending, (hyv. der, nether [mlllstone, myllynkivi); 2.=
merk.) gracious, affablc. alentuvaisesti alin; alimaiseen hornan kattilaan to the
mndescendingly; arrably. alentuvaisuus nethermost abyss, to the depths of hell.
i-oudescenslon; afrabillty.
alimmaksi lowcst (down), undermost,
aleta fall, descend, go (1. come) down; nethermost; rarthest down (1. below).
slnk; drop; alenematta on the decline, nearest (1. farthest towards) the bottom.
ks. olla; ~ arvona fall in value, depre
alimpaa from farthest down, from near
ciate (In value), be reduced (In value); est the bottom. alimpana = alinna.
hinnat alenevat prices are falllng (1. go alin Unvest, lovvermost, undermost, nether
lng down 1. dropping) ; lukumr alenee most; ~ mr (mys:);
(vhenee) there is a falllng off in the raja Iowest limit (1. mark), mlnlmum;
uumber, the numbers are decreaslng; ~ vedenraja lowest level (of water;.
lmpmr alenee the temperature is alinen situated below; lower; alinen Vol
ralling, the thermometer is golng down; ga the lower VVolga. alinna lowest, unvesi alenee the water is Sinking (1. rall
dermost, nethermost, (pohjimaisena) at
in-' 1. golng down), (tulvan jlkeen) the the very bottom; kaikkein alinna under\vater is (1. the waters are) recedlng. neath everythlng (else), lowest or ali.
Aleutit rl. Aleutein saaret) Aleutian Islands. alinomaan constantly, perpetually, ever, always, continually; (alituiseen) incessantalgebra algebra, algebra II inen algebraic.
ly; unceaslngly. alinomainen perpetual,
Alger Algiers. Algeria Algeria, algeria
contlnual [annoyance, kiusa], lastlng, perlainen (a. & s.) Algerian.
alhaalla - luu
down; below; (matalalla) manent; constant; (lakkaamaton) unceasing.
low; (pohjalla) at (1. near) the bottom; alilloikeus inferior (1. lower 1. petty)
pysy ~ keep (1. remaln) down; (vedes
court (or Justlce), (Joskus:) the court
t:) remain lo\v; vesi on the water below. -opettaja subordinate teacher;
(merest: the tlde) is low. alhaalle (Engl.) Junior master, -ote = laote.
down; (matalalle) low.
-palomestari lire chlefs assistant. -per
alhaalta lioin lielow (I. beneath) ; ~ kui
mies cpiartermaster; (toinen permies)
lun pohjasta kuului huutoa from the second mate. -plllkkkunta (sot.) non
deplhs of the gorge (I. from the bottom of cornmissloned offlcers.

aliataa submit [a tn. to a p.'s declston, alkaa tulla pime it is gettlng .1. grovtmg
jokin jonkun ratkaisevaksi]; (lykit, dark, (the; darkness seis il. falls) mj;
refer [a case to a courl, asla oikeuden tyns start vvorking, start tbe work,
ksiteltvksi]; - jelrin fankin otto sub- conuuence (1. begin 1. start 1. proceed
urdinate a ib. to .
jokin jonkun with) one's work, set about orking, be
harkitt*o*ksi submit a tn. to one ror gin to il. wilh one's; work; mmdeUeem
consideralion U. to a p.'s consideralion,, (l. uudestaan) recommence, begin anew.
refer a tn. to one. alittaminen submit- ( kesken jnyt tyo y. m., resume;
tuiir, Submission, reierrlng. alittava sub- uusi yritys sei on Tool (L lake up) a
urdmaling, subordinate iconjunctlon, kon- new enlerprise, (uudella alalla; enter a
Junkisioni]. alittettu .(kiel.) subordinate new field or actlvlty; uutta elmi
IClause. lause]; valamiehistlle alistettu \ parempaa) begin jto lead; a new ure,
asia case submltted to (1. belore; tbe jury. tuin over a new leaf, begm Ufe anew.
alittua submit [to baptlsm, kasteeseen (1. alkaen kS. hkUS.; alkamaisillaan f 1. aika
kastettavaksi); to tbe wlll of one, jonkun massa) on the point of beginmng, about
tahtoon]; yield; reslgn o.s.; (taipua, to begm (1. to commence,; alkanut ks.
subordinate o.s. [to. Johonkin], defer bakus.; jonkin aiottua arter Ibe beginning
[to a p.'s rullng. jonkun ptkseen] ; or . .. after [tbe work] bas been pro(niukaantua) accommodate o.s., recon- ceeded with (1. bas been laken up/;
cile o.s. Ito tbe lnevltable, silben mik jonkin alkaessa at the beginning of . .,
on vlttmtnt] ; comply wltb; vrt. when a th. is started (1. proceeded
alentua; ~ ikeen alaiseksi submit (1. Wlth) ; Missouri-joki ~ Kalliovuorilta
bendj to tbe yoke; kohtaloonsa submit the Missouri rlver starts (1. rlses 1. bas
(L yield) to fate, resign o.s. (1. yield, lts source; in tbe Rocky Mountains; sota
to one's fate; ~ krsimn rangaistus the war begms, puhkeaa, the uar
submit to punisbment; noudattamaan breakS OUl; uusi ajanjakso on aikamut a
jonkun tahtoa subordinale O.S. to a p.'s new era bas set In, e bave enlered
Wlll; orjamaisesti johonkin truckle to (upon) a new era; uusi vuosi on alkanut
a Ib.; ' tottelemaan fl. noudattamaan) the new year has begun, we have entered
lakia ?ubmit to tbe law. aliatumaton a new year; vrt. aiottu.
unsubmissive; (taipumaton) unylelding, alkaen: alusta (l. alun) ks. alku; asian
uubending, InHexible. aliatumattomuus ks. asia; hnest beginning wilb
unsubmlsstveness; unyleldlngness; lnriex- hiin; siit beginning wllh that, (siit
alittuminen Submission [to], saakka) ever slnce; tst (tmn jl
subjectlon; (nyryys) reslgnatlon [toj; keen) arter thls, herearter, (tst lah
urjamainen) truckling [to].
alittua tien) bencefortb, rrom now on.
Submission, rererence; (Jonkin asian) aikain = alkaen.
presentation; mys alittaminen, alit alkaja one wbo begins (1. commences 1.
tuva! Inan) (nyr) submlsslve [mlnd, starts 1. opens); beginner; (alkuun
mieli]; reslgned [to]; (vastustukseen panija) author, orlginator, rather, pareni:
turvautumaton) passive; alistuva kuuliai
(perustaja) lnstilutor, rounder; riidan
suus submlsslve (1. passive) obedience. ~ beginner in a quarrel, aggressor; vrt.
alkajaiset (esim. nyttelyn,
alittuvaiseatl submisslvely, \vitli (1. in a
spirit ur) reslgnatlon.
igrand) openlng; opening cereinonies (1.
alittuvaiauua submlssiveness; Submission festlvltles) .
ito ..], reslgnatlon [to ..]. -puolue alkajaitiljuhlallituudet opening ceremonies
(1. restivltles). -puhe opening address.
party advocating submlssiveness.
-soitto overture; opening number.
(.Iitaa iinder, below; vrt. alatse.
iinumen constant, perpetual, continual; alkali (kem.) alkali.
lakkaamaton) Incessant, unceaslng. ali alkali- (yhd.) alkallne [esim. -metallit alkaline metals; -suolat alkaline salts].
tuiseen, alituiteati = alinomaan.
aliupseeri (1. v.) corporal; aliupseerit non- alkalinen alkaline; aikalist maalajit alkallne
earlbs. alkalituut alkalinity.
lomniissioned otricers.
alja: olla oikealla (alulla) be in lts earll- alkamaton not (yet) commenced; (avaa
esl stages, be In lts beginning- (1. m- maton) upopened; (koskematon) untouched. alkaminen beginning, commencei eptlon 1. Inrancy) ; vrt. alkeet.
Iju laine; domestlcated [relndeer, poro]. ment, Start (ing) ; opening; ennen vaalin al
kamista berore electlon, bcrore the election
alkaa begin [with a, a:lla; a strlke, lak
ko; to tlre (I. to reel tlred), vsy], begins (1. began); odottaa puheen alka
[playing, soittaa); mista wait ror the speech to begin,
lalottaa Jokin) set about, enter upon; await the beginning or the speech. alka
< panna alulle, perustaa) Institute [pro- nut begun, commenced; (nyt) alkanut
vuosi the year already (1. now) begun,
reedlngs agalnst one, oikeusjuttu Jotaku
ta vastaan], (avata) open [a correspond- the year Just commenced; vrt. aikaa,
enre, kirjeenvaihto ; a meetlng, kokous; alkava commenclng, Inclpient; alkava kes
tbe (1. this) comlng summer, this sum
business relatlons vdtb one, liikesuhtei
mer; alkavalla viikolla during the com
siin Jonkun kanssa; hostllities, viholli
(1. ensulng) Week; k:lla alkava sana
suudet]; (saada alkunsa) orlglnate, lake
a word beginning with k.
(lts) Ilse; (ryhty) proceed; ~ ampumi
nen open rire; lakko (mys:) go on alkeellinen primltive; (alku) primary;
(alkeis-) elementary, elemental. alkeelli
slrtke, strlke; alkaa sataa [tuolla] lt Is
tx-ginnlng to raln [to blow] ; ~ tavallista sesti primltively, elementarily. alkeelli
primltivencss, elementarlness.
aikaisemmin (esim. vuodenajasta:) set In
earller tban usual: tehd jotakin be- alkeet elements, beglnnlngs, rudlments;
gin to do a tb., start dolng a th (ryh
(aakkoset) tbe a-b-C; Aan ei tunne
ty ) proceed to do a tb.; toimintansa (edes) tieteen oikeitakaan be does not
'un. Joku yhdistys) begin lts actlvlty, know even the rudlments (l. the a-b-e)
rummence lts actlvlties, proceed wlth or science; Kemian alkeet (oppikirjan
lts work; tulla set In, be gettlng nimen:) Elements or Chemistry, Ele
IfSlm. alkaa tulta kylm lt Is gettlng (1. mentary Ohemistry.
gronlng) cold (I. chllly), a chili sets In; alkeis- (yhd.) elumeiitary [esim. -koulu

elementary school; -kurssi elementary stage; -tyy primary cause; -vuoriprlm
course; -optttaja elementary teacber]. rock(s)]; (alkalsln) earliest [eslm. -a
-opetut elementary Instruction, -oppi- kat earliest inhabitant; -Jtoti earn
laitos (1. v.) elementary school; (Yh- home], (enslmainen) first [eslm. -km
dysv.) tbe grades, -tiedot elementary first letter; -puolitko first half]; (j
knowledge; hnella on hyot (l. parus- kus:) primeval, primordial, fundainen
teelliset) alkeittitdot historialta be IS elementary, preliminary, -aika prlmii
age(s); (alku) beginning; aikuaik<
well grounded In History.
alkemia (kullanvalmistustaito) alchemy, (ensl) In tbe early times (1. days)
..], In (the) pioneer days [of ..], (1
alkemisti alchemist.
torian) in (the) primitive ages
alkio embryo.
eslm. Napoleonin hallituksen alhuaiht
alkoholi alcobol.
alkoholi- (ybd.) alcoholic [esim. -juoma In the early days of napoleons regln
alcoholic liquor; -lmpmittari alcoholic -aikainen . . of the early ages, prime'
thermometer; -vakevyys alcoholic strength] , primitive; (geol.) paleontolgica!, -t
spirituous , csim. -juoma spirituous liquor primary (1. elementary) matter; (ke
(1. drink)]. -lainednt legislation In element, -aaukas (myos:) aborlgli
regard to the liquor traffic, -myrkytys (synnynnulnen) native; alhuasuhka^l
n.i.ik.) alcoholism.
natives, the aborigines, -elain (elaii
alkoholinjkaytt use (1. consumption) of protozoan, -historia = IhistorU. -hi
alcohol, -pitoinen containing alcohol, al urus. -ihminen primitive man.
coholic; alltuholinpitoiset juomat (myos:) alkuinan (yhd.) with a . . beginning
alcoholics, -pitoisuus percentage of al start), . ,-ly begun [eslm. .
a bad beginning, poorly begun; >-
cohol, alcoholic strength.
alkoholitti alcoholist, alcoholic, alkoholiton with a good beginning (1. start),
free from alcohol; non-alcoholic [bever begun; vaikea~ with a difficult bei
age, 'juoma]. alkoholittomuui freedom nlng, (myos:) started with dlffici.
difficult in the beginning], alkuisin
l rom alcohol.
olla (alkuisin).
alkoovi (makuukomero) alcove.
alku beginning, commencement; start, out alku. johto derivation, deduction; (al
set; (syuty) origin; rise; (lhde) source, origin. -Juurl (alkupera) origin; sou
root; (merkkl) vestige, semblance; alhu- root; : in., primary (1. original) ca
aan, u'.kujaan originally, initially, prima -kesa (tbe) early part of (tbe) sumu
rily ; ~ tyn kaunistaa, lopussa kiitot alkukesst in early (1. early In i
t*i*oo (1. v.) good endings don't always summer, In the forepart of the sum
mean fair beginnings; all's well that ends -kevt: alkukeost early In the spi
well; alakti to begin with, (alussa) at in the early spring, tbe first of
lirst; alalia ks. olla; [Olla] alullaun [be] spring, -kieli (alkuperinen, eslm. J
111 its Incipleilcy; alulle kS. auttaa, panna; kuns on tehty) original langu
ulun perin (I. piten) from the very be
-kirjain: (nimen) alkukirjaimet inlt
ginning, from the Start; atan touta aum/ -kirjotus (]ohdanto) introduction, prc
over (1. more than) a hundred Lhuom. ble; vrt. alkulauie. -kuu: alkukuust
myos: minulla on jo alun toista tataa the early part of the month, early In
koossa I have already begun on my sec
month, the first of the month. -I
ond hundred] ; alussa in the beginning, preface, prefatory note; (Jobdanto)
at the outset, (ensln) at first; alala traduction, preamble, -lehti (ensl ma
kuun [oiikon, Duoden] the first (1. the lebtl) flyleaf; (otsakelebtl) tltle-i
forepart) of the month [week, year] ; -Ilite (klel.) prefix, -lima protoplasm
alusta loppuun (saakka) from beginning -luku (ensl luku, eslm. klrjan) be
to end, all through, throughout; alusta nlng (1. Initial 1. first) chapter; (n
piton (I. alkaenj from the very begin
prime number, -lhde (myos:) fouul
ning, right from the start, ever since the head. -niyUi (teat.) beginning (1.
beginning (1. start), from the (very) l. initial) act; prologue, -olento prii
first; ei alunhaan (vhlntkn) not the dial being, first principle, -opetut
least (1. not a bit) of It, not an atom, instruction, primary education; (all
not a Whit (1. jot) ; iabimiehen llkrin,
opetus) instruction In tbe elements
papin] - one (1. a boy) who Intends to rudiments), -osa (klrjan) the first
become a lawyer [a doctor, a minister], ume, (svellyksen) the first movei
an aspirant for the law [the medical -perin = alkuperaiieiti. -perust gro
profession, the ministry], a prospective (periaate) principle; (alkuvalkutln) i
lawyer [doctor, minister]; maailman - Inal motive, -peri origin, rise; soi
the beginning of the world, tbe dawn of root, -perainen original; (vaarenti
creation; runoilijan ~ a budding poet, a tn) authentic; (alkeelllnen) prlml
poet In embryo; siella el le heinn ai primordial; primary [cause, syy] ; ,
kuakaan there Is not even a vestige (1. a perainen asiakirja original (1. authe
spear) of grass there; oaodm alutta document, original; alkuperainen
(myos:) the first of the year; vuoden tu* Iteoj] original, -peraisesti 1. -p
me alutta in the beginning of (year) l Ote. In originally; primarily. -per
alku- (yhd.) (mista tal milla jokin alkaa) originality; (alkeellisuus) primitive
initial [cslm. -hirjain Initial letter; -kohta -puoli (esim. klrjan) forepart, first
Initial point; -napeas initial velocity; tion (1. part); (alku) beginning; (a
-vaikeudet Initial difficulties], (alussaan puhuen:) early part; alkupuoU-iia v
oleva) Incipient [eslm. -act Incipient in the early part (1. In the forepari
stage] ; (kehltyksen alkuasteella oleva) the year; ui vUkon alkupuolella il
primitive [eslm. -lain primitive animal; early part of next week, early
-kifli primitive language; -muoto primi
week, the first of next week. In thi
tive form];
(alkuperalnen) original ginning of next week, -puolisko fa
I esim. -atukas original Inhabitant; -lhde (I. first) half; turnan vuositadan alki
original source; -merkitys original mean- tholla during the first half of this
Ing; -icbsti original text]; primary tury. -parva: toman fcuun alkupivin
[eslm. -eine primary matter; -o*t primary ing the first (I. early) days of this m




the ri rst of tbe monta, -p. (alku) beginning, outset; (esim. rivin) head; (esim.klrjan; torepart. -tana mitlal (1. prefatory;
v.ord; alkusanat (esim. saarnan) opening
ords, tnlroduction. -sointu (run.) alliteration. -soitto prelude; overture. -tekij
liut. , allquutpart. -teot orlglnal (work).
-nadot = alkeistiedot. -tila orlglnal (1.
prunitive 1. primordial) State (1. conditlon) .
-toimet preparatlons, preliminarles. -ty:
aikatykseni lain kirjan the firt thing I
did il. lor me to do) vvas to read the book.
alkuun panija: jonkin alkuunpanija one Wiio
-ta: ta a Hi. (I. sets a tn. on foot) ; one wbo
lakes the initlattve In a tn.; luit latoi,
.HBiuaiur; (esim. jonkun aatteellisen
liikkeen) autnor, parent, fatber. -pano
> tinijc on foot, originating, fatbering;
alote; lnltiatlve; contrivance; jonkun
alkuunpanosta OD olies luitlattve, through
tbe instrumentallty of, at tbe lnstlg-ation oi .
au u valmistelut 1. -valmistukset preparatory measures, preparatlons, prelinunaries; nm ovat ainoastaan taistelun alhu-

lalmisteluita tbese are only preliminarles

of tbe slruggle. -vauhti nntial speed, -viikko: alkuviikosta In tbe beginuing (L in tbe early part 1. In tbe forepart) of tbe week, tbe first of tbe vveek.
-voima inltlal power, orlglnal force, fundamental energy. -vuosi early part (1.
rorepart) of tbe year; alkuvuodesta
'.mys:) the first oi tbe year. -Uni
lume, keynote.
alla (Jonkin ) under; beneatb, underneatb; (alempana) below; pin oleva
downcast, east down, dejected, downhearted, dlscouraged, (Jkpv.) down In
tbe moutb; aivan jonkin ~ rtght under a
iii . directly underueatb a tb.; kirkko on
maan tbe Church lies under a imi (1.
is situated at tbe foot of a blll) ; Min asuu
allani be Ilves below me, be Ilves nght
undemeatb (1. Just beneatb) me; joulun
(Just) before Cbristmas; pydn ~
under luealh; tbe table. -mainittu, -ni
mitetty below meritioned; (lak.) berelnarter mentloned; alla\mainitut (\. -nimite
tyt/ henkilt persons mentloned below,
tne following persons, (lak.) persons (1.
parties) berelnafter named. -oleva unitrlying, subjacent; .. under(neatb) ;
lalleklrjotettu) g-lven (1. clted) below;
allaolevat muistutukset the DOtes (1. COmmeuts) given below, tbe footnotes below; viitaten allaolevaan referriug to the
-i.iiciiient giveu below, (seuraavaan) referring to wnat follows.
ailaa trough; (uima-) pool; (suuri ~)
cistern. -kylpy plunge-batb.
aito under; beiow; beneatb, undemeatb;
hn muuttaa aitamme he wlll niove (Into
the flal) belOW US; hn paiskasi vastus
tajan allensa be threw hls opponent and
teli on him (1. plnned n lm down wlth
bls body) ; on alla 60 IS under 50, falls
below SO, Is Short of 0, Is wlthin 50,
(rahasta:) does not come up (1. does not
amount; to 50; pydn (In)under tbe
allegoria allegory. allegorinen allegorlc(al).
alisi kirjottaa: aUekirjottaa jokin sign (one's
naine to), an iv one s naine to, subscribe
(one's nanie, to. -kirjottaja slgner; subscrlber; ( alleklrjoltanut) tbe underslgned.
-kirjottaminen slgnfng. -kirjottanirt (I) the
(tmn kirjottaja)
(present) wrlter; me allekirjottaneet we,
the underslgned. -kirjotus (nlmlklrjotus)
-viivata draw Une under, underllne.

seore (under), underscore. -viivana underllnlng, underscoruig, tbe Unes drawn

under [are mine, on niiniin].
alli (elaint.) old-squaw, hareld.
alligaattori (elaint.) alllgator.
allikko (vesi-) pool, puddle; ks. oja.
almanakka almanac, calendar.
almu alms (pl. alms), cbarity; anoa almua
joltakulta aak a p. for an alms, ask alms
(1. cbarity) of a p.
almuniantaja almsgiver. -anto almsglvlng.
-ottaja recelver of alrns. -pyytj beggar.
alote iiiitlative; jonkun ulotteesta on one's
mltiatlve; omasta ulotteestaan on one's
own lnitlative, (omin luvin) at one's
own rlsk, on ones own responsibility
(1. autborlty); of one's own accord (1. volltlon) ; ks. tehd (alote Johonkin; . alotella
take tbe (1. one's) first steps [toward a
tn., jotakin], (antaa) begm; lapsi alottelea kvelemn (opettelee) the chlld is
learnlng to walk (1. Is taking lts first
steps). alotelma (plece) of work already
beguu, work under way (1. In hand) ; (luon
nos) design [for ..], (rough) draft [or..],
sketeb. aloteoikeus rigbt (1. prlvilege) of
undertaklng (1. uutlating) ; inltlallve.
alottaa begin, comnience, start; set about,
enter upon; open; (joskus:) lead (off);
vrt. alkaa; tanssi lead tbe dance, open
tbe ball; ~ toiseen suuntaan Start (1.
strlke) out in a new dlrection. alottaja
alkaja, alottajaisesitelm opening address. alottajaisst opening cereniouies
(1. festlvltles) . alentamaton = alkamaton. alottaminen beginnlng Jne., vrt. alot
taa; (alku) commeiicement ; start, outset.
alotteentekij one wbo takes (1. bas takenj
the lnitlative Un . .].
alotteliaisuus euterpnse, push, vlm; lni
tlative. alottelija begiuner, learner; novIce, tyro. alottelu tbe beginnlng (s), the
first steps.
alpakka alpaca. -villa alpaca(-wool).
alpi (kasv.) loosestrire.
alppi alp; (Sveitsin) Alpit tbe Alps.
alppi- (yhd.) (vuoristo-) alplne [esim.
-kasvisto alplne flora; -maa alplne coun
try; -seutu alplne tract], (Sveitsin Alp
peja koskeva) Alplne [esim. -maisema Al
inat: SCenery; -maja Alplne but; -matkai
lija Alplne traveler], -Jono cbaln of alps.
-kauris alppivuohi. -ruusu rhododen
dron, -sauva alpenstock. -vuohi Alplne
ibex, Steinbock.
alta from under, from below, from beneath; (alitse) under; (tielt, pois) out
of the way; pydn from under the
table. -kytv passageway below grade.
-pin from undemeatb (1. beneatb), (up)
from below; (alapuolelta) lioin tbe un
der side; altapin valkea white undemeatb.
altis (taipuvainen) wllllng [to do a tb.,
tekemn Jotakin]; dlsposed (1. lnclined)
.to forgive(ness), antamaan anteeksi];
(harras) devoted [supporter, kannattaja];
(valmis) ready, prompt; auttamaan
uilling (1. ready 1. dlsposed) to help;
ty devoted work, (uhrautuvainen) selfsacrlficlng work; [Jollekin] alttiiksi ks.





jollekin (Jonkin alainen) exposed to . .,

(laid) open to ... (suojaton) unprotected
agalnst, (vastaanottavainen Jollekin) susceptlble to (1. of) . . , sensltlve to . . ,
li ah le to . . [esim. hyville vaikutteille
mieli (avoin) a mlnd open (1. susceptlble) to good impressiolla (1. susceptlble
of belng linpressed for good) ; imarte
lulla ~ susceptlble (1. open) to flattery;
satama on ~ kaikille tuulille the port Is

exposed to (1. Ues open to 1. Is unpro(ainetta) outllne, (valmistella) prepare;
tecled against) ali wlnds; taudilla ~ Ua- keskustelukysymys present a subject
ble to dlsease; vaaralle ~ exposed to for dlscusslon (wlth a prelimlnary outdanger, (mys:) endangered, lmperlled; line oi the main features of lt), outline
vilustumiselle Uable to (catch) coldj. the subject to be dlscussed, present a
altistaa expose [to, Jollekin], subject [toj. brlef. alustaja (taikinan) inixcr, kneadalttari altar. -aita altar-rail. -palvelus, er; (kysymyksen) one who presents a
-toimitus communion Service, -taulu al- brlef (1. outlines the subject to be dls
tarplccc, reredos. -vaate, -liina altar-clotli. cussed) .
alustalainen (kartanon) tenant; alustalaiset
altti altto.
alttiiksillantaminen 1. -antamus surrender, (kartanon) tenants, tenantry.
auandonment; (uhraus) sacrlflce, giving alustaminen
up; (pidttyminen) self-denial. -antava kneadlng, stlrrlng; (kysymyksen) pres(uhraava) seir-sacririclng; (pidttyv; entatlon, outllnlng; reportlng. alustava
self-denylng (l. -forgetful) ; (altis) de- prelimlnary [examinatlon, kuulustelu J,
voted. -antavaisuus sacrlflce; self-denl- (valmistava) preparatory; alustavat tyt
preparations, preparatory work. alusta
al; devotion.
alttiisti wlllingly, readlly; devotedly, af- vasti prelimlnarily, by vvay of preparalectlonately; seir-sacrlflclngly.
alttius tlon. alusteellinen prelimlnary. alusteleva = alustava; alusteleva tutkinto pre
vvlllingness, good \vill, readlness; dispo
sition; (taipumus) tendency, iuclination; limlnary (1. preparatory) examinatlon.
(taikinan) mixlng (up), knead
susceptibillty [to (1. oi') ..], liablllty
[to ..]; (hartaus) devotion [to . .], at- lng; (kysymyksen) presentatlon; repon,
[to . .] ;
(uhrautuvaisuus) outllne, brlef, summary; vrt. pohjustus.
readlness to make sacrifices; vrt. altis. ai us II vaatteet underwear; under|clothes (1.
altto (mus.) aito. -viulu viola. -ni aito -garments 1. -clothlng). -vaatteisillaan
in one's (1. thelr) nlght-clothes. In neg(volce).
alue (ala) territory; dominion; area; ligee. -vesiratas undershot \vater-wheel.
(seutu) tract, region; (piiri) dlstrlct; alve (helsimato) tapevvorm; alueet (ka
(kuv.) ala; kaupungin alueella \ulhlli lanpoikaset) fry.
tbe city (limlts), uuhin tbe confines of amatsoni (naissoturi) amazon.
the town; tehdas manufacturing (1. amatri (talteen, urheilun y. m. harrasta
factory) dlstrlct; tehtaan ~ ground oc- ja amateur.
cupied by the factory, factory grounds. Amazonvirta the (River) Amazon.
alueellinen terrltorlal; alueellisella perus ambulanssi
teella on a terrltorlal basls. alueellisesti -vaunu ambulance.
Amerikka America, amerikkalainen (a. &
alueinen (yhd.) . . of a(n) . . extent (1. s.) American, amerikkalaistua be(comej
area) [esim. laaja~ of a Wide extent (1. Amerlcanized. amerikkalaistunut Amerlarea) ; suppea of a narrovv area, of a canlzed. amerikkalaistuttaa Amerlcanlze.
limited extent].
amerikkalaisuus Amerlcanlsm.
alueu kunta dlstrlct. -lkri dlstrlct phy- ametisti (Jalokivi) amethyst.
amfiteatteri (hlst.) amphltheater.
amiraali admlral. amiraalinlaiva (admlaluksi ks. alku.
aluksinkuljettava navlgable.
ral's) flagshlp. amiraliteetti (laivaston
alulla, alulle ks. alku.
ylihallitus) admlralty.
alulle;, pano settlng on foot, lnltlatlve; ammahtaa: ~ aufci (esim. ovi) fly (1.
startlng. -pantu started, begun, com- spring) open.
menced, put under vvay.
ammatillinen Professional; ~ sivistys Pro
aluminium! (kem.) alumln(l)um. aluna fessional tralnlng; ~ taito sklll (In one's
(kem.) aluni, alunainen alumlnous, alum- trade), Professional sklll, crartsmanship;
~ tieto Professional (1. speclal) knowlUke.
alunalllluos solmion of aluni, -tehdas edge; ~ ty skllled work, Professional
vork. ammatillisesti professlonally; am
alus 1. (pohja, perustus) foundatlon, matillisesti jrjestynyt organlzed In trade ground(work), base, basls, (tuki) sup- unions, unlonized; ammatillisesti jrjes
port, rest, (rak.) bed(dlng); (vaunun tynyt tyvest (1. v.) organlzed labor.
y. m.) rraine(work), truck; vrt. alusta; ammatinharjouaja person carrylng on a
2. (laiva, vene) vessel, boat, craft; 3. trade (1. profession) ; worker at a trade,
(kiel.) subject; ks. mys: silmnalus.
(handl)craftsman. -harjotus carrylng on
alusllhame pettlcoat; (under) skirt. -hirsi (or) a trade; handlcraft. -taitava am
(rak.) (ground)sill; sleeper; (lattian) mattitaitoinen, -tarkastus lnspectlon of
glrder, summer, -housut drawers; un- shops and factorles. -vaara (bodlly)
dervvear. -kunta dependent territory; risk (whlle at work).
(henkilt) dependents, retainers, (Jon ammatisto (hlst.) g- (u) iiri, trade g(u)lld.
kun maatilan) tenantry. -kuntalainen de ammatti (ksity-) trade, craft; (henki
pendent, retalner, (kartanon) tenant; vrt. sen tyn) profession; (toimi) busines*,
alustalainen, -lakana bottoni (1. under) occupation; calling; (ala) llne; ammatil
sheet. -lehdet (kasv.) radlcal leaves. taan [suutari, lkri, poliisi] [a shoe-maa protectorate, dependency, (trlbu- inaker] by trade, [a physlcian] by pro
tary) princlpality; alusmaat (Jonkin val
fession, [a policeman] by occupation;
takunnan alaiset) possesslons, domlnlons; ammattien tarkastaja factory lnspector.
vrt. siirtomaa, -rakenne substructure; ammatti- (yhd.)
(usein:) Professional
(perusta) foundatlon.
[esim. -painija Professional wrestler;
alusta base; support, rest; (rakennuksen) -peluri Professional gambler; -politikoitbed(ding), (perustus) foundatlon, ground - sija Professional pollticlan; -varas Pro
(work), basis; (maakerta) basement; vrt. fessional
-ylpeys Professional
alus, jalusta.
pride]. -ala trade; profession; llne. -edut
alustaa (taikina) mix (up), (vaivata) advantages of a trade, trade prlvlleges.
knead [tbe dough, taikina], stlr; (maalil
-haureus prostltutlon. -Jrjest trade (s)la) prlme, ground; (kysymyst) repun. unlon, (Amer. usein:) labor organlzatlon.




-kateus trade rivalry. -kerjuu Profes ammottaa gape (Open); yawn; (olla auki)
sional begging. -kokemua tralniag (In be Wide open. ammottava gaplng Lwound,
one's trade) ; Professional experlence; haava], yawning [cbasm, kuilu]; Wide
hnell on perinpohjainen ammattikokemus open.
.my os:, be knovvs au tbe ins and outs In ammua bawl; low, moo; (vasikasta:) blat.
bls trade (1. profession), -koulu trade- ammuminen bawl(lng); low(lng), mooschool; Industrial scbool. -kumppani (pro(ing); blat(ting).
ressional) colleague; fellow craftsman.
ammunta sbootlng; (sot.) flre.
ammatti kunnallinen Professional,
(bist.) ammuskeleminen flring (sbots); sbooting.
guild; ~ henki gulld splrit; ~ opeta* ammuskella shoot, be (1. keep) sbooting,
practise uitli tbe rifle. ammuttaa bave
training (In one's trade).
(1. order) . . shot. ammuttu shot; disammattikunta craft, trade; (ammattlyhdlscharged; ammuttu nuoli tbe arrow distys) (trade-) union; (ammatisto) guiM,
cbarged (1. shot).
trade gulld. -asetus guild statute. -henki
gulld spirlt. -laitos gulld system; tbe ampaista shoot; (kuv.) fiing, toss.
ampiainen wasp.
(bndi) crartsman; skillecl ampiaisll parvi swarm of wasps.
wasp's nest. -pisto wasp's Sting, stlng
workman; (ksitylinen) artlsan, me(of a wasp).
organlzed amppeli (rlippulamppu) banglng (tlower-)
basket (1. nlgbt-lamp).
trades; (jonkun) valtion (Ybdysv.)
ampua sboot Loneself in the leg, jalkaansa;
tate Federation of Labor.
rabblts. Jniksi] ; (laukaista) fire [a shot,
ammattimainen Professional, ammattimai
sesti professlonally, llke a proresslonal, laukaus] ; ~ harhaan miss, miss the
mark; ~ Jonia shoot (1. get) a rabbit; ~
. . as a profession, ammattimaisuus projnist shoot at a rabbit; ~ kivi (lou
ressional nature (1. cbaracter) ; Profes
hia) blast rocks; ~ kuoliaaksi shoot
sional ism.
ammatti | mies
Professional dead, sboot and kili, kili, shoot (down),
niani; (asiantuntija) expert, speclalist.
(esim. lintu) bring down; ~ laukaus rii-e
(off) a shot; ~ luofi otsaansa blow one'3
-opetus Professional training, instructlon
in a trade (1. a profession), -osasto brains out; ~ maaliin (l. pilkkaan) sboot
at a mark (1. a target) ; practise at a
(trade-) unlon,
target; (sot.) practise target-sbooting.
-taito skill in one's trade (1. profession),
seinn shoot at a Wall; ~ sivu (1. syr
iproressional) skill, craftsmansblp. -tai
miss (the mark) ; ~ vialle wound,
toinen sktlirul in one's trade (1. profes
cripple, (lintu) wlng; alkaa start to
sion), skilled. -taituri expert (craftsman).
[at one. Jotakuta], (sodassa) open
-tarkastaja factory Inspector. -tarkastus
fire; olla ammuttavissa be within range
jramatmtarkaitui. -taudit dlseases peCUl(1.
gunshot) ; tuomita ammuttavak
iar to certaln trades (1. occupatlons) . -tie
dot Professional (1. special) knowIeclge. si sentence to be shot.
-tilasto statlstlcs of trades; (teollisuus-) ampullia be (1. keep) shootlng; (practise)
shoot (Ing).
Industrial statistlcs. -tottumus Profession
al experlence. -toveri 1. -veli ammatti- ampuja marksman; (yhd.) sliooter [esim.
kumppani, -urheilija Professional (atblete). tarkka-~ sharpshooter] , hunter [esim.
-vanhin bead or a trade gulld. -vapaus hirven~ deer-hunter; karhun~ hunter of
freedom from Industrial constralnt, Indus
bears]; taitava a good (1. a crack) sbot,
trial freedom.
a good marksman. -kaivos rlfle plt; (valliammattiyhdistys
trade(s) -unlon.
-liike hauta) trendi, -ketju llne or ririemen.
frade-union movement, trade-unlonlsm. ampuma shot. -ala (sot.) range. -ase
amme vat; large tub. -kylpy (tub-)batb. gun; weapon; ampuma-aseet rirearms.
-aukko loophole; (tykki varten) emammennus - ammentaminen.
-haava bullet (1. gunshot)
ammentaa lade, scoop [water out of . . , brasure.
vett Jostakin]; (kuv.) procure, obtaln, wound. -harjotus (usein: ampumaharjotukset)
gun-practice, (sot.)
acquire, gatber; jostakin (mys:) dlp
out or . .; ~ kauhalla laille; ~ korvo target-practlce. -hauta ririe-pit. -kentt
range. -kil
vett tyteen scoop a tub (1. a COWl) full
pailu shooting-match, shootlng-competior water; ~ runsaitta lhteitt (kuv.)
tlon. -linja (sot.) line or rire, range;
draw from rlch sources; [kalvo] tyh
jksi (\. kuiviin) Uravv [a well] dry, flring line. -matka range, gunshot; amempty: tietoja acquire knowledge, pumamatkan phn, pss Ullin range
(1. gunshot). -rata shootlng-range, riflegatber Information, ammentaminen ladrange; butts; (katettu) shoottng-gallery.
Ing. scooplng; (tiedon) acqulsltlon, gath-reik
* ampuma-aukko, -seura rifle club
(1. association), gun club. -suunta = amunmoa
-taito skill in shootlng, sklll
ammoin: aikoja (sitten) (a) long long
itime) ago, once upon a tlme. ammoinen as a marksman, marksmanshlp; sharpettremely old, (very) anclent (1. priml- shooting; gunnery. -tarpeet ampumavarat, -taulu target; butt. -varat (koll.)
tlve, Imtnemorlal; (etinen) dlstant, re
mote; jo ammoisista ajoista from tlme ammunition. -vli = ampumamatka.
unmemortal, rrom very anclent (1. from ampuminen flring (shots), shooting; fire.
the earllest) tlmes.
Amurinmaa Amur (territory).
ammollaan: olla be Wide open, gape analysoida (eritell) anal|yze (1. -yse).
, esim. ovi on tbe door Is Wide open] ;
analyysi anal|ysls (pl. -yses) ; (metalliseisoa suu staml with one's moutb analyysi) assay. analyyttinen analytical.
Wide open. stand agape (1. gaplng) ; sil ananas (hedelm) pineapple.
mt witb eyes wlde open, witb one's anarkia anarchy. anarkinen anarchlc(al).
eyes open Wide.
anarkismi anarcblsm. anarkisti anarcblst.
ammoniakki (kem.) ammonla. -suolat am- anarkistinen anarchistic.
moniacal salts. -vesi ammonlacal llquor. anastaa (vallata) selze; lay hold or; usurp
[power, valtaa; the throne, valtaistuin] ;
ammonta = ammuminen.



arrogate (to o.s.) [the right of . . , Jo

kin oikeus] ; ( wroii(f 1'iilly ; assume ta
tule, arvonimi] ; (ottaa) unlavvTuliy take,
approprlate [a p.'s share oi' . . , jonkun
osuus Jostakin]; ( valiotta) annex [a
country, jokin maa] ; ~ Joltakulta jotakin
(omaisuutta) dispossess one of . . .
anastaja one wlio seizes (1. approprlates
jne.), one \vlio lias selzed Jne., vrt. anastaa.
usurper; dlspossessor; approprlator. -luok
ka class oi' usurpers, usurplng class.
anastaminen usurplng, usurpation; appro prlation; assumlng; vrt. seur. anastua selzure, dispossesslon, usurpation; annexation.
anatomia (lk.) anatomy. -sali anatomical laboratory; dissectlng room. anatomi
nen anatomlcal.
Andes-vuoret, Andit the Andes (Mountalns).
ane (liist.) Indulgence. -kauppa sle of indulgences. -kaupplaa seller of lndulgences,
pardoner. -kirja letter oi' Indulgence.
aneleminen asklng, begglng. anella ask,
beg; request. anelu = aneleminen.
angervo (kasv.) splraea, meadowsweet.
anglosaksilainen (a. & s.) Anglo-Saxon.
angora,, kissa Angora cat. -villa Angora wool.
-vuohi Angora goat.
ani very, extremely; ~ harva very (1. extremely) few; harvoin very (1. exceedlngly 1. extremely) seldom; very
rarely; varhain very early.
aniliinl (viiri, anllln(e). -myrkytya anilin
polsoning; (lk.) anll(ln)lsm. -varl anilin
dye (1. color).
ania (-kasvi) anlse; (-mauste) anlseed.
-ljy anlse-oll.
anjovis ancho|vy (pl. -vies); (silytettyn,
mjos:) canned sprats.
ankara severe [Winter, talvi; punlshment,
rangaistus] ; rlgorous; (tiukka) strlct
[supervision, valvonta; probibltlon, kiel
to]; rlgld [dlsclpllne, kuri]; (voimakas)
strong [wlnd, tuuli; current, virta],
povverful, vigorous [attack, hykkys;
errort, ponnistus] ; (tuima) violent, vehement; acute, sharp; lntense; (kuuma)
hot; (Julma) grlm, rierce; (tyly) stern
[ratber, is; look, katse], austere [rather, Is] ; (kova) hard [vvork, ty; cold
In the head, nuha]; heavy [sea, aallokko;
blovv, Isku]; ~ kamppailu hot (1. hardTought) contest; kuumuus lntense
heat; myrsky vehement (1. violent)
storm; pakkanen severe (1. rlgorous 1.
bitter) cold; taistelu bot struggle,
hard (1. sharp) right; ~ tauti acute
slckness, (valkea) serlous lllness; ~ tus
ka acute (1. severe) pain (s); ~ tutkimus
strlct (1. close) lnvestlgatlon; ankarat Ma
nat hard (1. harsii 1. sharp) wordS; tehd
ankarammaksi aggravate. ankaranlainen
somevvhat severe, rather rlgorous, qutte
strong. ankaraatl severely, rlgorously;
strlctly; vlolently; acutely, lntensely;







strlctly (1. posltlvely) Torbldden. anka

ruus severlty, rlgor, rlgldlty; strlctness;
vehemence; acuteness, sharpness; Intenslty; vrt. ankara.
ankeriaani! nahka eelskin. -pyynti eel-flsbing.
ankeriainen, ankerias eel.
ankka duck; ks. koiras, sanomalehti".
\nkkurl (laivan) anchor (mys kuv.);
(astiamltta) anker, lukin; ankkurissa
oleva anchored [shlp, laiva]; olla ankku
rissa rlde at anchor, be (1. lie) anchored.
ankkuri kela (mer.) capstan. -kallo levervvatch. -ketju chaln cable. -paikka ancborlng place, anchorage, moorage. -poh


ja anchorage; bottom ror anchoring. -poi

ju 1. -kukko anchor-buoy. -vitjat

ankkuroida (laskea ankkuriin) anchor;

laiva anchor (1. moor) the shlp.
anna, annahan, annappas [from: antaa]
glve . .! let . .! anna hnen puhua let hlm
speak; anna(han) kuulua gO aliead!
(jkpv.) lire away! annahan olla (Odotappa) walt! (katsotaanpa) le f s see! anna
menn (ksky ajurille:) go on! drlve on!
anna minun I hnen, sen y. m.] olla let me
[hlm, lt etc.j alone! anna minun olla rau
hassa leave me In peace! annappas minun
kertoa, annappas kun kerron let me teli
(how lt was), (selitt) let me explaln.
annanta = antaminen, annanto (kiel.) (the)
datlve (case), annattaa have .. glven (I.
dellvered 1. bestowed upon).
annin (lahja) girt; present, donatlon; endowment; (luonnonlahja) talent; vrt. an
anniskeleminen (vkijuomien) selllng (by
retall) ; (Jakelu) distrlbution. anniskella
sell (by retall) ; (Jaella) dlstrlbute, glve
out, serve out [provlslons, ruokavaroja] ;
anniskella vkijuomia Sell (1. retall) splr
its, distrlbute splrltuous llquors.
anniskelu (vkijuomien) (retall) sle o!
lntoxlcants (1. of alcohollc beverages) ; vrt.
kapakka, -oikeus (vkijuomien) Ucenso
to sell llquor, Uquor (1. saloon) Ucense.
-paikka llcensed bouse (1. premises) j
(kapakka) saloon, bar. -yhti company
llcensed to retall splrltuous llquors.
annoksittain (lkett) In (1. by) doses;
(ruokaa) a (1. one) portlon at a tlme, in
portions; fsot.) in ratlons.
annos (lkett) dose; (ruokaa) portlon;
(sot.) ration.
anoa ask [one for a tb., Joltakulta Jota
kin], petitkin [for ... Jotakin]; (pyyt)
sollclt, entreat, (rukoillen) beg, lmplore
[mercy, armoa]; ~ anteeksi ask (1. beg)
pardon, pray ror forglveness [for one's
slns, syntejn], (puolustellen) inake an
apology, apologize; (etm. velkaansa)
ask for a tb. to be cancel(l)ed, ask ror
the remlssion of [esim. ~ julkisesti an
teeksi make a pubin- apology, apologize
publicly; huom. mys: ~ virhettn an
teeksi ask for Indulgence towards ones
fault, ask pardon for one's mlstake] ;
Joltakulta (1. Jonkun) apua ask one's
help, ask one for help; ~ armoa ks. pyy
t, rukoilla; asian lykkmist apply
Tor a postponement (or the case) ; ~
[hallitukselta] elkett petitkin [the
government] for a penslon; ~ nyrsti
beg bumbly, suppllcate. anoja petltloner;
sollcltor; suppllant, suppllcant. anomi
nen asklng; petltionlng; suppllcatlon; vrt.
anomus, anomuksentekija petltloner.
anomus request; petitlon; (hakemus) applicatlon; anomukseni johdosta on my peti
tlon (1. request), In consequence of my
request, (anomukseeni viitaten) reierrlng (1. In rererence) to my petitlon;
jonkun anomuksesta at (1. on) one' s re
quest, upon the petitlon or . . . -kirja 1.
-kirjelm wrltten appllcatlon, petitlon.
-oikeus rlgbt of (1. to) petitlon. -paperit
anoppi mother-ln-lau.
ansa snare; trap; (paula) noose.
ansaita l. (tylln) earn [a livlng, ela
tuksensa]; (yi.) win [one's bread, lei
pns], galn; reallze; 2. (olla Jonkin ar
voinen 1. olla jonkin ansainnut) deserve
[praise, kiitosta], inerit [attentlon, buo-


f^?^\- ,b.e worthy of, be entitled to; seryed, unmerited; vrt. ansaitsematon,
(olla jonkin arvoinen) be worth; ~ kun
nioitusta be deservlng (1. worthy) or re
spect; miettimist deserve consldera- lack or merit (s).
tion. be worth thlnklng over; ~ muista ansioty 1. work ror wages, work to earn
one's llvlng; (tuottava) lucratlve (1. prornutta deserve to be remembered; ~ pal
kinto (\. tulla palkituksi) deserve (1 itable) work; 2. (ansiokas teko) rneritomerit) reward, deserve to bc rewarded; rious deed (l. action), exploit, reat,
rahaa jollakin H lake 1II0IK; V on . . , (great) achievement.
ityi.iiaj earn money by . .; ansaitsematta, antaa 1. (tr.) glve [money to one jollekulle
ansaitseva, ansaittu ks.hakus.; hn ansaitsi rahaa; one medlclne, Jollekulle lke .
melkoisen omaisuuden (hankki) he maded ?HVnSrny,UCtlons how . JollekuTle oh:
realized) a considerable rortune; kirja ei ?h "im Sen, v one Permission to do a
ansaitse lukemista the book Is not WOrtll th.. Jollekulle lupa tehd Jotakin; one to
the; readlng (l. not worthy of reading), understand that . . , Jonkun ymmrt, et
Uie book does not deserve (1. merit) ta ; a concert, konsertti; oraers, kskv
readlng; nytt ansaitsevansa jotakin inrormat on, tietoja; a large return run
show o. s. to be deservlng or ..; olen sas sato] ; (Jollekulle kteen 1. haltuun)
n hyvin ansainnut I have Weil de
del iver (over hand (over), reach; (Jt
served lt; tymies on palkkansa ansain
t) leaye; (lahjana y. m.) bestow (l
nut (raam.) the laborer is worthy of hls conrer) [a th upon one, Jollekulle Jo(ta)nlre. ansaitsematon unmerited, undeserv- tiV' U.Vt', one w,th power <' authorled; unworthy of . .; (tyll) unearned. Inhi Ji."ek,u ? *()], (muodollisilla
ansaitsematta an) undeservedly; wlthout juhlal isuuksilla) present [the prize to
deservlng it.
ansaitseminen earning- the Victor palkinto voittajalle] ; (myn
(esim. rahan) maklng, reallzation; merlt- t) grant [permission to dance, lupa
ing, deservlng.
tanssia], accord; (suoda) arrord [reller.
ansaitseva earntng; jotakin ~ deservlng (I
Helpotusta; satisractlon, tyydytyst] , lend
meritlngj .., worth .., worthy of,
[asslstance, avustusta; charm to the
. .-wortby [esim. huomiota ~ deservlng landscape. maisemalle viehtyst; an ear
(I. merlting) attention, noteworthy; kii
to. huomiota Jollekin]; render [help to
tosta deservlng pralse, pralseworthy- the poor, apua kyhille; a Judgment, tuo
nkemist wortb seelng].
mio], rurnlsh [bail, takaus], (tuottaa, ai
ansaittu merited, deserved [honor, kunnlaj ; heuttaa) lmpart [a color to . . , Jollekin
vri], bring, (satona y. m.) yleld
hyvin ~ well-earned [rest, lepo], welldeserved [beating, selksauna], well-won [large crops, runsas sato], produce; (toi
Jonkin antaminen)
.prize. palkinto].
ansari (kasvihuone) hothouse, greenhouse. [mediclne to one, Jollekulle lkettl,
?al ,fa, bl0w- lskuJ; (sallia) let [one
-kaavi hothouse plant.
try Jonkun koettaa], allow [one to go
,-nsas (rak.) truss.
tnsio (ty-) earnlngs (usein = ansiot); Jonkun menn], surrer [one to depart,
imit on ansainnut) desert(s), merlt(s); Jpnkun lhte] ; (Julkaista) lssue [a pro;arvo; worth; (hyvpuoli) credlt; ansion clamation. Julistus; orders, ksky] ; 2. (Itr )
mukaan according to one's (1. its) deserts (olla suunnattuna Johonkin) race to, race
on [huom. esim. ikkunat antavat pohjoi
(I. merits) ; ansiotta undeservedly; ansiot
tani without my deservlng it; kirjan ~ on sten the Windows race (to the) north 1.
siin, att . . the merit or the book lies rront [esim. Anone - kadulle the room
In the ract that . .: kukin ansionsa jlkeen Tronts the Street]; anna ks. hakus.- ~
johonkin (\. jonkin aihetta) glve
O. mukaan) every man according to hls aihetta
rise (1. occasion) to, lead to, cause (l
Ju*t deserts.
. .; set aroot, start; (esim'
ansioinan (yhd.) or . . merit [esim. suurior great merit (1. worth)j; vrt. mys miettimisen aihetta) rurnlsh matter n'
rood) ror rhuom. mys: asia
h yvansiolnen,
an. lokaa (Ihmisest:) deservlng, worthy et antanut aihetta mihinkn toimenpitei
was taken In the matter]
asiasta:) meritorious [deed, teko]; (tuot
tava) lucratlve, remuneratlve, proNtable- alennusta jostakin glve (1. all0W) discount on a th., allow (1. deduct) . . (Tor
'f?4*?' ."yln ansiokasta tyt jonkin hy
on a th. [huom. mys: - 5
vksi do a very merltorious work (1. per- dlscount)
form a work or great worth) ror . . , ren- %:n alennus (l. S % alennusta) jostakin
or) 5 % on a th., alder great (1. valuable) Service to
ansiokkaasti in a worthy manner, wortbl- low 5 % dlscount on a th.]; - alttiiksi
ly, mentorlously, deservingly. ansiok- ks. panna; ~ anteeksi rorglve, pardon
k au uus worthlness; meritorlousness- excuse, (velka) cancel, rcmlt, (olla huo
merit. ansiollinen - ansiokas; ansiollinen mioonottamatta) overlook [a p.'s ramts
Jonkun viat], vrt. suoda [huom. mys:
mmes a man or merit. ansiollisesti, ansiol
antakaa anteeksi rohkeuteni e.xcuse mv
lisuus ks. ansiokkaasti, ansiokkuus.
boldness! sit ei voi ~ anteeksi it ('annot
ansion luettelo llst of merits (]. credlts)
rorglven (1. pardoned 1. excused ).
Iisi of qualiricatlons, list or achlevements' overlooked),
Is inexcusable (1. unpar-lande source or Income, means or earn- donable)]; ~it apua
jollekulle renrler (1.
mg a livelihood; business.
one assistance, lend (1. glve) one a
ansion haku: lhte ansionhakuun go to lend)
(I. help) one
ln"*Jj? ?ork (1i ror a Jb>- -mukainen (puutteessa olevalle) bestow
relier on- ~
merited. deserved; due. -mukaisesti ac- armoa
towards one
rurding to [one's] deserts (1. merits)
(armahtaa) pardon one; arvoa (1. ar
rteservedly; duly.
jollekin have respect (1. regard) ror
ansiopuoll good (1. brlght) side, merits- vo)
[other peopIe's oplnlons, muiden mielipi
credlt; kirjan the merits or the book
teille], Teel respect ror, show respect
ansioton (Ihmisist:) wlthout merlt(s)
to(ward) [a p., Jollekulle], hold In hlgh
Ithout desert(s), lacklng merits (1
esteem, respect, (Jollekin asialle) place
credlts), undeserving; (asioista:) unde- value on, pay attention to, make account




loan (1. a loan to one); lainaksi jolle

Of [eSIm. annan suuren aroon hnen suoMituktelleen I place great value on hls kulle lend one, accommodate one vvith [a
recoinmendation; annan suurta arvoa (l. sum or 100, 100 dollaria], (velka
suuren arvon) hnen sanoilleen I glve (1. kirjaa vastaan) loan a p.; ~ lakiehdotus
ascribe) grcat vvelffht to hls words; en eduskunnalle ks. esitt, jtt; ~ lupa
(mynt) grant a permit, grant permis
anna mitn arvoa hnen puheilleen 1 piit
no conridence In (1. I pay no attentlon sion, permit, allow, (virallinen) grant a
to) what he says; huom. mys: ~ liian llcense, license [esim. hnelle annettiin
suuri arvo jollekin overrate (1. ovcr- lupa myyd vkijuomia be vvas gxanted a
llcense (1. he vvas llcensed) to sell llqestlmate) a tn., thlnk too much (1. hlghly) of ..], vrt. panna; ~ Jokin Jonkun uor]; ~ funsus (mys:) make a promise,
(luvata) promise; ~ [suuri] merkitys
arvosteltavaksi (mys:) submlt a th. to
one Tor criticism, leave a th. to one's judg- jollekin asialle attribute (1. ascribe 1. at
ment (1. discretion) ; ~ asetus issue an or- tach) [a great deal or] importance (1.
vvelght) to a matter; ~ myten (myn
dtnance, promulgate a statute; ~ esi
merkki johonkin set an example Tor; ~ t) admlt, concede, (antaa pern) yleld
(the polnt), give In; odottaa ks. odo
[Jollekulle rahaa] etukteen advance [one
tuttaa; "" ohjausta (\. opastusta) jossakin
money]; ~ jollekulle haaste (saapua oi
keuteen) serve a summons upon . . , give lnstruction in, lnstruct (1. dlrect) . .
(esim. painlhaaste) challcnge one to in, (neuvoja) give advice about (1. in);
~ Jollekulle oikeus grant one a right (1.
[a vvrestilng- match], vrt. haastaa; Jon
kun haltuun (\. huostaan) commlt (1. permit one) [to carry a vveapon, kantaa
(sallia) permit, al!ow, (valta)
entrust 1. dellver) to the care (1. charge)
or, (ksiin) leave In the hands or; < vest a p. with authority [to svvcar in
henkens jonkun edest give (up) One'S deputles, vannottaa toimeensa apulaisia] ;
olio (rauhassa) leave (1. let) . . alone
life ror, (uhrautua) saennee o.s. Tor; ~
[esim. anna sen olla leave (1. let) it
hevosten henght glve the horses
alone! antakaa hnen olla rauhassa let him
breath. let the horses breathe; ~ houku
tella itsen johonkin (let O.S.) be per- alone, leave him In peace] ; ~ opetusta
suaded to . . , (surfer o.s. to) be pre- jollekulle jossakin aineessa give one ln
struction (1. lessons) In ... teach one
valled upon to . .; ~ Jokin Jonkun huo
[English, englanninkieless]; Jollekulle
leksi charge (1. Commission) one vvith ..
leave a th. to one, entrust It to one to palkinto jostakin avvard one a prlze ror;
pern glve way, yleld, (kuv.) glve in,
. .; huomiota jollekin pay (1. lend 1. (flve)
(Jkpv.) come round; sana sanasta
attentlon to; iimidlsclose.reveal [a secret,
make a rejolnder, retort, (maksaa) pay . .
salaisuus], ks. mys: ilmiantaa; Jolle
(back) In hls ovvn coln, glve . . as good
kulle iloa (tuottaa) arrord plcasure to . . ,
give delight to . . , brtng Joy (1. happl- again (1. as good as he sent) ; selitys
(mys:) make an explanation, (kytk
ness) to . .; ~ itsekullekin osansa josta
kin (mys:) mete out to each one hls sestn) give an explanation, Justiry o.s.;
selkn jollekulle glve one a vvhlpping
(share or) . .; ~ itsens ks. antautua; ~
(1. thrashlng- 1. beating 1. nogglng 1.
itsens Jumalan haltuun (usk.) glve o. S.
trouncing), (lylytys) glve one a drubinto Ood's care, dellver o.s. Into the hands
of Ood; ~ [asian] jd sikseen drop blng, (Jkpv.) tan (1. dust) a p.'s Jacket.
glve one a lieking; suuta jollekulle
[tho mattcr], let [the matter] alone;
(suudella) glve one a ktss, klss one:
takaisin glve . . back, return, (rahasta)
admlt one to cltlzenshlp, naturallze;
give back . . In change [Tor a dollar, dol
~ kertomus matkastaan return (I. give)
a report or one's voyage, glve (I. render) an larista] ; ~ takaus ks. taata, hankkia (ta
kaus) ; tehd jotakin have a th. done
arcount of one's trlp; ~ kieltv vastaus an[esim. antakaa lhett shksanoma have
swer (l. reply) In tho nouative, derllne
a telegram sent], vrt. teett; ~ Jonkun
ran offer. johonkin tarjoukseen]; kier
tehtvksi (\. suoritettavaksi) joku tyS
t (esim. sanan, hatun y. m.) pass,
set one a task, give one a th. to do;
(miehest mieheen) pass around, (esim.
[paljon] tekemist jollekulle make H.
keryslistan) Clrculate; ~ kiitosta jolle
cause) one [a great deal (1. a lot) ori
kulle bestovv pralse upon a p.: ~ Jonkun
vvork (1. trouble); ~ tiedoksi (tehd tiet
koettaa (mys:) Rlve one a chance, give
tvksi) make . . knovvn. announcc, glve
one a trial (1. a try) [esim. anna minun
koettaa viel kerran glve me annther
notlce or, let it be knovvn, (llmottaa) tnchance, let me try once more] : ~ Jota
Torm [huom. tten tiedoksi annetaan, ett . .
this Is to notiry (1. to glve notlce) that . . ,
kuta korvalle (l. korville) (lyd) box a
notlce Is hereby given that . .] ; ~ Mefo
p. on tlic ear, box a p.'s ear(s), vrt. seur.;
jostakin give notlce or rone's arrlval, tu
Jollekulle korvapuusti glve (1. admlnister) one a box on the ear, glve one a
lostaan], notirv, (llmottaa) mrorm;
curr, rurr a p.; kutsu musi johonkin
tietoa itsestn (olinpaikastaan y. m.)
send vvord (or o.s.) [huom. hn ei ole
Issue a rall ror, rall fa meetlng-, kokouk
antanut mitn tietoa itsestn vuosikau
seen]; ~ ksirahaa make a deposlt, ad
siin he has not sent any word Tor years,
vance money (1. pay earnest money) [on
a contract, urakkasopimusta vastaani ;
vve have had no xvord (1. have not heard)
Jokin ksistn let a th. out or one's
rrom him Tor years] ; ~ tietoja jollekulle
jostakin rurnlsh (1. supply) one vvith (1.
hands, let (ro or a th., (luopua) give a
glve one) Inrormatlon about: tilaa ks.
th. up, surrender (1. relinquish) a th.; ~
tehd (tilaa): Jokin jollekulle toimeksi
Jotakin Jonkun kteen hand (1. reach)
cntrust one vvith . . , entrust a Commis
one a th., dellver a th. Into a p.'s hand,
sion (1. a task) to one, vrt. seur.: Jolle
hand over a th. to one; - ktt jollekulle
kulle toimeksi tehd jotakin Commission
(mys:) shake hands wlth one, (ojentaa)
oxtend (1. hold out) one's hand to one; ~
(1. lnstruct) one to do a th., entrust one
vvith the task or dolng a th. f huom. esim.
lahjaksi (mys:) glve away, (Jollekulle
Jotakin) make one a present or, present
hnen toimekseen annettiin laatia piirus
tukset fl- piirustusten laatiminen ) he vvas
one \vtth; ~ laina jollekulle (mys:) accommodate a p. wlth a loan, make one a
charged vvith maklny (1. dravvlng) the




desitms, the tssls. (\. tne auty) of maklng lekin (ammatti taialle take up a Une, en
the deslgns vr&a entrusted (1. a3slgned) ter a profession, (valita Jokin ala) choose
to hlm (1. was laia upon liirn) ] : ~ [hy- (1. adopt) a profession; ~ armoille sur
ii] tnlaluia artoni (1. give 1. yieltl) render unconditionally, (heittyty Jonkun
Itoaa] resuus-, Jollekulle tunnustus(ta) armoille) throw o.s. upon a p.'s mercy;
jostakin give one recogrittlon for, recog- ~ ihailemaan jotakin give O.S. up to ,'lit
niie one tor hls servlces; ~ [ty] ura
mlring a th., become absorbed In the adkalle let out (a work] on contract; let mtratlon of a th., be carried away by a
the contract tor [a work] : ~ uutta viri- th.; ~ Jonkun johdettavaksi (antaa Jon
ttttt jollekin glve Tresn (1. new) lmpetus kun Johtaa) allow (1. suffer) o.s. to be
to . . , reanlmate (1. renliven) a th.; led (1. ruled 1. governed) by one; ~
tratta voimaa reinvigorate; * valmistaa jrjestmn olot set about (1. undertake)
ks. valmistuttaa, teett; Jollekulle to regulate the condltlons, devote o.s. to
raita jononkin (oikeuttaa Joku) glve one regulating the condltlons; ~ kauppaan (l.
a (1. the) rlght to . . , (valtuuttaa) au- kauppoihin) jonkun kanssa enter Into a
tbortze (1. empovrer) one to . . , vest one deal wlth one; ~ jonkun ksiin surrender
witb (the) authority to . .; ~ valtala jolle
to .. [the enemy, vihollisen ksiin], glve
kin (esim. vihalleen) let a tn. get control o.s. up to [the authorltles, viranomaisten
of (1. dominion over) one, (pst val
ksiin], dellver o.s. into a p.'s hands.
loilleen) give free course (1. rein) to (esim. lkrin) put o.s. In a p.'s hands,
fone's emotlons, tunteilleen; one's grief, vrt. Jonkun valtaan; laiskuuteen
urulleen], indulge, let .. loose; ~ vangi
yield to lazy habits; ~ leikattavaksi sub
ta K?, vangituttaa; ~ vapauttava pts mlt to (havlng) an operatlon (performed
valamiehistst puhuen:) return a ver- on o.s.), let o.s. be operated upon; ~
dict or not gullty, free; ~ Jotakin Jolle
lkrin hoidettavaksi put O.S. in a dOCtor'S
kulle velvollisuudeksi Impose upon one a care (1. hands), give o.s. up to the care
rtuty or dolng a th.; ~ virhaero dis- or a dOCtor; ~ maanviljelijksi (l. maata
rharge (1. dismlss) a p. (from Office), viljelemn) engage In (1. devote o.s. to)
(pyynnst) accept one's reslgnatlon, agrlculture; opin tielle apply o.s. to
(elkkeell) pension off: vitsaa lapselle learnlng, devote o.s. to study (1. learnvvhlp (1. swltch) the child, vrt. antaa sel
lng); ~ Johonkin tehtvn (ryhty)
kn; vuokralle lease, let (out), hlre proceed to (1. tackle) a task, enter upon
out-, vli (vaihtokaupassa) pay a dlf- a task, (harrastuksella) devote o.s. to a
ference [of . .], pay . . to boot; ~ vri task, (suostua ottamaan) undertake a
tietoja mlsinform, lmpart (1. glve) false task; Jonkun turviin glve o.s. up to (1.
Inrormatlon; ylen ks. ylenantaa; ym
throw o.s. on) a p.'s protectlon; ~ tySmrt kautta rantain glve one to under- hSns suurella hartaudella become enstand In a roundabout vvay, lntlmate, hlnt; grossed
one's work, be(come) absorbed
nens jonkin puolesta (\. hyvksi) (1. lose Ino.s.)
In one's work, be(comc)
vote ror a th.; ni (\. svel) glve (1. devoted
one's vvork; Jollekin uralle
strike) the keynote; jos Jumala hnelle enter a profession,
take up a career, (va
terveytt (suo) tr Ood grants hlm bealth lita) choose (1. adopt)
a line [esim. hn
11. bestOWS bealtb upon hlm); kirje an
he entered the
netaan postista the letter u/111 be glven actor's profession, he chose
career of
out (1. handed to you 1. dellvered) from an actor, (mys:) he becamethe
an actor. he
(I. at) the post Office; min en anna mi
lakitn hnelle I won't glve hlm anythlng, I miesuralle enter the law, choose the
wlll give notbing to hlm.
for one's profession, choose the legal pro
antaja one who gives (1. delivers 1. be- fession; ~ opettajauralle devote O.S. to
stows Jne.), vrt. antaa; glver; bestovver; teachlng, take up teachlng as a profession,
'labjottaja) donor. antaminen givlng, de- choose the career of a teacher] ; vaa
Hverlng, handlng over; bestovval; presen- raan expose o.s. to danger, endanger (1.
tation; granttng; afrordlng, lmpartlng Jne., imperll) o.s.; ~ Jonkin valtaan glve o.s.
vrt. antaa; lausunnon antamista varten up to [sorrow, surun valtaan], surrender
to be reported upon, for expression (1. o.s. to [the sway of one's passlons, Intohimojensa valtaan], abandon o.s. to [grler.
statement) of opinion.
murheen, paheiden valtaan], yleld (1.
antautua glve o.s. up I to the authorltles, vlce,
way) to [despair, eptoivon valtaani,
viranomaisille; to one's \vork, tyhns; let o.s.
transported (1. rarrled avvay)
to disslpatlon, hurjasteluun], surrender by [Joy,belion
valtaan] ; jonkun valtaan
(o.s.) f to the enemy, viholliselle] ; (vi
p.'s power, glve (1. dellver)
holliselle, mrtyill ehdoilla) capltulate; o.s. up (1. over)
to a p., (ksiin) sur
(alistua) yield, yleld o.s. [prtsoner, van
giksi]; (ryhty) enter [into conversatlon render to one, (alistua) submlt to nno;
vvlth one. puheisiin Jonkun kanssa], en- johonkin yritykseen embark upon (1.
gage [in speculatlons, keinotteluun; In a take part In) an undertaking (1. an enter
prlse) ; en antaudu sit arvostelemaan, I
debate wlth one, vlttelyyn Jonkun kans
sa], embark [In an enterprlse, Johonkin don't care to make any crltlclsm of it;
yritykseen], take part [In, Johonkin]; hnen tytyi (antaa pern, luopua)
(ruveta) take up, take to [drlnk(lng), he had to yleld (1. to glve In 1. glve up
1. glve \vay) ; linnotus antautui (vihollisil
juomaan], set about, enter upon: (har
the fortress capltulatcd, the fortress
rastuksella, halulla Johonkin) devote o.s. le)
(to the enemy) ; tutkimuk
to.., apply o.s. (1. one's mlnd) to . . , surrendered
siinsa kokonaan antautunut completely
(vihkiyty) dedlcate o.s. to [the cause of engrossed
In one's researches.
freedom, vapauden asian palvelukseen];
proceed [to, Johonkin]; Jonkin alai antautuminen surrender (lng), (mrtyill
seksi (Jollekin alttiiksi) expose o.s. to . . ehdoilla, sodassa) capltulatlon: (alistumi
'huom. ~ vaaran alaiseksi (mys:) en- nen) Submission; (harrastus) devotlon
[to . .] ; jollekin alalle f 1. aralle) adop
danger (1. Imperll) o. s.], (taipua, alis
tion or a profession, chooslng a career,
tua) submlt, bend [esim. ~ ikeen alaisek
taklng up (of) a llne.
si submlt (1. bend) to tbe yoke]; ~ Jol



antautumisllalka (sot.) (llmlt or) tlme set

for surrender. -ehdot terms of surrender
(1. capitulatlon).
anteeksi I. (verbien yhteydess) ks. anoa,
antaa, pyyt, saada, luoda. II. (Ivh. sa
noista: suohan anteeksi) partion (me)! beg
pardon! (please) excuse me (1. us)! ~,
miten se oli (\. mit sanoitte) excuse me,
I dld not hear? what dld you say, please?
beg (your) pardon?
anteeksillannettava pardonable [error, hai
rahdus] ; venlal [offense, rikos] ; excusable [mistake, erehdys], -annettavaiauus
pardonableness, excusableness. -antamaton
unpardonable; Inexcusable; unjustiriable
Tact, teko], unwarrantable [negllgcnce,
huolimattomuus] . -antamattomuus un pardonableness, unjustinableness. -antamus ks. anteeksianto, -antava(lnen) Torprivinpr: tndulgent, lenlent. -antavalsuua
rorglvingness, rorglving disposition (1.
nature). -antavasti rorglvlngly; with lndulgence (1. lenlency), tndulgently. -anto
pardon, forglveness ; excuse; (velan y. m.)
cancel(l)atlon, remlsslon; yleinen (viralli
nen) anteeksianto (valt.) amnesty, gen
eral pardon. -pyydellen wlth many apologies, apologlzlng, apologetfcally. -pyynt
excuse; (selittelev) apology. -pyytelev
1. -pyytv apologetic(al) [reply, vas
taus]; anteeksipyytelev kirje (mys:)
a letter full of excuses (1. wlth a thousand excuses). -suotava pardonable, exeiisable.
anteliaasti open-handedly, generously, 11berally; (runsaasti) freely. anteliaisuus
open-handeflness; llberality, generoslty.
antelias open-handed, generous, llberal;
free: anteliaalla kdell \vltll a lavisi)
hand, freely, llberally.
anti glft, present, endowment; metsngame; vrt. seur.
antikristus Antlchrist.
antikvaarinen antlquarlan; ~ kirjakauppa
second-hand book-store.
Antillit Antllles; Pienet ~ the Lesser Antilles: Suuret ~ the Oreater Antllles.
antilooppi (ellnt.) antelope.
antimet (tuotteet) products, produce,
yield; (lahjat) girts, endowments; kar
jan ~ yield (1. produce) of the stock; luon
non ~ nature's yield, products or nature;
maan products of the soll, (aarteet^
the rlches (1. treasures) of earth; met
sn yield of the forest, forest prod
ucts; onnen ~ rortune's glfts (1. bounties).
antimoni (kem.) antlmony.
antipyriinl (lk.) antlpyrln(e). antisepti
nen (taudin itiit tappava) antlseptic;
antiseptiset aineet antlSeptlCS.
anto = antaminen, antoinen (ybd.) ks.
niukka-antoinen, runsasantolnen. antoisa
fertlle Tsoll, maa], rich, prodnctlve; mys
- antelias, antopiv date (of lssue 1. of
rlelivery 1. of promulgation) .
entraslitti ("kova hiili") anthraclte.
_Anttl Andrew.
"antura sole; (reen) shoe; panna uudet an
turat kenkiin reSOle the Shoes; reen antu
rat (mys;) the lrons of the sleigh runners. -kenk shoe wlth a sole. -nahka
anturoida put a sole on [a shoe, kenk],
-"]". anturol (tse) mlnen sollng.
Antverpen Anttverp.
apaia (nuotta-) sweep wfth the (1. a)
selne; haul, draft. -palkka place well
sulted for a sweep wlth a seine.
aparaatti (koje, kojelalte) apparatus.
ape mash; vrt. rehu.

apea (alakuloinen) blue, depressed, deJected, dlsheartened, . . in low splrits;

(murheellinen) sad, melancholy; mieli(ala) triooni, dejectlon, iow splrits, mel
ancholy; apealla mielell In 10W (1.' sad)
splrits, dlsheartened, dejected, depressed,
In a gloomy (1. dejected) mood, out of
splrits, unhappy, sad; mieleni on (1.
asuu) apeana I Teel blue, I am (1. reel)
downcast (1. dejected 1. dlsheartened);
vrt. kyd (apeaksi), -mielinen dlsheart
ened, dejected, depressed (In splrits),
downcast; (murheellinen) sad, melan
choly, unhappy. -mieliaesti dejectedly,
gloomlly ; sadly. -mielisyys dejectlon, low
splrits, lovvness of splrits; sadness, mel
Apenniinit the Apennlnes.
apeus ks. mielenapeus.
apila(s) clover; (kasv., mys:) treroll.
-maa clover-field.
apilan|]kukka clover blossom. -lehti clover
leaf; treroll-lear. -siemen clover seed.
-viljelys cultlvatlon (1. ralslng) or clover.
apilavleras (kasv.) clover-dodder.
apina monkey; (Ihmisenkaltainen) ape.
-Ihminen ape-man.
apinamainen aplsh; monkey-llke, ape-llke.
aplnamalsuus aplshness. apinanaamaphyslognomy of an ape. apinannkineh resembllng an ape, ape-llke, monkey-Iike.
apinoida ape; (liikkeill) mlmlc; (Jljitel
l) lmltate, (pilkallisesti) mock. api
noi (tse) minen aplng; mlmicry; imitatlon.
apinoitsija ape; mlmlc; imltator.
aplodeerata (taputtaa ksin) applaud.
aploodl (ksien taputus) applause.
apostoli apOStle; Apostolien teot f 1. tekoja)
the Acts (of the Apostles). apostolinen
apostolin, apostolinlhevoset 1. -kyyti: kul
kea apostolin\hevosilla 1. -kyydill (lelk.
Jalan) go on Shank's horses.
apotti abbot. -kunta abbacy.
appaa 1. (ahmia) eat (1. feed) voraciously
(1. ravenously), swallow, devour, bolt; 2.
(luoda) lade, scoop, (vett veneest) bail.
appelsiini orange. -hyytel orange Jelly.
-mehu orange Juice.
appelsiinin i kuori orange-peel (1. -skin).
-siemen orange seed.
appelsiinipuu orange-tree. -viljelys cul
tlvatlon (1. ralsing) of oranges.
appi father-in-law. -ukko = appi. -van
hemmat: appivanhempani my fatner-ln,-la\v
and mother-in-Iaw, my parents-ln-law.
apposen: ~ alasti stark naked, stripped to
the skin.
aprikka (-hedelm) apricot.
aprikoida welgh . . in one's mind, thlnk . .
over; (mietti) ponder [over, Jotakin],
muse [on..] ; asiaa thlnk the matter over.
aprikoosi aprikka.
apteekkari apothecary; (Amer.) drugglst;
(Engl.) chemlst.
apteekki drug-store; (Engl.) chemlsfs,
apothecary's (shop); (sairaalan, laivan
y. m.) dlspensary; vrt. matka . -oppilas
druggisfs apprentlce. -tavara drug(s),
apu help; ald, assistance: succor; (hyty)
use, avail; (helpotus) reller; (parannus)
remedy; (pelastava) rescue; (tuki) support; apua tarvitsematta WlthOUt (reOUlrlng) any assistance, unalded; avuksi ks.
huutaa, olla, tulla; [Jonkin, Jonkun] avulla
(jonkin) by (the) ald (1. help) of, by
means or, by, (Jonkun) wlth the assist
ance (1. ald 1. help) of. wlth one's assist
ance (1. help), asslsted by [esim. Jumalan
avulla wlth the help or God: kainalosau
vojen avulla by the ald (1. help) or

crtltcbes; kminot, joiden avulla tlie means tyt ravor o.s., (vltell) shun (1. dread)
by whlch . . ; minun avuttani ui t li my ald work; arastamatta arastelematta; jat
(l. belp 1. asslstance), asslsted by me, kojani my feet reel (1. are) tender (1.
kauttani) through me; silmlasien avulla sore) ; hevonen tunnusta the Morse is
by the ald (1. help) or glasses] ; ei siit tender to the spur, the horse wlnces at
ala [minulle] mitn apua it does not the touch or the spur; vrt. arastella,
help [me] any, (hyty) lt Is or no use arastelematon, arastelematta, arasteleva,
(1. avail) [to me] ; hnell on ainutta arastelu ks. arkailematon, arkailematta,
tuuri he has a great help In you, you arkaileva, arkailu. arastella = arastaa;
arastella jotakin shrink (1. recoll) at,
are a great help tO htm; hnen muistutta
misettaan ei ole mitn apua lt's no USe dread; (aristella) \vlnce at [riles, krp
(l. tt avails nothtng) to remlnd hiin, lt si] ; (vetyty Jostakin) draw back
does no good to remlnd him; onko sinulla from; (esim. hevosesta:) shy at a tn., be
tt yhtn (l. mitn) apua Is that Of Shy at; vrt. arkailla.
any use to you? are you able to make arasti shyly, timldly; (varovasti) cautiously.
any use or that? does that serve you arastua get tender (1. sore); become senany? siit tulee meille that wlll be a sltive.
help to us, that \vlll help us out.
Ardennit Ardennes.
apu- (yhd.) auxlllary [esim. -kone auxilla- areena (kilpakentt) arena.
ry englne; -risteilij auxlllary crulser; arenti lease, tenure, tenancy; vrt. vuokra;
-tiede auxlllary science], (harv.) subsldl- minulla on .. arennilla I have . . leased (I.
ary: (apulais-) assistant [esim. -opettaja rented), I hold . . on lease. -aika lease.
assistant teacber; -toimittaja assistant arentiiainen 1. arentimies tenant; lessee.
editor] .
arenti oikeus rlght to lease. -sopimus
apuaetsiv seeklng help (1. ald). apuaine lease. -tila rented (1. tenant) farm.
sijaisalne) surrogate, substltute. apua- aresti custody, conrinement; (sot.) guardtarvitseva needlng help; (kyh) needy, room. -huone cell, lock-up; (sot.) guardpoor; vrt. avuntarvitsija,
apu? joukot auxlllary troops (1. forces), arestilainen prlsoner. arestirangaistus punauxlliaries; relnrorcements; rellef forces. Ishment In a guardroom.
-jsen auxlllary member. -Jsenyys po Argentiina Argentlna; Argentiinan tasavalta
sition or (1. capactty as) an auxlllary the Argentlne Republlc. argentiinalainen
member. -kassa reller rund. -keino ex- I. (a.) Argentlne, Argentlnian. II. (s.)
pedient, shirt; means; (apulhde) re- Argentlnean.
source; (parannus- 1. korjauskeino) rem- arina (tulisijan) grate, Hre-grate; (liesi)
edy: apukeinot (mys:) facllltles.
hearth. -kivi hearthstone. -pinta grate apulainen (Jonkun auttaja, avustaja) help- surrace. -tanko grate-bar.
' er, ald; auxlllary; (Jossakin toimessa) aristaa, aristella arastaa, arastella,
a=slstant, coperator; (apulaisprofessori, aristokraatti arlstocrat.
yliopistossa) associate (1. assistant) pro- arlstocratic(al). aristokratia arlstocracy.
(papin-) assistant clergyman, aristua = arastua; (ujostua) become shy (1.
(Engl.) curate; postimestarin assistant tlmld).
postmaster, postmaster's assistant; she aritmeettinen arithmetical [mean, keski
riffin deputy sherirr, sherlffs deputy; arvo; serles, sarja], aritmetiikka (oppi
vrt. mys: kauppa , pitjn.
luvuista) arithmetlc.
apulais- (yhd.) assistant [esim. -kielen arjalainen (a. & s.) Aryan.
kntj assistant translator; -opettaja arka (herkk) sensttive [to cold, kylml
assistant teachcr (1. Instructor) ] . -Ila- le], (kosketukselle y. m.) tender, sore
kiri assistant (surgeon); vrt. alilkri, [spot, paikka] ; dellcate [consclence, oma
tunto] ; (helposti rsyttyv) touchy, lrri-neuvoja assistant Instructor. -toimi posi
table; (varova) carerul; (pelokas) tlmld
tion as an assistant; Office of an assistant.
apulannotus artlficlal manurlng, fertillzlng. [as a hare. kuin Jnis], timorsome, tlmorous, ralnt-hearted; frightened [glance,
-aine fertillzer.
silmys]; shrlnking [demeanor, kyts!;
apu c lhde resource. -mies helper, assist
(vauhko) shy; (Johon voi pst ksiksi)
ant: (palkattu) hand. -neuvo = apukeino, assailable;
~ kohta (kuv.) tender spol;
-raha subsidy, allowance; (yliopistollinen) kunniastaan
or one's honor.
scbolarship, fellowshfp; (elke) penslon. sensitlve about sensltlve
(1. over) a point or hon
-rahasto f htkrsivien hyvksi) reller or; ~ kylmettymiselle
Susceptible to
rund; (tieteellisi y. m. tarkotuksla var
colds; ~ maineestaan Jealous or (1. sen
ten! foundation, endowment.
on ~ kas
apuri helper. coperator, assistant, (pal
tumiselle won't stand gcttlng \vet.
kattu) hand.
apu'sana (klel.) partlcle. -toimittaja (sa
nomalehden) associate (1. assistant) editor; holil. arkailematta (kursailematta) \vllli
one or the edltorlal starr. -verbi (klel.) perTect ease, unconcernedly, coolly; (aras
auxlllary (verb). -viivat (nuoteissa) added telematta) unshrinklngly, boldly; (vitkai(1. lcger) Iines, -vki (sot.) auxlliaries; lematta) unhesltatlngly, wlthout hesltaarkallemattomuus self-assertion,
relnrorcements; (varavkl) the reserves. tion.
arabialainen t. (s.) Aran. n. (a.) Arabian; boldness. arkaileminen ks. arkailu. arkai
shy; tlmld, timorsome, timorArablr. arablankiell Arablc.
ous; ralnt-hearted, chlcken-hearted; rrlghtaraksipaleltunut chilblalned.
silmys] ; shrlnking [demeanraksua shun, dread, recoll at, shy at; take
or.kyts] ; skittlsh [horse, hevonen] ; (ujo;
rrlght at: (haikailla) besltate; vrt. aras
(varova) cautlous,
tella, arkailla.
Aral-Jrvl the Aral Sea, the Sea or Aral. carerul; ihmisi arkaileva Shy 0T pcople.
shyness; tlmarapikuml gum arablc.
orousness; (over)cautlousness; (ujous)
arastaa nurse, Tavor [one's (1. Its) root, Jal
timid (1.
kaansa], be carerul or; (vltell) shun ralnt-hearted 1. overcautious) fellow;
f the llght, valoa], shlrk; avold; recoll at; kuri) coward. arkailla be tlmld, be (pel
f ujostella) be shy (1. tlmld) [or, Jota
kin], reel (1. be) embarrassed [at ..]; be overcautious (1. very carerul); hesitate;


be afraid [of doing a th., tehdS Jotakln],

be frightened: flinch: act the coward; ar
kaillen timidly, cautiously; arkaillen vetyty pois ostahin Shrink (I. flinch)
from, arkailu shyness; timidity: shrink
ing (back); hesitation; (ujous) diffidence,
bashfulness; (akkamaisuus) softness, ef
feminacy; turha arkailu foolish (1. Silly)
arkaFkatselnen .. with a shy (1. timid)
look, timid-looking, -luontoinen delicate
'topic, keskustelukysymys; task, tehtav], tender [subject, kysymys]; (Ihmlsest:) sensitive, responsive, -luontoisesti
delicately; in a delicate manner; sensi
tively, -luontolsuus delicacy, delicateness: sensitiveness, responsiveness.
arkamalnen timid, faint- (1. chicken-)
hearted: (pelkurlmalnen) cowardly, arkamaisestl timidly; cowardly, arkamaisuus timidity; falnt-heartedness; lack of
courage; cowardice.
arkallmlellnen - - arkamalnen. -sllmainon
. . with weak (1. bad 1. tender) eyes; (valonarka) shunning (I. afraid of) light: vrt.
arkakatseinen. -tuntolnen (arkalUOntOtnen) delicate [subject, kysymys], tender:
(liorkkii) sensitive [disposition, luonne:
In points of honor, kunnlata koskevlssa
kysymykslssS], susceptible, responsive;
(hlenotuntolnen) considerate: hyvin (I.
(henkllostft: )
oversensitive, (of a) very jealous (dispo
sition), -tuntolsestl delicately; sensitive
ly: considerately, -tuntolsuus delicacy
(of feeling); sensitiveness; susceptibility;
conslderateness. consideration.
arkeologl, arkeologia, arkeologlnen ks.
muinai|tieteilijii, -tied, -tleteellinen.

arki week day; pyhnS a arkena fmyfts:

pyhSa arkea) (on) holidays and week
days, (on) week days and Sundays.
arki- (yhd.) everyday [eslrn. -elama every
day life: -huoltt everyday cares; -puku
everyday suit (1. dress)], -huone sittingroom, living-room, -ihmlnen everyday
(sort of) person, commonplace person.
-Uta week-day evening, -kleli colloquial
language; everyday parlance, familiar
language: arhikitltssS colloquially.
arkinen everyday, common, commonplace,
workaday: (Jokaplvinen) dally.
arki olot everyday conditions (1. affairs),
dally circumstances; arkioloimea In every
day life: arkioloitta kytettvk*i for
everyday use (1. wear), -pllvl week day;
workday, -paivainen everyday, common:
(kuv.) commonplace; workaday. -palvaisesti
in everyday fashion, -pivaisyys: elmn
arhipioisyyf tho commonplaces (1. the
monotony) of life, -ruoka everyday fare
(1. food); dally (1. homely) fare, -sana
everyday (1. commonplace) word.
arkisin on week days, of a week day.
arkisto public records, archives, -kappalo
copy reserved for the public records.
arkistonhoitaja record -keeper, keeper of
(the) records (1. archives); (Yndysv.,
county 'n) register of deeds, arkistotutkimus study of original documents, re
search In archives; arkimtotutkimuhmtt
research work In archives.
arkitoimet everyday employments; dally
occupations (1. work).
arkittaln by sheets, by the sheet; by the
arklUupa (1. v.) living-room, -vaatteet
everyday clothes: arkivaattti**aan In his
(I. their) everyday clothes.
arkkl 1. (paper!-) sheet (of paper); sig
nature; 3. (raam.) ark.


arkkillhorttua archduke, -herttuatar arc

duchess, -hiippakunta archbishop's dl
cese; archbishopric, -luku number
arkkinen (yhd.) . . of . . sheets, . .
slstlng of . . sheets [esim. viui~ of
consisting of) five sheets].
arkkipiispa archbishop.
arkkitehtl architect, -klubi architects' clu
arkkjtehtuuri (rakennustaide) archltectui
arkkivelsut ballads hawked at fairs or i
the streets.
arkku (matka-) trunk; (tykalu- y. rn
chest; (lukittava) locker; (yl.) box, coffe
(ruumis-) coffin, casket; (silta-) caisse
arkunQavain key to the chest (1. trunk
trunk key. -kansl lid of the trunk
chest); chest lid; (ruumlsarkun)
ltd. -pohja bottom of the trunk
chest), trunk bottom.
arkuus tenderness; soreness; sensltlvene;
susceptibility [to cold, kylmalle] ; (p
lokkuus) shyness; tlmorousness, tlmldlt
(pelkuruus) cowardice; (varovalsuu
armaasti (hellstl) tenderly, affectionate!
lovingly; (lempeistl) mildly, gently; (s
lolsesti) sweetly.
armahaincn arma*.
armahdus pardon; reprieve; yltintn
(hallitsijan myontama) amnesty, oblivki
-Julistu proclamation of general panln
manifesto of amnesty, -oikeus 1. -val
right of pardon (ing).
armahtaa have mercy (1. pity) [on a i
Jotakuta]; pity, commiserate; (antaa a
moa) pardon [a prisoner, vanki]; (ant
anteeksl) overlook; (sst) spare [o
the sight of . . , Joku nakemasta jotakin
armahtamaton 1. (siialimaton) merclle
ruthless, pitiless, unmerciful; 2. (arm
saamaton) not pardoned, armahtamau
mast! slimttmsti. armahtamatt
muus = limttmyys. armahlamm
pardon(ing). armahtavai men) merciri
compassionate, kind, charitable; gracloi
armahtavaisestl mercifully; compassio
ately; with compassion (1. pity 1. cot
mlseratlon). armahtavaisuus compassio
(ateness), commiseration, pity; mere
armas I. (a.) dear, beloved; (belli!,
kastava) loving, affectionate, tender; (s
loinen) sweet, pleasant, agreeable; chari
ing, winning, lovable, amiable, gracloi
II. (s.) sweetheart, beloved, darling; a
maani my darling, my love, my hone
armastaa = armaXella. armastelevadnei
wooing; courting, armastellja love-make
wooer, armastella make love [to a gi
tytt], woo; (hakkallla) pay court [
..], court, armastelu love-making; cour
ing, courtship, armaus sweetness, gr
clousness; lovableness; tenderness, a
ruction ( ateness).
Armeenla Armenia, armeenialainen (a. & s
armel(j)a army, -kunta 1. -osaste arm
armeliaaatl mercifully; kindly, charltabl
armeliaisuus mercy, mercifulness; kin
ness, compassion. Charity; armeliaisu
desta jotakuta kohtaan in pity (1. Out
compassion) for one. -laltos charital)
institution, -ty act of mercy (I. cha
Ity) : charity work [among the pot
koyliien keskuudessa].
armellas merciful; kind (-hearted), char
table; (armolllnen) gracious.
armias gracious; merciful.

armo grace; (laupeus) clemency, mercy; arsenikinpltolnen containing arsenic, ar
(armahtlus) pardon, (sot.) quarter; ar- senical.
moa mercy! have mercy (up) on me! ar- arsenikki
motta (rraclously; armait a out of mercy, arsenikki- (kem.)
(yhd.) arsenlous [eslm. -oktidi
graciously; armotta (fa tlitt) Without arsenious oxide],
-myrkytys arsenic poi
mercy, mercilessly, pitilessly, ruthlessly; soning, -muir amount
(I. percentage)
with the utmost rigor of the law; i ar- of arsenic.
moa (sot.) no quarter! /on/run armotta artikkeli (klel.) article (mys = sanomaby the grace (1. favor) of; alla jonkan lehtikirjotus).
armoilla be at a p. 'S mercy; olla /on/tun artieokka (kasv.) artichoke.
armona be (high) in the good graces of arvaaja guesser; hyv ~ a good guesser.
one, be In favor with one; TtiJn ar- arvaamaton
Incalculable [damage, vahlnmannt Your Grace!
ko] ; - (arvostelematon) inestimable, In
armo- (yhd.) . . of grace [eslm. -i*tain valuable; (kftsittilmtn) Inconceivable,
throne of grace; -lapau* promise of incomprehensible; (aavlstamaton, odottagrace], -lahja 1. charity, gratuity, boun maton) unexpected, unlooked-for; arvaaty; . (usk.) gift of grace, -lelpt bread mattoman hyvin unexpectedly well, bet
of chanty; ks.. yodx (armolelpaa).
ter than could be expected (1. thought
armollinen gracious, merciful; full of Of) ; aroaamattomat edut invaluable (1.
*race (and compassion). armolliaesti priceless 1. Incalculable) benefits (1. ad
graciously, mercifully; out of mercy vantages), arvaamatta (odottamatta) un
(alentuvalsestl) condescendingly, armol- expectedly; unawares; vrt. kkiarvaamatta.
lisimmastl most graciously.
arvaaminen guessing, conjecturing Jne.,
armn ai ka days . time) of grace; grace, vrt. arvata; liian pltnebfi ~ underrating,
-anomus petition for pardon, -ante par- underestimation; Han murehti over
don; (yleineni amnesty, -osotus mark rating, overestimatlon.
(1. token) of favor (1. grace), -pyytj arvaileminen --- arvallu.
petitioner for pardon, -saanut pardoned. arvailla guess, be guessing; (tuumallla)
-vilikappaleet (usk.) means of grace. ponder [over a th., Jotakln], muse [on
armo "pala --= armolahja, 1. -py'a (usk.) ..], think .. over; (aavistamalla) sur
Holy (i. Communion) table, -rlkas (Ju- mise; aroailemalla by guessing, by way
of conjecture; ~ inn tannt make wild
malasta:) plenteous In mercy.
armoton unmerciful, merciless, pitiless, guesses, guess (wildly) here and there,
helter-skelter. arvallu guessing,
uncompasslonate; (sallmtn) ruthless,
unsparing; unkind [fate, kohtalo] ; un- conjecturing; guesswork; * on petkk
rharltable: vrt. julma. armottomasti mer- arvailaa It is mere guesswork,
riiessly. pitilessly, ruthlessly, unmerci arvan heitto casting- (of) lots, -myyj
fully; without mercy; unsparingly, ar- seller of lottery tickets, -noito drawing
mottomuut mercllessness, ruthlessness; of lots, casting (of) lots.
arvata (make a) guess, (olettamalla) con
armovuosl (paplnlesken) year of grace jecture; (ennakolta) anticipate, foresee;
i during which a minister's widow re- divine: (aavlstaa) surmise, think; (tletaS) know, be aware of; (kaslttaa) see,
reives his full pay).
aro (Venjn tal Aaslan) steppe; (PohJ.- perceive; (luulla) suppose, presume;
(arvostella, arviolda) rate, estimateAmer. ruohotasanko) prairie, -elaimisto Judge
[of, Jostakln]; (pSSst selvllle)
steppe (1. prairie) fauna, -heinl prairie
grass, -hmala (kasv.) self-heal, allheal. make . . out; (volda) be able to . .: (rohjeta)
arena it* you guess your
-kana (Aaslan Ja Eur.) sand-grouse; self; arvaa orna
tilatl consider (1. judge
(Amer.) prairie chicken (1. grouse). of) your own situation;
(tunne itsesl)
-kasvitto steppe (1. prairie) flora, -eusi know thyself, look Into yourself;
arvaa<Amer. ) coyote, prairie wolf.
give an
arpa lot; (Jkpv.) chance; - on langtnnut
hanrlle the lot has fallen on him; ~ on lan- other gUeSS; arvaamalla by guessing, by
g*nnal (\. heitetly) the die is cast; orvalla, way of conjecture, (umpimahkaan) by
an-an kautta by lot, by drawing (1. CBSt- guess, at random; aroaamatta ks. hak us.;
arvaan, ttta han pian tait* I iruess he
Ingt (of) lots, -aetia dish (1. box) con
will soon come, (arvelen, otaksun) I pre
taining lots.
sume (1. suppose 1. think) (that) he will
arpajaiset lottery.
arpajart lippu lottery ticket, -lupa permit (1. come soon; arvaappa* lloni Imagine my
license) to hold a lottery, -toimikunta lot Joy! think (1. Judge) of my Joy! Jonkun aihomus be aware of (1. know 1.
tery committee, -voitto (lottery) prize.
surmise) one's intention, be able to see
arpalkapula (hist.) fiery cross, gathering- through
a p. 'S plans [hUOm. arvasin hanen
peat, -kauppiai dealer in lottery tickets; aikomuhtenta
(1. saw) what ho
lottery-office keeper; vrt. arvanmyyjS. had in mind, I Iguessed
could see through Ills
-kuutlo (noppa) die (pi. dice), -lippu plans,'
was aware of)
lottery ticket, -pell gambling In lotteries; his Intentions]; ~ arootuluia
guess (1.
(kuv.) hazard; vrt. noppapell.
(l. edeltkarpeutua (parata) heal, heal up (1. over) *in) foresee, anticipate, divine;
(arvettua) scar, cicatrize.
liian nmrthti [picnefcri] ks. arvioida;
arp! scar, (tlet.) clcatr|lx (1. -Ice); (- odottaa
Kon y. m. jattm) pit; (naarmu) pate) fhuom. eslm. en arvannat odottaa,
scratch; (pltk ja kapea) seam, arpien ttt nun kavitl l did (1. could) not ex
scarred; (rokonarplnen) pitted.
(1. anticipate) that such a thing
wpoa cast (1. draw) lots; ~ (pal*) ohm pect
happen, that came to me wholly
tin* dispose of a th. by lottery, raffle would
unexpected] : oi'Jbeaon guess right
an article (off) ; ~ obligat*ion*la draw Thliom. i' IM. aroaii oikeaan htti enti
bonds by allotment, arpominen drawing; ktrralla he guessed right the first time,
larvanpano) drawing of lots; (arvalla he guessed at once how it was, he hit It
at once] ; - /./,./;; jotakin (uskaltaa) dare
jakjmmpn) allotment,
rpuusi < nedelma) watermelon.
to do a th. [eslm. en arvannat mtnn sinne



I did not dare to go there] ; aruattava ks.

hakus.; en cotant - mienta inunii I
could not think of your being: the man, I
could not believe that you were the man;
han ti aroannat Sanaa (osannut, ttennyt)
he was unable to say, he could not tell,
(rohjennut) he did not dare to say (1.
tell) ; fopun voit ~ you may g-uess the
rest (1. what followed) ; ten mina o
arvafin that's Just what I thoug-bt (1.
guessed), I foresaw (1. anticipated 1.
g-uessed) that, (sita odotlnkln) I ex
pected (1. was prepared) to hear that;
tina *t uoi -, kuka tonne tut** you can't
think (of) (1. g-uess) who Is coming- here;
*ita *l ole vaikea ~ that's not hard to
g-uess, that may be easily (ruessed, that's
an easy g-uess, if i oonat ~ I was
unable to (I. I could not) think of that
(1. make that out 1. g-uess that). I was
not In a position to know that, (odottaa) I
could not expect (1. anticipate) that;
voitko '- . mina r/frn on can you make
out (1. g-uess 1. see) where the trouble lies?
arvatenkln (alkup.) It Is to be supposed;
(otaksuttavastl, luultavastl) presumably,
probably; (todenn&klsestl) very (1.
most) likely, as likely as not. arvattava
to be g-uessed (1. supposed 1. anticipat
ed) ; (luultava) probable, likely; ei ole
arvattaoiua cannot be g-uessed, . (arvloltavlssa) cannot be estimated, Is beyond
estimation (1. compute) ; niinkuin arvattaoa (\. aruattavissa) ollkin US COU Id (1.
as was to) be expected (1. foreseen 1.
anticipated), as could be g-uessed; on arvattavaa, M., (luultavaa) It Is likely that
. .; o/i arvattavissa that's just What
you mi- iii have expected (1. anticipated),
that was what one could expect (1. antic
ipate 1. foresee) . arvattavastl = arvatenkin.
arvaui (arvlolmlnen) valuation; appraise
ment: vrt. arvaaminen.
arvelematta without consideration, heed
lessly, rashly; (vltkallematta) without
hesitation, unhesitatingly; en entmp ~
(myfls:) without more ado: teen en hhn ~ I'll do It without the sllg-htest
hesitation (1. without any hesitation
arveleminen thlnklnir Jne., vrt. arvella; ks.
: arvelu. arvelevalnen deliberate;
cautious, wary; vrt. luulevalnen. arvelevaisettl deliberately, cautiously, warily;
distrustfully, arvelevaisuus cautiousness,
dellberateness: susplclousness, dlstrust( fulness), ar vele vast i = arvelevaUeiti.
arvella (aiatella) think; (tuumla) ponder
Tover ..], muse fon . .] ; (Imilla) be
lieve, suppose; presume, surmise; hold,
deem, be of (the) opinion that . . , ettu
. .] : (katsoa) consider, deem fit best,
parhaakst]; (huomata) find, see; (alkoa)
Intend, plan, contemplate: (mtettla emplen) hesitate, scruple [about ..]; arve
lematta ks. hakus.; ~ jotakln asiatta
think something about the matter, have
an opinion of the matter; atiata think
It (1. the matter) over, be thinking of (1.
about) the matter, ponder over the mat
ter; ~ iotakuta oktikukei toitehnl think
a p. (to be) another, take a p. for an
other, believe one to be another, (erehdyksess.1) mistake one for another
fhnom. eslm. kenekei minua arvelet Who
do you think I am? whom do you take
me for?]; lhteS pol* Intend (1. have
In one's mind 1. have It In mind) to
(ro away, plan to leave, contemplate leavIntr: ~ parhaakti [ostaa tain] consider it
wisest (1. think It best) [to buy a


house] ; ~ voivansa maktaa believe

consider 1. think) O.S. able to pay, t
that one will be able to pay; aika k
arvelletfa time goes on while one l
tates (I. while the thinking- Is do
hn arveti hauen ennenkun lupael he
fleeted long- (1. he hesitated a long- tl
before he promised; mita arvelttt*
tanta what do you think (1. what Is ;
opinion) of the picture? how does
picture appeal to you? varojen mySnt
nen tapahtui hyvin aroellen the f
were granted with a great deal of he
tlon, there were some scruples about
lowing- the funds; vhn atiaa arvelt
after some thougrht (1. reflection) (a
the matter), having- g-lven the mi
some thoug-ht, after some hesitation.
arvelo, arvelu (ajatus) thoug-ht, opir
(luulo) supposition, presumption,
mise, belief; (arvallu) conjecture: (n
timinen) reflection; (arveluttavuus)
prehension, scruple; (emplminen) 1
tatfng-, hesitation: e on pelkkua art
It Is mere supposition, (arvatlua) I
mere conjecture (1. g-uesswork) ; tun
~ aata hesitating- is of no avail (h(
arvelunalalnen = arveluttava.
arveluttaa (panna arvelemaan) Inspire
fill) with apprehensions; a*fa ~ m
the matter fills (1. Inspires) me wflh
prehension (s), I am rather wary a
the matter (1. affair), (huolestuttaa)
affair disconcerts me (1. makes me
easy), the matter troubles (1. won
me, I am troubled (1. worried) about
matter; hyvin minti arvelutti, nnei
lhdin l hesitated a grood deal befo
left (1. set out), I was quite relucan
leave. I considered (1. thoug-ht It
carefully before IJeft (1. started), I
quite apprehensive about departing-;
ta arvelutti lahjan vastaanottaminen
lahjaa vastaanottaessaan ) he Was rellH

to accept the present, he had misirlv

about accepting- the present, arvelut
(vaaralllnen) precarious [condition, t
dang-erous, risky, hazardous, unsafe;
kava) grave, serious [matter, asa] ; (
kea) critical [situation, asema] ; (i
lyttfiv) doubtful Tenterprlse, yril
suspicious; as/a nSyttS arvelattai
the matter looks bad (1. serious), a
luttavaatl precariously, seriously,
rally [ill, salraana] ; dangerously '
Ing-, kallellaan] ; doubtfully, arveli
vuua precarlousness; dang-er, risk, haz
(vakavmisl seriousness, gravcness, f
Ity: doubtfulness; asan arveluttavuui
(fravlty (1. seriousness) of the ma
arvettua scar: cicatrize: vrt. arpei
arvetuttaa cause the formation of a !
cause . . to scar; make scars.
arvio valuation, appraisement, ratlnir;
timatlon. computation: estimate, va
(verotusta varten tolmltettu) assessm
,;-, by a rou(fh estimate, (sum
leen) approximately, roug-hly speal
In round numbers, (umplmnhkHant
random; arvioni mukaan accordlnir to
estimate (1. estimation), as I estimt
-hinta valuation price, estlmatert vi
arviolda value [at a hlg-h price, kalllll
estimate (the value of), appraise,
rat, Jokslkln] ; ~ alhaltehti value i
low price, value cheap, (kuv.)
little of, put (1. set) a low value u
(Ulan) underrate, underestimate, un
value: akin okiikin value (I. rat
th. at . .; - kalliiksi (myfls:) rate (1
tmate) . . at a hlg-h price, set a

value (1. put a hlgh prlce) on ..; ~ liian kunnan arvohenkilt the digmlanes (1. uopieneksi UDderestimale, underrate; ~ liian tables) or a place (1. a locallty).
saariksi overestimate, overrate, think too arvoinen vvurih, of . . value, (Jonkin ~)
much (1. too highly) of . .; mahdolli
valued at . .; (ansaitseva) vvortby, deseksi conslder . . (1. Judge . . to be; servlng; osia ei ole sen tbe matter
vvilhln the bounds (1. scope) of posslbili- does not deserve (1. merlt) lt, the matter
ty, (katsoa) conslder . . posslble (1. prob- Is not \vorth that; he ovat toistensa ar
able) ; ~ verotit varten assess. arvioi
voiset ( ansainneet toisensa) one Is worthy
ma estlmate; (olettamus) supposltlon, of the other, they are vvortby of eacb
presumptlon, assumptlon; (tiet.) hypo- other, (tasa-arvolset) they are equal;
tbesls. arvioiminen valuatlun, appraise- hn ei ole sen tytn be Is not vvortby
tnent; estlmation; Judgment; jonkin liian (1. deservlng) of that glrl; hn on si
saareksi arvioiminen overratlng of, over- nusta saanut arvoisensa vastustajan he
eslimatlon (1. overvaluatlon) of.
bas found a wortby opponent (1. antago
arvioimisi kustannus cost of appralsement. nisti In you, be bas met bls matcb In
you; jonkin of . . value, or .. lmpor
-toimitus appraisement.
tance (1. consequence), vvorth . . [esim.
arviolnta valuation, appralsement.
arviokauppa: arviokaupalla (l. arviohaup- dollarin VVOrth a dOllar; kiitoksen
paaj (umpimhkn) at random, (at) vvorth thanklng, vvorth one's tbanks; n
ini.hazard; ai a venture; (arvaamalla) by kemisen wortb seelng; vhemmn
ay of conjecture.
of lesser value, or lesser lmportance] ;
arvioi laskelma estlmate; calculatlon, com- mink on tm raha vvhat Is the value
or tbls coln? vvhat Is thls coin wortb?
putatlon. -lasku (approxlmate) calcula
tlon, (rough) estlmate. -mies appralser; pidn miest paremman paihan arvoisena
1 conslder (1. tblnk) tbe man wortti (1.
(verotusta varten) assessor.
arvionmukainan approximate, rougb. ar- deservlng of) a better salary, In my opin
ion tbe fellovv deserves a blgber salary;
vioaumma estlmate; estlmated sum.
arvo value; wortb (etenk. kuv.); account; se ei ole minkn lt bas no value, lt Is not
consequence; vvorth anytblng, (on merkityst vallia) lt
(kunnia) honor; credlt; (arvokkuus; lias no slgnlficance, lt is or no lmportance
dlgnlty; wortblness; (maine) prestlge, (1. moment); ty on tekemisen (kannat
(bigb) reputatlon; (virka-) rank, tltle; taa) lt pays to perroriu the work, the
work Is vvorth the trouble.
(opm-) degree; (arvonanto) respect, es
teeni, regard; [buom. esim. kreivin arvoinen (ybd.) . . of . . value (1. vrorth)
title (1. rank) of count; maisterin de
[esim. suurempi" of greater (1. hlgher)
gree or Master of Arts; piispan rank value (1. vvorth) ; suuri of great (1. hlgb)
or (a) bisbop, eplscopal dlgnlty; profes- value (1. vvorth; ; vh- of llttle value (1.
morin tltle Of professor; ritari vvorth); yhden or equal value (1.
(mys:) knlgbthood] ; arvoa alentava vvorth)]; .. In rank [esim. korkea hlgh
derogatory, In rank]; vrt. mys: kallis, saman-,
nyryyttv) humillaling, debaslng, de
tasa, yhden y. m.
grading [buom. mys: katson sen ar arvoisa honored; esteemed; vvortby; dear;
voani alentavaksi 1 consiUer It beneath (A)- herra (kirjeiss:) Dear Sir; -kir
my dlgnity (l. beneatb me)]; [Jonkun] jeenne t. k. is p:lt your ravor or the
arvoa loukkaava ks. arvoaloukkaava ; ar
15th lnst.; lukija dear (1. esteemed)
volleen (kuitenkin) tbougb, anyhovv, for au reader! ystv dear rrlend! arvoisuus
tbat, ali tbe same; arvoltaan in value, (ar
vvorthlness; Teidn arvoisuutenne Your
vioitu Joksikin., valued at . . , (virka-arvol
Reverence!(e3lm. tuomarista:) Your Honor!
laan) In rank, ks. olla (arvoltaan); arvol
order of precedence.
taan suurempi of greater wortb (1. val arvojrjestys
vvortby; dlgniried [demeanor, ky
ue;, higber m value, of greater lmpor arvokas
esteemed, valued,
tance (1. consequence) ; arvon veli dear respected; (kallisarvoinen)
valuable [pres(sir and) brotber! arvon ystv dear ent, lahja], .. of (blgb) value;
kirja a
frlend! arvossa pidetty, pidettv ks. book or value, a valuable book;
arvossa \ pidetty, pidettv; asialla on suu
ri tne matter Is of great lmportance lallinen solcinn (and dlgniried); arvokkaan
(l. consequence 1. moment); hnell on
dlgniried appearlng, venerablu
kenraalin (mys:) be ranks wltb a nkinen
[ cild man, vanhus] ; arvokkaan vakava
general; hnen arvonsa mukainen vvorthy grave
and dlgniried; erittin (l. erin
or bim, berittlng (1. becomlng) hlm, omaisen)
(mys:) prlceless. arvok
hauelle tuleva) due (to) blm; mik kaasti In a dlgniried
(1. berittlng) man
miehell on wbat tltle does the man bold ner;
vvorthlly. arvokkaisuus
(I. possess)? wbat Is tbls man's rank?
vvorthlness; vrt. seur. arvokkuus
wiib wbom does tbe man rank? se el ole dlgnity;
valuableness; (arvo) vvorth; value; (kunnia)
arvoni mukaista (\. arvolleni sopivaa) it
is not berittlng my rank (1. me), lt Is prestlge, esteem; (arvokkaisuus) dlgnlty.
below (1. beneatb) my dlgnlty, lt Is be arvoljlause arvosana, -lisys lncrease Of
neatb me, It is unvvorthy of (1. not be
arvollinen arvokas.
comlng to) me.
arvo- (ybd.) .. of value [esim. -esine ar- arvo il luettelo (sotaven) army llst; vrt.
arvojrjestys, -luokka grade; class; toi
ticle of value; -kiri* letter of value; -yk
sen arvoluokan risteilij a Second-rate (1.
sikk unlt of value],
arvoaloukkaava (solvaava) derogatory; 11- -class) crulser. -lhetys reglstered parcel
beldjous, lnsultlng, (hpisev) degrad- (1. package 1. letter). -merkki badge (or
honor); emblem; arvomerkit lnslgnla or
ing, debaslng, bumlllatlng.
arvo asema rank; station. -aste degree; rank, (ritarimerkit y. m.) decoratlons;
arvomerkit lnslgnla or learnlng.
rank, grade; kohota arvoasteissa rlse In
rank, rlse to a hlgher rank. -asteikko -mitta standard or value. -mr value.
scale of ranks. -erotus dlfference In rank arvongaleneminen decrease or (1. In) value.
(1. In value). -esine: arvoesineet valu
-alennus depreclatlon; vrt. edell. -anto
respect, esteem, regard.
able*. -henkil dlgnltary; jonkun paikka

arvoiinimi honorary title; (vlrka-) title, (kasittUmaton) mystery; []
tuhsin [speak] in riddles; jpi m
-nimist the titles.
arvonjlmerkkl = arvomerkki. -mukainen arvotubsehsi that remains (1. will re
(Jollekin tuleva) due, becoming Lto ..]: a mystery (1. a puzzle) to me.
befitting; (arvokas) dignified.
asbecti (min.) asbestos.
arvonta casting (of) lots, drawing ( lots) ; aie weapon; (kivaari) musket; (ty<
raffle; maiden ~ drawing (1. allotment) of tool, implement; ~ hdess weapu
lands ; obligatsionien ~ allotment of bonds. sword) in hand, (asestetuin Joui
arvon ylennys 1. -korotus promotion, ad with armed forces, (asestettuna) ar
aseella varuetettu(na) armed; ascct
vancement, preferment.
arvolipaperi valuable paper (1. document); aseihin tO arms! lahdoton ~ tOOl,
arvopaperit (bonds and) securities, -riita paw, dupe.
dispute about (the order of) precedence. aseellinen armed [rebellion, kaplna; p
-sana (koulutodlstuksessa:) mark, grade; raunaj . aseenkantaja armor-bearer; (1
arvasanat standing (s), (palvelljalle y. in. supporter, partisan, follower, adlit
annettu todlstus) recommendation, testi aseestaa <= aseitaa. aseeton uar
monial, Character; Han suoritti tatkintonsa weaponless ; aseettomaksi riisuttu dlsar
hyvilla arvotanoilla (arvolauseilla) be ase harjotus practice (1. training) in
passed his examination with credit (1. use of arms, -huone (church) p<
distinction) ; psi luokaltaan crin- (arsenaali) arsenal, armory.
omaitilla arvosanoiiia (arvolauseilla) the aseidenllkauelmus muster, review. -kJ
pupil was promoted with excellent stand use of arms, -riisunta disarmament, -ti
ing; mink arvoeanan tait englanninkie- (maahan) import of arms.
Itmia what mark did you get In English? aseinen (ybd.) . . with . . weapons,
-sija place of rank; (kunnlaslja) position armed [eslm. moni with many weai:
rashas- heavily armed, (rnyos:)
of honor, place of distinction.
arvossa pidctty respected [citizen, kansa- heavy armament].
lainenj, looked up to, esteemed; held In aseisto collection of arms.
(high) esteem, thought highly (1. a great aseilkatselmus muster, review, -kuko
deal) of; valued [friend, ystv] ; - collection of arms, -kumppani compa
lapidetty mie* a highly respected person, in arms, -kuntoinen . . fit for mill
a man of high standing, -pldettava worthy service, capable of bearing arms,
of respect; estimable, -pito: Jonbin ar- arm; branch (or the service), -lepo
vossapito respect (1. esteem 1. regard) of. pension of hostilities; armistice; vit.
arvosteleminen criticizing; criticism; judg r.uiii.i. -lo y t> find of (ancient) a
ment; estimation, arvoiteleva criticizing; asema position; (paikka) place; (:
critical; aroosteleva hatsaut (critical) re stead; (tllanne) situation; (tila) s
view, criticism, arvoetellja critic; review condition; (yhtelskunnalllnen y. m.)
tus, standing; (kanta) stand; (to
er; (palkintotuomarl) judge.
arvostella critlclize (1. -ise) ; judge [oth post, station; (perus-, tolmlnnan y.
(asemapalkka) site, location; (
ers by oneself, multa Itsens mukaanj ;
(urviuida) estimate [at, jokslkln], rate, tatle-) station, (Amer.) depot; atemU
value; (arvosanollla, eslm. koulutodls in its proper place; right; at their pc
tuksessa) grade; arvostelematta without en le siin asemassa, ett . . (mys
due consideration (1. deliberation); ~ am not so placed (1. situated) that
/mm alhaisehsi (1. picneksi) value . . too jonhin asemasta ks. (jonkln) sijaan; i
low, undervalue, underrate, underestimate; pungin ~ (asemapaikka) site (1. local
~ *mirek*i overrate, overestimate; ~ of the city, (jossa kaupunkl on) posl
'nn misjudge, put a wrong estimate of the city; kolmion base of a trian
korkeassa yhteiskunnalliseaaa occmi
upon; asiaa ankarasti arvosteltaessa 100king at the matter from a critical stand oleoa . . of a high social standing (l.
point, giving the matter a strict criticism. Sltlon) ; oaikeatta atenala In bad Strl
In a difficult situation, in a tight pi
arvostelu criticism; (arvostelukyky) judg
ment, discernment, discrimination; (har- In a plight (1. pinch 1. predicament).
nluo Station (1. depot) grOUl
kinta) consideration; (arvlo) estimation;
semmoinen alojen ~ SUCh (a) criticism Of -henkilokunta station employees (1. fon
conditions, such a view of things, -ha- -huone (railroad) station, depot; (odol
luinen quick (1. prone 1. eager) to criti huone) waiting-room, -kaava plan; (
cize, -kyky (good) Judgment; discern dysv.) plat; (jonkln) haupungin as*
ment, discrimination; aroostelukyoyn pira kaava plan of a town site, plat of a to
te lack of (good) judgment, lack of dis -kartano station (- house ); (asemapl
cretion, want Of discrimination; arvostelu- station (1. depot) grounds, -kartta
kyoyn puutetta otottava indiscreet, inju aiemakaava. -kirjun clerk at a de|
dicious, -kykyinen capable of discrimina station agent's assistant, -paikka s
tion (1. discernment); arvotteluhyhyinen location; ( asuntopaikka) place of ri
mie* a man of sane judgment, -kyvytt- dence, abode, -piirros (ground-) pi
myys lack of Judgment (1. discrimination plat, -paalllkko station-master; (Yndys
1. discretion), -peruate basis of estima- depot agent, -rakennu railroad stall
tion (1. valuation); standard of judgment station (-house), -silu (depot) platfoi
-talo - asemahuone. -vali distance :
(1. of criticism).
tween tWO Stations; haksi holme . a*4
arvoton valueless, . . of no value, worth
vli (l. v.) to the second [third] st
less; (merkltykseton) insignificant, un
important; (moraallsestl) unworthy; ~ asemesta: jonhin ~ instead of . . , in pi
tavaranaytc sample of no value, arvot- (I. lieu) of . . , vrt. ijaan.
tomuus worthlessness; (utter) lack of asemosana (klel.) pronoun.
value; insignificance; unworthiness.
asento position, posture, attitude, po
arvotuksellinen puzzling, mysterious, enig osen toon (voim.) position! (sot.) attentk
matical; oracular, arvotuksellliuu* puz
ruhousasennotta in an attitude Of pray
zling nature; mysteriousness. arvotuk- ase paja workshop for manufacturing s
sentapainen 1. riddle-like; 2. = arvotuk- repairing small arms, -palvelija 1. -pol
ellinen. arvotut riddle; puzzle, enigma; (e) squire, -puku armor, -rauha (generi



truce. -sepp armorer; (pyssysepp) gunsmlth.

aaestaa arin. asestaminen aimament. asestettu armed. asestua arm o.s. asettua
ase ukki tunic. -tahdas factory for the
manufacture of fire-arms.
asetella put ithings in order, esineit Jr
jestykseen] ; set ., (right); (sovitella) adjust, regulate; fit, adapt; (Jrjestell)
arrange; m. asettaa, asetelma arrangeinent; disposition.
asetin stand; rack.
asetoveri = aaekumppani.
asettaa place [Uie ctiair against tbe wall,
tuoli sein vasten; tue gun in position,
kanuuna paikoilleen] ; (panna) put [tbe
book on tbe sbelf, kirja byllylle; a tb. in
Us place, jokin paikoilleen] ; set, lay [in
a position, johonkin asentoon] ; locate,
tauon; (saada asettumaan) quiet; quell
la riot, meteli], appease; still; (tyynnyt
t) paciry, settie ia quarrel, riita]; (eh
kist) stop, arrest; stauncb [tbe (riow
of , blood, verenvuoto] ; suppress, keep
down (1. under) ; check; aakkosjrjes
tykseen [aikajrjestykseen] put (1. iilrange) in alpbabetical [cbronologlcal] or
der, arrange aipbabetically [cbronologicaily] ; ~ aallot calm (i. quiet) tbe waves,
stlil the sea; ~ [kello 5 minuuttia] edelle
set [the watcb 5 minutes] abead (of
lime) . ~ ehdokkaita vaalia Varten put Up
(I. put ror\vard) candldates for tbe elecii on: ~ ehdoksi niake tbe condltlon (1.
stlpulatlon), make it a condltlon [tbat..,
ett ..]; ~ ensi sijaan (l. sijalla) put ..
rirst (1. roremost), glve preterence [to..],
prefer; ~ erityinen virkamies appoint
(1. engage) a special ofriclal; ~ Joku
esikuvaksi bold up one as a model;
etusijalle glve precedenco to one, put ..
m.-t (1. in the flrst place), set .. rore
most, prefer; ~ hallitus set up (1. insti
tute) a government, (perustaa) found (1.
establish) a government; kellonsa san
alleen (l. oikein) set one' \vatch (rlght)
[by Greenwich time, Greenwichin ajan
mukaan]; ~ mellakka quell (1. suppress
1. put down) a rlot; ~ [llmotus] nky
vn paikkaan post [a biilj m a prominent place; paikoilleen put (1. set) in
lts place, set up, (esim. kone) lnstall; ~
Jokin pmrkseen set a th. as one'
goal (1. aimj, bave (1. take) a th. as an
a in, pystyyn set up [the plns, kellat;
a ladder against the wall, tikapuut sein
vasten], erect, rlght, ralse, put . . (up) on
end, vrt. pystytt; [torvi] suulleen
place (1. apply) [the liorn] to one's mouth;
Jokin takaisin paikoilleen replace a tb.,
restore (1. return) . . to its place; Jo
kin tarkasti pystysuoraan adjUSt a th. to
the perpendicular (I. tbe plumb-llne),
make . . plumb; jokin tehtvkseen
make lt one'S business [elmntehtvk
seen: one's object in life] to . . , set o.s.
(1. lake upon o.s.) tbe task of . .-ing; ~
toimintansa asianhaarain mukaan SUlt (1.
aecommodate ) one's action s (1. procedure
I. activity) to tbe clrcumstances, adJust
os. to tbe clrcumstances; uudelleen (l.
uudettaan) johonkin place agaln, replace;
I Suuria] vaatimuksia itselleen (l. it
sens suhteen) set Igreat] requtrements
Tor o.s.; demand (1. expect) [a great
deal] of o.s.; valiokunta appoint a
committee; ~ [hevonen] valjaisiin harness [a borse] ; vekseli draw (1. make)
nole; virkaan lnstall (in Office),
.juhlallisesti) inaugurate, (esim. papista:)


induct into [one's] Office; aion matkani

niin, ett tapaan hnet Hissa I am golng
to arrange (1. pian 1. time) my Journey
so as to ineet hiin at 11.; haltijalle asetettu
velkakirja a note drawn in ravor or the
bearer (I. drawn payable to tbe bearer) ;
laki sellaisen vaatimuksen (1. mryksen)
the la\v makes (1. lays down) sucb a requireinent (1. demand); senaatille asetettu
hakemus (osotettu) a petltlon (1. an appllcation) addressed to the Senate.
asettaja one wbo places, sets Jne., vrt. aset
taa; vekselin ~ maker (1. drawer) of a
note. asettaminen placlng, setting Jne., ks.
asettaa; vrt. mys: virkaanasettaminen.
asettautua = asettua; sein vasten place
o.s. against tbe wall.
asetti (small) plate.
asettua place (1. station) o.s. [in a p.'s way,
jonkun tielle], take up a position (1. oue's
station), take one's stand; go and stand
[before tbe mirror, pellin eteen] ; (pysy
vsti johonkin) settie (down), lodge;
(lauhtua; go down, abate, subslde, calm,
settie, (esim. vihastuneesta ihmisest:)
relent; (esty) be chccked, (esim. veren
vuoto) be staunched; (heiket) be quenchCd, be quelled, be SUbdued; ~ asumaan jo
honkin settie (down) somewbere, take up
one's resldence somewbere; ~ ehdokkaaksi
johonkin present o.s. (1. set o.s. up) as a
candidate for . . , announce one's candldacy
for . .; Jonkin etunenn put o.s. at the
bead of . . , head, (ottaa johto) take tbe
lead of . . , assume the leadersblp (1.
Colliniani li of . .; ~ istumaan slt down
[on the grass, ruohikolle], seat o.s. [on
the box, kusklpenkllle], (johonkin kor
keammalle) perch o.s. [on the table, py
dlle]; joksikin (esim. maanviljelijksi)
settie down [as a farmer], establish o.s.
as . .; (esim. tuomariksi) set o.s. up as.,
[esim. en halua hnen tuomarikseen I
have no desire to set myself up as bls
Judge] ; ~ jrjestykseen (kokous y. m.)
coiiic to order; ~ jollekin kannalle take a
position (1. a stand) [in a matter, Jossa
kin asiassa], take a vlew [or ..];<- lei
riin johonkin pltch one's camp somewbere,
encamp at a place; levolle lay o.s. (1.
lie) down to rest, go and rest, go (and)
lie down [Tor a while, hetkiseksi]; ~
ovelle place (I. station) o.s. at the door,
go and stand at tbe door; ~ paikalleen
take one'S place; ~ pitkkseen (l. pitkl
leen) lie down, lay o.s. down flat (1.
prone) [on the ground, maahan] ; rouhaan settie down in peacerul retirement
(1. in peace); riviin range themselves,
line up, (sot.) rorm a llne, (yksityisist
sotamiehist puhuen:) (ali In; asettukaa
(rauhottukaa) calm yourselves! be calm!
hn osaa kaikkien mieliksi be knows
how to please everybody; laivasto asettui
lahteen the fleet took lts position (1. was
stalioiic.ii in the bay; myrsky asettuu the
storm abates (1. subsides) ; pakkanen
asettuu the cold brcaks (1. Is abattng),
(Jkpv.) the cold lets up; tuskat asettuvat
the pain is lessening, the agony is abated,
the pain is (belng) soothed (1. allevlated) ;
tuuli asettuu (tyyntyy) the wlnd is golng
(1. calming) down, the wlnd is growlng
less; viha asettuu the anger grows less
(1. subsides), (lauhtuu) the anger cools
oli (1. down), asettuminen (asumaan)
settling (down) , taking up one's resldence.
asetuksen]mukainen accordlng (1. conformable) to the statute (1. to law) : (lailli
nen) lawful, legltlmate. -mukaisesti in




conformity with tue statute, -vastainen minan atiani It IS none Of my bUSlnc

unconrormable (1. contrary) to the statute. (1. affairs), it is no concern of mil
asetue 1. (lakl-) ordinance, statute; (erl- 99 on oma atianta that's ins business
kols-) edict; 2. (asettamlnen) placing, affair), (syyttkon itseans) he 1
fitting:, arrangement, -kokoelma statute- himself to blame (1. to thank) (for ll
tinulla ei le sinne mi'un atioa (Sie
book; the statutes.
asetuttaa have . . placed (1. stationed 1. tekemista) you have no business to
(1. to be) there; sinon asasi on pnatt,
put 1. laid).
aselivaruto store of arms; (asehuone) ar onho . . It Is up to you to decide whether
oaltakunnan atiat the affairs of the e
senal, -varuitus armor, -veikko compan
pire; ylointn ~ an affair of public
ion in arms; comrade.
asevelvollinen . . liable to military service; cern (1. moment), public question; v
ateoelvollitet those (1. the men) liable to laki~, liike~, pwt rabaw, ewu* ,-.
military service; tee conscripts, (Yhdysv.) aaiaaharrastava interested; kaihbi asiaah
tlie drafted men.
rattauat all those interested (In i
asevelvollisuu* liability to military service matter) .
(1. to draft) ; compulsory military service; asiaan, kuulumaton 1. (aslaton) Impel
conscription; yleinen ~ universal (liabili nent, irrelevant, not bearing upon
ty to) military service; (general) con subject, extraneous; 2. (Jota el asa i,
scription, -iki age of liability to military ke) not concerned; atiaankaulumattor
service, -kutsunta conscription; draft, those not concerned; kaikkia atiaankuu
-laki military service act.
mattomia pyydetn poittumaan all thi
ase voima 1. -vki force of arms; attvoi- not (directly) concerned are requested
malla by force of arms, by the sword. withdraw, -kuuluva pertaining to
asfaltti asphalt(um). -huopa asphalt roof- matter, pertinent (to the subject), re
Ing, -katto asphalt roof, -laskos asphalt vant. -vaikuttamaton having (1. with)
pavement, -tyntekij asphalt worker, effect upon the matter (1. the case).
worker In asphalt.
state of affairs (1. things).
Mia matter, thing, affair; (Jollekulle kuu- atialntila
customer; patron, client.
luva) business, concern; (tolmltettava) ailakas
Instrument; at
errand; (kysymys) question, point; (Jut- kirjat documents, deed,
tu) case, cause, suit, action; (toslasla) eslm. Jonkun seuran)papers;
fact; (alhe) subject [huom.: tolslnaan el (Jossakln olkeusjutussa syntyneet) pieai
sanaa ala enslnkun suoranalsestl kaan- Ings, -kokoelma collection of docume
iii-i .. kuten eslm. seur. lauseissa: olla (1. records).
l'arma asiastaan be Confident (Of O.S.), asiakirjanvrennys
of a documi
be sure of O.S.; 99 i muuta atiaa, 99 ei asiallinen I. (a.) . . forgery
to the point; bear
vaikuta mituan aciaan that makes no dif directly on the subject,
ference] ; a*iaan to the point! (pari.)
; (kuivastl asiallinen) matterquestion! asiaan huulumaton, huuluva ks. subject)
asiaanjkuulumaton, -kuuluva; ~ ei kuulu tation, tulklnta] ; ~ huomautut a rem
hnelle It Is not bis business, It Is no (right) to the point, a pertinent sugg
concern of Ms, (muodolllsemmln, eslm. tuo on kaikitta puheittaan hyvin
marlsta y . m.) It Is not within (1. It Is out of) tlon;
is very direct (1. concise) in
his Jurisdiction; attain kthityt (1. hehitty- he
(l. in whatever he says), he is
minenj development of affairs (1. thuiKs; ; ways right
to the point In what he
asiain mio course of things (1. affairs l. II. (s.) (lak.)
party (concerned), a
events) ; attain nin ollen under such (1. lisesti (right) to
the point; In a mail
the) circumstances, this (1. such) being of- fact way; pertinently;
the case, that being so; asiain nyhyittlla atialliststi gave a pertinentmuta
hannalla (i. nykyitelln) Men as mat
ters stand (now), as matters are at pres pertinence; (benkllon) directness,
ent, as things (1. affairs) now stand, in asialuettelo table of matters treated
the present state of things, as It Is (Juttu-) docket (rnyos eslm. lalnlaat
(now); atiain tila ks. asiaintila (hakus.) ;
in man ~).
..- M alha, n (varta vasten) especially, l> laniics
(Hike-) agent; (valtuutel
purposely, for this (1. that) particular i proxy;
(aslanajaja) attorney; (edusti
purpose, on purpose for that; atiatta representative;
asiamiehen toimi kS. a
toisten from one thing to another (1. the
-ehdot terms (granted
other), (keskustelussa:) by the way; mieitoimL
(tav. pi. -oiheui
asiafta (alueetta) without any reason agent's rights, agency,
privilege (s) o
(whatever), without a reason (1. cause), as) an agent (1. representative),
for nothing; without authority (I. war
rant); improperly, unduly; hallitahten ~ mi position of agent (1. percentage.
on hattoa, ttt . . it is up to the govern

ment to see that ... it Is the business agent (1. representative) ; (asianu
(1. duty) of the government to see that . .;
huinba ovat atiat how Is It? how does the power of attorney.
matter stand? mik on - \vhat Is It (1. asianajaja attorney(-at-law), solid
all this) about? milla atialla ole t tll counsel; (laklmies) lawyer; olla jot,
what is your errand (1. business) here? asianajajana net ils one's attorney,
what business has brought you here? keudessa) plead one's cause, -amimito sinulla [Teilla] on atiaa what Is your profession of a lawyer, legal profess
errand? what is (the nature of) your asianajajantoiml position of (1. as)
business (with me)? what do you want? attorney.
What can I do for you? omina asioiam asianajo (olkeudessa) pleading (ol
in my own affairs (1. business); te ajaa cause), -palkkio lawyer's (1. attorne
aman ' mat gives equal service, (on fee. -temppu legal quibble; la\\j
yndentekev) It comes to the same trick; (muotoselkka) technicality.
thing, it makes no difference, It is im
m i to lawyer's (1. attorney's) office;
material, it is all one (to me); ei ele of attorneys; (Amer.) law-office



-valtakirja proxy, vi t. seur. -valtuudet

ptiuer or altoroey.
aaianjhaara circumstance; ract; (tav. pl.)
asianhaarat circumstances (or tbe case),
rae t s ( tn the Case ) ; asianhaarain mukaan
as tbe case may be, as circumstances (1.
as the case) may requlre; {leventvien
asianhaarain vallitessa umjer extemiatlng
Circumstances; e on asianhaaroissa that
depends Upon Circumstances; trke asi
anhaara an lmportant fact (in the case),
a ract tbat has (1. bad) an lmportant
bearlng on tbe case. -harrastajat those
tnterested (In the matter). -harrastua interest, concern. -laita fact; case; (-tila)
State or arrairs (1. things) ; niin on asian
laita that (1. such) is the case; miten on
asianlaita, onko hn . . hOW IS lt, has he . . ?
-mukainen due [order (1. course), Jr
jestys], proper; rlght, Httlng; (asialli
nen) pertinent [suggestion, huomautus];
asianmukaisessa jrjestyksess In due Or
der (1. course), in proper sequence. -mu
kaisesti duly; In due fonn (1. course),
properly; pertinently. -mukaisuus rttness,
'due) propriety; pertlnence.
asianomainen I. (a.) (henkilst:) the prop
er [ Judge, tuomart] , tbe competent [court,
tuomioistuin] ; (kysymyksess oleva) the . .
concerned, the.. In question, respective;
(asiasta:) due, proper; pertinent; tuomio
istuin (mys:) the court havlng Jurisdlctlon
(in the case); valiokunta the appolnted
iiinmittee, the rommittee appointcd to deal
wltb the matter; asianomaiset henkilt
the persons (1. partles) concerned (1. in
question) ; kukin paikallisosasto each
respective local. II. (s.) the proper per
son, the party concerned (1. interested),
the Individual In question; itse oli saa
puvilla the party concerned \vas present
In person; kaikille asianomaisille huo
mioonotettavaksi (esim. kiertokirjeen ot
sikossa:) to ali vthom lt may concern.
asian: omistaja (lak.) tbe plalntirr. -omistajarikos (lak.) an otTense the prosecution
of which rests wlth the plalntirr. -osainen
iosakumppanl) copartner; asianosaiset the
parties concerned. -tila State of things
II. arrairs); circumstances. -tuntemus
(practical) knowledge or the subject;
rompetence; autborlty; asiantuntemuksel
la dlsplaylng knowledge or the subject,
uith authonty. -tunteva conversant vvith
tbe subject, compelent [person, henkil] ;
expert. -tuntija expert; (tunnustettu) au
tborlty; (erikoistuntija) speclallst; hn on
i tunnustettu) asiantuntija sill alalla he is
an autborlty on such matters (1. In that
Ime), -ymmrrys = asiantuntemus, -ym
mrtv conversant wltb tbe subject, com
petent; (ammatti-) proresslonal; asianymmrtviss piireiss In Professional Clrcles.
asiai paperi --- asiakirja; asiapaperit papers,
documents. -puoli party, -toimisto
asiaton not pertainlng to the question (1.
the matter), not bearlng upon the sub
ject, extraneous, irrelevant (to the ques
tion I. to the matter) ; Impertlnent; (ep
oleellinen) Immaterial; (aiheeton) unjustiried, unjustiriable [blame, moite];
vite], asiattomasti vvitbout due (1. sumeient) cause (1. reason) ; unjustirjably.
asiattomuus irreleva|nce (1. -ncy); Impertlnence; (aiheettomu us) unjustiriableness.
asioida (tehd asioita) transact (1. carry
on I. do) business; do business (on cornmission); (askarrella) be busy; mit sin


tll asioit \vhat calls (1. \vhat business

has brought) you bere?
asioimisllliike Commission business; Com
mission merchants; agency; rirm or brokers (1. Jobbers). -matka business trlp.
asioimisto (general) agency, agenfs orrice.
asioitsija (Commission) agent; (tukku-)
Jobber; (osakkeiden y. m. myyj) broker.
askare (alkup.) sometblng to do; business,
vvork; occupatlon; (puuha) care, duty;
(tehtv) task; askareet vvork, tasks,
duties, cares; menn askareilleen go about
one's work (1. tasks 1. duties) ; vrt. koti-,
pikku, talous, askaroida busy o.s., be
busy [about the bouse, taloustoimissa] ;
askaroida tyhj potter over (1. vvith)
triries; askaroida yht ja toista be liu-v
about this and that, busy o. s. about
many thlngs, do odd Jobs, be (busily)
engaged in varlous petty jobs; aina hn
askaroi jotakin he Is always busy witb
(1. always doing) somethlng. askaroimi
nen busying (o.s.), potterlug. askarrella
be busy [wlth..], potter [over (1. with),
Jotakin, Jossakin], be (busily) engaged
(1. occupled) Un..]; hnen ajatuksensa
askartelivat alituisesti siin that busied
(I. occupled 1. took up) hls tboughts (1.
his mlnd) COIIStantly; mit sin askarte
let vvhat are you busying yourseir vvlth?
vvhafs that you are pottering wlth? askarrus ks. askare, askarruttaa occupy;
busy; askarrutti hnen ajatuksiaan busied
(l. occupled l. took up) his thoughts (l.
his mind). askartelu I. askaroiminen;
2. = askare.
askeesi (lihankldutus) ascetlcism. askeetti
ascetlc. askeettinen ascetic.
askel (e) step [in the rlght dlrcction, oi
keaan suuntaan] ; pacc; (pitk) stride;
(Jalan) rootstep; (kuv.) move; aske
leella step by step, step arter step, a step
at a tiine, (askelittain) by steps; astua
pitkin askelin take great (1. long) strldes;
stride (along); joka askeleella at every
Step (I. turn); muutaman askeleen ps
s at the dlstance or a few paces, a rew
steps ofr (1. avvay), a rew steps [rrom
the kltchen door, kykin ovesta]; [edisty]
nopein askelin | advance] vvith rapid strldes;
sata askelta a hundred paces.
askeleen laskija 1. -lukija ks. askellaskija.
askelittain step by step; by steps; a step
at a tiine; (asteittain) gradually. askellaskija pedometer. askelma (portaissa)
landlng, (astuin) stair; (askel) step.
askelo ks. asteikko.
Asovan-meri Sea or Azov (1. Azof).
assyrialainen (a. & s.) Assyrian.
astahtaa step [on to the rug, matolle],
pace; walk.
aste degree; (arvo- y. m.) rank; grade;
(kehitys-) stage, (lk.) stadium; (kor
keus-) level; (oikeus-) instance; as
teelta step by step, by steps, gradually,
by degrees; asteisiin jakaminen grad(U)atiim: kansa on viel alhaisella asteella the
people are stlll on a low plane (1. level),
the people are still at a low stago; kym
menen asteen pakkasessa Ulien it \vas 10
degrees below (zero), vvith the thermometer at 10 (degrees) bclow; 60 asteella
pohjoista leveytt (sltuated) at (I. in 1.
on) 60 degrees northern latltude (lyh.:
In lat. 60 N.); on korkeimmalla as
teella (korkeimmillaan) stands hlghest. is
at Its highcst piteli, is at the higliest
inark (1. level); petoelimen asteella on
a level vvith a (1. the) brute; taudin vii
meisell asteella during (I. at) the last
stage or the dlsease; ks. kohota (asteissa).



asteikko scale; graduatlon; asteikolla va

rustettu graduated.
asteinen (ybd.) oi' . . degrees [esim. viisiof 5 degrees].
asteittain gradually, by degrees; step by
step, by steps; (kohoten) -progresslvely.
In progression; (perttln) successlvely.
asteittainen gradual; progresslve; successive. asteittaisuus gradation.
aste] jako graduatlon, division Into degrees.
-lasta 1. -levy protractor.
astella step, pace; (kvell) \valk, stroll.
astelu stepping; walking, stroll (lng).
asteli luku number oi' degrees. -mittari gradlometer; graduated gauge (1. lndlcator).
-mittaus measurement of degrees. -m
r = asteluku.
asteri (kasv.) aster, stanvort.
astevaihtelu (kiel.) consonantal gradation.
asti: johonkin (alkaa llmottaen:) UH, up
tili, up to, (lukua) up to, as many
as, (mr, astetta) as much as, up
to, down to, (paikkaa) as far as, to
[esim. kahteen jalkaan ~ as much as
tvvo reet; kaulaan ~ (clear) up to the
chln; kymmeneen up to ten; nihin
tili (1. up to 1. up tili) novv, up to the
present tiine; pienimpiin yksityiskohtiin
down to the minutest partlculars; siihen
up to (1. up tili 1. down tili) that tlme (1.
polnt), up to (1. up tili) then, (mys:) so
(1. thus) far; siihen ~ kuin (nttn pitklle
kuin) as far as, (kunnes) untll; thn
(palkkaa:) thls far, (alkaa:) hitherto, up tili now, so (1. thus) far, (klelt.
laus.) as yet] ; jostakin rrom, rlght
rrom; from as far as; (alkaa llmottaen)
ever slnce . . [esim. Helsingist from
as Tar as Helslngrors; joulusta [kevs
t] (sitten Joulun, kevn) ever slnce
Chrlstmas [sprlng]; nuoruudesta ~ from
(one's) youth up, ever slnce (one's)
youth; siit ever since (then 1. that
tlme), (rlght) from that tlme] ; jmn
enough and to spare, enough and some
lert over; Kuudennelle kadulle as Tar as
to Slxth street; perille to the end,
to the (very) destination; portille ~ to
the gate, (clear) to the door; riittmn
Cl. tarpeeksi) enough, suTflciently, a
surriclency, (Jkpv.) a plenty; siihen ~,
ett . . so rar that .., to such a pass that..,
to a polnt where . . ; viimeiseen (up)
to the last, to the (very) end; vrt. saakka.
astia vessel; (silytys-, lasku-) receptacle;
(ruoka-) dish; (tynnyri) cask, (pieni)
keg; heikompi i.kuv.j the weaker ves
sel; vrt. mys: kykki , pyt, ruo
ka, y y. m. -hylly sheir Tor dishes
(1. kltchen utenslls), cupboard sheir.
-kaappi (keittin) cupboard, kltchen cablnet: (ruokasalin) burret, sideboard. -lauta
astiallinen: vett a vessel (1. receptacle
1. cask 1. dish) tuli of \vater.
astiamitta cublc measure.
astian! pesij dlsh-washer. -pesu dishwashing. -teko making (of) casks.
astiapyyhe dish-cloth (1. -rag).
astiasto set or dishes (1. -things), Service,
set [esim. pyt table-service, tei
set of tea-thlngs, tea-set].
astia] vanne hoop or a cask. -vesi dishwater.
astin carrlage-step. -lauta (raam.) footstool.
astioida lay (1. put) In casks.
astronomia ks. thtitiede.
astua 1. step [In, sisn; on a p.'s toe(s),
Jonkun varpaille] ; (kyd) tread; go; (k
vell) walk; 2. (orlista:) cover; aisoihin
(kuv.) put on (1. throw o.s. Into) the har-


ness; alas step (1. come) down, alight

[rrom..], (hevosen selst) dismount;
askel take a step [ rorward, eteenpin ] ;
elmn enter lire; esille (l. esiin) come
(1. step) rorward, step lorth, come (1. go)
up; hallitukseen assume the government, take up the reins or government;
harhaan take a mtsstep; hevosen
selkn mount (one's horse), get on
horseback; ~ [naula, piikki y. m.] jal
kaansa run [a naii, a thorn etc] Into
one's root, step on [a nau, a thorn];
jalkansa set (one's) Toot on [dry land
again, Jlleen kuivalle maalle] ; johon
kin step (1. get) in(to) [the carrlage,
vaunuihin], enter [the room, huoneeseen;
a p.'s Service, Jonkun palvelukseen],
(nousta) ascend [ the pulplt, saarnastuoliin] ;
~ jollekin (nousta) mount [the speaker's
platrorm, puhujalavalle], ascend, (polkea)
trample up(on); (pois 1. ulos) jostakin
step (l.get) out or, alight rrom [the carrlage,
vaunuista]; [Isns] jlki rollow (1.
tread) In the rootsteps [or one's rather] ;
katua step (1. walk 1. go) along the
street, go on the Street; kevesti (l.
kevein askelin) trlp (lightly); laivaan

go on board a shlp, board a shlp, go (1.

step) on board, embark; maalle (1.
maihin) ks. nousta; nkyviin come (1.
step) rorth (1. rorward), come (1. go)
up, appear, (kuv.) come In slght (1. In
vlew), emerge, stand out; pitk askel
(ottaa) take a (long) strlde, stride;
[keppins] poikki break [one's cane] by
treading on it, step on [one's cane] and
break it; ~ plle (jalallaan) Step on,
tread on; Jonkin rajojen yli (kuv.)
overstep (I. excced) the bounds or, transgress a th.; rikki smash . . by stepping
on It, step (1. tread) on . . and smash (1.
break) It; ~ Jonkun sijalle (\. tilalle)
take a p.'s place, rclieve one, (esim. vi
rassa) succeed . . , (jkpv.) step Into a p.'s
Shoes [huom. mys: hnen sijalleen as
tuu toinen liis place will be taken (1. occupied 1. niled) by another, (Jkpv.) another man will step Into hls shoes] ;
sipsutella trip, (go) trip(plng) along;
sisn Step (1. walk) In [liuoin, astukaa
sisn, come (1. walk 1. step) In! sisn
astuessani \vhen (1. whlle) enterlng, at my
entrance] ; syrjn Step aslde; ~ toi
meensa enter (up)on (1. assume 1. take
up) one's duties (1. the dutics or one's
orrice 1. post), enter (I. take) orrice;
tuttua tiet \valk (1. wander) along a
well-kno\vn road (1. path), tread the
\vell-worn path [to.., Johonkin], rollow
the beaten path; vakoa (pitkin) walk
in (1. along) the rurrow; valtaistuimel
le ascend (1. accede to) the throne;
voimaan come into lorce (1. operatlon),
become valld, take errect; astuessani ka
dulla (kvellessni) whlle walking on the
Street; ajaa astuen drive at a \valk; hevo
nen astuu (kyden) the horse goes at a
\valk [huom. mys: antaa hevosensa as
tua kyden let one's horse walk, walk
one's horse] ; miehen ulos astuttua arter
the man had stepped (1. walked) out,
arter the man had wlthdrawn (1. retlred).
astuin carrlage-step;
(portaissa) step;
portaiden ylimmll astuimella on the top
step (1. stalr), on the top or the stalrs.
astuja wanderer; jalan~ Walker, pedestrlan.
astumajalka (elint.) cursorlal Toot. -lintu
cursorial blrd.
astuminen stepping, treading, \valklng; vrt.
seur. astunta stepping, treading, walklng;
(kynti) gait; step, pace; (marssi) march;



(kvely) walk; kuului jalan astuntaa footsteps were tiearii, a sound of steps was
asuskeleminen andering, walklng. stepplng along. astuskella step (1. tread 1.
pace) along-; walk; wander, stroll.
astuttaa 1. (antaa kyd astuen) let . .
walk, \valk [one's horse, hevostaan]; 2.
(paritella) serve; ~ tamma oriilla serve a
mare wlth a stalllon, liave a mare covered
(1. served) by a stalllon. astuttaminen,
sstutus (tamman y. m.) servlce.
asu (uiko-) make-up. appearance; shape,
form, ftgure;
(puku) dress, (Juhla-)
a-arb, attlre, array;
(rakenne) bulld,
structure; (laadinta) wordlng; (varustus)
equlpment(s) ; asultaan In (form and)
appearance; hyvss asussa tn fine shape,
(kunnossa) in good condltlon (1. repalr),
shlpshape; kielen fonn of a language.
i rakenne) the structure of a language;
kirjan the get-up (1. make-up 1. appearance) or a book; kirja on siistiss
asussa the book has a nlce appearance;
mietinnn the form (1. wording) of
tbe report; suomenkielisess asussa In
the Finnish garb (1. attlre); tydess
asussa In Tuli equipment; vrt. juhla ,
kieli, sota , uiko- y. m.
asua t. (ltr.) Ilve, dwell, reside; (tysihoidossa) board (and room) ; (tilapisesti)
stay, stop [at a hotel, hotellissa]; lodge;
i oleskella) be resldlng (1. llvlng) ; 2.
(tr.) Inbablt; occupy [a house, taloa],
Ilve In; (viljell) cultlvate; farm [an eslate. tilaa] ; (kansotlaa) populate, people;
ahtaalla (1. ahtaassa) he closely housed,
llve in cramped quarters, have scanty
houseroom; jonkun luona live YVlth a p.,
live In a p.'s house [huom. hn asuu veijans luona be Ilves at hls brotber's] ;
taysihoidossa board [at a hotel, hotellissa],
board and room; vuokralla (\. vuokralaisena) jossakin talossa rent a house;
asut tavissa oleva, asuttu ks. haku s.; Anoneet asuvat kylmin (pysyttelevt) the
rooms are aluays cold; hness asuu miehuuita (kuv.) tbere Is manhood in hlm,
rnanhood resldes in hlm; jonkun asuma
Inbabited by . . ; miss hn asuu where
does he live (1. reside)? \vhere Is bis
asuinen (yhd.) .. wlth a .. make-up (1.
get-up 1. appearance), ..-ly linlshed
[esim. siavS wlth a nlce (1. flne) makeup (1. appearance), nlcely rinlshed].
aauint huone room in a dwelllng-house.
-huoneisto (sulte of) rooms, apartment,
Hat. -kumppani fel!ow lodger; (buonetoveri) cbum, roommate. -palkka place of
resldence, abode; (asunto) duelllng. -rakannus dvvelltng ( -house) ; famlly abode;
manor-house; (talonpoikaistalon) farmhouse. -sija dwelling-place, (place of)
abode, babltatlon.
asujaimisto populatlon, (the) Inhabltants.
asujain ks. asukaa.
asukas (maan) lnhabltant; (kaupungin, kyIn) resldent: (yi.) denizen; (vuokra-)
roomer, boarder,
(koll.) = asujaimisto; ilman [metsn]
asukkaMs denizens or the air [the rorest] ;
talon asukkaat (tav.) people or (1. llvlng
lm the house: tilan tenant on the
farm: vankilan asukkaat Inmates of a
&rison; vuokratalon asukkaat rcnters or a
ouse, (vuokrakasarmln) resldents or a
tenement-house. -luku I. -mr populaIlon, number or inhabltants. -oikeus ten-


ant right. -velvollisuus obllgation to reside [r. 1. on one's clalm (1. homestead)].
Sioux-intiaanien asuma-alue
the terrltory (1. area) lnbablted by tbe
Sioux (Indlans). -huone = asuinhuone.
asumaton unlnhablted, unoccupled; tenantless [nouse, vuokratalo]; (tyhj) vacam,
empty; (autio) waste; Wild [tract, seutu J.
asumus resldence, abode, dvvelllng; quarters. -olot asunto-olot.
asunnon muutos 1. -vaihto change of residence. -puuta lack of houses (to rent) ;
scarclty or lodgings.
asunnoton .. ulthout a house to Ilve in;
houseless; (koditon) homeless.
asunto resldence, dwelllngr, abode; quarters; (vuokra-) lodgings; olla asuntoa
jossakin be a resldent in [a town], reside
(1. Ilve) in [a house]. -huoneisto
asuinhuoneisto, -kysymys housing question. -olot tenement (1. housing) condltlons. -osake share in a coperative bulldlng company,
-osakeyhti coperative
bulldlng company, -paikka ks. asuinpaikka, -pula housing problem; (asuntojen puute) lack or housing racllltles.
-rakennus = asuinrakennus, -toveri =
asuskella live, dvvell, reside; be settled;
(oleskella) stay [Tor a wblle, Jonkun alkaaj.
asustaa iluell, reside, (lyhyen alkaa) stay;
(oleskella, oleilla) have one's \vhereabouts
(1. quarters) [at (1. In), Jossakin]; metsss (\. metsiss) keep (1. live) tn
the woods, lnhablt the rorest [huom.
mys: metsss ryvreit robbers Infest (1. haunt) the rorest] ; puissa (liunutsta y. m.) lodge (I. nest) in trees;
en tied, miss hn nykyn (mys:)
I don't know bls present whereabouts.
asuttaa settie; (kansottaa) populate, people; (etenkin: siirtomaa) colonize; (rakennuksllla) bulld (up)on. asuttaminen
settlement; peopllng; colonlzlng, colonlzatlon.
asuttava: asuttavaksi kelpaava, asuttavassa
kunnossa rl. asuttavissa) oleva habltable, lnhabitable, rit to Ilve in; asuttavaksi kelpaamaton uninhabltable. asuttu
Inliabited; settled: populated; harvaan
tihen] asuttu tblnly [thickly] settled,
sparsely [densely] populated.
asutus (asuttaminen) settlement (mys
konkr.) ; colonlzlng, eolonizatlon. -alue
settled area (1. district), inhablted tcrrltory. -historia: jonkin maan asutushistoria
hlstory or the settlement of a country.
-kelpoinen (jn)habltable.nt to Ilve in. -olot
condltions of settlement (1. eolonizatlon).
asuva: jossakin resldlng In . . .
Ateena Athens. ateenalainen (a. k s.)
ateismi (Jumalankteltmys) athelsm. ateisti
(JumalankieltJ) athelst.
atelieeri, ateljee ri) (taiteilijan tyhuone)
studio; workshop, workroom.
ateria meal; repast; aterian aikaan (l. aikana) at (1. by) mealtime; olla aterialla
be eatlng (1. havlng) one's meal, have
one's meal; (pydss) be (1. slt) at
table; ks. pst (aterialta), aterioida
take one's meal, have a meal, eat: aterjoldessaan \vlnlc at (the) table, whllc having hls (1. thelr) meal, durlng the meal:
aterioituaan arter havlng eaten hls (J.
their) meal, arter the (1. one's) meal.
aterioiminen eatlng.
Atlantti: Atlantin valta) meri the Atlantic
Ocean: Atlantin yli (\. poikki) kulkeva
transatlantlc, crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
Atlas-vuoret the Atlas Mountalns.



atleetti (voimailija) atblete. -klubi athletic

atmos teeri 1. -fari (Ilmakeh) atmospbere.
atomi (kem. & fys.) a toin. -arvo atomic
value, valence. -oppi atomism. -paino
atomic eight, -teoria atomic theory.
atrain (rish-)spear, rishglg.
attributiivi (klel.) attrlbutlve. attribuutti
(mys:) adjecttve moditler.
atulat (pihdit) tweezers, nlppers.
auder, auer haze; (usva) mlst.
(puhelllepsy, puhoillakyntl )
Auer-lamppu (mys: Auerin lamppu) Welsbach burner.
aueta open [into (1. on) a passage, kyt
vn] ; (menn auki) come (1. fly) open,
(siteist y. m.) come undone, come unrastened, (solmusta:) come (1. get) untied, (saumasta:) rlp, be rlpped; (puhje
ta) unlold, (esim. haava) burst (1. crack)
open; (levit) spread (itself); (laajeta)
widen, expand; napitta come unbuttoned;
aukeni silmiemme eteen opened to 0U1'
vlew, broke upon our sight, vrt. avautua;
jrvi on auennut the lake hus brokell up
(1. Is open 1. has thawed) ; kun paikka
aukeaa (haettavaksi) vhen a position
Talls vacant (1. is open) ; nuppu aukeaa
the bild opens (1. UllfOldS) ; nkala au
keaa a vievv opens, the vlew opens out:
sauma on auennut the seam has rlpped
(1. has given way) ; uusi toimiala aukeaa
(kuv.) a new rield of actlvlty opens,
(ilmestyy) a new rield or actlvlty orfers
(1. presents) Itseir.
aukaiseminen opening. aukaisija one uho
(1. that whlch) opens (1. has opened) ; opener
leslm. silmin aukaisija an cye-opener].
aukaista open [a book, kirja; one's eyes,
silmns] ; aukaise ovi open the door!
linja metsn cut a line through the
Torest; ~ sateenvarjo put up (1. Open)
an umbrella; solmu untlc (1. undo 1.
uurasten) a knot; vrt. avata.
aukea I. (a.) open [rield, kentt]; Hat and
treeless; (laaja) Wide, vast. II. (s.) (tasan
ko) pialns, (yltasanko) plateau. aukeama
(aukea paikka) open placc;
( aukko i
opening; open space; (esim. kallion kyl
jess) gap; (metsss) glade. aukeus
auki open; (Joidenkin verbien yhteydess:)
un- [esim. kiert ~ unscrew], (toisten
verbien yhteydess:) up [esim. repi
rlp (1. tear) up]; auki oleva open [book,
kirja]; olla ~ be (1. stand) open, be kept
open, (virasta: = haettavana) be vacant;
[maata] silmt ~ [lie (down)] wlth one's
eyes open, wlth open eyes; [seisoa] suu
[stand] with one's mouth open, [stand]
agape. aukinainen open.
aukioloaika hours when [a llbrary, an art
gallery ele] Is open; konttorin aukiolo
ajolla durillg orrice hours ; pankin auki
oloaika banking hours. -pitminen keeplng
open. -revitty torn (1. rlpped) up (1. open).
aukko opening, aperture, (tulivuoren) crater; (reik) hole; (muurissa y. m.) gap,
break; (kuv.) vold, breach, tiiatus; kir
jassa on aukkoja (poisjttmisi) tbere
are omisslons in the book, (puutteita)
there are derccts In the book; tekstiss
on therc is a gap (1. break) In the text.
-paikka (esim. kirjassa) gap, breach, break.
aukoa open (again and again), keep open
ing; lehtin spread out Us leaves, unrold; siteit unwind (l.unfold) bandages.
auktoriteetti (arvovalta) authorlty. -usko
dependance upon
another's authorlty,


bllndly rollowlng a leader (1. leaders).

Aukusti Augustus.
auliisti (runsaasti) liberally, generously;
(halulla) readlly, wllllngly. aulia (ante
lias) llberal, generous, bounteous, openlianded, rree; (halukas) wllllng [to do a
th., tekemn Jotakin (1. Johonkin)],
ready, prompt. aulius llberality, generoslty, bounty;
r(.'<!( 1 inoss
aumastack; (Engl.) rick. aumata stack;rlck.
aura plow, plough; auran kurki guidlnff
handlcs or a plow, plow-handles; auran
ojas Cl. aisa) plOWT-beam; auran siipi
moldboard; auran ter (\. vannas) plOWshare; auran veitsi (\. kieli) COlter.
auranliala plowland; (Engl. hlst.) carucate.
-kukka (kasv.) corn-cockle, cornl'lower.
-krki plowshare. -vako rurrow.
auringon- (yhd.) . . or the sun, solar
[esim. -lmp heat (1. warmth) or the
sun, solar heat; -pimennys ecllpse oT Ihu
suu, solar ecllpse]; sun [esim. -pilkku
sun spot], -kukka sunriower. -laaku sunset,
sundown, setting or the sun. -nousu sunrlsc, (jkpv.) sunup. -paahde blaze oi tlie
sun. -paiste sunshlne. -paistelnen sunshlny; (aurinkoinen) sunny. -palvelija sunworshipper. -palvelus sun-worship.-pjJkahdus p lisiin (1. glimpse 1. riash) or sunshlne.
-pisto sunstroke; auringonpiston saanut
sunstruck,..arrected wlth sunstroke; saada
auringonpisto get (1. have) a
sunstruck. -sappi sun dog, sundog; mock
sun; (tiet.) parhelion (pl. -hella), -side
sunbeam, ray or the sun, solar ray, sunray. -ter sun's disk. -valo Ught or the
sun, sunlight.
aurinko sun; auringon laskiessa at Sunset,
at sundown, at the going down or the
sun; auringon noustessa at Sunrlse, (Jkpv.)
at sunni); auringon rata path or the sun,
eeliptic; auringon valaisema sun 1 i t ; aurin
gossa paahdettu (l. kuivattu) sundrled.
aurinko- (yhd.) solar [esim. -aika solar
tiine; -jrjestelm solar System ; -vuosi
solar year].
aurinkoinen I. (a.) sunny. II. (s.) (run.)
= aurinko.
aurinko kausi solar perlod (I. cycle). -kello
sundial. -kunta solar system. -kylpy sunbath. -lasi burning glass, sun-glass. -usva
= auder.
auskari scoop, batl(er).
Australia Australia, australialainen (a. &
s.) Australian.
autella be helping, help, aid, assist, lend a
(helping) hand; support; make o.s. userul [In tlie kitchen, kykiss].
autereinen Hill or haze, hazy; mlsty.
autettava: on autettavissa ran be helped, is
not beyond (1. past) help (1. reliei 1.
remedy) ; se ei ole en autettavissa it
cannot be helped (1. there is no helping
It) any more, it Is beyond (1. past) help
(I. relier 1. remedy).
autio wastc; desolate; (hyltty) deserted,
(asumaton) unlnhabited [Island, saari],
(rakentamaton I. asukkaitta oleva) vacant
[house, talo; lot, tontti]; autioita seutuja
waste (1. desert) tracts; autioksi jtetty
kyl a deserted (1. an abandoncd) vlllage;
maa oli ~ ja tyhj (raam.) the earth was
wlthout fnrrn and vold; tila on autiona the
rarm Is lying wastc. -maa waste land.
-tila rarm lying wasto.
autius desolatcness, desolatlon.
automaatti (Itsetoimiva koje) automaton,
automaattinen automatlc.
automobiili automobile, (Jkpv.) auto; au
tomobiilin ajaja f 1. ajuri) Chaurieur. -kil-



pailu auto (mobile) race. -talli garage.

-urheilu auto(mobile) sport; automobiiliurheilun harjottaja automobilist.
autonomia (itsenisyys) autonomy.
auttaa help; (avustaa) ald, asslst; succor;
lend a (helping) hand; (tukea) support;
ikorjata) remedy, relleve; (hydytt)
be of use (1. avall), avall, boot, beneflt,
profit, do good; (pelastaa) rescue, (olla
mukana vaikuttamassa) contrlbute [to . .] ;
be eonduclve [to . .]; (kelvata) do, be
good, serve; (edist) rurtber, promote;
JO(ta)ku(ta) aikaan (l. alulle) help
ne to get a start, glve one a start
(1. a lirt), put a p. on hls reet, start
one out, (esim. lksyj kuulusteltaessa,
nyttmll y. m.) grive one a cue, prompt
one: Jotakuta hdtt help (1. ald)
one in need; relieve one; ~ Jotakuta ne
losen selkn help one to mount (1. on
hls borsei, asslst one In mountlng; ~
Jotakuta /oloilleen help one to hls reet,
set a p. on hls legs (1. reet); ~ jota
kuta jossakin rl. jonkin tekemisess) hei])
one to do a th., asslst one In dolng a tl).;
- Jotakuta karkaamaan kS. pakoon;
Jotakuta lukemaan help one to read, asslst
one in reading; Jotakuta hnen oikeu
teensa help one to hls rights, help (1.
asslst I. ald) one In gettlng hls rights;
Jotakuta pakoon help (1. assist) one to
escape (1. get away); ~ Jotakuta pulasta
help one out or a dilemma (1. quandary);
Jotakuta psemn alkuun [hevosen
selkn] kS. ~ alkuun, hevosen selkn;
Jotakuta saamaan jotakin help one to a
th., help (1. asslst 1. ald) one In gettlng
(1. obtalning) a th. [huom. mys: jo
takuta saamaan takkia yltn help one
off wlth (1. help one to tako orr) hls
coat; jotakuta saamaan takki ylleen
help a p. on with hls coat, help (1. as
sist) one In putting (I. gettlng) on hls
coat] ; ~ tekemn joku iloiseksi ald (I.
help) In maklng one glad, contrlbute (1.
add) to one's happlncss, be eonduclve to
one's happlness; ~ Joku Johonkin toimeen
help one to a position, help (1. asslst 1.
ald) one In obtalning apposition; toi
siaan (\. toinen toistaan) Join [in ..,
Jossakin], assist (1. belp) each otlter, Join
errorts (1. rorces) ; asia on sill autettu (\.
tulet sill autetuksi) that \vlll help ruatters (I. thlngs out), that wlll remedy matters (1. relleve the situatlon), that viii
U\ tbe matter; ei auta muu kuin tottele
minen there Is nothlng to do (1. no other
way out) but to obcy, there Is no other
alternatlve than obedience; el hnen
kanssaan auta ruveta vittelemn it
wont do to enter (I. there Is no use getting) Into an argument \vlth hlm; el se
auta mitn It does not help any, It Is
(on no use (l. no avall), It won't do any
good, it avails nothlng; hn ei ole vhs
t autettu a llttle \vlll not do Tor hlm, a
llttle help won't do hlm any good; hnt
ti voi en mikn there Is no rnore
hope ror hlm, he Is beyond (ali) hope (1.
help), (pelastaa) nothlng can save him
any more; minun ti auta viipy kauem
paa tt won't do ror me to stay any longer;
mit tt tvhat good wlll It do? or whai
benerit (1. good) Is It? what's the use
(Of tt) ? mit tt - minua v liat good wlll
It do me? nhat shall I be the better ror
II? uhat help uould lt be to me? niin
totta kuin Jumala minua auttakoon SO help
me Cod, God knows; tt auttoi (mys?) lt
had a good Pf feet; st ti auta atiaa that
won't do any good; that s or no use, that


Is or no avall; that \von't help matters

any; tiin ti auta tttmintn saving is
or no use there, It won't do any good to
save In that case; tinun ei auta kielt
(et voi) you can not deny, (el hydyt)
there Is no use your denylng, lt's no use ror
you to deny; tulotko tili autetuksi (riit
tk se sinulle) \vlll (1. does) that help
you out? wlll that do ror you? wlll that
serve your purpose? tss el auta en
mikn (tm on mennytt) this Is be
yond help (1. past remedy), nothlng can
be (1. there Is nothlng to be) done here
any more; vika oli pian autettu the 1'aiilt
was soon remedled, thlngs were soon put
(1. set) stralght, thlngs were soon put to
rights; vhn se minua llttle vvlll that
help me, that won't help me much, that
Is not or much use to me, I \von't have
much use or that.
auttaja helper, ald(er); supporter; (avus
taja) assistant; coperator.
auttamaton 1. (Jota el voida auttaa) past
(1. beyond) help(lng), (korjata) lrremedlable, lrreparable, lrretrlevable; (parantu
maton) lncurable, lrreclalmable [rlrunkard, Juoppo], (tavoiltaan) lncorrlglble;
(Jota ei voitu vltt) lnevitable [mlstake,
erehdys] ; 2. (Joka el auta) unwilling to
help; asia a matter whlch cannot be
helped (1. remedled), a matter beyond
correctfon; auttamattoman itsepinen hopelessly obstinate.
auttamatta = auttamattomasti; minun aut
tamattani wlthout my help (1. support 1,
assistanre), unalded by me. auttamatto
masti beyond help.lrretrlevably.lncurably;
hopelcssly. auttamattomuus belng beyond
help, Irreclalmableness; Incurablllty.
auttaminen helping, alding, asslstlng Jne.,
vrt. auttaa; renderlng asslstance; help.
auttamlskeino way (1. means) to help;
remedy; expedlent.
auttava helping; (Joltinen) passable, ralr;
mys = auttavainen; auttavan hyv 1'airly good; auttavan hyvin tolerably well.
auttavainen (avulias) helprul, ready (1.
wllllng) to help. auttavaisuus helprulness.
auttavasti (Joltlsestl) passably, tolerably,
autuaaksitekevinen) saving [ralth, usko].
autuaallinen blessed rtlme, aika]; (onnelli
nen) supremely happy, bllssrul [smlle,
Ii.vniyi. autuaallisesi! blessedly, bllssrully.
autuaallisuut (state or) bllss, blessedness,
suppreme happlness, rcllcity; vrt. autuus.
autuaasti == autuaallisesti ; nukahtanut
(usk.) dead and gone to glory, Tallen
asleep In the Lord. autuas autuaallinen;
autuaat the blessed;
tulta autuaahti
(raam.) be saved. autuus blessedness, bllss,
rellclty,beatltude;cternal happlness, (usk.)
salvatlon; autuuttni hautta as I hope to be
saved! uponmysoul! autuuttaa save.make..
eternally blessed, beatlfy. autuuttaminen
= autuutus. autuuttava saving r ralth, us
ko], autuutus salvatlon, beattriratlon.
auvo Joy, happlness, bllss, rapture. auvoi
nen Tuli or Joy, Joyous. auvoton Joyless,
cheerloss; dull.
avaaja: ovtn one \vho opens (1. opened)
the door; silmiin ~ (kuv.) eye-opener.
avaamaton unopenod; (suljettu) closed.
avaaminen opening Jne., vrt. avata.
avaimen lehti key-blt, blt (1. web) or a
key. -reik key-liole.
avaimeton . . wlthout a key.
avain key; (mus. my:) cler; jonkin
kev of feslm. kellon ~ key or a watch;
lukon key or a lock], (Joka avaa) key to
[esim. arvotukttn ~ key to a riddle,



(mys:) clue how to solve (1. to the

sointiini on a rillille; Gibraltar on Vlimeren ~ Gibraltar is the key to the
Medlterranean: oven key to the door].
-kimppu bunch or keys. -rengas key-ring.
avajaiset (grand) openlng; openlng (1. lnaugural) ceremonies; vrt. seur.
avajaislljuhlallisuudet openlng (1. lnaugural) ceremonies (1. solemnities). -puhe
address at the openlng or . . , openlng address (1. speech) ; (tervehdyspuhe) ad
dress of vrelcome, (koulujen lopettajalsissa:) salutatory address.
avanto hole In the Ice.
avara nide [ \vorld, maailma; sleeve, hiha] ;
broad; vast, extenstve; (tilava) spaclous;
luonnon ~ syli nature's ample lap. -liinai
nen . . wlth Wide slceves.
avartaa wlden [the guir between . ., kuilua
joidenkin vlill], (Joka suunnalle) expand [an empire, valtakuntaa]; (laajen
taa) extend [the range or one's knowledgc, tietopilrln] ; eniarge. avartaminen
\videnlng, expanding; expanslon; extenslon. avartua \vlden (out), get wider; open
out; expand. avartuminen vvldenlng (out).
avaruus wldeness, breadth; reaches; ampllturte, extent;
(tilavuus) spaciousness;
(ilman-) space; vrt. maailman, -mitta
cubic measure.
avata open [a store, puoti; ranks, rivit;
one's eves, silmns; the door for one,
ovi Jollekulle; one's heart to a p., syd
mens Jollekulle]; lay open; undo [a
bundle, kr (1. mytty); a knot, solmu],
(vetmll) puli .. open, (murtamalla)
break . . open; (sateenvarjo y. m.) put
up; (kuv. mys:) dlsclose; (kannelli
nen) astia uncover a vessel; ~ (vesijohdon)
hana open the faucet, turn on the water;
~ kokous (mys:) call a meetlng to order;
~ [pullon] korkki (1. tulppa) uncork [a
bottle] ; ~ laatikko open a box, (ottamalla
kansi pois) take orf the cover of (1. un
cover) a box, (piirongin y. m.) open a
dravver, puli a drawer open; [ovi] lu
kosta unlock [a door]; ~ [takkinsa] na
pista unbutton [one's coat] ; ~ ovea (olla
avaamassa) be openlng the door, (raot
taa) open the door a little, vrt. seur.;
~ ovi raolleen set a door ajar; ~ pullo
open (1. uncork) a bottle; ruumis perform a post-mortcm (1. an autopsy); open
(l. dlssect) a dead body; [ovi] salvasta
unbar (1. unbolt 1. undo) [a door];
siteist ks. pst (auki 1. Siteist) ; ~
solmu untle (1. undo) a knot; ~ [lanka]
solmusta untle (1. undo) a knot [In a
thread] ; se avaa silmmme nkemn
that \vill open our eyes to see; valtiopi
vt tulevat avattaviksi the Dlet Vili be
avaus opening, undoing Jne., vrt. avata;
ks. mys: ruumiin, -puhe = avajaispuhe.
avauttaa have . . opened (1. pulled open 1.
undone Jne., vrt. avata) ; ~ ruumis have
a post-mortem performed (on a deaa
body), have a cadaver dlssectcd.
avautua open, come open; (laajeta) open
out [on the led. vasemmalla], spread out;
(Ilmesty, nyttyty) open up; avautui
silmiemme eteen (mys:) opened to (1.
broke upon) our vlew.
avio marriage; (lak.) wedlock; ks. ottaa
avio- (yhd.) marrled, wedded [esim. -elm
married (1. wedded) life; -pari marrled (1.
wedded) conple; -vaimo Tvedded wlfel :
marriage 'esim. -vuode marriage bed],
connubtal [esim. -onni connublal relicity],


nuptlal; (avioliitto-) matrlmonlal. -ro

avioinen (yhd.) ks. moni-, yksi, aviolsuus (yhd.) ks. moniavioisuus, yksiavioisuus.
avioliiton] este ks. naimaeste. -lupaus =
aviolupaus. -rikkoja adulterer; (nainen)
Afl 11 1Tpt*pss

avioliitto marriage; matrlmony;

v/etllock; (avioelm) marrled life.
avioliitto- (yhd.) matrimonlal [esim. -toimisto matrlmonlal agency], marriage; vrt.
naima-, -kuulutus publishing (1. announcement) of the banns (or marriage).
-lainsd&nt legislatlon regulatlng mar
riage; marriage lavvs. -romaani Story (1.
romance) or married lire. -sopimus agreement entered upon berore a marriage,
pre-nuptlal agreement (1. contract).
aviollinen matrlmonlal; conjugal [Ndelity,
uskollisuus], connubial; nuptlal; marltal;
aviolliset velvollisuudet marltal dutles.
aviolllupaus promise or marriage; aviolupauksen rikkomisesta ror breach or prom
ise (or marriage). -mies (wedded) husband; (naimisissa oleva) marrled man.
-onni matrlmonlal happiness.
consort, spouse; aviopuolisot husband (i.
man) and wire, married couple (1. palr).
-rikos adultery; aviorikoksen tskij (i.
adulteress. -siippa
(lelk.) better hair. -sty the marrled
state, matrlmony.
avioton Ulegltlmate; born out of \vedlock,
bastard [son, poika] ; ~ lapsi Ulegltlmate
(1. nat uran child, bastard. aviottomasti
tllegltimately, out or wedlock.
avo: avossa suin \vlth one's mouth widu
open (1. stretched), agape.
avo- (yhd.) bare- [esim. -kaulainen barenecked;
-srinsn barelegged] ;
[esim. -haava open wound; -vene open
boat; -vesi open water].
avoimesti openly; Treely, tvithout reserve;
avoin open [letter, kirje: account, tili];
(tyttmtt oleva) vacant [position, vir
ka] ; luotto unilmlted Credit; ~ puhe
valta rree volce; valtakirja unilmlted
power or attorney, carte blanche; ~ virka
(mys:) vacancy (in orrice) ; avoimen
oven politiikka the Open-dOOr pollcy; avoi
min silmin [sylin, ovin] wlth Open eyes
[arms, doors] ; avoinna open, (virasta y.
m.) vacant [esim. on avoinna kaikille tS
open ror ali; paikka on avoinna sinua
varten the place (1. position) Is held open
(1. Is reserved) Tor you; virka on avoinna
the orrice is vacant, the position is open] ;
hnell on silm nhemn he has an
eye open to [the beautirul, mik on kau
nista], he Is keenly allve [cven to his
own raults, omiakin virheitn].
avo Jalkainen barerooted. -Jaloin bareroot.
-J loose (1. open) ice. -mielinen openhearted, open (and aboveboard), Trank,
candld, unreserved, ingenuous [character,
luonne] ; olla avomielinen jotakuta koh
taan be open (1. rrank I. candld) \vllh one.
-mielisyys open-heartedness; openness,
rrankness, candor; ingenuousness.
avonainen open [vowel, vokaali] ; (virasta)
vacant. avonaisesti ks. avoimesti, avonai
suus openness; bareness.
avo! pin bareheaded; with the head(s)
bare; \vlth bared head(s). -plnen bare
headed. -rinnoin (tav.) vvlth one's neck
(1. throat) bare. (run. y. m.) wlth one's
bri>ast (I. bnsnm) bared. -rlntainen lowcut [vest, liivi], lo\v-neck [dress, puku].



-tiimin with open eyes; (kuv.) openeyed, watchrully. -auin wlth one's mouth
(Wide) open; agape. -sydminen, -sydmfsesti, -sydmisyys ks. avo mielinen, -mie
lisesti, -mielisyys, -sylin wtlh open arms.
-vaunut open carrlage (I. buggy), buggy
tl. carrlage) wlthout a top. -nestys (I.
v.) standing (l. rislng) vote, vote by ayes
and noes.
avu (hyve) virtue; (ansio) desert, merit;
(lahja) girt, talent; (ominaisuus) quallty;
avut (taipumus) disposition, aptitude.
(natural) turn; (lahjat) girts, talents.
avuinen (yhd.) ks. hyvavuinen.
avuliaasti helprully; obllgingly; (halulla)
illingly, rcadily. avuliaisuus helpfulness;
obligmgness. avulias helprul, obltging.
Hling to help.
avullinen: olla jollekulle ~ jossakin help
(1. aid 1. assist) one In .. -ing, coperate
ith one In . .-Ing, lend one asslstance (1.
a helplng hand) In . . -Ing, (lak.) aid
and abet one In . . . avullisuus asslstance,
coperatlon; (lak.) alding and abettlng.
avuniantaja (lak.) alder and abetter. -anto
irenderlng) assistance; help, aid; support'et. hdss olevalle) reller, succor; (lak.)
alding- and abettlng. -huuto cry for help;
(hthuuto) cry or dlstress. -lhetys sendIng of help (1. assistance ) ; (konkr.) succor.
-pyynt request Tor help. applicatlon (1.
petitlon) for asslstance. -pyytj one who
asks (1. applles) ror help, applicant ror
help (1. asslstance). -saaja recelver of re
ller, person drawlng (I. person In recelpt of) reller. -tarve need of help; olla
avuntarpeetta be In need of help, need
help. (kovassa) be destltute. -tarvitsija:
avuntarvitsijoita oli paljon those needlng

help (1. the needy 1. the poor 1. the lndlgent 1. the destltute) were many, there
were many in need of help.
avustaa (kannattaa) support; (tukea) back,
stand by; (auttaa) assist [at a concert,

Babel: Babelin torni the towcr or Babel.

babylonialainen (a. & s.) Babylonian.
Bahama-saaret the Bahamas, Bahama Islands.
Baijeri Uuvana, baijerilainen (a. & s.) Bavarlan.
bakteerlEoppi bacterlology. -pes mass or
bacterla; source or Inrection.
bakteerit bacterla. bakteeriton rree rrom
bacteria. bakteriologi bacteriologlst. bak
teriologia = bakteerioppi. bakteriologinen
balanssi (siirto) balance; (vajaus) dericlt.
baletti (taide- 1. nyttmtanssl) ballet.
-tanssijatar ballet dancer.
Balkan: Balkanin kysymys the Balkan questlon; Balkanin niemimaa Balkan Peninsula;
Balkanin valtiot the Balkan states; Balkanin
vuoret Balkan Mountslns.
balkonki (parveke) balcony.
balladi (kertomalaulu) ballad. -runous
Laiiad poetry.
balsami, balsamoida ks. palsami, palsamoida.
fcalti lainen (Itmerenmaakuntalalnen) Balticbaltilaitet kielet the Baltic (group or) lan(ruages.


konsertissa], aid; (et. hdss olevia) suc

cor, relleve; (olla avustamassa) coperate
[wfth one In ..-lng, Jotakuta Jossakin],
take part [In a play, nyttelemisess] ;
(antaa lisapua) contribute; ~ jotakin
joltakin contribute something to . .; ~
Jotakin (1. Jotakuta) rahallisesti sup
port . . rinancially, glve rinanclal backlng
to, lend rinanclal asslstance to . . , (Jota
kuta, tilapisesti) help one wlth money,
glve one pecunlary asslstance; ~ sanoma
lehdess be a contributor to a newspaper;
sanomalehte [kirjotukslllaan] contrib
ute [articles] to a nevvspaper; teatte
rissa take part in the play(s), (statistina)
act as a stipernumerary; hnen avuttaettaan wlth hls coperatlon. In coperatlon
Wlth him; hnt on avustettava he must
be glven support, he has to be belped,
he should recelve asslstance.
avustaja (auttaja) alder, helper; (apulai
nen) asslstant; (sanomalehden) contribu
tor; olla jonkun avustajana coperate Wlth
one, assist one. -lkri asslstant physlctan
(1. surgeon).
avustaminen supportlng, alding, asslstlng;
avustuksen tarve need or support (I. help
1. asslstance 1. reller).
avustus (kannatus) support; (apu) help,
assistance, aid; coperatlon; (ht-) re
ller; (raha-) contrlbutlon. subscrlptlon;
hnen avustuksellaan wlth hls support (1.
asslstance 1. coperatlon). -lista contrlbu
tlon Hst, llst or contrlbutors. -palkkio
(sanomalehtlklrjotuksesta) pay for a contributlon (1. ror an artlcle). -retkikunta
reller expeditlon. -toimenpide measure or
reller, reller measure. -toiminta reller
actlvl|ty (1. -ties).
avuton helpless, shirtless; dlsabled; lncapable; stranded; avuttomatta tilatta In a
helpless state, In a state or helplessness,
helpless. avuttomuus helplessness.

bambu (-ruoko) bamboo. -keppi bamboo

cane. -ruoko bamboo.
banaani (-hedelm) banana. -kasvi bananaplant.
baptisml (usk.) Baptlst doctrine. baptisti
(uudestlkastaja) Baptlst.
baptisti II saarnaaja Baptlst preacher. -seu
rakunta Baptlst Church (1. congregatlon).
barbaari (raakalainen) barbarian, barbaari
mainen barbarous, barbarlc. barbaarimaisuus barbarism. barbaarinen barbaari
barometri (Ilmapuntari) barometer.
barrikadi (katusulku) barrlcade.
barytoni (mus.) barltone, barytone. -lau
laja barltone, barytone.
basaari (myyjiset) bazaar, bazar.
basaltti (min.) basalt.
basilli (lk.) baclllus (plur. bacllll).
baskilainen (a. & s.) Basque.
basso (mus.) bass(o).
basso- (yhd.) bass [esim. -avain bass der;
kieli bass strlng; -rumpu bass drum].
-laulaja hass (slnger). -osa bass (part).
-viulu bass vlol. -ni bass voice; (bassoosa) bass (part).



bataatti s\vect potato.

batisti (vaatelajt) batiste, cambric.
beduiini (Arabian alkuasukas) Bedouin.
-heimo Bedouin trlbc.
Belgia Bclgium. belgialainen (a. & s.)
Belgrad Belgrade.
Belt ks. Iso-Beit, Vah-Belt.
benediktilis! luostari Benedictlne monastery. -munkisto Ordcr of St. Benedict.
-munkki Benedlctine monk (1. friar).
Bengaali Bengal. bengaalilainen (a. & s.)
Bengalese. Bengaalin-lahti Bay of Bengal.
bengaalituli Bengal flre (1. light); (Jkpv.)
colored Tire.
bensiini (kaasuljy) benzlne.
bensiini- (ylid.) benzlne [esim. -lamppu
benzlne lamp; -moottori benzlne motor].
bentsoli (kem.) benzol(e).
bergamotti (piirynlajl) bergamot (pcar).
Beringin-meri Be(h)rlng Sea. Beringin-salmi Be(h)ring Strait.
berlinilainen resldent (I. inhabltant) or Ber
lin, berli nisini ]. Berliinin-sini Prusslan blue.
Bermudas-saaret the Bermudas, Bermuda
Bern Bcrn(e); Bernin alpit Bernese Alps.
bernhardilaiskoira St. Bernard (dog).
berylli (-Jalokivi) beryl.
Bessemer: Bessemerin menetelm Bessemer
process (1. method)..
bessemer ters Bessemer steel. -uuni Besse
mer convertor.
betoni (rak.) concrete; beton.
bigamia (kaksinnaiminen) blgamy.
biisamirotta (ellnt.) muskrat.
biisoniharka blson, bufralo.
Bileam: Bileamin aaei (raam.) Balaam's ass.
biljardi (game or) billiards.
biljardi- (yhd.) billlard-, pool- [esim. -huone
billiarrl-room, pool-room: -pallo bllllardball, pool-ball; -pyt billlard-table, pooltable]. -keppi (billlard- )cuc.
biljardin pelaaja bllliard-playcr; pool -play er. -peluu bllliard-(I. pool-)playing; (game
oD billiards.
biljardi peli (game at) billiards; pool. -pussi
pocket. -sali bllliard-d. pool-)room.
biljoona (mat.) billion.
binomi (mat.) binomial.
biogeneettinen: kehitystuki fundamental
biogenetlr law.
biografia (elmkerta) blography. biografi
nen blographlc(al).
biografi-teatteri mntion-plcturc (I. movingpicture) thcater (1. show); (Jkpv.) movies.
biologi bloioglst. biologia (elo-oppi) biology. biologinen biologiral.
Biskajan-lahti Bay or Biscay.
Boden-Jrvi Lake (of) Constance.
boikotata, boikotteerata boycott. boikottaus,
boikotteeraus boycott(ing).


boksari-kapina Boxcr uprlsing.

boksata (nyrkkein) box. boksaus (nyrkkei
ly) boxing. boksaustapa method of boxlng.
bonshuuri (kapotakkl, llevenuttu) frock coat,
Prince Albert coat.
booraksi (kem.) borax.
boori (kem.) boron. -happo boric(l. boraclc)
acld. -salva boraclc salve (1. olntment).
-vesi boraclc acld solutkin.
Bosnia Bosnia, bosnialainen (a. & s.) Bosnian.
Bospori the Bosp(h)orus.
botaniikka (kasvitiede) botany. botanisti
bramiinl (Indialalnen pappi) Brahman, Bralimin.
Brasilia Brazil; Brasilian phkin Brazil-nut.
brasilialainen (a. & s.) Brazlllan.
bresiljapuu brazll(-\vood).
Bretagne Brittany.
brigadi prikaati.
briketteerata briquct(te). briketti (puriste)
briljantti (jalokivi) brllliant; ks. hohtokivi.
Britannia (Great) Britain. Brittein-saaret
the British Isles, United Kingdom. brittiUinen I. (a.) British. II. (s.) Brlton; brit
tiliset the British, the Britons.
brodeerata (ommella koruomp.) embrolder.
bromi (kem.) bromlne. bromkaliumi (kem.)
bromide of potassium.
brovvninki (1. v.) Colt plstol.
brutto (Hik.) gross (amount).
brutto- (yhd.) gross [esim. -arvo gross
value; -paino gross \veight; -voitto gross
proflt(s)]. -tulo gross Income; bruttotulot
gross Income (1. recelpts 1. earnlngs).
Bryssel Brussels.
brysselin matto (body) Brussels carpet.
-pitsi Brussels lace (I. net).
buddalainen I. (a.) Buddhlst(lc). II. (s.)
Buddhlst. buddalaisuus lliiddhism.
bufettl (tarjollukaappl 1. -huone) buffet.
Bukarest Bucharest, Bukharest.
bulletiini (ilmotus, tiedonanto) bulletin.
bulevardi (puistokatu) boulevard; avenue.
Bulgaria Bulgaria, bulgarialainen I. (a.)
Bulgarian, Ilulgaric. II. (s.) Bulgarian.
buljonki bouillon; (1. v.) beer-tea, beefbroth.
bumeranki (australialainen helttoase) boomerang.
buunata wax, pollsh.
buuri Boer, Boor. -sota Boer war. -valtio
boer state.
byrokraatti bureaucrat. byrokraattinen bureaurratlr. byrokratia (virkavalta) burcaucracy.
bysanttilainen (a. k s.) Byzantlne.
Bmi Iloliemi.
bmilinen (a. & S.)

damaskeerata, damaskoida damaskcen, damascene.
damaskit (srykset) logglngs, galters.
Damaskoksen-ters Damascus steel.
damasti (kilpikangas) damask.
Damokles: Damokleen miekka the svrord Of
Hainoolos, Damoclcan (I. Pamoclcs') sword.
Dardanellit ,1. Dardanellien-salmi ) tlie Dardanclles.

darvinismi (kehitysoppi) Darvvinism. darvinisti Iiar\vinian, Darvvinlst. darvinistinen

debet (vastattava) deblt. -puoli deblt side.
debiteerata ks. velottaa.
debyytti (ensi esiintyminen) debut, flrst
(publlc) appearance.
dekaanus (tiedekunnan esimies) dean.
deklamoida (lausua) read, recite, declaim.



deklinatsioni (kiel.) declenslon; (taivutus)

dekoratiivinen (koristeellinen) decorative,
urnaniental. dekoratsloni decoratlon.
deksiriini (trkkelyskuml) dextrln(e).
delegatsioni (valtuusto) delegation.
delfiini (elint.) dolphln.
deltamaa (suistomaa) delta.
demokraatti (kansanvaltainen) democrat.
demokraattinen democratlc. demokraattipuolue (Yhdysv.) the Democratic party,
demokratia (kansanvalta) democracy.
demoraliseerata (turmella tavat) demoraltze.
denaturoida denature; denaturoitu vkiviina
denatured alcohol. denaturoiminen (vklvnnan) denaturing [or alcohol].
departementti (osasto) department.
derviahl (muhamettilainen munkki) dervlsh.
dei gramma rteclgram(me). -litra deciliter.
desimaali (kymmenys) decimal; (yhd.) ks.
kymmenys-, -murtoluku decimal rractlon.
desimetri derimetcr.
desinfektsioni (puhdistus) disinTection. desinfisioida dislnrect. desinfisioiminen disInrertlon. desinfisioimisaine disinrectant.
despootti (mielivaltainen hallitsija) despot.
despoottinen despotic. despotismi despotism.
desri (jlkiruoka) dessert.
dotefctiivi (salapoliisi) detective.
diakonissa deaconess. -laitos deaconess in
stitution, -puku dress of a deaconess.
dialektiikka (keskustelu- 1. vittelytaito)
dialogi (vuoropuhelu) dlalogue.
dieetti (elantojrjestys) diet.
differentsiaalilaskento (mat.) dilTorenUal
difteria (kurkkumt) diphtheria.
diftongi (kaksoisnti) diphthong.
diktaattori (valt.) dictator. diktaattorlmainen dlctatorial. dikuattorivalta, diktatuuri
dictatorsblp, power of a dictator.
dikteerau (sanella klrjotettavaksl, mrt)
diili (kasvi) di il. -kastike dill sauce. -liha
mutton and dill sauce.
diplomaatti (valt.) dlplomat(ist). -kunta
diplomatic body (1. corps).

diplomaattinen diplomatic. diplomaattisesti
diplomatically. diplomatia diplomacy.
diplomi (arvokirja) diploma; (Yhdysv.) yliopist.) sheepskin. -tutkinto examtnation to
obtain a diploma.
diskonheitto (urh.) throvving the dlscus.
diskontata, diskonteorata (pankk.) discount
la nnte, vekseli], diskonttaaja: vekselin
diskonttaa/a one who discounts a note.
diskonttaus dlscountlng. diskontto, diakontti (bank) discount.
diskos, diskus dlscus.
disponentti (isnnitsij) manager.
divaani (sohva) divan, sora, couch ; davenport.
dividendi (osinko) divldend.
divisioona (sot.) division, -kenraali divi
sion general.
dogmaattinen dogmatic. dogmatiikka dogmatics.
dogmi (usk.) dogma.
dokumentti (asiakirja) document.
dollari dollar.
dominikaani (-munkki) Dominlcan (friar).
domino (-peli) dominoes; pelata dominoa
play at dominoes. -laatu 1. -napu domino.
-peli dominoes.
dosentti academical docent; (Special) lccturer. dosentuuri (dosentlntoimi) position
or a special lecturer (I. a docent).
draama (nytelm) drama. draamallinen,
dramaattinen dramatic(al). draamannus
dramatlzation. draamantaa, dramatiseerata
dritteli (volastla) rirkln, wooden (butter-)tub.
dromedaari (elint.) dromedary.
dualismi (kahtalaisuuden oppi) dualism.
dualistinen dualistic.
duetti, duetto (mus.) duet.
dum-dum-kuula (sot.) dumdum (bullet).
dupletti, duplikaatti (kaksoiskappale) dupllcate.
dushi (suihkukylpy) shower-bath; douche.
duuma (Venjn eduskunta) Duma, Douma.
duur-asteikko (mus.) major scale.
dynamiitti dynamite. -laukaus blasting.
-puikko stlck or dynamite.
dynamo dynamo.

ebenholtsi, ebenholtsinen ks. eebenpuu, (011) the previous day; edellisest ptten
rrom the roregoing; hnen edelli
edelle ahead, to the Tore; jonkun 1. jonkin ~ Judglng
sens viran hoitaja hls predeeessor (in
ahead or, (eteen) m rront or. (ennen) be
orrice); joulun ~ aika (the tsme) berore
rore . . , (sivuitse) past . ., (kuv.) above . . . Chrlstmas; kahden viimeisen ~ the last
edelleen rurther, more; ali along; (yh vie
buf two; kruunauksen edellisen pivn
l) still; (eteenpin) rarther, on, on- (on) the day precedlng (I. berore) the
ward(s), ahead, rorward(s); toimitetta
coronatlon; minun edelliseni (edeltjni)
vaksi to be rorwarded; edelleen(hin) tekd my predecessor; sunnuntain ~ y SaturloUa] jotakin contlnue to do [to be] a th., day night.
still do [be] a th., go on doing (belng] a edellyttminen presuming, assumlng; preth.. keep (on) dolng [being] a th.; joksi- sumption, (pre)supposltion; vrt. edellytys.
km aikaa ~ Tor a while longer; laa rcad edellytt (pre)suppose; (olettaa) preon! go on (readtng)! on ~ aoimaeea con- sutne; assume; (varmana asiana) take ror
tlnues in rorce, is still valld (1. In rorce). granted; (olla ehtona) be a condition
edellinen (lhinn ) prcceding [Chapter, [or ..]; involve; imply; edellytten (\.
luku]; (edellloleva 1. -kyp) rorcgoing, edellyttmll), ett . . provlded (that) . . ,
previous: (aikaisempi) earller; rormer; supposlng (1. presuming) (that) . . , taking
. . , jlkiminen . . the rormer . . . the lat- ror granted that . .; edellyttkmme ett
ter . .; oma kirjaa the rirst volume or the nin on laita let us assume that this is the
book; edellieen pivn the day berore. case, we will suppose this to be the case;



hnell edellytetn olevan he IS SUPPOSed

(I. assumed) to have; kuten nimi(kin) jo
~ as the name (already) implles.
edellytys (pre)supposition; (ehto) condi
tion; (johonkin tarvittava ominaisuus)
qualiTication; heill ei nyt olevan mitn
voiton edellytyksi (mahdollisuuksia) IM'"seem to have no chance to uin; hnelt
puuttuu (eiihen) tarpeelliset edellytykset
he has not the (required) qualirications;
lhtien siit edellytyksest, ett . . assuming that . . , takingr (it) Tor granted that . .;
on edellytyksen jollekin, on jonkin edel
lytyksen constitutes (1. is) a qualiTica
tion for . . , (ehtona) is a condition or . .;
tili edellytyksell, ett . . on (1. under)
the presumption that . . , takin? (it) for
granted that . . , supposlng (that) . . , (eh
dolla) on the condition that . . .
edell 1. (adv.) berore, in advance; ahead;
previously; (yll) above; 2.(prep.& postp.)
ahead of . . , in rront of . . , In advance
or . . , berore . .; ~ puolenpivn [lyh. =
e. p. p.J In the forenoon, bcfore noon [tav.
lyh. A. M. (sanoista: ante meridiem, en
nen puoltapiv)] ;. kello on viisi minuut
tia the clock is flve minutes fast (1.
ahead); mene sin ~ you go Tirst; minun
edellni ahead (1. In rront) or me, (ennen
minua) berore me; niinkuin ~ on sanottu
as sald berore (1. previously), (yll) as
sald (1. stated) above; olla jostakusta (1.
jotakuta) (parempi) have an advantage
over a. p., have the advantage, be ahead or
a p. [huom. mys: olla muista be ahead
or others, be in the lead] ; on aikansa (l.
ajastaan) ~ is ahead of the times, is in
advance or the (1. his) age; on kaukana
has a good start, (kuv.) is rar in advance
(1. in the lead); p ~ head rirst (1. roremost).
edell kerrottu .. related (1. spoken or 1.
mentioned) above. -kuvattu . . described
above (1. In the roregolng). -kvij (edel
-kyp 1. -kyv preceding, precedent;
previously mentioned; (etup. lak.) arorementloned, aroresaid; (yll-) above-mentloned, . . stated above: edellmainituista
syist Tor reasons stated above, ror the
above-mentloned reasons. -oleva rorego
lng, prevlous; preceding; viitaten edell
olevaan with rererence to the roregolng,
rererring to the above. -sanottu ks. edel
edeltj predecessor;
edelt ksin, -pin berorehand, in advance;
previously; berore; edeltpin mrtty
predestlned, predestlnate(d), roreordalned.
-kvij (hist.) rorerunner.
edeltv roregolng, preceding, prevlous;
(alustava) prellmlnary. edelt precede,
antecedc; mys = edellytt.
edemmksi rarther on, rarther onward (1.
ahead); (kauemmaksi) rarther orr; (syr
jn) aside, out or the way. edempn
rarther on (1. ahead); (kauempana) rar
ther orr (1. away), at a greater distance;
(syrjss) aside, out or the way. edemp
from rarther orr, rrom (1. at) a greater
edent remove rarther; (vied eteenpin)
bring rotuani, advance; ~ vlimatkaa increase the distance.
des I. (esiin) rorth, rorward: 2. (ainakin)
at least, (etup. kleltv. lauseissa:) even;
ti - IV
l|; ' ~ sen vertaa, ett ..


never as mucb as to . .; joi nkisin hnet

vilahdukselta IT I could see even (1. only
1. but) a gltmpse or blm; osaamatta ~ ni
men hirjottaa ulthout even (1. tvlthout
so much as) being able to slgn his name.
-auttaa help, asslst; (edist) loruani,
further, promote, advance. -ksin on, ~i,
liaani.) ruler (1. governor) or the reast.
-mennyt (kulunut) past, bygone; (kuol
lut) deceased, late; edesmennein aikoina
in days gone by, in bygone days, aroretlme. -pin fortb; (eteenpin) loruani,
oniuanii; (edelleen) further; ja niin edes
pin [lyh. = J. n. e.] et cetera [tav. lyh.:
etc.j\ and so rorth (1. on), and the llke.
edess (etupuolella) In rront [or . .] ; ahead
[or ..]; berore; (tiell) in the way; aivan
jonkun right berore (1. In rront or) one;
hevonen on ~ (= valjastettuna; llmotuksena:) the carriage is vvaiting; hn seisoo
edessni he is standing tn rront or me (1.
berore me), (tiellni) he stands in my
u ay, (valon edess) he stands between me
and the llgbt; Ainin on pilvi tbere are
clouds over the moon, the moon is overcast (by ClOUdS) ; meill on edessmme
vaikeuksia (tulossa) there are dirriculties
berore (1. ahead or 1. In store Tor) us, (vas
tassa) we are golng to meet wltb (1. encounter) dirriculties; oikeuden berore
the court, In court; parempia aikoja on ~
better times are in store (1. ahead), (toi
vottavissa) tbere are prospects or better
times; sellainen tehtv on edessni (Odot
taa) such a task awaits me (1. Is berore
me), (on annettu minulle) such a problem
has been put (1. laid) berore me.
edestakainen ks. takaperoinen; ~ lippu ks.
(meno- Ja) paluupiletti.
edestakaisin to and lm. back and rorth;
(esim. matka) there and back; (sinne tn
ne) about; matka maksaa ~ S dollaria the
trip costs 5 dollars both \vays (1. there
and back).
edest from berore, rrom the rront or; (tiel
t) out or the way; (puolesta, thden)
ror; (arvosta) to the value or, vvorth:
(Jonkun sijaan) in place or; auki oleva
open at the rront (1. In rront) ; kun me
vanhat kaadumme TVhen \ve Older ones
are gone; olen lhettnyt hnet edestni
I have sent hlm as my substitute; pois
(get) out or the way! make \vay! viiden
sentin ~ for Tive cents, Tlve ccnts' worth
[or candy, makeisia], -ksin 1. -pin rrom
berore, rrom tovvard the rront; vrt. etu
edes vastaukseni nen responsible. -vastaus
uhalla (lak.) under the penalty or the law.
-vastuu --= edesvastaus, -vastuullinen re
sponsible. -vastuullisuus responslbillty.
edesvastuun alainen responsible, answerable, llable. -tunne reellng or responslbillty.
edes vastuuton rree rrom responslbillty; irresponslble. -vastuuttomasti lrresponslbly.
-vastuuttomuus Treedom rrom responslbill
ty; irresponslblllty.
edesvastuuvaatimus demand that a person
be haled berore the court.
edet advance, proceed, move (1. pass 1. go)
on; progress; (etup. sot.) push rorvvard,
march forward (1. on) ; (loitota) draw
away; drirt away; poispin move (1.
drirt) away; toisistaan move apuri, dlverge ; kuinka pitklle on asia edennyt hO\v
Tar has the matter progressed (1. advanced
1. gone)'.' laiva etenee rannasta the Sllip is
drau-ing away (1. pulllng out) rrom shore;

4 Iit*


motmjeakko etenee the troop advances (1.

pushes forward).
ediste means or advancement ; furtlierer.
edistyksellinen progressive. edistyksenmies
Progressive man. edistyminen advance
ment. progress ( lon ) ; improvement; (ke
hittyminen) development. edistymatn unprogresslve: slow, backward [pupil. oppi
las], edistymtlmyys unprogresslveness;
backwardness. edistynyt advanced; pro
gressive; lapsi en ikns nhden hyvin
edistynyt the chlld Is very rorward (1. Is
far advanced) Tor bls age; on edistyneemmll asteella (pitemmlle pssyt) is
farther advanced, (korkeammalla) stands
on a hlgber level (1. plane), Is on a more
advanced stage; vrt. edisty.
edistys progress, advancement; (parannus)
Improvement; (uudistus) rerorm; edistys
t harrastava progrcssive. -askel Torvvard
step, step In the rlgbt dlrectlon, Improve
ment. -haluinen eager to advance, ambitlous; progresslve. -harrastua lnterest In
advancement, splrlt or progress,progressive
tendency. -mahdollisuus possibillty or
progress (l. advancement 1. development).
edistysmielinen progresslve; ~ mies a man
of progresslve ldeas; ~ puola* ks. edietyspuolue. edistysmielisyys progresslveness.
edistysi puolue (Yhd.) the Progresslve par
ty; (useissa Europan maissa:) the progressives. -puoluelainen member or a pro
gresslve party, -pyrinnt 1. -riennot work
for progress, lnterest In advancement; pro
gresslve tendencles. -rlentoinen progres
slve. -ty6 \\firk ror the advancement [or
the people, kansan hyvksi]; reform work.
edistyttai advance, rurther, promote; push
Tonvard); improve; develop; vrt. edist*.
edistyvi(inen) progresslng, advanclng; pro
gresslve; ~ oppilas qulck (1. bright 1.
promlslng) pupil.
edistyi make progress [In one's Studies,
opinnoissaan], progress; advance, proceed;
(sujua) get on, go on; (vaurastua) get
on in the world, improve (I. better) one's
position; become better orr; (menesty)
ihrtve, prosper; (kasvaa) grow, increase;
(kehitty) develop; (opinnoissaan y. m.)
Improve [greatly In (one's) Engllsh, suu
resti englanninkieless; In knowledge, tie
doissa] ; (tulla edistetyksi) be promoted
(I. advanced 1. rurthered); ~ hyvin make
good progress (1. headway) ; kauppa edis
tyy the trade (1. the commerce) is belng
promoted (I. advanced); kaupunki edistyy
the town Is prosperlng, It Is a rlslng town;
miten edistyy tysi (sujuu) how are you
getting on (1. along) wlth your work?
how goes the work? how does your work
progress? oppilas on huomattavasti edisty-nyt the pupil bas made remarkable prog
ress; ly ei ole pitklle edistynyt the
work Is not rar advanced; ty edistyy ri
pesti the work Is golng on brlskly (1. 13
carrled on wltb ali dlspatch) .
edistj promoter, rurtherer, encourager.
edistminen advancement, promotlon, fur
tberance; encouragement; yhdistyksen tarkotusten edistmiseksi Tor the rurtherance
or (1. to rurther) the alms and purposes
or the association, edistmiskeino means
to promote, way or rurtherlng. edistmtn
not promoting, non-conduclve. edistv
rurtherlng, promoting; jotakin edistv
(mys:) conduclve to . . . edistvsti: vai
kutti siihen edistvsti had the elTert or
advanring (I. rurtherlng) lt.
edisti! rurther. rorward, promote, advanre;
enrourage; (kehitt) develop; (vied
eteenpin) brlng (1. carry) rorward, push


(forward); (suosia) favor, patronlze, 9upport, give countenance to; (vaurastuttaa)

improve, better; (lisni) help on, aid, be
conduclve to . . ; (osaltaan) contrlbute [to,
jotakin); ~ kehityst rurther (1. encourage) the development; Jonkin lisnty
mist contrlbute to (1. be conduclve to)
the Increase or . .; ~ osaltaan yhteiskunnan
hyvinvointia do one's part (1. share) toward the \veirare or the soclety, contrlbute
to the welfare or the soclety; ~ Jonkun
parasta do everything Tor a p.'s good (1.
best); kello ~ the clock Is rast.
editse along the race (1. Tront) or; me kul
jimme kirkon ~ we passed In front or the
Church; portaiden by (1. In Tront oT)
the stalrs.
edukas = edullinen.
edukseen, eduksi ks. etu.
edullinen advantageous, profitable ; (hydyl
linen) userul; (tuottava) lucratlve, remuneratlve; (suotuisa) ravorable; (viisas,
puollettava) advlsable; [ostajalle] ~ kaup
pa (good) bargaln; tarjous (mys:)
llberal orrer; edulliset ehdot (mys:) 11beral terms; on edullista jollekulle is to
one's advantage. Is advlsable ror one. edul
lisemmin to greater advantage, more prorltably. edullisesti to one's advantage; prorttably; ravorably. edullisimmin to the (1.
to one's) best advantage; most profltably.
edullisuus advantage (ousness), profltableness; advlsabllity.
eduskunnallinen relatlng to the dlet; parliamentary; (edustuksellinen) representative [rorm or government, hallitusmuoto];
(perustuslaillinen) constltutional; ty
work In the dlet.
eduskunnanmuuto* change In the System of
eduskunta (alkumerk.) representatlve body;
(edustajahuone, esim. Ranskan) Chamber
or Deputtes; (valtiopivt) dlet; vrt. kon
gressi, parlamentti: eduskunnassa In the
dlet. -enemmist majorlty or the dlet. -esi
tys blll (presented to the dlet). -keskus
telu dlscusslon (1. debate) in the dlet.
-laitos representatlve body; Bystemorrepresentatlon; eduskuntalaitoksen uudistus
rerorm or the system or representatlon.
-muoto rorm or representatlon. -pts
resolutlon or the dlet. -talo house or the
dlet, dlet bullrilng. -ty work in (1. oD
the dlet. -uudistus rerorm or (1. In) the
dlet. -vaalit electlon to the dlet; general
election. -valtainen constltutional.
edusmlehyys: jonkun one's position (1.
offlce) as a representatlve; one's position
as an attorney (1. a proxy) ; (edusmleskelpolsuus) one's ellglbiltty to the dlet.
edusmies (edustaja) representatlve; delegate; (valtioplvmles) member or the
diet; (edustajahuoneen Jsen) deputy;
(valtuutettu) authorlzed agent, proxy, at
torney. -ehdokas candidate ror the dlet.
-kelpoisuus ellglbiltty to (1. ror) the diet.
-oikeus ks. edustusoikeus.
edusta place In Tront of . . . rront (side).
race; Jonnin edustalla, edustalle In front
or . . , berore . . , (lhell, lhelle) by ...
Close by (1. to) . .; laivasto on Helsingin
edustalla the fleet lles outside (1. In front)
Of Helsingfors; teatterin edustalle oli ke
rntynyt paljon vke a large crowd had
gathered In front of the theater; paidan
shlrt rront.
edustaa represent fone's ronstltuents, valit
sijoitaan]; stand ror [more llberal vlews,
vanasmpla mielipiteit).
edustaja representatlve; (Johonkin kokouk
seen y. m. lhetetty) delegate; vrt. dits-


4< 1

mie, -huone 1. -kamarl (Ranskan) Cham

ber of Deputies, -kokoua convention, meet
ing of delegates.
edustajanvaali election of a representative
(1. a delegate); election of a member to
tin' diet.
edustaja paikka seat (In the diet, congress
Jne.). -ryhma group of representatives,
-toimi functions of a representative (1. of
a member of the diet), -velvollisuudet
duties as a member of the diet (1. as a
edustajisto the representatives; representa
edustamaton not represented, unrepre
sented, edustaminen representing; (Jonkln
asan y. m.) standing for. eduttava repre
senting; representative.
edustuksellinen representative [government,
edustus representation, -oikeus right to rep
resent, right of representation, -velvollituu duty to represent; duties as a repre
dut ks. etu. eduton disadvantageous, un
profitable; useless, of no use (1. good).
eduttomuu unprofitableness, uselessness.
eobon pumer, ebon, (of) ebony, -puu ebony.
ekkeri (Amer, suom.) acre.
Eemeli Emile.
Eenokkl Enoch.
eepillinen epic [poetry, runous]. eepos epic.
eespin (run.) = edespKln.
ootillinen (slveysoplllinen, slveelllnen) eth
ic (al).
cette r i (kern. & fys.) ether, eetterinen
Eeva Eve.
Egean-meri ks. Aigeia(n-meri).
Egypt! Egypt; gyptin pimeys Egyptian
darkness, egyptilinen (a. & s.) Egyptian.
ehdokas canilidate: ehdokkaaksi eiitetty (\.
nimitetty) In-nltilij, nominee; atettaa John
ehdokhaaksi johonhin put one up (1. for
ward) as a candidate for . . , nominate one
for [president, presldentlnehdokkaaksi],
run a p. for [an office]; pormettarin ~
candidate for (the office of) mayor, -lista
I. -luettelo list of candidates.
ehdokkuus candidacy, candidature.
ehdollepano (placing in) nomination.
ehdollinen conditional [pardon, armahdus] ;
provisory; vrt. tahallim-n. ehdollisesti con
ditionally, ehdollisuua conditionally.
ehdonl alainen tentative, optional; (ehdolli
nen) conditional; ehdonalainen vapanm con
ditional freedom, parole, -valta (vapaa
vallnta) liberty of choice, choice; option.
ehdotella make (1. submit) proposals, offer
propositions, ehdotelmapropositlon; project.
ehdoton unconditional: unqualified [He,
vale], absolute (1. peremptory) [necessity,
vlttmttmyys] ; positive [truth, totuus;
demand, vaatlmus; duty, velvollisuus] ;
(sokea, taydelllnen) Implicit [confidence,
luottamus: obedience, kuullalsuus] ; (tlnklmatn) uncompromising; Indispensable;
(rajaton) arbitrary; (kategorinen) cate
gorical; ~ enemmitts absolute (1. un
questioned) majority; ~ raitis total
abstainer; ~ raittius total abstinence:
oarmaut (mys;) posltlveness; ehdottoman
oarma absolutely sure (1 certain), positive
[of a th., jostakln], peremptory; ehdottoman vtttmtn absolutely necessary.
endetta propose [a th. to one, Jotakln Jollekulle] ; (allstaa) submit; (huomauttaen 1.
neuvoen) suggest; (tchda csltys, Kokoukspssa y. m.) move, make a motion, motion;
(sittaa, tarjla) offer; ~ amia niin ari**tettuhti propose to have the matter ar-

ranged (1. that the matter be arrang
so; propose such an arrangement (of
matter); hyvhsyttvhti (SUOSlt
recommend . . (mys: propose a p.'s na
for adoption, (eslm. Joku seuran Jasene!
recommend . . Tor admission; ~ jotai
(\. ioltul ohonkin toimeen nominate I
for an Office; ehdotti, ttt lhtisii

kvelylle (mys:) he proposed a walk.

dottaja mover, proposer; the person n
ing the motion; jonhin ehdottaja one
(has) proposed (I. suggested) a th.
dottaminen proposing ; moving ; proposii
ehdottautua propose O.S.; (tarjoutua)
(1. tender) O.S., volunteer.
chdottomasti absolutely, positively; Inn
bly; unquestionably; categorically; ~
rat (mys:) decidedly tlie best; ~ r
total abstainer, teetotaler.
ehdotus proposition, proposal; (kokouk
sa y. m. tehty) motion: (neuvova)
gestion; (esltys, tarjous) offer; (suu
telma) project [for ... Jokslkln], seht
*hdotuk*en tcbiia mover, proposer, the
who made (1. the person making) the
tion; jonhan rhdotuktttta on the sugges
(1. motion) of a p.
ehdys: lehm on ehdyhmimta, the cow 1
has gone) dry. ehdyttU (lehma)
[the cow] go dry, cause . . to go
(kuv.) cause to run dry (1. short),
to be depleted.
ehdua hurry, hasten; vrt. ennuttlUL
ehei heigh! ho! (el sulnkaan) no, no! no
deed! certainly not!
eheys entlreness, wholeness; (koskemi
muus) Integrity; (kuv.) perfection;
mony; soundness.
ehei whole; entire; (rlkkomaton) unbr
[window-pane, Ikkunaruutu]; (vahlni
tamaton) undamaged; (kuv.) Inte
well-rounded [character, Inonne]. (ta;
linen) perfect, consummate, (sopusu
nen) harmonious, (terve) sound,
[view of the world, maailmankatsom
~ kohonaiiuus perfect (1. harmoni
whole; vrt. ehj. -luontelnen . . wl
well-rounded (1. harmonious) chara
-pilrteinen (henkllst:) .. with re
features; well-rounded story, kerton
-sointuinen . . with a perfect (1. beaut
harmony; perfectly harmonious.
ehjyys eheys.
hja = ebeK; ehjin nahoin whole-skli
unhurt, unscathed: ehjinS (eslm. tavar
puhuen) undamaged, In good condltlo
tafeAiawhoIe coat, a coat without a hole
ehka perhaps, maybe; perchance; (ma
llsestl) possibly; - ii muarmmpi
haps still greater, possibly greater ye
ehkaiseminen checking: prevention;
straiiit; stoppage; jonhin ehhaiscmi
for the prevention of .., (In order) to
vent... hkaisematen unchecked, ehkl
checking: preventive; obstructive, e
sevstl preventively, as a preventive
huttaa ehhisevsti johonhin h&ve a
ventlve (1. a checking 1. en obstructive
fluence (.effect) upon, give a check
ehkaisij (ehkalsev alne) preventive
ehkaistyl be checked (I. retarded l.restr
1. arrested 1. stopped), be Imposed (
structed), (verenvtiodosta:) be staun
(karsi) suffer a drawback; have
back; ~ kasvussaan lie stunted (l.dwai
ehkist (pldtt) clioi-k, retard; re|
restrain; (est&) prevent, hinder, Tore
(asettaa esteltu) Impede, obstruct,
(loppttaa) suppress, keep down (1. un
(pysahdyttaa) stop, put a stop to, a
staunch [the (flow of) blood, ver


_ 45
to] ; (torjua) avert; (vastustaa) counteract, ehtona on sitke ty hard work Is 8 condlcounter-lnriuence: (tehd tyhjksi) tbwart; tion of success, (mys:) success presuprrustrate; kapina avert a rebellion, (ku
poses (I. is won by) hard work] ; sill eh
kistaa) suppress (1. put down) a rebelllon:
dolla, ett hn lhtee on condition tbat he
[PUU] kasvamasta (1. kasvussaan) stunt goes, (edellytyksell) provlded that he
(1. dvrarf) [a tree] ; Joku tekemst jo
goes, (ymmrryksell) on tbe understandtakin prevent (1. keep 1. deter) one froni ing tbat he goes.
dning a tb.; ~ Jonkun tuomat thwart one's ehtoinen (ybd.) .. wtth .. terms (1. condlPlans (I. deslgns), cross one's bopes; ~
tions) [esim. ankara- wlth hard (1. strict)
uhkaava vaara avert (I. turn aside 1. roreterms; helppo with easy terms].
stall) an lmpendlng dancer (]. an Imminent ehtoo evening, night; vrt. ilta.
perii) : se ehkisee kehityst tbat hlnders
1. = illallinen; 2. (Herran ~)
(1. obstructs J. arrests; tbe development,
Communion, tbe Lord's Supper, the Sacratbat acts as an lmpediment (1. a clog) to
the Eucharlst. ehtoollisellathe development; verenvuotoja ehkistes
k&ynti (klrk.) communion, partaking or
s in staunching (tbe riow) of blood.
ehkisy checking, restraining; prevention;
repression; obstruction;
(verenvuodon) ehtoollisl] kalkki chalice; communion cup.
staunching; (kasvun) stunting, dwarring. -leip communion bread; host. -pakko
-kaino preventlve (means); precautlon. compulsory communion. -pyt commu
nion table. -vieras communlcant. -viini
-lulli prohibltlve duty.
sacrament(al) \vlne, communion wine.
ehkp maybe, mayhap.
(klel.) (the) condltional (mode).
ho (pas. run.) rine, dalnty, gracerul;
(ehei, tydellinen) perfect;stcrling; ehom ehtyminen runnlng dry, drying (up). ehty
mtn (kuv.) iirexhaustible, exhaustlesspana entistn (\. entist ehompana) betunrailing [source, lhde; vitallty, elinvoi
ter (1. finer 1. daintier) than berore, In
ma], never-raillng. ehty (maltoa antavis
glorified guise.
ta elimist:) stop givlng milk, go dry,
hta genuine; ~ vri fast coior; vrt. aito,
(kuv.) run dry, get depleted (1. exhausted).
ehtiminen reachlng; rindlng time; ks. ehti. ehyt ehe. -laitainen (kasv.) entlre.
ks. chdtt.
ehtimiseen time and agaln, agaln and agaln,
over and over; constantly, contlnually, per- ei [en, et, ei, emme, ette, eivt] no (vars.
komp. edell Ja kleltv. vastauks.), notpetually; (lakkaamatta) incessantly; ky
(etup. raam., kieltv. vast.) nay; ei aikaa
sell ask over and over, keep asking.
kaan kun .. not long arter that . .; ei ai
ehti* (enntt) have time, find time; (saa
. . , vaan myskin . . not only . .
pua) reach, arrive (in time, ajoissa] ; (tul
la* come: (Jonnekin asti) get [halfway, but also . .; ei . . eik . . neither . . nor . .
min eik hn neither he nor I;
puolivliin]; (tulla ajoissa) arrive (1.
come; in time; (kiirehti) hurry, hasten; ef sin enk min neither you nor I] ;
(edistyi) advance, proceed; ~ Jonkun ei . .-kaan (l. -kn) not . . either, neither,
avuksi come (1. arrive) in time to one's nor [esim. ei hnkn ole sen parempi
assistanee, (rient) hasten to one's airt (1. neither (1. nor) is he any better; en min
help l. relleD ; Jonkun edelle get ahead kn sit usko I don't (believe it) eltherl,
(ei ainoatakaan) not a [esim. ei pisaraa
H. in advance) or one; ensimisen pe
rille be the first one to reach the goal (1. kaan en not a (single) drop more] ; ei
the destinatlon), arrive first; ~ junalle ole vli it makes no dlfrerence, never
(ajoissa) be in time Tor tbe train, get to mind! ei sinne pinkn far from it, noththe train on time, (arrive In time to) catch ing like it; ei viel koskaan never yet
[Sellaisissa lausetavoissa kuin esim. ei ai
the train; tehd jokin have time to do (1.
noakaan, ei edes, ei kertaakaan, ei mikn
to fintsb) a th., be able to flnlsh a th. (I
to get a th. ready), get a th. done; n ehdi y. m. ks. jlkimist sanaa, siis: ainoa,
edes, kerta, mikn y. m.]
tulla I have no time (1. I cannot rind time)
to come; An ei ole viel ehtinyt pitklle eihn: eihn!? you don't say (so)? ~ toki
kirjansa kirjottamisessa he has not 8d- no, inrieed not! certainly not! (el milln
vanced (1. gotten) rar yet In writlng his muotoa) by no means!
book; hn oli jo ehtinyt lhte, kun min eik [enn, etk, eik, emmek, ettek, ei
vtk] = ja ei, vrt. ei.
saavuin he was already gone when 1 arrived; jos suinkin ehdin ir only I can rind eik, eikhn, eiks: eikhn ole parasta,
time; kun ehdin siihen asti When I get (I.
ett .. wouldn't It be best that . .? don't
reach 1 come) that far; kuta kauemmaksi you think it (is) best that . .? An on sikes ehti, sit enemmn . . the Tartber the 'aresi, eik niin (l. eik totta) slie Is vour
summer advanced (1. proceeded), the slster Isnt she? se on kaunis, eiks olekin
more . .; tuskin olin ehtinyt puolitiehen, lt is beautirul, isn't lt?
kun . . I had scarcely got bair way when . . eilen yesterday; ~ aamulla yesterday mornvrt. rhdtt, enntt.
ing; ~ illalla last night (1. evening), (run )
ehto rondltion; (sopimuksen y. m.) provi
yestere'en; ~ iltapivll yesterday altcrsion, stipulation; (rajotus) clause, provlso
restnctlon; (perusehto) essentiat; [pl. eh eilen- (yhd.) ks. eilis-,
dat (mys:) terms]; ehdoin tahdoin (ty eilinen I. ( a ) . . or yesterday, yesterday's
sin tietoisesti) knowingly, deliberately,
[paper, lehti]; ~ ilta ks. eilisilta; - piv
ittmgly. or set purpose, with Tuli intent. yesterday; eiliset juhlat yesterday's restlvinlentlonally; hnell on ehdon valta tehd ities, the reast or yesterday. H. (s.) yes
miten haluaa he is at llberty (1. Is free) to terday; eilisest viikko (takaperin) a Week
do as he pleases; ei milln ehdolla on no ago yesterday, yesterday week; eilist vas
rondition (1. account), by no means .mill taan yll night berore last.
ehdolla on what condition? on what terms? eilisFaamu yesterday morning; eilisaamuna
alla ehdolla virkaan (ehdokkaana) be a yesterday morning. -aamuinen yesterday
nominee (h a candldate) for an orrice; morning's [paper, lehti], -ilu yesterday
olla jonkin ehtona, olla ehtona jollekin t)e a evening. last night, (run.) yesternightCondltlOD for (1. Of) [esim. menestyksen eilisiltana last night (1. evening). -Iltainen



yesterflay evening's, last night's [paper,

lebtl]; eilisiltainen tapaus Ihr event last
night, -paiv yesterday; eiiitpivn lapai
(kuv.) the child or yesterday; eilitpivn
yesterday; eilispivtt lakien from yes
terday on, beginning- with yesterday; vrt.
cillnen, II. -pilvkinen yesterday's, of yes
terday, -yo last night; eiiityn (viime
yuiiai last night.
eine breakfast; vrt. aamiainen; ei eintttdkn (hitustakaan) not even a bit, not tbe
least mite, eineeton . . without (any)
breakfast, einehtia breakfast.
01 p, eipahn, eips - - ei; h, tipas olluthaan what did I tell you! there, I told you so!
eittmtt undlsputably, unquestionably,
undoubtedly; undeniably; beyond (1. with
out) dispute, beyond all gainsaying, eittamiittmyys Indisputability, undeniableness.
eittmttmeti - eittmtt.
eittmtn undeniable [fact, tosiasia] ; In
disputable [truth, totuus], Incontestable;
undisputed, uncontested; ~ a*ia (myos:)
a matter beyond dispute.
eittuu deny; dispute, contest; vrt. vaina.
okonomia (talous; sstvlsyys) economy,
ekonominen economical,
ekeeemi (robtuma) eczema,
ekepertti (aslantuntlja) expert.
ekspressi (plkalhetys) express; tksprtstist by express, -juna (plkajuna) express
ckstrakti (uutos) extract; essence,
eksyksiin, eksyksisse ks. ek>y>.
eksyminen losing one's way, going astray;
erring; (kuv.) deviation, digression, eksymys digression; aberration, error, eksym (fys.) deviation, eksymtn unerring.
ekeynyt . . gone astray, strayed, stray [bul
let, kuula] lost [ sheep, lammas], wandering,
eksye: ehsyhsiin astray, ks. joutua; eksyk*iin out uniit stray, lost; ektyktissa astray,
out of the right way; eksyktitia ol*va (I.
harhaileua) Stray (Ing); eksybuiss allen
Having lost the way; alia ektyktasa have
gone (I. got) astray, have lost one's way,
be astray (1. lost 1. wandering), (kuv.) be
on the wrong track, be at fault, be astray.
eksytetty . . led astray, misled, misguided,
eksyttmmen (the act of) leading astray;
misleading, deception.
eksyuava (harhaanjohtava) misleading; de
ceptive; (hammentvft) bewildering [like
ness, yhdennklsyys], confusing; puz
zling; elusive; ehsyttvn yhtlinen puzzlingly like, eksyttftvaetl In a misleading
manner; bewllderlngly; puzzllngly.
eksyttU lead . . astray, mislead, misguide;
misdirect, (kuv. mys:) deceive, delude;
(hmment) confuse, bewilder, perplex,
eksytys misguidance; delusion.
eksy go astray, get (1. be) lost [In the
woods, metsn] ; (tlclt) lose o. s. (1.
one's way); (tulla harhaanjohdetuksi) be
misled; (erehtyft) err; (poiketa jostakln)
deviate [from the right path, olkealta Hel
ta], digress; ~ aintestaan (eslm. puhuessa) wander off (1. digress from) one's
subject; harhattille be misled; ~ toisistaan lose one another, be lost from each
other; ~ yksityissdkkoihin lose o.s. in de
tails, be lost In a maze of details; tina
ehsyit totuudesta you strayed (1. wandered
1. deviated) from the (exact) truth,
ekvaattori (piyntasaaja) equator,
ekvatsioni (yhtl) equation,
elanto living, livelihood; (tolmeentulo) sub
sistence, sustenance; (elam) life, exist
ence, -jrjestys manner (1. order) of life,
(ruoka-) diet, (lk.) regimen, -kustannukset = elinkuitannukset. -suhteet con


ditions of life, living conditions, -tapa

manner (1. way) of living, living; vrt. elMmntapa. -tarpeet 1. -varat necessaries (1.
necessities) of life, necessaries of existence.
elastinen (klmmolnen) elastic, elattltettl
elastlcally. laatlsuui elasticity.
elatlivi (slsaeronto) (the) elative (case).
elatus subsistence, sustenance; (elanto)
living, livelihood; aruaita elatahtensa nenlomalla earn one's living by sewing; vrt.
elanto, elate, -aineet provisions; victuals,
(articles of) food, -apu help toward [one's]
support (1. maintenance), (olkeuslaitoksen
tuomltsema) alimony; toada 100 markkaa
vaotuista elatasapua (myS:) ivccnv 111
allowance of 100 marks a year, receive an
annuity of 100 marks, -huolet weight of
responsibility for providing ine necessa
ries of life, worry about earning a living.
-is ks. kasvatusisS. -keino means of liveli
hood (1. support), means (1. way) or
earning a living; vrt. elinkeino. -tarpeet
ks. elintarpeet. -vanhemmat, -iti ks.
kasvatuftvanhemmat, -aiti.
ele: elett gestures, gesticulations, (kasvojen) expression, (vlrneet) grimaces; vrt.
elefanttl (norsu) elephant, -tauti (lk.)
elega (murheruno) elegy.
elemen . . with . . gestures, with a(n) . .
expression [esim. vUkas~ with quick (1.
lively) gestures, with an animated (1. a
vivacious) expression].
elellkieli sign-language, -nytelmi dumb
show, pantomime.
eleksifi -- elella.
elektrikko electrician, elektrolyyii (kem. &
fys.) electrolysis. elektrometri (fys.)
electrometer, elektroni (fys. & kem.)
electron, elektroskooppi (fys.) electro
scope, elektroteknikko ks. sKhkuteknikko.
e I el i ja: yktin- recluse.
elella live (on) [In peace, rauhassa], pass
one's life (I. one's days) [In contentment.
tyytyvlsen] ; ~ hualetlomana lead a life
free from care, live care free, be In easy
circumstances; ~ ybtini*yyyd*tt (l.
trakkona) live secluded (1. In seclusion),
live the life of a recluse; vrt. elKK.
elementtl element.
eleskell live (on), pass one's life (smooth
ly) ; vrt. cli-ll.
elevaattorl (hlssl) elevator.
elfenluu ks. norsunluu.
eli, ellkku or; 24 *li 2 lusinaa 24 or 2
dozen; vrt. tai.
elimellinen organic, elimollisesti organically,
elimet ks. elin. elimeton Inorganic.
elimisto (ello) organism; (elimet) the or
gans; /lonen elimistbnsa mi le kunnassa

his system Is out of order.

elin organ; /imct organs,
elinllalka lifetime; (elmn pltuus) term of
(human) life, mortal span, lease of life;
elinafahsi for life; /la'nen elinaikanaan dur
ing his lifetime; kaibcn elinaihani all my
life; hfslii minan elinaihani Will last my
lifutime, will last as long as I live, -aikalnen, -aikuinen . . for life; lifelong [sorrow,
snrul; vrt. elinkautlnen. -ehto condition
of life (1. for existence); (vlttmatn)
vital condition, -ikii liretime; duration of
life; fliniiiksrrn for (his) lifetime, for
life; vrt. ellnalka. -ikinen lifelong [cross,
ristl], . . for life. -Juuret roots of [one's]
existence (1. life); vitals; kalvaa ten elinJuuria (kuv.) Is gnawing at Its very roots
of existence (1. Is tearing at Its vitals).
-kausl = elinaika.




elinkautinen llfelong, life [position, toimi], elo 1. (elm) lire, vrt. henki; 2. (vilja)
. . for life; held uring- life; vankeus grain, (Engl.) corn; (laiho) crop; elon
life lmprlsonment, Imprlsonment for nro; aika tiarvest(-tlme), time or harvest; elos
Lanki ltre prlsoner, prlsoner for life; sa oleva living; olla elossa be allve, be liv
hnen virkansa on ~ lie hOldS his Office ing, (el) live; tn vuonna tuli paljon
eloa the crops were bountlful thls year,
Tor lire.
elinkautit- (yhd.) . . for life, life [esim. (Jkpv.) they (l. we) got bumper crops
elke pen3ion for life; -ty \vork for life; thls year.
elo||aika = elonaika, -aitta granary. -halme
-vanki lire prlsoner, prlsoner for life].
clearing sown wlth grain. -hiiri spasmodlc
elinkautisestl for life.
elinkeino i alk. i means or earning a living tvvitching (1. tvvltches).
qulcksllver, mercury.
(1. a llvelihood), (source of) livelibood;
(toimi, ammatti) occupatlon, business; elohopea- (yhd.) qulcksllver, mercurial
Industry- -asetus ks. elinkeinolaki. -ilmo- (esim. -ilmapuntari qulcksllver (1. mercu
tus report (to tbe govemment) that one rial) barometer; -myrkytys qulcksllver (1.
bas gone Into business (for hlmselr). mercurial) poisonlng; -yhdistys qulcksll
ver (1. mercurial) compound] ; (kem.)
-lainsdnt leglslatlon regulating busi
ness and Industry, Industrial and business mercurlc, mercurous. -patsas column or
legislation. -laki Industrial and business qulcksllver (1. mercury), mercurial col
laws, laws (1. statutes) regulating business umn. -salva (harmaasalva) blue (1. mer
and Industry, -maksu (1. v.) llcense (fee). curial) ointment. -valmiste mercurial preelinkeinonharjottaja person In business for paration.
eloisa llvely; rull of life; Ilve [man, mies];
elinkeino -oikeus permit to carry on a (vilkas) sprlghtly, splrited, anlmated, vlvaclous, brisk, (elottomista:) vlvld [color,
trade, a profession, a business or an In
dustry, -vapaus Industrial freedom. -varo vri; descrlptlon, kuvaus]; vrt. vilkas,
llcense for carrylng on a trade, a manu- eloisasti In a llvely (1. sprlghtly) manner;
vlvaclously; briskly; vlvidly. eloisuus
facture or an Industry.
elinkorko (life) annulty. -laina tontlne. llveliness, anlmatlon, sprlghtllness, vlvacity; vivldness.
-vakuutus annulty Insurance.
Iin; kustannukset cost of living, Irving- ex- elojuhla harvest -feast, harvest-home.
penses. -kykyinen vlable [fetus, siki], elokas eloisa.
capable of living; vrt. elinvoimainen, -ky- elokuu August; elokuun ilta a nlght In
August; elokuun kuutamo August moon.
kylsyys (sikin) vlabllity; (elinvoimai
suus) vltality. -kysymys questlon of vltal elollinen living [belng, olento] ; organlc
Import ( ance ) ; matter (I. questlon) of life [World, maailma], elollisaisti vital sense.
and deatb ; yrityksen onnistuminen on heille elomies man for the harvest, reaper; harvest
elinkysymys the success of tbe undertak- hand.
ingr Is of vltal Importance to (1. for) them. elon aika 1. (elonkorjuun aika) reaplng-lmp vltal varmth, animal heat. -neste tlme, harvest ( -tlme ) ; 2. = elinaika, -ha
vltal fluld, life riuid. -palvit days of luinen = elmnhaluinen, -ilmi = el
[one's] life; Hfe(tlme); en elinpivinni mnilmi, -kipin spark of life, vltal spark.
ole mokomaa nhnyt never in my llre(time) -korjuu harvest (Ing). -korjuuaika = elon
have I seen the like, (Jkpv.) I haven't seen aika, 1. -korjaaja ks. elomies. -leikkaaja
the like In ali my born days (1. never in reaper. -leikkuu cutting (1. reaping) or
ali my life) ; hnen viimeiset elinpivns the grain, harvest. -lmp ks. elinlmp.
tbe last days or bls life; vrt. elonpSiv. -merkki slgn or life. -pivt days of
-tapa -- elmntapa, -tarpeet necessarles [one's] lire; jos minulle [siihen asti] elon(I. necessltles) or lire; (muonavarat) pro- pivi suodaan, aion . . il' I am spared [tili
visions, supplles. -taso standard or living. then], I am golng to . . , Ood wllling, I am
-toimi n ta vital runctlons; vltal process. golng to ... -retki career, course or [one's]
-voima vital power, vltality; vlgor, Siami
lire, [one's] llfe's race; elonretheni varrel
na -voimainen vlgorous [plant, kasvi], la in the course or my life, during my ca
possesslng (l. rull oD vltality (1. vlgor); reer (1. my lire's race). -voimainen ks.
live [enterprise. yritys]; (voimakas) ro- elinvoimainen.
bust. sturdy: liale, hearty. -voimalsesti eloon [Jminen survlval. -Jnyt I. (a.)
vlgorously; llvely. -volmalsuus vltality, survivlng. II. (s.) survlvor; eloonjneet
vlgor(ousness) ; Stamlna. -voipa = elin
the survlvors, ttiose survivlng.
voimainen, -vuodet years of [one's] life. elopelto graln-fleld; (Engl.) corn-fleld.
elossaoleva living.
eli (blol.) organlsm.
elostaa = elostella, elosteleminen ks. elos
Eljas Klijali. Elias.
elje (kuje) prank, trick; (oikku) freak; tav. telu, elostelija fast man, man about tovvn,
debauchee. elostella lead a loose lire, dlspl. elkeet, el/et pranks, trlrks, rreaks, (ta
vat) manners; vrt. eleet, elkeellinen niiin- slpate; (riehua, mellastaa) run rlot. elos
lc(al). elkeet ks. elje. elkeill make (up) telu dlssipation, loose (I. dlssolute) lire;
faces; (Irvlstell) grlmace. elkl = elje. debauchery.
elkU, elkn ks. lk, lkn.
elostua cheer up, brlghten up, become
(more) animated, grow (1. get) llvely;
ellei [ellen, ellet, ellei, ellemme, ellette, el
leivt] if not. In case not, unless; ~ heit hnen kasvonsa elostuivat huomattavasti
olisi ollut, niin me olisimme . . If tt had not hls race brlghtened (up) notlceably; vrt.
been for them (1. but Tor them) we would elpy, elostuttaa brlghten (1. cheer) up;
enliven, animate; stlmulate; rouse, stlr up.
have . . .
ellipsi (soikio) elllpse. elliptinen elllptlc(al). elotalkoo(t) bee (to harvest the grain);
(-Juhla) harvest-home, harvest-lestlval.
Hoitaa make . . slck, sicken; turn [one's]
stomach; nauseate; minua ellostaa I reel eloton llfeless; Inanlmate [nature, luonto];
slck (1. qualmlsh), I have a nauseattng llstless, splrltless; (Ilmeetn) lnexpresslve.
reellngr (1. a feellng of nausea), I am slck vacant [look, katse]; (tyls) clull. elotat my stomach. ellostava sickening, nau- tomastl Inexpresslvely, varantly; elottoseatlng [feellng, tunne], ellostus nausea, masti tuijottava katse vacant (I. starlng)
look, vacant stare. elottomuus llfclessness;


want (1. loss) of vitality; llstlessness; lack

of expression, vacancy.
elovirna (kasv.) vetch.
elpyminen picking up; (Jlleen-) revival;
(nousu) rise; (kehltys) development; fcirialliautiden a faiteen ~ revival Of litera
ture and art, revival of learning, (hist.)
Renaissance; teollituuden (voimaka*) ~
a boom In the industry.
elpya wake to life; be revived, be reani
mated, be enlivened; quicken; pick up; (kehittya) be developed, develop; (kukolstaa) begin to flourish, begin to thrive (1.
prosper); (toipua) rally; eloon (be)
revive (d), rally; uuteen eloon get new
life, be revived; on unre*fi elpymts Is
picking up fine, Is reviving splendidly.
eisassilainen Alsatian. Elsass-Lothrlngen
eltaantua turn (1. get 1. become) rancid,
eltaantumlnen turning rancid, eltaantunut
rancid [butter, voi]; haista eltaantunetlta
have a rancid (1. rank 1. strong) odor,
smell rancid (1. strong).
elukka beast, animal, creature; elubat (kotleliilmet) the animals, (nautaelimet) tlie
elvyke stimulus, Incentive, Incitement, spur;
(Vlrlke) support; antaa elvyketta jollekin
animate, enliven, stimulate, add fuel to,
ran the flame of, vrt. virike.
elvyttaminen quickening, animation; (henkiln-) restoration (to life), resuscitation.
elvytt&vi stimulating, quickening, elvyt
tvsti StlmUlatlngly; vaikuttaa elvyttvsti
johonkin have a stimulating (1. quickenIng) effect upon . . .
elvytta animate, qulckon: (vlrklstSa) ex
hilarate, enliven; (kllhdytt) stimulate;
(innostaa) Inspire; (heriittaii) rouse, stir
(up); henkiin restore [one apparently
drowned, hukkunut], revive, resuscitate,
(kuv.) awaken .. to life, vivify, elvytys
1. = elvyttaminen; 2. = elvyke.
el* = ilii.
elhdyttj one who (1. that which) cheers
(1. exhilarates 1. Inspires), elihdyttiminen
cheering (up); exhilaration, enllvenment;
(re animation. elahdyttav life-giving;
vivifying, animating; cheering, enlivening,
exhilarating; cheerful; Inspiring; vrt. vlrkistv. elhdytt&vttsti inspiringly: elhdyttvsti vaikuttaoa Cheering, Inspiring;
vrt. in.1. M ,- vaikuttaa. clhdyttn enliven,
animate, exhilarate; cheer (up); (Innos
taa) Inspire; natleensa elhdyttmn In
spired by his Ideals.
elahtynyt aged, old; advanced In years, el
derly, elhty age, grow old(er), (grow)
advance (d) in years, vrt. elKhtKX.
elhtnyt 1. - - elahtynyt; 2. (kulhtunut)
past one's prime, pass(e), faded, (kulunut) worn-out (through dissipation);
elhtneen nkinen faded-looking, bearIng the marks of a fast life (1. of dissipa
tion) ; kaunninr a beauty on the wane.
elht pass one's prime, age, advance In
eifiimellinen animal [heat, lmp]; (raaka)
bestial, brutal; ~ kohtela brutal treat
ment; elaimellisen raaka brutal, brutish:
elaimellisen raaka miee (mvoS:) a brute, a
beast, elaimellisesti brutally, brutlshly.
like a brute, elilmelllityi be(come) bestlallzed (1. brutalized), elimellisyys bes
tiality, brutishness, brutality.
elaimisto the animal world: (elaint.) fauna;
Suomen - the fauna of Finland, the Fin
nish fauna.
elain animal: (etup. suurempl, nelljalk.)
beast; (luontokappale) creature; elinten

protection (1. preservation

game, game protection; e/u'inten yt
lover of (1. friend to) animals.
elain- (yhd.) animal [eslm. -maaiima an
world; -man net ami animal magiu.'t.
-shko animal electricity] , . . of ant
[esim. -kuijftux transportation of anln
-lajit kinds (1. species) of animals; -in
class or animals], -hiili animal blacl
charcoal), -jnns: kivtttyneitS t
jnnksi fossil remains of an anima
of animals), -kunta animal kingdom;
elaimisto. -laji kind (1. species) of ani
-Itiaketiede veterinary science.
elinlakri veterinary (surgeon), vetei
nan. -opiato veterinary college.
elinjimaantiede zoogeography, faunal g
raphy. -markklnat stock day(s); ma
day(s) for cattle, -niyttely 1. (kai
cattle fair, animal exhibit (at a fair), s
show; 2. (harvlnaisten elainten) me
erle, (wild animal) show, -oppl zoul
-pata (t u 1 1 1.) zodiac, -ratavalo (Uht.)
diacal light, -rimo cattle-plague, -r
kys cruelty to animals, -salu fable.
elllnauojtlua protection of animals.
misto (1. v.) headquarters or the hur
society, -yhdistys society for the pre
tlon of cruelty to animals, humane soc
elain; tarha zoological garden(s), (jl
lyh.) zoo. -tautl disease of cattle.
elaintenpalvelus worship of animals.
elain tiede zoology, -tieteellinen zolog
lintieteellinen aiema Institute for
logical research, -tieteiliji zoologist.
elainvakuutus insurance of animals (I
stock), -yhtl stock (1. cattle) Insur
elajx one who lives (1. dwells) ; (asuja)
habitant, settler; (henkllo) person; ei tale enn elaj he cannot In
Is beyond recovery (1. hope) ; koroillm
person living on the Interest of his mn
rentier; maasta ~ one who gets his li
from the soil, tiller of the soil, far
agriculturist; met -n tlait Inhabitant
denizens) of the forest; omilfaan ~
is self-supporting
(1. who supi

elke pension; half-pay; flakettn nan

pensioned, retired (on pension), re
on half-pay, superannuated [minister,
pi] ; clkkeen nauttija pensioner, ppnsl
ry; clhheeseen oihtutettu entitled 1
pension, -apu aid; pension.

elKe keinen (of) the age to be retlrei

pensioned 1. superannuated), entitled
pension, -kaasa pension fund, -laltoi
sion system, -luokka class of pensi
-ma&ri amount of pension, -oikeus i
to receive a pension, -raha pension mu
-rahasto pension fund.
elkkeellaolija pensioner, pensionary.
elkn hurrah! huzza! /onto/amme
live our leader! hurrah for our lea
~ vapaus hurrah for liberty! liberty
ever! -huuto cheer; hurrah; elknhai
(mys:) cheering; kolminhtrtainrn
hnhuuto jollekin three cheers for . .
eliminen living; (elfim) life; (tolmeent
subsistence, livelihood; elami***n tari
linen necessary for life; ela'mieen mal
lisuudet (tolmecntulon) chances of ear
a living, elamisoikeus right to live (
clama 1. life; (olemassaolo) existe
(elanto) living; 3. (mein, mellastus) m
(jkpv. ) racket; elmn iksi life,
one's whole (1. all one's) life; tlmn
kyllttynyt kS. eUmnkyllitynyt
kus.i; flmssni - elenl, kS. <



atamni aikana during ali my (1. my

vhole) lire; koho elmni (ajan) ali my (1.
my wbole) life long; tss elmst In
tbia lire, (usk.) here below; vrt. paha.
elmkerrallinen biographic(al). elmkerta
life (story), story of [one's] lire; blograpby; olmkerran tekij (l. kirjottuja) lnograpber; oma tekem elmkerta autObiograpby.
tiimin- (ybd.) . . of lire, lire's [esim.
-lankm ttiread or life, lire's tbread; -onni
happiness of lire, lire's bapptness; -tait
toi* struggle or lire, llfe's struggle],
vltai lestin, -nette vltal 1'luid] ; vrt. elin-,
-aihe (Tyslol.) vital prlnclple. -aika ks.
elinaika, -aikainen -= elinkautinen, -ehto
ks. elinehto, -halu love (1. deslre) or
life; niin oli tynn elmnhalua he was
Cu II or life (I. of anlmal spirits), be
lovea life. -haluinen longlng to live,
ding-ing to life, (eloisa) Tuli of life, bearty,
bale. -ikfi ks. elinik, -ilo Joy of livlng.
-iloinen lull of anlmal splrlts, (bigb-)
spirlted; cbeerful; sprightly [youth, nuo
rukainen]; ligbt-bearted, buoyant, Jolly.
-Jrjestys pian or lire; (lk. ruokajrJestys/ dlet, regimen. -katsomus vlew of
lire (1. or thingS) ; valoisa elmnkatsomus
a cbeerrul view of tbings (1. of life).
-kertoja blograplier. -kohtalo: jonkun el
mnkohtalo one's lot In life, one's fate (1.
destinyj. -kokemus personal experlcnces,
experlence (of life) ; se oli hnelle uusi
elmnkokemus that \vas a new experlence
(in Ufe) ror blm. -kulku course or lire.
-kuuumua calling; mission in (1. or one's)
IITe. -kyllstys uearlness or lire; worldweariness; dlsgust (1. loatbing 1. satlety)
or lire. -ksitys opinion (1. vlew) or lire.
-laatu ks. elmntapa, -lanka (kasv.) blndweed. -loppu life's end; (kuolema) death.
-nautinto enjoyment (1. pleasure) of life.
-ohje, (moral) maxim, rule of lire; elmn
ohjeet rules or lire, code or maxims. -olot
clrcumstances, condltlon(s or lire). -rata
- elmntie. -tapa manner (1. \vay 1. mode)
or living, livlng; elmntavat hablts, ways.
-tarina 1. -taru life Story- -tarve = elin
tarve, -tehtv atm (1. business I. task) of
.one'3] lire, end and aim or [one's] lire;
hnen elmntehtvns biS OI1C purpOSe
(1. aim 1. mission) In life. -tie career,
course of lone's] life, lire's race; vrt.
eionretld. -toiminta vital runctlons (1. processesj. -toveri partner for life, life partner; (aviovaimo) helpmate. -tyo lire-work,
[one's] lire's achlevement (1. work). -unel
ma dream or [one's] IITe. -ura --- elmn
tie, -vaatimukset demands: standard or
livlng. -vaellus [one's] life- wandering
(I. Journey); lire; conduct. -vaiheet events
or life; career; hnell on ollut kirjavat
elmnvaiheet he ha.- hail a checkei ed ca
reer, he has had his ups and downs (in
lire). -vesi elixlr or life; (raain.i water or
lire. -viisaus philosophy or lire; (koke
musperinen) worldly \vlsdom. -voima elinvoima, -ymmrrys understanding of life.
lamkokenut . . who has seen a great dealof
life, eiperlenced, . . vvlth a Wide experlence.
lmn kyllstyminen disgust (1. loathlng
I. satlety) or life; weariness or lire, worlduearlness. -kyllstynyt tlred (1. \veary i or
lire (I. living;, siok <>r (1. disgusted wlth)
life, unable longer to endure lire ('s liani
elmid ralse (1. kick up) a row (1. a
racket), ralse a rracas, (Jkpv.) ralse a rum
pua, ralse a rougb-bouse; (meluta) be
nolsy; vrt. msst, elmiminen raislng a
rumpua; row, rumpus. Ilmitslji rowdy,


rough fellovv. elmiv: elmiv vki

joukko a rlotous crowd, a mob.
elte malntenance, support, sustenance; on
eltteell Is belng supported, (esim. lap
sesta:) bas been boarded out (I. boarded
a w ay from bome).
eltti dependant; (lolselj) parasite. -va
sikka cair kept ror raislng.
elttj provlder, support(er); perheen ~
tbe breadwlnner (1. the support) or the
raniily. elttminen reedlng; bringlng up;
provlding ror.
eltti (ruokkia, ravita) reed, nourlsb;
(kasvattaa) brlng up; (yllpit) support,
maiutain; (pit elossa) keep altve; (pit
buoli) provlde ror; henkens kerj
mll keep o.s. alive by begglng, beg one's
way; ~ itsens jollakin mainiani o.s. (1.
support lire) by ... support o.s. by . . ,
inako (1. get 1. earn) one's livlng by . . ,
(pysy hengiss) subsist by . .-lng; kyht
eltetn kansan kustannuksella the poor
are taken care or (1. are provlded ror) at
the expense or the communlty; olla jonkun
eltettvn be supported by one, depend
on one (Tor support), be dependent upon
one; poika ~ isns the son provides
ror (1. supports) hls father.
eltys = elte.
elvyys livellness, anlmation; sprigbtllness;
vlviUness, vlvaclty.
elv I. (a.) livlng [belng, olento; ralth, us
ko] ; (eloisa) llvely, animated, sprightly;
live; (vilkas) vivid [Imaglnatlon, mieli
kuvitus] ; elvi sikiit synnyttv Vlvlparous; ~ hopea ks. elohopea; ~ kukkanen
natural riovver; elvlt, elvn allve
[esim. elvn haudattu burlcd alive; polt
taa elvlt burn allve] ; ~ paino \velght
on root; elvt kielet modern (1. livlng)
languages; elvt huvat movlng (1. motlon)
pictures; tapaus on viel elvn mieles
sni that event Is living In my mlnd yet,
the event is stlll rresh In my mlnd, it
seems as though that happened yesterday.
II. (s.) (elossa oleva) the livlng; (elin)
anlmal; (syplinen) vermln; elvt ja
kuolleet the livlng (I. the qulck) and the
dead; metsn elvt anlmals or the rorest;
on viel elvi(tt)en joukossa IS Stlll among
(1. in the land or) the livlng, ts still on the
race or the earth, stlll walks the earth.
elvkuva | kone movlng-plcture machlne, klnetoscope. -teatteri movlng-plcture tbeater.
elvltleikkaus vivisection.
elvsti vlvidly; in a lively (1. sprightly)
el ilve; (olla elossa) be allve, have lire;
(eltt Itsens) malntain (1. support) o.s.,
support life; subsist; reed; e/e**|ni [-ti,
-ns Jne.] In (ali) my [your, hls etc] lire,
during my [your, hls etc] lire; ~ [juma
latonta, kurjaa, onnellista y. m.] elm
lead a [xvicked, vvretched, happy etc] lire,
live (wickedly, \vretchedly, happily etc],
pass a [vvicked, vvretched, happy etc] lire
[huom. mys: kevytmielist elm lead
a butterfly exlstcnce, (moraalitonta) lead
a loose lire, disslpate] ; ~ herroiksi Ilve
llkc a king (1. llke klngs), Ilve on the Tat
or the land; ~ hurjasti livo rast, lead a
reckless (1. rast) lire, run rlot; - jollakin
(1. jostakin) Ilve (I. subsist 1. exlst) (up)on
[vegctables, kasviksilla], live (1. earn one's
livlng) by [one's lahor (I. by the svveat or
one's brow), tyll], (elimist puhuen:)
reed on [roots, Juurista]; kauemmin
kuin joku toinen outilve another; ~ nai
mattomana Ilve unmarried, lead a bachelor'S (1. 8 splnster'S) lire; ~ onnellisia
aikoja pass (1. be passlng) bappy days; ~


tulajensa mukaiie*ti live within one's in email purje (lalvan) mainsail, -puu (alukcome; ~ vanhaksi llVC 10 Old (1. a great) sessa) keel, -rata trunk (1. main) line,

age, live to be old, live long; ylellisesti -rengas (lk.) womb supporter.
live In luxury, (Jkpv.) live on the top shelf; ornas (kem.) base; alkali.
Han eli tmn onnen pwn he lived to see emallseurakynta mother parish, -sika sow.
this happy day (I. this clay of happiness) ; -talo 1. -tila original (l. main) farm (1.
hnell ei ole en montt haant kuukaatta estate).
elettvn he has not many months to live; ematin 1. vagina; 2. (ruokatorvl) gullet;
hnelt ei ote milla el he has nothing to (lk.) esophagus.
live on, he has no means of support; Mrja onia vaiho veritable (1. infamous) lie;
on elnyt monta painosta the book has (Jkpv.) whopper, -valtio mother country,
passed (1. run 1. gone) through many edi -vesi - emliuos.
tions; niin totta kuin elan as true as I'm en ks. ci.
alive, upon my life; oiimehsi eletyt ouodet enemmist plurality, majority; toada ~ onkin paolelle obtain a majority for . . .
the last few years, the recent years.
-ryhrna majority group.
emakko imU.
emaljl enamel, -maalaus enamel-painting. enemmlten mostly; (most) commonly, usu
-maali enamel paint, -vfirit enamel colors. ally, generally, enemmyys greater amount
emaljoida enamel, emaljoiminen enameling. (1. number) ; (enemmisto) plurality, enememansipatsioni (vapautus) emancipation, mlti more; (viel) further.
emansipeerata emancipate, emanslpeerattu: enemman more; (Joskus:) higher, better;
emansipeerattu amen an emancipated (1. ~ aikaa more time, a longer time; ~ kuin..
unconventional) woman, a new woman, a more than ... upward (s) of ... (luvultaan) over . . , (joskus:) above; ~ faun 2O
embryo ( lilil 1 1 embryo, embryologie (slkl- kertaa (myS:) over 20 times; enemman
toi ahcmmn inure Or less; (et) ~ bain
oppi) embryology.
emi (kasv.) pistil, -kukka female (1. pistil ennenbn no more than before. Just as
late) flower, -lehtl carpel, pistil-leaf, little as before; ci huitenkaan ~ kuin . .
not, however, over . .; not over . . , how
-neuvoinon pistillate, female.
emintimi stepmother; emintimn tavoin like ever; only . . at the very most; pit ottakin
~ kuin jottakin toisetta like a 111
a stepmother, In stepmotherly fashion.
emiton . . without pistils, having no pistils. better than (1. prefer a th. to) something
~ love more; ta kan
ernio (kasv.) the pistils; gynceclum.
(l. boska) . . so much the more because . . ,
emme ks. ei.
emo, emonen mother; (ykslnom. elalmlsta:) (all) the more as (I. since 1. because) . .;
dam. emoton motherless, bereft of [one's, tarjoamalla ~ kuin nan by Outbidding (1.
overbidding him. -arvoinen worth more, of
Its] mother.
empiminen hesitation, empimtt without higher (1. greater 1. more) value,
(any) hesitation, unhesitatingly; heedless enempi [kieltv. laus.: enempaa] more; fur
ly, rashly; without more ado; mina teen ther; enemmlt ofalta (suuremmalta) to
ten empimtt I'll do that unhesitatingly, the greater part, for the most part, mostly;
I don't hesitate to do lt. empiv hesitating, lyktty enemp ksittely varen adjourn
hesitant; olla empivll kannalla be in two ed; enemp rnin en voi I can do no more;
enemp vaioaa nhemtt Without (any)
minds [about a th., johonkln nahden], hes
itate (1. waver) (between two opinions). further trouble, with no further trouble;
ernpia hesitate; be doubtful; (olla kahden ei sanaakaan enemp (ena) not another
valheella) be In two minds, waver between word! not a word more! ei ten enemp
two Opinions, vacillate; Han empi tullessaan kuin . . more than . . ; man enempia
he hesitated about coming (1. to come). muthia witliout more ado, without any
erna I. = emo; 2. (kohtu) Uterus, womb. more red tape; en enemmitta Without
anything further, without further notice,
-hlrvi cow (1. female) elk. -Jinis she rab
bit; mother rabbit, -kallio (geol.) parent- simply.
rock, -karhu she bear, -klrkko the first eneneminen Increasing, growing; Increase;
advance, eneneva Increasing, growing;
church; (etup. katol.) mother church.
emakslnen (kem.) basic; alkaline, emiksl- enenevss mrtt in an increasing de
gree, more and more, in higher and higher
syys basicity; alkalinity.
eml lammas ewe. -liuos (kem.) rnother- degree, enennys Increase; enhancement,
enentya - eneneminen, enet.
liciiior, mother-water, -maa mother country.
enentminen augmentation. Increasing; en
ernan kaula neck of the womb; (laak.) cer
Increase, augment,
vix, -koetin uterine probe, -laskeuma
(lk.) falling of the womb, prolapsus of add to; (suurentaa) enlarge; (kohottaa)
raise, heighten, enhance [the value, arvoaj,
the uterus.
swell [the numbers, lukumurfi].
emannyys household management; house
wifery; duties of a hostess; Aunen cm.Vn- energa (tarnK energy, energinen (tarmonyytens alaisena talons menestyi hyvin kas) energetic.
under her management the domestic af eneu increase, augment; (kasvaa) grow;
(kasaantua) accumulate; (llsnty) mul
fairs flourished.
emnntn: talo house (1. farm) without tiply; (kohota) rise, go up, advance.
English; on englannina mistress.
emnnid manage the household (1. the kietintn Is (in) English, -laastari courtdomestic affairs), keep house; act as a plaster, -peninkulma mile.
hostess, eminnoitaija housekeeper; (Jon- Englanti England; (Suur-Brltannla) Great
kln julklsen laltoksen, kuten salraalan Britain, the United Kingdom; Englannin
alutmaat the British possessions; Englan
y. m.) matron, emnniteijnpaikka posi
nin kanaali the English Channel, englantl
tion as a housekeeper (1. a matron).
emnt (perheen-) housewife; (talon-) (= englannin kieli) English; [knt]
lady (1. mistress) of the bouse; (vleralden englanniksi, englannin kielelle [translate]
puheessa:) hostess; (vuokralaisen puhees- into English; englannin kitlell In English,
englantilainen I. (a.) English. II. (s.) Eng
sa:) landlady; emnnn veloollituudet du
ties of (1. as) a hostess, -koulu school of lishman; englantilaitet Englishmen, the
English, the British.
domestic science.


englantilaisi-amerikkalainen Anglo-Ameri- ennen I. (prep.) berore, prevlous to- (edel""*""""

can. -mallinen accordlng to (1. arter) the
Englisn type (1. style). -suomalainen Eng- prlor to. H. (adv.) berore, berore (1. ere)
lisb-Finnisb [dlctionary, sanakirja].
now; prevlously; (muinoin) rormerly;
enimmiten most; mostly, ror tbe most part. (mieluummin) ratber; - aikaan rormerly
enimmkseen mostly, ror tbe most (1. the In olden (L rormer 1. past 1. bygone)
greatest) part; (yleens) generally; (etu
tlmes, (in days) or old (1. or yore), in
pss, pasiallisesti) mainly, chieriy, bygone days, in days long past, in tlmes
prlnclpally; (useimmassa tapauksessa) in (long) past; ~ aikojaan (1. aikaansa) too
tbe (great) majority or cases, in most cases. soon, too early, prematurely; ~ huomis
enimmin most; myydn tarjoavalle \vill piv berore (1. ere) to-morrow; ~ la
be sold to the hlgbest bidder. enimmsti nyt in rormer times and now,- as it was
most, mostly, ror the most part; vrt. and as lt Is; ~ kaikkta above ali (tblngs)
or ali thlngs, rirst or ali, rirst and roreenin most; ~ kaikesta most or ali; o*a most, berore ali, in tbe rirst place (1. lnihmisist (1. ihmisi) most people (1. Stance) ; ~ muinoin (l. vanhaan) = ~ ai
rolks), majority or people; enimmlt kaan; ~ muita berore the others, (edell)
osalta ror tbe most part, mostly; enimmt abead or (1. in advance or) the others: ~
(useimmat) most, the most, the majority pitk berore (1. ere) long, soon. In a
of . . [esim. enimmt net the most votes, short time; ~ sit berore then (1. that),
the majority or the votes] ; enimmt ajat ere then; ~ tmn vuodin kuluttua berora
most tlmes, most or tbe time. enintn the end or thls year; en olm koskaan ~
(korkeintaan) at most, at the utmost, nhnyt hnt l never saw him berore; Aan
(Jkpv.) at the (very) outside; (el yli) not on aivan toinen mies kuin he is a very
more than . .; enintn 1000 dollaria a dirrerent man now, he is an entirelv
thousand dollars at the most (1. outside), changed man, he is not the man he usea
not more than $1000. eniten most (or to be; Aan tuli ~ minua he cauie berore
ali); (etupss) in tbe rirst place.
(1. ahead or) me, he came earller than Ienkeli angel. -Joukko angellc host.
^w.r.beHrre WhlC: niinkuin ennenkin
enkeliminen, enkelinkaltalnen angellc, llke (Just) as berore, as prevlously; psin an angel. enkelintekiji (1. v.) baby-rarmer. perille kuin sin I arrlved (1. reached the
ennakkolarvio budget. -lasku calculatlon, destinatlon) ahead or you (1. earller than
computatton, .estimate; tehd ennakkolas. K?!^ : tm*aP""t"' - hnen kuolemaansa
kuja make calculatlons, calculate. -luulo tnis was berore (1. happened prior to) his
Erejudice, blas. -luuloinen prejudlced, death, this preceded his death; tss oli ~
ias(s)ed. -luulolsesti uith prejudice (1. talo there used to be a house here, a nouse
blas), in a prejudlced manner, -luuloisuus used to be (1. to stand) here.
prejudice; strong prejudlces; disposition ennenliaikainen 1. -aikuinen untimely [death
to prejudice. -luuloton unprejudlced, un- kuolema]; premature [blrth, synnytys 1 '
blased; broad-mlnded, liberal. -luulotto- oveihasty [conclusion, Johtopts] ; en
masti wlthout prejudice. -luulottomuus nenaikainen uutinen premature report -ai
rreedom rrom (1. absence oO prejudice kaisesti too soon; prematurely; ennenaikai(1. blas). -maksu advance payment, pre
*.*". Kenrttynyt lapsi a precoclous chlld
payment; advance (or money); money -aikaisuus uhtfmeiliTess;l>rematureness' un
pald in advance, advance money, -mieli- due haste. -ku(i)n berore, ere. -kuulumaton
pide preconcelved opinion, -pts pre- unheard or; unexampled, unprecedented"
judgment; (lak.) precedent. -sensuuri cen- -mainittu berore-mentloned, aroremensorship. -sopimus 1. -sitoumus preagree- tioned, prevlously mentloned (1. stated)ment; prearrangement. -tapaus (lak.) aroresaid; (-mmltetty) arorenamed. -mui
precedent. -tieto advance Inrormatlon, noin ks. ennen.
prevlous knowledge. -tilaaja advance sub- ennestn berore; (vanhastaan) or old- ~
crlber. -tilaus (esim. kirjalle) advance *ew prevlously exlsting, existing or old.
subscrlption. -valmistukset preparatlons ennettiin earller; berore.
ennus = enne. -lause predlctlon; prophecvennakollinen advance; (fllos.) . . a priori,
prognosticatlon; augury. -merkki - enneennakolta betorehand. prevlously. In ad
vance; by (1. in) antlcipatlon; mrtty ennustaa foretell, predict- proDhesv dlvinppredestined, roreordalned, (Johonkin toi- (merkeist) prognosticate- (olla 'enteen
meen) deslgnated [ror . .] ; antaa rahaa ~ Jostakin) betoken, roreshow; (tav. jotakin
advance money.
pahaa) (rore)bode, portend; be omlnous
ennallaan, ennalleen as berore; unchanged; ?I." "A- rl:esnaaow [death, kuolemaa];
asema (\. tilanne) on ennallaan the Sltua- iss1W.) VS!"Se' ausrur [well ror one
tlon 13 unchanged; asia on ennallaan [j hyvfl Jollekulle] ; minhn ennustin sinul
ennalleen] the niatter Is [wlll remaln] as le, ett niin tulisi kymn I told you be
berore (1. unchanged); sairas on jotakuin
rorehand (1. I rorewarnc(i you) that it
kin ennallaan the patlent Is much (1. would come to that, (Jkpv.) I told you soabout) the same.
ennustaa sadetta the cloud predlcts
ennalta -- ennakolta, -harkinta premedlta- rin; se
ei ennusta hyv it doesn't predict
tlon; roreslght, rorethought. -mrys any good, It Js a bad omen. ennustaja
prophet, scer; rortune-teller, soothsaver
enne presage; omen; portent; (premonito- dlviner; (roomalaisilla) augur; (oraakke
li) oracle. ennustaminen roretelllng nroDhry) sign; (oire) lndlcatlon, symptom; hy
v good omen, a slgn or good Mick; esylng; prognosticatlon; augury; thdist
Arvaan slgn (1. heralil) or sprlng; olla ennustammen astrology. ennustava: jotakin
enteen jostakin be an omen or . .; paha ennustava boding . . , omlnous or, prognosbad (1. cvil) omen, evll prognostlc. -merkki ticof; pahaa ennustavaevll-boding.omlnous
omen; slgn. token; presage; prognosticatlon. ennustella - ennustaa; ~ ihmisien tuleZi,
ennemmin earller, sooner; (mieluummin) kohtaloita read the Tortuncs or men
rather; much rather; tai myhemmin ennustuksellinen prophetlc(al)
sooner or later, some time or other; vrt. ennuetus prophecy; predlctlon- Droirnnsti
-"-=catlon; dlvlnatlon, soothsaylngf vrt. .0-



niistminen; ennustukseni kvi toteen my

prediction came true. -henki spirit or
prophecy (1. divinatlon), prophetlc spirit.
-kirja book or prophecies, prophecy. -lahja
(grirt of) second-slght. -taito art or dlvlnation; clairvoyance.
enntt have (1. 1'iini) time; (saavuttaa)
reach, attain; (pst) come (1. get) to,
arrive at; vrt. ehditt; (jonkun) edelle
get ahead (1. In advance) oi'; ennen jo
takuta jossakin get ahead (1. In advance)
of one In . . , leave one behind in . . , rorestall one in . . , (Jkpv.) cut one's corners-,
~ [ajoissa] perille airive (1. reach one's
destination) iin tiine]; ennttik hn ju
naan was he in time for the train? did he
catch the train? ennttk saada sen val
miiksi huomiseksi \vill you be able to nnish
lt (1. to get It done) before to-morrow?
hn enntti ennen kuolemaansa nhd len
tokoneet kytnnss he lived to see riylng-machines in usc; minulla oli niin kiire,
ett en ennttnyt tulla I \vas SO busy
that I could not rind time to come.
enntys result arrived at;
achlevement, (paras) rccord. -kilpailu
contest to break the record.
eno uncle (on one's mother's side); [one's]
mother's brother.
ensi 1'irst; (aikaisin) eaiiiest; (ensintuleva,
lhinnseuraava) next; [tiedon] ~ alkeet
the rirst principles (1. the rudiments) [or
knowledge]; - aluksi to begin with; rirst
(or ali); ~ alussa in the beginning,
(aluksi) to begin with, nrst;
- hetkest asti (\. alkaen 1. lhtien) from
the [very] Tirst; kerralla, herran
the nrst time, (tulevalla kerralla) next
tiine [huom. esim. hn arvasi oikein heti
~ herralla he got it rlght vvith one guess,
he guessed lt the rirst time] ; kdess
in the rirst place; luonnos a rough drart
(1. sketch); ~ nkemlt at rirst slght;
~ postissa by return mail; ~ sijassa in
the rirst place; ~ tilassa (l. tilaisuudessa)
at [one's] carliest convenience (1. opportunlty), at the rirst (1. at an early) opportunity; ~ tyksi the rirst thing (one
did) [esim. ~ tykseni korjasin veneen
the rirst thing I did was to rix the boat] ;
~ viikolla next Week; vuonna [kevn,
syksyn y.m.] next year [spring, fallctc.].
ensi, arvoinen rirst-rate; prlnclpal. -ilU
(toat.) opening (I. rirst) nlght, rirst perrormance. -kertainen happening (1. occuriing) the rirst tiine; ensikertainen var
kaus rirst orrense (at steallng). -kertalainen beginner, novice; (tulokas) newcomer, a new arrival. -kesinen next suminer's, . . to be held next summer; ensi
kesinen nyttely next summer's rair.
ensiksi rirst; rirstly; (etupss) roremost,
in the rirst place; ... toiseksi . . first(ly) .., second(ly) ... ensiksikin in the
rirst place (1. Instance); ror one thing;
(aluksi) to begin with. ensiksimainittu
ks. ensinmainittu.
ensillluokka rirst class; ensiluokan posti
[sotalaiva] rirst-class mail [battleship] ;
ensiluokan tyt rirst-rate work. -luok
kainen rirst-class, rirst-rate. -luokkalainen
pupil in the nrst grade, rirst grade pupii.
ensiminen rirst; roremost; (trkein, p-)
prlnclpal, chlcr; ~ kirjuri (esim. Suonion
rautatieasemilla) head clerk; Aleksanteri
() Alexander the First: hn on kaupun
kimme ensimist miehi he Is one oT the
leading (1. 1'irst 1. roremost) men or our
City; kaksi ensimist Cl. ensimiset kaksi)
lasta the rirst t\vo chlldren; olla luokkansa


~ oppilas head one's class. ensimlta at

rirst; In the beginning.
ensin rirst, roremost, in the rirst place: at
rirst; (alussa) In the beginning; ty\t ),
sitten huvitukset rirst the work, then the
play, business berore pleasure. ensinkn
at ali; ei ensinkn Ilot at ali; ci ensinkn
liian aikaisin none too soon. ensinmainittu
(the) rirst mentioned; (the) rormer. en
sinn rirst; at nrst; (aluksi) to begin
with; (alkujaan) originally, primarlly.
ensinnkin rirst and roremost, berore ali,
in the rirst instance (1. place); ror one
thing; (aluksi) to begin wlth.
ensinlltuleva rirst coming; next, the ensuing.
-tullut nrst come; (s.) the lirst comer.
ensistn(kin) ks. ensiksi(kin). ensituleva
next, the ensuing.
enteellinen ominous.
enteinen (yhd.) wlth . . omens (I. signs)
[esim. hyv with good omens; pahawlth bad omens, (mys:) evll-omened].
entinen 1'ormer; preexistent; (aikaisempi)
earlier, previous; (vanha) old; (kulunut,
mennyt) past, bygone; (virasta eronnut
tai erotettu) ex-, late: ~ kuvernri cxgovernor; ~ lhettils Ranskassa the late
ambassador to France; pappi a rormer
mlnlster, an ex-clergyman; presidentti
ex-president; ~ senaattori ex-senator;
virkamies a rormer omclal; entiseen ai
kaan, entisin aikoina in past tlmes, In by
gone days, In days or yore. In the past;
entiseen nhden parempi ks. entist pa
rempi; entiseen tapaan in the Old Tashion
(1. style 1. way), (the same) as berore;
entiselleen, entiselln, entisestn ks. hakus.; entisen lisksi In addttlon Ilmoni,
mys: osti lehmn entisen lisksi bought
another cow; sai uutta surua entisen li
sksi met wlth a rurther sorrow] ; entisten
lisksi addltlonal, Turther [esim. uusia to
distuksia entisten lisksi addltlonal (1. 1 Mr
ther) proor] ; entisilt ajoilta Trom bygone
days, rrom rormer (1. olden) tlmes; entist
parempi better than the rormer (1. pre
vious) one, better than berore (1. ever);
entist enemmn [huomiota] more [attentlon] than ever (1. than berore) ; entist
useammat [Ihmiset] more [people] than
berore (I. ever); entistn huonompi worse
than (ever) berore, worse than ever; on
entisens nkinen looks as he (1. Stie 1.
it) used to, looks just the same (as ever),
has not changed (1. altered).
entis! aika tlmes gone by, olden tlmes, past
(tlmes); entisaikaan, entisaikoina in olden
tlmes. In days gone by, in the past; entis
ajan kansat (mys:) the anclcnts. alkui
nen old, anclent.
entiselleen to the rormer state (or thlngs) ;
as beTore; vrt. jtt, jd, palata, saat
taa, entiselln In the rormer shape (1.
rastllon); as berore: kaikki on taas enti
selln (entisell tolalla) everything is on
the old rootlng again (1. now); vrt. pysy.
entisestn already; hnell oli se (jo)
entisestn he had it already, he already
hail lt: vrt. ennestn.
entisputtym (kiel.) pluperrect, past perrect (tense).
entisyys tlmes gone by; olden tlmes. antiqUity; (mik Oli ollut) the past; hnen enti
syytens llis past; ulottuu pitklle entisyy
teen extends (1. goes) Tar back in time,
extends (1. goes) rar (back) Into the past.
entuudesta(an) berore, prevlously; (vanhas
taan) or old: vrt. entisestn.
ent, entp(s), ents \vhal ... ent issi, tu
leeko hn how (1. what) about your rather.
Is he coming? ent jollei hn tulokaan



what (then) if de doesn't come? ent jos..

only think ir . . , what ir ..? how (then)
ir . .? suppose LI were lo go, menisin];
ent mitenk . . (Weil,) how . .? entp jos
minulla olisi omat syyni ulia! Ulien) il' I
had my own reasons? entp jos se olisi
hn Just think (1. what) if it \vere lie?
suppose it is he; entp se katoakin w Iitit
ir it should (1. were to) dlsappear? suppose it would dlsappear; (mitp silt
vaikka) vvliat though it \vere to dlsappear?
ent se asia (Weil,) uhat aboilt tliat matter? (here,) how Is It with that matter?
ent(s) sitten, jos sen tehisinkin \vhat
(then) ir 1 should (1. \vere to) do it?
ent* hurry, hastcn, speed; riy; (chdtt)
reach; ~ ohi (kiit) hurry (l. riy) past,
shoot by; aika ~ tiine riies; niin kauas
koin ajatus as lai' as thought can reach.
en(n) more, furthcr; (uudelleen) again;
(kauemmin) longer; asia ei ole autetta
vissa the matter is beyond help (1. remedy),
it can no longer be helped; ei no more,
no longer; ei koskaan ~ never more, never
again; ei sanaakaan ~ not a \vord more!
not another Word! hn ei ole ~ jsenen
he Is no longer (1. he has ceased to be) a
member; voiko sit korjata can It be
repalred any longer (1. any more)?
epakko, epatto I. (a.) useless, vvorthless,
good-for-nothing. II. (s.) good-for-nothing
epistola (raam.) epistle.
epoletti ks. olkanauha.
puu refusal, denlal. epuuttaa (peruuttaa)
ulthdraw, lake back. retract; countermand;
(jtt pitmtt) lnhlbit.
puutua countermand; Inhlbltion. -ksky
epa aistikas not tasty, shovving poor taste,
. . In bad taste. -aistikkaasti \vllli poor (1.
in bad) taste. -edullinen disadvantagcous,
unravorable, unprofltable;
jollekulle (being) to one's disadvantage;
[Olla] epedullisessa asemassa [be] at a
disadvantage. -edullisesti to [one's] dis
advantage; disadvantageously, unfavorably, unproNtably. -edullisuus dlsadvantage(ousness), unprofitableness. -hedelm
(kasv.) ralse fruit, pseudocarp; anthocarp.
-hieno ungentlemanly, (naisesta:) unladyllke; unpolished, rude; Indelicate; illmannered: ephieno kytSs rude (1. un
gentlemanly) behavlor. -hienosti rudely,
ungentlemanly; Indelicately. -hienous ungentlemanliness;
-huomio overslght, overlooking; Inadvertence, inattention; (hajamielisyys) absence
or mind, absent-mlndedness; ephuomio is
tu, -ssa by overslght; by overlooking.
epileminen doubting; hesltating; suspectIng; distrustlng; siit ei ole epilemist
kn there is no doubt (1. questlon) about
It, there is no doubting (1. questloning) it.
epilemtt no doubt, \vithout (1. beyond)
doubt; undoubtedly, doubtless, Indubitalilv: unquestlonably; (empimtt) vvithout
(any) hesitation, unhesitatingly; aivan
epilemtt beyond ali (1. a) doubt, wlthout any doubt at ali (I. whatever). epilemttomyye unquestlonableness; doubtlessness. epilemtn 1. (Jota cl tarvitse
epill) indubitable, undouhted; (selv)
umnlstakable, plaln, clear; (kieltmtn)
unquestioned, Indisputablc; 2. (Joka el
epile) undoubtlng, unquestionlng, not
suspicious; nen rehellisyytens on aivan
epilemtn his honesty admits or no doubt
Whtever; mitn pahaa epilemtn unsusperting. epilev doubting, doubtful.
Incredulous; [katsella] epilevin silmin


[view] with suspiclon (1. th distrust);

olla epilevll kannalla jonkin suhteen be
doubtful (1. hesitant) about a th., be In
doubt about . . , entertain doubts about (1.
as to) . . , take a skeptical stand as to . . ;
vrt. seur. epilevinen incredulous; (ep
luuloinen) susplelous; distrustful, mlstrustful; (epuskoinen) skeptical. epilev(ise)sti doubtingly; suspiciously, dlstrustingly, dlstrustrully, with distrust,
\vith suspiclon; skeptically. epilevisyys
su.spiclousness, distrust(fulness); (epllysrilosoria) skepticlsm; agnosticism. epi
lij doubter; (Tilos. & usk.) skeptic; agnostic.
epill doubt, liave (onc's) doubts Tabout,
Jotakin]; be doubtful [about, Jotakin];
(epillen aavistaa) suspect; (olla luotta
matta johonkin) be susplelous of [one's
wire, vaimoaan], distrust; (eprid) hesitate, scruplc; (panna kyseeseen) (call in)
questlon; epilen ett hn ei tule l'm sus
plelous (1. I suspect) that he won't come;
epilen ett hn on sairas I suspect llilll to
be slck, (luulen) I suppose (that) he Is
sick; epilen hnen vilpittmyyttn I ilmi hl
(I. questlon) his integrlty (1. sinccrity ) ; epi
len hnt I have my suspicions of him; epi
len, tuleeko hn ollenkaan I doubt (1. wonder) whether he \vlll come at ali; epillen
wlth suspiclon, doubtingly, suspiciously,
(mys:) wlth a good deal of doubt];
asian menestymist doubt (0D the success
(1. the successrul outcome) or the matter,
have one's doubts about the success or the
matter; ~ asian oikeutta doubt (1. ques
tlon) the justice or the matter, doubt (1.
questlon) whether the matter is Justiried;
jotakuta joksikuksi suspect one to be a
. . , suspect one or being a . . [esim. min
epilen hnt varkaaksi I suspect luin to
be (1. or being) a (1. the) tliior, I suspect
that he Is a (I. the) thlef] ; jotakuta
jostakin suspect one of . . fesim. nt
epiltiin petoksesta lie \vbs suspected or
rraud (I. swindling), (mys:) he was under suspiclon of eheating] ; ~ (omia) ky
kyjn doubt (1. distrust I. not belleve In)
one's o\vn abllity; Jonkun lupauksia
(mys:) take a p.'s promlses with a grain
of sait; en f ensinkn) epile, etteik . .
I have no doubt. but (I. that). .; hn epili,
tulisiko tnne he hesitated about comlng
here. he questioned his comlng here; An
epili yrityksen onnistumista he was
doubtful (l.\vas skeptical l.had his doubts)
about the success of the enterprlse, he
doubted the outcome (1. the success) of
the enterprise; kuningas epili, ett oli
olemassa salaliitto (\. salaliiton olemassa
oloa) the king suspected a plot (1. there
was a plot) : min epilen, kykeneek hn
Cl. tokko hn kykenee) sit tekemn
(mys:) I doubt his abllity (I. his being
ahlf) to do it; min epilen sit (se arve
luttaa) I have apprelienslons (1. suspi
cions) about It, I doubt It; sit min en
epile I don't doubt (I. questlon) that.
epiltv doubtful, dubious; open to doubt;
questionable; vrt. epilyttv.
epily <= epilys; epily herttv ks.
epilyttv, epilyksenalainen ks. epilys.
epilys doubt; scruple; (epluulo) suspi
clon; (arveluttavuus) apprehension, mtsglving; (empiminen) hesitation; (epvar
muus) uncertaluty, suspense; epluotta
mus) distrust, mistrust; epilyksenalainen
suspected, susplelous; (asiasta:) doubt
ful, questionable; f kaikki ) epilykset haih
tukoot ali doubts should be dlspelled.



away \vilh :i.'l doubts! minalla on epilyk*ia jottahin I have (some) misgivings
about ... I entertain (1. have) suspicions
(1. apprehensions) of (1. about) . . , I have
my doubts about (1. I doubt) a th.; to
ei le epilystkn doubt of (1, about)

that, no doubt on that point.

epilyttvyys suspiclousness; precariousness; doubtfulness, opilyttv suspicious;
doubtful, questionable; problematic; (vaaralllnen) precarious; epilyttvn nhinen
SUSplClOUS-lOOklng; as/a nytt epilytt-


reverence, disrespect, disregard, -kunto

disorder; [olla] epkunnotta not [be] in
running order, [be] out of (working) or
der, [be] out of gear (rayos: kuv.); (Jkpv.)
[be] out Of kilter; epabuntoon ks. j DUtua.
-kuntolnen . . out of order (1. gear); (Kelvoton) useless, worthless; unfit; (huono)
poor, bad. -kuulialnen disobedient; vrt.
tottelematon. -kypsa kS. kypsymXtn.
epikas (mat.) trapezium, trapeze; (Engl.)
trapezoirt. -llhae (anat.) trapezlus.
ep! kytnnllinen Impractical [man, mies],
unpractical, not practical; (aslolsta:) Im
practicable [scheme, smmnltelma] ; (soplmaton) inconvenient, improper: (kmpel)
unhandy, awkward, -kytnnllisesti Im
practicably [arranged. Jarjestetty] ; Incon
veniently, -kytnnllisyys (henklln) lack
of common sense; (asan) Impracticability;
epalllaillinen illegal, unlawful; vrt. laiton,
-lojaalinen disloyal, -lojaalisuui disloyalty,
-loogillinen illogical, -lukuinen innumer
able, numberless, countless; vrt. luWematon. -lukuisuus countless number, -luonnollinen unnatural; forced, affected; vrt.
luonnoton. -luotettava unreliable, not to
be relied (1. depended) on; untrustworthy;
(epllyttvft) doubtful, uncertain; (epavarma) unsafe; (petolllnen) deceitful, treach
erous: cpalnoicttava henhilS (myost) a person of questionable character, -luotettavuus unreliability, unreliableness. untrustworthlness;
treacherousness. -luottamus want (1. lack)
of confidence, distrust, mistrust; (epailys)
suspicion, -luottamuslause vote to express
distrust (1. lack of confidence), want (1.
lack) of confidence vote: vote of censure
[of the Government, hallltukselle].
epiluulo suspicion; (epluulotnen arvelu)
surmise: (epftluottamus) mistrust, distrust;
eplualoa HerttoS such as to arouse sus
picion, suspicious, questionable, -luulolnen distrustful, mistrustful; suspicious;
epaluuloinen aavitta* mlsglvlng(s), pre
sentiment; pa'/uu(oincn silmays a distrust
ful look (1. glance), a look (full) of dis
trust, -luuloisestl with suspicion (1. dis
trust), suspiciously, distrustlngly. -luulolsuus distrust ( ruines) ; suspiclousness.

vlt (arveluttavalta) the matter looks

suspicious (1. bad 1. serious). epSilytt
make . . doubt (1. suspicious), (saattaa
emplmn) make . . doubtful (1. hesitant),
Inspire . . with apprehensions (1. suspi
cions'!, doubts) ; atia epilytt minim the
matter looks suspicious to me, I am doubt
ful about the matter, the matter gives me
apprehensions, (Jkpv.) that doesn't look
all right to me, I don't like the looks of it;
ham u epilytti lhtt he hesitated to go
(1. about leaving); minaa epilytt [tehd
site] I have my doubts (1. apprehensions 1.
scruples) about [doing it], I feel apprehen
sive about [doing It], I hesitate to [do It].
epa inhimillinen Inhuman(e); barbarous.
-irihimillisesti lnhuman(e)ly; barbarously.
-Inhimillisyys inhumanity, -isfinmaallinen
unpatriotic, -itsekkyys disinterestedness,
unselfishness; altruism. -lUokkUsti dis
interestedly, unselfishly; altruistically,
-itseks disinterested; unselfish; altruistic,
-itsenainen dependent (on others),~ not
self-reliant. -Jalo Ignoble; base [metal,
metalll]. -Jatkuva not continuous, dis
-Johdonmukalnen Inconse
quent, inconsistent, illogical. -Johdonmukalsesti Inconsistently, llloglcally. -Johdonmukaisuus inconsequence, inconsisten
cy. -Johtaja (fys.) non-conductor; (erlstja) insulator.
epijumala Idol, god.
epMjumalanllkuva Idol; (graven) Image,
-palvelija Idolater, -palvelut worship of
Idols, Idolatry, Image -worship. Idol-wor
ship, -temppeli temple of idols, heathen
epjrjestys (state of) disorder, disarray,
derangement; confusion; litter; *pjrjettyhttti In disorder, In confusion, out of
order, disordered; haikki epdjrititykiets epluulon aihe cause of suspicion (1. dis
trust), -alainen suspected; vrt. eplUltav;
(Ikpv.) all in a mess.
epillkansallinen not national, unnational: eptaulonalainen hcnkil SUSpeCt. -alai(Yhdysv.) un-American, -kansanvaltainen siius being under suspicion,
undemocratic, -kelpo (a. & s.) good-for- ep I metalll (kern.) ks. metalloid!, -mlellytnothing, ne'er-do-well, -kelpoinen useless, Uvyys unpleasantness, disagreeableness.
-miellyttav unpleasant, disagreeable, dis
worthless; unfit; (kykenemtn) inca
pable, Incompetent, -keskelnen eccentric, pleasing; objectionable: (vastenmlellnen)
-keskeieyye eccentricity, -kosko eccentric, repulsive. -mlellyttlvXstl unpleasantly,
-kiitollinen ungrateful; thankless [task, disagreeably; objectionably, -mlelumen,
tehtv] ; vrt. kttmtn. -kiitollisuua -mieluisa objectionable; unacceptable, un
thanklessness. -kohta fault: (puutteelll- desirable; unpleasant: (epatervetullut) un
suus) defect; (huono puoll) disadvantage, welcome, not welcome, -mieluisasti (vasdrawback; (haltta) Inconvenience; (moraa- tahakolsestl) with a bad grace, reluctantly,
llnen) wrong, evil, abuse, evil practice (1. unwillingly, -mieluisuus unacceptabllltv:
undeslraliillty; unpleafantness. -moraalicustom), -kohteliaasti discourteously. Im
politely, uncivilly; vrt. esiintyu. -kohteliai- nen immoral, -mukamen not \mironn.
auu* discourtesy, Impoliteness, Incivility, Irregular; asymmetrlc(al). -mukaisesti
-kohtelias discourteous. Impolite: uncivil, irregularly; asymmetrically, -mukaisuus
disrespectful, rude; disobliging, -kristilli- irregularity of form; asymmetry, -mukava
nen unchristian (like) [act, teko]. -krlstll- uncomfortable [position, asento], Incom
liseatl In an unchristian way (1. manner), modious [quarters, asunto]: Inconvenient;
-kristillisyys unchristian conduct (1. art 1. vrt. bankala. -mukavasti uncomfortably.
Inconveniently, -mukavuua discomfort, unlife), -kunniallinen dishonest, dishonor
comfortableness, inconvenience, -muodosable: vrt. kunniaton. -kunniallUeatl dis
tu malformation: deformity, abnormity;
honestly, dishonorably, -kunniallisuus dis
(hlrvea) monstrosity, -muotolnen 1. -muohonesty, -kunnioittava disrespectful, un
civil, -kunnioittavattl disrespectfully; with dostunut deformed: misshapen; (muotopuoll) asymmetrlc(al); (muodoton) form
disrespect (1. disregard), -kunnioitus Ir



le??, shapeless. -murtoluku Improper fraction. -musikaalinen unmuslcal.

epmrinen inderinite,undetermlned; (tiet.
& lak.) indeterminate; (hilyv) vague.hazy;
(epvarma) uncertaln-. (ratkaisematon) unetlled, not fixed; (kaksimielinen) ambiguous, equlvocal; artikkeli (klel.) lnderinite
artlcle; rangaistustuomio indeterminate
sentence; vri a color not easlly dlstlngulshed, an uncertaln color [huom. mys:
kankaan vri oli hyvin ~ lt was harii to
teli liat the color or tbe clotb \vasl ; ep
mriseksi ajaksi for an unllmited period.
Indefinitelj' [buom. lyktty epmriseksi
ajaksi lndeflhitely postponed; oikeuden is
tunto (1. krjt) lykttiin epmriseksi
ajaksi tbe court u as indeClnltely adjoumed,
the court adjoumed slne die] ; epmri
sell tavalla lOOSely, vaguely; epmriset
ehdot [viittaukset] vague terms [lndtcatlonsj. epmrisesti inderinttely: vaguely; uncertalnly. epmrisyys lndeNnlteness. Indetermlnateness; vagueness; uncertalnty. amblgulty.
eptnaisellinen unwomanly, unfemlnlne.
-naisellisestl (In an) umvomanly manner,
-naisellisuus unwomanllness. -normaali
abnormal; anomalous. -normaalisuus abnorm(al)ity;
Tongful, unjust. -oikeudellisesti wrongTully, unjustly. -oikeudellisuus lnjustlce.
-oikeutettu unjustiried [blame, moite],
unjustiriable; (perusteeton) unwarranted
[claim, vaatimus; assertion, viite], -oikeu
tus unjustiriableness. -oleellinen Immatertal; non- essentiat; unessenttal, unlmportant. -oleellisesti immaterlally, unessentially. -oleellisuus Immateriallty; belng un
essenttal; unlmportance. -onnistua fail,
not succeed, be unsuccessful, Tall short
of success; turn out badly, prove a fatlure,
miscarry; hn eponnistui yrityksessn (ci
onnistunut) be dld not succeed (1. be ralled)
in his undertaklng; suunnitelma ep
onnistui tbe proJect (1. pian) mlscarried;
yritys eponnistui kohonaan (\. tydellises
ti) tbe undertaklng was (1. proved) a complete (1. an absolute 1. a sigmat) rallure. -on
nistuminen unsuccessful outcome, rallure;
mlscamage. -onnistuneesti unsuccessrutly, vrltbout success; hn nytteli osansa
eponnistuneesti (mys:) his acting Of tbe
part proved a rallure. -onnistunut unsuccessrul, . . wlthout success; abortlve [attempt, yritys] ; [a] would-bc [dandy, kei
kari]; eponnistunut yritys (mys:) a rall
ure; kirjailijana hn on kokonaan eponnis
tunut as a vvrlter he is a complete (1. pur
reet) rallure. -orgaaninen Inorsranlc.
ep parlamentaarinen unparliamentary. -pe
rustuslaillinen unconstltutlonal. -perii nen
iinauthentic, not genulne, apocryphal.
-periisyys unauthenttcity. -puhdas unclean; not pure (I. clear); impure; (pilaan
tunut) roul; (moraalisesti) uncbaste. -puh
taasti lmpurely, uncleanly; laulaa eppuhtamsti sinsr orr the key, (esim. laulukunnasta) sing dlscordantly. -puhtaus uncleanness: uncleanllness: lmpurlty, uncbastity.
-pyh* unboly, unhaltoived, profane.
ep rehellinen dlsbonest [reltovv, mies];
trlcky. roul [play, peli] ; (petollinen) deceitrul. false, treacherous; eprehellinen
vastaus lnslncere reply. -rehellisesti dis
honestly; in bad raitti; decettrully, treachrrously. -rehellisyys dlsbonesty: bad raitti;
tnckiness; deceitrulness. -ritarillinen unrhtvalmus. -ritarillisuus lack nr cblvalry.
-runollinen unpoetlcal, prosatc(al), prosy.
-runollisesti unpoetlcally, prosalcally. -ru
nollisuus lack or poetry; proslness.


eprid be undeclded (1. lrresolute), be In

(1. or) two mlnds [about golng there, men
nk sinne vai ei]; (empi) besltate;
(hily) waver (I. Talter) (between two
oplnions), vaclllate; (epill) be In doubt,
be doubtrul; (omantunnon syist) scruple;
epriden hesltatlngly, waverlngly, ralterlngly; min eprin sit antaessani I hesltated about glvtng lt, I was undeclded (1.
In two mlnds) whether to glve lt or not.
epriminen besltatlon; indeclslon (or
mind); waverlng; doubtlng; scruple(s).
eprimtt unhesltatingly, \vlthout besl
tatlon, unwaverlngly. eprimtn unhesltatlng; unwavering; resolute. epriv
hesttatlng, hesltant, \vaverlng, vaclllatlng;
undeclded, lrresolute; doubtrul, uncertaln.
epl selvyys lack or clearness; lndlstlnctness; dlmness, bazlness; obscurlty; conruslon. -selv . . not clear; lndlstlnct [articulatlon, ntminen] ; inarticulate; (seka
va) dim, hazy [notlon about a tti., ksitys
Jostakin]; obscure; conrused; (Jota el voi
lukea) llleglble [address.osote] ; (tolkuton)
unlntelllgible [mutterlng, mutina] ; ep
selv puhe (lausunta) poorly artlculated (1.
enunclated) speech, (sekava) lncoherent
speech. -selvsti Indlstlnctly; hazily; obscurely; unlntelligibly. -siisteys uncleanll
ness; untidlness; (Jkpv.) musslness. -siisti
uncleanly; untldy; llttered; (Jkpv.) mussy;
vrt. seur. -silvo untldy, . . In dlsorder, llt
tered; (siivoton) uncleanly, dlrty; (sdy
tn) indecent [language, puhetapa], Im
proper. -siivosti untldily; uncleanly; indo
cently, lmproperly. -siivous untidlness;
uncleanllness. -siki monster; monstroslty;
(epluoma) prodigy. -siveellinen immoral;
lewd. llcentious. -siveellisesti lmmorally;
Iewdly, Ucentlously. -siveellisyys immorality; lewdness, llcentiousness. -siveys lack
or cbastlty, unchastlty; wantonness. -si
ve uncbaste. -sivistynyt unclvllized, uncultivated; uneducated; Ul-bred. -sivuinen
= erisivuinen.

-sointu lack Ot llilniiony,

dlssonance, dlscord(ant note), dlsharmony.

-sointuinen dlscordant; dlssonant, lnharmonious. -sopu disagreement, dlsunlon,
discord, dlssenslon, varlance; [olla] ep
sovussa [be] in discord, [be] at varlance
(1. at odds 1. at outs), dlsagree, (Jkpv.) be
by tbe ears. -sopuinen . . at varlance, . .
at OUtS. . . at Odds; he ovat aina olleet epso
puisia keskenn (mys:) they have alvvays
dlsagreed. -suhde 1. -suhta dlsproportlon;
disparlty [In (1. oO years, Ikvuosiin nh
den], -suhtalnen 1. -suhteinen dlsproporttonlate (I. -ai); unequal; unsymmetrlcal,
asymmetric; . . out or proportion [to lts
Slze, kokoonsa nhden] ; olla epsuhteinen
johonkin nhden be In bad proportion (1. out
or proportion) to ... -suomalainen not
Finnish; un-Finnish. -suopea 111-disposed
[tovvards one, Jollekulle], -suora lndlrect
(Tire, ampuminen; evidence, todistus];
epsuora kertomatapa (klel.) lndlrect cli H course (1. quotatlon); epsuora todistusta
pa (geom.) lndlrect (1. negative) demon stratlon. -suoraan, -suorasti lndlrectly.
-suosio dlsravor, dlsgrace: olla epsuosios
sa be in dlsravor, be out or ravor, be In (1.
under) dlsgrace; vrt. Joutua, -suosiollinen
unravorably dlsposed [toward one, jolle
kulle], unravorable; unfrlendly; not genial.
-suosiollisesti unravorably, unrrtendly.
-suosiollisuus unravorableness, unTrlendllness; dlsravor. -suotuisa unravorable [cllmate. Ilmanala; Impression, vaikutelma] ;unTrlendly, unpropltlous; lnausplclous; perin
epsuotuisissa oloissa undcr very unravor
able (1. trying) clrcumstances, under great

disadvantages, -tuotulsaati unfavorably, ma (mys:) Is not as (1. what) It should
unfriendly, unpropitiously, -suotuisuus: be. -tyydyitavltti unsatisfactorily. -tayilman (\.taan) >*1* the unfavora dellinen incomplete, defective; (puuttuvalble weather, the weather being: unfavorable nen) imperfect, -taydelllsestl not fully
(1. unpropltlous). -tuunnikoi trapezold; [developed, kehlttynyt]. Incompletely, im
(Engl.) trapezium; vrt. epk. -symmet- perfectly. -Uydelliayya incompleteness;
(eslm. Ihmisen) imperfection.
rinen asymmetrlc(al). -snnllinon ir
regular; not uniform, unequal; anomalous; epaliusko lack (1. want) of faith, disbelief:
(elamantavolssaan) erratic; tptnnlli- unbelief; infidelity; (harhausko) heresy;
nen valtimo Irregular (I. unequal) pulsa vrt. epKukoUuu>. -uskomen I. (a.) unbe
tion, -sannllisesti Irregularly; not uni lieving, disbelieving; incredulous, skeptical.
formly, -snnlliayya Irregularity; In II. (s.) unbeliever; skeptic, -uskoisuus In
equality ; anomaly, -styinen: epttyi- credulity, skepticism; infidelity; (raam.)
nn avioliitto msalliance, misalliance,
unbelief; vrt. harhauikolsuu*.
epi tahti: tpatahdista out of time (1. step), epujlvakainen unsteady [hand, ksl], unsta
(psim. soutamlsesta:) out of turn (I. uni ble; (muuttelevalnen) changeable, variable,
son); marssia eptahdissa march out Of unsettled [weather, s]; fickle [fortune,
step; eoittaa tpatahdista play out Of time, onnl]. -vakalsesti unsteadily, unstably, -va-uiteellinen Inartistic, -tarkaatl inaccu
kaisuus unsteadiness, Instability, changerately; Inexactly, -tar k k a inaccurate, in ableness, variableness; fickleness, -vapaa
exact; (epaluotettava) unreliable, -tark- not free, -varma uncertain [voice, Sani],
kuu Inaccuracy, Inexactitude, Inexactness; not sure; (epaluotettava) unsafe [Invest
unreliability, -tarkotuksenmukainen ks. ment, rahansijotus], Insecure; (epllytttarkotusUaan vastaamaton). -taeaincn un v.-i) doubtful, dubious; (epavakalnen) un
even [surface, pinta]; unequal [division, steady [hand, ksl]; vague [promise, luJako]: (plnnaltaan) rough, rugged; (ep- paus] ; (merkltykseltaSn) ambiguous; mpsiianmHIinen) Irregular; epatatainen luku varma tiita, minne hiin joutuu uncertain as
oilil (1. uneven) number, -taaaisesti un to what will become of him; *pauarmat
evenly: unequally, -taaaisuu unevenness, saatavat (kaupp.) bad debts; pavarmojen
Inequality (of surface), Irregularity (of taatavien till bad BCCOUntS: xifll saa olla
surface); ruggedness. -tasa vkinen 1. -voi- epvarma hengttt&n one takes one's life
mainen (of) unequal (strength), not In one's hands to go there, life Is held
matched (In strength), -tasavakisesti un
cheap there, -varmutl In an uncertain
equally, -tasavakisyya inequality (of manner, uncertainly, Insecurely; unsteadi
strength), -tavallinen unusual, unwonted; ly, vaguely; oattata epSvarmmtti give an un
vrt.harvinalnen. -terveellinen unwholesome certain (1. a vague I. an evasive) reply,
[food, ravintn], unhealthy [climate, liman - -varmuua unsafeness, Insecurity; uncer
ala: occupation, tolml]; insanitary, unsan
tainty; (epatletolsuus) suspense; jaSd
itary ;in.|(irious(to the health). -terveellisyya epavarmuatftn ottakin be left In uncer
umvhcilesonienpss.unhpalthiness; injurious- tainty (I. suspense 1. doubt) about a th.
ness (to the health), -tieteellinen unscien
-varmuuitila state of uncertainty; sus
tific, -tieteellisesti unscientifically, -tie- pense, -vnsaaiii Imprudently, unwisely;
tecllisyys unscientific character (1. nature). Ill-advlscdly. -vilsas imprudent, unwise,
-tieto uncertainty: suspense, doubt, -tie- injudicious: (epadlplomaattlnen) Impolitic;
toinen uncertain, dubious, doubtful [about (huonostl harklttu) Ill-advised, -viiiaui
(1. of), jostakin] ; (horjuva) undecided, Imprudence, Injudlclousness. -vlraltinan
vague; (kyseenalalnen) problematlc(al); unofficial, -vlralllieatl unofficially, -iolla cptietoinen oftakin be In (a State Of) ralliiuua unofficial nature (1. character).
suspense (1. uncertainty) as to ... be In op yhteellinen (mat.) Incongruous, I neon doubt about . . ; on tpatietoi*ta, mirnta gruent. -yhtenilnan disconnected, dis
tyytta hSn sen ttbi It Is a question (1. no jointed; Incoherent.
body knows) why he did it, It is doubtful epiye refusal, denial; declination.
what his reasons were for doing It. -tle- epystSvllinen unfriendly, unklnd(ly).
toisuu* uncertainty: suspense, doubt; -ystvllleeati unkindly, In an unfriendly
doubtfulness, dubiousness, -todellinen not manner, -ystvllisyys unklnd(ll)ness, un
real, unreal: untrue, false, -todenlmukal- friendliness.
nen 1. -nkinen unlikely, improbable, -to- epminen = epKya. epmttmyys Indis
den mukasesti 1. -nSkoisesti unlikely, im putability. Incontestability: undenlableness.
probably, -todon muknisuus 1. -nttkoliyyt apUmlttomUtl, epmtt lndlsputal)ly,
unlikelihood, Improbability, -toivo de Incontpstably. unquestionably, undeniably,
spondency, (tolvottomuus) despair, des
epmtn indisputable. Incontestable; un
peration: epHtoioon partaalla on the verge questionable: (kleltmtn) undeniable:
of despondency (1. desperation); eptoivon cpmttmn telo that does not allow of
vimmaua with the courage of despair, des
mlslntprpretatlon, not to (1. that cannot)
perately: olla eptoivofta jottakin despair be misunderstood, unmistakable, (palvan. In despair about, have given up all hope selvii) clear as daylight.
of. -toivoinen desperate [situation, tllan- erakko hermit; anchorite; (ykslnollja) re
nei, despairing: (tolvoton) hopeless; (hen- cluse. -eISm* hermit's life, life of a her
kilstii:) despondent: olla tpStoivointn o*- mit (I. a recluse); (ykslnlnen) secluded
tabin (be In) despair of, be disconsolate (1. solitary) life, -maja hermitage, -iyrliiabout, -toivoisesti desperately; despair
nen (elalnt.) hermit crab.
ingly; (totvottomastt) hopelessly, -tolvol- erata part [from (1. with), jostakln (1. Jossuus desperate state (I. condition), desper- takusta)]; depart [this life, tst elm&sateness; despondency; axeman ipatoivoi- til] ; vrt. erota; ~ toisisfaon part (com
*uus the rtpsperateness (1. hopelessness) of pany), part from each other; ttt erkantthe situation, the desperate state of af
vat tiemm* here our ways part.
un- erehdys
mistake [about the way, tien suh...... ...i. i..-toverilllnen
teen] ; (epiihuomlosta Johtunut) oversight,
X -toverllllauua unsocia|bleness blunder, slip; (halrahdus) fault, lapse;
-turvallinen unsafe, Insecure. wrong step (I. move); (vlrhe) error; (V8unsatisfactory; on tpatyydyt- rlnymmrrys) misunderstanding; (poisepBiuotuisaati



Jnti) omtsslon; erehdyksest, erehdyk

sisshn) by mistake, through a mistake
(huom. mys: sen hn sanoi erehdyksis
sn (l. erehdyksest) liiat was a sllp n['
the tongue, he made a (bad) break there] :
minulle voi tulla ~ I may raake a mistake,
I may be mlstaken; tss on ikv ~ there
Is a deplorable mistake (I. error) here.
erehdyttv mlsleading, (petollinen) deceptive. delusive. fallaclous. erehdyttvsti
erehdytt mlslead, lcad into an error,
lead . . astray: (pett) deceive, delude.
erehtyminen 111.1K i ii tr a mistake; erring. ereh
tymttmyys (esim. paavin) lnfallibility.
erehtymttmsti lnfallibly, unerringly.
erehtymtn inrallible; (tarkka, varma)
unerrlntr [eye ror . . , silm nkemn . .],
unfalling. erehtynyt mlstaken, \vrong.
erehtyvinen liable to err, falllble. erehtyvleyys liability to err, falllbillty.
erehty make a mistake, make an error of
judgment. be mlstaken [In (regard to),
jossakin (1. jonkin suhteen); about, josta
kin) : (hairahtua) err; (petty) be dccelvcd;
(olla vrss) be (in the) wrong;
jonkun henkiln suhteen mtSjUdge lp.; kirjottamaan [sill tavalla] make [such] a
slip or the pen, make rsuch] a mistake in
ritlng tlt]; laskuissaan reckon (1.
rntint up) wrong, make a mi.stake (1. an
error) In one's calculation (). In one's figurc), (kuv. = petty) be mlstaken, be derelved, be disappointed; ~ sanomaan make
a slip of the tongue. (make a) blunder (In
speaking), make a (bad) break; ~ vlimat
kan arvioimisessa (I. laskussa) miscalctllate the distance: hn erehtyi oikeasta
ovesta he took the wrong door, he was
mlstaken about uhat door to take; jollen
ole varsin pahasti erehtynyt unless I'm
badly mlstaken; siin olet varmaan ereh
tynyt you must he (1. you are certalnly)
mlstaken (1. In the wrong) about that.
eri separate rrooms, huoneet]; dlstlnct;
(erilainen) dlfferent; (usea eri) several
(dirferent), dlvers; rnm hansikkaat ovat]
paria (mys:) [these gloves are] not
mates: ~ poikki apart: ~ tahoille In dirTerent (1. dlvers) dlrectlons, dlvergentty;
tavoilla In dlfTerent ways, dlversely:
kolme kertaa three separate tlmes;
kukin talo each separate house; [he menlvtl kukin tietn [they \vpii1 1 thelr
several ways; monella ~ tavalla (mys:)
in various (1. manirold) ways; monenlaisia
~ esineit many dlfferent klnds of thlngs,
various thlngs: se muodostaa oman ~ lu
kunsa It constitutes a Chapter by Itself;
se on kohonaan asia lt'S an entll'1'lv cliirerent thlng, thafs something entlrely dirTerent: useassa ~ tilaisuudessa on dlvers
(1. dlfferent 1. sundry) occaslons.
eriialkainen not happening (1. occurrlng)
slmultaneously, not colncldent; eriaikaisia
. . from (1. oD dlfrcrent tlmes (1. ages 1.
epochs). -aikaisuus non-colncldence; ni
den tapahtumain eriaikaisuus selitt
there being no colncldence nctxvcen these
events explalns ... -arvoinen: eriarvoisia
. . of dlfferent value(s), dlfferlng 1n value.
-asteinen: eriasteisia (esim. kulmista:) of
various degrees, (kehitykseens nhden:)
at (1. In 1. oD various stages. -karvainen
k. erivrinen, -kielinen: erikielisi sano
malehti [lentolehtl] papers [pamphlets]
(prlnted) In various languages.
erikoinen separate; lndfvldual; (erityinen)
particular, (e)speclal; (tavallisesta poikkea
va) extraordlnary, slngular, slgnal.marked;


(omituinen) pecullar; (mrtty) speciflc;

erikoisen kS. bakUS. ; erikoiset olosuhteet
pecullar clrcumstances; erikoiset toimen
piteet extraordlnary measures; erikoisissa
tapauksissa In speclal cases, In speciflc
instances; vrt. erikoistapaus; muodostaa
oman erikoisen lukunsa forms a Chapter by
erikois- (yhd.) speclal, (harvemmin:) particular [esim. -asiamies speclal agent;
-huoli Special (I. particular) carc; -kirjeen
vaihtaja special correspondent; -komitea
special committee; -luokka special (I. par
ticular) class; -virkamies speclal ofricer].
-ala speclal llnc, particular fleld; specialty.
-asema 1. (poikkeus-) exceptional position;
2. (etuoikeutettu) privlleged position.
-asia separate (1. speclal) case. -ehto spe
clal condltion (1. clause); speclficatlon.
erikoisemmin more partlcularly; speclfically; hn ei sit sen ~ selittnyt he dld not
give any more (1. further) particulars
about lt. erikoisen partlcularly [accurate,
tarkka]; slngularly; exceptlonally; erikoi
sen sopiva slngularly adapted, partlcularly
sulted. erikoisentaa speclfy, particularlze.
erikoisesti speciflcally; partlcularly; (e)speclally; (nimenomaan) expressly; (erikseen)
separately, Indlvldually.
separate room; (yksityis-) prlvate room.
-kohta particular detall; speclficatlon.
-kohtainen speciried; (yksityis-) detalled.
-kohtaisesti speciflcally. -kokous separate
meetlng. -kurssi special course (of study).
-kysymys (eri) separate questlon; (erikoi
nen) speclal questlon. -laatuinen . . of spe
clal (1. extraordlnary 1. pecullar) character; special, particular. -leima pecullar
characteristlcs (1. tralts). -luettelo special
catalogue (1. list); speciricatlons. -luonne
pecullar (1. unlque) character (I. nature).
-oikeus ks. erioikeus, -olot pecullar (I. ex
traordlnary) circumstances (1. condltions);
(poikkeus-) exceptional (1. unusual) clr
cumstances (1. condltions). -piirre pecullar
(1. unlque) feature (1. tralt). -rauha sepa
rate peace. -seikka particular, detail; Item.
erikoistaa speclallze.
erikois! tapaus particular (1. speciflc) case;
speclal (1. speciflc) lnstance; (poikkeusta
paus) exceptfon; ainoastaan erikoistapauk
sissa In extraordlnary cases only, only ex
ceptlonally; kussakin erikoistapauksessa In
each indivldual (1. separate 1. particular)
erikoistua speciallze. erikoistuminen (biol.)
specializatlon, difrerentlatlon.
erikois tuntemus special knovvledge; (eri
koisen tarkka) deep (1. thorough) knowledge. -tuntija speclalist [In women's dlseases, naistentautien alalla], -tutkimus
speclal investlgatlon (1. study) ;monograph.
erikoisuus specialty; (omituisuus) pecullarlty, pecullar tralt (1. character 1. nature).
erikoisvero special tax.
erikokoinen: erikokoiset .. of unequal slzc,
erikseen [mys: erikseni, -si Jne.] sepa
rately, indlvldually; (syrjn) aslde, apart;
(yksikseen) alone; kukin erikseen each one
separately (1. indlvldually), severally.
eri 11 laatuinen dlsslmilar, heterogeneous: vrt.
erilainen; erilaatuisia aineita dlfferent
klnds of substances. substances of various
klnds. -laatuisuus dlsslmllarlty; heteroge
neous nature (1. character), hctcrogcnelty.
erilainen dlfferent [from ..]; unllke, dls
slmilar; unequal; ~ kuin muut dirrerent
from others, unllke others; (useita) erilai
sia . . (mys:) various, dlvers; aii>an ~ fcuin



tm entirely unlike (1. different from)

this: mil, i crilammmat ainebtet entirely
different (1. the most heterogeneous) ele
ments, erilaisesti (toisln) differently, in a
different way, otherwise; (erl tavollla) In
various ways, erilaistua become different;
(muuttua) change, alter; (blol.) differenti
ate, erilaistuminen (blol.) differentiation,
specialization, erilaisuus dissimilarity, dis
similitude, unllkeness [to, Johonkin verra
ten] ; Inequality, disparity; (eroavaisuus)
difference, diversity; palkhojen (I. palkan)
erilaisuu* difference In salaries (1. wages),
Inequality of wages.
erilleen [mys: erill*\nl, -si jne.] apart,
asunder; aside; (joskus:) off; ks. joutua,
kSyd, panna, pitS y. m.
enllan [mys: *riUS\ni, -*l jne.] separate
ly, apart [from, Jostakin] ; ~ tlv pariskunta a separated (l. parted) couple, a
couple who do not live together; ~ mm*ta
tltlija recluse; ~ol*va separated, detached;
separate; (erilleen otettu) disjoined;
disconnected; (eristetty) Isolated; ~ toitittaan apart (from each other), separated;
Ac elauiit ~ (toitiitaan) they live apart,
they don't live together, -aeumlnen (avlopuollsolden) separation, -olo (state of)
erillinen separate; separated, detached;
(eristetty) isolated; teme Isolated posi
tion, erillisyys Isolation; separation.
eri luokkainen: trilmkkaitla .. of different
(1. various) classes, -luontolnen . . of dif
ferent nature (1. character), unlike, -luontoigesti differently, In a different manner;
unequally, -luontoltuu dissimilarity, un
llkeness; heterogeneous (I. mixed) charac
ter (l. nature), -mielinen: erimUlitet not
agreeing; divided (In opinion), (rlltaiset)
not at one with each other, embroiled, . . at
variance (1. odds); ht oHoat erimielitia *Ht, mittn it oli*i tehtv they could not
agree (1. they disagreed) as to how it should
be done, they were divided about (1. as to)
how It should be done, -mielisesti not In
unison, -mlelliyy* difference (1. diver
gence) of opinion fon a question, Johonkin
kysymykseen nhden], difference; disagree
ment, discordance; dissension: on ofcnuuma trimitlieyytt if/ten nhden, miten . .
there Is considerable difference of opinion
as to how . . , opinions differ as to how . . .
-muotoinen (tolsenmuotolnen) . . of a dif
ferent shape (1. form), unlike; erimuotoi*lm . . of varied forms, multiform, diversi
erln ks. era.

eriniminen having a different name; erimmitis . . of various names, . . with different

names; erinimiii murfo/iifcu/o fractions
with no common denominator.
ennomainen (malnlo) excellent, capital;
first-class, first-rate, (Jkpv.) tiptop; (harvinainen) extraordinary, unusual; erinomai*en ks. hakus.; trinomaMfa tapauksissa
in extraordinary cases, (polkkeus-) In ex
ceptional cases, erinomaisen particularly
[well, hyvln]. especially; extraordinarily;
most [beautiful, kaunls], exceedingly [Im
portant, tarkeit], extremely [useful, hydylllnen] ; eminently: crinomafocn hieno < \.
tarhka) malm exquisite taste: erinomaisen
topioa johonhin singularly (1. remarkably
well) adapted to . .; vit. erlttin. erinomaiaesti (mainlostl) excellently; capitally:
very (1. extraordinarily) well, (jkpv.) firstrate, fine; hn jaktaa erinomaisesti She IS
doing fine, erinomaiiuui excellent qual
ities, excellence.


erinomaittain(kln) particularly, especially:

In particular; (etupassa) preferably.
erinainen particular, specified, specific;
(erillinen) separate(d); Isolated; rfaaVsu faudeia in Specific diseases; joitiahin
erinaisiifS tapaabslita In certain specified
cases, in some specific Instances, (barvoln)
in rare cases; rarely, occasionally, erinaisesti specifically; separately, Individually.
erinoisyye separation. Isolation.
eri||n*kalnen . . of a different aspect (1. ap
pearance); crinknisi .. of different as
pects, . . varying In appearance, unlike (In
appearance), dissimilar; veljebsrt ooat hyvin erinbiftt the brothers are very unlike
in appearance (1. do not look at all alike).
-nkisyys unllkeness (In appearance);
erinUn rrinu m, -*i jne.] ks. erllllttn.
erilloikeudellinen privileged, -olkeudeton
unprivileged, -oikeus privilege; (erlvapautus) immunity; trioihtuktia nauftiva
(mys:) privileged, -oikeutellu privileged,
-pcinoa excerpt; offprint, -parinen: en'parittt hansikkaat gloves that are not mates;
eripariset l,-hdrt (kasv.) alternate leaves,
-pitkt: eripiiki lautoja boards of different
lengths, boards of unequal length, -purainen divided, embroiled, discordant; not at
one with each other; . . at variance, . . at
Odds; trpurainen pariekunta a husband
and wife who cannot agree (1. who do not
get along well together) ; jttniit
on /ivi-n erpnrai!.ia the members of the
society are very much divided among
themselves; vrt. rlitaiu. -puraisesti dis
cordantly; at variance; not In unison, -puraisuus disagreement, dlsrord, dissension:
division (In the camp); friction; variance:
eripurainmtta tynnytlaoS . . causing dis
cord (1. friction 1. lack of harmony), -rotuinen: trirotuitia lehmi [banoja] COWS
[hens] of different breeds, -seuralncn un
social; (usk.) separatlst(ic) ; hanen*ri*araincn(myos:)he keeps aloof from others,
-seuraisuus aloofness, lack of sociability;
(usk.) separatism, vrt. lahkolaUuu. -*islllykBinen . . with different contents;
(useammasta puhuen:) . . of varied con
tents, -sivuinen (mat.) scalene [triangle,
eris: kummainen curious, strange, singular;
peculiar; queer, odd; (merkilllnen) re
markable: (Ihmeelllnen) wonderful, mar
velous; (kuulumaton) extraordinary, -kummaiseeti curiously, strangely Jne., vrt.
edell. -kummaisuus strangeness, peculiar
ity, singularity; queerness, oddness; re
markable thing, curious fact, curiosity.
erisnimi (klel.) proper noun.
eristetty Isolated; (fys. & tekn.) Insulated,
eristyminen Isolation.
eristy Isolation: (tekn.) Insulation.
erityi- (yhd.) Insulating [eslm. -ktrro* In
sulating layer; -nauha Insulating tape;
-patki insulating tube], -aine Insulator.
eristy (be) separate(d); be(come) isolated
(fys.: Insulated); (Irrota) be(come) de
eristj (fys.) Insulator; (Joskus:) Isolator.
-vastus (fys.) insulation resistance.
cpistSminen separation (from others), Isola
tion; (fys.) Insulation, erlstii separate
from others. Isolate, (fys.) Insulate; (lrrottaa) detach.
pri -iuuntainon: riranntain'a . . going (1.
tending) In different (1. various) direc
tions; diverting, divergent; (erllalnen)
different, unlike, -suuntaisuus divergence;
difference, diversity, -suuruinen: cran[perunolta] [potatoes] of different


(I. varlous) slzes, [potatoes] or unequal

size. -euurulsuus lnequallty (of stze).
-satyinen: eristyisi miehi ja naisia
men and vromen of dirrerent (1. varlous)
orders of soctely. -sityisyys social inequaltty.
erite (fysiol.) secretlon.
eritell set asteli- (I. apart), separate; dlvide
(out): segregale; (kem. y. m.) analyze,
(metalleja) assay; (luokitella) classify.
eriten(kin) eritoten(Un).
eritariinen (kasv.) . . with separate petals.
eritoten (kin) speclfically; partlcularly, es
pecially: In partlcular, above ali [when . . ,
kun . .] ; . . < tm . . and thls (one) in
partlcular (1. above ali thls one), . . and
more partlcularly thls one.
eritteleminen settlng apart: separatlng-, dlTtdlncr (out): (rilos.) analyzing; (luokitte
leminen) classirylngr, classlflcation. erit
tely (kem.) analysls.
erittyminen segregation : (Tyslol.) secretlon.
eritty* (erit) segreg-ate; vrt. eristy; (fy
siol.) be secreted.
erittin partlcularly, especially; (sangen)
very. exceedlngly, extraordlnarlly; (erik
seen) separately, Indlvldually; el not
very; hukin earh one separately (1. Individually). erittinkin (more) partlcular
ly. (more) especially. In partlcular, above
ali; (etusijassa) before ali. In tbe rirst
place (1. Instance) ; erittinkin kun . . In
partlcular when . . , above ali when . . .
erittminen (fysiol.) secretlon; (eristmi
nen) segregation. eritUv* secrettng, sec
retory. eritti segregate; (fysiol.) secrete
Ta Tluld, nestett]; vrt. eritell.
erityinen partlcular, (e) speclal; (eri) sepa
rate, dlstinct; Indlvldual: (erikoinen) speeinc; (tavallisesta poikkeava) extraordlnary; erityisen ks. hakus.; ilman erityisi
syit wltbout any partlcular reasons (1.
especlal reason); Ilman erityist lupaa
wlthnut speclal permission; ei mitn eri
tyist nothlng (in) partlcular, nothlng spe
clal; vrt. erikoinen, erityisen partlcularly,
ritraordinarlly [dirficult, valkea], extraordinary, (Jkpv.) extra [large, suuri;
Strone;, vahva] ; erityisen ankarat toimen
piteet (mys:) drastlc measures. erityisesti
(e)speclally, partlcularly; (vartavasten)
purposcly; (nimenomaan) expressly; eri
tyisesti sit varten (e)speclally for that,
for that partlcular purpose, expressly ror
that purpose.
erityis! kysymys speclal question. -luettelo
specincatlon. -toimi speclal position, spe
clal work.
erityisyys dlstlnctlve quallty (I. character);
speclal (l)ty. erityisyyksi speclalties; ei
mitn erityisyyksi nothlng- speclal.
erltya (fysiol.) secretlon; (yhd.) secretory
esim. -elimet secretory organs].
eritt part; detach Itself, spllt orf; (olla eri
lainen) dirrer, diverge;; (geol. y. m.) seg
reg-ate: tst maailmasta depart thls life,
leave thls World; mielipiteet erivt oplnlons dirrer.
en uskoinen heterodox. -uekolsuus heterodoxy. -uskolsinen I. (a.) heterodox. II. (s.)
dlssenter, nonconformlst.
eriuskolei* laki Dlssenters' Bill, Nonconrormlst Act. -seurakunta congregatlon of
dlssenters, nonconformlst congregatlon.
erlvapautua exemptlon (1. Immun.ty) [from,
Jostakin] :
dispensatlon; erivapautuksen
seanat exempt(ed) : antaa jolUhutl* grant
one exemptlon [from. Jostakin], -hakemus
anpllratlon for exemptlon (1. tmmunlty).
erivrinen . . of a dirrerent color [than . . ,
kuin . .]: erivrisi kakkia flowers of va


rlous hues (I. of different colors), flowers

varylng- In COlor; erivrisi malleja patterns In different colors.
eriminen partlng; dirrering, dlverglng; segregatlon; vrt. erit, erimttmsti lnseparably. erimStn Inseparable. eriv dtrrering, dlvergent, dlssentlng [view, ksitys] ;
(erilainen) dirrerent, dlsslmllar, unllke;
esitt eriv mielipide jossakin kysymyk
sess present a dlssentlng (1. hold a dirrer
ent) opinion In regard to (1. about) a ques
tlon. erivlnen eriv, erivisyya difrerence; dlvergence.
erkanematonks. eroamaton, erkanen ks. erata.
Erkki Eric. Erneatl Ernest.
ero partlng; separatlon: dlvorce (varsinkin:
avioero); (erotus) dirrerence, dlstlnctlon;
(esim. kohtelussa:) dlscrlmlnatlon; (eroa
vaisuus) dlsparlty [or (1. In), Jossakin] ;
(virka-) resignatlon, retlrement; (eroon
vetytyminen) wlthdrawal; virasta ks.
virkaero: eron hetki the hour Of partlng
[has come, on tullut]; eron saanut ks.
eronsaanut (hakus.) ; erossa toisistaan apart
(Trom each other), separated, vrt. erilln-,
antaa jollekulle discharge (1. dlsmlss)
one; ministeristn on mahdollinen the
resignatlon or the cablnet Is posslble: nii
den vlill on suuri there Is a great (deal
oO dirrerence between them; se vain eroa
ett .. wlth the only dirrerence that ..;
vrt. mys: avio, sty, virka y. m.
eroamaton not dirrering; (virastaan) not
reslgning (1. retiring); (erottamaton) in
separable; ne ovat eroamattomat ystvyk
set they are Inseparable rrlends. eroamattomastl Inseparably.
eroaminen partlng. separatlon; (virasta) reslgnation; (syrjn vetytyminen) wlthdravval, retlrement: vrt. ero. eroamisvuoro
turn to retlre (1. wlthdraw) ; eroamisvuorossa oleva retiring [member or the commlttee, komitean Jsen], eroava (eriv)
dirrering, dlvergent, dlssentlng [opinion,
mielipide]: (virasta) retiring [orriclal, vir
kamies], wlthdrawing, reslgning, outgolng
[mlnlster, ministeri], eroavalnen dirrering;
(erilainen) dirrerent, dlsslmllar, unllke;
(poikkeava) dlvergent: dlssentlng; vrt.
edell. Ja eriv, eroavaisuus dirrerence, diverslty; dlvergence: (arvossa, asemassa y.
m.) dlsparlty; (erilaisuus) dlsslmllarlty:
Inequallty: vrt. erivlsyys; pieni eroavai
suuksia sllght dirrerences.
erohakemua resignatlon; vrt. Jtt.
erolaiaet partlng; (erojalsjuhla) rarewell
erojaisl' hetki hour of partlng; thelr last
hour together. -Juhla rarcwell receptlon
(I. banquet). -malja partlng toast.
ero kekkerit rarcvrell entertalnment (I. par
ty 1. banquet). -kirja 1. (avioero-) bill or
dlvorce; 2. erokirje, -kirje letter brcaklng an engagement; (hyvstijtt-) letter
to teli one good-by(e). -kohta polnt or dlsagreement (1. or varlance) ; polnt or dlver
gence. -kyynel partlng tear. -ksky order
(1. command) to reslgn.
eronllhetkl hour or partlng. tlme to say
good-by. -pyyntS resignatlon. -saanut honorably dlscharged; retlred.
ero1 peruste (avio-) grounds ror dlvorce.
-soitto rlnglng orr. -sopimus (avio-) agreement to separate.
erota part Jwlth one, Jostakusta]: separate
rrrom . .] : sever: (erit) detach Itseir.
spllt orr; (aviopuolisoista puhuen:) sepa
rate, (be) part(ed), be dlvorced: (ottaa
ero) retlre, reslgn; (poistua) wlthdraw
frrom ..1: (Jtt) leave. qult; (poiketa)
deviate, diverge; (olla erilainen) dirrer;


ero' tailta (kuoll) departed tbls life; ~ I'm unable to discern anything; ei voi
jottakin (puolueesta, yhdistyksest y. m.) ~ hyv pahatta he is unable to dis
withdraw from, resign one's membership tinguish (between) good and bad, be can't
In, leave, quit, (Jonkln yhteydesia) sever tell good from evil.
one's connections with, break with, (val- crottaj (esim. kerman) separator; (jakaja)
tinlsta puhuen:) secede from; (omlnalsuuk- divider.
siltaan) differ from, be different from, be erottamalon Inseparable; (virasta) irremov
unlike; - jottakatta part from . . , leave able; ~ ota Venajan oaltakuntaa an Inte
one, (avlolltsestl) separate from . . , di
gral part of the Kusslan Empire. erot;avorce one, (nmlnaisuuksiltaan) differ from mattomasti Inseparably.
. . , he unlike one; koalutta leave erottammen separation, parting; severance;
(I. quit) school; liikekumppanuadttta (sllmllla tal arvostelukyvyll) discernment,
withdraw from the (1. dissolve) partner
discrimination, distinction; (toimesta, vi
ship: ~ tolmtstaan leave (I. give up 1. re
rasta) removal, dismissal (from office);
sign) one's position, (Jki)v.) quit one's (Jakamlnen) division; (Irrottamlnen) de
place: ~ toitittaan part (avlopuollsolsta tachment; - oppiluitobsetta expulsion
puhuen:) separate, bo divorced, gret a di
(from school), (Joksikln ajaksl) suspension
vorce, (tolstensa seurasta) part company; from school (1. college); kirkon ~ valtiotta
(ominaisuukstinsa niihden) differ (from separation of Church and State, the dis
each other) ; ~ uirasta(an) resign (one's establishment of the Church, roUamisvaloffice), retire; ~ viratta clakkeellii retire U authority (I. power) to expel (1. dis
on a pension, be pensioned off; Jonkln charge 1. remove from office).
yhteydesia sever one's connections with . . , erottautua part, detach Itself, split off; sep
withdraw from, break with; (valtiolsta pu
arate; (erota) differ, (nftOltan) be dis
huen:) secede from . . [eslm. trota hirhon cerned, be distinguished; (vetyty eroon)
yhttydttta withdraw from (1. break with) withdraw [from, Jostakin]; (erlstaytya)
the church, (myo's:) leave the church: 11 isolate D.S.; / ~ koko jututta I Intend to
etelavaltiota troti liittotatavallan yhteydet- withdraw entirely from the affair (1. case),
t 11 southern states seceded (1. withdrew) erottautuminen differing; withdrawal, erotfrom the Union] ; yliopittotta give up (1. tautuva: muilta (tduktttn) arottaatuva
not go on with) one's studies In the univer
singled out from others, distinguished from
sity, leave (1. quit) college; erotkaamm* yt- the crowd.
tvin let us part (as) friends; hn eroaa rottua separate, split off; (nftkya) be dis
liiakti muiita he differs too much from cerned, be distinguished.
other people: eroaa tuuretti tntisista It erotuomari (urn.) umpire.
differs greatly from the previous ones. It erotus difference, distinction, (kohtelussa
Is very unlike the former ones; tss trou
y. m.) discrimination; (erllalsuus) Inequal
vt tiemme here our ways part: virasta ity, disparity; (mleliplteen y. m.) diversity:
tronnut retired [captain, kapteenl]; virka- mys erottaminen ; erotukttkti jostakin
miehen trotetsa at the resignation of ail as distinguished from, by way of distinc
official, when an official resigns.
tion from, In contradistinction to . . : itman
erotella separate, be separating; (Jaotella) erotutta without discrimination (1. distinc
divide; vrt. eritellK; ~ tuohhiin classify.
erotodistua (koulusta) certificate of stand- Ihuoin. kaikki ilman trotatta (mys:) all
without respect of persons] ; niiden vlinen
erottaa separate [from, Jostakln]. part [the ~ the difference (1. distinction) between
fighters, tappelijat] ; (viiklvaltaiscstl) sev
them, -summa (llik.) balance, -tull dif
er [the head from the body, ruumiis- ferential duty.
tal : sunder: (irrottaa) detach; (Jakaa) di erovirtl parting song (1. hymn).
vide; (jotakln yhteenkuuluvaa) disunite, eruptiivivuorllitjlt (geol.) Igneous rocks.
disjoin: (arvostelukykynsll avulla) dlstln- ri (till-) Item, entry; (mr) amount,
(Hilsh [a friend from a foe, ystav.l vlholll- (alnetta) quantity; (tavaraa) consignment,
sesta], discriminate [between honest and lot: (osuus) share; (saalls) catch, capture;
dishonest people, rchelliset ihmiset epre- (kcrta) time; traitants, trltn at a time
hellislstiU.see the diffrence, discern [good [eslm. kakti trltn two at a time; ykti
and evil, hyv Ja palia], (Joskus:) tell trltn one at a time, (yksltellen) one by
(right from wrong, oikea viirst] ; (huo- one) ; vahin trin (tavarasta y. in.:) In small
mata Joku kaukainen eslne) descry; (toi
lots (I. quantities 1. portions), (rahasta y.
mesta 1. virasta) remove (from office), (jo- m.:) In small amounts (1. payments), (viku ylhitinen henkilo) depose, (palvelukses- hiin kerrallaan) a little at a time, (vhltelta) discharge, dismiss; ~ erilleen ks. len) little by little, gradually; talla er this
muista; ~ oka ostahin [esim. virasta, pal- time, for the time being, for the present.
veluksesta, toimesta] remove one from cr.imja wilderness, desert, waste; solitude;
[office], dismiss one from [service, em
(korpi) the wild; tramaiden atutus settle
ployment]; ~ foppllas] kouluita expel [a ment of the wilderness; Lapitsa on suuria
pupil] (from school), (vanh.) rusticate, ermaita there are vast wilds In Lapland.
(joksikln ajaksl) suspend [a pupil] (from ermaan- (yhd.) desert, . . of the desert
school); maitta set apart, single (out); [eslm. -/icimot desert tribes, tribes of the
~ [kaukana vuoren] piirteet descry [a desert; -hitkka desert sand, sand of the
mountain In the far distance] ; ~ toisittaan desert; -katoitto desert flora; -ftra/i wind
part, disunite; distinguish one from an
of the desert], -kaltainen desert-like, -kanother [huom. myos: mika heidat toisittaan *at the peoples of the desert, -myrcky des
~ what separates them? what keeps ert storm; (hlekka-) sand storm, -vaellut
them apart?]; ~ tySmiet discharge a la
wandering In the wilderness; Journey In
borer, (Jkpv.) give a laborer his time: ~ the desert.
joku discharge one, hand one his eran kttvijl hunter, -kiyntl hunting.
time: ~ virara remove (from office), dis eras I. (a.) one, a, an; (eranlalnen) a cer
miss, discharge; ~ Jokln Jostakin valisei- tain; (monlkossa: ert) certain, some;
nlt ])artltlnn . . off; yliopittotta expel roan ktrran once; trnS pivn one
from college, (Joksikln ajaksl) suspend day: ert mut certain (1. some) other
from college; n voi tUmillani mitn ~ people; tassa - pivn lyon] the



other day [nlght] ; tss ern vuonna

some (1. a rew) years ajo; II. (s.) one, a
person; (Joku) somebody, (monikossa:)
some; heitt one Of them; ~, joka ei
halua ilmottaa nimen Olle (1. a person)
who wlshes to keep his ldentlty unknovvn
(1. who doesn't want his name made pub
llc): (minun) sedistni one of my
uncles, an uncle of niine; ert heist some
(I. certain) of them; ert, jotka . . certain
persons who . . . ernlainen certain, . . of
a certain kind, a certain kind of . .; (jon
kinlainen) some kind Of . .; ernlainen ka
je, joka . . a certain kind of apparatus
vnlch . . ; ernlaiset ihmiset certain kind
(l.type)of people, a kind < 1. soit) of people.
eti- (yhd.) pre- [esim. -historia prehlstory;
precbristlan] ;
-historiallinen preblstoric; esihistorialliset
ejanjahsot preblstoric ages.
esim inruaul, fortb; out; to the front;
melkein aina verbien yhteydess kytet
tyn; ks. esim. astua, huutaa, kaivaa, pis
t, tuoda], -huuto call; calling over (of
names); readlng a llst of names. -kaivami
nen dlgging out, uneartblng; excavation(s).
-loitsiminen 1. -manaaminen conjurlng ii|>.
calling (1. bringlng) back. -pistv projecting, beetling, Juttlng; protrudlng;
esiinpistv kohta projectlon, prominence,
protuberance. -tullut ks. sattunut; esiintutleesta syyst (I. v.) for unexpected
causes, for reasons over whlch we bave no
esiintuoda brlng (up), present; (puheessa)
set forth, set out; set (1. put) before ..;
(huomauttaa) hold fortb (1. out); (lausua)
give. advance, State, allege; ~ erit tosi
seikkoja brlng up (I. present 1. advance 1.
allege) certain facts; kiitoksensa express
(I. give volce to) one's thanks (1. gratitude): mit sinulla on esiintuotavana puolastuksehsesi what have you to say in your
defense? what can you offer (1. glve) as
an excuse?
esiintyj performer: esiintyjt those appearing (1. taking part) in the perrormance,
the performers.
esiintyminen appearance: (kyttytyminen)
demeanor, deportment, behavlor, conduct;
beanng, carrlage; air; (lytyminen) occurrence; presence; julkea (l. hvytn) ~
(mys:) lmpudence, affrontery; pttv(inen) (display of) rirmncss, firm ac
tion, resolutlon, (Jonkun) the determined
stand taken by one.
esiintymis kyky ablllty as publlc perform
er; (kyttytymlskyky) grace or manner,
ell-bred air. -oikeus rlght (I. permission)
to appear. -taito 1. = esiintymiskyky; 2.
(nyttmll) draraatic ablllty (1. talent);
vrt. seurustelutsito. -tapa (ohjelmansuorltuksessa y. m.) dellvery; (kyttytymista
pa) ways and manners. -tottumus (nyt
tm-) experience on the stage; (seuruste
lu-) ramlliarity wlth the ways of soclety
(I. wtth good soclety). esiintynyt: esiinty
neest syyst on account of wliat has (I.
of thlngs which have) turned up; vrt. esiin
esiintyi (tulla nkyviin) make one's appear
ance. appear [as a writer, kirjailijana; on
the stage, nyttmll], present o.s.; come
In slght, come into view; stand out; (ylei
sn edess) come before the publlc [as a
*peaker, puhujana] ; (nyttelijist y. m.
puhuen.) perrorm; (nyttelij- y. m. seu
rueista:) glve perrormances, give a per
rormance; (kyttyty) carry (1. conduct I.
comport 1. bear) o.s. [wlth dlgnlty, ar
vokkaasti], act [dlscourteously, epkohte


liaasti]; (sattua) occur, happen, (odotta

matta) turn up; esiintyy (tavataan) ts met
wlth. Is found, occurs, appears; esiintyy
selvemmin stands out more clearly, appears
more clear (1. more dlstinct 1. in sharper
outllnes); ~ edukseen make a ravorable
impression; ~ epkohteliaasti (mys:) be
discourteous; huonossa valossa appear
(I. stand) In a bad light; ~ julkisesti (l.
julkisuudessa) appear in publlc (1. berore
the publlc), come before the publlc, make
a publlc appearance; julkisena puhujana
(mys:) speak in publlc; ~ kohteliaasti act
(I. be) courteous, behave (1. act) like a
gentleman; Jossakin osassa (nyttml
l) appear as . . , act the part or . . [esim.
hn esiintyy Hamletin osassa he \vill appear
as Hamlet, he \vill act the part or Hamlet] ;
pelkurimaisesti act the co\vard; pt
tvisesti- act resolutely (I. wlth resolu
tlon), display (1. show) rirmness, take a
tn m stand [in, jossakin]; ~ todistajana
appear (1. come forward) as a vvttness [ror
one, jonkun puolesta; agalnst one, jotaku
ta vastaan]; Jotakuta vastaan (lak.) ap
pear agalnst one; ~ vlittjn act as (a)
medlator, act the part or a mediator; ~
ylimielisesti (l. omavaltaisesti) act iliiiinneering, domineer; kysymys esiintyy the
questlon is brous-ht up, (syntyy) a questlon arises (1. comes up); saattaa seik
koja, jotka . . things iniiy turn up that (I.
Which) . .; semmoinen piirre esiintyy SUCh
a trait appears (1. Is met \vitli) ; tapahtumia
esiintyy events occur (1. happen 1. come
up), thlngs turn up (1. happen).
esill-isi: esi-ist rorcratliers, ancestors, progenftors; esi-isin palvelus worshlp or an
cestors. -kartano rorecourt; vestlbule:
temppelin esikartano (raam.) the (outer)
court or the temple. -kaupunki suburb;
(syrjkaupunki) outsklrts (of a tovvn) ;
esikaupungin asukasluku the SUburban populatlon.
esikko, esikko (kasv.) prlmrose; (Engl.)
esikoinen I. (a.) flrst-born. II. (s.) rirstllng;
heidn esikoisensa thelr flrst-born S0I1.
esikois- (yhd.) rirst [esim. -koe rirst attempt; -runo rirst poem]. -oikeus (rlght
oD prlmogeniture; (esim. raam.) birthrlght. -teos [one's] rirst work.
esikoisuus prlmogeniture; (vars. raam.)
esikristillinen prechristian; esikristillisell
ajalla (mys:) berore the Christian era.
esikunta (sot.) si.ur, starr-orricers. -pllik
k chier or (the) starr. -upseeri starrorricer, orricer or the starr.
esi kuva type, prototype; exemplar; (malli)
pattern, model; (Ihanne-) paragon, mlrror;
esikuvaksi kelpaava exemplary, vrt. malli
kelpoinen; hyveen esikuva paragon (1. pat
tern 1. model) or vlrtue. -kuvallinen ex
emplary; typlrul. -kuvallisesti exemplarilv;
esiliina apron; (lapsen) pinarore. esiliinannauha apron-string. eailiinavaate (I. v.)
gingharn, callco.
esiliite (kiel.) prerix.
esille fonvard, rorth; out; to the rront; be
rore; [melkein aina verbien kanssa kytet
tyn, ks. esim. astua, ottaa, tulla, tuoda] ;
ksi (I. v.) put (1. take) out your hand,
lefs see your hand. -astuminen coming (1.
stepplng) rorth (I. forward). -huuto call.
-ottaminen taking (1. bringlng) out; kysy
myksen esilleottaminen taking up the sul>Ject (or discusslon, taking the questlon under discusslon. -puristaminen wrlnglng out.
-tuleminen coming up; jutun esilletulemi

mn voi viipy the case may not come up asioita [senaatissa] ofriclally present (1.
for quite a whlte yet, the trial or the case re(er) Communications Trom petltloners
may he delayed. -tuleva comlng up; mi [to the proper senator] ; milloin asia esi
viikolla esilletulevat jutut cases on the telln when wiil the petltlon be presented
docket for (1. cases comlng up) next Week. to the proper authorlty (to be acted up-vetminen dragglng forward (1. berore the on) ? onfeo heidt esitelty toisillensa have
Euhlic eye), haullng before the llmellght, they been lntroduced (1. presented) to
each otber?
ringlng to llght (1. out).
silli out; at hand; before; vrt. olla. -oleva esitelm dlscourse [on a subject. Jostakin
present, . . at iSSUe; esilloleva asia the aineesta]; (luento) lecture [on ..]; (pu
matter at lssue (1. In questlon 1. In hand 1. he) speech, address; (kirjotettu ) paper
under conslderatlon), the matter (1. sub- [on ..]. esitelmnpitj one who deltvers
Ject) now berore us, the present questlon; a dlscourse (1. glves a taik 1. reads a pa
esilloleva juttu (oikeus-) the case at lssue per); lecturer, speaker. esitelmsarja serles or lectures (1. dlscourses 1. addresses).
(1. under conslderatlon). -olo: osion esill
esitelmid glve a lecture (1. lectures), lec
olo the case belng under conslderatlon.
esilimaku Toretaste [of, Jostakin]; helvetin ture [on a subject, Jostakin aineesta], dellvesimaku foretaste of hell. -merkillinen ex- er a dlscourse ( address), dellver (aserles or) addresses, read a paper [on ..].
eilmeiYkl example [or. Jostakin]; matanee; esitelmitsij one who glves talks (1. lec
tures), lecturer; vrt. esitelmnpitj.
(selittv, valaiseva) lllustratlon; (ennak
kotapaus) precedent; (esikuva) pattem, esilltiedot elementary knowledge. -toimet
model; (lasku-) example, prohlem, (Jkpy.) preparatlons; preparatory work.
sum; esimerkiksi [lyhennettyn: esim.] ror esitteleminen proposlng, suggestlng; reportlnstance, ror example [lyhennettyn: e. g. Ing; presentatlon, introductlon; vrt. esi
tell, esittelij (senaatin) an orriclal
(latinalaisista sanoista: exempll gratla, esi
merkin vuoksi)], (esimerkin vuoksi) hy [In Finland] wbose duty lt Is to present (1.
rerer) Communications rrom petltloners to
way or lllustratlon (1. example); esimerkik
si kelpaava exemplary, model [young man, the proper senator, rererendary; (vierai
den toisilleen) one Wiio lntroduced (1. innuori mies] ; olla hyvn esimerkkin jolle
kulle set an example (1. a good example) troduces). esittely presentatlon, Introduc
for one. -kokoelma set or examples (1. 11- tlon. esittelytta (asioita) have . . presented
(l.rercrredl. lntroduced) [to one. Itselleen).
esilimiehyys hlgher orriclal position, presl- esittj one who presents; (ehdotuksen y.
dency, chalrmanshlp, leadershlp; hnen est- m i one who makes (1. made) the motlon,
miehyytens aikana (mys:) Wlth htm as mover, proposer; (jonkin osan, nyttml
the president (1. chairman 1. prlnclpal 1. l) Interpreter; lakiehdotuksen ~ introducer or a hi 11; paras Hamletin osan the
roreman 1. leader). -mies (Jotakuta ylem
mss virka-asemassa oleva) superlor; best (interpreter or) Hamlet, esittminen
(ehdottaminen) proposlng,
(n) head; (yhtin, yhdistyksen y. m.)
movlng; (vieraiden toisilleen) lntroducpresident; (puheenjohtaja) chairman; (op
pilaitoksen y. m.) prlnclpal, superlntend- tion; (nytelmn y. m.) perrormance;
ent; (tynjohtaja) roreman; (johtaja) leader; (Jonkin osan, nytelmss) interpretatlon.
esimieheni my SUperlor(S); esimiehen esittmistapa (ohjelmanumeroiden, nytel
tehtvt Cl. toimi) dutles or a prlnclpal (1. mn osien y. m.) dellvery; (Jonkin osan
a president Jne.), the presidenfs dutles (1. y. m.) portrayal, Interpretatlon. esittyty
orrice), the Chalrmanship; asemamiesten introduce o.s. [to a p., Jollekulle].
esimies roreman or the statlon hands. esitt put (1. set) rorth, present [In alle-muoto orlgtnal (1. prlmitive) rorm (1. gorlcal rorm, kuvaannollisesti; a memorlal,
type). -muuri breastwork; parapet; (kuy.) kirjelm], preier [an accusatlon, syyts],
outvvork, bulwark. -nahka (miehen siltln- ofier [an opinion, mielipide; ror conslder
elimen) prepuce, roreskln; esinahan tuleh
atlon, harkittavaksi] ; (ehdottaa) propose
[a questlon, kysymys], propound; (tehd
dus lnriammatlon or the prepuce.
esine object; (kalu) thlng; (kauppa-) ar- esitys, kokouksessa y. m.) move, make a
tlcle; (maalitaulu) target, butt; nill esi
motlon; (alistaa) submit; (mainita) glve,
neill on hyv menekki these artlcles have advance, state, allege; (kuvailla) represent;
a brlsk (1. a rapid) sle, these artlcles are (esitt sanoin tai kuvin) portray, descrlbe;
In good demand; olio jonkin esineen be (ilmaista) express, put [in writing, kirjal
the object (1. the target 1. the butt) or, lisesti], couch; (virallisena esittelijn)
(alaisena) be subjected to . . [huom on report (In orriclal capaclty), rerer .. Tor
ankaran arvostelun esineen Is a target (1. declsion; (Joku henkil toiselle) lntroduce,
the target) ror sevcre crltlcism, (mys:) present; (nytt) produce, show; (nytel
is belng severely crltlclzed]. esineellinen l) act, (Jonkun osaa) lnterpret [the part
(klel.) concrete. esinesana (kiel.) noun. oi Hamlet, Hamletin osaa] ; (suorittaa Jota
esi opinnot preparatory Studies, -pappi ks. kin) perrorm [on the piano, pianonsoittoa],
kirkkoherra, -piha rorecourt; court. -puhe (esitystapaan nhden) dellver [very well,
erinomaisesti], (soitosta puhuen, mys:)
prcrace. -ratsastaja outrider. -rlppu cur
taln- (alaslaskettava, nyttmn) drop execute; ~ [lakiehdotus] eduskunnalle ln
(-curtaln); esirippu nousee the curtaln troduce [a blll] in the dlet, lay (1. brlng)
[a blll] before the dlet, present [a bill] to
rises (1. goes up) ; esirippu laskee the curtaln goes down (1. Is lowered); esiripun the diet; ~ Joku ehdokkaaksi put one In
ylhll ollessa wlth the curtaln up, whlle noin i nation, present one as a candldate [ror
the curtaln Is (1. was) up. -rukous (klrk.) an orrice, Johonkin virkaan], present (1.
intercesslon; prayer (In behair or an- orrcr) a p.'s naine ror nomlnatlon, noinlnate; esimerkkej jostakin glve exam
other). -ruoka rirst course; entr6e. -Uis
telija Champion; jonkin esitaistelija a ples (1. state instances) or, (luetella) enumerate
instances or . .; ~ hallitsijalla pre
cliamplon or . . .
sent to the ruler, (alistaa) submit to the
esitell (ehdottaa) propose, suggest; (esit
t) state, expound; (ratkaistavaksi) rerer; ruler (Tor declsion); [tarjous] hylt
(vieraita toisilleen) lntroduce [one to an- tvksi [hyvksyttvksi] move (1. make
other, joku jollekulle toiselle], present; ~ a motlon 1. suggest) that [the offer] be


rejected [accepted] ; jotakuta henkil

personate one; [kysymys] keskustelta
vaksi propose (1. brlng up) [a questlon]
for discussion. move tbat [a questlon] be
discussed, broacn [a questlon]; ~ jokin
kitrosti convey (1. glve) a wrong (1. false)
impression of a tn., glve a \vrong representation (l. a false account) of a tn.; ~ [las
ku] tnaksettavakti present [a blll] to be
pald (1. for payment), (ehdottaa) propose
(1. suggest l. advise 1. move) tbat [tbe
blll] be pald (1. tbe payment or [tbe blll]);
jonkun malja propose a toast to one,
toast one; mielipiteens kirjainsetti put
(fortn) one's opinion In wrlting; ~ mieli
piteenn, ett . . advance an (1. express
It as one's) opinion tbat .. , (alistaa) submlt [to one] tbat . .; nytelm(kappale) give (1. perform 1. produce 1. present)
a play (1. a drama), glve a dramatlc perrormance; Jotakin (1. jonkun) otaa (ny
telmss) play a part, act (1. interprel) the
part or ..; perusteluita (jonkin asian
todistamiseksi) orfer reasons for . . , argue;
moittoa TurniSh (1. glve) music; ~ suun
nitelma joksikin present a project (1. pian)
for . . , propound a scbeme for . .; ~ syit
state ( 1. glve l.allege) reasons; ~ takaus pro
duce (tarjota: offer) surety, present (1. pro
duce) a bond, (oikeuslaitokselle) fumlsh
(1. produce) ball; tietoja glve (l. supply
I. rurnlsh) Information; ~ todisteita (i. to
distuksia) lntroduce (1. submlt) evldence,
adduce proors; ~ Jotakin todistukseksi jos
takin submit (1. present 1. offer) a th. as
(an) evldence of . .; ~ todistuksensa (nyt
t) present (I. produce 1. show) one's certificate (I. one's credentials) ; Jokin vah
vistettavaksi present (1. submlt 1. refer) a
tb. for ratirication, (ehdottaa) move that
a Ib. be ratifled; vakavia (\. painavia)
syit remonstrate [agalnst tbe proposed
taiatlon. ehdotettua verotusta vastaan] ; ~
vrin (\. valheellisesti) mlsrepresent, mlsstale, glve a false Impression of . .; edell
esitetyn nojalla on tbe ground of uhat bas
been presented (1. given 1. stated) above,
on the ground of tbe arorementioned statement ; hn esitti asian hyvin miellyttvs
s muodossa (mys:) be put It very plcasantly; hn esitti taidokkaasti ern Sibe
liuksen svellyksen she rendered (l.played)
with great sklll (1. she executed brllliantly) a composition of (1. a plece by)
Sibelius; hn esitti sen mainiosti (mys:)
her dellvery was excellent (soitosta: ber
executlon was brllllant); mit oli hnell
esitettv puolustuksekseen (sanottavaa)
what had he to say in bls derence? nytel
m esitetn ensi kertaa the play Will be
produced (I. given) for the flrst tlme, thls
will be the rirst nigbt (1. tbe openlng) performance of tbe play; nytelm, jota ei ole
ennen (koskaan) esitetty (mys:) a play
never (yet) acted.
Mltutkimus preparatory study.
sityksentekij proposer;
eduskunnassa y. m.) one who made the
motlon, movec
city* presentment, presentatlon; (ehdotus)
proposition, proposal [of (1. for), Joksi
kin], suggestion, (kokouksessa y. m. teh
ty) motlon; (nyte, luoma) Production;
(nytelmn y. m.) perrormance; (Jonkun
osan tulkinta) lnterpretatlon; (esitystapa)
dellvery, (soitosta puhuen:) execution; re
elt! ; (esittely) lntroduction; jonkun esi
tyksist (up)on tbe representations or a
p., (ehdotuksesta) upon tbe motlon (1. pro
posal) of p.; (up)on one's suggestion;
taiteellinen - artlstlc presentatlon (1. de


llvery 1. executlon 1. interpretation 1. per

esitys ehdotus (valt.) motlon, resolutlon.
-kyky (puhujana, nyttelijn y. m.) dra
matlc talent, abllity as an orator (1. an actor) ; (kuvallukyky) abllity to portray cbaracter (1. to draw pen pictures) ; vrt. asitystaito. -liata (lalnlaatljakunnan tai oikeus
laitoksen) docket. -oikeus (valt.) rlght to
make motlons, rlght to lntroduce bllls;
(aloteolkeus) lnltlative. -taito lnterpretative abllity; (taiteilijana) abllity (1. talent)
as an artlst; mys = esltyskyky; hnell
on esitystaitoa be has lnterpretatlve (1. ar
tlstlc) abilfty, be has talent as an interpreter, his dellvery Is fine. -tapa (kirjaili
jan) style; dlction, (puhujan y. m. suulli
sen esittjn) dellvery; rendering; (lausun
ta) enunclation; (soittajan) executlon;
(nyttelijn) interpretation; (ilmaisutapa)
inoile (1. manner) or expresslon.
esitytta liave . . presented (1. reported 1.
introduced 1. produced 1. performed jne.,
vrt. esitt) ; ~ itsens jollekulle ask tO be
Introduced to a p.
esi ivaat (raam.) veli; temppelin esivaate
the veli (mys: vall) or tbe temple. -valta
(etup. vanb. & raam.) the po\vers (that
be); (hallitus) the authorlties, tbe government; korkea esivalta the Soverelgn. -van
hemmat ancestors, rorerathers, rorebears,
esi yty appear, make lts appearance; stand
out; selvsti (mys:) be sharply outlined; vrt. esiinty.
eskaaderi (laivaston osasto) squadron; rieet.
eskadroona (ratsuven osasto) squadron,
company or horse; troop.
eskimo Eskimo, -koira Eskimo dog.
eskimolainen (a. & s.) Eskimo.
eskimolaislj kieli language or the Esklmos.
-koira = eskimokoira. -vaimo Eskimo
Espanja Spaln. espanja (espanjan kieli)
Spanish, espanjalainen I. (a.) Spanish. II.
(s.) SpaniarU; espanjalaiset (mys:) the
Spanish (people).
espanjan kieli Spanish, -krpnen Spanish
ny; cantharls. -krpslaastari (Spanish)
riy-blister, plaster or cantbarides. -vihre
esplanadi (kentt) esplanade; (-katu) avenue.
essiivi (klel. =-- olento) esstve (case).
este hlndrance; (vastus) obstacle, obstruction; (jatkuvasti haittaava) impedlment;
(vartavasten asetettu) bar, barrler; (pid
ke) cbeck, restralnt; (vaikeus) dirriculty,
embarrassment; hitch; (estejuoksussa y.
m.) hurdle; (psemst, tulemasta) excuse; (lak. = jvi) challenge; esteen sat
tuessa jollekulle In case or hlndrance, when
an obstacle arlses In one's vvay, \vhen prevented rrom appearlng (1. rrom attending),
in case or an excusable non-appearance;
esteett = esteettmsti ; estett Umotta-

matta ulthout explalnlng one's absence,

witbout glving any reason for one's nonappearance; asettaa esteit jonkun tielle
Place (l. put 1. throvv) obstacles in a p.'s
way; asettua esteeksi jollekin lie un obsta
cle to . . , get in the way or . . (huom. esim.
en dolua asettua esteeksi heidn onnensa
tielle I don't want to be an obstacle to (1.
stand In the way or) thelr happiness] ; h
nell on useita esteit there are in any ob
stacles in his way (1. path), he has many
obstacles to meet (1. In his way); laillinen
lawrul excu3e (Tor non-appearance),
(Engl.) essoin; minulle sattui I was prevented rrom appearlng (1. attending)
[huom. mys: olisin tullut mielellni, mutta



minulle sattui ~ I siioilla have llked (1.

been pleased) to attend, but I \vas liln dered from dolng so (1. but an obstacle
arose)]; olla esteeksi jollekin bo a hm
drance to . . , be (1. stand) In the way of . . ,
prove an Obstacle to . .; on pahana esteen
jollekin Is (1. proves) a serlous obstacle
to . . , vrt. dell.; siihen (l. sille) ei ole mi
tn estett there Is nothing to hinder lt,
(minun puoleltani) I have no objectlon to
esteellinen 1. (esteen oleva) hlnderlng, impedlng, obstructive; 2. (Jolla on este) havIng a lauTul excuse (for non-appearance);
(Jvi, kelpaamaton) dlsqualiried [voter,
nestj]; lncompetent, lncapacltated.esteellisyys Incapaclty, Incompetence; disqualiricatlon. esteenalainen ks. esteellinen, 2.
esteetikko (kaunotietellij; talteen tuntija
tai tutkija) aisthctlclan, (tav.) student or
(1. authorlty on 1. one versed In) ssthetlcs.
esteettinen (kaunotieteelllnen; taiteellisesti
vaikuttava) aisthetic.
esteettmyys llberty, freedom (from constralnt). -todistus (1. v.) llcense; (lkrin
antama) doctor's certiricate.
eateettmisti vvithout lmpedlment, wlthout
let or hindrance; freely; at llberty.
esteetin free [access, psy], .. at libcrty
[to do a tli., tekemn Jotakin] ; ~ nkala
(aava) open (1. unobstructcd) vlevv; ~
poissaolo unexcused absence, lnexcusable
non-appearance, (lak.) derault; todistaja
competent (1. unimpeachable) wltness;
avioliittoon free from matiimonial disabllltles, free to enter matrimony.
estejuoksu (urli.) hurdle-race; (Engl.) the
esteleminen hlnderlng-, preventing; attcmpts
to hinder (1. prevent 1. obstruct); resort(lng) to evaslons; vrt. estell, ostelit
(try to) hinder (1. prevent) [one from do
lng a th.. Jotakuta tekemst Jotakin] ;
(tehd valkeuksia) ralse dlfficultles (I. obJectlons), put obstacles In the way; (etsi
tekosyit) offer excuses, make (1. orfer)
pretexts, resort to evaslons, try to evade.
estely (este) hindrance; (valkeus) diiriculty; (arveluttavuus) apprehenslon; scruple; (anteekslpyytv) excuse; (tekosyy)
pretense, pretext, subterruge; (vastavite)
esteratsastus steeplechase.
estetiikka (kaunotiede) a-stlietics.
estyminen being prevented (1. lilndered Jne.,
vrt. esty), estytt (lak.) challenge [a
Juror, valamles] ; vrt. jvt, esty be
hlndereil, be prevented; be debarrcd (from,
Jostakin]; (ehkisty) he ehecked (1. restralned); be stunted [In Its growth, kas
vussaan]; (ssty) be spared [from seeini.' a tn., nkemst Jotakin].
estj preventer, thvvarter. estminen pre
vention; obstruetlon; thwarting; (ehkise
minen) rheeklng, restralnt. estmiskeino
way to prevent (I. Check); means of pre
venting; preventlve (means). estmtt
\vithout Impediment, \vitliout let or hin
drance, unobstructed. estmtn uuhin dered, unimpeded, unobstructed; (vapaa)
est hinder; prevent [one from . . , Jota
kuta Jostakin]; (olla esteen) bar. block,
obstruct, impede; (ehkist) obvlate, provide against; (ajoissa) forestall [a p.'s
plans, Jonkun aikeet], preclude; (pse
mst tai tulemasta) debar; (torjua)
thvvart; (tehd tyhjksi) rrustrate [ali
further attempts, kalkki enemmt yrityk
set] ; (saada pyshtymn, lakkaamaan)
check, keep down (1. under), suppresa;


(vastustaa) counteract, brlng pressure to

bear against; (pidtt) keep (back), hold
back, restrain, deter; (pyshdytt) stop;
(kielt) prohibit; estmtt ks. bakus.;
~ kyyneleens ks. pidtt; ~ joku kyt
tmst jotakin keep (1. restrain 1. hinder
1. prevent) one from usingr a th., (kielt)
prohibit one's uslng a th.; lankeamasta
prevent from falllng; liikennett block
(1. obstruct) the trafflc; ~ mellakka repress (1. keep down 1. prevent) a rlot;
psemst (\. tulemasta) johonkin debar
from . .; ei ole mikn estmss (sit)
II ii- iv Is nothlng to prevent lt; hn on es
tetty tulemasta (mys:) he is unable to
i-iiiiii': kenenkn estmtt \vithout being
hlndered by anybody, without let or hin
drance, (vapaasti) freely; se ei ollut estet
tviss that mulli imi be prevented (1.
avolded), lt was impossible to prevent lt;
se hajaannusta that \vlll (lellii to) |uvvent division (I. dlssenslon 1. dlsruption),
that wlll go long ways toward preventing a
breakd. a split) [in the party, puolueessa].
et k s. 1.
etana slug; (kuori-) snall; etanan kuori (1.
koppa) snail-shell; etanan vauhdilla at
snail-pace, at a snairs pace, slo\v as a snall.
eteen to the front (1. Tore); (esille) forward, forth; (tielle) In the way; hn ottaa
mit sattuu he grabs everythlng that
conies In his way (I. that he can get hls
hands on); jonkin, jonkun berore ..,
In rront or . . , to the rront or . . , (tielle) in
one's way, in the way or . . , (luokse) to . .;
(puolesta, edest) ror [esim. ikkunan
berore (1. In rront or) the wlndoW, (esim.
panna uutimet, pyshty y. m.) at the
window, (luo) to the wlndow; isnmaan
(hyvksi) ror the good or one's country;
oikeuden before the court] ; vrt. seur.
eteenpin on, onward(s), ahead, ror\vard(s);
~ kallistunut bent (1. Inclliied) forward(s);
auttaa jotakuta help a p. on, help one to
get on In the world. give one a boost (1. a
lilt); yh eteenhinpin as ever, (edelleen
kin) still, (kaiken matkaa) ali along.
-pyrkiv (kuv.) strivlng, slruggllng [yotith,
nuorukainen], ambltlous, progresslve.
eteens [eree|ni, -si, -ns Jne.] ahead or
one, vrt. katsoa; katsomatta uit Imut
looking aliead (or one), (sokeasti) bllndly;
katsova (l. ajatteleva) thrlfty, prudent.
provltliMit; l mene eteeni don't get In
my way (I. light).
ete(h)lnen (entrance-)hall; vcstibule; (Jul
kisen rakennuksen) lohhy;
eteis i huone antechamber, anteroom. -ovi
etelimpn rarthest south(ward), farthest
in (I. to) the south.
etel south; (etelmaat) the south; etelm
mksi, etelmmss, etelmpn farther to
(1. tinvards) the south, farther south; ete
lmp from rarther south; etelmpn
farther to(wards) the south, farther south;
etelst from the south; etelss In (1. to)
the south; eteln to (I. towards) the
south, (etup. liikkeest) southward(s);
eteln kaupungista (to the) south of the
city: tuulian etelst (\. etelss) the ttiuil
is (n-uiii the) south, we have a south \vlnd.
etel- (yhd.) sontii [esim. t E) -Afrikka South
Afiica; (E)-Amerikka .South America; ()Dakota South Dakota; -tuuli south wlnd],
south- [esiin, -afrikkalainen South-Arncan; -amerikkalainen South-Amerlcan] ;
[esim. -Euronpa
Southern Europe; -osa Southern part;



Suomi Southern Finland], southerly [esim.

-taali southerly \vinil]. -europpalainen
. . or Southern Europe; . . In the south of
Europe; etelearoppalaiset (S.) people of
soutbem Europe.
telonen (eteliss oleva, eteln) Southern;
(suunnaltaan) southerly [dlrection, suunUi; (etel-) south [slope, rinne]; ()~
jmeri AntarctlC Ocean; napapiiri antarctlc Circle; eteliset maat Southern
countrles, the lands of the south; eteliset
leudot southem region*; etelisin osa the
southemmost part, the part rarthest (to
the) south, extreme south; maapallon ~
puolisko the southern hemlsphere.
etel" krki (extreme) Southern polnt. -maa
lainen I. (a.) southern, . . of the south,
. . or the southern countrles (1. cllmes).
n. (s.) lnbabltant of the south (1. or the
southern countrles). -maat southern coun
trles (1. cllmes), the south
Etelimeren-saaret the South Sea Islands,
teli myrsky storm rrom the south, south
erly g-aie. -napa south pole.
talinapa- (yhd.) antarctlc [esim. -seudut
antarctic reglons; -vyhyke antarctlc
zonel. -retkeilij antarctlc explorer. -ret
kikunta antarctlc expedltlon.
etelnpuoleinen (etelnpin oleva) racing
to the SOUth; mys etelinen; raken
nuksen etelnpuoleiset ikkunat the Win
dows or the bulldlng racing to the south,
the south Windows or the bulldlng.
taloaa southem part. -puoli south side,
(etelosa) southern part; jonkin etelpuo
lella, etelpuolelle (to the) SOUth of . .;


from the SOUth


southern) side or . . . (etelosasta) rrom

the southern part or . . , (kuljettaessa
y. m.) south or .. [huom. mys: parhaat
maat on saatavissa kaupungin etelpuolelta

(eteln kaupungista) the best rarmtng

lands are to be obtalned south or the city],
(Joskus:) on the south side. -rannikko
!V,th ci1iv1?'uthem) coast- -,av"alnon
telisUpiin rrom the south, rrom a southerly dlrection.
UUtauomalainen South-FInnlsh; etelsuomalaiset (s.) people rrom Southern Finland. -valtiot (Yhdysvaltain) the Southern
the South, States;
etelvaltioiden asukas Southerner; etel
valtioiden sotilaat (sisllissodan aikana)
Conrederate soldlers.
etelainpain towards (1. to) the south, (kul
jettaessa) southward(s). In a southerly
temmiksl, Umpn, atemp ks. edemmik.. edempn, edemp.
toneminen advance(ment), progress(Ion);
pushlng rorward; vrt. edet, etenev
(moving) onward, advancing, progresslng;
(poispin) drawlng away.
tankin (more) partlcularly, (more) esperially; in partlcular; (ennen kaikkea)
above ali; (etupss) prlnclpally, chleriy;
in the rirst place: -kun more partlcularly
when, partlcularly since, especlally as, ali
tne more as.
uvln most prominent (1 emlnent), (paras)
foremost, rirst. (kyvykkin) ablest, (lahjakkaln) most talented; hn on etevimpi
ammatissaan he is one or the foremost men
In bls proresslon; maan etevimmt miehet
the roremost (1. best 1. most emlnent) men
or the country, the most dlstlngulshed
men tn (1. or) the country.


etevyys (henkiln) promlnence, (great)

abllity; emlnence; (lahjakkuus) talent(s);
(taitavuus) skiii; (asian) excellence, flrstrate qualltles; vrt. etevmmyys.
etevi prominent, dlstlngulshed, emlnent;
(taitava) skllled [in one's trade, ammatis
saan] ; (kyvyks) able; (lahjakas) talented;
(mainio) excellent, admlrable, rirst-rate;
~ mies a dlstlngulshed (l. an emlnent)
man, a man or dlstlnctlon, (lahjakas) a
talented man, (kyvyks) a man or great
abllity; etevksi tunnustettu emlnent,
noted; etevll tavalla m an able (1. a very
erriclent) manner, ably, (mainiolla) in an
excellent manner; etevmpi ks. hakus.;
etevt lahjat (l. kyvyt) remarkable talents,
rare girts; erinomaisen exceptlonally
able, . . or surpasslng abllity (1. skill 1.
talent), . . or the highest order. -lahjainen
(lahjakas) . . with remarkable talents, tal
ented, girted.
tmmyy superlority; emlnence, excel
lence; mastery; preemlnence; jonkin (l.
jonkun) ehdoton Cl. kieltmtn) ~ the un
questloned superlorlty or . .; hnen opilli
nen etevmmyytens hl s superior scholastic attalnments, hls emlnence in scholarshlp (1. as a scholar). etevmpi more
prominent; (parempi) superior [to ..],
better; (kyvykkmpt) abler, . . or greater
abllity (1. skill 1. talent), (lahjakkaampi)
more talented ; hn oli siin minua etevmpi
he was more than a match ror me (1. was
my superior) In that, I was not hls equal
In that, he excelled me in that; lysi etevmpns met his match, found more than
a match [in . . , Jossakin] ; multa tavatto
man paljon etevmpi rar superior to (1.
surpasslng) the others; transcendent [ge
nius, nero] ; on muita paljon etevmpi Is
rar superior to (I. more than a match ror)
the others, is preemlnent, (voittaa muut)
rar surpasses (1. excels) the others, outstrlps the others, (Jkpv.) outdoes the
others by a long ways, beats the others ali
hollow (l. ali out).
etevien tn an able' (1. skllled 1. talented)
manner, ably; emlnently; (mainiosti) excellently, very rine.
etiikka (siveysoppl) ethlcs.
tiketti (nimilappu) label; (etup. hovitapa)
etikka vlnegar; (viinl)efifcfcaan pantu, etikassa
pickled. ...-happo
- silytetty
.<'.. (kem )
acetic acld. -kurkku: etikkakurkkuja cucumber pickles. -kyminen acetic (1. acetous) rermentatton. -pullo vlnegar-bottle
(1. -cruet). -tehdas vinegar-works; (Yhdysv. usein:) clder-mlll.
Etiopia thiopf._""etipialainen (a & s.)
Ethiopian, ^Ethloplan.
Etna (tulivuori) Etna, /Etna.
eto (mittn) inslgniricant, trivial; (mokoma) such (a) .
taata (syvytt) etch. etsaus (syvytyskuva) etchlng-.
etsij seeker, searcher; totuuden ~ seeker
arter truth.
etsikko (raam.) vlsltatlon. Uiminen seeklng, searchlng; search, quest: hunt; (pen
komlnen) rummage. eUimitSn unsought
(-ror); etsimtn tilaisuus (mys:) an opportunlty not or one's own seeklng. etslnko, uinu ks. etsiminen, uintvalo (valonheittj) search-llght
euint (tarkastus) search, vlslt. -oikeus
(lak.) rlght or search
etsiskell search Tor; trace, hunt; look
through; (raam.) vlslt. etsiskely search,
inquiry. etsitty sought [arter (1. ror) ..].
searched; (teenninen) purposely assumed.



artiriclal, affeCted, .. PUt on; nen seli

tyksens (antaa minulta kovin etsitylt
liis explanatlon lmpresses me as being very
far-retched. etsiv I. (a.) searchlng [look,
katse], seeklng; etsiv osasto the detective
department; etsiv poliisi (koll.) the de
tective rorce (1. pollce), (Jkpv.) the plaln-clothes men. II. (s.) (= etsiv ponisi)
detective, (Jkpv.) plaln-clothes man.
etsi seek, (tav.) look Tor; (Jrjestelmlli
sesti) search [for a th., Jotakin] ; hunt
[for . .] ; (tavotella) seek arter, be In
search or, pursue [pleasure, huvituksia] ;
court; (kurittaa) vlslt; vrt. hakea, penkoa;
tsi ksille Imut lt up: etsikseen (\. et
simn) jotakin (mys:) In quest (1. In
search) or a th.; ~ ksiins hunt . . up,
liinl [esim. teidn tytyy ~ hnet k
siinne hinnalla mill hyvns you luusi
find hlm (1. locate hlm 1. hunt hlm up) at
any cost] ; ~ lpikotaisin search through,
ransack; ~ perinpohjin ks. penkoa; ~ Joku
sana sanakirjasta look (1. hunt) up a Word
in the dictlonary; ~ vaaroja 'kuolemaa]
(esim. taistelukentll) court (1. be seek
lng) danger fdcath] ; joka etsii, se lyt he
who seeks will rind; ket etsit (tahdot tava
ta) whom are you (1. who is lt you are)
looklng for? lasta etsittiin metsst a search
was made ror the chlld In the woods, (ylfymprl) the woods were scoured for the
Chlld; olen etsinyt kaikki paikat I have
scarched (1. ransacked) everywhere, I have
searched through every place; on etsitt
viss jostakin Is to be sought somevvhere,
(esim. sanakirjasta) can be looked up In . .;
saada etsimstn aihetta johonkin have an
unsought-for opportunlty (comlng to one)
to . . .
ttei (= ett el) that . . not, (Jottei) lest
[esim. ettemme unohtaisi lest we Torget].
etu that; (pelkoa tai huolta Ilmaisevien sa
nojen tai lausekkeiden Jlkeen:) lest
reslm. pelosta, ett hn kuolee rearing (1.
for Tear) lest he should die, (mys:) for
fear he would die] ; sek hn min
both he and I, he as well as I [esim. sek
hn ~ min olemme pttneet both he and
I have declded, he has declded as well as I] .
etu advantage; galn, proflt; Interest, good;
(hyty) beneflt, avall; eduksi [usein:
eduhse ni, -si, -en Jne.] to the advantage.
Tor the better [esim. hn on muuttunut
edukseen he has changed Tor the better;
asia pttyi sinun eduksesi the mattor
turned out to your advantage (I. beneflt),
the matter turned out ravorably for you;
(oikeusjutusta:) the case was declded In
your favor; vrt. mys: kytt, nyttyty
(edukseen) ] ; etujansa valvova mies a man
who looks arter (1. attends I. pays attentlon) to hls own lnterests, a forehanded
(I. a provident) man; ajattelin sinun etuasi
I had your (best) interest(s) In mtnd, (pa
rastasi) I thought or what was best ror you
(1. was Tor your best) ; hnell on siit suu
ria etuja great advantages wlll come to hlm
through that, that wiii be a great advantage
(l.benent) to hlm, that means a great deal to
hlm ; omaa etuani silmll piten havlng an
eye ror my own Interest, In my own In
terest: olla eduksi jollekin be to the ad
vantage or . . , be benericlal (1. prontable I.
advantageous) to ... be In a th.'s.ravor
liuoin, se olisi asialle eduksi lt would Im;
an advantage In this case, (liikkeelle) tfle
movement \vould benent (1. pront I. galn)
thereby; se on minulle suureksi eduksi lt Is
a great advantage (1. benent) to me. lt Is
mucli to my advantage] ; onko siit hnelle
mitn etua does be get any benent rrom


that? does he proflt any by that? (Jkpv.)

Is there anythlng for hlm in that?
etu- (ybd.) front [esim. istuin front seat;
-kavio front llOOf; -kpl front paw; -py
r front vhcel; -sein front Wall], (har
vemmin:) fore, rorward [esim. -akseli foreward axel; -jalat fore legs; -omi Tore part.
fonvard portlon], flrst [esim. -rivi rirst
row (1. rank) ], (tiet.) anterlor; vrt. esi-.
etu ] ala foreground; etualalla In the foreground, (kuv.) foremost, of flrst lmportance; astuu etualalle comes to the front (I.
the fore), (kuv.) comes Into promlnence.
-anti advance (of money), advance-money;
deposit. -antikilpailu
(urh.) handlcap.
-hammas front tooth; (tiet.) tnclsor.
etuilla secure (1. obtain 1. procure) advan
tages for o.s.
Etu-lndia Indla (proper).
etuisa (edullinen) advantageous, profltable;
(suotuisa) Tavorable. etuisuus advantageousness, profltableness; (etu) advantage.
etulljalka (mys:) foreroot. -Joukko advance
guard; etujoukot vanguard. -kammio (sy
dmen) aurlcle. -kansi (laivan) roredeck.
-keula, -kokka ks. keula, -kumara bent (1.
lncllned) position; seisoa etukamarassa
stand (1. be) bent forvvard. -kynsi: etukynteen (edeltpin) beforehand, prevlously;
in advance; asettua etukynteen ks. etunen;
olla etukynness (Johdossa) be at the head,
be roremost, lead (the way), be the leader,
be the prlme mover. -kysymys questlon or
material benent. -ksi: etukdess In the
rirst place, rirst; etukteen ks. haku..
etukteen beforehand, prevlously. In ad
vance; vrt. ennakolta; ~ maksettu pald in
advance, prepald; ~ sovittu prevlously
agreed upon, prearranged; suunniteltu
Cl. jrjestetty) prearranged [Tllght, pako],
etulainen substltute; vrt. sijainen.
etu || lasti: etulastissa overloaded In rront:
(laivasta:) down (I. listlng) by the head.
-latinki wad; waddlng. -lukko padlock.
etumainen the rront [row, rivi], the flrst . . ,
the foremost . . ; (kahdesta) the fonvard,
(S.) the Imuani one: olla etumaisena (etu
rintamassa) be in the van, (kuv.) stand
roremost, (take the) lead.
etu maksu advance (or money), advancepayment. -masto roremast. -merkint (mus.)
slgnature. -muuri breastwork; parapet.
-nen: etunenss, etunenn at the head
[or . .] ; asettua (l. astua) jonkin etunenn
place (1. put) o.s. at the head (1. In the front
rank 1. in the van) of . . , take the lead of . . ,
assume the leadership of . . ; olla jonkin etu
nenss be at the head or . . , lead . . , (esim.
Jonkin yrityksen) be the prlme mover (1. the
promoter) or . . ; soittokunta etunenss kul
kue marssi . . (with) the band leadlng the
way (1. headed by the band) the processlon
marehed . . . -nimi rirst (1. glven 1. Chris
tian) name. -noja: etunojassa ks. etukuma
ransa), -nyttm rront or the stage. -oi
keudellinen prlvlleged. -oikeudeton unprivileged. -oikeus rlght or precedence:
prlorlty; (erioikeus) privllege, prerogatlve;
(etusija) prererence; precedence. -oikeu
tettu prlvlleged; prererred [clalm, saami
nen] ; (speclally) ravored; etuoikeutetut
osakkeet prererred stock. -osa (mys:)
rront (part). -puoli rront (side); face;
(rahan) obverse; (etuosa) fore part; (Jon
kin) etupuolella on (1. at) the rront (side)
[or . .], In Tront [or . .] ; (Jonkin) etupuo
lelle to (1. on I. at) the Tront [or . T, In
front [of . .] ; etupuolelta rrom the Tront,
at the front, in (the) rront [huom. esim.
hykt linnan kimppuun etupuolelta attack




the castle rrom (1. on 1. In) the rront,

(mys: In Tront); on auki etupuolelta is
open at the rront (1. In rront); rakennus
etupuolelta katsottuna a rront vie\v of the
bullding, a vlew or the bullding from the
Tront] ; jonkin etupuolelta from the rront
of . . ; jonkm etupuolitte by (1. In) the front
of . . . -purje foresall. -p rront (1. forev.ard) end; rront; head; etupss (etune
nss) at the head [or . .]; (erittin) prererably, especially; chieriy, mainly, prlnclpally, (etusijassa) rirst, in the rtrst place.
-raajat (Ihmisen) upper extremities, (eli
men) rore legs. -rinta rront (side); (etu
rivi) the rront (1. roremost) rank; hn on
etarinnan miehi he Is One 0T the foremost
men, he Is one or the men in the rront
rank; vrt. etunen, etup, -rivi Tront (1.
rtrst 1. roremost) rank; (rintama) rront,
van(guard); eturivin miehet (kuv.) those at
the head [or . .]. the men promlnent [in . .],
the leaders; eturiviss In the rront rank,
(jonkin) In the van(guard) [or ..]. -ruu
mia rore pari or the body, (anat.) anterior
(part or the) body. -salonki (laivan) rorecabin. -aana (kiel.) preposition. -IJa prererence; precedence; roremost (1. rirst)
Place: antaa iollehulle etusija glve one the
precedence; hnell olkoon etusija he sball
have the precedence (I. the preTerence).
-sivu rront (side); (esim. sanomalehden)
rront (1. rirst) page; (kirjan, mys:) tltle
page. -sormi foreringer, lndex(-ringer).
-tavu (kiel.) prerix.
stuus (etu) advantage: benent, boon; (eri
oikeus) privilege; (etuoikeus) right or pre
cedence; (velkojan) prererence, prlority
ror ciaim].
etu! valjakko leaders. -vartija plcket; (kuv.)
outpost, van(guard): vrt. etuvartio; sivis
tyksen etuvartija an outpost (I. a vatiguard) or clvilizatlon. -vartijasto ks. seur.
etuvartio outpost, advance-guard; (etuvki)
vanguard; (etuvartija) plcket. -kahakka
outpost sktrmlsh. -linja plcket-llne. -pal
velua picket-duty.
etu varustus entrenchment: breastwork;
tiu lv. ark (vars. kuv.). -varvas big (1. great)
toe. -voittoinen heavy at the rront; vrt.
ttulaeti. -vtkl (sot.) vanguard, van.
etinen dlstant, (rar) remote; vrt. kaukai
nen; etisempi more (listani, rarther re
mote, rarther away; etisin most dlstant,
fartbest remote (1. away). etisesti dlstantly.
etisyys dlstance; remoteness; kankainen ~
remote dlstance, (tulevaisuus) dlstant ruture; kolmen englanninpeninkulman eti
syydell toisistaan at a dlstanre or three
miles rrom each other, three mlles apart;
niiden toisistaan thelr belng so dlstant
(1. so Tar remote) rrom each other, (vli
matka) the dlstance between them. -mittari
una.-inm. & sot.) telemeter. -mittaus measurlng or distances.
ettyty draw (rarther) away; vrt. loltota.
etlle Tar, a good way, a long way(s); (loi
tolle) rar away. rar orr. etll rar, rar
a\vay, rar orr, at a great dlstance; etll

(belng) rarther away, (asuva) livlng rarther

avvay. etmp = etmmlt; etmp
katsottuna seen rrom a greater dlstance,
seen rarther orr. etnty = etyty.
Eufrat (-virta) Euphratcs.
eukko (an old 1. a married) \vomari: (vaimo)
wire. eukkonen: eukkoseni my dear Iitti:
wirc! (Jkpv.) wiTie (dear)! eukollinen ..
wlth a wire, married.
eunukki (kuohilas) eunuch.
Euroioippa Europe; Europan Venj Russia
in Europe, European Russia. europpalainen
(a. & s.) European, europpalaisestl In Eu
ropean Tashlon. europpalaismallinen . . arter
(1. accordlng to) European style (1. rashlon).
evankelinen evangellcal [Church, kirkko].
evankelista evangellst. evankeliumi gospel.
eversti colonel. -luutnantti lieutenantcolonel.
everatinarvo rank or a colonel, coloneVs rank.
ev (kalan-) rin. -alus vessel with a rin-keel.
evinen (yhd.) .. with .. rins, . .-rinned
[esim. piikki wlth spiny (1. prlckly) rins,
splny-rinned; fero wlth sharp (1.
polnted) rins, sharp-rinned].
evjalkainen (ellnt.) rin-rooted, pternpod.
evks, evllinen Tinned, rinny. evminen
evOpiikki fln-spine. -ruoto 1. -sde rin-ray.
evs lunch; provlslons. -kannu dlnner-pail.
-kontti pack (1. knapsack) or btrch-bark
Tor carrylng lunch. -kori lunch-basket.
-laukku (sotilaan) haversark. -pussi, -rep
pu knapsack ror carrylng lunch.
evstys puttlng up a lunch: (kuv.) ks. evs
tyskeskustelu; evstykset (edustajalle y.
m.) fnstructions; antaa evstyksi *= evs
t, -keskustelu (esim. eduskunnassa) prelimlnary discussion (berore rererring a
matter to the proper commlttee).
evstminen puttlng up a lunch; (kuv., edus
tajan) lnstructlng. evst put up (a) lunch
rror the trlp, matkalle] : (kuv.) have a prellmlnary discussion (berore rererring mat
ter to the proper commlttee) ; evst edus
tajia Instruct the delegates.
evt dlsapprove (or), dlscountenance; (hy
lt) reruse, decllne, releet: (kielt) deny
[one a Ui., Joltakulta jodaikin ' : ehdotus
decllne (1. reject) a proposal, dlsapprove or
a proJect; ~ pyynt decllne (1. deny) a request; ~ sanansa deny what one has said,
go back on one'S Word; todistuksensa
repudlate one's (own) testlmony.
evtn rinless.
evvalas (ellnt.) Hnback, rin-whale.

faarao (raam.) Pharaoh.

fagotti (mus.) bassoon,
fajanssi (savlposlllni) glazed earthenware;
fakiiri raklr, rakeer; dervlsh.
faksimlle (tarkka Jljitelm) racslmlle.

faktori (klrjap.) foreman (or a prlntlngorflce).

faktuura (Hik.) invoice.
falangi (talstorlvt) phalanx.
falsetti (kurkkuni) ralsetto. -ni falsetto (voice).

toisistaan rar (removed) rrom each other,

Wide (1. rar) apart (rrom each other), wtdely separated. etlt rrom (a) rar, rrom a
dlstance; at a great dlstance, rar orr; etl
t katsottuna seen rrom a dlstance, seen
rrom rar orr. etmmlle rarther, rarther
orr (1. away), (to) a greater dlstance.
etmmll at a greater dlstance, rarther,
rarther orr (1. away). etmmlt rrom
rarther orr, rrom (1. at) a greater dlstance.
etmpn ~ etmmll; etmpn oleva

fal saata
falssau (sep.) fold; lap. rlssi 1. (sep.) finni (nppyl) plmple, pustule, blotch.
fold; lap; 2. (puus.) groove.
firma (toiminimi) rirm.
fanaattinen (yltipinen) ranatlcal. fana- fis (mus.) F sharp.
tikko (intoilija, ylttp) ranatlc. fanatis fisteli (lk.) ristula.
mi fanatlcism.
flaami: flaamin kieli Flemlsh. flaamilainen
faneeri (puus.) veneer.
I. (a.) Flemlsh. II. (s.) Fleming; flaamilai
fanfaari (Juhlatoltotus) fanrare.
set (mys:) the Flemlsh people.
fariinisokeri raw (1. bro\vn) sugar.
Flanderi Flanders.
farlsealainen I. (s.) Pharlsee. II. (a.) Pharl- flanelli (nukltettu villakangas) nannel. flasalc(al). farisealaisuus (tekojumallsuus) nellinen flannel, . . or nannel.
Phariscelsm, Pharlsalsm.
flegmaatikko phlegmatic person, flegmaat
farmaseutti pharmac(eut)ist; druggist.
tinen (tyyni- 1. hldasmlellnen) phlegmatic.
farmi (maatalo) farm.
fluori (kem.) riuorlne.
fasaani (troopillinen kanalintu) pheasant.
flyygeli (-piano) grand piano; vrt. kon
fasadi (Julkipuoli) rront, racade, race. -pii
rustus (dra\ving showing the) front eleva- Foinikia (hlst.) Phcenicla, Phenlcla. foinikia
tlon [or . .].
lainen (a. & s.) Phcentclan, Phenlclan.
feminiini (kiel.) femlnlne.
fondl (maalattu, nyttmn) scene, drop.
fenkoli (-kasvi) rennel; (mausteena) fen- foneettinen (nteenmukainen) phonetlc
nel-seeds. -vesi fcnnel-vater. -ljy ren
[law, laki], fonetiikka (oppi kielennnel mi.
teist) phonetlcs.
feodaali(nen) (hist.) Teudal. feodaali]JrJes- fonografi
(nenptirtj) phonograph.
telm 1. -laitos feudal System, tonaalisin. forelli (purolohi) (common European) trout.
fermaatti (levhdysmerkki, mus.) pause, formaatti (kirjan- 1. paperinkoko) size; (kirhold.
Jap.) make-up.
fes (mus.) F riat.
formaliini (kem.) formalln.
fetish! (taikaesine) fetish.
(kem.) phosphate. -lannotusaineet
Fidshi-saaret tbe F1J1 Islands.
phosphatlc rertllizcrs, phospbates.
fiikus (kumlpuu) lndla-rubber tree, Ficus. fosfori
phosphorus. -happo phosfilantrooppi (ihmisystv) phllantbroptst. pborlc acld. -myrkytys
phosphorus-polfllantropia pbllantbropy: bumanitarlanism. sontng; (tautina) match-makers'
filharmoninen (mus.) phllharmonic [Socie
-tikku phosty, seura] .
filiaali ks. haaraosasto.
(maadunnalnen, kivettym) rossit.
Filippiinit Phllipplne Islands, the Philip fossiili
frakki (hnnystakki) evening (1. Tuli dress)
filmi (valok.) rilm.
coat; (Jkpv.) swallow-tall.
filologi, filologia ks. kielitieteilij, kielitiede. fraktuura,
-kirjake (kirjan.) German text.
filosofi phllosopher. filotofia philosophy: frangi (ranskal.
rahayksikk) franc.
filosofian kandidaatti Bachelor of Arts
(Jkpv.) Frank.
[lyh.: B. A.]; filosofian maisteri Master of
Arts [lyh.: M. A. (mys: A. M.)]; filoso
fian tohtori Doctor or Philosophy [lyh.: fransiskaani Franciscan (Triar). -munkki
Ph. D.].
filtraatti (suodos) flltrate. filtreerata (suo Fredrik Frederick; Wilhelm Frederick
dattaa) rilter. filtrumi (suodatin) rilter.
fregatti (kolmimastoinen alus) frlgate. -alus
filtti kS. huopa.
finanssi- (yhd.) financlal [esim. -asia Tl- rull-rlgged vessel. -lintu (ellnt.) rrlgatebird.
nancial allair; -jrjestelm Tinanclal Sys
tem; -kertomus financlal report] ; . . of fresko freseo. -maalaus (kalkktmaalaus)
rtnance [esim. -ministeri mlntster or rresco-paintlng, rresco.
finance; -ministeri mtnlstry or rinance]. frikassee ks. viilokki.
-mies nnancler. -oikeus lavvs govemlng futuuri (kiel.) ruture (tense).
hankin? and rinance. -pllikk (1. V. Vh fysiikka pbystcs. fysikaalinen physlcal
[chemlstry, kemta].
dysv.) Secretary or the Treasury.
fysiologi (elollmilden tutkija) physlolofinanssit (raha-asiat) rinances.
glst. fysiologia physlology. fysiologinen
finanssi "tiede l. -oppi rtnance. -tilasto fi
phystologlcal [chemlstry, kemta].
nanclal statlstlcs.
finkkeli (huono viina) Inferior whisk(e)y. fyysikko physiclst. fyysilllnen physlcal.
Fr-saaret the Faroe Islands.
-ljy (sikuna) fusel-oll.

Galilea Galilei', galilealainen Galilean.

Qalitsia naiteta.
galleria (kuvasalt) gallery.
Gallia Gaul. gallialainen I. (a.) Galttc. II.
(s.) Gaul.
galvaaninen galvanlc. galvanismi (kosketusshk) galvanlsm. galvanoida galvanize;
(pllyst hopealla y. m.) electroplate;
galvanoitu rauta galvanlzed Iron. galvanoplastiikka (shkpllystys) galvanoplasty,


gaselli (ellnt.) gazelle.

gasoliinl (kaasueetterl) gasoline.
genetiivi, genitilvi (kiel.) possesslve(case);
Geneve Geneva. Geneve-jrvi Lake or Geneva, Lake Leman.
Genova Genoa. genovalainen (a.) Genoese.
Gent Ghent.
geologi (maanpinnan tutkija) geologiat.
geologia geology. geologinen geological
[map, kartta; rormatlon, muodostuma].


geometria (mlttausoppl) geometry. geo- gorilla gorilla.
metrikko geometrlcian. geometrinen geo- Gotlanti Gothland. gotlantilainen I. (a.)
metne iseries, sarja].
Gothlandic. II. (s.) Gothlander.
germaani Teuton, (anclent) German. ger graafillinen, graafinen graphic.
maanilainen I. (a.) Teutonic [language, grafiitti (kiv.) graphlte.
kieli], n. (S.) - germaani.
graham-leip Graham bread.
gea (mus.) G flat.
gramma (metrijrjestelmn painoyksikk)
Gibraltarin-salmi the Stralts or Gibraltar.
giljotiini (mestauskone) gulllotlne.
granaatti 1. (rjhdyskuula) Shell; 2. (klv.)
giraffi (slrahvl) glrarre.
-omena pomegranate.
gia (mus.) G sharp.
gladiaattori (mulnalsroomal. miekkailija) graniitti (kiteinen vuorllajl) granite.
Grnlanti Greenland; Grnlannin slp
glyseriinl glycerlne. -aalppua glycerlne soap. Greenland Spar, cryollte; Grnlannin valas
arctlc (1. Greenland) rlght whale.
gnelsai (-vuorllajl) gneiss.
gobeliini, gobelengi (seinvaate) gobelln gummi ks. kumi.
guttaperkka guttapercha.
Gtanmaa Gothland.
Qolf-viru the Gulf Stream.
Golgata Calvary, Golgotha.
Gtepori Gothenburg, Gteborg, Gottengootti (hlst.) Goth. goottilainen Oothlc; borg; Gteporin jrjestelm tlle Gothen
goottilainen tyyli Gothlc style (1. art).
burg (1. Gottenborg) system.
gordllainen: Molma Gordlan knot.
goottilainen ks. goottilainen.

haa ha!
ralla [haaralle] ali over the town; vrt.
Haag the Hague; Haagin konferenssi the asian, suku-, tien y. m.
Hague conference.
haara- (yhd.) branch [esim. -kauppa branch
haahka eider(-duck). haahkanuntuva elder- store; -konttori branch oMce; -pankki
branch bank; -tie branch road].
haahmo look(s), countenance, vlsage; vrt. haaraantua branch, ramlfy; (kahteen haa
raan, esim. Joesta puhuen:) rork; ~ iohaaksi (laiva) vessel, crart; ship. -rikko shlp- takin branch off. haaraantuminen branchwreck, vvreck. -rikkoinen (shlp)vvrecked; ing (off); ramiricatlon.
haaksirikkoinen laiva WTeCk.
haaraljaaento (volm.) straddled position.
haalakka 1. (hailakka) pale; discolored, -haukka (ellnt.) kite.
raded; 2. (haalea) tepld, lukewarm.
haarainen branching, branched; (runsashaahaalata (vet) haul, puli.
ralnen) branchy, (etup. tiet.) ramiried;
haalea 1. (vedest ym. puhuen:) tepld, luke- (yhd.) . . -branched [esim. kaksi~ tvvowarm; S. (vrist puhuen:) vaalea, haa- branched], vrt. moni-, haaraisuus branchlentaa make tepld; (Jhdyttmll) cool Iness. haarakaa branchy; ramiried
(off). haalentua, haaleta (become) cool, haarako (anat.) process, apophysls
rool ori; mys = hallistua. haaleue tepld- haarakkuus = haaraisuus.
lty, tepidness, lukevvarmness; (vaaleus) haara iliike branch (establlshment). -osasto
branch; vrt. alaosasto, -painen branching,
forked; (kakslhalkolnen) two-clert, birid
haali (Amer. suom.) hali.
haalia (kert) gather, bring (1. get) to- -pskynen (1. v.) barn-swallow. -rata
gether; (vrvt) enllst, secure, (Jkpv.) branch llne (1. road). -sarvinen . . with
drum up; kohoon scrape (1. scurry 1. branching horns; (hirvest:) antlered
rake) togetber, hastily get together; ~ -sieni (kasv.) Clavarla. -suoninen (kasv.)
ottajia (Jkpv.) drum up trade; uusia netted-velned.
jseni puolueeseen beat (1. drum) up haaraton . . vvithout branches, not branched
*arau,tu" ks- haaraantua. haarautuma ram
new members for the party; ni (ka
lastella) canvass for votes, electloneer. iricatlon; fork, (esim. puun) eroten, haa
haaliminen, haalinta gatberlng; enllstlng; rautuminen ramiricatlon; branching haa
rautunut branched, branchy; (haaiukandrummlng up.
haallataa 1. ~ haalentaa; 2. hallistaa. muotolsestl) forked.
haarayhdistys amitated Society; branch
haaliatua 1. haaleta 2. hallittua.
haaremi (nalsela) harem, seragllo.
haamottaa ks. hmtt.
haamu gbost, apparltlon; shadow; ihmisen haarikka wooden tankard (with t\vo handles); (tuoppi) stoop; flagon.
haamussa tn human dlsgulse, vrt. ihmis.
armor, harness; trapplngs; (rinhaapa aspen(-tree); haavan lehti aspen lear. haarniska
culrass. -pukuinen = hai",
haapainen . . or aspen vvood.
hupa meta aspen woods. -puu aspen haarniskoida
vvith (1. clothe In) armor(tree); (puuaineena) aspen vvood; haapa
aum^arao" harnessed [kn|8"h. ritari], In
puusta tehty (mys:) aspen.
haara brancb, arm; (puun) bough; (Joen haaroa = haaraantua. haarottaa 1 . (tr )
ym.) fork-, (suunta) dlrection; haarat (s
spread . . out, set . . wlde apart, (esim.
ret) legs, ltmbs; haarat hajallaan \vitli Jalkansa) spravvl; 2. (ltr.) stand out, (haa
one-s legs spread apart (1. stretched out), raantua) branch. fork; (esim. Jalat) be
astrlde; eri haaroille In dlfferent (1. varl- spravvled, spravvl. haarottua branch, rork
OUS) dlrectlons; joka haaralta from ali dl- (monenkertaisesti) ramiry.
rectlons (1. quarters) ; kaupungin joka haa haaru = haara.



hearukanmuotoinen furcate(d).
haarukka (Haara) fork, crotcb; (kahveli)
fork. -tieni (kasv.) Ciavarla.
haaaia, haasio drying-hurdle. haasioida (pan
na haastaan) put on a drytng-hurdle.
haaska 1. (elinten) carrlon, carcass, (etup.
raam.) carcase; 2. (haaskaus) vvaste;
[menn] haaskaan [go] to waste; miss
on, minne korpit kokoontuvat (raam.)
wherever the carcase Is, there wlll the
eagles be gathered together.
wast<'ful person; vrt. metsnhaaskaaja.
haaskaaminen wasting; vrt. tuhlaaminen.
haaskaantua be wasted; be lavlshed; go to
vvaste. haaskata waste [labor, tyt; on
. . , Johonkin] ; (tuhlata) lavlsh, squander;
haaskata mets cut down the \vood3 recklessly, vvaste the forest. haaskaus wastlng, waste; (metsn y. m.) reckless cuttlng down; (tuhlaus) lavishtng, squandering; haaskauksen teko \villiil waste, (lak.)
trespass. haaskio waste.
haastaa (puhua, kertoa) speak, taik; (vaa
tia) dery, challenge [one to a duel. Joku
kaksintaisteluun (1. mlekkasllle) ; to wrestle, palnisllle; to a debate, vlttelyyn];
summon; joku krjiin (I. oikeuteen)
(syytettyn) bring a suit agalnst one,
(esim. todistajaksi) summon one before
the court; riitaa pick a quarrel; rodistajahsi call (1. summon) . . as a wltness.
haastaja Challenger; vrt. haaatomies. haas
taminen challenglng; (oikeuteen) summonIng; (puhelu) talklng.
hassutella lnterview; (puhutella Jotakuta)
speak to one, address one.
haastattaa: ~ Joku oikeuteen (todistajaksi)
have one summoned before the court;
(syytettyn) brlng a suit agalnst one, sue
one [for . . , Jostakin] ; mys haastatella.
haaatattaja, haastattelija lnterviewer. haas
tattelu lntervlew.
haaste (wrlt of) summons, wrlt; (saapua
todistajaksi) notlce to appear, (sakon uhal
la) subpoena; (urh.) challenge [esim. pai
ni challenge to a vvrestllng-match]. -ha
kemus (lak.) plaint.
haasteleminen talklng, chatting; (keskuste
lu) conversatlon. haastelias talkatlve, loquaclous. haastella taik, Chat; haastella
keskenn converse, have a Chat together.
haastelu taik, Chat; (keskustelu) conversa
haastemies = haaatomies.
haa to - haaste, -mies summoner; (Ybdysv. 1. v.) constable.
haasu(kortti) small (1. loose) card.
haava I. (ampuma-, lym- Ja pisto)
wound; (leikkuu) cut; (haavottuma) sore,
ulcer; vrt. mys: mt, palo y. m.
haava II. = kerta; tll haavaa thls instant;
(nykyn) at present; yht haavaa slmultaneously, at once, (yht mittaa) at one
stretrh (1. slttlng) whlle we are at It.
haava! balsami (healing) balsam. -kuume
rever rrom a wound, wound-rever; (lk.)
traumatic fever. -lkri surgeon.
haavani! lehti aspen leaf. -reuna edge of a
wouiid. -vihat Inflammation In a wound.
haava!! pumpuli surglcal (1. absorbent) Cot
ton, -voide ointment, salve; (-balsami)
haave phantasm; (kuvitelma) Illusion, fancy, fantasy; ne ovat vain tyhji haaveita
they are mere Illuslons, lt's only ldle rancies. haaveellinen (luonteeltaan) dreamy,
romantlc [glrl, tytt] ; (asioista:) Tancirul,
fantastlc [Idea, ajatus]; haaveellinen nei
tonen a glrl of a romantlc turn (1. mlnd I.
notlons). haaveellisesti dreamlngly, In a


dreamy manner, musingly. haaveellisuus

dreamy nature,
dreaminess; fantasticalness. haaveileminen
dreaming, musing. haaveileva dreamy, romantic. haaveilija dreamer; visionary.
haaveilla dream. muse; Tall Into areverle;
haaveillen dreamlng(ly), musing(ly). haa
veilu dreaming; (day-)dreams, reverles;
haaveiluun vaipuneena lost In (day-)dreams
(1. reverle), musing. haaveksia ks. haaveilla.
haaveksija dreamer, muser. haaveksivainen dreamy, . . of a romantlc turn. haa
vekuva vision, visionary image: phantasm;
(kuvitelma) Illusion, fancy. haavelma Tancy; villi haavelma vagary. haavemielinen
dreamy; sentimental.
haavi hoop-net, (pisto-) dip-net, scoop-net;
vrt. mys: kolehti, perhoa, rapu y. m.
haavia catch (1. take) with a hoop-net (1.
dlp-net etc.)
haavikko, haavisto thicket or aspen-trees;
grove of aspens, aspen-grove.
haaviminen, haavinta catching \vith a hoopnet (1. dlp-net 1. scoop-net). haavirahat
haavottaa wound; lnlilct a tvound [upon a
person. Jotakuta] ; (teraseella) cut;
kuolettavasti jotakuta glve one a deathwound, wound one to the death (1. ratally).
haavottua be(come) wounded, get \vounded.
haavottuma sore, ulcer; (haava) wound.
haavottumaton (Joka el ole haavottunut)
free of wounds, wltbout a wound, untouched, unscathed, unwounded; (Jota ei
voida haavottaa) lnvulnerable. haavottumattomuus invulnerabllity. haavottuminen
gettlng wounded, to get wounded. haavot
tunut wounded; haavottuneet the wounded.
haavottuvainen vulnerable. haavottuvaisuus
haavuri (pataljoonan) army surgeon's asslstant.
haeskella search (1. seek 1. bunt) [for, Jota
kin]; (lpikotaisin) scour. haeskelu search;
haettaa (antaa hakea) have s.o. search (1.
hunt) for; (tuottaa) have one bring (I.
fetch) ; (lhett noutamaan) summon,
send for; haetti sen minulla had me bring
(1. fetch) lt, sent me for lt; haetti sit
minulla had me search for lt; min" olen
haettanut teidt kaikki tnne I have Sum
moned (1. called) you ali here.
hah, hh eh? (mit) what? how('s that) ?
hahmo shape, figure, form; (kasvot) countenance; (yleiset piirteet) contour, (dim)
outline; (haamu) ghost, shade; hanan
hahmonsa muuttui liis countenance cbanged. -piirteet, -viivat ks.axi|piirteet, -viivat.
hahmotella sketch, outline; (muovata) shape.
hahtuva downy feather; (tyht) turt, tassel; (villa- y. m.) flock; (hlude) flake; ks.
hai (haikala) shark.
haihduttaa vaporlze, evaporate; volatlllze;
(kuv. = hlvent) dlspel [one's cares.
huoliaan], scatter [one's fears, pelkoansa],
dlsperse; kuiviin evaporate. haihdutta
minen, haihdutus evaporatlon; volatlllzation; (hlventminen) dlspelling, scattering, disperslng.
haihdutus!! kone (tekn.) evaporator. -malja
1. -kulho (kem.) evaporating-dlsh.
haihtua (nesteist puhuen:) evaporate, (bc)
volatillze(d); (erltyselimien kautta) transplre; (hlvet, hajaantua)
(be) dlsperse(d), be scattered, be dlspelled, (pil
vist, sumusta y. m.) (be) dlsslpate(d),
dlssolve, clear (ofr), drlft away; (kadota)
dlsappear, (e)vanlsb, (vhitellen) evanesce;
(hipy) fadeaway; (hvit) be obllterated;

1 1 'istua) be removed ; (kaikota) flee (away) ; be rragrant, vrt. tuoksua; ~ pahalta (l.
- koin tuhka tuuleen vanlsh llke smoke (1. pahalle) smell bad, bave a dlsagreeable
Uke rrust before the sun), (esim. toiveista odor, bave an orrensive smell; ~ palaneelta
puhuen:) vanlsb into thin air, come to noth- smell burnt (1. scorched); ~ tupakalle
ing; mielest [nkyvist] kB. hipy; smell or tobacco; hnen henkens haisee
- muistista be obliterated (1. pass) rrom be has a roul breath; se ei haise miltn
toe memory, fade out or tbe memory; lt has no smell; taalla haisee kahville 1
huolet haihtuvat tbe cares are dlspelled; Smell COrree here; tlt haisee palaneelta
[sen] muisto on haihtunut (mielest) tbe (1. palaneelle) lt smells as though soinememory [of itj bas been blotted(l.wlped) thing bad been burning here, there Is a
out, (himmennyt) the memory [of lt] bas bumt smell here.
faded away; neste haihtuu tbe llquid is haistaa smell, savor; (vainuta) scent; (hais
evaporatlng (1. volatillzlng) ; pilvet haihtu- tella) snlff, snurr; ~ kukkaa smell or a
oat the clouds are dlspersing (1. dissolv- riower; ~ kry smell that somethlng is
Ing ) ; me on kuin tuuleen haihtunut lt is burning (l. scorchlng), (kuv.) smell a rat;
Just as though lt bad blown away (1. bad koira haistoi jniksen the dog scented a
vamshed into tbln air) ; sama haihtuu tbe rabbit, haistaminen, haisteleminen smell
rog is ltlting, the mlst Is clearing: (orr 1. up). lng; scentlng; snirnng [at ..]. haisulla
haihtumaton (fys. & kem.) not volatlle, not smell [or], snirr [at]; (vainuta) scent;
evaporating; (poistumaton) . . tbat could haistelen kry (kuv.) I smell a rat; noitnot be erased (1. obliterated), lnerraceable. teleppas tt ruusua smell of thls rose.
haihtumattomaati Inefraceably. haihtumi haisti (sense or) smell, smelllng. haistin
nen evaporatlon; (fysioi.) transplration, organ or smell, oi facto ry organ(s).
insensible persplratlon; vrt. hlveneminen, haisu ks. haju. -myr (elint.) teledu,
haihtumiamittari evaporatlon-gage, evap- stinking badger, stinkard. -nt* skunk;
orimeter, atmometer.
haisundn nahka skunk-skln, (kaupp.)
haihtuva (fys. & kem.) volatlle [llquid, natural black marten. -pihka = hajupihka.
neste] ; (kuv.) rieeting, passlng, rugltlve, haitallinen (vahingollinen) lnjurlous, harm
evanescent; haihtuvat ljyt volatlle (1. ini, nozlous; (turmiollinen) detrlmental;
ethereal) olls. haihtuvainen ks. edell. (kiusallinen) troublesome; (hankala) lnhaintuvaiauus voiatlllty; (kuv.) fugltlve- convenlent; se on terveydelle haitallista
ness, evanescence.
lt ls lnjurlous to (the) health, lt Is unhaikailla (pivitell) wall, moan; whine; healthrul. haitallisesti lnjurlously, harmlament [over, jotakin] ; (kaivata) feel the fully; detrlmentally; vaikuttaa haitallisesti
loss of . . , miss very mucb, regret. hai
johonkin bave a harmiui (1. an lnjurlous l.
kailu moanlng, waillng, lamentation; a detrlmental) errect upon . . . halullisuus
ifeeling oD loss, regret.
lnjuriousness, harmrulness; troublesomehaikala sbark.
ness; lnconvenience.
haikara stork; heron.
(glve) trouble, bother, embarrass,
haikea sad, grlevous; (katkera) bitter; lnconvenience,
(ehkist) bamper
poignant [sorrow, suru], haikeasti sadly, [the progress, annoy;
impede; (va
bltlerly. haikeroida moan, wall; lament; hingoittaa) hurt,kehityst],
ci se haittaa mi
vrt. vaikeroida, haikeus sadness, bitter- tn that won't do any harm,
tee mi
ness; polgnaney. haikeuttaa grleve, dls- tn) lt does not matter, never (el
mlnd! (ta)
tress; (katkeroittaa) embltter.
haiku (savu) smoke; (kry) smoky smell; \VOUld do no harm; teosta haittaa puutteet
(tupru) puri, whtrf; vet joitakin haiku
the work surrers rrom derects.
ja piipustaan draw (1. take) a fe\v pufTs Haiti
Haiti, Haytl. haltilainen Haltian, Haytian.
(I. \vhifrs) at one's plpe.
(hankaluus) lnconvenience; disadhailakka pale, faded; (haalea) lukewarm,
tepld. hailakkuus raded condltion; (baa- vantage; drauback; (este) lmpediment;
embarrassment; (hiri) trouble;
leus) lukewarmness.
(vahinko) injury, harm; (turmiollinen)
halli (silakka) Baltic (1. small) herring; detriment;
haitaksi ks. olla; haitatta \vllli
(elalnt.) herring.
haima (mahasylklrauhanen) pancreas. -neate out any lnconvenience (1. trouble), wlthout dolng any harm, Just as well; haittaa
pancreatic Juice.
ks. tehd, tuottaa; asiassa on se haittana
hairaantua = hairahtua.
hairahdu error; lault; slip, lapse; vrt. the arralr bas tbat drawback (I. disadvantage);
onho siit sinulle (mitn) hait
erehdys; nuoruuden a youttirul error (1.
indlscretlon). halrahduttaa lead . . astray, taa vviii tbat causeyou any lnconvenience?
you any trouble (1. do you
mislead, mlsguide, delude.
hairahtaa, hairahtua commlt an error (1. an any harm)? siit on asialle haittaa tbat
(1. harmini l. lnjurlous)
Indlscretlon); (erehty) make a mlstakc
(1. an error of judgment); be ruis led; ~ errect upon the matter, (asla krsii) the
rehellisyyden tielt devlate rrom the path movement wlll surrer thereby.
or rectltude, err; ~ tekemn jotakin haituva blt or down, downv reather; hoita
commlt the error (1. indlscretlon) of dolng vat down, rioss, (etup. kasv.) ruzz, (mais
a tn., be misled (1. begulled) into dolng a sin) siik, riurr.
th. hairahtanut, hairahtunut mistaken; err- haiven 1. = haituva; 2. (hiuskarva) bair
mg [glrl, tytt], hairahtuvalnen llable to (or the head).
haja ks. hajalla, hajalle.
err, faulty; frall.
haiseminen smelltng, savorlng; (pahalta) hajaannus dissolutlon, dlsintegration; (eri
puraisuudesta Johtuva) spllt f (with)tn the
stinking. halaava smelllng, odorous; (lyh
party, puolueessa], division, rupture;
kv) stinking.
haiskahtaa glve orr an odor (1. a smell 1. a (etenkin uskonnollisista syist johtunut)
rragrance); smell; ~ joltakin smell or, scbism; (murto) break [in the ranks, ri
veiss] ; vrt. hajaantuminen, -tila State of
(kuv.) savor or.
halata have a smell (1. an odor), smell; dissolutlon (1. dlsintegration); hajaannus(esim. ruoasta:) savor; (haista pahalle, tilassa oleva dlsorganlzed, dislntegrated.
lyhkt) stink; - hyvlt (1. hyvlle) hajaannuttaa cause to scatter (1. dlssolve 1.
smell sweet (1. good), have a sweet smell, dlslntegrate 1. break up); dlsperse, seat




halaantua break up, dissolve, (kern.) de

compose; (eri suunnllle) scatter, disperse;
(levita) spread, diffuse; (stelst, vlivolsta
y m puhuen:) diverge; tdustajat haiaantivat the representatives dispersed; *okous hajaantui the meeting broke up; vahiiaukho hajaantui the crowd dispersed;
net hajaantuivat the votes were scat
tered, hajaantumlnen breaking up, disso
lution; (kem.) decomposition; (erl suun
nllle) scattering, dispersion; (esim. valon)
diffusion; parlamentin ha;eantnminn_dls-

kokous], dissolve [the Diet, eduskunta],

(Joku ybdlstys y. m.) disorganize; (ottaa
hajalleen, purkaa) take to pieces, take
apart [a machine, kone] ; (repta alas) tear
down, pull down, demolish [a building,
rakennus] ; ~ aineotiinta break up into
Its elements (1. Into Its constituent parts),
disintegrate; ~ k*mlaUi*t*ti (alkualnelsllnsa) decompose; ~ maan tatall* level
with (1. raze to) the ground, level, raze;
~ pmrinpohjin vihollisen rivit Shatter the
ranks of (1. rout) the enemy; ~ voimiaan

hajalla? hajallaan," hajallansa spread;; scat

tered, dispersed; hajallaan o/eco scattered;
taken to pieces (1. apart); no/olio *"1
with disheveKDed hair, with one's hair ilj ing; <aua (hyvin) hajallaan live far apart
live (Widely) scattered; haarat (I. taaret)
haiallaan astride; oHa hajaUaan lie (scat
tered) about, lie around, be spread out;
(eslm. koneesta:) be (taken) apart, haJalle, hajalleen (erllleen) apart; (rlkkl)
asunder; (palaslksl) to pieces; vrt. menna,
halallinen (hajallaan oleva) scattered, (kuv.)
divided (up); (rikkinulnen, kulunut) torn,
ragged [coat, nuttu]; vrt. hajanainen.
haJamlellnen absent-minded, preoccupied,
abstracted, forgetful; - hat** absent air
(1 look), preoccupied expression vacant
look, hajamielieestl absent-mindedly, ab
stractedly, forgetfully, hajamlelieyy ab
sent-mindedness; haiamielisyydetsaan han
pudotti .. in a fit of absent-mindedness
he dropped . . .
hajanainen spread; (hajallaan leva) scattered dispersed; sparse; (epyhteninen)
incoherent [speech, puhe], loosely con
nected; desultory; vrt. hajallmen; imuutamia] / auseita (& few] discon
nected sentences; halamuMia purt*ita scat
tered traits, some features [of, Jostakln]. Incoherently, disconnectedly,
in a disconnected (1. Incoherent) manner;
desultorily, hajanaituue incoherence, dis
connectedness; (eslm. opmtojen) desultohajafrei'sln, -aarln astride, straddle -legged,
hajautua = hajaantua.
hajaaani: hajaaantt stray (1. scattered) votes.
haJoaminS^^reaklng (up), dissolution;
scattering, dispersion; diffusion; (kem.)
decomposition; yhtin fto/oemmn (myos:)
dissolving of partnership; vrt. hajaantuminen. hajoamietlla state of decomposition
(1. disintegration); state of dissolution (1.
hajota break up, dissolve; (hajaantua) scat
ter, (be) dlsperse(d), (laajalle) diffuse;
(levlti) spread; (sarkyS)get broken.break,
come apart, break Into shivers; ~ oino*iin*a (be) dislntegrate(d); vrt. seur.; ~
aikuaineisiinsa (kemlallisestl) (be) decom
posed); - huin tuhha faulten vanish into
thin air vanish like smoke; pintalcihii
be shattered (1. shivered), fall to pieces,
vrt Srkya; bohoukstn hajottua after the
meeting had broken up (1. had dissolved);
muurit haiorioat the walls spread (1. col
lapsed 1. fell down); raAennu on / ks. luhi.tua.

dispersion; .
eduskunnan) dissolution; disorganization;
demolition; disintegration; decomposition;
vrt. hajottaa. hajottava (kuv.) disruptive.
hajotus = bajottaminen; edufkunnan -~ dis
solution of the Diet, -ty (kuv.) disruptive
propaganda (1. activities 1. work),
hajotuttaa have (1. cause to be) dispersed,
broken up jne.; (rakennus) have .. torn
down, have . . demolished,
hajoutua (kem.) decompose, hajoutumlnen
(kem.) decomposition,
haju smell, odor, scent; (tuoksu) fragrance,
aroma; (pana ~) stink, (loyhkfi) stench.
-alna perfume, -alsti ks. baitt.
hajuava ks. haiaeva.
hajuuelin = halttin. -hermo olfactory nerve.
-herne sweet pea.
hajuinen: jonkin ~ . . with (I. of 1. having)
a . . smell (1. odor), . .-ly smelling [esim.
kamalan ~ with (1. Of) a horrid (1. nasty)
smell, horrlble-(l. horrid-)smellmg, nastysmelling; miellytton With (1. Of)
an agreeable smell (1. odor), pleasantsmelling; omituisen ~ with (1. of) a pe
culiar (1. strange) odor, peculiar-smell
ing] ; vrt. hyvan, pahan y. m.
hajupihka (pirunpaska) asafetida, asaftida.
hajustaa perfume, scent, hajuatamaton not
perfumed, unperfumed.
hajusuola smelllng-salt(s); sal volatile.
hajuton odorless, without fragrance; on
(mys:) has no smell, does not smell,
hajuttomuus absence of odor, lack of fra
grance (1. odor); (tautina) loss of the
sense of smell, (lak.) anosmia.
haju[vel perfume, toilet water, (eau de)
cologne, -volde pomade, pomatum. -6IJy
haka I. hook; (koossapltv) clasp; (suppi)
hasp; bolt; ovi on hafasta the door Is
haka II. (aldattu laldun) pasture; (plenl hevos-. tallln vleressA, Engl.) paddock; (attaus) enclosure.
hakaltaa (puheessa) falter; (nkytt)
stammer, stutter.
hakamaa pasture-ground (with plenty of
hakanen hook; (hakasulkumerkki) bracket;
(klrjan) clasp; hakaset (sulkumerkit)
brackets; panna hakasiin (esim. pukunsa)
hook, (hakasulkumerkkelhln) put (1. en
close) In brackets.
hakall neula (lukko-) safety-pin, -ratas (kellon) escape- wheel, -rlttl (mulnalsalkalnen korlste) swastika.
hakata hew; (klveu y. m.) cut; (pllkkoa)
chop; ~ halkoja chop wood, cut firewood;
~ hioia cut (1. hew) stone; maahan
(esim. puu) chop down, fell, (eslm. tappelussa) hew down; m*t*aa cut down


i 73

timber, fell trees; poikki cut (1. chop)

orr; pois cut away; vrt. lyd,
hakaa seek, look (1. hunt) [for, Jotakin],
search [for . .] ; pursue [pleasure, huvi
tuksia] ; (kisunsa) hunt . . up, lind; (tuoaa) retcb, bring; (virkaa y. m.) apply for;
(oikeuden kautta) sue for; haettavaksi j ilistttta toimi a position advertised as va
rani, an announced vacancy; hain minua
eilen I was looking for you yesterday, I
tried to rind (1. to get hoki of) you yes
terday; avioeroa apply for (1. try to
get) a dlvorce. sue for (a) dlvorce; ~
esille hunt . . up, n sh . . out; ~ Joku k
siins hunt one up, Hnd ime; ~ Uunoa apPly for a loan; lohdutusta jostakin seek
solace (1. consolatlon) m . . , seek forgetTulneSS (1. relleO In . .; muutosta p
tkseen appeal the case; Jotakin oikeu
den kautta seek (1. try to recover) a tn.
through the courts, (Joltakulta) sue one
for a th.; oikeuden kautta korvausta
jostakin seek redress through the courts
for . . , sue for damages on account of . .;
onkimatoja dlg vvorms; joltakulta saa
tavaansa (lain kautta) sue one (for adebt),
sue one to collect a debt; Jotakin tointa
(l. virkoa) apply (1. put In one's application) Tor a position, seek an offlce; mist
sellainen on haettavissa where ran SUCh a
one be found? wbere Is sucb to be looked
for? poika haki kirjaansa joka paikasta
tae boy bunted hlgh and lovv (l. looked
everywbere) for bls book; tulen hakemaan
sinua meille 1*11 Come to take you to HUI'
hOUSe; virka on haettavana the position
bas been announced (1. advertised as) vacant, the position may be applled ror, the
offlce Is vacant. hakeminen seeklng, looklng for Jne., vrt. hakea, hakemisoikeus
rlgbt to apply.
hakemisto compendlum; (aakkosellinen)
hakemuksentekija one \vho makea (1. bas
made) an appflcatlon,appllcant;petltloner.
hakemus appllcatlon; (anomus) petitkin;
aviaro~ appllcatlon for dlvorce. hakemua- (ybd.) ks. haku-.
hakija (Jonkin viran y. m.) appllcant
[for ..]; candldate; (pyrkij) asplrant.
hakkaaja cutter, chopper, hevvcr; vrt. ha
lon, kiven y. m.
hakkaamaton uncut, unbewn; undressed
[stone, kivi], hakkaaminen he\vlug, cuttlng, cbopplng.
hakkailla pay attentlon to [a girl, tytt],
go vrltb one, pay court to ..; ~ tyttj
flirt wlth glrls.
hakkaus (hakkaaminen) cuttlng, hewlng,
cbopplng; (hakattu palkka metsss) clear
ing; matsn relllng trees (1. tlmber).
-ala, -alue area (1. place) cleared or trees,
hakkauttaa bave . . hewn (1. cut down 1.
chopped); halkoja bave \vood cbopped,
(Jollakulla) have a. p. cbop wood for one;
poikki have . . cut (1. chopped) orr.
nakkelua (liha-) chopped (I. mlnced) meat;
basb; (olki-) chopped straw, charr.
hakku boe; (kaksiterinen) mattock, plckax. -kortti ks. haasukortti.
hakkuri cbopplng-block ; (esim. llhanletkkausta varten:) block; (kaukalomalnen)


for) \vood; olla tySn haussa be la search

of work, be looking ror vvork (1. for a
Job); tulen puun hausta I have been look
ing (l. searchlng) ror wood. -aika tlme ror
(making an) appllcatlon. -kelpoinen quallried [ror ..]. -kelpoisuus qualiricatlon(s)
[ror. Johonkin toimeen (1. virkaan)].
-kumppani anotber appllcant; hakukumpponini (useista puhuen:) tbose applylngat
the tlme 1 did, the other applicants; hn
oli minun hakukumppanini siihen toimeen

he was another appllcant for the position,

-paperit wrltten appllcatlon; appllcatlon
(-papers). -sana (sanakirjassa y. m.) main
halaileminen, halailu embraclng, bugglng.
halailla ks. halata, 1.
halaista ks. halkaista, halaistu spllt, cloven;
hn ei puhunut halaistua sanaa he did not
Utter a (single) \vord.
halajaminen: jonkin ~ longlng for . . .
halata l. (syleill) embrace, hug; 2. (halu
ta) deslre; (Ikvid) long, yearn [ror,
halava (kasv.) bay willow.
haljennut spllt; cracked [glass, lasi].
haljeta spllt, cleave; (repeyty halki) rend,
be(come) rent; (srky) break [in two,
kahtia], burst; (halkeilla) crack, cbap; ~
naurusta spllt (onc's sldes) wltb laughter;
olin harmista I vvas completely dlsgusted, I was fllled wltb lndlgnatlon; sy
dmeni halkee surusta my heart breaks
(witb sorrow).
halju: ~ mies a good-for-nothlng reIIow.
halkaisematon uncloven.unsplit. halkaisemi
nen cracklng, spllttlng. halkaisija cleaver,
splitter; (mat.) diameter; (mer.) Jlb.
halkaista cleave, spllt; (Jakaa) dlvlde; (re
vist) rend, rirt; (viilt auki, esim. eli
men maha) rip up; (srke) break (open).
Crack; ei suuret sanat suuta halkaise (1.
v.) \vords are not deeds; vrt. halkoa.
halkeama crevlce, clert, spllt, (tiet.) ri3sure; (Jtikss) crevasse; (suuri) gap,
(kuilu) cbasm; (pienempi) crack [in a
bell, kellossa], (Ihossa y. m.) chap; (re
pem) rent; ~ muurissa (1. seinss)
crevlce (1. break) In the wall. halkeami
nen spllttlng; breaklng, burstlng; crack
lng; vrt. haljeta.
halkeilla crack; (ihosta y. m. puhuen:) chap;
(mlner.) Hake (orr); ~ ja putoilla pois
(esim. rappaus seinst) peel orr (In
riakes), riake orr. halkeilu cracklng, chapplng; riaklng (orr).
halki I. (prepos.) through, rlght(l.stralght)
through; (yli) across, right (1. straight)
across; ~ aikojen through the age3; ~
elmni ali (through) my life; metsn
straight through the woods; ~ torin
(stralght) across the market -place; ~
vuoden ali the ycar around, througbout (1.
rlght through) the year. II. (adv.) apart;
(rikki) asunder; (kahtia) In two (parts)
[aina verbien yhteydess, ks. esim. leika
ta, menn, sahata], -leikkaus (lekli.)
longitudlnal section.
halkinainen cracked, clert; (rikkininen)
halko stlck or (rire)wood; halot (koll.)
wood, flrewood, cordwood.
halkoa cleave, spllt; (palottaa) cut up, dl
vlde up; aaltoja (esim. laiva) part the
waves, cut (through) the waves, (kynt)
hakkuu hakluua.
hako (chopped) sprlg or evergreen; haot plow the waves; ~ ilmaa part the air [In
lts rilght, lennossaan], cut (through) the
evergreen sprlgs; vrt. havu. -mets = ha
vumets, -niska (kuv.) a stlff-necked per
air, (nest puhuen:) rend the air.
soa, -puu ~ havupuu.
halkohelmatakkl Trock coat, Prlnce-Albert
haku search: quest; menn' puun hakuun go (coat).
for (1. arter) wood, go and flnd (1. bunt halko kauppias dealer In wood. -kuorma


load of (fire)wood. -IHUrl wood-house,


suutta (mys:) he has a large property

(1. estate) at his disposal; Nikolai ll-.s.m
hallitetsa during the reign of Nicholas II,
under Metilas II.
hallitseva ruling [party, puohie], reigning
[prince, ruhtlnas], governing [senate, senaattl] ; commanding [position, asema :
dominating; (vallltseva) prevailing [lan
guage, klell]; ~ laut t (log.) major prem
ise (1. proposition) ; maailmaa ~ . . ruling(1. dominating) the world.
hallitsija ruler; sovereign, monarch, -kumppani Joint regent, coregent. -prhe the
king's [the emperor's] family: ruling
family; the ruler [emperor, king] accom
panied by his family; vrt. seur. -auku
reigning bouse, ruling family; (-sarja)
hallitsijatar sovereign, ruler; (kunlngatar)
queen; (keisarinna) empress.
halhtsija, vaihdo change of ruler, -vakuutua arrirmatlon by the ruler.
hallitukseslaluopuminen abdication.
hallltu government: reign; administration;
halleluja halleluiah! hallelujah!
Vrt. hallinto; liallituksen junen (ministe halll I. (harmaahylje) gray seal.
halli II. (kauppa-) market, (Engl.) hall; Piston) cabinet minister; hallitatta kotktoa
governmental, administrative; Kaarlm Sau
asema~ train-Shed; Vrt. myS: uhla-,
ren hallitukten aikana during (1. In) toe
kauppa--, nayttely-' y. m.
halllkolra (myos : halll) brindled (watch-)dog. reign of Charlemagne.
hallinnollinen administrative; governmen hallitus- (yhd.) . . of government [eslm.
-jarjestelma order (1. system) of govern
tal; ~ kmtkity* centralization of the gov
ment; -koneitto machinery of government;
ernment; hallinnalUtta timta karkotettu de
-laakka burden Of government;
power of government], governmental
hallinnonhaara administrative branch.
hallinta (lak.) occupation, tenancy; hallin- [eslm. -jrjrstclm governmental system
taaa ottaminen taking possession, (lak.) (l. order); -vala governmental power (l.
authority)], government [esim. -airanseizin.
hallinto administration; (konkr.) board of amaincn government official],
administrators, (tehtaan y. m.) manage hallitus aika reign, rule, -kaupunki capital;
ment, board of directors (I. managers); seat of the government, -kautl reign, -mietmhtaaa hallinnon jsen (mys:) one Of the linan friendly to the government: hallittami*Hntn Irnhti paper supporting tbe
directors of the factory, a director,
hallinto- (yhd.) administrative [eslm. -part government; (Yndysv.) a paper supportIng the President's policy, -muoto (form
administrative district; -toimenpide ad
ministrative measure]; executive, -aika of) government, regime, -muuto* change
of government (1. administration), -neu
ha ne n
during his administration, -kyky ability vosto (l. v.) administrative council; vrt.
as an administrator; executive ability, hnllintoneuvosto. -ohjkit reins of gov
ernment; olla hallitvmohjakMfa hold the
-neuvosto board of administrators, admin
istrative board; advisory board, -olkeus reins of government, have the reins of
In one's hands, be at the helm
administrative law. -tutkinto (1. v.) ex
amination In administrative law. -valta Of (the) State, -pun: hallitutpHreiita In
administrative power; control, -viran- government (1. ruling) circles, In circles
omamen executive, official In the execu
close to the throne (1. the government).
tive department (of a government).
-puolue party supporting the government,
halliparta I. (s.) greybeard. II. (a.) gray- party in power (1. control), ruling party,
-puoluelalnen member of the party in
halliUaa bleach; fade, halllstua (be) power; (Engl.) ministerialist, -junta re
fade(d); be(come) bleached, hallistunut gime; goverament(al) policy; Hallitutsuanfaded; .. with the color dim (1. gone), nan muuto change in the policy of the
hallistua farting, loss of color.
government, change of regime, -tapa
hallita rule [(over) a people, Jotakln kan- method of government, -viranomaiiet con
saa], reign [over . .]; dominate: sway stituted authorities; government offi
[one's audience, kiiulljakuntaansa], hold cials. -vuoi year of [one's] reign; uasway [over . .] ; mastor fa language, jota- dtntena hallitutoaottnaan In the fifth year
kln kielt], be master of; control [one's of his reign, -yeta'vallinen friendly to the
temper, klukknaan], be in control of government.
[one's property, omalsuuttaan] ; (have) halluslnataioni ks. harha-alstimu.
command (of); (olla hallltsljana) govern halluaaa, hallusta ks. baltu.
reign; (plt hallussaan) hold [an estate halm (burned over) clearing (sown with
tllaa); vrt. valllta; - amtma(a) control (1. grain).
command) the situation, (henkilst-) haln hakkaaja man to chop wood; woodhave the situation In one's control (l well chopper (1. -cutter), -hakkaua I. -tiakkuu
in hand), be In command (1. be master) chopping of wood, -sahaaja man to saw
of the situation: ~ kehnotti misgovern
wood; wood-sawyer.
misrule; kuutta kielt (osata) be In halpa cheap; (kuv.) humble [cottage, ma
command of six languages; ~ tSyd*Ui**t- ja], lowly; (halpamalnen) mean, base;
H have a complete command of, master- (halpahlntainen) Inexpensive; ~ hinta
(kuulljakuntaansa) hold [one's audience] cheap (1. low) price; [myyda, ostaa, saada
spellbound; valtakuntaa rule (1. gOVJne.l halvalla (hinnalla) [sell, buy, get
halkominen cleaving, splitting; cutting up.
halko pino pile of wood (corded up), wood
pile, -aha buck -saw. -syli cord of wood,
-tarda wood-yard, -aja wood-shed.
halla frost; (kuv. -= haltta) Injury, harm;
hallan panema damaged by frost, (eslm.
kukista:) frost-bitten; ~ pai rakiin the
rye was damaged by frost, hallainen
frosty; vrt. hallaperinen.
hallan arka sensitive to frot. -arkuue sen
sitiveness to frost, -purema damaged (1.
blighted) by frost, frost-bitten, -vahinko
damage (caused) by frost, blight by frost,
-vikuuttama touched (I. nipped) by (1.
with) frost, frosted, frost-nipped.
hallall peralnen exposed to frost, frosty,
-akuutus Insurance against frost, -vuoti
year of heavy frosts, year of late [early]
frosts, - frosty night, night of frost.
hallava pale gray, hallavanharmaa dingy,
muddy gray, drab; faded.

ern) an empire; hallit,*, ,aurta omai-

etc.] cheap, at a low price, at a bargain.


halpa; -arvoinen of low (1. little) valin-,

rbeap; (alhainen) humble, lo\vly; (lialpasyntylnen) or lovvly birth, or humble parentage. -arvoitu u 3 cheapness; humble
-hintainen cbeap, lnexpenslve;
IOW-prlCed; halpahintainen painot Cheap
(1. popular) edition, -hintaiauua cbeap
ness, lnexpensiveness; low prlce. -korkoiren: halpakorkoinen laina a loan at (a)
low (rate of) Interest.
halpamainen (katala) mean [rellow, mies],
vlle, meanly low, sordld; scurvy [trlck,
temppu]; foul ideed, teko]; (halveksitta
va) despicable; vrt. halpamieiinen ; halpa
maisella tavalla In an abject manner, meaiily; omitan halpamaitta hOW mean! ho\v
abominable! halpamaisesti meanly, basely, vilely, sordldly. halpamalsuua meanness, vileness, sordidness.
halpai mielinen low-(l. base-)minded, base,
mean. -mielisesti low-mindedly, basely,
meanly. -mielisyys low-mindedness, baseII-. -sukuinen 1. -syntyinen or humble
urtfrin, or lovt-ly birth. -sukuisuus 1. -syntyisyys lowly birth; humble ongin. -sUtyinen . . of low estate, . . of a low order,
halpeneminen cheapening; (arvossa) depreetatlon; (tavaroiden) going down in prlce.
halpuus cheapness; humbleness, lowliness;
hinnan lowness of the prlce, the low
halstari broiler; grldiron, grlll; halstarilla
painetta brolled, grlllcd. halstaroida broil,
haltia fairy, ray, (paha) goblln, hobgoblln,
gnome; (suojelushenki) guardlan splrlt;
(tonttu) brownie; vrt. koti, metsn ,
vuoren-, haltiatar fairy, ray; (kelju) eir.
haKija occupant, holder; incumbent; (omis
taja) possessor. OWner; maksakaa tmn
haltijalla pay tO (the) bearer ..; nykyinen
viran the present Incumbent. haltijatar
holder, owner; (oman) proprietor. haltijaton unowned, unpossessed; (lak.) vacant; (hylkyn kulkeva) derelict.
haltio: haltioihinsa ks. joutua, saada; [Olla]
haltioissaan . bej exultant, (Innoissaan)
fbe] bighly entbusiastlc, [be] greatly in
splred: kaltioissaan ilosta exultant wlth Joy,
in an ecstacy or Joy. haltioissaolo (condltion of) ecstacy;
trance. haltioitua be(come) exalted, berome hlghly enthuslastlc, be lnspired;
,losta Haltioitunut exultant (1. thrllled)
witb Joy, overjoyed. haltioituminen becoming exalted, exaltatlon.
naitu: hallussa(an) in [one's] Possession
huom. kenen hallussa talo on In whose
Possession is the house? \vlio owns (1.
ocrupies) the house, (kenen kytett
vin) wbo has the house at hls dlsposal ? ] , ks. pit ; hallustaan ks. luovut
taa; Jonkun haltuun into a p.'s possesslon,
(huoataan) Into a p.'s keeplng (1. care),
(kasiin) into (I. in) a p.'s hands [esim.
lakimiehan haltuun Into (1. In) the hands
of a lavvyer; vihollisen haltuun into the
Possession (1. into the hands) of the enemv; huom. mys: Jumalan haltuun the
Lord bless and keep you! the Lord preserve you! God be wlth you! (hyvsti)
good-by], ks. jtt, uskoa; haltuunsa ks.
ottaa, saada; haltuun(sa) ottaminen 0CCUpanry, (anastaminen) selzure; antaa hal
lustaan turn over, (luovuttaa) glve up,
cede, surrender, release, rellnquish.
halu deslre, mlnd-, (kaipuu) longlng; (mie
lihalu) eagerness; (himo) lust, covet;
(toivo) wlsh, want: (taipumus) tendency,
bent, Inclinatlon [kalkki kolme: for, Jo


honkin]: taste, llking; (mielihyv) pleasu iv. delight; halulla, halusta wlth pleasure, vvith delight, (mielelln) wlllingly,
readlly; hnell ei ale halua lukea he (lii-.
no taste Tor reading, he doesn't llke (l.
\vaut 1. care) to read; minulla olisi hyv
antaa hnt korvilla I have a good mlnd to
CUff (1. to box) hls ears; omasta halusta
or one's own accord. haluava deslrous,
Wlshrul; (halukas) \villmg; joka tten ha
luavilla ilmotetaan notlce of whlch Is hereby given to the interested parties; nytte
lijttreksi haluava deslrous or becoming
an actress.
haluinen: jonkin deslrous or, eager for
(1. after), (himoinen) covetous (1. greedy)
or (1. Tor), (Johonkin valmis) in a lumienTor . . [esim. kiitoksen deslrous of
pralse; kunnian deslrous or honor (1.
glory), (tav.) ambittous, asplrlng] ; ks.
mys: ilveily, koston y. m.
halukas vvilllng; (valmis) ready; (taipuvai
nen) dlsposed [to (1. ror) .., Johonkin],
. . in a mlnd [Tor ..], lncllned [to . .] ;
(himoinen) deslrous, covetous, greedy;
auttamaan wllllng (1. ready 1. dlsposed) to
help; halukkaat ostajat prospective buyers,
intendlng purcbasers; halukkain silmin
wlth longlng glances, with wlstrul eyes;
halukkaita hakijoita kehotetaan . . ali whO
deslre to apply are requested to . .; errttin jotakin tekemn eager to do a th.
halukkaasti willingly, readlly; (halulla)
eagerly, with eagerness; (himokkaasti)
covetously; (mielelln) wlth pleasure,
gladly; halukkaammin rather, sooner, prererably [huom. en toivo mitn san haluk
kaammin there is nothlng I want so much
as that (1. more than that 1. worse than
tbat) ] ; halukkaimmin most of ali, more
than anythlng else, prererably. halukkaisuus, halukkuus readlness, vvllllngness;
halullinen deslrous; vrt. halukas.
haluta llke [to know, tiet; to see, nh
d] ; deslre, want, (raam.) list; be (1. reel)
lncllned [to do a th., tehd Jotakin),
(klelt. Ja kysyv. lauseissa:) care [ror..];
(toivoa) wish; (ikvid) long [for . .1 ;
(himota) have (1. reel) a deslre [Tor ..],
thirst [Tor . .] ; (tavotella Jotakin) asplre
to, strlve Tor (1. after), pursue; kaluaisin
saada tiet I WOUld llke to kllo\v; haluan
asian niin jrjestettvksi I \vant (1. llke
to have) the affair arranged thus; haluan
ehdottomasti tiet 1 am determlned to
know; haluatteko kupin teet do you Wlsh
a cup or tea? \voulcl you llke (1. care ror)
a cup or tea? Jotakin hartaasti (l. kiih
kesti) have an ardent deslre ror . . , de
slre a th. wlth ali one's heart, long ror a
th., be eager about a th.; - joksikin wlsh
(1. have a desire) to become . .; kouluun
wish (1. llke) to go to School; - mieluum
min llke . . better, rather have, prerer,
Choose [esim. haluaisin mieluummin sini
sen I would rather have a blue one, I
would like the blue one better, the blue
one \vould be my choice; haluaisin mie
luummin viett kesni maalla kuin kau
pungissa I would rather spend my summer
in the country than in the city, I would llke
(1. prerer) to spend my summer in the coun
try rather than In the city] ; mieluummin
desire . . most, like . . best, prerer, choose tehd jotakin llke (I. wlsh 1. desire 1.
be eager I. be anxlous) to do a th.; alkaa
- jotakin take a llklng (1. a fancy) to, get
a desire (1. a longlng) ror, begin to long
for; eiM Aufcaan halua koettaa is there no
one vvilllng (1. who -svould llke) to try?




hn tekee niinkuin haluaa he dOCS as he (1. make) llght or, bold cbeap, dlsparage,
pleases (1. aa he has a mlnd to) ; kukaan ti belittle; vrt. halveksia, halveksuminen
halua kuulla (puhuttavan) omista virheis
desplsing; dlsparaglng; vrt. halveksiminen.
tn one dislikcs to he told or one's er- halvemmuua the lovver prlce; (huonom
rors; mink vain haluat ottaa whlcbever muus) mrerlorlty.
you choose to take; mit haluatte \vhat do halvennus sligbt(lng), detractlon; dlsparyou want? what would you llke (1. pre- agement; (hintojen y. m.) reductlon.
halventaa cheapen; (vhent arvoa) defer)? what wlll you have?
haluton unwllllng, reluctant; dlslncllned tracf Iroin, be derogatory to, dlsparage,
[to do a th., tekemn ..], Indlsposed bellttle [one in the eyes or people, Jota
[to . .] ; undeslrous [or . .], havlng no de- kuta Ihmisten silmiss] ; (vahingoittaa)
slre [to . .] ; (vlinpitmtn) Indlfrerent, lmpair, lnjure [a p.'s reputatlon, Jonkun
apathetlc; (vastahakoinen) averse [to . .] ; mainetta] ; (alentaa) lovver, (moraalisesti)
~ jotakin tekemn unwllllng (1. reluctant degrade; ~ hintoja reduce (1. lower) the
I. dlslncllned) to do a th., (vastahakoinen) prlces; Jonkun mainetta (mys:) east
averse to dOlng a th.; olen menemn a rellectlon upon a p., defame one;
Jonkin merkityst bellttle (1. dlsparage) a
minne (mys:) I dlsllke to KO tliere; oppi
las on ja hidas oppimaan the pupll 13 th. halventaminen detractlon; dlsparagement; (hintojen) reductlon; jonkun hen
Indlfferent and slow to learn.
haluttaa (persoonaton) llke, choose, please; kiln maineen halventaminen defamation
or a p. halventava(inen) dlsparaglng,
haluttaako sinua tulla (\. sinun tulemaan)
mukaan would you llke (1. do you care) slightlng, derogatory; (jonkun) mainetta
to COme Wlth US? minua haluttaisi [kovin] halventava lnjurlous to one's reputatlon,
nhd I should [very much] llke to see; deramatory. halvenUva(ise)stl dlsparagsaat tehd, niinkuin sinua you may do lngly, sllghtingly, derogatorlly; punoa
as you choose (1. please), you may suit halventava(ise) sti jostakin [jostakusta]
(1. please) yourself, (mys:) have lt your speak sllghtingly (1. disparagmgly 1. In
terms or disparagement) about (I. oD
own way.
haluttomasti unwlillngly, reluctantly; \vitli halventua halveta, halventuminen ks. hal
a bad grace. haluttomuus dlslnclination, peneminen, alentuminen, halveta cheapen,
become cheap(er); (arvossa) depreciate
unwllllngness; lndlsposltlon; (vastenmie
(in value), (hinnassa) Tall In prlce; olen
lisyys) dlsllke, averslon; reluctance; (v
ko niin /loivennut silmisssi have I gone
linpitmttmyys) apathy, lndirrerence.
haluttu vvanted, deslred; sought arter (1. down so in your eyes (1. in your opinion) ?
Tor); haluttua tavaraa goods In (rreat (1. have I lost Tavor with you so [that . .) ?
good) demand, goods tbat have a good (1. hinnat halpenevat the prices are ralling (1.
a steady) demand for; hyvin haluttua In dropplng 1. gOlng down); vehnn hinta
halpenee (laskee) there Is a drop in \vheat.
great (1. good) demand.
halvaantua, halvaantuminen ks. halvautua, hama : hamaan kolmanteen ja neljnteen
polveen (raam.) unto the third and lourth
halvata paralyze, palsy; halvatta paralyzed, generatlon; hamaan thn pivn (run.)
unto thls day; hamasta lapsuudesta(an)
paralyttc; apoplectic.
ever since his [her] childhood days.
halvaus paralysls, palsy; (etenkin aivohal
vaus) apoplexy; (halvauskohtaus) flt of hamara: kirveen head (1. poll) o'r an ax,
ax-head; veitsen back or aknire(-blade).
apoplexy, stroke (of paralysls); halvauk
sen saanut strieken with paralysls, pal- hame (dress-)sklrt; (raam.) garment;
sled, apoplectic; vrt. aivo, sydn, (muin. room.) tunic; (nalstenpuku) gown,
-kohtaus stroke of paralysls; apoplectic (one-piece) dress; vrt. alus.
hameen e helma 1. -lieve hem (or a sklrt).
nt (1. stroke).
-ripustin sklrt-(l. dress-)hanger. -tasku
halvauttaa = halvata, halvautua get para
lyzed, be(come) strieken with paralysls dress-pocket.
(yhd.) . . In (1. wlth) . . sklrts
(1. apoplexy); halvautunut paralyzed, apo
teslm. lyhyt- in (1. wltb) Short sklrts].
plectic; toinen puoli ruumista halvautu
dress-goods; sklrtlng. -vki
neena paralyzed on one side, with half (of)
one's body paralyzed. halvautuminen par- (jkpv.) hens, sklrts.
hammas tooth [plur. kampaat teeth] ; (rat
alyzlng; paralysls.
halveksia desptse, contemn-, (ylenkatsoa) taassa) COg; (pykl, lovi) Jag, dent; ham
masten kiristys (raam.) gnashlng or teeth;
scorn, spurn [the advlce or frlcnds, yst
hampaan juuri prong (I. root) or a tooth;
vien neuvoa], disdaln; (pit vhptise
n 1. huonossa arvossa) sllght, make llght hampaiden saanti (\. puhkeaminen) teethor, bellttle; kaivoksien (mys:) contemptu- ing; ajan the wear and tear (1. the ravages) or tlme, (Joskus:) the tooth or tlme;
OUSly, scornfully; halveksien kohdella Jo
takuta treat one contemptuously, spurn on joka miehen hampaissa is on everyone'S
one. halveksija desplser, dlsdalner; (erltt. tongue (1. lips), Is the taik or the town;
uskonnon) scoffer (at ..],scorner [or..]. piippu hampaissa wlth a pipe bet\veen his
halveksiminen desplslng, contemnlng Jne.; teeth.
vrt. halveksia; contempt, scorn, disdaln; hammas- (yhd.) tooth- [esim. -harja tooth (Ivallinen) derision; (huonossa arvossa linisll; -hyl toutll-plane; -jauhelma tootllpito) dlsrespect; oikeuden halveksimises powder] ; (harvemmin:) dental [esim. -jau
ta for contempt of court. halveksittava helma dental powder; -kaava dental rormucontemptible, despicable. halveksittavaan la]. -Jos gum-boil; (lk.) alveolar abcontemptibly, desplcably. halveksituvuus scess. -fisteli listii ia or the gums. -kiille
contemptlbleness, desplcableness. halvek- enamel (or the teeth). -kitti (dental) cesiva(inen) scornrul, contemptuous; hal ment. -kivi tartar, -kuoppa tooth-socket,
veksiva hymy huulillaan (\vith) a sneer on alveolus. -laitalnen (kasv.) dentate(d).
one's lips, one's lips curled in scorn; hal- -luu denttne. -lke toothache mediclne.
veksivaUse)lla hymyll with a smile or -lketiede dentlstry, dental surgery.
contempt (1. derision). halveksiva(ise)stl -lkri dentist; hammaslkrin ammatti
dentlst'3 profession, dentlstry. -lkriscornrully, contemptuously, with con
tutkinto dentisfs examinatlon. -mti
tempt (1. scorn).
halveksua desplse, look down upon; think decay (or the teeth). -pihdit (dental) for

ceps. -puikko = hammastikku, -pyri = rub (1. scrub) through, (Ihosta:) gall; ~
hammasratas, -rata cogway, rack-rall\vay. vastaan (olla vastahakoinen) be refractory,
-ratas gear-wheel; gear; cog-wheel. -rivi be unruly, make reststance, set up (a) rerow of teeth. -rohdot tincture (1. medlclne) slstance to . . , oppose.
Tor toolhacbe, tootbache medlcine (1. drops). hangaton . . \vithout oarlocks.
hammastaa tootb; (ln)dent, cog; (kuv.) hangonmuotoinen forked, furcate.
blcker, quarrel, (nykki) nag, worry, hangotella: ~ vastaan struggle against,
vrt. hmmstell.
make resistance, (olla uppiniskainen) be
hammas il tahdas cement (investlng tbe root unruly, be dlsobedlent, be stubbom, be
and neck of a tootb). -tanko geared rod. refractory.
-tauti toothache; hammastaudit dlseases o! hanhen- (yhd.) . . of a goose, goose- [esim.
-maksa llver of a goose, goose-llver; -ma
the tooth.
hammastalija nagger;tease(r),bector. hm
na egg of a goose, goose-egg; -nohfco skin
mstell bandy vvords, blcker; (nykki, of a goose, goose-skln]. -kaula (elint.)
kiusata) nag-, tease, bector. hammastelu bamacle. -kulku = hanhenmarssi, -kyn
bickerlng; nag(glng).
(goose-)qulll, qulll-pen. -marssi Indlan
hammas tikku toothplck. -tyte fllllng (Tor (1. Single) flle; hanhenmarssissa k s. pera tootb). -valas toothed whale. -vesi tooth - kanala), -paisti roast goose. -poika(nen)
wasb, dentifrice. -ydin pulp. -nne (klel.) gosllng. -sulka goose-qulll.
hanhi goose [plur. geese]. -lauma flock or
nam pllinen toothed; (tekn.) lndented.
hampaan, kolo cavity (1. bole) In one's hanka (veneen-) oarlock, rowlock, thole
tootb; minulla on jotakin hampaankolossa (-pln); yht hankaa (kuv.) together, ks.
hnt vastaan I bavc an old score to settie vet.
wtth him; panon (\. pistn) sen hampaan hankaama frlction, abraslon. hankaaminen
koloon (kuv.) I'll keep (1. bear) tbat in rubbing, Chaflng; vrt.vastaanhankaaminen.
mlnd, lm going to pocket it. -Ilhtfi slied- hankain 1. shave, scraper; 2 = hanka.
ding or the teeth. -otto extracting or hankainen (yhd.) . . with . . palr(s) or oar
teetb, extractlon; (tav.) pulling (or) leeth. locks [esim. kaksi~ with two pair(s) or
-pakotus I. -srky toothache. -puhkeami
nen cutting or the teeth, leethlng. -ter hankala (epmukava) uncomrortable; (so
crown (of a tooth). -tyte filling (in a pimaton) lnconvenient; (vaikea) hard,
tooth). -veto hampaanotto.
dirricult; (tukala) embarrasslng, troublehampaaton toothless; (elint.) edentate(d). some; ~ ksitell unhandy, cumbersnme,
hampaattomuus toothlessness.
awkward (thlng to handle), clumsy. han
hampainen (yhd.) . .-toothed [esim. vlisi~ kalasti uncomrortably, inconveniently,
rive- toothed] ; vrt. harva, taaja y. m.
wlth dlfflculty. hankaluus discomrort,
hamppu bemp; aika hamppua (leik.) like a lnconvenlence; dlfficulty, trouble, embarsireak. (Jkpv.) at a (pietty) good lick.
rassment; (ksitelless) cumbersomeness,
hamppu- (yhd.) bemp- [esim. -loukku a\vk\vardness; hankaluutta tuottava em
hemp-brake; -ljy hemp-oll]; (hamppui- barrasslng, annoylng. hankaluuttaa luun
nen) bempen [esim. -kangas hempencloth; per [the progress, edistyst], lmpede;
-kysi bempen rope; -nuora bempen cord]. make (1. render) . . more dirricult (1. ln
convenient) ; vrt. vaikeuttaa.
hamppuinen hempcn.
hamppu varpunen (elint.) gray llnnet, hankai purje) tuuli: purjehtia hankatuuleen
gorse-llnnet. -ljy (mys:) hemp-sced oli. Cl. hankatuulta) sali by the viini.
hampun siemen hemp-seed. -viljelys rais- hankauma chafed place (1. spot), abrasion;
ing (1. cultlvatlon) or bemp.
( -haava) gall.
Hampuri Hamburg.
hankaus rub(blng); (kitka) frictlon (mys
namuilla, hamuta snap [at. Jotakin] ; (hapuil
kuv.); vrt. hankaaminen, -pyr frlctionla) grope [arter, jotakin], rumbie [for . .]. wheel. -shk (fys.) frlctlonal (1. statlc)
-hau, -hn: hnhn on hullu vvliy, that fel- electricity.
low (1. he) is crazy! he is crazy, don't hankautua (be) rub(bed), (be) chafe(d),
you know! johan sin sait f, eih niin) (be) rret(ted); grate; (pois 1. rikki) rub
you've been served already, haven't you? (1. wear) out by frictlon; ~ verille (iho)
olothan tehnyt stn(, vai kuinka) you be(come) galled, gall.
have done lt, haveirt you? onkohan hn hankavitsa vitlie (around a thole).
kotona is he home, I vrander? I wonder ii' hanko (valmistus) preparatlon, prellminary
he is home? tulethan sin mukaan(r eik (tav. plur.); (varustus) equlpment; (ale)
niin) you wlll come \vlth us, \vont you? Intention, intent; (tuuma) design, pian;
tuotuhan oi ole vaikea oppia \vhy (l.come), (yritys) undertaklng; hankkeissa ollut
tbafs not hard to learn! lhn nyt you matka (aiottu) the trlp Intended (1.
don't say (so)!
planned), the projected expeditlon; yonhana (vesijohdon y. m.) faucet; (pyssyn) kun hankkeesta at the tnstlgatlOR of one;
hammer. cock; (tynnyrin y. m.) tap olla hankkeessa (\. hankkeissa) lhte
(mys: koneen); ks. nostaa.
prepare to go, get ready to leave, make
hanakasti stoutlr, stirriy; rigldly, stub- preparatlons for departure; olla tydess
bomly; (innokkaasti) eagerly, ardently, hankkeessa be busv gettlng ready (I. makbotly; earnestly. hanakka stout, siHT; lng preparatlons) [Tor . .] ; pahat hankkeet
rlgld, stubbom; (vakava) earnest; (Inno
bad lntentlons, evll deslgns.
kas) eager, ardent. hanakkuus stoutness, hanki 1. crust, hardened surrace or snow:
sttrrness, stubbornness; earnestness; ea- 2. (kinos) (Snow-)drtrt; ~ kannattaa the
gerness; ardor, zeal; vrt. hanakka.
surrace or the snow Is (frozen) hard
hsnalllnen .. with a faucet (attached). ha
enough to bear one up (1. to bear a p.'s
itaton wlthout a (1. having no) faucet; welght). hankiainen = hanki, 1.
hammerless [gun, pyssy].
hankinta procurlng, gettlng, acqulring; achangata rub, chafe, gall; (raapia) scrape; qulsltion; galning, earnlng; (kaupp.) dograte; kirkkaaksi brlghten, polish, rub livery; maan acqulring (1. acqulsltion)
up, (messinki y. m.) burnlsh, (veitsi, or land. -sopimus contract.
haarukoita y. m.) scour; ~ pois (kumilla) hankkia get, procure; (toimittaa, varustaa)
erase; ~ rikki (esim. takin kyynrp) provlde (1. supply 1. rurnlsh) [a p. with,



Jollekulle Jotakin] ; purvey; (kaupp.) deIlver; ( Itselleen) acquire [property,

omaisuutta], galn [a p.'s favor, Jonkun
suosio], wln; (ansaita) earn; make [one's
Ilvlng by . . , elatuksensa Jollakin]; (saada, saada hankituksi) obtain, secure [a
pardon Tor one, armahdus Jollekulle] ; attain; (hommata, noutaa) bring, retch;
(valmistautua) get (1. make) ready, prepre [Tor . .]; (olla aikeissa) lntend, pian;
~ apua rind (1. secure) help; ~ itselleen
obtain (o. s.), secure (a good place (1. positlon),
procure <ror
o. s.),
acquire hyv
(1. .main)
make [Triends, ystvi; enemles, vihoinsia], (varustaa Itsens Jollakin) provlde
(1. supply 1. rurnlsh) o.s. vvlth, get [an
Income, tuloja], (lelklll.) Invest in [a
new liat, uusi hattu]; lupa (virallinen)
secure a permit, procure (1. obtain) permlssion [to .., Johonkin], procure a IIcense; ~ lht prepare (I. make preparatlons) for departure, get ready to leave;
~ lkri get (1. call 1. go arter) a doctor;
~ matkalle ks. hankkiutua; ~ rahaa
(mys:) raise money; ruokavaroja
[matkaa varten] provlde food (I. secure
provlslons) [for the trlp] ; sille varalle (l. silt varalta) provide Tor tliat
purpose; ~ sivistyst obtain (I. secure 1.
acquire 1. get) an educatlon: suojaa
jollekulle rurnlsh shelter to (I. for) one,
rurnlsh (I. provide) one shelter; takaus
(vankilasta psy varten) rurnlsh ball;
tietoja jollekulle supply (I. rurnlsh)
one \vlth Inrormation; tietoja jostakin
obtain (1. secure) Inrormation about ath.:
~ vahvistusta jollekin (cslm. uutiselle)
secure (I. obtain) conrirmatlon of (a report], obtain an approval (1. a sanrtion)
Tor . .; varastoon (mys:) store up (1.
livva.v). hoin in reserve; hankkii sadetta it
Is getting ready to rin. a raln is brevvlng, a storm is gathering; tm hankki
hnelle kaikkien kunnioituksen (voitti)
thls won hlm the esteeni of everybody.
hankkija one who provldes (I. furnlshes I.
supplles 1. obtains l. secures Jne., vrt.
hankkia); (urakalla-) rontrarlor; (etenkin: ruokavarojen) purveyor, caterer.
hankkilus (miekan) svvord belt, belt.
hankkiminen = hankinta; matkalle ks.
hankkiutuminen; tiedon acqulsltlon oT
hankkiutua prepare (o.s.) [Tor ..], make
preparatlons [Tor ..], get (1. make) ready,
piit o.s. In readlness; hankkiuduhan muAaan get ready to come (1. go) \vlth us;
matkalle prepare (1. make preparatlons)
ror a Journey, get ready for a trlp, (aikoa) pian (I. lntend to make) a trlp. hankkiutuminen preparatlon(s) : matkalle hankhiutuminen preparatlons (1. getting ready)
ror the Journey.
hanko rork; (hein) pltchrork; vrt. hein8~, hiili.
Hanna Hannah.
Hannover Hanover.
Hannu John, Johnille.
hansa liitto (hist.) the Hanseatlc League,
the Hanse. -kaupunki Hanse tovvn.
hansikas, hansikka glove.
hansikkailkoukku glove-buttoner, glovehook. -nahka leather ror gloves, (pehme)
kld (leather). -tehdas glove-ractory.
hanuri accordlon; concertina.
hapahko somcvvhat sour, sourish; (jkpv.)
turnlng; (tiet.) acldulous.
hapan sour; (kem.) arid; suola (kem.)
oxysalt; happamen nkinen sour-looklng
(I. -vlsaged), sulien, surly, morose; Ha


happamen nkinen look sulien (1. sour 1.

surly 1. morose), be sulien (1. morose),
have a sour race. -imel sour-sweet.
-kaali sauerkraut. -leip leavened bread.
hapannut turned, sour(ed). hapannutta*
ks. hapattaa.
napani suola sait or lemon(s), acld sait or
sorrcl; (kem.) acld potassium oxalate.
-taikina leaven.
hapantua, hapantunut ks. hapata, hapannut.
haparoida g-rope [arter (1. for) . .] ; reel
one's way [In the dark, pimess]; (hapuilla)
rumble [for(mys:)
... Jotakin];
haparoimn, haparoimalla
rumbllngly; vrt. hapuilla, haparoiminen groping, rumbling. haparoiva groplng, rumbllng; vrt. hapuileva.
hapata rprees. happanen) turn (1. become 1.
Keti sour, turn, sour; hapannut ks. hakus.
hapattaa sour; leaven [the dough, talklnai. hapattaminen sourlng, leavening. hapatua 1. = hapattaminen; 2. (raam. &
kuv.) leaven.
hapenpitoinen contalning oxygen, oxygenlc.
hapera ks. hauras.
hapeton free or oxygen.
hapettaa (kem.) oxldlze. hapettaminen oxidation. hapettua become oxldlzed, oxldlze.
hapettuminen oxidatlon.
hapoke (kem.) . .-ous acld [esim. arsenikki
arsen(l)ous acld; rikki sulphurous acld].
unleavene 1
ibread, leip], happamuus sourness; acldity. happaneminen turnlng (sour), sourlng.
happeuma (kem.) oxlde. happeuttaa, happeutua ks. hapettaa, hapettua.
happi (kem.) oxygen. -kaasu oxygen (gas).
-rikas rich In oxygen. -yhdistys I. -yhtyml compound or oxygen.
happo acld; happoa synnyttv (tiet.) acidlttc. happoinen contalning acld, acldlrerns; (hiukan) acldulous.
happomarja (kasv.) barberry. -pensas barberry-bush.
hapai hair; (tav.) hapset halr(s); harmaat
hapset gray halr(s). -Juuri (kasv.) rhizold.
hapsinen (yhd.) .. -halred [esim. hopea
hapuileminen ks. hapuilu, hapuileva gropIng, rumbling; hapuileva katse bevvlldered
(1. undecided) look, look or lndecislon.
hapuilla grope; rumble [Tor ... Jotakin:
over the keys, nppimiss] ; (tunnustella)
reel; ksilln reel around vvlth one's
hands, grope, rumble: ovea grope (1.
rumble) Tor the door; ~ sanoja grope (I.
rumble) arter words, rumble arter the
right vvord, hesltate Tor a vvord, be at a
loss ror a \vrd (1. Tor words). hapuilu
groplng, rumbling.
hara (karhi) harrovv; (harkkl) drag, grapnel; sormet harallaan vvlth one's ringers
spread out, with the ringers spread Wide
harakan pes magi>ie's nest. -varpaat (letkili.) hen-tracks; saatko selv harakanvarpaistani can you declpber my hleroglyphlcs?
harakka magple.
hara reisin astrlde, astraddle. -alimainen
(kiero-) squlnt-eyed, squlntlng.
harata harrovv; (naarata) drag Tfor, Jotakin] ; ~ vastaan (kuv.) put o.s. in the way
or . . , be a drag (I. an Impedtment) on a
tn. haraus harrowlng; dragglng.
harava rake. haravoida rake. haravoiminen

harhahartia- (yhd.) mls- [esim. -heitto mlsttiro\v: use of [tools, tykaluja], become versed in
[a language, jotakin kielt], harjaantuma
-ksitys mlsconceptlon, mlsunderstandlng;
ton untralned, lnexperienced, unskllled; un-laaka miscalculatlon], xvrong, raisu, er
roneous [esim. -appi ralse (1. erroneous) accustomed. harjaantunut trained [hand,
doctrlne; -ti* wrong track] ; vrt. vrin-, ksi; eye, silm; volce, ni], practised [in
a th., Johonkin], (well-)drllled; (kokenut)
-aistimus hallucination.
harhaan (eksykslln) astray, (vrn) xvrong, experienced; (tottunut) accustomed [to . . ,
aml ss: [melkein aina verbien yhteydess, Johonkin] ; (taitava) skllled, sk!l(l)ful,
kS. esim. ampua, astua, iske, jahtaa, (well-)versed [In a language, kyttmn
joutua]. -Johdettu led astray, mlsled, mis- Jotakin kielt]; harjaantuneella kdell
g-ulued. -Johtava mlsleading, deluslve; de- xvi t 11 a trained hand; harjaantuneet joukot
ceptlve [theory, teoria]. -Johtunut mls- (trained and) dlscipllned troops; harjaan
dlrected, mlsapplied. -viep = harhaan
tunut ratsastaja skllful (1. trained) rlder.
harjaj heltta (kanalinnuilla) comb, crest.
harha-askel ralse step, misstep, slip: (kuv.) -hirsi (rak.) rldge-pole.
fault, lapse, mlStake; ottaa harha-askel harjakaiset, harjaiset treat at a raising;
(kuv.) take a ralse step, make a ralse move (kaupan ptytty) treat after closlng- a
(1. a mlsmove).
deal, treat to bind a bargain.
harhaileminen straylng, xvandering (about) harjakset ks. harjas, harjaksinen brlstly;
jne., ks. harhailla, harhaileva straylng, (yhd.) . . xvltli . . brlstles [esim. kankeaxvandering (out of the vay), rovlng; er- harjaksinen xvitli StKf brlstles],
rant [fancy, mielikuvitus]; harhaileva harjan lasta (elint.) carlnate (1. keeled)
katse xvandering (1. roving 1. almless) breast-bone. -lintu (elint.) hoopoe.
look. harhailija almless xvanderer, rover; harjallinen provlded xvith (l.havlng) a ridge
vrt. kuljeksija.
(1. crest 1. top); crested; harjalliset =
harhailla stray, xvander (about); (huvik
seen) rove, roam; eksyksiss wander (1. harjanne ridge; (geol., mys:) hogback.
ra) out of the xvay, be stray Ing-, be xvan- harjan II nostaja! set treat at a ralslng. -teki
dering', be lOSt; ~ ilman pmr xvan- j brush-maker.
der almlessly, rove, roam; metsss harja? orsi roof-truss. -pai: harjapll ole
xvander (1. roam) about (1. stroll in) the va (kukkurainen) heaped (up), brlmrul.
woods, (kulkea eksyksiss) be lost in the harjas brlstle; (tav.) harjakset brlstles; vrt.
WOOdS; -* ympri ks. kuljeskella; ajatuk
seni harhailevat sinne tnne my thougbts harjata brusb; ~ pois tomu brush ori' the

xvander (bere and there), my thoughts

stray (1. keep straylng).
harha' isku mUrtirecled blow: miss. -kuva
distorted picture; vrt. seur. -kuvitelma
Illusion, deluslon; phantom. -ksitys
(mys:) mistaken idea, xvrong notion (1.
Impresslon) ; fallacy. -laukaus miss; (va
hingon) accldental shot. -luulo erroneous
bellef, wrong- idea; (-kuvitelma) Illusion,
deluslon; (eksymys) error, mistake. -nky
(optlcal) Illusion; (sielut.) hallucination.
-oppi (usk.) heresy. -oppinen I. (a.) heretlc(al), beterodox. II. (s.) heretic. -oppisuus Heresy, beterodoxy. -ote (urb.)
Tong: hold. -polku 1. -tie xvrong xvay (1.
road), (kuv.) path of error, wrong track
11. path); [Johtaa] harhateille [lead]
astray, vrt. joutua, -ptelm (log.) ra! laey. -usko false (1. erroneous) belier (I.
opinion), mlsbellef; (harhaoppi) heresy;
vrt. harhaluulo, -uskoinen I. (a.) heretical.
II. (s.) heretic.
harhautua lose o.s.: (kuv.) be led ori' [into
doing a th., tekemn jotakin] ; be led
astray; be mlsled; harhautunut . . gone
astray (1. xvrong).
harittaa: sanoa set a saw. haritua (sa
han) settlng.
harja (katon, vuoren y. m.) ridge, (huippu)
top; (terv) edge; (linnun, aallon y. m.)
rrest, comb-, (hevosen y. m.) mane; (vaa
te- y. m.) brusb; muurin ~ cap or a wali.
"ping; lempiin harjalle (raam.) on a
pinnacle or the temple. harjaaja brusher;
(hotelleissa:) porter, (Engl.) boots; vrt.
kenfnharjaaja. harjaamaton unbrushed;
(kllllottamaton) unpollshed. harjaaminen
harjaannus practice; exercise. harjaantua
become trained (1. experienced) ; get experience (1. practice) [in .., Johonkin],
have exercise (1. practice) [in . .] ; (tottua)
get (1. become) used (I. accustomed) to . . ,
get into the bablt [oi dolng a th., tekemn
jotakin]; (oppia) become verscd (1. proriclent [In..]; harjaantua kyttmn Ijecome proriclent (1. sklKOlul 1. adept) in the

harjajltehdas brush factory. -teollisuus
brush Industry.
harjaua brushlng.
harjautua harjaantua.
harjotella practise [on the piano, soitta
maan pianoa], exercise (o.s.), take exer
cise; traln o.s. [In . . , jotakin], drlll (o.s.);
(opetella) be learning; (esiintymist var
ten) rehearse; ~ Jossakin ammatissa be
learning a trade, be beglnning (1. be maklng a start) m a profession; ~ ampumaan
practise shootlng, practise xvith the rlfle;
~ kirjotusta (\. kirjottamaan) practise
penmanshlp: nytelm practise (1. re
hearse) a play, be practising (1. rehearsIhg); ~ osaansa be rehearsing (1. drlillng)
one's part; uimaan traln o.s. in sxvlmmlng, (be) learn(lng) to swim; harjottelemalla (mys : ) by practice ; sotamiehet harjottelivat the soldiers trained (1. drilled).
harjotelma (talt.) study; sketch.
harjottaa practise [cruelty, julmuutta], ex
ercise [frugallty, sstvisyytt]; pursue; carry on [farmlng, maanviljelyst;
agitation, agltatsionia], transact [business,
liikett]; (tehd) commlt [unlaxvrul acts.
laittomuuksia], perpetrate [crueltlcs (1.
outrages. Julmuuksia], do [business, lii
kett]; use [vlolence, vkivaltaa] ; (har
jaannuttaa Johonkin) train, drlll; (julkista
esiintymist varten) rehearse; harjata
jrkesi exercise your reason; use your
common sense; ~ Jotakin ammattia car
ry on (1. pursue 1. folloxv) a trade; Jo
takin ammattinaan carry on . . as a pro
fession (1. a trade), make a business of . .;
~ haurautta fornicate, (Julkista) practise
prostltution; ~ ilkeytt be up to mean
trlcks (1. to mlschieD ; ~ ilkivaltaa Cl. ilkivaltaisuuksia) ilo m ischief, commlt outrages;
julmuutta jotakuta kohtaan practise
cruelties toxvard one; kauppaa jollakin
trade (1. deal in) ..; kiristyst practice
extortion, (uhkauskirjeiden avulla) blackmail: ~ Jotakuta kirjottamaan traln (I.
drlll) one in xvrlttng; kulkukauppaa ped

die; ~ laulua practise a song, drill (In) na Is under advisement (1. consideration),
a song, (opetella) be learning (1. drill) Is being considered (1. deliberated upon).
on a song; ~ Jotakln lUketta carry on harkitsomaton (ajattelematon) heedless, rash
(1. be In) a business; ~ maanvilielytta [word, sana] ; (Jota el ole harkittu) unpre
(mys:) farm, be a rarmer; ~ mielivaltai- meditated [act, teko], not sufficiently de
suatta be arbitrary, act arbitrarily; ~ liberated upon; ~ teko rash (I. heedless
opinioja pursue (1. carry on) one's studies 1. Impulsive) act. harkiueminen = har[at a university. Jossakln ylioplstossa], kinta. harkitieva(inen) deliberate, delib
study, (Engl.) read [huom. ban har/otti erative, harkitsevaisuus detlberatene;s,
pintoja lakificterss tie pursued the study deliberation.
of (1. was studying) law, he read law] ; ~ harkittu (ennakolta) premeditated, deliber
ate [act, teko; murder, murha] ; (suunnisotamlehia drill (1. train 1. exercise) the sol
diers; ~ taidetta be an artist, (oplskelutar- teltu) devised; vrt. huonosti, hyvin. harkotuksella) pursue art; ~ vaalioikeattaan kitusti In a deliberate manner, with de
exercise one's elective franchise; ~ >ifc- liberation, deliberately; advisedly, with
haatta practise in:.- (l. deceit) , make use forethought; with premeditation.
Of a crafty device: vleraanoaraisuutta harkki drag, grapnel.
show hospitality, be hospitable; ~ vilppi harkko bar; (kulta-, hopea-, kuparl- y. m.)
Ingot; (rauta-, lyljy- y. m.; pig; vrt. nirkpractise cheating, cheat; ~ eakiaaltaa com
mit an outrage (1. outrages), use violence ko. -rauta pig Iron.
gray (klrj. mys: grey); grizzled.
[against one, Jotakuta vastaan] , do violence
[to . .] ; buha tmn kappaleen on teille grizzly; (vanhuuttaan) hoary; (hevosen
gray; bar the grizzly bear;
harjottanat who has drilled you In this
~ menneityys the hoary (1. gray) past;
play? who drilled the play?
cari (omlnalSUUtena) gravneSS; harmaat
harjottaja practlser; vit. ammatin, liik- hapset
(\. hinktet) gray halr(s). -hapsinen
keen~. harjottamaton unpractised;
I. -hfuksinen gray-haired, gray- (1. hoary-)
exercised, untrained, undrllled; green, headed,
(1. hoary) with age. -hylje
raw [recruit, rekryytti]; harjottamattomat (ellnt.) gray
gray seal, -klvl (gray) granite,
joukot (mys:) undisciplined troops, har- -lepp
speckled (1. hoary) alder.
jottaminen practice, exercise; (harjaan(yhd.) grayish [eslm. -ruskta
nuttamlnen) training, drlll(lng). harjotta- harmaangrayish
-tinintn grayish blue].
va practising, exercising; tointaan harjot- -kirjava mottled gray;
(kankaasta:) pep
tava lakimies [lkri . .] practising
lawyer [physician etc.], practitioner.
turn gray.
harjotteleminen practising, exercising, drill- (Ihmlslsta:) = harmentua. harmaan
t u nut
Ing; vrt. barjotella. harjottelija one learn
ing- a trade (1. profession); (rautatlella) harmaan1 tpltks spotted with gray; (beyoung man learning the railroad business, vosesta:) dapple-gray, -voipa grayish;
depot agent's assistant; (opplpolka) ap
(hiuksista:) grizzly, streaked with gray.
prentice: (alottellja) beginner, learner. harmaall
parta(inen) I. (a.) gray-bearded.
harjottelu practice; training; drilling.
graybeard. -pilkkuinen spotted
harjotus practice, exercise; training; (ase-) with(s.)
-pukuinen . . (dressed) in gray,
drill; (nytelman) rehearsal; harjotukset -peinen gray-headed
man, ukko].
(sotaven) drill, training, field-practice, -pli I. (a.) gray-headed.[old
(s.) grayhead.
(manverl) maneuver, manuvre, (ny- -salva blue (1. mercurial) II.ointment,
-tuktelman) rehearsal.
kainen - harmaahapsinen. -veil (hist.)
harjotus- (yhd.) training- [eslm. -laioa gray friar. -VOlda harmaasalva.
training-ship; -ieiri training-camp]; (Jos- harmahtava tinged with gray, grayish; griz
kus:) practice-, -alka period for drilling (1. zled, grizzly [beard, parta], harmaja =
of training), time for gaining experience; harmaa.
time (set) for practice; (opplalka) ap harmentaa make . . gray, (cause . . to) turn
prenticeship, -eslmerkkl example; exercise, gray, harmentua, harmeta turn (1. get)
-kappale (mus.) exercise. -kentU (sot.) gray, grow hoary, harmentunut, harmendrllllng-ground(s), parade-ground; Instruc
nut hoary; isiinmaan palvetuksessa har
tion-camp, -tehtavt exercise.
mentunut turned gray In the service of
harju ridge; (geol.) hogback, (kapea, hlek- one's Country; taistcluissa harmennut xotaka-) esker, eskar; vrt. harjanne.
oanhue hoary veteran.
harjus (kalalajl) (European) grayling.
harml displeasure, resentment; indignation;
harklnta deliberation, consideration; reflec
(klusa) annoyance, vexation; (valva) trou
tion, -aika ks. miettimiiaika.
ble; (suuttumus) anger; harmikti a*ti
enough to make one disgusted, until one
hark ta dellberate; consider; (punnlta) pon
der [upon (1. over)], weigh (In one's Is completely disgusted (1. Is out of pa
mind); (tuumla) think over, reflect upon, tience): harmillanikin [sen teen] [I'll do
(tarkoln) study; (suunnitella) think out, It] out Of (mere) spite; [Olla] harmittaan
devise; (arvata, laskea) calculate, estimate, o*takin [be] vexed (1. disgusted 1. Indig
reckon; (huomata) find; vrt. ajatella; ~ nant) on account of (I. about 1. over 1. at) a
th. [huom. olen harmistani handle I feel (1." tehd al akin find (1. slder 1. deem) It best (1. most proper) to am) put out with him], harmillinen pro
do a th.; ~ tarkemmin think over, recon voking, vexatious, annoying [occurrence,
sider; ~ uudelleen reconsider; harkilsc- tapaus], disgusting; troublesome; (onnematta without considering, heedlessly; - ton) unfortunate, unlucky; harmillinen ta
kittematta tr.hty heedless, rash, thought paus (mys:) a piece (I. a bit) of bad luck,
less, hasty; harkiltu ks. hakUS.; asiaa tar a mishap; sep harmillista how annoying!
kemmin (\. Itihemmin harkitessani (up)0n Isn't that provoking! what a nuisance!
further reflection, In thinking the matter harmillisestl vexatlously, annoyingly; sep
over; (asiaa / tyystin harklttuani upon ma sattui harmillisesti that was an annoying
ture deliberation, after thinking the mat thing to happen, harmilllsuus vexatiouster Well over; oletko harki n nut seurauksia ness; troublesomeness; vexation, annoy
have you thought of the consequences? ance, harmlatua be (I. feel) vexed (I. an
have you counted the cost? on harkittava- noyed) [with one, Johonkuhun; at a th.,



Jostakin], be(come) provoked, feel pro

voked (1. lndlgnant); reel put out [wlth
ooe, johonkuhun; about a th., Jostakin];
(kiukustua) get angry. harmistuneesti in
dignantly, in vexation; as though one were
vexed. harmistunut lndlgnant, vexed [at
(I. over). Jostakin] ; vrt. suuttunut, har
mitella be rrettinif (1. worrying) [on aceount of a th., Jonkin takia], rret [about
a tn.. Jotakin], \vorry [about (1. over) . .],
be troubled (1. upset 1. disturbed) [over
a th.. Jotakin] ; (katua) regret.
harmittaa dlsplease, vex, annoy; tili viili
indlgnatlon; (rsytt) provoke; Tret, Irrltate; (kiukuttaa) anger; minua ~ I feel
vexed (wlth myself) [Tor having done so,
ett tein sen;, (kiukuttaa) It provokes me
[to tnlnk bow . . , kun ajattelen, miten . .],
(kaduttaa) I resent [having been led Into
lt, ett olen Joutunut siihen], (olen pa
noillani) I am sorry [that ..], I regret
[that . .]. harmittava = harmillinen.
harmoni (uml) organ. harmonikka ks. hanuri.
haroa drag; vrt. harata.
harottaa stick up; Jut out, proJect; (olla
ulkoneva) stand out.
harpata take great (I. long) strldes, strlde;
-taik; (hypt) Jump, sprlng; (loikata)
leap, bound; ojan yli lunge over a di teli;
juntta harppasi ran vvith long bounds.
harplkko case of drawing Instruments.
harppaus (pitk askel) strlde; (hyppys)
Jump, sprlng; (loikkaus) leap, bound; pit
kin harppauksin \vitll long bOUndS.
harppi compass; (palr of) compasses; (pie
ni) (palr oD dlvlders. -laatikko 1. -kotelo
case or drawlng Instruments, drawlng set.
harppu harp.
harppuuna barpoon. harppuunoida harpoon.
harpun kieli barp-strlng. -soittaja harpplayer, (vanb.) barper; (ammatti-) harpist.
-soitto playing on a (1. the) harp, playing
the barp; (Joskus;) harping.
harpuuni kS. harppuuna.

narraa devoted [Christian, kristitty; rrlend,

ystv], devout; arfectlonate; (lmmin)
varm [Interest, mielenkiinto], lntlmate
[ rrlendsblp, ystvyys] j (kiihke, Innokas)
ardent [desire, halu], rervent [prayer,
rukous]; (huvitettu) lnterested; (uutte
ra) zealous, strenuous; (hellittmtn)
perseverlng; (vakava) earnest [request,
pyynt] ; kannattaja warm (1. ardent 1.
strenuous) supporter; kuulija earnest
llstener, lnterested hearer; hartaat (l. har
taimmat) kiitokseni my heartfelt (1. my
warmest) tbankS; Aartoin toivomukseni
on, att . . It Is my most ardent (1. my
warmest) wlsh that . . , (sydmellisin) It
Is the svlsh nearest (to) my beart that .
utua hartaana -it devoutly, sit earnestly
devout. -mielinen warm-hearted; (deeply)
lnterested; devoted, devout; (vakava) earn
est [llstener, kuulija], -mielisyys warmheartedness; warm (1. ardent) interest.
harrastaa be lnterested (1. take an interest)
[In ... Jotakin] ; (pyrki) pursue, (earn
estly) endeavor [to acqulre knowledge,
tietojen hankkimista] ; (lmpimsti) be
xealous for [a good cause Jotakin hyv
asiaa]; (ahkeroida) study, strlve arter.
labor [to do a th.]; (kiinty) devote one's
attentlon (1. glve one's mind) [to . . , Jota
kin], devote (1. apply) o. s. [to . .] ; (suo
sia, hellii) cherisb [the truth, totuutta] ;
- kansan parasta lOOk lor (1. devote O.S.
to) the best lnterests or the people, cher
isb the gOOd or the people; ~ opintojaan
devote (I. apply) o.s. to one's studlcs,
pursue one's Studies, harrastaja: jonkin
harrastaja one who is lnterested In . . ,


(lmmin) a zealot (1. an enthuslast) for

(1. In) . .; vrt. taiteenharrastaja, harras
taminen devotlng o.s. [to ..], devotlon
[to . .] ; pursuance; Interest; cherishing;
vrt. harrastus, harrastava: jotakin harras
tava lnterested In, (lmpimsti:) devoted
to, zealOUS Tor; kaikki asiaa harrastavat
ali tbose lnterested; vrt. oikeus.
harrastelija, harrastella ks. harrastaja, har
harrastua (kiinty) become lnterested in
(1. zealous for 1. devoted to), take Interest in.
harrastus Interest [In, Johonkin] ; (lmmin)
zeal [for ..], devotlon; (pyrint) pursuit,
(earnest) endeavor, aspiration [arter (1.
for). Johonkin] ; kirjalliset harrastukset
llterary pursults (1. aspirations) ; taiteen
~ pursuit or art, interest in art.
harrl (harjus) European grayllng.
harsoa thln, gauzy.
harsia (ommella vliaikaisesti) baste: tar.k;
(mets.) tbln. harsinta basting, tacking;
(mets.) tblnning.
harso gauze; crape, crepe; (kasvoilla) veil,
vrt. huntu, -huivi gauze (1. chirron) scarr.
-huntu gauze veil.
harsoinen gauzy; crape-(l. crepe-)like.
harso[| kangas crape, crepe; (esim. haavojen
sitomiseen kytetty) gauze; cheese-cloth.
-korento (ellnt.) chrysopld. -nauha gauze
rlbbon, (musta) crape band. -vaata =

hartaasti earnestly; eagcrly; ardently, urgently, rervently; devoutly; \vlth great (1.
deep) Interest; vrt. harras; rukoilla
(mys:) beg bard.
hartaudenharjotus devotlonal exerclses, dcvotlons.
hartaus devotlon; earnestness; (Into)cagerness; (lmp) vvarmth, rervor, rervency:
hartaudella (mys:) devoutly, earnestly.
-hetki bour or devotlon; devotlons; (esim.
koulussa) devotlonal exerclse, chapel (exerclse); vrt. hartauskokous, -kirja prayerbook, rellglous book. -kirjallisuus devo
tlonal (1. rellglous) literature. -kokous
devotlonal meetlng (1. Service), prayermeetlng.
harteinen = hartlainen.
harteva broad-sbouldered.
hartia shoulder; [kantaa] hartioillaan [carry] on one's shoulders.
hartialnan (ybd.) . .-sbouldered [esim. h
pe narrow-shouldercd; 7eue'~ broartshouldered] .
hartiakas broad-shouldered.
hartsata rosln [the bow or one's vlolln, viu
lunsa Jousi], coat (1. rub) vvith rosin, resIn. hartsaus roslning, coatlng (1. rubbing)
\vith rosln. hartsi rosln; (etup. kem.) resin. hartsimainen reslnous, reslnold, reslnaceous. hartsloljy rosin-oil.
harva tbln, not dense; (harsea) gauzy; (el
moni) rew; (harvassa oleva) sparsc; (har
vinainen) rare; harvaan, harvakseen ks.
hakus.; se (mies), joka ei . . tbere are
Tew men who would not ..; se piv
nearly every day, every day wlth scarcely
an exceptlon; harvat le\v; harvat ihmiset
(mys: harva ihminen) few men (1. peo
ple); harvat valitut a select (I. a chosen)
rew; muutamat harvat a fe\v; olla harvas
ta occur rarely (1. lnrrequently), be rarely round (1. met wlth), be scarce, be (of)
rare (occurrence) [huom. esim. hyvi mie
hi on harvatta good men are scarce (1.
rare), good men are an exceptlon; mntyj
oli (vhn ja) harvatta the plnes vvere
rew and Tar between (1. were scattered);
paot ovat harvatta the trees are rar apart
n'rom eacb otber)].



harvaan thlnly [planted, lstutettu(Ja)],

sparsely [settled, asuttu]; (harvakseen)
810wly; (harvoin) rarely, seidoin; <-, mat
to hartaaMti slovvly but surely, by slow
dcgrees; istuttaa ~ not plant close together, plant rar apart.
harvahampainen I. -hammas gap-toothed.
harvain Ivalta oligarchy. -valtainen ollgarchic.

harvakseen slowly; at (rare 1. long) lntervals; (harvoin) rarely, infrequently; (sil

loin tllin) now and then; (yksitellen)
onc by one; astuskella walk (1. tread)
aion? slowly, plod along; niit tapaa ~
they are rarely met wlth; vrt. harvaan.
harva kudoksinon coarsely woven; (harsea)
thm. gauzy. -lukuinen rew (1. small) In
number, of a small number, scarce. -lukui
sasti In small numbers; sparsely; harvaluhuisesti edustettu not well representcd.
-lukuisuus small number; pauclty, fewness. -puheinen chary(l. sparlng) or words
(1. in speech); (vaitelias) taclturn; harva
puheinen mies a mau of fe\v \vords (1.
rhary with his words). -puheisuus slowness or speech, chariness wlth words;
(vaiteliaisuus) taclturnity. -sanainen I.
= harvapuheinen; S. (vain muutamia sa
noja sisltv) conslsting or few woids;
laconlc. -silminen coarse-meshed [tiet,
harvasteeseen slovvly; at long intervals;
(harvoin) rarely.
harvemmin not so orten, more rarely, less
rrequently; ~ asuttu less (1. not so)thickly settled, more sparsely (I. thinly) populated.
harveneminen thinnlng (out); (vhenemi
nen) reductlon In number, lessenlng. har
vennettu tllinin-d; harvennettu teksti spaced
(out) letters (1. prlnt). harvennus (met
sn y. m.) thinnlng; (klrjap.) spacing out.
harventaa make . . thln(ner),make . .(more)
sparse; make . . (more) rare; (mets y.
m.) thln; (vhent) lessen, reduce; (klr
jap.) space out, interspace; kyntejn
decrease the number of one's calls, not
call (1. corae) as often (as one used to).
harventaminen (metsn y. m.) thinnlng;
(klrjap.) spacing out. harventua, harveta
get thlnned, get (1. grow) thin(ner), thln
(out); (kyd harvinaisiksi) grow (1. be
come) raie; (lukumrltn) become
small(er) In number, be reduced in num
ber, (vhet) giovv less, decrease; rivimmi harvenevat our ranks are thlnning (I.
grow thlnner).
harvimmin least orten, least rrequently;
most rarely, most Infrequently.
harvinainen rare, seidoin (to be) met \vlth;
(harvassa tavattava, harvoin nhty) scarce,
uncommon Isight, nky], out or the ordinary (I. the common); inrrequent lvisltor,
vieras]; (omituinen) strangc | chance. sat
tuma], odd, singular; (tavaton) unusual,
unwonted; exceptional; (erinomainen) extraordlnary, remarkable; ihminen a per
son out or the ordlnary (1. the common
nm), an extraordinary person, a rare indlvldual; ~ tapaus a rare case, an uncom
mon (1. unusual) OCCUrrence; harvinaisen . .
unusually [large, suurll. slngiilarly (I.
pecullarly) [adapted, sopiva], exceptionally, uncommonly I good, hyviil. (erinomai
sen) extraordinarily Ibeautirul, kaunis];
on harvinaista, ett . . tt is out or the com
mon that . . , it is rare(ly) that . . . harvi
naisesti rarely, seidoin; Infrequently. har
vinaisuus rareness, rarity; scarclty; inirequence; (harvinainen esine) rare thing,


curloslty; kuuluu harvinaisuuksiin Is a

rare (1. uncommon) thlng.
harvoin seidoin, rarely; Inrrequently, not
orten; nhty [kuultu] rarely (1. seidoin)
seen [heard or], scarce [bird, lintu], rare,
uncommon ; sattuu niin, ett . . It rarely
happens that . . , lt Is rare that . .; ta
pahtuva . . or (very) inrrequent occurrence, Inrrequent; kokouksia, joissa ku
kaan ky (mys:) unrrequented meetings.
harvuus thinness; scarclty.
hassahtaa not be qulte normal, be arting
queer, (Jkpv.) be a little orr. hassahtava
. . not quite in (possesslon or) one's senses,
not quite sane (1. rlght 1. normal); (acting) queer; hn on hiukan hassahtava
(Jkpv.) he Is a little orr (1. a little out or
his head).
hassu silly, Toollsh; crazy, mad; vrt. hullu.
hapsumainen foolish, silly, crazy; (nau
rettava) funny, droll, queer, comical. hassumaisesti runnily, queerly. hassumaisuus
roolishness, rolly, absurdity.
hassun! kurinen 1'uiuiy, comical, droll, ludicrous; mad, absurd. -kuriseeti runnily,
comically. -kurisuua laughableness, ludicrousncss; extrcme runniness, screaming
Tun; (mielettmyys) absurdity.
hassusti wrong, amlss; hnen on kynyt ~
things have gone xvrong wlth him; siin oii
vhll kyd that vvas a narrow escape,
(jkpv.) that \vas a (pretty) close shave
(1. call).
hassutella ks. hullutella, hassuttasi miest
hassuttaa (Jkpv.) that rellow must have a
crazy streak (1. spell), that man must have
gone crazy. hassuttelija, hassuttelu, hasSUtus ks. hulluttelija, hulluttelu, hullutus.
hassuus idlocy; roolishness; absurdity; vrt.
hatara (alkumerk.) not tight, not dense;
riimsy [structure, rakenne; nest, linnun
pes]; (esim. rakennuksesta) poorly (I.
riimsily) constructed, unsubstantlal, ranishackle, shaky; (hll, lyh) loose [texture. kudos], (kuv.) vague [supposltion.
luulo]; (lpikuultava) transparent, dlaphanous; (harsea) gauzy; (harva) thin
idoud, pilvi]; (vuotava) leaky; (heikko)
weak, poor [memory, muisti]; ~ puolus
tus fliinsy (1. poor) eXCUSe; hatarat perus
teet vague (l. weak) grounds [huom. h
nell on hatarat perusteet historiassa he
has a poor roundatlon (I. he Is poorly
grounded) In history] ; hatarat perustelut
a weak line or argument, not a wellgroimded argument: hatarat tiedot Jossa
kin superriclal (1. shaky 1. shallovv) knowledge in . .; ot>i on ~ (mys.) the door lets
the wind through. hatarasti not tightly.
flimsily; vaguely. hataroitua become thin
(I. riimsy 1. vague 1. poor Jne., vrt. hata
ra), hataruus riimslness; looseness, vague ness; thinness; (muistin y. m.) poorness.
hattara (pilven-) speck (1. patch 1. wlsp) or
cloud, vvhite speck (I. \vlsp): cloudlet.
hattu hat; (phine) bonnet; (pannun-)
cap; hatun koppa [lieri] crown [brlm] or
a hat; hatut pois pst hat s olT!
hattu- (vhd.) hat- [esim. -harja hat-brush:
-laatikko liat-box, hat-case]. -kauppa 1.
-liike hat-store; (naisten hattu- Ja muoti
kauppa) mlllincry-sbop (1. -store). -neula
haipui, -puolue (hlst.) the Mats. -rasia
bandbox; mys = hattulaatikko. -tehdas
hat-factory, hattery. -tukki (hat-)block.
hatu down, flurr, rioss. hatulnen dovvny,
hatullinen hatrul; ~ marjoja a hatliil of

hatun koppa crown (of s hat). -Ilari brlm haukunta bark(ing), bay(lng); (lyhyt, ki
(or a hat): (naisten hatussa) front. -nauha me) yelp(lng) ; vrt. haukkuminen, haubatband. -nosto lirttng the hat, takin? orr kuskella keep on barklng, be barklng;
oo*'s hat, baring the head. -nyri hat- (kuv.) keep on abusing, scold contlnually,
cord. -rouna = hatunlieri, -sisusta hat- (nalkutella) nag [at one, Jotakuta], haulirim?. -tekij batter, hat-maker.
kuttaa make . . bark; make . . howl.
hatuton . . vmbout a hat, batless; hatutto hauli shot (plur. shot). haulikko shotgun,
miin pin bareheaded, . . v/ith bared bead, fowllng-piece.
hauli; metalli shot-metal. -panoa charge (of
haudan, kaivaja grave-digger; sexton. -ta
Shot) ; hn sai koko haulipanoksen jal
kainen: haudantakainen elm life beyond kaansa the whole charge loaged tn bis leg.
(the grave).
-pussi shot-poucb. -pyssy = haalikko.
haudata bury. Inter; (toimittaa maahanpa- -ropsaua charge of shot.
maiset) commlt . . to the earth, read the hauraa brittle; (helposti srkyv) rraglle,
burial Service [ovcr . .] ; /laudatta buried, rrall; (murea) crlsp [bread, leip]; (hel
interred. haudatta* bave . . buried (1. ln- posti mureneva) frlable. hauraitua become
(1. get) brittle (1. crlsp 1. fragile Jne., vrt.
haudo t. (lke-) appllcation, romentation ; hauras), hauraus brittleness, fragillty;
(kre) compress; (puuro-) poultlce; 2. (mureus) crlspness.
(rehu-) bot (1. uarru) mash. haudella haureellinen not chaste, uncbaste, lewd
batbe with bot water, kuumalla vedell], [woman, nainen], bawdy, llcentious; vrt.
apply hot applicatlons [to . . , Jotakin] ; irstas, haureellisesti lewdly, In a lewd
haudella jotakin kylmill kreill apply manner, Ucentlously; el haureellisesti
cold compresses to . . .
live lewdly, lead a lewd life. haureellisuus
haudonta (hautelcminen) bathing, (apply- unchastity, lewdness, fornication. haureliaa = haureellinen.
lng of) hot applicatlons, (lk.) romenta
tion; (munien) brooding, slttlng on eggs, haureudenpesa house of tll-fame, bavvdy
batcblng; vrt. hautoa.
house. haureus leudness, unchastity, lewd
11 Te; vrt. huoruus.
hauenkoukku hook for catching plke.
hauislihaa (anat.) blceps.
hauska I. (a.) pleasant, dellghtful, agreehaukahtaa (haukkua) yelp; (puraista) blte. able; (hupainen. Iloinen) Jolly [chap, poi
haukanpa hawk's nest.
ka], merry; (huvittava) amuslng, entcrhaukata bite, take a blte: snap [at . .] ; talning [story, kertomus], lnterestlng;
(syd) eat (hurrledly); leivst take a (sep on) ~ kuulla thafs good news, I'm
bite out of the loaf; ~ vlipalaa bave a (very) glad (1. pleased) to hear It; ~ ta
snatcb, (have a light) lunch.
vata (esitettess:) I'm pleased to meet
hauki plke: (pienempi laji) plckerel.
you; hauskat huoneet cheerful apartments;
haukka bawk; falcon. -metsstys hawking, luisteleminen on minusta hyvin hauskaa I
falcony. -metsstj falconer.
take great pleasure in skatlng; olisi
haukkaua bitlng, snap(ping). blte.
nhd, miten siin ky It would be lnter
haukkoa: henken gasp for breath.pant; estlng to see how that wlll come out (I.
ilmaa gasp for air, (esim. kaloista:) get hat the outcome of that \vill be). II. (s.)
tbe air.
fun. good tlme; meill oli hyvin hauskaa
haukku (koiran) barklng; ei ~ haavaa tee huviretkell wc hail a good tlme (1. a lot
il. v.) barklng dogs never bite, hls bark is of fun) on the pleasure-trlp, wc enjoyed
worse tban hls blte.
the pleasure-trlp very much; ks. pit
haukkua (koirasta:) bark f at ... Jotakuta, (hauskaa).
jotakin], (kimakasti) yelp, (ulvomalla) hauskannkinen pleasant-(l. agreeable-)
bay; (kuv.) call . . (bad) names, abuse, looklng. hauskasisltinen . . witli lnter
(torua) scold, glve a (good) scolding. call estlng (1. amuslng) contents. hauskasti
down, bowl [at one, Jotakuta], (loukata) pleasantly, agreeably; (hupaisesti) merrlinsult; jotakuta joksikin call one [a ly; piv kului hauskasti the day passed
tbler, varkaaksi], (Jollakin lllkanlmell) merrlly. hauskutella amuse o. s. [by dolng
nirkname [esim. nt haukuttiin Sauna- a th.. Jotakin tekemll], divert o. s., make
Jussiksi he was nlcknamed Bath-house merry; vrt. huvitella, hauskuttaa amuse,
John]: julkisesti (esim. sanomalehdes
divert, entertaln; (tehd hauskaksi) make
s) decry: notkutella scold contlnually, . . pleasant (1. amuslng). hauskutus amusen- iat one. Jotakuta]; Joku pahanpi
ment, dlverslon, entertalnment; (hauskuus)
viseksi (\. pataluhaksi 1. silmt ja korvat enjoyment, pleasure. hauskuus pleasure,
tyteen) haul one over the coals, glve one enjoyment; (huvi) amuscment, run; (ilo)
a sound ratlng, rall at one, heap (I.shower) mlrth, Jolllty, gaiety (mys: gayety); jon
abuse upon a p.
kun hauskuudeksi to amuse one, for a p.'s
haukkuma nimi nirkname. -sana bad \vorcl pleasure (1. amusement).
(I. name), word of abuse, abuslve word (1. hauta grave, tomb, sepulcher; (kuoppa)
name).name: taunt; haukkumasanat (koll.) plt, dltch; haudan hiljaisuus Silence Of the
foul (1. abusive) language, abuse, taunt(s), grave (1. the tomb), deathlike silence.
one who burles (1. inters). hautaahaukkuminen 1. haukunta; 2. (kuv.) abus- hautaaja
maton unburled, uninterred. hautaaminen
Ing, ralllng, abuse, foul language; vrt. to
haukotella yawn, gape: haukotellen with a suom.) undcrtaker.
yawn, yawnlngly. haukottaa 1. hauko hautaantua be(come) buried [in sand,
hiekkaan]; (kuv.) bury o.s. ; ermaan
tuttaa; 2. = haukotella.
haukotus yawn(lng), gape. -kohtaus the yksinisyyteen bury o.s. in the wilderness;
hautaantunut buried In . . . hau
haukotuttaa make . . (1. rause . . to) yawn, taholvi (burial-)vault, tomb; (pitk, maan
provoke yawnlng; n tied mik minua niin alainen) catacomb, crypt.
(mys:) I don't know why I bave to hautajais- (yhd.) funeral [esim. -puhe fu(I. I must) yawn so; minua I have tbe neral oratlon; -saattue funeral procession;
rapes, I am (1. feel) yawny. haukotuttava -toimitus funeral ceremony], burial.
hautajaiset funeral, burial, obsequies. hauyawn-provoklng. tlresome.




tajaismenot burial service, funeral (1. last)

rites (1. services).
hautall kammio sepulcher; vrt. hautaholvi.
-kappeli cemetery (1. mortuary) chapel;
tomb; vrt. hautarakennu5. -kirjotus in
scription (on a tombstone), epitaph, -kivi
tombstone, gravestone, marker, monument.
-kumpu mound over a grave; (burial-)
mound; (esihlstorlalllnen) barrow; cairn.
-pats/as monument, (suurl) tomb, -puhe
funeral oration; eulogy, -rakennus mau
soleum, -risti cross (over a grave 1. at a
grave), monumental cross.
liautaus burial, Interment, intombment; vrt.
hautaua- (yhd.) funeral [eslm. -kattannuk.s-of funeral expenses; -taatto funeral pro
cession], burlal(-) [eslm. -maa burialground; -menor burial rites].
hautauaapu aid In (1. money towards the)
funeral expenses, -kassa burial fund, -ren
gas burial society.
dauiaus kassa burial fund, -kellot funeral
bell(s). -maa cemetery, graveyard, burialplace, burylng-ground, God's acre, -aoitto
1. music at a funeral; 2. = hautaukellot.
-toimisto undertaking parlors (1. establish
ment), the undertaker's.
hautautua bury O.S.; mys = hautaantua.
hauteleminen, hautelu bathing [with, Jollakln], (applying) hot applications [to ..].
hautoa 1. (haudella) bathe, apply (hot) ap
plications [to ..]; (lkehauteilla) foment,
vrt. paahtaa; 2. (kanasta y. m. punuen:)
sit (on eggs) [Jkpv.: set on eggs], (sit)
brood(lng), incubate, (polkaslln astl)
hatch (kolme viimemainlttua mys kuv.);
3. (kuv.) cherish [hopes, tolvelta], har
bor [malicious thoughts, panoja ajatuksia],
revolve [great schemes, suuria tuumla] ;
~ aarttitaan ikuv.) hover over one's treas
ures; ~ mirlrssaun revolve (in one's mind) ;
(tuumla) ponder [upon ..], contemplate,
meditate; - poihatiin (1. pojikti) hatch
(out); ~ salajaonia revolve (1. harbor) in
trigues, plot; /i.vro (kana) haatomaan a
good setting (1. brooding) hen, a good
hautomallaika (Hnnun) brooding season (1.
time), -kana setting hen, brood-hen,
brooder, -koje 1. -kone hatching-apparatus,
Incubator, -uuni Incubator.
hautominen bathing, (Jonkln) applying hot
applications to . .; (llnnun) brooding, In
cubation; hatch(ing). hautomisaika ks.
hautoma-aika. hautoutua be bathed; vrt.
hautua. hautova brooding, hatching.
hautua 1. be bathed, (leak.) be fomented;
(eslm. perunolsta, lantulsta y. m.) steam;
(paahtua) be basked (1. scorched); (esim.
Jalka, kuumalla limalla kvelless) be(come) chafed; 2. (mua) hatch (mys
kuv.), be hatched; 3. (kuv.) mature, brew.
hautUUmaa = hautauimaa.


[from stupor, horroksesta: from sleep,

unesta]. havahtuminen awakening.
Hawai i-saaret the Hawaiian Islands.
havainnollinen havaannollinen. havainnontekiji observer; (filos.) empiric.
havainto perception; (huomlo) observation;
(kokemus) experience; (kekslnto) discov
ery; haoaintoan pt rustuva Intuitive; tehJ
haoaintoja make observations, -kyky per
ceptive faculty, perception: faculty of ob
servation; vrt. huomiokyky. -opetus ks. havaanto-opetui. -virhe error In observation.
havaita observe; (huomata, lyt) perceive,
notice, note, be(come) aware of; (saada
tlet) learn, find (out); (keksi) discover;
(hoksata) catch sight of, espy, descry;
(nhd) see; (ksltt) be sensible of, real
ize, understand: havaittavissa oleoa per
ceptible, perceivable, discernible, notice
able; havaittiin tarpeelliseksi was found
necessary, proved necessary, havaitsematon not perceived, unpercelved; (Jota el voi
huomata) Imperceptible, havaitseminen ob
serving, perceiving, noticing Jne., vrt. ha
vaita. havaitsemus perception, havaitae
vainen attentive; watchful, heedful: ob
servant, observing, havalttava perceptible:
discernible; vrt. huomattava.
Havanna Havana, Habana.
navas netting, -lanka packthread, (pack)
havauttaa, havautua ks. havahduttaa, havah

haven (parta) beard.

havitella (haluta) desire, be desirous of.
have a desire for; (tavotella) hunt after (I.
for), seek, hanker after (1. for), havittelu
desire; longing; aspiration [.for . .].
havu sprig of a flr-(l. pine-)tree; havut
(mys:) evergreen; buasen [mannen] Aavut needles (1. leaves) of spruce [of pinel.
spruce [pine] brash, -kasa pile of ever
green sprigs, -maja hut (made) of ever
green branches, -metat forest of pine- and
fir-trees; pine-forest.
havun ncula needle (1. leaf) of pine (1. fir),
pine-leaf, -oksa branch of evergreen, pine(1. fir-) twig.
havupuu plne(-tree), fir(-tree); (tlet.) co
niferous tree; (puualneena) pine, havutiaa
strew with spruce (1. pine) brash, cover
with evergreen, havutukki block for chop
ping evergreen branches (1. sprigs).
he they; Acidan their [hopes, tolveensa], . .
theirs; ne/ to them, for them; hrilta from
them; ~ ifse they themselves; heits them.
Hebrldit the Hebrides.
hede 1. (kasv.) stamen; heftet stamens; 2.
= hete, -kasvi staminate (1. male) plant,
-kukka staminate (1. male) flower.
hedelmisto fruitage.
hedelmlikantava fruit-bearing, bearing
(fruit); (kuv.) ks. seur. -tuottava (kuv.)
fruitful, profitable, productive, yielding.

fruit; Aede/mor fruit, (Joskus:)

havaannollinen (havaannolllsestl esltetty) hedelm
fruits; hedelmst puu tunnetaan tree S
graphic; (sllmln huomattava) visual; (sel known
Its fruit.
va) perspicuous, clear; (filos. = vlltn) hedelm- (yhd.)
fruit- [eslm. -menu fruitIntuitive: ~ opetus object-lessons, havaan- Juice; -pan fruit-tree;
nollisentaa make . . clear (1. visual), visual -viljtlys fruit-culture], -veitsi
-aika fruit-season,
ize; (valalsta) Illustrate, havaannolliaesti -happo acid of fruits, fruit-acid,
graphically; (selvasti) clearly, perceptibly. Jelly, -kauppa fruit-trade, fruit-business:
havaannollisuua graphlc(al)ness; (selvyys) (-puotl) fruit-store, -kauppiaa dealer in
fruit (a), fruit-dealer (1. -seller), -kaupushavaanto (filos.) Intuition; vrt. havainto. tellja
fruit-peddler; (Engl.) costermonger.
-opetus (teaching by) object-lessons, -v- -laji kind (1. variety) of fruit, fruit.
lineet materials for object-lessons.
hedelmallinen fruitful; fertile [soli, maanhavahdua awakening, havahduttaa (a)wake, laatu]; (tuottava) productive; (stklaval(a) rouse, havahtaa, havahtaminen ks. ha nen) prolific, fecund; (kuv. = hytyatuotvahtua, havahtuminen. havahtua (hert) tava) profitable; t eh Ja heJelmlliiehii ks.
wake up, awake(n), rouse (1. be aroused) hedclmoitt. hedelmlllisestl fruitfully;


proliricaJly. hedelmllisyys rruIUulness, hehto (mys: hehtoll) bectollter [ 26.42
fertlllty; productlveness; fecundlty.
hedelmn korjuu rrult-gatherlng, rrult-har- hehto- (yhd.) becto- [esim. -gramma hectovest. -raakila green rruit. -sydn core or gram(me); -litra hectollter]. -grafi (mo
a rrult, kernel. -viljely* growlng (I. cultl- nistin) bectograph.
vation) of rrult(s).
hehuttaa, hehutua ks. hehkuttaa, hehkutus.
hedelm puutarha orchard. -rlkaa . . rlch In hei helgh! bey! ho! (there).
rrult(s), . . wh ali klnds or rrult. -sokeri heijari (Junttaluoti) ram, drop-welght.
rrult-sugar, (kein.) rructose. -silyke con- heijastaa tliro\v back; (valoa, lmp y. m.)
serve (or rrult), Jam; canned rrult.
reriect; (nt y. m.) reverberate; (kuvas
hedelmttmyys lack or rertllity, lnrertlllty; taa) mlrror; (steill) radlate, be resplen(siitoskyvyttmyys) sterllity, barrenness; dent [with .., Jotakin]; (hohtaa) shimmaapern (mys:) the SOll not being mer, gleam. heijastaja (valon-) projcctor,
rerttle . .; vrt. hydyttmyys, hedelmtn search-llgbt; vrt. heijastin, heijastaminen
frultless (mys kuv.), unrniitrul; not rer- reriectlon, reverberatlon Jne., vrt. heijas
tile, barren. sterile; unproliric.
taa, heijastin reriector.
hedelm, iinl cider. -viljelys = hedelmn- heijastua be reriected; (nest y. m.) re
verberate; (kuvastua) be mirrored; heijas
hedelmid bear rrult, rrult; (kukkia) tunut reriected. heijastuminen reriectlon,
bloom, (be in) blossom. hedelmiminen reverberatlon.
rruillng, rructirication; (rukiin y. m.) heijastus reriectlon, reriex; reriected llght;
blossoming; (kukkiminen) bloom, rioririca- ratlialion; snlmmer. -kulma (Tys.) angle or
tlon. hedelmitty be(come) rructiried, reriectlon. -liike reriex action (1. motlon 1.
be(come) rertilized (1. tmpregnated 1. rec- movement). -peili reriector; (ikkunan edes
undated). hedelmittminen ka. hedelmi
s) wlndow-mlrror.
tys, hedelmittv rructirying, rertilizlng; heikentyminen, heikenty ks. heikkeneminen,
(kuv.) rruitrul discussion, keskustelu], heiket, heikentminen weakentng; debilifertile, prontable. hedelmittvsti rrult- tation, enervatlon. heikentv veakenlng
fUlly, proritably; vaikuttaa hedelmittvs
[errect, vaikutus], enreebllng. heikent
ti johonkin bave a rruitrul errect upon . . . vsti ks. vaikuttaa, heikent vveaken;
hedelmitt rructiry; rerttllze; (elin tai (ruumiillisesti) debllltate; enreeble; enerkasvi) lmpregnale, recundate. hedelmity
vate; (hllent) relax [the dlsclpllne, ku
minen setting; rructirication. hedelmitys ria]; (vhent, huonontaa) lmpalr [the
rructirication, rertlllzatlon; lmpregnatlon. memory, muistia], lessen.
r.M- un iiat (on; (siitos) conceptlon. hedel heiket weaken, grow weaker; become Teemity set; mys -* hedelmitty.
ble; grow (1. become) Talnt; (huonontua)
nedeneuvoinen (kasv.) stamlnate, male.
grow worse, run down, go into a decline;
hehkeys rioriricatlon; bloom; (rehevyys) (vhenty) go down, abate, subslde; (ky
luxuiiance, rlchness, exuberance. hehke d voimattomaksi) lose strength, langutsh;
riourisnlng, blooming, rresh, ruddy, rosy; hnen nkns heikkenee his Slgbt IS gr0Whehkeimmilln at the hetght or her [its] lng fiini, bls eyes are getting poor; sairas
bloom. hehkesti riourlshingly, bloomlng- heikkenee the putinit is growing weaker
ly. luiurtantly.
(1. W0rse); foaM heikkenee the wlnd Is gohehku glow (mys kuv.); (hehkuva kuu
lng down (1. SUbSldeS); ni heikkenee the
muus) glovting heat, (tiet.) incandescence. sound grows Talnt(er). heikkeneminen
hehkua glow, (esim. raudasta:) be red-hot, weakenlng; enreeblement; decline; golng
be whlte-bot: (palaa) burn lwltb anger, down, abatement, subsldence; langulshing;
uhasta] : (leimuta) Uusii; ~ innostusta vrt. edell.
glow wltb (1. be ruii or) entbuslasm; hiil Helkki Henry.
le* hehkuu the embers are alivo (1. glow- heikko \veak [old man, vanhus; verb, verbi;
ing); hnen kasvonsa hehkuivat vihasta bls argument, vite; volce, ni]; (voimaton)
lace glowed (1. was red) wltb anger; mie
Teeble [attempt, yritys; volce, ni], inleni hehkuu ainna ks. palaa; posket hehkui rirm [or purpose, ptksessn] ; (hento)
vat the cheeks were Tlushlng (1. riushed) ; Trall [woman, nainen], dellcate; slender,
rauta hehkuuu the imu IS red-hot (1. glOW- sllght; (heikentynyt) ralnt [llght. valo;
Ing); sen silmt hehkuivat tulta its eyes pulse, valtimo; gleam or hope, tolvonsde],
vere llke balls or Tire.
low; (kehno) poor; (ohut) thln [Ice, J;
blood, veri]; (kevyt) llght [knock, napu
hehkulamppu incandescent lamp. hehkumi
nen glowing; riushlng.
tus], soft; ~ nk weak eyes, railtng eyehehkuttaa make . . glowing hot, beat . . to sigbt; ~ puoli (Ihmisess) weakness, weak
Incandescence: (tiet.) Ignlte; (kuumentaa) polnt, rolble, (esim. kirjassa) derect, \veakmull [wlne. viini] ; hehkutettu heated to ness, weak polnt; [olla] heikkona sairaana
[be] very low, [be] bad orr, [be] a very
incandescence: lgnlted; mulled [wlne, vii
ni] : vrt. kuumentaa, hehkuttaminen, heh
slck man, (kuoleman kieliss) riicl at the
kutus heatlng to Incandescence; lgnitlon.
polnt or deatb; terveys dellcate (1. rrall
hehkuva glowing; red-hot [Iron, rauta] ; Ilve 1. poor) health; heikompi ks. hakus. ; heikot
'coal, min] ; (tiet.) incandescent; (kuv. perusteet slender grounds, (esim. Jossakin
tulinen, palava) burnlng, ardent, Tervld oppiaineessa) weak (1. poor) roundatlon
deslre, halu], consumlng; ~ hiillos glow- [In . .] ; nlst heikkona 1'aint wlth hunger.
(ng embers, live coals; into burnlng heikko- (yhd.) weak- [esim. -silminen
ardor (1. enthusiasm), ardent zeal; ~ kuu
weak-eyed; -tahtoinen weak-wllled], Tee
muus glowlng beat, (tiet.) Incandescence; ble- [esim. -m/e/inen reeble-mlndcd]. -her
hehkuvan kuuma glOWing, red Ilot. (kuv.) moinen . . wlth worn-out (1. Tagged) nerves:
ardent, lntense, bot as a rire; hehkuvan (helposti hermostuva) nervous. -hermoipunaiset (1. hehkuvat) posket HUShed (I. suus weakness or the nerves, nervous debility (1. prostratlon); (laak.) ncnrasthenla.
glowlng) cheeks.
hehkuvalo Incandescent llght.
-Jrkinen weak- (1. reeble-)mlnded: \veakhehkuvaeti glowtngIy, (hehkuvan Innokkaas
headed; (tylsjrklnen) Idlotic. -Jrkisyys
weak-(l. reeble-)mlndedncss, weakness or
ti) ardent lv, fervldly.
the inind: ldlocy. -kykyinen, -lahjainen . .
hehtaari [=- 2.47t eekkeri] bectare.
hehtaarinala: maata a hectare or land.
\vith llttle abillty, . . or limtted Intelllgence.



-lahjaisuu* llttle ablllty, limited Intelligence. -luontoinen . . of a \veak character

(1. nature), . . with a weak \vill. -mielinen
reeble-minded, imbecile; (mielisairas) demented, insane; vrt. tylsmielinen, -mieli
syys reeble-mindedness, imbecllity; insanity, (lk.) dementia, -nkinen weak-eyed
(1. -slghted),dim-sighted. -nkisyys weakness (1. dlmness) or slght, poor (I. weak)
slght, (Jkpv.) bad (1. weak) eyes. -pinen
kS. heikko mielinen, -jrkinen. -rakentei
nen . . or slender frame, . . or delicate mold,
dellcate, frall. -rintalnen . . vvith weak lungs.
heikkoudent! merkki slgn or weakness. -synti
venial sln.
heikkous \veakness, reebleness, (nen, va
lon y. m.) raintness; (voimattomuus) inrirmtty, debillty; (hentous) rrallness, rrailty; (kehnous) poorness; (heikko puoli)
vveak side, (luonteenvika) vveak polnt, Toible, railfng*; Aitaus on hnmn heikkoutensa
tardlness Is his \veakness (1. hls railing);
tahdon ~ inrirmlty or will; yleinen gen
eral debillty, (lk.) asthenla.
heikkoluskoinen: te heikkouskoiset (raam.)
ye or llttle raitti, -uskoisuus laek (1. want
I. vveakness) or ralth. -valoinen . . vvith a
ralnt llglit; dimly llghted. -verinen thinblooded, anaemlc. -verisyys (lk.) anaemia. -Uninen thin-volced, . . \vlth a vveak
(I. reeble) volce.
heikommuus lnrerlority.
heikompi vveaker: jotakuta (voimiltaan,
kyvyiltn y. m.) inrerlor to one [in ..],
one's inrerlor Lln . .] ; kuin . . \veaker
than . . , inrerlor to . . , not so strong as . .;
sukupuoli the vveaker sei; vrt. vkev(mpl).
heikonlainen rather (1. somevvhat) vveak (1.
reeble jne., vrt. heikko).
heikon|taa, -taminen, -tava ks. heikent,
-tminen, -tv. heikontua ks. heiket,
heikontumaton unvveakened: unlmpaired
fhealth, terveys; strength, voima]; unabated [zeal, into], heikontuminen ks.
[health, terveys], debllitated.
heikosti vveakly, in a reeble manner, reebly;
raintly: poorly rrepresented, edustettu];
thlnly [olad, puettu].
heikota heiket.
heiklinen I. (a.) their, their o\vn; heik'isiin oloihin verraten oomparerl vvith their
circumstanres (I. rondltlons), comparcd
vvith them. II. (s.) one or them: i heidn
mies) their mau: ei kuhaan heiklisist
none or their ovvn men, none (1. no one)
amontr them.
heilahdella svvay, svvln?; edestakaisin
(Snnllisesti) OSCillate; sinne tnne
(vaappua) dangle.
heilahdus swing, svvay; (heilurin) osctilation. -aika tlme or osclllatlon.
heilahduttaa svvinir, svvay, vvave; ~ ympri
swing- around, vvhlrl laround).
heilahtaa svvay, swing; vrt. heilahdella, hei
lahteleminen svvingihg (about); (siinnllinen) osfillatlon; (vaapuilta) danglins-. hei
lahteleva svvinging; osclllatlng-. heilahtelu
heilake, heilakka (tytt-) butterHy; rilrt.
heilautella, heilauttaa ks. heilahduttaa.
heili svvpetheart.
hellimid he in polion; (kukkia) (he in)
blossom. heilimiminen (viljakasvien y.
m.) bloom.
heilua swing rto and rro, edestakaisin] .
svvay fin the vvintl, tuulessa], play to and
rro; (snnllisesti, kuten esiin. hi>llurl)
osrlllate: (huoina) rock: (roikkua riamrle:
(liehua, lekuteila) riuttcr; (hulmuta) vvave;


maa heilui jatkoimme alla the ground rockcd

(1. shook) under our reet.
heiluri pendulum. -kello pendulum-riock.
-liikunta oscillatory motion (1. niovement),
heilurinlyntl stroke or a pendulum.
heilutella brandlsh, riourlsh [one's sword,
miekkaansa] ; vvlusk, wag [its tali, hntn
s] ; ks. heiluttaa,
heiluttaa svvay, swing [one's hat. hattuaan],
wave [one's hand, kttn] : riourlsh [one's
vvhip, ruoskaansa]; (keinuttaa) rock; vrt.
huiskuttaa; hntns vvlusk (koirasta:
wag) its tali; ~ jotakin hyvstiksi wave a
rarewell wlth a th.; voitonriemuisesti Cl.
uhmaavasti) brandlsh [one's sword, miek
kaansa], heiluttaminen, heilutus swing(Ing), waving; wag(glng); brandlshlng.
heimo tribe; (skotl. y. m.) clan; (suku)
lauuly (mys kasv. Ja elint.); olla heimoa
jollekulle be related to one; vrt. intiaani,
kieli- y. m.
heimo- (yhd.) tribal [esim. -sota tribal
w ai . -kanaa klndred people. -kunta tribe.
heimolainen klnsman; (sukulainen) relative;
heimolaiset kinslolk, klndred. heimolais(yhd.) ks. sukulais-,
heimolaisuus kinshlp; relatlonship; arrinity
or race; vrt. veri, -siteet ties or klnship
(1. blood); relationshlp.
heimonpllikk chie! (or tribe); chiertaln.
heimoue = heimolaisuus. -henki spirlt (I.
reellng) or kinshlp.
heinikko grass; (niitty) meadovv: olla pilkal
laan heinikossa lie (spravvled) on the grass.
hein hay; (ruoho) grass; olla heinss be
making hay, be haying; tehd hein
(make) hay; tulla heinst come back rrom
haying, return rrom the hay-rield.
hein- (yhd.) hay- [esim. -hanko hay-rork;
-harava hay-rake; -kuume hay-Tever]. -aika
haying season, haymaklng(-tlme). -auma
haystark, hayrlck. -hanko (mys:) pllchrork. -hkki hay-rack. -kasvi grass. -kuor
ma load or hay. -kUU July; heinkuun nel
js piv (Yhdysv.) Fourth or July. -laji
specles or grass. -lato (hay-)barn; (Engl.)
shed (Tor hay). -luoko wlndrow (or hay).
-maa meadow-ground, meadow-land. -mato
niittymato. -mies haymaker, movver.
-niitty hay-rield.
heinn kasvu grovvth or grass. -korjuu hay
ing, haymaklng. -puristin I. -puristuskone
hay-press. -pyhij 1. -kntkone hay-tedder (1. -spreader). -siemen hay-seed, grassseed. -teko = heinnkorjuu; olla heinn
teossa be making hay, be haying. -tekoaika
ks. heinaika. -viljelys raisiuR (or) hay,
grovvlng hay.
hein pieles haystack, hayrlck. -ruko haycock. -sato crop or hay, hay-crop.
heinsirkka grasshopper; (suuri) locust.
-parvi svvarm (1. hord) or grasshoppers;
(sankka) cloud or locusts.
hein soraa (elint.) Wild duck. -suova
heinpiele. -talkoo haying bee. -tukko
wlsp (1. haruirul) or hay. -vki haymakers.
heisillmato tapevvorm. -puu (kasv.) vlburlil] in; vrt. koiranheisipuu,
heiskua rock, shake. heiskuttaa rock, shake.
heitell throw (about), rilng; toss [a ball,
palloa]; hurl; Jotakuta lumipalloilla
(mys:) pelt one wlth snowballs: sinne
tnne Cl. hajalleen) scatter broadcast; olla
kohtalon heiteltvn be a playthlng or
Tate. be a sport or rdrtune.
heittelehti: vuoteettaan tuskasta toss
on one's bed In pain.
heittely throvving about, tosslng.
heitti g-ood-ror-nothlns (rellovv); (konna,

lurjus) scoundrel, rascal. heittiominen
iMitto throvv(ing), cast(ing), rijiitr< iiiK) :
toss(lng); verkon heitto cast(ing) or a net;
vrl. kiven, virka .
heitto ase mlsslle. -hihna lasso, -kappale
projectile; mlsslle. -kaihta Javelln, dart.
-liike projectlle movement. -merkki (klel.)
apostropne. -pallo band-ball. -vuoro Iin mv .
nyt on sinun hcittovuorosi it tS yOUT th[*0\V
(1. turn) now. -vtli range.
heittj one vvho tbrovvs (1. casts jne., ks.
heitt': vrt. pallon, valon y. in. heit
tminen throvving, eastin^ Jne., vrt. heitt.
heittytyi throw o.s. [down. maahan] ;
(syksy) plunge [Into the vvater, veteen] ;
(antautua jonkin valtaan) surrender o.s.
ito grief (1. sorrovv), surun valtaanj, yleld
|to despair, eptoivon valtaani; jonkun
armoille surrender uncondltlonally, (kuv.)
tbrow o.s. on a p.'s ravor; irstailuun
give O.S. up to dissipation; liskhti lake
il easy: (tahallaan) play lazy; pitkkseen
(maahan) throvv o.s. flat on the ground,
throvv o.s. prone, fall flat (on the grass).
heitt 1. throvv, casl ilots, arpaa], (kovalla
voimalla, huolimattomasti tai ylenkatseel
lisesti) fllng [a penny to a beggar, penni
kerjliselle], (singahduttaa) lm rl [a stone,
kivi] ; 2. (Jtt) leave. give up, (hyljt)
abandon; henkens give (1. yleld) up the
ghost; draw one's last lireath; pass away;
nukkaan (menemn) throvv away;
huetet sikseen shake olt' the (dull) cares,
ilismlss ones care(s); hyvsti cl. jhy
viset) jollekulle take leave or, say goodby (1. farewell) to; [kysi] irralleen
loose, east otr [the rope] ; kaikki men
neeksi abandon everythlng, give up ali as
lost; heilaa play at tenplns (Eng].: fllnepins): kesken (erUseksi) ks. jtt;
jotakuta kivell phn throvv a stone
at a p.'s head, hit (1. strlke) a p. on
the bead \vlth a stone: kuperkeikkaa
(turn) somersault(s), Somerset: kuulaa
(urb.) put the Shot: lentomuiskuja jollekade throw (1. blovv) klsscs to one; me
nemn throvv away, east aslde, (kuv.)
throvv to the vvlnds, get rld of; mieles
tn dismlss from one's mlnd, abandon;
nahkansa (esim. krme) ks. luoda; nop
paa play at (I. with) dire, shake dlee;
joku onton onnensa nojaan leave one to tus
(I. ber) fate, desert (1. abandon) one;
poi throvv uit, east avvay; Joku rappu
sta otos throvv (1. klck) one dovvnstalrs;
sikseen give up, abandon, vrt. jtt;
kaiken1 toivonsa abandon (1. give up)
ali] hope; tyns (\. toimensa) (tila
pisesti) leave one's vvork, (kokonaan) cpilt
(One'S Job): vetens, vettn (kusta) pass
(one's) vvater.make water, pass urine; aurin.
ke heitti steitn the sun darted Us beams.
heititt: jokin Cl. jotakin) ulos have a
th. throvvn out (1. east avvay); joku ulos
bave one tumed (1. throvvn I. klcked) out.
hekotella, hekottaa laugh (hotsterously).
hektografi (monistuskoje) heetograph.
hekuma voluptuousness, sensuallty; (himo)
lust; el hekumassa ja ylellisyydess lead
a life of riot and revel, lead a Tast lire.
hekumallinen voluptuous, lustrul; sensual.
hekumallisesti voluptuously, lustrully. hekumallisuus voluptuousness, lustfulness;
(aistillisuus) sensuallty: vrt. hekuma, he
kumoida Indulge in sensual gratlfleatlons,
riot (and revel), revel (In pleasure). heku
moitsija voluptuary; sensualist; (symri)
go(u)rmand, eplcure.
hela (piipun, veitsen y. m.) rerrule: (Jos
kus:) socket; helat mountlugs, (ikkunoi

den, ovien y. m.) rittlngs; (koll. usein:)
1 ron vvork.
helakan punainen
searlet. -sininen bright-blue, clear blue
[sky, taivas]; sky-blue.
helakka bright [color, vri] ; striklng; elear;
(kuulakka) llmpid, transparent [liQuld,
neste] ; ks. mys: hele.
hela torstai Ascension Day, Holy Thursday.
-pii 1. -piinen . . vvith mountlngs (1. ferrules). -valkea Whitsun(tlde) (bon)flre.
heleys brightness, clearness; llmpldness.
hele bright [color, vri], clear; (sointuva)
ringlng [voice, ni; laughter, nauru] ; (helenklrkas) erystal-clear [llquld, neste],
limpld; helen kuulakka ilma llmpid air,
transparent atmospherc, clear sky; clear
vveather. hele- (yhd.) ks. kirkas-.
helein- (yhd.) = helakan-, -keltainen bright
(1. Intense) yellovv. -kirkaa clear as a erystal, crystal -clear, llmpid; brilllant; helenkirkkaat silmt brilllant ryi-.
heleisilmiinen bright-eyed, . . vvith sparkling eyes.
heleisti brightly; ringingly, sonorously;
clear as a neli.
hele vrinen
-ninen clear-volced.
Helgolanti HeKDgoland.
helini tinkling, tinkle; (kilin) Jingle: cllnk(tng); lasien cllnking Of glasses; rakan
(i. rahojen) cllnk of coin, Jingle of money:
symbaalien tinkling of eymbalS; vrt.
sana, heliseminen ringlng; jingling, tink
ling; clinklng. helisevi tinkling, Jingling,
clanging; helisev vaski (raam.) sounding
brass: vrt. helskyv, helistell clink [coln,
rahoja]: Jingle [a bunch of keys, avainkimppua], tinkle; rlang; (kalistella) clank
[one's chalns, kahleitaan], rattle. helistely
clinklng. tinkling, clanging; (kalistelu)
clanklng. rattllng. helistin rattle; (kol
mio-) triangle.
helist cllnk, clang, ring; (kilist) Jingle,
tinkle; (kalista) clank, rattle; joutua heli
semn (kuv.) get (1. be) up agalnst it,
get Into trouble; on helisemss, on joutu
nut helisemn is up agalnst it, Is in a
(sad) plight. is in a bad vvay. heliatiminen,
helistii ks. helistely, helistell.
helkavirsi a song sung at VVhitsun-flres.
helke clang, cllnk, rlng.
helkkari: helkkarin hyv deueed(ly) good:
helkkarissa the dlekens! the deuee! miss
helkkarissa sin olet ollut vvhere the dlekens
have you been ? l helkkarissa sit tee for
merey's (1. goodness') sake, don't do it!
helkkyv rlnging [laughter, nauru], sonorous [volee, ni], helkkyi rlng, sound;
(esim. harppu) tvvang. hei kyteli, hei kytti
tvvang la gultar, kitaraa; on a banjo, ban
joa^ : helkyteli hiljaa harppuaan touell
one's tiarp; helkytt svelin (lintu)
vvarble. helkytys play(ing); (harpun y. m.)
tvvanglng; (liverrys) vvarble: hiljainen hel
kytys touehlng.
helkihdya clang, cllnk: ringlng. helkhti
clang; clink: (soida) sound; tvvang.
hella range; vrt. kaasu, keitti y. m. hella(n)uuni (kltehen-)range.
helle lietit (or the sun), ardor; sun; (kuuma
Ilma) hot vveather; pitkaikainen prolonged Ilot vveather; polttavassa helteess
in a burnlng (1. seorchlng) sun; taistelun
helteess In the heat of (the) battle (1.
helleeni (hlst.) II. -liene. Hellenlan. helleeniIinen I. (a.) Hellenic. II. (s.) Hellene.
hellehtl Ceel eompasslon Tor, pity; vrt. helli.
helleta I. (heltyii) giovv (inoio) teuder.

sorten; relent; 2. (hellit) get (I. come) bosom (1. besettlng) sin; Secret sin; (lie
vemmin:) roible.
loose, loosen; slack(en), relax.
hellitellt roncile, pet; (hemmotella) coddle, helmehti pearl; (Juomista puhuen:) sparkle;
mys =- seur. helmeill (rorm) bead(s);
lndulge, pamper.
hellitUmttmyye perslstency, perseverance, St and In beads; hikipisarat helmeilivt h
assldulty; (lujuus) rirmness, steadfast- nen otsallaan the perspiratlon stood In
ness. hellittmttmsti persistently; flrm- beads on bls forehead.
ly, steadfastly; unremittingly; untlringly. helmenllmuotoinen pearl-shaped, pearly.
hellittmtn perslstent; persevering, as- beady. -pyynti pearl-rishlng, pearl-divlng.
slduous; lmportunate; (kiihke) fervent; -vrinen pearl-colored, pearly (white),
(luja) rirm, steadrast; (herkemtn) un- (helmenharmaa) pearl-gray.
remlttlng; (vsymtn) untirlng.
helmestys = helmenpyynti.
hellitt (Irrottaa) loosen, relax; (laskea helmi pearl; bead; helmist tehty kaulaketju
hlllle) slack; (pst Irti 1. menemn) pearl necklace, rope (1. string) or pearls;
let .. go, let .. loose, let .. slip; (mer.) vrt. hiki-, lasi y. m.
ease off (1. away) ; (kuv. = antaa pern) helmi- (yhd.) pearl(-) [esim. -koriste pearl
yleld; (lakata) cease, stop; ~ otteensa let adornment; -ompelus pearl-embroldery].
go (1. release) one's hold; relax (1. relin- -kalastus ks. helmenpyynti. -kana guineaquish) one's grasp (1. hold), loosen one's fnvl (1. -ben). -kuu February; helmikuun
vallankumous the Revolution or February.
-lauta abacus, (Jkpv.) counting-rrame.
hellit (irtautua) get (I. come) loose; (lii
kunnan aikana) work loose, loosen; (her- -nauha strtng or pearls (1. beads); (ru
vota) slack(en), relax; (pst hllemml- kousnauha) rosary. -ryyni: helmiryynej
le) become loose, slip; glve way; (antaa pearl-barley, pearled barley; pearl-sago.
-simpukka pearl-oyster;
pern) yleld; (helty) soften, relent; hal
tiat itkemn K s. helty; kdet heittvt -taulu ks. helmikuita, -tuhka (kaupp.)
the hands release thelr hold (1. loosen their peariash. -vy string of. pearls.
grlp), the hands let go; kysi heltisi tlio helmiinen mother-of-pearl. helmiisnappi
pearl button.
rope (be)came loose.
hellii (hellsti hoivata) take great care of, helmus hem; sklrt.
rondiy cherish [a chlld, lasta]; (hellitell) helosilminen brtght-eyed.
fondle, caress; (hemmotella) pet; (rakas helottaa shlne; (steill) beam, be radiant
taa) be fond or, love; (sll) feol com[wlth Joy, ilosta], be Ughted up wlth; h
passlon for, commlserate, pity.
nen kasvonsa helottivat tyytyvisyydest
hls face was lighted up \vith contentment.
heilua bend; shake, sag, quake, rock.
helluntai Whltsuntide, Pentecost; helluntain helpi (kasv.) reed canary-grass.
aikana at VVhitsimtido. -pyht Whltsun- helpoimmin most easlly; mit ~ wlth great tlde. -piv Whitsunday; toinen helluntai
est ease. helpommin more readily, more
piv \vtiit(sun) -Monday. -viikko \Vhltsun- easlly; sooner; helpommin sanottu kuin
tehty easier (1. more easlly) sald than done.
hellytt move [to tears, kyyneliin (1. Itke helposti easlly, readily; without dirriculty;
mn)], touch, sorten; (lepytt) mitigate. witb ease; (pian) soon; [se on] korjattu
propitiate; (taivuttaa) persuade; (tehd [tt Is] SOon (1. easlly) rixed; ohjattavis
araksi) make . . tender (1. sore). hellyyden- sa oleva easy to manage, tractable; ~ ala
osotus token (1. proof) or rrection, en- va (ruoasta:) easy or dlgestion, easlly dldearment. hellyys (tender) affection, ten- gested, (very) dlgestlble; ~ syttyv lnderness, fondness; sortness, gentleness; flammable; ~ unohtuva easlly rorgotten.
(kivusta Johtuva) soreness, sensltiveness. helpota become easy (1. easier), be made
hell tender [heart, sydn; corn, liikavar
easy (1. easier), be racilitated; (hinnasta:)
vas] ; arrectlonate, loving [husband, avio
become cheaper, go down.
mies], fond; (pehmyt) soft, gentle; (arka, helpottaa 1. (tr.) ease [the load, kuormaa],
kipe) sore [place on one's root, kohta racllltate, make . . easy (1. easier); slacken:
Jonkun Jalassa], painful, sensitlve; jalka
huojentaa) mitigate [a p.'s surtuntua helllt (\. on helln) the Toot (lievent,
rerings. Jonkun krsimyksi], sootbe [the
feels (I. Is) sore (1. tender).
alleviate, allay, relieve; (an- .
hell- (yhd.) tender- [esim. -jalkainen ten- taa pern) yleld;
lower, reduce
der-footed; -sydminen tender-hearted]. [the prlces, hintoja](alentaa)
; moderate [one's rig-Jalkainen (mys:) . . wlth tender Teet, ure, hintaa]; 3. (Itr.) grow less, abate;
(Jonka jalat ovat helln) root-sore.
SUbSlde, go down; lessen: kauppias ei hel
hellksipaleltunut chllblalned, chllblainy.
pottanut (hinnasta) senttikn the storehell|luontolnen, -mielinen tender(-hearted); keeper would not come down (1. would not
vrt. tunteellinen.
glve in) one cent on the price; sade ei ny
hellsti tenderly, afrectionately, fondly.
helpottavan the rin seems not to be easing
hell suinen tender-mouthed, tender to the up (1. seems to keep on) ; sade ~ the rin
blt. -sydmlnen (mys:) tender, affection- is easing up (1. Is not comlng down so
ate. -sydlmisesti tender-heartediy. -syd- hard now), the storm is slowing up; sy
misyys tender-heartedness. -tunteinen ten
dntni I feel llghter or heart, 1 breathe
der; sensitlve; (tunteellinen) sentlmental. more freely again: tuska the pain abates
-tunteisesti tenderly, afrectionately. -tun- (1. Is growlng less); tuskan helpottamiseksi
teisuus tenderness; sensltiveness. -varoin to relieve the pain; tuuli there is a lull
1. -varoen tenderly; gently, lightly; (varo
in the wind, the wlnd Is going down (1.
vaisesti) cautiously, carefully.
subsldlng 1. abatlng).
helma (lieve) hem; sklrt; (syli) lap; (povi) helpottamaton lncessant, unremltting [pain,
bosom; rottaa Joku takaisin] kirkon hel
tuska], helpottua be racilitated, be made
maan [take one back] vvlthin the pale of easier, become easier; be mltlgated, be rethe Church; luonnon helmassa in Nature's lleved; abate; vrt. helpota, helpotus rebosom, close to Nature's heart, on the lap ller; (huojennus) ease, alieviatlon; (hinto
or Mother Earth, out in the green rields; jen) redUCtion; helpotuksen huokaus [tun
yn helmatta In the bosnmd. lap) or nlgtlt. ne] a slgh [a feeling] or reller; antaa hel
-lapsi babe in arms, baby, infant. -synti potusta hinnassa make (1. grant) a reduc



Uon In tbe prlce; ei mitn helpotuksia

mynnet no allowances are made.
helppo easy [task, tehtv] ; (halpa, huokea)
cheap, low [prlce, hinta] ; helpolla ks. olla,
nat; rangaistus ml 1(1 puntshment; ~
tulomaan (ruoasta:) easily digested. very
digestible; hnelle on kaikki helppoa everytoing comes (1. tblngs come) easy to luin;
kmau on ptt takaisin lt lS an easy
matter for htm to get back; e on helppo
mtim tehd thaf s easy enough (l.casy to do).
helppo- (yhd.) easy to ... easily . . -ed
im. -hoitoinen easy to manage. easily
managed; -liikkeinen easy to set (1. easily
set) In motlon]. -hintainen cheap ; helppohmtainen nytnt entertalnment at popular prlces; hmlppohintainen painos cheap (1.
popular) edition, people's edition, -hintai
sin cbeapness; popular price. -kyttinen easy (to manage), handy.
heJpponea* ks. helpota.
helppo soutuinen light, easy to puli; helpposoutuinen vene an easy boat to puli, llght
row boat. -tajuinen easily comprehended
(I. understood), easy to understand; (kan
santajuinen) popular [lecture, luento].
helppous ease, easlness, faclllty; (huokeus)
Helsinki Helsingfors.
helske clatter; rattle, rattllng: clank; raho
jen clank or coin(s). helskytell, hels
kytt (inake a) clatter [with ..], rattle;
jingle; (kalskuttaa) clank; (soittaa) twang
' the harp, harppua] , play on; kotoa helskytell kangasta bang the loom In \vcavlng.
helekyttely, helskyttminen, helskytyt rat
tiin;, clatterlng; clanking; (harpun y. m.)
tvvanging. helskyvi ringing, soundlng;
tmanglng; helskyv soitto a burst of music;
helskyvt fraasit hlgh -soundlng phrases;
helskyvt loppusoinnut jingllng rimes, milsical (1. melodlous) rlmlng. helskyi (make
a) clatter, rattle; clank; (helist) Jingle;
(soitosta:) tvvang.
helskihdell helskht. helskhdys Jin
gle, cltnk, clang; (sonorous) sound. helskht jingle, cllnk. clang, rlng; twang;
haiskahtaen Clangingly; vrt. helht.
haltoinon sultry [day, palva], bot; (painos
tava) oppresslve; heinkuun piv a
(blazing) hot July day. helteisesti sultnly,
scorcblngly. helteityys sultrlness, oppressiveness.
heltiamitn ks. hellittmtn, heltiil ks.
heltta (kanalinnuilla) wattle, (tiet.) carunrle; (sienill y. m.) glll (mys: kanalinnun
); (harja-) comb. heltumalnen glll-like:
comb-llke. helttasieni agaric; helttasienet
glll-mushrooms. (kasv.) Agarlcacea.
heltyminen softenlng, relenting; vrt. hlty
minen, heltymattmyys unrelentingness,
inexorablltty. heltymtn unrelenting, lneiorable; vrt. taipumaton.
hltyi grow tender, soften, relent; (tulla
araksi, Ihosta puhuen:) become tender, get
sore: (tulla liikutetuksi) be moved (1.
touched); vrt. hlty: ~ itkemn (l it
kuun 1. kyyneliin) be moved to tears, melt
into (1. be dlssolved In) tears; hn tunsi
heltyvns CI. sydmens heltyvn) he felt
hl s heart soften: jalat heltyvt the feet get
snre; mieli heltyy ajatellessa . . one's heart
Is softened (I. relents) at the thought of . . .
helve husk; (kasv.) scale, Iamlna. lamella;
(nirkko) lobe: helpeet husks, chalT.
helietilllnen inlerrial. helllsh; vrt. pirullinen.
helvetinkone Infernal machlne. helvetti hell;
helvetin ruhtinas prlnce or darkness; hel
vetin tuskat palns or hell (l.or the danincd) ;
mena helvettiin go to lie 11!


hely (koriste) spangle, tinsel; (helistin) rat

tle; helyt trinkets, personal adornments;
turhanaikaisia helyj gewgaws, baubles,
trinkets. -levy (mus.) cymbal.
helhdell be ringing; Jingle, tlnkle; sound:
vrt. helht, helhdys clang; (kumeampi)
clank (mys esim. rahan); (kilahdus)
clink, tlnkle; (yleisemmin) ring; laulun
helhdys sound of slnging. helhdytt
(cause to) ring, clang; sound; tlnkle;
(esim. harppua) tvvang; (kajahduttaa)
st rike up [a Song, laulu] ; hn helhdytti
lasiinsa pyytkseen hiljaisuutta he tapped
on his glass for sllence.
helht rlng, clang; (kilahtaa) Jingle, clink;
(kuulua) sound; ~ kauniilta be sonorous,
rlng lino, (esim. nimi) sound \vcll; oani ~
terkselt the volce souixls like stcel.
heljv ringing [laughter, nauru], clanglng; (solntulsa) sonorous [voice, ni];
(kaikuva) resounding, resonant.
helt fprees. hela jn) rlng; sound; (kai
kua) resound [vvltb, Jostakin], helytt
ks. helhdytt.
hemmotella coddle, (over)lndulge, pamper;
(hyvill) pet, rondle; ~ pilalle (l. piloille)
SpOll (by COddllng); (pilalle) hemmoteltu
lapsi SpOlled Cllllll; hemmottelemalla pilattu
spoiled (by lndulgence). hemmotteleminen,
hemmottelu coddling, (over) lndulgence;
petting, Tondling.
hemorroidi (perpukama) plle(s).
hempeys svveetness, graciousness; (sulo)
charm(s), grace(s); (herttaisuus) lovellness; (vlenous, pehmeys) sortness, gentleness; (hellyys) tenderness; (kukoistus)
bloom; naisellinen ~ \vomanly svveetness,
femlnlne charms. hempe svreet, dulcet
itone, sointu], mellow; (suloinen, herttai
nen) charmi ng, graclous, graceful, lovely;
(vieno) soft, gentle; (hell) tender, afrectlonate; hempet svelet me Ilo w tones,
sweet melodles; hn on hempeimmilln
Sbe lS In her bloom; luonto on hempeim
milln nature Is at her lovellesi.
hempen mielinen tender(-hearted). -mieli
syys tenderness (of heart), tender-heartedness, soft-beartedness; affection.
hempesti sortly, gently; (hellsti) tenderly; (suloisesti) swcetly, charmlngly, beautirully.
hempesydminen tender(-hearted).
hempponen (ellnt.) gray llnnet.
hempukka svveetheart, (Jkpv.) best glrl.
hengellinen spirltual; (uskonnollinen) rellglous, sacred rconcert, konsertti]; (pa
pillinen) ecclesiastlcal [order, sty], cierlcal, ministeri]; ~ sty (mys:) the clergy. hengellisesti splrltually. hengellisyys
spirltuallty ; (uskonnollisuus) religiousness.
hengen ahdistus shortness of breath; dirricult breathtng; (lk.) asthma. -asia matter
of life and death; vltal questlon; vrt. hengenrikse. -latua (means of) sustenance, subsistence. -heimolainen klndred (I. congenlal)
Spirit; affinlty; he ovat hengenheimolaisia
they are klndred splrlts. -heimolalsuus rongenlallty or mlnd (1. soul), spirltual arrinlty.
-heitto [one's] last breath; death (struggle). -hitu breath or UTe; niinkauan kun
minussa on hengenhituakaan f jljell) as
long as I have a breath or life In my body.
-ht deadly rear, mortal terror; (mys =
hengenvaara; ei sill mitn hengenht
ole (Jkpv.) tbafs no matter or UTe and
death, no partlcular hurry wlth that; olla
hengenhdss be In danger or one's life
-lahjat mental (1. spirltual) endowments
(1. girts), Intellectual gifts, talents; (ly)
intellect. -lht (day or one's) death; one's
last breath. -pelastus life-savlng; (yhd.)



ks. pelaatui-. -pitv ks. Imanpitv. -rikos

capital crime, -tuote product of one's gen
ius, product or the mind, -vawa danger of
death, (deathly) peril, mortal danger : oda
hengenaaarasta be In danger (1. peril) I'
one's life, -vaarallmen perilous [enter
prise, yritys], dangerous; mortal, deadly
[wound, haava] ; murderou-. -vaaralliseiti
perilously; mortally [wounded, haavottunut]. -vaarallisuue perllousness; peril;
deadllness. -veto breath; yhdess hengenvedossa In one (1. In a single) breath; oiimeiseen hengenuetoon saakka to one's last
breath, -joro breathing-space, time (1.
chance) to breathe.
hengottomy ys (kuv.) llfelessness, llstlessness.
hengetr genius (pi. genii); tutelary god
dess; (suojelushenki) guardian spirit;
vrt. haltiatar.
hengelon lifeless; (kuollut) dead.
henglllellpano (I. v.) census, -pantu regis
tered as residing- [In ... jossakln), resi
dent [in . .]
honyissaolcva living; . . alive.
henqitin: (tav.) hengittimet organs of res
piration, respiratory organs. hengittaminen breathing, respiration.
hengittU breathe [heavily (1. deep and
heavy), raskaastl]; (eslm. kasvelsta:) re
spire: - ilmaa tay*in keuhhoin (mys:)
take a deep (I. a full) breath; raititta
ilmaa breathe (in) the fresh air, get a
breath of (fresh) air; itfn() breathe
in. (tlet.) Inhale; alot breathe out, (tlet.)
exhale; olla hengiitmtt hold one's
breath; vrt. henght.
hengitys breathing, respiration; (henki)
breath; hengityttn pld*tt*n (\. pidtt*n) holding the breath, breathless(ly);
keinotekoinen ~ artificial respiration.
hongitys elm respiratory organ, -narjotu-,
breathing-exercise, -laltoi respirator, -reik
breathing-hole; (Jss, esim. bylkeen)
hengahdyg breath, gasp; yhdell h*ngahdyksell In one (1. In a single) breath,
henghta breathe, take (a) breath, fetch a
breath, get one's breath; gasp; (levanta)
rest; antaa he vasten HenghtS let the
horses breathe (1. have a breathing-spell).
hengaetyminen shortness of breath, breathlessness. hengastynyt out (I. short) of
breath, breathless, hengastys = hengstyminen; juosta itsens hengaetykfiin rim
oneself out (1. run until one Is out) of
breath, hengistyttv . . which causes
difficulty in breathing, taking away the
breath, breathless [speed, nopeusi. hengstytt take away the breath, put . . out
of breath, make . . breathless, hengety
get out (1. short) of breath, become breath
less, lose one's breath.
henkevyys animation, vlvaclousness, vivaci
ty, henkev animated, vivacious; intelli
gent; (Slelllkas) soulful; htnkeo hatte
animated expression: htnktot filmt vi
vacious (I. animated) eyes, henkevsti In
an animated manner, vivaciously; intelli
henki spirit, (joskus:) ghost: (hengitetty
ilma, hengiilKlys) breath; (elm) life;
(henkll) person: (ilma) air; hengelln
ks. makua; rulUu tuskinl hengen pitimifeii [is barely sufficient! to keep body
and soul together; [olla, pysya, psti
hengiss [be, keep, escape] alive: htnkenta *d*tta for one's life, for dear life, to
save one's life; henkenia haupalla (\. uhalla) at the risk of one's life; htnkea kohti
. head, per head, each rosim. me saimme
Tfe dallara henke kohti (llliestu Kollti)


we received two dollars each (I. a head)],

apiece, (eslm. juhlapidolssa:) a plate: h*nktn pid(at) eilen holding one's breath,
breathless [huom. oJotlivat henken pidattllen were In breathless expectation i :
henkiin ks. hertt, jtt, jd: henk,
ol jo lhtenyt life was already extinct;
a/an ~ the spirit of the time; kirfan ~,
birjasta vallitseva ~ the tone Of the book;
ola hengillti jottakin be registered as a
resident of (1. In) . . , be liable to taxation
in (1. at) . .; pyhS ~ the Holy Spirit (I.
Ghost); siell oli oiiti Henkta five persons
were present there, there were five people
there; tielta ti hengis*a ruase (myS:)
you cannot go there and live.
henkielimt spirit life.
henkien manaaja (esiinmanaaja) enchanter:
(poismanaaja) exorcist, -manaus (esiininanaus) calling up (of) spirits; (polsmanaus) exorcism.
henkihieveri: olla henkihicvtraa have only
a spark of life left, be Just alive.
henkiin; herttj one who revives (I. re
vived), reviver, -herltya (esim. hukkuneen) resuscitation, restoration; (etup.
kuv.) revival, -heratyeyritys (hukkuneen
y. m.) attempt at resuscitation, -heraaminen resuscitation, coming to; (kuv.) re
awakening, revival. -Jilnyt I. (a.) sur
viving. II. (s.) survivor.
henki kirja census list; list of taxpayers.
-kirjotus (1. v.) census, -kirluri I. -kiriottaja government clerk [In Finland] whose
duty It Is to prepare census lists and su
pervise collecting of taxes, -luettelo
henkikirja. -lkri (perhelftkrl) family
physician; fcuninfcaon henkilkri physi
cian In ordinary to the king.
henkiio person; (erikolsestl huomattu) per
sonage; (yksll) Individual; henkilt (nyttelemass) cast (of characters), dramatis
persons; asianomaiset henkilt (liik.) the
parties concerned: historiallintn ~ histor
ical personage, pefson (well-)known In
history; jatkut henkilt (mys:) some peo
ple; kuuluita an Illustrious personage;
naytflman henkilat the cast (1. characters)
in a play, (lat.) dramatis persona;, henkilitta personify, (1m) personate, henkilitym personification. henkilOityi be(come) personified.
henki loi kohtainen personal individual, -kohtaisesti personally, in person; han vatvoi
sit henkilkohtaieegti he attended to that
personally (1. himself), -kunta the em
ployees; (talt.) personnel; konttorin Ipoliieilaitokttn] h*nkilokunta the office I the
police] force; (Atoan [ttaftcrin] henkilkanta the employees (I. the force) at a
mill (I. of a factory) [of a theater]. -Hike
passenger traffic.
change In the cast (I. force 1. staff, vrt.
honki maailma splrlt(ual) world, world of
spirits, -meno: henhimenotta (oltva) en
tirely overcome, ready to drop [with fa
tigue, vsymyksest], on the point of col
henkinen mental, Intellectual, spiritual; ~
ravinto food for the mind, spiritual sus
tenance: tyo Intellectual (I. mental)
work; hcnhiset kyvyt mental (1. Intellec
tual) powers.
-henkinen (yhd.) . . of . . persons (1. people)
[eslm. viiti~ . . of five persons (I. people) ;
huom.: oiisi~ komitea a committee or
five] ; vrt. mys: iltkeK~, vakava y. m.
henki [jolento spiritual being, spirit, -patio
1. (a.) outlawed, proscribed. II. (s.) out-



law. -raha poll- tai. rapitation (tai), -rakko

(elint.) air-bladder. -raika air-bole. (eslm.
tynnyrin) vent-bole in a cak. etc.;; airescape; vrt. heaaitrareik.
henkisesti mentally, intellectuilly: splntually. henkisyys splrituaiity: intelleetusJity.
hanki tappi vent-plu?, vent-pep. -taraet
(the) list strupple: alla henkitoreittaan
be breathlnp one's last, be at the point of
death, strupgle (1. prapple) uith death. be
in the last aponies. -torvi windplpe-.
(anat.) trachea: henkitorven tulehdut bronchitls -vakuuttaa write a life Insurance,
lnsure; henkivakuuttaa itsens insure ones
henkivakuutus Ufe Insurance: (Enpl., mys)
life assurance. -asiamiaa (life) Insurance
apent. -kirja (lire Insurance) pollcy. -makau (lire Insurance) premlum. -yhti life
insurance company.
hanki [Tarti Ja, -vartio body-puard: HTepuard. -vartiovki (lire-)puards; ks. kaar
ti, -varo ks. henkiraha.
henkii breathe; vrt. huokua.
henkonen (kiel.) aspirate.
henkselit suspenders, braces.
hankuri vent-pep (I. -plup).
henkist draw breath, ?et one's breath.
breatbe. pasp. hankliay breath; pasp. hen
kys breath; (tuulen) purr. wart: min
tungin hnen henkyksent poskellani
(mys;) her breath fanned (1. touched)
my rheek; tuulen henkyt breath of air,
puff of wind.
hennoa have the heart to . . , find it in one's
heart to
hennomatta hertt hnt
vvlthout liklntr to wake hlm up: en henno
nut tehd tit I had no heart to do it, I
could not bear to do it: vrt. mys :u>kal taa.
hennosti tenderly, softly; delicately, finely;
vrt. hento.
hennota (prees. hentonen) prow tender; berome (more) slender (1. delicate).
Henrik Henry.
hento delicate [chlld, lapsi], tender [plant,
kasvi]; (kasvultaan) slender fform, varta
lo], thin; (pieni) tiny; (heikko) reeble,
hento mielinen tender-heartert.sort hearted:
emotlonal. -mielisyys tender-(l. soft-)
heartedness. -rakenteinen or slender bulld,
slender, delicate; (hintel) slim.
hantoua delicacy, tenderness; slenderness;
vrt. hento.
henttu ks. hempukka.
hepo hevonen, -katti (elint.) preen prasshopper, locustld. -tatti (kasv.) boletus.
heprea Hebrew; te on hnelle hepreaa it is
ali Oreek to hlm. heprealainen I. (a.)
Hebraic(al), Hebrew. II. (s.) Hebrew, heprealaisepistola Eplstle to the Hebrews.
hepreankieli Hebrew.
hara (Juusto-) whey.
herahtaa trlckle, drop; percolate: ~ esille
Cl. nkyviin) OOZe OUt; Vrt. valahtaa.
cottapecheese. heramainen wheylsh. herautua
turn to whey, gret (1. poj wheyey.
hara: hereille ks. saattaa; hereill ollessaan
when (1. whlle)awake; hereill(n) awake,
In a waklnp state: olla hereill be (1. He)
awake; pit jotakuta hereill keep onc
awake: vrt. valve (lila).
harata ks. herjet.
haraa (runsas) abumlant. roplous, plentirul.
herhilinen hornet. herhilispes hornefs
harlataleminan, heristely threateninp, shak
in? fone's flst, etc] at.
heristalli: - Jollekulle [nyrkkin, kep-

piian:. - foiakmta nyrkilln. kpiHUn;
shake ooe'5 fist. ones stick; at one.
heristminen I. = hariatelaasaaaai; 1. (kor
vien) prirkinp up.
herist I. = heriitell: - toi mataen Jolle
kulle shake a <1. ooe's) riiurer (warninclyi
at one; i. kuun pnck iup) one's ears.
cock on*'s ears.
harja I. (a.) Imotniniou*. wickad. rnean. n.
(s.) (raukka) \vretoh: (beYjiuS. bapat) msuit, contumely; tuo karia thai trrMcb:
the viliain:
harjaaja revller: (parjaaja) detrartor. d>famer: (pyhyyden) blasphemer. railer.
herjaaminen revilinp. revilement: defamation. harjaava abusive: libeKDous [wr1tinp. kirjotus" : deramatorv: harjmmomt laa
tua of libelous (l. deramatorv) charai-ter:
herjaava puhetapa rmyS: kirjotustapa)
abusive lanpuape. herjaavastl abuslvely,
herja nimi abusive name (I. epithet). -ana
abusive (l. insultinp) word: invective.
harjata abuse, revile. traduce. calumniate:
rall at: (parjata) derame, detract; (pilkata
pyhi asioita) blaspheme.
herjaua abuse. revitin?, revilement. caluinniation: deramatlon: (lak.) libel. -halu
desire to abuse. -haluinen llkely to abuse.
abusive. -kirja abusive letter. -kirjotus
llbeKous article): (pilkkakirjotus) lm
pn, -nimi ks. herjanimi. -puhe abusive
speeoh. denunciation. -runo libelous poem;
lampoon. -sana ks. herjasana.
herjet (prees. herken, herkanan) rease
-lnp], stop [. .-inp], deslst, (tau
ota) come to a standstill: (ruveta) bepin,
set about, take to idrlnk, juomaan':
hetkekti stop for a moment, pause: /al
leen juomaan Tall into one's old hablts or
intemperanre, start drinklmr apain. po
back to drinkin?; ~ laiskaksi plve o. s. up
to laziness rnuom. hn on herjennyt laiskakti he is takin? It easy] ; satamasta
cease (I. stop) rainin?; herke jo stop
that: enou?h or that!
herkeminen ceasin?, stoppin?; (loppu) emi.
herkemtt Inccssantly, unremittin?ly:
without intermlssion (l. cessatlon). \vith'
out ever leavin? nrf; (alituisesti) constantly, steadily. herkemttmyys unremlttin?ness: persistency. herkemttmsti
Inressantly, unremlttin?ly. herkemtn
incessant, unceasinp, unremiltin?, neverrestinp:
(Jatkuva) continual; (alituinen, kestv)
steady, ronstant. perpetual.
herkisty become (more) sensitive (1. deli
cate Jne., vrt. herkk); herkistynyt sensi
tive, delicate.
herkku delioaoy, dainty; (herkkupala) rtalnty blt, tltblt; herkut dellcacies, dalnttes;
ae ei ollut mitn herkkua that was no
dainty morsel; tmhn on herkkua why,
this tastes ?ood (I. rine).
herkkuilla ks. herkutella, herkkulnen, herkkuisa ks. herkullinen.
herkku kauppa
dainty bit, cholce morsel, delicacy, tltblt.
-pyt tabie loadeel wlth flelicacles, luxurloiis tablp. -ruoka dainty rood; (mieli
ruoka) Tavorite (lish: herkkuruoat table
dellcacles. -sieni (kasv.) a?arir; oikea
herkkusieni common (cultlvated) mushroom, (ransk.) champi?non; tavallinen herkkutieni horse-mushroom. rield-mnshroom.
-suu s\veet tooth; epicure; ?o(u)rmand.
herkkyys sensitlveness [to. Inlleklnl ; senslhlllty. susceptiblllty: vrt. herkk.
herkk sensitive [balaiu-e, vaaka: disposi
tion, luonne]; (ctiip. henkilist:) sensi-



ble [to, Jollekin], lmpresslonable, lmpresslble; (arka) dellcate [consclence, omatunto;

ear ror music, (musilkkl)korva], tender
[heart, sydn]; (altis) prone, prompt,
ready; (vastaanottavainen) susceptlble;
llable [to dlsease, taudille]; (taipuvainen)
dlsposed, lncllned, apt [to ..]; jollekin
sensltlve to [cold, kylmlle], susceptlble
to [ali good Influences, kalkille hyville
vaikutteille] ; jotakin tekemn apt to
Tg-o mad, suuttumaan; get stout. Uhoa
maan], prone to [anger, suuttumaan];
dlsposed (1. qulck) to [take orrense, louk
kaantumaan], easily (1. readily) . .-ed
[esim. ~ itkemn easily moved to tears;
loukkaantumaan easily offended; pe
lstymn easily frlghtened]; laukea
maan (pyssy) flne In the trlgger; pels
tymn (mys:) timorous; suuttumaan
(mys.) Irasclble, touchy; ~ syttymn ks.
herkastisyttyv; ~ uni llght Sleep; ~ vai
kutteille open to lmpresslons, susceptlble,
lmpresslonable; hn on loukkaantumaan
(mys:) he takes orrense readily, he Is
ready (1. qulck) to take orrense; lapsuus
on (kaikenlaisille) vaikutteille ChlldhOOd

Is an lmpresslonable perlod.
herkk | itkuinen easily moved to tears,
ready to cry. -korvainen . . with a dellcate
(1. keen) ear [ror ..]. -luontoinen easily
arrected; susceptlble, sensltlve; emotional,
tender-hearted; sympathetlc; lmpulsive.
-luontoisesti susceptlbly, sensltlvely. -luontoisuus susceptibillty, sensitlveness; emotionaltsm; impulsiveness. -luuloinen (herk
kuskoinen) credulous; gulllble. -mielinen
dellcate; sensltlve; emotional; lmpulsive;
tender, susceptlble;
(pehmemielinen) sort-hearted. -oppinen
qulck (to learn), smart. -suinen ks. hellsuinen.




-sydmisyys sort-beartedness, susceptibill

ty; emotlonallsm. -tunteinen, -tuntoinen
sensitive, easily arrected; lmpresslonable;
(hienotunteinen) dellcate; (arkatuntoinen)
tender; on herkktuntoinen (mys:) has a
tender conscience. -tuntelsaati, -tuntoises
ti sensltlvely; dellcately. -tuntelsuus, -tuntoisuus sensitlveness, susceptibillty; dellcacy; tenderness. -uninen 1. (helposti nuk
kuva) easily put (I. sent) to sleep; . (her
ksti herv) easily a\vakened, llght
Sleeper; sellainen herkkuninen kuin hn
ei voi . . such a llght sleeper as he Is, cannot . . . -unisuus: hnen herkkunisuutensa selitti . . the ract that he was a light
sleeper accounted ror . . . -uskoinen cred
ulous: conriding; (narrattava) gulllble.
-uskoisesti credulously; unsuspectingly.
-uskoisuus credulity, credulousness; gulllhlllty.
herkullinen dellclous [rrult, hedelm], dalnty, cholce: sumptuous [repast. ateria],
luxurious [table, pyt], herkullisesti dellclously, daintlly; sumptuously; herkulli
sesti katettu pyt luxurlously spread
table, table loaded wlth luxurles (1. dellcacles). herkullisuus deliclousness, dalntiness, dolicacy.
herkutella rare sumptuously; ("pit hyvi
pivi") make o.s. romlortahle, take H
easy; (hekumoida) live (1. revel) In luxury.
herkutteleminen = herkuttelu, herkutteli
ja sweet tooth; epicure; go(u)rmand.
herkuttelu sumptuous lare, revel In luxury.
herkisti sensltlvely, susceptlblv; (helposti)
easily, readily; (kevyesti) llghtly. -liikku
va mobile, llght. -suuttuva touchy, Irascl
ble. -syttyvl (very) Inriammable.
hermeettinen (ilman- 1. hengenpltv) hermetlc(al).


hermo nerve; hermoille kyp, hermoja t

risyttv agltating to the nerves, nervesliaklng, nerve-racking (1. -rendlng); her
moja kiihottava (\. rsyttv) Irrltating to
the nerves, gratlng.
hermo- (yhd.) nerve- [esim. -keskus nerve center; -kudo* nerve-tlssue; -sola nervecell; -sie nerve-ribre], nervous [esim.
-heikkous nervous deblllty; -kohtaus nerv
ous attack; -trhdys nervous shock] . -hal
vaus paralysls or the nerves, nervous apoplexy. -heikko \veak-nerved, nervous.
hermoja karkaiseva 1. -vahvistava . . that
strengthens the nerves, b racing; tonlc;
stlmulatlng, lnvlgoratlng.
hermon kalvo nervous membrane; (silmn)
retin, -kimppu blinille or nerves. -kipu
neuralglc paln(s), neuralgia, -lke nervetonlc; nervlne.
hermonp end or a nerve.
hermo, sairas . . vvlth dlseased nerves;
(lk.) neurotlc. -solmu (anat.) ganglion.
hermosto nervous system.
hermostua get (1. become) nervous. her
mostuminen nervous initabllity; nervousness. hermostuneesti nervously. hermos
tuneisuus nervousness; nervous temperament. hermostunut nervous; ridgety; (r
tyinen) i ITI tali ie; hermostunut mieliala
state or nervous excltement (1. tension),
hlgb-strung conditton. hermostus nervous
ness; nervous excitement. hermostuttaa
make . . nervous, set tone's] nerves on
edge, key . . up, Irrltate; cause nervous
lrrltatlon; grate upon; minua hermostuttaa
hnen alituinen nalkutuksensa I am Slck 01
hls contlnual nagging, his continual nagging
makes me nervous. hermostuttava nerve trying, nerve-racklng; Irrltating (to the
nerves); excltlng. hermostuva: helposti
hermostuva easily agltated (1. exclted 1.
upset), Irrltable, excitable. hermostu vai
suus nervous lrritabllity.
hermollsirky neuralgia, -tauti nervous dls
ease; (hermohelkkous) nervous deblllty.
hermoton nerveless; unnerved; mys = her
voton, hermottomasti, hermottomuus ks.
hervottomasti, hervottomuus.
hermo tulehdus (lk.) neurltis. -venytys
herne pea; herneet peas, (vanli.) pease;
herneen palko ks. hernepalko; vrt. ITiyns:
hiki, herneenmuotoinen pea-shaped.
hernel Jauhot ground peas. -kasvi legumlnous plant. -keitto pea soup. -kukka peablossom. -maa pea-rield.
hernemiinen pea-llke.
herne palko pea-pod, peas(e)cod; (kasv.)
legume or the pea. -pelto pea-rield, rield
or peas. -puu: siperialainen hernepuu Slberlan pea-tree. -rokka (green) pea soup.
herpaannuttaa ks. herpauttaa.
herpaantua get lame, be lamed, become un
nerved; (halvaantua) be(come) paralyzed
(mys kuv.); (hlty) grow lax, slacken;
(veltostua) riag, langulsh; vrt. herpautua.
herpaiseva paralyzing [errect, vaikutus],
crlppllng; (lamaannuttava) slackening, relaxlng. herpalsta paralyze, crlpple; (tehd
hervottomaksi) unnerve; (lamaannuttaa)
slacken [the lnterest, mielenkiintoa], relax, weaken. herpautua paralyze, crlpple
(molemmat mys kuv.); stun; (tehd her
vottomaksi) unnerve; (heikent) weaken,
debilltate; enervate [the body, ruumisthe mlnd, mieli]; (hllent) relax [the
dlscipllne, kuri], herpautua be strlcken
wlth lameness, be paralyzed (mys kuv.)(lamautua) slacken, abate, relax; (veltos
tua) droop, langulsh, grow weak, lose
strength; vrt. puutua, herpautunut para-



lyzed, lame; (puutunut) numb; vrt. herpoutunut. herpoutua ks. hervota. herpoutunut lirap, languld [interest, mielenkiin
to], enervated; lax; (puutunut) numb,
(jkpv.) . . gone to sleep.
herra gentleman; (yli-, korkea ~) lord:
(isnt, mestari) master; (arvonimen tai
puhuttelusanana sukunimen edess:) mis
ter [klrjotettaessa aina lyh.: Mr.], (pubuttelusanana, yksinn:) Sir; herrain pu
lmia men'S ClOthlng; Herra Jumala! goodness gracious! dear me! good heavens!
Htm K. Mr. K.; Herran nimess Tor heaven's sake! good heavens! [liuoin, mit
Herran nimess ajattelethaan (mys:)
what on earth (1. in the World) are you
thinking Of?]; Herran rukous the Lord's
prayer; Herran thden for goodness' (1.
heaven's) sake! Herra Professori A. (klrjeosotteessa:) Professor A.; Herra siunatkoon
bless me! good heavens! Herra tiesi, mis
s hn taas vetelehtii heaven knnvvs tvhere
he Is loaflng (1. hanglng out), I haven't the
least (1. tbe faintest) idea where he Is
loaring; herrat A., B. & Co. Messrs. A., B.
* Co.; herrat Ja talonpojat the gentry and
(tbe) peasantry; ~ tohtori (puhuteltaes
sa:) Doctor; aikovatko herrat lhte sinne
are you going there (1. do you intend to
go there), slrs (1. gentlemen)? el her
roiksi live llke a king. Ilve in great State
(1. grand style), live tn clover; Englanti on
herrana merell England Is mistress Of the
seas; [en ole nhnyt sinua] moneen Her
ran vuoteen (L pitkiin Herran aikoihin)
[I haven't seen you] Tor many a long year
( I. for an age) ; olla oma herransa be one'S
ovm master (1. boss), depend on nobody,
be Independent; taion ja rouva the mas
ter and tbe mistress (1. the man and the
lady) of tbe bouse.
herrainen: aika (huudahduksena:) good
ness gracious! good heavens! dear me! Tor
ali In the world! (Ilmaisten ihmettely:)
what In the \v-orld!
herrain;, huone (valt.) upper house: (Engl.)
tbe House of Lords. -pivt (hist.) dlet
(of Lords).
herramainen (ylpe) lordly; overbearing.
herramaiaesti lordly. herramaiauua lordliness; overbearing manners (1. ways).
Herran-ehtoollinen (klrk.) ks. ehtoollinen, 2.
herraaelm life of a gentleman.
herraskainen gentlemanllke, genteel [appearance, ulkonk]
herraskaisesti llke
gentlerolks, genteelly. herraskaisuua gentlllty.
herraa; kartano manordal estate); countryseat. -luokka gentry; (ylluokka) upper
elass. -mies gentleman. -nainen gentlewoman. lady. -perhe gentleman's famlly:
(sivistynyt) famlly of reflnemcnt. -aeura
(1. v.) pollte Society, people of refinement,
better circles of soclety. -aty gentry.
herrasta*, herratel la (el herroiksi) live
llke a lord; (kvell mahtavasti) strut
(llke a lord); harrastella lainavaatteissa
strut In borrowed flnery. herraatua learn
to put on airs; learn to be a gentleman.
herraavkl gentleman's famlly; gentlefolks.
gentry: (palvelijain puheessa:) master and
mistress; hn palvelee erlt herrasvell
maalla she Is servlng in a country gentleman'3 famlly; jos herrasvki suvaitsee lf
you please (, ladies and gentlemen).
herraton \vtthout a master, herraua authorIty, dominion, lordshlp; (herrasvalta, yli
valta) supremacy, mastery. herruus
herrana; elmn ja kuoleman herruus
power over life and death; ihmisen her


ruus elinten yli rnanVs dominion over the

Hertsegovina Herzegovina.
hertta (korteissa:) hearts. hertta- (yhd.)
. . of hearts [esim. -kuningas klng or
hearts; -rouva queen of hearts].
herttainen sweet [girl, tytt], lovely, nlce;
(rakastettava) amlable: (hurmaava) charmlng
emnt] ;
pleasant; ~ piv lovely (1. pleasant 1.
nlce) day. herttaisesti pleasantly, in a
lovely manner, sweetly; amiably. herttaiauua sweetness, lovellness, pleasantness,
herttamainen heart-shaped; (kasv.) cordate.
herttua duke. -kunta duchy, dukedom.
herttuallinen ducal. herttuatar duchess.
herua trickle; (tippua) drlp; dribble; (tih
kua) ooze (out); kuiviin draln, be(come)
dralned; ~ lis (kuv.) come In gradually;
antaa tynnyrin draln the barrel.
herukka (viinimarja) (red) currant.
heruminen trlckllng, drlpplng; drainlnR.
heruttaa draln; (antaa tippua) cause to
drip (1. trickle); (pusertail Oraw (Torth).
press out, squeeze out (Httle b>' Ilttle);
heruttaa maitoa lehmst strip the cow.
heruttaminen dralnlng; (gradual) drawlng
forth; (lehmn) strlpplng.
hervahtaa sink down exhausted, collapse;
fali inert, drop; (esim. kasveista:) droop;
hnen ktens hervahti alas hls arm leit
inert. hervahtaminen collapslng, fallmg
Inert; drooplng.
hervota 1. = herpautua, herpaantua; 2.
(puutua) grow numb, be(come) bcnumbed.
(jkpv.) go to sleep; 3. (pkerty) be
stunned (1. stupefled).
hervoton llmp [body, ruumis], inert: (puu
tunut) torpid, numb; (halvautunut) paralyzed, lame (mys kuv.); (heikko, voi
maton) \veak, feeble, faint, enervated;
(lyh) lax; (veltto) slack, languid; (halu
ton) apathetic; vsymyksest exhausted,
tlred (I. worn) out. hervottomasti limply,
Inertly, lamely; torpldly; reebly; languidly. hervottomuus limpness, lamcness. lassitude; torpidlty; fecbleness, Impotence;
laxlty; apathy; vrt. hervoton.
hernninen pletlst.
hernnisyys, hernnelsyya revlval; (hlst.)
pletlsm. -liike pietlstlc movement.
herte anythlng that awakens or stlrs (up) ;
impulse; stimulus, spur. herttj one
who awakens jne., vrt. hertt, hertt
minen waking, awakenlng; qulckenlng.
hertt wake (up), awake, (a)wakcn [old
memorles, vanhoja muistoja; a p.'s compasslon, jonkun sll]; (a)rouse [astonishment, Ihmetyst; sympathy, myttun
toa], ralse [hopes, toiveita; a storm of indlgnatlon, suuttumuksen myrsky]; excite
[envy, kateutta; fears, pelkoa], provoke
[laughter, naurua] ; (synnytt, aiheuttaa)
call rorth [a storm or applause. mielty
myksen myrsky], create fdtssatlsfactlon,
tyytymttmyytt; susplcion. epluuloa],
cause [uneaslness, levottomuutta], occaSlon ; herttk minut kello kuudelta \vake
me (up) at 6 o'clock! (Jkpv.) call me at
slx! ~ Jossakussa Joku ajatus suggest an
idea to one, prompt one wlth an Idea
h iloni, se hertti hness nerokkaan aja
tuksen (mys:) lt \vakened (1. roused) an
lngenious idea in his head]; eloon wake
to life, rouse, qulcken, revlve; ~ Jossakussa
ennakkoluuloja jotakuta kohtaan preJUdlce
(1. bias) one agalnst ap., set one up agalnst
a p.; henkiin restore [a drowned, huk
kunut], resuscitate, revlve, vrt. eloon;
nuolia cause anxlety (1. worry I. apprehen



slons); ~ huomiota arouse attention, (henkllst:) make o.s. conspicuous (l. notorious)
h in un. hertti melkoista huomiota (mys:)
occasioned considerable remark: hertti
tavatonta huomiota created a sensation] ;
fulleen kS. uudestaan; joku frkiin* (saattaa) bring one to his senses;
huahua ihmisiss .-. ..- . i strike terror to
people's hearts, make o.s. dreaded; ~ kaolleista raise from the dead; kysymys ks.
nostaa; ~ jossakussa luottamuslu inspire a
p. 's confidence; - pelkoa jossahussa in
spire one with fear, intimidate one; peonsekaista kunnioitusta jossakussa fill (1.
impress 1. inspire) one with awe, awe one;
~ unesta rouse from sleep, wake up; ~
jossakussa uskallasta Inspire one with cour
age; uuJcxtaan eloon revive, revivify,
give new life (1. Impetus) to, reawaken
[the interest, entinen mlelenkiinto], rouse
again; ~ vilkkaaseen toimintaan rouse to
activity; leiivaa herttv hopeful.
heritya waking, rousing; (kuv.) awakening,
arousing, stirring up; vrt. herttminen.
-huuto alarm, -kello alarm-clock; (Engl.)
alarum, -kokou* revival (meeting), -aaarnaaja revivalist, evangelist, -sana reviving
(1. stirring) word.
herata awake [from (1. out of) sleep, unes
ta], wake up; (joskus:) awaken, arouse
[from torpor, horrokslsta; to a sense of
sin, synnintuntoon] ; (uskonnoll. merk.)
become spiritually converted;
hersin onen huutoonsa I was awakened
by (1. I waked at) his cries; Aerfea'(n)
on waking (up), when he woke up;
efoon (kuv.) wake to life, awake(n) ; ~
harhaluuloista be disillusioned; henbiin
wake to life (mys kuv.), come back to
life; be revived, revive; ~ huomaamaan
jotakin wake up to . . , become alive to . .;
~ alleen reawake(n), revive; en hernnyt
ajoissa I overslept (myself): Aonen mielestn Aeran epilyt, ett . . his mind
misgave him (1. he had misgivings) that . .;
kkia hness heran ajatus, ett . . sudden
ly the thought occurred (I. came) to him,
that . . .
herminen awakening; (harhaluuloista y.
III.) dlSlllUSiOn(mellt); kansallinen [uskonnollinen] national (religious] awakening.
hetale fringe; strip, shred; hetaleet fur
hete 1. (lhde) spring, well; 2. = heteikk;
vrt. mys lii-tli-.
heteellinen (kasv.) stamlnate, staminiferous; vrt. hede-.
heteikk mire; (hyllyv) quagmire, morass.
heteinen (yhd.) . . with . . stamens [esim.
kakti~ With two stamens; moni~ with
numerous stamens] ; (joskus:) . . -stamened
[eslm. yksi~ solltary-stamened] ; diet.)
. . -androus [eslm. ykti monandrous; mo
ni polyandrons] .
heti instantly, Immediately, forthwith, at
once, directly; (plan) shortly, presently.
~ (kohta) kun as soon as, (Joskus:) di
rectly; paikalla instantly, this very mo
ment, on the spot, there and then, Imme
diately, without delay [ hnom. tee se heti
paikalla do It at once (I. this very instant)!
do it right now!], hetikian ks. ISheskn.
heti(m)miten as soon (1. as speedily) as pos
sible, as soon as I I. we, you I can, at the
first opportunity; shortly, at an early date;
Immediately, in a minute.
hetio (kasv.) the stamens, andrcium.
hetkellinen momentary [delight, huvl];
(lyhytaikalnen) . . of short duration, short
lived; brief; (ohlmenevii, haihtuva) pass
ing, transient [gleam of hope, tnivon sft-


de], transitory; nllapalner temporary;

vrt. aatunnainen. hetkellisesti momentari
ly; transiently; temporarily; (hetkeksi)
for a moment, for a short time (1. while),
hetkelliayy short duration, briefness, momentariness; transitoriness.
hetki (lyhyt) moment, instant; (epamrisempi) while; (joskus:) nilnute [eslm. vme hetkess at the last minute], hour
[eslm. onnen hetki happy hours; oaaran
hetkeli In the hour of danger], time;
hetheksi for a (1. one) moment, for a
while; hetken (for) a moment; hetken
aikaa a few minutes (1. moments), a
while; hetken kettvS moment's, mo
mentary, . . of short duration, brief, pass
ing, transient [esim. syntyi hetken kesto
nettmyys a moment's (1. a brief) si
lence ensued] ; Aetfcen lapsi the sport of
the moment, an impulsive person; hetken
(aslaa) mictitiyn after a moment's con
sideration; [noudattaa] hetken phnpistoa] [follow] the spur (1. the impulse)
of the moment; hetken tyS the work of an
Instant; hetketsa in an instant, instantly,
In a minute; hetket (tav.) hours, (Joskus:)
moments, times; [pauhu kasvaa] ~ Atkelta [the roar Is Increasing] momentarily,
(for) each moment; ~ en tuilut (l. lyonytj,
jolloin . . the hour has come (1. struck)
when . .; n'tten a (little) while ago, a
moment ago, a few minutes ago [huom.
mys: juuri .litten this very (1. Just
this) minute] ; ei hetkenkn (\. hetkekn) rauhaa not a moment's rest; milla
hetkeli tahanta (at) any moment, every
moment (1. minute), any minute, moment(arl)ly; oikealla hetkeli at the right
moment (1. juncture), In the nick of time;
onnellisella hetkeli at a lucky moment (1.
Juncture); onncttomalla hetkeli (palman
alkaan) In an evil hour; rathaisevalla Aefheiu at (1. In) a critical (1. a decisive)
moment, in the nick of time; tiita hetkest
lahtien from that moment on, from that
very moment; tilla hetkella at that mo
ment, for the moment; talla hethell (at)
this (very) moment, during this very hour,
(nykyn) for the time being, Just now;
vrt. hartaiu, junto-, lepo~ y. m.
hetki nen I. (s.) little while, moment; Aetfcisekti for a little while; odota ~ wait a
moment (1. a minute)! II. (a.) (hetkelli
nen) momentary, brief; (plan haihtuva)
passing, transient; fita on vain hetkist
iloa it will bring only momentary (1. a
moment's) happiness, hetkitellen, hetkittain, hetkitUiain at (odd) times: by
snatches, by fits and starts; whiles;
(ajolttaln) at intervals.
hetkua (hytky) Jog, Jolt: (kelnua) swing,
seesaw; (notkua) quake, shake, rock;
(hnojua) sway; (horjua) totter, stagger,
hetkuminen jolting; shaking, rocking:
swaying; tottering, hetkutella rock [o.s.
(1. one's body to and fro), ruumistaan],
sway; wag; hetkutella ptn sway one's
head (to and fro), wag the head; kvell
hethutella waddle.
hetkutus rocking
(walk); swaying; (kvelytapa) waddle.
hetula (valaan) plate of whalebone; hetulat
(plates of) whalebone, ("kalanluu") ba
leen: vrt. hetale. -valu whalebone -whale,
right whale.
hcviiia, hevln easily, readily; ei ~ not easily
(1. readily), only with difficulty; jollet
hevill hellita , . If you don't let go Of
your own accord . . .
hevonen horse; (pon-) pony; (sakkipellssa)



hevosen- rylirt.) . . of a borse, (a) tiorse'3

[esim. -harja mane or a horse, a horse's
mane; -kavio hoor or a horse, a horsc's
hoof; -p lieail oi' a horse, a horse\s
head], horse- iesim. -loimi;
-raota horse-hlde]. -hoitaja hostler; groom.
-tinti tali or a horse, horsetail, norse's
tail. -Jouhi horsebatr. -kengittj horse-hoer; (sepp) blacksraith. -kengitys horseshoelng; blacksmlthlng.
hevosenkenk horseshoe. -naula horseshoenail.
hevosen telki horseback; hevosenselss
(on) horseback; ajaa hevosenselss 0 on
horseback, ride; astua (alas) hevosensclast get ofr a horse, dismount. -tuntija
(good) Judge or horses (1. horse-riesh).
-vaihto svvapplng (I. trading) horses; (he
vosen muutos) changing (or) horses, relay
(or horses).
hevos- (yhd.) horse- [esim. -harava horserake;
-kastanja horse -chestnut;
horse-manure; -varas horse-thler], -haka
pasture-ground Tor horses; (pieni, tallin
vieress oleva) paddock. -hoidonneuvoja
(1. v.) state veterlnarian. -hoito care or
horses. -huijari horse-trader; Jockey, -hui
jaus horse-tradlng; Jockeylng. -Jalostus
horse-breeding. -Jalostusyhdistys horsebreeders' association, -kaakki hack; (van
ha) Jade; vrt. hevosluuska. -kaarti horse guards.
-kauppa deal(ing) In horses.
-kauppias horse-dealer. -kengnmuotoinen
horseshoe-shaped. -kenkinaula horseshoenail. -kierto horse-power (I. -gear): horsewhim, gin. -koni (old) hack; (Jkpv.) rattlebones. -kuorina cart-load, load Tor a horse.
-kyyti: hevoskyydill by relay, (Amer.) by
stage(-coach). -krpnen rorest-Dy, horsetlck, htppoboscld (riy). -luuska Jade,
(Jkpv.) a good-ror-nothing old nag, old
raubones (1. rattlebones). -lkitys (kuv.)
horse-dose. -lkri horse-doctor, veteri|nary (I. -narian); (vanh.) rarrier. -mark
kinat horse-rair. -mies horseman; vrt.
ratsumies, -muisti (kuv. tavaton muisti)
prodigious (1. great) memory. -nyttely
horse -show. -pivty day's work Tor (a
rnan and) horse. -raitiotie horse-car line,
(Engl.) horse -tramvvay. -rotu stock (1.
breed) or horses. -siitos horse-breeding.
-suka currycomb. -talli stable(Tor horses),
(horse- )barn. -tuntija ks. hevosentuntija.
-voima horse-power. -voimainen horsepower; 3-hevosvoimainen (of) 3 horsepower [tav. lyh.: 3 H. P.]. -vki cavalry;
vrt. ratsuvki.
hiaisin (kovasin) whetstone; (partaveitsen-)
hone, (nahasta) strop.
hidas slow [In (1. oD payment, maksa
maan; at one's work, tyssn], tardy,
dilatory; (liikkeissn) sluggish; (lais
kuuttaan) SlOthTul: ksittmn Sl0W
(or comprehenslon), slow-witted, stupld,
dull; [hn on] maksamaan (mys:) [he
is] low pay; suuttumaan slow to anger; tekemn tyt slow (at one's
work); hitain askelin With slo\v StepS,
slowly, at a slow pace.
hidas ajatukainen slow or thought, slovvthinklng (I. -wltted). -Juokauinen slow
stream, virta], sluggish. -kulkuinen slow
[horse, hevonen; train, Juna]; .. golng at
a -nall'3 pace. -liikkeinen slow (in Its
movements), sluggish, slothful. -luontoi
nen phlegmattc, languld; sluggish, tardy,
dilatory; (saamaton) awkward. -oppinen
slow to learn.
hidastaa delay: retard [the growth or . . ,
Jonkin kasvua]; (viivytt) detaln; (eh
kist) Check, restraln; vrt. hidastuttaa.


hidastaminen delaylng; retardation. hidas

televa dilatory, tardy, siow, sluggish,
slotnrul. hidaatelija laggard. hidastella he
slow (1. sluggish 1. tardy), he dilatory;
delay; linger, tarry; loiter; hidasteli vas
tatessaan was slow to ansvver. hidastua
(tulla hitaaksi) becomc slo\v(er); (viivs
ty) be retarded, be delayed; (vhet)
decrease, grow less, diminlsh; (ehkisty)
be checked: hidastunut delayed, (myhs
tynyt) behind (1. arter) its tlme; junain
kulku on hidastunut lumiesteiden takia the
tralns have been delayed by sno\v; ty hi
dastuu the work Is made slower (1. is de
layed), (hiriytyy) the work Is lnterrered
viili; vauhti hidastuu the speed slackens,
(vhenee) the speed dlmlnishes (1. grovs
less). hidastus delay (ing), retardlng, retar
dation, detentlon; (vauhdlny.m.) slackenlng.
hidastuttaa delay; retard; (viivytt) detain,
keep; (hiljent) slacken; (hillit, ehkis
t) stop, check, hold back; hidastuttaa
asketeitaan slacken oiliVs pace.
hidasi tuumainen phlegmattc, slow-wltted,
slow or thought. -verinen phlegmatic.
hieho heirer.
hiekan pitoinen sandy; arenaceous. -sekai
nen mlxed with sand, sandy; (esim. ruo
asta:) grltty. -vrinen sand-colored.
hiekka sand; (karkea) grit.
hiekka- (yhd.) sand- [esim. -kuoppa sandplt; -lj sand-pile; -mki sand-htll] ; . . or
sand [esim. -harju ridge or sand; -jyv(nen) graln or sand; -kerros layer (1. stratum) or sand; -lj heap (1. plle) of sand] ;
(hiekkainen) sandy [esim. -harju sandy
ridge; -niemi sandy poiiit].
(sandy) desert; sandy vvaste; sands.
-haude (kem.) sand-bath.
hiekkainen sandy; gritty; (hlekansekainen)
mixed wlth sand.
hiekka kangas
heath; (mntymets kasvava) pine-barren. -kello hour-glass. -kivi sandstone.
-kivilouhos sandstone quarry.
mound (1. hummock) or sand; sand(y)
hummock. -kytv gravel-\valk. -maa
sandy land; (maan laatua tarkottaen:)
sandy soll. -multa sandy loam. -nummi
ks. hiekkakangas.
-paperi sand-paper.
-pohja sand(y) bottom; (Joen) sandy bed.
-pohjainen . . ui Mi a sandy bottom (1.
bed). -ranta sandy shore; beach; sands.
-rntinen . . with sandy shores. -riutta
reef or sand, shoal; sand-bar, (kapea)
splt or sand; vrt. seur. -srkk sandbank, slieir of sand; (kapea, Joessa:) sandbar; (matalikko) shoal.
hiekottaa sand, strew (1. sprinkle) \vitii
sand; (esim. puutarhan kytvi) gravel;
hiekotettu kytv (puutarhassa y. m.)
gravel -\valk. hiekottamaton not saniled;
not graveled.
hiekottaminen, hiekotus
sprlnkling (1. strewing) \vith sand, sandlng; gravellng.
hieman (just) a little [longer, pitempi].
somevvhat; slightly
[better, parempi],
very little; lnsigniricantly.
hieno fine [taste, maku] ; (hienosti puettu)
flnely dressed, fashlonablc [lady, vallasnalnen] ; (ohut) thin, slender, (hento)
dellcate, subtle, nlce: (muhkea) elegant;
(ylev) noble; (pehme) son (skln, hi
pi]; (hlcnorakeinen) rinc-graiucd; (hie
nostunut) refined; herra (hienosti puet
tu) rinely (1. elegantly) dressed gentleman, (jkpv.) swell; kyts pollshed (I.
refined) manners; ~ lanka flne (1. thin)
thread; puku rine (1. rashlonahle) dress;
hienoksi ks. jauhaa, vet.

hieno 9S
hieno- (yhd.) fine- [eslm. -hampainen fine- hleroa rub [one's eyes, sllml&n] ; knead [the
toothed; -karvainen fine -haired; -piirtei- muscles, llhaksla] ; (lk.) massage [a
n*n fine-featured; -raktintn fine-grained]. patient, potllasta; a knee, polvea] ; (han-aistmen . . with (1. having) a fine (1. an gata) chafe, gall; kaappaa bargain [for.
exquisite) taste, -hipiainen . . with a Jostakln], try to make a bargain, try to
delicate (1. soft) skin; (Ihonvariln naliden) come to terms [with one, Jonkun kaiissa .
(Jkpv.) dicker [about (1. over) . .] ; kfine - complexloned.
hienoinen - hieno; jonkin ~ as fine as ... tin ks. hykertaa; ~ ran/too negotiate (1.
of the fineness of . . [eslm. siikin- as fine treat for the terms of) peace, carry on
peace negotiations; ~ sovintoa kahden
as silk, . . of the fineness of silk].
hienolljuovainen .. with fine (1. narrow) henkiln calille try to conciliate (1. try to
stripes, narrow-striped, -jyvainen fine- make it up between) two persons; ~ am"
(I. small-)graln(ed).
tilmittn rub one's sleepy eyes, (Jkpv.)
hionoksua consider . . too fashionable (1. rub the sleep-seeds out of one's eyes; ln
stylish 1. fine) (to suit one), (Jkpv.) con
get hierovat heooten kaulaa the collar galls
the horse's neck.
sider .. too swell (for one).
hieno kuormen .. with a thin shell (kellos- hieroglyfi (kuvaklrjotus) hieroglyphic.
ta: case), thin-shelled, -karklnen . . with hieroja one who rubs (1. kneads 1. gives
a fine point, . . drawn to a fine point, -ma- massage); masseur; (-nalnen) masseuse,
kulnen fine-tasting, delicious, . . of a fine hierojatar masseuse, hierominen, hieronta
massage, rub(blng), kneading-, hierottaa,
hienommuus greater fineness (1. delicacy 1. hierotuttaa (Itsen jollakulla) bave a p.
softness); finer texture; more exquisite give one a massage; hierot(at)taa telkntj
have one's back massaged (1. rubbed), hie
routua rub, chafe, fret, gall; hieroutua vehienonhieno very (1. extremely) fine; super
fine, hienonnettu reduced to a pulp; pow
rill* (iho) gall.
dered, pulverized, hienonnu* = hienonta hiestyminen sweating; (ikkunan y. m.)
. steaming, hiestynyt sweaty, sweating; (Ikhionon, nakoinen fine-looking (1. -appear kuna y. ni. i steamed; taapm penile hitting), -puoleinen rather fine (1. thin Jne., tyneen arrived there sweating (1. dripping
with sweat), hlettyi get (1. become)
vrt. hieno).
hienontaa make . . fine(r) ; (Jauhaa hienok- sweaty, be covered with perspiration;
sl) grind fine, reduce to a pulp, (reduce (eslm. klvlselnasta:) grow (1. become)
to) powder, pulverize; (murentaa) crum
damp; ikkana hiettyy the window Is get
ble; (survoa) crush, hienontaminen grind- ting steamed; olen hiettynyt I'm sweaty (I.
hieetyt sweating, sweat; per
Ing fine; reducing to a pulp; pulveriza
spiration, hietttvi ks. hiofttava. hiettal
tion; crumbling; crushing.
hienontua become flne(r), become (1. grow) make . . sweat, (give . . a) sweat, cause . .
thln(ner); (Jauhautua hlenoksl) be pulver to perspire; drive . . into a sweat; vrt.
ized; be reduced to a pulp (1. a powder); hlofttaa.
vrt. hienostua. hienontummen pulveriza hieta = hiekka. -Hete Silt, -mato lugworm;
tion; (kuv.) ks. hienoituminen.
hienopiirteinen . . with delicate (1. fine) hietikko sands, -maa ks. hiekkamaa. -ranta
sandy shore, (stretch of) sands.
features, fine-featured.
hienostetija fop, dandy; dude; snob, hienoi- hievahduttaa (lllkuttaa paikaltaan) move.
tella act affected, show off, (Jkpv.) put on, stir, budge, hievahtaa move, stir; (sllrtya)
swell It. hienostelu showing off, acting be displaced: hiteahtaa paikaltaan Stir,
affected; affectation; dandyism; snobbish move (from the spot); hiceantamatta Im
ness; c* on furliaa hienottelua it Is empty movably, firmly; paikaltaan hieoahtamatta
(1. useless) affectation, it Is foolish put without stirring (1. moving) from the spot.
Without budging; t hievahda paikaltati
ting on (airs).
hienoati finely, nicely, delicately; (ohuesti) don't stir!
thinly; (muhkeastl) elegantly; puettu hiha sleeve, hihallinen . . with sleeves.
elegantly dressed, w'ell-groomed; ~ tioit- hihan kaulus cuff; wristband, -reiki armhole, arm-scye. -sisuste sleeve-lining.
tynyt finely educated, . . with a fine edu
cation, highly cultured, (tavolltaan) . . re hihaton sleeveless, . . without (1. having no)
fined In manner(s), refined.
hienosto people of fashion, the smart set, hihhuli (1. v.) holy Jumper; (kuv.) hyster
the fashionable world; (kerma) the cream ical fanatic.
of society, the elite, the upper ten (1. hihina, hlhiitaminen giggling, giggle, tltter(ing). hihltti giggle, titter, (Jkpv.) tehee,
crust), the Four Hundred.
hienostua become refined (1. polished); hlhitys - hihina.
let out a yell (I. a scream), (esim.
(Jkpv.) get swell, hienottumaton unrefined,
unpolished. hienostuminen refinement. veturl) give a shriek, shriek, hihkaisu, hihhionostunut refined, polished; subtle kaua yell, scream; shriek, hihkua (set up a)
[taste, maku]; hienottuneet tavat refined yell, scream; shriek; vrt. hlhkaUt*. hlhku(1. polished 1. elegant) manners, hienostua mlnen yelling, screaming; shrieking.
refinement; polish, elegance; inha hienot- hihna strap, leather band; (kapea) thong:
tus overrefinement, too much polish.
(kone-) belt; hihnat (valjalssa) straps:
hieno tunteincn very sensitive; conscien (koneissa) belting, -pyr pulley, -sana
tious; considerate, thoughtful of others; (vannesaha) band-saw.
refined, -tunteisesti very sensitively; con hihnaato straps; (kone-) belting, hihnavoiscientiously; considerately, with consider de grease for the belts.
ation, -tunteisuus (over)sensltlveness; con hihnottaa strap.
scientiousness; consideration; refinement. hiidenllkirnu devil's churn, waterworn wellhienous fineness, delicacy; elegance; thin like hole In a rock, -kivi (glacial) boulder,
ness; vrt. hieno.
hienovillainen flne-wooled [sheep, lammas], hiihdelll ski, be skiing. hiihdlnt* skiing,
. . with fine wool.
hiihdattai have . . ski, make . . ski.
hierautua ks. hieroutua.
hiihto skiing, ski-running: (yhd.) skllng[eslm. -matka (\. -rrtki) skllng-trlp; -pu*a
hierlnkivi (maal.) slab.


skilng-costume: -neuvot skllng-equlpment] .

-keli: hyv hiihtokeli good skilng. -kilpailu
skl-race. -mies skl-runner, skier. -aura
ski(lng)-club. -urheilu skilng; hiihtourhei
lu on yleist Suometta skilng is a common
sport (1. is common as a sport) In Finland.
hiihtj one who skls, skier, ski-runner.
hiihtminen skiing. hiihtU Skl, skee.
hiilen nohta whlle ashes. -otto takin? on
coal, coallng. -poltto charcoal-burning,
hiili (kem.) carbon; (kivi-) coal, (sysi)
charcoal; hiilet (pesss) coals, vrt. hiillos;
Ma kuumilla hiilill as ii' one were standlng
on(red-hot) coals; vrt. elin , luu, puu.
hiili- (ybd.) coal- [esim. -lapio coal-shovel;
-sili coal-bln; -terva coal-tar; -tomu
coal-dust] ;
(sysi-) charcoal(-)
-krki cbarcoal polnt; -piirrot charcoal drawing] ; (kem.) carbon [esim. -dioksidi
rarbon dioxid(e); -oksidi carbon oxid(e);
yhdistyt carbon compound]. -hanko poker.
hiilihaponpitoinen carbonated.
hiilihappo rarbonic acld; (kem.) carbon dioxld(e); hiilihapon suola (kem.) carbonate.
hiilihappoinen carbonated [sprlng, lhde];
at-rated [water, vesi]; tuola carbonate.
hiilihappo kaasu carbonic acid gas. -myrky
ty carbonlc acid poisonlng. -mr amount
(I. percentage) of carbonlc acld.
hiili hauta ks. sysihauta. -hydraatti (kem.)
-hk coal-gas;
carbon oxld(e). -hkmyrkytya asphyxia
(Trom tntialatlon of (char)coal fumes).
-kaaau coal-gas. -kaivos coal-mlne; (Engl.)
(Engl.) colller. -kasa beap (1. plle) of coal
(I. charcoal): coal-heap. -keuhkot miner's
lung, black lung. -koukku poker. -krki
(kaarllampussa y. m.) charcoal polnt, car!" n point. -muraka slack. -paino (valok.)
carbon-prlntlng, carbon process. -pannu
brazier; rire-pan.
-piiruatus charcoal drawing (1. sketcb). -poly coal- (1. charcoal-)dust. -sili coal-bln; (hyrylaivan)
-uuni (kivihiili > coalstove. -vety (kem.) hydrocarbon.
hiillos embers; dylng flre.
hilllyttu char, carbonlze. hilllytya charring,
rarbonizatlon. hliloe, hiilua(ta) = hiillos,
hiiltyminen carbonlzatlon. hiilty be(comc)
charred, burn to a clnder (1. a crisp). hiiltiminen charring, carbonlzlng; carbonization. hiilt = hiillytt.
hupaista, hiipaisu ks. hipaista, hipaisu.
hiipij hiiviskelijK. hiipiminen sneaklng;
ireeplng. hiipiv sneaklng [galt, kynti],
stealtby; lurklng [susplclon, epilys];
lingering [disease, tauti]; hiipiv kuume
low (l. slow) fever.
hiipii slip, pass stealthily, sneak [a\vay,
pois: In . . , johonkin], steal, slink; creep;
huoneeseen Slip (1. 1. Steal) into
the room; (poit) huoneetta slip (I. steal)
out or the room, (pahassa merkit.) sneak
(I. slink) out of the room.
hiippa 1. (phine) miter; 2. (-leikki) tag,
goal. -kunta dlocese, blshoprlc.
hiipua fade; hiillos hiipuu the flre Is dylng
down (I. out), the coals are (1. the rire Is)
radlng. hiipuminen radlng. hiipuva radlng
embers (1. coals), hiillos].
hiirakko (hevosesta:) mouse-colored, dun.
hiiren herne (kasv.) turted vetch. -karvai
nen mouse-gray; mouse-colored, dun; (tuhankarvalnen) ash-colored, ashen gray.
-korva: koivu on hiirenkorvalla the blrrli
is puttlng out Its flrst buds, the blrch is
budding. -pes mouse's nest, mouse-nest.
-pyydys motise-trap. -reik mouse-hole.
-sym gnawed by mlce.


hiiri mouse (plur. mlce); vrt. rotta, -hauk

ka (European) buzzard.
hiiriispll (ellnt.) hawk-o\vl.
hiisi Old Harry (1. Scratch 1. Nick), the devil,
the deuce, the dlckens; hnet viekn
the devil catch him! to the deuce (1. the
dlckens) wlth him! may the devil get him!
~ viekn deuce take lt! heit jo hiiteen
(Jkpv.) Tor land's sake shut it up (1. let up
on that) ! mene hiiteen go to the dlckens
(I. to the deuce)!
hiiskahdua (slight) sound, breath; whlsper;
ei hiiskahduttakaan kuulunut not a SOUIll
(I. a breath) \vas heard, you could not
hear a whlsper.
hiiakahtaa 1. (hiiskua) say a \vord. breathe
(a sound); 2. (hievahtaa) move, stlr; ei
sanaakaan not say a \vord, not utter (1.
breathe) a word (1. a sound); l hiishahda
tiit kenellekn dont breathe lt to anybody; hn ei uskaltanut paikaltaan he
dld not darc to stlr (I. to move). ruiskah
taminen l. breathing, utterlng; 2. moving,
hiiskua utter (1. breathe) a sound; make a
sound; (antaa tietoa) send \vord; vrt. luis
kahtaa, 1.; olla tanaakaan hiiskumatta not
say (1. breathe 1. utter) a \vord, be as stlli
as a mouse (1. as the tomb). hiiskumaton
(netn) sllent. hiiskumattomuus (net
breathing (1. utterlng) a word.
hiistakka (ellnt.) wheatear, rallo\v-chat.
hiiva yeast. -leip yeast-bread. -pulveri 1.
-sieni yeast-plant (I. -lungus), yeast.
hiivatti ks. helkkari.
hiiviskellj sneak(er),
sneaklng; creeplng.
hija ks. hiha.
hikert (nauraa ~) glggle, tltter.
hike ajava causlng (1. produclng) perspiratlon; (lk.) dlaphoretlc, sudorlrlc. -valu
va drlpplng wlth swcat (1. perspiration);
sweatlng freely.
hiki sweat, perspiration; (hyry) steam;
hiell ia vaivalla ansaittu gotten (1. carned)
with sweat and blood; hiett pin dripping
(I. covered) uitli surut; hike vuotava ks.
hikeavaluva; ~ vuotaa the SWCat is drlp
plng; olla hiett be sweaty, s\veat, be cov
ered \\ilh perspiration, be perspiring (ali
over),- (esim. Ikkunasta puhuen:) be
steamed. -hatuasa dripping wlth perspira
tion (1. sweat); wlth one's hair matted
wlth swcat. -helmi 1. -herne bead (1. drop)
of sweat (1. perspiration). -hihna sweatband. -huokonen pore. -karpalo = = hikihelmi, -liina (raam.) napkln. -mrk per
spiring ali over, \vet(l. drlpplng) wlth sweat.
hikinen svveaty, perspiring, molst (1. cov
ered) wlth perspiration; (kostea) molst
(as with dew), damp [wall, sein]; ~ ilma
muggy air (1. weather); hikiset vaatteet
sweaty clothes; ikkuna on the window
is steamed; tulla hikiseksi get Into a s\veat,
become sweaty, begln to s\veat.
hiki I! paja (Amer. suom.) sweat-shop. -pisara
drop of sweat, bead or perspiration; vrt.
helmeill, -piss(n) = hikihatussa. -rau
hanen svveat-glanrl. -reik pore.
hikisyya sweatlness. hikitilkku (dress)
hikka (nikka) hlcrup, blccough.
hikoaminen sweatlng, perspiring, perspira
tion. hikoava perspiring. hikoileminen ->
hikoilu, hikoilla persplre,; (kihoilla)
exude [blood, verta] ; hikoillen perspiring.
covered \vlth perspiration.
hikoilu sweatlng, perspiration; s\veat [In a
Turkish bath, turkkilaisessa saunassa] :


^- 08


(klhollu) exudatlon. -hoito (ik.) sweat- ni hiljenee (vaimenee) the sound Is dycure, rure by sweatlng.
Ing away (1. out).
hilahellurl (arlnaheilurl) rompensatlon (1. hilkka hood, cap.
compensated) pendulum.
hilla (ripe) cloudberry, knotberry; vrt. hillo.
hilata drag, trail : vrt. haalia.
hilleri (ellnt.) polecat.
hillike check [upon, Jollekin]; restralnt.
hile ks. j'-'.
hiljaa qulet, still; (hiljaisella nell) In a hillint, hillitseminen restrainingv checking,
low volce, low; (kevesti) sortly. gently; curbing: restralnt, repression; moderation:
easlly; (verkalleen) slowly, tardlly, at a vrt. hillit, hillitsemttmyys rreedom rrom
slow pace; (neti) sllently; ks. kosketel
(1. lack or) restralnt, lark or control; license; seir-indulgence. hillittemtlmsti
la, kulkea, olla, puhua V. m.
wlthout rcstraint, unrestrainedly; freely:
hiljainen low [murmur, murina]: (rauhalli
nen) qulet [lire, elm], still; (tyyni) excessively. hillitsemtn unchecked, uncalm, tranqull; (kevyt) gentle [breeze. restrained [imaglnatlon. mielikuvitus', untuulenhenki; knock, naputusi, sort; (vai
curbed [passion, intohimo], unbridled;
telias) taciturn; (netn) silent; (hidas) (mahdoton hallita) unmanageable, unconslow [speed, vauhti], tardy; (lempe) trollable; (raju) intractable ! temper, luon
niild, lnorrenslve; (svyinen) placid, peacc- ne], irrepressible; vrt. hillitn.
able; - elm (mys:) retired lire, seclu- hillitty restrained, pent up, repressed, conSlon [esim. viett hiljaista elm maalla stralned, suppressed; (tasainen) moderate;
lead a retired (1. qulet) lire In the country, (tyyni) calm, composed; hillityll nell
live In secluslon (1. retirement) in the wlth (a) hushed (1. murried) volce, under
country] ; mies quietd. taciturn 1. peace- one's breath, in an undertone; hnen esiin
tymisens oli hillitty he appearcd (l.acted)
able) fellovv (1. person); [palstaa] hiljai
sella tulella [broll] over a slow fire, [roast] coustrained (1. restrained).
in a slow oven; hiljaisella nell in a low hillittmyys lack or restralnt; ungovernvolce, lo\v; hiljaisessa kodissa in a qulet ableness, unbridled behavior; unruliness.
(I. a peaceful) home. hiljaisesti still; qulet- lawlessness. hillittmsti itliout restralnt.
ly, sortly, g-ently; (nettmsti) silently. unrestrainedly; Treely; excessively, to exhiljaisuus stillness; quiet(ness), quletude; cess; wlldly.
calm, tranqullllty; (svyisyys) peaceable- hillit checjt lone's anger, vihansa], g-ive (1.
ness; (nettmyys) stlence; pause; (vai
put) a check [to ..], (put a) stop (to..),
teliaisuus) taciturnity; kaikessa hiljaisuu
restrain Ithe vlolence or . . , jonkin rajuut
dessa in ali quletness, in quiet, quletly. ta; one's reellngs, tunteensa], repress
[one's rage, raivonsa; one's emotions, mlehiljakkoin recently, lately, of late, newly;
not long- ago; vrt. skettin, hiljakseen, lenllikutuksensa], suppress, kecp down (I.
hiljalleen slowly; wlthout hurry, at an under), curb; (hallita) be master or, mas
easy (I. at a leisurely) pace; (vhitellen) ter, control [ the mob, metelitsijt] ; (taby degrees, gradually, little by llttle; (peh- sottaa) moderate, temper [one's deslres.
halujaan]; (rauhottaa) calm, qulet, tranmolsestl) sortly, g-ently; tehd tyt hiljal
quil(l)ize; (pidtt) hold back, rerraln;
leen work at lelsurc (I. at one's ease). hil
(liit kurissa) bridle [one's passlons, Into
jan = hiljakkoin.
hiljastua (myhsty) be (1. come) late; be himojaan], put (1. bring) . . under restralnt
(I. control); smother; (laimentaa) dampen,
rela.v [one's zcal. Intoaan], (nest pu
hiljattain (skettin) recently, newly, late
ly; some tlme ago.
huen:) deaden, murrie, hush; (masentaa)
hiljemmin, hiljempaa (hitaammin) slo\ver, subdue, overcome; (taistella vastaan) riglil
at a slovver pace; (kevyemmin) more llght- against, combat, resist; hillitse mielesi con
ly (1. sortly 1. gently); (hiljaisemmalla trol your temper! kcep your temper in
nell) In a lower volce; puhukaa ~ check! (you must) control yourselT! (rau
(mys:) don't speak so loud, lovvcr your hotu) calm yourseir! not so flerce (my
boy)! himonsa overcome (1. suppress I.
hiljeneminen subsidence, abatement; vrt. repress 1. curb) one's cravlng (1. deslre).
(into-) control one's passiona (1. one's carhiljet, hiljenev slackenlng (speed, vauh
ti], lessenlng; subslding; qulescent. hil- nal deslres). (taistella vastaan) fight
agalnst (1. resist) one's passlons, (voittaa)
Jennys (vauhdin y. m.) slackenlng; (tyyn
ronquer (1. overcome) one's deslres (1. pasnytys) quietlng; (ehkisy) cuccking; (hi
dastus) retardatlon; (nen) murriing, Slons) ; ~ iloisuutensa (\. iloisuuttaan) re
press (1. subdue 1. keep down) one's merhushlng. hiljentyminen subsidence, abate
ment; lessening. hiljenty (tyynty) calm rlment; ~ itsens (\. itsen) rrliaiti (I.
check 1. restrain 1. curb 1. control) o. s.,
Itseir, qulet (1. calm) down; mys = hilje
t; hiljentyen (mus.) dlmlnucildo, derres- keep rein on o. s., get o. s. In hand, (vki
valtaa tekemst) stay one's hand, (tyyn
hiljent qulet, still; (tyynnytt) calm; ty) calm o.s., (malttaa) stop to think;
quell; (hillit) stop, check, keep down; nauruaan keep (I. rerraln) troni laughlng,
moderate, repress; (nt y. m.) murrie. restrain (1. suppress 1. hold back) one's
hush, deaden; (vhent) lessen. dlminlsh, laughler; ~ tunteensa (\. tunteitaan) re
strain one's reellng-s (1. ariectlons), liave
derrease; (hidastaa) slow, retard; aske
leitaan slacken one's pace, slow one's steps; (complete) control or one's arrections;
vauhtia check the speed, slacken (the)
vauhtia(an) slacken (1. dimfnish 1. les
sen) the (1. its) speed, sIow up, slow down, speed; koettaa ~ hevostaan t ly to get
go more slowly, (Jkpv.) ]pt up on the control or one's horse.
sneed; ntn lower one's volce.
hillitn unchecked; ungovprnable, uncontrolhiljet become qulet (1. calm), grow calm. lable; unrestrained imlrth, riemu] ; unbri
quiet (1. calm) down; (vhet) decrease, dled, unrurbed; unruly, reckless [waste,
grow less, dlminlsh, (vauhti y. m.) slack
tuhlaus]; Wild: headlong; vrt. hillitsemtn.
en: (asettua) subslde, abate: (kyd hi hillo jam; marmalade; preserves: conserve.
taammaksi) hecome slower, slow down (1. hilloaminen (Jonkin) maklng Jam [or ..',
up) ; melu hiljenee the nolse Is subslding preservlng. hilloko compote. hillonkeitto
(I. dles down); vauhti hiljenee the speed making Jam (l. preserves 1. marmalade).
slackens (i. grnvvs less 1. becornes slovver); hillota make Jam (I. preserves) [or ..,




Jotakin]; preserve; hillota mansikoita make himme dim [light, valo: look, katse; lookM-uberries into Jam, maKe slravvberry ing-glass, peili], obscure; (tumma, pime)
dusky, dark, gloomy; (vaalea) pale, pallid;
jam. hilloutua be (I. t- et) mashed, mash.
hilpeys (Iloisuus) cheerfulness, galety, joy(heikko) faint; (lpikuultamaton) upaque;
ousness, mirth(fulness), merriment, hllar(klilloton) dead, dull; (metalleista:) tarnished, oxldized; (kuv. = epmrinen)
ity; Jollity, Joviality; (reippaus) briskness;
(eloisuus) vivacity, anlmation, llvcllness, indistinct, vague [idea, ksitys]; ~ katse
sprigbtliness ; (pirteys) brlghtness, alertlal n t look, feeble glance; himmeksi hiottu
ness. hilpeyttU rheer up, make . . brisk (I.
given a dull polish, deadened, (lasista:)
rnore lively); (elhdytt) enllven, anlmate. ground; muisto dim (1. faint) rememhilp cheerrul, gay, light-hearted, Jolly, brance, vague (1. dim) recollecllon (1.
Jovlal. hearty. merry; (reipas) brisk; (eloi
Idea); ~ piv dusky (1. dark I. gloomy)
sa) animated. vlvacious, sprightly, lively;
day; valaistus dim (1. reeble) llght;
(pirte) bright. alert; keskustelu lively vri dim (1. faded 1. dull 1. somber) color;
(1. animated I. brisk) conversation; hilpell paloi himmell valolla \vas burning Jo' (I.
misteli in high spirits, in (I. \vitln good dim). himmesti dlm(ly); raintly; Indtsrheer, in a fray mood; mieliala (spirlt oO tlnctly, vaguely; darkly, obscurely; gloomfrood cheer, cheerfulness; nauru hearty ily; vrt. himme; muistaa himmesti
(I. jolly l. light-hearted 1. siinny) laughter; (mys:) have adlm(l. vague) memory or . .;
palaa himmesti burn dim (1. low).
- nuorukainen llVel.V (1. S| 1 1 IKt 1 1 l.V ) VOUtll.
-luontoinen 1. -mielinen cheerful, antmated, himme valoinen dim [lamp, lamppu], ..
bright, happy, full or good cheer, (. . or a)
\vith a dim light; (esim. lampusta) burning
sunny (disposition), light-hearted. -luon- lovv; dlmly lighted, dusky [room, huone],
toisuus 1. -mielisyys cheerfulness, cheer
dark, gloomy. -vrinen (. . or a) dull
ful (1. sunny) disposition; light-hearted(color), . . (painted) in dull colors.
ness; sprightliness.
himml (metall.) tarnish.
hilpesti cheerrully, gayly; jovially; merri- himo lust; (halu) desire, longing; (intohi
ly, jollily; brtskly; vivaclously; vrt. hilpe. mo) passion, sensual (1. carnal) appetite:
hilt* (ihossa) scurf, (etenk. pnahassa)
(kuv.) thirst; jonkin himo lust ror, greed
dandrurr: (kuona) scale. hilsehtiminen
Tor (1. or), itch ror. desire of (1. Tor), love
- ilmi- cm. hilsehti = hilseill, hilsei- or . . , thirst (1. craving) ror, (mieltymys
leminsn scaling; (ihon, esim. tulirokon Jl
Johonkin) addictlon to; vrt. koston, kul
keen) peeling-. hilseill be scurfy; be danlan, kunnian, rahan , saaliin , vallan .
drurfy; be scaly; scale off, peel (orf); iho himoinen 1. = himokas; il. (yhd.) ks. kos
hilseilee the skln Is peeling-. hilseily = ton, kunnian, saaliin y. m.
hilseileminen. hilseinen scurfy, dandruffy; himoita lust [arter a tn., jotakin], have an
scaly. scaled. hilse-rohtuma branny tetter;
ardent desire [Tor..], covet; (haluta) de
(lk.) pltyrlasls. hilsettyminen formation sire;
(kaivata) long [Tor, Jotakin]; (tavoof scales (I. scurf I. dandruff). hilsettyi tella)
hanker [arter (1. ror) . .] ; (olla miel
Ii. mi scales (I. scurr I. dandruff). hilseytyJohonkin) be addicted (1. given) to;
minen = hilseileminen. hilieyty = hilseill. tynyt
omenia my mouth waters ror
Himalaja Hlmalaya.
l himoitse lhimisesi emnt i
himmeneminen growing dim (1. falnt);darkmmm.)
shalt not covet thy nelghbor's
ening-; tarnishlng; fading. hlmmenemtn
\vili- himoitseva' inen) covetous, lustrul;
untarnisbed, unobscured [brlghtness, kirk
. .]; Himoitseva katse covetkaus], undimmed; .. that rannot be ob
ous glance, (lievem. merkit.) longing (I.
scured. himmenny obscurlng, darkening.
wlstrul) glance. himokaa covetous, greedy;
himmentymtn himmenemtbn. him
(intohimoinen) passionate, sensual, volupmentynyt obscure(d), dlm(med); tartuous, lustrul; himokkaat silmt (ahnaat)
nished; (haalistunut) faded; vrt. himme,
(1. covetous l. hungry) eyes, (hau
himmentyi become
dark(er), become
reelliset) licentiOUS eyes; himokkaita sil
(more) obscure, grow dlm(mer); (metalli
ks. luoda, himokkaasti covetouspinnoista y. m. puhuen:) (be) tarnish(ed),
ly, greedily; passionately; lustfully, vo
be obscured; (hapettua) oxldize; (tumme
(kiihkesti) eagerly, longingly.
ta) be darkened, darken; (pimet) grow luptuously;
himokkaisuus, himokkuus covetousness,
(more) dusk(y). himmentminen darkengreed(iness); eagerness; passlonateness;
inir, obscuring; (kuv.) eellpsing. himmen
(irstalsuus) lustrulness, voluptuousness.
t dim the eye, silm], darken [the unhimoton .. vvithout greed (1. desire); dlsderstandlng, ymmrrys], obscure, (etenkin passionate,
himottaa: mi
metallipinnoista puhuen:) tarnish (mys nua himottaaunimpassloned.
syd omena I have a craving
kuv.); (kaihtaa) stand in the light of; conror
mouth \vaters
ceal, tilde; (kuv.) dull, sully [a p.'s honor,
ror an apple.
Jonkun kunniaa], (muut loistollaan) ecllpse,
outshlne, put . . In (I. Un-mv . . Into) the hinaaja, -alus, -hyry, -laiva tug. hinaami
nen towing; (perssn-) dragging. hinata
shade; hn himmensi kaikki toiset runoili'
(alusta) tow; warp [a vessel, alusta] ;
jat nerokkuutensa loistolla he OUtStlOIie (1.
(haalata) haul (in) [a rope, kytt]; tug:
eelipsed) ali other poets by hls genius;
(perssn) drag, trail; ottaa hinattavaksi
Kaarle IXsnnen julmuus himmensi hnen
take . . In tow.
ansionsa Charles the Mnlh's cruelty threvv
his merlts into the shade; pilvet himmensi hinaus towlng; dragging. -alus tug. -kysi
1. -nuora tow-llne, tow(lng)-rope. -maksu
vt kuun kirkkaan valon the brlght lighl
charge ror toxvtng I a boat 1 , tovvage.
(I. the radiance) of the moon was obscured
by clouds. himmet be(come) darkened (1. -varppi tow-line. -yhti tovving company,
tug liiiiv
obscured), (be) tarnish(ed): gro\y dim;
(rrnu- faint; (kalveta) rade, grow pale; hinauttaa have .. tovved; itsens (laivas
(kuv.) be eelipsed. be put In the shade;
ta puhuen:) take a tow.
vrt. himmenty, himmeys dlmness; dark- hindu (s.) = hindulainen.
ness. obscurlty; dusk(lness),gloom(lness); hindulainen (a. & s.) Hindu, Illndoo. hindu
tarnish; dullness, deadness; (lplkuultalaisuus lllnduism.
mattomuus) opaqueness, opacity; raion hingata, hinkata ks. hangata.
himmeys the dlmness of the light.
hinkalo (Jyv-) bin; (rehu-) reed-box; (leh



miin-) stall; crlb. hinkalolllnen 3 bln full

lor .., jotakin]; a reed-box full [or ..).
hinkua uhoop. hinku(ysk) \vhooplng-cough.
hinnanalennus reductlon or (the) prlce;
(laskeminen) Tall (1. decllne) or prices;
(mynnetty) rebate. -kallistuminen = hin
nannousu, -korotut 1. raising or the price
[or ..], raising- or prices; 2. advance in
prices, Increase or (1. in) price. -mrys
1. -pano setting (1. riilng) a prlce [on . .},
marklng [the goods, tavaroille]; (arvioi
minen) valuation, appraisement; vrt. hinnottelu. -nousu rise in price; increase in
the price.
hinnasto ks. hintaluettelo.
hinnotella, hinnottaa set (1. n.\) a price on,
mark [the goods, tavarat], rate, prlce,
prize; (arvioida) appraise [a stock or
g-oods, tavaravarasto], value. hinnottelu,
hinnotus marklng; rattng-, pricing; appralsal; listing- or prices.
hinta price; rate, rigure; (vaadittu) charge;
(maksettu) COSt; vrt. arvo; /linnasta mist
hyvns at ali costs, at any price, \vhatever the sacriHce; mist hinnasta Tor (1.
at) uhat price? at \vhat rate? mit sin
pidt niill hintana \vhat prlce do you
have (1. quote 1. set) on them? \vhat would
you take ror them? piletin (mys:)
rare; se ei ole hinnalla pilattu that is not
(too) dear (1. high-priced), thafs \vorth
the money; sill on kallis , se on kalliis
sa hinnassa it Is high-prlccd (1. dear); sit
ei voi saada mistn hinnasta lt is not to
be (1. it cannot be) had at any price (1.
ror any money), -ilmotus statement or
prices; quotation.
hintainen: 1. jonkin (maksava) costlng . . ,
vvhlc.h cost(s) . . , (arvoinen) \vorth . . [esim.
viiden markan COSting (1. whlch COSt)
rive marks, \vorth rive marks] ; mink
\vhat price? how dear (1. expensive)?
mink hintaista on ruis what'S the prlce
or rye? \vhat's rye quoted at? ne ovat sa
man hintaisia they are the same price; 2.
(yhd.) . .-priced
[esim. halpa- lowpriced; kallis- high-priced].
hintailippu price-mark; label.
price-llst; [kuvitettu, illustrated] catalog(ue).
hintelyys slenderness; slimness; delicacy
or build.
hintel (. . of) slender (build), sllght, dellcate; sllm; (heikko, hento) tiny; (hoikka)
very thin. -kasvuinen . . slender in (1. of)
stature, (. . or) slender (build).
hioa grind; (jalokive) cut; (metallia,
mys.) polish; (terottaa) sharpen; whet;
strop, hone [a razor, partaveist]; ~ him
meksi give a dull polish [to ..], (esim.
lasia) grind; ~ partaveist strop (1. hone)
a razor; ~ pois grind, grind orr, (jaloki
vest) cut away; timanttia cut a dtamond. hioja one \vho grlnds (1. cuts 1.
sharpens); (timantin-) cutter; (terottaja)
slianiener, grlnder. hiomakone grlndlngmachine. hiomaton not sharpened (1.
ground), unground, unsharpened; dull;
(Jalokivist:) uncut, rough; (kuv.) unpolished, (c)rude; hiomaton timantti a diamond in the rough. hiomattomuus dullness; (Jalokiven) natural State; (kuv.)
lack or polish, (c)rudeness. hiominen
grinding, cutting jne., vrt. hioa.
hiomo ks. puu*-, -puut pulp\vood.
hionta 1. = hiomiin n: 2. = hikoaminen.
hiostaa drive . . into a svveat, cause . . to
persplre, sweat; cause persplration; mi
nua alkaa I bogin to svveat (1. to per
splre); vrt. hiest, hiostava causlng perspiration, sudoriric [medlclne, lke];


(hikinen) sultry [\veather, ilma], muggy;

hiostava lke diaphoretic, sudoriTic; hiostava piv closc (1. sultry) day. hiostua
hiostus s\veat(ing), persplration. -aine su
doriric. -Juoma sudoriric.
hiostuttaa = hiostaa, hiota persplre, sweat;
kteni hikoavat my hands are 3wcatlng.
hiottaa I.: minua Im perspiring, I reel
hiottaa II. have . . ground (1. cut 1. sharp
ened); vrt. hioa.
hiottu ground; cut [glass, lasi; diamond,
vvhetted, honed
[razor, partaveitsi); (kuv.) polished, rel'fned; hnen nyttelemisens oli hiottua
his acting was carcrully studled; kirk
kaaksi pollshed, rurbishcd. hioutua be(come) ground (1. whetted); (kulumisen
kautta) wear smooth, be smoothed, (kirk
kaaksi) be(come) pollshed. hioutuminen
grinding; vvearing smooth; getting polished.
hipaista touch . . lightly, graze; skini: (ohi
mennessn) brush by (1. past). hipaisu
grazlng; skimming; light touch.
hipale (little) bit; piece, rragment; (Jotakin
sytv) morsel.
hipi (Iho) skin; (ihonvri) complexlon, hue.
hipiinen (yhd.) . .-skinned [esim. hieno
dark-sklnned] ;
. .-compiexioned (1. -complected), . . with
a . . comple.vion [esim. hieno . . wlth a
line complexion; tumma dark-complexIoned (1. -complected)], . .-hued [esim.
tamma dusky-hued].
hipoa = hipaista; [Siell] ilo lakea hipoi
(kuv.) the Joy ran hlgh [there], ali \vas
mirth and glee [there].
hippa ks. hiippa; juosta hippaa, olla hippasilla play tag, play goal.
hippiinen (elint.) golden-crested kinglet.
hiprakka: olla hiprakassa (kuv.) be tipsy,
be (slightly) under the inriuence or liquor; (jkpv.) be hair seas over, be getting
hipsutella, hipsuttaa trlp (along); step
lightly and nlmbly; go pitapat [along the
rioor, lattialla] ; (kyd varpaisillaan) tlptoe.
hirmu terror; rrlght, dread; (kauhu) horror; (pelko) rear. -hallitsija tyrant; despot. -hallitus relgn or terror; tyranny,
hirmuinen dreadful, rrightrul [calamity,
onnettomuus], terrible; rearrul, shocking;
(kauhea, kamala) horrid [monster, peto],
horrlble, hideous [sight, nky; crime, ri
kos], heinous; avvTul. hirmuisen dreadlully [cruel, julma], rearrully, horribly,
terribly; (tavattoman) tremendously; hir
muisen suuri terribly large, tremendous(ly large), cnormous, huge; olla hirmuisen
nkinen look horrid, have a rrightrul aspect. hirmuisesti dreadrully, rrlghtrully,
terribly jne., vrt. hirmuinen, hirmuisuus
drcadlulness, rrightrulness, terribleness;
horribleness, horror, hldeousness.
(hist.) the lilack Heath; vrt. isorutto.
-kuva rrightrul Image; rright; (kuv.) Pic
ture or terror. -myrsky hurricane, cyclone; (etup. Kiinanmerell) typhoon; (pilvenpyrre) tornado, -nky vision or terror,
dreadrul (1. appalllng 1. gliastly) sight.
hirmustua get terribly angry, be Hlled \vlth
\vrath (1. anger); (kauhistua) be nileJ
\vlth horror (1. abhorrence 1. revulsion) :
hn hirmustui (raiuii.. Jumalasta:) his an
ger was kindled. hlrmustuttaa ks. kau


. 101


hirmu1Upaut dread(ful) event. terrlble caribly, hldeously; avsTully; (tavattomasti)

lastrophe. -ty6 dastardly (1. tieinous)
deed; atrocity. -valu tyranny, despotlsm; hirvi moose: (europpalalnen) elk; (hirvi
terrorlsm. -valtainen tyrannical, despotic:
elin) deer. -eliin (elint.) deer. -pui
terrorlstlc. -vallia* tyrant, despot. -val
tius -- hirmuvalta.
hirvittivi dreadrul, rrlghtrul, terrlble: borhirnua neigh, tthinny. hirnuminen nelgh- rible [slght, nky], horrid; auTul; hirvit
tv ihmisrkkyst appalllng (1. ter
iuz, vvhinnying.
hirnunta nelgh(ing);
rlble 1. unspeakablc) human torture; vrt.
hirren ajo drivlng logs. -hakkuu cutting hirve, hirvittvsti dreadrully, rrightrultlmber, logglng: lumbering; on hirrenhah- ly, horrlbly; awrully.
kuassa Is cutting timber. -pii end of the hirvitt: minua ~ ajatella sit I dread (1.
I am appalled 1. lt ruis me wlth horror) to
log. -veto haulina; or logs.
think or lt; nunna ~* jo pelkk ajatuskin
hiril (veistmtn) log; (veistetty, raken
nus-) tlmber; beam: (hirtto-) gallovvs; siit the mere (1. very) thought or lt
vrt. tukki; hirret logs, timber; hirsist rrightens (1. terriries) me (1. rills me wlth
tthly k>. hirsinen: hirteen ks. joutua, vet. terror); se minua it rrightens me, it
rtirai- (yhd.) . . or logs [esim. -hasa plle of makes me shudder, It makes my heart
logs; -kuorma load or logs: -tali Tire or stand still, I dread (I. abhor) lt.
lOgS] ; (JOSkUS:) log [esim. -rakennus log hirviti (rohjeta) dare, have courage (1.
house]; .. or timber [esim. -kuorma load heart) [to ..], be bold enough to ..];
or timber] . -kerros tier or logs. -maja 1. venture [to do a th., tehd jotakin); hn
-mkki log rabin, log house. (log) snack. ei hirvinnyt tehd sit (uskaltanut) he did
-<net*i (standing) timber, rorest; hyv not dare (1. venture) to do lt, be would
not risk (1. hazard) doing It, (hennonut)
h, n, mets good timber-land.
hirsinen made or logs, (built) or timber, he did not have the heart to do lt.
monster, monstroslty, prodlgy; vrt.
log [rabln, maja].
meri, hirviminen monstrous.
hirsi puu (hirtto) gallous, glbbet: ks. ve his
(mus.) B sharp.
t (hirsipuuhun), -saha cross-cut savv. Hiskias,
Hiskija Hezeklah.
-seiniinen . . with walls o( logs.
(nostokone) elevator; (Engl.) lirt;
hirsitys rramework; kolon rrame (1. tlm- hisi
henkilS~ passenger-elevator, vrt. tavara.
bers) or a roor; lattian ~ rrameork or a hissuksiin slo\vly, wlthout hurry, at an
easy (1. a lelsurely) pace; (hiljaa) low. In
hirssi (viljalaji) mlllet.
a low volce; (neti) sllently.
hirtehinen gallows-bird.
history; (aikakirja) chronlcle; (ker
hirtehis naama gallows-race. -pila grim historia
tomus) story, tale. historiallinen historhnmor.
lC(al) [event, tapahtuma]; historiallinen
hirtetUvi rit to be (1. vvorthy or belng)
aika hlstoric (l. recorded) times, (times
hanged: hirtettvksi tuomitta sentenced or) recorded history. historiallisesti hlsto be hanged (1. to hang).
hirtto hanglng. -nuora halter. -paikka place historian "kirjotus wrlting or history. -klrnr eiecutlon, tbe gallows. -silmukka (hang- Jottaja historian, hlstorlcal wrlter; (vanh.)
man's) noose.
chronlcler. -opetus teaehlng or (1. lnhlrttiminen hanglng. hirttimtn unhanged. structlon In) history. -takainen prehlstorhirttytyminen hanging (o.s.). hirttyty Ic. -tutkija student or history; historian.
han? o.s.: 'ptti pivns] hirttytymll -tutkimus historlral research. /
commttted suiclde] by hanglng. hirtt historiatunti class In history. historiikka,
tians-. execnte by hanglng; vrt. hirtettv, historiikki history: (yleiskatsaus) survey.
hirtittii have . . hanged, order . . hanged. historioitsija historian.
hirvar. male (1. buck) relndeer.
hitaasti slovvly, tardlly, slugglslily; by slovv
hirven; ajo moose- (1. elk-)huntlng; olla degrees; , murra varmasti slo\vly but
hirvenaiossa bc huntlng moose (1. rteer). surely, by sure degrees; vaikuttava slow
rpoison, myrkky], lingerlng; vrt. kasvaa,
-ampuja moose- (1. deer-)hunter; deerstalker. -hiihtiji deer- (1. elk-)hunter hitainen slo\v, tardy; siuggtsh, lnert: (hion skils. -Jilkl moose- (1. elk-)trark (I. dasverlnen) phlcgmatic; vrt. hidas, hitaiprlnt). -liha moose-meat; venlson. -nahka sesti slottiy, slugglshly, tardlly; phlegdeerskln; burkskln. doeskln. -nahkainen matlcally. hitaisuus slovvness, tardiness;
deerskln: burkskln [glove, hansikas], doeslugglshness, Inertness; (mielen) phlegni;
~kin. -paisti roasted moose-rneat; roast dullness; vrt. seur.
venlson. -pyynti moose- (I. deer-)hunt- hitaus slovvness; slugglshness; (luonteen)
Ing; deer-stalklng. -sarvi antler (or a tardiness, dilatorlness; phlegm; dullness,
moose 1. or an elk). -vasikka moose calr. inertness; (Tys.) Inertia, -momentti (Tys.)
cair for a deer). -vuota nide or a deer. moment or Inertia.
hiti (puujalka) stllt.
hirvet! hirvit.
hirveys dreartrulness, horribleness, Trlght- hitsata \veld [Iron, rautaa], hitsaus \veldriilne!, hldeousness; monstroslty; vrt. ing; mys = hitsi,
hitsi \veld, welded Joint (1. seam). -kuu
muus \veldlng-heat. -uuni \veldlng-rurnace.
hirvei dreadrul [vvar, sota], rrlghtrul, ter
rlble [crash, ryske], (kauhea) horrld, hor- hitto (the) dcvil, (the) deure; Old Nick;
rlble, hldeous [slght, nilkyl, a\vrul Poss vrt. hiisi; ~ viekn deuce take It! to the
devll (I. dlckens)! ~ viekn koko roskan
or life. Ihmishengen hukka] ; (Julma) atroali that trash may go to the devll Tor ali
rlous, helnous [crlme, rikos]; (hirmuinen)
monstrous Tbcast, peto] ; onnettomuus I care!
terrlble (1. dlre) dlsaster. appalllng catas- hitu (kuori) peel, rlnd; skln.
trophe, shocking accldent; hirven nki hitunen a little (1. a tlny) blt: (rahtunen)
nen hldeous(-looktng), monstrous; hirven mlte, partlcle, graln; (esim. tomu) mote,
ruma horrlbly ugly, hldeous: hirven speck; (muru) crumb; ei hitustakaan not
a blt. not a tririo, not the Inast partlcle,
suuri tremendously large, enormous, huge;
hn on hirven ikv ihminen (Jkpv.) he IS not a graln (1. a crumb) [was left. Jnyt
an a\vrul bore. hirvesti dreadfully, terJljelle].

h lude

102 .

hiude ka. lumi~.

hludutua wcaken. enreeble.
hlueta (pehmet) sorten, become (1. grow)
(kuihtua) wither (away), pine
(awav); (hipy) dwlndle away; (liueta)
hiukaista: minua hiukaisee r feel (somevvhat)
hungry, I reel hollow (1. empty), I am
hungry ror something salty; panee hiukaitemaan makes one reel hungry, makes one
hungry Tor something salty.
emptiness; feeling of hunger; hunger for
something salty.
hiukan (vhisen) a little ftoo large, liian
suurl], a trine [more, enemmn], a bit.
slightly [better, parempi], very little;
(jonkinverran) somewhat; ~ isompi a
little (1. somewhat) larger; ~ liian tumma
(mys:) a shade too dark; rahoja a little
money, some money; ~ tarpeeton rather
hiuke atom; mote, speck; (Tys.) molecule.
hiukeneminen softening; withering; dwindling away; vrt. hiueta.
hiukka(nen) partlcle; Tragment;
sliininen) crumb; (alku) atom; vrt. hitunen; hiukkasen a little, a tririe, a bit, a
grain, a whlt, a jot, a mlte, very little.
Ibetter, parempi]; hiukkasen
maustetta a whirr of riavoring; hiukkasen
pitempi a tririe (1. a thought) longer;
hiukkasen suolaa (mys:) a pinch or sait;
hiukkasta ennen a little vvhlle (1. a mlmite
. a, short time) berore, (aikaisemmin) a
irine eariier
hiuksen hieno(lnen) (as) rine as a halr,
ha rbreadth; nlre, SUbtle; hiuksenhieno ero
Ve-'"y ""tl"*"0"- -"" halrbreaat.
pairs Dreaatii.
h.H hiuksetMt-_,
halrless; (pai
as) bald.
tomuus baldness, l*?*J*"\r-.
hl?,vSVnehn,.1^d) V ha hiLv naTrprfr"""sttver-haired :"*- laclt halrec!]
hius halr (or the liead); hiukset^ (the) halr
(joskus:) halrs; hiuksista tehty (made)
cir air.
r,_, . . hal. ,,=>,



hivui hius.
hivuttaa (hieroa) rub; (hangata) chare:
fret; (kalvaa, kuluttaa) wear down (1.
away), waste, consume. hivuttava wastIng [disease, tauti],
hivutus rub(bing); chaNng; (taudin) wasting (away). -tauti progressive emaciatlon;
(keuhkotauti) consumption.
hivuutua (he) chare(d), (be) rub(bed); be
vvasted, be consumcd, wear out (1. a\vay) ;
(luisua) glide; vrt. kulua.
h-moll (mus.) B mlnor.
hode: hoteisiinsa (turviinsa) In (1. under)
one's protectlon, (hoitoonsa) in one's custody (1. keeping), ks. ottaa; olla omilla
hoteillaan (\. omissa hoteissaan) (be left
to) shirt (Engl.: fend) ror o. s.
hoenta repeatlng; relteration.
hohde shimmer, gleam; luster (mys:
lustre); brlghtness, brllliancy;
(kiilto) polish, gloss; (kimallus) glltter,
giimmer; glarc. hohdella shimmer, gleam:
shine, gllsten, glltter; (vlkkyen) sparkle;
vrt. hohtaa.
hohkainen porous: spongy. hohkaiauus po
roslty, porousness; sponginess.
hohkakivi pumlce( -Stone),
hohottaa (nauraa) give a loud laugh (1. a
horse-laugh), (give a) gurraw, haw-haw,
roar wlth |aughter. hohottaminen, hohotui
loud laugh(ter), horse-laugh, gulTavv; naurun nohotus (mys:) roar or laughter.
nohta. sn(ne 3nimmeri ?ieam; gllsten [in
tne mr,onllffntF kuunvalossa], glare; (ki
maltaa) glltter, giimmer; (hehkua) glow;
(aa,ellla)e beam, radiate be resplendent
rwith Iristkin'
MB Lj-ii the icp
&? ^vas^ pfnaislta^pnaTsenal
red shimmer (i. B?l0w) on the ahohtaminen
shintng, shimmering, gleaming jne., vrt.
edell. hohtava shinlng, IhlmmeFing, gleaming, lustrous; glistenlng, glitterlng; (hehk,f ) piovlngr (kirkas) brlght: brllltant;
ahtavin ,*,, ?||Stenin| white; (hlkisevn) bllnding white; hohtavan punai-

"h'm,Il;g1ilk,e<go,alre-)re<1: """^ "'"""^

^^u^r^^^sssil0?. h?xr pl,,'(li)ers' pllers; <<>

single) halr;.hiuskarvan verta a hair's hohto ks h3hde. hohtoinen, hohtoisa shim(ornair) rn ? -kiemura^tl of ir m
mer(n*' leamln*: shinlng, shlny, re-

,fairLc,"| inrrrS?



""''K'''1. ft""erlruj, glarlng; lustrous;

g siJg ^;;rUh,^!,^KUs.^',to<n"
&lSn .'"Jl "(otsa hohtokivl sparkllng: gem (I. stone): br
Zfi- -p-rhedUiltacIglnton-gP,alm-,pki? h^kiv,-n.0nri8teset0rv:f,'SeDr,llfarntsbr",la,US^plIarT.^-pillivoima oapniariTy"'-^. =
hii.marto. -ristikko (fys.) cross-hai?s (1.
-wlres). -suoni - hiu.pilli. -suortuva
turt of hair; (kutri) lock (or halr). curl.
-tauti rilsease or the halr.
hiusten: halkominen ks. saivartelu, -khenUj hair-dresser. -leikkuu rutting or the
halr. -leikkuukone (barbpr's) rlippers.
hiuslltuppi (anat.) hair-rollicle. -voide halrolntment, sralp-olntment.
hiutale (lilude) Hake; (sirunen) chtp; slilver splinter
hiveleminen ' ks. hively. hivell (sivell)
stroke one's bcard, partaansa], rub gently, pass one's hand over. smooth; tnuch
lightlv (1. lovlngly); (hyvill) caress,
romlle; (kutkuttaa) tlrkle; se hivelee hnen turhamaisuuttaan tliat will tlrkle hls
vanlty; soitin hivelee korviani the music
pleases mv ears. hively strnking. gentlc
rub(l)ing). llght (1. lovlng) tnuch; caressIng, rotulllng; lickling.

^""V"^!.^"? Zl w,lb brilllan,s;

''"i"","' ^"""."n^TP M,(., , h,
n'n0 < ; n?v>v Jne,reL*l? l0(a)! nolla:
tnal,0 (there)! (mer.) ahoy!
!!!a ,=.w 5"
hoidella (at)tend [(to) a siek person, sairasta], look arter (1. out Tor), mind [the
baby, lasta], take (good 1. proper) care
T: nurse [a baby, (syll)lasta; a slck peron, sairasta]; nourish [a plant, kasvia],
rherish; ~ haavaa tend to (1. dress) a
wound; minun oli hoideltava hevostani I
had to care Tor (1. look arter 1. see to 1.
see about) my horse; vrt. vaalia.
hoidokas, hoidokki (holhokki) ward; (esim.
kunnan hoidettavana oleva) dependent;
(asukas) inmate; (sairas) patlent. hoidoton linrarcd ror: (laiminlyty) neglected.
hoijakka merry-go-round; (Engl.) roundabout.
hoikentaa make (more) slender (1. sllm);
thin (down), make .. thin(ner); make ..



trlm. trim down;

(down), hoikentua ks. hoiketa.
hoiketa become (1. get) more slentler, get
(l. grow 1. become) thinner (1. slimmer);
huipentua) taper [upward, ylspin].
hoikka (hintel) slender [pole, salko],
slim; (ohut) thin; (hoilakka) lanky, lean;
/a norja lithe; hoikat sret thin (1.
Smidling) legs. -kaulainen thin- (I. slen
der- inecked. -aUrinen thin-legged, spindle-legged (1. -shanked).
hoikkana* ks. hoiketa. hoikkeneminen growIng thinner; taperlng. hoikkeneva taperlng.
hoikkuus slenderness, slimness; thinness;
lankiness. leanness.
hoilakka lank(y), spindllng; lathy; thin.
hoilakkuus lankiness, thinness.
hoilata, hoilaua ks. hoilottaa, hoito tus.
hoilottaa veli. sbout, halloo; (meluta) bawl,
brattl; taulua, laulaa .veli a song at
the top of one's voice. hoilottaja brawler.
bawl(lng), brawl(ing).
hoiperrella stagger i llke a drunken mau.
juopuneen lailla], reel; lurch: (heikkou
desta) totter; vrt. horjua, hoipertelemi
nen, hoipertelu staggerlng, reellng; tul
hoippua totter: lurch, roll; (notkua) rock,
sway; (horjua) waver, falter, vacillate;
(hoiperrella) stagger, reel; ~ sinne tnne
saray to and fro, waver (to and fro), vac
hoippuminen totterlng, lurching
Jne., vrt. edell. hoippuroida = hoiperrella.
hoitaa take (1. have the) care [or one, Jota
kuta], look after, mind, see to; attend;
(vaalia, hoivata) tend, iiurse Ia baby, las
ta], cherish, nourish; (Johtaa) manage
the household, taloutta: a business, lii
kett], conduct [the correspondence, kirJevalhtoa; the arralrs In the absence oT
one, asioita jonkun polssaollessal, direct,
adralnilster (I. -istrate) [the estate of the
deceased, kuolinpes]; asioitaan (af)tend to one's business, take care of one's
arralrs; hevosia (mys:) groom the
norses; ~ huonosti not look after . . properlv, take bad care of, mlsmanage [one's
business, liikettn], neglect (to take
proper care of . .); [lapsia] hyvin take
good care of [the chlldren], manage well
the arralrs, asioita]; ~ itsen look after
o.s., take good (1. proper) care or o.s.; ~
omaisuuttaan take care or one's property,
admlnister (I. manage) one's estate; opetusta [historiassa] attend to the classes [in hlstory], have the instruction [of
hlstory] in one's hands, be teaching [hls
tory] : puutarhaa take care of (1. cultivate) a garden; ~ sairasta attend a patlent, tend (1. nurse) a slck person:
Jonkun taloutta keep house (1. be a housekeeper) for one, have the care (1. the
management) of a p.'s house; terveyt
tn take care or one's health; tulta at
tend (I. see) to the rire; Jotakin tointa
discharge the duties or an offlce, rill the
position [of ..], (vliaikaisesti) flll a
position pro tem.; Jonkun viransijaisuut
ta be substltutlng for one, be taking a
p.'s place (temi>orarily), (koulussa:) be
taking care or a p.'s classes (In hls ab
sence) ; Aan on lkrin hoidettavana he
Is under medical treatment, he is under
the doctor's care; hn on minun hoidetta
vanani he Is under (I. In) my care (1. in
mv charge), I'm taking care or (1. looklng
arter) hlm, I attend to him.
hoitaia kceper, attendant: caretaker; cuslodian; (holhooja) gmardian; (esim. pe
sn) admlnistrator, (nais-) admtnistrat|rix


(plur. -rlces); (esim. liikkeen) manager;

hevosten (mys:) hostler, groom; ko
neen llintujen] the man in charge (I.
who has (1. had) charge) or the machlne
[or the blrds] ; nykyinen viran the one
who holds the position at present, the
present incumbent; vrt. lapsen-, liik
keen, talouden, tilan y. m. hoitajatar
woman attendant;
(lapsen-, sairaan-)
nurse. hoitamaton unattended, untended,
not taken care or, (esim. liike) not (properiy) attended to, (laiminlyty) neglected.
hoitamattomuus lack or (proper) care;
(huolimattomuus) carelessness; (laimin
lynti) negligence, neglect. hoitaminen
taking care or, tending [to ..]; manage
ment, admlnlstration; (virkavelvollisuuk
siensa y. m.) discharge; vrt. hoito.
hoitelu tending [to ..], nurslng, nourishlng; vrt. hoidella.
hoito care; attendance; (lapsen, sairaan y.
m.) nurslng; (lk.) cure, rourse or (med
ical) treatment; (hallinto) admlnistration,
management; (virkavelvollisuuksien y. m.),
discharge; hoidon puutteessa oleva neg
lected, uncared for, (esim. maatila) run
down; antaa hoitoa jollekulle glve one
[the best] care, attend to one; haavojen
dresslng of the wounds; hampaiden
care of the teeth; [olla] jonkun hoidossa
[be] under the care of . . , (holhottavana
[be] under a p.'s guardlanshlp; [jttl
jonkun hoitoon [leave] In a p.'s care,
(huostaan) [leave] in a p.'s charge (I.
custody 1. keeping); puutarhan care (1.
cultivation) of the garden: tarvitsee (\.
vaatii) hoitoa needs (I. requires) attentlon (I. care); vrt. karjan-, lkrin-,
metsn, puutarhan , sairaan, talou
den, terveyden y. m.
hoitoalue terrltory under a p.'s Jurlsdlctlon; dlstrict.
-kustannukset (lonkin)
charge Tor the care of . .; (hallinto-)
cost(s) or admlnlstration.
hoitolainen = hoidokas.
hoito laitos home; asylum: (sairaiden) hospltal. -lapsi foster-child; nursling: (tur
vatti) Client; (holhokki) \vard. -piiri =
hoitselue -tapa cure; method or treatment.
hoiva (hoito) care; (suo)a) sheiter, protertlon; (huojennus) rellef, comfort, ease, alleviatlon; ottaa joku hoiviinsa take care (I.
charge) of one; saada hoivaa get sheiter (I.
protectlon), (huojennusta) get relier (1.
comfort). hoivaaminen taking care of: shelterlng; protecting; relievlng, allcvlatlng.
hoivailla (hoidella) nurse [a p., jotakuta1.
cherish. hoivata (hoitaa) nurse, tend, take
good care or, cherish; (suojata) sheiter.
shleld, protect; (huojentaa) relleve, alleviate, ease, allay.
hokea say agaln and agaln, teli over ani
over, keep on repeating, repeat (several
times), reiterate; hoetaan ett .. (huhuil
laan) lt Is rumored that . . . evervbodv
says that .., it's the taik or the towh
that . . . hokeminen continuous repeating,
relteratlon, repetition.
hokistaa (krtt) worry, bother.
hokka ca(u)lk, heel-calk; toe-calk; (kanta)
heel (or a horseshoe).
hoksaavainen quick- (I. ready-)wltted. clever; (huomaavainen) observant. hoksata
(huomata) notice, observe: (keksi) rind
out, discover, hlt upon; (ajatella) thlnk or.
holho (holhous) guardlanshlp, \vardship;
(hoito) care: (suoja) sheiter.
holhooja guardlan. -hallitus regency.
holhota (hoitaa) take (1. have the) care or.
care for, tend to; (eltt) support, maintain; (suojata) guard, protect, sheiter;



(olla holhoojana) be a guardlan [Tor one,

jotakuta] ; olla Jonkun holhottavana be un der the guardlanshlp of a p., be under a
p.'s charge (1. care). holhotti client; ward;
dependent; poika on minun holhottini the
boy is under my care.
holhous guardianship, \vardship, tutelage;
olla holhouksen alaisena be under a guardian, be a ward; panna holhouksen alaiseksi
place under a guardlan, place In the charge
(1. care) of guardlan. -lautakunta (1. v.)
the guardlans. -toimi guardianship; duties or a guardlan.
holhu holhous, -valta authority as a
holjua rock, shake; \vag\ holjuttaa rock,
shake; wag.
hollanninkieli Dutch.
Hollanti Holland; vrt. Alankomaat, hollanti
lainen I. (a.) Dutch; II. (s.) Dutchman, liollander; hollantilaiset the Dutch(men).
holli||hevonenstage-horse;relay-horse. -kyy
ti relay. -mies (h)ostler, stableman; stage
(-coach) drlver. -tupa stagehouse; (renkitupa) hlred men's room. -vli stage; stop.
holottaa (puhua ~) svvagger, bluster; rant;
l siin holota (Jkpv.) shut up (there) !
shut your mouth (1. head)! holotus svvaggerlng; rantlng.
holskua (s)plash; vesi holshuu saappaissani
the water squelches (I. squashes) In my
holtiton limp (mys kuv.). holtittomasti
llmply; (kuv.) vveakly, (harkitsemattomasti) tactlessly, lndiscreetly. holtittomuus
limpness; lack (1. want) or tact. holtti:
sill miehell ei ole mitn holttia (jkpv.)
that man is as llmp as a rag (1. a cat),
(kuv.) that man hasn't any more backbone
than a picce of lndla-rubber.
holvaaminen archlng, vaulting. holvata arch,
vault [a ceillng, katto], holvaus arch(lng),
holvi (rak.) vault. -hauta vault, tomb, sepulcher. -Jalka abutment (of an arch).
-kearl arch.
holvikaa arched, vaulted.
holvin katto vaulted (1. arched) roor. -kattoinen . . \vlth a vaulted rool". -kytv
arrhway, vaulted (1. arched) passage(-\vay); arcade. -laki cro\vn (or an arch);
holvimainen vaulted. holvimuoto rorm of
arch; holvimuotoja Torms of arches. holviportti archvray, arch. holvittaa = halvata.
home mo(u)Id; (kankaissa y. m.) mlldew;
(nesteiss y. m.) must; (vasken-) verdlgris. homehtua get (1. become) moldy,
mold. homehtuma (formatlon oD mold.
homehtunut, homeinen moldy, musty. homei-uus moldlness. mustiness.
homepilkku spot or mold; (liinavaatteissa)
Homeros Homer.
homesieni mold ( fungus) ; (kasveissa) milde\v.
homma care(s); (touhu, puuha) hustle. bustle, pother; fuss, ado; (vaiva) trouble;
(lelitv) . . to do; duty, duties; business;
(ty) vvork; (yritys) effort, exertlon; undcrtaking, enterprise; (jonkin hommaami
nen, Jriestiiminen) arrangement, manage
ment; kaikenlaista hommaa ali kinds of
duties, many (1. varied) cares; kenen hom
maksi se ji Wiio Is to look after It? olla
hommassa (touhussa) be on the move (1.
the go 1. the hustle), (hri) be busy;
olla hommassa tehd jotakin be hustllng to
do a th., make every effort to do a th.,
(aikeessa) intend (1. be preparing) to do a
th.; olla kovassa hommassa be hard at ft (1.
hard at \vork), be making a great effort;


be strainlng every nerve [to do a th.],

leave no stone unturned [to do a th.] ;
paljon hommaa much (1. a lot) to do, many
duties, many thlngs to do (1. to arrange),
a great deal on one's hands; vrt. muutto,
hommaaminen hustllng, bustling; (Jrjes
tminen) managlng, arranglng; vrt. hom
mata, hommailla busy o. s., be busy J about
the house, talousaskareissa] ; hustle, bustle; be doing; (nopostella) tinker [at a th.,
Jotakin]; vrt. hommata, hommakas busy,
allve, actlve. hommamies hustler; (toi
meenpanija) arranger, manager. hommata
be busy [about ..], be dolng; (hri)
hustle, bustle; (Jrjest, toimeenpanna)
arrange (about) [a banquet, pidot], make
arrangements Tor (1. about), manage;
(hankkia) get, procure; (huolehtia) take
care of, look after (1. out for); hommata
pitoja (mys:) pian a banquet; min otan
hommatakseni hevoset I Shall (1. Hl) see
about getting (the) horses; mit siell hom
mataan (mit on tekeill) \vhat's golng on
hongikko, hongisto pine-\vood, plne-grove.
(honkamets) plne-rorest.
honka (Scotch) pine, Scotch fir. honkainen
. . (made) or pine, plne [board, lauta] .
honkal! mets plne rorest. -puu (kasvava)
plne-tree; (puuaineena) plne.
honottaa taik through the nose, taik viili a
nasal tvvang.
hontelo lank(y), slender, scraggy.
hopea Silver; hopeaa sisltv kivi a sllverbearlng (1. an argentiferous) rock; hopeat
hopea- (yhd.) Silver [esim. -aika Silver age:
-lanka Silver thread; -lusikka Silver spoon;
-malja Silver bowl], Silver- [esim. -hapsinen sllver-haired; -kaivos sllver-mlne;
-krkinen silver-polnted (1. -tlpped)]. -as
tia Silver dlsh. -astiasto Silver set (I. Ser
vice), -esine plece of Silver, -haapa (kasv.)
vvhlte poplar, silver(-Iear) poplar. -hapset
Silver halr. -harkko bar (1. Ingot) or Silver.
-hela Silver mountlng; hopeahelat (mys:)
Silver fittlngs. -helainen sllver-mounted,
mounted in Silver, -hiukset = hopeahap
set, -hohde (miner.) argentlte. -ht Silver
hopeainen = hopeinen.
hopea!! kanta Silver standard, -kausi Silver
age. -kuorinen: hopeahuorinen kello a \vatch
\vlth a sllver case, (tav.) Silver xvatch.
-mitali silver medal. -mr amount (1.
percentage) or Silver; rineness.
hopean- (yhd.) sllver- [esim. -harmaa sllver-gray; -vrinen sllver-rolored] . -hele
clear as Silver; hopeanhele ni sllver (1.
silvery) volce. -hohtoinen . . (\vith a) silvery (sheen). -kirkas (as) bright (I. clear)
as sllver. sllver(y). -pitoinen contalning
silver, sllver-bearlng. -pitoisuus percent
age oi sllver. -valkea silver-vvhlte, silvery,
hoary [halr, tukka], -vrinen (mys:)
hopea!! penninki: 30 hopeapenninki (raam.)
30 pieoes of silver. -pert Silver chaln.
-raha Silver coin; sllver; onko sinulla yh
tn hopearahaa (mukanasi) have you nv
sllver (1. change) abont you? -sepp silversmlth. -silainen sllvered, silver-plated.
-silaus (sllver-)plating. -solkinen . . wlth
a silver buckle, . . vvlth sllver buckles.
-tavara silvenvarc. -teos 1. -ty stlvervvork.
hopeinen silver fvvalch, taskukello]; (har
vemmin:) silvery, . . (made) or silver.
hopeoida sllvpr(-plate). plate (vvlth sllver);
hopeoitu silver-plated. hopeoimaton unsllvered. hopeoiminen sllver-platlng, platlng
\vitu silver.



hopotua teli over and over.

hoppu (kiire) haste. hurry; olla hopatta be
in i hurry. hopuiti (Joutuin) qulck(ly).
hoputtaa hasten . . (on), hurry (1. urge 1.
spur 1. press) on; urge, press, push [one
to do a tb.. Jotakuta tekemn Jotakin] ;
hoputtaa hevottaan urge one's lior.-n on.
hoputtaja goader-on. hoputtaminen, hopu
tus bastening, urging (1. presslng 1. pushing) on.
Horatius Horace.
horisontaalinen horizontal. horiiontti (tai
vaanranta) borlzon.
horista (hourailla) be dellrious. wander (in
ones mind); (hupsutella) have gone mad
< l. erazv) : (puhua Joutavia) taik nonsense
(I. rubblsh).
horjahdella (keep) stagger(ing), keep stum
horjahdus stumbling,
(kuv.) slip, mlsstep. rault, lapse. horjahduttaa eause . . to stumble, make . . totter;
vrt. horjuttaa, horjahtaa staggcr; (kom
pastua) stumble fforward, eteenpin],
trlp; (hairahtua) err; (luopua) deviate,
dlgress: horjahtaa totuuden titltS (eksy)
ander from the truth; horjahti }a kaatui
stumbled and rell, toppled over. horjahtaminen staggering; stumbling; erring; vrt.
horjua stagger, reel, lurrh: (Jrkky) tot
ter. shake, rock; (kompastella) stumble;
(kUT.) varlllate, xvaver; hesltate; tcmporlze; ptksessn be Irresolute, bc unrertain (1. unsettled) in one's mind, waver
In one's resolution, (bc a) shllly-shally;
horjuen staggering(ly), wlth a stagger,
totterlng(lv). horjumaton unshakable, unshaken; Immovable; not waverlng (I. vaclllattng): (vankka) steadfast fresolve, p
ts], staunch, rirm [In onc's resolution.
ptksessn], stable, resolute; (Jrkky
mtn) unfllnchtng, unraltering. horjumattomuus flrmness. steadTastness, constancy, stablhty; unfllnrhlng stand. hor
juminen staggering, reellng Jne.; vrt. hor
jua, horjuttaa ratise . . to totter, shake
(mvs knv.); (kuv.) cause .. to waver,
unsettle; undermlne. horjuvalnen tottering, shaking; (kuv.) vvaverlng, vaclllating;
(pttmtn) indcclslve [charaeter, luon
ne] : (epvarma) unrertaln: (epvakaa)
unsteadv, unstable. horjuvalsesti tottermgly; (kuv.) vvaverlngly, Indeclslvcly, unsteadily: In a shllly-shally way. horjuvaisuus unsteadlness; indeclslon, Irresolution;
varlllatlon; hesitatlon; ntmisen horjuvaituut (mys:) the pronunrlatlon not bcing rixed (1. settled upon).
horkka ague; tntermlttent fever; (malaria)
malaria; (Jkpv.) chllls and rever. -sski
(elalnt.) malarlal mosqulto.
hormi (puhallustorvl) tube (or a beIIows).
horna abyss, the bottomless pit; hell.
horros dormancy, lethargy, torpor, stupor;
tranre ; karhu makaa talven horroktitta the
Dear hlbernates: olla horroktitta (unen-)
doze. (tiedottomana) be (1. He) unronw!ous, (esim. karhu) lie dormant (mys
kuv.); vrt. unen-, -tila (state oD lethar
gy, torpor; olla horrottilatta Up dormant,
be tn a State or lethargy. -uni lethargic
honma (kasv.) (grcat) wlllow-herb, rireweed.
hosianna (klrk.) hosanna!
hospitaali (sairaala) hospltal*
hosua (huitoa) right rthe mosqultoes. etc]
ith one's arms, lay about one, gestlculate
(madlv); (huiskia) swing (about). riing
(I. throw) . . about; (lyd) beat, strlke
[at ..], hip, smack; (ruoskia) thrash,


drub; (tehd Jotakin kiireesti) do .. hurriedly; ksilln (esim. puhujasta:) saw

the air, throvv one's arms about; ~ pait
hyttysi flght Off the mosquitoes; ~ ym
prilleen lay about one (to right and left),
(lyd) strlke about (one). hosuminen,
hosunta laylng about one, righting (with
one's arms), mad gestlculatlng; svvtngmg,
fllnglng about; beatlng, strlking; thrashing, drubblng; hurrled vvork.
hotaiseminen swallowtng, devouring; gluttlng, gorging. hotaista (nielaista) swaIlo\v,
rtevonr; (syd ahneesti) glut, gorge, gulp.
boit [one"s food, ruokansa] ; lyd hotaista
strlke qulckly, glve a rap, rap.
hotellia, hoteisiin, hoteissa ks. hode.
hotelli hotel, -lasku hotel btll.
hotellinomistaja hotel proprletor.
hotkia gorge, glut, gulp; bolt [one-s food,
ruokansa] .
hoto (ahne) gluttonous; greedy.
hottentotti (lainen) Hottentot.
hottinen (ellnt.) house-sparrovv.
houkka I. (a.) sllly, roollsh, (Jkpv.) crazy.
II. (s.) fool, ldlot; slmpleton; houkkako
olet f , kun niin teet] don't yon think (1.
can't you see) that you are making a fool
or yourseir [In doing that]? houkkio =
houkka, II.
houkutella allure, entice r(in)to, Johonkin] ;
(kiusata) tempt. (kehotella) persuade; (vie
tell) begulle (1. serture I. Invelgle) [Into,
johonkin]; (vet puoleensa) attract:
JOkU ilmaisemaan salaisuus Vtorm (I. fiSh 1.
dravv) the serret out or a p.; joltakulta
jotakin (mielistelyll, Imartelulla y. m.)
coax (1. wheedle 1. cajole) a th. out of a p.;
jotakuta jmn yksi try to persuade
one to stay over nlght: Joku varattamaan tempt one to steal, lead one Into
Steallng; houkutteleva ks. hakUS.; ehdotus
houkuttelee minua (miellytt) the propo
sition appeals to me (1. pleases me 1. looks
good to me 1. Is attrartlve to me): hajun
houkuttelemana allured (1. attracted) by
the smell; kuka houkutteli tinut tit lupaa
maan who entlced (1. overpersuaried) you
to make (1. Into making) that promise?
who got that promise rrom you? who
coaxed (1. \vheedled) that promise out or
houkutin allurement, entlccment: attrartlon.
houkutteleminen allurlng, entlclng jne.,
vrt. houkutella: jonkin joltakulta houkut
teleminen coaxlng a th. out or a p. hou
kutteleva entlclng, allurlng: tempting [orrer, tarjous]; attractlve forrer, tarjous]:
houkutteleva tilaisuus A most OPpOrtune
occaslon: se on hyvin houkuttelevaa that's
very tempting (I. attractlve), that looks
very good (to mc), houkuttelevasti cntlcingly, allurlngly; tpm|)tingly: attractively.
houkuttelija tempter: seducer.
houkuttelu enticlng, allurlng, tempting: Invelgllng flnto, johonkin]; (taivuttamalla)
persuaslon; houkuttelulla ja pelottelulla bv
persuaslon and (by) lntimldation. -kyky
power (1. girt) or persuaslon; persuasive
houkutus (houkutin) lure; allurement. entlcement; attractlon: (sytti) balt; (kiu
saus) temptatlon; (kehottein) persuaslon:
houkutuktilla ja uhkauksilla by persuaslon
and threats (l. browbeatlng). -keino means
or entlcement. lure, decoy. -kyky persua
sive po\ver. -lintu decoy(-duck).
houraileminen ravlng, \vanderlng; dreamlng.
houraillja one who raves (1. wanders 1. Is
dellrious) ; vislonary, (day-)dreamer, crank.
hourailla (taudissa) be dellrious; be \vandering (In one's mind), be out or one's



niincl (1. head), (raivoten) rave; (kuv.) have

Kone mad (1. crazy), taik crazy; (haaveksia)
dream. hourailu ravlnK(s): delirium; mental aberratlon; (kuv.) crazy taik (1. idean);
(haaveilu) rancles, day-dreams. hourautua
KO mad, get crazy; hourauduin antamaan
1 uas Toolish (1. crazy) enoiiKh to Kive.
houre (lk.) delirium; (hourckuva) chimera, phantasm; (oikullinen phnpisto)
crazy notion, freak, whim: houreet ravinKS, delirium; (kuv.) fancies, (oikut)
Treaks, whims; houreissa(an) while delirious, in a flt of delirium, durinK his ravInKS; vrt. kuume, unen, houreinen delirlous, . . \vanderiiiK In one's mind, lig-htheaded.
hourell kohtaus attack of delirium, delirious
rit. -kuva chimera; phantom. phantasm.
houria = hourailla, hourio delirium.
houru madman, lunatic.
houruinhoito care oi' lunatics (I. of the In
sane), -lainsdnt leglslatton conrernliiK
the care or the insane. -laitos insane (I.
lunatic) asylum, madhouse.
hourula Insane asylum, madhouse.
houru pinen mad, crazy; (heikkomielinen)
deranKed. out or one's mind, Insane. -pisyys madness, craziness: insanity.
housukangas cloth for trousers.
housuni! kannattlmet (palr of) brares, suspenders. -lahje trouser leK, pants leK.
-nappi pants button. -tasku trousers (I.
pants) pocket. -vytr (trousers) vvalstband.
housut trousers, pantaloons, (jkpv.) pants;
(tav. polvi-) breeches;
knirkerbockers; vrt. alus . housuton . .
wlthout trousers (1. pants).
hovi court; (herraskartano) manor-house (1.
-seat); (tila) manorlal estate; hovissa at
court. -elm court liTe; life at court.
-hankkija purveyor to the court. -herra
courtier. -Jahtimestari (I. v.) royal forester. -marsalkka master of the (royal) household. -mestari malordomo; (hotelleissa)
head Walter, -mies courtier. -nainen courtlady; lady in waltii)K. -narri court-fool,
kinK's jester. -neiti mald of honor; lady
In waitlnK (to the queen).
hovioikeuden li asessori (1. v.) associate JudKe
of the Court or Appeals. -presidentti presidln? JudKe (1. chler Justtce) or the Court
of Appeals.
hovi oikeus (I. v.) Court or Appeals. -pal
velus sprvlre at court. -palveluakunta
court attendants. courtlers. -piiri: hovipiireiss in court circles. -poika pape.
-puku court dress. -puolue court party (I.
Taction). -runoilija court poet; (En?!.)
poet laureate. -saarnaaja court chaplain.
-suru court mourniriK. -tallimestari royal
equerry. -tavat court customs (1. manners): court etlquette. -vki courtlers.
Hudsonin-lahti Hudson Pay. Hudsonin-salmi
Hudson Strait.
hugenotti (hist.) HuKiienot.
huhkain, huhkaja ks. huuhkaja.
huhkia (kiit) dart, dash, speed: (suhista)
huhmar (wooden) niortar.
huhta burned-over clearlnK in a rorest.
huhtikuu Aprll; huhtikuun ilma Aprll weather; huhtikuun piv an April day.
huhu rumor, report; huhuna kerrotaan the
report Koes, a report is current, a rumor
is arioat, it Is rumored (about) Uhat . . .
ett . .1, there Is a rumor; huhun mukaan
accordinK to report (I. to a rumor), by re
port; huulin huhuna mainittavan, ett . .
I heard it rumored tliat . . , I heard a ru
mor . . .


huhuileminen = huhuilu, huhuilla I. (huu

taa) call (ioudly), halloo; 2. (huhuta) ru
mor, report; (kertoa) relate; huhuillaan,
ett . . It is rumored (1. vvhispered about)
Mini . . . huhuilu I. hallooniK: 2. rumoriiiK.
\\hisperinKhuieta be dazzled (I. bllnded) [by. Jostakin] .
huijari suindier, sharper; (veijari) cheat(er); (petturi) impostor; vrt. hevos, hui
jata swindle, cheat; (pett) derraud. hui
jaus swindlinK, swindle; humbuK, cheat(iiiK); imposture.
huikaiseva 1. - hikisev; 2. = huimaava,
huikaista (hikist) dazzle, (make . .)
bllnd; (pyrrytt, huimata) make .. giddy (1. dizzy); ptni huikaisee (huimaa)
my head suims ; silmini huikaisee (hiki
see) my eyes are dazzled (1. blinded), (hui
maa) my eyes suim.
huikata 1. (huutaa) shout; halloo; 2. (vaih
taa) trade, barter (orr), (jkpv.) swap.
huikea (tuima) sharp [cry. huuto; hunKer,
nlk], Intense, acute: vehement. violent;
(suuri) huKe [sum, summal, biK 'croud,
liuta] ; huikean suuri enormously larKe.
huKe. huikeasti sharply, acutely, vehemently; in huKe numbers.
huikennella be rickle, be rilKhty, be inconstant; be reckless; be frivolous, be Kiddy.
be Dippant. huikentelevainen rickle. Inconstant, riiKhty, chanKeable; (kevytmieli
nen) liKht-minded, emp(y-headed; frivol
ous, Kiddy, rilppant: reckless; loose; vrt.
hilyvinen, huikentelevaisesti inronstantly. \vlth rickleness, rilfrhtily; riippantly.
rrivolousiy; recklessly; loosely. huikente
levaisuus rickleness, inconstancy, NiKhtiness; frivolity, rilppancy; recklessness;
IOOSOneSS; vrt. huikentelevainen.
huikeus sharpness; vehemence; huKeness.
hulkkaus 1. (huuto) shout, call, cry; 2.
(vaihdanta) barterinK. (jkpv.) swappinK.
huilahduttaa let KO: menn speed, hurry
(1. fly) rpast, ohi].
huilu flute; ks. soittaa, -niekka riutlst.
huilun soittaja riute-player, riutlst. -soitto
playtnK the (1. on a) riute.
huilu taituri riutlst. -Uni (mus.) riute note:
riute-like tone.
huima rrisky, rompInK, bolsterous, madcap:
horsp. hevonen!; (hillitn)
unchecked fmirth, ilo], uncontrollable. unmanaKealile; (rohkea) darinK, bold: (hiir
i) reckless, rierre, Wild: (mieletn) Tool
ish, Toolhardy; (hullu) mad, rrantlc;
nuorukainen unmaiiaKeable (1. reckless)
youth; temppu darinK Teat, (uhkaroh
kea) reckless reat: yritys darinK (1.
bold) attempt. huimaava Kiddy, dizzy
rhelKht, korkeus]; huimaavaa vauhtia at a
dizzy (1. breakneck) speed: huimaavan
korkealla at a dizzy hciKht . huimaista I .
huimata; 2. (lyd) rap, slap, bailK.
th\vack, (jkpv.) \vhark.
huima pyr ks. vauhtipyr, -piinan dar
inK, dashinK, rashdy adventurous). recklessdy bold); overdarinK, Toolhardv, daredevll, madcap; (raiu) Wild: (eptoivoinen)
desperate; (jrjetn) Toolish. -plisyys dariiiK. temerity, rashness. recklessness; Toolhardiness;
roolishness; wildness. -pi
madcap; daredevll.
huimasti frlsklly, boisterously; \vithout restraint: recklessly: flercely, wildly; roolishly; madly. rrantically.
huimata make .. dizzy (I. Kiddy); (huuma
ta) stnn; (hmment) beuilder. muddle:
ptni huimaa I Teel Kiddy (1. dizzy). mv
head suims, my eyes suin): ptni hui
maa jo sit ajatellessanikin the very thouKht




or it tnakes me dlzzy. when I thlnk of it huiskuttaa whlsk [Its tail, hntns] ; (hei
luttaa) swing, wave [one's handkerchler In
mv bead is in a whlrl <l. my head swim9).
huimaus 1. (sense oD glddiness, dlzzlness, good-by, nenliinaansa hyvstiksi]; (pu
shake, rock, Joit. huiskuttaminen,
>wimming sensation in the head, (lk.)
vertlgo; (hmmennys) bewilderment; 2. huiskutus hisklng; swlnging jne., vrt.
(lynti) lah, rap, smart blow.
huimia (lvd) rap, slap, bang, wallop, huitaisu strike, hlt . . a blow, give . . a rap
thrash, beat; (hosua) fight [with one's (1. a Slap); lash; ~ kdelln flmg (I.
arms, ksilln] ; hevotta piuhaltaan throw) out one'3 arm, Jerk one's arm;
keep vhlpplng- one's horse, \vallop one's (merkiksi) motlon (angrlly), wave. huihorse; ymprilleen vkijoukotta lay to uisu rap, cut, lash, smart blow; riing.
(angry) motlon.
nght and lert in the crowd. hulminta raphuitoa riing, toss; (lyd) beat; lash, thrash;
plng. slapping Jne.; vrt. edell.
(hosua) lay about one, riglit wlth one's
huimuus rrlsklness, boisterousness; un- arms,
(madly): ~ hevottaan
manageableness; darlng, boldness; reek- piiskallagesticulate
beat (1. lash 1. wallop) one's horse
lessness, rierceness, wildness; temertty, wlth a whip:
ilmaa beat the air; ksil
roolhardiness; roolishness; madness; vrt. ln riglit with
one'3 arms, lay about one;
I ksilln, kepill y. m.]
huipentaa taper; polnt. huipentaminen talaid about Mm iwith his arms, w!th a
perlng; pointlngr.
a madman, gesticulate!
huipata taper; become pointed: (hoiketa)
(tynteossa) worked like mad (1.
grow more slender. huippeneminen taper- madly,
like a tiger 1. like a Trojan). huitominen
ing. huipponeva taperlng.
riinging, tossing; beating, thrashlng; layhuippu top, summit, peak; plnnacle; crown;
ing about one.
(harjanne) rldge, crest; (krki) point; huivi
cloth; kerchief; vrt. kaula, p.
(korkeus) height; (huippukohta) culmtna- hujahdus (suhina) whiz, wh!stle; (vauhti)
tion, climax, acme; huippuunta ks. kohota, speed.
nousta; [se on] hulluuden [tt's] the hujan: hajan ks. huiskin (hiskin).
height or rolly, [it Is] the most roolish hukaU (menett) lose; (pudottaa) drop;
thlng tmagtnable; hvyttmyyden ~ the
(tuhlata) waste, squander, spend (uselesshelgbt of Insolence: kaihen huipuksi (lisk
ly); ~ jljet (metskolrasta puhuen:) lose
si) on top of everything else; maston ~
(1. get orr) the scent (1. the track); aikaa
top of a mast. masthead; onnen huipuilla hukkaamatta wlthout loslng any tlme,
at the hetght or happiness. at the height (I. wlthout delay.
zenith) of success; pyramiidin (mys:) hukka I. (a.) needless, unnecessary; (hy
apex or a pyraniid ; ptt tieteen ylimmille dytn) useless, bootless; (tehoton) IneThuipuille rearh the highest plnnacles or
rectual, Inerrective; (hukkaan mennyt) riilsscience; tornin ~ spire, steeple; valtansa spent,
wasted; (turha) vain, Tutile; reitu
huipulla at the height (1. zenith) or one's needless (1. unnecessary 1. useless) trlp.
power: vuoren huipulla nn the top (1. peak
unsuccessful trlp; ~ ty
1. summit 1. crest) or the mountaln.
vain (1. rrultless) work, labor lost, vrt.
huippuinen = huipukas: horhea~ kirkon
seur.; vaiva vain errorts. useless troutorni a Church wlth a hlgh spire (1. stee
ble; yritys an attenipt wlthout success
ple): lom- snow-eapped; paljas vuori (1. tn vain), an abortlved. avain unsuebald mountaln.
cessrul) attempt. II. (s.) (tappio, menetys)
huippu kaari (rak.) pointed (1. fiothlc) arch, loss, waste; (turmio) destructlon, ruln;
oirlve. -kohu culmination, climax, arme, hukkaan ks. heitt, joutua, kulua, menet
zenith. -lakki peaked rap. -piste height, t, menn; hukkaan joutunut lost, (hu
climax; summit, zenith: vrt. huippukohta, kassa Oleva) misslng; hukkaan mennyt II
-svel (mus.) dominant.
kulunut) misspent, wasted, (hydytn)
Huippuvuoret Spitzbergen.
useless, rrultless, (turha) futlle. vain.
huipukas peaked; pointed.
unsuccessrnl, abortive.
huis (elimi pois ajettaessa:) shoo, there:
(pois heitetty) . . thro\vn away; hukkaan
huiskahdus toss; swing-; dash; (hnnll)
mennyt (\. kulunut) elm a misspent (I.
whlsk; wag. huiskahduttaa riing, toss;
wasted 1. useless) life: hukkaan mennyt
dash: (heiluttaa) swing; whisk [Its tail, ty [ja aika] rrultless labor, \vasted enerhannll&nl ; (lyhytell) Tan. huiakahdut- gy, f tlme andl labor thrown away; titeminen riinging, tosslng Jne., vrt. edell. nut perii you are lost, you are doomed
huiskauttaa huiskahduttaa. (luiskahtaa
(to destructlon), (Jkpv.) you are a goner.
be flung, be tossed, toss: vvhisk; (liikah
(sinun ky huonosti) you are bound (1.
taa) stir. move (a little).
sure) to come to a bad end (1. to grieD.
you wlll be sure to meet witli a sad rate.
huiskia (hosua) fight [wlth one's arms, k
It will go badly with you; ajan ~ loss (1.
silln!, lay about one; riing about; (ly
waste) or tlme: olla hukatta be lost, be
d) beat, lash; (heilutella) whlsk; swing;
doomed (to destructlon), (kadoksissa) be
wave: (lyhvtell) raii: ~ hnnlln (be)
Whisk(ing) ItS tali; piiskallaan misslng ' huom. hn on hukatta he is lost.
one's wblp; pois krpsi whlsk away he Is doomed (to destruction), (mennytt
miest) he is done Tor, his case Is desnerflles.
huiikilo ikasv.) corymb. huiskilomsinsn co- ate: vrt. kados] ; kaikki on hukasta ali Is
lost. ali hope Is gnne (I. past).
rvmhose. corymbed.
huiskiminen riinging about; beating. lash- hukka III. (susi) woir.
Ing; whlsklng: swlnglng; wavlng; rannlng. hukkaaminen losing; dropplng: \vastlng.
squandering. hukkaan (turilaan) In vain:
huiskin: hiskin (hujan halan) helterto no purpose (1. use); vrt. hukka, II. huk
skelter, pell-mell. higgledy-nlggledy, (mul
kaantua be (I. get) lost; (hvit) vanish;
lin mallin) topsy-turvy; (sekaisin) In con(menn hukkaan) be wasted, go to waste.
fuslon, promlscuously.
hukkua (veteen) drown, be drowned; (me
huisku whlsk(-broom).
henkens) perish, lose one's life;
huiskua swing, sway; (huojua) rock, shake.
(laivasta puhuen:) lie lost (at sea), be
huiskuminsn swinging jne., vrt. edell.
wwked, (upota) foundcr, go down; (kahuiskutin whlsk.



ilota) dlsappear, vanlsh; (Joutua kadoksiin)

(Tet lOSt, gO astray; hukkuu yleiseen hli
nn Is drovvned (out) In the general hubbiib (1. hum); min hukun I am drownlng!
sormukseni on hukkunut my rlng IS lOSt, I
have lost my rlng. hukkuminen drownlng;
perishing; (laivan) rounderlng, (shlp)\vreck; (menetys) loss; (katoaminen) dlsappearing, vanlshlngr. hukkunut (veteen-)
drovvned; (kadonnut) lost; hukkuneen han
kiin pelastaminen restoratlon Of the (apparently) droxvned.
hukua: olla hukuksissa (kadoksissa) be lost,
he mlssing, have dlsappeared.
hukuttaa (veteen) drown; (upottaa) slnk;
(kadottaa) lose; (raam. = hvitt) destroy. hukuttaminen drownlng; stnking;
loslng; destroying. hukuttautua (veteen)
drown o.s., eommlt sulclde by drownlngr.
hulahdus splash(ing). hulahduttaa splash,
s\vlsh; (kaataa) pour (with a splash),
(jkpv.) pour . . kerslosh. hulahtaa splash.
huligaani (Ilkityn harjottaja) hooltgan;
hulikka (pytty) tub (Tor dough etc); (mal
to- y. m.) wooden bowl.
hulivili jolly rellow, happy-go-lucky; gludypate.
huljua (astiassa) splash to and rro, sxvlsh
anotit, suill around; (solua) gllde. huljuminen splashlng to and rro, swishlng about:
gliding. huljuttaa (likytt) splash to and
fro, swls.h about; (pudistaa) shake, toss,
rock. huljuttaminen, huljutus splashlng to
and rro; shaking-, tosslng.
hullaannuttaa ( joku) turn one's braln, set
one's braln In a whlrl, drlve one mad, make
one mad (I. crazy 1. frantic). hullaantua
&o (1. run) mad, go out or one's mlnd, be
rrazed (1. distracted), berome (I. get) mad
(1. crazy 1. frantic), become possessed;
hullaantua johonkuhun be(come) inTatuated
\vitli one. hullaantuminen golng (1. runntng) mad; 'rakastuminen) lnTatuatlon
\vith ..]. hullaantumua craze, mania:
(Johonkuhun) infatuatlon. hullaantunut . .
out of one"s mlnd (1. senses), crazy [arter
one, Johonkuhun] : (rakastunut) Inratuated
vvith one]; mies oli hullaantunut tyttn
t!ic man loved the girl to dlstraction (1.
was madly In love with the glrl).
hullu I. (a.) mad; . . out or one's mlnd (1.
senses); crazy [notlon, phnpisto];
(mielipuoli) Insane, lunatlc; (mieletn,
hassu) rooiish. sllly, absurd, preposterous;
(raivoisa) frantic, frenzled; ei olisi hullum
paa it \vouldn't be snch a bart Idea. it
\vouldn't be so (1. half) bad, lt wouldn't
he amlss: eip hullummaksi not so (I. half)
bad! ei hnest tule hullua viisaammaksi
one can not make hlm out; n tule rl. p
se) tst hullua hurskaammaksi Cl. vii
saammaksi) I rannot make head or tali of
thls, l'm at a loss to understand thls, I can
make nothtng (out) of thls; oletko hullu
are you crazy (1. foollsh)? olin hullu kun
tein sen I \vas a TOOl to do that; tep hul
lua thafs sllly! (Jkpv.) thafs runny (1.
queer) ! II. (s.) madman, lunatlc: (hupsu)
fool; puhua huttuja taik nonsense (1. rubhisti 1. foollshness).
hulluinhoito care of the Insane. -laitos ks.
hulluinhuone insane (I. lunatlc) asylum,
madhousp, (vanh.) bedlam.
hullun kurinen runny (in the extreme). extrcmely (1. srreamingly) funny; full of
nonsense, foollsh; (mieletn, hassu) ab
surd, rlillculovis, preposterous; (kummalli
nen) odd, rantastlcal, blzarre; (lystllllnen)
droll, comical. -kurisestl drolly; oddly,

queerly; In a droll (1. romloal) manner,
comlcally; foolishly. -kurlsuus (extreme)
funnlness, screamlng fun; drollery; oddity,
rantastlcalness; (mielettmyys) absurdity,
hullusti \vrong(ly), In a xvrong \vay, the
wrong way, amlss; (nurinkurisesti) perversely, awry; (hassusti) foolishly, preposterously; (pahasti) badly; hullumminkin
olisi voinut kyd thlngs might have been
\vorse, lt mlght have gone worse; hnen
kvi things went badly (1. amlss) \vith
him, he met with a sad rate, he came to a
bad (1. a sad) end; sep oli too bad!
hullutella (menetell tyhmsti) act (1. be)
rooiish, be a rool, act (1. play) the fool,
make a rool or o.s.; (laskea, tehd pilaa)
rool, Joke, Jest; (teuhata) Trisk, rrolic,
romp; (puhua hulluja) taik nonsense (1.
foollshness). hullutteleminen rooling; joklng; rrolicking; Jesting; vrt. hulluttelu,
hulluttelija madcap; mischler; (practical)
joker, Jester, wag, burroon, merry-an(ire\v;
(Jkpv.) cut-up. hulluttelu rollv, absurditv;
nonsense; rooiish tririlng; sport, run, jokIng; vrt. seur.
hullutus roollshness, absurditv; rolly, roolery; mad (1. absurd) Idea; mad prank: hul
lutuksia nonsense, absurditles, vagarles.
(temppuja) mad pranks, capers, frolics,
(huudahduksena:) nonsense! sllly taik!
puhua hullutuksia taik nonsense (I. foollsh
ness 1. bosll); se olisi hullutusta lt \VOUld
be rooiish (1. absurd), it \vould be madness
(1. a rolly).
hulluus madness; lnsanlty, rrenzy: (mielet
tmyys) roollshness, rolly, absurdity.
hulmahdus riutter(ing), flare, blaze; (tuu
lahdus) wart, purr. hulmahduttaa make (1. '
cause to) flutter (1. riare 1. blaze). hulmahtaa riutter; (leimahtaa) blaze (1. name
1. riare) up.
hulmuaminen riuttering, riarlng; xvaving;
uhirllng. hulmuava, hulmuileva flutterlng-;
riying, xvavlng [hatr, tukka]; riaring.
hulmullla, hulmuta riutter; (liehua) riv.
wave, stream; (tupruta) \vhlrl, svvlri;
(leimuta) riare; hulmuta tuulessa riutter
(1. ny 1. wave) in the \vind, s\vay in the
breeze. hulmuttaa (Kehuttaa) \vave, riy,
make . . riutter.
hulpKDo border, selvage; (piena) llst.
hulttio careless rellovv, good-ror-nothtng
(rello\v); loarer, lout. hulttiomainen care
less, negllgent.
humaaninen (Inhimillinen) humane.
humahdus \vhlr, whiz; (tuulahdus) purr(Jymhdys) thump. humahtaa \vhlr. whlz;
whirr; (jymht)
thump : tulla humahti maahan came down
vvith a whlr.
humala hop; (Juopumus) state or drunkenness (1. lntoxicatlon): humalaan ks. juoda:
olla humalassa be drunk, be Intoxlcated,
be tlpsy, be deep in one's cups, (jkpv.)
be tlght: vrt. sika-, humalainen intoxl
cated, drunk: humalaisia ei pstet si
sn Intoxlcated persons (1. those intoxl
cated) \vlll not be admltted.
humalakynns hop-blne. humalanviljelys
hnp-cultiire, raising hops.
humala" painen Intoxlcated. drunk. -paa:
humalapiss(n) unrter the Inrinenre or
drink (1. liquor). In one's cups, In a
drunken rit, xvhile drunk (I. Intoxicated)
-riuku I. -salko hop-pole. -tarha hop-vard
(1. -garden). -vieras (kasv.) dodder.
humalisto hop-garden (1. -vard).
humalluttaa Intoxlrate, Inebrlate, make . .
drunk: (pyrrytt) make .. dlzzv. humaloittaa mix . . vvith hops, add hops to . . .



humaltua get (1. become) intoxlcated

vrith, Jo-stakln], get drunk.
humanismi (hlst.) humantsm.
"umau* = humahdus.
humina sough(ing), murmur(lng); hummlnjr, singlng; (suhina) sighlng; (humu)
rumble; korvien ringing (1. singlng) in
one's ears; hmien whisper (1. murmur
1. sougbing) or the wlnd. humiseminen
snughihg. humming, whisperlng, stghing.
humista (esim. tuulesta:) sough, 9lgh,
murmur, whlsper, sing, lium; (kumista)
hummeri (menyriinen) lobster.
humoreski (lystiks kuvaus tai kertomus)
humorous story (1. sketch). humoristinen
(lystiks) humorous.
humpuuki humbug.
humu (humina) murmur; sough; hum(ming); whlr(r); (pauhu) rumble, (Iin;
tiiman humusta (tuoksinassa) in the whirl
(1. bustle) or life; taistelun ~ (Iin of
battle: tehtaan ~ ti uni (1. whir 1. ilmi 0(
a ractory; tuulen ~ sough of the wind.
humuta = humista.
hunaja boney; vrt. mesi. hunajainen . . of
boney, honey; (rneslmakea) honeyed.
hunaja kakku honeycomb.
-kaavi plant
yielding honey (1. nectar). -kenno honeyrell. -linko honey-extrartor. -mehilinen
honey-bee. -neste (kukkien) nectar, honey.
hunajankeltainen . . oi the color of honey.
hunninko decline, decay; ruin, wreck,
dounfall, destruction; joutua hunningolle
go to rack and ruin, go down (in the
World), fall (up)on evil days, (Jkpv.) go
to the dogs, (tuuliajolle) be turned (1.
east) adrirt (upon the World); (asioista:)
get in a bad ay; on hunningolla (ihmi
sist:) has gone to the dogs, Is down and
nut. is adrift (upon the World), (asioista:)
is in a bad ay, has gone to pleces, (esim.
liikeyrityksest:) the bottom has Tallen
out or it, (maatilasta y. m.) has been run
hunnit (htst.) the Huns.
hunnuton unvpiled, . . w itliout a veli. hun
nuttaa veil; hunnutettu veiled, . . wearlng
a veli.
huntu veil; huntuun kiedottu veiled; ks.
pukeutua (huntuun).
huoahdus (huokaus) slgh; (henghdys)
breath; breathing, purr. huoahtaa slgh,
heave (1. leleh) a slgh; (henkist)
breathe; draw a deep breath; (levht)
stop to get a breath: (lhtt) purr;
vrt. henght; huoahtaa helpotuksesta
heave (l. draw) a slgh or relteT; huoahtaa
syvn heave a deep sigh, groan.
huoata (prees. huokaan) slgh; (valittaen)
groan . under tho burden, taakan alla] ;
(levit) rest; (henght) take breath; ~
helpotuksesta slgh wlth (l. glve a slgh oi)
huohottaa purr (and blow), pant, breathe
heavlly (1. hard); (lhtt) groan [under the burden, taakan alla], huohotta
minen pumng, pantlng. huohotus purr(ug), pantlng.
huoistaa (tinki) make a reduction, take
ori; ~ hintaa lower the prlce, lower one's
rigure. huoistua become (1. get) cheaper,
be reduced in prlce; hinta huoistuu the
price la ralling (1. golng down); tavara
huoistuu the goods get cheaper, the goods
are ralling (In price). huoistus (hinnan)
reduction, lowering.
huojennus reller; ease, alleviatlon; abatement, relaxatlon; (hinnan, verojen y. m.)
reduction; (alennus) lowerlng; hintojen ~


reduction (1. lowerlng) or prices; tuntea

huojennusta leel reller (l.relieved l.easier).
huojentaa ltghten [the burden, kuormaa].
ease; (helpottaa) racllltate, make . . easy
(I. easler); (lievent) soothe, relleve, allevlate, allay, mltigate; ~ ehtoja make
the terms easler, modiry the terms;
hintaa lower (1. reduce) the prlce, ijkpv.)
make a prlce on . .; hintaa dollarilla
reduce the prlce one dollar, take a dollar
orr (the prlce), make a reducilon of one
dollar (on the prlce) ; ~ sydntn jolle
kulle unbosom o.s. (1. unburden one's
mind) to a p.; tuskaa rl. tuskia) soothe
(1. relleve 1. allay) the paln(s). huojenta
minen llghtenlng; laoilltatlng; rellevlng;
(hinnan) lowering; reduction; (tuskan y.
m.) soothlng, alleviatlon. huojentua, huo
jeta become easier (1. lighter), be lightened; be lacilitated; be relieved, be allayed, be mltigated;
cheaper, go down, fall.
huojua rock; (notkua) shake; (heilua)
swing, sway fin the wind, tuulessa]; (lie
hua) rioat, ny, riutter; (horjua) totter,
stagger; (kuv.) waver, ralter, varlllate;
huojuva ks. hakus. huojuminen rocking;
shaking Jne., vrt. huojua, huojutella, huo
juttaa rock; swing. sway; wag; make . .
totter; (pudistaa) shake, toss; tuuli huojut
taa puita the \vlnd is swaying (1. rocking)
the trees. huojutus rocking; swinglug,
swaylng; wagglng; shaking, tossing. huo
juva totterlng, waverlng, ralterlng; huoju
vin askelin wlth totterlng (1. ralterlng) steps.
huokaaminen slghlng, groaning; restlng.
huokailla, huokaista sigh; huokaista syv:n
heave (1. draw 1. retch 1. glve) a deep
slgh, groan. huokaus slgh; ks. pst.
huokea (helppo) easy; (halpa) lo\v fprlce,
hinta], cheap; (keve) llght; [myyd, os
taa] huokeasta f sei], buy] cheap (I. at a
bargaln), [sell, buy] . . at a low (1. cheap
1. moderate 1. rair) prlce fhuom. mys:
hn sai (ostaa) tilan huokeasta he got tho
rarm cheap (1. at a good bargain) i : huo
keat ehdot easy terms; [myyd . .] dollaria
huokeammasta [sell . .] Tor a dollar less,
[sell . .] a dollar cheaper.
huokeat! hintainen cheap, \vorth Its price.
worth the money, -hintaisuus rheapness.
-korkolnen: huoheakorkoinen laina a loan
at low (1. at a low rate of) intcrest. -maksuinen .. on easy payments; (hintainen)
huokeasti easlly, without diMculty. huokeua ease, raclllty; (hinnan) lowness;
(halpuus) cheapness.
huokoinen porous; spongy. huokonen (anat.)
pore; (reik) aperture.
huoku (veto) drart (vanh.: draught); (haih
tuminen) exhalatlon: (tuulahdus) puri',
whirr, wart; (henkys) breath: (hengitys)
breathing, respiratlon; (tihkuminen) oozIng, exudatlon; kylm ~ cold (1. chilling)
huokua exhale; (lhtt) purr, pant:
(haihtua) transplre; (kihoilla) cxude, ooze;
(kuv.) breathe [poetry, runollisuutta; deriance, Uhmaa] ; nen sanoistaan huokuu
lmmin ystvyys his words are breathing
ivarin Trlendshlp; kaikki huokuu iloa everythlng Is breathing out happiness (1.
mirth) ; kertomuksesta huokuu runollisuus
the story has the breath (1. Is rull) or
poetry; siif huohuu kapinallinen henki it
breathes rebellion; suo (mokun hallaa a
rrosty breath comes up (1. rlses) rrom the
marsh(es). huokuminen exhalatlon; purring, pantlng; exudatlon, oozing; breath
ing; vrt. edell.



huolehtia (pit huolta) take care [of

Jostakin], look arter, attend to, have tlie
charge of; (katsoa) see about, see to;
(toimittaa) arrange, manage, do, see . .
done; (hankkia) provlde [food for the
voyage, ruokatarpeita matkaa varten],
procure; (olla huolissaan) be (1. reel) anxlous (1. alarmed) [Tor, jostakin], vvorry
(1. be concerned) [about ..], alann (I.
distress) o. s. [about . .] ; (ajatella) thlnk
[Of . .] ; huolehdi tavarat tnne sen to It
that the goods are setit (1. brought) here.
have the goods forvvarded here; ~ ett ..
see (to It) that [it is done properly, se
tehdn kunnollisesti], arrange (1. tnanage) (it) so that . .; ~ etujaan look arter
(i. care for) one's ovvn interests, (Jkpv.)
look out Tor numbcr one; lukujaan
vvork hard at one's lessons, study Mard,
study earnestly (1. conscientiously); ~
jonkun parasta look arter (1. look out 1.
care for) a p.'s best Interests; huolehtien
tylisten etuja havlng the interests of the
\vorkers at heart, vvlth sollcitude Tor (I.
lookin? arter) the best interests oT vvork1 1 il- i i c 1 1 : ei ~ huomisesta Have no thotlght
for (1. never glve a thouglit to) the morroW; ci sinun tarvitse siit ~ you dont
need to worry (I. trouble yourseir) about
that, you don't need to be roncemed about
(1. thlnk ui) that. huolehtiminen taklng
care of, looklng after, attending to Jne.,
vrt. huolehtia; anxiety; sollcitude.
huolekas = huolellinen.
huolellinen careful: conslderate, clrcumspect, discreet; (varovainen) providcnt,
prudent: tlirirty; [kirjan] lukeminen (\.
tutkiminen) perusal [of the book]. huo
lellisesti carefully; considerately. discreetly; prudently. huolellisuus carerulness,
care; conslderateness, ronslderation, circumspectlon;
(huolenpito) sollcitude.
huoleni' alainen (huolestuttava) dlstressing-,
(vastuunalainen) responsible; full of care;
(huolestunut) anxlous, troubled. worrled,
concerned [kalkki nelj: about, Jostakin!,
-kantaja one vvlio carries the vvelght of
responslbility (I. who bears the cares).
-pito care; sollcitude; (tinoina) charge:
huolenpidotta jnyt neglerted; hnen
huolenpitonsa kautta throilgh hls C.ire (1.
roreslght 1. sollcitude):
[Jdii] jonkun
huolenpitoon be leit] in a p.'s care (1.
rharge). -pitmtn ncgllgent; vrt. huo
huolestaa handle \vlth care: treat \vlth tenderness; (vaalia) cherlsh, (huolehtia) tako
rare [of ... Jostaklnl; vrt. huolehtia.
huolestua become (1. gct 1. grovv) anxlous
(1. troubled 1. vvorrled)
about (1. for).
Jostakin]; (tulla murheelliseksi) become
distressed (1. grifved) [about a th.. Josta
huolestuminen grovvlng anxlous,
gettlng worrled; (huoli) rare: anxietv;
vvorry. huolestuneesti anxinusly; \vitli an
xiety; vvlth a \vorried look: katsahti h
neen huolestuneesti gave him a VVoITip-l
(1. an anxlous) glanrc, vievved liitu \vitli
anxiety. huolestuneisuus anxiety. huoles
tunut anxlous i about, jostakin], con
cerned, uneasy; troubled. \vorrled rlook.
katse] ;
about, Jostakin]: olla huolestunut josta
kin be anxlous (1. concerned 1. vvnrried)
about a th., feel uneasy (I. be vvorrying)
about a th.
- huolettaa.
alarming fsltnation. tilanne], dlstrcsstng,


rnevvs, uutinen]; . . causlng- anxiety, . . to

cause anxiety (1. alarm).
huoleti unconcerned(ly), free rrom care,
vvithout care, vvlth, a light heart; carelessly; (turvallisesti) sarely, vvitli sarely,
\vlthout any dang-er; conndently; (epri
mtt) \vithout hesitatlon: (levollisesti)
calmly, quletly; coolly; (haitatta) vvlth
linpunity: ole set your mind at rest.
you have no cause Tor anxiety, you need
not worry (1. trouble yourseir), comfort
yourseir! take comrort!
huoleton rree
rrom care(s); light-hearted, easy-g-oing-,
light or heart, untroubled; happy-gxlucky, free rrom sorrow, improvldent:
(turvattu) sare (1. secure) [from. Josta
kin]; (luottavan varma) confldent; (huo
limaton) carelcss, neglectful, negligent;
reckless; (vlinpitmtn) unconcerned.
careless (1. Indirrerent) In (1. about)
money-matters; el huolettomana live in
(ease and) comrort, lead an easy (1. comrortable) lire, lead a lire rree rrom care,
(jkpv.) live on Easy Street, huoletta =
huoleti; voit huoletta sen tehd you can
sarely do that, you need not hesltate
about doing that.
huolettaa trouble, vvorry; (tehd levotto
maksi) cause anxiety (I. uneaslness 1.
alarm), make . . uneasy (1. anxlous 1.
alarmed), disconcert, alarm, n 11 . . with
anxiety; (surettaa) distress, grieve; mi
nua ei huoleta (en vilt) I'm not con
cerned, I don't care (1. mlnd), (en ole le
voton) I reel no anxiety [Tor ..]; minua
~ jokin l reel anxiety Tor a th.. I am
alarmed about (I. by) a th., a th. niakes
me anxlous (I. vcry uneasy), a th. vvorrles
(I. troubles 1. alarms) me; minua kuulla
(surettaa) I am very sorry (1. am grleved
1. am distressed) to hear. huolettava
huolettomasti rree rrom rare(s); unconcerned(ly); (huolimattomasti) carelessly,
heedlessly, negllgently; recklessly; (v
linpitmttmsti) in an Indirrerent (1.
unconcerned) manner; (tyynesti) coolly;
conndently, vvlth an air or conridence;
vrt. huoleti.
huolettomuus unconcern;
freedom from care(s); ease, comrort;
(huolimattomuus) carelessness, heedlessness, negllgence; recklessness.
huoli care; (hoiva) charge; (huolenpito)
trouble. v/o r ry; (levottomuus) alarm. uneasiness;
vvith care, carerully; huolella ja vaivalla
valmistettu (carerully) elaborated; ~ siit
asiasta kuuluu sinulle it Is up to you to
look after that matter, that matter Is In
your cliarge; minulla on paljon huolia (l.
huolta) hnest Ile causes (I. glves) me a
irreat deai of \vorry (1. anxiety 1. trouble);
[Jt se] minun huolekseni | leave that]
to me; minun huolekseni ji rahojen hank
kiminen It was lert to me to look arter
.raislng the runds, the rurnishing or funds
was lert (1. entrusted) to me, I was
charged vvlth raising the money: olla huo
lissaan jostakin be (I. reel) anxlous (1.
vvorrled. 1. troubled 1. alarmed 1. dlsquieted) about a th., vvorry (1. trouble o.s.)
about a th., (surra) grtevc [at (1. ovcr),
jostakin; Tor, Jonkun (I. jonkin) takia],
reel grier [at . .], distress o.s. [about . .];
se on oleva sinun huolenasi you vvill have
the care (1. the charge) or It, lt vvlll be In
your charge, It vvlll be up to you.



huolla (vlitt) care (1. mlnd) [about a

IB.. Jostakin:, vvorry (1. trouble o.s. 1.
iKnrern o.s. 1. be coneerncd) i about, Jostiklnj ; (tahtoa) vvant, wish; huolimatta
ks. hakus. ; emme huoli siit puhua we
itiad) better not (1. vie will not) speak of
Ihat. let us noi speak about (1. not mentlon)
thai; en huoli mainita hnen nimen I
don't care (1. ant I. \vish) to niention his
name. I don't care to teli \vho lie 13; n
min mt paljonkaan huoli (vilt) I (lon't
care (l. mind) much about that, l'm not
much conrerned about that, (pane painoa,
anoa sille) I don't pay much attentlon (l.
aliach much importance) to that, 1 don't
take much notlce or it; min en en huoli
tti I don't care to have It (I. I don't
ant to take it) any more: l huoli menn
anne you had better not (I. you shoulrt
not) go there, I wish you vvould not go
huolimaton careless [fellow, mies; act, me
nettely; in one's dress, puvussaan]; heedless; reckless; (vlinpitmtn) listlcss,
indirrerent; perfunctory; (levperinen)
negligent, neglectrul; remiss; (hutiloiva)
slovenly, sllpsbod.
huolimatta (jostakin ) in spite or, notuithSlanding. for ali . .; seurauksitta unconcerned about (I. as to) the consequences,
(vlittmtt) without rounting the cost;
- siit, ett . . (vaikkakin) allhough;
siit telkasta, ett .. (lukuunottamatta si
t seikkaa) irrespeetive (l. regardless) or
the Tact that . . , apart rrom (1. not takin?
Into account) the fact that . . , In spitc or
(I. notvvithstanding) the ract that ..; ei
hnen avullaan, vaan hnett ~ not with
his help, but In spite (I. In deriance) or
hini; kaiketta ~ In spite or ali, .. ali (1.
Just) the same; kaikitta vioistaan ~ hn
on .. (kaikkine vlkolneenkin) wlth ali his
raults he Is . .; kiellosta ~ (vastoin kiel
toa) in derianre (1. in spite) or the prohlbltion, (vlittmtt) ignoring (1. paylng
no regard to) the prohibitlon; siit (sit
tenkin) Tor ali that, . . ali the same, . . notuithstandlng (that), none the less; (kum
minkin) hovvever, stlll, yet, nevertheless,
neg-lertrully; hcedlessly; recklessly; llstlessly. indirrerently. huolimattomuus earelessness, heedlessness: rerklessness; negllgenre, neglect(miness) ; vrt. vlinpit
huolitella (hoitaa, vaalia) take care or, cherish; (toimittaa) see to, arrange, mauage,
atti-nd lo; (hankkia) provlde; (tehd huo
lellisesti) do .. carerully; (ahkeroida) exert O.9., take palns [with (1. about) ..,
jostakin], huolittelu care, solicitude.
huolivaatteet ks. surupuku.
huoltaa lake care or, see about, see to; arranjre. manage; do; attend to; (hankkia)
provlde, procure; vrt. pit (huolta), huol
taja one vvho sees (1. attends) to, one \vho
provides (I. takes care or), provider; (hol
hooja) guardlan. huoltaminen attendlng
lo. providing; (huolenpito) care, solicitude.
huoltua k s. vuotettua.
huoma (turva) protection; patronage; (hoi
tui care, charge; custody, guardlanship;
keeplng; vrt. huosta; f Jtt] jonkun huo
maan i leave] In one's care (1. charge I.
keeplng 1. custody); Mtt] omaan huo
maansa leave (I. let)] alone, | leave] to
o.s. (I. to one's own devlces), (oman on
nensa nojaan) i leave] to shirt ror o.s. (1.
lo lake care or o.s.).


huomaamaton (Jota el ny) not (1. scareely)

notlceable, unnotlceable, imperceptlble;
(ei huomattu) unnoticed. unobserved; unpercelved; Inconsplcuous; obscure, humble; (tarkkaamaton) inattentlve; heedless,
huomaamatta unnoticed, unobserved; \vlthout being seen (1. notlced); imperceptlblv;
(salaa) stealthlly; rurtlvely; (hiljaa) quletly; (vhitellen) gradually. by degrees;
(ephuomiosta) Inadvertently; ~ jttmi
nen overlooking, omission; [hiipi huonee
seen] hnenkn [ steal Into the room]
unnoticed; vrt. jd, huomaamattomasti
imperceptlbly; \vithout being- seen (1. noticed);
heedlessly; vrt. huomaamatta, huomaamat tomuus imperceptibility; obscurity; lnattentiveness, inattentlon; (ephuomio) overslght, overlooking; blunder; Inadvertency;
huomaamattomuudesta johtunut erehdys
oversight, blunder.
huomaaminen noticing, observing; observation; seeing; dlsrerning; descrylng; rinding (out); discovery, detectlon; vrt. huo
huomaavainen attentive [to ladies, naisille
(I. naisia kohtaan)]; (kohtelias) polite (I.
courteous) [to one, Jollekulle]; (hoksaavalnen) keen; (huomioonottavainen) heedrul, mlndrul; \vatchrul; ohservant. huo
maavaisesti attentively; polltely, courteously; keenly; heedrully, \vatchrully. huo
maavaisuus attentlon, attentiveness; pollteness, rourtesy; keenness; watchrulness.
huomata notlce, observe. remark, note; be(come) aware or, perceive, be scnsible or;
(nhd) see; (erottaa) discern, descry.
(kaukaa) espy, make out; (saada nky
viins) catch (1. get) sight [or....|o(ta)kln],
come in view [or . .1, slght [land, maata] ;
(havaita) rind; (keksi) dfscover, detert,
rind out; (tarkkaan) pay attentlon to, at
tend to; mind; (muistaa) remember; Auomaa (take) notlce! note! observe! [lyhen
nettyn: huom. N. B. (= nota bene)] ; Auomaamatta ks. hakus.; ~ erehdyksens rind
out (1. reallze) one's mlstake; - jokin [jo
ku] joksikin rind a th. [a. p.] (to bo) ..
Tcsim. ~ jokin ikvksi rind a th. tedlous
(1. dull 1. uninteresting); ~ joku tyyllitekti rind one guilty; jokin tarpeettomaksi
rind a th. unnecessary; ~ jokin todeksi
rind a th. to be true] ; ~ olevansa ykiin
rind o.s. alone, notire that one Is alone;
pettyneent rind o.s. deceived, rind out
that one has been deceived, reel (I. be) dlsappOlnted; jossakussa taiteilijan taipumuhtia dlscover (1. detect 1. rind) an altis
tie bent (I. turn) In a p.; ~ Jonkun nes
t, ett . . notlce (1. perceive 1. hear) rrom
a p.'S VOlce that . .; huomattakoon be It
notlced (1. observed), be it remembered.
mind, rernember; huomattava ks. hakus.;
huomattiin hvinneekti (1. kadonneeksi)
was round to have disappeared; huomattiin
tarpeettomakti proved (1. vvas round) un
necessary; huomattu ks. hakus.; en ole huo
mannut pyyt I have not remembered (I.
thought) to ask, (tullut pyytneeksi) 1
have not gotten to ask : en voi olla huomaa
matta I rannot help (1. avold) noticing (l.
seeing), I rannot (help) luit see: hn ei
huomannut mitn he dld not notlce anvthlng. he savv (1. heard) nothing, (el epil
lyt) he did not suspect anytliing: Aon ei
ollut tit huomaavinaan( kaan) he made belleve he dld not see It, he pretended not to
see it (at ali), he shnt his eyes to It; lukija
huomatkoon we wish to call the. reader's
attentlon to . .; min en voi ~ hnt vki




joukotta I cannot make hlm out (1. cannot huominen I. (a.) to-morrow's [paper, lehti],
catch sight or him 1. don't see hlm) in the . . of tomorrovv; kokous to-morrow?s
crowd; monta tapausta on huomattu many mceting, the meeting to-morrow. II. (s.)
cases (1. Instances) have been observed (1. to-morrow, morrow; /tuomiseen, huomisek
notlced) ; nyt olon tullut huomanneeksi, si tili tO-morrow; huomisesta viikko (eteen
ett . . I have now come to realize that . . , pin) a Week from to-morrow; hn ei huo
(vakuutetuksi) I have now become con- lehdi huomisesta be has no thougbt Tor the
vinced tilat . .; olen ollut huomaavinani 1 morrow.
have thought (1. imaglned) that I have no- huomio attention, heed, notice; (havainto)
ticed (1. observed 1. seen); on huomattava, observatlon; perception; (katsanto) respect, regard; consideration; (kiihke)
ett . . it is to be observed (1. noted)
that . . , It should be notieed that . .; on sensation; (ihmettely) surprise, astonlshmcnt;
huomioon ks. ottaa, pst; /tuomioon
huomattavissa may be notlced (I. dlscerned
I. descried), Is noticeable, (nkyy) is seen otettava noticeable, conslderable, apprecia
or (earnest) consideration, vrt.
(I. dlscerned), appears, shovvs ltselT; se on
hyvksi huomattu it has bccn Ionini good, seur.; huomiota ansaitseva deserving atten
it has proved good (1. rine) ; voit tll ~ tion, worth [one's] noticlng, worthy or
monta tuttavaa you may find (1. see 1. consideration, notevvorthy, noticeable, re
markable; huomiota ks. hertt, kiinnit
mcet) many frlcnds here.
huomattava (tuntuva) noticeable [change, t, panna, suoda; lakia huomioon ottamat
muutos], appreciable, perceptible, per- ta with no regard Tor (1. to) the law, paycelvable; (selvsti) marked [diiTerence, ing no respect (1. regard 1. heed) to the
ero]; (melkoinen) conslderable; (trke) law, wlthout taklng the law into considera
important; (nkyv) discernible, vlsible, tion; pyydn tulla huomioon otetuksi I ask
distingulshable; conspicuous, promlnent; to be considercd; se ei ansaitse mitn
huomiota that deserves no notice, that
(huomattu) noted, well-known; (merkilli
merits no attention (whatever), it Is not
nen) noteworthy, notable, remarkable; huo
mattavassa mrin in a noticeable degree, worthy oT any consideration; tehd huo
noticeably; [niiden vlill] ei ole mitn mioita' make observations; tein sen huo
huomattavaa eroa there is no noticeable (I. mion I made the observation [that ... et
perceptible) dirrerence [bet\veen them] ; t . .), (keksinnn) I made the discovery.
kaupungin huomattavat henkilt the nota- -kyky (power or) observatlon; tarhalla rl.
bles (1. the prominent people) or the town; tervll) huomiokyvyll varustettu Obolla huomattavalla sijalla occupy (1. hold) servlng, observant; tarhalla huomiokyvyll
varustettu henkil a close Observer, -ky
a promlnent (1. conspicuous) place (1. posi
tion), occupy a place of promlnence; vrt. kyinen capable or observing, observant.
huomata, huomattavasti perceptlbly, no- huomioni alainen notlced, observed. -tekij
one who makes observations, Observer.
ticeablv, appreclably, vlslbly; in a notice
able degree. huomattavuus remarkableness, huomioonotettava noticeable, worthy or
noteworthiness; noticeableness; conspicu- (earnest) consideration, deserving atten
tion (1. notice); (melkoinen) conslderable.
ousness; prominence.
huomattu promlnent, \vell-known; notable, appreciable. -ottaminen 1. -otto taklng in
conspicuous; asema prominent (1. hlgh) to consideration; considering.
position [huom. hn on kohonnut huomat huomiotaherttv sensational; startling.
tuun asemaan (mys:) he has rlsen to dis- huomis aamu = huomenaamu, -piv morrov>', to-morro\v.
tinctlon]; ~ henkil dlstingulshed (1. nota
ble) person(age) ; kirjailija prominent (1. huone room; apartment, chambcr; (talo)
vrt. ali*-, makuu, vieras-' y. m.
well-known) writer, \vriter or note.
huone- (yhd.) house- [esim. -hmhkki
huomauttaa call [one's] attention (to ..], house-splder; -kasvi house-plant; -krp
polut out; obscrve [to one, jollekulle], nen house-lly].
(make a) remark; (muistuttaa) remlnd, huoneen! taulu catechism. -vuokra roomput . . In mind; (viitata) give . . to under- rent; (talon) house-rent.
stand, inllmatc; suggest; (selitt) ex- huoneisto riat, apartment, sulte or rooms.
plain; (korostaa, thdent) lay stress (1. huonekalu plece or rurnlture; huonekalut
emphasls) upon, emphasize; huomautan Turniture. -kangas upholstery; tapestry.
ensiksi, ett . . I call your attention flrst -kauppa rurnlture store. -kauppias Turni
to the laet that ... in the rirst place I want ture-dealer; house-tumisher. -myyml
to polnt out that . . , I remlnd you rirst of rurnlture house (1. store). -puusepp cablthe ract tilat . .; jotakuta jostakin, ~ netmaker.
jollekulle jotakin call a p.'s attention to . . , huonekalusto set (1. suite) or rurniture, rur
polnt . . out to one, suggest a th. to one, nlture.
(muistuttaa) remind one of a th. huomaut- huonekalu tehdas rurnlture ractory. -tyyli
taja one \vho makes (1. made) a remark, style or rurnlture. -vaate = huonekaluone \vho called attention to . . , one vvho kangas, -vaunut (Turniture) van.
suggests (1. suggested) a th. huomauttami huone kumppani room-mate; rellow lodger.
nen calling attention to, polntlng out Jne., -kunta household; house; (perhekunta)
vrt. huomauttaa, huomautus remark, ob- ramlly. -rivi rovv or houses. -toveri =
servation; note, Comment; (muistutus) re- huonekumppani, -urut cabinet-organ.
minder; (varottava) admonltlon; (esitys) huoneusto = huoneisto,
suggestion; (vastavite) objectton.
huono bad [example, esimerkki; advlce, neu
huomen (aamu) morning; (huomispiv) vo; road, tie]; (kehno) poor [f.pology, puo
morrott', to-moi'ro\v; huomenelta in the lustus; head, p; sermon, saarna]; (sai
morning; huomenna to-morrov'; hyv ras) 111; (kurja) wretched, miserable; (ar
huomenta gOOcl morning: -aamu: huomen
voton) worthless, cheap, paltry; (halpa
aamuna to-morroxv morning. -aamuinen to- mainen) mean [act, teko], base, abject;
morrotv morning's. -ilta: huomeniltana to- (paha, moraalisesti) evll; (heikko) weak
morrovv night (1. evening). -iltainen to[side, puoli], feeble: (vhinen) small
morro\v nlghfs ;meeting, kokous], .. to[salary, palkka], scant; aiha bad tiines; ,
morrov' nlght. -lahja bridegroum's girt to ~ ajatus jostakin a poor. (1. a small 1. no
the bride on the morning after the vveddlng. very great) opinion or a th.; huonoa maata


I 13

(laadultaan) poor soil (I. ground); asiain

hoito poor (I. bad) management, mlsmanagement, maladminlstration, vrt. hoito;
huono* tavaraa goods or poor quulit.v. poor
quallty or goods, Inrerlor goods; hoito
(e?im. sairaalle annettu) improper care,
Iark of (proper) care. (huolimattomuus)
neglect: ilma (ummehtunut) bad (1. unwholesome 1. foul 1. close) air; ~ kohtelu
bad (1. rough) treatment, tll-usage; huo
noksi kynyt (sairauden y. m. takia) thin,
wom, weak, emactated; kytt bad behavior (1. deportment), mlsbehavlor, mlsronduct, (koulutodistuksessa) poor de
portment) : huonolla menestykselt Wltb
little (1. scant) success, wlth poor results; lohdutus slender (1. cold 1. small)
njmfort, poor consolatlon; [olla] huonolla
tmdella [be] in bad tiumor, [be] out or
biunor, (Jkpv.) [be] out or sorts; mies
a good-ror-nothing (rellovv); huonompi ks.
hakus.; muisti poor (1. bad 1. short 1.
unretentive) memory; nk poor eyesight. bad eyes; palkka low wages, poor
pay, small salary; puoli weak side, drawbark; ruoansulatus poor (1. bad) dlgestion, tndlgestlon, dyspepsla; shknjohtaia bad (I. poor) conductor or electrlcity,
a non-conductor; terveys poor (1. bad)
health, ill-health, lllness, (heikko) weak (1.
reeble I. delirate I. rrall) health; huonot
perusteet (heikot) slender grounds; huo
not silmt (heikot) \veak (I. bad) eyes;
huonot tavat badd. eviDhablls, bad morals;
onnet vaatteet poor (1. shabby) clothes;
huonot vaikuttimet (alhaiset) base (1. bad
1. wrong) motlves; vuosi bad year, a
year or bad (1. poor) crops, a year or crop
railure; olla huonona (sairaana) be very Ui
(1. low), be a very slek man [woman].
huonoilmainen poorly ventilated.
huonoin worst; poorest; rheapest; weakest;
smallest: vrt. huono.
huonoktua ks. paheksua.
huono kuuloinen somewhat (1. atririe) deaf,
hard (1. dull 1. thlrk) or hearing. -kuuloiuua sllght dearness, dullness (I. hardness)
or hearing. -kykyinen 1. -lahjainen poorly
(I. not well) endovved. -lihainen . . not good
to eat. -lyptyinen: huonolypsyinen lehm
a poor mllker, a poor mllch cow. -maineinen . . or bad reputatlon, . . or ill tame, IIIramed, Inramous, notorious, disreputable;
paikka on huonomaineinen the place has a
bad reputatlon (I. name). -maineituusbad
reputatlon, 111 rme, notoriety, dlsrepute;
illfailiy. -makuinen kS. pahain makuinen.
huonommuua Inrerlorlty; (tavaran) inrerlor
(1. poorer) quallty.
huonompi worse; Inrerlor, poorer; weaker;
smaller [salary, palkka]: [olla] nuonomasemassa [be] olT; nuonompin Tor the worse; huonompaa tava
raa goods or Inrerlor quallty, (Jkpv.) poor
er sturr (I. goods); olla jotakuta be In
rerlor to one, be one's Inrerlor. havc to
yield the palm to one. -osainen \vorsc orr;
huonompiosaiset those worse orr, tbose in
poorer rlrrumstances.
huonomuiatinen . . wlth (1. having) a poor
memory; Torgetrul.
huonontuminen; sairaan ~
rhange (1. turn) ror the worse (In the
ronditlon or the patient).
huonon lainen rather (1. somewhat) poor (I.
bad 1. weak 1. small); (etup. terveyteen
nhden) poorly. -laitatti rather poorly,
not Weil: hn faksaa (}. voi) huononlaisesti
he Is not very well, he Is rather poorly.
huononnut deterloratlon; degeneratlon'.


huononnakinen poor-looking, bad-looking;

(huonovointisen) looking poorly.
huonontaa make . . poorer (1. inrerlor 1.
weaker 1. smaller); deterlorate, tmpair;
(pahentaa) make (1. rendcr) . . worse;
Jonkun palkkaa (vhent) reduce (1. cut
down) a p.'s salary, lower one> wages, decrease one'S pay; se huononsi sairasta huo
mattavasti lt made the patient noticeably
(1. quite a good deal) worse. huonontami
nen making . . poorer (1. Inrerlor 1. worse),
deterloratlon, lmpalrlng. huonontua - huo
nota, huonontuminen deterloratlon; degen
eratlon. huonontunut Impaired [health,
terveys], debllltated; deterlorated; (suvus
taan-) degenerate.
huono: nkinen weak- (1. poor-)sighted; . .
wlth bad eyes. -nkisyys bad eyestght.
-onninen . . wlth (1. having) bad (1. poor)
luck; unlucky, unrortunate, ill-rated (I.
-starred); (eponnistunut) unsuccessrul,
. . wlthout success; huono-onninen yritys
(mys:) a rallure. -onniteeti wlth bad (I.
poor) luck; unlucklly, unsuccessrully; dlsastrously. -oppinen hard (I. slow) to learn,
dull, stupld; not docile. -palkkainen poorly
pald, underpald; . . with a small salary.
-plinen thlck-headed, dull, stupld, backward [pupll, oppilas] ; (huonolahjalnen)
poorly endowed. -alivoinen untldy, . . In
dlsorder, . . In a Utter; (siivoton) dlrty.
uncleanly; (kyhyyden takia) squalld. -topujnen: huonosopuinen pariskunta husbanl
and wire that do not get along well; he
ovat aina ollmat huonosopuisia they have
never gotten on well together.
huonotti badly; UI; amlss; wrong; (kehnos
ti) poorly [advertlsed, llmotettu], in a
bad (1. a poor) way; not well; edistyv
oppilas backward pupll; harkittu lll-advlsed [pian, suunnitelma]; ~ hoidettu mismanaged, neglected, not properly atteniled
to, ill-kept; <* voipa ks. paholnvoipa; osiot
ovat ~ things are bad (1. In a bad way I.
in a sad state), matters look serlous, matters have come to a pretty pass; edisty
make little (1. slow) progress, progress.
slowly, (oppilaasta:) be backxvard; vrt.
hoitaa, kuulua, kyd, viihty, voida y. 111.
huonota get (1. grow 1. become) worse; de
terlorate; rall orr, decllne: run down; (laih
tua) get (1. grow) thin, lose riesh; (las
keutua) be In a decllne, rall away; huo
nonemittaan get worsc and worse, go Trom
bad to worse; suvustaan degenerate:
arvo huononee the value depreciates; on
huononemaan pin Is on the decllne.
huonous badness; worthlessness; wretrhe1ness; (moraalinen) meanness. baseness.
vileness: (heikkous) weakness. feebleness;
poorness; miehen the \vorthlessness (1.
Inrerlorlty) or the man; palkan the lo\v(ness or the) wagcs, the smalKness of the)
salary, the poor pay; tavaran the poor
(1. Inrerlor) quallty or the goods.
huono voimainen . . wlth little strengtti;
(heikko) weak, (eeble: Inrirm; (vanhuut
taan) decrepit. -voiminen (tilapisesti) Indlsposed. ill, not well; (huonossa tervey
dess oleva) alllng, out or health, poorly;
(sairas) slck. -vointisuut indispnsltlon;
poor health.
huopa Teit, Teltlng.
huopa- (villi.) relt fesiin. -antura (1. -pohja)
relt-sole; -hattu relt-hat: -matto relt-mat],
huopaaminen backlng astern, backlng the
huopa katto asphalt roor. -peite (relt-)blanket. -aapaa Telt-boot, Telt-shoe. -teos relt\vork, reltlng. -tohveli relt-shoe. -vaata
relt-cloth, relted cloth.



huora harlot, whore, strumpet, prostltute;

(jkpv.) bltch.
huorin: tehd practlse Iewdness, rornlcate. -tekij rornlcator. -tako rornicatlon.
huoruua harlotry, whoredom; (lak.) adultery. -paha vicc or adullery.
huosta (omistus) possession; (hoito) care;
charge; (sily) keeping; eustody; (hoiva)
protectlon; huostaan ks. uskoa; huostaansa
ks. ottaa; jonkun huostassa in one's care
(1. cliarge 1. keeping: 1. eustody), (hallussa)
in one's Possession [huom. rahat ovat mi
nun huostassani (mys:) I am taking care
(1. charge) of the money, I have eharge of
the money, I am keeping the money].
huotra sheath, scabbard.
huovata (airoilla) back watpr, back tlie (I.
one's) oars, row backward(s).
huovi trooper, horseman; soldler. -Joukko
body of troopers, band of horsemen.
huovikaa (huopasaapas) rclt-shoc (I. -boot).
hupa I. (kuluva) not lastlng, soon used up,
soon gone, rieetlng; 2. (hauska) pleasant,
Joliy. hupainen, hupaisa pleasant, dellghtrul; Joliy; amuslng; (hauskuttava) entertalnlng, dlvertlng. hupaisesti pleasantly,
delightriilly: Jollily. hupaisuus pleasantness, dclightrulness; Jolllness.
hupakko I. (a.) roollsh, sllly; dotiug. II.
(s.) sllly (1. foolish) person, Tool; vanha
old Tool, (old) dotard; vrt. tytt.
hupeneminen docrease, decllne: lessenlng,
diminutlon; reduction; vanishing; vrt. hu
huppelehtia start, (esim. veri) spurt, run in
streams; mys hullutella.
huppukorva: olla huppukorvissa be wrappe'l
In a th., have something cover nne: vet
peitto huppuhorviin puli the blanket over
one's head.
hupsahtaa 1. (hupsuilla) go crazy, lose one's
head, begin to play the rool: S. (pudota)
Tall (uitu a thump), drop, coliapse. hupsia
he crazy, play the rool; (houria) taik sllly
(1. nonsense), drlvel; mit hupsit what
nonsense are you talklng? l hupsi ilnn't
make a Tool of yoursell! (houri) don't taik
nonsense! vrt. hupsuilla.
hupsu I. (a.) foolish, sllly; cracked, crazy;
Idlottc. II. (s.) simpleton, dunre, rool;
kilot, drlvel(l)er; vanha an old dotard.
hupsuilla, hupsutella play the mol. make a
rool or o. s.; bo (1. act) crazy: (hullutella)
rool. rrollr, Jest; (houria) taik nonsense,
taik roollshness: drlvel. hup-ukka = hu
pakko, hupsuttelija Tool: Idlot. drlveler;
(Jkpv.) crazy bug (1. loon). hupsuttelu,
hupsutus rolly, nonsense, roollsh tririlng.
roolery. riddle-radrtle; hupsutuhsia (mys:)
roollsh (1. sllly) pranks, crazy actlnns. hup
suus roollshness; ldiocy; rolly, absurdlty;
vrt. hulluus.
hurahdus \vlilz(z); (nopea vauhti) quirk
pace. spoorl. hurahduttea: ajaa hurahduttaa (let) go at a good speed; laskea hurahduttaa mke alas speoil down the liill. hu
rahtaa go at a good speed, speed; whlz(z).
hurakka speed, rate. pace.
hurinn (vauhti) speed; rate: pace; (hurah
dus) \vhlz. hurista go (at a good speed),
speed: (surista) whlz. huristaa let go at a
good speed, speed; ajaa huristaa dtlve at a
good speed, speed; vrt. seur.; menn huris
taa proceed at a good speed, speed, ny:
menn Aunstaa ohi hurry (1. ny) past,
shoot (1. nish l. dasli) by, (esim. Juna)
svveep hv. whlz by.
hurja wlld nire, elm], savage riiatred,
vllial ; (hillitn) iinhridlpd. imrestralned.
ungovernable. uncurbed: (raivokas) rurlous
[attack, hykkys], vlolent, Impetuous,


flerce, frantlc, frenzled, raglng; (uskalias)

daring [enterprise, yritys], reckless, rash;
roolhardy; (liiallinen) lnordlnate, exorbltant; vrt. huima; hurjaa vauhtia at a rurl
ous pace, Tast and rurlous; hurjalla ilolla
\vitli Wild delight; hurjalla raivolla with
Wild rury; hurjana ilosta Wild (1. dellrlous)
\vlth Joy; pako headlong riiglit; hurjat
juomingit Wild (1. dnmken) orgles, bacchanalia; on hurjimmillaan Is at Its wlldest:
vistt hurjaa elm lead a Wild (1. reck
less 1. loose 1. dlssolute) lito. hurjaileminen, hurjailla, hurjailu = hurjasteleminen,
hurjastella, hurjastelu.
hurjan II rohkea roolhardy, rash, heedless,
overdarlng, reckless, daredevil. -rohkeasti
rashly, heedlessly, recklessly; menetell
hurjanrohkeasti (mys:) act roolhardy.
hurja: pinen rierce, savage, feroclous; (pel
kmtn) reckless, rash, foolhardy. -piisyya rierceness, Teroclty; temerity, recklessness, loolhardlness. -p madcap; (yl
ti) ranatlr.
hurjasteleminen hurjastelu, hurjastelija
one who leads a reckless (I. a loose) lire,
rast llver; madcap. hurjastelle, be Wild, he
reckless; Ilve (1. lead) a wl!d (1. reckless)
lire, Ilve rast; take part In drunken orgles
(1. reveis). hurjastelu \vild 0. reckless I.
rast) lire; (Wild) orgles, drunken reveis.
hurjasti wlldly, savagely; ruriously. rierrely, violently, rrantically; darlngly, reck
lessly, roolhardlly.
hurjistaa madden, cnrage, make . . Wild (1.
rierce 1. vlolent 1. rurlous I. rrantlc);
(raalstuttaa) brutallze. hurjistua become
wlld (1. rurlous 1. vlolent 1. rrantlc 1. rrenzled 1. lnrurlated), riy Into a rage (1. a pas
sion), go mad, grow (I. get) reckless (l.
roolhardy). hurjistuminen riying Into a
rage (I. a passion); gettlng reckless (I.
roolhardy). hurjistunut rrenzled, lnrurl
ated. raglng mad; (raivoisa) rurlous, rrantlc.
hurjuus wlldness, savagery; rierceness, vlolence; rury, rage, rrcnzy; recklessness;
hurmaaminen rharming, enchantlng; enchantment: fascinatlon: inlatuatlon. hur
maantua be(come) rascinated (I. captlvated
I. charmed l. enrapturcd), be(come) transported [with Joy, Ilosta], be carried away.
rall Into raptures [over . .] ; hurmaantua
johonkuhun become InTatuated with one.
hurmaantunut rascinated, charmed; transported Twlth Joy, ilosta], enraptured; (ra
kastunut) inlatuated; (kiihkoisa) exalted.
hurmaava charmlng, rascinating, captlvatIng, transportlng; bewltching rsmlle, hy
my]; hurmaavan kaunis charmlngly bcautirul. hurmaavaisuus power to charm.
power or enchantment.
hurma henki ranattc; visionary. -henkinen ranatic(al): visionary. -henkisyys ranatlrlsm.
hurmata charm, Tasrtnate, captlvnte, enraplure. entrance, ravlsh; (huumata) Inloxlcate: (hmment) bewllder: (lumota) en< hlint, bewltch: hurmasi hnet katseellaan
charmed (1. captlvated) hlm wlth her glance.
hurmaus charm: enchantment. (asclnatlon;
rapture; (mental) transport(s). enthusiasm;
(huumaus) lntoxicatlon: (haltlo) ecstasy;
exaltatlon. -tila state or ecstacy; exaltation.
hurme blood; gore. hurmeinen bloody. gory:
red (1. soaked) with blood. hurmetanner
rield or gore, bloody rield.
hurmio ecstacy; great enthusiasm. -tila
state or ecstacy.
hurraa hurrah!
cheer, (sliout or) hurrah, huzza; hurraa
huutoja shouts or hurrah. cheerlng. hur
raaminen cheerlng. hurrata cheer, hurrah.



hnelle hurrattiin be was
cneered; vkijoukon hurratessa while the
crond as cheering, amid the cheers of
the crowd_
hurskaasti plously: (hartaasti) devoutly, devotlonally. nurskailu sanctimoniousness,
show of sanctity, hypocrlsy. hurskas pious;
(harras) devout [Christian, kristitty], deroted. hurskaus piety; saintliness; (har
taus) devotion, devoutness.
hurtti bagging; burlap; coarse Iinen cloth;
crasb. hurstinen . . of Unen (cloth),
biggln? : sblrt, paita]; crash [towel. pyyhinluna].
hurtta hound.
husaari hussar. -luutnantti lieutenant of
husaarinpuku hussar uniform, uniform of
hussars. husaarirykmentti regiment of
hutikka State of lntoxication; hutikasta ole
va lipsy, drunk, . . under the influence of
Ittraor; olla hutikassa be tipsy, be drunk.
hutiloida be caretess, be negligent; (tehd
huolimattomasti) do . . carelessly, botcb,
scamp; bungle [at .., Jossakin]; (htiki
d) do . . hastlly. hurry too much; slignt;
tyssn botch (1. sllght) one's ork;
hutiloimalla turmella make a botch Of, spoil.
hutiloiminen bolching, bungling; careless
work: undue haste. hutiloitsija = hutilus.
hutiloitu bungled, botched; perfunctory.
hutiloiva slovenly, careless, negligent;
botching, bungling.
hutilus careles3 fellow, sloven; botcher,
-ty botch(-work), bungle(d
uork). botched Job, piece of careless (1.
had) workmanshtp.
hutkia \vhip, lash, thrash, swlsh, s\vitch;
(lyd) baste, beat. hutkiminen, hutkinta
hlpjnng, lashing Jne., vrt. hutkia.
huttu (puuro) porridge, basty pudding;
(Jkpv.) stirabout.
huudahdus exclamatlon, ejaculatlon, (out)rry; tuskan cry of pain. -lause exclamatory sentence. -merkki ks. huutomerkki,
-lana exclamatory word, interjectlon.
huudahtaa exclaim, ejaculate, cry (1. call)
out; shout; ilotta cry out (1. shout) for
Joy, givc (1. utter) a cry or delight.
huudattaa have . . CallCd OUt: ~ itsens ku
ninkaaksi have o.s. proclaimed klng; ni
met have the names called out, have a rollcall taken.
huuda ks. huurre.
huudella call out (sevcral times), shout, hal]..; lapset huutelivat toisilleen the Children
were calling out to each olher.
huuhde washlng, rinslng; rlnse, wash;
(lk.) douche: lotion; huuhteet rlnsings,
wa.-hings. -kylpy shower-bath.
huuhdella rlnse (out), \vash; (valella) pour
. . upon; suunsa rinse (out) one's mouth.
huuhdevesi rinse \vater; rinsings; vvater ror
thp douche.
huuhdonta vvashingr, rinslng; wash, rlnso;
kuHan washlng or gold.
huuhkaja (elint.) eagrie-ovvl; great horned
huuhtaista rlnse (bastily), glve . . a hasty
huuhtelu \vashing; rlnse, wash; (lk.)
douche. -ruisku douche; syringc.
huuhtoa rlnse (out) ;a bottle, pullo], vvash:
huuhdo vaatteet kolmasti (mys:) piit the
clothes through three watcrs; ~ kultaa
wash gold; ~ pois \vash of f (I. a\vay); ~
suutaan lmpimll vedell rlnse one'S
mouth wlth warm vvatcr; vatsaansa wash
ont one's stomacb.
huuhtokannu (lk.) douche.


huuhtoma-allas washlng-trough (1. -sink).

rinsing-tub; (kullan-) cradle, rocker. -huo
ne wasb-bouse. -laitos apparatus for washlng: (kullan-) placer. -vesi rinse- (I. rinslng-)water.
huuhtominen rinsing (out), washlng. huuhtomo ks. kuUanhuuhtomo. huuhtoutua be
vvasbed; be rinsed.
huuli llp; (laudassa y. m.) groove, mortise:
lap, rim; (tekn.) flange; [painaa] huulil
leen ipress . .] to one'3 ltps. -harppu
Jew's-barp; moutb-organ.barmonica. -kuk
labiate; huulikukkaiset
huulimainen lip-shaped; (kasv.) labiate,
huulinen (yhd.) . . -lipped [esim. paksu ~
thick-lipped; puna~ red-lipped].
huuli E parta m(o)ustache. -voide llp-salve:
(tav.) cold-cream. -Sinne (ktel.) labtal
huulloa (puus.) lap(ping); groove, mortlse.
huultaa (puus.) lap; groove.
huuma ks. huumaus.
huumaaminen stunnlng, stupefylng; deafenIng; bewildering; (lk.) narcotlzlng. huu
maantua be(come) stunncd (1. stuperied) ;
turn (1. get 1. grow) dlzzy (I. glddy): be(come) Intoxlcated; be(come) bewllderert.
huumaantunut stunned, stuperied: dazed,
dizzy; bewlldered. huumaava stunnlng; intoxlcatlng; (korvia-) dearenlng; (hm
mentv) bewllderlng; (lk.) narcotic;
huumaavia aineita narCOtlCS.
huumata stun, stupery: benumb; (melusta
y. m. puhuen:) deafen; (vkijuomista y.
m.) intoxicate; (lk.) narcotlze, anssthetize; (hmment) bevvllder, ronruse: (hui
mata) make . . dlzzy; (lumota) enchant,
huumaus stupor, stupefactlon; lntoxication:
bewllderment: olla huumauksissa(an) be
stuperied, be dizzy, be Intoxicated,
be bewildered; pst huumauksesta
break (1. dissolve) the charm (1. the spell);
saattaa huumauksiin stun. stupefy, deafen;
yhdess ainoassa huumauksessa tn One Continual whirl. -aine narcotic, anicsthctic
huumauttaa make . . unconscious; stun, stu
pery: (melu y. m.) dearen; (nukuttaa) nar
cotlze: vrt. huumata, huumautua huu
huume: olla huumeissaan be stunned, be
stupcfied, be charmed, he enchanted, he
under a spell; (haltioissaan) bo In ecstasy,
be exalted.
huumori humor.
huurre hoarfrost, whlte frost. rlme; olla
huurteessa be covered (1. \vhite) \vlth frost.
huurteinen . . covered (1. \vhlte) \vlth frost.
huuru steam, vapor: (usva) mist: (huoku)
exhalatlon; (huurre) hoarfrost, whlte frost;
olla huurussa be steamert, (huurteessa) be
vvhito with rrost. huuruinen steamcd;
(huurteinen) covered (1. \vhlte) \vlth rrost.
huuruta exhale, evaporate;
steam, glve orf steam (1. vapor); cloud
over Wtth steam; hevosen henki huuruaa
you can see the horse's breath: jrvi huu
ruaa mlsts aro rlslng rrom the lake.
huutaa call out rthe names. nimet], call,
shout, cry; (huudahtaa) exclalm: (kirkua)
Shrlek, SCream, ycll; huudettaessa hauvas
tasi vvhen called he answered, (nime huu
dettaessa) he answererl to hls name: ~
ajuria call (I. hali) a cab; alas (puhu
jalle) hlSS [huom. puhuja alas hlss (1.
cry) down the speaker] ; apua call (l.
cry) Tor help; Jonkun apua, Jotakuta
avuksi call a p. to one's ald, call on a p.
Tor help; esiin call out (1. lorth), (nyt


1 10

tmll) call before the curtaln [huom.

hnet huudettiin esiin he \vas Kiven a curtaln-call]; huutokaupassa liliv (I. get)
. . at an auction, bld the highest (Tor . .] ;
jollekulle eall (1. shout) (out) to one,
hollo(w) to one, hali one; jotakuta (luok
seen) call a p. (to one); julki rl. koko
maailmalle) trumpet out, blaznn forth (1.
abroart), shout . . rrom the housetops; ~
joku kuninkaaksi prorlaim . . kllir . me
luten elamor; ~ pappia (valita) choose a
mlnlster, (nest) vote for a mlnlster;
joku papiksi choose one Tor (1. eleet one
to ne a) mlnlster; tytt kurkkua cry
(1. yell) at the top of one's lungs (1. one's
voice). straln one's lungs calltng, splitone's
throat yelllng; nene kheksi yell
o. s. hoarse.
huutaja one who calls (I. yells 1. shouts 1.
screams); (Julistaja) prorlaimer; (kirkuJa) srreamer. huutaminen shoutlng; ralling, crylng; shrleking, yelllng; avuksi huu
taminen call(mg) Tor help (I. ald). huutava
crylng [necd, tarve], riagrant 'InHistlre,
vryys], glartng [fanit, epkohtal ; huu
tavan ni korvessa iraani i the volce of
one crylng In the vlldcrness; olen huuta
vassa hukassa l'm In sore (llstress, I'm
hard pressed, (eptoivossa) I'm In desperate stralts.
huuti siiliini': etks tied huutia \vlial (I.
such) itnpudence! for shame! opettaa ieku
tietmn huutia teach ime maiiners, teach
ono to know hls place.
huuto cry, call, shout; (sota- y. m.) vhoop;
(ktrku) scream, shrlek; (huudahdus) exclamation; (Julistus-) proclamatlon; (ni
mi-) calllng over: (huutokaupassa) bid;
(maine) reputation; ihmettelyn huuto a cry
Of aslotliShment; joutua pahaan huutoon
fall Into dlsrepute; olla huonossa huudossa
be of III (1. be in bad) repine, have a bad
reputation (1. name), be notorlous [for.
Jostakin], be dlsreputablc; vrt. mys: hy
v, ilo, nimi, sota y. m.
huutokauppa auction, sle (by auction);
huutokaupan toimittaja auel iiini'i'1' : ostin ne
huutokaupasta I bought tliem at an auction.
-hinta aintlon-prlce, sale-prlce. -kamari 1.
-huone auction -rooms. -pytkirja record
kept at an auction. -tilaisuus auction.
huutolainen panper \vhose malntenance has
been entnisted to the lowest bldder.
huuto!! merkki exclaniatlon polnt, exrlamatlon. -sekko flne for nnn-appearanre at
riiiirt. -nestys acclamation.
huveta decrease, grow less, dlniinlsh: be reduced; shrlnk; (kadota) vanlsh. dlsappear;
vkijoukkoon vanlsh In the crowd.
huvi pleasure, delight; (huvitus) amusement, entertatnment, dlverslon; (hauskutus) merrlment, sport, run; huviksensa for
(the sake oD pleasure, for fun; huvin
vuoksi rnr (the) fun (or ttie thlng), Tor
sporfs sake; huvit amiisenients. (iltama)
entertalnment. social; kyd huveissa go to
(1. attend) plaees or amiiseinent: omaksi
huvikseen for one's o\vn (s\veet) pleasure;
siit ei ofe hnelle mitn huvia he \Vill
tako no pleasure (I. flnd no amiiseinent)
In that, lie wlll get no fun out of that. he
\von't enjoy that any. -Juna excurslon train.
huvike amuspinent, entertalnment, recreation, dlverslon.
huvila (kes) summer home (1. rottage 1.
resort), lodge; villa, -asutus summer resort; rolony of resorters. -kaupunki suburb of hungalovs, suburban communlty.
-varas tlilcf who ralds summer cnttages.
huvi linna country estate; villa, -mala summer-house. -matka pleasure-trlp, (hollday)


excurslon. -matkailija excurslonist: tourist. -nytelm comedy. -nytelmnkirjottaja wrlter of comedles. -puisto (publlc)
park, pleasure-grounds. -pursi (pleasure-)
yacht. -ratsastus pleasure-rtde, horsebackride (Tor pleasure). -retki pleasure-trip,
huvitella amuse (1. divert) o. s. l \vith (1. by
.. -ing), Jollakin], enjoy o.s.; seek pleas
ure, seek (1. flnd) dlverslon [In ..]; make
merry; vrt. huvittaa,
huvitolmikunta entertalnment committee,
commlttee on entertalnments.
huviton unlnteresting, dull.
huvittaa amuse, divert; Interest, be of interest [to one, Jotakuta]; (hauskuttaa) entertaln [one's guests with . . , vieraitaan
Jollakin] ; (Ilahduttaa) uellght, please; mi
nua huvitti hnen llistyksens I W85
amused at hls astonishment; elia huvitettu
jostakin be amused by (1. at 1. vittu, llke
. . , be fond of . . . enjoy . . , derlve pleas
ure Trom . . , flnd sport In . . , (suuresti hu
vitettu) delight in . . [huom. en ole huvitet
tu polkupyr/laajatta (mys:) I iloii't care
murh for blcycling, I don't see any fun In
blcycle-rldlng] ; * minua I take pleas
ure In It, I enjoy it. huvittaminen amuslng,
entertainlng; lnterestlng. huvittava amus
lng, dlvertlng, entertalning [story, kerto
mus]; pleaslng: (mleltkllnnlttav) lnter
esting-, . . of Interest; (hauska) pleasant,
rtelightful. huvittavaisuus the amuslng (1.
lnteresting) part (1. reature) (or ..]. huvittavasti amuslngly. entertainlngly; lntcrestingly; In an lnteresting (I. amuslng)
manner (1. way); pleasantly.
huvittelu amusement. entertalnment, dlver
slon, recreatlon, pastime, sport, -halu deslre to amuse o.s., deslre for amusement.
-haluinen glven to (1. eager for) plea.sure,
fond of amusement, pleasiire-lovlng. -kauci (I. v.) vacatlon time; the season. -paikka
Place or amusement, resort.
huvitus amusement, entertalnment. recrea
tlon, dlverslon, pastime, sport; (Ilo) pleas
ure, delight; fun; merrlment.
hyasintti (kasv.) hyarlnth.
hydraatti (kem.) hydrate.
hydrauliikka if.vs.i bydraulics. hydraulinen
hydraulic [brake, jarru; press, puristin;
cement, ruukki].
hyeena (ellnt.) liven.
hygienia hygiene, sanltation. hygieninen
hyglenlc, sanltary.
hyhm slush, sludge; (mrk) slosh.
hyi rie! ry! hpe (Tie,) ror shame! sliame
on you!
hyinen (jinen) Iry; (huurteinen) rrostv,
\vhlte (I. covered) wlth rrost; (kylm)
raw, chlll(y); halla heavy (1. nlpplng)
hykerrys, hykertminen rubbing. hykert
(hieroa) rub fone's hands ror Joy, ksin
Ilosta!; (vnt) wring, twist; vrt. hikert.
hykhdys start; jump: thrill. hykhdytu
make (1. cause to) start (1. Jump), startle;
make . . qulver; thrill. hykhtminen startIng, Jumplng; quivering. hykht (sp
sht) start, glve a start; jump; (vrh
t) qulver.
hylje seal; sea-dog. -elin seal.
hylleksi hylki.

hyllelaji klnd (1. species) or seal.

hyi It ks. hylt.
hylkeen nahka sealskln. -nahkainen sealskln
[cap, lakki], -pyynti seallng. seal-rishery.
huntlng (I. catchmg) seals. -pyytj sealer.
-rasva seal-oll.
hylkiminen dcsplslng, sllghtlng.



hylkii despise, slight; scorn, spurn, dlsdain; hymin sough(lng); murmur(lng); huinrejeet; hyvi neuvoja disregard good ad(mlng) ; laulun humming of a tune. hyvice, set good advlee at naught; vrt. hyist, mist sough, slgh, moan; munnur, vvhisper;
hylki good-for-nothing, retch; oulcast;
hum; (soida) rlng, sound.
yhteiskunnan social outcast.
hymni (mus.) Imun.
hylky wreck; trash; reruse; haittaa jokin hymy smlle; (teenninen) smlrk, simper;
hylyksi let a tn. go to rack and niin (1. to hymytt tain, muu hymytt \vitll a smile
pieces), (hylt) abandon a tti., throw au ay; on one's lips, with smlllng llps, (hymylljoutua (\. jd) hylykti neroille a ureck, Ien) smlltng(ly). -huuli: hymyhuulin wlth
smlllng llps, vviih a smlle playing aboul
go to rack and niin, be abndoned; on hyl
kyn is a vvreck, is a derellcl, has been one's llps, smiling(ly). -huulinen smillng.
abndoned. -Joukko dregs, offsrourlngs, hymyilij one who smlles.
srum; yhteiskunnan hylkyjoukko the seura hymyill smlle; simper, smlrk; ivallisesti
of soclety. -lauta waste board; (viallinen)
jollekulle smlle scornfully (I. sardonlcally)
rull. -maa Irrerlalmable (1. waste) land. at one, sneer (I. Jeer) at one; jollekulle
-puu vvaste wood (I. timber); cull; hylky- glve one a smlle, smlle at (1. on) a p., turri
puuta, hylkypuita (totsluokkaista) rulls. tovvards one with a smile, (kuv.) smlle (l.
-rauta (romu) scrap-iron. -tavara damaged beam) Upon . .; koko luonto nytti hymyi
(1. defectlve) goods, (ei ensiluokkainen)
levn hnelle ali nature lookeel smlllng
seconds, culls; (arvoton) scraps, rubbish, to tus gaze; onni hymyili hnelle Turtune
reruse. -tiili: hylkytiilet rejected bricks,
smiled upon him. hymyily (quiet) smlle;
brtcks thrown avvay.
smlllng. hymyilytt make . . smlle; (hu
vittaa) amuse.
hylkys rejectlon, throvvlng out; dlsowning,
repudlation; rerusal, denial. -pts re hymyli kuoppa dimple. -ruu: hymytuin smil
rusal, denial. -tuomio rejectlon; condem- lng, smlllngly, vvlth smlllng lips.
nation; (epuu) rerusal, denial.
hymyt smlle (a feeble smile); (myhill)
simper, smlrk [at one, Jollekulle]
hylkj one ho rejects (1. dlscards 1. re
fuses I. dlsdains); lapsensa one who has hymihdya I. hem, hum; i. (myhhdys) qulet
dlsowned (1. abndoned) lns chlld; tar- smile. hymht I. hem, hum; 2. (myhhjouksen one who has rejected an offer. t) smlle (a reeble smlle), simper.
hylkminen rejection; discardlng, casting hynttyyt elTects, goods; (bag and) baggage.
off; abandonment, dcsertion; refusal; de- hypell Jump, hop, skip; (raisuuttaan) frisk;
(tanssia) danre; (loikata) leap, bound;
rllnlng; quashtng, annulllng; vrt. hylt,
yhdell jalalla hop (vvlth one foot).
hylkv avertlng; decllnlng; condemning;
(epsuotuisa) unfavorable, adverse; tau- hypelt hypistell.
sunto unfavorable (1. adverse) report; ~ hypint jumplng, hopplng; danring. hypiiptt adverse declslon, rerusal, denial; kell Jump, leap; skip; be Jumplng (I. leapvattaut refusal, unfavorable reply; otettua lng 1. vaultlng); (tanssia) danre; vrt. hyppi,
hylkvlle kannalle jonkin tuhtoon take an hypiskely Jumplng, leaping jne., vrt. edell.
unfavorable (I. adverse) attltude toward ath. hypistell: ~ jotakin (sormin) finger at a
tn., (kosketella) touch a tn., (hamuta)
hylly sbeir (plur. shelves); (rautatievaunus
fumble vvlth a th., (npll) pluck (1. plck)
sa y. m.) rack; (pieni selnhylly) bracket;
at a th. hypistely, hyplstys ringerlng
i panna] hyllylle lay: on the shelf. -kaap
[at..]; touchlng; fumbllng [with ..]. hypi cupboard; (avonainen) shelves. -lauta:
pist = hypistell.
hyllylautoja boards for shelves.
hypitell (hyssytt) rock, lull, dandle;
hyllynt rocklng, quaking, shaking.
lasta sylissn dance a chlld (up and down)
hyllypoyt hatnot.
hylly sbake, qulver; rock; (hytky) Jog. In one's arms. hypitt make . . jump (l.
leap 1. spring 1. skip); (tanssittaa) make . .
Joit; (notkua) bend; sag; (kohota) rlse;
dance, dance; hypitt lasta jump (1. dance)
sxvell; (hlktt) lumber along.
hylttv objectlonable; . . to be condemned a child up and down; vrt. tanssittaa,
tvorthy or hypnoottinen hypnottc [state; tilaj. hypno(1. rejected 1. repudiBted);
tiami hypnotism. hypnotisoida hypnottze.
hypnotisoiminen, hypnoti ointa hvpnotlzing.
hylt (ei hyvksy) reject, east out; (edus
kunnasta y. m.;) throvv out [a blll, lakieh hypoteekki mnrtgage. -laina loan on mortdotus J; (el vlitt) dlsregard, desplse. gage. -pankki (1. v.) loan and trust company.
slight; (heitt menemn) discard, east hypoteesi hypothesls hypoteettinen hypoorr, throw avvay; (Jtt) abandon, rorthetic(al).
sake, desert; (kieltyty tunnustamasta) hyppely Jumplng, hopplng; rrlsklng; danr
dlsown [one's chlld, lapsensa], renounce, lng: vrt. hypell,
repudlate; (evt) reruse, decllne; deny [a hyppi Jump: leap, bound; spring; hop [and
request, pyynt] ; (Julistaa kelvottomaksi, dance, Ja tanssia]; skip; (tanssia) dance;
lak.) quash, annul, throvv out or rourt. set ilosta Jump up and down ror Joy, be
. . aside: (tuomita) rondemn; ehdotus leaping ror Joy, frlsk.
reJertYproposai. quasli a motion; ~ lahja hyppy Jump, leap, spring. bound; hop; skip;
reject (1. not accept 1. reruse) agirt, lylen(veteen y. m.) plunge; vrt. loikkaus. -Jalkatseellisestl) scorn (1. spurn) a girt; kaihet (ellnt.) Saltatorla. -liike: hyppy.
tarjous decllne (1. reruse 1. reject) an of- liikkeit (I. v.) vaultlng and Jumplng.
rer- - Joku tutkinnossa reject (1. Tall) one hyppynen ringer-tip, ringer's end; (sormi)
tn an examlnatlon, reruse (1. rall) to pass ringer
one In an examlnatlon; - vaimonsa desert (1. hyppyri (mess) take-orf.
forsake I. abandon 1. leave) one's wlfc; ~ hyppyrotta (ellnt.) Jumplng mouse (1. rat);
ylenkatseellisesti scorn, scout, spurn; eh- Jerboa.
dottaa anomus hylttvksi move that the hyppysellinen a plnrh ..r sait, suolaa!.
petition be rejected, propose (1. suggest) hyppytauti St. Vltus's dance, chorea.
tbe refusal of the petition: minun nes hyppys spring, leap, bound; Jump; hop;
tyslippuni hylttiin my ballot wa. east out skip; yhdell hyppyksell wilh one spring,
at a bound. hyphdys jump, leap, spring;
(l. dlscarded 1. throun avvay); paljon tava
roita hylttiin a lot or goods were rejected hop; skip; (lolkahdus) boundlng (1. riylng)
leap, bound; vrt. edell.
(1. thrown out 1. dlscarded).



hypht give a leap (1. a sprlng), sprlng;

(loikata) leap, bound; (kavahtaa) start
(up), give a start, (be) startle(d); Jump
[with rrlgbt, sikhdyksest] ; ~ ilotta
Jump (1. leap) ror Joy; ~ jaloilleen (1. teisomaan) Jump (1. sprlng 1. leap) to one s
reet, jump (1. sprlng 1. leap) up.
hypt Jump [(over) a fence, aidan yli; from
a sprlng-board, ponnahduslaudalta; out or
bed, (yls) vuoteelta]; leap [rrom the lirst
floor, enslmisest kerroksesta] ; sprlng,
vault; (hypell) skip, (riemusta y. m.)
frisk; ~ aineetta toiteen Sklp (1. run)
rrom one subject (1. topic) to anotner; ~
[usein] kodin ja kaupungin vli run (baCk
and rorth) to town La good deal] ; ~ ojan
yli leap (1. jump 1. vault) over a dltch; ~
p edell veieen plunge head roremost
Into the water; ~ tatulaan sprlng (1. vault)
into the saddle; yhdell jalalla bop witb
one root (1. on one leg), bop.
hyrin hum(ming); buzz(lng); whir(rlng);
(esim. kissan) purr. hyrist (surista) burn,
buzz, whir; purr; (pyri) spin (1. vvblrl 1.
tVvirl) around; vrt. hyrill.
hyrr top; \vhirliglg, gig. -liike gyratlonal
movemcnt, gyration.
hyrrt vvhlr; (esim. kissa) purr; (pyri)
spin (1. \vhlrl 1. t\virl) around.
hyrski (aaltoilla) surge, s\vell, roll; (ko
llista) roar, rush; (itke) cry (1. weep)
vlolently, heave wlth sobs. hyrsky swell,
surge; rush; hyrthyt (tyrskyt) breakers,
surr. hyrjkyinen s\velling, surging [sea,
meri]; billowy; roaring, rushing; (myllertynyt) agltated, troubled, tempest-tossed.
hyrsky = hyrski. hyrskhU surge,
swell, roll; rush; (risky) splash; squlrt;
vrt. pyrskht.
hyrysysy auto(moblle); (Jkpv.) buzz-wagon.
hyrhdys burstlng out, breaklng Into [tears,
itkuun], hyrht burst out; hyrht it
kuun burst (1. break) Into tears, burst cut
hyrill hum; ~ jotakin tvelt hum a tune.
hyrily humming.
hys&itt husli, lull, qulet [a baby, sylilas
ta], hyssitys hushing; lulling.
hyssytt rock, dandle; lull; hytsytt lasta
uneen lull (l.husti) a chlld to sleep ; vrt.hyssitt. hyssytys rocklng, dandling; lulling.
hysteerinen (lk.) liysterlcal.
hytkytt make (1. cause to) Jump, Jump
Uip and down), shake, toss, rock, Jog, Joit,
jerk. hytkytys shaklng, rocklng, Jogging,
jolting, Jerking; shake. Joit, Jerk. hytky
Jump, Jog, Joit, rock. hytkhdys jump,
shake. Joit, jerk; start. hytkhdytt give
a Jog (1. joit 1. Jerk), joit, Jerk; vrt. hyt
kytt, nytkht Jump, Jog, Joit; give a
jump; (vapisU) shake, rock; (vrist)
quake, qulver; (vavahtaa) start, give a
start (1. a bound) ; sydmeni hytkhti h
net nhdessni the sight or her gave me a
start, mv lieart stood still \vhen I saw her.

hytkytt = hytkhdytt.
hytti cabin, etateroom. -paikka berth.
hytty (metall.) smelting-house, smelter.
-mies smelter.
hyttynen gnat, midge; (sski) mosquito;
hyttysen purema mosqulto-bite; gnat-blte.
hyttysparvi swarm or mosquitoes (1. gnats).
hyve vlrtue. hyveellinen vlrtuous, moral;
chaste. hyveellisyys vlrtue.
hyvilleen (iloiseksi) glad, ks. tulla, hyvil
ln: olla hyvilln jostakin (iloinen) be
glad or . . , be pleased \vlth . . , be dellghted
(1. happy) at . . , (tyytyvinen) be satisried
(1. contented) witb . . [huom. olen hyvill
ni siit, ettu . . l'm glad (1. pleased) that . . ,


lt glves me pleasure (1. satisractlon)

that . .].
hyvin (hyvsti) weil; (sangen) very; very
well [satisried, tyytyvinen] ; (kovin) very
much [arraid, peloissaan] ; (aika) rather,
somewhat, qulte, (Jkpv). pretty; (erittin)
partlcularly, especially; (ylen) extremely,
exceedingly [dirricult, valkea]; ~ harkittu
\vell-considered, \vell thought out, \velldevised [scbeme, suunnitelma] ; ~ huono
very (1. exceedingly) poor, (sairas) very
111 (1. 10W); hyvinkin kS. hakUS.; ~ luulta
vaa very likely, extremely probable;
moni heist a great (1. good) many or them.
a great number or them; ~ paljon very
much, a great deal, a multltude, a gool
many, (runsaasti) plentirully, copiously,
abundantly, In plenty, in abundance, (suu
rin mrin) In great quantities, (lukuisas
ti) In great (1. large) numbcrs; pieni very
(1. exceedingly) small, mlnute; suuri very
(1. extremely) large (1. great), huge;
sytetty \vell-led, . . In good condltlon, (li
hava) rat, plump; ~ tehty well done, (huu
dahduksena, mys:) bravo! good! ~ tieten, ett . . well knowlng (1. aware of)
that . .; ~ toimeentuleva Weil orr, well-tOdo, prosperous; varhain very early, at a
very early hour; niin kuin voin as well
as I can, to the best or my abillty.
hyvin- (yhd.) well- [esim. -jrjettetty wellarranged; -lajiteltu well-assorted]. -ansait
tu well-deserved(l. -merlted); well-earned.
-hoidettu well-managed (1. -conducted),
properly attended to, well-tended; wellkept [garden, puutarha]. -I'tuva ks. hyvinkeveltyv. -kasvatettu well-bred. -keveltyv nice-ritting [dress, puku].
hyvinkin (melko) qulte, somewhat; well
enough; (ainakin) at least; jot(pa) (kui
tenkin) 11, however . .; yet, ir . .; ir, at any
rate..; ir, anyhow ..; (mahdollisesti) H
possibly . . , (ehk) perhaps, maybe; perhaps nevertheless, maybe though (1. however); niin paljon at least that much.
surely (1. certalnly 1. sure enough) that
much: se voi olla suuri it may be qulte
(1. rather) large; se voi olla suuri it Is
quite posslble that It wlll be a large one.
hy vinl! varustettu well-provlded:well-stocked
[store, kauppa] ; (tytelinen) Tuli [purse.
kukkaro], -vointi (terveys) \vell-belng,
\veirare, comiort; (aineellinen) prosperity:
opulence, \vealth. -voipa (terve) well,
healthy, . . In good health; (menestyv)
thriving, prosperous; (varakas) well-todo, well orr. -ymmrrettv easily underStOOd; hyvinymmrrettvist syitt ror
obvious reasons.
hyvite (lepyte) somethlng to appease one,
pacirier; (hyvitys) compensation, reparatlon; amends; jonkun hyvitteekti to ap
pease (1. concillate 1. soothe 1. smooth
down) one. hyvitell (lepytt) appease,
conciliate; soothe; smooth down; humor;
vrt. hyvitt, hyvittjiaet compensation.
recompense, reparation, redress, amends.
hyvittminen making good, rerompensing,
repalring, retrlevlng: crertlting, giving
credit [Tor . .] ; vrt. hyvitt.
hyvitt make good, make up ror, compensatp, recompense. redress, repalr, retrieve,
make amends (1. reparation) ror, atone
(ror. jokin], (maksamalla) repay; (tyy
dytt) satlsry; gratHy; (tileiss) credit,
give .. credit [Tor ..]; (tuottaa floa)
dellght, please; jonkun mielt delight.
please, gladden, cheer, comiort; ~ jlonkun tili jollakin summalla credit a sum
to one's account, credit one wlth a sum,
give one credit for s sum, put (1. place)



tbe amount to one's credit, carry a sum

over to one'3 credit account. hyvitys compensatlon, remuneration; (etenkin krsi
tyst vahingosta, vryydest y. m.)
amends, reparation, indemniricatlon, redress, retrlbution; (tileiss) creditlng, giving credit [for . .] ; (korvaus, palkkio) recompense, reward; gralulty; (Ilo) dellght,
pleasure; hyvitykseksi as a compensatlon,
to make amends, as a reward, In return
[for . .j ; antaa hyvityst jollekulle josta
kin make amends to one Tor, make up to
one for, compensate (1. remunerate) one
ror..,(kaupp.) relmburse one for..; Moria
hyvityst jostakin demand satisfaction for.
hyvyys goodness, falrness; kindness; (laatu)
quality; hnell on kyllin tmn maailman

hyvyytt he has plenty of the good thlngs

of this world.
hyv I. (a.) good; ralr; (ystvllinen) kind;
II. (s.) good; best, welfare, weal; (etu)
benerit, Interest; hyvilloen ks. hakus.; hy
vill mielin in good splrlts, in a happy
mood, in a cheerful frme of mlnd; hyvil
ln ks. hakus.; herra (kirjeiss y. m.)
Dear Sir: ; ~ herraseni (ivall.) my dear
(1. flne) sir! ihme goodness (graclous) !
my (goodness) [ , how you have grown.
miten sin olet kasvanut] ; ~ ilma flne (1.
nice 1. Tair) weather; hyvkseen ks. kyt
t, lukea; hyvksi ks. hakus.; hyvlle ks.
haista, tuotua; hyvll (pakotta) voluntarlly, willlngly, or one's own accord; by
ralr means, (sovussa) amlcably, in a rrlendly (1. peaceable) manner (1. way), ks. sopia
ihuom. ci hyvll eik pahalla nelther by
ralr means nor foul] ; hyvll hinnalla at a
bargaln, cbeap; hyvll syyll \vlth good
reason [huom. hn teki sen (varsin) hy
vll syyll (mys:) he bad ali the reason
in the World to do that] ; hyvll tuulella
in good humor (1. cheer), in gay splrlts;
hyvlt ks. haista, maistaa, nytt, tun
toa; misii (tyytyvisyys) satisfaction.
contentment, gratiricatlon [buom. minulla
on hyv mieli (siit), ett . . Iin glad (1.
pleased) that . .; olla hyvll mielell jos
takin be pleased (1. satisfled 1. contented)
wlth, reel gratlfled about, feel gratirica
tlon on account of] ; ~ miss good man (1.
fellOW), rine rellOW; hyvn aikaa quite a
(good) whlle, quite long enough; hyvn
matkaa (quite) a good way(s), quite a distance: hyvns ks. hakus; hyvn, hyv
nn ks. pit; on thafs good (1. flne),
(huudahduksena:) good! ime! ali rlght!
( sn; /o sekin pretty good at that! so
rar so good! thafs ali very well! ~ puoli
good side, good Te ture, (etuisuus) advantage f buom. asialla on se ~ puoli, ett
. . the matter has this (1. the) advantage
that ... a good feature or the matter is
that . . , it's an advantage In the matter
that . .] : hyvss rauhassa in perfect peare,
In undlsturbed retlrement; hyvt ehdot
good (I. easy I. favorable) terms; hyvt
herrat (puhuteltaessa:) gentlemen! hyvt
ihmiset good people, (armeliaat) klnd peo
ple huom. lk, hyvt ihmiset, sit tehkS
don't do tbat, good people ' ] : hyvt toiveet
bright (1. brilllant) prospects, ralr chance.
brigbt (1. radlant) hopes; tuuma good
(1. bright 1. brilllant) idea: - tyS klnd (I.
charltable) deed (1. act), bencractlon.
blesslng; hyj tyBt (a piece of) good
orkmanshlp: aineellinen ~ (the) materiat
good; ei viel sill ~ that won't make up
for lt yet, that won't do yet, thafs not
enough yet [huom. ei viel sill ~, ett
hn sen teki, vaan hn myskin . . lt was
not enough that be dld tbat, but ha


also . .] ; hnen ei ole ~ menn sinne lt

is not a good tbing Tor him to go there,
(varokoon) be bad better look out about
going there, be bad better not go t he ro;
kyll siit .viel] tulee that wlll be (1. wlll
turn out) ali rlght [yet] ; liian paljon hy
v too much good, too much of a good
tbing, too many good thlngs; mist hyvs
t what Tor? why? (mist syyst) Tor
what reason? [buom. mist hyvst teit
tmn minulle wbat have I done to you
that you should treat me llke this? ] ; mit
hyv tst on what good \vill come or
this? wbafs tbe use (1. good) of this?
what good will this do? [sai palata] niine
hyvinens [had to return] empty-handed
(1. without accompllshlng anything); no ~
very well! well then! ali right, then! on ,
jos . . lt is a good thlng, lr . . , lt is well,
lf . .; onko runo sinusta ~ do you conslder
the poem good? is the poem good In your
opinion? (miellyttk) does the poem
please you (l. appeai to you)? do you llke
tbe poem? se on hnelle hyvksi lt is Weil
Tor him, lt will be a good thlng for him, lt
wlll be a benerit to him, lt wlll be for his
good (1. best); sill well at that, (kyl
lin) enough at tbat, (loppu) there is no
more to be sald, that ends the afralr, thafs
the end or lt, (siin kaikki) thafs ali;
tll on meidn ~ olla wc aro very comTortable here, lt Is good ror us to be here.
hyviansioinen earnlng good wages; (toimi)
good paying. -avulnen atile, capable; talented. -enteinen auspicious, betokening
success, propitious. -huuto shout (1. cry)
or applause (1. approval), cheer, (shout or)
bravo; acclamatlon.
hyvilev caressing, rondllng; gentle, sort;
hyvilevll nell In a coaxing volce, in
a bland tone or volce.
hyvill caress, rondle; pet, coddle; make
much (1. a lot) or; (taputella) pat, (esim.
hevosta) pat and stroke; (sivell) stroke
[a cat, kissaa] ; toisiaan caress (1. pet l.
make much or) each other.hug (each other).
hyvily caress(es), caressing, rondllng. -ha
luinen rond or caressing (1. petting), given
to rondllng. -nimi pet name. -sana terni
of endearment.
hyvlnen good; ~ aika goodness graclous!
for goodness' (1. mercy's 1. pity's) sake!
dear me! by ali means!
hyvkasvuinen (rehev) thriving, riourlshing; luxurlant, rank.
hyvksi: jonkin [jonkun] for . . , Tor the
benerit (1. good) or . . , in the (best) intcrest(S) or . . [huom. esim. hnen hyvkseen
ror him. in (1. ror) his benerit, in his ravor.
ror his best (1. weirare); isnmaansa Tor
one's country, ror the good (1. ror the best
intercsts) or one's country; kyhien ~ Tor
the benerit (1. good) or the poor; raittiusasian ~ for the temperanre rause, in the
Interest or the temperanre movement,
(edistmiseksi) to promote the temperanre
movement]; yleiseksi (\. yhteiseksi) Tor
the common good, ror the ptiblle welfare
(1. weal) ; ks. knty, nhd, olla, vaikuttaa.
hyvksyj (vekselin) endorser. hyvksymi
nen, hyvksymys approval, approbatlon,
sanctlon; acceptanre; acknowledgment,
recognltion; (myntymys) ronsent, assent;
(neks) acclamatlon, applause, cheers;
(vekselin) endorscment. hyvksymtn not
accepted (I. acknovvledged 1. rcrognlzed) ;
not approved, disapproved. hyvksyttvyys
arceptabllity. hyvksyttv acreptable;
(kohtalainen) reasonable, plauslble. hy
vksytt bave . . approved (1. acknowiedged 1. recognlzed 1. sanctloned 1. ac



cepted) ; hyvksytt vehselins jollakulla

liave a p. endorse one's note; vrt. hyvksy.
hyvksyv approvlng; hyvksyv ni ap
provlng volce, voice or approval. hyvksy
vsti pp rovin? ly; nykksi ptn hy
vksyvsti nodded his bead approvlngly,
gave a nod or approval.
hyvksyt approve (or); accept [an appllcatlon, hakemus] ; rind . . good, commend;
(tutkinnossa) pass; (tunnustaa) recognize,
acknovvledge; (Jseneksi y. m.) admit;
(noudatettavaksi) adopt; (mynty) acquiesce in, agree to, assent to; sanction;
grant; ehdot accept (1. agree to) the
terms; ~ joku Jseneksi admit (1. accept)
one as a member; kelvolliseksi (mys:)
approve, accept; ~ laki adopt a law; ~ Jo
kin mielipide approve or (1. accept) an
opinion, acqulesce in an opinion; ~ Jonkun
pyynt grant a p.'s request; Joku tutkin
nossa pass one in an examinatlon [huoin.
hnet hyvksyttiin tutkinnossa he passed
hls examinatlon, he obtalned a passlng
mark; hnt ei hyvksytty tutkinnossa he
ralled In his examinatlon, he ralled to pass
his examinatlon, he was rejected In the
examinatlon] ; ~ vekseli endorse a note,
(esim. pankista puhuen:) accept a note;
ehdotus hyvksyttiin (l. tuli hyvksytyksi)
the proposition (1. suggestion) was accepted, (kokouksessa y. m.) the motion
was carried; ehtoja ei voi the terms cannot be accepted, the terms are unacceptable; ei ~ (mys:) dlsapprove, disallovv,
(tutkinnossa) rail to pass . .; (hylt) reject;
ei ole hyvksyttviss cannot be accepted,
Is unacceptable; n hyvksy hnen kyts
tn 1 don't approve or hls conduct, I take
exception to (1. 1 dlsapprove on hls conduct;
en voi ~ hnt (tutkinnossa) I cannot pass
bim, I must rail h un. lasku hyvksyttiin
maksettavaksi the blll was accepted (1. acknowledged) ; yhdistys hyvksyi uudet
snnt the Society adopted new by-laws.
hyvikis chap,rellow; tm this rine rellow.
hyv lahjainen girted, talented, (richly) endowed (by nature). -luontoinen goodnatured, good-tempered, good-humored;
(ystvllinen) klnd. -luontoisuus good
nature (1. humor); klndness. -maineinen
. . or (a) good reputation, . . or good repute, . . bearlng a good name; . . or good
character. -mulatinen . . wlth a good (1.
an excellent) memory. -nahkainen (kuv.)
good-natured; easy(-golng); Inorrensive;
hyvn hajuinen sweet-scented, sweet-smellIng; rragrant, aromatlc. -kokoinen rairly
largc (1. big 1. great), good-slzed; (melkoi
nen) conslderable.
hyvnlainen laniy (1. quite 1. rather) good,
(jkpv.) prettygood; (keskinkertainen) rair,
middllng; (melkoinen) goodly [amount.
mr], hyvnlaisesti rairly (1. quite) well;
Talrly, tolerably; sai selkns hyvnlaises
ti (Jkpv.) got a pretty good llcking (I.
hyvin II makuinen nice-riavored, rine-tasting,
savory: palatable, delicious; on hyvnma
kuista (tav.) tastes rine (1. good). -puo
leinen hyvnlainen, -pivinen: hyvnpivinen selksauna a sound thrashing, a
pretty good llcking (1. trounclng). -pivisesti (Jkpv.) good and plenty; sai hyvnpivisesti selkns got It good and plen
ty, got a sound thrashing, had his Jacket
well dusted. -suopa . . or good Intentions,
vvell-meanlng, \vell-lntentloned, . . who
means the very best; benevolent, benlgn;
well-dlsposed, kindly dlsposed, klnd, gra-


cious. -suopuus good-will, klnd(ll)ness;

benevolence, benignity, graciousness.
hyvns: ken (l, kuka) who(so)ever;
kuinka paljon hovvever much, no matter
how much, any amount (1. number 1.
quantity); kuka ~, joka .. anyone (1. anybody) who . .; minne wherever, wheresoever, no matter \vhere; mit ~ what(so)ever, anythlng [esim. hn nytt sie
tvn mit ~ he seems to stand anything,
he seems to put up wlth anythlng (1. everythlng)] ; mit laatua of any klnd (whatever); olipa sen laita miten ~ be it HS it
may, however it may be; no matter how lt
is; vrt. tahansa.
hyvn Isvyinen good-natured, kindly dls
posed; (rauhallinen) peaceable; (suuttumaton) milil, inorrensive. -svyiaesti goodnaturedly, kindly; peaceably. -svyisyys
good nature, Triendly disposition, klndness.
-svyis = hyvnsvyinen. -tahtoinen klnd.
benevolent, benlgn; well-meaning, wellintentioned, . . with good Intentions. -tah
toisesti kindly, benevolently. -uhtoisuus
klndness, benevolence, benignity, goodWlll; good Intentions; kaikessa hyvntah
toisuudessa In ali klndness, with the best
(of) Intentions. -tapainen well-behaved,
good-mannered; vrt. hyvnsvyinen. -tekevinen charitable, benevolent. "
hyvntekevisyys charity; (ominaisuutena)
charitableness, benevolence, beneHcence.
-laitos charitable (1. charity) institution,
-myyjiset charity bazaar. -seura charit
able (1. benevolent) Society.
hyvnltekij beneractor. -tekijtr (woman)
beneractor. -takiaiset Service In return.
Hyvntoivon-niemi Cape or Oood Hope.
hyvan.tunne 1. -tunto reelingor satlsraction,
(sense or) comrort, complacency; pleasant
(1. comrortable) reeling. -tuoksuinen rra
grant; aroinut ie.
hyvnpito hospltallty; entertalnment.
hyv oppinen qulck (1. apt) to Ivani, apt,
i riui i. elimist:) tearbable, doclle. -palk
kainen vvell-paid, . . with a good salary.
-pinen . . with a good head; quick-witted.
apt; bralny. -piv: teki minulle hyvn
pivn said "how-do-you-do" to me. -ro
tuinen . . or good breed, . . or blooded stock.
hyvstell: ~ jotakuta say good-by (1. Tarewell) to one, take leave or one, bid one
hyvsti 1. (hyvin) well; i. (hyvstijtettess:) good-by (e)!
(Jkpv.) so long! (lapsille puhuttaessa:)
by-by! jttessn at the parting, while
(1. when) taklng leave (1. bidding rarcwell),
vrt. jtt; hyvstiksi in parting, as a rarewell. -jtt parting, leave-taklng; rarewell.
hyvstit: hellt a tender rarevvell, a loving good-by.
hyv sydminen kind-hearted, klnd; vrt.
hyvluontoinen. -sydmisesti kind-heartedly, kindly. -sydmisyys klnd-heartedness,
klndness. -svyinen = hyvnsvyinen. -tekoinen well made, . . or good make. -toiveinen . . with rair prospects; (lupaava)
promlsing. -tuloinen lucratlve, remuneratlve, gainrill, prontable; hyvtuloinen toimi
galnrul occupation. lucratlve position, -ty
klnd (1. charitable) deed (1. act), kindness;
benerit; blessing. -varainen well-orr, vvellto-do.
hyvn tarkottava vvell-meanlng. vvell-lntentloned. -tekev charitable, klnd, benevolent.
hyy (j) ice; (kylmyys) chili, cold; Trost.
hyyde (J-) rormation or Ice; (riite) skim
(1. thln crust) or Ice; (hyytym) congelatlon, (veren) elot. hyydytt congeal;
(maksottaa) coagulate, (verta y, m.) elot.



hyyd clotted mass, elot; coagulatlon:

congelation; (hyytel) Jelly.
hyyhm slush, sludge; jrvi menee hyyhmn a skim or broken Ice Is lormlng on
the lake. hyyhminen slushy.
hyyppl (elint.) lapwingr.
hyyry (vuokra) rent; (laivaven y. m. palk
ka) hire. hyyrylinen (talon) tenant; (huo
ne-) lodger. hyyrt (vuokrata) rent; (pes
tata) hire. hyyrys rentlng; hirlngr.
hyytel jelly. hyytelity (turn to) Jelly.
hyytelt Jauhe jelly-powder. -malja jelly dish (1. -bowl).
hyytelminen Jelly-like, gelatlnous.
hyytyminen congelation; fcveren y. m.) clotting. coagulation.
hyytynyt congealed;
clotted [blood. veri], coagulated; jellled.
hyyty congeal; < maksoit ua) coagulate,
elot; (hyytelst y. m. puhuen:) set;
(hyytelity) jelly: hyyty pinnalta Torm
a crust on top; tai veren hyytymn suonisni made my blood curdle (1. run cold).
hyytU (Jt) cover (1. coat) wlth Ice,
freeze; (jhmetytta) congeal; (veri y. m.)
elot, coagulate. on hyytnyt jrven the
lake has been covered wlth ice. the lake is
skimmed over vvith Ice.
hydelava (puut.) botbed, rorclng-bed.
hydyke commodity.
hydyllinen userul; servlceable; benericial,
prorltable; good; (terveellinen) wholesome; (sopiva) expedient, advlsable. hy
dyllisesti usefully; beneflcially, prontably.
hydyllisyys usefulness, utllity; use; prontableness; wbolesomeness; expedlence, advisabllity. -nkkanta standpolnt (1. stand
ard) of userulness; utllltarlan vlevv. -oppi
doctrine of utllity. utllltartanism. -peri
aate principle or utllity, utllltarlan princlple.
hydyttminen benenting, prnfltinjr. beiiiR
Of avall; vrt. hydytt.
hydytt benent, profit; be or use [to one.
jotakuta]; (auttaa) boot, avail: minun ei
hydyt menn tinne there Is no use Of my
going there, I don't profit any by golng
there, it avalls me nothing to (ro there;
mit te (or) what good is it? what's the
use (of lt)? or what avall (1. benent) is
It' what boots It? te ei hydyt mitn
lt's (or) no use (1. good 1. avail), lt profits
hydyttmyys uselessness, rutllity; unprofitableness; frultlessness, unfrultrulness.
hydyttmsti uselessly, bootlessly; frultlesaly; (turhaan) in vain. hydytn useles. (on no use, or (1. to) no avall, . .
servfng no purpose, bootless: unservlceable; unproritable; unavailinir fappeal.
vetoomus] ; (hukkaan mennyt) Irultless,
rutlle; (hedelmtn) unrrultrul; (tarpee
ton) unnecessary, needless: (turha) vain,
Idle; (tuottamaton) unproductlve: hydy
tn yrityt useless (I. futlle 1. vain) attempt.
attempt in vain; on hydytnt yritt lt's
no use trylng, it's useless to try.
hykkys attack, assault, onset: onslaught:
rush, run: (rynnkk) charge; (maahan-)
Invasion; ' jonkin jonkun kimppuun at
tack (1. assault) on . .; linnotuhsesta
(SOt.) sortle, Sally: tehd kovia hykkykti jotakata vastaan make sharp attacks on
a p., attack (I. assault) one vlolently; vi
hollisen maahan Invasion (1. incurston)
or the enemy into the country, vrt. maa
han, -ase weapon or orrense. -aento
(miekkailussa) lunge. -liike aggresslve (l.
orrenslve) movement. -linja llne or battle.
-merkki signal to (I. Tor) attack; antaa
hykkytmerkki frlve a slgnal to attack,
(torvella) sound the charire, (rummulla)
beat tbe charge, beat to attack. -puoli tbe


orrenslve. -sota aggresslve (1. orrenslve)

war. -suunnitelma pian or attack. -tapa
manner or attack.
hykkj aggressor; assallant, attacker,
assaulter; (maahan-) invader. hykkv
aggressing, attacking, assaillng; rushing;
aggressive, orrenslve; hykkv puoli the
side making the attack, the orrenslve (side).
hyky surge, surglng; (maininki) swell. -aal
to breaker; surge, roller; svvell; heavy sea.
hyky surge, swell, roll; heave, be agitated;
(aaltoilla) billow.
hykt (syksy) rush. dash, make a dash
(1. a rush) [ror a place. Johonkin paikkaan
(1. Jotakin paikkaa kohti)]; (rynnt) as
sault, force; (tehd hykkys) make an at
tack, (make a) charge; (ahdistaa) attack,
assall; (kyd ksiksi) Tall (1. set) upon,
beset; (maahan y. m.) Invade; ~ esille
dash (I. dart 1. rush) rorward [piilopaikas
ta y. m.: out] ; ~ Jonkun kimppuun Tall (1.
set) upon one, assail (I. attack 1. assault)
one, make an attack (1. an assault) upon
one, rush (1. riy) at one, (morkaten) rail
(1. Invelgh) agalnst one [huom. hnen
kimppuunsa hykttiin he was assaulted (1.
assailed 1. attacked) ; hnen kimppuansa on
ankarasti hyktty sanomalehdiss (mys:)
he has been the object or a vlolent attack
in the newspapers] ; maahan (vihollinen)
Invade the country; ovelle make (a rush)
ror the door, rush (1. dash 1. burst) out
or the room; ~ Jonkun plle ks. ~ kimp
puun; esiinty hykten act on the orren
slve, be the aggressor; vihollinen hykksi
kaupunkiin (marssi) the enemy marched In
to (1. entered) the city, (ryntsi) the ene
my took the city by storm.
hynteinen insect.
hynteisiijauhe lnsect-powder. -kokoelma
collectlon or lnsects, entomologlcal eollection. -laji kind (1. specles) or insect. -sy
j (elint.) insectlvore.
hynteistenkerj gatherer or lnsects, entomologist.
hynteisljtiede entomology. -tieteellinen en
tomologlcal. -toukka larva, Caterpillar.
-tutkija entomologlst.
hyrint, hyrin hurry, riurry; bustle,
bustling, russ, ado; (toimeliaisuus) actlvity; (tuoksina) svvarming, thronglng; (se
kasorto) confuslon: maailman hyrinss
In tbe hustle and bustle (1. in the hurlyburly) or the World, hyri (touhuta) be
busy; (make a) bustle; (make a) russ
fwlth a th., Jonkin hommassa]; (hrt)
be In a hurry, be In a Hurry; (parveilla)
swarm, throng; hyrien buslly; hyrii ja
pyrii is in a hurly-burly, rushes (1. dashes)
to and Tm; lapset hyrivt lattialla the
chlldren are tumbllng (l. rolllng 1. tussllng) on the rioor.
hyty use; benent. profit; (etu) advantage;
Interest; (apu) avall; (voitto) galn; (hyv)
good; (hydyllisyys) userulness, utllity;
(sopivaisuus) expedlence; hydykseen ks.
kytt: jonkun hydyksi tOT one'3 good
(1. benent 1. advantage), ror one's weUare;
omaksi hydykseen Tor one's own pront (1.
galn), for one's own advantage (l. good 1. In
terest) ; olla hydyksi be userul, be of use
(1. servlee), (be a) benent; e ei ole kenelle
kn hydyksi lt's no good (1. or no use)
to anybody, nobody has anv use or it, It
does not benent anybody, lt does nobody
any good; siit ei ole mitn hyty lt'3
(oD no use (1. avail), lt avalls nothing,
there's no use In (doing) that: tst on sil
minnhtv the benent (1. the advantage)
of tbls Is apparent (1. evldent).


H !

hytyinen, hyiyisa (rehev) thriving, flour

ishing; luxuriant, rank; vrt. hydyllinen.
hyty ley y flourishing condition; luxuriance.
hyotymansikka strawberry.
hytyminen profiting; gaining; growth; In
crease; Improvement.
hyoiy periaate principle of usefulness, util
itarian principle, -pyrkimys utilitarian
tendencies (1. alms).
hyotyv = hyotyU.
hyotyl benefit, profit; (volttaa) gain; (vaurastua) Improve, become better off; (rehottaa) thrive, flourish, luxuriate; ]ottakin derive advantage (1. benefit) from,
profit (1. benefit 1. gain) by, be benefited
by, gain advantage from \l. through),
reap benefit from; ~ parhaiten <\. tniten)
profit most, gain the most advantage, make
the most [In the deal, kaupassa], reap
most benefit [huom. tiin parhaittn (\.
ernten; hytyi (mys:) he got the best of It] .
hyt v. & puut.) force.
hidlntuikin narrowly, barely, hardly, just;
with a narrow margin; (suurella valvalla)
with great difficulty, with much trouble;
hn ~ lpaisi tutkinnotta (mys:) It was
as much as he could do to get through (I.
It was as much as ever that he got through)
the examination; ptlattai ~ he had a
narrow escape, (jkpv.) he had a close call
(I. shave).
hadisUin (kllreissaan) In his [her, their]
hurry, (hatnnykslssan) In his [her,
their] anxiety (1. alarm 1. distress); olla
he distressed [about, Jostakln], be alarmed
rahout . .].
hdnalaJnen distressed; destitute, needy,
Indigent; famine-stricken; - dis
tressing Situation, distress; hdnalaisille
for the distressed, for the sufferers, for
those in need.
haijy bad, wicked, evil; (pahanllklnen)
naughty, mischievous; (rtyls) sour,
cross; (tyly) harsh, unkind; (pahansuopa)
malicious, malignant, malevolent: (katala)
base, mean, vicious; ~ haltia Imp, gnome;
~ /uonne bad (1. wicked) character, ugly
(1. cross) disposition, mean (1. vicious)
temper; ~ polka naughty (1. mischievous 1.
bad) boy, (Ilkea) vicious boy. hlljyliinen
Imp. rapscallion; tina ttnkin hijylinen
you mean thing! you Imp!
haijyn ilkinen malicious, malevolent, evil;
(pahajuonlnen) sly, (maliciously 1. wicked
ly) cunning. -Ilkisetti maliciously, malev
olently; slyly; with malicious (I. wicked)
running, -ilkityys 1. -ilkeys malicious (1.
wicked) running, slyness; maliciousness,
malice, -kurlnen (pahankurlnen) mischiev
ous, naughty: (hljynilklnen) malicious; sly.
heijyeti wickedly; naughtily, mischievously;
crossly; maliciously, malignantly; meah(ly), viciously, hijyys badness, wicked
ness, naughtiness, misrhievousness. mis
chief; crossness: maliciousness, malice, Illwill, malevolence; baseness, meanness,
vlrloiisness; vrt. hijy.
hiUkliilemtU regardless of others, unscru
pulously, without any consideration what
ever; with no sense of propriety (]. decen
cy), Impudently: boldly, recklessly; unronrerned(ly), roolly. nonchalantly, with
perfect ease: unceremoniously: (arvVlPmatta) without hesitation, unhesitatingly, heed
lessly; (multta mutkltta) without 'further
ado: (korlstp.lematta) In so many words.
haiKallemttmyys unsrrupulousnpss; reck
lessness; boldness, audacity, bravado, cool'ess: arrogance, presumption, Insolence, efintery, Impudence, Impertinence, pertness:
k of consideration, hilklllcmittemiitl


hlkSilemtUL haikailematon unscrupulous;

reckless; (arastelematon) unhesitating:
bold [villain, rolsto], audacious, (rohkea)
daring; (julkea) arrogant [claim, vaatlmus]; (h&vyton) Insolent, Impudent; (nokkava) Impertinent, pert; (vallapltamton)
regardless of other peopleCs rights), In
hiikilli have consideration [for, Jotakln] :
(arastella) shun; shrink [from ..]; (eparld) hesitate, scruple: waver-, (ujostella) be (1. feel) embarrassed; Hikilemtt
ks. hakUS.; hn ei hikillyt tehd fit he
did not hesitate to do (1. scruple about doIng) It, he did not stop at (1. stop short of)
doing it, he was not above doing It, he did
not mind (I. not shrink from) doing It, he had
the Impudence (1. the boldness 1. the face)
to do It: vhkn hibilemtt Without
the slightest hesitation, wholly unconcerned,
with perfect nonchalance, hiikilly sense
of propriety (1. decency); regard, con
sideration; hesitation, scruples; wavering.
hiikiinvl dazzling, flashing; (kuv.) brllilant [eloquence, kaunopuhelsuus] ; hoikisevn valkta dazzling white, hiikiisti
dazzle; (sokaista) blind; (kuv.) daze, fas
cinate; tt hikisee tilmi It dazzles (the
eyes), It blinds the eyes.
nil kilty blinding, dazzling.
hllytell swing, sway (to and fro); rock;
shake; (hulskuttaa) wave, wag. hilly ttaja
one who swings (1. sways I. rocks 1. waves),
hailyllaa swing, sway; rock; shake; vrt.
heiluttaa. hily vl inen) hovering; (kuv.)
faltering, wavering, vacillating; (eparolv) hesitating; (epvakaa) Inconstant,
fickle, flighty, unstable; (muuttuvalnen)
changeable, variable, unsettled; (olkukas)
capricious, whimsical; (epavarma) uncer
tain, vague; hilyvinen luonnt fickle dis
position, changeable (1. flighty) tempera
ment; hilyvinen mitlipitttttn waver
ing (1. unsettled) In one's opinion, hiilyi
swing, sway, plav to and fro; (notkua)
rock, shake: (huojua) float, fly; (Hitaa)
hover; (kuv. = horjua) flinch, waver,
swerve, falter, vacillate, (eprld) hesi
tate, (olla epavakava) be fickle, be un
steady, be unstable, (oikkullla) be capri
cious, be whimsical; hilyy ilmatta hovers
(I. floats) In the air.
hilahdell be swinging, be swaying, swing
back and forth, sway (I. move) to and fro;
(rolkkua) dangle; (hulmuta) be fluttering:
(valhdella) vary, change, hilhdy swing;
(Illkahdus) stir, start, hlllihtii swing;
(lllkahtaa) move, stir, budge; swerve;
(hulmahtaa) flutter.
haipyminen vanishing; fading (away); dis
persion, dissipation; vrt. haipvii. haipy maton Ineffaceable, Indelible, hlipyvi (hviiiv) fading away: rkestftmatiin) fugitive.
transitory, transient, hilpyi disappear,
vanish, drop out of sight; fade (away);
(kulua) be obliterated, be defaced, be ef
faced; (halhtua) be dispersed, be dis
pelled, be dissipated: disperse, dissipate:
hipyii [Jonkun] mielett fade from [one's]
mind, drop out of [one's] mind; HSipya
muittotta fade away (1. he obliterated)
from the memory; minne hin hipyi where
did he vanish (1. disappear) ? what became
of him? when did he drop out of sight?
pilvet hipyvt the clouds are disappearing
(I. dispersing).
MlrltMmitti without being disturbed, with
out disturbance, undisturbed; unlnterrupted(ly); (rauhassa) In peace, quletiy;
hin Mr/oftM puAeen htinta hiritttmt'ti
be U writing undisturbed by the speech.

hiritsemtn undisturbed; unbroken [rest, minen) russ, stlr, ado; (touhu) bustle; agllepo! ; unmolested jjoy, ilo], hiritsev dls- tatlon; siitks nousi graclous, \vhat an
turbing i inriuence, vaikutus] ; trouble- uproar that started! hlist make a noise,
some-. hirittv kyts dtsorderly (1. or- be nolsy; keep up a huhhuh : bavvl; (tou
rensive) conduct (1. behavior). htiritsevsti huta) bustle, make a bustle.
disturblngiy ; vaikuttaa hiritsevsti have hilveneminen dispersion, dlssipatlon; vana dislurbing (1. disquletlng) errert (1. In- lshlng, disappearing; fading (avvay).
nuence), tend to disturb. hiriuij dls- hlvent dlspel [the gloom, surut]; scatter
lurber; vrt. rauhanhiritsij.
[the clouds, pilvet], dlsperse, dlsslpate;
hiriti disturb [a p.'s rest, Jonkun lepoa]; (poistaa) remove, avert; (karkottaa) drive
(keskeytt) interrupt, break In upon [the away [care, huolet], expel; (saada katoa
sllence, hiljaisuutta]; interrere \vitli . .; maan) make (1. cause to) vanlsh; (vhen
i vaivata, haitata) trouble, (cause . .) ln- t) dlmlnlSh, lessen; kaikki epilykset
convenience, make . . (any) trouble, put . . dlspel (1. remove) ali doubt; aurinko hl
to (any) Inconvenicnce, (horjuttaa) dtsar- vensi pilvet the sun dispelled (1. drove
range.throvv . . Into dlsorder; derange, upset avvay) the clouds; se hlvent epluuloja
.'ap's plans, jonkun suunnitelmia] ; (htyyt
that dispels (1. removes 1. does avvay vvith)
t) harass, perplex, molest; (hmment) susplclon. hlvet (haihtua) be dispelled,
confuse, confound, bevviider; throw . . into be scattered. be dlspersed, dlsperse, dlssl
COnruslon;perturb; hiritsemtt, hiritsev pate; (kadota) vanlsh, dlsappear; (poistua)
ks. haku.s.; hiritty yrauha (\. lepo) broken be removed; (himmet) Tade (away); (v
rest; raahaa (jonkun) disturb oneCs het) decrease, grow less, dlminlsh; epi
peace), molest (1. trouble), (mielenrauhaa) lykset hlvenivt ali doubls vanished (1.
dlsconcert, make . . uneasy, perturb, (lak.) were removed); kun savu oli hlvennyt
break the peace; Jonkun ruoansulatusta \vhen the smoke had rollini avvay (I. had
disturb one's dlgestlon, upset one's stom- vanished 1. had llfted) ; mnilto hlvenee
ach, not agree with one; toivottavasti en the memory Is (adlng (avvay); sumu hlve
hiritse Teit I hope I do not disturb (you), nee the mlst Is clearing (1. ltrtlng), the
I hope I'm not intrudlng; vaikuttaa hiri
fog is drlven avvay.
ten johonkin have a dlsturbing (1. a dis hily (kajahdus) sound; (hmmennys) exquletlng) effect upon . . , tend to disturb. citement, commotion, stlr, agltation; sensatlon; (hlin) noise, clamor, uproar; ai
hiriytymtn undisturbed, unmolested; un
broken: imperturbable [coolness, tyyneys]. heuttaa hly cause excitement (1. a sensahiriytyi be(come) disturbed; be lnter- tlon), vrt. nostaa, hilyti - hlist, hlyytrered \vlth; be troubled, be lnconvenlenced; tii tuin in an alarm, sound the alarm: h
be deranged, be upset; be molested, be tyytt palokunta (liikkeelle) turn In a Tlreharassed; be(come) confused (1. bevvil- alarm.
dered), be(come) perturbed; mistn hi hlyytys alarm; vr Cl. turha) false
riytymtt not (1. vvlthout) lettlng o. s. be alarm. -kallo alarm-bell. -laita 1. -laitos
disturbed (I. perturbed) by anything, vvlth
alarm. -laukaus alarm; ampua hlyytyslauout lettlng anything disturb one, vvlmiiy kaus rire an alarm. -merkki signal or alarm.
Hme Tavastiani!; Tavastia.
undisturbed, perfeetly unconcerned.
hiri dlsturbing Inriuence; disturbance; himi: hmilleen ks. joutua, tulla, saattaa;
(thtitieteellinen y. m.) perturbatlon; hmilln (hmmennyksiss) conrused, con(hmmennys) confuslon; (epjrjestys) rounded, (nolona) cmbarrassed, perplcxcd,
disorder, disordered condltlon; (haitta) (hpeissn) ashamed; (ujona) abashcd,
trouble, Inconvenicnce, embarrassment ; shameraced, (Ihmeissn, llistyksissn)
(rauhattomuus) agltated state, dlsquie- puzzled, barried, nonplussed, dum(b)tude; unret; (keskeytys) mterruptlon, Tounded.
break. hiirintekiji disturber (or the puli hmmennoll = hmment, hmmennys I.
confuslon, conrused state o( things, (state
lle peace).
hiiva llnge: (vri) color, hue; (vivahdus) of) disorder, dlsarrangement, dlsarray, dis
sbade. haivennya shading; gradation (oi' ordered condltlon, derangement; bevvllderCOlOrS); vrien hlvennyt 11 lellii in tr oT COl- ment, embarrassment, perplexity; (seka
ors. haivent shade (olT). tone down, sorto) chaos; (selkkaus) tangle, muddle,
jumble, mess; trouble; (sekaannus) mlxblend, modulate.
hiivi - hiive. hiivihtii be shot (1. tlnged) up; 2. (hmmentminen) stlrrlng; hm
wltb Tred. punaselle] ; (hmtt) be mennyksiin ks. joutua, saattaa; olla hm
dimly (1. Indistinctly) seen (1. observed); mennyksiss be conrused, be bevvlldered,
hlvhti ohi was rutting past (1. along); be embarrassed, be perplexed, be conhivhti viherille there was a gllmpse (1. Tounded, be muddled, (sekava) be entangled, be In disorder. himmentymltn not
a tourh) of green.
hkin hackle. heckle, hatchel, riax-comb. mixed (1. muddled); (kuv.) undisturbed.
hikilidi hackle, heckle. hatchel, comb (1. unconrused, unnioved, composed, (selv)
dress) riax. pellavaa] . hlkllltaiji hackler; unblurred. himmentyi (asiasta:) get out
pellavan hkilitsij (mys:) riax-comber. or order, get Into disorder (1. confuslon),
hkki (linnun y. m.) cage, (kana- y. m.) become deranged, become disordered, get
coop; (hein-) rack; (ristikko) gratlng, Into a muddle; (selkkautua) become engrate: lattlce; trellis; (aitaus) raillng; vrt. tangled, get into a tangle: (henkilst:)
be(come) bevvlldered (1. perplexed 1. con
hein-, kana, lintu. -Juokau = aita
juoksu, -lintu caged blrd, blrd In a cagc. rused 1. conrounded), grovv conrused, get
mlxed up [In, Jossakin], (htnty) get
-rattrat vvagon \vlth a hay-rack.
hikkyri (katto-) chandeller (pendant) ; (1. be) dlsconcerted, (Jostakin esiintyjst:)
overcome by stage rrlght: (sameutua)
(pvt-) candelabra; (kuivaus-) rack.
get (1. grovv) muddy (1. turbid 1. rolled);
hikyli - bkil.
hiki (hllll) coal-gs. (kem.) carbonlc ox- become blurred; (sekottua) get mixed, get
ld(e); (Jkpv.)gas; hkn kS. kuolla, tappaa. jumbled; hmmenty puheessaan become
conrused durlng one's speech [and have
hilinl nolse, din; (hly) alarm; (melu) tn
mult, uproar, turmoll, clamor, (Jkpv.) hub- to stop, Ja olla pakotettu lopettamaan
bub: (hvmin) hum, murmur, murmur- kesken], be overcome by stage rrlght. him
mentimatn not stirred, unstlrred; un
lng(s); (huuto) bawl(lng), roar; (elmi
hiiri uemitn



blurred, untroubled. himment (sekottaa)

mix, blend, mlngle; Jumble; stir [flour
Into vvater, Jauhoja veteen], stlr .. round
and round, stlr . . up, keep . . stlrring;
(samentaa) make . . muddy (I. turbld),
roll; trouble; (himment) darken, obscure, blur; (myllert) agltate, exclte,
throw .. Into commotion (I. agitatlon);
(sotkea) throw (I. brlng) . . Into confusion,
cause confuslon [in, Jokin]; make a
muddle [of. Jokin], conTound, confuse,
derange; unsettle, upset; (eksytt) throw
(1. put) .. out [In, Jossakin], bevvilder,
perplex; (sekaannuttaa) mix up; (hirit)
disturb, perturb; (tehd mutkikkaaksi)
compllcate; hmment ihmisten ksitteit
bewllder (1. confuse 1. disturb) people's
hmminki (hiri) dlsturbance; (sekasorto)
confuslon, dlsorder, chaos; (hmmennys)
perplexity, embarrassment.
hmmstynyt surprised, astontshed, amazed;
conrounded; (pelstynyt) startled, shocked;
(llistynyt) puzzled; (nolostunut) barfled.
hmmsty surprise, astonlshment; (llis
tys) amazement; (nolostus) embarrass
ment, confuslon; blank look; (sikhdys)
n ii is te rillit li in: ShOCk; olla hmmstyksis
sn jostakin be amazed (1. astonished) at
(1. ah ut 1. over) a th., be surprised at (1.
about) a th., be puzzled (1. barried) about
a th., be confounded at a th., be struck
vvith surprise (1. amazement) at (1. about)
a th. ; suureksi hmmstyksekseni to my
greal surprise, to my astonlshment (1.
hmmstyttv surprising,
astonlshlng, amaztng, astounding, startling; (ihmeteltv) wondrous, marvelous;
(hpellinen) scandalous, shocklng. hm
mstyttvsti surprislngly, astonlshlngly,
amazlngly; to a surprising extent, In a
surprising degree. hmmstytt surprise;
flll (1. strlke) vvith astonlshment (1. sur
prise 1. amazement), astonish, amaze;
arouse astonlshment; dismay, confound;
(llistytt) puzzle; (nolostuttaa) barrie.
dum(b)found; (slkhdytt) startle. hm
msty (kummastua) be astonished (1.
surprised) (at a th., Jostakin] ; be amazed;
be dismayed, be conrounded; (llisty) be
barried, be dum(b)rounded, he stupeNed;
(tulla hmilleen) berome enibarrassed (1.
disconcerted 1. conrused), be abashed; be
(1. grovv) puzzled at, jostakin]; (sikhty) be startled, be shocked; hmmstyin
hnen raakuuttaan l was amazed (1.
Startled) at ri is cruelty: en voi olla hm
mstymtt I cannot help belng (1. cannot
Tall to be) surprised.
hmy dlin llght, gloom: (ilta-) tvvillght,
gloamlng, dusk; aamuhmyss in the gray
of the mornlng, In the gray da\vn: illan
hmyss in the gloamlng (I. twilight I.
dusk). -hetki tvvllight-hour, t\vlllght.
hmyinen dusky
L routii, huone], dlm,
gloomy. hmyt get (1. grovv) dusk(y),
grow dlm, berome (I. get) gloomy.
hmhkinllseitti 1. verkko foh\veb(s), spider-vveb, splder's \veb. -siima splder's
thread, cobvveb; (tekn.) splder-Ilne.
hmhkki spldcr. -elin splder, (elint.)
hmlinen I. (a.) Tavastian, Tavastlandish.
II. (s.) Tavast(iati), Tavastlander.
hmrtyminen grovving dlm (1. dusky).
hmrtynyt (hmr) dusky. dlm. hmr
ty get (I. grovv) dusky, grovv dlm; nk
hmrtyy the slght is grovving dim; piv
hmrtyy it is grovving tovvard dusk, It is
getting dusky.
hmrt grovv dusk(y), grovv dark, grovv


dim; alkaa it is getting dusky, It Is

grovving tovvard dusk; silmini my eyes
grovv d>m, 1 see things dimiy, things look
dim to me.
hmryys dimness, darkness; obscurlty;
gloom; (hmy) dusk, tvvillght, (aamun)
gray. hmr I. (a.) dusky [room, huone],
gloomy; dlm, dark", obscure; falnt; (kuv.)
mysterlous, doubtrul; vague, uncertaln;
(epselv) not clear, hazy; (peitetty)
velled [allUSlon, Viittaus]; hmrin sanoin
(peitetyin) in a vague vvay, indlrectly; h
mr aavistus dim 1'orebuding, vague Idea,
hazy m itin; hmr ksitys vague (1.
falnt 1. dim) Idea; hmr muisto falnt (1.
dim 1. vague) recollectlon. II. (s.) dlm
llght; dimness, darkness, obscurlty; (ilta-)
tvvillght, dusk; (aamu-) gray; on hmrn
peitossa ts shrouded (1. velled) In obscurity (1. mystery). hmrinen dusky,
dlm, mlsty.
hmr perinen obscure; doubtrul. vague;
(peitetty) velled [alluslon, viittaus], covert; (salaperinen) mysterlous, mystlc.
-perisyys obscurlty; doubtful chararter;
mysterlousness. -ilmainen dim-slghted.
hmrsti dlmly, ralntly, vaguely, bazily;
In a velled manner, covertly; (salaperi
sesti) mysterlousiy; v rt. muistaa, viitata.
hn he, (naisesta:) she; hnen hls, her,
hers [esim. nen lapsensa her chlld; lapsi
on hnen the chlld is hers] ; hnelle to
him [her], ror him [her]; hnelt rrom
hiin [her]; hnt him [her].
-hn (Jlkllilte) ks. -han; ethn sit katune
I suppose you don't repent lt, you don't
repent it, do you?
hnnitell: ~ jotakuta crlnge before one,
Tavvn upon one, (mielistell) dance attendance on . . , run arter one, curry favor
vvith ..; (Jkpv.) llck the dust before one.
hnnittely cringing, favvning.
hnnys tali, sklrt; (laahus) traln. -takki
dress coat, svvallovv-tailed coat, (Jkpv.)
hnnystell, hnnyit harmitella, hn
nys te ly
hnnllinen . . vvith a tali, talled. hnnttmyys: karhun hnnttmyys . . the Tact
that the bearhas no tail . . . hnntn . . vvith
(I. havlng) no tali, tallless, (elint.) anurous; (typyhnttnen) bobtailed.
hnt tail; (ketun y. m., mys:) brush; ~
koipien vliss (koirasta:) vvith llis tali
betvveen his legs.
hntinen (yhd.) . . vvith a . . tali, . .-talled
[esim. kiemura~ . . vvith a rurly tail,
curly-tailed; lyhyt~ sbort-talled; pitk
. . vvith a long tali, long-talled] ; vrt. typy~.
hnt nikama caudal vertebra. -p tail end. -ruoto (kalan) tall-end of the backbone (of a rish).
hpeissn [ hapsissa \ni, -si Jne.]: oleva
ashamed, shame-raced, (nolo) abashed,
barried; hn lhti ~ ulos he vvent avvay (1.
out) ashamed (1. crestrallen) ; olen siit
hpeissni I am (I. reel) ashamed of that,
I feel cheap about lt.
hpe shame, dlsgrace, dishonor, Ignomlny,
inlaniy; (hpepilkku) stain; (hvistys)
Insult; hpeissn ks. hakUS.; hpekseni
to my shame (1. dlsgrace) ; hpell sa
noen, sanoa shame to say, to my [your,
hls, her, our, thelr] shame be It sald: no
pean vuoksi for vei y shame('s sake) ; hpe
n ks. joutua, saattaa; on hpeksi meill
Is a disgrace Tor (1. to) us, reriects (1.
brings) shame upon us, is to our dishonor,
puts us to (1. covers us vvith) shame, disgraces (1. dishonor) us, does shame to us,


Il 5

Is not to our credlt, reflects (1. Is a reriertlon) Upon US; salata hpens llide
one'8 dlsgrace (1. shame). -juttu scandal;
vrt. hvistysjuttu.
hpellinen shameful, dlsgracerul; (katala)
mramou [treatment, kohtelu], lgnomlnious rdefeat, tappio; punlshment, rangais
tus];" (kunniaton) dishonorlng, dlshonorable, discreditable; (herjaava) fnsultlng;
i roskainen) scandalous; Jutta scandalous arrair (1. story). scandal; puoli asi
assa (\. jutussa) the scandalous (1. shameful 1. dlsgracerul) part of the arrair;
rikos infamous (1. shamerul) crime; ~ ttko
sharneful (1. dlsgracerul) deed il. act), an
Infamous act, Infamy, lgnomlny; hpelli
sen voiton thden for the sake of sordid
gain. hpellisesti shamerul ly. disgracefully, dishonorably, ignominlously, Infamously; scandalously. hpellisyys shame(rulness), disgrace(fulness);
infamy; scandalousness.
hpemttmyys shamelessness, effrontery;
impudence, brazenness, coolness; (Julkeus) Insolence; vrt. hvyttmyys, hpemttomsti shamelessly. Impudently, brazenly,
sharheless. Impudent. barefaced; (Julkea)
bold, brazen. flagrant, unblushtng, insolent.
hpe paalu pillory. -penkki seat or correction; stool of repentance. -pilkku stain,
taint, blemish, blur, blot; dlsgrace; (hpeamerkki) stigma.
hipy shame; (hvyntunne) sense or shame;
i-iitlnelin) prlvate parts, genitals (or a remale), (anat., naisen) vulva; eihn nyt ole
hpy ollenkaan shame Is no\v become an
outrast. modesty is banished: hn on h
vylt hnnn katkaissut (sananp.) he is lost
(1. dead) to (1. he is past) ali (sense oD
shame. -huulet lattia (pudendl). -kannut
(kasv.) toueh-me-not. -luu (anat.) pubic
bone, pubis.
hpise* insultlng, Inramous, ignominlous;
hpisij (pyhyyden-) blasphemer; (Jon
kun maineen y. m.) deramer. hpist (ol
la hpeksi) dlsgrace, brlng shame upon . . ,
pu . . to shame: (jotakin pyh) prorane,
deseerate; blaspheme: (loukata) violate,
dishonor; (herjata) insult, arrront, orfer
an Insult to; abuse. revile: (mainetta y.
m.) defame; detract [rrom ..], debase;
hpist itsens dlsgrace o. s., (tehd tuh
masti) make a Tool or o. s.
hristell, hrist* (pelottaa) scare, Trlghtn. intlmidate: (uhata) threaten: (rsyt
t) tease; htist keppin jollekulle
threaten a p. with one's rane. shake one's
rane at a p.; vrt. heristell, herist.
hrkin twlrllng-stlck.
hrk oi (plur. oxen), (tav. nuori) steer;
(sonni) bull. -Jyv ergot.
hrkminen 1. (Juro) sulky; 8. hrk
hrk! papu (kasv.) broad (I. Wlndsor)
bean; horse-bean. -pari 1. -valjakko oxteam. -pinen buil-headed, plg-headed,
obsttnate, stubborn: (Juroplnen) sulky.
-pisesti bull-headedly, stubbornly. -piyys bull-headedness, plg-headedness, obstinacy. -pii obstinate (1. bull-headed 1.
hes/lsirong) Tellovv, bullhead, mule; (Jr
p!) sulky fellow, sulk(er). -taisteli la
bull-flghter. -taistelu bull-right(lng). -tyn
nyri (ers astiamttta) hogshead.
hrme 1. (hieno Jauhe) flne po\vdcr, (kem.)
sublimate; i. hrm.
hrment, hrmiet (kem. k mctall.) sub
limate, subllme. hrmistyi (kem.) suliinne.


hrm hoarrrost, white rrost, rline. hrmtnen vvhite \vlth rrost, covered with hoar
rrost (1. rime).
hirnill tease, charr; provoke, vex, irrltate,
rret; (pilkata) poke run at; vrt. hrnt,
hrnily teasing, eharring; vexing, Irritation, rretting.
hrnt tease, hector: (rsytt) provoke,
vex, irritate; (kiusata) torment; (yllytt)
exclte (1. stlr np) [to. Johonkin]; (suutut
taa) rouse [one's] anger, anger; ~ kiistaan
challenge; koiraa tease (1. torment) a
dog. hmys teasing, hectorlng; vexing,
irritating; tormentlng-, stirring up; challenglng; vrt. edell.
hrpint sipping; supping. harppia sip; sup.
hrskiinty turn (l. get I. become) rancid,
(Jkpv.) get strong: vrt. eltaantua.
hrsytt = rsytt.
hrn- (yhd.) . . or an ox, ox- [esim. -hnt
tail or an ox, ox-tall; -p head or an ox,
ox-head; -rakko bladder or an ox, ox-bladderj. -hntliemi ox-tall soup. -kieli
(keitt.) beertongue, ox-tongue. -liha beer.
-paisti roast beer. -rinta (keltt.) brisket
(or beer). -sappi ox-gall; ox-bile. -vuota
hthtinen hurrled, rursory; (niukka) barc.
scant(y). htht (kiireell) in a hurry,
(lkpv.: in a Jirry), In haste, hastily; cursorilv: (tuskin) barely, just.
htikk one \vho is In too much of a hurry,
an overhasty person, -ty \voik done In
haste. (a piere oO sllpshod \vorkmanship;
(Jkpv.) slap-dash.
htikid be In too much or a hurry, hurry
too rast (1. too much); (hyri) he busy,
make a russ; riurry; tehd tyns htiki
den (jkpv.) slap-dash one's \vork. htiki
minen being In too much or a hurry; riurrying. htikity overhasty; sllpshod [vvork,
ty] ; (ennenaikainen) piemature.
htist rhase; shoo, seat; - pois (mys:)
scare a\vay.
htkht (vavahtaa) give a start. start; ~
unesta start (up) out or one's sleep.
htyyttminen htyytys. htyyttmtn
unmolested, unharassert. htyytt attnrk,
assall: set upon, beset, harass, perplex;
(ahdistaa) press fone ror a rteht, iotakuta
velasta]; (hirit) molest, dlsturb; trouhle; (alaa takaa) Chase: hn on saanut olla
htyyttmtt he has been leit unmolested
(1. undlsturbed). htyytys attark(ing), assault(ing); besetting, harassing; pressing;
molestlng; chase.
ht need, necesslty. distress, tribulatlon;
(pula) trouble, straits; (httila) emergency, exlgency, tress; (vaara) danger. perii;
(huoli) anxlety: alarm, uneasiness; (tuska)
agony, anguish; (kiire) hurry, haste; h
dissn ks. hakus. ; hdn tullen in tlme (I.
In the hour) or need (I. distress 1. tribula
tlon), In an emergency, (httilassa) in urgent (1. extreme) rases. In case or urgency,
(tiukan tullen) when hard put (to); htks meill on we are ali right, \ve have
nothlng to rear (I. to complaln oD, \ve are
not SO bad(ly) oli : htn ks. joutua, rien
t, tulla: ei hnell ole mitn ht he is
In no danger, there Is nothlng the matter
\vlth hlm, he is ali rlght, he has nothlng to
complaln or; ei ~ lakia lue (sanani.) neces
slty knnvvs no lavv: ei ole mitn ht
there is nothlng to be reared, (there Is) no
danger; ensi hdss at Nrst, ror the tiine
belng; ensi htn to tlde one over, ror a
while, ror the motnent, ror the tlme being.
vrt. edell. ; kuin henkens hdss as though
one's life depenrted on It, Tor dear life:
mihin sinulla on sellainen vvhy such n

hurry? what makes you hurry so? why fence, -vuoal year of famine (I. of scarcity
such haste? where are you going- in such 1. of dearth).
a hurry? mik (sinuHui on htn what's hitay
htaytyminen; htyk*l**Sn in
the matter (with you)? what alls you? one's alarm. In one's anxiety, in one's dis
what's going on? what's up? minuit* tali tress, hataytyminen alarm, anxiety, dis
~ I became anxious (1. distressed), (kllre) tress; fright; confusion, embarrassment,
I (rot In a hurry; tytll ol - bsiss the hatiytya become (1. grow) alarmed (1.
girl was in distress (1. In anguish).
anxious) [about a th., Jostakln], become
hStaapu relief, -komltea (Famine) relief distressed; (hmmenty) become (1. get I.
grow) confused, become disconcerted, becommittee, -raha-to relief fund, -tyo re
lief work; kapnki teettaS htSaputit (come) perplexed; (pelsty) be(come)
(I. v.) the city Is furnishing employment startled, be frightened [Into doing a th.,
tekemn Jotakln], be Intimidated; get ex
to men out of work (1. Is relieving the un
cited, (Jkpv.) get upset; (Joutua pulaan)
employed by lurnlshlng them work).
(1. get 1. grow) embarrassed, get
hat? 'housu I. htikk, htilij; 2. = pl- into an awkward
Icuri. -huuto cry of distress; cry for help.
distressed, destitute, needy;
htilemttmyys (levolllsuus) calm(ness), httUkiralvl
qulet(ness): coolness, composure; confi
for those In distress (1. In need), for the
dence, htilemtn calm, cool, quiet, com
posed, collected; confident, hitilijl one people.
who hurries (too much), one who fusses;
alarmed: anxious; startled,
one who Is easily alarmed. httlllll hurry htntynyt
frightened; hatiiitntynyt katse (myos:)
(too much), be too hasty, be In too much look
htnty - htytyS.
of a hurry, act rashly, precipitate matters; hveliisyys modesty,
dlffldence: (kalnous,
(htlkld) make a fuss, fuss, be In a flur ujous) bashfulness: (vaatlmattomuus)
ry; (tuskallla) act Impatient; (olla huolls- plicity; haeliisyyJen tunne Sense Of mod
saan, olla levoton) be (I. feel) anxious (1.
sense of shame, hivelli* modest;
alarmed) [about, Jostakln]. be uneasy, esty,
(vaatlmaton) unassuming, unpretending,
worry, be worried [about, Jonkln takia] ; diffident;
simple; (ujo) shy, bashful,
i htil* (there Is) no hurry! don't hur
demure, coy. hivellUati modestly,
ry! (ole levolllnen) don't worry! htily diffidently:
hurrying- (too much), acting rashly; fuss- havettli makeshyly,
. feel ashamed; 'fco /nui
(Ing); anxiety, uneasiness; Impatience; yhtan hoet .don't
you have any sense of
(1. decency)? aren't you a bit
hitiinen (nopea, kllrelnen) hasty, hurried; propriety
[for acting like that,
(levoton) restless, Impatient: (huolestu- kyttayty silla tavalla]?
don't you feel
mit) uneasy, concerned, anxious, worried, ashamed
alarmed; (hiitllolva) fussy, bustllnir: (het- hveta be (1. feel) ashamed [of, Jotakln].
kelllnen) passing-, transitory, cursory; (ak- blush fat a th., Jotakln ; for one, Jonkun
klplkalnpn) rash, overhasty; (akllllnen)
; have a sense of propriety (I. de
precipitate, headlong-; (ennenalkalnen) pre thden]
; (antaa arvoa) have consideration
mature; ti'.mSym hasty (1. cursory) cency)
one, Jotakuta] ; hpemtm
Fiance, hurried (1. quick) look, hltlixesti without any[for
of propriety (1. decen
hastily, hurriedly; restlessly, impatiently; cy), without sense
consideration, (havyttuneasily, anxiously; (htlklden) hurry- mstl) shamelessly,
scurry, slap-dash; (ennenalkalsestl) pre dently; htipen unnlushlngly,
(\. manomaita) I'm
maturely: vrt. llmlilU. httilayyi haste, ashamed

hurry; Impatience; uneasiness, anxiety: D.S.; ftbs hpe haven't you any sense of
fussiness: rashness; precipltateness.
decency? aren't you ashamed of yourself?
hgtuMarru emerg-ency brake. -katte home (hyi hiipea) shame on you; (fie,) for
bantlsm In case of emergency, -kalno emer shame!
gency (I. extreme) measure; (tllapfilnen hivikki (tapplo) loss.
kelno) (make)shift, (temporary) expedi hivlnnyt (kadonnut) lost, missing; (murtuent: turoautua litheinoihin resort (1. have nut) ruined [health, terveys]; wrecked
recourse) to extreme measures, resort to [happiness, onnl]; Aon on ~ miem he has
makeshifts, -kello alarm-bell; tocsin; (hen- lost everything (he had), he has been
kllst:) one who Is easily alarmed (I. ruined, he Is a ruined man, he Is done for.
frightened), -laukaut: ampua hattilaukau* (mennyt) he has gone to the bad (1. to the
fire a si-.-iial of distress, -leipi famine dogs), (Jkpv.) he Is a goner.
bread, -lippu flag- of distress, -merkkl havittijt destroyer; devastator; pillager;
signal of distress, distress signal, -pikea (tuhlaaja) squanderer; (hajottaja) demolin a hurry, hastily; In a trice, -puolustuj Isher; vrt. hKvltUK. hivittimlnen = hKvity.
self-defence: Aon tanoi ten htpuolustuk- havitta* destroy; ruin [one's health, terveysekii (rnyos:) he said that to (ret out of It tensft]; wreck [their happiness, heid.'in on(I. to escape a th.). -piivl: ti hnell ol* nensa] ; (tehd autioksi) lay . . waste, dev
htpio(kSn) there Is nothing- the mat
astate, desolate; (kokonaan) annihilate,
ter with him, he Is all right, he has nothing crush (. . to atoms); (ryostaS) pillage,
to complain of. -rumpu: moittaa (l. lySda) plunder; ravage; (tuhlaamalla) waste,
htrampaa heat the alarm, -satama har
squander, spend, dissipate: (menettaa)
bor of refuge, -tila case of necessity (]. make away with . .; (kadottaa. hukata)
need), emergency, exigency, urgency; Aa- lose, miss: (kavaltaa) embezzle, misappro
ttilasta In case of need (1. emergency). In priate; (tappamalla) kill off, (sukupuutan emergency. If necessary; ainoaitaan toon) exterminate; (purkaa) demolish, level
(rimiscss) httilossa only In extreme . . with (I. to) the ground, raze: (hajottaa)
urgency, only In urgent (1. extreme) cases, disperse, scatter: rout (out), put to rout;
as un extreme measure only, only as a last (polstaa) obliterate, blot (I. wipe) out;
resort, -vale white lie, (Iknv.) fib. -vara cancel, abolish [slavery, orjuus] ; (ralvata
makeshift, expedient: (liiitiikelno) emer pois) remove; (telidii loppu Jostakln) make
gency (1. extreme) measure, -var.lelus self- an end of, do away with; (tehdil mitttdefence, -varjeliuolkeua right of self-de maksl) undo; ~ autiokti devastate, deso

late, lay . . vaste; . haltuunsa tukotta/a vyttmsti shamelessly, riagrantly; insovaroja mlsapproprlate funds entrusted to lently, Impudcntly, coolly, arrogantly;
one, (Jkpv.) run through vlth the money meanly; Indecently. hvytn shameless;
entrusted to one, vrt. kavaltaa (varoja) ; riagrant; impudent, bareiaced: (julkea)
juurineen destroy rool and branch, insolent, bold, audacious, arrogant; (sopi
(kuv.) eradlcate; ~ jonkin jljet obllterate maton) abusive, insulting; (hpemton)
the trares or, (tyystin) remove every trace immodest, unblushing, brazen(-raced);
of, (kadottaa) miss the trail, (koirasta:) (ilke) mean, vlle; (sdytn) lmproper,
lose the scent; maan tasalle level (1. indecent, shocklng; hvytn roisto rascally
raze) to the ground, raze; omaisuutensa (1. out-and-out) scoundrel, mean vhelp;
run through (1. spend 1. vaste 1. squander hvytn vale bareraced (1. unmitlgated I.
I. lose) one's fortune: ~ perinpohjin ut- black 1. inramous) lie, (Jkpv.) dirty lie.
terly destroy, destroy root and branch, hvisij = hpisij.
root out, destroy orr the Tace or the earth, hvistys (solvaus) insult, affront, dlshonor,
not leave a vestlge [or ..]; ~ rahaa run contumely, lgnomlny; (parjaus) abuse, rethrough vlth rnoney, let money slip vilement; llbel; (Jonkin pyhiin) proranathrough one'5 ringers; sukupuuttoon ei- tion, desecratlon; blasphemy; (loukkaus)
vlolatlon, outrage [upon ..]. -Juttu scanterminate.
hvitys destructlon, ruln; havoc; devasta- dalous story, scandal. -klrjotus llbeKous
tlon, desolatlon, (laying) vaste; ravage(s), pamphlet), lampoon. -runo llbelous poem,
ravaglng; vastlng, squanderlng, disslpa- lampoon. -sana abusive (1. Insulting) vord;
tion; plundering, pillage; hvityksen hau- syyt hvistyssanoja jonkun silmille heap
abuse(s) on a p., throw Insults In a p.'s race.
histue the abomlnatlon or desolatlon; saat
taa aikaan Cl. tuottaa) suurta hvityst hvs (hevoseny.m.) vlthers; hpt vithers.
rnake (I. vreak) great havoc [In the ranks hyry ks. hk.
of the enemy, vihollisen riveiss]: varojen h- (yhd.) vedding- [esim. -juhla ved embezzlement (1. mlsappropriatlon) ot ding-Teast: -lahja wedding-present (1.
runds. -halu dcslre to destroy, mania of -gilt): -piv weddlng-day].
destructlveness; (tuhlaus-) mania for hdell drive orr (1. away 1. out); chase:
squanderlng. -ratki (ryst-) plundering vrt. ht, hdnt = ht.
(1. lootlng) expedltton; raid. -f ota \var or h1' ilo: hilo oli korkeimmillaan the ved
ettermtnatlon. -ty work of destructlon; ding restivltles vcre at thelr helght (I. at
devastatlon, desolatlon.
thelr hlghest). -Joukko (hsaattue) bridal
hvit (kadota) dlsappear, vanlsh; (hukuk
siin) be lost; (sukupuuttoon) die out, be- hilyvinen (kuv.) vavcrlng, vacillating;
rome extinct; (menett) lose [the game, (epvakaa) Inconstant, unstable; rickle,
peliss; in the bargatn. kaupassa]; be (1. changeable. hly visyys, vavering. vaccilrnme out) a (1. the) loser, be the vorse latlon: Instabllity, unstahleness; rickleness.
(Tor ..], be vorse orr; (Joutua hvin) hly = hily.
be (I. get) ruined, go to destructlon: h, matka vedding trip (1. tour) ; Ae oi>af
(poistua) be obliterated, be erraced, be hmatkalla (mys:) they are on thelr
blotted (1. viped) out, be removed; (saada honeymoon. -menot (vihkimlstolmltus)
tappiota) incur (1. surrer 1. sustain) a loss; vedding ceremony, marriage servlce;
hvinnyt kS. hakUS.; jljettmiin Cl. tie
(ht) vedding.
tymttmiin) dlsappear (1. vanlsh) vlthout hmtt be dlmly (1. lndistlnctly) seen (I.
leaving trace behlnd (1. villi no trace lert); observed), be dlmly vlslblc; (hivht)
nkyvist be lost to (1. pass out or) gllmpse, gllmmer; (kajastaa) davn; (kan
slght; painissa be (1. come out) the loser gastaa) loom; (kuvastua) stand out, be
in a vrestllng-match; sukupuuttoon be (dlmly) OUtllned; hnelle hmtti onnelli
ettermlnated, become extinct; hn hvisi nen tulevaisuus a happy ruture rose berore
kaupassa he lost (1. he vas a loser) In the his mlnd's eye. hmtys gllmpse; davnhargain, he lost on the deal, he got the Ing; loomlng.
vorst (1. the bad end) or the bargain; hn hrint bustle, bustllng; liurry(ing), flurhvisi tietymttmiin (mys:) nobody ry(lng): russ, ado; strlvlng(s); cares. duknovs vhat became or hlm: poika on h
tles. hri vainen bustllng, busy, allve, aevinnyt the boy has disappeared (1. van- tlve. hri be in a hurry, bustle: (touhu
Ished) ; sen jljet ovat kohonaan hvinneet ta) make a (uss, make a stlr (1. an ado) :
ali traces or it have been obliterated (1. er
(puuhata) strive; (hommata) be busy, be
raced 1. lost). hviminen dlsappearlng, actlve, busy o. s. [vlth. Jossakin] ; vrt.
vanishlng; dylng out. extlnctlon; Ioslng; hyri.
hllteration: vrt. hvit.
hruno veddlng-song, cplthalamlum.
hvimttmyys mdestructibillty: inerrace- hrill, hrt - hri.
ableness, lndellbillty; imperishableness; h saatto 1. -saattue bridal party.
everlastlngness. hvimttmn lnerrace- ht vedding, nupttals; hiss at a vedding.
ably, Indellbly. (katoamatta) tmperlshably; h talo nouse vhere a vedding Is held (I.
nnradlngly. hvimtn Indestructlble; ln- celehrated). -tavat marriage customs.
crrareable. Indellble: Imperishable [memo- hty (tyty) must, have [to do lt, tehd
ry. muisto] ; (ikuinen) cverlastlng.unradlng. se], be compellcd [to ..]: htyi pakene
hti (turmio) ruln; (tuho) destructlon; maan had to (lee, vas compelled to riee.
(kukistuminen) Tall, dovnrall, collapse; htminen evlctlon.
(rappio) decay; \vreck: (tappio) loss; h- htmisl oikeus right to evlct (1. or evlc
viUe kS. joutua; hvin kS. Joutua, saat
tlon). -toimenpide: ryhty htmistoitaa, vied; hvin tuomittu dOOmed tO menpiteisiin rcsort to evictlng (I. evlctlon).
clestrlirtion. -tila kS. rappiotila.
ht evlct; eject, turn out, oust; hdet
hvyn kieli (anat.) clltorls. -tunne sense or tvksi tuomittu . . on vhom a vi-lt or
*hami>, sense or decency (I. proprlcty).
cjectment has been served, . . who has
hvyttmyys shamelessness, riagrance: (jul- been ordered by the court to vacato the
keus) errrontery, impudence, audaclty, In- premlses.
solence. arrogance, bareracedness, cool- ht evlctlon; cjectment, ejectton, ((orclble) oustlng. -ksky order (1. notlce) to
ness-, (Ilkeys) baseness, meanness; (s
dyttmyys) Indeccncy, improprlety. hi- vacate tlie premlses; order or evlctlon.



-oikeus right to evict. -tuomio (1. v.) wrlt

of ejectment.
hvaatteet weddtng-clothes (1. outrit);
(raam.) wedding garments.
hvi: ei ole ~ is not very good, is rather
poor. Is not worth mueh, (jkpv.) is kind
of SO -SO; heidn toimeentulonsa ei ole h
vi they are having a hard time or it, they
are (rather) hard up, they are having- a
hard time makin? both ends meet; vrt.
kaksinen, hvin (tuskin) hardly, barely,
hvki wedding guests. wedding party.
hkkeli hovel, ramshaeklc house (1. building), hole; (kota, mkki) hut, cottage.
hk (ysk, elimiss) strangles.
hktys: koko (jkpv.) the vvhole caboodle, the whole shootlng-match.
hlkky jump, Jog, joit; shake; rock up and
hlkk Jog-trot; hiljaista hlkk at a Jogtrot.
hlkytell, hlkytt (juosta ~) jog-trot,
Jog (along); (hytky) Joit, shake: a/aa ~
drive at a Jog-trot. hlkt jog-trot, jog
(along). hlktt - hlkytt.
hllennys loosening; relaxation. hllentynyt
loosened; (etup. kuv.) relaxed, lax [dlscipllne, kuri], slack, (lyh) loose. hllenty get loose>.r), become loose (1. slack),
slack(en), flag: grow (more) lax. relax:
tauot hllentyvt the customs are grovving
more lax. hllent make . . Inose(r).
loose(n); make .. (more) slack (1. lax),
slack(en); (etup. kuv.) relax Idiscipline,
morals, moraalia],
weaken, enervate; hllent siteit loosen
the bands.
hllitt = hellitt: (mer.) slacken.
orr (I. away), pay out [the rope, kytt].
hllyys looseness; slackncss: (etup. kuv.)
laxlty, laxness. hll (lyh) loose. slack
(mys kuv.); (veltto) lax [dlscipljne, ku
ri]; on hllll is (1. hangs) slack, is loose:
on hllss is loose, (etup. kuv.) Is lnsecure. is easily dislodged.
hll!: ktinen (alkup.) . . \vith a loose grasp
in one's hands;
(kuv.) easy(-going),
(over)lndulgent, weak; (hll) lax [dlscipline, kuri], -luontoinen .. \vitti easygolng disposition, . . larkiiig strength or
character; \veak. -luontoiiuus lack of characler; easy-going disposition; \veakness.
hllni loosely; slackly, llmply.
hlmistynyt amazed, stunned, stuperied,
thunderstruck, dumdOfounried; barried:
startled. hlmistys amazement; bewilde'rment. hlmistytt amaze, stun, stupefy,
piit .. out of countcnance, diim(b)round,
conround, barfle: startle. hlmisty bc(rome) amazed (I. stunned 1. stuperied 1.
thunder truck 1. duinbrounded 1. barried),
be put out or cnuntennncc; be startled;
(Jkpv.) be riabbergasted; hlmisty kovin
be completely dum(b)founded (1. takeu
hlm (silly) Tool; goose; sinipletnn, Idiot:
(tollo) blockhead, numskull. dunce. dolt;
aika hlm a regular dunce (I. idiot).
hlpp, hlpp (lavertelija) loose talker.
prattler, chatterhox; (kehuskelila) s\vaggerer, braggadndo.
hlptt prattle.
cackle; taik nonsense; (kehuskellen) brag,
bluster, s\vagger.
hykytt (pudistaa) shake. toss, rock; jog;
(likytt) splash (to and rro), shake up;
vrt. hlkytt. hlsky shake, jog, Joit;
splash to and rro.
hlty (irtautua) get (I. come) looso (1. unrastened), work loose, loosen; mys =


hly: ei hlyn ply notblng at ali. nothlng

whatever, not a graln (1. a smidge I. a
-ti av. i. not the least blt: nostaa hlyt)
jostakin ralse a huhhuh (I. an uproar 1. a
row) about a th., clamor about a th.; vrt.
hly; punaa hlyn ply taik nonsense (I.
rubblsh), (Jkpv.) taik through one's hat,
(laverrella) ramble (on), rant, prattle,
cackle. hlynply nonsense. babble, bosh:
(trky) rubblsh; min en tied siit hlyn
ply I have not the slightest (1. not the
ghost or an) idea about (1. of) it. I don't
know a thing about it. hlyt taik nonsense:
hlytn, ett . . It is rumored (1. whlspered about) that . . .
hl svvaggerer, (jkpv.) mouthy: (hps)
goose, (Jkpv.) sllly, sorty.
hmtitiiainen (elint.) marshtit, titmouse.
hnttn: tytn ~ gawk or a girl, gawky.
hntt (speak wlth a) snurrie; vrt. ho
hperrys Incoherent taik; mumbling. mutter(ing). hperty be(come) conrounded
(1. confused); become distracted; (hm
menty) grow bevvlldered, become perplexed, be put out; (hlmisty) be(come)
stunned (1. stuperied), (vanhuuttaan) grow ,
chlldlsh. hpert mumble. mutter; taik incoherently. hperyys distractlon; crazlness. derangement. hper I. (a.) con
rounded, confused. distracted; roolish,
cracked, crazv; (sekava) muddlert, (jkpv.)
ruddled. II. (s.) silly (1. crazy) rool, slmpleton; (jkpv.) crazy loon. hperid taik
nonsense (I. rubbish); taik crazy; taik In
coherently, vvander.
hpist (mutista) mumble, murmur: mutter
rto o. s., Itsekseenl ; (laverrella) prattle,
cackle; ramble (on), rant: (puhella) taik.
hpsi taik nonsense (I. foolishness). go on
uith (1. say) a lot or fool taik: mit hpsit
\vhat's that nonsense you are talking?
hpkk I. (a.) roolish, silly. II. (s.) silly (I.
roolish) woman (1. girl); tytn a harumscarum, a happy-go-lucky girl.
hrhist ks. hrst, herist.
hrist (morista) growl; (surista) hum,
buzz, drone; (horista) taik nonsense.
hrppi slp; sup.
hrhdell grovvi; (mutista) mumble, mur
mur; mutter.
hrst h(e)arken, llsten; lurk, spy; vrt.
hsk rubblsh, trash; koko - (jkpv.) the
whole caboodle, the \vhole shooting-match.
htkk (melu, metakka) uproar, tumult,
bubbub; (nujakka) row.
hyde = hyty.
hyhen reather, plume: (untuva) down.
hyhenetn . . with no reathers, naked.
hyhenhuisku Teather-duster. hyheninen
reathered: downy.
hyhen !| kaulus (elint.) ruJT. -loisto splendor
or fits] reathers. -luokka (urh.) reatherweight class, class or reatherwelghts.
hyhennys plucking; (kuv.) trimmlng.
hyhen II patja reather-bed, ilown-bed. -peite
plumage: reathers. -peitteinen reathered,
. . covered with reathers. -pilvi cirrus.
-puku plumage. -tyyny reather-pllhnv.
hyhent pluck
a rowl, kana(ltnlu) ' ;
(kuv.) trlm, give .. a goort trinimlng-up.
dust a p.'s Jacket; toisiaan make the
fur ny.
hyhen tyht plume. -vuode do\vn-bed.
hyhenys plumage.
hyli politc, civll; (kohtelias) courteous.
hylisti politely, courteously. hyliys polltcness, clvlllty; courteousness.




hyli plane. -kone planer, planing-maohlne.

hoylsn lastu shaving. -ter plane-blt, cutImg blade or a plane. -tukki (plane- )stock.
hylpenkki carpenter's (1. joiner's) bench,
hyltty planed, dresscd [board, lauta],
"ylati plane; (puutavaraa) dress; hylt
karkeaksi roug-h-plane, rough-dress. hyliys planing; dresslng. hylmtn iiii
dressed, rougti (.board, lauta] ; (kuv.) unpolished, (c)rude. hylm planlng-mlll.
hyrehtli = hyryt.
hyry steam, vapor; (kaasu) fume, gas;
'katku) smell, reck: (huuru) mlst: (hy
ryalus) steamer; tydell hyryll vvith
rull (1. a rull head oD steam, at rull steam.
"yry- (yhd.) steam- [esim. -aura steamplow; -keitti steam -kltchen; -pumppu
sleam-pump; -putki steam-pipe (1. -pip
in;); -viheilin 1. -pilli steam -vvhistle]. -he
po (1. v.) Iron horse. -Juntta steam ptledrlver. -Jyri steam-roller (mys kuv.).
-kaappi vapor-bath. -kattila (steam-)boller. -kone steam-englne. -kupu (hyrypannun) steam -dorne. -kylpy steam-bath,
hyrylaiva steamboat; (tav. suuri) steamshtp, steamer. -liike steamsblp (1. steam
boat) tratnc. -linja steamsblp line. -yhti
-<teamshlp company, steam navlfratfon
hyry lapio steam-shovcl. -lautta steam
ferry(-boat); traln Terry, -leipomo steam
bakery. -lmmitys steam-heat: hyrylmmtyksell varustettu steam-heated
huoneisto], -paine steam pressure; pressure (l. head) of steam. -pannu = hyry
kattila, -pursi steam-launch (1. -yacht).
-ruisku steam fire-englne. -saha steam
sawmill. -silinteri (steam-)cyllnder.

hyrysepaahdettu steamed.
hyrytt (tekn.) steam. hyryt steam,
g-ive orr steam (1. vapor); (haihtua) evaporate, exhale; hevonen hyry the horse Is
steaming, vrt. huuruta; kattila hyry the
kettle is steaming, steam is rlslng rrom
the kettle.
hyry vaippa steam-jacket. -vasara steam
hammer; trlp-hammer. -vene steamboat,
(-alus) steam-vessel. -voima steam-povver.
-viri steam-color.
hyste (mauste) seasonlng, riavor(ing);
splce; rellsh (kaksi viimeista mys kuv.);
(suurus) thickenlng; hysteeksi as a flavorlng, to cnrich . . , (kuv.) to make It
more palatable. hysteinen seasoned, flavored; splced, splcy.
hysteliha ragout; stew. hyatelli ks. hys
t, hystepippun allsplce.
hysUmtn unsplced, unseasoned, unflavored.
hyst spice, season [wlth. Jollakin] ; (suu
(kuv.) make . . splcy (1. palatable), enllve:i
[\vith, Jollakin]; huomautuksiaan ter
vill sukkeluuksilla make one's remarks
splcy (1. palatable) by brlnglng In witty
Jokes; ~ maata lannalla enrlch the soil
wlth manure, manure the land; puhet
taan huvittavilla kaskuilla enllven one's
speech vvith amusing anecdotes; vahvasti
hystetty hlghly seasoned, (kuv.) splcy.
hyst hash. -savi marl.
hyty (sulassa) Web, vane (of a feather);
(untuva) (blt or) down; (kevyt, Ilmassa
lentv) riurr, flue; (kasvi-, mya:) rioss;
(hytle) Hake. -side harii.
hytile (villa- y. m.) flock, (lumi- y. m.)
flake; (tyht) tuft; (kasv.) tassel.

iankaiken forever, (Engl.) for ever, forevcr

and a day. eternally; vrt. aina. iankaikkinen
t.-nial life, elm] ; (Ikuinen) everlastlng;
iankaikkisesta iankaikkiseen Iraani.) il uni
everlastlng to everlastlng. iankaikkisesti
eternally. forever. iankaikkisuus eternlty.
idealismi i. aatteellisuus) ldeallsm. idealisti
idempini farther (to the) east; [olla, He]
rarther eastward.
identifioida (samastaa) ldentlfy. identtinen
aivan sama) Identlcal. Identtisyys Identitv.
idiootti (tylsmielinen henkil) idiot.
idnpuoleinen eastern [windnw. Ikkuna],
east iroom, huone], idistipiin rrom the
east; From east or here.
idttiminen sproutlng; germination. idtt
imake) sprout, (cause to) germlnate.
idttminen, -kone genninator.
ien guin; vrt. ikenet.
ies yoke. iestit yoke [the oxen, hrt],
imt the yoke on.
ihaileminen admirlng. ihailija admlrer. Ihail
la admire; (Jumaloida) adore; ihaillen admiringly. ihailtava admlrable; (Ihmetelt
v i wonderrul. Ihailu admlration; adoration; ihailua herttv . . excltlng (1. causingi admlration, admlrable; ihailulla wlth
admiratlon, admlrlngly.
. . inixed wltb admlration.
ihan ks. aivan; uuii perrectly (1. entirely)
new; se en ~ mahdotonta (mys:) it 18
an utter Imposslblllty.

ihana lovely [evening, Ilta], delightrul, rine;

(suloinen) sweet [odor, tuoksu], dellcatc-,
(kaunis) beautiful, beautlous, ralr; (hur
maava) Cliarmlng; ihanaa on kuolla vapau
den puolesta it is sweet tn die for freedom('s sake); /Annon kaunis charmlngdy
beautiful), ihanainen ihana.
ihanne ideal; beau ldeal; (tydellinen esi
kuva) paragon. -Ihminen ideal man (1.
person); paragon of men. -kuva iileal Pic
ture; Idol.
ihannella ldeallze; (Ihailla) admire, adore.
ihanne1 maa, -tila utopia, -valtio ldeal stale;
ihannoida ideallze;
(Jumaloida) ' ldollze.
ihannoiminen ldeallzatlon.
ihanteellinen ldeal; (aatteellinen) Idealistit-;
ihanteellisen kaunis Ideally beautiful, a
paragon <>f beauty, ihanteellisesti ideally;
ideallstlcally. ihanteellismielinen Idealistic.
ihanteellisuus ldeallsm; Ideality. Ihanteeton
. . with no liieals, . . destltute or ldeals.
ihanteleminen idealizlng, admirlng. Ihantelija Ideallzer; admlrer. Ihantelu admlration.
adoration; hcro-worshlp.
ihanuus loveliness; sweetness; (kauneus!
beauty; (sulous) charm(s); (loisto) glory.
ihastella (ihailla) admire, adore.
ihastua becomc dellghted [wlth. Johonkin
(I. Johonkuhun); at. Jostakin]; become
enraptured (1. rasclnated) [wlth ..], bernme charmed (1. raptlvated) [\vith the

girl's beauty, tytn kauneuteen] : (rakas- admirable: ihmeteltvn hyvin remarkably
tua) fall in love [with ..]; vrt. loitua. (1. surprisingly) well, ihmeteltvsti marihastuminen fascination [for a girl, tyun] . velously; surprisingly, amazingly; remark
ihastunut: - johonkin taken with, delighted ably: admirably, hmetteleminen wonderwith; ~ ohonkuhun taken (up) with, (ra- ling), marveling; astonishment, surprise;
kastunut) in love with, enamored of, (tiin) ei le ( mitn ) ihmettelemift,
(mleltynyt) delighted with [the new vaikka . . there Is nothing to be wondered
teacher, uuteen opettajaan] ; ~ jottakin at, even if . . , it Is no wonder, even if . .;
tss ei ihmettelemin'en aata It doesn't du
delighted at a th.
ihastus delight; fascination, enchantment, any good to stand here and wonder. Ihrapture; (Innostus) enthusiasm; ihasiuk- mettelevfi linen) wondering; surprised;
tella with delight, admiringly; ihattuktis- ihmettelea kytymyt surprised (1. startled)
saan in one's delight (1. joy 1. happiness) ; question, question full of surprise, ihmetihattukiistaan jottakin delighted at, over- televs ee>tl wonderlngly, in a surprised
at (1.(1. enraptured)
with), happy
at (1. over), manner, ihmettely wonder(ing); astonish
ment, surprise; ihmettely hertto sur
ihastuttaa delight; fascinate, captivate; en prising, astonishing, (hmmstyttva)
rapture, ravish; (hurmata) charm, enchant. startling, ihmettelynsekainen: ihmettelynihastuttaja ks. ulotuttaj. hastuttaminen sckaisella ateliaituudella With curiosity
mingled with wonder, ihmetye = ihmettely.
fascination; fascinating,
ihas- ihmetytttva surprising, astonishing, star
tuttavan kaunit charmingly beautiful.
ihka(sen) = han; - elvn vrt. ilmiel- ihmetyttai make .. wonder (1. surprised),
fill (1. strike) . . with wonder; surprise, as
v. (lia).
ihme wonder; marvel; prodigy; (ihmety) tonish: minaa ~ hnen kaytksens I am
miracle; ihmeekteni to my astonishment, surprised (1. astonished) at his conduct;
to my surprise; ihmeen .. wonderfully ei minua ensinkn ihmetyt I don't
I beautiful, kaunls], wondrous(ly), mar- wonder at it at all, it does not surprise me
velous(ly) [large, suuri], (mainlon, erin- in the least.
iiialsen) extremely, very [well written, ihmety miracle; wonder; i/imefoo myos : )
hyvin kirjotettu] ; ihmetn hyvin remark startling things.
ably (]. wonderfully) well, splendidly; ihminen man (plur. men); (Ihmisolento) hu
ihmetn ihana wondrous fair, a paragon man being; (henkll) person; ihmiten ei
of beauty; ihmeian surprised, aston pitaiti . . one (1. a person) ought not to . .:
ished, with astonishment, vrt. olla; Ja ihmiset. ihmisi (koll.) men, people; fthumma, ett.. what a wonder that..; ihme- misten tavalla like decent people, decently:
kSt, /os .. no wonder, if . .; [pelastua] olla (\. kyttyty) ihmisiksi behave like
huin ihmetn kautia [escape] as by a mira civilized people, act like human beings;
cle; mitcn ihmeetsa (1. ihmeen tacallal. huoin. ,....- .._.. uiel oppii olemaan ihmimilla ihmeell how In the name of wonder? sikti he may turn out a decent fellow (I.
how in the world? mita ihmrit *in puhut turn out all right) yet] ; hyo tita
what In the world (1. what under the sun tee man alive, don't do It!
I. what In all conscience) are you talking ihmis- yiiii. human, . . of man [esim.
-dama human life, life of man; -oikeadtt
human rights, rights of man; -tielu hu
ihmeellinen wonderful, wondrous, marvel
ous; (yllluonnolllsen) miraculous; (kum- man soul, soul of man; -tydn human
heart, heart of man], -ajatus human
malllncn, omitulnen) curious, strange, pe
culiar: (merkillinen) remarkable; (Ihme- thought, -apu human help, -arka shy (of
tyttSva) surprising, astonishing; ihmeelli- people) , timid, unsociable, -arkuus shy
m*n .. wonderfully, marvelous(ly) [good ness, timidity, unsoclability. -asunto abode
painter, hyv maalari], wondrous (ly) (I. dwelling) of a human being; taapaa
well, hyvin]; ihmeelliit kyllii curiously ihmisatunnoille reach a human habitation.
enough, strange to say. ihmeellisosti won ihmiseksi tulcminon 1. -tub (Kristuksen)
derfully, marvelously Jne., vrt. ihmeellinen. incarnation.
ihmeellisyys wonderfulness; strangeness, ihmisellinen (Ihmis-) human; (inhlmllllnen,
curiousness; queerness; (Ihrneellinen seik- kunnollinen) humane [conduct, kytUytyka 1. asia) remarkable thing, curious fea mlnen]. ihmisellisesli humanely, ihmiselture; (ihme) wonder; ihmeellityydet curi
Msyys humanity.
osities, marvels, wonders; vrt. merkillisyy. ihmi cnpoika (raam.) the Son of Man.
ihmeesti 1. = ihmeellisesti; 2. (Ihmeen hy ihmisllhaamu human shape: peto ihmithaavin) excellently, splendidly. Ihmehtiu won mussu a beast in human (dis) guise, a fiend
der (1. marvel) [at, Jotakln] ; be surprised incarnate, -henkl human spirit; (ihmisat ..i. ihmeidentekij wonder-worker; oliilllai human life; suuri ihmithengen hukthaumaturge; (talkurl) magician. Ihmeita- ka great loss of life, -ika (average) life
tekev wonder-working; miracle-working. time, age of man; generation; kett ihihme lapsi child wonder (1. miracle), won misian will last a lifetime (l. a generation) .
der of a child, infant prodigy, -lake -Joukko crowd (of people), throng of men:
wonder-working medicine; (pilkall.) quack meluava ihmisjouhko mob. -jarki human
Intellect (1. understanding), human reason,
medicine (1. remedy). -lUklrl (miracu
-kauppa traffic in human flesh; (orjalous) healer; (pilkall.) quack, -maa won
derland, -parannus wonder-working cure. kauppa) slave-trade, -keksintfl human de
vice, -kerno docile; tractable, -kunta hu
-teko miracle; marvelous feat.
ihmetell wonder (1. marvel) [at, Jotakln]; man race, mankind, humanity; ihmitknnnan
(hmrnstella) be surprised (1. amazed 1. historia history of mankind (1. of the
astonished) [at, Jotakln] ; (ihallla) admire; world), universal history, -kisi: ihmitihmrl eilen WOnderlngly, With Siirpn-r (1.
ktin tehty made by the hand of man.
amazement) : ej le ihmettelemitt (l. ei made by (1. with) human hands, -lapsi
child of man; (kuv.) human being, mortal :
! ihmetell), * . . it Is not to be won
kaikki] ihmitlapset [all] the children of
dered (at). If ... ihmeteltav,- wonderful,
men. (koll.) the human family, -meri s.-a
marvelous, surprising, astonishing; strik
ing [likeness, yhdennaklsyys] ; (ihailtavai of humanity.



ihmisminen becomlng to (1. \vorttiy of) a

mmn. ihmismisesti (In a manner) heroin insj to (1. rittliiK Tor) a inan, like a humaii
ihmismisyys humanlty, liunian
quallties; /* hness on vhnkn ihmismisyytt i! he is at ali humane, il' lie
has any Uuman quallties; osottaa ihmismisyyttu show humanlty, dlsplay hinnan
quallties: vrt. ihmisyys.
ihmis olento hinnan betng; (lelklll.) vxight.
-parka poor man (1. rellow), poor soul;
(jkpv.) poor devll. -polvi ks. sukupolvi,
-pyrr Uuman whirl; ks. ihmisvilin,
-rakaa philanthropic, humanitarian, benevolent. -rakkaus love of man(klnd), humanity; (teoissa Ilmenev) phllanthropy.
-rodut races or men. -ruumia human body,
(kuollut) corpse. -ryst (lak.) kldnap<p)ing. -suku human species; (koll.) lminankinil. tnankind. -syj cannibal; ihmis
syjt (mys:) man-eaters, anthropophagl.
-tappo (lak.) manslaughter. -tavat man
ners, decent behavlor; opettaa jollekulle ihmixtapoja teach one (good) manners. -tiede
anthropology. -tuntemus knowledge or men
(I. or human nature), Insight Into (human)
charaoter; hnell on ihmistuntemusta he
'an read men (1. the human nature). -tuntija
dtseerner or men, Judge or human nature.
ihmistyttaa clvillze, make reflned, humanize,
teach (good) manners. ihmlstyt learn man
ners; become (more) clvUlzed; become
humanlzed; (parantaa tapansa) mend one's
ways, rerorm; ihmistyneet tavat clvll man
ners, rivimies.
ihmitjty work or man. -uhri human sacririre. -viha batred or man(klnd) ; mlsanthrol>v. -vihaaja hater of mankind, man-hater,
misanthro|pe (I. -plst). -vilin busy (1. bustling) tbrong (or men): kauhana ihmisvili
nst far rrom the maddlng crowd. -voima
human power. -ystv lover of man
kind; philanthroplst. -ystvllinen humane,
benevolent; philanthropic. -ystvllisesti
humanely, benevolently, phllanthroplcally.
-ystlv (Ulia) yya benevolence ; phllanthropy.
ihmisyys humanlty, humaneness; (Ihmista
vat) sense, manners; ihmisyyden nimess
In the nami; of humanlty; hness ei ole
vhkn ihmisyytt he has ilot a bit or
human feeltng.
ihmMly human Intelleet (l.reason 1. mind).
-Mnl human volce.
iho skin; (hipi) complexion. -haava slight
xvound; flesh-wound. -hengitys (insensihle) persplratlon; transplratlon. -hurtta
(lk.) lupus,
ihoinen (yhd.) . . wtth a . . skin (1. com
plexion), . .-skinned, . .-complexioned (1.
romplerted) [esim. hieno- wlth a delicate
skin (I. complexion); karkea loui.ii
skinned, . . with a rough skin; tummartark-skinned] : ks. musta, valko; vrt.
mys: hipiinen.
iho Jauhe toilet-powder, talcum powder.
-karva hair (on the body, on the arin Jne.) :
ihokarvat halrs, (Ihmisen sikin) lanugo.
ihokas (ihonmukainen takki) Jersey, (closeritting) Jacket; sweater.
iho; kudos (tiet.) cutaneous tlssue. -ksn
rallus; rallosity. -maali panit, (teat.) makeup; (punanen) rouge. -mytinen ttght
(-rittlng) [coat, takki],
ihonlalainen subcutaneous: bypodermlc [lnJectlon, ruiske], -karvainen ihonvri
nen, -viri complexion, hue. -vrinen I IcsTicolored.
iho nppy li 1. -nyppy (11) pimple, pus
tille; eruption, -piirros tattoo. -poimu
wrinkle on the skin: (elimen:) fold or
the skin. -raava oli of the hodv.


-takki close-nttlng coat; vrt. ihokas, -tauti

disease or the skin, skin disease; (lk.)
cutaneous disease.
ihottuma eruption (on the skin), cutaneous
eruption, breaklng out; (rohtuma) erriorescence, rash.
iho tulehdus inflammation of the skin. -vri
1. = ihamaali; 2. (Ihonvri) complexion,
ihra (sian) lard; (hrn, lampaan y. m.)
suet; (rasva) fat; vrt. tali. -hntinen =
rasvahntinen. -hntlammas rat-tailed
ihrainen lanly, suety; (rasvainen) greasy.
ihrallleuka double chln. -maha 1. -vatsa potbelly; i ihramaha! nen henkil)
-mahainen 1. -vatsainen pot-bellled. -voi
oleomargarln(e), butterine; (kern.) margarln(e).
Ihvi ks. hiki, rasva.
iilimato bloodsucker; leech.
Iisakki, Iisak Isaac.
iisoppi (kasv.) hyssop.
Iivana Ivan; Julma Ivan the Tenible.
Han-, IJen, ij- ks. ian-, ien, 1K-.
ikenet gums; ~ irviss, irviss ikenin grinnlng(lv).
iki ikuinen; iki hpeksi meille an everlastlng dlsgrace to us; [unohdettu] iki
piviksi [forgotten] forever; vrt. ikin.
iki- (yhd.) (rettmn vanha) prlmltlve,
prlmeval, primal; (Ikuinen) eternal, neverending, perpetual; (Ikuisesti) ever-; (ylen)
over-, vrt. ikuinen.
Ikillhonka (very) anclent plne. -ihastunut
overjoyed. -Ihastua utmost dellght. -ilo
everlasting Joy; lmmense dellght. -laulaja
prlmeval mlnstrel (1. liani ). -liikkuja per
petual motlon (machine). -lumi perpetual
(1. eternal) snow. -mets prlmeval forest.
-muistettava ever-memorable, never-to-beforgotten. -muiatolnen Immemorlal; iki
muistoisista ajoista from tlme Immemorlal,
time out or mind.
ikinen: joka [heist] every (single) one
[or them], every mother's son [or them].
ikin ever; ei never (in the World) , never
In ali one'S lire; kuha haluaa uho so ever deslres; niin paljon kuin voin as
much as ever I (1. as I posslbly) can.
iki oma own forever; ikiomani my own Torever, mine Tor alxvays. -piv: ikipiviksi
forever (and ever); ei ikipivin never In
the World; en ikipivinni never In (ali)
my life, never as long as I Ilve. -runo very
old (I. ancient) song: lay. -uni eternal
sleep. -vanha very old (1. anclent), very
prlmltlve; pristlne.primeval; time-honored
[rlght, oikeus; custom, tapa]; (Jkpv.) as
old as the hllls (1. as Methuselah). -vuori
primary (1. primltlve) rock (s); ikivuoret
eternal mountalns, everlasting hllls.
ikkuna window, (Joskus:) casement; (pieni
pyre, laivoissa) port-hole; (katossa) skyllght; katsoa ulos ikkunasta look out oi tili'
Xxilllloxx ; ikkunan vuorilauta XX'Ulrioxv-easinK
ikkuna- (yhd.) window- [esim. -lasi window-glass; -uudin window-curtaln; -var
jostin wlndow-screen] . -helat 1. -kiskotus
1. -raudat wlndow flttlngs; (kiinnityst
varten) wlndow fastenlngs.
ikkunainan (yhd.) wlth . . Windows [esim.
kapea wlth narrow Windows; pieni
with small Windows].
ikkunan kamana 1. -karmi window-rranie.
(-puitteet) WindOW-S8Sh; ikkunakehykset
(koll.) the sash.
-komero recess (I.
embrasurc) of a wlndow, wlndow-nlchc
(1. -splay). -lauta wlndow-slll, \vHulo\vstool; (levempi) \vlndow-seat. -luukku



(wiri'V>w cliuiu-r,
( varjo-tln)
-pieli jaiirli. -reik indou opeiiing. -ritikk (hmm. vankikopelssa) (indo-)
grating, vindow-grat<1; (asunnoissa) lt
ti'-, -ruutu <v.mdov.->pane; light. -verho
<wiiidow-)<Tiirlaiii; ikkunaverhot (Jkpv.)
Ikuinen everlastlng; (ainainen t perpetual
[snow, lumi];
(iankaikkinen; eternal;
'loppumaton; endless nlght, y], never(:<:aslng, unceaslrig; ikuiseksi, ikuisiksi
aloiksi forever (and ever,, rorevermore
ikuisesti forever Engl.: for ever\, everlaitlngly, etcrnally; perpetually.
i k uittaa, Ikulatuttaa (tehd Ikuiseksi) make
lenial, perpetuate;
Immortallze, la deed. Joku teko], eteraize.
Ikuistaminen, -tutuminen perpetuating,
Irrirriortallzlrig. ikuiauua eternity, lnrinlte
diiratlon, perpetalty; endlessness.
ik age; (elm) lire; (elinik) llfetime;
(JOSKUS:) years; ikn ks. ikin; iksi
(piviksi) for (ali one's) life, for one's
uliiplc, liro long, for a llfetime, (ainaiseksi)
forever; eli BO vuoden ikn llved to be 80
years old (1. of age), llved to tiis (1. her)
80tll year; Jos Jumala minulla ik suo if I
am siiared ; kaihen ( i koho) ikns ( throughout) ali hls lire, hls wbole life long; kuoli
lo vuodan iss dled at the age of 10
years, died aged 10 ycars; minun iltni
Cl. issni) at my age; minun issni oleva
mies a man of my years; viidenkymmenen
(vuoden) iss oleva mies a man of fifty.
Ik: ait StagC Of life; kaikki sill ihasteella
olevat miehet ali men of tliat age. -ero
(lirreicnce or (I. in) age. -hammas wtsdomtooth.
ikinen of . . age [esim. minun ikiseni or
my age; huom. mys: 10 vuoden 10
years of age] ; aged [esim. 10 vuoden
aged 10 years], (vanha) old; ikisekseen
I kehittynyt, suuri Jne.] [vveli-developed,
large etc] for one's age; eli kymmenen
vuoden ikiseksi llved to be 10 years old
(1. or age); hnen ikisens [Hlles] [a
man] of hls age (1. years) ; hn on minun
ikiseni ho Is (of) my age, lie Is (or) the
sallin ago (thnt) I am; hn on SO vuoden
he Is nrty (years of age 1. years old) ; kuoli
10 vuoden ikisen (lied (when he was) 10
vears old, died at the age of ten; nppr
poika ikisekseen a brlght boy for (one of)
hls age; viidenkymmenen vuoden mies
a man of rifty, a man aged nrty (years) ;
vrt. ala, kaiken, keski-, lyhyt, pit
k-, saman >'. m.
ikjarjostys (alk.) order or age; (virassa)
senlnrlty; ikjrjestyksess accordlng to
senlorltv. -kausi age (or lire); (elinkausi)
llfetime, life; eri ikkausilla at dlfferent
ages or lire: koho ikkautensa ali hls life,
hls \vhole life long. -kautlnen = elinkau
tinen, -kulu 1. -loppu \vorn (1. strlcken)
wlth years, decreplt. aged and Inflrm; (hy
vin vanha) very old (and feeble). -kump
pani : me olemme ikkumppanit we are of
the samo age. -luokka: minun ikluokkaani
kuuluvat men born the sama year vvlth me
(1. I \vas). -mies elderly man; hn on jo
ikmies he Is (already) \vell advanced (1.
\vell along) In years. -presidentti presldent
by senlorltv. -puoli advanred (1. strlcken)
lii years, Tuli or years, aged; (vanhahko*
elderly; vrt. Ikkulu. -piv ks. IkipKiv.
-raja age llmit. -vuosi year or (one's) life
(1 age): ikvuodet 1319 teens: kolman
nella ikvuodellaan In hls thlrd year, In the
third vear or hls age.
ikvystyminen gro\vlng \veary: vearincss
[at johonkin], ikvystynyt: ikvystynyt


in tired (I. vtearyi of ... rtisgusteii

at . . . sirk of . . . ikvystyttminen vtearying, boring. ikvystyttv boring; (yksi
toikkoinen i dull, uninteresting: (vsytt
tiresome. vtearisome, tedious: hyvin
ikvystyttvi ihmisi great bores. ikvyrtytUvsti like a bore. uninterestingly,
tediously. ikvystytt 'make ..) weary,
make . . tired, lire iout> : bore to death,
perinpohjin], sicken. ikvysty get (1.
grow> tired (1. weary) [of..],tlre [of..].
grow impatlent at a th., Johonkin] ; beicome) bored [by . .]; (alkaa ikvid i
grow (1. becorrie; lonely (1. lonesome ;
vrt. kyllsty.
ikvyys tedlum, tediousness,wearisomeness,
irksomeness; (epmlellyttvyys) dlsagreeableness, unpleasantness; ikvyydet discnmfort, (kiusa) annoyance, trouble, vexation; ikvyyksi tuottava CaUSlng Ullpleasantness (1. discomfort 1. annoyance 1.
trouble) ; siit on vain ikvyyksi that can
only bring about trouble, nothing good
can come of that.
ikv I. (s.) tedlum; (mielipaha) regret;
longing, yearnlng; (suru, huoli) sorrow,
grler; (pettymys) disappointment; (vllht.vmattmyys) dlscomrort, unhappiness;
ikvissn oleva lo ne soine, sad, unhappy;
ikvkseni to my disappointment (1. re
gret), to my disgust; ikvn tunne feellng
of lonelincss, (mielipahan) reeling or re
gret ; ikvn nntyv plnlng, languishing ;
minulla (1. minun) on I am (1. feel;
lonesome, vrt. koti-ikv; minun on Aotiin I long (1. yearn) for home, I am homesick, vrt. ikvid; minun on ollut sinua
kovin I have been wearying Tor you,
(jkpv.) I have mlssed you very much; olla
ikvissn be lonesome, not feel at home.
(olla pahoillaan) be sorry [about, Josta
kin], regret.
ikv II. (a.) tedious; (Ikvystyttv) wearlsome, tiresome, dull [story, kertomus],
uninteresting; lrksome; (epmiellyttv)
deplorable [mistake, erehdys; occurrence,
tapaus], (surullinen) sad [arralr, Juttu;
news, uutinen] ; (yksininen) lonesome,
lonely; vrt. kiusallinen; ikvint asiassa
oli, ett . . the saddest thlng about lt was
that . .; ihminen a dull (1. uninteresting)
person, a bore; kyll hn ei tullut (I am)
sorry to say ho did not come: kyll h
nen el onnistunut . . unfortunately he did
not succeed in . .-ing; kyll hn on v
rss I regret to say he Is wrong; paikka
asua a lonesome (1. a dull 1. an unpleasant
1. not a nlce) plaoe to Ilve (In);
piv lonesome (1. disagreeable 1. gloomy)
day; tehtv irksome (1. unpleasant)
task; ikvt muistot unpleasant (1. pain
rul) recollectlons; ikvt seuraukset sad
(1. unpleasant 1. disagreeable) consequences; on ikv kuulla, ett . . I am
sorry to hear that . . . ikvsti unpleasantly; deplorably: sadly; (onnettomasti) un
fortunately; (kiusallisesti) annoylngly.
ikvid long (l. yearn) [ror, Jotakin 1. Jo
honkin]: (kaivata) miss, Teel the loss of:
(olla ikvissn) be lonesome [vvlthout
one, jotakuta], not feel at home; ikviden
longingly, vvlstfully; kiihkesti jotakin
ptne il. languish) ror . .: maalle long to
get to the country; ikvity longed for.
\vlshed Tor; kauan ikvity hetki the long
wlshed ror hour, the tlme long looked for\vard to; vrt. kaivattu, ikviminen: jon
kin ikviminen longing.U. yearnlng) for...
ikvimys, Ikvinti longing, yearnlng, ar



dent deslre: pining, langulshlng. ikviv

kmesome; wistrul; jotakin ikviv longinc Tor, rtesirous or; itin ikviv longmg lo see (1. longing for 1. lonesome for)
one's mother.
ikain: niin likewlse, also. too; vrt. mys:
juurMkn. vastikn, -kuin as if, (JUSt)
as though; Jut like [a monstrous glant,
MlUri jttilinen] ; iknkuin hnen asiansa
olisi .. just as (ir 1. though) It were his
<ltity n. tus business) to . . .
ilahdu ilo.
ilahduttaa gladden. make glad, rejoice:
"iK-er (up) ; (tuottaa mielihyv) glve . .
pleasure, please, dclight; minua kuulla,
ett . . I am delighted to hear that . .; tu
los on varmaan suuresti ilahduttava hnt
he velli no doubt be greatly pleased at the
outcome, the outcome wlll undoubtedly
glve him murh pleasure. ilahduttaja one
ho rheers; that vhirh gladdens (1. delights) ; tye on ainoa elmni ilahduttaja
vmrk Is the only cheer of my lire. Ilahdut
tava gladdening, eheering, rheerful, joyful
news, uutinen]-, pleasant. pleasing. delirhtful: vrt. hauska; ilahduttavan Muuri
edistyi very good progress; erittin ilah
duttavaa kuulla (vastauksissa:) very glad
tn hear it.
ilahtua berome glad, be pleased (I. delighted) [at (1. uitti). Jostakin], rejoice
! at . .] ; (Ihastua) become charmed (1. enraptured) ;with..], become elated [wlth..,
jostakin] : hn ilahtui suuresti kuullessaan
uutisen he was greatly pleased (1. he was
elated 1. he \vas delighted) at hearing the
rlahut- ka. ilahdut-,
ilakka mirth, merriment.
ilakoida be in hlgh spirlts, be in a rolllcklng
humor; frollc, make merry, (puhella iloi
sesti) chat(ter) merrlly, be laugblng and
talkin?: toisen tunteilla sport (1. play)
\vith another's reellngs. ilakoiminen, ilakointa merrymaklng: merry chatter. Ha
koittava exultingly glad; rrollcklng.
Iljanko sllppery roads; (J-) sheet of ice:
katu oli pelkkn iljankona the Street \vas
one Sheet of ice ; tie on (pahasti) iljangolla
the road Is glary (1. very sllppery). the
roart is one glare or ice. iijanne = Iljanko.
iljeuavyyt nauseousness: loathsomeness,
repulslve nature, repulslveness; nastiness.
iljetti nauseous; loathsome, slckenlng;
ixiisome; nasty; ugly [affalr, Juttu]: dlsgustlng [slght, nky]: detestable, abominablc; (Inhottava) repulslve; iljettvn
ruma abhorrent, repulslve, hldeous. Iljat
ta! rill veith dlsgust. cause . . to loathe.
nauseate, slcken; minua iljett I am ti.uiseated [at], my gorge rlses [at], it sickens me [to . .1. I loathe [to . .], (Inhottaa)
I detest (I. abhor) to . . , (lievemmin:) I
have a dlsllke. iljetyt (lljetyksen tunne)
loattiin?, rictestatlon, nausea; tuo iljetys
that dlsgtistlng rreature!
iljet: - tehd jotakin < --- olla kyllin Julkea
tekemn Jotakin) have the Impudence (1.
the nerve) to . . , not bo ashamed [to . .] ;
(rohjeta) dare, venture; (hennoa) have
the heart fto . .] ; vrt. kehdata; en ilke
menn sinne I haven't the nerve to go
there, (minua hvettft) I am ashamed to
gn there; ett hn ilkesikin he ought to
have been ashamed or hlmself! the Impu
dence! the nerve!
ilkamoida rejoice in (1. at) another's mlsrortune: mock, scotT, Jeer [at, Jollekulle] :
make run of . . , trlfle [with . .] ; (pilkata)
derlde: (kiusata) tease: ilkamoiden (pil
katen) mocklng, sarcastlcally; (kiusaten)


teaslngly. ilkamoiva mocklng, scorring;

teasing; (Ilakoiva) rolllcklng. ilkattella =-ilkamoida.
ilkenen ks. iljet.
ilkeya (hijyys) wlckedness, badness; (hlJynllkeys)
naughtlness; (pahansuopuus) malevolence,
malice, splte; (halpamalsuus) meanness,
vileneS9; ilkeyksissn out or malice (1.
splte), (plruukslssaan) out or (pure) mlschier; pelkst ilkeydest OUt oT mere
ilke loathsome [taste In one's moutb, maku
suussa]; roul; dlsgustlng [arralr, Juttu];
(paha) bad, uicked [nature, luonne], evll;
(pahansuopa) malevolent, mallclous; (hlJyntlklnen) spiterul;
(luonteeltaan -)
cross, (halpamainen) mean [disposition,
luonne], base. vlle; (ruma) ugly, horrid;
vrt. hijy, pahanilkinen; ~ huomautus 111natured remark; juoni dlrty trlck:
nky horrid (1. abomlnable 1. dlsgustlng)
sight; tunnelma unpleasant sensatton;
vale mallclous (1. vlle 1. base) lie, vrt.
hvytn; se on kaikki vain ilket pilaa
It Is ali a cruel (1. malicious) Joke.
ilke Juoninen mallclously cunnlng; wlly;
-luonteinen lll-natured.
-mielinen evil-mlnded, evil-dlsposed; ma
levolent, mallgnant [lie, vale] ; malicious
[deed, teko], -mielisesti mallgnantly, ma
llclously; splterully. -mielisyys malice,
mallgnlty; splte.
ilken:: hajuinen stlnking; roul [breath, hen
gitys], retid. -makuinen kS. pahanmakui
nen, -nkinen bad-looklng, vlle-looklng;
(ruma) ugly, hldeous, repulslve.
ilkesti mallclously, mallgnantly, splterully;
unpleasantly. ilketapainen vlclous; mischievous.
ilkialaston stark (1. bare) naked; strlpped
to the skln, as naked as vvhen one \vas
born; nude; ilkialaston mana 1. -nna 1. -min
- ilkoalasti.
Ilkillmiellnen malevolent, 111-dlsposed [towards one, Jotakuta kohtaan]; ks. ilke
mielinen, -mielisyys 111 \vlll. malevolence.
ilkimys vlllaln, vvretch; (lelk.) mlschler,
rascal; sin you mean thlng! you wlcked
creature! you \vretch (1. rascal)!
ilki teko, -ty evll (1. dastardly 1. lnramous)
deed, mlsdeed. vlllalny, (mallclous) outrage:
prank(s).-vallantekij evll-doer; mlschiermaker. -valta mlschler, outrage(s). -val
tainen spiterul, vvanton; (pahankurincn)
mlschlevous, naughty. -valtalsuua (omi
naisuutena) mlschlcvousness, naughtlness,
love or mlschler; ilkivaltaisuudet mallclous
nranks, mlschler.
ilki mlscreant, vvretch; mys = Ilkimys.
ilkku --= Ilkunta, iva. ilkku- (yhd.) ks. iva-.
ilkkua scorr [at one, jollekulle! : mnck,
jeer [at one about a tn., Jollekulle Josta
kin] ; hold .. up to scorn (1. to ridlrule),
glbe Tat, Jollekin 1. Jotakin], (Ivata) de
rlde, ridicule; ilkkuen jeerlngly, glbinglv,
\vitll a Jecr; ilkkuu hnen kurjuudelleen (\.
hurjuuttaan) glbes at his mlsery; vrt. pil
kata, i Ik kuilla mock. glbe: hector, banter.
ilkkuja one \vho scorrs (1. mocks), scorrer,
mocker; (pilkkaaja) scorner. Ilkkuminen:
jollekin ilkkuminen glning at, rldinillng . .;
jollekulle jostakin ilkkuminen ScoTTlng (1.
mocklng 1. Jocrlng) at one ahmit a tn.
ilkkuva gibing; mocklng, derlslvc; Uhkuva
katse saroastic look, srnmrul glance, trlumphant snecr: vrt. pilkallinen.
ilkoalasti (mys: tikaten alasti) stark naked.
ilkosillaan ilkeyksissn; ks. ilkeys.
ilkunta scorring, sneerdng): piockery, de


ilmaista reveal rone's presenre, lsnolonsa;
one's plans. suunnitelmansa], dlsclose la
secret, salaisuus], dlscover [o.s. to one's
rrlends, itsens ystvilleen], betray; (pal
jastaa) expose; (tuoda Ilmi, osottaa) manifest [one's joy. Ilonsa], give evidence of,
indicate; show [surprlse. hmmstyst],
display; (lausua 1. tuoda Ilmi) express
[one's opinion, mielipiteens; one's fear(s),
pelkonsa], utter [one's astonlshment, hm
mstyksens], give voice to; (antaa tiet)
make [a.p.] awareor [one's intentions, aiko
muksensa], intlmate; impart [one's fears
to a p., pelkonsa Jollekulle]: (llmottaai
state [one's errand, asiansa], derlare:
(tulkita) give expresslon to [one's sentiments, tunteitaan] ; (merkit) denote, slgnlfy
[one's Intention, aikomuksensa] :
ilmaisee lsnolonsa makes its presenre
known, betrays ltseir, indicates (1. re
veals) its presence; ilmaisaksen (ilmaisee
Itsens, ilmenee) .manifests ltseir, reveals
its presence, wlll betray ltseir, wlll make
itself knOwn (1. felt); ajatuksensa jolle
kulle (mys:) convey one's tboughts to a
p.; itsens reveal (I. betray) o.s., mani
fest o. s., make o.s. known; ~ Jollekulle
kunnioitustaan kS. osottaa; rikos expose
a crime, (ilmiantaa) report a crlme;
jollekulle joku salaisuus (mys:) let a
person into a secret: ~ sisimmt ajatuk
sensa jollekulle (mys:) open one's mlnd
(1. heart) to a p.; ~ jotakin Jonkin syyksi
(sanoa) advance a th. as a reason Tor . .;
tyytymttmyytens express One'S dissatisraction, signiry one's dlspleasure. let
one's dlspleasure be known; en uskalla
tunteitani I dare not give volce to my sentimentS; savu ilmaisi nuotion olevan lhell
the smoke betrayed a camp-rire in the
nelghborhood; sit ai voida sanoilla it
can not be expressed In words, It is beyond the power of words to express that,
words cannot express that; verbi ilmaisee
toimintaa the verb slgniTies (1. denotes)
ilmaisu revelatlon, disclosure; manlfestation,
-keino means (I. medium 1. vehicle) or ex
presslon; puhe on ajatuksen ilmaisukeino
speech is a vehicle of thought. -muoto
(form of) expresslon. -tapa mode (1. man
ner) of expresslon.
ilma Jarru alr-brake, atmospherlc brake;
vacuum-brake. -Johto alr-pipe(s), (shk.)
overhead wire. -kaivo (tekn.) caisson.
ilmakas alry.
ilmallkehi atmosphere; ilmakehn .. atmos
pherlc. -kerros layer (1. stratum) of air
(1. atmosphere); aerlal region, -kivi metcorite, aerolite.
ilmakkuua airlness.
ilma kuiva air-dry, air-dried. -laiva airship,
(ohjattava) dlrlgible.
ilmamainen airy, aerial; aeriform, gaseous.
ilman i. uithout fany breakfast, aamiaista .
out or [work, tyt] ; 2. (muuten) otherwlse, else: 3. ilmaiseksi; vrt. vailla; ~
aikojaan (huvikseen) for (the) run (or
the thing), (Jkpv.) just ror a lark, vrt.
suotta; aikomusta tehty (mys:) uriin
tentional; hnt olisi voinut kyd hul
lusti (Jollei hnt olisi ollut) but ror him
(1. ir lt had not been ror him) thlngs
might have gone wrong; ilmankos hn vii
pyi niin kauan that was why he was gone
sn long (1. what kept him so long);
muuta olThand, rlght ofr, wlthout more
ado, Slmply fhuom. hn vaati minun ilman
muuta hyvksymn sen he demanded that
I should accept It eight ofr (l. without any

risimi; (iva) lrony; ilkunnalla (ilkkuen)

with mockery (1. derision), Jeeringly,
illallinen supper; tea; evening meal; illalli
sen aikaan at supper-time; illallisen syty
(\. jalkaan) arter supper; illallisetta Supperless, wlthout one's supper.
illallisl aika supper -time. -pyt supper table.
illan hmy ks. iltahmy, -vietto evening
(evening) party, social
evening. -virkku wide-awake (1. brtlliant)
in the evening.
illastaa 1. (syd illallista) nave ones sup
per, sup; 2. (painua iltaan) grow (1. get)
tnwards nlght; alkaa it is growing (1.
getting) towards nlght, the evening Is
closlng in, the night draws on.
illatiivi (kiel. = sistulento) (the) lllative
illauu social evening, evening entertainment.
illempana, illem mlli (1. -maila) later (on)
in the evening.
ilma air; (s) weather; (esim. urkupitpuissa) wlnd; (Joskus:) Sky; ~ on kaunis
[viilaa] the weather is rine [cool]; Aan ei
ole koskaan ollut ihmisten ilmoilla, he has
never been among people (1. out in the
World) , he has never moved in good So
ciety; [pst (jlleen)] ihmisten ilmoille
[get back] to clvllizatlon, [get back]
among people, (Jkpv.) [get back] in God's
n m nt ry: kaikilla ilman rill in every dtrection, everywhere; kauniilla ilmalla in
Talr (1. nice) weather, when the weather
is Tine: korkealla ilmassa, korkealle ilmaan
lltgh iii[ii in the air; nill ilmoilla (\. il
man rill) (seuduilla) In these regions
(1. latltudes), In thls vlcinlty; (run.) under
these skles.
ilma- yiiii.
air [esim. -kylpy air bath:
-pumppu air pump] ; (harvemmin:) .. of
air [esim. -patsas column of air; -virta
current of airl, aerial [esim. -juuri aerlal
ruot: -purjehdus aerial navlgatlon .
ilmaantua appear, make one's appearance:
(nyttyty) show o. s.; (Ilmesty) reveal
o. s., turn up, (kuv.) emerge, be forthcoming, turn up, arise; (tulla nkyviin)
COme in sight, COme In(tO) view; ~ kki
arvaamatta turn up (unexpertedly); esteen
ilmaantuessa when a hindrance appears, in
case anythlng turns up; kun tilaisuutta
ilmaantuu (tarjoutuu) when opportunity
arises, ir a chance presents ltseir, whenever I get a chance: miss hnen ahneu
tensa ilmaantuu where does his avarice
dlsplay ltseir? voi ilmaantua syit, jotka . .
reasons may turn up (1. present themselves 1. occur), whlch ..; vrt. ilmesty,
ilm-antuminen appearance: occurrence.
ilmailija airman, aeronaut, aviator. ilmailla
aviate. ilmailu aeronautlcs. avlation.
ilmainen I. (a.) (maksuton) free (of expense 1. or cost), gratultous: . . free or
charge; ilmaiseksi ks. hakus.; ilmaisia neu
voja gratultous advice.
ilmainen II. (yhd.) ks. huono, kaunis,
tympe y. m.
ilmaisa = ilmava.
ilmaiseksi free (or cost), gratls, gratuitously; Tor nothing; (kaupp.) free of charge.
never-disrlose'1; ajatuksiaon ilot revealtng one's
thonghts. not betraylng what one thlnks.
ilmaiseminen manlCestation: expressioni
revelatlon: (paljastaminen) disclosure, exposure. ilmaiseva: jotakin ilmaiseva expressive of . . . ilmaisija -one who (1. that
whlch) reveals (1. dlscloscs 1. exposcs I. Jne., vrt. ilmaista) ; revealer.


further conslderation) j ; vain (huvik
apparent, plain, evident [injustice, v
seni) just (I. only) for (the) run (or lt). ryys]; Open; (kouraantuntuva) palpablc
just for the sake or sport, |ust for the
[lie, valhe]; ~ vrinkytt (mys:)
pleasure or it; ystvi vvithout rrlends. glarlng abuse; ilmeisen selv perfectly ap
rriendless; jota -vvithout whlch.
parent, Obvlous; ilmeisess ristiriidassa
ilman ala cllmate; vrt. ilmasto, -ennustaja tosiseikkojen kanssa obvlously at variance
weather-prophet. -ennustus weatber-rore- With the factS; nnen syyllisyytens on ~
ast. -kosteus humidlty (or the atmoshls gullt is apparent; on ilmeist, ett ..
phere). -muutos change or (I. in the) vveath- it is obvlous (1. patent to ali) that . .; vrt.
-ohennus (ilmakehss) dimtnlshed selv.
pressure or the air; (Tys.) rareraction or ilmeinen II. (ybd.) with a(n) .. expression
air. -paino atmospheric pressure. -pitvyys
Ihuom. ankara~ (mys:) hard, austere).
impervlousness to the action or the atmos- ilmeisesti obvlously, manifestly, evidently:
phere. -pitv alr-tight (I. prooD, hervrt. selvsti, ilmeisyys obvlousness; evlrnetic(al). -pitvsti hermetically fsealed, dence, plainness; palpablllty.
-uljettuj. -puhdistus purirying or the air. ilmeneminen manirestation. ilmenemismuoto
-puristuskone (air) compressor. -suunta Torm or manirestation.
point or the compass; quarter; mill ilman ilmestyminen
suunnalla s* on In vvhat quarter (1. direcuuden aikakauslehden appearance or a
tion) does it lie? -vaihdin ventllator.
new magazine.
ilmanvaihto ventilatlon. -Jrjestelm Sys ilmestymis lupa (Jonkin Julkaisun) per
tem of ventilatlon, ventilating system. mission to appear (1. publlsh); lieense of
-koje I. -laitos ventilator.
publicatlon. -oikeus right to appear (1.
<lman veto current or air: (huoneessa)
-paikka place or publicatlon.
(lrart. -Uri quarter: nill ilmanrill publlsh).
day (1. date) or publicatlon.
iti these regions (I. parts).
ima paine ks. ilmanpaine, -pallo balloon, ilmestys revelatlon; appearance; (nky) vi
aerostat. -palloretki balloon expeditton (1. sion; vrt. ilmestyminen, -kirja the Revela
trtp). -parantola (tresh air) sanatorium. tlon or (St.) John (the Divine), Book or
Revelatlon, the Apocalypse; ilmestyskirjan
-patsas column of air. -puntari barometer;
peto beast or the Book or Revelatlon. -kir
weatherglass. -purjehdus aerial navlgation:
apocalyptic Ilterature. -muoto
aronautics ; vrt. ilmailu, -purjehdustaito jallisuus
loini of manirestation. -piv: Maarian il
aeronautlcs. -purjehtija aerlal navigator,
mestyspiv Annunciatlon, Lady Day.
aenmaut: balloonist, aviator. -putki airPipe; (elint.) trachea. -pyssy air-gun (1. ilmesty appear (mys Julkaisuista), make
(lasten leikklpvssy)
pop-gun. one's appearance; (Julkaisuista puhuen:)
-rakko air-bubble; (elint.) air-bladder. be publlshed, be issued; (synty) arise
spring up, (sattua) come (1. tufn) up, be
-rata elevated raflroad. -reik air-hole.ventrorthcomlng, set in; (tarjoutua) orrer (it
hole, alr-escape; (kaivoksessa) alr-shart.
seir) ; (saapua) put in an appearance; vrt.
ilmasto cllmate. Ilmastollinen climatlc; il
ilmaantua; nkyviin come In Sight (1
mastolliset suhteet ''Ilmatie COndltlOnS.
ilmasto -oppi climatology. -suhteet 1. -olot into vlew), emergc [rrom, jostakin]; cllmatic condttlons. -vyhyke climatlc zone. painosta be Olr the preSS; kki Cl. k
ilma rahko atmospheric electrlcity. -sili kiarvaamatta) show up unexpectedly, turn
up; hn ilmestyi kaupunkiin he turned up
air-rhamber (1. -holder 1. -reservolr).
(I. put In an appearance) In the city; laiva
-tiede meteorology;
vrt. ilmasto-oppi.
sumusta the ship emerged rrom
-tiehye I. -tiehyt alr-channel; (anat.)
the Tog; matoja on ilmestynyt niityille
bronchlal tube; (tekn.) pneumatic duct.
put in an appearance (1. havc
-tieteellinen meteoroloiriral ; ilmatieteelli
appcared) in the meadows; mist taudit il
set merkit meteorologicai slgns.
do dlseases come (1
ilmaton vold or air, alrless; (wlth the air)
spring) into existencc? where do diseases
exhausted: tila vacuum.
rrom)? niin pian kuin
ilmatorvi alr-plpe.
tilaisuus (I. tilaisuutta) ilmestyy as soon
ilmaus manirestation, revelatlon. exhibttlon:
as an opportunlty orrers Itsell: saattaa expresslon, utterance; (merkki) slgn, eviesteit hlndrances may arise (l. come up).
dence: (ilmi) phenomenon; lause on aja
tuksen kielellinen a sentencc is an ex ilmetty veritable [rascal, roisto; lie. valcl,
genuine; hn on ~ isns he is the verv
presslon or a complete thought In words;
olla ilmauksena jostakin (mys:) be an Picture (1. image) or his rather, he is
evldenee (1. a slgn) of . .: taudin ilmaukset exactly like his rather.
mys:) the symptoms or a dlsease; voi ilmet appear; (nyttyty) manirest (I.
man ~ manirestation or strength; suuttu
reveal 1. disclose 1. present I. show) itseirmuksen kasvoillaan with an angry ex
(ilmesty) arise; (osottautua) prove, tuni
presslon on his rare: yleisen mielipiteen - out: (kyd ilmi 1. selville) be discovered
expresslon or publlc opinion.
be revealed: (nky) become apparent. be
ilmautu a, -minen ks. ilmaantua, -minen. (come) evident [rrom. Jostakin]; (kuvas
ilmava alry; (tilava) spaclous, roomy.
taa) rind expresslon (1. utterance), be reilme expresslon, (Joskus:) mlen, air: (kat
riected; jonakin assume the Torm of
se) look, aspect: julkea insolent expres
rind expresslon In; oikeassa valossaan
slon (1. look): kasvojen ~ (mys:) counappear in ItS true llght; miten tauti ilme
tenanre; tuskan kasvoilla wlth an ex
nee how does the dlsease appear (I. show 1
presslon or pain on the face; ylpe ~
reveal Itseir)? what are the symptoms or
haughty mlen (I. air). Ilmeetn expresslonthe disease? myhemmin ilmeni, ett se oli
less. inexpressive; varant riook, katse]: ollut erehdys later it proved that It had
tyls) diili, apathetlc. ilmeikkyys ex- been (1. to have been) a mlstake; tileiss
presslvenesB: expresslon. ilmeikksti vvlth ilmeni vajaus the arrnunts showed a dela great deal of) expresslon. ilmeiks exIcit; tst ilmenee, ett . . rrom this It Is
pressive: Tuli or expresslon: ilmeikkt apparent that . . , (ky selville) rrom this
siimat expressive (1. eloquent) eyes.
it Is gathered tilat . .: vastustus ilmeni kiu
ilmeinen. I. (a.) (ilmeisen selv) obvlous santekona the opposition expressed Itseir
[lie, valhe]; manifest [error, erehdys], (1. found expression) In harassing: vika



ilmeni siin, ett . . the trouble was that . . ,

the trouble proved to Le In . . .
ilmi: ~ liekki MU blaze: ~ piru the very
devil (hlmselO; ~ ota open war; [verbien
yhteydess ks. antaa, kyd, saada, tulla,
tuoda y. m.].
ilmillantaa (Jokin asla) divulge [aplot, sala
liitto], glve lnrormatlon or, report [a crlme
to one, rikos Jollekulle], (limaista) disclose, reveal; (Joku henkil) lnrorm agalnst
[ a thler, varas ] , report [ one ror .., Joku Jos takin], denounce; (pett) betray; viatto
mia kansalaisia ilmiannettiin alituisesti hai'
Hiukselle innocent cltlzens were constantly
denounced to the government. -antaja Inrormer; denouncer. -anto Information;
jonkun ilmiannon nojalla upon the lnrorma
tlon or . . . -elv lirelike [descrlption, ku
vaus] ; nin hnet ilmielvn I saw hi s
own llving seir. -lausua pronounce [a wish
that . . , toivomus, ett . .], express lone's
opinion ajatuksensa; one's rears, pelkon
sa] ; (llmottaa) announce. -Makki full blaze;
ilmiliekiss (mys:) ali ablaze. -saamaton
undiscovered, undetected. -saaminen 1.
-saanti dlscovcrlng, dlscovery; detection;
revelation. -sota open war; ilmisodassu
keskenn In open hostilitles (1. at open
war) with each other. -tuleminen 1. -tulo
dlscovery; detection; revelation; ilmitulemisen pelosta Tor rear or being discpvered,
Tor rear or dlscovery (1. detection). -tuli:
olla ilmitulessa be in flames, be ablaze (1.
ariame) ; vrt. ilmiliekki.
ilmi phenomenon (plur. phenomena); appearance; occurrence; harvinainen unusual occurrence.
ilmoinen: ei (sin) ilmoisna ikn never in
(ali) the World; never In ali one's life.
ilmotella: ~ lehdiss advertise In the newspapers; vrt. seur.
ilmottaa notiry [one about a tli., Jollekulle
Jo(s)takin], glve notice [to the publlc or a
th., yleislle Jotakin (1. Jostakin)], ln
rorm [one or a th., Jollekulle Jostakin
asiasta], lntlmate: (kaupp.) advlse; (teh
d tietyksi) make known; (ennakolta. Juh
lallisesti) announce [a book ror subscrlptlon, kirja tilattavaksi, a course or lectures
to be held, luentokurssit pidettvksi];
(virallisesti) report; (sanomalehdess y.
in.) advertise [one's business, liikettn];
(toimittaa tieto) rommunlcate [the news to
one, uutinen Jollekulle], lmpart [a secret
tn one, salaisuus Jollekulle] ; (ilmaista)
slgniry [one's Intention to be . . , aikomuk
sensa olevan . . ]; (sanoa) state [the racts.
asian todellinen laita], declare, teli; ~
(Jotakin) edeltpin notiry beTorehand, an
nounce; hinta glve the prlce, quote
I esim. sen hinnaksi ilmotettiin S dollaria it
was quotcd at 5 dollars] ; ~ itsens ks. ilmottautua; lehdiss advertise (In the
nexvspapers) ; liian alhaiseksi (l. pienek
si) understate, (hinta) quote too low; ~
nimens [osotteensa] joksikin give one's
naine [address] as .. [huom. mys: hn
ei halunnut - nimen he dld not Wish to
reveal hls identity, he \vould not teli hls
name] ; ~ syyt poissaoloonsa account Tor
one's absence. glve an account or oneselT;
~ tulonsa (\. tulostaan) announce one's arrival; ~ uutinen varovasti break the news
[to a person, Jollekulle] ; virallisesti an
nounce (I. report) ofrictally: hn ilmotti
olevansa kirjan tekij he declared himselT
to be (I. announced himselD the author:
minulle ilmotettiin asiasta liian myhn I
\vas inrormed or the arralr too late; tten
ilmotetaan, ett . . thls Is to glve notice
that . . . Ilmottaja lnformant, inrormer,


communlcator: notirier; announcer; (sa

nomalehdiss ilmottaja) advertiser; (kir
jallisuuden, tav. arvosteleva) revlewer. ilmottamaton unannounced [guest, vieras] :
unstated, not reported; nimen ilmottamaton one vtii" does not (1. dld not) glve bis
name. ilmottaminen communicating, non
Tying, stating; announcement, notiricatlon ;
(.sanomalehdess) advertising; (kirjan, ar
vosteleva) reviewlng.
ilmottautua announced. present) o. s., report
o.s.: enter ;the races, (osanottajaksi) kil
pailuihin] ; (virallisesti) reglster [as a
candldate. ehdokkaaksi]; (tarjoutua) orrer
o.s.; (nyttyty) make one's appearance,
be manirestcd; ehdokkaaksi rl. hakijak
si) (mys:) enter one's name as a candl
date [Tor . . , Johonkin virkaan], announce
nne's candldacy, enter the race [ror sheri ti", sherirrin virkaan]; halukkaaksi an
nounce o.s. (to be) wllllng, declare one's
wllllngness to . .; oppilaaksi (Johonkin
opistoon y. m.) be enrolled as a student;
~ tutkintoon report o.s. (1. send In one's
name) ror examination. Ilmottautumlnen
announcement; entrance; registratlon; (so
tapalvelukseen y. m.) enllstment. ilmottautumisvelvollisuus duty to report (I. reglster).
ilmotus (tiedonanto) announcement; notice;
(kauppak.) advlce(s) ; (selostus) statement,
declaration, (vars. virallinen) report; (tie
to) lnrormatlon; (sanomalehdess y. m.)
advertisement [Amer. jkpv. lyh.: ad] ; (kor
tilla y. m.) notiricatlon; ilmotusten vaihto
(sanomalehtien vlill) exchange or advertlsements; (kirjan) arvosteleva ilmotus review; jonkun ilmotuksesta Cl. ilmatukeen
perusteella) upon a p.'s lnrormatlon.
ilmotus- (yhd.) advertising, . . or advertis
ing [esim. -hinnat advertising rates, rates
or advertising; -jrjestelm system or ad
vertising, advertising system; -kustannuk
set cost or advertising, advertising expenses]. -kortti notiricatlon card. -kuitti
recelpt Tor an advertisement. -lehti adver
tisement sheet (1. magazine), -lehtinen bill,
placard; handblll. (pieni) dodger; (Ikkunaan
tai seinn pantava) posler. -osasto (lehdes
s) the advertising columns, the advertisements. -taksa (llst oD advertising rates.
-taulu bullctln-board. -toimisto advertis
ing agency. -vala (lak.) arridavit (or debts
and assets). -velvollisuus duty to report.
ilmotuttaa have a th. (1. cause a th. to be)
announced (1. advertised Jne. .vrt. ilmottaa).
ilo Joy; (mielihyv, huvi) dellght, pleasure;
(riemu) rejolclng; (iloisuus) gayety, gladness; ilokseni to my dellght, with dellght
huom. mys: sain ilokseni nhd .. I had
the pleasure (1. I was pleased) to see . .] ;
ilolla with pleasure, gladly, vrt. seur.; ilolla
ja riemulla heartlly, \vtth ali one's heart,
cheerrully; ~ oli korkeimmillaan, kun yht'khi .. the Joy (1. rejotcing) was at Its
hlghest (liiteli) when suddcnly (1. was at
ils helght when ali at once) ... ali was
nililh and glee when suddenly . . , there
\vas great rejolclng (1. no end or rejoicing)
\vhen suddenly . . . heill on ollut iloa lap
sistaan thoir children have been a blesslnv
(I. a Joy I. a comTort) to them; hnell ei
sen ern perst ole ollut ainoatakaan ilon
piv he hasn't had a (single) happy moment ever slnce; siin ei ole mitn ilon
syyt it is nothlng to rejoice over (1. to be
glad or). no cause Tor rejolclng In that.
-huuto cry or Joy, JoyTul shout.
iloinen glad ;or (I. about), jostaklnl.
pleased [wlth..l, happy [at . .], dellghted
[wlth (1. at) ..]; gay [companion, seura
toveri], Jolly [laugh, nauru], merry [day,

upalva; song, laulu]: rheerrul [disposition,

luonne"; ; Jovful lnews, uutinen], Joyous;
veitikka Jolly Ifllnvv, IlliSChicf, (Engl.)
joi ly dOg- (1. blade); iloisella luottamuksella
wilh rheerrul confldence; [aina] itisell
tuulella [always] cheery (1. In good humor). ' alnays] In merry humor (1. In buoyant srilrits); iloista seuraa gay company.
iloisa gay; cheerrul, light-hearted; Jovial.
i loi east i gay ly; cfteerfully.
iloisesti gladly, merrlly, gayly (mys: gally); cneerrully; Joyously.
iloisuus srladness; Joyfulness: cheerfulness ;
hlgh splrlts, cheer; gayety, bllarlty.
iloita rejolce [at (1. In), jostakin], be glad
(I. deltghted 1. bappy); delight [In, Jos
takin]; Joy [in . .] ; (riemuita) exult;
iloitsee toisten vastoinkymisist takes de
light (1. a malicious pleasure) In otber
|>eople'S mlsrortunes; hn iloitsi saadessaan
auttaa be was very glad to be able to belp.
ilo juhla k-, riemujuhla, -kaasu (kem.)
laughinr-gas. -kyyneleet tears of i".v. -laulu
sonir or joy (1. rejolclng), Joyrul song.
-mieli: ilomielin cneerrully, heartily, gladly: (mielihyvll) \vitli pleasure, \vlth de
light. -mielinen gladsome, gay; rheerrul,
Jovial. -mielisyys cheerfulness: Jovlallty.
ilon aihe cause Tor rejolclng. -aika tlme or
rejoirlng. -huumaus intoxlcatlon or Joy;
olla itonhuumauksessa be nverjoyed, bc beMde o.s. O. be Wild) wlth joy, be hair
rrazy (I. be dellrlous) with Jov. -hiritsij
(ne ho spolls ali the fun. -ilmaus manlre<tation of Joy. -o-otus expresslon (1.
demonstration) of Joy. -pito merrymakIng; (huvitus) amusement, dlverslon: (ilo)
mlrth, merrlment, Jolllty. -pilvi day or
rejoicinfr; (juhlapiv) r<He. -tuoja brlnger
or Joy (I. cheer). -viesti ilosanoma.
ilo anoma good (1. Joyrul) news, cheerrul
tidings: message or Joy. -silm: ilosilmin
with eyes full of Joy, with a happy face.
ilostua rejolre [at. Jostakin] ; (ihastua) be"'>riiei dellghted [at. Jostakin]; (tulla
Iloiseksi) berome glad, cheer up; ~ /alleen
recover one's splrlts, cheer up; ilostuen
cheerlngly, cheer(ully; dellghted. Ilostu
minen cheering up.
iloton Joyless, cheerless; diili, ilottomasti
Joylessly, cheerlessly.
ilotulitus rirevvnrks; (Juhlavalaistus) illuminatlon. -aineet Chemicals used In maklng
ilotytt woman nr eay vlrtue: strumpet,
ilta evenlng: (oik. Iltay) night; (run.)
evc(n); Ulalla In the evenlng, (ellen illalla)
last nigbt [huom. mys: eilen illalla yesterday evenlng, last nlght] ; illan suussa
towards evenlng; illempana, illemmalla
later (on) tn the evenlng; lhenee the
evenlng Is rlosing In, the day Is far spent;
ern iltana uni! nlght; hyv iltaa good
evenlng! bow do von do? loka ilta every
nlght, nlghtly: tn iltana thls evenlng.
to-nlght: [vuokrattu] tksi illaksi [hlred]
for to-nlght.
ilta- (vini. i evenlng [esim. -koulu evenlng
srhool: -lehti evenlng paper; -rukous even
lng prayer]: (harvemmin:) night- [esim.
-Juna nlght-traln; -koulu nlght-school].
ilta;-aurinko evenlng sun, settlng sun.
-hotki evenlng (liour), twlltght hour. -hu
vit ks. Uuma. -hmy I. -hamara (evenlng)
tnilight: iltahmyss In the dusk o( the
iltainen (yhd.) . . evcnlng's. . . nlghfs reslm.
fan vesterday evenlng'*, last nlghfs;
tmn- to-nlght'].


iluiain or an cvening. (nr> evenlngs; aina

iltaisin every night, nlghtly.
ilta istunto night-sesslon. -Jumalanpalvelus
1. -kirkko evenlng (1. vesper) servirc;
evenlng Church, -kutsut evenlng party,
-kylm cool or evenlng; chili or the nlght.
iltama (evenlng) entertainment; social, sociable: evenlng party.
iltamyh: iltamyhll late In the evenlng.
towards mldntght.
iltanen 1. (Ilta) evenlng; 3. (Illallinen) sup!'!! -. iltasella in the evenlng, at nightfall:
iltasin or an evenlng, or evenlngs.
ilta perhonen (ellnt.) hawk-moth, sphlngld
-puhde evenlng (at lampllght).
randle-ltghtong tiine), -puoli arternoon;
iltapuoleen toward (the) evenlng.
iltapiv arternoon; iltapivll, iltapivisin
in the arternoon, or an arternoon, (o()
iltapiv- (yhd.) arternoon, arter-dinner
[esim. -istunto arternoon session; -kahvi(t)
arter-dlnner rorree].
iltai ruoka = illallinen, -rusko sunset glovv.
evenlng red. -soitto (sot.) tattnn. -tuuli
evenlng breeze. -thti evenlng star; Vesper.
Hesper. -uninen Sleepy In the evenlng,
sleepy evenlngs. -y (tlme) before nililnlght; iltayst towards midnlglit. befure
mldnight; oli jo iltay, kun . . the midnight
was (already) dravvlng near (1. on) \vhen . . .
iltikseen vrithout anything (urther, slmply;
(ilmaiseksi) Tor nothlng.
ilve run, Joking; (pila) Joke. jest; (pilkka)
mockery; (vehje) trlck, prank; mlschler;
ilveet (= eleet) manners, carrlage; mlen.
air(s); ci milln ilveell not on any (1. on
no) account, not at any prlce; olla ihmisten
ilveen esineen be a taughing-stock (1. a
butt or ridlcule 1. an objer.t nr derlslon).
ilvehtij Joker, iester,wag; bufroon.merryandrew; (matkija) mlmlc. Ilvehtiminen
jestlng, Joking; rrollc; (narrlmalnen) burfoonery. Ilvehti Jest [\vith one, Jonkun
kanssa], Joke, Jeer [at one, Jollekullel ;
play a Joke on: play tricks (1. pranks);
ilvehti jonkun kanssa (1. Jollekulle) make
run (1. sport) of one, mock at one. Ilveileminen Jestlng, Joking; bufroonery. ilvei
li1* Jester; (klovni) rlo\vn: mys ilveh
tij. Ilveill Joke, Jest; caper, antlc; ilveill
jonkun kanssa O. jollekulle) kS. ilvehti,
ilveily Jestlng, Joking; sport; capers. antlcs; (nytelmn) romedy, rarce, burlesque. ilveilyhaluinen . . In a humor ror
Jesting: dlspnsed to raperlng (1. playing
nranks), up to trlrks.
ilveksennahka lynx Tur. ilves (ellnt.) lynx.
imarrella riatter: blandish: vrt. liehakoida.
imarru-. imarteleminen ks. imartelu, imartelija flatterer.
imartelu riattery; lilandishment; mateleva imartelu servlle riatterv, ailulatlnn.
imelly maltlng:
(makeaksi tekeminen)
sweetenlng. imellytt ks. imelt, imel
tyminen sweetenlng. imelty grovv sweet.
sweeten; be(come) malted, imeltminen
ks. imellys. imelt malt; (tehd makeak
si) svveeten.
imelyys swcet(lsh)ness: blandness: (illtelyys) mawklshness.
imel (makea) sweet. bland rsmtle, hvmyl ;
sweetlsh; sugary, honeyed; (iiitel) slckly
sweet; mawklsh; voi unsalted (1. sweet)
butter: vrt. liehakoiva, imelhk, imelnsekainen sweetlsh; vrt. itelhk. imelni
sweetly. In a honeyed manner; (ltelstl)
imeminen, iment surklng; absorption. Imeskell suck rone's ringers, snrmiaanl. ime
tettv: imetettv lapsi nurslng (hi Id.

i mett Ji


imetUji wet nursp. imettjinen (ellnt.)

nisks, imettminen nursing, suckllng.
imettvinen (nisks) mammal. imett
(Ihmisist:) nurse, (etup.elimist:) suckle;
imett lasta (mys:) grlve 8 chlld the
breast. Imev(inen) I. (a.) sucklng. II. (s.)
suckllng, nursling. imeytt (tekn.) im
pregnate \vitli, Jollakin], lmbue, saturate.
imeytyminen absorption, imeytyi be absorbed; be sucked up; (nesteist:) soak
Into [the eartb, maahan]; (tunkeutua)
penetrate 'the pores, huokosiin], enter
: the SOll. maahan] ; imeyty kiinni johon
kin (iilimadosta y. m.:) lasten (ltselr) on
to . . , adhere to . . .
imet suck; absorb, lmbibe: ~ itins suck
up; (huokoisista aineista puhuen) soak
up, absorb; (kuv.) drlnk in, imbibe :notions (1. ideas) worthy of condemnatlon,
hylttvi aatteita] ; ~ kuiviin (kuv.)
draln; mehu tottakin suck the Juice out
of, (kuv.) extract the essence from: hiekka
imee (itseens/ Matoon the sand sucks In
the rin.
imij (yhd.) . .-sucker
f esim. voron
imit I. (a.) female. II. (s.) (emslka) sow;
(naaras) dam: vrt. narttu.
immenkalvo hymen, maldenhead. immyt impi. immytkalvo immenkalvo, immytminen nymph-llke.
imperatiivi (klel. = kskytapa) linperative
imperfekti (klel. == entispttym) past
tensp; imperrert (tense).
imperialismi (suurvalta-politiikka) lmperlalism. imperialistinen imperlallstlc.
impeys maldenhood, vlrglnlty. Impi malrt(en). Virgin; ihana impi (mys:) the Tair
imu suction, absorption.
Imu- (yhd.) suction- Tesim. -letka suctlonhose; -pumppu suction-pump; -putki suctlon-plpe; -vonttiili suctlon-valve], suck
lng [esim. -olin sucking-organ; -pullo
sucklng-bottle; -pumppu sueking-pump],
suctorlal [esim. -korkouo suctorial hetght;
suu suctorlal mouthl. -Jalka (ellnt.)
tube-root, sucker-Toot.
-Juoksutin ks.
lappo. -Juuri (kasv.) sucker. haustorlum.
-kala surking-flsh, remora: sucker.
imuke mouthpiece; vrt. sikaari . Imukka
nlpple. imukko (muste-lmukko) blottlngl>ad, blotter.
imu: lava suctorlal disk. -mato riuke(worm).
trematode (vvorm). -neste (fyslol.) lymph.
-nystyr (ellnt.) sucker; (kasveissa:)
tiaustorium. -paperi blottlng-paper; blot
ter. -pilli ks. lappo, -pullo (tav.) nursingbottle. -rauhanen (anat.) lymphatir gtan<l.
imuri i. blottlng-pad, blotter; 2. (imuelln)
suctorlal organ, (ellnt.) sucker; (hyn
teisill:) haiistellum.
imu siili (pumpun) strainer throuirh \vhlcli
a fliilrt Is sucked. -ruoni suctorlal vein;
(fyslol.) lyinphatic vessel (I. duct).
imutin ks. laopo.
imutorvi siirtlon-plpe.
Inarinjrvi I.akc Enara (I. Enare).
India ks. Intia, indiaani ks. intiaani. Indianmerl the Indian Ocean.
indigo indigo, -kasvi Indlgo-plant. -sininen
(a. & s.) indigo blue.
indikatiivi (kiel. = tosltapa) lndlcatlvc
indoeuroppalainen (a. & s.) Indo-Europenn.
Indo-Kilna Indo-Chlna. indo-klinalainen (a.
& s.) Indo-Chlnese.
inessiivi (kiel. -- sisolento) Inesslve (case).
infinitiivi (kiel.) inflnltlve.


influensisia (nuhakuume) inriuenza; (la)

inha sordid; vile, base, me an; vrt. ilke.
vaikeainhimillinen hinnan; (ihmiselimen) humanc:
inhimillist on erehty to eri' Is hlllnan.
inhimlllisesti humanly; humanely; inhimil
lisesti nhden Immanly seen (1. Judged).
inhimillistyi become hujnanfzed. inhimil
lisyys humanity, humaneness.
inho detestatlon [for], abhorrence [of];
dlsgust [for (l. at)], loathing [to]; horror
'of]; (vastenmielisyys) disllke, antlpathy,
averslon; (lljetys) nauseation [at], aboruination 'of]; inhoa herttv detestable.
abominable. olla inhoksi jollekulle be an
abomitiation to one.
inhota detest, abhor, abominate, loathe;
(tuntea vastenmielisyytt) have an aver
slon to ... be disgusted at ..; (vihata) hate.
inhottaa cause detestatlon (1. abhorrence).
rnake . . abhor; be loathsome to . .; be repulstve to; minua ~ hnen ahneutensa I
detest (1. abominate 1. loathe) his avarlce,
his avarlce is repulslve to me. vrt. iljett:
se alkaa jo minua I am getting nauseateil
at lt (1. revolted by lt), I begin to reel
averslon for (1. to 1. toward) that, I begin
to abhor that. inhottava detestable [ac
tion, teko], abominable [person, ihminen1,
hateful, loathsome [slght, nky]; (vasten
mielisyytt herttv) repugnant, repul
slve [to, Jollekulle], dlsgusting; vrt. iljet
tv; inhottavan ruma repulsive, abominably ugly. inhottavasti detestably, hatefully, dlsgustfully: repulslvely. inhotta
vuus detestableness, abomlnableness : haterulness, Ioathsomeness; repulslveness. in
hotus ks. iljctys, inho.
inist vvhlmper, \vhlne; vrt. ynist.
Inkeri(nmaa) Ingria, Ingermannia.
inkivri (mauste) ginger.
inkvisiittori lnqulsltor. inkvisitsioniUuomioistuin) inquisitlon.
innokas enthusiastic [lover of music, mu
siikin ystv; support, kannatus]; eager,
anxious: (kiihke) passlonate, ardent [follower, kannattaja], fervld, keen [desire.
halu] ; (uuttera) zealous, strenuous [advocate of liberty, vapauden puolustaja] :
(innostunut) interested; vrt. tarmokas;
keskustelu eager dlscusslon, anlmated convcrsatlnrt; ~ raittiutmits strong temperance advocate: innokkaat suosionosot ukset
hearty (I. enthusiastic) applause. Innok
kaasti eagerly, enthusiastically; passion ately;
ardently, fervidly;
(lmpimsti) vvarmly: (uutterasti) zealously, strenuously. innokkuus eagerness.
enthuslasm, ardor, fervency, zeal: Interest;
vrt. into; innokkuudella \vitll eagerness (I.
enthuslasm), \vith deep Interest, ardently,
enthusiastically, ks. mys: innokkaasti:
hnen innokkuutensa asian hyvksi . . his
ardor (1. zeal) for the cause ... his ardor
In the matter . . .
innostaa Insplre (wlth enthuslasm), rouse
(enthuslasm): enllven, anlmate; insplrit:
(lmmitt) warm up; (temmata mukaan
sa) rarry avvay, transport; (hertt mlplenklintoa) interest; lonkin natteen innos
tamana anlmated (1. Inspired) \vlth (1. by)
an Idea; johtajansa urhoollisuuden innos
tamina flred by the courage of thelr le8der. innostaminen Inspirlng (\vith enthu
slasm) ; animatlon. innostava Inspirlng.
insplritlng [address, puhe], animatlng:
Interestlng; innostava uutinen stirrlng
(piere of) news.
Innostua become interested Tln, Johonkin! ;
become Inspired (1. anlmated 1. flred) [by.



Joitakin! : develop Interest (I. enthusiasm)

in.. vrarm to one's work. tyhns!:
helposti be easily carried away by erithulasm; liiaksi get (1. grow) too warm,
g*t exrited. Innostuneesti enthusiasttcallv.
ardently; with great (1. much) Interest.
Innostunut igreatly) interested [in, johon
kin", enthuslastic [over, jostakin], lnH>ired: (innokas) ardent, zealous; trans(x)rted. (en)raptured; (antautunut) glven
W. study. opiskeluun}: innostunut mielita warm enthusiasm, enthuslastic Interest;
olla innostunut (ahonkin tie very much in
terested in . . . be strong for ...
Innenua enthusiasm. rapture. lnsplration;
(into) xeal, ardor; (lmp) vanutti; (mie
lenkiinto) Interest; olb innostuksissaan
jostakin bc enraptured by, be entbusiastlc
over. vrt. kaltioOssaan).
innostuttaa inspire wlth enthusiasm, make
enthuslastic. rouse enthusiasm; ks. innos
taa, innostuttava Insplrlng; lnspiratlonal ;
vrt. innostava, innostuttavaati lnspirlngly.
innostuva (lncllned to be) enthuslastic; hel
posti easlly carried a ay by enthusiasm.
m noUI la be enthuslastic [over, jostakin];
b carried a ay by one's zeal. innottelija
enthuslast. Innotulu entbusiasm, rapture.
innotus insplration.
insinri engineer. -kunta engineer corps.
-tied* (science oD engineering.
inapirataioni ks. innotus..
intagraalilaakento (mat.) integral calculus.
intalli = inttill.
interJektsioni (ktel.= klihtosana) interjection.
Intia India. Intian keisarikunta the Indlan
Empire: Intian valtameri the Indlan Ocean.
intiaani (American) Indlan. Intiaani- (yhd.)
Indlan [esim. -heimo Indlan tribe; -plUkkS Indlan chlef]. -heimo (mys:) trlbe
of Indians. -keea Indlan summer, -tytt
Indlan glrl, young squaw. -vaimo Indlan
\vnman, squaw.
intialainon I. (a.) (East) Indlan. II. (s.)
(East) Indlan; Hindu, Hlndoo.
into eagerness; (uuraus) ardor, zeal; (lm
min ) fervor: (innostus) enthusiasm,
rapture: (harrastus) Interest: innoissaan
ai Min huomannut, ett . . tn hlS eagerness
(1. fervor) he dld not notlce that . . , vrt.
Mikko; innolla \vith eagerness, eagerly,
fervently; intoa tynn oleva Tuli of en
tbusiasm, zealous; olla innoissaan jostakin
be enthuslastic over, (haltioissaan), be
exrited Wltb ; olla oikein innoissaan (mys : )
be In Tuli swing.
into himo passion; intohimoista vapaa dispassionate. -himoinsn passlonate [woman,
nainen l ; (tunteita kiihdyttv) emottonal
speech, puhe]; (tulinen) flery, heated.
-himoisaatl passlonately: with emotlon.
-himoisuus passlon(ateness). -himoton vold
or passion, dlspasslonate. passlonless; (tyy
ni) cool, calm. -himottomasti dispasslonatelv: calmly.
intoilija enthuslast; zealot, devotee; (kiih
koilija) fanatic; (pyhkelllj) braggart,
hlusterer. intoilla (kopeilla) brag, stvaggor;
bluster: (menn liiallisuuksiin, innostua
lilaksi) be overzealous, be carried away
by one's zeal; go Into raptures [over, Jos
takin] ; (olla Innoissaan) be enthuslastic
over a th.. Jostakin]; vrt. (olla) haltio(lssaan). intoilu hlustering. bragglng;
enthusiasm: (huumaus) exultatlon. Intoi
nen ks. innostunut, innokas, intoisuus =
intomielinen enthuslastic; zealous; (mahti
pontinen) grandlloquent.
intUIIU (kinastella) squabblc rabout, jos
takin], bicker, vvrangle; Impugn; (Jank-


kailla) tease, nag: (vitell) altercate. dispute about. Jostakin]. Inttally luckeriiur.
squabblln?; (contlnual) teasing, naggimc.
inttu (valttia) lnsist (upon), maintaln:
contend; mys = iattfiUU: vastaan ar
gue ayai nst, dispute: ralse objectlons to..;
oppose. contradlct. galnsay.
invalidi (raihnainen) invalld; crlppled soldier.
inventaarlio) (kalustoluettelo) inventory.
invantaerata take (1. make) an inventory
of ..], Inventory. Invantaaraus takin? of
an inventorv, inventory(lnir).
iraanilainen (a. k s.) Iranian.
Irlannin-merl the Irish ?ea.
Irlanti treland. Irlantllainan I. (a.) Irlsh. II.
(s.) Irishman; irlantilaiset (mys:) the Irlsh.
irrallaan loose, free, clear; olla be loose,
be unrastened. be unattacbed: (vangista,
elimist y. m. puhuen:) be at large:
(elimist:) run wlld. Irrallaan ks. heitt,
pst, pustaa. Irrallinen loose; slack:
(liikkuva) mobile, floatlng [capital, p
irrottaa loose [one's hold, otteensa; the turf
by plovvlng, turve kyntmll], loosen [the
sails. purjeet], relax [the ties, siteet]:
(piista Irti) unfasten, untie [a knot, sol
mu], unbind [the chains, kahleet]; (ottaa
Irti, Irralleen) detach. dlsengage, remove:
(sotkukslsta) disentangle, extrlcate: (va
pauttaa) make free, (set) free; (erottaa)
separate, sever [the head from the body,
p ruumiista] ; irrotettu loosened, detached. unfastened: airot hangoistaan
take the oars out or the oarlocks, (mer.)
unship the oars: kahleista unshackle.
unrhaln, unretter; [harpusta] kielet unstring [the harp]. irrottamaton undetachable. irrottaminen loosenlng, unfastening:
irrottautua become detached; dlsengage n. s.,
detach o.s.; (Jostakin mlbtn on sotkeutu
nut) extrlcate o.s.; (vapautua) make o.s.
rree, free o.s.; min an voi ~ siit I can
not get out of lt, I cannot get off; vrt.
riuhtautua (Irti). Irrottua get (1. comc)
loose, become unfastened, loosen; be(come) detached.
irstaasti loosely, wantonly: (haureelllsesti)
lewdly; vrt. irstas. Iratallava dtsslpated
[youth, nuorukainen], raklsh. irstaillja
libertlne, debauchee. rake; fast liver. irs
tailla Ilve dlssolutely, lead a loose (1. a
levvrt) life, anton, debauch. dlsslpate. irs
tailu, irstaileminen debauched (1. levvd)
life. (life of) debauchery. (hurjastelu) dlssipatlon. irstainan, irstaina = irstas: irstaistt huvit orgles, revelry: irstaiset juomin
git drunken revelry. barrhanalia. irstaisuui
antonness, dissoluteness: dehaurhery;
(haurelialsiius) le\vdness. llrentiousness.
irstas dlssolute, vvanton, raklsh. debaucheil
[lire, elm]: (haureellinen) lewd [woman, nainen], lustrul, licentlous [ruler, hal
litsija], lasclvlous, lecherous; irstaat aja
tukset li'\vd (I. licentlous) thoughts; irs
taat halut licentlous (1. lustrul) deslres;
vrt. kevytmielinen; el Cl. viett) irs
tasta elm ks. irstailla, irstaus =- irstalsuus.
irtaallaan irrallaan. Irtaantua irrottua.
irtaimisto (Irtain omaisuus) personal (I.
movable) property, movables; (lak.) chattel(s); (kalusto) flxtures. -huutokauppa
aurtlon or personal property. -kiinnitys
(lak.) rhattel mortgage.
Irtain loose, (siirtyv) movable, portable.
(liikkuva) rioatlng rkldney, munuainen];
~ omaisuus personal property (1. estate).
(lak.) personalty; - vsst floatlng populiilinii. unsetlled people



irtautua 1. => Irrottautua; 2. irrottua.

irtautumaton undetachable; Immovable,
rtxert; Inextricable. irtautuminen IoosenIng; detachment, dlsengagement; (selk
kauksista) extrlcation, disentanglement;
(vapautuminen) Iiberatlon.
Irti loose; (vapaa, vapaaksi) free, clear
[melkein aina verbien yhteydess, ks. esim.
laskea, leikata, ottaa, pst, pst, sa
noa, sanoutua] ; olen hnest 1 am free
rrom (1. rld of) hlm, I have glven him the
slip: tuli on a fire has broken out,
(huudahd.) Tire!
irti II lal kattava .. to be cut off (1. out),
-leikattu . . \vhich has been cut ofr, cut out.
-paistaminen letting loose, detachment;
release, -psy loosening; release; (sotkeumasta) extrlcatlon, disentanglement;
(vapaakslpfisy) liberation.
(grlvlng- I. serving) notice (to quit 1. to pay
1. to move), warnlng, nutlce or termlnatlon, (rahojen) calllng in, (esim. lainan)
recall; (esim. sopimuksen) renouncement.
-sanomisaika tlme for givlng notice; length
or notice; 30 pivn irtisanomisajalla on
(I. at) 30 days' notice: 30 pivn irtisano
misaika on voimassa kumminkin puolin a
30 days' notice is requlred or both parties.
-sanonta = irtisanominen, -sanottava rerteemable on notice.
IrtoRkapineet movables, effects. -kaulus
loose collar. -kli (mer.) ralse keel,
(ylshlnattava) sliding keel.
irtolainen I. (s.) vagrant: (maankuljekslja)
vagabond, (Yhdysv.) tramp. II. (a.) (=
tilaton) without landed property. Irtolaislainsdnt leglslatlon concernlng vagrancy, vagrancy laws. irtolaisnainan om
an vagrant (I. tramp). irtolaisuus vagranry, vagabondage.
irtolaisvest (rural)
population without landed property; (kul
jeksiva) floatlng (1. wanderlng) population.
irtonainen loose: unfastened, untled, un
bound; vrt. irrallinen.
Single Copy; sanomalehden irtonaisnumeroita single coples of a newspaper.
Irto II parta ks. teko- 1. valeparta. -pohja
(kengn) insole. -sein movable partitlon;
screen. -tukka ks. valetukka.
irvi: irviss hampain Cl. suin;, irvill ikenin
grlnning, grinningly; nen meni suu irviin
Me grlnned (1. fleered), he made a grlmace;
hinen on suu irviss he Is making races.
irvi hammas grlnner, sneerer; (ivailija)
mocker, scoffer; (kiusantekij) banterer.
quiz. -kuva distorted picture, poor imitatlon, rarlcature; burlesque.
irvistelij grlnner. fleerer, mocker: vrt. irvi
hammas, irvistell grin; sneer; (virnlstell) fleer; (eleill) make (wry) faces. irvis
tely grln(ning); sneer(ing); fleer(ing);
bantcr(lng). irvistys grin, fleer; (virnis
tys) wry face, grlmace. irvist grin;
sneer: make a (\vry) face.
irvi suinen grlnning, sneerlng.xvry-moutheil.
-suu = Irvihammas.
irvollaan: suu irvollaan grinning(ly).
isiltperitty Inherited (from ancestors), ancestral, tradltional [custom. tapa].
ieintim steprather.
iskeminen strlking Jne., vrt. iske, itkett
(lollakiilla) have one strike (1. deal a blovv):
iskett suonta have a vein opened. have
one's blood let. iskeyty: iskeyty kiinni
johonkin, hook on to, catch, rasten on;
(kuv.) cling to.
Iske strike (a blo\v at 1. on), deal a bio\v:
(lyd) hlt, knock: beat; (sivaltaa) smite;
(syst) bump Tone's head agalnst the
\vall, pns seinn], punch; ~ hampain
johonkin bitc.snap; harhaan Strike amlSS,


miss, (kuv.) go amlSS; ~ kiinni johonkin

grab, clutch, seize, catch, uab; kimp
puun pounce upon, vrt. hykt (klmpEuun); ~ kirveens kiveen (sanani.) go (I.
e) wlde or the mark; ~ Jotakuta kivell
phn hlt (1. strike) one wlth a stone on
the head: ~ Jotakuta korvalle box a p.'s
ears; kyntens johonkin fasten one's
claws on (1. into), clutch; pounce upon;
saaliiseensa (esim. petolinnuista:) swoop
down (1. pounce) upon one's prey; ~ silmns johonkin lasten (1. flx) one's eyes
on; have an eye to . . ; silm jollekulle
\vink at a person; ~ suoni jostakusta
bleed, let one's blood: (ulia strike a
llght, (leimahtaa) riash. sparkle [esim.
hnen silmns iskivt tulta lier eyes
Tlashed (1. Sparkled)] ; haukka iski kyyhky
seen the hawk pounced upon a plgeon; alama iski puuhun the tree was struck by
lightnlng, llghtning struck a tree; tauti iski
hneen the dlsease attacked (1. lay hold
on) him.
iskos paste; (rappaus) plaster; (kivi- tai se
mentti) concrete. Iskostaa (smear wlth)
paste, glue; (rapata) plaster; (sementtiiskoksella) lay \vith concrete. Iskosty
concrete work; (rappaus) plastering.
isku blow [in the face, vasten naamaa1,
stroke (mys esim. koneen), hlt, knock:
(kolahdus) bump; (paukahdus, kumahdus)
bang; (limhdys) slap; (Jollakin tylsll
aseella) thump; (mus.) beat; ankara (I.
kova 1. raskas) ~ (kuv.) serlous (1. severoj
blow, shock; mnnn stroke of a plstonTOd; se oli , josta hn ei koskaan toinnu
CI. toivu) that was a blow (1. shock) from
which he will never recover; yhdell iskul
la at one blow, at a swoop, (kerta kaik
kiaan) ali at once; vrt. miekan, silmn ,
suonen , veitsen y. m. -haava intision:
(syv) gash. -haka grappllng-lron; grapple;
iskuittain stroke upon stroke, blow upon
iskumittari - iskunlukija. iskunlukija odometer. iskuri (suonirauta) fleam, lanret.
iskuvili ishk.) spark-gap.
islannin! Jkl (kasv.) Ireland moss (I.
lienen), -kieli Irelandic.
Islanti Iceiand. islantilainen I. (a.) Icelandlc.
II. (s.) Icelander.
iso big: large: great; vrt. suuri; kirjain
capital (letter): [en ole nhnyt hntl
isoon aikaan [I liave not seen him] for a
long tlme (1. for quite a whlle); isot aivot
cerebrum; Iso valtameri Pacific Ocean.
iso- (yhd.) great [esim. Iso-Britannia Great
Britain; -venlinen Great Russian] ; (adjektiiv. yhdyssanoissa:)
-jalkainen large-footed; -ktinen largehanded; -pinen large-headedl , big- [esim.
-karvainen blg-eared (mys: large-eared) :
-mahainen big-bellied] ; vrt. suur-, suuri-.
Iso-Belt (the) Great Belt.
isohedelminen . . with large fruits.
isohko rather big (l.largel. great); kaupun
ki a good-slzed town, (Jkpv.) quite a town.
isotella, isoinen big: Stuck-up.
big-feeling; (Jkpv.) swell; (ylpe, pyhke) proud. haughty, arrogant, presumptuOUS; isoisia vieraita distlnglllshed guests
(1. company), isoisesti arrogantly, presumptuously, haughtily; vrt. isosti, isolsuus presumptuousness, arrogance; (pyhkeys) haughtiness, loftiness.
iso is grandfather; (tuttav. klel.) grandpa.
granddad(dy). -Jako (maiden) general re
parcellng (1. reallotment 1. revisionary sur
vey) of rarm lands. -kasvuinen tali (of
statuic); large-framed, big-boned.



isoksua: lonkin hintaa ronstdcr ttic price

of a t 11. too high; ~ jonkun vaatimuksia
orislder (I. regard) a p.'s rtemand exorbllant.
iso. kukkainen . . with large flovvers. -lehti
nen .. wlth large leaves, large-leafed.
-mahainen (mys:) pot-bellled.
i;cn kokoinen large(-stzed). -lainen of considerable slze, rather (1. qulte) large.
itonnue enlargement; (laajennus) expanslon,
\videning-. -lasi kS. suurennuslasi.
isontaa make . . larger (1. greater), enlarge,
rrys. & kuv.) magnlfy; (laajentaa) uiden,
suurentaa; voimakkaasti isonnettu
powerfully magnlfled. isontua be(come)
enlarged; (lisnty) lncrease.
i:o purje (mer.) mainsail. -piinan large(I. big-)headed; isopinen puukko kniTe
with a big handle, big-handled knire.
-rokko smallpox. -rutto 1. (rauhasrutto)
bubonic plague; 2. = isosurma. -ruutuinen
large-checked (1. -plalded). -sormi ks.
i:o3ti (isoisestl) grandly, In a grand rashion,
in grand style; (nekksti) loudly, noisily; el live in (great) state, live in
rrand style; vrt. suuresti.
no suinen ks. suursuinen. -suomuinen largesi-aled [fish, kala], .. wlth large scales.
-surma (hist.) Black Death.
icota be bungry, bunger farter (1. Tor), jo
takin]; (raam.) be ahungered; (kuv.)
yearn after, long for.
isotella boast (1. brag) for. Jollakin, josta
kin; about. Jostakin], give o.s. alrs; (rehennell) swagger, plume (1. prlde) o.s.
on one's rlrhes. rikkauksillaan] ; vaunt,
jollekulle look down upon one, treat ono
siipercliiously, be (1. act) snobbish toward
icotilaJnen (lilaa ottava) voluminous, bulky.
isottelu superclliousness, overbearlng man
ner, arrogance;
(kerskailu) bragglng;
i turlin) braggadocio.
i otinen -^ suuritinen, isous ks. suuruus.
iso. vanhemmat grandparents. -varvas great
(1. big) toe; (tiet.) hallux. -iti grand iimiher. (Jkpv.) grandma. -Uninen ks.
israelilainen I.(a.)Israelittsb. II. (s.)Israelite.
issikka rab-proprietor; (plka-ajuri) cato
man: vrt. tallinpitj,
istahtaa sit down {for a whlle, hetkiseksi],
be seated; (linnuista puhuen:) pertfh [esim.
haukka istahti katolle the bawk perched on
the roofl; (levht) rest.
istua sit [on a chalr, tuolilla], be sittlng, be
seated; (koirista y. m. puhuen:) sit up;
(linnuista puhuen:) be perched; (levht).
rest: (puvusta puhuen: = sopia) flt, set
Weil, hyvin j ; hevosen selss Sit on
horseback, be mounted; johonkin (1. jol
lekin) sit down on [a sola, sohvaan], seat
(I. place) o.s. on.., (linnuista) perch on,
vrt. istuutua; kirjottamassa (]. kirjotellen) sit and write, sit wrlting; ~ kurkkuun
ks. tarttua; krji hold sessins (of
court). bold a court [esim. krji on is
tuttu jo kolme viikkoa the court lias been
sittlng (l. beld) already for three weeks];
linnassa be In prlson, be lmprlsoned; ~
lujassa ks. olla; ~ oikeutta hold a Court;
pydss be seated at the table; ~ sislt
Sit (I. Stop) indoors; tuomarina Sit as
Judge; ~ valveilla Sit up; ~ valveilla ja
odottaa jotakuta sit up (and walt) for a
person: (saada) vedell ja leivll (van
kilassa) bave been put on bread and water;
(tehk hyvin ja)iru*nasit down(,please) !
Ipray.) be seated! take a seat(, please)!
istulhan) odottamaan Sit down and Walt!


hn istui [ valveilla] koko illan ja luki Ilo

sat up ali night leading; kello istuu the
rlock (I. watch) lias stopped, the clock
stonils (l. the hands stand) stlll; ky(k)
istumaan take a seat! be seated! lintu istui
oksalle the bird perched on a twig; takki
istuu erittin hyvin (keveltyy) the coat
fits excellently (mys: is an exccllent Tit) ;
tss tuolissa on mukavp ~ this is a comfortable chalr to sit In.
istuallaan [istualla\ni, -si jne.] In a sittlng
position (1. posture), sittlng, seated [esim.
nukkua ~ sleep In a sittlng position] ; ks.
mys: laskea (mke), istualleen [istualle\ni, -si Jne.] Into a sittlng position (l.
posture); auttaa jotakuta istualleen help
one to sit up, help one into a sltting pos
ture; kuoli istualleen dled in hts chair,
vrt. nousta, istualtaan ' istua/f a|ni, -sijne.j
rrom (I. In) a sittlng position (1. posture) ;
ampua istualtaan shoot lioin a sittlng pos
ture; kaatua maahan istualtaan Tall from
un' '.s chalr; vrt. syd.
istuin seat; (tuoli) chair; paavin ~ the
Chair of St. Peter, the See or Rome, the
papal see; piispan blshop'S throne; vrt.
tuomio, valta~ Jne. -lauta tooard seat,
(penkki) bench. -luu (anat.) Ischium.
-paikka = istumapaikka.
istuja one who slts (1. Is seated); sitter.
istukas plant. -oksa selon; cuttlng. -vesa
cutting, set, sllp.
istukka (kasv.) receptacle; (embryol.) plarenta; (sorvissa) chuck. -sorvi chuck-lathe.
istuman kylpy sitz Iiath, hip-bath. -leikki
slttlng-down game. -lintu perchlng (1. Insessorial) bird; istumalinnut perchers.
-paikka 1. -sija seat; katsomo rakennettiin
tuhatta istumapaikkaa varten (1. tuhannen
istumapaikkaa ksittvksi) the grand stand was bullt to seat 1000 people; sa
lissa on istumapaikkoja SOO hengelle the
hali seats SOO people. -tila room to sit,
Place to be seated. -ty sedentary work;
hnen on tehtv istumatyt kaiket pivt
(mys:) hls work keeps him sittlng down
ali day long.
istunta sltting: seat. -valta seat; hnell
on istunta- ja puhevalta neuvostossa he
has a (seat and) voice in the councll.
istunto session, sltting; (Joskus:) terin;
(kokous) meetlng). -olka session, term:
time of sittlng. -huone assembly-room;
vrt. istuntosali, -kausi term. -oikeus
istuntavalta. -piv sesslon-day, sltting
day; (oikeuden) court-day. -sali (session)
hali, chamber; kongressin istuntosali (Yh
dysv.) Hall of Congress; lainstjkunnan istuntosali (mys:) legislative hali (I.
Chamber); senaatin istuntosali (YhdySV.)
Senate Chamber.
istuskella have the hablt or sltting, sit
istuttaa plant [potatoes, perunoita] , set
[young trees, nuoria puita]; implant [in
one's mlnd. Johonkuhun (1. jonkun mie
leen]: lngrart
fa selon, tstukasoksa]
(mys kuv.), graft: (sijottaa) seat; ~ sil
mikko puuhun grart a tree by buddlng;
Jokin tauti johonkuhun inorulate one wlth
a disease, vrt. tartuttaa; uudestaan
(toiseen palkkaan) transplant: (= pan
na istumaan) Joku viereens have a p. sit
by one, seat a p. beslde one. istuttaja
planter; inoculator; one who does graft ing, grafter. Istuttaminen planting, Implanting; (taudin) lnoculatlon; (sljottamlnen) seatlng.
istutus istuttaminen; perunoin ~ setting
(1. planting) or potatoes; rokon lnocu
latlon of smallpox virus, vacrlnatlnn.

-maa garden dirt (I. mold), rirh cllrt. ispuoli steprather.
-puikko dibble, plaiitlng stiik. -rokko In- istn rathcrless; lapsi chlld \vlio does
oculated cowpox, vacclnia. -tapa method (I. (Ild) not have any rather. (pr) an
(1. way) Of planting. -vesa ks. istukasvesa. illegltimate chlld, a bastard, (jkpv.) a
istututta* tiave . . planted.
istuutua seat o.s. (on. Johonkin, Jollekin], is ukko dad; (lcikill.) the old man. the
Slt down, be Seated; ~ entiselle paikalleen governor. -vainaja deceased rather; islake one'8 seat again, resume one's seat; vainajani (mys:) my late rather. -vanhus
istuutukaa take a seat, slt down!
-- isukko.
istuva sittlng [posture, asento], seated, Italia Italy. italialainen (a. & s.) Italian,
ahtaasti close-nttlng, tlght; vrt. hyvin. italiankieli (the) Italian (language).
isyys fatherhood; paternlty. -kanilo (lak.) itara stingy, close(risted); mlserly, nlggardly; penurlous, (Jkpv.) tight; (ahnas)
isi rather; (run. Ja hevosista:) slre; (lasten avarlclous, greedy; vrt. kitsas, saita,
itarasti greedlly, stinglly, penurlously.
puheessa:) papa, pa, dad(dy); isni aikui
nen of (1. froin) my rather's tiine; isns itaruus stinginess, penuriousness, nlggardkuoleman jlkeen syntynyt lapsi a post- liness; (ahneus) greed(lness).
humous chlld. isllinen ratheiiy; pater- itikka (hynteinen) lnsect.
nai, parcntal. laillisesti (wlth) ratherly iti (kasv.) spore. -kaavi sporirerous plant.
(care), paternally. isllisyys ratherllness. -peske (kasv.) sporanglum, spore-case.
isimeit (ismetdn rukous) the Lord's -peskeryhm (saniaisilla) sorus.
Prayer, Our Father.
itkeentynyt ks. itkettynyt. itkemtn unwept. itkenyt: hn oli itkeneen nkinen
Isin- (yhd.) rather's, ratherly, (harvem
min:) paternal [esim. -ilo father's Joy, she looked as tr she had wept, vrt. seur.
paternal happlness; -silm fatherly eye: itkettynyt worn (out) wltb weeplng; itket-sydn rather's (1. fatherly) heart; -ylpeys tyneet silmt eyes red and swollen wlth
rather's (I. ratherly) prlde].
weeping (1. with tears). itkett make . .
cry, cause . . to weep, draw tears l (rom a
Isn Lis ks. isois, -koti paternal (I. an
cestral) home; isnkodissa in one's fatlicr' person, Jotakuta] ; hnt alkoi itkett It
made*ber want to cry (l. reel llke crying);
house, under the paternal roor.
minua itkett I reel llke crying. I have a
isnmaa (syntymmaa) natlve land (1. coun
try), ratherland. isnmaallinen patriotlc; good mlnd to cry. itketytt -= itkett,
(kansallinen) national, isnmaallisuus pa- itkev weeplng, crying; tearful [volce,
ni], . . fiili or tears.
isnmaani kavaltaja traltor (to one's natlve itke cry [wlth anger, kiukusta], weep [ror
land). -rakkaus patrlotism; love of one's (1. wlth) Joy, Ilosta]; (vuodattaa kyynelel
country (1. natlve land). -ystv patrlot. t) shed tears; (valittaa) lament; jota
isnmaaton . . \vlthout a country.
kuta weep Tor, weep over, mourn (Tor),
isn murha parrlclde. -murhaaja parrlcide. vrt. murehtia; katkeria kyyneleit weep
-nimi one's rather's naine, patronymic, (1. Shed) bitter tears; kovaa kohtaloaan
ramlly naine.
bewail (1. bemoan) one's rate (1. one's
isnnist (Johtokunta) board or directors hard lOt) ; vanhempainsa kuolemaa
(I. managers), directors, management, mourn (1. weep over) the Ioss or one'sparvrt. laivan, isnnyys (hoito) manage
ents; lapsi itkee leip the chlld crles Tor
ment, admlnlstratlon, control; (tsntvalta) bread (1. ror sometblng to eat). itkij one
domestlc authorlty, dominion ovcr a house- who crles; (hlred) mourner.
hold; (Isnnn tehtvt) capaclty or (1. itku crying, weeping; cry; (valitus) moandntles as) a host; (vuokratalon) one's be- illg, waillng; ja hammasten kiristys
Ing a landlord. isnnnsijainen landlord'* (raam.) howling and gnashlng or teeth;
agent; hcad or the house temporarily (1. kurkussa giilplng back one's tears. just
In the absence of ap.). Isnntn: isnntn about to cry, ready to cry; itkussa silmin
talo a hnuse \vlthout a head (I. a master). itkusilmin, itkuinen, itkukas (itkenyt)
isnnid act as a manager; (talossa) act with eyes rert wlth crying; (herkk Itke
ns the head (1. be the master) or the mn) easily moved to tears, tearful, lachryhouse; (esim. Juhlassa) act as a host; (olla mose, (etup.) lapsista:) crying at nothlng.
valtiaana) hold the sway, lord it [in a itkuni! kouristus convulslve weeping (I. sobhouse, talossa] ; (komentaa) be In rom- bing): fit or hysteria, hysteiics. -sekainen
iiiaiul, command; run thlngs viili a hlgh . . mlngled \viih tears: itkunsekaisella
hand; armeija isnni seudulla the army nell wlth tears In one's volce, with a tearruled thlngs In the dlstrtct \vitli a hlgh rul volce.
hand; hn haluaa talossa he llkes tn be itku silm: itkusilmin \viili tears in one's
boss of the house.
eyes, with tearrul eyes, wtth eyes niled (I.
svvlmmlng) wlth tears, amld tears, crying.
isnnitsij manager; superlntendent.
iinl perint patrlmony. -surmaaja isn- -silminen tearrul-eyed, sheddlng tears,
wlth eyes rilled with (1. swlmmlng in)
isnt head (1. master) or the house(hold); tears. -virsi wail, dirge, lamentation; keen.
(etenkin vieraiden puheessa:) host; (maa itse self min itse (I) mysell': sin itsa
lais-) peasant proprletor; (vuokratalon) (you) yourseir; hn itse (lie) himseir. (she)
landlord: (Juhlapldolssa y. m.) entertalner; herseir; me itse (we) ourselves; te itsa
(lolmlnimess) employer, (jkpv.) boss; (you) yourselves; he itse (they) themmajatalon, ravintolan proprletor (1. selves] ; ~ asiassa actually, really, truly.
host) or an Inn, a restaurant; olla isntn In realtty; as a matter or Tact; puolesta
talossa (Jkpv.) wear the breeches, carry ni ror my (own) part, as rar as I am conthe pocketbook : vrt. talon-, -kasvi cerned; teossa 1. (= Itse tyss) In the
(kasv.) host-plant, host. -renki heail (very) act: 2. itse asiassa; itseens
lilred man; head sorvani vrt. vouti, -valta tuottamaton dirrtdent, self-dlstrustrul, not
ks. isnnyys, -vki master and mlstress; seir-rellant, lacking conrtdence In o.s.; it
host and hostess, the hosts. -yhdistys seens sulkeutuva (1. sulkeutunut ) liiroin
association of peasant pioprietors.
munlcatlve, reserved, sllent; itseens tyy
isn: valta rather's (I. paternal) nulhoritv. tyvinen seir-satlsried. seir-complacent;
-iti ks. isoiti.
itsekseen by oneseir, by ltselT: (esim. pu

hiia) to oneselT: (yksikseen) alone; itsek
sin sen tmit (11(1 you ilo lt yourseir? iUettn in itSelT; Hiettn oi' (1. Iiy) ItSeir,
spontaneously, (omasta alotteestaan) of
one's own accord; ifitn liikkuva selfmovlng, automatlc(al); itsestn selv
f im. in. mys: on Hiestn telv, ett ..
lt is a matter or course that . . , lt goes
ithout saying tbat ..]; ittettn toimiva
ks. itsetoimiva; hnen itsens thden for
his (1. her) own sake, In his (1. her) own
interest: hn an rehellisyys (mys:) he
is the (very) soul or honor, he Is the emnodiment of honesty, he is honesty personlTied; jo se ajatus ittettn on miele
tn (sellaisenaan) the Idea ltseir (1. the
very idea 1. the Idea as such) Is absurd;
oma itsens his own sei f [huom. mys:
hn ei ole enn oma itsens he IS Ilot fiini seir any more (1. any longer)].
tae- (yhd.) self- [esim. -aiheuttama seircaused, seir-lnrilcted; -arvostelu self-crlticlsm; -kehunta seir-pralse; -petos selfdeception]. -hallinnollinen self-governing,
-hallinto seir-government;
(valt.) autonomy. -hillitsemiskyky selfpossession, command of one's self, selfeommand. -hyvilnen self-contented (1.
-satisfled), seir-complacent, vrt. itserakas,
-kasvatus tralning o. s. for life; self-training, seif-edueation. -kidutus self-torture;
ascetlcism. -kielti(y)mys self-denial; selfre*tralnt.
itsekkyys, itsekkiisyys seirishness, egotlsm,
egoism; ittehhityydett vapaa free from
selfishness, unseirish. itsekksti seirishly,
itse kohtainen subjective: (mieskohtainen)
personal, lndividual;
(klel.) reflexlve.
-kohtaisesti subjectlvely; personally. -koh
taisuus subjectlvlty.
itseS kukin each one, everyone; (kukin koh
dastaan) each by himself; itsekukin pit
kn huolen ittettn let every (1. each)
man look out for hlmseir; ittekullakin
meist on vikansa \ve ali tiave our faults,
each of us has his faults. -kyllinen scirsurricient, self-sufricing; mys itsehyvinen. -kyllisyys 1. -kyllyys sell-sumrlency; self-content.
itseks selllsb [act, teko], self-seeklng,
egotlstic, egolstic; hn on hyvin ~ ihminen
(mys:) he looks out for hlmseir rirst.
(Jkpv.) lie looks out ror number one.
itsellinen (loinen) cottager, dependent totiani.
itse] luottamus self-confldence.seir-rellance;
idfluotlcutiiltlcn puute (mys:) Self-dlStrust, (lirfidence: itseluottamusta tynn
oieva seir-conCident, self-rellant. -luovut
tava: Hseluovuttava leikkuukone dropper.
-murha sulcide. -murhaaja sulclde; seirinurderer. -murha halu I. -kiihko siilcldal
mania, -murhayritys attempt at (1. attempted) sulclde. -mrmiskyky ablllty
to manage one's own arrairs: ablllty to
exerclse seir-control. -mrmisoikeus
right to manag-e one's own arrairs; (right
of) self-control.
itsens- (yhd.) seir- [esim. -arvostelu selfrriticism; -halveksiminen selT-contempt;
-uhraavainen seir-sacriflclng] . -alentami
nen self-humillatlon (1. -abasement 1. -degrailation). -auttaminen seir-help. -elt
tj one wbo supports hlmseir. -hillitse
minen (itsehllllnt) seir-command (1. -Con
trol), self-possesslon. -Jumaloiminen selfulollzallon. -kehuminen - itsekehunta. -ki
duttaja self-torturer; ascetic. -kiduttami
nen -- itsekldutus. -kieltimys self-denial,
seir-abnegatlon, voluntary renunciatlon.


-pettiminen, -siilytysvietti ks. itse petos,

-tunteminen, -tuntemus
knowledge or oneself, seir-knowledge. -uhraavaisuus, -uhraua seir-sacrifice. -varje
leminen = itsevarjelu*, -voittaminen seirconquest.
itseniinen Independent, self -dependent; seirgoverned; (valtiot.) autonomous; (omape
rinen) orig-lnal rwork, teos] ; hnell ei
ole yhtn itsenist ajatusta he haS not
one (1. not a single) Idea of his own. itse
nisesti independently, autonomously; tys
kennell itsenisesti work wlthout assistance, do Independent (1. origlnal) work.
itsenistyi berome Independent, itseni
syys independence; autonomy, orlginality;
vrt. itseninen. itsenisyyspyrinnSt Strlvings (1. erforts) toward independence (1.
itse oikeutettu (virkansa perusteella) by
virtue of one's office, (lat.) ex orflclo;
(luonnostaan) . . as a matter of course:
hn on itseoikeutettu komitean jsen he is
a member of the commlttee by virtue of
his office. -opiskelu (itseninen opiskelu)
self-lnstructlon; itseopiskelua varten Tor
prlvate study. -oppinut I. (a.) seir-taught,
II. (s.) self-taught man.
-ottama (self-)assumed [name. n, ml];
usurped [right. oikeus].
itsel! perinen (alkuperinen) orlginal; (itse
ninen) Independent; (Itsesyntyinen) spontaneous; (fllos.) self-exlstent, absolute.
-perisyys spontaneity; (fllos.) seir-cxlstence. -petos self-deception, self-delusion.
-pintainen persistent isuitoi'. kosija]; obstlnate [disease, tauti], stubborn freslstance, vastustus], headstrong; (hellittm
tn) importunate; (sitke) pertinacious:
vrt. itsepinen, -pintalseatl persistently,
obstinately, stubbornly,
-pi maisuus persist|ence (1. -ency), obstinacy, stubbonmcss; pertinacity. -puhdis
tuskyky povver to clcanse (1. purlTy) ltseir.
-puolustus sell-derence. -pinen seirwilled, wiirul, vvayvvard; headstrong [ronduct, kyts] ; doggcd, obstlnate; vrt. itse
pintainen, -pisesti \vliriilly. obstinately;
liriilness, obstinacy, seir-will; (oikulli
suus) waywardness. -rakai cgotistlc(al),
ronceited, seir-satisried, vain; (Itseks)
seirish; Aan on hyvin itserakas (mys;) he
is very much in love with himself. -rakkaasti In a concelted manner, valnly, egotlstically. -rakkaus seir-love, (seir-)concelt, scir-lmportance, egotlsm, scir-oomplaccncy. -raastuttaja one who prartises seKab'ise; (lk.) onanlst, masturbator. -saas
tutus seK-abuse; (lk.) masturbatlon.
Onanlsm ; harjottaa itsetaastututta (mys : )
masturbate. -sitova seir-bindlng; ittetitova
leikkuukone (seir-)blnder.
itsestinen spontaneous; vrt. itseoikeutettu.
itsestn || kyp automatlc. -palaminen spon
taneous combustion. -pitv concelted.
seir-satisried; self-respecting. -selv seirevldent. -syttyv seir-igntting. -toimiva
itsesyntyinen spontaneous.
spontaneous rombustlon. -silytysvaisto
(lnstlnct oD seir-preservation. -siitivi
seir-regulatlng; (mek.) seir-adlustlng. -taJuinen (seir-)consrinus. -tiedoton unronsclous. -tiedottomasti unconsdonsly. -tie
toinen seir-consclous; seir-asscrtive (l.-asserting) ; seir-determlned; itsetietoinen te
ko consclous act(ion). -tietoisesti sel(consclously; In a seir-assertlve manner.
-tietoisuus seir-consciousness; seir-assertion; (seir-)determlnation. -toimiva seir




acting. automatir(al); itsetoimiva koje (\.

laite) automaton, -tunto seir-esteem, sellassertion. -valta autocracy, despotlsm.
-valtainen (omavaltainen) arbltrary, despotlc; (yksinvaltainen) autocratlc, sovereign; itsevaltainen hallitsija (mys:) absolute ruler. -valtaisesti arbitrarily; despoti cal ly, autocratically. -valtaisuus arbltrariness, despotlsm; autocratic ways (1. rule).
-valtias autocrat, soverelgn. -valtius absolutism, despotlsm, autocracy. -varjelus
itu shoot, (esim. perunan) sprout; (Iti)
germ. -kalvo germlnal (1. blastodermlc)
it east; idss In the east; idst (-pin)
Imin the east; idst puhaltava myrsky a
storm from the east, an easterly gale;
itn -(pin; (to the) east ui', jostakin.,
eastvvard(s) ; itn (pin) menevt junat
trains to the east (1. going east),eastbound
tralns; katu kulkee idst lnteen the Street
runs east and vvest; kaukaisessa idss in
the Far East; tuuli on idss (I idst)
the vvlnd Is (In the) east (1. rrom the east),
it blovvs from the east.
it-- (yhd.) east. eastein [esim. It-Aasia
Eastern Asla; It-Europpa Eastern Europe].
-europpalainen East-European. -goottilai
nen (. (a.) Ostrogothic. II. (s.) Ostrogoth,
itinen eastern; east; (Idnpuoleinen) east
erly [dlrectlon, suunta]; naapuri the
eastein nelghbor, the nelghbor to the east;
osa maata] the eastern part [of the
country] ; rakennuksen ~ sivu the east (1.
eastern) side (1. east wtng) or the bullding; tietjt itiselt maalta (raam.) the
\vlse men from the East.
It-Intia East IndleS; It-Intian meritie passage to the East Indles; It-Intian saaristo
the East-Indian Archipelago. itintialainen
East Indlan; (/) yhti the East-Indla
itisin easternmost; itisimpn farthest east.
it[ kaakkoinen east-southeast.
itlinen (Yhdysvaltain ltvaltlolden asukas)
itmaalainen I. (a.) Eastern, Orlental. II. (s.)
Orlental. Itmaat (the) Orient; (the) Levant; the Eastern lands. itmainen Eastern,
Orlental; itmainen kysymys tbe Eastern
question: itmainen sota the Crimean vvar;
itmaiset kielet Orlental languages.
Itmeren-maakunnat the Baltic Provlnces.
Itmeri the Baltic (Sea); Itmeren kauppa
tbe Baltic trade; Itmeren satama Baltic
itminen sprouting, gcrmlnatlon.
itmis aika time or germination, sprouting
tlme. -kyky, -kykyisyys power or ger
mination, rapabtlity to gennlnate. -kykyi
nen capable or sprouting, gorminative.
itmtn incapable of germination; sterile;
vilja grain that doesn't germlnate; it
mttmt siemenet (huonot) poor seeds,
(kokonaan) sterile seeds.
ita osa eastern part; itosassa Lontoota In

East London; itosassa Suomea (mys:)

in Eastein 1'iulanil. -piiri the Eastern
Dlstrict. -pohja ks. koillinen, -puoli east
side; itpuolella kaupunkia In the eastern
part or the City; kaupungin itpuolella (to
the) east or the city. -puolinen = idn
puoleinen, -p east end. -raja eastern
boundary (line). -rannikko east shore (1.
coast). -roomalainen: itroomalainen keisa
rikunta the Eastern (Roman) Empire, the
Byzantlne Empire, the Empire or the East.
-tuuli east (I. easterly) vvlnd.
Itvalta Austria, itvaltalainen (a. & s.)
Austrian. Itvalta-Unkari Austrta-IIungary.
itvalta-unkarilainen (a. Il s.) AustroHungarian.
- itmiskyky. itv germinant:
germinatlve. itvisyys itmiskyky.
it germlnate, sprout; shoot; grow.
itn|pin 1. -ksin to (1. tovvards) the east,
eastward(S); Helsingist itnpin east or
(1. eastward rrom) Helslngrors.
iva scorn, dlsdaln, scorr(ing), sneer; mockery; lrony, satlre; (pilkka) derlslon, rldicule; ivalla with scorn, In derlslon, by way
of mockery, sneeringly; ivan ja pilkan esine
butt or ridlcule, object or scorn (1. derl
slon) ; kohtalon iva irony or rate.
ivaaja mocker, scorrer, sneerer; (kirjalli
nen) satirlst; vrt. pilkkaaja, ivaaminen
mocking, scorring, sneerlng.
iva huuto jeer, hoot; joukosta kuului ivahuutoja hootlng (1. jeer mg) was heard
rrom the crowd. -hymy smile or scorn,
sneer; ivahymyll witb a sneer.
ivailija satirlst. ivailla ks. ivata, ivailu
scorring; mockery; derlslon.
ivakuva carlcature.
ivallinen scornrul, dlsdalnrul. sneerlng,
mocking, lronlc(al); (pilkallinen) derlslve,
sarcastlc [tone, ni]; ivallisella nell in
a scornful (I. a sarcastlc) volce, In a sneer
lng tone (or volce); ivallisia huutoja hOOtlng, jeering. ivallisesti scornrully, sneer
ingly, lronlcally; sarcasttcally. Ivallisuus
scorn (Tulness), sarcasm, derlslon.
ivallmukailu parody [on a th., Jostakin],
-nauru derlslve (1. scornrul) laugbter;
purskahtaa ivanauruun bUrSt into a mock
ing laugh.
ivanesine butt or ridlcule, object of scorn
(1. derlslon).
ivallruno satlre. -sana derlslve word; glbe,
scorr, taunt, sneer.
ivata: ~ jotakin [jotakuta]
scorn . . .
spurn . . , scorr at . . , jeer (I. glbe) at . .-.
(pilkata) ridlcule.., derlde .., mock (at)...
iinen eternal, everlastlng: (kuolematon)
Immortal; vrt. ikuinen, lisesti eternally,
everlastlngly. iisyys eternlty; everlasting(ness). iisyyskukka lmmortelle, everlast
lng (riovver).
iks aged; advanced in years, elderly.
inikuinen everlastlng, unendlng, unceasing, endless, never-ceasing (1. -endlng) ;
(vanhan vanha) very ancient. -ikuisesti
eternally, everlastlngly, rorever.
iti eternally, rorever; ~ sama the same
(yesterday, today and) rorever.

ja and; ja niin edespin [tav. lyh.: J. n. e.]

and so rorth, et cetera [tav. lyn.:etc.,&c] ;
ja senvuohsi (mys:) wherefore; ja tm
(mys:) WhiCh; hn istuu ja lukee he ts
sitting reading.
Jaa yes, (vanh.)yea; (nestyksiss:) aye, ay.

Jaakko James; Jake. Jaakob, Jaakoppi Jacob.

Jaala (mer.) yavvl.
Jaappani, jaappanilainen ks. Japani, japanilainen.
Jaarli (hlst.) earl.
jaaritella pratlle, cackle; prate; (lrptell)


I 15

Chatter; l siin tyhji jaarittele iion't

ttlk nonsense! jaaritteli ja prattler, chatterer. jaarittelu, jaaritus jabbcr, prattle;
babble; chatter; turhaa jaaritusta iille taik.
Jaata Java. Jaavalainen (a. & s.) Javanese.
jaella, Jaoskella distribute [prlzes, palkin tojaj, glve out; deal out; dispense; serve
out (provisiona, muonavaroja]; arvo
nimi conrer tltles; ~ iskuja deal out (1.
admlnister) blows; kskyj glve (1. Issue) orders.
Jaettava (niat.) divldend. jaettavuus divlslbiltty.
jaguaari (elint.) Jaguar.
Jahka as soon as; (kun) \vlicn; (Jos vain)
onlv, ir only; ~ osin .. only when ...
Jahti 1.
- metsstys, takaa-ajo; 2. (alus)
yacht. -haukka ajohaukka. -koira ks.
metsstyskoira. -VOUti (1. V.) leadcr Of
the bue and cry party.
Jakaa divide [tbe spoils, saalis; an lnherltance, perint; into groups, ryhmiin] ; share
[ an estate, pesn omaisuus] ; (osiin) portion (1. parcel) out; (Jaella) distribute,
deal out; (ositella) apportlon [one's tlme
vvisely, aikansa jrkevsti] ; (erottaa) separate, part; (halkaista) split; aineosiinsa
ks. hajottaa; (Joku luku) alkutekijihin
s rtivlde into (lts> prime numbers; ~
osakkeet] arpomalla allot (the shares] ;
asteisiin gradc. gradnate: (Herran) eh
toollista admlnister tbe Holy Communlon;
kahtia divide Into two equal parts.halve,
(mittausop.) blsect; keskenn share (1.
divide) between them(selves), (useam
masta kuin kahdesta puhuen:) share (1.
divide) ainoiur tbem; ~ kristillisesti divide
rairly; ~ luokkiin classiry, arrange in
rlasses; mryksi give (1. lssue) or
ders; ~ osot (nytelmss) assign the
parts; osiin [maa y. m.] portlon (I.
parcel) out ia plece of land, etc.]; ~
rpelto] palstoihin ks. palstottaa; ~ pes
perillisille distribute an estate among tbe
heirs; ~ sana sri riville divide a word at
the end of the ilne; ~ tyS palvelijoille
divide the work among the servants; ~
[huone] vliseinll divide [a room] in
two \wili a partition, partltlon ori' [a
room]; jtfa 3S S:ll divide 35 by 5; jaettaoissa oleva dlvlsible; lasten kesken jaet
tavaksi to be dlvided between (Jos useam
pia kuin kaksi: among) the ehildren; posti
jaetaan kolmasti pivss tbe mai! IS (lelivered (1. distrlbuted) three times a day,
there are three dellveries (or mall) every
Jakaantua =- jakautua. Jakaantuminen di
vision; dlstrlbution; spllttlng.
Jakaja divider; (Jakelija) dlstrlbutor; (mat.)
Jakamaton undivided: not tlistributed; ~
kuolinpes undivided estate or a deceased
person; ~ maa land not parrp|(l)ed out.
Jakaminen divldlng (up), partition, division
(etenk. laskuop.); (Jakelu) dlstrlbution;
~ luokkiin classincatlon; postin distributlon (I. delivery) or malis.
jakaus (pss) partlng (I. division) or the
hair: (Jkpv.) part: panna rl. kammata)
hiukset jakaukselle part one's hair.
Jakautua be divided, divide; be distrlbuted;
(erota Jostakin) part, separate; (haarau
tua) tn .u m h ; kysymys jakautuu kolmeen
osaan the question resolves Itsoir Into
three parts; mielipiteet jakautuvat suuresti
kysymykseen nhden opinion is very much
livided (I. opinions difri-r groatly) on the
question. Jahau tumaton indivislble; undivnlablc. Jakautumattomuus Indlvislbllity.


Jakautuva dlvlsible: tasan jakautuva (exactly) dlvlsible. Jakautuvaisuus dlvlsiblllty.

jakelija distributor, dlstributer.
jakelu dealing out, distrlbutlon; (kirjeiden)
delivery; vrt. jako; ampumavarojen glving OUt Of ammunltlon; arvonimien conrerrlng (I. bestovval) or tltles; palkintojen
dlstrlbution of prlzes, presentation of
medals; postin distrlbutlon (1. delivery)
or malls.
Jakkara (foot)stool; (pehme) hassock.
Jako division, partition, partlng; sharing;
(jakelu) dlstrlbution; maiden ~ parcelling
(out) Of landS; palkintojen ~ ks. jakelu;
perinnn partition (1. division) or an inherltance; postin ks. jakelu.
Jakobiini (hlst.) Jacobln(e).
Jakoinen dlvldable, dlvlsible; - kahdella
dlvlsible by two.
-Jakoinen (yhd.) . .-parted, ..-partite resim.
tvvo-parted, bipartite;
three-parted, tri -partite] ; vrt. meni , neli .
Jakollkone divldlng machlne. -lasku divi
sion, -osuus (osinko) divldend. -peruste
basis (1. prlnciple) of (1. for) division (1.
jakeaa (kyet) be able to . . (1. capable or
(olla voimia johonkin) have
strength enough to . . , (voida) can; (ter
veyden puolesta) do: (kest) bear, stand;
(tulla toimeen) do (1. get along) with; ~
kahdella aterialla pivss rlo \vith (1. get
along wlth) two meals a day; en jaksa
enemp I fan do no more, I cannot manage any more, I can not go on any longer,
(olen uuvuksissa) I am quite done up; en
jaksa en kest (l. siet) sit I cannot bear
(1. stand 1. endure) it any longer; en jaksa
kuulla sinun lorujasi I havetrt the patlence
to bear your prattle. I cannot stand your
nonsense: en /aitta odottaa en I cannot
stand watting any more; en jaksa tehd
sit (el ole voimia) it is too much Tor my
strength (1. Tor me), it is beyond my
strength (1. me), (en kykene) I am quite
unable to do it; jo//ei hn jaksa maksaa
sit In case he is unable to pay it, in (lo
ruun Of payment; mink (suinkin) jaksan
[I \vill do] ali In my povver (1. ali I can),
(kaikin voimin) with (ali my) mlght and
main; miten jaksat how are you (getting
along) ? 1 10 vv do you do ? poika huusi, min
k jaksoi the liov shouted his loudest (I.
vvlth ali his might), the boy shouted at
the top or liis volre (I. his lungs); yritti,
mink jaksoi tried as much as he could,
tried his hardest.
Jakso successlon, sequence; (sarja) series;
(ajan) perlod: (vaihe) phase: (osa. osas
to) part, section; (jaksollisen kymmen murtoluvun) repctend: ~ tapaturmia a
series of accldents; katkeamaton jotakin
an unbroken series (1. chaln 1. sequence)
oT . .; kertomuksen ensiminen the rirst
part (1. series) or the story: tapausten ~
successlon of eventS; toinen seteleit
sccond series (1. lssue 1. emission) or bllls;
yhteen jaksoon In (unbroken) successlon.
(keskeytymtt) wlthout a break. v/ithout
an Intermlsslon, (yhteen menoon) at one
sitting, at a stretch.
Jaksoinen (yhd.) ks. moni , yht.
jaksoittain serially: (alan-) neriodlcally.
Jaksoittainen serial; (snnllisiss ajan
jaksoissa llmenevii) periodlcal; vrt. seur.
Jaksollinen serial; periodlcal: jaksollinen
kymmenmurtoluku rirculatlng decimal.
Jakuutti yaknt, yakoot.
jalan ala: jalanala maata a (oot oi' land.
-alusta ks. jalkapohja, -astuja Walker, pe(iestrlan; vrt. jalankulkija, -jlki l'ootprint.



-korkuinen a root bigh. -kulkija 1. -kvij

foot-passenger, traveler on foot, pedestrlan. -peu \vashlng or the Teet. -sija rooting, roothold; mtnett yh jalansijaa
ikuv.) lose ground (Inch by iticb); sooda
<\. voittaa) jalansijaa get a roothold, gatn
a rooting.
jalas (reen y. m.) runner; (keinutuolin,
kebdon y. m.) rocker. -hirsi (rakon.)
jalaton footless; legless, vvithout legs.
jalava elm.
Jalka root (mys mittana); (pydn, tuolin
y. m.) leg; (pikarin) stem; (lampun y. m.)
stand; (perusta) base: foton on root, aroot
'un. kyd Jalan go on root, (mys:)
vvalk] ; jalat reet, legs; [istua] jalat ristiss tslt] cross-Iegged; jalkaansa on, ks.
panna, vet; (Jonkun) jatkoin juurena
juureen] at a p.'s reet; jalkoihin ks. jou
tua; jaloillaan ks. pysy, seisoa; jaloilleen
ks. auttaa, pudota, pst; kengt housut,
sakat] jalassa \vlth one's snoes rtrousers,
stockings] on; kymmsnsn jalan korkuinen
ten Teet (1. root) higb; lapset hyrivt ja
loissa (tiell) the children get tn the way
(1. get under root); olla r sodan, ruton]
jaloissa be trampled upon by [war, pesti lence] ; pydss on nelj jalkaa the table
has rour legs, It is a rour-leggert table;
vrt. kynttiln-.
Jalka- (yhd.) root- [esim. -kylpy root-bath;
-lauta root-board; -voima root-power].
-harppi ealiper-compasses, callper. -hiki
svveaty Teet; hnt vaivaa paha jalkahiki
lie Is troubled vvith svveaty reet (I. by his
reet s\veatlng too much).
Jalkainon (yhd.) 1. ..-rooted. \vith .. reet
esim. kymmen \vith ten Teet, tenrooted; neli~ four-rooted; nopsa rieetfooted], (tiet.) . .-pod feslm. kymmen
derapod]: 2. (. . Jalan pituinen) .. reet
long, . .-root [esim. kymmen mittanauha
a tape measure ten reet long, a ten- Toot
tape measure].
Jalkainpeseminen \vashing (of) the Teet.
jalkaisin on root, aroot.
Jalkajakkara rootstool. -kytv (kadun)
(root-)pavement; (Amer.) sldewalk, walk;
(Jalkapolku) rootpath, path. -lista (rak.)
base-molding; base(-board). -matka \valkIng (I. pedestrian) tour; tramp; (Jkpv.)
liike, -iniea (Jalankvij) pedestrian; mys
jalkasotamies. -mitta foot rule. -noja
root-rest; purchase (1. hold) for the root;
(Jalansija) roothold.
Jalkapallo Tootball. -kentt rootball-rield.
-kilpailu Tootball game. -pelaaja rootballplayer. -peli Tootball.
Jalka! patikka: jalkapatikassa on root, aroot;
huikea jalkapatikassa travel on rmit. (leik.)
1' on) Shank'S horses; me menimme
sinne jalkapatikassa (mys:) We rooted It
(therp).-pohjasole (or nne's root); (sngyn)
ks. jalkop, -puoli I. (a.) one-legged
nian, mies]. II. (s.) - jalkop, -puu(t)
StOCkS; olla [istua] jalkapuussa be [Sit]
in the stocks. -pyt instep; (anat.) metatarsus. -raudat ball and chaln; (kahleet)
letters, shaekles. -reik (syslmlllun y. m.)
drart-hole, ilrart. -rinta
-sotamies, -sotilas, -soturi InTantryman,
rootsoldler. -ter the toes. -vaimo mlsti-ess; conoubine. -varsi leg.
Jalkavki iurantry; jalkaven kenraali gen
eral oi' mliintry; jalkaven upseeri Infantiy
orrieer. -Joukko body of root.
Jalkeilla, Jalkeille: olio jalkeilla be up and
ahmit (I. aroimil), he on one's Teet. he out
or (the) heti, (liikkeellii) be on the go (1.


move) ; pst jalkeille be able to be about

(1. get up), get on one's reet.
jalkine: jalkineet foot\vear, boots and shoes.
-kauppa shoe store. -kauppias boot and
shoe dealer, shoe man. -teollisuus shoe
Industry, -tyntekij shoemaker; (tehtaas
sa) worker in a shoe-Tactory.
jalkio (mus.) pedal.
Jalkop (mys: jalko' puoli, -pohja): vuo
toon root or the bed.
jalo noble [character, luonne], gentle;
(metalleista:) precious; (ylev) sublime,
exalted, elevated, lorty; (jalomielinen)
generous; jaloimmat olimot vital organs.
vitals; [etsi] jalompia huvituksia [seek]
more rerined pleasures, [seek] amusements or a more elevated character. -aatteinen with noble thoughts; wlth bigh
ideals. -haukka (ellnt.) ralcon.
Jaloituin by the root.
Jalokivi precious Stone; (hiottu) gem, jewel.
-koriste ornament set wlth gems, bejeweled ornament, jewel. -sepp lapldary; jewel(l)er. -sormus set ring, rlng wlth a set:
(timanttisormus) diamond rlng. -tavara
jalo kuoriainen (elint.) buprestid. -luon
toinen noble -hearted, high-souled, gener
ous. -luontoisuus noble-mindedness, generoslty. -metalli nreclous metal. -mie
linen noble-minded, generous; (ylevmie
linen) magnanimous; (antelias) liberal.
-mielisesti generously, magnanimously.
-mielisyys noble-mlndedness.
generoslty, magnanlmity, llberality.
jalommuus: hnen jalommuutensa oli ilmei
nen It was obvlous that he was the nobler
one (or the two).
jalopeura (leijona) Ilon; jalopeuran kita
llon's mouth; jalopeuran luola llon's den.
jalorotuinen thoroughbred [horse, hevonen] ;
(Ihmisist:) born and bred.
jalostaa ennoble, rerine, elevate; (rotua,
hedelmpuita y. m.) Improve; cultlvatc;
jotakin (raaka) ainetta reHne; tieto
ihmist knovvledge ennobles man, man is
elevated by knowledge. Jalostaja one who
ennobles (l. rerines I. Improves jne., vrt.
jalostaa), jalostamaton unrerined [material, aine], ra\v; unimproved; common,
mongrel [breed, rotu]; unprepared; jalos
tamaton hedelmpuu a rrult-tree let gro\v
wlld. Jalostaminen ennobltng; rerinlng.
Jalostava ennobllng ferrect, vaikutus],
elevatlng; lmprovlng; ihmist jalostava en
nobling to man.
Jalosti nobly, generously; (ylevmlelisesti)
magnanimously; siin hn toki lt was a
noble deed (I. action 1. act) on his pari.
Jalostua be(come) ennobled (1. elevated 1.
rerined 1. improved); vrt. jalostaa. Jalostumaton ks. jalostamaton. Jalostunut en
nobled; rerined; Improved.
Jalostus ennobling: rerining, rerinement;
improvement; hedelmpuiden improvement or rrult-trees; karjan Improve
ment or stock; puun preparatlon of
wood (Tor dirferent uses). -vaha (puutarh.) grartlng-vvax.
Jalostuttaa ks. jalostaa. Jalostuttamaton =
Jalosukuinen or noble ramlly (1. hirth),
noble, hlgh-burn; (arvonimiss:) honorable, most lllustrlous. -eukuisuus noble
blrth (1. llneage).
-sydiminen noble hearted: lilgh-mlndeil; ks. jalomielinen,
-sydmisyys jalomielisyys, -syntyinen
nobly born, high-born.
Jalotella take exerctse, (Jkpv.) stretcli one's
legs: (kvelld) take a vvalk (I. a stroll).
jiromenade (about). Jalottelu exerclse;



Irina'; (kvely) walk, stroll, (terveydek

si) constltutlonal.
jaloua nobleness; (Jalomielisyys) generoslty, magnantmlty.
jalus (mer.) sheet. -kivi base, socle. -nuora
- jalus.
Jalusta foot, base; (pienempi, esim. lam
pun) st and; (suurempi) pedestal; (esim.
viinilasin) stem; (alus, tuki) support, rest;
irnaarunit. y. m.) tripod, legs.
jalustin (selksatulan) stlrrup; (-luu kor
vassa) stlrrup-bone, stapes.
Jambi (-runomitta) lambus, lambic.
Jana segment (of a lino.
Jankata (kinastella) squabble [about, Josta
kin], blcker, wrangle; (nalkutella) nag;
(vatkuttaa) harp [on 1. upon, Jotakin];
samaa asiaa barp on one strlng, barp on
tbe same tbeme; vastaan answer back.
jankkaaminen squabblingr Jne., ks. jankata,
jank Vailla ks. kinastella. Jankkailu = ki
nastelu. Jankkaus (kinastelu) squabble,
blckerlng; (riitely) wrangle; (nalkutus)
nagging; (vatkutus) harplng.
jankko subsoll. -aura subsoil-plow, subsoller.
jankuttaa (alituiseen toistaa samaa asiaa)
say again and again, harp (on one strlng);
(nalkuttaa) nag; (marista, mankua) botber [one for ... jollekulle Jostakin], worry; vrt. jankata. Jankuttaminen harplng;
nagging; bothering. Jankutus harplng;
(nalkutus) nagglng; (kinastelu) blckerlng.
Jano thlrst; [kuolla] janoon [die] of tblrst;
[Juoda] janoonsa [drink] to allay one's
tblrst; minn on ~ I am tblrsty; minulle
<\. minun) tuli jano I became (1. grew 1.
got) tblrsty. Janoava thlrsty; (kuv. mys:)
eager; tietoa janoava thirsty (1. eager)
arter (1. Tor) knowledge. Janoinen thlrsting, thirsty: dry; vrt. verenjanoinen. janoisuus thlrst(lness). Janoominen thlrst,
tbirsting; jonkin janoominen thirstlng for
a tb. janoovslnen thirstlng, thirsty; kaikki
janoovaismt (raam.) ali wbo are athlrst.
janottaa make one tblrsty, cause thlrst;
minua janottaa I am (1. reet) thirsty (1.
dry) ; panna janottamaan make . . thirsty.
Janottaminen thlrst(lness). Janota thlrst
[Tor 1. arter, Jotakin], (run.) be athlrst.
JEOllinen divlslble; vrt. tasan. Jaollisuus
livislblllty. Jaosto sectlon, division.
Jaotalla dtvlde [Into equal parts, yhtsuuriln osiin], dlstribute; separate; ~ luok
kiin Classlfy; maa palstoihin parcel (out)
a plece of land, divide a piece or land Into
Jaoton indlvlslble: (algeb. = Jota el voida
supistaa) Irreducible. Jaottaa ks. jaotella.
division; dlstrlbutlon;
maan) allotment: (tasasuhtatnen) appornonment; (luokittelu) classirication; (log.)
dtrrerenttatlon. Jaottomu u3 indlvlslblllty;
Irreduclbillty. jaotus jaottelu.
Japani Japan; japanin kieli (the) Japanese
(language). japanilainen I. (a.) Japanese
art. taide: paper, paperi], II. (s.) Japa
nese, (Jkpv.) Jap; japanilaisti the Japanese,
the Japs.
Japanin? meri Sea of Japan, -vaha Japan(ese)
Jarru brake: (kuv. *= hldastuttaja, este)
drag, clog, check; edistyksen a drag on
progress. -ketjut drag-i-haln. -laitos brake
(conlrlvance). -mies brakeman. -tanko
brake-rod. -vaunu car \vlth a brake.
jarruttaa apply the brakes [on. Jotakin],
brake, put on tbe brakes; (kuv.) obstruct,
be an obstruction (1. a clog) to . . , (vas
tustaa) COUntcract. opposc: hn on jarrut
tamassa joka asiaa he is (1. llkes to be)


ahvays on the otlier (1. the contrary) side.

Jarruttaja (kuv.) obstructionlst. Jarrutta
minen = jarrutusJarrutus applylng of brakes, puttlng on the
brakes, braklng; (kuv.) obstructtng, ob
struction. -merkki brakc-slgnal. -poli
tiikka obstruct Ive pollcy; harjottaa jarrutuspolitiikkaa follow (1. pursue) an obstructlve pollcy.
Jasmiini (kasv.) jasmine, Jessamine. Jaspis
(-kivenninen) Jasper.
Jatkaa continue [grovvlng, kasvamistaan]';
(pyshdyksen Jlkeen) proceed (1. go on)
[with one's work, tytn]; (valmtikslsaannln aikomuksella) carry on, pursue,
prosecute; keep up; (pident) lengthen
[lire, Ik], extend [the table by addlng
extra leaves, pyt lislaudollla; the tlme,
alkaa], (ajasta puhuen:) prolong [the
meeting, kokousta; the resplte, lykkyst],
pro tr act; (panna Jatkos) add a plece to . . ,
(tekn.) scarr; ~ stssnpin go (1. pass) on,
proceed; hametta lengthen a sklrt;
itsepintaisesti jotakin perslSt In . .; ~
jotakin [hitsaamalla, punomalla, saumaa
malla] lengthen a tb. (1. add a plece to a
th.) [by tvuldlng, by scarring] ;
loppuun saakka pursue (1. see through)
to the end, carry on to a flnlsh; ~ matkaa(nsa) proceed on one's Journey; ~ toi
sen alottamaa (Ja kesken heittm) tyt
(mys:) take up another's vvork; tutta
vuutta jonkun kanssa keep up an acqualntance with one; viivaa extend a line;
jatka(kaa) go on! jatketaan (sanomalehti.)
tO be COntlnued; aion matkani Helsinkiin
saakka (ulotuttaa) I am golng to extend my
trip as far as to Helslngrors (1. so as to
lnclude Helsingfors); ennenhun lhdemme
jatkamaan before we proceed (1. go on) any
Turther; min jatkoin lukemista siit, mi
hin sin olit lopettanut I took up the readlng rrom tvhere you (had) left orr. Jatkamaton not contlnued, not extenied, not
prolonged. jatkaminen contlnuatlon; (vars.
aikaan nhden:) continuance; extenslon,
prolongatlon; (pidentminen) lengthenlng;
kokouksen jatkaminen contlnuatlon (1. ex
tenslon) oT the meeting: suvun jatkaminen
continuance (1. perpetuatlon) of the race.
jatkavaisuus (fys.) Inertia.
Jatke jatko, jatkeinen (mat.) continuous.
Jatkettu contlnued; prolonged [tlme or
applicatlon, hakuaika], extended; (piden
netty) lengthened.
Jatko contlnuatlon; sequel; (pidennys) ex
tenslon, (ajan) prolongatlon; (lisys) addltlon; Vrt. jatkaminen, jatkoa; jatkoksi
as a sequel; In contlnuatlon; (lisykseksi)
in addltlon; kirja on jatkoa hnen aikai
sempaan teokseensa the book Is a sequel to
hls earller work. -koulu I. -opisto contln
uatlon school. -kurssi continuation course.
-luokat contlnuatlon classes.
jatkos lengthenlng piece; (sauma) seam,
(raken.) scarr, spllce; (liitos) Joint, -kap
pale lengthenlng plece.
Jatkua be contlnued, be carrled on; (kes
t) continue, last, keep (1. go) on; (pide
t) be lengthened; (ulottua) stretch, ex
tend, run; ~ jatkamistaan (l. keskeyty
mtt) continue (1. keep on) unlnterruptCd; jos hnell ik jatkaa lf he IS Spared.
tr he be allve; katua jatkuu jrveen asti
the Street runs (mys: stretches, extends)
down to the lake (1. as far as the lake) :
keskustelun jatkuessa (mys:) In the course
of the conversatlon; miten kauan luulette
tt jatkuvan Dow long do you thlnk thls
ui 11 last (1. gO on); sadetta jatkui puoli
yhn the rin contlnued (1. kept on) up



lo iniiliiiKlit. jatkumaton not continuous,

discontinuous. Jctkumattomaatl discontlnuously. Jatkumattomuus discontinuity.
Jatkuminen continuation; extension; (atK.-iiiii nhrten) continuance; uvun jatkumintn continuance (1. perpetuation) or the
race, jatkuva continuing-, continued, con
tinual; (Jatkettu) extended, prolonged;
running [serles, sarja ; (yhtmlttaa jat
kuva) continuous; (katkeamaton) unlnter. rupted; (alltulnen) constant, perpetual;
(herkeanuUon) unremitting; jatkuvaa kttentapututta prolonged applause; jathuaia
moitt*ita jonhun kytStt vattaan contin
ual fault found with one's conduct, con
tinual adverse criticism (on account) or
one's deportment (1. conduct). Jatkuvainen
jatkuva. Jatkuvaieuus continuity; (alitulsuus) permanence, constancy; (volman)
Inertia, jatkuvaiti continually; (keskeytymatt) continuously, uninterruptedly;
(herkemfttt) unremittingly.
Jauhaa grind, (myllyss) mill; (kuv. = marehtla) chew upon, sift . . to the bottom;
hlcnohsi grind . . fine, reduce . . to a
powder.pulverlzp. powder; jotakin kytymytt (perinpohjin) sirt a question to the
bottom; rihkt grind, crush, ks. mys:
mrenla Jauhamaton unground. Jauhamlnen grlnillng, milling; (kuv.) chewing
upon. Jauhattaa have . . ground (I. milled),
jautiatus milling, grinding.
jauhe grist; meal; (jauhelma) powder; (tomu) dust. Jauhelma powder. Jauhennus
pulverization, trituration; (Jauhe) powder.
jaulicntaa pulverize, powder, triturate,
jauhentaja pulverizer, jauhettava grist,
jauhettua become (1. get) mealy; (mureta)
crumble. Jauhinkivi (myllynklvl) millstone;
(maall-) grlnding-stone, slab; auhinkivet
(kslmylly) quern, hand-mill.
Jauho (karkearnpl, ohra-, kanra-, malssiJne.) meal; (hlenompl, etenkln vehn-)
flour; (jauhe) powder: jauhot flour, meal;
/an/ion toma ks. jauhoply; onen vaattrensa olioat vll'ylrrnsa auhossa h H

clothes were covered (1. whitened) all

over with meal (I. flour), his clothes were
white (I. he was all dusty 1. lie was white)
with flour: tai vaattttnta auhoon got his
clothes dusty with flour, (ylt'yleensa) got
white with flour.
Jauho- (yhd.) meal-, flour- [eslm. -hinkalo
meal-bin, flour-bin; -mato meal-worm,
flour- worm].
Jauholnen mealy: (Jauholhin tahrlutunut)
floury, dusty (I. whitened) with flour;
(Jauhelnen) powdery; auhoiiia perunoita
mealy potatoes, jauhokaa (rather too)
jauho kauppa flour business; (koko kau! u ni, IM. valtlota Jne. kttslttftva) flour trade:
(Jauhopuotl) store where flour and meal is
sold. -kaupplat flour-dealer, -kokkare
lump (1. chunk) of flour, -kuli (large)
batr of flour, -laarl meal- (I. flour-)bln.
jauhomainen mealy, floury; farinaceous.
Jauholmylly flour-mill, grist-mill, -pukki
rneal -beetle, flour-beetle, -puuro porridge.
-poly mill-dust, dust of the mill, flour
dust, -ruoka farinaceous food, -lalkkan
meal-box, flour-box; flour-bin, -seul
flour-sieve, bolt, -sokeri powdered sugar.
Jauhottaa flour, sprinkle flour upon: pow
der. Jauhottaminen flouring, sprinkling
with flour; powdering, jauhottua get
mealy: get dusty (I. become sprinkled)
willl flour, jauhotus jauhottamintn.
jauhovelli gruel; pap.
jauhuri (kirjap.) rider; distributor.
Jeesus Jesus; Jeetukttn Krittukttn nimttta


In tlie name of Jesus Christ. Jeesuslipi

the Child Jesus, Infant Savior.
Jenisei (-joki) Yenisei. Jenlsey.
jenkki, Jinkki
jeremiais' Jeremiah, Jeremy.
Jerlko Jericho; Jtrikon maarit the walla of

Jerusalem Jerusalem; J*rtaatemin hmityi

the destruction of Jerusalem: Jtraialeain
tautari the Wandering Jew.
jetUiitta Jesuit: esuiittain vtljetkanta ks.
jesuiittamunkisto. jesuiittamainen Jesuit
ical, jeeuiitumaiteeti jesultically. jeeulittamaisuue Jesuitism. Jetuiittamunkitto or
der or Jesuits; (oma nimltys) Society (1.
Company) of Jesus.
Jo already; as early (I. soon) as; quite,
even: (komp. edelli joskus:) still; fsuo
menklelen jo jtetan useln kUntmtU
estm. ~ kauan cnnen long before; na
tnnen previously, before that] :
nuortna when still quite : in
nu'nua even (I. still) earlier than 1. M
paivn the very first day; kaltmati many as three times; ~ laps ma when
(still) quite a child, as a mere child; riitt i siitii aslasta) enough of that, thai enough: tamaa iltana that very Digit!:
~ Shakesptarcn aikoina as early as
Shakespeare; ~ tilloin <=Jo nun alkai>in>
that early, as early as that; ~ tits ajatttItisakin at the very (I. the mc?re) thought of
it; - tnn this very day; ~ viibko tittt*
as much as a week ago, a whole week ap>,
fttiomcnnnfco oo luhted you (TOlllg 1
leave as early (1. as soon) as to-morrow?
nytkS ~ so early? already? nyt by now.
by this time: tina taat ttn ~ Auomcnna
you will get It by to-morrow: tuns, n An<t
~ kymmtnen ouotta titttn I knew him (as
much as) ten years ago; vrt. mys: johan,
jobinpoitl bad news, evil tidings; (joskus:)
Job's news.
jodi (kem.) Iodine, -myrkyty Iodine poi
soning, (lifiket.) lodlsm. -valmisteet prep
arations of Iodine.
jodkaliumi (kem.) potassium Iodide, jodoformi lodoform.
joeltaa k?. jokeltaa.

joen haara branch (1. fork) of a river, fork

of a stream. -per(k)kaus clearing of the
river-bed, -ranta shore of a river; (ayrfts)
river bank, -suu mouth of a river; (laaja.
samalla merenlahtl) estuary.
Johan = jo; nyt (kaukana slita) be It
from me, (el suinkaan) by no means; (totlellakln) really? you don't say (so)
nyt otakin (why,) you don't say so! well
of all things: that's the last thing I ever
expected to hear; nyt kummia (kvultza>,
~ nyt vallan how strange! you don't say
(so)! l.s that possible! tina ol*t en
nhnyt why, you have seen It already.
Johan John. Johanna Joan, Johanna. Johan
nes John; Johannehsrn evankcliumi the
liospel of (I. according to) John: Johannehstn ilmftty* the Revelation of John:
Johanntkttn l*ipapau carob-tree. carob :
Johanne* Kastaja John the Haptlst.

Johdake (mus.) prelude, Introduction, johdannainen I. (a.) derived, derivative, n

(s.) (kiel.) derivative. Johdanta (johlo)
leading, direction, guidance: leadership iiiiinagement, conduct; (jostakin Johtaml "in derivation, johdanto introduction:
preamble: vrt. esipuhe; fohdannokti as in
(I. by way of) Introduction.
johdattaa lead, conduct [water from a
spring, vett lahteesti; Into, johonkln] ;

lopahtaa) guide; (neuvoa) dlrect; vrt. jostakin]; jokin paheeksi broarh asuhjofatu; - kiusaukseen lead . . Into tempta- ject, turn the ronversatlon Intu a rertain
Ihhi; jotakin jonkun mielten remlnd i-hannel; puhetta (yi.) be (the) spokesune or a tn., put one in mind of . .; ~ man [Tor, Jonkun puolesta], (toimia pu
muntoonta rall (back) to (one's) mind, heenjohtajana) occupy (1. be In) the chalr.
reeollect. Johdatus (johdattaminen) lead- preslde [at(l. in) a nieetiug, kokouksessa ;
ing. guldlng; (fys.) conduction; (Johto) pulaan ks. saattaa (pulaan); teiseen
ronduet; leadership; (ohjaus), guidance; suuntaan turn [a ronversatlon, keskustelu]
In another direction; (esim. Jonkun huo
(kirjan) introductlon; (sanan y. m. Joh
mio) dlvert; tyt superlntend the
danto) derivation.
Johde guidance, direction; (vaikutin) mo- \vork, (etenk. tilapisesti) be in rharge or
tive; (veteen ulottuva aita) fence (1. ime the \vork; ~ vett putkilla (\. putkia
rence) extendlng down into the water; myten) conduct water by pipes; jota
jonkun johteekti lOT onr'3 guidance; VTt. kln yrityst dlrect (1. be at the head oD
an enterprlse, conduct an undertaklng,
mieli .
johdettava open to inftuence (1. guidance); (etenk. tilapisesti) be in charge or an en
terprlse; antaa jonkun itsen sulTer (I
(hallittava) governable; helpotti ~ (1. joh
dettavista oleva) easlly led, trartable. Joh- allow) o.s. to be led (1. guided I. governed
dettavuus quallty or being (easlly) led. 1. controlled) by a p., be led by one; hn
johdon: mukainen logical [vvriter, klrjottaja; ei halua antaa itsen he Is not vvilllng
to be guided, he vvould not submlt to he
result, tulos] ; consistent [ans\ver, vas
taus], -mukaisentaa bring into conslsten- led (1. managed); minin tm kaikki ry [wlth. Jonkin kanssa], make consistent. (vie) what wlll ali thls bring us to? what
wlll come or ali thls? what wlll be the
-mukaisesti logically; consistently. -mu
consequence (1. the end) of ali thls? sattu
kaisuus logiralness; loglo; conslstency.
ma johti niin rate (I. rhance) would liave
johdos (mat.) derivative.
johdosta: jonkin in consequence of, on lt SO; tie johti meidt metsn lpi (vei)
the way led (1. took) us through a wood.
arrount of, because of, owing to: (Johon
kin nhden) concerning, as to, in refer- Johtaja leader; dlrector; (esim. orkesterin,
ene to, bearlng upon; huomautuksen mys shkn y. m.) conductor; (liikkeen
syntyi keskustelua (mys:) the rernark y. m.) manager; (ylin tynjohtaja) supergave n se to (a) discusslon; ten ett .. Intendent; (koulun y. m.) prlncipal; (ko
ovving to the taot that . .; tmn on mentaja) COmmander; jalkapallojoukkueen
arrount of thls; (mys:) bearlng upon captaln or a Tootball team; orkesterin
this: (tmn yhteydess) In thls connectlon. (mys:) dlrector or an orchestra; jon
johdoton vvithout guidance (1. leadership), kun johtajana ollessa under a p.'s lea lerunguided; ungovemed; (langaton) wlre- shlp. Johtajantoimi leadership. dlrectorsblp; position or (1. as a) dlrector (I. prln
johonkin some\vhere; to some place or cipal 1. manager) ; (Johto) direction, man
Johtajatar (vvuinan) superlnother; (joidenkin verbien yhteydess:)
for sometblng [esim. heivata ne good tendent (1. manager): (\voman) prlncipal:
(sairaalan tai hyvntekevisyyslaitoksen)
Tor somethlng].
matron. Johtaminen leadlng; conducting;
johtaa lead [a chtld by the hand, lasta k
dest: an expedition, retkikuntaa], be directlng; superintendlng; (lmmn, sh
(the) leader of . .; conduct [heat, lmp: kn y. m.) conduction, transmission; (Jon
kin Jostakin Johtaminen) derlvlng, deriva
electricity, shk; an orchestra, orkeste
ria: a slege, piirityst] ; (suunnata) dlrect tion, deductlon; vrt. johtaa. Johtava lead
the attack, hykkyst; a p.'s attention lng, conducting Jne., vrt. johtaa; johtava
to, jonkun huomiota Johonkin]: (saattaa, kirjotut (pklrjotus) leadlng artlcle. leader.
vied) bring, take [to, Johonkin] ; (Jotakin Johto 1. lead (etenk. urheiluissa, sotav. Jne.);
leadership, direction; (liikkeen y. m.) con
Jostakin) deduce [one's descent rrom, su
kuperns Jostakin], derive [a word rrom, duct, management, charge; (opastus) guid
joku sana Jostakin], trace [one's orlgin ance; (Jonkin Johtaminen jostakin) deri
(bai-k) to (I. one's descent from), al
vation, deductlon; 2. (tlehye, putkijohto)
kunsa jostakin] : (ohjata, opastaa) guide, conduit, passagc; (etenk. vett varten)
pilot, steer; (komentaa) command, be In duct [vrt. kaasu-, vesi]; (lankajohto)
mmmand of; (hallita) govern. Control: line, (conducting) wlre; jonkin johdolla
(olla etunenss) be at the head of [an guided by (the directlons oD a tn., Tollowing a th.; jonkun johdolla under the direc
enterprlse, Jotakin yrityst], head; (hoi
taa, valvoa) superlntend [the dlgglng of a tion (1. guidance 1. leadership) or . .; olla
canal, kanavan kaivatusta], manage [a asiain johdossa have charge or the arralrs;
business, liikett] ; ~ alkuperns jostakin ottaa asiain ksiins assume the leader
derive its orlgin from-, ~ harhaan lead ship, assume the charge or arralrs, take
the relns in one's (own) hand, take hold
astray (1. away), mlslead, mlsgulde; jo
honkin lead to, (mys:) lead into, lead on or (the) matters: *n Joni/osta ks. johdosta.
to, (antaa aihetta Johonkin) glve rlse to, johto 1 asems leadlng position, leadership.
bring on, cause, occaslon [huom. mys: -kunta (esim. Jonkin yhtin) board or dlrectors, the dlrectors; (kirkon, hyvnteke
tm voisi ihmiset uskomaan, ett . .
y. m.) board or trustees;
(saada, saattaa) thls mlght make people visyyslaitoksen
koukun johtokunta school board: Jonkin
(I. lead people to) believe that . .] : kaa
taa huoneisiin ks. Uittaa (kaasujohto) ; ~ yhdistyksen johtokunta the exerutive comkaataa jonkin aineen yli (kem.) pass gas mittee or a soclety. -kyky executlve ablllty, ablllty Tor (1. power oD leadership;
over a substance; ~ Jotakin jonkun mie
(Tys.) power or conducting, ablllty to oonleen dlrect one's mind upon, call one's at
tention to, suggest, (kki) prompt [esim. durt, ronductivlty. -kykyinen (fys.) contm johti hnen mieleens ajatuksen this ductlve. -kykyisyys (Tys.) condurtivitv.
Miggested an Idea to tiun. thls nrompted -langaton ks. langaton, -lanka (conduct
hlm wlth (1. gave hlm) the idea) ] ; - pois ing) wlre; line; (kuv.) guide; clue; vrt.
lead away (1. orf), draln [(the water rrom) talutusnuora, -mies leadlng man, leader.
the ineadovv. vesi niitylt], turn orr. dl- -putki (conduit- )plpe. roinin il. -plte
vert a p.'i attention from. Jonkun buomio (kiel.) surrtx, arn.x. -putoa concluslon,



Inferenre. (loic.) deductlnn: (seuraus)

ronseqnenre. -elint regulations, rules,
instructlon*. -torvi johtoputki. -tahti
Kuldlng* star, lodestar (mys: loadstar);
(kuv.) polestar, eynosiirc. -vastus(tus)
(sahk.) otimic (I. true) rcsistance. -vuoto
(sahk.) electrlc leakage.
Johtua (aiheutua) be caused (1. occasloned)
[by..]; come, arlse [rrom, Jostakin] : Issue
frrom . .], be due (1. owlng) to; (olla pe
risin) be derived [rrom, Jostakin], be
deduced; be traced back to; (saada al
kunsa) orlglnate [In, Jostakin], proceed
[from ..]; (olla seurauksena) follow, ensue, be a consequence of, result; (lankaa
myten, shkst puhuen:) be conducted;
~ jonkun mielten come Into one's mlnd,
OCCur to one, vrt. Juolahtaa; ~ selvsti josfo*in(mys:)beclearly (l.evldently) rrom..;
mill lohtua (M*), ett . . hOW (1. \vliy) 1.4
It that . .? lana johtuu latinatta the Word
Is derived (1. comes) rrom Latln; sanon
tintille, mitta tt lohtua I'll teli you the
reason (why); tlit lohtua, ett .. thenca
It rollows that . . . Johtuminen betng caused
(I. occasloned) [by . .); arlslng; Issuing;
dcrlvation; orlglnatlng; vrt. Johtua; atian
mieleeni johtuminen the Tart that the matter (.'aine into my mlnd (1. occurred to
me). Johtunut ks. aiheutunut. Johtuva:
joitakin johtuva arlslng rrom . . , growing
out or . . , resulttng rrom . . , due (1. owIng) to . . [esim. matkatta johtuvat kuttannukttt expenses arlslng rrom (1. frrowlng) out or the trlp] ; vrt. aiheutuva.
Joka I. (Inder. pron., tpm.) every, each;
(kalkki) ali; ~ ainoa 1. (a.) each [day, pal
va], every (single) : 2. (s.) every one [orthem,
helstll], each (one), (Jokainen) everybody,
every man; ~ ikinen 1. (a.) every single;
2. (s.) every single one, every (single) soul,
(Jkpv.) every mother's son [or them, heis
t] ; miei mukaan let nobody stay behlnd, let us ali go together, let us go In a
body; ~ paikatta, paikatta everywhere,
(Joskus:) anywhere [huom. mys: hain
litu joka paikatta I looked Tor lt every
place (1. everyvvhcre)], vrt. kaikkialla;
puolalla on every side, on ali sldes; pi
v every day; ~ tapauktena at ali events,
at any rate; tn any case; (tuli mltii tahan
sa) come what may; tavalla In every
way; ~ toinen every other, every two;
alternatc: ~ tointa piv every other day,
every two days, on altemate days; ~ toi
nen viikko every t\vo \veeks, every other
Week, every (1. once a) fortnlght.
(relat. pron.) whlch; (henkilist:) who;
(yi.) that; [useissa tapauksissa el joka sa
naa suoranaisesti ensinkn knnet eng
lanninkielelle, kuten esim. lauseissa: aie,
jota kytetn . . the weapon used . . ;
jokainen, joka ktitt tmn, voi . . anybody (1. anyone) seelng this wlll be able
to . . ; kirja, jonka hn minulle antoi the
book he gave me]; ~ on myskin minun
mielipiteeni .. \vhirh is also my opin
ion..; johon to whlch, (Jonne) where;
jolle, joille to whom, Tor whom, to which;
jolta, loilta rrom whom, rrom whlch; jon
ka, joiden \vhOSe, . . or \vhlch; jotta In
\vhlrh, (palkasta:) where; jotta or whom;
or \vhlch, -vvhereor; rrom whlch, (palk
kaa:) whererrom; \vhence; jota, joita
vvhom, whtch, vrt. hakus.; jotka kaikki
(henkilist:) ali or whom, who ali or
them, (esineist Ja asioista:) ali (or)
vthlch, vvhich ali; jotka molemmat Cl. kum
pikin) both or \vliorn, who both; mlet, jot
ta puhutta the man or whom you are
speaklng-, tiio man you are speaklng of;


ne, joiden velvollisuutena on those v'hOSe

duty It IS; ne, jatka . . those vrbo . . ; e
[..], joka .. (henkilist:) he (I. the man)
who . . , vvhoever . . , (esineist Ja asiois
ta:) that . . whlch . . , the . . which.
Joka:: -aikainen every-day [coat, takki],
norkaday. -hetkinen bourly.
Jokainen I. (a.) every; (kukin) each: (kaik
ki) ali: ~ jsen every member, ali menibers. II. (s.) every one, eacb one; (kalkki)
ali; , joka . . every (1. each) one \vho . . ;
jokaisella meist on omat vikansa we
ali (1. au or us) bave our raults, eacb or
us (l. every one or us) has bis faults.
Jok'alnoa ks. joka (ainoa).
Joka;, kesinen every summer's; recurring
each summer; hn on meill jokakesinen
vieras be Is our guest every summer,
-pivinen every-day [event, tapahtuma:
use, kytnt] ; (pivittinen) daily [vvork,
ty]; (tavallinen) usual, common; current; (kulunut, yleinen) commonplace,
trite; (yksitoikkoinen) humdrum, monot
onous; jokapivinen lehti daily (poper) ;
jokapivisest puheetta In every-day
speech, in Tamillar language (1. conversatlon), COllOqUlally; kuva jokapivisest
elmtt a plcture rrom every-day lire, an
every-day (1. ramlllar) scene. -pivisyys
commonplace(s); trtteness; (yksitoikkoi
suus) monotony; ne ovat jokapivi
syyksi tll those are daily occurrences here. -talvinen every (1. eacb)
wlnter's . . ; recurrlng each Winter, -viik
koinen \veekly; Jokaviikkoinen lehti \veekly
-vuotinen yearly; (vuotuinen)
annual; jokavuotinen ilmi annual occurrence, (tiet.) phenomenon recurrlng year
by year, phenomenon or annual recurrence; jokavuotinen vierot annual g/uest.
Jokellus (lapsen) babbllng, babble: babyprattle. Jokeltaa babble; (Ilosta) crow. jo
keltaminen babbllng.
Joki rlver; (pieni) stream; vrt. virta; joen
varrella on (I. along) the rlver; ;'oen san
rlver's moutb [huom. esim Aura Aura
rlver, the rlver Aura; /teinin ~ the (rlver)
Rhlne, Rhlne rlver].
Jokillalue basin (or a river), rlver-basin.
-alus rlvcr-crart (mys koll.)
JokNkinen (a. & S.) ks. Joka (ikinen).
Jokilaakso valley or a rlver, rlver-valley;
-liike river-trarrtc, trarric
along the rlver.
Jokin I. (a.) some; any; joittakin erinisis
t tapauktitta In some (1. cortaln) speciried cases; joitakin (mys:) a rew; joksikin
aikaa (l. ajakti) Tor a tlme, Tor some tlme;
Tor a period; temporarlly; jollakin keinoin
Cl. tavoin; somehow (1. In some way) or
other; by any possibtllty; jotakin trket
(mys:) somethlng or importance, an Important polnt; onko sinulla jotakin sanotta
vaa Cl. sanomista >hav e you anythlng to say?
is therc anythlng you want to say? II.
(subst. pron.) somethlng; (kysyviss lau
seissa) anythlng; hn kantoi jotakin, mik
nytti olevan . . he carrled \vliat seemed
to be . . ; luulevat olevansa jotakin tllev
think themselves to be somebody (1. somebodles), they thlnk themselves somethlnf?
joki! uoma rlver-bed. -varsi riverslde; (Joklyrs) rlver bank; jokivarsilla along the
banks or rlvers, on rlversldes; kulkea (pit
kin) jokivartta travel along a rlver, rollow
a rlver. -vesi rlver-water. -yriinen
(common European) crayrish. -yrs bank
or a rlver, rlver(-)bank.
Joko 1. (kysyviss lauseissa:) already; nyt now already? - sin o/sf noussut yltii



are you np aiready? are you up tlils early ? 8. ioko . . , taHkka) . . elther . . or . . ;
(allst. ehdoll. lauseissa:) whetber . . , or . . ;
joho (sitte) tahdomme tai amme whether
we wlll It Or not. Jokohan : jokohan hn on
raflat I ronder, v lie the r he bas come ai
ready (I. lf he bas aiready come)?
jokseenkin. Joksikin ks. jotakuinkin.
Joku I. (s.) somebody, soine one, one or . . ;
(kysyviss Ja epileviss lauseissa:) any
body, anyone; koputtaa [oveen] there
somebody knorking
(1. somebody
knocks) f at the door], there isaknock [at
the door] ; tulee somebody Is comlng;
jonkun on tytynyt ottaa minun hattuni
some one must have taken my hat; jonkun
pojitta on tytynyt te tehd one ui" the
boys must have done it; jotkut some, some
people; joi nyt tulisi tr anybody should
come now: Joe teitt .. lf any one of
you ... n. (a.) some; (kysyv. 1. epllev.
lauseissa:) any; jonkun kerran once in a
wbile. (Joskus) sometimes, (Joltakin ker
toja) a few timeS; jonkun matkan ptt
at some dlstance, at a dlstance; jotkut
harvat (a) few [or them, heist] ; vrt. jokin,
jokunon a few, some; dollari rahaa tut
kittaa (viilu a fe\v dollars In hls pocket.
Jollainon the Iike or \vhlch: ~ isnt, tllai
nen renki like master. Itke servant; sellai
nen . . , jollainen . . SUCh . . as ...
jollei (Jos el) ir not; unless.
jolloin vlien; (Jonka tapahtuessa) vvhereat,
at vhich; at wblch tlme. In dolng wblcb;
kulloin sometimes, at times; once In a
vtnif; (silloin tllin) occaslonally, now
and tben.
jolppi: pojan strlpllng- (of a boy).
joltinen(kln) (melkoinen) tolerable, passable;
(Jkpv.) pretty; (Jonkunlainen) a certaln;
joltinenkin mr considerable quantlty;
joltisellakin varmuudella vith, a reasonable
certalnty, ralrly certaln, pretty sure; vaa
tii joiuttakin rohkeutta requlres a certaln
(amount of) boldness. Joltisetl(kin) tolerably; reasonably, ralrly.
jommoinen jollainen. Jommoinenkin
jomottaa ache, pain; hampaitani ~ my teeth
acbe (a llttle), my teetb are botherlng me.
jompikumpi I. (a.) elther, one or the other:
jommallakummalla puolella on one Side or
the other, on eitber side. II. (s.) eitber
one, one of the two, one or the other;
meitt elther one or us, one or us two,
one or the other or us.
Jonkalainen Jollainen.
Jonkin arvoinen of some value; or some
Importance (1. consequence). -joutava utterly useless; or no moment, nonsenslcal;
puhua] jonkinjoatavia [taik] nonsense.
-lainen some (1. a) klnd or, or some sort;
(ernlainen) certaln: mys = Joltinenkin;
joi jonkinlainen cvery possible; ali sorts
(1. kindS) or; kaniin jos jonhintaitta I
heard thls and tbat, I beard ali sorts or
thlngs; vrt. jonkunlainen, -moinen or
orae size, good-slzed; (melkoinen) con
siderable, ralrly great;
some sort or; vrt. joltinenkin, -tapainen
-* Jonkinlainen.
Jonkunjlainen some, some klnd (1. sort) or.
or some sort: (ernlainen) certaln; jon
kunlainen tarkattua on tarpeen lnspection
or some sort Is needed (1. necessary) ; /o*
n (edes) jonkunkaanlaista apua lt I get
any help at ali; ee tekee jonkunlaisen vaikutukten It niakes some Impression,
(ernlaisen) It makes a certaln Impres
sion. "Verran somewhat; (jossakin m


riin in some measure (1. degree), to some

(1. to a certaln) extent.
Jonne(kka) where, wbereto; vhltliei'; kau
punki, ~ he olivat menotta the tovn they
were golng to.
Jonninjoutava ks. jonkinjoutava.
jono row, range; traln; rile, rank, strlng;
(rivi) line; (Jakso) succession; sequence;
(ketju) chain; (sarja) series; ajopelej
llne or carrlages; ~ asumuksia row or
houses; ~ ( rautatie jvaunuja traln or cars;
[seisoa] jonotta [stand] In a rile (1. line
1. rov) ; marttia perkkin pitklt jonot
ta march (in) Indlan rile, g-o Indlan rile.
Joonian -meri lonlan Sea. -saaret loman
Joosef, Jooseppi Joseph; (Jkpv.) Joe.
Jopa 1. (huudahduksissa:) there, why; 2.
(Vielp) even; hn viimeinkin tuli Xtiere,
he came at last; ~ nyt jotakin vvhat do 1
hear! you don't say so! is that possible!
- nyt jouduit johonkin now you are in a
pretty (I. a nlce) rix, you are in ror lt
now; nyt kummia puhut Why, tilat can't
be possible! sattui [vihdoinkin] there,
it (was a) blt [at last], no miss thls tlme;
(nyt) vajentelit there, that was a lie;
there, you lied no\v; en anna lit linulle,
ett muille (saatikka) I wouldn't glve
it to you, much less to others; I wouldn't
let you have lt, mucb less anybody else;
tina, hnkin you, and even he.
Jordan: Jordanin virta the River Jordan.
Jos lf; suppose (1. supposlng) tbat; (siin
tapauksessa, ett . .) In case . . , provlded
that ..; ~ edet ir even [esim. ~ edet
silloinkaan ir even then; hnell ei ole
kuin 20, joi edet titkn he has not morn
than 30, ir even that (much)]; ei ir
not, unless; jokin (milloin mikin) some
times thls, sometimes that; now one
(thlng), now another; (kaikenlainen) au
sorts or, dlvers, mlscellaneous; jollakin
tavoin (kalkin tavoin) in cvery way (pos
sible), m every possible way; ~ jotakin
ali sorts or thlngs, dlvers thlngs, odds and
ends, sundrles, thls and tbat; kohta
even il"; (vaikkakin) even though, (al)though; ~ kuinkakin hovvever, no matter
Imu ; mitan monta kertaa times vitli
out number, tlme and agaln, times and
times; ~ vain lt only, ir once; provlded
that . . . Joskaan: jotkaan ti even ir (1.
even though) not, altbough not. joskin
even ir, even though, although; (vanh. &
nm.) albelt. Josko vhether; joiko lie
(-= ehk) may be, perhaps; posslbly.
Joskus sometimes, at times; ( tulevaisuu
dessa) some tlme (or other); (silloin tl
lin) nnw and tben; once In a while, (sa
tunnaisesti) occaslonally; ~ aan some
tlme vlien, vlien; ~ tulevaisuudessa some
time In the ruture. Joskuskaan: hyv kun
han maksaisi ten joskuskaan lt Is ali 1'it'hl.
ir I get It some tlme; lt Is a good thlng, ir
I ever get It.
jospa lt; (vaikka) even though, although;
(kenties) may be, perhaps; hn ei tulitikaan vhat ir he sbould not come; maybe
he won't come at ali; I hope he won't come;
hn pian tuliti may he come soon, I
wlsh he vould come soon; oi jospa . . oh,
that . .!
jossakin somewhere; (in) some place (or
other); (kysyv. Ja ehdoll. lauseissa:) anyvhere.
Jota: ~ . . , sit . . the . . the . .: ~ pikem
min eit parempi the sooner the better.
Jotain, Jotakin ks. jokin.
jotakuinkin (melko) tolerably, ralrly, moderately, pretty; qulte [Important, trke];



rather: (jonkun verran) somevvhat; (keskiiiki-rtaisen) middling well done, hyvin

tehty]; (jossakin mrin) in .soine degrec;
hyvin fairly (1. tolerably) eli; - rahallista aikaa a somewhat peaceful tiine:
vaikeam) fairly (I. rather I. suuiewhat)
Jotavastoin \vhile; (kun taas) whereas.
joten (jonka kautta) by \vhlch, through
whlch, by means of which; (jonka vuoksi)
thererore, accordingly, so, whererore, Tor
which reasou, on account of vrblch; (Jos
kus:) thus; (niin ett) so tbat.
Joten(sa)kin 1. ks. jotakuinkin; 2. (Jollakin
tavalla) In some \vay (1. manner), by
some means, somebow; (tavalla tai toisella)
in some way or other, by some means or
other; 3. (melkein, suunnilleen) well-ntgh,
nearly, almost; varmasti with reasonable
certalnty; on jotenkin varmaa, ett . . lt
is fairly (1. pretty) certain that . . . Jo
jotenkin. S; oudon It tulta
toimeen jotenkuten Weil, \ve bave Just
been able to make a go of it; veli, we bave
been gettlng alongr Just so-so.
jotta (In order) that, so tbat. In order to.
Jouduttaa hasten [the comlng or peace,
rauhan tuloa], hurry; accelerate; (kiireh
ti) qulcken [one's pace, askeliaan] ; pusii
on ;the work, tyt); (hoputtaa) press on,
urge on, speed [one's horse, hevostaan] ;
~ (oloaan valmiiksi hurry on wltb building (I. hurry on the buildlng or) one's
house, (koettaa saada) try to get one's
house riniSbed; sade kasvullisuutta the
rin forces the vegetatlou. Jouduttaminen
-= joudutut. Joudutuutua hurry, make
luisti'. Joudutua hastening, acoeleratlon;
quickening; vrt. hoputtaminen.
Jouhi borsehair; jouhet borsehalr.
Jouhi- (ybd.) (Jouhista tehty) balr [esim.
-paita hair stiirt; -patja lialr mattress; -si
vellin balr brusb]; (Joskus:) horsehalr[esim. -mato horsehalr-worm]. -kangas
balrclotb. -kvartetti strlng quartet.
jouhimainen like horsebalr.
Jouhi || mato (mys:) hairworm, gordius.
-orkeeterl strlng orchestra. -siima (on
gen) hair line. -soitin ks. jousisoitin. -sor
sa (eltnt.) plntall (duck). -tyht borse
halr plume, horsetall.
Joukkio company; (Joukko, sakki) crowd,
horde, band, (etenk. rikoksentekijit)
gang, pack, crew; (Jkpv.) lot, set; (mr)
mass, quantlty, bulk; (kasa) heap; vrt.
Joukko crowd, multltude, lot; (Ihmisi tai
ainetta) mass; (etenk. Jrjestynyt) body,
(varsink. rystretkell tai sotajalalla ole
va) band [of soldlers, sotamiehi: (kuiten
kin mys: kannattaja- band of followers) ] ,
troop [of ehildren, lapsia] ; (suuri ) host:
(lauma) riock, pack; (parvi) suann; bevy;
(ryhm) cluster, clump, group; (sakki)
gang, crew, set; (seura) company; (luku
mr) number(s), great deal; (mr)
quantlty, bulk; (kasa) heap; vrt. joukkue;
talonpoikia a number (Jrjestynyt: a
body) of peasants, (esim. rystretkelle
lhtenyt) a band of peasants; joukkoon
among(st), With [esim. kuulua (joidenkin)
joukkoon belong (I. be) among . . , (mys:)
belong to . .; luettiin kuolleitten joukkoon
was numbered vvlth (1. counted among)
the dead]; joukolla In the bulk, en masse,
(miehiss) In a body, (lukuisina) in great
(1. large) numbers [huom. kaikki joukolla
(ali) In a body, In full Torce, (joka mies)
to a man]; joukon jatkona to s well tbe
meidn loukossamme (mys:) amldst us,


(keskuudessamme) in the midst of us, in

Our midst: hnen teostensa joukossa oli
myskin . . his works included also . .] ; jou
kosta n viii the crowd, (Joidenkin Joukosta)
irom among .., (Joskus:) among . . [huom.
esim. joukosta kuului ivahuutoja jeering
\ beard from the rrowd; oton miehi
teidn joukostanne 1*11 tako (1. cboose)
men Irom among you (1. from your rnks) ;
yksi heidn joukostaan one of (1. among)
ihem] ; (suuret) joukot the multitude, the
masses; aurissa joukoissa In great (1.
large) numbers, in crowds, in hosts, (suu
rissa mriss) In great quantlties; vrt.
roska, rosvo, sota, vki y. m.
joukko: adressi monster petitlon, petltlon
uit li thousands or signatures; vrt. seur.
-anomus petltlon en masse, monster peti
tion. -kokous mass meeting. -kunta troop,
band: (Joukkio) crowd, gang, crew, (Jkpv.)
lot, set; (ryhmkunta) cllque. -liike mass
movement. -mielenosotus mass (I. mon
ster) demonstratlon. -murha wholcsale
murder (1. slaughter); (verisauna) nias
-sopimus collectlve agreement.
-surma massacre.
joukkue troop, body; (seurue) company;
(rikos-) band, gang; (urh.) team.
Joukonjatko: joukonjatkoksi to swell the
number; olla joukonjatkona (he there to)
swell the number.
Joukossa, joukosta ks. joukko.
jouko(i)ttain in great numbers, In hosts. In
masses; (tavarasta y. m.) In great quantl
ties (1. lots); (tukuttain) whole9le; ~ ih
misi scores (1. hosts) or people.
Joulu Chrlstmas (lyh. Joskus: Xmas); jou
luksi for (1. by) Chrlstmas; jouluna at
Chrlstmas; joulun aikaan Chrl3tmas( -tlme).
Yule-tlde; mnsi [viime] jouluna next [last]
Chrlstmas; nouskaa joulua Merry Chrlst
mas! viett joulunsa kotona spend (one'S)
Chrlstmas at home.
joulu- (yhd.) Chrlstmas [esim. -aatto Chrlst
mas eve; -julkaisu Chrlstmas publlcatlon;
-kirjallisuus Christmas llterature; -piv
Chrlstmas day]. -ilta Christmas night.
-Juhla Christmas (Testlvitles); joulujuhla
lhenee (the time Tor) Christmas (festivltles) Is drawlng near. -kekkerit 1. -kestit
Christmas party (I. feast). -kiireet Chrlst
mas rush; meill on (paroillaan) joulukii
reet we are busy wlth preparatlons (1. we
are gettlng ready) Tor Chrlstmas, we are
In the midst or the Chrlstmas rush. -kinkku
Chrlstmas nam. -kuu December. -kuusi
Chrlstmas tree; joulukuusen koristukset
decorations Tor the Christmas tree. -lahja
Chrlstmas present (1. girt), Christmas box.
-leikki Christmas game. -loma Christmas
vacation; joululomalla nn one's Christmas
-pyhlt Chrlstmas (holldays); joulunpyhin
durlng Christmas holldays. -vietto celebration or Chrlstmas, Chrlstmas celebratlon.
joulul nyttely Chrlstmas dlsplay. -pukki
Santa Claus; Saint .Nicholas (1. Nick),
-puuro Christmas puddlng. -pilvi Chrlst
mas day; toinen joulupiv the day (1. the
nrst wi>ek-day) arter Chrlstmas (day),
(Engl.) boxing day. -touhu ks. joulukiireet.
-tunnelma Christmas splrlt; Christmas at
jousen Jnne bowstring. -kytt (mus.)
bowlng. -veto stroke or the bow.
Jousi bow (mys viulun y. m.); (-pyssy)
crossbow; (ponnin, Joustin) spring; vrt.
kaari; ja nuolet bow and arro\vs.
Jousi il kvartetti (mus.) strlng quartet (to).
-mies archer, bowman. -orkesteri strlng

orrhestra. -pyssy crossbow. -soitin string- iiig, (tyttmn) be out of work, be out
eti iriMriinient, l)<>\v-inslrument. -vaaka or occupatlon [esim. hn on kotona lie
.*pring-balance. -vasara spnug-hainmer. is home Idle (1. doing nothing)]; vrt. jou
-4es sprlng-tonlh harrow.
tilas, joutenolo (joutenoioaika) rree time,
joustaa sprlng, be elastic, be springy, be leisure (tlme); (toimettomuus) idleness;
resllient. Joustamaton inelastic. Joustava inactlvity. Joutessa joutessa\ni. -st, -nsa
elastic, springy, resilient (kaikki mys jne.] In one's ldle hours, during one's lei
kuv.). Joustavasti elastically, resillently; sure time.
kvell joustavasti \valk \vitli an elastic (I. joutilaisuus = joutenolo.
a springy) step. Joustavuus elasticlty, re- joutilas (vapaa) free, at leisure; (Joka el ole
-llliTlce; Sprlng(lneSS); antoa enemmn] mihinkn sidottu) unengaged, dlsengaged;
joustavuutta make ^morej elastic, lend (toimeton) ldle, lnactive; (tytn) out or
more] elasticlty to, (kuv.) tone up; mie- work, unemployed; (tyhj) unoccupled
Itn joustavuus (mys:) buoyancy of the [chalr, tuoli], vacant; maa vaste laini.
olla joutilaana be unemployed, be out or
\vork; be doing nothing [huom. hn
jouatimeton springless. Joustin spring. Jous
ti nnauha elastic (band 1. ribbon). Jousto- ei ole milloinkaan joutilaana (mys:) he is
sohva sora \vitn sprlngs.
always occupied (1. busy), he never has
joutaa (ehtii) bave tlme, fiini tiine; (voida) any tlme <>I'I ; jo* olot joutilaana ir you
can, be able [to do a th.] ; (olla vapaa 1. have notblng else on hand].
Joutilas) be rree, be at leisure, be dlsen- jouto aika free tlme, leisure (tlme), spare
gaged; (olla omiaan) be ru for; joutaako time; time Off; onko sinulla yhtn jouto
tm kirja sinulta pivksi pariksi COUld aikaa have you any tlme to spare (1. any
you spare (1. would you be able to lend spare tlme) ? -hetki leisure hour, spare
me) this book Tor a day or two? {autoako (1. free) moment; joutohetkinni In (I.
tm tuoli hetkeksi do you need (l. may I during) my leisure hours. -maa (Joutilas)
take 1. could you spare) tbls chalr for a \vaste land; (viljelykseen kelpaamaton) IrTew minutes? en jouda tulemaan tn ilta
reclaimable land. -mies a man with no oc
na 1 cannot spare (1. take 1. arrord 1. rind) cupatlon (1. out of work), unemployed.
the tlme to come to-nlght; n jouda [sii
-pyr (koneessa) loose pulley (1. sheave).
hen] tiltni I am too busy [to do that] ; -piv day orr; (palvelusven) day out.
Anoneet eivt jouda the rooms are engaged -viikko hollday-week, vacatlon-vveek. -vki
(1. are not vacant); non olla rauhassa ldlers.
minulta I \vill icertainly) let blm alone, be Joutsen swan. -laulu swan-song. -untuva
vvill be at peace as far as I am concerned; swan's-down, swan-down.
jos joudat ir you can find tlme, if you bave Joutsi = jousi, -mies (tht.) the Archer,
iiotlimg else on hand; se jd pois it Saglttarlus.
may be left out (1. be omltted); se joutaisi Joutua l. (johonkin) get Into [dirnculties,
poistettavaksi (ilman muuta) that could be pulaan], rall Into [a trap, ansaan; Posses
left out (vvltbout dolng any harm).
sion or. Jonkun omaksi: one's bands, jon
joutava I. (a.) (turba, hydytn) ldle [ time, kun ksiin], come Into [contact, kosketuk
aika; fears, pelko; taik, puhe], useless seen], come In; become lnvolved [In
Ltrouble, vaiva], vain; (tarpeeton) unnec- trouble, rettelihin] ; meet with [tbe same
essary, needless; (liika, lllkanalnen) su- rate, saman kohtalon alaiseksi], cbance,
perfluous [baste, kiire] ; (turhanaikainen, encounter; (sattua) bappen [to see, nke
mittn) paltry, petty [squabble, riita]; mn] ; lncur [debt, velkaan], contract;
< tyhjnpivinen) empty [taik, puhe] ; (v
sustaln, surfer; (yllttmll) be overtaken
hptinen) trifllng muttei- . asla] ; (arvo
by; 2. (ehti. Joutaa) bave tlme, find tlme;
ton) wortbless; (perusteeton) baseless (tulla valmiiksi) get ready; (saapua ajois
acetisatlon, syyts], groundless; (Jota Il
sa) arrive In time: 3. (tulla) come [to surman tullaan toimeen) dispensable, that can rer, krsimn: to see, nkemn], rall
be spared; (hassunaikalnen) silly; vrt. Jou
ivlctlm to, Jonkin uhriksi], become [intilas: ~ osio trlfle, bagatelle, trumpery. volved, tekemisiin]; (saapua) reacb [his
trivial affair, merc nothing; jaaritus ears, hnen korviinsa] ; (lhet, lhesty)
empty taik, idle chatter, gosslp; joutavaa draw near, come on, be at band; (menn)
aikaa (= Joutoaikaa) leisure (tlme), iille (l. go [down, hunningolle], get [out of
spare) tlme; joutavan kitsas needlessly (worklng) order, epkuntoon] ; (pty)
close, stingy; joutavan pieni trifllng, trivi
land, lodge, end; (tulla ajetuksi, pakote
al, paltry, tlny; joutavan pikkumainen tuksi) be driven to [despalr, eptoivoon],
mean, petty; joutavan piten ks. turha(tl be made (1. put.) to [do a th., tekemn
piten); joutavat syyt paltry reasons. II. Jotakin]; (langeta Jollekulle) go to [the
(s.) nonsense: rubbisli; joutavia rubblsh! helrs, perillisille], rall to, lapse to; 4. (ku
humbug: don't teli me! (Jkpv.) oh, get lua) pass (away), go on; (hipy, kadota)
out! vrt. puhua, surra; jonkin joutavaa dlsappear, vanlsh; 5. (kiirehti) make
haste, hasten, liurry; 6. (kypsy, tuleentua)
nonsense; mit joutavasta sturr and non
rlpen, mature; jouduhan, jouduppas make
sense! riddlestlcks! mit joutavia no mat
it- r: never mind! I would not borrovv any haste! hurry up! ~ aaltojen valtaan (ali In
trouble (1. I \voul(ln't worry) about to the water, rall In, (hukkua) rind a watery
that; 1 wouldn't (let myseir) be troubled grave, be drowned; ahtaalle (\. ahdin
(I. worried) about that; ! suutu koon) get into stralts, get into a (sad)
joutavasta don't get angry for (1. over) scrape, get into dirnculties [huom. hn on
nothing (I. for sucb a paltry tbing 1. over joutunut ahtaalla (mys, Jkpv.) he is in (or
such a trlfle). Joutavan aikainen, -paivai- it], vrt. ~ pulaan; Jonkin alaiseksi be
subjected to, come (1. get) In ror, be(come)
non ks. turhan aikainen, -pivinen. Jouta
vuus needlessness, superfluity, tdleness; open (1. exposed) to, become an object or.
meet with, surrer [esim. saman kohtalon
(joutava asla) trlfle, paltry tbing, baga
alaiseksi surrer (I. meet \vlth) the same
telle; (pty) nonsense, rubbisb.
fate; huom. se kohtalo, jonka alaiseksi eh
jouten unengaged, dlsen?atred; (kyttmt
t) unused; (vapaana) free, at leisure; dotus joutui (mys:) the fate whlch bereil
(toimettomana) ldle, lnactlve; (tyttmn) the proposition] ; alttiiksi jollekin beout of work; olla - be ldle, be dolng notti- (come) exposed (1. subjected) to, vrt.



edell.; ansaan ks. menn; eksyhsiin

get lost (I. astray), go astray. lose oue's
\vay, vrt. eksy; elkkeelle be placcd on
the retired llst; epilykseen become
suspicious, come to doubt, begin to doubt
(1. to \vaver I. to vacillate); epkuntoon
(mys:) get out of gear, f esim. hermosto)
be(come) derangcd, (vatsa y. m.) bc(come)
upset, be put Jnto dlsorder, go vvrong;
epluulonalaiseksi fali into susplclon [Tor,
Jostakin], come under a cloud (of suspl
clon), be suspected; epsopuun jonkun
kanssa Tall out (I. have a rallin? out) vvlth
one; " epsopuun keskenn ks. riitaan
tua; ~ epsuosioon Tall (1. get) liito Cl I S favor (1. Into disgrace), be dlsgraced;
eptoivoon slnk (1. fall) Into despair, be
come desperate, give up ali bope; eril
leen Jostakin become separated from, be
come (1. get) detaclied from; erilleen
toisistaan become separated (from each
ottier), drirt apart; ~ [naurun, pilkan]
esineeksi be subjected to [rldicule, scorn],
become the object (1. the butt) of [rldi
cule], become an object of [scorn];
haaksirikkoon be (1. get) Sllipvvrecked, be
vvreeked; ~ haltioihinsa go Into ecstasies
( ecstasy).be(come) exalted, (innostua)
becorne Inspired, become highly enthuslastlc; ~ harhaan 1. harhateille go (1. be led)
astray, get on the vvrong track: ~ hirsi
puuhun (i. hirteen) enrt (1. land) on the
gallovvs, be strung up [Tor, Jostakin]; ~
hukkaan get (1. be) lost [huom. minulta
joutui hattuni hukkaan (menetin) I lOSt
my liatl ; hunningolle ks. hunninko; ~
huonoille jljille go vvrong, get on the
vvrong track, go to the bad, come to
griei; ~ hmilleen become (1. grovv) embarrassed (1. disconcerted 1. abashed), (se
kaisin) become (1. get 1. grovv) confused;
~ hmmennyksiin become (1. get 1. grovv)
confused (1. perplexed), become discon
certed, be put out of countenance; h
pen be put to shame, be (1. get) dls
graced; ~ htn jostakin become (1. grovv)
alarmed about at th., become (I. grovv)
anxlous at (1. about 1. over) a th.: hcille be defeated, meet vvlth defeat, vrt.
seur.; hvin (menett) incur (1.
surrer 1. sustain) a loss, lose, (menn nu
rin, esim. liike) be rulned, meet disaster,
go to pleces, go to rack and ruln; ik
vyyksiin get Into (1. become involved In)
trouble; [hevosten, sodan] jalkoihin get
under [the horse's] reet, be trampled
(upon) by [the vvar] [huom. maa joutui
sodan jalkoihin (mys:) vvar svvept the
country lron-shod] : ~ [vihollisten] jouk
kion fall among [foes]; ~ (pois) jrjil
tn lose (I. go out of) one's senses; ~
kadotukseen be doomed, (usk.) be damned;
karille (ajaa) strlke (on a rock), run
aground, ground, strand: kiikkiin (pu
laan) get Into a pinch (I. a rix). vrt. seur.;
kiinni be (I. get) caught [in a lie, va
leesta] [huom. jopa jouduit kiinni now
you are In for it. I've got you there] ; ~
kiusaukseen fall (1. enter) into tcmptation,
reel tempted (1. be under temptatlon) [to
dn a th., tehd jotakin!; kuohuksn get
(1. become) exclted, become agitated, (kuo
hahtaa) ny into a passion, flare up [huom.
reri joutuu huohuksiinf kun ajattelee
It makos one's blood boll to thlnk ..];
krsimn (vahinkoa) jostakin (come to)
surrer by, (come tn) be a loser by, be
damaged by, (Jonkun takia) (have to) sur
rer on somebody's account; ~ Jonkun
ksiin (omaisuudesta puhuen:) fall (1,


into one's hands,

fall to one;


~ ksikhmn collie to blovvs fhuoni.

hv joutuivat keskenn ksikhmn they
came to blovvs, lt came to blovvs betvveen
them]; jonkun kskettvksi ks. ks
kettv; maksamaan (kustannuksia} go
to expensc [huom. jouduin maksamaan sen
1 had to pay it; jouduin hnen thtens
maksamaan melkoisia summia he made me
(I. put me to) a great deal or expense] ;
~ myrskyn ksiin be overtaken by a Storin,
be In for a Storm; ~ naurunalaiseksi be
come a subject of derislon (1. an object of
ridicule); be subjected to rldicule, be(come) a laughing-stock [for (1. on ac
count of), Jostakin]; ~ nS*moan come to
see; (sattua) happen to see; onnerromuuteen meet vvlth (1. suffer) a mlsfortune, get Into trouble, Tall upon evll days;
pahaan pulaan get into a bad flx; - pe
ri/le reach one's goal (1. destlnatlon),
(ajoissa) arrive In time; pois kytn
nst (Jd) go (l. pass) out or use (1. or
fashion),rall Into disuse; pulaan (mys:)
become embarrassed; putkaan land In
jall; ~ raivoon get In (1. go into I. ny Into)
a rage; ~ rappiolle fall Into decay, ks.
rappio, hunninko; ~ rettelihin become in
volved in trouble, get Into trouble (1. into
quarrel) ; ~ riitaan jonkun kanssa get to
quarrellng (1. flghtlng) vvlth one, (epso
puun) fall out (1. have a rallin? out) vvlth..:
ristiriitaan get into conflict, come Into
collislon, conrilct; satimeen be cauglit
in a trap, rall Into a trap; ~ Jonkun silm
tikuksi become an eyesore (1. a thorn In
the riesh 1. a stumbllng-block) for one;
takaisin get (1. come) back, return, (omis
tajalleen) be returned to; ~ tappiolle meet
vvlth dereat, vrt. ~ hville; tekemisiin
jonkun kanssa become Involved vvlth a p.,
(Jkpv.) get nil.vcd up vvlth; ~ (pakosta) te
kemn jotakin be made (1. ordered 1. put)
to do a th.; uusiin ksiin change hands ;
~ uusiin naimisiin be (1. get) married
agaln; ~ uuteen ajanjaksoon enter upon a
new phase (1. era 1. epoch); ~ vaarnan
get into danger, be endangered, stand in
jeopardy; ~ vaaranalaiseksi be Imperlled
(1. Jeopardlzed), become Involved In dan
ger; ~ vahinkoon (aineelliseen) meet vvlth
a loss, sustain (l. surrer) a loss; ~ Jonkin
valtaan be overtaken by [grlef, surun],
fall into [grler.etc], vrt. antautua; Jon
kun valtaan fall into a p.'s povver, rall Into
the hands of a. p.; ~ velkaan get Into debt,
run in(to) debt, Incur (1. contract) debts,
vrt. velkaantua; ~ Jonkun vihoihin Incur
(1. contract) a p.'s dlspleasure, rouse (1.
incur) a p.'s anger; ~ vuoteen omaksi have
to take to one's bed; vhemmistn fall
Into the minority, (Jd) be lert in the
minority; ~ ymmlle (hmmenty) get
perplexed (I. bevvildered 1. confused), be (1.
get) disconcerted, be put out, vrt. pu
laan; joutuu joskus ihmettelemn, miten..
one comes at tlmes to vvonder, hovv . .;
aika joutuu, jolloin . . the time Is gettlngon (lhenee: is dravving near), vvhen . .;
hiden aika joutui (lheni) the time for the
vvedding vvas dravving- near; hn joutui
opettajaksi pieneen maaseutukaupunkiin he
eventually round hlmseir a school-teachcr
( came about that he vvas a teacher) in a
country tovvn; ilta joutuu the night Is dravv
ing near, the day Is rar spent; jos me jou
dumme sotaan ii' vve are golng to have vvar,
ir vve get dravvn into (the) vvar; joulu jou
tuu (lhenee) Cbrlstmas Is dravving near;
kevn joutuessa at the approach or sprlng;
kun syksy joutuu vvhen autumn comes ;
kun talvi joutuu vvhen Winter sets In; mlMn



me (tss) joudumme vliere is thls gotng

In laini us? I vonder vhat we are coming
tn? -a liat Is to berome of us? minne hn
on joutunut \vliere has he landcd (mys:
ilisappeared)? \vhat has becomo or him?
minne on kirja joutunut n, liat has become
or the book? where do you suppose that
k 1 1 as gone to '! miten ty joutua ks.sujua; nin olion on sana joutunut merkitse
mn . . so (1. tbus) the vvord has come to
mean (1. slgniry) ..; odota, kunhan kahvi
joutuu wait tili the coKee Is ready; olla
joutunut johonkin be In a th. [esim. hn on
joutunut pahaan pinteeseen he 13 in a bad
flx (I. In bad Stralts); rettel, johon hn
on joutunut the trouble he Is in] ; rakennus
joutuu purettavaksi the bulldlng \vlll be (I.
is going to be) demollshed; tule, jos jou
dut come, ir you have (1. can rind) tlme;
tyt ei jouduta tekemn niin lyhyess
ajassa the voi k cannot be done In so short
a tlme; viran joutuessa avoimeksi In case
or a vaeancy, when the orrice becomes va<-ant, ir an openlng should arise;vrt. joutaa.
joutuin nopeasti; ky ~ hakemassa hnet
tnne retch him here at once, summon hlm
here immediately.
joutuisa (nopea) svvirt, rapid, speedy, quick
it rigures. laskemaan], prompt; (nopsa)
fleet. Joutuisasti svlftly, rapidly, speedily,
qulckly, promptly. Joutuisuus swirtness,
rieetness, promptness; (nopeus) speed, rapidity; (kiire) hurry, haste.
Joutuminen gettlng (1. rallin?) Into; (val
miiksi tuleminen) gettlng ready; (saapu
minen) reachlng; (lheneminen) approachIng; (tuleentuminen) rlpenlng; vrt. joutua.
Juhana, Juhani, Juho John, (jkpv.) Jack;
Juhana Maaton John Lackland.
juhannus Mldsummer (Jay ; juhannuksena on
Midsummer day. -aatto Mldsummer eve.
-aika tlme round Mldsummer day; juhannusaikaan roiiml Midsummer day. -Juhla
Mldsummer day; reast or St. John the
Baptlst. -kokko 1. -tuli Mldsummer eve
bonrire. -piv juhannus, -y Midsum
mer eve; juhannusyn aurinko sun or the
Mldsummer eve, Mldsummer-nlghfs sun,
i keskiyn) midnight sun; juhannusyn
unelma a M ie] ->; Iilllici- - nlghfs ilri-mii.
Juhla entertainment; (laulu- y. m.) restival:
(ulkoilma-) plcnic; (pivllisten y. m. yh
teydess pidetty) banquet, reast; (juhlan
vietto) celebration; (-vuotisjuhla) anniversary; (pyh) hollday; vrt. atavuotis-,
vii siky m men vuotis , vuosi .V.II1. -aatto
hollday eve. -airut marshal (or the day) ;
(sisll pidetyss juhlassa) usher. -asu
hollday attire, restal garb (1. robe). -ateria
banquet. -esitelmi address or the day.
-halli audiloriuni; banquet hali. -hetki
olemn occasion
(I. moment);
hetki) Joyous occasion; restive occasion.
-illalliset banquet. -Ilo restlvity. -Julkaisu
publlcatlon issued In connectlon with a
restival; holiday publication; anniversary
publlcation. -kulkue restive (1. ceremonlous) processlon, parade: (tav. historialli
nen) pageant; juhlakulkueessa in a pro
juhlallinen solemn; restive, restal; ceremonious. Juhlallisesti solcmnly; restlvely:
Juhlallisuus solemnlty:
(prameus) pomp, state; (juhlameno) cere
mony; (Juhlatilaisuus) restive celebration,
restival, restlvity.
juhla menot ceremonles: juhlamenojen oh
jaaja master or ceremonles. -merkki (res
tival) badge. -mieli hollday splrlt. -ny
tnt restive performance; (loistonytnt)
gala- performance. -ohjelma prograni or a


restival, festival prograni. -pidot banquet.

1'east. -puhe address (1. oration) of tlie
day. -puhuja speaker (I. orator) or the
day. -puku holiday dress (I. clothes):
(juhla-asu) restal (1. holiday) attire; (lois
topulcu, upseerien y. m.) rull dress; vrt.
pyhvaatteet. -pukulnen In hollday clothes
(1. dress); (kuv.) In restal (1. holiday) at
tire. -piv restival (day), day or general
reasting and rejolcing, gala-day; (pyh
piv) hollday: juhlapivn aatto eve oi a
festival (1. a holiday). -pivlliset banquet:
gala-dinner. -runo restal (I. occaslonai)
poem. -saatto 1. -saattue festive proces
slon; pageant. -sali (banqueting) hali;
(esim. koulun) auditorlum, assembly-room.
-tamineet holiday attire, restal robes; (ty
siss) juhlatamineissaan In 1'ull dress. -ti
laisuus restive occasion, restlvity; juhlati
laisuuksissa on imuni (1. solemn) occaslons.
-toimikunta commlttee to arrange for (1.
in charge or) the Testivities, restival com
mlttee. -tunnelma hollday humor (l.splrit) ;
juhlatunnelma vallitsi kaikkialla a holiday
humor (1. splrlt) was abroad. -tuuli holl
day humor; gay splrlts; olla juhlatuulella
be in hollday mood (1. humor), be in rine
spirits. -vaatteet ks. juhlapuku, -valaistu]
illumlnation. -veikko (1. v.) a follovv for
(1. to) whom every day Is a holldav.
-vieras (kutsuvieras) Invlted guest; juhla
vieraat people attending (1. in attendanre
upon) a festival, visitors at a reast.
Juhlia feast, entertaln (sumptuously); (pi
doilla) banquet; (viett) celebrate [a p.'s
blrthday, jonkun syntympiv] ; ~ jon
kun rl. jonkin) muistoa celebrate the an
niversary or, commemorate . . . juhlija
one who celebrates (1. entertains l.feasts):
entertainer; celebrator. Juhliminen reast
ing; banqueting; (vietto) celebration. Juh
liva celebratlng; reasting: banqueting;
(riemuitseva) Jubllant.
Juhlivasti jubilantly.
juhta beast; (veto- 1. kuorma) beast or
burden, drart-anlmal, draught-anlmal.
Juhti(nahka) nussia leather; Muscovy hkie
(1. leather).
Julaista ks. julkaista.
juliaaninen Julian [calendar, kalenteri 1.
Julistaa declare [var, sota; a contract Invalld (1. null and void), sopimus mittt
mksi; one dictator. Joku diktaattoriksi],
pronounce [sentence, tuomio; a p. dead,
Joku kuolleeksi]; (Juhlallisesti tai viralli
sesti) proclalm [peace, rauha; a p. emperor, joku keisariksi], promulgate rthe
declslon or the court, oikeuden pts] ;
(antaa tiedoksi) make known, announee
!a vaeancy, virka haettavaksi; the opening
of the festivitles, Juhla alkaneeksi], glve
notice of; (huutamalla) call out 'the
names of the partlcipants, osanottajien ni
inet] ; ~ kelpaamattomaksi (\. kelvottomak
si) declare . . unrit (l. invaiid), cancel, annul ;
kirkossa ks. kuuluttaa; [laki] kumotaksi proclaim [a lavi repealed, (Yhdvsv.)
declare a law unconstltutlonal: abrogate;
lakkautetuksi announee the abol itin of:
lahko call (1. declare) a strlke; [tehdas]
lakkotilaan call out the men [of a factory]
on a strlke; [kihlaus, sopimus] puretuk
si declare [an engagement, a contract] orr:
~ pyhimykseksi canonlze; pts jossa
kin jutussa pronounce judgment (1. render
a declslon) In a case, (valamiehistst pu
huen:) brlng In a verdlct; ~ rauhotetuksi
(Jokin alue) declare . . a protected area,
rorbld access to, (jokin elin y. m.) put . .
under protectlon, protect; syylliseksi
[syyttmksi] (valamiehistst puhuen:)

return a verdlct or guilty [not guilty]; esiintyminen appearance beforc the public;
juiikln tuloa lierakl (the coming or); ~ tottelemattomuus open dlsobedlence; ~
tuomio (nrys:) pass sentence; ~ virka (l. tunnustus public (1. open) confession.
toimi) avoimeksi (1. haettavaksi) announce julkiipano placarding, posting; (ilmotus)
ii vacancy, advertlse a position as vacant; public notice. -puoli 1. -sivu (rakennuk
uutta oppia preach a new doctrine; val
sen) front; racade.
tiopivt julistettiin juhlallisesti ptty Julkisesti publicly, openly, in the open,
neiksi the prorogation of the Ulet was snl- open and aboveboard, in public; (ilmei
emnly proclalined; vrt. julkaisu. Julistaja sesti) manirestly, obvlously; ~ kadulla
proclaimer, announcer, promulgator; (ai
openly about the streets, in the public
rut) berald; vrt. kuuluttaja. Julistaminen Street.
dcclaratlon, announcement, proclamatlon; julkisota open war; olla julkisodassa jonkun
heralding; (saarnaaminen) preachlng.
kanssa (kuv.) be at open war (1. be at
Julistus public notice; (Johonkin naulattu) sword's polnts) with one.
placard; (Juhlallinen tai virallinen) proc Julkisuus publlcity; julkisuudessa in public,
lamatlon, manifesti.; (kskykirje) edlct, before the public, publicly, openly; saattoa
ordlnance, decree; itsenisyyden ~ (Yh- Cl. toimittaa 1. vet) julkisuuteen bring
dysv. hlst.) Declaratlon or Independence; berore the public, make public, (pivnva
keisarillinen ~ Imperial manifesto; kunin
loon) bring to itght, disclose, reveal, (jul
kaallinen royal proclamatlon (1. edict); kaista) publish.
vrt. rauhan, sodan~. -kirja manifesto. Julma cruel [rather, is; to a p., Jotakuta
Julistuttaa have . . announced (1. pro- kohtaan ; punishment, rangaistus ] , reroclous
claimed), cause . . to be proclalmed; pro[beast, peto], rierce [anlmal, elin; counmulgrate.
katse], savage [In one's reJuljeta have the Impudence [to demand. tenance,
(raaka) barbarous;
vaatia]; not hesitate [to . .]; (hennoa) (etenkin:kostossaan];
nltn tai luonteeltaan) grim
have the heart [to . .] ; (rohjeta) dare; [aspect, nky;
slaughter, teurastus]; (s
vrt. kehdata; en julkea tehd sit (henno)
ruthless, pltiless; (raivoisa) ragI have not the heart to do lt, (hpen) rm limtn)
ing, rurious; vrt. hirve; hallitsija cruel
ashamed to do lt.
tyrant; ~ kohtalo hard (1. cruel)
Julkaisematon not made public, unan- ruler,
rate; teko (mys:) act or cruelty; jul
nounced; unpubllshed [news, uutinen]; man
unpromulgated [law, laki], julkaiseminen enormous. terribly large, huge, colossal,
publishing:, publicatlon; announcement; julma;!
kasvoinen grim-visaged, grlm; vrt.
promulgatlon. Julkaisija one who an- seur. -luontoinen
cruel-natured; grlm; vrt.
nounces (1. promulgates), promulgator; raaka.
(painotuotteiden) publlsher, editor.
Julkaista (tuoda Julki) make public, bring sotilas].
berore the public; (etenkin painotuotteista Julmasti cruelly, grimly, rerociously; ruthpuhuen:) publlsh [a book, kirja; the news, lessly; luriously; vrt. julma; ~ suut
uutinen] ; announce [one's engagement,
ks. julmistunut, julmasydaminen
kihlauksensa]; (julistuttaa) promulgate [a tunut
cruel hearted; (armoton) ruthless, mercilaw, laki]; (limaista) reveal, disclose [a less;
secret, salaisuus], make .. known; ~
sanomalehte publish a newspaper; asetus Julmistua become lnrurlated, be enraged,
grow rurious, riy Into a (towerlng) rage;
julkaistiin the statulc was promulgated.
(kmysty) lose Possession or oneseir,
Julkaisu (painotuote) publicatlon; (Julkaise
lose one's temper; (suuttua) get angrv;
minen) announcement; promulgatlon; (Jon
mys: hurjistua; hn julmistui (mys':)
kin oppineen seuran) julkaisut proceedhis anger was kindled.
ingrs [or a soclety], transactlons.
julkea insolent [behavior, kyts]; (Julkean julmistuneesti furlously, grimly. Julmistu
rohkea) bold, audaclous [vlllaln, roisto], nut rurious wlth anger, lnrurlated; julmis
arrogant [claim, vite] ; (pyhke) pre- tuneena (mys:) in a rage.
sumptuous; (hvytn) lmpudent, brazen. Julmuri (Julma tai raaka Ihminen) savage,
bareraced [He, vale] ; (ryhke) impertl- brute; (hallitsijoista:) tyrant. Julmuus
nent [question kysymys]; (hikilemtn) cruelty, (petomainen) rerocity; (hirveys)
reckless, unscrupulous; (ennenkuuluma
rierceness; (tylyys) grimness; (slimtt
ton) outrageous [attempt, yritys]; (ilke) myys) ruthlessness.
vile, mean; ~ kyts (mys:) lnsolence: Jumala god (useimmiten isolla kirjaimella);
roisto arrant scoundrel; julkeata peli (jumalaisolento) deity, dlvlnity; ~ nah
(Jkpv.) a cool plece or business; ~ temppu kaan (\. paratkoon) alas! sad to say! sadly
bold trlck. Julkeasti lnsolently; boldly, enough! ~ tiet God (1. Lord) knows; ~
arrogantly; impudently; brazenly, unscru- ties ks. herra (tiesi); jumalan armosta
pulously; meanly. Julkeus lnsolence, bold- (mys:) by divine grace; jumalan ihme
ness, arrogance; brazenness, impudence, ef- miracle; jumalan kiitos thank God! thank
rrontery; presumptuousness; recklessness; goodness! jumalan nimess ks. herrain ni
vileness; vrt. julkea.
mess) : jumalan onni a most foriunate thlng
Julki I. (adv.) openly, in the open; (yleises
[huom. mys: olipa se jumalan onni, ett
ti) publicly; (nkyvsti) vislbly; nuutua ~ hn psi hengiss lt was a provldence
e ry (1. call) out; lausua, naulata ~ ks. jul- that he escaped, he had a provldentlal (1.
ki lausua, -naulata; vrt. mys: saattaa, tul miraculous) cscape: jumalan thden (her
la, tuoda y. m. II. (a.) = julkinen.
ran thden) ror God's sake, ror the love or
Julki [| huutaja crler. -lausua express [one's God, ror mercy's sake; herra ~, hyv
rnlsgivlngs, huolestuksensa], state ione's dear me! bless me! goodness graclous'
opinion, mielipiteens] ; announce (public
good heavens! tnercirul powers! Jumalaaly), proclaim. -naulata post [bills, llmo- pelkvinen God-rearlng.
tuksla], placard.
Jumalainen divine.
Julkinen public [apology, anteeksipyynt; jumalain Juoma nectar. -ruoka ambrosia
notice, ilmotus; place, palkka; orrice, vir jumalaisfiolento deity, divinlty. -taru myth.
ka] ; (avoin) open [war, sota; secret, salai
-tarusto mythology.
suus] ; (ilmeinen) mantfest, obvious; ~ Jumalaksite conceptlon or God.



jumalallinen divine. jumalallisesti divlnely.

Jumalallisuus dlvineness.
jumalan] ilma (1. v.) storm. -kieltj denier
of Ood, atheist. -kieltmys denlal or God,
athelsm. -kuva Image or God; (epjuma
lankuva) idol. -palvelus divine service, religlous services; (kirkonmenot) publlc worsnip: jumalanpalveluksen jlkeen after
church. -pelko the Tear or God [is the begtnning of wisdom. on viisauden alku];
(hurskaus) godllness, piety. -pilkka blasphemy. -pilkkaaja blasphemer. -tuomio
(hist.) ordeal. -vilja (1. v.) food.
jumalatar goddess.
jumalaton godless, ungodly [man, mles;lire,
elm], Implous [deed, teko]; xvlcked; ju
malattomat the gOdleSS; jumalattomat pu
heet (mys:) profanlties, blasphemtes. Ju
malattomasti godlessly, lmplously. Jumalat
tomuus ungodtlness, godlessness; lmplety.
jumaPauta by God! jumarihminen God-man.
'iod-rearinif ;
book, kirja] ; (hurskas) pious. Jumalisesti
rellgiously, plously. Jumaliste by God:
(jkpv.) (by) gosh! Jumalisuus plety; religiousness; godllness.
jumaloida Idollze; (Ihannoida) adore; (pal
vella) worship. Jumaloi (tse) minen Idoliztng: adoration; apotheosls. jumaloiuija
idolizer; adorer. Jumaloitu Idollzed; adored: orshipped.
Jumaluus godhead: delty. -olento delty.
-opillinen theologlcal; jumaluusopillinen
tiedekunta (yliopistoissa:) Tacillty or thenlogy (1. divinity). -oppi theology: juma
luusopin tohtori Doctor or Divinity (lyh. n.
H.), -oppinut theologian. -tiede theology.
-voima divine power.
jumoava, Jumova astrinpent; jumovat ai
neet (lk.) astrlngents.
Juna train; junalla by traln; vi t. pika-,
posti, tavara y. m. -esto block on the
Ime. -henkilkunta train crevv.
junailija conductor; (Engl.) guard. Junailijanvaunu (tavarajunan) caboose.
Junainkuiku traln-schedule: - on muutettu
the traln-schedule has been rhangert.
Junallaituri platrorni. landlng. -lautta train
rerry. -miehist traln crew.
Junan E kuljettaja
(Engl.) engine-driver. -kulku junain
kuiku. -ulstuminen derailment or a traln.
Juna onnettomuus railroad accldent. -rikko
train wrc<k -signaali train-signal.
junqmanni (laivapoika) ordinarv seaman.
junkkari (veitikka) young raseal (1. monkey). slyboots, youngster: aika a regular
monkey (1. inlsrhleO: vrt. seur.
junkkeri (Saksassa) Junker, -puolue Iho
Junker party.
juntata drive plles. plkkvlal (with a plledrlver), ram: (ksivoimin) mani. beetle:
hatuhivi ram (1. pound) paving-stones
wlth a maul (I. a beetle).
Juntta ram: (kone) pilc-driver; (kitsi-)
maul, beetle. rammer. Junttaaminen ram
mtng, plle-drivlng. Juntta kone 1. -rana
pile-drlver. pile-drlvlng englnc. junttaluoti
Juoda drlnk: itsens humalaan get intoxlcated (1. drunk): ki'paa try who (I.
whlrh one) can drlnk most (I. fastest):
kupista drlnk mun (I. of I. out oO a cup:
lasi pohjaan <\. tyhjksi) empty nne's
glass, draln a glass (to the bottom 1. to the
last dregs): lasi viini (mys:) tako a
glass or wine: Jonkun malja drlnk (tn)
one'S health, toast a |>.: rahansa kahviin
spend one-s money nn (I. in drinking) coffee; suuhunsa drlnk up; yhdell sie


mauksella (Irani at one dia II . hit juotiin

ihoro was a great deal or drinking at the
\Veddlng, the \vedding was celebrated by
Juohtua: mieleen ks. johtua, juolahtaa.
Juoksennella run about, be on the run, be
running; ympri run about, gad about,
be on the go. juoksentelu running about,
(kylnjuoksu) gaddlng. Juoksettua (esim.
malto) curdle, (esim. veri) coagulate.
Juokseva riowing, running uater. vesi] ;
current; (nesteminen) Uquld; juokseva tili
open (l. running 1. current) account, account current, (pankissa:) check account;
juoksevat aineet fluid substances, IlquldS;
juoksevat asiat (kokouksessa:) regular (1.
routine) business; juoksevat menot current
(1. running) expenses.
Juoksiainen (elint.) dolphin.
Juoksija runner; (sakkipeliss:) blshop;
(juoksijahevonen) trotter, trotting-horse,
racer; courser. -ori (1. v.) race-horse, racer.
Juoksu run(ning);
course; vrt. kulku; hevosen nopea the
horse's swirt pace; tytt juoksua at In II
speed, In Tuli career; vrt. mys: ajatuk
sen, kilpa, veren' y. m. -aine (juo
tettaessa) riux; (nesteminen) solderlngII II id. -a-kel: juoksuaskelin ks. juoksumarssi(ssa). -hauta trenrh. -hieta qulcksand.
.tuoksuinen (yhd.) ks. hidas-, nopea y. m.
Juoksu Jalka: juoksujalkaa, juoksujalassa
running, (sot.) at a run. -Jtikk glacier.
-kilpailu running mateli, running rare.
-kissa, -koira ks. kulku kissa, -koira, -leikki
running ganic -lippu (rautateill y. m.)
tracer. -marssi run; juoksumarssissa (sot.)
(at) double quick (tlme), at a run. -metri
running meter. -poika errand boy, messenger boy. -solmu running knot, sllp-knot.
Juoksute, juoksutin (maidon) rennet; (metall.) rfux, ruslng agent; (Tys. = pullojuoksutin)) slphon.
Juoksuttaa have (1. cause to) run. keep run
ning: juoruja run about gossiping, gad
about; kirje jollekulle run with a letter
to one: vertl kuiviin drain [thebloodi,
draw ofr completely. exhaust; maitoa
curdle mllk, turn mllk into cheese.
Juoksutus run [on the piano, pianolla].
-maha rennet(-bag). -vri anneallng-eolor.
Juolahtaa: jonkun mieleen occur to one.
come (1. enter) Into one's mind; juolahti
mieleeni lt came (in)to my mlnd, it occurred to me; mieleeni juolahti juuri nyt ers
ajatus a thought struek me just now; mie
leeni juolahti koettaa tuota parannusta I
took lt into my head to try the reniedy:
sellainen ei voisi koskaan edes mieleeni
kn I should never drcam of such a thlng.
juolavehn (kasv.) couch-grass, quitch-grass.
juolukka bog-bllberry; (Engl.) bog-whortleberry.
juoma drlnk. bcverage.
juoma- (yhd.) drinking- r esim. -astia drlnkIng-vessel;
-lasi drlnklng-glass:
drlnklng-xvater]. -haarikka 1. -kannu stoop,
riagnn, tankard. -himo cravlng (I. apjietltc)
Tor drlnk. -kekkerit ks. juomingit, -lakko
striko agalnst (the use or) Intnxlratiiig
llquors, strlke ror temperance.
(mys:) tumbler. glass.
Juomanlaskija cupbearcr; butler.
juoma;! raha gratulty, drink-money, (tav.) tip;
antaa jollekulle juomarahaa bestOW a gra
tulty upon one, (Jkpv.) tip a person [esim.
annoin hnelle 25 sentti juomarahaa 1
lippod him 95 ooiits, l gave hiin a tip o( 9.ri
oonts (1. 25 cents as a tip) ] ; tss on Teille
vhn juomarahaa this is lor you, herc Is



sometblng Tor you(rseir). -ratki spree; ol

la juomarethelt be Olit (1. <iff) on a spree.
Juomari drlnker; (juoppo) drunkard.
juomalleankari hard drlnker. -seura drink
ing COmpanlOnS. -tavara: juomatavaraa
drink(able)s, Uquors.
juomaton sober [man, mies], temperate;
~ mies (ehdottomasti raitis) total abstalner. Juomattomuus abstinence, sobrtety.
juoma tuuli drinklng-spell, spree; olla juamatuuUUa be on a spree, be having a
drinklng-spell. -uhri drlnk-ofrering. -veik
ko I. -toveri drinking rompanlon (l. pai 1.
Juominen drinking; (juopotteleminen) boozIng. juomingit drlnklng-bout; (drunkon)
carousal. revel.
Juomu streak; (Juova, raita) stripe. Juomuinen streaky, streaked; strlped. juomuisuus streakiness. Juomuttaa Stripe, streak.
Juomutus striping.
Juoni 1. Intrlgue, design, plot (mys: ny
telmn, kertomuksen y. m.), (kepponen)
trick, artlfice; 2. (suoni) vein; 3. (jousen)
score, scotch; juonit lntrigues, maehfnatlons, plots; keskustelun ~ llne of argument; nytelmn ~ plot or a play; vrt.
sala, sota y. m.; olla yksiss juonin
jonkun kanssa jossakin he mlxed up wlth
onc (1. have a hand) in the arralr; punoa(\.
viritt) juoniaiay plots. intrigue, cabal, plot.
Juonikas intrlguing, plotting, schemlng;
tricky, trlcklsh; (juonitteleva) notlonal,
vvhlmsieal, peevlsh, raultrindlng; (nahankurlnen) mlschievous, unruly. Juonikkaasti trickily; tricklshly; peevishly; mischievously. Juonikko troublesome person, mlschlcr-maker;
Juonikkuus crart, guile, artfulness; trlcklness: trlcktshness; (pahankurisuus) mlscliievousness; raultrindlng: whlms, nutions;
uhlmslcality, peevishness.
Juonitella be troublesome; make dirriculties;
rind fault [wlth, Jostakin], be peevlsh
rabout ..]; (vehkeill) intrlgue, plot; ~
itselleen jotakin (lapsista puhuen:) tease
Tor thlngs, get vvhat one wants by teaslng:
(saada vehkellemll) get a th. by underliand means (1. by tricks and dodges) ; aina
hn juonittelee he Is ahvays peevlsh (1. fiini ing fault 1. making It unpleasant for others): alkaa ~ get unruly (1. naughty), get
rross; grow (I. get) peevlsh, begin to rind
fault \vlth. Juonittelija troublesome person,
srhemer. Juonittelu faultflnding; troublemaklng; (tahallinen) dodgery; trlckery;
(vehkeily) Intrlguing. plotting; poimuinen
juonittelu politlcal chtcanery.
Juonne (uurre) rurrow: groove; (piirre)
feature, line; (geol.) stratum, layer. -vuori
stratified rock.
Juontaa lead. dlrert: alkunsa jostakin
derlve Its origin from, he traccil hai-k to;
vrt. johtaa.
Juonti drlnking; (Juopottelu) rarouslng.
juopa gulf, breach; (kuilu) cleft, chasm.
Juopotella drlnk; booze, tipple; (msst)
rarouse, revel. Juopottelija tlppler, boozer;
(mssilij) carouser. Juopottelu boozlng,
Juoppo I. (s.) drlnker, drunkard. tlppler,
boozer; vrt. rapa. II. (a.) addlctedto drink
ing, given to drunkenness; boozlng [fellovv,
mies], drunken. -hullu I. (a.) . . having (1.
\vlth) ilellrlutn tremens. II. (s.) person
\vltli delirium tremens; olla juoppohulluna
have delirium tremens, (Jkpv.) have snakes
(In the boots). -hulluus delirium tremens.
-parantola Institute for curing alrohollsni,
sanatoiliini for alroliolics. -ratti I. -lalli ha-


bltual drunkard, toper; sot, lnebriate. -sai

ras alcobollst. -sairaus cbronic alcohollsm.
Juoppoua drUnkenneSS; juoppouden turmele
ma (\. tylsistyttm) sottlsh, besotted.
-pahe (vlce or) drunkenness (1. lntemperance.)
juopua become lntoxlcated; get drunk.
Juopumus lntoxlcation; (state of) drunken
ness, lnebrlation; miest sakotettiin juopu
muksesta the man was flned for drunken
ness. -rikos offense of drunkenness. -sak
ko flne Tor drunkenness; sai S dollaria juopumussakkoa (mys:) was flned 5 dollars
for drunkenness.
Juopunut lntoxlcated, drunk, tipsy; juopu
neena, juopuneessa tilassa In a State of ln
toxlcation, when lntoxlcated.
Juoru gossip; (lrpttely) Idle taik; (panet
telu) slander; (jkpv., joskus:) taik. -akka
gossip, scandal-monger; tattler.
Juoruaminen gossiping; tattling.
Juoruhalulnen gosslpy, fond of gossip.
Juoruilla = juoruta. Juoruilu = juoruaminen.
Juorulljuttu plece of gossip, (old vvomans)
tale. -kontti 1. -kello busybody, telltale.
gossip, scandal-bearer (1. -monger); (lrpttellj) tattler. Juorumus ks. edell.
Juoru pes 1. -soppi nest or gosslps; resor;
or slanderers. -puhe gossip; (parjaus)
slander; pelkk juorupuhetta mere (1.
nothing but) gossip, just taik.
Juoruta gossip; (kannella) teli tales; (lrp
tell) tattle. Juonitella ks. edell.
juoru Itie: sain kuulla siit juoru\teit (I.
-teitse) I heard it as gossip. -mm =
juosta run [to and fro, edestakaisin; llglil
ly and everily, kevesti ja tasaisesti] : (vir
rata) flow; (juustottua) curdle, coagulate;
harpata run \vith long boundS; hen
kens edest run for one's lire; hl(s)kytt (hevonen) Jog-trot, Jog (along):
juoruja run about gossiping, gad about; ~
kilpaa jonkun kanssa run a race vvtth one.
race ap.: kuiviini. tyhjiin) run dry.dry
up.get( emptled: muiden
asioilla run other people's errands; noutamaan vett run and (1. to) fetch \vater;
pakoon take to onc's heels. run avvay, make
one'Sescape ' uuum. sotamiehet lhtivt juok
semaan pakoon heti ensi laukauksen kuul
tuaan the soldlers took to rilght (1. turnel
and ried) at the flrst shotl ; ~ pois tielt
run out or the way; ~ tiehens run away.
take to one's heels; ~ toisten edelle run
ahead or the others, (kilpajuoksussa) beat
the otliers; ~ virtanaan (esim. viini) Dow
like \vater, riow copiously; ~ yli yrittens brim over, riovv over; rajaa] juosten
rdrive] at a run, [drivel tast: joki juoksee
jrveen (laskee) the river flows Into a
lake; korko juoksee velkakirjan antopi
vst lukien Interest Is reckoned (1. runs)
from the day the note was Issued (1. from
the date of lssue of the note); veri juoksee
haavasta, haavasta juoksee verta the \vouilil
is blcedlng, blood Is riowing (1. runnlng)
from the \vounil: veri juoksee (l. virtaa)
suonissa the blood clrculates (1. Is coursing) through the velns.
Juostenajo drivlng at a run, rast drlvlng.
Juotava I. (a.) drinkable: juotavaksi kelpaa
maton iindritlkable: juotavaksi kelpaava f il
to drlnk. drinkable. II. (s. = Juoma)
drlnk; antaa jollekulle juotavaa give a per
son a drlnk; onko sinulla juotavaa have von
anythlng to drlnk? juotavuus fitness for
drinking purposes.
Juote (tekn.) solder. -suola po\vder for
soldering; riux. -uuni soldeilng-fiiritare.
juotikas (rliiint.) leerh.



Juotin soldering -Iron. -pilli l. -putki blowplpe. -rauta juotin.

juotos, Juotoskohta soldered place.
Juottaa 1. (antaa Juoda) vvater [a liorse, he
vosta] ; (jollakulla) bave one drlnk, treat:
3. (metallia) solder; joku humalaan <\.
juovuksiin) get emo drunk, treat one untll
he Is drunk, Intoxlcate one; ~ lkkeit
jollakulla liave (1. niake) one take a lot or
medlctne; vasikkaa ratten a cair. Juottamaton I. unvvatered; 2. unsoldered; vrt.
juottaa. Juottaminen watering; soldering.
juotto 1. watering; 2. soldering; vrt. juottaa,
-kolvi juottovaaara. -lamppu soldering
pot, solderlng-furnace. -paikka waterlngplace; hevosten juottopaikka waterlngplace for borses. -pilli blowplpe. -tina
solderlng-tln. -vasara soldering- Iron (1.
-bolt). -vasikka cair for rearlng; (teuras
tettavaksi valmis) fatted cair, ratllng.
juova streak, strlpe; (uurre) groove, furrow; vrt. juopa. Juovainen streaked.
streaky; strlped: (geol.) strlated; vrt. keltajuovainen, valkojuovainen y. m. juovikas
strlped; juovikkaatta kankaatta nf strlped
materlal. Juovittaa strlpe, streak.
Juovukka = juolukka.
Juovus: juovuksiin ks. tulla; juovuksissa
(oleva) IntOXlCated, drunk; olla juovuksissa
be In a state or Intoxlcatlon, be lntoxlcated
(1. drunk). -pai: juovuspissn under the
influence of llquor. In a drunken nt.
Juovuttaa Intoxlcate, make drunk. juovutta
va Intoxlcatlng [drlnk (l.beverage), Juoma] .
Juovutus Intoxlcatlon; Inebrlatlon. -Juoma
Intoxlcatlng llquor, Intoxlcant.
Jupakka (kiista) altercatlon, squabble; dispute; (esim. sanomalehden palstoilla) controversy; (riita) quarrel; (mellakka) row.
Jupakoida altercate, squabble, brawl; f iii della) quarrel (nolstly) ; jupakoida jostakin
(kiistell) dlspute about a th.
jupina murmur; mutterlng. Jupista murmur;
mutter; (mutista) mumble.
Jura kausi (geol.) the Jurassir perlod.
-kautinen Jurasslc. -systoami the Jurasslc system.
Jure-vuoret the Jura Mountain*.
Juridinen (lainopillinen) Judlclal, Jurldlcal
[person, henkil]. Juristi Jurist: lawyer.
Juro blunt [manner, kyts], brusque, abrupt; (nyrpe) sulien [looks, katse], sulky,
surly, morose; (re) cross; (Jykk)
stirr, Tiigld; ~ vastaus curt (1. blunt 1. abrupt) answer. luromiellnen ks. juro. Juropiinan sulky; (itsepinen) obstinate. luropla sulky person, (Jkpv.) grouch(er).
(etenkin lapsista:) crosspatch. Jurotti
bluntlv, abruptly; sullenly, morosely, sulkily: rrlgldly. Ju rottaa be In a sulk (1. In
the sulks); be sulky: be blunt (1. abrupt);
look mopish, mope. jurous abruptness.
bluntness: (nyrpeys) sullenne*s. sulkiness,
moroseness: (Jykkyys) frigldlty.
Jurri sulky (1. morose) person; vanhanpojan
rrabbed (1. cross old) bachelor.
iurtta (mongolilainen asumus) y(o)urt.
Juulia taik, (tuttavallisesti) chat; (keskus
tella) converse; (kertoa) teli, relate, narrate: asia juurta jaksain (kertoa) teli
the details (I. particulars) or the case,
give a thorough account of the alTair (1.
the malter). relate the rase In detall: tut
tavallisesti keskenn have a ronridentlal
rhat; minusta on hauska ~ hnmn kanssaan
1 like to have a (good) taik (1. chat) wlth
hlm, I enjoy chattlng \vltli hlm. Jutelma
tale, story, narratlon.
Jutkaus mlschlevous (1. treacberous) act;
(kepponen) prank, trlck: (petos) cheat.
jutkauttaa cheat; play a trlck on a p.,


trlck; Aan jutkautti minua he cheated me,

he played a trlck on me.
Jutteleminen talklng, chattlng; rcasoning.
Juttelu taik, discusslon; (tuttavallinen)
chat; (keskustelu) conversatlon; (Juttu)
tale, story. Jutteluhaluinen talkative.chatty.
Juttu 1. story, tale; (kasku) anecdote; 2.
(asia) affair; (oikeusjuttu) case, (law)sult.
action; juttuun, juttuihin ks. tulla; lihatrustin the Beer Trust case; se oli ikv
it was a sad case (1. afrair 1. business) ;
se on paha It Is a bad thlng; se on vain
juttua it's ali idle taik: siin koko thafs
the \vhole affair (1. thlng)!
Juttuaminen ks. jutteleminen. Juttuilla ks.
juttuset: olla juttusilla jonkun kanssa have
a chat (1. a taik) with a p.; tulla juttusille
run (1. drop) in Tor a chat.
Juttutupa (1. v.) lounging-room; club-room
for Informal discusslon.
jutustaa, jutustella taik, chat; chatter. Ju
tustelu chat, taik, discusslon.
Jututa 1. taik, chat, chatter; (kertoa) teli. re
late, narrate; 2. (krjid) carry on lawsuits, litigate; jostakin (Jutella) chat
about (1. taik over) a th., discuss a th.; Juudaksen suudelma Judas klss.
Juurakko (kasv.) rootstock, rhlzome.
Juurekas rooty. Juurekset (edlble) roots;
root-crops; juureksien viljelys [nyttely1
nultlvation [exhlblt] of root-crops. Juurellinen rooty; rooted.
juuren niska (kasv.) collar, root-ncek. -otto
(mat.) extraction of a root, evolution.
Juureton rootless; (kuv.) with no holil.
Juurettua, Juureutua root. Juureva rooted:
rtxed in the ground: vrt. juurekas.
Juuri I. (s.) root; (tiet.) radix. radtcal:
(vuoren, muurin y. m.) base, foot; (alku - )
origin. source: juuria(an) myten root and
branch, vrt. seur.; juurineen by the roots.
ks. hvitt, kaivaa, kiskoa; juurta liksoin
ks. juurtajaksain (hakus.); [Jonkun] jat
koin juuressa, jatkoin juureen at [One*S]
feet; jonkin juurella at the base (1. foot 1.
bottom) of, at the root of [esim. muurin
juurella at the bottom (I. foot 1. base) or
the wall, (mys:) by the wall; puun juu
rella at the root of a tree, (mys:) under
a tree; ristin juurella at the foot of the
cross; vuoren juurella at the base of the
mountaln] ; kaiken pahan alku ja the
root of ali evll.
Juuri II. (adv.) just; (tysin) fully, quite:
(sken) newly, freshly; vrt. aivan; kun
hn tuli Just when he came. at the (very)
moment he entered; ~ mainittu henkil the
person Just named; niin Just so! exaclly! thafs it! thafs the thlng! thafs \vhat II
Is! nyt just now, thls very moment;
sama mies (mys:) the very same mau:
sit sanoessaan just \vhen lie \vas sayillir
that, the very moment he uttereil tliat: ei
mitn (tuskin mitn) bardi.v (1. srarcely)
anythlng; ei ~ niin paljon not qulte that
Juuri- (yhd.) root- [esim. -hapsi root-hair:
-lehti root-leaf; -mato root-uorm], radlcal
[esim. -lehti radlcal leaf; -merkki (mat.)
radlcal slgn; -yhtl radlcal equatlon].
Juuria cut . . off by the root; (kuv.) upront,
Juuriharja sorubblng-brush. -hattu chlphat. -hedelmi edlble root; juurihedelmt
-juurekset; vrt. juurikasvi, -huntu (kasv)
root-cap. -Jlkeinen (ellnt.) I. (a.) rootfooted. II. (s.) rhizopod.
Juurikas beet; vrt. puna, valko-, -sokeri
Juurikasvi root-plant; (juurlhedelma) edlble


K 0

root; juurikasviin nostokone rOOt-dlgger.

-viljely cultlvation (1. raising) of rootcrops.
Juurlkirves grub-ax (1. -boe).
juurlkka = juurilta*.
cultlvation (1. raising) oi beets.
Juurikori wlcker basket (made or roots).
Juur'ikn Just now, a moment ago.
juuri!! laho root-rnt. -luku (mat.) radical
index, -mukula tuber.
juurinen (ybd.) . . wlth . . roots, . .-rooted
reslm. luja- wlth tlirirty roots, strongrooted; runsas~ witti many roots].
juuri nystyrt (kasv.) root-tubercles. -rih
ma 1. -ale riber (or a root), radlcel, rootlet. -taikina leaven; spongc.
Juuritie: vuoren ~ along the foot (1. base)
of the mountaln.
juurivesa ground-shoot, sucker, tiller.
Juurruttaa root; set out: (kuv.) implant in
a p.'s mlnd, Jonkun mieleen], tmprint, engrave [upon the memory, muistiin]; ~
jonkun mieleen (mys:) impress on a p.'s
rnlnd, Inculcatc; syvlle Imprint deeply,
establlsh rirmly.
juurtajaksaln relatlng ali the clrcumstanoes,
minutely. In detall; (seikkaperisesti) elrcumstantlally, at length; (perinpohjaisesti)
thoroughly, radlcally; kerrohan nyt ~,
miten . . glve us ali partlculars (1. details)
as to ho\v . .; vrt. jutella. Juurtajaksainen
detalled, mlnute; thorough, complete.
juurtua root, strlke root(s) [In, johonkin];
(kuv. = pst Juurtumaan) take root, get
a (ootlng (I. a hold); ~ lujaan (kuv.) be
come) flrmly flxed (1. establlshed). take
flrm root, become rooted; ~ syvn he
rooted (1. take root) deeply; oli syvsti
juurtunut hnen mieleens was deeply
rooted (I. lmbedded 1. flxed) In hls mlnd,
had gained a strong hold over (1. on) his
mlnd. Juurtuminen striklngroot(s),rooting;
(kuv.) taklng root, becomlng rooted. Juur
tunut (deep-)rooted; (kuv.) deep-seated
[prejudlce, ennakkoluulo]; lujaan (\. sy
rooted, rooted deeply, deep-seated.
Juurukka (kasv.) radlcle.
juusto cheese. Juusto- (yhd.) cheese- resim.
-krpnen Cheese-Hy; -puserrin cheesepress; -veitsi cheese-knire].
Juustollaine (kem.) caseln(e). -hera \vhey.
-juoksutin (cheese-)rennet. -kakku curdrake, cheese-cake. -kannikka (a plece or)
cheese rlnd. -kauppias one \vho sells
cheese, cheesemonger. -kehi cheese-mold.
cheese-basket. -koetin 1. -ora cheese-trier
(1. -pale I. -scoop 1. -taster).
Juustomalnen eheesy; caseous.
juusto maito 1. curdled inilk: S. (terni
maito) beestings. blestings. -mato (cheese-)
maggot. cheese -hopper. -munakas cheese
JuustonDhera whey.
-valmistus eheesemakfng.
Juusto!! palanen plece or cheese. -punkki
(ellnt.) cheese-mlte.
Juustoa (usein pl. juustokset) curd(s).
juustosammlo cheese-vat.
Juustoutua curdle; julistautunut curdled.
Juutalainen I. (a.) .levvisli. Ylddish: Hebrew.
II. (s.) ,Ie\v; Hebrew, Israellte: juutalaiset
Jews, Jevvry.
Juutalais- (yhd.) Jcwlsh resim. -kristitty
.lenisli Christian: -kysymys Jc\vish questimi: -poika Jewish boy]. -kansa Jewish
people, ,lcwdoin. Jevvry. -kirkko Jewlsh
church, synagng(iie). -kortteli Jews' quarter, Jewry; ghetto, -nainen Jevlsh woman.
Juutalaisuus Judaism.


Juutalais! vaino persecution or the Jcws.

-viha opposition to (the) Jevvs, antl-Semltism. -vihaaja - juutalaisviholllnen, II.
Juutalaisvihollinen I. (a.) antl-Semltlc. II.
(s.) Jew-hater, anti-Seniite.
Juutin maa 1. -niemi Jutlaud. Juutinrauma
the Sound.
Juutti 1. (kasv.) Jute; -'. (inuinaistanskalainen) Jute.
Juveielli ks. jalokivi.
Jykert ks. jyrsi.
jykevyysponderousness, heavlness; (Jykev rakenteisuus) sturdlness. Jykevi sturdy
treIlow, mies], robust, stout; buxom
fwoman, eukko]; (raskas) heavy, welghty,
ponderous; (paksu) thlck [stlck, keppi];
jykevin askelin wlth heavy steps, with a
heavy tread.
jykev kasvuinen 1. -vartaloinen stout, ro
bust. -rakenteinen strong-built, strongly
Jykevsti heavlly, ponderously, weightily:
stoutly, rirmly. Jykei = jykev.
Jylhent make . . (look) Wilder (I. more
gloomy); make more desolate. Jylhet, jylhi-ty be made (I. become 1. grow 1. turn)
Wilder (1. more gloomy 1. more desolate);
vrt. jylh. Jylhyys wlldness; desolateness.
desolatlon; (synkkyys) drearlness, gloomlness.
Jylh wlld [country, seutu], rugged fcoast,
rannikko], rough; (autio) desolate: (synk
k) gloomy, dreary; (syv) deep; jylhimmn metsn povessa (1. keskell) tn the
depths or the rorest. -rntinen wlth
rugged shores (I. coast).
jylhstl ruggedly; gloomlly, drearily.
jylhvuorinen villi rugged (I. desolate)
jylin rumble, roll (or sound); (pauhu)
roar; (jymy) thundcr; ukkosen rumble
(1. roll) or thunder. Jylist thunder, rum
ble: roll.
Jyllanti Jutland.
Jylseys roughness, ruggedncss, harshness;
(tuimuus) grimness; (tylyys) sternness.
jylse rough, rugged; (tyly) harsh, stern;
(tuima) grlm. Jylsesti ruggedly, harshly.
sternly: grlmly.
Jyme ks. kumea. Jymesti ks. kumeasti,
jymin rumble, rumbllng, roll; booni;
(pauhu) nolse, din, roar. Jymist rumble,
roll, boom: roar.
Jymy = jymin, -kokous nolsy (1. boisternus) meetlng; heated (1. excltlng) meetlng.
-puhe welghty spcech, strong oratlon.
jymyt 1. = jymist; 2. ( meluta) makea
nolse, be bolsterous. Jymyv thundering:
jymyv elkSn a resoundlng chcer. Jymyni stentorian volce.
Jymhdell thunder, boom, peal.
jymhdys nolse; thunder, boom: (paukah
dus) report, clap; (rjhdys) crack, bang:
explosion, detonatlon; (Jyske) crash: ka
nuunan report of a cannon: kauhealla
jymahdyksell with a terrlble explosion (1.
thunder). Jymht make a loud report.
detonate: (Jyskftht) boom, clap ; ukkonen
jymhti there was a rumble or thunder.
jymkk nolse, racket: (mellakka) row, uproar, turmnil; (hiilin) alarm.
jyre jre.
jylin. Jyrist = jylist.
jyrkent make steeper: (kuv.) make (I.
rause to be) more radical. jyrket (pres.
jyrkkenen) become steep(er); (kuv.) be
come (more) sharp. become (nionM radical.
Jyrkimmin: mir most decldedly, most
strongly, most emphuticaliy: vrt. jyrksti.
Jyrkkyys steepness; abruptncss; (kkijyrk



kyy?) preclpltance: (kuv.) sharpness; radicalism; vrt. Jyrkk.

Jyrkk steep, sbeer [clirr, kallio], biurr
[coast, rannikko], preclpltous [hlll.mki] ;
sharp [rlse, nousu; turn, knne; dlstinctlon, ero; contrast, vastakohta], abrupt
[answer, vastaus]; bold; (kuv.) radlcal
ireronn, uudistus], (ankara) strlct [prohlbition, kielto], stern [command, ksky];
(pttv) declded, rirro, resolute; (selv)
pronounred; (ebdoton) categorlcal; (kil
linen) sudden; tuomio strong dtsapproval. vasemmistolainen pronounced (1.
stern) radlcal; ~ vastan* (mys:) brusque
ans\ver; jyrkt piirteet bold (1. Sharp)
OUtlineS; An on aikeen vastustaja he IS
a declded opponent of the se herne; jonkin
~ vihollinen a declded foe of a tb.; lyhyt
ja abrupt [reply, vastaus], -luontoi
nen radlcal; (karski) harsh, stern, errufr.
-piirteinen (very) marked, pronounced,
sharply derined; bold. -ranuinen wlth
ahrupt shores.
Jyrknne steep, preclpice; (kuilu) cbasm,
Jyrksti steeply; abruptly; precipltously;
slrongly; (varmasti) rirmly, decldedly;
(kki) suddenly; jostakin ~ eroava sharp
ly distlngulshed (1. dirrerlng 1. dlstlnct)
jyrrt make a nolse, be bolsterous.
Jyrsij (elalnt.) rodent, gnawer. Jyrsin
(mys: jyrsi) mllllng-cutter, clrcular flle.
Jyrsinkone millin* -machine. Jyrsint gnawIng. Jyrsiskell gnaw (off) ; vrt. seur.
jyrsi gnavv; ~ poikki gnaw In tWO; ~ rikki
gnaw asunder.
Jyry nolse, dln, racket; vrt. jymin. Jyryt
make a nolse; (esim. tuuli) bluster; mys
jymist, jylist. Jyryytelli, Jyryytt
cause a nolse: rattle; ajaa jyryytteli (pit
kin tiet) rattled along the road; oppilaat
jyryyttivt pulpettejaan the puplls were
lianiririK thelr desks; ukkonen jyryytteli
tuon tuostakin there were peals (1. claps)
or thunder every now and then.
Jyri (maanv.) rolier, (joskus:) harrow; vrt.
Jyrhdell (keep) thunder(ing); boom, rumble; Clap, peal; ukkonen jyrhteli tihen
there was peal upon peal of thunder, clap
rollowed clap, thunder reverberated constantly. Jyrhdys thunder; (kanuunan)
boom; roar; (rshdys) crash; ukkosen
jyrhdys clap (pitempi: peal) or thunder;
vrt. jymhdys. Jyrht thunder, boom;
Jyrkkl ks. jymkk.
jyrt roll. Jyrminen rolllng.
Jyske nolse, dln; (kanuunaln y. m.) boom;
(ryske) crash; (kolahdus) thud, thump;
oifeo jyskeell \vlth (qulte) a crash; wlth
nolse and bluster. Jyski (esim. kanuunat)
boom, rumbie; (esim. kone) thump; jyskien
thumptng; kone jyskii the englne Is thumpIng. Jyskytall, Jyskytt make a nolse
wlth [one'3 desk, pulpettiaan] ; beat, pound
f on the door, oveen (1. ovea)], pommel;
thump; (tykytt) throb; sydmeni jys
kytt my heart throbs (1. beats bard),
my heart Is thumpliur. Jyskytys poundlng,
thumplng, pommellng; throbblng. Jyskyl
jyski. Jyskhdsll keep booming; keep
thnmping. jyskhdya tbump, thud. jyskhtll thump, thud; boom; ovi jyskhti kiinni
the door shut wlth a bang; pudota jyskhti
rell down with a thud (1. thump).
Jyst tbrust, knock; crusb; jt (Ml)
knock Ice loose.


Jyshdys thud, thump; bump; (sysys) Joit;

(ryshdys) crash; (kanuunan y. m.) boom.
jysht thump; (esim. laiva laituriin)
bump; (rysht) crash; mys = jyskht; pudota jyshti maahan Teli heavlly on
the ground, Teli down with a thump (l.thud).
Jyvitt classiry; (arvioida) appraise.
jyvitys (maanm.) classirication.
jyv 1. graln [esim. maissi grain of corn],
kernel; (siemen) seed; 2. (thtin, ampu
ma-aseen) bead, Tront slght; jyvt (vilja)
grain, (Kiiri.) corn; (esim. maissin) kernels. -aitta granary; vrt. jyvvarasto,
-hinkalo (grain-)bln. -luku rotuni (1. yleld)
proportlonal to seed. -makasiini ks. jyvst. -mato graln-worm; rice-weevil.
Jyvnen small graln, granule. Jyvsin (pys
syn) bead, front slght. Jyvst storehouse
(for grain), granary; (Amer.) elevator.
Jyvthk head (or graln), stalk; (raam.)
ear ui corn. Jyvvarasto storehouse for
graln; (Amer., suun) grain-elevator.
Jhmettyminen stllluiilng; clotting; settlng.
jhmetty (become) set [in a mold, muot
tiin], solldlfy; (hyyty) elot, (be) congeal(ed); (kangistua) surren; ~ kauhusta
become petnried (1. motlonless) witb terror, be rooted to the spot wlth terror; ~
kylmst heroille SUIT (1. numb) wlth COld;
sai veren jhmettymn suonissani made
my blood curdle (1. run cold 1. Ireeze).
Jhmetys SOlldiflcation; jhmetyksiss kyl
mst numb (1. stirr) wlth cold. Jhmetyskohta solidiricatlon point.
cause to set (1. solldlfy); vrt. hyydytt,
kangistaa. Jhmeys
(kankeus) stlffness. Jhme solld; rigid;
(kankea) stirr.
Jidenlht breaklng up of ice, debacle.
Jihinajo breaklng tbrough the Ice.
Jinen icy [cold, kylmyys], . . of ice; (J
kylm) cold as Ice.
jkkr (kasv.) cudweed, everlasting, gnaphallum.
Jkllkk rield of (1. field covered with)
llchen. Jkllnen llchenous; (Jklnpelttm) llcheny, llchened. Jklist liehen flora.
Jkl llchen. -laji specles or llchen.
jklnpeittm covered (1. overgrown) wlth
liehens, llchened. Jklvlina llchen brandy.
Jlekkin, Jalolle, Jlell Jne. ks. Jljekkin,
jljelle, jljell Jne.
Jljekkin une after another (1. the other) ;
vrt. perkkin.
Jljelle lert; (Jlkeen) arter; (yli) over;
vrt. Jd. -Jnyt lert behlnd; (ylijnyt)
lert over; (Jljelloleva) remalnlng; jl/elUjneet those left behlnd, the rest.
IJell lert; (yli) over; ~ oleva ks. jljell
oleva (haku s.); o//a ~ be left (over), be
over, remaln (over) [buom. esim. hnell
ei ole (en) yhtn rahaa he has no
money leit; minulla ei ole muuta neuvoa
kuin . . there is no other choice lert me than
to . .; pahin on viel the worst Is still to
come (1. is still left) ; ukolla on viel kaikki
hampaansa - the old mun has ali hls teetti
yet (1. lert)], vrt. seur.; olla ~ jostakusta
jossakin be inrerior to one in . . , be behind
in (1. \vith) a th., lag behlnd; olla mak
suissaan be In arrear(s) with one's payments. -oleva remalnlng; jljellolevat
(mys:) the rest [or ..]. Jljelt arter;
sateen jljelt arter the rin.
Jljemmin (myhemmin) Iatcr; (Jljestpin)
arterwards; (Jlkeen) arter, behlnd. JlJemmksi rarther behlnd; mys tuon
nemmaksi. Jljempn arter, (rarther) be
hlnd; (tuonnempana) artervards, later.
Jljennys copylng; reproductlon; vrt. jl
jenns, -painin copylng-press.



Jil Jenna* copy; reproducttoti; (tav. klrjotettu) transcrlpt; jljennksen oikeaksi to

distaa . . the accuracy of the copy certified
by . .; vrt. jljitelm.
Jljent copy La letter, kirje] ; make a copy
of, reproduce; (kirjallisesti) transcrlbe.
Jljesti arter, behlnd; behlndnand; he ovat
meist ~ they aro behlnd us (1. not up
\utli us), (yksinom. kuv.) they are inrerior
to US; hn on maksuissaan ~ he Is behlnd
hand In (1. In arrears wltb) bls payments,
his payments are In arrear(s) ; kello ky ~
the clock Is (too) siovv, the clock (l.watcb)
loses; olla ajastaan be behlnd the tlmes
(I. one'3 age).
Jljest arter. -piin (aikaan nhden:) arterwards, subsequently ; (palkkaan nhden:)
arter, behlnd. -sanonta I. -tavaus repeti
tion (word for word).
jljettmiin leavlng no trace, \vithoiit leav
lng tracks (behlnd one); oli kadonnut ~
had disappeared leavlng no trace (1. wlthout a trace behlnd), bad vanlshed Into
tliln air. Jljettmsti ks. edell. Jljetn
trackless; traceless.
Jljimminen, Jljln hindmost; (viimeinen)
last; (myhin) latest.
Jljist I. (klrjap.) impression; 2. (Jlki
ruoka) dessert, svveetmeats.
Jljitell imitate, copy; (matkia) mlmlc;
(apinoida) ape; vrt. mukailla. Jljitelm
imltatlon; (etenk. petollisessa tarkotuksessa tehty) counterfelt; tarkka jljitelm
racslmile. Jljitteleminen ks. jljittely.
Jljittelij Imitator, mlmic(ker); (rikolli
nen) counterfelter.
Jljittely imltation; (matkiminen) mimlcry;
(Jljenns) copy. -taito art of iniitatitiK,
Jlkeen arter; (taakse) behind; (mukaan)
according to, by; ~ puolenpivn (lyh. -=
J. p. p.) arter noon, post merldlem (lyh. =
P. M.); ~ puolisen after dlnner; jonka ~
after which, vvhereupon; piv ~ the day
arter; sen ~ kun after, Slnce; toinen toi
sensa ~ one arter another. -Jttm lert
(behind); hnen jlkeenjttmns omai
suus the fortune whlch he lert; jonkun
jlkeenjttmt teokset one's literary remalns, (kuoleman jlkeen julkaistut) one'4
posthumous works. -Jnyt lert behind;
survivlng; jlkeenjneet
those lert behlnd, the survivors. -pin
aflerwards; (myhemmin) later. -tuleva
comlng, succeeding, rollovvlng. subsequent;
jlkeentutevat sukupolvet comlng genera
lien-, generatlons to come; jtkeentuleva(ise)t posterlty.
Jlkeinen I. (a.) subsequent; (myhempi)
later; joulun jlkeiset ajat the tlme arter
Christmas; jkauden ~ postglaclal; sen
(the very) next; subsequent; sen jl
keisen aikana (durlng)the tlme rollowing:
sen jlkeisen pivn the very next day.
II. (s.) ks. jlkeiset. III. (yhd.) . . arter . . ,
. . roIlow!ng . . [esim. joulun . . arter
Christmas; myrskyn [tyyni] [the calml
arter a storm,[thecalm] rollowlng a storm].
Jlkeiset 1. (synnytyksess) arterbirth; 2.
(jlkcentulevat) ruture generatlons, pos
terlty: meidn jlkeisemme those comlng
arter (1. those who Tollovv) us, the genera
tlons vvhich rollovv us.
Jlkelinen descendant; (Jlkeinen) orrspiing, progeny; (etenk. jonkin kuuluisan
suvun) selon; (seuraaja, toimessa y. m.)
sureessor; jlkeliset descendants, orrspring; posteri ly; Aatamin jlkeliset the
posterlty (1. 1'amlly) or Adam.
Jlki trace; (raide) track, (Jalanjlki) rootprint, rootstep; (merkki) mark. prlnt;


(painamalla syntynyt) impression, lmprint;

(oikeastaan laahustavan esineen Jttm)
trail; (haistln avulla lytyv) scent; jlke(kn) jttmtt leaving no trace,
tracelessly; koira on eksynyt Cl. joutunut
pois) jljilt the dog is orr the scent (1.
bas lost the scent); krryjen jljet tracks
or a cart; olla jonkun (l. jonkin) jljill be
on the track or, li avo a clue or [esim. po
liisi on murhaajan jljill the pollce are on
the track (1. the trail) or the murderer, the
pollce have a clue or the murderer] ; siit
ei ole jlkekn jljell there is no trace
or lt lert.
Jlki- (yhd.) arter- [esim. -hoito after-cure;
-maku arter-taste; -tili arter-reckoning),
(Joskus:) post[esim. -romaanilainen
post-RomanJ. -joukko rear(-guard); jlki
joukossa in the rear. -kaiku ecboing;
(kuv.) sequel, (Jkpv.) atterclap; tuliko ju
tusta mitn jlkikaikuja was there any
arterclap or the case (1. any ecboing or
tlnit arralr)? -kat*a(hd)us retrospect(ive
Survey) ; luoda jlkikatsaus johonkin go
over . . in retrospect, (take a) review (of).
-kesi (loppukes) latter part or the sum
mer; (kesinen aika myhemmin syksyll)
Indlan summer, -klrjotus postscript; vrt.
liite, -liite (klel.) surrix. -maailma arterworld, posterlty, arter-ages. -maininki
arter-roll (mys kuv.); (seuraus) consequence;
-maksu pavment atterwards.
jlkiminen I. (a.) latter; ~ osa (kirjaa)
the second volume. II. (s.) the latter, last;
edellinen . . , jlkiminen . . the fonnor . . ,
the latter . .; niden jlkimisten joukossa
oli . . among these last (1. among the lat
ter) there was . . .
Jlki] nyts (kuv.) sequel, arterclap. -pai
nos reprlnt, republication; jlkipainos kiel
letn (1. v.) ali rlgbts reserved. -poiminto:
jlkipoimintoja jostakin (kuv.) artergleanIngs or . . . -poltot (synnytyksess) afterpains. -polvi coming generation; jlkipol
vet comlng (1. succeeding 1. ruture) gene
ratlons, posterlty. -puheet taik arterward:
arterclap. -puolisko the latter part. -ret
tel trouble atterwards; reckonlng. -ruoka
dessert. -seuraus consequence, sequel;
result; (Jlkivaikutus) arter-errect; jlkiseuraukset (mys:) af ien n at li; ikvt jl
kiseuraukset jostakin a dlsagreeable sequel
to, an arterclap to. -syntyinen posthumous
[chlld, lapsi], -sds \vill, tcstament: vrt.
testamentti, -sdslahjotus legacy, bequest. -tauti arter-errect (or an illness).
-vaali ks. tytevaali, -vaatimus claim aitoi
wardS; jlkivaatimuksella (kaupp.) riisit
(1. collect) on dellvery [tav. lyh.: C. O. D.].
-vaikutus arter-errect, subsequent errect,
consequence; tuntea jonkin jlkivaikutukset
Teel the consequences (I. efrects) or a th.
-vuoto (lk.) secondary hemorrhage.
Jlleen agaln; vrt. uudelleen, uudestaan;
[verbien yhteydess knnetn jlleen
usein verbien eteen liitetyll etutavulla
re-, esim. asettaa ~ paikalleen replace;
elvytt revive, requlcken; pystytt
rerect, reestabllsh; rakentaa ~ rebulld;
yhdist reunite y. m.; vrt. vastaavia
verbej hakusanoista].
Jlleen] diskontata dlscount again. rediscount [a notc, vekseli], -elpyminen revival. -elvytys revlval.-myyji retail dealer,
retaller. -myynti retail. -myyntiliike re
tail business, -nkeminen meetlng (agaln),
Jlleenvakuutus relnsurance. -yhti rein surance company.

Jlltl sap; (ttet.) camblum.
JinS (= Jnis) bunny, cottontall.
jiniksenlajo bare-hunting (1. -Shootlng), jreys coarseness; bulklness.
(Yhdysv.) rabbtt-hunting (I. -shooting); jre coarse [voice, ni]; rough, heavy
hari ali jniksenajossa he \V!1S OUt SbOOtlng
[ordnance, tykist]; vrt. jr-, ~ taonta
rabbits. -Jlki rootprint or a hare (1. a blackwork; jret haulit buckshot. Jresti
rabbit), prick. -kpl hare's foot, rabbit'* coarsely, roughly; tykit jyskhtelivt j
ruot. -paisti roast hare (1. rabbit), -poi
resti the cannons were boomlng heavily.
kanen young hare (1. rabbit).
jrelltekolnen or rough butld, crude, coarse,
Jnis hare; (kaniini) rabbit, -emi rabbit rough, rude, heavy; vrt. karkeatekoinen.
dam. she hare. -housu (kuv.) coward. -ninen coarse- (1. rough-)volced, deep-koira harrier, beagrle. -lanka 1. -ansa voiced [cannon, tykki].
snare set for rabbits, rabbit trap.
Jirin (Illan) too, too much; (kovin) very.
Jnistminen, Jnistys hare-huntlng; (kuv.) jrini tremor; (trin) joltlng, Jerklng;
showing (of) the whlte reather, belng quake.
srared as a rabbit (1. Mghtenert as a hare). Jristys shake, quake; (vaplstus) tremble,
jnisti* 1. (metsst jniksi) hunt (1. quiver; vrt. maan. Jrist quake, shake;
sboot) hares; 3. (kuv.) show the whlte (vapista) tremble, quiver. Jrisyttv asnreather: hnt alkoi ~ he grew as scared tatlng, dlsturblng, perturblng; upsettlng
as a rabbit, he began to show the whlte [news, uutinen]; shocklng [sight, nky],
reather, he trled to get out of the thing. thrilling [story, kertomus] ; soul-sttrring;
jnkki jenkki.
vrt. jrkyttv.
jnne tendon, slnew, cord; (jnneslde) llga- Jrisytt cause to quake (1. tremble), shake
menl; (Jousessa) strlng; (Jousi) spring; violently; (kuv.) shake up, shock, agltate,
(liiat.) cbord; kielen fillet (1. rrenum) pcrturb; ~ jonkun mielt be a shock to
of the tongue; olla jnteess be strung, be one, dlsturb one's mlnd greatly.
drawn up. -heijastus tendon-reflex. -kalvo Jrjellinen ratlonal [belng, olento]; (koh
tendinous membrane. -leikkaus oak.) tuullinen) rcasonable [person, Ihminen],
tenotomy. -mitta span; kaaren jnntmitta sensible;. ei kukaan ~ ihminen voisi . .
the span or an arch. -side (anat.) llgament. (mys:) no one In. his senses could . . .
-solmu (anat.) ganglion, -tuppi sheath or Jrjellisesti ratlonally, reasonably, sensibly.
a tendon. -viii = jnnemitta.
Jrjellisyys reasonableness; ratlonallty.
Jinnitetty strung, dravvn up;ks. jnnittynyt. Jrjenj, juoksu: hnell on harvinaisen nopea
jnnitin stretcher; rack; (kangaspuissa) jrjenjuoksu his reasonlng faculties are extemple.
ceptlonally alert (1. quick), he lias excepJnnittyneeni with strained attention, in- tionally good reasonlng power, he has the
tently; vrt. jnnitys (Jnnityksell).
abllity to think very quickly. -mukainen
jinnittynyt stretched; strained [attention, conslstent \vlth reason; ratlonal. -mukai
huomio]; tense (mys kuv.); [kuunnella] sesti ratlonally.
jnnittyneen [llsten] \viiti strained atten Jrjestelij adjuster; admtnlstrator.
tion; heidn rimmilleen jnnittyneet her jrjestell put ln(to) order, arrange; adjust;
monsa their hlghly strung (1. wrought) (snnstell) regulate; ~ asioitaan settie
nerves; hermot jnnittynein \vitb their one's arralrs; ~ pukuaan make oneseir
nerves at hlgh tension; kirelle ~ kysi tldy, tldy o.s., arrange one's dress; ~ uu
tlght (1. tlghtly stretched) rope: lihakset delleen rearrange; vrt. mys: jrjest.
jnnittynein \vilh their muscles tense; Jrjestelm System; (suunnitelma) pian.
odotuksesta rimmilleen jnnittynein 011 Jrjestelmllinen systematlc(al); methodtip-toe wlth expectancy, on the tlp-toe or Ical. jrjestelmllisesti systematically. Jirexpectatlon; wltbhigh-wrougnt expectatlon. je telmllistytta system(at)lze. jrjestel
mllisyys system(atlsm). JrjestelmnJinnittyi be stretched; be strained; (pingot
tua) tigbten; (lihaksista puhuen:) contract; muutos change or System (1. or poilcy).
olla jnnittynyt (1. jnnittyneen) be at Jrjestely arrangement; regulatlng, regulahigh tension, be kept on a nervous straln. tinii: organlzlng; on jrjestelyn alaisena Is
jnnittv (kuv.) very lnteresting; excltlng, belng arranged, is under process or organthrilling [romance, romaani].
ization. -kyky organlzlng abllity.
Jnnitt straln [one's muscles, lihaksensa] ; Jrjenyksellinen orderly, methotllcal. Jirstretch; (pingottaa) tigbten; huomionsa jestyksellisesti orderly, methodlcally; tn
johonkin (Ix one's attention (lntently) up- successlon.
on; jousi Cl. jousta) draw a bow; ~ Jrjestyksenllmukainen orderly. -pito malnjousta liian tiukalle (kuv.) stretch the ten
tenance or order. -valvoja guardlan (I.
sion too mucn; lihaksensa (mys:) con
custodlan) or (public) order; keeper (1.
tract one's muscles; Jonkun mielt be a guardlan) or the public peace; vrt. jrjes
straln on one's mlnd, keep one's mlnd on tysmies.
the rack.
Jrjestyminen organlzlng, organlzatlon; ri
jinnitya tension, straln, stress, (Jnnittynyt veihin arranglng themselves In Iines.
odotus) eager expectatlon, suspense; (kiih
Jirjesty m (soikeus rlght to organlze. Jirtymys) excltement; jnnityksell \vitli jestymttmyya chaotlc State; lack or or
strained attention, lntently; \\itu eager ex
ganlzatlon, state or belng unorganized.
pectatlon; jokainen koetti jnnityksell Jrjestymtn unorganized [\vorker, ty
kuunnella merkinantoa every ear \vus linen] ; jrjestymtn joukko an unorgan
strained to ratch the signal. -viii span.
ized iiiiini, (kirjava) a motley crowd. jirjnteenvsnihdys straln or a tendon, spraln. Jestyneesti In an organlzed manner, jr
jnteinen sinewy; tendinous; muscular. Jin- jestynyt organlzed [labor, tyvki].
teityys muscularlty.
Jrjestys order; (Jrjestely) arrangement;
jntere slnew; (lihas) muscle. Jnteri ks. (Jrjestysvuoro) successlon, sequence;
jntev. Jntevyys muscularlty, strength; (kuri) disclpllne; jrjestykseen ks. panna;
vigor(ousness); (joustavuus) spring; (Jn
jrjestyksen mies (very) orderly person;
nitysvoima) elastlclty. jntev slnewy-, jrjestyksen vuoksi Tor the sake of order
muscular; (voimakas) vlgorous; (Joustava) (1. or reguiarlty); jrjestyksess in order,
elastic, springy; vrt. ponteva.
(perkkin) in successlon [huom. mys:
Jntter (tanakka) thick-set; stout; sturdy snnllisess jrjestyksess in rcgitlar
order. In due course] ; hn on lhinn sinua
[old rellow, ij].



s he follows yon In oninr, he

Is the next (In order) after you; yleittn
jaricstykstn rikkomintn breach of the pub
lic peace.
jarjestyillaistl love of order, sense (1. mind)
for order, -henki spirit of order, orderli
ness, -luku ordinal (number), -mies man
to keep order; (parlamentlssa Ja yleislss
(ovenvartlja) door-keeper; (maalalspollisl) (parish) constable, -muoto form of or
der, -numero number, -ohje 1. -snt
(police) regulation; kaupungin jarjc*tymmnnt city ordinances, -rlko offense
against law and order; (kurlnplto-) dis
ciplinary offense, -valu the authorities;
d ".iii-iii i lif police, -vuoro turn succession.
Jarjestyl get in order; put (1. arrange)
themselves In order; (esim. kokouksesta
puhuen:) come to order; (yhdistyksiksi,
jrjestlksi y. m.) organize; (muodostua
Joksikln) establish O.S. as ... form Into . .;
jrjettyh riatihin form In line! tyvki
jarjestyy valtiollUesli the workers are or
ganizing politically; vrt. jSrjeitKytya.
jrjostj arranger, manager; (tyovfien y.
m.) organizer. Jrjestaminen putting In(to)
order, arranging, arrangement; regulation;
organizing, organization. Jrjestmiskomitea committee on arrangements, committee
for organization. Jrjestmtn unregu
lated, not arranged, unsettled [affair, asa].
jrjestva organizing [ability, kyky].
Jarjostaytymmen getting Into order; (sot.)
formation; mys = jrjeityminen.
jrjcbtytymis kokous organization meeting,
-muoto (sot.) formation.
Jrjestytya c^rne to order; (rlvlln) form
Into order, range O.S., (sot.) form; (puvun
puolesta) make o.s. tidy; (Jrjesty) or
ganize; puolue jrjestylyy the party Is
organizing (I. establishing Itself).
jarjest put In order, put straight, arrange,
regulate; adjust; organize; ~ asiansa (kuntoan) settle one's affairs, straighten (out)
one's affairs; ~ Aone [hiriotuspyt y.
m.] put things straight (1. put things In
order 1. straighten up things) In a room [on
a writing-table, etc.], tidy up a room;
. [asiat] paremmalle kannalle put [matters
(!. the affairs)] in a better condition (1.
on a better footing); ~ rioiin range (In
order), (talstelua varten) array; fnfckan\a arrange one's hair, do one's hair up;
~ uudelleen rearrange; juhla oli hyoin )arjcstetty the entertainment was well ar
ranged (1. managed).
Jrjest an l. -ns (Jarjestyksessa) In (regu
lar) order; (Jljekktn) one after another;
kaikkl ~ (kalkkl tyynnl) all (together),
every one, (kalkkl liman erotusta) every
one without discrimination, one after an
Jrjest organization.
jrjottmyys irrationality; unreasonable
ness; (mielettomyys) absurdity, folly;
hirja on tynn irjfttmyyhsi the book
Is full of nonsense; oliti jrjettmyytt hoa tita it would be folly (1. an absurdity)
to believe lt. Jrjettmsti unreasonably,
Irrationally; absurdly. JftrJetOn unreason
able [theory, teora], senseless, Irrational
[being, olento; project, suunnltelma] ; un
reasoning [creature, luontokappale] ; (mleletn) absurd, foolish; [puhua] jarjettsmi [talk] nonsense (1. rubbish); jrjettmt luontokappaltet (mys:) dumb ani
mals, brute creation; taohan on aivan arjetnt there Is no sense (whatever) In
that, that's perfectly nonsensical.


Jarkellll reason, argue; philosophize. Jirkeily reasoning; philosophizing.

JarkeisllJohteinen (filos.) deductive, -usko
rational belief; (teol.) rationalism, -uekonto rational religion, deism; rationalism.
Jkrkevyys reasonableness, common sense,
wisdom; (lykklsyys) Intelligence.
Jarkeva sensible; reasonable [man, mies];
(lyks) intelligent; (ajattelevainen) delib
erate; (asioista:) wise, prudent; hn oli
kyllin jarhcva pysyiikseen hiljaa be had
sense enough (1. the good sense) to keep
Silent (I. quiet); ~ ihminen ei voiti . . (mys:) no man In his senses could . .;
olehan nyt ~ now, be reasonable about
that; now, try to be reasonable;
oli jrkevint mita voit tehd that was the
most sensible (1. Judicious) thing (1. the
best thing) you could do (1. for you to do);
(uo on jrkev puhetta (myS:) now you
are talking sense (1. sensibly), jarkevasti
sensibly, reasonably; Intelligently; wisely,
Jarki (adv.) = jarln.
Jr k i reason, sense, wits; (ymmrrys) un
derstanding, Intellect; nan ti titS tehdesmn varmaankaan olliit tydess rjessn
cl. tydtll uriella) be must have done
that during temporary Insanity, he must
have been temporarily deranged (1. out of
his mind) when he did that, he could not
have done that in his right mind; olla Hrjtltn be out of one's mind (1. one's senses),
be deranged; olla jrjittn be in (posses
sion of) one's senses; tuna el ole hitai*tahaan t*rvett jrkt there IS not a grain
of sense in it.
jrki- (yhd.) rational [eslm. -olento ration
al being; -peruste rational ground; -tyy
rational argument]. -Ihminen sensible man,
a man in his senses; a man of good
(sound) sense, -perllnen rational; scien
tific [farming, maanviljelys] ; (Jurjestelmalllnen) systematic, -perisesti rational
ly, systematically.
Jarkkymttmyys Immovableness, immov
ability; firmness, steadfastness, larkkymttmsti Immovably, firmly. Jarkkymatn unshaken; immovable; (vankka) firm.
Steadfast; vrt. jrkhtmtn.
Jrkkya (trlst) shake, tremble; (horjua)
totter, falter, waver; flinch, swerve; (huoJua) TOC\i.~paikaltaan<\> be dlslocated (1. displaced); hntn uskonta alkoi
~ his faith began to falter, he began to
waver in his faith; nn i Jnufcaon rhkynyt velvollisuuksiensa taorittamisetta he

never faltered (1. never flinched 1. he was

unfailing) In the discharge of his duty;
fnio jrkkyi (huojul) the house rocked; vrt.
jrkht. JrkynU shaking; wavering,
flinching; rocking. JrkytUmlnen shaking.
Jolting; (mielen) derangement, disturbance.
Jrkyttmln not moved, undisturbed, un
shaken; (Jota ei le Jrkytetty) not dis
placed (1. dislodged), jirkyttavi agitating,
perturbing; upsetting [news, uutinen] ;
thrilling [scene, naky] ; (lilkuttava) soulstirring [speech, puhe] ; (kauhea) shockIng; vrt. mieltjrkyttv. Jrkytta (siJoiltaan) displace, dislocate; upset [the
plans of, Jonkun suunnltelmla], disturb
[the balance of. jonkln tasapalnoa], de
range; (sikytt, hmmenta) shake up,
agitate, perturb; (huojuttaa) rock; Jon
kun mieit agitate (1. perturb) the mind of.
be a shock to (1. be shocking) to one; ~
Jonkun terveytt (Jyt) undermine one's
health. JrkhoytU = jrkytt.
jrkhtmttmyys Immovableness, firm
ness, steadfastness; (talpumattomuus) In-



(hilymttmyys) unswervingness. jrkhtmttmsti
lmmovably, rirmly, steadrastly; lnflexlbly,
Inexorably; unswervlngly. Jrkhtmtn
unshakable, unshaken, immovable; (kes
tvinen) firm [resolve, pts] ; (horju
maton) unfltnchtng. unralterlng; (taipu
maton) lnflexlble f logrlc, logiikka], Inexorable [Judge, tuomari] ; (pettmtn) unralling [faltb, usko], unswervlng [ridellty,
uskollisuus] : (Jota el ole siirretty) unmoved, undlsturbed, not dlsplaced.
jrkht be dlsplaced, be dlslocated (I. dlslodged); (hievahtaa) move, stlr; budge;
hn ei jrkhtnyt paikaltaan be dld not
stlr (1. budge) ; mys jrkky.
jrkle block.
Jrsin ks. Jyrsin. Jrsi = Jyrsi.
jrven- (yhd.) or a lake, lake- [esim. -pohja
bottom or a lake, lake-bottom; -ranta
sbore or a lake, lake-shore). -lasku lowerlng the level (1. dralnlng) or a lake. -selk
main body of a lake; keskell jrven Mih
(rlgbt) out In the open lake. In the mlddle
or the lake.
Jrvi lake; jrvell on the lake; jrvess In
the lake; Geneven the Lake or Oeneva;
Laatokan Lake I.adoga.
jrvi- (yhd.) lake- [esim. -kaisla lake-clubrush; -vesi lake-water] ; rresh-water [esim.
ankerias fresh-water eel; -kalastus rreshwater rishlng]. -lohi (1. v.) lake-trout.
-malmi lake-ore; vrt. suomalmi.
jrviminen lake-llke.
Jrvinen (yhd.) . . wlth . . lakes [esim. kau
nis .. wlth beautiful lakes; moni" ..
wlth many lakes, (mys:) rlch tn lakes;
tuhat ~ . . wlth tbousands of lakes].
Jrvlrlkaa rlch In lakes.
Jrvist group of lakes; the lakes [of . .].
jrhdya clash, crack, bang; (ryshdys)
crash; (kolhaus, sysys) bump, shock, lmpact. Joit. Jrht crack, clap; (Jrist)
quake, Shake: maa jrhti voimakkaasti
the earth shook vlolently; vrt. jyrht.
jsen member (mys kuv.); (raaja) ilmi;
(nivel) Joint; (Jonkin oppineen seuran)
feI10W; hnen joka jsenens vapisi he
trembled In every llmb; (yhtin y. m.)
johtokunnan (myS:) dlrector; puolueen
member of a party, party member.
Jsen- (yhd.) membershlp [esim. -kortti (\.
-lippa) membershlp card; -maksa member
shlp fee]. -ehdokas candldate for admlsslon (1. Tor membershlp); appllcant (Tor
membershlp). -luku 1. -mr number or
members. membershlp. -merkki badge of
Jsenetn memberless, limbless; Jolntless.
Jseninen (yhd.) . . \vlth . . members [esim.
sata- . . wlth a hundred members; huom.
mys esim. kolmi komitea a commlttee
or tbreel : (-nivelinen) . . -ltmbed, . .-membered
[esim. stmri large-membered;
vahva strong-ltmbed].
Jsenist membershlp.
Jsennell: aine (koulussa:) make an outUne or a composltlon, outllne a theme;
lause analyze a sentence.
jsennys (lauseen y. m.) analysls.
jsensrky pam In the Jolnts.
analysls. Jsent (klel.) analyze [a sen
tence, lause] ; vrt. jsennell.
Jsenyys membershlp.
Jsti ks. hiiva.
Jte what (1. ali that) Is lert or a th remnant, resldue; jtteet (ruoka- y. m.) leavtngs, scraps, remalns, (karikkeet) reruse,
a aste, rubblsh. -kasa reruse heap; (arkeol.) kltchen-mldden.


Jtk (tukki-) logger, lumberjack; (sata

ma-) dock-walloper; (vetelehtlj) loarer.
Jtti, Jttilinen glant.
Jttilis- (ybd.) glgantlc [esim. -alus gigan
ne vessel; -krme gigan tie snake; -lakko
glgantlc strlke; -rakennus glgantlc buildlng; -yritys glgantlc undertaklng], glant
[esim. -heitto glant swing; -puu glant tree;
simpukka glant rlani]. -askel glgantlc
Strlde; ty edistyy jttilisaskelin the work
Is niaklng glgantlc (1. tremendous) progress. -heitto (mys:) glant clrcle, glant.
-kokoinen glgantlc, enormous, prodlglous;
vrt. seur. -korkuinen tali as a glant, glgan
tlc, huge. -krme (mys:) python, boa.
-lisko dlnosaur. -mullistus (glgantlc) catastropbe. -valas (slnlvalas) blue vhale;
(yi) glgantlc \vhale.
Jttilisminen glgantlc.
Jttilisll nainen glantess; glgantlc \voman.
-voima glgantlc (1. enormous) strength.
Jtty: kun minusta aika jttyy when my
hour Is struck, \vhen I'm to pass avvay.
Jttminen leavlng, dellverlng.
Jttyty (antautua, heittyty) surrender
(o.s.) to, glve o.s. up to, reslgn o.s. [into
the hands of God, Jumalan ksiin] ; jl
jelle (l. jlkeen) (let o.s.) rall behlnd, lag
behlnd; laiskaksi kS. heittyty; ~ v
linpitmttmksi jollekin become lndirferent to . . , be (1. remaln) unconcerned at . . .
Jtti leave [to cool, Jhtymn; the house
empty (1. vacant), talo autioksi; one's
chlldren In the care of a p., lapsensa Jon
kun huostaan; a th. to one to declde (upon).
Jokin Jonkun ratkaistavaksi; as Security,
takuuksi]; (Joskus:) drop [a letter at the
post-orrice, kirje postiin] ; (antaa) dellver
(over), hand (over), glve; (luovuttaa) de
llver up [the keys or the rortress to one,
llnnotuksen avaimet Jollekulle] ; (Jtt
sisn) hand In, present; (uskoa jollekulle)
entrust, commlt [to the care or, jonkun
huostaan]; (jtt Jotakin tekemtt) rall
to [do a th.. Jokin tekemtt], omit to,
(laiminlyd) neglect to; (Jtt sikseen)
glve up, abandon [an enterprlse, yritys] ;
(lhte pois) crult [one's country, maansa:
a Job, Jokin toimi] ; (hyljt) rorsake [one's
Trlends, ystvns] ; . . alttiiksi rorsake,
desert, (menneeksi) abandon, glve up . .
(as lost) [esim. kaikki alttiiksi rorsake
(1. abandon) everything (1. ali), glve up
everythlng (as lost) ] ; anomus johonkin
brlng m (I. present) a petltlon [about a
th.] to . . , Nle a petltlon wlth . .; ~ [talo]
autioksi leave [a house] vacant (1. deserted) ; Jokin entiselleen leave a th. as
lt Is (1. lt was 1. lt has been), let a th. go
on as berore, (muuttamatta) leave a th.
imehanged (1. unaltered), (sikseen) leave
(1. let) a th. alone; ~ erohakemuksensa
tender (1. hand In) one's reslgnatlon;
jonkun haltuun leave . . to (1. In) a p.'s
care, commlt to a p.*s keeplng, (esim. laki
miehen) leave (1. glve) . . In a p.'s hands;
Joku henkiin spare a p.'s life: Jokin
huomioon ottamatta leave a th. unnotlced,
pay no (1. not pay any) attentlon to a th.,
pay no heed to . . , not take a th. Into conslderatlon (1. Into account). leave . . out or
conslderatlon, dlsregard, (sivuuttaa) pass a
th. hy, leave a th. out or slght, overlook,
neglect [huom. jttkmme se tll ker
taa huomioon ottamatta let US lose Slght Of
that (1. let us pass that by) ror the tlme
belng; Ann Jafri sen huomioon ottamatta
he let that go (1. pass) ] ; ~ Jokin hyvk
seen kyttmtt not take (1. rall to take)
advantage or a th., not avall o.s. of a th.,
(esim. tilaisuus) njglect; Jollekulle (1.



Joku) hyvsti take leave of nne, take one's

leave or a p., say good-by (I. rarewell) to
one, bld one good-by (1. adleu 1. rarewell);
~ hyv jlke do good work, do well,
accomplish good results; jokin jollekulle
leave . . to (1. wlth) one, dellver (1. hand)
. . over to one, (uskoa) entrust (1. commlt)
. . to one; ~ jlkeens leave (behind o. s.)
[esim. hn jtti jlkeens vaimon ja nelj
lasta lie leaves (behind) a wldow and four
hand down, (taaemmaksi) leave behind,
(out)distance, (esim. kilpailussa) outrun,
outstrlp; ~ Jokin keshen(eriseksi) leave
a tn. unfinlshed (1. liair done), drop a tti..
abandon . . , (keskeytt) leave off, interrupt, dlscontlnue; ~ lakiehdotus eduskun
nalle kS. esitt; laskuista pois leave OUt
of the account, omit; (kuv.) not take Into
account; (Jtt huomioon ottamatta) pay
no attentlon to, make no account or ..;
[asla] lepmn let [the matter] rest
(I. gO); ~ jokin lukuunottamatta Ilot take
. . into conslderatlon, omit, ellmlnate;
- mainitsematta (mys:) pass over In Sllence; ~ [Juttu 1. asla] oikeuden ksiin
leave [the case] In the hands or the
r.ourt; ~ Jokin omaan arvoonsa let . . K"
Tor what It is worth, pass . . by, (huo
mioonottamatta) pay no attentlon to . .;
~ Joku oman onnensa nojaan leave one to
shirt ror hlmself, desert one, vrt. heitt;
~ pois leave out, omit [a Tew passages.
muutamia kohtia], exclude; ~ pulaan leave
in the lurch, forske, ucsert; rauhaan
leave (1. let) alone, leave in peace, (hirit
semtt) leave undisturbed; ~ [asla] riip
pumaan jostakin let [the matter] depend
on . . , rest [the matter] upon . .; ~ sijaa
jollekin leave room for . . , admlt of . .;
sikseen let (I. leave) alone, do nothlng to,
(heitt sikseen) give up, abandon, quit;
tekemtt jotakin leave a t Ii. lmdniie. Tail (1.
omit) to do a th., (laiminlyd) neglect (to
do) a th.; ~ toimensa toiselle surrender
(1. rellnqulsh) one's position to another;
~ [asia] toisiin ksiin place [the mat
ter (1. the case)] In other hands; -
toistaiseksi (l. toiseen kertaan) leave (1.
let be) to another tlme, (lykt) put otT
(tili another tlme), postpone, derer, (antaa
olla) drop a th. Tor the present; ~ Jokin
tyhjksi (mys:) vacate, (hylt) abandon,
desert, (SOt.) evacuate; ~ tytntnpane
matta Tall to put into executlon. let off
[esim. hn jtti pojan rangaistuksen ty
tntnpanematta he let the boy off (from
belng punlshed)]; ~ Jokin varteenottamatta leave . . unnotlced (1. unregarded),
not take into conslderatlon, neglect, overlook, mako no account of; [linna]
vihollisen haltuun surrender [the fort] to
the enemy; ~ vhemmksi (l. vhemmlle >
put a limlt to, restrict, let up on [one's
drinking, Juomisensa] ; jttkseni mainit
sematta in order not to mentlon . .; jt se
aine quit (1. drop) that Sllbject; jt sik
seen koko juttu cl. asia) let well enough
alone! leave the matter as lt is; hn jtti
ystvns (oman onnensa nojaan) vaaran
hetkell he deserted hls Triends (1. lert Ms
rrlenils to their rate) In the hour of danger; kun aika hnet jtt when hls hour
is struck, when he passes away; parasta
on, ett jtt menemtt sinne you better
not go there; se ei jt mitn sijaa epi
lylle it leaves no room for doubt, lt does
not atlniit of any doubt.
Jtt (jttminen) leavlng, dellverlng; cornmittal: nnlttlng; vrt. hyvsti-, vesi v. m.
jttt: kello - the Clock (I. the watch) Is


(runnlng too) s!ow, the Clock (1. the

watch) loses (tlme).
Jlykenty become (1. grow) stlfr, stirren.
Jykent make stirr(er), stirren, make
(more) rlgld (1. rormal). Jykistyi become
(1. grow) stirf, stirren; (Jhmetty) be
come petrirted; (kntlsty) be (be)numb(ed) wltn ..; vrt. kangistua; kylms
t jykistyneen stirr wlth cold. Jykist
make stirr(er), stirren; vrt. kangistaa.
Jykkyys stirrness; rlgldtty; (kuv.) constralnt, formallty.
Jykk stirr [sprlng, Jousi], rlgld; cramped;
(kntlstynyt) numb [wlth cold, kylmst] ;
(taipumaton) stubborn; InHexlble; (ky
tksessn y. m.) rormal, rrlgld, vrt. km
pel; (liikkumaton) stony [stare, katse];
(eloton) dead, HTeless; ~ asento stirr (1.
awkward) position, (kangistava) cramped
posture; ~ tyyli stirr (1. rormal 1. stilted)
style; vrt. kankea.
Jykk- (yhd.) stirr- [esim. -jalkainen Cl.
saarinen) Stirr-legged: -niskainen stllTnecked; -selkinen stirr -hacked] , bard[esim. -suinen (hevonen) hard-mouthedl.
-kouristus lockjaw; (lk.) tetanus, -luon
toinen strong-wllled, stubborn; (Itsepi
nen) obsttnate; (Jykkniskalnen) siili
necked. -luontoisuus strong wlll; stubbornness. -mielinen = jykkluontoinen.
-oppinen stupld, dull; slow (to learn).
-suisuus (hevosen) hardness or mouth.
Jyksti stirriy, rigidly; stubbornly; (tiu
kasti) tlghtly. (lujasti) rirmly.
jyst (kalvaa) gnaw.
j ice; jiden lht breaking up or the ice;
jitse over rields or Ice; jn peitossa covered with ice; olla jss be frozen (over),
be covered \vlth Ice.
Jl-<yhd.) Ice- [esim. -kentt Ice-Tleld; -kone
lce-machlne; -saha ice-saw; -vesi ice-water], . . or ice [esim. -kentt Ueld or Ice:
-kohva 1. -kuori crust OT Ice; -palanen
lump (1. chunk) or Ice]; (harvemmin:)
ley [esim. -kuorettunut ley crust], glacial
[esim. -etikka glacial acetlc acldj.
Jde sleet. -piste rreezlng-polnt.
jdytt (cause to) Treeze; congeal. J
dytys freezlng: congealing.
jd remain [In orrice, virkaansa; seated,
Istumaan: standlng, seisomaan], stay [in
the city, kaupunkiin; at home over Chrlstmas, kotiin Jouluksi; with one over nlght,
Jonkun luo yksi] ; stop [at a place ror a
tlme. Johonkin Joksikin ajaksi]; be lert
[to the care or. Jonkun huostaan; In the
minority, vhemmistn; wonderlng, kum
mastelemaan] ; (tulematta y. m.) Tall to;
~ asumaan johonkin settie (1. cstabllsh
o.s.) somewhere, take up one's resldence
somewhcre; ~ oufci be lert open, (virka)
remain vacant [huom. juttu ji (viel) auki
the case was not settled yet (1. was lert
Stlll pendlng)]; ~ eloon rl. elmn) Survive, (pst hengiss) escape allve [huom.
ei ainoakaan heidn lapsistaan jnyt eloon
none or their chlldren llved (1. survlved
lnrancy 1. grew up)j; ~ eloon josta
kusta survlve one, (el kauemmin kuin)
outllve one; ~ entiselleen remain unchanged (1. unaltered), contlnue as before.
remain (1. be lert) as It was, retaln the
status qun (huom. jkn Cl. se saa
jd) entiselleen let lt be as lt has been,
let lt go on as berore] ; entiselle palkal
leen stay (l. remain) . . at one's rormer
salary, be retalned at one's rormer salary;
henkiin ks. eloon [huom. heidn ei
luulla jvn henkiin (mys:) their Ilves
are dispalred or] ; ~ jonkun huoleksi be
lert to the care (1. In the charge) of one;



Joltakulta huomaamatta escape one's

altention (1. one's notlce), elude one's observation, escape one, not catch one's eye;
~ hmrksi jollekulle Irmani tiazy for
one h il "in. mys: asia ji viel hmrksi
minulle the matter is stlll not clear
to me, the matter Is not clear to me yet] ;
ilman get nothing, be lert (with-)
out. g-o wlthout (1. Short); ~ istumaan remain sitting (1. seated), Keep one's seat,
(koulussa: rangaistukseksi) be kept (in)
after School; ~ [rauhassa] istumaan pai
kalleen [paikoilleen] remaln [quietly] sit
ting (1. seated), [quietly] keep one's seat
1 their seatS] ; istumaan satulaan Stick
to the saddle, keep onc's seat; julkaise
matta be leit unpublished, not be published
hunni, artikkeli ji julkaisematta
tilanahtauden takia (mys:) the article
was crowded out] : jljelle (thteeksi)
be leit (over), remaln [esim. rahaa ji
jonkunverran jljelle there \vas some money
lert over], vrt. seur.; ~ jlkeen get (1. be
left 1. rall) behind, (Jttyty) lag (behtnd); kesken be lert unrinished, (kes
keyty) be discontlnued, be suspended; ~
lepmn n liuun at rest In n 'in. asia saa
lepmn (toistaiseksi) the matter
may rest (1. be dropped) (Tor the present), the matter (1. case) is suspended] ;
Jonkun luo stay \vith one, abide wlth
one; ~ [haihtumattomasti] Jonkun mieleen
be [indelibly] impressed (I. rixed) in a p.'s
mi ml; odottamaan Stay and Walt, a alt
[ llin -iii. esim. jden odottamaan arvoisaa
vastaustanne (kaupp.) awalting an early
(I. a lavorable) reply; ~ odottamaan
tapahtumain kehityst avvalt devetopments, await the outcome (or events),
ualt and see uhat u iii happen-, jkmme
odottamaan let US ualt; saat ~ odottamaan
you \\ill have to Walt] ; odottavalle kan
nalle auaii lurther developments, \vait
and see; ~ olemaan johonkin stay (1.
remaln) somewhere: ~ paikoilleen stay
in one's place, remain In one's posi
tion; pois Tall au ay. drop nir (1. out)
[ huom. hn ji juhlista pois ilman syyt he
stayed auay (l. he absented hlmsell) limu
the reast without any excuse (I. any reason ) ; hn ji (pois ) junasta Lahden ase
malla he nm the tiain at Lahtis;
sana on jnyt pois kytnnst the Word
h as Tallen into dlsuse (1. has become obsolete)]: sikseen (\. silleen) (asia y. m.)
be dropped, drop, Tall through, (raueta) to nothing (I. to naught) [huom. asia
jkn sikseen let us drop the matter, let
the matter rest (there) ] ; ~ Jonkun suori
tettavaksi be lert to one to carry out (I. to
do); takapajulle be lert In bad conditlon
(I. shape), (laiminlydyksi) be neglected,
be lert uncared-ror; tappiolle (kaupas
sa y. m.) lose, be (1. come orr 1. come
out) a loser. be the worse ror [the barg-ain. kaupassa], (kilpailussa y. m.) be
outdlstanceil, i samia -Hkns) be beaten,
be worsted, (taistelussa) lose the battlc.
rrt. joutua; - tekemtt be lert undone
[huom. knelt ji se tekemtt he Talien
(I. he never came) to do it, he never
did tt] ; ~ terveeksi be in good hcalth
f esim. hn ji terveeksi, kun min lhdin
kaupungista he was In good (1. in hls usual)
health when I lert the city, I lert luin in
a-ood health in the city] ; ~ toimeensa stay
in one's position, retaln one's position (1.
Job) ; toistaiseksi be put orr, be dererred
(I. postponed) [huom. jkn toistaiseksi
let It be (1. gro) tili some other time] ; ~
toteutumatta rail to be (1. not be) realized,


not be carried out; tulematta stay away,

absent o. s., rall to arrlvc, not turn up, (oi
keuden eteen y. m.) rall to appear; ~ th
teeksi (esim. ruoista:) be leit over; be lert
as a remainder, be lert (as residue):
ulos (1. ulkosalle) remain out or doors,
stay out; ~ unhotuksiin be Torgotten.
rall (I. slnk) into obllvion, drop out of
(one's) in n ui; ~ valitsematta lail to be
(I. not be) elected; ~ vanhoilleen ks. enti
selleen; velkaan jollekulle remain in a
p.'s debt, be stlll in debt to one; ~ voi
maan remain valld (I. In rorce 1. in errect);
j(k) hyvsti goodby(e)!
jkn tm meidn kesken let tliis be a
matter bctween US; heille ei jnyt mitn
sytvksi there was nothing lert Tor them
to eat; hn ji nuorena vanhemmistaan he
was lert an orphan when cjuite young; kir
ja j minun ostettavakseni it is leit lul
lin- to buy the book, 1*11 have to buy the
bOOk; kirje ji hnelt lhettmtt he
railed (1. neglected) to mail (1. sehd) the
letter; minulle ei j mitn tehtv
there will be nothing (leit) ror me to do;
minulle ei j muuta neuvoksi kuin . . there
Is no other cholce (1. course) lert me than
(1. lm tl to . .; minulta ji kysymtt I neg
lected to ask, (unohtui) I Torgot to ask:
minulta kai j se ainaiseksi nkemtt it
is likely that 1*11 never be able to see it;
se ei jnyt yhteen kertaan it dld not Stop
wlth happening Just once, it occurred more
than once; se ji minulta tekemtt I il ui
not get (1. get around 1. come) to do It, I
neglected to do it: se j hnelt saamatta
he Is not going to get it, it wlil be out or
hls n-aiil; se j meidn kesken (mvs:)
it viii go no rurther; siihen (\. siksi) se
asia j there the matter will rest. thafs
the end nr the matter; hiisi" pois kahdek
sasta j kolme rive Trom eight leaves three.
jieste ObStruCtiOn OT ice; postinkulku kes
keytyi jesteiden takia postal Communi
cation was Interrupted on account or the
Ice. -harkko block (1. rake 1. chunk) oi Ice.
Jhdytell cool (o. s. orr), get cool; rerresh
o.s. Jhdytin cooler; rerrlgerator; (fys.
& ki-in.i condenser; vrt. seur. ihdytti
cooler; (tekn.) rerrlgerator. Jhdyttmi
nen coollng, rerrigerating; relrigeratlon.
Jhdyttv cooling. rerrigerating; (virkis
tv) rerreshlng. Jhdyttvsti roollnglv.
Jhdytt cool; (tekn.) rerrigerate; (vllllytt, virkist) rerresh; ~ juomansa
jll put ice in one's drlnk, ice one's drlnk.
Jhdytyt coollng; rerrlgeratlon. -huone rerrlgeratlng-chamber, rerrlgerator, coollngroom. -kone rerrigerating- (1. rreezing-)
machlne. -laitos 1. -koje cooling apparatus,
cooler, rerrlgerator. -pinta coollng surrace.
-putki coollng-pipe. -seos rrcezlng-mlxture. -vaunu (rautatie-) reTrlgerator-rar.
J hile (Ikkunaruudussa) rern or rrost:
jhileet rrostwork. -hiudo I. -hiutale
riake or Ice.
Jhty cool, get cool; be rerrigerated.
Jhyvis- (yhd.) rarewell reslm. -juhla (\.
-pidot) rarewcll entertalnment; -kynti
rarewell vislt; -malja rarewell toast; -ny
tnt rarewcll perlormance (1. engagement)], partlng [esim. -laukaus partlng
salute: -suutelo partlng klss].
Jhyviset partlng, leave-taklng; rarewell;
(tav. puh.) good-by(e); jhyvisiksi In
partlng, as a rarowell.
j Juoma Iced drlnk. -kaappi rerrlgerator;
(pienempi) lce-box.
-kaljama sllppery
rrozen ground. -karhu polar bear. -kasa
mass (I. plle) or ice. -kaudenjlkeinen
postglaclal. -kausi Glacial epoch (1. peri

d), ice age (1. period) ; aakaaen . . , sa. jaa'tyminen freezing. Jtymieplete, Jaatykaudfn aikaintn glacial; kauden ihmintn mkohta, Jaatymapiste freezing-point. JUman of the Glacial epoch, -kautinen glacial. tymtn not frozen, unfrozen. Jattynyt
JUkellarl Ice-cellar; (erlkolnen rakcnnus) frozen (over).
Ice-house, -sahti 1. -olut small beer.
jty freeze, be (1. get) frozen; (become)
JMIIkylm cold as Ice; Ice-cold; Icy [look, COngeal(ed); aatyi kiinni maahan froze to
katse] ; chilling, frigid (molemmat mys the ground (1. the earth); ami on jtynyt
kuv.). -kylmasti Icily, frigidly, -kylmyys the lake has frozen.
jaatlvi Icy, chilly; ~ kylmyys Icy cold,
Iclness; frigidity.
JUkirl light Infantryman.
(kuv.) icy coldness, Iclness.
JUJlMl frosted glass, -lautta Ice-field, ice Jaatta convert Into Ice, freeze; Ice; (kyifloe, -lohkare 1. -mhkle block of Ice. mentaa) chill.
-meri polar sea; Etelinen Poh/ointn] J- jstn free from (1. clear of) Ice; open
mtr the Antartlc [the Arctic] Ocean.
[harbor, satama].
Jmist (lak.) property (1. estate 1. effects) JUIIuurteinen (geol.) . . grooved (1. scored)
by the ice. -urheilu Ice sports, sports on
of a deceased.
the Ice.
Jm ks. jSnns, ylijm.
jn lht ks. jidenlht. -murtaja 1. jilvi I. (s.) legal disqualification; (-muls(-varustus) ice-breaker; 2. jnsrkij. tutus) challenge. II. (a.) disqualified (be
-murtaja-alus ks. Seur. -srkij (alUS) Ice- fore the law), Incompetent; exceptionable;
vrt. esteellinen. Jvillisyya Incompetence,
boat. Ice-breaker.
jnn remainder (mys mat.), rest, resi Incapacity. JUvimulstutu* exception, jaadue, (tlet.) residuum; (Jute) remnant; vinpepuste grounds on which one can be
(ylijaam) surplus, balance; nnktet disqualified (1. challenged).
remains, remnants, (loput) rest, (Jtteet) Jvipta glacier.
leavings; /laen maalliset jnnobsens lus jiviln unchallengeable [witness, todlstaJa] ; competent; (vanh.) free and lawful.
mortal remains; vrt. pyhSin.
Jnjpaja limit of perpetual ice. -rena jS vuori Iceberg, -vyohyke zone of Ice,
edge of the Ice. -rute thin crust of Ice, Ice-belt, -vyry 1. -viereml avalance; Iceskim of Ice; Srvi on inriittetts the fall; (jaitlkkA) glacier
lake Is covered with thin Ice, the lake has jvta disqualify . . (before the law), make
a skim of Ice over It. -lulamlnen melting . . Incompetent, Incapacitate; (tendu JASvlof (the) Ice. -rjenta Ice-breaking, break- muistutus) challenge [a Juror, valamlesIng (of) the Ice.
(ehdokas)]; (hyljatft) reject, refuse. JUJatEpeite cover of Ice, coat(mg)of Ice; jarui vays, jlivaamlnen disqualification before
/uo peitteentS (the Ice on) the lake Is the law; challenging, challenge, jaivaibreaking- up. -peitteinen covered with Ice. mltOn 1. (Jota el ole Jaftvatty) unchal
-pilvl Ice-cloud, rime-cloud, -pulkko Icicle, lenged; 2. (Jota el volda Jvit) unchal
-purjehdus Ice-yachting, sailing over Ice. lengeable, unexceptionable; unimpeachable.
-pure! 1. -Jahtl Ice-boat, Ice-yacht, -puesi J6r6 (yrmeft) sullen, sulky, cross, peevish;
Ice-bag, -raj limit of the Ice. -rata slide. (kmpel) clumsy, awkward; (Juro) blunt,
-riite skim of Ice; vrt. jKKnrilte. -nuita brusque; ~ caiintyminen (l. kytSt) blunt
floe of ice; Ice-ledge.
(1. bluff 1. brusque) manners; ~ vastaus
Jap (kuohltsematon prtssl) ram.
abrupt (1. brusque) answer. -Jukka sulky
J rykki mass of Ice. -tohjo (Jirvessa (1. brusque) person, sulker; crosspatch.
tai meress) sludge (Ice); (maalla) slush. JPminen sullen, sulky; cross, peevish;
(ujo) bashful; (kmpel) clumsy, awk
Jaistloleva frozen.
jaaisumu Ice-fog, -euhteet Ice conditions, ward. JrmSisesti sulkily, peevishly;
bashfully; awkwardly, clumsily. JOremii-tell ice-float, ice-floe.
JUtel Ice-cream; (hertelmamehun kanssa syys suiklness, peevishness; bashfulness;
tarjottu) sundae, college Ice; sitten tar- awkwardness, clumsiness.
ottiin ittla Ices were then handed Jpstl sulkily; brusquely, bluntly; awk
around, ice-cream was then served, -kone wardly, clumsily.
jptell, jpettia look sullen, be sulky (1.
Ire-cream freezer.
ItateolMsuua ice Industry.
cross), sulk; (Jkpv.) let one's mouth hang
jaStikko sheet of Ice, field of Ice; (alpellla) down at the corners.
jpys sullenness, suiklness; brusqueness;
glacier, -tuull glacier-wind.
jtuura Ice-chipper; Ice-spade.

k ks. kah.
kaadanta - kaataminen.

kaakao cacao; (Jauhettuna tal Juomana)

rocoa. -pap cacao-bean, -puu cacao,
chocolate-tree, -vol cocoa-butter.
kaakattaa (hanhlsta:) gabble; (rftkuttaa)
quack; mys = kaakottam.
kaakell Dutch (1. glazed) tile, -uunl fire
place decorated with Dutch tile.
kaaklnpuu - kaakki, 1.
kaakkl 1. (= kaakinpuu) whipping-post;
2. (hevos-) hack. (Jkpv.) rattlebones.
kaakko southeast, kaakkoinen southeast
[corner, kulma; wind, tuull] ; southeast
erly [direction, suunta; wind, tuull];
(kaakossa oleva) southeastern, kaakkoistuuli southeast(erly) wind.

kaakku = kakku.

kaakkurl (elaint.) red-throated loon (1. diver).

kaakottaa cackle, kaakotu cackling, cackle.
kaalata ks. kahlata.
kaali cabbage; vrt. hapan~, kukka~, kupu.

kaali- (yhd.) cabbage- [eslm. -keitto cab

bage-soup; -hoi cabbage-moth; -mata cab
bage-worm; -ftrhontn cabbage-butterfly].
-kUryle cabbage pasty, -maa cabbage plot; (suuri) cabbage -field.
kaalinulehti cabbage-leaf, -kerl 1. -kupu
head of a cabbage, cabbage-head, -talml
kaaliirapi (kysskaall) kohlrabi, tumlpcabbage. -revennllnen s\velling(s) on the
roots of cabbages, -ykk cabbage-moth.
kaamea ghastly [sight, naky] ; dismal [feel-

k aarnea*tl


ing-, tunnelma], dreary [day, piv],

gioomy; suden ulvonta the dlsmal bowl
of the woir. kaameasti dlsmally, drearlly,
gloomlly; ghastly. kaameua drearlness,
gloom(iness); ghastliness.
-kaan, -kin: ei . ,-kaan (1. -kn) nelther,
nor, no more, (et edes . ,-kaan) not even,
(ei ensinkn) not at ali [esim. ethn sin
kn tullut neither (1. nor) dld you come,
even you dld not come; (no,) ethn Min
tullutkaan (so,) you dld not come (at ali);
at (edes) ttkn tietnyt you dld not
know even thls (1. thls eltber) ] ; epilen,
onko hnkn tehnyt mit I doubt \vhether
he has done it elther.
Kaanaan-maa Canaan.
kaani (tataartlainen ruhtinas) khan. -kunta
kaaos (sekasorto) chaos.
kaapata (mer.) take, capture; (anastaa) lay
hold of, approprlate; (kaappaista) grab.
kaapeet ks. kaappeet.
kaapeli cable. -lanka cable.
kaapeli nmitta (mer.) cable's length.
kaapeli 'rata cable-rallroad; (riippuva) cablewv, aerlal tramway, (kysirata) ropeway.
-shksanoma (Jkpv.) cableftram.
kaapia scrape: (kuopia) scratcb, (hevosesta:)
paw; vuoria (nahk.) flesh (mys: scrape)
the hldes. kaapiainen, kaapiaiskakku last
loaf made from the dough that stuck to
the pan. kaapiminen scraplng.
kaapin- (yhd.) cupboard [esim. -avain cupboard key; -ovi cupboard door],
approprlatlon ;
grabblng. kaappaista snatcb; grab. kaappaisu snatch, grab.
kaappaus prlvateerlng, plracy: (ote) grlp,
grasp; mys = kaappaaminen; kaappausta
harjattava prlvateerlng. -kirje (mys:
kaapparikirja) letter or marque (and reprisal). -oikeus rlgbt to capture; right to
kaappeet scraplngs, scraps; (Jtteet);
padan scraplngs of the pot.
kaappi (ruoka- tai astia-) cupboard; (kirja-)
book-case; (vaate-) wardrobe; (koristeel
linen, hyllyill Ja laatikoilla varustettu)
rabinet; (ruokasalin) sldeboard, bufret;
(koruastlolta varten) chlna-closet.
kaappia ks. kaapia.
kaapu frock, gown; (viitta) cloak, mantle;
kaapuun puettu frock-clad, \vearing a cloak
(1. mantle): vrt. munkin,
kaaputtaa ks. kaapia, kaaputua scraplng,
scrape; scratchlng.
kreill bend, curve; overhang In a curve:
be slnuous (1. convolute); (holvin tapaan)
form a vault, arch; taivas kaarellee kor
kealla maan yll the hcaven lirts lts vault
hlgh above the earth; vrt. kaareutua, kaareilu curvlng, archlng.
kaareke curve, arc: arch; vrt. kaari, kaarenmuotoinen curved, arched.
kaareutua be bent (1. curved 1. bowed),
curve, bow; (kreill) be arched, arch,
form a vault. kaareutuminen bendlng,
curvlng; archlng.
kaareutuva curving,
archlng, arched rsky, taivas],
kaareva bendlng, bent. bowed, curved, curv
lng; (kaareutuva) arched, vaulted. kaare
vasti In a curve, formlng (1. descrlblng) a
curve; Tormlng a vault. kaarevuus curvature; arched (1. vaulted) form, arch, vault.
kaari curve, (etenk. rakcn.) arch: (etenk.
tlet.)arc; (Jousen) bow; (veneen) rlb; (lak.)
Iaw(s), code, sectlon; kaaressa in a curve,
descrlblng a curve; vrt. naimia, sateen,
ymnyrn y. m.
kaari] asteikko graduated arc; (kojeena)


protractor. -holvi arcbed vault. -ikkuna

arched wlndow, bay (1. bow) wtndow.
kaarilamppu arc-lamp. -hiilet carbon rods
(I. electrodes) of an arc-lamp.
kaarlmainen curved, arched.
kaari puu (veneen) rlb. -pyasy (cross-)bow.
-silta arched bridge, -valo (electrlc) arcIlght. -viiva curved llne.
Kaarle, Kaarlo Charles; Kaarle Suuri Gharlemagne, Charles the Great.
kaarna bark, rlnd; (kaarnanpalanen) plece
oi' bark. kaarnalnen barky, bark-llke.
kaarna!! kuoriainen (eltnt.) bark-beetle (1.
-borer). -leip bark bi cvi. -vene bark boat.
kaarne raven.
kaarrella wlnd, bend; (mutkitella) twine,
(esim. virta) meander; (kreill) form a
vault, arch; (liidell) hover [In the air,
limassa] ; (kuv. vltell) dodge, shufrie,
(kiemurrella) wriggle (anotit); korkeal
la ilmassa (lintu) soar hlgh (In the air);
vrt. mys: kierrell.
kaarros bend, curve, curvature; (mutka)
swing, turn; sweep: vrt. kierros.
kaartaa (vnt kaarelle) bend, wlnd:
(tehd kaarros) swing, sweep; make a Cir
cuit, go round, go out of one's way; (kier
rell) clrcle, wbeel (around); (ymprid)
encircle, encompass;
(vltell) dodge,
shurfle; evade; ~ kaukaa go a long \vay
around; [lent] kaartaen [fly] In a curve,
vrt. kuurtaa; koetti kysymyst tried
to dodge the lssue. kaartaminen bendlng,
wlnding; swlnglng; (kuv.) evadlng, evslon, dodglng. kaarteleva wlndlng; meanderlng [stream, virta] ; archlng: (kuv.)
evaslve [answer, vastaus], kaartelevasti
(kuv.) evasively; twistingly.
kaarti guards.
kaartilainen guardsman.
kaartinpataljoona battallon of guards. kaartlnupseerl omcer In the guards.
kaarto bend, curve; sweep; (mutka) swing,
turn; (holvaus) arch, vault; mys = kaar
taminen, -tie ks. kiertotie.
kaartua curve; (vnty) wlnd, twist; (tai
pua kaarelle) bend, bow; (kaartua holviksi)
form a vault, arch. kaartunut curved,
bent; arched, vaulted.
kaaso (1. v.) brldesmald.
kaasu gas; kaasulla lmmitetty (]. lmmi
tettv) gas-flred; kaasuna as a gas. In
gaseous state (1. form).
kaasu- (yhd.) gas- [esim. -kalkki gas-lime;
-lamppu gas-lamp; -mittari gas-meter;
-putki gas-pipe]. -hehkulamppu \Velsbach
burner. -hella gas-range. -hiili gas-carbon,
gas-coke; (kivihiili) gas-coal. -Johto gasplplng, (system oD gas-plpes: (kaasuput
ki) gas-pipe, (pjohto) gas-maln. -kamiini
gas-stove. -kangas gauze. -kello ks. kaasusili. -keitti gas-range (1. -stove).
-kone gas-engine, gas-motor. -laitos gasworks, gas-plant. -liekki gas-Jet. -lhde
fumarolc. -lmmitys heatlng bv gas.
kaasumainen gaseous [body, aine]; gasiform.
kaasulmyrkytys (lk.) asphyxla(tlon). -r
jhdys explosion of gas. -sili gas-holder,
gas-tank; gasometer. -tehdas ks. kaasu
kaasuttaa gasify, convert Into gas. kaasut
taja gasifler; (karboraattorl) carburetor,
kaasu1 uuni gas-stove; (hella-) gas-range;
(tekn.) gas-rurnace. -valaistus llghtlng by
gas: kaupungissa on kaasuvalaistus the
to\vn Is llghted by gas. -valo gas light.
-vesi gas-llquor (1. -water). -yhti gas
company, -ljy gas -oli.
kaataa (kumoon) overturn [a chalr, tuoli],
turn over, tlp over, upset [a boat, vene];



(maahan) bring to the ground, Teli [trees,

puita; a rurrian by a blow or one's Iisi.
roisto nyrkiniskulla], (hakkaamalla) cut
down [timber, mets], hew down, (iske
mll) knock down, strike down; (tappaa)
kili, slay; (kaataa ulos, tyhjent) dump
[a cartload or gravel on the road, kuor
mallinen soraa maantielle]; tip out; (kaa
taa Jotakin nestett, valaa) pour [coffee
into the cups, kahvia kuppeihin], pour out.
(tahtomattaan, vahingossa) spill [milk on
the table, maitoa pydlle], shed; ~ halli
tus ks. kukistaa; ~ karhu kili a hear;
kumoon overturn, upset, (vene) capslze;
(kaataa maahan) throw (1. knock) down
F huolii, isku kaatoi hnet kumoon the blOW
threw him orf his reet] ; lakoon lay
[esim. tade kaatoi heinn lakoon the rin
laid the grass (dat)]; ~ maahan bring to
the ground. Teli, (iskulla) throw (1. knock
I. strike) to the ground (1. down), (nestet
t) pour (vahingossa: spill) on the ground;
~ [lasi] tyteen (mys:) rill (up) [the
glass] ; mets on viel kaatamatta the lorest
Still StandS (uncut); vett satoi kaatamalla
the rin came pouring down. the raln fell
in torrents. kaataminen overturning, upset(ting); felling, cutting down; knocklng
down; dumplng (out); pouring (out).
kaato I. = kaataminen; 2. (painissa) throw,
Tall; 3. (korttipeliss) trick.
dump(lng)-cart. -paikka dumplng-ground;
dump. -sade ks. rankkasade.
kaatua Tall [to the ground, maahan; a vlctlm to, Jonkin uhrina; in the battle, taiste
lussa], drop (down); (kumoon) turn (1.
fall 1. go) over; (be) upset, (be) overturn(ed); (suistua) tumble (down), topple
over; (luhistua) collapse; (saada surman
sa) be killed (I. slaln); ~ kumoon tumble
down, top|>le (1. turn 1. Tall) over; kuol
leena maahan Tall (I. drop) dead, Tali to the
ground dead; ~ ojaan (esim. kuorma) topple
over (1. dump) Into the ditch; pistikkaa
fall headlong, tumble down; romahtaa collie
tumbllng (1. riop) down, come down with a
crash, tumble (I. topple) over; ylsalaisin
be upset (1. overturned) Tall bottom side up.
capsize; maito kaatui maahan the milk was
spilled on the ground; olla kaatumaisillaan
be tottering to its Tall, (luhistumaislllaan)
be on the verge of collapse. kaatuilla fall
(several times), keep ralllng down, tumble.
kaatuminen ralllng, dropping (down), upset(ting); tumble; (luhistuminen) collapse.
kaatunut fallen [tree, puu: nero, sankari],
(taistelussa) killed, Slain; kaatuneitten
luettelo (SOt.) list or casualties; kaatuneit
ten lukumr the number or the killed
(1. the slain).
kaatuvatauti epllepsy. -tautinen eplleptic.
kaava (malli) model, pattern, design: (mat.
& kem.) formula; (kaavake) Toran; (kaa
vio) schemc, sehcdule; (muotti) mo(u)ld;
(Juurtunut tapa) rashlon. manner; kaavoi
hin kangistunut (kytksessn) stimy
proper, prlm, prerlse; (kaavamainen) rormai, rrlgld; (eloton) hard, lireless.
kaavaileminen ks. kaavailu.
kaavailla model, mo(u)Id; (muodostella)
formulate; (tehd luonnos Jostakin) make
a rirst (l. a rough) sketch of. drart an ont
une of, sketch, trace (in outline), make a
dlagram of, (kaavioida) scheme, Schedule;
jonkin mukaan kaavailtu modeKDed alteia th. kaavailu model(l)lng, mo(u)ldlng;
formulation; skctching.
kaavake formula; (lomake) rorm, blank.
kaavakuva skeleton(-drawlng), dlagram.
kaavamainen rormal: (Jykk) stirr [style,
tyyli], rlgld;(kylm) rrigld;(kaaviomainen)


schematlc. kaavamaisesti rormally; stirrly, rigidly; schematically; (totuttuun ta

paan) in accustomed routine, kaavamaisuus
formalisoi; formality; stirrness; (f)rigidity.
kaavanmukainen . . in accordance with the
outline (1. dlagram 1. sketch 1. formula) ;
in due form. kaavapaperi blank rorm, blank.
kaavata model: mo(u)ld; (valamalla) east.
kaavaus model(l)ing; mo(u)lding; (valanta)
-hiekka molding-sand.
kaavin scraper. -rauta scraper; shave.
kaavinta scraping, sbaving; (nahk.) riesbing.
kaavinveitsi (nahkurin) riesb(ing)-knire;
vrt. kaavin.
kaavio scheme, Schedule; (kaavake) formu
la, (blank) rorm; (rak. ft maal.) stencil
(-piate); (kaava) model, mo(u)ld, rorm.
kaavioida draw an outline or, make a dla
gram (1. a skeleton) or; scheme, Schedule.
kaaviomainen schematlc; vrt. kaavamainen.
kabinetti cabinet. -hallitus cabinet govern
mii-iii. -koko (valok.) cabinet size. -kuva
cabinet photograph (1. plcture). -kysymys
cabinet question. -pula cabinet crisls.
kade I. (a.) envlous, Jealous. II. (s.) envy.
Jealousy; kateeksi ks. kliyd.
kade III: kateeseen, kateisiin ks. hukka(an);
olla kateessa (\. kateissa) be missin?. tie lost.
kadehdittava envlable. kadehdittu envied,
kadehtia envy, be envlous (1. Jealous) or:
(be)grudge [a person a th., Joltakulta Jo
takin] ; kadehtien wlth envy (1. Jealousy).
envious or . . ; ei sit teilt kadehdita no one
Vili grudge you liiat: kaikki hnt kadeh
tivat he is envied by (1. is the envy of) ali.
kadetti cadct; vrt. meri, -koulu milltary
academy (1. school).
kadoksiin, kadoksissa ks. kados.
kadonnut disappeared, vanished; (eksynyt)
lost [sheep, lammas].
kados: kadoksissa (oleva) lost, mlssing;
joutua kadoksiin be (1. get) lost, go astray;
dlsappear, vanlsh; on kadoksissa is (1. lia
mme up) missing, has cntlrcly disappeared,
is no\vhere to be round.
kadota dlsappear; (nkyvist) be lost to
sight, pass out or sight; (joutua hukkaan,
kadoksiin) be (1. get) lost; (haihtua) van
lsh; (hipy) pass away; nkyvist rl.
silmist 1. nkymttmiin) dlsappear (I. Vanish) (from sight 1. Trom vlew). be lost to
sight (1. to view), pass (I. go) out or sight.
be(come) hidden from vlew; kauneus ka
toaa beauty Tades: mies oli kadonnut
(mys:) the man was gone.
kadotettu lost [sinner, syntinen], abandoned, doomed; roriorn [hope, toivo].
kadottaa lose [ono's rriends, ystvns;
sight or, Jokin nkyvistn] ; be deprlvcd
or fone's parents, vanhempansa; one's
health, terveytens] ;
(pudottaa) drop
[one's purse, rahakukkaronsa] ; vrt. huka
ta, menett; jrkens lOSe (I. go Otit
or) one's mind, run (1. go) mad, be(come)
deranged; hn ei siin mitn kadottanut
he did not lose anything by that, he is
nono the worse Tor that. kadottaminen
loslng; deprivatlon; dropping; vrt. seur.
kadotus doom; damnatlon; (tisk.) condemnatlon; (turmio) perdltion, destruction; iankaikkinen (raam.) eternal damnatlon (1.
deattl): me olemme molemmat samassa ka
dotuksessa we are both doomed, (lievem
min:) we are both In the samc boat.
kadun! kastelu sprinkling or the streets
Street sprinkling. -kulma Street corner.
-lakaisija street-sveeper, (Jkpv.) whitewing: (roskankorjaaja) scavenger. -lakai
sukone street-sweeper. -laskija pavement



layer, paver, pavto(u)r. -lasku paving.

-puoleinen racing the Street; front [room,
huone; wlndow, Ikkuna], -risteys Street
cro*sing (I. corner).
kaduttaa: minua , ett . . I repent, that . . ,
(olen pahoillani) 1 regret, that . . , I am (1.
feel) sorry for . . -lng . . (1. that . .) ; mitata
kadutti, ett oli ostanut hevosen the man
repented (1. regretted) havlng bought the
kafferK lainen) Kar(r)lr.
kah dear me!; well, well! Jndeed!; lo! belicilii: kah, oletko sinkin tll Weil, Weil!
are you here, too? kah, mik kumma
a wonder! lo!; vrt. kas.
kahahdus rustle. kahahtaa rustle.
kahalaa ks. kahata.
kahakka sklrmish; (taistelu) rtght. strire,
encounter; (ksirysy) arTray, scufrie; (me
teli) tumult, rlot. kahakoida sklrmish;
right; sctirrie: riot. kahakoiminen skirmishing; rightlng; scurrilng; rlotlng.
kahata rustle: silkkihame haha/aa a sllk sklrt
rustles (l. \vlll rustle).
kahdakteen, kahdanne, kahdannepaln In
two (dirferent) directlons; In both dlrectlons. kahdareisin astrlde, straddle-legged.
kahdekeainen eight.
kahdeksan eight; (kello) ~ aikaan (at)
about eight 0'ClOCk; tonnin typivlaki
the elght-hour law.
kahdeksan- (yhd.) eight- [esim. -/aikainen
elght-Tooted; -sivuinen eight-slded] ; (tiet.)
octo- [esim. -sivuinen octolateralj. -ker
tainen eightrold. -kulmainen ortagonal.
-kulmio octagon. -kymment elghty; (Jos
kus:) four srore. -luokkainen with eight
grades; kahdeksanluokkainen koulu a School
wlth (1. of) eight grades.
kahdeksanneksi In the elgbth place, elghthly.
kahdeksannes (kahdeksasosa) eighth (part):
viisi kahdeksannesta five cighths. -nuotti
eiirtitb-note, quaver.
kahdeksan] numero eight, -sataa eight hun
dred, -taitteinen octavo. -tavuinen . . \vith
eight syllables. -toista elghteen. -tuhatta
eight thousand; 8888 eight thousand eight
hundred elghty-elght. -tuntinen etght-hour
[day (or labor), typiv], -vuotias eight
years Old (1. or age); kahdeksanvuotias lap
si a rhlld or eight, an elght-year-old rhild.
-vuotinen: kahdeksanvuotinen kurssi an
eight years' rourse.
kahdeksas eighth; tyttS ky kahdeksatta (\.
on kahdeksannella) the glrl Is In her eighth
year. -kymmenes eightieth. -osa = kah
deksannes, -toista elghteenth.
kahdeksikko eight; (mus.) octet(te); octave; ruutu- the eight or dlamonds.
kahden: ~ kesken ks. kahdenkesken;
puolen (molemmin puolin) on both sldes,
on each side, (keskenisestl) mutually:
soudettava vene a boat Tor two oarsmen, a
boat to be rowcd by two; he ~ they two
by themselves [esim. he tekivt sen they two dld It by themselves (1. ali
alone)]; me we two by ourselves; me
teimme sen miehen we two dld it by
ourselves; te ~ you two by yourselves.
kahden istuttava . . with a double seat, . .
wlth a seat Tor two; hahdenistuttavat kr
ryt carrlage ror two, single buggy. -kamp
pailu single combat; duel. -kertainen ks.
kaksinkertainen, -kesken two by them
selves; conridcntlally; kunhan psen h
nen kanssaan kahdenkesken (uhaten:) IT I
Just can get a chance at hlm wlth nobody
around, ir I could Just meet hlm ali alone;
nyt me olemme kahdenkesken now we two
are qulte (I. ali) alone, now we two are
lert to ourselves (1. are by ourselves),


-keikinen ronridential. -keakisestl conndentlally. -laatuinen . . or tuo klnds, two

sorts oT . .; on olemassa kahdenlaatuista
rakkautta there are two klnds or love. -lai
nen ks. edell. -maattava: kahdenmaattava
snky a bed Tor two, double bed. -puolei
nen mutual: reclprocal; ks. molemminpuo
linen, -puoleisesti mutually; reclprocally.
kahdentolstalynti stroke or twelvc; kahdsntoistalynnill on the stroke or twelve.
kahdenvaihe: joutua kahdenvaiheelle get Into
a position where one hesitates (1. halts 1.
Is dlvlded) between two oplnions; olla jou
tunut kahdenvaiheelle fiiul o. S. besltatlng
(1. halting 1. being dlvlded) betwecn two
oplnions, be In two minds; olla kahdenvaiheella be divlded (1. be torn) between t\vo
oplnions, be in tuo mlnds, be undeclded,
(Jkpv.) shllly-shally; (eprid) hesltate.
kahdes kymmenes twentleth [century, vuo
sisata], -osa hair. -sadas two-hundredth.
kahdesti two times, twlce; (mus.) bis; ~
kuukaudessa ilmestyv (mys:) bimonthly;
viikossa [vuodessa] twlce a Week [a
year] ; viikossa ilmestyv (mys:) biweekly.
kahdes 'toista t\veirth. -tuhannes tuo thousandth.
kahdistaa double, redouble. kahdlstua be(come) doubled (1. redoubled). kahdistus
douhllng; dupllcatlon.
kahila ks. kaisla.
kahina rustle, rustllng; crackllng (nolse);
hameiden - rustle or sklrts. kahiseminen
rustllng. kahista rustle. kahistella rustle
[the leaves, lehti], kahisuttaa makc (I.
cause to) rustle.
kahlaaja wader; kahlaajat (ellnt.) wadlng
birrts, vvaders, (lat.) firallae. kahlaaminen
wadlng. kahlailla wade [In a brook, puros
sa], kahlata wade [(across) a stream, Joen
yli], rord [a river, joen poikki].
kahlaua wade, wadlng. -paikka rordlngPlace, rord.
kahle Tetter, shackle; (koiran) leash; kah
leet Tetters, chalns, Irons, (siteet) bonds;
kahleissa In schackles (1. Irons), rettercd;
rakkauden kahleet bonds oi' love. kahleeton unrhalned, unrettered; chalnless, retIpHpss, rree rrom retters. kahlehlhna leash.
kahlehtia Tetter, schackle, chaln: (kytke>
leash; (vangita) conrine; (est) restraln,
hamper; kiinni johonkin chaln (Tast) tn
a th.; ~ koira leash (1. chaln) a dog; ~
ionkun vapautta constrain one's llberty; vrt.
kahlita, kytke, kahlehtiminen Tettering,
rhaintng; fonstraint. kahlekoira \vatch-dog.
kahliu - kahlehtia; (kuv. = sitoa) blnd,
llnk, tie: conrine [to, johonkin]; (pidtt)
ronstraln; kahlittu(na) bound ulth a chaln,
rettered, In bonds: hn on ollut kahlittuna
sairasvuoteeseen 10 vuotta be has becn
conrined to a slckbed (1. has been bed-rldden) Tor ten years; johonkin kahlittu ret
tered to, conrined to, llnked wlth; jonkin
kahUtsema rettered (I. chalnert) by . . .
kahluu -= kahlaus. -Jalka (ellnt.) wadlng
luot. -paikka kahlauapaikka.
kahmaista grab, grasp; itselleen snatch.
grab; ~ kokoan scramble (1. grab) together
[one's thlngs, kapineensa] ; vrt. hamuta.
kahmalo (cup Tormed by the) hollow or
one's hands. kahmaloittain by double handruls. kahmalokasi: hahmalokdell by both
hands. kahmalollinen double handrul, both
hands Tuli.
kahnallla (torailla) blcker. quarrel.
kahnata rub; vastaan (hangntella) struggle agalnst, set up reslstancc to, oppose.
kahnaus rubblng; (etup. kuv.) rub: heidn
vlilln on ollut kahnausta there has been
a hitch betwecn them.



kahta double, doubly; (vleia) stlll; ~ innok

kaammin vvlth redoubled ardor (1. zea] 1.
eageniess) ; parempi doubly good, twice
as good, so mucti better, stlll better; ~
suurempi doubly great, twice as eroat,
(viel suurempi) stlll greater.
kahtaalla on two sldes. kahtaalla In t\vo dlfferent dlrectlons. kahtaalta from two sides
(1. directlons). kahtaanne ks. kahdakteen.
kahtaistaittuminen (fys.) double refractlon.
kahtalainen . . of tvvo klnds, tuo sorts of . .;
(kabtenalnen) dual, (filos.) duallstlc; on
nea on kohtalaitta tbere are tvvo klnds of
happiness. kahtalaiaesti in tvvo vvays. kah
talaisuus duality; dualtsm.
kahtia in tvvo (parts), in lialT; ~ jaettavaksi
to be dlvlded in(to) tvvo (equal parts), to
be halved. -Jakautuminen 1. -Jako division
indo) tvvo (equal parts); blpartltion. -pin
ks. kahtaalle.
kahujyvt llght graln.
kahva handia; (miekan) hilt, (puukon y. m.)
kahveli (haarukka) fork; (mer.) garf. -purje
(mer.) garr-sail.
kahvi cofree; olla kahvilla rouva B:n luona
have corfee at Mrs. B.'s.
kahvi- (yhd.) cofree- [esim. -mylly correemill; -papu cofree-bean], -aamiainen breakrast vvlth corree. -kalusto coffee-servlce,
(set oO corfee-thlngs. -kannu coffee-pot.
-keitin coffee-pot, corree percolator. -kestit
(1. v.) tea-party. -kojeet = kahvikalusto,
-kuppi cofTee-cup; (kupillinen) cup or
kahvila cafS, cofree-house.
kahvilllaji kind or corree. -leip: kahvileip
corree-cakes. -neuvot ks. kahvikalusto.
kahvlnlljatke, -liske, -sijake substitute for
corree. -maku taste or corree. -poro corree-grounds (1. -dregs). -vrinen correecolored (1. -brovvn).
kahvi lipsahdin corree -roaster. -pannu corree-pot. -pensas corree-tree (l. -plant).
-selvike something to clariry the corree.
-seura (1. v.) tea-party. -tarjotin servlngtray. -tilkka drop or cofree. -tunti recess
Tor taklng a cup or corree.
kai (luultavasti) probably, very Hkely; (eh
k) may be, perhaps ; se sinun pitisi tie
t you might (1. ought to) knovv that (1.
as much) ; sitten ~ minun tytyy I suppose
I must then.
kaide (pirta) reed; mys kaidepuu. -puu
(portaiden, sillaoy. m.) hand-rall: kaidepuut
(portaiden) ralllng, banisters, balustrade.
kaihdin (tav. piur. kaihtimet) ks. uudin.
kaihi (silmss) cataract. -sllmlnen . . havlng a cataract; bllnd l'rom cataract.
kaiho (sentimental) longlng; reeling or loss;
(Ikviminen) yearning, plnlng; (suru)
grler, sorrovv; regret; vrt. kaipaus, ikv,
kaihoaminen longtng, yearning, langulshlng. kaihoava langin shlng [looks, katse],
longlng: vrt. kaihoinen. kaihoilla ks. kaihota.
kaihoilu = kaiho, kaihoinen, kaihoisa long
lng, vvistrul [looks, katse], plnlng, langutshing; (surumielinen) melancholy, sad
(at heart).
kaiholl mieli 1. (= kaiho) longlng; (tender)
sadncss, (sweet) melancholy; regret; 2.
vvistrul person, -mielin longingly, yearningly; wlth tender sadness; vvlth regret.
-mielinen kaihoinen. -mielisesti \vlstrully; (surumielisesti) sadly. -mielisyys
vvlstfulness; sadness, melancholy.
kaihota long Tfor (1. after), Jotakin], yearn
[Tor ..], plne [for ..]; feel (deeply) the
loss of . . , vrt. ikvid; ainoan sinne I
long (1. I yearn) to go (I. to be 1. to get)
tbere; kaihoten longingly, ks. muistella.


kaihtaa (kartella) sinin; (vltt) avold, eschevv.

kaihtelias (arka) sby; (or a) retlrlng (dis
position), retlcent. kaihtellaasti shyly ; retIcently.
kai keltainen kaikenlainen.
kaiken likainen: kaikenikiset .. oT ali ages;
kaikenikist hansaa people Of ali ages.
-karvainen or ali colors; (kuv.) ali sorts
or . .; kaikenkarvaista vke people Of ali
sorts, ali klnds and condltlons or people.
-kokoinen: kaikenkokoiset . . or ali sizes.
-kuosinen: kaikenkuosisia pukuja dresses
or ali tyles (1. ali rashions). -laatuinen:
kaikenlaatuisia ali sorts (1. klnds) or . . ,
every variety or [amusement, huvituksia],
. . or ali sorts, . . or every descrlptlon; vrt.
scur. -lainen ali klnds (1. sorts) or, or ali
sorts; (kaikenlaatuinen) or every descriptlon; (usea eri) divers, sundry, mlscellaneous, various; kaikenlaista (otsikkona sano
malehdess:) mlscellaneous, mlscellany;
siell sai nhd kaikenlaista von rouhi see
ali sorts or things there. -moinen = kaiken
lainen, -nkinen: kaikennkisi ja -kokoisia
esineit things of every descrlptlon. -puo
linen unlversal; comprehenslve; kaikenpuo
liseksi tyytyvisyydeksi to general (1. unl
versal) satlsractlon, to the satlsractlon or
everybody concerned. -puolisesti unlversally; comprehensively. -puolisuus unlversallty, comprehenslveness. -sisltinen . .
or varled contents, (esim. kirjasta:) treatlng various (1. mlscellaneous) subjects.
-suuruinen ks. kaikenkokoinen.
kai kesti = aina.
kaiketi (luultavasti) probably, very (1.
most) llkely; (otaksuttavasti) presumably; (varmaankin) surely, to be sure;
mys kai. kalketl(k)kln kaiketi.
kaikin ali or us [esim. lhdetn sinne
let US go there ali or US] ; mokomin by
ali means, ror goodncss' sake, for ali the
vvorld, (tavoin) in every (posslble) vvay,
(voimin) vvlth mlght and main; ~ puolin
(Joka suhteessa) In every respect (1. way),
In ali respects (1. vvays), (tysin) Tullv;
tavoin In every (posslble) vvay (1. man
ner) ; ~ voimin as hard as one can (1.
conld), vvlth mlght and main.
kaikite(lle)n aina.
kaikkein very, . . or ali; - enimmn most or
ali; ~ ensiksi flrst of ali, the very rirst
thing; kaunein kirkko Suomessa the most
boantiful church (1. or ali churches) in
Finland: ~ mieluimmin above ali; more
than anythlng else; ~ suorin the very
greatest. the greatest or ali; ~ useimmat
heist most or them, nearly ali or them;
vhimmin least or ali. -armollisin most
graclous. -pyhin the Holy or Holles.
kaikkeus (maailman-) the unlverse.
kaikki I. (a.) ali; (Jokainen) every; (koko)
vvhole, entlre; kaikeksi onnettomuudeksi
unfortunately, unhappily, as 111 luck vvould
have lt; kaihella kunnioituksella vvlth ali
(due) respect; kaikella muotoa by ali
means; kaikella tavalla (In) every vvay;
kaiken aikaa ali the tlme. ali along: kaiken
kaikkiaan ks. kaikkiaan; kaiken maailman . .
. . or ali the vvorld rhuom. mys: en huoli
kaihen maailman miehist (esim. tytt ko
sijoistaan:) I don't vvant a man of the com
mon run] ; kaiken piv ali (the) day
long; kaikessa hiljaisuudessa in ali Secrecy,
secretly and quletly, under the rose: kaihessa mukavuudessa qulte comfortably;
kaikessa sovinnossa in ali (1. In perrect)
Mendliness (1. harmony), In perfect accord,
(rauhallisesti) peaceably, in perfect peace:
kaihesta sydmest(n) vvlth ali ono'S



heart; kaihin [mokomin, puolin, tavoin,

voimin] ks. haku.; kaikista thteist In
every respect, In ali respects; ~ lsnolijat ali tbose present, everyone present;
mtrat (a.) ali the other, the rest of [the
passengers, matkustajat], (s.) ali (the)
others, ali the rest; ~ pojat ali the boys.
H. (S.) ali; everythlng; kaikella on aikanta
everythlng has Its tlme, there Is a tlme Tor
everythlng; kaiketta huolimatta In splte of
ali (1. everythlng); kaikitta huonoin the
worst (Of ali) ; kaikkea muuta kuin onnelli
nen anything- but happy; kaikkea viel Ob,
don't teli me! nonsense! kaikkien suosikki
a unlversal favorlte; ~ (on) hyvin all's
well! everythlng Is ali rlght; ~ kaihessa
ali in ali [buom. hn oli minulle kaikki kai
ketta sbe was ali tbe world (1. ali in ali) to
me] ; tyynni ali, everythlng [esim. hn tai
kaikki tyynni he got it ali, (mys: ) he got
every blt Of It] ; kaikkine, kaikki\neen,
-nensa ks. hakus. ; joitta kaikitta Of ali or
wbom [buom. mys: .. joitta kaikitta on
tullut huomatutta miehi ali Of u lioin have
become noted men] ; kun * ympri ky
arter ali, take lt ali In ali; when you come
back to this; me ve ali, au of us; me
olimme tiell ~ kolme we were tbere ali
three of us; siin ~ thafs ali (there Is to
lt)! thafs tbe long and the short or lt.
kaikki- (yhd.) ali- [esim. -nkev all-seetng; -tietv all-knowlng; -viisas allwlse], omni- [esim. -tietv omnlsclent].
kaikkiaan, kaikkiansa In ali, taken ali together, ali told; kaiken kaikkiaan taken ali
In ali (I. ali together), ali told; tehden kai
hen kaikkiaan 100 engl. peninkulmaa making a (grand) total of 100 mlles.
kaikkialla everywhere; (miss tallansa) anywhere; lsnoleva omnipresent; ~ [Europan] mannermaalla (mys:) au over the
Contlnent [of Europe] ; ~, miss . . wherever; vhn a little (1. here, there and)
everywhere. kaikkialle ks. edell. kaikkialta
from every where; (Joka suunnalta) Irom
every quarter (I. dlrectlon), from ali sldes.
kaikkijumalaisuus panthelsm.
kaikkinainen ks. kaikenlainen, kaikkinansa
in ali.
kaikkina \vltli ali ..; ~ kamssuineen wlth
ali his (I. her 1. their) belonglngs,
(klmssulneen kamssuineen) bag and baggage. kaikkineen, kaikkinensa . . and ali;
laiva upposi miehineen kaikkineen the ship
was lost vvlth ali on board (1. with crevv
and ali); puu kaatui, pesineen kaikkineen
(pivineen) the tree Teli, nest and ali.
kaikki ruokainen ali devourlng, omnlvorous;
(ihmisist:) not partlcular about one's
-tietvisyys omnlsclence.
-valta(isuus) omnipotence. -valtias almlghty
[dollar, dollari], omnlpotent; (mahtava)
all-powerful. -valtius omnipotence. -vii
saus all-wlsdom, lnrinlte (1. suprerae) wisdom. -voipa almlghty. -yhteinen Joint
[ responslblllty, vastuunalaisuus], -yhtei
sesti Jolntly (and severally) [ responslble,
vastuussa], -yhteysoppi monism.
kaikkoaminsn dlsappearlng, vanlshlng; fleeIng. kaikota go avvay; wlthdraw; (kadota)
disappear, vanish; (paeta) flee.
kaiku echo; (kajahdus) resonance; (sointi)
sound; (laulusalin y. m.) acoustlcs; hnen
nimelln on hyv ~ he (1. his naine) Is
hlghly respected, everybody has a good
word for (1. speaks well oD hlm.
kaikua echo, resound; reverberate; (raikua)
rlng (agaln); (kuulua) sound; jonkun
korvissa rlng In one's ears, (alituisesti,
esim. Jokin svelm) run In one's head (au
tbe uhlle) [esim. nen ntnt kaikuu ali


tuisesti korvittani her volce ls constantly

ringing in my ears] ; hnen nent kaikuu
kauniilta nis volce has a flne resonance (1.
a beautiful Sound) ; marseljeesin svelten
kaikuessa he marssivat . . to the Stralns Of the
"Marseilla! se" they marched . . ; mett kaikuu
the woods are resounding, the forest echoes:
naurun kaikuessa amidst ringing (1. amld
a peal of) laughter; torvi kaikuu the horn
toots (1. ls tootlng) ; urkujen svelet kai
kuivat mahtavasti tuomiokirkon holvikytviss the tones of the organ came swelllng
through (1. reverberated through the arches of) the cathedral. kaikuminen echoing,
resounding; ringing. kaikupohja soundtngboard. kaikuva ecbolng, resounding; (soin
tuva) hlgh-soundlng; sonorous; (raikuva)
ringing [ laughter, nauru ] ; (kuuluva) loud;
kaikuvalla nell In loud volce, loudly;
kaikuvat hurraahuudot lOUd (1. ringing)
cheers. kalkuvastl loudly; (solntuvastl)
strlped; (tpliks) speckled, spotted; (kir
java) mottled, motley. -kangas chlne.
kaima namesake.
kainalo armplt; lahden kainalotta at the end
Of the bay; niemen kainalossa \vlll'I'e a polut
or land Jolns the malnland; keppi kainalos
ta \viih the cane under the arin; pitt kteti kainalooni put your arin in niine, take
my arm.
kainalon hiki perspiratlon In the armplts.
-kuoppa armplt, armhole. -sauva crutch;
[kvell] kainatotauvoilla (L kainalosauvoin
avulla) [walk] on (1. wlth) crutches.
-tilkku gusset.
kainlltti (apulannotusalne) kalnite.
kaininmerkkl mark of Caln.
kaino (ujo) bashful; (hvelis) modest; (ar
ka) shy, tlmld, shrlnklng. kainostelematon
unconstralned [in company, seurassa], unceremonlous, free and easy; (huoleton)
careles3, nonchalant. kainostelematta in an
unconstralned manner, unceremoniously;
kainostelematta kytt (hyvkseen) jota
kin inake Tree with; lainkaan kainostele
matta \vitii perfect ease, qulte at one's
ease, qulte coolly. kainosteleminen ks.
kainostelu, kainosteleva = kalns. kainos
tella (ujostella) be bashrul; (arastella) be
shy (1. tlmld); (punastella) blusb; vrt. h
vet; tytt kainosteli kovin, kun kaikki
katsoivat hneen the Kiri uus (1. Teit) very
much embarrassed, when everybody looked
at her. kainostelu blushlng; (ujous) bashfulness; (arkuus) shyness, tlmidity; turhaa kainostelua needless tlmidity. kainosti
bashrully; modestly; shyly. kai nostuttaa :
minua kainostuttaa I feel embarrassed,
(hvett) I am ashamed. kainous (ujous)
bashfulness; (hveliisyys) modesty; (ar
kuus) shyness, tlmidity.
kaipaaminen longing, (Teellng of) loss; regrct.
kaipaus (feellng of 1. sense or) loss, regret;
(Ikvinti) longing, yearning; (halu) deSlre; muistan hnt kiihkell kaipauksella
(elossa olevaa) I tblnk of her wlth ardent
longing; muistelen hnt syvll kaipauk
sella (vainajata) I remember her vvitli a
deep sense of loss.
kaippa ks. kai.
kaipuu = kaipaus.
kaira drlll; auger. kalranrelka bore(-hole),
Kaisa Cassie, Kate, Klt(ty).
kaisla (club-)rush, bulrush. kantamainen
rush-Uke. kalalamatto rush mat. kaislikko
the rushes.
kalsU 1. kalsUle; 2. (pledln) breadth.



kaistale strlp, (etenkin kankaan y. m.)

shred, (esim. paperin) slip; (nirkko) flap;
vrt. maa-.
kaita I. (V.) kaitsea.
kaita II. (a.) narrow; tliln, slender; (raam.)
stralt [road, tie], kai tinen kaita, H.
kaita! kinttuinen slender- (1. thin-)legged,
(Jkpv.) splndle-shanked. -lnt rather (1.
somewbat) narrow (1. slender 1. tbln).
kaiteet ks. kaide.
kaitsea tend [cattle, karjaa] ; (vapaammin:)
watch, guard; (suojella) protect; (valvoa)
kaitselmus provldence.
kaitseminen tending [of cattle, karjan] ;
watchlng, guardlng; (valvonta) supervl- sion. kaitsija one who tends [to cattle
etc.]; (paimen) shepherd; (vartija) guardlan, watcher; (hoitaja) caretaker, rustodian, curator, keeper; (valvoja) overseer,
supervlsor; (suojelija) protector.
kaiunta echo(lng), resonance; vrt. kaiku.
kaiuttaa make (1. cause to) eolio (1. resound), let . . ringr; Ionin strlke up a
song, start to slng. kaiuttaminen causlng
to echo; (laulun) strlklng up.
kaivaa dig [a plt, kuoppa; one's nose, ne
nns], delve; (ontoksi) excavate; (alas
pin) slnk [a well, kalvo; a mlne, kaivos] ;
(elimist puhuen:) burrow; (kuv. = kai
vaa alta) undermlne; (kairalla) bore; (kai
vella) pick [one's nose, nenns] ; (pen
koa) poke (about I. in 1. at); ~ (pois) alta
excavate beneath, undermlne; ~ esiin dig
out; ~ hampaitaan pick one'S teetll; ~ juu
rineen (maasta) dig up (1. out) by the
roots, grub up [bushes, pensaita], root out
(1. up); ~ kaivo slnk (1. dig) a well; ~
kanava (mys:) cut a canal [through ..];
~ maahan bury (In the ground), (ktke)
hlde In the earth; ~ maasta dig up [a
Stone, kivi] ; ~ reik lautaan gouge out
(veitsell: cut) a hole In the board; ~ taskujaan (live Into ones pockets.
kaivaja digger; delver. -pistiinen (clint.)
rossorlal hymenopter.
kaivaminen, kaivanta digging, dolving; sinking; excavatlng.
kaivanto 1. (kanava) canal; 2. (kaivos)
niine; (hauta) plt; ditch, trendi.
kaivata (olla Ilman) be vvithotit. lack; (tar
vita) requlre,need,be In need of; (Ikvid)
long for [peace, rauhaa], desire (earnestly), miss; (kysell) Inqulre for; kaipaa
korjausta needs rixing (1. repafrlng), needs
to be remedled (I. bettered 1. lmprovcd),
requires correctlon; kaipaisin (haluaisin)
I would llke to have, (toivoisin) I \vlsh I
had (1. I were) . .; ~ jotakin (i. jostakin)
jollekulle ks. valittaa; ~ kipesti miss
sorely, reel the loss deeply Lhuom. sit
kaivataan kipesti lt Is sorely needed.
therc is an urgent dcmand Tor it] ; asia ei
kaipaa pitempi selityksi the matter re
quires no furlher cxplanatlon; maa kaipaa
sadetta the soll needs (1. Is In need of)
rin; onko hn kaivannut minua has he
missed me (any)? has he inquired Tor me?
se ei kaipaa kehumista lt IS beyond ali
praise, it Is in no need of pralse; tss
kaivataan hyvi neuvoja good ai I vire Is
needed (1. deslrcd) liere. there Is need of
good advlce here, (puuttuu) good advice
is lacklng here.
kaivattaa have . . dug (excavated Jne., vrt.
kaivaa), cause to be dug (I. sunk 1. ex
cavated Jne.); (ojittaa) ditch; ruumis
maasta have a body dislnterred (1. exliumed). kaivattaja: kanavan kaivattaja
one In cliarge of digging a canal, super
vlsor of the canal-work (1. the \vork on a


canal). kaivattaminen digging out, excavatlon; (ojittaminen) dltchlng.

kaivattu longed for, missed; (tarvittu)
needed, requlred; (puuttuva) misslng; ys
tvmme our friend wc miss somuch; kauan
~ parannus a long looked-for (1. expected
1. needed) lmprovement.
kaivaus digging; cutting; excavation.
kaivauttaa = kaivattaa.
kaivautua dig (1. go) down; (maahan, esim.
myyr) burrow; (tunkeutua) penetrate;
(kuv. = hautautua) bury o.s., (syventy
Johonkin) get engrossed In, be absorbed in.
kaiveleminen digging; (esim. hampaiden)
picklng; (harmittaminen) vexatlon, worryIng, fret(tlng). kaivella pick [one's teeth,
hampaitaan; one's nose, nenns]; (kal
vaa) gnaw, prey upon; (harmittaa) vex,
WOrry, Tret; mieltni (\. sydntni) kaive
lee nhdessni miten . . lt WOrrleS (1.
grleves) me to see (1. when I see) how . . ,
lt rrets me (I. my Heart) to see hovv . . .
kaiverrella ks. kaivertaa, kaiverrin graver,
burln. kaiverrus engravlng. kaiverruttaa
have . . engraved. kaivertaa engrave [an
inscrlptlon, klrjotus; on steel, terkseen];
cut, carve. kalvertaja engraver. kaiver
taminen engravlng.
kaivo Weil; vrt. kaivaa.
kaivoksenomistaja mine-owner.
kaivon kaivaja well-dlgger, one wbo puts
In Wells, -katsoja man to locate a we)l.
-kansi (well-)curb, well-platrorm, top of
a well. -keh \vell-curb. -sanko wellbucket. -vipu well-sweep.
kaivos mlne; (avo) plt.
kaivos- (yhd.) mlne- [esim. -pumppu niine
pump; -pllikk mlne-captaln, -rjhdys
mlne-exploslonj, mlnlng- (esim. -alue mlnIng-dlstrict; -veturi mlnlng-locomotlve].
-aukko mouth (1. entrance) oi a mlne; vrt.
kaivoskuilu. -insinri mlnlng englneer.
-kaasu (kivihiilikaivoksissa)
(etup. hilllhappokaasua) blark damp. -kent
t mlning-rield; mlnlng-ground. -kuilu
(mlne-)shart. -kytv passage (in a mine) :
(metallikaiv.) drirt, level; (klvihllllkalv.)
entry. -lamppu mlner's lamp: (turva-)
safety-lamp. -mies mlner; (kivihiilikaivok
sissa. Engl.) collier. -onnettomuus mlnlng
(1. mine) dlsaster. -palo mlne-Ilre. -plkky
-taudit mlners' dlseases.
-teollisuus mlnlng Industry, mlnlng. -toimi
mlnlng. -ty mine-work, mlnfng; vrt. teh
d, -tymies mlner, mlne-worker. -viere
m caving-in or a mlne. -yhti minlng
kaivovesi well-water.
kaivu ks. kaivaus, -kone (tekn.) digging
machine.excavator (mys hammaslkrin).
kajahdella rlng agaln; echo, resound, reverberate.
kajahdus clang, rlng(lng); clangor; (trhdys) blast; (kaiku) echo(lng), resonance;
antaa kajahduksen glves an echo (I. a reso
nance); torvien ~ tooting oi horns, fanrare
or trumpets. kajahduttaa strlke up [a
song, laulu).
kajahtaa clang, rlng; (kuulua) sound; (kaikua)
echo, resound; (pamahtaa) go orr (wlth a
bang) ; ~ nauramaan break Into a peal of
laughter, burst out laughlng; laukaus ka
jahti there was a report (or a gun); nimi
~ tutulta the name sounds Tamlllar; vrt.
kajahdella, kajahtaminen clanglng, rlngIng; soundlng; resoundlng. kajauttaa
kajakka (kirkas) clear, brlght; (lpinkyv)
transparent, llmpld; ilma clear (1. brlght
1. transparent) air.
kajakki (eskimo!, palkovene) kayak, kalak.

kajakkuus brigbtness, serenlty; llmpldness; mark coln. -metallikanta bimetal(l)lc Sys
ilman serenlty or the atmosphere.
tem; blmetalllsm. -mielinen (eptietoinen)
kajastaa (vlkky) shlmmer, gleam; (kan
ambiguous, equivocal; (vilpillinen) falsegastaa) loom; (kuvastua) be reHected, be hearted, deceltrul; (kahdenvalheella oleva)
nurrored; (kuvastaa) reflect, mlrror; hesltating, undeclded, doubtrul; vrt. kaksi
(kuittaa) dawn, break; (hmtt) be naamainen, -mielisesti amblguously, equivdimly (1. indlstlnctly) vislble (1. seen); ocally. -mielisyys ambiguity; ralsc-heartcdkajastaa silmissni Is gleamlng (1. loomlng) ness. -muotoinen (kasv.) heterogonous.
before my eyes; piv the day Is daun- kaksin by (1. in) twos; (parittain) by couples,
ing (1. breaking); vihdoinkin kajasti kaukaa by (1. un pairs; (kaksi kerrallaan) two at
jotakin vihret at last thcre \vas a glimpse a tlme.
of something green In the distance. kajas kaksi i! naamainen (kuv.) tuo-Taced, doubletus shimmer, gleam; glimpse; reriected deaiing, lnsincere, deceltrul. -naamaisuus
lustre; (heijastus) reflection; (kangastus) double-dealing, dupllcity.
mlrage; (hmttminen) looming; (koit kaksinainen (= kaksinkertainen) double;
taminen) davvn, breaklng; taivaan kajastus tvvofold; dual [life, exlstence, elm]; ~
the glow of tbe heavens.
rahakanta blmetallic System, blmetal(l)lsm.
kaksi naisestl (In a) tvvorold (manner),
kajatti camera obscura.
doubly. kaksinaisuus duallty.
kajava (lokki) gull; sea-mew.
kaji (rantalaituri) pler, quay; (lastauslaitu- kaksinen: ei se (kovin) ollut it \vas not
n) w h. u T.
vvorth much (1. not or much value).
kajoamaton untoucbed. kajoaminen touch- kaksi || neuvoinen (kasv.) bisexual, hermaphlng; (johonkin seikkaan y. m.) toucblng rodite.
-nidoksinen . . In two volumes.
upon, mentlonlng.
kajota touch [a thlng. Johonkin esineeseen] ; kaksin kerroin tvvorold, doubly; vrt. kn
t, -kertainen double, tuorold; kaksin
(kuv.) touch upon [a subject, johonkin ai
neeseen], make mention or; en halua ~ kertainen italialainen kirjanpito bookkeepkoko asiaan I don't vvant to meddle \vlth (1. Ing by double entry, double entry bookin) that business, I don't vvant anytblng to kceplng. -kertaisesti doubly, tuorold. -kerdo vvilh that arrair; l kajoa siihen (li iiri taisuus doubleness. -naiminen blgamy.
kaksinnoa doubllng; duplication.
touch it.
kajuutan:! ikkuna cabln-vvlndovv; (laivan pe kaksinpuhelu dlalogue.
rpuolella) stern-port. -portaat companlon- kaksintaa double, redouble; dupllcate.
kaksin taistelija dueKDlst. -taistelu duel;
way. cabln-stalrs.
single rumbat.
kajuutta cabin. -vahti cabln-boy.
kaksinumeroinen . . vvitli tvvo dlgltS; kaksi
kakara (lapsi) brat, urchln.
kakistaa tiavvk; (rykia) cough; ~ kurkkuaan numeroinen luku a number or tvvo rigures
(1. vvitli tvvo digits). -nytksinen . . in tvvo
kakkonen tuo; (kortti-, noppa- y. m. pelis
actS; kaksinytksinen nytelm a play In
tvvo acts. -osainen . . in tuo parts, (kirja:)
s) deuce.
kakku (leivos) cake; (leip-) round loar (or . . In tvvo volumes; (kaksijakoinen) blpar
bread); (suklaa-) tablet. -hunaja comb- tite; (kaksiosastoinen) . . In tuo sectlons,
..In tvvo-compartments. -palstainen doublehoney.
column(ed) [paper, lehti], -piippuinen
kakkuta (aisa) shart; kakkulat sharts, (san
gat) bovvs, (rillit) spectacles, (nen-) nose- double-barreled [gun, pyssy], -pohjainen
glaises; kakkulat nenll vvitli glasses on double -bottomcd. -puolinen two-slded, bi
lateral; (kaksinkertainen) double; kaksi
one's nose.
puoliset ovet double donrs, rokllng cloors.
kakluuni kS. kaakeliuuni.
kaksi tuo; kahdella pll, kahden vaiheella -puolisesti:
k*, kahdenvaihe; kahden kS. hakllS.; kahdet double-acting. -pinen: kaksipinen pussi
kengt tuo pair(s) of shoes; kahta ks. ha
ku.; kertaa t\vo tlrnes, tulee; kertaa the shoulder). -piskotka double-eagle.
~ on nelj tulre tuo Is rour, two tlnies -raiteinen .. vvith double tracks: doubletracked. -sataa tvvo hundred, -silpinen tvvotuo make rour.
vvlnged, (elint., hynteisist:) dipterous:
kaksi- (yhd.) tvvo-, double- [esim. -imuroi
kaksisiipiset (liynteisluokka)
nen tvvo-masted; -pinen tvvo-hcaded, dou
ble headcd; -terinen two-edged, double- -sirkkalset (kasv.) Dlcotyledones.
edged; -sivuinen two-sided] ; (tiet.) bl- kaksistaa double, redouble; dupllcate.
(esim. -sieninen bilateral; -vrinen blcol- kaksitavuinen tvvo-syllabled; (klel.) dlsor(ed)]. -eminen (kasv.) .. vvith (1. hav- syllablc; kaksitavuinen sana dlssyllable.
Ing) tuo pistlls, dlgynous. -haaralnen tvvo- -toiminen double-acting [pump, pumppu].
branched; tuo-rorked, blTurcate. -halkoi- kaksitoista twelve; (tusina) dozen. -kertai
nen (kasv.) two-clert, birid. -heteinen nen tuelverold. -kulmio dodecagon. -si
(kasv.) . . uitti tuo stamens; dlandrous. vuinen tuelve-slded; (tiet.) dodecahedral.
-tahokas dodecahedron. -vuotias I. (a.)
-jakoinen tvvo-parted, blpartite. -Jakovil
jelys blennlal rotation. -Jalkalnen tvvo- tuelve years Old (1. or age) ; kaksi
footed; biped. -kamari jrjestelm blcameral toistavuotias lapsi a chlld tuelve years old
systcm, tuo-housc rorm of leglslature. -ka- (1. or age), a chlld or tvvelve. II. (s.) chlld
marinen blcameral. -kerroksinen t\vo-story or twelve. -vuotinen: kaksitoistavuotinen
ihoiise, talo), tuo-storled. -kielinen .. in asukas a resldent or a dozen years; kaksi
tuo languages, blllngual [inscrlptlon, kirjo- toistavuotinen sopimus an agreement or
twelve years' standtng, (kahdeksitoista
tus] ; (rlstllnpuhuva) double-tongued; kak
sikielisi lentolehti pamphlets (printcd) vuodeksi tehty) a tvvclvc-year agreement.
In tuo languages. -kiellsyys bllinguallsm. kaksittain by (1. In) tuos; tuo by tuo; tvvo
at a tlme; (parittain) by palrs, In couples.
kaksikko (kiel.) dual.
kaksi kotinen (kasv.) dkrcious. dleclous. kaksi tuntinen: kaksituntinen lepo a tvvo
-kymment tvventy. -kyttyrinen tvvo- hours' rest; kaksituntinen puhe a spcech
humped [ramel, kameell]. -ksitteinen am- lastlng two hours (1. tvvo hours long), a
blguous; equivocal. -leukainen . . vvitli a tuo hours' specch. -tuhatta two thousand.
double chili, -luokkainen . . uithtuo grades, -vaimoisuus bigamy. -valjakko two-horse
..ulth a tuo years' course. -markkanen tuo - carrlage; (Engl.) carrlage and palr. -vartl

nen . . with two handles; (kangas) two- of a fish, -rasva fish-oil, -rauhotus pro
thread, -viivamen (mus.) twice-marked, tection of fish, -ruoto fish-bone, -saalis
twice -accented, -vuoroinen: kak*iouoroi- catch (of fish), draft of fish, haul, -alltoa
nen viijeiys biennial rotation, -vuotiaa fish-breeding, -siitoslaitos ks. kalanhautoI. (a.) . . two years old, two-year-old [chilJ, mo. -suomus scale of a fish, -alllytya con
lapsl]. II. (s.) two-year-old, -vuotlnen bi
serving of fish, -vlljelya fish-culture, pisci
ennial; kakmivuotinen katvi biennial, -vari- culture: (kalankasvatus) fish-breeding.
nen . . of two colors; two-color(ed). -aam- kala on ni fisherman's luck, -parvl shoal (1.
nen two-part; kakiininen laulu two-part school) of fish, -porras fish-ladder, -ruoka
singing: (1. son?) ; (kahden hengen) duet. fish-food.
-nUesti carrying: two parts; in duet.
kalastaa fish, catch fish.
kakeoinen ks. kaksonen.
kalastaja fisherman; fisher. -Joukko lot (1.
kaksois- (ylid.) double [eslm. -tlm double number) of fishermen, -mbkki fisherman's
life; -haut double wedding-; -marha double cottage, -vene fishing-boat, fisherman's
murder; -oui double door; -raid* double boat.
track], twin [esim. -veil twin brother; -- kalastaminen fishing, catching of fish, kasar twin sister; -Itihti twin star], -aura lastella catch fish; be fishing (1. angling)
double-furrow plow, -kappale duplicate. [for votes, .1,1111.4'. kalastelu fishing, kalas-kerake double consonant, -kiikari (binocu timet fishing-tackle.
lar) field-glass; opera-glass, -kotk double- kalastukson kaitsija superintendent of fish
eagle, -kovero double-concave, concavo- eries, -neuvoja (I. v.) state Instructor for
concave, -kupera double-convex [lens, fish preservation, -tarkaetaja 1. -tarkastei m -i -oi double (1. folding) door, -pari
of fisheries.
(pair of) twins. -PI ,to colon, -raiteinen lija Inspector
fishing; fishery; VTt. pyynti.
double-tracked, -risti (mus.) double sharp. kalastus
fishing- [eslm. -aika fish-Uhti (myus:) double (1. binary) star. lng(-)time; -paikka
fishing-place; -vene
-nti diphthong.
fisheries art. -elinkaksonen twin; kahtoltt twins, (thtiryhkelno fishing Industry, fishery, -lainsaiII 1. 1 I the Twins, Gemini; h* ooat kahsoset
dint legislation concerning fishing, -mu
they are twins.
seo fisheries museum, -nayttely fisheries
kaktu (kasv.) cactus, -kaavi cactus [plur. exhibition,
-oikeua right of fishing (1. fish
cacti 1. cactuses].
-sant fisheries act. -tapa method
kala fish; kalaan go (out) fishing;
of fishing, -tarpeet fishing-tackle, -vahti
olla halamma ( = kalastamassa) be out fish
I. -poliisi fish-warden.
ing; pv.vfuu haloja CatCh flSh; iulla balasto
kala sytti fish bait, -aiillo fish-preserve,
come (1. return) from fishing.
kala- (yhd.) fish- [eslm. -kauppias fish- (kalastusveneessa) fish-well, -ataaki os
dealer; -koMtikt fish-sauce; -markkinut prey. -tura (elint.) tern.
fish-market; -lammikho fish-pond; -o/y kalaton without any fish, flshless.
kcia tori fish-market, -varaa poacher,
-vaau fish-basket, creel, -vene fishingkalaasit ks. pidot.
kala haavi rish-net. -haukka (ellnt.) fish- boat, -verkko fish-net, -veal waters (1.
streams) to fish in, fishing streams.
hawk, osprey.
kalahdella rattle; humpaat kalahteliuat vilut- kaleeri, kaleirl (soudettava sotalalva) gal
-orja galley-slave.
ta the teeth chattered from (1. with) (the)
cold, kalahdus clang; clash, crack, bang, kalenterl calendar, -vuosi calendar year.
miekka (thtlryhm) Orion: Orion's
kalahtaa clang; (ramahtiitt) crack, (strike
with a) clap; (kalahdella) rattle, clatter; sword, -tull sheet lightning, heat-lightning.
(liampalsta y. m.) chatter, kalahtelu rat
kauf i calif, caliph, -kuntacallfate, caliphate.
tling; (hampalden) chatter.
kalainen, kalaisa . . abounding In fish, . . \vltn kaliiberi caliber, calibre.
kalikka round billet; (keppl) stick; (nappuplenty of fish; . . rich In fish.
kalalikauppa fish-market, -kauppia* (myos:) la) rung.
fishmonger, -kaltto fish-soup, -koukku kali lasi potash glass, -lipea caustic potash,
fish-hook, -kukko fish-pasty, -laji kind potash lye.
of fish; (elAlnt.) species of fish, -lauta kallna rattle, rattling, clatter; (hampalden
board to scale fish on. -Mima fish-glue; y. m.) chatter, kallaemlnen rattling; clat
Isinglass, -lokkl (sea-)gull, sea-mew, -ml* tering, chattering, kallata rattle, clatter;
(hampaista:) Chatter; hampaani kali**vat
ks. kalastaja.
kalan- (yhd.) . . of a fish, fish- [eslm. -- vilutta my teeth chatter from (1. with)
ka skin of a fish, fish-skin; -hunt* tail of cold, kalistaa rattle, (make a) clatter; clank.
a fish, fish-tall ; -pan head of a fish, fish- kalisteleminen rattling, clatter(lng). kalishead], (kalojen) . . of fish [eslm. -haudon- tella rattle, clatter; keep up a rattle (1.
ta hatching of fish; -mavvttum smoking of a clatter 1. a racket); clank [one's chains,
fish; -Muolaut salting of fish], -haju smell kahleitaan] ; bang [the dishes, astioita].
of fish, fishy smell. -hautomo(flsh-)hatch- kalisuola (kem.) potassium salt.
ery. -istutua planting of fish, -kasvatus kalium! (kem.) potassium.
fish-breeding, fish-culture, -kaupuatellja kalium- (yhd.) potassium [eslm. -hydraatti
fish monger, fish-ped(d)ler. -kutu spawn- potassium hydroxld(e) ; -karhonaatti potas
Ing (of fishes), -kialttely curing of fish. sium carbonate; -kloridi potassium chlo-luu (-ruoto) fish-bone; (kaupp.) whale
bone, baleen, -maltl milt, soft roe. -maksa- kalja small beer; near beer; root beer; (veoljy cod-liver olU -maku taste of fish, fishy nalalnen) kvass, rye beer.
taste, -muotolnen fish-like, plsclform. kaljaail (topsail) schooner.
-mat! (hard) roe, (flsh-)spawn; kaianmdin kahama ks. iljanko.
haudonta hatching of fish-spawn, -perkaus kalju bare, naked; bald [head, piia: peak,
rtsh-gutttng. -perkeet fish-gut, -poikalnen > vuorenhulppu] ; (sileft) smooth; (kasv.)
young of fish, fry; kalanpoihaMtl fry. -pyy- glabrous, -painen bald-headed, -pisyys
dykaet fishing-tackle, nets and fish-traps. baldness, -p baldhead, baldpate.
-pyyntl catching fish, fishing, -pyyntineu- kalkahduttaa clank; (ramahdytUA) bang;
vot kalanpyydykiet. -rakko air-bladder (kolkuttaa) rap, pound.

ri) mountaln; kova (1. luja) kuin ~ flrm as
kalkata, kai kattaa rattle, clatter; (esim. kar
jan kellot) tlnkle, clank; (rmist) bang. a rock.
kalkatus clanking, clank; (kilin) tlnkle; kallio- (yhd.) rock- [esim. -kyyhkynen rock(rmin) clatter. kalkauttaa ks. kalkah- dove; -piirrot rock-carvlng; -temppeli
rock-temple] ; rocky [esim. -jyrknne rocky
preclplce; -muuri rocky wall; -pohja
kalke rattle, rattiin?; clatter; clank; (koli
na) nolse, dln; vasaran sound of ham- rocky ground]. -asunto clirf-dvvelltng.
(kasv.) polypody.
merlng: nolse or a hammer (1. of hammers).
kalkaerata ks. kalkioida. kalkserl|kangas, kallioinen rock-bound [coast, rannikko],
rocky; craggy.
-paperi ks. kalkioVaate, -paperi.
kirjotus ks. kalliopiirros, -luola rockkalkinSpitolnen ltmy; calcareous, calclfer- kallion
cave(rn); grotto.
ous. -pitoisuus percentage or Ilme (con- kallioni
crevlce (In a rock), rocky
tained). -polttaja llme-burner. -poltto clert. halkeama
crag, pinnacle (or rock),
lime-burnlng. -sekainen mlxed vvltti Ilme, -kieleke-huippu
projectlng crag, spur.
llmy; calclferous.
-kolo rock-cave(rn); (halkeama) crevlce
kalkinta coverlng \vlili Ilme; plastertng.
(In a rock), -lohkare (plece of) rock: chunk
kalkioida trace; calk. kalkioiminen, kal- Of Stone; euuri kallionlohkare (mys:) a
kiointa traclng; calklng.
huge boulder. -pengerm ledge. -rinne
kalkio paperi carbon-paper: traclng-paper. mountaln slope, side (1. face) of a clirr.
-vaate I. -kangas tracing-llnen (1. -cloth). -rotko (suuri) gorge; (halkeama) crevlce
kalkita cover (1. sprlnkle) wlth Ilme; (kai- (In a rock), -sein(m) rocky wall. -vie
rem rall (1. sllde) of rock(s).
kittaa) Ilme, chalk; (rapata) plaster. kal
kitta* ks. kalkita, kalkittua be(come) cal- kallion perustus roundatlon of rock, rock
riried, calcify. kalkittuminen calcHlcatlon; foundatlon. -perinen rocky; maa on kalvrt. kalkkiutuminen, kalkitus sprlnkllng lioperist (mys:) the rock (bottom) Is
wlth Ilme; llmlng, chalklng; (rappaus) only a llttle way below the surface. there
Is only a thln layer of soll over the rock.
kalkkarokrme rattlc-snake.
-piirros (mys:) petroglyph. -pohja rock
kalkki 1. Ilme; 2. (klrkoll. = malja) challce, bottom; (bed) rock. -riutta ledge or rocks.
-saari rocky lsland (1. lsle). -sein vvall of
cup; communlon-cup.
kalkkikivi llmestone. -kerros limestone bed rock. rocky wall.
Kalliovuoret Rocky Mountalns; (Jkpv.) the
(1. strata). -louhos llmestone quarry.
kalkki1 kuori crust or Ilme. -laasti mortar. Rockles.
-louhos llmestone quarry. -maa calcareous kallis dear, preclous; (kallisarvoinen) cost
eartb. -maalaus Iresco(-palntlng). -maali ly, expenslve; (rakas) beloved; ~ aika
(elinkustannuksiin nhden) hard tlmes;
kalkkimalnen calcareous.
hinta hlgh prlce (1. cost), costllness; ~
kalkkimaito mllk of Ilme.
vala solemn oath; ~ ystvni my dear
kalkkinen llmy.
frlend! kalliitta hinnatta at a hlgh prlce,
kalkkloida ks. kalkioida.
at great cost, dearly; kalliit kivet preclous
kalkki pohja calcareous ground. -polttimo Stones, gems; kalliit verot heavy (1. hlgh)
ks. kalkkiuuni, -ruukki ks. kalkkilaasti. taxes; kollitta huvia expenslve pleasure;
jos henkesi on sinulle irliCe IS dear to you;
-silpi (mlner.) calclte.
kalkkiutua be(come) calciried, calciry. kalk
myyd henkens kalliitta Sell 0ne'S li Te
kiutuminen calclflcatlon; verisuonien kalk
dear; te voi kyd sinulle kalliiksi lt m ay
kiutuminen hardenlng of the arterles,(lk.) cost you dear, you may have to pay dear
Tor lt; tavarat ovat kalliitta hinnatta the
kalkki! uuni llme-klln. -vesi llme-water. goods are dear (1. are hlgh-prlced).
-vesivirl calclmlne: vrt. kalkkimaali. kallis- (yhd.) hlgh- Teslm. -hintainen hlgh-valo (oxy)calclum-llgbt, llme-llght. -voide prlced; -palkkainen hlgh-salarled] . -arvoi
llme-ointment. -vuori llmestone rock, cal- nen costly, expenslve, dear; preclous [stone,
eareousrock. -viri frcsco-color; body-color. kivi]; (suurlarvolnen) or hlgh value, (very)
kalkkuna turkey. -kukko turkey-cock, (tur- valuable; prlceless; (harvinainen) rare
key) gobbler.
rjewel. Jalokivi] ; (Joskus:) rlch. -arvoisuus
kalkkunanpoika(nen) young turkey. kalk- costllness; valuableness; (hlgh 1. preclous
kunapaistl roast turkey.
1. prlceless) value, prlcelessness; rareness.
kalkutella clatter; (kolkutella) rap, pound; -hintainen (mys:) costly, expenslve.
(nakutella) tap; (vasaroida) hammer; (ly kallistaa I. (list hintaa) ralse (I. increase)
d) beat; takoa ~ pound wlth the hammer. the prlce or-, (tehd kalliimmaksi) make
kalkuttaa ks.edell. kalkutus clatter; pound- dear(er), make more expenslve: 2. (panna
lng, hammerlng; (kalke) nolse; vasaran kallelleen) lean [one's head agalnst, pns
kalkutus pounding of the hammer.
jotakin vastaan], Incllne, slant, slope; (tai
kalkyli (laskelma) calculatlon; (mat. = eri
vuttaa) bend; ~ korvansa johonkin r*l. jol
tyinen korkeampi laskutapa) calculus.
lekin) lend an ear to . . , lend one's ears
Kalle Charles: (lkpv.) Charlie. Charley.
to . .; pns johonkin recllne (I. rest)
kallellaan, kallelleen on the tllt, atllt; aslope; one's head on, lay one's head on. kallista
(vinossa) awry; kallellaan oleva ks. kalteva; minen 1. (hintojen) ralse (I. Increase) or
asettaa kallelleen ks. panna; olla kallellaan; 2. (nolaaminen) leanlnir. slanting.
lean, Incllne, tllt, slant [esim. torni on kal kallistautua lean [backwards, taaksepin];
lellaan the tower leans], (latvasta puhuen:) (kumartua) bend down; ~ jotakin vasten
heel, llst [esim. laiva on arveluttavasti kal
recllne (1. rest) agalnst: ottamaan jota
lellaan the boat Is Ustlng serlously (1. has kin (maasta) stoop (1. bend down) to plck
a bad llst)].
up a tn.: vrt. kallistua.
kalleus 1. (hinnan) costllness. expcnslveness, kallistella: venett rock (1. tllt) the boat;
expense; 2. (kallis esine) valuable: (aarre) ahkera kallistelemaan latia (\. pikaria)
treasure; kalleudet valuables; Jewels, gems. steady drlnker (1. usnr or llquor), (vllnl)
kalliinlainen rather expenslve (1. costly).
wlne-blbbcr; vrt. kallistaa, 2.
kalliisti dearly, costly; ostettu dear(Iy) kallistua 1. (nousta hinnassa) become dearer,
bntight, hard-earned.
rlse (In prlce); hinta kallistuu the prlce
kallio rock; (varsinkin: ranta-) clirr; (vuo
Is golng up (1. Is advanclng); tavarat kai



Ustuvat the goods are rlslng (I. golng up)

In price (1. are gettlng dearer); 2. (menn
kallelleen, nojata, taipua) lean, incllne [tovvards an opinion, Johonkin mielipiteeseen],
stoop; (laivasta puhuen:) llst, lurch, careen, heel; (kumartua) bend down; jon
kun puolelle be Inclined to support one (1.
to lend onc's support to a p.); laiva kallis
tuu the shlp lurches (1. lists 1. heels). kallis
tuma (fys.) incllnatlon; (vaa'an) deliertlon
(Engl.: deTIexlon). kallistuminen I. (hin
tojen) rise (1. Increase 1. artvanre) In
prlces, golng up or prlces; 2. (nojaaminen)
leaning, incllnatlon, stooplng; (laivan) list
ine, lurchlng, hecllng; (kuv.) tendency.
kallistus lncllnatton; (esim. magneettlneulan) dip. -mittari cllnometer.
kallita (prees. hallitsen) cold-hammer.
kallo (pkallo) skull; (pllk.) pate; (anat.)
katloinen (yhd.) . . \vitli a . . skull (1. crani
um) [esim. matala-' wlth a lovv-arched
cranlum: paksu- witii a thick skull].
kallo-oppi eranlology.
kalma dcath.
. kalman haju deathllke (1. deathly) smell (1.
odor). -hiki death-s\veat. -kalpea death
ly (mys: dcadly) pale, pale as death. -kal
peus deathly pallor.
kalmisto bitrlal-ground. graveyard.rcmctery.
kalmukki kalmurk, kalmuk.
kalomeli (lk.) calomel; (kem.) mercurous
kalopsi ks. vatkuli.
kalori, kaloria (Tys. lmpyksikk) calorie.
kalossi rubber; kalossit rubhers. (Engl.)
galoshes; hn hukkasi toisen kalossinsa he
lust one of hls rubhers.
kalotti (patalakki) skull -cap; calotte.
kalpa svvord.
kalpea pale, pallid; kalpeat kasvot pale rnro;
kuun kalpeat stsst the pale (1. falnt) rays
or the moon. -kasvoinen pale(-raeed).
kalpeneminen tumin? pale; radlng. kalpeus
pallor. palpness.
kalsea (karkea) coarse, rough fvoice. ni],
(tyly) stern, gruir;
gloomy, dreary, dismal; (kolea) ravv. rhllly
[weather, ilma]: (kova) hard [water, vesp ; (tyls) hltinj: ~ maku astrimrent tastc;
vri somhre color. kalseasti roughly,
harshly; sternly, grurriy; drearily. kalsentua becomc rough (1. harsh), (vesi) become
hard(er); (ilma) berome (more) ravv (1.
rhllly). kalseus rottghncss, harshness: (Il
man) ravness. rhllllness: (vedpn) hardness.
kalsiumi (kem.) ealeium. kalsiumkarbidi
(kpm.) ealelum rarbtd(e).
kalskahtaa clang, rlank; (kalista) clatter.
kalske rlattpr: (kalina) rattle; (melske)
noise, raeket: (pauke) din: aseiden
platter of arms, (talstellpssa:) clash or
arnis; miekkojen clash of s\vordS; vasa
ran noise (1. poundlng) of a hammer (I.
or hammers). kalskua clatter; make a
noise: (esim. miekoista:) clash; (vasara)
pound. kalskutella, kalskuttaa make a
noise, clatter; (kalistella) rattle: (kalkut
taa) rlank. kalskutus clatter; (kalina) rat
tle: (kalkutus) clankln?.
kalrongit ks. alushousut.
kalteinen likp; heidn kaltaisiaan on vhn
there are fe\v or thelr llke (1. Tew llkc
T li.- 1 1 1 1 - hhnen kaltaisensa (plur.) his llkP(s).
(vertaisensa) his rompeers: hnen kaltai
sensa mies a ntan like hiin: hn on yh vie
l kaltaisensa he Is still hls old seir. he Is
stlll just as Iip used to be: sen like It,
(SPllaillpn) Sltch: se on ihan hnen kaltais
taan that is Just likp htm. it Is (Itke) liitu
ali over (I. to a T); sin ja sinun kaltaisesi


you and your compeers (1. your llke 1. your

sort). kaltaisesti: jonkin [/onnun] kaltai
sesti llke a th. [llke one] ; Just llke . . .
kaltaisuus (yhd.) ks. monen , saman, yh
den y. m.
kaltata srald. kalteri ks. ristikko.
kalteva leanlng [tower, torni], Inclined
Iplane, pinta], slanttng; (viettv) sloping.
kaltevasti leanlnfrly, slantingly: slopingly.
kaltevuus incllnatlon, declivlty, slope, piteli,
slant; grade; jyrkk steep pitcb; ...-n
asteen kaltevuudella at an angle (1. at a
pitch) or . . degrees; rinteen on IS as
tetta, rinne viett IS asteen kaltevuudella
the bank has a slope or 15 degrees. -aste
degree or slope, (rautat.) gradicnt. -kulma
angle or declivlty (1. or lncllnatton). -pyl
vs (rautat.) gradient-post.
kaltiainen unleavened bread.
kalttaaminen, kalttaus scaldlng. kalttausvesi scaldlng vvater.
kaltto ks. kalteva.
kalu (kapine) thlng, artlcle; (esine) ohjeet,
plece; (miehen ) penis; vrt. tarve,
ty Jne.; kalut (tavarat) thlngs, erreets.
goods, (neuvot) tools, tmplemcnts; ei siit
kalua tule that \vill never comc (1. amount)
to anythlng; nothlng vvill ever come or it:
hn lhti kiluineen haluineen (mys: lhti
katuineen kaikkineen) he \VPUt ;i\\;iy (I. he
leTt) bag and baggage; kyll siit viel
tulee that wiii he (I. turn out) ali rlght
yet, somethlng ran be done with It yet;
vrt. mennyt (lii kalua).
kalunkirjotus ks. perunkirjotus.
kalustaa tn up, Turnlsh f a room. huone 1.
kalustamaton unTurnished [room, huonel.
kalustaminen Titting up, rurnlshlng.
kalusto (Irtaimisto) rixtttres; rurnishings;
(huone-) rttrnlture; (maanviljelys- y. m.)
implements; (ty- y. m.) tools; (tarpeet,
varustukset) outllt. equlpment; (varasto)
stock; vrt. opetus, palo, pyt- y. m.
-kirja Itivpittory; (kauppiaan) stock-book.
-liiteri tool-shed. -luettelo Inventory.
kalustonkatsastus inventory, stork-taking.
kalusto tili Inventory (aeeount). -vaja I.
-aitta tool -nouse, tool-shed.
kalustus I. (kaltistaminpn) rurnlshlng; 2.
(kalusto) rurniture; rixtures. rurnishings.
kaluuna I. ireunusnaiiha) galloon; (gold I.
Silver) laep; 2. (-mitta, Ampr. suoni.) gallon.
kalvaa gnavv Tasundpr. rikki]; (hangata)
rub, ctiale, gall; (syd rikki) Trct (mys
kuv.); (hivuttaa) prey upon; (vaivata)
worry; (kuluttaa) vvear avvay, vvaste;
poikki gnavv in t\vo; kenk jalkaa the
shoe Is rtthhing (the skin orr) the root (I.
is eharing the root); koiralla on luu kalvet
tavana the <log has a bone to gnavv: suru
hnen mieltn grleT preys (up)on his mlnd.
kalvakas, kalvakka pale, pallid. kalvakkuus
paleness. pallor.
kalvaminen gnavving; rub(bing); preylng
npon: vvastlng.
kalvava gnavving; rretting: vvearing Trare,
huoli]: vvorrylng; vvastlng rdiseasp, tauti];
omatunto troublpd ponsclence.
kalve ks. katve.
kalveta turn (I. grovv) pale. lose color;
(vaaleta) vvhiten: (hipy) racle (avvay).
kalvettua lose color. vvhiten: (kalveta)
grovv (I. turn) pale. kalvetustauti ehlorosis,
greenslckness: (verenviihyys) ann?mia.
kalvin seraper; dravving-knire. shave.
kalvinilainen T. (a.) (kirkkoh.) Calvlnistlr.
II. (s.) Calvlnlst. kalvinilaisuus Calvlnism.
kalvistua ks. kalveta.
kalvo membrane; cttticle, pellicle; (esim.
nesteen pinnalla) lllm: (kesi, pllys) coat;
(pinta) surrace; vrt. immen, veden.



kalvoin (ranne) wrtst; (verkonkudontaa var

ten) netting-stock. kalvokas kalvosta,
kaivomainen filmy; membranous. kalvosin,
kalvonen (villainen) wristlet, (sormien Juu
reen ulottuva) mitt; (liinainen) curr.
kama k-, rihkama, roju.
kamala ghastly, grrlsly; (kaamea) dismal,
gloorny; (hirve) rrightrul [sight, nky],
dreadrul, terriblc; (kauhea) horrid, horrible: hn oli kamalan nkinen (\. kamala
katsoa) he as a sight to behold (1. a rright
to look at), he was a (lreadrul .siilit, kamalannkinen horrld(-looklng), rrightrul;
(rhastly. kamalasti dreadrully, rrlghtrully;
horriilly. kamaluus ghastllness; dreadfulness. rrighUulness; horrlbleness.horridness.
kamana (oven, ikkunan) framc, caslng;
(polkkipiena) cross-plece, cross-rall; vrt.
ikkuna, oven-*-.
kamara (pinta) surrace; (kuori) erust; (ko
vettuma) cailus; (pn) scalp. -aura skimrolter plow.
kamari chamber. -herra chamberlaln. -junk
kari <1. v.) gentleman or the bedchamber.
-musiikki chamber-muslc. -neiti maid or
honnr. -neitsyt chambermald; (lady's 1.
-naitin?) mald. -palvelija valet. -rouva
lady In waiting. -teoria a theory that works
out ali right on papcr, an Imprsctical theory.
kamasaksa (1. v.) Junk-dealer.
kameleontti (ellnt.) chameleon.
kameli camel; (ykslkyttyrlnen) dromedary. -kurki ostrlch. -lanka mohair-yarn.
kamelin ajaja camel-drtver. -karva camel'3
kameraali- (yhd.) cameral [esim. -tieteet
cameral sriences]. kameraalinen cameral;
ramerallstlc. kameraalitiede (mys:) camerallstlcs.
kamfertti ks. kanvertti.
kamiini stove.
kammanlpii(kki) tooth or a comb. -tekiji
kammata comb; [hiukset] jakaukselle
part one's hair; tukkansa (naisista pu
huen:) do (up) (1. comb) one's hair.
kammio (huone) room, chamber (mys:
anat.); (koppi) Cell; aivokammiot (kuv.)
rhambers (1. recesses) of [one's] liruin;
vrt. hauta, munkki ,
kammitsa tether. kammitsoida (panna kammitsaan) tether; (kuv.) fetter, tie (hand
and Coot).
kammo (pelko) rear; (etenk. pyh tai sala
perinen) awe; (kauhistus) terror; (kau
hu) dread, horror; (Inho) abhorrence;
(vastenmielisyys) aversion; juhlallista kam
moa herttv a\ve-lnsplring; yksinisyy
den dread or loneliness. kammoksua ks.
kammoksuminen ks. kammo,
kammoksuttu inspire dread (1. awe),strlke
with terror; mys -- kammottaa, kammok
suttava horrible, dreadful: (inhottava) detcstable. abominable: kammoksuttavan ve
rinen horrlbly (1. drcadfully) bloody. kam
mot* dread: (kauhistua) shudder at. Jo
takin], shrink back [at (1. from). Jotakin]:
(peljt) rear: (inhota) ahhor, abominate;
tehd itsens kammotuksi make o. s.
dreaded: vrt. seur.
kammottaa: jokin jotakuta a th. fills one
uith a\ve il. dread), a th. inspires one
wlth fear (1. wc); minua I dread to . . ,
(pelottaa) I am afrald to . .; vrt. kauhis
tuttaa, kammottava dreadrul, horrid; (hir
vittv) rormldable: (Iljettv) abominable.
kampa comb.
kampaamaton uncombed.
kampaaminen combing.
kampalkonecombing-machlne. -kotelo combcase. -lanka worsted (yarn). -simpukka
(ellnt.) scallop (sbell).


kampata (prees. kamppaan) trlp.

kampaus combing'. -kone ks. kampakone.
kampavilla long- wool, combing \vool. -lanka
ks. kampalanka.
kampela (common) floundcr; riatrish.
kampi crank, handle.
kampittaa = kampata.
kamppailla (taistella) struggle [\vlth deatb,
kuoleman kanssa], battle, combat; (painia)
wrestle; (kilvotella) contend, strive [\vith,
Jonkun kanssa].
kamppailu struggle;
StrifC; flght; kamppailu elmn ja kuole
man vlill life and death struggle, struggle between life and death. kamppaus - =
kampurainen crooked, curved.
kampurai Jalka clubroot, clumpToot. -Jlkei
nen clubfooted; (lnkljalkalnen) bandylegged, bow-legged.
kamreeri (1. v.) accountant.
kamssu = kapine; kimssuineen kamssuineen
bag and baggage; vrt. kilu.
kamu rubblsh, scraps, waste. kamuta rummage [in one's dravvers, laatikoissaan];
vrt. hamuta.
kana hen.
Kanaali Kngllsh Channel.
Kanaanin-maa ks. Kaanaan-maa.
Kanada Canada, kanadalainen (a. & s.)
kanahaukka chlcken-havvk; (Suomen) gosh;i\\ k. -hkki hen-coop, Chicken coop; (leik.
= putka) coop. -kolera chicken-cliolera.
-koppi hen-house; (-hilkkl) hen-coop.
kanala poultry-yard, chicken-yard, ticnnery.
kanal! liemi Chicken broth. -lintu ro\vi; ka
nalinnut galline (1. rasorlal) blrds, scratchers, (tiet.) Galllnae, Hasores.
kanalja blackguard, vlllaln.
kanan hoito poultry-raising, ralsing chickpns: poultry-farming, chlcken-rarmlng.
-liha 1. rowl, Chicken; 2. (kuv.) goosoriesh. -muna (hen's) egg. -paisti roast(ed)
chlrken thief.
kana piha poultry-yard. -piika glrl hired to
tenrt (to) tho chlrkens.
saaret Canary Islands, the Canarles.
kana rutto chlcken-cholera. -tarha poultryyard, Chicken yard, liennei-y. -ti blrdlousc: chickcn-louse; poultry-tlck.
kanava Channel; (kaivettu) canal; (tlehye)
duct. -kangas 1. -kudos canvas. -laiva canalboat.
kanavan!! kaitsija overseer or a canal (1. or
canals). -penger canal-bank; embankment
(of a canal). -rakennus constructlon of
kanavaverkko netuork or canals; canalsystem.
kanavisto canal system.
kanavoida build a system or canals, cut
canals througb . . , Intersect . . wtth can
als; canallze. kanavoiminen < analizatlon.
kanavoittaa = kanavoida, kanavoitua canalizatlon.
kandidaatti 1. (yllopist. arvo) bachelor; fi
losofian Bachelor or Arts (tav. lyh. B. A.
1. A. rt.); 2. - ehdokas, -tutkinto: hn on
suorittanut filosofian kandidaattitutkinnon
a degree or Bachelor or Arts has been
conferred on him.
kandi-sokeri rock-candy.
kaneli clnnamon. -happo (kem.) clnnamlc
kanelinllkuori clnnamon bark. -ruskea clnnamon(-brown).
kaneliljy oli or clnnamon.
kanerva hcather, heath, ling; (sanajalka)



Tern. -kangas heath, (suuri) moor. -kasvit

the heath ramlly. -maa hcathy land, heath.
kanervikko heath.
kangas 1. (kudottu) materiat, (\voven) fabric; sturt; (vaate) cloth; 2. ( kangas
maa) moor, heath, hcathy tract; (Amer.)
plne-barren; vrt. nummi. -kanerva heather.
-kenk cloth-top shoe. -korte (kasv.)
scourlng-rush. -maa heathy land, heath.
-nappi button of cloth, cloth button. -nyte
sample of cloth: -palnimo (puuvilla-) callco prlnt-works, callco-prlntlng ractory.
-paino (puuvilla-) callco-prlntlng. -puut
kangastaa loom [before a p.'s fancy, Jonkun
mielikuvituksessa], kangastaminen loomIng. kangastella loom. kangastua loom.
kangastukki warp-beam; cloth-beam.
kangastus mlrage; rata-morgana.
kangasvy belt oi' cloth, cloth belt.
kangerrella stammer, stutter; vrt. kangertaa.
kangerrus = kangertaminen.
kangertaa (tilapisesti puheessaan) stumble
[at (1. over) a hard word, valkeata sanaa
lausuessa] ; (sopertaa) falter; (nkytt)
stammer, stutter; ~ puheessaan falter In
one's speech. kangertaminen falterlngr;
kangistaa stlffen, make . . stirr; (kohmetuttaa) make . . numb; kaavoihin make . .
(too) formal, make . . rlgrlrt; (esim. esiin
tymistavasta:) make . . prlm (1. precise).
kangistaminen stiffenlng: makin? Tormal
(1. rlgld). kangiste anything vvhlch stirfens; stlfrener.
kangistua stlfren; become (1. get 1. grow)
Stirr; vrt. jhmetty; kaavoihin (1. muo
toihin) get set In a mo(u)ld, get Into a
rut, (etup. kyttytymisest:) become (1.
grow) set In one's ways.
kanglstus stirrenlng. -tauti (hevosilla y. m.)
tetanus, IockJaw.
kani, kaniini rabbit, cony; (Jkpv.) bunny.
kaniinlnllholto ralslng (1. breedlng) or rabblts (1. or Belgian bares). -nahka rabbltskin, cony-fur.
kanlinillpalstl roast rabbit, -tarha rabbitwarren.
kanimieli grudge.
kankaan kutoja weaver. -kutojatar (woraan)
weaver. -loimi warp (of a fabrlc). -pin
gotin temple(s). -p remnant (or cloth).
kankainen of cloth, cloth; ~ vene canvas
boat; vrt. puuvilla, villa,
kankea (Jykk) stirr, rlgid [sprlng, jousi] ;
numh rwith rold, kylmst] ; (taipumaton)
Inriexibie; (hidas) s!ow. phlegmatic, langllld, SlUgglSh; kntymn (laiva)
slack in stays. kankeahko rather (1. somewhan stirr, stirrish.
kankealljalkalnen stirr-legged; olla kankeajalkainen have a stirr leg. -Jalkaisuus
stirrness In the leg(s). -Jseninen stirrlimhcd, stirr-jolnted. -oppinen slow to
learn, stupld. dull. -selklnen stirr-backed.
kankeasti stirriy, rlgldly; (hitaasti) slowly,
kankeus stirrness, rigldlty; (kuv. = kaava
maisuus) rormallty. Trfgidness; (kohmetus)
nnmbness; (taipumattomuus) Inriexlblllty;
(hltalsuus) slovvness, slugglshness.
kanki bar, stick; (tanko) pole; (vipu) lever;
vrt. kulta, nosto, rauta; vrt. mys
harkko, -lakka sticks (1. bars) or seallngwax. -rauta bar Iron. -rikki roll (1. stlrk)
sulphur. -suitset brklle wlth a curb-blt.
kankuri vveaver.
kannake 1. (tuki, pnkk) support, prop,
brace.stay; 2. (= kannas) neck or land.lsthlims; vesikaton roof-tniss; vrt. kannatin.


kannanllmuutos change In one's position [In

regard to, Johonkin nhden]; (mielipitei
den muutos) change In one's vietvs; (hal
lituksen) change or pollcy. -selvitys explanation or the stand one has taken, explanatlon or one's position.
kannantaus(ta) (kengn) counter.
kannas 1. (= maakannas) neck or land,
lsthmus; vrt. Panama; 2. (reen) end or a
Slelgh-runner; seisoa reen kannaksilla
stand on the runner-ends or a slelgh (1. on
the ends or the sleigh-runners).
kannatella support; hold up; vrt. kannattaa.
kannatin (tuki) support; stay; (kaivoksessa
y. m.) prop; (alus) rest; vrt. housunkannattimet; ks. mys: kannike, pidike, -pyl
vs supporting plllar; buttress.
kannaton heelless [shoe, kenk]; (kuv. =
horjuvalnen) vaclllatlng, (selkrangaton)
wlth no (1. without any) backbone; ~
kenk (tav.) shoe \vithout a heel; mormus plain rlng, band rlng.
kannattaa 1. (tukea) support [a roor, kat
toa; a motlon, ehdotusta], bear; (pidtt
putoamasta, pit ylhll) hold up, uphold, sustaln; (tukea etup. moraalisesti)
stand by, back [rinanclally, rahallisesti];
(auttaa, avustaa) assist, ald; 2. (= olla
tuottava, hydyttv) pay, be prontable,
brlng pront; (ansalta) deserve, be worth;
3. = kannatuttaa; kannatan edellist puhu
jaa I agree wlth the prevlous speakcr;
(jotakin) ehdotusta (\. esityst) (kokoukses
sa y. m.) second (mys: support) a mo
tlon; jonkun mielipidett sustaln one In
hls vlews, agree wtth (1. share) a p.'s
vlews, be or one opinion \vlth up.; - ra
hallisesti 1. support rinanclally, glve rinanclal support, (tukea) help . . (out) wlth
money, lend pecunlary asslstance (1. ald) ;
2. (tuottaa voittoa 1. hyty) pay. be on a
paying basls; tavarat sisn have the i'f
Tects (1. thlngs) carrled In; asiaa ajatella
the matter deserves conslderatlon, (siet)
the matter requlres thlnking ahout, the
matter needs rurther conslderatlon; e kan
nata kiitt (el kest) don't mentlon It; h
nen liikkeens ei kannata hls business does
not pay, hls Is a losing business (1. concern); j jalankulkijan the Ire v.111 hold
(1. bear) a p. up. vrt. hanki: liike hyvin
itsens the business pays Weil, the business
is on a paying basls ; lake itsens the
business Is (on a) seir-snpportlng (basls);
nyttely todellakin kyd katsomassa
the exhlhitlon certalnly deserves to be scen
(I. Is really worth a vlsit 1. Is worth seelng) ; sinne ei kannata menn It IS not
\vorth \vhlle (1. worth the trouble) golng
thcre; sinun ei kannata yrittkn sit (ei
hydyt) there Is no use your trying It;
vene 10 henke (kantaa) the boat carries
(1. can hold) ten people (1. ten persons).
kannattaja supporter; backer; (Jonkun puo
lueen, mielipiteen y. m.) rollower, adherent; (puolustaja) spokesman, advocate;
(kannatin) vehlcle. kannattamaton unable
to support; (Joka el tuota voittoa) unproritable, non-paylng; (J y. m.) not able to
bear one up. kannattaminen supporting;
upholding; backlng: vrt. kannattaa, kannattava(inen) paying [business, liike] ;
(tuottava) prontable, lucrative, remuneratlve [Job, toimi]; kannattava j Ice able
(I. strong enough) to hold one up.
kannattavaisuus prontableness. -laskelma
calculations concernlng the prontableness
[or a venture].
kannattomuus vaclllatlon, Indeclsion; lack
or backbone.
kannatus support, countenance; (hyvksy-



mys) acceptance. approval, approbatlon,

sanction; (myttunto) sympathy; (apu)
aseistanee, aid; (lisapu) contrlbutlon;
hnell ei ole minknlaista kannatusta ti
l paikkakunnalla he has no rollOWlng (1.
adherence 1. support) in this locality. -voi
ma povver to bear a vvelght (I. a strain).
-yhdistys association formed to support (1.
to give rinanclal ald to) a cause etc;
(usein:) rellef association.
k annat utu liave . . carry (1. bear); ~ pojal
la vett kaivosta have tbe boy carry (1.
brlng 1. fetch) water trom tbe \vell; ~ ta
varansa sisn have one's effects carrled in.
kanne (lak.) case Tor the prosecution: (syy
te) action; (syyts) charge, accusatlon,
(lak.) lndictment; (valitus) complaint; ajaa
kannetta jotakuta vastaan (Oikeudessa)
prosecute one. -kirja (lak.) lndictment.
kannel = kantele.
kannella bear (1. teli) tales.
kannellinen (provided) vvith a cover (1. lld);
(peitetty) covered; (laivasta puhuen:)
kannelma complaint; (kanneklrja) lndictment.
kanneton . . Yvithout a lid (1. cover), . . baving no lid (1. cover); lidless, coverless;
(peittmtn) uncovered; (laivasta pu
huen:) . . vvlthout a deck, undecked.
kanneviskaall publlc prosecutor.
kannibaali ks. ihmissyj.
- kannike! hihna, -nauha, -hihna
(miekan) svvord-belt; (sot.) shoulder-belt.
-nauha sllng, strap.
kannikka ks. leivn-', pyrn .
knnin (gen. kantimen) anything to carry a
th. vvith; mys kannike.
kanniskeleminen carrying. kanniskella carry
(around). kanniskelu carrying (around).
kannonlnostaja stump-puller. -nosto 1.
-vnt remuval of stumps, stump-pulllng.
-p* (top or a) stump.
kannu can; Jug; (tee- y. m.) pot; (Juoma-)
tankani; (kannunmitta) pottle, liall a gal)"ii. vrt. juoma, tee, vesi Jne. kannuittain (I. v.) by gallons, by tbe gallon.
kannuksellinen . . vvith spurs, spurred;
(kasv.) calcarate.
kannullinen canful, Jugful, potful. kannumMrin by (half) gallons; by the gallon.
kannun. mitta pottle, nair a gallon. -valaja
dabbler In politlcs, one who poses as a poUtical vvlsescre. -valaminen dabbling In
kannus spur; (kasv.) calcar; (kuv.) = kan
nustin; kannuksiin puettu Spurred; iske
kannuksilla strike the spurs Into . . , prick
. . v. Ith the spur, (kannustaa) spur. -kehr
kannustaa spur [on, eteenpin], prick, apply the spurs [to one's horse, hevostaan] ;
(kiihottaa) goad [one into. Jotakuta Johon
kin], goad on [to do a th.. Johonkin (I. Jo
takin tekemn)], lnclte, stlmulate, prompt
[to do a th., Jotakin tekemn]; hevos
taan set (1. put) tbe spurs to one's horse,
prick one's horse (onward vvith the
spurs) ; sa kannusti hnt yrittmn thai
spurred blm on to try, that gave him an
impetus to try. kannustaja one who spurs;
(kuv. kiihotin) stimulus, lncentlve. kan
nustaminen spurring; (kuv.) goadlng, Incltlng. kannustin stimulus, lncentlve. kan
nustus spurring; goadlng, stimulatlon.
kannusvelui (leip.) Jagger, Jaggtng-lron.
kanootti canoe.
kansa people; (kansakunta) nation; kansan
mies a man or the people, (suosittu) people's man, general favorite; kansassa among
the people; kansat peoples, (kansakunnat)
nations; Suomen - the Finnish people (1.


nation) ; torilla oli paljon kansaa thero \vere

a great many people in the market-place;
vanhan kansan mies a man oi a former
generatlon, a man of old-Tashloned ldeas;
yhteinen common people.
kansainvaellus mlgratlon or peoples; suuri
kansainvaellus (hlst.) the invaslon of the
Germansd. Goths),the epoch or migratlons.
kansainvlinen international [language, kie
li ; Congress, kongressi ] ; merkinantojr
jestelm International code; oikeus in
ternational law; rauhankongressi Inter
national Peace Conference: sosialistinen
toimisto International Soclallst Bureau;
vlitystuomiolaitos International Court of
Arbltratlon; yksityisoikeus pi i\ aie Inter
national la\v.
kansakoulu (elementary) publlc school;
(maaseudulla) dlstrlct school; (Engl.) ele
mentary school. -asetus (1. v.) Public
School Act, Educatlon Act.
kansakoululainen pupil oi a publlc (1. an ele
mentary) school.
kansakoulu II laitos (1. v.) publlc school Sys
tem, -lapsi 1. -oppilas kansakoululainen.
kansakoulunjohtokunta school board; (Yhdysv., mys:) school committee.
kansakoulunopettaja publlc school teacber,
teacher In the publlc schools. -kokous conventlon oi (elementary) publlc school
teachers, (tav.) teacher's convention. -se
minaari (1. v.) normal (1. tratning) school;
teacher's semlnary.
kansakouluntarkastaja government lnspector
of elementary publlc schools.
kansakoulu: pakko obllgatory altendance or
elementary publlc schools. -piiri school
dlstrlct. -rakennus publie school building.
-sivistys (elementary) publie school edu
kansakunta nation, people.
kansalainen Citizen; rellovv-cltlzen; (saman
maan mies) rellow-countryman; Suomen
Citizen or Finland, Finnish Citizen; Yhdys
valtain Cl. Amerikan) ~ Citizen 0( the
United States, American eitizen.
kansalais- (yhd.) clvil [esim. -sota clvil
war; -vapaus clvil liberty], Civic [esim.
-ryhm Civic group; -velvollisuudet Civic
duties] ; (Joskus:) citizens', .. or citlzens
[esim. -Uitto citlzens' Ieague (1. alllance)].
-adressi pctitlon or citlzens; (Joukko-)
monster petltion. -kokous mass meeting,
meeettng or ali the citizens. -luottamus
(Hill) Civil rights; kansalaisluottamuksen
menetys lorfeiture or Civil (1. Civic) rights;
(eimnlksl) clvil death. -oikeus rights or
cltlzenship, rights of a Citizen, -sivistys:
yleinen kansalaissivistys amount or educa
tlon expected of every good Citizen.
kansalaistaa = kansalaistuttaa. kansalaistua
become naturalized, become a Citizen; kansalaistunut
naturalize [an alien, muukalainen].
kansalaisuus cltlzenship.
kansallinen national [avvakenlng, herys] ;
(kansanomainen) popular [usage, tapa].
kansallis- (yhd.) national [esim. -henki na
tional splrlt', -kaarti national guard; -museo
national museum ; -teatteri national theater ] .
-hymni ks. kansallislaulu, -juhla national
lestlval (1. celebratlon). -kiihko Jlngolsm.
-kiihkoilija Jlngo(ist). -kiihkoinen Jingolstlc. -kokous national convention. -lau
lu national anthem (1. hymn). -mielinen
national, patrlotic; natlonallstlc. -mieli
syys national splrlt; natlonallsm; (Isn
maallisuus) patrlotlsm. -omaisuus national
tvealth. -puisto national park. -puku na
tional dress (1. costume). -pukulnen wear

Ing a national dress, clad In a national une, -tungos ks. ventungos. -vaellus ks.
kansanvalistus public (1. popular) education;
kansallistaa nationalize.
kansallislltalous political economy, national enlightenment of the people, -harrastus in
terest in public education, -ministerio
economics, -teos national work.
kansallietua become nationalized; kansallis- ministry of public education, -seura socie
tanat nationalized, kanaallistuminen na ty for the advancement (1. promotion) of
public education, -tyo work to promote
popular education.
kanallis|tunne 1. -tunto national (1. patri
kansan | valu democracy, -valtalnen demo
otic) spirit; national feeling1.
kansallisuus nationality; toitta kaiuattumt- cratic, -valtaisuua democracy. -vllllUIji
ta oUvat hahijat applicants of other na 1. -yllyttaj ks. kansankhottaja. -fiinestys
tionalities, -periaate nationalistic principle. vote of the people; national referendum.
kansalltiede (laajcm. merk it.) ethnology;
-todistue certiTlcate of nationality.
kansallis; vnrallisuus national wealth, -vika (suppeam. merkit.) ethnography, -tleteellinen ethnologlc(al); ethnographic, -tienational fault, -ylpeys national pride.
kanaan- (yhd.) . . of the people [eslm. -joh- teellisesti ethnologtcally; ethnographlcally.
taja leader of the people; -ystu friend of kansi (etup. irtonainen) cover; (vars. sara- *
the people], (harvemmin:) .. or people nollla varustettu) lid; (lalvan) deck; (klr[esim. -joukka crowd of people; -laokka jan) knnet binding, covers; vrt. taivaan~,
class of people], people's . . [eslm. -puo/ue va.itc- . -kuva picture on the cover, -last!
people's party; -teatteri people's theater] ; cargo on the deck, -lehtl (paper) cover,
(tavallislmmin:) popular [esim. -hirjamn -matkustaja (1. v.) steerage-passenger.
popular pamphlet; -komertti popular con kansinen (yhd.) . . with a . . cover (1. lid 1.
cert; -laulu popular song; -opetat popular deck) [eslm. tilea (laiva) with a smooth
education; -pono* popular edition]; (Jos- deck; tiivi*~ with a tight cover (I. lid);
kus:) folk- [esim. -laulu folk-song; -tantti ii 11: mi. myos: last- with a cover (1. lid) of
folk-dance], -asestus general armament, glass], .. with .. covers (1. lids) [esim.
-eduekunta national assembly; diet; Suomen fto.w- with three covers (1. lids)]; (lalkansaneduskunta the Finnish Diet, -edustaja vasta:) . . -decked [eslm. kahri~ doublerepresentative;
kolmi- three-decked]; (kirjasta:)
-<.:> deputy, -clama
lifeedustajakamarisof the people, decked;
. . with . . covers (1. binding) [eslm. nahthe way the people live; customs and man
ha~ with leather covers (1. binding);
ners of the people, popular customs, -hei- ohut~ with thin covers (1. binding)].
mo tribe, -huvlt popular amusement(s). kansipiletti (lalvassa, 1. v.) steerage ticket.
folk-etymology, kansleri chancellor, kanslerinvirasto chan
-joukko crowd (of people); meluaoa kan- cellor's office.
sanjouhho mob. -juhia popular festival (1. kanslia (1. v.) (secretarial) offices; kenraalicelebration); local festival; village festival kuoernrin ~ offices of the Governor
(I. celebration), -kapina general rising to General; ttnaatin secretarial offices of
arms, popular (1. general) Insurrection, the Senate [in Finland], kanslisti clerk (in
-kerros class (1. order) of society, -kiell a government office), government clerk.
popular language (1. speech); vernacular; kansottaa populate, people, kansottaminen
kansankiclella In popular language, in the populating, population, kansottua be(come)
vernacular; vrt. kansanmurre. -kiihottaja populated (1. Inhabited 1. settled).
agitator, demagogue, -kirjailija self-edu kanssa with, together with; jonkun ~ (to
cated writer, writer with little school- gether) with a p.
Ing, -kirjasto public library, -kokous kanssa- (yhd.) -, joint [esim. -peril/men
mass meeting, -leikkl rustic pastime (1. coheir, joint heir], fellow [esim. -ihminen
game 1. sport). -Hike national (1. popular) follow man], -ihminen (myos:) fellow
movement; vrt. kansankapina. -mellakka creature (1. mortal), -kiymlnen Inter
general riot, -mielinen popular; democratic. course; company; olla kan**akymit*t*
-mies (mleleltan) man of the people; (syn- jonkun kan**a have (friendly) intercourse
typcrliltaan) man from (among) the people. with one, (seurustella) associate with one,
-murre provincial (1. country) dialect. exchange visits with one. -riko(kse) Minen
-nainen woman of (1. from) the people.
ks. rikoatoveri. -sisar sister (woman), -veil
kansanomainen democratic; Han on hyvin brother; (saman seur. Jasen) fellow member.
~ kytk\*es*n (l. -teltn) he is very kanta (suhtautumis- 1. kyttytymis-) atti
democratic In his ways, he is perfectly at tude [towards a p., jotakuta kohtaan; In a
home with (I. among) the common people, question, jossakln kysymyksessa], stand;
kansanomaisestl democratically, kansan- (miellplteen) position, standpoint; (nftko-)
omaisuus democratic manners (1. ways).
point of view; (nojautumis-) footing,
kansan opiato (I. v.) people's high school. standing; (aste) stage, level; (raha- y. m.)
-paljous multitude (of people), crowd, -pu- standard; (tila) state; (pohja) ground,
huja iiubllc speaker, -rotu race (of people), basis; (jalusta) foot, base; (kirveen, nau-runoilija (1. v.) peasant poet, -runous lan) head, top; (kengn) heel; (mlekan)
folk-lore; kansanrunouden tutkija student pommel; (slnettisormuksen) signet, seaJ.
or folk-lore, folklorlst. -eatu folk-tale, folk- (jakiklvisorm.) setting, mounting; (kuitstory; legend; vrt. kanaantaru. -sivistys tikirjan, kupongin y. m.) stub; (runko)
popular education, -suoslo popularity, -ta- trunk, stem; asiat ooat yh ohl samalla
juinen popular [lecture, luento; concert, kannalla kain enntnkin the affairs are Still
koiisertti]. -tajuisesti in a popular man in the same state as before, the state of
ner; luennoi hyvin kansantajuiscsti affairs still remains unchanged; nan on
(rnys:) he is a popular lecturer, -tajui- ollat yttollisell kannalla minnun nhdtn
suus popularity, -tajoudellinen: kansanta- (suhtautunut ystvlllsestl) his attitude to
loadtllinen fc.vs.vm.vs a question in (1. of) po wards me has been very friendly; milts
litical economy, -talous political economy. kannalta atiaa kattonftkin whatever View
-tanssl 1. -tanhu folk-dance, country dance, of the matter you may take; aftaa atiat
-tapa: kansantavat customs of the people, till* kannalle, ett . . bring the matters to
popular customs, -taru popular tale (1. a point, where . .; *illa ooat ariat irfccflegend), folk-story, -trlbuuni (hist.) trib
things ai u in bad gbape (1. way)




there, the state or afralrs Is deplorable

there; sill kannalla kuin asiat nyt ovat as
matters now stand, in the present state of
arralrs (1. of things) ; ilta kannalta katsoen
1 1 "in that point or vlew, (asioita katsoen)
viewlng matters from that standpoint; si
veellisyys on hyvin alhaisella kannalla hei'
dn keskuudessaan mor. liity is at a very
low ebb In tbelr mldst, a very low stan
dard or morals prevails among them; si
vistys on Saksassa korkealla kannalla a
hi- ii standard or educatlon is maintalned
in Germany; voitettu discarded point
of view, outgrown idea; vrt. kulta-, ra
ha, sota y. m.
kanta- (yhd.) prlmary, primordlal, prlmitlve
[esim. -laji prlmary (1. primordlal) sperles; -muoto prlmary (1. prlmitlve) form],
m m nai lestm. -rahasto ongi nai 1'nnilJ.
kantaa I. bear i i-uit. hedelm]; carry [In
one's hand, kdessn]; (tuoda) brlng;
(vied) take; (kannattaa) bear up under,
ho i<i; 2. (lehmst puhuen = poikia) calve,
come In; hedelmi bear rruit (mys
kuv.), bear; kaunaa jotakuta vastaan
bear (1. have) a grudge agalnst one:
ksilln carry on one's hands; kttn
siteess f 1. kreess 1. kytksess) carry
(1. have) one's arm In a sllng; palkkan
sa snnllisesti draw one's salary regularly; ptn koholla hold one's head erect
(1. up 1. in the air); salaista surua bear a
secret sorrow (1. grleD; ~ veroa levy
taxes ; vihaa jotakuta kohtaan bear I lal le 1 1
to (I. have a grudge agalnst) one, bear
one a grudge; j kantaa (kannattaa)
the ice bears up (1. bolds), the ice Is solld;
lehm on kantanut the row has calved (1.
come in) ; niin pitklle kuin silm as lal'
as (the) eye can reach; vene kymmenen
henke (kannattaa) the boat carrles (1. cau
hold) ten people (I. persons); ni kauas
the voine (1. the sound) carrles a long ways.
kanta-astuja (elint.) plantlgrade.
kantainen (yhd.) ks. korkoinen, 2; jalokivi
sormus rlng set unii dlamonds.
kantaisi ancestor, progenltor; suvun
founder of the ramlly.
kantaja 1. carrler, bearer; (hotelleissa, rau
tatieasemilla y. m.) porter; 2. (kuv. =
iti) motber; 3. (lak. = syyttj) plalntirr.
kantajalka clubroot; (lk.) calcaneus.
kantajapuoli the plalntirr.
kanta Joukko plrked troop; raittiusliikkeen
kantajoukko the rhoice splrlts (I. the
staunchcst supporters) or the temperance
movement. -kirja (slltoskirja) pedlgree;
(alkuperflis-) orlglnal; (pohja) inemorandum-book. -kirjasto orlglnal library; (p)
main library. -kivi (sormuksessa) Stone
seltlng; (Jalustakivl, esim. kuvapatsaan)
base. -luku (mat.) base. -luu heel-bone;
(anat.) ralcaneum.
kantama ks. pyssyn, silmn y. m. kan
tamaton: silmn kantamattomiin beyond
the range of vision, out oi sight. kanta
minen carrylng, bearlng; calvlng.
kantamoinen ravorlte; (suosikki) pet; onnen
ravorlte or rortune, petted (1. spoilcd)
child or rortune.
kantamuoto (mys:) orlglnal (1. basfc) rorm.
kantamus ali one can (1. could) carry; vrt.
kanta psa heel: vrt. kiire, -poma 1. -raha
orlglnal (I. imi.a. i capital, -rauta (kengss)
ks. korkorauta. -sana root, radlcal, prlmi
tlve; root-word. -sormus Slgnet-rlng; rlng
wlth a (stone) set. -tila orlglnal (1. main)
estate; suvun kantatila orlglnal ramlly (1.
ancestral) estate.
kanuva bearlng-, carrylng-, (tiine) big \vith


young, (hevosesta:) In foal; vrt. kauas.

kantavuus capaclty; (laivan) burden, tmi
nage; (kuv. = merkitys) bearlng; kysymys
kaikessa kantavuudessaan the question in
ali its bearings; tapahtumalla on laaja (1.
suuri) the e vent (1. the Incldcnt) has a
Wide bearlng (1. Is rar-reachlng).
kantaiti rirst mother; (female) ancestor;
kantele (Finnish) harp (orlglnally \vith live
strings), kantele(t).
kanteleen kieli strlng or a kantele, -soittaja
player on a kantele, kantele player.
kanteleminen 1. ( kantaminen) carrylng
(around); 2. = kantelu, kantelija blabber,
tale-bearer, telltale, tattle-tale. kantelu
(klellttely) blabbing, tale-bearing; (vali
tus) complalnt.
kantinen ks. kansinen.
kanto I. (puun) stump, stub; 2. (= kanta
minen) carrylng, bearlng; vrt. silmn,
veron, -hihna shawl strap. -kyky capac
lty. -luettelo (veron-) assessment roll.
kantoni (maakunta, etenk. Sveitsiss) canton.
kanto Jpaarit Utter, stretcher. -palkka charge
Inr carrylng a tb.; annoin pojalle 10 sentti
kantapaikkaa I gave the boy Ien centS lor
carrylng [my grip, my suitcase jne.].
-pussi pack; knapsack. -tuoli
(chalr); (itmainen) palanquln.
pannler. -vli ks. pyssynkantama.
kanttori cantor, precentor.
kanuuna ks. tykki, -vene gunboat.
kanvasti canvas; (Jyklste) buckram.
kanvertti camphor; (jkpv.) camphor gum.
-linjamentti camphor llniment. -puu camIihor-tree. -viina spirlts or camphor.
kapakala dried; (kai)aturska) stockrish; vrt. lipekala.
kapakanpitaja saloonkeeper; saloonist.
kapakka saloon; tavein; (Engl.)public house.
-elm liro In the saloon, -liike saloon
business, -vieras Trequenter or saloons;
ahkera (l. jokapivinen) kapakkavieras
(habitual) rrequenter or saloons, hanger-on
around saloons.
kapakoitsija saloon-keeper, saloonist; tav
ern-keeper; (Engl.) public-house keeper.
kapalo (swaddling-)band; vrt. tukehduttaa,
kapaloida (panna kapaloon) swaddle, wrap
In swaddling-bands; swathe. kapaloiminen
kapalon kre s\vaddllng-band. -lapsi I. -vau
va baby, lnrant (In svvaddllng-clothes).
-vaatteet svvaddllng-clothes. -vy svvaddllng-band.
kapan ala (I. v.) square pole. -mitta (1. v.)
corn-gallon measure.
kapaturska drled codlish, stock-rish.
kapea narrovv [path, polku; rlbbon, nauha] ;
(ohut, hento) slender. -kaulainen narrownecked [bottle, pullo], -lehtinen narrowleaved; (tiet.) angustiroliatc. -raitainen
narrow-striped. -raiteinen narrovv-gauge
[railroad, rautatie].
kapellimestari conductor (or an orrhestra I.
r a band) ; leader (or a band), bandmaster.
kapeneminen narrowlng(orr), taperlng(orr).
kaperrella crunch; nibble (at); korppua
rnimcti a cracker.
kapeus narrowness; slenderness.
kapi ks. syyhy.
kapillaarivoima il \ - > ks. hiuspillivoima.
kapina insurrcctlon, rcbelllon; (vhpti
sempi) rcvolt; (sotavenosaston, lalvamlehlstn y. m.) mutiny; (vehkeily) conspiracy, plot; (mellakka) riot, tumult; (kuv.)
turbulence, uproar; vrt. sotilas.
kapina- (yhd.) . . or rebellion (1. revolt),
rebelllous [esim. -henki splrlt or rebellion,
rebelllous splrit; -julistus proclamatlon of

rebellion, rebellious proclamation; -liekki ease, -koe (tekn.) cupellatlon. -seuraflame of rebellion]. -Illtto plot; (salalllt1 kunta cbapelry, subordinate parish with a
to) conspiracy, -llppu banner (1. standard) chapel,
of rebellion (1. of revolt).
kapsahdu tap; (jalan y. m.) pat; (kalahdus)
kapinallinen I. (a.) rebellious; Insurgent; clap; (kopsahdus) bump,
(kaplnahenkinen) seditious [ speech, pune], kapsahtea (rapsahtaa) rap, tap; (pudota)
mutinous; kapinalliset joukot the Insurgent fall plump, come flop down; ~ /onltun
hauluan fall Dili' 's nor k; ~ pybtyyn
troops; kapinalliset mauhunnat the revolted
(kavalitaa) start, Jump up.
provinces; kapinalliset vthkeet Seditious
plots. II. (s.) rebel, Insurgent; mutineer. kapse clatter; pattering; (poljenta) stampkapinanjnostaja instigator of rebellion, In Ing; havion ~ sound (1. beat 1. clatter) of
surrectionist, -yritye attempt at Insur hoofs.
kapseli capsule.
rection, attempted rebellion.
kapino (eslne) thing, object; (kalu) article; kapsakki (hand-)bag, satchel, valise, suithapineet things, effects, goods; (matka- case.
kaplneet) baggage, (Engl.) luggage.
kapteeni captain; laivan ~ (mys:) the
kapinoida rebel, revolt [against one, jotn- ship's master, kapteenintutklnto(meri-) ex
kuta vastaan] ; mutiny; (tehd kaplna, amination for a ship's master (l. a captain).
nousta kapinaan) rise In rebellion; (veh- kapuaminen climbing (over, up), clamberkellla) plol. kapinoiminen revolt(lng), Ing (over); crawl, scramble; vrt. kavuta.
mutiny; plotting, kapinoluija rebel, In kapuilln ks. kavuta.
surgent; insurrectionist, kapinolv rebel kapula round stick (of wood), billet; rung;
po/nsm ~ policeman's club (l. billy); vrt.
lious, insurgent, mutinous.
Iderto, sun - y. m. kapuloida (strike with
kapiot bride's outfit, trousseau.
kapistaa cause noise (1. din), rattle; (pudls- a) club.
taa) shake [the tree, puuta] ; juosta ~ kapusiinillmunkkl Capuchin friar, -nunna
run fast.
Capuchin nun.
kapistus rattle, noise, din; shake; kapistuh- Kapusta ks. kauha. -haikapa spoonbill.
(metal) rod; (tekn.) spindle.
*mt (kaplneet) things, effects, stuff, (rokaraattl carat, karat.
Jut) rubbish.
(ylid.) . . carat, of . . carats, . .
kapitaali ks. poma. kapitaliseerata capi
talize, kapitalismi capitalism, kapitalisti carats fine [eslm. bahJrhsan- (an) eight
capitalist, kapitalistinen capitalistic [sys carat ..... of eight carats, . . eight carats
tem, jarjestelmii; mode of production, tuo- fine].
karahdua 1. grating (sound); 2. (klldiintii)
tantotapa] .
kapittaa trip (along); hapitti puu- flying, speeding.
jalaltaan stumped along on his wooden karahdutella 1. crackle; 2. (kiitS) speed,
dash off; ajaa ~ gallop (1. spur) at full
leg; vrt. kapistaa.
speed; drive with noise and bluster.
kapitull ks. tuomiokapltuli.
Kap-kaupunk! Cape Town. Kap-maa Cape karahdutua cause to crackle; (rekl maaColony.
han) cause to grate (on the ground).
karahtaa 1. (narahtaa) grate; 2. (karata)
kapoittain (1. v.) by the gallon.
kappa 1. (mitta) about 5 quarts, (1. v.) gal
flee, run away; (lentaa) fly; (kiltaa)
lon; 2. ( vlltta) mantle, cape; (hitmlll- speed, start, dash off; ~ maahan (eslm.
nen) cloak, -kangas material for (making) rekl) grate on the ground; ~ punatitksi
ks. savahtai; - pyttyyn (kavahtaa) start
cloaks, cloaking.
kappalainen (1. v.) regular curate.
up, jump up; ktppi harahti paihki the
stick broke with a snap.
kappale piece; (palanen) bit: (slru) frag
ment; (suurempl, lohkare) block; (eslne) karahvi(ini) (vest-) water-bottle, caraf(f)e;
object, thing; (ktrjotuksessa tal palnetus- (vlinl-) decanter.
sa tekstlss) paragraph; (klrjaa) copy; Karaibin-marl the Caribbean Sea.
kappaleeita apiece, I'lii'h, by the piece karaiseminen ks. karkaiseminen.
harden. Indurate; (ihmlsista:)
[eslm. coon mahsun kappaleelta I'm paid karaista
by the piece], (klrjolsta puhuen:) per make . . hardy. Inure; (terstaa) steel
[eslm. kirjat maktaoat 60 enfila
[against, jotakln vastaan]; vrt. lurkaista.
karaistua become hardened; (ilmastoon y.
happaleelta (lujos: kappale) the bOOkS
cost 50 cents per copy (1. apiece) ] ; hap- in nhden) be (1. become 1. get) seasoned;
paleen matkaa part of the way, (short) inure o.s. [to changes of temperature,
distance ; kappaleen matkan poussa at Some lammOnvalhteluun nibden]. karaiitunut
distance, quite a ways; kaksin kappaldn hardy; (tuulessa ja tulskussa) seasoned.
In duplicate; kahan ~ chunk (1. bunk) of karakteristiikka (luonteenkuvaus) descrip
cake; Air/on on vicia 5 kappalttta (mar- tion; characteristics, karakteriatlnen (luonklt. tav.: kpl.) jaljilla there are still five teenomatnen) characteristic.
Copies Of the bOOk left; kynttilat mahsavat karamelli candy; (Engl.) sweet; karamelleja
s lenitia ~ the candles are a nickel apiece (koll.) candy, confections, bonbons, (Engl.)
(1. cost five cents apiece); leion ~ piece sweets, -tehda candy factory.
of bread; mal ~ (klrjassa) new para karanko (karttu) thick stick, cudgel; (selgraph; valittuia kappaleita selected pieces vfts) pole.
(kirjasta: passages), (ottelta) choice ex karannut runaway [horse, hevonen], es
tracts; vrt. kakoi~, laulu, , - caped [prisoner, vankl] ; absconded [cash
telm, vaale ~ . .
ier, rahastonholtaja] ; ~ sotila* deserter.
kappalehinta price by the piece.
kappaleittaln by the piece, by pieces; (kap -asema quarantine station, -laitos pesthouse, -llppu quarantine flag.
pale kerrailaan) a piece at a time.
kappale, lu ku number of pieces, -palkka karaportaat winding (1. spiral) stairs.
pay by the piece, -lavara goods sold by karata run away; (paeta) flee; (sotllalsta
the piece, -ty piece-work; kappal*tyon tal merlmiehlsta puhuen:) desert; (valttehija piece-worker: kappaletyu at takseen joutumasta oikeuden k&slln) ab
piece-work, working by the piece,
scond: (pst karkuun) break loose, es
kappamyymil ladles' outfitters,
cape [from prison, vankllastaj ; (rakastukappell chapel, -klrkko (Engl.) cnapel of neesta pariste puhuen;) elope; -


(hevonen) klck over the traces; ~ Jonkun karinen rocky, reefy.
kimppuun rush at one, Tall upon one, attack kariseminen ralllng (off); (viljan) sbelllng.
(1. assault 1. assail) one; jonkun ksist kariseva lalllng; shelllng.
escape (1. get away) from one's hands, (so karista (pudota) fall [down, maahan], Tall
lua) sllp out of (1. away rrom) one's hands; uir, drop ori; (viljasta y. m. puhuen:)
~ metsn run away (1. make ofr 1. take) shell; (Juosta, valua) rio\v; (vuotaa) leak;
to the woods; pois run away, flee; ~ (sirottua) be strewn, be sprlnkled; (ra
pystyyn (1. istualtaan) Start up, sprlng (I. pista) rustle.
leap I. jump) to one's reet; ~ (jonkun) karistaa (pudistaa) shake [ofr, pois; down,
pll = kimppuun, vi t. mys: hykt; maahan]; (sirottaa) strew, sprlnkle [sait
~ vihollisen puolelle desert to the Side Of over one's sandwlcb, suolaa voileivlleen],
(1. go over to) the enemy.
scatter; (kaataa) pour, spin (out); (pu
dottaa) bring down, drop; (rapistaa) rus
karautella ks. karahdutella.
karauttaa: ~ karille crasb on a rock, strlke tle [a tn.. Jotakin]; (karistimella) worm
(a rock); ajaa drlve at a fast pace, gal- [the barrel of a gun, pyssyn ptippu(a)J.
karistaminen (pois-) shaklng out (1. oli);
lop; vrt. karahduttaa.
karavaani caravan. -tl Caravan route.
(sirottaminen) strewlng, sprlnkllng. ka
karbidi (kem.) carbld(e). -tehdas carbide ristin (pyssyn y. m.) wormer; (tekn.)
karbilnl (ratsuven kivri) carblne.
karisto (range of) rock; (riutta) reef.
karboli. happo carbollc acld; (kem.) phenol. karistus 1. = karistaminen; S. vristys.
-myrkytys carbollc-acld polsoning, carbol- karitsa lamb; (pieni) lambkln. karitsanvilla
ism. -saippua carbollc soap. -vesi dlluted lamb's wool.
carbollc acld, carbollc solutkin.
karja cattle; Ilve stock; (lauma) herd, flock;
list karjaansa Increase one's farm -stock.
karbonaatti (kem.) carbonate.
karboraattori (kaasuttaja) carburetor.
karja- (yhd.) cattle- [esim. -aitaus cattlepen; -markkinat cattle-falr (1. -market);
kardemumma cardamom, cardamum.
-rutto cattle-plague] ; stock- [esim. -talo
kardinaali (klrk.) Cardinal.
kardinaali- (ybd.) cardlnal' [esim. -hyveet stock -farm], -aura (rautat.) covvcatcher,
cardlnal vlrtues; -luku cardlnal number; pilot.
-pisteet cardlnal polnts; -virhe cardlnal er- karjainen (ybd.) . . wltb . . cattle (1. stock)
ror]. kardinaalinarvo cardlnalate, cardinal- [esim. auri~ . . wlth plenty of cattle (1.
shlp. kardinaalineuvosto college of car- stock), well stocked].
karjaiseminen shoutlng; bawllng, yelllng.
dinals. kardinaalinhattu cardinal'3 liat.
karjaista (karjua) roar; shout; bawl, yell.
karetella = lurahdutella.
karhea rough [skin. Iho], rugged, scurfy, karjaisu sbout; bawl, yell; (karjunta) roar.
scabby; (luonnuin.) scabrous; (khe) karjakauppa deallng In cattle (1. Ilve stock),
hoarse; (tyly) harsh; vrt. karkea; ~ ni cattle-trade.
rough (1. coarse 1. harsh) volce, (khe) karjakko expert In the care of stock; (nais-)
hoarse volce; kurkkuni tuntuu karhealta dalrymald, milkmald.
my tbroat Teels dry (1. parched). karheasti karja i kuja cattle-yard. -kymmenykset titties
rougbly; hoarsely. karheus roughness; or live stock. -laidun pasture.
harshness; (luonnont.) scabrousness; ( Karjala Karelia, karjalainen (a. &s.) Karelian.
karjalauma berd (1. drove) or cattle. karjan
nen y. m.) hoarseness.
hoito cattle- (1. stock -)ralslng; cattlekarhi harrow.
karhiainen ks. ohdake.
karjanjalostus lmproving or cattle (1. or Ilve
karhiminen, karhinta harrowlng.
stock). -yhdistys association for lmprov
karhita, karhittaa harrow.
ing of ilve stock.
karhu bear; (kivi-) stone-boat; (kuv. -= kiu
sallinen velkoja) one who duns for bls pay, karjan || kauppias cat tie -dealer, -kello cowoverlnslstent (1. troublesome) credltor, bell. -laidun ks. karjalaidun, -polku cowdun. karhuaminen dunnlng. karhumakirje path. -rehu stock-reed. -siitos cattle-breedlng. -silta bridge for cattle; ralls thrown
dunning letter, dun.
karhun- (ybd.) bear's [esim. -kynsi bear's down over a low place for cattle to pass.
claw; -kmmen bear's paw], bear- [esim. -tuotteet dalry products. -vakuutus Insur
ance of live stock.
-ajo bear-hunting]. -liha bear meat. -nah
ka bearskln. -palvelus (alkup.) bear \vur- karjan nyttely cattle-show. -paimen cattlesblp; (kuv.) vvell-tntentloned act vhlcli herder, (Yhdysv., lnnell:) cowboy;
(Engl.) cowherd, herdsman. -piha cattleworkS harm; tehd karhunpalvelus jolle
kulle lntend good but vvork evll (1. mean yard, barn-yard. -piika dalrymald, milk
well but do harm) to a p. -peijaiset feast mald. -rotu breed of cattle. -talo stockto celebrate the kllllng of a bear. -penikka rarm, dalry-rarm; (Yhdysv. lnslvaltlols1. -pentu (bear's) cub. -pesi bear's den sa:) cattle-ranch. -tarha cattle-pen. -tie
cattle-trall; cow-path.
(1. lalr). -sammal (kasv.) halr-moss, soid
en rnaiden-halr. -talja bearskln; (mattona) karju boar, uncastrated bog.
bearskln rug. -tanssi bear dance. -tappaja karjua roar; bawl, yell; (mylvi) bellow.
bear-slayer, bear-hunter. -tappo kllllng or karjuminen roarlng; shoutlng, bawllng;
bellowlng; vrt. karjua, karjunta roar; bawl,
a bear (1. of bears); bear-hunting.
bcllow(lng); leijonain karjunta roar or
karhuu (saataviaan) dun.
kari rock; (karikko) reof; (matalikko) shoal, llons.
karkaaminen runnlng away; (pakeneminen)
fleelng; (vangin y. m.) escape; (sotilaan y.
karikatyyri (Irvikuva) carlcature.
karike (tav. pl. karikkeet) reruse, waste, m.) desertlon; (kahden rakastuneen) elopement; vrt. karata.
leavlngs, offal.
karkaisematon untempered. karkaiseminen
karikeerata ks. karikoida.
karikko (kari) range (1. rldge) or rock; hardenlng, temperlng.
(riutta) reef.
karkaista harden, Indurate; (terst, lasia)
karikoida (karikeerata) carlcature; (luotel
temper; (etup. kuv. = karaista) make . .
la) overdraw, exaggerate.
hardy, make . . bard, render . . endurlng;
karilleajo strlklng tbe ground, runnlng itsens harden o. s., make o.s. hardy,
aground; groundlng, strandlng.
(terstt Itsens) Steel o.a. [agalnst a tn.,



jotakin vastaan]
(rohkaista) screw up
luontonta Steel one's
one's courage;
karkaisu hardenlng; (metallin) tempering.
-uuni temperlng-rurnacc.
karkaus runnlng a\vay, riight; escape; desertlon; elopement; vrt. karata; vrt. mys:
pystyyn*, plle-*.
karkausll piv intercalary day, added (I. extra) day (In a leap-year). -vuosi leap-year.
-yritys altempt to run avvay (1. to escape),
attempt at desertion; attempted escape (1.
karkaa coarse [hair, tukka; towel, pyyhelilna; sand, hiekka]; (etenkin: pinnaltaan)
rough [skin, Iho; work, ty; volce, ni];
(rosoinen) rugged; (kuv.) rude [Joke, pila;
manner, tapa], (ynse) harsii [treatment,
kohteluj, austere, crahbed; [Jauhaa Jokin J
karkeaksi [grind . .] coarse, ks. mys:
hylt, veist; [ tiima on] karheata pilaa
1 this is] hoi sr play: karkeat kdet coarse
hands; karkeat sanat coarse (1. rude 1.
rough) vvords; karkea ty rough \vork, unskllled labor; karkean tyn tekij unskilled
vvoikman, (common) lahorcr; karkea vale
big (I. clurnsy) Ile.
karkea- (yhd.) coarse [esim. -ihoinen coarseskinned; -jyvinen coarse-grained; -kutoinen coarse-spun; -lehtinen coarse - lcaved ] ,
rough[esim. -ihoinen rough -skinned;
karvainen rough-halred; -pukuinen roughclad],
karkeahko somevvhat coarse, rather coarse
(1. rude 1. rough), roughlsh.
karkea ktinen 1. -kourainen .. \vlth rough
(I. coarse) hands, rough-handed. -kytksinen (c)rude, unpollshed; 111-mannered.
karkeanlainen ks. karkeahko, karkeanlaisesti
rathcr coarsely (1. roughly).
karkea puheinen
i Taiu im- i, uncouth. -puheisuus coarseness
(or speech). -rakeinen coarse-grained.
karkeasti coarsely, roughly; (kuv.) harshly,
karkea tae - karkeistae. -tekoinen (or) rough
(make); coarsedy made), or a rough construction; (kmpel) clumsy. -tukkainen
rough-haircd; hrlstly. -villainen coarsevvooled | sheep, lammas].
karkaisi hyl plane Tor rougher \vork. -sep
p blacksmith. -seula coarse sieve (1. bolt).
-tae work in the rougli; hlack\vork. -ty
rough \vork, unskilled labor. -tyntekij
common (I. unskilled) iahorer.
karkelo (leikki) play, nin, pastime; (tanssi)
dance. karkeloida play, dancc. karkeloimi
nen playing, danclng.
karkeus coarseness, roughness; harslmess,
nideuess, vrt. karkea.
karkkoaminen running a\vay, rieeing; (hi
pyminen) vanishiugr, dlsappearingr.
karkota (prees. karkkoan) riee, run a\vay;
(hipy) pass a\vay, vanish, disappear.
karkottaa drive avvay, expel [from school,
koulusta]; (Joskus:) relegato; (poistaa)
dispel; ~ luotaan repel, (vierottaa) estrange;
maanpakoon exlle, expatrlate, vrt. seur.:
maasta expel from the country, banlsh,
exile; mielestn banlsh Irom the mlnd,
dispel [sorrovvs, surut; rare, huolet];
drlve avvay [care, huoleti ; ~ tieltn
(tunkea) put . . out of the vvay, brush
aside, force (I. push) aslde; e unen it
drlves avvay sleep, It dlspels sleepiness,
(hvitt) it vvlll destroy sleep. karkotta
minen driving avvay, expulslon; relegation;
karkotus driving avvay (1. ofr), (esim. kou
lusta) expulslon; (maasta y. m.) banishment. -kisky 1. -mrys order (1. notlce)


to leave [the town, kaupungista; the coun

try, maasta], -paikka place or banishment
(I. or exile).
karku: karkuun ks. lhte, pst; [olla]
karussa [hej at large; [ajaa] tytt kar
kua [ride] at Tuli gallop. karkulainen runavvay; (pakolainen) fugitive; (sotilas, me
rimies, y. m.) deserter. karku matka 1.
-retki riight: (nuoren pojan y. m.) escapade; (rakastuneen parin) elopement; hn
katkaisi jalkansa karkumatkallaan he broke
hls Ieg vvhlle trying to make (good) his
escape (I. to make a get-avvay); olla kar
kumatkalla be trying to make one's escape,
(pojasta:) be ou an escapade.
karkuri - karkulainen.
karmea harsh; (karkea) rough; (kitker)
bitter; (kaamea) dreary, dismal [Teellng,
tunnelma], karmeasti harshly; roughly,
bltterly; dlsmally.
karmia (kirveli) reel raw(and sore),smart;
(harmittaa) grieve; kurkkuani karmii my
Ulinat feels ravv; mieltni (1. sydntni)
karmii, kun ajattelen . . it makes my heart
ache to think . .; I still leel tt dceply,
vv lien I think . . , it grleves me to think . .;
selkni karmii sit ajatellessani (it makes)
cold shlvers nm up and down my back
vvhen [ think o( that.
karmiini (-vri) carmlne. karmosiini (-vri)
erillisiin, karmosiinlnpunainen crimson.
karnevaali carnlval.
karotti deep dish; vegetable dlsb; (kannelli
nen) tureen.
Karpaatit Carpathlan (mys: Karpathlan)
karpalo 1. (karpalo|marja, -kasvi) cranberry,
mossberry; 2. (pisara) drop; (helmi) bead.
karpalo- (yhd.) cranberry [esim. -hillo
cranberry jarn; -mehu cranberry Juice].
karpio (jyvmitta) about 1 2 g/allons.
karppi (ers kalalaji) carp.
karsaasti avvry, askevv; (vinosti) obllquely;
(kuv.) aversely.
karsaa (vino) obllque, vvry; (kiero) askevv;
(kuv.) averse, unravorablc, unpropltlous;
karsaaseen ks. katsoa; [katsoa] karsain
silmin [johonkin] [look] askance [at ..],
[vlevv a th.] unravorably (1. vvith dlsfavor); katse (luomionkarsas) squint(ing)
eye, (kuv.) Jaundiced eye, vvry look. kar
sastaa squint, look avvry. karsasten 1.
karsastaa; 2. (kuv.) envy, be envlous (1.
jealous) or . . . karsaus obliquity, vvryness;
(luonnon-, silmiss) squint(ing), cross-eye,
(tiet.) strabismus; (kuv.) Jealousy, envy.
karsi (kynttiln) suuri'; (noki) soot; karrel
le k s. palaa.
karsia (silvota, sievlst) trim [a hedge,
pensasaita; a lamp, lamppu], pick; (ohen
taa, esim. mets) tilin; (oksista) lop,
prune; (poistaa) strlke . . out, (kirjotuksesta) dravv one's pen through; (hyljt)
dlscard, ellmlnate; (repi) rasp; ~ mets
I In n (out) a (orest; oksia puusta lop oli'
some branches rrom a tree, (hedelmpuus
ta) prune a tree; kirjotusta on paljon kar
sittu much or the article has been struck
out (I. elimlnated), the article has been
edlted heavily; (koko) ruumistani karsii
my riesh (1. blood) creeps, cold shlvers
run (ali) over mc; se karsi hnen kurk
kuaan it rasped hls throat. karsiminen (ok
sien) lopping, pruning; (metsn) thinning;
(klrjotuksen) stnking out. cllmlnation;
(siistiminen) InilinniiK : vrt. karsinta.
karsina pen; (huoneessa) corner; (ingle-)
karsinu (oksien) lopplng, pruning; (siisti
minen) trimmlng; (rikkaruohon y. m.)
vveedlng out; (metsn) thinning: (out);



(klrjotuksesta) striklng out, (poisto) ellmlnation; (ny Ikminen) discarding. -kilpailu

lurh.) try-out.
karskahdella crunch, grate; crackle.
karskahtaa (kuulua karkealta) make a harsii
sound, sound harsii; eruncli; e ~ korviini
(ilkesti) it jars (1. grates) upou my ears.
karskea - karski.
karski barsh, stern, rough, (rruff; (rohkea)
brave, gallant, bold;
(ravakka) brlsk,
smarl; katse (mys:) an air or assurance, rearless look; ~ mies (mys:) a man
or daring. karskisti harshly jne., vrt. kars
ki, karskistua become Stern (1. jrrulT).
grow bulder (1. more courageous); (roh
kaistua) take courage (1. heart), pluck up
heart (I. spirlt), pluck up one's splrlts,
pick up courage. karskius harshness, sutii
ness; bravery, boldness; brlskness.
kartkua = karskahdella. karskuttaa eruncli
the snow under one's reet, lunta jalois
saan], craunch.
karsseri (vankihuone, etenkin europpal. kou
luissa) carcer.
karsta 1. (noki) soot; (kuona) slag; (karsta
kivi) luir, tura; i. (kartta) card. karstaa
minen I. (nokeaminen) sooting; 2. - karttauninen. karstainen sooty, rull or soot;
karstakone carding-machlne.
karstamainen (geol.) turaceous, tuTous.
karstata I. (noeta) cover \vitli soot, soot;
i. < kanala i card.
karttavilla carding wool.
kartallepano mapping down (I. out).
kartano (piha) yard; (lila) estate, rarm;
(herras-) mansion, manor-house; (maata
lo) rarm -ho u se. kartanonomistaja owner
or a(large) landed estate, landed proprietor.
kartan piirustaja l. -tekij dravver or maps,
cartographer. -piirustus map drawing,
drawlng or maps. -piirustustaito cartograj>hy.
kartanta kS. karttaminen.
kartasto atlas.
kartata (karstata) card.
kartella ks. karttaa, vltell.
kartemumma ks. kardemumma.
kartessl (soi.) case-shot, canlster-shot.
kartio cone. -leikkaus conic sectlon. -vent
tiili conlcal valve.
kartiomainen, kartionmuotoinenconical.conic.
kartonki (korttipahvi) pasteboard, carton:
(hieno) bristol-board.
k rtottua (panna kartalle) lay (1. put) down
on a map, map out; draw a map or, map
down; (varustaa karttamerkill) stamp,
arrix a stamp [to ..]. kartottamaton not
mapped out, not put on the map; un
stamped. kartottaminen, kartotus laying
duwn on a map; mapping (down) ;stamplng.
kartta I. map: (meri-) chart; 2. (karsta) card.
karttaa (vltt) avold [a person, Jotakuta
henkil; a subject, jotakin puheenaihetta;
danger, vaaraa] ; evade; shun [bad com
pany, huonoa seuraa], eschew [evil, pa
haa] ; (kammoksua) dread; (pysytell pois
sa jostakin) keep away Trom [the saloons,
kapakoita] ; (pelastua jostakin) escape;
(varoa) take care [not to do that, sit te
kemst], look out Tor . . , bc aro or . . .
karttaamaton uncarded [wool, villa], kart
tuminen carding.
karttai, kirja atlas, -kokoelma collectlon or
maps; (kartasto) atlas, -lehti map. -liite
kantamaton 1. (varomaton) careless; 2.
{= Jota ei voida karttaa) unavoldable.
karttamerkki (leimamerkki) stamp.
karttaminen avoiding, avoidance, sbunnlng;
cvading, evaslon; vrt. karttaa.


kartta pallo (terrestrial) globe. -paperi

stamped paper. -projektsioni map-projectlon. -teos atlas.
karttauskone = karstakone.
karttava (arka) shy; (vlttelev) evaslve
[look, katse]; (varovainen) carcrul; inmisi ~ shy or people, unsociable. kartteleva
evasive [answer, vastaus]; (arka) shy.
kartteliaasti evasively; shyly. karttelias
kartteleva, karttelu evasion; shu iiii uik.
karttu thick stick, cudgel; (kapula) round
stick (or wood); hiilet; (sauva) starr, rod;
(pyykki-) pounder.
karttua grow; (lisnty) (bc on the) increase; (kernty) gather, accumulate;
hnelle karttuu paljon tyt Illlicll \vcirk is
accumulating (1. piling up) Tor him; hnel
le karttuu voimia joka piv ho is gaillillg
steadlly in strength, lie is growlng stronger
(1. gainlng strength) every day; hnelle
karttuu vuosia (l. ik) he is gro\vlng Old,
he Is getting along in years; korkoa
karttuu yh enemmn lnterest Is accumu
lating more and more; olla karttumaan pin
be on the increase, be growing (1. lnereasing); rahaa yh karttuu (tulee) money stlll
keeps coming (1. pouring) in; sinne kart
tuu paljon kansaa a large ero wd (or people)
is gatherlng there; vuosien karttuessa u iiii
the passing years.
karttuisa readily (1. easily) accumulating;
(runsas) ample, copious, plentirul, abundant, llberal; (tuottava) lucrative, remuneratlve; (hytyis) prontable; on kansan
ksi (1. v.) many a llttle makes a mlckle.
karttuisasti liberally; amply, copiously;
(hytylsstl) proNtably. karttuminen in
crease, increaslng, groxvlng; accumulation.
karttuuni (kangaslajl) printed callco, prlnt.
kartuttaa (list) increase, augment, add to;
(edist) rurther, promote; (kert) heap,
plle up, accumulate; (rikastuttaa) enrieli;
(laajentaa) enlarge; (korottaa) enhance
[the value or, jonkin arvoa] ; jonkin lu
kumr swell the number or . .; omai
suuttaan [tuhannella dollarilla] add lone
thousand dollars] to one's property, In
crease one's property [a thousand dol
lars]; tietojaan Increase (1. widen 1. en
large) one's knowledge, improve in knouledge; ~ valistusta promote eilucatlon (1.
enllghtcnment). kartuttaja one Wiio iucreases (I. augments Jne., vrt. kartuttaa);
promoter, improver.
kartuttaminen in
creaslng, increase, augmcniatioii; (ker
minen) accumulation; (korottaminen) enhancement; (edistminen) lurtlierance.
kartuusi (tupakka-) package. -paperi heavy
(liite 1. colorcd) wrappliig-paper. -tupak
ka tobaeco In packages.
karu barren, meager [soll, maa]; (hedelm
tn) sterile, not lertlle; luonto siell oli ka
rua the country there had (1. was oi) a
hald and sterile charaeter, nature wore a
barren aspect there.
karuselli merry-go-round; (Kngl.) roundabout.
karuus barrenness, incagerness; sterllltv.
karva halr; (kuv. = vri) color, hue; oikeas
sa karvassaan (kuv.) in Its proper llglit, in
one'3 true colors; olla karvoissa be covered
wlth hairs; tulla karvoihin become covered
vvitli hairs; turkista lhtee karvoja the halr
is dropping (1. coming) out or the l'ur, the
rur is sheddlng hair [ali over one's coat,
karvaaminen currying, dresslng; tanning.
karvahuopa hair-rclt.
karvainen 1. halry [skin. Iho], (tiet.) pllose(takkuinen) shaggy, (tiet.) hlrsute; 2.
(yhd.) -halred [esim. harmaa~ gray


baired; pitk- long-halred] ; 3. (kuv.) = plllng up; accumulatlon; (kokoaminen)
vrinen, karvaisuus hairlness; (tiet.) liir- gathering.
suteness, pilosity.
kasaantua accumulate; (lumesta, hiekasta
karvakaa thtck \vith balr; downy, riurfy.
y. m. puhuen:) drlft; (lisnty) lncrease,
karva: kulu \vorn orr In patches; shabby. grow; (kerty) collect, gather; minuila
-lakki rur cap. -matto halr mat; balr carpet. kasaantuu liian paljon tyt too mucb work
karvani luonti 1. -lht 1. -vaihdos sheddlng is piling up for me, I am overwbelmed (l.
deluged) with work; niin pian kuin rahoja
(of) the bair, mo(u)lting.
karva peite liairy coat (1. coverlng); (elint. on kasaantunut enemmn as SOOn as more
= turkklpelte) pelage. -peitteinen, -pelt- money has been collected (1. has come m
toinen covered wltb hair, halry; (tiet.) bir- 1. has been recelved) ; yhteen kasaantunut
sute. -puoli (nahassa) halr side, grain side. accumulated, amassed. kasaantuma accu
-pussi l. -tuppi halr-folllcle.
karvari ks. nahkuri.
kasakka Cossack; .pivlinen) day-laborer.
karvas bitter [taste, maku], acrid; (vasten kasapilvi cumulus.
mielinen) dlsagreeable; (tuskallinen) grlev- kasarmi barracks; (sot.) casern(e). -elm
ous; (tympe) rank; ~ pala jollekulle barrack life. -majotus quarterlng In bar
(kuv.) bitter plll (l. dose) for one to swal- racks. -rakennus barracks.
kasarrusahjo (metall.) rinlng-Torge, refinlow. -aina bitter prlnclple.
karvasivellin bairbrusb; (hieno) halr-pencll, lng-rurnace. kasartoa (metall.) reline.
camers-halr pencil; (karkea) brlstle brush, kasata heap (up); plle up; (kartuttaa) ac
(Jouhlslvellln) horsebair brush.
cumulate, amass [a fortune, omaisuus];
karvasmanteli bitter almond. -ljy oli oi' (kert) gatber, COlIect; itselleen run
bitter almonds; (kem.) benzolc aldehyde. saasti tyt plle up a lot of \vork for o.s.;
karvasi! pippuri black pepper. -suola Epsom korkealle plle (up) high; ~ ljn lay
salt(s), (Jkpv.) salts; (kem.) magnesium up in a heap, bank up.
kasattu plled up, accumulated. kasautua
kasaantua, kasautuma accumulatlon.
karvasteleminen smartlng; achlng-.
karvastella smart, acbe; (pist) prlck, kaseerata (hyljt) reject, tbrow out; dlssting-, nettle; (mys kuv. = kiukuttaa) card.
grleve; kurkkuani karvastelee my tbroat kaseiini (Juustoaine) caseln(e).
SmartS; mieltni karvastelee, kun ajattelen kaselli gazel(le). kasellmsilm gazelle's eye.
. . it grieves me to thlnk . . , lt prlcks (1. kasetti (valok.) plate-bolder.
goads) me to tblnk . .; pippuri karvastelee kasiainen kastemato.
kielt pepper stlngs (1. smarts) the tongue; kaskas (elint.) -clcada (pl. clcartas, clcada).
silmini karvastelee my eyes smart (1. kaskeaminen clearing or land and burning
Sting); vrt. kirveli, karvasteli! smartlng or brush plles.
kaskelotti (elint.) sperm-wbale, cacbalot.
pain, smart; grier, worry.
kasken kaato l'allowlng. -poltto 1. -vierto
karvasvesi ks. katkerovesi.
burning or brush piles.
karvata curry, dress; (parkita) tan.
karvaton hairless; (paljas) bare. karvatto kasketa clear land and burn the brush plles.
kaski I. (poltto-) burned-over clearing Hi a
muus halrlessness.
karvaus 1. bltterness, acrldlty; (kitkeryys) forest; (kaskimaa) rallow; kaadettu
clearing; kaataa kaskea clear the underacerblty; vrt. mieli ; 2. (nahk. = karvaa
minen) currylng, dresslng; (parklnta) tan- brush and pile it for burning; fallo\v.
koski II. (kyprl) casque, belmet.
nlng. -parkki tan, tanner's bark.
kaski Umaa = kaski, I. -ruis rye grown on a
karviainen, karviaismarja gooseberry.
karviaismarja- (yhd.) gooseberry [esim. burned-over clearing, -viljelys raising or
-hillo gooseberry Jam; -mehu gooseberry crops on burned-over clearlngs.
Juice; -pensas gooseberry bush]. -home kasku (kertomus. Juttu) tale, story; (taru)
rnlldevv on gooseberrles. -viini gooseberry tradition, legend, mytb; (pilajuttu) anecdote, sketch.
karvottua grow halry; (peitty karvoilla) kasoittain in heapS; pydll oli kultaa ~
there were heaps or gold on the table,
become covered with balr.
kas look! bchold.' 10! ~ kummaa lo! \vhat a gold lay on the table In beaps.
vvonder! niin (kehottavastl:) now (then) Kaspian-meri the Caspian Sea.
[esim. ~ niin, hyvsti sitten now then, kassa I. (hiuspalmikko) plalt, brald of hair.
good-by], so then, so there [esim. ~ niin, kassa 11. (raha) casb (on hand); (rahasto)
se on kylliksi so there, thafs cnough], lunds.
there now [esim. ~ niin, se riitt there kassa- (yhd.) cash(-) [esim. -alennus casb
now, that will do], come [esim. ~ niin, dlscount; -kirja cash-book; -tili cash-acnyt olemme perill come, J10\v we are count]. -holvi strong room, treasure-vault;
salety-deposlt vault. -kaappi sare. -kone
here], (uhkaavasti:) no\v, then! (helpo
(1. v.) cash-reglster. -kreditiivi (limlted)
tuksen huudahdus.) thafs done! (tyyty
visyytt Ilmaisten:) well [esim. ~ niin cash-credlt, bank-credlt; line or credit.
(mys: ~ noin), nyt se on tehty Weil, now kassan | hoitoja cashier. -tarkastus inspectlon
lt's done], (hyvksyvsti:) rlght! good! or the cash on hand.
thafs lt! noin there, so there [esim. kassara ks. vesuri.
noin, se riitt SO there, thafs enough], kassa! registraattori cash-reglster. -rekisteri
(hyvksyvsti:) thafs the way; ~ sit (Amer. suom.) ks. edell. -sst cash bal(Ihmettely:) well! (well!), why [esim. ance, balanie (1. cash) on band. -vaillinki 1.
sit, joko hn nyt tuli why, dld he come -vajaus delicit; (kavallus) deralcatlon.
already?]; ~ oin Just look! see now! kastoa (tehd mrksi) wet; (kastella)
why(, dld you ever)? (Joskus:) ah(a)! water [the riovvers, kukkia] ; (upottaa Jo
[esim. ~ vain, oletko sinkin tll Just honkin nesteeseen) dlp; (liottaa) soak, sop;
see (1. look), are you here, too? ab(a), (kirk.) bapttze, etnisten; kalkkia slake
Ilme; Aau/aa(nsa)welone'sthroat, (Jkpv.)
are you here, too?].
kasa heap; (Jrjestetty) plle; (Joukko) mul- wet one's whistle; kynttilit dipcaiulles;
tltude, lot ; niit oli siell aika ~ there was ~ leippala maitoon sop a piece or bread In
qulte a number (1. a lot) or them. kasaaja mllk; veteen dlp (1. lmmerse) In water,
(telen.) accumulator. kasaaminen beaplng; (upoksiin) duck m water; hn en kastettu



Kailaksi he has been cbrlstened Charles.

kattaja baptizer; vrt. Johannes, kastamaton
nnbaptlzed [parran, pakana], unchrlstened.
kastaminen (johonkin) dipplng, Immerslon,
ducklng; (liottaminen) soaklng, soppina;
(kasteleminen) vvalertng; (kostuttaminen)
ettlng; (kirk.) baptizlng, chrlstenlng.
kastanja chestnut. kastanjanruskea chestnut (brovvn). kastanjapuu chestnut-treo.
kastanjetti (mus.) castanet.
kastattaa have a th. (1. cause a th. to be)
dJpped (1. vvatered 1. soaked Jne., vrt. kas
taa) ; lapsi have a chlld christened (1.
kasta (maassa) de\v; (kirk.) baptlsm, chrls
tenlng; laskeutuu dew Is rallin?; mannan
laskee kastetta (the) dc\v Is gatherlng on
the grass; pakottaa joku kasteeseen compel
one to submlt to baptlsm.
kasteeni kertoja 1. -uudistaja Anabaptist.
-liitto haptismal covenant.
kastehelmi dewdrop. kasteinen dewy. kastalematon unvvatered. kasteleminen vvatering-; (mrksi) vvettlng; vrt. kastelu.
kastella (sprlnkle vvlth) vvater; (mrksi)
wet; (kostuttaa) moisten, damp: (liottaa)
soak, sop; (~ maata viljelystarkotuksla
varten) lrrlgate; ~ katuja sprlnkle the
StreetS vvlth vvater; ~ tikomrksi Cl. lpi
mrksi) wet througb, (sateesta puhuen:)
drench: vuoteensa vvet one's bed.
kastelu (esim. katujen) sprlnkllng witti in
ter; (kukkien y. m.) vvatering; (mrksi
kasteleminen) vvetting; (liottaminen) soaking; (maan, vlljelystarkotuksla varten) Irrlgatlon. -kone (kadun-) sprlnkler. -laitos
system of Irrigation.
kaste mato earthvvorm; anglevvorm. -pisara
devvdrop. -todistus certlflcate of baptlsm.
-toimitus (ceremony of) baptlsm.
kasti l. (klrjap.) case, type-case; 2. (hlst.)
caste. -Jako 1. -laitos caste system.
kastike sauce. kastike- (yhd.) sauce- [esim.
-kauha saure-ladle; -lusikka sauee-spoon;
-siivil sauee-strainer].
kastrulli (kasari) saucepan.
kastua become (1. get) wet, (kostua) grovv
molst; Ukomrksi get drenched, get
soaking wet, get soaked to the skln (1.
soaked through); hnen jalkansa kastuivat
he got hIS Teet vvet; varottava (l. varotaan)
kastumasta to be kept dry, keep dry! kas
tunut vvet; (kostea) molst, damp.
kasukka ks. messukasukka.
kasvaa grow [wlld, villin; fast, nopeasti];
(varttua) grow up; (lisnty) lncrease;
(karttua) arcumulate; (paisua) swell [In
to, Joksikin] ; (tuottaa) produce, bring
Torth: hitaasti (mys:) be slow of (1. In)
growth; isoksi get big. grow up, (mie
heksi) grow Into manhood, grovv to be a
man; kahdenkertaiseksi double; kiinni
johonkin grovv (fast) to . .; korkoa draw
lnterest. yleld lnterest fhuom. ~ korkoa
korolle bear (1. pay 1. brlng I. yleld) comI>ound lnterest; olla korkoa kasvamassa
(pomasta:) be out at lnterest; panna ra
hansa kasvamaan korkoa piit one'smone.VOllt
at lnterest]: umpeen (haavasta:) heal (I.
grovv) over, close up, (arvettumalla) sear:
villin jossakin (kasveista puhuen, mys: )
be natlve of; yhteen grovv together,
grnvv Into one; coalcscc, unlte; antaa par
ran let one's beard grovv, grovv a beard;
jsenluku the membershlp Is grovvlng
(I. Increasing); maa hedelmi the carth
produces (1. brings forth) frult; poika ~
mieheksi the boy Is grovvlng (1. vvill grovv)
into a man; tyytymttmyys on kasvamassa
dlssatlsractlon is on the lncrease (1. Is
grovvlng). kasvain grovvth; mys kas


vannainen, kasvamaton not grovvlng, standlng Still; korkoa kasvamaton not dravvlng
any lnterest. kasvaminen grovvlng, grovvth;
lncrease, accumulatlon; (vallan y. m.) accretion.
kasvamis aika tlme (1. perlod) of grovvth;
kasvamisaikana durlng the perlod of
grovvth, In the grovvlng period (1. age),
vvhile grovvlng. -voima vegetative povver,
povver of grovvth.
kasvannainen outgrovvth (mys knv.); protuberance; (rumentava) excrescence; (lk.)
tumor; vrt. kasvain, kasvanta = kasvaminen.
kasvatella ks. seur.
kasvattaa grovv [tobacco, tupakkaa]; raisu
[vvheat, vehn] ; (viljell) cultlvate; (tai
mesta) rear, brlng up; (eltt) foster,
nurse, brced; (synnytt) produce, brlng
forth; (tiedollisesti) educate [the youth,
nuorisoa], (taidollisesti) traln; ~ itselleen
parta, partaa grovv (1. ralse) a beard;
~ kaalia ralse cabbages. kasvattaja grovver; (puuvillan, teen y. m.) planter; (kar
jan y. m.) ralser, breeder; (nuorison)
educator, pedagog(ue). kasvattamaton uneducatcd. kasvattaminen grovvlng, ralsing;
breedlng; educatlon; vrt. kasvattaa, kasvattava(inen) educatlng; educatlve. kas
vattavasti: vaikuttaa kasvattavasti johon
kuhun have an educatlve lnfluence on . . .
kasvatti Coster-chlld, nursllng; (holhokki)
kasvatti- (yhd.) foster- [esim. -is fosterfather; -poika foster-son: -sisar fostersister; -vanhemmat rostor-parents] .
kasvatuksellinen educatlonal.
kasvatus (viljelys) grovvlng, ralsing, cultlvatlon; (karjan y.m.) rearlng, breedlng; (tie
dollinen) educatlon; (taidollinen) tralnlng.
kasvatus- (yhd.) 1. (kasvattamls-) educa
tlonal, . . of educatlon [esim. -jrjestelm
educatlonal system, system or educatlon;
-tapa educatlonal method. method or edu
catlon] ; S. kasvatti-, -laitos educatlonal
Institution; (pahantapaisia lapsia varten)
reform school. -opillinen peciagogic(al).
-oppi pedagogy, pedagoglcs: kasvatusopin
tutkinto examlnation In pedagogy. -van
hemmat foster-parents. -iti roster-mothei'.
kasvautua grovv [to, Johonkin] ; (kuv., Jo
honkin) grovv to be one or . . , grovv lnseparably attached [to ..].
kasvava grovvlng [glrl, tytt; youth, nuorlsol, rlsing; (lisntyv) Increasing;
laiho standlng crop, standlng grain: ~ su
kupolvi the generatlon (novv) grovvlng up,
the rising generatlon; korkoa ~ yielillng
(1. dravvlng) lnterest; ruohoa overgrovvn
(1. covered) vvlth grass, grass -grovvn; yhti
~ steadlly Increasing (1. grovvlng).
kasvettua: ~ kiinni johonkin grovv (on)
to . . , grovv Inscparably attached to . . .
kasvi plant; (tiet. Joskus:) vegetable; (yrtti)
kasvi- (yhd.) plant- [esim. -fysiologia plantphyslology; -heimo plant-famlly; -ravinto
plant-food; -solu plant-cell] ; vegetable
[esim. -aina vegetable matter; -anatomia
vegetable anatomy; -ravinto vegetable
food; -tali vegetable tallovv] ; (harvemmin:)
. . of plants [esim. -anatomia anatomy or
plantS; -luettelo list or plants; -taudit (Il s eases or plants]; (tiet.) phyto- [esim.
-biologia phytoblology; -maantiede phytogeography]. -aihe (kasv.) embryo (or a
plant). -elin plant-animal,
-ems (kem.) vegetable (I. organlc) base,
alkalold. -fysiologia vegetable physiology,
-huone conservatory,
greenhouse; (ansari) botbouse. -knnin ks.



kasvipntt. -kokoelma collection of plants,

botanlral collection; herbarlum.
kasvi k et greens; vegetables, garden stuff;
kaavi! kunta vegetable kingdom; (kasvimaaIlma) veiretable World; vrt. kasvisto, -lava
hotbcrl, forclng-plt. -liima gluten.
kasvillisuus ks. kasvullisuus.
kasvi maantiede (mys:) botanlc geography.
-multa veiretahle mold. humus.
kasvin- (yhd.) 1. . . of (a) plant [esim. -osa
part of (a) plant; -siemen seed or (a)
plant]; 2. (kasvatti) roster-, adopted
i esiin, -sisar fostcr-stster, adopled sister;
-veli foster-brother, adopted brother].
kasvineste sap (or plants).
kasvinjalostus Imprnvement of (domestic)
plants, piant-breeding. -kumppani cornpanlon from chlldhood; (kasvlnveli) rosterbrother. -syj (elint.) herblvore; vrt.
kasvissyj, -tuntija botanist. -veljeys
(hist.) s\vorn brotherhood.
kasvio Tlora.
kasvi Foplllinen botanic(al). -oppi botany.
-puserrin botanical press, herbarlum press.
-pnttbotanlcal tin. -ruoka vegetable rood.
kasvis ks. kasvikset, -ruokalaji vegetable
(dlsli). -syj (Ihmisist:) vegetarian; vrt.
kasvisto vegetable \vorld; Dora. kasvistolli
nen pcrlaining to the flora.
katvil tarha (vcgetablc-)garden. -tiede bot
any. -tieteellinen botanic(al) fifarrten, puu
tarha], -tieteellisesti botanically. -tieteilijl botanist. -tym ks. kasviliima.
kasvoineleet raclal expresslon; jonkun kasvoineleet expresslons of (I. on) one's raee.
one's mlcn (1. air).
kasvoinen (yhd.) . .-Taccd [esim. hempesvvect-Taced; ruma ugly-Taced; tyls~
diill-raredl .
kasvoin1 ilme 1. -svy expresslon or the facp,
rounteriancp. -muodostus east of reatures;
physiognomy, countenance. -piirteet ks.
kasvonpiirteet, -vri color (of the rare),
kasvokulma rarial angle.
kasvon ilmo ks. kasvoinilme. -piirteet (east
on reatures, lineaments; physiognomy.
kasvoi ruusu (lk.) eryslpclas (of the
Tace); Saint Anthony's Hip. -srky (lk.)
npuralgia of the race.
kasvot lace, countenance, vlsage; (katse)
look(s): (ulkonak) appearance, looks, aspcct, physiognomy; kasvoiltaan kaunis
. . with a pretty facp. possessed of (food
looks. or a beautiful aspect; (tuntea Joku]
kasvoista ' recognlzc onel by hls looks;
kasvoista kasvoihin facp to face; hnell
on miellyttvt she Is pleasant-lOOkillir,
she has a nlce face: vrt. naama.
kesvu gro\vth; (lisntyminen) tncrease,
accumulatlnn; (korko) interest: (ruumiinmuodostus) shiipc, rignre, huild. (pituutpen nhden) stature; riioikkal kasvultaan
Isleiiiler] in (I. of) stature. or fslenderl
stature (I. huild), vrt. tanakka; kasvussaan
Ks. ehkaist(y), pyshty.
kasvuinen (yhd.) . . In (I. of) stature Teslm.
hoikka slender In (I. of) stature; lyhyt
short in (I. or) stature], of .. stature
leslm. hoikka of slender stature].
kasvukausi perlod or growth.
kasvullinen vegretatlve; veiretable [Ivory.
kasvullisuus vcgetatlon, veiretable grouth.
-raja llmlt of veiretatlon.
kasvu paikka locality, li.ii>!i.t (of a plant).
-voima vcgctatlvc power, po\ver of gro\vth.
kas(s)ri (kassanhoitaja) e.ishier.
kataja juniper(-trce); katajia (oksina) Juni-


per twlgs. kataja- (yhd.) juniper- [esim.

-pensas Junlper-shrub; -ljy junlper-oil].
katajainen . . or juniper, juniper; (kuv. =
sitke) tough (as juniper): katajainen kan
sani my people strong as juniper.
katajanmarja juniper-berry. -viina gin.
-*ljy juniper-oil.
katajapensas (mys:) junipor-trce. katajik
ko, katajisto clump (1. cluster) of junipers.
katala (kurja) vvretched [rreaturc, olento] .
miserable; (alhainen) base, mean, vile.
despicable [trick, temppu] ; ~ valhe black
(1. base 1. Inramous) lie; en usko sinua niin
katalaksi, ett . . I don't believe that you
are (1. \vould be) such a wretch as to ...
katalasti (kurjasti) vvretchedly, miscrably;
(alliaisesti) meanly, despieably.
katalogi ks. luettelo.
kataluus meanness, baseness, despicability;
(kurjuus) wretchedness.
katanta = kattaminen.
Kauriina Catherine, Cathari|na (I. -ne); vrt.
katarri catarrh. katarri nen catarrhal.
kate covering; cover, shelter; (peite) envelope. case; (verho) xvrapper.
katedraali ks. tuomiokirkko.
kate(e)deri chair; (koulussa opettajan is
tuin) teacher's desk.
kateellinen envious [of, jollekulle], jealous
[or, jollekulle (1. jostakin) ], (luonteeltaan)
or a jealous disposition, grudglng; ~ ihmi
nen (mys:) a regular riog In the manger;
olla jollekulle jostakin envy (1. grudge)
a person a tli. kateellisesti with envy (I.
jealousy), envlously, Jealously. kateelli
suus envy, jealousy; vrt. kateus.
kateenkorva (anat.) thymus(-gland), necksneetbread.
kateetteri (lk.) cathetcr; troc(h)ar.
kategoria category. kategorinen (jyrkk)
categorlcal. kategorisesti categorically.
katelaatta (rak.) abacus.
katetri kateetteri.
kateus envy, Jealousy; (nurjamielisyys)
emnitv, lll-wlll.
katguti (lk.) catgut.
katin kulta (kiille) mlca(-schlst): Isinglass.
-lieko (kasv.) ground-plne. club-moss.
katiska wattle-\vork ftsh-trap, weir. -aita
katka (elint.) amphipod; gammarus.
katkaiseminen breaking oi!', cutting ori";
severlng; (kirjap.) making up (intopages).
katkaisija (siihk.) disjunetor; (sikarin)
rutter; vrt. taittaja.
katkaista break ]one's back, selkns: the
silence, nettmyys], break orr la cane,
keripi; the negotlatlons, neuvottelut] ; (leik
kaamalla) cut orr; (erilleen) sever [the
hcad or . . , jonkun p (1. kaula)] ; (kisko
malla) tear orr (1. away); (murtaa) snap
[a twlg, oksa]; (typist) maim, mutllate.
truncate; ~ masto (= hakata poikki) cut
(a\vay) the mast; nauha (repisemll)
tear orr a band; ~ poikki sever. cut orr,
break orr; puhe interrupt a speech;
viholliselta paluumatka (sulkea) CUt Off the
enemy'3 retreat; ~ yhteytens jonkun (\.
jonkin) kanssa sever one's connections
\vitll: -** ystvyyssuhteet jonkun kanssa
drop one's acquaintance wlth, break orr
one's relations \vlth; shksanomayhteys
Helsinkiin oli katkaistu the telegraphic
Communication wlth Helsingrors had been
cut orr (1. Interruptcd). katkaistu broken,
cut off, snapped orr; katkaistu kartio
(geom.) rrustum or a cone. truncated cone.
katkaisu breaking orr. cuttlng orr: severance; (keskeytys) Interception, Interruptlon.



katkeama break; rupture; (aukko) breach,

(rap; (lk.) fracture.
katkeamaton unbroken [serles, sarja, silence. nettmyys] ; (keskeytymtn) uninterrupted, unremttting; (alituinen) contlnual, constant; ~ tapausten jakso im in
terrupted successlon of events. katkea
matta witbout breaklng; (keskeytymtt)
Ulllnterruptedly; vrt. taukoamatta.
katkeilla (keep) break(ing), burst, crack;
(esim. puun oksista) snap; piden oksat
katkeilivat the twigs or the trees kept
break im?.
katkelma hroken plece; (ptk) stump; (kir
jasta y. m.) rragment; /autan ~ rragment
or a song.
katkennut broken rarm, ksivarsi]; severed
[ connectlon, yhteys] ; (keskeytynyt) inter
rupted [telegraphic Communication, sbksanomayhteys].
katkera bitter [taste, maku; fate. kohtalo;
tear. kyynel], acrld [taste, maku]; harsh;
(halkea) palnrul [news, uutinen], sad, distressing; (ankara, tuskallinen) severe,
acute [pain, tuska]; (piinaava) excruclatIng, agonizing [doubt, epilys] ; ~ elm
sad (1. bitter) life; ~ jotakuta kohtaan
bitter towards one; ~ pala niell' bitter
dose to swallow; ~ puute dlre want;
nm (mys:) poignant sorroxv; katkerat
krsimykset acute (I. bitter) surrerlngs;
katkerat sanat ll.irsll (1. sharp 1. bitter 1.
cutting) words. katkerasti bitterly; harsh ly: palnfully; sharply.
katkerasuola karvassuola.
katkero (kasv.) gentlan.
katkeroittaa embitter [one, Jonkun mielt;
one's life. Jonkun elm], make .. bitter;
sour; (suututtaa) exasperate. katkeroitta
minen embitterlng; exasperatlon.
katkeroitua be(come) emblttered; be(come)
exasperated [at. Jostakin; against one, jo
honkuhun] ; vrt. katkeroitunut, katkeroitu
minen becomlng emblttered: exasperatlon.
katkeroitunut emblttered; exasperated [at,
Jostakin; against one, johonkuhun] ; (suut
tunut) indlgnant [at. Jostakin] : olla katke
roitunut jostakin feel bitter (1. lndignant I.
exasperated) about a tn.
katkerovesi bitter watcr; solution of Epsom
katkeruua bltterness: harshness; acuteness;
sadness; (suuttumus) exasperatlon.
katketa break, be broken (1. cut) otf; snap:
(srky) burst; (keskeyty) be interrupted,
be Intercepteil; kaapeli katkesi the cable
broke, she (tarkottaen laivaa) sprang her
rable ; minulta katkesi ksi I broke my arin ;
puhe katkesi the spcerh was Interrupted,
(taukosi) the speech stopped; shksanomayhteys oli katkennut telegraphic Com
munication had been cut olT(l. interrupted).
kat(e)kismus catechism.
katkoa bc breaklng (off), be tearlng oK; ~
kahleitaan be breaklng one's (I. lts) chalns;
kappaleiksi break (1. cut) to plcces; vrt.
katkaista, katkominen cutting (1. breaklng)
orr (1. to pieces) ; tearlng of r.
katkonainen broken (sentence, lause]; (ty
pistetty) truncate: abrupt [style, kirjotus
tapa] : (katkclmainen) rragmentar.v: (sot
kuinen) dlsconnected, incoherent: katko
naisessa muodossa In abrupt (1. rragmentary) form; katkonaisia sanoja broken (I.
Incoherent) words; katkonaisia ni brok
en (I. abrupt) tones (1. sounds). katkonaiaeetl brokenly, abruptly; frairmcntarlly;
(esim. puhua) lncoherently. katkonaisloisto (majakan) Intermlttent llght: orcultlng
llght. katkonaisuus brokenness; abruptness; lncoberence.


katkonta -= katkominen.
katkopihdit cuttlng-nippers.
katku (haju) smell; (lyhk) stlnk, stench;
(hk) smoky smell; jostakin lhtee pahaa
katkua f mys: jokin antaa pahaa katkua)
a th. emlts (1. has) a bad smell (1. odor),
a th. is reeklng. katkuinen ks. hajuinen.
kato dearth; (viljan) (total) railure; (puu
te) \vant, destltution; vei viljan, viljasta
tuli the crops Tailed (1. were a railure).
(memory, muisto]; (Ikuinen) everlasting,
[mark, merkki], lndellble; kunnia
(mys:) glory that passeth not away. katoamattomasti lmperlshably; unfadlngly;
inerraccably. katoamattomuus Imperlshableness; everlastingness; indellbilit.v.lndelibleness. katoaminen dlsappearance; van
ishing: (hipyminen) radlngauay; (poistu
minen) passing a\vay; vrt. kadota, katoa
vainen perlshable; mortal [beiug, olento];
(haihtuvalnen) vanishing, passlng, rugitive;
1'ickh- | rortune, onni], katoavaisuus perIshableness, transitorlness, fugitlveness;
rickleness; vrt. edell.; ihmiselmn katoa
vaisuus transitorlness of human life.
katodisteet (rys.) catliode rays.
katolilaisuus Catholicism; (paavilaisuus) papacy. katolinen (a. & s.) Catholic, Hornan Catholic; katolinen kirkko the Cathollc
Church, katolinusko (lioman-)Cathollr raitti,
katolisuus Catholicism.
katonllalainen beam in (the)roor, roor-beam,
tle-beam; rarter. -alus rool-rraming, roortruss. -harja ridge of the roor. -kannatin
celllng-jolst; roortruss. -kannatus ks.
katonalus. -muotoinen roor-shaped. -panija
one \vho puts on (l. makes 1. repalrs)
roors. -pano rooring. -peiteaine roortng.
-raja plaie where the roor Joins the side
<>r a nouse; uall-platc. -rysts eaves.
katos (vaja) shed; (katto) roo(; (peite, suo
ja) cover, shelter. -alla (talosta puhuen:)
roofed (in); (viljasta puhuen:) garnered,
housed, In; (yleiseni, merkit.) under cover,
under shelter.
katovuosi bad harvest, bad year, year or
crop railure, year or dearth (1. scarclty);
(nlkvuosi) year or rarnine.
Katri Catherine; (jkpv.) Kate, Katie, Kit(ty).
katrilli (tanssi) quadrllle.
katsahdus look; (silmys) glance; ~ men
neisyyteen a look at (1. into) tho past, a
retrospect; tulevaisuuteen a look (I.
prospect) into the future; pikainen
glance; vrt. katsaus.
katsahtaa look; (silmt) glance; (tuijottaa)
gaze; viel kerran johonkin take one
n u uv look at ..; he katsahtivat toisiinsa
they looked (1. glanced) at each other.
katsahtaminen looking; glancing.
katsanto sight; (katse) countenance; mieti.
air(s); (nkkanta) respect, regard; ensi
katsannolta at flrst Sight: ylpe - haiighly
mlen (1. air), -kanta (nkkanta) point or
vle\v, vlevvpoint; (kanta) standpoint, posi
tion; (mielipide) opinion; tlt katsanto
kannalta rroin tliis standpoint, Trom this
polnt or vie\v. -tapa manner (1. way) or
vlcwing (1. looking at) things, view(s).
katsastaa look over, Inspect, survey; (tar
kastaa) examine; (sot.) revievv; ~ kalustoa
rl. varastoa) take an inventory or stock.
katsastaja Inspector; examiner; (sotaven)
one who revlevvs.
katsastus Inspection; (katselmus) survey;
(tarkastus) riitical examination, scrutlny;
(kaluston) Inventory; (sotaven) revlew.

-kirja Inspector's report, -matka ks. tar- look askance [at . .], (ujostl) keep the eyes
lowered; (jonkun) ktt read a p.'s hand;
kastusmatka. -mies Inspector; examiner.
katsaus (ylels-) survey, (general) view [of, ~ lapsia (= holtaa) look after (1. take care
Johonkln]; (Jonkln kertomuksen alkuosaan of 1. tend to 1. mind) the children; ~ omaa
y. m.) synopsis; (sllmys) look, glance [at, etaaan (\. hytyn l. parastaan) look after
(1. attend to) one's own interests, look out
kaue look, glance; (etenk. tuljottava) gaze; for O.S., consult (1. have an eye to) one's
(Joskus:) eye; (kasvolnllme) countenance, own Interest fhuom. omaa HyStyn (\- etumen, alr(S); hncn julhea katseensa his aan;feat>omatfa(myos:) disinterestedly] ; ~
insolent look; pahansaopa ~ malignant ex jonkun parasta look for a p.'s best Inter
pression (of countenance), malignant look. ests ' linn w. is: niin tclidvssaiin liiin katkatseleminen looking on, onlooklng-, view- soi myskin sinun parastaei In doing SO he
Ing, kauellja spectator, onlooker, watcher; had your Interest In mind also (1. he con
(tarkastellja) observer; (slvustakatsoja) sidered your Interest tOO)]; - parhaahsi
think It best, deem it advisable; peiliin
katsella look [at, jotakin], see, behold; (tiit- look (at o.s.) In the glass (1. the mirror);
klen) view, survey: (huvlkseen) look on; ~ peilista jotakin look at a th. in the (look
(mlelenkllnnolla) watch; (olla katselljana) ing-glass; ~ jonkin pern look after (1. a spectator or..; ~ Helsinkis see to) ... have an eye to . . , mind fesim.
the sights of Helslngfors; ittelUen is- katsoa lasten pern mind the children),
tuinsijaa (etsia) look around (1. look about take care of . . , (plt sllmll) watch,
in the room) for a seat, look for a seat (for keep an eye (1. a close eye) on . .; [jokln
oneself); ~ kattoon look up at (1. raise asa] ptetyksl look upon [a matter] as
one's eyes to) the celling; ~ maailmaa sec settled, consider, [a matter] settled; uo(what) the world (Is like); ~ nytst tavaksi consider (1. deem) . . desirable, look
see (1. watch the performance of) a play; upon . . favorably; ~ toteennytetyksi, ett
~ ufo* ikkunatta look OUt Of the window; . . (selvltetyksl) consider It proved (1. estab
~ ill,-en 100k about OIK!; se on hau- lished) that. .; ~ velooliisaudekseen consider
ni* ~ It is nice to look at (1. to see), It Is (1. regard) one's duty: ~ Johonkuhun 'beautiful to behold (1. to set eyes upon). haisesti (mys:) give one an angry look; fcofsocn kS. hakUS. ; katsofhani ettet fee mitn
It makes a fine show(lng).
katselmuksenpitaja surveyor; (sotaven) tyhmyvimi be careful not to (I. see to It
that you don't) commit any blunders; katone who reviews troops.
katselmus survey; Inspection; (tarkastus) *ohan peiliin look In the glass (1. the mir
examination: (sotaven) review, -mie* sur ror)! katso (han) sin lusta tilla aikaa kan
veyor, member of a survey commission (1. mina alen poissa you tond (1. see) to the
a board of inspectors), inspector, examiner, child while I am away (1. gone) ; katsoppas
vain (Ihmettelevstl:) Just look! see now!
-pytfiklrja report of a survey (1. of an In
Why, (did you ever) ? en kat*o oleaan mi
spection), -toimltu survey, Inspection.
katsoa look [about one, ymparllleen; at tn *yyt inen (nie) I can not see any
one's watch, kelloaan; out of the window, reason for It; mieheen hatsomatta Without
ulos ikkunasta], see [that It is (1. be) done, respect to persons, (puolueettomastl) with
ett se tehdn] ; (vanh.) behold; (katsella) out partiality; minulla an jo talo katsottuna
view, watch; (huomata, havalta) find; I have already made my choice of a house,
(pi t Jonakln) look upon (as..), regard; I have already selected a house (to rent, to
(katsoa Jokslkln) deem [It necessary, tar- buy IM-.): searaaksiin kattomatta Without
peelllseksl; It proper that . . , soplvaksl, paying any attention to (1. without regard
ett . .] ; (olla sita mlelt, ett . .) think, to) consequences, Irrespective of conse
consider [that . .] ; (pltft huolta slltii, et quences; silken katsomatta (myoS:) apart
t . .) see to It [that . . , ett . .] ; ~ ariak- from (1. Irrespective of) that . .; nun tuseen tehd jotakin consider It (to be) one's lee , ett me eaamme jotakin sytv
business (1. one's duty) to do a th., con
you must see about (1. see to) our getting
sider It up to one (1. that it devolves upon something to eat; sinun tuUsi ~, ett asa
one) to do a th.; ~ Johonkln avosta tain tu/ ratkaistaksi you ought to See (to It)
look (1. gaze) at a th. open-mouthed (1. that the matter Is settled: tarkemmin katwith one's mouth open), gaze In open- sottana viewed (I. looked at) more closely,
upon closer investigation; lkS katsoko
mouthed wonder at . . , (tllistell johon
kln) gape at . .; Jokin edullisemmaksi - /an/an pienautta don't consider the Insig
slder (1. think) . . more profitable, prefer nificance (1. the size) of the present (l.
fesim. Ration edvllisemmaksi jtadti odot- how small the present Is).
tamaan I prefer to wait] ; ~ tecnia look kauoen in view of, considering, In (1. with)
before (1. about) one, (varoa) look out, regard to [eslm. ~ asian trbeyteen In
(kuv.) feel one's ground, take care, (plt view of the importance of the matter, con
huolta tulevalsuudesta) provide for one's sidering the Importance of the affair!:
(katsottuna) looked upon, seen. Judged
(1. look out for the) future, (Jkpv.) pro
vide for a rainy day Inn mi. katso eteetl [eslm. Inhimillitesti ~ humanly seen (1.
have a care, (varo) look out!] ; ~ itselleen Judged)]; tarkemmin ~ viewing (I. lookpaikka jostakin ( valiMl choose (1. select 1. Ing) more closely.
find) a place for O.S., vrt. katsella; jok- katsoja spectator; vrt. katselija. -lava plat
sikin consider [it right to do so, oikeaksi form (1. stand) for spectators, grand stand.
tehd niin], regard [a p. as one's enemy, katsomahaluinen fond of seeing things; fond
Joku vlholllsekseen] ; ~ karsaaseen (luon- of sightseeing; kaikki katsomahalaiset all
nonvlkana) squint, have a cast (I. asquint) those eager to see.
in one's (1. In the) eye, be squint-eyed, kataomlnen looking, seeing; kattomisen arbe cross-eyed, (kuv.) look askance (1. voinenr katsomista ansaitsetta worth seeing
askew) [at . .], vrt. seur.; kartaatti jo- (1. looking at) ; vrt. katielemlnen.
honkin jahonkuhun] look askance (1. kauomo stand (1. platform) for spectators;
askew) at . . , look at . . out of the corner (kllparadalla y. m.) grand stand; (teatteof one's eye: keloolllseksi (myos:) ap rissa) auditorium, (Joskus) house.
prove, accept; ~ kieroon = ~ kariaaseen; katsonta superintendence, supervision, over
~ hulmainsa alta SCOWl, 1'niwn [upon..], sight; vrt. valvonta. -mie overseer, super-

vlsor; (tarkastaja) lnspector; (pllysmies; gutter). -kilpi Street slgn. -klveyspavement;
paving. -kivi paving-stone. -kivitys
katua set [the table, pyt], lay; (peitt) katukiveys. -kohtaus Street scene; (rcover [witb, Jollakin]; (panna katto) roof hkk) street brawl. -kulkuri Street loafer;
ia bouse, talo]; oljilla thatcb; ~ pyt (prostituoitu nainen) street-walker. -ky
(mys:) spread the table; tiilill tlle; tv sidevvalk; (Engl.) pavement, footwalk.
- turpeilla sod (over), (cover witb) turf; -levottomuudet street disturbances (1. ripyt on katetta (inyos:) dlnner is ready. ots). -liike(nne) traffic In the streets,
kattaja i. (katon) ks. katonpanija; 2. (py
street-trafric. -lika dlrt (1. mud) in the
dn) one Wiio sets (1. wbo has set) the table. street(s). -lyhty street-lamp (1. -llght).
kattamaton unrooled; (peittmtn) un- katumaton lmpenitent, unrepentant. katu
covered; kattamaton pyt bare table. kat
mattomuus lmpenitence.
taminen roollng; (oljilla y. m.) thatching; katu mellakka street riot. -mielenosotus
(peittminen) coverlng, laying [wltb, jol- street demonstratlon.
lakin] ; (pydn) spreadlng. kattamisaine katuminen repentlng, regret (ing); (katu
muksen teko) penance.
kattila kettle; (suuri) ca(u)ldron; (hyry-) katumus repentance; (synnintunto) penl(katumuksenharjotus) penance;
boiler. -huone boiler-bouse. -kivi (boller-) tence;
(omantunnonvaiva) remorse, contrition;
scale. -levy boiler-plate.
kattilallinen (a) kettleful.
(mielipaha) regret; katumukten tekij penkattilan. muotoinen kettle-shaped. -palkkurl itent; katumuksen teko penance.
katumus- (yhd.) penitential [esim. -saarna
penltentlal sermon; -virti penitential
kattilarjhdys boller-ezploslon.
katto roof; (vanb., etenkin raamat. klel.) psalm]. -piv day or penance. -teko 1.
bousetop; (raitiovaunun y. m.) top; (sls- -ty penance.
1. vlikatto) celllng; (kuv. = suoja) shelter, katu||nainen woman of the streets, streetcover; [vrt. olki, pre- , tiili y. m.] ; ka
Walker, -oja gutter, kennel, -poika street
tolla on the roof, (esim. vaunun) on the arab, Street urchin; chlld or the gutter.
top [of . .] ; katossa on krpnen there is a -puhuja (Amer. suom.) street speaker,
ny on the celllng; [lyd pns] kattoon corner orator; (ulkoilma-) outdoor speaker.
[hit one's head] agalnst the ceillng; kanel
-raitiotie street-railroad, (street-)car linc;
ia ei oio kattoa pns pll he has no (Engl.) tiannvay. -rakennus bulldlng on
shelter, be has no roof over his head. -an
(1. racing) tbe Street, -rauhattomuus (tav.
taa roor-truss; vrt. kattotuoli, -hirsi tle- pl.) street dlsturbance (I. riou. -rhin
beam; (kurkihirsi) ridge-pole. -huopa nolse (1. dln) or (1. rrom) the Street; (-ra
rooring-felt, asphalted felt. -ikkuna (ka
ilakka) street bravvl. -sulku barricadc.
tosta valon antoa varten) skyllgbt; (ul- katuvainen repentant [sinner, syntinen];
lakkolkkuna) dormer-window.
full of remorse (1. regret), remorseful;
kattoi nen (ybd.) . . vvith a . . roof [esim. syntinen (n sk.) penltent (sinner).
jyrhk~ with a steep roor; olki~ with a katuvaunu (Amer. suom.) street-car;(Engl.)
tliatcbed roof].
tram, (omni)bus.
katto t koriste ornarnent in the celllng. -lamp katve sbade; mys = hmr, katveinen
pu lamp suspended (1. hanglng) rrom the shady, (well-)sbaded; (vilpoinen) cool
ceillng. -lannotus, -lanta top-dresslng. [grove, lehto],
-liutka (slab of) roof(lug)-slate. -luukku kauaksi 1. = kauas; 2. (alkaa llmottaen):
trap-door in a roor. -maalaus paintlng (1. kauaksi aikaa for a long tiine (1. \vliile) ;
fresco) on tbe celllng. -pahvi ks. kattohuo- hyvsti niin kauaksi good-by loi' a \vhilu
pa- -parru tle-beam. -putki gutter, eaves- (1. for a tlme), (Jkpv.) so-long!
trough; spout. -pre shingle. -rakenne kauan long, (for) a long time (1. whtle);
roor-constructlon. -tilli
(rooring-)tlle. aikaa kauan; (jo) aikaa sitten long ago,
-tuoli rarter; (-ansas) rooHng-truss. -va
a considerable time (1. vvhile) ago, long
laistus: tatitta on kattovalalttut the hali is since; ten jlkeen long alter (that), a
lighted rrom the ceillng. -valo skylight; long time aftervvards; tit ennen long
vrt. edell.
berore then (1. that); kuinka tahansa
katu Street; (leve valtakatu) avenue, any length of tlme; niin fcuin as long as;
(mys:) road, thoroughfare, bouievard; v. In le; niin kuin tuinkin as long as pos(pienempi, sivu-) Iane; (kuja) alley; ka
sible, to the (very) last, to the bitter end.
tujen puhtaanapito Street-Cleaning; hn kauas far (away); a good (1. long) way; a
asua Lincoln-kadun varrella (\. Lincoln- long distance; poit far away (1. off).
kadulla) he ilves on Lincoln Street; vasta
-kantava (alkup.) vvhicli carrles far; (kuv.)
pt, kadun toisella puolella across the having an lmportant bearing, far-reaching,
extenslve. -nkev = kaukonkinen, -th
katu- (yhd.) Street- [esim. -laulaja street- tv aimlng far ahead, looking rar into the
slnger; -valaittm street-llghtingj.
ruture. -ulottuva far-reaching, extenslve.
katua repent [(of) one's slns, syntejn], kauemmaksi farther orr, at a greater dis
rue; (olla pahoillaan) regret, feel sorry for tance; (ajasta puhuen:) longer, ror (a)
a th.. Jotakin] ; kadun, ett ensinkn tu
longer (tlme) ; en voi antaa tit kahta viik
lin I repent (1. regret) bavlng come at ali koa I cannot let you take (1. have) lt
(I. that I came at ali); kauppojaan re
ror longer (1. ror more) than two vveeks; joupent havlng bouirht a th., repent one's bar- tua (1. ajautua) yh toisistaan drlft far
gain, be sorry that one (has) made the ther and farther apart, (vlerautua) become
bargain, (tekoaan) be sorry for bavlng done more and more estranged rrom each other.
a th. [huom. kadun kauppojani i'm sorry I kauemmin longer; se kest kauemmin it
bougbt that, (kuv.) rm sorry I dld it] ; viii last longer. kauempaa rrom a longer
eit sinun ei kotkaan tarvitte you v. Ml distance, at a greater distance, larther oli';
never have (cause) to (1. you wlll never kauempaa nhtyn seen at a greater dis
need to) regret (1. repent) lt; tit sin saat tance, seen rrom rarther off. kauempana
viel , tina viel kadut tit you \vlll re
rarther avvay; kauempana oleva larther,
gret (1. repent) lt yet.
more dlstant (1. remote),
katu kauppias street-peddler (I. -vendor), kauha dipper, ladle; (nappo) scoop. kauhal
hawker. -kieli language or the Street (1. the linen ladlerul; scoopful.


kauhea (hirve) terrible, rrlghtrul, dread- tance, (tulevaisuudessa) In a (rar) dlstant
ful; awful; (kauhistuttava) horrlble, hor- ruture; kaukaisessa idss [.lnness] in
rid; vrt. kamala; ~ ihminen horrld (1. the rar East [West] ; kaukaisessa mennei
dreadrul 1. odlous) person; ~ julmuus syydess in the rar dlstant (1. the remote)
(mys:) atroclty; onnettomuus ap- past. kaukaisuus remoteness; (vli) dls
paliing (1. shocking) accldent; kauhean tance; kaukaisuudessa In a (1. In the) dls
ikv CI. ikvystyttv) horrlbly (1. ter- tant ruture, In the rar dlstant ruture.
ribly 1. awrully) tedlous, abomlnably dull; kaukalo trough; (esim. laastin kantoa var
kauhean suuri enormously large.tremendous, ten) hod. kaukalonmuotoinen trough-llke.
monstrous. kauheasti terrlbly, rrlghtrully, kaukana rar (avvay 1. orr); remotely, dlsdreadrully; horrlbly; avvmily. kauheus tantly; (rar) out or the way; (etisyy
horribleness, horrldness; (hirveys) rrlgbt- dess) In the distance; oikeasta rar
rulness, dreadrulness; avvrulness; horror. rrom right, Wide or the mark; oleva
kauhistaa strlke terror (In) to one (1. one's dlstant, rar-orr, remote; siit rar rrom
heart), strlke (1. rill) one wlth terror (1. lt; toisistaan Wide (1. rar) apart;
awe); (pelstytt) rrlghten, terriry, ap- toisistaan olevilla seuduilla In reglons
pall; minua ks. kauhistuttaa, kauhista
(lylng) rar (l. wlde) apart; kyl on - kau
minen strlklng wlth terror (1. awe), rrlght- pungista the village Is rar away (1. Is
ening, terrirying. kauhistava terrirying, quite a distance) rrom the city.
awe-inspirlng; terriric, awful; appalllng; Kaukasus-vuoret the Caucasus (Mountalns).
(kauhea) terrible, dreadrul, horrld.
kau kb- (yhd.) rar- [esim. -kantainen rarkauhistua be terriried, be strlcken wlth reachlng; -nkinen rar-slghted] , dlstant
terror (1. awe); (pelsty) be(come) rright- [esim. -maa dlstant country]; (tiet.) teleened; (kammoksua) dread, shudder [at, [esim. -lmpmittari telethermometer; -va
Jostakin] ; abhor, abomlnate. kauhistunut lokuvaus telephotography]. -katseinen
terriried [with. Jostakin]; appalled [at, kaukonkinen, -maa (mys:) rar country;
jostakin] ; (pelstynyt) rrlghtened [at, kaukomailla in dlstant (1. rar) lands, rar
jostakin]; kauhistuneena (myS:) In dlS- away. -matkainen (coming) rrom arar; vrt.
may. kauhistus terror, horror; (kammo) kaukainen, -nkinen rar-seelng, rar- (1."
dread; (kauhu) abborrence; (pelstys) long-)sighted; (tervnklnen) sagaclous.
rright; (hmmennys) consternatlon; (llje- -nkisyys rar-stghtedness; sagaclty. -putki
tys) abomlnatlon; hvityksen kauhistus telescope; (pienempi) spy-glass, rieldglass. -signaali semaphore.
(raam.) the abomlnatlon or desolatlon.
kauhistuttaa strlke . . wlth terror (1. awe), kaula neck (mys esim. pullon); (kurkku)
rrlghten, terriry; appall; shock; minua ~ throat; kaulaan ks. kavahtaa; kaulani on
hnen julmuutensa hls atrocity TlllS (1. kipe I have a sore throat; huivi [ketjut]
stiikes) me wlth terror, I'm appalled (1. kaulassa wlth a kerchler [a chaln] around
shocked) at his atrocity; vrt. kauhistaa. one's neck.
kaula- (yhd.) neck- [esim. -huivi neckkauhoa laille, kauhoittain by ladleruls.
-nauha neck-band (1. -rlbbon)];
kauhuna cartan, kartan; papin clergy- cloth;
(kurkku-) throat- [esim. -tauti throat-dlsman's gown.
ease (1. -complalnt)] ; (anat.) Jugular
kauhtua 1. (vrist:) rade, cbange; 2. (suut
[esim. -rauhanen Jugular gland; -suoni
tua) get angry, become lncensed. kauhtu
Jugular vein], cervical [esim. -lihas cerminen radlng, loss or color; mys = suut
muscle; -nikama cervical vertebra].
-ajos ulcer in the throat. -helmet pearl
kauhu horror, terror; rright, dread; (hm
necklace. -hihna throat-band; (koiran y.
mennyksen sekainen) consternatlon; kau- m.)
collar. -huivi (mys:) murrier.
huilunsa kS. tulla; kauhukseni tO my hor- kaulailla
throw one's arms around a p.'s
ror (1. dread); hertt kauhua jossakussa neck; (syleill)
strlke terror into one, strlke one with ter kaulain (lehmn) embrace,
ror (1. vvlth awe), rill one wlth awe; olla kaulainen (yhd.) .collar.
[esim. pltk~
kauhuissaan jostakin be terriried by (1. at), long-necked].
be appalled at, (suutukslssaan) revolt at, kaulaketju(t)
necklace, necklet.
reel hlghly lncensed at; sodan kauhut the
he istuivat kdet they sat
horrors (1. the terrors) orvvar; vrt. pako, kaulakkain:
wlth thelr arms around each other's necks.
vesi y. m. -ty ghastly deed; helnous kaulan
koriste necklace. -kupu (lk.) golter
(mys: goltre). -liina neckerchier; mur
kauimmaksi rarthest (away). kauimmin rier;
(neck)tle; vrt. kravatti,
longest; mit kauimmin as long as posslble, -nauha(sidottava)
(mys:) collar-band; (helminauha)
to the (very) last, to the bitter end. kau
rope or pearls, necklace; (kaulahihna,
impana rarthest away; kauimpana oleva esim.
koiran) collar. -pahka = kaulakupu.
rarthest, larthermost, remotest.
-puuhka scarr (or rur), boa; collar. -rauta
kaukaa 1'rom arar; at a great dlstance [esim. Iron collar (1. yoke). -rengas collar; torque.
huomata joku notice one at a great dls
-reunus rurr, rrlll. -risa (anat.) Jugular
tance, (mys:) see one a long way orr] ; gland. -suoni (mys.) Jugular.
(kauan) long; hiin huusi minulle jo he kau Iata mangle; vrt. kaulailla.
called to me rrom a dlstance (1. when he
(lk.) qulnsy.
was long way orr); hn tulee he comes kaulatulehdus
kaulatusten wlth thelr arms around each
l'rom rar avvay (1. rrom arar).
other's necks.
kaukaan pitk (n).
kaulaua mangling.
Kaukaasla (the) Caucasus (region), kau- kaula valtimo (anat.) common carotid (arkaasialainen (a. & s.) Caucasian [race, ro
-vitjat chaln around one's neck, (koi
tu], kaukaaaialaisnainen Caucasian \voman. tery).
ran) chaln rastened to the collar; (kaula
kaukainen dlstant [relatlve, sukulainen], ketju) necklace. -vy (koirilla y.m.) collar.
remote; rar [country, maa; ruture, tule kauluksinen (yhd.) . . wtth a . . collar, (har
vaisuus], rar-away [town, kaupunki]; vemmin:) . .-coliared [esim. korkeakaulukvieras a vlsitor comlng rrom a dlstance (I. sinen takki a coat \vlth 8 high collar; purrom a long way orr), a vlsitor rrom nahaulukslnen lintu a red-collared blrd],
dlstant parts (1. rrom a rar country) ; fcou- (Joskus:) . .-necked [esim. korkeakaulukkaisessa etisyydess In the remote dls
sinen puku (naisen) a high-necked dress].



kauluri band; vrt. kaulus.

kaulu* (paidan, takin y. m.) collar; (suu
rempi, esim. naisen pllystakin) cape.
-puui bar for (dlrty) collars, collar-bag.
kaulusta neck-band.
kauna 1. akana; 2. (kuv. vihan-)
grudge, spite; bad blood; vanhaa kaunaa
old scoj-es to settie, an old quarrel, a quarrel of long: standlng [betvveen tliem, kes
kauneuden- (yhd.) . . of beauty [esim. -aisti
sense ui beauty; -palvattu worsblp(p)ing
of beauty].
kauneus beauty; lovellness. -keino cosmetlc,
beautifier (or tbe complexlon).
kauniisti beauttfully; prettlly; flnely; nicely; (byvln) well.
kaunis beautiful [girl, tytt; dream, unel
ma; neather, Ilma]; ralr [to see, nhd,
damsel, neitonen] ; (siev) pretty [g-lrl,
tytt; smtle, hymy; plcture, kuva]; (ko
mea, hieno, ylev) fine [town, kaupunki;
Picture, kuva; poem, runo; tralt In one's
character, piirre jonkun luonteessa] ; (miel
lyttv) nice [dress, puku; day, piv];
(sorea) handsome; kauniit lupaukset fair
promises; isnmaanpaolustaja (pllk.) a
fine (1. a nlce) defender of oue's country;
juttu (pilk.) a rine (1. a pretty) story;
kaunista (llmatolmlston tiedonannoissa:)
fair; on kaunista antaa anteeksi lt 19 a fine
(1. a noble) tbing to forgive; on kaunista
nhd heidn luistelevan lt is a pretty Slght
to see tbem skatlng. -mallinen In beautirul
deslgns (1. shapes); (tyyliks) In good
style, styllsh, tasteful. -muotoinen vvellshaped, shapely. -sanainen well-worded;
beautirully expressed; eloquent. -alimainen
. . vvith beautirul eyes. -sointuinen . . \vlth
beautirul harmony.
kaunistaa embelllsb, beautiry; (koristaa)
adorn (mys kuv.), ornament [vvith, Jol
lakin], decorate; (kuv.) color; nuorta
miest se, ett hn . . lt is In hls favor,
YVhen a youilg man . .; se kaunisti hnen
luonnettaan lt adorned (1. lt graced 1. lt
was an adornment to) hls character. kau
nistaminen embelllshment ; adornment.
kaunistelematon unembellished, unadorned;
(kuv.) unsophlstlcated, (peittelemtn) undisguised i truth, totuus], (teeskentelem
tn) unarrected, unrelgned [pleasure, miel
tymys], unstudled, (suora) stralghtrorWard; kaunistelematonta kielt ( il) Stralgtlt-

fur\vard (1. unembellished) language; kau

nistelematon totuus (mys:) the plain unvarnlshed truth. kaunisteleminen embel
llshment; adornlng; (kuv.) colorlng. kau
nisteleva excuslng; (peitelty) veiled [stalement, lausunto] ; kaunisteleva lausetapa
eupbemism; hnen lausuntonsa on kaunis
televa he is trying m hls statement to
make thlngs look bettcr than they really
are, he Is overdrawlng thlngs (1. he Is put
tina; the best side out) (In hls statement).
kaunistella I. koristella; 2. (kuv.) color,
gulld, (vritt) paint, (parannella) touch
up, improve upon [the plain truth, alas
tonta totuutta], (koettaa puolustella) excuse, apologize ror, make an apology, (pei
tell) palliate, dlsgulse, veli. kaunistelu
I. koristelu; 2. (kuv.) colorlng, gulldIng, touchlng up; excuslng; palllatlon.
kaunistua be beautiried (1. embelllsbed), be
adorned; become (1. get 1. grovv) nice(r);
ilma kaunistuu the weather Is gettlnir rine,
(kirkastuu) tbe vveather Is clearing up.
kaunistus embelllshment; (koristus) orna
ment, adornment; decoration; (kuv.) grace,


honor, Credit; olla kaunistuksena jollekulle

be a grace (1. an honor 1. a credit) to a p.
kaunoaiatl sense ror (1. or) the beautirul,
sense or beauty; (maku) taste.
kaunoinen I. (a.) (run.) kaunis. II. (s.)
beauty, tielle, kaunokainen I. (a.) beauti
rul, beauteous; svveet, pretty. II. (s.)
beauty, belle; (kasv.) Engllsh dalsy; kau
nokaiseni my pretty one, my beauty.
kaunoii kirjailija wrlter or fiction, fiction
\vriter; novelist. -kirjallinen (1. v.) llterary;
hnell on kaunokirjallisia taipumuksia he

has an (1. the) lncllnatlon to become a wrlter

or riction, he has llterary ambltlons. -kir
jallisuus fiction; belles-lettres, pollte llterature. -kirjottaja one who vvrltes beauti
rully; expert perunan, -klrjotus penmanshtp; calllgraphy. -kirjotusmalli model ror
kaunokki ks. ruis.
kaunoii luistelu rancy skating. -luku elocution. -puheinen eloquent. -puhelsestl eloquently. -puheianiyte exhlbltlon or eloquence. -puhe(is)taito oratorlcal art, elocutlon. -puheisuus eloquence, oratory.
-puhuja orator; rine speaker. -sielu beau
tiful soul (1. splrlt); (aatteiden mies) ideallst. -taide fine art; kaunotaiteet the fine
kaunotar beauty, belle.
kaunotlede esthetlcs, aesthetlcs.
kaunti, kauntti (Amer. suom.) county; vrt.

kaupaksi U kymtn unsalable, unmarketable. -kyp salable; haupaksikyp ta

varaa salable goods, artlcles In demand.
kaupanilharjottaja trader; (nainen) tradesvvoman; vrt. kauppamies, -hieroja bargainer, negotlator. -hieronta bargaining, negotlatlon. -hoitaja manager (of a store).
-plliset 1. -tekiiset gratulty to a purchaser; kaupanpllisiksi 1. -tekiisiksi in
to the bargain, to boot, ror good measure; in addltlon to wbat vvas agreed; antaa
jotakin kaupanpllisiksi throvv a th. in
(Tor good measure), glve a th. to boot;
antaa kaupantekiisi throw SOmethlng In
vvith the purchase. -teko dealing, trading;
(kauppa) business; (kuv.) bargaining, compromlsing, compromise. -vlittj agent;
(ammattinaan kaupanvlityst harjottava)
Jobber; (osakkeiden y. m.) broker.
kaupata offer for sle; sell; trade; vrt. kau
pita, kaupitella.
kaupita (tarjota kaupan) ofrer (1. put up) Tor
sle; (myyd) sell, vend; (tehd kauppaa)
trade, deal [in, Jotakin], kaupitella (tar
jota) offer (Tor sle); (myyd) sell; (teh
d kauppaa) trade, deal [In, jotakin] ; (kaupustella) peddle, havvk; trafric; (tyrkyt
t) try to palm Oli'; kaupitella vr ra
haa try to pass counterfeit money.
kaupitseminen ofrerlng for sle; selllng;
trading, dealing [in ..]; vrt. kaupita,
kaupitsija vender, seller; trader; dealer;
(kaupustelija) huckster, havvker; uskonnol
listin kirjojen kaupitsija COlporteur. kau
pitteleminen = kaupitseminen, kaupustelu,
kaupittelija ks. kaupitsija, kaupustelija;
kalankaupittelija rishmonger; vrn rahan
kaupittelija one vvho trles to pass counter
feit money, kaupittelu ofrerlng ror sle;
passlng orr; trading, dealing; selllng; sle;
kauppa 1. commerce: (etenkin ammattina:)
trade; (liike) arralr, business; trarric; (os
to-) bargain; (sopimus) agreement; settlement; 2. (-puoti) store; (vars. Engl.)shop;
kaupaksi, kaupan for sle, on Sille, kS.
kyd, menn, tarjota; kaupoissa ks. olla;
kauppojaan ks. katua; henkens (1. pns)


kaurakaupalla at the rlsk of one'3 lire; hyvll -taito knowIedge of business, -tavara arkaupalla it abargaln; kotimaan .ulkomaan) ticle of commerce; commodity (mys kuv.) ;
domestic [lorelgn] trade; valtioiden- kauppatavaraa (kli.) merchandlse, goods.
vlinen ~ (Yhdysv.) Interstate commerce.
business, -tori market-place. -tuu
kauppa- (yhd.) Commercial [esim. -kemia -toimi
ma speculation, enterprlse, venture, -vaih
Commercial chemistry; -koala Commercial to
or commodities; Commercial
school; -laki Commercial law; -suhteet transactions. -valtuuskunta
or Trade.
Commercial relationsj, .. or commerce -voitto profit (rrom trade 1. Board
from business).
[esim. -ministeri minister of commerce(kauppapuodin pitj) storekeeper,
-tie route or commerce], mercantile [esim. kauppias
(vars. Engl.) shopkeeper; (yleisem. merk.)
-kansa mercantile nation; -yhteys mercan
tradesman, dealer [usein yhd.,
tile connection], merchant [esim. -alus merchant,
dealer in cattle, cattle dealer;
marchant vessel; -laiva merchant ship- routakurjadealer
in hardware; vrt. mys:
-lippu merchant riag]; (llllte-) business tukku y. m.], -kunta
(1. mer
[esim. -asioitsija business agent; -suhteet chants) (In the town 1.tradesmen
the country);
business relations; -toiminimi business body of merchants. -suku or
merchant family.
firmj ; (kauppaa harjottava) trading [esim. -sty merchant class; people
In trade,
-yhdistys trading association; -yhti trad
tradespeople. -yhdistys merchants' asso
ing company] ; . . of trade [esim. -haara ciation;
branch of trade].
kaupungin- (yhd.) city [esim. -arkkitehti
kauppaaja = kaupittelija,
City archltect; -kirjuri City Clerk; rahas
kauppaa-ala branch of trade; business; an
tautua (l. ruveta) kauppa-alalle gO Into (1. tonhoitaja city treasurer; -talo city hali],
enlerj business, devote o.s. to business, en- tOWn [esim. -kello tOWn ClOCk; -kirjuri
ter the business (1. the Commercial) World. town clerk; -maa town land; -raja town
-alus merchantman, trader, trading vessel. limlts]; vrt. kaupunki-, -alue the city
kauppaaminen ks. kaupitseminen, kaupittelu. limits, the Corporation, -asetus city (l.
kauppa,. -apulainen clerk (In a store), sales- town) ordlnance. -asukas ks. kaupunkilai
man; (Engl.) shopman, counter-man. -apu- nen, -kortteli quarter or a (1. or the) town.
laiskoulu school of salesmanship. -arvo -lkri city physician; city health orflcer.
-maksut city taxes, town taxes. -muuri
market prlce (1. value), selling price. -asia
mies (Vhdysv.) Commercial agent. -ehdot town wail. -oikeudet rights or a corporate
terms or a deal; condltlons or sle. -halli town. -oikeus city court; munlclpal court.
market; (Engl.) hali. -hinta (selling) price; -osa (1. v.) ward. -portti (hlst.) town gate.
-p head or the city government. -talo 1 .
(ostohinta) purchase prlce. -huone Com
mercial (1. mercantile) house; (-toiminimi) (talo. Jossa kaupungin virastot sijaitsevat)
mercantile firm. -kaari laws governing city (1. town) hali; 2. = kaupunkitalo,
commerce, Commercial law. -kalenteri -vaakuna city (1. town) arms; (Engl.,
business (1. Commercial) directory. -kamari vanh.) borough arms. -valtuusmies city (1.
chamber of commerce; board of trade. town) counclllor, councllman. -valtuusto
-kaupunki Commercial city, trading town. city council; (joskus.) city fathers. -vi
-kemisti Commercial chemlst; public ana- ranomaiset city (I. town) orricers. -vis
l.v.-t. -kirja (kiintelmlstkaupassa:) deed; kaali (1. v.) city attorney. -vouti town bailirf.
(irtaimlstokaupassa:) bill or sle; vrt. kaupungittain by citles, by towns.
kauppasopimus, -kirjuri mercbanfs clerk. kaupunki town; (suurempi) city; (Engl., po
-koju Mali, booth. -korkeakoulu (1. v.) liittisessa merk.) borough; [lhte] kaupun
gille igo] dOwn-tOWIl; kaupungin maalta
business college; (yliopistoissa:) Commer
cial department (1. course) [at a university]. on the city ground, on town-lands; [lh
te] kaupunkiin [go] to town, [go] to the
kauppala village, (small) country-tovtm.
kauppa, lainsdnt commerce leglslation, city; olla kaupungilla be aro u nti town
leglslatton concerning (l. regulating) com
merce. -laiva merchantman, trading-vessel, kaupunki- (yhd.) city, town [esim. -elm
trader; kauppalaivan kapteeni captaln (1. city (1. town) lire; -koulu city school; -talo
city (l. town) resldence].
master) or a merchantman. -laivasto mer
chant marine.
kaupunkiintulo arrival in (1. at) the city.
kauppalalainen village rcsident, villager.
kaupunki i kiinteist real estate In a city.
kauppaji lehti Commercial gazette (1. maga
-kunta municipallty; (town) Corporation.
zine), -liike trade, business, -liitto Com kaupunkilainen resldent or a city (1. town),
mercial treaty. -maailma Commercial (1. town resldent; kaupunkilaiset city people;
business) uorld, mercantile life; vrt. liike
townspeople, townsfolk.
maailma, -maantiede Commercial geogra- kaupunkilaisiltapa: kaupunkilaistapaan in
phy. -matkustaja Commercial traveler, City rashion; kaupunkilaistavat city man(traveling) salesman; drummer. -merkki ners. -tytt city glrl; girl from town.
(tavaraleuna) trade-mark. -mies merchant; -vest population or a town (1. a city),
tradesman, trader. -monopoli monopoly of urban population; city people, townspeople.
commerce; trade -monopoly. -neuvos coun- kaupunkiseurakunta city (1. town) parlsh
sellor or commerce la title given to promi- (1. congregatlon). -talo (mys:) resldence
nent merchants] . -nimi trade name. -oikeus In town. -valtio (hlst.) city-state.
1. (laki) Commercial law; 2. (kaupante
= kaupustelu, kaupusteli
ko-) rtght of trading. -opisto Commercial (1. kaupusteleminen
ja huckster, petty dealer; (kuljeksiva)
business) college, -oppilaitos Commercial hawker,
[yhdyssanoissa (Engl.):
school (l. college), -paikka trading-place, -monger, kuten esim.
hedelmin (l. vihan
market, mart. -palvelija clerk (In a store) ; nesten)
COStermonger; kalansalesman. -pula ks. llikepuia. -puoti store; kaupustelija rishmonger].
kaupustella (kul
(Engl.) shop. -sana Commercial term. kien ympri) peddle, hawk;
(Jotakin) deal
-sanasto Commercial termlnology
(1. (1. trarric) in; sell. kaupustelu
nomenclature). -seura (1. v.) Commercial pcddllng.
club. -sola arcade; (kauppahalli) mar kaura oats (Joskus mys yksikss: oat).
ket, -sopimus contract (or purchase); kaura- (yhd.) oaten [esim. -kakku oaten
(kauppaliitto) Commercial treaty. -summa cake; -leip oaten breaU] ; (Joskus:) oatpurchase money; (kauppahinta) prlce. meal
[esim. -leip oatmeal bread; -velli




oatmeal gruel]. -Jauhot oatmeal. -liemi taminen (pettminen) decelvlng, betrayal;

oatmeal ivater.
(rahojen y. m.) embezzlement; (petkutta
kauran leikkuu cuttlng- of oats. -olki oat minen) swindling.
straw. -viljelys ralslng (1. cultlvatlon) of kavaluus perfldiousness; treachery, perridy;
decelt; deceltrulness, ralseness, ralslty;
kaura!! pelto rieid of oats, oatrteld. -ryyni- rraudulence; (salakavaluus) Insldiousness:
puuro oatmeal porrldge, oatmeal. -ryynit (viekkaus) cunnlng; (oveluus) slyuess,
oaten rits. -soppa oatmeal gruel; (-liemi) crartlness;
kavaluudella treacherously,
oatmeal water.
rraudulently, unralrly.
kauris he goat, buck: Kauriin kntpiiri kavennus narrowlng orr, taklng In.
the tropic of Capricorn; vrt. vuori.
kaventaa make . . narrower; narrotv orr [a
kausi stage; perlod: (huvi- y. m.) season; stocklng, sukkaa], take In [a dress, pukua] ;
(aika) age: [esiintyy melkein ykslnom. (supistaa) contract; (pienent) reduce.
yhd.; kS. aika-, elin-, ik-, j-, kehi kaventua = kaveta.
tys, kulta , luku, nytnt , toimin kaveri (lelkill.) toveri.
ta y. m.].
kaverrus ks. koverrus. kavertaa ks. kovertaa.
kaustinen (polttava) caustlc.
kaveta narrow (orr), narrow down, become
narrower; contract: (suipeta) taper; (ohe
kautsu(kkl) lndia-rubber, caoutchouc.
ta) grow (I. become) thlnner.
kautsu- (yhd.) lndia-rubber f esim. -puu ln
dia-rubber tree; -tehdas lndia-rubber fac- kaviaari (sammlnmtl) cavlar(e).
tory], rubber [esim. -leimasin rubber kavio hoor. -elin hoored animal. -veitsi
stamp: -letku rubber tube] ; vrt. kumi-.
through, by (means
the; kaviollinen hoored.
(teitse) of),
(way of)
kavion || Jlki mark (1. print) of the hoor,
maan (yli koko maan) ali through (1. hoor-mark, hoor-prlnt. -kapse beatlng (1.
tbrougbout) the country, H over the coun poundlng) or hoors; (pehmell tiell) padtry: rantain (kierrellen) In a roundabout dlng or hoors. -kuivatus contraction or the
wv. by Indlrect means, (epsuoraan) In- hoor; kavionhuivetusta sairastava hoofdlrectly; Helsingin via Helsingfors, by bound. -muotoinen hoor-shaped, hoored.
(wav of) Helsingfors; jonka ~ by (1. kavuta climb [a tree, puuhun; over the
through) whlch, by means of v/hlcti; rence, yli aidan], clamber [over the rence,
yli aidan; among the rocks, kallioilla] ;
kunniani Upon my honor; meidn kaut
tamme through us, through our lnfluence (kmpi) scramble; kapua polvelleni climb
(1. our Instrumentality), (vlityksellmme) on my knee! hevosen selkn climb upon
through our medlatlon, through our good (1. clamber onto) a horse; katolle climb
ofrices; tmn hereby, (tt tiet) up on the roor.
kohahdella ks. kehua, kerskailla, kehaista
through here, thls way.
kauttaaltaan (lpeens) throughout, thor- ks. kehua, kerskata.
oughly, ali the way through; (kokonaan) kehdata not be ashamed [or ..], be bold
wholly, enttrely, altogether; every blt of It, enough [to do . . , tehd . .] ; en kehdannut
to ali lntents and purposes; (yltyleens) tehd sit I was ashamed to do that; ett
ali over; veden vallassa flOOded ali over. sin kehtaatkin sellaista puhua you Should
ashamed to speak llke that; tytt ei keh
kauttakulku passage through. kauttakulku- be
(yhd.) through [esim. -juna through traln; dannut menn the girl \vas too nashrul to go.
fprees. kehken) be developed, rte-liike through trarflc]. -uvara goods in
transit, -tulli duty on goods In transit, velop (Itseir), unrold; kehke kukalle develops and bursts into blossom, comes out
transit -duty.
In blossom.
kauran, kauvas ks. kauan, kauas.
kavahtaa 1. (nousta kki, spsht) start kehikko rrame, (esim. rakennuksen) frame(up), Jump: 2. (varoa) beware [of], be on work, shell. kehikko (kirjap.) case, typecase. kehilo (kirjap.) chase; (kehys ladelone's guard [agalnst], look out [for]; ka
vahda itsesi take care! look out! kavahda mlneen) form.
winding; twlnlng; (vyyhdint)
viettelijit beware of tempters, beware or
t<>miitatlon; Jonkun kaulaan (heittyty) reeling.
throw o. s. on (1. one's arms around) a p.'s kehite (valok.) developer.
neck; pystyyn (l. seisomaan) sprlng to kehitell (purkaa) unrold, unwrap; (punok
one's Teet; unesta start up out or one'S sesta) unttvine, untwlst; (kudoksesta) unravel, undo; (kuv.) develop; vrt. kehitt.
kavala (vilpillinen) treacherous; (uskoton) kehittyminen development; growth; (vars.
pcrfldlous; (petollinen) deceltrul, gullerul. tiet.) evolutlon. kehittymismahdollisuus
false; (salakavala) lnsldlous [attack, hyk
posslhlllty (1. capablllty) or development.
kys], underhand [practlces, menettely]; kehittymttmyys undeveloped State (1.
(ovela) sly, crarty; (viekas) cunnlng, mall- condition), embryonlc state; lack or progclouslv cunnlng. kavalasti treacherously, ress (1. development). kehittymtn unde
decetUully; Insidlously; slyly; cunnlngly.
veloped [person, henkil] ; (alussaan ole
kavaljeeri cavaller; gallant; (tanssissa, va) Inrant [movement, liike], embryonlc
[state, tila] : (keskenerinen) . . not worked
mys:) partner.
kavallus (kassan y. m.) embezzlement, der- out; vrt. sivistymtn, kehittyneisyys advanced state, advancement. development.
alration. peculation; (rahojen y. m. v
rinkytt) mlsappropriatlon;
(huijaus) kehittynyt developed, advanced, Improved;
utndllng; (petos) fraud; (kavaluus) (kypsynyt) mature [judgment, arvostelu
kyky]; (sivistynyt) educated; korkealle
treachery, perfldy; (maan-) treason.
kavaltaa (pett) decelve, betray; (anastaa kieli a highly developed language; tysin
petollisesti) embezzle [the runds of, Jonkin rully developed (1. formed), rull-grown;
kassa], peculate: vrt. petkuttaa; ftuo- tysin kukka (mys:) a perrect rio\ver.
taansa uskottuja varoja embezzle (fundS), kehitty (be) develop(ed); (be) evolve(d),
ml-approprlate runds ; maansa betray (1. unrold; (kasvaa) grow; (kehkeyty, syn
be a traltor to) one's country, kavaltaja ty) arlse, ensue; ~ joksikin develop Into;
vrt. kehitt (Itsen): hnest kehittyy
traltor. betrayer; (petturi) decelver: (ra
taiteilija he is developlng into an artlst;
hojen y. m.) embezzler, defaulter. kaval


l < >8

larjen kehittyett while the reason Is un

folding; mtidn on hatteltava, miten atiat
kthittyvt we must see how matters de
velop; mit miit kchiltyneekn V.'tmt Will
grow out (1. evolve) from It?
kehittamlnen unfolding-, developing-, evolv
ing-, kehlttlvl developing-; (opettava) In
structive [discussion, keskustelu]; profit
able [meeting-, kokous] ; on kehittv matkutttlla it Is Improving- (1. Instructive 1.
profitable) to travel.
kehlttu develop (myos valok.) ; (fys. synnytt) g-enerate [heat, lmp] ; (kuv.)
Improve, enllgrhten; myos kehitelix-, ~
hariottamalla develop . . by training, train;
~ ititaSn train o.s. [In oratory (1. to be
come a public speaker), puhujaksl]. study
[for, Jokslkln].
kehitykeelllnen evolutionary.
kehltys development: (etenk. tlet.) evolu
tion; (edlstys) progress; (kasvu) growth;
kehityhsen kulku PTOgreSS Of evolution;
ihmitkunnan ~ human progress (1. evolu
tion), progress of humanity.
kehit.ys- (yhd.) . . of development [eslm.
-et stage (1. degree) of development;
-kykyisyys capability of development] ;
evolutionary [eslm. -kauii evolutionary
enoch (I. period): -tarfa evolutionary se
ries], -alne (valok.) developer, -hlntona
history of development; ihmi*tn kehityshistoria history of the development of
man. -kanta phase (1. stage) of develop
ment, -kulku course (1. process) of devel
opment: evolutionary process; develop
ment; tapahtumain kchitytkalka Course Of
things (1. of events), -kykylnen capable of
development, -laki law of evolution, -mahdolliauus possibility (1. capability) of de
velopment, -mekanlikka (blol.) developmen
tal mechanics, -nene (valok.) developer,
(developing bath), -opilllnen evolutionary
(1. -al) ; kmhitytopllliiia luento/a lectures on
evolution, -oppl (theory of) evolution -teoria theory of development (1. of evolution).
kehltl rprees. kthhian) kehkeytyK.

kehli wind: twine, twist; (vyyhtla) reel.

kehkeyfty)mten unraveled; myos = kehlttvmStBn.
kehkeytyl (punoksesta) untwine, untwist:
(knrtokspsta) ravel,.. fray; (syntv)
_. .,
brought forth, arise, ensue; (kehlttya) be
evolved, develop: vrt. punoutua; a*ia*ta
kehheytyi kiioarn k**kiat*ln a hot discusslon ensued about the matter,
kehlo (malto-) pan; (-) tub; (pytty)
kehno (huono) bad. poor; (arvoton) worth
less, g-ood-for-notnlng-; (helkko) weak [In
Latin, latlnankleless], feeble [health, terveys]; (kurla) wretched [dwelling-, asun
to], miserable; (alhalnen) base, mean, vile(katala) scurvy [trick, temppu]; (nlukka)
scanty, bare; mi** mean (l. wretched)
fellow: k*hnot vaatt*tt habby clothes.
-kMvulncn poor [soil, maaperS], meajrer(kehnostl kasvava) . . of poor growthstunted.
. . worse, make poorer (1.
weaker 1. make
kehnontua ks. kebnota.

kehnostl badly, poorly [clad, puettu], weak

ly; meanly; behnosti puettu (myos:) shab
by, shabbily clad.
kehnot cprees. kehnontn) become worseg-et (1. grow) weaker; become worthless-'
(rappeutua) fall Into decay, decay.
kehnoiM badness; worthlessness: (helkkous)
weakness; (kurjuus) wretchedness; scurvl-


ness; (alhalsuus) meanness, baseneui;

(vaattelden) shabblness.
kehotln (rntikalsin) encouragement; (kilbotln) incentive [to further effort(s), uuslin
ponnlstelulhin]; (vaikutln) motive,
kehottaa urge [one to submit, jotakuta ailsturnean], (harvemmln:) exhort [one to re
pentance, Jotakuta katumukseen] ; (houkutella) try to persuade [one to do a th., Jo
takuta tekemn jotakin]: (pvytaa) re
quest; (kutsua) invite; (mulstuttaa) call
upon [one to do a th., Jotakuta tekemSan
Jotakin]; (rohkalsta) encourage [one to..,
Jotakuta Johonktn] ; (yllyttS) incite [to
renewed efforts, uuslin ponnistukslin] ;
(neuvoa) advise, counsel [extreme caution,
arlmlseen varovalsuuteen] : (puoltaa) re
commend; (vaatla) summon [a fortress to
surrender, llnnotusta antautumaan] ; (kannustaa) spur [on, eteenpln] ; htmataan
ks. hoputtaa; hyvktymn fotokin
recommend (1. advise 1. urge) the adoption
Of . .; Jotakuta eenraamaan eeimerkkia
urge one to follow the example (1. to emu
late the example of . .), ask one to follow
suit, invite one to do the like, Invite Imita
tion; ~ Jotakuta varovaiiuut*tn advise (1.
urge) one to be cautious, urge (1. counsel)
one to caution, urge one to take care:
potkaa kehottttiin ilmiantamaan is&nsS
the son was urged to inform against his
kehotus exhortation, solicitation; summons,
call; recommendation, Invitation; (pyyntm
request: (neuvo) advice, counsel; (rohkafsu) encouragement; ~ yleisSIU appeal to
the public, (Jullstus) proclamation; jonkun
kehotukttsta at the recommendation (1. In
vitation) of ... at (I. on) a p. 's suggestion,
(neuvosta) on (1. by) a p.'s advice, -huuto
cry of encouragement, -palkinto (1. v.) re
ward of merit, -sana word of encourage
kehruu spinning, -huone house of correc
tion for women, -kone spinning-machine;
spinning-Jenny, -rauhanen (elalnt.) spin
ning-gland, -tehdas spinning-mill, -teolllsuus spinning Industry.
kehri (klekko) trundle, (small) wheel; (vi
klpyrn) sheave; (kehrtvafren) whorl;
(klerrln) spindle: (rulla) reel; (kasv.) disk.
-kukk (kasv.) disk-floret, -puu distaff.
kehrai(luu) (prominence of the) ankle;
(anat.) malleolus.
kehritl spin; (klssasta puhuen:) purr.
kehrivarsl (pyoran) spoke; (vSrttlnS) spindle.
kehrayi spun wool (I. flax) ; stint, kehrlytyl
spin Itself [In . .] ; (kaarlytyfl) wind (1.
twine) [about (1. around) a th., Jonkln
ympflrlllel. kehrSiJfi splnnor; kthrSit
(ellnt.) Bombyclda?. kehrlljailntu (eWlnt.)
g-oatsucker. kehrSmlnen spinning-; (klssan
y. m.) purrlnsr. kehrSamaMSn unspun. k*hpm spinnlnif-mlll.
''''to cradle: ihmlskunnan ~ the cradle of
the human race, -lau lu cradle -song-, lullaby
kehu boast, brag-.
kehua (yllstna) praise, glorify; (klltta.1)
commend, laud: (kerskata) boast [of, Jota
kin. jollakln]. brag [about. Jotakin, lollakln] ; ~ itstns praise (1. brag- about)
O.S.: ~ tavaraansa praise (I. cry up) one's
g-oods; kthamatta without boasting1; t kannata kthua, ./' at* kthumitta there Is nothIns- to boast of (1. to brag- about) : Afin ti
ktha kaappoiaan he Is not very proud Of
(1. he renent) his barg-aln, ' fkuv.) he
doesn't find It all he Imagined (1. ex
pected) : HSn i pitanyt *HtS, ett hnta kthuftiin he disliked nralse (I. being- praised >:
mi**a on ** kchuttu tJirtyt where Is the



(much) boasted progross?

praising, pralse, commendatlon : (kersku
minen) boastlng, bragging; ei ole kehumis
ta nothlng to boast of (1. to hra? about).
kehunta = kehuminen, kehuskeleva boastful; valnglorlous. kehuskellja blusterer,
swaggerer, braggart. kehuskella (puhua
kerskaten) bluster, swagger, brag, taik
big: mys = kehua, kehuskelu btusterlng,
bragglng: mys = kehuminen, kehuttava
(kiitettv) praiseworthy, laudable; as e!
olo kovin kehottavaa lt Is not much to
boast or, lt Is not very laudable, (el suuriarvoista) lt Is not worth much.
kehys rrame; casing; vrt. puite, -lista Trame,
kehyst* (panna kehyksiin) put . . in a
frme, frame; mount.
keh (piiri) Circle; rtng, round; (ymprys)
clrcumrerence, compass; (kehys) frame;
(kehikko) framework: (kalvon) curb, cas
ing: (kukan) perlanth; (mat. & geom.)
perlmeter, periphery: huoneen frame(work) or a house; kuun Circle (1. rlng)
around the moon, (pieni) halo around the
moon; Saturnuksen Saturn'S rlng; ym
pyrn perlmeter (1. clrcumrerence) of a
clrcle, Circle; vrt. mys pyhimys, -kalvo
(silmn) Iris.
kehke framework, frame.
keh kulma (geom.) lnscrlbed angle. -lehti
(kasv.) perlantheous leaf. -muuri encirCllng Wall; kaupungin kehmuuri the Wall
around the town.
kehnmuotolnen clrcular, orbed.
keh ompelu tambour cmbroldery, passe.
-riutta atoll. -rusto (anat.) crlcold cartllage. crlcold. -todistus (log.) clrcle, argument In a clrcle.
keidas (kosteikko) oasls.
keihs spear; (pisto-) lance, plke; (heitto)
Javelln, (kevyt) dart; heitt keihit
throw the javelln. -kantainen (kasv.)
hastate(d). -mets forest of spears. -mies
man wltb a spear (1. a javelln 1. a dart) ;
(sotavess:) lancer.
keihst lance: spear; (lvist) plerce,
impale. splt (through), pln, naii; maahan
pistimell impale (to the ground) wlth
nne' bavnnet.
keihnheitto (urh.) throwtng the Javelln,
Javelln-throwlng. -heittj javelin-thrower.
-krki spear-head, spear-polnt. -muotoinen
spear-shaped. -varsi shart or a spear.
kellu keijukainen.
keljua noat Ton the waves, aalloilla: In the
air. Ilmassa] ; ~ korkealla soar alort.
keliukainen, keijunen falry, ray;
sylph(ld); keijukaisten maa lalry-land, elfland: vrt. haltiatar,
keikahdus (heilahdus) rockina;, swaylng;
swing: (kumoon-) tumble. toppiin; over;
Tall. downrall: (kuperkeikka) somersault:
(temppu) stroke; kkininen sudden
tumble. (kuv. muutos) sudden change
(1. reversal).
keikahduttaa shake, set . . rockina;; (heilut
taa) swing;: turn . . round; (kumoon)
tumble (1. topple) over: ~ pantaan fllng
(1. throw) the head back; (kuv., halveksi
vasti jollekulle) turn up one's nose at one;
vrt. keikuttaa.
keikahtaa rock; toss: turn suddenly; (kallis
tua) tllt, tlp: (kaatua) have a fall. tumble
(down): kumoon tlp (I. tllt) over, upset: topple (1. turn) over, take a tumble.
rome tumbling down [huom. mys: vene
keikohti kumoon the boat capslzed] : maa
han cl. alas > tumble down, come tumbling
down, fall to the ground; toisin (muut
tua) shirt, change, turn around; tuuli kei


kahti lnteen (kntyi kki) tbe wlnd

suddenly turned (1. shirted 1. veered) to
the west.
keikailija 1. (miehest:) keikari; 2. (nai
sesta:) coquette, fllrt. keikailla (keimail
la) coquet [wlth one. Jollekulle]; fllrt;
(koreilla) show off; (pyhlstell) carry
o.s. proudly, strut. keikailu coquetry, fllrtatlon; ropplshness; (pyhkeily) snobbery.
keikari dude; fop, dandy: (harrastapojen
matkija) snob.
keikarimainen fopplsh,
dandyish; swell. keikarimaisesti fopplshly.
keikari maisuus foppishness, dandy Ism.
keikaus = keikahdus; vrt. valtio, keikaut
taa ks. keikahduttaa.
keiklstell (keimailla) coquet, fllrt.
keikistys crouchlng, squattlng, co\verlng.
keiklsty 1. (lyyhisty) crouch, squat,
cower; 2. (kaatua) Tall, tumble (down),
topple over. keiklst bend [tbe knee,
polveaan], bow; (kaataa) upset, turn (1.
tlp) over; Teli, bring down.
kelkkanen pug-nose, snub-nose, turned-up
keikkua (keinua) swing; seesaw; be tossed
up and down [on the waves, aalloilla] ;
(polvella y. m.) rock; (Vilppua) tllt (up),
tlp: (tutista) shake; (heilua) s\vay, dangle;
vrt. vaappua.
keikkulauta teeter board, seesaw.
keikkuva swlnglng, rocklng, seesawlng;
vene a top-heavy boat, a boat easily tipped
keikutella - keikuttaa; ~ tuolia istuessaan
sit tlltfng up (1. slt balanolng) one's chair.
keikuttaa make . . (1. cause . . to) swing (1.
sway 1. rock 1. tllt); swing, rock Ta boat.
venett] ; tilt Ta chalr bark and forth, tuo
lia (edestakaisin)]; shake; pyrstSn
(lintu) waggle Its tali; ptn toss
one's head (about), wrlggle one's head.
swinglng, rocklng; tiltlng; shaklng.
keila pln; (pelin nimen) bowls, tenplns,
(Engl.) nlnepins, sklttles; 2. -= kartio;
heitt keilaa bowl, play at tenplns. keilamainen conlcal.
keilan' heitto bowllng; game of tenplns (1. of
nlnepins); skittles. -heittj bowler. -muo
toinen ronlral.
keila"pallo (sklttle-)ball. -oell bowls. ten
plns; (Engl.) nlnepins: (kellanhclttot bowlIng. -rata bowling-alley, (Engl.) nlnepln
alley, skittle-eronnd (1. -allev).
keill (kirjap.) body (of a type).
keimaili |a coquet (te), riirt. keimailla coquet,
rilrt. keimailu coquetry, nirtatlon.
keinahdella shake, rock; (hytky) Jog, joit:
maa keinahteli jatkoimme alla the ground
shook (1. rocked) under our reet. keinahdus rock: swing; (esim. veneen) roll; (sy
sys) Joit. keinahtaa ks. keinahdella.
keino means; way (out): expedlent, resource: (tapa) manner, method; (toimen
pide) measure, step, procedure; (paran
nus-) remedy; ~ kouristusta vastaan anti spasmodiC; on hyvin yksinkertainen the
method (1. the way or dolng it) is very
simple; keinot ovat monenlaiset there are
many ways (1. more ways than one) or
dolng lt; meillB ei ole mitn muuta keinoa
(mys:) no other course Is open to us: on
ryhdyttv tehokkaisiin keinoihin ks. toi
menpide; sill keinoin in that wav. in thls
manner, (siten) thus, (sen kautta) thereby: vrt. mys: ht-, parannus, suoje
lua, varo y. m.
keinokas fertlle In expedlcnts, resourceful;
(neuvokas) cunnlng, crarty; (kekselis) Ingenlous.
kelnogtekolnen artlflclal [leg, Jalka; sllk.



silkki; butter, voi]; ractltlous; (teenni

nen) arrected, rorced [laugnter, nauru];
keinotekoisia helmi (mys:) Imitation
pearls. -tekoisesti artiriclally, ractittously;
in an arrected (1. In a rorced) manner.
-tekoi*uus artirirlality.
keinotella (tehd kauppoja) speculate [In,
Jollakin]; (punoa Juonia) lntrlgue: (hulJallla) practlse swtndllng; (keplotella) get
along by hook or crook, Ilve by one's wits;
Juggle; jokin asia lvitse carry a th.
through (1. work a scheme) by cunnlng;
~ itselleen jotakin get a tn. by running.
keinotteleminen: jonkin itselleen keinotte
leminen getting a tb. by cunnlng. keinot
telija speculator; schemer; (JuontenpunoJa) lntrlguer; (seikkailija) adventurer.
keinottelu speculatlon; bumbug; (huijaus)
swlndllng; (keplottelu) Juggling.
keinu swing; vrt. kiikku.
,,.,.,_,. .
keinua (keinussa y. m.) swing; (kiikkua)
seesaw; (keinutuolissa y. m.) rock. kei
nuilla swing; rock; be tossed up and down
(esim. laiva aalloilla).
keinu lauta
teeter board;
keinuminen, keinunta swinging, rocklng.
keinuttaa swing [a swing, kiikkua]; rock.
keinuUuoll rocklng chalr, rocker. -verkko
_ .
keisari emperor: (raam.) Ca-sar; Saksan
the German Emperor, (tavallisimmin:) the
Kaiser; Venjn - the Czar or Russla.
-kunta empire, -leikkaus (lak.) Cajsarean
keisarillinen Imperial [palace, palatsi].
keisarinEarvo tltle or emperor; Imperial
dlgnitv. -kruunu 1. Imperial crown; 2.
(kasv.) crown-lmpcrlal, (ruskolllja) orange
keisarinna empress; Venjn ~ the Czarlna
(or Russla).
keisarivalta empire.
keisarl(n)vlhrea Parls (1. emerald 1. Impe
rial) green.
keiso (kasv.) water-hemlock, (Engl.) cowbane.
keite rlecoction.
keitetty bolled; cooked; kypsksi ~ well
done; puolikypsksl underdone.
keltin boillng (1. cooking) utensll; vrt. kahvi_, tee- y. m. -lasi (Tys. & kem.) beaker.
keitos batch: (keite) decoctlon: (kuv.
"*oppa") rehash; raudan weldlng or Iron.
keitti cook(ing)-housc; (kykki) kltchen;
vrt. kaasu , ljy.
keitti- (vhfl.) kltchen(-) [esim. -hylly
kitrhen sheK: -kaappi kltchen cupboard;
-pyt kltchen tablel ; rulinary (esim.
-kapineet culinary utenslls; -osasto cullnarv department]; vrt. kykki-, -hella
kltchen range. -kalusto kltchen rurntshtngs- (astiat) kltchen utenslls, kltchenwarc -kamari servanfs ronm: mald's room.
-kasvi vegetable; keittikasvit (mys:) potherbs, (vihannekset) greens. -kasvitarha
vcirctable garden. kitrhen-garden.
keittini! liesi kitrhen Nre-place. -portaat
bark stalrs.
keitti' osasto (mys:) kltchen department.
-palveluskunta 1. -vki (kltchen) scrvants,
kltchen starr. -tarpeet kltchen requlsltes.
-veitsi (hedelmin y. m. kuorimista var
ten) parlng-knire: case-knire: (lelviin leik
kuuta varten) bread-knire; (lihan leikkuu
ta varten) rarvintr-knire: vrt. voiveitsi.
keitto boillng: cooking; (kelttoruoka) bolled
(oort; (liemi-) soup, broth; raadan
weldlng of Iron.
keitto- (vhd.) cook- [esim. -Anone cookroorn- -uuni cook-stove], (Joskus:) cooking;
(keitti-) culinary [esim. -taito culinary


art (1. skill)]. -astia dlsh to cook In. -kaasu

gas Tor cooking purposes. -kala flsh to
boil. -kattila kettle. -kirja rook(ery)-book,
book or reclpes, receipt-book. -kota (1. v.)
summer kltchen, cooklng-house. -koulu ks.
talouskoulu, -pullo (kem.) nask; (tislausta
varten) retort. -rauta wrougbt Iron, weldlron. -ruoka bolled (ood. -suola (common)
sait. table-salt; (kem.) sodlum chloride.
-taito (mys:) art or cooking, cookery;
culsine. -Uria puddled Steel. weld-steel.
keittj cook. keittminen boillng; (ruoan
laitto) cooking: kahvin Cl. teen) keittmi
nen (mys:) making or corree (1. tea).
keitUmatn unbolled; uncooked. raw.
keitt boll fpotatoes, perunoita; corree,
kahvia; clothes, pesuvaatteita] ; (laittaa
ruokaa) cook; - hilloksi ks. hillota; kah
via (mys:) make corree; mehuksi boil . .
to a Jelly, boil . . down; meha pois jos
takin boil ali the Juice (1. the goodness)
out or . .; rauta* (sep.) weld Iron;
sokeriin make jam 'ot ..], preserve, can,
vrt. hillota: teet steep (1. make) tea;
valkeaksi blaneh. keitint = keittminen.
kekkerit reast; (sumptuous) entertainment;
banquet: (juhla) resttvlty, resttval.
kekkuli (jkpv.) Jumplng-Jack.
keko rlck, stack; (keila) cone; vrt. sokeri.
(common) ant, plsmlre.
kekottaa: istua slt uprlght. slt steadily;
seist stand erect, stand steadily.
kekri AU Salnts' Day.
kekseliisyys inventlve power (1. raeulty).
(lykkalsyys) lngenulty;
(nokkeluus) resourcefulness: (etenkin pu
heessa:) ready wlt. kekselis (or an) In
ventlve (turn or mlnd), resourcerul; artful
[device (1. trick), konsti]; (lyks) lng-enlous, qutck-wltted, wltty: (nokkela) clever.
kekselisti resourcerully; lngeniously,
keksi I. (uittomiehen) boat-hook.
kaksi II. (leivos) cracker, (Engl.) blscult.
keksij inventor; dlscoverer; devlser; (al
kuunpanija) origtnator. -patentti lnventor's
keksiminen, keksint Inventlng, devlslng:
disroverlng; uusien keinojen keksiminen
devisinir o( new schemes.
keksint invention; dlscovery; device; con.
trivance: koko juttu on hnen keksintn
the whole story Is (oO hls Invention, the
whole story has orlglnated wlth hlm (1.
was (ramed up by hlm).
keksii (Jotakin uutta) Invent; (jotakin en
nen tuntematonta) dlscover: (jotakin sa
lassa olevaa) detect fan Imposture, petos] ;
(havaita) rind out. reallze, learn; (huoma
ta) rind; (suunnitella) devlse Ta new
method or sprlnkllng the streets, uusi kadunkastelumcnetelmal : contrive: fcsfkenlaisia estelylt rind (1. hnnt Tor) ali sorts
oT exciises, try to get out or it: keinoja
rind somo nieans. rind an ocraslon:
keino, miten tehd jotakin rind a way to do
a th.. hit upon an expedlent to do a th. (I.
a way or dolng a th.); Edison on keksinyt
fonografin, Columbus Amerikan Edison has
Invented thephonograph. Columbus has dlscovercd America; en keksi sanoja rilmaistaksenl . .] I am at a loss (or words [to ex
press . .1 . I cannot rind (1. 1 have no) words
fto express . .] : en voinut mitn sen pa
rempaa keinoa kuin . . I could think or no
better wav than to . .; min keksin sen erin
omaiseksi I round It excellent: mithn me
nyt keksisimme ajan kulukheeksi What
shall (1. could) we hlt upon now (1. rind
now) to pass the ttme?



kekle rirebrand. brand.

kala (rulla) reel; (etenk. onkivavassa) troll;
(valssi) roller; (vintturi) wlndlass, wlnch.
kelata reel (In); uind up; holst [the anchor,
ankkuri] ; puli up; (pyritt) roll; (vals
sata) Hauen out.
keli tate or the road(s), tbe roads; ~ on
huono tbe roads are in (a) bad condltlon (1.
Shape) ; huono otti heit lhtemst the
bad (state or tbe) roads prevented them
rrom departlng; vrt. reki, -rikko bad
(slate or the) road(s), (huono rekikeli)
bad slelghlng; kelirikon aikana during tbe
spell or bad roads.
kelkka (llttle) sled, band-sled(ge); tobo?gan, bob-sled, (et. Amer.) coaster. -mki
coasting-hill, toboggan-sllde. -rata (toboggan-)cbute; (Engl.) shoot.
kellahtaa I. = kellastua, kellert; ..kel
listy, kellahtava yellowlsh.
kellan- (yhd.) yelloulsn (esim. -harmaa yellovrisb gray; -ruskea yellowlsb brown].
-kalvakka sallow [complexlon, iho], -rut
kaa (mys:) fawn-colored.
kellari cellar; vaults; vrt. viini, -kerros 1.
-karta (rakennuksen) basement (Story);
(sanomalehden) ks. alakerta.
kellarin avain key to the cellar, cellar-key.
-luukku trap-door (of a cellar). -porstua
1. -etinen cellarway, cellar-passage.
kellastaa make yellOW; vanhuuden kellasta
ma ktikirjotut a manuscrlpt yello\v with
kellastua tum (1. grow) yellow; (vaalentua)
fade. kellastuminen turnlnir yellow; rad
in?, kellastunut faded; yellow; keilattunoita lehti (puun) yellow (1. faded) leaves,
(kirjan) yellow pages (1. leaves).
keilata palnt (1. colorl.dyel.staln) . . yellow.
kellelle(en), kellelll(an): (Jkpv.) kerdop,
kerpllink: kaatua kallelleen lattialle fali (1.
tumble) kerflop (down) on the floor, Hop
(1. sprawl) down on the floor.
kellertavyys yellow(ish) tlnge; yellowlshness. kellertv tlngred (1. shot) with yellow; yellowlsh. kellert be shot (1. tlnircd)
wlth yellow; (kiilten) shimmer In yellow.
kellettai (mys: maata ) ks. loiko.
kellistyi Tall (ciumslly), tumble down,
plump; (Jkpv.) fali kerflop (1. kerplunk);
(vsymyksest) drop (down); (uupua) stnk
(down), succumb, droop; vrt. keikahtaa.
kellist throw [one's antagonlst, vastusta
jansa], throw (1. knock) down; (surmata)
brtng down ra bear, karhu], slay, kili;
kumoon overthrow, topple over, (painissa:)
kello Clock; (tasku-) watch; (soitettava)
bell (mys =- kellokukka); vrt. kupu;
kymmenen (\. kymmenelt) at ten 0'ClOCk;
ky kahta it Is past one (now), (Joskus:)
It Is gotng on two o'clock, It Is gettlng
aion? tOWard tWO 0'ClOCk; on kymmenen
It Is ten o'clock: en puoli (1. puolivlis
s) yksi It Is hair past tweive (o'clock) ;
seisoo the clock (1. watch) has stopped;
polionko (\. mit) on liat tinic is It?
what's the tlme? what Is it o'clock? uhat
o'dock Is It?
kello- (yhd.) bell- [esim -metalli bell-metal;
-poiju bell-buoy; -torni bell- to wer], clock esim. -kotelo rlock-case: -torni clocktower]; (taskukello-) watch- [esim. -tasku
watrh-pocket; -tehtailija \vatch-manurarturer]. -huijari one who trles to get the
best of another tn traillmr watches. -kaappi
dock -case. case of a clock.
kellokas (lehmst puhuen:) bell-cow (mys
kuv.); (kuv.) leader.
kello kauppa watch deal; watchmaker's
(shop); (1. v. Ybdysv.) Jewelry store; hvi


sin kellokaupassa I lost when Ibought [sold]

the watch. -kukka bellwort; bell-shaped
riower, bell. -kukkainen bell-riowered.
kellomainen bell-shaped; (kasv.) campanulate.
kellon- (yhd.) bell- [esim. -muotoinen bellshaped; -nuora bell-rope; -soittaja bellringer; -valaja bell-rounder] ; (taskukel
lon-) watch [esim. -avain watch-key; -jousi
watch-sprlng] ; (seinkellon) clock- [esim.
-jousi clock-spring]. -alus watch-cushton.
-kieli clapper (of a bell), bell-clapper. -ko
neisto works or a clock (1. watch); (tas
kukellon, mys:) movement of a watch.
-kuori case (or a watch), watch-case. -laal
(taskukellon) crystal (or a watch), watchglass. -lyml 1. -lynti stroke or the clock;
kellonlym Ile, -ll (\. kellonlynnilleen)
on the stroke or the clock, on the (very)
minute, to the mlnute. -osotin - kellonviiari. -patja ks. kellonalus. -perit watchcbaln. -pidin watch-stand. -sisusta (tas
kukellon) mechanism (1. movement) or a
watch; vrt. kellonkoneisto. -soittaja (mys)
bellman. -soitto (soittaminen) ringin? or
bclls, tolling; (ni) toll. -viisari hand (of
a clock 1. or a watch), pointer. -vitjat
watch- chain.
kellorjrami a good-for-nothlng (I. a wornout) clock (1. watch), (Jkpv., taskukellos
ta:) a turnlp (or a watch). -sepp watchmaker (and repalrer), watch- and clockmaker.
kellosepn lammatti trade nr a watchmaker
watchmaker's trade. -liike watchmaker,s
business; watrhmaker's shop. -ty \vatchand Clockinakin?; watchmaklng, clockmaking; watch- (I. clock-)repalrlng. -tyn
tekij watchmaker, watch-repalrer.
kello1 tapuli belTry; steeple. -taulu clockrace; dlal(-plate) or a clock. -tehdas watch
and clock (manu)ractory.
kellottaa ks. kellett, kellua.
kellua (vedess) swing (to and rro); go (I.
bob 1. be tossed) up and down [on the
waves, aalloilla]; (uida) swlm, rioat; (aje
lehtia) drirt; (huojua, hylly) rock; olla
kellumassa (He and) swing, be rioatlng.
kelluke (koho) rioat; (mer.) float-gauge
kellukka (korva-) ear-drop, (ear-)pendant,
kelluminen, kellunta swinging (to and rro),
golng (1. bobbin?) up and down; swlmmlng, rioatln?; drirtlng; rocklng.
kellutin (watch) charm, trlnket.
kelluttaa swing; rock; (keikuttaa) set . .
rockin?, shake.
kelmeta turn (I. grow) pale, bccome (1. get)
palc; pale; vrt. kalveta, kelmeys ks. kal
peus, kelme pah': whlte, pallld; kuun heimet steet the pale (1. raint) rays or the
kelmi rogue; (lurjus) rascal; (petturi) lmpostor, cheat, swlndler. kelmiys decelt(rulness); rraudulcnce.
kelmu ks. kalvo.
kelohonka a dead pine whlch Is standln?.
kelpaamaton useless; (arvoton) worthless
?ood-ror-nothin?; (sopimaton) unnt [Tor,
Johonkin]; (kykenemtn) Inrapable, Incompctent: (ptemtn) invalid. null and
VOld; asuttavaksi, juotavaksi, kytettvk
si ks. asuttava, juotava Jne. kelpaamattomuus worthlnssness, uselessness- unntness; (kykenemttmyys) inrapablilty tncompetence; (ptemttmyys) Invalldity;
kytettvksi helpaamattomuus linntness
(ior use), uselessness, worthlessness.
kelpaava valld; (sopiva, sovelias) rit [Tor
Johonkin], ritted. apt. sultable [ror jo
honkin]; (pte"v) qualiried [ror, Johon-

kin], competent [to . .] ; ~ raha current laboratory Industry, teollisuus; com
money (1. coin); uotavokti, kytettvkti, pound, yhdlstys] ; ktmiailinen peta drytytvhti ~ ks. juotava, kavtrtlv Jne. cleaning, kemiallisesti chemically, kemisti
kelpaavaisuu validity; (patevyys) quali
(scientific) chemist; (Joskus:) analyst.
fication, (vlrkaan-) competence; (soplval- keme(8)i, gemssi (eliilnt.) chamois.
suus) fitness, capability; vrt. kelpoUmu. kemuilla feast, kemut ks. pldot.
oipo able, capable; (malnlo) splendid, ex ken (kuka) who? (se, joka) he (1. she) who,
cellent; (melkolnen) handsome [fortune, whoever; kenell* to whom? kmnm whose?
ken fiad, te nhe* he who lives will see;
omalSUUS] ; - lailla (\. tavaUa) thorough
hen otti hakti, hen holme some took two,
ly, roundly, soundly; mi** fine (1. splen
(took) three; hen tieUa who Is there?
did) fellow.
kelpolnen qualified [for, Johonkln] ; (pte- (sot.) who goes there? ken tahansa. ov&) competent [to, Johonkln], capable; ha . . anybody (1. anyone) who . . , who(SO)ever . .; jot h*n haluaa .. if anybody
valid; vrt. virka-. kelpoisuus qualifica
tion, competence; capability; efficiency; wishes . . .
fitness, suitability, validity; vrt. ptevyy. kengitUJi ks. hevoten-. kengittamlUSn un
shod [horse, hevonen], .. without shoes,
kelpoisuusehto qualification.
kengittii shoe; (rak.) put an underpin
kelsi (aluksen) keelson.
ning under (l. to), add a substructure
kelu yellow; (keltavrl) yellow color.
to, put a substructure under, kengitys
kelu- (yhd.) yellow(-) [eslm. -kaame yel
low fever; -rintainen yellow-breasted; Shoeing; vrt. hevaienkengitys.
-tukhaintn yellow-haired], -apila yellow konguru (ellnt.) kangaroo.
kengn- (yhd.) shoe- [eslm. -untura shoe(hop-) clover.
sole; -nauha shoe-string: -tolki shoekoltainen yellow [color, vari]; ~ roa yel
low (1. Asiatic) race; ~ sanomalehdislH yel- buckle]. -harjaaja 1. -kiillottaja bootblack,
low press; oaara yellow menace (1. peril). -kanta 1. -korko heel of a shoe. -lyBtUmi gall(ed place) on the foot; galled (I.
Keltainen-meri Yellow Sea.
keltaisen- (ybd.) yellowish [eslm. -harmaa sore) feet, -nappl shoe-button, -paikkaayellowish gray; -vihrc yellowish green]. ja cobbler, -palkkuu mending of shoes (I.
of boots), -pohja bottom of the shoe, shoe
-ruskea = kellanrutkea.
koita juovainen . . with yellow streaks (1. sole, -pailllnen upper leather, upper, -rlhma shoe-lace, shoe-string.
stripes. -kiharainen . . with yellow (1. gold
en) locks, -multa yellow ocher. -nokka kengtn shoeless; (kengittamtn) unshofl.
(kuv. = vastalelvottu ylloppllas) green kenkuru = kencuru.
student, freshman, -raitalnen . . with yel kenkt shoe; (laced) boot; hengat ialasta
low stripes, . . striped with yellow, -sirk- with Shoes on; h*oon*n on hyvtt hengattS the horse Is well shod.
ku (elalnt.) yellowhammer. -tautl jaun
dice, -tautlnen jaundiced, -vuokko (kasv.) kenki- (yhd.) shoe- [eslm. -haria shoeyellow anemone, -vatnkki (elftlnt.) brush; -matte shoe-blacking] . -harja
blue -headed yellow wagtail.
(mys:) blacking-brush, -pari pair of
shoes, -raja worn-out shoe, -volde blackkoltlilainon Celtic.
Ing: (kllllotusvolde) shoe-polish.
keltuainen ks. muan.
kelvata do, be good (1. fit 1. suitable) [for, kenkiin = kukaan.
Jokslkln, Johonkln], serve; (olla volmassa) kenno (mehll.) honeycomb, -rakenne (struc
be valid, be In force, (rahasta puhuen:) ture like a) honeycomb.
be legal tender, pass (1. be) current; helpaa keno: panno pnt kenoon fling the head
hoettaa (sopll) we (1. you) may have a try; back; (kuv.) turn up one's nose; poo he~ juotavakti hytettubsi, tytvhti y. notta (with) one's head thrown back,
m.] be fit for drinking [for use. to eat, (with) one's nose In the air.
etc. ] , be drinkable [ applicable, edible, etc. ] ; kenraall general.
- haihheen be good for everything; hn ci kenraall- (yhd.) -general [eslm. -ajutantti
helpaa mihinkn he IS good for nothing; artJutant -general; -kuvernoori governornytth, mihin helpaatt* Show (1. prove) general; -/anian; lieutenant-general;
what you are good for (I. what you are -mo/uri major-general], -eeikunta gener
worth): pilftti kelpaa aiel the ticket is al's staff: (paaeslkunta) staff of the cnmStill valid (1. good); t kelpaa that Will mander-ln-chlef. -harlotu (teat.) dress
not (1. never) do. that won't do; ifu kelpaa rehearsal, -staapi ks. kenraaliesikunta.
kuatta It Is (well) worth hearing, there Is kentaurl (mytol.) centaur.
some sense In that, that's something like kenties(l) (ehka) maybe, fit) may be. per
(it); sita kelpatl katie.Ua that was worth haps, mayhap; (mahdolllsestl) possibly.
looking at (1. worth seeing), that was a kentti field; (piece of) ground; (level)
area, plot; (tasanko) plaln(s).
sight worth while.
kelvolllnen good; (eslneista:) fit, suitable: kentti- (yhd.) field- [pslm. -martalhht
(henkilolstft:) qualified [for, Johonkin], field -marshal: -palvelut field-service: -tairaala field-hospital: -tyhitta field-artil
competenet [to, Johonkln] : (kykenev) ca
pable: vrt. kelpaava. kelvollisesti properly; lery]; (harvemmln:) camp- [eslm. -kattila
camp-kettle; -tanky camp-bed: -tvoli
(kunnolllsestl) well. kelvolllnuu* efficien
cy, fitness: suitability; qualification, com camp-chair], -aoteekkl ambulance stores
(I. supplies), -elama camp life; camping
petence; (patevyys) validity.
kelvoton (hydytn) useless; (arvoton) out. -harjotuknet flelrt-rtay. -Jaikiri (sot.)
worthless, good-for-nothing: (soplmaton) rifleman, -kllkarl field-glass, -malotui
(sot.) bivouac, -oikeus (drumhead) court
unfit, Improper; (kykenemSton) disquali
fied. Incompetent; (ansaltsematon) un
martial, -rautatle 1. -rata portable rail
worthy; mit* a good-for-nothing (fel
road (1. railway), -tykki field-gun (I.
low), kelvottomasti not properly, Improp
-Piece), -vahtl outpost, outlying picket,
erly; worthlessly, In a poor (1. a worthless) -varustu* (sot.) fieldwork: (kenttSlinnoway; unworthily, kolvottomuus useless- tus) rield-fortlflcatlon; '(ampujakaivos)
ness, worthlessness; unfltness; disquali
fication, Incompetence: unwortnfness.
kepakko stick (used In threshing grain):
kemla chemistry, kemlalllnen chemical fsub- rod. stave.
Sianpe, a|ne; formula, kaava; laboratory, kapei ks. kcvcS; fccpetit muliat handaUeti



(I. v.) mav you rest in peace! -Jalkalnen

light on ohVs reet. Ilght-rooted.
kepin lynti .stroke (1. blovv) \vlth a stlck
(I. a rane). -nuppi knob (1. head) of a cane.
kepitti (viitottaa) stake out (I. ofD; (ai
vastaa) pole [hops. humaloita]; (lyd
kepill) glve a raning [to, Jotakuta], cane,
flog; (kuv. = kurittaa) glve A thrashltig (l.
a licklng); ~ herneit (put) stlCk(9 for)
peas. brush peas; vaatteita beat clothes.
kepityt staklng out: stlcklng, pollng: betirifr; (selksauna) thrashing, licklng.
keppera ks. ketter.
keppi stlck; (kvely-, tav.:) cane; (sauva)
rod. stafC. Stave; antaa keppi jollekulle
glve a whlpptng (1. a cantng) to one; saada
keppi Ket a whlpplng (1. a canlng), be
ahlpped (1. caned). -hevonen hobby-horsc;
cockhorse; (kuv.) pretext. -kerjlinen
beggar: joutua keppikerjliseksi be reduced to beggary.
kepponen trlck; (kuje) prank, practtcal Joke.
kopsahtaa: maahan (kaatua) Tall clumslly (on the ground), tumble down, flop
down, plump (down).
kera: jonkin jonkun] ~ wlth a th. [a p.],
(ohessa) together wlth . . .
kerake (klel.) consonant.
keralla kera.
keramiikka (savlteolllsuus) ceramlcs.
kerettilinen I. (s.) heretlc. II. (a.) heretical.
kerettilisvaino persecutlon oi heretics.
kerettilisyys heresy.
keretl (Joutua) reach, arrive In tlme; (olla
alkaa) have tlme, flnd tlme; (kiirehti)
hurry, hasten; tulen mink kerken VII
come as soon (1. 89 qulck) as I can, l'm
hurrylng as rast as I can.
keri (kpi) dwarr, pygmy.
kerin puikko (wlndlng-)pln. -puut 1. -Jalka
kerintl wlndlng; vrt. keritaeminen.
keripukki scurvy.
keritaeminen (lampaan) shearlng; cllpplng
keritsemtn unshorn
[sheep, lammas], uncut Thalr, tukka], ke
ritsimet (lampaan) shears; cllppers; (ko
ne) shearlng-machlne.
keritylt have . . cllpped (1. shorn 1. cut).
kerit* 1. cut, cllp [the liair. tukka]; shear
F sheep, lampaita]; 2. = keret.
kerii (panna kerlle) wlnd [yarn. villalan
kaa] : make up (1. wlnd) Into balls (1. Into
a ball).
kerleU - keret.
kerluri beggar.
kerjuu begglng: beggary; kyd (]. kulkea)
kerjuulla go (armind) begglng, beg one's
bread (I. one's way), go begglng from door
to door. -kirje begglng letter. -lista beg
glng rlrcular.
kerjuullaklvljl beggar-(man);
Iramn. keriminen beggar.
kerjalais- (yhd.) beggar- [esim. -akka beggar-woman: -tytt beggar-glrl] : beggar's
feslm. -elm beggar's life: -pussi beggar's wallet: -eauva beggar'9 starT (1.
stlck)]. -munkki begglng frlar, mendlcant.
-munkkikunta 1. -munkisto mendlcant
orrtrr. -ukko old beggar.
kerjt beg [for mercy, armoa]; (harjottaa
kerjmist ammattinaan) go begglng
(from door to door), beg one's way:
joltakulta jotakin beg (1. entrcat 1. implore
1. beseech) one for a th. kerjye begglng,
heirgary: mendlcancy. kerjminen begglng.
kerkeye qulrkness, promptness, readlness;
(alttius) wllllngness: (sukkeluus) swirtness, rieetness; (ketteryys) aglllty. ker
ke qulck, promnt. rearty: (altis) wllllng;
(nopsa) wirt, rieet; (vikkel) aglie.


karkki annnnl shoot (of a pine- or a rirtree); (mnnyn) plne-sprout.

kerma cream (mys kuv. hienosto).
kerma- (yhd.) cream- [esim. -juusto creamCheese; -kannu Cream-Jug; -malja creambow1]. -astia cream-pltcher (1. -Jug),
rreamer. -hyytel (1. v.) blanc-mange;
kermainen creamy. kermakerros layer of
cream; (kuV.) Cream: yhteishinnan kerntakerros the crem of socioty. kermakko
cream-g(u)ge, creamometer. karmamalnen creamv. kermamlttarl ks. kermakoe
tln. kermanvrinen crem-colored. kerma
vaahto whlpped cream. kermoa sklm off
the cream.
kernaasti wllllngly, readlly; (mielelln)
Wlth pleasure, glaclly; ~ minun puolestani
for aught (1. for ali) I care, (vastauksena
kysymykseen:) you are welcome (to lt).
kernas willlng [to help, auttamaan]: (val
mis) ready. kernaus wllllngness, readlness.
kerop I. (a.) . . wlth one's halr short (1.
cllpped); (closely) cropped. II. (s.) a
person wlth a cropped (1. cllpped) head,
(hlst.) roundhead.
kerosiini (fotogeenl, paloljy) kerosene.
kerpo, kerppu ks. lehtlkerpo.
kerpukkl ks. keripukki.
kerrakseen for once, for now; for awhlle.
kerrallaan at once: at a tlme; (samanalkulsestl) at the same tlme; (yhdell Iskul
la) at a stretch, at one blow (1. stroke);
kaksi tai kolme kerrallaan (myS:) liv
twos or threes; vrt. vhn, yksi.
kerrallinen (geol.) stratlfled. kerrallisuus
kerran once; ~ ja toisenkin once and agaln,
repeatedly; ~ pari a couple of tlmes;
pivss once a day; ~ toisensa perst
over and over, agaln and agaln; ever and
anon; ensi (for) the flrst tlme: oli(pa)
kerran .. (saduissa:) once lipon a tlme
there was . .; tmn thls tlme; viel
once more, once agaln; viimeisen ~ for the
la <l tlme; vrt. kerta, kerrankin (viimein
kin) at last: kerrankin tapahtui, ett . .
once, Tor Instanrc, lt happened that . . .
(kokonaan) entlrely, altogether, completely, utterly: (aivan) perrectly, absolutely, posltlvely; (ollenkaan)
at ali; (yhdell kertaa) at once, at a tlme;
(suorastaan) slmply; (varmasti) Tor a ccrtalnty; ~ mahdoton(ta) utterly imposslblc; on ~ lopussa Is posltlvely at an end,
Is entlrely (1. ali) gone: ei mitn abso
lutely (1. slmply) nothlng, (Just) nothlng
at ali; hn on - hullu he Is slmply mad,
he Is stark mad: se on liikaa lt Is altogether too murti: vrt. kerrallaan.
kerrata 1. (toistaa) repeat Ta question, ky
symys], (kaikuna) echo; (kyd uudelleen
lpi) revlew ra lesson, lksy]; 2. (kier
t) twist, t\vlne, (silkki) throw; - ehtlmlseen ( = hokea) relterate: lyhyesti (\.
ppiirteissn) recapltulate: sellaise
naan rcprodure; ulkomuistista repeat
by heart, rehearse.
kerrattu twlsted
Tthread. lanka], doublc-twlsted.
kerroksellinen (geol.) stratlficd.
kerroksinen (yhd.) . .-Story Teslm. kaksi
two-story: yksi onc-story]; kolmi r.
kennus a three-story hulldlng.
kerroksittain In layers. In (Torm or) st rata;
stratlfled: by layers.
kerronta telllng, narratlon: recltatlon, recltal; (kertaaminen) repetition; (kertomalasku) multlpllratlon.
kerrot layer: (maaperiin) bed, stratum;
(huone-) jpry, flpor; (Kierto) turn,



round; hn aiuu toi**t*a ktrrokfttta be

Is living: on the second floor, -juoni (geol.)
stratum, -kalkkl (geol.) stratified lime
stone, -pilvi stratus.
kerrostaa arrange In layers (1. In stories);
(geol.) deposit In layers, form in strata,
stratify, kerrostua be deposited (1. form)
In layers (1. strata), take the form of stra
ta, stratify, karrostuma layer, stratum,
bed. kerrostuminen stratification, kerrostunut stratified, kerrostus stratification;
myos = kerrostuma.
kerrottava (mat.) multiplicand, kerrottu
(kasv.) compound [leaf, lehtl].
kersantti sergeant.
kerskaaja buaster. kerakaamlnen boasting,
boast; bragging, kerskaavaisuus boastfulness; arrogance, presumptuousness. kerakalleva boastful; vainglorious, kerskailija
boaster; braggart, kerekailla boast, br.au1
fof (1. about), Jostakln]; talk big; (poybkelll) make a display of. parade: (ylpellla) pride (1. vaunt) o.s. [on one's riches,
rlkaUkSlStaan] ; kerskailematta Without
boasting; ktrtkailltn boastfully, boastlngly, vauntlngly; Una ei l* mitn kerskailtavaa (\. ktrtkailtmitta) there Is noth
ing to boast of (1. to brag about), kertkailu
boast(ing), brag(glng); vaunting; tyhjaa
ktrikailua empty boast, vainglory, karakata boast [of, Jostakln], make a boast of;
brag [about, Jollakln] ; vaunt; vrt. kerakailla. kerakau boast(lng), brag(glng); big
talk, kerakua ks. kerskata, kerskailla.
kerskuminan = kerskaaminen, kerskaus.
kertkupuhelnen boastful, bragging.
k erta time; (klerto-) turn, round; (kerros)
layer; (nuone-) story, floor; (vaate- y.
m.) suit; (ryhmft) set; ktrralta (eslm. IftakArlsta:) by the call (1. visit), (opettajlsta:) by tbe lesson; fcrroo(an) ks. hakus. ;
~ haikkiaan once i all; definitely;
ktrralta again and again, (joka kerralta)
each (1. every) time; .; kertaakaan not (1.
never) once: kaksi ktrtaa nun pal/on twice
(1. two times 1. double) as much; holme
ktrtaa three times, (kolmastl) thrice;
[jUOSta] rata kalmttn ktrtaan (yrnpari)
[run! three times (1. thrice) over (1.
round) the course: vrt. kerran.
kertaalleen (kerraksl) for once, just for the
once; (kerran) once.
kertaamaton not repeated; (langasta:)
which has not been twisted, untwisted.
kertaaminen 1. repeating, repetition: (pkohdlssaan) recapitulation; (luksyjen. y.
m.) reviewing; 2. (langan) twisting, twinIng: vrt. kerrata; alitaintn ~ reiteration.
kertainen ks. kaksln , kolmin , kymmen,
manen y. m.; vrt. kerroksinen.

kertnmaksu: hertamaktuUa uorifffaja if

paid spot cash (1. In a lump sum).
kertaua repetition; (laksyjen y. m.) review;
(langan) twisting, twining, -kuraal review
course, -merkkl (mus.) repeat.
kertautua repeat Itself; (tolstua, palautua)
recur: vrt. uudlstua. kertautumlnen renew
al, recurrence: (kasv.) duplication; chorlsls.
kerto (run.) parallelism: vrt. kerronta.
kertoa tell, narrate, relate; report; (sanoa)
state; (malnlta) mention; (piihna Josta
kln) speak of (1. about); (llmalsta) dis
close, communicate ; (kerrata. tolstaa) re
peat; (laskuop.) multiply [seven by eight,
seltseman kahrteksalla] ; amia viranomatmilt* Inform the authorities of the case,
report the matter to the authorities; ~
kartml review a course; ~ Jonkun (otunnfo sanasta aanaan repeat what one said
word for a word (1. verbatim); ~ Jonkun
repeat a p. 's words; ~ atuja tell


Stories; ktrrotaan, ttta . . It Is reported (1.

said) that . . , we are told (1. informed) tbat
. .; tt toa ~ si< it t ktllekkn you must not
mention (1. tell) that to anybody, (hllskua)
you must not breathe that to a soul; haha
kertno, ttte . . the report goes (1. a report
is current) that . .-. It Is rumored that . .;
minulle on Ae r ro (u, et I a .. I am (1. have
been) told (I. Informed) that . . ; oltn fcuuilut ktrrottavan, ttta . . I have heard tt said
(1. stated 1. asserted) that . . .
kertoeima tale, story, narration.
kertoilla tell, narrate, relate, kertoilu tell
ing, relating; narration.
kerioin (mat.) coefficient.
kertoja narrator; story-teller; (sanoja, 11n > i taja) informant; (sanomalehden) re
porter; (mat.) multiplier.
kertolasku multiplication.
k er toma Story, Statement; hncn ker toman
*a makaan according to his statement (I.
story), -laaku = kertolasku. -merkki 1.
(mat.) sign (1. symbol) of multiplication; 2.
lanausmerkki. -runo epic (poem), -ru
nout epic poetry, tapa, (kiel.) discourse;
saora ktrtomatapa direct discourse, -tau I u
multiplication table.
kertominen ks. kerronta.
kertomua story, tale, narrative; (selostus)
report, account, statement; (selltys, kuvaus) description; (novelli) novel; antaa
(my us:) report; antaa toiminna*taan
make (1. hand in) a report, submit one's
kerttu (ellilnt.) warbler: vrt. leppS~.
kertyl (kokoontua) gather, collect; (tulla)
flow in, come in; (kasaantua) accumulate;
(llsftnty) Increase, grow; ktrtynttt varat money (1. subscriptions) received,
money (1. funds) collected; kantaa oil kertynyt paljon ks. keraantya; minull e ktrtyy

paljon tyt plenty of work is accumulat

ing (1. piling UP) for me; varoja on ktrtynyt vahan money has been coming (1.
flowing) In slowly (Jkpv.: pretty slow),
the funds (1. subscriptions) received are
small (1. are meager).
kerubl (raam.) cherub.
keruu ks. kerminen, keray.
keri hall: (kaalin) head; ktrSlU ks. klerty, kria.
kerielml ks. kokaelma. karlllljl collector,
gatherer; (kirjalllnen) gleaner, compiler.
keriilli collect [stamps, postlmerkkeja] :
(koota) gather [honey, hunajaa: informa
tion, tfetoja]; (sielta tASlt, erl ktrjallllaln
teokslsta) glean, compile; ainekiia gather
materials; ~ thkpit ptllotta glean a
field, oraiiy collecting, gathering; collec
tion: (thkftpfiiden y. m.) gleaning; (klrJallinen) compllntion.
kerait ks. karjit.
keri kaali (drumhead) cabbage, -salama
ball of fire (1. of lightning), fire-ball.
karat! collect, gather; ainthtia mtta
teoMta varten gather material for a new
Work; - bolt ht i janhun hyvksi take Up a
collection (Jkpv.: a shake purse) for one: ~
tilaaktia (lehdelle) take subscriptions:
procure (1. canvass) subscriptions ffor a
newspaper] : ktrmll lahjoja by taking
up contributions.
keriya collection, -lleta list of contribu
tions, -tyo work of gathering (1. of com
pilation), compilation.
keray tyi gather; accumulate; vrt. kerantyK; parviin herd (1. crowd) together,
(llnnulsta:) flock together, (kalolstar)
shoal, (mehllSIsIst:) swarm, vrt. parveilla. kerUJI = keralliJX. karliminan gath
ering, collecting; collection, kerflntyi



COllect. gather; SCCUmulate; kantaa oli ke

rntynyt pation a greal many people were
gathered; vke kerntyi ymprilleni
people gathered (1. crowded) around me.
kesakko (Ihossa) freckle.
kesanto rallovv.
kesanto- (yhd.) rallovv [esim. -laidan rai
loa- pasture; -maa rallow ground (1. land);
-pelto rallow fleld]. -pelto (mys:) rallovv.
-viljelys System of letting land He rallo\v
certain periods.
kesi (kalvo) membrane; cutlcle, pellicle;
(ohut, etenkin nesteiden pinnalla) rilm;
(kuori, pllys) coat; (Iho) skln; (hilse)
scale. kesiminen scallng (1. peellng) ori'.
kesii scale orr. peel orr; (liuskelitla) Hake
(orr); i/io ket the skln Is scaling (1. peeling) ofr; vrt. biiseill.
keekoen (keskelle) In the middle (1. Centre) ;
/onkin (l. joidenkin) In the midSt Of . . ,
amidst . . , (keskuuteen) among . . , (v
liin) between
keskeinen (vlinen) mutual; (yhteinen)
common; (molemmlnpuoleinen) reciprocal;
vrt. keskeninen; jsenten kateus the
envy existing between the members; kuka
ratkaisee heidn keskeisens riidat WhO
vrtll settie the disputes between tbem; ss
on kokonaan meidn ~ asia It Is enlirely a
matter tietueen us, this Is entirely our
arfair; vrt. vlinen.
keskeis- (yhd.) central [esim. -liike Central
movement; vrt. keskus-.
keskelle in(to) the middle (1. midst) r,
amidst; asettua ~ (keskeen) place o.s. In
the middle (1. Centre); meidn keskellem
me ln(to) the midst or us, into our midst.
keskell in the middle (1. midst) or, amidst;
aavaa merta in mld-ocean; kaupunkia
In the heart of the city; katua In the
middle of the Street, right out In the Street,
in the open (1. publlc) Street; kes in
mid-summer, at the helght or the summer;
~ kokousta in the midst or the meetlng,
\vhile the meeting vvas in progress (1. golng on): kulkuvyl (in) mld-channel;
~ kuuminta taistelua (nivus:) in the thlck
or the battle (1. right), in the heat or battle; (kirkasta) piv in broad dayllgbt;
saarnaa in the midst or the sermon,
(right) wben the sermon was In Tuli swing;
(kylmint) talvea in the (very) depth
(I. In the dcad) or Winter, in mld-winter;
vuotta in the middle or the year; ~
vaotta tapahtuva mld-year [examinatlon,
tutkinto]; ~ vkijoukkoa in the midst' or
tbe crowd; yt (mys:) in the dead or
night, (keskiyll) at midnlght.
keskelt rrom the middle (1. the midst) or,
rrom amidst; auki open in the centre;
1 katketa) kahtia [break] in two in the
middle; vytisi round the walst; kep
pi meni ~ poikki the stlck broke right in
the middle, the stlck broke in two in tbe
middle; vrt. keskuus (keskuudesta).
keskemmlle, keskemmll nearer (1. closer
to) the centre (1. the middle). keskemmilU
rrom nearer the centre.
kesken (vlill) between; (Joukossa, Jouk
koon) among; (keskell) right under, in
tbe midst or; (lopettamatta) unrinished;
aikojaan beTore tlme, ahead or tlme, too
soon (1. early), prematurely, untimely;
witbout nnlsblng it; (odottamatta) unexpectedly, ali or a sudden [huom. tulla pois
aikojaan collie liack Witll Oli. 'S task
unHnlshed] ; aterian in tbe middle or
the meal, leavlng one's meal hair rinlshed;
kaiken In the midst or ali, (kesken pu
heen) by the way; puheen, sanoppas
minulle . . by tbe way, teli me . .; [ lhte ]


~ vuoden [go avvay] berore tbe year Is

up; en min tlt lhde I Will Ilot be
the rirst one to leave here, I'm going to
stay on the Job (1. to stick it out); hnen
kasvunsa on jnyt bls growth has been
cbecked, he bas been stunted; jakaa joi
denkin - dlvlde among . . ; kyln among
the villagu people (1. among the villagurs) ;
meidn ~ puhuen (\. sanottuna) between
ourselves, between you and me; olkoon (l.
jkn) se meidn let lt be between
you and me; ty tulet jmn - the vvork
viii be lert unrinished (1. hali' done), (kes
keytyy) the work will be lnterrupted; tyt
ovat viel the vvork is (1. remains) st 111
kesken, aikainen ks. ennenaikainen, -erinen
(valmistumaton) unrinished [work, ty];
(vaillinainen) lncomplete, derective; (puo
litekoinen) hair done; (ratkaisematon) unsettled; atia (l. juttu) on viel heskeneriten (oikeusjutusta:) the case Is sun
pending; meill on viel jotakin kesken
erist vlillmme there is Stlll somethlng
unsettled between us. -eraisesti incompletely, derectlvely. -heittminen 1. -Jt
tminen leavlng- unrinished, leavlng orr,
dropplng. -Jnyt ks. keskenerinen, -kas
vuinen hair-grown. -kypsynyt 1. -Joutu
nut prematurely ripe, premature. -meno
mlscarriage; (lk.) abortion. -menokeino
abortive. -tekoinen liall'-l'inlshed, unrin
keskeninen (vlinen) mutual [arrection,
kiintymys; Iire Insurance company, henki
vakuutusyhti] ; (molemminpuolinen) re
ciprocal [relalion, suhde] ; ~ riippuvaisuus
lnterdependence; ~ sota (sisllinen) civil
war; testamentti mutual wlll, (con)jolnt
wlll; viha mutual liatrod (1. dlslike);
heskenisest suostumuksesta by mutual
consent; ketktnittt velvollisuudet recip
rocal Obllgations; puolueiden keskeniset
voimasuhteet the relatlve strength or the
partles. keskenisesti mutually, reciprocally. keskenisyys mutuality, reciproclty.
keskenn {keskenmme, -nne, -ns] between (1. among) themselves [ourselves,
yourselves, etc] ; (toistensa kanssa) vvith
(I. between) each other, with one another;
(molemminpuolisesti) mutually, reclprocally; asiat ovat yhteydess keskenn the
matters are connected with each other;
el rauhassa ja sovussa keskenn live in
peace and harmony with one another; ja
kakaa ne keskennne dlvlde Hieni among
[kalidesta puhuen: hetween] yourselves;
me oltmmt jo topinttt ketktnmmt W6
have already agreed betvveen ourselves;
ne ovat erilaiset keskenn tlley are Ulllike
each other.
keskess ks. keski.
keskeytt interrupt [a person in hls speech,
joku hnen puheessaan], intercept [the
supply or water, vedentulo], discontinue
[publishing books, kirjojen Julkaisemi
nen], suspend [hostilities, vihollisuudet];
keskeyttmtt ui tiimit lntermission (1.
interruption), without stopplng, at a
stretch; kilpailu (tr.) interrupt (1. break
orr) the race, (Itr.) drop out or (l. rrom) the
race, fail to rinlsh the race; neuvottelut
break orr the negotiations; puheensa
johonkin kohtaan stop (I. break orr 1. In
terrupt) one's speech at a point (I. place);
tyns break orr one's vvork, leave orr
working, drop one's work.
keskeytymtn unlnterrupted, unbroken, unlntermltting; (yhtmittainen) contlnuous,
contlnual. keskeytys interruption, lntermis
sion; (vliaika) pause, lnterval, (hiljaiseni



pl) lull; (lakkaaminen) cessatlon; (py

shdys) stop(page), standstill, (vliaikai
nen) suspension; (viivytys) detention; keskeytys katuliikenteess blOCk(ing) in the
Street trafflc. keskeytyi be lnterrupted,
be broken orf, (be) dlsconttnue(d); (sei
sahtua) stop, cease, come to a standstlll;
keskeytyen vhn vli \Vitll 1'Ontiniial lllterruptions; keskeytymtt vvithout a break
(1. a pause), wlthout intermission (1. stopplng), at a stretch.
keski middle; (keskus) center; keskelle,
keskell, keskelt, keskenn ks. hakus.;
heshess in the center. In the middle; heskessn (vlissn) rlght betvveen them.
keski- (yhd.) middle [esim. -ik middle
age; -luokka middle class] ; the middle
of . . , mid- [esim. -kata the middle of the
Street; -kes the middle of the summer,
midsummer; -vyl the middle of the Chan
nel, mid-channel] ; medium [esim. -hinta
medium prlce; -korkeus medium helght] ;
(maantieteellisesti) Central [esim. KeskiAmerikka Central America; Keski-Europpa
Central Europe] ; (keskimrinen) mean,
average [esim. -lmp(tila) mean (1. aver
age) temperature; -nopeus mean veloclty,
average speed (1. rate); -sato average
crop]. -aika 1. (= keskimrinen aika)
average tlme; 2. (hlst.) the Middle Ages,
the medleval age; keskiajalla (hlst.) in
the Middle Ages. -aikainen medleval [archltecture, rakennustaide] ; middle-age.
-arvo mean (1. average) value; (keski
mr) average, (arlthmetlcal) mean. -ha
kuinen centrlpetal. -hakuisvoima (l'ys.)
centrlpetal rorce. -Ik 1. (in keskiosa)
middle age (1. years), mld-age; 2. (keski
mrinen ik) mean (1. average) age; keski-iss oleva mlddle-aged. -ikinen mlddle-aged. -Juoksu (Joen) middle course.
-kasvuinen ks. keskikokoinen, -kaupunki
the middle (1. the center 1. the heart) oi'
the city; keskikaupungilla in the center (1.
the heart) or the city. -kohta middle, center;
(keskiosa) central part; keskikohdalla in
(1. at) the middle [of . .]. -koko middle (1.
medium) Slze; keskikokoa pienempi underslzed, below medium size. -kokoinen . . of
medium (1. average) slze, middle-slzed;
keskikokoista pienempi l)elow medium size,
smaller than the average, underslzed. -kor
kuinen . . or medium (I. average) height.
-korva mlddle-ear; (anat.) tympanum.
-koulu (1. v.) grammar grades, grammarschool; (joskus;) secondary school. -kuu the
middle of the month; keskikuulla, keskikuussa In the middle of the month. -laji
middling sort: (kaupp.) medium, -luokka
1. (yhteiskuntaluokka) middle class; 2.
(kaupp. y. m.) medium class; keskiluokalle
ominainen, keshiluokan . . mlddle-class.
koskimainen middle [story, kerros], mlddlemost, mldmost.
keski.lmrin (up)on an (1. the) average;
olla (l. tehd) keskimrin (make on an)
average. -mr average, mean; vrt. keski
arvo, -mrinen average [result, tulos],
mean [VelOClty, nopeus] ; keskimrinen
nopeus [pituus jne.] ks. keskinopeus [-pi
tuus Jne.].
keskinen 1. = keskeinen; 2. (koskimainen)
middle, mlddlemost.
keskin!! kertainen I. (a.) medium [slze, koko;
quallty, laji], middling [quallty, laji];
(henkisess suhteessa) medlocre; (keskin
kertaisen hyv tai suuri) (air; keskin
kertaiset (luonnon) lahjat medlocre talents;
keskinkertaista vke medlocre people. II.
(s.) average, medium, mean; keskinker
taista huonompi (1. pienempi) belovv the


average; keskinkertaista parempi (1. suu

rempi) above the average. -kertaisesti on
the average; (keskinkertaisen hyvin) falrly. -kertaisuus mediocrlty.
keskininen, -nisesti, -nisyys ks. keske|ninen, -nisesti, -nisyys.
keski osa middle part; (keskikohta) central
(1. intermcdiate) part. -paikka middle;
vrt. keskivaihe, -pakoinen centrlfugal.
keskipakois- (yhd.) centrlfugal [esim. -kone
centrlfugal machlne; -pumppu centrlfugal
pump; -voima centrlfugal Torce].
keski piste center; middle (1. central) polnt;
(kuv.) fOCUS; ympyrn keskipiste center of
the Circle, -pituinen . . or medium length.
-pituus (tavallinen pituus) medium length;
(keskimrinen pituus) average length;
lautojen keskipituus on 20 jalkaa the boards
average 20 feet, the boards are 20 reet
average length. -puolue = keskuspuolue.
-piv middle of the day; (puolipiv) midday, noon; keskipivll at noon. In broad
dayllght. -sormi middle ringer; (Jkpv.)
big ringer.
keskist centrallze.
keski sdynliike mlddle-class movement.
-sty middle class; bourgeolsle.
ke-ki' taivas zenith. -talvi mldvvlnter; kes
kitalvella in mldwinter.
keskitalvi- (yhd.) mid Winter [esim. -aika
miihvlnter tlme; -y midwinter night].
keskitetty centraltzed; concentrated.
keskitie middle course; (keskivli) mean,
medium; mitn keskitiet ei ole Just these
two ways and nothing between, there Is no
other course open Tor you.
keskitse mldway (1. hair-way) between;
rlght between: vrt. vlitse.
keskittyi be concentrated lupon, Johonkin],
concentrate; center [In, Jononkin] ; (kesklsty) be centrallzed.
keskitt concentrate [troops, Joukkoja;
one's energles In (1. on), tarmonsa johon
kin], center (fn, Johonkin]; (keskist)
centrallze; ~ yhteen pisteeseen concentrate
on one polnt, rocus.
keskitys concentratlon; (valt. y. m.) centralIzatlon. -kyky ablllty to concentrate.
keski, vaihe middle; viime vuosisadan keski
vaiheilla In the middle of last century.
-Viikko VVednesday; keskiviikon numero
(Jotakin lehte) Wednesday's lssue (1.
number). -vilkkoaamu: keskiviikkoaamuna
\Vednesday morning. -viikkoilta \Vednesday evenlng (1. night). -vli middle; olla
keskivliss (1. keskivlill) stand halfway
betvteen, take an Intermedlate (1. a middle)
position, be between the two extremes. -y
mldnlght: keskiyn aikaan at mldnlght, In
the dead (1. the depth) or night. -ynaurinko
mldnlght sun. -net (mus.) middle volces;
middle parts.
keski center, -pora center-drlll.
kesko(l)nen I. (a.) abortlve. II. (s.) aborttve
retUS; keskoset ks. saada.
keskuksellinen central.
keskulainen --= keskinkertainen.
keskus center; (keski) middle; ikuv.) focus.
keskus- (yhd.) central [esim. -hallitus cen
tral government; -hermosto central nervous system; -lmmitys central heattng;
-pankki central bank]. -asema (rautat. y.
m.) central statlon; (teleronllaltoksen) cen
tral (telephone exchange); (kuv. = pkorttecri) headquarters. -lainarahasto cen
tral loan fund. -liike central flrm; (-kaup
pa) central stores. -puolue center party;
(Saksassa y. m.) the Center.
keskusta 1. = keskus; 2. keskuspuolue.
keskustella (puhella) converse [about (1.
on), Jostakin; \vlth one, jonkun kanssa],




taik fabout (1. of). Jostakin], discuss [a or endurance, .. with staylng power(s);
thlng, jostakin] ; (vltell) debate; (neuvo
(sitke) tenaclous, perseverlng; (pitv)
tella) dellberate [upon, Jostakin], conrer tenable, malntalnable, durable; (pysyvi
(uitti one, Jonkun kanssa], treat [witbtbe nen) lasting-, permanent; constant; (Jatku
va) abldlng, conltnulng; (luja) steady,
enemy for terms of peace, vihollisen kans
sa rauhanehdoista], consult; (Jrkelll)
rirm; (lujaluontoinen) steadrast; (uuttera)
reason: (ksitell) negotlate; ~ ehdoitta pertlnaclous; kuukausia lasting ror
discuss terms, (rauhan y. m.) negotlate; months. kestvinen = kestv, kestvi
jostakin dlSCUSS a tb., taik . . OVer; osia syys = kestvyys, kestvsti durably; (py
oli keskusteltavana the matter was under syvsti) to last; endurlngly; (sitkesti,
dellberatlon, the matter was (brought) up uutterasti) pertlnaclously, perseverlngly;
for dlSCUSSlOn; asiatta keskusteltaessa (lujasti) tlrmly, steadlly; (Jatkuvasti) perwhlle tbe matter was under dlscusslon, manently, constantly.
durlng the dlSCUSSlOn; me keskustelimme kest endure [the cold, kylm]; (pysy)
tiit yhdess vve bad a taik about that, we last [(Tor) t\vo days, kaksi piv]; (olla
talked It Over; .. otettiin keskusteltavaksi pysyvinen) exlst; (Jatkua) contlnue (to
. . was broiiif bt up for dlscusslon (1. Tor exlst), go on, be continued; be In progress,
consideratlon); siit asiasta ei tarvitse proceed; (viipy) be long (In), take tlme;
(siet, kantaa) bear [tbe straln, Jnnitys],
that matter need not be dlscussed.
keskustelu dlscusslon; (puhelu) conversastand [tbe heat, kuumuutta], put up wlth;
tion, taik, cbat; (neuvottelu) consultatlon,
(kantaa) support, sustaln; (pit) hold; (pi
dellberatlon, conrerence; (oppinut) dls- t puoliaan, olla sortumatta) hold one's
grotind, hold out [agalnst the enemy, vi
course; (virallinen, esim. Jonkin seuran)
proceedlng (tav. plur.); ~ kvi kiihkeksi hollisen hykkykset]; (Jaksaa) do; (ko
the dlscusslon became heated; on keskuste
kea) undergo, sulTer [many hardships,
lun alaisena Is under dellberatlon, Is up Tor monia vastoinkymisi] ; (kannattaa, olla
consideratlon (1. dlscusslon), (vlttelyn arvoinen) deserve, merlt; kestettyn on
alaisena) Is betng debated (upon). -aine nellisesti leikkauksen hn . . having SUCsubject for (1. oD conversatlon, subject In cessrully undergone an operatlon, he . .;
kesti hyvn aikaa, ennenkun . . tt tOOk qulte
(1. under) dlscusslon; toplc (under consid
eratlon) ; . . on yleisen keshusteluaineena a xvhlle (1. It was some time) berore . .; ~
kaupungissa . . Is tbe taik of the town, . . Is arvostelua bear (1. stand) crltlclsm;
publlc taik. -kieli medium of Communica
kiusaus reslst (1. stand) temptatlon;
tion; language used (l. employed) In the koetus stand the test, be proor, (kiusaus)
dlscusslon. -kokou meetlng (called 1. ar- stand (tbe) temptatlon; [hn sai] ~ hovia
ranged 1. open) for dlscusslon, meetlnp. tuskia [be had to] surfer (1. endure 1. go
through) great pain; ~ ksittely bear (1.
-kysymys subject for (1. question under)
dlscusslon; toplc. -pytkirja mlnutes (In stand) handllng; myrsky \veather astorm;
xvhich the dlscusslon is lncorporated). ~ taistelu hoki out In a battle; tauti go
through (1. endure) a slckness; ei kestnyt
-ura debatin? society.
keskus toimikunta Central commlttee. -toi
kauan, ennenkun . . tt \vas not long, berore . .; ei kest kiitt don't mentlon lt!
misto central bureau (1. Office), -valta Cen
tral povver. -virasto central orfices; bead- not at ali! hermoni eivt sit kest my
nerves WOn't Stand lt; hn ei kestnyt kiu
keskuus: keskuudessa among; keskuudesta sausta (mys:) he ylelded to (the) tempta
froni among; keskuuteen among; kansan tlon; hnell on pation vastuksia kestettkeskuudessa amonsr the people; neekerien vnn he hus many hardships to endure
(1. before htm) ; nen krsimyksens ovat
nuorison] keskuudesta from mollit the
suuremmat kuin mit hn voi ~ hls SUITernegroes [the youth] ; puolueen keskuudes
lngs are greater (1. more) than he can
sa ulthln (1. In) tbe party,
bear; hnen on kestettv polion she bas to
kettl ks. kestit.
kestikievari ks. majatalo, -kyyti (1. V.) (trav- put up wlth (1. to endure) a great deal;
hn on kestnyt monet vaikeudet he bas
ellng by) stage(-coach), (Engl.) (conveyance by) post-borses; ajaa kestikievarikyy- surrercd (1. endured 1. llved through)
many hardships; (voittanut) he has surdill go by stage, (Engl.) travel post.
kestit (kekkerit) feast. treat, entertalnment; mounted (1. rlsen ahove) many dimcultles;
(pidot) banquet. kestitseminen entertain- jonkin kestess (aikana) durlng . . , whlle
a tb. lasts (1. lasted) [buom. esim. nyt
iiiL-. treating. kestitt ks. kestit, kesti
koolla olevien valtiopivien kestess dur
tys entertalnment; treat. kestit! treat, enlng the present dlet, xvhlle thls dlet Is slttertaln.
kesti ystvyys hospitallty; hospltableness. tlng (1. lasts); rakennustyn kestess
the bulldlng was In progress or ron-ystv (1. v.) frlend In a social way.
structlon (1. In course or erectlon), whlle
kestminen lasting; duration: (Jatkuminen)
xvas bulldlng (1. was belng
contlnuance; (sietminen, krsiminen) en
bullt)]; j ~ miehen kvell the Ice Is
durance, bearlng; vrt. kest,
strong enough to hold a man up (I. will sup
kestm (kiel.) present (tense).
kestmttmyys untenableness; Imperma- port a man) ; kokeiluja on kestnyt useita
nence: translentness; transitorlness. kes- vuosia expertments have been made (1. have
been golng on) Tor years, the experlments
tmttmstl untenably; not . . In a durable way. kestmtn not durable, not have lasted several years ; kuinka kauan
luulet kestvsi hoxv long do you thlnk
lasting-; (palkkansapitiimtbn) untenable;
you wlll (be able to) hold out? lanka ei
(muuttuvainen) transltory.
kest the thread won't hold-, matka ~ vii
kestvyys durabllity; duration; (pysyvlkon the trlp wlll last a xveek, (vie) the trlp
syys) permanence, stablllty; (paikkansa
takes (1. requlres) a xveek; minulla on ras
pitvyys) steadrastness, constancy; (sit
kas ty kestettvn (edessni) I have a
keys) tenaclty, endurance, perseverance;
hard task berore me; min en kest tt
en kauemmin I can't stand thls any long-Juoksu long1 dlstance run, Marathon race.
-koe (urb.) test of endurance; (raken.) test er; niin kauan kuin maailma ~ as long as
the World stands (1. endures); nytnt
ror the tenslle streng-th.
kestv endurlng; (uupumaton) possessed kesti kolme tuntia the performance lasted



(for) three hours (1. took three hours);

rajuilmaa kesti koko yn the StOrm COntinued (1. lasted) ali nlght long; se ei kes
t kauan lt \von't tako longr, we stiall not
have to vvail long; sit ti kestnyt kauan
(mys:) lt was or Short duratlon; tm
kangas ti kest ptsua (vri lhtee) this
materia! is not washable, this goods (1.
stufD won't wash (I. won't stand vvashlng),
(on niin kulunut) this sturr won't stand
the wash; vaarat onnellisesti kestetty hav ing happlly come through (1. gone through
1. survived) ali dangers, ali dangers safely
passed; viisi tuntia kestnyt keskustelu a
discussion lasting (1. whlcb lasted) live
kesy tarae; (kotielimist:) domestic [goose,
hanhi]; (kesyyntynyt) domesticated [reindeer, poro], kesytellk tame. kesyttyv
whlch can be domesticated; tamable. kesytty be(come) domesticated, become (1.
grovv) tame. kesyttmtn untamed. ke
sytt* tame; (vars. kotielimi) domestlcate; (kuv.) curb; kesytettviss oleva =
kesyttyv; kesytt varsahevonen break
(in) a colt. kesytys tamlng; domestication.
kesytn untamed; (villi, mets-) Wild. ke
syynty become tame (1. domesticated);
kesyyntyy helposti is easily (1. readlly)
domesticated. kesyys tameness.
kesi summer; kesll in (the) summer, during summer, (= viime kesn) last sum
mer, (= ensi kesn) next summer [esim.
kvin heill kesll I vlsited tilein last
summer; tulen teille kesll I "II come to
see you (1. 1*11 visit you) next (1. in the)
summer] ; kesn tullen when summer
comes, in the summer; kest, talvet sum
mer and Winter; kaiken kes ali summer;
viett kesns jossakin (spend one'S)
summer in . .; viime kesn last summer.
kes- (yhd.) summer(-) [esim. -aika sum
mer season, summer -time; -ilta summer
evening; -kuukausi summer month; -/tuuma
summer heat; -matka summer trip] :
(harvemmin:) summer's [esim. -ilta (a)
summer's evening; -piv (a) summer's
ilay ; . -asunto summer residence; summer
home. -helle summer heat; keshelteell
in the summer heat. -huvila summer resi
dence; summer cottage, lodge, cabln.
kesinen summer-like; summery; ~ piv
(kevll tai syksyll) a summer-like day,
(kesll) a SUmmer'S day; kesiseen aikaan
In summer(-time), in (1. durlng) the sum
mer season; nyt on hyvin kesist lt IS
quite summery now.
kesisestn since (I. Trom) last summer;
on jljell viel ~ Is sttll left over from
last summer, kesisin summers, every
summer, in (the) summer.
keskausi summer season, summer; kes
kaudet hn hoiteli kukkiaan ali the sum
mers through she vvas tending her dovvers;
hn oleskeli meill keskausia he Stayed
wlth us through many summers. -kiireet
summcr's rush, the bustle (1. the hurry)
or the summer season; keskiireill during
the siimmer('s) rush. -kunto: keskunnossa
in shape Tor (the) summer; ..on viel ke
skunnossa . . is still In the same shape as
lt was m the summer, . . Is not yet in
shape for Winter, -kuu June. -kuuma heat
of (the) summer; keskuumalla on a hot
summer's day, during the heat of summer.
kesllinen (viimekesinen) last summer's;
kuumuus the heat of last summer; ke
sllisi thteit leavings (1. left-overs)
from last summer.
kes II loma summer vacation: hn on kes
lomalla maalla he Is on hls summer vacation


In the country, -myh latter part or the

summer; kesmybhll in the latter part
or the summer, qulte late in the summer.
ke:minen summer-like, summery.
ke<|]puku summer dress (mys elinten);
(lintujen, mys:) summer plumage; (kes
vaatteet) summer suit; [luonto on] kespuvussa [nature Is] in summer attire. -pi
v: kaunis kespiv a fine summer 's day.
-siirtola summer colony.
kessittin ks. kesisin.
kes sydn middle or the summer, ( Juhan nusaika) midsummer; ketsydnn in midsummer. -vaatteet summer garments (I.
clothes), clothes Tor summer wear; kes
vaatteissa In summer dress (1. attire). -vie
ras summer-guest, summer-vlsltor. -yo
summer-nlght, a summer's night.
ketara(reen-) stake; (leik. = kolpi) shank.leg.
ketju chaln; (kuv. = sarja, Jono) series,
range, train; (sot.) line, cordon; linnotusttn ~, ~ linnotuhsia COrdOIl or tOTtS; tapausten ~ series (mys: chaln) or events.
ketju- (yhd.) chaln- [esim. -kuula chainshot; -pumppu chain-pump; -pySr chalnwheel]. -lasku (mat.) chaln-rule. -murto
luku (mat.) contlnued rractlon.
ketjunmuotoinen, ketjumainen chaln-shapod,
In the 1'iirm (1. shape) or a chaln; (tiet.)
catenarian, catenary.
ketjun rengas 1. -silmukka llnk or a cbaln.
ketju ompelu(s) cbain-stltch, chaln -work.
-ptelm (ing.) chain-syllogism. -es
chain harrow.
keto rield; (nurmi) fleld In grass, lea; ke
dolla out In the rield; metsitt ja kedoilla
in wood and rield, In the woods and rields
(1. meads). -orvokki (Wild) pansy, heartsease.
ketri(puu) ks. setri.
ketteryys cleverness; (notkeus) agillty, nimbleness, handlness; (reippaus) qulckness,
briskness, rieetness, promptness; (help
pous) ease, raclllty; (kepeys) llghtness,
levity; vrt. ketter.
ketter clever, lngenious; (notkea) agile.
ntmble; (liikkuva) actlve, alert; (vikkel,
reipas) qulck. brlsk, smart; (luonteva)
easy [gait, kynti); (rivakka) vlgorous,
hale [old mau. vanhus] ; kettert liikkeet
(llght and) alry movements. -Jalkainen
llght- rooted, llght or heel.
kettersti cleverly, nlmbly; alertly; quickly,
brlskly; easily; vigorously; vrt. ketter.
kettinki cable. -vene (mer.) anchor-hoy,
ketto ks. kesi. -aine cellulose.
kettu rox. -koira roxhound.
kettumainen Toxy, roxllke; (viekas) sly,
cunnlng, crarty. kettumalsesti roxlly, cunningly. kettumaisuus roxiness; sly cunning.
kett (nylke) strlp (orr the skln or), skln,
riay; (karvia) shave, scrape.
ketun- (yhd.) rox- [esim. -hnt rox-tall,
Tox-brush; -luola Tox-hole; -pyynti toxhunttng]. -ajo Tox-chase, rox-hunt(ing),
rox-shooting; lhte ketunajoon go Toxhuntlng. -leip (kasv.) (common) woodsorrel. -luola (mys:) rox-burrow, rox-den.
-myrkky poison Tor roxes, nux vomica.
-nahka rox-skin; (valmistettu markkinoita
varten) rox-case. -poika(nen) rox-cub,
young rox. -pyynti rox-hunt(lng). -raudat
1. -sakset rox-trap.
ketn: ei saa sulkea poit no one Should
be CXCluded; en tunne heitt I don't
know any or them, I know none or them;
oletko nhnyt have you seen anybody?
keuhko lung; keuhkot lungs, (teuraseli
men) llgbts.



keuhko- (yhd.) lung(-) [esim. -kala lungrish; ontelo lung cavity] ; (tiet.) pulmonary [esim. -ontelo pulmonary cavity; -val
timo pulmonary artery]. -hakkelua hashed
(calfs) llghts. -kalvontulehdus (lftk.)
pleurlsy. -katarri cold on the lungs; (lk.)
bronchltis. -kotilo (elint.) pulmonate.
-kuume lung Tever; (lk.) pneumonia.
-miu 1. -kuolio pulmonary gangrene.
keuhkonkrki apex of a lung:.
keuhko pussi pleural sac, pleura. -pussintulehdus (lk.) pleurlsy. -putki 1. -torvi
bronchus (plur. bronchl); (henkltorvl)
trachea; keuhkoputken tulehdus lnriammatlon of the trachea. bronchltis. -tauti (pul
monary) consuraptlon, consumptlon of the
lungs; (keuhkotuberkuloosi) tuberculosis
(or the lungs) ; keuhkotaudin Anum hectlc
fever. -Uutinen (a. & s.) consumptlve;
keuhkotautisten parantola sanitarlum for
consumptlves (1. for tuberculosis). -Uutlsuus belng a consumptlve, consumptlveness. -tulehdus lnriammatfon or the lungs;
pneumonia, -vamma 1. -vika arrection of
the lungs, pulmonary arfectlon, (Jkpv.)
lung trouble. -verenvuoto bemorrhage or
the lungs.
keula (laivan) bow(s), head; prow; (keula
puoli) rore part; neulon puolella ahead.
keula- (yhd.) rore- [esim. -kansi roredeck;
-masto roremast; -purje roresall]. -mat
kustaja roredeck-passenger. -puoli rore
part (or a shlp), head, prow. -raaka foreyard: (kokkapuu) bowsprlt. -salonki rorecabtn. -tuhto (veneess) rront seat. -van
nas (mer.) stem.
kevennys (painon-) reductlon in \vclght;
(huojennus) reller; (helpotus) ease, allevlatlon. kevennyskaari (rak.) arch or discharge. kevennyt ks. keventynyt, keven
tyminen hecomlng llghter; (helpottumi
nen) allevlatlon. keventynyt llghtencd, rednced in welght; keventyneell mielell
vvlth a reellng (1. a sense) or reller, with a
light heart. keventyi ks. kevet.
kevent Ughten [the burden(s), taakkaa] :
ease [one's mlnd, mieltn]; (helpottaa)
make . . easler, racllltate; (kuv. huo len
t) relleve [one's conselence, omaatun
toaan] : (lievent) allevlate, mltlgate;
mieltn Cl. sydntn) unoosom O. S., dlsburden (I. relleve) one's mind, llghten one's
heart; Jonkun surua (mys:) make one's
sorrow easler to bear, relleve the bltterness or one'S lOSS; tuskia ks. lievent.
keveu become llghter, be(come) reduced in
welght, be lightened; (helpota) be racllitated: (huojentua) be(come) relleved; (lie
venty) be allevlated (1. mltlgated); hnen
tuskansa kevenevt he (eels some reller,
hls palns are becomlng less severe (1. eas
ler to bear) ; tyS kevenee sen kautta suu
resti the work Is thus made much easler,
the work Is thereby greatly lightened.
keveys Hghtness, levity: alrlness: (helppous)
ease, easlness, raclllty; (lievyys) sllghtnes, gentleness, mildness; vrt. keve.
keve llght Thand, ksi; battery, patteri];
(Ilmava) alry rdress, puku]; (helppo)
easy; (liev) sllght rbreeze. tuulahdus],
gentle [blow. Isku]; (ketter) nlmble: ke
vein askelin (Joustavin) with buoyant (1.
elastle) Steps; kevell kdell wlth a llght
hand, gently; kevell mielell O. sydmetl) llght at heart. In buoyant splrlts; kevet metallit (kem.) llght metals; ottaa
asiat hevelt kannalta take thlngs easy.
keve- (yhd.) ks. kevyt-.
kevesti llghtly; (lievsti) sllghtly; (hen
nosit) gently: (helposti) easlly; koskettaa
toucb llghtly.


kevyesti kevesti.
kevyinen: hyhenen llght as a Teather.
Kevyt Ks keve
kevyt- (yhd.) llght- Teslm. -aseinen lightarmed; -/aikainen llght - Tooted ] . -Jalkainon
(mys:) llght on one's reet. -holtoinen easy
(tomanage). -kulkuinen llght [boat, vene],
or easy drart. -mielinen llght(-mlnded);
(ajattelematon) reckless, Mvolous; (hui
kenteleva) rilppant, rilghty, rickle; (Irstas)
loose, wanton. -mielisesti llghtly; recklessly, rrlvolously; In a rilghty manner (1.
way); loosely, wantonly; vrt edell. -mieli
syys Hghtness (1. levity) (or mlnd), lightmlndedness; rrlvollty, recklessness; riippancy, rilghtlness; wantonness; on suurta
kevytmielisyytt menetell siten lt Is the
helght or Tolly to act thus. -soutuinen easy
to puli, llght; kevytsoutuinen vene an easy
boat to puli.
kevin = kevt.
kevinen 1. . . or sprlng, sprlng [grass, ruo
ho] ; sprlngllke [day, piv; \veather, Il
ma] ; vernal (mys kuv.) j ~ tuoksu Tragrance or spring, sprlng smell, sprlngllke
aroma; keviset sateet sprlng ralns, Aprll
showers; vrt. kevlllnen; 2. (yhd.) . .
sprlng's [esim. tmn~ thls sprlng's; vii
me last sprlng's].
keviseltn in the sprlng; (kevst) from
(1. ever slnce) the sprlng. kevisin (alvvays) In the sprlng, sprlngs; kevisin ja
kesisin sprlng and Summer; aina kevisin
every sprlng. kevisittiin (kevll) In the
sprlng; (joka kevt) every spring.
kevt sprlng (mys kuv.); kevll In the
sprlng, (viime kevnn) last sprlng; kevmmll, kevmpn later In the sprlng;
elmns kevnn In the sprlngtlme (1.
prlme) or one's lire, In the May (1. blush)
or one's youth; ensi kevnn next sprlng;
tekee kevtt, tulee kevt (the) sprlng sets
(1. is settlng) In; tn kevnn (1. kev
n) thls sprlng.
kevt- (yhd.) sprlng [esim. -hattu sprlng
hat; -piv sprlng day: -sade sprlng raln:
-yS sprlng nlght] ; (runollisemmin:) vernal
[esim. -aurinko vernal sun: -laulu vernal
song; -puku vernal dress (1. attlre); -taivas
vernal sky]. -aika sprlngtlme, the season
or sprlng. -esikko (kasv.) primrose;
(Engl.) covvsllp. -halla sprlng- Trost. -Ilma
sprlng air; (kevts) sprlngllke \veather.
-MU (mys:) evenlng In (the) sprlng. -luhla sprlng fcte; (vappujuhla) Mav festival.
-kausi sprlng season, spring. -ke earlv
part or (the) summer; kevtkesll In earlv
(1. early in) summer, -kuuknuol sprlng
month, month or spring. -kylv sprinirsowlng. -lintu hird \vhlch returns In the
spring; (muuttolintu) blrd or passagc. -lu
kukausi sprlng term. -puoli: kevtpuoleen
tovvards the spring. -pivntasaus vernal
(1. sprlng) equlnox. -raitis vvlth the freshness or the sprlng (on lt): vernal. sprlng
llke. -ruis sprlng rye. -talvi early part or
the sprlng; kevttalvella In earlv (1. earlv
In) sprlng. -touko ks. kevtkvlv. -tulva
sprlng riood, Hood or sprlng: rreshet. -tun
nelma splrlt or sprlng, (lkpv.) sprlng rever.
-tuulahdus vernal (1. sprlng) breeze: (nm.)
breath or sprlnir. -vilja sprlng graln;
(Engl.) spring corn.
kevtr goddess or sprlng, Flora.
kevltlnen: ~ tunnelma the splrlt or a
sprlns- nlght.
kevlllnen (viimekevinen) last sprlng's, or
last sprlng; ~ tulva last sprlng's Hood:
kevlliset sateet the ralns (1. showers) of
last sprlng.



kovitn markki sign or sprtng. -tapainen

keyri ks. kekri.
kide crystal; vrt. lumi.
kide- (yhd.) . . or crystallizatton [esim.
-jrjestelm system of crystallization:
-muoto form or crystallization; -vesi water
or crystallization] .
kideminen crystal-like; (tiet.) crystalloid.
kide oppi
crystalline. -ryhm group or crystals,
cry*talltne group. -siker cluster or crys
tals. -yksil single crystal.
kiduksellinen . . with gllls.
kidunta ks. kituminen.
kidus gill: kidukset gills, (ellnt.) branchls.
kidus- (yhd.) glll-, (ellnt.) branchial [esim.
-aukho 1. -rako gill-opening, branchial
aperture; -kaari glll-areh, branchial arch].
-hengitys branchial resplration. -Jlkeinen
(ellnt.) branchlopod(e). -kansi gtll-cover
(1. -nap 1. -ltd), -lehti gilirrlnge.
kidutin implement or torture.
kiduttaa torment, torture: rack: pain,
plague; itsen torture (1. plague) o.s.;
~ joku kuoliaaksi torture one to deatb;
lihaansa (usk.) mortiry one's riesh; vrt.
rkt, kiduttava excruclatlng [pain, tus
ka], tormcnting, racklng [pain, tuska].
kidutuksellinen inqulsltorial.
kidutus torture; rack(ing), torment(lng);
plaguing: (tuskat) torments; joutua kidu
tuksen alaiseksi be put to the rack (1. tor
ture), be tortured. -huone 1. -kammio torture-chamber. -kone 1. -neuo instrument
(I. implement) or torture. -penkki ks. pii
napenkki, -tutkinto examination by tor
ture: (hlst.) Inquisitlon.
kiedonta ks. kietominen, kiedottu wound;
(kritty) wrapped [In, Johonkin].
kiehahdus nniiinp up (mys kuv.); slmmerintr. soettiin?; kiehahduksissa bollinfr.
kiehahduttaa let boll (up), (brlng to a) boil:
parboil rmushrooms, sieni]; A>oA'bring
the corree to a boll. kiehahdutus bringing
to a noilin<r: parboiling.
kiehahtaa besrln to simmer; boll up; (kuo
hahtaa) seethe; (pulputa) well (1. gush)
rorth; hnen verens kiehahti hls blood
boiled, he was boiling (over) wlth rage;
vereni alkoi It made my blood boil.
kiehauttaa, kiehautus ks. kiehahduttaa, kie
kiehdonta raptlvatlon, rascinatlon; entrapPing: ensnaring; vrt. kiehtoa.
kiehittia, kiehiU ks. kehitell, kehkeyty.
kiehkura coll, rlnglet; (silmukka) loop. eye:
(kutri) lock, rurl: (kynns) garland:
f seppele) wreath: (kasv.) \vhorl. verticll;
koristeellinen (raken.) arabesque.
kiehkuraishylje (elint.) marble seal.
kiehtoa ensnare, entangle. entrammcl; (lu
mota) captlvate Tby one's beauty, kauneu
dellaan!, rasclnate; (vet puoleensa) attract: (kiinnitt kokonaan) engross Tap.'s
attentlon. Jonkun huomio (1. mieli)];
joku pauloihinsa ensnare a p. in one's nets,
ratoh (1. entanirle) a person in one's toils;
vrt. kietoa, kiehtominen ensnaring, entanirlintr; raptlvatlon. kiehtova captlvatlng,
ra<winatlng: attractlve Tdescription, ku
vaus] : engrossing. kiehtovasti captivatlngIV. riiarmlngly, rasclnatingly: attractlvely.
kiehua boll fwfth rage, vihasta]; (kuohua)
seethe; (vaahdota) roam. rroth: pofo kiehuu the pot is boiling-. kiehumapiste boil Ing-polnt. kiehuminen, kiehunta boiling,
seething; roamtng. kiehuttaa boll: (keit
t) conk. kiehutun boiling, bringing to a
boll. kiehuva boiling fwater, vesi].
kiekahdus crovvlng, crow; kukon cock's


crow; vrt. keikahdus. kiekahtaa (utter a)

CrOW; vrt. keikahtaa.
kiekailla ks. keikailla.
kiekko, kiekka (wooden) disk; (heitto-) dlscus, quoit; (kehr) trundle.
kiekon' heitto (urh.) discus-throwing. -heit
tj dlscus-tbrower.
kiekua crow. kiekuminen, kiekuna crovving,
kiekkua ks. keikkua.
kiekura (koukero) riourlsh; curllcue, quirk;
(raken.) twtsted ornament, volute; vrt.
kiehkura, kiekurainen twisted, dlstorted,
kielae = kielev.
kieleke projectlng part, projectlon, Jut;
tongue-shaped part (1. process), languet(te), li(n)gula; (kasv.) ligule. kielekkeinen
(kasv.) ligulate(d).
kielekis ks. kielev.
kielellinen lingulstic: llngual; (kielitieteelli
nen) phllologlcal; kielellisess kauneudessa
Tor (1. In) beauty (1. elegance) or language;
kielellisess suhteessa ks. kielellisesti; kie
lelliset vaikeudet language dimcultles. kie
lellisesti lingulstlcally. In polnt or language.
kielen- (yhd.) 1. (puhutun) .. or (a) lan
guage [esim. -harjotus practlce or a lan
guage; -kytte usage or a language; -puh
taus purity or language; -rakenne strueture or a language]; (Joskus:) lingulstic
[esim. -kytt lingulstic usage] ; 2. ( >
. . or the tongue feslm. -jnne llgament
or the tongue; -krki tlp (1. end 1. point) or
the tongue] : (harvemmin:) tongue- [esiin.
-muotoinen tongue-shaped] . -Jinne (mys:)
Trenum or the tongue. -knnin I. -kanta
root or the tongue. -kytt (mys:) parlance; sakotettiin sopimattomasta kielen
kytst was rined ror uslng Improper lan
guage; tavallisessa kielenkytss in com
mon parlance. -kytttaito abillty to use
(1. sklll in usinr) a language. -kntiit
translator. -omituisuus peculiarlty or lan
guage (1. or phraseology) : ldlomatic expresslon, ldlom. -opettaja ks. kieltenopettaja,
-opetus lnstrurtlon in languages. -oppinut
learned (1. versed) In languages; phllologlst; vrt. kielen tuntija, -tutkija, -puhdis
taja purlst. -taitava versed (1. skllled) In a
language (1. In languages). -taito ks. kieli
taito, -tulehdus inriammation or thetonirue;
(lak.) glossltis. -tuntija llnguist. -tutkija
phllologlst: llnguist. -tutkimus phllologlcal
research; philology; vrt. kielitiede.
kielevyys gllbness or tongue, volubllity;
talkativeness, loquacity.
kielev (puhelias) talkatlve, ready wlth
vvords, ready-spoken, garrulous: (suulas)
voluble, loquaelous. kielevsti volubly, garrulously, loquaciously.
kieli (anat.) tongue (mys kellon. vaa'an y.
m., samoin: puhuttu ): (puhuttu) lan
guage; (soittimen) strlng, c(h)ord, reed;
(lpp) kev, valve: (kellon) rlapper: (vaa'an) needle: kahdella ' kolmella! kielell in
t\vo [three] languages: kahdella kielell il
mestyv . . In two languages, billngual;
kuoleman kieliss ks. kuolema; mielin kie
lin ks. mieli; mill kielell in \vhat lan
guage? se kosketti herkk hielt hnen
sydmessn It touched a sensltive cord (1.
a tender spot) in his heart; se (esim. Jokin
nimi) on fl. pyrii) aivan kielellni I have
It on the tlp or my tongue (1. on my
tongue'S end) ; viini kirvotti heidn kielens
kannat wine loosened their tongues: vrt.
palkeen , pianon', viulun , idin V. m.
kieli- (yhd.) 1. language- [esim. -aisti lan
guage sense; -e*f language barrler; -kartta language map; -ryhm language group] ;



. . of language [esim. -laki la\v of languajre: -nyte speclmen of language;

-snt rule of language] ; llngulsttc [esim.
-aisti llnguist le sense (1. lnstinct); -virhe
llngulsttc error] ; 2. (anat.) llngual [esim.
-lihas llngual mUSCle; -rauhanen llngual
glancll. -alue terrltory of a language, llngulstic terrltory. -uetus language ordlnance. -asia ks. kielikysymys, -asu (llctlon.
-harjotu tralnlng In a language; vrt. kielenharjotus. -harrastus interest In (the
study of) languages, love of language study.
-heimo famlly of languages; samaa kieli
heimoa of the same famlly of languages.
kielij ks. kielikello.
kieli kello (kuv.) telltale, talebearer; one
who tells tales out of school. -koi cancer
or (1. on) the tongue. -korva ear for lan
guages. -kukkainen (kasv.) ltgullflorous.
-kukkanen lingulstic (1. language) oddlty.
-kunta (rroup of languages. -kysymys 1.
questlon of languages; 3. ( = kieliasia) the
language questlon [In Austria, Itvallassa].
kielillapuhuminen speaklng wlth tongues.
kiolillluu(sto) hyold bone. -manifesti lan
guage manlfesto. -mestari ks. kieliniekka.
-miea llnguist.
kieliminen blabblng, tale-bearlng, telllng (1.
having told) tales.
kielimurre dlalect.
kielinen (yhd.) ks. kalut, lipe-, suo
men y. m.
kieli' nero I. (henkil) genius at languages;
2. (ominaisuus) talent for (aequlring) lan
guages. -niekka master of (1. adept at)
languages, language adept; (flne) llnguist.
-nyte 1. specimen of language; 3. (tutkin
to) examinatlon In a language (1. In lan
guages). -opetus Instructlon In languages.
-opillinen grammatlral: kieliopillinen virhe
fault In grammar, grammatlral error (1.
sllp). -opillisesti grammatlcally [correct,
olkea], -opinnot llngulstlc Studies; harjottaa kieliopintoja study languages. -oppi
grammar. -riita 1. -taistelu language feud.
kieliskell ks. kieli, kieliskely ks. kieliminen,
kielisoitin strlnged tnstrument. -sukulai
suus afflnity of languages. -taito knowledge or languages. -taitoinen versed (1.
skllled) In languages.
kielitelli ks. kielii.
kieli "tiede science of languages, phllology.
-tiedot knowledge of language (s), -tieteel
linen phllologlcal. -tieteellisesti phllologlcally. -tieteilij phllologlst, llnguist. -torvi
(uruissa) reed-plpc, plpe: vrt. puhetorvi.
kielittelij kielikello, kielittely ks. kieli
kieli tutkimus phllologleal research; (kieli
tiede) phllology; vrt. kielitiede, -valtimo
(anat.) llngual artery. -virhe (mys:) er
ror In language.
kieli bear (1. teli) tales, blab.
kielinne llngual; lablal.
kielle negatlon.
kiellell deny; itry to) dissuade [one from,
jotakuta Jostakin] : (varottaa) warn (1. advlse) Tnot to do a th., tekemst Jotakin],
advlse atrainst: (kehotella) persuade.
kielletty rorbldden [fruit, hedelm], prohlblted: kielletty tavaraa prohlblted goods,
eontraband; psy [ehdottomasti] fposlttvely] no admlttance (I. admlsslon); s*
on ankarasti It is strletly rorbldden.
kielo (kasv.) llly-of-the-valley.
kielteinen negative Treply, vastaus: attltude.
kanta], negatory; vrt. kieltv, kielteisesti
In the negattve, negatlvely. kielteisyys
negative eharacter.
kleltely denlal; dlssuaslon, advlse agalnst;
uarnlng; persuaslon; vrt. kiellell.


kielten H opettaja
(Engl.) language-master. -sekotus confusion of tongues, mlxture of languages.
-taitava versed (1. skllled) In languages.
kielto prohlbltlon; refusal, denlal. -laki prohlbltory law; problbltlon; (vkijuomani)
kieltolain kannattaja prohlbltlonlSt. -lakipuolue (Yhdysv.) Problbltlon party, -lause
negative sentence. -oikeus rlght to deny
(I. prohlblt). -perinen negattve. -sana
negative, negatlon.
-tavara eontraband.
-valta autborlty to prohlblt, povver of pro
hlbltlon; (eltto-) veto, rlght of veto.
kieltminen forblddlng, prohlbltlon; denying; refusal, denlal; vrt. kielt; kaupan
prohlbltlon of commerce.
kleltmya abnegatlon; denlal; negatlon; vrt.
wlthout doubt; lndlsputably, beyond dlspute, beyond ali galnsaylng (1. contradlctlon). kieltamttomyys undeniableness; lncontrovertlblllty.
kieltmtn undenlable; (vastaansanomaton)
lndlsputable [trutti, totuus], lncontestable, lncontrovertlble [ract, tosiasia]; (eh
doton) lmperatlve [duty, velvollisuus] ;
(selv) declded.
kieltv negative; vastaus (an) answer In
the negative, no for an ansvver; negatlon;
refusal, denlal: nay; vastaus oli the answer was tn the negative (1. was no), kiel
tvsti [vastata, ansvver] tn the negative.
kieltymlnen ks. kieltytyminen, kieltymlsllmotus announcement of refusal (1.
of non-aeceptance).
kieltymys 1. deprivatlon; (pldttymys) refralnlng [from, Jostakin], abstlnence; contlnence: vrt. Itse; 3. = kieltytyminen.
kieltytyminen refusal, denlal: non-aecept
ance; rejectlon; renunclatlon; (pidttymi
nen) abstlnence r from, Jostakin], kieltyty
v: jostakin kieltytyv abstalning from
. . , refralnlng from . . .
kieltyty (el suostua) refuse [to do a th.,
tekemst Jotakin] ; (pyyt pst Josta
kin) decllne: (luopua) renounce, glve up,
reslgn; (pidttyty) abstaln (1. refraln)
[from. Jostakin], deny o. s. [a th., josta
kin], forsake: (olla ilman) do wtthout;
antamasta jollekulle Jotakin refuse one a
th.; antamasta suostumustaan (\. suostu
masta) refuse one's consent; auttamasta
jotakuta refuse to help one, deprlve a. p.
of one's asslstance; ehdokkuudesta de
cllne a candldacy, refuse to be a eandldate,
not seek electlon; hyvksymst refuse
to accept, repudlate, deny, decllne (1. reJect) [an orrer. Jotakin tarjousta]; kai
kesta glve up (1. renounce 1. rorego 1. re
fraln from) everythlng, forsake everythlng
[for her (sake), hnen thtens] ; kai
kesta tdesvastuusta deny ali responslbllltv
[In (1. Tor), Jossakin]; kyttmst jon
kun apua reject an offer or help, reruse
one's help (1. asslstance); ottamasta
vastaan decllne [the money, rahaa; a can
dldacy, ehdokkuutta] : rupeamasta uu
delleen ehdokkaaksi (mys:) not seek reeleetlon; tarjouksesta decllne an offer,
(hyljt) releet an offer: tunnustamasta
refuse to acknowledge, repudlate, dlsclalm
[one's compllelty In a crlme, osallisuut
taan rikokseen], dlsavovv, dlsovvn; tonnustamasta oikeaksi repudlate; tunnus
tamasta omakseen dlsotvn: tyttmst
velvollisuuttaan refuse to do one's duty (1.
fUlflll One'S Obllgatlons) : nestmst
decllne to vote, refraln from votlng; siit
min voin helposti (mys:) I can easlly
do vvlthout tbat.



kielt (el sallia) forbld [one to do a th..

Jotakuta tekemst Jotakin], prohlblt; (el
mynt) deny [one's Lord, vapahtajansa],
refuse [one a th.. Joltakulta Jotakin; him
admlttance, hnelt psy] ; (el tunnustaa)
dlsclalm [ali partlclpatlon tn, kalkki osalli
suutensa Johonkin], dlsavow, repudlate;
(vltt vastaan) dlspute. contest; (hylj
t) reject; kielletty kS. hakUS.; itseltn
kaikki huvitukset deny o.s. (1. renounce)
ali pleasures [huom. hn ai kiell itseltn
mitn (mys:) he lndulges every fancy (1.
Whlm) ] ; Jumalan olemassaolo deny (the
exlStence Of) God; ~ kaikki osallisuus jo
honkin rikokseen dlsclalm (1. deny) ali
compllclty In a crlme; ~ kiven kovaan (\.
jyrksti) jotakin deny a th. riatly (1. posltlvely); - kyttmst jotakin rorhld (1.
prohlblt) the use oT; Jotakuta menems
t johonkin forbld one's golng to . . , for
bld one to im to . . , refuse to let one go
to. .; ~ syyts deny the charge, refuse to
own (1. admlt to) the charge, (oikeudessa)
plead not gullty; ~ tehneens jotakin deny
havlng done a th.; Jonkin todenperisyys
deny (the truth oD a th., take lssue wlth a
th., (esim. Jonkin lausunnon) repudlate (1.
contradlct) a th.; ~ tosiasioita deny (1. dls
pute) TaCtS; ei voi ~ Cl. ei ky kieltmi
nen), tt . . lt can not be denled (1. dlsputed), (but) that . .; hnoltU kiellettiin
passi a passport was rerused (1. denled)
hlm, he was refused (1. denled) a passport;
hnelt kiellettiin sinne meneminen he was
refused permission to (fO there; hnen an
sioitaan tss asiassa ei voida hls merltS
In thls matter can not be denled (1. are undenlable 1. are unquestlonable) : hn kielsi
kaiken he denled lt ali, (el sallinut mitn)
he forbade (1. prohlblted 1. denled) evervtllln(r; iiM ei voida hanatta kielt he can
not be denled that, that cannot he denled
hlm; sit huvia lkn hnelt kiellettk
that pleasure must (1. shall) not be denled
fawntng, cajollng, coaxlnir; (hyvilev)
raresslng; kiemallevin sanoin In honeyed
(I. bland) words. klemaillla fawncr, rajoler;
(llehakoltslja) rilrt: (hftnnystellj) toady.
kiemailla (mielistelin, Imarrella) favvn, caJole, wheedle; (pyrki suosioon) fawn upon, crlnge to; (liehakoida) make much of,
curry favorwIth; (keikailla) fllrt; (hyvil
l) caress, fondle: jollekulle rawn upon
(1. curry favor wlth) one; hn klemaili mi
nulle she tnrned on me vvlth a slmper. klemailu rawnlng, coaxlng, cajolcry; (hyvily)
kiemura coll; (kiehkura) rlnglet. curl; (mut
ka) bend. curvatnrc, slnuoslty; (kasv.)
bostrychold cyme, bostryx: mys = kouke
ro: hnt kiemurassa wlth Us tali curled;
olla kiemurassa CI. kiemuroissa) be colled,
be curled. kiemurainen slnuous. serpentlne; colled, curly; (kierteinen) splral.
kiemurakiyntl (volm.) serpentlne (I. splral)
walk (1. march).
kiemuroida (esim. krme) wrlggle (mvs
kuv.); (vntelehti) twist, \vlnd, (tuskis
saan) wrlthe, sqiifrm: (tehd kiemuroita)
coll form colls; (kuv.) dodge about. shlft,
shurfle; vrt. kiemurrella, kiemuroiminen
wrlggllng (about); wrlthtng: cotllng.
kiemurrella twist and turn: (mutkitella)
wlnd (In and out), wlnd along. bend; (esim.
Joki) meander; (kuv.) dodge about, shirt,
Shume; mys -= kiemuroida; ~ yls(pin)
(tie) w1nd up, (kasvi) creep up. kiemur
televa wlndlng [path, polku; rlver, Joki];


[course. Joen y. m. Juoksu] ; slnuous, devlous; (vntelehtiv) twlsttng and turning,

wrlggltng [ serpent. krme]; (kuv.) shirty,
eluslve. kiemurtelu wrlggling (about);
(mutklttelu) wlndlng, meanderlng; (kuv.)
dodglng about, shlftlng.
kiepahdue ks. klepsahdus. kiepahduttaa
swing: [round a couple of times, pari ker
taa ympri ] ; kiepahduttaa ympri wheel . .
about (1. round), turn . . round. kiepahtaa
ks. kiepsahtaa, kiepauttaa ks. kiepahduttaa.
kieppaua swing; toss, Jerk.
kieppi (volm.) free Circle bar.
kieppua swing [to and fro, edestakaisin],
sway [In the wlnd, tuulessa]; (roikkua)
dangle; (pyri) turn, spin round, rotate;
(paiskautua) be flung (1. tossed); minna
tnne sway to and fro, dangle. kieppumi
nen, kiepunta swlnglng, swaylng, dangllng.
klepsahdus swing; toss, Jerk; tumble.
kiepsahtaa swing o.s., be swung; be tossed
(1. Jerked) ; ~ Jonkun kaulaan throw o.s.
on (1. one's arms around) a p.'s neck;
~ kiinni johonkin selze; grasp, clutch;
catch hold of, (Jkpv.) grab; kumoon
tumble down; reki kiepsahti ojaan the
slelgh was flung (1. tossed) Into the dltch.
kieputtaa swing; fling, toss; cause to ro
tate. kieputus swlnglng; fllnglng, tossing.
kierht ks. luiskahtaa.
kierevyys (fys. & mek.) torsion.
kieriminen, kierint rollin?, wheel!ng. kie
ri teli (kieri) roll (over and over) [In the
dust, mullassa]; roll o.s. (about), wallow;
(kieritt) wheel, trundle. kierittely roll
in?: wheellng. kieritt roll [a rask, tyn
nyri], trundle [a hoop, vannetta]; vrt.
vieritt, kierii (vieri) roll [down, aias] :
mys IderitellK.
kiero not stralght; (vntynyt) twlsted:
(karsas) vvarped, east; wry, askew: (kuv.)
devlous [course, suunta], not stralghtrorward, perverted; (vino) obllque: (kyr)
crooked: (vr) wrong, false; (oikeude
ton) unjust, unralr; (nurja) perverse, vlclous; (epluotettava) unrellable, untrust\vortliv;
kieroksi vntynyt dlstorted,
warped; menettely crooked conduct. unfalr course of action; ~ mies unrellable (1.
untrustworthy) fellow; kieroon ks. katsoa,
menn: kieroon suunnattu perverted, per
verse: ~ rivi (klrjotuksessa) slantlng llne;
kierot silmt squlnt(ing) eyes, vrt. vino;
tuomio wrong (1. unfair) Judgment; olla
kierossa be awry (1. askew), be on one
side, hang obliquely, (esim. lauta) warp,
be warped, (kuv.) be wrong, be awry.
kiero- (yhd.) wry- [esim. -kantainen wrynccked: -suman wry-mouthcd] .
kieroillja (Juonittelija) shurrier, wrlggler,
qulnbler; (vehkeilij) lntrlguer, schemer.
kieroilla boat about the bush; (Juonitella)
shnfrie, qulbble, prevarlcate. evade; (veh
keill) Intrlgue, SCheme; kieroilemalla by
cunninsr, by dlshonest (1. wrong) means.
kiero|!elklinen scollotic. -aelkiisyys curvature or the splne, (lk.) scollosls. -ilmai
nen squlnt-eyed, cross-eyed, snulntlng;
slant-eved. -silmisyys
squlntlng: eross-eye: (lk.) strablsmus.
kierous crookedness, wryness: (karsaus)
\varped condltlon; (kuv.) falseness, unfalrnrss, perverscness: nnrellabllltv: vrt. kiero.
kierre (ruuvin) thread. worm; (laniran)
Uvlne, twist; (kleru) WhorI; olla kierteess
be twlsted; veitsen ter on kierteess the
edge of the knlfe is turned (over).
kierre- (yhd.) screw- feslm. -kaira screwtap: -laatta screw-platc] . -kone 1. -leikkein
thread -cutter, screw-cutter, screw-cuttlng

kierrell Circle; wheel around; travel (1. kiertolainen (kulkuri) vagabond, tramp;
(jkpv.) hobo; (tht. = saattolalnen) satelllte.
journey) around, pass (1. go) around; (kul
jeskella) stroll, ramble, rove; (vaeltaa ym kiertolais elm vagabond life; el kierto
pri) wander about; (liikkua) move [about, laiselm lead tbe life or a vagabond,
tramp. -luonto rovlng disposition.
ympri]; (kuv.) evade; vrt. kiert; kier
rellen kaarrellen (kiertoteit) In a round- kierto lihas rotary muscle; (anat.) rotator.
about ay, by Indlrect means, (vlillisesti) -liike rotary motlon, rotatlon; clrcular mo
Indlrectly, (vltellen) evaslvely; UtrttU- tlon; (kiertokulku) clrculatlon; (sot.) riank
mtt (suoraan) stralgbt out. In 90 many movement. -malja challenge cup. -matka
Clrcult, round; tour; kiertomatka maailman
WOTdS; koettaa pst jostakin kiertele
mll try to evade a tb.; sanomalehdiss ympri tour or the World; tehd kiertomat
lpi Ranskan make a tour through (1.
kierrellyt uutinen a report clrculated by
the newspapers (1. wblcb has been golng or) France, -matkapllettl round-trlp tlcket.
tbe rounds of the newspapers) ; vastata -matkasuunnitelma pian Tor one's tour,
ltlnerary. -mittari gyrometer. -nopeus rokierrellen (1. kiertelemll) answer eva
tatlonal veloclty. -palkinto challenge prlze.
slvely, return an evaslve answer.
kierre pakka (screw-cuttlng) die. -portaat -puhe Idin taik (1. gosslp): (huhu) rumor.
wlnding stalr(s). -tappi screw-tap. -vaaka -rata loopllne; (taivaankappaleen) orbit.
-retki (clrcular) tour. -suunnitelma pian for
torsion balance.
the rotatlon [or crops]. -tanko crank. -tie
kiarrln (kehr) splndle.
kierros turn, round; (vauhtipyrn y. m.) roundabout way; clrcultous route, detour;
kiertoteit (kuv.) in a roundabout way, by
revolutlon; (kilparadalla y. m.) lap; (kaar
ros) curvature, wlnding, sweep; (kiertotie) Indlrect means. -thti planet: kiertothti
Mars the planet Mars. -viljelys rotatlon or
roumlabout way, clrcultous route; (tarkas
tus, mys:) beat; ensi kierroksella on tbe crops. -virta (shk.) rotary (1. rotating)
current; polyphase current.
Tlrst round (1. lap); jnis teki kaksi kier
rosta the rabbit made two rounds; karhu kiertue (1. v.) travellng stock company.
(langasta y. m.) twist, wlnd; (vn
on kierroksessa the bear has been surrounded (1. rlnged in) ; vrt. kierto, -matka ty) warp, get twlsted; (kietoutua) get
entangled; (kriyty) twlne, coll [around,
k. kiertomatka.
Jonkin ympri]; (pyri) roll; auki unkierrnta kiertminen.
kierrtt niako (1. have) . . clrculate, ctr- Told, unwrap, unroll, unroil, vrt. kehkeyty;
rulate; listaa have the llst clrculate(d), ~ kerksi roll (1. coll) Into a liall, vrt.
oirculate the llst; tulta (miilussa) make seur.; kerlle wlnd (1. curl) Itseir into a
ball, rorm a ball, coll; ~ vrksi bethe Tire clrculate.
kierteellinen threaded. klerteetn wlthout come dlstorted, turn (1. twist) out or
shape, warp; Jonkin ympri wlnd (It
tbreads, unthreaded.
kierteen leikkauslevy screw-plate. -lelk- seir) about (1. around) a th., coll around;
kaussorvi screvv-cuttlng lathe. -vnnin lanka kiertyy jalkoihin the thread Is windlng (1. Is getting tangled) around the legs;
die-stock; (screvv-)stock.
kierteinen (vnnetty) Uvlsted; (karsas) siima tahtoo the llne Is tending to twist.
screw-rormed, kiertminen turnlng, twlstlng; wlndlng
screw-Hke, screvvy; (kierteellinen) thread
Jne., ks. kiert.
ed; (kierukkalnen) splral, spirally twlsted, kiertv (kuljeksiva) Itlnerant [muslclan,
hellcal; (kasv.) hellcold.
soittaja], travellng [llbrary, kirjasto; Inkierteis- (yhd.) splral [esim. -Jousi splral structor, neuvoja] ; ambulatory; (vaeltava)
spring; -portaat splral stalrcase; -rihla spl
wanderlng, strolling; (kuv.) evaslve [anral groove]. -hnt prehenslle tali. -kaira swer, vastaus] ; ~ kaupustelija peddler,
hawker; ~ palkinto prlze to go rrom Victor
splral auger.
kiertely clrcllng; wheellng round: strolling, to vlctor, challenge prlze (1. cup).
rambling, rovlng; moving about; (esim. kiertyty - kierty.
Jonkin uutisen, sanomalehdess) clrculat- kiert 1. (tr.) turn, twist: (kelata, kri)
wlnd [a thread around one's ringcr, lanka
Ing, clrculatlon.
kierto (kiertokulku) clrculatlon, clrcular sormensa ymprille] ; (kietoa) twlne [one's
motlon (1. course), clrcult; (pyrint) ro- arms around a p.'s neck. ktens Jonkun
tatlon, rotary motlon; (liikunta) motlon, kaulaan]; (pyritt) roll [a cigarrette,
(jonkin ympri) revolutlon: (Juoksu, rata) paperossi]: (ymprid) surround [a bear,
course, track; (mutka) round about way, karhu; with. Jollakin]; (saartaa) rlng (1.
clrcultous route, detour; (fys.) torsion; hem) in; (ruuvata) screw fup tight, lu
(kerta) turn, round; (kasv.) blndweed; sen jaan]; 2. (ltr.) wlnd; (mutkitella) meankuutta tulisi kiertoa lt vvould be Out Of tbe der; (kaartaa, tehd mutka) go about, go
way to go through there, that would be a around; (kuljeksia) stroll, ramble, rove;
roundabout route; vrt. kierros, kiertely, (vaeltaa) wander, roam; (kierrell) walk
(1. gad) about; (Uikkua ymprill) move
kierto- (yhd.) . . or rotatlon [esim. -akseli (1. wheel) around, Circle; (pyri) rotate,
turn [on lts axls, akselinsa ympri]; reaxls or rotatlon; -keskus center or rota
tlon], rotary [esim. -kone rotary machlne; volve [around the sun, auringon ympri];
-pumppu rotary pump]; (fys.) torsion, (olla liikkeell, olla yleisen) clrculate,
. . Of torsion [esim. -elektrometri torsion be in clrculatlon, be current: (kuv. ~ vl
electrometer; keskus center of torsion]. tell) avold, elude, dodge [the questlon,
-aika tlme (1. perlod) or revolutlon; kysymys], (syrjytt) evade rthe law,
period. -akseli (mys:) axls of torsion. lakia], get around, shlrk; kierten (kuv.
-kanki crank; connectlng rod. -kapula vltellen) evaslvely; avainta turn (1.
(hlst.) flery cross. -kasvi cllmblng plant, glve a turn to) the key: kaukaa go a
creeper. -kauai perlod (or revolutlon). long ways (1. dlstance) out or one's way,
-kirja clrcular (letter). -koulu ambulatory vrt. kaartaa; kelalle Wlnd up, (ankkuri)
school. -kouluseminaari tralnlng school for hoist.heave up: ~ kive go around (1. avold)
teacbers of ambulatory schools. -kulku a Stone; kuin kissa kuumaa puuroa (alclrculatlon, clrcular motlon, clrcult; round; kup.) go llke a cat around hot porrldge,
(kuv.) beat about the bush; lamppu [kaa
veren kiertokulku ks. verenkierto, -kysely
su] pienemmlle turn down tbe lamp [tbe
clrculatlng Inqulry.



gas], lower the llgbt; lankaa twist (1.

t Wille) the thread; /naita mantereita
ramble over tlie country; ~ pyt walk
(l. move 1. go) around tbe table; ~ seura
kuntaa travel ali over (1. travel around in)
the parlsh; veron keruulla go (1. travel)
around collectlng taxes; joki ~ kaupungin
the river wlnds around the town; kaupun
gilla huhu, ett . . there Is a rumor
arinat In the city that . . , a report Is current In he city that . . , lt Is rumored
(about) In the city that ..; koira ~ taloa
the dog Is snooping (1. smelllng) around
the house; koko laama kiersi minut (ymp
ri) the whole flock surrounded me; miksi
minua kierrt Wby do you go out Of your
way to avold me? why do you keep away
from me? why do you avold (1. shun)
me? maori linnan a (1. the) vvall surrounds the Castle, tbe castle Is surrounded
(on ali sldes) by a wall, the castle Is
walled In; paperit ovat kiertmss the
papers are clrculating (1. In circulatlon) ;
raha ~ money Is In circulatlon; oin ~
koho kaupungin I had to vvander (1. stroll)
ali around (1. ali over) the city; siit ei pse
kierten eik kaartaen you cannot get out
of lt (I. get around lt), lt cannot be gotten
around, lt Is no use to try to resort to
evaslons In that matter.
kierukanmuotoinen splral, hellcal. kierukka
splral; convolutlon, volute, windlng; (ko
tilo) shell (or a molliisk); (ruuvi) screxv.
kierukka- (ybd.) ks. kiertele-, klarukkainen splral, hellcal.
klerutella wrlggle.
kieryys kierous (etup. kuv.). kieri =
kiero, kierailla kieroilla.
kies(8)it chaise.
kietaista: (kiireess) jotakin jonkun ym
prille throw a tb. around one, bundle . .
up In a hurry.
kietoa wlnd [a thread around one's Tlnger,
lanka sormensa ymprille], twine [one's
arms (a)round a p.'s neck, ktens Jonkun
kaulaan]; (kri) wrap; (kuv. = kieh
toa) catch, ensnare [a p. In one's tolls.
Joku verkkoihinsa], (pyydyst) entrap,
(viehtt) captivate, (asclnate, attract;
~ auki unroll, unwind, unwrap; ~ krei
siin bandage; Joku pauloihinsa catch (1.
entangle) a p. In one's tolls; ~ Joku sa
noilla t u i ti a p.'s words agalnst hlm, lead
one into a trap. kietominen vvlnding, twinlng; \vrapping: catching, ensnarlng.
kietoutua become (1. get) entangled, get
ensnared, get caught fin a p.'s tolls. Jon
kun pauloihin]; (tunkeutua) creep in,
galn a hold fupon their minds, heidn
mieliins]; (kriyty) wrap oneself [In,
Johonkin]; (kuv. = sekaantua) get Involved [in. Johonkin], kietoutunut en
tangled, ensnared; caught; (sotkeutunut)
tangled up; verkkoon kietoutunut tangled
up In a net.
kievari ks. majatalo.
kihahdus hissin? noise, rizz.
kihahtaa (sihist) hiss, rizz; rrizzle, sputter; (tihkua) trickle, pcrcolate; esiin
ooze out (1. Torth); kyyneleet kihahtivat
hnen silmiins tears sprang into (1. up In)
hiS eyes; vsi kihahti kielelleni sit ajatel
lessa my mouth watered at the thought of
lt; fiini kihahti hnelle phn the vvine
vvent to hls head.
kihara I. (s.) curl, lock, rlnglet; kiharat
(mys:) Curly lOCkS; olla kiharassa be
curly, fall In rlnglets. II. (a.) curly [hair,
tukka; head, p], kiharainen curly; kettakiharaintn \vlth gOlden (1. yellOV) lOCkS
(1. curls). kiharatukkainen curly-balred,


curly-headed [boy, poika], kihartaa (tuk

kaa) crlmp, vvave; curl, frizz. kihartua
curl; crlnkle (up).
kihelmid ltcb; tingle; (kutita) tickie;
(kirveli) smart; haavaa kihelmi tbe
vvound smarts (1. is very painrul); kor
vaani kihelmi my ear itebes.
kiherm (kokoelma) collection, gatberlng;
(ryhm) group; (parvi) svvarni; vrl. si
kihert: naaraa tltter, giggle.
kiher kihara.
kihina (sihin) blsslng nolse, fizz; (kiehu
van veden y. m.) simmer(ing); sizzle;
(vilin) svvarm; ven kihinss in tbe
swarm or people; vrt. kuluna.
kihist (sihist) hiss, rizz; (pihist, esim.
kiehuessa) sizzle; (kiehua) simmer; (vi
list) svvarm; nurkka kihisi muurahaisista
the corner vvas alive (and cravvllng) wilh
antS; torilla kihisi kansaa ks. vilist.
kihla ks. kihlat.
kihlajaiset betrothal. kihlajaisjuhla 1. -ke
mut betrotbal festivlttes.
kihlakortti aimounceiuent or engagement;
sain heidn kihlakorttinsa I received tbe
aiuiouncenieiit or their engagement.
kihlakunnan- (yhd.) distrlct [esim. -oikeus
district court; -tuomari distrlct judge.];
(1. v. Yhdysv.) county [esim. -arkisto
county records; -vankila county jaalj.
-krjt (1. v. Yhdysv.) county court, circuit court, (Engl.) tbe assizes.
kihlakunta distrlct; (1. v. Yhdysv.) county.
kihlasormus engagement rlng.
kihlat betrothal present; (kihlasormus) en
gagement ring; olla kihloissa be eugaged
(to be married).
kihlata (menn kihloihin) become engaged
(1. betrothed) [to. Joku], kihlattu en
gaged (to be married), betrothed; kihlattu
morsian fiancee, (laissa:) one's betrothed.
kihlaus engagement, betrotbal. -ilmotus an
nouncemeiit or an engagement.
kihlautua become engaged to, engage o.s.
[to, Jollekulle].
kihnata (hieroa) rub; (hangata) chaTe, gall;
reik sukkaan wear (1. rub) a bole tn
one-s stocking; rikki vvear (1. rub) . .
into a hole, (esim. takkinsa kyynrp)
vvear through; vvear out . . by frlctlon.
kihnaus ks. hankaus, kihnautua be(come)
rubbed, rub, chare; vrt. hankautua.
kihnutella (keep) rub(blng); (vinguttaa)
scrape [on ..], vrt. seur.
kihnuttaa (kihnata) rub; (vinguttaa) scrape
[on the riddle, vlulua(an)]; (kuv. el
kihnuttaa) scrlmp; ~ eteenpin plod on.
kihnutus rubblng, scraplng; (kuv.) scrimplng; ploddlng.
kiho trickllng, percolation, oozlng out;
(kiihotus) lrritatlon; (syyhy) ltch. kihokki
(kasv.) sundevv. kihomato pinvvorm.
kihota (tihkua) trickle, percolate; ooze out
(1. rorth); (rty) become Irrltated, be
come excited (1. stlmulated); (kihelmid)
ltch, smart; vrt. kihahtaa; kihoaa phn
goes to the head.
kihti (luuvalo) gout. -kohtaus attack or
gout. -kuhmu (gouty) knot, knotty Joint.
kihtinen gouty. kihtisormus galranic ring.
kihveli shovel.
kiidatelli: ajaa speed, fly; mys = kii
kiidtt hasten, hurry, speed; sana jol
lekulle hurry a message (1. the Word) to
one; tuuli ~ pilvi the clouds are drlvlng
(1. riying) lieiore the wlnd.
kiihdyke lncltement, Incentlve, stimulusstimulant; (vaikutin) lmpulse, motlve;
(kannustin) goad; antaa uutta Uihdyhett

toimintaan give (a) new stimulus (1. Impe
sioned, fanatical, -mielisyys Inflammabili
tus) to the activity, give new lire to ...
ty, passionateness; fanaticism.
kiihdys: kiihdyktiuM excited, In a state of kiihkoton dispassionate, passionless, unlmexcitement, (suutukslssa) Incensed [at, passioned; (maltllllnen) sober; (tyynl, lejostakin] ; (ihmisten) mie/t olitiat uurestf volllnen) cool, calm, kiihkottomasti dis
kiihdybsiss general excitement prevailed, passionately; coolly, calmly; soberly, kiihpeople's minds were greatly inflamed; kottomuus dispassionateness; soberness;
(mlelenmalttl) presence of mind; (levolliscuran jsfnet OVat kouin kihjyksissaan
general excitement prevails among tbe suus) coolness, calmness.
members (1. the membership) of tbe so kiihoke = kiihdyke. klihotella ks. kiihottaa.
kilhotettu excited, Inflamed, agitated, Irri
kiihdyttlva stimulating, stimulative; stim
tated; vrt. kiihottunut. kilhotin Impetus,
ulant; biihdyttot ainttt stimulants; rao- stimulus. Incitement; stimulant; spur;
kahataa ~ Whetting (1. Stimulating) the (arsyke) provocative.
kiihottaa (yllytt) egg on [to rebellion,
appetite; ruokahalua ~ aine appetizer.
kiihdyttU inflame [people's minds, mmls- kapinaan], stir up, incite [to crime, rlten miella]; excite, stimulate; (kannustaa) kokseen] ; excite [one's curiosity, Jonkun
spur on, prompt [to, Johonkln]; (Joudut- utellalsuutta], arouse; Instigate; (Innostaa) hasten, accelerate; (hoputtaa) press tuttaa) fire, inspire with enthusiasm; (el(1. push) on, urge on; (lisatio Increase vyttaa) cheer (up), enliven, (vlrklstaa)
[the speed, vauhtla] ; ~ janoa provoke stimulate; (artyttaa) irritate; (kannustaa)
thirst. Increase (the) thirst; ~ ruokahai,ia spur, prompt; (tcliil.i kilhotustyt) agi
whet (1. stimulate) the appetite; vrt. kii- tate; (kllhkeSstl kehottaa) urge; (Jouduttaa) press on, urge on; (saada aikaan) In
kiihketA get warm, get excited; lose one's duce, prOVOke; Vrt. kllhdytt ; ~ hcrmoja
temper, grow angry ;(Jkpv.) fire (1. flare) up. excite (1. Irritate) one's nerves, set one's
kilhkeys rashness; hotnes?, flerlness; Im nerves on edge; kapinaan (mys:) In
petuosity; animosity; eagerness; zeal; ar stigate rebellion among . .; ~ mielikuvidor, passion; vrt. kiihke; kiihkeyjessn tasta excite the Imagination; ~ ruokahamem han . . In his passion (1. In the heat of lua whet (1. stimulate) the appetite, kiihottaja agitator; (kansanyllyttaja) dem
the moment) he went . . .
kiihke heated [debate, valttely: controver agogue; kapinaan kiihottaja one Who Stirs
sy, rilta], excited [state of mind, mielen - up (I. Incites to) rebellion, klihottava
tila]; (tulma) vehement [speech, puhe], stimulating [drink, Juoma], stimulative;
impetuous; (ralvokas) violent: (tullnen) exciting; Inflammatory [Speech, puhe];
hot [battle, talstelu; pursuit, takaa-ajo], (rsyttv) Irritating; kiihottavat aineet
; (ilkkfplkalnen) rash, hasty(-tem- Stimulants, Irritants; kiihottavat juomat
(mys:) stimulants; fiery liquors; kiihot
pered); (klivas) hot-headed, quick-tem
pered, Irascible; (katkera) bitter; (Inno- tavat mauMtett fiery condiments; hermoja
exciting to the nerves.
kas) eager, ardent, zealous; (Intohlmolnen) passionate; (helllttmtn) pressing kiihottua become (1. get) excited (1. In
[need, hta), urgent [request, pyynt] ; flamed); (rty) become Irritated; (tulls haa eager desire, eagerness; ~ mi./en- tua) fire up, lose one's temper; vrt. kiihtita ks. kiihtynyt; ~ puhe Impassioned ty. kiihottunut heated, flushed, excited,
speech; ~ raivo great (1. high) rage; ~ hot; high-strung, overwrought [fantasy,
viha rancorous hate; ~ vihollintn bitter mlellkuvltus]; vrt. kiihtynyt. knhottuvaifoe (1. enemy); htidn riifan*a kavi yh suus excitability; Irritability.
khkemmksi their quarrel waxed hotter kiihotu (yllytys) Incitement, Incentive;
and hotter: kun hesbustelu oli kiihkeim- (aglteeraus) agitation; (kannustus) spur,
min while (1. when) the discussion instigation; (klihtymys) excitement, heat;
(vlrkistys) stimulation; (rsytys) irrita
was at Its (1. at the) hottest.
kilhketttl vehemently, Impetuously, hotly; tion, -aine (klihottava) Irritant; (kilhdytbitterly: ardently, zealously: passionately; tv) stimulant, -kelno means (I. method)
urgently; (ralvoisastl) violently; vrt. kiih- of agitation; (kilhotin) stimulus. Incen
ke; kokouksessa oteltiin ~ there Was 3 tive, -kokous agitation meeting, -matka
hot skirmish at (1. in) the meeting; mito agitation trip, -pesa seat of agitation; hot
biihhtimmin most fervently (1. ardently 1. bed, -puhe Inflammatory speech, agita
urgently); tali raivoii ~ the fire raged tion speech, -rahasto agitation fund, -sana
= khtosana. -ty agitation; propaganda.
violently (1. with great violence).
kiihko (Into) eagerness, ardor; (kllvaus) kiihtoeana (klel.) Interjection.
vehemence. Impetuosity: (tulisuus) hot- kiihtyminen firing up, getting agitated (1.
ness, flerlness; (akklplkalsuus) rashness; excited); (fys.) acceleration.
(kiihke Into) craze, mania [for a th., kiihtymys excitement; heat; agitation- (artymys) Irritation, -tila state of excitement
Johonkln]; (Intohlmo) passion [for. Johon
kln] : (vlmma) fury, frenzy, klihkoileva kiihtynyt excited. Inflamed: hiihtynm***a
hot-headed: Impassioned: fanatical, klih- mielentilassa In an agitated frame of mind.
koilija zealot, fanatic; crank; Incensed: kiihtyn*inS excited, In (a state
kiikboilija religious zealot, fanatic, klih- of) commotion; mitliala (mys:) ex
koflla be excited (1. flushed): hiihkoilla citement; ~ nopeus accelerated speed.
onhin atlan puoleita make a hobby of. be kiihtyva: ~ lake accelerated motion; yh(ti)
overzealous for, be fanatical about, kilh- hiihtyvll nopeudella with ever Increasing
kollu overzealousness; craze, mania; vrt. speed, kiihtyvaisyy* (fys.) acceleration.
kiihkey. kiihkolnen, kiihkoisa passionate, kiihtyi get excited (1. inflamed); (kllvastua, tullstua) grow angry, fire up; (r
Impassioned: overzcalous, fanatical; ex
citable, Inflammable: mys kiihke. ty) get heated, become Irritated; (kuohahkilhkoltMtl passionately; overzcalously, taa) become (1. get 1. grow) agitated
fanatically; vrt. kuhkeiUtl. kllhkoltuut [over, Jostakln], become (1. get 1. grow)
passlonateness: overzealousness, fanati Incensed, (ylty) Increase In violence (1. In
strength), grow more intense, become 'cism; Inflammability.
kllhko!ml*lln*n readily Inflamed, easily tensifled; (nopeudesta:) increase, t
excited, inflammable; passionate, Impas celerated; hn Ulhtyl klihtymltf

grew more and more excfted (1. inflamed blng-wax. -voida pollsh; (kenkvolde)
1. irrltated); mieli kiihtyy the mlnd is be- blacklng. -voideastia box oi" sboe-pollsh.
coining (1. Is growlng) agltated; pakkanen kiilto luster; gloss; glaze; (kiillotus) pol
kiihtyy the cold Is growing more lntense; lsh; (hohto) shlmmer, gleam; vrt. loiste.
riita kiihtyi kiihtymistn the quarrel -mato glo\v-worm. -muste = kiiliotusmuswaxed hotter and holter ; tuuli kiihtyy the te. -nahka patent leather. -nahkahansikas
wind grows stronger, the wlnd lncreases (glace) kld glove. -nt (ellnt. = soope
In vlolence; tuuli on kiihtymn pin the li) sable. -paperi glazed paper. -plntainen
wind Is gettlng hlgher (I. is increaslng).
lustrous, glossy, glazed. -silittj lroner
kiikari ks. kaukoputki; (teatteri-) opera- who does pollshlng work (1. does flnishing). -silitys pollshlng. -suomuinen . . \vitli
kiikastaa Impede the movements [of ..], shlny (l. shlnlng) scales, shiny-scaled; vrt.
obstruct; bitch.
kiiltvyys lustrousness, glosslness; (kiilto)
kiikker unstable, easlly overturned.
brllllancy. kiiltv shlnlng, gllsten kilkki (pula) plnch, stralt(s); dilemma; lustre,
(valkea asema) dirficulty; Joutua kiikkiin Ing, shlny [button, nappi], lustrous, glos
glazed; (kirkas) brlght [color, vri];
(pulaan) get Into a plnch (1. a dx 1. a dil'T sy;
(vlkkyv) glltterlng, gleamlng, resplenriculty), (satimeen) get trapped (1. cor- dent;
kiiltvn vihre lustrous green; han
nered), be drlven Into a corner, (kiinni) gata
kiiltvksi pollsh, rub (up).
get caught; olla kiikiss (pulassa) be In a
dilemma, be hard pressed, be In close kiilt shlne, gllsten; (kimallella) gllmmer,
(voimakkaammin) glitter, gleam; (hohtaa)
straits, be In a sad pllght, (Joutunut kiin
ni) be trapped (1. cornered 1. caught) shlmmer; ' (ole) kaikki kultaa, mik ~
[huom. nyt hn on kiikiss now we have (sananl.) ali Is not gold that glltters.
kiilua gllmmer, gllsten; voimakkaammin)
hlm cornered (1. caught 1. trapped)].
glitter; (loistaa) shine; (steill)
kiikku swing; seesaw. kiikkua swing; see- gleam,
radlate, be resplendent; (sihky)
saw; (keinutuolissa y. m.) rock; (heilua) beam,
kissan silmt kiiluvat pimess
sway [In the wlnd, tuulessa], dangle; the eyes of
a cat glow In the dark. ku
(heittelehti) be tossed (1. go) up and luilla ks. kiilua.
down (1. to and no); (keikkua, esim. lai klilusilminen with glowlng (1. sparkllng)
va) roll.
kiikkulhepo rocklng-horse; hobby-horse. kiima
rut; (etup. naarailla) heat. -aika rut;
-lauta sprlng-board; (hyppylauta) seesaw, (parittelu-)
matlng-tlme (1. -season).
(jkpv.) teeter-board. -tuoli rocklng-chalr, kiimainen ruttlsh;
(n heat.
rocker. -tuolinmatto throw for a rocklng- Kiina China.
qulnlc acld. -kuori Peklikunta, kiikkuminen swtnglng; seesawlng; ruvian bark, cinchona.
rocklng, swaylng, dangling; rolllng; vrt. kiinalainen I. (s.) Cblnaman, Chlnese; kii
nalaiset the Chlnese. II. (a.) Chlnese.
kiikutella swing; rock; (keikuttaa) tllt. kii kiinalaisllnainen
Chlnese \voman. -silmt
kuttaa swing; rock; sway; vrt. keikuttaa. eyes like a Chlnaman,
slant eyes.
kilkutus swlnglng; rocklng; swaylng; kiinankieli Chlnese (language).
Sea. Kiinan-muuri
kiila wedge; (klrjap. y. m.) quoln. kiilaa
the Oreat Wall or China.
minen keying; wedglng. killakirjotus cu- kiinallpuu
(1. v.) wlne and
neirorm characters. kiilamainen wedge- qulnlne.
shaped, wedge-llke; (tiet.) cunelform, cu- kiinne
(1. charter)
neate. kiilata key; (kiinni) wedge (In), or selzin. -kohta tastenlng. -laastari
adkiilaus keylng; wedglng (in).
kiiliinen (eliiint.) gadNy, breeze(-riy).
coheslve power.
Kiille (kiilto) luster; gllmmer, shlmmer; kiinni rast; (suljettu) closed; (suljetuksi)
gleam; (mlner. katinkulta) mlca; (kiil
up; (Joskus:) down; [verbien kanssa ky
lotus) gloss, polisb; (lasitus) glaze; (emal- tettyn,
vastaavista verbl-hakusanolsJl) enamel. -hiekka micaceous sand. -liuska ta, kutenks.joutua,
jty, kasvaa, kyd,
(mlner.) mlca-schist.
liimata, menn, muurata, naulata, ottaa,
kiillolla ks. kiilt.
saada, siepata, sitoa,
kiillesuomuinen (ellnt.) ganold.
vet y. m. ] ; kasvettunut grown
kiillotettu pollshed. kiillotin burnisher, pol- tarttua,
~ liimattu
lsher. polishing-lron. klilloton lusterless, glued [on (1. to). Johonkin], stuck,
lack-luster, dull, dead.
hn on rikoksesta ~ he has been arrested
kiillottaa pollsh [wlth wax, vahalla], gloss; for a crlme, he Is shut up in Jall; hartia har
smooth; (puhdistaa) scour (up); (kirkas
tiassa shoulder to shoulder; katto kataa) brlghten (by rubbing), (metallia y. tossa(an) ~ roof seemlng to touch roof,
m.) burnlsh, rurblsh, (huonekaluja) wax; wlth the roofs touchlng each other; laiva
(lasittaa) glaze; ~ aseensa rurblsh one's on ~ rannassa (varpllla) the shlp Is moored
arms; ~ kenki pollsh (1. black) boots, at the shore, (pohjasta) the shlp Is
(Amer. Jkpv.) shlne shoes; veitsi scour grounded (1. stranded) on the shore; leh
knlves. kiillottaja pollsher, burnisher; det ovat ~ toisissaan the leaves are at(kengnklillottaja) shoeblack. kiillotta- tached to each other, (tarttuneina) the
maton unpollshed, unburnlshed. kiillotta
leaves stlck to each other; nyt me olemme
minen, kiillotus pollshlng, burnlshlng; kauniisti ~ (klikiss) now we are In a
srouring Jne., vrt. kiillottaa.
nlce (1. a pretty) flx (1. In a corner), now
kiillotus- (yhd.) pollshlng- [esim. -harja we are In ror It, (Joutuneet kiinni) now
pollshing-brush; -jauho pollshlng-powder; we are caught, (esim. veneen tarttuessa
-kivi pollshing-stone] ; scourlng- [esim. pohjaan) now we are stuck; olen tyssni
-hiekka scourlng-sand; -tilkku scourlng- I am occupled by (1. engrossed wlth 1.
cloth]. -aine pollsh; pollshlng-paste. busy at) my work, (sidottu tyhni) I am
-laatta pollshlng-wheel (1. -lathe). -musta bound down by my work; paalu on lujasti
(shoe-)blacklng; sboe-pollsh. -rauta 1. " the pole Is securely flxed (in the
-ter burnisher, furblsber. -vaha rub- ground); un(0 - shut up! ylhlt



rastened (1. secured) at the top, (suljettu)

closed at the top.
kiinni; Juotettu soldered [to. Jononkin],
rastened on by solder. -Jtynyt rrozen
rast; rrost-bound; rrozen In, lce-bound
[sbip, laiva], -kasvanut 1. = kiinni kasvettunut ks. kiinni; 2. (umpeenkasvanut)
TUIed up, grown up (1. together).
kiinnike hold, rastenlng; mountlng, settlng.
kiinni kierretty screwed (In 1. down), fastened vvitb screws. -naulaaminen lastening, nalllng up (1. down), -naulattu nalled
up (1. down), rastened. -ommeltu sewed
[on (1. to), johonkin], rastened. -otettu
caugbt, selzed, apprebended; kiinniotettu
varus the thief who was caugbt (1. apprehended). -otto catcbing, selzlng; apprehenston. -pano shuttlng, closlng. -panoaika closlng tlme. -pantu rixed, attached
[to. Johonkin]; (suljettu) closed, shut up.
-pidin (tekn.) dog; cramp; (pidke) rastener, catch, book, clamp. -pitminen (kuv.)
adbering (1. stlcklng) [to. Jostakin], ablding by; holding on [to..].
kiinnite, kiinnitin hold; rastenlng.
kiinnitelli (be) rasten(lng), be ftxing.
kiinnitty 1. tarttua; 2. (kuv.) kiinty,
kiinnittmtn (lak.) unmortgaged, unencumbered.
kiinnitt rasten [to 1. on 1. on to. Johonkin], rix (mys valok.) ; attach [to, Johonkm] ; (panna kiinni) make rast, secure;
(sitoa) tie, bind; (Jnnitt) rivot, hold
[tbe attentton of one's hearers, kuulljalnsa huomio] ; (lak.) mortgage; ~ huomionsa (1. huomiota 1. huomiotaan) johonkin
rix one's attentlon upon a th., pay attention to a tb. [buom. hn ei kiinnittnyt
mitn huomiota Jkofco asiaan he attacbed
no lmportance to the matter, he took no
notice of the matter] ; ~ huomiota (puoleensa) attract notlce (1. attentlon), call
attentlon to oneseir [buom. ty kiinnitti
kaiken hnen huomionsa the work absorbed (1. requlred) hls entlre (1. undlvlded) attentlon]; jonkun huomiota johonkin draw (1. call 1. diroot) one's attentlon to, bring . . to one's attentlon (1. one's
notice) [buom. yleisn huomiota johonkin seikkaan dra\v publlc attentlon to a
ract, bring a ract into general notlce (1.
berore the eye of the publlc); ~ katseensa johonkin li x one's eyes on, look at
(1. eye) . . sharply, rlvet one's attentlon upon; ~ (Jonkun) mielt be of Interest to . . , interest; paperit toisiinsa
rasten (I. stltch) the papers together; ~
talo velasta mortgage the bouse ror a
debt; ~ toiveensa johonkin rix one's bopes
upon, place one's hope in; ~ suuria toiveita johonkin set hlgh hopes upon, entertain great expectatlons or (1. ror) . .; ~
vene paaluun secure (1. make last) a boat
to a pole, rasten (1. tie up) a boat to a post
(1. a Stake) ; tm ~ puoleensa kaikki hnen
ajatuksensa tbls Is absorblng (1. occupyIng) ali bls thougbts.
kiinnityksenhaltija owner or the mortgage,
(lak.) mortgagee.
kiinnitys rastenlng; (lak.) mortgage; vrt.
kiinnltyskohta. -huuhde (valok.) llxlngbath. -kirja mortgage. -kohta rastenlng;
hold. -laina mortgage loan. -suola (valok.) sodlum tblosulphate, (kaupp.) liyposulphlte or soda. -vakuus (that glven as)
securlty ror a mortgage. -velkakirja note
secured by a mortgage.
kiinteimisto ks. kiinteist.
ki intein ks. kiinte.
kilntelst real estate (1. property); landed
property; ja Irtaimisto property real


and personal. kiinteistnomistaja o\vner

or real estate.
kiinteys nrmness; lmmovableness ; solldity;
(kuv.) constancy; resolutlon.
kiinte firra; (liikkumaton) lmmovahle:
(ptklln pysyv) statlonary, flxed
LllRnt, loisto]; (Jhme) solld; (tiivis)
compact, dense; (kuv. = varma, vakava)
steadlast, steady, (Jyrkk) unyteldlng; ~
mtmto (fys.) solld consistence (1. form),
(yi.) rixed lorni; ~ omaisuus real property (1. estate); ~ silmys steady gaze,
sharp glance; kiintet hinaat steady (1.
rixed) prlces.
kilntoBji solld Ice. -kolonnl (rak.) engaged
(1. attached) column.
klintonainen = kiinte,
kilnto|| piste rixed polnt. -thti rixed Star.
kiintymys devotlon [to. Johonkuhun (1. Johoukin)]; (uskollisuus) attachment [to,
Johonkuhun], kiintynyt attached [to a p.,
Johonkin henkiln]; devoted [to one's
work, tyhns]; kiintyneen tutkisteluun
absorbed (1. engrossed 1. deep) in the
study; vrt. kiinty.
kiinty become (1. grow) attacbed [to, Johoukin] ; (antautua) devote o.s. [to, johoukin]; (takertua) stlck; johonkin ajatuhssen become lnterested In an Idea, become rirmly rooted In an Idea (1. a no
tlon); min olen kiintynyt tyttn 1 have
become attacbed to the gin, (mieltynyt)
I have grown rond or the glrl; olla kiintynyt Johonkin be attacbed to, (el Joutaa Joltakin) be occupled by, be busy at, (buvltettu Jostakin) be lnterested (1. concerned) In.
kiipeli (pula) plnch, stralt(s); vrt. kilkki.
kilplj cllmber, clamberer. -kala (eltnt.)
cllmblng risb. -kasvi cllmblng plant, cllmber. -lintu (ellnt.) scansorial blrd, cllmber.
kiipimjuurl (kasv.) cllmblng root; adventitlous root; (Ilma-) aerlal root.
kiirasll torstai Maundy Tbursday, Thursday
in Holy Week. -tuli (llres or) purgatory.
kiire I. (s.) 1. (plaki) crown (or the head);
(anat.) vertex; kiireest kantaphn rrom
top to toe, rrom head to foot; 2. (joutulsuus, hoppu) hurry, haste, bustle; (no
peus) speed(lness); kiireell = kiireesti;
kiireen kaupalla (1. kautta) In a (great)
hurry, burrledly, hastlly, promptly, vrt.
kiireimmn; kiireess In a hurry, hurrledly; kiireissn ftn unohti . . In hls haste
he rorgot to . .; kiirett ks. panna, pit;
el (mitn) kiirett no hurry.' ei ole mitn kiirett there Is no hurry, there's
plenty or time; minulla on kova I am In
a great hurry (1. rush), I am pressed ror
tlme; mit kiireimmin as qulck(ly) as possible, Just as soon as one can. II. (a.) --=
kiireellinen urgent, presslng; (pikainen)
speedy, prompt [ald, apu] ; (nopea) qulck;
asia on ~ (\. kiireellist laatua) the matter Is presslng (1. or a presslng nature);
tss on apu tarpeen qulck help (1.
speedy reliof) Is needed liero, kiireellisesti
hurrledly, hastlly, In haste; speedlly,
promptly. kiireellisyys (esim. asian) pressing nature; speedlness; (kiire) hurry, haste.
kiireemmin ks. nopeammin,
kiireesti In haste, hastlly; speedily, quick(ly); (nopeasti) swirtly, rast; kvell
walk rast.
kiirehtiminen hurrylng; bastenlng Jne., vrt.
kiirehti hurry [to one's destructton, ha
vltn kohti], hasten [one's steps, askeleltaan; home, kotiin; to take, ottamaan];
(Jouduttaa) hurry on, qulcken [one's pace,



askeleltaan]; accelerate; (hoputtaa) press

(1. pusn) on, Urpe On; kiirehtien (mus.)
accelerando [lyh.: accel.j ; ~ apuun (\.
jollekulle avuksi) hurry (1. lly) to one'S
succor (1. one's relieO; askeleitaan
(mys:) iiieiul one's pace; pakoon iturry
(1. hasten) away, leave In a hurry, Hee,
(tielt) hurry (to get) out of the way, make
(1. beat) a hurrled retreat; tyt hurry on
(with) the WOrk; mene hnt kiirehtimn
go and teli him to burry, go and urge hiin
on ; tyt olisi kiirehdittv the \vork OUght
to be pressed forvvard (1. be hurrled on).
kiirehtii kiirehti; aika ~ tiine Tlles.
kiireimmiten as qulck as posslble; In a hurry.
kiireimmin: ~ kautta rl. kaupalla) as qulck
(I. rast) as posslble (1. as one can); In a
great hurry, In great haste; (tavallista pi
kemmin) qulcker liian usual; (sukkelaan)
hurry up!
kiireinen (nopea) speedy [fllght, pako],
hasty, hurrled; (kiireellinen) pressing, urgent; (pikainen) prompt [ald, apu] ; qulck
[time, tahti]; ~ aika busy (1. bustling)
tlme; kiireiset askeleet hurrled Steps; kii
reiset tehtvt pressing business; olin liian
I vvas too hasty, I vvas rash. kiireiseiti
hurriedly, hastily; speedlly, promptly,
quickly; In a hurry, In haste. kiireisyys
hastlness; hurry, haste; speediness.promptness; qulckness.
kiiri temper; mood, humor; olla pahalla kiirill be out of temper (l. humor), be moody.
kiirikka kB. kiekko, kilriekelli ks. kiiri.
kiirii (liit) hover [In the air. Ilmassa],
soar [aloft, korkealla] ; swlm [berore one's
eyes, Jonkun silmien edess] ; (luisua)
glide; (kiit) speed, riy; mys kierii.
kiiru = kiire, kiiruhtaa kiirehti.
kiiruna (ellnt.) (common European) ptarmlgan.
kiiruusti = kiireesti.
kiiski rufT; pope.
kiista (elint.) (common) gulllemot.
kiista (riita) strlfe; (taistelu) struggle; (ki
na) wrangle, squabble; (tora) quarrel;
(kilpailu) contest; (suullinen vittely) dlspute; (kirjallinen) controversy, polemlcs;
~ jostakin wrangle (1. dlspute) about a th.,
quarrel over a th.; olla kiistassa jonkun
kantta hold (1. be engaged In) a controver
sy vvlth one; mys = kiistell.
kiista- (yhd.) ks. riita-, -kappale 1. -kapula
subject of contentlon. apple of discord.
-kirjotus polemic(al) artlcle, polcmic.
kiistan/aihe subject of contentlon; (rlltakapula) bone oi' contentlon. -alainen contestcd, disputed; (Josta voidaan kiistell)
dlsputable; kiistanalainen kysymys the
question tn dlspute (1. at lssuc), a disputed
question; kiistanalaisissa tapauktitta In
disputed cases. -alaisuus disputabllity.
-haluinen ks. riidanhaluinen.
kiistell dlspute [about, Jostakin], hold (1.
engage In) a controversy [wlth one, Jon
kun kanssa], controvert wlth; (kinastella)
wrangle [about, Jostakin] ; (riidell) quar
rel; (kilpailla) contcnd, vie [vvlth each
other, keskenn]; vrt. vitell, kiistely
polemlcs; controversy; (sanakiista) dls
pute; antautua kiistelyyn jonkun kantta
be led Into (1. enter Into) an argument
\vith one; heill oli kiittely tt. kuka ..
they had a dispute over who . .; vrt. kiista.
kiistmttmyys indlsputablllty, lncontrovertibillty.
kiistmtn undisputed, uncontested; Indlsputable, lncontestable; (vastaansanomaton)
incontrovertlble ; ~ oikeuteni on . . lt Is
my unquestloned (1. lndlsputable 1. undenlable) rlght to . .; vrt. kieltimitn.


kiist 1. kiistell; 2. (= kielt) deny;

nastaan ars? ne agalnst, dlspute, contro
vert, object to.
kiisu (mlner.) pyrltes; ks. kupari, rikki-.
kiitell tliank; (ylist) praise; ' (kehua)
commend, laud; (Imarrella) llatter.
kiitetty pralsed, lauded, commended; ~ ol
koon . . pralsed be . .! vrt. kiitt, kiitetUvyys praisevvorthlness. kiitettivi pralsevvorthy, laudable, commendable; creditable; (arvosanana, 1. v.) excellent. kiitet
tvsti laudably, commendably.
kiitollinen graterul [pupll, oppilas; task,
tehtv] ; thankrul; (mieluinen) agreeable;
aihe a subject that lends ltseU to treatment, a subject one can get good results
1'niin (1. out of); ~ maaper good SOH,
good ground; ~ osa an easy part to play
successfully, a part to which one Is well
adapted; yleis (esim. teatteriyleis) an
appreclative audlence, (yi.) a graterul public; olan hyvin ~ siit, ett . . I am very
gratcful that . .; olisin hyvin ~, jos te voi
titte .. (mys:) I should be very much
obltged, tr you could . . . kiitollisesti graterully, thankrully.
kiitollisuudenllosotus token (1. evidence) of
gratitude. -tunne feeling (1. sense) of
gratltude. -velka debt oi gratitude; oUa
kiitollisuudenvelassa jollekulle be grateruiiy lndebted to one, be In one's debt,
feel obllged (1. under obllgatlon) to one.
(mys:) graterully, uitu tbanks; kiitolli
suudella mainitaan mentioned wlth grati
tude, gratefully mentioned; kiitollisuudella
vastaanotetaan received wlth thanks. -ad
ressi (1. v.) expresslon of publlc gratitude,
vote or thanks of the people.
kiitos thanks; (ylistys) praise, commendatlon; kiitoksia paljon inanv thanks, tliank
you very much, much obllged (to you);
kiitoksia viimeisest (1. V.) I had a very
pleasant tlme (vvhen I vvas last at your
house); ~ jumalan tliank God! tliank
goodness! ~ lainatta tliank you (very much)
ror lending me (I. ror letting me take) the
book [your umbrella, etc], (raha-) thanks
Tor the loan; kiitosta ansaitseva laudable,
pralsevvorthy; oi, kiitoksia no, thanks! no,
tliank you! hn ansaitset kiitosta (1. kii
tokset) tystn he deserves to be com
mended (1. deserves praise) ror hls work,
his vvork deserves commendatlon; sn soin
kiitokseksi avustani thafs Wbat I gOt loi'
(ali) the help I gave hlm [them, etc]
kiitosCadreesi vote or tbanks. -juhla ks.
kiitospiv. -Jumalanpalvelus servlce or
thanks(giving). -kirje letter or thanks.
-laulu song or praise; vrt. kiitosvirsi,
-lause (expresslon oD tbanks; (ylistys)
praise, commendatlon; (palkinnon Jaossa:)
honorable mention.
Thanksglvlng Day. -uhri tliank-orierlng.
-virsi hymn or thanksglvlng.
kiittelev: kiittelevin sanoin In terms or
praise, very ravorably, hlghly. kiittely
thanklng, pralslng; praise, commendatlon;
riattery; (suosionosotus) applause.
kiittminen thanklng: pralslng, laudlng;
commendlng; ci mitn kiittmist you are
\velcome (to it), don't mention lt, not at
ali! thafs nothing!
kiittmittmyys lngratltude, unthankrulness; on maailman palkka lngratltude IS
the revvard the vvorld glves. kiittmtt
msti ungraterully. kiittmtn ungraterul [to(ward) one. Jotakuta kohtaan (1.
Jollekulle); spirit, mieliala]; thankless
child, lapsi]; unthankful; vrt. epkiltol.

kiltaa thank, return thanks; (ylist) kikattaa (nauraa) laugh; (hihitt) titter,
praise, laud, gloriry; (kebua) commend; glggle. kikatus titter, glggle.
onneaan ihmk (l. conslder) o.s. (very) kilahdus sonorous sound, clink. k ilahduttaa
lucky (1. rortunate) [for bavlng ... ett cl Hik, Jingle; make . . ring; kilahduttaa la
on . .]. congratulate o.s. [upon havlng . .], siinsa tap (1. clink) one's glass. kilahtaa
thank one's (lucky) stars [esim. kiit on- clink; (kilist) tlnkle; (soida) ring; ki
ntasi thank your luck (1. your stars), con- lahtaa rikki i rasti; vrt. kalahtaa, kilauttaa
trratulate yourseir, conslder yoursell lucky ks. kilahduttaa.
(l.happy 1. rortunate) ] ; ~ tavaraansa pralse kili kid. kilinnahka kid-skin; (valmistettu
na) kid.
(1. cry up) one'S goods; kiitn nyrim
msti very hearty thanks, (I) thank you kilin jingling, tlnkling; Jingle, tinkle; clink ever so much; ei kest ~ don't mentlon lt, (Ing); kallojen ~ rlnglng (1. peal) or bells;
you are uelcome (to lt), thafs ali rlght, kulkusten Jingle or Slelgh-bells; lasien
not at ali! minun on hnt kiittminen ~ cllnk(ing) or glasses. killstys (lasien)
pelastuksestani I have imu to thank (1. I clinklng, (kellojen) rlnging, (kulkusten)
am Indebted to hlm) Tor my rescue; min Jingling. kilisti Jingle, tinkle, clink; ring,
n kiit kauppojani (lelk.) I rcpent my sound; lasien kilistess at the Clink oi' the
bargrain, I am not very proud of tbat bar- glasses, round the riowlng bowl.
gain; ty tekijns ~ (1. V.) tl) vvork- kilist clink; Jingle [a bunch or keys,
avainklmppua; a bell, kelloa] ; ~ laseja
man Is known by his work.
kiit speed, fly; (kiirehti) basten, hurry; (toistensa kanssa) Clink (1. touch) glasses
(ajautua) drirt, drlve; (vauhdilla) shoot Wlth each Other; Aan kilisti lasiaan pyy
[by, ohi]; huimasti dasli \vlldly (1. tkseen nettmyytt he rang (1. tapped)
madly): lpi aaltojen speed (I. cut) his glass lor silence.
tbrough the waves; pois dash ori; pilvet kiljahdua yell; (vingahdus) \vtiine; (kirkai
kiitvt tuulen mukana the ClOUdS are 1 ly
su) scream, shrlek; (Intiaanin) hoop. kil
jahtaa (glve rorth a) yell; (vingahtaa)
lng uh (I. drlvlng before) the imi.
vvhlne, whlmper; (kirkaista) scream,
kiivaasti vlolently, vehemently; (intohimoi
sesti) passionately; (Innokkaasti) eagerly; shrlek, cry out, glve a cry.
(nopeasti) speedily, qulck(ly); pyri ~ kiljaista ks. kiljahtaa; ~ riemusta shout Tor
rotate at great speed.
kujallaan: silmt \vitli a vacant stare,
kiivailija zealot; (kiihkoilija) ranatic.
kiivailla be zealous (1. \varm 1. enthuslastic) wlth vacant eyes.
[ for a th.. Jonkin puolesta] ; ~ jotakin kiljua liotti; yell; (ihmisest:) bawl; (leijo
vastaan decry, preacb (1. cry) down, de- nasta:) roar; (aasista:) bray; (kirkua)
claim against; vrt. kiihkoilla, kiivailu zeal scream, screech.
[Tor a th.. Jonkin puoiesta], ardor; cru- kiljuhanhi: iso ~ (ellnt.) liite -rronted
sade [against a th., Jotakin vastaan]; vrt. (1. -breasted) goose.
kiljunta howling; yelllng; (jalopeuran) roarkiihkoilu.
(lng). kiljuttaa make . . (1. cause . . to)
kiivaa (tuima) vebement, lmpetuous; (rai
yell (1. scream). kiljuva yelilng; roaring
voisa) vlolent; (kiihke) zealous, passion
ato; (tulinen) hot [battle, taistelu], riery; [lion. Jalopeura].
(innokas) eager, ardent, fervld; (kki kilke clink; Jingle; vrt. kilkutus.
pikainen) hot-beaded; (katkera) bitter; kilkutin small bell; (mus.) castanet.
(kuohabtava) bot-tempered; (vihainen) kilkuttaa strum (on) [the piano, pianoa],
angry; kiivain viholliseni my orst (1. blt- tliiuiu; (kilist) Jingle, clink. kilkutus
terest) enemy; taistelu (mys:) sharp thrummlng, strummlng; jingling, clinklng.
rigbt(lng); taistelun kiivaimmillaan ollessa killinki shilllng; (kuv.) penny, cent.
when the battle was (tbe very) hottest, killisilmi inen) . . wlth peerlng eyes, . . with
eyes hali shut.
hile tbe battle was at Us height. -luon
toinen hot-tempered, hot-headed, hot- killisteli* stare, gaze [at. Jotakin]; gloat
[on, Jotakin]; (tllistell) gape [at, jota
kiivastelija ks. kiivailija, kiivastella ks. ku kin], killistely starlng, gazlng, gloating
[over . .].
kiivastua lose one's temper; grow angry, kilo (palnomltta) kilo. -gramma kllogram.
-halli spriit, -lasi (aurinkolasi) sun -glass.
fly Into a passion, riare up, Tire up; (suut
tua) become roused (1. angered), get kilometri kilometer. -patsas kllometer-post;
exasperated [at, Jostakin]; (kilbty, pl- mile-post.
kaistua) get ezclted, get warm; vrt. rai kilovatti kilovvatt. -tunti kilowatt-hour.
vostua, kiivastus burst or passion, rush kilpa competition; contest; kilpaa ks. ajaa,
or emotlons, ferment; (suuttumus) anger; juoda, juosta, kvell, syd; vrt. kilvan;
taivalluksissaan in his anger. klivastuttaa kilvassa ks. kilvan (haku s.).
make . . angry (I. exasperated) ; liHlame. kilpa- (.vinU competltive [esim. -kirjotus
coinpetltive essay; -kamppailu competitlve
kiivasverinen hot-blooded.
kiivaus (Innostus) eagerness, ardor, zeal; combat]. -aine subject lor a prlze essay.
vlolence; vehemence, impctuosity; (kkt- kilpa-ajo (horse) race; kilpa-ajot races,
pikaisuus) rashness; (suuttumus) passion; Derby; olla kilpa-ajosilla ride a race [wlth
[puolustaa Jotakin] kiivaudella [deTend a one, Jonkun kanssa], -hevonen racer, raceth.] passionately (1. with great ardor 1. wlth horse. -rata race-course.
vehemence); kiivaudessaan (1. kiivauksis kilpa -ammunta (l.v.)target shootlng; (am
saan i hn unohti itsens In his passion (1. pumakilpailu) shoottng-match. -hakija rival
In tbe beat or tbe moment) be rorgot tilin- (appllcant),competltor. -hiihto skling-race.
kilpailija competitor (esim. kauppa-alalla);
kiivet riimi) [on to a table. pydlle], rival; kilpailijat (urh.) those competing,
clamber [over the rence; aidan yli]; those taklng part In the mateli (l. enterlng
hevosensa selkn (myoS:) mouilt OIle'S the race), (Johonkin toimeen) rival candlhorse; ~ pauhun riirnb a tree, cllmb (up) dates [Tor . .]. kilpailijatar (oman) com
into a tree; tikapuita yls cllmb (up) a petitor.
kilpailla vie [Ith one anotber, keskenn] ;
ladder; vaivalla ks. kavuta,
kiivu (esim. pydn) top; (tynt-) sllde; contend [with otbers as to ho can do a
th. quickest, toisten kanssa liit, kuka voi
(viipale) lllce;- vrt. levy, pyr.



nopeimmin tehd Jonkin], compete [Tor a

prlze, palkinnosta; for a position, palkas
ta], be rlvals (1. competltors) [Tor, Josta
kin] ; (tehd kilvan) contest [vvlth one.
Jonkun kanssa].
kilpailu competltlon, contest; (et. urh.)
matcb, race; (benkls. merk.) rlvalry; ks.
Jalkapallo, paini-*-, uima y. m.
kilpailu- (yhd.) ks. kilpa-, -halu feellngr of
competltion; splrlt of rlvalry; competltlon,
rlvalry. -haluinen eager to enter a contest,
vvlsblng to enter (1. to take part In) the
Contest; kaikki kilpailuhaluisat ali tbose
vvisliujg to enter (1. to take part In) tbe
contest. -malja challeng-e cup. -ohjelma
program or events (In a meet). -palkinto,
-rata ks. kilpa palkinto, -rata. -sarja serles
of events.
kilpa, juoksija 1. (proresslonal) runner,
sprlnter; 2. (kilpahevonen) racer, raceborse. -Juoksu (runnlng) race; Aan on pa
rat kilpajuoksussa be Is the best runner.
-Juoksurata runnlng track. -kentt (athletlc) 1'iuld; (kuv.) arena, rlng. -kisa 1.
-leikki athletlc tournament; kilpakisat atliletlc meet. -koe contest; try-out. -kosija
rlval suitor. -kumppani rlval (candldate);
competltor. -luistelu skatlng-contest. -pal
kinto prlze otTered In a contest. -purjeh
dus regatta, -rata race-track, (race-)
course; (kuv.) arena. -ratsastus rldlngmatcb, (borse-)race.
kilpaset: haastaa joku kilpasilla Challenge
one (to a race); olla kilpasilla vie (1. con
test 1. compete) (witb one another).
kilpa soutaja oar(sman). -soutu boat-race,
boat-raclng; (Jossa kilpailija soutaa alroparllla) sculling-match. -soutuvene race-boat,
racing-boat. -tanner athletlc fleld; (kuv.)
arena, the lists. -uinti svvimming-match.
kilpi shleld; (kyltti- 1. nlml~) slgn(-board),
(ovissa.) door-plate, name-plate; (vaaku
na-) coat of arms, (e)scutcheon. -kangas
damask. -kirpa kilpiti.
kilpikonna turtle; tortolse. -liemi turtle soup.
kilpikonnan kuori tortolse -Shell, turtle-shell.
-liha llesli or turtle (1. of tortolse). -luinen
tortolse -Shell [comb, kampa], -luu tortolse-sbell.
kilpimuuri wall or shlelds.
kilpiminen sbleld-shaped; (kasv.) scutate,
kilpilirauhanen (anat.) thyroid gland. -rusto
thyrold cartllage.
kilpistyminen, kilplstys reboundlng, bouncing (back); (kuulan) licucbet; (nen, y.
bounce (back), riy back; (uani) reverberate, re-echo; (kuula y. m.) glance (oli),
rlcochet; (kuv.) Tall back.
kilpillsuojus (kilpikonnan y. m.) Shell; (esim.
lampun) mantle. -suoninen (kasv.) peltinerved. -ti (ellnt.) scale-lnsect, shleldlouse, coccld. -yriinen (elint.) malacostracan.
kilsepensas (kasv.) sllverberry.
kilta gulld.
kiltisti klndly; nlcely; sin jt ~ kotiin
you be good and stay home; sin tsit sii
n, kun . . lt \vas a kind action or yours
to . . , lt as a kind thlng or you to . . .
kiltti good-natured [horse, hevonen]; kind;
nlce; ~ poika well-behaved boy; Juho ~,
tuohan minulla . . John, be SO good (1. kind)
as to bring me . . . kilttiys good-naturedness, goodness, kindness.
kilu: kiluinesn kaluinsen bag and baggage,
\vitli ali hls traps (1. hls stufT).
kilvan: juoksivat ~ sinne tried to beat eacb
other (1. vled vvlth each otber) In runnlng
tbere; juostiin lippuluukulla there was a


race for the tlcket-wlndow; koittivat

voittaa hnen suosiotaan Vled vvlth eacb
other ii ii- ber ravor; tehd jotakin vie
w Uh eacb other In dolng a Ui., try to outdo
(1. to beat) each otber In dolng a tb. thuoiu.
sivt tried who (1. wbJcb oue) could
eat most (1. lastesi)].
kilven,, kantaja slneld-bearer. -muotoinen
shield-shaped, scutlform.
kilvotella (kilpailla) vie, contend; (olla kil
pasilla) contest; (kamppailla) struggle,
battle; (ahertaa) strlve laiter (1. ror) a
Ui., jotakin saavuttaakseen] ; (ahkeroida)
endeavor, exert o.s., make an errort; kiivotallan tavottlla jotakin vie for a tb., en
deavor to gain a th. kllvottellja one wbo
strlves (1. endeavors 1. slruggles) ; coatestant. kilvottelu, kilvotus competltlon;
rivalry; (jalo) emulatlon; striving(s);
struggle, strlfe, tight; endeavor, errort,
exertion; hn on jalon kilvotuksan kitcoteilut (raam.) he bas 1'ought a good rigbt.
kimahdua shrlii tone; ringing sound; blast.
kimahduttaa: lyd kimahduttaa johonkin
strike so as to make . . rlng.
kimahua emit a sbrlll (1. a ringing) sound;
i-iaiig (sharply), rlng; peal.
kimakasti shrllly, screecblngly.
kimakka ks. kime, -ninen sbrlll -voiced,
kimakkuus shrlllness.
kimalainen bumble-bee. kimalaispesa bumble-bee'8 nest.
kimalle tinsel. -lanka tinsel; (koruompelua
varten) gold (1. Silver) thread.
kimallella (heikommin) glimmer, gllsten;
(voimakkaammin) gleam, glltler.
kimallus glimmering, glltter(lng) ; luster;
glare; (vlhdys) glimpse, riasb; thtian
gliminer(ing) of the Stars.
kimaltaa glimmer, glltter; (kiilt) gllsten,
glare; (bohtaa) gleam.
kimauttaa ks. kimahduttaa.
kimeys sharpness; shrlllness; nen ~ shrlll
ness of the voice. kime sbrlll [volce, ni],
piercing Lcry, huuto] ; (terv) sbarp. ki
mesti shrllly, screechingly. kimoa-Uni
nen shrill-volced (1. -tongued).
kimmahdus reboundlng, bounclng (back);
start, juinp. -laukaus (sot.) rlcocbet.
kimmahduttaa make . . rebound; let bounce,
let riy back; auki throvv (1. fllng) open.
kimmahtaa ks. kimmota; pystyyn start
up, give a start, jump; takaisin rebound,
bound (1. bounce) back, (ni) reverberate, re-echo, resound Ifrom, jostakin].
kimmastua riy into a passion, riare up;
(suuttua) get angry. kimmastua burst or
passion, rusli or emotlons; kimmastuksen
hetkill in a moment or anger.
kimmellys ks. kimallus, kimmelt ks. ki
kimmo (fys.) elastlclty; (Joustavuus) sprlng(Iness). kimmoaminen rebounding; (kuu
lan) rlcocbet; (nen) reriectlon. klmmoava, kimmoinen elastlc, sprlngy.
kimmoisuus elastlclty, sprlng(lness). -raja
limit of elastlclty.
kimmota be eiastic (1. sprlngy); (kilpisty)
rebound, bounce (back); (kuula) rlcochet;
(lent) riy (back); (kuv.) start; takai
sin johonkuhun (kuv.) return (1. recoll)
upon [huoni. syyts kimposi takaisin teki
jns the arcusation recolled upon the
head of the one vvho started lt, the accusatlon acted like a boomerang] ; ~ yls (l.
pystyyn) start (up).
kimmoton inelastlc.
kimnaasl ks. kymnaasi.
kimo (plstrlkk) roan.
kimoilla smart; sormiani himoilee my flngers

smart (1. are sore). kimoilu smartIng; (kierty kokoon) coll; (menn kippuraan)
curl (up); asia kipertyy (tulee mutkik
kimpaantua = kimmastua.
kaaksi) the matter Is becomlng quite ink im pai (pala) bit, plece: (klrpale) dab; volved (1. compllcated I. lntrlcate 1. dirn(kokkare) lump, pat; (paakku) clod; cult); roont fciperfyy the blrch-bark curls
voita pat (1. lump) or butter.
up. kipert ks. kivert.
kiperyys rrookedness; curvature: lnflectlon;
kimpi stave. -aha barrel-saw.
kimppu buncb; (tukku) bundle; (pakka) (kuv.) dellcacy, lntrlcacy; dlfflculty. ki
bale; (ryhm) cluster; (nippu) strlns; per twlsted; (karsas) dlstorted, warped,
(kasa) heap, plle; ~ sipulia strlng of on- east; (kpristynyt) shrlveled, wrlnkled;
lons; kimppuun ks. hykt, kyd, panna, (taipunut) crooked, curved, bent; (kippupst, rient; erotkaa kimpustani (Jtt
ralnen) curled; (kuv. = pulmallinen) dellk rauhaan) let me alone! (lhtek pois) cate, lntrlcate [questlon, kysymys], lnbegone! be Off! olla jonkun kimpussa kysy volved, (mutkikas) compltcate(d), entanmyksilln beset (1. press) one wlth onc's gled. kipersti In an lntrlcate (1. a compll
questions, importune a p.; vrt. kukka, cated) manner; hnelle kvi kipersti the
risa, vitsa, -pilari (rak.) clustered thlngs (1. the arrairs) took a strange turn
with hlm.
kimpuittain by the bundle (1. bale Jne); In kipeys palnfulness; (arkuus) soreness; (tus
bnndles. In clusters, In fagots.
ka) pain: vrt. sairaus.
kimrokki lampblack.
kipe (sairas) 111, slck; (kuv. haikea)
kimssu ks. kamssu.
palnful, sad, dlstresslng, (arka) sore;
-kln (loppulllte) also, too; (vielp) even; (herkk) delicate; (pakottava) urgent;
bad leg, sore foot; kohta sore (1.
hnkin he too, even he; hn sai kuin saikin
he actually got It, he got it alter ali (1. tender) polnt; tarve pressing (1. urgent)
anyway) ; hyvinkin paljon qulte a good deal, neert, urgency: tunne pain, twlnge. -Il
not a llttle, a lot; niin uusi kuin ss onkin mainen . . wlth sore eyes, sore-eyert.
kipesti sorely, palnfully; hard; kaivattu
however new It may be.
kina 1. (riita) quarrel; (tora) blcker, wran- (}. tarpeen) badly wanted (1. needed); tarsrle: (Jupakka) squabble; (vlttely) dls- vitsen sit I need lt very much, I'm in
sore neert of lt.
pute: vrt. kiista; 2. kuola.
kinaaja, kinailija a person or contrary dis kipin: kipin pitter patter, patterlng; clatposition, one who always likes to be on the tering, wlth a clatter.
contrary side; one who (aHvays) likes to ar- kipin spark (mys kuv.); (tiet. & kuv.)
sru (1. dlspute); wrangler. klnaillaks. kina
sclntilla; (kuv. = hiukkanen) vestige,
ta, kinailu argulng, wrangllng, squabblinir; trace; kipinst tuli syttyy (sanani.) a
small spark may klndle (1. a Tew straws
dlspute; quarrellng. klnastellja = kinaili
ja. kinastella argue [over (I. about) a th., may start) a great flre; toivon spark (l.
Jostakin! : have an argument [wlth each ray) of hope. kipinnsammuttala snarkother about a th., keskenn jostakin); consumer (1. -arrester); hood. kipinshblcker, have a scrap lOver a th., jostakin] : ktya spark telegraphy.
squabble; wrangle; quarrel; vrt. kinata. kipinid emit sparks. spark (vars. shkt.);
kinastelu argulng: btckerinir, squahbltng, (skenid) sparkle, scintlllate.
wrangllng; scrap, tifT; (petty) quarrel.
kippa (kalvon 1. kaivoksen) bucket; (kiulu)
kinata wranirle (and Jangle) rabout. Josta
pail. kippari ks. laivuri.
kin]: blcker, altercate; (riidell) quarrel: kippi (volm.) upstart.
(vitell) arg-ue, dlspute, debate (the point). kippo (kuppi) cup; dlsh: (maila) bowl; basin; (kehlo) pan; vrt. kippa. klpponen mug,
kiniini qulnlne.
(small) jug.
kinkerit ks. lukukinkerit.
kinkku (savustettu sian) ham.
kippunta ship-pound.
kinnas mitten: vrt. hansikas.
kippura curl; (mutka) bend, \vindtng. turn;
kinner heel; (elimen, kinttu) hock: astua kippuraan ks. menn, panna; hnt kippu
jonkun kintereille tread on the heels or rassa \vith lts tali CUrlert; nen kippurassa
one; olla alituisesti jonkun kintereill (kuv.) wlth one's nose turnert up, with
(kuv.) be a (perpetual) drag to (1. on) ap., one's I i 1 1 s curled. klppuralnen ks. kiemurai
be a constant worry (1. plague) to one. nen, kihara(inen).
-Jnne heel-cord, Achllles tendon; (eli kipristy ks. kiperty.
men) hamstrlng.
kipsata, kipsaus kipsitt, kipsitys.
kinos drlTt: kinoksien peitossa, peittoon kipsi gypsum; (tekn., poltettu) plaster (or
covered wlth snow-drifts. kinostaa drlft; Parls).
kipsi- (yhrt.) plaster Teslm. -koriste plaster
form drlfts.
kinttu bend of the knee. hack part or the ornament: -kuva plaster flgnre (1. statue) ] .
-Jauho ground plaster. -Jljenns plaster
knee-jolnt: (elimill) hock.
east. -katto plaster(ed) celllng. -muotti
kinunki (tekn.) gln-hlock.
kioski (maja, myyml) pavlllon.stand, klosk. plaster- form.
kipsinen plaster, . . of plaster; rintakuva
Kiova, Kiev Klev. KleKD.
plaster bust.
kipaista smart; (kuv.) touch; se kipaisi h
neen It made hlm smart. that touched imu kip-invalaja one who casts In plaster.
to the qulck, that strurk home (to hlm). kipsilHda plaster east (1. Jacket). -slp
kipakasti vehemently: rashly: (mlncr.) gypsum, plaster-stone (1. -rock).
ly. Intensely: (kimesti) shrllly, screech- kipsitt plaster. kipsitys plasterlng.
Ingly. kipakka (tuima) acute, sharp, In- kiosivalanne plaster-east.
tehse; (kiihke) hot-headed, passlonate, kipu pain: (kirvely) smart, smartlng pain;
ardent; (kime) shrlll, plerclng. kipakkuus (pakotus) aehe.
aruteness.sharnness, Intensity; hot-headed- kipuilla elamher, cUmb: vrt. kavuta.
kipuna, kipunoida ks. kipin, kipinid.
ness; ardor: shrlllness.
kipene I. kipin: 2. = hitunen.
kipuraha(t) smart-money; (tav.) rtamages.
kipenold ks. kipinid.
kirahdella creak, squeak: (kuv., esim. lapsi)
kipertyl (vnty) twist, wlnd; (karsastua) cry out, cry a llttle. klrahdus creak(lng);
squeak: (vingahdus) whlne. kirahdutella
warp, get twlsted; (kutistua) shrink; (ry
pisty) shrivel, \vrlnkle; (taipua) bend; gnash [one's teeth, hampaitaan], kirahtaa



(vingahtaa) whlne, whlmper; (kitkua)

creak; squeak; ovi kirahti rl. kntyi kirah
taen) saranoillaan the door creaked 011 ItS
kirahvi (elint.) glrarre.
kireys (Jnnitys) straln, stress; tenseness;
(kovuus) severlty, Hgor, strictness; a}an
the severlty (1. the stress) or the times.
kirel tlght [rope, kysi], tense, taut; (pin
gotettu) stretched [canvas, purjekangas],
strained; (jykk) stiff [spring, Jousi];
(ankara) stern [father, Is], severe [Win
ter, talvi], rigld [supervision, valvonta],
strlct [dlsclpllne, kuri]; (pulmallinen,
valkea) crltlcal [questlon, kysymys];
laki rlgorous law, (rajottava) restrlctlve
law; kirelle ks. ottaa, vet: kiret ajat
hard (1. bad) tlmes, times or stress; kiret
suhteet Strained relatlons; asema on ki
reimmilln the sttuatlon has reached Its
climax (1. Is most crltlcal); olla kirell
stretched, (kuv.) be strained; heidn v
lins on , heill on kiret vlit thov are
In strained relatlons (1. on unfriendly
terms); olla kiress (lujassa) be tlght,
(kuv.) ks. luja; ved kiremmlle puli
tlght! tlghten lt!
kirgiisi Klrghlz, Klrglz. -arot Klrghlz steppes.
kirin whlne, whlmper(lng); (narina) creak(ing); (esim. lumen, jalkaln alla) ci-unch(Ing); (piipitys) squeak(lng); vrt. kitin.
kiristelll kirist; ~ hampaitaan gnash
(1. grlnd) one's teeth.
kiristorstal ks. kiirastorstai.
kiristys (Jnnitys) straln, stress; tension;
(rahan-) extortlon, (uhkauskirjeiden avul
la) blackmall; (supistus) restrlctlon: ham
masten (raam.) gnashlng of teeth: olla
kiristyksess (puristuksessa) be Jammed,
be in a jam, (kuv.) be In a tlght place, be
hard pressert. -Jrjestelm system or extortlon (I. or blackmall): (esim. tyntekoon
nhden) system or exactlon. -kirje black
mall letter; kiristyskirjeiden kirjotta/a
blarkmaller. -laki overexacting (1. restrlc
tlve) law. -penkki rack. -yritys attempt
at (1. to) blackmall, blackmalllng attempt.
kiristy (esim. kysi) tighten, become
stretched; (kuv.) become strained (1. crlt
lcal); asema kiristyy yh the sltuatlon Is
growlng more and more strained (1. crltl
cal): olot kiristyvt the conditlons are becomlng more and more strained; vlit ovat
kiristymss the relatlons are getttng more
kirist (vinkua) whlne, whlmper; (narista)
creak, (esim. lumi jalkolcn alla) crunch;
(piipitt) squeak; (kitist, esim. lapsi)
snlvel; vrt. uikuttaa.
kiristj cxtortioner, extortionlst; blackmaller.
kirist strctch [a strlng, nuoraa! ; tighten
[a rope, kytt]; (ahdistaa, olla piukka)
be too tlght; (kuv.) make . . (more)
strained; (supistaa) restrict; (kiskoa pa
kollisesti) extort. wring Ta confesslon
Trom one, tunnustus Joltakulta], exact [a
promlse Trom one, lupaus Joltakulta) :
hampaitaan kS. kiristell; hihnoilla Strap
(1. buckle) up, tighten up the straps or . .;
~ Jotakuta kurkusta choke (I. strangle) a
p.; joku tunnustamaan (1. joltakulta
tunnustus) wring (1. extort) a conresslon
rrom one; ~ nlkvytn (Jkpv.) have to
go on short ratlons, tighten (1. draw In)
one's belt a notch; rahoja joltakulta ex
tort money rrom one, blackmall; ~ vy
tn draw In (1. tighten) one's belt fone
notch, yht reik tiukemmalle] ; ~ vlej
cause (1. brlng about) strained relatlons.


kirja book; (paperia, = 24-25 arkkia) qulre;

(kirje) letter; (todistus) certiricate; (ko
ristus) ornament, embelllshment; (omp. =
kirjo) embroldery; kirjat books, (passi)
passport; kirjoihin kS. panna, vied; olla
hyviss [huonoissa] kirjoissa be In [a p.*sh
good [bad] graces, vrt. vli; selvt kirjat
(\. paperit) clear (1. clean) record; vrt.
asia , kauppa, lahjotus, lento, vaa
ta y. m.
kirja- (yhd.) book- [esim. -aarre booktreasure; -huutokauppa book-auctlon; -hyl
ly book-sheir; -skorpioni book-scorplon] ,
. . of books [esim. -kokoelma collectlon or
books; -luettelo catalogne or books; -sarja
serles or books; -varasto stock or books].
kirjaanpano (muistiinpano) taking down,
annotatlon; (kirjolhinvlentl) postlng.
kirjailija wrlter (or books); author: literary
man. -kyky literary talent (1. ablllty), talent as a writer. -liitto association or liter
ary men. -nimi name as author (1. wrlter);
(salanimi) pen name, nom de plume; pseudonym. -palkinto literary prlze.
kirjailijatar imun author; authoress.
kirjailijalltolmi actlvlty as an author (1. a
wrlter), literary actlvlty; authorshlp; writlng (or books), literary work. -yhdistys
association or wrlters.
kirjailla I. (toimia kirjailijana) pursue a lit
erary calllng, be active as a writer; 2. (ko
ristella) ornament, embelllsh; (omp.) embrolder. kirjailtu embelllshed, embroldered; kullalla kirjailtu embroldered wlth
gold. kirjailu 1. literary work, writing or
bonks; 2. (omp.) embroldery.
kirjaimellinen llteral. kirjaimellisesti literally. in a llteral sense; to the (very) letter.
kirjaimisto alphabet; the letters.
kirjain letter, character; kirjaimelleen to
the (very) letter, llterally; isoilla kirjaimilta
In capltals, (kooltaan) In large letters, vrt.
kirjasin, -arvotus charade; acrostic. -jr
jestys (aakkosjrjestys) alphabetlcal order.
-kirjotus alphabetic \vritiiur. -lasku alge
bra, -leimasin stamp. -merkki character.
-virhe error or (I. In) a letter.
kirjakaappi bookcase.
kirjakauppa bookstore: (Engl.) bookseller's, book-shop. -apulainen clerk In a
bookstore. -hinta retall price (or a book).
-ilmotus revlew or (new) publicatlons; (11motusotslkkona:) New Books. -luettelo llst
(l. catalog) or books.
kirjakauppias owner (1. keeper) of a book
store; (Engl.) bookseller.
kirjake (kirjap.) type. -kasti (kirjasin-)
type-rase, case. -kerta ront. -metalli ks.
kirjasinmetalli, -nyte sample or type.
kirjan kieli writtcn language; literary language, language of books. -leimasin bookstamp.
kirjallinen literary [value, arvo; property,
omaisuus] ; (klrjotettu) wrltten, . . In
writlng; - kaukauslehti literary monthly.
literary Journal (1. revlew); omistusoi
keus copyright [of, Johonkin]; todistus
(\vritten) certiricate, (oikeudessa esitetty)
deposition; vastaus an answer In wrlting, wrltten answer; kirjalliset tyt litera
ry work, (koulussa:) wrltten work. kirjal
lisesti In writing, in black and white; kir
jallisesti sivistynyt mies a well-read man,
a person with a literary educatlon.
kirjallisuuden- (yhd.) . . or llterature [esim.
-historia history Of llterature: -tunteminen
knowledge or llterature]; literary [esim.
-historia literary history; -seura literary
society]. -arvostelija (literary) critlc.
kirjallisuus llterature; Suomalaisen Kirjalli
suuden Seura Finnish Llterature Society;



tt asiaa (1. aihetta) koskeva (\. ksitte

in*) what bas been written on thls
toplc, literature (1. works) beartng on tbls
ubject; vrt. kauno, lhde y. m.
kirjallisuus- (yhd.) ks. kirjallisuuden-.
-arvostelu review or literature, llterary revlew. -lahti llterary Journal, -luettelo llst
(1. catalogue) of literature.
kirjaltaja typographer, prlnter.
kirjaltaja- (yhd.) typographlr(al) [esim.
yhdisty* typographical union]. -ammatti
prlnter*s trade.
kirja! markkinat market for books. -myyml
book-stand; news-stand; book-stall.
kirjan- (ybd.) . . of a book [esim. -kansi
cover or a book; -selk bar.k or a book];
book- [esim. -hakanen DOOk-Clasp; -kansi
book-cover; -merkki book-mark(er).
kirjanen pampnlet.
kirjan -kaupustelija book-agent, (uskonnon.
kirjain) colporteur. -koko size or a book.
-kustannus publishing business, -kustan
nusliike (rirm of) publisbers, publishing
rinn; (suuri) publishing house. -kustan
taja publisher. -lehti lear or (1. in) the
book. -nimi tltle (or a book). -oppinut:
kirjanoppineet (raam.) the scrlbes. -otsake
tltle or a book. -painaja prlnter.
kirjanpito bOOkkeeplng; kaksinkertainen ita
lialainen (bookkeeping by) double entry-Jrjestelm system o r bookkeeping. -kurs
si course in bookkeeping.
kirjan-pitj bookkeeper clerk. -pts
closlng or tbe books, balance. -sidonta
bookblndlng. -sitoja bookbinder. -sitojanammatti bookblnder's trade. -sitojanty
bookblnder's work, bookblndlng. -sitomo
I. -sitomatehdas bookblndery, blndery. -te
kij author (or a book). -tuntija one wlth a
wlde knowledge or books; bibliographer,
kirjapaino prlntlng-omce, printing-house.
oppilas printer'3 apprentlce. -taito art or
printin?; typopraphic art, typography.
-tymies 1. -tylinen prlnter, typographer.
kirjasin type; isoilla kirjasimilla painetta
prlnted In a large type. -laji (klnd or)
type. -metalli type-metal. -nyte sample
or type. -valaja typerounder. -valimo
type-roundry, letter- Toundry.
kirjasivistys book-knowledge, book-learning; Wide readlng.
kirjasto llbrary.
kirjasto- (ybd.) llbrary [esim. -pSyt llbrary
table; -rakennus llbrary bulldlng]. -huono
llbrary; (yksit, henkiln, mys:) study.
-luettelo llbrary catalogue.
kirJaatonSamanuenssI asslstant llbrarian.
-hoitaja librarian; kirjastonhoitajan apu
lainen asslstant llbrarian.
kirjasuomi llterary Finnish.
kirjata = kirjailla, 2.

kirjajteos llterary work. -tieto book-knowledge; kirjatiedot (lukeneisuus) booklearnlng.

kirjaton Ithout books-, (passlton) without
a passport.
kirjaltoukka (ellnt.) bookworm (mys
kuv.); (kirjata!) book-louse. -tuote literary productlon (1. work).
kirjaus (koriste) ornamentatlon ; embelllshment: (omp.) embroldery.
kirjauutuus: kirjauutuudet new books,
new publlcatlons.
kirjava varlegated, mottled, motley; (ruudukas) checkered; (monenvftrinen) manycolored; (korea) gay; (monilaatulnen)
heterogeneous: (moninainen) multlplex,
dlversiried; (vaihteleva) shirtlng, changIng, vsrylng; ~ kissa (Jkpv.) callco cat;

kirjavan korea gaudy, riarlng; ~ seura
motley crowd; kirjavat vaiheet varylng
rortunes; hnell on ollut kirjavat elmn
vaiheet he has had many ups and downs In
(hls) life, he has had a varled experlence
(1. a checkered career); tiell oli kirjavaa
seuraa (Jkpv.) there were ali klnds and
condltlons or people tbere. kirjava-ainekslnen heterogeneous.
kirjavana vrinen mottled, varicolored, pled.
-korea gaudy, riarlng.
kirjavuus dlversity or colors; variety; v
rien ~ (mys : ) the colors betng varlegated.
kirje letter; (epistola) eplstle; kirjeenne t.
k. to p:lta taata (kaupp.) your ravor or
the lOth Inst. recelved; kirjeen tapaan like
a letter, (muotoon) in the rorm or a letter
(I. or letters).
kirje- (yhd.) letter- [esim. -laatikko letter box; -paperi letter-paper] .
kirjeellinen . . by letter; (kirjallinen) written; pyynt a request by letter, a wrltten request. kirjeellisesti by (a) letter,
(postitse) by mail, (klrjevaihdon kautta)
by correspondence.
kirjeen- (yhd.) letter- [esim. -kantaja letter-carrler; -kirjottuja letter-wrlter; -Mriotut Ietter-wrltlng]. -kantaja (postin
kantaja) mall-carrier, postman. -kanto
dellvery or mail. -kantolinja mail- (1. let
ter- )carrier's route. -kuljetusmaksu letter
postage. -kuori ks. kirjekuori, -puristin
paper-weight. -saaja addressec. -vaihtaja
correspondent. -vaihujajsen (esim. Jon
kin tieteellisen seuran) correspondlng
member. -vaihto (alkuper.) exchange or
letters; (Jonkun henkiln toimena) letterwritlng; (tavall.) correspondence; olla kir
jeenvaihdossa jonkun kanssa keep up a
correspondence wlth one, correspond wlth
one liuoin, me olemme olleet kirjeenvaih
dotta vuosikausia we have corresponded
ror years 1 ; snnllist kirjeenvaihtoa hei
dn vlilln jatkui jonkun aikaa (mys:)
letters passed between them regularly (or
a tlme. -vastaanottaja addressee.
kirjell kaavio rorm ror wrlting letters, (kir
jana) letter-wrlter. -kortti post-card; postal
(card). -kotelo 1. -kuori envelope. -kyyh
kynen carrler-pigeon. -lakka sealing-wax.
-lippu note; billet.
kirjelm (lak.) wrlt; (pollt.) message; (kir
je) letter, note; (tiedonanto) Communica
tion; presidentin ~ kongressille (Yhdysv.)
presirtenfs message to Congress.
kirjellpainin paper-we!ght. -paperi (mys:)
note-paper. -posti letter-post, mail. -salai
suus secret communicated by letter. -tyyli
letter style, eplstolary style. -vaaka letterscale(s). -vaihto ks. kirjeenvaihto, -velka:
oHu jollekulle kirjevelkaa be 0Wlng one
a letter [huom. olen hnelle kirjevelkaa
(mys:) hls letter to me is stlll unanswered].
kirjo I. (a.) (kirjava) mottled, motley; (kir
jailtu) embroldered; (hevosesta:) spotted,
plebald. H. (s.) (Tys. spektri) Spectrum
(plur. spectra); (omp.) embroldery; (he
vonen) spotted horse. -graniitti (geol.)
graphfc granite. -kangas damask; diaper.
-kinnas embroldered mltten. -putki (Tys.)
spectroscope. -silkki silk-embroldery, em
broldery In sllk; brocade.
kirjotella wrlte, do wrltlng; ~ sanomalthtiin (mys:) contribute (1. be a contrlbutor) to the newspapers.
kirjotelma (kyhys) article: (tieteellinen)
paper, essay: monograph; (kirjelm) Com
munication, note.
kirjoters Damascus Steel, damask.
kirjottaa wrlte [to one. Jollekulle; about a



th., Jostakin; on a subject, Jostakin ai

heesta; In Engllsh, englanninkielell; home
once a week, kotiin kerran viikossa] ;
(merkit) slgn [one's name, nimens];
kir jatahan minulle 1 joskus] fotokin drop
me a llne [sometlmes], let me hear rrom
you [now and then]; alit subscribe,
slgn (under) ; ~ Joku hengille /ottokin
reglster one as a resldent of . . , assess
one In . .; jonkun hyvksi kS. merki
t; ~ jonkun nimi kirjaan enter a p.'S
name in a book, (kirjoihin) put a name on
the books, (esim. hotellin pivkirjaan)
reglster one. Vrt. merkit; lasku josta
kin rtravv a blll on; muittiin make a note
or, note (1. take) down [a person's name,
Jonkun nimi], vvrlte down, (panna muis
tiin) chronlcle, record; nimens [velka
kirjan y. m.] alit slgn Ta note]; ~ nimtnt
johonkin (\. jollekin) autograph; nimens
listaan put down one's name on a llst;
patti (antaa) Issue a passport; ~ puhtaakti make a copy of, copy over, copy (1.
rewrlte) . . to make lt plain-, pytkirjaan
lnsert (1. Include) in the mlnutes, (ottaa
pytkirjaan) take down, record; ~ Joku
ripille reirlster one Tor communlon: tanomalehtiin kS. kirjotella; -" tileihin kS. mer
kit, vied; ~ todistus (antaa) Issue a
certiricate; ~ toisilleen correspond; ~
vekseli draw up (1. make out) a note;
uudettaan rewrlte, (kopioida) copy; hn ~
hyvin, hn on hyv kirjottamaan he wrltes
well. he Is a good penman, (hyv kirjaili
ja) he 19 a good wrlter; hn ~ (poraillaan)
vitskirjaa he Is busy wrltlng a thesis;
minulle hlrjotetaan Helsingist, ett . . I
am Informed by letter rrom Hclsingrors
that , .; osaatko ~ ttn sanan oikein can
you wrlte that word down correctly? can
you spell that word (rlght), do you know
lrow to spell that word?
kirjottaja wrlter; (tekij) author: tmn ~
the wrlter. kirjottamaton unwritten [law.
laki]; blank [page, sivu], kirjottaminen
wrltlng, signing Jne., vrt. kirjotta.
kirjottautua put one's name (1. oneselD
down; have one's name entered; be enrolled; <*> jseneksi johonkin tturaan enroll o. s. (1. glve In one's name) as a member or a soclety, (liitty) Join a soclety.
kirjottelu writlng; scrlbbllng.
kirjotuksenopettaja lnstructor in (1. teacher
or) penmanshlp, wrltlng teacher; (Engl.)
kirjotut wrltlng; (sanomalehti-) artlcle;
(tieteellinen) cssay, paper; treatise; (aine)
theme, romposltlon; (hauta- y. m.) Inscrlption; (kirjanen) pamphlet, tract; vrt.
puhe(essa Ja klrjotukscssa).
kirjotut- (yhd.) wrltlng- (esim. -fcone wrlting-machlne; -paperi wrlting-paper; -py
t wrltlng-table]. -arkki sheet or writingpaper. -asetin inkstand; pen-rack. -erehdys kS. kirjotusvirhe. -harjotut wrlting
exerclse; (kauno) exerclse In penman
shlp. -hiekka hlotttng sand; (keinot.)
pounce. -kaava cllrectlon (how to write a
letter); vrt. kirjekaavio. -koe 1. (tutkinto)
written examlnatlon; (kaunoklrjotus-) examlnatlon In penmanshlp; 2. = klrjotusnyte. -kojeet wrltlng set; vrt. klrjotusneuvot. -kone typewrlter. -kourittua \vrlters' cramp. -malli copy; (kaavake) (blank)
Torm. -matto dolly. -merkki charaoter;
letter. -mutte (wrltlng-)lnk, writlngriuld. -neuvot writlng utenslls; w-riting
set; (-teline) standlsh. -nyte spectmen of
penmanshlp (1. hand-wrlttng). -pyt writIng-tahle, (wrlting-)desk. -pytlaatikko
wrltlng-table drawer. -pytamatto (py


dll pidettv) doily. -ttrja (sanomaleh

dess y. m.) series or artlcles. -taito art
or wrltlng; (kauno-) penmanshlp; (klrjotuskyky) ablllty to wrlte. -taitoinen ablc
to WTlte; (s.) one who has learned wrlting.
-tapa manner (1. style) or wrltlng, style.
-tarpeet wrltlng materlals; (kauppatavara
na) statlonery; (ktrjotusneuvot) wrlting
set. -telin* Inkstand (wlth a pen-rack) ;
standlsh. -vihko notebook; (aine-) compositlon-book. -virhe error in wrltlng, sllp
or the pen. clerlcal error.
kirjotutta* have [a th.] wrltten; ~ niment
have one's name entered.
kirjuri (konttoreissa y. m.) clerk; (sihteeri)
Secretary; vrt. pytM.
kirkaista cry (1. scream) out, (glve a) scream
(1. shrlek). klrkaltu scream, shrlek; yell.
kirkaa clear [voice, ni; water, vesi]; (va
loisa, loistava) brlght [color, vri; day,
piv] ; (lpinkyv) transparent [liqutd.
neste] ; (kiiltv) shlny; (puhdas) pure;
(run. = kuulas, sees) llmpld [brook, pu
ro], serene [Sky, taivas]; ~ katse brlght
look, vlvaclous expresslon, (avoin, rehel
linen) open (1. stralghtrorward) look; ~
nauru ks. miks: ~ otsa (kuv.) untroubled
brow; piv (usein:) rine day; ~ (aivoa
(mys:) clear (1. cloudless) sky.
kirkas- (yhd.) brlght- [esim. -tilminen
brlght-colored] ;
clear- [esim. -nintn clear-voieed].
kirkastaa make clear (1. brlght 1. shlny):
(kiillottaa) brlghten, pollsh, rurblsh; scour
(up): (puhdistaa) clean, cleanse; (kuv.,
raam.) glorKy, transrigure.
kirkastettu brightened, pollshed; (kuv.)
glortried; transdgured.
kirkastua become (1. get) clear (1. brlght);
get brlghtcr; get pollshed; (esim. ilma)
clear up (1. orr), (kasvot y. m.) brighten
(up); (seljet, nesteist puhuen:) clariry,
settie: hnen katseensa kirkastui hls look
brightened (up) ; ilmi kirkastuu lt Is clear
ing up, lt Is gettlng brighter: kahvi on
kirkastunut (seljennyt) the corfee Is settled. kirkattunut brightened, clariried;
clear; (kuv.) gloriried; transrigured. kir
kastut (usk.) glorirication; transriguration.
kirkasvesinen 1. -vetinen clear [lake. Jrvi].
kirkkaan punanen, -sininen ks. helakan-.
kirkkaaatl clearly, brlghtly; transparently.
kirkkaut clearness, brlghtness; transparency: llmpidness; vrt. kirkaa.
kirkko Church; kirkolla at the Church; (kir
konkylss) In the vlllage(wlth the Church) :
kirkossa (Jumalanpalvelukseen osaaottamassa) at (1. In) Church, (muuten) In the
Church, ks. kyd; kyh kuin kirkon rot
ta as poor as a church-mouse; menn kirk
koon go to church.
kirkko- (yhd.)
Church[esim. -katta
rhurch-rund; -konstrttl church-conccrt;
-musiikki church-mustc: -paraati churchparade] ; . . or the Church [esim. -isorather or the Church; -ruhtinas prlnce or
the church] ; (kirkollinen) eccleslastlcal
feslm. -kuri eccleslastlcal dlsclpllne: -laki
eccleslastlcal law; -ruhtinas eccleslastlcal
prlnce]. -enkeli (1. v.) cherub. -herra
parson, rector; vlcar. -herrakunta parish
In rharge or a rector; vicariate. -hi-toria
church (1. eccleslastlcal) hlstory. -histo
riallinen . . (noted) In church history. -his
torioitsija church-htstorian, wrlter o( ec
cleslastlcal hlstory. -holvi church-vault.
vault or the church. -Is: kirkkoist
(mys:) the church Tathers, the apostollc
(1. early) Tathers. -Juhla church restlval.
-kunta church; congregatlon; communlon.
-kuri church dlsclpllne. -kitikirja (book



on rttual; (katol.) manual. -laki (mys:)

canonic(al) law. -laulu music (1. slnging)
by a (ciiurch) cholr, choral slnging. -maa
oemetery. -matka trlp to the Church; kirk
komatkalla on the (1. one's) way to (1. from)
churcb. -mies man golng to [cornin? from]
rnurcb; (kirkossakvij) churchgoer; fcirfchomiehct kS. kirkkovki, -mki grounds
around (1. slope up to) the Church, -neu
vosto councll composed of Church orricers;
the vestrymen; (kirkkoraati) vestry.
kirkkoon S menoalka churcb-tlme; kirkkoonmenoaikaan at ChUTCh-ttme; on kirkkoonmtnoaika (mys:) lt Is tlme for Church (1.
to go to Church), -ottaminen 1. -otto
Churchin?; nen kirkkoonottonsa hcr lio
in? churched.
kirkkolpiha churchyard. -pyh Church hollday. -rakennus Church (bulldlng). -ranta
(lake) sbore close to the Church, -tie road
(1. path) to the Church; vrt. kirkkomatka,
-vaatteet Church attlre, Sunday clothes;
kirkkovaatteissa oleva dressed for Church.
Kirkkovaltio States or the Church, Papal
(1. Pontirical) States, -varaa robber or
churches, church-robber. -varkaus robbln?
(of) a churcb, sacrllege. -veisuu congregational slnging. -vene boat In whlcb to
go to Church, -vuosi eccleslastlcal (1. canonical) year. -viki people on thelr \vay
to (1. rrom) church, people golng to (1.
coming rrom) church. -vrtti ks. kirkon
kirkollinen eccleslastlcal; Church; (uskon
nollinen) rellglous; jrjestyi llturgy,
rltual; toimitus rellglous act, Church
ordlnance, rlte; kirkolliset asiat Church
(and Educational) Department (or the Im
perial Senate In Finland).
kirkollis! kokous synod, church congress;
kirkolliskokouksen ptkset synodal ordl
nance; Nikean kirkolliskokous the Nlcene
Councll. -mielinen devoted to the Church,
-pllikk head (1. dlrector) or the Eccle
slastlcal Department.
kirkon- (yhd.) Church-, . . or a Church
esim. -holvi church-vault, vault or a
church; -katto church-roor, roor or a
church: -tomi church-tower, tower or a
church]. -huippu church-splre, spire (or
a church). -Isnt 1. -Isnnitsij churcharden. -kirja(t) parlsh reglster; (Engl. &
YhdySV.) Church reglster; kn on kirkon
kirjoissa Lapualla he Is reglstered In the
parlsh or Lappo; hn on elell kirkonkir
joissa he has been enrolled on the parlsh
reglster there; panna joku kirkonkirjoihin
enter a p.'s name In the parlsh reglster,
register one In a parlsh. -kello churchbell. -kirous ban, excommunlcatlon; julis
taa kirkonkiroukseen excommunlcate; olla
kirkonkirouksen alainen be tmdor the ban
(I. the excommunlcatlon). -kokous business
meeting of a congregatlon (1. or a church);
vrt. kirkolliskokous, -kukko church weathercock. -kyl vlllage wlth a church; hamlet where the parlsh church Is (located).
-kvij churchgoer. -menot Church servlce;
rltual; eccleslastlcal ceremonles; kirkonme
nojen ptytty after church. -miss member or the clergy. -ovi church-door. -penkki
pew. -ryst robbery or a church; sacrl
lege. -tilukset lands or the Church, -van
hin elder (or the church). -vartija Janltor
or the church; (Engl.) beadle; (suntio)
kirkossa! kvij churchgoer. -kynti church golng.


kirkotella, kirkottaa church. klrkottelu,

kirkotus churchlng.
kirku shrlek, scream; vrt. kirkuna, kirkua
shrlek, scream; cry; (kiljua) yell; shout;
shrleklng; shrlek; yell(lng); (meluava)
clamor; kalalokkien kirkuna the scream
or gulls.
kirmaista kS. kirmata.
kirmakka ks. kirpe.
kirmata (telmi) rrlsk, gambol; (meluta) be
noisy, make a nolse; (kiit) dart, dash
(Oir); lhte kirmaamaan (esim. hevonen)
dash orr, bolt away.
kirnu churn. kirnuaminen cburnlng. kirnun
mnt (churn-)dasher. kirnu|piim 1. -mai
to buttermllk. kirnuta churn; sken kir
nuttu voi butter dlrect rrom the churn,
rresh(-churned) butter.
kiro = kirous, kiroileminen --- kiroilu, kirollija svvearer, swearlng man; blasphemer.
kiroilla curse (and swear); blaspheme; ki
roilla jotakin curse a th. kiroilu swearlng;
cursing; profane language, blasphemy,
kirosana oatb, curse; profane word; (Jkpv.)
kirota curse [the day or one's blrth, synty
mpivns]; damn; (lausua kirouksia)
svvear, blaspheme. kirottu damned; cursed;
conrounded, deuced, devlllsh; kirottu mies
conrounded (1. devlllsh) rascal! kirotun
[hyvin] conrounded (1. deucedly) [well] ;
sep oli kirottua hang (1. confound) lt! Oh,
tornien t lt!
kirous curse; (turmio) plague, bane; (vit
saus) scourge, bllgbt; (kirosana) (prorane) oath, (Jkpv.) swear-word. -sana =
kirosana; kiroussanoja (mys:) svvearlng.
klrpa (ellnt.) plant-louse; kirvat plant-llce.
kirpaiseva bltlng [cold, pakkanen], cuttlng
[\vlnd, tuuli J, nlpplng, stlnglng; bitter,
raw; vrt. pureva; tuska polgnant (1.
sharp) pain; maku pungent (1. acrld 1.
bltlng) taste.
kirpaista (pist) stlng, prlck, nettle; (kir
veli) smart; (purra) blte, cut; e kirpaisi
sydntni lt prlcked me to the heart, lt
gave me a pang. klrpaisu stlnglng, pricklng, bltlng, cuttlng; smartlng pain, smart.
kirpals (palanen) dab, blt; voita dab (1.
pat) or butter.
kirpelyys, klrpel ks. kirpeys, kirpe.
kirpeys sbarpness; bltterness, acrldlty:
accrbity; (plstvyys) pungency; (karmeus)
kirpe (katkera, karvas) bitter, acrld; (kit
ker) pungent, sharp; (pureva) bltlng;
(karmea) harsh.
kirpoaminen slipplng.
kirppavesl (katkerovesi) bitter water.
kirppu riea. kirpunpurema I. (a.) rieabltten.
II. (s.) riea-blte.
kirrata rret [over, Jostakin], be peevlsh,
rind ranlt [wlth . .] ; (kirist, esim. pikku
lapsista puhuen) whlne, whimper, pule.
klrrenlht: odottaa kirrenlht Walt for
the Trost to go out or the ground.
klrst rrost In the ground.
kirsikani kivi 1. -luu 1. -siemen Stone or a
Cherry, cberry-plt. -mehu = klrsikkamehu.
-punansn cherry-colored, cherry(-red).
kirsikka Cherry, -hillo Cherry Jam. -mehu
cherry Juice, -puu cherry-tree. -viini
Cherry wlne.
kirsku shrlek; cblrp(lng). kirskua shrlek,
scream; (visert) chlrp; (kirist) creak;
vrt. tirskua.
klrskulintu (ellnt.) rasorial blrd.
kirskuna kirsku.


kirstu = arkku, kirstunpohja bottom of a
ylSs mke struggle with a load up the
chest (1. of a trunk), trunk bottom.
tiili ; Kiiraa exact too much, overcharge;
kirurgi surgeon. kirurgia surgery. kirurgi
pois hammas joltakulta draw (1. pilli 1.
nen surglral.
extract) a p.'s tooth; ~ preit spllt out
kirvat ks. kirpa.
kirvaani! hamara poll oi' an ax, ax-bead. -isku shingles; rahoja (kuv.) exact (1. extort)
blo\v w 1 1 1 1 an ax. -muotoinen ax-shaped. money; tuohta peel birrh bark.
-pohja back or an ax. -silm socket (1. kiskoja ks. kiskuri. kiskominen ks. kiskonta,
kiskonaula spike. kiskonlakaisija covvcatcbeye) or an ax. -ter blade of an ax.
kirveli (kasv.) chervil.
er; (Engl.) rail-guard.
kirvelll smart, ache; sydntni kirvele, kiskonta twltchtng, plucking; pulling;
kun ajattelen . . it makes my heart ache to wrenching; (kuv.) exacting, extortion;
tbink . . . my heart is sore, when I think . . , fleecing, vrt. kiskoa; preiden - splittingit breaks my heart (1. It grleves me to tbe out shingles, shingle-making.
heart) to think . . .
kiskonvarsi web of a rail.
kirveltM = kirveli; mieltni ~ It cli- kiskottaa (rautatiet) lay the rails; put
down the rails [for a street-car llne. (katresses (I. grleves) me.
tu)raitiotle] ; raudalla iron [a sled], tire:
kirvely smartlng; smartlng pain, smart.
kirvelytt! make . . smart; cause smartlng: rautatiet lay the crack; rata on nyt
pain; kieltni ~ my tongue is sore; vrt. kiskotettu Kemist Rovaniemelle the track
is now lald from Kemi to Rovaniemi.
kirveli, kirvelt.
kirves ax(e); vrt. iske! (kirveens kiveen). kiskotus laying the rails, laying of the track;
(raudalla) lroning; (lyte) lronwork.
kirvesllmies carpenter; kirvesmiehen am
matti carpenter's trade, carpenter work, kiskotyyppi type of rail.
carpentry. -ty carpenter work, carpentry. kiskoutua: - irti break (1. get) loose:
wrench (1. tear) o.s. avvay.
-verai ax-shart, ax-handle: helve.
kiskuri (koron) usurer; (nylkyrl) rieecer,
kirvinen (elint.) titlark, pipit.
kirvonta = kirpoaminen.
Skinner; extortioner.
kirvota (pudota) Tall, drop; (irtautua) get kismitt ks. harmittaa.
(1. come) loose, work loose, loosen, come kissa cat. -elimet (elint.) the cat ramlly,
rullilii-. -ilves lynx.
away (1. off); (luistaa) sllde, sllp; (ps
t) gllde, get orr: ~ ksist sllp (1. gllde) kissamainen Teline, catltke; rattlsh.
kissan(yhd.) cafs. . . of a cat [esim. -n
out or one's hands.
t cafs tali, tali or a cat; -nahka cafs skin,
kirvottaa (pudottaa) drop, let fali: (irrot
taa) unTasten, detach, loose, relax [ties, skin or a cat; -kpl cafs paw, paw or a
siteit]; (pst) let .. loose, release; cat; -silm cafs eye, eye or a cat] : (Jos
(vapauttaa) free, set Tree; (pelastaa) save; kus) feline. -kulta mlca; isinglass. -kpl
(pst synnytystuskista) deliver . . (of (kasv.) cudvveed, everlastlng, cottonweed.
a rhlid), bring . . to bed; (usk.) redeem. -nahka (mys:) cafs nide. cat rur, pelt or
kirvottua 1. = kirvota; 3. (vapautua) be a cat. -naukujaiset caterwaul(ing); (kuv.)
charivarl. mock serenade; pit jollekulle
freed; be dellvered [Trom, jostakin].
kirvotus unrastenlng, detachlng, lettlng kissannaukujaisia (kuv.) hold a charivarl
loose; (vapautus) setting Tree, llberatton; for one. -poika(nen) kltten. -pivt (lelk.)
Tree and easy life, (Jkpv.) sort time (1.
(synnytyksess) dellverance, delivery.
kisa (leikki) play; (peli) game; (tanssi) snap). (laiskanpivt) lazy (1. Idle) life :
dance; (huvi) fun, amusement, pastlme, olla kissanpivill (Jkpv.) live on Easy
Street, -suku Teline trlbe. -sukuinen feline.
sport; (ilonpito) mlrth, merriment. kisai
lija merrymaker, rrollrker. kisailla be kisrapllo brovvn (1. tawny) owI.
playing (I. at play), have fun; Trollo: kislli journeyman [huom. esim. maalarin~
dance; amuse o. s.; make merry. kisailu journcyman palnter; rtlin Journey
playing; frolloking; danclng; merrymaklng. man tailor]. -kirja Journeyman's record or
kisall kenttl playground; athletlc rield. Service In the craft (1. trade). -kirje 1.
-todistus Journeyman's certiricate. -nyte
-paikka playground.
trial piece, sample oT one's vvork.
kisata ks. kisailla.
kiskaista txvltch f a person by the sleevc, kita (suu) mouth; (elimen) jaws, gape:
jotakuta takinhihasta] : (siepata) snatch [a (nielu) throat; kadotuksen ~ jaws or
chlld out of Us mothers arms, lapsi itins death; pid kitasi kiinni (SUUSI) Shut up!
sylist]; puli fa person out or the car- sillit \ oui' mouth! [Juoksi] suoraan leijo
rlage, Joku alas krryilt (1. vaunuista)]: nan kitaan [rushed] stralght into the Jaws
tear; halki spltt (open), slit (1. tear) or the ilon.
In two (1. open); irti detach . . by Torce, kita- (yhd.) palatine [esim. -kaari palatine
wrest ffrom. Jostakin]; ~ itsens irti arch; -luu palatine bone], palatal. -kieleke
vvrench (1. tear) o.s. away, rilng o.s. out of (anat.) uvula. -laki (hard) palate. -purje
[a p.'s arms, Jonkun sylist], (esim. he
soft palate, velum.
vonen) break loose; ~ jotakuta parrasta kitara (kitarrl) guitar: 2. (muin.) cithara;
pluck one by the beard.
soittaa kitaraa play on a guitar; vrt. sitra.
kitaran soittaja player on a guitar, guitarlst.
kiskaisu tvvttchlng, snalchlng.
kisko bar; (rata) rail.
-soitto playing on a guitar.
kiskoa (vet) puli [ . . by the coat. takls- kitarrl guitar.
tal, haul; (temmata) Jerk, twitch; pluck: kitata putty, TMI (1. stop) up vvith putty;
(repi) tear; (vnt) \vrench, wrcst cement.
ffrom. Joltakulta] ; (kuv.) (pakottaa mak kiteetn (mlner.) amorphous. kiteinen cryssamaan) exact [payment, maksu; a ran- talline. kiteyttminen crystallizatlon: sen
som, lunnaltal, (kirist) extort [money kiteyttminen (usein:) crystalltzlng it.
from one, rahaa joltakulta] , (nylke) fleece kiteytt rrystalllze.
[one out <>r, joltakulta jotakin), (Jkpv.) kiteytyminen crystallizatlon. klteytynytcrysskin; ViTtng [out of (1. from) one. jolta
talllzed. kiteyty crystallize (mys kuv.).
kulta] ; ~ irti tear (1. \vrench) off, tear kitiini (kem.) chitin.
loose; tear out; detach . . by force. wrest kitin! crcak(ing): (vikin) squeak(lng);
[from ..]; juurineen (maasta) tear up (esim. lapsen) whine, snivel.
by the roots, uproot; kuori puusta strlp kitisty! (kutistua) shrink.



kiuaa (pirtin) oven, (takka) fireslde; (sau
nan) pile or (cobble)stones on top or a
bath-house rireplace (on whlch, arter heating, water Is throvvn to make steam).
kiukku (rtyisyys) crossness; (kiihkeys)
rancor, animoslty; (suuttumus) exasperation; (k) anger, rage, rury; (pahuus)
maltce, mallgnity, malevolence. splte; kiu
kuissaan lhti hn tiehens In in- anger he
lert us, he \vas so vexed (1. so angry) that
he lert us; olla kiukuissaan be angry (1.
cross) [at (1. wlth) one, jollekulle] ; n
hn teki kiukuissaan he dld that In anger.
kiukkuilla ks. kiukutella, kiukkuilu cross
ness, spunk; naughtlness; vrt. kiukku.
kiukkuinen cross, angry, Irate; (kiihke)
[Toe, vihollinen];
riushed; (katkera) bitter, splterul; (pa
hansuopa) mallgnant; (suuttunut, kinen)
exasperated, enraged, runous ; indignant
[at, Jostakin], kiukkuisestl crossly, angrily; bltterly, spiterully; ruriously. klukkuisuus ks. kiukku.
kiukku pussi (Jkpv.) crosspatch; (kpussi)
shrevv.vixen; spltrire. -piinan ill-tempered;
hot-headed, lrasctble, Irrltablc; 111-natured;
savage. -paiayys Irasclbillty, irritabllity;
evil (1. lll) temper.
kiukustua (suuttua) become (1. get) angry.
kiukutella be (Teellng) cross, (jkpv.) be
spunky (1. ugly 1. touchy) [about a th.,
Jostakin]; (lapsista, mys:) be naughty.
kiukuttaa make one cross (1. angry); lnriame; (rsytt) Irrltate; (suututtaa)
rouse one's anger, mi . . \vith rage; minua
I am tlred (I. vveary 1. sick) or . . , I am
exasperated vvith . . , lt rouses my anger
[to think . . , ajatellessani . .].
kiukuttelija (Jkpv.) crosspatch; vrt. k
pussi, kiukuttelu kiukku.
kiulu pall; vrt. maito.
kiulukka (kasv.) hip.
kiuru (leivonen) lark, (European) skylark.
kiusa (harmi) vexatlon; annoyance, splte;
mortiricatlon; (kiusanteko) mlschier; (vai
va) worry, bore, bother; (vastus) nulsance; (rasitus) trouble, lnconvenlence;
kiusa kiusasta tlt l'or tat, Itke Tor like,
measure ror measure, ks. tehd; kiusaksi
asti enough to be a nulsance (I. a bother):
kiusalla out or (mere) splte. Just to get
even, rrom pique, in chagrln; minun kiu
sallani to get even \viili me, out or splte
tovvard me; suureksi kiusakseni (harmik
seni) much to my dlsgust, to my great
annoyance (1. vexatlon).
kiusaaja tempter; vrt. kiusantekij.
kiusaantua kiusautua.
kiusallinen annoying, vexatlous, perplexlng,
provoklng; troublesome, mortirylng; (ik
v) sad, distressing; (tuskallinen) palnful;
asema troublesome (I. annoying) situation, sore stralts, (annoying) dilemma,
predicament; erehdys an annoying (1. a
deplorable) mistake: hn on ~ ihminen he
Is a very troublesome person, he Is a bore
(1. a nulsance); sep kiusallista how an
noying! what a nulsance! kiusallisesti annoylngly, vexatiousiy; sadly. kiusallisuus
troublesomeness; vexatlon; sadness; palnrulness; annoying (I. distressing) character.
kiusan1 henki tormentor; plague; (regular)
pest; vrt. seur. -kappale (kiusallinen hen
kil tai asla) nuisance; (kompastuskivi)
stumbling-block. -tekij tease, hector;
mischier; mlschler-maker. -teko teaslng,
charring, plagulng; vexlng, annoying; (pa
hanteko) mischier; (rsytys) provocation.
kiusata (tehd kiusaa) cause annoyance;
vex, annoy, trouble, worry; (vaivata) harass, molest, pester; (hirit) bother, bore,


kltictl creak [on Us hlnges, saranoillaan];

(vikist) squeak; (naukua) \vliiue, utuni
per; snivel; ovi kntyi kitisten saranoil
taan the door opened vvith a creak.
kitist I. make [a tn.] creak; 2. (kutistaa)
shrlnk; (painaa kokoon) press together,
kitka (fys.) frlction. -pyr 1. -rata* Criction
wheel. -shk frictional (1. statlc) electricity.
-tuli rire produced by rrlction.
kitkeminen, kitkent pullin? (1. tearing) up;
(kuv.) vveeding out, eradication; rikkaruo
hojen ~ weedlng.
kitkeryys bltterness, acrldity; harshness.
kitker bitter, acrid; harsh. kitkeritUM
make bitter (I. acrid); (kuv.) embltter.
kitkeroityi grow (I. become 1. get) bitter.
kitke (lempoa) puli (up) |weeds, rikka
ruohoja], tear up [by the roots. Juuri
neen]; (poimia) pick (otT); (kuv.) vveed
out, eradicate; juurineen (kuv.) root out
(1. up), eradicate; rikkaruohoja (mys:)
weed: ryytimaata (perkata) weed the
garden; voikukkia weed (1. dig) out dandelions. kitkiji rooter; rikkaruohojen kit
kij one who weeds (1. Is weedlng).
kitku ks. katku.
kitkuttaa (hangata) rub, chare; (kitisytt)
make . . creak, creak; viulua scrape
the riddle; el ks. kituuttaa, kitkutus
rubblng, chaflng; (viulun) scraping; (ki
tin) creaklng; vrt. kituutus.
kitsaasti nlggardly, sordidly; (niukasti)
scantlly, meagerly; illlberally; closely;
avariclously; vrt. kitsas.
kitsaa 1. mlserly, nlggardly, sordld; (pikku
mainen) mean, illiberal; (tarkka) close
(-flsted), near; stlngy [towards one's employees, tylistn kohtaan]; parsimonlous; (saiia) avaricious, greedy; 2. (niukka)
scanty.meager; mies niggard, miser, curmudgeon. kitaastelija niggard; (saituri)
mlser. kitsastella be nlggardly, be close
(-risted), be stlngy; pinch, scrlmp; kitsastella kokoon get together penny by penny,
get together by SCrlmping; kitsastella ra
hojaan pinch (1. squeeze) the penny. kitaastelu niggardllness, stlnglness; parstmony.
kitsaus niggardllness, sordldness; closeness,
stlnglness, llllberallty. greediness; scantlness, meagerness; vrt. kitsas.
kittaus putiying, filling up wlth putty; cemcnting.
kitti cement: (laslnlelkkaajan) putty.
kitua (krsi tuskia) be tormented (1. tortured); surrer pain; (surkastua) languish,
plne (avvay); (krsi) surrer; el kituen
make (I. get) a scanty llving; koulu kituu


puutteessa )


school suTfers from the lack of pupils;

lapsi kitaa the child is pining; puu kituu
the tree is not doing well, the tree is belng
stunted (1. dvvarred).
kituilla (ihmisist:) plne; (kasveista:) not
be dolng well.
kitui kasvuinen stunted, dwarfed, checked
In grotvth. -kuume hectlc fever.
kituminen being tormented (I. tortured);
surrering (pain); languishing, pining
(away) . vrt kitua.
kitunen ks. kidus.

kituuttaa, kitustaa: el ~ get (I. make) a

scanty llving, eke out an existence, Ilve
from hand to moulh; scarcely keep the
woir from the door; work hard to get
along: lead a wretched (1. miserable) life.
kituutus eking out an existence, llving
rrom hand to mouth: drudgery.
kltuva(inen) languishing, pining (away);
surrering; (kitulias) alllng, poorly; (kur
ja) wretched, miserable; vrt. kitua.

: !8
; fossil;
disturb; (rsytt) tease, chaff; Irritate;
(vlekotella) tempt; (ahdlstaa) press, put a kauhtata kioettyntena petrified Wltb ter
screw on [a p., Jotakuta], (kayd klmp- ror, klvettyi become petrified, be turned
puun) beset; ~ otakata ohonkin urge (I. to stone, petrify; become a fossil, fossilize,
press) one to . . , (houkutella) tease one klvetyttavl petrifying [effect, valkutus].
[to take some food, symn Jotakln] ; kivetyttii petrify; fossilize.
jotakuta kytymyktilln beset (1. torment kiveti pave (with stones).
I. press) a p. with one's questions; ota kiveton free of (1. from) stones.
kuta tunnustamaan try to wring a confes klveyi (katu-) paving, (flag) pavement.
sion out of one, tease one to tell; hammat- kiveiminen paving (with stone), kivemton
taryn kiutaamana racked by (1. tormented unpaved [street, katu].
With) toothache; nan kiu*ati minua mu- klvl stone (mys: hedelmn); rock; (hedelkaanta he teased (1. urged) me to come 111:110 kernel, pit; kivetta tehty . . Of Stone,
With him; notan kiutaamana pinched With stone [tower, torn!].
hunger; l kiusaa lasta don't tease the klvi- (yhd.) stone [eslm. -kirve* stone ax;
-lattia stone floor; -payta stone table; -te
child, don't annoy (1. bother) the child.
kiusaus l. temptation; 2. (klusa, barml) an na stone wall; -silta stone bridge], -alka
noyance, vexation, chagrin; kia*auk**en ks. ks. kivikausi. -alta 1. -aitaui stone fence,
(korkeampl) stone wall, -amme stone vat
jobdattaa, joutua.
kiusautu be vexed (1. annoyed) [with, Jos- (1. basin), -arkku (slllany. m.) crlb(work);
(vedenpltv) caisson, -ase stone Imple
takln] ; be tormented, be racked [by tooth
ache, hammassryst] ; be troubled (1. ment; tool of stone, -astia stone vessel;
bothered), be worried, be provoked (1. ex kiviastiat (luyo.-:) stone crockery, stone
asperated), be Irritated, kluiautunut vexed, ware.
annoyed [with, jostakin] ; provoked [by kivlenpalvelui worship of stones.
1. at] ; mortified; troubled, worried, both kivihiill coal.
kivihuii- (yhd.) coal- [eslm. -kentta coal
ered, irritated.
kiusotella tease, chaff, hector, plague, field; -tailiS coal -bin; -tertia coal-tar; -ljy
coal-oil], -alue coal- field (s). -kaaau coalheckle; worry.
kiusottaa (valvata) harass, vex, annoy, mo
gas; (valokaasu) illuminating-gas, -kaivoi
lest, pester; worry; (harmlttaa, suututtaa) coal-mine; (Engl.) colliery, -kauil (geol.)
provoke, make angry; (rsytt) irritate, Carboniferous age., -kerroa coal-bed.
fret; (kiusotella) tease, chaff, kluiottava km Jalka (rakennuksen) stone foundation,
provoking, annoying, vexatious; vrt. klutal- (foundatlon-)wall. -JU (geol. kllntea
Hnen. kiusotlavaiti provoklngly, annoying - j) dead (1. stone) Ice. -kala (ellnt.) mllly, vexatiously. kluiottavuui provoking- ler's-thumb, bullhead, -karhu stone-boat;
ness; fretfulness; vexation.
(Engl.) dray, -katu paved street; Aun putoti murthabti kioikatuun he plunged down
kiusottua = kiuaautua.
kivahiaa (tiuskata) speak harshly (1. rough and was crushed on the pavement (1. the
flags), -kauil stone age. -kautlnen . . of
ly) [to one, JollekulleJ; snap [at ..].
kiven ammunta blasting (Of rocks), -hak- the stone age. -klrjotu* Inscription on (a)
kaaja stonecutter, -hakkuu stonecuttlng. stone (I. a rock) ; (arkeol.) ks. kalliopitrro.
-heltto throw with a stone; kivtnhtiton -kirkko stone church, church of stone.
matkan pts Within a Stone's throw; peri klvikko stony soll; (klvlrykkl) mound (1.
kivenheittoa ioitakin (1. V.) a little way(S) heap) of stones, klvlkkolnen stony, rough
from . . . -hioja one who polishes (1. road, tie], rocky [hillside, menrlnne].
Ivlkkoliuui stonlness, stony (1. rough)
dresses) stone; stonecutter. -Monta pol
ishing of stone, (Jaloklven) lapidary work character, klvlkkomaa stony soil.
(1. art). -Jaloitui dressing of stone, -kova kivl | kokoeima collection of minerals, -kchard as (a) stone (1. flint 1. rock), stony ralll stone (1. stony) coral, -kova hard as
[heart, Sydn], flinty; hieltaa kioenkovaan stone, stone -hard, stony [heart, sydn];
deny flatly (1. absolutely), deny up and (kuv.) stone-hearted, pitiless, -kumpu
down (1. out and out), -laskija paver, -lou- mound of stones; (eslhlst.) cairn, -kunta
hinta quarrying, -murskaaja 1. -muierrin the mineral kingdom, -kyni slate-pencil,
stone-crusher, -nuollalnen (ellnt.) loach. -laaka 1. -laatta stone slab, flag-stone, -laikivenniinen I. (s.) mineral. II. (a.) mineral. turl stone pier, -laji species of rock, -leikkivennis- (yhd.) mineral eslm. -kylpy kaui (lk.) lithotomy. -Illtoi joint In stone
mineral batb; -l&hde mineral spring; -veti work, -lluika = kivrnsiru. -lohkare block of
mineral water; -var mineral color], -aine stone; (pyorlstynyt) boulder(-stone). -louhimo 1. -louhos quarry, stone-pit. -IIJ1
mineral matter; Inorganic matter (1. sub
stance), -kokoeima collection (1. cabinet) mound (1. heap) of stones, -muurl stone
of minerals, -niyte specimen (of mineral), (1. brick) wall; (klvltalo) stone house,
sample of mineral (1. ore), -tiede 1. -oppl brick house.
mineralogy, -vaha ks. maavaha. -oljy min kivimiinen stony, petreous.
kmmohkalo boulder; vrt. Idvilohkare.
eral oil.
kivenllpiirranU lithography, -lekalnen . . kivinen (klvest tehty) stone; (klvlkova, klmixed with stone; stony [soil, maa]. vikkolnen) stony [heart, sydn; soll, maa-slru chip (1. shiver 1. splinter) of stone; per].
hivensirut stone chlp(plng)s, -. km nilkka 1. -made (viviparous) blenny, Eu
-tapainen stony, -veistm Stone-works; ropean eel-pout, -oja (salaoja) stone drain.
-painnja lithographer, -paino 1. lithographic
stone -yard.
kivertyl = kiprrty. klvertti (talvuttaa) printing office; 2. (klvenpllrrnt) lithogra
bend, make crooked: (vnt) distort, phy, -palnoi 1. -palnokuva llthographdc
twist; (khert) curl, kiveri = kipera. print), -palanen piece of stone (1. rock),
kivei 1. (verkon) sinker; 2. (anat.) testicle, -per i n en stony, -piira (llhasmaha, llnnulltestis, (jkpv.) stone, -buul (anat.) tunica la) gizzard; vrt. kupu. -pllrroi carving (1.
vaglnalls. -puultyra (lk.) scrotal hernia. engraving) on stone, -pohja stony bottom;
kiveatftl provide (1. furnish) . . with sinkers. (kivlperustus) stone foundation; vrt. kalkivouymmen, klvcttymys petrifaction, pet- liopohja. -pora rock-drill, -portaat stone
staircase, -pyykkl (pile of stones serving
rlflcatlon; fossilizatlon. klvettymi petri
fied wood [etc.], ptrification; fossil.
as a) landmark, -rahi stone bench, -raken

nus Stone nouse; (tilli-) brlck nouse, -rau kloraall (lfik.) chloral. kloraattl (kem.)
nio stone ruln, ruin of Stones, -reki ks. Id- cblorate. kloreerata cblorlnate. kloridi
vikarhu. -rikko (kasv.) saxirrage, stone- cbiorld(e). kloroformi chloroform. klorobreak. -ruukku Stone Jar. -ruuti gunpow- forminukutua chlororormlng. kloroformolder Tor blasting. rykki 1. -roukklo plle da chloroform.
(1. heap) or Stones; (klvlpyykkl) landmark; klorofylli (lehtivihre) chlorophyl(l).
(esihlst. kivikumpu) calrn. -tade shower klouni, klovni (llvebtlj) down.
(1. volley)of Stones; stone-shower. -sammal klosettl tollet; closet; vrt. vesi, -paperi
stone-rag (1. -ravv). -aappl (ellnlk.) tollet-paper.
wlnd-gall, vesslcnon. -seinm stone wall. klubi club.
-siru kS. kivensiru. -solu (kasv.) grlt-cell, knaappi (ritarin asemies) squlre, esquire.
-aateli petty noblllty.
stone -cell.
kivisplira kivipiira.
-ko (kysymyksiss) ir, whether [esim. kysy,
kivistella ache, smart; hommastani kivistelee tuleeko hn ask, whether he wlll come ? ]
I bave the tootbacbe, my tootb aches; p kobra (ellnt.) kS. silmlasikrme.
tni kivistelee my head aches; vatsaani ki koboltti (kem.) cobalt. -lasi cobalt glass.
vistelee I have a (1. the) stomach-ache. I -sini cobalt blue.
have palns m my stomach, I bave the kodeiini (kem.) codeln(e).
gripes. kivistely aching; paln(s). kivistys kodikas homellke (miellyttv) comrortarhe, pain; acute (1. racklng) palns. kivis
able, snug; cozy; (kotoisa) domestlc; tl
lhn on kodikasta how cozy and pleasant
t kivistell.
kivi! suola rock sait. -eurvln stone- crusher. (1. ho\v homellke) lt Is here! kodikkaasti
-talo stone nouse; (tmi-) brlck bouse. comrortably; cozlly. kodikkaisuus, kodik
-tasku (ellnt.) wheatear, rallow-rinch (1. kuus homellkeness; home (1. domestfc)
-chat); stone chat(ter). -taulu tablet or comrort; comrortableness, cozlness; dostone, stone tablet; (raam.) table or stone; mestlclty. kodistua ks. kotiutua.
(koululasten) slate. -tauti the stone; stone koditon homeless, (asunnoton) houseless;
In the bladder; (lk.) Utblasls; hnell on kodittomia raukkoja poor homeless creahivitauti, hn sairastaa kivitautia he SUf- tures (etup. lapsista:) \valls and strays;
fers from stone In the bladder. -teollisuus tulipalon kautta kodittomaksi jnyt burnt
stone Industry, -teos stone-work. -tiede out. kodittomuua homelessness.
koe trial, experlment; proor; (kokeilu) test;
kivittminen stonlng, (kiveminen) paving. (koete) probation; (yritys) attempt; ei
onnistunut the experlment was a rallure;
kivitti* stone [to death, kuoliaaksi] ; (ki
vet) pave (wltb Stones). kivlttmtn ks. kokeeksi on trial, (henkilst) on proba
tion, (koetteeksl) to try [esim. oran ko
kivemtn. kivitys stonlng*; (kiveys) pav
keeksi laatikon I*ll tako a box to try] ; heik
ing. (konkr.) pavement.
klviUy stone-work. -tymies worker In ko koe a feeble attempt.
stone; worker in a quarry. -vati (stone) ko- (yhd.) trial [esim- -ammunta trial
crack. -*IJy rock-oil, petroleum, naphtha. shootlng; -matka trial trlp; -purjehdus
kivulias, klvulloinen alltng (In bealth), slck- trial sali] ; experlmental [esim. -matka exly; (heikko) \veak, feeble, (vanhuuttaan) perlmental trip]. -aika (time or) probation.
Infirm. klvullolsuus poor bealth, slckllness, -ajo trial (trlp); (kllpa-ajolssa:) trial heat.
-asema (maanv.) experlment statlon. -osine
subject or experlment. -kirjotus test,
kivuton palnless [operatton, leikkaus], ki
vuttomasti palnlessly. kivuttomuus paln- (wrltten) examlnatlon. -knns tentatlve
translatlon (subject to approval); (kou
kivri (nykyalk. rihla-) ririe; (vanh.) mus- lussa:) test. -lasi (kem.) test-glass; (koe
ket; (pyssy) gun. -harjotus rifle practice putki) test-tube. -linja (maanm.) rirst
(1. exerclse). -laukaus rlfle-sbot; report or survey or the line.
a gun; (yhteislaukaus) volley (of riries). koelma trial, experlment; attempt.
kivaaringiukko lock or a ririe, gunlock. -pe koe!! maito mllk to be tested. -putki (kem.)
ri butt-end or a ririe (1. a gun), -piippu test-tube.
koete trial, experlment; (koetusaika) pro
ririe- (1. gun-)barrel.
kivri tehdas 1. -paja ririe (manu)ractory. bation; koetteeksl by way or trial (1. ex
perlment), tentatlvely; at a venture; koet
-tuli ririe (1. musket) rire.
teeksl mrtty appolnted on trial (1. on
klaavi ks. nuottiavain.
klanettl ks. klarinetti.
koetella try [a person's patlence. Jonkun
klareeraus ks. laivanselvltys.
klarinetti clarl(0)net; klarinetin soittaja (l. krsivllisyytt; one's luck (1. rortune),
onneaan]; test [flre-arms, ampuma-aset
puhaltaja) clarinettlst.
ta], prove; (panna koetteelle) put to the
klassikko classlr.
klassillinen classlcal [school, koulu: music, test; (tutkia) examine, serutlntze; (tunnus
tella) Teel [the pulse, valtimoa]; (koske
musiikki], classic fdrama, draama] ; ~ kir
jallisuus (mys:) the classlcs; - sivistys tella) touch; (rasittaa) straln; (kohdata)
riasslcal educatlon (1. learnlng) ; klassilliset be vlslted wlth: sormellaan touch . . wlth
kirjailijat [maat] classic authors [lands]. one's ringer, ringer; uutta pukua (yl
klassilliseen ciasslcally. klassillisuus clas- leen) try the new dress on; voimiaan
jonkun kanssa (mltell) try (1. plt) one's
siclsm; classlcal character.
klerikaall (papiston kannattaja) clerlcal. strength agalnst a p.'s, match o. s. (I. one's
strength) agalnst a p., measure one's
klerlkaalinen clerlcal.
strenpth wlth a p., (kuv.) cope w!th onc;
klientti cllent.
~ vhn kutakin try a llttle or everything;
klikki (ryhmkunta) cllque, set.
onnettomuuksien koettelema (kohtaama)
klimppi k. kokkare.
wlth mlsfortunes: se koettelee voi
klinikka (cllnical) hospltal, Infirmary.
mia lt Is hard (1. trylng) work, lt tells on
klinkeritiill cllnker.
one's strength: vrt. koettaa, koeteltu trled
klishee, klishea (klrjap.) cut.
kloori (kem.) chlorln(e). -happo chloric [rrlend, ystv]: tested; koeteltu kunto
acld. -kalkki (tekn.) chlorlde or Ilme. tested lntegrlty, known worth.
bleachlng powder. -vety (kem.) hydrogen koete parannus I. -hoitelu (lk.) treatment
to test the nature or a dlsease.



koetin tester. -puikko (lk.) probe, sound.

-putki ks. koeputki.
koettaa try | to hinder, est; one's luck,
onneaan] ; (yritt) attempt: (pyrki) endeavor, seek [to prove, nytt toteen],
aim at . .-Ing; strive, take pains [to do
one's work well, tehd tyns hyvin], exert
o. s., make an errort: (Jonkin laatua) test,
(tutkia) examtne; (panna koetukselle) put
. . to the test; (tehd) jotakin try one's
hand at, (kokeilla) venture upon, vrt. ko
keilla; ~ olla (sen enemp ) jotakin ajattelemaita try not to think any more about
a th., try to dismiss a th. from one's
thoughts; onneaan (mys:) run (I. take)
one's chances; parattaan do (I. try)
one's best; ptt irti try (1. endeavor)
to (ret loose; auonta (valtimoa) Teel the
pulse; uutta konitta test the new machlne; ~ voimiaan ks. koetella; koettahaammi vltt . . let us try (1. endeavor 1. strive)
to av (iid . .; /ie koettavat olla toinen tittn
kohteliaammat they try to outdo each other
In courtesy, they vie wlth each other In
belng courteous; te on minulta viel koet
tamatta I hn\y not trled that yet, thafs
somethlng I have not trled yet.
koettelematon untried, untested.
koettelemus trial; (kuv.) ordeal, cross, (vai
va) afriirtlon; koettelemuksen aika [piv]
tlme [da.V] Of trial: hovia koettelemuksia
kettnyt leiki the sorely arriirted wldow:
kyd monien koettelemusten lpi go
through many trlals.
koettelu trylng; proving, testlng; puttlng to
the test; (koskettelu) tourhlng, tlngertng.
koetut trylng, proving-, testlng-; test, trial,
proor; (kuv.) experlment; (yritys) attempt:
(kiusaus) temptatlon: koetuksen kestv
. . whlch wlll stand the test, (up to the)
standard, proof. -aika = koeaika, -vuosi
k s. koevuosi.
koe vaali preliminary electlon; (ehdokasvaali) prlmary electlon, the prlmarles.
-vuosi year or probatlon, (opettajan y. m.)
trial year, training-year. -nestys trial
vote; (Amer.) straw vote.
koffeiini (kem.) ralTeln(e).
mys:) box.
kohahdus nolse; (esim. veden) rush; (humi
na) murmur;
(hmminki) excltement;
commotion, stlr; kvi lpi vkijoukon a
stir went through the erowd.
kohahduttaa ralse (htgher), 11 rt up.
kohahtaa 1. (kohista) roar, rush: (humista)
murmur; 2. (kohota) rlse, get up, raise
o. s., (kuv.) arlse; lentoon riy orr, take
wlng, take rilght; pyttyyn sprlng (I.
jump) to one's reet.
kohauttaa = kohahduttaa; ~ olkapitn
shrug one's shoulders.
kohdakkoin soon. In a short tlme; forthvvlth.
kohda Ha, -Ile, -Ita ks. kohta 1.
kohdanto (klel.) acrusatlve; (Engl. klel.)
kohdata (tavata) meet [one on the Street,
Joku kadulla], (sattumalta) run across;
(kuv.) fall on, betall, strlke, overtake;
(saada eteens) encounter lobstades, vas
tuksia], meet wlth; (sattua) orrur; (osua)
rome upon, hlt. run onto; arvaamatta (1.
odottamatta) run arross. rhanre upon:
toitenta meet (one another), (etup. rys.)
romo Into contact (with earh other), touch;
vaara (rohkeasti) confront (1. Tare) a
danger; vaikeuktia encounter (I. meet
with) dirfirultles (1. obstarles), (asioista:)
he (beset vvith) dirrtrultdes) [huom. se
kohtaa vaikeuksia (mys:) that Wlll run
(u|>) agalnst dirricultles (1. obstacles), lt


wlll be assorlated (1. bound up) wlth dirri

cultles, (jkpv.) Itwlllrunup agalnst a snag] ;
en ole viel kohdannut hnt (tavannut) I
have not met (1. seen) hlm as yet; hn
kohtasi karhun mittana he i au onto a bear
In the W00dS; hnt kohtasi onnettomuut
he met vvith an accldent; jotakuta kohtaa
jokin (Jollekulle tapahtuu Jotakin) a th.
beralls one (1. Talls to one's lot), one Is
overlaken by (1. surrers 1. sustains) a th.,
(Joku saa kokea jotakin) one experiences
a th., (Joku Joutuu johonkin) one gets (1.
ralls) Into . . , one comes upon; mielenhi
rin kohdattua [hnt] when a fit or Insanity comes on [hlm], (Jlleen kohdatessa)
vvhen a nt or Insanity recurs; me kohtaam
me kai toisemme viel we shall meet (1.
see each other) agaln, I hope; minua on
kohdannut vryyt I have met \vith (1. have
surrered) Injustlce (1. vvrong), I have sustalned an Injustlce, Injustlce (1.
has bcen done (1. Inrilcted upon 1. meted
out to) me; min varmasti kohtaan vastus
ta hnm puoliltaan I am sure to encounter
(1. meet wlth) opposition on his part, 1*11
no doubt be opposed by hlm; vaaran koh
dattua vvhen conrronted wlth (I. by) dan
ger, vvhen racing danger, when danger ocCll rs; killisen taudin kohdattua vvhen lak
en suddenly In, when overtaken by (I. in
case or) sudden lllness.
kohde (klel.) object.
kohdella treat [one accordlng to hls deserts.
Jotakuta ansionsa Jlkeen; one's suhordinates wlth srorn, halveksien alaistaan],
use; (pidell) haiulle; ~ jotakuta ankaras
ti Cl. kovakouraisesti) treat (1. USe) hharshly, bear (down) hard on a. p.; ~ fotakuta halveksien (\. halveksimalla) (mys : )
look down upon a p.
kohden toward(s), In the directlon or; to;
vrt. kohti, pin; kakti omenaa miest ~
tvvo apples each (1. apiece); kaksi tonnia
heini elukkaa - tuo tons or hay a (1. per)
head; kotia ~ homcward; pohjoista to(vvards) the north, (liikunnosta puhuen)
north ward; siit ~ at that place, there;
tst ~ at thls place (1. polnt), (thn
nhden) In thls polnt, (tss suhteessa) In
thls respect (I. partlcular), wlth rererenre
to thls: yhdess hohdin (suhteessa) In one
respect, (palkassa) In one place.
kohdistaa (suunnata) direct [one's attentlon
to, huomionsa Johonxin], aim, polnt [st,
johonkin] ; turn fone's Studies towards,
opintonsa Johonkin: one's thoughts upon,
ajatuksensa Johonkin]; (keskitt) concentrate [one's errorts upon, ponnistelunsa
Johonkin], center; (lukea Johonkin kuulu
vaksi) ascrlbe, attrlbute, (soveltaa) apply
to, brlng to bear upon; vrt. knt;
jonkun huomio johonkin draw (1. call 1.
direct) a p.'s attentlon to, brlng a th. to
one's notlre (I. attentlon): ~ letku johon
kuhun turn the hose on a p.; pilantekonta johonkin poke l'un at (1. make run oD
..; hn kohdisti epilyksens minuun hls
susplrlons vvere dlrected toward me, I
roused hls susplcions; meihin kohdistettu
moite the reproarh whlch we have been
sublerted to.
kohdistua be dlrected (1. almed 1. polnted)
[at. Johonkin], be turned (to(ward), Jo
honkin: against, Jotakuta vastaan], beconcentrated [upon. Johonkin]; be brought to
bear [upon]; apply (1. be applled) [to];
(koskea Jotakin) have rererenre to. rerer
to, bear upon, arrect; (kohdata) Tall; (th
dt) tend to, have ror its aim to; ehdotus
kohdistuu kaikkiin the proposition applles
to (1. ar(ccts) everybody; epilyt kohdistui




hneen suspiclon Teli on (1. was dlrected higher rank); huippuunsa reacli lts cli
as-ainst) him; kaikki heidn toimintansa max (1. lts zenlth), come to a climax (1. a
kohdistuu varojen hankkimiseen ali thelr rocus 1. a head), attaln (1. reach) lts hlghartivltles are dlrected tovvard gathering eSt pltCh, Cap the Climax [esim. hnen h
fundS; moite kohdistuu sinuun the blame vyttmyytens kohosi huippuunsa his Imralls on you, you are the one who bears the pudence capped the climax], vrt. korblame; puhe kohdistui siihen, ett . . the keimmilleen ; ~ istumaan slt up [tn bed,
speerh Vvent to . .; tm huomautus koh
Sngyss] ; ~ jonkin arvoon rise to the
distuu ensimaiseen kappaleeseen thls rerank or . . , attaln the dlgnlty or . . [esim.
mark applies to the rirst paragraph; vite suomen kieli on kohonnut sivistyskielen ar
kohdistuu siihen kysymykseen, onko . . the voon Finnish has attalned the dlgnlty or a
argument bears on the questlon, \vhether . . . Itterary language; ~ kaunopuheiseksi rise
kohdun kaula (anat.) nerk or the womb. (1. \vann) Into eloquence; korkeimmil-laskeuma ks. emnlaskeuma. -leikkaua = leen attaln the (I. lts) hlghest polnt (I. dekeisarileikkaus, -pitimet (emajnlect) utcrgree), be at lts best, reach the rinal errect,
ine Itgaments. -repem tear or the womb, vrt. ~ huippuunsa; kunniasijalle rise to
rupture or the uterus, -tulehdus inilain
a position (I. attaln a place) or honor;
matton or the womb. -verenvuoto uterlne lentoon take vving (1. Hlght), (lent pois)
ny away, Tly orr; - yli muiden kuole
hemnrrhage, rioodlng.
kohennus raising, lirting up; elevatlon. vaisten rise above nther mortals; ~ yli yrittens (Joki) overriow (lts banks);
-keppi poker. -paino (kirjap.) embosslng,
yls ksivoimillaan lift O.S. up liv the (1.
embossed prlntlng.
kohentaa ralse (higher); (nostaa) II rt (up); by one's) hands; hinnat kohoavat the prlccs
aro golng up (1. are advanclng); hinnat
elevate; tulta poke (I. stlr up) the rire;
- vuodetta shake a bed, stlr up a mattress. ovat kohoamassa (nousemassa) the prkes
on the rise (1. on the advance); hinta
kohentautua ralse o.s. higher; (nousta)
on kohonnut korkealle the price has been
rise; (pystyyn) rear lon lts hlnd legs, ta
kajaloilleen], (seisoalleen) get to (1. on) rorced hlgh, (Jkpv.) the prices have jumped
(1. soared) ; hn kohosi kenraaliksi lie rose
one' Teet, stand up.
kohina (veden, tuulen y. m.) rush; (pauhu) (1. advanced) to the rank or general, (esim.
roar; tuulen kohina metsss (mys:) the sodan aikana) he rose to be a general; il
mapallo kohoaa yls the balloon Is ascendsweep of the wlnd through the forest. ko
htaava roarlng cataract, koski]; murmur- lng (1. rislng 1. golng uy); into kohoaa the
zeal (I. the enthuslasm) Is inrreaslng, the
ing [forest, mets].
kohista (esim. mets) murmur; (vedest y. ardor Is becoming more Intense; keskelt
m.) svvash; (pauhata) rush; roar; rumble. kyl kohoaa kirkko a Church rlses (I.
kohju (lk.) rupture, hernla. -leikkaus looms up) In the midst or the vlllage;
operation for hernla. -pussi bernlal sac. kurssi kohoaa the rates or exchange are
rislng, there Is a rise In the rates or ex
-side I. -vy truss.
kohme numbness; olla kohmeessa be numb change; linna kohosi korkealle yli kaupun
(I. stlfD uitti cold. kohmeinen stirr \vith gin the castle towered alort (1. loomed
hlgh) over the town: lmpmittari kohoaa
rold, numb.
kohme] kltlnen: olla kohmehtinen have the therhiometer Is on the rise, the mercury
Is golng up; pun kohoaa the tree lirts (I.
numb(ed) hands. -ktisyys numbness In
rears) lts head; taikina kohoaa the dough
the hands.
rislng; vesi kohosi kki muusi) the
kohmelo: hn on yh viel kohmelossa he
has not sobered otT (I. up) yet. (Jkpv.) he water rose suddenly.
has not got over hls drunk yet. kohmeloi- kohotin (vipu) lever (mys kuv.).
anacrusls. -takoinen
nen: kohmetoinen mies a man Wiio has (1. koho tahti
had) not sobered ofr yet.
(tekn.) chased [work, ty], -tauti ks. pukohmetta* make stirr (wlth cold), make hallustauti. -teos embnssed work; (koho
numb. kohmettua (kylmst) grow stirr kuva) reller; (kohotakoinen teos) chased
(1. numb) vvith cold. kohmettunut numb;
vvork, chaslng.
kylmst kohmettunut numb \vitl) COld. kohottaa ralse rrrom the ground, (yls)
kohmetua stirrness, numbness; kylmst
maasta: the prices, hintoja; the temperakohmetuhsissa numb . \vlth cold], be- ture, lmpmr; one's head, ptn:
one's volce, ntn], (nostaa) u rt up
[one's eyes to heaven, silmns taivasta
koho I. (ongen y. m.) rioat, bobber; 2. (pyheys) turgldlty, sponglness; koholla ks. kohden]; advance [In rank, arvoasteissa 1 ;
elevate [the spirlts, mielialaa]; (kuv.) exkantaa; kohona ilmassa up in the air, (kor
kealla) aion, hlgh In the air; keppi koholla alt; (korottaa) heighten [the Impression,
lydkseen wlth one's cane ralsed Tor a vaikutusta]; (list) enhancc [the valuc,
blow (1. to strlke): ksi koholla (wlth)
arvoa], Increase; - (Joku) everstiksi ks.
korottaa; henkisesti ralse to a higher
one's arm ralsed.
kohoaminen rislng; swelllng; rearlng; (vi
level splrltually (1. mentally): ~ hurraa
rassa) promotlon, advancement; (kuv.)
huuto set up a cheer, (Jonkun kunniaksi)
glve one a (rousing) cheer (I. a send-orr),
(Engl.) give one a rouse; - ilmaan raise
kohoilla rise, swell; rinta kohoilee the bosom (1. the breast) Is swelllng (1. heavlng). up In the air, (onnltellaksecn) carry . . on
kohoko elevatlon;- emlnence: rise; (mus.)
their shoulders; ~ kansakuntien joukkoon
elevate to a position among the natlons;
anarrusls; vrt. koroke.
kohokuva (korkokuva) reller.
lasinsa ralse (1. lirt) one's glass;
lippu holst a riag: ~ olkapitn slirug
kohonta ks. kohoaminen.
kohopaino I. reller prlntlng (I. proccss) ;
one'3 shoulders; ~ ptn ralse one's
[its] head, lirt lts head, (kuv.) rear lts
ralsed prlntlng; 2. = kohennuspaino.
head; tikapuut sein vasten set up a
kohou (ylet) ralse o.s. higher, (arvossa)
be promoted (1. advanccd); jousta) rise, ladder agalnst the \vall; - valistusta ralse
go up, (esim. hinta) advance; (kasvaa)
the standard or eduratlon, advance the enincrease; (kohota pystyyn) rear [on lts lightenmcnt: nens ( alkaa puhua)
raise one's volcc. begln to speak, lirt (up)
hlnd legs, takajaloilleen]; (paisua) swell;
(kohoilla) beave; arvoasteissa rise (to a one's volce [agalnst an evll, Jotakin ep-

kohtaa vastaan], vrt. korottaa; * mielt tolerable; (aslanmukalnen) proper; kohtait elevates the mind, kohottaminen raising-, laisen tuari of medium size, about tbe
lifting up; elevation; hoisting (up); kan- right size, kohtalalaesti moderately, rea
sonably; passably, fairly, tolerably; Just
san swistyhsen kohottamisehsi for the *'!<'
vation of the masses, for the improvement about right; properly, kohtalaisuus medi
general education.
kohottautua raise O.S. (higher); rise; rear kohtalo (vaihe) fate, (osa) lot, share; (sal[on Its hind legs, takajalollleen] ; ~ uo- llma) destiny; kohtalon taliimut Will Of
rak*i raise o.s. erect, straighten up; vrt. fate; lian sai sellaisen kohtalon osakseen
he met with such a fate, such a lot fell to
kohotuva elevating, exalting; mieltii ~ him; ta ratkaiti hnen hohtalonsa that de
elevating to the mind, soul-Inspiring, cided his destiny (1. fate), that sealed his
SUhlime. kohottavasti: vaikuttaa kohotta- fate (1. doom), kohtaloka* fateful.
vatti (mieleen) have an elevating (1. soul- kohtapuoleen soon, in a short time, la the
near future.
Inspiring) effect.
kohotut raising, lifting up; advancement, kohtaua (kohtaamlnen) meeting, encounter;
rendezvous; (tapantuma) event, episode;
kohoum elevation; eminence; rise [In the (teatt.) scene; vrt. halvau, taudln y. m.
meeting-place; (eslm. rlkoksenground, maassa] ; swelling, protuberance.
tekljaln) rendezvous.
kohoutua rise; raise O.S.; be raised (1. ele kohteellinen
vated); korkfallt ilmaan rise high up in Intransitive. (klel.) transitive, kohteeton
the air; tower aloft, (eslm. vuorlsta:) loom kohteliaasti
politely, courteously, civilly.
tllgb; vrt. kohota.
kohteliaimmln: pyydSn ~ Taita vattaamaan
kohosesi ks. nousuvesi.
answer at your earliest
kohta I. (3.) point; (palkka, slja) place, stead, opportunity kindly
and oblige; pyytaitin ~ taita
spot; (osa) part, portion; (klrjotuksessa paistiimaan would
kindly withdraw and
y. m.) paragraph, section, Item, (laktase- oblige.
tuksen, soplmuksen y. m.) clause, article, kohteliaituudenosotus (proof of) courtesy,
stipulation, proviso; (nkkohta, puoli)
kohteliaisuus politeness, cour
point of view, aspect; (suhde) respect, re compliment,
civility; obligingness; attention;
gard; (tua) condition, state; (asema) posi tesy;
; koht*liai*audetta out Of (1.
tion; tillarme) situation; [pamia Jokin] compliment
by way of) courtesy.
kohdalUtn [put (1. set) a in.] In (Its) through 1.polite,
civil, courteous [to one,
place, [put (1. set) a th.] right (1. straight), kohte.iaa
kohtaan) ]; obliging;
vrt. tiUmlleen; kahtaan ks. hakus.; (kunnloittava)Jotakuta
(aulls) attentive,
kohdalta point by (I. after) point, para accommodating.
graph by paragraph; kahden (kohdassa, kohtelu treatment; usage; minkalaittn kohsuhteessa) ks. hakus.; arka (kuv.)sore(l.
fondait what kind of treat
tender) spot, tender point; htlkko weak talan alaitakti
did you receive? how were you
point (1. spot); iaari paani kohdaUa <\l;i- ment
Kuolella) straight above (1. right over) my kohtl (suoraan) straight, direct, right; (Joi ',41 1. Straight above me; kaikitta kohdin
pSln) tOWard(S), tO; kahdrsta ~
In every point (1. particular), (joke suh lionkin
(kohden) at two places; kaupunkia ~
teessa) In every respect (1. way), through toward
city (I. the town); [ban kulout; katto sen pykain kohdalta look under kee] onnettomuutta
~ [he is drifting] to
that paragraph (1. section); klrkon kahdal ward disaster; taivasta
~ toward heaven,
la (lahella) by the church, near the church, toward the sky; luntematonta
kohtaloa ~
in front Of the Church; klvi patoti aivan to (1. toward) an unknown destiny
kohdallenl stone fell iiouTi quite close to fate) ; yhdatta - , yhtem ~ at (1. In) one
me (1. right where I stood) ; korktln the place, (koolla, koolle) together (In one
highest point (1. place), (bulppu) apex, place); Vrt. kohden.
top. Crown, (kUV.) Climax; kubin kohdas- koht'ikaan in a little while, presently; (hetl) aattakoon yhtaitta aiiaa each one directly.
should do his part (1. share) In furthering kohtisuom
I. (a.) perpendicular; (pystythe common cause; mitt kohdatta lat ol suora) vertical,
(telm.) plumb. II. (s.)
rkk at which place (1. where) was the perpendicular, normal;
kohtitaoraan, kohglass broken? monatta kohdatta on (1. In) Hmoratta perpendicularly,
right angles
many points, (monessa suhteessa) In many [to ... Johonkln (I. Jotaklnatvastaan)].
respects; pykln toinan the second koht'silln in a little while, presently.
clause of the section: tain tan (pannakti) kohtu I. (aldln) womb, matrix; (tlet.) uter

hohdalleen l gOt It put Straight, I gOt It

right; tlnun hohdassasi kS. IJa(SsaSl): fa
ma on tarbea ~ this Is an Important clause
(1. stipulation); tattd kohdin at this point,
In this part, vrt. kohden; UK fat kohdat on
hiriatta mainiosti ttitatty many parts Of

us; vrt. ema; kohdun etiiniaitkahdut fallIng (l. bearing down) of the womb, prolap
sus of the uterus; kohdan narnkaantymin*n Inversion of the uterus; apt! itins
kohdufta (mys:) the unborn child.

II. (kohtuus) moderation; measure,

the book (1. many points in the book) are kohtu
-hinta reasonable (I. fair) price; kohtuhinexcellent (1. are admirably presented).
kohta II. (adv.) soon; (hetl) at once, direct cheap. a moderate (1. a fair) price, fairly
ly; /!./< on the spot, there and then, kohtulalnen - kohtalainen.
then and there. Immediately, Instantly, kohtu tauti disease of the womb, -tulehdu
instanter; Jot ~ even if (1. though).
Inflammation of the womb.
kohtaan toward(s); to; olla ystvllinen )o- kohtuuden! mukalnen moderate, fair; reason
takuta ~ be kind to one, show kindness able; (olkeudenmukalnen) Just, -mukaisesti
toward one.
reasonably; Justly; as a matter of fair
kohtalainen (kesklnkertalnen) mediocre, ness; ma amma vol kohtuadenmukaitetti
medium, middling; (tavalllnen) ordinary; vaatia eit \ve ran not very well demand
(kohtuulllnen) moderate, reasonable, mod that, such a demand Is not within reason,
est; (parahultainen) Just about right; (mu- -mukaisuus reasonableness, moderateness;
kUnmenevu) passable, fair; (sledettv) Justness, fairness; (mys:) reason. Justice.

kohtuullinen moderate [rerjuest, pyynt] koira dog; (ajo-) hound; koiran haukunta
reasonable, modest; ralr; (sopiva) proper; barklng (or a dog), baying, (metsst.) cry
(kunnollinen) decent Liivin?, toimeentulo] ; (or hounds) ; ei ole koiraa karvoihin kat
(asianmukainen) becomlng; (siedettv) somista (1. v.) appearances are decelvlng
tolerable, passable; (hyvksyttv) ac- (I. deceltrul), you cannot teli by tbe lengtb
reptable; ~ elmssn (]. elmntavois
or a rabblfs ears bow far he can Jump.
saan) temperate In one's life, moderate In -elin canine (anlmal). -laji klnd or dog.
everything (One does); ~ esiintymisessn koiramainen shameless [deed, teko] ; abomlreasonanle (1. ratlonal) In one's bebavtor; nable. koiramaisesti shamelessly,abomi hinta ralr (1. moderate 1. reasonable) nably. koiramaisuus sbamelessness; abomiprlce; korvon* reasonable (1. ralr) re- nableness.
ward (1. remuneration) ; toimeentulo koiran- (yhd.) dog's, or a dog [esim. -kau(mys:) ralr (1. tolerable) Uvlng; ~ vaati
lahihna dog's collar. collar or a dog- -p
muksissaan moderate In one's demands (1. dog's head, head or a dog]; dog(-) [esim.
pretenslons) ; kohtuullisen hyv falrly -suku dog ram I ly; -thti (Sirius) dog-starl,
good, decent [salary, palkka], reasonable; (Joskus) canine [esim. -suku canine racej.
kohtuulliset ehdot reasonable (1. ralr) -hammas (kuv.) Jeerlng (1. sarcastlc) felterms, (mys:) easy terms; hnen liikevoit
low; cynic; (ilvehtij) Joker; (kiusanteki
tonsa on ~ bls pront Is reasonable (1. not j) hector, tease. -heisipuu high cranberry;
excesslve) ; kuten kohtuullista olikin as was (viljelty muunnos) guelder-rose, snowballbut falr (1. only reasonable); on varsin tree. -ilma (kuv.) beastly weather. -koppi
kohtuullista, ett . . lt Is only (1. no more kennel, -koukku (kuv.) crarty dodge; teh
d (kaikenlaisia) koirankoukkuja be althan) reasonable (1. ralr) tbat . . . kohtuul
lisesti reasonably, ralrly, moderately, ways up to some dodge or other (1. up to
properly; decently; tolerably. kohtuulli
trlcks), play an underhand game. -kuja
suus moderatton, (Joskus) moderateness; dog's trlck, dog-trlck, currlsh (1. mean 1.
reasonableness, ralrness; (elmntavoissa) Sharp 1. thlevlsh) trlck; vrt. kolrankuri.
temperateness, temperance.
-kuonolainen Kalmu(c)k; (dog or a) Turk.
kohtuus moderatlon; (kohtuullisuus) rea
-kuri (kepponen) rogulsh trlck; (vehje)
sonableness, ralrness, Justlce; kohtuudella trlck, artirice; tehd koirankurla play
reasonably, Justly, wlth reason (1. pro- trlcks (1. pranks), be up to trlcks (1. mfsprlety) [esim. enemp ei voida kohtuudel
cbleD. -Isuka cynical (1. sarcastlc 1. mockla vaatia more cannot be Justly (1. reason
lng) reIlow, cynlc, mocker; vrt. kolranhamably) demanded; buom. tyskennell koh
mas. -muotoinen: koiranmuotoinon apina
tuudetta use common sense about bow hard dog-ape. -nahka dogskln. -nauris (kasv.)
one works, do what one bas to do wlth bryony. -nuuska (kuv.) severe rebuke, scoldmoderatlon]; kohtuuden vaatimukset the lng. -penikka 1. -pentu pup(py), whelp.
requlrements of reasonableness; ei ole koh- -purema I. (s.) blte or a dog, dog's bite. II.
tuudenmukaista Is not ralr (1. Just 1. riRtit) ; (a.) .. bltten by a dog. -putki 1. -kumina
se en oikeus ja lt Is only Just. -ntkfi- (kasv.) cow-chervll, wlld-chervll. -ruoka
kohta reasonable polnt or vlew (1. view- dog's rood, rood Tor a dog. -silm (kuv.)
rogue; wag, burroon; vrt. koiranhammas.
kohtuuton unreasonable, unralr, unjust; im- -uni light sleep, dog-sleep. -vahti (mer.)
moderate, (Illallinen) exorbltant, excesslve, mlddle watch. -vitjat leash. -virka: se on
undue; (sopimaton) Inordlnate, lmproper; koiran virka (1. v.) you have to lead a regu(mahdoton) absurd, preposterous; el
lar dog's UTe in that Job (1. that position).
mntavoissaan lntemperate (I. extravagant) kolra||parl couple (1. brace) or dogs. -raivo
(in one's hablts 1. In one's manner or liv - ks. vesikauhu, -rakki cur. -rotu breed (1.
In?) ; kohtuuttoman korkea unreasonanly race) or dog(s).
(1. unduly) hia-n, exorbltant [prlce, hinta] ; koiras male; (joskus:) dog, (hirvielimen
kohtuuttoman suuri unreasonably large y. m.) buck, (linnun) cock.
[salary, palkka], altogether too large, be- koiras- (yhd.) male [esim. -elefantti male
yond ali reason; kohtuuttoman vhn alto
elephant; -kala male rish; -karhu male
gether too llttle, (esim. palkasta) not any- bear; -mehilinen male bee] : he [esim.
where near enougb, abnormally (1. unrea
-karhu he bear; -kissa he cat; -leijona he
sonably) llttle; kohtuuttomat vaatimukset lion]; (Joskus:) dog [esim. -kettu ilog
exorbltant (1. extravagant) demands. koh
rox]; (linnuista) rock [esim, -kyyhkynen
tuuttomasti lmmoderately; exorbltantly, cock dove (1. plgeon); -varpunen cock
excesslvely, Intemperately; syd kohtuut
sparrow]. -ankka drake. -elin male organ.
tomasti (mys:) eat to excess.
-elin male (anlmal). -hanhi gander. -puoli
kohtuuttomuus unreasonableness, unralr- male sex; mys = koiraa, -puolinen 1. -su
ness; lmmoderatlon ; exorbltance, extrava- kuinen mascullne, male. -suku male sex.
ganre, excesslveness; excess; lntemper- -teeri blackcock.
ance; lnordlnateness ; absurdity; vrt. koh koira tarha kennels. -UI (ellnt.) dog-louse.
-vero dog tax.
kohtuvlka uterlne complalnt, (Jkpv.) womb koiruoho (kasv.) wormwood. -rohdot vvormtrouble; vrt. kohtuuuti.
wood drops. -viina absinth(e); absinthlated
kohva rrust. kohvsttua rorm a crust; (jh
splrlts. -ljy oli or wormwood.
metty) set; (kovettua) harden.
koiruus (kepponen) rogulsh trlck; (kuje)
koi I. (koiperhonen) moth; 2. (syp) can- prank; mlschler; (metku) cheat; (petos,
vilppi) deceit, rraud, swindle; vlllalny; Aan
cer: 3. (aamukol) dawn, daybreak.
koillinen I. (s.) northeast. II. (a.) nortbeast- teki minulle sen koiruuden, ett jtti vuok
erly; (asemaltaan) northeast(ern).
ransa maksamatta he played me the mean
koillis- (vhd.) northeast [esim. -osa north
(1. dirty 1. scurvy) trlck or leaving hls rent
east part; -funfi northeast wlnd; -vyl unpald; tehd (\. harjottaa) koiruutta (v
ryytt) cheat, swlndle, practlse deceit,
northeast passage].
(Jollekulle 1. Jotakuta kohtaan) do one an
koinsyom moth-ealen.
lnjustlce. wrong a p., (vallattomuutta) be
kointhti momlng star; Venus.
up to some trlcks (1. some pranks 1. somekoiperhonen moth.
thlng), be up to mlschler, play pranks (I.
koipeliini splndlelegs, spindlesbanks.
koipi shank, leg.



koiso (kasv.) bittersweet; nightsbade.

koitar rosy (1. blushing) dawn.
koita kS. aamun*, pivn*.
koito (kurja) miserable, wretched; poor.
koittaa t. koettaa; 2. (sarastaa) dawn,
break; kun huomispiv koitti when the
morrow came (1. dawned); piv koittaa
the day is breaking, the day dawns (1.
breaks"; pivn koittaessa In the dawn(ing), at dawn, at daybreak.
koitto breaking; aamun (l. pivn) ~ day
break, dawn (of day).
koitua (Johtua) arlse, spring, be derived:
(synty) come up, ensue, be created (I.
rornied); (luontua) turn out; (olla Joksi
kin) prove; (tulla) get; (koittaa) dawn;
hanasta koituu viti hyv laulaja he \vill
turn, out to be a (food slnger yet (some
day), he promlses to inake (1. glves promise or beroming) a good Singer; piv on
koituva, folioin .. the day xviii dawn (I.
come) vvhon . . ; siit ei koidu mitn hyv
no (food vvlll come (out) or that, I know
nothing good can rome or It, that cannot
turn out well (I. come ta a good end);
siit koituu meille vain kustannuksia tt \vill
only brlng us (I. tnvolve us In) expense,
It will mean only expenditure (1. outlay)
for us (to rarry It out); siit' koituvat (\.
koituneet) menot the expenses caused by
that. the expenses accrued thereby (1.
through that) ; tst koituu suuri juhla thls
wlll prove to be a great occaslon (1. event),
thls wlll develop Into (1. will turn out to
he) a great festival.
koivikko, koivisto birch-grove, cluster or
blrches; blrch wood.
koivu blrch. -halot blrch rtrewood (1. cordwood).
koivuinen blrch, blrchen.
koivumetsa blrch wood(s).
koivun- (yhd.) blrch(-) [esim. -lehti blrohlear; -terva birch tar]. -mahla birch-sap.
-n*re sprlg or blrch. -urpu blrch catkin.
-varpu twlg or birch; koivunvarvut blrch
twigs, birch brush. -vesa birch sapllng.
-vitsa blrch, birch sprout.
koivu terva blrch tar. -viidakko blrch thloket. -vyhyke birch zone. -ljy birch oli.
kojo (piere or) apparatus, contrivance; ko
jeet (kalut) lmplements, (tarpeet) utenslls;
materials, (varustus) equlpment, (astiasto)
set, (kalastus-) taikle; mink kojeet kest
vt at top(most) specd, wlth mlght and
liuoin, anna menn, mink kojeet
kestvt let the rnachine o Tor ali there is
In It].
koju cabin, rottage; (maja) hut; (hkkeli)
hovel; (kauppa) stall, booth; (katos, vaja)
shed; (veturin y. m.) cab: (vahti- y. m.)
box; (laivan) bunk, berth; vrt. vahti y. m.
kokaiini ikoni.) cocain(e).
kokardi cockade.
kokastaa steer [the boat toxvards the shore,
vene rantaan].
kokea (saada kokea) experlence; prove;
rind out; (olla Jonkin alaisena) undergo,
sustaln; (krsi) surrer [many hardships,
monia kovia koettelemuksia]; (kest)
bear, (ro through, enilure; (tulla tunte
maan) come to know, reel; (el) Ilve to
see, (pyrki, koettaa) cndeavor [to . .],
(koetella) try; (katsoa pyydyksi) examlne; ~ seikkailuja meet with (1. experl
ence) adventures; (saada) ~ seurauksia
jostakin Teel (I. surrer) the consequences
or . .; verkkoja examlnc (1. look at) the
nets; hn koki pst sisn he tried to
come (I. irct) In: hn on kokenut paljon she
has had a world or experlence; vrt. saada


kokeellinen experimental. kokeellisesti experimentally, by experiment. kokeellisuus

experimental nature.
kokeileminen experimentatlon, experimentlng. kokeilija expcrimenter. kokeilla make
experiments [with, jollakin], experiment
[with . .], make a trial [or . .]; give [one,
a lii. a trial; try; test; antaa jonkun ko
keilla jollakin give one a cliance to try a
th., let one try (1. experiment with) a tn.
(koe) experiment, trial, -esine object or
experiment(ation); (henkil) subject or
[one's] experiment. -kentt experimental
Tield. -yritys attempted experiment; (koe)
experiment; hn teki kokeiluyrityksen he
attempted to perrorni an experiment.
kokelas candldate; applicant; (pvrkij) as
pirant; (pst) pupll preparing Tor his
college entrance examlnations.
kokematon inexperienced; (koettelematta
oleva) untried, unpractised. kokemattomasti In an Inexperienced manner; witho'il
experlence. kokemattomuus inexperlence.
lack (1. want) or experlence.
kokemus experlence; (huomio) observatlon;
kokemuksesta tunnen, kuinka . . I know
rrom experlence hOW . . ; kytnnllinen ~
practical experlence, practice; min puhun
omasta kokemuksestani t spe&k rrom personal (1. I am speaking rrom my own) ex
perlence. -parainen emplric(al). -tieteet
emplric (1. inductlve) sdences.
kokeneisuus experlence.
kokenut experlenced, practlsed; (koeteltu)
tried; (perehtynyt) ramlllar [wlth ..],
(well) versed; ~ kaikki tiet, vaivainen
kaikki kokee (sanani.) experlence Is a hard
srhool, but rools wlll learn In no other;
experlence Is a hard teacher; vanha so
tilas a veteran.
koketeerata (kirmailla) coquet. riirt. koketti
I. (a.) (klemalleva) coquettish. H. (s.)
(klemallija) coquette, rilrt.
kokka (veneen) ks. keula.
kokkapuhe (sukkeluus) Joke, xvlttlctsm; (pilapuhe) sport, run, Joklng, Jest; (kasku)
anecdote; (leikinlasku) ralllery.
kokkapuomi (mer.) Jib-boom. -purje rore
sail. -puu (aluksessa) bowsprlt.
kokkare lump; (maa-) clod; (veri- v. m.)
olot; (esim. muta) chunk, gob; kokkareis
sa In lumps. In chunks. kokkareinen lumpv;
rloddy; clotted. kokkareisuus lumplness.
cloddiness. kokkaroitua get (1. grow 1. beeome) lumpy, lump: coagulate, elot.
kokkasana word satd ror a Joke, witty word;
kokhasanat = kokkapuhe(et).
kokkeli curdled mllk; (muna-) scrambled
kokki I. (proresslonal) cook; (p-) cher
kokki II. (bakteerilaji) coccus.
kokki || kirja ks. keittokirja, -poika rook's
helper, sculllon; (Yhdysv.) cookee.
kokko 1. (kotka) cagle; 2. (Juhannus- y. m.
tuli) bonfire. -valkea = kokko, 2.
koko I. (a.) whole; entlre; (kalkki) ali- ~
joukon (melkoisesti) conslderably. (paljon)
murh, a good (1. a great) deal [or dirrerenre, eroa; better, parempi], (Jkpv.) a
whole lot, qulte a lot [huom. koko joukon
eroa (mys:) conslderable dirrerencel
kansa ali the people, the entlre nation;
~ kaupunki tiet sen ali the town knows
it; ~ knns square turn. vrt. kokoknne:
maa the whole country, (a.sujamlsto)
ali the country: [tuhlasi] ~ omaisuutensa
f\vasted] hls entlre rortune: ~ (pitkn)
pivn (kaiken piv) ali day long-
sydmestn w!th ali one'S hcart; ~ talven



(talven pitkn) the whole Winter, ali

Uirouirh the Winter, througbout the Winter,
ali the Winter long; ~ vuoden ali the year,
(kokonaisen vuoden) the whole year. II.
(adv.) (aika) very; (melko) rather; ralrly;
qulte; hyvin pretty well, qulte well;
hyv lairly good; paljon (qulte) a good
deal, considerably.
kokoili, (s.) (suuruus) slze, (tiet.) magnltude,
dunensions; (tilavuus) volume; (ruumiin-)
stature; (kasa) heap, pile; kokoon, koolla,
koolle ks. hakus.; kooltaan pienempi Shorter
in stature, . . of shorter sutii re; koossa ks.
hakus.; koossa on eroa there is a dirrerence
in slze (1. in volume 1. in dimenslons);
pient kokoa foleva) ..ota Small Slze,
(pieni) small (in slze), (pienois-) miniature.
kokoava gathering, coilecting; linssi
(fys.) convergent lens.
kokoelma collection; (kerelm) compllation
(of verse, runoja] .
kokoilija collertor; (vars. yhd.) gatherer;
gleaner: postimerkkien ~ stamp-collector,
philatelist; verojen tax (1. revenue) col
kokoilla olleet [taxes, veroja]; gather
[boney, hunajaa; Information, tietoja] ;
tavaransa get one's things (1. belongIngs) together, plck up one's things. kokoilu coilecting, collection, gathering.
kokoinen: jonkin (oi) the slze or . . , of
the same size as . . , of a slze with ... as
great (1. large 1. big) as . . ieslm. herneen
Of the stze Of a pea; eri kokoisia pahoja
balls of unequal size (1. or dirrerent slzes),
nnequal balls; minun kokoiseni of my size,
as large (1. big) as I].
koko: kylpy abath ali over. -kiinne 1. -kianndo: tehd kokoknns turn square (1.
Dear) around; face about.
kokonaan wholly, entlrely;
qulte; (kaikin puolin) In evcry respect (1.
way), to ali intents and purposes; (tydel
lisesti) completely, thoroughly; (aivan)
perfectly; uusi entlrely (1. perfectly)
new. rompletely new; minulle on k
sittmtnt, miksi .. (mys:) I am at a
(tn tai) loss to understand why ... I am
stmply (1. absolutely) unable to make out
why, I'm In the dark as to why . .; se on
hvinnyt it has dtsappeared altogether,
it has entlrely dlsappeared; se on toista
thafs qulte another thlng, thafs qulte a
(1. thafs an entlrely) dlfferent matter.
kokonainen whole, entlre; (srkymtn) unbroken: vrt. koko, I.
kokonaia- (yhd.) total [esim. -arvo total
value; -fciMfonnus total cost; -tappio total
loss; -tuotto total produrtlon]. -heijastus
(fys.) total reflection. -kuva general vlew;
(yhteninen) coherent picture. -luku (mat.)
wbole (1. Integral) number, tnteger. -miiri
total (amount). -objekti (klel.) total oh
jeet, -summa sum total, total.
kokonaisuu* entlreness, who!enes3: entlrety,
totality; wholC: kokonaisuudessaan In ItS
entlrety, as a whole. In totallty, in Tuli,
entire(ly); se muodostaa kokonaisuuden It
makes (1. forms) a whOle; yhten kokonai
suutena as a whole, as a unlt: In a lump.
kokonais! vaikutelma 1. -vaikutus general
effect (I. Impression), -voitto total profit.
kokonuotti whole note, semibreve.
kokooja rollector, gatherer; (fys.) conductor. -linssi 1. -myki (fys.) convergent lens.
kokoomus romposition; romblnation; (fys.)
ronslstency. -hallitus coalitykn government
(I. mlnlstry). -lista roalltlon tlcket.
kokoon I. (koolle, yhteen) together; up;


[verbien yhteydess kytettyn, ks. esim.

kutsua, kri, painua, saada, taittaa, tulla
y. m.].
kokoon II. (yhd.) . . together [esim. -kutsu
minen calling together; -liimattu glued to
gether], . . up [esim. -kritty folded up;
-lyty shut up]. -knnettv .. whictl
can be rolded. -kiiritty rolded, rolled (1.
wound) up. -lyty (mys:) closed; hti
sesti kokoonlyty just throxvn together.
-painunut collapsed. -pano (kokoonpaneminen) puttlng together; construction,
texture, (soit.) composltlon; (fys. Il kem.)
consistency. -pantu (muodostettu) composed, made up [or, Jostakin]; (yhteen
pantu) put together; compounded [or, Jos
takin] ; olla kokoonpantu jostakin consist
of . . . -puristettu pressed together, compressed.
kokoontua (kernty) gather, collect; (tul
la koolle) come together, (kokoukseen)
meet, assemble; kokoonnutaan koululle a
meeting will be held at the schoolhouse,
the meeting Is to be at the schoolhouse;
kokoonnutaan surutalolle (I. v.) Triends u iii
meet at the house; neuvottelemaan meet
(1. gather) to discuss . . , gather ror (1. to)
a conrerence, meet Tor disrusslon [or
jostakin]; yhteen gather (1. come) to
gether, collect, assemble; eduskunta on ko
koontunut (koolla) the Dlet Is assembled;
sinne oli kokoontunut paljon ihmisi a large
crowd (of people) had assembled there,
many people had gathered there. kokoon
tuminen meeting, gathering, assembllng.
kokoontumis aika time or meeting; tlme appolnted (Tor the meeting). -oikeus rlght or
assembly. -palkka meeting place. -vapaus
rreedom of assembly.
kokoontunut assembled, gathered, collected.
kokoontynnettv roldlng, collapslble.
kokottaa 1. (kurottaa) stretch [one's hand
out for a tn., kdelln Jotakin]; (ojentaa)
extend. kokotus stretrhlng out; extendlng.
koksi coke. -hiili caking coal. -uuni cokeoven.
kokous meeting, assembly, gathering; convocation; (edustaja-) conventlon; (neuvot
telu-) conrerence; (ctup. kansainvlinen)
congress; (Istunto) session; (kokoontunut
Joukko) assembly, assemblage.
kokous- (yhd.) . . or meeting [esim. -paikka
place or meeting; -piv day or meet
ing], meeting [esim. -paikka meeting
place]. -aika (joksi kokous on mrtty)
tlme or meeting; (mink kokous kest)
the time a meeting lasts (I. lasted). -huone
ks. kokoussali, -huoneisto (esim. jonkin
seuran) hau, club rooms, rooms; (esim.
lalnlaatijakunnan) chambers, halls. -sali
assembly room (1. hali); hali.
kolahdella (kolista) make a nolse; rap, be
rapplng (1. thumptng); ne kolahteli kiviin
the boat kept bumping on (1. agalnst) the
kolahdus (Isku) blow, knock (molemmat
mys kuv.); thump; (kuv.) shock, trial,
hardship; kest monet (kovat) kolahduk
set go through many a tlght place, endure
many a hard blow (1. knock): se oli hnelle
kova - (kuv.) that was a hard (1. severe 1.
serlous) blow to (1. ror) hlm. kolahduttaa
knock, nump [one's head against a th..
pns Johonkin] ; strike [one's cane on
the floor, keppins lattiaan]; (raskaasti)
thump: (jyskhdytt) slam, bang.
kolahtaa knock, strike; bump; (Jyskht)
tliud; pni kolahti seinn my head
bumped (1. I biimped my head) agalnst the
wall; se kolahti kovasti It gave qulte a
bang, It made (l. gave) a loud thud; vene

koUkti Uvaan tbe bot stroek (1. buzopod
I. daxbed) agalnst a rock.
kotahMu bumplng, thumping; rapplng; (ko
lina; clattr.
kolaus ks. kolaasi**, ketouttaal b. Icaaakatattaa.
kolakka raw, cbllly [vreatber, Ilma] ; gtoomy.
dreary; vrt. seur.
kolaa (kolakka) cbllly. raw [day. piiri];
(kolkko, Jylh) dlsmal, gloomy. dreary;
(kumea) dull [sound. Uni], bollow; (kar
kea) rough; foulukuan piv a bleak
liecember day; mmtmmm gloomy scenery,
(autio) desolate scene; syksyinen piv
a dark (I. gloomy) Tall day, a melancboly
autumn day. kolaaiiko ratber cbllly (I. raw
I. dreary 1. rough). kolaaati gloomily.
drearlly; dully.
koleerlkko (sielut.) cholerlc. koloarinan
(kllvasluontolnen) cholerlc.
kolahti collectlon; (et. kirkollinen) orfertory; offerlng. -haavi collectlon box (1.
basket 1. plate). -varat collectlon (money).
kolelnen k, kolaa.
kolera (Aslatlc) cbolera.
kolera- (yhd.) cbolera [esim. -lkri cbolra doctor; -rutto cholera epldemlc; -taira* cholera patlent] : . . of cholera [esim.
-basilli haclllus of cholera; -tapan* case of
kolerantapalnen llke (1. resembllng) cbolera.
kolera sairaala pest-house for cholera. -tau
tinen arrected (1. slck) wttb cholera. -vaa
ra dangnr of cholera.
koleua chllllness, rawness; gloomlness;
drnarlness; dullness, hollowness; roughficMfl; vrt. kolaa.
kolhaista, kolhaU knock, strlke; hlt; bump
[ono's head agalnst the wall, pns seliiiian | ; deal a blow. kolhaua, kolhaisu
hlow; knock, bump; thump.
kolhia batter (up), maul; (Jyskytt) pound
(up); (kuv. rusikoida) use (1. treat)
roughly, mangle, maul. kolhiminen, kol
hima battcrlng, maullng; poundlng; (kuv.)
rouirh treatment, mangllng.
kolibri (ollnt.) hummlng-blrd.
koliikki (hky) collc; (puhallukslssaolo)
rinlutcnco (of the stomach); (puru) grlpes.
kolikko (largo) coln; copper: kolikoita loose
enin. i i.-n. .) Iin. hn,It on kolikoita he has
innnoy, (lelk.) Iin has the rocks, he has
the tln.
kolina nolaa, racket; (kova) dln; (kalina)
raitin, clatter. kolilta make a nolse (1. a
rarket) ; (kalista) rattle, (make a) clatter.
kollitta mako a nolse; (Jyskytt) rap [on
thi< dmir, ovea], pound; (kalistaa) clank,
clnttor. kolistella ks. edoll. kollatalu rapiilng. ponnillng, clanklng, clatter(lng). ko
hauttaa mako . . rattle, rattle [the door,
nvoa 1 : (Jyskytt) batter (1. knock 1. rap)
[at (I. on) a th.. Jotakin]: (kallsuttaa)
mako . . clattor, clattor, clank.
kolja (ellnt.) haddork.
kollo htigo rrealure, hulk: (Jttilinen) glant.
kolkata (Jysky, oslm. koneista puhtien)
thump. knock. pound: (kalkkua) clank,
clatter. kolka (konoon) thump(lng); pound
lng: ikallna) clank, clatter.
kolkka I. (kulma) oorner: (soppi) nook. reciw*: (takalisto) remote quarter; (sentti)
trart, ttart(s); meidn kolkallammo tn our
part or the country, In our parts. at our
plare: miet maailman kolkalta aina talot
from \vhat part (1. \vhat quarter) or the
\vrld dld yoti come?
kolkka II. (nuija) club.
kolkko (autio) desolate, deaerted; barren
I rene,
maisema 1 :
[slght, niky], grlsly; (pelottava) grue-


some, nnranny; (synkk) dlsmal, dreary,

gloomy. ebeerless; (kolea) raw, cbllly.
kolkkoua desolateness, barrenness; ghastllness; gruesomeoess, dlsmalness; dreariness, cheerlessness; ravrness; vrt. kolkko.
kolkoati drearlly, gloomily, cheerlessly;
gruesomelv, dismally.
kolkutella (be) knock(ing), (be) pound(lng),
(oe) rap(plng); (kolistella) clatter. kol
kutin (ovessa tai portissa) knocker. kol
kuttaa knock, rap [at tbe door, ovelle (1.
ovea)": (jrskvttai) pound; (naputtaa) tap;
ovelle kolkutettiin there was a knock (1. a
rap) at tbe door. kolkuttelu knocklng, rap
plng; clattering. kolkutua knock(lng),
rap(ping); poundlng.
kolleega colleague.
kollogi(o), kollegiumi college [esim. kardi
naali college or cardlnals] ; (opettajakun
ta) tearhlng starr. farulty.
kollektiivinen (Joukko-) collective [agreement, sopimus] ; nimi (klel.) collective
kolli (tavara-) plece; parcel.
kolli(klasa) tom-cat, tom, he cat.
kollo ks. tollo.
kollodi(uml) (kem.) collodlon. kolloidiainoat (kem.) collold substances. collolds.
kolmannes thlrd (part); kaksi kolmannesta
tuo thlrds. kolmannesti for the third tlme.
kolmas thlrd; kolmanneksi thlrdly, in tbe
thlrd place; kolmas tavu (soman) topasta
(klel.) antepenult(lmate). -kertainen: kolmaskertainen varkaus Steallng Tor the thlrd
tlme, thlrd thert (1. orfense). -kymmenes
thlrtleth. -osa kolmannes, -sadas (the)
kolmasti three tlmes, thrlce; viikossa il
mestyv lehti a trl-weekly (paper).
kolmas! toista thlrteenth. -toisuosa thlrteenth (part). -tuhannea three thousandth.
kolme three; (kallo) kolmen aikaan at three
(0'clock) ; ma kolmen miekan (\. kolmeen
mieheen) the three Of US [esim. luulin,
ett voisimme tehd sen kolmen miehen
I thnught the three of us would be able to
dO lt; ptimme lhte sinne kolmen mie
hen the three of us declded to go there;
hliom. mys: heidn on mahdoton tehd
sit kolmen miehen lt Is lmposslblc for the
three of them to do lt; sit on mahdoton
tehd kolmen miehen lt Is Imposslble Tor
three men to do that]. -kymment thlrty.
kolmen!! Istuttava . . \vlih seats (1. room) Tor
three. -kertainen ks. kolminkertainen, -lai
nen . . or three klnds (I. sorts); three sorts
(1. klnds) or . . .
kolmentoista!! vuotlea 1. (a.) thlrteen vears
old (1. or age). II. (s.) chlld [boy, glrl] or
thlrteen. -vuotinen (of) thlrteen years'
kolme osainen ks. kelmi-, -pilkkinen threerorked, three-pronged. -sataa three hun
kolmesti - kolmasti.
kolmetoista thlrteen. -luku number thlrteen.
kolmetuhatta three tbousand.
kolml- tyhd.) three-, (tiet.) tri- [esim.
-halkoinen three-clert, (kasv.) tririd: -sivainen three-slded, (geom.) trilateral: -tovulnon throe-syllabled. trlsyllablc(al)].
kolmia In three (equal) parts; Jaettavaksi
to be dlvlded Into (1. In) three equal parts :
- laetta three-parted: jakaa dlvlde into
three equal parts. -Jako trlpartltlon, trlsectlon.
kolmi emksinen (kem.) trlbaslc. -haara
trldent. -haaralnen three-brarcbed, threearmed; (kolmijakoinen, et. kasv.) trlparttte: htlmihaarainen hermo (anat.) tiigeminal


trlsyllable. -tlehana (tekn.) three-\vay cock.
-tuumainen three lnches long; three-lnch
[naii, naula; board, lauta], -valjakko
three-borse team; team or three (horses).
-vuorolnen: kolmivuoroinen viljelyt kolmijakoviljeiy. -vuotias I. (a.) three years
old. II. (s.) three-year-old chlld [horse,
ctc.J. -vuotinen three-yearly; trlennlal
[dlet, eduskunta], -vuotiskausi perlod or
three years, trlennlal perlod. -vripaino
three-colorprinting. -yhteinen triune iGod,
jumala], -yhteisyys 1. -yhteys triunlty;
vrt. kolminaisuus. -Uninen . . for three
voices; kolminist laulua three-part slnging. -inen three nlghts old, three-nlghts'.
kolmo(i)set trlplets. kolmoisslsarukset trlplets.
kolmonen three; (korttipeliss y. m.) trey,
three-spot [esim. hertta trey or hearts].
kolo (reik) hole; (koverrus) groove; (ontto
paikka) hollow, cavlty; (kuoppa) plt; (sop
pi) corner, nook; (lovi) notcb, score, lnclslon; (pieni syvennys l. kuoppa) dent;
(kallion) crevice, clert; (kuilu) gorge,
chasm. koloa ks. kolota, koloaminen ks.
kolonta. kololnen rull or ptts (1. holes),
Tuli or cavitles (1. crevlces); rutty [road,
ilo] ; (rosoinen) boney-combed [structure,
rakenne] .
kolonia (siirtomaa) colony.
kolonnl (pylvs) column.
kolonta barklng, strlpping, peellng; (pllkotus) blazing.
kolossi (Jttllalskuvapatsas) colossus.
kolota bark, strip, peel; (pilkottaa) blaze.
kolottaa ks. srke; hampaitani [srini]
my teeth [my legs] ache.
kolotus ache, pain (s); (luuvalo) gout; (lei
ni) rheumatlsm; reumaattinen ~ rheumatic
paln(s). -tauti (luuvalo) gout.
kolpakko (pokaali) cup; (malja) bowl.
kolportri (kaupustelija) colporteur, itlnerant preacher and distrlbutor or tracts.
kolttonen prank, trlck; hauska ~ prar ical
kolttu dress; (etup. Engl.) rrock; kun hn
oli pieni poika ja kvi viel koltussa wtlcn
he \vas still a llttle boy In dresses.
koluta (kolistella) make a noise (1. a racket); move nolslly; rattle; (etsi tark
kaan) search through, ransack, rummage.
kolvi 1. (tislaus-) retort; 2. (pyssyn-) butt
(-end); 3. (mnt) piston; vrt. juotto.
komahdus thud, thump; (dull) noise. komahduttaa pound, thump ; st rike a heavy
blow; (kopahduttaa) knock, rap; (lyd)


(kasv.) triandrian. -Jako trlpartltlon; trlsectlon. -jakoinen three-parted, (kasv.) triparted, tripartite [ lcar, lehti] . -Jakoviljelya
(maanv.) irlenntal (1. three-yearly) rotallon, three -rield system. -Jalka I. (s.) trlpod, ttivet. n. (a.) (kolmijalkainen) threelegged. -kantinen three-decked; kolmikantinen laiva tfiree-decker.
kolmikaa (mus.) tiiplet.
kolmi kerroksinen thrce-story [bufklirig-.
rakennus] ; vrt. kolminkertainen, -kielinen
. . In three languages, trllingual; (soitti
mista) three-stringed.
kolmikko trio (et. mus.) ; trlad, trlplet; vrt.
olmi kolkka (mus.) trlangle. -kulma Tri angle. -kulmainen triangoilar; kolmikuimefnen hattu three -cornered hat, tricorn.
-kymmenkertaisesti thlrty tlmes, thirtyrold. -kymmenvuotias I. (a.) thlrty years
old (1. of ape). II. (s.) man of thlrty (years).
-kymmenvuotinen or thlrty yearsC duration 1. Standlng) : kolmikymmenvuotinen
ota (hist.) the Thlrty Years' War. -ktrki
trldent. -lehtinen three-leaved; trirollate(d). -liitto (hist.) the Trlple Alllance.
-loikkaua (urh.) hop, step (1. sklp) and
Jump. -lokeroinen (kasv.) three-celled.
-luku (number) three. -mastoinen threemasted. -mastolalva three-master.
kolmin three at a tlme, three and three; by
(1. in) threes, (kolmen miehen) (in; a
party of three; (kaikki kolme) ali three
;estm. me ali three or us].
kolminainen threerold, trlpllcate, treble;
trlple; (kolmlmuotoinen) trirorm(ed). kolminaisliitto tripartite treaty, trlple alll
ance. kolminaisestl threerold; trebly;
(kolmasti) thrlce.
kolminaisuus trlpllcity; (usk.) trlnlty; kol
minaisuuden sunnuntai Trlnlty Sunday;
pyh ~ the lioly Trlnlty. -oppi (usk.)
doctrine of the Trlnlty; Trlnttarianlsm.
kolmlnen (about) three; matka keeta kol
misen piv the trlp \vlll last about tbree
kolminiltinen three-thread, three-ply.
kolmin kerroin 1. -kertaisesti threerold,
trebly: (kolme kertaa) three tlmes, thrlce.
-kertainen threerold; trlpllcate, trlple,
treble; three-ply [collar, kaulus].
kolminytksinen: ~ huvinytelm a comedy in three acts, three-act comedy.
fmaanm.) triangulatlon. kolmioluu (anat.)
the cuneKorm bone or the \vrlst. kolmio
mainen, kolmionmuotoinen triang-ular; tn amruloid.
kolmiot mitanto (mat.) trlgonometry. -mit
taus (m.ianm.) triangulatlon. -pUty (rak.)
kolmi I osainen three-parted; trlple; (teos) . .
tn three volumes, three-volume; (kolmi
nytksinen) . . In three acts. -parinen
(kasv.) trijug-ate [lear, lehti] . -plnen
three - headed, triple-headed; (kolmlkrklnen) three-Torked; kolmipinen lihas (anat.)
trlceps. -pivinen lastin* three days; kolmipiv>nen lehti trlweekly (paper); Leip
zigin kolmipivinen tappelu the three days'
battle or Leipzig, -rivinen . . or (1. wlth)
three rows (1. Iines), three-rowed (1.
-llned); (kasv.) three-ranked.
kolmisenkymment about thlrty. kolmisin
ks. kolmin.
kolmlfsointu (tonlc) trlad; common chord.
-soutu laiva I. -soutolalva trlreme. -sinen
three-thread (1. -ply); hawser-Iald [rope,
kysi] . -sarmilnen trlangular. -tahti (mus.)
trlple (1. ternary) tlme (1. rhythm); trlplex.
-tavulnen: kolmitavuinen sana (mys:)

/romahduttaa jotakuta selkn thump


slap) a p. on the back. komahtaa (kolah

taa) thud, thump, (Jymht) rumble,
boom; (kumahtaa) resound.
komea (pulska) flne [rigure, vartalo]; (suu
renmoinen) grand; (upea) splendld, magniricent; (muhkea) stately [edirice, raken
nus], gallant, lmposing; (hieno) elegant,
(loistava) brllliant, gorgeous; ~ mies rinelooklng (1. -appearing) rellovv, splendldlOOklng rellOW; komeat hautajaiset lmposing
(1. pompous) runeral (1. obsequles). -pukuinen elegantly (1. gorgeously) dressed.
komeasti grandly, magniricently; gallantly,
elegantly; gorgeously; pompously; el ~
live in splendor (I. In great style).
komeaa vartaloinen stately; (kookas) tali.
-vrinen brllliant, gorgeous; (koreavrinen) showy, pompous.
komeetti (pyrstthti) comet.
komeilla make a great dtsplay [or a th.,
Jollakin]; make a show [or . .], parade;
shlne [in ali lts glory, kaikessa loistos
saan]; (ylvstell) take prlde in, glory in;
(puyhkciii) boast, brag, vaunt; jollakin



Show Ofr (1. ftisplav) a tll.: hn komeilee

uudella hatullaan he is showing orr his new
hat, tie sports a new hat.
komeilu show, parade; (ostentatious) display, ostentation; parading; bragglng,
boastlng; showtng off.
komendantti ks. Iinnanpllikk.
komennella ks. komentaa.
komennue command. -kunta (sot.) command, detachment.
komentaa command; give the word or com
mand; (olla Jonkin komentajana) be in
command of; (kske) order; olla jonkun
komennettavana be commanded by one, be
at one's command, (Jkpv.) be bossed by
one, (sot.) be under the command of . . .
komentaja officer in command, commander;
vrt. pllikk.
komentava commanding, . . in command;
kenraali the general in command; ~ up
seeri the commanding (1. superlor) officer.
komento command, (komentosana) word or
command; (Jrjestys) order; (hallinto) reglme, rule, government. -sana word of
command. -sauva baton (of command),
truncheon. -silta (laivan) bridge, captain's
komero (koppi) closet; (soppi) corner,
nook; cranny; (Ikkunan y. m.) niche, recess; <yhd.) -room, -hole [esim. rihka~
dust-hole; silytys (laivan) storeroom];
metsn hauhaisimpiin komeroihin to the remotest recesses of the forest.
komeus magniflcence; stateliness; (great)
state, grand style; display, pomp: elegance;
(loisto) splendor, glory, brilllancy; vrt.
komisaari, komisario, komisarius commissioner; commissary; ks. poliisikomisarius.
komissioni (tehtv; toimikunta) Commis
sion, komissioni- (yhd.) ks. vlity*-.
komitea committee; Commission.
komiteani1 Jsen member of a [the] commit
tee. -mietint report of a [thel committee.
kommabasilli (kolera) cornin baclllus.
kommunismi communism. kommunisti communist. kommunistinen rommunistic(al);
Kommunistinen Manifesti (teos) Communist
Maniresto. kommuuni (hlst.) the Cornimme.
kompa satire; epigram.
komparatiivi (klel.) comparative (degree).
-muoto comparative form.
komparatiivinen comparative.
komparataioni (klel.) comparison.
kompa runo satire; satlrlc epigram. -sana
sarrastlc expression (1. remark).
kompassi compass. -neula (conipass-)needie,
needle of the compass. -rasia compassbox, box for the compass. -taulu face (1.
dial) of the compass, compass-card.
kompastella stumble (again and again), kcep
stumbllng; (horjahdella) totter, stagger,
reel; vrt. seur. kompastua stumble [on a
th., Johonkin; and rail, Ja kaatua), trlp;
(kaatua pistikkaa) Tall headlong. tumble;
(horjahtaa) stagger; (kuv. = tehd ereh
dys) make a blunder; kompastumatta \\tihout stumbllng.
kompastus stumbllng; false step, slip;
(kuv.) lapse, Tault; nuoruuden ~ a youthful error, a lapse In youth. -kivi stumblingblock; Stone of stumbllng; (este)
kompeet (kojeet) gear, (esim. kalastus-)
(kamssut) efrects; (tarpeet) belongings;
vrt. koje(et).
komplementti- (yhd.) complementary [esim.
-kulma complementary angle; -vri com
plementary color].
komposti (sekalailta) compost.
komppania company [of infantry, jalkav


ke], komppanianpllikk commander of

a company; captain. komppanioittain by
kompromissi comprojnise; (sovittelu) arbitratlon. -oikeus rlght to compromise.
kompuroida crawl, scramble: stump [with a
nooden leg, puujalalla]; (tpsi) toddle;
~ eteenpin scramble on I to, johonkin];
~ yls (mys:) get on one's legs. kompu
roiminen crawling, scrambllng; stumplng;
(lapsen) toddllng. komuta (make a) bustle;
(kolistella) make a noise (1. racket). komuuttaa: ajaa komuuttaa drlve with nolse
and bluster.
konditsionaali (klel. ehtotapa) subjunctive (mode). -lause condltional clause (1.
kondori (ellnt.) condor.
konduktri conductor;
(Engl. rautat.)
guard. -vaunu (tavarajunan) caboose.
kone (hyry- y. m.) engine; (voimaavltttv) machlne; (koje) apparatus, contrlvance; (tykalu) lnstrument.
kone- (yhd.) machlne- [esim. -rasva machine-grease;
-tehdas machlne-factory;
-tyS machlne-work] ; engine- [esim. -huone
englne-room; -sorvi engine-lathe] ; mechanlcal [esim. -saha mechanlcal saw;
-tuotteet mechanlcal products; -voima me
chanlcal power]. -aura gang-plow.
koneellatehty machine-made.
koneellinen mechanlcal; automatir. koneel
lisesti mechanlcally; automatically. koneellisuus mechanlcalness; tyn koneellisuus
(mys:) the work being so mechanical . . .
koneen [akseli shart or an engine (1. a ma
chlne). -hoitaja one who attends to a ma
chlne; englneer. -koetus testlng (of) a
machlne. -kokoonpanija (engine-) fltter.
koneenkyttj engineer. -tutkinto examinatlon Tor engineer, engineer's examlnation.
koneenllosa piece (1. part) of an engine (1.
or a machlne). -rakentaja machinlst: builder of englnes (1. or machines). -tapainen
mechanlcal, automatlc; (vaistomainen) Instlnctive.
kone halli mechanlcs' hali. -hihna (machlne)
belt. -insinri mechanlcal engineer.
koneisto machinery; (pienempi) mechanlsm.
(tehtaan y. m.) plant, works; (hyrylaivan)
the englnes; kellon works of a clock,
moveiiient of a watch.
kone Ikutoinen maehlne-woven. -laite mechanism; mechanlcal contrivance; gear. -la
toja (kirjap.) machlne compositor; linotypc operator.
konemainen mechanical; (kuv.) automatir,
perfunctory. konemaisesti mechanlcally;
konemaisuus mechanical
nature; automatlsm.
kone mestari master mechanlc; (nyttmn
y. m.) machinist; (kirjap. = yllpainaja)
press foreman. -ompelu machlne sewinp
(1. stltching). -oppi applied (I. practical)
mechanlcs. -osa ks. koneenosa, -osasto
(teknillisen korkeakoulun) department or
mechanical engineering; (nyttelyn y. m.)
machinery department. -osastolainen 1.
student In the department of mechanlcal
engineering; 2. (koneosaston tylinen)
mechanlc. -paja machine-shop; englneshop. -pajalainen mechanlc; machlneworker. -piirustus mechanlcal drawlng,
machine-drawing. -rakennus machlne-constructlon; (tieteen:) mechanical engineer
ing, -soitin mechanical muslc-device. -tar
peet machine- (1. englne-)flttings (1. -supplles. -tehdas machine (manu)ractory.
-teollisuus machlne Industry, -tiiviste (ma
chlne- 1. englne-)packlng. -ty machlnework. -tyllinen 1. -tymies machinist;



rnachine-worker. -vakuutut Insurance coverlng machlnery. -ljy machine-oll, lubrlcating oli.

Kongo Kongo, Congo. -valtio (liist.) Kongo
Free State.
(kokous) congress;
eduskunta) Congress. -miea (Amer. suom.)
kongressinjsen representatlve at (1. delegate to) a congress; (kongresslmles) member or Congress.
koni hack; ks. hevos.
konjakki (French) brandy, cognac. -nen
rurn- (I. brandy-)blossom. -pullo brandybottle. -ryyppy glass or brandy.
konjugataioni (kiel.) conjugatlon.
konjunktsioni (kiel. = sidesana) conjunction.
konkari: ei tule vanhasta konkaria (1. V.)
you i-jirt teach an old dog new tricks.
konkreettinen (todellinen) concrete.
konkuraal bankruptcy, fallure, lnsolvency.
konkursai- (ybd.) bankruptcy [esim. -hake
mus bankruptcy petltion; -laki bankruptcy
law], bankrupt [esim. -lhi bankrupt law;
-myynti bankrupt sle], -asetus: konkurssiasetus vuodalta 1898 the Bankruptcy Act
or year 1898. -hakemus (mys:) petltion
in bankruptcy. -hallinto administration In
bankruptcy; (komitea) bankrupt-commlsslon. -huutokauppa bankrupt sle. -lain
sdnt bankruptcy leglslatlon. -laki
(mys:) lnsolvent law, lnsolvency laws.
-loppuunmyynti sle or bankrupt-stock.
konkurssin alainen lnsolvent. -tehnyt bank
rupt; insolvent.
konkurssi F pesi bankrupfs estate (1. property); assets. -rikos (1. v.) rraud; vangita
iohu konkurstirikoktesta arrest one Tor lntent to derraud his credltors. -selvitys
administration In bankruptcy. -tila (state
oD bankruptcy; joutua konkurssitilaan become Insolvent, be declared a bankrupt;
panna Cl. asettaa/ joku konkurssitilaan 06clare one insolvent (1. a bankrupt).
konna 1. (elint.) toad; 2. (kuv. = roisto)
scoundrel, knave, vlllaln; (lurjus) rascal,
rogue: Jailblrd; (Jkpv.) snake; skunk.
konnamainen sroundrelly, knavlsh, viilailious; rogulsh; (hvytn) shameless. kon
namaisesti knavlshly, villainously, rogulshlv; shamelessly. konnamaisuus rascallty,
knavlshness; vlllainy, roguery.
konnanilkoukku 1. -kuje (piece or) vlllainy,
dlrtv (1. mean 1. rascally 1. sharp) trick;
(metku) dodge. crooked trick. -teko I. -ty
villalnous act (1. deed), (plece oD vlllainy;
(Ilkity) evll deed, mallcious outrage.
konnuton .. vvituout a home(stead).
konnuus vlllainy, roguery.
konsa (koska) when; (kysyv. laus. Joskus:)
(at) uhat tlme? konsa . . , konsa . . soine times . . , sometimes . .; now . . , now . . .
konsanaan ever; enemmn kuin konsanaan
more than ever; en konsanaan never (In
tho world).
konsepti rough drart; (puhujan y. m.) fconseptit (muistiinpanot) notes.
konsertin antaja giver or a conccrt. -anto
giving or a concert.
konsertti concert. -flyygeli concert grand.
-kappale (mus.) concerto, -laulaja concert
Singer, -lippu tlrket to (I. ror) a concert.
-matka concert trlp; (kiertomatka) concert
tour. -mestari concert-master. -sali conrert-hall.
konservatiivinen (vanhoillinen) conservative.
konservl ks. silyke.
konsistori(o) conslstory; (yliopiston) councll, senate, (Yhdysv., joskus:) raculty; vrl.


konsonantti (kiel. kerako) consonant.

-vartalo (kiel.) stem endlng in a consonant.
konstaapeli (poliisi-) pollceman; ronstable.
konstaili ja troublesome person; shuirier,
wrlggler, qutbbler; trlckster. konstailla
use (I. employ) tricks, lntrigue, (juonitel
la) be troublesome, make dirriculties;
shurrie, quibble. konstailu dodgery, shirting, prevarlcation(s); qulbbling, trickery.
Konstantinopoli Constantinople.
konsti trick. konstikas (kekselisti tehty)
ingenious, Intricate [lock, lukko]; (mutki
kas) compllcate(d), complex; (oikullinen)
strange, odd,
queer; (konstaileva) trlcky, evaslve, qulb
strangely, queerly. konstikkuus lntricacy;
lngeniousness; oddness, queerness. konsti llinen = konstikas.
konstruoida, konstrueerata (rakentaa, panna
kokoon) construct; (kiel. Joskus) construe.
konsulaatti konsulinvirasto.
konsulenttl (neuvoja) agrlcultural expert.
konsuli consul.
konsulin virasto consulate. -virka 1. -toimi
consulshlp. consulate.
kontata creep; crawl (on one's hands and
knees); lapsi konttaa viel the chlld is still
kontio bear; (saduissa:) liruin.
komistaa benumb, make . . muuli (1. still).
kontlstua grow (I. get) numb (wlth cold);
kylmst kontistunut nurnb (1. stirr) wltll
cold, benumbed.
kontra -allo nn us.) contralto. -amiraali rearadmlral. -basso (Jouhlsoltln) double-bass;
(matalin lauluni tai sen laulaja) basso
proTundo, counter-bass.
kontrahti (sopimus) contract, agreement.
-rovasti (I. v.) rural dean.
kontrolli (tarkastus) control; (valvonta)
kontu: kteni ovat kontossa my hands are
numb (I. stirr) wlth cold.
kontti ks. luolii-.
konttia ks. kontata.
kontto (Hik.) account; panna jokin asia jon
kun kontolle (kuv.) place (1. lay) a Ui. to
a p.'s account. -kurantti (Hik.) account
konttori orrice;
(silytyshuone) closet;
(ruoka) pantry, buttery.
konttori- (yhd.) orrice(-) [esim. -almanakka
orrice oalendar; -rakennus orrice-bulldlng;
-tehtvt orrice dutles; -tunnit orrice
hours]. -aika orrice hours. -apulainen
orrice assistant. -henkilkunta orrice forre.
-huoneisto orrices. -mies clerk. -pllikk
orrice manager, head orrice-man.
konttoristi rlerk.
konttori|toimi 1. -ty orrice work, orrice
kontu (old) homestead; rarm(stead); lhte
konnultaan leave the old homestead, leave
konvehti: konvehteja bonbons, candy (myiis:
candles), sweetmcats.
kookas big, large, volumfnous; (kookaskasvulnen) tali (or stature), stately. portly;
lorty [tree, puu], -vartaloinen tali mau.
mies], kookkuus tallness (or stature),
statellness; lortlness; great slze.
kookos- (yhd.) coco(a)- [esim. -maito cocomilk; -matto coco-matting; -syy coco-dber;
-voi coco-butter], coco(a)nut (esim. -syy
coconutriber; -ljy coconut-oll]. -Jauhot
1. -kakut coco(a)nut-stearln(e). -palmu
coco(nut)-palm. -phkin coconut.
koolla togcther; assembled; oleva yleis
the audlence, the public (1. the people) as

koralli 840
sembled; jsenet ovat kalkki the mem- kopio painin copylng-press. -paperi (valok.)
bers are ali together, (kokoontuneina) the prlntlng-out paper.
members are ali assembled (1. gathered); kopista make a nolse; (kalista) rattle, clat
kun kaikki olivat ~ vvhen ali had arrlved. ter; (rapista) patter; (jaloista y. m.) stamp.
ulien ali the people had assembled. -olo kopistaa, kopistella make a nolse (1. a racket); rattle, clatter [wlth . . , Jotakin] ; (pu
aika tlme to be (ali) together.
koolle together; saada ~ get together; tolia distella) shake [the snow oiT from one's
shoes, lumi kengistn] ; (koputtaa) knock,
~ come together, assemble.
rap [at the door, ovea] ; (polkemalla)
koomikko comedlan; comlc actor. koomilli
stamp [one's reet, Jaloillaan) ; plippuaan
nen comlc(al); funny. koomllllsestl nimi
(be) knock(lng) ashes out or one's plpe.
cally. koomilliauua comlcalness.
koommin: hnest et sen ~ ole kuulunut mi kopistelu rattllng,clatter(ing); (lumeny.m.)
tn nothlng has been beard oi hlm (ever) shaklng orr-, knocklng, rapplng; stamplng.
kopla (rlkokselllnen liitto) band, gang;
kooperatli vinon (osuustoiminnallinen) co- (nurkkakunta) cllque, set, coterle. -kunta
ks. edell.
kooasa together; vrt. koolla; [verbien kans koplata (kytke) couple.
sa kytettyn ks. esim. pit, pysy y. m. ] . koppa (kori) basket; (kanto-) pannler; (ke
-pitv . . that holds together (1. holds from h) rrame(vvork) ; (kuori) shell, crust,
ralling to pleces); (yhdistv) comblnlng. (kellon) case; (esim. tammenterhon) cu
koota collect; (kert) gather; (koolle) pille; hatun ~ crown (or a liat): piipun
brlng (1. get) together; assemble, convene; bowl or a plpe, plpe-bowl; paunun body
(panna kokoon) put . . together; itsel
or a carriage. -elin crustaceous anlmal.
leen melkoinen omaisuus amass a conslder- -hattu (alkup.) hat wlth a crown; (kova
able fortune; ~ joukkoja (sot.) mass hattu) stirf hat. Derby, -kuoriainen beetle.
troops; ~ kone put a machlne together, -kytkin (tekn.) box-coupllng. -pallo (urh.)
' set up a machlne; ~ [kalkki lapsensa] basket-ball.
luokseen (\. ymprilleen) gather (1. as koppaus grasp, snatch, wrench; (koppaami
semble) [ali one's chlldren] around one; nen) grasptng, snatchlng, vrt. kopata.
~ rahaa hoard (1. treasure up) money, koppava proud; haughty, arrogant, lordly:
(keryksell) collect money, take up con- (jkpv.) stuck-up, big-reellng, blgh and
trlbutlons [Tor a cause, Jonkin asian hy
vksi], (ansalta) be maklng money; ~ va koppsll I. (uruissa) coupler; (koiran kytkyroja johonkin tarkotukseen (mys:) ralse hlhna) leash; (koirapari) couple (1. brace)
Tiinds Tor a purpose; yhteen kohti or dogs.
(mys:) concentrate; ~ yksiin ksiin (muu koppeli II. (hkkeli) hut, hovel; (koppi) coop.
tamien) concentrate In the hands or a few. koppslo hen capercalllle (1. capercallzle).
kopaali (hartsi) copal. -vernissa copal varntsh. koppi 1. (koju) catiin, cottage, hut; (hkke
kopahduttaa bump, tbump; (kovasti) pound. li) hovel; (vankilassa, luostarissa y. m.)
kopaivabalsaml (lk.) copalba.
cell; vrt. kana-'; 2. (kasv.) (closed) seedkopata (ottaa kiinni, tarttua) selze, lay hold vessel, pericarp; vrt. kota; 3. (palli) ball;
of; grasp; (siepata) snatch [ln(to) one's main kopin kteeni I caught the ball. -jr
arms (1. to one's breast), syliins], wrench jestelm cell system. -rangaistua solltary
f a ehlld out or its mother's arms, lapsi conrinement. -siemeninen I. (a.) (kasv.)
itins sylist] ; (temmata) Jerk.
anglospermous. II. (s.) anglosperm; koppikopea (ylpe) proud; (pyhke) haughty, siemenlset Anglospermae. -vanksus solltary
arrogant,overbearlng,self-lmportant; lofty; conrinement. -vanki prlsoner In a cell.
vainglorlous; stuck-up, blg-Teellng, cocky, -vankila prlson vvith cells.
bumptlous; (topakka) bold; (ryhke) bras- kopsahdus thump; clap, bang; crash; kuului
sy, brazen(-raced); (kerskaileva) boastful; ~ a thump was heard. kopsahduttaa tbump ;
(pyhkellev) ostentatious.
rap, slap; lyd kopsahduttaa glve a thump
kopeasti proudly; haughtily, arrogantly; (1. slap 1. blow), slap, hlt . . a crack, strlke
loftlly; vainglorlously; boldly; (suuresti) . . a whack. kopsahtaa (paukahtaa) thump,
In a grand rashlon, m grand style; vrt. crack, bang, glve a clap; (romahtaa) tum
ille; (pudota) kopsahtaa maahan romc tuinkopeekka, kopeikka kope(c)k, copeck.
bllng down, come down wlth a thump.
kopeilla plume o. s. [on, jollakin], glory kopse ks. kapse.
[In]; be proud [or], (Jkpv.) be stuck-up koputella ks. koputtaa; ~ jalkojaan ks. ko
i liotit. Jollakin], kopeilu prlde; vainglory, pistella.
vanity; seir-lmportance; seir-gloriricatlon; koputtaa knock, rap [at the door, ovelle] ;
en pid hnen kopeilustaan be IS SO StUCk- thump [on the chest, rintaan] ; (naputtaa)
up (1. stuck on himseir) that I don't like tap; (jaloilla) stamp; (lk.) percuss [the
liirn, I don't like hls haughtlness.
chest, rintaa], koputtslsminen, koputtelu
kopeloida feel [over a tb.. Jotakin] ; (hapuil
knocklng, rapplng; tbumplng; stamplng;
la) grope [after, Jotakin]; rumble [Tor, Jo
(lk.) percusslon.
takin]; (sormeilla) ringer [at. Jotakin].
koputus knock(lng), rap(plng); (naputus)
kopeus prlde; haughtlness, arrogance; vain
tap(plng); ovelta kuului ~ there was a
glory; seir-lmportance; boldness; brazen- knock (1. a rap) at the door. -vasara (lk.)
ness; boastrulness; (pyhkeily) ostenta- percusslon-hammer, percussor. -Uni sound
t ii m; vrt. kopea,
produced In percusslon.
kopla copy, transcrlpt(lon) ; kopion oikeaksi koraali choral(e); hymn. -kirja (virsi-)
todistaa that the above Is a true copy Is hymn-book wlth notes.
certiried by . . .
koraani (muhamettilaisten raamattu) Koran,
kopina nolse; (Jalkojen y. m. kopse) stamp- Alcoran.
(lng), tread, tramp; (rapina) patterlng; korahdus rattle [esim. kuolon~ death-rat(kalina) clatter.
tle], rattiin g sound. korahtaa: hn korahti
kopio kopia. kopioida copy, take a copy viimeisen kerran one COUld hear the di 'at li
or; transcrlbe. kopioiminen copylng; tran- rattle In hls throat.
koralli coral.
kopioimlsil kehys (valok.) prlntlng-rrame. koralli- (yhd.) coral [esim. -hiekka coral
-kone (Jljennyspainln) copylng-press.
sand; -riutta 1. -sarkka coral reef; -saari



coral island], -allin coral (animal), (coral)

polyp; coralllne.
korallinpyynti coral rishery.
korallipunainen coral (red), coralllne.
Kordillieerit (vuorijono) Cordlllera.
korea showy; gaudy; (loistava) brllllant,
splendld, dazzllng; (sorea) gracerul, fine,
elegant; (kaunis) beautirul; kartat vaat
teet flne ClOtneS, SbOWy dreSS; koreat orit
gay (l. sbowy 1. gaudy) colors; korttia Ma
noja high-soundlng (1. Nne) words, wlndy
elOQUence ; olla kortimmillaan be at Its best
(1. prettlest 1. lovellest); olla kortittaan be
showlly (1. gaudlly) dressed.
Korea Korea, Corea; (nyk.) Cbosen. korea
lainen (a. & s.) Korean, Corean. Koreansalmi tbe Strait of Korea.
koreasti sbowlly, gaudlly, brllllantly; nlcely, gracerully, flnely.
korehtuurl proot; (korjausluku) proorreadlng.
korehtuurl- (ybd.) ks. korjaus-, 2.
korehtuurin|luklJa, -luku ks. korjaus lukija.

korehtuurlllpalnin proot-press. -virhe error

tn the proof.
koreilla (pukeutua koreasti) dress (o. s.) up,
prlmp, prlnk, deck (1. adorn) o. s. [wlth,
Jollakin], tri? o.s. up, make o. s. smart (1.
spruce); (komeilla) make a show [or, Jol
lakin], parade; (loistella) sparkle, shlne;
(olla turhamainen) be vain, be afferted.
korellu paradlng, ostentatlon, show(lness);
(turhamaisuus) vanlty, arrectatlon. -halu
love of dlsplay, love of flne clothes; vanlty,
showiness. -haluinen vain; showy, ostentatlous; afTected.
korennoinen (ellnt.) korento, 2.; kortnnoittt (ellnt.) Pseudoneuroptcra.
korento 1. (korvon-) covvlstaff; 2. (ellnt.)
pseudoneuropter(an), vrt. plUvS , suden.
koreus (koristus) show, rinery; (korellu)
paradlng, ostentatlon; smartness; (turha
maisuus) vanlty; (soreus) gracefulness,
elegance, dalntiness.
kori basket; (suuri) hamper; (tavarain kul
jetusta varten) crate; (kuorma-, aasin y.
m. selss) pannler; vrt. leipK y. m.
korianteri (kasv.) corlandcr; (mausteena)
koridorl ks. kytv.
korina rattle: *alon~ death-rattle.
korintekij basket-maker. -teko basketmaklng (l. -weavlng).
korintti (pieni viiniryple) corlnth; (drled)
Korintti Corlnth: Korintin kanava \ kannat]
the Canal [the Isthmus] or Corlnth. ko
rinttilainen COrlnthlan; korinttilainen tyyli
Corlntblan order (l. style or archlterture).
kori paju osler(-wl!low) ; velvet osler; bas
ket -osler.
korista have a rattle In one's throat; ris
ten with a rattle In one's throat; hn korisi
kuolinkamppailuttaan one could bear lils
koristaa adorn (mys kuv.), decorate rthu
room, huone], ornament, dSck; (kaunistaa)
embelllsh, frrace: (pukea koreisiin) dress
up; leikkauksilla adorn wlth carvlngs,
ornament. vrt. koristella.
koristautua deck (1. adorn) o.s. ' \villi. Jol
lakin]; (pukeutua koreisiin) dress (o.s.)
up, preen (o.s.), make o.s. smart (I. spruce).
korista (rakennuksessa, kilvess y. m.) or
nament: adornment; decoratlon; (kaunlste) embelllshment ; (koru) gewgaw; korittttt (personal) ornaments, trlnkets, rinery,
(vaatteissa) trlmmlng, (helyt) gewgaws,
baubles, spangles; vrt. Jalokivi.
korista- (ybd.) decorative, ornamental [esim.


-atlnt decorative object; -kasvi decorative

(1. ornamental) plant].
koristeellinen decorative [art, taide] ; orna
mental. koristeellisesti: koristeellisesti jr
jestetty . . \vi i h an ornamental arrangement.
koristekirjailu embroldery.
koristelematon (alkup.) unadorned, unembelllshed, plaln; (kuv. = luonnollinen) natural, artless, lngenuous; genulne, ui ui
Tected; (vrlttmtn) unsophlstlcated;
koristelematonta kielt plaln (1. Stralghtrorward) language; tanmakltni koristele
mattoman totuuden to teli tbe plaln un truth; yksinkertainen ja luon
ne slmple and stralghtrorward character.
koristelematta (kuv.) In a stralghtrorward
(1. an unarrected 1. an unsophlstlcated)
manner (1. way), (jkpv.) stralght rrom the
koristeluna tidy, antlmacassar.
koristelija decorator.
koriste lipas 1. -rasia trlnket-box, (Jalokivi-)
koristella adorn; ornament, decorate [the
altar, alttari], deck out (. . wlth orna
ments), (be)deck; (koreilla) dress up; ~
mortian adorn (1. deck 1. bedeck) the brlde;
jalokivill koristeltuina) adorned \vitll
jewels, (ylfyleens) studded with Jewels;
vrt. koristaa, koristelu adornlng, dccoratIng; decoratlon.
koristemaalari decorator; (nyttmmaalarl) scene-palnter.
koristin koriste.

koristua ornament, adornment; (kaunistus)

embelllshment; (koru) show, rinery; (huo
neen y. m.) decoratlon. -taide decorative
art. -toimikunta decoratlon commlttee.
kori teollisuus basket Industry, -teos basketwork, wickerwork.
korlttaln by baskets, by the basketrul; lu
baskets; he toivat marjoja kotiin korittain
they brought home berrles by the basketrul.
korituoli chair or wlckerwork.
korja (reki) slelgh; sledge.
korjaamaton not repaired (1. mended); out
or repalr; (kirjotus y. m.) uncorrected;
(vtlja y. m.) unreaped. unharvested, not
put up; (jota el voi korjata) Irreparable,
beyond repalr, past mcndlng; incorrigible. korjaaminen repairing, mendlng; rcdresslng; (klrjotuksen y. m.) correctlng,
rectirylng; alteratlon; (viljan) harvestlng; vrt. korjata.
korjaantua be repaired (1. mended 1. rcmedled Jne., vrt. korjata); (parantua) Improve; ~ entiselleen be restorcd to lts (1.
their) rormer condltlon (1. state) ; olot ovat
korjaantuneet conditions have improved (1.
have been remedicd), (Jkpv.) thlngs are
looklng up (1. looklng better).
korjailla make repalrs [on a hullding, ra
kennusta] ; make alteratlons [In a roat.
takkia], alter; (palkata) mend; (parannel
la) amend [a law, lakia]; Improve fupon a
th., Jotakin] ; (kyd lpi korjaillen) make
corrections [In .., Jotakin], corrert fcrrors, virheit], go ovcr (agaln). (jotakin
kirjallista tyt) emend(ate); (viimeistel
l) revlse; (valok.) retouch.
korjailu repalrs; alteration(s); (a)mendlng;
correctlng; revision; (valok.) retouchlng.
korjata (laittaa kuntoon) repalr [a rool,
kattoa], rix; (palkata) mend [shoes, ken
ki], (parsia) stltch up; (parantaa) remedy
[conditions, oloja; the deplorable state or
arralrs, surkea asiaintila]; (hyvitt) rcdrcss [a wrong (1. a grlevance), vrin
kyts], (oikaista) correct [a mistake,
erehdys], set rlght, rectiry [an error, vir
he] ; retrleve [one's error, hairahduksen-

sa], (nannaa) atter Ta coaft. tatti. : (taaUi undestau i makx <L <So) ortr~. (tarjaula) amead 'tse law. lakia; : (tarrata) aafce
am-D-ls for- (pelastaa) save. resco*: (ottaa
tallien) tata care of . .-. panta talteen) lay
by. put *5!f ; < ottaa pots) tak away. remore, kuolemasta ponnen > earry ofT. lay
low; jnjai baa riifni (siirr) more
your chair auttle; * j i 1 laa HaaTs iL t.)
lake vour eareass (L get your eareass rignt
L get yourself) out of here' alaa barrest
(toe erops). reap toe barrest CL toe rtelds) ;
tmtittMmmm (panoa) restore (lo its rormer
condjttoo), (uudistaa) reneer; - istikittt
eorrect (L remedy) n abuse; - 1 1 Ta n
make bay. brtng tn (L put np) toe bar.
take care of toe bay; - tanut repair toe
rooms, put toe rooms in repair: kiijo
tmlfim correct eiercises: f take
care of one"s (own) tblnrs, put ooe"s
tbinr avray: >nH ka. taita; aais
(raivata) elear (L Uke) away. (tielU) remove, put . . away: aas alter a dress.
(paikata) mend a dress; remut pydlt
tidy (np) toe table: ia iriat (1.
raj pSytUttm clear (L rld) tbe table:
Mtm put atray, lay by. treasure up.
store, (tuleraisuuden raralta) reserre. put
aside; raita sr up (1. poke) toe fire.
(Jkpv.) ru toe nre, (kobentaa) rake up (L
over) tbe Tire; saari* repair an injury
(1. a damage): viljaa harvest tbe grain.
(panna talteen) house the grain. store tbe
grain In the barn Trt. laa: vuode ke
hoon make up a bed (1. tbe bed): korjatta
vissa oleva reparable. that ran be fixed (I.
mended) [buom. htUm on korjattavissa
tbe net can be mended: ai ai* em kor
jattavissa lt is beyond repair (I. mending),
(tav.) that cannot be belped any more.
there Is no belplng (1. allering) that any
more, (muutettavissa) that cannot be
changed (1. attered) now); antaa (X. jMtt> honottavaksi leave to be repaired (1.
mended), (kirjotus y. m.) hand in ror correctlon; huoneisto on korjattavana the
apartment is under repair (1. Is belng re
paired) ; kuolema aa korjannut runsaan
maaliin death bas had a rich harvest;
min lupaan , mit olen rikkonut I promIse to make amends for wbat wrong I havu
done; se ei korjaa asiaa (paranna) that
won't mend (1. remedy) matters; viha oli
pian korjattu the trouble vtas soon remedied (1. rlghted), (esim. koneessa) the
trouble was soon flxed, thlngs vere soon
put stralght (1. set rlgbt).
korjattu repaired, mended; corrected; altered; amended; lmproved; ran' ~ painos
an lmproved (1. an emended) edition; tarkaetettu ja paino* o revlsed edition,
korjaus repalr(ing); rixlng: correctlon; lmprovement; amendment, (muutos) alteratlon; (parannus) remedy, redress; (uudis
tus) reform; vrt. korjata; on korjauksen
alaisena Is under repair, is belng repaired;
on korjauksen tarpeeesa Is In need of re
pair; vrt. mys: kaivata.
korjaus- (yhd.) I. repair- [esim. -paja repnlr-shop; -tyS repalr-work] ; 2. (korehtuiirl-) proor- Teslm. -arkki proof-sheet;
-lukija proof-reader; -luku proor-reading].
-kustannus 1. -kustannukset cost <>r repalrs. -merkki proof-readers' mark, mark
In proor-reading. -osasto (palokunnan)
salvage corps. -tv (mys:) correctlon
(work). -vedos (klrjap.) revision sheet.
-virhe error In the proof.
korjauttaa have . . repaired (1. mended 1.
corrected 1. remedled 1. altercd Jne., vrt.


ai asia silt kortbat erill not meni matters any (1.

TitJ ssmgs any better), thlngs will not be
any better for tbat.
karjan, (harvemmin:) korja (saTe)keeplng.
ard. cnanre: (boito) care: (viljan y. m.)
barrest; ottaa jokin] j*rj*asnsa [take a
to.] m (L into L under) one's care (1.
keeping). vrt. paasa (korjuuseen) ; hyvss
aaija(a>aaa m safe keepina;.
koreata corfc.
herke hlgh rprice, hinta: forehead, otsa] ;
k>rty [plllar, pilari]; tau [mast. masto,
tree, puu": elevated; (tav.) eminent, exalted. snblime: uiai high (1. elevated)
position: korkealle (adv.) ks. hakus.; korkeamm aaiili in a loud voice, loud(ly);
korkealle, korkealta, korkeampi ks. haku?.:
korkeat ajatukset (ylevt) Sublime (1. loTtV)
toougbts (L ideas), (byvkt kisitykset
hirh (1. food) opinion; vuori hlgh (1.
lofty) mountain: korkeimmalta, korkeimsmmVLmmon, korkein ks. haku*.: el korkeaan
in -in Uve to a great (1. a good old) age,
reach an advanced age: tavarat ovat korhaaa aarnessa tbe goods are dear (1.
karkea (yhd.) bigh- [esim. -harjinen hlghrrested: -ksmtmnen higb-priced; -kantainen
higb-beeled: -*trainn blgb-roored: Snistsm high-volcedl. -arvoinen higb in rank
(1. position), of high rank, high-placed,
hirh in authoritv. -kaulainen high-necked
dress, puku]: (pttka-) long-necked [glraffe. sirahvll. -kirkollinen High-churrh.
-koulu university, college: (Joskus) insti
tute; (Yhdysv. = nelj yllnt lyseoluokkaa)
higb School: teknillinen korkeakoulu technicai bigh school, Institute of technology.
-lentoinen higb-flying. soarlng.
korkealla bigh in tbe air, ilmassa], hlgh
up rin tbe tree, puussa]; (Ilmassa) aloft;
sijaitseva (\. oleva) elevated; hinnat ovat
~ the prices are high (I. are way up); f*at ~ (ilmassa) soar bigh (I. aloft) ; olla
(\. sijoitat lie hlgh, stand high, have a
lortv situation, rommand a lofty position.
korkealle higb (up), to a helght; kohota
korkealle rise hlgh (1. alort); oii noussut
niin korkealle, ett . . had rlsen to surh a
helght that ..: (kuv.) had attalned such
proportlons that . . . korkealta from a
(great) helght; korkeelta ilmasta rrom a
great height; [putosi] melko korkealta
[fell down] rrom a considerable helght.
[rell] quite a ways.
korkeampi hlgher; superlor; horkeam' malta,
-moite hlgher (up), at [to] a greater helght;
korkeammalta rrom hlgher up, rrom a
greater helght: - oikeus (ylempi) a hlgher
(1. a superior) court; voima a superlor
(1. a hlgher) powcr.
korkeanlainen ratber hlgh, or a considerable
korkea oppinen: mies a man of eminent
(1. of great) learnlng, a (great) scholar.
otealnen . . wlth a hlgh forehead (1. brow).
korkeapaine high prcssure. -kone hlghpressure engine.
korkeasti hlghly.
korkeallsukuinen . . of noble descent (1. llneage), hlgh-born, blue-blooded. -saStyinen
. . or hlgh station, . . or high rank. -eaninen
(kovaninen) loud, vocirerous, nolsy.
korkeimmalla hlghest (up); ~ ilmassa liiphest up In the air. korkeimmanomakitisesti
with hls own Imperial [royal] hand.
korkeimmillaan hlghest, at Us hlghest, at
lts greatest helght; ~ ollessa d. ollen)
when hlghest, wben at Us greatest helght;

hnen valtansa on nyt ~ his povver is at its the same (1. of a) height, ldentlcal In
height (1. at Its greatest), he Is no\v at the belgbt; vrt. jalan , saman y. m.
korlata (lk.) gargle (one's throat).
height or povver.
korkeimmilleen: kohota rlse to Its higbest korlaus (lk.) gargllng. -vesi gargle.
potnt, rlse to (1. reach) Its maximum, kornetinpuhaltaja 1. -soittaja comet(t)ist.
(huippuunsa) reach its climax, culminate kornetti 1. (mus.) cornet; 2. (sot.) second
liuoin, heidn levottomuutensa kohosi ~ , lleutenant of cavalry, (vanb.) cornet.
kun . . their anxlety rose (1. vvas vvorked koro (uurre) groove, furro\v; (lovi) notch;
up) to its highest pltch, vvhen . .] ; kohottaa vrt. kolo.
ralse to a maximum, bring to a climax. koroillaelj one vvho Ilves on the interest
korkein higbest, loftlest; tallest; greatest or his money; (kapitalisti) capitalist.
amount, mr] ; supreme [court, tuo koroke elevation, rlse [in the ground,
mioistuin; power, mahti] ; superlatlve, par- maassa]; (lava) dais, platrorm, stage;
aroount, extreme; korkeimman arvion mu
(maasta tehty) terrace.
kaan at (1. accordtng to) the blghest estl- korollinen 1. (klel.) accented; 2. (korkoamate, at the outside, at the (very) most; kasvava) bearing (1. paylng) Interest; ~
hinta (kaupp., mys:) top price; jonkin laina a loan bearing (1. paylng) Interest.
korollisuus belng accented; accent, stress.
~ kohta (huippu) the top [kuv.: the cli
max] Of..; Jonkin ~ mr (mys:) the koron- (ybd.) . . or interest [esim. -alennus
reduction or Interest; -lasku computing (1.
maximum of a th.
korkeintaan at most, at the (ut)most, (Jkpv.) calculatlon or Interest; -maksu payment
at the (very) outside; (el yli) not over, of interest]. -kiskoja 1. -kiskuri usurer;
not to exceed; sata dollaria 100 dollars money-lender. -kiskominen 1. -kiskonta
at the very most (1. at the outside), not to usury; money-lending. -korko compound
exceed 100 dollars.
korkeua height; (et. tiet.) elevation, altl- korostaa (klel.) accent, accentuate; stress;
tude; (ominaisuutena) hlghness, lortiness; (painostaa) emphaslze [a vvord, sana(a)],
(kookkuus) tallness; (mus., nen) piteli: put tbe emphasls (1. the stress) on. koros
(aste, mr) degree; korkeudeltaan in taminen accent(lng), accentuation; (kuv.)
height; Teidn korkeutenne Your Htgh- emphasis.
ness! tuhannen jalan korkeudessa at an al- korostus accent(uatlon). -oppi prtnclples (1.
titude (1. at a height) of 1000 Teet. -erotus rules) or accent (nation).
difrerence In height. -hyppy (urh.) hlgh korotin (mat.) exponent, index.
Jump. -kartta contour map; vrt. korko- koroton 1 . (kiel.) . . wlthout an accent. not
accented, unaccented; 2. (Hik.) . . vvlthout
kartta, -kulma angle of elevation; (tht.) Interest,
free or Interest; laina loan wlthelevation. -mittari hypsometer. -mittaus out interest;
~ poma (kuollut) dead capi
measurlng (oD helghts; takin? altitudes,
tal, capital bearing (1. paylng) no interest.
altimetry. -suhteet (relatlve) altitudes.
korkin Jtteet (Jauhetut) pulverized (1. korottaa ralse [tbe prlces, hintoja; the
ground) cork; vrt. seur. -lastu: korkinlas- wages, palkkoja], elevate; advance [one In
tut cork shavlngs (1. chips), -valmistus rank, joku arvossa] ; (list) helghten, |ncrease [the vvages, palkkaa], enhance [the
preparatlon of cork.
value of, Jonkin arvoa] ; (vanh. & raam. =
korkita cork.
Iift up [one's eyes to heaven, sil
korkkaus <-orklng. -kone corking-machlne. mns taivaaseen];
(Johonkin potenssiin,
korkki cork; (tulppa) stopper; vrt. avata.
joku johonkin arvoon
korkki- (yhd.) (korkista tehty) cork [esim. ralse a p. to tbe
or . .; ~ joku evers
-antura cork sole; -kudos cork tissue; -vy
raise (1. promote) one to colonel;
cork belt]. -aine suberin(e). -happo (kem.) tiksi
one's voice, speak
suberic acid. -koho cork bobber, cork. loilder, Speak UP (1. OUt)
; rakennusta ko
-matto llnoleum. -puu cork-tree. -ruuvi rotettiin lismll siihen ullakkokerros
1. -ora corkscrew. -tammi cork-oak.
an attic (1.
korko I. (kengn) beel; 2. (rahan) Interest; a garret); vrt. kohottaa, korottaminen
rals3. (klel.) accent; stress; korkoa kasvava. . lng; elevation; advancement; increase; enbearing (1. paylng) interest; korkoa korolle hancement.
(\. korotta) compound interest, vrt. kasvaa. korottomastl wlthout (I. free or) interest.
korkolnen (ybd.) 1. (raban korosta:) \vith . . korottomuus Treedom from Interest; lainan
interest [esim. halpa~ vvttfi low Interest; korottomuus . . the loan belng vvlthout
kallis vvlth lilR-li Interest] ; 2. (kengn Interest . . .
korosta:) . .-heeled, with . . heels [esim. korotus raise; elevation; enhancement; In
korkea" hlgb-heeled, . . vvlth hlgh heels; crease; vrt. palkan, -merkki (mus.) sharp.
matala-' low heeled, . . wlth low heels].
korpi (salo) backvvoods; vvilderness, the
korko: kanta rate or Interest. -kartta re- wild; (ermaa) vvaste (place): (korpisuo)
ller-map. -kuva relief. -laina loan bear
swamp; korvessa vaeltaminen (raam.) waning (1. paylng) Interest. -lasku interest. derlng in the vvilderness. -metso (ellnt.)
-lippu (obllgatsionln) coupon. -merkki nastani tetraonld. -sammakko toad. -suo
mark of accent, accent(-mark). -mr s\van ii i (In tbe vvilderness).
amount or Interest. -ompelus embroldery. korporatsioni (laillistettu ybdyskunta) Cor
-rata elevated rallroad; (Engl.) overhead poration.
railway. -rauta (kengss) heel-tlp (1. korppi raven; ei ~ korpin silm puhkaise
-piste), -tappio loss of (1. In) interest. (1. v.) there is honor among thleves, It Is
-taulu interest table; (Jkpv.) ready-reckon- s mean blrd that vvlll dlrty Its ovvn nest;
er. -tulo lncome from Interest; hn el vrt. haaska, -haarako (anat.) coracold
korkotuloillaan he Ilves on the interest of process. -kotka vulture.
bls money.
korppu rusk; (common) toast; (laiva-) blskorkuinen of . . belgbt, as hlgh as; huoneen cult; cracker. -kahvi corree vvlth rusks (1.
~ as hlgh as a room, or the height or a vvlth toast).
room; metrin ~ (of) a meter In height, a korpraali corporal.
meter hlgh; minun korkuiseni of my height, korpus (kirjasinlaji) long prlmer.
as tali as I am; sen ~ or its belght, or the korrehtuurl ks. korehtuuri.
same belgbt; toistensa korkuiset (yht) of korrelaatti (klel.) correlative, antecedent.



korsetti ks. kurellM.

korsi (ruohon) straw; (varsi) stalk, stem,
. (kasv.) peduncle; hn oi ole pannat kortta
ristiin koko inu he has nnt lirted a ringer
to do anytblng about the matter (1. to take
up the matter), he has taken no action
\vhatever In the matter; miss ai ala pannut
kortta ristiin koko aikana the mau has not
stlrred hand or foot rrom the very flrst (1.
slnce the arralr started); vet (\. kantaa)
kortensa yhteiseen kokoon (Sananp.) do
one's share, (Engl.) do one's blt; vrt. mys
Korsikka Corslca. koraikkalainen (a. & s.)
koraka korskea.
korskahdslla be snortlng. korskahdus snort.
korskahtaa snort.
korskea (ylpe) haughty, proud. lordly;
(tuima) harsh, Stern, rough, grurr-, (kars
ki) bold, (Jkpv.) stuck-up, (Engl.) cocky;
(uljas) gallant, brave; (uhkea) pompous,
Imposin?; ~ kSynti haughty carrlage, strut.
korskeilla be haughty (1. proud 1. pom
pous); lord lt; make a great dlsplay [or,
jollakin (1. Jostakin)]; vrt. kerskailla,
korskeltu ostentattous ulsplay, paradlng;
haughty demeanor. korskeus haughtiness,
Eride, lordllness; sternness, grufrness;
oldness; gallantness; pomposlty.
korskua snort.
korskuminen, korskunta
snortlng. korskuva snortlng; korskuva
(*ota)ori a flery (1. snortlng) steed.
korte (kasv.) horsetall, scourlng-rush. -laji
specles of horsetall.
kortin lyj l. -pelaaja card-player. -lynti
1. -peluu card-playlng.
kortteeri quarters; lodglng(s), accomodallnn; vrt. maja.
kortteli 1. (neljnnes: kuun, kaupungin) quarter; (neljn kadun vliin Jv neliminen
taloryhm) block; 3. (vanha mitta) hair a
foot, 6 inches; (tilavuusmittana) hair-plnt.
kortti card; hyvt i huonot] kortit (pelates
sa) a goort [a poor] hand; vrt. meri, ni
mi, posti.
kortti- (yhd.) card- [esim. -pyt cardtable; -remppa card-trlck]. -Jrjestelm
card systcm. -kuningas klng In a game or
carrts. -lehti card.
korttileima (government 1. rcvenue) stamp
on a pack or cards. -vero stamp-duty (1.
stamp revenue) on cards.
kortti B pakka deck (1. pack) or cards. -peli
gamo of cards, card-game; (kortinlyntl)
koru show, dlsplay; (koriste) ornament,
adornment; kerat rinery, (turhamaiset)
gewgaws, baubles, trlnkcts. -kalu oma
ment; korukalut (personal) ornaments,
trinkets, Jewelry. -katto rtecoratlve (1. ornamcntal) celllng. -kauppa - korutavarakauppa, -kieli dovvery (I. riorld 1. hlghrioun) language; korukielt (mys:) grandlloquence, rine writlng -lause: korulau
seita flne words, hlgh-soundlng phrases,
bombast. verblage.
korundi (tlmanttlslp) corundum, adamantlne spar.
koru ommeltu 1. -ompelelnen embroldered.
koruompelu (kirjo) embroldcry, fanrywork; crcvvel-vvork: (helmi) bead-\vork;
(selnverho-) tapestry-work. -lanka embroldery yarn (1. wool), rancy yarn; crewel.
koru puhe: korupuhetta korulauseita, ks.
korulause; e on vain tyhj korupuhetta
it Is only empty taik (1. idle compllment),
(Jkpv.) lt Is ali hot air. -sana: korumanoia
flne (1. hlgh-soundlng) words, bombast.
-sanainen . . wlth (1. rull of) rine (1. hlghsoundlng) words.


korutavara rancy goods (1. artlcles 1. wares),

notions; knickknacks. -kauppa store selllng
rancy goods (and notions); (1. v.) curio
store. -kauppias dealer In rancy goods (and
koruton (yksinkertainen) slmple, plain,
homely; (vaatimaton) modest, unassumtng;
slmple-hearted; (teeskentelemtn) artless, unaffected; esiintyminen slmple (1.
unassumlng 1. unaffected) manners. korut
tomasti slmply, plalnly; artlessly, unarTectedly. koruttomuus slmpllclty; modesty,
absence (1. lack) of affectatton.
korva ear (mys kupin, ruukun y. m.); (sil
lan-) end; korvan suhina slnglng (1. buzzlng) In [one's] ears; korvan tausta ks.
kynsii! ; korvan tulehdus lnflammatton Of
(1. In) the ear; korvia(an) myten rakastu
nut over hcad -and ears in love; korvia(an)
myten velassa up to one'S ears (1. over
head and ears) In debt, deep(ly) tn debt:
korviani alkoi kuumentaa my ears tingled,
I Teit my ears grow (1. get) hot (1. red);
korvilla, korvissa (tienoilla) about. around,
near [esim. joulun korvilla near (1. around) Chrlstmas(-tlme);
kello kolmen korvissa about (1. near 1.
around) three (o'clock) ; kuudentoista kor
villa about (1. around 1. near) stxtecn;
huom. siin viidenkymmenen prosentin
korvilla (mys:) somethtng Uke 50 per
rciit ; antaa jotakuta korvalle (\. korville)
box (I. slap 1. curr) one-s ears (I. a p. on
the ear), glve one a box (1. a slap 1. a curr)
on the ear; hyvt korvat (hyv kuulo)
good hearing, keen sense of hearlng: hnell on hyv (svol) he has a good ear
Tor music (1. a good musical ear); jos se
tulee hnen korviinsa If it comes to hls
ears (1. knovvledge 1. hearing). If it reaches
hls ears, IT he ever hears (1. learns) or it:
sillan korvassa at the end or the bridge,
near the bridge; vrt. kieli.
korva- (yhd.) ear- [esim. -rengas ear-ring;
-ruisku ear-syringe; -vaikku ear-wax] ; ..
or the ear [esim. -ontelo cavfty or the ear;
-tauti disease or the ear; -tulehdus lnriammatlon or the ear] ; (tiet.) aura] [esim.
-aukko aural oririce; -tenti aural disease].
korvaamaton Irreplaceable; irreparable; irretrievable [loss, tappio; damage. vahin
ko] ; remedlless. korvaamattomasi! Irreparably, lrretrlevably. korvaamattomuus
lrreparability; lrretrlevableness. korvaami
nen compensatlon, remuneratlon; revvardIng; repaylng; vrt. korvata.
korva hylje (ellnt.) eared seal, otary. -kal
vo k S. rumpukalvo.
korvako (nirkko) corner, point, tlp; (trlangular) lobe; (klrjanlehden nurkassa)
dog('s)-ear; (kasv.) stlpule. korvakkelnen
rtog-eared [lear or a book, kirjanlehtl] ;
(kasv.) stlpulate(d). stipuled.
korva' kellukka ear-drop(per), ear-pendant.
-kuulo: korvakuulolta, korvakuulon mukaan
by ear [esim. soittaa korvakuulolta playby
ear]. -kytv audltory canal; external
meatus. -lehti lobe of the ear. ear-lohe;
(anat.) pinna, auricle; (korvanipukka) tlp
or the ear.
korvallinen: kynsi korvallistaan srratch the
(1. one's) ear, srratch one's neck.
korvat lkri ear-speclallst; aurlst. -mt
(lak.) otitis. -nipukka tlp or the ear.
korvan I ai u srau hnen I.Htdusrauhanen (anat.)
parotld gland. -pakotus I. -erky eararhe.
-taus ks. korvallinen; hnell on viel korvantaus mrkn (1. v.) he has not cut hls
eye-teeth yet.
korva1 puusti I. box on the ear, curr; 2. (lei
vos) a klnd or blscult. -reik canal or the



external ear, external passage or the ear;

mys = korvakytv, -rippi auricular
conression. -rusto cartllage of the ear.
korvaa ear-(01ap; korvakset (mys:) earcaps, ear-murfs.
korva sieni morel, morll. -srky earache.
korvata compensate, make up [Tor], make
good, make amends for; (hyvitt) recompense, remunerate, reward, relmburse;
(palkita) repay [a th. to one (1. one for a
th.). Jokin jollekulle] ; (olla samanarvoi
nen) counterbalance, orrset; (vastata,
maksaa) COVer; ~ jonkun jostakin krsim
vahinko (\. menetys) illf lelli III ly one for;
tappio repalr (1. make good 1. retrleve) the
loss; ~ Jonkun vaivat repay one Tor liis
trullille; ~ vajaa* make up a defleit; kor
vattavista oleva reparable, repayable, (hen
kil) easy to replace; minulle korvattiin
kustannukset my expenses were covered
(1. made good to me 1. met); se ei korvaa
kustannuksia tliat won't pay Tor the expense, that does not repay one; te oi olo
korvattavitta lt is irroparable (1. lrretrlevable), lt cannot be replaced; se korvaa
puutteen that wlll supply the need, that
111 make up for lt; te on hnen korvattava
he bas to make that good (1. up), (makset
tava) he must pay for that; tit ei voi kul
lalla that cannot be pald Tor In (1. uitli)
korvatillikka box (1. slap I. cuff) on the ear,
cufr. korvaton earless; muurini lato.
korvaua rompensatlon; remuneratlon; lndemniricatlon, reparatlon; return, retrlbution; amends, sattsractlon; (vastine) equlvalent; korvaukseksi jostakin as a compensatlon for . .; by way of amends. In re
turn for; antaa korvaustta) jollekulle jos
takin leuani (1. recompense) one for . . ,
(rahallista) relmburse one Tor ... -vaatlmua clalm for damages; demand Tor compensatlon. -velvolliauua Uabillty for (1. to
pay) damages; obllgatlon to compensate
(1. to indemnlfy).
korvautua be compensated, be made up, be
covered, vrt. korvata.
korva vaikku ear-wax; cerumen. -vuoto
runnlng (1. discharge) from the ear(s).
korventaa ks. krvent.
korvia huumaava 1. -srkev ear-splitting,
dearenlng. -vihlova 1. -vihlaiseva plerclng
!no!se, melu]; shrlll.
korvike substltute; surrogate.
korvo cowl; tub. korvollinen a cowl (1. a
tub) full [or water, vett].
kosaiata propose, make an orrer of marrlage; (Jkpv.) pop the questlon.
koaekanttl (mat.) cosecant.
koala propose, make an offer of marriage
[to one. Jotakuta], kosija suitor, wooer.
kosi ma! kirje letter contalnlng a proposal
(of marriage). -ratki: lht kosimaretkeile go courtlng, go a-vvooing: olla kosimaretkill be courtlng. -tarjous orfer of
marriage, proposal (of marriage), marriage
kosiminen ks. kosinta, kosimlstarjous ks.
kosini (mat.) coslne.
kosinta courtshlp, woolng, suit; (kosintatarjous) proposal (of marriage). -puuha:
olla kotintapuuhitta be contemplatlng (1.
thlnklng serlously of) marriage. -retki ks.
kosioretki ks. kosimaretki.
kosiskella court, woo; ~ jonkun suosiota
court a p.'s favor, fawn upon one. kosiakalu courtlng, WOOlng; suosion kosiskelu
courtlng [ap.'s] favor, favmlng upon [one].
kotka (milloin) vvnen, (at) vvhattlme; (sen-


thden ett) because, as, slnce, lnasmuch

as; kotkapa lnasmuch as, slnce; ~ tahanta
(l. vain) at any time, any day, vvhenever,
no matter when. koskaan ever; ei koskaan
never; parempi kuin kotkaan better than
koskea (kajota) touch; (koskettaa) come Into
contact with; (vaikuttaa) arrect; (tarkottaa) refer to, bear (1. touch) upon; (kuu
lua) concern, have reference to, apply to;
(loukata) ofrend, Jar (1. grate) [uponone's
ears, jonkun korviin] ; (ksitt) comprise,
embrace; jotakin asiaa bear (1. have a
bearing) upon a matter; ~ kipesti cause
pain, hurt, (Johonkuhun, kuv.) feel stung
to the qulck by, reel hurt by, make a pain ful Impression on a p., be very palnful to
one [huom. se koski minuun kipesti lt
gave me pain, lt was palnful to me, (kuv.)
I was (very) sorry (1. grleved) about lt,
lt grleved me sorely, I teit lt deeply] ; ~
tyvlti johonkuhun be very niucli shocked
(1. grleved) at, be deeply arfected by,
feel lt deeply [esim. hnen puheensa koski
syvlti kuulijoihin the audlence was deep
ly affected (1. moved) by hls speech; se
koski syvlti hneen She was very murll
shocked at that, she felt lt keenly (1. deep
ly), that hurt her Teellngs deeply] ; [Jt
t, jd] koskematta leave, remaln] untouched, [leave] alone, [remaln] intact,
koskettaessa ulien tOUChed (upon); koski
ko sinuun pahasti (satutitko Itsesi) dtd
you hurt yourseir badly? (kuv.) did you
take orrense at lt? did you feel hurt by
lt (1. over that)? were you muoh grleved
at that? ei saa hands orn hn ei ole
koskenutkaan kirjaan viikkokausiin he has
not even touched a book (1. he has not had
a book in hls hands) for vveeks; mit mi
nuun kosket (tulee) as for me, as far as
I am Concerned; muistutus koskee ainoas
taan muotoa the remark has reference only
to (1. bears only upon) the form; muistu
tus koskee sinua the remark Is dlrected to
you, the remark concerns (1. refcrs to)
you; rintaani koskee I feel a pain In my
chest; se ei koske minua that does not
concern (1. touch) me, that has no bearing
on me, (el kuulu minuun) lt Is no business
(1. concern 1. arfalr) of mine; *e ei koske
nut minuun vhkn lt did not affect m
In the least; se koskee luihin ja ytimiin
lt goes through one, lt touches (1. lt tents)
one to the qulck, one feels lt to the (very)
marrovv; st, mit olen sanonut, koskee
yhthyvin . . \vliut I have said applles
equally to . .; tm muistutus kosket ensi
mist pykl thls remark rerers (1. ap
plles) to sectlon 1 (1. to the flrst paragraph); varpaat hotkivat lattiaan the toes
tOUChed the TlOOr; l koske lasiin iliin'1.
touch [the glass] ! (keep your) hands orr
[the glass] ! lk kotkako please, do not
koskelo (elint.) merganser.
koskematon untouched; (Utkuttamaton) not
moved; undlsturbed; (loukkaamaton) lnvlolable, unassallable. koskemattomuus
(loukkaamattomuus) lnvlolabillty. koske
minen touching.
koskenlaskija one vvho shoots the raplds;
guide, -lasku shoottng the raplds. -niska
head or the raplds; koskenniskassa at the
head of (1. rlght above) the raplds (I. the
waterfall). -perkaus clearing or a rapld.
koskema touch(lng); contact.
kosketella touch [llghtly (1. gently), hiljaa],
touch upon; jotakin aihetta touch upon
(1. Approach) a SUbJeCt; hn tl sanallakaan
kosketellut sit asiaa he did not say a

(single) word about that matter, he dld koaton- (ybd.) . . or revenge, revengerul
[esim. -henki
revengenot touch upon tht matter at ali.
' ' spirlt* or' revenge,
" "'
kosketin (nppin) key; koskettimet ks. Tul spirlt; -tunne reeling- or revenge, revengerul reeling]. -halu desire for re
koskettimista, -soitin keyed lnstrument.
koskettaa touch; (kuv.) touch upon; vene venge (1. Tor vengeance). -haluinen reveu<Mkosketti rantaan ttie boat toucbed the ful, vlndlctlve. -himo thlrst ror venge
ance; revengefulness, vindictlveness; reshore. koskettelu touching (upon). kos
vengrerul spirlt. -himoinen burnin? (1.
kettimisto keyboard; clavlatur(e).
for reveng-e; reveng-erul. -vim
kosketus contact; (mus.) touch. -eJstl sense
ma fury ror revenge; (-himo) lust for
or touch; (tiet.) tactlle sensatlon. -herk
kyys sensltlveness to touch. -kohta polnt vengeance.
of contact. -shk contact electrfclty; kostoretkl revengerul rald.
voltaic (1. galvanlc) electrlclty. -vaikutus kostotar (krelk. mytol.) Nemesis.
kostotoimi act or vengeance; kostotoimet
(kem.) contact action,
koskeva touching (upon), bearlng upon, reprlsals, vrt. ryhty, -tuuma pian for re
concernlng; vrt. koskea; tyvestn ta/a venge; olla kostotuumissa Lie planning (1.
~ lainsdnt legislatlon bearing upon plottlng) revenge.
kostua get (1. grow 1. become) moist (1.
the lnterests of labor.
koski raplds (joskus mys: rapld), shoot, damp); dampen, moisten; (kuv. vauras
(putous) ralls, vvaterrall, cataract; (virta) tua, hyty) lmprove, (esim. vilja) thrive,
torrent; jaotta (l. virrata) kotkana run (1. riourish; ~ jostakin (kuv.) gain by, (hy
rush) swlftly (1. in torrents), dart (1. ty) be better orr ror . .; oraat kostuvat
shoot) along, (.esim. veri) g-ush (out 1. hyvin the new crop is thrlvlng- well (1. is
Torth). -kalastus rishlng In the raplds. comlng on rine 1. is maklng- good progress) ; siit ei paljon kostu there Is llttle < to
-kara (elint.) dipper, water-ouzel.
koskinen (Joesta:) Tuli or raplds. kosklrl- be) galned by that; tiimani kostuvat kyy
kas: koshirikas maa a country rich in (1. nelist my eyes n il wlth tears; vaatteet
kostavat the clothes are getting damp.
aboundlng) In raplds (1. waterralls).
kostuke anytblng- to moisten . . with; saada
kosku ks. kipu.
kosmeettinen (kaunistava) cosmetlc(al); (jotakin) kostuketta kielelleen get somethlng to moisten one's tongue, (sammukosmeettiset aineet COSmetlCS.
kosmillinen (maaperlnen) cosmic [dust, ketta Janolleen) get something to quencb
one's thlrst; tuottaa kostuketta = virkis
tomu], cosmical.
kosmopoliitti (maailmankansalainen) cos- t, kostuminen -getting (1. gTowlng)
moist (1. damp); (kuv.) ks. seur. kostunu
mopolitan, man or the World, kosmopoliit
(kuv.) improvement, progress; thrivlng;
tinen cosmopolltan [plant, kasvi],
kosolta (runsaasti) coplously, abundantly, vrt. edell. kostutella ks. seur.
plentirully; m abundance, in prorusion, kostuttaa damp(en), moisten, (kastaa) wet,
in plenty; roundly, amply; (lukuisasti) In (kastella) water, (tekn.) lrrigate; (pirs
great numbers; hnell on rahaa he has kottaa) sprlnkle [the cloth berore lronheaps (1. plenty) or money; lunta oli tullut lng-, kangas ennen silittmist; wlth a th..
Jollakin], sponge; (kuv. = hydytt) lm
there had been a heavy Tall or snow.
prove, better, (vlrklstytt) cause to
kostaa aveng-e, revenge [a p.'s death. Jon
kun kuolema] ; (palkita) reward, repay thrive (1. riourish). kostutus molstenlng-,
[good with evll, hyv pahalla], return; wetting; waterlng; sprinkllng; (kuv.) lmjollekulle jokin (1. jotakin) avenge provlng.
(1. revenge) o.s. on a p. ror a th., take kota 1. (maja) hut; cottage; (keitto-) sum
revenge (1. vengeance) on a p. ror a th., mer kitchen; 2. (kasv.) capsule, (siemen
wrcak one's vengeance (1. be revenged) kota) seed-vessel; vrt. keitto, lappalais-.
upon a p. ror a th.; ~ paha hyvll return
(I. render) good ror evll; ~ vryys re- kotangenttl (mat.) cotangent.
venge an injury (1. an Injustlce), avenge kotelo case; (laatikko) box; (syllnterimi(1. tako vengeance for) a wrong, [Jtt nen) tube; (kirje-) envelope; (kapseli)
jokin] kostamatta [leave a th.] unavenged capsule; (tuppilo) caslng; socket; (elint.)
(1. unrevenged) ; kosf Jumala God bless chrysalis (plur. chrysalldes) , nymph (plur.
you! may God reward you! laiminlynti nymphaj), pupa (plur. pupae). koteloit
(itsens) neglect brlngs (1. carrles) its taa encase, lncapsulate. koteloitua be enovvn punishment; ystvmme puoletta on veloped in a cocoon; (esim. lapamato) be
encased in a capsule; encase itseir (in a
kostettu our rriend has been avenged. kos
taja avenger; one who revenges (1. re- cyst), surround Itseir wlth a cyst. kote
wards) ; one who has revenged. kostajatar loituminen encasing- Itseir; encasement.
avenger. kostamaton unavenged, unre- koteloitunut enveloped In a cocoon.
venged. kostaminen avenglng, revenging. koteloi! kaihi (lk.) capsular (1. membra
nous) cataract. -kausi (elint.) the chrys
kostea (etup. pinnalta) damp [wall, sein]
alis state. -koppa (elint.) cocoon. -sieni
(lpeens) moist [sponge, sieni; air, ilma]
(kasv.) ascomycete.
humid; (mrk) wet [weather, llmaj
huone vet kosteaksi the room rtraus kotouttaa, kotoutua ks. kotiuttaa, kotiutua.
molsture; maa on viel kosteata the ground koti home; (hoitola) asylum; vrt. koto; ko
ta Stlll damp (1. moist) ; talo on rakennettu (un, kotia home, ks. pst, vied; vrt.
kostealle paikalle the hOUSe is bullt on a mys: merimies, orpo, sokeain y. m.
damp site. kosteahko damp, moist, muggy. koti- (yhd.) home [esim. -elm home life
kosteikko damp (1. moist) place; (keidas) -kaupunki home town; -leipomo home bakery; -pitj home parlsh] ; domestlc [esim.
kostella (kiitell) thank.
-askareet domestlc dut(es; -elin domestic
kosteus dampness, humidlty; molsture. animal; -kissa domestic cat] ; house- [esim.
-krpnen house-tty; -kilta hOUSe-cat;
-mittari hygrometer.
kostautua grow (1. become) damp (I. moist). -varpunen house-sparro\v] ; (perhe-) ramlkosto revenge [Is sweet, on suloinen], ly [esim. -apteekki 1. -rohtola ramily-medlvengeance; ostoa janoava burnlng (1. clne-chest; -lkri ramlly physlclan (1.
thlrstlng) ror revenge; kostoksi In (1. by doctor)].
kotlajliht, -tulo ks. kotiin|lht, -tulo.
way or) revenge.

kotiaresti: olla kotiarestissa be conrined to (house-)servant. -panolnen home-brewed
one's own bouse (I. one's own rooms),
[beer, olut], -pappi domestlc chaplain,
(kasarmiarestlssa) be confineU to the bar- house-chaplaln. -parannus household (1.
racks. -kareet (mys:) housebold dutles, ramily) remedy; home doctoring. -peri
housevvork. -etsi nti (lak.) domlciliary vislt; descent, orlgin; (kotipaikka) natlve place;
ks. kotltarkutu*. -haltia housebold ralry Aon en sielt kotiper thafs his natlve
(I. brown!e 1. gnome); the guardlan spirit Place, -puoli bome nelghborhood; minun
(1. the fairy) or tha house; vrt. haltia, -har- kotipuolessani (1. kotipuolellani) ei sellaista
Uu ramily vvorship (1. devotlon 1. prayer). tapaa tunnettu In my home nelghborhood
-ikv longlng (1. plning) ror home; home- such a custom was unknown, (in the part
or the country) where I grew up such a
kotiin- (ybd.) . . home [esim. -kanto carry- custom was unheard or. -rakas rond or
Ingr home; -lhetys sendlng home; -lht home, home-lovliig; (Engl.) bomely. -rauha
imin* home; -paluu return home], -ik
(domestlc) peace; kotirauhan rikkominen
viv hOmeSlCk. -kanto: sanomalehden ko- violatlon or domlclle, (lak.) hamesucken;
tiinkanto delivery or the paper at the house, mitp sit ei tekisikn kotirauhan vuoksi
leaving the paper at the door; lehdelle on II. silyttmiseksi) anything ror a qulet
nyt jrjestetty hotiinkanto arrangements liro (1. ror peace In the home)! -ripitys
have now been made to have the paper decurtaln-lecture. -risti plague (1. arrilction)
livered at the house (1. lert at the door). In the bome; olla kotiristin be an arrilc
-kantomaksu charge for delivery. -laske
tion (1. a trial) In the home, be the plague
minen 1. -lasku (sotilaiden) sendlng home,
(1. tbe burden) or one's lire. -seutu natlve
dlsbandlng, dismlsslng, (lomalle) granting place. -seutututklmus research in one's
(oD leave of absence (1. a rurlough), rur- natlve place. -tarkastus search or a house;
loughtng; (esim. parlamentin) prorogation, laillinen valtuutus kot, tarkastuksen toimit
adjournment. -lihtS setting out (1. starttamiseen search-warrant. -tarve home use;
Ing) for home. -palaava returning (home);
(koko maan) home consumptlon; hoti tar
kotiinpalaavat linnat homeward flylng peeksi (\. -tarpeiksi) ror household use,
blrds. -piin homeward(s); vrt. kotimatka, no more than one wants ror oneseir; meill
-pst ks. kotiinlaskeminen. -tuliaisjuhla ei ole puita kunnolleen edes kotitarpeeksi
home-coming. -tulo return (1. comlng) we don't have qulte enough wood (even)
home; bome-comlng; arrivai. -tuonti de
ror our own use. -tarvemets woods (kept)
livery at the bouse. -tuontimaksu charge ror one's own use. -tarvepoltto home dlsfor delivery. -vienti ks. kotiin tuonti, -kanto, tlllatlon, dlstlllation ror household use.
koti [Jumalat household gods; (room. my-tarvepuut vvood ror household use. -teh
toL) penates. -kaiho longing (1. plning)
tvt ks. kotiaskareet, -tekoinen homefor home. -kasvatus home tralning. -kas
made; kotitekoinen olut home -brewed beer.
vuinen bome-grown, home-ralsed. -keh
-teollisuus Industries carrled on In the
rtty homespun. -kieli: heidn kotikielens home; (kotimaan) domestlc (1. home) In
on suomi the language of thelr home is dustry, -tilukset land around (1. near) the
Finnish, -kipsi homesick. -kuri home rarmhouse. -ty home work.
dlsclpllne. -kutolnen homespun. -kynnys: kotiuttaa make , . (reel) at bome; vrt. pe
Van kotikynnyksell right at one'S doorrehdytt.
step (1. threshold). -liesi the (home) flre- kotiutua (tulla kotiin) come (1. return 1. arslde; kotilieden ress by the flreside (1. rive) home; (tottua olemaan) make o.s. at
flreplace) at home.
home, reel at home; kotiutuu kieleen (tu
kotlljonki (ers tanssilaji) cotlllion, cotll- lee kytntn) becomes lncorporated in
lon; quadrllle; round dance, german.
the language, (englanninkieleen) becomes
kotilo (ellnt.) gast(e)ropod. kotilonkuori angliclzed; vrt. perehty, kotiutuminen
shell (or a gastropod).
coming (l. return) home, arrivai. kotiutu
kotillkltys ks. kotiparannus. -maa natlve nut .. who has returned home; (kasveista
(i. home) country (I. land); (silrtolalskle- y. m. puhuen:) naturallzed.
lessa) the Old country; kotimaan teollisuus kotllvarkaus compound (1. mixed) larceny;
tuotteet] home Industry [products].
thert rrom one's master, -vartlovki (lv)
kotimainen natlve; home [Industry, teolli
household troops. -voimistelu gymnastlcs
suus] ; inland [trade, kauppa] ; endemic at (l. m the) home. -vki [one's] house
Ullsease, tauti] ; kotimaisia tuotteita home hold, home-Tolks; kotivkeni (mys:) my
products; kotimaista tekoa home-made; people, (Jkpv.) my rolks. -vvy a man liv[kauppatavaroista y. m. puhuttaessa sana lng wlth his wire's parents.
kotimainen knnetn usein sen maan ni kotka eagle.
me vastaavalla adjektiivilla. Josta on ky kotkan- (yhd.) eagle's [esim. -kynsi eagle's
symys, esim. nm aurat ovat kotimaista claw; -nokka eagle's beak; -siipi eagle's
tekoa tbese piows are home-made (1. of wlng], -nen aqulllne nose; vrt. koukkuAmerican, Finnish, English etc. make)].
nen, -neninen . . wlth an aqulllne nosekoti matka Journey (I. return) home; koti
vrt. koukkuneninen. -pesi eagle's nest,
matkalla on the way home; kotimatkalla aerie, eyrle. -poika eaglet, young eagle.
olova home(ward)-bound [shlp, laiva], -silm eagle gaze (1. eye). -silminen eaglebound for home; lhte kotimatkalle set eyed, keen-sighted. -sulka eagle Teather.
out (1. start) ror home. -mies: jd koti- kotkata cllnch; (niitata) rlvet; (koukistaa)
mieheksi stay (1. be lert) to look arter the bend, make crooked.
house, (lapsia hoitamaan) stay wlth the kotkaus cllnching; rlveting. -naula clinchchlldren; olla kotimiehen look arter (1.
(ing)-nail; rlvet.
stay In) the house. -nurkka: kotinurkissa kotkottaa cluck; cackle. kotkotus cluck(somewhere) arnund the house. -olot do(Ing); cackllng; (kuv.) cackle.
mestlc arfalrs: (kotielm) home lire: ko kotlettl (kyljys) cutlet; chop; lampaan kottioloissa In [one's] home life. -opettaja lettia mutton-chops,
(private) tutor, -opettajatar governess. cutlets.
-opetus tutortng at home. -palkka natlve koto home; kotoa rrom home; kotona at
place; (asuinpaikka) resldence, place or bome, (kodissa) In tbe home; kotona lei
abode; (koti) home; (etup. lak.) domlclle; vottu home-baked; kotonani at (my) home.
(mer.) home port. -palvelija domestlc, In my bome; kotona Suomessa home in

Finland, In old Finland; vttjtni kotona In tunut schooled, trained, koullta ks. konluttaa.
my brother's house, at my brother's,
koulu school; ks. kydi (koulua).
kotoinen domestic, home; (talous-) house koulu(yhd.) school [esim. -lkH school
hold- (kotla mulstuttava) homelike [melo physician;
-peino school edition; -pri
dy, savel; feeling, tunnelma] ; (kotlmainen) school district;
-terv*y*oppi school hy
native, indigenous; ~ i**i ks. kotile; giene; -tunti school
hour]; (joskus:)
kotoiset askarctt domestic affairs (1. du scholastic. -ka (koulutuntlen
ties) household cares; kotoi**t olomm* our school-time; (koulunkayntiaika) school
domestic affairs, our home-life; kotoiitt days, -aine subject taught in school,
taittilijammf OUT native (1. home) artists; kou'luakaymiton unschooled, untrained; (opbotoisrt tavat home customs, domestic plmaton) unlearned, unlettered, illiterate.
alue school district. -asstus school
kotoisin: - jestakin a native of ... (etenkln koulu1
laws governing the schools, -asiat
lalvolsta puhuen:) of ... from . .; han on laws,
(1. affairs), -elama school
~ Kuopiotta he has his home In Kuoplo, he life, lifematters
at school, -hallitu Department or
is from Kuoplo; hSyrylaiva Into, ~ Kot- Public Education.
-4iuon schoolroom,
kamta the steamship Into of Kotka-, ioiee -huoneisto the schoolrooms,
on tlts ~ the ship belongs here (1. Is age; koului** oltva . . of -ik
school age.
owned here), the ship hails (1. Is regis -kasvatus
tered) from this port; mitt let ~ where Schoolbook, -kumppani = koulutoveri.
do you have your home? where do you -kunta school; Platon houlukunta the
belong? taita ~ oleva hailing from there, school of Plato,
having one's home there.
koululainen pupil, student,
kolona ks. koto.
koulu laito system of public education,
koto olot ks. kotinlot -peri ks. kotiper.
school system, the public schools. -laia
kotosalla, kotoMlla at home; onko h*rra B. training-ship, -lap! school child, child at
- is Mr. B. (at) home? (Jkpv.) Is Mr. B. In? school, -loma I. -tupa (lyhempl) school
kottarainen (elalnt.) (common) starling.
holidays, (kesaloma y. m.) vacation, -mae
kotti 1. ks. kotelo; 2. (vlisein lalvassa) (Amer, suom.) school land. -maksu tuition;
schooling; school-fee, -matti (sakkipelisbulkhead, -karryt wheelbarrow.
kotva (hetki) while, hour; (alka) time; s) fool's mate, -mtatarl schoolmaster,
kotvakii aikaa for some time, for quite a -miei school man; pedagogue, -neuvotto
while; kotvan aikaa good while.
school board.
kouho I. (S.) : olla kouhottaan be spongy (1. koulunlljohtaja principal (1. head) of a
turgid), be puffed up. 11. (a.) silly, fool school, (Engl. mys:) master of a school.
ish; harebrained; (hupsu) crazy, crack- -Johtajatar (lady) principal, preceptress,
-johtokunta school board, -kiymaton ks.
brained; cracked.
koukero flourish, koukerolnen winding kouluakymtn. -kynti attending school;
[path, polku]; sinuous; serpentine, mean tnnllinen koulunkynti regular attend
dering, koiikerovii flourish; curved ance at school, -kynyt: koulunkynyt
(mit*) a man with a l'air (l. a good 1. a lib
line; (aaltoviiva) wavy line.
koukerrella wind (In and out), wind along; eral) education, an educated man. -opettaj
twine; (Jokl y. m.) meander; j*ki koaktr- school-teacher, -opettajatar school-teacher,
te/te (rayos:) the river Is pursuing a ser (vanh.) schoolmistress; (Jkpv.) schoolpentine course, kouksrtsleva winding, sin ma'am, -oppila* pupil (1. student) of a
uous, serpentine; kouk*rtal*vat kaaat school, -pcnkki school desk, seat; ictua koawinding bend,
streets.make crooked, bow; tel- unpenkilla go to school, attend school,
-piha school grounds, school yard, -ttrknta bend one's back, stoop (down), kastaja (school-)lnspector.
(klssasta:) arch Its back, koukistajadiha) koulu, niioriso school children; young people
attending school, those of school age.
(anat.) flexor.
koukistua bend; curve, Incline [to the left, -ohjesaanto school regulations, -olot edu
vasemmalle] ; (tulla vrksl) become (1. cational conditions, condition of the
get) crooked (1. bent) ; ~ maahan bend to schools, -opetu 1. (op 1 1 am inen) school the ground, stoop down, koukistua bend- teaching, teaching school; 2. (koulutus)
education, schooling, -pakko obligatory
Ing, turning; (mutka) bend, curve.
attendance at school, compulsory school koukkorl hook; crook.
koukku hook; (haka) clasp; (kuv.) dodge, attendance, -penkkl, -piha ks. koulun-.
prevarication, subterfuge, (vehje, Juonl) koulupoika schoolboy.
trick; prank; olla koukutta be bent (1. koulupoika- (yhd.) schoolboy [eslm. -logiikka schoolboy logic], -kepponen 1. -kuj*
crooked); vrt. oncen.
koukkuaminen crocheting, koukkuamisty schoolboy's trick (1. prank),
koulullrakennus scboolhouse, school (build
koukkuilija qulbbler, wriggler, shuffler, ing), -rangalatui school punishment, pun
koukkuilla wind; (kuv.) dodge, shuffle; ishment Inflicted In school, -rauattut art
quibble; try to evade; (tehd mutkla) use of riding, horsemanship; manege, -sali as
Indirect means; vrt. Juonlulla. koukkui- sembly-room, -smsty education, school
nen crooked; curved, bent, koukkuilu ing; koulusivistybsen rannt educated, -talo
(kuv.) dodging about, shuffling, quibbling, schoolhouse, school, -tarkaataja ks. koulun-. -tarpeet school supplies, -tieto:
koukkullnena hook-nose, hooked nose; vrt. koulutiedot book learning, knowledge of
kotkannen. -neniinen hawk-nosed, hook books, education, -todistus school certifi
nosed, -nokkainen . . with a hooked beak, cate (1. report); report card, -toi m i public
hook-beaked (1. -billed), (tlet.) curvlros- education; (kouluvlrka) employment In a
tral. -rauta hook-Iron, -selkanen ks. SChOOl; Simmcn houlutoimen ylihallitat
Department of (Public) Education in (1.
koukuta (vlrkata) crochet, do crochet-work. of) Finland.
. . without a school, . . without
koukutella, koukuttelija, koukuttelu ks.
koukkuilla. koukkuilija, koukkuilu.
schoolmate, schoolfellow.
koulllntua be Bchooled (1. trained), koulilnkotoinen

kouluttaa scbool, educate; traln; (puutarh.) strlct [dlsclpllne, kuri; prohlbltlon, kiel
rear (. . tn a nursery), (puuntaimia) trans - to], heavy [snovvstorm, lumimyrsky] ; (ty
pJant; ~ joku send one through School; ~ ly) Stern [rather, Is], harsh [temper,
jotakuta send one to scbool, glve one an luonto]; (tuima, hurja) vlolent [storm,
educatlon. kouluttaminen = koulutus, kou- myrsky] j vehement, sharp, acute [pain,
luttua ks. kouliintua, koulutus schooling, tuska], lntense [beat, kuumuus]; hlgh
educatlon; tralnlng; (puuntaimien) trans- [vvind, tuuli; pressure, paine]; (voimakas,
(puuntaimien) kiihke) vlgorous [erfort, yritys]; strong
[deslre, halu; temptation, kiusaus; tempertransplanter.
koulu, tytt scboolglrl, schoolmald. -tyS ance advocate, raittiusmies] ; (innokas)
(luja) flrm, solld [#round, poh
school vvork; (koulutehtvt) (school)
tasks. -typaja shop connected vvlth a ja]; (valkea) dlfflcult, trylng; ~ aallokko
scbool, manual tralnlng: shop. -uudistus heavy swell, hlgh (1. heavy) sea; aivoscbool reform. -vahtimestari (school) Janl- kalvo (anat.) dura mater; ~ isku heavy (1.
tor. -vuosi school year; kouluvuodet (kou- vlgorous 1. vlolent) blow, (etup. kuv.)
severe (1. hard) blow [to hlm, hnelle] ;
lualka) years at school, scbool-days. -yli
hallitus (1. v.) Department or Public Edu
kohtalo hard (1. sad) lot, hard (1. severe)
liilc; kohtelu (mys:) rough treatment
koura rist; (kasi) hand; kovin kourin wlth (1. USage); kovaksi keitetty kananmuna
VigOTOUS band [bUOm. tarttua asiaan kovin hard-bolled egg; kovaksi onneksi (pahaksi)
kourin get a (good) strong hold on the unfortunately, unlucklly, as 111 luck would
have lt; kuume hlgh (1. vlolent) fever;
matter, handle a thing vvtthout gloves, (se
kaantua) put (1. set) one's 1'oot down],vrt. ~ laukaus loud (1. sharp) report (of a
rautakoura; lain ~ arin (1. hand) 01' the gun), vrt. ~ panos; leip (mys:) dry
bread; kovalla ks. pit; kovalla vauhdilla
kouraangtuntuva palpable [He, vale], tan- at a hard (1. smart) pace, at a dashtng rate,
glhle; (Ilmeinen) obvtous, (self-)evident; fast and furlous; kovalla nell In a loud
(tuntuva) conslderable, heavy, severe; voice, loud (ly); kovalle ks. ottaa, panna; ~
kouraantuntuva virhe (mys:) an error of me/a loud (1. sharp) racket; menekki
the sort that you can put your hand on. brlsk (1. rapld) sle, good (1. brlsk) de-tuntuvasti palpably, tanglbly; obvlously. mand [huom. tavaroilla on kova menekki
kouraista grasp; grab (hold); clasp, clutch; the goods are selllng rapldly (1. meet with
a ready sle 1. have a ready demand)]; ~
(koetella) feel.
kourallinen handful; ~ sotamiehi [suolaa] meteli loud uproar; kovan onnen lapsi a
s handful of soldlers [of sait] ; muutamia chlld of sorrow, an unlucky fellow; ~ onni
hard (1. 111) luck, 111 fortune, mlsfortune,
kourallisia Cl- muutama ~ ) jauhoja a few
adverslty, (kova kohtalo) unklnd (1. bitter)
handfuls of flour.
koura; ruoppaaja grab-bucket dredging- fate; ~ paina great (1. heavy) vvelght;
macblne. -suoninen (kasv.) palmately (1. panos a round or povvder and ball, a shot
vvlth ball; ~ raha hard cash, coln, spedigltately) velned.
cle; ~ ruokahalu hearty appetlte, (ah
kourata (tarttua) grab, clap hold of; (koe
miva) ravenous (1. vvoirish) appetlte; ko
tella) feel, touch, try.
vassa jnnityksess at blgh tension, on the
kouri (ruutana) cruclan (carp).
rack, (odotuksessa) on tlptoe with expeckouria feel (1. grope) about.
kouristaa (pusertaa kokoon) press together, tation; ovat ajat hard (1. bad 1. trylng)
compress; (puristaa) squeeze; (vnt) tlmes; tahto strong (1. flrm) vvlll;
tauti severe (1. serious) lllness (1. sickwrlng; mahaani ~ I have acute (I. rank
ing 1. cramping) palns In my stomacb; ness); kovat sanat stern (1. harsh 1. sharp)
kovat tuskat severe sufrerlng(s),
sydntni ~, kun ajattelen . . lt vvrings my
heart to thlnk . . , my heart aches vvhen I sharp (1. severe 1. acute 1. great) pain;
thlnk . . . kouristella ks. kouristaa; haris- tymies hard vvorker, (kelpo) good vvork telia tuskasta \vrittie In (1. vvitti) pain, man; ~ usko rirm (1. strong) beller;
vastarinta (mys:) staunch (1. stubborn)
sqiilrm vvlth pain.
kouristua be pressed together, be squeezed; reslstance; ovia hokenut sorely arfllcted;
(kyristy, esim. lauta) vvarp, get twlsted. hnell on - p he Is a blockhead (1. a
kouristus (vnne) acute (1. racking) pain; dunce 1. a numskull) ; hnen vatsansa on
(lihaksien) cramp, spasm(s); (kouristus- kovalla he ls constlpated (1. costlve); hn
kohtaus) convulslon; kouristuksen tapainen on paljon kovia kokenut he has endured (1.
spasmodlc(al), convulslve;
kouristusta surrered) many hardshlps, he has had a
asettava (lke) antlspasmodlc. -kohtaus great deal to bear, liis life has been full of
attack of cramp, cramps, convulslon(s); trlals and adversltles, he bas had a hard
flt; saada kouristuskohtaus get (the) tlme of lt; kun ~ tulee, kun kovalle ottaa
cramps, bave cramps, be selzed (1. taken) at a plnch, (jkpv.) when lt comes to atlght
vvlth a cramp, have a flt, go Into convul- place (1. to a plnch), vvben put to lt [ho
slons. -nykihdys convulsive (1. spasmodlc) vvlll make a go or lt, hn kyll siin onnis
Jerk (1. tvvltch). -yski convulslve (1. tuu], in an emergency, at a critlcal Juncture; olla ~ jotakuta kohtaan be hard (1.
spasmodlc) cough.
harsh) vvlth one, be hard-faced (1. harsh)
kouru f. (s.) (rnni) flute, Channel; (katos
sa y. m.) gutter; (lasku-) chute, (Engt.) tovvard one, treat one harshly (1. vvlth sevcrIty); on kovassa ks. luja; on kovimmillaan
shoot; (kaukaloraatnen) trough; (vako)
ls hardest (1. strongest 1. most severe 1.
groove. II. (a.) grooved; fluted; (kyr)
most lntense). Is at lts hardest (1. strong
crooked, curved, bent.
est), (korkeimmillaan) at lts helght (1.
kouru III. (s.) = kouri.
kouruinen grooved, fluted, channeled.
kourufkirves (carpenters') adz(e). -sarvinen kova- (yhd.) hard- [esim. -ktinen hard. . vvlth a crumpled horn, . . \vith crumpled banded; -kuorinen hard-shelled; -sydmiborns. -taltta round (1. grooved) chlsel.
nen hard-hearted] . -Juote (tekn.) hard
kousikka scoop.
solder. -korvainen (uppiniskainen) stlfrkova hard [as Iron, kuin rauta; vvork, ty; necked, stubborn; disobedlent. -korvaisuus
heart, sydn; water, vesi] ; (ankara) severe stubbornness; dlsobedlence. -kourainen
[Winter, talvi; punlsnment, rangaistus], bard-handed; rough [handiing, ksittely];



kovakourainen kohtelu hard (1. rough)

usage, liiirsli treatment. -kouralsesti hard,
roughly; pidell jotakuta [jotakin] kova
kouraisesti handle one [a th.] wlthout
gloves. -kouraisuus roughness, harsbness.
-kumi guttapercha. -kuoriainen beetle;
(elint.) coleopter(an). -kurlnen hard, obdurate, lntractable. -luontoinen hardbearted, unfeeling, obdurate. -osainen
sorely arnicted [wldow, leski] ; ill-fated;
(onneton) hapless, luckless, unlucky; (osa
puoli) lll-treated by Fortune, bard done by.
-pintainen stlff-necked; obstlnate, stub-
born; vrt. itsepintainen, -pohjainen . . \vitti
a bard subsoll, . . vvith a (bard)pan. -piinen . . \vitli a poor bead; (tyhm) dullwltted, stupid; (Itsepinen, kovapintainen)
bard-beaded, plg-beaded, obstlnate, stubborn. -pM blockbead, dunce, numskull.
kovasin wbetstone; (Hienompi) oi Istune;
(partaveitsi varten) bone; (smlrkell-)
kovasti hard, severely; heavlly, barshly;
vlolently; sharply; flrmly, vrt. kova; (pal
jon) much, a great deal, plenty; (kovin)
highly, greatly, very; (erittin) particularly, especially; ~ mielissn greatly (1.
very much) pleased; ~ paljon very much;
aika ~ soundly, freely, roundly; quite a
good deal, fairly well, pretty much; tarvi
ta jotakin ~ (viilttmttmsti) need a th.
badly (1. urgently), be In urgent (1. sore 1.
dlre) need of a th.
kova suinen
[borse, hevonen], . . hard to handle. -pui
suus: hevosen kovasuisuus pakotti hnet . .
the horse belng (so) hard-bltted (I. hard
to handle) compelled hlm . . . -sydminen
hard-hearted; relentless. -sydmisyys hardheartedness, hardness or beart. -vateainen
hard-bound, constlpated, costlve. -Uninen
loud; vocirerous [cry, huuto] ; nolsy
[quarrel, riita]. -Unisestl loudly, loud,
nolsiiy, vocirerously. -Unisyys loudness,
noisiness, vociferousness.
koveli hollowlng-knire.
kovemmin harder; sharper; heavler; Nrmer;
wlth greater intensity (1. vlolence);
(enemmn) more; (nekkmmin) louder;
puhu speak louder.
koveneminen hardenlng; (Jhmettyminen)
settlng, solldiflcation. kovennettu hardened; lntensiried; kovennettu rangaistu*
heavier (1. more severe) punlshment. kovennus (koveneminen) hardenlng; (lis
minen) sharpenlng, heightenlng, lncreaslng; vrt. karkaisu.
koventaa make (1. cause to be) harder (1.
sharper 1. stronger 1. louder 1. more severe
1. more intense 1. more vlolent, vrt. kova);
(karkaista) harden, lndurate; (list) Inerease [the speed, vauhtia] ; ~ rangaistusta
Inrrease the punlshment (I. the penalty),
make the punlshment (1. the penalty) heavier
(I. more severe). koventaminen hardenlng;
maklng . . harder (1. stronger 1. heavier 1.
louder); (lisminen) lncreaslng; vrt. kovennus.
koventua ks. kovettua, koveta.
kovero, kovera hollo\v; (Tys.) conrave. koveroinen, koveroisuus ks. kovero, koveruus.
koverrus 1. (kovertaminen) hollovvlng (1.
scooping) out; excavatlon. 2. (koverrettu
groove. kovertaa hollow (out), scoop (1.
gouge) out, (make) concave, (maahan y.
m.) dlg out, excavate. kovertua be bollovved (1. scooped) out. koveruus concavlty; hollowness.
koveta barden, become (1. grow) bard; ln
durate; (jhmetty) become flrm (1. solld),


solldtry; (esim. laasti) set; (kuv.) be

sharpened (1. helgbtened 1. aggravated);
grow more acute (1. Intense); (lisntyi)
Increase (In vlolence) ; ~ jollekulle joitakin
(panna Joku lujalle) take one to task (1.
haul one over tbe coals) about . . , brlng
pressure to bear upon a p. about . .; ajat
kovenevat tlmes are getting harder; meteli
yh kovenee tbe noise (I. the uproar) Is ln
creaslng (1. gr0Wlng WOrse); tuskat kove
nevat the palns are growlng more Intense
(1. acute); tuuli kovenee tbe \vliul Is ln
creaslng In vlolence, the wlnd Is rlslng (1.
growing harder).
kovettaa harden (mys kuv.), lndurate. ko
vettua harden (mys kuv.), lndurate, be
come (1. grow) hard; (Jhmetty) become
lii-rn (l. solld), solldtry; (esim. laasti) set;
(paatua) become obdurate (1. callous),
grow (1. become) calloused (1. hardcneci).
kovettuma ralloslty; lnduratlon; (lk.)
sclerosls; (kns, kdess) callus.
kovike starch.
kovin (erittin) particularly. (e)speclally;
(hyvin) very; (liian) too, too much; (suu
ressa mrin) highly, eminently; (ylen)
extremely, exceedlngly; (kyllin) enougb;
~ erilainen very unllkc, not at ali altke,
unllke In tbe extreme; paljon very much,
an exceedlngly large quantity, (lilan) too
much; ~ tuuri very (1. extremely 1. ex
ceedlngly) large; too large: vhn ex
ceedlngly (1. very) llttle, llttle enougb;
too llttle; el kovinkaan kiitollinen not very
(1. not particularly) thankful, not too
grateful; minun tekee ~ mieleni I have a
great mlnd (1. I feel very much lncllned)
to [do a th., tehd Jotakin], (Jotakin esi
nett) I \vould very much Uke to get (I. to
have) [a th., Jotakin].
kovistaa (panna tiukalle) brlng pressure to
bear upon [one. Jotakuta] ; (ahdistaa) beset, press [one \vith questlons, Jotakuta
kysymyksill]; (pit lujilla) keep (1.
hold) a tight (1. a rirm) hand (I. rein) over;
(torua) take . . to task, glve . . a ratlng,
rake . . over the coals, taik severely to.
kovistaminen brlnglng pressure upon ..;
besetting, presslng; taklng to task. kovis
tella ks. kovistaa.
kovuus hardness; severlty; strlctness; beavlness; sternn o ss. harsbness ; vlolence, sharpness, Intensity; vlgorousness; rirmness,
solldity; (nen) loudness; vrt. kova. -aste
degree or hardness. -asteikko scale or
kraaterl (tulivuoren aukko) crater.
Krakova, Krakau Craco\v, Krakotv.
krana ks. ruu.
kranaatti (-kuula) shell; vrt. kasl~.
krappl (vrimatara) madder.
krapu ks. rapu; Kravun kntpiiri the
tropic or Cancer.
krassi (kasv.) cress.
kravatti necktle, cravat. -neula scarrpin.
-tehdas necktle Tactory.
kravun- (yhd.) ks. ravun-, k ravustaa, -tsja,
-tus ks. ravustaa, -taja, -tus.
krediitti ks. luotto.
kredit (klrjanp.) credlt. -puoli credlt side.
kreditiivl (pankki-) credlt at the bank.
Kreetta rmys: Kreetan saari) Crete, Candla.
kreettalainen (a. & s.) Cretan.
kreikann kieli Greek. -usko tbe Greek-Catho11c faith.
Kreikka Greece. kreikkalainen I. (a.) Greek
[art, taide]; Greclan [flre, tuli]. II. (s.)
kreikkalaisi katolinen Greek-Cathollc; kreik
kalaiskatolinen kirkko tbe Greek Church.
-roomalainen Oreco-Roman.



kreivi count; (Engl.) earl; kreivin aikaan

(kuv.) at a ravorable (1. an opportune)
time, (parhaaksi) at tbe vcry tlme one
was needed, in the nick or tlme. -kunta
countdom; (Engl. hlst.) county, shlre.
kreivillinen . . oi' a count (l. an earl), a
eount'3 . .; kruuna a coumVs coronet.
kroivinarvo rank or a count; (Engl.) earldom. kreivitr, kreivinna countess.
kreppi (-kangas) crape, crepe. -paperi (ryppypapen) crape (I. crepe) paper.
kretonki (kangaslajl) cretonne.
krevettirapu (common) shrlmp.
kriikuna (hedelmlaji) bullace. -puu bullace(-tree).
krliai (pulma) crlsls; crltlcal Juncture;
(knnekohta) turnlng-polnt. kriitillinen
crltlcal [polnt (1. juncture), kohta].
kriminaali- (yhd.) crlminal; vrt. rikos-, -oi
keus crlmlnal law (1. Jurlsprudence); (-oi
keusistuin) crlminal court.
Krim Crlmea; Krimin niemimaa the Crimean
peninsula; Krimin sota the Crimean vvar.
krimin ] kangas
krinoliini (vannehame) hoops, hoop-sklrt;
kristalli crystal; (hiottu lasi) cut glass; vrt.
kristalli- (yhd.) crystal; vrt. kide-, -kirkas
(clear as) crystal, crystal-clear, crystalllne. -lasi (lyijylasi) crystal (1. flint) glass,
crystal; (hiottu) cut glass. (K)-palaui
(Lontoon) Crystal Palace, -sokeri granulated sugar.
Kristia(a)nia Christiania.
kristikunta Chrlstendom; koho ali (1. the
vvhole of) Chrlstendom.
kristillinen Christian [raitti, usko; life, el
m] ; Christllke; (hurskas, uskonnollinen)
pious, rellglous [famlly, perhe], kristilli
sesti like a Christian; el kristillisesti
(mys:) lead a Christian life. kristillisyys
Christianity; Chrlstllkeness; piety, rellglousness.
kristillissiveellinen Christian.
kristin oppi Christianity; (oppiaineena) dlvinlty, theology; vrt. seur. -usko Christian
faith, Christianity.
kristitty (a. & s.) Christian; kristittyjen
vaino persecutlon of the Chrlstlans.
kritiikki (arvostelu) crlttclsm; critlque.
kritikoida, kritiseerata (arvostella) crltlclze.
kroketti croquet. -nuija mallet. -pallo (croquet) hali. -peli (game or) croquet.
kroatsialainen Croatlan. Kroatsia-8 lavon ia
Croatia and Slavonia.
(mys: krokodiili)
-allin rrorodilian.
krokotiilin; kyyneleet (kuv.) crocodlle tears.
-vartija (lintu) crocodlle-blrd.
kromaattinen (mus.) chromatlc [scale, as
kromi (kem.) chromlum, chrome. -aluna
chrome alum. -happo chromic acld. -kelta
chrome (yellovv). -kypsytys 1. -parkitus
tanning by the chromic-acid method.
kronikka (hlst.) rhronlcle. annals; (sanoma
lehti) revievv of current events. kronikoitslja (hlst.) chronlcler, annallst; hn on kronikoitsijana Tymiehess he vvrltes (the
vveekly) revtevvs or current events for
the "Tymies".
kroonillinen (pitkllinen, alituinen) chronlc(al). kroonillisestl cbronically.
krossi (=12 tusinaa) gross.
krouvari tavern-keeper; vrt. kapakoitsija.
kruunaaja crovvner; (mittojen Ja painojen)
sealer. kruunaamaton uncrowned [klng,
kuningas] ; (mitta tai paino) unstamped,
unsealed. kruunaaminen kruunaus.


kruunata 1. crown (mys kuv.); 2. (mittoja

tai painoja) stamp, seal; ~ kuninkaaksi
i-niuii . . klng.
kruunattu crovvned [head, p]; (mitta tai
paino) stamped, sealed.
kruunaus 1. coronatlon, crovvning; 2. (mit
tojen Ja painojen) stamplng, seallng. -juhla
coronatlon. -Juhlallisuus coronatlon ceremony. -pilvi coronatlon day.
kruunu crovvn; (aatelis-) coronet; (anat. &
hammaslk.) corona; (hallitus) government, the crovvn; (valtio) state; vrt. kynt
til-', orjantappura.
kruunun- (yhd.) government [esim. -luotsi
government pilot; -makasiini government
storehouse; -oerot government taxes],
crown [esim. -prinssi crown prlnce] . -asia
mies agent of the crovvn, crovvn agent. -jyvst government granary. -Jyvt grain
pald to tbe crovvn (1. tbe government) for
taxes. -kalastukset flsberles belonglng to
tbe crovvn. -kymmenykset titbe due to the
crovvn. -kyyti: vietiin kruununkyydill lin
naan vvas laken by tbe (crovvn) ofricers
to tbe Jail. -maat crovvn lands, demesne
lands of the crovvn; (hallituksen) publlc
domain. -metst forests belonglng to the
government, (Engl.) crovvn Torests. -nimis
mies ks. nimismies, -ori stalllon belonglng
to the crovvn. -palvelija orricer or the
crovvn; (1. v. Yhdysv.) sherirfs deputy.
-perillinen helr (1. successor) to the crovvn
(I. to tbe throne), helr apparent. -perimys
succession (to the throne). -perint
escheat. -puisto park belonglng to the
crovvn. -talo farm belonglng to the crovvn,
government rarm. -tavottellja pretendcr.
-tila estate belonging to (1. held by) the
crovvn. -torppa small tenant farm belong
lng to the crovvn. -veronkanto (collectlon
of) taxes payable to tbe crovvn. -vouti (1. v.
Yhdysv.) dlstrlct attorney; (Engl.) bailirr.
kude rilllng, vvert, vvool'; panna kangas ku
teelle set up a vveavlng. -lanka tbread Tor
kudelma, kudin (sukan-) knittlng; (solmustus) crochetlng, crochet(-vvork); (ku
dos) vvoven fabrlc.
kudonta vveavlng; knittlng; vrt. pitsin-.
kudos vvoven (1. textlle) rabric, texture;
(luonnont.) tlssue; vrt. kudelma, -neste
(anat.) lymph. -oppi hlstology.
kudottaa have a th. vvoven (1. knlt).
kuguaarl (ellnt.) cougar.
kuha (elint.) plke-perch; (Yhdys. 1. v.)
wall-eye(d plke).
kuhahtaa ks. kuhista.
kuhankeittljl (ellnt.) European (1. golden)
kuherrella coo; (kuv.) make love, blll and
coo. kuhertaa coo (mys kuv.).
kuherrua coolng. -kuukausi honeymoon.
kuhilas shock, shook; panna kuhilaille set
up In shocks, shock.
kuhina murmur(lng); (kihln) svvarmlng.
kuhista (suhista) murmur, vvhlsper; (vilist)
svvarm; nurkassa kuhisi muurahaisia the
corner vvas ali alive (and cravvllng) vvlth
ants; toritta kuhisee kansaa the market place svvarms vvlth people.
kuhmu bump, lump, raised place; (kyhmy)
knob; boss; (pahka) hump; (kasvannainen)
tumor, (pss) vven; olla kuhmuilla be
knobby, (Iskuista) be battered up, have
bumps (1. lumps) [esim. otsani an kuh
muilta I have bumps on my roreheadj.
kuhmuinen knobby; knotty; bumpy; (is
kuista) battered up; (kasv.) tuberous.
kuhmusauva ks. ryhmysauva.
kuhnaamlnen lolterlng, poklng (along), laggtng.



kuhnaileva lolterlng, dllatory, poky; dawdllng; slugrgrisb, slothfiil; dull, slovv; a\vkward, clumsy, lubberly. kuhnailija sluggard, drone, snall; (jahiiustellja) gavvky,
kuhnailla, kuhnata drone; lag, lolter, poke
(along) ; be slovv (1. sluggisb 1. slothful 1.
tardy); go like a snall; (menett alkaa)
waste (1. dawdle away) tlme; (dllly-)dally;
(kntystell) be clumsy, be awkward;
kuhnailla tiell lolter on the road (1. the
vvay). kuhnailu = kuhnaaminen, kuhnustelu.
drone; 2. (kuhnus) sluggard; Imit. lubber,
booby; gavvky, bumpkln. kuhnurimainen
kS. kuhnaileva, kuhnus ks. kuhnuri, 2.
kuhnusmaisuus slugglshness, sloth, dilatoriness; clumslness, avvkvvardness; backvvardness. kuhnustaa, kuhnustella kuh
nailla, kuhnustelija ks. kuhnailija. kuhnustelu delay; lagglng beblnd, loiterlng,
kuhun (vanh.) ks. minne.
kuihduttaa emaciate, vvcar away, \vaste,
prey upon; cause to wlther (away), cause
to plne (away), (kasveista:) make . . vvlther
(1. droop); hiipiv tauti ~ hnt an insldlous dlsease Is wasting hts constltution,
lils physical strength Is belng consumed
by a slovv dlsease. kuihduttaminen emaciatlon; vvearlng away, vvasting, preylng upon.
kuihtua \vlther (away), (ihmisist:) pine
(avvay); (lakastua) Tade away, die; droop
[vvlth. Johonkin], (nnty)
(laihtua) grovv (1. become) thln, lose flesh,
(lopen) become emactated; (riutua) be; koti-ikvtt be plning \vitli homeslckness. kuihtumaton unrading; vrt. ka
toamaton, kuihtuminen \vlthering; pining
(away); fadlng (away); (lftk.) cachexla,
cachexy. kuihtumus \vlthering (away);
pining (avvay); decline, langulshlng; emaclation, atrophy. kuihtunut vvlthered; emaclate(d), \vasted, atrophled; . . vvorn to the
bone; (riutunut) gaunt, haggard.
kuikka (elint.) black-throated (I. speckled)
loon (1. dlver).
kuilu guir (myskuv.); (rotko) clert, gorge,
(syv) abyss, chasm; (halkeama) crevlce;
(kaivoksen) shart; (kuv. = Juopa) breach.
kuin as; like; (komp. Jljest) than; (ikn
kuin) as lf, as though; ei kukaan muu ~ no
other than . .; aivan toisenlainen (\. erilai
nen) ~ hn very dirferent rrom hlm, very
uniike IlKII; etevmpi (l. suurempi 1. mahtavampi) ~ superior to . .; hn ti muuta ~
itki she dld nothlng but vveep; hn saapui
tnne aikaisemmin . . (mys:) he :imvi'cl
nere prlor to . .; hn tuli kuin tulikin (to
dellakin) he really came, he came at last;
kaikkea muuta mit anythlng but that;
niin Muuri ~ . . as large as . . ; niin tarpeelliMta ~ onkin however necessary lt Is; oli
~ . . lt was as it . .; vrt. kun.
kuinka hovv; ~ hn kotttikin however he
trted, no matter how much he trled; ~
kyneekin, haluan koettaa hovvever it goes
(1. \vhatever may be the effect), I vvant to
try it; ~ tahdot how do you vvant . .?
(niinkuin) as you will (1. wlsh); ~ fcil/o
paraittn sopii as (I. hovvever) lt sults you
Best; ~ vanha olat ho\v old are you? sehn
on tarkatuksesi, vai you inean thls, don't
you? se kai ei ole sinun tarhotuhsesi, vai
~ surely you don't mean that, do you?
kuiri (elint.) curlew.
kuiskaaja (teat.) promptcr. kulskaajankoppi
prompter's box.
kuiskaillja whlsperer; tattler; vrt. kuiskaaja.
kuiskailla wblsper; (supattaa) tattle, go
about tattling; kuiskaillaan, ett . . lt 18


rumored (1. vvhispered about) tbat . . .

kuiskailu whispering; tittle-tattle.
kuiskata whisper [a th. to one (1. oneath.).
Jotakin Jollekulle] ; (teatterissa; mys
esim. koulussa) prompt; ~ jotakin jonkun
korvaan vvblsper a th. In one's ear.
kuiskaus, kuiskautus whisper. kuiskautusluukku = kuiskaajankoppi.
kuiske whlsper(lng); on kuulunut kuiskeita,
ett . . il bas been vvhispered (about) tbat
. . , rumors have been heard that . . .
kuiskutella kuiskailla, kuiskuttaa whlsper
[a th. In a p.'s ear, Jotakin Jonkun kor
vaan], kuiskuttelu, kuiskutus vvblsperlng-.
kuisti (porstuan-) porcb. kulstikko porcb,
veranda(h), piazza.
kuitata receipt [a blll, lasku]; discharge [a
debt, velka] ; (kuv.) make . . even, square,
settie; kuitataan (maksetuksi) pald; osia
on sill kuitattu that squares (1. settles)
the matter, (olkoon) let's call that square;
jos teet sen, niin min saostan kuittaamaan
velkasi lf you do this, I'U agree to dis
charge your debt, (Jkpv.) lf you do this,
vve will call lt even (1. square).
kuitenkaan: ci not . . , hovvever, not . .
anyvvay; hn ei ~ lhtenyt he dld not go,
hovvever; sin et tit saa you won't get
lt anyvvay.
kuitenkin hovvever, (siit huolimatta) nevertheless, (slttekln) yet, stlll; ~, kaikitenkin
(kalkissa tapauksissa) at ali events, at any
rate, anyhovv, (kaikesta huolimatta) for
au that, nevertheless, ali the same.
kuittaamaton unrecelpted.
kuittaus recelpting; discharge.
kuitti I. (s.) (formal) receipt; acknovvledgment (in vvrttlng). H. (a.) rld, clear; quit;
olla jostakin (1. jostakusta) have gOt
free rrom, be rld of, be through with;
pst kuitiksi jostakin get rld ol\
kuitu (sle) flber, ribre, rilaraent; (rihma)
thread. kuituinen flbrous.
kuiva dry [air. Ilma; bread, leip; dlscourse.
esitelm] ; torrld [cllmate. Ilmasto] ; ~
aine (kuv.) dry (1. barren 1. prosy) subJect; kuivalle ks. pst; naivalla maalle:
(high and) dry [huom. pst kuivalla
maalle reach (1. get on) dry land (1. terra
firma 1. Shore); vet vene kuivalle maalla
haul (I. puli) up a boat on shore, beaoh a
boat] ; kuivat heint dry hay; ~ tie (kem.)
dry method; kuiviin dry [esim. Monaa kui
viin boll dry], ks. juosta; kuiville(en) ks.
menn; kuiville Cl. kuivin) suin YVlthout a
taste of . . [esim. jin kuiville suin I dld not
get a taste (I. a smell) of lt] ; kuiviltaan
dry [esim. syd jokin kuiviltaan eat a th.
dry]; kuivin jaloin vvlth one's feet dry,
dry-shod, dry-foot(ed); kuivin silmin dryeyed, vvlth dry (1. tearless) eyes, (itkemt
t) unvveeplng; kurkkuni tuntuu kuivalta
my throat feels dry (1. parched); olla kui
valla maalla (veneest:) be hlgh and dry,
be beached; olla kuivillaan (esim. Joesta
puhuen:) be very lovv, (kokonaan) have
kuiva- (yhd.) dry- [esim. -(aikainen dryfooted; -silminen dry-eyedj.
kuivaa dry; get dry; (menn kuivilleen) dry
up, run dry; (lakastua) become parched,
vvither; kielt the tongue feels parched;
kurkkuani my throat feels dry (1.
parched), I Teel very dry (1. thlrsty). kui
vaaminen drying. kuivaava drying, siccatlve; (Jumova) astrlngent.
kuivahko somevvhat (1. rather) dry; partly
kuivakiskoinen dry; barren, prosy; dull,
uninteresting; (Jkpv.) dry as a bone. -kis
koisesti dryly; proslly, barrenly; dully,



unfnterestlngly. -kiskoisuus dryness, barrenness, proslness, dullness.

kuivakkokaavi (kasv.) xeropbyte.
kuivan 'lystikkyys drollness; dry wlt. -lys
tiks droll, dry [joke, pila].
kuivanut dry, withered; (kuv.) dead; kuiva
neita UhtiS -itherert (I. dead 1. dry) leaves.
kuiva parito (shk.) dry battery (1. pile),
dry cells. -parainen . . inclined to be dry
(l. arld); dry; (ylv) upland.
kuivasti dryly.
kuivasytto dry reedlng.
kuivata dry [one's shoes berore tlie rire,
kenkin tulen ress] ; (tyhjksi vedes
t) dry up; (ojittamalla) drain; (pyyhki
pois) wipe, wipe orr; (tekn.) deslccate;
kuivautuunissa klln-dry: kyyneltens dry
(I. wlpe away) one's tears; puutavaraa
(mys:) season lumber; ~ vaatteitaan dry
(out) one's clothes; vrt. kuivaa.
kuivartelakka 1. -tokka dry dock. -tislaus
dry (1. destructlve) dlstillatlon.
kuivattaa let . . dry, put to dry; bave . .
dried; dry; (tyhjksi) dry up; (ojittamal
la) dratn. kuivattaminen ks. kuivatus.
kuivattu drled [meat, liha; rish. kala];
(pyyhkimll) wlped orr; (tyhjiin) drled up;
(ojittamalla) drained; (tekn.) deslccated.
kuivatus, kuivaus drylng, dralnlng; (tekn.)
kuivaus- (yhd.) drylng- [esim. -huone drylng-chamber; -kone drylng-machlne]. -aine
(erlt. ljyvrej varten) drler, dryer, slccatlve: (kem. & lk.) deslccant, desiccative. -laitot drylng-apparatus, (tekn.) desIccator. -suunnitelma dralning: projcct.
-teline (pesuvaattelta varten) (clothes-)
horse, (tilli y. m. varten) hack. -uuni
drylng-oven, (drylng-)ktln.
kuivettua dry (up), become parched. kuivet
tunut dry. wlthered; (kuv.) dead. kuivetuttaa dry up, parch; cause . . to dry.
kuivike slccatlve; (pehku) Utter, (jkpv.)
kuivinhuon* drylng-house; dryiiur-rhamber
(1. -room); (esim. kaivoksen) dry-house.
kuivua become (1. get) dry, dry; (menn
kuivilleen) dry up, (kuivettua) become
parched; (ehty) run dry; (kuihtua) plne
away, decllne, languish. kulvumaton never
runnlng (I. that never runs) dry; (tyhjentymtn) lnexhaustlble. exhaustless, unrailfng. kuivunut dry, wlthered; (kuv.) dead.
kuivuu ks. kuivuu.
kuivuus dryness; arldlty: (kuiva ilma)
drought, drouth, dry weather; Suomesta
on vallinnut pitkaikainen ~ a Contlnued
drougbt has prevalled In Finland.
kuja (polku) path, trark; (kyln-) lane:
(kapea katu) alley; (kytv 1. lehti-)
\valk; (kaivos-) level, (kivihiilikaivoksis
sa:) entry; hn tuntee kaikki kadut ia ku
jat Helsingitt he knows every nook and
cranny (1. ali the byvvays 1. ali the Ins and
outs) In Helstngrors. kujanjuoksu gantlet,
gant(e)lope. kujanne ks. kuja; muodottaa
kujanne (esim. puista:) rorm a lane (I. an
alley 1. an alsle).
kujo (ilve) prank, rrolir, lark; (Ilveily)
sport, run, Jokin?: (Juoni) Intrlguc; (veh
je, kepponen) trlck. artirire: kujeet (kons
tit) trlckery; hnell on kaiktnmoitia ku
jatta he Is up to every kind or trlckery:
mit kujeita tinulla on what are you up to
now? what game (1. trlck 1. Joke) are you
up to? vt-hat nunsense Is thls? kujeellinen
rogulsh, mlschlevous,
rrollcsome, arch; (Juonikas) dodgy, shirty,
qulbbllng. kujeellisuus rogulshness, archness. kujeileva kujeellinen. kujeilija
practical Joker, wag; Jester; rogue. kujeilla


be up to trlcks (1. pranks 1. mlschicr) ;

Joke, Jest, banter [one, Jonkun kanssa];
play the wag; (kureilla) be mischievous
(1. a miSChleO : mit tina tiell kujeilet
what mlschler are you up to now? kujeilu
trlcks, pranks, mlschler; sport, run, Joklng; (kujeellisuus) rogulshness, waggery.
kujeilullhalu love or mlschler (1. or pranks 1.
or run 1. or playing Jokes), bent Tor mls
chler, mlschler. -haluinen Tun-lovlng, mischler-lovlng, bent on mlschler.
kujerrue (kuherrus) cooing; (ruikutus) lamentatlon, wail(ing), moan(lng). kujertaa 1.
(kuhertaa) coo; 2. (ruikuttaa) moan, wail.
kuka who; tahanta anybody, anyone;
tahansa, joka . . whO(SO)ever; n tied, ~
hn on I don't know who he Is; olipa ~ ta
hansa who(so)ever It may be.
kukaan anybody; ketn ks. hakus.; ei ~ no
one, nobody; ei ~ heitt none or them;
onko siell Is (there) anybody there?
yht hyvin kuin mau as well as anybody
else; l anna sit kenellekhn don't glve
It to anybody.
kukahdella keep calllng "cuckoo". kukahdus
(call or a) cuckoo. kukahtaa call "cuckoo".
kukallinen riorircrous; (kukitettu) strevvn
(1. sprinkled) wlth riowers; (kukikas)
riowered [material, kangas], riowery.
kukanfkanta (kasv.) receptacle, torus, -nup
pu 1. -silmikko (riovver-)bud. -teri 1. -ter
(kasv.) corolla -varsi stalk (1. stem) or
the riovver, riowcr-stalk, peduncle.
kukatles(i) perhaps, may be; perchance;
(mahdollisesti) possibly.
kukertua tumhle [rrom one's blcycle, pol
kupyrns selst; down, maahan], roll;
(romahtaa) come tumbling down; (kellis
ty) rall (clumsily), plump; ~ kumoon
tumhle over, rall.
kukikas riowered; riowery, blossomy.
kukin every man (1. person), everybody,
everyone, cach (one) ror them, heist];
alallaan each one in hls line; omasta ja
toittenta puoletta (lak.) Jolntly and severally; ~ heitt taa kaksi each or them wlll
get two, they wlll get two a plece (1. t\vo
each) ; kullakin meist on omat vikamme
ali or us have our raults, each or us has
hls raults; kultakin on oma(t) tapansa every
one has hls own manner (I. way); oifca
aifcaa kutakin (1. v.) ali things have an
ml : he lhtivt taholleen they went
thelr several ways, each (or them) went
hls way: vhn each (one) a llttle
'hiloin. Ae ovat syyllisi vhn each
one or them has a share In the guilt]; v
hn kustakin (\. kutakin) a llttle or everythlng, thls thlng and the othcr, what nnt?
kukinta riowerlng, bloom, rioriricatlon. -aika
kukinto (kasv.) InTlorescence.
kukistaa subdue, cocrcc, overcomc; reduce
Ta rebelllous provlnce, kapinallinen maa
kunta], quell Ta rebelllon, kapina]; bring
under, subjugate; (nujertaa) put down;
(voittaa) vanqulsh, conqner, beat; (kaataa)
f a mlnlstry, minlsterlsto],
overturn; (tuhota) annlhilate, utterly ilestroy; (mullistaa) upsct, subvert; Aa/Ii
ta overthrow the government; jokin
jrjestelm ovcrthrow a system. (murska
ta) demollsh a system, (poistaa) abollsh a
System: kukistettiin valtaittuimelta was
dethroned, was drlvcn . Trom the throne.
kukistaja subduer, subjugator; queller;
vanquisher, conqueror. kukistamaton unquelled, unvanqulshed: (mahdoton kukis
taa) Indomltable [courage, rohkeus], unconquerable, Invlnclble. kukistamattomuus
lndomltableness, unconquerableness.



kukittua be overthrown (1. overturned);

(kaatua, luhistua) Tall (down), tumblc
(down); (romahtaa) ro to ruin, collapse;
olla kukistumaisillaan be tOtterlng tO ItS
fali, verg-e on collapse; Maattaa jokin [/oka]
kukistumaan cause the Tall of . . , cause . .
to be overthrown, cause a th.'s [a p.'s]
niin, (brlng . . to) ruin. kukistumaton inilomltable, unconquerable, Invlnclble. ku
kistuminen lall, downrall; tumblej (kuv.)
ruin. kukistut 1. (kukistaminen) subjugatlon, vanqulshlng; suppression; overthrow;
2. kukistuminen.
kukitettu strewn (1. sprlnkled) wlth flowers; adorned (1. decked) wlth flowers,
kukittaa (sirottaa kukkia) strew (1. sprlnkle) wlth nowers; (koristaa kukilla) adorn
(1. deck) wlth flowers; garland.
kukka riower, blossom; bloom; kukalle ks.
nousta; hukkaan Ks. puhjeta; olla kukalla
Ci. kukatta) be in bloom (1. blossom).
kukka- (yhd.) flower- [esim. -attia riouerpot; -Uhtl riower-leat; -nyttely riowershow].
kukkainen riowered, riowery. kukkainpoimija gatherer (1. plcker) of flowers.
kukkait- (yhd.) ks. kukkas-.
kukkall kaali cauliriower. -kasvi
riowering (1. phanerogamous) plant. -kaup
pa ks. kukkaskauppa. -kiehkura wreath
or riowers, garland; (kasv.) whorI, verticll.
-kieli language or riowers. -kimppu bunch
or riowers, bouquet, nosegay. -laite I.
-maljake Jardinlere.
kukkanen fiower.
kukkaro pouch, bag; (raha-) purse; ill
on kuin herran kukkarossa (1. V.) one feels
here as nt as a riddle. kukkaromainen
purse-llke, llke a purse.
kukka ruukku riower-pot. -seppele wreath
of riowers, garland.
kukkas- (yhd.) flower- [esim. -kori riowerbasket; -tarha riower-garden]. -hunaja
(kasv.) nectar. -kauppa riorlsfs, florist;
ostin tmn kukkaskaupatta I bought this
at the riorlsfs. -kauppias florist. -kyn
ns garland of riowers. -loisto flowery
display. -maalaus (fruit-and-)flower palntinsr. -maljakko vase for flowers. -penger
m border (or flowers) ; (puutarh.) platband. -pohjus (kasv.) torus, receptacle.
-pyt riower-stand. -sade ahoweror Howcrs. -sarka flower-bed. -seppele wreath
of riowers; garland. -tulva ks. kukkassade.
-viljelys floriculture; hortlculture.
kukka teri (kasv.) corolla. -terttu (kasv.)
cluster or rio\vers, raceme. -verhiS (kasv.)
calyx. -vihko bouquet; nosegay. -viuhka
(kasv.) corymb; cyme.
kukkea riourlshlng, prospering; rresh, rosy:
olla kukkeimmillaan be in rilli bloom,
bloom, riourish, (kauneimmillaan) be at its
best (1. its rinest). kukkeus bloom; rresh
(1. rosy) appearance.
kukkia blossom, bloom, riower. kukkiminen
bloom(ing); rioririration. kukkimis aika 1.
-kausi riowerlng-time, blooming season,
season of bloom.
kukko rock; hnelle ei kunnian laula
he won't come out well, it wlll go badly
Tor him, he is bound to come to grier.
kukkoilla make a show or, parade; riaunt;
lord It; (Jkpv.) thlnk one is the cock or
the \valk. kukkoilu riauntlng, paradlng.
kukko, kiekuu cock-a-doodle-doo. -poikanen
cockerel. -taistelu cock-Tight. -tappelu t.
edeil.; 2. (kuv., Jkpv.) a right to see
who wlll be the cock or the walk (1. who
wlll rule the roost).


kukkua cuckoo; sing, call; fcfc; kukku, tbe

cuckoo was calllng (1. slnglng).
kukkula (small) tilli, emlnence; (hutppu)
peak, top, summit; (korkeus) height: olla
valtansa kukkuloilla be at the height or
(one's) power. kukkulainen hilly. aboundlng In hllls; (eptasainen) rough, rugged,
(vuorinen) mountainous. kukkularyhm
group of peaks; group or hills.
kukkuminen cuckootng. kukkumisaika: ken
kukkumisaika the season when the cuckoo
kukkura Tuli (1. good) measure (heaped up
and running over); overriow; [olla] feufckurallaan [be] brimrul, (ylen tynn) [be]
running over, [be] rull to overnowing-,
(kuv.) [be] brlmming over; kukkuralleen
ks. tytt, kukkurainen overrull, too Tuli,
rull to overriowing, running over rull.
kukkuraDmltta brimrul (1. brlmming) meas
ure; antaa kukkuramitalla (kukkurakavi palla) glve a rull (1. a good 1. a brlmmina-)
measure. -painen brlmming, brimrul; (t
ptysi) overrull, rull to overriowing;
chockrul, chuckrul.
kukoistaa riourish, blossom, bloom; (kuv.)
prosper, thrive.
kukoistus (kasv.) rioriricatlon; (kuv.) bloom.
-ika (kasv.) riowerlng-time; (kuv.) prosperity; ks. seur. -kausi (kuv.) period or
prosperity, (esim. kirjallisuuden) golden
kukon- (yhd.) cock's [esim. -haria cock's
comb; -heltta cock's wattle: -sulka cock"s
reather]. -askel (kuv.) tiny step (I. way).
-kannus cockspur. -laulu crow or the cock:
kukonlaulun aikaan (varhain aamulla) at
kukunta cuckoo, cry (1. call) or the cuckoo.
kukuttaa: kke make the cuckoo sing.
kulahdus draught [or water, vett], drlnk:
(Jkpv.) puli [at the bottlc, pullosta], gulp,
(pieni) Sip; otti kulahdukeen miest vke
vmp (jkpv.) took a swig.
kulahduttaa: suuhunsa gulp down, toss
ui r. kulahtaa cluck, gurgle. kulaut ks. ku
lahdus. kulauttaa ks. kulahduttaa.
kulho bowl, basin; (kuppi) cup.
kuli 1. (aasialainen satamatylinen) coolle;
2. ks. jauho.
kulia cllp (1. cut) Short, crop; p hulittuna
one's halr cut short (1. closely cropped 1.
shorn). kulipU a person wlth closely
cropped halr.
kulissi (teat.) side scene, wing; kallisien
takana In the Wings, (kuv.) behlnd the
kuljeksia wander [about, ympri], stroll:
roam, rove [about the country, ympri
maata]; saunter; joutilaana ldle, loal;
loiter; vrt. kulkea.
kuljeksija wanderer; (maan-) vagabond.
-elm vagabond ltre.
kuljeksiva wanderlng; (paimentolais) nomadlc. kuljeskeleva ks. edell. kuljeskella
wandcr, travel, Journey; (kuljeksia) roam,
ramble; (irtolaisena) tramp. kuljetella ks.
kuljettaa, kuljetettava transportable; (siir
tyv) movable; kuljetettavitta oleva porta
ille; mo valile. transportable.
kuljettaa carry, convey, transport; (siirt)
transrer; (luonnonvoimista puhuen:) drive;
(laahaamalla) drag; (hinata) tug; ~ eteen
pin (mys:) propel: matkassaan (\. mu
kanaan) brlng (1. carry I. have 1. take) . .
wlth one, take along; pottia (laiva. Juna
y. m.) carry mall; kaiku kuljetti nt the
sound echoed and reechoed; laiva rautalastia (on rautalastlssa) the sliip carrics a
cargo or Iron; tuuli venett the wlnd is
drlvlng tbe boat. kuljettaja one (1. that



Avhlch) carrles (1. conveys 1. transports);

(Junankuljettaja) englneer, (Engl.) englnedriver. kuljettava navigable; aluksin kul
jettava navigable. kuljettu: kuljettu matka
the distance covered.
kuljetus carrying, conveylng Jne., vrt. kul
jettaa; conveyance. transportatlon; (rah
taus) rrelgbtlng; (rahti) rrelght, carriage.
kuljetut- (yhd.) transport- [esim. -laiva
transport-shlp] ; . . of transport, . . of con
veyance [esim. -kustannus cost of trans
port; -vlineet means of conveyance]. -alus
transport; (sotaven) troop-ship. -laite
(tekn.) conveyer, conveyor. -maksu carrlage (1. transportatlon) fee, transport
(1. frelght) cbarges; (kirjeen) postage.
-neuvot (means oD conveyance. -palkka
drayage, cartage; (vetopalkka) charge Tor
haullng. -ruuvi transport-screw.
kuljetuttaa have . . carrled (1. conveyed 1.
transported 1. hauled) ; ~ itsens johonkin
(sairaasta tai rammasta:) have o.s. removed (1. vvheeled) to . . .
kulkea (kyd) go [on foot, Jalkaisin] ;
( matkata) travel, Journey, proceed; (Jalkai
sin) walk; (vaeltaa) wander; (astua) step,
pace, march; (samoilla, kierrell) stroll,
ramble, rove, saunter; (Juosta, kulkea jo
takin suuntaa) run; move; (luistaa) sllde;
(sivuuttaa, kulkea ohi) pass; (yllpit
liikett, esim. laivasta:) ply [between Hel
singfors and Abo, Helsingin Ja Turun v
li] ; Jonkin alatte O. alitse) pass under
(1. underpass) a th.; [muiden] asioilla
go on (1. run) [other people's] errands,
(jonkun) be a p.'s lackey; ~ edestakaisin
go (1. pass 1. travel) to and rro (1. up and
down), go back and forth, go to . . and
back; ~ eksyksiss be lost and wanderlng
(about), (be) wander(lng) about (1. out or
one's way) ; ~ hiljaa travel at a slow pace,
go (1. proceed) Slow(ly); ~ huonossa seu
rassa keep bad company: ~ idst lnteen
(esim. katu) run east and west; jalan cl.
jalkaisin) go on foot, walk; Jonkun jl
ki tread (1. rollow) In the footsteps of a p.;
[lpi] kanavalta pass [through] the canal; ~ ketjussa (sot.) march in an extended
line, advance In a cordon; kultaista kes
kitiet choose the mlddle course, strlke the
golden mean (1. the happy medium):
kymmenen solmunvlin nopeudella (laiva)
be maklng ten knots; ~ maitmm go over (1.
by) laml: meri cross (1. traverse) the
seas; ~ nopeassa vauhdissa go at a rapld
{)ace, niSh, SbOOt, sweep; ~ omilla asioilaan travel on one's own business [huom.
hn kulkee joskus kaupungissa omilla
asioillaan he goes somettmes to town on
his Own business] ; perikatoaan kohti go
(I. be) on the roart to ruln (1. to destruction), be on the downward path (I. \vay);
perintn descend (I. pass) [from father
to son, Islt pojalle], go down, be handed
down, (olla perinnist) be an Inherltance,
be heredttary, run [esim. punainen tukka
kutkaa perintn suvussa red halr Is heredltary (1. runs) In the family] ; ra
taansa (esim. kuu) travel (1. go on) Its
orblt; ristiin rastiin (go) zlgzag, travel
httber and thitber (1. hlther and yon); ~
samaa latua follow (1. keep to) the same
track, (kuv.) follow after, go the way he
has fthey have, etc] opened for us; sil
mt auki go (1. walk) wltb one'3 eyes (Wide)
open (1. wlth open eyes) ; Jonkin sivuitse
O. ohi) goby atb., pass(by) sth.; - toisen
Cl. toista) kautta (toista tiet) take another
road; yli go (1. pass) over, cross [the
rlver, Joen]; kulkiessaan eteln, linnut..
on tbelr passage (to tbe) south, the blrds


. .; joki kulkea kaupungin lpi Cl. lpi kau

pungin) tbe rlver passes (1. riows) through
tbe City; joko laiva on tst kulkenut has
tbe sblp already passed (by) here? juna
kulkee hitaasti the traln Is going (1. Is proceeding) SlOWly; kehitys kulkee nopeasti
the development is progressing (1. rapidly; laiva kulkea sit reitti the
boat runs (1. plles) that course (1. line) ;
neula kulkee kevesti the needlc runs eastly (1. smoothly) ; siit kulkea harjanne
there Is a ridge runnlng along there; tie
kulkee tst the road passes (1. runs by)
here; tt tiet ei paljon kuljeta there is
not much travel on thls road, thls road Is
not much used; virta kulkea itnpin
(mer.) tbe current sets eastward.
kulkeminen gotng, walking, travellng; run
nlng, passlng, vrt. kulkea, kulkeutua be
carrled (I. brought 1. conveyed 1. trans
ported); (ajautua) drift, drlve. kulkeva
going, travellng, runnlng; (liikkuva) movlng; kulkeva juutalainen (Jerusalemin suu
tari) the Wanderlng Jew; pyrill kulkeva
movlng (1. runnlng) on wheels. kulkija
wanderer, traveler; (kuljekslja) vagabond;
Vrt. jalankulkija.
kulkku ks. kurkku.
kulku going, runnlng; (tie, matka) way,
Journey, voyage; (vaellus) wanderlng; (as
tunta) stepplng; (marssi) march; (edisty
minen) progress; (Juoksu) run; (virta)
tide, current; (suunta) course; (liike) motlon; (liikenne) traffic; (prosessi) process; (sivu-, lpi-) passage; jonkin yli
the crossing of . .; kulussa oleva (liikkees
s) movlng, . . (being) in motlon, (kyn
niss) runnlng; ajan ~ the course of tlme,
(kuluminen) the pssslng of time; antaa
asiaa menn [omaa] kulkuaan let the matter take Its [own] course; hevosen nopea
the Swift runnlng (1. the speed) of the
horse; [kehityksen] hidas [the] slow
progress [of the evolutlon] ; joen (suun
ta) the course of the rlver, (virtaaminen)
the runnlng of the rlver; junain ~ on muu
tettu the traln schedules have (1. the time
or the tralns has) been changed; Junain ~
on tksi pivksi keskeytetty no tralns \vill
(be) run to-day, no train servlce to-day;
junan ~ the nm of the traln, vrt. junain;
taivain ~ salllngs of steamers, boat trarric;
olla kulussa (kynniss) be going, be run
nlng, (matkalla) be on the way, (matkoil
la) be travellng, (kuljeskella) be \vanderlng (1. strolllng); sotajoukon the march
(1. the progress) of the army; tapauksen
Cl. asian) ~ oli seuraava (mys:) lt happened In the rollowlng manner (1. thls
way 1. llke thls) [huom. kerro meille ta
pauksen CI. asian) teli US hOW lt happened (1. was)]; tapausten the course
(1. the tlde 1. the current) of evcnts.
kulkuaika (Junain, lalvaln y. m.) tlme,
kulkue procession; (saattue) suite, retlnue,
train; vrt. juhla, mielenosotu*.
kulku kauppa peddllng. -kauppias peddler.
-keino means of conveyance; vrt. kulku
neuvo, -kisaa stray (1. vagrant) cat, (Jkpv.)
alley cat. -kivi (geol.) boulder, erratic
(block). -koira stray dog, vagrant dog.
kulkulainen kulkuri, kulkulaiselma =
kulkulaitos (kulkuneuvot) means of con
veyance (1. transportatlon) ; Communica
tions; (-Jrjestelm) System of transporta
tlon. -ministeri mlnlster of transportatlon.
kulkunen slelgh-bell; kulkusten kilin Jlngle
of slelgh-bells.
kulku; neuvo (means of) conveyance, vebl



ele; ( snnllinen) means or transit, -no

peus rate (or speed). -palkka passage;
(kuulema) hearsay; (huhu) report, rumor;
(jUOrU) gOSSlp. -reitti kS. kulkuvyl.
-suunta (geol.) course.
kulkuri tramp; loarer; (Irtolainen) vagaliond, vagrant. -el ml vagabond lire, li(e
oT a vagrant.
kulku||tauti epldemlc; (elimiss:) eplzotic
dlsease. -tie means of Communication;
road; (lpi-) thoroughfare; (kulkuvyl)
passage. -vahti (sot.) patrol, guard; plcket.
-vyl passage(way), (navigable) Channel;
course, track; (llikevyl) route or trarric.
-yhteys (means or) Communication.
kullan- (yhd.) gold- [esim. -etsij goldseeker; kaivaja gold-dlgger; -vrinen
gold-colored]. -himo thlrst arter gold.
-hohtava 1. -hohtoinen shlnlng llke gold, . .
wlth a golden sheen. -huuhdonta goldwashing. -huuhtoja gold-vvasher. -huuhtomo placer; gold-washlngs. -karvainen
gold-colored; golden. -keltainen golden
(yellow). -kiilto golden sheen (1. lustre).
-kiiltv brlght as gold; . . \vltli (I. or) a
golden sheen (1. lustre). -muru 1. -pala bit
(1. graln) or gold; kuliani muruni, -palani
(hyvllysana) my treasure! my precious!
-pitoinen . . contalning gold, aurirerous,
(maasta) gold-bearlng. -taonta gold-beating. -tekij alchemist. -teko alchemy.
kullata gild.
kulloin ks. jolloin.
kulloinkin eacb tlme; kuka sometlmes
one (1. thls one), sometlmes another (1.
that One) ; kuka ~ sattuu saapuvilla ole
maan vvhoever happens to be present each
time; [vastata] miten ~ sattuu [answer]
hlt or miss.
kulma angle; (nurkka) corncr; (soppi)
nook; (reuna) cdge, bordcr, margln; kulmainsa alta ks. katsoa; kulman kolmijako
trlsectlon or tbe angle; meidn kulmallam
me In our nelghborhood (1. parts), in our
(little) corner or the vvorld.
kulma- (yhd.) corncr- [esim. -huone corner-room; -kivi corner-stone-, -talo cornerhouse]. -etisyys (tht.) angular dlstanre,
elongatlon. -haka (latomahaka) composlngstlck. -hammas canlno (tooth); (sllmhammas) eye-tooth.
kulmainen (yhd.) . .-angled [esim. terv
obtuse-angled] ;
(-nurkkalnen) . .-corncred [esim. neli~
(our-cornered] ; vrt. kolml~.
kulmallkarvat eyebro\vs. -kunta (seutu)
nelghborhood, parts; (soppi) nook; nill
kulmakunnilta In thls nelghborhood, In
these parts (or the country). In thls little
corner or creation. -mittain square (rule);
(kirvesmiehen) try-squarc. -mittari gonlometer. -nivel (anat.) hlnge-Jolnt.
kulman; kylki side (I. leg) or an angle. -krki
point or an angle.
kulma1 rakennus btiildlng nn the corner.
-rauta L bar, L Iron-, angle-lron.
kulmaus corner; (rak.) quoin.
kulma|viivain 1. -viivotin T-square, square.
kulmikas edged; angular; rugged (mys
kuv.); kulmikkaat kasvot angular reatures,
uedge-shaped Tace.
kulmio (yhd.) . .-gon [esim. kuusi~ hexagon; kymmen deoagon] ; vrt. neli y. m.
kulmittain cornerwlse.
kulo I. (kulohein) vvithcred (1. drled) grass;
2. (kulovalkea) \vild-rire. -valkea wlldrire; tieto levisi kulovalkean lailla Cl. no
peudella) the report spread llke wlld-rire.
kulppo (malja, liemi-) bowl, basln; (kuppo
nen) mug, Jar, pot.


kulta I. (s.) gold; (kuv. = lemmitty) svveetbeart.darllng; kullalla kirjailtu embroldered

Wlth gold; sormus on pelkk (1. puhdasta)
kultaa the rlng is pure gold. II. (a.)
beloved; Anni ~ Annie dear! Annie, my
precious (1. my treasure) ! my precious
Annie! lapsi dear (1. precious) child! my
kulta- (yhd.) gold(-) [esim. -kaivos goldmlne; -kelle gold watch; -kuume goldrever; -malmi gold ore; -mitali gold medal;
-pronssi gold bronze] ; . . or gold [esim.
-jyv graln or gold; -kanki bar or gold;
-enoni vein or gold] ; (kultainen) golden
[esim. -aika golden age; -fasaani golden
pheasant; -kruunu golden crown; -thti
golden star].
kultaamaton ungilded.
kulta helainen gold-raounted. -hiekka goldbearlng sand. -hait golden weddlng.
kultainen golden [rule, snt; seetlon,
leikkaus; cair, vasikka], gold; ~ keskitia
golden mean, happy medium, vrt. kulkea;
rannerengas gold bracelet: (K)~ sarvi
(maant.) the Golden Horn; kaltaiset ajat
golden times, palmy (1. halcyon) days.
kulun kala goldrisb. -kanta gold standard.
-kausi golden age. -kentt gold rield. -kir
jain letter or gold, golden letter; kultakir
jaimilla In letters or gold. -kuoriainen
(ellnt.) rose-beetle (1. -charer); golden
beetle. -kutoinen . . woven In gold: tnterwoven wlth gold. -kutrinen . . with golden
locks, golden-halred.
kultala (kultamaa) El Dorado, Eldorado.
kulta lehti gold-lear; (paksumpi) gold-roil.
-lejeerinkl gold alloy. -maa country abounding In gold; vrt. kultala. -mr contents
or gold. -mhkle (gold) nugget. -nappi
(kullattu) gllt button. -nauhako 1. -kaluuna gold lace. -nauhakkeinen 1. -keluunainen gold-laced. -nuppinen gold-headod
[cane, keppi], -pitoisuus percentage (1.
amount) or gold. -poika (kuv.) Jewel,
(precious) treasure. -raha gold (coln) ;
kultarahaa gold.
Kulta rannikko 1. -ranta Gold Coast (Colony).
kultasankainen: kultasankaiset silmlasit
gold-rlmmed spectacles. -sepp goldsmith :
kultasepnllmyymli jewelry store; Jeueler's (shop), -tyo goldsmlth's work.
kulta silaus gllding; (konkr.) gllt. -sormus
gold rlng. -teos work In gold, gold-work.
kultaus gildlng; (konkr.) gllt. -vaha glldlng-wax.
kulta vaaka scales loi- vcighing gold: assay-balance. -vitjat gold chalns. -vri gold
kulttivaattori (pyr-es) cultlvator.
kulttuuri culture; (sivistys) civlllzation.
kulttuuri- (yhd.) ks. sivistys-, -kasvi ks.
viljelyskasvi, -kehitys progress o( civilizatlon; (materlal and lntellectual) developtniTit. -taistelu Kulturkampr.
kulu (rhjys) a worn-out (I. tattered I.
threadbare) thing, a rickety (1. ranisharkle) thlng [esim. hattu a vvorn-out (1.
tattered) hat; kenkkalut worn-out shoes,
shoes trodden down at the heels; takki ~
a \vorn-out (1. threadbare 1. tattered) coatl ;
(kustannus) expense; kuluksi (asti) jau
hettu (kuv.) (\vnicb has been) harped on
(enough), (whlch has been) cbe\ved (1.
hashed)over; kulut (kustannukset) cost(s),
expense(s), outlay, expendlture: ajan ku
luksi to pass the time, vrt. ajankulu.
kulua be \vorn (away), wear a\vay. rret;
(rient) clapse, pass (avvay), go by,
(luistaa, joutua) glide on, sllp atvay, go
on, advance; (vhet) grow less, decrease,



dlmlnlsh; (tulla kytetyksi) ro, be consumed, be laken up [by, johonkin]; (riu

tua) vvaste (away). langulsh; hakkaan
be vvasted, be spent uselessly, be lost [to
one, Joltakulta], vrt. menn (liukkaan);
loppuun wear out, become vvorn out,
(varasto y. m.) be ali consumed, be ali
used up, (raha, voimat y. m.) be au spent
(I. expended), be ezhausted; ~ lopulleen
dravv to a close, near the end [hunm. on
kulunut lopulleen (mys:) Is tar spent]; ~
umpeen come (1. draw) to an end, dravv to
a close, (ptty) explre, run out Ilmoin.
aika on kulunut umpeen (mys:) the tiine
is up (1. is over l. is past 1. has passed)] ;
kuluessa, kaluttua ks. hakUS.; kuluu viel
kauan ennenkun . . It wlll be a long tiine berore . . , a long time wlll pass before . .;
aika kuluu time Is passin? (I. sllpplng by);
aika kuluu valmistuksiin the time Is taken up
(l. Is consumed) by (the) preparatlons, the
preparatlons are taklng up ali the time;
aika on pitklle kulunut the time Is l'ar
spent, the hour Is grovving late, lt Is (gettlng) late; ajan kuluen (alkaa (myten)
'.m iii time, In (due) time. In course (1.
process) of time, as time goes on; kuta pi
temmlle y kului as nlght grew on, as the
nlght passed, as the hours or the nlght
wore on; rahat kuluvat the fuiifis are decreaslng (1. dimlnisblng), the runds are
belng used up; siihen kuluu aikaa It takes
(1. vvlll require) time; tahko kuluu - the:
grlndstone Is vvearing avvay; vaatteet kulu
vat clotbes (vvlll) wear out; vuodet kulu
vat years pass (avvay), years go by.
kuluessa: jonkin In the course (1. proc
ess) or.., (ajalla) vvlthln, during [esim.
aikojen In the course (1. process) or
time; matkan ~ during the trlp; pivn ~
during the day; tmn vuoden In the
course of thls year, vvlthln (1. during) the
year; yhden vuoden ~ vvittiin one (I. a)
kulumaton tliat vvin not vvear out, that vvlll
stand any amount of vvear (and tear).
kuluminen vvearing out; vvear and tear;
(ajan) lapse, explratlon.
kulumisEpinta vvearing surface. -vara allovvance for vvear and tear.
kulunki (kustannus) cost, (meno) expense;
kulungit expendlture, (oikeudenkynnist)
costs, charges. -arvio (tulo- Ja menoarvio)
budget; (kustannusarvio) estlmate (of the
cost). -tili expense account.
kulunnainan vvorn-out, vvorn; (kuv.) stalc,
trlte, hackneyed; (arkipivinen) commonplare. kulunnaisuus (kuv.) staleness, trlteness; (arkipivisyys) commonplaceness.
kulunta vvear and tear; (ajan) lapse.
kulunut vvorn-out, tbreadbare; (mennyt)
passed.past [year, vuosi) ; (kuv.) hackneyed,
stale [Joke, kasku], trlte; kuluneet vaatteet
vvorn-out (1. shabby) clothes; kuluneina
pivin Cl. aikoina) in bygone days, tn
tlmes (long) past; kuluneita puheenparsia
stale (1. hackneyed) phrases, (arkipivi
si) commonplaces; viimeksi vuosi the
past year, the year Just ended; vrt. kulua.
kulutella = kuluttaa.
kuluttaa vvear [a hole In . . , reik Johon
kin], vvear down, fret; (kytt) use;
(loppuun) consume, use up; (menett,
tuhlata) spend [money, rahaa; time, ai
kaa], expend, make avvay wlth rone's Tortune,
omaisuutensa] ;
(away), vvhlle avvay, begulle; (riuduttaa)
vvaste; (kuv.) prey upon, exhaust, use up;
aikaansa joutavanpiviseen touhuan
tririe (1. vvhirrie) avvay one's time; ~ alhaamsa) laiskottelemalla iille avvay OIie's


time, play (the) truant; ~ aikansa hyvin

make good use or one's tiine, improve one's
time; hukkaan vvaste [In.., johonkin
(I. Jossakin)], eonsume; ~ johonkin spend
. . In; kaiken aikansa johonkin glve (1.
devote) au one's time to . . , spend ali
one's time in . .; ~ loppuun wear out, con
sume, use up; rikki vvear through (1. In
to holes); ~ yns ks. viett; entinen
varasto on jo kulutettu the stock one had
on hand Is au used up; hn kulutti koko
viikon matkoilla (l. matkustukseen t he
spent the whole vveek travellng; kaikki ra
hat on jo kulutettu ali the money has been
used up (1. Is gone), the money Is alreaily
used up; kone ~ paljon puuta the machlne
IS USlng up a lOt Of VVOOd; matka on kulut
tanut koko kassani the trlp (1. the Journey)
has exhausted ali my runds (1. has used up
ali I had on hand) ; se ~ voimia that Is
vvastlng (1. Is uslng up) [one's] strength;
tavaroita kulutetaan paljon the goods are
belng consumed In large quantities, there
Is a great. demand Tor the goods ; tuli ~
puuta flre consumes vvood, vvood Is con
sumed by rire. kuluttaja consumer. kulut
taminen ks. kulutus, kuluttava consumlng
[Tire, tuli]; vrt. kalvava,
kuluttua arter (the explration oD . .; hetken
(pian) arter a little vvhlle, arter a fevv
moments, presently, In a moment; mr
ajan umpeen ~ arter the time Is [vvas] up,
arter the time (1. the tenu) has [had] explred; toisen vuoden ~ after (the explra
tlon or) the second year; vuoden ~ at the
end of a year, arter the lapse or a year,
(pst) In a year.
kulutut vvearing (avvay); vvear (and tear);
(hankaus) rubbing, rrettlng; (kytt) consumptlon, use; uslng up; (rahan y. m.)
spendlng; (ajan) passlng (avvay), vvhllmg
avvay, (haaskaus) vvastlng [or time].
-osuuskunta consumers' coperative Society
(1. league). -rengas Circle (1. group) or con
sumers. -yhdistys consumers' association.
kuluva vvearing (avvay); passlng, current;
kuu the month novv passlng, the current
(1. the present) month, (lllk.) lnstant (lyh.
tav.: lnst.) [esim. kuluvan kuun 20 p:n
the 20th lnst.] ; vuosi the current year.
kumahdella rumble, liuoin, roll. kumahdus
dull (1. hollovv) sound; rumble, rumbllng,
boom, roll. kumahduttaa make . . rlng (1.
resound) ; (lyd) kumahdutti tyhjn tyn
nyriin struck an empty barrel and made it
resound. kumahtaa glve rorth (1. emit)
a dull (I. a hollovv) sound; rlng; resound;
(jyskht) boom; vrt. kumista.
kumakka dull [sound, ni], hollovv.
kumara I. (a.) = kumarainen. II. (s.) bent
position; kumaraan kS. kyd; kumarassa
bent (Torvvard), stooped, bovved; istua ku
marassa slt bent, slt round-shouldered, sil
doubled (1. hunched) over; olla Kamarassa
be bent Torvvard, be bovved, be doubled
up (In a heap), be hunched up, (kyyristy
nyt) be squattlng. -hartiainon . . vvitli bent
shoulders, round- (1. stoop-)shouldered.
stooped, bovved. kumaraisuus stoop(Ing).
kumarrella bovv [to the guesis, vieraille],
bovv and scrape; (kuv.) ravvn [(up)on a
p., Jotakuta] ; hn pyysi kumarrellen lie
asked vvlth many bovvs (1. vvlth bovvs to
rlght and le rt).
kumarrut bovv; bcndlng, lncllnatlon; kumar
ruksissa takkavalkean ress covverlllg
over the Tire; nousta kumarruksistaian)
raiso o. s., straighten up, rlse; olla kumar
ruksissa be bent rorvvard, be stooped; p
kumarruksissa vvitli drooping (I. bovved)



head. -matka: hn on ollut kumarrusmat

kalla he has been bowlnic and scraping to
tho powers that be, (Jkpv.) lie has been
kotowing to the grand moguls.
kumartaa bo\v (down), stoop (down); vrt.
kumartua, kumartaja one Wiio 1)0W9; kuvain kumartaja imatre worshiper. kumartelija (kuv.) rawner Lupon . .J ; ylhisten kumorieli/'a(m.v(is:)one who bows and scrapes
liefnre Cl. tn) the higii and mighty. kumartua
how (down), stoop (down) [to plck up a
needle, ottamaan neula(a) ] ; (nykt) nod;
(kallistua) bend (down), slant, slope. ku
martunut: eteenpin kumartunut bent (1.
Incllned) (Torward), stooped Torward.
kumata ks. kumista.
kumea ilmi; hollow; (vaimennettu) murried:
ni (mys:) heavy sound. kumeasti
heavlly, dully; with a hollow sound.
kumaus dullness, hoIlowness, heavlness.
kumi (kautsu) lndla-rubber, rubber, gum
elastic; (kem.) gum.
kumi- (yhd.) rubber [esim. -hansikas rubber
frlove; -kangas rubber cloth; -ruisku rub
ber syi-lnge]; sum [esim. -lakka gum lac;
-pihka gum resin]. -kalossi ks. kalossi,
-kankainen . . or rubber cloth. -laastari
adheslve plaster. -lakka (mys:) shellac.
-letku rubber hose; rubber tube, elastic
tube. -liima 1. -liuos mucllage; glue.
kumimainen rubbery; gummy.
kumina I. (maustelajl) caraway; (saksan-)
kumina II. (kumiseminen) rumble, rum
biin?, boom; roll; (kumu) resonance.
kuminalljuuato checse wlth caraway-seeds
lu it. -leip bread (1. cake) with carawayseeils In it, seed-eake.
kuminansiemen caraway-seed; cum(m)lnseed.
kuminauha elastic (hand), rubber band.
kuminallviina liqueur flavored with caraway
or rumin, kummcl. -ljy oli of cumln; oil
of caraway.
kuminen (. . of) rubber, elastic.
kumi pallo rubber bail. -puu india rubher
tree, rubber-tree. -rengas rubber ring.
kumiseva rumbiin?, boomina-, rolling; (ku
mea) dull, hollow; heavy, kumista rumble,
boom; roll; emit a dull (1. a hollow 1. a
heavy) sound; (kaikua) resound.
kumisukka elastic (1. g/um) stocking.
kumisuttaa make . . (1. cause . . to) rumble
(1. boom I. resound).
kumi takki I. -viitta rubber coat. -teollisuus
rubber Industry.
kumma I. (s.) wbnder; marvel; (yliluonnol
linen) mlracle; (kummastus) surprlse,
astonishment; kyll oddly (1. curlously)
enoufrh, strange to say: kummako, jos ei..
1)0 WOnder, IT not . .; kummako* hnen oli
niin sanoa no wonder at ali that he wou!d
say so! kummahos se on no wonder! it Is
not to bc wondered at; kummakseni to my
surprlse (I. astonishment); kummana ks.
pit; kumman hyvin remarkably (1. Wonderfully) well; kumman suuri \vonderrully
large, wondrous(ly) lartre; kummia kuuluu
there aie strange reports In tho air (1.
abroad); kummiinsa ks. kyd, tulla; kum
missaan surprlsed, astonlshed, wonderlngly, with one's eyes lull or wonder (huom.
katsella jotakin kummissaan look at a th.
surprlsed (I. In astonishment 1. wlth amazement) ; olla kummissaan jostakin be sur
prlsed (i. amazed) at, wonder at]; eik
kummakaan and no wonder (either); miss
kummassa hn viipyy where In the World
(I. where In the naine or uonder) is he
staying (I. keepin lilniselD? I wonder
uhat is keepiug hiin sn long:? mit kum


maa (\. kummia) sin oikein puhut What fn

the World (I. what in the name or wonder)
are you taiking about? olla kummissa jon
kin kanssa (pulassa) be hard (I. sorely)
put to it wlth a th., be badly orr (I. in a
bad rix) \vitll at M.; sep kummaa h0W m 1,1
how strange! how queer! how curlous! II.
(a.) wonderrul, wondrous; marvelous:
curlous, singular, strange, odd, queer.
kummailla be astonlshed (I. amazed); (sa
noa kummastellen) exclaim .. with aston
ishment, utter . . In surprlse; (ilmaista
kummastuksensa) express one's surprlse
(1. amazement) [at. Jotakin]; (katsella
kummissaan) look [at . .] wlth astonish
ment (I. In amazement). kummakiua be
surprlsed (1. astonlshed) [at. Jotakin],
WOIlder [ at . . ] ; sit ei ole kummaksuttava
it is not to be wondered at, no wonder.
kummallinen (Ihmeellinen) wonderrul, wondrous; (merkillinen) remarkable; (omitui
nen) pecullar, curlous, singular, unique;
(outo) strange, odd, queer, qualnt; kum
mallisen .. curlously, pecullarly, remark
ably, strangcly. kummallisesti pecullarly,
curlously, oddly; wonderrully. kummalli
suus peculiarity, slnguiarlty, strangeness,
oddness, queerness; wonder, wondrousness.
kumman 1. ks. kumpi; 2. ks. kumma(n).
kummankin kielinen (henkilist:) speaking
both languages; (lentolehtisist y. m.:)
\vmten [prlnted] In both languages (1. in
either language). -lajinen . . or each kind.
. . or both klnds.
kummanne In whlch direction? whlch way?
kummannekin both ways. In both dlrectlons, in either direction.
kummannkinen odd-looking, queer; uneanny, welrd.
kummastelija one who wonders (1. marvels)
(at . .] ; wonderer.
kummastella (kummaksua) wonder [at. Jo
takin] ; be surprlsed [at . .], be astonlshed
[at ..]; (huomata omituiseksi) rind ..
strange; [katsella Jotakin] kummastellen
[look] wonderingly [at ..], [look upon (1.
reg-ard) . .] wlth astonishment (1. wlth
amazement); sit ei ole kummasteleminen
thafs nothlng strange, thafs no wonder.
kummastelu ks. ihmettely.
kummastua be surprlsed (I. astonlshed 1.
amazed) [at. Jotakin (1. Jostakin)], kum
mastus surprlse, wonder, astonishment,
amazement; (huomio) sensatlon; kummastukseksenl kuulin to my surprlse (1. aston
ishment 1. amazement) I heard; hertt
kummastusta (a)rouse astonishment, cause
a sensatlon.
kummastuttaa surprlse, (strlko . . viili) astonlsh(ment), rill . . wlth wonder; make
[one] wonder; (a)rouse astonishment:
rause a sensatlon; minua ~, ett hn us
kalsi I am surprlsed to l imi that he dared
to . . . it surprlses me that he dared to . . .
kummastuttava surprlsing, astonishing,
amazing; strlklng; (kummallinen) curlous,
strange, odd, queer.
kummeksia = kummaksua.
kummi I. ks. kumi.
kummi II. sponsor, godrather; (-iti) irodII m I lie I'; olla kummina lapselle Stand Spoilsor Tor a child, be godrather [godmother]
to a child. kumminaolo sponsorshlp.
kumminkaan: ci ~ stlll (I. yet) . . not, not
. . , however [esim. hn el tullut stlll (I.
yet) he dld not come; ho dld not come,
however] ; vrt. kuitenkaan,
kumminkin yet, neverthelcss; however; at
ali events, at any rate; anyhow; (ainakin,
vallintaan) at least; vrt. kuitenkin.



h u mm in lahja chrlstening present (1. girt).

kummipoika godson.
kummitella hauni [a house, Jossakin talos
sa] ; (Ilmesty) appear; isntvainajan sa
notaan kummittelevan talossa the late
master Is said to be hauntlng the house;
mit sin siell kummittelet \vhat are you
playing spook fr there? (touhuat) what
are you up to there? se kummittelee vie
lkin hnen aivoissaan he Mas still a haunt
lng inemory (1. dread) of it; he has not got
that out oi hls head yet, he has not been
able to shake ori' that idea as yet; tss
talossa kummittelee tbls hOUSC is haunted
(by ghosts); tll kummittelee thls place
is haunted (by ghosts), there are ghosts
(1. spooks) here. kummittelija (kummitus)
gbost; spook; (leik.) mlschlef. kummittelu
baunting; reappearlng after death.
kummitus specter, apparltlon; ghost; spook;
(kuv. = peljtin) bogey, bugbear, (hirvi)
monster; vrt. aave; pelt kummituksia be
aTrald of ghOStS; pukeutua kummitukseksi
dress up llke a ghost (1. a spook). -Juttu
l. -taru gbost-story.
kummi litytir goddaughter. -tlti godmother.
kummius sponsorshlp.
kummoinen ks. millainen.
kummukas hllly; (aaltomaisesti) undulating.
kummuta (esiin) well 1'ortli (1. out), sprlng
(fortb), lssue rortb; (tlbkua) ooze.
kumo: kumoon ks. hakus.; kumossa down,
over, (ylsalaisin) upslde down, the wrong
end (1. side) up, the bottom side (1. end)
up, topsy-turvy.
kumoamaton . . not to be overthrown; (eit
tmtn) undenlable, lrrerutable [ tintti,
totuus], kumoamattomasti undenlably, lrrerutably. kumoamattomuus undeniableness, lndlsputablllty; irrerutablllty.
kumoaminen overthrow, upsetting; (kuv.)
annulment, cancellatlon; revocatlon, rebuttal, dtsproof; rerutation; vrt. kumota.
kumoamlehanke a plot (1. a scheme) to
overthrow . . .
kumoon down, over, out [esim. ajaa reell
tlp the sleigh over; keikahtaa ~ toppia
over, tumble down, lose one's balance],
vrt. ajaa, kaataa, kaatua, purjehtia, viskata
y. m.; kaadettu upset, turned over, top
sy-turvy. -ajo runnlng down; overturnIng, upsetting; (purjeveneen y. m.) cap
slzlng. -kaadunta 1. -kaatuminen upset(tlng), overturnlng; (veneen) capslzing.
-kaataminen overturnlng, upsetting, (ve
neen) capslzlng; (-lyminen) knocklng
down, vrt. kaataa (kumoon), -purjehdus cap
slzlng, upsetting. -ratsastus (over)throwIng (I. lhrowing down) of the horse and
rlder; (esim. lapsen) knocklng down by
the horse. -tyonti knocklng (1. pushlng)
over; qyerturning, upsetting.
kumota throw down, overthrow, overturn;
upset; subvert; (purkaa) reverse, repeal,
set (1. throw) aslde; (todistaa vrksi)
conrute, refute [a charge, syyts], show
. . to be wrong, dlsprove, rebut [an accusatton,
syyts] ;
revoke, recall; repeal; (tehd mittt
mksi) annul, cancel, nulllfy; (poistaa;
abollsb; Jonkun epilykset (poistaa) remove one's doubts, (haihduttaa) dlsperse
one's doubts; laki repeal a Iavv; ~ p
ts resclnd, (1. reverse) a declsion; tuo
mio reverse (I. set aslde) a sentence, overruie a Judgment; Jonkun tuumat upset
(I. dereat) one's plans; ~ uutinen dlsprove
the news, prove the falsity oi the news;
vaali declare an election vold; ~ joku vite
refute a statement, dlsprove a clalm. prove
a slatement (1. a clalm) to be wrong; ~


Jonkun vitkset todistuksilla refute a p.'s

arguments wlth proof, bring proof (1. evldence) to show that one Is \vrong; syy
tst el ole viel thn menness kumottu
(mys:) the charge still remains unrefutcl
(I. unanswered).
kumotella ks. seur. kumottaa (loist.ia)
shine; beam; (kiilt) glisten; (vlkky)
Shlmmer, gleam; kuu kumottaa taivaalla
the moon is shlning in the sky. kumotus
shlning, gllstenlng; gleam(lng), shlmmer.
kumouksellinen I. (a.) revolutlonary. II. (s.)
revolutlonlst, revolutlonary.
kumous overthrow, upsetting; subversion;
(vallankumous) revolutlon; vrt. kumoami
nen, -aate revolutlonary idea. -mies revo
lutlonlst, revolutlonary. -puolue revolu
tlonary party, the revolutlonists.
kumoutua be overthrown (1. overturned),
be(come) upset; (kuv.) be reversed, be
repealed, be annulled, be cancelled; be reTuted, be dlsproved.
kumpa ks. kunpa.
kumpainen uiiirli (of tlio t\vo)? kumpainenkaan = kumpikaan, kumpainenkin each;
liotli [or them, heist]; vrt. kumpikin.
kumpi which (or the two)? (kuka) who?
kummin puolin vain haluat (kuinka vain
haluat) as you wlsh, whichevcr way you
want lt; ~ on vanhempi \\ lncli is the older
one? whlch or the two Is older? ~ tahansa
either one, whichever; ota kumman (vain)
haluat take whtchever you llke.
kumpikaan (a.) either; (s.) either one; kum
paakaan ei hyvksytty neitber one passed;
ei heist nelther (one) or them; tuleeko
heist wlll either one or them come?
voiko hn liikuttaa kumpaakaan ktt is
he able to move either hand?
kumpikin (a. & s.) each, (molemmat) both;
(s.) each one, each or the t\vo; (a.) either;
hummallakin puolen jrve On each (1.
either) side or the lake, on both sldes of
the lake; kummaltakin puolen, kumminkin
puolin on both sldes, (keskenisestl) miitiially; heist each (one) or them, both or
them; hyvksyttiin tutkinnossa each
passed bis examinatlon, both passed their
examlnatlon; [tyskennellen] omalla ta
hollaan each [worklng] lndependently;
on yht hyv either one is just as good,
one Is (Just) as good as the other, both
are equally good; heill on kirjansa kum
mallakin both of tbem have their books; he
saivat osansa they both got their share,
each got his share; syytetyt tuomittiin
viideksi vuodeksi vankilaan the accuscd
\vere both sentenced to rive years penal
servitude; yksi kumpaakin lajia one 01'
each kind (1. sort).
kumpiko whlch (or the tuo).' kummanko
haluat ttlllcll (One) ilo you want? kumpaa
ko miest tarkotat whlch (one) or the two
men are you rererring to?
kumppani companlon, assoclate, mate; (lii
ke-, ty- y. m.) partner; (toveri) comrade;
(yhd.) rellow [esim. matka- rellow traveler; opinto Tellow student]; ~ onnetto
muudessa ks. onnettomuus toveri; elmn
[one's] lire's companlon, consort, vrt. elmntoveri. kumppanisto fellowshtp. kumppanus fellOW, companlon; he ovat kumppa
nukset they are (close) companions, (Jkpv.)
they are pals (1. chums).
kumppanuus fellowshlp; companlonshiri;
vrt. liike, -kunta feliowshlp.
kumpu rlse in ground; (small) hlll; kuoli,
hlllock; (tav.: ihmisksin tehty) mound;
vrt. hauta.
kumpuaminen, kumpuilu
welling forth (1. out), kumpuilla Weil
forth (I. out), (be) sprlng(lug) foith.



kumpuinen liilly, . . aboundlng In hllls (1.

in knolls 1. in niountls). kumpula kumpu.
kumu 1. (holvi) vauit; (kuomu) top, hood.
kumu II. hoIlow sound; (humu) nolse, nim
ille; (mus.) resonance. -pohja sound(lng) hoanl.
kurnuta ks. kumilta.
kurnutin (Tys.) resonator.
kun VVtlen, as: whlle; hn kvi tll
when he m here; ~ (hn) kehtaakin the
nerve! ~ olin tullut kotiin arter reachlng
home . .; ~(han) se vain tapahtuu laillisella
tavalla lf only lt is done legally; ~ taos
whlle, vhereas [esim. toinen pelastui, ~
taas toinen hukkui the olle uus rescued
whlle the otlier was drowned] ; ~ voin ir
only, (jospa) oh, that! annahan ~ luen let
me reail! min en huomannut sit as I
did not notlce lt, (huudahduksena:) oh,
it's too bad I dld not notlce lt; siksi ~ until: sill aikaa ~ Willie, whllst; vrt. kuin.
kunhan: kunhan vain ir only, ir but, provlded tlirt . . ; kunhan vain et tulisi sai
raaksi I .iope you are not comlng down
slok, I i jpe that Is not golng to make you
kunl ks. sini.
kuningaa king; soverelgn, monarch; kunin
gasten kirjat (raam.) (the Books of) Kings;
kuninkaan suosikki a favorlte of the
klng('s), a royal ravorlte; Belgian ~ the
king or Belglum (1. or the Belglans) ; vrt.
vara~. -kalastaja (ellnt.) klngflsher.
-kunta klngdom, realm; monarchy; Ruotsin
kuningaskunta the klngdom or Sweden, the
Swedish realm. -krme boa constrlctor.
-mielinen royallst. -mielisyys royalism.
-murha reglclde. -pari the royal couple.
-suku race (1. llne) orklngs; royal famlly;
the relgnlng houso (1. dynasty). -tiikeri
(ellnt.) royal Bengal tlger. -valta royal
(1. regal) power; kuningasvallan aikana
under (l. durlng) the royal reglme, under
the rule or tlio kings. -vesi (kem.) aqua
kuningatar queen; tanssihuvien the helle
(1. the queen) or the ball; tehd talonpo
jasta (sakkipeliss) queen a pawn.
kuninkaallinen royal [guards, kaarti; letter,
kirjelm; blood, verlj, regal [splendor,
komeus], kingly [bearlng, ryhti]; (ruhti
naallinen) princcly; lahja a present
worthy or a king, a royal (1. a prlncely)
glft. kuninkaallisesti royally; regally.
kuninkaallls mielinen (a. & s.) royallst.
-mielisyys royalism.
kuninkaallisuus kmgllness, royalty.
kuninkaan- (yhd.) royal, klng's [esim.
-kruunu royal (1. king's) crown; -linna
royal (1. klng's) castle; -palatsi royal (1.
klng's) palace]. -arvo royal dignlty; roy
alty, -kartano royal demesne; (saduissa
y. m.) royal eastle (1. palace). -kypri
sccond stomach; (anat.) honeycomb, retlculum. -murha reglclde. -poika (the) klng's
son; (royal) prlnce. -tytr (the) king's
daughter; (royal) princess. -vaali election
or a king. -vala oath or klng, coronation
oath. -vesi (kem.) aqua regla.
kuninkuus royalty, klngshlp. -kilpailut
(mii.) contest Tor the champlonshlp.
kunnallinen niunlclpal [seir-government, It
sehallinto; franrhlse, nioikeus]; communal; kielto-oikeus local option; kunnalli
set viranomaiset munlcipal authorlties,
(Yhdysv. maalaiskunnissa) to\vn orricers.
kunnallis- (yhd.) munlcipal [esim. -hallitus
munlcipal governnient; -laki munlcipal
law; -politiikka munlcipal polttlCS; -vero
munlcipal tax; -viranomaiset munlcipal
authorlties]. -asetus munlcipal law; ordi-


nance. -hallinto munlcipal admlnlstratlon.

-lautakunta munlcipal board; (Yhdysv.)
Inu n board; kunnallislautakunnan esimies
rhairnian of the town board. -maksut munlrtpal tax(es); towu tax. -pormestari ks.
kunnan- (yhd.) (1. v.) town [esim. -huone
<\. -talo) town hali: -kirjuri town clerk;
-kokous town meeting; -valtuusto town
council]. -esimies (1. v.)supervlsor (or the
town). -koulu school In a rural community. -lkri physlcian hired by a rural
community. -sairaala hospltal malntained
by a rural community. -valtuusmiea (1. v.)
member or the town council; (Engl.) town
kunnaa small hill, hlllock; (kumpu) knoll,
mound; emlnence.
kunne ks. minne, kunnekka ks. minnekk.
kunnes tili, uutti.
kunnia honor; glory; (Joskus:) Credit; (ete
vyys) dlstlnction; (kunnianteko) salute;
kunniaa loukkaava llbelous, slanderous,
deramatory, derogatory [to ..]; Jonkin
[Jonkun] kunniaksi In bonor or . . , to the
Credit (1. honor) Of . . [esim. hnen kun
niakseen on tunnustettava, ett . . to hl S
credit (1. honor) lt must be admltted that
. .; pivn kunniaksi In honor 01 the day ;
se on sinulle kunniaksi lt is to your Credit,
lt Is a credit to you, lt does you credit,
lt reriects (great) credit on you]; [tehd
Jokin] kunnialla [do a th.J credltably (1.
to one'S Credit) ; kunnialle kyp, kunniaa
koskeva slanderous, deramatory, dtsparagIng; kunniani kautta lipon my honor!
(Jkpv.) honor brlght! kunnian kentll on
the rield or glory; ~ sille, jolle ~ tulee (\.
kuuluu) honor to whom (1. where) honor
Is due; antaa jostakin jollekulle give
a person the credit (1. the honor) or . .; ei
hnelle kunnian kukko laula (1. v.) lt Vili go
bad (I. lt will never go well) wlth hirn; sain
kuulla kunniani I was told In plain English
(1. stralght rrom the shoulder 1. rlght out)
what they thought or me, there was no
beatlng about the bush uiin me; ty mie
hen ~ (sananp.) work ennobles man.
kunnia- (yhd.) . . or honor [esim. -asema
post or honor; -vahti guard or honor; -vel
ka debt or honor]; honorary [esim. -jsen
honorary member; -toimi 1. -virka honor
ary orrice]. -asento: asettua kunnia-asen
toon (sot.) race. -asia matter (1. polnt) or
honor; pit jotakin kunnia-asianaan consider somethlng a polnt or honor [huom.
pidn kunnia-asianani saapua ajallaan I
make it a polnt or honor to be on tiine).
-istuin seat or honor; head or the table.
kunniakas glorlous; lllustrlous; honorable:
(kiitettv) credltable; ~ rauha a peace
\vith honor, an honorable peace; vrt. kun
niallinen, kunniakirja (palkinto-) diplomit:
(kunniamaininta) honorable mentlon; hon
or-. kunniakkaasti gloriously, lllustiiously,
honorably, credltably. kunniakkuus gloriousness, illustrlousness; (kunnia) bonor,
kunniallahja girt or honor, honorary girt.
-laukaus salute, (salute) gun; ammuttiin
21 kunnialaukausta a salute or 2 1 guns
was rired, they rired 21 guns. -legioona
(Hanskassa) I.eglon or Honor.
kunniallinen (rehellinen) honorable; honest;
(sdyllinen) decent; mies an honest (I.
honorable) man, a man or honor; kunnial
lisella tavalla In an honorable manner; fcunnialliset ehdot honorable (1. I air 1. decent)
terms. kunniallisesti honorably; bonestly:
honesty; decency.




kunnia maininta honorable mention. -mark

one wlth song; ~ lsnolollaan honor wlth
ki badge (1. mark) or honor; mark or dls- one s presence; ~ Jonkun muistoa honor
the memory or one, pay homage to one's
kunniani arvoinen I. -arvoisa venerable; rev- memory; - suuresti esteem highly, vener
erend; worthy or respect; (kunnioitusta ate, (Jumaloida) adore; kunnioittaen (kir
(kunnioitettava) jeess:) Yours (very) truly, Yours respecthonorable; (korkeasti kunnioitettu) great- ruuy; hnt kaikki kunnioittavat (mys)
ly bonored. -arvoisesti venerably; lmpos- he enjoys the esteem or ali; lakia kunnioit
ingly. -arvoisuus vencrableness; reverence; taen wlth respect ror law. kunnioittaminen
wortbiness or respect. -asia ks. kunnia- honoring; respectlng; veneration- worasia, -halu ambition, -haluinen ambltlous. shlplng. kunnioittava respectful; reverent-himo ambitlon(s), ambltiousness; asplra- hifl.V. kunP"tt<"><* tervehdys obeisance,
tion(s). -himoinen ambltlous; asplrlng.
(terveiset) respect(s), regards
-himoisesti ambltlously; asplrlngly. -himol- SSkunnioituvasti respectrmiy, reverentlv
suus ks. kunnianhimo, -hpisij deramer, reverentlally.
kunnioituksenosotus (act or) homage- dekunniajnimi I. -nimitys title of honor (1. kunZLSX**0* one's resPes (1. duties).
of respect) ; honorary tltle.
kunnioitus respect, esteem, regard; deferkunnianloukkaus injury to [one's] honor (1. ence; (pelonsekainen) awe; (syv, alentuva)
reputatlon); defamation of character, (tav. reverence, veneration; duties; (kunnia)
kirjallisesti tapahtunut) libel, (suullinen) nonor; kunnioitusta ansaitseva worthv of
slander. -Juttu llbel suit.
respect (l. or esteem), estlmable- kannioikunniani osotus honor, honers; mark or nTn? iJ?,e^%Hva venerable, (suurenmolhonor; mark (1. manirestatlon) or respect
en} lmR?Slr,g' prancl; hoikalla kunnioituk
Cl. of esteem); (yleinen) ovation; homage; sella wlth ali (due) respect.
sotilaallisilla kunnianosotuksilla Wlth mlll- kunnokas able, competent, capable; cmtary honors, wlth honors or war; [otettiin
vastaan] tuurilla kunnianosotuksilla ' was ly^TrlcI nnokkCuUTeay'
received] with great ovation(s). -teko competence, capablllty; erriciency.
(sot.) salute. -tunto sense or honor, honor; <!Hll?n PryS!ly- ln an orderly manner;
voimakas kunniantunto strong (1. keen 1. (oikein) stralght, rlght, correctlv; (hvvin
rine) sense or honor.
Weil; yritys oli tuskin saatu ~ alkuunkaan,
kunnia paikka ks. kunniasija. -palkinto high- staanrtedwhlnen,.erPrlSe h8d hardly bt>e"
est honors. -patsas statue (erected) in hon
or or . . . -pattoinen unmindrul or (the dic- kunnollinen (kelpo) able, apt, quallfled
tates or) honor; dlshonorable. -portti trl- competent capable; (kohtuullinen) rair
umphal arch. -porvari honorary Citizen,
treatment, kohtelu], reasonable; decent
-piv day or glory. -raha medal. -sana
bed, vuode]; satislactory; (oikea) proper
WOrd (or honor) ; kunniasanalla upon one's [care, hoito]; (snnllinen) regular, or(word or) honor, (sot.) on parole; annan ?!" y; ,i,(1ettav9 rellable: (todellinen)
sinulle kunniasanani siit, ett . . I pledge SS?ii, (llyv?) g00tI; - *"* square (1.
you my honor that . . . -sija place (1. seat) good) meal- ~ ravinto substantial foodor honor; alla kunniasijalla OCCupy (1. hold) . . on kunnollista tyt . . is a piece or good
the place or honor, be paramount. -terveh
workmanshlp. kunnollisesti ably, capably
dys a call to pay one's respects (1. to con- ralrly; decently, properly, satlsractorily, in
ratlllate) ; kunniatervehdyksell ks. kyd. a satisractory manner; regularlv sub-tohtori person who has received an honor
ft^^Sf ! PyVln) well. 'kunnollisuus abnary degree or DOCtor; hanat vihittiin kun
lty, competence, capablllty; rairness; deniatohtoriksi an honorary degree or Doctor ?intv:. !1?3S; orderness; substanTor Phllosophy, of Law, etc.j was con- tiallty; rellab llty; tyn kunnollisuus taa
ferred upon blm.
taan the workmanshlp (l. the quality or
kunniaton lnramous; (kunniapattolnen) de- tno work) Is guaranteed.
void of (1. lost to) every sense or honor; kunnon ks. kunto.
(eprehellinen) dlshonest, disbonorable; kunnossapito maintenance. upkeep; keening
(hpellinen) dlshonorlng, Ignomlnious; ln repair. -kusUnnukset (cost dr) main
julistaa joku kunniattomaksi proclalm One tenance; charge ror keeplng up (1 r r
to have forrelted hls citizen's rlghts. kun
!iKkdn?^nfve,,vo.l,i,ll,8 obllgtlon to keep
niattomasti lnramously, dlshonorably, lg- up.dUty of maintenance; teiden kunnassani.
nomlntously. kunniattomuus lnramy, dls- kf.^i"?'" .duty orkeeplng up the roads.
honesty, dlshonor, Ignomlny.
kunnostaa: ~ itsen ks. kunnostautua; hn
kunniat vanhus venerable (1. grand) old man, ei koskaan ennen ole itsen niin kunnostahonorable
,t,he,su,rp?S3es (1- excels 1. outdoes) himomin. -vieras guest or honor.
seir, he is better than ever, he beats hls
kunnioitettava honored, respected; worthy or SSBJ^n-. kunnota"tua (kunnostaa itrespect; venerable, reverend; vrt. arvoisa. sea*n> ?lstlngulsh o.s., act in a highiv
kunnioitettu honored; respected, (highlyj creditable manner; make oneseir conspicuesteemed.
ous, gain distlnction; (osottaa etevyytt)
kunnioittaa honor [one's parents, vanhem
be consplcuous (1. remarkable) f ror, jos piaan], (osottaa kunniaa) do (1. pay) honor
[to one. Jotakuta]; (pit arvossa) have
(1. reel) respect ror; esteem (hlghly); (an kunnoton useless, worthless, good-ror-nothtaa arvoa) have regard Tor, respect; (alis
ing; unr t, lncapable, incompetent; (sopi
tuen) revere, reverence [Cod, Jumalaa], maton) improper [care, hoito]; (huono)
venerate [the memory or our ancestors, bad, poor; (kurja) wretched;
esl-isimme muistoa], regard wlth venera- m2;,Vne' '",bl; Clke) wlcked. kunnottlon; (Juhlia) do (1. pay 1. render) homage tomastl worthlessly; Inoompetentlv imto; (palvoa) worshlp, adore; ~ Jotakuta properly; badly, poorly; meanly; vllely
hyvntekijnn honor (1. venerate) a p. kunnottomuus uselessness, \vorthlessness-'
as one'S beneractor; ~ laillista jrjestyst unntness, lncompetence; Impropernesshave respect (1. regard) ror the lawrul or- badness, poorness;, vlleness(Jer; - Jotakuta laululla pay rjomsge to w|ckedness; vrt. kunneten.




kS. kuohennus, kuohentaa. kuohketa be

kunpa (Jos vain) if only; (Jospa) oh, tbat . .!
~* hn nyt vain tulitit niin olisin tyytyvi
loosened, becomo looser, bccome more
nen ir he would only come now. I should mellovv; be sortened; get llghter. kuohkeus
be contented; hn ti nkisi tt I hqpe looseness, mellowness; sortness. kuohkeut
he won't see this; oh, that he may not see taa loosen [the soll, maata], mellon-; (esim.
leip) make . . light; kuohkeuttaa maata
kunta rommunity; (kaupunki-) municlpali- puiden ymprilt loosen the eartb around
ty; (seurakunta, pitj) parish; (Amer. the roots or the trees.
maalaiskunta) townshlp, town; kunnan kuohu
roam, rrotb;
.-eli; (vaahto)
tynvlitystoimisto munlclpal employment
-kunta (yhd.) corps [esim. armeia army rervescence; (kuv.) excitement, agitation;
rorps; insinri- corps of engineers] ;
kuohuissaan roused, exasperated [at, Jos
force [esim. insinri engineering rorce;
takin]; in a rush or emotlons; hyppsi
poliisi police rorce], body; (Joskus:) bri- kosken kuohuihin plunged into the rushlrur
(rade [esim. palo rire-brlgade] ; starr.comrapidS; olla kuohuissaan jostakin be roused
(1. exasperated) at, be (very) exclted
mlttee; klngdom Teslm. olain anlmal
klngdom; kivi mlneral klngdom]; vrt. about, boll [wlth anger, vihasta] ; vrt.
esi~, henkil*, kymmen'*, laulu-', per
kuohua (vaahdota) roam, Troth: (hyrsky)
he-', valio-' y. m.
kuntakokoua meetlng or tax-payers In a surge, be agltated; (kohoilla) swell, heave,
rise; (kiehua) boil (over), seethe; (syst
rural rommunity, town meetlng1.
kohisten) rush; (Juomista puhuen:) errerkuntalainen resldent (1. member) or a comvesce; (vilist) svvarm; (kuv. = olla liiku
munity (1. a munlclpallty); (seurakuntalai
nen) parlshloner; (Amer.) resldent or a tuksissa) be agltated. be exclted, be in (a
state or) commotion; ~ vihasta boil (I.
tovnshlp: vrt. palo-'.
roam) with rage; yli boll (1. run) over;
kunto ablllty, competence; (kyky) capabillhnen vihansa kuohui be bolled With rage.
ty; (rehellisyys) honesty; (olvallisuus)
he was enraged.
vlrtue; (Jrjestys) order; (tila) condltlon,
sha|>e; kannolla in an orderly manner, prop- kuohuaalto wave crested wlth roam; (hyrs
erly, ralrly; kunnon eukko [ukko] lino (1. ky-) surge.
ilear) old womin [old man]; kunnon miss kuohuilla surge, svvell, heave, be agltated:
vrt. kuohua, kuohuilu surglng, swelling;
(kelpo) rine (1. splendld) rel!ow, good
surge: (kuv.) agitation, excitement. kuo
honest rellow, (Jkpv.) a trump, a brlck, a
huinen Toamy, rrothy; surgy, surglng [sea,
good scout; kunnossa In good condltlon (1.
meri], kuohullhde gushlng spring, founnrder), In shipshape, In repalr, ks. pit;
taln. kuohuminen, kuohunta roaming, rrothkuntoon ks. laittaa, panna, saattaa; enti
Ing; surglng; boliing (over), seethlng; ersess kunnossa In the rormer condltlon (1.
Tervescence; vrt. kuohua; mielten kuohunta
shape); hyvss kunnossa In good condl
tlon (1. order), in good shape; hnell i excitement, agitation.
olt kunnon nuttua he hasn't a decent coat: kuohu [pulveri errervescent powder. -piinen
roam-rrested [wave, aalto], Toamy. -pii
hnen kuntonsa perusteolla on account OT
kS. lakkap.
(1. berause or 1. through) his ablllty.
kuntoinen ahle; (yhd.) . . whlch Is In . . con kuohua: kuohuksiin ks. joutua, mada, saat
dltlon (1. order 1. shape) [esim. hyv . .
taa ; kuohuksissa oleva agltated, exrlted;
\vhlrh Is In good order (1. good shape)].
olla kuohuksissa (kuv.) be in a (state or)
kuntoisuua ahlllty, competence, capablllty;
rerment, be in (a state or) commotion. be
erriclency, ntness. kuntoonpano putting In exclted, be agltated, be (greatly) perorder (1. In repalr); arrangement.
turbed, (kiehua) boil [wlth rage, vihasta] ;
hnen mielens on kuohuksissa he is qulte
kuohahdella pulsate, pulse; (esim. vihasta:)
vvrought up, he Is greatly exclted, bls
boil, riare up.
kuohahdue seethlng, bolllng over; (esim. blood Is up.
vihan) riariug up; surglng; excitement, kuohuttaa make . . (I. cause . . to) roam (1.
agitation; tunteiden rush or emotlons, surge 1. boll over 1. seethe 1. rush 1. errerrerment; vihan (mys:) rit of anger;
vesce, vrt. kuohua); mieli stlr up emovrt. kuohus. kuohahduttaa make . . flare
tlon (1. excitement), agltate the minds
up, make . . (I. rause . . to) fly Into a passion.
[huom. uutinen on kuohuttanut mieli
kuohahtaa (kiehahtaa) boll, seethe; (hyrs
kaikkialla the news has caused general ex
ky) surge, svvell; heave, be agltated; (kii
citement, the news has stirred (up) (1. has
vastua) riy Into a passion, riare up; (purs- romented) the public mlnd]. kuohuttava:
kua) gush (out), spurt; nen mielens mieli kuohuttava agltatlng, exclting; OUtkuohahti he riared up; hnen vihansa kuo
hahti hls anger riared up, he became en- kuohuva roaming, surglng, boillng, seeth
raged, lie new into a rage: vereni kuohahti lng, rushlng, roarlng; errervescent: fcuomy blood bolled (1. was up), I got exrlted;
huvat Juomat errervescent drlnks, (Jkpv.)
vrt. kuohua, kuohahtelu pulsatlon; boillng;
soda drlnks.
riaring up.
kuoklnta grubblng with a mattock (I. a
kuohakka ks. kuohkea.
hoe), hoelng; (kuv. = kuokkavieraana olo)
kuoharl man to gelrt; vrt. kuohitelja.
sponglng. kuokituttaa have . . grubbed
kuohennua loosenlng; mellovvlng. kuohentaa (with a mattock), have . . hoed.
make . . loose (l. llght), loosen; meIlow.
kuokka (grub-)hoe. -kirves mattock. -vieras
kuohilaa a eastrated person, eunuch. kuohi- an unlnvited guest; onlooker at a Teast [a
mlnen = kuohitseminen, kuohita castrate, wedding, etc.]; sponger, hanger-on.
emasculate; (etenkin hevosista:) geld; (eli kuokkia grub (with a mattock) : hoe; (kuv.
mist yi.) alter. kuohitiematon imeasolla kuokkavieraana) be an onlooker at a
trated, . . nm gelded. kuohitseminen rasTeast, sponge, hang on. kuokkija laborer
tratlon, emasrulatlon; altering. kuohitsi Ja wlth a mattock (1. a hoe); (kuv.) kuok
rastrator. kuohituttaa have . . gelded (1. kavieras, kuokkiminen = kuoklnta.
Kuola ks. Kuolla.
kuohkea loose. llght: mellovv rsoll, maaper] ; kuola drlvel, slaver, slobber; (vaahto) rroth.
(pehme) soft. kuohkennua, kuohkentaa roam. kuolaimet (brldle-)blt. kuolainen



driveling, slavering; rrothy. kuolanjuoksu

drivellng; drooling; slavering. kuolasuu
slobberer, driveler. slaverer. kuolata drivel,
drool, slaver, slobber. kuolatilkku (lapsen)
blb. kuolautua become slavery (1. rrothy).
kuolema deatb; (poistuminen) departure,
decease; kuoleman kieliss at the polnMl. in
the Jaws) or death, dying, at death's door;
kuoleman varalta tn case Olle might die; en
kuolemaksenikaan muista I can't remembcr
for my life.
kuoleman- (yhd.) . . or death, death- [esim.
-pelko Tear Of death; -rangaistus penalty
or death, death-penaity; -todistus certificate or death, death-certiricate; -tanssi
death -dance] ; vrt. kuolon-, -enne rorerunner (I. premonition 1. vvarnlng) or death.
-halveksiminen contempt for death. -hetki
hour (1. moment) or death, death-hour;
vrt. kuolinhetki. -ilmotut obituary; death
notice. -isku death-blow, ratal blow. -Jl
keinen: kuolemanjlkeinen elm the liTe
beyond (the grave), the lire berearter.
-kamppaus death-struggle. -kankeus =
kuDlonjykkyys. -merkki I. -oire sign (I.
token) or death. -rangaistus (mys:) capi
tal puniShment; [kielletty] kuolemanran
gaistuksen uhalla [Torbldden] on pain (1.
un penalty) or death. -sairas dangerously
III, Slck Unto deatb; maata (l. olla) kuole
mansairaana (mys:) be at the polnt or
deatb, be dylng. -synti deadly (1. mortal)
gin. -syy cause or death; kuolemansyiden
tutkija (ATncr.) COrOner; kuolemansyit
tutkiva Tautakunta (Amer.) coroner's Jury.
-tapaus (case or) death; kuolemantapauk
sen sattuessa in case or death. -tuomio
death-sentence; (kuv.) death-warrant; an
taa (\. langettaa) kuolemantuomio jolle
kulle pronounce sentence or death upon
one; mrys kuolemantuomion toimeenpa
nemiseen death- \varrant. -tuottamus causIng another's death; (lak.) manslaughter.
-tuska kuolontuska. -vaara mortal danger, deadly perii; olla kuolemanvaarassa he
(1. stand) in deadly perii, -valtakunta
kingdom or death; Hades. -vihat kuolio.
kuolematon immortal. kuolemattomuus mimortallty. kuoleminen dying, explrlng.
kuolettaa kili; deaden [a nerve, hermo];
(usk.) mortiry f the carnal arrectlons, lihan
himot] ; (velkakirja y. m.) outlavv; deelare
or no crrect (1. null and votd) ; make ..
void; lainata) amortlze a loan. kuolettava
deadly, mortal; huolettavan ikv deadly
dull (I. monotonous). kuolettavaan mortalIV, ratally; kuolettavasti haavottunut mor
tally (1. ratally) wounded.
kuoletus kllllng; deadentng: (lainan 1. ve
lan) amortlzatlon. -aika (velan) tlme or
amortizatlon. -laina loan to be patd ori' by
InstaKDments. -maksu: vuotuinen kuoletusmaksu yearly instal(l)ment [on a loan],
-rahasto sinklng-Tund. -suunnitelma pian
or amortizatlon.
kuoleutua die away, die orr; (puutua) be
come benumbed (1. numb); (tulla tunnot
tomaksi) become insensible; (lk.) morti
ry; (velka y. in.) be outlawed; become
void. kuoleutuminen (puutuminen) benumbtng; (lk.) mortiricatlon; vrt. kuolio, kuo
leutunut (puutunut) benumbed, numb;
(tunnoton) insensible; (lk.) mortiried.
kuoleva dylng. kuolevainen (a. & s.) mortal.
kuolevaisuus mortailty; death-rate. -pro
sentti death-rate, percentage or mortality.
kuolias: kuoliaaksi to death, dead, vrt. am
pua, lyd, paleltua, pist; huoliaana dead
[esim. hn kaatui huoliaana maahan he
dropped (1. Teli) dead].
kuolin J haava death-wound, mortal vvound.


-hetki hour (1. moment) or death; kuolinhetkelln (mys:) in his dylng hour.
-huone room where the deceased lles (tn
state), room where a dead person is lald
out; death chamber. -ilmotua ks. kuolemanilmotus. -isku death-blovv, ratal blow
(mys kuv.); death-stroke; vrt. surmanIsku, -kellot passlng-bell. -laulu (run.)
swan-song. -naamari death-mask. -pes
estate or a person deceased (1. or the de
ceased) ; kuolinpesn osakas One ' [ the
helrs (to the estate or a person deceased).
-piv (Jonkun) day (1. date) or [one's|
death; kuolinpivns saakka to the day
or his death, to his dying day. -tapa (man
ner ori death. -tauti ratal lllness (1. dlsease); olla kuolintaudissa be dangerously
111, be slck iiiiio death, be dylng. -vaate
shroud; kuolinvaatteet death -clothes, grave clothes. -vuode death-bed. -vuosi year or
[one's] death.
kuolio (lk.) gangrene, necrosls.
kuolla die [Tor ... Jonkin edest], pass
away [quletly, rauhallisesti], depart (thls
grovv) benumbed (1. numb); (soitua) succumb [to. Johonkin]; (lakastua) v/tther,
Tade; [olla] kuolemaisillaan [be] dying,
[be] at the point or death (1. at death's
door); ~ haavoihinsa die or one's wounds;
hkn (1. hyryyn) be asphyxlated, be
surrocated by rumes rrom burnlng roal;
~ kaasuun be asphyxlated, be smothered
v.itli gas; kuollakseen ks. nauraa; ~
liikarasituksesta die rrom overwork; ~
luonnollisella kuolemalla die a natural
death; miekkaan die (1. perish) by the
s\vord; ~ nlkn die or starvatlon (1. or
hunger), be starved (1. ramished) to death,
starve (to death), perish \vith hunger; ~
sukupuuttoon die out, become extinct; ~
suruun dte or grler, die or sorro\v, die or a
broken heart; ~ sydnhalvaukseen die
or heart rallure (1. or paralysis or the
heart); ~ sikhdyksest die or rright; ~
Johonkin tautiin die or a disease: veren
vuotoon bleed to death; jalka kuolee the
root is growing numb; milloin hn on kuol
lut \vhen dld he die? puu kuolee the tree
is uithering; vrt. kuollut.
Kuolla: Kuollan niemimaa the Kola Peninsula.
kuolleena [syntyminen belng boru dead. -syn
tynyt stillborn, born dead; kuolleenasyntynyt yritys an abortlve pian (1. project).
kuolleenkallo skull; death's-head.
kuolleisuus death-rate, mortality. -luku 1.
-prosentti death-rate.
kuollus: huolluksissa in deathlike trance;
(puuduksissa) benumbed, numbed; (kuv.)
dull, lireless.
kuollut I. (a.) dead [to the World, maailmal
ta] ; (manalle mennyt) deceased, derunct;
kuolleen miehen pes ks. kuolinpes; ~
liha proud riesh, (lk.) exuberant granulations; hn on ollut kauan kuolleena Cl. kuol
lut) he has been dead a long tiine; joko hn
on ~ has he dled alreadv? is he alreadv
dead? tll nytt kaikki kovin kuol
leelta everythlng is as dead as a dooi-nail
here, everything looks dead here. II. (s.)
the dead man, (vainaja) the deceased, the
departed; kuolleiden lukumr nousi kol
meenkymmeneen the dead numbered thirty;
kuolleiden muisto memory or the dead;
kuolleita (otsikko sanomalehti -llmotuksissa) deaths, obltnaries; kuolleitten luettelo
list or the dead.
Kuollut-meri the Dead Sca.
kuolo death. -kohta (koneessa) dead-center,
kuolon- (yhd.) . . or death [esim. -enkeli



angel or death; -jykkyys rigldlty of death;

-sanoma message or death] ; death- [esim.
-Uku death-blow; -kamppaus death-struggle; -korahdit* death-rattle 1 ; (kuolemankaltainen) deathly (esim. -kalpea deathly
pale; -kalpea* deathly pallorj. -hiki deathdamp, death-swcat. -hiljaisuus silence of
death, deathly silence (1. stlllness), dead
lienee. -Ilmotus obltuary, notlce of a
death. -kaltainen deathllke [silence. hil
jaisuus], deathly. -kamppaus (mys:) last
agonles. -kellot ks. kuoiinkellot. -kylmyys
chili or deatb, deathly chili, -merkki 1.
-oire k s. kuoleman-, -sanoma (mys:) news
or [a il 's J death. -tuska pangs (1. pains)
or death, death-agony; (kuv.) niortal
agony. -uni sleep or death, eternal sleep;
nukkui kuolonuneen Teli on Sleep.
kuoma comrade, rellow, Trlend; (Jkpv.) pai;
kuomaseni my Mend! pai!
kuoml, kuomu top; canopy (top); Uit; (las
kettava) hood, roldlng top. -reki covered
slelgh. -vaunut carrlage with a (Tolding)
top, top buggy, closed carrlage; barouche.
kuona slag, scorla(e), dross (mys kuv.);
(kevyt) clnder.
kuona- (yhd.) slag(glng)- [esim. -reik
slag(ging)-hole; -uuni slag(ging)-furnace].
kuonainen slaggy. kuonalajl pile of slag;
kuonan; kaltainen ks. kuonamainen. -muo
dostus Tormlng or a slag; scorirication.
-sekainen slaggy; clndery.
kuona reik (mys:) slag-eye. -sementti
slag cement. -tiili slag brick.
kuonaton free or slag.
kuonautua (Cornia) slag, be(come) cindered.
kuonautuma clnder; (vulkaaninen) scorla.
kuonavilla slag-vvool, mlneral vvool.
kuono (turpa) muzzle; (krs) snout; (nok
ka) nose; (suu) mouth.
kuonolnen (yhd.) with a . . snout [esim.
terv wlth a sharp snout], . ,-nosed
[esim. tylpp~ blunt-nosed].
kuono karvat whiskers. -koppa muzzle:
panna kuonokoppaan, varustaa kuonokopalla
muzzle. -rengas nose-ring, ring (In the
kuontalo: pellava bunch (1. head) or flax.
kuopaista scratch; (kaapia) scrape; ~ jalal
laan maata (hevonen:) paw the ground;
vrt. kuopia, kuopaisu scratching; scraplng;
kuopakas ks. kuoppainen, kuopanne (kuop
pa) plt, hole, cavity; (syvnne) depression;
Indentatlon, dent; (esim. Joessa) pool.
kuopata bury; inter.
kuopia (rapsia) scratch; (kalvaa) dlg, burrow; maata (hevonen) paw the ground.
kuopikas ks. kuoppainen.
kuoppa plt; (maantiell y. m.) hole: (pos
kessa) dlmple; (syvennys) cavity, holiow;
(anat.) fontanel, (Jkpv.) sort spot; kuo
palla olevat potket hollow (1. sunken)
cheekS; joka toiselle kuoppaa kaivaa, hn
itse siihen lankeaa vvho dlgs a plt for another shall Tall Into it hlmseir, (vanh.)
\vhoso dlggeth a plt, shall Tall thereln:
on kuopalla (painunut) is sunken (I. hollow) ; on kuopilla Is Tuli of plts (I. holes),
Is rutty, (esim. poski) Is dlmpled.
kuoppainen Tuli of plts (I. of holes);
dlmpled [cheek, poski]; rutty froart. tie].
kuoppaisuus: tien kuoppaisuus the roart beIng Tuli of holes (1. belng so rutty).
kuoppasllmllnen hollo\v-eyed, . . vvith sunk
en eyes.
kuoppia ks. kuopia.


kuoputtaa (esim. kana) scratch, dig up;

(kuopia) pa\v.
kuore (elint.) smelt. kuoreenpyynti smeltrishlng.
kuorellinen .. wlth the jackets on; (kuori
maton) not peeled; jyv grain in the
lnill, grain with the liull on.
kuorenluonti molt(lng).
kuoreton .. without a Shell (1. a crust);
without a bark; wlthout a peel (1. a rind) ;
barkless, rlndless.
kuorettua rorm a crust (over the top), be(come) covered vvith a crust. kuoretuttaa
make . . rorm a crust; lncrust.
kuori F. (kova) shell; (pehmempi, hedelmien
y. m.) peel(ing), rind, skln; husk, hull;
(ihopelte) Jacket; (kalvo, kesi) coat, mm;
(kohva) crust; (kaarna) bark; (kellon)
case; (kirjeen-) envelope, cover.
kuori II. (kirkon) cholr, chancel; sanctuary.
kuoria shell, husk; pre [apples, omenoita] ;
peel [an orange, appelsiini; potatoes, pe
runoita] ; hull [barley, ohria] ; (puita) bark,
(kiskomalla) strip: (maidosta) kerma
sklm orr the cream, (meijeriss) separate
the cream; ~ majto(a) sklm the milk;
puu strlp a tree (or its bark) ; Knru kuo
rii munansa (puhkaisee) the bird plps its
kuoriainen (elint.) beetle: coleopter.
kuorihedelm (kasv.) achene, achenium.
kuorija one who peels (1. pares 1, barks) ;
vrt. perunan-'.
kuorii kaapu cope. -kerros iaye* or bark.
kuorimakone (maidon) separator.
kuorimaton unpeeled, unpared, not pared;
(maito) unskimmed, vvhole: kuorimattomia
puita tlmber wlth the bark le rt on; kuori
mattomia perunoita (mys:) potatoes vith
thelr JacketS on; kuorimattomia ohran ryy
nej barley in the husks (1. the hull), unhulled barley. kuoriminen shelllng, huskIng Jne., vrt. kuoria.
kuorinen (yhd.) . .-shelled [eslm.fcooo hardshelled; pehme" sort-shelled], wlth a ..
peel (1. rind 1. bark 1. crust); kaksi~ kello
watch wlth a double case.
kuorin kauha 1. -lusikka sklmmer.
kuorinta shelling; parlng, peellng: barking,
stripping; (maidon) sklmming, separating;
(munan) plpplng; vrt. kuoria.
kuorittu: maito skim-milk.
kuoriutua east ofr its shell, mo(u)It. shed.
kuorma load, cart-load, wagon-load; (taak
ka) burden, charge; (paino) -/eight; ~
heini (wagon-)load or hay.
kuorma -aasi pack-donkey, baggage-mule.
-ajuri drayman. baggageman. -automobiili
motor-truck, (auto-)truck. -elin ks. kuormajuhta. -hevonen dralt-horse, dray-horse,
beast or burden.
kuormainen (yhd.) with a . . load [esim.
kevyt- with a ligllt load: raskas With a
heavy loadi.
kuormalljuhta beast or burden, park-anitnal; vrt. vetojuhta, -krryt \vagon; cart;
(kuorma-ajurin) dray.
kuormallinen load; ~ heini a (\vagon-)load
or hay.
kuorman pano 1. -teko ioading; on kuor
man panossa 1. -teossa is making up a
rthej load. Is Ioading.
kuormallreki (heavy) sled: bob-sleigh. -renki
baggage-traln driver, \vagon-drlver. -satula
kuormasto (sot.) baggage-traln, wagontrain. -hevonen baggage(-traln) horse.
-vaunut (sot.) army \vagon.
kuormata load, pack; lade, charge [wlth.
Jollakin); vrt. kuormittaa; lis (myS:)
put (1. throv.) on more.



kuormavaunut cart, uagon; (vuokra-ajurin)

dray; vrt. kuonnastovaunut.
kuormittaa load, burden, charge, (mek.)
eight, kuormittain by the load, by the
wagOn- (1. Cart-)load; kuormittain heini
loads of hay.
kuormitu load, lumien: (kuormittaminen)
loading, charglng; (mek.) welght. -kyky
(loading) capacity.
kuoro choir; (kri) chorus, -laulaja, -lau
lajatar member of a choir. -laulu choral
slnging; cbolr-slnging, singing by the
chorus (1. the choir).
kuoronjohtaja leader of the chorus (1. the
choir); (kirkko-) chortster. kuoropoika
kuorsaaminen ks. kuorsaus, kuorsata snore.
kuorsaus snore, snoring; huoneesta kuului
kuorsauksia snoring was heard Trom the
kuorskua ks. korskua.
kuortua rorm a crust; maito on kuortunut
the cream has risen on the mllk.
kuorukka (keitt.) croquette; (yhd.) ball
'-un. kala- niini) rish-ball].
kuosi (malli) model; (kaava) pattern, de
sign, make; (muoto) shape, rorm; (muoti)
Cashlon, mode; (tyyli) style; tehty samaan
kuomiin made frorn (1. after) the same
model (1. pattern); uutta kuosia oi the new
model (1. pattern 1. style 1. make); viimei
sen kuosin mukaan, viimeist kuosia In the
neuest style, of the latest rashlon (pu
vuista: cut). kuoslkaa (aistikas) tasterul,
elegant; (tyyliks) In good style, styllsh;
(muodikas) rashlonable. kuosikkaaatl tastefully, elegantly; styllsbly; fashionably;
pukeutua kuosikkaasti dress rashlonably (1.
in the latest rashlon). kuoslkkuus styllshncss, rashlonableness; tastefulness.
kuovi (elftlnt.) curlevv.
kupansaastuttama syphllltlc.
kupari copper; vrt. vaski.
kupari- (yhd.) copper [esim. -astia copper
vessel; -kaivos copper mlne: -kattila cop
per kettle; -malmi copper ore; -suoni cop
per vein], -astiat (mys:) copperware.
-kiiau copper pyrltes. -lanka copper wlre.
-levy sheet of copper. -myrkytya copper
kuparinen . . or copper, copper.
kuparini home verdigris. -pltolnan . . containlng copper, coppery, cupreous. -pitoi
suus percentage or copper. -vihre . . or
the color of verdlgris. -vrinen ks. vaskenkarvainen.
kupari oksidi (kem.) copper oxld(e). -raha
( - lantti) copper coin, copper. -ruoste verdi
gris. -sepp ks. vaskisepp, -vihre green
verdiler, malachlte green, copper green.
-vihtrilli blue vltrlol; copper sulphalc.
kuparoida plate \vith copper; copper.
kupata cup, scarlfy.
kupeella, kupeelle, kupeelta ks. kuve. kupeitse: jonkin kupeitse by (1. past) a tn.;
along (1. alongslde) a th.
kupera ronvex; convexedly protuberant;
round(ed); bulglng; (kupulnen) bulbous;
hemlspherlc; (holvattu) arched, vaulted.
-kuvastin convexmlrror. -linaal ronvex lens.
kuperkeikka Somerset, somersault; tumble;
kuperkeikan heitto turnlng somersets;
keitt kuperkeikkaa turn SomersetS, tuin
a Somerset.
kuperuua convexlty, roundness.
kupeva = kupera.
kupillinen rupful. kupittain by the nip(rul) , by cupfuls.
kupla bubble; (lasissa, metalleissa) n.\ v;
(valok. y. m.) bllster; kuplilla rl. koplis
sa; oleva ruii of bubbies (l. or riaws).


kuplahdus bubbllng, bubble: plump. kuplahtaa bubble; plump, plunge.

kuplahylje (ellnt.) crested (I. hooded) seal.
kuplainen kuplikaa.
kupletti comtc song; ballad.
kuplikaa full or bubbies (1. I'la\vs); bubbly;
k upo sheaf; olkia shear of straw.
kupoli (kupu) cupola; dome. -katto ku
poli, -uuni cupola rurnace, cupola.
kuponki coupon; divldend ccrtiricate. -kirja
book of coupons.
kuppa (-tauti) syphllls.
kuppa- (yhd.) syphllltlc [esim. -haavottuma
syphllltlc ulceratlon; -pahkura syphllltlc
tumor; -tartunta syphllltlc Infectlon].
kuppaaminen cupplng, scarirication.
kuppari one who does cupplng. -mm old
woman who goes around cupplng.
kuppa tauti syphllls. -tautinen (a. & s.)
kuppaus = kuppaaminen, -koje scariricator.
-sarvi cupping-horn.
kuppauttaa: selkns havu one's back
kuppi cup; (Joskus:) dish; (malja) bowI;
vrt. saippua, kupponen small cup (I. dlsh).
kupsahdus Tall, downfall, (kumoon-) tum
kupsahtaa Tall (llghtly): tumble
(down); kupsahtaa kumoon have a Tall,
take a tumble; (esineist:) tumble (down),
topple over.
kupu (linnun) crop, craw, maw; (uunin y.
m.) cap, hood; (lampun) shade, globe;
(kaalin) head: (kupoli) cupola, dome;
(holvi) vault; (hatun) crown, top. -holvi
spherlcal vault, cupola, dome.
kupuinen convex, round(ed) (at the top);
bulbous, hemlspherlc. kupuisuus convexIty, roundness.
kupu kaali (drumhead) cabbage. -katto cu
pola, dome. -kattoi nen . . wlth a cupola,
cupola(t)ed; (holvattu) arched, vaulted.
-kaula swelled neck, golter. -kaulalnen
. . wlth a golter. -kyyhkynen (ellnt.)
pouter, cropper.
kupula boss, knob; bulb; (kyhmy) bump;
lump; (pahka) protuberance, tumor; (ajettuma) swelllng.
kupulakl kupukatto.
kupura ks. kyhmy, pahka.
kupu-uuni cupola (Turnace).
kura (maantiell y. m.) iimd; mirc; (lika)
dirt; (sonta) dung.
kuraantua, kurautua get mtiddy (1. dlrty I.
au soiled); (Jkpv.) get mussed up.
kuraattori (ylioppilasosakunnan) rhalrman
[or a student Corporation in Finland].
kurahdus rroak: (g)rumble.
kurahtaa (kurista) (glve a) rroak.
kurainen muddy [road, tie]: mlry; (sohjoi
nen) sloppy; (likainen) dirty; (esiin, takki)
spatterert with mud. kuraisuus muddtness; teiden kuraisuus the mlry (1. mud
dy) condltlon or the roads, the roads belng so muddy . . .
kurata (make) dirty, soll: (be)draggle
[one\s dress, pukunsa], drabble; Toul [Its
nest, pesns].
kure gathor, pucker; (ryppy) wrlnkle,
crumple; (poimu) folcl, (kankaassa mys:)
kureileminen, kureilla ks. kurielemlnen, kuriella. kureilu kurieleminen.
kureinen wrlnkled; puckcred, (c)rumplcd.
kurelanka gathering-thrcad.
kurellivl corset, stays. -nauha corset string
(1. lace).
kurenauha gatherlng-strlng, draw-band.
kuroutua get (I. become) wrlnkled, become

k ureuttintinen
(Teased; wrinkle; pucker up. kureutumi- kurittaa discipline, correct; (ruumiilllsest!)
whip; (rangalsta) punish, inflict corporal
nen puckering- up; (lk.) Incarceration,
kuri 1. discipline; correction; (ruumlllli- punishment [on, jotakuta] ; (antaa selnen) corporal punishment, chastisement: kn) thrash; (kuv.) chasten, chastise,
2. (tapa) manner, way, fashion, wise; scourge; ~ lihaanta (kiduttaa) mortify
kurillaan for a Joke, for fun, in fun, In one's (1. the) flesh, kurittaja one who
jest, in sport, as a joke, (pahuuttaan) out whips (I. punishes); one who (has) pun
of (pure) mischief; karata (alsoissa) In ished; punlsber; castlgator. kuriUaminen
Check, Within bounds, kS. pitK; haritta ja whipping, punishing; thrashing; chasten
Herren nuhtecssa (i .-M n. i In the chasteu- ing; chastisement; vrt. kuritus. kurittaIng and admonition of the Lord; karit misoikeus right to punish.
(Juonlttclu) dodgery, quibbling, trickery, kuriUavastl correctively; vaikuttaa haritta(Hvelly) sport, fun, Joking, (tom)foolery, oatti have a corrective effect.
(pahanteko) mischief; i million huriUa in kurittomuue lack (1. want) of discipline;
no wise (1. way), not by any means, no
(hillittmyys) unrullness.
how, (ehdollla) on no condition (I. ac kuritus chastisement, chastening, correc
count), (mahdotonta) Impossible, Impos
tion; (corporal) punishment; poika *m <risibly; hnell on kaikcnmoisct buril (met- mo kurituksen the boy got a good (1. a
i. ni i he Is up to all kinds of mischief (1. of sound) thrashing (1. whipping 1. drubbing).
tricks) ; jaita kuritta hatvaa, se kanniatta kuritushuono penitentiary, (Engl.) house of
kaoiee (1. v.) spare the rod and spoil the correction; viiei vuotta kuritathaonetta
child; tilla harn in that way, (siten) thus. five years of hard lahor. kurituthuonelainen prisoner in a house of correction.
kurieleminen dodgery, quibbling, prevarica
tion; making trouble, bothering; doing kuritushuone rangaistus (sentence to) hanl
mischief, joking, (torn) foolery, kuriella labor; penal servitude, -vanki convict;
(tehda kurejaan) do mischief, be up to prisoner (In a house of correction).
(one's old) tricks (1. pranks), play tricks; kuritus 'kei no way to discipline (1. to cor
(ilvelll) joke. Jest, play a joke [on a p., rect), -komppania discipline company.
-vanki, -vanklla ks. kuritus liuonevanki,
jonkun kanssa] ; (juonltella) be trouble
some, make difficulties, be restless; (eritt. -huone. -vitsa (chastening) rod, whip.
hevosesta:) be restive.
kurituttaa: ~ jotakuta have one whipped (1.
punished 1. corrected), cause one to be
Kuriilit the Kuril Islands.
kuriirl (plkalhettl) courier, -juna (pika- punished (1. chastised).
kurja miserable, wretched [hovel, hkkell;
Juna) express (train).
kurikka (nuija) club; (pyykki-) pounder. creature, olento; state, tila]; (huono)
kurikoida club; bat, cudgel; pound; (haka- poor; (surkea) pitiable [sight, nky], sor
ta) beat; (kuv.) thrash, vrt. rusikoida; ~ ry [plight, tllaj; (mit&ton) paltry; (katapyykkia beat the clothes (in washing), la) mean, base, low. vile; (hapealllnen) In
pound the clothes, kurikoiminen clubbing, famous, shameful [deed, tekol; (repaleinen) shabby; ~ itma disagreeable (1. bad)
pounding, beating; vrt. ruelkoiminen.
weather, (jkpv.) nasty weather; fco/u
kurillaan ks. kuri.
kurimua (virran-) whirlpool, vortex, eddy; hovel; raukka (poor) wretch, poor (1.
(kuv.) maelstrom; (pyorre) whirl; (klta) miserable) creature; pitiable object.
kurjata God-forsaken country (1. place);
gulf, abyss.
kurina croak(ing); (valsan) growl, rumble. miserable hole.
kurinen (yhd.) . .-behaved [eslm. hyvan kurjaeti miserably, wretchedly; poorly; piti
well-behaved; pahan~ Ill-behaved]; vrt. ably;
[dressed, puettu].
kurinpito discipline: kurinpitor. hotkeoat kurjon miekka (kasv.) iris, fleur-de-lis;
blue flag, -polvl (kasv.) geranium, cranesbill.
kytymyktet questions of discipline, dis
kurjlstaa make . . more miserable (1. more
ciplinary questions.
wretched); make .. more pitiable; make
kurinpito- (yhd.) . . of discipline, disciplin
ary [eslm. -atia matter (1. case) of disci
. . poorer; (kyhdyttn) empoverlsh, pau
pline; -rangaittat disciplinary punishment] . perize; - alafa (1. olott make (the) condi
-valta disciplinary authority, (-olkeus) tions more miserable (1. more wretched),
kurjistua become (1. grow) more miser
right to discipline.
kurinpit&ji disciplinarian; one to maintain able (1. more wretched), grow (1. get)
discipline; laptet tarvitsiiivat kurinpitj poorer, grow (1. become) worse; become
the children would need someone to make more pitiable; grow more shabby; (kyhthem mind.
tya) be empoverlshed; olot ovat kurjittuneet conditions have grown more miser
kuritta croak; (vatsasta:) growl [for hun
able (1. more wretched), (the) conditions
ger, nlst], rumble, grumble.
kurittaa strangle, throttle; (tukehduttaa) are worse than ever, kurjistuminen: alojen
choke; rintaanl ~ I feel as though 1 kurjittuminen conditions growing more
couldn't take a breath, I feel choked, ku- miserable (1. more wretched), kurjisturlstautua strangle o.s.; be strangled; be misteoria theory of Increasing misery,
choked, kurlttua be (1. get) strangled (1. theory of the accumulation of misery.
throttled); be(come) choked.
kurjuu misery, wretchedness; pitlfulness;
kuristut strangling, strangulation; (kuv.) (kyhyys. puute) poverty, destitution,
constriction, -jirjestelml system of stran
want; distress; taattaa barjaateen bring
gulation, -kelno means of strangling, -lakl to distress (1. to dire want 1. to poverty).
overly restrictive law. -nuora ks. hirtto- kurkl 1. (lintu) crane; 2. (auran) handles,
nuora. -politiikka strangling (1. restric
-hirtl ridge-pole, ridge-piece, ridge-plate.
tive) policy, policy of strangulation, -tauti kurkiitaa peep [through a key-hole Into a
room, ayalmenrelstft huoneeseen]; pry;
kuristuttae (kuollaaksl) have . . strangled (tirkista.4) peer, peek, have (I. take) a look,
(1. choked) to death.
look [through a th., Jonkln lapi] ; (vllkalskurisuttaa maketl. cause to) croak (1. growl). ta, sllmatsta) glance [at, johonkln]. kurkiskuriton undisciplined; (hllliton) unbridled, tella ks. edell. kurklatelu peeping, peering.
ungoverned, uncurbed, unruly, ungovern kurkiitu peep, look: peeping, peering,
-aukko 1. -reikfi peep-hole, peep; spy-hole.



kurkkailla peep, peek, peer, pry; spy.

kurkkia ks. kurkistaa, kurkkailla.
kurkku I. tliroat; (rullet; (nielu) gorge;
lanat.) pbarynx; vrt. kaula; kurkkuni on fcip** (mys:) I have a sore throat ; alas kur
kusta down (tne throat); huutaa hohti
kurkkuaan, huutaa kurkun tydelt StIOUt
<1. scream 1. yell) at the top or one's
lungs (1. one's volce), yell, howl, (set up a)
roar; tytt kurkkua kg. tysi.
kurkku II. (kasv.) cucumber. -kasvi plant
or the s-ourd ramiiy.
kurkku katarri catarrh or the throat. -mti
diphtherta. -mitainen dlphtherltlc, dlphtherlal. -peili (lk.) laryngoscope. -taudit
dlseases or the throat. -torvi ks. henkitorvi. -vel gargle. -Uni guttural sound,
sound rormed In the throat; (klel.) guttural; (mus.) falsetto.
kurkottaa ks. kurottaa,
kurkunkansi (anat.) eplgiottls. -kehr 1.
-ketri ks. kurkunaolmu. -p (anat.) larvnx. -solmu Adam'8 apple, (anat.) pomum.
kurlaaminen gargling. kurlata gargle.
kurlaus garifliiur. -aine 1. -vesi gargle.
kurmitsa (elint.) plover.
thrash; (karkottaa) drlve (1. chase 1.
rrlghten) away.
kurnaali mllk whlch has been through a
separator; (Jkpv.)-blue mllk.
kurnia: mahaani kurnii my stomach Is
kurnuttaa (kurista) croak; (mankua) worry, fret, nag; whine. kurnutus croak(lng).
kuroa (ommellessa) galher, pucker (up);
- (harsia) baste; kokoon pucker up, draw
up, draw together.
kurotella stretrh (o.s.), reach; nhdk
seen stand on tlptoe to see, (kaulaansa)
rrane one's neck to see, vrt. kurottaa, ku
kurottaa stretrh o.s., stretrh; reach rto
rlve, antaakseen; for (1. after) a th.. Jota
kin (ottaakseen) J : ~ kaulaansa jotakin nh
dkseen crane (1. stretrh) one's neck to
see a th. ; ktens jotakin ottamaan (\.
ottaakseen) stretrh one's hand out Tor a
th.; kttn extend (1. rearh out) one's
arm. kurottautua stretrh o.s.; stretrh [to
reach a th., ottamaan Jotakin] ; kurottautua
varpailleen stand (1. rise) on tlptoe, tlptoe.
kurottua stretch (out); stretch o.s. kurotus stretching, stretch.
kuroutua pucker up, wrinkle: contrart.
kurpitsa (kasv.) gourd [eri lajeja: pumpkln. squash, hottle-gourd y. m,].
kurppa (elint.) woodcork; sntpe.
kursailematon unconstrained; . . \vlni does
not stand on ceremonles, unceremonlous,
slmple, unaffected; rree and easy; Trank,
outsnoken. kursailematta wlthout ceremnny, unceremoniously; wi tiimit (any)
more ado; wlth perfect ease; (ujostele
matta) unconcernedly; kursailematta kyt
t jotakin make rree \vlth . . . kursaileva
ronstrained, ceremonlous. kursallevaisuus
ronstralnt; adherence to reremony, eeremonlousness. kursallija onc who Is unduly
rormal (1. ceremonlous), one who stands
on reremony (1. who stralns courtesy).
kursailla stand on (1. use too murh) rere
mony; straln courtesy; (olla hmilln) feel
pmbarrassed; (eprid) hesltate; (olla
tarkka) be (over)partlrular (1. overnlre)
[about. Jostakin] ; kursailematta ks. hakus. ;
turhia (olla liian kaavamainen) be unduly
rormal, be too ceremonlous, (turhantarkka)
be too partlcular, be overpartlcular, (ujos
tella) be too bashrul, be afrald, (eprid)
hesltate too murh; kursaillen (epriden)


reluctantly; ei auta keinoista ~ It won't do

to be too partlrular about the mcans, one
should not pay too much attentlon to the
means; min en kursaile ketn I ilrm'1
stand aside for anybody; l kursaile mi
nua don't mind me, don't put yourseir out
on my account, make no stranger or mc.
kursailu ceremony; undue (1. excesslve)
rormallty; ceremonlousness: turhaa f\. tar
peetonta) kursailua undue (I. unneressary)
rormallty (1. -ties), cmpty rompllment;
needless bashfulness (1. hesltatlon). kursastelematta ks. kursailematta, kursastella
ks. kursailla.
kursia ks. harsia.
kursiivi (klrjap.) Itallcs; kursiivilla in ltallcs.
-kirjasimet kursiivi.
kursiveerata, kursivoida ltaliclze, prlnt (1.
put) in Itallcs.
kursokone mllling-machlne.
kurso(o)rinen cursory; hasty; desultory.
kurssi (oppi-; suunta) course; (kauppa-)
(rate oD exchange, rate: laskeutuu cl.
laskee) rates are ralling (1. golng down),
there Is a rall In rates (or exchange) ;
nousee rates are rislng, there Is a rlse In
rates (or exchange), -erotus dirrerenre In
rates (or exchange), -hinta: myyd pivn
kurssihinnoilla seit at the day's quotatlons.
-ilmotus 1. -noteeraus rorelgn quotatlons,
quotatlons or rorelgn exchange.
kursslkas (tarmokas) . . rull or vlm (1. or
energy), energetlc; (rohkea) plucky, courageous; ~ mies (mys:) a man with push
and vlm, a man wlth Inltlatlve.
kurssi keinottelija, -keinottelu ks. prssit
keinottelija, -keinottelu.
kurssilainen student attending a course or
lectures, person taklng a course.
kurseillsta exchange llst.
kursslnllalennus rall in rates (or exchange),
-muutos change In rates; (suunnanmuu
tos) change or (1. In) course. -ylennys rlse
In rates (or exchange),
kurtata, kurtistaa wrlnkle; crease; (c)rumple.
kurtistua be(come) wrlnkled, get creascl
(1. rumpled), wrlnkle, (c)rumple, crease.
kurtistus wrinkling; (c)rumpllng.
kurttu (ryppy) wrlnkle [on a p.'s rare, Jon
kun kasvoissa; In a garment, piivussai,
pucker; (paperissa) crease, (c)rumple;
(poimu) Told; (vako) rurrow, groove;
kurttuun kS. menn: olla kurtussa be \vrinkled, be (c) rumpled; otsa on syviss kur
tuissa the rorehead Is rurrowed (1. deeply
wrlnkled). kurttuinen wrinkled, wrlnkly;
creased, (c) rumpled; rurrowed; (kurttu kasvoinen) wlzened; (kutistunut) shrunk,
shrlveled; kurttuiset kasvot shriveled (I.
wlzencd 1. wrlnkled) race. kurttulsuus
wrlnkles; wlzencd (1. shrlveled) look.
kurttuplntalnen havlng a wrlnkled (1.
wrinklcrl. \vlzened.
kurtuttaa wrinkle, crease; (kangasta) puck
er, gather.
kuru gully, deen dale, dell.
kusetineva (elint.) ks. perKeva.
kusi urine; vrt. virtsa, kusiainen (muura
hainen) plsmlre, ant. kusiaispes ant-hill.
kusirakko (urlnary) bladrter.
kuski (ajaja) drlver. coachman. -penkki
drlvpr's seat, (coach-)box: istua kuskipenkill (ajajan vieress) sit by (1. wlth)
the drlver. -puku coarhman's llverj- (1.
kussa (miss) where.
kusta l. (v.) make (1. pass) water, urlnate.
kusta IT. mist.
Kustaa Gustavus; Kustaa II Aadolf Custavus
(II.) Adolphus. Kusti Gus.



kustannus (kulunki) expense, cost; (kir

jan-) publishing', publlcation; kustannuk
set (mys:) charges, outlay, expendlture;
kustannuksiin katsomatta regardleSS Ot expense; jonkin kustannuksella at the COSt
(1. expense) Of . .; jonkun kustannuksella
at a p.'s expense [huom. kirja ilmestyy
Tymiehen kustannuksella the book IS pub lished by tbe Tymies] ; kaikki siit koitu
vat kustannukset ali the expense(s) lncurred (1. lnvolved), ali lt costs you, ali
the expenses accrued thereby. -arvio estlinate (Of tbe COSt) ; laatia kustannusarvio
jostakin (\. jollekin) make an estimate of
(the cost or) ... -liike publishing house
(1. rirm); (kustannustolml) publishing:
business, -luettelo (publisher's) catalogue;
llst of books. -oikeus copyright, -sopimus
agreement (with the publlshers). -toimi
publishing business, -tuota publlcation.
-yhdistyt publlshers' association,
kustantaa (maksaa) pay Tor, pay the cost
or; bear (1. derray) the expense(s) or;
(panna tarvittavat kustannukset) advance
the money [Tor, Jokin]; supply the funds
Ifor . .] ; (panna kustannuksia Johonkin)
go to expense Tor, spend (money) on, lay
out (money) on; (uhrata) give money [Tor
(1. to pay) ... Jokin]; (eltt) malntaln, support, kecp; itselleen go to the
expense or, artord [a new hat, uusi hattu];
kirjallisuutta publlsh literature (1. books) ;
Jonkun koulunkynti, ~ Jotakuta kou
lussa pay for a p.'s schoollng, educate one;
joku kouluun pay a p.'s way at school;
Joku yliopiston lpi pay a p.'s \vay
through the university, pay one's college
expenses, send one through the university
(1. the college); hn on paljon siihen Cl.
sitvarten) kustantanut he has gone to a
great deal of expense for that (1. on that
account), (uhrannut) he has spent a good
deal of money on it, he has glven up a
good deal (of time and money) for it.
kustantaja one vvho bears (1. derrays) the
expense(s) or ..; (kirjan-) publlsher. kus
tantaminen bearlng (1. derraying) the ex
penses or ..; supply Ing the Tunds ror ..;
(kirjan-) publishing, publlcation.
kustavilainen Gustavlan.
kuta: .., sit .. the . . the . . [esim. ~
enemmn, sit (\. sen) parempi the more
the better (1. the merrler)]. -kuinkin (Jo
tenkin) In some degrce; tolerably, reasonably, ralrly [\vell, hyvin], pretty (vvell);
(lhiplten) somevvhat, about (the same,
sama ] .
kutale (Junkkari) rascal, (young)
ilipiili) good-ror-nothing, idle rellow;
(raukka) vvretch; [sin] senkin ~ (esim.
iti tyttrestn:) [oh,] you shlrk! kutalehtia kS. lurjustella, vetelehti.
kutea spavvn; kala kutee the rish are spavvning. kuteminen spawnlng.
kuten as [I did, min tein], llke; (samoin
kuin) In the same manner (1. vvay) as;
ennenkin (Just) as berore, (In) the same
(vvay) as rormerly; miten ~ (Jollakin ta
valla) in some vvay, (tavalla tahi toisella) In
some vvay or other. In one way or another,
Vrt. jotenkuten.
kuti: el pid kutlaan does not hold good,
does not stand the test, doesn't hold \vater.
kutiaminen tlckling. kutlava(lnen) tlckllsh;
easlly tlckled. kutiavaisuua tlokllshness.
kutista ks. kutita; (pnahasta:) Sting.
kutistaa (cause . . to) shrink; (vet kokoon)
contract; (pusertaa kokoon) press together, compress, squeeze. kutistua shrink,
hrlvel (up), draw up; (vhiin) dvvindle;


(lk.) contract; (puristua kokoon) be

pressed together, be compressed; (surkas
tua) be stunted (1. dwarred), be checked
in grovvth; kutistua pesussa shrink in the
kutistuma shrinkage; (kutistuminen) shrink
ing; contractlon; (lk.) stricture. -vara
allovvance ror shrinkage.
kutistuminen shrinklng; dravvlng up; con
tractlon; dvvindling. kutistumlsvara = kutistumavara.
kutistunut shrunken (up); shrlveled, con
tracted; drawn (1. pressed) together;
stunted, dwarred, checked in grovvth; van
ha ja eukko a bent and vvlzened (1.
shrunken) old vvoman. kutistus shrinklng;
contractlon; presslng (1. dravvlng) togeth
er; (kutlstumlsmrfi) shrinkage.
kutina = kutku; (pnahan) stlnglng.
kutita tickle; be ttcklish; (syyhy) ltch,
sormiani kutiaa my TlngerS ltch.
kutittaa ks. kutkuttaa.
kutjale rascal; bad lot; (vetelys) slouch.
kutka I. (monikko sanasta kuka vvho.
kutka II. = kutku, kutkelma. kutkelma
ltch(ing), stlnglng; tlngle.
kutku tlckling, tickle, tltillatlon; (syyhy)
itch(lng). kutkuta reel ticklish, tickle,
ltch; sormea kutkuaa the fInger itches.
kutkutella, kutkuttaa tickle; se kutkuttaa
nauruhermoja that vvllT make people laugh.
kutkuttelu tlckling. kutkutus tlckling;
tltillatlon; Itching.
kutoa (kangasta) vveave; (sukkaa) knit;
juonia think up schemes, intrlgue, plot,
vrt. punoa; pitsi (nyplt) make lace;
crochet; verkkoa make (1. vveave) a net,
make nets.
kutoja vveaver; (sukan-) knltter; (yhd., pit
sin-, verkon- y. m.) maker [esim. pitsinlacemaker]. -lintu (elint.) vveaver-blrd,
kutojatar (vvoman) vveaver; ihmiskohtalo, tten kutojattaret the Morns, the Fates.
kutoma vveavlng, vveb; woven (1. textiie)
rabrlc; texture.
kutoma- (yhd.) textiie [esim. -taito textlle
art; -tehdas textiie mlll; -teollisuus textiie
Industry], -kone knlttlng-machlne. -koulu
school to teach (hand-) vveavlng. -malli
pattern ror vveavlng. -ty6 vveavlng.
kutominen vveavlng; knlttlng;
verkkojen y. m.) maklng; vrt. kutoa.
kutomo textiie mi il.
kutomus vveb; (kudos) texture; (klvl-y.m.)
kutoutua spin (1. vveave) ltself [Into . . ,
kutri lock; CUrl, rlnglet; tukka valua kut
reina the h8ir is hanging in curls. kutrikas, kutrinen curly; vvavy.
kutrinen (yhd.) . . vvith . . locks (I. curls)
[esim. kaunis- vvith beautiful locks (I.
curls) ; kulta- vvith golden locks (1. curls) ,
vaalea~ vvith Naxen lorks].
kutsu lnvltation; (kutsumus) call; (viralli
nen tahi muuten mrvmpl) summons;
~ saapua toimeen (1. V.) notlce or [one'S]
election, (papille annettu) call to a Church;
kutsut (pidot) party, entertalnment; jon
kun kutsusta on (I. at) the lnvltation or ap.
kutsua call [a dog, koiraa; a meetlng, ko
kous] ; (virallisesti) summon [to arms,
aseisiin] ; (nimitt) name; (pyyt luok
seen 1. Jonnekin) Invite, ask; (tilata) order,
send ror; (pyyt) request; ~ [poliisin]
apua call In the ald (1. the help) or [the
pollce], ask (1. request) asslstance rrom
[the pollce], call help; - jotakuta avuk
seen call a p. to help one (1. to one's
asslstance), call in a p.'s (1. call on a p.



for) help (I.asslstance): jotakuta joksikin

call a person a tb. [esim. jotakuta rois
toksi call one a blackguard] ; ~ joku [fcunnia jseneksi johonkin yhdistykseen (vali
ta) eleet one a[n honorary] member of a
soclety; kokoon (\. koette) call .. together, summon [the parliament] (to meet),
convoke, convene [huom. ~ komitea koolle
(mys:) call a commlttee meetlng] ;
Joku kuulusteltavaksi summon one td
appear Tor examlnatlon (1. Tor a hearlng) ; ~
joku (1. Jotakuta) luokseen call a p. (to
one), bld a person come, (vieraisille) lnvite a p. to one's house, (virallisemmin:)
-ummon a p. (to appear before one); ~
lkri summon (1. call) a doctor: ~ Jota
kuta nimelt call (1. address) one oy name;
paikalle call In, summon, call [the miil
ua, miliisi] ; ~ joku puheilleen call a p. to
(1. berore) one, call one to taik things
over, summon a p. (to appear) before one
(Tor consultation); ~ Joku puoliselle call (1.
invlte)one to dinner, ask a and)
dlne with one; - takaisin call back, recall,
~ Jotakuta tilille jostakin ks. vaatia;
~ Jotakuta tulemaan call one, (kehottaa)
ask (1. request) one to come, bld one to
come, (vieraisille y. m.) lnvite one to come;
Joku tupakalle ask one to come in and
have a smoke (1. come in ror a smoke) ;
tlt (pois maailmasta) call lienee; kutsu
matta ks. bakus.; hnet kutsuttiin profes
soriksi Helsingin yliopistoon he \vas called
(I. elected) to a professorshlp (1. to the
chair or . .) in the university of Helsingfors,
he was appolnted (1. elected 1. made) professor In the university of Helsingfors; hnt
kutsutaan tohtoriksi he is called Doctor;
mikmi hnt kutsutaan what Is he called?
(mill arvonlmell) \vliat Is hls omcial
tltle? how shall I address hlm in hls orricial capaclty? (mik on hnen nimens)
uhat 's hls name? sin tulet kuin kutsut
tuna you come most opportunely (1. Just
when you are \vanted 1. Just In the nlck
or ilme), kutsuja one who calls (I. lnvltes,
Jne.), one who has called (1. lnvlted Jne.,
vrt. kutsua) ; summoner.
kutsut kirje (vierailulle. Juhlaan y. m.) lnvltation; (virka-asioissa) summaus, -kortti
invitation card. -lintu decoy blrd.
kutsuma kirje 1. -lippu Invitation.
kutsumaton uninvlted, unbldden, self-lnvlted, unasked; vieroa (mys:) an un
welcome guest, (tunkeilija) an lntruder.
kutsumatta uninvlted, unbldden, uncalled,
(omin pin) of one's own accord.
kutsuminen calllng, lnvltlng, invitation,
summonlng; vrt. kutsua.
kutsumus calllng, vocatlon; (tehtv) mis
sion, duty, business; (taipumus) Incllnatlon;
bent, turn; (kutsu) call; - kokoukseen
call (1. invitation) to attend a (1. the)
meetlng; siihen minulla ei ole mitn kut
sumusta I have no Incllnatlon (1. no taste)
Tor that, I have no leanlng touanl that;
uskollinen kutsumukselleen true to one's
calllng (1. one's mission).
kutsunta (sot.) levy, drart, conscrlptlon.
-luettelo conscrlptlon Hst, reglster or men
llable to draft. -lkri (1. v.) examinlng
orricer or the Medical Board. -toimisto
(1. v.) recrultlng orricc. -Uni (linnun)
mating call, entlcing call.
kutsuttaa have .. called (1. summoned);
~ luokseen (mys:) summon.
kutsuvieras lnvlted guest.
kutteri cutter.
kutti: ~ parahiksi (sinulle) there, good
enough for you! (h) , sainpa kun


sainkin sen there, I got ahead or you:

there, I got it anyway!
kuttu nanny(-goat), she goat.
kutu (kalan) spawning. -aika spauningtime. -kala spawner. -paikka spawningbed (1. -ground).
kuu moon; (kuukausi) month; kuun (mys:)
lunar [esim. kuun tulivuoret lunni- volcanoes; kuun vuosi lunar year] ; kuun kartta
map (1. chart) or the moon, lunar chart,
selenographic chart; el kuuna pivn (ei
milloinkaan) never in the world; kahdesti
kuussa twlce a month; kahdesti (I. kaksi
kertaa) kuussa ilmestyv blmonthly, 1'nl't
nlghtly; tss kuussa (in 1. durlng) thls
Kuuba, Kuba Cuba.
kuudan ks. kuutamo.
kuudenkertainen slxrold, sextuple. kuuden
nes Slxtb (part); viisi kuudennesta rive
sixths. kuudenlainen slx kinds or
SlX kinds; kuudenlaisia perunoita slx var ie ties or potatoes; kuudentoista ruokaa
slx kinds or food, slx (dirrerent) dishes.
kuudes slxth; kuudenneksi slxthly. -kym
menes slxtleth. -sadas (the) slx hundredth.
kuudestoista sixteenth. -osa stxteenth (part).
-osa-nuotti sixteenth note, semlquaver.
kuudestuhannea slx thousandth.
kuuhullu moonstruck; lunatlc.
kuuhut (run.) kuu.
kuukahdue sllde, sllp; tumble; (uneen-)
dozlng orr (to sleep). kuukahtaa (luistaa)
sllde, sllp; (heittyty) t liro w o. s., tumble;
(nukahtaa) doze orr (to sleep), Tall asleep.
kuukaua- (yhd.) kuukausi-.
kuukausi month; hn ei ole kynyt tll
kuukausiin he has not been here for
monthS; viisi markkaa kuukaudessa 1'ivr
marks a month (1. per month 1. monthly).
kuukausi- (yhd.) monthly [esim. -julkaisu
monthly publlcatlon; -kertomus monthl.v
report; -kokous monthly meetlng]; vrt.
kuukaus-. -maksu monthly payment (1.
kuukausi mri,
-mrin, -mriin Tor months. -palkka
month's wages (1. pay), monthly salary (1.
pay 1. wages). -raha monthly allowance.
-tilaaja subscrlber by the month, monthly
subscriber. -todistus monthly report (-card).
kuukausittain monthly, by the month, evcry
month, once a month; (kuukausimrin)
ror months. kuukausittainen monthly.
kuukausi! kirja monthly (publlcatlon 1. mag
azine 1. revlew). -lehti monthly (maga
zine), -raivolnen = kuuhullu.
kuukautinen (kuukauden kestv) amonth's,
.. lasting a month; (kuukausi-) monthly.
-kuukautinen (yhd.) . . months'
or (1.
lasting) . . months [esim. kaksi~ two
or (1. lasting) tuo months |.
kuukautiset menses, monthly courses, menstrual riow, menstruatlon.
kuuk(k)unen, kuukunanmuna (kasv.) purrball.
kuula ball; (luoti) bullet, shot; huulia ja
mutia pouder and hai is, (ampumatarpei
ta) ammunitlon.
kuulakas, kuulakka transparent; (lpikuul
tava) translucent; (kirkas) brlght, llmpld
[stream, virta], serene [weather, Ilma; sky,
taivas], kuulakkuua transparency; translucence; brlghtness, llmpldness, serenlty.
kuulalaakeri ball bearlng. kuulamainen like
a ball (1. a bullet), ..In the shape or a hali.
kuulan mitta callbre. -muotoinen ballshaped; globular. -rata (sot.) trajectory.
-tynti 1. -tynt puttlng the shot, shot
kuula putki hore (or a gun), -rata tiajeeto



ry. -ruisku (breach-loading) machlne gun,

rapld-rire gun, (nopein laji) Gatllng gun.
kuulema (kuulopuhe) Mearsay, report; kuu
lemani mukaan accordlng to (1. f rom) uhal
I have heard, vrt. seur.; kuuleman mukaan
accordlng to hearsay (1. report); ktrrekan
kuulemittasi teli us \vhat you liave heard,
What'S the news? viima kuulemattani slnce
I have last heard of lt; vrt. kuulomatka,
kuulematon (kuuro) deaf.
kuulemma (= kuulen ma) I hear; nt ci
hyvksytty he dld not pass, they say;
I hear he dld not pass.
kuuleva hearing; hn ai ottanut asiaa kuule
viin korviin he was not vvllllng to listen
at au (1. to glve any beed) to the matter;
he lent a dear ear to the matter, he pald
no attentlon at ali to the matter; hanan
vetoamittaan et otettu kuuleviin korviinikaan) bls appeal struck (1. reached) dear
ears, no heed was pald to his appeal.
kuuliainen obedlent [to one. Jollekulle] ;
dutlful [son, poika]; compllant; (alistu
vainen) submisslve; meek; (nyr) reverent(lal); vrt. lain-, kuuliaisesti obedlently;
kuuliaiset publlcatlon of the banns (of marrlage).
kuuliaisuudenvala oatli of alleglance. kuuliai
suus obedlence; dutirulness; (alistuvaisuus)
submlsslveness; (uskollisuus) alleglance;
kuuliaisuudetta jotakin (l. jotakuta) koh
taan In obedience to . . .
kuulija hearer: ltstener; (luentojen y. m.)
auditor; kuulijat (mys:) the audlence;
hnell oli paljon kuulijoita luennoillaan he
had a large audlence at (1. there were
many attending) his lectures. -kunta the
audlence, the hOUSe; jtn kytymykten
kuulijakuntani ratkaistavaksi 1 leave the
questlon to my hearers (I. my audltors).
kuulimet organ(s) or hearlng, auditory organ(s).
kuulla hear [a speech, puhetta; a th. rrom
a p., Jokin Joltakulta; badly, huonosti];
(kuunnella Jotakin) listen to, hearken to,
pay attentlon to; (saada tiet) leam, be
told, (be glven to) understand; kuulehan,
Juho (look) here, John! say, John! listen.
John! huulen laulua 1 hear slnglng, (kuun
telen) I listen to a Song; kuulen nett I
can hear rrom (1. by) the volce [that lt Is
John, ett se on Juho], 1 can teli by the
tone; kuuleva ks. hakus.; kuulin I heard;
kuulkaa hark! listen! ~ huonosti toisella
korvalla(an) hear badly wlth one ear, be
sllghtly dear In one ear; Jonkun mielt
Cl. mielipidett) jossakin asiassa get OIle's
opinion In (l. about I. of) a matter, hear
(I. flnd out) what one thinks (1. has to
say) about ii. of) a matter; puhe loppuun
saakka hear a speech out (1. through I.
to the end); ~ Jonkun rukous hear (I. lis
ten to) a p.'s prayer, grant one's petitlon;
hn ai halua puhuttavan siit he wlll not
liear or lt, (kuv.) he wlll have none or
that; hnen rukouksensa kuultiin hls prayer
was heard ; hnen sanojaan ei voinut en
he could no longer be heard, (poistuvas
ta:) he was out of hearing (1. of ear-shot),
(kuolevasta:) hls words were no longer
audlble; Isanoa Jotakin] jonkun huulien
(say a th.] In a p.'s hearing (1. before a p.
1. in a p.'s presence) [huom. kaikkien kuul
lan so that everyone can hear, in the pres
ence or ali, (Julkisesti) publlclyj; kaikkea
sit kuulee one hears ali sorts of thlngs;
kutsua joku kuultavaksi (kuulusteltavaksi)
call one to be heard, summon one to be
exainlned (1. questloned) : lhte kuule
maan, onko . . (tiedustelemaan) go to rtnd


out if (I. Whetber) . .; mit (min) kuulen

What TS thlS I hear? nyt vasta kuulen asian
thls is the liisi I have heard or lt; olan
kuulevinani (luulen) I tbink (1. I hellcvci
I hear, (teeskentelen) I pretend (1. I relgn)
to bear [huom. hn ai ollut sit kuulevinaankaan he was dear to lt, he pretended
not to hear lt]; olen kuullut, ett hn ai
koo .. (mys:) I have heard or his inten
tion to ... I am (1. 1 have been) told (1. lnrormed) that he lntends to..; oletteko
kuulleet mitn hnest [nelt] (mys:)
have you had any news or hlm [rrom
luin '. ; olin kuulemasta keskustelua I was to
hear (1. I listened to) the dlscusslon; n
enin kuultu is heard most.
kuullinen lunar.
kuulo hearing; (kuulema) hearsay, report,
saada kuuloonsa hear [or ... Jotakin],
learn, get to know, (ohimennen) plck up,
catch; sain kuulooni [hnen puheestaan]
sanan sielt tlt I caugbt a word here
and there [or hls speech] ; st ai tule kuu
loon (huomioon) that wlll not be taken Into
conslderatlon, no heed (1. no attentlon) wlll
be pald to that, vrt. kysymys.
kuulo- (yhd.) auditory [esim. -elimet audi
tory organs; -hermo auditory nerve]; ..
or hearing [esim. -aisti sense or hearing;
-olin organ or hearing; -kyky power or
hearing]; (harvemmin:) acoustic [esim.
-hermo acoustic. nerve]. -aisti (mys:)
kuuloinen (yhd.) with (1. havlng) . . hearing
[esim. hyv~ with (1. havlng) good hear
ing: huono ~ with bad hearing].
kuulon koje (huonokuuloisen) ear-trumpet.
-luut auditory ossicles. -matka hearing
(dlstance), ear-shot; huutamathan pss
wlthin ear-shot (1. call). -puhe hearsay;
(huhu) rumor, report; se on vain kuulo
puhetta lt Is mere hearsay. -sola (korvan)
auditory canal, acoustic duct.
kuulostaa 1. (tr.) (kuunnella) listen [to,
jotakin] ; (tiedustella) make tnqulrles (1.
lnqulre) [arter (1. Tor), jotakin], heai
liat .., mit . .; how ... kuinka ..],
learn, rind out; 2. (Itr.) (kuulua) sound;
(nytt) seem, appear: kuulostaa pahalta
thlngs sound (1. reports are) bad; milt
asia how does the matter seem to be?
how does lt seem? how does the matter
appear (to you)? s pahalta sinun lau
sumaksesi il. lausumanasi) lt collie.* In
bad grace rrom you; silt lt sounds like
that, so lt seems, lt appears to be so, lt
iill ~ olevan paha
seems (I. appears); ttill
ysk you seem to have a bad cough, lt
sounds as though you have a bad cough.
kuulostaminen llstenlng (to).
kuulo torvi I. (lkrin) stethoscope; 2.
(kuulokoje) ear-trumpet. -vika derect or
hearing, derect in [one's] hearing; derectlve hearing.
kuultaa (hmtt) be dlmly (I. lndlstlnctly) seen (1. vistble 1. observed); gllmpse:
(loistaa) shine, glved. shed)llght, be radlant [wlth ..]; ~ lpi shlne through, be
translurent. kuultava translucent; (lpi
nkyv) transparent.
kuulto shlnlng; (hmtys) gllmpse, gllmmerlng; (valo) light; (hohto) luster, radlance, glare; (vlke) shlmmer, gleam. -kuva
kuulu ks. kuuluisa; maan ~ rar-Tamed.
\vldely known.
kuulua be heard; be audlble; (Jollekulle) belong to; (Johonkin) (ap)pertaln to, be connected wlth; (Joihinkin) be among; (kuulos
taa, tuntua Joltakin) sound [bad, pahalta:
wmi (1. perullar), kummalta]; (olla sa



namuodoltaan) run, reail; ~ Jonkun alaan

Tall under one's department (1. \vithln one's
province) [huom. se ei kuulu minun alaani
(mys:) It Is out <>l iii.v line] ; ~ asiaan
bave something to do (1. bave soine connectlon) witli tbe matter (1. tlie case), be
to the purpose, be relevant [buom. se ei
kuulu ensinkn asiaan It has nothlng
hatever to do \vitli tbe matter (1. tbe
case), it is entirely lrrelevant] ; huonosti
not be beard well [huom. se kuuluu huonosti
It cannot be beard very well] ; ~ johonkin
be connected wltb, vrt. ~ asiaan, (Johon
kin yhdistykseen) be a member of, vrt.
puolueeseen, (olla osana Jostakin) belong
to, be a part of, (luokitteluun, tuomioval
taan y. m. nhden) come (1. Tall) under
[esim. asia ei kuulu valtion oikeuslaitosten
tuomiovaltaan the case does not come (1.
fall) under the Jurlsdlction of the courts or
the state], (muodostua Jostakin) conslst (1.
be composed 1. be made up) of, comprlse
| esim. laivastoon kuuluu 10 alusta the fleet
Is composed (1. conslsts) of 10 vessels; armeiij)aan kuuluu 6 divisioonaa an aiTliy
comprises (1. conslsts or 1. is made up of)
8 dlvisions], vrt. jollekulle; joihinkin
(oik. joidenkin joukkoon) be one Of . . , be
(I. belong) among . . [esim. Kanada kuuluu
Englannin alusmaihin Canada is one Of the
dependencies of England; min en kuulu
nuhin, jotka . . I am not among (I. not one
of) tbose who . .; se kuuluu hnen teht
viins It Is one of (1. Is among 1. belongs
among) his dutles] ; ~ jollekin, jollekulle
(omaisuutena, tehtvni y. m.) belong to
. . , (vallan alaisena) be under the rule or . .
[esim. Islanti kuuluu Tanskalle Iceland be
longs to Denmark (1. is under Danish rule) ;
kenelle tm kuuluu \vhoin does thls belong
to? (mys:) wbose duty is thls?], (olla
jonkun asiana 1. tehtvn) be one's busi
ness, be up to one, be one's duty, (koskea
Jotakuta) concern one [esim. se kuuluu h
nelle it is bis business (1. his duty), it is
up to liini; se ei kuulu minulle it is none of
my business, It does not concern me] , (olla
Jonkun vallassa) lie with, be vested In
[esim. asian pttminen ei kuulu edus
kunnalle tbe decision in the matter does
not lie With the dlet; sellaisten asiain rat
kaisuvalta kuuluu yksinomaan kansalle the
povver to declde upon such matters Is
vested with the people alone] ; komealta
(l. mahtavalta) sound great (1. grand 1.
imposlng); ~ Johonkin komiteaan (Jsene
n) be (I. serve) on a commlttee, be a mem
ber or a commlttee; ~ Johonkin puoluee
seen belong to (I. be a member of 1. be afriliated wlth) a party; ~ Jonkin sanoma
lehden toimitukseen be on (1. belong to)
the stafr or a nev/spaper, be on a paper
! esim.: he is on the Timesi ; ~ uskottavalta
(l. todenmukaiselta) sound plauslble, sound
Itke a probable Story, rlng true; yhteen
jonkin kanssa (johonkin) belong to . . , (ol
la Jonkin yhteydess) be connected (I. assoclated) wlth ..; kuulua Is heard [esim.
leivonen kuuluu visertvn the lark is heard
to uarble (1. can be beard v/arbllng)],
(kerrotaan) Is sald (1. reported) to . .
lilluin, hn kuuluu olevan rikas mies
(mys:) they say he Is a rich man, he Is
understood to be a rich man, he lias the
reputation (I. the name) of belng a rich
man; hn kuuluu olevan sairaana he is sald
(I. reported) to be 111; poika kuuluu tulleen
ahkeraksi < inyos: > they say that the boy
has become dlligcnt] ; kuuluuko mitn uut
ta kaupunkiin (l. kaupungista) What'S the
news In town? Is there any news arinat (1.


golng the rounds) in the town? kuuluva ks.

hakus.; anna(han) let us (I. me) hear it,
teli me about it, (sano) go ahead! (Jkpv.)
flre away! hnen puheestaan kuuluu, ett
hnen vaimonsa parantumisesta ei ole toi
veita he seems to speak as ir his \viiv
WOUld not recover; hnen sanansa kuului
vat nin thls Is what he sald, these are his
actual (I. his very) wordS; hnen nens
kuuluu alituisesti korvissani her volce rlngs
continually In my ears; nest ei ale sen
jlkeen kuulunut mitn he has not been
heard or slnce, nothlng has been heard or
hiin slnce (then), (hnelt) there has been
no word rrom hlm slnce (then); hn teki
kaikki, mit hnelle kuului he did ali he
was expected to do; he dld his share (1.
his part) ; kuten sanansa kuuluivat as his
words Teli; maksua (l. rahaa) ei vain kuulu
the money is stlll not rorthcomlng, there
Is stlll no slgn or any payment; mihin tm
kuuluu where does thls belong? milt
puhe [taulu] kuului how dld the speech
[the song) sound? (mit piditte) how
dld you llke the speech [the song]?
min kuulun heidn joukkoonsa I'm one
or them <1. of their number); mit kuuluu
what's the news? what news? (kuinka
voitte) how are you (getting along) ?
ponnen tulisi ~ nin the resolution should
(1. ought to) read as rollows; postia ei
viel kuulu (tulevaksi) the mail-man is not
yet In slght, there is no stgn or the mailman (as) yet; ni kuului hthuudolta the
voice sounded llke a cry or distress; ni
kuuluu senkin puolesta voices are heard (I.
ralsed) even In deTense or that.
kuuluisa noted [wrlter, kirjailija], renowned;
(ylistetty) celebrated; (mainehikas) rainous
[actor, nyttelij] ; illustrlous; (tunnettu)
well-known; (surullisen) notorlous;
henkil (mys:) a celebrlty; jostakin
noted (1. celebrated 1. ramous) Tor . . . kuu
luisuus 1. (ominaisuutena:) renown, ce
lebrlty; (maine) rme; (nimi) name; (pa
hassa merkityksess:) notorlety; 2. (kuu
luisa henkil) celebrated personage, ra
mous person, celebrlty; notoriety.
kuulumaton lnaudlble; (ennenkuulumaton,
tavaton) unheard-or, unexampled, unprecedented ; kuulumattomiin, kuulumattomissa
out or hearlng, beyond ear-shot [huom. hn
on hvinnyt kuulumattomiin he has (completely) dropped out or sight, nothlng has
been heard or hlm (loi- years) ; ni katoaa
kuulumattomiin the sound Is dylng away
(l.dying OUt) ] ; asiaan kuulumattomat (hen
kilt) tbose not concerned, (sivulliset) outsiders, strangers, vrt. asiaan ; minulle ~
asia no arrair (I. concern) or mine. none
or my arralrs, a tblng vhlch I bave nothlng
to do wlth ; nousee kuulumattoman korkei
siin summiin runs up to enormous (1. lalju
lous) sums. kuulumattomuus inaudtbleness.
kuulumiset (uutiset) news, (sanomat) tldings, (tiedot) Intelllgencc, Inrormatlon.
kuulustaa (tiedustaa) make Inquiries [arter
(1. ror)], hear [how they are getting along.
kuinka he Jaksavat] ; (kysy) ask, lnqulre:
(tutkia) examlne, question; (ottaa selkoa)
Tind out: mys kuulustella; lksy
hear a lesson; ~ oloja lnqulre Into (I.
about) the condltlons; kuulustappa, onko
hn tullut lnqulre, whether (1. ID he has
come (1. has arrived); hn kuulusti uutisia
he asked arter news; milt (kuulostaa)
how does lt seem (1. look)? kuuluttaja ks.
kuulustamaton, kuulustelematon unheard,
kuulustelija examlner, questloner.



kuulustella examlne [witnesses, todistajia:

a randidate, kokelasta]: questlon, interrogate fa prisoner, vankia]; hear [a lesson, lksy]; (tutkia) try ; vrt. kuuluttaa;
kuulustelkaamme hnen mieltn let US
hear (1. learn) what he thinks, let us g-et
(1. flnd out) hls opinion; ~ itselleen look
about [Tor a scrvant, palvelijaa], look for,
hunt [ Tor a room, huonetta] ; valalla
examlne (1. questlon) under.oath; kuulut teltavaksi kS, kutsua, ottaa; on kuulustel
tavana ls hein.' examlned, (todistajasta pu
huen:) is on the stand. kuulustelu hearlng,
examinatlon, tnterrogation; trial; asettaa
joku kuulustelun alaiseksi SUbJect Olle to
examinatlon, examlne (1. questlon) one;
todistajain kuulustelu hearlng of wltnesses.
kuulutella advertise; (tehd tietyksi) make
. . known, spread . . abroad, (Jkpv.) toot . .
abroad (I. around).
kuuluttaa make knovvn, announce; (antaa
tiedoksi) notiry, glve notice of; (sanoma
lehdiss) advertise; (avioliittoon) publtsh
the ban(n)s (or marrlage), cry [In Church,
kirkossa] ; (mrt kokoontuvaksi) convene, summon, call [a meetlng, kokous];
(julistaa) proclalm, pronounce, declare;
(huudolla) cry out; (kuulututtaa) have . .
made known, have . . publlshed (1. adverllsed); ~ avioliittoon publlsh (1. proclalm)
the ban(n)s; call (1. cry) .. In Church;
~ huutokauppa announce an auction (1.
a sle); ~ hajonnutta miest (lehdiss)
advertise Tor a man who has dlsappeared;
kirkossa (avioliittoon) announce the bans,
(Jotakin muuta) have . . announced (from
the pulplt), (papista:) read an announcenient of . .; kokous joksikin pivksi an
nounce (1. glve notice oi) a meetlng to be
held on a certain date, advertise a meetlng
for a certain date; ~ yleislle announce to
the publlC; heidt kuulutettiin viime pyhn
thelr bans were publlshed (1. they were
cried In Church) last Sunday. kuuluttaja
announcer; proclalmer. kuuluttaminen announdng; notirying; advertfslng; procialming; vrt. kuuluttaa Ja seur. kuulutus (Ilmo
in- 1 announcement, advertlsement; (Julis
tus) proclamation; (tiedoksianto) notlficatlon, notice; (avioliittoon) ban(n)s, or the bans. kuulututtaa (lehdiss) have
. . advertlsed, (kirkossa) have an announce
ment read [In the Church]; (jullstuttaa)
have . . proclalmed: kuulututtaa itsens
(avioliittoon) have one's bans publlshed.
kuuluva beionglng [to, Johonkin (1. Jolle
kulle)] ; pertaining [to . .], relatlng [to..];
(johonkin seuraan) afflliated [wlth] ; (jon
ka saattaa selvsti kuulla) audlble; kuuluvalla nell In an audlble volce, (korkeal
la) In a loud volce, aloud, loudly, (selvll)
in a clear volce; kuuluviin kS. saattaa, tulla;
kuuluvilla \vithin hearlng, \vlthln ear-shot;
kuuluville kS. pst, saada; asiaan ~ . .
(being) to the purpose (1. polnt), (asialli
nen) relevant, (asianomainen) proper, the
. . concerncd; hnelle ~ (hnen omistaman
sa) beionglng to him, (tuleva) due to hlm;
puhe oli nin the speech ran O. was) as
follovvs, the speech was \vorded thus, thls
was the vvordlng of the speech; pykl on
muutettu nin kuuluvaksi the section (1.
the clause) has been altered to read as follOYVS; siihen kuuluvat kysymykset questlons
pertaining (1. referrlng) thereto (1. connected there\vlth) ; tm luetaan palkkioon
kuuluvaksi tois vvlll be lncluded In (1. Is
consldered to he a part of) the fee.
kuuluvasti auillbly; (neens) in a loud
volce. aloud. loudly.
kuuma hot [air, ilma; sprlng, lhde] ; ~


vyhyke the torrld zone, the troplcs; olla

kuumissaan be hot (1. \varni).
kuumailma- (yhd.) hot-alr [esim. -kylpy
hot-alr bath; -putki hot-air plpe], caloric
ipslm. -kone caloric engine].
kuumanhauras hot-short [Iron, rauta], kuu
masti hotly. kuumaverinen hot-blooded.
hot-headed, hot-tempered.
kuume fever; (tulehdus) lnflammatlon; olla
kuumeessa have a fever; be In a fever.
kuume- (yhd.) fever(-) [esim. -Ump feverheat; -potilas fever patlent; -sairaala fever
hospltal], feverish [esim. -puistatus (l.
-vristys) feverish shudder (1. shlver) ;
-tila feverish condltlon].
kuumeen houro ravlngs (1. delirium) of
Tever; olla kuumeenhoureissa be In a deliri
um Of fever, vrt. kuume houre, -tila. -oire
symptom or fever, rever symptom. -tapai
nen feverish [haste, kiire; expectation, jn
nitys] ; kuumeentapainen kiihko (mys:)
feverishness, vrt. kuumeinen, -tapaisesti
kuumeeton free from fever.
kuumehoure dream (1. halluclnatlon) of
Tever ; se on vain kuumehouretta thafs only
ramblings (1. ravings) of fever.
kuumeinen feverish [haste, kiire; hand, k
si] ; febrlle; levottomuus feverish excitement (1. anxlety), feverishness; tila fe
verish condltlon, feverish excltement, fe
ver; kuumeisessa jnnityksess In a fever
(1. on the tlptoe) of expectation. kuumei
sesti feverlshly. kuumeisuus feverishness.
kuume, kohtaus attack (1. run) of fever.
-lmp (mys:) feverish temperature, fe
ver temperature. -mittari 1. -lasi cllnlcal
kuumennus beatlng.
kuumentaa heat, make . . hot; ~ liiaksi overheat; ~ valkohehkuun ralse to a wlilte heat.
kuumentaminen beatlng.
kuumentua get (I. become) hot, be heated.
kuume poltto fever-beat. -puu fever-tree,
eucalyptus. -sairas I. (a.) ks. kuumetautinen. II. (s.) fever patlent.
kuumeta become (1. get 1. grovv) hot; be
come heated, heat; (kuv. = kiihkoutua)
grovv exclted, flre up; kyll hnelt korvat
kuumenevat no doubt hls ears wlll burn.
kuumelltauti fever, feverish dlsease. -tautinen
sick vvith (1. 111 of) a fever; kuumetautiset
those sufferlng \vith (1. from) fever, feverpatientS; kuumetautisten sairaala hospltal
for those sufferlng wlth fever, fever hospi
tsi, -vitutus chills and fever.
kuumottaa glve out heat, heat; (hmtt)
be dlmly seen (1. vlslble), gllmpse;
loom; (loistaa) shlne; (hehkua) glovv; vrt.
kuultaa; jalkojani [poskiani] ~ my Teet [ my
cheeks] burn. kuumotus emission of heat,
hcat(ing) ; ardor; glow(lng); shinlng; shlne.
glare: (hmtys, kajastus) loomlng; tuli
palon kuumotus nkyi taivaan rannalla the
glare of the flre was reriected on the sky,
tho flre llt up the horlzon; vrt. kumo tus.
kuumuus heat, ardor (useimmiten kuv.).
-halvaus: sai kuumuushalvauksen was
overcome by the heat. -mittari pyrometer.
-mr kS. lmpmr.
kuun- (yhd.) . . or the moon, (the) moon's
[esim. -kehr disc or the moon, (the)
moon's disc; -pimennys eclipse of the moon;
-roto orblt or the moon, (the) moon's or
hit], lunar [esim. -keh lnnar halo; -pimen
nys lunar eclipse; -rata lunar orblt].
schooner. -purjeinen schooner-rlgged.
kuunkiertoaika (maan ympri) the sidereal
pcrlod oi' the moon.
kuunnella lisien [to, jotakuta (1. jotakin)].



b(e)arken [to]; (esim. luentoja) atteml;

(ottaa kuullakseen) lend an ear to . . ,
(huomioonsa) pay attention to; (noudattaa)
(ollow [one's advlee, Jonkun neuvoa] ; (to
tella) obey; ~ jrjen nt llsten to reason; lintujen laulua llsten to the liirds;
jonkun luentoja take a p.'s lectures;
mielelln lend a vvllllng ear to [riatterers. Imartelua]; opetueta (mys:) be
takin? a course [In . .], take lectures [In
. .], (opettajakokelaasta puhuen:) observe;
mataa eavesdrop; ~ Jonkun varotuksia
llsten (1. pay heed 1. gtve heed) to one's
wamlng(S); kuunnellessani whlle llstening
to; kuuntele tarkemmin pay better atten
tion! meit kuunnellaan we are belng overbeard; olla salaa kuuntelemassa stand lls
tening [at the keyhole, avaimenreist],
be eavesdropping; puhetta kuunneltiin
tarkkaavasti the speech was llstened to
attentlvely, tbo speech was glven close
kuun nousu moonrlse. -puoliako hair-moon.
-sakara horn of the moon. -sappi mock
innon, moon dog; (tiet.) paraselene.
kuuntelija listener; (kuulija) hearer, audltor; (harjottellja) practlce-teacher: (sala-)
eavesdroppcr. kuuntelu llstening (to), at
tendlng; (opettajakokelaan) observatlon;
(sala-) eavesdropplng.
kuun aihe phase or the moon; (-vaihdos)
rhange Of the moon; kuunvaiheiden jakso
. .n. itu. n -valo ks. kuuvalo.
kuupalkka kuukausipalkka.
kuuperrus tumbllng, tumble; (kuperkeikka)
somersault. kuupertua tumble [downstairs, portaita alas] ; roll.
kuuppa ks. kupu.
kuura hoarfrost; wbite Frost; maa on kuu
rassa the ground Is \vhtte (1. Is covered)
\vilh Frost; menn kuuraan become Whlte
(1. covered) wlth frost; vrt. huurre, kuurainan xvhlte (1. covered) v/lth frost.
kuurata (pest) scouc, scrub [the rioor,
lattia(a)]; vrt. kiillottaa, kuuraus- (yhd.)
kS. kiillotus-.
kuuri ks. kuomi.

kuurilainen Courlander. Kuurinmaa Courland. kuurinmaalainen I. (s.) Courlander.

II. (a.) Courland [reglment, rykmentti],
kuuristautua k9. kyyristy.
kuurna (uurre) groove, furrow; (kouru)
trough, gutter.
kuurnlta straln; (seuloa) bolt. kuurnitseminen, kuuminta stralnlng: bolting.
kuuro I. (a.) deaf; (huonokuuloinen) dull (I.
hard) Of hearlng; Jonkun rukouksilla ileaT
to the entreatles Of . .; toiselta korvaltaan
deaf In (1. of) one ear; puhua kuuroille kor
ville taik (1. appeal) to dear ears.
kuuro II. (s.) shower, sprlnkle, sprlnkllng;
(ryppy) spray, kuuroilla shoxver. kuuroltVain In showers: at tntervals; by snatches.
kuuro mykkyys being a deaf-mutc. -mykk
I. (a.) deaf and dumb. II. (s.) dear-mute.
-mykkikoulu School Tor deaf-mutes. pii
lonen: olla kuuropiilosilla play (at) hldeand-(go)-seek, play hlde-and-coop. -sade
(rin comlng In) shoxvers.
kuuroua dearness.
kuurtaa: kaartaen kaartaen In a roundabotlt
way. by Indlrect means.
kuuru: olla kuurullaan (kyykyss) be squattlng. be roxverlng (In a heap).
kuusa: pst kuulalle jostakin get on (the)
trark of . . , flnd out. reallze. (jkpv.) ratrh;
olla kuusalla jostakin knoxv snmething of a
th.. have an Idea of . . , (perlllii) c famlllar with . . , be \vell posted about . . .


kuusaln, kuusama (kasv.) (riy-)honeysuckle.

kuusanka (ellnt.) Jay.
kuusen- (yhd.) spruce(-), . . of the sprure
(-tree) [esim. -havut spruco brush (1.
twlgs); -kpy spruce cone, cone of the
spruce; -pihka spruce resin, pitch of the
spruce-tree]; flr- [esim. -kpy rir-conc],
-latva top of a spruce-tree. -naava beardmoss. -nre young spruce (1. flr). -runko
trunk or a spruce.
kuuai I. (laskus.) slx; piv viikossa
(mys:) slx days out of (the) sevpn.
kuusi II. (s.) (Norway) spruce, spruce-flr;
(amerikkalainen) hcmlock( -spruce); (jalo
kuusi) flr.
kuusi- (yhd.) 1. slx- [esim. -jalkainen slxfooted; -airoinen Slx-oared; -sorminen slxringered], (tiet.) hexa- [esim. -jalkainen
hexapod; -sivuinen hexagonal; -sorminen
hexadactylous] ; 2. (kuusipuu-) spruce(-)
[esim. -halot spruce (fire)wood; -mets
spruce-rorest], flr-.
kuusi tieteinen (kasv.) . . v/lth slx stamens,
hexandrous. -huonainan slx-room [housc,
talo], -Jakoinen (tiet.) hexapartlte.
kuusikaa (mus.) sextolet, sextole.
kuusikko I. (mus.) sextet(te), sestet.
kuusikko II. (kuuslmetsikk) patch of
spruces (1. of hemlocks), spruce grove,
cluster (1. clump) or spruces. -korpi xvllds
covered xvlth flr (1. spruce 1. hemlock).
kuusi kulmainen
hexagonal. -kulmlo hexagon. -kuukautinen
six months'
or six months, . . lastlng
slx months. -kymmenluku: kuusikymmenluvulla in the sixtles. -kymment slxty.
-kymmenvuotias I. (a.) . . of slxty (years),
slxty years of age. II. (s.) sexagenarlan.
-kymmenvuotinen slxty years' [reign, hal
litus], -lehtinen (kasv.) slxpetalcd. -loke
roinen (kasv.) six-rapsuled. -mitta (run.)
hexameter. -mittainen . . In hexameter,
kuusinen . . or spruce (1. flr), spruce.
kuusinllkerroin slx tlmes [largcr, suurem
pi], -kertainen slxfold; sextuple.
kuusi ipalstainen . . wlth (1. havlng) slx rolumns, six-column [nexvspaper, sanomaleh
ti], -peura (elftint.) fallow ileer. -pivi
nen six days' [battle, taistelu], .. or slx
days, . . lastlng slx days. -rivinen . . (conslsting) of slx roxvs (I. Iines); slx-rnxved;
(kirjotus) slx-llned. -sataa slx hundred.
-sataluku slx hundred; kuusisataluvulla in
the seventh ccntury. -sivuinen slx-slded,
kuusisto ks. kuusikko, II.
kuusi srmlnen hexagonal. -tavuinen slxsyllabled, . . or slx syllables.
kuusitoista slxteen.
kuusitoista- (yhd.) slxteen- reslm. -kulmainen
slxteen-angled; -sivuinen slxteen-slded].
kuusi tuhatta slx thousand. -vuotias I. (a.) . .
or slx, slx-year old [boy, poika], slx years
old; kuusivuotiaat lapset rliildren or slx.
II. (s.) a slx-year-old. -vuotinen slx years'
[course, kurssi; lease, vuokrasopimus], ..
lastlng slx years. -vyhyke zone or spruces
(1. or hemlocks). -nlnen six-part [sung,
laulu] ; huusininmn laulu- (1. soitto )happate sextet, sestet.
kuutamo moonllght, moonshlne; kuutamolla
In the moonllght.
kuutamo- (yhd.) moonllght [esim. -ilta rl.
-y) moonllght nigltt; -kuva momillirlit
Picture]; (kuutamoinen) moonlit leslm.
-maisema moonlit landsrapi' ] , moonsliliiy.
-haaveilija ime xvho llkes to moon, a mooiistnik person.
kuutamoinen moonllght,' moonlit [heavens,
taivas], moonshlny.




kuutar goddess or the moon; (room, niyt.) kuva klell Imagery; figurative (1. metaphor
Luna; (krelk. myt.) Selene.
ical) language; allegorical language, alle
kuutlo cube.
gory, -kirjotu* (mys:) hieroglyphics.
kuutio- (yhd.) cubic [eslm. -alka cubic -korttl portrait, picture; (korttipelissa)
foot; -atari cubic root : -mttri cubic meter; race-card, coat-card court-card, -kudonta
-mitta cubic measure); (joskus:) cubical, tapestry-weaving, -kudos gobelin; gobelin
-ala cubic capacity; ks. kuutfoiisXHyi.
tapestry, -laatta plate [erl lajeja: (autokuutiolda cube, raise to third power, kuu- typla) half-tone, (slnkkletsaus) zinc etch
tioiminen cubing.
ing]; (kllshee) (Jkpv.) cut.
kuutiomainen cublc(al) ; rnyfta = seur. kuu- kuvallinen (kuvltettu) Illustrated, pictorial;
tionmuotoinen rube-shaped, cubiform.
(kuvikas) figured.
kuutiosisillya cublc(al) contents; volume. kuvalyhty scioptlcon; magic lantern.
kuutisenkymmentt about sixty.
kuvamainen . . like a picture; plastic, kuvakuuton moonless [night, yo].
maisestl like a picture; plastically.
kuutonen: six; (pellkortelssa, mys:) six- kuvan||kaunl* . . of statuesque beauty; pret
spot; nel/ii kuutoita four Sixes; rnntu ty as a picture, -leikkaaja (puuhun) woodthe six of diamonds.
carver; (paperlsta) silhouette -artist; (kaikuu valo moonlight, moonshine, -valolnen vertaja) engraver, -lelkkely (puuhun) woodmoonllght(ed), moonlit.
carving; (paperlsta) cutting of silhouettes;
kuva picture. Image, portrait, likeness; fig
(kalvertamlnen) engraving.
ure; (etup. "Jumalankuva") Icon; (Jl- kuvannollinen = kuvaannallinen.
Jenns) copy, reproduction; (valalseva) kuvanveirto sculpture, -taide 1. -taito (art
Illustration; (palnettu) plate; (vertaus-)
sculpture; plastic art. -teoa (piece of)
symbol; (merkkl) emblem; kuvilla metiat- of)
sculpture, work of plastic art. -ty sculp
tamintn decoy hunting; Uns i/meffy1 ~ tural
sculpture; (kalverrus-, puuhun
the [very] Image (1. picture) of his father; y. m.)work,
vrt. epajumalan-, eal~.
sculptor, -veistimo sculp
kuva- (yhd.) picture- [eslm. -Mr/a picture- kuvanllveistsja
tor's studio.
book; -Mr/atiM picture-writing] ; (kuvitet- kuva
-pilrroa plate; (kaivertu) Illustrated [eslm. -Uhti Illustrated rettu) engraving, -poetikortti
picture post
journal (1. magazine) ; -nmmaffu Illustrated card;
(1. view), -puoli
kuvaamataiteet arts of design, Imitative -ruta (hist.) Image feud, -rika nguratlve;
arts; the fine arts.
kuvaamaton Indescribable; kuvaamattoman language; . . full of (1. rich In) figures;
< julma y. m.] Indescribably (1. Inaxpresslflorid, -ryhmi group of pictures
bly) [cruel, etc.], [cruel, etc.] beyond riowery,
(1. of statuary).
(koho) (wooden) float (of a net).
kuvaamlnen picturing; representing; repro kuvas
reflect, mirror, kuvutaminan re
ducing; painting, drawing; vrt. kuvata. ku- kuvaataa
mirroring, kuvastella reflect, mir
yaamiskyky ability to describe, descriptive ror; (kajastaa)
ability; pictorial faculty.
mirror, looking-glass; (helkuvaamo (valok.) studio.
kiivaannoiiinnn figurative [expression, puhe- Jastln) reflector; vrt. kuvain. -koje sextant.
(kuvateos) Illustrated (literary)
tapal. metaphorical; allegorical; (tunnus- kuvasto
work; collection (1. book) of pictures (I. of
kuvalllnen) symbollc(al); kuvaannollittsia engravings)
; vrt. kartaato.
mtrkitykse*t figuratively. kuvaannolliaesti figuratively; metaphorically; allegor- kuvastua be reflected (1. mirrored) [In the
irally r speaking, puhuen]. kuvaannollituus water, veteen]; reflect; (kuv.) (limeta) be
figurative (1. metaphorical 1. allegorical) manifested, find expression, (kajastua)
loom, (n.'iyttaa) appear; (esllnty) present
character (1. nature).
kuva-arvotus rebus, (Jkpv.) puzzle picture. (1. reveal) Itself; kanean luonne on kuoattunut
sen historia** the character of the
kuvaava descriptive [style, kertomatapa],
graphic, pictorial; (Jotakln kuvaava) de people has left Its mark on their history;
ml eelvumtl taivaan rantaa Vatttn
pleting, Illustrating; (eslttavft) represent
ing; (llmalseva) expressive, suggestive, In the tree Is sharply outlined (1. defined)
dicative [of . .] ; (Jollekin kuvaava) charac against the horizon, the tree stands out
teristic, typical; huvaavalla tavalla In a clearly against the sky. kuvutumlnen re
characteristic manner; kuvaavat talt**t flection, mirroring.
kuvaatut reflection; Illusion; (kangastus)
pictorial arts.
kuvaelma (nytt&m-) tableau [plur. tav.: mirage; (kuv.) manifestation, expression;
tableaux] ; (klrjalllnen) description, pen- looming.
picture, word-picture.
kuvata describe, depict, picture, portray,
kuvailila one who pictures 41. describes), (slveltimella) paint; (plirtaa) draw, deline
deserlber; (kertolllja) relater, narrator. ate, (luonnosta) sketch; (kertoa, selostaa)
relate, give an account [of ..]; (eslttaa)
-kyky descriptive ability, ability to de
scribe (1. to draw a pen-picture).
represent; (tulklta) render [well what hap
kuvallla describe; depict, delineate, picture, pened, tapahtuma(t) hyvln] ; reproduce;
portray, paint: set forth, represent; (ker- (vertaukselllsestl) symbolize; (olla kuvaatna) relate, give an account of; vrt. kuva vaa Jollekin) be characteristic of. charac
ta; mitltssn figure (1. picture) to terize; Jotakln aikakautta be character
O.S., conceive, (kuvltella) Imagine, fancy. istic of a period, characterize a period;
kuvailu depleting, describing; delineation; Jotakln atiaa describe (I. represent) a mat
ter; - otakuta oktikin depict (1. picture)
description, account; vrt. kuvaui.
kuvaln picture, Image, (lieljastuma) reflex; one as . . , represent one as . .; jonkun
luonnetia describe (I. depict) a p. 's charac
(peill-) reflected Image, reflection.
kuvnin palvelijn worhlp(p)or of Images. ter, (nyttmna) portray the character of,
-oalvelua lmage-\vnrslil|i: lilolntry. -raataja inlla kuvaavaa Jollekulle) be characteristic
(hist.) Iconoclast, tmage-hreakpr. -raasta- of . . , characterize; ~ mathaanr.a describe
minan (hist.) iconoclasm, iconoclastic one's Journey, give an account of one's trip;
~ (mys:) express In words; *movement.



noin ja kuvin portray In \vords and plctures (l. with descrlptions ancl lllustrations); yksityiskohtaisesti descrlbe (I.
give) in detall, go Into detalls [about, jo
takin] ; hnet kuvataan rohkeaksi mieheksi
he is described (1. depicted 1. represented)
as a bold man: Aan kuvasi sen oikeassa va
lossaan he showed (1. put) It in lts true
lighl, he described It as It really was; mit
tm kuoaa what does thls represent? se
kuvaa hnen sisllisi taistelultaan it depicts (kuvastaa: reriects) hls Inner struggles.
kuva taulu picture; (maalaus) palntlng;
(kaiverrettu) tablet, plate. -teos illustrated
work; (kuvaryhjn) group (or statuary).
kuvaton . . wlth no pictures (In it), not
Illustrated; (muodoton) shapeless, mlsshapen, deformed, (ruma) ugly.
kuvattaa (metsst.) decov.
kuvatus rright.
kuvaua description; pen-plcture, word-ptcture; (esitys) representation; (selostus)
account [or, jostakin]; (kertomus) narratlve. -taida uni latu o art; plctorial art,
art of design.
kuvautua ks. kuvastua.
kuvaverho (seinll) gobelln (tapestry).
kuva the walst; the lolns; (nivus)' groln;
(sivu) side, riank; (Jonkin) kupeella at (1.
by) the side or, beslde, alongside, (vieres
s) (close) by, Close to [esim. kantaa miek
kaa kupeellaan carry a svvord at one's side] ;
kupeelle to the side [or ..] alongside;
. kupeelta from the side [or . .]; kdet ku
peitta (puuskassa) wlth (one's) arms aktmbo, wlth one's hands on one's hlps. -lihat
kuvernementti (Venjll) government.
kuvernri governor: Hmeenlnin - tho
governor or the admlnistrative district or
kuvernoorinltolmi 1. -virka orrice or (a)
governor, governorshlp. -virasto governor's
kuvertti, ku vaari i. (kirjekuori) envelop(e);
2. (ruokaneuvot) r.over.
kuvattaa make [one] sick, slcken, nauseate;
minua alkaa it turns (I. rises on) my
Btomach, I reel sick at my stomach, I reel
qualmish. kuvatus sickness.qualms, nausea.
kuvikaa ornamented: rancy [ribbon, nau
ha]; rigured [cloth, vaate]; (kuvitettu)
illustrated, plctorial; (kirjailtu) ornate.
kuvillinen = kuvikas.
kuvio rigure: (piirretty, mys:) design.
kuvio- (yhd.) rigure- [esim. -luistelu rigure-skatlng; -maalaus rigure-palntlng).
kuviollinen graphlc [representation, esitt
minen] .
kuvioton . .wlthout rigures.unrigured; plaln.
kuvitella imaglne, rancy; (uneksia) dream;
mielessn Imaglne. rancy, picture to o.
s., persuade o. s., rigure to o.s., (ajatella)
rnncelvc, thlnk; ~ saavansa jotakin (mys : )
expert (to get), antlclpate, promise o.s.;
suurta (\. suuria) jostakin have great
expectatlons (1. ideas) or . . ; kuvittelehan
kuvitelkaahan] vain Just Imaglne (1. thlnk) !
(Engl.) only rancy! joksikin itsen kuvit
televa a \vould-be ..; l kuvittele suuria
(saavasi) don't bulld castles In the air (I.
alr-rastles), don't have great expectatlons;
vrt. kuvailla, kuvitelma rancy, imagliiation;
(haaveilua) day-dreain; Image; (haaveku
va) vision; Illusion, chimcra: ne ovat pelk
ki kuvitelmia those aie only (1. just)
rancles, those are (Just) Idle (1. the merest) rancles. kuviteltu Imagined, ranrlrd.
kuvitettu illustrated [edition, painos] ; plc


torial. kuvittaa lllustrate. kuvittaminen

illustrating; lllustration.
kuvittelija ks. haaveilija.
kuvittelu imaginatlon; rancy; (toive) alluring promise; Illusion; se on pelkk (1.
tyhj) huvittelua lt's only idle rancy,
it is the merest rancy, it's nothing but
rancy. -kyky lmaglnative raculty; vilkas
kuvittelukyky vivld Imaginatlon. -voima
(power of) imaginatlon; rancy; taiteilijan
kuvitteluvoima an artisfs Imaginatlon.
kuvitua lllustration. -taide (art or) illu.-stratlon.
kuvltuttaa have . . Illustrated.
kuvottaa ks. kuvattaa.
kvadriljoona quadrilllon.
kvalitatiivinen (laatupuolinen) qualltative.
kvantitatiivinen (mrpuollncn) quantitatlve.
kvartaali (vuosineljnnes) quarter.
kvartetti (mus.) quartet(te). -laulu quartet
kvartsi (ukonklvl) quartz. -hiekka quartz
kvartsiittl (geol.) quartzite.
kvartrikausi, kvartarlaika (geol.) Quatcrnary (period), Post-Tertiary perlod.
kveekari (-lahkolainen) Quaker, Friend.
kvintetti (viisikko) quintet(te).
kvintiljoona qulntlllion.
kvintti (mus.) flfth; (viulun kieli) first (1.
treble) strlng. -kieli rirst (1. treble) string.
kyet be able [to rlse, nousemaan yls], be
capable [or dolng anythlng, tekemiin mi
t tahansa], be In a position [to pay one's
debts, maksamaan velkansa]; be competent [to do . . , tekemn . .] ; (voida) can;
~ suorittamaan tehtvns be able to perrorm the task asslgned one (1. to do one's
duty), be able to perrorm the dutles of
one's orrice; el ~ tekemn not be able to
do, be unable to do, be incapable or doing:
en kykene mihinkn I am incapable or
dolng anythlng, I am good Tor nothing;
teen mink (suinkin) kykenen 1*11 do ali in
my po\ver (1. ali I can).
kyhjtt be humped up, slt In a heap; istua
fcofona Slt home and mope: istua ~ nur
kassa slt humped up In a corner.
kyhmy (pahka) boss, knoh; bunch, liimp.
protuberance; (kuhmu) bump; (kyttyr)
hump, hunch. kyhmylnen bumpy, knotly,
knobby, lumpy; (kasv.) tuberous.
kyhmyrl = kyhmy.
kyhmysauva ks. ryhmysauva. -selkinen
hunchbacked, humpbacked: glbbous.
kyhni (raapia) scratch; (hieroa) rub; (ve
telehti) loll, lounge; mit sin siell hyhnlt \vhat are you dawdling (1. poklnir) at
there? why are you dawdllng (I. lolllng)
around there?
kyhnytelll, kyhnytt rub, be rubblng (1.
scraping) rits side agalnst the \vall, kyl
ken seinn].
kyhelm sketch, sklt: artlcle: (vhSpatolnen) scribble. kyhilil (ktrjottellla) wrlter: (halv. merk.) scrlbbler. kyhill (klrJottaa) wrlte (out); (kynsill) scribble. Jot
down: (laatia) comnose; vrt. kyht,
kyhily xvrltlng, scribbling.
kyht (laatia) work out, draw up [a report. selostus]; dra\v [a sketch. luonnos],
prepare (I. compose) [a specch, puhel ;
(panna kokoon) put up [hnrrledlv, kllrpcilisestl];
(pystytt) ercct;
bulld, construct; (kirjottaa) pen ra few
Iines, muutama rivi]; (kvhllla) scribble.
kyhys - kyhelm, kyhj one who
draws (1. prepares 1. puts up Jne., vrt.
kyht), one who has drawn (1. prcpared
1. put up Jne.); vrt. kyhilij.




kyinen full or (1. rilled wlth) vlpers.

I am satlsrted wllh that, (ruokapydss)
that vvlll do, please (I. thank you).
kykeneminen ablllty.
kykenemttmyys inablllty, lmpotence; (ky kyllin enough; (riittvn; surriclently;
vyttmyys) Inrapacity, lnrompetcnce; (tysin) rully; (hyvin) well; vrt. kylliksi;
liittmn I II l| II '! ciirc.
~ hyvin well enough, (varsin) full well;
kykenemtn inrapable [of eloin? a th., te- ~ monta kertaa a sufflclent number or
k iniiiin Jotakin]; unable [to elo a th., te
tlmes, plenty or tlmes, tlmes enough;
rikas [suuri y. m.] rlch [large.etc] enough,
kemn Jotakin] ; (kykenemttmksi teh
surriclently rlch [large, ele.]; tannerta
ty 1. saatettu) Incapacltatert, dlsabled; (p
temtn) Incompetent; (voimaton) impo- well enough known, well known [esim. on
tent; saattaa (l. tehd) joku kykenemtt
tunnettu asia (1. on tunnettua), ett . .
mksi johonkin make (1. render) one Incap
lt ls a well known Tact that . .1 : verta
able of . . , make one unnt Tor . . , dlsable on vuotanut enough blood has been shed;
one for . .; siihen toimeen Incompetent ~ voimakkaasti wlth surriclent rorce, havlng the requlslte strength, powerrully
to mi (1. unquallNed ror) that ofrice; ty
hn ~ unable to work, unnt for(l. to) work, enough; sit ei voi ~ kiitt (mys:) lt is
inraparitated (Tor work), dlsabled; vanha ja beyond (1. above) ali pralse; vrt. yllin.
~ (raihnainen) aged and Inrinn, old and kyllyys rullness, plenteousness, plenitude;
debllltated, old and feeble.
abundance, plenty; (kyllisyys) satlety;
(riittvyys) Sumclency; sydmen kyllyy
kykenev able (1. enabled) [to do a th., Jo
takin tekemn], capable [or dolng a th., dest suu puhuu (raam.) out or the rull
Jotakin tekemn] ; (ptev) competent, ness or the heart the mouth speaketh.
qualiricd [Tor, Johonkin]; erficlent: (tai kyll I. (S.): kyllhsi ks. hakus.; kylllt as
iiiui-li as one wants, a plenty; kylins ks.
tava) skllful, clever [at, Johonkin (1. Jos
sakin)]; lentoon ~ (llnnunpoika) able to saada, syd.
ny, (full-)riedged; tehtvns tyin - kyll II. (adv.) [kyllhn, kyllkin, kyl
rully able to cope with one's task, rully lp] enough; (tosin) lt ls true, certalnly;
rapable of dolng one's vvork; tyhn ~ (totisesti) lndeed, to be sure; rorsooth,
(tykykyinen) able to work, able-bodled. truly, (myntv. vastauksena) yes-, surely;
kykenevityys ks. kyky.
hn on hyvin rikas certalnly he Is very
kykkii squat; (olla kyykyss) be (1. slt) rlch, he ls surely very rlch; kai (viel
mit) I should Just think so! (luultavasti)
squattlng; (kyyrlstell) rrouch.
kyky ablllty [to do (1. or dolng) a th., tehd 1 think so; (yes,) very likely: probably;
Jotakin], capabllity, eapaclty [for . .], rac- kyllkin arveluttava serlous enough. cer
ulty [to do a th., tehd Jotakin]: power; talnly serlous; kyllp oli hullusti thafs
(kelpoisuus) rompetence; (lahjakkuus) tOO bad! hnw roollsh! kyllp * sitten on
talent; (kyvyks henkil) person of ablllty, kin hyv but then, lt's well worth lt (I.
worth the trouble), but lt certalnly pald
able (I. talented) person; hnell (i. h
ness) ei ole siihen kyky he Is not able to ror the trouble; ikv unrortunately
do (1. capable of dolng) that, he Is not (enough), sad to say, it's too bad, vrt. ik
quallfled for that, he has no ablllty in that v; minn puolestani hn saa sen tehd
dlrectlon, he has no talent for lt; hnell he may do so and welcome (1. with my rull
on luontainen ~ siihen he has a natural girt consent), he may do so as rar as I am conTor lt; sielun kyvyt facultles or the mlnd; cerned (1. Tor ali I care); min ~ tulen I
vrt. ajatus-, maksu , nk- V. m.
wlll certalnly (1. surely) come, 1*11 be sure
kykyinen (yhd.) vvith . . ablllty (1. talents) to come. Hl come wlthout fali; niinp
[esim. vh- wlth llttlc ablllty, wlth medi- (aivan oikein) qulte (1. Just) so! qulte
ocre talents] ; vrt. maksu, kykylsyys rlght! thafs lt! yes, lndeed! certalnly:
sisss ei, mutta ulkona - (Sit vastoin)
ablllty; vrt. maksukykyisyys.
kyljekkin sido by side; (vierekkin) abreast; not Indoors, but certalnly outdoors; not In
shoulder to shoulder; (laivoista:) along- side, but outside, of course; totta ~ on,
slde. kyljittin (mer.) alongside; (kylki vaan . . lt ls true enough. but . . .
edell) sidewlse.
kyllinen satlsried; satiate(d) [ wlth (1. oO,
kyljys (keltt.) cutlet; chop(s): vrt. lampaan. Jostakin], sated, glutted; (Jkpv.) rull;
kylki side; (hevosen y. m.) riank; (Joskus:) (elimist:) rull-red: kylliseksi ks. syd,
face; hongan kolmion, laivan] ~ side of sytt, kyllisyys satlsried reeling; (kyl
a plne [a trlangle, a shlp] ; jonkin kyljess lyys) satlety, rullness; repletlon; vrt. ylt
on the side or, (vieress) by, close by, kyllisyys.
close to; olla kyljelln lie on its side, (lai kyllkin ks. kyll.
vasta, mys:) lie on her beam ends. -luu kylliksi ks. kylliksi; kyllhseen ks. saada,
rih: (anat.) costa (plur. rostae). -rakennus syd, kylllt kylliksi, vrt. kyll I.;
mi', eli; lean-to: vrt. lisrakennus, kyllltn ks. syd.
-varustus (Ilnnotuksen) outlylng (1. riank- kyllstyminen ks. seur.
Iiht) rort.
kyllstymys satlety; surreit; (vastenmieli
kylliksi hyllihse ni, -si, -en Jne.] enough; syys) dlsgust, loathlng; (ikvystymys)
(riittvsti) surriclently, adequately: (tar
tedlum: sitten seuraa (\. tulee) then
koin) Weil, well enough; mys = kyllin; they [you] grow tlred or lt; tuntea kyl~ levnnyt rested enough, thoroughly (1. lstymyst johonkin be (I. feel) sick (and
well) rested; paljon plenty [or . . , Jota
tlred) of . . .
kin], enough [esim. siit on jo paljon kyllstymttmyys lnsatiableness. kylls
puhuttu enough has heen sald about lt ] ; ty mtn lnsatlable; johonkin kyllstymtn
pitkn vlimatkan pss at a long never growlng tlred of . . .
enough dlstance, rar enough away, (tur kyllstynyt: johonkin sated with, tlred
vallisen) at a safe (1. a proper) dlstanre; tl. slrk) or, dlsgusted wlth (I. at); el
ei viel siin that \vas not enough, not mn ~ weary (1. tlred) or life; topcn enough with that; joko sinulla on ~ have thoroughly (1. utterly) tlred (1. weary I.
you enough'.' Is lt xurricient Tor you? slrk 1. dlsgusted) [or hearlng . . , kuule
katsella jotakin kyllikseen look enough (I. maan ..], slrk and dlsgusted, tlred to
one's rill) at a th., get tired or looklng at death [with, Jostakin], kyllstys = kyl
a th.: siin on ~ minulle there Is enough lstymys.
(1. plenty) for me, thafs enough for me. kyllstyttminen cloylng, pallini;; (etup.kem.



& tekn.) saturatlon, lmpregnatlon. kylltslyttvt tl n HK, wearisome; slckenlng. hylisjtytta* satlate; make . . (utterly) tired (I.
irki; cloy, puli ; (Ikvystytt perinpoh
jin) bore . . to death (I. beyond endurance), slcken; (kem. = kyllst) saturate.
Kyllstyi (tulla kylliseksi) be satiated (1.
sated) , \vitli, Julionkin] ; (saada kyllikseen)
tiave enough [of, Johonkin] ; (tympeyty)
be(come) palled (1. cloyed); (vsy) get
tired [or . .], grow weary [of . .] ; tlre [or
. . , Johonkin], grow impatient [at (I. over)
tbe delay, viipymiseen; \vitli one, Johonku
hun] ; lake a DOtlon agalnst; kyllstyin sii
hen (mys:) lt palled on me; ~ Johonkin
ruokaan get tired (1. slck) of a food, become
Cloyed With a dlSh; olla kyllstynyt johon
kin Johonkuhun] be tired (i. weary) or,
have had enough or, be bored by; min
olen kyllstynyt hneen Im tired or Mm,
he bores me.
ylltti* satlate; (kem. & tekn.) saturate;
irapregnate, lmbue; vrill kyllstetty kan
gas rabric saturated uitti color.
yllyty, kyllnty ks. kyll.ty.
kylme-aste ks. kylmyysaste.
kylmennyt coollng, rerrlgeratton.
kylmentyi be(come) cooled (1. refrigerated) ;
jaahtya) cool, chili; (Jty) rreeze. kyl
ment make . . cool(er), make . . cold(er);
cool (oro, chili; refrlgerate; (Jll) ice.
kylmettyminen taking cold; cold, chili.
kylmettynyt chilled, chllly, cold; (vilustu
nut) slck vt-ltli a cold. kylmettyi get (1.
become) cold, get chilled through, grow
chllly; (vilustua) catch (a) cold, take cold,
tet a cold. kylmettll chili; (Jhdytt)
cool, refrlgerate. kylmetya cold, chili,
kylmetytt* 1 . kylmett; 2. (laskea ky 1iii.ii.-, let . . get quite cold, chili (. . corn
pletely); hylmetytt jalkansa get One'S
reet chilled (1. cold), vrt. palelluttaa, kyl
met get cold (1. chllly); (get) cool(ed),
become (1. grow) cooler; (kuv.) grow
cool (1. cold) [toward one, Jollekulle],
(laimeta) cool down, cool orr.
kylmilllln, kylmlltlln ks. kylm, II.
lylmyys chili; (ominaisuutena) chill(l)ness,
coldness; rrlgldlty; (pakkanen) cold. -aste
degree below zero, degree or cold (1. or
kylml I. (a.) cold [reception. vastaanotto];
cool; chilly, chili; (Jtv) rreezlng; (tiet.)
rrigid, vyhyke]; ~ kohtelu cool
treatment; otsa kylmss hiess \vttli (a) sweat on one's rorehead, wlth beads
or cold sweat on one's brow. II. (9.) (vilu)
chili, chUKDness, rrigldity; (pakkanen)
cold, frost; kylmilln oleva unheated,
vvithout beat (I. flre), wlth no heat (1.
flre), cold; [syd] kylmiltn [eat (1.
take)] cold; Auon* on kylmilln the room
is let to go unheated, the room has been
left cold; jtt huoneet kylmille (lmmit
tmtt) let the rooms go unheated, leave
the rooms unheated (1. cold) ; minun on ~
I am (1. feel) cold, I reel chilly; talven
kylmt the cold weather, the rrost or the
Inter; tuli ~ it grew (1. turned 1. got)
cold (1. chilly), (alkoi tuntea kylm) one
began to reel cold (I. to grow cold) ; ulkona
sn It is cold outside (I. outdoors). kyl
mhk rather cold, cool.
kylm Uskoinen cool [towards one, Jolle
kulle (1. Jotakuta kohtaan)], chllly [receptlon, vastaanotto], cold; (haluton) dlslncllned [Tor, Johonkin; to do a th., teke
mn Jotakin], lndlsposed [to ..], unwilling [to ..]; (laimea) lukewarm; (vlin


kunta unresponsive audience, Indirrerent

hearers; pysy kylmkiskoisena remain im
moved (1. Indirrerent 1. unresponsive).
-kiskoisesti coolly, coldly; unwlllingly; indirrercntly, with Indirrerence; unresponsively; dispassionately; (kylmverisesti)
in cold blood. -kiskoisuus coolncss, chilllness, coldness; Indirrerence, unconcern;
dlslncllnatlon [ror . .]; unwillingness.
-luontoinen cold, dispasslonate, unsympathetic.
kylmtnlarka sensltive to cold (1. Im. mi.
-haava ulcerated chllblaln; kibe. -hauras
cold-short. -kirkas clear and cold. -kolea
raw, chilly [weather, ilma], chili, -kyhmyt
chilblalns. -tunne reellng (I. sensation)
or cold. -vihat mortiricatlon. -vreet shlvers (or cold); chills.
kylmlsaha cold saw; disk saw.
kylmistl coldly; coolly.
kylmllsydminen cold-hearted. -sydmlsyys
cold-heartedness. -taltta 1. -meisseli coldchlsel.
kylmt (Jhdytt) cool; rerrigerate;
(tuottaa kylm) cause chllliness; (huo
kua kylm) send out a cold breath; ksini
kylm my hands are (1. reel) cold; minua
kylm I am (I. reel) cold, I am chllly;
on kylmnnyt kukat the riowers are
bllghted by the rrost, the riowers are
rrost-bitten (I. are rrosted).
kylm vaunu: kylm- ja lmminvaunu i in
coldblooded; (tyyni) cool(-headed); kylmveri
sen julma cold-blooded, deliberately cruel.
-verisesti coldly, in cold blood; coolly;
deliberately. -verisyys cold-bloodedness;
coolness. -vesiparannus cold \vater cure.
-vesi parantola hydropathic establlshment.
-vesipumppu cold water pump.
kylm ks. kylmt.
kylpeminen bathlng; bath.
kylpe bathe; take (1. have) a bath; kylpien
kyyneliss bathed (l. dlssolved) in tears.
kylpij bather; (kylpyvieras) vlsltor (at
the bath9), guest; kylpijt people taking
(1. to take) the baths.
kylpy bath.
kylpy- (yhd.) bath- [esim. -matto bath-mat:
-puku bath-robe] ; bathlng- [esim. -kausi
bathlng-season; -paikka bathlng-placej.
-aika (kylvynottoalka) tlme for the bath;
(kylpemiseen tarvittava)
tlme needed
ror bathlng. -amme bathtub. -hoito treat
ment by baths, the baths. -huone bathroom; (kylpy rakennus) bath-house; kylpy
huoneen matto bathroom rug (1. mat).
-laitos bathlng-establlshment; bath, (puhlic) baths; watering-place. -liina bathtowel.
kylpyl I. = kylpylaitos; 2. - kylpypaikka.
kylpyllinen ks. kylpij.
kylpyllpaikka (mys:) the baths, waterlngplace. -parannus ks. kylpyhoito. -vieras
vlsltor (at the baths).
kylp ks. kylpe.
kyltti slgn; (nimi-) door-plate, name-plate;
(kuv.) shleld.
kyltyl ks. kyllsty.
kylvettj attendant In a bath-house. kylvet
tminen bathlng.
kylvett bathe; (kuv.) glve a cleanlng-up
(1. -out), glve a trounclng; ~ vihdoilla beat
wlth green (twlgs and) leaves.
kylvetyt bathlng; (kuv.) cleanlng-up (l.
-out), trounclng.
kylvj sower. kylvminen sowlng. kylv
mtn unsown, unsowed.
kylvtt have . . 90wn.
kylv sow; (sirotella) strew, scatter, so\v
broadcast; sprlnkle; (kuv.) sow (the) seedg



oi'; ~ eripuraisuutta SOW (seeds Of) dtssenslon; peltonsa sow one's Held;
ruista sow rye, (kylvkoneella) drlll In
(the) rye; mink ~, sen saa niitt (sa
nani.) \vlmtsoever a mun so\veth, that sball
ho also reap.
kylv sovving. -aika seed-tlme; time for
sovving (1. to sow). -hein tame hay. -kone
seeder; sowing-machlne; (etenkin: rlvittln kylvv) seed-drlll; graln-drlll. -maa
sown ground (1. rield 1. land); (viljelys-)
land (1. rield) brought under cultivatlon.
-mies sower. -niitty rield of tame hay.
kylvs sown rield.
kylvsiemen seed; kylvsiemeni seed. -yh
distys association to purchase seed.
kyly kB. kylpy.
kyl hamlet; (iso) vlllage; kyllt vlllage
alter village, through one vlllage after another; kyd kylss vlslt the vlllage, (vie
raissa) pay a vlslt [to one's neighpor, naa
purissa], vlsit, call upon; menn kyln go
to the vlllage, (vieraisille) go vlslting, go
to vislt; tulla jonkun luokse kyln come
on a visit to a p., call upon one.
kyl- (yhd.) vlllage [esim. -kirjasto vlllage
library; -koulu village school].
kyllll: ~ jonkun luona (vierailla) he the
guesl or a ]>., vlslt one; olla kylilemss
be on a vislt [to a place, Jossakin], he
vlslting [(at) one's aunt('s), ttins luona],
he spending [one's vacatlon, etc] with . . ,
vrt. vierailla, kylily vlslt(lng); (lyhytai
kainen) call; olla kylilyll be on a vlslt,
be vlslting, be (out) calllng; vrt. vierailu.
kylinen (vieras) strange, forelgn.
kylkunta villag-e (community); (kylkansa)
vlllage people, the vlllagers; kylkunnittain
by vlllages. kyllist village (community);
the vlllagers. kyllinen, kylllinen person
llvlng In a village, villager; kylliset
(mys:) the vlllage people.
kyln- (yhd.) vlllage [esim. -kokous vlllage
meeting; -tie village road]. -Juoksu (1. v.)
runnlng around, gaddlng about. -Juoru
(village) gosslp.
-kuja 1. -raitti main
road through the village. -kynti vlslting.
-luvut catechetlcal meeting. -miehet vll
lagers. -nuoriso vlllage young people (1.
youth). -raja: kylnrajain ulkopuolella out
side the village llmits, outside the Corpo
ration, -vanhin head or the vlllage; village
kylstell ks. kylill.
kyl!]tuomari (1. v.) justice or the peace.
-yhdyskunta vlllage community.
kymi river; (tulva) riood, inundatlon.deluge.
kymmen ks. kymmenen.
kymmen- (yhd.) ten- [esim. -jalkainen tenfooted; -{entinen ten-leafed; -sivuinen Un
Slded]; (tiet.) deca- [esim. -jalkainen
decapod; -kulmainen (leoanglllar; -sivuinen
deragonal], decem- [esim. -hampainen decemdentate; -jalkainen decernpedal; -lehti
nen decemrollate]. -aluksinen: kymmenaluksinen laivasto a Tleet or ten Shlps
(vanh.: ten sali).
kymmenen ten; kymmeni (1. v.) dozens,
scores; ~ aikaan about ten o'clock,
(kymmenelt) at ten (o"clock); kymmenet
kskyt the ten commandments; muutamia
kymmeni dollareita (I. V.) a llttle money,
less than a hundred dollars; niit lasketaan
kymmeniss (1. V.) they are counted In
kymmenennes tenth (part); kymmenenneksi
kymmenen! penninraha ten-penny coln. -sentlnraha ten-cent plece (1. coln), dlme.
-tuhatta ten thousand.


kymmenes tenth. -osa tenth part. -tuhannes

ten thousandth; joka kymmenestuhannes
(mys:) one in (1. out or) every ten thousand.
kymmenheteinen (kasv.) . . \villi ten stamens, decandrous.
kymmenikk ten; vrt. kymppi, kymmeninen
about (1. some) ten; kymmenisen vuotta
Tor ten years or so, Tor some (1. Tor about)
ten years. kymmeniset ks. kymmenykset.
kymmenittin (1. v.) by dozens, by scores;
niit oli siell ~ there were dozens (1.
scores) or them there.
kymmen, jakoinen . . \vlttl te (llvislons.
decapartlte. -Jrjestelm declmal system.
-kertainen tenrold. -kertaisesti ten tlmes
over. tenfold. -kulmio decagon. -kunta
about (1. some) ten. -luku ten; (kymmenvuoslluku) decade; (kymmenysluku) decl
mal number. -markkanen ten-mark coln;
(seteli) ten-mark bill. -miehet (hlst.) decemvtrs, decemvlri. -miehinen . . or ten
(men); kymmenmiehinen joukkue a group
(1. band) or ten men. -murtoluku declmal
rractlon. -numeroinen . . vvitti ten dlglts.
-ottelu (urli.) decathlon. -palstsinen ten
column [nevvspaper, sanomalehti], -penninen ten-penny coln. -silm (kortti) tenspot. -tuhansittain in (1. by) tens or thousands. -vuotias ten years or age, ten years
Old; kymmenvuotiaat lapset (Mys:) ehtidren or ten. -vuotinen decennlal; mys
kymmenvuotis- (yhd.) decennlal [esim.
-juhla decennlal celebration]. -Jakso period
or ten years, ten-year period, decade, decennary. -Juhla (mys:) tenth anniversary, decennlal. -kausi decennary.
kymmenykset (vero-) tlthe(s); vrt. seur.
kymmenys (mat.) declmal; (vero-) tltbe.
kymmenys- (yhd.) declmal [esim. -mitta
decimal measure; -pilkku declmal polnt].
-Jyvt tithe pald In graln. -lasku decimal
Tractions; (calculatlon In) declmals. -luku
declmal; declmal rractlon. -maksu tithe.
-mies (hlst.) decemvir. -oikeus rlgbt to
tlthe(s); rlght or tithe. -vaaka declmal
balance. -vero tax (1. rent) in titbes; tithe
kymnaasi gymnasium; vrt. lukio. kymnaasiIinen pupll In a gymnasium.
kymppi ten; (korttlp.) ten-spot; voitko lai
nata minulle kympin (Jkpv.) can you lend
me a ten(-spot) ?
kymr(inen) = kumara(inen).
kynint picking, plucklng; strlnglng; vrt.
seur. kyni plck [a Chicken, kana], pluck:
(itsen, lintu) plume (1. preen) itselT;
kyni hernepalhoja Strlng beans.
kynkk (tynk) stump; end.
kynnellinen . . provlded wlth nalls (1. claws) ;
(luonnontiet.) ungual, ungulculate.
kynnenllajos Telon, (jkpv.) runround; whitlo\v, agnall. -alus nall-bed; puhdistaa kyn
nenaluksensa clean under one's nalls. -Juuri
root or the naii. -muotoinen nail-shaped,
ungual. -vihat lnrection
(from one's ringer-nalls).
kynnetn . . wlthout nalls (1. claus) ; nailless.
kynnys threshold (mys kuv.); door-sill;
(kuv.) entrance.
kynnnt ks. kyntminen.
kynns (kallion) projection (1. Jut 1. shoulder I. ledge) [or rock]; crag; (harjanne)
rldgc; (kumpu) rlse or ground.
kynntt have . . plowed; kenell olet maa
si kynnttnyt who(m) dld you have plow
your land?
kynnnneuvoja (1. v.) agrlcultural expert
on plovving.
kynns newly (l. rreshly) plowed rield, rield
Just pIo\ved.



kynsi (Ihmisen) naii; (elimen) claw; (kot

kan y. m.) talon; (tekn.) tlne, prong; kynsicnsks. saada; kynsin hampain (u itll ) tOOth
and naii. wlth might and main; iske kyn
tens johonkin pounce upon, selze . . in its
talon, (kuv.) grasp, clutch, seize, vrt. is
ke; joutua jonkun kynsiin get (1. Tall) Into
a p.'s clutches, (kasiin) fall Into the bands
of . . , (esim. pedon) Tall into the cla\vs or
. .; kuha vain kynnell kykenee Wh0ever IS
able to li rt a flnger, (Joka mies) to a mau.
kynsi- (ybd.) naii- [esim. -harja nall-brush;
-pihdit nall-nippers (1. -tweezers); -soliset
nall-sclssors; -viila nall-flle]. -Joa ks.
kynnenajos. -karhi 1. -Aas sprlng-tOOth
barrow (l.cultivator). -laukka (kasv.) garllc.
kynsiminen kynsint. kynsinen (ybd.) =
kyntinen. kynsinU scratcbing, clawlng.

kynsi pakko lngrown nall(s).

kynsii scratch, Claw; ~ korvansa taustaa
scratch one's ear; ~ toisiaan scratcb (1.
claw) eacb otber. kynsiisti scratch, claw;
kynsist korvallistaan scratch one's neck
(1. one's ear).
kynteym ingrown nall(s).
kyntinen (yhd.) . . \vitli . . nails (1. claws 1.
talons Jne., ks. kynsi) [esim. pitk uit h
long nails ; terv wlth sharp claws].
kynttelikk (katto-) cbandeller; luster;
(pyt-) candelabra, candelabrum.
kynttil candle; (pieni vaha-) taper.
kynttil- (yhd.) candle- [esim. -muotti (l.
-valin) candle-mold; -niistimet (l. -sakset)
candle-snuffers; -foiicandle-tallow] . -haaru
airii (1. branch) of a chandeller. -hkkyr
1. -(kruunu (hanglng) chandeller; (krlstalllnen) luster. -messu Candlemas.
kynttiln- (yhd.) candle- [esim. -ptk candie-end; -teho candle-maktng; -valo candle-llght]. -Jalka candlestlck. -karsi candle-snufr. -pilvi Candlemas (day). -sam
mutin extingulsher. -sydn candle\vlck.
-valanta dipplng (1. molding 1. maklng) or
candles. -varjostin candle-screen.
kynttil sakset (tav.) snulTers. -tehdas can
dle (manu)ractory.
kyntj plowman. kyntminen plotvlng.
kyntmtn unplowed.
kynt plow [the fleld, peltoa; the waves,
aaltoja], plOUgb; ~ maahan plow in, plow
kynt plovving. -aika plowlng-tlme, plowing-season. -lintu (ellnt.) European woodcock. -maa plowland; (viljelys-) land un
der the plow. -mieeplowman. -vakofurrow.
kyni (terskyn) pen; (lyijykyn) pencll;
(sulka) qulll.
kynelm sketch; (kyhelm) squlb; scrlbble.
kynilij writer, scrlbe; (thertj) scrlbbler. kyniilli be (1. practice) scrlbbllng,
scribble; vrt. kyhill. kynily scrlbbllng.
kyn, kahakka 1. -kiista (polemlc) controversy, polemlc; vrt. kynsota. -kotelo
pencll-case. -niekka \vrltur; llterary man.
kynn!; pidin rack Tor pens, pen-rack. -pyy
hin pen-wlper. -teri polnt or a pen, nlb;
(terskyn) pen, pen-polnt. -varsi penholder. -veto 1. -piirto stroke oi the pen.
kyn piirros sketch; pen-and-lnk-drawlng.
-rasia box Tor pens; (kynntert tynn)
box of pen-polnts. -sankari qulll-drlver,
scrlbbler; (kynsoturl) lampooner, controverslailst. -sota pen-and-tnk war, newspaper vvar; controversy. -sotaset: olla kyntotatilla jonkun kanssa carry on a con
troversy wlth one, be engaged In a newspaper controversy (1. dlspute). -sulka shart
(or a reatber); (ellnt.) racbls. -teline
pen-rack. -teollisuus pen (and pencll) In
dustry, -veitsi penknlfe.
kyplkyllln more than enough.


kyppyri: olla kyppyrss be shrunken (up),

be rolled up, be crumpled, vrt. kppyr.
kypressl ks. sypressi.

Kypros Cyprus.
kypsent rlpen, mature; bring . . to maturlty; (palstaa) bake, roast [meat, lihaa].
kypsl ks. kyps.

kypsyminen rlpenlng; (paistuminen) bakfng; roastlng. kypsymys ripeness; maturlty. kypsymttmyys lmmaturlty; (esim.
leivn) belng slack-baked (1. underdone).
kypsymitn unrlpe,green [ frult, hedelm] ;
(leivst) slack-baked; (lihasta y. m.) un
derdone, rare; (vars. kuv.) lmmature [pian,
suunnitelma], crude, undlgested. kypsynyt
ripe [for harvest, leikattavaksi], mature.
kypsytt make . . ripe, rlpen, mature;
bring . . to maturlty; (kehitt) develop . .
rully -. (palstaa) bake; roast.
kypsyys ripeness; (vars. kuv.) maturlty.
kypsyvi rlpenlng, maturlng; aikaisin ~
(tuleentuva) early.
kypsyi grovv ripe, rlpen, mature; (esim. pai
seesta puhuen) come to a head; (paistua)
get baked, be baked (1. roasted 1. done);
S aatokseksi take deflnlte form (1. shape),
e matured.
kypsi ripe, mature; me!low; (valmis) ready,
prepared; (paistunut) baked, roasted, frled;
(wellt done; ~ ptettvksi ripe Tor a
kyprl helmet; (kaski) casque.
kyprini koriste helmet ornaiiient. -muotoi
nen helmet-sbaped. -silmikko vlsor, beaver, ventall. -tyht crest (of a helmet);
kypripinen . . wltli a helmet, belmeted.
kypr ks. kyprl.

kyrsi (tbick) loaf of bread; bun.

kyrill (Jurotella) be sulien (1. morose),
look sulien (1. sulky); mope, look moplsh.
kyriU ks. edell.
kyse: kyseess oteva asia the matter (1.
point) In questlon, the matter (1. the polnt)
at lssue; olla kyseess be at lssue, be at
s laki-, (pohdittavana) be under conslderatlon,
be brougbt Into questlon [buom. siin on
henki kyseess lt is a questlon or life or (1.
and) deatb, one's life is at stake there,
(varotuksena:) you are rlsklng your lire,
you are runnlng the rlsk of your life; saa
ria asioita on kyseess there are big tblngs
at stake]. kyseenalainen questionable;
problematlc(al); doubtful; on kyseenalais
ta, voiko hn .. it is questionable (I.
doubtful), wbetber he \vlll be able to . . .
kyseleminen asklng, lnqulrlng Jne., vrt.

kyselij lnqulrer; lnterrogator, questloner.

kyselis lnqulsitlve; (utelias) curlous.
kysell ask; (tiedustella) lnqulre [Tor (1.
arter) a th., jotakin; or a p.. Joltakulta],
make lnqulrles [arter (1. Tor) a th., Jota
kin; about one. Jotakuta]; (kuulustella)
bear [a lesson, lksy; a wltness, todista
jaa] ; lnterrogate, questlon; hintoja ln
qulre about the prlces; joltakulta jotakin
lnqulre (1. make lnqulrles) or one about (I.
concernlng) a th., lnqulre a th. or a p.,
ask one about a th. [esim. min kyselin
hnelt tiet I Inqulred of him the way (I.
the road), I asked him the way]; kuu
lumisia lnqulre ior ne\VS; kyselemistn
joltakulta keep asklng one, assall (1. beslege) one wlth questions; hn kyseli mi
nulta monista asioista he asked me about
inaiiy (dirrerent) tblngs, he asked me
many questions about tblngs; hn kyseli
sinua be Inqulred (1. asked) for (1. arter)
?ou, be asked wbere you were, be asked
or your whereabouts.


knowledge] was needed; han kytyi vointiani he inquired about (1. after) my health,
he asked (1. Inquired) how I was (gelling
along); itnnltn kytymtt Without
asking (1. consulting) his employer, with
out the knowledge of his employer, (lupaa
kysymtta) without his employer's con
sent (1. permission); minufta kysyttiin I
was asked, they (1. It was) asked of me;
tuna hysyiaan voimia it takes strength to
do that, strength is required there, that
takes (1. requires) strength; tits nyt hytytSn that's what Is now at stake, (tarvltaan) that's what Is needed now; Mita tavaraa ci ky*yt there is no demand for
that article, that article is not in demand:
yritye hymyi hannattajiltaan liian pel/on
uftroufm-'oisuuffa the enterprise demanded
too much (self-)sacrifice of the promoters
(1. was too great a tax on the self-sacrifice
of Its promoters).
kytiisU ask; joltahulta otakin ask one
(1. Inquire of one) about a th., address (I.
put) a question to one; vrt. kyiya.
kyteminen smoldering, kytevl smoldering
in.\ full; hatred, vina].
kytea smolder (mys kuv.), be smoldering;
(kuv.) rankle; hnMS hytee mi*lt**a (I.
hn,4 kyt** halu lhtf mcrile his
mind Is bent (1. his mind runs) upon a
sailor's life (1. upon going to sea), he
longs to go to sea; oiha kytt* oitl hnri*a his hatred still rankles (I. Is still smol
kytkeminen, kytkenU tying up; coupling.
kytketty (kuv.) fettered, tied (hand and
kytkei tie (up) [to..]; (tekn.) couple,
(ketjulla) chain [to, JolionklnJ ; (kahlehtla) fetter, bind, link; ~ hiinm leash [a
dog, kolra] ; yhtttn couple, (Jonkln
kanssa) chain (1. tie 1. bind) to, (yhdlsttl)
bring together, group together.
kytkin coupllng(s).
kytky, kytkyt (kaula-) collar; (tekn.) coup
ling; (ketju) chain, cable; (htbna) leash:
offa kytky(*)**a be coupled, (sklottuna)
be tied, be leashed, be In leash.
kytky haka coupling-grab, cbaln-grapples.
-ruuvl coupling-screw.
kyttyrk hump, buncb. kyttyriinen humped:
kyttyr! elka hunchback, humpback, -selkiinen hunch(back)ed, humpbacked; gibbous.
-solkaisyys gibbosity, glbbousness; han*n
kyttyraselhisyyttnt . . his being a hunch
back (1. being hunchbacked) . . .
k ytU kS. m pu ja.
kyty brother-in-law.
kytaU (vahdata plllopalkasta) Ile In ambush,
Ile In wait [for, Jotakln] ; (mets.) stalk [a
deer, blrveft].
kyt reclaimed marsh, -maa marsh brought
under cultivation.
kyvykk(ie)yys ability, capability, (lahjakkuus) talent(s), (taltavuus) skllfulness,
skill, cleverness. kyvykkKistl ably; with
ability; (taltavastl) skilfully, cleverly,
kyvykis able, capable: (lahjakas) gifted,
talented; (taltava) skll(l)ful, clever, kyvyttmyys Incompetence, Incapacity; Inabili
ty; vrt. maksukyvyttmyy*.
kyvyton . . without (I. with no) ability;
(kykenemftton) unable. Incapable; (lalijaton) not gifted.
kW kyykiirme.
kyydin kynti 1. -pito conveyance of travel
ers by relays. kyydiUeminen, kyyditye
conveyance (of travelers); driving, kyydlUIJI one who drives (I. who drove);
(kyytlmles) driver. KyydlU, kyydltui


kysely Inquiry; questioning:; (tutklnto) ex

amination, interrogation; (kuulustelu)
hearing; (kysymys) question, -kaavake
question blank; information blank.
kysstkaali kohlrabi, turnip -cabbage, -nitka
(a.) stoop- (I. rouud-)shouldered. -selk*inen hunchbacked, humpbacked; gibbous.
kysyj* one who asks (1. asked); Inquirer.
kysymyksenalainen (kyseess&oleva) . . In
question; proposed; (epvarma, epalletolnen) questionable, problematical); voi
panna kysymyksenalaisekei It may be ques
tioned (1. brought in question).
kysymyt question; query; (kysely) Inquiry;
interrogation; kytymykftn [*1*]
muodossa in (the) of a question [or
questions], by means of a question [of
questions], Interrogatively; ~ j&a *ik*e*n
the question (1. the matter) Is dropped; ~
on vain Mifu, onho . . the question Is mere
ly, Whether . .; ~ on vain tavatta It's only
a question of method (1. of how it should
be done); *lm a kuolema on kytymyhtttta it Is a matter (1. a question) or lire
or death, one's life Is at stake; mik on
hysymyhsrssa, mista an ~ What IS the
question? what is It all about? what does
this mean? what Is the matter? what Is
going on? olla kytymyhfcMt be In ques
tion; pivn ~ the Issue (1. the question)
or the day; * a*ia, Jotta on ~ the matter
(1. point) In question; tita *n pant hysymykttenkn l don't even take that Into
consideration, I never even question It;
trktt kytymykitt Important questions
(1. Issues); vrt. tulla (kysymykseen).
kysymys!; kaavake question blank, -lause
interrogative sentence, -merkkl questionmark, Interrogation-point, Interrogation,
-ana (klel.) interrogative.
kysynU Inquiry; (kaupp. = lavaran) de
mand, call; perunoiden ~ on muuri there
is a great demand for potatoes.
kyaytty (kaupp.) In demand; ~ tavara an
article much in demand, goods (1. an arti
cle) Tor which there Is a great demand.
kysyvi Inquiring [look, katse], questioning;
interrogative, Interrogatory; ~ itme katvoilla puzzled (1. a questioning) look on
one's face; kSreivaUityytta ~ . . that tries
one's patience, . . requiring patience, kyyviinen (kiel.) Interrogative; mys =
kysyvi. kysyvkstl Inquiringly; Interroga
kysy ask [permission, lupaa] ; (tledustella)
inquire; (kyselia) question. Interrogate;
(vaatla) require, demand, call for; kytytm*Sni upon (my) asking, upon my Inquiring;
kytyttett vastasi hn When asked (1. on
being asked) he answered, on the question
being put to him he answered, upon In
quiry he answered; kytyy aikaa takes (1.
requires) time; kytyy volean takes a lot of
trouble; hytyy voimia requires strength,
(raslttaa) is a great tax on one's strength;
~ jonkln hintaa ask the price or, (tledus
tella) Inquire about the price; ~ itttltn
ask O.S., put the question (up) to O.S.; ~
joltakulta otahin ask one about a th., In
quire or one about a th., inquire a th. of
one, (vaatlvastl) demand a th. of one; ~
atuhin ks. kyiellK; ~ neuron ioltakulta
ask one's advice, consult one, take counsel
of one; ~ *yyta johonkin Inquire the rea
son for, inquire (about) why a tb. was
done; han i kysy kattannukiia (el ota
huomloon) he does not care for (I. about)
the cost, he does not count tbe cost; hntn loimiaan
kytyttiin Ills
energy [his knowledge] was called for (1.
was demanded), (tarvlttlln) his energy [bis


drive: take [one around the bay, joku kyyristyty ks. edell. kyyrlstifi bend (1.
landen ymparl], convey [travelers, inat- bOW) dOWIl; Vrt. kyrist.
kustavaisia] (by relays).
kyyry: bdyj sefb kyyryss walk bent (1.
kyyhkynen. kyyhky dove, pigeon.
bowed), stoop; olla hyyrytt (\. hyyrylkyyhkysenllmuna pigeoiH's) egg, (love's laani be squatting, be cowering (in a
<"t'-. -poika(nen) young dove (I. pigeon). heap), cower, squat; vrt. kyykky. -selkaikyyhkyslllakka dove-cot(e), dove-house, nen kykkyselkinen.
pigeon-house, -pari pair (1. couple) of kyyrtta squat [in a corner, nurkassa], sit
pigeons, -posti pigeon-express; (lhetetty squatting, be cowering (In a heap).
sanoma) message brought (1. sent) by car kyytl conveyance by stage (1. by relays);
(kyyditys) driving; ride; (vauhti) speed,
kyyhotUa (mennii -i -walk bent forward; rate; mfca hyyiia at good speed, at a
(seisoa ~) stand bent forward (1. stooped good rate; antaa hyyti jollekuile give one
1. bowed over); vrt. kyykbtt.
a ride (1. a lift), (kuv. = molttla Jotakuta)
kyykistella be squatting, be crouching.
give one a rating (1. a scolding) ; yhtetn
kyykitynyt squatting, (esim. pelosta) cow
kyytiin at a stretch, without Interruption,
ering, kyykistys squatting, cowering, kyy- at one sitting, while we are [they were,
kisty crouch, squat, (tav. pelosta) cower, etc.] at It; kS. lhte (kyytlln), aada
kyykistti bend (1. bow) down.
kyykky: /osAeutna kyybkyyn crouch, squat; kyytillaiema relay station; stop, -hevonen
olla hyykytt squat, be squatting, kyykky- livery horse, stage horse; post-horse, -karsi I leen: kayj kyykhysitleen squat, down, ryt relay conveyance (1. vehicle); stage
hunch down, vrt. kyykky. kyy kkysillaan coach, -laitos system of (conveyance by)
(kyykyss) squatting.
relays, relay system, -maksu fare, -mies
kyykyttai, kyyktta* crouch, squat.
man to drive; (stage-coach) driver, -palkka
= kyytimaksu. -polka boy to drive, young
kyykaarme (common European) viper, ad
der; kyykrmeitten mikist (raam.) gener
driver, -rana fare, -rasltus furnishing re
ation of vipers.
lay service, -velvollleuus duty to furnish
kyynel tear; pur*kahtaa (l. htltyl kyyne- relay service to travelers, -vail stage, stop.
liin burst Into tears, burst out crying.
kyia (auma) stack, rick; (kuhllas) shock.
kyynel- (yhd.) lacrimal (rayos: lachrymal) kylsta shock.
[eslm. -/na lacrimal bone; -pussi lacrimal kyokki kitchen; vrt. keittio.
sack; -rauhancn lacrimal gland].
kyokki- (yhd.) ks. keitti-. -astia (-kaplne)
kyyneloetn tearless; unweeplng; . . with kitchen utensil; (keltto-) cooking dish;
dry eyes, dry-eyed [grief, sum].
kyohhiastiat kitchenware. -kaluito kitchen
kyynelehti (sumista puhuen:) fill with outfit, -latina dog-Latin, barbarous (1.
tears; (henkllolstth) shed tears; (Itkeu) mongrel) Latin, -mestari head cook, chef,
cry, weep.
-pilka kitchen-girl.
kyyneleinen . . filled with (1. full of) tears; kyokkirl (woman) cook.
kyorny (talpunut) bent; (viiarii) crooked,
kyynel kanava 1. -tlehyt lacrimal canal (1. curved, -kattoinen (taitekattolnen) . . with
duct), tear-duct, -karpalo 1. -pisara tear. a curb-roof, -nenl Roman nose.
-lampl (anat.) lacrimal bay. -piste (anat.) kyopeli gnome, goblin, kyopelinvuorl gob
lacrimal punctum (plur. puncta). -ailmi: lin's castle; place where the witches' Sab
hyyncisiimin with tears In one's eyes, with bath
held, witches' meeting-place.
eyes filled with (1. swimming In) tears, Kysti was
Oustavus; (jkpv.) Gus.
amid (I. through one's) tears, tearful-eyed, kdel linen
. (provided) with hands; had*l(itklen) crying, weeping, -silmainen . . li**t (ellnt.)
with tears In one's eyes, . . with tearful kadenjkatsominen
palmistry, chiromancy,
eyes, weeping, tearful-eyed.
turn of the hand; kdenbnt****
kyynelten! laakso vale of tears, -lande -kanne
hand, In a trice, In a
fountain of tears.
flash, in the twinkling of an eye; *e kay
kyynel|tulva 1. -virta flood of tears.
kJ*nknte***a (mys:) It will be done
kyyneltyi, kyynelid fill with tears, run in (less than) no time (1. Instantly). -Ulke
(with tears), water.
motion with the hand, gesture, -lynti:
kyynelvesi tears [are salty, on suolalsta].
tiahvistaa jokin bdtnlynnill give Olle'S
kyynlkko cynic, kyynllllnen (hpe&mtn) hand on ... shake hands on a tb. -pesu
cynical, kyynilliiesti cynically, kyynilli- washing of (the) bands, -purlstua 1. -puyy* cynicism.
errua clasp (1. pressure 1. squeeze) of the
kyyny: tilmSt hyynymma with the eyes half hand, grasp (of the hand), grip; hand
closed il. shut).
clasp; hand-shake; Annen kuJenpuristukseskyynr- (yhd.) ulnar [esim. -herma ulnar taan ttinsin, ttta . . from the way he shook
hands with me I could tell that ... by his
nerve; -valtimo ulnar artery].
hand-shake (1. by the grip of his hand) I
kyynirittlin by the ell.
kyynr koukku bend of the arm; vrt. kyy- could tell that . . . -telka back of the hand,
(konkr.) handle; (puukon y. m.) haft;
nrpii. -luu (anat.) ulna, -nivel elbow(kahva) hilt.
joint, -puu 1. -keppl cloth-yard; yard
stick. -pU elbow, -taive bend of the el kadesUennustaminen = kdenkatsominen.
bow, -arsi forearm; (anat.) antebrachlum. kdetn armless, . . without arms (1. hands).
kyyntrl ell; (about) two feet, -mitta ell- klenllkaali (kasv.) (common) wood-sorrel,
-pllka (ellnt.) (common) wryneck;
kyynrnpituinen . . an ell long.
(Engl.) cuckoo's-mate.
kyyppari (vilnurl, tarjolllja) waiter.
kaeti (aikoa) Intend; (luvata) promise; (hakyyriatelli be bending down, bend one's luta) have a desire for . . , bave a mind
tO. .; kahe vie rai ta Strangers mil M ]
back, crouch; be cowering [with fear, pe
coming (l take It l. l think),
losta] .
kyyristy* squatting; cowering (in a heap), kiherrya (kahertamlnen) curling, waving;
frlzztngi. -pihdit curling-tongs, -rauta
kyyristyl squat, crouch; (etenkln pelos
ta) cower; (kumartua) bow (down), stoop curling-Iron.
(down); hyyrittya prlojta cower, quiiil. kaherryttU have . . curled, kkhtrty* get



nirly, get rrlzzed (1. frizzy), be curled.

khertj hair-dresser. kihert curl, wavc,
frlz; hhertii hiuksensa CUrl (1. \\avc)
one'3 Matr.
kihara ks. kihara.
kheys hoarseness; husklness. khe hoarse;
husky. khesti hoarsely; husklly.
khin (nen) extreme hoarseness; (shi
n) hlsslng. kihisev hissin* ; sibllant;
khisev ni (Ihmisest:) an extremely
hoarse volce, a volce scarcely above a
whlsper. knist speak bardly above a
whisper; hlss; wheeze; khisten hlsslngly,
v.ith a vfbeeze.
khmiminen, kahminta drowsing, ldlingr;
groping; grappllng. khmi (kubnustella)
poke; tarry, lolter, idle; drovvse; (hapuil
la) feel (along), grope.
khm dusk, dlmness; unen khmss hali'
sleeping, sleep-drunk;. vrt. kasi, sala-.
khvellys pilferlng, rilchlng; vrt. khvelt,
khveftj pllferer, fllcher; (kassan-) erabezzler. khvelt plirer; Hlcb; (siepata)
snatch, (Jkpv.) nab; (kavaltaa) einbezzle.
khr klnky; Hi /./.ly; vrt. kihara, II.
kki, kknen cuckoo.
kktt wag one's tongue.
klmi kS. kelmi.
kly slster-in-law. klykset: As ovat klyk
set they are ststers-ln-law.'
kmmekk (kasv.) orchts; (maarlan-, Engl.)
kmmekkinen, kmmeks
(kasv.) orchld.
kmmen liat oi the hand, palm; (kpl) paw.
kmmeneni; leveys hand's breadth, handbreadth; hand. -levyinen (equal to) a
hand's breadth, as broad as one's hand.
-muotoinen shaped like a hand; (kasv.)
kmmenllluu (anat.) bone or the metacarpus, metacarpal. -patukka slap on the
hand, rap on the knuckles; antaa kmmenpatukkaa jollekulle (mys:) ferule a p.
-pohja palm (or the hand), -selk back or
the hand.
kampi* ks. kmpi.
kmpyr gnarled; (esim. leivist:) crusty;
(v&r) crooked, curved, bent.
knkkyrinen bony; (laiha) scraggy.
knttyr: ijn a gnarled old man; vrt.
kns (kovettuma) callus, calloslty; (vartaan-) corn; (syyl) wart; koivun ~ ks.
p. knsinen callous; .. covered \vitli
rorns; (syylainen) warty. knsisyys callousness, . . belng calloused. knskoura
horny-handed son of toll. knsyty be
come callous(ed), become warty.
kn grudge; olla knss jollekulle have
a grudge against one.
kperrys, kpertyminen curllng (1. rolllng)
up; shrlnking. kpertynyt curled (1. rolled)
shriveled, wrlnkled;
shrunk(en). kperty curl (I. roll) up;
(kurtistua) shrlnk; shrlvel, vvrlnkle; (kel
listy) fall (clumslly), tumble down,
plump down. kpert = kprlst.
kppyr: menn kppyrn curl (1. roll) up,
(kurttuun) shrlnk, shrlvel, wrlnkle, (tai
pua) bend; olla kppyrss be curled (1.
rolled) up, (kurtistunut) be shrunk (1.
shriveled 1. wrlnkled), (koukussa) be
curved. kppyrinen rolled (1. curled) up.
kppyrkynai Ingrovvn (1. crooked) naii.
kppn: akan ~ shriveled (1. wlthered)
old woman (I. crone 1. beldam).
kpristy curl (1. roll) up, get curled; vrt.
kperty, kprlst (make . .) roll (1. curl)
UP; Vrt. kyritt*.
kpy (havupuun) cone; (kasv.) stroblle;
(verkko-) netting-needle. -lintu (ellnt.)


crossblll, crossbeak; pienempi kpylintu

red crossbill. -liske 1. -rauhanen (anat.)
liincal body (I. gland). -palmu (kasv.)
cycad. -suomu scale (of a cone).
kpl paw; (Jalka) fool. -mki: ajoa joku
kplmkeen make one take to his beels,
put . . to flight; lhte kplmkeen take
to the woods, take to one's heels, (Jkpv.)
bolt, skedaddle, pack off, make o.s. scarce.
kreya rougbness, harshness;
hoarseness. kre (karkea) rough, harsii
[answer, vastaus]; gruff; (khe) hoarse;
kre ni grufr (1. rough 1. harsin volce.
krestl roughly, harshly, gruffly; hoarsely.
karhi (kasv.) tendrll, clasper, cirrus.
krhm scurrie, encounter; tumult, uproar.
krin (nen) rasplng tone; (paistin) frlzzle, slzzle; frlzzllng, sizzllng.
kristy be browned, be roasted; (leivst
y. m.) be toasted.
krist (nest:) sound rasplng; (paistaes
sa) Trlzzle, slzzle, sputter. krist fry [in
butter, voissa], Trlzzle, crlsp; krist
voita brown butter.
krjekkyys pointedness. krjekkni pointedly. krjeks polnted; (terv) sharp;
vrt. krkev.
krjellinen . . \vlih a polnt, polnted.
krjest polnt; (terottaa) sharpen; (kuv.)
helghten, Increase, aggravate.
krjetn pointless; (tyls) blunt, dull.
krjlstytt ks. krjist, krjisty come to
a polnt, (kuv.) come (1. be brought) to a
head, become acute (1. crltical). krjist
polnt, sharpen; (kuv.) make (more) crlt
ical (1- acute), bring to a bead (1. to a
rocus), aggravate, helghten; krjist jo
honkuhun (kohdistaa) direct (1. polnt 1.
an n) at one, direct toward one; krjist
olosuhteita make conditlons (more) crlt
ical, aggravate the clrcumstances.
krkev polnted (mys: kuv.); tapering (to
a polnt); (kasv.) acumlnate; (kuv. pu
reva) sharp, cutting, sarcastic, caustic.
krki polnt; (kielen y. m.) tlp; (kynn y.
m.) nlb; (p) end; niemen karjassa on
(1. at) the end of the polnt (1. or the cape).
krkinen (yhd.) . .-polnted [esim. moni~
many-polnted; terv~ sharp -polnted ] ;
vrt. mys: tyls y. m.
krkipiste (mat.) vertex; apex.
krkkyj one who Is runnlng after (1. Is
courtlng) a th.; (tunkeilija) Intruder;
vrt. viran, krkkyminen hanglng around,
courtlng Jne., vrt. krkky.
krkkyys desire, eagerness, anxlety; lncllnatlon, bent; readincss, \villingness, promptness; vrt. krks.
krkky hang around [after a th., Jotakin];
court [a Job, Jotakin tointa]; run after;
(koirista:) beg; (karttaa) botber (I. worry) [one for a th., Joltakulta Jotakin];
(vahtia) watcll; sopivaa tilaisuutta \vatcli
one's chance, \vatch for a favorable opportunlty.
promptly; (mielelln) wllllngly.
krks (halukas) desirous, eager [Tor (I.
arter). Johonkin (1. Jollekin)], anxlous;
dlsposed (1. Incllned) [to do . . , tekemn
..]; (valmis) ready, prompt, qulck; (perso)
groedy [Tor, Jollekin]; krkkin tiimin
\vltli longlng glances, wlth vvlstful eyes,
v.lth greedy (1. hungry) eyes; oppimaan
eager (l. cratck) to learn; tietmn
kaikkea . . of an Inqulrlng (turn of) mind;
tulemaan ready (1. wllllng) to come; ~
uutisille eager (1. greedy) for news, (ute
lias) lnquisitlve, curlous.
krme ks. krme.
krpp \veasel; ermlne, (kespuvussa) stoat.

I arpanen

2 !3

karpanen fly; tehdti krptett hrkntn (I.

v.) make a mountain of a molehill.
Karpannahka ermine, -vaippa ermine robe.
karpansuku (ellnt.) the weasel family.
fly[esim. -houhhu II'.
hook; -myrkky fly-poison; -papen fly
paper; -pyydy* fly-trap], -huiiku flychaser, -loukku (kasv.) Venus's fly-trap.
-laps fly-flap(per), (jkpv.) fly-swatter,
-ruuti lycopodlum, vegetable sulphur,
-sieni fly-agaric (1. -amanlta), death-cup.
-sieppaaja 1. -sieppo (ellnt.) flycatcher,
-talira fly-speck.
kirry- (yhd.) cart- [eslm. -huorma cart
load] ; wagon- [eslm. -tit wagon-road].
-keli: hyv (mono krryktli good [bad]
karryn- (yhd.) cart-, wagon- [eslm. -pytir
cart-wheel, wagon- wheel],
karryt cart; (vankkurlt) wagon, (Engl.)
ktrsiminen suffering.
karsimys sufferlng(s), sufferance; distress,
affliction; (etup. Krlstuksen) passion; (tuska) pain, -historia story of the Passion.
-ntytelml passion-play, -vilkko (Krlstuk
sen) Passion Week, Holy Week.
karsimattomyys impatience, karsimttomsti
Impatiently, ktrslmitn Impatient; (Joka
el vol siet) Intolerant.
krsiv suffering, afflicted, distressed.
krsivllinen patient; forbearing, krsivllisesti patiently, krsivllisyys patience;
karsia suffer; (kest) endure; (siet)
bear, stand, put up with; (sallla) tolerate;
(kokea) experience; (olla jonkln alalnen)
undergo; (olla tusklssa) be in pain; ~
haittaa suffer (1. undergo) Inconvenience,
put up with [any] Inconvenience [on ac
count of ... jonkln takla], (vaurlota)
suffer (I. undergo) Injury (1. damage 1.
loss); - hutua cl. puutttta) suffer want,
endure great distress, go through misery
(1. hardships); ~ janoa suffer from thirst,
famish; ~ koctt.-lcmuh*ia suffer (1. go
through 1. endure) hardships; ~ kulut
bear the cost; kuoltma suffer (1. meet)
one's death; kuoltmanrangaiilui suffer
(the) death(-penalty), be put to death;
naiboa suffer from hunger, starve, be
starving, famish; pautetta suffer want,
be (1. have to go) without the necessities
of life, be in distress (1. In misery) [huom.
~ ttivan puutetta have to go without
bread, be In need (1. in want) of bread);
rangaistuksensa take one's punishment,
(jkpv.) take what is coming to one, take one's
medicine; rangaittui pay the penalty
[for (I. of), Jostakln], undergo punish
ment; ~ tappio (tulla voltetuksl talstelussa) suffer defeat, be defeated; ~ vahinkoa
(1. vauriotat jostahin (. jonkin takia I Suf
fer damage on account of (1. through).
Incur (1. suffer 1. sustain) a loss on ac
count of (1. through), (aslolsta:) suffer
(1. lose) by (1. through), be damaged by:
atia ti krti lykkytt (sled) the matter
allows (I. admits) of no delay, the matter
cannot be put off (1. be postponed); asa
ri karti miit mitn the matter does not
suffer (1. lose) anything thereby; en voi
~ hnt I cannot bear (I. stand 1. endure)
him; hn tl kni Itikki (sled) he cannot
take a joke, he won't put up with any


kini (sian) snout; (norsun) trunk; (vars.

liMkill.) proboscis; vrt. ka*i.
krsks 1. (a.) .. with a snout (1. trunk).
H. (s.) (elint.) curcullo(nid), weevil,
kartell = krtt.

krttyis ks. krtyinen.

krttj one who pesters (1. bothers 1.

hangs around), klrtUminen ks. krtnt.
krtt worry (1. bother 1. pester) [one for a
th., joltakulta Jotakin] ; (klusata) tease;
(kerjt)beg; (yllytt) urge; vrt. krkky.
krtyinen (Sklnen) cross, crusty; (mariseva) morose, crabbed, peevish; (plkainen)
quick to take offense, touchy, quick-tem
pered; (malttamaton) impatient [at the
delay, vilvytyksen takia]; (rtyis) petu
lant, fretful. Irritable, kartyisetti crossly;
peevishly; Impatiently; petulantly, fret
fully, ktrtylsyys crossness, moroseness,
peevishness; Impatience; petulance, fretfulness. Irritability, krtyis = krtyinen.
krtant worrying, bothering, pestering;
begging; vrt. krtt.
krvennys singeing, scorching, karventynyt
scorched, burned, burnt, kerventy get (I.
become) scorched, scorch, be(come)
singed, krvontminen singeing, scorching.
krvent singe; scorch, burn; (keltt. =>
paistaa parllalla) broil; ~ tukhama singe
one's hair; ~ voita brown butter.
karvasti fly-egg.
k&ry (smoky) smell; huoneetia on kry
there Is a smell of smoke In the room;
palanetn ~ smell of something burning,
burnt smell; rowan ~ smell of burning
grease (1. fat) ; moan ~ smell of cooking,
kitchen smell; tll on kry I smell
something burning here.
karyinen smelly; . . full of the smell of
burning grease. kiry(y)tUa smell up.
karytl smell; reek; lamppa kry (savuaa) the lamp is smoking; tll k
ry I smell something burning here, there
Is a burnt smell here, I notice a smell of
burning, klrykmlnen smelling; reeking.
krht hiss; sizzle; sputter.
karj- (yhd.) (1. v. Yhdysv.) court- [eslm.
- court-room; -pivS court -day; -talo
court-house], -asa case to come before
the court, case on the docket, -juttu law
suit; case; vrt. oikeusjuttu. -kirjuri (1.
v.) clerk of court, -kunta judicial district,
-paikka place where the court is (1. the
assizes are) held; the assizes, -pukari one
who likes to go to law, (Jkpv.) one who
just aches (1. Itches) for a lawsuit, -sal
karjt court; (Engl.) (general) assizes;
hiirajiin ks. haattu, menn; brjill,
kriitt at the assizes, before the court,
in court; hrji ks. Utua, kyd.
krjidi carry on a lawsuit (1. lawsuits 1.
legal proceedings 1. litigations), litigate;
ruvtta krjimn onkun kantta go to
law with one, bring action against (I. start
a lawsuit 1. Institute proceedings),
begin (a) suit against, kirajoiminen liti
karajoimis halu liking for lawsuits, fond
ness for litigation, -halumen fond of liti
gation, litigious.
ksl hand; kdttta kartan from hand to
mouth [huom. tl kdttt krtn
(mys:) take no thought for to-morrow];
hudesta pitatn (eritylsestl) purposely, es
joking (1. fOOlIng) ; hn ti krsi tanssitta- pecially, (perinpohjln) thoroughly, (tarvan (\. tanttia) talottaan he won't tolerate koin) exactly [huom. hSntllt on nyttttv
(any) dancing In his house; han ti ai ~ *t kdtitu pittn he must be shown just
tuntttllitaatta (mys:) be Is Impatient exactly how to do It (1. shown every last
thing about It)]; (jonkun, Joldenkulden)
with sentimentality.

htiin Into the hands of . . . ks. joutua; ksi! puoli I. (a.) one-armed. II. (s.) arm;
tarttua jotakuta ksipuolesta take one'S
ksiins ks. hakea, ottaa, saada; ksiksi
ks. kyd, ptt; ksi kdess hand In arm. -puu = kaidepuu. -pyyhe towe).
-raha (kaupanteossa) earnest-money; dehand; ksille (esille) out [esim. hakea ka
tille searrh out, fisb (1. pick) out], ks. posit. -rattaat kaikrryt. -raudat
handcurfs, manacles; panna joku ksi
mys: ottaa; ksill on hand, at hand, (val
miina) ready. In readlness, ks. olla, pit; rautoihin bandcuff one. -ruisku hand rireksill koskisn palpably; ksilt etsaa . . at engine, fire-engine run (1. \vorked) by
hand, present; ksin tehty hand-made, hand. -rysy ks. ksikhm, -sanakirja
small dlctlonary.
made ny hand; [sidottuna] hasista ja ja
loista [bound] hand and Toot; [ottaa] k- ksistantekev bandy [wlth tools, wlth
tssns [lake] In one's hand; ktt lyden needle, etc], dexterous, dextrous.
by shakin? hands (1. by glvlng thelr hands) ksite conceptlon, idea, no tiun; concept.
on tt; ai'*a on ksiss the tlme bas come, ksitell handle [a gun, pyssy], manlputhe tlme IS at band; antaa ktt toisilleen late; treat [a subject, Jotakin aihetta] ;deal
(katella) hake hands ; hanalla tali ht \vith, manage, use; dlscuss [the matter.
kteen he became alarmed; olla jonkun k
asiaa] ; take cognlzance of; asioita
siss be In (1. bave Tallen Into) the hands (mys:) transact business; ~ juttu rl.
(1. the power) of one, be In a p.'s power, asia) loppuun (oikeudessa) conclude (the
be under a p.'s thumb, (vallassa) rest (1. hearlng of) the case, brlng the suit to an
Ile) wlth one, be vested in ap.; ottaa jota
end, end the hearlng (of the case); asiaa
kuta kdsst (kiinni) tuke one by the band, (l. juttua) ksiteltess whlle the case
take (hold or) one's hand, (pudistaa) shake was belng trled, durlng the trial; emi an
hands wlth one; tuohon kteen (here Is) tuomioistuimen ksiteltvn the matter is
before the court, the matter Is belng trled
my hand on It!
kasi- (ybd.) hand- [esim. -lamppu hand- (1. consldered) by tbe court; asia tulee
lamp; -pumppu hand-pump; -saha band- tuomioistuimen ksiteltvksi the matter
savv] ; (joskus:) manual. -ala handvvrltlng, \\iii be taken Into court, they \vin go to
law abOUt lt; jtt asia tuomioistuimen
hand; (luoma) handlwork; hnell on kau
nis ksiala he \vrltes a bcautirul hand; se ksiteltvksi leave the case in the hands
on hnsn ksialaansa lhat'3 his hand(wrlt- or the court.
Ing). -ammatti handlcraft; vrt. ksity, ksiteollisuus manual arts; arts and crafts.
-juntta (pavers') beetle, maul, rammer. -koulu school of arts and crafts, manual
-kahakka (sot.) close combat (1. fight), tralnlng school. -nyttely arts and crarts
hand-to-hand right(lnic); (yi.) scurrie, (1. manual tralnlng) exhlbltion. -yhdistys
(ar>rray; vrt. ksikhm, -kasaa cash on association for the promotlon or arts and
hand; (vaihtoraha) change, small change. crarts work (1. or manual tralnlng).
-kirja (Jossakin oppiaineessa) hand-book, kisitepiiri sphere or ldeas.
manual; (kirkko-) servlce-book; ksikirja ksitettvyya cunceivableness, comprehensimatkailijoille (mys:) gulde-book, (travel- billty, lntelllglblllty. kisitetUvl concelvers') guide, -kirjasto rererence llbrary. able, comprehenslble, apprehenslble; lntel-kirja letter v/rltten by hand (1. In long- Uglble. ksitettvsi! concelvably, comprehenslbly; lntelllglbly.
hand), autograph letter.
ksikirjotus (Jonkin teoksen y. m.) manu- ksitteellinen conceptual.
scrlpt, (latojalle annettu) copy; latojalla ei ksitteidensekaannus conruslon of ldeas.
ole hsihirjotusta the composltor Is out ksittelij handler, manlpulator; (oikeusju
of copy. -kokoelma collectton or manu- tun) one before whom a case is trled.
ksittely handllng, manlpulatlon; treatment;
katai | kirjuri prlvate Secretary; amanuensls. management; usage; (selvittely) dlscus-kivat (Jauhinkivet) quern; (raam.) imu. slon; (oikeusjutun) trial; asian (kes
kustelut) the dlscusslon, (Jutun) han
klalkklin hand In hand.
ksillkoukku: hsikoukussa arm In arm. dllng or the case; asioidsn (kokouksissa
-kranaatti (sot.) hand-grenade. -kutoinen y. m.) transactlon or business; olla ksit
hand-woven. -kynkkl elbow; arm; mys telyn alaisena be under conslderatlon, (oi
ksipuoli, II. ; ksihynkss, ksikynkk keudessa) be on trial, -tapa (method or)
arm In arm. -kidassa hand In hand. -khm treatment.
(kllsikahakka) hand-to-hand fight, close ksittmttmyys lncomprehenslbllity; lncombat (I. fight); (-rysy) Tray, scurrie, concelvableness. ksittmttmsti lncomset-to, (Jkpv.) tussle; joutua ksikhmn iirehenslbly, Inconcelvably; unlntelllglbly.
lsittmtn (Jota el voi ksitt) Incomjonkun kanssa come to blovvs vvlth a p.,
get into a scurrie (1. a tussle) \vitli one. prehenslble, lnconceivable; unintelliglble;
-krryt hand-cart, (tynt-) push-cart. (Joka el ksit) unable to understand (1.
-laukku hand-bag, retlcule; work-bag. to comprehend); minulle on ksittm
-liina (hand-)towel. -mylly hand-mtll; (k- tnt, miten . . lt Is lnconceivable to me,
ho w . . , l am at loss to understand, how . . ;
siklvet) quern.
kasin 1. (kasilla, kasien avulla) by (means .. on ihmisjrjelle ksittmtnt (mys:)
. Is beyond (the reach oi) human underof) hands, wlth (one's) hands; 2. (pain,
suuntaan) towards; eteln to the south, standlng, . . Is beyond the grasp of inans
(liikuntoa:) southward(s); mlnne~ where?
in what dlrectlon? whlch way? mist ksitt concelve, comprehend, apprehend;
rrom whlch dlrectlon? Tvhlcn way [does (ymmrt) understand; (huomata) perthe wlnd blow, tuuli puhaltaa]? \vhcnce? celve, be aware of, reallze; (sislt) embrace, comprlse, cover, lnclude, lnvolve;
tlt - rrom thls dlrectlon.
kialn- (yhd.) . . by hand [esim. -kirjottttu (tarkottaa) imply; ksitettviss oleva convvrltten by hand; -kudottu vvoven by hand] ; celvable, comprehenslble, lntelllglble ;
asia omalta kannaltaan see the matter from
hand- [esim. -kadottu hand-woven; -maa
one's own standpolnt (1. vlevvpolnt), take
lattu hand -pai n tmi; -tehty hand -made].
one's own vlew of (1. in) the matter; mi
kisine glove, mltten; mltt.
nun jrkeni ei ksit, miten . . (mys : ) It
kslnen (ybd.) ks. kktlnan.
klalnliklrjotattu (mys:) autograph [letter, does not enter my head, how , .; minun
jrkeni ei sit ksit It Is beyond my corn
kirje], -koskettava palpable, tangible.

ka ityksin

prehension (1. beyonrl me) ; minan on mah- from you, (jkpv.) you are not my boss,
Joton ~ tita it Is Impossible tor me to (I. you cannot boss me; ioutua (]. tulla) jonI cannot possibly) understand (1. see) It, kun ktkettvkti have to be under a p.
I am quite unable to see it; mina *n ooi , (I. under a boss), have to be bossed by
kuinha . . It's beyond my comprehension, one; oll,, jonkun ktkettivn (\. kskttthow ... It passes my understanding, how vissi be one's subordinate, (vaivottava. .: en htlpomti k8*it*ttvi** iviiim.-invt
na) be under one's control, (kytettvn)
tavlss) It Is 1'iiMiy understood (1. easy to be at one's disposal; olla toittn kikettunderstand); ren vol niela ~ that can (1. vn be under anotherCs control), (Jkpv.)
could) be understood; tilatto ~ koko maan be bossed by another, klskettaa: ksketta
the statistics comprise (1. Include I. cover) itseiin toittamiiten not heed the first call
the whole country; tm kaikki this in
(1. Invitation); l ktktt itscsi atoa
volves (I. embraces 1. covers) ail.
(eslm. Sltl pojalleen:) don't make me tell
you that over again, klskevi(inen) com
kidtykiln hand In hand.
kasiiys comprehension; apprehension; idea; manding; Imperious [tone (of voice),
view; (ymmarrys) understanding; (ksl- i ; Imperative; hask*oin katttin with a
te) conception; notion; (mlellplde) opinion; commanding air (1. look), with an air of
hasitybseni mukaan I Understand It, In command; kiktalls nellti in an authori
my opinion, (mikftll nften) as I see it (1. tative tone, kskev' seisti commandlngly,
see the matter), as as I can see: hnel- imperiously, in an imperative tone.
ei le tiit pienintkSn ktitit he kaakea order, command; bid, summon; (IIhas not the slightest idea about it; minulla mottaa) tell; (pyyt) ask, request; (kuton toinen atiatta I have a different view sua) Invite; (marftt) Instruct, direct;
(I. Idea) or the matter, I entertain (1. hold) charge; (velvottaa) enjoin [upon] ; antaa
a different opinion of (I. In) the matter; iotakin jollekulle order a Hi to be given to
mHta voi olla (ottmatia) tri bsitykti one; Jokll faotaan (\. poittumaan) order
there may be dirrerent opinions about one to leave (1. to depart), tell one to go
that (I. differences of opinion concerning away, send (1. turn) one away, dismiss
that); todtllintn true understanding; one-, ~ sanoa leave word [huom. i*a*l
laydtllintn ~ full comprehension; vr ~ ka*ki mi'nun tanoa tinull* your father told
wrong (1. false) Idea, misconception, er me to tell you]: ~ Jonkun tehd (\. Jotaroneous conception, -kanta standpoint, kuta t*kemn) jotabin enjoin a th. upon a
viewpoint, point of view: position; com p., enjoin it upon one to do a th., order (I.
prehension, apprehension; (miellpide) opin
command) one to do a th., tell (1. charge)
ion, -kyky ability to understand (1. to con
one to do a th.; ~ Joku uaiknrmaan command
ceive), (power of) comprehension, Intelli
(1. order) one to be silent (1. to quit talkgence: Capacity; hncll on napea ksitys- Ing), tell one to be still; /tn ktki minan
kyky he is quick to understand (1. to see), talla (}. minaa tulemaan) haomenna he told
he has a quick (mental) grasp, he is quick me to come (1. he bade me come) to
witted, -pllri: htiJan ktitytpiirint ulko. morrow; ht ktkee need makes . . [huom.
puolella beyond their comprehension (1. ht k*kt* hr/n jtiasta (1. V.) necessity
is the mother of invention] : kuka ktki
understanding l. scope).
ki-itya hand-work; (ammattlmalnen) craft, tinan sinne mtnn (alkup.) who told you
handicraft: (nalsten) needlework, fancy- to go there, (mlksl menlt) why did you
work; (opplalneena koulusu:) manual go there? what made you go there (any
training; Kdtityn yttoSt society for tho way)? what put It Into your head to go
promotion of art needlework (1. of arts there, i an;, i what did I tell you! hyll niit
and crafts), -koulu manual training school, kaikkia kaike* muistamaan (kuka mu M MI
arts and crafts school, -laukku work-bag, si) who would remember them all (any
way)? how could a person remember all
fancy-work bag. -Mike (1. v.) shop.
kldtyeilinen mechanic, artisan, craftsman. that? how could anybody carry all that In
ki8ltyllifl koulu (1. v.) trade-school; In his head? minat katktttiin tulemaan tiin
dustrial school; manual training school, I was told (1. bid) to come in, I was In
-luokka artisan class, -yhdistys associa vited (to come) In; omatanto katktt minan
min teheman conscience bids me (1. tells
tion Of artisans; vrt. ammattiyhdistys.
kaiilyonopetu* (Instruction In) manual me to) do SO; sinun tali*i fo*ata) tthda
katktmtt you ought to do It without
kiara: kativaralta (plirustaessa) free being (I. having to be) told.
hand, without a ruler, [ampua, shoot] with kaskija one who orders (1. commands Jne.,
out a rest, -pliruetui free-hand drawing. vrt. kSsl.cS I ; l,ha tll on huMin Who
kil*arranl|luu bone of (I. In) the arm. -pak- Is In command (1. In authority) here?
uinen I. -ahvuinen of an arm's thickness. (Jkpv.) who Is the boss here?
as thick as one's arm. -pituinen . . of an kasky order(s), command: charge; behest,
arm's length, as long as one's arm. -vah- mandate; (Julklnen) edict, decree, ordi
istaja . . that will strengthen one's arms. nance, (ilmotus) summons, notification;
kiilvarti arm.
(Jumalan) commandment: [Jonkun] ktkailvartlnen (yhd.) ..-armed, .. with .. ky*t by order (1. at the behest) [of a p.] ;
arms, . . in the arms feslm. htikko weak- antaa olltkull ~ saapua order one to ap
armed, . . with weak arms, weak In the pear, Issue an order for one to appear; fe<-arms; vahva~ strong-armed, . . with strong m-n hashysta by whose orders? pllikk
arms, strong In the arms].
antoi (i. jaheln ktkyjn the commander
kai vatu hand -basket. -TlnUurl hind- winch; issued (1. gave) his orders; toinen ~
hand-windlass, -voi ma hand-power: (ksl- (raam.) the second commandment; yhdella
varrenvolma) strength of arm: kyd kti- kikyll after being told once, -klrja 1.
voimallabe worked (I. run) by hand (-power). -kirje edict, dei'ree: (mii&r&ys) order(s).
kiskemaln unasked, unsolicited; (kutsu- kaskyUinen (UlketttTt) underling, sub
maton) uninvited, unhidden: self-invltcil. ordinate; (palvellja) servant.
kaskeuavi (alalnen) subordinate, depend - kskyn alpinen (. & s.) subordinate; olla
ent [Upon . .'; en o/e sinun htkettvasi onkun kaikynalaittna bn under one, be
you have no authority over me, I do not one's subordinate, -alaliuui subordination,
have to take my commands (1. orders) -haltlja governor [of a province, etc.];




(llnnotetun kaupunirln y. m.) commandant; Jeksla) stroll; (olla kavelylla) take a walk,
ivarakuningas) viceroy; (hist.) stad(t)- promenade (about); (marssla) march; hiipaa see who can walk (the) fastest: o'.ia
ksky poika (Juoksu-) errand-boy, boy who kvelemie ks. (olla) kvely(ll). kively
does odd Jobs; messenger-boy; bell-boy. walk(lng), stroll; promenade; (terveydeksi
-tape (Kiel.) Imperative (mode), -valu otettu, Jkpv.) constitutional; olla kvely
authority, command; ehJoton katkyvalta be out taking a walk, be out for a stroll.
dictatorial powers; handle on annettu kat- kvely- (yhd.) walking- [esim. -kcppi
walking-stick; -paka walking-costume].
kyvalla he has been given (complete) au
thority, (sot.) he has been put fn command. -lima . . weather for taking a walk, -keppi
kasn wart; (tlet.) verruca: mys = kns. (tav.) cane, -matka walk, airing, stroll ;
-jalKainen (elalnt.) malacopod; perlpatus. (Jkpv.) hike, tramp, -paikka walk; (JulkiMI-III promenade; uosittu kutiypaikka
kteentuntuva ks. kouraantuntuva.
kteinen ready [money, raha], cash; kotei- favorite walk, -retki ks. kvelymatka.
sfll In ready money, (In) cash [eslm. kivelyttU have . . walk, (eslm. hevosta) let
maktaa kteite pay cash]; kteitell . . walk, walk; (vlrklstykseksi) exercise,
mahsettaessa myonnamme 3 ' . alennuhscn take . . out for exercise.
wo allow 3 % for cash; kSteitet rahat kavij visitor; (Joka k.iv usein jossakin)
cash, (ready) money.
frequenter; (vieras) guest; (ostaja) cus
kteis alennua cash discount, -maksu cash tomer; (yhd.) . .-goer [eslm. kirko**a~
teatieriita~ theater-goer] ;
payment, payment In ready money.
kateiia: jotahuta shake hands with one; ahkera jossakin ~ a frequenter of . .;
man who haunts (1. i.ii,. He hitelicat they shook hands.
katevyys hgndiness, cleverness, agility; In all) the fairs, frequenter of fairs.
(taltavuus) dexterity, skill, kite*! handy, ktviisU visit [a p., Jonkun luona; a place,
dexterous, adroit; (nSppr) agile, clever; Jossakin], pay a (short) visit; make a (fly
Ingenious; (mukava) comfortable, kite- ing) trip [to Paris, Parilslssa] : (kyda katvlstl handily: skilfully, dexterously; clev
somassa) go (1. come) to see, call on: ~
erly; adroitly.
pikimmltn jossakin make a flying (I. a
kttll midwife, -kuriti course for mid- hurried) trip to . .; kvtin pikimml
wives, -tutklnto examination for mldwlves. tn musrossa l just looked (1. stepped 1.
kitinen (yhd.) . .-handed [eslm. iso~ large- dropped) into the museum, I went through
handed: oa**n~ left-handed] ; vrt. oma, the museum In a hurry (1. in a rush), kavaiy (short) visit, call; (pistaytymlnen)
tols y. m.
ktketty hidden (away) ' from one, jolta- hurried (1. flying) trip; peep.
kulta], concealed; (salalnen) secret, latent; kayda go [like clockwork, kuln kello; over
(peltetty) disguised, covert; iva covert one's lesson once, lksyns kertaalleen lu(I. hidden) sarcasm. Irony.
pl]; (kavelia) walk, (astua) step; (tehda
kitkeytyl hide (I. conceal) o.s.; hide: (olla kaynti) visit fa place, Jossakin]. (kavaisktkeytyneen) be hidden (away) [In . . , tii) make a trip to [Chicago, Chlcagossal:
Johonkln], lie concealed [In . .] : m/un Han (olla kynniss) run, be running: (tulla
on ktkeytynyt where has he hidden him joksikin) become [unnecessary, tarpeettoself? where Is he (In) hiding? where Is he maksl; Impossible, mahdottomaksi], (be)
keeping himself? mhen ktkeytyy tuuri grow(lng) [weak, helkoksi; pale, kalpeaktotiicu a great truth Is hidden away In that. sl; dark, plmeaksi], (be) get(tlng); (tapahkatke (plllottaa) conceal, hide [a th. from tua) happen; (patty. osottautua) turn
one, jotakin Joltakulta] ; (kuv.) ks. alata; out: (olla) be; (juomista puhuen:) fer
ktken ktk*n Mormulla (eras lelkkl) but- ment, work, (kuohua) effervesce; kvi mitnn, button, who's got the button; kat- ten kvi, kykSn miten tahanta however
voma ksiint bury (1. hide) one's face In It goes (1. turns out), whatever may hap
one's hands; maiito tydameeneli hide (1. pen (1. may be the effect), whatever be
treasure I. keep I. bury) the memory In tides (1. befalls), come what will! happen
one's heart; faiteen (mys:) lay (I. put) what may! no matter what turns up (I.
aside (I. away), store (1. stow) away.
what happens), in any case; koin ei/en
maalla I was out In (1. I made a trip to)
kalk I cradle: vrt. kehto.
katk secret place, recess; cranny; (ktk- the country yesterday; kSy (tulee olei >ab ka hiding-place; [olla! ktMttS [bel maan) will be, (osottautumaan) will turn
hidden (away), [be] concealed. In hiding out to be. will prove [eslm. kSy *dMi**m' huom. minada on tll jotakin ktkMi mabti will be more profitable, will turn
I have something hidden away here); kat- out to be of greater advantage; hay mahkSt (mys:) nooks and corners; huthnnn dottomakti will be (1. prove) Impossible] :
ks. panna; hak fa (uanhoitta) katkSittn kayjen at a walk, (Jalan) on foot, afoot
ransack every nook and corner, go through [huom. aMtua kaydtn (eslm. hevosesta:)
every place where one kept things (1. was go at a walk, walk: antaa nevosensa atua
In the habit of keeping things) ; kaivaa kydmn (mys:) walk one's horse]; ~
moan ktktt dig out from the ground, ap*akti become downhearted, begin to feel
downcast, (miel!) become depressed [huom.
dig Up; yvimmiilla metan ktkiss in
the depths (I. in the remotest recesses) of mie/i kiiy apeaksi ajatellcssa, miten . . it
the woods, -paikka hiding-place; recess; makes one sad (1. downhearted) to think
(sallytyspalkka) repository.
how . .] ; apeallc mie/efie become down
kattely shaking (of) hands, hand-shaking. cast (1. dejected 1. depressed), (Jkpv.) get
blue about (1. over 1. on account of),
kattentaputus clapping of hands, applause.
kttyri tool, catspaw, cat's-i>aw. -palvelut: Jostakln]; ~ Jonkunarvol/eks. ~ kunnialle;
Jonkun atioilla go on (1. run 1. do) a p. 's
tfhda ktyri palvelusta (\. -pallteluktia)
ollekulle be a p. 's tool, bo a cat's-paw for errands; erilleen differ [eslm. mieiipione, be used as a tool (I. a cat's-paw) by fet kyvt erilleen opinions differ, there
one. kaiyroula be acting as a cat's-paw, Is (a) difference of opinion] : - etuneni
walk In the forefront of. he (I. go) In the
be used as a tool; vrt. edell.
lead, lead, (kuv. - ottaa alte) take the
kntonen little hand.
Initiative; ~ hahemasta (\. noutamasta)
kivellja walker: wanderer.
kavelia walk, go; (vaeltaa) wander; (kul- go for (1. after) . . , go and bring (1. get),



(go and) fetch, go and brlng In [water,

vett]; hatussa (be) wear(lng) a
hat; huonoksi be gettlng poorly, (laih
tua) lose riesh, Tall away, plne away, be
golng into a decllne, be runnlng down
[huom. hn on kynyt hyvin huonoksi vii
me aikoina (terveydeltn) he is badly run
down of late] ; ~ huonosti not go well, go
(1. fare) badly, (eponnistua) rall, prove
(1. turn out) a fallure, (hullusti) go wrong
(1. awry), prove dlsastrous [huom. nen
oli (vhll) ~ huonosti (\. hullusti) be
very nearly came to a sad end, it came
pretty near golng bad wlth hiin. he had a
narrow escape (Jkpv.: a close shave); siniilli ky huonosti, jos . . it xviii go bad
with you if . . , you will fare badly ir . .] ;
hullusti ks. edell.; ~ hyvin go well, (on
nistua) succeed, turn out successtully (1.
well) [buom. nen kvi hyvin it (1. things)
went well wlth hiin, he as lucky (1. was
fortunate), he dld very well, (esim. tut
kinnossa) he came out well] ; ~ hmrksi
(nk y. m.) grow dim; ~ ilmeiseksi
become evident, become (1. be made) mantfest; ~ ilmi be disclosed, be rcvealed, be
brougbt to llght, vrt. ~ selville; jalottelemassa (l. jalottelulla ) go (1. be) OUt to
stretch one's leg9, take (1. be out for) an
airing; joksikin become, get [Old, van
haksi], grow, be getting, be growing,
(osottautua) prove [expenslve, kalliiksi];
jossakin be to a place [esim. kvin kau
pungissa I was to the to wn ] , go to
vislt . . , attend . . , (kvist) make a trlp
to..; jhyvisillpay one's fare well visit
fto one. Jonkun luona]; ~ kahvilla jossa
kin run in at (1. run into) a place Tor a cup
of corfee; kalliiksi prove (1. turn out to
be) costly (1. dear 1. expenslve) ; ~ kalS taksi (kki) turn pale, change color, vrt.
alveta; ~ kateeksi Stir One'S JealOUSy (1.
one's envy), arouse (1. excite) one's envy
[huom. se kvi hnelle kateeksi (mys;)
that made him Jealous (1. envious), he envied that] ; katsomassa jotakuta go (1.
be) to see one, come to see one, (tervehti
mss) call on one, vlsit one [esim. kvin
katsomassa hnt I vvcnt (1. I was) to see
him; hn kvi katsomassa minua he came
(1. he was) to see me] ; [hyvin, huonos
ti] kaupaksi bave [a good (1. a ready), a
poor] sle, be in [good, poor] demand; ~
kauppaa carry on trade (1. commerce),
trade (1. deal) [in, Jollakin]; ftnnm jo
honkin Cl. jostakin) selze, Iay hold of,
grasp, clutch, (Iske) hook onto, catch,
(kuv.) cling to, hang on to, (Jonkun sanaan
y. m.) catch at, catch . . up on . .; Jon
kun kimppuun attack (1. assail) one, go
agalnst one, be hot on one's trall; Jo
honkuhun kipesti (koskea) hurt (1. pain)
one dceply. hurt one (to the quick), grieve
(1. dlstress) one, be a source of sorrow (1.
of grief) to one, break one's heart [huom.
se kvi hneen kipesti (mys:) he felt it
deeply, he was (very) sorry (1. grieved)
about it]; ~ [ahkerasti] kirkossa attend
ihurch 'regularly (1. frequently)], be a
l regular] churchgoer; ~ kitkerksi ks.
kitkerity; koulua go to (1. be at)
school, attend school [at (I. in). Jossakin] ;
kumaraan become (1. grow) bowed (wllh
years I. \wtli age); ~ kummiinsa (tulla)
be(coine) surprlsed (1. astonlshed) ; Jon
kun kunnialle \voun<I (1. hurt I. touch)
one's pride [huom. se kvi hnen kunnial
leen (mys:) be took It for an alTront] ;
~ kunniatervehdyksell jonkun luona Walt
upon one (wlth speechcs and song), pay
one's respects to one; [vanhuuttaan]


kurttuiseksi (mys:) shrivel [with age];

kuulemassa jonkun luentoja attend the lectures or il il; ~ kylss jonkun luona (vie
raisilla) pay a vislt to one, call on a p.;
kymmenett (vuottaan) be going on ten,
be in one 's tenth year; ~ krsimttmksi
grow impatlent, lose (ali) patience;
krji jonkun kanssa go to law ifli Olle,
carry on a lawsult (1. legal proceedlngs 1.
litlgatlon) agalnst one; ksiksi (johon
kuhun) Iay hands on . . , tako (1. grab)
hold or, close (1. grapple) with one, (jo
honkin) go at a th., tackle a th., get artcr
(1. at) a th., (ryhty) set to [work, ty
hn], set (1. get) to work at . . , take . .
up (1. in hand), take to . . , set about,
(kimppuun) attack [the problem, problemiln] ; ~ laahustaa drag one's fect, scurrie
(1. shurrie) along; ~ laatuun be possible,
(sopia) be propcr (1. fttting) [to . .], (men
n mukiin) do, pass [huom. ei ky laatuun,
ett menet sinne it won't do for you to go
there, you must not go thcre, it is not
proper (1. nlce 1. best) Tor you to go there:
jos sinun kvisi laatuun tulla IT it W0Uld
suit you (1. your convenience) to come,
(Jos voisit) ir you could possibly come; se
et ky laatuun (pins) that won't go (1.
do), that wlll never do, lt's not best, it's
not fittliig (1. not suitable); se ky kyll
laatuun (pins) that will be ali rlght, that
will do, (on mahdollista) that can certalnly be done, (voidaan Jrjest) that can be
arranged (Tor)]; laitumella be out to
grass, be grazlng, be pasturlng, be browslng; ~ laululla tervehtimss jotakuta sercnade a p.; ~ Jonkun luennoilla attend (1.
take) a p.'s lectures; ~ Jonkun luona go
(1. be) to see one, call on a p., vlsit one
[huom. kydessni hnen luonaan during
my vislt to him, when (I was) vlsltlng
him; min kyn opettajan luona lukemassa
I'm taklng private Iessons wlth my teacher,
I'm tutorlng wlth my teacher], vrt. ~ kat
somassa, ~ tervehtimss; lokin lpi O.
lvitse) look over (l.through), run through;
~ mahdottomaksi be rendered imposslble;
~ Jonkun mielelle: se kvi kovasti hnen
mielelleen he Teit it very deeply, lt grieved
him sorely, (kalvoi) lt preyed upon his
mind; ~ murheettisekst grow sad, become
grieved; mrille begln to form pus (I. to
suppurate), (esim. paiseesta:) come to a
head, get ripe: ~ noutamassa ks. ~ hake
massa; ~ Jonkin nkiseksi grow . .-lookIng, get to looking . . , assume a . . look (I.
expresslon), (luonnosta y. m. puhuen:) as
sume a(n) . . aspect [esim. hn kvi mur
heellisen nkiseksi she grew sad-looklng.
She looked sad; is kvi ankaran nkiseksi
the rather assumcd (1. put on) a Stern ex
presslon] ; ~ oikeusjuttua jotakuta vastaan
be carrylng on a lawsult agalnst one, be at
law wlth one; ~ onkeen (kala) blte, take
the balt, swallow the balt (1. the hook) ;
onnettomasti go wrong, prove disastrous,
turn out 111, miscarry, vrt. ~ huonosti-,
ottamassa raitista Ilmaa go and get Tresll
air, (go and) take an alrlng (1. some air) ;
~ (yh) pahemmaksi get (1. grow) worse
and worse, become (1. turn) worse, go
rrom bad to worse; ~ paljaaksi become
bare (I. naked), be iaid bare; perheiss
neulomassa go out sewlng, do sewlng (I.
dress-maklng) by the day; ~ pitkksi tai
ka) hang heavy on one' hands, drag [esim.
aika kvi minulle pitkksi the tllrie luilla
heavy on my hands, the tiine seemed to
drag]; ~ pins ks. ~ laatuun; ~ phn
ks. kihota; ~ ripill (]. Herran ehtoollisel
la) take (I. partake ot) communlon; ris



tikti jollekulle (vaivaksi) become a cross

(1. a burden) to one; tamaan suuntaan
go (1. run) In the same dlrection (1. llne),
have the same (general) trend; teleille
(tulla) become clear (1. apparent 1. evldent), be made rlear, be round, be gathered, (kyd Ilmi) be dlsclosed, (tulla osotetuksl) be proved, bc shown [huom. katsoa
tytin selville kyneeksi, ett . . conslder it
to have been rully establlshed (1. proved
beyond a doubt that . .; lausunnotta ky
selville, ett . . It bccomes evldent (1. It Is
evident 1. It appearg 1. tt may be gathered)
l t < .m the statement that . . , the statement
makes It clear that ..; tutkimuktstta kvi
selville, ett . . the lnvestlgatlon dlsclosed
the fact (I. proved l.made It clear) that..]:
~ sisn (astua) walk (1. step) in [kyk
sisn come In, walk In, step In] ; satoa
jotakuta vastaan carry on war agalnst . . ,
make war upon . . , wage war agalnst (1.
on) . . , be at war wlth . . , war agalnst (1.
~ tuoraan asiaan (kiinni) fjro
straight (1. rlght 1. dlrert) to the polnt,
lake the bull by the horns, (puheessa) talK
stralg-ht from the shoulder; ~ Jonkun s>dmelle: ky tydmtlleni goes to n;y heart,
touches me to the qulck (I. the roro I. the
heart), touches my neart; ~ sliksi jota
kuta (]. jotakin) be (1. Teel) sorry lor . . ,
(take) plty (on), commlserate [esim. mi
nun ky hnt tlikti 1 am (1. I feel) sor
ry ror hlm, I (take) plty (on) hlm] ; ~
taittelua jotakin (\. jotakuta) vattaan car
ry on a flght (1. a battle 1. a war) agalnst,
be flghtlng a battle agalnst, (sotaa) \vage
\var (1. wage a battle) agalnst [huom. taistelu on nyt kyty the struggle has now
been fought out (to the end), the struggle
has now been fought to a (1. the) rinlsh] ;
~ taisteluun jotakuta (\. jotakin) vattaan
take the fleld agalnst, go to war agalnst;
* tapaamassa jotakuta go (I. be) to see
one, call on a p., (pay a) vlslt (to) one; ~
tervehtimtt jotakuta pay a vlslt to one,
pay one a vlslt (1. a call), (make a) call
on a p., (kvist) drop (1. run 1. look) in
at a p.'s (1. on a p. 1. to see a p.) [huom.
ky tervehtimss (ky luonani) come and
see me! look me up! drop In sometlme!];
toimeen ks. ryhty (toimeen), panna
(toimeksi); ~ Jonkun toivon mukaan go
accordlng to one's wishes, go as one desired (1. wlshed); totoon (ennustuksista
y. m. puhuen:) come true, come to pass,
be ruirilled; be reallzed, be verlfled, be
conflrmed; tuntuoammakti: tarvo ky
yh tuntuvammaksi the need becomes more
and more presslng (1. urgent), the need
makes ltself felt more and more; ~ ty
dest brlng Tuli value (1. Tuli prlce), pass
(I. go) at (1. Tor) value, (kelvata) be valld,
(rahasta y. m. puhuen:) be arcepted for
ruii (1. at Cace) value, pass at par (1. as
legal tender 1. nurrent), be current, pass;
Jollekulle vaivaksi become a trouble (1.
a bother 1. a nulsanre) to one, trouble (1.
\vorry 1. bother) one, put one to Inconvenlence, be(come) troublesomc (1. bothersomo I. burdensome) to one, become a bur
den to one. (suututtaa) vex, annoy, provoke [huom. minun ky vaivaksi nhd,
miten .. It goes agalnst me (1. agalnst my
graln) to see. how . . , It makes me dlsgusteil to si'0 how . .] ; vierailematta (l.
vierailulla) ks. tervehtimss; yhteen
(yhty) Join, ineet, come (1. run) together,
unlte (Into one), (kuv.) agree, accord, be
In accord |\vlth .., Jonkin kanssa], (sat
tua yhteen) coinclde, tally, be In keeplng,
(.vastata toisiaan) correspond, match, fit


[huom. tilit eivt ky yhteen the accounts

don't tally (1. won't balance)]; ~ yksiin =
yhteon (kuv.) ; yli jonkun vointien be
beyond one (1. one's povver 1. one's ability) ;
ymmrtvisett miehett pass (1. go)
for (l. be looked upon as) an intelligent
man; kymss oleva (paralllaan kestv)
golng on, proceedlng, . . In progress, (Jos
kus:) present; kynyt ks. hakus.; kytyni
talotta arter calllng at (1. arter vlsiting)
the house; ei niin ky sanominen it won't
do (1. it is not best) to say so, you must
not say so: ei o/o tullut minulta tiell kydykti I haven't gotten around to go there;
huhu ky there is a rumor arioat (1. golng
the rounds 1. golng around), lt is said (1.
reported) [that . . , ett . .] ; hn kvi tl
l eilen he was (1. be called) here yesterday; juoma alkaa the llquor is beginning
to \vork (1. to ferment) ; kaikki kymni
talot ali (the) houses vlslted by me (I.
WhlCh I ViSited) ; kehityksen kydess edel
leen (\. kulkuaan) In the course (1. the
process) Of evolutlon; kallo ky viidett It
is past (1. after) four (o'clock); kalloni ei
ky my watch wUJ not go, (vedon puut
teessa) my watch has run down, (on py
shtynyt) my \vatch has stopped; keskus
telu kvi suomen kielell the dlscus.sion
was carrled on (1. was conducted) In Finn
ish; kone on kymst (kynniss) the
machlne Is runnlng (1. Is golng); kuinko
san on kynyt what has become or it?
what has happened to lt? uhat has come
or It? how has It turned OUt? kylpeminen
on kynyt minulle tarpeeksi halhing has
become a necesslty to me: laiva ei ky
meidn rannassamme (el poikkea) the boat
does not stop (1. put In) at our landlng:
miten hnen ky vhat wll( (1. what Is tn)
become or blm? . . how It wlll go wlth
hlm? . . what \vlll happen to hlm? . . how
he wlll rare? miten riidatta kvi bow did
the quarrel (1. the dlspute) turn out? what
was the result (1. the outcome 1. the upShot) or the dlspute? niin ei ole kynyt it
has not turned out (1. not come about)
that way, (tapahtunut) it has not happened
so, such has not been the case: niin (sit/
ky, kun . . thafs how (I. thafs the \vay)
It goes (1. lt wlll go) When . .; niin sen
asian kvi t li at "s the wav the matter turned
out (1. went), thafs whafhappened in the
matter, such was the result (1. the out
come) or (1. In) the matter; [kun] olin
kymss kaupungitta [whcn] I made a
trlp to (1. 1 vlslted) the town, [when] I was
Stopplng In the tOwn; tanoinhan min, ett
niin tulisi kymn I told you (It W0Ul(1
be) so, dldn't I teli you lt would turn out
that \va.v, \vliat did I teli you! so avain oi
ky thn lukkoon that key does not (1.
wlll not) rit (thls lock), that key won't go
in (tul this lock; so oi ky (laatuun) that
won't do (1. go), that Is lmpossible, Ihat
can't be done; se ti ky minulta (el onnis
tu) I cannot make lt go, I cannot manage
It, (kuv.) I cannot make a go or lt; so ai
ky niin helposti kuin luulisi lt can't be
done as easlly (1. lt Is not so easy 1. It Is
not so easlly done) as one would lmagine;
so ky ittettn it goes by itselT, It (Just)
iii ns Itseir, lt needs no looklng after; n
ky niinkuin pitkin it goes as It should:
taistelu on kymtt (kynniss) the bat
tle Is golng on (I. Is in progress); tytt
tahtoo kauniitta the girl clalms to be
lioaiilirul, the glrl \vants to be regarded a
beauty; ty on jo kymtt (kynniss) tho
mk Is already In progress; tnn ky
kova tuuli lt ls bknving hard to-day, there



is a strong wind to-day; ukkonen ky it

thunders, It is thunderlng: ulkona ky tuuli
it Is (I. the wlnd is) blowing outside.
kyminen (Jossakin) vislt(ing); (kynti )
walk: Kait, step; (nesteen) fermentation.
kymistila state of fermentation.
kym Jalkaa (kyden) at a w;ilk. (Jalan)
by foot. -laitos (kellon y. ra.) \vorks, (tas
kukellon) raovement.
kyml tollet, closet, water-closet [lyh.
\V. C] ; (ulkohuone) backhouse, privy.
kymaelt on a short vislt (1. trlp); there
and away, in and out: olin mimll kymsrlt I Just ran in there. I Just pald them a
riylngr (1. a burried) vislt; kvin kymselt kaupungitta I u as Just in tuuri and out
kym rlta root-bridge. -tie: kym tiel
ln 1. -tieltn \vliile passlng by, In (I.
\vtn-ri 1. whlle) passin?.
kymtn (nesteest:) unfermented; (sopi
maton) unnt, unsultable; (Jota el voi kyt
t) uselcss, lnapplicable [to ..]; (Jossa
el ole kyty) ..whlch has not been vlsited.
kynti \valk; (kyntitapa) fralt, step, pace;
(marssi) inarch; (liike) motlon; (vieraskynti) vislt, call; kynnitt ks. pit;
kyntiin k s. panna; olla tydett kynnitt
be in full motion, (esim. tehdas) be runnlng with Tuli rorce, (kuv.) bc In rull
swing; (ominen ~ (ihraisten y. m.) eveu
g-alt (I. pace), (mek.) regular motlon,
(esim. kellon) even motion; (annon hnet
kynnistt n) I knovv hlm by hls Step (1.
by the way he walks).
kyntiinpano setting (1. puttlng) in motlon,
kynti!! kilpailu
-kortti (calllng-)card, visitlng-card. -tapa
waik, step.
kynyt gone; mitta hn on opin ~ where
has he served hls apprenticesblp? opitton
. . who has gone through (1. graduated
from) a college (1. an institute).
kyp golng; current [prlce. hinta] ; (kyt
tkelpoinen) applicable, available, practlcable; (sopiva) Iit, suitable, appropriate;
(tasainen) even; raha a coln In ctrculatlon; ~ tavara salable goods, goods in
leilini] : pitemmlle ~ golng farther,
(kuv.) golng further, further [diskussion,
keskustelu]; varustakaa ittellenne kyvt
rahat Turnlsh yourselves wlth exact (1.
rlght I. correct) change.
kyplinen (jalankvij) Walker, pedestrian; (kuljekslja) tramp, vagrant; (ker
jlinen) beggar(man); (tilapisesti Jossa
kin olekslja) transient; (kvij) visitnr.
kyristynyt crooked, curved: bent; warped.
kyristy become (1. get) crooked (I.
rurved), curve; bow; (taipua) bend; (kp
risty) twist, warp. kyrlst bend, make
.. crooked; bow; (kprist) twist, warp.
kyryys crookedness (mys kuv.) ; curvature.
kyr I. (a.) crooked; curved; (taipunut)
bent; viiva curve(d llne). II. (s.) (viu
lun) bow; (mut.) curve. -hyl (asetelta
va) rlrcnlar plane. -Jlkeinen bow-legged;
. . wlth crooked legs, . . wlth the legs
twlsted out of shape. -kyntinen . . wlth
crooked (1. hooked) claws (1. talons).
-malli (pllrustajan) curve. -nenlnen . .
with (1. havlng) an acrulllne nose, hawknosed. -nokkainen hawk-bllled. -sarvinen
. . wlth curved horns. -selkinen roundshouldered; hunch-shouidered; stooped.
-torvi (mus.) horn. -varsi 1. -vartinen . .
wlth a crooked (1. curved I. bent) haiulle,
-viiva curve. -viivainen curvlllnear.
kyskell, kyskennell walk; pace; wander,
st roll; vrt. kvell, kyd.



kyte 1. Terment; (hiiva) yeast; 2. (myllyn)

ky teli (kytt) use, employ; (ksitell)
haiulle, manlpulate.
kytettv useful, servlreable; Iit for use;
kytettvitt oleva available, . . at hand,
prartirable; kytettvissni olevat lhteet
(mys:) the sourres I have (1. I had) ac
cess to, the sources at hand (1. at my comrnand) ; kytettviss olevat varat available
resources; kytettvksi kelpaamaton, kel
paava ks. kyttkelvoton, -kelpoinen; an
taa (\. jtt) jaitalkin jonkun kytett
vksi place a th. at one's dlsposal, leave a
th. Tor a p.'s use; Auonee( ovat meidn
kytettvinmme the rooms aie at our dls
posal (1. are for our use) ; hnell on suu
ret tummat kytettvitt tl- kytettv
nn) he has large sums available (I. at
hls dlsposal 1. at his command 1. In hls
control), he commands large sums of
money; kaikki kytettvitt olevat keinot
ali available means, every posslble means;
kesll kytettvksi Tor summer wcar (1.
Ilse); olen kytettvnnne I am at your
dlsposal (1. your Service); taada kytett
vkseen get at one's dlsposal, secure; ylei
sn kytettvn (mys:) open (I. accesslble) to the public.
kytin- (ylid.) ks. kytt-.
kyttely use, employment; (ksittely) handling, maulpulatlon; kyrn kyttely (viu
lua soittaessa) use of bow, technique.
kyttj a person who uses (1. employs 1.
wears Jne., vrt. kytt), user, (puvun y.
m.) wearer; consumer. kyttminen using,
use, employment, appllcatlon; (ylln)
wearlng; (koneen y. m.) running, operating; (harjottaminen) practlslng, exercising; exerclse; vrt. kytt,
kyttmisoikeue ks. kyttoikeus, kyttmtn un
used, not used (I. employed), unapplled,
unutlllzed; not In use, out of use; (puku
y. m.) . . that has never been worn, new;
(varalta oleva) spare i room, huone];
(kyttkelvoton) unflt for use, unservlceable, useless.
kyttytyminen behavlor(towards one. Jota
kuta kohtaan], conduct, demeanor; action;
manner of proceedlng.
kyttyty behave (o.s.) [towards (I. to)
one, Jotakuta kohtaan], conduct (I. deport)
o.s.; do, act; huonosti behave badly,
conduct o.s. unseemly; hyvin behave
well, (Jkpv.) act ali rlght: lapsellisesti
act like a chlld, act siliy (I. roollsh), make
a fool or o.s.; sdyllisesti behave o.s.,
conduct o.s. properly; tyhmsti act fool lshly, behave stupldly; ylimielisesti cl.
omavaltaisesti) domincer.
kytt use [mean trlcks, rumia kepposia;
threatening language, uhkaavaa kielt;
one's Influence, vaikutusvaltaansa; for . . .
Johonkin tarkotukseen], make use of
[one's weapon, asettaan], employ [dirrerent methods, erilaisia menettelytapoja];
(sovelluttaa) apiily [a rule, snt; to.
Johonkin); (ylln) wear [a blue suit. si
nist pukua; spertacles, silmlaseja: a new
hat, uutta hattua]; (kuluttaa) spend [In
..], expend [In ..], bestow [upon, Johon
kin]; (pit kynniss) run [an engine,
konetta; a factory, tehdasta], operate la
marhlne, konetta];
(hallita) command
Tthree languages, kolmea kielt] ; (harjottaa) practise [cunning, viekkautta; vlolence. vkivaltaa), exerclse [one's authorlty, valtaansa] ; kyttmtt oleva unused.
availal)le; (neulaansa] ahkeraani \\ ione's
needlel : aika(a)nsa hyvin make (food use
of one's Ilme; apua employ help, (tur-



vautua apuun) apply For belp [esim. minun

ei oi* tarvinnut kenenkn apua I baven't
needed any(body's) help, It has not been
necessary for me to employ (1. to have)
any help] ; ~ Jotakin edukseen (l. hydykeeenj nsu . . to ones advantage, rnake use
of, lake advantage of, turn . . to uue's ad\aulage (1. one's account) [huom. mah
dollisimman hyvin. edukseen make the most
il. the best) ui' . . , take the best posslble
advantage of . . , make the best posslble
use or . . , use .. to the best advantage],
vrt. seur.; hyvkseen make use or ..
(Tor o.s.), avall o.s. or, take advantage or,
(nauttia Jostakin) enjoy a tb., bave tbe
benent or, (saada hyty Jostakin) proflt
(1. benent 1. galn) by, make capital or,
draw proflt from, explolt, (Jotakuta hen
kil) make a tool of one, vrt. ouu; ~
hyvkseen Jonkun herkkuskoisuutta [hy
vntahtoisuutta] impose upon (1. take ad
vantage or) one's credulity [klndness] ; ~
hyvkseen tilaisuutta avail o.s. (1. make the
most) of an (1. the) opportunity, selze
(1. embrace 1. improve) the opportunity,
vrt. ~ tilaisuutta; ~ hydykseen ks. ~
edukseen; ~ jotakuta henkil jossakin
l. bave one visit a place; 2. (make) use
(of) one In . .; ~ kaikki aikansa johonkin
use (1. glve 1. devote) ali one's tlme to . .;
kieltn use (1. wag) one's tongue, keep
the tongue runnlng; ~ [lapsiaan] koulussa
liave [one's chlldren] attend School;
laitumella let . . run to grass, pasture,
(paimentaa) tend; loppuun use up, (ku
luttaa) \vear out; ~ Jotakuta lkriss (1.
lkrin luona) have one go to (1. Consult)
a doctor, seek medical ald (1. advice) for
one; lkri employ (1. have) a doc
tor; [rukllnsa] myllyss have [one's
iye] ground (1. taken to the mlll); oi
keutta (lak.) dlspense Justlce; ~ oikeut
taan exerclse one's rlghts; ~ pakkoa jo
honkuhun nhden use (1. make use of)
Torce agalnst one, brlng compulsion to
bear upon one, exerclse (1. put) constraint
upon one; puheenvuoroja) spcak [on a
questlon, Jossakin kysymyksess], have
the floor, express [one's] opinion; ~ iloi
suutta elze (1. embrace 1. avall o.s. of) the
opportunity [to tliank . . , kiittkseen . .],
lako (1. selze) the occasion; varojaan
tuottaviin yrityksiin (sijottaa) Invest one's
money in profltoble undertaklngs (1. In
paying enterprises), use (1. Invest) one's
money profltably; vrin put . . to a
wrong use, mlsuse, abuse [a p.'s conndencc, Jonkun luottamusta] ; mlsapply,
mlsappropriate [funds, varoja]; vrin
jonkun hyvntahtoisuutta (mys:) trespass
upon a p.'s klndness (1. patience), Impose
upon a p.Cs klndness); ~ vrin lahjojaan
mlsuse one's talents, put one's talents to
a wrong use; kytttek nuuskaa (mys:)
do you take snuff? el ole mihin tt
Hiero ls no use can be made of thls (!. to
ulilch thls can be put), therc ls no place
\vbere thls could be usod; hn keppi
kulkiessaan he carrles (1. uscs) a cane In
(1. ulien) \valklng; Aan ~ sujuvasti kolmea
kielt he commands three languages, be
spcaks three languages fluently; jtt
jonkun kytettvksi leave at one's dlsposal (I. for one's use); jd kyttmtt
not be uscd, (yli) be lert over, (menn
hukkaan) be vvastcd; mihin eit kytetn
uhat Is It used for? to what use can that
be put? min en voi eit (mihinkn)
1 have no use for it, 1 cannot use lt, 1 canllt put it to any use; mit sin kytt ys
ksi hai aie you uslng (1. dolng 1. tak-

kiy Untnsaattam i non

lng) foryour COUgb? ne tulevat hyvin ky

tetyiksi tbey Wlll be vvell used; olla jonkun
kytettvn, olla kytettviss ka. ky
tettv; on kyttmtt stailds (1. 13 1.*
lies) unused; eit el ole kytetty lt has not
been used, that has not been made use of;
voida jotakin mielens mukaan be ab le
to use a tb. as one vvants to (1. as one
pleases), be able to make the use one
\vants to of a th.
kytt use, usage, employment; appllcatlon;
exerclse; operatlon; (kytnt) practlce;
mys = kyttminen; vrt. kielen, lain,
vrin y. m.
kytt, aine (kyttvoima) motlve (1. propelllng) povver; (polttoaine) fuel. -akseli
drlvlng-axle; (mek.) drlvlng-sbart. -arvo
value in use. -hihna drlving-belt. -Jousi
main spring. -kelpoinen useful, serviceable, practical; nt for (1. capable of) use;
capable or being used; appllcable; kytt
kelpoisessa kunnosta In a servlceable condltion; se on tuskin en kyttkelpoinen lt
is hardly in Tor use any mm,-; takki on tosin
vanha ja kulunut, mutta kuitenkin viel
kyttkelpoinen the coat ls old and the
\vorse for vvear, but It can stlll be vvorn.
-kelvoton unflt Tor use, unfit, unservlceable, useless; (arvoton) worthless; vene
huomattiin melkein kyttkelvottomaksi the
boat vvas found to be scarcely fit for use
(1. hardly sea\vorthy). -kunto servlceable
condltion; kyttkunnossa fit for Service
(1. for use). In a servlceable condltion.
-kuntoinen Iit for use, servlceable; appll
cable. -kuntoisuus fitness for use, serviceableness. -kustannukset runnlng (1. over
head) expenses; (koneen, tehtaan y. m.)
cost or operatlng. -ohje dlrection(ror use).
-oikeus rlght to use, (nauttlmls-) enjoy ment; hnell on kyttoikeus siihen he has
the enjoyment of lt. -valmis ready for
use. -varat available funds; funds reserved
(1. put aslde) for runnlng expenses. -vesi
water-power; myllyn kyttvesi water to
run (1. that runs) the mlll. -voima motlve
(1. propelllng) power.
kytnnllinen practical [fellow, mies; experlence, kokemus; pbllosopby, filosofia] ;
businessllke; (asioista, myskin:) practlcable, reaslble [pian, suunnitelma] ; har
jatut practlse; kemia applled (1. practi
cal) CherniStry; kytnnllisess elmst
in practical afralrs (1. life). In practlce;
se mies on erinomaisen (mys : )
that fellovv ls exceedingly clever \vith hls
hain is, that fellovv can turn hls hand to almost anythlng. kytnnllisesti practlcally.
kytnnllisyys (Jonkun henkiln) practi
cal turn (1. mind), practical turn of minil;
(asioista:) feasiblllty; practlcalness; suun
nitelman kytnnllisyys .. (mys:) the
pian being so practical . . .
kytnt practlce; (kytt) use, employ
ment; appllcatlon; (vanha tapa) custom,
usage; (yleinen tapa, muoti) vogue, fasbl"li kytnnn miet practical nian (1. fel10W), man or affalrs; nytnnn nojalla on
the basls Of usage; kytnnss mahdoton
Impracticable; kytnntt ks. poistaa;
kytntn ks. ottaa, panna, pst, saat
taa, sovelluttaa, tulla; kytntn otettu
(generally) aceepted [custom, tapa], introduced, Inaugurated; jd pois kytn
ntt (sanoista puhuen:) drop out of use,
become obsolete, vrt. joutua; nyt kytn
nss oleva . . iiow in vogue, . . In use for
the tlme being; olla kytnnss be in
use, (yleisess) be In vogue.
kytntnlottaminen, -pano, -saattaminen
liringiiig in (l. miu use), puttlng into use



(1. In practlce); introductlon; (sovellutta

minen) appllcatlon.
kytv \valk, alley, lanc; passageway; (ra
kennuksessa) corrldor, hali, passage (From
end to end); gallery; (katu-) sldewalk,
\valk; vrt. lpi-, sivu.
kytksinen (yhd.) . . \vith . . manners, . .
wtth . . deportment [esim. huona~ oppilas
a pupll with bad (1. poor) deportment;
miellyttv . . vvith pleasant manners] .
kytllinen ks. kytnnllinen.
kyts behavlor, conduct, demeanor; (esim.
kouluoppllaan) deportment; huono ~ bad
behavlor (1. conduct), mlsconduct; siev
decent behavlor, good breeding. -tapa be
havlor, conduct, deportment; manners.
kumi spool; bobbin. kmi n ta spoollng.
kmit, kmii spool.
knne turn; (mutka) bend, curve; elbow;
wlnd; (muutos) change; (vaihto) shlft;
(keikahdus) swing; (jakso) phase; (merkklalka) epoch; (taudin-) crlsls, turnlngpolnt; knteen aikaansaapa k s. knteen
tekev; asia joutuu uuteen knteeseen the
matter (1. the case) Is entering (1. vvill onler) on a new phase; mielipiteiss on ta
pahtunut there has been a change of (1.
in) opinion (1. a change In the oplnlons),the
opintona have undergone a change; tien
knteess at the turn of the road. -aika
transltlon (perlod), perlod (1. tlme) or
transltion; (merkki-) epoch; (murrosaika)
crltlcal perlod. -kohta 1. -piste turnlngpolnt; juncturc; transltlonal perlod (1.
stage); (taudin) crlsls, crltlcal polnt (1.
stage); (tapauksien yleens) turn or the
knnell turn (over) [the leaves of a book,
klrjanlchti; the roast, paistia] ; be turning; keep turnlng; ~ heini turn over (1.
toss) the hay; ja vnnell (kuv.) (turn
and) twist, dlstort.
knnynninen proselyte, convcrt.
kinnyttj one who converts, proselyter;
(hertyssaarnaaja) evangelist, revlvalist.
knnytt cause . . to turn; turn [one into
a sociallst. Joku sosialistiksi] ; (etup. usk.)
convert; ~ Joku tielt takaisin make one
turn (1. go) back, turn one back (on the
knnytya (usk.) Conversion. -Into zeal (1.
delre) to convert, zeal of convertlng. -koe
knny tysyritys. -ty (USk.) Conversion;
evangellsm, evangellzatlon; (aatteenlevltysty) propaganda; ks. tehd, -yritys attempt to convert (1. turn 1. change).
knnhdell keep turnlng; swing (to and
frO) ; vrt. krityill.
knnhdyi turn(lng); swing; (sivuun-)
swervlng, (tiet.) deriectlon; yleisen mieli
piteen a turn (1. swing 1. change) of (1.
in) public opinion. knnhdyttlmake..)
turn [around, ympri]; (pyr&bdytla)
swing; (suunnata) dlrect; (sivuun) swerve,
deriect; knnhdyttl tuulen the wind
turned (1. veered).
knnht turn (o. s.); (pyrht) swing;
(sivuun) swerve, (etup. tiet.) deriect;
pois turn away; sellleen turn over
on one'3 back; ympri turn around, face
about, turn one's back: kki sheer (1.
swerve) of f [to one side, toiselle kyljelle] ;
hn knnhti ympri ja lhti tiehens he
turned (hts back) and went (hls way).
kinnnt* turnlng; vrt. knns.
knntt have (1. cause to be) turned;
have . . translated; (pyrhdytta) swing;
(usk.) convert; jollakulla make (1. have)
one turn, have one translate; ~ jonkun
huomio toisaalle dlvert a p.'s attention, turn
a p.'s attention In another dlrection.


knns turn(lng); (kielellinen) translatlon,

renderlng, (raamatun y. m.) version;
oikeaan a turn to the rlght, (komennukse
na:) rlght about face!
knne- (yhd.) translatlon [esim. -palkkio
translatlon fee; -toimisto translatlon bu
reau] ; . . of translatlon [esim. -jrjestelm
system of translatlon; -oikeus rlght or
translatlon]. -harjotus translatlon exerclse; knnsharjotuksia (mys:) passages
for translatlon. -kirjallisuus translattons,
translated llterature (1. books) . -koe trans
latlon (In connectlon witb an examinatlon i .
-liite appended (1. attached) translatlon.
-nyte knnskoe, -taito ablllty to
translate, ablllty as a translator. -tehtv
(koulussa) translatlon (exerclse). -virhe
error or (1. in) translatlon.
knteentekev epoch-maklng, epochal; t
m tapahtuma oli (mys:) this event
formed an epoch (1. marked an era).
knteinen (mat.) lnverse i ratio (1. propor
tion), suhde].
knteleminen, kntely turnlng (over).
kntyill slnrt, veer; luuli kntyilee the
wlnd Is veerlng (1. keeps shiftlng).
kntyminen turnlng; (usk.) Conversion.
kntymye Conversion, kntymtn (usk.)
unconverted. kntynyt (usk.) I. (a.) converted. II. (s.) convert.
knty turn l around, ympri], take a turn
[for the worse, pahemmaksi U. pahempaan
pin)]; (tuulesta puhuen:) shlft, veer;
(muuttua) change; (pyri) revolve, turn
around; (etup. usk.) be converted [to
Christlanlty, kristinuskoon] ; (poiketa) get
out or [the way, tielt], (kuv.) depart
from, leave [the path of duty, velvollisuu
den tielt]; (tulla Joksikin) turn out, become; resolve (itselT) [Into .., JokslkinJ j
~ haudassaan turn over In one's grave; ~
hyvksi turn to good t liuom. se kntyy
viel hyvksi that wlll come out ali rigtit
yet, that wlll turn out well yet, that vvill
turn to gOOd] ; ~ katsomaan jotakuta turn
around to see one; ~ kotiin(pin) turn
(1. set) one's race (1. course) homewanls,
turn home; kristinuskoon (mys:) embrace Christlanlty, turnd. become a) Chris
tian; kulmasta turn at the corner, turn
(around) the corner; ~ oikealle turn (off)
to the rlght; ~ Jonkun puoleen (Johonku
hun pin) turn to(wards) one, (kysymyk
sell y. m.) address (o.s. to) a p., (Jollakin
pyynnll y. m.) approach one [about a
matter, Jossakin asiassa], (Jotakin saadak
seen) apply (I. go) to one for (1. to get)
a tn., turn (1. appeal) to a p. for . . ,
(neuvoa kysykseen) consult a p. [huom.
asiantuntijain puoleen Consult experts
(1. speclallsts), call In expert advlce, (jos
sakin asiassa) rerer the matter to experts;
~ jonkun puoleen kysymyksell (mys:)*
address a questlon to one; ~ lkrin
puoleen go to (1. go see) a doctor, consult
a physlclan, seek medical ald; puheellaan
Jonkun puoleen address (o.s. to) a p., dlrect
one's remarks to one; ~ senaatin puoleen
jossakin asiassa turn (1. appeal) to the
scnate In (1. about) a matter] ; ~ syrjn
turn aslde, make way for ono (to passi,
strlke off [from the main road, valtatiel
t] ; takaisin turn (back), (palata) roturn, retrace one's steps; ~ toiselle kyljel
leen (laiva) swerve (1. sheer 1. turn) to one
Side; asia kntyi toisin (pin) the mntter
took 8 dirferent turn; hn ei tiennyt, mihin
he dld not know whlch way to turn (I.
whom to turn to); kaikki kntyi leikiksi
It ali turned Into run (1. a joke) : onni kn
tyi the luck turned (1. shlfted 1. cbanged) ;



se kntyi pinvastaiseksi (entisestn) it

turned clear (1. square) arouna; tauti on
kntynyt pelottavaksi the slckness has
takun ali alarmlng turn; tie kntyy siit
the road liirns there; tuoli on kntynyt
the wind has changed (1. bas turned).
kntj translator. kntminen turning;
directlng; translatfng, translatlon; (usk.)
ronvertlng, Conversion.
kntyty turn (o.s.) over [in bed, vuo
teellaan]; (ympri) turn around; vrt.
knt turn [down, alas; one's head, p
tn; ones thoughts to, ajatuksensa Jo
honkin; sorrovv into rejoicing-, suru ilok sl] ; (suunnata) direct [the guns upon.., ka
nuunat Johonkin (1. kohti Jotakin); a p.'s
attention to. Jonkun huomio Johonkin; one's
steps homeward(s), askeleensa kotia koh
ti] ; (taittaa) rold; (kJelist puhuen:)
translale [Trom (1. out oO, jostakin; into,
joksikin 1. Jollekin kielelle], render [into
English, englanninkielelle], (Joskus:) turn
into [Finnish, suomeksi]; (etup. usk.) convert; ~ huomionsa johonkin direct (1. turn)
one's attention to (1. upon), (ottaa huo
mioon) pay attention to, attend . .; ~ kaik
ki parhain pin turn ali thlngs (1. overrule
ali I. make ali thlngs work together) for
good, hring good out of ali thlngs, bring
everythlng to a good Issue; [paperi]
kaksinkerroin rold [the paper (1. a plece
of paper)] double; ~ katseensa pois josta
kin turn away (1. avert) one's gaze rrom;
~ kiertmll (Jostakin kielest toiseen)
transcrihe; ~ kokoon rold up, rold together; ~ lapiolla spade (up), turn with the
spade; ~ lehte turn (over) the lear;
[kaikki] leikiksi turn [everythlng] into a
joke (1. Into run), turn [everythlng] orr (1.
aside) with a joke, (ottaa leikiksi) take
l everythlng] in Jest (1. as a Joke); ~ Jokin
asia nauruksi turn a th. to ridlcule, make
llght (1. make run) or a th., vrt. edell.;
nurin turn [one's pockets, taskunsa] Inside
out, turn [one's coat, takkinsa] (\vrong side
out), turn up; reverse, invert [theoideror
the words, sanojen jrjestys] ; ~ puhe suo
meksi render the speech Into (1. In) Finn
ish; ~ [kauluksensa] pystyyn turn up
[one's collar], tuck . . up; selkns jol
lekulle turn one's hack (up)on a p., (kuv.,
jkpv.) glve one. the cold shoulder; Jolta
kulta eilmt decelve a p.'s eye, (kuv.)
throw dust in a p.'s eyes [huom. hn knsi
silmni (1. minulta silmt) my eyes de
ceived me about lilin]; ~ toisaalle turn (I.
direct) . . tho other way, (johtaa, esim.
keskustelu) turn . . in another dlrection;
~ toisin jonkun sanat (Vristell) DliSlnterpret (I. put a false constructlon on) a
p.'s words.
knt turn(lng); (pyrhdys) swing, -aura
turn(ing)-plow. -lava
kntpyt. -piiri
troplc. -piste turnlng-polnt. -pyti (rautat.) turntable, turning -plate, (Engl.) turnplate. -rana swlng-crane. riati turnstile.
-silta turru Ing) -bridge, s\\ing-bridge; (Jo
ko pystyyn tai sivuun knnettv) drawbridge; (pystyyn knnettv) bascule
bridge; (kntsillan liikkuva osa) draw.
kpi (hvnrf, pygmy; (pikku mies) mani
kin; (tonttu) gnome, brownle.
kpi- (yhd.) dwarr (esim. -mnty dwarr
plne; -puu dwarr tree). -kanaa (people or)
kpiminen dvvarrish; stunted; ~ kasvu
stunted grouth, d\varflshness.
kpin kaltainen, -tapainen ks. kpimi
kp (corky)
rungiis, rungus-growth;


(kasv.) polyporus; vrt. Uula. kpinen

. . covered wlth rungus-grovvths.
kre wrapper [around a parcel, paketin ym
prill], wrapplng; (lk.) compress; stupe;
dressing; (side) bandage, swathe; (rul
la) roll, ei dl ; hnell on p kreess ( 1.
kreiss) he has a bandage around (1. on)
his head, he has bls head done (1. tled) up
in a bandage; kylm [Ruuma] kre cold,
[hot] compress; olla kreess be handaged (up) , be wrapped up. -kaihdin rollercurtaln, (window-)shade. -lakki turban.
-liina wlnding-sheet; kreliinat (kuolleen)
shroud, grave-clothcs. -nuora string, (wrapping- ) cord, twine. -paperi wrapplng-paper.
kriminen krint.
krin wrapper; wrapping; vrt. kre.
krin [Hakana windlng-sheet. -liina ks. kreliina; panna (\. kietoa) ruumis krinlii
noihin put a corpse In its shroud, lay one
out (ror burlal).
krint windlng, twlnlng, twistlng; blndlllg up; vrt. kri.
kriyty wind (itseir), twlne (ItselD [about
(1. around) a th., Jonkin ymprille] : \vrap
o.s. (up) [in one's cloak, viittaansa];
kiemuraan ( esim. krme) COll (itsell ) ;
viittaansa (mys:) wrap (1. rold) one's
cloak about one; johonkin kriytynyt
wrapped (I. muffled) (up) in . . ; enveioped (1. shrouded) in . . .
kri \vind [a thread around one's ringer.
lanka sormensa ymprille], twlne, wrap [a
piece or paper around a th., paperi Jonkin
ymprille], wrap up; swaddle, swathe; (ko
koon) rold(up); (verhota) envelop; shroud;
~ auki unrold, unwrap, unwind ; hihat yls
roll up (1. tuck up) one's sleeves; [lapsi]
kapaloon swaddle (1. swathe) a chlld;
kerlle wind up (1. coll) . . into a ball;
kokoon fold up, roll up; ~ paperiin do up
(I. wrap 1. wrap up) in paper.
kriinen (perhoslaji) tortrlcid.
krme snake, serpent; ruokkia krmett
povellaan (kuv.) nourish a vlper in one"s
krmeen- (yhd.) snake- [esim. -kaltainen
snake-llke; -lumoaja snake-charmer; -pal
velija snake-worshlpper] ; snake's, . . or a
snake [esim. -nahka snake's skin, skin or
a snake; -p head or a snake, snake'3
head]. -muotoinen snake-llke, serpentllke; serpentlne. -muna snake's egg.
-myrkky venom; poison or snakes. -nki
nen . . resembllng a snake, snake-like. -pal
velus snake-worship. -pes nest or snakes
(1. serpents) ; (kuv.) den or vlpers. -poika
nen young snake. -purema I. (a.) snake liitten. II. (s.) snake-blte, bite or a snake.
krmehaukka (hiirihaukka) buzzard.
krmeill act like a snake: (kiemurrella)
wriggle (about); vrt. piruilla.
krme kotka (ellnt.) secretary-blrd. -sauva
(mytol.) Hermes's (1. Mercury's) stafr; caduceus. -thti (elint.) ophiuran, brittlestar.
kry (mytty) bundie, pack; (nyytti) kit:
(paketti) parcel, package, packet; (rulla)
roll, COll; panna krylle make up into (I.
tie up In I. do up in) a bundie. roll up into
a bundie (1. a package), roll (up); vrt. kre.
krykk, kryle (keltt.) roll; rolled ..
[ esim. hrnlihakryleit rolled beer, beer
rolls] ; vrt. kaalikryle.
krist wrap up in a hurry; bundie up;
~ kokoon roll up, bundie up, throw . . together; ~ jotakin lapsen ymprille throw
something around the child.
kr ks. kry.
ksit chalse.
kty (ketju) ehain; kaulakdyt necklaee.



kAhini rattle. khisti (yski) bark; nen

nens khisi tliere \vas a rasp (1. a rattle)
in hls volce, (kmisi) he hari a rattle in hls
throat. khi routii hoarsely, bave a hoarse
(1. a dry) cough, (Jkpv.) bark.
khnys ks. kntys.
hohn, kehn (hilse) dandrurr, scurf. koti
nainen . . covered with (lanriruff, scurry.
khi, khysk dry coug-b; (hk, elimiss)
kktU squat; roost; Utua ~ slt squatting,
squat. (bautova kana munien pll) slt
broodlng, brood; istua ~ kotona stay at
home and mope.
kli (laivan) keel, (Joskus:) bottom. -alus
vessel \vlth a keel. -Jalkainen (ellnt.) heteropod. -ruuma hold.
kllttU lounge (1. loll) about; maata ~
lie lounging (1. lolllng) about, be lolling,
be lounging.
Kln Cologne. Klnin-liima Cologne glue.
Klnin-veai Cologne vvater, cologne.
kmpelys ks. kntys.
kmpelyys bulkiness; (kuv.) clumsiness,
aw/kwardness, ungainliness; vrt. kmpel.
kmpel clumsy [attempt, yritys; boy, poi
ka], (henkilst:) lumberlng, (kuv.) awkuard, gau-ky, lumplsh, (kuhnus) lubberly,
ungalnly, (kankea) stirr, (karkea) uncouth
imanners, kyts], (raskas) heavy; ~ lelkillityyM clumsy (1. awkward) humor; km
peln korea gaudy, riarlng, riaunty, (Jkpv.)
loud. kmpelsti clumsily, awkwardly; In
a clumsy (1. an a\vkwarri) manner; (ras
kaasti) heavlly, bulklly.
kmpii cravcl, scramble; shamble, shurrie
(along); (rymi) sprawl; ~ jaloilleen
crawl up (on one's reet).
kngs (vesiputous) \vaterfall; cascade.
knl: saada kniins (jkpv.) get lickeri, fret
a licklng (1. a trounclng), get what is coming to one, get one's jacket dusted.
kntiks clumsy, lumberlng, lubberly.
kntistys stirrening, growing numb. kntistyi become (1. grow 1. get) stirr, stitfen;
(kylmst) grow (1. get) numb wlth (tho)
cold, be benumbed [wltb cold, kylmst] ;
kylmst kntistyneen numb (1. be
numbed) wlth cold. kntist* kontista*.
kntti gob; chunk, lump; (multa- y. m.)
clod; (veri y. m.) elot. knttiminen chunky,
lumpy; bulky, lumberlng, unwleldy.
kntti -- kmpi.
knttyri clumsy (1. lubberly) Tellovv; uhon
~ an old man wlth stlffened Jolnts, a clum
sy old man. knttyrinen clumsy, awk\vard, lubberly, lumberlng, unwleldy. knttyrisyys clumsiness. awkwardness, lubberliness; unnleldiness.
kntys clumsy (1. lubberly) fellow; bumpkin, lubber, lout. kntysminen lubberly,
clumsy. kntyst stump (along) [wlth
one's vooden leg, puujalallaan], \valk
clumsily; (lapsesta puhuen:) toddle.
kntti: istua - slt (as) stirr as a poker:
seisoa ~ st and hoit upright, st and as -tili'
as a poker.
kpitu stump; (lapsesta:) toddle: ukko
menn kpittl puujalallaan the Old ni.m
stiimperi along with hls wooden leg.
koristi rattle: lapsen rinta krisee the chlld
rattles \vhen he breathes; vrt. karista.
korttikanta (bernnlset) the pietlsts. krttililnan pietlst.
-k (Jlktlllte) : siitks ilo nousi my, \\ hai
a Joy that caused!
kyden i punoja rope-maker. -punonta ropeniaklng. -punontakone rope-machlne. -pt
k 1. -pii end (1. blt I. plece) or rope: hn
lysi vanhan hydenpthn he found a plece


or old rope. -veto (urh.) tug or war, ropepull(lng). -vetokilpailu tug or war.
kyhdytt make . . poor(er), impoverlsh
[the soll, maaper()] ; reduce . . to poverty. kyhtymys lmpoverishment, pauperization. kyhtynyt lmpoverlshed, reriuced to
poverty; indlgent; perin kyhtynyt pauperIzed. kyhtyi become (1. get 1. gro\v)
poor(er); be impovertstied; (perin) be reduced to beggary; kyhty keppikerjliseksi be pauperlzed, be reduced to beg
kyhyyden|!lupaua vow or poverty. -todistus
certiricate or poverty.
kyhyya poverty; penury; (puute) destittition, want; (kuv.) poorness, dericlency,
lack [or ..], meagerness; ajatusten ~
dearth (1. poverty) or ttiought (1. ldeas),
pauclty or ldeas ; el kyhyydess (mys:)
live In lndlgence; vajota kyhyyteen ja
kurjuuteen slnk into abject poverty.
kyh poor; (rahaton) moneyless, pennlless;
(kurja) wretched, mlserable; (puutteeseen
Joutunut) indlgent; (tarvitsevainen) needy;
~ jostakin poor (1. deNclent 1. lacking) In,
destltute of; ~ maaper poor (1. unproductlve) SOil; kyh malmia lo\v-grade
ore, poor ore; kaupungin kyht the poor
(Tolks) or tbe town. -aatteinen . . poor (1.
lacking) In ldeas; dull. -ajatuksinen . .
wlth not many ideas or hls o\vn, shallowbrained (1. -wltted); (esim. kirja) poor in
thought; vrt. edell. -henkinen not vcry
bright mcntally, dull.
kyhin|!asianajaja attorney hired by the
communlty to give the poor legal arivlce.
-hautausmaa potter's rielri. -hoito ks. vai
vaishoito, -huone poorhouse; vrt. vaivais
huone, -koti 1. -maja (1. v.) municlpal home.
-lkri physlcian hired by a communlty
to treat the poor; (1. v.) city physlcian.
-oikeus the poor-laws. -talo = vaivaistalo.
kyhlist proletarlat(e). kyhlistlinen
proletarlan. kyhiliisyya pauperlsm.
kyhnllapu alri to the poor; municlpal ald
(1. reller) ; charlty. -puoleinen rather poor.
-todistus 1. -kirja certiricate sho\vlng a p.'s
Inablllty to pay . .; certiricate or poverty.
kyhllsanoJnen poor In words; kyhsanainen kieli language vvith a llmlted (1. a meager) vocabulary. -aanalauua llmlted vocahulary, meagerness or vocabulary; paucity
or vvords. -sisltinen . . poor in content.
kyhsti pooriy; miserably; scantlly; meagerly; puettu pooriy (1. scantlly) clari,
shabbily dressed.
kykistyi ks. kyykisty.
kykky 'selkinen round-Shouldered.stoopcri,
bo\ved. -aelkiisyys round shoulriers; stoop;
curvature or the splne.
kykinen ks. keve; kykiseksi lytty (\.
havaittu) 1'ounri vvantlng. kykisesti, kykisyys ks. kevesti, keveys.
kynnell climb; (kiemurrella) wind, tvvine;
hyntelev kiipijkasvi twinlng climber.
kynns vlne; (maata pitkin kulkeva) runner; (koriste-) garland; humala~ hop-vlne.
-kaavi creeper; vlnc; (kiipijkasvi) climbing plant, climber; (maata myten kulke
va) tralllng plant, runner. -krme (ellnt.)
python, -papu pole-bean; cllmblng bean.
kyntely cllmblng; tvvining; (maata pitkin)
tralllng; creeplng.
kyrl Ali Salnts' nay.
kyristy 1. = kyyristy; 2. (koukistua)
bend, stoop (down); curve.
k y ristii bend, curve; crook; arch; ~ sel
kns bend one's back [huom. kissa kyristi selkns the cat archeri lts back, the
cat put her back up] ; vuodet ovat kouris
taneet hnen selkns the years have




bowed (1. bent) Ills back, he Is bowed (1. kysitt lash; (mer.) Trap; rig [a ship, lalhumped over 1. bent 1. stooped) with age; va] ; vrt. kytt. kysitys lashing; (laivrt. koukistaa.
van) rigging.
l M : kSyryyn ks. noataa; halhta telk kytutl (tie with a) rope, bind with a rope:

~ kiinni lash, secure, (nuoralla) lace (to

gether), lace up, fasten (with a lace), lace
securely; ~ Jokln jonkln ymprill* tie (l.
cri kytt, yht kytt kS. vetaa; laivan bind) . . around a th., bind . . up with a th.,
bandage . . with . . .
kydet the rigging Of a Ship; vrt. panna kyts
band, tie, string, lace, strap; slim?;
hantaa httn kytShtett
kysi- (yhd.) (kydesta tehty) rope [eslm. carry (1.lashing;
have) one's arm In a sling.
-hiihka rope swing; -motto rope mat; -silta Kooponhamina
rope bridge ,-tikkaat rope ladder]. -klmppu
choir, chorus; (laulukunta) glee-club.
bunch of rope, -luuta rope mop, swab, kPl
-harjotus choir (1. chorus) practice; (kirkswob, -porau rope-drllllngr. -punomo ko-)
choral practice, -laulaja singer In (1.
rope -walk; vrt. kyiltehdas. -rata ropeway. member
of) a chorus (1. glee-club 1. choir),
kyelst cordage; (laivan) rigging:, tackle. -laulu singing by a (1. the) cbolr (1. cho
kyiltehdu rope-factory.
rus), choral singing, choir-singing; chorus.
kyryss walk bent, (walk -with a) stoop.

-selkalinen) --- kbybkyselkinen.

knysi rope; (varppl) hawser; (mer.) line;

laadinta (lausunnon, testamentin y. m.)

drawing up, making (up); (suunnitelman
y. m.) framing; (valmlstus) preparation;
(Jarjestely) arrangement; (kokoonpanemlnen) composition, (eslm. sanakirjan) com
pilation; vrt. lain.
laadittaa have . . drawn up (1. made 1. framed
1. complied Jne., vrt. laatla); ~ altakulla
jotakin have one draw up (1. make 1. frame
1. compile) a th.
laadulllnen orderly; (hyv) good; (kohtuulHnen) reasonable, moderate, fair; (soplva)
proper, fit: vrt. laatuUa. laadullisest! rea
sonably, fairly; (hyvln) well, laadulllsuue
reasonableness, fairness.
laaha (klvlrekl) stone-boat.
laahaamlnen dragging, trailing1, laahata drag
(. . along with one), lug, trail, vrt. raabata.
laahaus dragging, trailing, laahautua be
dragged [along, mukana], drag, trail.
laahuksenkantaja train-bearer.
laahus train, -koysl (llmapallon) trail-rope,
guide-, -tapeli trailing sword.
laahustaa drag:, trail fon the ground, maaesa] ; - etecnpin drag on: vrt. kyd. laahustamlnen dragging (on), trailing, laahustin - laahus.
laaja extensive [area, ala; trade, kauppa;
view, nkala] ; (avara) wide, ample; (laaJalle ulottuva) expansive [outlook (1. view),
nkala]; (aava) vast; (suuri) large [vol
ume, nidos] ; (paksu) thick, bulky; (kuv.)
comprehensive, far-reaching: [question,
kysymys], broad [view of things, katsomus]; laajalte. laajalta, laajalti ks. hakus.;
aaiaisa murin in a large measure, to a
large extent; ~ feo* an extensive (piece
of) work, a large volume; laajat opinnot
comprehensive studies; laajat tatangot ex
tended (I. vast) plains; laajoissa piireiss
In wide circles, extensively, widely; canon
laujimmassa merhityhsessa In the broadest
(1. widest 1. most comprehensive) sense of
the word, -katseinen far-seeing, farslR-hted.
laajalle widely; wide; (kauas) far; ~ levinnyt widely spread, wide-spread [preju
dice, ennakkoluulo], generally (1. widely)
diffused, generally disseminated [belief,
usko], (sanomalehdest:) ks. seur.;
Itvio widely circulated (1. read) [paper,
lehtl]. vrt. levita; ~ thtv .. aimIng: far, far-reaching, . . with a broad
aim; - ulottuva far-extending, far-reach
ing, extensive, vrt. ulottua. laajalta, laajalti

widely, far and wide, extensively, to a

large (1. a great) extent; on matkastellut iaafalti (myOS:) he has been an ex
tensive traveler; niin laajalti to such an
extent, In such dimensions; nun laajalti
l.-iirn Miinfcm, mahdollisimman laajalti as
extensively as possible, to the greatest
possible extent.
laajalti || matkuetanut 1. -matkuetellut widelytraveled, -tunnettu widely known, known
far and wide.
laajanpuolelnen rather extensive (1. large 1.
comprehensive Jne., ks. laaja).
laajanakoinen .. with a broad view of
things; (kaukonklnen) far-sighted, -nikiseeti far-sightedly, -nkisyys far
sightedness, -oppinen . . of wide learning:,
. . of broad culture. -perSinen extensive,
wide-embracing; comprehensive, sweep
ing; (kooltaan suurl) voluminous, bulky;
(pltk) lengthy [document, aslaktrjal ;
(yksltylskohtalnen) detailed [description,
kuvaus], minute; (Juurtajaksalnen) ex
haustive; taajaptrSinen kysymyi Wide-em
bracing (1. far-reaching) question (1. sub
ject), question of wide (1. far-reaching 1.
vast) scope; Wen laajaperalnen too extensive
(1. voluminous), . . going too much Into
details, prolix; tavattaman laajaperainen
(mys:) of immense (1. of vast) scope,
-periseetl extensively; comprehensively,
sweepingly; exhaustively. -perSisyya extenslveness; comprehensiveness; fullness
of detail, completeness, -sanainen (monisanalnen) verbose, wordy; vrt. luuriunainen. -sanaisesti wordily, verbosely; (pitkSlti) at great length, -eanaisuus verbosity,
laajasti widely, extensively; far and wide;
(laajaperaisestl) at great length; vrt. laajalti.
laaja :suuntainen wide-embracing [subject,
kysymys] ; comprehensive, sweeping; . .
of immense (1. vast) scope; (laajalle ulot
tuva) far-extending, far-reaching: exten
sive, -tietoinen . . with wide (1. broad 1.
extensive) knowledge, -tletolauu* wide (1.
broad 1. extensive) knowledge.
laajemma Ita, -III more widely (1. extensive
ly), to a greater (1. a larger) extent.
laajeneminen expansion; widening (out);
(fys.) distentlon, dlla(ta)tlon; vrt. laajentuminen.
laajennun widening, expansion; (etup. fys.)
dlla(ta)tlon; (SSnloikeuden y. m.) exten
sion; (rakennuksen y. m.) enlargement;

vrt. laajentaminen, -politiikka policy oi' laamanni (hlst.) lawman; (nyk.) tltle given
[in Finland] to distlnguished Judges.
exp ansion.
laajentaa wtden [one's knowledge, tieto laantua (lakata) cease, stop; (tyynty) calm
(down), become (1. grow calm); (tuules
jaan] ; (fys. & yi.) expand [the air, ilmaa;
an empire, valtakuntaa] ; dllate [the pupll, ta:) go down, abate.
silmter]; (suurentaa, ulotuttaa laajem laapis lunar caustlc, caustic; (lk.) lapls
mrernalls. -liuos solutlon or Silver nitrate.
malle) extend [one's domlnions, alusmai
taan; the range of one's knowledge, tieto - -puikko stlck or (lunar) caustic.
pilrin], enlarge [one's business, liiket laari (jyv-) bln. laarillinen: viisi laarillista
tn]; (avartaa) broaden [a conceptlon, vehn flve blns (full) or wheat.
ksitett] ; valtaansa extend (1. expand laastari plaster. -lappu 1. -tilkku plece (1.
patch) or plaster.
1. increase) one's power, (alueitaan) ex
tend one's rits] domlnions. laajentaminen laastaroida plaster. laastaroiminen plastering.
expanding, extending, enlarging, broaden- laasti mortar; plaster.
laastikku, laastukkl ramrod, gun-stlck.
i:.'.-; expansion, extenslon, enlargement.
laajentamis! tuuma 1. -suunnitelma pian oi' laatia (kyht) draw up [a pian, suunnitel
extending (1. enlarging), plan(s) for the ma; a contract, urakkasopimus: a new
extenslon (1. the enlargement) [of . .1. currlculum, uusi lukujrjestys], draw;
-yritys attempt to extend (1. enlarge), at- (valmistaa) prepare [a map, kartta]; (pan
na kokoon) compose [a speech, puhe],
tempted extenslon (1. enlargement).
compile [a dlctlonary, sanakirja], make
laajentua grow Wide, grow wider, widen up
[a llst, luettelo], make out; (jrjest)
(out); (fys.) dlstend, dllate, be(come) di- arrange;
(tehd) make, construct, put up;
lated; (yi.) extend, expand, stretch. laajen
(suunnitella) rrame, work out; (muodos
tuminen wldenlng (out), expansion; (sil
~ ehdotus joksikin
mtern y. m.) dllatlon; (Tys.) distention, draft . . , make (1. rorm;
formulate) a pian for . . ,
dilatatlon; sydmen (snnllinen) laajen
. .; lakeja make
tuminen (fysiol.) diastole. laajentumis- (1. enact) laws; [kirjallinen]
kyky expanslve power; capablllty of dlla
statetlon (1. expansion). laajentunut expanded, ment (or one*s opinion); [wrltten]
enlarged; (fys.) dlstended, dllated.
kin make a llst or . . , take (1. put 1. note)
laajeta = laajentua.
down: ~ pytkirja jostakin rtraw up (1.
laajimmalle: ~ levinnyt most wldely spread take
down) the mlnutes of, draw up a re(1. lirfused 1. circulated).
of . .; sanamuoto johonkin, jon
laajuinen: jonkin ~ . . Wide, . . In width (1. kin sanamuoto
formulate (1. word) a tn.,
extent), of . . extent (1. widtb), or an extent arrange the wording
or . .; ~ suurella huo
of ... as Wide as . .; sen of such extent; lella (myS:) elaborate;
teot on 400 sivun the work comprlses ks. tehd; ~ valmiiksi get(1.testamenttinsa
400 pages, the work Is of an extent of 400 (suunnitelma y. m.) work out,make)
(saarta val
pages; viiden penikulman ~ 5 mlles Wide, miiksi)
5 mlles In wldth (1. In extent), of an ex
~ vastauksensa make one's answer, (sana
tent of 5 mlles.
muoto) frame (1. word) one's answer; mielaajuus width; wldeness, extenslveness; tint
laadittu the report was Weil
breadth; (sisllys) comprehension, com- drawnoli(1.hyvin
rramed 1. worded). laatija one
prehensiveness; magnltude; (ulotus) ex
drew) up; one who framed
tent, extenslon; (piiri) scope, compass, (1. prepared 1. Tormulated
Jne., vrt. laatia) ;
range: (koko) dimenslons; (kiel. & log.)
who arranged; (kokooja)
quantity; (mat.) amplitude; koko laajuu
dessaan to (1. In) lts whole extent. In ali
lts scope, the whole range of . . [huom. laatikko
(rahatutkia kysymyst koko laajuudessaan (joku
m.) tili; (tavara) rase; crate; vrt. pak
puolelta) study the questlon in ali lts bear- y.
kolings (1. In every phase of lt)]; kymmenen
engl. penikulman laajuudelta (for) ten me laatikollista appelsiineja three cases (1.
mlles round, (ylfymprl . .) withln a radl- crates) or oranges.
laatikon1 avain key to the box (1. the
us of 10 mlles.
-lokero compartment (In a drawer
laaka (laatta, levy) flat plece, plate; (paasi) 1.drawer).
of a box), -vedike handle (or a tlravvei),
flag, slab; flat rock; vrt. kivi, -kivi riag(nuppi)
stone; Stone slab. -mato (ellnt.) riatvvorm: laatiminen ks. laadinta.
(tiet.) plat(yh)elminth. -pihdit flat-bit Laatokka (Lake) Lartoga.
tongs; (pienet) parallel pliers.
laatta plate, (thln) riat piere: (ohut levy)
laakea (laaja) Wide, extensive, expanslve; sheet; (levynen) badge; vrt. kuva.
(litte) flat(tened), depressed; (tasainen) laattia ks. lattia.
plaln, level; (matala) shallow [plate, lau laatu quallty; (kaupp.) brand: (luonto) natanen] ; vrt. loiva.
ture, character; (laji) kind, sort. rteserlplaakeri I. (kasv.) laurel, bay(-laurel); laa- tion, class; spccies; type; (tapa) manner,
kerteilla seppelity crowned wlth laurels way, style; (maalaustermin:) genre; laa
(1. with bays).
dultaan (1. laatuun nhden) huono . . Of
laakeri II. (tekn.) bearing; Journal-bearing poor quality, poor (in quallty); laatuaan . .
(1. -box). -metalli (tekn.) antlfrictlon metal. or itS kind, ks. ainoa, paras; laatuaan ensllaakeri n F lehti bay-lear, laurel lear. -marja minen the Ttrst (one) or its kind; laatuun
bayberry. -oksa 1. -lehv sprlg of laurel. ks. kyd; laatuun katsomatta without
laakeri: puu laurel (-tree), bay(-tree). -sep
considerlng (the) quality, paying no atpele crown (1. wreath) or laurel, laurel tentlon to the quality: arveluttavaa [yksi
wreath, laurels, bays. -ljy oli or bay, tyist] laatua or serlnus [oT private] nature (1. chararter) : olipa mit laatua ta
bay-oll, laurel-oll.
laakso valley; dale; (run.) vale. laaksoinen hansa or whatever sort (1. kind) lt may be;
. . rull or (1. aboundlng In) valleys (1. sit laatua (oleva) . . Ot tli.1t kind (1. SOrt),
dales). laaksosalpa, laaksonsulku dam . . of that quality, . . of such nature, (sel
across (1. at the head or) a valley.
lainen) such.
laatuinen .. condltloned, .. constltuted;
laama (ellnt.) llama. -elin llama.



(-lainen) . . e! . . sort (1. kiml), .. of ..

description; ks. kaiken, mink , pahan ,
tmn y. m.
laatuisa (svyis) good-nalured, gcntle-, reasonable; (sovelias) fit, proper, appropriate. laatuisasti good-naturedly; reason;il)ly. laatuisuus good-naturedness; reasonableness.
laatu kuva genre picture. -kuvamaalaus =
laatumaalaus. -luku denomlnate (1. concrete) number; laatulukujen yhteenlasku
vhennyslasku Jne.] compound adilition
[subtraction, etc], addition [subtraetion,
etc] or compound numbcrs. -maalaaja I.
-maalari genre painter. -maalaus genre
painting. -puolinen
qualltative. -sana
(kiel.) adjective. -tapa (kiel.) particlple.
laava (tulivuoren) lava; scoria?. -lasi (ininer.) obsidian. -virta stream (1. rio\v) of
lava, lava-riow, lava-stream.
laboratori(o) (kemistin tyhuone) laboratory.
labyrintti: maze
(mys kuv.). labyrinttimainan labyrinthine, labyrlnthlan; mazy.
ladata I. load [one's gun, pyssyns]; (panna
panokseen) charge, vrt. varata; uudes
taan reload.
ladata II. (maanv.) smooth wlth a harrow.
ladattu loaded [gun, pyssy]; charged.
ladella (riviin) place (1. put) in a row;
string; (kuv. = lasketella) rattle off [one's
good points, hyvi puoliaan; one's lesson,
lksyns], rattle off . . by the yard: string
orr [one's merlts, ansioitaan] ;patter [prayers, rukouksia] ; joutavia rattle off a
string of nonsenso.ramble (on) ; kirjojaan
pydlle be putllng one's books on the
table; manoja chatter, (Jkpv.) rattle on
and on; uikaa (kuin vett) rattle orr by
heart, say by rote, gabble through; val
heita teli lles by the dozen, be lylng llke a
trooper, (jkpv.) spin yarns.
ladelma (kirjan.) composltion. -laiva galley.
-lauta letter-board.
ladonala portion or hayfleld ylelding enough
to mi a shed.
ladonta ks. latominen. ladot(ut)taa (kasaan,
pinoon) have .. piled (up); (klrjap.) have
. . set (up), have . . romposed. ladottu
(pinottu) piled (up); (kirjap.) composed,
set (up).
laduton trackless.
laguuni (maant.) lagoon, lagune.
lahdata ks. teurastaa.
lahdeke, lahdelma bay; (pieni) cove; (pou
kama) blght; (merenlahdeke) rrlth, Hrth;
jrven (mys: ) arm of a lake. lahdenpou
kama (small) bay, rovc, bight; (kapea) sltp.
lahja girt, present: (luonnonlahja) endowment, talent; (lahjotus) donatlon. (avustustarkotuksessa tehty) contrlbutlon, subscription; (lahjus) bribe, sop; lahjaksi as
a present, as a girt, Tor a girt, rnr a pres
ent, ks. antaa, saada; lahjat (IuonnonlahJat) girtrs), talents, parts. (lahjukset)
bribe(s); lahjoille altis (lahjottava) open
(1. susceptible) to bribes, . . not abovp
taklng (1. arrepting) bribes; en huolisi siit
lahjaksikaan I wouldn't even have it lor a
gin (1. take it as a girt).
lahjainen (yhd.) . .-ly endowed, . . \vlth . .
enrtovtments [esim. huono- poorly endowed, with poor endowments; rikas ~
richly cnrtovved (mys: richly gifted).
.. \vith rlrh endo\vments].
lahjakappale (jotakin teosta y. m.) presentatlon copy.
lahjakas girted, talented, (richly) endowed
(by nature); mies (mys:) a man or
lahjakirja decd or girt.


girts, talents; (jollakin erikoisella alalla)
lahjanantaja giver, donor.
lahja;. nytnt benerit (perrormance). -palk
kio gratuitv; bonus; honorarlum.
lahjaton . . without (1. with no) gilts (1.
talent), . . or no talent; (huonolahjainen)
poorly endovved (by nature), . . \vith rew
girts. lahjattomuus lack or girts (1. of endo\vment 1. or talent) ; lack or abillty; Tew
girts, little ability.
lahje hem; (housun) leg; vrt. housun.
lahjoa bribe, corrupt [a voter, nestj],
suborn; - joku (Jkpv.) throw one a sop,
tickle a p.'s palm (with money), (niin ett
hn ei sekaannu asiaan) buy one ofr; ~
joku puolelleen buy one over (wlth a
bribe); joku vaikenemaan pay one hushmoney (1. silence money), pay one to keep
siili; olla lahjottavissa be open to bribes,
take bribes, not be above taking bribes:
saada lahjomalla asia jmn sikseen
(mys:) buy orr a case. lahjoja one who
gives (1. orrers) a bribe; briber. lahjoma
ks. lahjus, lahjomaton 1. (jota el voi lah
joa) incorruptible [judge, tuomari], .. not
open to bribes; 2. (jota el ole lahjottu)
unrorrupted, unbribed; 3. (kuv. = Jrkky
mtn) stern [sense or duty, velvollisuu
dentunto], unyleldlng [honesty, rehelli
syys], straightrorvvard, unswerving. lahJomattomuus incorruptibleness, incorruptibility. lahjominen bribing; brlbery, corruptlon: corrupt practices.
lahjomis! Jrjestelm system of corruptlon.
-yritys attempt at (1. attempted) bribery,
attempt to bribe, brlbery.
lahjonta ks. lahjominen.
lahjotella glve away; make presents; donate: vrt. seur.
lahjottaa present Lne with a th. (1. a th. to
one), Jollekulle jotakin], make [one] a
present [or ..]; (antaa) give, grant, bestovv (1. conrer) [a th. upon a p., jollekulle
Jotakin]; (avustuksena) contribute; (tav.
lahjakirjalla) donate; (testamentata) bequeath, make a bcquest or; (varustaa lah
jalla) endovv. lahjottaja donor, donator ; contributor; giver. lahjottaminen presentation;
grantlng, bestowal, conrerment; donatlon;
endo\vment; vrt. lahjotus, lahjottava (lah
jottavissa oleva) open to bribes. corruptible; venal 'Judge, tuomari], lahjottavuus
lorruptibleness, rorruptlbility; venality.
lahjotus donatlon; grant; girt: (avustus)
rontribution; (testamentti-) bequest; mys
lahjottaminen. -kirja deed or girt. -maa
grant or land; (lnitys) ree, rier.
lahjus bribe; ottaa lahjuksia accept (1. take)
lahko (jrjestelmss) order; (luokka) class;
(rvhm) group, rartlon; (mets) block;
(uskon-) sect, denomination, (Engl.) nonconrormist borty. -hakkaus (mets.) blockileariug, rclling oi timber block by block.
lahkokunta sect; denomination; (Engl.)
nonconrormist bocly.
lahkolainen sectarlan, denominationalist;
(Kngl.) dlssenter, nonconrormist. lahko
laisuus sectarianism, denominationalisui;
(valtioll. ja yi.) ractionallsm.
lahkollinen sectarian, denominatlonal.
lahna bream.
lahnan 'parkki ks. parkki, II. -poika young
lahnaruoho (kasv.) qulll\vort.
laho I. (a.) decayed, moldered [log, tukki],
rotted; (mt) rotten; (rnsistynyt) dllapidated. . . ralllng to decay. II. (s.) rot,
dccay; mold; rottenness. lahoa = lahota.



lahoaminen rottln(f, decaying; moldering.

lahokanto decayed (I. rotten) stump. lahomaton not dccayed, rrce rrom rot; never
decaying (1. moldering). lahonvika touch
or decay; (-merkki) slgns of decay.
laho: puu decayed (I. rotten) wood. -rastas
(elaint.) song-thrush, mavis. -sieni dry-rot.
lahota (become) decay(ed), rot; begin to
rot; Tall into decay, grow rotten; (maa
tua) mo(u)lder; olla lahoamassa be rotting
away. lahot(ut) taa decay, rot; cause .. to
decay (I. to rot 1. to mold), make . . mold
(1. decay).
lahous decayed tate, decay, rottenness;
tukin lahous the log being so decayed (1.
so moldered).
lahovikainen (mets.) . . touched \vith decay,
. . wlth a touch (1. \vitli signs) of decay.
lahtari ks. teurastaja.
lahti I. (meren tai jrven) bay; (meren-,
mys:) gulf: (lahdeke) cove; lahden peru
kassa (\. pohjassa) at the head or the bay;
lahden suussa at the entrance (I. the
mi m th) of the bay; jrven lahdella on a
bay in the lake.
lahti II. ks. teurastus, -huone ks. teurastamo.
lahtivalas (elaint.) lesser rorqual.
lal: lailla ks. haku s.; vrt. laji.
laidakkain, laidatusten side by side; (eten
kin laivoista puhuen:) alongside (each
other) ; vrt. vierekkin.
laide (sivu) side, riank; (reuna) edge, brim,
border, (ulkoneva) ledge, sheU; (laivan)
rail(ing), gunvvale; bulvvark; (nyttmn)
rront edge. laidemmaksi (syrjemmksi)
more (I. Turther) to the edge (1. the bor
der), closer to the brim, nearer (to) the
edge (1. the margin Jne., vrt. laita).
laidottaa build the sldes [or . . , Jokin] ; ~
tynnyri put the staves on a barrel; ~ vene
build the sldes or a boat. laidottaminen:
jonkin laidottaminen bulldlng the Sldes
or ... laldotus 1. = laidottaminen; 2.
(konkr.) the sides.
laidun pasture, pasturage; grazlng-ground;
laitumella ks. kyd, kytt; laitumelle
ks. pst, -maa pasture-land, graztngland; (ground for) pasture. -oikeus right or
pasture (1. or grazlng).
laiha lean [body, ruumis; herrlng, silli;
meat, liha]; (Ihmisist:) thln, spare, emaciated; (luiseva) bony, raw-boned, lank;
scrawny; (kuv. = niukka, kehno) meager,
scanty [meal, ateria], poor; ~ kuin luu
ranko a raere skeleton, as thln as a rall;
~ maa poor (i. barren 1. meager) soll;
sato poor (I. scanty) crop(s). -kukkaroinen . . vvith a lean purse.
laihdunta ks. laihtuminen.
laihduttaa cause . . to become lean (1. to
lose riesh), reduce . . In riesh, make . .
thin, reauce riesh; (lopen) emaolate; ~
maalta) usc up the soil, make the land
poor(er), run the land down.
laihdutus emaciation. -hoito 1. -parannus
?ieting to reduce Nesl), cure by reduclng
laihentaa thin; mys laihduttaa.
laiho standing (1. growing) crop, crop; (vil
ja) graln; rukiin laihot the rye(-crop), the
laihtua lose riesh, Tall away, rall orr In riesh;
(ihmisist, mys:) get (1. grovv) thln(ner);
(elimist, mys:) get (1. grow) lean; vrt.
kuihtua, laihtuminen loslng riesh, ralling
av. ay; getting thln(ner); grovving lean.
laihtunut thln, worn; lean, emaciated; laih
tunut maa vvorn-out (1. run-down) soil.
laihuus leanness, thlnness; sparencss; (niuk
kuus, kehnous) meagerness, scantiness,


laikahtaa: hness laihahti riemukas tunto

a chceiTul reeling thrllled his [her] heart,
his [her] heart thrllled with Joy.
laikka, laikko (tpl) spot, rieck, dapplc,
speck(Ie). laikollinen (kankaasta:) waved;
vrt. tpliks.
lailla: aika (\. kelpo) soundly, freely,
roundly, (kunnollisesti) to good purpose,
errectually, (melkoisesti) a great (1. a
good) deal; koko (1. melko) ~ conslderably; mill ~ In what manner (1. way)?
how? tll ~ In this manner (1. way 1.
wise), by this means, at thls rate, (jkpv.)
thls way.
laillinen lawrul [act, teko; wire, aviovai
mo]; legal [separation, (avio) ero] ; (laissa
sdetty) prescribed (1. established) by
law, statutory; (latnrhukainen) according
to law; (laillisesti ptev) valld; (oikea)
legltimate [business, liike], rlghtrul; ~
este legal hindrance (1. impedlment), (syy
poissaoloon) valld excuse; irtisanominen
legal noticc; ~ oikeus legal (1. lawrul 1.
legltimate) right; perillinen legal (1.
legltimate 1. rlghtrul) hclr; tuomioistuin
legal tribunal; laillisen voiman saanut efrective in law, valld; laillisessa jrjestyk
sess In due ordcr, conrormlng to law;
psee (\. tulee) lailliseen ikn comes (1.
vvill be) oT age; saa laillisen voiman 1)0comes valld.
laillisesti lawrully, legally; legltimately;
(lainmukaisesti) according to la\v, con
rormlng (1. in conrormlty) to law; In accordance \vlth the provlslon(s) or the statUte(S) ; ~ hankittu (\. saatu) legally (1.
lswfully) acqulred (1. procured), secured
according to law; pestattu palvelija a
servant engagert in due rorm, hired help
engaged according to law; ~ ptev valld,
legal, . . according to law.
laillistaa make . . legtl, legalize; (make . .)
legltimate: mys = laillistuttaa. laillista
minen legalizing, legallzatinn; legltimatlon.
laillistettu Iegallzed [robbery, rosvous],
legally authorized, sanctioned by law; le
gltimate. laillistua become lawrul (1. le
gal), become Iegallzed (1. legltimate);
(saada lain voima) become valld. laillistus
ks. laillistaminen, laillistuttaa have . . Ie
gallzed; (Jokin yhti, yhdistys y. m.)
have . . lncorporated; vrt. laillistaa, laillistuttaminen, laillistutus legalizing, legallzation; incorporation.
laillisuus lawrulness, lcgality; legitimacy;
conformlty to law.
laimea vveak [solution, liuos: corree, kahvi;
artlllery rire, tykkituli 1 , reeble [defense,
puolustus], faint; (voimaton) .. \vithout
strength; (ponneton) lame [derence, puo
lustus]; (veltto) slaok [cnntrol, valvonta] ,
languld Lintoiest. mlelonkllntol . (erit. mo
raalisessa suhteessa) lax; (vlinpitmtn)
Indirrerent, apathetic. imeonccrned; ("hen
getn") tame, spiritlcss, dull; (mieto)
un M; laimealla innostuksella \vlth a lack or
(1. \vith hillo) enthuslasin; ~ puhe dull (I.
stupid I. uninteresting) speech; ~ sikaari
ks. mieto; yritys foeble (1. laine) attetnpt. laimeahko, laimeanpuoleinen rather
ueak (I. raint 1. lame 1. slaok Jne., vrt.
laimea), laimeasti laintly, weakly, reebly;
lamely; slackly; languidly; Indirrerently.
laimeneminen weakenlng; relaxing, relaxation, slarkcnlng, riagging; langulshlng;
vrt. laimeta, laimennus = laimentaminen,
laimennut vveakened; slackened, relaxed;
laine(r), reeble(r).
laimentaa (heikent) vveaken, enreeble;
make .. weak(er); relax, slarken: (vhen
t) lmpalr, lessen; (Jhdytt) cool



(down) [a p.'s enthuslasm, Jonkun Innos

tusta]; (rauhottaa) calrri, qulet; stlll: (val
mentaa) diili [the pain, tuskaa]; (lievit
t, lievent) mitlgate [the severlty of,
jonkin ankaruutta], soften (down), soothe
[the pain, tuskaa], (miedontaa, jotakin
nestett) dilute [.. wlth water, vedell],
thln. laimentaminen weakening, slackenIng; lessenlng; cooling (down); mltlgation, soothlng (down); dllutlng, dllutlon,
thlnnlng; vrt. laimentaa.
laimentua ks. laimeta.

laimeta become (1. grow) weak(er), become

(1. grow) reeble(r); grow (morc) languld;
(helket) weaken, lose strength; Tall off;
(vhenty) grow less, decrease; (veltos
tua) grow lax, relax; slack(en), flag;
(asettua) abate; (raueta) languish; (kyl
met) become cool, cool down; (tulla v
linpitmttmksi) grow lndirrerent [to.
Jollekulle], become apathetlc; (liuokses
ta:) become thln(er) ; vrt. lalmistua.
laimeua weakness, falntness. reebleness;
lameness; dullness, deadncss; slackness;
laxlty; (vlinpitmttmyys) IndllTerence,
laiminlyd neglect [one's dutles, velvolli
suutensa] ; (Jtt tekemtt) omit, Tall
[to do a th.. tehd Jotakin]; (Jtt pit
mtt huolta Jostakin) neglect to look
arter. be neglectrul (1. negllgent) or, not
take proper care or; hyv tilaisuus miss
(1. lose) a good opportunlty (1. chance),
let a good opportunlty slip (1. sllde 1. go)
by; lksyns neglect (1. be neglectrul
of) one'S lessons; vastata Cl. vastaamas
ta) Tall (1. neglect) to answer; hn laimin
li kirjottua he railcd (1. neglected) to
wrlte, he dld not write.
laiminlyminen 1. -lynti neglect (lng) .omlsslon; negllgence; (Jonkin tyttmisen 1.
toimeenpanon) non-executlon; maksa(je)n
rfeglect (1. omlsslon) of payment, omittlng to pay, (lak.) derault or payment;
virkavelvollisuuksiensa laiminlynnist Tor


lainaaja (lainan ottaja) one who borrows (1.

borrowed), borrower; (lainan antaja) lender. lainaaminen (lainan ottaminen) borrowing; (lainan antaminen) lendlng.
laina-anomus appllcatlon (or a loan.
lainailla 1. lend, keep lendlng; 2. borrow.
keep borrowlng; lainaili sielt ja tlt
borrowed here and therc.
laina Jyvst (public) storehouse to loan
graln Tor seed. -kirja 1. borrowed book;
2. book loaned (1. lent) out. -kirjasta pub
lic llbrary; circulatlng llbrary. -konttori
lainaksi annettu lent (out), -anto lendlng,
loanlng; accommodatlon. -otettu borrowed.
-otto borrowlng. -saatu obtalned on (1. as)
a loan, borrowed.
lainalainen . . bound (1. llmited) by law; . .
establlshed by law; vapaus llberty withIn the bounds ot (the) law.
lainat lause quotatlon, cltatlon. -mr
amount lent (1. borrowed).
lainani' antaja one who gave the loan (I.
\vho loaned the money), loaner. lender. -anto
lendlng; accommodatlon. -hakija 1. -pyytj
appllcant ror a loan. -ottaja 1. -saaja borrower; (vastakohtana takaajille) prlnclpal.
-otto borrowing. -vlittj negotiator or
a loan (I. or loans).
laina poma borrowed capital, -raha borrowed money; lainarahoilla wlth borrowed
money, -rahasto fiiml to loan rrom. rund
ror maklng loans. -sana borrowed word.
-sopimus agreement about a loan. -summa
sum lent; sum borrowed.
lainata 1. (antaa lainaksi) lend [one a tb. (1.
a th. to one). Jollekulle Jotakin], lend out,
loan; 2. (ottaa lainaksi) borrow [an Idea,
ajatus; money, rahaa; or (1. (rom one), Jol
takulta; on . . , Jotakin vastaan] ; ~ kirjoja
kirjastosta borrow (1. get 1. draw) books
(rom the llbrary; ~ rahaa jotakin (panttia)
vastaan lend [borrow] money on . .; sai
sinko sateenvarjo (a) nne may I borrow
your umbrella? may I get the loan ot your
lainatavara borrowed property (1. goods).
lainaus (Joltakulta) borrowlng; (lainananto)
lendlng, loanlng; (laina) loan; (kirjallinen)
quotatlon, cltatlon. -ehdot terms ot a loan,
rondltlons (up)on whlch the loan was
made. -korko Interest on a loan (I. on
loans). -laitos institution whlch makes
loans; loan-orrice. -liike (mortgage and)
loan business, -merkki: lainausmerkit quotatlon-marks. -tili loan account, (otsikko
na:) loans.
lainavarat borrowed Tunds (1. money),
(poma) borrowed capital.
laine blllow, wave, surge. lainehtia blllow,
surge, wave; undulate; vrt. aaltoilla, lai
nehtiminen blllowlng, surglng, wavlng; undnlatlon. lainehtiva waving [grain-rield.
viljapelto]: surglng [sea or humanlty. Ih
mismeri], laineikko surglng or (the) waves,
surglng sea, surge; the waves; vrt. aallokko.
lainen (kaltainen) like; hnen loisensa (plur.)
hls llke(S); se on juuri hnen laistaan (ta
paistaan) It Is Just llke hlm; sin ja sinun
Iisesi you and your like(s), you and your
snrt (1. your ilk 1. your klnd).

neglcctlng (1. ror not pcrrormtng 1. for nonperrormance of) the dutles of hls orrice.
laiminlyty neglected [educatlon, kasva
tus], not taken proper care or; laiminly
dyt lapset neglected chlldren.
laimiataa (miedontaa) dilute r\vlth, Jolla
kin] ; (tehd mauttomaksi) make . . riat (1.
lnslpld) ; mys =. laimentaa, lalmistua
become diluted: lose (tts) strength; (vl
jhty) grow (1. get) riat (1. stale); mys
- laimeta, laimistuttaa cause . . lose (tts)
strength: vrt. laimentaa.
lain- (yhd.) . . or the law reslm. -tarkastus
revision or the law; -tulkinta (1. -tulkitse
minen 1. -selitys) lnterpretatlon (1. exposltlon) or the la\v; -teksti text or the law],
(Joskus:) . . or law [esim. -pyhyys sanctity
or lawl.
laina what rone] has borroued. borrowed
[word, etc], a thlng lent out; (erlt. raha)
loan; vrt. lainaus; lainaksi as (1. on) a loan,
(luotolle) on Credit, ks. antaa, saada; lai
naksi saatu obtalned as (1. on) a loan,
borrowed; ~ Shakespearelta (lainaus) borrowed (1. quoted) Trom Shakespeare; antaa
lainaksi glve as a loan, (lainata) lend, loan.
arcommodate..with a loan: hankkia ralse -lainen 1. (lajlnen) .. or .. klnds [esim.
(1. negotlate 1. procure) a loan; minulla on kahden- OT tW0 kindS; viiden- OT Hve
se vain lainana I have only borrowed It. I klnds], vrt. saman~, yhden- y. m.; 2.
Just had It lent to me; olla lainassa (1. lai
(melko) rathcr . . [esim. pienen rather
nana) jollakulla be loanert out to one.
small; saaren rather large].
laina- (yhd.) (lainattu) borrowed [esim. -lainen, -Iinen (s.) lnhabitant (1. natlve) or
-lakki borrowed cap; -takki borrowed [esim. tukholmalainen lnhabitant (1. na
coat] ; (Joskus:) loan- [esim. -muoto (klel.) tlve) of Stockholm; vaasalainen lnhabitant
(l. natlve) or Wasa] ; (Joskus:) . .-er

lal n hak u
[eslm. iontoo/oinen Londoner; newyorhilai- lidity; lainvoiman saanat ks. lalnvolmainen ;
nen New-Yorker], . .-lan [eslm. bnstanilai- saada lainooima become legal (1. valid),
nen BOStOnlan; chicagolainen Chtcagoan; (jostakin sdksest puhuen:) be enacted,
partilaia*n Parisian], ..-ese [eslm. vieni- become a law, become (1. pass Into) law,
linen Viennese], . .-Ite [esim. uperiori- (astua volmaan) go Into effect, take ef
fect, -voimainen legal, valid; (saados y.
lalnen Supriorit] ; vrt. vastaav. hakus.
lain haku action to sue one for (a) debt, m.) legally enacted (1. confirmed), -vairiesuit for recovery of (a) debt, -huudatus tellju pettifogger, -vaaristely perverting
1. -huuto legal confirmation of possession; (1. twisting) the law, pettifogging.
laipio (vllkatto) ceiling; (aitaus) partition.
(1. v. Yhdysv.) recording.
lalnkaan at all; el ~ not at all, not In the laippa (tekn.) flange; collar, -kytkln flangeleast, not in the slightest (1. in any) de joint.
gree. In no wise (1. way), (el mltaan) noth lalsinkaan = lalnkaan.
ing at all; i ~ cpyst (ei plenlntkan) laiska lazy; Indolent; (hidas) slow, slug
not the slightest (1. not the shadow of a) gish; (tolmeton) Idle; heittytya laithaksi
doubt; ei parempi not the least better, (laiskuuteen) give o.s. up (1. surrender
not a \vtnt (I. a jot) better; htin ei ole ~ o.s.) to laziness (1. idleness), take it easy,
ribas he is not at all rich, he is anything lie down on a bed of ease, -jaakko slug
gard, dawdler. Idler, (Jkpv.) lazybones.
but rich.
lalnlkaarl code (1. section) or law. -kohta Iniskan laksy after school; mrt oka
make one stay after school,
passage (I. paragraph) In a section of a
statute, -korjaus amending the law. -kuu- keep one after school, -pivt life of ease
liainen law-abiding, obedient to the law (1. of Idleness), Idle life, -tauti (attack of)
(of the land), -kuuliaisuus obedience laziness; hnt ei Vaiitaa mua bain laiskantotifi all that alls him (1. that Is the matter
to the law(s of the land), -kaytto ad
ministration of law; (Joskus:) exercise of with him) is laziness, -tyu lazy man's Job.
the law. -laadlnta legislating, legislation. -virka lazy man's Job; sinecure,
lainlaadinta- (yhd.) ks. lainsdSnt-.
laiskasti Idly; lazily, sluggishly,
Iain: laatija legislator; vrt. lainstj. -laa- laiskiaincn (elaint.) sloth; (kuv. Ihmlsesta:)
tijakunta legislature, -mukalnen according sluggard, vrt. laiskajaakko.
(1. conforming) to law, lawful, legitimate, laiskisiaa make . . lazy.
legal; (aslanmukatnen) due. -mukaisestl laiekistua become lazy (1. lazier), become
according to law, in conformity to (the) (1. grow) idle; begin to take it easy.
law, (lain nojalla) by law; (laillisestl) le laiekotella be lazy, be idle, Idle (away one's
gally, lawfully, legitimately, -mukalsuus time), do nothing; play the truant; (vetelehtia) lounge (around), loiter, dawdle; lie
conformity to law, lawfulness, legality, le
gitimacy, -miram fixed (1. determined around.
1. established) by law. -opillinen Juridical; laiskoli ut laa: minim ~ I feel lazy, (jkpv.)
judicial; legal [term, term!]; lainopillinen I have a lazy spell.
kysymy* question of (1. issue In) law; lain. laiskottellja lazy person, idler; lounger;
(vetelehtlj) loiterer, dawdler, laiskottelu
opillinen tiedekunta (ylloplston) law fac
Idling; playing the truant; lounging;
ulty, faculty of law. -opilllsestl juridical
ly; judicially; legally; lainopillisesti sivis- dawdling.
tynyt educated In law. -oppl law, juris laiekurl idler, do-nothing; (hlturl) sluggard;
prudence; vrt. lakitlede. -oppinut I. (a.) (kuhnuri) drone; (vetelehtija) loiterer;
learned In (the) law, versed In jurispru
(Jkpv.) lazybones.
dence. II. (s.) jurist, -pykl paragraph lalskuus idleness; laziness, Indolence; sloth.
(1. clause I. passage) In a section of a law. laita I. (sivu) side: (syrja) edge; (rena)
-rlkkoja lawbreaker, -rlkkominen 1. -rik- border, margin; (parras, Her) brim, rim;
komus breaking the law; trespass against (kylki) flank; vrt. lalta .: iaidemmaksi
the law; misdemeanor, offense; vrt. seur. ks. hakus.; ioito/a myten tynn filled (I.
-pikos breach (1. violation) of the law. full) to the brim, brimful; [juoda] ostin
-suojaton outlawed; julistaa lainsaojatto- ialJasia [drink] from the brim (1. the edge)
mabsi outlaw, proscribe, -sdnnllinen Of a vessel ; kaupungin laidassa at the edge
legislative [power, valta]. -sdnnn- of the town. In the outskirts (of the town) ;
uudietue legislative reform, -sdnl l. laivan ~ edge of a boat, (kylkl) side of a
-eSdiint legislation, lawmaklng, lawglvlng. ship, (mer.) board; metan laidatta (rajallainsdnt- (yhd.) legislative [eslm. -ala la) at the edge of the woods: puiston tailegislative field: -tuia legislative matter; sella aidalla mi the other side of the park;
-toimenpide legislative act (1. measure): vencen aidt the Sides Of a boat.
-valta legislative power], -kausi term of laita II. (asan-; tila): honen laitama ei ote
legislature, -oikeus right to legislate, right oikein he is not quite right, there Is some
of legislation, -tie: laintdnttiet thing wrong (1. something the matter)
through il. by) legislation.
with him: /tnen laitansa on huonoeti
lain saannos ordinance, -stftja lawmaker, things are bad with him, he Is bad
lawgiver, legislator; soln, -satjkunta Off; koska asan ~ on mm SUCh being the
legislature, -sijvalta legislative power. case: kuinka hnen laitama on how Is he
-stamis- (yhd.) legislative: vrt. lalnsaK- (getting along I. getting on)? how Is It (1.
dnt-. -satm established by law, statu
how are things going) with him? miten on
tory, -tulkiloemiskysymys question of the atian ~ how does the matter stand? how
Interpretation of the law. -tunteva learned Is It [are you coming or not, tuletko vat
In (the) law, versed in Jurisprudence. et]? miten on terveytenne how Is your
-tuntiia one well versed In law, legal expert, health? miten sicll on (asan) ~ hOW IS
-valmistelukunta commission for revising It there? how are things there? nun on ~
the law. -valvoja 1. -vartija guardian of that's how (1. that's the way) It Is, such Is
the law. -vastalnen contrary to law (I. to the case; min on sen asan - that's how
statute): (laiton) Illegal, unlawful, -vae- the matter stands, that's how It Is; nyt on
taisesti contrary to law (I. to statute): Ille asan ~ toinen It Is different now, condi
gally, -vastaisuus illegality, unlawfulness; tions are different now, things have
en lainvaataisau* (DiyoS:) Its being con
changed; onfco se (nyt) laitaa Is there any
trary to the law. -volma legal force, va
sense In (1. to) that? is there any rime

lai Uinen
and reason in Ibat? is Ihat reasonable H.
sensible)? mw> mi tina Utn ifs
the -arne nhing) witb bim, il is the same
In his case, thats the way it ib uh hun.
laitainan (yhd.) . . witb . . side* esim. tasa
11b even sldes?.
laiU kaupunki outskirts (1. outlying distrlcts) or the city: laitakaupungilla m tbe
outskirts or tbe city. -kukka (iasv.) raynower (1. -floret). -fcoli bilge-keel.
laitama edge, margin; brim; kniuMmaia laitmmOtm on (I. in) tbe outskirts or tbe city;
vrt. taita, 1.
laitamytinen (mer.) large vrlnd: luin
l\. purjehtia) laitamytiseen (mer. I Sali
laree, sail vvith the wind on tbe quarter.
laitanta k- Uittaminen.
laitapuoli (ulkopuoli) outer side, outside;
(syrjosa) remote quarter. (esim. suur
kaupungin) outlyin? district; kaupungin
laitapuolella In the outskirts (I. the out
lying distrtcts) of tbe city.
laitattaa bave .. made (1. prepared I. arranged I. repaired 1. fijed jne., vrt. Uit
taa) ; kantoon have . . put In order, have
. . Tlxed; hn oli laitattanut sit vartan eri
koisen taskun pllystakkiinsa he had had
a spcrial pocket made in his overcoat for
the purpose.
laitatuuli 8lde-wind.
laita I. rontrlvance; (koje) apparalus; (konelsto,kone)mechanlsm, machine: (valmis
te) preparatlon; (Jrjestely) arrangement.
laita II. ks. moite.
laitella be making; (valmistella) prepare;
(jrjestell) arrnge, be arranging; (ruo
kapyt varten) dress; (sovitella) nt, adJust; (korjailla) be rixing, (paikkailla) be
menrtlng; kuntoon be arranging, be rix
ing [huom. olen laitellut kaikki kuntoon
sit varten (mys:) I have made everything
ready Tor that]; paikoilleen nt (1. adJust) to Its place.
laitelma preparatlon; arrangement; (ruoka-)
dish; (kirjall.) adaptation; vrt. laite I, laitos.
lailim miainen . . nearest the edge (1. the
border), . . on (1. along) the edge.
laiton illegal arrest, vangitseminen], unlaxvful, illegitimate, lllirlt sle or spirituous llquors, vkljuomain myynti1; (lain
vastainen ) . . against thed.contrary tn Iaw.
laitos cstabllshment, institution; roundatlon; (laite) rontrlvance, apparatus; (ko
neisto) vvorks, mechanlsm; (lalttelu, Jr
jestely) arrangement; (teko) construction;
(korjaus) repair(ing), mendlng; (painos)
edition, Issue; on laitoksen alaisena is un
der construction, (korjauksen) Is unrter
repalr; tm tehdas on kallis these vvorks
are a costly affalr.
laittaa I. make [very good soup, erinomai
sen hyv llenttt; somethlng out of . . , jo
takin Jostakin i ; (valmistaa) prepare
meal, ateria], makc (I. get) . . ready, (teh
dasmaisesti) manuracture; (rakentaa) construct, bulld; (suunnitella) contrlve; (pe
rustaa) establish, institute; (asettaa) place
[the gun In position, kanuuna palkoilleen] ;
(Jrjest) arrange; manage :so, that..,
niin, ett ..]; (varustaa) equip [vvith . .];
(sovitella, laitella) nt, adjust. regulate;
(toimittaa, saattaa) hrlng, put; (korjata)
repalr, put In repalr, mend; flx; (lhett)
send [the boy on an errand, poika asialle] ;
(antaa) Issue, put rorth; make out ra llst,
luettelo] ; (hankkia) procure, get [one
vvork (1. vvork ror one), Jollekulle tyt];
provlde [a th. wlth .., Jokin Johonkin];
elmns mukavaksi make o.s. comfortable, arrange everythlng convenlently;

Iit a nouse vvitb gaspipes, (panna) put gas-pipes in a nouse:
kuuroon put (I. set) in (vvorking) order,
g-et ln(to) shape, get straigbt, (valmiiksi)
make (L get) . . ready. (jrjest) arrang-e,
(korjata) rn, (esim. talonsa) put . . in re
palr huom. itsens kuntoon (esim. lbtoa varten) make o.s. ready, get ready;
tai lattianne asiat sahan kuntoon, ett . .
I have arranged (1. bave managed things)
so that
; kutsu send an invitation;
lht prepare (1. get ready) to leavc,
make preparations fordeparture, vrt. tehd;
laiva] metkalle (l. lhtemn) send [a
ship^ orf, despatch [i sbip], (suoria) clear
;a ship] out(wards); min, ett .. man
age to . . , manage so that . . , take care
that . . . bring it about that . . [esim. olen
laittanut mm, ett voin tulla I have man
aged so that I ran come, (jrjestnyt) I
bave arranged to come] ; pesns johon
kin (lintu) build (1. make) its nest in..;
pois luotaan send off (1. avvay), dismiss. (korjata pois) get out of tbe \vay,
remove; pivllinen ( valmiiksi) get (the i
dinner ready; pivllist get dinner.
cook (1. prepare) the dinner; ruokaa ilo
(tbe) cooking, cook, prepare food [huom.
hn osaa hyv ruokaa She Is a gOOd
cook, she can get up a good raeal] ; ruo
ka pytn (kattaa) set (1. spread) the
table; joku tekemn /otekin (panna)
make one do a th., (lhett) send one to
do a th. i huom. joka noutamaan jotakin
send one Tor a th] ; vaatteita (valmistaa)
make (I. manuracture) clothes, (paikata)
mend clothes: ~ valmiiksi make (1. get) . .
ready, finish, complete; vesijohto taloon
put vvater-pipes in a house, fit (I. put in)
vvater-pipes for a house: .. on nen lait
tamansa (mys:) . . is (of) his [ber] making.
laittaa n. (moittia) blame, censure, llnd
rault with. reproach.
laittaja maker; (jrjestj) arranger; (raken
taja) constructor; vrt. ruoan, laittami
nen I. making; preparlng, making . . ready;
constructing Jne., vrt. laittaa I.
laittaminen II. = moittiminen.
laittautua get ready, make (o.s.) ready
[for the trip, matkalle]; (varustautua)
prepare (o.s.), make arrangements (1. prep
arations) Tor, johonkin (1. jotakin varten)] ;
(lhte) betake o.s. [home, kotiin], be orr,
set off, set out on a Journey, matkalle] :
go: kuntoon get ready, prepare [Tor, Jo
takin varten; to do . . .tehdkseen Jotakin] ;
~ tiehens get o(T (1. away), be orr, (jkpv.)
make o.s. scarce [huom. laittaudu tiehesi
tlt get out or here! get you gone! begone!]; vuoteelle go (1. get orr) to bed,
(suoriutua) get ready ror bed.
laittelu (valmistelu) preparatlon; (jrjeste
ly) arrangement: (sovittelu) regulation;
(korjailu) mending, repalrlng; (liharuokien
y. m.) dressing.
laitto ks. laittaminen I; (korjaus) repair(Ing); vrt. ruoan.
laittomasti illegally, unlavvrully, lllicitlv;
(lainvastaisesti) against the (1. contrary
to) law.
laittomuus illegality, unlawrulness, 111 toit ness; (laillisuuden puute) lavvlessness:
synnytt laittomuutta anarchy breeds
laittomuus- (yhd.) . . or lavvlessness (1.
anarchy) [esim. -aika cl. -kausi) period or
lavvlessness (1. or anarchy) ; -tila State or
anarchy (1. or lavvlessness)]. -aikainen . .
or the period or lavvlessness. -kausi (mys : )
period vvben the lavvs of the land are



'vvere] not respected (1. when there is

Lwis] no regard ror the laws or the land).
laituri landing. pier, jetty; (lastausta y. m.
varten) wharr, dock; quay; (Junan- I.
asema-) platrorni; ks. laskea (laituriin).
laituri (n) varsi pier, jetty. laiturirakennua
constructlon or a pler; hn on tyst laiturirakennuhsella he Is vvorking on the con
structlon or the pler.
laiva shlp, boat; (alus) vessel, craft; (hy
rylaiva) steamer; (valtameren yli kulkeva
matkustajalaiva) llner; (kirkon) nave; /oi
vaan on board (a shlp), aboard, ks. astua,
nousta, panna, vied; laivalla, laivalle
aboard (a shlp), on (shlp)board; laivan va
lot tbe ship'3 lights; [pudota, viskata] lai
vasta mereen ; f ali, throw] overboard; j
d laivaan (l. laivalle) stay (1. remaln)
aboard: olla laivasta be on board (a shlp 1.
or a shlp) ; be aboard (a shlp) ; vrt. latoma.
laiva- (yhd.) shlp- [esim. -mato shlp-vvorm;
-pamppu ship-pump; -rautatie shlp-rallway]; shlp's [esim. -kokki shlp's cook;
-lkri shlp's doctor] ; (Joskus:) seaieslm. -leip sea-bread].
laivaannousu embarkation.
laiva -asiamies
vvrecked shlp, vvreck; unseavvorthy vessel;
ajelehtiva laivahylky dcrellct. -jtk ks.
rantajtk. -kala (elint.) remora. -kalantori (1. v., Engl.) Lloyd's Register. -kirjat
shlp's papers. -korput hardtack, shlpbiscuit. -kulku navlgatlon [has opened, on
alkanut], -laituri landing, pler; dock,
\vharr, quay. -leip shlp-blscuit (1. -bread),
hardtack; pllot-bread. -liika(nna) navlgatlon; shipping; (hyry) steamboat trarric;
vrt. merililke. -linja steamshlp-llne, line.
-lintu (ellnt.) rrigate-blrd.
laivallinen shipload [of .., Jotakin], cargo
[or ..]; ~ sotavke a transport loaded
vvith (I. Tuli oD troops.
laivan luettelo I. -lista register or ships; list
or shipping; (ilmotusotslkkona:) Shipping,
Marine; vrt. kuvakalenteri, -lyhty shlp's
lantern (1. llght). -maksut shlp-dues. -mat
ka boat trip, (hyry-) steamboat trlp.
-miehist ship's crew (1. company), crew.
-mies seaman; (merimies) sallor, manner.
laivan- (yhd.) ship's, . . or a [the] shlp
[esim. -ankkuri shlp's anchor, anchor or a
(1. the) shlp-, -kylki sltlp's side, side or a
(I. the) shlp; -pohja sl]ip's bottom, bottom
or a (1. the) shlp]; ship- [esim. -potkuri
shlp-propeller; -rakennus ship-bulldirtg].
-hylky ks. laivahylky, -isnnist ovvners
or the shlp; shlp-owners. -isnt shlpowner. -kansi (shlp's) deck. -kapteeni
(shlp-)captain, (ship)master; (merikaptee
ni) sea-captain. -keh ks. laivanrunko. -lasti
shipload, cargo, -lastillinen boat-load [or
passengers, matkustajia], (shlp-)load, car
go, -luukku hatch; hatch\vay. -mittaus
rneasurlng or shlps; register measurement.
-muona ship's provlslons. -pllikkyys
cnmmand or a (1. or the) shlp, charge or a
(l.orthe) vessel. -rakennustaito art or shlphulldlng, naval archltecture. -rakentaja
shlp-buitder, bullder or ships; shlpvvrlght.
-runko (shlp's) hull. -ruuma (ship's) hold.
-selvittj 1. -suorittaja shipping agent.
-selvitys clearing (or a shlp), clearance.
-tysi a shlp Tuli [or ... Jotakin], ship
load. -varustaja shlp-chandler. -varustus
ritting out or a ship (1. or shlps). -veis
tj shlp-carpenter, shlpvvrlght. -vuokra
rent ror a (I. Tor the) boat. -vlittj


commander, (ship-)captaln; vrt. laivuri,

-pllyst shlp's orricers. -ranta the docks;
menn laivarantaan go down to he docks.
-reitti ks. laivavyl, -ruoka l'""<l on a
boat; shlp's provlslons. -satama (sea)port,
harbor. -silta i. laivalaituri; 2. (ponttuusllta) pontoon -bridge.
laivasto rieet; (sotalaivasto) navy; (-osasto)
squadron; (laivue) riotllla; laivaston . .(SOta-) naval [esim. laivaston komentaja
naval commander; laivaston kunnia naval
honor] .
laivasto- (yhd.) naval [esim. -asema naval
statlon; -palvelus naval Service; -reservi
naval reserve(s) ; -upseeri naval orricer] ;
vrt. meri-.
laivatarpeet shlp-stores; (kytetyt) marine
laivatarpelden J hankki ja shlp-chandler. -kaup
pa 1. -liike ship-chandlery. -kauppias shlpchandler.
laiva telakka I. -tokka (dry)dock, slip-dock;
Stocks; uiva laivatelakka Tloatlng dock.
-veistm l. -varvi shlpyard(s); (sota
laivoja varten) navy-yard, (Engl.) dockyard; laivaveistmSll In the shlpyard.
-vene shlp's boat, launch. -vuoro: laivavuorot sailings or shlps (1. or steamers).
-vki seamen, sallois; (lalvamlehlsto)
(shlp's) crew. -vyl Channel; (keskivyl)
ralrvvay; pysytell keskell laivavyl
keep In the mlddle or the dianne! (1. in
laivue (laivasto) riotllla; (laivavki) shlp's
laivuri (shlp)master; (Jkpv.) sklpper. laivurljuttu sallors' yarn. laivurintutkinto
shipmaster's examlnation.
laji (laatu) klnd, sort, quallty; class.
descrlptlon, type; (luonnont.) specics;
(kaupp.) brand; oikeata lajia (mys:) the
rlght stamp; parasta lajia rirst-rate, (or)
rirst-rate quallty, (kaupp.) or the best
brand (1. make); sit on eri lajeja there
are dirrerent klnds or lt.
laji- (yhd.) . . or the specles [esim. -kehitys
evolution or the specles; -nimi name or the
specles; -ominaisuus characterlstlc or the
specles]. -merkki dlstlnguishing character
lstlc or a specles. -muunnos varlety, variatlon.
lajinen (yhd.) . . or (a) . . klnd (1. varlety)
[esim. huonompi~ oX (an) lnrerlor klnd
(1. varlety)].
lajin muodostus rormation or species. -m
ritys determlnatlon or specles. -turmelus
degeneratlon or species.
lajilirikas ilch In specles. -rikkaus wealth
or (l. richness In) species.
lajitella sort (out 1. over), assort; (vrin y.
m. perusteella) match; (ko'on mukaan)
slze. lajitelma assortment; (valikoima) selection, choice. lajiteltu assorted; hyvinlajiteltu varasto (mys:) a Tine assortment.
lajittelematon unassorted. lajitteleminen
(as)sorting; assortment. lajittelija une u lm
sorts (1. assorts) ; (etenkin villan) sorter.
lajittelu (as)sortlng; assortment. -koje 1.
-kone sorting machlne; slzer.
lakaisemat svveepings. lakaisematon un
svvept. lakaiseminen svveeping. lakaisija
sweeper; vrt. kadunlakaisija. lakaista
s\veep [. . clcan, puhtaaksi] ; lakaista huone
(mys:) glve the room a svveeping; ~ um
peen (kuv.) obliterate, errace, s\veep avvay.
lakaisu svveeping; svveep.

lakana sheet. -kangas 1. -palttina sheetlng.

lakastua vvlther (avvay); rade (avvay); (kuul
laivaa paperit shlp's papers. -pappi shlp's la) die out; alkaa begin to rade, droop;
rhaplaln. -poika ship-boy; cabtn-boy. -pi
kukat kukkivat ja lakastuvat TlovverS bloom
vkirja log-book, log. -pllikk ships and Tade. lakastumaton unrading [riovvei',

kukka], never-fading; lakastum<:ion k,ikka laklaiUUvl legislative [assembly, edus(myos:) Immortelle, everlasting flower, kunta], lawmaklng.
lakastummen, lakastut withering, fading. laki ehdotus bill. -Jarjeitelmi Judicial sys
lakata I. (herjeta, tauota) discontinue, cease tem, -kieli (myos:) legal terminology (1.
[to appear, ilmestymastS; (from) troub parlance), language of the courts; lakikieling, tekemst klusaa], stop [crying, itke- len ana, sanaeto ks. laki|ana, -ftanasto.
msl; raining, satamasta; keeping a store, -klrja law-book; statute-book, code of
pitm&sta kauppaa], quit [smoking, tupa- law(s). -kokoelma body of laws, code;
kanpoltosta], desist [from .., Jostakln] ; (asetus-) compiled laws (1. statutes) ; di
(luopua Jostakin tavasta y. m.) leave off gest, -komitea ks. laldvaliokunta.
[..Ing], give up [playing cards, pelaa- lakimiei (aslanajaja) lawyer, (tngl.) bar
masta korttla] ; (keskeyttiia) stay; (sel- rister; (lainoppinut) jurist, -temppu law
sahtua) come to a standstill; ~ joktikin yer's trick.
ajakti stop for a while, (be) suspend(etl); i.iki maarainen (-aikainen) ordinary; (lain jostakin cease (1. desist) from; kukki- mukalnen) according (1. conforming) to
masta (kukkla loppuun) stop blossoming, law, legitimate, legal; (vaklnalnen) regu
lar; lakimritet krjt (general) asSlied US blOSSOmS; ~ kuulumasta (1.4111)
die away, cease; ~ maksamasta (myos:) slzes, (1. v. Yhdysv.) regular session of
stop payment; rimhumtuta (myrsky) (district) court; lakimariset valtiopivt
subside, die away [huom. myrtky on la- regular diet, -manys provision In the
kannat rieliumasia (myos:) the storm has statutes (1. In the law).
spent its fury] ; tekemst jotafein CCOSe lakin hihna band on a cap, cap band, -koppa
(I. discontinue) doing (1. to do) th., stop crown of a cap, cap crown, -lippa visor (1.
doing . . , (luopua) leave off (1. give up) peak 1. fore -piece) of a cap. -nauha cord
doing a th.; ~ tyit stop (1. cease 1. give (around a cap), -tekljl cap maker.
up) working, quit (1. leave off) work(lng), laki | peril nen warranted by law; based on
lay down one's work, (menn lakkoon) go law; vrt. lainmukalnen. -peraiseitl con
on Strike; ~ vhaksi aikaa (myos:) pause; forming to law. In accordance with the
kan tad* lahhaa When it Stops raining, law. -peraisyys being based on (1. war
when the rain stops (1. ceases), (jkpv.) ranted by) law. -pykala section of law.
When It holds up; halbe hnt lakkaamaan -sana law term, legal term, -sanasto legal
(lopettamaan) tell him to desist (1. to. stop terminology, -saannoa ordinance, -tallo
1. to quit) ; liikennt on lakannut the trame knowledge of (1. skill In) law. Jurispru
has come to a standstill (1. has stopped); dence, -icksti text of the law. -icos work
min len jo aikoja Sitten lakannut pane- of law; (-kokoelma) digest, -tied* (myos:)
maeta mitn haomiota hncen l long ago Jurisprudence; opitkella lakitiedett Study
gave up paying any attention to (1. taking law, (Engl.) read law. -tieteellinen jurid
any notice Of) him; on lakannut satamasta, ical; judicial; Juristic; lakitieteellinen t*o*
tade on lakannat it has ceased (1. stopped) work of law, work In Jurisprudence; vrt.
raining, the rain has ceased (1. stopped) ; lainopilllnen.
veri on lakannut juohsemaxta the flow Of lakiton . . without a cap, capless; (oAittomin
blood (1. the hemorrhage) has stopped, pain bare-headed, (monesta pubuen:) with
the blood has ceased to flow (1. has stopped [their] heads uncovered (1. bare).
lakiitupa (krjtupa) assize-house; (1. v.
lakata II. seal (up) [a letter, klrje).
Yhdysv.) Justice court; (yl.) court-room,
lakea (aava) open; (laaja) vast; wide, ex
-valiokunta committee to frame laws, -vattensive; (tasainen) plane, level; (sllea) talnen ks. Ialnvatalnen. -voimalnen 1. -volsmooth, even.
painen ks. lalnvoimainen.
lakeerau (killlottaa) lacquer, lacker; Japan, lakiaanne (klel.) palatal.
lakeerau lacquering; lacquer coating (1. lakka I. (klrje-) sealing-wax; (kunn lac;
(lakkavernlssa) lacquer.
lakeija footman, lackey; (Jkpv., halventav. lakka II. (vaja) shed; (yllnen) garret, attic;
rnerkityksessa) flunkey.
(luhtl) loft; vrt. kyybkyi~.
lakeinen ,>'ppan) vent-hole (the) smoke. lakka III. (hllla) ripe cloudberry.
lakeri licorice (myos: liquorice). -Jauhe lic lakkaamaton Incessant, unceasing; (Ireskeyorice powder. -Juuri licorice -root, -puikko tymtn)
stick of licorice.
[watchfulness, valppaus] ; (alltulnen) con
lakeus (tasanko) plaln(s); (yltasanko) pla tinuous, perpetual, lakkaamatta without
cessation, Incessantly, unceasingly; (tauteau; (alankomaa) flat(s).
lakl I. (korkeln kobta, hulppu) top, crown, koamatta) without stopping (1. pausing),
ridge, summit; (katto) celling; roof; without a pause (1. a stop); (keskeyty(SUU-) palate; vuor*n latlla on the tup (1. mattii) without a break, uninterruptedly:
the summit) of the mountain; vrt. kita~, without (any) intermission; (alltulsestl)
p~, '. m.
continually; vrt. hcrkemtt. lakkaamilakl II. law; (asetus) statute; (-saados) nen ceasing, stopping Jne., vrt. Ukata, I.:
act; fain *d***a before the law, in the cessation, stoppage; (kirjeen y. m.) sealing.
eye(s) of the law; loin kaii the arm of the lakka palanen piece of sealing-wax, -puikko
law; hussa sJetty established by law, stick of sealing-wax, -punalnen wax-red.
statutory; ~ ja oikeui law and justice; lakkap I. (a.) (kuohupaft) foam-crested,
jonliin lain alainen under the Jurisdiction . . crested with foam; (vaahtoava) foam
of a law.
ing, foamy; (tuuhealatvamen) luxuriant.
lakl- (yhd.) . . of (the) law [eslm. -fcy.s-.vm.vs spreading: lakkapt laineet foam-crested
question of law; -tied* science of (the) billows. II. (s.) foam-crested billow.
law]; legal. Juridical [csim. -kieli legal (1. lakkarl ks. tasku.
Juridical) language; -kytymy* legal (I. Ju lakkaua sealing; seal, wax.
ridical) question], -aikainen ks. lakim- lakkauttaa (keskeyttftft) break off, cut off:
rKlnen. -ala: ruveta (1. antautua) lakialalle Interrupt, Intercept; (pysShdyttai) stop
enter the law.
[the pension, elakc; payment, maksunsa] ;
lakiasla legal matter; question of law. lakl- stay, stem; (polstaa) abolish [slavery, orasiaintoimisto law-olTlre(s), lawyer's of
juus], do awny with Ian office, vlrka):
suppress [a newspaper, sanomalcliti; a



lampaan paimen

monastery, luostari]; wlthdraw [apenslon, ter, taik thlck; (rallatella) slng snatches
elke; a grant. mrraha; stamps, posti
of song, slng carelessly, troll. lallattelu,
lallatus babbllng; stutterlng; careless slngmerkit], call In; (lopettaa, lakata Jatka
masta) dlscontlnue, suspend; laki repeal lng, trolllng.
a law; ~ maksuina suspend payment; ~ lallua (slow) poke; mllksop. lallusmainen
tyt [Jossakin tehtaassa, kaivoksessa y. poky.
m.] shut down [a factory, a mlne, ctc.J, lama: lamassa paralyzed, stunned, crlppled,
vrt. lakata (tyst); ~ yhteytens jonkun
(alla pin) depressed, low, (lannistunut)
kanssa break ofr one's relattons \vitli . . , dejected, low-splrlted, (lyty) down; kan
(katkaista) sever one's connectlon(s) \vitli san mieliala on lamassa the people are In
a p.; tyt tahtaalla on lakkautettu the fac
low splrlts (1. are dlsheartened 1. are de
tory has been shut down. lakkauttaminen pressed), the people have lost heart; kaup
breaklng (1. cuttlng) olf, lntercepting, stop- pa on lamassa trade Is slack (1. dull I.
[ilng, etc, vrt. lakkauttaa; lnterception, paralyzed); mieleni on lamassa I ;illl dOWIldlscontlnuance, suspension; suppression; east (1. dejected 1. downhearted), I am dls
heartened (1. depressed in splrlts); yritte
lakkautua (lakata) cease, stop, dlscontlnue. liisyys on lamassa the splrlt of enterprlse
lakkautua (mrrahan y. m.) wlthdrawal; Is low (l. dull 1. paralyzed), business actlvlty Is paralyzed.
(sanomalehden y. m.) suppression; (mak
sujen y. m.) suspension; (keskeytys, kat lamaannus = Iamaus. lamaantua become par
kaisu) lnterception; (pyshdyttminen) alyzed (1. stunned 1. crlppled); become de
stopplng; (lopettaminen) dlscontlnuance; pressed (1. dejected 1. downcast); grow
(lain y. m.) repeal; (orjuuden y. m.) abol- \veak(er); grow less; grow dull; (veltos
ishment, abolltlon; (tiden) shut-down; tua) relax. lamaantuminen paralyzatlon;
ressatlon; vrt. lakkauttaa, -palkka: asmttaa growlng weak (1. less 1. dull); relaxation;
joku lakkautuspalkalle arrange a gradually vrt. edell. lamaava lamauttava.
dlmlnlshing pay for one whose offlce has lamata ks. lamauttaa.
been abollshed. -toimenpide measure or Iamaus paralysls; (mielen y. m.) depression,
withdrawal (1. suppression Jne., vrt. lak
dejcction; (veltostus) enervation, laxlty;
kautua), -valta power or wlthdrawlng (1. lumouksissa ks. lama(ssa). -tila state of
depression, depressed condltlon (1. state);
suppresslng) ; power of wlthdrawal (1. sup
(state or) paralysls; (kaupan y. m.) slack
pression 1. suspension 1. abolltlon).
lakka vernitea shellac varnlsh; lacquer. tlme.
-vri lake.
lamauttaa paralyze, stun, crlpple; (lannis
lakki cap (mys: sienen); (lipaton, skotlan
taa) press (1. welgh) down, put a damper
tilainen) bonnet; (sienen, tiet.) plleus. lak- upon [tbelr splrlts, heidn mieltn],
kimainen cap-llke, cap-shaped; (kasv.) dampen; dishearten [one, Joku], dlseourpllcate(d).
age, (make . .) deject(ed); (laimentaa,
lakkinen (yhd.) . . wlth a . . cap [esim. tylsent) depress, (make . .) dull; (vel
nahka- \vlth a leatber cap].
tostaa) slacken, relax; weaken, enervate;
lakki sieni cap-fungus; (sytv) mush- (tukahduttaa) suppress, quell, quench, put
room. (myrkyllinen) toadstool. -tehdas down. lamauttava paralyzlng; dlsheartencap factory. -vaate cloth for caps.
Ing, dlscouraglng; slackenlng, weakenlng,
lakko (tylakko) strlke; lakon tehnyt, lakos
enervatlng. lamauttavasti: vaikuttaa la
sa oleva strlklng; olla lakossa (be on) strlke. mauttavasti johonkin have a paralyzlng (1.
lakko- (yhd.) strlke- [esim. -alue strike- dlsheartenlng 1. weakenlng 1. relaxlng) eldlstrlct; -kassa strlke-fund; -komitea Tect upon . . .
strikc-commlttee]. -avustus runds to as- lamautua ks. lamaantua.
slst the strikers; (unlon maksama) strlke- lammas sheep (plur. sheep); lammasta (
pay. -Julistus blll (1. clrcular) calllng (1. lampaanlihaa) mutton; lampaiden keritsemi
declarlng) a strlke. -kokous strikers' meet- nen [keritsij] sheep-shearlng [ -Shearer] .
ing, meetlng of strikers.
lammas- (yhd.) sheep- [esim. -karsina
lakkolainen strlker.
sheep-pen; -varas sheep-thler] . -huone
lakko liike strlke (movement). -petturi de- sheeprold, rold. -kartano sheep-rarm, (lanserter (from the ranks of the strikers); si-Yhdysv.) sheep-ranch. -koira shepherd(jkpv.) scab. -rikkuri lakonrikkoja. dog; (skotlantilainen) collie, -laidun pas-tila condltlon or Strlke; julistaa jokin liike ture Tor sheep, (Engl.) sheepwalk. -lauma
lakkotilaan declare a strlke on (f. agalnst) riock or sheep, (lnsl-Yhdysv.) band or
a rirm, declare a condltlon of strlke to sheep.
exlst in a firm.
lammasmainen sheeplsb; (lauhkea) mcek.
lakmus (-vri) litmus. -paperi (kem.) litmus lammas nahka sheepskin. -nahkainen sheep paper.
skln; (kuv.) good-natured, meek; easily
lako lylng (1. prostrate) position; lakoon ks. led. weak. -nahkaset sheepskin coat. -nahlyd, menn, panna; olla laossa (vilja y.
katurkki sheepskin coat (1. Jackct), coat
m.) Ile riat, be (1. have) lodged, be beaten Hned with sheepskin. -navetta sheepfold.
rold. -paimen = lampaanpalmen. -paisti
lakon- (yhd.) . . or a [the] strlke [esim. roast mutton -raudat (keritsimet) sheep -johto leadershlp of the strlke; -uhka men- shears. -siittola (central) sheep -breedlng
ace or a strlke]. -rikkoja 1. -rikkuri strlke - establlshment. -tarha sheep-pen, sheepfold.
breaker; (Amer.) scab; (Engl.) blackleg.
-vaatteet: susi lammasvaatteissa a Wolf In
shecp's clothlng.
lakoiotninen (lyhyt) laconic [reply, vas lammikko
pond; (mets-) noodland pool;
taus], concise. lako(o)nlsestl laconlcally.
lako(o)nisuus conclseness.
(ltkk) pool, (pieni) puddle.
lakoutua ks. menn (lakoon).
lampaan- (yhd.) shecp's [esim. -tali sheep's
lakovilja crops (that were) lald flat.
tallow; -villa sheep's wool], .. or sheep
lakritsi - lakerl. -kasvi llcorlce-plant.
[esim. -hoito breedlng or sheep]. -hoito
(mys:) sheep-farmlng, wool-growlng.
laksatlivlaine (ulostusalne) laxatlve.
laksahtaa give a smacklng sound, sniaek. -kyljys mutton chop(s). -lapa shoulder or
laksauttaa ks. maiskuttaa.
mutton. -latina ks. kykkilatina. -liha mut
lakso ks. laakso.
ton: (karitsan) laini), -nahka lammasIsllatella, lallattaa babbie; (soperrella) stut- nahka, -paimen shepherri, sheep -herder.



-paisti ks. lammaspaisti, -p sheep's head;

(kuv.) mimskull, bloikhead, (Jkpv.) muttonhead. -tali (mys:) mutton tallow.
lampi, lampara pond; poul; vrt. lammikko.
lamppu lamp; lamppujen sytyttj lainpllghler.
lamppu- (ylitl.) lamp- [esim. -matto lampniat; -varjostin lamp-shadc]. -harja brush
to rlean a lamp (uitin, -sakset lampsrlssors; wlrk-trimmer. ljy kerosene
(olli, roal-oll.
Iampun!!alus lamp-mat. -Jalka lamp-stand;
standard, -kupu lamp-globe; lamp-shade.
-kpy 1. -katku 1. -hk sincll (I. smoke)
of the lamp. -Ie*4 lamp-chlmney, chlmney.
-noki lampblack. -savu smoke from a
[the] lamp. -sydn lamp-wlck. -sytytin
1. -sytyttj lampllghter. -valo lampllght.
lampuoti (vuokratilallinen) tenni- rarmer;
leaseholder. -tila tenant-farm; rented farm.
lampuri ks. lampaanpaimen.
lana, lanata = Iata, ladata.
langaton wlreless [telegraph.slihklenntln].
langennut Talien [\voman. nainen] ; ~ ni
Imaise volce, hoarscness.
langeta Tall, liave (1. get) a Tall; (kaatua)
tiinible (down), take a tumble; (kompas
tua stumble [on(to) ... Johonkin]; (mak
settavaksi) fall (1. become) due, mature;
~ jonkun hyvksi Cl. jollekulle) go (I. Tall)
to [the heirs, perillisille), revert [to the
Crown, kruunulle], Tall (I. corne) (in)to,
lapse to; ~ /oven ro Into (1. Tall in) a
trance; ~ maahan prostrate o. s. [berore a
p., jonkun edess], Tall down [before . .] ;
~ maksettavaksi rall (I. become) due, come
to maturity; nenlleen II. suulleen) (len
t) rall on one's racc, Tall prone (1. flat 1.
prostrate), (esim. pikkulapsesta puhuen:)
Tall un one'3nose; polvilleen jonkun eteen
rall on one's knees berore a p., kneel berore
(1. to) a p., vrt. polvistua; ~ syvlle (pa
heisiin) sink deep In vire, sink lo\v; hnen
vekselins lankeaa ensi maanantaina hi 3
nnte at the bank falls due next Monday;
hn kompastui ja lankesi he stumbled and
le]]; sade lankesi raskaina pisaroina the
raln rell (1. rme down) In heavy drops;
tila lankeaa lailliselle perilliselle the estate
falls to the legal helr, (lak.) the estate
vest.3 uitti the heir-at-law; tuomio on lan
gennut (langetettu) the Judgment haa been
rendcred, the sentence has been proniuinreil, the dertslon has been haniled
down ; neni on langennut I am hoarse,
1 have lcist my volce.
langettaa rause to Tall; (kaataa) Teli; brlng
down; sakkoihin rine, mulrt, vrt. sakot
taa; tuomio give (1. pass l. pronounce)
Judgment (1. sentence); ~ nens let o. s.
Ri't hoarse, lose one's volre. langettaminen
relllnir, brlnglng down; (tuomion) passin?,
pronounrlng. langettava: langettava tauti
ks. kaatuvatauti.
langokset brnthers-ln-law.
langottaa (varustaa shk- y. m. langoilla)
Wiio. langottani Inen, langotus(ty) Wlring.
lanka thread; (puuvilla-) cotton; (paksuhko,
tav. villa-) yarn; (vahva silkki-) twist;
(metalli) wlre; vrt. laimi , piikki,
rauta, villa >'. m.; johtava (kuv.)
the main thread (1. llne), the loading Idea;
neulaa ja lankaa a lierille and thread.
lankainen (yhd.) .. wlth .. threatls [esim.
kolmi~ .. \vlth three threads]; (metalli)
.. or .. wlre [esim. hopea .. of Silver
lankall kauppa (I. v.) thread rounter, (osaslokaupaii) notlon department. -ker ball
nr .vain (I. thread 1. rottiin), -lasi (rlbbed)
wlie glass. -numero nurnber of the thread.


-rulla spool or thread. -tukku bundle of

yarn. -vyyhti skein or yarn, hank.
lankeaminen, lankeeminen lalling: lumbling;
(kompastuminen) stumbling. lankeemi*piv (vekselin) day or maturity, day on
whirh , abank-note] matures (1. rallsdue).
lankeemus Tall, downfall; ylpeys ky lankee
muksen edell (sanani.) prlde goes berore
a Tall; vrt. syntiin.
lankeilla keep rallin? down-, stumble.
lankkaus partitlon; (rakennuksilla) boardliifc: vrt. lankkuaita, lankkauttaa box (At.
partitlon orr (wlth boards), board orr.
lankku plank; (lauta) board; (mntyinen,
mys:) deal; vrt. lattia . -sein wall or
lanko brother-in-law. -mies = lanko, lankou
relatlonshlp (1. connectlon 1. alllance) by
lankunkantaja nne who \vorks carrylng
planks; mau to carry planks.
lannan hajotusvaunu manure-spreader. -kyl
vkone manure-drill; rertlllzer-sowcr.
lanne loin; (lonkka) hip; lanteet hips, loin',
relns, (hevosen) hind quarters; hn taputti
hevostaan lanteille he patted (I. slapped)
hls horse on the hip; kdet lanteille (voini.)
hands on (the) hips! vrt. lautanen.
lanne- (yhd.) lumbar [esim. -nikama lumbar
lannistaa (Jonkun mieli) dlshearten, dis
courage; (lamauttaa) paralyze, stun, cripple; (veltostaa) \veaken, debllltate, enervate, relax; (hillit, ehkist) check, curb,
suppress, keep down, keep under, quell;
(kukistaa) subdue, subjugate, coerce,
overrome, bring under;
humble; jonkun mieli Cl. rohkeus) dishearten (1. dlscourage) one, (kokonaan)
nverwhelm (1. prostrate) one, (musertaa)
crush one's spirit, break one's heart. lannistamaton ks. lannistumaton, lannistami
nen dlsheartcning; paralyzlng; weakenlng,
relaxlng, subdulng, quelling; vrt. lannistaa.
lannistua become disheartened, become (1.
grow) dlsrouraged; become paralyzed (1.
crippled); be(rome) weakened (I. enervated); be cherked, be curbed, be suppressed; be subdued (1. <juelled); mieleni
lannistuu I am becoming disheartened, I
am loslng heart, my heart slnks (1. ralls
me), (rohkeuteni) my courage deserts me.
lannistumaton not paralyzed, not crippled;
not disheartened; (Jota el ole lannistettu)
unsubdued, not quelled, not quenched; (Jo
ta el voida lannistaa) not to be subdued (I.
'quelled); Indornltable [courage, rohkeus;
energy, tarmo], unconquerable [spirit.
mieli], unyieldlng; (uupumaton) Indefatlgable, untlring. lannistuminen paralyzlng:
rneivation; beroming disheartened (1. dls
rouraged). lannistua delectlon, low splrlts;
(herpoamfnen) langulshlng:
lassltude; weakness; (lannistaminen) subilulng, subjugatlon.
lannottaa manure, dung; (etenkin: keinote
koisella lannalla) rertllize. lannottamaton
..not manured; unrertilized. lannottaminen manuring.
lannotus manuring; rertltlzlng. -aine (lan
ta) manure, dung; (apulanta) rertillzer.
lanoliini (kcm.) lanotln(e).
lanta manure, dung; (kostea) muck; apu
lanta rhemlral (I. artiririal) manure.
rhrmiral rertlllzer(s). -kasa 1. -lj I.
-tunkio manuru pile, dunghill. -kuoppa
manure (I. dung) pit. -tadikko dung-rork,
lanteinen (yhd.) . . \vlth . . hlps [esim. ka
pea- . . \vitli narrmv hi|is; leve ..with
bioad (1. Wide) hlps].



lantio (anat.) pelvls.

lantion- (yhd.) pelvlc [esim. -loukko pelvic
cavity] .
lantti coln; plece of money; penny; (kupa
ri-) copper (coln); lantteja coins, cbange.
lanttu rutabaga
lapa (anat.) shoulder; (airon, kirveen, leh
den) blade; (sukani foot; (lehden, kasv.)
lamlna. lapaantua ks. lapautua.
lapakko (kasv.) axls (of an lnriorescence);
kukka rioral axls.
lapa liuu shoulder-blade; (anat.) scapula.
-mato tapeworm.
lapanen mltten.
lapasorsa (ellnt.) (common) shovel(l)er.
lapata ks. lappaa.
lapatossu (1. v.) shoepack.
lapautua be (1. get) spralned in the shoulder,
spratn one's shoulder; (hieroutua verille)
be(come) galled, get galled. lapautuminen
belng (1. gettlng) spralned In the shoulder.
lapautunut spralned In the shoulder; (ve
rille hieroutunut) galled (on one's shoul
der); lapautunut hevonen horse \vith a
spralned [a galled] shoulder.
lape flat, flat (1. broad) side; lappeellaan
natways, flatvvlse, flat side down; miekan
flat of a svvorcl; olla lappeellaan lie (1.
be) flatways (1. riatwlse).
lapikas Laplander's boot; (1. v. Amer.) shoe
lapinkieli Lapp, Lapplsh, Lapplc. Lapinmaa
lapio shovel; (puutarha-) spade; (luonti-)
scoop; vrt. leip-.
lapioida shovel;
vrt. luoda, lapioiminen shovellng. lapiolli
nen (a) shovel Tul, (a) spadeflll; lapiollinen
multaa a sbovelful or earth (1. dlrt). lapiomarin by the shoveirul. lapionvarsl handle
or a shovel (1. a spade), shovel- (1. spade-)
lappaa puli in (1. up); (haalata) baul In [a
rope, kytti] ; vke alkoi ~ tupaan
people began to stream (1. pour) In.
lappalainen I. (s.) Laplander, Lapp. II. (a.)
Lapplsh, Lapp(onian), Laplandish.
lappalais- (ybd.) Lapp, Laplander [esim.
-akka Lapp (1. Laplander) vvoman; -kyl
Lapp (1. Laplander) vlllage; -perhe Lapp
(1. Laplander) famlly], Lapplsh, Lapland
ish. -alue Lapp terrltory. -koira Laplander's dog. -kota Laplander's hut. -maisema
Lapland scenery. -puku Lapp costume (1.
dress). -vaimo Lapland(er) \voman.
lappea I. (a.) Hat. II. (s.) lape.
Lappi Lapland; Lapp terrltory.
lappo (Tys.) slphon.
Isppu (ltttle) plece, blt; (kangas- y. m.)
shred (of cloth); (palkka-) patcb; (pape
ri-) scrap, sllp; (osote- y. m.) tag; vrt. lippu.
lapsekas chlldllke, chlldlsh; (nuorekas)
youthrul; vrt. lapsellinen, lapsekkaasti
rhlldishly; vrt. lapsellisesti, lapaekkuus
rhlldlshness; youthfulness.
lapsekaiotto adoption.
lapsellinen chlldllke, chlldlsh, puerlle; (yk
sinkertainen, viaton) nalve, slmple; (molttiv.
merkit.) Sllly; lapselliselta viattomuudella
wlth chlldllke (1. vvlth achlld's) Innocence;
lapsellista filosofiaa nalve phllosophy. lap
sellisesti chtldlshly; nalvely; roollshly, sillily; like a chlld; vrt. kyttyty, lapselli
suus chlldlikencss, childlshness; nivet;
Toollshness. stlllness.
lapsen- (yhd.) chlld"s [esim. -itku 1. -parku
ohlld's cry (1. scream); -jokellus chlld's
prattle; sydn Chlld's heart; snky Chlld'8
bed] ; (sylilapsen) baby's [esim. -maha
baby's stomarh; -ruoka baby's food]; vrt.
lasten-, -elke: mies tuomittiin maksamaan
SOO markkaa lapsenelkett the man was


sentenced to pay 500 marks toward the

support or the chlld. -halvaus = Upsihalvaus. -hoitaja(tar) nurse. -kaste chrlstenIng; lnrant baptlsm. -kasvot race or a
chlld. -kenkl chlld's shoe; hn ky viel
lapsenkengiss (1. v.) he has not yet lald
aslde (1. grown out of) his swaddllngclotbes. -lapsi grandchlld; vrt. lastenlap
set, -leikki chlld's game; (kuv.) child's
play; sen matkan teko oli lapsenleihki it
vvas (mere) chlld's play to make that Journey. -mieli chlldCs) mtnd; chlldllke mlnd,
Innocence. -murha chtld-murder. lnfanticlde. -murhaaja lnfantlclde. -omainen chlld
llke, chlldlsh. -perint (lak.) property lert
by a inlnor. -piika nurse-mald.
lapsenpst dellvery (In childhed), accouchement.
(yhd.) obstetrlc(al) [esim.
-pihdit obstetrlcal forccps; -taito obstetrlcal art]. -taitoa maternity hospltal. -oppi
1. -taito obstetrlcs; midwirery.
lapsen ruokko lapsenelke, -synnytys
laitos maternity hospltal. -snky (mys:)
crlb. -tytt nurse-mald, nurse. -vakuutus
chlld Insurance. -Uni child's voice, voice
llke a chlld, chlldlsh voice.
lapseton chlldlcss; . . \vlthout lssue.
lapsettaa: sinua ~ yon are actlng llke a
Chlld (1. a kid); ukkoa on ruvennut (jl
leen) lapsettamaan the old man Is growlng
chlldish (1. Is In hls second chlldhood).
lapsettomuus chtldlessness.
lapsi child (plur. chlldren); (Jkpv.) kld;
(syli-) baby, babc, lnrant; lapsena ollessani
when a chlld [I . .], (lapsuudessani) In my
ChildhOOd; lapsen rakkaudella [kunnioituk
sella] wlth rtllal alTeetion Trespect]; lap
sesta saakka rrom a child, from chlldhood
up; lapset chlldren, (Jkpv.) little rolks,
little ones, (sylilapset) bables; et ole en
mikn (mys:) you are past belng a
Chlld; hnell on vaimo ja lapsia (mys:)
he has a ram i ly; jo lapsena (ollessaan) hn
. . vvhen stlll (1. yet) a chlld he . . , even in
hls chlldhood he . .; maailman a worldly
person, a worldllng.
lapsi!! halvaus Infantlle paralysls. -Ikinen
(lak.) mlnor, lnrant. -kolera (lak.) cholera
lnfantum. -kulta dear chlld; darllng, dearle.
-lauma 1. -liuta host (I. swarm 1. crowd) or
Chlldren; hn jtti jlkeens suuren lapsi
lauman she left (behlnd her) a large family
of chlldren.
lapslmainen chlldllke, chlldlsh; vrt. lapselli
nen, lapsimaisesti llke a chlld, rhlldishly.
tapainen (yhd.) . . or . . chlldren reslm. vii
si perhe a family of flve chlldren].
lapsintima (lapsipuoli) stepchlld.
lapsi parka poor child. -puoli stepchlld;
jd lapsipuolen asemaan jossakin suh
teessa be poorly favored (1. be lll-favored)
wlth . . , be not blessed (I. not favored) In
some respect. -rakas fond or chlldren.
-sauna bath prepared by a mld\vife In a
rural bath-house. -ty chlld labor. -vaimo
woman In chlldbedd. In conflnement). -vesi
(lk.) ltquor ainnil, (Jkpv.) tho water.
lapsivuode chlldbed; chlldbirth, conflne
ment: maata Cl. olla) lapsivuoteessa be conflned, be slck, be in chlldbed, (Engl.) Ile in.
-kuume chlldbed (1. pucrperal) fever. -vai
mo \voman In confinenient (1. In chlldbed).
lapsukainen (pieni lapsi) little rhlld, rhllilllng; (rakas lapsi) dear chlld; lapsukaiseni
my dear chlld!
lapsuuden- (yhd.) . . of one's chlldhood.
chlldhood [esim. -koti home of one's chlld
hood, chlldhood home; -muistot memorles
of one's chlldhood, chlldhood memorles;
-ystv frlend of one's chlldhood, chlld



bood friendl. -aika nime of) childhood:

inranry. -Iki (age of) childhood; (varhai
nen) Infanry. -kumppani I. -toveri mmpanion or childhood. chlldhood companion;
lapsuudentoverit (mys:) playmates In
childhood, chlldhood rtium*. -usko raith
of one's chlldhood.
lapsuus childhood; (varhainen) mrancy,
babyhood; lepsuuden ik (the age oD rhildhood: lapsuuden pivt (\. aika) childhood
clay-. chlldhood: lapsuudesta lika frotn
childhood up, rrom a child. (ever) since
childhood; lapsuuteni aikana in my chlld
hood days; lapsuuteni leikkitoveri (mys:)
my playniate when I \va- Iit tie. -aika,
-iki, -usko y. m. ks. lapsuuden aika, -ik,
usko y. m.
laputtaa iret out [or..], get (I. hasten)
auay, (hiipien) sknlk away, sneak <1. steal)
a\vay (I. ofO, (Jkpv.) skedaddle, pack ofr,
make O.S. SCarce; tiehens laputtaa
[esim. katsojat laputtivat tiehens the nnlookers got out In a hurry (I. made themselves srarce) : alahan ja (siit) you better get out or (I. get a\vay rrom) here,
(you) better make yourseir scarce].
lasaretti ks. sairaala.
laseerata glaze.
laserrus glaze, glazlng; (emaljt) enatnel.
lasertaa glaze. lasertamaton unglazed.
lasi glass; (ikkuna) WlndOW; lasien kilistess
to the clink(lng) or glasses, round the
riowing bowl; vatt a glass or water;
vrt. ikkuna, juoma, vesi, viini y. m.
lasi- (yhd.) glass [esim. -natasi glass bead:
-levy glass plate: -pullo glass bnttle] : . . or
glass >sim. -palanen piece (I. bit) or glass;
-siru spllnter (1. sblrer) or glass]. -aina
glassy niass.
lasiainan, lasiaisnesta (silmss) vitreous
lasi astia glass vessel (1. dish): lasiastioita
glassware. -esine glass artirle: lasiesineet
(koll.) glassnare. -hiomo glass gtindery.
-jauhe pounded (I. powdered) glass. glassdust. -kaappi glass cupboard (1. eabinct).
-kauppa store where glass\vare ts sold.
-kello (kasvien y. m. suojana kytetty)
bell glass, glass bell; vrt. lasikupu, -kitti
glass-cement. -korkki ks. lasitulppa. -kuona
glass-gall. -kupu glass bell; bell glass;
(lampun y. m.) glass globe.
lasillinen glassrul; viisi lasillista vett Tive
glasses or water.
lasi maalari painter on glass, glass -painter.
-maalaus glass-paintlng; glass-stalntng.
lasimainen glassy [stare, katse], glass-like;
(tiet.) vitreous.
lasimestari glazier; vrt. laslnleikkaaja.
lasin- (yhd.) glass- [esim. -leikkaaja glassCUtter; -puhallus gla$S-blOWtng; -puhaltaja
lasinen .. (made) or glass, glass ; glassv;
(tiet.) vitreous.
lasin' hionta glass-grlnding; glass-cutting.
-kaltainen I. -tapainen ks. lasimainen. -leik
kaaja (myS:) glazier; lasinleikkaajan ti
mantti glaziers diamond. -loikkain glasscutter. -sulatusuuni glass-rurnace. -val
mistus glass-making, glass-worklng.
lasi ovi glass door; (tav. koristeellinen)
Venetian door. -paperi glass-paper. -putki
glas.s tube. -ruutu pane (or glass), light:
lasiruutujen pano scttiMK: tl' KU", -silmi
glass (1. artificial) eye. -silmikiirme ks.
silmlasikrme, -silmt ks. silmlasit.
-tavara glass\vare. -tehdas glass-ractorv,
glass-norks. -teokset glass articles, glass-


vtare. -teollisuus glass Industry, -tiili

glass tile.
lasittaa glaze.
lasituin, lasittaisin by the glass.
lasittamaton ks. lasertamaton.
lasitulppa glass stopper; lasitulpalla varas
tettu pulla bottle with a glass stopper.
lasitus glaze, glazlng: (emalji) cnaniel.
-maalaus enamel-painting.
lasi tlkki 1. -purkki glass jar. -uuni glassrurnace. -vakuutus plate-glass Insurance.
-villa glass wool.
laskea 1. tr. (antaa menn) Iet go, (pst)
let 'one go. Joku menemn; down a th..
jokin alas], (irti) release [one rrom prison, joku vankilasta], let . . orr. let . . loose;
(juoksuttaa) let . . run, draw orr [into bottles. pulloihin], tap [beer rrom a cask,
olutta tynnyrist], dravv [wine, viini];
(uittaa) rioat rtimber down the rlver, tuk
keja joesta] ; (asettaa, panna) lay [on the
table. pydlle], put. place; (laskea alas)
lay (1. put) down, lower [into the grave,
hautaan1, let down fone's skirt, hameen
sa], (esim. jollakin kojeella, pudottaa)
drop [anchor, ankkuri 1, let rall: (taholla)
grind [a knire. veist]; (luvuilla) count.
reckon, calculate, cotripute [the lnterest
on a sum, korko Jollekin summalle], (ar
vioida) estimate [one's annual income at a
thousand dollars, vuotuiset tulonsa tuhan
neksi dollariksi], (suunnitella) rigure (out),
tbtnk out; 2. Itr. (aleta) rall, desrend. go
down, (painua, vaipua) sink, (auringosta
y. m. puhuen, mys:) set, (purkautua,
esim. Joki) empty (I. Dow) [into the sea.
mereen], be discharged [Into. johonkin1 ;
alas I. (tr.) let . . down rthe shart. kaivoskuilusta], let rall, (let) drop, lower
the smokestack, (laivan) savupiippu], (ve
t alas) draw down. haul down, (knt
alas) turn down [one's collar. kauluksen
sa!, (mer.) strike [one's colors (1. one's
riagt, lippunsa]: S. (Itr.) ks. aleta, pai
nua, vaipua: alemmaksi (tr.) lower, bring
(rarther) down. let . . Tarther down;
ankkuriin (laivasta:) east anchor, anchor;
arviolta make a rough ralculation (1.
estimate 1. guess); ennttvns tehd
jotakin count (I. calculate) upon being
able to do a th. in time [Tor Christmas,
jouluksi]: esirippu (alas) drop the curtatn; Joku helpolla (\. vhll) (ps
t) let one orr easy, let one slide through,
make It easy (1. a snap) Tor one, not be
hard on a p.: hintaa reduce (1. lower)
the price, (Jkpv.) cut the price (down):
hyry let (1. b!ow) orr steam; irti
let . . loose, (pst) release [a prlsoner.
vanki], set .. at llberty. (pst kdes
tn) release (1. let go) one's hold. loosen
one's hold (1. one's grip) ; jrve lower
(the level oD a lake; karille ks. ajaa;
fcotu pave a Street [with Stones (I. with
riags). kivill]; katu mukulakivill CObble a Street: kauppaan put on the mar
ket; - kelkalla ks. - mke; - keski
mr jollekin rind the arlthmetical niean
or..; kivill = kivet; jotakin kohti
steer one's course toward . . . steer ror . . .
(make) head ror . .: kokkapuheita teli
runny stories, teli witticisms, joke. Jest.
vrt. sukkeluuksia: kokoon sateenvarjo
put (1. let) down the umbrella: korkoa
korolle compute coinpound intercst (on . . ,
Jollekin] ; koskea Cl. koskesta) shoot the
rapids; [jrvi, lammikko! kuiville drain
Ithe lakel, empty [the pond], vrt. tyh
jksi; kulut (l. menot) calculate (1. com
pute) the expenses, (yhteen) Toot up the
expenses; kdestn put (I. lay 1. let)



down, (menemn) let go, let loose, (pu

dottaa) drop; ~ kkittn lay aslde (I.
dovrn), drop, (pst, esim. tilaisuus) let
[the opportunity] slip (1. pass 1. (ro
by), miss (1. lose) (an opportunity],
vrt. irti; ~ kytt (iner.) pay out the
cable: ~ [hevonen] laitumelle turn [the
horse] out to .grass (1. to pasturc); ~
laituriin (laivasta:) put to at the dock (1.
the wharr>, puli alongside, come In il. up)
to the wharf: ~ leikki joke, Jest. make
sport (1. fun) [or a p., jostakusta] ; ~
leikki jonkun kustannuksella get the joke
(I. the laugh) on a p., crack jokes at the
expense or a p.; lentmn let (1. allow
. . to) ny; ~ liian pieneksi underestlmate
[the value or, Jonkin arvo] ; liikkeeseen
(rahaa) put Into clrculation, Issue [new
bills (l. new paper money), uusia sete
lirahoja]; Hihoja exaggerate, overstate,
make exaggerated statements, (jkpv.) pile
it on, stretch it (a irood deal); ~ lippu
lower (1. haul down) a Hai?; ~ lomalle (so
tilas) grant (a) leave, (grant a) rurlough;
loruja bc talkin? nonsense, spin yarns;
luikua slide; luikuria (Jkpv.) spin
yarns, be fibbing; ~ luotaan = ~ mene
mn; lpi (nesteit) let through, be
perraeahle to, (valoa y. m.) transmit, vrt.
tutkinnossa; ~ maahan 1. (tr.) lay (1.
put) down (on the ground), drop; 2. (itr.)
desrend, come down, (esim. sumu) settie,
(esim. kaste) fali; maalle Cl. maihin)
(esim. matkustajia laivasta) land, put . .
ashore, set . . on shore; mainin (laivalla)
land, (laituriin) dock, (satamaan) get into
(I. make a) port; ~ menemn let . . p>.
(luotaan) dismlss; mukaan
let . .) (ro along, (lukea mukaan) include
(. . in the sum), count (I. reckon) .. in;
makc (\. mest) [kelkalla] slide (I.
ride 1. (ro) down-hlll [on a sled], coast,
toboggan; ~ mke istualtaan (\. istual
taan) sit and slide down a hlll (without a
sled); mke suksilla go down-hill on
skls, skl down hill ; painossa lose weight;
jokin pennilleen calcuiate . . (1. teli what
it wlll be) to the penny: ~ perustus jolle
kin lay the roundation of (1. for) . . , found,
establish; pilaa joke, jest, (sukkeluuk
sia) crack Jokes, vrt. leikki; pois
(antaa menn) let . . ro. let out, (pst)
release, (parantuneena) dlscharge [Trom a
hospltal, sairaalasta], (puhalluttaa) blow
urr [th* steam, hyry 1, (lukea pois) count
ofT, (vhent) deduct, take orr; pois
luvusta not take into account; purjeet
(alas) lower the sails, let down (1. haul in)
the sails; ~ pssn fiifiiro (
In one's head; rahansa (paljonko niit
on) count (over) one's money; ~ ripille
admit . . to (Tlrst) communlon, confirm;
saavansa . . (toivoa) count upou gettlng
. . , (odottaa) expect to get . . , (suunni
tella) rtgure (I. count 1. calcuiate) upon
making (5 per cent. profit, 5% voittoa],
lilan to get . .; satamaan (laivalla) put
In at port, make (1. entcr 1. put into) port,
(sallia tulla) allow . . to enter port; ~ sep
pele jonkun haudalle lay a wreath on a p.'s
(frave, decorate a p.'s grave; ~ sisn, si
slle (huoneeseen y. m.) let . . (come) In,
allow . . to enter, (pst sisn) admlt,
frive admlsslon to, open the door to . .;
joku sisn salaa (\. varkain) let one In
stealthliy (I. secretly); sukkeluuksia
crack jokes, Jest; suustaan kirouksia let
out oaths (I. curses), let oatlis (I. curses)
pass one's llps(l. come out of one's mouth) ;
suustaan sellainen sana drop (I. let Tall)
such a word, let such a word pass one's


lips; ~ Jokin Jonkun sydmelle enjoln . .

strlctly (I. impress . .) upon one, urgc one
to . .; tekevns jotakin reckon (1. cal
cuiate) upon making . .; Joku tutkinnossa
pass ono (In an cxaminatlon), let one
through on an examination, vrt. hyvksy;
tyhjksi (esim. tynnyri) empty, (esim.
jrvi) draln; uudelleen count over again,
recount, do [the problem] over; ~ uutimet
(alas) drop (I. puli down) the curtaln.
draw down the bllnds; ~ val(h)eita teli
lies, lie, vrt. ~ luikuria; ~ valloilleen
(esim. mielikuvitus) give Tuli play (1. Tuli
sway) to . . , (esim. intohimot) give full (1.
Tree) rein (1. give the relns) to; valtansa
alle (\. alaiseksi) subjugate, make . . subJect to one, subdue, (vallottaa) conquer;
~ vapaaksi (\. vapauteen) set . . Tree (1. at
liberty), release [a captive, vanki], dls
charge rrom custody, (vapauttaa) (set)
free, ltberate; [koettceksl] vapaalle ja
lalle let out (1. release) [on parole] ; ~
verkkoja put out [one'S] netS; ~ vesi kyl
pyammeeseen let the water run in the tub:
[vene] vesille launch [the boat]; ~ ve
tens (1. vettn) ks. heitt; ~ vett let
the water run, (ruiskulla) play (1. direct 1.
turn) the hose [on a p., Jonkun plle] ;
~ vrin reckon (1. count) wrong, make a
mistake (1. an error) in one's calculation
(1. computation), (erehty laskuissaan) be
off (1. be out 1. be wrong) in onc's cal
culation, be mistaken; ~ yhteen count . .
up, (Jokin luku) add (up), sum flp, root
(up), east (up); yliopistoon admlt to the
university (1. to college) ; laskehan, paljon
ko se tekee see (1. co u nt up) what it makes;
laskettavissa oleva CalCUlabie; laskettuna
(l. laskien) f. k. 10 ptst COlintlng (1.
counted) rrom the lOth Inst.; laskien 10
miest joka alukselle (1. joka alusta hohti)
counting (I. allowlng) 10 men to each ve.sSel; aivan toisin kuin oli (\. on) laskettu
contrary to ali calculatlon(s) ; aurinko laski
hitaasti the sun sank (1. set) slowly; esi
rippu laski (laskeutui) the curtaln rell (l.
dropped) ; hiekka laskee lpi vett smiil
lets water ooze, water trlckles (1. percolates 1. rilters) thTOUgh Sand; hinta on las
kenut the prlce has gone down (1. has been
reduced), the price has dropped: hyvin las
kettu well calculated, well figured out,
(suunniteltu) well planncd; hyv (\. np
pr) laskemaan gOOd (1. qillck) at Hgures; joki laskee mereen the rlver
empties (1. discharges 1. riows) into the
sea; minua ei laskettu sinne I was not allowed to go there, I was unable to galn ad
mlsslon there; ne lasketaan tuhansiksi tlicy
are counted by the thousand(s); on laske
massa Is golng down, is declining, (aurin
gosta:) is settlng. Is slnklng, (kuv., esim.
Jonkun maine) is on the wane, is on the
decllne; pivn laskiessa at sunset, when
the sun sets, at the golng down or the suu,
at the decllne or day: ply laskee pydlle,
pydlle laskee ply dust Is settllng (1.
gatherlng) on the table; sen arvo el ole
pieneksi laskettava lt Is not to be counted
or little value (1. worth 1. moment). it
shouldn't be underestlmated; seurauhsia
el voi (\. on mahdoton) ~ it is Imposslble
to count the cost (1. calcuiate the eonsequences) ; sit ei lasketa miksikn (ei
oteta lukuun) that Is not taken Into conslderatlon (1. Into account) at ali. that Is
or no account. that docs not count at ali:
vesi TJrvess] laskee the water is golng
down, the level [or the lake] Is betng
lowered, (tulvan jlkeen) the \vaters are


laskelma calculation, computation, estimate. laskeva falling, declining, descending, sloplaskomaeija finirai landing^ -place); (auk- Ing; setting [sun, aurlnko] ; (kuv. narkurjslja) anchorlng-place.
kltseva) calculating, deliberate; kylmiati
laskomaton uncounted, unnumbered; (mah- cool.
doton laskea) past all count, beyond com lasklalnen Shrovetide.
putation; Innumerable; (arvaamaton) In laskiait- (yhd.) Shrovetide [eslm. -Hot
calculable; (laskematta oleva)not counted, Shrovetide fun (1. festivities); -palla <\.
not Included In the account, laskemlnen -pyryl) Shrovetide bun: -viikko Shrove
(alas-) lowering, letting down, dropping, tide week]. Shrove [eslm. -maananlai
(juomlen y. m.) drawing (off), tapping-; Shrove Monday; -mnnuntai Shrove Sun
(lukemlnen) counting, (luvullla) calculat
day], -aika Shrovetide. -Mot fmyos:) car
ing, calculation, figuring; (sumun y. m.) nival, -sunnuntai (myos:) Quinquageslma
settling, descending, descent, coming down; Sunday, -tiiitai Shrove Tuesday.
(aurlngon y. m.) going down, setting; (hln- laskija ks. juoman , kadun , koikcn 111.
tojen) decline [In the prices]; vrt. lasku. laskimo vein.
laskemlsi talto ability to calculate; (lasku- laskimo- (yhd.) venous [esim. -vtri venous
talto) art ot calculation; vrt. laikutaito. blood], -laajennus llaak.) venous Sinus,
-suhina (leak.) venous hum (1. murmur).
-tapa method of calculation.
laskenta bukemlnen.
laskinvarjo ks. laikuvarjo.
laskokeelllnen pleated, plaited; tucked; ..
laskento arithmetic; vrt. laiku.
lasketella (ladella) rattle off; patter; - ko- with (1. lying In) folds.
rulauttita make a show or fine (1. lofty) laskos I. fold, (kankaassa, myos:) pleat,
Rtirases; mSkt bo sliding down the plait; laibokiitsa oltva . . lying In folds,
111, (suksllla) be riding downhill (1. down folded, pleated, plaited.
the hill), (kelkalla) be coasting, be laskos II. (katu-, tie- y. in.) pavement. -In*
tobogganing; ~ omiaan (panna) stretch It, paving, (material for a) pavement, -km
be fibbing; *ukkeluubtia crark Jokes; paring-stone.
- valhtita be telling lies, be fibbing, be laskostaa fold; (kangasta) plait, (put)
lying; vtntesia johea atom drift down pleaUs in ..). laskosUmmen, laskostus
the river In a boat.
folding; pleating, laskoste (omp.) pleatlaskettaa let sink, let drop; (tukkeja) let Ing, plaiting, plaited work, laskostella
float; (Juomla y. m.) have . . draw(n) off, pli'at. plait, put pleats In.
have .. tap(pert); (velst taholla) have .. laskoiuudm pleated curtain, curtain laid In
ground; (luvullla) have . . count(ed), have folds.
. . calculate(d), vrt. laikea; ~ ala* lalem- lasku (maksettava) bill; (till-) account;
makti] have . . lowered : ~ kiaella ks. helt- (laskelma) calculation, computation, esti
i.i i; m.'ih.-u (kelkalla) roast, toboggan. mate; (asettamlnen) laying, putting, plac
l.ikottava I. (a.) to be counted (Jne.. vrt. ing, (alas-) sinking, lowering, (Juomlen)
laskea); (mahdolllnen laskea) calculable. tapping, drawing, (tukkien) floating, (hlnH. (s.) (niokasfilllo) pantry, larder; (mat.) tojen) reduction, vrt. laikea; (purkautuproblem, lasketuttaa (jnllakulla) have (I. mlnen) outflow; (purkautumlspalkka) out
make) one count (1. calculate).
let; (alaslasku) descending, descent; (vletlaskeuma (palnuma) depression; (rakennuk- temlnen) sloping; (kaltevuus) slope; dip:
(putous) fall; jotn~ (suu) outlet (I. mouth)
sen) settling; (hlrren, katon) sagging;
(ISak.) prolapsus, -vara allowance for of the river, (putous) fall of the river;
amen ~ lowering (the level of) a lake,
drainage (1. draining) of a lake; minan la*laskeutua (aleta) go down, be lowered, de
scend; (pudota) fall, drop; (palnua) sink, /! mukaan according to my reckoning
decline, (katto y. m.) sag, (rakennus, sakka)
(1. my calculation); olucn ~ drawing (of)
beer; vrt. auringon'-, jakow, kadun'',
settle: (vedest, tulvan j&lkeen:) recede;
korko- . tukin^ . vahennys- , yhteen y. m.
(astua alas) get down [from the speaker's
platform, puhujalavalta], come down, lasku aika: auringon latkuaika sunset; (ufc
alight, dismount; (pltkalleen) He down [on kien latkuaika time for floating logs, -erehthn bed, vuoteelle], lay o.s. down; ala* dys error of (1. In) calculation, miscalcula
descend [from a balloon, llmapallosta], tion, -esimerkkl problem, example; la*ka(eslm. plkku lapsesta puhuen:) get down mimrrkhi-iu exercises, -haara (joen) one of
from one's chair, tuoltltaan], get out [of the mouths [of a river] . -kaavake 1. -lomake
a buggy, rattailta], alight [from a car
bill-head, -kone calculating-machine, cal
riage, vaunulsta] ; ~ yrkattl johonkin de
culator; (yhteen-) addlng-machine. -rnerkscend (1. dip) abruptly to . . , plunge (In)to kl numeral, -mies counter, reckoner, cal
culator; arithmetician; (kosken-) guide;
. .; ~ kaivohtttn go down in a mine; ~
maahan descend, come down, fall on (hfly on hyoa la*kumi*t (numeromies) he Is
henestii: be wafted to) the ground, (llma- good In arithmetic (I. at figures), -mlki
hill for coasting (I. for sliding downhill).
pur.iehtljasta:) alight; ~ poh/aan (sakka)
-oja (maanv.) ditch, drain, -opillinen ar
settle (to the bottom), (kerrostua) be de
posited on the bottom; ~ polvillttn fion- ithmetical; latkuopillintn t*im*rkki exam
kun cteen) ks. polvlstua: vuorelta descend ple in arithmetic, problem, example, -oppf
(1. come down from) the mountain; hinta arithmetic, -palkka (malhln-) landinglaskeutuu the price Is going down (1. Is place, landing; (Joen suu) outlet, mouth:
falling), the price drops; linnat laskeutui- auringon atkupaikka place Where the sun
vat pcllolle the birds alighted (1. settled 1. sets. -perutU basis for (1. of) calculation.
swooped down) on the field; maa lathcutuu -putkl discharge-pipe; drain-pipe, -p:
tiina huomattavaiti the ground descends hntll on hyv a*kap he has a good
(1. slopes 1. falls) there considerably; m- head for figures (1. for arithmetic), he has
kennus sni'ii ' lafkeatuu the building [the a mathematical mind, -sana numeral: num
smoke] Is settling; vtii latktutuu ks. i -.ber, -silta drawbridge, -suoni (lasklinu)
kea. laskeutuminon (palnumlnen) sinking, vein, -talto ability In mathematics, (good)
(eslm. katon) sagging, (rakennuksen sa- knowledge of figures, -tap mode (1. meth
od) of calculation (I. of computing): nelja
kan y. m.) settling; (kalvokseen y. m.)
going down, descending, descent; (llmasta yk*ink*rtai*ta latkutapaa the four funda
mental processes of arithmetic (1. of calcu
y. m.) alighting; (kasteen y. m.) falling.



latlon). -uulu (musta taulu) blackboard;

(kivitaulu) Slate; vrt. helmilauta. -toimitus
(process of) calculatlon. -torvi outlet plpe ;
draln-plpe. -varjo parachute. -veti ks.
pakovesi. -vihko aritlimetlc note-book.
-viivain 1. -viivotin sliae-rule. -virhe error
of (1. in) calculatlon; mlscalculatlon.
-vlylt: koihin latkuvyl the Channel (1.
the passage) down the rapids.
lasso (suopunkl) lasso,
lasta (sle) spllnt (mys: lk.); (maal.)
palet-knire, spatula; (muuraus-) trovvel;
lastoihin ks. panna; [Jalka on] lastoista
tthe leg Is] in spllnts; klttaus~ puttyknire.
lastaaja loader; (lastaustynteklj) stevedore, longshoreman. lastaamaton unloaded.
lastaaminen loadlng.
lastata 1. (tr.) load, (Joskus:) lade; 2. (ltr.)
lake on a cargo or, take on [ore, malmia] ;
3. (moittia) blame, censure; fotokin ty
teen lastattu . . \vitli a rull load (laivasta:
ruil cargo) of . . , (laivasta, mys:) rullladen (1. loaded) \vith . .; laiva on lastat
tavana the boat Is now loadlng, the shlp Is
taklng (1. gettlng aj cargo.
lasuus loadlng, ladlng. -kustannukset (lai
van) cost or loadlng [a boat], -laituri
dock, wbarf; quay. -markki load-llne;
(Engl.) Plimsoirs mark. -paikka dock,
wharf; (lastaussatama) place of loadlng (l.
Of ladlng). -ilta ks. lastauslaituri. -ty:
olla (l. tyskennell) lastaustiss be tllred
as a stevedore (1. as a longshoreman 1. as
a deckhand).
lastauttaa have . . loaded; (Jollakulla) have
.. load.
lastan- (yhd.) chlldren's [esim. -koti children's home; -sairaala chlldren's hospltal;
-ystv chlldren's frlend] ... of children
[esim. -taudit dlseases of children; -ystv
rrlend of children] ; (lapsia varten oleva)
. . for children [esim. -kirja book for chil
dren; -koti home for children] , vrt. lapsen-,
-halvaus ks. lapsihalvaua. -hoitaja nurse
(-mald). -hoito care of children. -huone 1.
-kamari nursery. -kaavatua educatlon (1.
training) or children, brlnglng up (1. rearlng) of children. -kirja chlld's book, plcture-book. -koti (orpolasten) foundllngs'
(1. orphans') home. -kutsut chlldren's
party, -lapaat grandchildren, children's
children; lasten lastenlapset great grand
children. -leikki ks. lapsenlelkki. -lelu
toy, playtliing. -opettaja teacher of the
young, chlldren's teacher; prlmary teacher.
-opetus teachlng of children; (-kasvatus)
educatlon of children. -satu nursery tale,
falry-tale; lastensatuja (mys:) storles for
children. -seimi day-nursery. -tarha klndergarten. -tauti (mys:) a chlld'3 dlsease.
-ty ks. lapsity, -vaatteet chlld's clothes;
(pikku -)baby-clothes. -vaunut baby-buggy
(1. -carrlage), perambulator.
lasti (laivan) cargo; (rautatievaunun v. m.)
load; olla (tydess) lastista have (1. be
carrying) a full load (1. a full cargo), -alus
frelghter; (kauppa-alus) tradlng-vessel.
-hyry frelgbt-steamer (1. -steamship);
(ocean) tramp. -laiva ks. lasti alus, -hyry.
-linja (laivan) load-llne.
lastinpurkaua unloadlng; (laivan, mys:)
lasti proomu barge, llghter; scow. -ruuma
(laivan) hold.
lastottaa (lk.) put . . In spllnts. lastotus
puttlng In spllnts.
lastu chlp; vrt. hyln-, -hattu chlp bat.
-kasa 1. -IJI ptle or chlp(plng)s.
lastu kko -- lastukaaa.
laatu koppa 1. -vasu baskct of [for] chips.


lastuu ks. lastaus.

lastuvilla excelsior; wood-wool.
Iata (maanv.) drag; smoothlng harrow.
lataamaton unloaded [gun, pyssy]; not
charged, uncharged. lataaminen (pyssyn y.
m.) loadlng; charging; (maanv.) dragging,
barrowlng. latailla keep (1. be busy) load
lng. latasin ramrod; (tykin) rammer.
lataus 1. lataaminen; 2. latinki, -tanko
=> latasin.
lateleminen (riviin) placlng In a rovv; (kuv.)
strlnging (1. rattllng) off; (rukouksien)
patterlng; vrt. ladella.
latina (latinankieli) Latln. latinakoulu I.alln
school; (1. v. Yhdysv.) classical course in
hlgb school. latinalainen, latinainen Ltin.
latinankieli Ltin, -kielinen (. . \vritten in)
latinki (panos) charge, load; round (or ammunltlon); olla latingissa be loaded.
latkia lap (up) [mllk, maltoa], (esim. koi
rasta:) Uck. latkiminen lapplng, llcking.
lato sbed; liani.
latoa (kasaan, pinoon) plle (up), heap up;
(ahtaa) pack, stow, siulT; (klrjap.) set
(type), compose, set up [an article, artik
keli], put In type; ~ jrjestykseen put in
order, arrange, range; riviin place (1.
put out) In a row, strlng, range, (riveihin)
set (out) In rows.
latoja (klrjap.) typesetter, composltor; (kir
jaltaja) printer; (kasaaja) one \vho piles:
vrt. kone, latojanoppilas printer's apprentice.
latoma latomus. -haka composing-stlck.
-huons = latomo, -kaati (type-)case. -kone
typesettlng- (1. composing-jmachlne; (ers
tavallisimpia lajeja) llnotype. -laiva gallcy.
-tarpeet composlng (1. typesetting) outrit.
latomaton (klrjap.) not set, not (yet) composed; latomattomat ksikirjotakset copy
not set (up) yet. latominen plllng (up);
(klrjap.) setting (up), composlng.
latomo composlng-room.
latomus (klrjap.) set (1. composed) matter,
type set (up); composltlon.
latoutua (kasaan) plle (up), be(come)
plled up.
lattea riat.
lattia rioor; lattiasta kattoon saakka from
rioor to celllng, from top to bottoin; pudo
ta lattialla fall (down) on the rioor. -ala
rioor-space, rioorage.
lattiainen (yhd.) . . wlth a . . rioor [esim.
klvl~ wlth a Stone rioor; liukas- wlth a
sllppery rioor].
lattia lankku plank ror floorlng; lattialankut
planks for floorlng, floorlng planks. -lauta:
lattialautoja (koll.) floorlng. -matto carpet; rug; mat.
lattiani! lakaisija rioor-sweeper. -panija one
who works at laying floora; man to lay
rioors. -pano laying the floor(s) , floorlng.
-pesu scrubblng the floor. -rako crack
(in a rioor).
lattia parru rioor(lng)-Jolst, floor-tlmber.
-aleni dry-rot Tungus.
lattlaton . . havlng no rioor, rioorless.
lattia voto 1. -uho drart lmm (1. next to) tlie
latu track; trail; (yi. merk.) trare; hiiht
" make a trall on skls, (kuv. raivata
iifi.i i blaze the trail, plonccr, (niiyttiia tie
t) Show the way; vanhaa latua(nsa) (kuv.)
the old Jog-trot (way).
latuskainen riat; riattened, depressed. latuskajalka (lk.) riatfoot, splayroot.
latva top; (maston y. m.) head; (Joen) upper course, (lhde) source, fountain-head;
Columbia-jotn latvoilla at the upper course



(1. at the rountaln-head) of Columbia

river; lehvinen puun ~ leuly crown or a
tree; maston ~ ks. huippu.
latvainen (yiut.) . . wlth a . . top (I. crown)
[esim. harva~ uit li a liuu (1. dcllcate) top;
tuuhea~ \Mtli a 1 1 mli (1. leary) top (1.
latva lyhty (laivan) niasthead llght (1. lan
tein), top-llg-lit. -purje topsall. -pai top
(end); (esim. hirren) small end. -vesist
upper ater-course.
latvoa trlm the top, top; crop; poll [trees,
puita], pollard. latvonta lopping; cropplng;
latvus top, cro\vn; head.
lauantai Saturday; lauantaina on Saturday;
ensi viime, lauantaina next [last] Saturday..
lauantai- (yhd.) Saturday leslm. -aamu Sat
urday mornlng; -ilta Saturday nlght (L
lauantainen . . or Saturday, Saturday's; ~
Uhti Saturday'3 paper, the paper or Satur
day; ~ numero (lauantainnumero) Saturday('s) number (1. edition 1. lssue). lauan
taisin Saturday, un (1. every) Saturday.
laudakko ks. hylly.
laudan ii palanen 1. -kappale plece or board.
-ptk end of (a) board; mys = edell.;
laudanpthi ends of board.
laudatuuri (kiittv arvosana) hlgh honors.
laude: lauteet (saunan) the platrorm (with
benches) or a l Finnish] bath-house.
laudotettu boarded.
laudottaa board; (lankuilla) plank; (vuora
ta) liru- \vith boards; (alaosa asuinhuoneen
sissein) \valnscot; (paneltlla) panel.
laudottaminen llning \vith boards; wainSCOt(t)lhg. laudotus 1. laudottaminen;
s.', (kunk.) boaidlng; planklng; walnscot;
panel \vork; (ulkoseinn) sldlng(s).
lauota go orr, be discharged, (rjhten)
explode; (purkautua) burst; (~ Jnnityk
sest, hervola) slack(en), relax, rlag; (aset
tua) give way, abate; (irtautua) be loosened; lauennut panoe exploded charge; hei
dn kieltns siteet laukesivat the bandS
nr thelr tougues were loosened (1. unloosed) ; into laukeaa the ardor is slackened;
jousen jnne laukesi the bovv-chord sprang
(I. snapped) back; jnnitys laukesi the ten
sion (1. the strain) gave way (1. relaxed),
(kuv. mys:) the suspense relaxed (1. gave
way); kivri ei lauennut the nllr (1. the
gun) dld not go orr, the ririe rnlssed rire;
mielenkiinto laukeaa the interest Is gimving
less, tlie Interest is slackening; panos lau
kesi the shot went orr, the charge (\vas)
exploded; pilvi laukeaa (ukkosilmalla) the
ilnlld bursts; silloin se laukesi (alkoi) then
it hioke 1'orth, then it burst (out).
lauha I. (a.) (lauhkea, leuto) mild [Winter,
talvi; temper, luonne], genial [cllmate, Il
masto], bahny; temperate; (pehme, lep
pe) gentle [nature, luonto; breeze, tuu
li] ; rneek; soft; mellow, bland; (tyyni)
placid; talvi (mys:) open Winter; lau
hat tuulet balmy (1. gentle 1. mild 1. tempeiate) Wlll(I.S; olla lauhalla tuulella (myS:)
be In a meltlng mood. II. (s.) (-= lauha
ilma) mllil weathcr (1. spell); vrt. suoja.
lauha; luontoinen meek, mild(-tempered),
gentle. -puheinen 1. -sanainen mlld-spoken;
lauhasti mlldly; gently, ineekly, sortly; genially; placldly.
lauhdevesi condensed steam.
lauhdutella appease, soothe; COOl; ~ vi
haansa cool one's anger, (let one's anger)
cool orr; vrt. seur.
lauhduttaa make . . mllder; (lepytt) ap
pease, soothe, allay; conclllate; (lievent)


mitigate, sorten, alleviate; propitlate;

(Jhdytt) cool (orr); (tyynnytt) calm,
quiet; (tasottaa) teniper, smooth, mol 11 ry;
(ehkist) check, kcep down; (tekn.) condeusc; ~ jonkun intoa cool (I. dampen)
one's ardor; ~ jonkun mielt appease tl.
soothe) one, (tyynnytt) quiet ones mind,
reassure one; ~ tutkia soothe (I. relleve)
pain; ~ Jonkun vihaa quiet (1. cool) one's
anger, appease one's hatred; tuuli lauhdutti
ilman the wind tempered the weather,
(Jhdytti) the wlnd made the weather
cooler, (lmmitti) the wind made the
weather mllder; tm toimenpide lauhdutti
mieli ks. tyynnytt, lauhduttaja (tekn.)
appeaslng, soothing Jne., vrt. lauhduttaa;
conclllatlon; mitlgatlon; (tekn.) condensatlon.
lauhentaa = lauhduttaa.
lauhkea temperate [cllmate, ilmasto; zone,
vyhyke]; mild [weather, Ilma]; (eli
mest:) laine, lauhkeasti ks. lauhasti.
lauhketa (ilma) grow mild(er), moderate,
(muuttua suojaksi) tha\v, (lmmet) turn
warmer; vrt. lauhtua.
lauhkeua mildness, sortness; gentleness:
genlallty; meekness; (kesyys) tameness.
lauhtua (leppy) be(come) appeased (1. concillated), sorten, (suuttumuksen Jlkeen)
relent; (lauheta) grow (1. become) mllder.
(Ilmasta:) get mllder; (asettua) go down,
abate, subslde; (tyynty) calm o.s., calm
down, compose o.s.; (rauhottua) be paclried; (Jhty) cool down; (vhet) decrease, grow less; hnen mielens lauh
tui hls heart (was) sortened, he relented,
(suuttumuksen Jlkeen) he cooled down
(1. orr); hn on jo lauhtunut he has already
relented (1. cooled orr), (tyyntynyt) he
has already calmed down (1. composed
himselO; ilma lauhtuu the weather Is gettlng mllder, (jhtyy) it (1. the weather)
is gettlg cooler, it Is cooling orr; into lauh
tuu the ardor cools down (1. Is dlmlnishing
1. Is growing less) ; kiihtymys lauhtui the
excltement subslded (1. abated); myrsky
lauhtuu the storm Is abatlng (1. subsldtng) :
myrskyn raivo on lauhtunut the Storm has
spent ItS liity ; pakkanen lauhtuu the cold
spell Is loslng its rorce, lt Is moderating:
pahkanen on lauhtunut the COld Spell is
broken; [kunnes] suru lauhtuu [ tintti J the
grler subsldes; suuttumus lauhtuu pian the
anger will soon go down (1. cool orr 1. sub
slde); tuska lauhtuu the pain Is relleved.
lauhtuminen subsldlng, abating; cooling
down (1. orr); (vhentyminen) decrease,
lessening; vrt. lauhtua.
lauhuus ks. lauhkeus.
laukaiseminen shootlng orr, rirlng (orr), dlscharglng.
laukaista shoot orr, rire [a cannon, kanuu
na; a charge, panos], rire orr, discharge ia
gun, pyssy] ; (kuv.) pop out; silloin hn
laukaisi then he llred; vrt. laukoa, laukaisu
1. (ampuma) sht; 2. = laukaiseminen.
laukata (nelist) gallup; canter; (loikata)
leap, bound; antaa hevosen gallop a
horse, let the horse go at a gallop.
laukaus shot; gun; (pamahdus) report; ~
pamahti a report was heard, I [we] lieard
gun go orr; a shot (1. a gun) was rired
(I. went OTT); lavkausta ampumatta wlthout rirlng a shot; ampua ~ rire a shot (1.
a gun), rire; kuului (pyssyn) ~ the report
or a gun \vas heard.
laukka I. (kasv.) ks. kynsi", purjo.
laukka II. (nelistys) gallop; tytt laukkaa
at rull gallop (1. speed). at (a) breakneck
speed, at the top of one's speed. laukkaa

minen galloplng; leaplng, bounding. lauk- -opetus teaching of (vocal) music, instruckaua 1. = laukkaaminen; 2. = laukka, II: 3. tlon in Singing; hn aikoo ottaa laulunope
(hyppys, loikkaus) bounding (1. flying) tusta she is going to take vocal lessons (I.
to study vocal music), she is golng to have
leap, bound.
laukki blaze; (-hevunen) bald- (1. whlte- her voice tralned. -pitk snatch or song.
faced) horse. -painan bald-faced, blazed. laulu |t nytelm play lnterspersed vvith
songs; (operetti) opcretta; (ooppera) op
laukku 1. bag, poucb, \vallet; (selk- 1. rep
pu) knapsack, (ksi-, koulu- y. m. ~> era. -opetus ks. laulunopetus, -rastas songthrusb, throstle, (ouroppalainen) mavis.
satcbel; (kulkukauppiaan) pack; vrt. k
si-, matka-, posti y. m.; 2. (reik) -runo lyrlc (poem); song. -runous lyrlc(al)
poetry. -seura (mys:) glee-club, choral
bole; (aukko) opening; (verj) gate.
laukkuri pack ped(d)ier.
soclety (1. union). -taide art of singing.
laukku ryss pack ped(d)ler rroni Russian -taito ablllty to sing, singing abllity; sklll
in singing. -taitoinen able to sing. -tapa
Karelia, -tuoli (pikkulasten) higb chair.
laukoa (ampua) sboot oir, flre, dlscharge; manner (I. mode) or singing. -tervehdys
kivi blast rocks; ~ pyssyn keep fir- serenade; kyd laulutervehdyksell jonkun
lng (one's gun), laukominen sbootlng oli, luona serenade a p. -tunti singing lesson,
vocal lesson. -tuuli: olla laulutuulella be in
flring; (kivien) blastlng.
laulaa sing; cbant; carol; (visert) warbie; the right mood (1. humor 1. vein) for sing
(kukosta:) crow; ~ hymist (hyrill) lm m ing, reel llke singing. -yhdistyt ks. laulu
(a tune) ; ~ jonkun kunniaa Sing tbe seura. -Uni (singing) voice; vocal povvers.
praise(s) of . . , sing a p.'s pralses; ~ lauma (karja- y. m.) herd, drove; (lammaspuhtaasti sing In perfect accord; ~ Jonkin y. m.) riock; (Joukko) crowd, troop; host,
(soltlokoneen) sestyksell sing to [the multitude; [vrt. karja, lammas, raakagultar, kitartn sestyksell], sing \vith lals , susi y. m.] ; keryty laumoihin
[tbe flute (accompanlment), huilun ses
herd (1. riock 1. crowd 1. troop) (together),
tyksell] ; He laessa lauloi (run.) tbe Joy mass (themselves) together. laumoittain
rose (1. mounted) on Wings, ali \vas Joy in herds, In flocks, In droves; tn crowds. In
and mirtli; kukko (kiekuu) the rooster troops; siell oli laumoittain there vvere
is crowlng; linnut lirittvt tbe blrds droves (1. herds) of [anlmals, elimi],
are warbllng (1. carollng). laulaja Singer; there were scores (1. multitudes) or Lpeo(julkisesti esiintyv) vocallst. laulajaiset ple, ihmisi].
(vocal) concert.
laupea mild, gentle, klnd; vrt. laupias,
laulajalimajne rme as a Singer, -poika lad laupeuden || sisar Slster or Charlty (1. Mercy).
uho loves to sing. -suku ramlly or slngers. -tyd act of mercy, act (1. work) of charlty.
laulajatar Singer, songstress.
mercy, mercirulness; klndness,
laulaminen, laulanta singing, chanting, car laupeus
oharitableness, charlty. lauplaastl merciollng.
charitably. laupiaa mercirul;
laulattaa rnake (1. have) . . sing; ~ jollakulla klnd, charltable.
laulu bave one sing a song; minua ~ I feel Lauri Lawrence, Laurence; (Jkpv.) Lawrle.
llke singing, rm In a humor (1. a mood) to lause (kiel.) sentence; (sivu-) clause; (lau
lauleleminen singing; (hyrileminen) hiini- sunto) saying, utterance, statement. lau
mlng. laulella sing, be singing; (hyrill) seenjsen I. -ota (kiel.) part or sentence;
eritell lauseenjsenet analyze (a sentence).
be (aluays) bummlng (and singing) ; lauleli lauselnen
(yhd.) . . with (1. havlng) . . senkoko ajan was singing ali the time. laulel
tences [esim. selv v/Un (1. havlng) clear
ma song, ballad; air, melody. laulelo sing
ing, chanting, carollng. lauleskella sing,
cbant; be singing, be chanting; (hyrill) lause Jakso (kiel.) period. -jrjestys order
burn; (rallatella) troll (out), laulettava . . or sentence structure. -Jsennys analysis
to be SUng; laulettavaksi kelpaava Iit tO be (of a sentence).
lauseke (lis-) clause; (mus.) period; (mat.)
laulu song; lay, hymn; air, melody, tune; expresslon.
(laulaminen) singing (mys: opetusainee lausell korko (kiel.) sentence accent, emphana koulussa); (veisuu) chant(lng); vrt. sls. -liito ks. lauseyhdistys, -liitos (kiel.)
kansan , kirkko, kri, rakkaus y. m. compound sentence.
laulu- (yhd.) song- [esim. -kirja song-book: lauselma (lausuma) expresslon; (lausunto)
-lintu song-blrd], singing [esiin, -kilpailu utterance, statement (mys kiel.).
singing contest; -seura singing soclety (1. lause opillinen syntacttc(al). -oppi syntax.
club]; vocal [esim. -elimet vocal organs; -parsi Idlom, idlomatic phrase; (sanonta
-numero (ohjelmassa) vocal number; -osa tapa) phrase; mode or expresslon, way of
(nytelmkappaleessa) vocal part]. -draa
speaklng; (puheenparsi) saying. -rakennus
ma music-drama; opera. -harjotus exercise sentence structure (1. construction). -sarja
in singing, singing exercise. -juhla festival serles or sentences. -tapa ks. lauseparsi.
held by singing socletles for competltion -yhdistys (kiel.) complex sentence. -yhteys
in song; muslcal festival, -kappale piece of context.
vocal music; air; mys = laulunytelm, lausua (sanoa) Utter [a \vord, sana], say,
-kirja (mys:) book of songs. -kohtaus observe, remark; (Ilmaista) express [one's
(nytelmss) scene \\itli songs (In It). dlsapproval or a th., paheksumisensa Jos
-korva ear ror music, musical ear. -kunta takin]; (julki) voice; declare; (iianlii)
(laulukrl) chorus; choir; (lauluseura) pronounce; (taiteellisesti) read, rcclte [a
glee-club, choral soclety. -kri chorus; poem, runo], declaim; (kertoa, tuoda esiin)
(etup. kirkkokrl) cholr. -lintu (mys:) state, advance, (puhua) speak; (mainita)
songster, \varbler: slnger. -liverrys (rteuk. mention; ajatuksensa jostakin express
(I. glvo 1. utter 1. voice) an opinion about
lintujen) vvaiblc.
a th., speak on a subject, vrt. mielipi
laulullinen (mus.) vocal.
laulunljohtaja leader (of a chorus), con- teens; ihmettelyns [ilonsa, mielihyductor (1. leader) of a glee-club. -katkelma vns, toivomuksensa jne.] jostakin ex
press one's surprlse [one's Joy; one's defragment or a song. -lahja talent for sing
ing. opettaja teacher or singing (I. of vo
llght; one's wlsh(es), etc] about a th.;
cal music); music -teacher; slnglng-master. julM express (publlcly), voice; kohteliaiS



suuktia jollekulle say compllmentary thlngs

to one, pay one a compllment, compliment
one; lausuttavansa (l. sanottavansa) ly
hyesti be brler, be to the polnt, be conclse,
CUt it Sbort; mielipiteens asiantunte
muksella speak uilli authorlty; mielipi
teens asiasta express (1. give ) one's opinion
on (I. of 1. about 1. In) tbe matter, speak on
the s Iit) Jee t ; mielipiteenn, ett . . State
(I. declare) lt as one's opinion that . .; ~
pelkonsa siit, ett . . express one's fears
(1. a fear) lest (1. that) . .; ~ Jotakin puo
lustuksekseen allege a th. as an excuse, alleg-e a th. In excuse for (1. In millgatlon of
1. In palllatlon oO ... advance (1. say) a
th. In one's derense; ~ Joku tervetulleeksi
bld (1. make 1. wlsb) one welcome, rel
eoine a p., extend a welcome to one; ~
toivomuksena(an) [, ett..] express a (1.
the) deslre (1. the wlsh 1. the hope) [tbat
. .], express as one's wlsh [that ..]; ~
tuomioonsa) jostakin pronounce Judgment
upon (1. about) a th., make a declslon about
a th.; turhaan [Jumalan nime] (usk.)
take [the naine or GodJ In vain; varo
mattomia sanoja speak lndlscreetly, be lndiscreet in one's utterances, (varomaton
sana) drop (1. let tali) an lndiscreet word;
viimeiset jhyviset bld a last good-by
[to . .]; hn lausui "Maamme" he read (1.
reclted) tbe poem "Our Land"; hn lausui
muutamia sanoja kunniavieraalle he addressed (hlmself) brleriy (to) the guest or
honor; hn lausui sen olettamuksen, ett . .
he made (1. expressed) the assumption
tbat . .; totia ~ tm sana tr.v to pro
nounce thlS Word; lyhyesti lausuttuna to
state (lt) brleriy, to be conclse. In so many
lausuja one who utters (1. pronounces 1.
volces Jne., vrt. lausua); (runojen y. m.)
elocutlonlst, reader, reclter, declalmer.
lausuma utterance; statement; (ntmys)
pronunclatlon. -tapa mode (1. manner) or
(esitys-) elocutlon, style or readlng, delivery, renderlng; (tulkinta) interpretatlon.
lausuminen utterlng; pronounclng; pronun
clatlon; (runojen y. m.) readlng, recitatlon,
declamatlon; hnen englanninkielen lausu
misensa on moitteetonta his pronunclatlon
or Engllsb Is raultless.
lausumistapa = lausumatapa. -vapaus =
lausun tovapaus.
lausunta (ntminen) pronunclatlon; (ru
non- y. m.) recitatlon, declamatlon, elocu
tlon, readlng; vrt. lausuma.
lausunto statement, pronounccment, declaration; remark; (lausuma) utterance; (tav.
virallinen) report; (mielipide) opinion;
(taiteellinen) elocution, readlng, (runony. m.) recitatlon, declamatlon; antaa lau
suntonsa jostakin hand in a statement or
(onc's) opinion about a th., give one's
opinion about a th., make a statement about
a th., (virallinen) turn (1. brlng) in a re
port aboi't a th., report about a th. -vapaus
rreedom (1. liberty) or speech, Tree speech.
lauta board; (lankku) plank; (levy) plate;
lyd joku laudalta (kuv.) put a p.'s nose
out or Joint, take a p.'s place in the arfectlon (1. In the favor) or another, displace
one In another's ravor, vrt. lyd.
lauta- (ylid.) board [esim. -aita board rence;
-fcatto board-roof(lng)]. -aitaus board
partitlon; board fence.
lautainen .. (made) or boards, board; (laudotettu) boarded (up).
lauta kasa plle or boards. -katos 1. -vaja 1.
(lautojen silytyst varten) shed for
boards; S. (laudoista tebty) board sbed.


-kunta board [esim. terveys- board or

healthj; (komitea) commlttee; (valamie
hist) Jury. -mies (1. v.) Juror, Juryman.
lautanen (ruoka-) plate; (hevosen) croup;
lautaset (hevosen, mys:) btnd quarters,
lautaEpeli backgammon. -piha 1. -tarha
lumber yard.
lautas- (ybd.) plate(-) [esim. -hylly plate
rall; -hkki plate-rack].
lautasein board wall, (vlisein) board par
titlon; vrt. laudotus, 2.
lautasellinen platerul; lient' a plate(rul)
or soup.
lautas. hylly (tav.) shelf ror plates. -liina
lautata rioat; (kuljettaa lautalla yli) rerry.
lautaltaapeli 1. -tapuli lumber plle, pile or
lauteet; saunan ks. laude.
lautta rart, rioat; (lossi) terry(boat); vrt.
Juna-, jaa-, tukki-.
lauttaaja rlver-man; rerryman. lauttaami
nen rioatlng; rerrylng.
lautta mies rartsman; (lautturi) rerryman.
-raha toll (I. rare) collected at a Terry,
-silta rart bridge; rioatlng bridge; (puut
tuu-) pontoon bridge.
lauttaus rioatlng; rartlng; vrt. uitto, -paikka
rerry. -pllikk roreman or the river-men.
-vyl waterway (ror tlmber rioatlng),
water-course along \vhioh logs can be
rioated. -yhti logglng company.
lauttavene rerry -boat.
lautturi ferryman.
lava platrorm; scarrold; (nyttm y. m.)
stage; (katsoja-) stand; (kukkas-) bed,
(lasinalainen) botbed; (makuu-) bunk;
vrt. mestaus, puhuja y. m.
lavake = lava.
lavantauti typbold (rever), (suollkuume)
enterlc rever, (lk.) typhus abdominalls:
lavantaudin tapainen resembllng (1. llke)
typhold rever, typhold. -potilas typhold
patlent. -tapaus case or typhold rever.
-tpl spot appearlng In connectlon vvlth
typhold rever, typhold spot.
lavea wlde; (laajalle ulottuva) vast, extensive, large; (leve) broad; (kuv.) comprebensive; (seikkaperinen) detalled, clrcumstantlal, exhaustlve; lavealta ks. laa
jalta; lavean laajasti rar and wlde, broadcast, (pitklti) at great lengtb; vrt. laaja.
laveanko, laveanpuoleinen rather (1. soinewhat) Wide (1. extenslve 1. comprehensive
Jne., vrt. lavea).
lavealtl, laveasti wldely, broadly, extensively; (pitklti) at great length; (yksityiskoh
taisesti) clrcumstantially; exhaustlvely;
niin so extenslvely, so wldely, (siin m
rin) to such an extent. In such dimension*.
laveaEsuinen broad-mouthed, wlde-moutbed;
(kuv.) bombastlc, bragglng, (suulas) talkatlve. -suisuus (kuv.) boastfulness; talkatlveness; pullon laveasuisuus the buttle
being so wide-mouthed . . .
lavennus ks. laajennus, laventaa make . .
broader (1. wider 1. larger); widen, broaden, enlarge, extend; vrt. laajentaa, laven
taminen wldening, broadenlng, vrt. laajen
taminen, avartaminen.
laventeli (-kasvi) lavender. -ljy oli or
lavender, lavender-oil.
laventua laveta.
laveri (makuulava) bunk; (sot.) barrackbed, (wooden) camp-bed.
laverrella prattle, babble, chatter, prate;
ramble (on); vrt. lrptell; aikansa ku
luksi cbatter (1. prattle) to kili tlme, taik
to hear o. s. taik. laverrus babble, Jabber,

prattle; chatter; rambling, laverteleminen
prattling-, babbling jin\, ks. laverrella. foils (1. foliage)., foliate; lehditmtty foliated.
laveruleva prattling, babbling; garrulous. lehdottua become covered with a grove, be
lavertellja idle talker, prattler, chatterer; come (1. get) overgrown with shade-trees.
chatterbox, (regular) parrot; (podynpu- lehdykk (kasv.) leaflet, foliole.
lehevt ks. lehvainen.
liuja) rambler.
lavertalu prattling, babbling; (laverrus) lehikainen (keltt.) waffle, lehiktisrauta
babble, prattle, chatter(lng). -liolu liking wafrie-iron(s).
to prattle (1. to chatter), fondness for lehmi- (yhd.) = lehm-. -haka cow pasture,
pasture for cows.
laveta (laajeta) grow wider, -widen; extend; lehmus llnden(-tree), (European) lime, tell
(levetS) broaden; (suurentua) enlarge.
(-tree); (amerlkkalalnen) basswood, limelaveui (tykkl-) carriage (of a gun).
tree, -kujanne avenue (1. double row) of
laveue width, wldeness, extenslveness; lindens (1. of basswoods). -kukka basswood flower, linden blossom, -nlinl bast.
(ulottumlnen) extent; (kuv.) comprehen
siveness, magnitude, scope; vrt. lavea.
Ichm cow.
lavitsa (penkkl) bench, seat; (tuoll) chair, lehmainon . . with . . cows [eslm. oii*i~ talo
(selkanojaton) stool.
a farm with five cows].
lavo ks. lav; aunan ~ platform with lehmamalnen . . like a cow; (vtela) flabby;
(kmpel) lumbering, awkward, lehmaseats In a [Finnish] bath-house.
lavoaarl (pesupyt) wash-stand, commode; malsesti like a cow.
(pesuhuone) lavatory.
lehmn- i .vlid. i cow's [esim. -hnt cow's tall;
legenda (pyhlmystaru) legend.
-maito COW'S milk; -sorkka COW'S bOOf ] ;
legioona (hist.) legion.
cow- [esim. -hello cow-bell], -nahka 1.
della (lennell) wing, beat (with) Its -vuota cowhide, -palmen boy to look after
wings; (tuulesta:) be wafted, puff; tuuii (1. to tend) the cows, man (1. boy) to herd
lehahtili there were puffs of wind, the (the) cows; cattle -herder; (Amer., lannelltt)
breeze was wafted, lehahdus (ping); cowboy, -rehu fodder for cows, -ruokko
(tuulen y. m.) waft, puff.
feeding of a cow [of cows], -tattl 1. -lenl
lehahtaa (rpytell) flap; (lent) fly, flit (kasv.) Boletus scaber.
[by, ohl(tse)] ; (tuulahtaa) fan; ientoon lehma , rokko cow-pox, -vasikka heifer (calf).
riy off (1. away), take wing (1. flight); lehterl gallery, -paikka gallery seat, -piletti
/laen hasvonsa lehahtivat hthkavan kuuticket, -ylels the gallery; (jkpv.)
mik*i her face flushed, she blushed, lehah- gallery
gallery gods.
tammen flapping; flitting; fanning; (Ien lehtevyya
= lehdekkyys. lehtevl = lebdekat.
toon-) flying off, taking wings.
leaf; (sanoma-) paper; (korva- y. m.)
lehdekkyys thick (1. rich) foliage, lehdekas lehtl
(the) leaves, foliage, (sanoma-)
leafy; rich with foliage, (kasv.) foliate, the papers, the
press; mi* lie t ovat lehdetta
leaved, lehdellinen leaf-bearing.
(lehdenotossa) the men are (busy) gatherlehden- (yhd.) leaf- [esim. -kattaincn leaf- Ing
leaves) ; pun on lehd***a
like; -silmikko leaf-bud], . . of a leaf the tree Is In (1.
the tree has (1. Is)
[eslm. -lapa blade of a leaf; -tuoni vein of leaved out; vrt. leaf,
, kortU, lento-,
a leaf], -hanka leaf axil, -kiertaja (eliiint.) lisa-.
leaf- folder (1. -roller 1. -crumpler). -lapa lehtl- (yhd.) leaf(-) [eslm. -JalkaJnen leaf(mys:) leaf-blade, lamina (of a leaf). footed; -ikl leaf-lichen; -mttalli leaf-lint fall of the leaf (1. of the leaves), metal;
leaf tobacco] ; leafy [esim.
shedding of leaves, defoliation; lehdenlh. -metta -lupahka
leafy woods; -pu u leafy tree], (hardon aikaan when (1. at the time) the leaves vemmln:)
follaceous [eslm. -klti follawere [are] falling, -muotoinen shaped like ceous lichen],
-asento (kasv.) leaf-arrange
a leaf, leaf-shaped, having the form of a ment, phyllo|taxls
-taxy). -hopea silverleaf, (kasv.) follaceous. -nkinen resem foil; (hyvln ohut) (1.silver-leaf,
bling a leaf, leaf-like, (kasv.) foliated. -jal keinen (ellnt., mys:) leaf
-otto breaking off leafy twigs; olla lehden- -kaali (kasv.) kale, kail, borecole,
ototMa be gathering leafy twigs, -puhjenta leaf-base, -kasvl leaf-plant, -kerpo -kanta
bursting Into leaf, leafing (out), -puhkea- of
leafy twigs (1. branches), -kirppu
misaika the time (1. season) when the trees (ellnt.)
are leafing out; (kasv.) frondescence. -ruoti arabesque, -kuja avenue (1. alley 1. double
leaf-stalk, petiole, -taitto 1. -teko breaking row)
off (1. gathering) leaves; vrt. lehdenotto;
olla Uhdenteotta be gathering leafy twigs. larch; (amerlkkalalnen lajl) tamarack, -kfty-tuppi (leaf-)sheath; sheathing stipule ii. Uv ks. lehtikuj. -maja arbor, bower;
summer-house; lehtimajan juhla (raam.)
petiole), -varti = lehdenruoti.
lehdet - lehdenotto; lehdekset leafy twigs Feast of Tabernacles, -mato caterpillar.
(mys:) hardwood forest.
gathered and dried [In Finland] as winter
fodder for sheep, (endetta* gather leafy lehtinen . . with leaves, (lehdeks) leafy;
(yhd.) . .-leafed (1. -leaved) [eslm. oii*i~
lehdettomyye: Pu, den ~ the trees being five-leafed (1. -leaved)].
without leaves, the bareness of the trees. lehti ora (kasv.) leaf-thorn (1. -spine), -pla(endeten leafless; (paljas) nude, bare [tree, tiainen (eiaint.) sawfly, leaf-wasp, -pukulPUU]; puut ooat lehdtttomi(n>U (myOS:) nen leaf-clad, -puu (mys:) foliage tree,
tree with foliage; shade-tree; (kasv.) de
the trees are stripped of their leaves.
lehdlkkA clump of leafy trees (1. of shade- ciduous tree, -saha fret-saw, -salaattl let
trees); (lehtlmets&) leafy wood; (lehto) tuce, -eammakko tree-frog, tree-toad, -sato
defoliation, -silmikko leaf-bud, -terttu
grove, lehdlkas = lehdeks. lehdist foli
age; the leaves; (sanoma-) the press, leh- (ellnt.) leaf-beetle, cbrysomelld. -tina
dittyi put forth (1. produce) leaves, leaf tin-foil, -tai (eiaint.) plant-louse, -vlhrel
(out) ; get leaves, lehdittain by leaves; (lehtl (kasv.) leaf-green, chlorophyl(l).
kerrallaan) leaf by leaf, lehditt provide (1. lehtia leaf, leave.
furnish) with leaves (1. wltb foliage) ; lehtiinen eye.
cover with leaves; (slrottaa lehdlll) strew lehtlo pad, block.
wltb leaves (1. with foliage), (korlstaa ieh- lehto grove, (etup. Engl.) holt; (plenl) copse,



coppice. lehtoinen . . vvith plenty of groves,

aboundiug in groves.
lehto kerttu (elint.) garden (I. golden)
vvarbler. -kurppa (ellnt.) woodcock. -lapsi
lllegitimate (I. natural) rhild; (pr) bastard; (jkpv.) come-by-chance; (lytolapsi) rnundling.
lehtori (1. v.) experlenrcd teacher; (Engl.)
senior master; (yliopistoissa:) instructor.
lehvisammakko tree-Trog, tree-toad.
lehvilt roliage: the leaves.
Iehv( leary branch (I. t\vig), branch. lehvainon rich In (I. thlck wlth) roliage; leary,
shady; lehvinon puu a leary tree, a shadetree. lehvisyysrichness In roliage, leariness.
lehv; kupu leary (1. green) arch (I. canopy),
canopy (1. areh) or leaves. -latva leary
rrotvn (1. head).
lehvs bougll.
leija klte.
leijaileminen, leijailu hovering, soaring, riittitiK along (1. about); clrcling, \vheellng
leijailla hover [in the air, Ilmassa], float;
riit along (1. about), glide: sali [through
the air, halki Ilmojen]; (kierrell) Circle,
My about; ilmatta soar (in the air),
ride on the vvlnd, (esim. paperlleljasta)
riy; ~ korkealla (ilmatta) Soar aloit, Soar
high In the air.
leijona Ilon; vrt. jalopeura.
leikata cut [one's ringer on a plece of glass,
sormensa laslpalaseen] ; carve [wood, puu
ta; In \vood, puuhun]; (pois 1. poikki) cut
off; (ommeltavaksi) cut out; (saksilla)
cllp [a blrd's Wings, linnun siivet], (ly
hyeksi) crop; (typistii) bob [ahorses tali,
hevosen hnt], dock; (eloa) reap; (tekn.,
lymll) stamp (out); (lk.) operate
fupon a p., Joku], perrorm an operation
[on ..], (Jkpv.) use the knlfe [on ..];
auki cut up, CUt (1. rlp) open; eloa CUt
the graln, reap; ~ elvlt vivlsect; ~
halki cut . . In tao, cut up, (auki) rlp up,
rlpopen; ~ Irti cut . . orr, cut . . apart; ~
johonkin cut into, make an inclslon In . .;
kappaleiksi (]. palatikti) CUt Up, CUt IIII tn)

pleces; kuvioita norsunluusta Crve flgures out or lvory, carve Ivory into rigtires;
~ lihaa cut up (1. carve) meat; poikki
cut [a knot, solmu], cut orr, cut . . In two,
sever, vrt. katkaista; pois CUt OIT, CUt
avvay; taktilla cut (1. snlp) with sclssors, cllri, (kerit) shear; ~ tataittkti
(esim. tukka) trim, dress, (esim. pensasaita)
t>rune, cllp, (kyntens y. m.) pre, vrt. leilell; toisiaan (geom.) lntersect; ~ Jon
kun tukka cut (1. cllp) a p.'s hair, (hyvin
lyhyeksi) crop a p.'s hair: hnet leikattiin
eilen sairaalassa lie \vas operated upon (I.
he under\vciit an operation) yesterclay In
the hospltal.
leike cllp, snlp, cut; cutting, clipping;
(geom.) segment.
leikelli cut up [meat. lihaa], rarve; (sak
silla) cllp; (tasaiseksi) pre [one's nalls,
kynsin], trim [one's hair, jonkun tuk
kaa], dress, prune [the top of a tree, puun
latva tasaiseksi); (tutkiakseen) dissect [a
body, ruumista]; puuhun (]. puutta)
jotakin carve.
leikikkyys plavrulness, sportiveness. leikikkiisti playTully, sportively. leikiks playful [as a kitteu, kuin klssanpoika] ; rrollcsomc; sportlve; Tuli ur play <l. or run).
leikillinen (Ihmisest:) Jestlng, Joking, \vaggish, Jocular, Joiose; (leikiks) playrul,
sportlve; (lystillinen) humorous, facetious.
leikillisesti humorously; Jestlngly, Jocosely; playfully. leikillisyys humor(ousness);
Jocoseness, Jocoslty, Jocularlty; keen sense


of humor (1. of run); (veitikkamaisuus)

leikill ks. leikki.
leikin aika playtime. -asia chlld's play,
(mere) tririe; (leikki) Joke, run; hnelle
on leihinasia tehd te it'S Child'S play (1. a
mere tririe) for hlm to do it; te et ole mi
kn Uikinasia lt's no Jokiug matter, It is
no matter ror Jest, lt's no(t a) Joke. -Joh
taja leader In the game. -laskija Joker,
Jester; wag. -lasku Joking, Jestlng; pleasantries. -lynti play(ing); leikinlynnitt
in play, playing, -teko I. (leikinlasku)
Joking, Jestlng; S. (helppo teko) chlld's
play, tririe; te on hnelle vain leikintekoa
it's a mere tririe ror hlm.
leikitell = leikki, leikitteleminen = leik
kiminen, leikittelevainen playlul; mlschievous. leikitteleviisesti playrully. leikittely
playing; play, run.
leikkaaja one who cuts; cutter; (ruoka
pydss) carver; (elon-) reaper; (geom.)
serant. leikkaamaton not cut, uncut [hair,
tukka], unshorn; standing [graln (1. crop),
vilja], leikkaaminen cutting, (lihan y. m.)
cutting up, carving; (viljan) reaplng;
(saksilla) clipping, shearing; (tasaiseksi)
trlmmlng, pruning; vrt. leikata.
leikkale cut, snlp; cutting, clipping; vrt.
leikkaus (leikkaaminen) cutting; clipping,
shearing; (konkr.) cut (mys tekn.: rau
tatie- y. m.), inclslon, (tiet.) sectlon;
(lk.) operation; (koriste-) cutting out.
(vars. konkr.) carving; (leike) clipping,
cllp, snip; vrt. leikkuu.
lei k kausi; haava cut; (pitk) slash; (lk.)
wound (Trom an operation). -huone (lk.)
operatlng room; (ruumiin leikkely varten)
dlssectlng room, anatomlcal laboratory;
(ruumilnavaushuone) autopsy room. -kono
ks. leikkuukone. -korista carving.- -oppi
(lk.) surgery. -pinta plane or lntersection. -pisto (polnt or) Intersection; lntersectlng polnt. -pyt operatlng table; dlssecting table. -veitsi (lkrin) dlssectlng
knire (I. scalpel); vrt. leikkuuveitsi. -viiva
lntersectlng line.
leikkauttaa cause . . to be cut, have . . cut
(1. carved 1. cllpped 1. operated upon jne.,
vrt. leikata), leikkautua CUt; terstanko
leikhautui syvlle lihaan the Steel \vire cut
deep Into the riesh. leikkuuttaa = leik
leikkele cut. -kauppa store carrylng a llne
or smoked and cooked meats and sausage.*;
(I. v.) meat-market.
leikkeleminen, leikkely cutting up, carving;
clipping, trlmmlng, pruning; ruumiin leik
kely dlssection or a body; vrt. leikell.
leikki play; (huvi) sport, pastime; (peli)
game; (pila) Joke, jest, run; leikiksi ks.
knt, panna; leikitt In (I. Tor) Illll (I.
sport), (piloillaan) ror a Joke, In Jest, Jest
lngly, by way or a Joke, as apractlcal Joke:
leikin varjolla In the gulse n r a joke: leikin
vuokti Tor (the) run (or the thiug), ror
sporfs sake; [muuttua] leikitt todeksi
[go] Trom Jest to earnest; leikitt puhuen
\vlthout Joking, ali Joking (lald) aslde; ~
sikseen ali Joking (I. ali jokes) aslde; leikki ks. laskea; leikki lyden In play. In
sport, (Ilakoiden) In merriment, in gayety;
alkaa (kuv.) begiii the game, starl (I.
set) the ball rolling; Joka leikkiin ryhtyy
hn leikin kestkn IT yotl go Into a thlng,
you must see It through (1. must play the
game) ; te oli leikin loppu that \vas the
end or It, that put a stop to (1. a damper
on) the Tun; tllt on - kauhana t liat 's rar
rrom (1. thafs anythlng but) a Joke, thafs



no Joking matter, that's not to be triried

uith; vaarallista leikki a dangerous game,
(huvia) a dangerous pastlme.
leikki- (yhd.) play, make-bcllevc [esim.
koulu play school, inake-believc si-hool;
kutsut i>lay party, niako-beUevc party],
sham [esim. -tappelu sbam battle] ; (leik
kikalu-) toy [esim. -pysty toy grun; -sapeli
toy sword: -meitin toy instrument].
leikkikalu playthlng, toy.
leikkikalu- (yhd.) toy(-) [esim. -kauppa 1.
-puoti toj -hop; -tehdas toy -(mami) ractory;
teollisuus toy Industry (1. manuTacture) ].
leikki kentt playground(s) ;
recreatlonground. -ker playthlng; toy, sport; koh
talon Itikkiker playthlng (I. toy) of rate
(I. or chauce), sport of fortune. -kumppani
playmate, playrellow.
leikkiminen playing; hnen kanssaan ei ole
leikkimist he is not fooled uith, he
unii't stand for any fooliug, be has to be
taken serlously.
leikkimkki t. (lasten, leikkimist varten)
playhouse; 2. (leikkikalu-) toy house; doll
leikkinen - leikkis.
leikki paikka ks. leikkikentt, -puhe Joke,
jest; leikkipuheet (koll.) joklng [aslde,
sikseen], -sota sham battle; maneuvers,
manceuvres; fleld practlce; kyd leikki
sotaa be In a sham battle.
leikkisyys playrulness; racetlousness; humor(ousncss); Jocoseness, Joeoslty; mlrth;
(pila) Jest. leikkisi Jestlng, bllthesome,
merry, Jocose, uaggish; facetlous; (leiki kas) playful, sportive; . . Tuli or jokes, . .
lull of run. leikkissti Jestingly, Jocosely;
facetlously; playrully, sportlvely; (mus.)
leikkitoveri leikkikumppani.
leikkiv playing; leikkivi lapsia children at
leikki play [soldler, sotamiest; uith one,
jonkun kanssa; together, yhdess]; be
playing (1. at play), have fun; sport; (esim.
kissanpojista:) frlsk, rrollc; (pelata) havc
a game [at, Jotakin]; (Ilvehti) Jest, Joke;
- toliakin play (1. toy) with ... tririe (I.
fiddle) uith . .; jonkun tunteilla play (I.
tririe) uith a p.'s arrectlons (1. feellngs).
leikkuri (rt.) cutter.
leikkuu ks. leikkaus; (elon) harvest.
leikkuu- (yhd.) 1. cutting- [esim. -huone
rlitting-room; -lauta cutting -hourii; -painin
riitting-press; -rauta cuttlng-lron] ; 2.
(elonleikkuu-) reaplng-, harvest- [esim.
-aika reaplng-time, harvest-time; -kone
reaplng inai-hlnel. -kone (mys:) cutting machine, cutter; shearlng-machlne, cllppcr, (hiusten y. m.) cllppers; (elonlelkkuukone) reaper, (Itsesltova) blnder. -mies
one uho cuts tho grain; harvester, reaper.
-pihdit (cuttlng-)nippers. -pyt cuttlngtable; (lkrin) operating table, (ruumiinleikkely varten) dlsserting table.
leikkuus: leikkuukset (koll.) crop.
leikkuu! sakset cllppers; (villan-) shears;
(piiunlatvojen, pensasaitojen y. m. leikkaa
mista varten) prunlng-shcars. -sali operat
ing room; dlsserting room, anatomlcal
laboratory. -talkoo harvest bee. -veitsi
ruttlng-knire; (esim. Jossakin koneessa)
knlfe. cutter; vrt. leikkausveitsi. -vki the
harvesters, the reapers; harvest hamls.
leili riagon.
leima stamp, Imprcss(lon); (sinetti) seal;
(kuv.) mark; antaa /rimansa jollekin Stamp
Itseir upon . . , leave its seal (1. Us lmpress) upon . . , characterize; neron - the
stamp or genius; totuuden - impress of
truth; ks. painaa (leimansa), panna.


leimaaja one uiio stamps, stamper; (viral

linen) scaler. leimaamaton unstamped; uncancel(l)ed [postage- stamp, postimerkki],
uuderaced; (virallisesti) not sealcd. lei
maaminen stamplng; scaling.
leimahdella riush (rrequently) ; (kuv.) flare
up (1. 1'orth), glow; matamat leimahtelivat
taajaan thore were rrequent (I. rapld)
riashes or lightning, lt flashed Trequently,
lt lightened agaln and agaln; vrt. leimuta,
leimahdus riash, flare; blaze; (salama)
lightning, riash or lightning; kuin tuli ja llke a streak of lightning. leimahduttaa
make . . (1. cause . . to) riash (1. riare),
niake . . blaze; (singahduttaa) hurl out.
leimahtaa riash; naine (up), blaze (up); (sa
lamoida) lighten; (tuprahtaa) riare; riush:
(esim. liekeist:) burst rorth, shoot up; ~
(ilmi)liekkiin (\. ilmituloon) blaze up, burst
Into riame(s), riamo out, riame up, riash,
(kuv.) Tire up, riare up; uudelleen
riame rorth agaln (1. once more), break
rorth arresh (l. aneu) [esim. sodan liekit
leimahtivat uudelleen ilmituloon the flames
or war (1. or uarrare 1. or strlTe) broke
rorth (1. shot up) arresh (1. anew)] ; hnen
phns leimahti ajatum an idea popped
into his head (1. hls mlnd); hnen silmns
leimahtivat [suuttumuksesta]
Ilis eyes
riashed , uith anger] ; litkit leimahtivat
osiin katosta the Dames burst through the
(liekkien) burstlng rorth, shootlng up;
(liekehtiminen) riamlng, blazing; (salamoi
den) riashing; (kuv.) riarlng (up); vrt.
leimahtaa, leimahtelu (Trequent) riashing;
riarlng up.
leimainen (yhd.) . . uith . . seals [esim. lyijy~ uith lead seals].
leima, konttori stamp-orrice. -maksu revenue
tax; stamp-duty. -merkki stamp; seal.
leimanpano stamplng; (virallinen) scaling.
leima paperi stamped paper. -rauta marklng-lron; (polttorauta) branding-lron; (lei
masin) stamp; vrt. seur.
leimasin stamp [esim. kautsu~ rubber
stamp]; (raha- y. m.) die; (kohopaino-)
male die. -kaivertaja engraver or stamps;
dle-slnker. -vri stamplng ink, lnk (1. dye)
Tor stamps.
leima, suostunta passlng a stamp tax (lau).
-snt stamp act.
leimata stamp [a monogram on metal, nimi
kirjaimet metalliin; one as . . , Joku Joksi
kin], brand [one as a crlmlnal, Joku rikol
liseksi], (put a) mark (on); ipalnaa) im
press, imprlnt; (kruunata, mittoja y. in.)
seal [a ueight, punnus]; joku joksikin
(kuv.) characterize (1. set down) a person
as.., (pahassa merk.) brand (1. stiginatlze) one as . .; ~ mets [ hakattavaksi |
mark trees [to be cut down (1. ror rellIng)]; poltinraudalla brand; rahaa
COln money: hnet on leimattu roistoksi ja
vaikka miksi he has been branded (I.
stigmatlzed) as a scoundrel and uhat not
(1. and uho knous uhat else); vakavuuden
leimaama bearlng the Imiiressinn (I. niurks)
or earnestness. leimattu stamped; (raha)
colned; (kruunattu) sealed [tueasure, mit
ta]; onnenonkijaksi leimattu stamped (I.
branded) as an adventurer (I. as a roiiiinehuntcr).
leimaus 1. stamplng; (virall.) scaling; (ra
han) colnlng; 2. ks. leimahdus, -laite stamp;
(rahan-) die.
leimauttaa 1. have . . stamped (I. marked I.
sealed); cause . . to be stamped; 2. ks. lei
leimailvero stamp-tax (l. -duty); revenue
tax. -vri k, lelmasinvri.




leimu Hame, blaze. leimuaminen blazlng, kahtaminen riamlng out, flaring (up),
riamlng. leimuava flaming, blazlng, . . ali nashlng.
ablaze; (kuv.) burnlng [hatred, viha], riery leiskua (hulmuta) flutter; (tulesta:) riare
[eloquence, kaunopuheisuus; indignation, (up); liekit leiskuivat korkealle the rianies
suuttumus], g!owing, glaring, rervid [en- \vere shootlng (1. flaring) up high.
ttiuslasm, Innostus], leimuella 1. = leimu leivin- (yhd.) ks. leipoma-.
ta; 2. ks. leimahdella, leimuta Hame, blaze: leivisk (old Swedish) t\venty-pound weight.
(leiskua) riare; (kuv.) burn [wlth passion leivisknpaino (1. v.) twenty-pound \veight.
(1. VVltb anger), Vlbasta], glOW; hnen pos leivo(nen) (sky)lark; leivon liverrys song
kensa leimusivat suuttumuksesta her cheeks of the lark, lark's song.
glowed (1. flusbed) wlth anger (1. uiUi leivonta baklng. -piv baklng day.
leivos cake; leivokset (koll.) paslry. -vati
leini (reumatismi) rbeumatlsm; (kihti) cake-plate; (esim. hopeinen) cake-basket.
leinikko, leinikk (kasv.) buttercup, crovv- leivkset breadstul'1's.
leivn- (yhd.) . . or bread [esim. -hinta
foot, ranunculus.
price or bread; -kuori crust or bread;
leipi- (ybd.) ks. leip-,
leipoa make bread, bake. leipoja one Wiio paininen) piece (1. bit) of bread] ; (har
bakes (1. baked) ; (leipuri) baker; kuka vemmin:) bread- [esim. -murut bread on tmn kakun leipoja Wiio Is the one crum(b)s; -syj bread-eater]. -aine: leivnaineet lngredients ror (1. used In makthat baked tbls cake?
leipoman Jauhe baklng -powder. -pyt bread- iiiK.i bread; vrt. leivkset. -kannikka 1.
board. -tupa bakehouse. -uuni bake-oven; -syrj crust or bread. -puolikas half a ioar
(or bread). -puuta lack (1. want 1. need)
(baker's) oven.
of bread; scarclty of bread.
leipominen baklng.
leipomo bakery; (etup. Engl.) bakehouse. leivttmyys . . belng witliout bread; lack
-liike bakery (1. baker's) business; bakery. (1. want l. need) of bread. leivtn breadless [day, piv] ; leivtnn wltbout bread,
leipomus baking; batch.
out or bread, wlth no bread in the house.
leipuri baker. -laki lavvs regulating the bak
ery business, bakcrles' law. -liike = lei lejeerinkl (tekn. & kem.) alioy.
leka ks. moukari.
pomoliike, -mestari master-baker.
ieipurinllammatti baker's trade (1. occupa- lekahdus (kynttiln y. m.) rllcker.
tlon). -oppi: menn leipurinoppiin become a lekkeri (small) keg; (lelli) riagon.
baker's apprentlce, begin learning the bak lekotella (leimuta) flame, blaze; (lmmitel
ery business, -oppilas baker's apprentlce. l) bask [In the sun(shine), auringonpais
-puoti baker's shop; bakery. -slli Jour- teessa], sun o.s.; \varm (1. toast) o.s. [by
the flre, tulen ress] ; (heilua) swing,
neyman baker; baker's man.
leip bread (mys kuv.); leiville ks. lyd; s\vay; (esim. kangas) wave. lekottaa flame,
mill hn hankkii leipns hnvv does he get blaze ; ( lmmitell) bask, warm o.s. ; vrt. seur.
hls bread and butter? how does he eam lekuttaa flap, flutter; (esim. lamppu ennen
sammumistaan) fllcker; ~ siipin flap us
hls livlng?
leip- (yhd.) bread- [esim. -muru(nen) (1. the) Wings.
bread-crumb; -veitsi bread-knlfe] ; . . of lellikki (pampered) pet, fondllng; chlld
bread [esim. -mani(nra) crumb of bread; spolled by coddllng, (jkpv.) cair, baby;
-viipale slice of bread]. -huoli: leiphuolet (suosikki) favorlte, jewel.
vvorry(ing) over (1. about) gettlng one's lelliminen mushy, sentimental,sllly;nambybread and butter (1. one's daily bread). pamby; mawkish; (pehme, heikko) 9ort,
-kakku loaf of bread. -kannikka crust of weak, effemlnate; (over)indulgent; ~ mies
bread. -kori bread-basket (1. -tray 1. -plate). erreminate man, (Jkpv.) sissy. lellimisesti
-kulta good bread. -lapio (bakers') peel. weakly, sentimentally, mawkishly. lelli
-laukku 1. -lpi (lelk. => suu) mouth. misyys mushlness, sentimentallty, silli-luvut Studies necessary to earn one's ness; mawklshness; softness, weakness,
bread ond butter; (1. v.) Professional erfeminacy.
Studies, -paikka [onc's] bread and butter; lellipoika pet, fondllng; Jewel; (suosikki)
livlng; (Jkpv.) meal-ticket. -pala(nen) favorlte.
bit (1. plece 1. morsel 1. crumb) or bread. lellitell coddle, (uver)lndulge, pamper,
-palkka: olla fl. tehd tySt) leippalkalla baby, fondle; pilalle spoil by coddllng
work merely for one's bread. -pappi mlnls- (1. by indulgence); vrt. hemmotella, lelliter who preaches Just Tor a Uving (1. just telty pampered, babled, coddled; pilalle lelfor \vhat there Is In lt). -puoti baker's litelty spolled by coddllng (1. by pamperlng). lellitteleminen coddling, pampering.
shop, bakery. -puu breadrruit(-tree); lei
rondling, Indulgence. lellittelev coddllng,
ppuun hedelm breadfruit. -susi (jalka
vaimo) kept woman, mlstress, paramour. pampering, fondllng; lndulglng. lellittely,
-varras pole on whlch loaves of bread are lellitys coddllng, pampering, rondling;
strung to dry.
leiri camp, encampment; asettaa johonkin, lellua (heilua) swing, swy; (keinua) rock;
asettua leiriin johonkin encamp (1. pltCh (kiikkua) be tossed (1. go) up and down,
thelr tents) at a place, vrt. leiriyty.
toss; (kellua) float; vrt. hylly, lellumileiri- (yhd.) camp- [esim. -elm camp-lire; nen, lellunta svvlnging; tosslng; floating.
-kokous camp-mecting]. -palkka place Tor lelu (leikkikalu) plaything, toy; (hydytn
a camp (1. an encampment), camplng- pikku esine) knlckknack, gewgaw, gimplace; camplng-ground, camp. -tuli camp- crack. -kauppa toy-shop.
flre; watch-flre.
lemahdus smell, odor; (hyv) fragrance,
leiriyty encamp [near the to\vn, lhelle aroma; (paha) stench, stlnk. lemahtaa
kaupunkia], (go into) camp, pitch a camp, (haista) smell, savor [or ... Jollekin] ;
pitch thelr tents; olla leiriytyneen (sot.) (tuoksua) scent, exhale (1. glve out) fra
grance; (lyhkt) stlnk, reek [or . . , Jol
Ile (I. be) encamped.
leiskahdella = leiskahtaa; liekit leiskahteli- takin], lemahtaminen smelllng; stlnklng;
vat korkealle the flamcs \vere l'Iarlng (1. reeklng.
spurting 1. shootlng) up.
lemmehty ks. vljhty,
leiskahdus riare, riash; blaze. leiskahtaa lemmekkyys amorousness; loving disposi
tion, affectlonate nature. lemmekksti
Hame out (1. up), riare (up), flasli. leis

amorously; lovingly, affectionately, lem- strong-smelling, . . with a heavy odor;
(pahalta-) stinking; fetid.
mekts amorous; (rakastava) loving, affec
lemuinen (yhd.) . . with (1. of) . . smell,
lemmen- (yhd.) love- [esim. -laalu love- . .-smelling [eslm. paha~ . . with (1. of) a
song; -taira* love-sick], .. of love [eslm. bad smell, bad-smelling].
-jumalatar goddess of love; -liekki flame lemuta (tuoksua) scent, (emit a) smell, ex
Of love] ; vrt. rakkauden-, rakkaus-. -hou- hale (1. give out) fragrance: (halsta) savor
reet love fancies; follies of love; (-unelmat) [of . . , Jollekln] ; (lyhkftta) stink; ~ olreveries of love: Itmmenhoureista vapaa l*kln (\. joltahin) smell very strong of . . ,
(heart-whole and) fancy-free, -huumaus reek of ...
transport 1 1. ecstasy) of love, -Jumala love- leninkl (naisen puku) dress, gown.
god; Cupid, Love. -Jumalatar (rnyos:) Ve lenko I. (s.) bend, curve, turn. II. (a.) bendnus. -Juoma love-potion, philter; aphro Ing, curving; crooked, curved, bent.
disiac, -kadel. (a.) jealous. II. (s.) jealousy, lennelli fly; flit; (korkealla) soar; ~ ym-kaiho yearnings of love, love-yearning, farl fly (1. flit) about, whirl around.
-kauppa love-affair; (etup. huon. merklt.) lennin apparatus for flying; flying organ;
amour. -kukka(kasv.) forget-me-not, -lahja (sllpl) wing, -rftpylt (eiaint.) parachute.
love-token, (etenkln lapsesta puhuon:) lennokai winged [eloquence, Kaunopuhelpledge of love, -linio love-match; love- suus] ; (elolsa) spirited, animated; vivid
[Imagination, mlellkuvltus] ; (kaunopuhelaffair, -lumoamo transported (1. Intoxi
cated) with love, -nosto awakening of love. nen) eloquent [speech, puhe] ; (ylev)
-runo love -poem, sentimental poem; love- lofty, elevated; lennokkaat ajatabiet winged
song. -eeikkailu love-adventure, romantic (I. lofty) thoughts; lennokkain sanoin In (1.
adventure; love-affair, -nuhde amorous with) eloquent language, with winged
relatlon(S); love-affair; olla luvattomUta words, lennokkaastl with burning elo
lemmensuhttitta [Jonkun kanssa] have a quence, with winged words; eloquently;
clandestine love-affair [with OUR], have vividly, lennokkuua eloquence; vividness;
an affair (1. a love-affair) on the side. loftiness.
-tarina tale of love, love-story, -tuskat lennoton (lalmea) feeble, lame; (eloton)
pangs (1. throes 1. torments) of love.
Inanimate, lifeless, dull.
lemmeuomyyi lovelessness, lack of love; lennhdys flight; soaring. lennhtS fly;
coldness, lemmettmsti lovelessly, not soar; (slngahtaa) be hurled, he dashed, be
lovingly, unsympathetlcally; coldly, lem- sent flying [through the air. ilmaan]. lennania = lentXminen. lennStolla - lenntt.
metar goddess of love, lemmetn . . with
out love; loveless; unloving; (kylmil) cold. lennatln ks. ehk-; optillinen (I. valo-opillemmlkkl 1. darling, love(d one); (lelllkki) linen) ~ optical telegraph, semaphore.
pet, fondling; (suoslkki) favorite; 2. -konttorl, -lalto* . m. ks. shklenntin-.
lennttiJA (shkttj) telegrapher, tele
(kasv.) forget-me-not.
graphist: ks. sannn~. lonnttmincn fling
lemmltty I. (a.) loved; beloved. II. (s.) be
loved, darling; (rakastaja) lover; Itm- ing, hurling, dashing, darting; hurrying;
mittyni my beloved, my darling; /tnen (shkttminen) telegraphing; vrt. len
Itmmittyns his sweetheart, her lover; o//a ntt.
jobaiten ~ be beloved by everybody, (huo- lennaUS let . . fly, send flying [through
nossamerk.,nalsesta:)be common property. the air, Ilmaan] ; (vled nopeastl) move (1.
1. take) rapidly, bring over In haste:
lempeys mildness, softness, gentleness; carry
(klirehtla) hurry, hasten; (slngahduttaa)
kindness, kind-heartedness; leniency, leni
hurl [a Javelin, helttokethas], dash
ty: clemency; (hellyys) tenderness, tender [a stone
against the wall, klvl seinn],
affection (1. regard).
dart; (shktt) telegraph, wire;
lempe mild, sweet [temper, luonto; look, throw,
flying (1. spinning) through
katse], bland, suave, soft [answer, vaair, hurl Into the air, (eslm. tullviiotaus]; (ystavalllnen) kind, gentle; (hell) the
into the air: kirie jollttender, affectionate, fond; (armellas) clem
kalle hurry (1. hasten) a letter to one; ~
ent, merciful; (el ankara, llevd) lenient. menemn
Send (1. throw) flying, let . . fly,
-luontolnen meek, mlld( -tempered), gentle. fling off, hurl away; ana ollehulle hur
-mielinen sweet-tempered, soft-heartcil.
ry a word to one, send 8 word to one with
lempennkinen: - inminon a person of a all
(1. post-haste); ~ toimauksia
mild (1. a kindly) face (1. of a mild counte hurl speed
(out) abuse (1. revllement), cast re
nance), lempeasilmilnen soft-eyed, mild- proaches
. .].
eyed, . . with gentle eyes.
lenteleminen, lentely flying, flitting (about);
lempeastl mildly, sweetly, softly; kindly, (korkealla) soaring.
gently; tenderly; mercifully; leniently.
lento flight; [ampua . .] (ennosfa [shoot . .]
le m pi love; Vrt. rakkau.
on the wing, [shoot . .] In flight: lentoon
lempi- (yhd.) .mlell-) favorite [eslm. -ain ks. IShteS; aatn*ttn horkta ~ the high (I.
favorite topic; -Ur/ailila favorite author; the lofty 1. the soaring) flight of the
-runoilija favorite poet], pet [eslm. -aate thoughts.
pet Idea; -boira pet dogj. -aate (rnyos:) lento- (yhd.) flying(-) [eslm. -kola flyinghobby, fad. -laps! favorite (child), pet. fish; -bone flying-machine: -litko flying-polka favorite (son), pet: darling, pride. lizard: -matha 1. -rethi flying trip].
-tuuma hobby, fad. -valmo favorite wife. lentohiekka drift-sand, -kasauma 1. -snkk
lempli love; vrt. rakastaa.
dune. -kentU field of drift-sand, -ranta
lempo the devil, the deuce, Old Nick, Old beach of shifting sand.
Harry, the dickens; /emmon .. (klrottu) lentolnen (yhd.) . .-flying, . .-flighted [eslm.
damned, (Jkpv.) confounded, deuced, (hel- nopea~ swift-flying, swift-flighted; ratvetln) infernal, hellish, devilish; ~ /,,,.; kas~ heavy-flying, heavy-flighted].
vitkn the devil take him! he can go to lento kcntta aviation grounds, -klrjafnen)
the devil for all I care; ~ oiJkoon by Jnve! Iiamiililet; tract, -kone (tav.) aeroplane;
by Jingo! (oh,) the dickens! vrt. ikeM.
(yksltaso) monoplane; (kaksltaso) hlplam*.
lemu (tuoksu) scent, fragrance; (haju) odor, -kyky ability to fly; vrt. lentotalto. -kykyismell; (Iflyhk) stink, stench, lemuaminen nen able to fly, capable of flying; (linnunscenting, smelling; stinking, lemuava pojasta:) fledged, -lehtl(nen) leaflet; dodglemmekae



er, broadslde; (etup. Ilmotus) bandbill;

(lentokirjanen) pamphlel. -liiko (elint.,
mys:) dragon. -muiiku: antaa (l. heitt)
lentomuishuja jollekulle blOW (I. thrOW)
klsses to one, kiss one's hand to a p. -nah
ka (elint.) pararhute; wlng-membrane.
-neuvot Dying apparatus; (esim. linnun i
Nylng organs. -taito skill in flying; skill
as an aviator. -tahti shoollng (I. ralllng)
star. -viesti ks. pikaviesti.
lentsu (influenssa) grippc. grip.
lentj riier. lentminen riying. lentv riying ifnx, kettu; squirrel. orava; frog. sam
makko]; lentv hollantilainen the Flying;
lent riy; flit [by, ohi]; (korkealla) soar;
(lhte lentoon) riy orr, take wlng (I.
flight); ilmaan i ly up in the air, (sintrahtaa) he hurled (I. shot) into the air. he
sent flying (1. splnnlng) through the air;
jonkun kaulaan thro\v o. s. on a p.'s neck;
~ palamiksi ! ly indo) pieces; pns sei
nn nm (1. (lash) one's head against the
wall; jonkun syliin throw o. s. into a p.'s
arms; tiehens fly off (I. away), take
wlng (I. Hight): ajatukseni lentvt sinne
tnne my thoughts wander (I. keep straying); antaa mielikuvitukseni sa) vapaasti ~
give free play (1. rree scope) to the imaginatlon; hnen poskensa lensivt punaisiksi
her rheeks flushed (1. grew red 1. grevv
srarlet), she blushed; ovi lensi paukahtaen
kiinni the door (was) slammert to, the door
bangert to (l. shut with a bang).
leopardi (elint.) leopard.
lepakko (elint.) liat; (kuv.) ks. hupakko,
-laji speeies of bat(s).
lepatella = lepattaa; lent oksalta toiselle
flit from branch to branch (I. f ioni one
branrh to another).
lepattaa flutter; (siivill) riap (the Wings).
riop; (lipusta, mys:) streani. lepattaminen
fluttering; riappimr.
leperrell rhatter, babble; (sammaltaa) lisp.
lepertely babble, Jabber, prattle: rhatter;
lisping. leperrys babble, chalter. lepert
= leperrell.
lepikko, lepikk grove (I. paleli) of alders,
alder gxnve; clump of alders.
lepinkinen (elint.) shrike.
lepist - lepikko.
lepo rest, repose; (rauha) qulet. ralm, peace;
quiescence; [ollal levossa be] at rest,
be) quiet, In (a state oD repose; levossa
ja rauhassa in perreet <|nii-t (I. peace) : er
si lepoa seek repose: kyd (1. menn 1.
panna 1. ruveta) levolle go to rest, retire
(to rest), (vuoteeseen) go to beil; olla le
volla be resting (oneself), be taklng (1. be
havlng) a rest, rest, repose, (maata) lie (1.
be lyfng) down, be In bed. sleep.
lepo- (ylid.) . . or (1. Tor) rest [esim. -aika
time of (I. Tor) rest; -hetki hour of (1. for)
rest]; resting- [esim. -paikka restingplare]. -aika (mys:) pause, rest, (esiin,
myrskyss:) lull; (vliaika) intermission.
-asento resting position; lepoasennossa
(mys:) at rest. -kammio (last) restingplare. -kohta [a] restlng-piare rfor the
eye, silmlle]; (mek.) point of rest; (py
shdys) pause, rest. -paikka (mys:) plare
to rest; plare of repose. -piv day of
rest; (vapaapiv) day off; (usk.) Sabbath
(-day). -sija restlng-plare. -sohva roueh;
lounge. -tila state (1. rondition) of rest.
-tuoli easy(-)chalr: (aseteltava) Morris
rlialr. -vuode rourh.
leppeys mlldness, softness; gentleness, placldlty. leppe mlld, sweet, sort; gentle,
[ilarirl ; vrt. lempe, leppesti mililly,
sweetly, softly; geutly, placidly.


leppoisa - leppe.
leppyisyys gentleness, plaridity; reconcilableness. leppyisi (alkup.) easily appeased
(1. ronelliated); (sovinnollinen) reroniilable, plarable; (lempe) mild, sort, gentle
[breeze, tuuli], leppyissti mildly, softly,
leppyminen softening, relenting; reronnliation.
leppymttmyys implarability,; irreronrilableness. leppymttmsti
implarably, inexorably, relentlessly; Irreronrilably. leppymtn implarable. inexorable, relentless, unappeasal)Ie, irreconrilable; unforgivlng.
leppyi be(rome) ronriliated (I. propitiatert
1. appeased), berome sortened (1. mitigated), soften, relent: (sopia) be(rome)
reronriled [to (1. with) one. Jollekulle (I.
Johonkuhun)] ; hn ei ottanut leppykseen
he would not be reronriled, he would nnt
relent; olla leppynyt be ronriliated (I. pro
lepp alder. leppinen . . (made) or alder,
lepp kerttu (elint.) 1. = lepplintu; 3. =
leppterttu. -lintu (elint.) redstart. -sieni
(kasv.) Lartarlus deliriosus. -terttu (elint.)
ladybug, ladyblrd.
lepra (spltaalitauti) leprosy.
lepsua hang limp, droop: (lerpattaa) hang
loose, dangle. lepsuinen limp; drooping.
lepsuisuus limpness.
lepuu ks. lepo.
lepuuttaa rest [one"s head (1. one's brain),
aivojaan], repose; ~ jsenin rest. take a
rest. lepuuttaminen, lepuutus resting; ai
vojen lepuutus resting the brain.
lepyte peare-ofrering; lepytteeksi as a
peare-orfering, to make up [wfth..], to
conclliate. lepytell try to appease: (try
to) ronrlliate (1. propitiate), (try to) soften.
lepyttely, lepytys appeasing; (attempts at)
ronrillatlon; sortening. lepytt appease:
ronriliate, propitiate: soften: (sovittaa)
persons who have quarreled.
rl Itpuolet], make peare between... smooth
(nver) matters [for (I. between) them,
hejdt], patrh up matters [between . .];
vrt. rauhottaa.
lepileminen resting. lepill rest (oneselD.
take a rest; lepill huolista be resting
from rares.
lepv resting; lylng.
lerkku (heiluri) pendulum. lerkkua swing,
sway; (snnllisesti) osrillate.
lerpattaa hang loose. hang down (loosely),
slourh, droop: flap; dangle; (olla lupallaan) flop, vrt. lerppa. lerpatus slourhing,
drooplng: flapping, flopping, dangllng.
lerppa: lerpalleen ks. menn; olla torpallaan
(lyhn) hang loose (1. slark), hang down
(loosely). (riipallaan) be slourhing (1.
drooplng), slourh, droop, (Hipallaan) be
lopping, lop, (lepsuilla) riop. dangle Ihuom.
olla huulet Urpollaan let the llp drop (1.
hang down), hang the llp (at . . , Jostakin) ;
purjeet ovat lerpullaan the satls hang Slark 1 .
lerppa hattu slourh-hat. -huulinen . . witli
hanging lips; (myrryinen) sulien, surly.
-korva(inen) . . wlth drooping ears, lopeared.
lerppua = lerpattaa.
lerputtaa droop [Its Wings, siipin: its ears.
korviaan], riag; (lerkuttaa) riop [the ears,
korviaan]; dangle; wag: vrt. lerpattaa. ler
puttaminen, lerputus drooping, flagging;
lliipping; riangling.
leseet bran.
leseminen bolting, sifting. lesemitn un
bolled, unsifted. lesen ks. Iest.



leskel widow's [wldower's] nouse (1. home).

lesken apu widow's allowance. -elke wld
ow's (I. mother's) pension. -Juoksu (leik
ki) last couple out. -lehti (kasv.) coltsfoot. -oikeus dower rlght. -osa (lak.)
dower. -suru wldow's mourning (Tor her
busband) ; widower's mourning (for his
wife). loskenolo ks. seur.
leskeys (naisen) widowhood; (miehen) widowerhood. -vuodot years of [her] widowbood; years of [his] wldowerhood.
leski wiriow; (leskimies) wldower; elvn~
grass - widow.
leski- (yhd.) (arvonimien yhteydess) dowager [esim. -keisarinna fjowager Empress;
kuningatar L>owager Queen] ; wldows'
[esim. -kassa widows' fund]. -mies wldower. -rouva: leskirouva N. N. Mrs. N. N.,
idovv of late Mr. N. N. -vaimo widow;
(lak.) reliet.
leskiset: alla lskisill play (the game oi')
last couple out.
lesti last; suutari pysykn lestissn the
shoemaker must stirk to his last. lestintekij* lastmaker. lestipussi pack of lasts.
lestyjauhot sirted (1. bolted) Hour.
lesti bolt: (seuloa) SiTt; lestyt jauhot sirted
(1. bolted) riour.
letitt ks. palmikoida.
letkahdus 1. toss, Jerk; swing; 2. (kuv.) =
letkaus. letkahduttaa I. flmg, toss, jerk; 2.
letkauttaa. I et k ah taa be tossed (!.
Jerked). toss; swing.
letkaus (plstosana) sarcasm, sarcastio remark, riing; quip, glbc, lll-natured reflection; lnsinuatlon. letkautella, letkautus
use sarcasm, taik sarcastlc(ally), glbe [at
one, Jotakuta] ; (piikitell) lnsinuate. let
kautus letkaus.
letku hose; tube, (piece oD tubing.
letkua (notkua) bend; shake; waver, totter,
swerve; (roikkua) hang loose, dangle. letkuttaa dangle; rock, shake.
letti (palmikko) braid.
letto(suo) quagmire.
lettu (small) pancake, grlddle-eake, (vehnJauhoista tehty) wheat cake; (Jkpv.) riapJack. -taikina batter.
letukka slattern; tytn regular young
sloven of a glrl.
letus goose; mys = lntya. leiustaa: kyd
Mustaa drag one's feet, go scuffling (I.
shuffllng) along.
leuanalue-eylkirauhanen (anat.) submaxlllary sallvary gland.
leudota get (1. become) milder, thaw; ilma
lentonsa the weather is getting milder (1.
is moderatlng), it is beglnnlng to thaw.
leuhake, leuhakko butterfly.
leuhotelta fan (with, Jollakin]; ~ siivilln
fan (I. flap) its Wings, leuhottelu fannlng.
leuka chln; (-pieli) jaw; leuat jaws, chops.
leuka- (yhd.) chin- [esim. -hihna ehlnslrap; -parta chln-whlskers] ; (anat.) maxlllary [esim. -valtimo maxlllary artery].
leukalnen (yhd.) . . with . . Jaws [esim. vah
va . . wlth strong Jaws], . . wlth a . . chin
esim. pitk . . wlth a long chln].
leuka! kuoppa dimple. -luu Jaw-bnne; (tiet.)
maxlllary. -parta (mys:) beard on one's
(1. on the) chln. -peri corner of the ja\v;
leukapert the Jaws. -pieli angle or the
Jaw; leukapielet the jaws. -tilkku bib.
leukolja (kasv.) stock(-glllyflowcr) ; tenweeks stock.
leuto (lauhkea) inild, gentle: ilma (\. s)
inilil weather, (suoja) a thaw; ~ talvi uuhi
(I. npeni Winter, leutous (suun) inlldness.
leveill (kerskailla) taik big, lu-ag, svvugger; (rehennell) glvc o.s. airs, pluine o.s.
[on ... Jollakin].


leveneminen wldening (1. broadenlng) (out);

sprpading; distending, dllating; vrt. levet.
levennys extension, expanslon; (leventmi
nen) wldening, spreadlng. leventyminen, le
venty = leveneminen, levet, leventminen
ks. levennys, levent rnako . . broailer (I.
wlder); broaden, wlden [the gulf between
... kuilua Joidenkin vlill]; (levitt)
spread out; (laajentaa) expand, extend.
levet (tulla levemmksi) become (I. gcl)
broader (1. wider), increase In breadth (1.
wldth), spread out; (laajeta) widen (I.
broaden) (out), (eri tahoille) (listend, diiate; vrt. levit.
leveys breadth, width; (laivan) beani: (laa
juus) wideness, extent; (maant.) latitude.
-aste dcgren of latltudc: parallel (of lati tude). -piiri parallel (1. Circle) of latitude.
leve broad; (laaja) Wide; levelt ks. levelti
(hakus.); tulla levemmksi ks. levet.
leve- (yhd.) broad- [esim. -hartiainen
broad-snouldered; -lehtinen broari-leaved;
-rintainen broad-chested] .
levehk rather(l. somewhat) broad (1. Wide).
leve! lanteinen \vlde througti
'- hlps;
. . wlth broad hlps.
-lierinen broad brlmmed [hat, hattu].
levelti broadly, widely; far and Wide,
leve neninen broad-nosed; (ltt-) Hui
nosed. -otsainen . . wlth a broad forehead.
-raitainen . . wlth broad strlpes. -raiteinen
broad-gauge [railroad, rautatie]; (normaa
li) standard-gauge.
levesti broadly; istua sit sprawled out
over the seat; puhua (kuv.) taik big,
brag, swagger.
levesuinen Wide(1. broad-) muu Lhed;
(kuv.) bragging. swaggcring.
leviitta (raam.) Levite.
levikki spreadlng; (sanomalehden y. m.)
circulatlon. levint ks. leviminen.
levitell spread ( hay (ali) over tlie rioin1,
heini ympri lattiaa; a report, huima] . he
spreadlng [its Wings, siipin], spread out;
(sirotella) strew, spread about, scatter
about (1. broadcast); (Jaella) dlstributo;
huhuja spread rumors (1. gossip), cirrulate a report; tietoa jostakin spread the
news about a th., send (1. give) out a word
about a th.; valheita spread (1. circulate)
lles. levitteleminen, levittely siireading;
strewing, scattering about; distributiou:
levittj spreader [esim. juorujen ~ spreader
or gossip; lannan rnanure-spreader] ;
strewer; (tiedon y. m.) dlssemlnator; (hu
hujen y. m.) clrculator; (Jakelija) distrlbutor; aarteen ~ propagandlst, (apostoli)
apostle. levittminen spreading; (tiedon y.
m.) dlssemlnatlon; (huhujen y. m.) circulatlng, circulatlon; (jakeleminen) dlstrlbution.
levittyty spread (ltself); (laajentua) wlden (1. broaden) (out); (fys.) dlstend, dllate: vrt. levit.
levitt spread [the news about . . , tietoa
Jostakin; fragrance, tuoksua; a disease,
tautia; Its Wings, siipens; terror among
. . , kauhua joidenkin keskuuteen], spread
out; (laajentaa) expand, extend; (kuv.)
propagate [an Idea. Jotakin aatetta], dirfuse, disseniinatc [false dortrines, vri
oppeja], (panna liikkeelle) piit In circula
tlon, circulate, (jakaa) distribiite [literature, kirjallisuutta] ; ~ | hyv, pahaa] ha
jua send (1. give) out a [good, bad] smell;
juoruja spread gossip. spread srandal,
spread false reports (abroad); ~ pelkoa ja
kauhua (ymprilleen) spread abroad terrnr
and dlsmay; ~ perttmi huhuja circulate



(1. spread) baseless rumors (1. false re

pona); ~ sateenvarjo (pingottaa) put lip
an umbrella; ~ sosialismia spread (1. propagrate) soclallsm.
levitys ks. levittminen; aatteen ~ propa
ganda (or an idea).
levit spread (ltselD [over . . , Jonkin yli] ;
(levet) become broad(er), become wide(r) ;
(ylfymprt) be(come) surrused; be(come)
dirrused; (ulottua) stretch, extend; (kuv.)
get abroad, (pst levimn) galn ground;
laajalla (esim. sanomalehdest:) have a
big- (1. a large 1. a wlde) circulation; ~ Jon
kun silmin eteen (esim. nkala) be spread
out before one, lie extended before onc,
(vhitellen) open to one's vlew; aate levi
the Idea is spreadlng (1. is gainlng ground),
the idea Is being dirrused (I. dlsseminated) ;
aikakauskirjaa levi 1000 kappaletta the
circulation or the magazine is 1000; huhu
on levinnyt a rumor has spread (1. has got
abroad 1. has gone forth) ; kuinka laajalle
levinnyt how vvldely spread (1. dirrused)?
how wide-spread? (sanomalehdest y. m.)
how wldely clrculated (1. read)? . . on laa
jalle levinnyt (mys:) . . has become popular, . . has come into vogue; rutto levisi yli
Europan the plague spread over Europe;
rutto levi (yltyy) the plague spreads (l.
gains ground) ; taivaalle levisi punertava
valo, punertava valo levisi yli taivaan a
purple llght spread over the sky.
leviminen spreadlng; spread; diffusion, dlssemlnation; (esim. sanomalehtien) circula
tion; (kasvin y. m.) propagatlon; dlstrlbutlon; elinten the propagatlon (1. the disI n In iti' m) or anlmalS; kasvien maantieteel
linen the geographlcal distrlbution (I.
range) or plants.
levollinen calm, unperturbed; cool; (rauhal
linen) qulet, tranqull; easy, comrortable;
(hillitty) composed, (calm and) collected,
self-possessed; suuttumuksestaan huolimat
ta pysyi hn levollisena in splte ui lii s anger he remalned calm (1. composed). levol
lisesti calmly; coolly; quietly; in a com
posed (1. self-possessed) manner, levolli
suus calmness, unperturbed state (1. conditlon) ; tranqulllity; coolness, composure,
levoton restless [nlght, y; sleep, uni; splrlt,
henki]; (kiihdyksiss, kuohuksissa oleva)
agitated, turbulent [provlnce, maakunta],
[State, tila];
troubled, dlsquleted, unqulet; trouhlesome;
(kapinallinen) unruly [people, kansa] :
(huolestunut) uneasy, conrerned, anxlous
[about (1. ror) one. Jonkun takia], alarmed
labout, jostakin; at the news, uutisten Joh
dosta], (hermostunut) unromrortable; ~
katu busy Street; ~ meri turbulent (1. dls
turbed I. restless) sea: levottomat ajat tur
bulent tlmes, (epvakaiset) unsettled tlmes,
(huolta Ja ikvyytt tuottavat) troubled (1.
troublous) tlmes; olla levotonna jostakin he
(1. feel) uneasy about (1. over 1. Tor) . . ,
\vorry (1. be \vorrted 1. trouble o.s.) about
. . , be (1. Teel) 111 at ease Tor (1. about I.
over) . .; meri oli levottomana (mys:) the
sea \vas rough: sinun ei tarvitse olla siit
ensinkn levotonna (mys:) you can be
qulte at case about that. levottomasti restlessly; turbulently; uneaslly; anxlously.
levottomuus (state of) agitatlon, agltateil
state, disquletude: unrcst, restlessness;
(hiri) disturbance; trouble; (levoton mie
li jonkin takia 1. Jostakin) iineasiness, dlseomposurc, perturbatlon (or mind), apprehenston, (great) concern, anxlety; (levoton
odotus) suspense, Impatlence; (alituinen,


kiusaava) worry ; levottomuuden henki splrit

of unrest (1. or restlessness 1. of uneastness); levottomuutta herttv ks. hakus.;
hermostunut levottomuus nervousness, uneaslness, ridgets, riutter; hertt levotto
muutta [Jossakussa] cause anxlety, rill
[one] wlth anxlety, alarm [onc], put [one]
In a state or agitatlon, make [one] uneasy,
agltate; siell on sattunut levottomuuksia
disturbances have occurred there; tunnen
suurta levottomuutta ruumiissani I reel SO
(dreadrully) ridgety (1. nervous). levottomuuttaherttv alarmlng [state (1. conrtition), tila], disquietlng [piece or news.
uutinen]; levottomuuttaherttvi oireita
alarmlng symptoms [news],
symptoms that cause alarm.
levy plate, (thln) riat piece: (ohut metalli-)
sheet; (laaka) slab; (liuska) riake; (suo
mu) scale; (luonnont.) lamella. lamina;
(pydn y. m.) top, (tav. Irtonainen) Iear,
(veto-) sllde; (kiekkomainen) disk; (kan
kaan, = leveys) breadth.
levyinen . . broad (1. Wide); . . or . . width
(I. breadth); kahden jalan [metrin] ~ two
reet [meters] wlde, . . or two reet [meters] in width (1. In breadth).
levy katto roor covered wlth galvanlzed Iron;
tln roof; (ters) Steel roor; (lluskaklvi)
slate roor.
levyminen lamellar, lamcllate(d); flaky.
levy sakset plate-shears; tinners' shears:
(pienet, ksi-) snlps. -sepp iron-plate
worker, plater; worker in sheet metal;
(pannusepp) boller-maker; (lkkisepp)
tinner, tlnsmlth. -taonta bammering into
plates, plating. -valssi plate-roll(er).
levi I: levlleen Wide, Wide open, (hajal
leen) scattered about (1. around) [esim.
avata silmns levlleen open one's eyes
Wide; jtt levlleen (tavarat y. m.) leave
. . scattered about (1. around), (esim. ovi)
leave Wide open], ks. menn; levlln
spread (out), outspread, dllated, (haral
laan) Wide apart; jalat levlln vitli one's
legs far (1. Wide) apart, astrlde; kdet le
vlln uit li outspread arms; kdet ja jalat
levlln stretched (out). sprawled, sprawllng; olla levttn be spread (out), lie ex
tended, (harallaan) be wlde apart, (esim.
ovi) be Wide Open; sieraimet levttn \vltll
dllated (1. distended) nostrils; siivet levl
ln with wldesprcad (1. outspread 1. outstretched) Wings, wlth its Wings spread (1.
stretched) out.
lev II. (kasv.) alga [plur. algs] ; vrt. meri.
levhdys rest; (lepohetki) pause, stop; resplte; (sot.) hait. -aika restlng time; breathing spell (1. space); recess; intermlssion,
lnterval. -hetki breathing spell; pause.
Place for a hait. -palvi day to rest, day
off, hollday; vrt. lepopiv.
levhtminen resting; pauslng; halttng.
levht rest (oneself), take a rest; (hen
ght) take breath; (pyshty levht
mn) pause, Stop; (SOt.) hait; levht
mtt ulthout resting, wlthout taklng a
rest, unceasingly, unremittingly; ~ josta
kin rest (1. take a rest) from . .: ~ kyllik
seen take a good rest: vrt. levt.
levper: jd levpern be neglected, ilot
be taken proper care or; jtt levpern
(laiminlyd) neglect (to look after).
be neglectrul or, not take proper care or,
(tuuliajolle) east (1. turn) adrirt (1. loosc)
(lipon the World) l limun, jtt asiat lev
pern (mys:) let thlngs get run down;
jtt kaikki levpern leave everything
to take care of itself. let everything go as it
can (jkpv.: go by the heels)]. levperi-

nen negllgent, neglectful; (huolimaton) flags (1. banners) riylng. liehuminen, Ke
careless, sloveDly; (vlinpitmtn) per- hunta flutterlng; Hylng, streamlng, swayfunctory, llstless, lndifferent; unconcented, ing; bustllng, bustle, flurry.
heertless; (lyh) slack, remiss. levperi liehuttaa make (1. cause . . to) flutter (I. fly
sesti negllgently, neglectfully; carelessly; 1. stream Jne., ks. liehua), let . . flutter (1.
perrunclortly, Indirierently; remlssly. lev- fly 1. stream), riutter, riap; (huiskuttaa) ,
perisyys negligence, neglectfulness; care- wave [one's handkerchler, nenliinaansa] ,
lessness; perfuuctorlness, llstlessness, in- (hntns) whlsk; (heiluttaa) swing; tuuli
difference; slackness, remissness.
~ purjetta the wlnd makes the sali flutter
(1. flap), the md flutters (1. naps) the
levitti cape; cloak, mantle; robe.
levt* rest; repose; (olla levossa) beatrest; sali. liehuttaminen flutterlng, flapping;
(maata) He lon one's bed, vuoteellaan]; wavlng; (hnnn) whlsking.
(nojata) recllne, lean [on . .] ; kyllikseen liehuva flutterlng, flylng, wavlng; swaylng
taite a good rest; pitkollaan be lylng, lie [plume, tyht]; (hriv) bustllng; liehu
down, be recllnlng; tystn rest from vin lipuin \vltn flags (1. \vitli banners) fly
one's \vork, take a rest after one's work; lng, wlth flylng colors.
levtkn (hn) rauhatta iimy be (1. let lieju mud, mlre, (tihkuva) ooze; (liejukko)
him) rest In peace; olen levnnyt (mies) slough; (rimpi) quagmire, fen. liejuinen
I am completely (1. thoroughly 1. entlre- muddy, miry, oozy; sloughy. liejuisuus
muddiness, miriness; oozlness.
ly) rested, I feel perrectly rested now.
leyhk (puuska) \vaft, pufr; breath; tuulen lieju, kana (ellnt.) water-hen. -kerros layer
(mys:) a breeze.
of mud, deposlt of mud (1. or ooze).
leyhytell fan; ~ liivilln fan (1. fiap) Us liejukko mud-hole, mud-puddle; slough;
(suossa) sink-hole; (kuv.) slnk, slough;
(1. the) Wings.
leyhytU make (1. let) . . flutter; (huiskut
eptoivon slough of despond.
taa) \vavB [one's handkerchler, nenliinaan liejumaa mlry (1. boggy) ground; (hyllysa] ; hnnlln (l. hntns) Wbl9k ItS maa) quagmire.
liejumaineri muddy, mlry.
liata (make . .) dlrty, dlrt, soi!, (Jkpv.) lieju! pohja mud(dy) bottom; (erlt. meren)
muss; (beHlraggle [one's dress, pukunsa], oozy bottom (1. ground). -pohjainen . . wlth
drabble; (tahrata) smear, besmear, (be)- a muddy (1. an oozy) bottom. -suo bog;
daub; (ulostuksella y. m.) roul [lts nest, (hyllyv) quagmire.
pesns], befoul; ktens make one's lieka tether; (Jalkaan kiinnitetty) hobble;
hands dlrty, dlrty (1. soll) one's hands; ofJa lie'assa be tethered; panna liekaan
takkinsa (mys:) mess one's coat ali up.
Libanon Lebanon; Libanonin sttri cedar ui' liekehtiminen flamlng, blazlng; burning. lie
kehtii nami! [wlth anger, vihasta], blaze;
liberaali(nen) (vapaamielinen) llberal.
flare; (kuv.) burn.
liekitin (lampun) burner. liekit ks. liekehti,
lia = lienee.
liekki flame; (leimu) blaze; [olla] liekkien
liahahduttaa liehauttaa.
liehailla ks. liehakoida.
vallassa [be] ali aflre (1. ablaze 1. aflame) ;
liehaku, liehakka (hlyvlnen) Hckle, [sytytt] intohimojen liekki [lnriame (I.
flighty, g-lddy;
(kevytmielinen) llght klndle)] the passlons.
(-inlnded), frivolous, rilppant; (mielistele liekkinen (yhd.) . . \vith a . . flame, . .-ly
v) mealy-mouthed, rawntng, cajollng; flamlng [esim. kirkas" wlth a brlght flame,
(imarteleva, makeileva) riatterlngr, whee- brlghtly flamlng].
dling, lnslnuatilng (1. -lve); (hyvilev) liekku (kehto) cradle.
caresslng, fondling; (makea) bland, hon- liekkua (keinua) rock, swing: (liekehti)
eyed. liehakko ks. edell.
flame, ftare; kynttil liekkuu (leiskuu) the
liehakoida ravvn [(up)on a p., Jotakuta; candle Is flaring, (lekuttaa) the candle Is
aron ml the glrls, tyttjen ymprill], fllckering; viiri Vehkuu the weather-vane
vvheedle, coax; cajole; make much (1. a Is veerlng (back and rorth). liekkuminen
great deal) or; blandlsh; (imarrella) riat- rocklng, swlnging; riarlng.
ter; lonkan suosioon rawn upon (1. crlnge lieko 1. (vettynyt puu) deadhead; snag; 2.
to) one, curry favor wlth one, Inslnuate o. s. (kasv.) lycopodlum, club-moss, vrt. katin,
Into a p.'S good graces; liehakoimalla ks. liekuttaa rock [the cradle, ktkytt], swing;
saada, liehakoiminen fawnlng, cajollng; ca- make (1. cause . . to) nre, make . . rilcker.
Jolery; blandlshment, flattery. liehakoit- liekutus rocklng, swinglng.
sija fawner, wbeedler; flatterer. liehakoi liemi broth; (soppa) soup; (neste) liquid;
va rawnlng, coaxlng, cajollng; lnstnuatlng; vrt. liha-.
liemi- (yhd.) soup- [esim. -kattila soupliehauttaa wave [one's handkerchler, nen
kettle; -Kanna soup-ladle; -lautanen soupliinaansa], whlsk (1. wag) [lts tali, hn
plate] . -Juurekset 1. -Juurikkaat vegetables
tns J.
Tor soup. -malja (llemlkko) (soup-)tureen.
liehdini] laitos ks. lietsoin. -uuniblast-furnace. -ruoka soup, broth; (nesteminen) liquid
Heh* (veto) current (1. blast) or air; dialt rood.
(of air).
lienee may; lieneek mahdollista ran lt be
liehitell (mlellstell) fawn upon, curry ravor possible? I wonder ir (1. whether) it Is
wlth [one. Jotakuta] ; make much or; vrt. posslbie? do you think it is possible? lie
liehakoida, liehittely obsequlous atten- neek ollut pahaksi I wonder whether lt
tinn(s), exaggerated (1. overdone) clvlllty was bad? (ehk oli) maybe (1. perhaps)
(1. clvllitles); flattery; (liehakoiminen) ca- it was bad; lieneek se totta (onkohan) I
Jolery, blandlshment, wheedl)ng.
wonder ir (1. whether) lt's true? do you
liehua n utter; (bulmuta) ny, wave, stream; think it Is true? hn tullut he may hav*
(heilua) swing, svvay; (hrlll) bustle, be come, he has probably come; jos ~ (ken
In a flurry; ~ tuulessa sway (1. swing) In ties) maybe, perhaps, perchance, (hyvin
the wlnd, (esim. lippu) be rioatlng (l. riut- mahdollista) quite possible; jos ~ totta ir
terlng) In the breeze, stream In the win<l It be true.
(I. on the breeze); hn liehuu joka paikassa liennell: lientelee sateeksi a rin is gathershe bustles everywhere, she f llts ali around, Ing (I. coniing on), a torin Is brewlng, It
she flutters about; lippu/en liehuessa uith Is gettlng ready to rin.




liennytt mitlgate, soften (down), assuage,

soothe, allay; relleve.
lienteys sortncss; mi liliir<ss. gentlcness. lien
t! sort; mlld, gentle; sllght, moderate;
niclluw, Mami.
lientyi sorien; bc mltlgatcd (1. alleviated);
siibslde, abate; become less severe (1. vlolent 1. Marsh); (ilmasta:) moderate; (pllvetty) become overcast, cloud over; pak
kanen lientyy the cold Is abating, lt Is beglnning to moderate; laivat on lientynyt
the sky Is clouded over (1. up).
lient mitigate; (esim. tuskia) relleve,
soothe, case, allevlate, allay, assuage;
(lauhduttaa, esim. pakkasesta:) moderate.
liepeenkantaja traln-bearer; page.
liepeinen . .-hemrned [esim. kapea narrovvliemmed; u-ve- wlde-hemmed] .
liere round(lsh); rotund; cyllndrlcal. Ile
rohk roundlsh. liereminen roundsliaped, rounded, roundlsh.
lieri Mmi; Aatun brlm (1. rlm) of a bat.
lierinen (yhd.) . .-brlmmcd [esim. levebroad-brlnimed].
lieri cyllnder; (valssi) roller. lieriminen
liero worm; (onki-) angleworm, balt; (kas
temato) earthworm. lieromainen worm-like.
Heru: nt Heratta (koirasta:) wagglng its
lieruttaa turn and twist, wind; (kuv.) fawn
lipon..; ~ Antns(koirasta:) wag lts tali.
lierutua (kuv.) t'awiring; (hnnn) wagglng.
liesi flreplace; hearth; vrt. koti.
lieska ks. liekki. Hetkahtaa (esiin) Hame out
(I. up), riare (up), flash.
lieskauuni (tekn.) reverberatory furnace.
lieskua flutter; (liekki y. m.) flare; vrt.
leiskua, liekkua.
lieste (hameen) racing.
liestyminen untwlstlng, untwlning. liestyttminen untwlnlng. liestytt make . . untwlst (1. untwlne), untwist, untwine; (Ir
rottaa) loosen. liesty (kierty 1. kehitty
auki) unt\vlst, untvvine; (Irrottua) loosen.
liest race [a sklrt, hame].
liosu: lhte lietuun run away, Dee, decamp, vanlsh, take French leave, (jkpv.)
vamo(o)se, skedaddle; olla Hetatta (jkpv.)
Iiavc vamosed (1. skedaddled).
liete silt; (maatuma) alluvlum; (muta) mud.
mire; (riutta) bank; reef. -maa alluvlal
soll; alluvlum. -hiekka alluvlal sand.
-srkk recr (I. bank) of alluvlal sand.
lieto soft; gentle, tender.
lietsoa blow (up) [a fire, tulta], blow (1.
work) the bellows; (kuv.) ran [the splrit
of rebellion, kapinahenkeil], fan the
riame(s) of, add fuel to, foinent, abet; ~
palkeilla blow (1. work) tlio bellows.
lietsoin bIowlng-machlne, blower; fanblower; (palje) bellows.
Metsoja (palkeilla) one who blows the bcllows; (kuv.) Tanner, fomenter; vrt. yllyttj.
lietsominen blowlng; fannlng; romentation,
Iletsotin = lietsoin.
lietsu ks. liesu.
lietteinen sllty; (liejuinen) mlry, muddy.
lietteis- (yhd.) alluvlal [esim. -kerrottuma
alluvlal deposit; -maa alluvlal ground (I.
land); -maodottuma alluvlal rormatlon;
-tavi alluvlal clay].
Liettua Llthuania. liettualainen (a. & s.)
liettym alluvlal dcposlt, silt. lietty be
come choked (1. ohstructed) wlth rinc sedlinciit (1. \vltli silt), silt (up). liett Tili
(l. chokp) wltli sediment, silt up; form
alluvial deposlts.


lieve (helma) lierit : skirt; (laahus) train;

(reuna) border, edge; jonkin liepeell (l
hell) close to, (close) by, In the vtciiilty
(1. neighborhood) of; metsn HepeeU on
the sklrt (1. at the edge) of the forest;
nill liepeill (seuduin) in tbese parts (1.
reglons 1. latltudes). -nauha blas tape, tape.
lieveneminen (esim. tuskien) easlng (up),
moderatlon, (surun y. m.) assuaglng, abating; amelloration; vrt. lievet, lievennys
(helpotus, tuskien y. m.) rellef, ease, allevlatlon; (rangaistuksen y. m.) moderatlon,
lesscning; (huojennus) amelloration; initi
aation; abatemeut; vrt. huojennus, lieven
tyminen ks. lieveneminen.
lieventyi become less severe (1. vlolent),
sttbslde, abate; become (1. grow) milder;
become telleved (1. allevlated), be(come)
mltlgated; (Jkpv.) ease up.
lieventminen ks. lievennys; hdn [nln
hdn] lieventmitekti to relleve the distress [the famlne]. lieventv allevlating,
extenuatitlg; lieventvt asianhaarat extenuating circumstances.
lievent relleve, soothe, soften (down),
smooth, assuage, allay [the bitterness or
. . , jonkin katkeruutta] ; (tasottaa) iuodliy,
moderate, temper; (huojentaa) ease [the
terms, ehtoja], mitlgate [thelr sufferlngs,
heidn krsimyksin; the severlty of . . ,
Jonkin ankaruutta], allevlate, exlenuate; (vhent) Iessen; (asettaa) qulet,
quell, appease [the gnawlngs of hunger,
nln kalvavaa tuskaa] ; kipua rl tuskaa)
soothe (1. dull) the pain; relleve pain; lausunnon jyrkkyytt SOften (down) the
harsliness of an expression, tone down the
expresslon, make the report less severe;
~ rangaistutta rcdtice the punlsbment; ~
turua relleve (t. assuage) sorrow (1. grleD,
(jonkun) be a reller (1. a comfort) to one
in hls [her] sorrow (1. grler), make one's
sorrow easler to bear; ~ tuomio (ta) commute a sentence; ~ tatkia have a soothing
(1. a quieting) effect (on the nerves).
soothe the pain(s); vrt. lievitt.
lievetakki frock-coat; Prince Albert coat.
lievet => lieventy; tatkanl hieman lieveni
vt my pains left me a llttle more in peace,
I Teit some relief.
lievike rellef, ease, comfort; (helpotus)
abatement; remission; (lievennyskelno)
means or rellef.
lievimmin: anoen to speak with ali (I.
due) moderatlon, at the best, to say the
least (or lt).
lievittminen ks. lievennys, lievitt 1. =
lievent; 2. (lyhent) loose(n), undo.
linfasten, relax; aiAa lievitt taran tlrne
takes orr (1. dulls) the sharp edge or grter,
tlrne heals sorrow. lievityt relier, ease.
comrort; abatement, remission.
lievyys slightness; (Iskun, y. m.) gentleness; (tuomion y. m.) llghtness, mltdr.ess.
lenlency; (pakkasen y. m.) moderateness;
(helppous) easiness. liev sllght [attark
of fever, kuumekohtaus; pain, tuska] :
gentle [toucb, kosketus], soft; Utelu
[blow, isku; case of measles, tuhkarokko
tapaus; pttnishment, rangaistus] ; (helppo)
casy; (lauha) mlld [Winter, talvi], lenlent
[sentence, tuomio]; moderate. lievsti
sllghtly [wounded, haavottunut] , gently,
llghtly; easlly; mlldly, lenlently; moderately.
liha (ctup. elvn ruumiin) riesh; (teuras-)
meat; lihaa syv feedlng on flesh, (ellnt.)
carnlvorous; lihan himot (uskon.) the deslres or the riesh, carnal deslres; hyvss
Uhatsa (ihmisist:) in good conditlon.
(elimist, inyos:) wcll fed; vrt. hrn.

kanan*-, lampaan-, naudan*,
sian'*-, vasikan y. m.


liha- (ybd.) meat [esim. -liemi meat lirut li;

-piirantn meat i > i o 1 , .. or meat [esim.
-kappale piece Of meat; -pala(nen) bit (I.
morsel) of meat; -viipale sllce of meat];
riesh- [esim. -haava ries(i-wound; -krp
nen riesh-fly], . . of riesh [esim. -kappale
piece of riesh; -resu stireil of riesh]. -annos
portion (1. ration) of meat. -hakkuri
(meat-)block, butrher's(l. butchers') block.
lihainen, lihalta meaty; fleshy; (mehuisa)
pulpy; ~ pala a plece uitti plenty of meat
on lt; marealihainen [sitkelihainen] elin

an anlmal that wlll make tender [tough]

meat. lihakas fleshy; (lihainen) meaty.
liha kauppa meat market, butcherCs) shop.
-kauppias butcher, dealer tn meats, meatmarket mau. -keitto meat stew; (kasvis-)
vegetable soup. -kirves meat-ax; (butch
er^) cleaver.
lihakkuus fleshlness; meatlness.
lihaksenjinne tendon.
lihakseton . . \vitli no muscles; (elimist:)
. . wlthout (1. devold of) muscles.
lihaksinen 1. muscular; 2. (yhd.) . .-muscled, . . wlth . . muscles [esim. heikko
weak-muscled, wlth weak muscles; luja
strong-muscled, with strong muscles].
lihaksisto the muscles; muscular system.
lihaksisuus muscularlty.
lihaksitulo (usk.) Incarnatlon.
liha kuorukka (frlcd) meat-ball. -liemi
(meat) brotli, beef broth, clear (beef) soup,
Im Hiilleni; beef tea.
lihallinen fleshly, carnal; (aistillinen) sensual; veljeni my brotber In the riesh; ~
yhteys sexual Intercourse. lihallisesti In the
flesh; camally, sensually. lihallisuus fleshllness, carnality; sensuality.
hilamainen flesh-like, meaty; pulpy.
lihaj makkara [beef, pork, etc] sausage;
(sekallha-) Bologna sausage. -mehu 1. -neste
Juice of meat. -mehuste 1. -ekstrakti beef
extract, beer essence, essence of beef.
-muhennos stewed meat. -mylly meatgrlnder, meat-chopper; sausage-giinder
(I. -cutter). -myrkky ptomalne. -myrkytys
ptomaine polsoning. -mykky 1. -kontti
lump (1. mass) of meat (1. of riesh).
lihan kidutus mortlfication of the flesh;
ascetlclsm. -kurittaja ascetlc. -kuritus
ascetlclsm. -syj meat eater; lihansyjt
(ellnt.) carnlvora. -syjikasvi carntvnrous (l. insect-eatlng) plant. -synti out
in g rneat, llvlng on (a) meat (dlet) . -tarkas
tus tnspection or meat. -viri riesh-color;
(maal.) riesh-tlnt, carnatlon. -vrinen
liha: pata meat-pot: flesh-pot; Egyptin liha
padat (raam.) tue riesh-pots or Egypt.
-pulla ks, HhapyrylK. -puoli (vuodan)
flesh side, the flesh. -puoti ks. lihakauppa,
-pyryl Hamburger steak; meat ball, croquette. -ruoakset meat; viands. -ruoka I.
(ruokalaji) meat course; meat dlsh; 2. (li
haravinto) animal food, meat; el liharuoalla Ilve on a meat dlet.
lihas muscle; ihmisen lihakset (lihaksisto)
the muscular system of man, the muscles
or a human belng.
lihas- (yhd.) muscular [esim. -kudos mus
cular tlssuc; -toiminta muscular action;
-ty muscular work], muscle- [esim. -nyhhdym muscle-tvvltch; -ty muscle-vvork] ;
(lihasten-) . . or the muscles [esim. -toi
minta action of the muscles; -ty work of
the muscles]. -ekstrakti ks. llhamehuste.
-kimppu bundle of muscles; fasclculus.
-leini muscular rheumattsm; (lk.) mvalgit. -maha (linnun) glzzard, second (1.


musclcplasm(a) ; muscle-serum.
lihasoppa meat soup, soup \vitti meat In lt;
vrt. lihakeitto.
Iihas|syy 1. -sie muscular fibcr.
lihasten- (yhd.) . . of the muscles, muscu
lar [esim. -jnnitys exertion of the mus
cles, muscular exertion; -supistus contrat' tlon of tho muscles, muscular contraction].
lihasi; tunto
sensatlon; (-aisti) muscular sense. -tuppi
sheath of a muscle; (unut.) epiniysliiin.
-voima muscular strength (1. poxver).
lihaton fleshless.
lihautua, lihaantua get (1. become) ra\v (I.
ohulVil ) ; vrt. sieretty.
lihava fat, fleshy; (Illan) corpulent, obese;
(pullea) plump, chubby; (maasta, pellosta
y. m.:) rlch; lihavilla kirjasimilla in boldface(d type). lihavahko Incllned to stoutness (1. to corpulency), (somewhat) stout;
(tytelinen) plump. lihavakasvoinen i.h
(1. plump-)faced, chubby.
lihavan lainen 1. -lnt ks. lihavahko.
lihavanukas (keltt.) meat puddlng.
lihava, peltoinen .. \vltli rlch (1. fertile)
flelds. -poskinen fat- (1. plump -)cheeked,
lihaveiui butcher-knlfe; (llhanlelkkuuta
varten ruokapydss) carvlng knilo, meat
lihavuus fatness; stoutness; (liika) corpulence, obeslty; vrt. liika.
lihdata (pellavia) svvlngle, scutch.
lihoa ks. lihota, lihominen grovving (1. gettlng) fat, fattenlng. lihota grow (1. get)
fat, fatten, fat [by other people's labor,
toisten tyst] ; gain (1. put on) flesh,
get (1. gro\v) stout (1. fleshy). lihottaa
make . . fat (1. plump); (sytt lihavaksi)
rattiin, fat (up), (elukoita) soil. lihottami
nen rattenlng; rattlng. lihottamishoito
lihot usparannus.

lihotus rattenlng; rattlng. -parannus cure

by rattenlng (1. by getting In good condltlon).
lihotuttaa = lihottaa.
lihta (pellava-) svvlngle; scutch(er). lihtaaminen, lihtaus s\vingllng, scutching. lihtauskone swingllng- (1. scutchlng-)machtne, scutcher.
lilaksi too much, overmuch, too, excesslvely; (Jmn) more than enougli, more
than a plenty, moro . . than needcd (1. tlian
requlred), (enough and) to spare; (yli voi
mien) beyond one's strength; vrt. liian;
[verbien yhteydess kytettyn liiaksi
knnetn tavallisesti verbiin liitetyll
etutavulla over- (harvoin: sur-), esim. sy
d overeat, velottaa overcharge Jne. J ;
hienostunut overrerined, overnlce;
kiihottuneessa mielentilassa In a State of
overexcitement; ~ kiihottunut overexclted,
(esim. hermosto) overwrought; rasittu
nut overstralned, over\vrought [nerves,
hermosto], overexerted, worn out, \vorn
down; sivistynyt overclvillzed; kaupun
gissa on asukkaita the city Is overpopulated (I. too densely populated), the city
Is overcrowded (1. Is crowded wlth people) ;
vrt. rasittaa, rasittua, syd y. m. liiaksi
kin (even) more than enough, (cven) more
than requlred, enough and to spare.
liiaksua ks. paljoksua.
liiallinen too great, too large; (llioteltu) exaggerated; overdone; (liikaa oleva) superriuous, surplus, redundant, superabiindant;
(tarpeeton) unnecessary; (kohtuuton) Inordinate, unduo [formallty, muodollisiin den noudattaminen!, lmmoderato; < liikunainen) excessive Ifreedoiii, vapaus], (an)

excess or..,extravagant,exorbltant; hmm- liika- (yhd.) over-, excesslve [esim. -hie
mottetu OVcrllldUlgellCe; herkkyys over- nosta* overrerinenient, exoessive reliiiesensitiveness, supersensltivencss; ~ innoi
ment; -paino overxveight, exoessive wcight;
tta excesslve zeal, an excess of zeal; -tuotanto overproduction, exoessive Pro
kohteliaisuus cxeesslve (I. cxaggerated) duction] ; excess [esim. -paino excess
politeness; ~ levottomuus (mys:) over- \velght; -pakaasi excess baggage], surplus
anxlcty; rasitu* overexertlon, overvvork,
[esim. -rahat surplus cash (1. money);
(lukemalla) overstudy; tunnontarkkuum -vest surplus population]; (harvoin:)
overscrupulousness, ovemlce consclence; super-, sur-; vrt. yli-.
liialliset vaatimukset excesslve pretenslons. liikaa too much, to excess; maksaa ~ (hin
liiallisesti too mucli; excessively. In excess; taa) pay too much, pay too hlgh a price;
superriuously, unnecessarily; unduly; ex- olla be too much, be superriuous, (tar
travagantly, exorbltantly. liiallisuus ex- peeton) not be needed, (tiell) be (only)
cess(lvencss), extravagance, exorbltance; in the way [huom. tunnen olevani ~ tll
Immoderateness; superriulty; (rlmi- I reel myseir one too many (1. I reel In the
syys) extreme; ks. menn (liiallisuuksiin). way) liero] ; siin mi ole manaakaan there
tilan too, too much; (kohtuuttomasti) be- ls not a (1. not one) word too much (1. too
yond (ali) measure, to excess, excessively, many) In lt; miina on paljon ~ there Is a
Immoderately; ~ herkk (mys:) over- good deal too much (in lt), (Hiottelua)
sensltlve, supersensltlve, hypersensltlve; there Is much (1. a good deal or) exag~ kohtelias (mys:) overpollte, overclvll; geratlon in lt; syd ~ ks. syd; yksi
~ pitkn ks. nukkua; ~ laari tOO big (1. one too many.
great 1. large), excesslve; ~ tarkka (mys:) liika-asutus overpopulation.
overparticular, overnlce; vhn keitetty liikahdella stlr, move; liikahteli vhn aikaa
underdone, rare; ~ vhn paistetta under- kept stlrrlng Tor a whlle.
done, (uunissa) slack-baked; kaupungin liikahdus movement, stlr; (liike) motlon.
asukasmrn peltn kasvavan ~ suu liikahduttaa (cause . . to) move, stlr; (Jr
reksi lt is reared that the city wlll be over- kytt) dlsplace; paikaltaan budge. stlr,
populated (1. vvlll become overcrowded). start. liikahduttamlnen moving, stlrrlng;
(paikaltaan-) budglng.
Miankin even too . .; even too much.
liiatonkin (erittinkin) partlcularly, espe- liikahtaa (make a) move, stlr; (paikaltaan)
clally, In partlcular, above ali [when . . , budge; [istua] liikahtamatta [Slt] motlonless, [Slt] still; ei Imhtikn liikahtanut
kun ..].
liidell rioat [In the air. Ilmassa], hover; there was not a lear stlrrlng; lk liikah
soar [hlgh In the air, korkealla Ilmassa]; tako paikaltanne dnn't Stlr. liikahtamaton
sali [through the atr, halki Umojen], svvim; motlonless; immovable; stationary, Nxed.
(lennell, lehahdella) fllt along (1. about), liikahtaminen moving, stlrrlng; budglng.
gllde (along); (riippua vapaasti) hang [in liika jnnitys too hlgh a tension, stralned
mld-alr, taivaan Ja maan vlill].
tension, too great a straln, too much siruin.
liiduta chalk; ~ itsens get o.s. chalky (ali overtvrought (I. hlgh-strung) state. -kasvu
excesslve (1. undue) growth; (lk. li blol.)
over), get (ali) covered with chalk.
liidtt let . . glide, let . . Ny; drlve . . hypertrophy. -kuormitu* 1. (-kuormitta
alung [at great speed, kovaa vauhtia], sail minen) overloadlng, overhurdenlng; 2.
(-kuorma) excesslve load (1. burden), over. . along.
liiemmalta too much; beyond measure, to load, overcharge, surcharge. -liha t. (liha
villa Ihmisill:) roll s or fat; 2. (haavassa)
excess, excessively.
proud riesh, (lk.) exuberant granulations.
hieta bo enough to spare; (riitt) bc -lihavuus
excesslve ratness, obeslty, adlenough (1. surricient) [Tor two, kahdelle], poseness; liikalihavuuden
rasittama (l. vai
surrice; (Jd) be lert, romuin; (olla ky
vaama) encumbered (1. burdened) \vith too
tettvn) be avallable, be at [one's] dls- much
-maa surplus
posal; liikenetk sinulta pari dollaria (voit
liiinl. -maksu (esim. pileteist) excess
ko luovuttaa) can you spare me a couple Tare;
nm oh.
Of (iollars? liikenemn asti (Jmn) to overcharge. -mr excess (1.toosurplus)
spare, morc than needed (1. required); jos amount, surplus(age); excess; oversupply,
aikaa liikenee lf anv time Is lert, il there overamount; exuberance, superriulty.
is any time to spare; jos rahoja liikenee il
there are surricient runds, ir there is any liikanainen (tarpeeton) superriuous, super
money to spare, ir there Is money enough. abundant, redundant; surplus; unneces(liian suuri) too great, too big, too
liihotella rioat; hover [In the air, limassa], sary;
(Illallinen) excesslve, (an) excess or
soar [alort, korkealla]; gllde [along like large;
Innostus]; extravagant [demand,
a shadow, varjon lailla]; sali [through the
undue; (Hiotettu) exaggerated.
air, lpi ilman] ; s\vlm; lent - rilt along vaatimus],
(I. about). liihotteli! hovering, soarlng, excessively; superriuously,
extravagantly; unduly. lilkaglldlng along, salling; riittlng along.
reliika I. (a.) too much, overmuch; (tarpee
ton) superriuous, superabundant, surplus dundance; excess(lveness); extravagance.
[population, vest]; excess, .. In excess; liika nimi (sukunimi) surname, ramlly naine :
(liiallinen) excesslve; (lilkanalnen) undue; (lisnimi) by-name, epithet; (haukkuma
(liat rahat tuodaan takaisin the extra money nimi) nickname, sobrlquet; liikanimelt
(1. the money in excess) will be brought "Pitk Jummi" nlcknamed "Long John".
baok; ~ kiihotus overexcitement; osa the -ponnistus overexertlon. -rasitu* over
surplus (1. excess) part, the surplus(age); exertlon, overvvork; overstraln. -sanainen
~ rasitus overexertlon, overwork, over- redundant, pleonastlc. -sanaisuus rodun
straln (or work); ~ ty overwork, cxces- dance, pleonasm; verboslty.
sive work. II. (s.) excess; (ylijm) sur- liikata (nilkuttaa) limp, \valk lame (1. \viin
plus(age); remalnder; (kasvain) tumor, a limp), hobble; (ontua) hait.
groVVth; liikaa kS. IiakUS.; liikoihin ks. men liikauttaa ks. liikahduttaa.
n; liikoja k s. laskea, luulla, vaatia. III. liika! varvas corn; bunlon. -velotus over(adv.) too [much, paljon; big, suuri], vrt. deblting; overcharge, surcharge. -verisyys
liiaksi, liian.
superabundance (1. oversupply) or blood;

ii..ik.) plethora, -verotus overtaxation, circles, among business men. -salty (1. v.)
excessive taxation.
merchant class.
Mike motion; movement; (liikunta, toimin- lukonominen: Iminha ooit pahua niiden Hita) action; (kauppa-) business, (business) henemiscsta how iMii you speak there
concern, affair; (litkenne) traffic; (kden-) being enough of them to spare.
gesture, gesticulation; tiikktflle on the liikollnero genius (1. wizard) for business.
move, astir, Into action, (kone y. m.) In -neuvo: liikentuvat means of transit (1.
motion, ks. lhte, p.inna, pasta, miada; transportation), communications.
liikktell (jalkellla) on the move, on the Inkeneva available; spare, extra: surplus;
~ aika spare time, (joutoalka) leisure; go. astir, (kiertmss) on the road, go
ing the rounds, (raJia y. m.) In circulation, tahhi a coat one does not need, en extra
(eslm. huhutsta:) current, aflnat; iiikkte- coat; liikencvat varat (any) surplus cash
*t*n (lllkkeelle) In motion, going, (kierta- (I. funds), extra cash, surplus, (kaytettitmn) Into circulation, ks. laskea; Hhh*t*sa V1SS& olevat) available funds (1. resources).
(kynnlss) In motion, going, (tolmlnnas- liikenimi firm-name, firm.
sa) in action, (rahasta y. m.:) in circula Inkenne traffic; avataan liihenteelle will be
tion, (buhuista y. m.) current, afloat, vrt. opened for traffic (I. to the public) ; junaedell.; Minan on oltava aikaitin iikketlla train traffic, train-service; pit (yll) lii(mys:) you must be up (1. be stirring) kennett keep (the) traffic going (1. open),
early; Vrt. kauppa, kierto~, pankki~, (rautatlella, mys:) run the trains.
Inkenne- (yhd.) traffic [eslm. -ohittnt
aarto y. m.
I. ike- (yhd.) 1. business [eslm. -penante traffic regulations; -otatto traffic depart
business principle; -tuntemu> business ment; -tarkastaja traffic inspector] , .. Of
knowledge; -yrityi business enterprise], traffic [eslm. -kttku* center of traffic;
. . of business [eslm. -Aaara branch (1. -tarhastaja inspector Of traffic]. -este
line) of business; -tantemu* knowledge of obstacle to traffic; block (on the line 1. in
business]; (kauppa-) commercial; 2. (III- the street); liiktnnt-*mtten takia on ac
kunto-) motive [eslm. -energfa (I. -tarmo) count of the traffic (1. line) being blocked,
motive energy; -kyky motive faculty], -ala on account of there being an obstacle to
field of business; (haara) line of business; traffic (1. there being some obstruction on
aniautua Hiktalall* choose a business ca the line), -haiiitus (1. v.) Traffic Depart
reer, enter (1. make a start In) the busi
ment, -konttorl offices of the Traffic De
ness world, -apulainen clerk, -asema partment, -oppi kinematics, cinematics.
(state of) finances, financial position, -paallikk traffic-manager; manager of
(jonkln lllkehuoneen) financial rating. traffic, -relttl 1. -suunu traffic-route,
-asa matter of business, business matter; route of traffic, -tilasto statistics of traf
olla liikeasoissa jonjtun kanssa tliivi' Illl-i
fic, -tirehtoori traffic-manager; IHhennetirehtrin apulainen
traffic ness relations with, have business trans
actions with, transact business with . . , manager, -turvalllsuus safety (1. security)
deal with . . , know one In a business way. of (the) traffic, -yhtey traffic commun!
-lin organ of locomotion, -elm business cation; (traffic) connectlon(s).
life; liibe-elm on amassa business IS de- lilkenopeus ks. Hikuntanopeu.
Mikenteinen (yhd.) with . . traffic [eslm.
pressed (1. Is dull 1. Is slow).
i'ilkas~ kaupunki a city with busy (I. with
liikehdys move(ment); (sot.) evolution.
lively) traffic.
liikehermo (anat.) motor nerve, motor.
nSkkanta: liikenkkannalta (kateoen)
liikehtiminen moving (about), stirring.
from a business point of view, -nkkohliikehti move, stir; move about; (sot.) ma- dat
considerations, -paikka place
ncuvre; kapinallittt liikthtivt the Insur
business; liikepaikka a good place
gents are stirring (1. are making a move). of
to carry on business, a good business town
Inkehuonelsto place of business; (konttorl-) (1. place), -pula business (1. commercial 1.
business offices, office rooms.
financial) crisis; (ylelnen) panic, -paoma
capital (to carry on business with), -suhInkekannallo pao 1. -aaetuminen (sot.) mo
teet business relations; (-olot) business
Inkc kanta: attttaa (1. panna) liikekannallt conditions, -tarmo (fys.) kinetic (1. active
mobilize; (aota)joukot ovat liikekannalla 1. dynamic) energy, -tolmlsto office; bu
the troops are being mobilized, -keinottelu reau, -tottumus 1. (lllkekokemus) experi
business speculatlon(s). -kepponen trick ence In business, business experience; 2.
In business, trick of the trade, -ketku i
(lliketavat) business habits, -tuttava busi
ness acquaintance; (kaupp.) patron, client;
business center; 2. (liikunta-) motive cen
ter, -kokemus experience In business, (ostaja) customer, -varat ks. lkepoma.
business experience, -kumppani (business) -voima motive power (1. force); (kyttpartner; ottaa joku liikekamppanikseen volma) propelling power, -voitto profit,
take one Into partnership, -kumppanuue -vtlitys ks. liikenneyhteys ja seur. -yhteys
(business) partnership, -kunto: olla IU- business connection; (-suhteet) business
kekannoita be In working (1. in running) relations; (liikenneyhteys) communication,
order; be ready for (I. open to) traffic; intercourse; of/a iik*yht*yjt*ia onkun
be passable, vrt. seur. -kuntoinen . . In kanita be in business relations (1. have
working (1. In running) order; ready for business connections) with ... be con
(1. open to) traffic; (ajokuntolnen, eslm. nected In a business way with . . .
tie) passable; (aluksln kuljettava) navi liikkaammen limping; halting,
gable, -kyky 1. (lllkemles-) business abil lukkeelle paneva motive, motor; (kuv.) Im
ity; 2. = lllkuntakyky. -laki 1. business pelling [force, viiniri . -pao (sot.) mo
law; 2. (liikunta-) law of motion, -maail- bilization, -panosuunnitelma plan of mo
ma business world; (kauppa-) commercial bilization.
lukkeen antaja patron, client; customer.
(1. mercantile) world.
liikemie business man; man of business (1. -harjottaja business man. -hoitaja (busi
ness) manager, -holto management (of the
of affairs), -kunto 1. -kyky ability (1. ef
business), -luontomen businesslike.
ficiency) as a business man; business abil
ity (1. efficiency), -moraall business mor liikkeeseenlaskeminen (setellen y. in i Issue,
als, -pliri: liikcmitspiireiMid In business emission.



liikkeinen (yhd.) 1. ..-movlng-, . .-motloned

[esim. hidas~ sloxv-movlng-, slow-motloned; nopea qulck-movlng, quick-motloneilj ; 2. (-lilkentelnen) with .. trafric
s esim. vilkas- wilh llvely (1. busy) trarrtc].
liikkikysi (mer.) bolt-rope, (pystyliikkl)
liikki nam.
liikkua move, stlr; move about; (hievahtaa)
budge [Trom the spot, paikaltaan]; (olla
liikkeess) be In motlon; (kiert) be in
circulatlon, circulate, (huhu y. m.) be
arioat, be current; (olla yleisen) be
abroad; (kulkea) travel, Journey, 8ro, pass:
l>roceed; liikkumatta ks. bakus.; [outoja
liikkuu mielestni
thoughts] stir vvlthln me, (vlkkyy) is
[aie] berore my mlnd's eye, Is present to (1. gllmmers In) my mlnd [huom.
kaikenlaisia tuumia liikkuu mielessni I'm
turnlng over (1. I'm revolvlng) ali sorts or
srhemes (1. plans) In my mlnd] ; ei lehti
kuun liikkunut there \vas not (even) a lear
stirrlng, not a leaf stirred; n ole liikkunut
koko pivn ulkona I have not been out
(I. not set foot outdoors 1. not stirred outdoors) ali day; huhuja liikkuu rumors are
current (1. are in circulatlon 1. are arioat),
rumors (1. reports) are abroad, there are
rumors (1. there Is a report) [that ..];
kadulla ei liiku ketn nobody IS movlng
on the Street, there Is no one on the Street,
there is no movement (1. no stlr) on the
Street; kaupungissa liikkuu kulkutauti (on
liikkeell) there Is an epldemic (golng the
rounds) In the city, an epldemic Is abroad
in the city; miss olet liikkunut where
have you been? uhere have you kept yourself ? . . mit hnen mielessn liikkuu . .
-uhat is going on (1. Is stirrlng) In hls
mlnd; myrsky liikkui tllkin the Storm
tourhed (1. reached 1. hit) here too, we got
a touch (1. a taste 1. a sample) of the storm
(, too) ; ristiriitaisia tunteita liikkui hnen
rinnassaan he was torn by conriictlng omotlons; se liikkuu It Is beglnnlng to move,
(esim. kuolleeksi luullusta elimest:) lt
ShOWS sig-ns or liro; alh liikkuko paikal
tanne don't stlr (from vvhere you are).
liikkuja one who (l. anythlng- that) moves
(1. Stlrs); vrt. ikiliikkuja.
liikkumatila space to move, room to move
about, elbo\v-room; room to swing (1. to
play) In, swing, play.
liikkumaton Immovable. lmmoblle, motlonless; (jrkkymtn) unshakable, unshaken,
rirm, steartfast; (paikallaan oleva) stationary, fixed; hn makasi siell kylmn
ja liikkumattomana (mys:) he lay there
rlidrt in death.
liikkumatta without maklng a stlr (1. a
move); motionless, stlll; olla be motlonless, be (1. stand) stlll, be at a standstlll;
on ollut pitkn aikaa (mys:) has not
moved (1. not stlrrpd) Tor quite a while;
vrt. seur.
Ilikkumattomastl lmrnovably, motionlessly;
liikkumattomuus lmmovabillty;
tnotlo'nlessness; rirmness.
liikkuminen movingr, stirrlng; movement,
motlon; (liikenne) trarric.
liikkumis ala space to move, eIbow-room;
(tll) space, room, (kuv.) srope; vrt. liik
kumatila, -kyky
liikkuva mnvlng; mobile: Noating [capital,
poma: pnpulation. vest] ; (Jota voi
daan liikuttaa) rnovable; kalusto (rau
tateiden) rolling-stock; palkka-asteikko
slirting scale of waires; liikkuvat kuvat
(elvt) movlng plctures, motion-plctures,


(Jkpv.) movics. liikkuvaisuua mobllity;

liikunta motlon; (liike) movement. -kyky
povver or voluntary motlon, power or locomotlon; motlve power. -nopeus rate of
speed; (etup. rys.) veloclty. -vapaus rreedom to move about; (Ulkkumlstlla) room
to move about, space to move, elbow-room.
liikunto motlon; movement; vrt. ruumiin,
-hermo (anat.) motor nerve.
liikuskeleminen, liikuskelu movingr about.
liikuskella move about, walk about; be on
the move (1. the go), be astir; (matkus
tella) travel.
liikutella move, keep movlng; (1. stirrlng-);
(ksitell) handle. liikuteltava rnovable;
(slirtonainen) portable.
liikutettu: Uikutettuna greatly moved, in (a
state of) emotion, wlth emotlon, (Jkpv.) =
humalassa ks. humala; liikutettuna jostakin
moved (I. stirred 1. touched 1. alTected) by
a th.; syvsti liikutettuna deeply moved
(1. affected), cut to the heart (1. the qulck).
liikuttaa move, stlr (molemmat mys kuv.);
(pit liikkeess) keep In motlon, keep go
lng; (panna liikkeelle) set golng, piit tn
motlon; (siirt) budg-e: dlsplace; (koskea)
concern, arrect; (hellytt) touch, soften;
ksivarsiaan move one'S arms: se ei lii
kuta minua it does not concern me, it is no
business (1. no concern 1. no arraln of
mine, lt Is none of my business; se liikutti
sydntni lt touched (1. moved) my heart.
liikuttaminen movlng-, stirrlng-; budglng:
movlng-, stirrlng-, touchingr fslght, nkvl,
alTectlng; pathetic, plteous. liikuttavasti In
a stirrlng manner, touchlngly, pathetically.
liikutus 1. = liikuttaminen; 2. (kuv. = mieIpnllikutus) emotion; reeling-; (kkininen)
ShOCk; liikutuksesta sanattomana speechless from (1. with) emotion; itke liiku
tuksesta cry wlth (1. Trom) emotion; vrt.
liima glue; cement; (kasvi-) mucilage; (pa
perin valmistuksessa y. m. kytetty) slze,
slzlng-; ks. liisteri; vrt. mys: kala-, kas
vi, lintu, luu y. m. -aineet gluey (1.
glutlnous) substances; mys = Himakset.
liimaamaton not glued; (paperi) not slzed.
liimaaminen g-lulng; slzing; vrt. liimata, lilmaharja glue(-pot) brusb. Hintainen gluIsh, gluey: vrt. Himamainen. liimakattila
grlue-pot. Himakset material(s) from which
glue is made. glue-stock. liimaliitos glued
seam (1. Joint). Himamainen gluey, glutinous, glulsh; (tahmea) vlscous. liimankeitto glue-maklngr (1. -manufacturing);
bolllng glue.
liimal pannu glue-pot. -puikko llme-twig,
liimata glue [together, yhteen; on to, kiinni
Johonkin]; slze [paper, paperia],
liimaus t. liimaaminen; 2. (konkr.) glued
Joint, -aine glue. -puristin cramp,(screw-)
liimauttaa have . . glued.
liimautua get (1. be) glued; - kiinni johon
kin get (1. become) glued to . . , get stuek
(Tast) to . . .
liima vesi slzlng, (glue-)slze; thln g-lue.
-vri color mixed wlth slzlng; dlstemper(vesivri) water-color: (valkaisu-) calclmine. kalsomlne. -vrinen . . coated vvlth
dlstemper; calclmlned, whltewashed.
Himottaa coat with glue (1. vvlth size)
Liina Lina: Caroline.
liina I. (liinavaate) Unen; (pellava) flax(huivi) kerchier; 2. (kysi) rope, (mer.) llne.
liina- (yhd.) linen [esim. -lakana Unen sheet;
-nauha linen lape] ; vrt. pellava-, -harja 1



(s.) horse with a llght-colorcd manc. II.

(a.) . . wlth a llght(-colored) mane.
liinainen Unen. liinakangas linen (cloth).
liinakko - liinaharja, liinan nukka 1. -nyh
t llnl.
Inna ompelus plaln needle-work, plaln sew1 1 1 tr. -tavarat llnens, Unen goods. -tukka
(shock of) Ilaxen halr.
liinavaate Unen (cloth); liinavaatteet llncn
(mys = alusvaatteet), -kaappi linen-closet,
llnen-press. -kauppa store carrylng a llne
or llnens, (Engl.) llnen-draper's (shop);
(osastokaupan) Unen department. -varasto
stock or Unen; (kauppapuodin) llne (1.
stock) of llnens.
liinaljy llnseed-oll.
liioin: '(M) - (= el myskn) not ..
either, nelther, (kieltvn lauseen jljes
t:) nor [esim. tina et ny olevan onnelli
nen, enk min you don't scem to be
happy, nor (1. nelther 1. no more) am I;
min en sit usko I don't belleve lt
either, nelther (1. nor) do I belleve lt].
luotella exaggerate; (esityksessn) overstate, overdo, stretch, make exaggerated
statements; (suurennella) magniry; (men
n rlmlsyykslln) go to exress (I. to extremes); kuvauksessaan exaggerate (In)
one's descrlptlon; stretch one's descriptlon, stretch lt: ~ osassaan (nyttelijst
puhuen:) overdo (1. overact) one's part.
liiotellusti exaggeratedly, In too strong (1.
too gioxving) terms, wlth too strong language. liioteltu exaggerated; overdone;
(liiallinen) excesslve; (kohtuuton) extravafrant [pralse, ylistys] ; luoteltua kielt
(mys:) hyperbOle; hnen elenyttelyns
oli Hiotettua, hnen eleens olivat luoteltuja
hls irestures were (1. his gestlculatlon was)
overdone. luottelematta wlthout (any) exaggeratlon. luotteleminen ks. Hiottelu.
liiottelija exaggcrator; one who Is lncllned
to overdo (1. to stretch 1. to magniry)
thlngs. Hiottelu exaggeratlon ; (puheessa)
overstatement; (liiallisuus) excess; extravagance, extravagant langtiage, hyperbole.
liipaisin (kivriss) trlgger; vet liipaisi
mesta puli the trlgger, vrt. seur. liipaisu
1. (laukaista) puli the trlgger; 2. liipata,
liipaisu I. pulllng the trlgger; 2. (pyyhklsy) stroke, rub; graze.
liipata (pyyhkist) pass Ughtly over, stroke;
sxveep: graze; liki liippasi (Jkpv.) it was
a close shave.
liipotin (kellossa) balance(-wheel).
Hippa, Hippi, liippo k, lippo.
liippakivi grlndstone: mys kovasin.
Liisa Ellza(beth); (jkpv.) Ltzzle.
liite: taseet hran. -Jauhot unbolted riour.
hran. -leip bran bread.
liiseminen branny. liisesekalnen niixed
wlth bran.
liuta (piena) moldlng, llst(cl); (sle) spllnt.
liiste spllnt: siat, lath; vrt. ale.
liisteri (sltku) paste. Iliateriminen pdsty.
liisterid pastc [Into a scrapbook. leikekir
jaan]: gum, stick Ta th. onto. Jokin (kiin
ni) Johonkin]; (tekn.) slze. liisteriminen
pastlng; slzing. HisterflitsiJ one \vlin
pastes, paster.
liistottaa spllnt; (lujentaa lllstottamalla)
rish. IlletotUminen siiiiuting. liistotus I.
- Histottaminen; 2. (konkr.) lattlce(work),
liito (kirjaan) appendix: (asiakirjoihin, sa
nomalehteen y. m.) supplement; (lakieh
dotukseen y. m.) rlder; (kirjeen y. m. mu
kaan pantu) enclosure; (lisys) addltion:
(Jlklllsys, kirjeeseen) postscript; (liitos)
Joint; (Jatkos) scarf, spllce; (sauma) seam;
an*(a liitteistn rlp, burst the seams,


burst every seam; korjaukset ja liitteet

(esim. asiakirjoissa) addenda; vrt. alku,
loppu , -kirja supplement.
liiteleminen, liitely Hoating, hovering, soarIng; gllding; satllng; vrt. liidell,
liiteri (vaja) shed, house [esim. puu~ vvoodshed, vvood-house] ; vrt. vaunu.
liitesana (kiel.) connectlve; (loppunne) sufTlx; vrt. sidesana,
liitinaine cement; blnder; vrt. sideaine.
liitoksinen (yhd.) \vitli .. jolnts (1. seams),
. .-Jolnted [esim. hll~ with loose Jolnts
(1. seams), loose-Jointed].
liitonllarkki (raam.) the aik of the covenant.
-teko formlng or an alllance, enterlng into
a league (I. an alllance) [wlth.., junkun
liitos Joint; Juncture; (Jatkos) scarf, (esim.
kydess:) spllce; (sauma) seam, (tiet.)
suture; (limitys, muurissa y. m.) bond;
aueta (\. laueta ) liitoksistaan rip, Inu st the
seams. -kohta Juncture, Joint.
liitteinen (yhd.) with . . supplements [esim.
moni~ wlth several supplements].
liitto alllance, league, union, coalition; (liit
toutuma) conrederacy, Confederation; (yh
agreement, compact, bond, (etup. raam.)
covenant; (sala) consplracy; vrt. liittmi
nen; [tehd Jotakin] liitossa jonkun kanssa
[do a th.] allled (1. leagued) vvith . . , (yk
sin tuumin) [do a th.] In conjunctlon
Wlth . .; liittoon ks. ruveta, yhty; olla lii
tossa jonkun kanssa be In league xv i l li . . ,
be allled (I. leagued) vvith . . [huom. he ovat
liitossa keskenn they aro allled (1.
leagued), (salaliitossa) they are In (1. have
rormcd) a conspiracy] ; vrt. kapina,
sala, valtio y. m.
liitto- (yhd.) federal [esim. -kokous federal
assembly; -valtio federal statej. -hallinto
executlve board of the federated socleties
(1. clubs). -hallitus rederal government;
liittohallituksen .. rederal [esim. liittohal
lituksen alue federal dlstrlct; liittohallituk
sen ( sota) jouhot Tederal troops] ; vrt. liit
tovaltio, -kumppani (liittolainen) conred
erate, ally.
liittokunta roalttion; alllance, league: confederacy, Confederation; (ammattiyhdis
tysten y. m.) rederatlon; liittokunnan jsen
(mys:) ally, conrederate; etelvaltioiden
(sisllissodan aikana) Southern Conred
eracy, the Conrederate Statos or America;
vrt. liittovaltio, -kokous conrederate as
sembly. -snt (Yhdysv. hlst.) Artlcles of
Conrederation; vrt. Hittovaltiosnt.
liittolainen ally, conrederate; (kannattaja)
adherent. rollower; liittolaiset the allies.
liittolais mielinen 1. -ystvllinen . . sympathizlng (l. In sympathy) \vith the allies.
liitto neuvosto rederal councll; (yhdistys
ten) councll or the rederated tinlons (1.
socleties 1. clubs). -sopimus treaty (or
conrederation) ; covenant. eonvcntlon.
liittoutua (lllttyty 1. yhty johonkin) Join
to, attach o.s. to; (muodostaa liitto) rorm
an alllance (1. a league), cntor Into an al
llance; (yhty keskenn) ally (1. leagtio)
thcmselves, league together, become al
lled, unltc, coalesce. onmbine, (vahlngoittamlstarkotuksessa) hand (1. troop) to
gether, conspire (together). rorm a gang.
liittoutuminen allying, tinitlng; roalltlon;
banding together. liittoutunut allled; liit
toutuneet the allies, the eonrerlorates; (sa
laliittolaiset) the ronsplrators.
liittoltvalta (one or the) allled (1. conreder
ate) power(s) ; liittooaltat the allled powers, the allies. -valtakunta (con) rederatlon;
(liittohallitus) rederal government.



liittovaltio I. (liittokuntaan kuuluva valtio)

Federal (1. conFederate) State, (Yhdysv.)
state of the Unton; 2. (lllttovaltakunta)
Tederal government, (Yhdysv.) the United
States; the Union; liittovaltion . . Federal
[esim. liittovaltion perustuslaki Federal
constltutlon; liittovaltion sotavki Tederal
troops]; Sveitsin the Swiss Confedera
tion. -Hnt Federal constltutlon.
liittyj (Johonkin yhdistykseen y. m.) one
who Jolns (1. who becomes a mcmber or)
[a Society]; yhdistykseen liittyji oli pal
jon there were many who Joined (1. many
to Join) the Society, liittyminen (Johonkin)
Jolnlng; Comblnation [Wittl . .] ; vrt. yh
teenliittyminen, liittymys (yhteen-) coalescence, coalltion. liittymkohta Junctlon;
(kosketus-) connectlon, polnt of contact;
(llltOS) Joint; vrt. yhtymkohta, liittyv:
johonkin liittyv Jolnlng.. , attachlng ltselF
to . . , (jotakin seuraava) accompanylng . .;
vrt. yhtyv,
liittyi Join [the strlkers, lakkolaisiin; a So
ciety, Johonkin seuraan]; attach o.s. to;
assoclate (o.s.) [with]; (Jseneksi) becomc a member oF, enter; (liittoutua) ally
o.s. [wlth them, heihin], (menn Jon
kun puolelle) side (1. go) wlth; (kytkey
ty) be(come) attached (1. added) to, enter
Into. (Jonkin yhteyteen) be(come) assoclated wlth, be lncorporated wlth; jo
honkin [johonkuhun] Join [the strike, lak
koon], attach o.s. to, (esim. liikekumppa
niksi) assoclate (o.s.) wlth, (Jonkun kan
nattajaksi) become a. Follower oF, (tav.
pahoissa tarkotuksissa) band (1. herd)
wtth . . , Join [a band oF brlgands, rosvoJoukkueeseen] ; [Joidenkin] joukkoon
Join company [wlth . .] ; ~ Johonkin puo
lueeseen Join (1. enter) a party, become a
member oT a party; ~ toisiinsa hyvin Flt
together vvell, Flt (nlcely); ~ yhteen Join
(together), (yhty) unlte, come together,
combine, (esim. kahdesta sotaven osas
tosta puhuen:) Join (1. combine) Forces,
(esim. vallankumouksellisista puhuen:)
band together, vrt. yhty; ~ yksiin tuumiin
jonkun kanssa make common cause wlth
one, Side \Vlth one; hakemukseen liittyi
useita todistuksia a large number oF testi monials (1. credentlals) vvere appended to
(1. accompanied) the appllcatlon; neen
liittyy suuria toiveita great hopes (1. expertations) are placed In (1. Fixert on 1.
entertalned OF) hiin; hnen nimens on liit
tynyt thn surulliseen muistoon hls name
has become assoclated (1. Is assoclated)
with thls sad mcmory (1. remembrance) :
johonkin liittyen attached to . . , appended
to . . , connected wlth . . .
liittminen Jolnlng; (mukaan) cnrlosing,
cnclosure; (yhdistminen) unitlng, connectlng; annexatlon; (Jonkin yhtevteen)
lncorporatlon; attarhment; (lisminen)
adrllng; vrt. liitt, liittv: liittvt kielet
(klel.) agglutinative laneuages.
liittytyminen Jolnlng, allylng o. s. [to . .] ;
(yhteen-) unltlng, Jolnlng Forces; vrt. seur.
lilttyty Join; attach o.s. [to . .] ; ally o.s.
[with (I. to) ..], assoclate o.s. [\vlth ..];
joukkoon (\ mukaan) join company; vrt.
liitt Join (together, yhteen]; (oheen 1.
mukaan) enclose [ one's letter, Jokin
kirjeeseens; testlmonlals vvlth one's ap
pllcatlon, todistuksia hakemukseensa], Inclose, annex; (yhdist) unlte, bring to
gether, combine, connect (together), couple
(together), assoclate [vvith ... johonkin];
(jonkin yhteyteen) Incorporate Tln (1.
vith), Johonkin], attach, append; (list)


add [a \vork to the library, teos kirjas

toon] ; ~ asiakirjoihin spread on the record(s), put on rile, add to (1. place in) the
proceedlngs; ~ lisksi add [a condition to
the contract. Jokin ehto sopimukseen], ap
pend; ~ loppuun annex [huom. pte
sanan loppuun add a SuFFlx to a \vord] ; ~
munaan enclose [a btll, lasku], add, ap
pend [esim. useita todistuksia oli liitetty
hakemuksen mukaan a large number OI
testlmonlals were appended to the appllca
tlon], vrt. seur.; Jotakin Jonkin oheen
annex (1. append 1. aFrix) a th. to . . , en
close a th. In ..; ~ jotakin puheeseensa
add . . to (1. Incorporate . . in) one's speech;
~ toisiinsa (\. yhteen) Join (together), put
together, unlte, combine, couple, (sovittaa
toisiinsa) Flt together.
liitu chalk; (Ultukyn) crayon; (llttupalanen) plece oF chalk (1. or crayon) ; ota (li
tua ja kirjota taululle take a plece oF chalk
and wrltc on the blackboard; vrt. tahrata
liitu- (yhd.) chalk- [esim. -piirros chalkdrawlng; -viiva chalk-llne]; (geol.) Cretareous [esim. -systeemi Cretaceous system] .
[taste, maku]; (tiet.) cretaceous.
liitul kausi (geol.) Cretaceous (period),
chalk period. -kerroetuma chalk (1. cre
taceous) deposlt. -lanka chalk-llne. -louhoa chalk -quarry, chalk-pit.
liitumainen chalky; cretaceous.
liitu muodostuma Cretaceous (1. chalk)
Formatlon. -palanen plece oF chalk; cray
on. -paperi enameled (1. coated) paper.
-valkea as white as chalk, chalky white.
-viiva mark wlth a plece oF chalk, (Hitumerkki) chalk-mark. -vuori chalk-clirr.
liitminen glidlng Jne., vrt. liit.
liitnninen I. (a.) (yhdys-) compound. II.
(s.) (klel.) compound (word).
liitnnlailpartikkeli (klel.) suFFix. -sana
(klel.) compound (word).
liitnt liittminen.
liit gllde [llke a shado\v, varjon lailla],
sali [through the air, halki ilmojen],
swim; (leijailla) Float, (korkealla) soar;
(kiit) hasten, hurry, speed, Fly; (luis
taa) slide, (syrjn) slip sideways, skld;
ohi hurry (1. Fly) past, shoot by; reki ~
the slelgh swerves (to one side), the sled
sklds (1. Is sklddlng), the cutter slldes to
one side, (kiit) the slelgh speeds along
(over the snow), the slelgh Is glidlng along.
Niva pulp, mash; jelly; vrt. seur.
liivakko gelatlne.
liivi vest, (Engl.) waistroat; (naisten) bodlce, vest; liivit (usein) = liivi: vrt. kure.
-kangaa materlal Tor vests (1. For walstcoats), vesting.
liivilinen (a. & s.) Livonian.
liivin- (yhd.) vest-, walstcoat(-) [esim.
-nappi vest (I. walstcoat) button: -tasku
vest-pocket; -vuori vest- (1. walstcoat-)
lintngl. -Jousi (naisten) stay.
liivinkieli Livonian. Lllvinmaa Llvonia.
lika dlrt. riitti; soil, (Jkpv.) inuss; (siivot
tomuus) uncleanliness, squalor; olla liassa
be dlrty, be soiled.
likaaminen dlrtying, solllng, bedraggllng,
(be)Fouling; vrt. liata.
likaantua get dlrty (1. dlrtied), become
soiled, soil; (laahautumalla) be(come) bedraggled: (saastua, vesi y. m.) become polluted. likaantuminen gettlng dlrty (1.
soiled); pollutlon.
likainen dirty; (eppuhdas) not clean, unclean, Impure [water, vesi] ; (tahraantu
nut) soiled [collar, kaulus], grlmy, smutty; (siivoton) unclean(ly), nasty, FUthy



(mys kuv.); iknv.) foul, obscene; futtu illlt V all.ltr; vrt. lokainen, roskainen.
likaisen- (yhd.) dtrty [esim. -harmaa dlrty
gray; -keltainen (liity yellovv; -ruskea
dlrty brown). -harmaa (mys:) .. o[ a
dlrty gray color.
hkaisesti in a dirty manner, dirtily, 1111cleanly; nitliily, roully. likaisuus dlrtiness, unclean(li)ness, impurity; rilthlness, foulness.
lika johto likaviemrijohto. -kaivo cesspool. -ltkk lokaltkko. -nimi (klrJap.) bastard title. -pilkku spol or dirt,
smudge, blt of smut, splotch; (kuv. =
tahra) staln, blut. -sanko slop-bucket,
slop-pall. -suojus(tin) mud-iruard. -torvi
waste-pipe; sewer-pipe; (keittin y. m.)
sink-hole, sink-pipe.
likautua, likautuminen ks. likaantua, li
likavesi slops; (viemrivesi) sevvagc; lika
veden puhdista* sewage-dlsposal.
likavesi- (yhd.) slop- [esim. -allas slopbasln; -sanko slop-pall]. -kaivo cesspool.
likaviemiri sewer; draln(-plpes). -Johto
drain-pipes, draln; sewer; laittaa kaupun
kiin likaviemrijohto put a sewer (system)
In the town. -jrjestelm sevver system,
sewerage; drainage. -putki 1. -torvi sevvcrplpe; draln-plpe. -vesi sevvage.
likel-, likek-, likel-, likem-, liken- ks. l
hti-, lhek-, lhel-, lhem-, lhen-. liketyksln ks. lhekkin, likeyty ks. lhet.
liki near, nigh, close; (lhell) close at
hand; (melkein, lhes) close (I. near) to,
rlose upon, (pretty) nearly, almost;
tunnin aimosi (l. pretty nearly) an hour;
l tule ~ don't come near! keep away!
keep your dtstance! vrt. lhelle, lhell,
lhelt ja lhes.
liki- (yhd.) (likimrinen) approximate;
(lhell oleva) nelghborlng [esim. -ueutu
neighborlng tract], adjacent; vrt. lhi-.
liki arvo approximate value: (mat.) ap
proximate quantlty. -arvoinen approxi
mate. -laskuinen (leivst:) soggy, heavy.
likimaa: likimaille approxlmately; ei liki
maillekaan not nearly, rar rrom lt, not
anywhere near [as many, niin monta], nowhere near.
likimain very nearly, next to: murh [the
same, sama], very much, almost, qulte:
ali but; (melkein) practlcally; (kutakuin
kin) as nearly as posslble [the Tuli amount,
tysi mr]: (suunnilleen) somcthlng
like, approxlmately: .noin) about, somewhere about. likimainen likimrinen.
likimainkaan: ei ~ not nearly, not hair, not
by a long way, rar rrom belng [so bad,
niin paha], (el sinnepinkn) nothlng of
the(l.tbat)klnd,nothlngllkelt, rar rrom lt.
likimainen nearest; naapuri next-door
(1. next) nelghbor: vrt. lhin.
liki mrin approxlmately, roughly: about:
something Itke; vrt. likimain, -mrinen
approximate, rough [estlmate, arvio].
likin (gen. likimmn) ks. lhin.
liki nkinen near-sighted; (lk.) myoplc.
-nkisyys near-slghtedness; (lk.) myopla. -piten likimain.
likisteleminen squeezing, jammlng Jne., vrt.
seur. likistell squeeze; be squeezing; (he)
Jam(mlng): press, pinch; (halailla) hug;
vrt. likist, likistely likisteleminen.
likistys squeeze: Jam; (syleily) hug: mys
= likistminen; joutua likistykseen l)e (1.
get) jammed (1. crowdcd), get Into a
tight placo (1. into a Jam). likisty be (1.
get) squeezed (1. jammed I. crovvded). be
pressed, be (1. get) plnched; sormeni Ukistyi ovenrakoon I got my (Inger plnched


(1. I plnched my Ilnger) in the door; vrt.

pusertua, likistminen squeezing, Jam
mlng, presslng, plnching, vrt. seur. likis
t squeeze [a p.'s hand, Jonkun ktt];
jam; crovvd; (puristaa) press, plnch; (ah
distaa) be tlght; kenk likist rinnasta
the shoe ptnrhes over the lnstep.
liklsyys ks. lheisyys, likitienoo ks. lhitienoo. likitty ville, -villa ks. lhetty|vllle,
-viU. likitysten ks. lhetysten.
liko: olla liossa soak, be soaklng; panna
likoon put . . to soak, (kuv., rahaa) spend.
-allas tub (I. vat) to soak things In.
likoamaan, likoamassa ks. liota.
liko elin lnCusorlan; likoelimet Inliisona.
-mrk sopped (l. soaked 1. wet) through,
sopplng (1. dripping 1. soaklng) wet; >elv.
olennoista:) \vet (1. drenchert) to the skln;
-paristo (shk.) plunge-battery.
likviiti (suoritus, palkanmaksu) pay(meut) ;
likri cordlal; llqueur; vrt. munkki.
lilja llly. -kasvi plant or the llly family.
liljanvalkea llly-vvhite.
Stone bramble.
Ilma sllme; (luonnont.) mucus; (liik.)
rlium, (ysks-) phlegm; (kasvi) mucllage; limaa ajava (\. sulattava) apophlegmatic, (rinnasta) expectorant; limaa ajava
lke expectorant; limaa erittv . . sccretlng muctis, pituitary.
Ilma- (yhd.) mucous [esim. -kerros rnucous layer; -kudos mucous tissuc] ; (har
vemmin:) muCOid [esim. -kasvain II 1 11 Cli li l
tumor] ; pituitary. -aine mucous matter;
mucin(e). -elin (alkuelin) protozoan;
(valhdoselin) amceba, ameba; (yi.) slimy
limainen sllmy; mucous; mucllagtnous. li
maisuus sllmlness; mucous character (1.
limakalvo mucous mcmbrane; (nenn) pit
uitary (1. Schnelderlan) membrane. limakalvontulehdus (mys:) catarrh.
Ilmamainen mucoid, mucous; sllmy. limamaisuu- ks. limaisuus.
Iimamohkle lump of slime, slimy lump.
liman eritys secretlon (I. discharge) or mucu.s (1. of phlegm). -Juoksu I. -vuoto dis
charge of mucus; (katarri) catarrh; vrt.
limalpolyyppl (lk.) polypus. -rauhanen
mucous gland; (aivojen) pituitary gland
(1. body). -sieni (kasv.) sllme-mold (1.
limaska 1. (kasv.) duck\vpert, durkmeat: il.
(sakka) dregs, grounds, Ices. limaskainen
slimy; (livettv) sllppery. limaskalsuus
sllmlness: sllpperlness.
limaskki (anat.) bursa.
Mml nverlap(plng), lap; olla limiss (over-)
lap (regularly), lap nver (each other).
-sauma lap- Joint; scarr(-Jolnt). -saumainen lap-Jointcd; (lalvanrak.) cllnkcr-bullt,
limittin wlth ertges nvcrlapping, so as to
overlap (each other). limittinen overlapplng (at the marglns), imbriratc(d).
limitt lap (over each other), put (1. plare)
. . so they vvill overlap. limitys (rak.) bond.
limitysten - limittin.
Umo young leary trec: leary branch. bongh:
koivun limoja young leary blrches, blrch
limonaati, limonadi (sitruunajuoma) lernonade: (yi. hllllhappolncn kuohujuoma)
sort drlnk, pop. -myyml lemonade stand,
stand vvhcre soft drlnks are sold. -pullo



ljottlo or pop; pop bottle. -tehdas bottling

works; sort drlnk Tactory.
limppu round loaT or bread.
limsmi (pii) flint.
linQota sling,' throw (wtth a sling); (len
ntt) riing-, hurl, Iet . . ny.
linimentti, linjamentti (lke) linlment.
linja llne; (kirjap.) rule; (koul.) course.
linjaali 1. (viivotin) ruler, rule; 2. (ajope
lien) sprlng. -rattaat sprlng wagon; buggy.
linjallaiva (sotalaiva) shlp oT tlie llne, battleshtp, llner. -laivasto shlps or the llne.
linjanlajo laying out (1. running) the llne;
staking orr. -kynti surveylng (oT) a llne;
laying out (the llne); vrt. cdell.
linjottaa 1. (maanm.) stako out (I. orr),
lay out [a railroad, rautatie]; 2. (vlivottaa) rule. linjottaminen, linjotus (maanm.)
staking out (1. oTT) ; (vllvotus) rullng.
linkku (oven) latch, thumb-latch; ratrh.
-veitsi clasp-knlTe; pocket-knire; (kyn-)
pen-knlfe; (suuri) Jack-kniTe.
linko sling; ("kummlpyssy") sllng-shot.
linkoaminen sllnglng. (inkoilla (tbrow
wlth a) sllng. iinkokivi stone Tor a sling.
linkomies, linkooja one who sllngs, sllnger.
linkoutua be slung, be sent flylng (1.
splnning, be hurled; vrt. singota.
linna castlc; (palatsi) palace; (llnnotus)
Tortress, rttartel, (etup. luonnon varustama)
stronghold; (vankila) Jall, prlson; tai il
taa linnatta was lmprlsoned, was conrined
in jall, (jkpv.) \vas behlnd the bars, \vas
sent up [for 5 years, vllsl vuotta), vrt.
istua, -kaivos moat, foss(e), dltch (of a
linnake rort.
linnamainen palatlal. linnamki inll uitli a
castle on lt; hill \vhere the castle stood;
(run.) castled hill.
linnan- (yhd.) castle, . . or the [a] castle
[esim. -muori castle wall, wall of the
castle; -portti castle gate, gate or the cas
tle] ; (Joskus:) palace. -alue the castle
grnunds; vrt. linnotusalue. -emnt lady
or the castle. -haltija lord or the castle:
(-vouti) castcllan. -herra 1. -Isnt lord
of the castle; vrt. linnanpllikk. -kaivos
linnakaivos. -kaltainen linnamainen,
-kirkko chapcl (of the castle) ; palaen
chapel. -kartano = linnanpiha, -pappi
castle rhaplain, chaplaln (or the castlc).
-piha castle vard; courtyard. -puisto cas
tle (1. palace) garden. -pllikk (linnotuksen) commandant: govcrnor of a Tor
tress (1. a rorttflert to\vn). -raunio(t)
ruins of a castle. -torni castle tower;
(ptorni) donjon, keep. -vahti 1. -vartija
castle warden; palace guard. -valli rampart of a fortrcss. -vouti castellan; keeper
(1. vvarden) of a castle. -vki = llnnavki.
linnalloikeua (hist.) rourt-baron. -palvelus
ganison Service, -rangaistus conflnement
In a Tortress; (vankila-) tmprlsonrnent,
penal servltude. -valli rampart. -valta
ks. linnaoikeus. -vanki prlsoner (in a Tor
tress); (rangaistus-) convlct. -varustuo
TortUication. -vouti = linnanvouti, -vki
(sot. ) garrlson.
linnikko ks. huntu.
linnottaa TortiTy; (vallittaa) entrench. iinnottamaton unfortifled ftown, kaupunki].
linnottautua fortiry o. s.: entrench o. s.
linnotue Tortlflcatlon: entrenchment: (lin
na) Tortress, citadel. stronghold; (linna
ke) Tort. -alue district under the rontrol
oT a Tortress (I. oT a TortlTIed to\vn). -Jr
jestelm system oT TortlTications (I. or
Torts). -laitos TortlTications. -taito art (1.
science) oT Tortlflcatlon. -tykist heavy


ordnance. -ty bullding (1. erectloii) of a

Tortress (1. or Tortresses), fortirication.
-vki (llnnavki) garrison.
linnue (llnnavki) garrison.
linnun- (yhd.) blrd's, . . of a bird [esim. -muna
bird's egg, egg oT a bird; -pes bird's
nest, nest oT a bird; -siipi bird's \vlng,
wlng oT a bird]; (harvemmin:) birdfeslm. -pyydystj bird-catcher; -pyynti
Tovvler. -ansa snare (for catchlng birds),
springe. -lanta (lannotusalneena) guano.
-laulu blrd's song; (lintujen) slnging (1.
song) or (the) birds. -loukku trap (Tor
catchlng birds), blrd-trap, gin. -paisti
roast rowl. -peltti scarecrow (mys kuv.).
-poika(nen) young bird; (pieni, avuton)
nestllng; (vasta hyhenet saanut, lentoa
yrittv) riedgling. -poikue covey, hatch,
brood. -pyydys ks. linnun loukku, -ansa.
(mys:) fowllng. -rata the Mllky way,
the Galaxy. -silm blrd's eye; .. linnunsilmll kattaen (ylhlt) a bird^s-eye
view Of . .; maitema linnuntilmll katsoen
Cl. fearsortuno; a bird's-eye vicw. -tie:
linnuntiet, linnunteitte as the cro\v flles.
In a bee-llne.
linnustaa catch (1. snare 1. shoot) birds.
To\vl; linnuttamaan, Unnuttamattai^ToVi}ing. linnustaja Towler; bird-catcher; birdhunter. linnustaminen ks. linnustus.
linnusto the birds; (tiet.) aviTauna.
linnustus Towling, blrd-catching.
linoli, linoleumi llnoleum. -matto llnoleurn:
(ohut) ollcloth; (pieni) llnoleum (1. oilcloth) mat.
linssi lana. linssinmuotoinen shaped like a
lens, lenticular.
lintta: astua kengt linttaan (\. Untolleen)
run (1. tread) down one's shoes at the
lintu bird: (sytv) Towl.
lintu- (yhd.) bird- [esim. -klikki bird-cage;
-hmhkki bird-spider; -verkko lii r. I
net] ; .. or birds [esim. -lajit klnds oT
birds; -maailma World of birds; -parvi
Tlork (1. riight) oT birds]. -huone birdhouse, avlary. -kauppias dealer in Towls
(1. In poultry), potiltry-man, poulterer;
(hkkilintujen) bird-fancier. -koira birddog; (eri lajeja:) polnter, setter. -kotolainen (kpi) dxvarf, pygmy; bro\vnle; Lilliputlan. -laji kind (1. specles) of bird.
-liima blrdlime. -mies ks. linnustaja.
lintunen blrdle; lintuseni (hyvllysanana:)
llttle girl! girlle! (lovey-)dovey ! blrdle!
lintu!! perspektiivi hird's-eye vlew. -pyssy
fowllng-plece. -tiedo ornithology. -tie
teellinen ornitliologlcal. -tieteilij (lintu Jentuntlja) ornlthologist.
liossa ks. Hko.
liota soak; get soaked; (pehmet) sorten:
olla Uhoamatta (be) soak(ing); panna li
kaamaan put . . to soak. liotella soak,
steep; he soaklng, be stecping: vrt. seur.
liottaa soak, steep [In lye, lipess]; (kas
telia) wet, drench: (uuttaa) soak out,
leach; (pehmitt liottamalla) macerate.
be(come) soaked, soak.
liotus soaklng. -amme tub (1. vat) to soak
. . in.
liotuttaa have (I. cause to be) soaked (1.
soaked out): let .. soak: vrt. Ilattaa.
lipaista ks. hipaista; ~ kielelln (elimis
t:) run out its tongue and lick [a p.'s
hand, Jonkun ktt], llck: vrt. Ilpoa.
lipas box, case; shrlne; jalokivi Jewelcase, Je\vel-box, casket.

I i patn


I! patn . . without a forcplece (1. a vizor);

~ lahki (mys:) round cap.
lipatua flutter, (be) play(ing) [in tlie wind,
tuulessa] ; vet. lpttii.
(peinen soaked. In (1. saturated with) lye;
(kem.) alkaline.
liperi: [papln] liperit [clergyman's] bands.
iipeva (llukas) slippery; (kuv.) sleek, slick,
smooth; ~ kifli glib (1. smooth) tongue,
-kielinen glib-tongued, smooth-tongued;
flippant; voluble.
lipe lye; leach, -aine alkaline substance.
-ammo leach-tub; (suuri) leachlng-vat.
-kala stockfish (1. dried codfish) soaked
In lye; luteflsh. -kielinen ks. llpevakielinen. -kivl caustic soda, -tuhka woodashes for leaching, -veil weak lye.
lipoa: - kieltdan lick one's chops.
lipokas (woman's) low(-cut) shoe; slipper;
i mtiaaiii- 1 moccasin; vrt. lapikas.
lipottaa flutter, play, be playing fin tlie
wind, tuulessa] ; korviaan shake Its
ears, vrt. herist; krmeen hielt lipotti tautta the snake ran out (1. darted)
its tongue, llpotus fluttering, playing.
lippa (lakln) fore-piece, vizor, visor, -lakkl
cap with a fore-piece (1. a vizor), vizored
cap. -niekka: lippaniekka lahki ks. edell.
iippari (veltikka) rogue, rascal, sly dog.
lippi (tuohl-) birch-bark cup.
lippo landing-net, scoop-net; hoop-net;
(kolehti-; 1. v.) collection plate.
lippu (llehuva) flag, banner, standard:
colors; (piletti) ticket; (nestys-) ballot;
(paperl- y. m.) slip; (tilkku) patch, shred;
(llppa) fore-piece, Vizor; lippu/en lithuesa ja rumpu/ prietess with colors fly
ing and drums beating; kansallis~ (myftS:)
national ensign; kokoontua onkun lipun
all* rally (a)round the banner (1. standard
1. flag) of ... (kuv.) rally to a [person's]
cause; vrt. arpa, matka~, oste*-, pantti , paperl ~f psy y. m.

lippu- (yhd.) flag- [esim. -laiaa flag-sliip;

-mtrhhi flag-Signal; -upteeri flag-Offi
cer]; (piletti-) ticket [eslin. -laakhu
ticket window], -aliupseeri (sot.) colorsergeant, -amiraali flag-officer.
llppuinen (yhd.) with . . flags [esim. kiriaoa~ with many-colored flags; puna~
with red flags].
lippu Juitu (oikeusjuttu) lawsuit over the
right to carry certain flags, -kangaa (vlllalnen) bunting; (esim. silkkl-) material
for flags, -kunta (I. v.) troop, -mies i.
(sot.) color-bearer; 2. (lalvaston) flagofficer, -myymlll ticket office; (Engl.)
booking-office, -nuora halyard, -tanko
flagstaff, flagpole, -vaate ks. lippukangas.
-Mnestye balloting.
lipeahdus slip, slide, llpsahtaa slip, slide.
iipsu (pellava-) swingle, scutch(er).
lipua slide, slip; (solua) glide; (Juosta)
run; (kulkea hiljaa) go at (a) slow speed
(1. rate).
lipukeli just enough snow for sleighing.
lipun kantaja flag-bearer, standard-bearer
(myg kuv.); (sot.) color-bearer, colorsergeant, -myyja ticket-seller; (Engl.,
rautat. Ja lalvakontt.) booking-clerk (1.
-agent), -myynti sale of tickets, -noeto
hoisting of a flag (1. of the colors); dis
play of colors.
liputettu decorated with flags, gay with
bunting (1. with flags), liputon .. with
out flags, without a banner; mys Hpaton.
liputtaa decorate with flags, hang (1. put)
out flags, put up flags, liputtaminen, IIputua decorating with flags: mita tama
lipatat merkitsee (mys:) what do these
flags mean? why all these flags?


Urina purling; rippling, ripple; murmur.

llrisemlnen purling, rippling, lirlseva rippling [brook, puro], purling. lirisU purl,
ripple; murmur.
liritt (visert) chirp, chirrup, twitter;
(panna Ilrlsemn) make . . purl (1. rip
ple), llrltye (llverrys) warble; (vlserrys)
chirp(ing), twitter(ing); (mus.) trill.
llrkuttea (plIpertiiB) chirp; (mairitella)
roax; (kuhertaa) coo. lirkutus chirp(lng),
twitter; coaxing; cooing.
lisko f. (palko) pod; (litu) silique.
lisko II. (elaint.) lizard, (etup. fossllll-)
saurian; vrt. lento-, alsi~. -llntu arclucopteryx.
Lissabon Lisbon.
lista I. (rak.) molding, listel, list, fillet;
(reunus-) border: (rysts-) cornice.
lista II. (nlmi-, kerys- y. m.) list; (luettelo) roll, register; vrt. keraye, vaali~ y. m.
Mstalnen (yhd.) w:ith . . molding [esim. kapta~ with narrow molding].
listakorays: toimtenpanna ~ have contri
bution lists sent out [among . . , joldenkln kcskuudessa].
llstiminen, listintn cutting off the stalks
[of . .] ; snuffing, listi cut off (the stalks
I. the tops); snip off; (niist) snuff [a
candle, kynttilaj; listi nauriita rut (1.
snip) off the tops and roots of turnips.
listottaa (rak.) provide with molding, put
on (the) molding, fillet, listotu putting
on (the) moldlng(s), filleting; (konkr.)
lisa addition; (lisuys) Increase, augmenta
tion, (vallan y. m.) accession; (lisennos)
contribution; (tyte) supplement; (eduksl
oleva) acquisition; liihti, Usad ks. hakus.; lixiinu rihha rokaeta (sananl.) every
little bit helps; ei (pienl) la pahua tee
a little more does no harm; Han oil Hyvn
tisana seurassamme he was quite an ac
quisition to our company (I. our society);
hymmenen dollarin ~ an additional (I. a
further) sum of 10 dollars, (esim. keryslistaan:) a further contribution of 10 dol
lars; pitni ~ a small (1. a slight) Increase
(1. addition).
lisa- (yhd.) additional, further [esim.
-milieu additional (1. further) payment;
- additional (I. further) expense (1.
expenditure); -piirre additional feature,
further trait: -ratitut additional burden];
(Hite-, lllka-) supplementary [esim. -nide
supplementary volume; -todittuhstt sup
plementary evidence]; (yllmrinen) ex
tra [esim. -Imhinbi extra expense; -mahtu
extra charge (1. fee); -ty extra work];
(ohella valkuttava) accessory (1. contrib
utory) [esim. -ttlhha accessory fact;
- accessory reason (1. cause)]; (slvu-)
by- [esim. -nimi by-name; -tuote by-prod
uct] ; (Joskus:) added (1. another) [esim.
-tyy another reason], added [esim. -piirre
added feature], supplemental, (tolsarvolnen) secondary feslm. -merhityi secondary
meaning], subordinate, (satunnalnen) in
cidental, -aine(e) addition, added Ingredi
ent; lisaineita additional (1. further I.
more) ingredients, -ansio extra money;
lieansiot extras, perquisites; hankkia ittelleen lisaantiota eke out one's income.
-arvo surplus value.
lisaill keep adding, be adding.
lisilljokl tributary, affluent. -Joukko imyos:)
reinforcement, -jasen additional member,
(tolnen) another member; (ylimrlncn)
extra member; (apu-) auxiliary member;
(vara-) substitute.
lisake appendage; (llsays) addition; (sljake)
substitute; vrt,



lisiksi In addltlon [to ..], (sitpaitsi) furtlier(more), besides; ehdotan (sen) ~,

ett .. I propose furthermore (I. I rurther
propose) that . .; jonka in addltlon to
whlch, (Jota paitsi) besides wliich; kaiken
nn top or everythlng- else; saada rahaa
entisen g-et an additionai (I. a further)
suin of money; sen ~ moreover, In addl
tlon, what is more, (sitpaitsi) besides,
rurthermore, (yli) over and above (that);
siemenviljan over and above the seed,
besides the seed; auransa - on hn Kairaa
kin besides belng- In grrlef he Is also sick;
tmn ~ besides (1. In addltlon to) this.
Iisi kulu ]. -kustannus: liskuluja (]. .kus
tannuksia) additionai (1. further) expense(s), extra expendlture. -lahti supplement; extra sheet; (kirjan) appendix.
-munuainen (anat.) suprarenal body (1.
rapsule). -mynnytys additionai grant;
further admlssion; trke lismynnytys
another Important admlssion. -nimitys
eplthet. -panos extra e.harfre; (esim. uhka
peliss) additionai stake; (lisys) addltlon.
-rakennu* addltlon. extcnslon; (erikoinen)
annex: sairaalan lisrakennus the e u eli
sion (l. the addltlon) to the hospitsi, -tauti
(liiillier) compltcation. -tieto: listietoja
further (1. additionai) Information, -tilkka
a Tew drops more; (esim. kahvia) another
cup. -todistus: listodistuksia additionai
(I. further) evldence.
listty Increased, aug-mented; (vahvistettu)
reinrorced [g-uard, vartlasto]; listyin
mrin In Increased numbers; listyt valtuusmishat elty councll lncluding- extra
lisitulot additionai (I. extra) Income, (sivu
tulot) perqulsltes, extras; vrt. lisansio.
list (panna lis) add [vveigrht to, painoa
Johonkin; a new clause to the sectlon, py
kln uusi kohta] ; append; put to (Johon
kin seokseen: In); (enent) increase rthe
prlce, hintaa; the speed, vauhtia] ; (kar
tuttaa) swell, augment [the number of . . ,
Jonkin lukumr]; (laajentaa) enlarg-e;
(vahvistaa) rclnforce [the poliee, poliisien
lukumr], strenmhen, (tehd voimak
kaammaksi) Intenslfy; (nostaa, kohottaa)
ralse, enhanco [the value of, Jonkin arvoal, helghten [one's curlosity, Jonkun
uteliaisuutta]; (liitt) annex; kivi
kuorman plle (sananp.) break a brulsed
reed, add fuel to the fire; kustannuksia
add to the expense(s), Increase the cost;
kuumetta increase (1. heig-hten I. ag-gravate) the fever; ~ palkkaa jollekulle In
crease (1. ralse) a p.'s wages, g-lve one a
ralse (of salary); ~ poliisivoimaa reinTorre
the poliee; tulta put on more Tire, rire
up, heat up, (polttoainetta) put on (1. add)
more fuel; [aseman, asian) vakavuutta
ag-g-ravate [the situatlon, the matter],
add to the gravlty (1. the serlousness) or
fthe situatlon, the matter]; vett jo
honkin add \vater to . . , (sekottaa) mix
\vater with . . ,put \vater in . . , (miedontaa)
dlluto (I. thln 1. \veaken) . . wlth water:
Jonkin voimakkuutta strenirthen the
Torce of, Intenslfy; onko sinulla mitn
listtv have you anything- to add? tah
don viel ~ I \vlsh to add, I wlsh to nientlon further: teoksen arvoa lis se, ett:. .
the value or the work is enhanced (l. is
increased 1. Is made fjreater) by the ract
that . .; thn voidaan list to this m.iy
be added.
Ilsil! vaatimus additionai (I. further) demand. -vakuus: lisvakuudeksi ror addi
tionai securlty, to make Security doubly
sure, (In order) to be (1. to keep) on the


saro side; lisvakuudeksi olemme me . .

(lak.) In falth vvhereor we have . . . -var
muus ks. edell. -varustukset additionai
derenscs. -vihko (teokseen y. m.) supplement. -voimat additionai rorces, reinforrement(s); additionai Strength; seuraan tar
vitaan lisvoimia moro members (1. more
workers) are needed in the club (1. the
lisys (liite) addltlon; supplement; addend u in; (karttuminen) increase: aug-mentatlon; (laajennus) enlargement; (pahene
minen) agg-ravation ; (kasvu) grovvth. accumulatlon; palkan ~ increase (1. raise)
in (1. of) salary; perheen Increase in
the ramily; vallan Increase (1. accession) or power.
lisiytyi be increased, be aug-mented, in
crease, aug-ment; (kasvaa) grow, accumulate; (monenkertaisesti) multlply; vrt.
lis (a. & adv.) more; (a.) added, addi
tionai; rurther; antaa g-ive more, lend
added (1. additionai) .. [to . . , Jollekin],
(lahjottua) contrlbute an additionai suin,
make a further contributlon; kaksi .. ~
two more . . , a couple more . .; kun saan
~ tietoja as soon as I recelve (1. upon reccipt of) additionai (1. rurther) Informa
tion; kymmenen dollaria ~ 10 dollars
more, an additionai 10 dollars, (ennen
saadun lisksi) another 10 dollars; tuo ~
kahvia bring- more corree! yksi . . one . .
more, one more . . , (yet) another . . , one
. . In addltlon, an additionai . . , (ylim
rinen) an extra . . .
lisiinnyi increase, gTOwth; vrt. lisys &
seur. lisntyminen Increase: aug-mentatlon; multlplication; (slklmll) propagratlon, reproductlon. lisntymiskykyinen
capable or reproductlon, g-eneratlve.
lisntyi Increase. aug-ment: (karttua) areumulate; (enenty) multlply; (slklml
l) propag-ate: (kasvaa) grow; jsenluku
on lisntynyt the membershlp has In
creased, there has been an Increase In the
membershlp; olla lisntymss, olla tisntymn pin be on the Increase, be
increaslng, be growlng, (vesi) be rlslng-;
vesi jrvess on lisntynyt the vater has
rlsen In the lake, there Is more xvater hi
the lake; yh lisntyv liikenne the
steadlly iiicreaslng- (1. growlng) traMc.
litania (klrk.) litany.
liteti (prees. littenen) be(come) riattened
litistyminen riattenlng-. litistynyt riattened;
compressed. litistys riattenlng-; compresslon. litistyi be(come) riattened (down),
riatten; be(come) compressed. litist
flatten down, riatten (out), flat out; compress: vrt. likist.
litra llter, lltre [= 1.0507 u. S. quarts] ;
about a quart; kahden litran (vetoinen)
astia a two-lltcr receptacle (1. vesscl).
Iltrallinen: ~ vett a llter or water.
litran mitta llter measure. -pullo llter bottle.
-vetoinen . . holding- (1. contalnlng-) a llter.
litteys riatness. litte riat; riattened.
littei- (yhd.) flat- [esim. -neninen Hat
nosed; -pohjainen flat-bottomed] .
littu: heitt littua skip Stones on water;
menn littuun get (1. become) riattened.
litu (kasv.) slllque; slllcle.
Utuinen (yhd.) . . with . . slllques [esim.
ohut with thln slllques],
liturgia (kirkkojrjestys) liturg-y; ritual.
liturginen ltturg-lc(al).
lituskainen Dat, riattened, depressed.
Litva, litvalainen ks. Liettua, liettualainen.
litviikkl ks. IlkvUti.



liuennut dissolving; dlssolutton. liuentaa

dlssolve [su(rr In \vater, sokeria veteen],
liuentaminen dissolving.
liueta be(coinc) dlssolved, dissolve.
liukahdus slip, slide. Nukahtaa slip, slide;
lose one's footing; (luisua) gllde; vrt.
liukas siippery; (sile) smooth, slcek; (suk
kela) quick, brlsk, fleet, prompt, agile,
nlmble; (nokkela) sharp, smart, cunning;
(mairitteleva) mealy-mouthed, sllck;
keli siippery roads [huom. nyt on ~ keli
the roads are very siippery now] ; ~ JMeii
glib (and deceitrul) tongue, ready tongue;
tymies a quick and -killui workman.
liukas!] kielinen ready-spoken, glib, gllbtongued, smooth(-tongued), sllck; (pu
helias) loquacious, voluble; (mairitteleva)
mealy-mouthed. -kielisyys gllbness oi'
tongue, slickness; volubillty. -liikkeinen
niinille, agile; alert, quick; mobile; (eloi
sa) lively.
liukasteleminen = liukastelu, liukastelija
fawner, cajoler; (veitikka) sly dog, slyboots. liukastella come sllpping and slldlng, keep sllpping; tkuv.) rawn, rajole,
wheedle; saada [Joltakulta] jotakin liukas
telemalla get a th. by cunning, vvheedle (1.
uurin) a th. [out of one]. liukastelu (contlnual) sllpping; (kuv.) rawning, wheedllng.
liukastua lose one's footing, slip; slide;
hn liukastui ja lankesi he slipped and Teli,
hls foot slipped and he Teli, hls feet slld
out Trom under him. liukastus slip.
liukenematon ln(dis)soluble; veteen ~ in
soluble In water. liukenemattomuus lnsolubllity. liukeneva (dis)solublc. liukenevaisuus solublllty.
liukkaaati qulckly, rieetly, nlmbly; alertly;
smartly. liukkaus, liukkuus slipperiness;
(kuv.) quickness, briskness, rieetness,
nimbleness, agillty; alertness; kMn Huk
kuu* slipperiness of the ground (1. or the
liukoinen (kem.) soluble, dtssoluble; nelein
dissoluble in water, soluble. liukoisuus
liukua (luistaa) slide, slip (along); (solua)
glnlc; (luistella) skate. liukuminen sildlng; gliding.
liuma = liuta.
liuos solution. liuotin solvent. liuottaa dls
solve [sugar In water, sokeria veteen].
liuska (levy) plate, (tbin) flat plece; slab;
(liuske) chip, Tlake; lamlna; (siru) plece,
fragment; (kaistale) strip, (kankaan y.
m.) shred; (paperi-) slip ; (kasv.) lobe.
liuskainen I. (a.) riaky; (kasv.) lobate(d);
(Uuskelnen) slaty. II. (yhd.) with . . lobes,
. .-lobed, . .-lobate [esim. kaksi- wlth two
lobes, two-lobed, bllobate; kolmi- with
three lobes, three-lobed, trllobate]. liuskaisuus flakiness; slatlness; (kasv.) lobation.
liuskakivl slate; (kiteinen) schist. -louhos
liuske slate; (geol.) schist.
liuske- (yhd.) slate- [esim. -katto slateroof; -kyn slate-pencll].
liuskeeni tapainen schistose.schlstous; slaty.
-vrinen slate-colored.
liuskeilla Hake, break up into flakes.
liuskeinen slaty; schistose; liusktistt vuorilajit rocks, schlsts. Iluskeisuus
slatlness; schistose structure.
liuske!! kallio schistose rock. -kivi slate;
schist; vrt. seur. -savi shalc. -ljy shaleoll.
liuskoa (halkoa) cleave, split. liuskominen
deavlng, splittlng. liuskottua i liike, chip,


cleave (1. break up) into flakes; split (into

riakes) ; scale.
liuta crowd; (parvi) swarm; (lauma) riock,
herd; pack; vrt. tytt.
Iiu'unta ks. liukuminen.
liuvos ks. liuos.
livahdua slip(ping), slide.
livahtaa slip, slide; (luistaa) gllde; jon
kun ksitt slip out of one's fingers, gllde
out of one's hand (1. one's grasp). livah
taminen sllpping, slidlng; gliding.
livakka siippery; ~ keli siippery roads.
livakkuua slipperiness.
IlV kS. lipe.

liverl(puku) llvery. Ilveripukuinen liverled,

dressed (I. clad) In a llvery.
liverrell trlll, quaver; (linnuista;) warble,
(viserrell) chlrp, twltter. liverrys trlll,
(lintujen) warble;
chlrp(ing), twltter(lng). liverteleminen,
livertely \varbllng, vvarble; (vlsertely)
Chlrp(lng), tvvltter(lng) ; lapsen livtrtely
chlldlsh treble. livert = liverrell.
livettv siippery.
livett be siippery; jalkaa ~ the foot slips;
e the road Is siippery.
livet slip; (luistaa) slide; (solua) gllde:
(kompastua) stumble.
livistminen (tiehens-) vanishlng, boltlng;
(Jkpv.) skedaddllng, packlng orr. livist
vanlsh; slip out (1. away) ; (ptki) bolt,
vrt. seur.; livist Hehens skip (a\vay),
run away, escape, (Jkpv.) skedaddle,
make tracks, pack (1. bundle) orr, take
French leave.
livuta ks. lipua.
loata soil, mud(dy), dlrty; vrt. liata.
Lofoten-saaret Lofoten (Islands), Lofoden.
logaritmi (matem.) logarlthm. -taulu table
of logarithms.
logiikka loglc.
lohduke comfort, consolation, solace. loh
dullinen comfortlng, consollng; . . rull nr
consolation (1. or solace 1. of comfort) ;
lohdullisia sanoja W0rds oi' comforl (1. or
consolation), comrortlng (1. consollng l.
SOOthlng) WOrdS; on lohdullista ajatella ..
it is a comrort to think . . . lohdullisesti
consollngly, comrortlngly.
comrort, consolation.
lohdutella try to comrort (1. to brlng com
rort to) [one, Jotakuta], comfort, console; ~ itsen jollakin take comrort in . . ,
comfort o.s. vvith . . .
lohduton inconsolable, dlsronsolate; destitute of comrort, comrortless; (toivoton)
hopeless, desperate.
lohduttaa comrort [one In hls grler. Jota
kuta hnen surussaan], console, solaee;
(rauhottaa) reassure; mieltn jollakin
take comrort In . . , comfort (1. console)
o.s. (1. one's mind) with . . . lohduttaja
comforter. lohduttamaton Inconsolable;
. . not to be comforted; disconsolate, . . In
despalr. lohduttaminen comfortlng; con
sollng; consolation. lohduttautua take
comfort, comrort (1. console) o.s. [with,
Jollakin], lohduttavai ineni
consollng; (rauhottava) reassurlng; vrt.
ilahduttava, lohdutteleminen, lohdutteli!
comrortlng, consollng; consolation. loh
duttomuus dlsconsolateness;
muus) hopelessness.
lohdutus comrort; consolation, solace; loh
dutuksen sanoja words or comrort (1. or
consolation), comrortlng il. soothlng)
vvords; Auono ~ poor (1. cold) comfort;
vrt. saada, tuottaa (lohdutusta).
lohen- (yhd.) salmon- [esim. -kalastus
salmon-rishing; -vri salmon-color]. -poi
ka young salmon. -punainen salmon -



colored, salmon-red. -pyrstliitos dovetall (Joint), -pyynti ralching salinon,

salmon-eatohlng. -siitos hatchlng of salm
iin, saimon hatching. -suku tho saimon
genus, -sukuinen sahnonold ( rish, Kala].
-vrinn 1. -karvainen salmon-colored.
lohi saimon; kymmenen lohta tcn saimon.
lohikrme dragon; liyilra.
lohinen = lohirikas.
lohi!! pato saimon- welr. -perho saimon -fly.
-portaat salmon-ladder (1. -leap 1. -st ai t) .
-pyydys saimon- trap, trap, (muuan laji:)
saimon- wheel; net or tackle for catctilntr
saimon. -rikas rlch (1. abounding) in
lohjennut spllt, clert; palanen a spllt-oH'
(1. a flaked-off) plece.
lohjeta (Ualjeta) spllt, cleave; (Irrottua)
be broken orr (1. loose), (be) spllt orr
[rrom. Jostakin], cleave orr, (lluskelleinalla) riake orr; (erottua) .separate; ~
irti spllt (1. cleave) orr, siilit and drop
orr; ~ palasiksi spllt (1. Tall) to pieces,
vrt. seur.; siruiksi S[>Iit (Into dakes),
chlp, shlver, splinter.
lohkaisematon not split (1. cleaved) orr,
unbroken; unseparated; maatila an undlvided estate. lohkaiseminen breaklng
orr (1. loose), detachlng, cleaving, spllttlng.
lohkaista (Irti) break olT, break . . loose;
(erottaa) separate, detach [ rrom. Jostakin ] ;
(halkoa) cleave, split; (murtaa) break; ~
palanen Jostakin break ofr a plece rrom . . ,
(esim. maatilasta) separate (1. detach 1.
take out) a plece rrom . .; ~ palasiksi
break (1. cut) Into pleces, dlsmcmber.
lohkaisu breaklng orr (I. loose); separatlon, detachment;
lohkare a plece (1. a part) broken orr (I.
detached) [rrom . .] ; block; (palanen)
plece, rragment; vrt. kallion-.
lohkeamaton . . not to be split (1. cleaved)
orr, uncleavable.
lohkeaminen spllttlng
(orf), cleavlng (orr); vrt. lohjeta, loh
keava cleavable. lohkeavaisuus (mlner.)
lohkeilla (halkeilla) crack, cloave, split;
(irrottua) break (I. be broken) orr, spllt
orr; (liuskeilla) riake orr.
lohko division, sectlon; (osuus) portion;
(tilan-, lak.) purparty; (hakkaus-, mets.)
lompartment; (mat.) sector.
lohkoa (erottaa) separate, detach; (halkais
ta) cleave; spllt; (maatun.) parcel out;
(Jakaa) dlvlde, partltion; (palottaan cut
. . Into pleces, dlsmember [an empire,
valtakunta]; (louhia) blast: quarry (stone,
kivi]; ~ irti break (1. spllt) orr, (repi)
tear orr, rend
lohkon hedelm (kasv.) schlzocarp. -Jako
parceKDlng out.
lohkomaton not broken up; (Jakamaton)
undivlded, not dlstrlbuted; maa land
not parcnled out. lohkominen separation,
detachment; cleavlng, spllttiiiK; partitioii;
dlsmemberlng; (maanm.) parcellng out;
(louhiminen) quarrying, blastiug.
lohkollpinta cleavage-plane. -suunta (geol.)
Uno or cleavage.
lohtu consolatlon, solace; (virkistys) comTort; (lievitys) reller, allevlatlon; balm;
hiukan lohtua (mys:) a crumb or comTort; vrt. lohdutus, lohtumston = lohduttamaton. lohtusana \vord <>r comrnrt (I.
or consolatlon), comlortlng word.
loihdinta ks. loitsinta.
loihe ks. luoda.
loihtia ks. loitsia; ~ eloon call Into betng,
clothe \vltli liro. loihtu =- loitsu.


loikahdus ks. loikkaus. loikahUa ks. loi

kata, 1.
loikata 1. (loikahtaa) give a spring (1. a
leap 1. a bound), take a leap (1. a bound),
mako a jump, Jump, leap; 2. = loikkia.
loikerrella crawl; grovel.
loikinta - loikkiminen.
loikkaus leap, bound, boundlng (I. riying)
leap; (hyppys) Jump, spring.
loikkia leap. bound; (harpata) strlde, stalk-,
(hypt) spring, (be) jump(lng); tie
hens spring avvay, (livist) mako o. s.
scarce, (hpeillen) skulk avvay. loikkimi
nen leaplng, boundlng; strlding; vrt. pakoon loikkiminen.
loikoilla, loikoileminen, loikoilu
lylng; lolllng, lounglng; vrt. seur. loikoilla
stretch o. s., take a stretch, lie down rull
length [on the grass, ruohikolla], stretch
out, sprawl; loll [on the couch, sohvalla],
loilottaa bawl [a song, laulua]; yell, roar.
loilotus bawl(lng); roar(lng); (hoilotus)
loimi (hevosen) blanket; (-lanka) warpthread; (kankaan) loimet warp; panna loi
mi hevosen selkn blanket tho horse.
-lanka warp-thread; (puuvilla-) twist,
-tukki \\arp hrain.
loimo riame, blaze, riarc, glare; riush. loi
mota, loimottaa riamc, blaze, Dare; burn.
riush; loimoten with a Dare. loimotus
loimu ks. loimo. loimuta ks. loimota.
loinen tenant who works around by day's
\vork; (mkkilinen) cottager; (luonnont.)
parastte; olla Cl. el) loisena (luonnont.)
live as a parasite, (kasvin) Ilve on (1. orr)
[another plant] ; vrt. loisvki.
lois- (yhd.) parasttlc [esim. -elin parasltlc
anlmal; -kasvi parasltlc plant; -sieni para
sltlc rungus]. -ankerias (ellnt.) hag(rish),
sllme-eel. -elin (mys:) (anlmal) parasite.
loiselj parasite. -luokka class or parasites.
loiskahdella (likky) splash to and rro,
be splashlng, swlsh (1. slosh) about.
loiska(hd)uttaa (causcto) splash. lolskahtaa
splash, slosh (up 1. about); (huuhtaista)
wash; (roiskahtaa) spattcr; (pulahtaa)
Tall . . \vlth a plunge; aalto liskhti
aluksen yli a wave washed (1. broke 1.
splashed) over the boat; aalto loiskahti ve
neeseen a wave washed (1. dashed) Into
the boat. leiskahtaminen splashlng, sloshIng Jne., vrt. lolskahtaa. loiskahtelu splashing to and rro; sloshing about.
loiskasvi (mys:) vegetable parasite, parasite.
loiske splash(lng), dash(ing); (pienten lai
neiden) lap(plng), ripple. loiskia (s)plash:
swlsh (1. slosh) about; (pulikoida) paddle;
loiskia vedess dab(blc) In the water: vrt.
loiskua, loiskiminen splashlng; swlshlng
about. loiskine, loiskinta splashlng; swishswash;
slop, (s)wash. loiskis (Jkpv.) kersplash!
kerplunge! riop! plop! loiskua (s)plash;
(likky) swish (1. slosh) about; (huuh
toa) \vash; (liski) dash; swash; aallot
loiskuivat laivan kannen yli the waves
swept (1. washed) over the deck (or the
ship). loiskutella be splashlng, be (1. keep)
slopping. loiskuttaa splash: sousc: loiskut
tua maahan splash (1. splll) . .on the ground.
loistaa .-Mmc [brlgbt(ly), kirkkaasti], give
(out) a . . light; (steill) beam [wlth
jov, Ilosta], radlate, be resplendent [wlth
..]; (sihky) sparklc; (kiilt) gllsten;
(vlkky) shlmmcr. gleam; hyvinvoin
nista (kasvoista puhuen:) be radiant with
hcalth; ~ kirkkaammin kuin . . (kUV.)



OUtShlne .., ecllpse ..; ~ poissaolollaan

be consplcuous by one's abscnce; hnen
kasvoistaan loisti tyytyvisyys liis face
shone (1. bcamcd) vvlth contentmcnt; ha
nan kasvonsa loistivat hyv tuulta lii s
race beamed \viih good humor; hnen sil
mns loistivat ilosta (l. iloa) her eyes
beamed (1. sparkled I. glovved 1. vvere radlant) vvith Joy, her cyes vvere glistening
(1. shlnlng) with Joy, her eyes shone Joyously. loistaminen shining, beaming Jne.,
vrt. loistaa.
loistava shining [llght, valo], shiny; resplendent, errulgent; lumlnous [cloud,
pilvi]; (luonnont.) phosphorescent, photogenlc; (hohtava) lustrous; (kirkas) bright
Icolor, vri]; (steilev) beaming, radlanl; (kuv.) brllliant [speech, puhe; carcer,
ura], splendld, magniricent, lllustrlous
[career, ura], (upea, loistelias) showy,
poinpous, gorgeous [dress, puku]; loista
vat pivlliset brllliant dlnner, sumptuous
(I. bountiful) repast; ~ tulevaisuus brll
liant (1. bright) ruture; ~ voitto brllliant
(1. splendld 1. glorlous) vlctory; ilosta
loistavat kasvot a Fare beaming (1. radiant) witti Joy. loistavanvrinen brlghtcolored; (upea) shovvy, pompous, gorgeous [robes or Office, virkapuku], gaudy.
loistavasti brlghtly, luminously; (kuv.)
brllllantly, splendldly, glorlously; (upeas
ti) gorgeously [dressed, puettu], gaudlly;
el loistavasti Ilve In splendor (1. great
style). loistavuus brlghtness, lumlnousness, resplendence, radlance, luster; (kuv.)
brilllance, brilllancy, splendor, splendldness; gorgebusness.
loista shlne; (valo) llght; (kiilto) luster;
(steily) radlance; (sihky) sparkle; (vl
ke) shlmmer, gleam; (kuv.) splendor,
brlghtness, brilllance, glory; lieden (\. tu
len) loisteella In the glow of the ftre
(-plarc); thtien ~ the luster of the Stars;
vrt. loisto.
loisteliaasti (komeasti) gorgeously, luxurlpusly, magnlflcently, vrt. seur. loistelias
(loistava) shlnlng, resplendent; bright
fcolor, vri]; (hohtolsa) lustrous; (puls
ka) splendld, grand; (pramea) shovvy,
pompous, gorgeous, gaudy; (ylellinen)
luxurlous; sumptuous, magniflcent. lois
tella be shlnlng, shlne, sbed (1. give out)
light; (vlkkyen) sparkle; vrt. loistaa.
loisto brilllancy, sheen, effulgence; luster,
lustre; (majakkavalo) llght; (kuv.) splen
dor, glory; (komeus) magnlflcencc, grandeur; (prameus) display, pomp; (Ihanuus)
gloriousness, beauty; (ylellisyys) luxury;
kaikessa loistossaan in ali Its glory (1.
tts splendor). -aika = loistokausi, -elin
(elimen) lumlnous i rgan.
loistoisa shlnlng, bright; brllliant, splendld:
vrt. loistava, loistokas.
loistojuna traln de luxe.
loistokat shlnlng, lumlnous, lustrous; (kuv.)
brllliant [career, ura], splendld, lllustrl
ous; vrt. loistava.
loisto E kausi (Jonkin) flourishlng pcrlod, the
inost brllliant period [or . .] ; golden age.
-kohta crownlng erfect (1. feature 1. glory) ;
(esim. puheen) climax; (esim. nytelmn)
the most brllliant (1. impresslve) scene
(1. part); (esim. ohjelman) chlef attractlon. -laiva llght-shlp. -numero the most
brilllant number [on the prngram]: the
chlef attraction; vrt. loistokohta. -painos
(kirjan) edition de luxe. -puku (paraati)
rull uniform. -teos edition de luxe.
loistoton lark-luster, lusterless, dim, dull.
loistotorni ks. majakka.


lois1 vki rural population vvlthout landed

property; rottagers; vrt. irtolaisvMestti.
-yriinen (ellnt.) parasltlc crustacean.
loitolla rar away (1. orr) ; (kaukana) rar,
in the (l. at a) dlstance, aloor; (syrjss)
apart [rrom. Jostakin], out or the vvay;
pit jotakuta keep one at a dlstance,
keep one aloor (1. at arm's length); pysy
Cl. pysytell) jostakin keep at a dlstance
rrom, keep aloor rrom. loitolle rar avvay,
rar orr, arar; aloor; out or the vvay. loi
tommaksi), loitommalla, loitommalle riirther avvay (1. orr); farther out of the way;
loitommalla [loitommalle] toisistaan rarther apart. loitommalta, loitompaa rrom
farther avvay (1. orr), rrom a (greater) dls
tance; katsella jotakin loitompaa look at
(1. watch) . . rrom a (greater) dlstance;
tulla loitompaa come rrom farther avvay.
loitompana ~ loitommalla.
loitonnus, loitontaminen removlng (farther
avvay), faking farther avvay. loitontaa remove (1. take 1. bring) rarther avvay. loitontajalihaa (anat.) abduccnt muscle, abductor. loitos = kauas (pois), loltota
draw avvay, go rarther avvay; (ajautua
kauemmaksi) drirt (1. move) rarther avvay.
loitsia (taikoa) conjure, use (1. practlse)
magic, use lncantatlons, use charms; (lu
mota) enchant, bevvltch, east a spell on;
charm; (manata) call up, raise: ~ esiin
conjure up, call up (1. Torth), ralse, dravv
rorth, produce . . by magic, cvoke [memorlcs or the past, menneisyyden muistoja;
an Image, kuva], loitsija maglclan, sorcerer, vvlzard; enchanter, necromancer;
vrt. poppamies, loitsiminen, loitsinta magic,
enchantment; conjurlng, conjuration; sorcery, vvitchcraft.
loitsu (loitsuluku) Incantation; spell, charm;
vvords of magic; (manaus) sorcery; (loit
suruno) magic verses. -Juoma ks. tenhojuoma, -laulu magic song, Incantation:
vrt. loitsuruno, -luku incantation; spell.
charm; magic rormula. -runo magic rmip.
magic verse(s), (verses o() Incantation.
-taito magic art, magiclan's (1. enchanter's) art.
loitto I. Cl.) ks. kaukainen. II. (S.) ks. loi
tolla, loitolle.
loitto III. (klrjap.) rurnlture.
loittoneminen dravvlng avvay; movlng rar
ther avvay.
loiva (gently) sloplng [hillslde, mkirinne] ,
not steep, sllghtly lncllned: slanting [roor,
katto]; (Jrvenpohjasta puhuen:) shallovv
and Shelving; ~ jrvenranta (mys:) a
heach vvlth a gradual slope. lolvarantainen
(Jrvi) ..vvlth gently sloplng shores, (Joki)
..vvlth gently sloping banks. loivasti gently
sloplng, vvlth a gradual slope. loiventaa
make . . less steep, grade down, make the
slopo [of . .] morc gradual. loiveta: mki(rinne) loivenee the slope of the hlll bccomes rnore gradual, the hlll has a more
gradual slope. loivuus gentle slope (1. descent); katon loivuus the roof not belng
steep at ali; rannan loivuus the vvater belng so shallovv.
lojaalinen (lainkuuliainen; uskollinen) loyal.
lojua - loikoilla, lojuminen, lojunta ks.
loka soil, mml; (lika) dlrt, rilth: olla loassa
be solled, be muddy, be dlrty; vrt. vet
loka- (yhd.) ks. likalokaaminen dlrtylng, solllng, bedraggllng;
(be)fouling; vrt. loata, lokainen muddy
[road, tie]; dlrty; lokainen s muddy (I.
sloppy 1. slushy) vveather. lokaisuus diili


336 .


ness, muddlness; teiden lokaisuus (mys:) loma kurssi: lomakurssit (1. v.) summer
session [or a university], summer school.
the muddy condltion of the roads.
-lippu (sot.) furlough.
loka||kuu October. -ltkk mud-hole; pudlomallelasku
granting leave or absence, furdle, muddy plash. -suojustin mud-guard.
-sai slushy (1. sloppy) weather. -tulva
vold (space), empty space,
(regular) flood or abuse; mud-sllnglng;
vacuity; (aukko) gap, breach. -palvi (va
syyt lokatulva jonkun silmille throw mml
day orf; open day; (sot.)
at one, heap abuse at one. -voai muddy
day or rurlough; (lupaplv) hollday.
water; my us = likavesi, -viemri = likalomassa (vliss) between; tyn between
worklng hours, (tyaikana) whlle at work.
lokero (laatikon y. m.) compartment; parlomasta (Trom) between; rrom among;
tition; (hyllyn y. m.) pigeon-hole; (soppi)
pilkisti pilvien lomasta the sun
corner, nook; (komero) niehe, recess,
peeped (Torth) rrom among the clouds.
cranny; (koppi) closet, dark closet, hole;
(silytys) reposltory; (koverrus) hollow,
eavity, pit; (anat., esim. sydmen) cham- lomitella nt one Into another, dovetail; (so
vitella) adjust.
ber; cell; (kasv.) valve.
lomitse lietueeu: (lomasta) rrom among.
lokeroinen honeycombcd; (yhd.) . . wlth . . lommo
dent; bump.
compartments (1. partltlons Jne., vrt. lo lompakko
(suurehko) vvallet.
kero); (anat.) . .-chambered; (kasv.) .. longerrella pocketbook;
worm IlselT; wrlggle; vrt. kie
-valved [esim. kak*i~ (hedelm) twomurrella,
, twlne, convalved; ne/i (sydn) rour-chambered].
volutlon. longertaa wlnd (in and out),
loki (mer.) log.
twine; creep; (madella) crawl.
loki- (yhd.) log- [esim. -kirja log-book; lonka ks. pilven.
-laet lug-glass; -liina (I. -nuora) log-llne]. lonkero (rnsy) runner, sarmentum; (kar
-laite (mer.) log.
hi) tendrll; (elint.) arm, tentacle.
lokinsukuinen (ellnt.) larold [blrd, lintu]. lonkeroinen (yhd.) . . with . . runners (1.
tentacles Jne., vrt. lonkero) [esim. pitks\
lokki (ellnt.) gull. sea-gull, sea-mew.
wlth long runners (1. tentacles)]; (mus
-lintu (ellnt.) larld.
tekaloista y. m.:) . .-armed [esim. kahdek
lokomobiili (tekn.) portable englne; tracsan eight armed].
tion-englne. lokomotiivi ks. veturi.
lonkerojalkainen (elint.) brachlopod(e).
loksua, lokauttaa (esim. kengist:) clap up lonkka
hip: haunch.
and down, clatter, click-clack; loksuttaa
(yhd.) hip- [esim. -Inu hlp-bone:
leukojaan l>e champlng, (kuv.) be clacklng, lonkka-nivel
-Joint; -tauti hlp-dlsease] ; (tiet.)
run (1. clatter) ones tongue; kengt loksclatic, lschial [esim. -hermo sclatlc nerve:
suitta)vat the shoes (go) cllck-clack (1.
rheumatism]. -(hermo)sarky
clap up and down); kyd loksuttaa collie
(lk.) sclatica.
ciamplng (1. clumpl g) along.
Lontoo London, lontoolainen I. (s.) I.onloma (vli, aukko) ( Inter) space, Intervcnlng
doner. II. (a.) Londonese.
(1. Intermedlate) space, (pieni) lnterstlce; loogillinen logical. loogiliisesti loglcally.
Interval; (vliaika) lntervenlng tlme, lnloogllllsuus loglcalness.
termlssion, lnterlm; recess; (vapaus) rree loordi lord. -kansleri (Englannin oikeus
tlmo, lelsure; (levhdys) rest, breathingministeri)
Lord High Chancellor.
space (l. -spell), pause, stop; (virka-,
glve (1. run) out suddenly (1. unkoulu) vacatlon; (Joulu- y. m.) holidays; lopahtaa
(sot.) leavo of absence, rurlough; lomalla
(aivan) qulte, altogether; (tydelli
on vacatlon, (sot.) on a rurlough, on leave; lopen
sesti) perfectly, rully, entirely, wholly;
lomassa, lomasta Ks. hakUS. ; jonkin lomaan
(kerrassaan) downrlght; absolutely;
(vliin) between, (Joukkoon) among [huom.
kulunut (completely) worn out. (etup. esi
hoetin saada sanotuksi jotakin hnen puhe
neist:) threadbare, (sanasutkauksista v.
tulvansa lomaan I trled to get in a Word (I.
m.:) hackneyed, trlte, stale; takonut
get a Word In) edgewlse] ; kahden pivn
rotten to the (1. to its) core, rottjn
two days' vacatlon (1. leave 1. furlough
through and through; laihtunut emaclI. hollday); minulla on kolme tuntia lomaa
very thln; vsynyt wearled (I.
(tystni) tnn I have three liours orr
tlrcd) out, dead-tlred, dog-tlred.
to-day; minulla on lomaa l'm free, Iiii en lopettaa
end, biing . . to an end (1. to a
my (I. on a) vacatlon, I am having a vaca
rlose), conclude; (valmiina) finlsh i one's
tlon, (sotamies y. m.j Tm on (1. I have) a
work, tyns; a letter, kirje], complete:
furlough; olla lomalla be on (1. have a)
close [a Chapter luku; one's speeeh \vlth
vacatlon, (sot.) be on leave (of absence),
.., puheensa jollakin]; (ptt) termlbe on a furlough; sairauden takia annettu
nate [an lntervlew, haastattelu]; (tehd
Cl. saatu) SiCk- leave; tnn on lomaa
loppu Jostakin) put an end (1. a stop) to,
koulusta (lupaa) tliere Is no school to-day,
makc an end or, do away with; (lakata)
wc have a holiday to-day (rrom school);
cease, stop, leave orf; glve up, qult: suspend.
Vrt. sormi.
dlscontinuc; lopeta jo stop riglit now! stop
lomaiaika (vliaika) lntervenlng tlme, In
tliere! leave ofr! [huom. lopeta io herran
terval; (koulussa y. m.) recess; (pysh
nimess for goodness' sake, qult that'];
dys) Intermisslon, suspension; (levhdyslopetan thn 1*11 stop right here, 1*11 close
aika) pause, rest; (vapausalka) free tlme,
here, I herewlth conclude [my speeeh. pu
lelsure, spare tlme, tlme off; (vlrkalomaheeni] ; elmns (]. itsens) make awny
alka) vacatlon; (sot.) furlough; loma-aikoi
wlth o. s., commit SUiclde; kaupanpito
na In (1. durlng) one's lelsure, In one's
qultstorekeeping.glve up kecping(a)store;
spare tlme, in lelsure liours, vrt. seur.
kesken finlsh too soon (1. too carly),
-hetki interval; breathlng-space, lelsure
qult before the end, (keskeytt) break
(1. spare) liour (1. nioment); (lepohetki)
(1. leave orr) In the mlddle, interrupt. dls
hour oi' rest, rest; lomahetkin in spare (1.
continuc, (kilpailu) Tall out [or the race ; ;
In free) uioments, in lelsure liours, at odd
kokous brlng a mceting to a close, close
limes <1. momeuts).
a uieeting, (seuran y. m.) adjourn (the
lomake blank, form.
meetlng); koulunkyntins qult Selloni,

I ope t taja i set


stop going: to school; ~ kyntins (lakata

kymst) cease (1. stop) visiting:; ~ ..
tausumalla hiitoksct ClOSe (1. COnClll(le) . .
with expressing one's thanks; - liikkeensa
(kauppa- y. m.) retire from (I. go out of)
business, wind up one's affairs; [keskustelu] lyhyeen cut short [the discus
sion]; ~ maksunsa ( killl] i] illlilkl' .V. 111.)
suspend payment; ~ poAen*u jollakin (I.
johonkin) close (1. wind up) one's speech
with (1. by ..-Ing); ~ riita (omasta puolestaan) stop (1. cease) quarreling-, give
up the dispute, (totsten rlltely) put an
end (1. a stop) to the dispute, stop the
dispute, settle (1. adjust) the dlfference(s); ~ toimintarua (eslm. Jokln seura) cease Its activities, (kokonaan) dis
band, disorganize, dissolve, break up,
(eslm. jokin yhtl) go out of business; ~
toistaistksi stop . . the time being,
suspend (. . temporarily); tuttavuuiensa
jonkun kan**a renounce one's acquaint
ance, have nothing more to do with . .; ~
tySru finish one's work, (lakata tysta)
cease (I. stop 1. quit) working, discon
tinue (1. cease from) one's labors, lay
down one's work, (tav. lakkotarkotuksella)
quit work; Aon lopetn shen he stopped
there, (pttl silla) he concluded (1.
ended) With that; lakukautta lopetettaessa
at the end (1. the close) of the semester
(1. the term); oUn lopettanut pivllist-ni i
I have finished [my dinner], I'm through
[(my) dinner], I'm done.
lopettajaiset final (1. concluding) exercises:
promotion exercises; (koulun) last day of
school, promotion day, (juhlalllset) com
mencement (day), (Engl. kansak.) speechday.
lopetujaisnjuhla 1. -Juhlalliauudet closing
festivities, concluding ceremonies, (kou
lun) commencement exercises (I. festivi
ties), -puhe concluding (I. closing) speech;
(koulun lopettajalsissa) commencement
address (1. oration), -piivi (lukuvuoden)
commencement day. -tilaisuus final exor
cises; (koulun) commencement.
lopetumaton -(loppuunsuorlttamaton) un
finished, lopettaminen, lopetus bringing
. . to an end, finishing, closing; conclusion;
reaslng, stopping, quitting; suspension;
discontinuance; vrt. lopettaa.
lopottaa babble; /often rattle off, patter.
lopotui babbling, babble.
loppl 1. (polka-) stripling, (-vllkarl) hob
bledehoy, whlppersnapper; young scamp;
(plenl) slip (I. shrimp) of a boy; 2. =imuke.
loppiainen Epiphany, Twelfth-tide (1. -day).
loppiaicfaatto Twelfth-night. -pilvl Twelfthday.
loppu end, close, finish; (pttymlnen) ter
mination, conclusion, wind-up, Issue,
(ajan) expiration; (JnnOs) rest, remain
der, balance; (tuho) destruction, ruin,
collapse: loppujen lopuksi In the end,
when all was through (I. done), (kalken
pa&lllsekSi) top of It all; ~ lhenee It
Is the beginning of the end, (kuolevasta:)
the end Is approaching (I. is ncarlng), he
[she] Is nearing his [her] end (1. the
end); loppuun ks. hakus.: lopuilteen (liihes) very nearly, next to, much, almost
entirely; lopahsi In conclusion, (lopulta)
finally, (vlimeln) at last. In thn end, ulti
mately, (vllmelseksl) lastly, (kuii kalkki
ymparl ky) after all; lopulta finally, ulti
mately, eventually, In the end. (vllmelnkln) at last, after all Ihnom. hntt mina
lopulta valitsin I finally fixed my choice
on him] ; lopultakin after all, at last, ulti23


mately; /opona ks. hakus.; loput saat sin

you will get the rest (I. the remainder 1.
what Is left); jonhin lopulla toward the
end of ... In the latter part of . . [hum.
elamansii lopulla (myS:) late 1 Ills life];
se on (oleva) hnen loppunsa that will be
the last of him, it will be all up (1. over)
with him, (Jkpv.) that will be his finish;
tito ei tule loppua there is no end to It, It
won't come to an end [until . . , ennenkun ..], it is interminable (1. endless),
(se el lakkaa) it will never cease; siita ei
tahtonut miloinkaan tulla loppua there
seemed to be no end to It, it seemed never
to come to an end, it seemed interminable
(1. endless) ; taste pit (\. tytyy) tulla ~
this must come to an end, there must be
a Stop put to this; viime vuoden lopulla (\.
lopussa) at the end (1. the close) of last
loppu- (yhd.) final [eslm. -nSytSs final act;
-osinbo final dividend; -taou final syllable;
-suoritus (I. -till) final settlement; -talos
final outcome] ; closing [eslm. -huomantus
closing remark; -sanat closing words],
concluding; ultimate [eslm. -p ultimate
end; -tutos ultimate result]; (loppupuoli)
the latter part of ... (Jljell oleva) the
rest of . . [esim. -matha the latter part of
the Journey (1. the trip), the rest of the
trip (1. the way) ; -oiikko the latter part of
the week, the rest of the week] ; (vllmelnen)
last [eslm. -nytSs last act; -rial last Hue;
-taou last syllable], (etup. tlet.) terminal
[eslm. -* terminal velocity]; (Joskus:) end- [esim. -tuote end-product].
loppu end [In . . , johonkin, be at (I. coma
to) an end (1. a close), close; (lakntn)
cease, stop; (johonkin seuraukseen) Issue;
(ptty) conclude [In . . , Johonkin], ter
minate [In . .] ; (kulua umpeen) expire,
run out; (kulua loppuun) become (1. be)
exhausted, give out; ~ lyhyeen not last
long, come to a speedy (1. a sudden) end,
end (1. conclude) abruptly; yleiseen s*kasortoon (kokous) break up In general
confusion; loppumatta kS. hakus.; aika on
loppunut the time has expired, the time Is
up; ennenkun voimamme (]. voimat meilt)
loppuoat before our strength gives out (I.
is exhausted) ; kokouhsen loputtua (myos:)
after (1. when) the meeting had broken
up; krsiollityyteni oppuu my patience
Is coming to an end (I. Is becoming ex
hausted) ; meilt ooat kynttilt loppuneet
we are (I. have run) out of candles: olla
oppumaitillaan be drawing to (1. drawing
near) a close (1. an end), (mniiraaika) be
about to expire, (voimat y. m.) be nearly
run out, be running (1. be giving) out, be
ebbing, be sinking, (varasto y. m.) be low;
perunat ovat loppuneet the potatoes have
run out (1. have all been used up), there
are no more potatoes, the potatoes are all
gone, we are (I. have run) out of pota
toes; rahat loppuivat the money gave (I.
ran) out, the money was all used up, the
funds were exhausted; se loppui siihen
that was the end of It, It ended right
there; sodan loputtua after the close (1.
the end) of the war.
loppu aika rest (I. remainder) of the time:
loppuaikoina toward the end; jonkin loppuaikoina toward the close (1. the end) of ...
during the last days [weeks, mouths]
of ... in the latter part or . . , (eslm. salrauden) In the last stages of ... -IK the
rest (1. remainder) of [one's! life, [one's!
last days; loppuilln lit (his) old age, in
his last days; Anen loppuikni the
malnder of his Ufe; Aunet tuomittii-



puihseen vankilaan he was sentenced to

prlson for the rest of hls life, he \vas
given a life sentence.
loppuinen (yhd.) endlng In (1. with) . . ,
terralnatlngr In . . [esim. a-loppuinen endmtf In a; kerake~ endlng In (1. \vilh) a
loppu johdo deductlon, inference, concluslon. -kataa(hd)ua (flnal) revievv. -kerake
I. -konsonantti flnal (I. last) consonant.
-kohtaus (nytelmss) rinal <1. last)
scene. -kuu: loppukuulla (In) the latter
part of the month, toward the end of the
month. -kuvio (kirjassa) tall-plece. -laaku
rinal bill; loppulaskussa
(mys:) In the rinal settlement. -lause
concludlngr sentence; concluslon. -lausunto
rinal statement (1. report), (-vite) con
cludlng argument; (lopullinen) flnal ver tri-t. -liite (klel.) suffix. -matka (mys:)
the remalnlng dlstance; loppumatkalla
(mys:) tovvard the end (1. the last) or
the journey.
loppumaton endless, intermlnable; unendlng, never-endlng; (lakkaamaton) lnressant, unceaslng; (alituinen) contlnuous,
perpetual; (retn) lnflnlte; (tyhjentymtn) inexhaustible, exhaustless; loppu
mattomiin (asti) lndeflnltely, vvlthout end,
ad Inflnltum. loppumatta without end;
endlessly; vrt. lakkaamatta ja seur. loppu
mattomasti lncessantly, endlessly; lnnnltely.
loppuminen endlng, closing; ceasing, stopplng; (mrajan y. m.) explrlng, explratlon; (esim. ruokavarojen) runnlng out
[or . .] ; glving out; ruokavarojen loppu
minen armeialta the aniiy gettlng (1.
runnlng) out or provlslons; vrt. loppua.
loppu osa (jlkiminen) latter part, concludlng part; (kirjaa) last volume; (lop
pu) end. -piste extremlty; (ptepiste)
termi nai (1. extreme) polnt, end; vrt. pte
piste, -ponsi flnal clause of a (1. the) resoi ii iii m; concluslon, summary. -puoli latter
part, end; loppupuolella toward the end.
-p (hntp) tail-end, (Jkpv.) tag-end;
(ttrlmlnen p) termlnal (I. extreme)
end, termlnal. -ptelm ks. loppujohde.
-pitfis (flnal) concluslon, (flnal) deduc
tlon, Inference; (tulos) result, lssue, outcome; upshot; (lopputuomlo) flnal decislon (1. verdlct). -ratkaisu flnal declslon
(1. settlement) ; (nytelmn) catastrophe.
-sanat (mys:) concludlng remarks; (ny
telmn roolissa) cue. -soinnuton: loppusoinnuttomia runoskeit nlank verse.
-sointu (end-)rhyme. -eointuinen . . wlth
end-rhymes, rhymed. -soitto postlude,
-summa sum total, total (1. gross) amount.
-suoritus (mys:) wind-up. -skeist last
(I. final) stanza (1. verse). -svel (kertosvel) rerraln, chorus, -toimitus rinal
ceremonles. -tulos (mys:) result, lssue,
upshot. -vaikutut flnal errect, crowning
loppuun to an (1. the) end, (lvitse) through;
asti Cl. saakka; to the very end, through;
ruselmmiten verbien yhteydess, ks. esim.
ksitell, palaa, palvella, puhua, saattaa] ;

a/aa asia loppuun (oikeudessa) brlng the

case to a rinlsh, see the case through.
-ksitelty ended, concluded. -ksittely con
cluslon, rinal hearlng. -myyd sell out,
sell orr. -myynti selling out (1. orr), clearanee (1. rloslng-out) sle. -myyty sold
orr, (esim. kirjan painos) sold out.
loppui vaatimus rinal demand; (lak.) rinal
plea; (vilmelsvaatlnius) ultimatum: esitt
Cl. tehd) loppuuaatimuksensa (oikeusju
tussa) make one's flnal plea. -vite con

cludlng (1. closing) argument; (lak.) flnal

plea. -y the rest (1. the remainder) of
the nlght; (yn loppupuoli) latter part or
the nlght; loppuyst late In the nlght, towards mornlng. -nne (klel.) rinal sound.
lopuksi ks. loppu.
lopullinen rinal, ultimate, concludlng; (var
ma) derinlte; (ratkaiseva) declslve [victory, voitto], lopullisesti rinally, nltimately; deflnltely; jtt lopullisesti ratkaista
vaksi submlt . . for flnal declslon (1. rinal
lopulta, lopultakin ks. loppu.
lopussa at an end, over; (loppunut) out, ali
gone; ~ kiitos seisoo (1. v.) all's \vell that
ends \veii; tonkin at the end (1. the
close) of . . , tovvard the end or . . , in the
latter part of . .; olla (loppunut) be out,
be ali gone, be used up, be exhausted.
(pttynyt) be done, be rinlshed, (etup.
ajasta:) be at an end, be ended, be (ali)
over, have expired [esim. heidn ystvyy
tens on thelr frlendshlp Is ended (1. Is
at an end), they aie done (1. through)
wlth each other; heinnteko oli (p
tetty) the hay(mak)lng vvas over (and done
wlth),the hay(mak)ing had been rinlshed;
hnen voimansa ovat It Is ali up vitli
hlm, hls strength Is exhausted; kirkonme
no on ~ the Service Is over, Church is out:
kynttilt ovat meilt we have run out
of candles; krsivllisyyteni on ~ my patlence Is exhausted (1. Is at an end) ; laulu
on ~ the song Is done (1. Is rinlshed);
mansikat ovat the strawberries are ali
gone, tbere are no more strawberrles;
ruokavarat ovat ~ the provlslons have run
out; se peli on nyt that game Is played
out now; valtiopivt ovat the dlet Is
adjourned; varat ovat (kuluneet) the
resources (1. the runds) are exhausted (1.
are gone 1. are depleted)].
loputon endless, intermlnable; lnflnlte.' lo
puttomasti endlessly, lntermlnably : lnflnlte ly. loputtomuua endlessness; Inrinitude.
lorahtaa make a gurgle, come out \vlth a
gurgle (1. a pour), gurgle.
lordi kS. loordi.

lorina purl(lng); gurgle. loriseminen purling; gurgling. lorista puri, rlpple; gurgle.
lorn(J)ettl (nenlasl) lorgnette.
loru ldle taik; babble, Jabber, prattle, chatter; loruja (oh.) nonsense! thafs ali humbug! se oli lorun loppu that vvas the end
or lt (1. or the story 1. of the tale) ; tyhj
lorua empty taik, ldle chatter, nonsense.
loruaminen prattllng, cackllng, chatterlng.
loruilla o loruta, lorullu ks. loruaminen.
lorunlllaru riddle-raddle, bosh, (twlddle-)
tvvaddle. -laskija chatterer, babbler.
loruta prattle, chatter: (loruilla) taik non
sense (1. rubblsh), Jabber a\vay.
loskua: saappaani ovat niin mrt, ett ne
loskuvat my boots are so wet that they
squelch (1. squash).
lossata (mer.) unload, dlscharge [the car
go, lasti].
lossaut unloadlng, dlscharglng. -paikka (sa
tama) port Tor unloadlng, port where
unloadlng Is done; (laituri) vvharr.
lossero trunk, box; correr.
lossi rerry. -mies rerryman. -palkka rerry.
lotina splash(lng). lotlsu (loiskua) splash,
plash; hampaat lotisevat the teeth chatter
(1. Clatter); sataa lotisee the ralli is
splashlng, it Is pourlng.
lotja (proomu) scow; barge, llghter. -mies
bargeman, man working on a scow.
louhi (paasi) slielf or rock, ledge; (kallio-)
rock, crag: (klvlmhkle) block or Stone,



louhia break, quarry, (ampumalla) blast

[rocks, kivi]; (kaivaa) dl? [a tunnel
through a mountaln, tunneli vuoren lpi];
kivi quarry stone, (ampumalla) blast
louhikko (Jagged) rocks; (-maa) plece or
stony land (1. grround); (kivirykki) plle
(I. heap) of Stones; louhikossa among tbe
Jagged rocks. louhikkoinen Tuli of Jagged
rocks; (kivinen) stony; (kallioinen) rockbound [coast, rannikko], rocky; rugged;
louhikko; luoto rocky shoal (1. shallows).
-maa: louhihkomaata (a plece of) stony
land, stony ground. -pohja bottom of
Jagged rocks; vrt. kalliopohja.
louhikrme ks. lohikrme.
louhiminen, louhlmlsty, louhinta quarrylng; blastmg.
louhos (kivi-) quarry, stone-plt.
loukata (kolahduttaa) knock, bump [one's
head agalnst . . , pns johonkin] , strlke;
thrust; (vahingoittaa) burt [a p.'s TeelIngs, jonkun tunteita], lnjure, damage;
iiarin; (kuv.) violate [the sanctlty or . . ,
Jonkin pyhyytt], be guilty or a breacb
agalnst [good rorm, siivouden vaatimuk
sia], rommit a breacb agalnst, Inrrlnge
t(upon) a p.'s rights. Jonkun oikeuksia],
(solvata, hpist) orrend, give orrcnse to,
Insult, affront, (halventaa) abuse, (pahottaa) dlsplease, (syvsti loukata) shock [one's
sense or decency. Jonkun sdyllisyyden
tunnetta], vround [one's vanlty. Jonkun
turhamaisuutta] ; itsens johonkin knock
agalnst (1. run agalnst 1. run Into) a tn.:
Jotakuta kovasti (kuv.) offend (1. hurt
1. Insult) one deeply, orrend one hlghly,
n t (1. hurt) one to the qulck; jonkun
kunniaa Insult (1. otter an Insult to) one,
wound one('s honor), be an Insult (I. an
arrront) to one; ~ Jonkun oikeutta (\. oi
keuksia) (mys:) encroach upon a p.'s
rights; ~ pahasti O. rikesti) jonkun
korvaa 'tantalta y. m.] Jar (1. grate) upon
a p.'s ear [reeling.i, etc] : Jtt jokin
loukkaamatta leave a th. unimpaired, (esim.
Jonkun oikeudet) leave . . wlthout enrroachment: se loukkaa korvaa It orrends
tbe ear, It Jars upon tbe ear. loukattu nfrended; wounded [prlde, ylpeys]; hurt;
slighted) vanlty; kovasti loukattu deeply
(l. much) palned (1. burt), cut (1. burt) to
tbe qulck.
loukkaaja (kuv.) orrcnder, lnsulter; vlolator.
loukkaamaton (Joka el ole loukkaantunut)
unhurt, uninjured; (Jota el ole loukattu)
unvlolated, lnvlolate; (Jota el voi loukata)
Invlolable; (koskematon) unassallable, (lail
lisesti) unlmpearhable; (Jrkyttmtn)
undlsturbed, unshaken. loukkoamattomasti
Invlolably; unassallably; \vltliont enrroachment. loukkaamattomuus Inviolablllty, unassallableness; lntegrlty; henkilkohtainen
loukkaamattomuus personal Inviolablllty.
loukkaaminen knorklng, bumplng; thrustIng; hurttng, Injurlng; (kuv.) vlolatlon,
breach; inMngement, encroachment ; orrendlng, Insultlng; wounding; vrt. loukata.
loukkaantua be hurt, be tnjured, burt (1.
hr u is.') o.s.; (kuv.) take orrense [at..,
Jostakin], be(come)orrended [at (1. about)
.., Jostakin], reel lnsulted (I. hurt). take
umbrage [at . .] ; resent, reel resentment
[about ..]; be annoyed, be piqued: hn
loukkaantui kovasti (otti kuvin pahakseen)
he was hlghly orrended. he was hurt deep
ly. loukkaantumaton unhurt, unharmed,
uninjured; sare and sound; (baavottumaton) unwounded. loukkaantuminen being


hurt (1. Injured); jostakin loukkaantuminen

(kuv.) taklng orrense at, resentlng, 1'eollng resentment about.
loukkaava Insultlng, ofrensive [manner,
esiintyminen]; puhetapa insultlng (I.
orrenstve) language; sana Insultlng (I.
abdsive) word, word calculated to hurt a
p.'s Teellngs, cuttlng word, (ivallinen)
sarcastic word, (sdytn) oiTensivo (I.
lndecent) word; ~ syytt Insultlng (I.
painrul) charge, accusatlon (1. statement
1. remark) damaglng (1. lnjurlous to) one's
reputatlon, malicious deramatlon; loukkaa
taunts, Insults, (loukkaavaa kielt) abuSlve (1. Insultlng) language; anna anteeksi
esiintymiseni (mys : ) overlook tbe way I
acted; hveliisyytt lndecent, orren
stve, shocklng. loukkaavasti In an Insult
lng (1. an orrensive) manner, orrenslvely;
puhua loukkaavasti jostakin speak insult lngly (I. orrensively) about . . .
loukkaus (kolahdus) knock, bump: (vam
ma) Injury, hurt; (kuv.) violation, outrage [upon (1. to) . . , Jotakin (1. Jotakuta)
kohtaan]; orrense, Insult, arrront: (h
vistys) contumely, lndlgnlty; (vryys)
wrong; (tunkeutuminen) intruslon [in
to . .f, lnrrlngement or (1. upon) . . , en
croachment [upon ..); tunteitani Kaa
raan CL kohtaan) an outrage upon (1. to)
my reellngs; oikeuksieni an lnrrlnge
ment or (1. an encroachment upon) my
rlgbts. -kivi stumbllng-block; rock or
loukkautua, loukkautuminen loukkaantua,
loukko (soppi) corner, nook; (lymypaikka)
recess, cranny, creep-hole.
loukku (pellava-) brake: (pyydys) trap.
loukuttaa brake [(the) riax, pellavia], lou
kutus braklng.
lounainen southwesterly, souttrvvest(ern).
lounais- (yhd.) southwest [esim. -kulma
southvvest corner; -tuuli southwest wind].
-murre (tbe) southwestern dlalect. -tuuli
(kova) southwester; (mer.) sou'wester.
lounas, louna SOUthWe8t; lounaaseen to
(-ward) the soutbwest, southvvest [of
here, tlt].
louskuttaa chank [one's teeth, hampaitaan
(1. leukojaan)], clatter. louskutus chank lng; clatterlng; leukojen louskutut (kuv.,
Jkpv.) cbln-muslc.
loveenlankeaminen ralllng in a trance.
lovi 1. (koro) score; scotch, dent, (pieni)
dlnt, (leikattu) notch; (syvennys) Incision,
cut, lndentatlon; nlck, hack; (aukko) gap,
void. breach; vrt. langeta (loveen).
lovldli > non notched; scored.
-lovinen (yhd.) . .-notched, . .-ly indented,
. . wlth . . notches [esim. matala~ sllghtiy
Indented (1. notched), with slight notches;
syv deep-notched, deeply Indented,
wlth deep notches (1. Indentatlons)].
lovi II painan . . vvith a notch at the upper
end; (kasv.) notched. -plisyys . . being
lovista* notch, Jag, dent, Indent.
lubrikaattorl (ljyttj) lubricator.
lude bedbug; bug.
Ludvik Louis; Lewis;- XIV Louis (the) XIV.
luennoida lecture [on a subject, Jostakin
aineesta], glve (1. bold) a lecture (1. lectures) [on ..]. lusnnoi(tse)minsn lecturIng. lusnnoimisvelvollisuus duty to lec
ture, duty or lerturlng. luennoitsija, lucnnonpitjl lecturer.
luenta lukeminen.
luento lecture: (esitelm) discourse. -aine
subject or [one's] lecture; lecture-subject.



-Jakso 1. -kurssi lecture rourse. -Jrjes

telm lecture system. -kieli language of
the lectures. -ali lecture-room; (suuri)
audltorium. -sarja serles (1. course) of
lectures. -velvollisuus luennolmisvelvoilisuus.
lueskeleminen readlng, study(lng). lues
kella read; study [hlstory, historiaa] ; read
up [on .., jotakin]; lueskella tarkkaan
peruse, pore over. lueskelu readlng-, study lng; study.
luetella enumerate, (flvn: count over [a p.'s
merlts, Jonkun ansiot], recount, teli (1.
name) over; give a llst or . .; aakkos
g i ve
in alphabetlcal [chronological] order, glve
(1. enumerate) alphabetlcally [chronologlcally] ; trittin speciry, partlcularlze;
jrjestyksess glve In order, enumerate
in SUCCeSSlon; yksityiskohtaisesti give
. . In detall, Itemlze, speciry.
luettaa (Jotakin) have . . read (1. reclted
Jne., vrt. lukea), cause . . to be read;
(kuulustella, esim. lukusilla) examlne (1.
test) . . in readlng; Jollakulla have one
read (1. reclte) ; kirje toisella have someone else read the letter Tor one. luetta
minen (lukusilla) examlnatlon (1. test) In
readlng. luettava I. (a.) (lukemista an
saitseva) . . worth readlng; (Joka pitisi
lukea) . . whlch should be read; (mahdol
linen lukea) readable.leglble. II. (s.) read
lng; (lksy) lesson, task; (tutkittava)
Study; minulla el atm mitn taattavaa 1
have nothlng to read, I have no readlng on
luetteleminen enumeratlng, givlng; countlng over, recounting; enumeratlon; (yksi
tyiskohtainen) Itcmtzlng.
luettelo llst [esim. kirja- list or books;
v*ro~ llst of taxes] ; catalog(ue); blll;
reglster, roll; vrt. aakkos, hinta-, ni
mi, rsti, tavara, vaali y. m.
luetuttaa luettaa.
luha I. (riihen) threshlng-room. H. (kuto
makoneen) batten.
luha III: tuhaksi ks. lyd.
luhistaa (musertaa) crush, smash, antiini late; (hajottaa) demollsh. raze; (kukistaa)
overthrow, hiiri, precipltate. luhistua be
crushed, be smashed, he shattered, Tall
down (to the grounrt); (kukistua) be overthrou-n, be preclpitated, tumble (down);
(romahtaa) come down (with a crash);
(kokoon) collapse; (vajota, esim. maa)
Cave In; rakennus on luhistumaisiltaan the
biillding Is about to tumble down (1. n
ready to fall 1. Is on the polnt or collapse).
luhlstuminon ralllng (1. tumbling) down,
collapse. luhistuva: luhistuva rakennus a
ramshaekle (1. tumble-down) bulldlng, a
buildlng ready to fall.
luhta (luhtaniitty) bottom-lanri- miirsh:
(saraniltty) sedgy meadow. -hein hay
from (1. growingon) bottom-lands; marshgrass. -niitty bottom-land.
luhti loft, (ullakko) garret, attlc. -rakennus
outbutldlng used as a storehouse.
luihkaista cry out, shout, yell; halloo, luihkata = luikata.
luihu Inslnuatlng; (kavala) lnsidlous, treacherous, sly. luihuus Insldlousness, slyness.
luikahdus slip(ping): slide; sllnklng. lui
kahtaa sllp, sllde, gllde; (puikahtaa) sllnk.
luikata yell, shout, (huutaa) halloo; (rahis
ta) lia\vl, squall; (puhaltaa torvea) toot,
blow (I. sound) a hoin; jonkun korvaan
yell (1. scream) Into onc's ear.
luikerrella (kiemurrella, esim. Joki) wlnd;
(esim. krme) wrlggle; (kuv.) worm o.s.;
dodge, shufile; (pois) evade, elude; (ry


mi) crouch [beiore one, Jonkun edess],

creep, grovel, cringe; (Juonitella) intrigue;
jonkun suosioon worm (1. lnsinuate 1.
wheedle) o.s. Into a p.'s favor (1. good
graces); pois jostakin wrlggle (1. crawl)
out of . . , (hiipi) steal (1. sneak 1. sllnk)
away, skulk oli. luikerrus = luikertelu.
luikertaa = luikerrella, luikerteleminen
ks. luikertelu, luikerteleva wlndlng, tortuous; (kuv.) inslnuatlng [manners, kyts
tapa], crlnglng. luikertelija sly (1. treacberous 1. Inslnuatlng) person; (vehkeilij)
lntrlguer. luikertelu wriggling, wrlggle;
dodging, shufriing; evasion; crlnglng; inslnuatlon; (vehkeily) intrigue.
luikkari (veitikka) rogue, rascal.
luikkaua balloolng; yelllng, bawl(lng);
luikki double-dealer, cbeat, lmpostor; (tees
kentelij) hypocrlte.
luikkia (Juosta) run; (hiipi) sllnk, sneak;
pakoon sneak (1. sllnk) away; poi*
Cl. tiehens) bolt, skedaddle, pack (1. bundle) orr, make o.s. scarce, (hiipi) sllnk
1. sneak) away, vanlsh.
luikkimainen Turtlve, eluslve, evasive, shirtlng [glance, katse], shirty; trlcky [nature.
luonne]; hypocrltical. luikkimaisuua evaslveness, shirtlness, trlcklness; hypocrlry.
luikku (wooden) horn; trumpet, lure; vrt.
paimen, tuli.
luiku (J) sllde. lulkua (liukua) slide,
gllde; sllp. luikulatu sllde.
lulmistaa, luimistella scowl [over one's
spectacles, silmlasien(sa) takaa]; (kurk
kia) east furtlve glances [at ..]; kor
viaan (vihaisesta hevosesta:) lay back its
luinen I. (a.) bone, . . (made) or bone;
(tiet.) osseous; nappi bone button. H.
(yhd.) . .-boned [esim. suun- blg-boned].
luiseva full or bones, bony; raw-boned:
(laiha) scrawny, scraggy. -naamainen
. wlth a raw-boned race.
luiska I. (a.) sllppery; (sile) smooth. II.
(s.) slope; lncllne.
luiskahdus sllp(plng), slldlng, slide; gllding.
luiskahtaa sllp, sllde; gllde; luiskahtaa
jonkun ksist sllp (1. gllde) out nr qne's
hands; hnen jatkonsa luiskahti his foot
sllpped. luiskahtaminen slipplng, sllding.
luistaa slide; (solua) gllde; (luiskahtaa)
sllp; (sujua) run, go; (kulua, ajasta pu
huen) gllde (1. wear) on, sllp aw'ay, pass;
(edisty) progress; ksist sllp (1. gllde)
out or the hands; aika tlme sllps (1.
glldes) by, tlme riles; onni - let (it)
go! now then! antaa ajatusten glve
rree rein to one's tboughts; neula hel
posti the needle goes through (I. runs)
easlly; se ei luista (suju) lt won't go. you
cannot make lt go (1. make a go or it);
ty ripesti the work Is progressing
rapldly, the work makes rapld progress.
luistaminen slldlng, gllding Jne., vrt. luistaa.
luistattaa make . . (1. cause . . to) slide (I.
slip I. gllde); lattia ei luistata jalkaa tbe
rioor is not sllppery.
luisteleminen ks. luistelu, luistelija skater.
luistella slide: (luistimilla) skate. luistelu
sllding: (luistimilla) skating; vrt. kaunaluistelu.
luisti (tekn.) slide-valve. -kaappi slidebox, sllde-valve chest, steam-chest.
luistin skate: luistimet skates.
luistin- (yhd.) skating- [esim. -kilpailu
skatlngcontest (1. -maton): -klubi Cl.
-seura) skating-elub; -retki .Skating-trlp] .
-j Ice Tor skating. -kali: hyv luistinheli
good skating. -rata skating-rlnk; (kilpa! lurata) course.



lulttipumppu (tekn.) slider-pump.

luisto kg. luusto.

luisu I. (s.) lnclined, sloping (aown\vards),

slanting; olla slope (downward), (be)
incline(d), decline, slant (down). II. (s.)
slope; incllnc. luisua (olla luisu) slope,
slant, decline; (luistaa) gllde, slide, sllp;
on luisumassa perikatoaan kohti is going

to nis [its] destruction, Is golng downhill, Is on the downward way (1. course).
luisuminen sloping, slanting; gllcling-, slltlmg. luisutta make . . sllde (1. sllp 1.
glide), cause . . to sllde.
luja nrm [as a rock, kuin kallio: ground,
pohja; belier, usko], solid; (kova) hard;
(vakava) steady, stable; rixed; (vahva)
strong (rortress, Hnnotus] ; (kestv) durable; (tiivis) compact; (vankka) substantial, stout; (varma) secure, sare; (Jyrkk)
declded, resolute; (Jrkhtmtn) steadrast, stauncb [supporter or soclalism, so
sialismin kannattaja], tenacious; (itsepin
tainen) stubborn; isku heavy blow; ~
ja rirm (1. sare) Ice; perustus solld (1.
secure) Foundation ; ruumiinrakenne
sturdy body, \vell-knit frame, robust (1.
strong) build; ~ tyS hard (1. strenuous)
work; ~ vakaumus rirm (1. strong 1. settled) convlction; ~ vastarinta rirm (1.
strong 1. rlgorous 1. stauncb 1. stubborn)
resistance, hard flgllt; (u/aa, lujaan ks.
hakus.; lujalla (tiukalla) tight, (pingotet
tuna) taut, kS. pit; lujalla nell In
a firm volce, (kovaa) loud; lujalle ks. ot
taa, panna; lujana firm, Steadfast, ks. py
sy; lujassa (tiukalla) tight, ks. olla; ..on
lujaa ainetta . . is of strong (1. oi' durable
1. or rirm) materlal.
luja- (ybd.) strong-, firm-, wlth a rirm (1.
a strong) .. [esim. -tahtoinen strong wllled, rirm-wllled, . . wlth a rirm (1. a
strong) wlll].
lujaa hard; (kovalla nell) loud; (kovaa
vauhtia) at (a) hlgh (rate of) speed, rast,
swirtly. lujaan firmly [rooted, Juurtunut],
(good and) hard, hard and fast, vrt. lyd,
luja hermoinen: lujahermoinen mies a man
or (1. with) steady (1. strong) nerves.
-Juurinen (firmly) rooted, firmly fixed in
the ground. -kourainen 1. -kitinn . . vltli
a strong (1. a firm) grlp (In one's hands),
. . vvith great strength in one's hands.
-luonteinen rirm, determlned; lujaluonteinen mies (mys:) a man of character (1.
or determlnation). -luonteisuus rirmness,
stabillty or character. -luontoinen strongmlnded; mys = lujaluontoinen, -luontoisuus strong-mlndedness. -rakenteinen
strong-rramed (1. -bullt), rirmly (1. solidly
1. strongly) built, substantial, solid, stout;
(tanakka) robust [man, mies], sturdy.
lujasti rirmly, solidly; hard; strongly;
steadily, securely [rixed, kiinnitetty] ;
compactly; substantlally [built, rakennet
tu]; (kuv.) resolutely, steadra3tly, unriinchingly; vrt. vankasti.
lujagtahtoinen (mys:) . . strong or \vill.
determlned, resolute. -tekoinen rirmly (l.
strongly I. solidly 1. substantlally) bullt,
. . or solld (1. substantial) make: substan
tial, SOlid, StOUt; vrt. lujarakenteinen.
lujempi rirmer, stronger, harder; more solld
(1. compact 1. secure 1. substantial 1. steadTast Jne., vrt. luja); lujemmalle tlghter,
ks. vet.
lujeneminen growing Nrmer (1. stronger),
strengthenlng; solldtricatlon.
lujentaa make . . rirmer (1. stronger), make
.. more solld (1. more substantial); (tiu
kentaa) tighten; (kuv.) strcngthen, con-


rirm, (voimistuttaa) invfgorate, brace (up)

[the nerves, hermoja], (vakaannuttaa)
solldiry, cement, compact, consolldate;
vrt. lujittaa, lujsntaminen strengthenlng;
braclng (up); solidlfying, cementlng, consolldation.
lujentua ks. seur.
lujeta become (I. grovv) rirmer (1. stronger
1. harder), become more solld (I. more se
cure 1. more compact); solldiry, consolidate; (kuv.) be strengthened (1. fortiried
1. conrirmed); get stabillty, grow (more)
lujittaa strengthen, brace, rortiry; renrorce; mys = lujentaa; ystvyytt
strengthen (1. cement) the friendship. lu
jittaminen consolidatlon (mys kuv.);
SOlldiricatlon. lujittua lujeta; ystvyys
lujittui the rrlendshlp grevv rirmer. lujitus
strengthenlng; (tekn.) reenrorcement.
lujuus rirmness, solidltyjhardncss; strength;
steadlness, stabillty; compactness; (mie
len y. m.) steadrastness, constancy; (jyrk
kyys) resolution; (Tys. y. m.) tenaclty;
hness ei ole ollenkaan lujuutta he has no
rirmness or wlll, there Is no rirmness In
luin. -koe test or tenaclty (1. or strength).
lukaista read (hastlly), run over; (silmil
l) glance over [the paper, lehti], run
one's eye over, have (1. take) a glance (I.
a look) at; ~ lpi read . . over hastlly,
glance over (1. through), run (one's eye)
over (1. through). lukaisu hurrled readlng; glanclng (over 1. through).
lukea read [a book, kirja(a); a letter to (1.
ror) one, kirje Jollekulle; a p.'s thoughts,
Jonkun ajatukset; In one's eyes. Jonkun
silmist; rrom the pulplt, saarnastuolista] ;
(huolella) peruse; (ulkomuistilta) say
[one's prayers, rukouksensa] ; (sanoa)
teli; (lausua) reclte; (laskea) count, reckon, (Johonkin kuuluvaksi) rerer, assign,
ascrlbe, attribute, (sisltyvksi) include,
comprlse; (opiskella) study [Ltin, lati
naa; to be a doctor, lkriksi]; luettuasi
kirjan (loppuun) arter readlng the book,
arter you have rinlshed (readlng) the
book, arter you are through (l. are done)
Wlth the bOOk; ~ Jokin ansiokseen count
.. to one's credit, take credlt ror . .; ~
Jokin Jonkun (1. Jollekulle) ansioksi give
one credit Tor . . , give one the credit or
. . , credit one wlth . . , ascrlbe (1. attrib
ute) the merlt or . . to one [huom. se lue
taan hnelle ansioksi thafs counted to his
credit, that Is to hls credit, he is glven the
credit or (1. Tor) that]; hyvkseen rount
Tor o.s., count In one's ravor; ~ itsens
kS. lukeutua; joku joidenkin joukkoon

Cl. joihinkin kuuluvaksi) count (I. Class 1.

Include) one among . . , number one among
(1. with) . .; ~ kirjasta read In a book.
read rrom (1. out oD a book; ~ Jotakin
nautinnokseen read . . ror pleasure, (nau
tinnolla) enjoy the reading or . .; papiksi
prepare ror the mlnistry, study to become
a minister, study to enter the mlnistry;
~ pbytrukous say grace; rahojaan
count (over) one's money, be counting out
one's money: rivien vlist read between the Iines ; [hyvin] sislt read
[Weil]; Joku suhulaisekseen conslder
(1. count) one (as) a relatlve. look upon
one as a relatlve, (vltt) clalm relatlonshlp wlth one; ~ thdist read in the
stars; ulkoa give . . by heart, recite
rrom memory, (opetella) commlt . . to
memory, learn; ~ Jokin Jonkun viaksi
(syyksi) lay . . to a p.'s charge, lay . . at
a p.'s door, lay . . to one, count . . agalnst
one; - vrin make a mistake In read



ing, read . . wrong; ~ neens read

aloud (1. out loud); ci ht lakia laa (sa
nani.) necessity knows no law; hnen
pivns ovat luetut hls ilays are numbered; jtt muutamia Manoja lukematta
skip (over) a few words, pass over a few
words, omit a few words (1. passage) in
reading; kaikki, hnet yksin pois luettuna
ali, except bim (I. but be); ali, -vv i t li the
single (1. sole) exceptlon of bim; kaikki
siihen luettuna everything (1. ali) lncluded,
Includlng everytblng; Kalevalaa lukios
sahan) in (1. when 1. wbile) reading tbe
Kalevala; on luettavana Is (to be found)
[in the paper, sanomalehdess], Is to be
read [on the flrst page of the paper, leh
den etusivulla], stands m black and whlte;
tst pivst lukien 1'rorri Uils day on (1.
rorth 1. forvvard).
.m', (l. ali)(laskematon)
countlng, uncounted,
unnumbcred; countless, numberless; (Jota ei ole
luettu) unread; (Joka el ole lueskellut)
unlettered, llliterate; mr countless
number, inflnlte amount; lukemattomia
kertoja tlmes without (1. out oO number,
numberless (1. countless) tlmes; time and
tiine agaln, over and over agaln, tlmes and
tlmes; lukemattomiin past any (1. ali) counting, (rettmiin) ad lnrinltum, endlessly, vvlthout end. lukemattomaatl Inniimerably.
lukemattomuus lnnumerableness; mrinitude; countless number(s).
lukeminen reading; saylng; recitlng; (las
keminen) countlng, reckonlng; study(tng);
(Johonkin ) referrlng, ascrlblng, lnclud1117; vrt. lukea; hyvksyttiin ensimisess
lukemisessa (lakiehdotus) was approved
on (1. after) the rirst reading, was passed
to a second reading.
lukemisto reading-book. reader.
lukeneisuus Wide reading; book-learnlng,
erudition. lukenut well-read, wklely read;
(sivistynyt) educated; paljon lukenut mies
a wldely read man, a man or wlde reading.
lukeutua count (1. reckon) o.s. [among . . ,
Joihinkin]; sosialisteihin (mys:) conslder (1. count) o.s. a soclallst, ldentiry
o.s. with the soclalists.
lukija reader. -kunta (Circle of) readers,
the reading publlC; . . haluaa ilmottaa luki
jakunnalleen . . wlshes to announce to lts
(Circle or) readers (1. to the reading publlc).
lukijatar fair reader, \voman reader; lukijattaret (myUs-.) readers among the vvomen.
luklnverkko cobvveb.
lukio school formerly in Finland, correspondlng to the hlgh school gradcs; Gym
nasium, lukiolainen pupll (1. student) at
a Gymnasium.
lukita lock; (sulkea) shut (up), close; ~
joku johonkin lock one up In . . . lukitse
maton unlocked. lukitseminen locklng;
shuttlng up. lukittu locked; (suljettu)
shut, closed; lukittujen ovien takana ho
lliini closod doors.
lukkari chorlster, cholr-leader, precentor;
pristi clerk; sacrlstan; (suntio) sexton.
lukkarikoulu: lukkari- ja urkurikoulu
school for trainlng chorlsters and organlsts.
(clttlnt.) phalangid.
lukko lock; (rannerenkaan y. m.) clasp;
lukkoon ks. lyd, menn, panna; lukon
taakse under lock and key, ks. panna, sul
keutua; lukon (ja salvan) takana under
lock and key, under bolt and bar; lukossa
(lukittuna) locked.
lukkolnen (yhd.) wlth a . . lock, . .-locked
[esim. kaksi double-locked; vahva\vlth a strong lock],


lukkorakenne: erilaisia lukkorakenteita Clif ferent klnds (1. constructlons) of locks.

lukkosepp lock-smith.
(ukkoutua lock o.s. [In, Johonkin].

lukku ks. lukko.

lukollinen . . (provided) with a lock.
lukon- (yhd.) . . or a lock [esim. -jousi
sprlng or a lock], lock- [esim. -laatta
lock-plate]. -salpa bolt (of a lock). -sisua
mechanlsm or a lock.
luku number; flgure, clpber; sum; (luke
minen) reading; (laskeminen) countlng,
reckonlng; (laskelma) calculatlon, computation; (kirjan) Chapter, (oppikirjan;
lesson; (tili) account; (ajanlasku) style:
lukua ks. pit, tehd; luvultaan in num
ber; luvut (opinnot) Studies; [hoitaa Jo
takin] jonkun lukuun [look after a th.] on
behalf of one (1. In one's bebalf 1. in one's
interest); kuusinumeroinen ~ a number
Of SlX flgures (1. dlgits); vanhaa lukua Of
old style (of reckonlng time).
luku- (yhd.) reading- [esim. -Auon* readlng-room; -kirja reading-book]. -aika
time for reading (1. for study); (kouluaika) scbool term. -halu llking for (1. love
of) books, taste for study (1. for reading
1. for books) ; pojalla on lukuhalu tbe
boy Is rond of reading, the boy Is a great
reader; pojalla ei ole lukuhalua tbe boy
has no taste for study (1. for books).
-haluinen . . \vho llkes to read (1. to
study), fond of reading (1. of study) . -harJotus reading-exerclse, exerclse in reading;
lukuharjotukset (mys:) trainlng in reading.
lukuinen I. lukuisa. II. (yhd.) . . in num
ber, numerlcally . . [esim. *uuri~ large in
number, numerlcally large (I. strong);
vh- small In number, numerlcally
small] ; vrt. harva, moni y. m.
lukuisa numerous, multltudlnous; numerlc
ally large (1. strong), (usein tapabtuva)
frequent; lukuisampi kuin . . niore numer
ous ihan . . , superlor In numbers to . . , nu
merlcally stronger (1. larger) tban . . , nu
merlcally superlor to . . ; vihollinen oli mei
dn joukkojamme lukuisampi uriyos:) tbe
enemy outnumbered our forces (1. our
troops). lukuisammin In greater numbers;
erehdyksi tapahtuu lukuisammin kuin pi
tisi mlstakes are more frequent tban they
should be. lukuisasti numerously; in great
numbers; lukuisasti koolla assembled in
great numbers; edustajia oli lukuisasti saa
puvilla (mys:) there was a great number
of delegates present, there \vas a large at
tendance or delegates. lukuisimmin in
greatest numbers; sosialistit olivat lukui
simmin edustettuina the soclalists were
present (1. were represented) in greatest
numbers, the soclalists uero numerlcally
strongest. lukuisuus numerousness.
luku]1 Jrjestelm system or numbers, immerlcal system (I. scale). -Jrjestys program; Schedule of Studies, currlculum.
-kammio study. -kappale selectlon; read
ing; (slsluvun harjotus-) reading lesson.
lukukausi semester; term (of school),
school-term. -maksu tultlon (for the se
mester). -todistus report-card for the
lukukausittain by the semester, by the
term. lukukausittainen .. held every se
mester; . . by (1. for) the semester.
lukull kiihko mania for reading. -kinkerit
annual examination in reading conducted
by tbe rural mlnlsters [In Finland], -kirja
(mys:) reader. -merkki (kirjanmerkki)
book-mark(er). -mies scholar, student,
man or wldo reading. -mr number.
-nytelm 1. -draama closet drama. -piiri



readlng ctrcle. -pU bead for books (1. for

study). -sali reading room; (amer. kou
luissa) study hali. -sana (kiel.) niimural.
lukuset = lukukinkerit.
luku seura reading-clrcle (1. club), -suun
nitelma pian or StUdy; Vrt. lukujrjestys,
-taidoton unable to read, illlterate. -taidottomuus inabillty to read, llllteracy.
-taito ablllty to read; literacy. -taitoinen
able to read, llterate; en loka- ja kirjotuttaitointn (mys:) can (1. knovvs lio\v to)
read and wrlte. -tie: antautua lukutielle,
kyd lukutiet beoome a student, go in
ror studydng one or the proresslons), go
in for a proresslon, begln to study (1. to
prepare o.s.) ror a proresslon. -tunti hour
(set apart) Tor readlng; (koulussa:) class,
(kuulustelu-) recitatlon(-perlod); (opis
kelu-) study-bour; lesson; lukutunnilla in
class. -tupa readlng-room.
lukuunottaa take Into account, count (1.
reckon) In, lnclude; (ottaa huomioon) take
into consideratlon; (kiinnitt huomiota)
notlce, observe; (vlitt) mlnd, care; . .
lukuunottttuna (mys:) lncludlng ... lnClUSlve Of . . [esim. rahti lukuunotettuna
(wltb the) rrelght lncluded, lncludlng (I.
Incluslve or) the rrelght] ; lukuunottamatta
not taklng Into account, not lncludlng, excluding, wlth the exception or..; karvoja
paikkauksia lukuunottamatta Wltb re\v exceptlons, excluding a Tew lnstances (1. a
few exceptional cases); jtt lukuunotta
matta leave . . out oi account, not take
into account (1. Into consideratlon), dlsregard. except, exclude. lukuunotto lncluslon.
luku. vuosi year or study; school (I. academlc) year. -yhdistys ks. lukuseura.
lumellml Illusion, deluslon; glamor.
lumon- (yhd.) . . of (the) snow [esim. -paino
-weigbt (1. pressure) or (the) snow; -sula
minen meltlng or the snow], show- [esim.
peittm snow-covered] . -luonti clearing
(1. sweeplng) away (oD the snow, (lapioi
minen) snovellng (the) sn0W; lumenluonti
kaduilta clearing the streets or show. -lht
meltlng or the snow. -paljous amount of
SDOW; lumenpaljout otti maita psemtt

sinne ajoitta there being so mucb snow < i.

the heavy snow) kept us rrom reachlng
there on tlme. -raja = lumiraja, -sekainen
. . mlxed wlth snow. -suojus snow-shed;
(iumialta) snow-rence. -tulo Tall or snow,
lumeton . . without show, snowless [region,
seutu]; (paljas) bare, naked; (esim. vuo
renhuipusta puhuen:) . . not covered wlth
show. lumettomuus: taivon lumattomuut . .
there being no snow (that Winter) . . .
lumottua, lumoutua berome (1. get) snowy;
become covered with (I. lull oi) snow;
(peitty lumeen) be(come) snowed under.
lumi show; lamaan ks. peitty, tarttua, tul
la; Janten thdtty after the show Is gone;
laman poltotta, tumaan hautautuneena
burled in show, covered wlth snow; olla
tumatta (luminen) be covered \vith show,
be snowy.
lumi- (yhd.) snow- [esim. -aifa snow-fence;
-aura snow-plow: -kirppu snow-riea; -vati
snow-water], . . of snow [esim. -kide crystal or snow; -paita coverlng (1. blankot)
or show], (harvemmin:) snowy [esim.
-t snowy weather]. -aavikko vast snowy
[lain, snow- covered plateau. -hanki crust
or (1. on tbe) show, crust; (lumikinos)
snow-drirt; vrt. hanki, -osto (esim. Ju
nalla) block due (1. owing) to snow; ju
nalla on ollut lumittte tbe train has been
blockaded (1. blocked) by show (1. been
tnowed in 1. been snow-bound). -hlude I.


-hiutale snowriake. -huttu (keltt.) whipped

cream. -keli sleighing. -kengt snowshoes. -kentt snow-rield.
lumi II kide snow-crystal; (lumlhlude) snowflake. -kinos show il n rt,
lumikko (elint.) weasel.
lumilllinna castle or show; (.poikien) show
rort. -marjapensas (kasv.) snowberry.
-myrsky snow-storm; bllzzard. -mr
mass (1. amount) or snow; snowrall.
luminen snowy [weather, s; coat, takki],
. . covered wlth show.
lumlUnletos ks. lumikinos, -pallo snov/ball;
heitt (l. pommittaa) jotakuta lumipalloilla

throw snowballs at one, snowball one, pelt

(1. pommel) one wltb snowballs. -pallo
nen: olla lumipaUotUla = olla lumisilla; ks.
lumiset, -peite coverlng (1. blanket) oi
SHOW; valikoinen lumipeite vuoren huipulla

(mys:) tbe wlilte sbeet or snow coverlng

tbe summlt or the mountaln. -peittoinen
. . covered wlth snow,snow-covered; show
capped [mountaln, vuori] . -pukuinen snowclad, . . wlth a mantle or snow. -pyry
Nvbirllng snow-storm, (ankara) bllzzard;
(lyhytaikainen) snow-squall; (liev) riurry or snow. -raja snow-llne, snow-llmlt,
llmlt oi perpetual snow. -reki snow-plow.
-rikas aboundlng in show, snowy. -rnt
1. -ryppy sleet, wet show; (kaduilla, teil
l) slusb; sataa lumirnt lt sleets, sleet
Is ralllng. -sade lall or show, snuw(lall).
lumiset: olla lumisilla (play) snowball,
throw snowballs, vrt. lumisotaset; ruveta
lumisille begln to play snowball, start
lumillsohjo 1. -sohju slush. rotten (1. thawlng 1. meltlng) snow; vrt. lumlrant. -sokea
snow-bllnd. -sokeus snow-blindness. -sose
ks. lumihuttu. -sota snowball right (1.
battle); snowballlng. -aotaset: olla lumitotatilla liave a snowball rigbt. -suojus lumensuojus. -talvi snowy Winter.
lumittaa: ~ jotakuta assall (1. pelt) one
wlth snowballs, throw snowballs at one,
snowball one.
lumiituisku drlvlng (1. whirling) snowstorm, bllzzard; (lumipyry) snow-squall.
-tunturi show covered mountaln (1. hill)
[In tbe arctlc reglons]. -ukko show -mau.
-vaippa mantle (1. blanket) or snow. -vaippalnen . . wlth a mantle or snow. -valkea
l. -valkoinen snow-wblte [dress, puku],
(as) white as show, snowy [mantle, vaip
pa], -vierem ks. lumivyry, -vuori snowcapped mountaln (1. alp). -vyry snowsllde; avalanche.
lumme I. (lummekukka) water-llly.
lumme II: lumpeeseen ks. menn; [Olla]
lumpeetta (korvista puhuen:) [be] stopped up, [be] deafened; korvani ovat vie
lkin lumpeetta (mys:) 1 am still dear
(rrom tbe shock).
lummehdus buzzlngO. slnglng) In one's ears.
lummehtua (korvista:) be(come) stopped
lumme i kaavit (kasv.) the water-llly raiuily.
-kukka (whlte) water-llly; blossoin or the
lumo ks. lumot, lumoaminen encbantment,
charmlng, fasclnatlon; bewitchlng, vrt.
lumota, lumoava charmlng, rascinating; enchanttng; magic; knn lumoava kauneutenta lier charmlng (1. bewltching) beauty,
lumooja charmer, enchanter. lumosana
word or enchantnient, magic word, charm.
lumot enchantment; charm, spell; kietoa
joku lumoihinsa wave a spell around one;
vrt. pst (lumoista).
lumota enchant, bewttch, east a spell on;
(hurmata, ihastuttaa) charm, fascinate, ai



lure, enrapture, captlvate; (sokaista) dazzle, (taze; infatuate; ~ silmt Joltakulta (1.
jonkun silmt) bllnd (I. dazzle) onc's eyes
(1. one), east (1. work) a spcll on (1. over)
one, (Ieik.) throw dust In one's eyes.
lumottu enchanted [castle, linna]; bewltehed; . . (lald) under a (magic) spell,
spellbound; kuuntelivat kuin lumottuina
Ustened as lf (1. as though) bewltcbed (1.
encbanted), Ustened spellbound.
lumous charm, encbantment ; fasclnation;
spell; mys = lumouspllrl; iknkuin
lumouksissa as ir bewltched, spellbound.
piiri magic (1. cbarmed) clrcle; spell or
one's cbarms. -voima charm; spell; vrt.
lumoutua be(come) enchanted (I. bevvitrlied
Jne., vrt. lumota); (burmautua) be(come)
cbarmed (1. rasclnated 1. enraptured) [by,
jostakin], (sokaistua) be(come) dazzled
(1. dazed).
lumpeenkukka lummekukka. -lehti lllypad.
lump(p)io (polvi-) kneecap, kneepan; (anat.)
lumppu ra?; lumput rags. -paperi rag paper.
lumppuni ragman, ragplcker; rag-peddler.
lunastaa redeem [a pledge, pantti; a prlsoner, vanki]; (lunnailla) ransom; (pois)
buy out; (ostaa) buy. (orr), purchase, pay
(for); (lasku, vekseli y. m.) honor, pay,
meet; (usk.) redeem, (vapahtaa) dellver;
asiapaperit pay for maklng out the papers;
~ itsens vapaaksi buy one's freedom; ~
lippu fl. piletti) nytntn buy (1. procure 1. get) a tlcket to a perrormance, pay
for admlsslon to a perrormance; ~ lupaukssnsa redeem one's word (1. promtse),
make good one's promlse; ~ [kellonsa]
pantista get [one"s watch] out of pavvn,
redeem [one's watch] ; ~ vekseli pay (1.
meet) a note at the bank; ilmottaa Cl. tar
jota) lunastettavaksi present (1. nlTer) for
redemption; kyd lunastamassa (hakemas
sa) call for. lunastaja redeemer (mys
usk.); (ostaja) buyer. lunastamaton unredeemed [note at the bank, (pankkl)vekse11; bond, obligatsionl] ;unpald [blll, lasku] ;
lunastamattomia pukuja SUltS Ilot callcd
Tor. lunastaminen redeemlng; buylng (off
1. out), paylng (for), lunastin ransom;
jonkin [jonkun] lunastimiksi as a r ansoin
Tor . . , to redeem . . .
lunastus redemption; (osto) buylng, pur
chase; (maksu) cliarge; lunastusta vastaan
on payment of fees (1. of the charges).
-aika tiine or redemption; asiakirjain lu
nastusaika perlod rixed by law Tor paylng
the charges for legal papers. -maksu
charges; redemption money; (lunnas-)
ransom. -oikeus rlght to redeem, right or
redemption. -oppi (usk.) doctrine of re. demption (1. of vicarlous atonement).
-raha (esim. pantin lunastamiseksi) re
demption money; (lunnasraha) ransom
(money); (-maksu) Tee. -tyo (work or)
lunnas: lunnaat ransom. -raha ransom. -sana
Password; (sot.) counterslgn; vrt. tunnus
lunni (cllnt.) (common) puffin.
lunttu I. (ltys) avvkvvard thlng, (jkpv.)
lummox; (retus) sloven.
lunttu II. (tykin sytytin) slow-match. -pyssy
luntustaa (kyd ~) lumber.
luo to; (lhelle) close to, rlght (up) to;
jonkun (rlght up) to one.
luoda create [asystem, Jrjestelm], make;
(muodostaa) form, compose; (synnytt)
generate, produce; (suunnata) turn [one's


eyes toward ... silmns Jonnekin], dlrect; (heitt) east [a shadow, varjo],
(yltn) east off, throw orr; (levitt)
spread, dlffuse [ligbt, valoa]; (valaa)
pour, shed [lts (1. her) light, valoaan],
(kuv.) lnstill, lnfuse; (antaa) glve, lnsplre
. . wlth [courage, rohkeutta johonkuhun] ;
(lapioida) shovel (away), clear (I. sweep)
away, east up [a mound, kumpu], (kal
vaa) dlg [a ditch, oja(a)]; (kangasta)
Warp; loiht laulamaan began to Slng; loihs
lausumaan spoke as follows spake and
sald; [silmns] auAiopen [one'seyes];
oloa kertomukseen put life lll(tO) the
story, glve life to the story; hauta
(kalvaa) dig a grave, dlg a pit; ~ HSyhenens Shed ItS leatliers, mO(U)lt; ies nis
koiltaan throw (1. shake) off the yoke;
itselleen ksitys jostakin leirin a COnceptlon (1. an Idea) Of . .; ~ jpeitteens
(jrvi) throw off (1. be freed from) lts
sliackles of Ice, break up [huom. jrvi on
luonut jpeittetns (the Ice on) the lake
has broken up, (the) Ice on (1. tn) the lake
has melted, the lake Is free from Ice] ; ~
kangasta put In the warp, warp; ~ kar
vansa Shed ItS halr, molt; ~ katsahdus jo
honkin (take a) glance at, take a look at,
look at (1. Into) . . , revlew . . , vrt. ~ sil
mys johonkin ; ~ katseensa johonkin look at
...rixone's eyes (up) on . . .(silmys) glance
at..; ' katseensa (\. silmns) maahan
look down, east one's eyes down (I. downward 1. on the ground), drop (1. lower)
one's eyes, lower one's gaze; ~ kuva josta
kin create (1. glve 1. draw) a plcture of.
Picture (1. represent) a th. [huom. hn loi
mainion kuvan Hamletista he created a
wonderful Hamlet, he lnterpreted Hamlet
wonderfully] ; ~ lunta shovel snow, clear
(1. sweep) away the snow; jo(ta)kln
ljn throw (I. fllng 1. shovel) . . Into a
lieap; - nahkansa (knne) east (I. shed
1. cliange) lts skln; ~ pltn throw (1.
east 1. shake) orr, free o.s. [or (l.rrom)..],
(vieritt) roll orr; ~ .. silmyksi jo
honkin glve a tb. . . glances (1. Iooks) , vlew
(1. look at) a th. with . . eyes [huom. luo
da hempeit silmyksi johonkuhun (mys : )
east sheep's eyes at one: luoda himokkaita
silmyksi johonkin glve a tb. longing
glances, view a th. wlth greedy (1. wltli
hungry) eyes, look at a th. longlngly (1.
wlth Wlstrul eyes)]; ~ silmys johonkin
take a look (1. a glance) at, look (1. glance)
at; ~ [hauta] umpeen rt 1 J up (1. rill in 1.
rill) [a grave], (lapioida) shovel up, shovel
.. lull; ~ uutta elm (1. eloa) johonkin
lnruse new life Into . . , lnspire . . with
new life; valli throw (1. east) up a
breastwork; ~ valoa johonkin (esim. kuu)
shed light upon . . , (kuv.) throw (1. east)
light upon . .; joki luopi jns the (Ice in
the) rlver Is breaklng up; hn loi minuun
syyttvn [moittivan] katseen he east on
me (1. he gave me) an accuslng [a reprovlng] look (1. glance), he looked at me accuslngly [reproachrully], he gave me a
look or condemnatton [or reproach] ; syy
tetty loi kysyvn katseen tuomariin the
accused turned (1. east) an inqulrlng look
(1. glanced inqulrlngly) at the judge.
luodata sound.
luode t. (Ilmansuuntana:) northwest; 2.
(pakovesl) ebb, low tide (I. water) ; ja
vuoksi ebb and riow; tuuli on luoteessa the
wlnd Is In (1. rrom) the northwest. -aika
ebb-tlde, low tlde. -tuuli northwest(erly)
wlnd (1. breeze). -vesi ks. pakoveei.
luodlkko ririe.
luodin (auskari) ball, scoop.



tuoja creator; (tekij) maker, author; tai

vaan ja maan ~ maker (1. creator) or
heaven and earth.
luokitella, luokittaa classify; grade. luokit
tain by classes, by grades. luokittamaton
luokittelu, luokitus classiricatlon; gradlng.
luokka I. (luokki) collar-tree, collar-bow.
luokka II. (sty- y. m.) class; (Amer. koul.)
grrade, (Engl. koul.) loini; (osasto) category; (arvo-, yhteiskunta- y. m.) order,
rank; luokan esimies (1. v. Amer.) class
advlser, (Engl.) rorm-master; jakaa luok
kiin separate into classes, divide Into categorles, (luokitella) classify.
luokka- (ybd.) class tesim. -edustua class
representatlon; -erotukset class distlnctions; -etuoikeus class prlvllege]. -edut
class Interests. -huone (koulussa) classroom, room.
luokkainen (ybd.) vtrltb . . grades [esim. viisi~
wltb Tive grades] ; vrt. ensi, tyi~ y. m.
luo k kai Jako class division; classiricatlon;
(koulussa:) division into grades (Engl.:
rorms). -kumppani ks. luokkatoveri.
luokkalainen I. (s.) (luokkatoveri) classmate. II. (ybd.) . . grade pupll, pupll In . .
grade, (Jkpv.) . . grader [esim. anti flrst
grade pupll, pupil In tbe flrst grade, flrst
grader] ; vrt. tyven.
luokka opetus teacblng In class. -rajat class
Iines, -taistelu class struggle. -tietoinen
class consclous. -tietoisuus class consciousness. -toveri (koulussa) classmate;
luokkatoverini (mys:) tbe boys (I. felIows) In my class, (yhteiskunta-) men and
w.omen of my class, (tylis-) my fellow
vvorkers. -toverukset: he ovat luokkatoverukset they aie classmates, tbey are In tbe
same class at scbool. -vastakohta class
antagonism. -viha class batred. -yhteis
kunta soclety (conslstlng) of classes.
luokki = luokka I. -saarinen bovv-legged,
luoko (hein-) suath; wlndrow.
luokse, luoksi luo; luokseen to (1. before)
one, KS. kutsua; tule luokseni coinc to me.
luokse psemtn
unapproachable. -pstv accesslble, . . easy
of access; approachable.
luola (kallio-) cave, cavern; (erltt. keino
tekoinen) grotto; (elimen) bole, den,
(kolo) burrow; jalopeuran lion's den;
ketun foz-bole; ryvrien robbers'
den, den of robbers, den of thleves. -asu
kas 1. -Ihminen cave-dvveller, caveman:
troglodyte; (Pohj.-Amer.) cllff-dweller.
-aukko moutb of a cave. -karhu cave-bear.
luolamainen . . llke a cave, . . resembling a
luoma 1. (luomus) creatlon; (teos) work;
(tuote) Production; 2. (lbossa) blrtbmark,
mole, strawberry-mark; (tiet.) naevus,
nevus. -kunta creatlon. -puut 1. -keh
luomi I. (silm-) (eye)lid. II. = luoma, 2.
luominen (maailman) creatlon; vrt. luonti.
luomis- (yhd.) . . or (the) creatlon [esim.
-historia (hl)story of (the) creatlon; -toru
mythof (the) creatlon; -tyS work of crea
tlon], creatlon
[esim. -fem creatlon
myth] ; (luova) Creative [esim. -kyky creatlve abllity; -sana creatlve word; -voima
crestlve power].
luona: jonkin ~ (lhell) near (to) . . , close
(I. next) to . . , In the vlclnlty or, (vieres
s) by, close by [esim. myllyn ~ by (1.
near) tbe mlll] ; jonkun at a p.'s (bouse),
Vfltb a p. [esim. asua jonkun luona room
(1. Ilve 1. lodge) wlth s p., room (1. stay)


at a p.'9, vrt. asua; minun luonani (koto

nani) at (1. In) my bouse, In my room;
olla jonkun ~ be at a p.'s (liouse), be to
see a p., (be) call(ing) on a p.; syd pi
vllist jonkun ~ dlne with one, dine at
one's house (1. one's home)].
luonakynti (tervehdyksell-) call; (vierai
lu-) vlslt.
luonne character; (mielenlaatu) turn (1.
east) or mind, (natural) disposition, temperament, temper; (luonto) nature; (laatu)
quallty; luonteeltaan by nature, naturally
[good, hyv]; luonteeltaan hyv (mys:)
. . or good disposition; luonteeltaan yhteis
kunnallinen . . or social nature (1. charac
ter). -kuvaua descrlptlon or character(s),
character drawing; character sketch; cbaracterlzation. -nytelm character drama
(1. play).
luonnikas (sujuva) easy; (onnistunut) np
py, rellcltous; (sopusuhtainen) sbapely:
(sopiva) rittlng; (keveltyv) nice rittlng
[dreSS, puku]; sehn nytt aika luon
nikkaalta lt is ralrly good-looklng, lt is
ralrly presentable. luonnikkaastl wtthease;
Tellcltously. luonnlkkuus ease; shapellness.
luonnistaa, luonnistua ks. onnistaa, onnis
tua; luonnistaa hyvin is a SUCCess, turns
out successrully (1. well), Is dolng well;
hnelle (l. hnelt) ei mikn luonnistu
nothlng succeeds (1. goes well) vvith hlm,
everythlng be turns hls hand to is a fallure.
luonnollinen natural [death, kuolema; Sys
tem, Jrjestelm; selection, valinta; color,
vri]; (synnynninen) lnnate, lnbred; (It
sestn selv) seir-evident; (teeskentele
mtn) nalve, unarrected; ~ asia a matter
or Curse; luonnollisessa koossa (in) IKeSize; luonnollista kokoa (oleva), luonnolli
sen suuri lire-slze, natural scale; valokuva
luonnollista kokoa lile-size Picture (1. portralt); vrt. luontainen, luonnollisesti nat
urally, in the nature or thlngs; (as a mat
ter) or course; (epilemtt) no doubt (or
that), (tietenkin) certalnly. luonnollisuus
naturalness ; slmpllclty, artlessness ; nalvete.
luonnon- (yhd.) natural [esim. -filosofia
natural phllosophy; -tuote natural product;
-vietti natural Impulse (1. instlnct)], . . or
nature [esim. -kuvaus descrlptlon or na
ture; -tapsi chlld or nature]; (harvem
min:) nature- [esim. -palvelus natureworsnlp; -uskonto nature-rellglon]. -anti
met girts or nature; (maantuotteet) natu
ral products, produce. -elm (elm
luonnonhelmassa) outdoor lire, life in the
open air; el luonnonelm lead (1. live)
the slmple lire. -esine piece or nature's
iKiniliuiirk; natural specimen. -este physlcal lmpediment (1. obstacle); Jollei luonnonesteit satu I". niin laiva lhtee . .] wind
and weather permlttlng [tbe boat uin
leave ..]; (talvella:) ir not prevented by
Ice . . . -historia natural history. -historial
linen . . pertalning to natural history, nat
ural history. -ihana (naturally) beautKul,
ralr, lovely; . . or great natural beauty;
(luonnonihanalla paikalla oleva) beautirully (1. admlrably) sltuated; fuonnonihana
Paanajrvi avautui silmiemme eteen the
beautiful scenery or Paanajrvi (1. Lake
1'aanajrvl In ali her lovellness) broke upon our gaze; vrt. luonnonkaunis, -ihanasti
beautirully. -ihanuus (natural) beauty,
lovellness. -Ihme nature's wonder. -ihmi
nen man in hls natural state, man in the
State of nature; vrt. luonnonlapsi, -ilmi
(natural) phenomenon, phenomenon or na
ture. -kansa prlmitlve people. -kaunis ks.
luonnonibana ; Etel-Hme on luonnonkau
nista tsutaa tbe Southern Tavastiana Is s

provlnce rlch In beautiful scenery (1. Is a
beauty-spot of nalure). -laatu 1. aspect luonnottomaan unnaturally, contrary to
< > r nature; 2. (mielenlaatu) disposition,
muus unnaturalness; arrectatlon, affectedlurn of mlnd, temper(ament); (luonne)
nature. -lahja (one of nature's) g-irt(s), ness; n ii ms t rusi ty; abnormlty.
talent, (natural) endowment. -laki law or luontainen natural [bent for . . , taipumus
nature, pbysical (1. natural) law; luonnon. Johonkin; tenderness, hellyys] ; natlve
[wlt, lykkyys; copper, kupari]; (synnyn
lain vlttmttmyydell liy (1. Wlthl (abSOlUte) necesslty; luonnonlakien mukaan ninen) lnborn, lnnate, Inherent; congenl
[deformlty, epmuodostuma]; (omi
accordlng to the laws of nature, in the
nainen) characteristlc [of..], pecullar
COUrse or nature; se otti luonnonlakeja
.], proper [tO ..]; hnen lyns
vastaan lt reslsts (1. it Is In opposition to)
nature' Hius, lt is physlcally Impossible. hls lnnate (1. natlve 1. natural) good sense;
-Iapi (mys:) person folloulng (1. who se nytt olevan hnelle luontaista (luon
teenomaista) that seems to come (1. to be)
tollous) hls lnstlncts, person who Is nat
ural, a nalve (1. an unarrected) person, natural to hlm.
-lkri 1. physlclan who efrects cures luontaislljrjestelm natural System, -oi
without medlclne or surgery; 2. (puoska
keus = luonnonoikeus.
ri) quack (doctor). -mukainen . . in accord- luontaisuus naturalness; innateness.
ance (1. In conformlty) wiili natureCs re- luontoa luonteva.
qulrements), natural, . . true to nature, llfe- luonteen- (yhd.) . . or cbaracter [esim. -heik
like; luonnonmukainen elm a IITe in ac- kous weakness of cbaracter; -piirr tralt
cordance (1. In conformlty) \vlth nature, of cbaracter]. -heikkous (mys:) weak
ness, riiitilc. -hllyys lack or cbaracter (1.
a life ClOSe to liature'3 heart; luonnonmu
kainen kuvaus a descriptlon true to nature or prlnclple). -kaavatua development or
(1. to life), -mukaisesti in accordance (1. moral character. -kuvaua = luonnekuvaus,
In conformlty) \vith nature; natural ly. -laatu temperament, disposition, temper;
-mukaisuus conformlty to nature; natu(luonne) character; vrt. mielenlaatu, -lujuus
rainess. -mullistua convulslon (1. upheaval) strength (1. rirmness 1. rorce) or character.
-omainen characteristlc; (omituinen) pe
of nature; (geol.) cataclysm. -niitty nat
ural meaiiovv. -oikeus natural (1. unwrlt- cullar, unlque. -ominaisuus characteristlc.
ten) law. -omainen natural; (luonnonmu
tralt or character, tralt. -piirre (mys:)
kainen) . . In accordance to (1. In con
characteristlc. -vika lnnate derect, bleniformlty mu nature. -oppi pbysical lsh or cbaracter; (-heikkous) \veakness.
sclence(s). -pakko physlcal (1. absolute) luonteinen: jonkin bavlng the nature (1.
necesslty; luonnonpakotta liy a physlcal the character) or . .; on syytksen Is In
necesslty. -parannua cure effected wlth- the nature or an accusatlon (1. a charge):
out medlclne or surgery. -puisto natural vrt. luontoinen.
park. -raikas 1. -raitis fresh; natural, un- -luonteinen (yhd.) . . or (a) . . character
arrected, unsophlstlcated; luonnonralkam [esim. heikko or (a) weak character;
kavaue a descriptlon havlng the freshness lufa~ or strong character].
of out-of-doors. -suojelua conserVfctlon. luontelstaa cbaracterlze, lend character
-talous economy or nature. -tarkka . . true to . . . luonteistelu characterlzatlon.
to nature, natural. -tarve natural cravlng, luonteva natural; (teeskentelemtn) unafcravlng (1. vvant 1. demand) or nature; vrt. rected, unstudled; (vapaa) unrorced, not
tarve, -tiede natural science, -tieteellinen stralned (I. forced), unconstralned, easy;
. . pertainlng to natural sclence(s), natu- (sovelias) flt, sultable, approprlate. luon
ral-bistory [speclmen, esine]; luonnontie
tevasti naturally, unarrectedly; in a nat
teellinen museo museum of natural history ; ural (1. an unarrected 1. an unconstralned)
luonnontieteelliset kokoelmat natural-his- manner; unrorcedly; easy, vvith perrect
tory collectlons. -tieteilij uaturalist; (tie
ease. luontevuus naturalness; unarrected demies) Scientist, -tila state of nature, ness; ease; rreedom (from constralnt);
natural (l.orlglnal) State, -tutkija naturalist. n tness.
-tutkimue study or nature; natural re- luonti ks. lumen , silmn; vrt. luominen.
earch. -vaisto (natural) Instinct. -vastai luonto nature; (luonne) disposition; (laatu)
nen . . (being) agalnst (1. contrary to) na
quality, Character; luonnon avara syli the
ture; unnatural, abnormal. -vika natural broad bosom of mother nature; luonnon
(I. congenltal 1. lnnate) defect (1. lnflrm- helmassa close to n:it ii !< "s heart. In the
Ity); (ruumiinvika) bodlly (1. physlcal) lap (1. bosom) or (mother) nature, in na
derect. -voima: luonnonvoimat force (1. ture' lap, vrt. helma; luonnossa (luonnon
powers) of nature; the elements. -viiri tuotteissa) In klnd; luonnostaan liy nature,
naturally crooked [tree, puu]. -ystv naturally, from (1. by) the very nature or
lover or nature. -ni sound in (1. or) na
thlngs, 1'niiii lts very nature; hnen luon
ture. natural sound; (run.) volce or nature. nollaan el kursailla he iloesn't beat about
-ianinen onomatopoetlc, onomatopceic.
the bush, he goes rlght to tbe polnt, he Is
luonnos (rough) drart, sketch, outllne(s); very rrank (1. outspoken 1. stralghtfor(runko) skeleton; (suuremman taideteok
ward): kaunis (Jonkin seudun y. m.)
sen) design, cartoon; (suunnitelma) pian. the beautiful scenery; vrt. luonne.
scheme, proJect; enmi a rough draft, a luontoinen: jonkin of . . nature, or ..
Tlrst sketch; on jo luonnoksena is already
character, . . condltloned (1. constltuted) ;
deslgned. -kirja sketch-book. -lehti kumpikin lapsi on aivan eri the tuo
chlldren have qulte dirrerent dlspositlons;
luonnostaa sketch, dravv In outline.
sen of such a nature, or such a char
luonnotar goddess or nature; nymph.
acter, so constltuted [huom. Mn on sen
, ett hn ei voi olla nauramatta (mys:)
luonnoton unnatural; . . contrary to nature;
(teenninen) forced [laughter, nauru], ar- her nature is such that she cannot help
rected; (hirve) monstrous [cruelty, Jul
muus], outrageous [crlme, rikos]; (sn -luontoinen (yhd.) . .-natured, . .-tempered,
ntn) abnormal; luonnottoman . . uimat - . . or a . . disposition [esim. hyv" goodurally, abnormal ly, monstrously; luonnot
natured, good -tempered; . . or a good dis
toman korkeat hinnat lnflsted (1. abnor- position, (mys:) klndly dlsposed, benlgn;



hijy- ill-natured, bad-temperert

bad disposition] ; vrt. pika.


of a

luontoisvero tax paid tn kind.

luonto kappale creature; (elin) beast;

(olento) belng. -perinen natlve; lnnate,
lnberent, natural; vrt. luontainen, -perisyys naturalness; Innateness.
luontua adapt ltseir, become adapted, confonn itself [to .., Johonkin]; (soveltua)
m, suit, be sulted (1. fttted) [to ... Jo
honkin] ; (luonnistua) turn out successniiiy (1. well), be a success, succeed.
luopio renegade, turncoat, deserter; (us
kon-) apostate, backsllder.
luopua (jostakin) glve up d. abandon) [a
pian, suunnitelmasta], surrender [a privllege. Jostakin etuoikeudesta; one's sbare,
osuudestaan], relinqulsh [one's clalm,
vaatimuksestaan], forego [a clalm (1. a
dernand), vaatimasta jotakin], yleld, cede;
desist (from); (erota) reslgn [Office, vi
rasta; command, pllikkyydest], retlre
[from . .], wlthdraw [from . .], secede the Union, liittotasavallasta]; (hyl
jt) abandon, forsake. desert; f ali away
[from the klng, kuninkaasta]; (kielty
ty) renounce [the vanitles of the World,
maailman turhuuksista], (ei pit kiinni)
dlsavow; (poiketa) depart [from the path
of vlrtue, hyveen tielt]; (heitt sikseen)
quit [work, tyst], leave [ali, kaikesta];
lay down [one's work, tyst] ; (panna
pois) leave orr, lay aside; (lakata) cease,
stop, dlscontlnue; aikeestaan glve up (1.
abandon 1. desist from) one's purpose (I.
one'S pian) ; ~ etuoikeuksistaan glve up (1.
rellnqutsh 1. surrender 1. renounce) one's
prlvlleges; hallituksesta abdlcate (the
tbrone), glve up the relns of government;
ihanteestaan glve up (I. forsake) onc'S
ldeal; ~ katkasta toivosta glve up (1. aban
don) alt hope; ~ kaikista vaatimuksista
tonkin anteen relinqulsh ali clalm to . .;
~ kannostaan glve up one's vlew(polnt),
change one's vlews; ~ kanteestaan (lak.)
stay proceedlngs, withdraw bne's (1. the)
case (1. suit); kilpailusta wlthdraw from
tbe contest, (Jtt kesken) glve up the
contest, f ali out of the race; kruunusta(an) yleld (1. cede 1. glve up) the crown,
abdlcate; ~ likist qult the game, throw
up one'3 cards, throw up the sponge, back
out; mielipiteestn glve up (1. re
nounce) one's opinion (1. one's views),
(muuttaa) change one's opinion (1. vlews) ;
oikeudestaan tehd jotakin relinqulsh

the rlght to do a tn., (luovuttaa oikeutensa

Jollekulle) surrender the rlght of ..-ing:
periaatteistaan forsake (1. dlsavow) one's
principles; ~ perinnstn renounce one's
inherltance; ~ puolueesta qult (I. leave) a
party, glve up one's membershlp In a
party, (erota) wlthdraw (1. retlre) from a
party, (petturlmalsestl) desert a party;
taistelusta glve up (the flght) ; ~ toi
mestaan reslgn one's position; uskostaan
rall away (1. depart) from one'3 raitti, re
nounce (1. forsake) one's falth (1. one's
rellglon), (Jkpv.) be a backsllder; ~ viras
taan reslgn (one's offlce), retlre from ofrice; ~ yhtist qult (1. leave) the com
pany, wlthdraw from the company; yri
tyksest glve up an undertaklng, abandon
an enterprlse, glve up (I. give over) an at
tempt [to do a th., tehd Jotakin]; ~
ystvstn desert (I. forsake I. abandon)
one'S frlend; en edo luopua vaatimuksistani
(mys:) I am gotng to lnslst on my demandS; en luovu ptksestni I am not
gotng to glve up my determlnatlon, I am


golng to adhere (1. to hold 1. to stick) to

my rcSOlve; siit kannasta on jo (aikoja

sitten) luovuttu thafs a worn-out theory,
that Idea has had lts day, thafs an exploded idea (1. a bygone notion).
luopumaton (eroamaton) lnseparable; luopumattomat ystvt lnseparable friends.
luopumattomasti lnseparably.
luopuminen glvlng up, surrender(lng), rellnquishment; (virasta, toimesta y. m.) retlrement, resignation; wlthdrawal; (val
tion, yhteydest, kirkosta y. m.) secessnui; (Jumalasta, uskosta y. m.) falling
away [from..], back9lldlng; (etenkin:
raukkamainen tai petollinen) desertton;
(sikseen heittminen) abandonment; (kan
nasta, periaatteista y. m.) renunrlatlon,
dlsavowal; (oikealta tielt y. m.) departure; (tyst, tehtvst y. m.) laylng
down, qulttlng; (lakkaaminen) ceaslng;
vrt. luopua; hallituksesta (l. kruunusta ) ~
abdicatlun; puolueesta(an) ~ defectlon
from (1. desertton of) one's party; uskosta
apostasy, backslldlng.
luopumus (uskosta) apostasy; (kieltyty
minen) resignation, renunclatlon; (eroa
minen) wlthdrawal, retlrement; defectlon;
(petollinen) desertton, ralltng away [from
..]; ~ kruunusta abdlcatloil; VH. luopu

luostari convent (useimmiten: nunna-);

clolster; (munkki-) monastery; prlory,
(mahtava) abbey; luostariin ks. menn,
panna; vrt. mys: nunna.
luostari- (yhd.) convent [esim. -koulu con
vent school], monastlc, conventual [esim.
-snnt monastlc (1. conventual) rulesl.
-elm life In a convent, life or a monk [a
nun], monastlc li iv. -holvi (rak.) clolster
(1. coved) vault. -kammio (convent) cell.
-kirkko chapel tn a convent: abbey. -kunta
convent. -lupaus 1. -vala vow or a monk
[a nun], monastlc (1. conventual) vow(s).
luostarimalnen llke a convent (1. a clolster).
luostarini esimies head or a monastery; prior. ratber superlor; (apotti) abbot. -Joh
tajatar mother superlor, prloress, abbess.
-muuri wall of the clolster, convent \vaii.
-piha courtyard of a convent (1. a clolster),
convent courtyard. -raunlo(t) rulns of a
clolster (1. a monastery 1. a convent).
luostari | sitar nun, slster. -snnt (mys:)
rules or the convent. -veli frlar; (munkki)
luota: jonkin [jonkun] from a th. [a p.],
(lheisyydest) rrom the vlclnity or . .;
vrt. lahte.
luotaaminen soundlng.
luotaan luota \nl, -si Jne.] from one, away,
ks. tynt, viskata.
luotaus soundlng. -koje sounding-apparatus.
luoteenaika ebb-tlde.

luoteinen I. (a.) northwest; (suunnaltaan)

northwesterly; (asemaltaan) northwestern. II. (s.) northwest.
luoteis- (yhd.) northwest [esim. -osa northwest part]. -puoli northwest side; jonkin
luoteispuolella on the northwest side or,
(to the) nortbwest or . . . -tuuli northwest(erly) wlnd. -vyl northwest passage.
luotella (ompelussa) overcast.
luotettava trustworthy, dependable; (to
tuudenmukainen) reliable; (varma) sare;
luotettavalta taholta from a reliable source,
from good authority; ~ mies reliable (l.
trustworthy 1. trusty 1. safe) man; luotet
tavista lhteist from reliable (1. authorltative) sources. luotettavaituui = luotat



tavuus. luotettavasti rellably, sarely. luo

tettavuus trustvvorthiness, rellablllty; (al
kuperisyyden) authentlclty.
luotettu trusted [person, henkil] ; (varma)
sare, secure; vrt. luotettava.
luoti 1. bob; (kellon y. m.) vveight; (muu
rarin y. m.) plumb, plummct; (et. mer.)
the lead; (kuula) bullet; 2. (vanha palnomltta) lialf an ounce. -lauta plumb-rule,
plummet. -linja plumb. -nuora plumbllne; soundlng-llne, (mer.)lead-llne. -pyssy
rlfle. -suora = pystysuora, -viiva plumb
(lino ; laotiviivan poikkeus devlation of
the llne of the vertlcal.
luoto (kallio-) rock, sca(u)r; crag; (mata
likko) shoal, and-bar, reef; (-saari) rocky
lsle(t), skerry. luotoinen full or rocky
lslets; rocky, craggy.
luotonantotoimisto mercantlle agency, credlt
luotsaaminen pilotlng. luotsata pilot.
luotsaus pllotage, pilotlng. -piiri pllotage
dlstrlct. -raha pllotage fee, pllotage. -taksa
Schedule or pllotage rees.
luotsi pilot.
luotsi- (yhd.) pilot [esim. -asema pilot statiOIl; -laiva pilot boat; -lippu pilot flag].
-laitos pilot servlce. -maksu pllotage Tee.
-oppilas pllofs apprentlce. -pakko compulsory pllotage. -piiri dlstrlct under a
superlntendent or pllots. -vanhin oldest
pilot (In polnt of servlce).
luottaa (johonkin, johonkuhun) trust In (1.
to) .., conride In ..; depend on ...
rely (up)on [o.s., itseens; a p. 's promlses,
Jonkun lupauksiin] ; trust to [one's own
power, omaan voimaansa] ; put one's trust
in, have falth (1. conridence) In, place one's
rellance upon, pin one's raith to [a p., Jo
honkuhun; a doctrlne. Johonkin oppiin] ;
(olla varma Jostakin) count (1. reckon) on,
be sure (1. COnfldent) Of; ~ hyvn onneenMa trust to (One'3 gOOd) lUCk; ~ liiaksi it
seens have too much raith In o.s., be
overconrtdent, be presumptuous, depend
too much on O.s.; ~ lujasti siihen, ett..
pln one'3 raith to the laet that . .; ~ sii
hen, ett muut tekevt . . depend on (1.
expect) others to do . .; ~ sokeasti johon
kin [johonkuhun] have blind (1. absolute
I. lmpliclt) raith (1. conridence) In, pin
one's raith to (1. on) . .; tydellisesti jo
honkuhun have ali conridence in one, have
perrect raith in one; luottaen lupaukseesi
trusting to (1. depending on 1. countlng
on) your promlse, vvlth rull conridence in
your promlse; on the strength or your
promlse; luottakaa siihen depend on lt!
hnen lupauksiinsa ei voi one cannot put
any raith in his promlses, hls promlses
are not to be depended upon; mies, johon
voi a man to be depended (1. relleil)
upon; jos hnen sanoihinsa voi lf \vhat
he says can be depended upon, ir one can
believe vvhat he says; voit siihen [, ett
. .] you can depend on that, you may rest
assured [that . .], take my \vord for it
[that ..].
luottamaton (Joka ei luota) distrustrul; difNdent; johonkin ~ dlstrustful or . . , mlstrustrul or . . , (epilev) susplclous or . . .
luottamattotnuus distrust, mistrust; clil'1'1dence. luottaminen (Johonkin) trusting to,
depending (1. relylng) upon Jne., ks. luot
taa; hneen ei ole luottamista there Is no
putting any confidence in hlm, he Is not to
be depended (1. relied) upon, you cannot
(1. you should not) depend on hlm; siihen
ei ole mitn luottamista no dependence
can be put on that, you cannot rely upon
that (at ali).


luottamuksellinen . . full or conridence, conTident, reliant, trustrul; vrt. luottavainen.

luottamuksellisesti vvlth conridence, conridently, trustrully.
luottamus conridence [in . . , johonkin] ;
trust, raith; (luotto) credlt; (luottavaisuus) rellance [on, johonkin] ; (vakuutus)
assurance [or . .]; vrt. kansalais ; luotta
muksella with conridence, conrtdently,
trustrully; luottamusta herttv . . Inspirlng conridence, reassuring; [yleist]
luottamusta nauttiva [unlversally] trusted;
antaa luottamuksensa jollekulle trust (I.
conride) In one; hyvll luottamuksella
vvlth perrect conridence, conridently;
ilmaista luottamuksensa johonkin express
one'S conridence In; suurta luottamusta
nauttiva [virkamies] [a] hlghly (1. much)
trusted [orricial].
luottamus || lause vote or conridence. -mies
trustee; conridential agent. -toimi position
or trust; (-tehtv) Commission or trust;
conridential mission (1. post), -usko blind
raith. -virka orrice or trust; vrt. luotta
luottavat inen) trusting, trustrul, conHdlng;
Conrident; luottava(ise)lla mielell trust
rully, trustingly. luottava(ise)stl trustrully,
trustlngly, conridlngly; conridently, vvlth
conridence, vvlth (perrect) trust; Tuli or
conridence. luottavaisuus trustfulness;
trust, confidence.
luotti 1. (auran) co(u)lter; 2. (kasv.) stigma.
luotto (luottamus) trust, confidence, re
llance, raith; (Mk.) credlt.
luottolnen (yhd.) I. .. trusted [esim. huo
no- ltttle trusted] ; 2. (kaupp.) . . vvlth . .
credit [esim. huono . . vvlth poor credlt;
hyv . . vvlth good credit) .
luotto kirje letter or credit. -laitos credlt
Institution, Institution or credlt. -liike
business on credit, credlt business, -mies
= luottamusmies, -suhteet credlt. -tieto
toimisto mercantlle agency, credit bureau;
(Yhdysv., Jkpv.) Bradstreefs. -toimi =
luottamustoimi, -vakuutus credit Insur
ance, -yhdistys credlt association; credlt unlon.
luotu I. (a.) created; ~ olento creature;
alas Cl. maahan) luoduin silmin VVith one'S
eyes on the ground, vvlth dovvncast eyes;
hn ei puhunut luotua sanaa he dld not Ut
ter (1. breathe) a vvord; hn on kuin ~
siihen he Is Just (I. exactly) cut out ror it,
he is Just made (1. born) ror that. II. (s.)
(= luotu olento) creature; luodut (luoma
kunta) creatlon.
luotuinen: ei sen luotuista not a single
[thlng, sound, etc.J, nothlng at ali.
luova creatlve [povver, voima; genius, ne
ro]; ~ ty creative (1. origlnal) vvork.
luovaaminen lurring; (luovailu) tacklng.
luovailla mak tacks, tack, board; (risteil
l) crulse. luovailu tacklng; (risteily)
cruislng. luovata lun ; mys = luovailla.
luovaus 1. (luovi) tack, board; 2. luo
vaaminen. luovi (mer.) tack, board. luovia
= luovailla; (koettaa) luovia satamaan
(mys:) be beating into harbor. luovimi
nen luovailu.
luovunta ks. luopuminen.
luovuttaa give up, surrender [a rortress,
Ilnnotus; one's rlghts to a p., oikeutensa
jollekulle], resign, rellnqulsh, cede [a
provlnee, maakunta]; yleld; abandon;
(Jtt) leave [to one, jollekulle] ; (antaa)
dellver (over), hand over, glve, let ..
have; (siirt) transrer [a th. to one, Jo(ta)kin Jollekulle], make (1. turn) . . over,
(laillisesti) convey, allenate; asslgn; luo-


3 19

vutettavitsa oleva transferable, assignable,

conveyable; ~ atia Jonkun hoidettavakti
(uskoa) commit the matter to one's care,
put the matter in the hands of . .; - haluttaan give up, cede, surrender; Jokin
jonkun kytettvkti let one have (1. grant
one 1. give one) the use of . .; ~ omittutoikeutenta johonbin jollekulle relinquish
one's proprietary rights in . . to one, trans
fer (1. make over) the title of . . to one,
convey the right and title of . . to one; ~
paikkama jollekulle (Istuma-) give up one's
seat to a p., (toimensa) resign one's posi
tion to a p., (Jonkun hyvksl) resign in
favor Of a p.; ~ peta velkojille (1. omaituutenta konkurttiin) give up (1. surren
der) one's estate to the creditors; rikoktentekij (jonkun tolsen iii.ian hallltukselle) extradite a criminal; ~ vangit surren
der the prisoners, luovuttaja (viran y. m.)
retiring official (1. Incumbent); (vuokratun talon tal maan) outgoing tenant (1.
occupant): (sllrtajft) assigner, luovuttamaton inalienable [right, olkeus]. luovuttamattomasti inalienably, luovuttamattomuus inalienability, luovuttaminen giving
up, surrender(lng), rellnqulshment, ced
ing, cession; (sllrtaminen) transfer(ring),
conveyance, assignment; (rlkoksenlckljiin)
extradition; vrt. seur.
luovutua (silrto) transfer(ence), convey
ance, alienation; assignment; cession, sur
render, relinqulshment; demise; (olkeukslen y. m.) release, -klrja deed of transfer
(1. of conveyance); conveyance; quitclaim
deed, -sopimus agreement to convey ..;
assignment, conveyance.
lupa 1. permission, leave: (vlralllnen) li
cense: (myntymys) consent, assent; (hyvksymys) approval, approbation, sanc
tion; (lupaus) promise; (olkeus) right: 2.
(koulusta) holiday, (loma) vacation; jonktm luvalla with (1. by) a p.'s permission
(1. leave), (suostumuksella) with a p.'s
consent [huom. benen avalla let ten tehnyt (mys:) who has given you permission
to do that: nun luvallasi, Teidn lu val anne (mys:) If you (will) permit me. If
you have no Objection; tehijan luvalla tehty knnt (mys:) an authorized trans
lation] ; luvalla tanoen by your leave, if
you please; luvasna oleva .. the promised
. .: luvatta without permission (I. leave),
without authority, vrt. luvattomasti; hnen
lupauktiaan on ~ epill his promises
should be taken with a grain of salt, his
promises may be doubted; mailla on lupaa
fkoulutta) kethiviikkoon attl we have a
holiday (I. a vacation) from now till
Wednesday; minulla ei ale lupaa tiihen I
have no permission (1. no right) to do It,
I'm not allowed (1. not permitted) to do
It; olhoon jokaitella .. everybody Is (1.
should be) at liberty to . .: oimn lupinta
(luvatta) without permission (1. author
ity), (omalla vastuullaan) on one's own
responsibility (I. authority), at (1. on)
one's own risk, of one's own accord,
(Jkpv.) on one's own hook: onfco taaiia'
~ pahaa Is It permissible (1. allowable)
to speak (1. to talk) [here] ? may I speak?
onho toalla polttaa Is smoking allowed
here? Is there any objection to my smok
ing here? may I smoke here? on luvatta
Is (I. has been) promised [huom. meilln on
luvatta lit we have been promised more,
we have a promise of more, (tiedossa) we
have more In Sight] ; tinne ei ole ~ menn
no admission Is permitted (I. Is allowed)
there, you can't go there: tnn on lupaa
there Is no school to-day, we

have a holiday to-day (from school), the
school has a holiday to-day; toalla ei ole
lupa(a) polttaa puhua no smoking [no
talking] allowed here; vrt. pyyttt (lupa),
saada (lupa, lupaan).
lupaaja one who promises (1. has promised),
promlser. lupaaminen promising, pledging
O.S.; vrt. lupaus.
lupaava promising; (toivorlkas) hopeful;
tnlenaituui (mys:) a future full of
promise; ks. naytt (lupaavalta).
lupahetkl (koulusta) recess; recreation.
lupailla make promises, promise.
lupall klrja (vlralllnen) license; (yhdistyksen y. m. perustamls-) charter; vrt. lupatodistus. -pi va (a day's) holiday, -todiatus license; permit.
lupaua promise; (juhlalllnen) vow; lupaukten rikkominen breach Of faith (1. Of
trust), (avloliltto-) breach of promise.
lupautua promise [to help (1. to contribute),
avustamaan], (juhlallisestl) pledge o.s.;
(sitoutua) undertake, engage, bind o.s.,
pledge one's word; (suostua) consent; ~
avuttajaksi (Ichtcen) promise (I. consent)
to be(come) a contributor; ~ kannatiamaan jotakin pledge one's support to . . ,
pledge one's word to support . .: ~ menemHn tuiemaan mr. ..- i make an ar
rangement (1. an engagement) to go (I. to
be present) [to come], accept an (1. the)
Invitation; - tekemn jotakin promise (1.
pledge o.s. 1. pledge one's word 1. under
take 1. consent) to do a th.: len jo lupautunut muualle I have (already) another (1.
a prior 1. a previous) engagement, I have
promised to go somewhere else; oictho lapaatunut muaalle have you another (1. a
previous) engagement? had you planned
to go somewhere (1. to do something) else?
did you have some other engagement (1.
luppa: olla lupatta hang down (loosely),
slouch, (eslm. kolran korvat) lop, droop.
-korva lop-eared.
luppi ks. suurennuslasi.
lupsahtaa (lulskahtaa) slip, glide [out of
the hands, kasista].
lurltella trill, quaver; (rallattaa) troll (out),
warble, luritu trill, quaver,
lurjus rascal, rogue, knave, villain, scoun
drel, blackguard, lurjuamainen rascally
[deed, teko], scoundrelly, knavish, vil
lainous, lurjusmaisesti villainously, lurjuemaleuue rascality, knavlshness, villainy.
lurjuatellja loafer. lurjustellaloaf (around),
hang around (1. out).
lueikallinen spoonful; ~ lkett a spoon
ful of medicine,
lusikan imuotoinen spoon-shaped. -posa
bowl (of a spoon), -varsi spoon-handle.
lusikka spoon, -ruoka (I. v.) liquid food.
-uistin spoon-bait, (trolling- )spoon. -vesi
ks. sieves!.
lusikoiuain by the spoonful; (luslkallliien
kerrallaan) a spoonful at a time,
luskaa. lutkata clatter, clap; rattle,
luske i. clatter, rattle; noise, racket; (Jyske)
thumping; din; 2. (haukahtelu) yclp(lng).
luskahtaa 1. (make a) clatter, rattle; make
a racket; (Jyskyttfla) thump; 2. (haukkua,
kolrasta:) be (1. keep) yelping (I. barkIng), luakutua
lutte (kasv.) darnel; ray-grass.
luterilalnen (a. It s.) Lutheran, luterilaiauua
Lutheranlsm. luterlnoppi Lutheran doc
trinis), luterinuskoinen (a.
<i s.) Lutheran,
lutikka (lude) bedbug, bug.
lutistaa press together, compress; squeeze,
jam; (musertaa) crush, lutlitaminen



squeezlng, Jamming, compresslng; crushIng. lutlttua be(come) pressed together,

be(come) compressed; get squeezed (I.
jarnmcd); be(come) crusbed; (lublstua)
fall In, collapse. lutlitua presslng togetber,
compresslon; squeeze; crushing.
lutka (lazy) Jade, bussy; young rlp; (huo
ra) strumpet; (vetelys) slattern. lutkamainen slatternly; hnen lutkamaintn ky
tksens . . (huoramalnen) ber conduct beIng tbat or a strumpet . . .
luto ks. ontto.
lutti lort; (ullakko) attlc, garret.
lutut lubber, lout, bumpkln; (naisesta:)
lout of a glrl; (kuhnus) sluggard, drone,
snall. lutuataa (kyd lutustaa) drag one's
Teet (along), shamble, shurrie (along),
scuff (along); (kuhnustella) poke, ldle,
dawdle. lutuitamlnen sbambllng, shurriing (along), scuTflng.
luu bniii'; (hedelmn) stone, pit; (anat., pie
ni) osslcle; /uineen lihoineen bones and ali ;
aina luihin asti to the bone, to the m ar ro\v ;
kova cl. luja) kuin (as) hard as a bone.
luu- (yhd.) bone- [esim. -kudo* bnne-tlssue; -maha bone-saw; -tuhka bone-ash] ; . .
of bone [esim. -kilpi sbleld or bone; -siru
spllnter or bone] ; (luuta oleva, luinen)
bone [esim. -am* bone substance], bony
[esim. -haarnitka bony armor; -kilpi bony
shleld] ; (tiet.) osseous [esim. -kala osseous rish; -kudos osseous tlssuel.
luudan itekijl broom-maker. -varii broomstick, broom-handle.
luudaa besom sprlg; laudaksia twlgs for
brooms, besom sprigs.
luuduttaa ossiTy, turn to bone. luuduttaminen, luudutua ossiflcatlon.
luu hedelm rruit wlth a Stone (1. a pit),
stone-rrult; (kasv.) drupe. -hiili boneblack, bone-charcoal; vrt. elinhllll.
tuuhistua luhistua.
luu jauhot bone rertilizer, bone-dust, bonei ioni . -kalvo (anat.) perlosteum.
Luukaa Luke; Laukkaan evankeliumi the
Gospel of Luke.
luullkaavaln (lk.) osteoma. -keitto broth
(made) from soup-bone.
luukku (ikkunan y. m.) shutter; (uunin y.
m.) door; (pudottamalla suljettava) trapdoor, (etenkin laivassa:) hatch(way); (por
tin y. m.) wlcket; (sulku-, kanavan y. m.)
gate; (lpp) valve; (aukko) hole, vvindow; vrt. ikkuna, lippu, pato, tyn
t- y. m.
luulaal bone glass, opal glass.
luuleminen thinklng, bellevlng, lmagining
Jne., vrt. luulla.
luulevainen susplclous, distrustrul; (mus
tasukkainen) Jealous. luulevalaeati suspltMously, . . with susplclon (1. dlstrust).
luulevaiauut susplclousness,
luuli liika ks. luukaavaln. -liima glue obtained from bones; osteocolla.
luulla tbink, be or the opinion [that . .];
(uskoa) believe, hold; (luulotella) tmagine, ranry, persuade o.s. ; (otaksua) suppose, oplne; (olettaa) presume, assume;
(pit) consider; (Jkpv.) guess; luulemma
(= luulen min) I think, I believe, I pre
sume: luulen hnen uskaltavan . . I believe
hlm to posscss (l. I credlt hlm wlth) enough
rourage to . .: luulen tuntevani hnet kyl
lin hyvin I think I knovv birii Weil enough:
Min hnet toiseksi (erehdyksest) I
(mls)took hlm ror another person, I
ttmught he vvas someone else; itsen
joksikin ks. luulla olevansa; jotakin jok
sikin take (1. think 1. deem 1. consider) a


th. to be ..; jotakuta . .-ksi suppose

one to be . . , think one is . . , take one to
be [an honest fellovv, rehelliseksi mie
heksi], (erebdyksess) take (1. mlstake)
a p. Tor [one's uncle, sedkseen] ; luudak
seni In my beller, in my opinion, (tietk
seni) as far as I know, for ali I know,
(luultavasti) probably, very likely, presumably, I suppose, I guess, I take It, I
think It Is [(from the) west, lnnest]:
kykenevns believe o.s. competent, be
lieve o.s. capable [of dolng it, siihen];
liikoja fl. liian hyv) itsestn think too
much of o.s., have too big an opinion of
O.S.; liikoja omasta kyvystn think too
much of one's own ablllty, put (1. set) too
hlgh a vai ne (1. an estlmate) on one's own
ablllty, overrate (1. overestlmate) one's
own ablllty; olevansa .. consider o.s. to
be . . , think o.s. [a great genius, suuri
nero], tblnk (that) one is . . , (kuvitella)
Imagine o.s. (to be) [a scholar, oppinut
mies], (olla omasta mielestn) be . . In
one'8 n \vn opinion; [huom. hn tuulet ole
vansa jotakin (Jkpv.) he thlnks he is somebody (1. is the WhOie thlng)]; tuuria it
sestn ks. luulotella; ooivanta tehd
jotakin think o.s. (1. think one Is) able to
do a th., tblnk one can do lt, (luottaa)
have the conridenre to do a th. [huom.
en luule voivani mit suorittaa I (lon't think
(1. believe) I'U be able to do lt (1. I ran
do It) ] ; luultiin, ttt hn eroaisi it was
thought (1. supposed 1. believed) (that) he
\voulil reslgn; annen tuultiin maan olevan
litten the earth was rormerly believed (1.
supposed) to be rlat, formerly people sup
posed the earth to be Hat; hn luuli huo
maavansa be imagined he noticed; niin tit
luutisi one nnlil think so, thafs \vhat one
would think; sin vain luulet niin that is
only your imaglnation (1. your rancy), you
only imagine so, it is only an idea or yours.
luulo (usko) beller; (arvelu) opinion; (aja
tus) thought, Idea; (otaksuma) supposltlon, presumptlon, surmlse; luuloni mukaan
in my opinion; luulon mukaan as supposed,
it is believed (1. supposed) that . .; tein
ttn tiin luulotta, ttt . . I ilnl It under the
Impression that . . , (vahvassa) 1 had persuaded myseir that . .; pastoin kaikkea
luuloa contrary to ali expectation.
luulollaairas I. (a.) hypochondrlar; hn on
luulosairas he surrers Trom Imaglnary llls,
he lmaglnes that he Is slck. II. (s.) hypochondrlac, person with Imaglnary llls.
-sairaus I. -tauti imaglnary (1. rancled)
illness; hypochondria.
-tautinen bypochondrlac.
luulotella (kuvitella) Imagine, rancy: (us
kotella Itselleen) persuade o.s., (Jollekulle
toiselle) make . . believe, persuade: (ar
vella) believe, think; hold; suuria itses
tn think a great deal or o.s., have (1.
hold) a hlgh (1. a big) opinion or o.s.,
have great Ideas or o.s. (I. or one's own
Importanre), (Jkpv.) have the big head.
luuloteltu Imaginary, rancled: (otaksuttu)
supposed, reputed, pretended; luuloteltu
sairaus imaginary illness (I. complatnt).
luulottelu Imaglnation, rancy; bellef, opin
ion; s an tyhj luulottelua Ifs only ldle
luultava (todennkinen) probable, likely:
(otaksuttava) presumable; luultavaa on,
ett menetn .. (mys:) I am likely to
lose . .; ei ole tuultavaa, ttt hn tulee
(mys:) he Is not likely to ronie, ifs unlikely that he wlll come; on hyvin luultavaa,
ttt .. (mys:) there Is every probabllity
(I. every likelibood) that . .; a oli taalta



it was to be supposed, lt was likely,

(odotettavissa) it was to be expected; tus
kin luultavaa hardly probable, not very
likely; vrt. uskottava,
luultavasti probably, very (1. most) likely,
as likely as not; presumably; hyvin
qulte probably. In ali probabillty (1. llkelibood); tapaan hnet ~ kaupungitta I am
very likely to (1. I shall probably I. lt is
very likely that I sball) meet Mm In town;
tulen menettmn (myS:) I am likely
to lose. luultavuus probabillty; llkelihood; vrt. uskottavuus,
luultu supposed, presumed; (luuloteltu)
luumainen bony; osseous; . . llke bone.
luumarja (kasv.) drupe.
luumu plum.
luumu- (yhd.) plum- [esim. -kaakku pliimcake; -puu plum-tree].
luu muodostua ossirication, Tormation (1.
growth) or bone, osseous formation. -musta
1. -noki ks. luuhiili. -mt necrosls or a
bone; caries, ulceratlon or a bone. -nappi
button of bone, bone button; (kuv.) flllip,
snap (on the head). -nikama bone.
luuni katkeama 1. -murtuma rracture; luunkatkeama ksivarressa a broken (1. a fractured) arm. -pehmeneminen sortenlng or
the bone(s). -srky ]. -kolotua pain (1.
ai- lie) In the bones. -tapainen . . resembllng (1. like) bone; bony, osseous. -varsi
shart or a [the] bone.
luuloppl osteology. -pihdit (lk.) bonenlppers. -rakenne skeleton; rrame; vrt.
luusto, -rangoton (eltnt.) Invertebrate.
-ranko skeleton; rrame. -rankoinen (ellnt.)
vertebrate. -rikko rracture.
luuriteila modulate. luurlttelu modulatlon.
luurusto (bone-)cartllag-e; grlstle.
luuska (hevos-) hack. (etenkin: tamma)
Jade; (kuv.) rlp, (vanha huora) old strumpet; vrt. lutka.
luusto (luut) tbe bones; (luuranko) skele
ton; (luurakenne) rrame; (luuhaarnlska)
bony armor.


sen hnelle I have promised that to htm,

1 have promised hlm that, I have given hiin
my word on that.
luvaton not allowed (1. permitted 1. allovvable); (laiton) llllcit [sle or beer, oluenmyynti], unlawrul [arrest, vangitseminen],
lllegal; (kielletty) prohiblted, rorbidden;
~ aika Close(d) season; luvattomilla asioilla
on unlawrul errands. luvattomasti wlthout
permission (1. authorlty); (laittomasti)
llllcitly, unlawrully; (salaa) stealthily.
luvattomuus illicltness, unlawrulness.
luvattu promised, pledged; maa (raam.)
the promised land, the land or promise.
luvullinen numerlcal.
luvunlllaskija arlthmetlclan; taitava luvunlaskija good In arlthmetlc (1. at rigures).
-lasku arlthmetlc.
lyhde shear; sitoa lyhteisiin blnd (up) in(to)
sheaves, shear.
lyhdynll sytyttj lampllghter. -sytytys llghting (or) lamps. -varsi bracket.
lyhemmyys greater shortness (1. brevlty) ;
sen ~ (mys:) lt(s) being shorter.
lyheneminen shortening, vrt. lyhet, lyhen
nell ks. lyhent.
shortening; (vhennys) deductlon. -merkki
sign or abbreviatlon. -ote extract [or,
Jostakin], .. In condensed rorm.
lyhenty - lyhet.
lyhentminen shortening;
abridging; (linnun siipien) cllpplng, plnionlng; (velan y. m.) reductlon; vrt. lyhen
lyhentmtn unshortened; unabrldged; unabbrevlated.
lyhent make . . shorter, shorten, cut
down, curtall; (sana y. m.) abbrcviate;
(jotakin teosta y. m.) abridge; (vhent)
reduce, dlmlnlsh; (typist) cut short,
truncate; (leikata lyhyemmksi) clip [a
blrd's Wings, linnun silpi], pinlon; (ve
t pois) deduct, take orr; (maksaa v
hemmksi) pay a part or [one's debt, vel
kaansa] ; aikaa shorten the time, (saada
beguile the time.
luuta broom, besom.
lyhet get (1. grow I. become) short(er),
luutaa ossiry.
luutakaavatuva bone-rorming; ravinto shorten, (vhet) decrease, dlmlnlsh; pi
rood to rorm bone.
vt lyhenevt the days are growlng shorter
luutnantti lieutenant.
(I. are shortening).
luuton boneless.
lyhlsty ks. lyyhisty.
luutu, luuttu (soitin) lute.
lyhkinen ks. lyhyt.
luutua become osstried, ossirv. luutuma lyhkinen,
collapse, ralldown; shrlnk; (kvvossirication. luutuminen ossirication. luu lyhmlsty
squat, cower; ~ kokoon (l.
tunut osstried.
ljn) rall In a heap (huom. hn lyhmlsluuva (riihen) threshlng-room; luuvan lat
his knees went out
tia threshing-rioor.
rrom under hlm (1. gave way)] ; ~ taakan
luuvalo (kihti) gout; (reumatismi) rheuma- alle
the burden.
tlsm. luuvaloinen gouty; rheumatlc.
luu vamma l. -vika lnjury to (1. or) a bone; lyhty lantern; (katu-) lamp; (automobiilin
head-llght or
trouble wlth the bone. -ydin marrow (or
bones): (anat.) medulla. -ljy l. -rasva a locomotlve; vrt. ala, -patsas 1. -paalu
lamp -post.
bone-oll, anlmal ml. Dippers oli.
luvallinen permlsslblc, aIlowal>le, permls- lyhyenlainen 1. -lnt 1. -puoleinen rather
short, somewhat short, shortlsh.
slve; (sallittu) allowed, permitted; (lailli
nen) Iavvrul; luvallisiin tarkotuksiin Tor lyhyesti brieriy, In brler, in short, in Just
lawrul purposes. luvallisesti permlsslblv. a few wordS; ~ sanoen (\. puhuen) brieriy
(sald), in short, in brier, to put the matter
allowably: lavvrully. luvalllsuus lawrulness.
luvanpyynto asking permission; request (1. the whole thing) In a nutshell, to cut
the story (1. cut lt) short, to make a long
Tor permission rto ..].
story short. lyhyimmiten as brieriy as posluvata promise [one a th., Jollekulle Jota
kin; to do a th., tehd Jotakin] ; glve one's sible, in (the) rewest words.
word; (Juhlallisesti:) pledge o. s., pledge lyhyinen, lyhykinen (qulte) short, brler;
vrt. lyhyt, lyhykisesti ks. lyhyesti, ly
one's word, vow; (sallia, antaa lupa) ai
low, permit; lupaan ia vannon I solemnly hykisyys ks. lyhyys; kaikessa lyhyki
promise: hn lapasi suostua Cl. suostuvan
syydess ks. lyhyimmiten.
sa i alihan he promised to consent (I. to lyhyt short; brler [answer, vastaus; letter,
agree) to It: kokouksesta lupaa tulla suu
kirje]; surnmary; lyhyeen ks. loppua; ~
renmoinen the meeting blds ralr (1. prom- ja paksu stubby, stumpy, dumpy; ~ ja
lses) to be a splendld one; olen luvannut sattuva short and to the polnt, right to



the point, laconic [reply, vastaus]; ~ ja

tyht curt [answer, vastaus].
lyhyt- (yhd.) Short- [esim. -hihainen shortsleeved; -kantainen (l. -nishainen) shortnecked; -saarinen short-legged] . -aikainen
. . of short (1. brief) duratlon, short-llved,
not lastlng; (lyhyt) short, brler; (hetkel
linen) ephemeral; (haihtuva) ruglttve,
rieeting, passlng, transltory, translent.
-aikaisesti Tor a short (1. a brler) tlme-,
rieetlngly, transitorlly. -aikaisuus brief
duration; transitorlness. -hntinen shorttailed; vrt. typyhntinen. -ikinen shortlived. Of brleT duration; vrt. lyhytaikainen.
-ikisyys brler duration, short life. -jrkinen short of sense (1. of vvit), lacking.
-Jrkisyy lack or wlt. -kalloinen . . \vitli
a short skull; (tiet.) brachycephallc. -kas
vuinen short or stature, stubby, stumpy;
(jkpv.) sawed-orr. -kasvuisuua shortness
of stature, stumpiness. -ktinen shortarmed. -lnt rather (1. some\vhat) short,
shortlsh. -mielinen ks. Iyhytjrkinen. -nok
kainen short-bllled [bird, lintu], (ellnt.)
brevlrostral; (kuv.) oversensitlve, . . whose
ieellngs are easily hurt. -nkinen shortslghted [pian, suunnitelma]; (likinki
nen) near-slghted, myoplc. -nkisesti
short-slghtedly. -nkisyys short-slghtedness; vrt. liklnkisyys. -sanainen (tyke)
curt; (lakoninen) laconic; (harvasanainen)
chary of words, taclturn; (lyhyt) brler.
-tavarat (1. v.) notlons; tancy goods; haberdashery. -tukkainen short-halrcd. -Vr
tinen .. with a short handle; (mies) ..
short In stature.
lyhyys shortness; brlefness, brevlty; conclseness; ajan the brief tlme I [he, etc]
had, the brief time allovved [me, etc],
(puute) lack of tlme.
lyijy lead; lyijytt tehty lead, leaden.
lyijy- (yhd.) lcad(-) [esim. -kaivo* lead
mine; -malmi lead ore; -myrkytys leadpoisoning; -putki (}. -torvi) lead-pipe] ; . .
or lead [esim. -harkko plg or lead; -suola
sait or lead]; (lyijyst tehty, lyijyinen)
leaden [esim. -kammio leaden chamber].
-hauli lead shot (plur. sama), -hilse
(kem.) lltharge.
lyijyinen lead; leaden, plumbeous.
lyijylkiille (miner.) galena. -kives (esim.
verkossa) lead sinker, slnker or lead.
lyijykyn lead-pencll, pcnrll. -laatikko pencll-ease. -plirroa pencll sketch; pencil
lyijy II laastari lead plaster. -laai lead glass.
-leima lead seal. -luoti bullet or lead; lead
slnker, plummet or lead, plumb-bob; (kel
lossa:) lead weight. -myrkky: lyijymyrkky saanut pnlsoned \villi lead, suffeiing
rrom lcad-polsoning.
lyijyn harmaa lead-giay, learten-gray. lead
en [sky, taivas], -karvainen lead-colored;
leaden [sky, taivas], -pitolnen . . containIng lead. -pitoisuus perrentage or lead.
-raskaasti llke lead, with a leaden welgllt.
-raskas (as) heavy as lead; (kuv.) leaden.
-sekainen >= lyijynpttoinen. -tapainen rcsembllng lead, . . like lead, piumbaginoiis.
lyijyllpaino lead welght. (lead) sinker;
plummet, plumb-bob; (lyljypunnus) \veight
or lead; (kuv.) leaden \velght. -sokeri
(kem.) sugar or lead.
lyijyto seal; (tytteen) plug (or lead). lyiJytt lead. lyijytya leadlng; (esim. tullis
sa) .sealing.
lyijy valkoinen uniin lead, cenise. -vesi
lcad-wash, lead-water; (ioulard \vater.
-voide lead ointment. -hky painleis' culie,


lykiskell, lykkii pusii, shovc; (vkijoukos

sa) Jostle; (tyrkt) knock.
lykky ks. onni.
lykkys (tuonnemmaksi-) postponement,
adjournment; (viivytys) delay; (vara-aika)
resplte, grace; asia ai sied lykkyst (vii
vytyst) the matter does not admlt or de
lay, the matter must not be postponed.
-pyynt request (1. applicatlon) ror post
ponement. -pts declslon to postpone;
postponement; vrt. vlipts, -vaatimus
dcmand ror postponement.
lykkyty be put off, be postponed (1. deTerred) [to. Johonkin] ; (viivsty) bo dclayed.
lykkminen pushing, shovlng; (kuv.) putting orr, postponement, adjournment, dererrlng, (viivyttminen) delaying.
lyksty, lykst ks. onnistua, onnistaa.
lykttv . . to be pushed.
lykt pusn, shove; (kuv. = tuonnem
maksi) put orr [tili next Chrlstmas, ensi
Jouluun], postpone, derer; (siirt) adjourn; (viivytt) delay; (Jonkun ratkais
tavaksi) submit, rerer [to ..]; juttu
tuomioistuimen ratkaistavaksi
rerer a case to a superior court; kokon*
kaksi piv eteenpin adjourn a meeting
ror two days; ~ lastenvaunuja push (I.
wheel 1. roll) a baby-carrlage; luotaan
(kuv.) turn orr (1. away), reject, reburr;
** matkansa seuraavaan pivn postpone
(1. put orr) one's trlp tili the next day;
niskoiltaan (vieritt) throw orr one'S
shoulders (1. one's neck), (kuv.) throw
orr [an accusation. syyts]; syrjn
push (1. shove) avvay (1. aslde), vrt. sys
t; syy jostakin jonkun niskoilla lay (I.
put 1. throw) the blame for a th. on a p.
(I. at a p.'s door), shove the blame for a
th. orr onto somebody, blame a th. onto
somebody, set a th. down to a p.'s seore
(1. agalnst a p.) , chalk lt up against one; toistaiseksi postpone to some other time.
postpone temporarlly; ~ tyS jonkun nis
koille shove the work orr onto somebody,
throw the work on another personCs
shoulders) ; ~ vene vesille launch the boat,
shove her orr (1. out), glve the boat a
Shove-Off; asia Cl. juttu) lykttiin the
matter (1. the case) was postponed.
lyllert vvaddle. lyller: fvfn lyllerS a
podgy (1. pudgy) glrl with a \vaddling galt.
lylly ks. hylly, hytky.
lymy hidlng, concealment; olla lymyss be
(In) hidlng, lie low, keep out or slght,
hlde (1. conceal) o. s., (vijyksiss) lie In
wait (1. In ambush). lymyill hlde (1. con
ceal) o. s., lie low, keep (o.s.) out or stght,
hlde; keep (1. be) In hlding. lymypaikka
hidlng-place; (elinten, mys:) covert;
(vnljys) ambush. lymyskell ks. lymyill,
lymyt hlde (1. conceal) o.s.; hlde.
lyngisty (taipua) bend, bow; mys = lyy
lynkata (rangaista omavaltaisesti kuolemal
la) lynch.
lynkkaus lynching. -laki lynch-law.
lynkkyauoli (anat.) colon.
lynkytt stump [wlth a wooden leg, puu
jalalla], hobble; lumber, Jog, (Jog-)trot:
tulla perss come Jogglng on (I. along)
lypsinkiulu mi1k(ing)-pall.
lypsy milklng; lhte lypsylle go to mllk:
olla lypsyll be milklng. lypsyinen: huonolypsyinen lehm a poor milker; hyvlypsyinen lehm n gnod milker.
lypsy II karja dairy-stnck. -kilpailu milklng
contest. -kone milker. -lehm milk-co\v,
mtlch-covv (mys kuv.); milker. -lmmin



. . wann from the cow. -maito (= lypsylUmrnin malto) milk warm from the cow.
-tyyli way of mllking, the way one mllks.
lypsminen milklng. lypsmtn (jota el ole
lypsetty) unmllked; (Joka el lyps) not
rivine milk, dry. lypsv givlng milk; lyp
sv lehm a cow glving milk, a mllk-cow.
lyps 1. (tr.) milk [a cow, lehm]; (kuv.)
get . . a drib at a tiine; 2. (ltr. antaa
maltoa) glve (1. yleld) milk, milk; lehm
the cow Is givlng (1. is in) milk; lehm
5 liiraa herralla the cow yields (1.
glves) 5 liters a mllklngr.
lyriikka lyric poetry.
lyseo, lysee lyceum; school [in Finland]
covering the grammar and hlgh school
grades. lyseolainen pupll at a lyceum.
lysoli lysol.
lysti I. (s.) amusement, merriment; (haus
ka) fun; (huvi) pleasure, delight; lystik
sens Tor (one's) amusement, for pleasure,
to amuse o. s., for fun; vrt. huvi, hauska.
II. (a.) merry, gay, jolly; funny [story.
Juttu], lystikkyys comlcalness, drollery,
humorousness; good humor, Jollity. lystikksti amuslngly, Jolllly, runnily, In a
runny way; comically; humorously, facetiously. lystiks amusing; Jolly; (nauret
tava) funny, comlral: (hullunkurinen)
droll: (leikkis) humorous, racetious. lystilllnan, lystillisesti, lystlllisyys lysti
ks, lystikksti, lystikkyys. lystlminen
= lystiks; (kummallinen) curlous, strange;
odd. queer.
lystill ks. huvitella, lystily ks. huvittelu.
lystt ks. huvittaa, haluttaa.
lysht sink (down), drop, lapse; kokoon
Tall in (a heap). collapse.
lyyhistell = lyykl. teli.
lyyhisty Tall in a heap, collapse; (kyyris
ty) covvcr, squat (down) j ~ taakan alle
sink (1. Tall) under the burden.
lyyhy: lhti tiehens hnt lyyhyss went
skulking away.
lyykistell be sqiiatting, squat, crouch;
(be) stoop(ed). lyykistyty crouch, squat;
(pelosta) cower. lyykht => lyyhisty.
Lyypekki Ltlberk.
lyyra (solttokone) lyre. lyyranmuotoinen
lyre-shaped; (elftint. y. m.) lyrate(d).
lyyrikko lyric poet, lyrlst. lyyrillinen
lyyry (ylioppilaslakissa) lyre; mvs = lyyra.
lyyflvesl ks.lyijyvesi. -Vittl ks.lyijyvalkoinen.
lyd strlke, hlt, knock; beat Ta rirum,
rumpua]; (llmhdytt) smltc, slap; (Is
ke) deal a blow; (usealla Iskulla) drive
fa naii in wood, naula puuhuni, pnund;
(tykytt) throb; (kuv. = voittaa) defeat. vanqulsh; arpaa jostakin east lots
about a th.; ~ hammas jonkun suusta
knock out a p.'s tooth; Minni (sulkea)
shut (down), shut up, (esim. ovi) shut to,
(paukahduttamalla) slam . . (shut I. to),
bang, shut . . wlth a slam (1. a bang)
feslm. ISi hirfansa kiinni Shut (un) his
book, slammed hls book shut: li oven
kiinni shut the door wlth a slam (1. wlth
a bang), slammed (1. banged) the door
shut (I. to)]; fciiio johonkin (lrlve a
wedge In . .: ~ korttia play cards; ~ Jota
kuta korvalle glve one a box on the ear,
curr one (on the ear); ~ kumoon throw
(1. knock) down (1. over); ~ kuoliaaksi
strlke . . dead, slay, kili; ktt jollekulle
shake hands wlth one, glve one a rheartv)
hand-shake; [laihot] lakoon lay [the
cropi Hat, lay, lodge; ~ Joku laudalta
(kuv.) put one out of the game. drlve one
rrom the rield; ~ Jokin leikiksi turn . . ofr
with (1. as) a joke, turn . . into a Joke; ~


leikki makc merry, frollc, play, (laskea)

Jest [huom. leikki lyden (leikeiss) in
play, (leikki laskien) jestlng and Joklng] ;
leiville (kannattaa) pay, (kyd pins)
do; ~ tuhaksi (musertaa) smash, shatter,
(tuhota) crush, annlhilate; ~ lujaan pound
(1. make) Tast, pound in place; ~ lukkoon
(esim. ovi) lock, slam (1. bang) . . shut (1.
to), (korvat) dearen [huom. li korvani
lukkoon deafened me (1. my ears), made
my head rlng] ; ~ llmhdytt (kmme
nell) slap, smtte, (esim. piiskalla) lash:
~ maahan knock (1. throw) down (1. to
the ground), (maan sisn) drlve (l. hammer) .. into the ground; murskaksi
(l. msksi) break . . Into shtvers (1. into
a thousand pleces), dash .. to pleces,
shlver (. . to fragments), smash, shatter,
(murskata) crush, vrt. lyd pirstaksi;
~ nurin knock over (1. down), vrt.
lyd kumoon; ' palasiksi ks. lyd pirs
taksi; paukahduttaa kiinni Slam (shut I.
to), bang; ~ pirstaksi (l. pirstoiksi 1. pirs
taleiksi) dash . . to pleces, break . . into
shivers, shlver (. . to fragments), smash,
shatter, vrt. lyd murskaksi; ~ pohja
pois jostakin knock the bottom out or a
th., (veneest) stave in (the bottom of . .);
poikki strlke ofr, knock off, (katkaista)
break, smash [esim. ~ keppins poikki jo
honkin smash one's cane on . .] ; ~ Jota
kuta poskelle glve one a slap on (1. in) the
face, slap a p. on the cheek (1. the chops) ;
pytn (esim. nyrkilln) strlke (1.
thump) the table [wlth one's risti , (esim.
kortti) throw (1. fllng) . . down on the
table [huom. ~ kortti pytn (mys:)
play Out a card; ~ nyrkki pytn brlng
one's rist down on the table] ; rahaa
coln (1. mlnt) money; [hopeaa 1 rahaksi
coln [Silver]; ~ rikki break, (esim. ikku
na) smash, (pirstaksi) break to shivers,
shlver, dash to pleces, (murskata) crush;
rintoihinsa strlke (raam.: smlte) one's
breast; joku ritariksi dub one (a)
knight, knlght one; seinn dash . .
agalnst the wall, (esim. pns) bump
(1. hlt 1. knock) . . against the wall,
(naula) drlve (1. pound) . . into the wall;
tahUn beat tlme: ~ takaisin strlke hnrk,
(karkottaa) beat back, beat off, repel [an
attack of the enemy, vihollisen hykkys l ;
~ jotakuta vasten naamaa Strike (1. hlt)
one in the face. slap ones face: ~ vetoan.
veikkaa) bet, (lay a) wager; ~ Joku vialle cl.
rammaksi) beat one so that he is crlnpled,
crlpple one; ly, jos uskallat strike ir you
dare (to); lymll hnt phn by striking hlm on the head: heffci on lynyt, jol
loin .. the hour has struck when . .: h
nen valtimonsa ly 80 kertaa minuutissa
his pulse (jkpv.: hls pulse-neat) is 80 (a
mlnnte); kello ty kahtatoista the clork Is
Striklng twelve; kerran lytyn havlng
struck once, after one hlow; liekit livt
ulos ikkunoista the riames burst out from
(1. through) the Windows; minua lytiin
kovasti I got a hard blow, I was struck
hard; valtimo ly hitaasti the pulse is slow:
vesi li laivan hyttiin the water daslied
Into the ship's cabln.
lyj one who dealt the blow; strlker,
knocker; beater; vrt. rummun , tahdin .
lykki ks. sipuli.
lyminen striklng, hlttlng, knocking; beatIng; vrt. lynti.
lym (kellon y. m.) stroke: (lynti) blow,
knock, hlt; lymlleen on the stroke, (ts
mlleen) sharp, vrt. lynti, -ase weapon
to strike wlth. -haava Incised wound;
cut, (syv) gash. -kello clock that strlkes.

-miekka large (two-handed) sword. -soitin [cause, syy]; vrt. lhin; lheisin naapuri
(mus.) percussive Instrument.
(mys:) next-door nelghbor; [Jonkun] l
lynti (isku) blow, hit, stroke: beat; (ll- heisin sukulainen (myiisu [one'S] next
mhdys) slap; (sivallus, piiskan y. m.) Of kln; morsiusparin lheisimmt sukulai
lash; (koputus) knock, rap; (tykytys) set ja ystvt the Immediate relatlves and
bfatlnif. throb; lynnilleen kello kahdehsan
frlends of the bridal couple; ovat mit lon the stroke of eight, (tsmlleen) at 8 heisimmss yhteydess keskenn are In
0'ClOCk Sharp; Irenen ~ (korttipeliss) the closest relatlon to each other, are most
vvhose play (Is rt) T who (is to play) next?
closely connected \vlth (1. related to) each
-laitot (kellon) strlklng-mechanism, strlker. other.
lyppiys parbolllng. lypt parboil.
lheisyys nearness, proxlmlty, propinqulty;
lyte (hela) ferrule; (maantiell) uneven- (lhist) vlclnlty, nelghborhood; aivan jon
kin lheisyydess In the Immediate vlcininess, roughness; ruts.
lyttyminen galllng. lyttym abraslon; ty of . . , (asumisesta puhuen:) next door
galled (1. sore) place; (-haava) gall. lyflt- to . .; onneksi ei ollut ketn naisia lhei
syydess fortunately there were no women
ty be(come) galled, get galled.
lyttytyminen Jolning, assoclatlng 0.8. about (1. near).
lhekkin near (1. close to) each other (1.
Jne., ks. seur.
lyttytyi (Joidenkin Joukkoon) Join, asso- one another).
near, nlgh; close to; (In)to the vl
clate o.s., go along wlth . . , (Jkpv.) stlck
o.s. along, tag along; (tunkeilla) Intrude, clnlty [of . .]; vrt. tulla.
near, nlgh, close [to . . , Jotakin] ;
(Jkpv.) butt In; ~ Jonkun pariin (ruveta)
Join (1. assoclate with) a p., Tall in with a close (1. hard) by, In the vlclnlty (1. nelgh
p., (Jkpv.) stlck o.s. along; ~ yhteen unlte, borhood) [of . .], not far [from that place,
Join together, comblne. Join forces [wlth sit palkkaa] ; (saatavilla) at hand, close
one, Jonkun kanssa] ; (tav. pahassa tarko- at hand; ~ asuva Uvlng (1. restdlng) In
tuksessa) band (1. league) together, con- the vlclnlty (1. close by), nelghborlng:
kuolemaa near to death, at death's door:
splre [agalnst one, Jotakuta vastaan].
lytt: ~ jollakulla have one strike (I. beat ~ oleva (l. sijaitseva) nelghborlng, adja
1. knock jne., vrt. lyd); rahaa coin cent; . . close by, . . close at hand, (jkpv.)
money, have money colned; ~ rautaa ham- near-by [house, talo] ; ~ sit near it, hard
(1. close) by, near by, not far Trom there.
mer out Iron.
the place; aivan jotakin In the
lytt rakko (water-)bllster. -vasara riat- adjolning
vlcinlty or . . , very close to . .;
he lives a few
lhde sprlng, well (sprlng) ; rountaln doors a\vay : kes ~on(mys:)
Is near (I.
(-head), rount; (kuv.) source, orlgln; Is at hand), summer~Issummer
near (1.
(kirjalliset) lhteet SOurces (of Infornia- Is comlng on); tss ~ not far from
tlon). -Joki source. -kirja source. -kir- near (1. close by) here, (here) Inhere,
Jallisuus works of reference. -auonl vein nelghborhood. In thls nelghborhood. the
(or a well).
from near (I. close) by; (lyhyen
lhdett drlve avvay (1. ofr 1. out); expel; lhelt
matkan pst) close, at close quarters,
menemn semi . . flylng.
near, from a short (listanne, (esim. ampua)
lhdevesi sprlng-water.
at (a) close range; (Jonkin lhistlt) from
lhdnaie Intention to leave (1. to go avvay) ; the vlclnlty of . .; ja kaukaa Trnm far
on ollut lhdnaikeissa lias been planning and near; ~ piti, ettei hn hukkunut
(1. lntendlng) to leave (1. to go).
he came near drovvnlng, he was nearly
lheinen near, nlgh, close [connectlon (1. drowned, he had a narrow escape from
union), yhteys]; (lhell oleva) near-by, drownlng; Jtafsoa jotakin look at a th.
from near by (1. from close by), (tarkas
adjacent; (naapuri-. .) nelghborlng; (tut
tavallinen) Intlmate, famlllar; pitj ti) look at a thlng Close; koskee aivon ~
ks. lhipitj: [Jonkun] ~ tukulainen concerns (1. touches) most closely (1.
closely related rto one], near or kln [to most lntlmately).
one]; a near (1. close) relatlve [to one], lhemmin nearer, closer; more nearly (1.
a klnsman; ystv near (1. close 1. intl
Closely), better; ~ tarkastettaessa Cl. tut
mate) friend; lheisess talossa In a house kittaessa) on closer (1. on close) lnspecclose by (1. not far away), In a near-by tlon (1. lnvestlgatlon) ; ~ tutustunut jo
(1. a nelghborlng) house, vrt. viereinen; honkin better acquainted villi . . , more
lheisess tulevaisuudessa In the near Fu
famlllar vvitti ..; ajatella asiaa ~ think lt
ture; lheisess yhteydess jonkun (1. jon
(1. the matter) over, glve the matter close
kin) kanssa (mys:) closely ronnected (1. thnught (I. Close attention); asiaa aja
assoclated) with . .: lheisill seuduilla In teltuani (after) havlng thought the matter
nelghborlng (1. In adjacent) tracts (1. dls- over, upon second thought: selitt ~ (yk
trlcts). In the nelghborhood. In the vlrln- sityiskohtaisemmin) explain more partlcuit.v: lheisin ks. hakus.; lheist sukua larly (I. in greater detail), (tarkemmin)
nearly related (mys kuv.), closelv allled explain more cxartly. lhemmksi, lhem(1. related), akln rto. Jollekin]; ne ovat m(s) nearer, closer; tulla lhemmksi
lheist sukua f keskenn) they are close
come nearer (1. closer). lhemmlt from
lv (1. nearly ) related, they are near of kln, nearer (1. closer) by, from (1. at) a
they are close relatlves (to each other); closer range; closer, nearer: vrt. lhelt.
hn on ~ naapurini he Is a near nelghbor, lhempi nearer, closer [lnspection, tarkas
he Is a nelghbor of mlne, he Ilves near me:
tus] ; further; selonteko a more detailed
minun lheiseni those nearest and dearest (1. more complete) account; lhempi tie
to me, (sukulaiseni) my relatlves. lhei
toja antaa .. Tor further partlculars (1. In
sesti nearly, closely, lntlmately.
formation) apply to . . . lhempn nearer,
lheisimmin most closely (1. lntlmately); Closer; he ovat meit lhempn they are
se koskee minuun mit ~ lt concerns me nearer (1. closer to) us, (kuv.) they are
most closely (1. nearly). lheisin nearest dearer to us. lhemp - lhemmlt:
[relatlve, sukulainen], closest; next; Im
(lyhyemmlt matkalta) from a shorter
mediate, dlrect; (etenk, tiet.) proxlmate distance,

lheneminen approachlng, dravvlng near; tiin send (1. transmlt 1. forward 1. dlspatch)
approach, advance; vrt. lhet, lhenev the documents to the senate, (anojana)
approacblng, advancing, nearing; coming.
send In the documents to the senate; ~
lhennell approach; dravv nearer; come
hakemaan lkri Send Tor (1. after) a
near (I. up) to, nearly equal; (esim. nais
doctor; ~ kiertokirje send out a circular,
lSSue a Circular; ~ kirjeess, kirjeen
ta) make approaches to . .; vrt. tunge
tella; viittkymment (vuotta) be ap
mukana (mys:) enclose; ~ kirjelm
proachlng (I. nearing) firty, be near(ly) flfty send a message (1. a Communication);
[ huom. hnen ikns lhentelee viittkym
maksu send the payment, remlt [huom.
ment bls age borders (1. he is bordering) ~ jollekulle maksu jostakin make one a
flfty] ; ~ loppuaan be neaiing the end, be remittance for . . , (shekill) send one
near Its end, be dravving to a close; t
a check for . .] ; [Joku] noatomaan send
rmitt come near (to) the truth; lhente
[one] to brlng (1. to fetch) . . , send for
lee nelj tukatta (rnys:) approxlmates (1. after) . .; pois send away, dlsmlss;
"v poliisi jonkun niskaan (l. kimppuun)
four thousand.
lhennys (mat.) convergence.
set the police on (1. after) a p. (1. on
lhentelev (tungetteleva) lmportunate;
a p.'S track) ; postissa (\. postin kautta)
send by mall, send by post, send through
bold, ronvard, obtruslve. lhentelevisyys
the mall(S); sana jollekulle send Word
Importunity; forvvardness. lhentely ks.
to one, leave word wlth one, send one
lhentyminen ks. lheneminen, lhentyi ks.
Word; ~ joku suorittamaan jotakin teht
v Commission (1. delegate) one to . .; ~
lhentjlihas (anat.) adductor (muscle).
suoritus fl. maksu) jostakin (mys:) re
lhentminen bringlng near(er). lhent mlt for.., send (1. enclose) a check for..;
bring (I. dravv 1. push 1. move) near(er), ~ takaisin send back, return, reTer back(l.
again) [to the committee, valiokuntaan];
draw . . up to ; . . lhensi heit toisiinsa . .
brought them closer to eacli other, . . drew [asianomaiseen] valiokuntaan rcfer . .
(1. brought) them closer (1. nearer) toto the [respective] committee: ehdottaa
lhetettvksi valiokuntaan move that . .
lhes nearly [ali, kalkki], close upon; very be referred to the (respective) committee.
nearly, next to; (melkein) almost, vvell- lhetyksin ks. lhetysten.
nigb; (likipiten) toward(s), In the neigh- lhetys (lhettminen) sending, dlspatch
borhood of . . .
(ing); transmitting, transmittal; (rahojen
lheskn: 1 ~ not nearly, not hair, not by y. m.) remittance; (kaupp.) consignment,
a long way, nothlng like . . , not by far . .;
shipment (mys konkr.); (konkr.) goods
far from belng ..: not even approximate- sent (1. forvvarded), (paketti) parccl;
ly; ei niin paha kuin .. not nearly so bad (kirkoll.) mission.
as . . , rar from belng so (I. as) bad as . . . lhetys- (yhd.) mlsslonary, mission [esim.
lhestyminen approach(lng), drawlng near -ala mission (ary) fleld; -koulu mission
(-er); advance; approxlmatlon.
(-ary) school; -ty (\. -toimi) mlssionary
lhesty approach the gate, porttia; one, vvork]. -asema mission(ary) station, mis
Jotakuta]; (henkilist tai elimist:) walk sion, -keskustelu ks. lhetekeskustelu,
-kunta deputatlon; (valt.) embassy. -laitos
(1. step) up to; dravv near (1. nigh) [(to)
the shore, rantaa], near; (ajasta:) come misslon(ary establlshment). -matka mls
(1. draw) on, bo at hand; loppuaan be sionary trlp. -saarnaaja (forelgn) mlssion
dravving to a close, be near one's (1. Its)
ary. -seura 1. -yhdistys mlssionary Socie
end, (kuolemaa) be approachlng the end, ty; mission.
be Slnking Tast; rajattomasti nollaa (mi- lhetysten near (1. close to) each other (1.
tem.) approach zero indcrinitely, tend inone another) ; (poski poskea vasten) cheek
deflnitely towards (1. to approach) zero. by Jovvl; (nenkkin) race to face.
lhete (etup. raha) rcmittance: (lhetys) lhetyst delegatlon, deputatlon; mission;
shipment; consignment. -keskustelu pre(valt.) embassy; legation.
llminary debate [before referrlng a matter lhet approach, be approachlng, dravv near
(1. a blll) to the committee].
(1. nigh), near; dravv nearer; (ajasta pu
lhetell send, keep sending.
huen:) come (1. dravv) on, be at hand;
lhetti (sananvlej) messenger; (etenkin:
mielettmyytt verge on the absurd; ~
salainen) cmlssary; vrt. setir.
viittkymment ks. lhennell; elmni
lhettils (valt.) envoy, ambassador. mlnis- loppu [run.: ilta] lhenee my life is dravvter (plenlpotentlary); (etup. vliaikainen)
lng to a close, (run.) my life's eve(n) is
charge d'arralrcs; (paavin) legate; (l
dravving nigh; ilta lhenee (mys:) the
hetti) messenger, emlssary; (edustaja)
day is far spent; joulu lhenee (mys:) It
Is getting near Christmas; loppu lhenee
lhettyville somewhere near . . , to (1. In) the end Is (fast) approachlng, It is the bethe vicinlty (I. netghborhood) [or . .] ; ei ginnlng of the end; sotajoukko lheni the
lhettyvillekn not anyvvhere near It; vrt. army drevv nearer, the army advanced.
lhelle, lhettyvill somevvhere near . . , lhi I. (s.) : lhelle, lhell, lhelt, lhin ks.
in the nelghborhood [of . .]; vrt. lhell. hakus. II. (yhd.) nelghboring, (Jkpv.) nearlhettj sender, dlspatcher; (kaupp.) con- by [esim. -kyl nelghboring (1. near-by)
slgner, shlpper; (kirjotusten, sanomaleh
vlllage; -pitj nelghboring (1. near-by)
teen y. m.) contrlbutor; rorrespondent; parlsh]. -arvo = likiarvo, -katu near-by
(-koje) transmltter. lhettminen sending street, (lhin) next Street.
<>ir, dlspatcbing; forvvardlng. lhettmtn lhimainkaan - - likimainkaan.
not sent, not rorvvarded, undlspatched.
lhimmin lheisimmin, lhimmksi ncarlhett send [a letter, kirje; home, kotiin; est, closest to . . .
a p. on an errand. Joku asialle] ; (rahaa lhiminen I. (a.) nearest; next. II. (s.)
y. m.) remlt, transmlt; (kaupp.) ship [a nelghbor; (kanssaihminen) rellovv creacarload of potatoes, vaununlasti perunoi
ture; (veli) brother; lhimlsen rakkaus
ta], conslgn; (eteenpin) rorvvard; (panna the love or one's nelghbor; .. lhimisesi
menemn) send off, dlspatch [a letter, emnt (raam.) . . thy neIgbbor's wlfe.
kirje] ; lhetetty sent, shlpped, (sanoma lhin I. (a.) nearest; closest: (lhinn seu
lehdelle) contributed; ~ asiakirjat senaat
raava) next; lmmediate; (etenk. tiet.)




proxlmate [cause, syy]; lhimmss tule

vaisuudessa In the immedlate ruture, at an
early date (I. day); perillinen nearest
(1. Immedlate) heir. next of kin (plur.
sama), heir apparent; ymprist the im
medlate nelghborhood: hnen miehens
the man next to hlm, (komennossa) his
next in eommand; vrt. lheisin.
Uhin II. (adv.): tst ~ after this, herearter, henreforth, rrom now on; (vasfedes) In (the) future, for the ruture.
lihinnl next; (paikkaa llmottaen:) nearest;
edellinen luku] the ;chapter] tmmedlately preceding; oleva nearest, proxl
mate, (seuraava) the next; paras the
next (1. second) best; seuraava (the
very> next, . . Immediately rollovving, . .
dlrertly after 'ime] ; on ~ sydntni is
nearest (1. next) to my heart.
lhi piten ks. likimain, -suri an Isiand
ciose by (1. not far avvay), a nelghborlng
(1. a near-by 1. an adjacent) isiand. -(utu
the tract (1. distrirt I. country) rlose by;
nelghborlng (1. adjacent) country; mys
lhist vlclnity, neighborhood; (ymprist)
the country around.
lhi sukuinen nearly related. closely allied
(1. related). -sukuisuus close (1. near)
relatlnnshlp. -talo near-by (1. nelghbor
lng) house (l. rarm).
lhist; Jonkin lhitteill in the
vlclnity of . . , not far rrom . . .
lhi tienoo ks. lhiseutu; Aan ei ollut lhilienoillahaan, kun Mm tapahtui he \vaS not
even In the vlclnity (1. In the nelsrhbor
hood) vvhen it happcned.
lhittyv: jonkin lhitty ville, -villa in the
nelgnhorhood or . . , near (to) . . .
lhteensilm sprlng.
lhteminen golng, startlng, leavlng Jne., vrt.
lhte; (tukan, viirin y. m.) cnming out.
lhtemttmsti lnerfaceably: Indelibly.
lhtemtn lneffaceable mark, merkki];
Inilellhle rstaln, tahra], lhtenyt lert, departed, Off, gone; asianharrastuksetta lh
tenyt ro\vn out of lnterest in the matter;
kansan riveist lhtenyt Ilsen From the
(ranks or the) people; sydmest lhtenyt
toivomus a wlsh from the heart; yrityk
sest lhtenyt voitto the proTIt derlved (1.
acmiert) from the enterprlse. lhtev leav
lng, departlng; lhtevi junia (otsikkona
rautateiden aikatauluissa) ilepartures (of
tralns), tralns out: lhtev vri a color
that Is not fast (I. that runs I. that comes
out); yrityksest lhtev voitto the proflt
derlved (1. acrrulng) from the enterprlse.
lhte (ro, proceed, betake o. s.; (matkaan)
start for the country, maallel, set out,
set oTf; (tiehens) depart, leave fhome,
kotoal, quit: go orr, iro avvay: (Irtautua)
loose(n), (esim. nappi takista) rome off,
(esim. hiukset) come (1. Tall) out; (alkaa)
bcgln, (olla perisin) (ro out, (saada al
kunsa) nrlirlnate. take (Its) rlse; (tulla)
come, Issue, proceed, emanate r kalkki
neljli: rrom . . , lostakin] ; grovv out; (pois
tua) retlre, vvlthdravv, be remove<t, pass
away; (hilvltil) ilisappcar. vanlsh; aylemaan Cl. ajelulle) go Tor a drlve, take a
drlve, drlve out: Jonkun huulilta pass
one's llps; irti gct (1. come) loose,
loosen, vvork loose, (esim. nappi takista)
come (>rr: jalottelemaan (ro out for a
walk (I. for a constitutlonal), (ro out to
stretrh one's legs. vrt. lhte kvelemn:
juoksemaan start to run, (kiivaasti) dasli
orr. (Juosta pois) run avvay, run orr; ~
karkuun run avvay, desert. (pakenemaan)
tako to niirlit, take to one's heels; kau


pungille go dovvn-tovvn; kaupungista

leave (l. (ret out or) town: kaupunkiin
go to torni, start ror to n; kesken seu
rasta leave the company (1. the party) berore the others, take one's leave or the
company, brcak up the company: ~ kou
luun go to school, start ror school; jo
takuta kyytiin (ro as a driver Tor one
[huom. lhdettek minua kyytiin asemalle
vvlll you drlve (I. take) me to the railroadStatlon ? kalia lhtee minua kyytiin (mys : )
vvho Is going to drlve me (1. to be my
driver)?]; kvelemn (\. kvelylle) gO
(out) Tor a walk, (go to) take a \valk, go
Tor a stroll, take (1. go out ror) an airing;
lentoon riy up, riy orr. riy avvay, (maas
ta) take vving, take riight; liikkeelle begln to move (orr 1. avvay), (laiva y. m.)
(ret under way, (olopalkaltaan) break up,
leave, (sot.) decamp f huom. hei, lhdehn
siit liikkeelle come, bestlr yourselT!
(Jkpv.) (ret a move on!]: (irti) liimauk
sesta come un(rlued; Jonkun laota leave
one (esim. hn juuri lhti luotani he Just
lert (me); l lhde luotani don't leave
me!]; maailmalle launch out Into (1.
make one's start In) the vvorld, launch out
ror o.s. ; ~ marssiin march orr, depart, de
camp; ~ matkaan Set orr. Set OUt, Start
(out) ; matkaansa (mennS) go a\vay, go
orr, leave, be (1. make) orr; ~ matkalle
set out (1. set orr 1. start) on a Journey (1.
on the trip), go avvay, leave home: (laiva)
set sali; ~ merille go to sea. berome a
sailor; ~ metslle (metsstm!i;m i go
huntlng, go out shooting; metsn
[vuorille'] start to (1. start out ror) the
vvoods rthe hills] ; mukaan go along.
go . . too, (Jonkun mukaan) go vvlth
one, accompany (1. (ollovv) one [huom.
lhde mukaan come vvith us! come along!
come on! lhdetk mukaan vvlll you go
vvlth us? are you going to come along?
vvlll you Join us?]; nuotalle go to rish
vvlth a selne, go (out) to selne; ongelle
go rishlng (vvlth a hook and llne), go
angling; pakoon take (to) ritght. (Jkpv.)
take to one's heels. (vist) riee [rrom...
Jotakin! ; palveluspaikastaan leave (1. quit)
one's place, (kesken) run avvay (rrom
one's place); pois go avvay, leave rthe
country, maasta] , (poistua) retlre. vvithdravv, vvalk (1. march) avvay (1. orr), (esim.
vri) rome out Teslm. kaikki lhtivt yhfaihaa pois ali le(t (1. vvent orr I. vvlthdrevv)
at the same tlme; sotajoukko on lhtenyt
pois the troops have lert (1. have marched
avvay) ] ; purjehtimaan go Tor a sail .
have a sali, (purjehdusretkelle) set out on
a salllng (1. a yachting) trip, (purjelai
vasta:) set sali, get under sali: rannasta
leave the shore, (laivalla) put orr. put out:
~ ratsastamaan go (1. Start OUt 1. start)
Tor a ride, go out ridlng; retkelle set fl.
start) out on a trip (1. an expedltlon) ;
satamasta (latva) put out (o( a port), leave
(the) harbor, clear (the) port; seurasta
leave (1. quit) a [the] company, (salaa,
pelkuruudesta y. m.) desert the company:
~ sotaan go to vvar, march orr (1. avvay)
to vvar; ~ soutelemaan go out rovvlng,
go out boat-rliling, (kanootilla) go ranoefng; sovittelujen tielle, ~ ku'kemaan
sovittelujen tiet try compromlse, try
conclliatlon: ~ teloiltaan (laivasta:) leave
the stocks, be launched: tiehens go on .
leave, depart, be orr, (Jkpv.) skcdaddle,
pack orr: ~ uudelleen alusta start (ali)
over agaln, begln anevv, retrace one's
Steps; lhtien ks. hakus.; lhtiessn at (I.
upon) ones departure, vvhen golng avvay:



henki oli jo lhtenyt life vvas .(1 . - ; i . i > extinct; hiuhseni lhtevt my liair comes (I.
fallS) out; hnen lhdettyn after he \v;is
gone, (matkalle) arter his dcparture; hn
oli lhtenyt varakkaasta kodista he came
rrom a vvealthy home, he came or a wellto-do Tamlly; juna lhtee pian the train
vvill leave soon; junan lhdetty after the
train has [had] leit. arter the departure
or the train; junan lhtiess at the depar
ture of the train, when the train leaves
lert! ; j on lhtenyt jrvest the Ice
has Ien the lake, the lake has become
Tree or ice; karva lhtee the halr is rallin?
(I. cornin?) out, the halr is sheddlng;
kenest tm lhtee lioin vvhom does this
come? who is the orlginator or (1. Is responsible Tor) tbiS? minne hn on lhtenyt
vvhere has he gone? (joutunut) vvhat has
become or hiin? (kadonnut) \vhere has he
vanished? mist tie lhtee sinne vvhere
does the road start there? mist tm joki
lhtee vvhere does this rlver rlse? vvhere
has this rlver lts source? mist uusi alue
lhtee (alkaa) vvhere does the new dlstrict
begin (1. start)? mist ni lhti vvhere
dld the sound come rrom? nuha ei ole vie
l lhtenyt the cold In the head is not gone
(1. is not vvell) yet; nist periaatteista
thtien starting vvith these principles; pos
ti lhtee pian the mall ui II start soon; vri
lhtee the coior comes out, the color Is
not fast, (hallistuu) the color rades
I huom. kankaasta lhtee vri() (mys:)
the clotb crocks].
lhtien : jostakin (ever) slnce . . , rrom
the time or . .; joulusta ~ (ever) slnce
ajoista rrom the tlme or (1. ever
slnce) the French Revolutlon; siit
(siit ajasta) ever slnce, slnce then (1.
that), (hetkest) rrom that moment on,
(sen Jlkeen) arter that; tst herearter,
hencerortb, rrom now on, (vasfedes) In
the lilluit1: jostakin johonkin saakka
rrom . . tili (1. up to) ...
lhtij one who goes (1. departs); goer; oli
paljon lhtijit ja tulijoita there were
many goers and comers.
lht (matkalle-) start(lng), departlng, goIng avvay; (junan, laivan, postin y. m.)
departure; (poistuminen) exit, (Joukolla)
exodus; (alku, synty) orlgln, rlse; (Irtau
tuminen) gettlng loose, loosenlng; lhdn
aiheessa (oleva) planning to go avvay. considering one's departure; antaa kinen Cl.
pikainen) jollekulle dismiss one sumniarlly, glve one a curt dismlssal, (Jkpv.)
klrk one out, send one packlng; ennen
lht berore departlng (i. going a\vay),
berore breaking up; hnelle tuli nolo (sai nolon lhdn) he vvas ignominlously
dlsmissed; Israelin lasten ~ Egyptist the
Exodus; mist se on lhtns vvhere does
It come rrom? rrom vvhat (1. rrom vvhere)
is It derlved? rrom vvhat does It origlnate?
I vvonder vvhere lt started; olla lhdss
johonkin be about to leave Tor . . . be getting rcady to go to (1. leave Tor) . . , be
Just leaving Tor . . [huom. hn oli jo lh
dss (mys:) he vvas already on the point
or departure, he had already rlsen to
(take) leave, he vvas ali ready to leave].
lht- (yhd.) 1. (matkalle- 1. poislht-) ..
or departure [esim. -hetki moment or de
parture; -paikka place or departure; -piv
day or departure], starting- f esim. -paikka
startlng-place] ; 2. (hyvstijtt) rarewell f esim. -malja rarevvell toast: -saarna
rarevvell sermon], parting [esim. -saarna
partlng sermon; nmttmm parting kiss .


-aika tiine of departure, tiine to start (I.

to leave 1. to break up I. to depart).
-homma I. -puuha: olla lht hommissa (\.
-puuhissa) be gettlng ready to leave,
make preparations ror one's departure.
lhtisin: olla ~ jostakin (perisin) derlve
one's (1. lts) origin rrom, be derlved
rrom, (Johtua) orlginate in (1. rrom),
come rrom, (alkuisin) have started rrom . . .
lht kahvi (t) good-by cup or corree. -kat
tanut 1. -katselmus lnspection on the explratlon or an occupancy; (sotajoukon)
lnspection on departure. -kiire: lhtkii
reess in the haste or departure. -kohta
startlng-point, point or departure; (perus
ta) basis; olla lhtkohtana jollekin be a
starting-point or (1. rorj ... -kunto
readiness to leave; laittautua lhtkuntoon
get ready to leave, make o. s. ready ror
departure; olla lhtkunnossa be ready to
leave, be prepared ror departure. -marssi
(kirkosta lhdettess) postlude; (Jhyvlsmarssl) rarevvell march. -meridiaani ks.
nollameridiaani, -merkki signal to start:
signal Tor departure (1. ror starting); ontaa lhtmerkki signal the departure, (ur
heilukilpailussa) give the signal to start,
start. -nopeus (Tys.) lnitlal veloclty. -passi
(matkapassi) passport; (kuv.) the sack;
antaa jollekulle lhtpassia) (kuv.) send
one packlng (1. orr), turn one out (or
doors), (erottaa) dlscharge, dismiss; saada
lhtpassini be rired, be sent packing,
get bounced, (Engl.) get the sack. -ryyppy
(usein plur.) rarevvell (I. parting) drink.
-valmis ready to leave (1. to depart);
(matkavalmis) ready to start (1. to set
out) on a Journey (1. a voyage). -vauhti
start, Impetus.
like 1. splashing; (svvish-)svvash; (lainei
den) lapplng, ripple; 2. (vlke) play or
colors, lrldesccnce.
likehtiv (silkist
y. m.:) vvatered.
likehti (likky)
splash to and Tro, svvish (1. slosh) about,
svvlll around; (laineista:) lap, ripple; (v
reist:) be vvatered, vrt. vlkehti; poveni
likehti my bosom (1. my breast) vvas
likevesl spllt vvater, slop.
likky splash to and rro, svvish (1. slosh)
about, svvlll around; be spllled [on the
ground, maahan], splll, slop over; (aal
toilla) be tosslng, be splashing, (likehti)
be lapplng.
likk (riske) splash, drop; (muste-) blot.
likynt splash(ing), svvlsh-svvash; (lainei
den) tosslng; lapplng; tunteiden suigIng or emotlons; vrt. like.
likyttminen splashing, shaklng up; (maa
han) spllling. likytt splash; (maalian)
splll, slop over.
llkhdys splash(lng). likht splash, slop
over, yli], be spllled.
limi (kurittaessa) slap [vvith the riat or
one's hand, kmmenelln], keep slapplng;
limhdys (piiskan y. m.) crack, snap,
smack; (kdell) slap; (lynti) rap; (isku)
blovv; piiskan (mys:) lash o( a vvhlp.
limhdytt rap, smaok, slap [a cliild on
the hand, lasta kdelle] : \vhip, lash; ~
hevosta piiskalla touch up the horse vvltli
a vvhlp, rilck the horse vvith the vvhlp,
give the horse a Hlek (1. a lasin vvith the
vvhlp. limys, limytt ks. limhdys,
liske crack(s), smack(s); (like) splash
(-lng). liskin splashing, splash: (piiskan)
cracklng; (laineiden) svvash, lap(plng).
liski* kerplop! (esim. poskelle lydess)



smack! liskii lasti [the horse wlth the

whip, hevosta piiskalla]; crack; (likyt
t) splash; (roiskia) squirt.
liskyminen squlrtlng, splasbing. liskyttmlnan splasbing, shaklng up; (maahan)
spillingr. liskytt splash (over), slop;
(maahan) splll (over). liskytyt = lis
kyttminen, lisky splash, svvish (1. slosh)
about; (maahan) be spilled, splash (1. slop)
over; lisky ylfympri splash in every
dlrectlon, slop (1. slosh 1. svvish) ali about.
lisk blot(ch), splotch; staln, smear; (krps-) riap(per).
liskhdys splash; (slimaus) lash; (lynti)
rap, smart blow; (ljhdys) crack, smack.
liskhdytt (maahan) splll; (llhdytt) crack [one's whip, piiskaansa], slap,
glve a slap (1. a blovv); (letkalsta) lash.
liskht (maahan) splash (1. slop) over,
be spilled; mys = ljht.
liskU blot, staln, smear; (lyd liskll)
Tlap; vrt. liski.
lisk crack, snap, smack; ovi ~ the door
is banglng (1. is slammlng); vrt. liski.
ljittin in heaps, In plles; ritil oli ~ kultaa
there \vere heaps (1. plles) or gold there.
ljittminen heaping (up), plllng up; accumulation. ljitt (pinota) heap (up), plle
(up); (kasata) accumulate.
lj heap [esim. jyo~ heap of graln]; (pi
nottu) plle; (kumpu) monin I: ljss, l
jn In [Into] a heap, (koossa, kokoon)
together, up.
ljhdys smack, crack, snap; (slimaus) lash;
(lynti) rap. ljhdyttminen smacklng,
cracklng Jne., vrt. seur. ljhdytt smack,
crack [one's whip, piiskallaan] ; (lyd ~)
lash [wlth a whlp, piiskalla], rap; (km
menell y. m.) slap; (llmhdytta) strlke,
hlt(ablovv). lshtminen cracklng, smack
lng; mys => ljhdys. ljht crack,
smack, snap.
ljt heap (up); (pinota) pilo (up); (koo
ta, kasata) accumulate. ljyty he(come)
heapcd (1. plled) up; (kasautua) be accumulated, accumulate. ljminen piltng,
heaping (1. pillng) up.
lkki I. ks. lkkipelti, lkki II. ks. muste.
lkki, (yhd.) tln [esim. -astia tln dish (1.
vessel); -kuppi tln cup; -laatikko tln box],
-astiat 1. -kalut tlnuare. -levy lkkipelti.
lakkinen (oO tln; tlnny.
lkkipelti tin, tin-plate. -rasia (silyke)
tln-can; can, (Engl.) tin. -sepp tinncr,
tinsmllh; lkkisepn ammatti tlnner'S (1.
tlnsmitll's) trade; lkkisepn paja Un sho]>.
-tuoppi tln stoup (1. can 1. cup).
lksiis- (yhd.) rarevvell, partlng [esim.
-puhe rarevvell address, parting speech;
-saarna fare\vell sermon].
lksiiset rarevvell entertalnment (1. party);
puhua lksiisiksi make a farevvell (1. part
lng) speech. lksiiskahvit rare\vell cup of
lksy lesson (to preparc at home) ; task.
lksynluku learnlng one's lesson(s), preparatinn (of lessons); (ahkera) rramming.
lksytt: ~ jotakuta glve one a (good) les
son (1. lecture), take one to task, haul one
over the coals, call one down. lksytys
lesson; rebuke, rating; antaa jollekulle hy
v lksytys givo one a good lecture (1. a
sounrt rating).
lkhdys choking; surrocation, stlfllng.
-kohtaus choking nt, lii or choking.
lkhdyttminen choking, stlfling, surroca
tion. lkhdytt choke [\vlth smoke, sa
vuun], sutTocate, stifle; (Ilman puuttee
seen) smother; vrt. tukehduttaa, lkhty
minen cboklng; smothering. lkhty (be)
choke(d), smother; (tukehtua) be(come)


StiTled, (be) SU(Tocate(d); lkhty nau

ruun choke \vith laugbter.
lmmet become warm(er), get vvarm. (1.
hot), warm (up), grow warm, be(come)
warmed; ~ puhuessaan warm up as one
speaks; ilma on lmmennyt the \veather (1.
has vvarmed up, (talvella:)
\veather has moderated; puhuja lmpeni
the speaker vvarmed to his subject.
lmmike anything to vvarm o.s. wltb.
lmmin I. (a.) vvarm [room, huone; cllmate,
Ilmanala; trlendshlp, ystvyys] ; (kuuma)
hot [bath, kylpy; sprlng, lhde] ; (syd
mellinen) hearty, cordlal; harrastus
vvarm Interest, enthuslasm, fervor, zeal;
(Jotakin) lmmint ruokaa aamiaiseksi a
hot breakfast, something hot Tor break
fast ; lmpimt ruokalajit hot dlshes ; lm
pimt suositukset vvarm recommendations;
lmpimt tervehdykset vvarm (1. hearty 1.
greetings; lmpimt vaatteet
vvarm Clotbes; kun piv on lmpimimmil
ln ulien the day Is (at its) vvarmest;
syd jo(ta)hin lmpimn eat . . (while It
Is) hot. II. (s.) vvarmth, heat; hnell on
~ he Is vvarm; minulle tuli ~ kvellessni
I got vvarm. vvith (1. I grevv vvarm from)
my vvalk; tuli ~ (ilma) It got vvarm, it
turned vvarm; viisi astetta lmmint flve
degrees above (the) freezlng(-point) ; vrt.
lmmin- (yhd.) vvarm- [esim. -sydminen
vvarm -hearted; -sydmisyys vvarm-heartedness; -verinen vvarm-blooded] . -tunteinen
. . of (1. vvith) vvarm sympathtes.
lmmitell vvarm o.s.; (lmmitt) vvarm,
keep vvarming (1. heatlng); istukaa lm
mittelemn sit down and vvarm yourself
(1. and get warm). lmmitteleminen, lm
mittely vvarming o.s.
lmmittj (hyrykattilan y. m.) flreman,
stoker; jalkojen foot-vvarmer. lmmit
tminen warming, heating; (ruoan y. m.)
vvarming up; (hyrykattilan y. m.) flring.
lmmittmtn unwarmed,unheated [room,
huone], .. with no Tire, .. vvithout heat;
nukkua lmmittmttmss huoneessa
sleep in an unheated (I. in a cold) room,
sleep in a room vvithout heat (1. vvithout a
Tire), lmmittv warming [glovv, hehku].
lmmitt warrn, vvarm up (I. over) [the
rood, ruoka] ; flre [a boller, hyrykatti
laa] ; (kuumentaa) heat; ~ Anone vvarm
up the room, make (1. get) the room vvarm;
uuni(a) heat the oven; alkaa ~ make (1.
light 1. buiid 1. start) a flre [In the room,
huonetta], begin to heat, (steill lmp)
beg-in to glve out heat.
lmmitys vvarming (up); heatlng; (hyrypannun y. m.) flring; Anoneen vuokraan
kuuluu myskin ~ the prlce (1. the rent)
or tho room Includes heat; vrt. hyry,
-aine fuel. -johto System of steam-plpes
j liot-vvater plpes, hot-alr shafts] ; mys
lammi t y slai to s ; laittaa lmmitysjohto taloon
install a heating-plant In the house. -koje
1. -laite heating-apparatus; heater. -laitos
system, hot-w-ater system] ; vrt. edell.
-uuni stove, (suuri) base-burner; (kes
kus) rurnace; (takka) flreplace.
lmmit become (1. get) warm, become
uarmer; get vvarmed, get heated; Auon*
lmpi the room Is vvarming up (1. Is gettlng vvarmer), (huonetta lmmitetn)
the room is being heated, a flre has been
Iit in the room; sauna lmpi the bathhouso Is being heated; vrt. lmmet.
lmmn- (yhd.) . . or heat [esim. -hukka
vvaste (1. loss) of heat; -johtaja conductor
of heat; -steily radiatlon of heat]. -muu

to l. -vaihto (lmpotllan) change of (1. ta llmalsten:) westward(s); lnteen pain
In) temperature.
menevt tinat trains going west, westlampeneminen
bound trains, trains to the west; lntt
warmer; ilmoien lmpenemist ei l adokohden to (I. towards) the west, westtettaoimta cnncn . . It cannot be expected ward(S) ; lhte Cl. ; tonnelle
that the weather will get warmer before... (Amer, suom.) go (out) West.
lansi- (yhd.) west- [eslm. -*uroppalaintn
limpimyyt warmtb.
limpimi: [juosta] lampimik*een [run] to West-European; -intialainen West-Indian;
get (l. to keep) warm, to warm (o.s.) up, -pad west end; -iuu/i west wind] ; western
to get warmed up; tia lmpimUtn be [eslm. -Australia Western Australia; -piiri
warm, lampimaiset: lhett jollekut lei- western district; -valtiot (Yhdysvaltaln)
pad lmpimi*ik*i (l. v.) send over some Western States], -eteli (lounas) south
west, -gootti (hist.) West Goth, Visigoth.
warm bread [biscuit] to one.
lampimasti warmly [attached to . . , klinty- -goottilainen (hist.) West Gothic. Liniinyt jobonkuhun; recommended, suosltel- Intia i - Lnti-lntian saaristo the
tu]; .. with warmth; (sydamelllsesti) West Indies, -maalainen (a. & s.) occiden
heartily; (tunteelllsestl) feelingly; aarin- tal, western, -maat the West, tbe Occi
ko paimtaa ~ the sun shines warm; hn dent, -main n western [culture, slvlstys],
paristl ~ httnl he gave me a warm occidental, -pohja (luode) northwest.
grasp (I. shake) of the hand; mit lmpi- -puoli west side, -puolitse: /onfcin lan*imimmin most warmly (1. ardently), (sy- puolitsf west of . . , (pltkln lanslrannlkkoa) along the west coast of ... -rannikko
damelllslmmln) most heartily.
west coast; lantirannikolla (Yhdysvaltaln)
limpid (teatterln) lobby, foyer.
limpa warmtb; (fys.) heat; (lmptlla) on the West Coast, -roomalainen: an*itemperature; (Into) ardor, fervor, zeal; roomalaintn valtakunta the Western Em
(Innostus) enthusiasm; (sydamelllsyys) pire, the Empire of the West, -suomalaicordiality; immSlia with warmth, with nn I. (a.) West-Finnish. II. (s.) West
(-ern) Finn, -tuull (myos:) westerly
enthusiasm, warmly.
lamp- (yhd.) . . of heat, heat- [eslm. -oa/to wind; (run.) Zephyr.
wave of heat, heat-wave; -sude ray of tintinen western [part, osa; Australia, Aus
heat, heat-ray; -yktikk unit of heat, heat- tralia], west [end, p; side, puoli]; west
erly [direction, suunta]. lamisin farthest
unltj ; (tlet.) thermal [eslm. -hernia ther
mal chemistry; -yksihho thermal unit], west, westernmost.
thermo- [eslm. -hcmia thermochemistry; lantietyi (kenglst:) be(come) trodden
-shko thermoelectricity], -aistimus sen
down at the heels; lntistyneet kengt
shoes trodden down at the heels.
sation of heat, -aste degree of heat; de
Itnttl (muste-) spot, blot.
gree above the freezing point.
lantys slouch, sloven; sloppy fellow; vrt.
lampoinen - lmmin, I.
lampo johto = lammityijohto. -lava (puut.) lntyi. lntysminen flabby; sloppy, lantyetaa waddle (along), slouch along.
hotbed, -lhde source of heat.
lmpmlttari thermometer; lmpmittarin -lama (yhd.) rather (1. somewhat) . . ,
.-Ish [eslm. lyhyen rather (1. some
nyttftt 30 attetta pakkasta (myS:)
with the mercury (1. the thermometer) 30 what) short, shortish].
throughout, thoroughly, all (the
(degrees) below zero; Ccttiuhsen ~ the
way) through, clear through.
centigrade thermometer.
lmpmittarin- (ybd.) thermomelrlc [eshn. llpl I. (s.) (relk) hole, (eslm. nverlll
-asteikho thermometric scale].
tehty) perforation; (rako) crack; slot;
lmp jmari temperature, -oppl science of (Jolssakln tyokalulssa y. m.) eye. II. (adv.)
through; (all) through the night,
heat. -(ihko)parito (fys.) thermoelec
tric battery, -teho heat-energy; (poltto- all night (long) ; Vrt. lvitse.
arvo) fuel-value, -teora (fys.) theory of lip!- (yhd.) . . through [eslm. -porattu bored
(1. drilled) through], -hohtava translucent;
heat, -tila temperature.
lampotilan- (yhd.) . . of (the) temperature pellucid. -Jatynyt frozen solid (1. up),
frozen clear through, frozen through and
[eslm. -muato* change of (the) tempera
ture; -netwn rise of (the) temperature; through, -kalvettu dug through; (esim.
-vaihtmla variation of (the) temperature], kanava) cut through, -kastunut ks. IKpimrk; mys = seur. -kostutettu moist
. . In (the) temperature [eslm. -rota dif
ened (1. dampened) through, soaked; satu
ference In (the) temperature; - In
crease In (the) temperature; -muuto* rated, -kotaliln thoroughly, throughout,
change In (the) temperature], -vihenny -kulkeva . . going through; haikki lapikuldecrease of (1. In) (the) temperature, heoat iunat all trains going through, all
through trains, -kulku passing (1. pas
fall of (1. In) (the) temperature.
sage) through; transit.
lampyksikk (myS:) calory.
lampo! johuva heat-conducting, -eynnyt- lapikulku- (yhd.) transit- [eslm. -hauppa
tivi heat-forming, heat-producing, -uhku- transit-trade; -fulii transit-duty (1.- dues)] ;
vrt. kauttakulku-. -paikka thoroughfare,
va warm, enthusiastic.
lam(i)I flap, lappet; (lapp) valve; (suo- passage, -lavara goods passing through,
goods In transit.
punkl) lasso.
linkt: lnget collar, the hames. -harppl lapi kulunut = lopen kulunut, ks. lopen.
outside calipers, -sri(nen) bow-legged, -kuultamaton opaque, not transparent,
-kuultava (lapihohtava) translucent; di
bandy-legged. -sairiayys bandy legs.
aphanous [cloud, pilvi]; (lplnkyva)
lnksrinen - UnkUrinen.
lannemmaksi, lnnempan farther west, transparent, -kuultavuus translucence;
transparency, -kiydl go through [many
more to(warls) th west.
lannenpuoleinen \vcslern, west; l.aatokan hardships, monet koettelemukset], pass
~ meuta the country (1. the territory) through; (kftyda loppuun) finish; (katsoa
1. tarkastaa lapl) go (1. run) over [one's
west of Lake Ladoga.
lesson, laksyns&l, look over (1. through)
lannotar Zephyr.
[a list, luettelo); (kestau, krslft) under
lin.l west; (l&nslmaat) the West, the Occi
go, sustain, endure, suffer, -kiymi: ondent; (pin) from the west; ten
tera pUn to (1. towards) the west, (Ulket- kun lpikyma gone (1. looked) over by

p. -kynti going (1. passing) through; go
spot, be present [at, Jossakin], attend (in
ing (1. running 1. looking) over. -kytv person), be in attendance, (saatavissa) be
thoroughiare; passage; (katusola) alley. on hand, (vieress) stand by. -olija 1. -ole
-leikkaus (cross) sectton; (leikkaus) cut- va: lsnolijat, lsnolevat those (I. the
ting, cut. -lukeminen readlng through; people) present (1. in attendance), the
(huolellinen) perusal. -matka passage (1. people on the spot, the present company,
journey) through; lpimatkallaan Suomessa (sivustakatsojat) the bystanders; kaikki
on his way (1. when passing) through lsnolijat everybody present, ali those
Finland, -mitaten through. In dlameter. present, ali those who were there. -olla:
-mitta dlameter. -mdnnyt rotted through, kaikkien lsnollessain the presence of ali:
completely decayed, rotten to the core. minun lsnollessani In my presence, (kuul
-mrk wet through (and through), teni) In my bearlng; vieraiden lsnollessa
drenched, soaked (through) ; (ykslnom.
(mys:) before company, (Jkpv.) before
elvist olennoista:) wet (1. drenched) to
rolks. -olo presence; (harvemmin:) at
the skin.
tendance, appearance.
lpinen (yhd.) with . . holes, . .-holed [esim. latinkien Lettlsh; Lettlc.
vii*i~ wlth flve holes, five-holed; moni ltkiminen smacklng, slapping; lashing,
with many holes].
vvhipplng; rapplng; vrt. seur. ltki (ly
lpi n nkemtn .. wbich you cannot see d) slap, smack; (be) rap(plng); lash,
through, . . whlch cannot be seen through, hip; (kevyesti) flap; ltki krpsi
vrt. seur. -nkymtn not transparent, (jkpv.) swat riles. ltki = lps. ltkist
opaque [body, esine] ; . . lmpervious to slap, smack; lash [with a vvhip, piiskalla],
(the) llght. -nkyv transparent, diapha- (jkpv.) swat; (kevyesti) flap. ltkys
nous: (kuv., mys) . . whlch you can see smack, slap, crack; (piiskalla) lash; (ke
(rlght) through. -nkyvisyys transpar- vyt) flap; vrt. letkaus.
ency. -psemtn lmpassable, lmpone- ltti ks. siko~.
trable [Torest, mets; thtcket, tiheikk]; lttilinen I. (a.) Lettlsh, Lettlc. II. (s.) Lett.
vrt. lpisemtn, -psy passage; ttior ltty ks, lettu.
oughrare. -rauta (sepn) swage-block.
ltt- (yhd.) flat- [esim. -/alhainen flatlpitso - lvitse.
footed; -neninen flat-nosed]. -Jalka flatlpi; tunkea penetrate; vrt. tunkea (lvitse). root. -neni I. (s.) flat nose. II. (a.) riat-tunkematon lmpenetrable; (lpisemtn) nosed.
lmpervious. -tunkeva penetratlng, pene- ltkk pool, puddle; (pieni) plash. ltktratlve [odor, haju]; plercing [wind, tuuli;
kinen . . full of (1. rilled wlth) pools (1.
cry, huuto; look, katse], (pureva) cuttlng puddles).
[vvlnd, tuuli]; (nest) shrlll. -tunkevasti lvellinen . . wlth a hole (In it); . . Mli or
penetratlngly; plerclngly. -tuoli = rcik- holes, perforated.
tuoli. -vrjtty dyed In the \vooI.
lvistin punch; perrorator.
lpp valve; (lms) flap; (kellon) clapper, lvistys borlng through; plercing (through) ;
tongue. -venttiili flap-valve, clack-valve. (reljlttminen) (tekn.) punching; perioralppys, lppminen toll(lng); (hautaus- tlon. -kone perroratlng-machlne, per
kellojen y. m.) knell.
lps i i .i; i . lpshdys slap, crack; (kdell lvistj (mat.) dlagonal; (halkaisija) dl
y. m.) smack; (piiskalla, mys:) lash. lp- ameter. lvistminen ks. lvistys; (tika
shdytt slap, smack, glve (1. htt) . . a rilla y. m.) stabblng; running through.
Slap (1. a blovv); lpshdytt jotakuta lvist bore through, plerce (through) ;
korvalla glve one a slap (1. a cuff) on the (pist puhki) prick (through); (pist
ear. lpsht crack, snap, smack.
lpi 1. kuoliaaksi) stab [one \vith a dagger,
lpiseminen penctration; permeatlon; soak- joku tikarilla], run .. through [vvith a
lng through. lpisemtn lmpenetrable, svvord, miekalla] ; thrust through; (naula
lmpervious; (vett y. m.) lmpermeable ta keihll y. m.) transrix, lmpale; (kuv.)
[layer of Clay, savikerros]; kosteutta [va
plerce; (tekn.) punch, (reljitt) perrorate;
loa] lpisemtn lmpervious to molsture ~ Joku miekallaan (mys:) run (I. thrust)
[to llght]. lpisev penetrable; pervlous, a sword through a p.'s body.
lvitse through; vrt. tunkeutua.
lpist (tunkea lvitse) break through, lvhdytU
ks. ljhdytt.
penetrate; plerce; (etup. lys.) permeate,
(nesteist Ja kuv.) pervade, (nesteist:) lhtell, lhtt pant, puTf (and blow),
soak (through); (esim. musteesta:) strlke breathe heavily (1. hard); (haukkoa Ilmaa)
through, run; (menn 1. pst lvitse) go gasp. lhtys pantlng, punnin ; pant.
(1. get 1. pass) through, pass; ~ tutkinnos lke medlcine, drug, physlc; (Joskus:) nosta ([. tutkinto) pass an (1. one's) examlna- trum; (parannuskeino) remedy; (yleis-)
tion, pass; lakiehdotus lpisi the bill panacea; ottaa lkkeit take medlcine.
passcd (I. was carrled); paperi lpisee lke- (yhd.) mediclnal [esim. -kasvi memustetta the paper blots, the Ink runs (1. dicinal pian t; -ominaisuus mediclnal i>ropstrikes) through the paper.
erty; -yrtti mediclnal herb] ; medical
lptt (lyd, takoa) beat (mys syd
[esim. -taito medical art; -tiede medical
mest), pound; (sydmest:) palpltate, science], -aine lke, -kirja pharma(kuuluvasti) throb; (kalkattaa) clap; (le
copojla; vrt. lkrikirja, -mrys propattaa) riap; riutter. lptys clapplng; sciiption. -opillinen medical; pharmaceubeatlng, poundlng; (sydmen) palpltatlon. tical ; lkeopillinen ruumiinavaus autopsy,
post-mortem (examinatlon); lkeopillinen
lpt toll [a bell, kelloa].
lrpp (lurpp) chatterbox: (suunpieksj) tiedekunta (mys:) the faculty or medl
ranter; braggart. lrptell, lrptt cine. -oppi materia medica; pharmacology;
prattle, Jabber, chatter; (rehennellen) pharmacy; vrt. lketiede, -paino apotherant. lrptys babble, jabber, prattle; caries' \velght. -pullo medlcine boltle, vial.
-taito (mys:) therapeutics, art or healing.
(rehentelev) rantlng.
lski pork; (savustettu) bacon; (silava) fat -taksa (legal) price-llst or drugs and medlclnes. -tiede (mys:) (science or) medl
(or pork); vrt. kinkku.
lsn present; at hand, on hand; on the cine; lketieteen tohtori doctor oi medl
spot, at the place; olla - be on the cine [lyh.: M. D.]; lketieteen ylioppilas

medical student, student of medicine, -tie- lanittaln by governments, by provinces.
teellinen medical [department, osasto; se lnitta (hist.) Invest with , enfeoff.
cret, salaisuus]. -tieteilija scientist en
lttrtitya (en)feoffment; (liianiksi annettu
gaged in medical research, -varasto stock maa-alue) fief, fee, feud.
or medicine, -voima healing1 power.
laanitys- (yhd.) feudal (mys: fodal)
lakint, lkinto (medical) treatment; (pa- [eslm. -aattliito feudal nobility; -arjesrantamlnen) Healing, cure, -hallitus Med
ttlma feudal system] . -horra = lniherr.
ical Department; Bureau of Public Health; -laitoi feudal system, feudalism.
lkinthaituhsen ptirthtri head Of ltti = ltti.
the Medical Department [In Finland], lav (cow-) barn, cow-stable, cow-shed.
-keino means of healing, cure; (parannus- lnkyttaa trot. Jog-trot, lumber; tulla ~
keino) remedy, -lainoppi medical juris
pvriiss come Jogging on behind.
prudence, forensic medicine, -laitot med lontti (c)lump; (multa- y. m.) clod; (verlical department, -neuves (advisory) mem
y. m.) clot; 1 1...1 1 spot, smear, splotch.
ber of the medical department, -tai to lnttiminen clotty; clumsy, lumbering,
lketaita. -tapa method of healing (1. of lubberly, lnttimityye clottlness; clumsi
curing), -voirna healing power; medicinal ness, lubberllness; awkwardness.
qualities, -ylihallitus ks. lkinthallitus. lnttre, lntys lout, lubber, bumpkin; clod;
lkitseminen administering (of) medicine; (nalsesta:) gawky, lntysta slouch along;
treating, doctoring; healing, curing.
lumber along.
lUkityt t. = lkitseminen; S. (like) lperrell jabber away; mys = lpert.
medicine, cure, remedy, -aine -- lke. lperrys, lpertely babble. Jabber, prattle;
-tapa method of healing (1. of curing).
chatter; Jupien lperrys baby-talk, babylaakiu administer drugs (1. medicine) [to prattle, (Jkpv.) nonsense, lpertaa babble;
one, jotakuta] ; treat, (Jkpv.) doctor; (pa- (lrptell) prattle, jabber, chatter.
rantaa) heal [a wound, haava], cure.
loperyys softness, topera soft; vrt. bper.
lkri physician, medical man; (tav.) doc lpista prattle; talk nonsense; mito lpiset
tor; (haava-, klrurgl) surgeon; olla lk- what nonsense (1. what kind of stuff) are
rin lioiJcttavana be under (1. undergo a you talking now?
course of) medical treatment, be in the lrpp I. (s.) babbler, tattler, blabber,
doctor's care (1. hands), be under the doc
(Jkpv.) chatterbox. II. (a.) tattling, bab
tor's care [for, jonkln takla].
bling; (laverteleva) talkative, garrulous,
lakri- (yhil.i medical [eslm. -Mr/a med
lrptell babble [about trifles, turhanalical book; -euro medical society; -taita kalslsta asloista], prattle; tattle, cackle;
medical art], -kokous convention of phy
prate, lrpttelij ks. lrpp, I. lrpttely
sicians (1. of medical men), doctors' con
babble, tattle; babbling, tattling, lrptt
vention, -kunta (koko valtlon y. m.) md
= lrptell. lrptys Idle talk, prattle;
ical profession; (salraalan y. m.) mdical mys = lrpttely.
staff, (esim. Yhdysvaltain sotavess) lrminen, lrmaibyys ks. lper, lperyy.
medical corps.
lyds (konkr.) find, discovery; vrt. lyt.
lakrln- (yhd.) medical [eslm. -tarkastus lyhdytt " lyhent.
medical inspection; -tutkimu* medical ex lyheneminen = lyhtyminen. lyhonnys
amination] ; doctor's (1. physician's) [eslm. (lyhentmlnen) loosening, slackening;
-todiitia doctor's (1. physician's) certifi
(kuv.) relaxation, weakening; moraalin
cate], -apu medical aid (1. assistance 1. lyhennys relaxation of morals, lyhenadvice) ; etsiti lkrinapua, tarvaatua tminen loosening, slackening; relaxing
lkrinapuun seek medical aid. see a doc
(mys kuv.). lyhent loosen [the ties,
tor, consult s physician, -holte medical sitelt]; (hllent) slack(en), relax [the
care (1. attendance 1. treatment); lh- discipline, kuria; (the) morals, moraalia] ;
rinhoidon ataisena (myS:) under the doc
(heikent) weaken, lyheta = loyhty.
tor's care, -palkklo doctor's fee. -peili loyhk I. (a.) silly, cracked, foolish, daft,
speculum, -vala oath required of a physi
(Jkpv.) sort. II. (s.) silly person, noodle,
cian [in Finland] before being admitted (Jkpv.) softy; vrt. hper.
to practice.
lyhk III. stink, stench, (haju) smell, odor;
lni (administrative) district; government; (tuulahdus) waft, purr, lyhkinen - - lyh(maakunta) province; (laanitys) fief, fee, kv. lyhkt (vkevlt) stink; (haista)
feud; antaa lnihfl (hist.) Invest with a smell, lyhkv stinking; fetid.
fief, enfeoff. -herra feudal (1. liege) lord. lyhtyminen loosening, slack(en)lng, re
-jako division into governments (1. ad
laxing, nagging; vrt. sein, lyhtyt get
ministrative districts).
(l. come) loose; (hllenty) loosen, slack
laanilainen (hist.) liegeman; (nykyalk.) (-en), relax, flag; (veltostua) grow lax,
resident (I. Inhabitant) of a government grow slack, (heikentyu) grow weak(er).
loyhytoii wave; fan; (run., tuulesta:) waft;
(1. a province).
lanin hallitus provincial (1. district) gov
~ itacan nenliinalla fan O.S. With 8
ernment; lninhallitakten virhamiehtt of
handkerchief, lyhytin (viuhka) fan; (hulsficials of the provincial government, ku) whisk, lyhytteleminen, lyhyttely
-agronomi -elinlkri y. m.] agricul
fanning; wafting; waving, loyhyttai
tural expert [veterinarian, etc.] hired by loyhytell.
the provincial government [In Finland], lyhyys looseness; laxness; slackness, laxi
-kanslia offices of the provincial govern
ty; (epavakalsuus) Instability.
ment, -maanmittarl head of the staff of lyhy flutter, wave.
surveyors of a government [In Finland]. lyha loose [morals, moraali]; (holla) slack
-ptakaupunki capital of a government (I. [rope, kysi; control, valvonta}, limp;
of a province); governor's seat, -rahasto (kuv.) lax [discipline, kurl; morals, motreasury of a government (1. of an admin
raall], remiss, (veltto) languid, (levapeistrative district), -tairaala I. -salraa- rainen) negligent, careless, (epmuralncn)
huone public hospital of a [Finnish] gov
vague; lyht ptrusteet little ground,
ernment, -vankila jail In a government (1. weak foundation; olla Syha he loose,
an administrative district), -virkakunta 1. not be firm, be Insecure, be easily moved
-virkamiehet officials of a [Finnish] gov
(1. dislodged), not hold; (vaattelsta y. m.)
fit (1. bang) loose.

great numbers, there are many of theiu
lyhhdell come in puffs, be \varteil.
lyhlijrkinen recble-mlnded.ueak-minded, there; vrt. olU.
(Jkpv.) empty-headed, lacklng. -Jrkisyy lytiji flnder; (keksij) dlscoverer; poh
joisnavan dlscoverer of the north pole.
week-mlndedness; empty-headedness. -ki
tinn . . uit h a loose grlp, . . ui limut a lytajiiset (lytpaikka) reuard for find
imu grip in one's hands. -luontoinen lng (1. returnlng 1. restorlng) a tn.-, toriasi
easliy persuaded (1. led), . . uithont back- siit suuret lytjiset orrered a large re
bone; too good-natured; (pehme-) soft, uard for its retiini, lytminen rindlng,
easy. -mielinen loose; Indulgent, ueak; meetlng ultli; dlscovering, flnding out:
riahl iy. -piinen cracked, silly; erratlc; dlscovery; detectlon; vrt. lyt.
lyt nnd, make a rind or . .: (keksi)
empty-headed, lacklng.
detect, find out; (tavata) come
ly hitti loosely, ltmply, slackly, laxly; lan- discover,
(1. run) across, meet witb, come (1. llgbt)
(tav. ylltyksen) catch; ~ kaaok
lyly steam, vapor; (kuv.) roastlng, tlirash- upon,
sista find . . again, recover; ~ keino
lllg; heitt (l. lyd) lyly throw water ks.
keksii; ~ lohdutuksensa jostakin liiul
on the stones [In a Finnish batb-house] to one's comfort (1. one's solace) In . .;
make steam (1. vapor). -kylpy steam-bath, Jotakin
jossakussa find fault
vapor-batb. -sauna steam-bath; Finnish with one,moitittavaa
plck flaws In one; ~ Joku nuk
(I. come upon) one
lylynlym cracked, crack-bralned, crazy, asleep, catch one nappmg;
loony; hn on hiukan lylynlym (Jkpv.) cbance (1. happen 1. hlt) upon~. .;sattuma/ta
n lyd
he Is a llttle oir, he Is not ali there, he mitn syyt hness (mys:) I find blm
has a screw loose, hls upper Story Is not blameless (1. guiltless) ; en lyd sopivaa
very well rurnlshed. lylytt steam (in a
I am at a loss for the (right) word;
steam-bath); (kuv.) roast, glve .. a roast sanaa
sen lysit wbere did you find (1.
(lng), (lksytt) glve .. a calling down mist
olen lytnyt sormuksen
(1. a scoldlng), haul . . over the coals, I liave found lt?
a rlng, (kadoksissa olleen)
tuke . . to t.-isk, glve . . a plece or one's I have found the
mind; (lyd, kurittaa) whlp, thrash, glve tviss Is easy to find,on ishelposti
easliy found.
. . a thrasblng. iylytys steamlng; (kuv.)
is to
roastlng, calling down, scoldlng, rebuke, be found, can be found; rahat lydettiin
(jlleen) the money was recovered; sit
lysi loose, Slack; vrt. lyh; patruuna ei voida ~ mistn lt Is not to be found.
blank cartrldge; lysksi keitetty muna lt ls nowhere to be round, it cannot be
sort-bolled egg; ohjakset ovat lysll ttie found anywhere; vastaus [ratkaisu] voi
relns aie slack (1. loose). lyailiinen, ly- daan ~ lismll . . the ansuer [the solusiliisyys ks. irtolainen, irtolaisuus. ly
tion] may be round (1. be arrived at) by
st (hellitt) slack, make . . slack; (Ir
addlng . . , (saada) one can get the ansuer
rottaa) loosen, relax; (mer.) ease ofr (1. by addlng . . .
lyt dlscovery; detectlon; (lytminen)
lytyminen findlng; dlscovery; turnlng up; rindlng; vrt. aarre-, -alue (kasvin tai
existence; (esiintyminen) occurrlng, ocelimen) babltat; area or distrlbutlon.
currence; vrt. scur.
-esine 1. -kalu lost article, article (1.
lytyi be found; be dlscovered; (oltuaan thing) round, (Engl., lak.) wair; (lyds)
find. -lapsi foundllng. -lastenkoti foundkadoksissa) turn up; (olla) be, exlst; ly
tyy Is (1. will be) found, can be found, llng (1. orphan) asylum, children'3 home.
(tavataan) Is met wlth, (esiintyy) occurs, -paikka place or discovery, place uhere
[a tn. ] was round. -palkka = lytjiset.
appears, (on) there Is, there are; nt ti
lydy mistn he Is nowhere to be found, -retkeilij explorer; dlscoverer; lytret
he cannot be found anyuliere; mist se keilij Livingston (tav.) Llvlngstone, tbe
explorer. -retki voyage or discovery; exon lytynyt uliere liiis lt been found? nii
t lytyy siell paljon they are met wlth plorlng expedition (1. tour); exploratlon.
(1. they occur 1. they are found) there in -tavara goods whlch were round.


maa I. eartb; (vastakohtana Jrvelle tai me
relle) land, (Joskus:) terra firma, (ranta)
sbore; (maaseutu; maantiet, tai valtion,
alue) country; (seutu) tract, region, parts;
(jonkun omistama maa-alue) territory,
property, estate; (maanpinta) ground;
(maaper, maanlaatu) soti; (keto) fleld(s);
(multa, tomu) dlrt, dust; maahan (maan
sisn) Into tbe eartb, Into the ground,
vrt. imeytyi, (maan pinnalle) to the
ground, vrt. kaatua, vaipua, (alas, kumoon)
down, vrt. lyd: maalla on the land, (ran
nikolla) on shore, ashore, (maaseudulla)
In the country, out of (1. away rrom)
toun, vrt. oleskella, (Jonkun maalla, alu
eella) on [one's] land, on [one's] proper
ty (1. estate) [llUOIll. kaupungin maalla
(mys:) vvitliln the city (1. the toun) lim
it; talon maalla Oli the finu] ; maalla ja

merell on land and sea, by sea and land

[huom. sotajoukot maalla ja merell tbe
anny and navy] ; maalle (maihin) ashore,
on sbore, to shore, ks. nousta, uida, (kui
valle) up on shore, out or the uater, high
and dry, ks. vet, (maaseudulle) into the
country, ks. matkustaa; maatie pin landuaid(s). (rannikolle) shoreuard; maan
alla (oleva) underground, vrt. maanalai
nen; maan alle ks. vaipua; maan mahtavat
the mighty In (1. oD the land; maan po
veen into the bosom or eartb. Into tbe
ground, (alle turpeen) under (1. beneath)
the SOd; maan pller maan pll Oli (the)
eartb; maassa (maan sisss) in the ground,
(pinnalla) on the (bare) ground, ks. maa
ta, (valtiossa) In the country [huom. ts
s maassa In thls country] ; maassa maan
tavalla (1. v.) when you are In Rome do u


ihe Romans do; maatta (maan pinnasta)

iroin tbe ground, (valtiosta) from tue
country, ks. lhte (pois); maatta olet ti
na tullut ja maaksi pit sinun jlleen tu
leman (kirkoll.) dust thou art, and unto
dust slialt thou return; maat lands,
(valtakunnat) countrles, (tilukset) holdiiik-s. estate(s), property; maihin (maalle)
asbore, on shore, to shore, ks. laskea, men
n, nousta, uida; mailleen ks. menn;
maissa (tienoissa, seuduissa) about [buom.
niitt maissa, niiss main about tbat,
somethlng like tbat, tbereabout(s) ; (kello)
yhdeksn maissa (at) about nlne o'clork] ;
aidattu (a plecc of) land fenced In (1.
uitti a fence around lt 1. enclosed by a
rence) ; aukeaa maata open country, open
Tlelds; ei mailla halmeillakaan tiol anywhere near (I. around); hyv maata good
land, (hedelmllist) fertile soll (1. land);
nill mailla (seuduilla, tienoilla) In tbese
parts (l. reglons l. latltudes), (lhistill)
in thls nelghborhood, In thls locallty; vltrailla mailla In roreign lands (1. countrles
1. parts), (ulkomailla) abroad.
ma II. (vri, korteissa) suit; vrt. sama (a
maata) .
maa- (yhd.) land- [esim. -elin land - anlmal ;
-kilpikonna land-tortolse; -krapa laiulcrab], . . or land [esim. -kaistale strlp (1.
belt) of land; -takku patch (1. plot) of
land]; (maalla elv; maapallo-) terrestrlal [esim. -e/oin terrestrial anlmal; -mag.
netismi terrestrial magnetism] ; (maalais-)
country [esim. -konsa country people;
-kauppa country store]. -aateli country
arlstocracy (1. noblllty), (Engl., mys:)
landed gentry. -ala 1. -alue extent or coun
try (1. of land), terrltory; area (or land).
-alkalit (kem.) alkallne eartbs. -analyysi
analysls of a soll. -armei(J)a arrny, (maaJoukot) land forces. -artlsokka (kasv.)
Jerusalem artlchoke.
maadunnainen I. (a.) fossll. II. (s. = maa
tuma) alluvlum. maadu nta maatuminen.
maadu ttaa mold, rot; (maataa) cboke (1.
Tili up) \vith sllt, sllt.
maa; emo mother eartb. -hakku plck; (kuokkaktrves) mattock.
maahan;. hykkys 1. -karkaus lnvaslon, lnroad (into a country), -muuttaja lmmlgrant. -muutto Immlgratlon. -paniaiset
ks. hautajaiset.
maahantuonti importatton, Import.
maahantuonti- (yhd.) ks. tuonti-.
maahantuotu Imported; maahantuodut ta
varat (mys:) lmports.
maaherra governor (or a provlnce) ; vrt.
kuvernri, -kunta dlstrlct under a gov
ernor, government; vrt. lni.
maahinen earth-splrlt, gnome.
maahovt lartce (landed) estate, manor;
country-seat; (espanjalais-amerikkalalnen)
maailma world; (maailmankaikkeus) unlverse; maailmaa kokenut knowlng (1. experienced in) the ways of the World, expcrienced In worldly arralrs, worldly wlse;
maailmalla out In the (Wide) World: maail
malla out Into the (Wide) world, ks. lh
te; [Olla] maailman jaloissa [be] kicked
from pillar to post, [be] treated roughly
by the World; maailman parat mies th6

best man In the world, the best man allve;

maailman riin to the WOrld'S end, to the
end of the world (1. the earth) ; annsn
maailmassa (l. maailmaan) In days Of Old,
In bygone days, In olden (1. former) tlmes,
in days long past, formerly; Mene Cl. yl
hinen) the world of fashlon, tbe rashlonable world, tbe smart set; kaiken maali.


' man kielet ali the languages of the World;

tss maailmassa In thls World, on eartb,
under the sun; unelmien the world of
dreams; yli maailman ulottuva reacbing (1.
stretchlng) ali over the world, world-wlde.
maailmallinen worldly; secular. maailmalllatua grow worldly. maailmallisuus worldUness.
maailman- (yhd.) (tavallisimmin:) . . of the
World [esim. -halveksimintn contempt Of
the world; -kartta map of the World; -ksi
tys conceptlon of tbe world; -miss man or
the World] , (mys:) world's [esim. -tnntyt
world's record; -kirjallisuus world's llterature; -markkinat world's market] , universal [esim. -kieli unlversal language; -rauha
unlversal plece], (Joskus:) world- [esim.
-kitll world-language] ; (maailmallinen,
maailmallisia asioita koskeva) worldly
[esim. -kokemus worldly experlence; -vii
saus worldly wlsdom]. -avaruus (unl
versal) space. -henki splrlt of the universe,
cosmlc splrlt. -historia blstory of the
World; general hlstory, unlversal hlstory.
-historiallinen hlstorlc [mission, tehtv],
-ihminen man (1. woman) of the world;
worldly person. -Jrjestys System of the
world; cosmlc system; (vapaammin:) order or thlngs. -kalkkeua 1. -kaikkisuua
(the) universe. -kansalainen Citizen or tbe
world, cosmopolltan. -katsomus vlew of
the world, way of looklng at thlngs; (el
mnksitys) theory (1. phllosophy) of life.
-kauppa world's commerce; international
trade. -kaupunki cosmopolltan city, me
tropolia, -kausi (geol.) era. -kuulu worldrenowned, . . of world-wlde fame; (tun
nettu ylt maailman) unlversally known,
knovvn to ali the World, -lapsi (usk.) chlld
of thls World, worldllng. -loppu end of
the World, -maine World- Wide fame; maa
ilmanmaineen saavuttanut = maailman
kuulu, -mainio = maailmankuulu, -meno
order of thlngs. -mestari world-champlon,
world's Champion [In wrestling, painissa].
-mestaruus champlonship or the world,
world champlonship. -nyttely world's
fair; International (1. unlversal) exposltion. -parantaja one wbo tliinks be can
turn the World upslde down; reformer;
crank. -postiyhdistys Unlversal Postal
Union, -rakenne structure or the world,
(Tabrlc or) tbe universe. -valta \vorldemplre; (suurvalta) world-power. -ymp
ripurjehdus circumnavlgatlon or tbe globe.
-ympripurjehtija clrcumnavlgator or the
maalljoukot land(-)rorces. -kaira eartbauger; posthole auger. -kaistale (mys:)
tongue or land. -kamara crust or tbe eartb.
-kannas neck or land, (suurempi) lsthmus;
(-kieleke) tongue or land. -kansa = maa
-kappale plece (1. patch)
Of land. -karhu: ruskea maakarhu the
brown bear. -kartano country estate, (aatells-) manor. -kauppa: olla maakaupoissa
jonkun kanssa be negotlatlng (1. be making) a deal In land (1. In real estate) witb
one. -kauppias one who sells land (1. farms) ;
real-estate man; (maalais-) country (1.
vlllage) storekeeper (1. mercbant) [Engl.:
shopkeeper]. -kellari root-cellar, roothouse, dugout. -kerros 1. layer of earth,
(geol.) stratum; 2. = maakerta. -kerta
(rakennuksen) ground-rioor; (kellari)
basement. -kirja (1. v. Yhdysv.) county
assessor's record (s), -kota hut covered
wlth tniT; dugout. -kotka (ellnt.) golden
eagle. -kreivi landgrave, (German) count.
maakunnallinen provlnclal. maakunnittain
by provinces. maakunta provlnce.

maakunta- (yhd.) provlnclal [esim. -murre arts. -taide art of painting, plctorial art.
provlnclal dlalect], country.
-tapa manner (1. mode 1. way) or painting.
maakuntalainen ks. maaseutulainen.
-teline (taidemaalarin) easel;. maalaus
maa [kuoppa (elimen kaivama) burrow, telineet (myS:) = maalarin telineet.
hole; (Ihmisen kaivama) dugout; cave; maalauttaa have . . painted, let paint;
vrt. maaluola. -kysymys land question, kuvansa have one's picture (1. portralt)
agrarlan question.
patnted; kuvansa jollakulla have (1. let)
a p. paint one's picture.
maalaaja palnter; (taide-) artlst. maalaa
maton unpalnted. maalaaminen painting. maali I. (vrlmaali) palnt; (mineraali-) plgmaalailta (be) palnt(lng) ; (kuv.) portray, ment; (vri) color.
dcplct; draw. maalailu painting, deplcting. maali II. (pilkka) target, buirs-cyo. mark
maalainen man (1. person) rrom the coun
(mys kuv.); (pmr) alm, object, goal.
try; rustlc, provlnclal; (maanviljelij) maalihierrin palnters' pestle, muller.
rarmcr; (talonpoika) peasant: maalaisen.. moaliinammunta finng at the target, target
rural, country [esim. maalaisen pukineet practice (1. -ShOOtlng) ; kanuunoilla guncountry Clotlles ; maalaisen yksinkertaisuus practlce; ~ kivreill riTle-pi actice. -narrural slmpllclty] ; maalaisen pukineissa Jotua drlll In target-snootlng; maaliinam(mys:) dressed Uke a rarmer; maalaiset muntaharjotuhsia (mys:) target-practice.
country people, farmlng people, (rahvas) maali, laatikko palnt-box, color-box. -lauta
palettc. -paasi slab.
maalais- (ybd.) country [esim. -aateli coun maaliskuu March.
try noblllty (1. arlstocracy); -serkku coun maali [taulu target; olla jonkin maalitauluna
try cousln; -tytt country glrl (1. lass)], (kuv.) be the target ror (1. the butt of) . . .
rural [esim. -kunta rural communlty; -ljy palnt-oll.
-maisema rural scene], (Joskus:) rustlc. maalian kasvanut (Ihmisist:) brought up on
-elm country life, rural (1. rustlc) HTe. a tarm (1. in the country), country -bred.
maalaiiittaln (Just) llke the country. In (1. -olo stay In the country.
maalleajautuminen (laivan) stranding.
arter) the country fashlon.
maalaisi kanaa country (1. farmin?) people; maallenousu landing, disembarkation: (vi
(talonpolkalsvest) peasantry. -liitto (val
hollisjoukon) descent. -paikka landlngtiollinen puolue) Agrarlan League. -Hitto
maallikko I. (s.) layman; one (1. member)
lainen member or the Agrarlan League.
maalaismainen rural (1. rustlc) [slmpilcity, of the lalty. II. (yhd.) lay [esim. -kaste
yksinkertaisuus]; (maalalstunut) countrl- lay baptlsm; -saarnaaja lay prcacher; -veli
flod [manners, kyts 1.
lay brotherj. -edustaja (mys:) represenmaalais [murre country brogue; rustlc dla
tatlve or the lalty. -sty (the) laity.
lect. -nuoriso young folks (1. people) In maallinen earthly [lire, elm], mundane;
the country, country young people. -olot (ajallinen) temporal [authority, esivalta] ;
country condltlons, condltlons In the coun
(maailmallinen) vvorldly, (raam.) carnal;
try, -pappi country mlnlster. -poika coun
(vastakohtana kirkolliselle) secular-, (maal
try lad; peasant boy. -poliisi (parlsh) likko-) lay; mieli \vorldly spirlt, earthly
constable. -puolue agrarlan party, -rii
mlnd; maalliset asiat earthly thlngs (1. at tin country (1. vlllage) tailor. -suutari falrs), temporal matters, mundane (1. \vorldcountry (1. vlllage) shoemaker. -talo rarm- ly) allairs, thlngs mundane; maalliset ilot
luuiso; country houso (1. home), -tollo temporal Joys. maallismielinen norldlyks. maanmoukka.
minded, earthly-mlnded. maallistua grow
maalaistua becomo countririod. maalalstu
vorldly; beroine secularlzed. maallisuus
nut countrlfled.
\vorldllness; secularlsm.
maalais tuotteet farm (I. country) produce maa; luola burrovv; cave. -marsalkka land(1. products). -tupa country cottagc.
marshal, speaker (1. chalrman) of the esmaalaistuttaa: ~ joku make a farmer or one, tate of noblllty [in the dlet rormerly in
Finland], -matka trlp by (1. over) land;
make one countriried, make . . rustlc.
maamatkaa (maitse) over (1. by) land.
maalaisuutta (mys:) glrl rrom the coun
try, -ukko old man rrom the country, maamiehen e ammatti occupatlon or a rarmer,
aged farmer; old peasant.
-vaatteet rarmer's occupatlon. -askareet work on a
rountry clothes, rustlc garb: maalaisvaat- rarin, farm-vork. -ty farmer's \vork,
teiss (dressed ) In rountry clothes, plaln- rarm-vrork, work on a [the] farm.
ly dressed. -vietto rural populatlon; maamiea rarmer; (maalainen) man rrom the
(maakansa^ country people.
rountry; (vanh. & raam.) husbandman.
-puolue ks. maalaispuolue. -seura rarmer*'
maalaji klnd of soll; (kem.) earth.
maalari palnter; (taide-) artlst. -mestari club, agrlcultural soclety; (Yhdysv.)
master palnter: palnter (and decorator). grange.
maalarin ammatti painter's trade. -kislli maa muurain (kasv.) arctlc bramble. -myyr
journeyman palnter. -oppilas painter's ap- (elaint.) mole; (kuv.) landlubber.
prentiee. -sivellin pamt-brush, (hieno) maan- (yhd.) . . of the earth, earth's [esim.
hair brush. caniefs-halr brush. -telineet -akseli axis or the earth, earth's axls; -kuori
palnters' sraffouUingt. -tyhuone paint- rrust of the earth. earth's crust; -rata
shop. -viri pallit; maoIanMril (.mys:) orbit of the earth. earth's orblt], (harvem
min:) earth- [esim. -liikunto earth-moveartlsts' rolors.
maalata palnt; staln; mys ~ maalailla; ment!; .. of the soll [esim. -muokkaaja
itsen palnt (o.s.i, use rouge; ,ovll
tiller or the soll'; .. dr the country, ..
toistmmiseem glve .the door] another (I. a oT the land >Sim. -puolustus 1. -varjelus
defense or the country (1. the land)].
rresh) coat of palnt, paint the door]
over: nrndestemm (\. ansaMleenJ repaint, maanalainen
tie?, subterranean;
shkbpaint over (agatn).
raitiotie subvvay.
maalattia dirt floor.
maalattu pamted: Slained: helakanpunai maanantai Monday: vrt. lauantai, maanan
seksi painted O. stained1 (ai brlght red. tainen, maanantaisin y. m., vrt. lauantalmaalaus paint mg. picture; (kankaalle teh- nen. lauantaisin jne.
tvi ranvas. -akatemia academy of palnt - maan avaruus the unlverse. -is fatber of
ing; (taideakatemia) academy of (fme* hls (l. the1 country.

maanitella (kehottaa) persuade; prevail ciety, seura], geographic, -tleteilljt geog
[upon a p. to do a th., joku tekemn Jo- rapher, -tieto geography; description of
takln] ; (houkutella) allure, entice ((In) to, the earth, -tuote product of the soil : maanjohonkln], inveigle [Into, Johonkln]. maa- taotteet (mys:) farm-products, produce,
niue leminen, -lu ka. boukutte leminen, -lu. -taristys 1. -Urlhdya tremor (1. shock) (In
maanjako parceling of land; division (1. the earth's surface), seismic disturbance,
-valva national scourge, plague attacking
partition) of (village, etc.) lands.
maanjariatyo earthquake; (yhd.) seismic (I. visitation upon) the whole country;
[eslm. -alum seismic area: -k**ka* seismic public calamity; (kuv.) public nuisance,
-vetovoima gravitation of the earth; grav
center]. -mi ttar i seismograph; seis
ity, -vierem! cavlng(-ln) of the ground,
(Jkpv.) cave-In; (suurl) landslide, (Engl.)
maan kavallus treason (against one's coun
try), betrayal of one's country, -kavaltaja landslip, -viljelij farmer; (tieteelllnen)
traitor (to one's country), -klertaj 1. agriculturist.
-kulklja tramp, vagrant, vagabond, -ko- maanviljelyksenneuvoja agricultural expert
hoaminen (geol.) upheaval, -kulma I. (1. agent).
-kolkka part (1. section) of the country; maarmljelys farming; agriculture; hus
country side, -kuulu I. known all over (1. bandry; vrt. harjottaa.
throughout) the country, widely known, maanvlljelya- (yhd.) agricultural [esim.
known and wide, far-famed; (kuuluisa) -intinri agricultural engineer; -bernia ag
illustrious, celebrated, renowned; 2. (huo- ricultural chemistry; -koala agricultural
nossa merklt.) notorious, -laatu soil; (pin- school; - agricultural society); farm
nalta) ground; country; tunica maanlaata eslm. -kantista farm machinery; -tyS
be familiar with the kind of soil, -malnlo farm work (I. labor)], -hallitus (1. v. Yh
ks. maankuulu, I. -maku: tiina on maan- dysv.) Department of Agriculture, -kalusto
makua It tastes of the ground (1. the farm(ing) Implements (1. tools), -koeaiema agricultural experiment station.
cellar), -mies (fellow) countryman, com
patriot; immnmeAen (plur.) my (fellow) -kone agricultural (1. farm) implement.
-lehtl agricultural (I. farmers') Journal,
countrymen; vrt. maamies.
farm paper, -nayttely (agricultural) fair,
maanmittari (land-) surveyor.
-opetus Instruction in agriculture, -opisto
maanmlttarin oppilai student of civil engi
agricultural college, -oppi 1. -tiede agron
neering, -tutkinto examination in survey
ing: (1. in civil engineering), surveyors' omy; agriculture, -alirtola farming settle
ment, -tllaato statistics of agriculture, ag
examination, -vitjat surveyors' chain.
maanmittai surveying; (tieteen) geodesy. ricultural statistics, -tyolmyos:) farming;
tilling (1. cultivation) of the soil, -tyolainen
-ketjut surveyors' chain, -konttori sur
veyor's office, -oppi surveying, -oppilat farm-laborer, farm-hand; (renki) hired man.
= maanmittarinoppila. -palkklo charge maanvuokra rent for the land; ground -rent.
-lakl laws governing the renting of land.
for surveying, surveyor's fee. -tiede ge
odesy, -toimitus surveying, -ylihallitus -olot conditions concerning the renting of
(I. v. Yhdysv.) surveyor-general's offices. land.
maan moukka country bumpkin, lubber, maanari: maanrn to the world's end.
lout; rustic, boor, churl; (jkpv.) clodhop omaisuus landed property, -orla serf.
per, Rube, hayseed, -mua (slcnllaji) puff- -orjuua serfdom, serfage, - share of
ball. -muokkaua tilling of the soil (1. of land, -pallo globe (mys: karttana) : (tahthe ground), -napa pole of the earth. tlt.) terrestrial globe, -palsta piece of
land (I. of ground) ; parcel of land, -penger
-nouiu rise In (1. of) the ground.
(earthen) mound r bank of earth, -perl
maannut ks. maata.
maan: omistaja landowner, landholder. landed soil: ground (mys kuv.); vrt. valmUtaa.
proprietor, -omittuc landownershlp. -osa -pihka (miner.) ozocerite, earth-wax, -pikl
part of the world; continent, -oito-osuus- asphalt, bitumen, earth-pitch, -poliisi =
kunia cooperative league to buy land, maalaUpollUL -politiikka agrarian politics,
-palkka ks. maankulma. -pake exile; ajaa -phkin peanut.
maanpakoon drive out of the country, ban maar: ~ certainly, not; oh dear, no! lotto
ish (from the country), exile, (pels syn- ~ of course, to be sure; totta ~ hn *tn
nylnmaastaan) expatriate, -pakolainen exile. fief (mys:) why, he must certainly
-pakolaltuus exile, banishment, -p.-koon- know that.
ajo banishment, expatriation, -pallo ks. maarain maamuurain.
maapallo. -petos, -pett'ja ks. maan kaval- maarokisteri public records (I. register) of
lu, -kavaltaja. -pllrl .circumference of land; (I. v. Yhdysv.) records of the regis
the earth; i fcofeo maanpiiritta not In all ter of deeds.
the world (1. earth), -pinta surface (1. maarian kala (common) flounder; (kampeface) of the earth, earth's surface, sur
la) flatfish, -kimmekki (kasv.) handface, ground, -puoli: maanpuoMta from orchis, -paiva Lady Day, (feast of) An
the land (-side), from the shore; ttk nunciation.
maan- ttt mtrtnpaoMta both from land maa selnne range of hills; ridge, -seuraand sea. -paallinen . . above ground, . . kunta suburban congregation (1. parish).
on (1. above) the surface, surface - maaieutu country(slde) : maattadulla In
llne, raitlotle], -uru national mourning; the rural districts. In the villages. In the
(vlralllnen) official mourning, -sydn: provinces, (maulla) In (I. out In) the coun
amua maansydmrss live in the Wild(S). try, out of (1. away from) town.
maantle (public) road, highway, highroad. maaseutu- (yhd.) country [eslm. -atuka*
country resident; -kaupunki country town:
maantiede geography.
maantle lautta ferry (-boat), -lokomotlivl -painom country edition: -tanomalehdittS
country pressj, . . in the provinces Teslm.
1. -eturl traction-engine.
maantienoja gutter, ditch (1. drain) along a - town In the provinces], provin
cial reslm. -atfeos provincial resident:
maantieroiYO highwayman, highway-robber; -/AM provincial newspaper; -ttatteri pro
vincial theater].
(Jkpv.) hold-up man.
maan tleteellinon geographical [dlstrlbu- maaieutulalnen resident In (1. person from)
tlon, levenemlneii; variation, iniiunno.s; so
the country, provincial (resident).


maa silla viaduct, -tot* war on (thri lend.
silting, maatunut moldered; choked with
-sotajoukot ks. maajoukot.
maastall karkotua banishment, expatriation; Silt; vrt. maatua.
exiling:, -m u u tto emigration; (vapaammln:) maa tuuli land-breeze, land-wind, wind
migration, -muuttoklelto prohibition of from the land, -ty (tlerakenn.) earth
emigration, -vient! export(atlon), export- work; (maanvlljelysty) farm-work (l.
Ing; (maastavledyt tavarat) the exports. -labor) ; (ulkoty) field-work, -tyclainen
1. -tymies l. -tyntekij one engaged in
-vientitavara (koll.) exports.
earthwork; (maanvlljelys-) farm-laborer
maasuunl ks. maiuuni.
(1. -hand), -vaha earth-wax, ozocerite.
maastlpi felspar.
maata He [In bed, vuoteessa; In the gutter, -valta continental power, -vero tax on
-vikl the land forces, the army.
katuojassa]. He down; (vuoteessa) be In
bed; (nukkua) sleep; (levita) be resting; madallua silting up. madaltaa choke (1. fill
(kaatuneena, pitklln) lie (1. be) up 1. block up) with silt (1. with sand),
prostrate; ~ oka (lak.) seduce a p.; ~ silt (up) ; (alentaa) lower, bring down,
kuoliaahsi lie on . . and kill [eslm. emsika madaltua be(come) choked (1. filled up)
makasi porsaanea kuoliaaksi the hog lay oil with Silt; silt (up); mys <= mataloitua.
Its little pig and killed It] ; - [ruoho] ta- madaltuminen - madallua.
Itoon press down (1. Hatten) [the grass] by made (ellnt.) burbot.
lying on It; tapeiouoteessa ks. laptivuo- madella crawl, creep; (kuv. mys:) cringe
de; ~ maassa be lying on the ground, lie [before a p., Jonkun edessS].
down (1. prone 1. prostrate) on the ground, madjaari (unkarilalnen) Magyar.
(olla laossa) be beaten down, be lodged; madon- (yhd.) worm- [eslm. -haltaintn
myhn (]. pitkn) aamuitin He till worm-like; -rtik worm-hole; -*ySma
late or a morning, stay In bed till late worm-eaten]. -lakki toadstool.
mornings, He abed mornings; ~ pahasti madonna madonna, madonnamainen, ma(pahassa asennossa) not He comfortably; donnankaltalnen madonna-like.
~ pitklln moussa lie Full length [on madon siemenet ks. matosiemenet. -sym
the ground], He stretched out [on the (mys:) decayed [tooth, hammas], rotted.
ground], He flat. He prostrate; ~ sairaana magneetti magnet.
(\. tairasvuoteelta) He SlCk, He (1. lie magneettl- (yhd.) magnetic [esim. -
lying) 111, be down [with typhoid fever, magnetic pole; -neuta magnetic needle;
lavantaudlssa] , be sick In bed. be abed, -rauta magnetic Iron].
be confined to one's bed, (Jkpv.) be laid magneettlnen magnetic [field, kentta; storm,
myrsky] ; ~ raitinmalmi magnetic iron,
up [with ..], (pitempla alkoja) be bed
ridden; obisin (lak.) rape, ravish; magnetite, magneettisuua magnetism.
maattava, makaava ks. hakUS. ; ban f unfui magneetti tanko I. -kanki 1. -puikko mag
maanneelta miehtltd he seemed to have netic bar.
had all the sleep he needed; hyllin maan- magnesium! (kem.) magnesium, magneaiumnat thoroughly (1. well) rested; rniina oao- valo magnesium-light.
teessa on paha (1. huono) ~ that bed IS magnetism! (fys.) magnetism, magnetisoida
not comfortable to He In; ks. panna magnetize, magnetisoiminen magnetizing,
(maata) .
maata fill (1. block) up with sand (1. with magyaarl (unkarllalnen) magyar.
maha belly; (tlet.) abdomen; (-laukku)
silt), silt (up).
maa talo country-house, farm-house; (maa- stomach, (ellmen, mys:) paunch, maw;
vrt. vataa.
tlla) farm, -taloudelljnen agricultural,
maha- (yhd.) stomach- [esim. -letku stom
maatalous agriculture.
maatnlous- (yhd.) ks. maanvlljely*-. -valio- ach-tube; -pumppn stomach-pump; -ytha
stomach-cough], . . of the stomach [eslm.
kunta committee on agriculture,
maataomistava landowning [class, luokka], -happo acid of the stomach; -katarri ca
tarrh of the stomach] ; (tlet.) gastric
landhnlding: landed.
[eslm. -nette gastric juice; -raahanen gas
maatapano: maatapanon aika time tO gO (1.
hour for going) to bed, bedtime; tie * tric gland], gastr(o)-, abdominal [eslm.
-*ia*e abdominal band], -haava ulcer of (1.
ennen maatapanoa do It before going to
bed (I. before bedtime 1. before retiring). In) the stomach, gastric ulcer.
maataviljelevft farming [population, ves- mahainen (yhd.) .. with a .. abdomen,
to] ; ottts (mys:) the farmers, people (Jkpv.) . .-bellied [eslm. fe~ big-bellied;
pahs- with a distended (1. a bloated) ab
engaged In farming (1. in agriculture).
maatiais- (yhd.) home-bred [eslm. -hara domen, with the abdomen distended (l.
home-bred cattle (1. stock); domestic, bloated) ] .
home-made, -rotu home (1. domestic) mahakas pot-bellied, blg-bellled.
breed; maaiiaitrotua of home (1. domestic) mahala k?. mahla.
breed, home-bred, of (the) native stock. maha laukku stomach, -lima mucus of the
-roiuinen home-bred; maatiaitrotuiita kar- stomach.
jaa home-bred cattle (1. stock), -vol home manan | ala pit of the stomach, -huuhtelu
rinsing of the stomach; stomach-douche.
made butter, farm (1. dairy) butter.
-kouristus spasms In the stomach, -eelnimaatila farm; holding; (suurl) landed es
tate, country seat, maatilanomietaja owner m wall of the stomach.
of a farm; owner of an (1. a landed) estate, mahallpuhuja ventriloquist, -puhunta ven
landed proprietor; (Engl.) squire; (suh- triloquism.
mahasylkl (anat.) pancreatic juice, -rauhateessaan vuokralalsllnsa:) landlord.
mamn . . without any land, landless; . . nen (halma) pancreas; (ruoaksl kytettywithout landed property; vrt. iaKn~.
n) sweetbread.
maattava ks. kabden , yhden .
mahallsypl cancer of the stomach, -taut!
maatua (muuttua maaksi) turn to earth (1. disease of the stomach, gastric affection;
to dust); (lahota) molder, decay; (llettya) mys -- mahavalva. -tulehdus (ISk.) gas
become filled up (1. choked) with silt, tritis, -valva (mahalaukussa) pain In the
stomach, stomach-ache; (suollstossa) belly
silt (up).
ache, -verenvuoto abdominal hemorrhage.
maatuki (slllan) abutment.
maatuma alluvium, maatuminen molderlng, -vy (valjalssa) belly-band, (satulan)



girth; (mahaslde) abdominal band, -vaan-


(1. against all contingencies 1. against any

ne kS. vatlanvnne.
eventuality) ; minada el ole muuta mahdolmahdikas (mahtalleva) domineering:; (jkpv.) Utuutta I have no other choice (1. alterna
bossy; (kskev) dictatorial, magisterial; tive); .vfcsi tuhannexta one chance In a
(royhkil) presumptuous, haughty, arro
gant, overbearing, Imperious, lordly; (bal- mahdoton impossible; (kohtuuton) unrea
vekslva) supercilious; mahdikhaaUa nell sonable; preposterous, incongruous; (mleIn a bossy tone of voice, (ylpealla) in an letn) absurd; (kfiytunnossa) Impractica
imperious (l. a haughty) tone (of voice), ble, unfeasible; (kelvoton, eslm. Ihmlsest
puhuen:) good-for-nothing-, unfit [for ..,
mahdikkaasti In a bossy manner, domineer
johonkln]; (tavaton) huge, Immense, enor
ingly, Imperiously; presumptuously, arro
gantly; -with a superior air, superciliously, mous; ~ papikti unfit for a minister, [he
mahdikko swell, mahdikkuus bossy (1. Is] a complete failure as a minister; ~
domineering 1. dictatorial) manner (I. taavuttaa [telitt y. m.] = umvuttamaways), bosslness; arrogance. Imperious- ton, selittmtn y. m., kS. hakus. ; (-iness; presumptuousness; superciliousness; tenitaa unrealizable, unfeasible; ymmrt Unintelligible; mahdottoman . . kS. 1superior air.
mahdollinen possible, potential; (mandolll- vattoman; mahdottomia the Impossible, Im
sestl tapahtuva 1. sattuva) eventual; (kiy- possibilities, absurdities, . . what (1. that)
tnnss mahdollinen) feasible, practical; cannot be done, kS. vaatla; mahdottomiin
(todenmukainen) probable, likely; (laadul- kS. menna; minan on ptt It is impos
llnen) plausible; (arvolnen) worthy ; sible for me to come, I cannot possibly
ohonkin (Jotakln tekemn) able to . . come; me on mahdotonta (mys:) that can't
Mill. . capable Of . .-Ing; ~ panna toimeen be possible. It cannot (possibly) be the
possible to put Into execution, . . which case, (eplllevassa vastauksessa:) Impossi
can be put Into practical use, practical, ble! sita on ~ toada telville it Is past find
ing out, that will never be found out; iofeasible; ~ toteuttaa = toteutettaviua ele
va kS. toteuttaa; mahdolliten knolemanta- dittaa (\. otottaa 1. nytt) jokin mahdotpauhsen oaralta In event (1. In case) of tomakti prove (1. show) the Impossibility
death; mahdolliiimman .. kS. hakus.; hyvin of ... prove (I. show) a th. to be impossi
mahdollitta quite possible, very likely ble (1. unfeasible), mahdottomasli Impos
h Ci un. te on hyvin mahdollitta It Is very sibly; (tavattomastl) enormously; (kohpossible, It Is not Impossible, (vastaukses- tuuttomastl) unreasonably, exorbitantly,
sa:) It may be the case, that may be so]; excessively, mahdottomuu Impossibility;
baikilta mahdoilitiUa keinoiila by every (mlelettmyys) absurdity; (soplmattopossible means, by every means In one's muus) unfeaslblllty; (kelvottomuus) unpower; kattoa ohu mahdollitekti johanhin fltness [ , johonkln ] ; oit mahdottomuukfind (1. consider) one worthy of ..; ken- tiin leads to Impossibilities, (Jkpv.) leads
tieti on uiel mahdollitta tehd te (myS:) off on a wild-goose chase.
there may still be a possibility or doing- It, mahduttaa make ..go [In . . , Johonkln],
there may be a possibility of doing It yet; get . . [In ..].
miten te on mahdollitta (myS:) how can mahennut faded (1. worn) with age; (lahonIt be? mm pian kam mahdoUiita as soon nut) moldered, decayed, maheta become
as possible, it the earliest possible mo
Taded (1. worn) with age; (lahota) molder,
ment, at one's [your, etc.] earliest con
venience, at the first opportunity; te kuu- mahla(Ja) sap; (kolvun-) birch sap.
lottaa byilakin mahdollitelta It sounds maho farrow; barren, -lehml farrow cow.
plausible enough: tellainen olettamut ei mahometti lainen, -laliuui kS. muhametote ~ the possibility of such an assump
ti lainen, -latsuua*
tion Is out of the question (1. Is precluded). mahonkl mahogany, -huonekalut mahogany
mahdollisestl possibly; (sattumalta) per
chance, mayhap; (sattuen) eventually; voi- mahonkinen (. . of) mahogany.
titko tina ~ lainata minulle . . could you mahonki puu mahogany(-tree) . -pyta ma
possibly lend me . . , would It be possible hogany table, table of mahogany.
for you to lend me . . , do you happen to mahtaa (volda) be able [to ..], have (It In
be able to (1. could you by any chance) one's) power [to . .] : mahdoit talla aikailend me . . .
temmin (ollslt tullul) you should (1. you
mahdollisimman: ~ edullitesll to the best ought to) have come earlier, (mlksl et
possible advantage; ~ hyvin In the best lut) why didn't you come earlier? mahtaa
possible way, as well as possible; ~ kor- can, is likely to, will be likely to; will, I
kea palkka ~ uhtt tytt the maximum should think (1. hope) ; may, might; mahtaa
or wages for a minimum or work; ly- nun olla, marta., (saattaa) it may be so, but
. .; eihSn te mahtanut olla niin vaarallista It
hyettl as brleriy as possible, with the ut
most brevity fhuorn. kerro ~ lyhyetti was not so very serious, I should think (1.
make It as brier as possible] ; mukaan hope) ; han t manda olla tll It Is not
as as possible; ~ pian as soon (l. as likely that he Is here; he Is not here, I
quickly) as possible, (nlln plan kuln tellle Should think; hin mahtanee (\. mahtaa)
sop!!) at your earliest convenience; ~ olla kaunlt she must be pretty; she Is a
pieni the smallest possible; vhill kat- beauty, I should think (1. imagine) : nan on
tannuktilla with a minimum or cost, jo mahtanut olla perilla pariten pivK he
with the least expenditure, at the least must have been there a couple of days by
this time: buinkanan fcaaan siili ~ olla I
cost, as cheap as possible.
wonder how long ago it really was? I
mahdollietuttaa make (1. render) possible.
mahdollisuus possibility; chance ! for one to wonder how much time has elapsed since
then? huinkahan siin ~ kydS l \MiIKl.-r
do a th., jollekulle tehd jotakln]; poten
tiality, likelihood; eventuality, contingen
hOW that Will COme OUt: kufca(nan) se mah
taa mahtoi] olla I nnrler, who it can (1.
cy; mahdollituuden mukaan as as pos
sible, 1 possible; mahdollituuden rajoissa It may) be [who It was (1. who It could
within the bounds of possibility; kaikhien have been)]? who can (1. could) It be
mahdollituuhtien varalta as a safeguard [who could It have been] ? mina en monda
(1. a protection) against all eventualities erehtys I du not think I can be mistaken;



I'm not mlstaken, I should hope; min en

mahda hnelle mitn I can ilo nothlng with
him, I am unable to cope (1. to do anythtng) \villl hiin; mithn siitkin pojasta
~ tulla I wonder what wlll become of that
boy, too? mit min mille mahdan uhat can
I do? (en ole syyp siihen) I cannot be
held responslble (1. ansvverable) for lt, I
cannot help it: te ei mahda olla totta lt
cannot be true, I should hope; I hope that
isn't SO (1. true); sille ei mahda mitn
nothlng can be done about it, (sit ei voi
auttaa) it can't be helped; sin mahdat tie
t sen, ett . . you rnay know, that . . ,
yon are doubtiess aware of the fact, that . . .
mahtailija lordly (I. haughty 1. blg-reeling)
person; snob; (ylvstellj) braggart, swaggerer; person wlth the big head. mahtailla
be domlneerlng, be dlctatorial, lord It,
(Jkpv.) be bossy; (pyhkelll) plume (1.
pride) o. s. [on, jostakin], make a show
f of, Jollakin], parade, show ofr, swell
around, (Engl.) be cocky; (Isotella) put
on (I. glve o. s.) airs, boast [or. Jostakin] ;
(jkpv.) be stuck on o. s., have the big head;
(kerskailla) brag, swagger, taik big. mah
tailu pluming o. s.; parading; boasting,
bragglng, talklng big. mahtaja 1 . = mahti
mies; 2. = mahtailija;
maan mahtajat
the mlghty (1. the great men) [of the
land] ; mahti ei mene maan rahahan, vaikka
mahtajat menevt (1. V.) man dles, but hls
work [hls splrit] Ilves on.
mahtava powerful [ruler, hallitsija] , mlghty,
potent; (suuri) great, huge; (suunnatto
man laaja) lmmense, vast; (mahdikas) dlc
tatorial, domlneerlng; mahtavalla nell
In a maglsterlal (1. an Imperlous 1. a bossy)
tone (of volce) ; ~ mies (mys:) a man of
great power (l. great Influence); ni
(voimakas) a powerful volce, a volce with
a great deal of volume; hn oli hyvin mah
tavaa miest he showed off, he strutted,
(Jkpv.) he felt hls oatS; maailman mahta
vat the mlghty in the World, the great of
the earth. mahtavammuus superlorlty:
greater power.
mahtavasti po\verfully,
mightlly, potently; (ylpesti) domlneeringly, wlth a superior air, haughtily, vrt.
mahdikkaaati. mahtavuusmlghtiness: greatness; (mahti) power, mlght; (mahdlkkuus)
dlctatorial (1. bossy) manner (1. ways),
bossfness; (ylpeys) haughtlness.
mahti power; mlght: ei mikn ~ maail
massa no power In the World, -ksky imperative (1. despotlc) command; arbftrary
decree; (kuv.) dccree, word. -mies (mah
tava) a powerful (i. mlghty) man, a man
of great power (I. great tnNuenre) : (suur
mies) great man; magnate: (Jkpv.) great
mogul (1. gun), -pontinen hombastlc [style,
tyyli]; high-flown rspeech, puhel, grandiloquent, hlgh-sounding;
overbearlng; pompous; mahtipontinen esiin
tyminen strutting (1. overbearlng) man
ner, bumptlous air. haughty carrlage:
but grandiloquence. (just) empty spoutlng.
-pontisesti bombastlcally, grandlloquently.
In a hombastlc manner (1. style) ; hn esiin
tyi hyvin mahtipontisesti (mys:) he assumed the grand manner, -pontisuus hombast, grandiloquence; (mahtipontinen esiin
tyminen) strutting manner, haughty car
rlage. -sana powerful word; (voimasana)
powerful (1. Torclble) exprosslon; (taika
sana) magic word; (mahtiksky) peremptory command.
mahtotapa (klel.) potentlal mode (1. mood).
mahtua have room (1. space); (saada tilaa)
get room, get space; (sopia) fit; ~ kn-


tymn have room (1. space) to turn

(around) ; astiaan mahtua S litraa the vessel holds (1. is capable of holding) 5 llters,
the vessel contalns (1. takes) 5 llters; sa
liin mahtuu SOO henke the hali holds 500
people [huom. saliin mahtuu istumaan SOO
henke the hali has a seatlng capacity or
500, the hali seats (1. accommodates) 500
people] ; sinne ei mahdu f kovin) monta
henke there is not room for very many
people there; taloon mahtuu 10 perhett
the bulldlng has accommodation(s) for 10
maidokas: ~ lehm a good milker.
maidon- (yhd.) . . of milk [esim. -hinta
price or milk; -jhdytys cooling of mllk;
-koetus testlng or milk; -puute scarcity or
mllk]. -eristys secretlon or milk. lactation. -hera whey. -heruke (lk.) galactagog(ue). -Jlihdytyskoje (milk-)cooler, apparatus to cool mllk. -kaltainen like mllk,
mllky; lacteal, lacteous. -karvainen 1. -vri
nen mllk-white, milky, . . or the color or
mllk. -koettelukoje milk-tester; mltkgauge; (ominaispainon selvillesaamiseksi)
lactometer. -myynti selllng (1. sle) or
mllk. -tarkastus lnspectlon of milk. -v
rennys adulteration or milk.
maihin lasku landing, disembarkatlon. -me
no I. -nousu landing, disembarkatlon: golng on shore; (vihollisen) descent. -tulo
~ maihinlasku.
Maija, Maiju, Maikki May, Mary.
maila (sauva) stick, starr; (pallo) bat;
(kyr) bandy; (verkko-) racket.
mailanen (kasv.) medlc; kylv~ alfalla.
malli (Amer. suom. = engl. penikulma) mlle.
mailleenmeno (auringon) settlng, sinking.
mailma ks. maailma.
maima (sytti, tky) bait.
maine reputation; record, (vanh.) character; (kuuluisuus) rme, renown, celebrlty:
(nimi) name; (kiel.) predicate; (jonkun)
mainetta halventava deramatory; huono ~
bad (1. 111) repute, dlsrepute [esim. joutua
huonoon maineeseen fall into dlsre|)Ute],
bad name; huonossa maineessa oleva . . oT
bad reputation (1. repute), notorlous; hyv
~ good reputation. rair name: olla hyvss
[huonossa] maineessa have a good a bad]
reputation (1. name), be (held) in good
[bad] repute, be well [III] spoken or
[huom. hn on hyvss maineessa (mys: )
he Is or hlgh standing, hls reputation (I.
hls record) Is good].
malneeton not renowned, undlstingulshed,
obscurc; nameless; Tameless. maineettomuus lack or rme (1. reputation) ; obscurity.
mainehikas celebrated, renowned, famous.
illustrlous. mainehikkaastl \viili distlnctlon; (kunniakkaasti) honorably, wlth honor. mainehikkuus renovvn, fame. celebrlty;
lllustrlousness; (kunnia) distlnctlon. honor.
malnelnen (yhd.) . . wlth a . . reputation, . .
of . . repute [esim. /mono with a bad
reputation, or ill repute; hyv~ wlth a
good reputation, or good repute].
maine] kirja ks. mainetodistus, -teko great
(1. noble 1. noteworthy) achlevement (1.
deed 1. explolt 1. feat), deed of renoxvn.
-todistus (certiflcate of) charactor. -ty
ks. maineteka.
maininki roller; mainingit (ground-) swell;
heavlng (1. suell 1. roll) of the sea (after
a storm).
maininta mcntlon(tng) ; (lausunto) statement.
mainio (mainehikas) celebrated. renowned:
(kuuluisa) ramous; (erinomainen) exeellent, admirable; (oivallinen) flne, splendld.



superb, grand; (Ihana) glorious, magniricent; asia a good thing [huom. on ~

asia, ttt.. (mys:) it is rortunate that . .;
sep on asia thafs fine! that'S splendld!] : ~ mies (kuuluisa) ramous (1. nuted)
man, nian of note, man known to rme,
(erinomainen) good man, fine (1. excellent)
reliow; mainion hyvin excellently, splendldiy, very fine, very well [vvrltten, kirjolettu] : mainiota excellent! fine! capital!
mainiosti excell ntly; splendldly, capltally;
flrst-rate, very Weil; min jaksan mainiosti
tll I am doing splendldly (1. 1 feel rirstratei here.
mainita mention; make mention [of a tn.,
jostakin 1. jotakin]; (nimelt) naine; (pu
hua) speak [or (1. about), Jostakin]; (lau
sua) say, utter; (tuoda esiin) glve, State,
advance, allege; (kertoa) teli; ~ asiansa
state one's business, teli one's errand;
joku nimatt(n) mention one by naine,
naine one; ~ joitakin jonkin todistukseksi
advance (1. allege) something as evldence
for . .; mainitakseni esimerkin to glve (1.
to mention 1. to clte 1. to quote) an instance; mainitse hnen nimens mention
his name! naine hiiri! mainitsematta jnyt
not mentloned, not named; jtt mainit
sematta not mention, not speak of, (net
tmyydell sivuuttaa) pass by (1. over) in
silence, pass by, (tahallaan) suppress (a
name, Jokin nimi]; kuulin hnen nimen
mainittavan I heard his name mentloned;
minulta ji mainitsematta I f at led (I. mnitted) to mention, (unohtui) I Torgot to
mention; muita mainitsematta not mentlon
ing: others, not to mention (any) others,
to say notbing or others: siit hn ei mai
ninnut sanaakaan he dldn't say a Word
about it, he made no mention or (1. no rererence to) it. mainitsematon unmentloned,
not mentloned; (nimelt) unnamcd, not
named. mainitseminen mentlon(lng); nain
Ing; mainitsemista ansaitseva, mainitsemi
sen arvoinen \vorth mentloning, notevvorthy,
. . or note; ansaitsee mainitsemista dcserves
(I. Is worth 1. is worthy or) mentloning;
mitn mainitsemisen arvoista avustusta ei
ole saatu (mys:) no contributlons to speak
or have been received. mainittava (mai
nitsemista ansaitseva) . . \vorth mentlon
ing, noteworthy: mainittavan arvoinen
vvorthy or mentloning, . . or notcvvorthy
consequence. mainittavasti: ei mainitta
vasti nothlng to speak or, not(hing) vvorth
mainittu (puheena ollut)
mentloned, (the) sald . .; (edellmainittu)
aroresald. arorementioned; mainittu henkil
the sald (1. arorementioned) person, mainitunaikulnen derlved froin (1. belonging
to) the sald perlod (1. age 1. tlme). maini
tunlainen . . or the sald klnd, . . or the klnd
(I. the sort) just mentloned.
maire I. (a.) swcet, lovely; (liehakoiva)
smooth(-tongued), bland; maireita sanoja
sweet (1. honeyed 1. bland) words, blandIshment. II. (s.) (Imartelu) riattery. maireenmuikea hair sweet, hair sour; maireenmuikea ilme kasvoilla Wlth an expresslon
hair pleasant, hair cross. malreinen riatterIng; tlckllng. mairesana bland \vord; (lie
riatterlng \vonl; mairesanoja
(words of) riattery. maireus s\veetness;
blandness; smoothness (or tongue).
mairitella riatter; (liehakoida) coax. cajole;
jonkun turhamielisyytt riatter (I. soothe
!. pander to) one'S vanlty; mairittelematta
sanoen vtlthout riattery. not to riatter at
ali, no riattery Intended. mairitteleminen
riatterlng, coaxlng. mairitteleva riatterlng;
rajollng; ei ole juuri mairittelevaa . . It Is


hardly riatterlng . . , It Is uncompllmentary . . . mairittellja riatterer. mairittelu

riattery; coaxlng, cajolery. malrittelupuhe
riatterlng taik, riattery. malrltus riattery;
maisema landscape, scenery;
scene, view.
maisema- (yhd.) landscape- [esim. -maalari
landscape-painter (1. artist) ; -maalaus landscape-palntlng]. -kortti (plcture) postCard; maisemakortteja Suomesta poSt-CardS
u nti vieus i niin Finland, -kuva landscape.
-piirros 1. -piirustus landscape dravvlng (1.
-l, ei elo. -taulu landscape.
maisin ks. maitse.
maiskahdus smacklng, smack. maiakahduttaa smack; clack; vrt. maiskuttaa, mais
kahtaa smack. miske smack. maiskutella,
maiskuttaa smack [one's llps, huuliaan;
when one eats, sydessn]; clack [one's
tongue, kieltn], maiskuttelu, maiskutus
maissi corn; (Engl.) malze, Indian corn.
maissi- (yhd.) corn- [esim. -jauhot cornmeal; -pelto corn-fleld; -trkkelys cornstarch; -ljy corn-oli]. -Jauhot (mys:)
Indian meal. -Jyv kernel or corn.
maissinthk ear or corn.
maissi puuro corn-meal nnisli (1. porridge).
-ryynit (coarse) hominy, hulled corn, samp.
maistaa taste, have a taste or (kumpikin
mys kuv.); (kuv. = kokea) experience;
hyvlt ks. maistua; maistoi hiukan
joka ruokalajia had a taste (I. had some)
or every dlsh; mys = maistua, maistamaton : vkijuomia maistamaton . . Wiio
never touches (1. tastes) llquor. maista
minen tasting. maisteleminen maistelu,
maistella taste; (ryyppl) sip; maistella
maljoja ilrlnk healths (1. toasts), be quarring olT bumpers; vrt. maistaa, maistelu
tasting; slpplng.
maisteri (1. v.) master or arts [lyh.: M. A.
tai A. M.].
maisteri n i! arvo degreo or master or arts.
-vihkiiset laureation.
maisteri seppele laurel-wreath (given ceremonlally to a master or arts). -sormus
rlng worn as an lnslgnla or holding a mastnr's degree.
malsti taste. maistiaiset: maistiaisia, mais
tiaisiksi lor a taste.
maistin I. (s.) organ or taste: maistimiksi
Tor a taste. -hermo nerve or taste. -pala
a blt (l. a plece) to taste: sample.
maistraatti (1. v.) city admlnlstratlon.
maistua taste [bitter, kitkerlt: or lemon,
sitruunalta], have a tasto (1. riavor) or..;
~ hyvlt (\. hyvlle) taste good (1. nlce),
have a good (1. a nlce) taste; kitkerlt
(mys:) be bitter to the taste; makealta
il. makealle) taste svveet, have a sweet
taste; ~ pahalta Cl. pahalle) taste liail.
have, a bad (1. a disagreeablc) taste: ~
puulta (kuv.) palKon..) [huom. luku alkaa
puulta I am gettlng (I. growlng) tlred
(1. \venry 1. slck) or studylng, thls study
beglns to pall on mc] : suolalta taste or
sait, have a salty taste; hnelle ei maistu
mikn he has lost his appetlte; milt (se)
maistuu (mys:) what does it taste (I. what
is It) Itke? ruoka ei maistu minulle I can't
taste anythlng, (maita) I have no (1. have
lost my) appetlte; se ei maistu miltn It
has no taste (1. no riavor), It Is tastelcss;
uni maistuu makeimmilleen ttlo Slcep Is
maistuva: hyvlt [pahalta]
maistuva good- [bad-] tasting, .. wlth a
good [bad] taste.
maita (kasv.) blrd's-root trefoil.
maiti (kalan-) mllt.


quarters), lodge [ with a p.. Jonkun luona] ;
(sot. = olla majotettu) be quartered (1.
billeted) [upon. Jonkun luo]; (olla leiris
s, nuotiolla) be (1. lie) encamped; (asua
tilapisesti) -reside (1. dwell) temporarily,
sojourn; (oleskella) stay [at. Jossakin;
witb, Jonkun luona], be staying, stop, put
up [at ..]; (asua) live, reside, dwell; (ol
la) be, lie; ulkoilmassa be (1. stay 1. Ilve)
outdoors (1. out or door 1. in the open air) j


maitiaisnMta (kasv.) milk, mllky sap (1.

Juice); (fyslol.) chyle.
maiti kala male risb, mllter.
maito milk; vrt. lehmn'-', vuohen .
maito- (yhd.) milk- [esim. -hommia milktooth; -kuume milfc-fever: -pallo milk bottle; -rauhanen milk-gland] ; (anat.) mammary [esim. -rauhanen mammary gland",
lacteal [esim. -kaarne lacteal rever], (mal
toa Johtava 1. kuljettava) lactirerous [esim.
-tiehyt lactirerous duct]. -astia milk -pan;
(suuri) milk-can.
maitohappo (kem.) lactic acld; maitohapon
(l. maitohappoinen) suola lactate. -basilli
lactic bacterlum.
maitohoitotapa milk dlet; milk cure.
maitoinen (yhd.) . . giving (1. wblch glves)
. . milk .liuoin, huono . . giving poor milk;
niukka lehm cow which doesn't give
much milk (1. glves a scanty amount or
milk), (mys:) a poor milker; runsas
lehm cow whlch glves plenty (1. a lot) or
milk, a good milker].
maito jyv graln [wbeat, rye] in tbe milk.
-kamari (maitohuone) dairy, mllk-house.
-kannu mllk-can; (pydll pidettv) milk pltcher. -karva down. -kauppa creamery,
dairy; (Engl.) mllk-shop, milkman's(sbop).
-kauppias milk-dealer; dalryman; mukinan.
-kiulu milk-pail. -koetin milk-tester. -kuski
mllkman. -lasi 1. (maldonvrlnen lasi) milk
glass, cryolite glass; 2. (= lasillinen mal
toa; glass or milk. -lasku milk-bill, blll
Tor milk.
maitomainen mllky; lacteal, Iacteous.
maito mittari mllk-gauge, lactometer; vrt.
kermamittari. -myyml = maitokauppa,
-neste (fyslol.) chyle; vrt. maitiaisneste,
-parta (lapsesta:) callovv youtb, suckllng,
beardless boy. -pisara drop of milk. -por
sas young (1. sucklng) plg. -pullo (pienen
lapsen) nursing-bottle, (baby's) bottle.
-pumppu brcast-pump, mllk-pump. -ruoka
food made of milk; el [kokonaan] maitoruoalla Ilve [excluslvely] on a milk diet.
-rupi mllky scall, mllk-blotch, mllk-scab.
-ruukku mllk-pot. -sieni (kasv.) milkfungus, Lactarlus. -siivil 1. -siili milkstrainer. -sintu sklm(med) milk, blue milk.
-sokeri milk-sugar, sugar or milk; (kem.)
laclose. -sulku 1. -umpi stopplng (up) or
milk. -talous dairylng. -tilkka drop or milk,
a little milk. -tinka 1. -tinki contract to buy
[to selli milk. -tuotanto mllk-productlon.
-valas (ellnt.) beluga, vvhite whale. -val
kea mllk-vvhlte. -varasto supply or milk.
-vasikka sucklng cair; (Juottovasikka) rattod calf, ratllng. -vati mllk-bovvl, milkbasln (1. -dlsh I. -pan), -velli milk gruel.
maitse by land; over land. -kuljetus transportatlon (1. conveyance) by land.
maittaa: hnelle ei maita ruoka he has no
appetlto (for roort); ruoka ~ tho rood
tastes good ; ruoka nytt maittavan h
nelle he seems to relish hls rood (1. to have
a good appetlte) ; vrt. maistua, maittava
appetlzlng, palatable, temptlng, savory,
dellcious. maittavuus palatableness, savorlness, dellclousness. maitti Ks. ruokahalu.
maja (mokkl) cottage, cabln; shack, lodge;
hut; (matka-, suoja) rerugo (Tor the night),
shelter; (kortteeri) lodglng(s), quarters,
acoommodatlon; (asunto, asumus) dvvelling,
abode; antaa majaa jollekulle glve onc shel
ter (1. quarters 1. lodging), lodge a p., take
a p. Into one's house, open the door (1. the
hoilSP) ror one; mist olet majaa \vhere
are you staying (1. stopplng 1. putting up
1. roomlng 1. lodging) ? vrt. mana.
majailla (olla kortteeria) room, have a room
[at . .], (Kngl.) have one's lodgings (1. one's







(mys:) 1 don't know hls present wbereaboutS; metsss majailee ryvreit robbers lnrest tbe rorest. majailu (oleskelu)
stay, stop; sojourn.
majakan pllikk man in charge or a lighthouse; lighthouse-keeper. -vartija lighthouse-keeper, lightbouse-man.
majakka lighthouse; (merkkituli) beacon.
-laitos (majakkatolml) llgbtbouse system.
-laiva ligbtship. -mestari = majakanpallikk. -mies llgbtbouse-man.
majanmuutto change or dwelllng-place;
maja; paikka (pyshdys-) haltlng- (1. stopplng-)place, hait; (kortteeri) quarters,
lodging(s), (sot.) billet. -talo (ravintola)
inn, hostelry; (kortteeritalo) lodglnghouse; (kievari) stage-house, relay place.
majautua =-- majottua.
majava beaver.
majavan II nahka beaver (skln), beaver-fur.
-nahkainen beaver [collar, kaulus], .. of
majavannahka kaulus beaver collar (l.neckplece). -turkki beaver coat.
majavanpes beaver's house.
majesteetillinen majestic. majesteetillisesti
majestically. majesteetillisuus majesticalness; majesty.
majesteetin [rikkoja person guilty or lesemajesty. -rikos lese-majesty, leze-majesty.
(hlgh) treason.
majesteetti majesty; hnen keisarillinen ma
jesteettinsa (mys:) Hls Majesty, the Emperor. majesteettinen majestic. majesteet
tirikos = majesteetinrikos. majesteettisuus
= majesteetillisuus.

majottaa (sot.) billet [on a p., Jonkun luo;

In, Johonkin], quarter [In barracks, kasar
meihin], canton; (ottaa asumaan) lodge;
olla majotettuna jonkun luo (sot., mys:)
be billeted (1. quartered) (up)on . .; ofajouhot olivat majotettuina lheisiin kyliin

the troops were cantoned In the netghborlng vlllages. majottaja quartermaster. ma

jottua take up one's quarters [with a p.,
Jonkun luo]; take lodgings [at a place, Jo
honkin]; (menn kortteeriin) put up, stay
[at a hotel, hotelliin], lodge [in, johonkin] ;
(asettua asumaan) take up one's resldence
(1. one's abode), establish o.s., settie
(down); (sot.) be quartered.
majotus (sot.) bllleting, quarterlng. -komp
pania (sot.) supply company, -lautakunta
commlttee to arrange the quarterlng of
troops. -mestari (sot.) quartermaster.
-velvollisuus duty or rurnishing quarters,
duty or quarterlng.
majuri major; (amer. suom. = pormestari)
makaaja one who lles (1. rests 1. sleeps);
(nukkuja) slecper. makaaminen lylng,
sleeptng; (naisen) seductlon. makaava ly
lng (down); (lepv) restlng; (nukkuva)
sleeplng; (vaakasuora) horizontal; (luonnont.) decumbent [stem, varsi], procumbent; makaava asento lylng (1. recumbent)
position (1. posture) ; maatta makaava
(mys:) prostrate.
makailla be lylng, lie (down) ; (nukuskella)



sleep; (lepill) rest o.s. thoroughly, be

takin? a good rest; ~ sngyss koko piv
(loikoilla) keep one's bed (au day long),
stay (1. remaln) in bed ali day long. ma
kailu lylng; restlng; sleeping.
makanen = pasma.
makaroio ni : makaronit macaronl. -paistos
(e)scalloped macaronl. -vanukas macaroni
makasiini storehouse, warehouse; (sot.)
magazine. -kivri magazine gun (1. riria).
(elimen) latr. -pivt (mer.) lay-days.
makea sweet [sleep, uni]; (kuv.) sugary,
honeyed, bland; ~ kuin hunaja sweet as
honey, boney-svveet, (kuv.) boneyed; [nuk
kua] makeassa unessa [be Sleeping] SOundly, [be] in a deep (1. a sound) sleep; imkaita sanoja sweet (1. honeyed) words;
maistuu makeimmalta tastes best (1. svveetest ) ; saa makean naurun Will have a good
laugb. makeanleivfinpalvat (kuv.) balcyon
namby-pamby. makeasti sweetly; vrt. nau
raa, nukkua.
Makedonia Macedonla.
makeilla faun, flatter; ~ jollekulle fawn
upon (I. cringe to) a p., curry ravor with
a p., (liehakoida) make a fuss over a p.,
dance attendance to a p., (mies naiselle) try
to make o.s. agreeable to a p., make up to
one, (Jkpv.) try to shine on a p., (nainen
miehelle) set one's cap for one. makeilu
Tavvnlng, currying favor, belng mealymouthed.
makeiset candy, candies, (Engl.) sweets,
swectmeats; bonbons, confectionery; confectlons.
makeis kauppa candy store; conrectionery.
-kauppias keeper of a candy-store; conTectloner. -laatikko box of candy (1. of
bonbons). -pussi bag of candy.
makeus s\veetness.
makkara sausage.
makkara- (yhd.) sausage- [esim. -tehdas
sausage-ractory] . -myrkytys ptomaine polsontng from (eatlng) sausages.
mak karan HekiJ sausage-maker (1. -manurarturen. -teko maklng sausages, sausagemaking.
makkara puoti (I. v.) meat-market, butcher
-sarvi sausage-Mler.
-tikku 1.
-puikko skewer.
makkarukset sausage-meat.
makki (uiko-) prlvy, backhouse; outhouse,
closet; (sis-) tollet; (vesiklosetti) \vatercloset.
makrilli (elint.) mackerel.
maksa liver.
maksa- (yhd.) llver(-) [esim. -makkara
liver sausage; -tauti 1. -viha llver-complalnt] ; hepatlc [esim. -laskimo hepatlc
vein; -tiehyt hepatlc duct].
maksaa I. (tr.) pay [a bet, veto; Tor, Josta
kin]; (suorittaa) make payment for; defray Tall the expenses, kalkki kulut], meet;
(tehd suoritus) settie; (korvata) make
up [for. Jokin]; (palkita) reward, recompense, compensate; repay, return [good
for evll, paha hyvll] ; (krsi) surrer,
smart [Tor, jostakin (1. Jokin)]; 2. (Itr. =
olla hintana) cost; [rahti] etukteen
prepay [the frelght], pay .. In advance,
advance: ~ Jokin hengelln pay Tor a th.
vvitli one'S life, (rangaistuksena) pay the
penalty vvith one's life [huom. hn saa
sen hengelln be wlll (have to) pay Tor It
wlth hls lire. it wiii cost hlm his life; iti
sai * hengelln lapsensa elmn the


mother bad to purchase ber cblld's life

wlth her own] ; ~ Jokin kalliilla, Jo(sta)kin kalliisti pay dear(ly) for a th.; aulat
(I. kustannukset) bear (1. defray) the cost
(l. the expense) [or ... jostakin], meet
the expenses [of ..], (jkpv.) pay the
rtddler; ~ kteisell pay (In) cash, pay
down; ~ laskunsa pay (1. settie) one'sblll;
liian vhn (palkkaa) underpay [esim.
hnelle on maksettu liian vhn palkkaa he
has been underpald] ; Jollekulle samalla
mitalla pay a p. (back) In hls own coln,
give one as good as he sent (1. as good
agaln), give tit Tor tat, get even wlth one,
retallate; takaisin pay back, repay, rerund, reimburse; [velka] tylln vvork
orr [the debt], work out; vahinko pay
the damages; maksaa vaivan it pay-, It Is
worth (the 1. one's) whllc, lt Is worth the
trouble, It pays Tor the trouble [huom.
sinun ei maksa vaivaa koettaa (1. yritt)
sit lt is not worth your whlle (1. lt Is
useless Tor you) to try lt, there Is no use
your trylng it] ; ~ [sakkonsa] vankeudella
go to prlson [in default of one's rine] ;
vekseli (pankkiin) pay (1. meet 1. take up)
a note; velkaansa, ~ velkansa vhem
mksi pay a part or (1. pay somethlng on)
one's debt; velkansa pay (I. settie 1. 11quldate) one's debt; ~ voitto-osuus pay
out a dlvldend; maksamalla S dollaria voit
te te .. by paying (down) 5 dollars you
can . . , for (a conslderatlon of) 5 dollars
you can..; maksamatta oleva uupald [debt,
velka], .. remalnlng unpald, .. not pald
for; maksettava Helsingiss (vekselist:)
payable at Helsingfors; maksettavaksi jou
tunut fl. langennut) due, (lunastamaton)
overdue, past due; maksetuksi kuitataan
recelved payment, pald, (tysin) pald In
full; maksoi mit maksoi at ali COStS, at
any cost (1. prlce 1. sacrlflce), no matter
what the cost (1. the rlsk), cost what it
may, at ali hazards; jonkun fl. jollekulle)
maksettavaksi pantu deblted to one, carried to one's deblt, charged to one('s account); jos , niin maistuukin (sananp.)
It is well worth the money, we have got
our money's worth; joutua fl. langeta)
maksettavaksi (esim. vekseli) become (1.
lal!) due [huom. jos se joutuu minun mak
settavakseni If ril have to pay for lt; velka
joutuu maksettavaksi (mys:) the debt \vill
have to be pald] ; jtt maksamatta leave
unpald (1. unsettled), Tall to settie (1. to
pay up) ; kuinka paljon sinulla on viel mak
samista how much elo you still have (1.
how much more do you have) to pay? ku
luni maksettiin, minulle maksettiin kulut
(korvattiin) my expenses vvere made good
(1. made up) to me (I. were covered 1. were
deTrayed); kysy, mit se (mys:) ask
the prlce or It, ask how much It Is; mit
(I. kuinka paljon) se maksaa (mys:) how
much Is il? what's the prlce (of It) ? pal
jonko fl. mit) piletti ~ (tav.) what's the
fare? how much is the ticket? se el maksa
mitn (mys:) lt's free, there Is nothlng
to pay; siit maksetaan 2 dollaria lt Is
worth 2 dollars, you wlll get 2 dollars Tor
It; vrt. saada (maksaa), maksaja payer.
makcamato liver-fluke, fluke(worm).
makramaton unpald, unsettled; kirje a
letter not prepald, a letter postcd unpald;
maksamattomat laskut unpald bllls, unset
tled accounts; maksamattomat velat debts
stlll owlng (1. due), unpald debts.
maksaminen paying, defraylng, settllng; returning, rewarding; vrt. maksaa.
maksankarvainen llver-colorcrt, Iiver-bro\vn.
maksa; paistos (keltt.) (e)scalloped liver.



-pisama liver-spot;
-ruoho (kasv.) stonecrop. -aammal (kasv.)
Hverwort. -tauti: mahsataudit diseases oi'
tlie liver.
maksattaa: ~ jollakulla bave a p. pay [one's
debt, velkansa], make one pay, let onepay.
maksava costlng; (arvoinen) worth; osti
bought a borse costlng (1. wortb) a
tbousand dollars, bought a thousanddollar horse. maksella pay [grradually, v
hitellen], be paying, keep paying; maksella
velkojaan be paying orr one's debts. mak
settu pald; (etukteen) prepald.
maksimi (korkein mr tai arvo) maxlmum.
maksimi- (ylid.) maxlmum [esim. -arvo
maximum valuc; -nopeus maxlmum speedj.
maxlmum- thermometer.
-mr maxlmum (amount). -typiv
maxlmum lengtti oi' a vvorklng day.
makso ks. maksu.
maksottua coagulate, elot. maksottunut coagulated, Clotted; maksottunut veri (mys:)
gorc. maksotua coagulatlon.
maksu payment, pay; (ulos-) dlsbursement;
(mr-) cbarge, tee; (vakuutus-) premlum; (suoritus) settlement, (lbetetty,
vars. kaupp.) remlttance; (nlnta) cost;
(kuljetus-) rare; (posti-) postage; maksua
vastaan for pay, for money; (Jonkin) mak
suksi In payment Tor . .; maksut payments,
(Jsen- y. m. maksut) dues, (lunastusmaksut) cliarges, (vero-) taxes; maksutta rree
or cbarge, vvltbout a tee (1. a cbarge),
gratultously, gratls, (vapaasti) free.
maksu, aika tlme In vvhlcb to pay .., tlme
to pay . . In, tlme; (aika Jolloin Jokin on
maksettava) tlme of payment, maturlty;
kolmen kuukauden maksuajalla on tbree
monttlS' Credit; pyysi maksuajan pidennys
t velalleen asked Tor more tlme (1. to be
alloived tlme) on hls note, asked for an extenslon (of tlme) on lils note. -shdot tenns
(OT payment), COndltlollS; edullisilla mak
suehdoilla on ravorable (1. on easy) terms.
-er (oslttalsmaksu) partlal payment, lnstalment; (tileiss:) Item, entry. -kyky 1.
-kykyisyya abllity to pay; solvency. -kykyi
nen able to meet (1. capable or meeting)
ali obllgations, solvent. -kyvyttmyys inability to pay, insolvency. -kyvytn Insolvent. -mr amount or the payment,
amount pald. -mrys direction(s) for
payment, order to pay, order; (konkr.)
maksun li lykkys delay of payment, resplte;
mynt maksunlykkyst (kaupp.) grant
resplte. -suoritusaika tlme to meet an
obllgatlon, date or payment.
maksu llosotus clieck; drart; order; vrt. poatiosotus. -osuus sharo (or tho payment).
-piv pay-day; (vekselin) day (1. time) or
payment, (maksuaika) maturlty. -todistus
(kuitti) receipt.
maksuton . . rreo or charge, gratultous; (va
paa) free; paikka rree seat. maksutto
masti free or charge, rree, gratls.
maksu velvollinen llable (to pay), obllged
to pay. -velvollisuus liabllity (to pay).
-vline: laillinen maksuvline legal temler.
maku taste, rellah (mys kuv.) ; (erlt. maus
teiden y. m.) savor, smack, (hedelmien y.
m.) riavor; (kuv. aisti) stylo, rashion,
manner; (mieli) ltklng; kullakin on oma
makunsa tastes dirfur, there Is no accountIng Tor tastes, every man (1. every one) to
hls taste; sen ajan maun mukaan aTter the
rashion or the day, accnrdlng to the taste
or the tlme. in the style in vogue then-,
siin on (eroan makua it tastes (1. It haS a
taste) OT tar; suola on menettnyt makunsa


the sait has lost its savor; viinin ~ riavor

or \vlne.
maku- (yhd.) . . or taste [esim. -asia matter
or taste], (tiet.) gustatory [esim. -hermo
gustatory nerve]. -aisti sense or taste, taste.
makuinen: jonkin liaving a taste or . . ,
tastillg (1. savoring) or . .; mink ~ se on
what does it taste llke? ho\v does lt taste
uhat Is lt llke? se on hyvn ~ it tastes
good (1. nlce), lt has a nlce taste; vrt. hy
vn, pahan-' y. m. makuisa ks. maukas.
maku kernen I. -nystyr (anat.) taste-bud;
(kielen) papilla or the tongue.
makulatuuri (-paperi) vaste paper; spotlage. -arkki (klrjap.) spoiled (1. canceled)
sheet, spoiled copy.
makuleerata, makuloida make \vaste paper
or . .; (leimata tai tarkotuksella tehd kel
paamattomaksi) cancel.
makupala (herkkupala) tldblt, tltblt, dalnty
blt.cholce morsel.dellcacy; vrt.maistinpala.
makustella eat svveetmeats; (popsia) munch.
makuu lying (in bed), sleeping; (lepo) rest,
repose; menn (l. lhte) makuulle retire,
go to bed, (piviisalkana) lie down ilor a
nap], (lepmn) goto rest; olla makuulla
be in bed, (levolla) be resting, be lying
down, (nukkumassa) be sleeping [esim.
Aan on viel makuulla She Is stlll in bed] .
makuu- (yhd.) sleeping- [esim. -skki
sleeping-bag; -vaunu sleeping-car], bed[esim. -haava bed-sore; -vaatteet bedclothes]. -aika: on makuuaika (maatapanonaika) It is bedtlme, lt is tlme to go to
bed. -halli (parantolan) sleeping-porch.
-huone 1. -kamari bedroom, (bed)cbamber,
sleeping -roum (1. -apartment). -kumppani
bedl'ellow; me olimme makuukumppaneita
(mys:) wo shared tho same bed. -lava
bunk; (sot.) barrack-bed, (wooden) campbed. -laveri (laivassa, y. m.) berth; (yhtelslaverl) bed for several persons. -paikka
place to sleep (In); (vuode) bed; (laivassa,
junan makuuvaunussa y. m.) berth; vrt.
makuu sija, -tila. -pivt (mer.) lay-days.
-sali (jonkun yleisen laitoksen) ward. -sija
1. = makuupaikka; 2. (leposija) couch,
bed; (villielinten) lair, cover. -sohva
(sleeping-)couch, roldlng couch, lounge;
roldlng bed; davenport (bed). -suoja ks.
makuuhuone, -tila (vuoteella) room (to
sleep); (vuode) bed(stead); (makuusija)
makuuttaa bave (1. make) sleep (1. He In bed).
makuu tuoli recllnlng-chalr, Morris chair;
adjustable chair; vrt. lepotuoli, -vaatteet
(matrasslt, tyynyt y. m.) bedding. -vaunu
sleeper, sleeplng-car; (Engl.) sleepingcarriage (1. -coach). -vaunupilettl sleep
ing-car ticket.
malagaviini Malaga (wlne).
malaiji Malay(an); malaijin kieli Malay(an).
malaijilainen (a. & s.) Malay(an); malat jilainen rotu the Malayan race.
malaria (vilutautl) malaria.
maleksia hang around, lolter about; id le,
loar, lounge (around) ; (kuljeksia) saunter
about. maleksija loafer, hanger-on; saunterer, lolterer. maleksiminen loaring, hanging around; loltering; sauntering about.
wormwood, abslnth(lum).
-rohdot wormwood drops.
malja bowl: (Juoma) cup; bumper; (raam.,
kalkki) chalice: (kaste) ront; (jonkun
kunniaksi Juotu) toast, (terveydeksi) health;
maljasi, maljanne your health! bere's to
youi maljojen ress around the riowlng
bowl, drinking each other's healths; esit
t jonkun ~ propose one's health, propose
a health (1. glve a toast) to cne; kilistell
maljoja clink (1. touch) glasses (witb one



another). maljakko bowl; (pokaali) cup;

(kukka-) vase. maljamalnen cup-shaped,
maljan esittj (Juhlissa) toastmaster. -Juon
ti drlnklng (to) a p.'s health; drlnklng
heallhs, toasting. -muotoinen - maljamainen.
malja puhe toast, -puhuja one \vlio glves
(1. who gave) a (1. the) toast; (virallinen,
Juhlissa) toastmaster.
malka (vaani.) beam.
mallas malt: vrt. tehd (maltaiksi).
mallat- (yhd.) malt(-) [esim. -ekstrakti 1.
-mehuste nialt-extraot; -huone malt-house;
-juoma malt llquor]. -Idut malt-comes.
-Juoma (mys:) malt(ed) drlnk; mallas
juomat malt liquors. -ohra malting harley.
-sauna malt-kiln; (mallashuone) malthouse, malt-barn. -sokeri (kem.) maltose. -(Juoma) vero tax placed on the
manufacture of malt llquor.
mallata t. (itr.) (soveltua) suit, be sultable,
be becomlng-, become, flt; 2. (tr.) (sovi
tella) adapt, adjust, accommodate, suit, flt;
miten se mallaa how does tliat Set (1. Iin?
malli model; patterit; shape; (kaavake)
form, blank rorm; (tyyppi) type; (normi)
standard, nurin; (esimerkki) example;
(nyte-) sample, (ksikirjotuksen y. m.)
speclmen; malliksi heijaava . . flt Tor a
model (I. a pattern) ; exemplary; mallin
mukaan by (1. accordlng to) pattern; ki
vrej vuoden 190S:n mallia rlfles Of the
190i pattern (1. type 1. model); oheenliite
tyn mallin mukaan (nytteen) accordlng- to
(I. as per 1. In conformlty to) enclosed
pattern (1. sample); olla 'maalarin] mallina
sit as a model [to a palnter], serve as a
[palnter's] model, (olla esikuvana) be (1.
serve as) a model for . . , set an example
[ Illiorn. se on oleva mallina I liat 111 be the
standard] ; rakennettu jonkin mallin mu
kaan (mys:) bullt on the Iines of . .; [se
on] tehty muitten mallin mukaan [It lias
been] patterned after others; uusinta mal
lia (esim. automobiileista:) of the latest
model (I. make), or the ne\vest bulld; uut
ta mallia oleva . . ui' new pattern, . . of new
tyj>e; (uudenaikainen) modern.
malli- (yhd.) model leslm. -koti model
home; -koulu model schoo); -/aitoa model
institution; -yhteiskunta model Society],
standard [esim. -kirja standard book ; -pai
nos standard edition; -teos standard work] ;
(ihanne-) ldeal [esim. -koti ldeal home;
-kyts ldeal conduct; -yhteiskunta ldeal
-huone model room;
(tehtaassa y. m., huone mallien silytt
mist varten) pattern-room. -kello regulator. -kelpoinen model, standard, exem
plary; ldeal; (predikaatin tytteen:) up
to the standard, worthy or belng taken Tor
a model; mallikelpoinen aviomies model (I.
pattern Of a) hushand: mallikelpoinen ky
ts exemplary (1. ldeal) condurt; mallikel
poinen nuorimies an exemplary (1. a model)
ynung- man. -kelpoiseni up to the stand
ard, commendably; In an exemplary man
ner; ldeally; kyttyty mallikelpoisesti
behave o.s. commendably. -kelpoisuus exemplarlness; Ideallty. -kirja (kirja malle
ja varten) pattern -book; book of samples.
-kokoelma collectlon or modcls (1. of patterns 1. of samples). -liite appendix or
plates (1. of rashlon-sheets 1. or patterns).
-mitta standard (measure).
mallinen (etup. yhd.) . . or . . pattern (1.
model 1. design); .. or .. type; .. or ..
style; . . In . . patterns (I. deslgns) [esim.
kaunis in beautiful deslgns; keskiajan
or medla>val design; suomalais or Finnish


design; tmn ~ In (1. or 1. arter) thls de

sign (1. pattern 1. model), or thls type (1.
style 1. Tashlon)].
mallinPplirUJI pattern-deslgner; one who
draws (1. drafts) patterns. -piirustus pattern-deslgnlng; dra\ving (]. drartlng) pat
terns. -tekij pattern-maker.
mallill palanen sample, speclmen. -(puu)seppl modeKDer, pattern-maker. -sn
nt model by-laws. -talo model house;
(-maatila) model farm. -tilkku sample.
-ty model piece or work.
malmi ore; metal; malmia sisltv ks. malminpitoinen.
malmi- (yhd.) . . or ore [esim. -koe test (1.
assay) or ore; -laji klnd (I. specles) or
ore]; (harvemmin:) ore- [esim. -kentt
ore-rield; -rouhin ore-crusher] ; (metalli
pitoinen) metallirerous [esim. -vuori metallirerous rock (1. mountaln)]. -Juoni =
malmisuonl. -kaivos metal(lirerous) niine.
-kivi ore-bearing rock; ore. -louhos open
ore-plt. -lyds 1. -lyt rind or ore, orebody. -maa mlneral land; ore-rield. -muo
dostuma ore rormation, rormatlon or ore.
-mri percentage or ore [In a rock] ; grade.
malminen . . contalnlng ore; (. . made or)
metal; metalllc.
-malminen (yhd.) . . In ore [esim. ranao~
rlch (1. aboundlngl In ore].
malminlletsljl prospector. -etsint prospectlii-'. -pasutus roastlng or ore. -pltolnen 1.
-sekainen . . contalnlng ore, metallirerous.
malmi nyte sample or ore. -perinen met
allirerous. -pitoisuus percentage or ore;
grade; vrt. metallipitoisuus, -suoni vein or
ore, (live) lode, metallirerous vein. -ni
metalllc rlng; (Ihmisell) metalllc-soundlng volce, volce wlth a metalllc rlng.
maltaanteko malting. maltaat malt.
maiti kas maltillinen.
maltillinen (levollinen, tyyni) cool. calm;
seir-contalned; (kohtuullinen) moderate;
(Jrkev) sober; (arveleva, varova) dellberate, cautlous; conservatlve; (huolekas)
conslderate, dlscreet. regardful, mlndrul;
(svyis, suvaitsevainen) tolerant, rorbearlng. maltillisesti coolly, calmly, composedly, In a seir-possessed manner; wlth
moderatlon, moderately; dellberately, cautlously; wlth dlscretlon, dlscreetly; regardfully, mlndfully; tolerantly; vrt. mal
tillinen, maltillisuus coolness, calmness,
presence or mlnd, composure; seir-possesslon, self-control; moderatlon, moderateness; dellberatlon, cautlousness; consideratlon, regardfulness; dlscreetness, dlscreli un: vrt. maltillinen.
maltiton (krsimtn) lmpatlent; (pikai
suudessa tehty) rash, (over-)hasty, preclpltate; (ajattelematon) lnconslderate, lndiscreet, unreflectlng, thoughtless; (varo
maton) unguarded [expresslon. lausunto] ;
(kohtuuton) immoderate; (huima) rrisky
fhorse, hevonen], romplng. maiti ttomasti
(krsimttmsti) Impatlently; (pikaisuu
dessa) rashly, (over-)hastlly; (ajattelemattomastl) lnconslderately, lnrtlscreetly,
tltoughtlessly, heedlessly: maltittomastl
alettu [lausuttu Jne.] prerlpltate, rash,
(over)hasty, (ennenaikainen) premature.
maltittomuus Impatlence; rashness; lack
or ronsldcratlon, lndisrretlon, hcedlessness; vrt. maltiton.
malttaa have patlenre, be patlent; tako lt
easy; (Odottaa) Walt; maltahan, kun katson
let me see, walt tili I see: malta(s) (odota)
\valt! ~ mielens compose (1. collcct) o. s.,
(pysy Jrjissn) retaln one's selr-possesslon, (ajatella) betltink o. s., (pysh-

ty ajattelemaan) collect one's thoughts, (lausua klroussanoja) swear; (haastaa)
stop to thlnk, (raubottua) calm o. s., qulet summon (to appear) ; esiin conjure up,
(I. calm) down, (palata Jrkiins) regain (tav. yleisem. merkit.) call rorth (1. up)
one'3 seir-po8se9sion (I. seir-control), [spirlts, henki], ellcit, evoke [memorles
(hillit Itsens) Control o. s., keep one's or the past, menneisyyden muistoja] ;
temper, (pidtty) check (1. restraln) o.s., Joku oikeuteen summiin one (to appear)
berore the court, hale one berore the court;
hold o.s. in cbeck (1. In abeyance), (vki
vallasta) stay one'3 band, (odottaa) bide, hnet on jo manattu he has been summoned
walt, be patlent; en malta odottaa I bave already, a writ has been already served
no patience to walt, I cannot bear to wait; upon hlm, (todistajaksi) he has been suben malta olla sit asiaa koskettelematta 1
popnaed already.
can not forbear (1. keep 1. refraln) from manaus conjuratlon; sorcery; (kirous) eietouchlng upon tbat matter, I cannot belp cration, lmprecation, curse, maledlctlon;
touchlng upon matter; n malttanut tcrrible oath, proranlty; (kehotus) exhorolla nauramatta (en voinut) I COUldn't help tatlon, sollcltatlon; henkien (esilnma(1. keep rrom 1. rerraln from) laughlng, I naus) calllng rorth (1. up) or splrits,
couldn't(help) but laugh, (Jkpv.) I couldn't (ulosajaminen) exorclsm. manauttaa ks.
keep my face straight; Aan ci malta levt manuuttaa.
ollenkaan (el suo Itselleen lepoa; he al- mandariini 1. (kiinalainen ylimys) mandalovvs hlmseir no rest, he doesn't allow hlm- rui; 2. (appelslinllaji) mandarin (orange),
seir a mlnute's rest.
(amerikkalainen) tangerlne.
malttamaton, malttamattomasti, malttamat mandoliini (mus.) mandolln.
tomuus = maltiton, maltittamasti, maltit- mandshu- ks. mantshu-.
maneesi (ratsastus|rata 1. -huone) riding
malttavainen considerate, deliberate, dis- academy, manege.
creet; (tyyni) cool; composed, self-pos- mansetti (ellnt.) Jelly-flsh; sea-nettle;
sessed; (kohtuullinen) moderate; vrt. mal
(tiet.) acaleph.
tillinen, malttavaioesti dlscreetly, conslder- mangaani (kem.) manganese. mangaaninateiy, wlth conslderatlon; coolly. maitta- pitoinen . . containing manganese, mangavaisuus dlscreetness, discretlon, conslder- nirerous.
ateness, conslderatlon; coolness, compo- mangunta mankuminen.
sure, self-possesslon.
manifesti (Julistuskirja) maniresto.
maltti (Jrkevyys) senses; common sense; maniin a hamppu Manll(l)a bemp, maconslderatlon; (mielen-, neuvokkalsuus) nil(l)a. -kysi ManiKDa rope.
prescnce or mind; (levollisuus) coolness, mankeli inangle. -aitta mangling romu.
calmness, equantmlty, composure; (koh
-rulla roller in a mangle. -vaate cover ror
tuullisuus) moderatlon; (krsivllisyys) the mangle.
patience-, (Itsenshlllint) seir-command, mankeloida mangle. mankeloiminen man
self-control, self-restralnt, self-possesslon: gling.
maltilla ks. maltillisesti, malttavaisesti ; mankua hound [one ror a tn.. Joltakulta Jo
malttiaan menettmtt wlthollt loslng takin], torment; worry, bother [one for a
one's head (1. one's common sense 1. one's th., Jotakin Joltakulta]; (kerjt) beg [a
seir-control) ; wlth composure, composed- th. or one. Jotakin Joltakulta] ; (naukua)
ly. COOlly; malttinsa ks. menett, silytt. whine, whimper, snivel, cry; (hokea) nag
malva (kasv.) maliow. -kasvit the mallow [at. Jotakin], mankuja one who hounds (1.
begs 1. whines), wbimperer, snlveler. man
kuminen hounding, bothcring, worrylng;
mamolukki Mameluke, Mamaluk(e).
mammona Mammon; (rikkaus) mammon; begging, whlmper(lng), snlvel(lng), nagglng; vrt. mankua.
mammonani orja 1. -palvelija slave oi' Mam manna (raam.) manna.
mon, Mammon vvorshlpper; wortdltng. mannaryyni: mannaryynit Tarina; (kauppa-palvelus Mammon \vorshlp: worlililness. nlmen) cream or wheat; (Engl.) semoltna,
mammutti (elaint.) mammoth. -elin mam- (venliset) manna-croup, manna-groats.
moth. -luuranko ni.immoth's skeleton. -pe manner mainland; (mannermaa) contlnent;
tj mammoth (1. big) tree; (kasv.) sequola. matkustaa maita ja mantereita go rrom
mamseli, mamsseldii miss; damsel.
land to land, travel extenslvely.
mana (mytol.) god or the underworld; (ma manner- (yhd.) continental [esim. -ilmasto
nala) abode or the dead, Hades; manalle continental cllmate; -jtikk continental
mennyt . . \vho has departed thls lifed.vvho glacler].
has passed away), deceased; manan majat mannermaa contlnent: Euroopan the con
abodes (1. dwelllng-places) or the dead, tlnent or Europe, (Engl.) the Contlnent.
the narrow house or Death; manan maloille mannermaa- (yhd.) continental [esim. -poli
ks. muuttaa; manan matkamies One whO is tiikka continental politlCo; -valta (1. -val
golng the way or death.
tio) continental power].
manaaja sorcerer, magician, conjurer; mansetti (kalvosin) curr.
mys = haastomies; henkien enchanter, mansikan- (yhd.) strawberry- [esim. -kukka
(pois-) exorclst.
strawberry-riower; -leftti strawberry-lear;
manaaminen conjuring up, (esim. henkien) -punainen strawberry-red] , . . or the strawcalllng rorth;
cursing; berry [esim. -lehti lear or the strawberry].
swearlng; (haastaminen) summonlng: vrt. -poiminta picking or strawberries. -taimi
manata, manailla curse, damn; (kiroilla) strawberry plant (1. set), -varsi strawsvvenr; vrt. manata.
berry-vine; strawberry stalk.
manala abode(s) or the dead, the under- mansikka (Wild) strawberry; oma maa ~,
\vorld, the nether World, Hades. manalai- muu maa mustikka (sanani.) (1. v.) east
non: manalaiset people 0( the abodes oT or west, home Is best.
the dead, d\vellers in the halls or Death. mansikka- (yhd.) strawberry [esim. -hillo
manallomeno departure, the last great ad- strawberry Jam; -jtel strawberry iceventure; deceasc, death.
cream (l.sundae); -mehu strawberry Juice],
manata conjure; (loitsia pois) drive out, lay -kasvi strawberry-plant, strawberry-vlne.
(by magic), exorclse; (kirota) curse, -kuume (nokkoskuume) the hlves; nettledamn, Imprecate (evil upon . .), execrate; rash. -paikka strawberry patch.



Manta Mandy.
manteli almond.
manteli- (ylid.) almond- [esim. -maito aimond-mllk; -pnu almond-tree; -ljy almond-oll]. -massa (keitt.) almond rrostlng
(I. lein?) ; (karkea) marchpane.
mantelinmuotoinen almond-sbaped.
manteli saippua almond soap. -torttu al
mond cooky; macaroon.
mantere - manner.
mantshulainen (a. & s.) Manchu, Manchoo.
Mantshuria Manchurla.
manttaali assessment standard or land.
-mies 1. -porho big landowner; (kuv.) big
gun. -pano assessment.
mantteli (viitta) mantle, cloak; (ylhisen
arvon tai viran merkkin kannettu) robe.
mantu (maa) eartb; land, ground.
manuu summons; (sakon uhalla annettu)
subposna; vrt. haaste.
manuuttaa bave . . summoned (to appear) ;
(manata) summon (to appear); krjiin
(i. oikeuteen) summon . . to appear berore
the court, (velka-asiasta) sue; ~ vieraaksi
mieheksi have one summoned (1. called I.
subpcenaed) as a wltness.
man()verl maneuver, manccuvre (mys
kuv.); jnan5()i>erit (mys:) Neld-practlce, (leikkisota) sliain battle.
marakatti (long-talled) monkey.
marati h on juoksija
-Juoksu Marathon race.
margariini (lhravoi) oleomargarin(e); margarln(e). -laki lavvs regulatlng the manuracture and sle of (oleo)margarln. -voi
oleomargarln(e) ; butterln(e).
marhaminta halter.
Maria Mary; Marian ilmestyspiv kS. maarianpiv; Maria Stuart (tav.) Mary Queen
or Scots.
marina rrettlng, nagglng; vvhinlng, \vhlnc,
whlmper(lng), snlvel(lng); vrt. marista,
marionetti (tansslnukke) marlonette, puppet (mys kuv.). -teatteri puppet-shovv,
Punch and Judy show.
marista rret [over a tn.. Jostakin] ; nag,
hound; be peevlsh; (mankua) vvhine,
vvhimper, pule, snlvel.
marja berry; menn marjaan go berrying,
go plcklng berrles, go berry-plcklng; olla
marjassa be plcklng berrles, be berrying,
be berry-plcking.
marjaasi (ers korttipeli) marrlage.
marjahillo preserves, Jam.
marjainen 1. = marjakas; 2. (yhd.) . . vvlth
. . berrles [esim. puna vvlth red berrles;
ini- vvlth blue berrles] ; niukka- . . not
bearlng many berrles; runsas~ . . glvlng
an abundant yleld or berrles.
marjakas rlch In berrles; marjakas (ta; seu
lat a) rleh berry-country.
marja!! kauppa berry-trade. -kuusi (kasv.)
yevv(-tree). -lev (kasv.) gulTvveed, sargasso. -mehu 1. -neste berry-julce. -mies
-mts hummock covered
with berrles.
marjan!! kaltainen bcrry-like. -poimija berry Elcker. -poiminta plcklng (or) berrles,
erry-plcklng. -varsi berry bush; berry
marja! paikka: hyv marjapaikka a good
place to plck berrles, a good berry patch.
-pensas berry-bush. -puuro 1. -huttu (1.
v.) berry puddlng.
marjastaa plck berrles, berry.
msrjsl viini wlne made or berrles [eri laje
ja: raspberry \vlne, blackberry vvine
y. m.], -vuosi: hyv huono1 marjavuosi
a good [a bad] year ror berrles, a good
[a bad] berry-year.
markanraha mark(-plece) .

markiisi marquis, marquess. markiisitar

markka mark; vrt. peli~.
markkanen ks. kaksi, kymmen jne.
markkina- (yhd.) .. or the ralr [esim. -aatto
eve or the falr; -piv day or the ralr] ;
market(-) [esim. -hinta market prlce (I.
rate)]. -aatto (mys:) day berore the rair
(1. the market-days). -aika tlme or the
rair, ralr tlme. -elm lire at a rair; conduct on market-days. -huijari 1. -veijari
sharper (1. cheat) hauntlng (1. ln(esting)
ralrs (1. hanglng around on market-days).
-hlin 1. -hly nolse (1. dln) or the ralr.
-koju stall (at a ralr), booth (set up on
market-day). -lahja market-day present,
ralring. -matka trip to the [a] ralr. -mies
one vvho goes (1. vvho vvent) to the rair,
vlsitor to a ralr, one vvho vvent to tovvn on
market-days; markkinamiehet ks. markki
navki, -paikka place vvhere the rair Is
[was] hcld; ralr ground(s) ; (tori) market.
markkinat ralr; market-days; (kauppa)
market; markkinoilla (markklnatllalsuudessa) at the (air, at the market, (kaupas
sa) on (1. In) the market: markkinoilla oli
paljon vke there vvere crovvds at the ralr
(1. at the market), there vvere many people
present market-days; vrt. elin, hevos.
markkina[!tavara(t) goods sold (1. Tor sle)
at a rair (1. on market-days). -vki people
golng to (1. returnlng rrom) the ralr;
(Jkpv.) market Tolks.
Markus Mark.
Marmara-meri, Marmora-meri Sca or Marmora.
marmelaadl marmalade; candled Trult. -laa
tikko box or candled rrult.
marmori marble.
marmori- (yhd.) marble [esim. -kuula I.
-pallo marble ball; -lattia marble rioor;
-patsas marble statue] ; . . or marble [esim.
-laji klnd or marble; -lohkare block or
marble]. -kuva marble bust (1. statue);
marble rigure. -laatta 1. -levy marble
slab, (pydn y. m. pllyksen) marble
top. -louhos marble-quarry.
marmorinen 1. .. or marble, marble; 2.
(yhd.) . . or . . marble [esim. valkea~ . .
or vvhlte marble].
marmorini! kovulnen (as) liard as marble.
-vrinen 1. -karvainen marbled.
marmori patsas 1. (pylvs) column or mar
ble; 2. (kuvapatsas) marhlo statue. -pyt
marblevvorker, vvorker In marble. -valkoinen (as)
vvhlte as marble.
marmoroida marble. marmoroiminen marbllng. marmoroitu marbled; marmoroitu
paperi (mys:) marble paper.
Marokko Morocco.
marraskesi the horny outer layer o( the
epldermls; (anat.) stratum corneum.
marraskuu November.
marraskuun- (yhd.) November [esim. -au
rinko November sun; -halla November
Trost; -sumu November rog]. -tunnelma
splrlt or November, November atmosphere.
marsalkka marshal; (lltamatllaisuiikslssa y.
m.) usher: juhla marshal or the day.
head usher; vrt. hovi, sota, -sauva
marshaVs trunrheon (1. starr 1. baton).
marseljeesi the Marselllalse.
marski (1. v. Engl.) I.ord High Constahle.
marssi marrh: marssin tahti ks. marssitahti.
marssi- (yhd.) marching [esim. -askel
marching step; -kunto inarrhlng order].
marssia march; perkanaa ulos huoneesta
me out or the room: pois march avvav
(I. on), (yksitellen 1. perkkin) rile avvay.

rr.arssi jarjestyg order of march,


order to march, marching orders.

marssiminon, marssinta marching.
marssitahti march time, (sot., astumatapana) step; (mus.) march-movement,
marssittaa march, have (1. make) . . march,
marasivalmit ready to (1. for the) march,
. . in marching order.
Mars-Uhtl the planet Mars.
marsu (elalnt.) guinea-pig,
marto (hedelmtn) sterile, barren; (malio)
farrow, -kukka sterile flower, -lehm
farrow coW.
Mart t i Martin,
marttyyri martyr; utkonsa ~ martyr to (1.
) blS faith; vapauden asian ~ martyr in

the cause of liberty, -kruunu martyr's

crown, crown of martyrdom, -kunnia glory
of martyrdom, -kuolema a martyr's death;
/<.;>.<,; marttyyrikaolema suffer martyr
dom, die a martyr's death,
marttyyrius martyrdom,
marx Meinen I. (a.) Marxian. II. (s.) Marxist.
marxilalsuus Marxism,
masennus (mielen-) discouragement, de
pression, dejection, low spirits; (lannlstamlnen) subduing, subjection, subjugatton; (muserrus) crushing; (nyryytys)
humiliation; (lamaannus) enervation, lax
ity, (taydelllnen) prostration; matmnukmiMma oltoa ks. maaentunut; olla masennuhi*a be broken In spirit, be broken
hearted, have lost heart, be (very much)
discouraged, be humbled (to the dust) ;
(alakulolnen) be depressed, -tila (state
of) dejection, depression; (very) depressed
(I. dejected) condition (1. state),
masentaa (miell) take the heart (1. the cour
age) out of one, make one lose heart (I.
courage), dishearten, discourage; (tehdu
alakulolseksl) depress; (lannlstaa) subdue,
coerce; tame; (musertaa) crush; (taltuttaa) break one's spirit; (noyryyttaS) hum
ble, humiliate; (heikenta) weaken; (kokoriaan lamauttaa) prostrate, maentamaton Indomitable [spirit, miell]. maientamlnen disheartening, discouraging; de
pression; subjugation, coercion; taming;
crushing; humiliation; weakening; pros
tration; vrt. maientaa. masentava (mleltA
masentava) disheartening, discouraging
i news, nutlnen], depressing; (musertava)
crushing 'defeat, tappln], overwhelming:
(nftyryyttava) humiliating, masentavastl
depresslngly: In a disheartening manner;
vaikuttaa ma*tntaoa*ti have a depressing
(1. a discouraging) effect [on ..], make
. . discouraged (I. disheartened).
masentua (tulla hillltyksl) be(come) sub
dued (1. coerced), be brought under: be
tamed; (talttua) become broken in spirits.
be humbled; (murtua) be(come) crushed;
(palnua) be(come) weighed down; (talpua
knkonaan) yield, submit, give In; (lamnantua) be weakened, relax, (kokonaan) be
(-come) prostrated; (kayd alakulolseksl)
becumo disheartened (I. discouraged), lose
heart, lose courage, masent u mato n unsub
dued; not depressed; (|oka el masennu)
Indomitable, masentuminen, masentumu*
humiliation; submission; relaxation; de
pression, discouragement; masentumisen
merkkeja signs of depression (1. of dlscouragnment). masentuneestl dejectedly, In
a dejected (1. low-spirited) manner; brokentieartedly. masentunelsuua broken spir
its, dejection, brokenheartedness; prostra
tion: (eplitoivo) despondency, masentunut
(alakuloinen) dejected, depressed, lowspirited, discouraged, downhearted; (talttunut) tame; hohonaan rnosentuneena bro


ken-hearted, crushed (1. broken) In spir

it (s). mateta (prees. mannen) = maaentua.
maskecratn ks. naamioida. maskeeraus
(teatt.) make-up, maskcraati ks. naamiohuvit. maski (naamio, naamari) mask.
maskuliim (Kiel.) masculine.
maskulikil- (ynd.) masculine [eslm. -muofo
masculine form; -ruku masculine gender j.
maskuliini(sukui)nen masculine.
massa mass; bulk, (joskus:) body; (paper! y. m.) pulp; (hektograafln y. m.) compo
sition, substance; vrt. mantel!, -tehdas
(puumassatehdas) pulp-mill. -vaiKutus
(kem. ) mass-action.
mas si pouch, purse.
mastiksi (klvlliima) mastic.
mart mast.
mastodonttl (ellnt.) mastodon.
ma-sto hikki 1. -koppa top.
mastoinen (yhd.) . .-masted [eslm. Jro/mi~
three-masted; korkea~ high-masted; yk*i~ one- (1. slngle-)masted].
mastometsi forest of masts.
mastonlhuippu I. -latva 1. -nena masthead,
head (1. top) of a mast, mastopuu tree fit
(I. suitable) for a mast; mast timber:
mast, mastorana crane, mastoton . . with
out a mast, . . without masts; (mastonsa
menettfinyt) . . with its masts gone, maetottaa furnish with a mast (1. with masts),
mastovahti lookout.
masurkka (puolalalnen tanssl) maz(o)urka.
maauunl blast-furnace, smelting-furnace.
mataa = madella.
mtala I. (a.) low [voice, Sanl; candlestick,
kynttllilnjalka] ; (syvan vastakohtana) shal
low [water, vest]; (lakea) flat; (lyhyt)
Short; maja humble cottage; ranta
(lolva) gently sloping shore, (vesl) shal
low water; matalat rappufet Short (flight
of) stairs, (lolvat) stairs with a gentle
ascent; nuhkua matalalia pnalutetta Sleep
on a lOW (1. a flat) plllOW; vtni on matalalla
the water Is low. II. (s.) = matalikko.
matalalnen (run.) = mtala; mata/ornen
majan! my humble (1. my lowly) cottage,
mtala lalkalnen short-legged, -kalloinen
broad-headed; (tlet.) brachycephallc. -kuVUinen lOW

tree, PUU]; .. on matalakas-

vuinen (puusta:) . . does not attain a great

height, -kattoinen low-roofed. . . with a
low roof, -otsainen . . with a low forehead.
matalapaine I. (s.) low pressure. II. (yhd.)
low-pressure ;cslm. -fcone low-pressure
m.vala ponlainen low [vessel, asila] ; (m
tala) shallow. -Ilnlnen . . with a low (1.
a deep) voice, low-voiced, (syv-) deepvolce(l.
matalentea make . . more shallow; mycis =
madaltaa. matalentua ks. mataloitua.
matalikko low piare, flat; (vedess:) shal
low place, shoal, (the) shallows, (sarkk)
sand-bank (I. -bar), bank, bar, shelf; mota'.ikollt tarttunut (}. ajautanat) Stranded
on a Shnal; ajaa (\. joutua) matalikoll*
(laiva) run asround. ground, strand (on a
slioab .strike a sand-bar (1. -bank) ; vrt.kari.
mataloitua (kuydii matalammaksi) get (I.
become) (more) shallow, shoal; (tliyttya)
get filled (I. choked) up, fill up, (llettya)
silt up. mateloitumlnen becoming shallow,
slioallng: (liettyminen) getting choked up,
silting up.
matoluu-, lowness, shallowness; flatness:
(lyhyys) shortness; (alavuus) low position.
matami woman reslm. pu~ washerwnman]; ~ Andertton Mrs. Anderson;
vrt. tor!.
mataminen crawling; (maassa-) groveling.
ma'ava (kasv.) trailing; creeping, repent;



maassa matava groveiing; vrt. mateleva,

mateleminen ks. matein, mateleva(lnen)
cravvllng; creeping; (luonnont.) reptant,
reptlle: (kuv.) servlle, crlnglng, grovei
ing. matele vaisu us crlnglng (meanncss),
(abject) servility;
toadyism. matelija crawler (mys kuv.);
(el&int.) reptlle, reptillan. matelu crawling (mys kuv.); creeping; (kuv.) grovei
ing, crlnglng, (abject) servility.
matemaatikko mathematictan. matemaatti
nen mathematical. matemaattisesti matbematically.
matematiikan koe test (1. examinatlon) In
mathematics, mathemattcs examinatlon.
-opettaja teacher of (1. lnstructor In)
matematiikka mathematics.
materialismi materlalism. materialisti matonalist. materialistinen materlallst(lc) ;
materialistinen historianksitys materlallst
conceptlon or hlstory, economlc determlnIsm.
materialistisuus materlalism; [one's] ma
terialistin vletvs.
matikka ks. made.
matka journey; (meri-, tav. pitk) voyage;
(matka Jonkin yli, esim. meren) passage;
(retki) excursion; (kvisy) trip, (kierto-,
puhuja- y. m.) tour; (etisyys, vlimatka)
dlstance, range, length; (tie) way, road;
matkaan (mukaan) along, ks. ottaa; (ai
kaan) ks. saada, saattaa; matkalla on the
road (1. way), (kuljetettaessa) In transit
[esim. matkalla vahingoittuneet tavarat
goods damaged in transit], vrt. matkoilla;
matkalla johonkin on the (1. on one'9) way
to . . , going to ... en route for . . , (esim.
laivoista:) bound for (1. to) . .] : matkallani
on my road (1. my way), (matkani kulues
sa) on my trlp, durlng my Journey; [teh
d] maalle [ tnakf ] a trlp Into the coun
try; maan ympri trlp around (1. tour
of) the World; matkan varrella on the (I.
on one's) \vay (1. Journey), (tien varrella)
near (I. by the side oO the road; matkas
saan (mukanaan) Tvlth one, aion (vvlth
one): maikista vsynyt ttred after the
Journey; matkat (mys:) travels; matkoilla
(poissa kotoa) away from home, (poissa
kaupungista) out of town, (ulkomailla)
abroad: matkoilla ollessani (\. matkoillani)
oli minulla tapana . . \vhcn traveling (1.
when on the road) I used to . .; kahden pe
nikulman a dlstance of tuo mlles; kah
den tunnin a two hours' Journey (1. trlp)
(jalkaisin) walk; (ratsain, Junalla) rlde;
(hevoskyydill) drive], (junalla, mys:) a
two-bour(s')run; kappaleen matkaa (osan )
part or the way, (vhn) a piere; kapteeni
Cookin matkat Captaln Cook's voyages;
minne vvhere are you going ? \vhere are
you bound? vvhere are you ofr for now?
vvhere is your destlnatlon? olla matkalla
be going, bo on one's (1. on the) way [from
.. to ... Jostakin johonkin], be on the
road [to tovvn, kaupunkiin], vrt. olla mat
koilla; olla matkalla kotiin be on the \vay
home, be homevvard houml; olla matkoilla
bo (out) on a (1. on one's) trlp, (etenkin
kauppamatkustajista puhuen:) bo out trav
eling, be out on the road, (poissa kotoa)
be away from home, (kaupungista) be out
oT town, be out of the city; sinne on viel
pitk - It Is stlll a long vvay orr (1. stlll
rar auay), it is still n ronsldrrable dls
tance avvay: vhn matkaa a Short dlstance;
viimeinen (manallemeno) rone'sl last
(long) Journey; vrt. huvi, jalka , koti-,
kvely , maa, meri , tutkimus, ulkoi y. m.


matka- (yhd.) traveKDing- [esim. -lakki

travellng-cap; -puku travellng-dress (1.
-costume) ].
matkaanlht, matkallelht startlng orr,
start. matkaansaattaa ks. aikaansaada.
matka-apteekki portable mediclne-chest.
-apu 1. -apuraha (valtion) government aid
[to study abroad] ; (etup. yliopistollinen)
scholarshlp, rcllovvship.
-arkku trunk;
(laiva-) steamer trunk. -asiamies travellng agent; reprcsentative. -evt provisions (Tor a Journey), provender. -halu,
-haluinen ks. matkailu | halu, -haluinen,
-hanke: olla matkahanhkeissa be preparlng
ror a Journey (1. a trlp).
matkailija travel(l)er; (huvi-) tourist; (ret
keilij) exrursloiilst.
matkailija- (yhd.) tourist [esim. -liikelnne)
tourist trarnc: -yhdistys tourist associa
tion], .. or tourists [esim. -seurue party
or tourists; -yhdistys association or tour
ists], tourists', .. for tourists [esim. -hotelH hotel ror tourists, tourists' hotel].
-kartta "= matkailukartta. -toimisto tour
ists' agency, agency to arrange tours.
-tulva streain (1. flood 1. inriux) or tour
ists. -vaunu tourlst-car. -yhdistys (myus:j
tourists' (1. travel) club.
matkailla travel, Journey [to and Tro, edes
takaisin], tour; (liikkua) ruove about.
matkailma: hyv huono] gond [bad]
vveather for traveling.
matkailu traveling, travcl(s). -halu love or
travel(lng) ; rovlng spirit. -haluinen rond
of traveling; (liikkuma) . . nr a rovlng
disposition, -kartta rnap for tourists (1. ror
travelers). -toimisto = matkailijatoimisto.
matkaii kapineet traveling- (I. travelers')
outnt, travcllng-equipment; (matkatavara)
baggage, (Kngl.) luggage; vrt. matka |tarpeet, -tavara, -kassa traveling-ruml, nm- [
set aslde ror traveling; funds; vrt. matka
rahat, -kertomus account or one's travels
(1. one's trlp 1. onc's voyage), narratlve or
a Journey (1. a voyage) ; (jonkun stipendil
l matkustaneen virkamiehen y. m.) report; matkakertomuksia (mys:) travels.
-kiihko mania ror traveling. -kirjallisuus
travel, travels. -kirstu ks. matka-arkku,
-korvaus: soin matkakorvausta I got (part
of) my traveling expenses (pald). -kulut
traveling expenses; vrt. edell. -kumppani
-kunto: matkakunnossa ready Tor the trlp
(I. the Journey), In shape for the trlp;
laittaa itsens (\. laittautua) matkakuntoon
get ready (1. preparo l. make one's preparations) ror the trip (I. the Journey). -kun
toinen ready Tor the ra] trlp; rit Tor a
Journey. -kustannukset traveling expenses;
vrt. matkakorvaus, -kuvaus travel sketrh;
matkakuvauksic. Persiasta skelches OT
[one's] travels In Persia: vrt. matkakerto
mus, -ksikirja travelers' guide, guide-book.
matkalainen traveler; (vaeltaja) vvanderer.
matka lasku blll Tor fone'sl travellng-expenses. -laukku travellng-bag. bag, (tav.
pieni) satchel; valise, ukpv.) grip; stiltcase. -lippu tlcket. -luettava 1. -lukeminen
somethlug to road on the trlp (1. on the
Journey), readlng on one's trip. -mies =
matkalainen : matkamiehi elmn tiell
\vayrarers through life, vvanderers on the
road of life. -muistelma: matkamuistelmia
memorles or [onc's] travels (1. trlp).
-ohjelma itlnerary; route; (puhujan y. m.)
dates (or onc's route). -opas (ksikirja)
guide-book; vrt. opas. -pappi ltinerant (I.
traveling) preacher; (lhetys-) misslonary
preacher. -passi passport: saada matka
passit (kuv.) be sent packlng, (typalkas



taan, Jkpv.) be (1. get) Tired, get the can

(tied on one). -pilvi the day one Is on
the mad: matkapivilt Tor the ttme one is
on the mad. -pivkirja dlary of one's trlp
(1. one'3 travels). -raha (-stipendi) scholarsblp; matkarahat money to take a trip,
money for [one's] traveling-expenses,
money for [one's] trip, passage-money.
-saarnaaja ks. matkapappi, -sauva starr.
-seikkailut travellng-adventures. -seura
company on [one's] trip; minulla oli haus
kaa matkaseuraa I had pleasant company
on my trip. -seurue travellng party, party
of tourists. -suunnitelma route, ltlnerary;
plans. -SU matkaiima.
matkata travel, Journey, go, pass; proceed;
~ jalan travel (1. go) on root, (kvell)
matkall tarpeet travellng-necessltles:
matkakapineet. -tavara baggage; (Engl.)
luggage; matkatavarat (mys:) -- matkakapineet, -toveri matkakumppani, -vaat
teet traveling-clothes (1. -dress); matkavaatteissa' an) oleva . . In travellng-costume, dressed for a Journey. -vaikutelma
Impression one (has) got on one's Journey;
matkavaikutelmia Suomesta impressions Of
travel in Finland, -vaippa stcamer rug.
-valmis ready to start on a (1. one's) trlp
(1. Journey 1. voyage). -varat (travellng)
runds. -viltti steamer rug. -vsymys: tun
tea matkavsymyst be \veary from one's
Journey, be tired after one's trip.
matkia (jljitell) lmitate, slmulate; copy;
(apinoida) ape, mlmic; (Jotakin kuule
maansa) echo; (toistaa) repeat [a p.'s
words. Jonkun sanoja]; ilvehtien mock;
~ jotakuta jossakin ape (1. copy) after one
In . . . matkija one uho apes (1. coples)
after; imltator, copler; mlmlc. matkiminen,
matkinta aplng (1. copylng) arter . .; Imi tatlng, Imltation, simulatlon; mlmlcry;
(pilkallinen) mocklng; (toistaminen) repeatlng.
matkimis halu desire to copy (1. to ape)
after . . , fondness for (1. of) lmltatlng.
-taito imltatlve ablllty, sklll In Imltation
(1. in mimicry) ; sklll as an lmpersonator.
matkue (matkaseurue) party of travelers,
party; (retkikunta) expedltion; (karavaa
ni) caravan.
matkustaa travel [for a firm. Jonkun liik
keen asioilla; on a ship, laivassa] ; Journey;
(menn, kulkea) go, pass; proceed:
laivassa (mys:) sail, voyage; ~ maalle go
into the country; hn Amerikkaan (ai
koo) he is going to leave for America; Suo
messa matkustaessani uhon travellng In Fin
land, tvhen (1. vvhile) tourlng Finland, durIng my travels In Finland; vrt. matkustella.
matkustaja travel(l)er, (Juna-, laiva) passenger; (Joskus:) Voyager; (matkailija)
tourist; (tilapinen , hotelleissa y. m.)
guest; lodger.
matkustaja- (yhd.) passenger- [esim. -juna
passenger-train; -laiva passenger-boat (1.
-ship); -Mono passenger-eoach (1. -car)];
. . of passengers [esim. -luettelo llst or
passengers; -tulva stream (I. flood) of
passengers]. -hyry passenger-boat (1.
-steamer). -liike(nne) passenger-traffic.
-taksa passenger rates.
matkustaminen travellng, travel(s) ; vrt.
matkustus, matkustamishalu matkailu
halu, matkustanut traveled; laajalti matkus
tanut Viidely traveled; maita matkustanut
mies a wldcly traveled man, a great traveler. matkustava travellng [agent, asia
mies], matkustavainen matkustaja; /luo
neita matkustavaisille monis (1. accoillllio-


datlons) for travelers (I. Tor translents),

accommodatlons for the travellng puliin-.
matkustella travel; Journey; matkustelles
sani (matkoillani) when travellng, I . .;
when on the road, I . .; on my trlps (1. my
travels), I . .; hn on matkustellut paljon
(ja laajalti) he has traveled much (1. extensively), he has been an extensive traveler. matkustellut ks. matkustanut.
matkustus Journey; voyage; passage; (ret
ki) trlp, excurslon, tour; (matkustaminen)
travel mg, travel; matkustuksiin tottunut
used (1. accustomed) to travellng. -halu,
-haluinen ks. matkailu halu, -haluinen,
-ilma ks. matkaiima. -into 1. -kiihko
mania for travellng (1. for rovlng). -piv
matkapiv, -tapa v ay of travellng.
-tottumus: vaatii suurta matkustustottu
musta . . it takes a person long accustomed
to (the hardsblps of) travel [to . .], It takes
an old traveler [to . .]. -vimma travellng
mato vvorm; (toukka-) maggot, grub; (kaa
li-, lehti-) Caterpillar; madoilla (\. madois
ta) elv (ellnt.) vermlvorous; matoja aja
va lke ks. matolke; hnell on matoja
(vatsassa) be has (1. he suffers from)
uorms; olla madoissa (esim. liha) be (ali)
maggoty. matoinen vvormy, . . Tuli of (1.
suarmlng vvlth) worms, lnrested wlth
vtorms; (esim. lihasta:) maggoty; tm
matoinen maailma (kurja) thls vvretchert (1.
mlserable) World, matolke vermiTuge,
anthelmlnthlc; (lasten) worm lozenges.
matomainen \vorm-shaped,vermlform; um
pisuolen matomainen liske (anat.) the
vcrmlform appendix, matonen llttle worm:
(kurja) maan matonen (kuv.) WOrm Of the
maton"kude carpet-rag. -kudonta carpet\veavlng, weaving rugs and carpets; (pal
mikoiminen) bralding (of) rugs. -kutoja
carpet- (1. rug-) weaver, weaver of rugs
(1. of carpets).
matoi! pulveri
-rohdot vermifuge; ottaa matorohtoja take
vermlTuge. -siemenet vvormseed. -tauti
matrassi (snky-) mattress; vrt. olki.
matriisi (klrjap.) matrlx (plur. matrices).
matrikkeli (nimikirja) reglster, roll(s);
panna tl. kirjottua) matrikkeliin regiSter,
enroll, matrlculate.
matruusi (ablet seaman; sallor, mariner:
(sotalaivan) bluejacket. -pusero = merimlespusero.
Matteus Matthevv. Matti Mattheu; (Jkpv..
lyh.) Matt.
matti: taskussa v/ithnut a penny in his
pocket, vith empty pockets: tehd jos
takusta (shakkipeliss) checkmate a p.
matto (plece of) carpet; rug; mat; (joskus:)
plece or mattlng, (strlp of) carpeting;
vrt. karva, lattia y. m.
mattoinen (yhd.) wlth . . carpets [esim. Ki
na ulth Unen carpets (l. carpets of Unen) i .
matto' kangas carpeting: matting. -naula
rarpet-tack. -tilkku carpet-rag.
maukas savory; delicate [morsel (1. tldblt),
pala], dellclous, toothsome; appetlzing
! rood. ruoka!, palatable, tasty. maukkaasti
palatahly, tastily. (hyvll ruokahalulla)
\vith a good appetite. maukkuus savorlness,
dellciousness, deiicary, palatablcness, tastlness, good taste
Mauno, Maunu Magnus.
maunsatijl Judge In matters or taste,
(ransk.) connolsseur.
Mauri Morris, Maurice, mauri Moor.
maurilainen I. (a.) Moorlsh [architecture,
rakennustaide]. II. (s.) Moor.

maurina (kissasta:) mlaow, mlaul; mys = meijeri- (yhd.) creamery [esim. -Kilke
creamery business; -voi creamery butter;
mauser kivri Mauser ririe. -pistooli Mauser -yhti creamery company] ; (erltt. Engl.)
dalry [estm. -tuotteet dalry products; -voi
dalry butter].
maustaa splce, season [wlth, jollakin] ; meijerikk
woman In charge or (1. worklng
(hysta&) riavor. maustamaton unsplced, in) a creamery.
meljerikoulu (1. v.) dalry
unseasoned; unriavored. maustaminen splc- department
In an agrlcultural college,
inif, seasonlng; riavorlng.
a creamery (1. a
mauste splce (mys kuv.), seasonlng', fla- dalry). meijeritalous or
datrylng, dalry-rarmvorUng), condiment; mausteeksi to riavor lng, creamery [Engl.:
it; mauMteet splces, seasonlng, aromatlc meijerska ks. meijerikk. dalry] industry.
herbs; suola on ~ sait is a condiment. meiklinen
(s.) one or our people (1. men) ;
mauste- (yhd.) spice [estm. -laatikko splce- (meidn sty oleva) ono or our class;
box; -mylly splce-nilll] ; (maustettu) splced (maanmiehemme) a' rellow countryman (or
[esim. -leip splced bread].
ours); (a.) our; meiklisill voimilla \vith
mausteeton k s. maustamaton.
our resources, wlth the resources at our
mauste; kasvi aromatlc herb; sweet herb. command, (Jkpv.) wtth what we have to
-kauppiaa dealer in splces. -limppu (1. v.) do Wlth; hn on meiklisi (miehi) he Is
splced loaf. -neilikka clove. -pippuri all- one or us (1. or our men), (luokkatoverei
ta) he Is one or our class, (samaa puoluet
maustettu splced [bread, leip], seasoned; ta, ryhm y. m.) he belongs to our party
flavored. maustin = mauste; maustimihsi [our Tactlon, etc.].
to riavor tt. maustua splclng; seasonlng; meinata ks. aikoa, tarkottaa.
meirami (maustekasvi) marjoram.
mauton tasteless; Hat, Inslpld; (kuv.) . . In melskata = mekastaa.
bad taste, . . showlng no taste, . . lacklng meislata chisel, cut. meislaus chisplimrtaste. mauttomasti vvlthout taste, In poor meisseli (taltta) Chtsel; vrt. ruuvimeisseli.
taste. mauttomuus tastelessness; lnslpld- mekaanikko mechanlclan; machlnlst. me
ness; lack o(. taste.
kaaninen mechanical [mixture, seos]; (ko
me we; meidn our rhome, kotimme], (It
neellinen) automatic(al); perrunctory. me
senisesti kytettyn) ours [esim. se on kaanisesti mechanlratly; automatlcally,
meidn it is ours] ; meidn kanssamme (1. perrunctorily. mekaniikka (Tys.) mechanlcs.
mukanamme) \villi us; meit US.
mekanismi (koneisto) mechanlsm.
medaljonki medalllon: (tav. kaulassa kan mekastaa (meluta) make a nolse (1. a
nettava) locket; (miesten kellonperiss) racket) ; (elmid) make a disturbance (1.
a russ), be nolsy; alkoi ~ ralsed a row, becharm.
meedio medium.
gan to storm around. mekastua nolse,
mehevyys Julclness; (mehu) Juice, sap; clamor, turmoll; row; (Jkpv.) hubbub.
(kuv.) riavor; vrt. mefaulsuus. mehev mekko duster, long Unen coat; (ty-) smock
juley (mys kuv.), sappy, succulent [herb. (-rrock), rrock; (pusero) blouse; (viitta)
yrtti]; lusclous; (voimakas) substantlal cloak; (nuttu) Jacket; (lapsen) dresses,
rrood, ravinto], rich [soll, maa; meat, li
pettlcoats; slip. mekkosillaan dressed In a
ha]; (kuv.) spley, racy [story, Juttu]; duster (1. In a smock-rrock); Just In hls
mehevi kirouksia coarse oathS; mehev slip rin thetr sllps].
kuvaus rlch (1. spley) account; mehevt Meksikko Mexico, meksikkolainen (a. k s.)
huulet lusclous llps. mehevlsti Julcily; rlch- Mexlcan. Meksikon-lhti Guir or Mexico.
ly; (kuv.) lusclously; coarsely; vrt. edell. mela paddle. melailla = meloa.
mehilinen bee; (hunaja-) honey-bee; melkein almost, nearly, ali but, \vell-nigh.
next to; (Jotakuinkin) about; practlcally;
(ellnt.) apld.
mehilis- (yhd.) bee- [esim. -harso bee- aina nearly (1. almost 1. practlcally) alvell; -pistos bee-stlng]; .. or bees [esim. ways; mahdotonta almost (1. next to I.
-parvi swarm or bees]. -haukka (ellnt.) well-nlgh 1. ali but 1. practlcally) lmposhoney-buzzard, bee-hawk. -hoitaja bee- slble; ~ poikkeuksetta almost \vlthout exkeeper. -hoito keeplng (1. rearlng) orbees, ceptlon, wlth scarcely one (1. \vlth scarce
bee-culture; (tiet.) aplculture. -keko 1. an) exceptlon; samat (mys:) nearly (1.
-pesi beehlve. -kenno cell (or a honey- about 1. rairly) alike, pretty much the
comb). -kuningatar queen bee. -lakka same;-nc ovat yht suuret they are ai'
aplary. -leip ks. vakakakku. -tarha aplary. most or a slze, they are almost (1. about 1.
mehu Juice; (mahla) sap; (knv.) riavor, much I. nearly 1. practlcally) the same
(paras osa, ydin) marrow, plth; ime Slze; olen ~ taipuvainen uskomaan (mys:)
I am hair Incllned to belleve; vrt. miltei,
jostakin SUCk the Juice out or; viiniryp
leen Juice or the grape, (kymtn) melkeinp melkein.
must. -hyytel Jelly.
melko (melkoisen) qulte Harge, suuri],
mehuinen I. -mehukas; 2. (yhd.) . .-julced pretty. conslderably; lailla ks. melkolail
feslm. makea sweet-Julced] . mehuisa = la (hakus.): ~ paljon aikaa qulte a llttle
mehukas, mehulsuus julclness, sapplness, tlme: paljon vaivaa qulte a good deal or
succulcnce. mehujtel sundae, lce- trouble, some palns.
cream riavored with rrult-Julce. mehukas melkoinen conslderable [amount. mr],
Julcy rapple, omena]: sappy; lusclous; no sllght, not inslgniricant, (kooltaan)
(maukas) dellclous; (kasv.) succulent; good-slzed [bullding, rakennus], slzable,
(kuv.) spley. mehukkuus Julclness, suc- ((alrly) large; (Joltinen) ralr, tolerable,
ciilence; vrt. mehevyys. mehunkeitto boll- passable; (huomioonotettava) appreclahle;
Ing herrles (1. rrult) ror Juice, mehusavi (oleellinen, tuntuva) esscntlal, material
inari. mehustaa aild riavorlng 'to . .1. ria
rtielp, apu], substantlal; (trke) lmporvor. mehustaminen riavorlng. mehusta tant; erotus qulte a dirrerenre, a con
(uutos) extract; (haju-, maku-) essence, slderable (I. an appreclahle) dirrerence; ~
riavorlng. mehuton Julceless, sapless, dry; rahasumma (mys:) a large (1. handsome)
sum or money, (Jkpv.) a good round sum;
(kuv.) Inslpld, stale, Hat.
melkoisella menestyksell (mys:) qulte
meidn ks. me.
meijeri creamery; dalry.
successrully, wlth no sl|ght clegree or suc



ress; melkoisen .. qulte, ralrly [good, hy

v], pretty [vvell, hyvin], considerably,
tolerably; melkoisen kauan (mys:) quite
a (good) whlle, qulte a tlme, rather a long
time; melkoisen korkea vuri a motin tain
c>r conslderal)le helght, qulte a hlgh mountaln; melkoisen suuri (mys:) good-slzed,
Tair-Sized; melkoisessa mrin (l. mrs
s) considerably, In no sllght degree, to an
appreclable degree (1. extent), matcrially,
substantlally ; melkoista voimakkaampi con
siderably stronger, (paljon) much stronger,
stronger by far. melkoisesti considerably;
appreciably, to an appreclable degree; (joltlsestlkln) tolerably, ralrly; (huomattavas
ti) notlceably.
melkolailla considerably, agood deal [larger,
mellakka (melu) noise; commotlon: (mete
li) tumult, uproar; rlot; (kahakka) row;
brawl; (levottomuus) disturbance; vrt.
katu, mellakoida make (I. rause) a dis
turbance; rlot; alkaa mellakoida (esim.
Juopunut) raise (1. klck up) a row, raise
an uproar (1. a racket). mellakoiminen
riotlng. mellakoitsija rioter; vrt. mellastaja.
mellastaa (meluta) make a noise, be noisy,
romp; run rlot; (rahista) bluster; (el
mid) ralso a row; (metelid) rlot; (rai
vota) ravage. make sad havoc. (rysten)
plllage. mellastaja noisy (I. turbulent) Tel
ien', blusterer, rolsterer; rioter; ravager,
plllager, vrt. edell. mellastaminen romping; blustering; riotlng; ravaging, plllaging, vrt. mellastaa, mellastella = mellas
taa, mellastus bluster, clamor, racket; turmoil, uproar; riotlng; ravaging, pillaging.
mellottaa (takkirautaa) puddle.
mellotus puddling. -tapa method or puddilng. -uuni puddllng-rurnace.
meloa paddle; scull.
melodia (svelm) melody.
melominen paddling; sculling.
meloni melon.
melonta = melominen.
melske (melu) noise, clamor; (hlin) racket;
(meteli) tumult, uproar, turmoll, riot; (ry
min) din, roar. melskeinen noisy [Street,
katu], turbulent, bolsterous, clamorous;
melskeiset ajat turbuleut (1. unsettled) times.
melto malleable: ductile; (pehme) sort.
-rauta malleable Iron, wrought iron. -ters
melu (dlsturblng) noise, clamor, racket:
(melske) clatter; (pauhina) din, roar; (h
lin) stir, russ. ado; bustle; (rhin) dis
turbance, ro\V; melua ks. nostaa, pit;
melulla ja ryminll \vlth noise and bluster,
\vitll a great din; paljon melua tyhjst
much ado about nothlng.
racketing, clamoring; romplng. meluava
noisy, bolsterous (crowd, vkijoukko] ;
blustering; (kovaninen) voctferous, cla
morous; (meteliv) turbulent, riotous
[mob, roskajoukko], meluinen, meluisa
noisy [scene, kohtaus (nytelmss)],
clamorous, bolsterous; tumultuous [meeting, kokous]; turbulent; blustering; vrt.
edell. meluta make a noise (1. a disturb
ance 1. a Tuss), be noisy, (make a) racket,
clamor; romp; be fusslng, be bustling
about: alkaa meluta raise a racket, begin
to clamor, gro\v noisy (I. clamorous).
menehdys perlshlng, succumblng; plnlng
a\vay; langulshment: exhaustion: suffocatinn: vrt. menehty, menehdy tt (make
. .) exhaust(ed) ; make . . perlsh; mtnehdytt nlkn starve, make . . perlsh \vlth
menehtynyt (uupunut) exhausted; overconie; (lopen vsynyt) tired out, (Jkpv.)


done up, done for, ali in, played out;

(murtunut) crushed; (kuihtunut) langulshing, plnlng away; hn nytt menehty
neelt she looks run down; hpest (l.
hpen) ~ overcome with (the) shame
(of lt); kuumuudesta [surutta] ovcrcomo by (1. wlth) (the) heat [grler] -.
tyst ~ tired out wlth work; vsymyk
sest overcome with fatlgue.
menehty perlsh [with hunger (1. from
starvation), nlkn; with cold, kylmst
(1. kylmn)], die, be dying [of (1. wlth)
curiostty, uteliaisuudesta], be consumed
[wlth ..]; (uupua) succumb, slnk. droop:
(murtua) break down [under ..], yield
[to ..]; (kuihtua) plne away, dccline. langulsh [In prlson, vankilassa]; (rasittua)
be exhausted, be tired out, be done Tor (1.
up); (tukehtua) choke, be choked, be
(nearly) sufrocated [with .., Johonkin];
menehtymisilln (uupumuksesta y. m.)
ready to Tall (1. to drop), (nauruun y. m.)
dying [or .. (1. wlth ..)], (kuolemaisil
laan) about to perlsh (1. to succumb). (tu
kehtumaisillaan) about to choke fhuom.
ready to drop \vith (1. from) ratlgue]; me
nehtynyt ks. haku s.: huoliinsa break
down under one's cares (l. under the
straln); hpest Cl. hpen) be overwhelmed with shame, die of shame;
ikvn pine, langUlStl; janoon perlsh or
thlrst [huom. janoon menehtymss (l.
menehtymisilln) falnt (I. parched) \vitli
thlrst] ; suruun be crushed wlth (1. g-lve
up to) grler, pine a\vay wlth grler;
taakkaa kantaessaan Slnk (1. Tall) under
the burden; kasvit ovat kuumuuteen me
nehtymss the plants are drooping in the
heat (I. In the sun); laihot menehtyvt
kuumuuteen the crops are drooping In (1.
w!therlng in 1. parched by) the heat; niruun menehtymss convulsed (1. dying 1.
about to spllt) wlth laughter; olin ~ nau
ruun I thought I would die or (1. split my
sldcswith) laughter; olin savuun I near
ly choked (1. I was choklng) wlth smoke,
I was almost overcome \vlth (the) smoke.
menekki (kaupakslmeno) sle; run: (ky
synt) demand; (kulutus) consumption:
tavaroilla on hyv the goods are selling
well (1. are golng rast 1. are belng disposed or rapldly), (voidaan myyd helpos
ti) the goods can be sold (1. be disposet] of)
readlly, the goods are In good demand,
there Is a good demand for the goods;
vilkas ~ brlsk (1. rapld 1. ready) sle, good
run, brlsk market.
meneminen golng; passlng; (ansaan y. m.)
falllng Into: (astuminen) stepping; (lhte
minen) proceeding; vrt. menn; ei sinne
ole menemist lt Wlll not do (1. lt Is not
safe) to go there, one must not (1. you had
bettcr not) go there.
menemtn: on viinaan does not Indulge
In (1. not touch any) llquor.
menestyksellinen successrul. menestyksel
lisesti successrully; with (great) success.
menestyksellisyys success(fulness). menestyksettmyys lack of success; vrt. nenestymttmyys. menesty ksettmsti vvlth
no success. unsuccessfully. menesty ksetn .. laoking success, unsuccessrul; vrt.
eponnistunut, menestyminen succeeding,
success; (viihtyminen) thriving, riourtshlng; vrt. menesty, menestymtlmyys
unsuccessrulness, lack of success; fallure;
asian menestymttmyyden syy reason Tor
the fallure (1. the poor success) or the
matter. menestymtn . . wlth (1. havlng)
no (1. llttle) success, . . lacking success.



unsuecessful; . . doomed to failure; (vllhtymtn) not thriving; vrt. menesty.

menestys success; (onni) luck, fortune;
(vaurastus, hyvinvointi) vvelrare, vvell-bemg, prosperity, good; (etu) advantage,, proflt; menestyksell \vitli success,
successfully, (edullisesti) to advantage,
profltably; menestyksen puute lack (1.
want) or success, lack of good fortune.
rnisrortune; menestyksett vvith no suc
cess, unsuccessfully; ajatella [ainoastaan]
omaa menestystn think [only] of (1. Up
on) one's ovvn vvelfare (1. good), (katsoa
etuaan) bave an eye to the main chance;
isnmaan the welfare or one's country
(1. of one'3 native land); juoda (malja)
jonkun menestykseksi drink to one's vvelrare (1. success l. prosperity).
menestyv baving . . success, successful;
(viihtyv) thriving; huonosti ~ bavlng llttle (i. no> success, unsuecessful, (viihty
v) . . that does not thrive (well) ; hyvin
successful, crovvned with success; thriv
ing [business, liike], flourishing, (byvlnvoipa, vauras) prosperous.
menestyt (onnistua) succeed [in one's attempt, yrityksessn], be successful, meet
\vith success, (etup. asioista puhuen:) be a
success, turn out successfully, be crowned
witb success; (viihty) get on [excellently,
erinomaisesti], (kasveista Ja elimist;
mys Kuv.) thrive; (rehottaa) riourish;
(voida hyvin, vaurastua) prosper, be pros
perous; (kyd) fare [vvell, hyvin; 111, huo
nosti], turn out [badly, huonosti]; go:
(kyd pins) do; (kyd hyvin) come
out vvell (1. ali rlght), turn out well, do (1.
be doing) well; ~ huonosti (kyd) fare
LII, turn out badly, bave little (1. poor)
success, (viihty huonosti) not thrive,
(eponnistua) fall, be a failure; ~ hyvin
(esim. ihmisist:) be doing vvell, be pros
perous, prosper, (viihty) thrive well, be
thriving, (yritys y. m.) be a success, be
erovvned vvith success [huom. hn menes
tyy hyvin he is doing (very) well, he is
getling on nicely, he Is prosperous, (h
nell el ole ht) things are golng (1. running) smoothly with him; liike menestyy
hyvin the business is riourishlng (1. Is
thriving vvell 1. is prosperous)]; kasvit ei
vt menesty the plants do not thrive; (ei
vt ota kasvaakseen) the plants won't do
vvell (1. won't thrive); liike on menestynyt
(hyvin) the business bas been a success
(1. has prospered); miten hn siell me
nestyy hovv Is he getting on there? how Is
he prospering? (viihtyy) bovv is he thriv
ing there? (onnistuu) how Is he succeeding there? vvhat success Is he havlng there?
hovv is lt going vvith him there? miten yri
tys menestyi hovv did the enterprlse turn
out (1. fare) ? hovv dld the attempt come
out (1. turn out 1. SUCCeed)? >e ei menesty
(ei ky pins) that vvont do, (eponnis
tuu) lt vvlil be a railure, that vvili fall
menetell proceed [cautlously, varovaises
ti], deal [vvith. Jonkun (1. Jonkin) kanssa],
act [honestly in the matter, asiassa rehel
lisesti]; manage, contrive; (kyttyty)
behave (o.s.), conduct o.s. ; (tehd) do; ~
laillisesti Cl. lainmukaisesti) go almut legally (1. In a lavvrul manner), proceed acrording to law, act In accordance vvith the
law; ~ mielens mukaan do (Just) as one
pleases; ohjeiden mukaisesti act according to (the) lnstructions, follovv lnstructions (1. dlrections), do as dlrected; ~ oma
valtaisesti act on one's ovvn autbority, do as
ono pleases, act arbltrarlly.act htgh-handed,


carry matters (1. things) vvith a blgh hand,

take the law in(to) one's ovvn hand; ~
parhaansa mukaan do as Olli' thlllkS (1.
finds 1. deems) best, use (1. follovv) one's
ovvn Judgment (1. discretion) ; tuhmasti
(l. tyhmsti) act (1. behave) roolishly, play
the fool; ' vastoin omaatuntoaan act (1.
go) against one's conscience; ~ vrin do
(1. act) vvrong; kyll se menettelee ninkin
(ky pins) lt vvili do ali right even thls
vvay; lt vvili do thls vvay, too; sin menettelet oikein niin tehdesssi you vvili be
rlght ir you do so (1. In doing so).
menetelm manner of proceeding, procedure; practlce; (menettely) conduct, policy; (tekn.) process; (metodi) method; (yi.
merk.) vvay, inode, manner, menetelmlli
nen methodlcal.
menetteleminen actlng; proceeding; sill
tavalla ~ actlng thus, such action(s) ; vrt.
menettely (course of) procedurc, course (1.
llne) of action, manner of proceeding;
(kyttytyminen) behavlor, conduct. demeanor; hnen menettelyns (mys:) the
vvay he acted, hls actlng that vvay (1. the
vvay he dld). -ohje direction; precept;
(kyttytymisohje) rule of conduct. -tapa
manner (1. vvay) of proceeding, course or
procedure (1. of action); practlce; vvay or
actlng; (vapaammin:) vvay, mode, manner;
(tekn.) process; (metodi) method: (kyt
tytymistapa) conduct, pollcy; (taktiikka)
tactlcs; (kobtelutapa) treatment, method
or treatment, vvay of deallng [vvith ..].
menettminen loss; vrt. menetys.
menett (jd ilman, kadottaa) lose, miss
[a good chance (1. opportunity), hyv ti
laisuus], be deprived or; (krsi tappio)
be (1. come ofr 1. come out) a loser (1. surrerer) [by the bargain, kaupassa], be
(rather) the vvorse (orr) [Tor, jossaklnl ;
(tuhlata) vvaste [time and money, aikaa Ja
rahaa], run through, spend; (hvitt)
spoll, make avvay vvith, do avvay vvith, destroy, ruln [one's health, terveytens);
(lak.) forfeit [one's rlglits, oikeutensa] ;
menettkn virkansa (lak.) .-Hall forfeit
hls ofrice; aikaansa lose one's tlme,
(turhaan) vvaste (1. rrltter avvay) onc's
tlme; ~ henkens lose ones life, perish,
(kuolla) meet (1. surfer) one's death, (ran
gaistuksena) sufrer capital punlshmcnt,
pay the extreme penalty [huom. olin (v
hll) henkeni I barely mlssed death, I
Just escaped belng killed, I had a narrovv
escape (Jkpv.: a close shave), (henkeni
uhattiin) my life vvas threatened (1. vvas
in danger) ; onnettomuudessa menetti moni
henkens many lives vvere lost In (l. by 1.
through) the accident; tuomita joku me
nettmn henkens senleuce one to
death]; ~ hukkaan lose . . to no avall (I.
no purpose), lose . . vvithout accomplishIng anythlng, (esim. rahansa) spend . . for
nothlng, vvaste: hyv tilaisuus (Jtt
kyttmtt) miss a good opportunity,
(pilata* spoil a good chance; ~ ihmisten
kunnioitus lose (1. rorreit) people's respect;
~ jrkens lose (1. go out oT) one's inlntl,
lose one's senses, lose (1. tie berert or)
onc's reason, go (1. run) mad, go Insane,
go crazy, be(come) deranged ilmoin, jr
kens menettnyt berert of reason]; ~
loisteensa lose its luster (1. splendor 1.
brlghtness 1. brllliancy), (himmet) tarnlsh; ~ malttinsa (mlelenmalttinsa) lose
one's selftcommand (1. one's presence of
mlnd 1. one's head 1. one's senses), become
dlsconccrted (1. dlscomposed), (krsivlli
syytens) lose (one's 1. ali) patlence, get




out of (1. come to the end of) one's pa- wreck, (Jkpv.) a goner, a down-and-out
[huom. n on mies (l. mennytt miest)
tlence, (plkalstua) be (too) rash (1. basty
I. preclpltate), fortet o.s., (Jkpv.) riy orr he is lost (l. ruined), (Jkpv.) he Is done
ror (l. done up l. played out), he Is down
the handle; ~ merkityksens lose Its lmand out, he Is a goner; jos sinne menet,
portance (1. its signiricance), lose ali slgrniricance [huom. on menettnyt merkityk- niin olet mennytt miest (mys:) II you
sens (mys:) Is no longer of lmportance] ; go- there you are a dead man ; lkrit kat
mielenmalttinsa Ks. menett malttinsa;
sovat hnet menneeksi mieheksi the doctors
nkns (nkkykyns) lose one's (eye-) glve hlm up (l. consider hls case hopeless
l. entertaln no hopes ror hlm)]; mennytt
slght, lose ttie use of one's eyes. go bllnd;
~ omaisuutensa lose one's property (1. kalua lost, gone, done ror, done up, played
one's rortunc), (tuhlaamalla) riin through out [huom. se on mennytt kalua it is lost
(l. gone) beyond recall, (Jkpv.) it Is gone
(1. make away wlth) one's fortune; ~
pns lose one's head, be beheaded, be
Tor good] ; hn on mennytt It IS ali up (I.
decapltated, die by the ax [huom. silloin over) nith hlm, (auttamattomasti) hls case
hn varmasti ~ pns then off comes hls Is desperate, be is beyond hope; kaikki
on ~ ali Is gone, there Is nothing Ien. vrt.
head]; rahoja lose money [In, Johon
seur.; kaikki on mennytt (menetetty) ali
kin], (turhaan) spend (1. throw away 1.
waste) money [on (1. In), Johonkin], do (1.
is lost, ali hope is over (l. past), (Jkpv.)
make) away \vlth money; toimensa Cl.
the game is up! kaikki toivo on mennytt
paikkansa) lose one's position (1. place),
(myS:) there IS no hope left ; maineesi on
(Jkpv.) lose one's Job, (tulla erotetuksi)
mennytt your reputatlon Is gone; ollutta
ja mennytt past and gone ; se on ollut ja ~
be dlscharged; ~ tuhlaamalla run through
[with . .], waste, spend (lavlshly), squanit's been and gone, let bygones be bygones.
(ler; hn menetti siin kaupassa paljon ra~ menn go; pass [by, ohi]; (lhte) proceed,
haa he lost hcavlly In (I. he was a good make one's way, betake o.s.; (astua) tread,
deal out of pocket by) that deal; julistaa step, pace; (marssia) march; (liikkua)
jokin menetetyksi declare a th. foiTelted;
move, run; (tulla I. kyd Joksikin) besiin msnetti hn vapautensa he lost his
come, grow, gct, turn (out); (kulua, ajas
rrcedom through (l. by) that, (se maksoi
ta:) pass away, elapse, go by; [Johonkin]
hnelle) that cost hlm hls freedom.
menee 'jotakin1 (kuluu) is consumed.
monet loss; (tuhlaus, esim. ajan) waste;
(vaaditaan, tarvitaan) Is wanted. Is re(tllaliiudcny.m.) mlssing; (lak.) forfelture. quired, (mahtuu) goes Into, [a thlng]
menevl golng, departlng; viinaan fond or holds (1. takes) . . , Is capable or holding;
drlnk, Indulglng In llquor, addlcted to menee kuin terva puuhun (1. v.) soaks lt
(Irlnklng; vrt. menni. menij one vvho up llke a sponge, disappears like a rlver In
goes, goer; (kvij) vlsltor; kohtasin usei
the desert; mene itseesi look Into yourseir,
look Into your own heart, study yourseir,
ta kirkkoon menijit (mys:) I met Sevcral people golng (l. on thelr way) to .study your own motives, consider, stop to
thlnk; mene, tied (ehk) may be, perhaps,
menneeksi: olkoon (l. oli) ~ very well! ali
Wiio knows? who can teli? menin omin sil
rlght! as you llke! let it be so, then! let It min nkemn I went to see with my own
pass! (sanottu) be lt so! so be It! agreed!
eyes (1. personally); menkn syteen tahi
saveen come weal, come woe; ror betteror
menneen H kesinen . . of last (l. the past)
(Tor) worse; no matter what happens;
summer, last summefs [drouth, kui
mennen tullen golng and comlng. both
ways, (meno- Ja tulomatkalla) on the way
vuus]; menneenkesiset muistot (mys:)
meinories or the summer past. -talvinen
there and back; (Johonkin) menness ks.
hakus.; mennyt ks. haku s.; ~ ansaan Tall
. . of last (I. the past) Winter, last \vtnInto a [the] trap (1. snare), (kuv. mys:)
ter's . . . -vuotinen . . or last year, last
ycar'8, . . or the year past; menneenvuoti
s\vallow the balt; ~ asioillensa go out on
ones errands, go out to do some errands
nen lumi the snovvs or last year, (run.)
[ huom. hn on mennyt Chicagoon asioil
the Sno\VS or yesteryear; menneenvuotisel
lensa he has gone to Chicago on business] ;
taan rrnm (I. slnee) last year.
menneinen past, bygone, . . gone by ; mennei~ [hotelliin] asumaan go to [a hotel] to
Ilve, take one's lodglngs at [a hotel];
sin aikoina (l. pivin) In bygone days.
In tlmes (long) past, In days of yore; vrt.
auki: jrvi meni auki the ice on the lake
mennyt, menneisyys the past; menneisyys,
brokc up (1. \vent out); auttamaan jota
nykyisyys ja tulevaisuus (the) past, (the)
kuta go and help a p., go to a p.'s asslstpresent and (the) mture; hnen mennei
ance; ~ avioliittoon jonkun kanssa marry
syytens hls past (liro), (entiset elmn
one, be (1. get) marrled to one, contract
vaiheensa) hls antecedents.
(a) marrlage wlth one: ~ Jostakusta edelle
go past (I. aheart) or one, (kuv.) get abead
menness: johonkin up to (l. tili) . . ,
(saakka) untll . . , (Jotakin ennen) berore
(1. get the start) or one, outstrip (1. outIlmoni, esiin, jouluun berore Oirlstmas;
dlstance 1. outdo) one; hajalle go (ali)
nihin (\. thn) ~ (asti) hltherto, up tili
to pleces, come to pieces, come apart, (ha
jota) break up; ~ hakemaan vett go Tor
now, up to no\v, so rar, thus rar, as yet.
water, go (and) bring water, go and get
(tt ennen) berore thls, ere now; siihen
water, (go and) retch water; halki split,
untll then, up to then, untll (l. up to)
crack; ~ hukkaan get lost, be lost, (tur
that tlme]; sinne mennessn) on the
haan) be to no avail (1. no purpose), come
\vay there; vrt. menn (umpeen).
to nothing (1. to naught), be Trultless, be
menninkinen earth sprite (l. splrlt), gnome;
useless, be (spent) in vain, be rrustrated,
(tonttu) lirovvilte: menninkiset (mys:)
(tuhlautua) be wasted. be spent ror nothing
llttle people.
[huom. siin menee vain aikaa hukkaan
mennyt gone; (mennelnen) bygone, past;
that wlll only (be a) waste (or) tlme, that
(muinainen) olden; (viime) last; (mene
\vill only cause loss or tlme] ; htiins
tetty) lost: menneet muistot (vanhat) Old
hecome alarmed (1. nervous 1. exclted); ~
memorles, (menneisyyden) memories or
istumaan go and sit down, seat o.s.; ~
the past (l. or bygone days); aika
rreeze (over), be(come) rrozen
(klel.) past tense; mi a rorlorn (l.
(over); ~ kaupaksi sell [buom. menee hy
hopeless) vvretch, a (physical and moral)



vin kaupaksi (mys:) has a good salo (1.

rilli1 : kiemuraan COll. fOrm COilS (1.
rlngs), curl; kieroon go askew, go awry,
become warped (1. east), warp; kiharalle
form Into curls (1. rlnglets), curl; kih
loihin jonkun kanssa beroine engaged to
one; kiinni (go) shut, (esim. takki) button, come together; kippuraan curl, coll,
bend, wlnd; kokoon go togetber, shut
up, collapse: kouluun go to scbool, begin to attend scbool; kuivillt(an) dry up,
be drylng up, (esim. kalvo) be runnlng
dry; ~ kumoon Tall (l.tumble) down, topple
(I. turn) over, (esim. vene) upset, capslze,
(kuv.) rall; Jonkun kumppaniksi (mys:)
become associated wlth one, become one's
partner; kuolemaan jonkun edest die (1.
lay down one's life) for one; ~ kuopille
(poskista:) get dlmpled, (tiest:) get rutty; kurttuun be (1. get) wrlnkled, pucker
(1. ruck) up, be(come) furrowed, (kutis
tua) sbrink, sbrlvel; krjiin go to law;
kymn jonkun tuona pay one. a vlsit,
go to see one; ~ lakkoon (go on a) st rike;
lakoon be(come) lodged, be laid (liat);
lamaan become depressed, go down, be
dampened; laskoksille Tall In folds;
Urpolleen begln to droop, begln to lop;
levlleen spread, expand, (avautua) open;
liian pitklle go too far, (kuv.; carry (1.
push) thlngs too far, carry thlngs to excess, vrt. seur.; liikoihin (\. liiallisuuk
siin) go too far, carry (1. pusb) thlngs too
far. go to (an) excess, go to extremes,
(luotella) exaggerate, make exaggerated
statements, overshoot the mark [huom.
kaikki mik menee liiallisuuksiin on
(mys:) ali exaggeratlon (1. ali excess 1.
ali intemperance) Is . .] ; ~ lukkoon (esim.
ovi) lock (of Usein, go to (1. go shut) and
lock, (korvista:) be stopped [huom. korvani
menivt lukkoon (mys:) I was deafened] ;
lumen peittoon become covered wlth
snow, become (1. get) snowed under (1.
In), become (1. get) snow-bound; ~ lunpeeseen (korva) be(come) stopped (up);
luostariin enter a convent [a monastery.a
nunnery] , become a monk, vrt. menn nun
naksi; mahdottomiin (\. mahdottomuuk
siin) go to Imposslble lengths [In one's
demands, vaatimuksissaan]; ~ maihin go
ashore, land, disembark; ~ mailleen (las
kea) set. be settlng, slnk (out or slght) ; ~
makuulle kS. makuu; matkaansa (1. mat
koihinsa) make (1. be) orr, leave, go away
[huom. mene matkaasi f\. matkoihisi) go
about your business! get out of here! away
(1. be om wlth you!], vrt. menn tiehen
s; menoaan tako US (OWn) COurse, go
on [huom. asiat menevt snnllist me
noaan (luistavat) matters are taklng thelr
due course, thlngs run smooth, thlngs are
going on much as USual; kaikki menee taas
entist menoaan everythlng goes on again
In the same old way (1. Just as lt used to),
everythlng Is on the old footlng again],
vrt. seur.; ~ menojaan be orr, leave the
place, vrt. menn tiehens, matkaansa; ~
merille go to sea, become a sallor; mer
ta edemmksi kalaan (sanani.) (1. V.) Hunt
the world Tor a rour-leared clover and
rind lt growing at home, (Engl.) carry
rnals to Newcastle; ~ miehelle (\. miehe
ln) be (1. get) marrled, marry; mie
lelln Uke to go [huom. en menisi sinne
mielellni I dlsllke to go there] ; mieles
t: se on mennyt mielestni lt has sllpped
my mlnd (I. my memory), it has escaped
me, (unohtunut) I have Torgotten lt, (en
voi muistaa) I can't remember (1. recall)
It; murskaksi go to pieces, be crushed,


vrt. menn pirstaksi; ~ mutkalle, mutkille

bend, coll, loop; ~ mykksi be struck
duiiib, be dumbrounded, become speechless, vrt. mykisty; ~ msksi = menn
murskaksi; ~ naimisiin marry | ror love,
rakkaudesta; ror money, rahasta], contract
(a) marrlage [wlth ..], (naisesta puhuen:)
be marrled [to one. Jonkun kanssa], get
mariied [huom. menn uudestaan naimisiin
toistensa kanssa (kerran erottuaan) marry
over again, remarry; menn uusiin naimi
siin marry again, marry a second tiine | ;
noutamaan go for, go arter, (go and)
brlng (1. retcb) ; ~ nukkumaan go to bed
[huom. lasten on aika ~ nukkumaan (mys : )
it is time ror the chlldren to be put to bed] ;
~ nukuksiin go to sleep, rall asleep;
nunnaksi become a nun, take the veli;
nurin be overturned, topple over, rall
down, collapse, (esim. yritys) Tail, go to
pieces ; ~ nnnyksiin (grow) f aint. (Ironp,
succumb, (menehty) perlsh, (kasvit, kuu
muudesta) wllt, be(come) wllted; ~ ohi
pass (1. go) by, pass over, pass, (lakata,
tauota) pa3S orr (1. away), cease, die away,
(asettua, tyynty) subside, abate [huom.
kyll se menee ohi that Will (surely) pass
orr, that wlll be over] j ~ perintn descend (1. pass) [Trom rather to son. Islt
pojalle] ; ~ piiloon go in hldlng, hlde (1.
conceal) o. s., go and hlde (o. s.); ~ pi
lalle get (1. be) damaged, get (1. be) spolled,
be rulned, (hukkaan) be wasted, go to
\vaste [huom. hattuni meni kokonaan pilalle
(mys:) I got my hat completely (1. utterly> spolled, I got my hat rulned], vrt. pi
laantua; pilveen (taivas) become overcast, (be) cloud(Ing) over, (be) get(ting)
cloudy, (esim. kuu) go under a cloud,
(kuv.) darken, be darkened [huom. taivas
menee pilveen ja nytt tulevan sade It is
clouding up (1. over) ror rin] ; ~ pirs
taksi (\. pirstoiksi) break (1. ny 1. go) into
splinters (1. into shlvers), be shivered,
splinter, (rikki) burst ln(to) (1. ny into)
pieces, riy to pieces; pohjaan (upota)
go to the bottom, go down, rounder; ~
poikki (katketa) break, be broken, be Tractured, (esim. kysi) part, be parted; ~
poi go away, leave, depart, (kulua) wear
orr, (kadota, hvit) dlsappear [huom. mi
nun pois mentyni (my3:) arter my departure] ; ~ pyrryhsiin (pyrty) Talnt
(a\vay), swoon; pyrlle: pni menee
pyrlle (kuv.) my head whlrls, I am getting dazed (1. bewlldered 1. confused 1.
confounded), I am gcttlng dtzzyd. giddy);
~ pin mnty go (ali) wrong, go to
the dogs; ~ phn (vkijuomista) go to
the head; ~ rikki get broken, break, be
smashed, (paukahtaa) burst, riy into
pieces, burst to (1. In) pieces; ~ ristiin
cross (each other), rall across each other,
(esim. todistukset) contradlct (1. be contradlctory to) each other; ~ ryppyyn be-
como (1. get) wrinkled, get (1. become 1.
be> creased, crease, wrlnkle, pucker up,
get puckered (up); [liikutuksesta] sa
nattomaksi be so moved (1. sttrred 1. agltated) that one (annot speak; sateen
suojaan go In out or the rin, rind (1. seek)
shelter (Iroin the rin) ; satimeen (kuv.)
go Into a [the] trap, be caught In a trap,
walk Into the trap, vrt. menn ansaan; ~
sijoiltaan (nyrjht) get out of Joint, get
(1. be) dislocated, get (1. be) spralned; ~
sirpaleiksi ks. menn pirstaksi; ~ sota
vkeen go into (1. enter) the army, be
come a soldler, enllst; ~ sotkuksiin get
entangled, get Into a tangle (1. a snarl);
~ (pois) suunniltaan get rrantic, go Into



ecstacles [of joy, ilosta], (menett malt

tinsa) lose one's seir-commancl, lose one's
head, be(come) disconcerted, be upset, be
put out (or countenance), (hmmenty)
get (1. becoine 1. grovv) confused; tainnoksim Tall In a trance, becoine unconscious, (pyrty) bave a rainting flt, raint,
swoon, (elint.) fall Into a torpor, (kuo
leutua, puutua) grovv nuinb; tajutto
maksi gro\v (1. becomo) untonscious, become senseless, slnk Into a stupor, (pyr
ty) faint avvay, vrt. edell.; ~ takaisin go
back, (palata) return; ~ takaukseen jon
kun puolista go surety (1. ecurity) for a
p., stand securlty (1. be surety) for a p.,
(velasta) sign a note \vitli a p., (vapaalle
jalalle psemiseksi) go bail for a p., vrt.
taata; tiehens go avvay (1. ulT), be Mli,
leave (the place), be gone, (tallustaa)
niarch orr [huom. mene tiehesi go about
your business! be oIT!]; ~ tukkoon be
(noine) clogged (1. stopped up 1. choked
up 1. sillit up), Clog ihuom. nenni on
mennyt tukkoon my nose is (1. 1'ecls)
stopped upj; ~ laivan mukana be carried
avvay by the Hood; ~ tunnottomaan' become senseless, lose ali reeling, (kuo
leutua) grovv numb, (puutua) go to
Sleep, vrt. menn tajuttomaksi; ~ tur
miolle be ruined, be destroyed, be spolled,
be vvrecked, (rappiolle; go to the dogs (1.
the bad) ; ~ tyhjiin (\. tyhjksi) collie to
nauglit (1. to nothing), vanish Into smoke
(1. into thin air), (eponnistua) lail, prove
a failure, miscarry; ~ tyteen (tytty) get
rilled, Iiii, vrt. menn umpeen; -" tytn
tn be fulllllcd, be accoinplislied, be realized, (toteutua) coine true; ~ umpeen
(haava) get liealed (over), grow over (1.
together), (aika; explre, aukkoon) be
(-collie) choked up [huom. haava on men
nyt umpeen the vvound is (1. has) healed
(over), the \vound has (1. is) grovvn over
(1, together) ; tmn vuoden umpeen men
ness at the end (1. close 1. expiratlon) oi'
thls year] ; vihille be (1. get) married,
wed; ~ vliin go (1. step) betvveen, interreile, lntervene; ~ (jonkin) yli go (1. run)
over, vkulkea) cross [the Atlantic, Atlan
tin], (kuv. ) overstep,(olla suurempi kuin)
exceed, go beyond [ esim. menn sopivai
suuden rajoin yli trausgress proprlety, go
beyond the limits (1. oversteii the rules)
or proprlety, orrend soclety, (jkpv.) offeml
.Mailani (1. Mrs.) Grundy; menn yli m
rn exceed (1. go beyond) the prescrlbed
suin]; anna (pst) let(it)go! hnelt
menee paljon rahaa hydyttmiin yrityk
siin (kuluu) he spenils (1. uses up 1. runs
through) a lot of money In useless enterprises; hnelt menee [meni] talo he \vill
lose [he lost] hls farni; joulun menty
(jlkeen) after Christmas (is over); kaikki
tuo maito ei mene astiaan (ei mahdu) ali
thiit inilk \vlll not go in the can, the can
Vili Ilot holli ali tllilt Illllk; kirje on mene
v Helsinkiin the letter is bound for Hel
singfors, (osotettu) the letler is addressed
to Helsingfors; koho piv meni sen asian
pohtimiseen (kului) the vhole day as
consumed (I. spent) in argiung the question, it took ali day (long) to thrash that
inatter out; mik hneen on mennyt vvhat
ails him? vvhat is the niattcr \vith him?
vvhafs gone \vrong vvlth hlrn? minne menet
vvhere are you going? vvhere are you
bound for? minulta menee paljon aikaa
kirjeen kirjottamiseen lt takes me a long
time to vvrlte a letter, I have to spend
iniicli time in vvrltlng a letter; nyt minun
on mentv novv I must (1. have to) go (1.


leave you), now I must be orr (1. be gotng

1. be 011 my vvay) ; nytelm menee jo vii
dett kertaa this Is the firth perrormance
(1. llight) of the play; nytelm meni mai
niosti (onnistui) the play vvas a gredt su>eess, tlie play went ofr splendld(ly) ; ny
telm meni SO iltaa perkkin (nyteltiin)
the play had a run or 50 nights; olla menemisilln be about to go; pois mennes
sni when (I was) going avvay, (vvhile) on
my vvay from (t)here; siihen menee aikaa
tilat Hill take time; siin oli henki (vhl
l) ~ that vvas a narro\v escape, (jkpv.)
that vvas a close call (1. close shave) ; l
mene takaamaan (l takaa) don't be SO
sure (about it), (jkpv.) don't be so dead
(1. cock-)sure about it, don't count your
chickens berore they are hatched.
meno going; (kulku) course, progress; (ra
hallinen) expense, (kulunki) outlay, expenditure; (maksettu menoer) disbursement; (vauhti, kyyti) speed, rate, pace:
(elmiminen) noise, Tuss, stlr, ado; (ta
pa) manner, vvay; menoaan, menojaan ks.
menn; menot (rahalliset) expenses, cost(s),
expenditure, (juhlamenot) servlce(s), ceremonles, rites [esim. menot ovat melkoiset
the expenses are rather heavy, the ex
penditure is conslderable; kirkolliset me
not Church service(s)]; entist menoaan
(entiseen tapaan) In the same old vvay (1.
style); (kuten ennenkin) as lt [they]
used to; hurjaa menoa (kyyti)
breakneck (1. Wild) speed; hyv menoa
(vauhtia) at a good rate (or speed) ; niin
on maailman tliafS the vvay of the
World; odottamattomien menojen varalta
(mys:) (providing) for contingencies,
(jkpv.) for a raluy day; olla menossa he
about to
(matkalla) be on the vvay (I. on the road)
[huom. asiat ovat menossa pahalle to
lalle things are gettlng in a pretty mess.
things are going to the dogs; hn on aina
menossa he is alvvays on the go (1. the
move) ; minne olet menossa (mys:)
vvhere are you bound for? oiin juuri
menossa ulos (aloin menn) I vvas just
about to go out, I vvas just going to leave
(1. vvas on the point of leavlng) home, I
vvas just leavlng] ; pahaa menoa ks. pit;
tt menoa (mennen) at thls rate [huom.
tt menoa mennen saat pian tyn valmiiksi
(mys:) if you go on like this you vvill
soon get the vvork finlshed].
meno arvio estlmate or expenses; me
no- ja tuloarvio budget. -er itcm or ex
penditure, expense item. -lippu: meno- ja
paluulippu Chicagoon a ticket to Chicago
and return, a round-trip ticket to Chicago,
-matka tlie trlp (1. journey) there, outvvarrt journey; the vvay there; meno- ja
paluumatka the trip (1. journey) there and
back, round trip; menomatkalla on the vvay
there, on tlie vvay out. -puoli (klrjanpit.)
dcliit siile. -snt estimate or dlsbursements (1. of expenditures). -tie the vvay
there (1. thlther).
mentv: sormen mentv reik a hole big
enough to get one's (1. your) ringer In;
vrt. menn,
merehlnen naiad, water-nymph.
meren- (yhd.) . . of the sea, sea- [esim.
-aalto vvave of the sea; -jumala sea-god;
-jumalatar godiless of the sea. sea-goddess;
-pohja bottom or tho sea, sea-bottom;
-vaahto foam of the sea, sea-roam]; (val
tameren) .. of tho ocean [esim. -haara
arni of the ocean; -vaahto foam or the
ocean]. -aalto (mys:) ocean vvave, blllovv.
-alainen submarine [cable, kaapeli], sub



aqueous; merenalainen kallio (\. luoto)

sunken (1. submerged) rock: merenalainen
kasvi submarina (1. subaqueous) plant.
mnti mistress or the sca. -haltia merman; uater-sprite. -ht ks. meriht,
-kulkija seafarer, navlgator; mariner, nautlcal mau; (merimies) seaman, sailor.
-kulku seafaring; navlgatlon; marltime
commerce; harjottaa merenkulkua carry on
marltime commerce. -kulku oppi 1. -tiede
science of navlgatlon. -kynti svvell (1.
heave) of the ocean. roll(ing) of the vvaves;
Sea; ankara merenkynti heavy sea. -lahti
bay, guir, arm of the sea; (pieni) cove.
-laide seaboard, seaside; merenlaifella on
the seaboard, at the seaside, (aavan) In
the ofring. -luoto rocky isle(t) in the sea,
skerry. -mittaus riianne (1. nautical)
survey(Ing) ; hydrography.
-neito seanymph, mermald; (krelkk. mytol.) Nereld; vrt. vedenneito, -pilaama 1. -vahln?oittama . . damaged by \vater. -pinta surace of the sea (1. the ocean); (mittaperusteena) sea-level; 1000 jalkaa merenpin
nan ylpuolella 1000 feet above (the)' sealevel. -puoli e inen seaward [wall, muuri].
-puoli Seaside; merenpuolella to (1. On) the
side toward (1. next to) the sea: mercnpuolelta from the sea(warrt side); meren
puolelta puhaltava tuuli \vlnd blO\vlng from
the sea. -rannikko seacoast, seasbore: me
renrannikolla (mys:) at the seaside, on
the coast. -ranta beach; seashore; meren
rannalla on the beach, on the seashore.
-rantakaupunki seaboard to\vn. -ruoko
bamboo. -ruokoinen bamboo [cane. kve
lykeppi], -selk: aavalla merensellt on
the open sea, on the (open) main. -sininen
- merisininen. -takainen . . (lylng) beyond
the sea(s), transmarine; ultramarlne; me
rentakainen maa a country across the
sea(s). -vaha meerschaum. -vahainen (. .
of) meerschaum. -vahsplippu meerschaum
plpe, meerschaum. -reinen seaboard.
meri sea; (valtameri) ocean; (run.) deep,
brlny deep, brlne; (etel) south: merell
at sea, on the sea: merell ky kova aal
lokko the sea Is (very) rough, thero Is a
heavy swell on the ocean, a hlgh (1. a
heavy) sea Is runnlng (on tho ocean) ;
merten taa (run.) beyond the seas; aavalla
merell out at sea, In the open sea, vrt.
aava ; olla merill be at sea, folio w the sea,
be a sailor.
meri- (yhd.) sea- [esim. -ilma sea-alr; -kot
ka sea-eagle: -tappelu sea-flght: -vuokko
sea-anemonc], marlne [esim. -elin marlne
anlmal; -kartasto marine atlas; -laki marlne
law] ; (harvemmin:) marltime [esim. -kau
punki marltime city; -oikeus marltime law] ;
(laivasto-) naval [esim. -puolustus naval
defense: -taistelu naval battle; -upseeri
naval ofricer] ; (merenkulkua koskeva;
merimies-) nautical [esim. -kompassi nau
tical compass; -sana nautical term]. -anke
rias (eltnt.) conger-eel. -asiat marlne affalrs, maritlme (I. nautical) affalrs; (lai
vasto-) naval affalrs; meriasiain hoito
naval admlnlstratlnn.
meridiaani (puollplvnpllrl) meridian.
meridiaani- (yhd.) meridian rcstm. -korkeus
meridian altltude; -viiva meridian line].
meri elm lire at (1. on the) sea; seafaring
(1. nautical) life. -hein sea-grass: seaweed. -hepo (elftlnt.) sea-horse, Hlpporampus. -hirvi sca-monster. -hylky wreok;
vvreckage. -ht dlstress (1. perii) at sea;
olla merihdss be in dlstress (at sea).
-ilmasto sea-cllmate. -Jalkavki the marlnes: (Yhdysv.) marlne corps; (Engl.)
Royal Marlnes. -joukot naval forces (1.


troops). -kadetti naval cadet; (Yhdysv.)

cadet midshipman. -kahakka naval engagement. -kala salt-vvater flsh, marlne flsh.
-kapteeni Sea-Captaln; merikapteenin tut
kinto (mys:) master mariner's examlnation. -karhu (kuv.) sea-dog, old sait.
-kartta mariner'3 chart, nautical (1. ma
rine) criart. (sea-)cbart. -kasvi sea-plant;
marlne (1. salt-\vater) plant. -kauppa marl
time (1. ocean) commerce (1. trade). -kau
punki (satama-) seaport, port; (rannikko-)
coast town. -kelpoinen seaworthy. -kiikari
marlne telescope. -kilpikonna sea-turtle,
sea-tortolse. -kipe seasick. -kipu seaslckness. -kortti chart. -koulu school
to teach navigatlon, navlgatlon school.
-krapu (hummeri) lobster. -kunto: meri
kannossa seaworthy. -kuntoinen
seawortby. -kuntoisuus seauorthiness. -kylpy
bath of sea-water, sea-vvater batli. -krme
(tarunomainen) sea-serpent.
-lehm (ellnt.) dugong; sea-co\v. -leijona
(ellnt.) sea-lion. -lev sea\veed; seatangle; kelp. -liike navlgatlon; seararing;
marltime commerce (1. trade). -lilja crlnold. -lintu 1. (yi.) sea-blrd; 2. (ellnt.)
common scoter.
merillkulkenut . . \vho has (1. had) sailed
the seas; vrt. merenkulkija.
merilohi salmon. -lokki (ellnt.) great
black-backed gull, gull-ma\v. -maalaus
marine (palnting); (merimaisemaa esittvft)
marlne view. -maisema view of the sea;
(maalauksena) marlne vle\v. -makkara
(ellnt.) holothurian. -matka (sea-)voyage;
(5'U meren) passage; merimatkaa (mys:)
by sea; meill oli myrskyinen merimatka
[yli Atlantin] \ve had a rough passage
[across the Atlantic], -merkki (maalla
oleva) landmark, seamark; beacon; (me
ress) buoy, (reimari) spar-buoy. -metso
(eliilnt.) (common) cormorant.
merimiehen- (yhd.) sallor's, sallors' [esim.
-ammatti (l. -toimi) sallor's orrupatlon:
-kieli sallors' language (I. taik): -puku
sailor's suit (1. clothes)], (Joskus:) seaman's [esim. -puku seaman's garb (1.
clothes)], nautical f esim. -kieli nautical
language] ; vrt. merimies-, -nuttu reerer;
pea-Jacket; (pusero) .allor's biouse.
merimies sailor, seaman. mariner.
merimies- (yhd.) sallors' [esim. -koti sall
ors' home; -lhetys sallors' mission; -sol
mu sallors' knot]: nautical resini. -sana
nautical term], -elm sallor's iirp. -Juttu
sallor's yarn; kertoa merimiesjuttu spin a
(sallor's) yarn. -kieli sallors' language (1.
taik); merimieskieless (mys:) In sallors'
parlanre. -pappi nilsslonary to seamen (I.
for sallors). -pusero sallor's biouse; vrt.
merimiehennuttu. -taito scamanship.
meri |! ministeri mtnlster of marlne; (1. v.
Yhdysv.) Secretary of the :\avy: (Engl.)
First Lord of the Admlralty. -ministeri
mlnlstry of marine; (Yhdysv.) Navy De
partment; (Engl.) Admlralty (Department).
-mittaus ks. merenmittaus. -nahkiainen
(ellnt.) lamprey-cel. -neula (eliilnt.) ocean
merlnolammas mcrlno sheep.
merionnettomuus arrident (I. loss) at sea,
marltime dlsaster. -palvelus naval Service.
meripelastus salvago; (hengen) ]>re-<orvatlon or lire from shlp\vreck, resculng shlp\vrecked persons. -palkkio salvage. -seura
soclety (I. organlzatlon) for resculng shlp\vrecked persons.
meripeni(n)kulma nautical (1. gcopraphlcal)
meripihka ambcr. -happo (kern.) succlnlc
acld. -vernissa ambcr varnlsh,



merirapu (hummeri) lobster.

merirosvo [irate, corsalr; (-sissi) freebooter,
buccaneer, sea-rover. -elm life of a plrate. Hai a plrate (ship). -retki pirate's raid.
meri rosvous piracy. -sairas seasick. -san
kari naval bero. -uUmi seaport. -selitys
protest, (Engl.) sblp's protest. -iiii
(ellnt.) sea-urehin; echlnold. -sika (ellnt.)
porpolse. -eininen as blue as the sea; uura
inanne, -ota war on the seafs), naval war
(-rare). -eotakoulu naval academy, eote
laitos navy. -sotamies = merisotilas, -sota
palvelut naval Service, -sotaretki naval
expedition. -sotataito naval tactlcs. -sota
voima naval forces, navy- -sotavki ks. merivikL -tilaa sallor, (Jkpv.) Jack (ie);
(merljalkavessa) marlne. -tauti seaslekness. -teit* meritse, -tiede oceanograpby. -toimi: maritoimiin tottunut used (1.
accustomed) to the sea. -tottumus faniin arlty wlth the sea.
meritse by sea, hv \vater. -kuljetus transportatlon by sea (1. by water).
meri 'turtaa sea-ogre. -tuuli sea-wlnd, seabreeie. -tykist naval ordnanre (I. artillery). -tahti (ellnt.) starnsh; asterold.
-vahinko average. -vakuutus marine Insur
ance, -valta maritlme power (I. nation),
-verenkarvainen sea-green. -vesi seawater; (Joskus:) brlne. -vihrel sea-green.
-viitta (spar-)buoy: Channel post; vrt. me
rimerkki, -virta sea-current. -voima naval
force(s), navy; mys = merivalta, -voitto
naial vlctory.
merivlki (merlsotavkl) naval forces (1.
troops), navy, vrt. merijalluvki ; meriven
upseeri naval Officer; menn merivkeen
enter (1. enllst In) tbe navy. -rykmentti
regiment of marines.
merkata inark [linen, liinavaatteita] ; vrt.
merkeli I. ks. smirkeli.
merkell II. (hystsavi) marl. -maa I. -multa
earthy marl; marly soll.
merkelintekainen . . containlng marl, marlaceous, marly. merkelisavi clay marl.
merkillepantava uorthy or remark, noteworthy. notable; memorablc; (sllmnpistv) marked; itikka (mys:) a (act to
he taken Into conslderation; vrt. seur.
merkillinen remarkable; (huomattava) no
table; (kummallinen) singular, peculiar,
strange, queer, odd; (omituinen) curlous;
(erinomainen) extraorrtinary; (Ihmeelli
nen) wonderrul; merkillisen . . remarkably
Iqulet, levollinen], extraordlnarlly, slngularly, tvonderrully; merkillist kyli oddly
enough, strange to say; en ne siin mitn
merkillist I don't see aiiythinir extraordinary In that; olla ~ lottokin dlstlngulsh o.s.
fltseir] by (1. for), be dlstingulshcd (1.
eharacterlzert) by (1. for), be conspicuous
(I. remarkable) Tor; tep merkillist ihafs
strang-e (I. queer 1. peculiar)! that'3 funny!
how CUriOUS! sep merkillist, etten min
kykenisi . . It wouId be strange (I. be astonIshing) lf I should not be able to . . . mer
killisesti remarkably. notably; extraordl
narlly; pccullarly, slngularly, strangelv;
curlously; wonderrully. merkillisyys remarkableness;
stranifcness, oddlty; (merkillinen asla,
merkillinen puoli) remarkable (1. curlous)
thlng, curlous feature: (merkillinen esine)
curloslty; marvel; (nhtvyys) thlng \vorth
seclng (I. looklng at), slght; nytell jolle
kulle kaupungin merkillisyyksi show one
the slirhts of (I. the thlngs worth seelng
In) the city, show one around the city.
merkin |[ antaja slgnaKDer. -anto slgnal(l)lng.
merkinanto- (yhd.) slgnal- [esim. -asema


slgnal-statlon; -lippu slgnal rlag; -lyhty

slgnal-lanteni; -tykki signal-gun]. -Jrjes
telm system (1. code) of slgnallng, signalcode. -kello slgnal -bell. -laukaus, -tuli
ks. merkki laukaus, -tuli. -pilli signal-whistle; [policeman'sj tvhistle. -tapa manner
of slgnallng, the way one slgnal s (1. signaled). -torvi slgnal-horn; (sot.) bugle.
merkintl marklng, cbecking; stamping;
branding; (muistiin-) notlng (1. taking)
down, recording; annotatlon; entry; (vi
rallinen) registering, registration; vrt.
merkit; kirjoihin ~ putting on 0. enter
in? in) tbe books; osakkeiden subscription for stock (1. for shares). -aika (osak
keiden) time designated for subscription
[for shares]. -oikeus (osakkeiden y. m.)
privilege to subscribe.
merkint note, annotatlon; entry.
merkitseminen = merkint, merkitsemistapa
manner (1. method 1. system) of marking
(1. or indicating).
merkitsemtn I. (merkitn) unmarked. not
marked, not stamped; 8. (merkityst vailla
oleva) inslgnlficant, nnimportant. merkit
sev (Jotakin ilmaiseva) expressive, suggestlve, Indicative [of ..]; (merkitykselli
nen) significant [look. katse], meaning
[glance, silmys]; hyv merkitsev (en
nustava) auspiclous; pahaa merkitsev
(ennustava) omlnous. portentous. merkit
sevsti (luonteenomaisesti) characteristicaliy; (Jotakin ilmaisten) expresslvely, (tarkottaen) meaningly. slgnificantly; hn
nykksi minulle ptn merkitsevsti
(mys:) he gave me a meaning nod.
merkittv worthy of remark. remarkable.
noteworthy, notable: (huomattava) noticeable, appreclable; (melkoinen) considerable; (merkitsev) significant.
merkitt furnish with marks, mark. brand;
(vlltottaa) hlaze, (vyl) buoy (off).
merkityksellinen significant, meaning: oml
nous; (trke) Important. merkitykselli
sesti slgnificantly, meaningly; ominously.
merkityksettmyys inslgnlficance, unlmportance; (tarkotuksettomuus) lack of
sense (I. or meaning). merkityksetn . . of
no Importance, . . o( no consequence. inslgniricant, unimportant; (tarkotukseton)
merkitys sense, meaning, slgniriration;
(arvo, trkeys) slgniricance, consequence,
moment, importance; welght; merkityst
vailla oleva k s. merkityksetn; ahtaammas
sa merkityksess In a narrower sense, In a
restrlcted (1. llmited) sense: anto jollekin
ratkaiseva give (1. attrlbule) a concluslve (1. a decislve) slgniricance to . .: asial
la on suuri (asia on trke) the malter
Is or (great) Importance (1. slgniricance):
en voi antaa mitn merkityst hnen lu
pauksilleen I cannot put any depemlence
(1. any relianee) upon his promises, his
promises don't mean anything to me; katsoa jonkin sanan merkityst sanakirjasta
look up (the meaning of) a word tn a dlctlonary; sanan tydet llise)ss merkityk
sess in the full sense or the word; tll
on vhn merkityst thls Is or little conse
quence (I. importance).
merkitys vivahdus shade or meaning. -yh
teys ronnectlon in meaning: context.
merkitytt have . . marked. have . . branded;
(jollakulla) have one mark; vrt. viitotuttea.
merkit (panna merkki) mark, put a mark
on, mark out, mark orr [In large letters,
suurilla kirjaimilla], (tarkastus-) check,
(leimalla) stamp, (poltinraudalla) brand;
(klrjottamalla) slgn fone's name, nimen
s]; (klrjottaa muistiin) note down, wrlte



(1. take 1. put) down, (make a) note (of),

record; (kirjoihin y. m.) enter [In (I. on) . .1,
put (on . .], (jljestpin) insert; (viral
liseen luetteloon) register; (oppilaaksi y.
m.) enroll; (lilk. = tilata) subscribe (Tor
shares In a company, Jonkin yhtin osak
keita] ; (ilmaista, osottaa) mark, indlcate, denote, (tarkottaa) mean, signlfy;
import; (ennustaa, tiet) foretell, (Tore-)
bode; ~ avustusta johonkin subscribe to
(-ward) . .; jonkun hyvksi put .. to
one's credlt, credlt . . to one, credit one
wtth . .; ~ Joku [jonkin seuran y. m.J
jseneksi put a p.'s naine down as a member [of a soclety, etc], enroll one [In a
soclety, etc.) ; ~ luetteloon enter . . on the
llst, (put . . on the) register, enroll; ~ Jon
kun nimi johonkin enter a p.'s naine on (1.
ln),WTlte (l.put)a p.'s name down In(l.on);
pivjrjestykseen insert in the order
Of the day; rstiluetteloon put . . on the
dellnquent llst; ~ Jokin summa (kerys
listaan y. m.) put one's name down Tor a
sum. subscribe a sum [to the buildlng
rund, rakennusrahaston hyvksi]; ~ tileihin (vied) enter on (1. in) the books; ~ yli
mrns (laina) oversubscrlbe; yliopis
ton kirjoihin (mys:) matriculate; laina
merkittiin tyteen jo ensi pivn the Tuli
amount of the loan was suhscrlbed (I. the
loan was subscribed In Tuli) the (very)
rirst day; mit tm kaikki merkitsee
(mys:) what is the mekning or [ali] thls?
mit tm numero merkitsee what doeS
this fig-ure mean (1. slgniry 1. Indicate 1.
denote)? se ei merkitse hyv t lirit doesn't
slgniry (1. bode) any good, thafs a bad
Sign: se ei merkitse suuria it is luit of
much account (I. consequence 1. Importance). It does not amount to much, It Is
of no great slgniTicance (1. consequence);
sellainen summa merkitsee hnelle paljon
a sum like that means a great deal to (1.
for) hiin; voit ~ minun puolestani listaan
S dollaria you may put me down on the
llst for 5 dollars.
merkkaus lanka embroidery cotton. -muste
indelible Ink, marklng-lnk.
merkki mark, token, sign, Indlcatlon; (oire)
symptom; (tunnus-) characteristlc; (algeb
rallinen, kemiallinen y. m) symbol; (Il
maus) manlfestatlon, expression; (jlki)
vestlge, trace, semblance; (viite) hlnt;
(leima) impression: (arpi) scar; (enne)
omen; (lippu-, torvi-) slgnal; Jonkin mer
kiksi as a token or . . , (osotteeksi) In to
ken of . . , (todisteeksi) as a proot or . .;
merkille ks. panna; antaa merkkej laivalle
slgnal a shlp; antaa glve the signal [Tor
. .], sound [the attack, hykkykseen],
slgnal, vrt. lhtmerkki; antaa kdel
ln wave one's hand ror a slgnal, beckon;
ei [elon] merkkikn no Slgn(S) [Of
life], not a stir (1. a breath) [or life], no
Indicatlon i or . .], (Jlkekiliin) not a vestlge (1. a trace) ior . .] : hiekassa on kul
lan merkkej there arc indlrations (1. signs)
oi gold In the sand: hyvn kasvatuksen
a sign (1. a mark) or good breedlng; ilmottaa jokin merkilt slgnal a th. ; johtajan an
nettua merkin at a slgn(al) from the leader;
kaikista merkeist ptten tulee tn
vuonna hyv viljavuosi thero Is every sign
(1. indicatlon I. appearance) or good crops
thls year, Judglng rrom appearanres we
wlll have good (I. bumper) crops thls year;
kaikki merkit osottavat, ett . . thero Is
every sign (1. indlcatlon) or . . , everythlng
polnts to (1. IS indlcative 0D . .; kykene
mttmyyden a sign (l. an indlratlon) or
inabllity, (todistus) a proor of inabillly;


se on hyvn merkkHn) lt'S a good Sign (1.

omen 1. token), (ennustaa hyv) It bodes
(1. augurs) well; siin on there Is a mark
on it, it has a mark.
merkkiaika epoch. merkkienselittj Interpreter or signs; (muin. room.) augur.
merkki Jrjestelm signal-code. -kieli signlanguage. -klrjotus 1. slgn-writing; hieroglyphics; 2. (huomattava klrjotus) remarkable (1. noteworthy) artlcle (1. essay). -lasi
ga(u)ge-glass; indlcator. -laukaus signalgun; slgnal. -mies man or note (1. or distinctlon), noted (I. distlngulshed) man (1.
figure), consplcuous ngure (1. character);
(suurmies) great (1. leadingi man; (kuu
luisa) Tamous man. -paikka noted place;
(huomattava) noteworthy (I. remarkaljle)
place. -piv evenUul (1. memorable I.
momcntous) day; (kalenterin) red-letter
day. -tapaus noteworthy (1. memorable 1.
momentous) cvent; (trke) leading event.
-teos notable book, a book out of the ordlnary, (huomattu) noted work; (knteen
tekev) epochal work; Jonkun kirjailijan
merkkiteos an author's masterplere, a lead
ing work or (1. by) the author. -tuli slgnalrire; beacon. -valo signal-llght. -vuosi rcmarkable (1. notable 1. noteworthy) year;
(muistettava) memorablo year.
Merkurius (thti) Mercury.
merta osier (1. net) trap ror catching flsh
or the like; rish-trap; (rapu- y. m.) (ishpot; nyt on paha (\. piru) merrassa (sananp.) there'11 be the devil to pay, the rat
Is in the flre [huom. haistoin, ett nyt oli
piru merrassa (mys:) I smelled a ;the]
rat; hn huomasi, ett nyt oli paha merrassa, ja jtti kiireesti kaupungin (mys:)
he found the town too hot ror lilm].
merta1! kulkenut = merillkulkenut. -kulkeva
mesaani (-purje) mlzzen(-sall), spanker.
mesi (hunaja) honey.
mesi-(yhd.) honey- Tesini. -kielinen honeytongued; -makea honcy-sweet] . -Juoma
(sima) mead; metheglin. -kaste honeydew.
-kenno honey-cell; honeycomb. -kmmen
(karhun hyvllynlmDbruin. -makea (mys:)
as sweet as honey, honeyed. -marja 1.
-mansikka (kasv.) arctic hramhlr. -peske
1. -ktk (kasv.) nectary. -sanainen lioneytongued, mealy-mnuthed: pcrsuaslve.
mesiinen = meslpeske.
Messias Messiah, Messias.
messinki brass; suu messingill (kuv.) \\ilh
a smlle or rontent (1. a grin or satlsraction) on his face.
messinki- (yhd.) brass-, (messlnkinon) brass
[esim. -ketju brass chaln; -lanka brass
wlre: -valimo brass-loundry 1 . -hela brass
ferrule; messinkihelat (mys:) brass momitlng(s). -helainen . . with brass fcrrulps (1.
mountings), . . mounted In brass, brassmounted; messinkihelainen puukko a knile
wlth brass rorrules. -levy brass plate.
messinkinen brass; (run.> hrazen.
messinki sepp brazier. -soitin brass Instrument. -tavarat brass artlclcs. -teos
piece or brass.
messu mass.
messuaminen chantlng: Intonlng.
messull kaapu 1. -kasukka chasuble. -kirja
miss], -paita alb. -puku vestment.
messuta cnant; lntone; (katol. kirk.) say
messunl volce to lntone the mass.
mestaaja (publlc) executloner, headsman;
(hirttj) hangman. mestaaminen executing, cxecutlon; beheadtng, decapltatlon.
mestari master; (Jossakin taidossa) adept
[In . .], expert [at (1. in) . .] ; (urheiluissa)

mestari kokki


Champion; (tynjohtaja) foreman; boss;

vrt. maalari-", rakennus- y. m. kokki
chief (1. head) cook, cher. -laukaua crark
(I. capital) shot. -laulaja mastersinger,
mestarillinen masterly: capital: teos ks.
mestariteos, mestarillisesti in a masterly
manner; with the skill or a master, mestarillisuus masteritness.
mestarimies master rof one's trade). mes
tari n kiti master's (I. masterly) hand.
mestari nyte specimen of skill r exeeuted
by an artlsan to earn the rreedom or his
gulld ] ; (yi.) masterplece: (mestariteko)
master- stroke. -taos masterplece; (mes
tarillinen) masterly (1. fine 1. wonderfuI)
plece of work. -varas expert thief, (tasku
varas) expert pickpocket.
mestaroida master; domineer: (jkpv.) boss;
(kritikoida) critlcize, flnd rault vrith. mes
taroiminen masterlng Jne., ks. edell. meetaroitaija one who domineers; one who
flnds rault with. mestaroiva domlneering,
masterful; hypercritlcal.
mestaruus mastery, mastershlp; (urheiluis
sa) champlonship; vrt. maailman . -kilpailu
contest for the champlonship. -rokordi 1.
-saavutus champlonship reeord.
mestata execute: (katkaisemalla kaula behead, decapitate, (giljotiinilla) gulllotine;
(shktuolissa; electroeute; mestattavaksi
tuomittu senteneed to be exeeuted [gulllotlned, electrocuted].
mestaus execution: beheading, decapltation;
guillotlnlng; (shktuolissa) electrocution.
-kone gulllotine. -lava scarrold. -paikka
place or execution. -piilu executloner's
ax(e). -plkky block.
mestauttaa have . . exeeuted (1. beheaded 1.
mestauttaja: Ferrerin the one (1. the
man) who had Ferrer exeeuted.
mestitsi (indlaanln Ja espanjalaisen Jlke
linen) mestlzo.
metafysiikka metaphysics.
metakka racket, nolse; (meteli) dlsturbance,
rovv; meluja (fearrul) racket. metakoida
make a racket (1. a noise 1. a dlsturbance).
metalli metal.
metalli- (yhd.) metallic [esim. -happeuma
Cl. -oksidi) metallic oxlde; -hohde (l. -hoh
to) metallic luster: -kaiku metallic resonance; -suoni metallic vein]; metal resim.
-helat metal mountlmrs] . -arvo (rahan)
intrlnsic value. -hohtoinen shining like
metal, . . or (1. with) a metallic luster.
-kieli (soittimessa) wire string. -kiilto
metallic luster. -kiiltoinen = metallihohtoinen. -kuvastin metal (1. metallic) mlrrnr. -lanka wlre. -lankaverkko wlre netting-. -levy shcet of metal, plate. -mri
percentage of metal.
metallinen (. . made oD metal, metallic.
metallinpitoinen . . rontalnlng metal, metal llferous.
metalli opillinen metallurglc(al). -oppi metallurgy. -pitoisuus (Jonkin) percentage or
metal Inj. -raha coin; metallirahassa In
coin. -seos(lejeerlnki)alloy. -sointu metal
lic rlng. -solntuinen . . \vith a metallic rlng;
sonoroua [volce. ni], -teollisuus metal
Industry; (kone-) maclitno Industry, -tie
teilij metallurglst. -tylinen \vorker In
metals, metal -worker. -vri (maali) bronze.
-alini metallic sound (1. rlng); (metallisointuinen ni) sonorous (1. rlnging) volce.
motalloidi (kem.) metalloid.
metallurgia (metallioppi) metallurgy.
meteli row, dlsturbance; (mellakka) rlot,
uproar, tumult; commotion; (melu) racket,
nolse; russ; (melske, pauhu) dln; vrt. nos


taa, meteiinen noisy, turbulent, boisterous; (meluisa) clamorous; tumultuous

[meeting, kokous] ; (kuv. = myrskyinen)
stormy. metelid make a noise (1. a rack
et), be noisy; (mellakoida) (be) riot(ing)
[in the streets, kaduilla]; ottaa metelid
raise a row (1. an uproar 1. a racket). me
telitsij (mellakoitsija) rioter; (rauhanhiritsij) dlsturber or the publie peace.
meteori (lentothtl) meteor.
meteori- (yhd.) meteoric [esim. -ranta meteorlc Iron; -sada meteoric shower].
meteoriitti ks. ilmakivi.
meteori] kivi meteoric stone; (Ilmakivi) meteorlte. -ply cosmic dust.
meteorologia (ilmatiede) meteorology.
metinen honeyed, . . or (1. containlng) honey.
metka smart [fellou-, mies], clever [story.
Juttu; trick, temppu], cunning.
metku (temppu, kuje) trick; (Juoni) intrigue, plot, scheme, stratagem; (vlttelytarkotuksessa tehty) dodge, shurrie;
metkut (mys:) wiles, trickery. metkuilija trickster; Intriguer; shurrier, wriggler. metkuilla be up to (one's) tricks,
play tricks; lntrigue, plot; (vlttelytarkotUkSiSSa) dodge, Shume: metkuilemalla
(mys:) by trickery, by hook or crook;
koettaa pst jostakin metkuilemalla trv

to vvriggle out or . . . metkuilu trickery,

playing tricks; (Juonittelu) Intriguing, lntrlgues; (vistely) dodglng. sburriing.
metodi (menetelm) method.
metodisti Methodist.
metodisti- (yhd.) Methodist resim. -kirkko
Methodist Church: -pappi Methodist mtnister; -seurakunta Methodist congregation1.
metodistinen Methodist.
metri meter, metre.
metri- (yhd.) metric [esim. -jrjestelm
mrjtric system; -mitta metric measure].
metriilli >nen metric.
metrinen (yhd.) . . meters long, . . or . . meters' lcngth [esim. viisi Tive meters long,
. . or five meters' length].
metropoliitta (ppilspa) metropolitan.
metsikk (mets) wood; (lehto) grove.
metsistyminen (elinten Ja kasvien) reverslon; (kuv.) barbarlzatlon, declvllization.
metsistynyt (villiytynyt) run Wild; Wild.
metsistytte* (ihmisi) decivillze, degrade
into barbarism, render . . barbarous (1.
savage). metsistyi grow up to bush, become (well-)wooded, become rorest-clad;
(villiyty) revert to a state or nature;
(elimist:) become undomestlcated; (eli
mist tai kasveista, mys:) become Wild,
run Wild. metsist ks. metsikk, metsittyi
become wooded (1. rorest-clad); vrt. met
sisty, metsit* cover . . with woods.
metso (ellnt.) capercalllie, capercallzle,
coek-orthe-woods, large European grouse.
metsola (mytol.) realm or the Torest-god.
mets woods, (harvemmin:) wood; (suuri,
korkeapuinen) rorest; (metslmaa, -seutu)
\voodland; mets kasvava wooded, Woody,
rorest-clad; olla (1. kulkea) metsll be
out shooting, be (out) huntlng; vrt. koi
vu, masto, mnty y. m.
mets- (yhd.) rorest [esim. -ilma rorest air;
-jrvi rorest lake; -maisema rorest scenery], wood- [esim. -hiiri wood-mouse:
-vuokko wood-anemone], woodlanrt [esim.
-lintu woodland blrd; -maisema woodland
scenery] ; (Joskus:) sylvan [esim. -asumus
sylvan abode; -maisema sylvan scenerv];
(metsinen) wooded [esim. -mki wooded
tiili; -seutu wooded distrlct] ; (villi-) Wild
[esim. -hanhi Wild goose; -hunaja Wild
honey; -mansikka wlld strawberry], -Ja
expanse or rorest. -alue rorest-dlstrict,


-raiskaaja, -raiskaus ks. metsn haaskaaja.
-haaskaus, -raja (vuorilla y. m.) timberllne; (-reuna) edge or the wood(s). -ranta
1. -reuna - metsnlaita. -riista game.
-rinne 1. -rinta metsnlaita. -varkaus
trespasslng (1. maklng depredatlons) in
the rorest, stealing wood (1. timber).
-varti(J)a (rorest-)ranger; vrt. riistanvar
tija. -varti(J)akoulu school to traln rangers.
-viljelys rorestry; jrkiperinen metsnvil
jelyt sclentiric rorestry. -vki rorest-rolk.
metsnomena Wild apple; crab(-apple).
-opisto institute lor the tralnlng or roresters; school or rorestry. -orvokki (kasv.)
wood Violet, -osuus 1. -palsta wood-lot;
patch or woods. -polku trail, rorest-path,
path in (1. through) the woods. -puro ror
est brook (1. stream). -raja (vuorilla) timber-llne. -seutu wooded dlstrlct (1. coun
try); \v oodi and; metsseudussa In a heavlly wooded country, -sika (elint.) badger.
metsstys huntlng, (ampuminen) shooting;
(takaa-ajo) chase, hunt.
metsstys- (yhd.) huntlng- [esim. -koira
hunting-dog; -puukko huntlng-knire; -torvi
hunting-born] ; (Joskus:) shooting- [esim.
-seurue shooting -p arty ] . -aika huntingseason. -asetus game -act; game-law.
-haukka hawk; (gyr)ialcon. -huuto huntsman's cry; tallybo, halloo. -Juttu hunter's
story (1. tale 1. yarn). -kiihko mania ror
huntlng. -kivri gun; rifle. -laukku huntlng-bag, pack; (riista-) game-bag. -lupa
huntlng lieense. -maa hunting-ground(s),
Place to hunt; (suojeltu) preserve(s),
game-preserve. -neuvot metsstystarpeet. -oikeus right to hunt; rigbt or hunt
lng. -puisto (game-)preserve. -puku hunt
lng costume; buntsman's (1. shooting)
dress. -puukko (mys:) hunter's knile,
b0Wie-knire. -retki hunting-trlp; olla met
sstysretkell (mys:) be (ori) huntlng.
-saalis (metsstjn) game (bagged); (pe
toelimen) prey, quarry. -sana term used
by hunters, hunting-term. -seura huntingclub, club or hunters. -seurue huntlng- (1.
shootlng-)party; the hunt. -snnt gamelaws. -tarpeet huntlng equlpment; hunt
lng (1. hunters') supplies. -torvi (mys:)
bugle. -urheilu huntlng (as a sport).
metsstj hunter; huntsman; (metsmies)
woodsman. -kansa people llvlng by hunt
lng. -sana hunter's term, term used by
hunters (1. in huntlng).
metsstminen huntlng, (hirven y. m.) stalking, (pyssyll) shooting; (takaa-ajo) chaslng, chase; vrt. seur. metsst hunt, (pys
syll) shoot, (hirvi y. m.) stalk; (olla
metsstmss) be (out) huntlng (1. shoot
ing); (ajaa takaa) chase, give chase to.
metslltalo house (1. rarm) in the \voods.
-talous rorest management; rorestry. -tie
road through the woods (1. the rorest) ;
(polku) trail (through a rorest); kulkea (1.
menn} metstiet go (theroad) tliroiiRli the
rorest, go the woods road. -tiede rorestry.
metsttmyys absence (1. lack) or rorests
(1. or woods 1. of timber).
mets 0 tuotteet forest-products. -ty work
in the woods, loggtng; olla metstiss be
working In the woods. -tylinen lumber
man, lumberer; (Jkpv.) lumberjack. -thti
(kasv.) star-flower.
metstn . . wlthout rorests (1. timber),
destltute (1. devold) of rorests, rorestless;
unwooded, woodless; (paljas) treeless,
bald [mountaln top, vuorenhuippu); ~
alue tract wlthout woods, tract wlthout
any timber (1. any trees), woodless tract.
metsllvalkea ks. metsnpalo. -varas tres-


wooded dlstrlct; woods; woodland. -aukko

rorest glade. -elin Wild animal, (Wild)
beast. -elm life In the woods; a woodman's life. -haka wooded (1. woodland)
pasture. -hallitus Department of Forestry,
(Yhdysv.) Bureau or Forestry. -herra forester. -hiisi (1. v.) wood-goblin. -ihminen
wlld man or the woods.
metsinen wooded; tlmbered; (metsrikas)
abounding in forests (1. with woods), Weil
-metsinen (yhd.) . . with . . rorests, . .-ly
wooded (1. tlmbered) [esim. harva tuin
ly (1. sparsely) wooded; laaja . . \vitb extensive forests; mankka, tiht tblckly
tlmbered, densely wooded].
mets, kana (elint.) ptarmlgan; (riekko)
willow-ptarmlgan, \vlute grouse. -kangas
wooded heatu, (mntymets kasvava)
pine-barren. -karikkeet 1. -pehku litter
collected from the woods. -karju (Wild)
boar. -kaavi forest-plant, plant growlng In
the woods. -kauris (elint.) roe-deer,
(Wild) roe, roebuck. -kissa wlldcat. -koira
bunting-dog. -koulu srbool of forestry.
-kulma wooded dlstrlct (1. tract); backwoods. -kulmalainen (back) woodsman ;
metshulmalaiset people from the backwoods. -kyl village in the rorest. -kyyh
kynen (elint.) stock-dove. -lampi pond in
the woods; (pieni) woodland pool. -lintu
Wild fowl. -lohko block (of rorest). -lude
(elint.) stink-bug.
metslinen (wild) man of the woods, (villi)
savage; (metsnasuja) backwoodsman, forest-dweller.
mets maa woodland; \vooded tract; woods.
-maja rorest hut. hut (1. iodge) In the
woods. -mies woodsman, hunter. -myyr
(\mod) vole. -mki hi 11 in the vvootls.
-mkki cabln (1. shack) In the rorest; vrt.

metsn, anti (riista) game; (metsntuote)

rorest-product. -arvostelija rorest appraiser. -elin beast (1. animal) or the rorest;
mys metselin. -eljt rorest-folk(s).
-emnt (mytol.) goddess or the rorest,
the Lady or the VVoods. -haaskaaja one
wbo wastes (1. has wasted) the rorest,
(toiselle kuuluvan) trespasser In the ror
est. -haaskaus 1. -haaskuu 1. -hvitys destructlon (1. waste) or the rorest, reckless
cuttlng down or timber, (toiselle kuulu
van) trespass(ing) or the rorest. -hakkaaja
one who cuts timber; (Amer.) lumberman,
logger. -hakkaus 1. -hakkuu cuttlng
down the rorest; logglng, lumberlng; olla
metsnhakkuusta (mys:) be cuttlng tim
ber. -haltia spirit (1. falry) or the woods;
(kreikk. mytol.) satyr; raun. -harsinta
thlnnlng (out) or a rorest. -hoitaja rorester.
metsnhoito rorestry; taking care or the
rorest(s). -hallitus (Yhdysv.) Bureau or
Forestry. -laitos rorest(ry) Service; department or rorestry. -opisto school or forestry.
metsniitty meadow in the woods.

metsn I istutus planting forests. -Jumala

forest delty. -kaitsija overseer of the ror
est. -kaavatua growlng of timber. -kasvu
growth or trees. -kvij wood(s)man;
(pyydystj) trapper; (metsstj) hunter.
-kynti buntlng (and trapplng). -kytt
oikeus rlght to Teli timber Tor one's own
use, (Jkpv.) rlght to use wood oir the
Place, -laita edge (1. sklrt 1. border) or
the wood (1. the forest). -neito woodnympb; dryad. -ostaja one who buys (up)
timber; (toiselle) agent to buy timber.
-palo rorest-Tlre. -perkaus 1. -raivaus
clearing out the underbrush; clearing the
lana. -pto Wild beast, beast of the rorest.



passer. -vuohi (loe. -vyhyke tlmber belt.

-yli hai litu* = metshallitus.
metsi haaskaava I. -hvittv (iestructive
to (1. of) the Torests; (laittomasti) given
mettiii men 1. turtle-dove; 2. = kimalainen.
Metusala, Metusalem Methuselah.
metvursti (lihamakkara) Bologna sausage.
mouruta bellovv; roar; meri mrarumi the sea
Is IjcI 1. >v\ i i iu- (1. roaring). meuruuttaa
rouse . . to a fury; stir ui); agitate, dlsturb (vars. kuv.).
mi mik, joka.
Michigan-Jrvi Lake Michigan.
miedonlainen rather \veak (1. mlld).
miedonnettu diluted; vveak(ened). miedonnus dilutlon; (helkonnus) vveakening; vrt.
lievennys, miedontaa (vedell) dilute; attenuate; (ohentaa) thln; (heikent) vveaken, make . . weaker (I. milder); vrt. lieven
t; miedontaa viini vedell dilute \vine
wlth vvater; mix (1. put) \vater in (the)
wlne. miedontaminen dilutlon; thlnning;
miedosti mildly: \veakly; gently; falntly.
mieheenkatsominen resjiect of persona, (unjust) discriminatton; ravoritism.
miehekkyys manliness, manhood, manly
cmalittes; (uljuus) stoutness of heart.
miehekksti manrully, llke a man; (ul
jaasti) courageously, stoutly. mieheks
manly, manful; (uljas) courageous, stout
(-hearted), stal\vart; (naisista:) mannish.
miehel: menn mieheln get (1. be) marrled, marry, \ved. miehelnmeno marrlage.
miehen- (yhd.) man's, of a man [esim. -kor
keus man'.? helght, lieight of a man; -nimi
man'8 naine, name of a man]. -alku llttlc
man; youth, youngster, stripling; man in
embryo, -ik generation, liretime; (mie
huuden) maturlty, manhood, man's estate, adult (I. inature) age (I. years),
years or understanding. -ikinen grown
up, . . or age. -kalu penis, -kantamus as
much as a man can carry, a man's load.
-kokoinen . . or the size or a man, . . or a
man's size, grovvn up, rull-grown; mys
= seur. -korkuinen . . of a man's helght,
as tali (I. as) high as a man. -korkuiselta
1. -korkuisesti to tho helglit or a man; as
high as a man [esim. siell oli lanta miehenkorkuiselta there vvere snovv-banks
as high as a man]. -kppn (llttle)
shrlmp (or a man); dwarr. -ksiala man's
hand(vvriting). -mieli man's sense. -mit
tainen miehenkorkuinen. -ote man's
grasp (1. hold) ; grasp (1. puli) or a man.
-pituinen = miehenkorkuinen. -pituus
(-korkeus) man's helght; (mitta) man's
length. -puku man's (1. male) attlre, man's
clothes (1. dressi, male apparcl. -puoli
male lint?; (mies, mieshenkil) nian, male.
-retkale 1. -vetelys sloueh; (-retku, -roi
kale) rough, tough. -sukka (puolisukkn)
sock. -teko I. -ty manly deed (1. act),
act wortliy or a man. -vaatteet man's (1.
men's) clothes; vrt. miesten-.
miehetr masculine (1. mannish) oraan;
miehevyyc mannishness; (miehekkyys) man
liness, stoutness of heart. miehev (mie
heks) rnanlike, manly, stalwart; (naisis
ta:) mannish, masculine. miehevsti mannishly; (miehekksti) manrully, stoutly,
miehinen male; masculine; mies man,
(adult) male; ~ puoli kS. miehispuoli; ~
sukupuoli the male sex.
-miehinen (yhd.) . . of . . men, . . consistlng
Of . . men [esim. kymmenmiehinen komitea


a commlttee (consistlng) or ten men,

(tav.) a commlttee or ten].
miehis puoli 1. -kanta male side, spear side.
miehistytt make .. more manly; (ters
t) brace (up), nerve.
miehisty grow up, grovv to be a man; (be)
grovv(ing) to manhood; (kyd miehevammksi) grow more manly; hn on pation
miehistynyt he has been grovving up (1. to
manhood) last, he has grovvn (1. he acts)
much more manly. miehist = miehisty tt.
miehist men; (vastakohtana pllystlle)
rank and flle; (linnan) garrison; (laivan,
junan y. m.) crevv; laivalla on liian vh
lukuinen ~ (mys:) the ship is undermanned (1. Is short or hands).
miehittminen manning; (sot.) occupation.
miehitt (varustaa miehistll)
(anastaa miesvoimalla) occupy, take Pos
session [Of..], miehitys = miehittminen,
miehitytt have (1. order) . . occupied (1.
taken possession or).
miehusta walst; body.
miehuuden ik years (1. age) or manhood;
maturlty: years or dlscretion; pst miehuudenikn arrive at man's estate; vrt.
miehuus, -nyte proor oi' manhood. -otta
minen (usk.) becoming man (1. riesh), incarnatlon. -voima vigor (or one's man
hood), virility.
miehuullinen manly, manrul; (urhoollinen)
courageous, brave, vallant, stout(-bearted).
vallantly, stoutly. miehuullisuus manliness,
manrulness; (rohkeus) courage, bravery.
miehuus manhood; (miehuullisuus) manli
ness, manly courage (1. rortitude) ; paraimman miehuuden iss In one'S prime,
in the prime or life. In the best years of
one's li Te; parhaassa (1. tydess) miehuu
tensa voimassa in the vigor (1. strength)
or his manhood, in his prime.
miehuuton unmanly, not manly; erreiiilnate:
(pelkurimaincn) covvardly, faint-hearted,
chlcken-hearted. miehuuttomasti not man
rully, not in a manly way; erreminately;
Talnt-heartedly. miehuuttomuus unmanliness; eireminacy; cowardice; chickenheartedness.
miekan- (yhd.) or a [the] sword [esim.
-kahva tilit .or a sword; -ter edge or the
svvord], svvord's [esim. -krki sword's
polnt; -ter s\vord's edge], svvord- [esim.
-kahva svvord-htlt; -kannike svvord-belt].
-huotra sheath (or a svvord), scabbard.
-isku sword-cut, stroke or the svvord, cut
or (1. vvith) a (1. one's) svvord; miekaniskutta
vvithout dravving a svvord, vvithout (strlkii ii; ) a blovv. -kytt use or a svvord; tai
tava miekankytss sk il Tul vvith the svvord.
-lape 1. -lappea liat or a [the] svvord; riat
of the blade. -mittely flghting vvitb the
svvord, hand-to-hand combat; mys miekankytt. -pisto svvord- tilliisi, stab (1.
thrust) or (1. vvith) a (1. one's) svvord.
-sil svvord-blade. -tupsu svvord-knot.
miekka svvord; (suora) rapier; (lloretti)
roll ; miekkojen mittely kS. miekantnitteiy.
miekkaileminen rencing; (miekkataistelu)
riRhting vvith svvords. miekkailija rencer;
svvordsman. miekkailla (sntjen mukai
sesti) fence; (mitell miekkojaan) measure svvords; (taistella) right vvith svvords
miekkailu rencing; vrt. miekanmittely.
miekkailu- (yhd.) rencing [esim. -koulu
rencing school; -naamari 1. -naamio renc
ing mask]. -kinnaa rencing glove, gauntlet.
miekkailunopettaja rencing-master. miekkailutaito (art of) rencing, svvordsraanship.
miekkakala (ellnt.) svvordfish. mlekkamal

nen svvord-shaped; (kasv.) enslform [lear, dejectlon, discouragement; dovvn-heartedlehti], miekkamies swordsman.
ness; gloom; (Jkpv.) the blues, -mukainen . .
miekkanen: olla miekkosilla be fenclng, be (belng) to one's taste (1. one's liking),
satisfactory, sultable; pleasing; mielenmumeasurlng (1. flghting with) swordS; ra
otta miekkosilla begin fenclng, start to kainen kyttoikeus rlght to use . . as one
measure swords.
pleases. -mukaisesti = mielens mukaan,
miekka valaa (elint.) grampus. -vytt svord- ks. mieli, -muutos change of mlnd; (mieli
piteen-) change of opinion (1. of convlcbelt, baidrlc, sboulder-belt.
miekkoinen bappy, lucky; sinua miekkoista, ttons) ; (usk.) change of heart, Conversion.
-osottaja partlclpant in a (publlc) demon
sin ~ you lucky dog!
mieleinen (miellyttv) pleasant, pleasing, stration; mielenosottajien lukumr oli
agreeable [duty, velvollisuus]; grateful suuri (mys:) a great many people took
[ to one, jollekulle] ; (pidetty) liked, . . In part in tbe demonstration. -osotuksellinen
ravor; (mieluinen, tervetullut) welcome demonstratlve. -osotuksellisesti vvith much
[guest, vieras], acceptable; [muodostaa]
mieleisekseen form (1. shape) . .] accord- mielenosotus demonstration; (mielenilmaus)
ing to one's own Idea (1. fancy 1. wlll), expresslon of [publlc] opinion, -kokous
[form . .] to please (1. tO SUlt) O.S.; mie
mass-meetlng to voice publlc opinion.
leiseni miss (naisen puheessa:) a man after -kulkue paradc; demonstration.
my own heart; kansan ~ mies a man well mielen ponnistus effort of the mlnd. -pur
liked by the people, a man In bigb (1. kaus burst (1. rush 1. gush) of feeling (1.
great) favor wltb the people, a popular oremotlon). -sairaus ks. mielisairaus, -tila
man ; minulle on mieleist nhd . . tt glves state (1. frme) of mlnd; mood, splrits ;
me great pleasure (1. lt is a great pleas- alakuloinen mielentila (mys:) dejectlon,
ure to me) to see . . , I am delighted (1. very lovv splrits; olla alakuloisessa mielentilassa
glad) to see . .; minun mieleiseni agreeable be dejected (1. downhearted), be In lovv
to me, pleasing (to) me, (quite) to my splrits, (Jkpv.) be blue. -tyyneys tranliking (1. to my taste), . . tbat I llke, . qulllty (1. calmness 1. serenlty) (of mlnd) ;
tbat suits me, welcome (1. acceptable) to equanlmlty. -vika mental derangement,
me; olla miesten please (the) men, strlke allenatlon; Insanlty, raadness; olla mielenviassa be deranged (In mlnd), be Insane.
(1. blt) the men's (1. a man's) fancy, (nai
sesta:) be a favorlte (1. be popular) wlth -vikainen I. (a.) (mentally) deranged, demen; sellainen ty on hnelle mieleist mented, Insane, crazy. 11. (s.) Insane (1.
such (a) work Is quite to his liking, he crazy) person, limat ie, madman; mielenvi
likes sucb work (very much), that (ktnd kaisten lkri allenlst, speclallst In dlsoD work Is to bls taste. mieleisesti to eases Of the mind; mielenvikaisten paran
one'3 liking, to suit one; agreeably; ac- tola insane (1. lunatlc) asylum, asylum for
the Insane. -vikaisuus Insanlty; vrt. mie
cording to one's taste (1. one's fancy).
mielelln (kernaasti) wllllngly, \\ itli a \vill. lisairaus, -ylennys elevatlon or mind;
(usk.) edificatlon. -ylevyys nobility (1.
readlly; (ilolla) with pleasure, gladly.
mielen- (yhd.) . . of mlnd [esim. -lujuus greatness) of soul, hlgh-mindedness; ele
rirmness of mlnd; -rauha peace of mind]. vatlon Of mlnd (1. SOUl) ; vrt. mielenjalous.
-apeus dejectlon, (mental) depression, mielettmyys absurdlty; (hullutus) folly,
discouragement, low splrits; (Jkpv.) the foolery; foollshness; (ajattelemattomuus)
blues, -heikkous ks. heikkomielisyys. -hil
thoughtlessness; lndlscretion; (Jrjett
lint self-control; command of oneself. myys) madness; (hurjuus) frenzy, rage;
-houraus wandering or tbe mlnd, delirium. (tolkuttomuus) meaninglessness; mielett
-huumaus mental Intoxicatlon; \vhirl of myyksi absurditles, nonsense. mielett
excitement. -hiri (flt of) mental aher
msti absurdly, foolishly; madly, frantlcrat! on; flt Of Insanlty; hn teki sen killi
ally; like a fool; llke a madman. mieletn
sess mielenhiriss he dtd lt in a SUd- . . out of one's senses (1. mlnd); (maltiton,
den fit (1. attack) of Insanlty, he did lt ajattelematon) unreflecting, thoughtless;
vrhlle temporarlly out of hls mlnd (1. whlle (jrjetn) irratlonal, unreasonable; sense temporarily deranged). -ilmaisu expres- less, nonsenslcal; (hullu) foollsh rscheme,
sion of an (1. one's) opinion; (mlelenoso- tuuma], absurd; Insane, crazy, mad; (tur
tus) demonstration [against. Jotakin vas
ha) vain [attempt, yritys]; (huima, hurja)
taan]. -Jalous nobleness of mlnd, nobility Trenzled, frantlc, furlous; (tolkuton)
or soul (1. of nature), inborn nobility. meaningless, . . wlthout (any) meanlng, . .
-Jnnitys stress of mind (1. of soul), men
vold of sense; mieletn ajatus absurd (1.
tal straln; excitement, eagerness, eager crazy 1. sllly) Idea; mieletnt lorua non
expectation, suspense. -karvaus ks. mieli- sense; .. kuin mieletn . . like a madman;
karvaus, -kiihotus 1. -kiihtymys excite
olisi kerrassaan mieletnt menetell niin
ment. -k i into interest, concern; se hert
it would be sheer madness (1. the helght
t mielenkiintoa minussa lt rouses my in
oT folly) to do SO; olisi mieletnt uskoa
terest, it lnterests me. -kuntoinen inter- sit (mys:) lt vvould be rolly (1. an ab
esting, . . of interest; (huvittava) enter- surdlty) to belleve lt.
taining: sangen mielenkiintoinen hlghly (1. mielevyys vvlsdom, prudence, intelllgence,
very) Interestlng, . . of great Interest. (good) sense; (esim. elinten) sagacity.
-kiintoisasti Interestlngly; entertainingly. mielev wlse, prudent, sagaclous; smart,
-kiintoisuus Interestlng nature (I. charac- shrewd; Intelligent, senslble; (elimist:)
ter). -kuohu ks. mieltenkuohu, -laatu turn crafty. mielevsti wisely, prudently;
(I. east) of mind; (luonnonlaatu) disposi
shrcvvdly; sagaclously.
tion, temper(ament); (luonne) character; mieli mind; (ajatus) idea, thought; (jrki)
ystvllinen mielenlaatu frlendly disposi
sense, wlt; (taipumus) bent, Incllnatlon;
tion, -liikutu. cmotion, excited state (of (halu) desire, wlsh, longlng; (maku) lik
mlnd); (mental) excitement (1. commo- ing, taste; (luonto, mielenlaatu) temper
tton). -lujuus (mys:) strength of mlnd, (-ament), disposition, humor; (mielentila)
fortit mle; (luonteenlujuus) force of char
frame of mlnd, mood; (mielipide) opinion,
acter. -maltti presence of mind; (mlelen- vlew; (tunne) feeling, sentlment; (sydn)
hllllnt) self-possesslon, self-command (1. beart, soul; (muisti) memory, remem-control); (jrkevyys) senses. -masennus brance; (tahto) wlll; mielelln ks. hakus.;

you take of the matter? mita tinuUa on
to one's taste, (mlelln m&rln) as one mieleitati what do you have In (your)
pleases (1. likes), at pleasure, at will, (ku- mind? (mita aiot) what Is your Intention?
ten parhaaksl nkee) at one's discretion; oten xiro mielt, etta . . I am Of the opinion
that ... I hold the view that . . , (arvelen)
mielens mukaan f I muhaisesti I according
to one's wishes, as one desires (1. wishes), I think that ..,1 have an Idea that . .;
as one desired (1. wished), one's own way; paha ~ ks. paha; tellaitella mlelell allen
Jonkun mielett In one's mind (1. opinion in such a frame of mind, In such a
1. estimation), according- to one's mind (1. mood; siin mielett, ett . . thinking that
Idea 1. notion) [huom. on mielettn . . , (tarkotuksessa) for the purpose of
tuuri (mys:) he thinks he Is great, he . .-Ing, with Intent to . .; fina olet ana al
Imagines himself to be a great man; onfeo lt mielettni 1 have always had (1. kept)
you in mind, you have always been in my
/ln sinun mielestsi haunit (myS:) dO
you consider her beautiful? do you think heart (1. my mind), I have always remem
bered you; vrt. mielipide.
she Is beautiful?]; mieiiin kyp Impres
sive, touching (men's hearts), (deeply) mieli- (yhd.) (suosikkt-) favorite [esim.
affecting, pathetic; mieiifcseen tit hatse- -neuonen favorite horse; -juoma favorite
lee It Is a pleasure to look at It; mielihtenl drink; -Ionia favorite song; -moka favor
to my satisfaction, (iloksenl) to my great ite dish], pet [eslm. -ajatui pet Idea; -teo
ra pet theory], -ne favorite topic (I.
pleasure (I. delight), (Holla) with pleas
ure, gladly, (mlnua mlellyttakseen) to subject) ; (mlellharrastus) hobby, fad. -ala
(1. frame) of mind; spirits; (mielenplease me; mlelihti ks. olla, tehda; mielin
kielin (mlellstellen) fawnlngly, cajollngly, laatu) humor, mood, (Joskus:) disposition,
Insinuatingly, with flattery, ks. olla; mie- temper; mieliala kantan hethaadetia
lin moor-in (as much) as one pleases (1. (mys:) public sentiment (1. feeling); jnhlikes), at pleasure, at will; [olla] mielit- latta vallitti innottunut mieliala great ani
tn jottakin [be] delighted at . . , [be] mation prevailed (1. spirits ran high) at the
festivity, -haikea 1. -halkeu* melancholy,
pleased (I. delighted) with .., (llolnen)
(tender) sadness; (sweet) sorrow, grief;
[be] glad of ... [be] happy about (I. at)
..; mi.-lt (\. mieli) jiirkylti- (\. ari- mielihaikeudella with sadness, with deep
-halu desire; appetite, (volmakas)
tyttv) perturbing to the mind, soul-stir
ring; mielt myten k.s. mielen mukaan; thirst; (mlelltalpumus) bent. Inclination,
mielta t'ailla (Ihmlsesta:) out of one's propensity; (mlellteko) fancy, liking;
senses (1. one's wits), (aslasta:) absurd, (kaipaus) longing, yearning; [teen sen]
foolish [huom. oletko mielt vailla have mielihalulla, mielihalutta [I'll do It] wil
you gone out of your senses? are you lingly (1. gladly 1. with a will 1. with pleas
ure) ; olla mielihalujenta or/a be the
crazy? i on haikkta mielta vailla It IS ab
surd, there Is (absolutely) no sense In (1. slave of one's appetites (1. one's desires),
to) that] ; alakuloiteila miele In a gloomy -harml mortification; worry, grief; (suutmood, downhearted, dejected; attttaa kai- tuinus annoyance, vexation, chagrin; (petkill* mielihti gain everybody's favor (1. tyrnys) disappointment; huolla mielihargood will), get Into people's good graces, mista die Of mortification; taurehti mielifawn upon (1. cringe to) everybody; atiat- harmikseen nhi hn, miten . . he saw to
ta *l voi olla kahta mielt there can not be his great mortification (1. disgust), how . . ,
any difference of opinion about the mat
he was greatly annoyed (1. vexed 1. dis
ter; haihtua mielett escape one, slip one's gusted) to see how ..; vrt. mielikarvaus.
mind, go from one; hyville mielin ks. -harrastus hobby, fad. -hartau* eagerness;
tulla; hyi-illii miefin, hyvll mielell (tyy- earnestness; fcuunteli mielihartaudetla lis
tyvlsen) contented, satisfied, pleased, tened eagerly, -hour hallucination; ne
VTt. hyvS [huom. olla hyvil mielell (1. ovat vain /tnen f tairaaloitia) mielihouhyvill mielin) be In good spirits, feel at reitaan those are only Imaginings of his
ease, feel comfortable, be of good cheer disordered mind, those are the creatures of
(1. comfort),' be comforted, (tyytyvalnen) his disordered Imagination; vilft mieiibe contented, be satisfied] : hanella on houreet vagaries of the Imagination, wild
(1. distorted) fancies (1. ideas), (insane)
toil mielett tie Is In (dead) earnest, (jkpv.)
he means business; )ot ~ oibeuden ptt ravings, -hyvS pleasure, delight; (tyydytys) comfort, content(ment); (Ho) glad
voitolie If Justice Is to trmmph (1. to pre
vail); juolahti (1. ohtul 1. tuli ) mieleeni, ness; (tyytyvlsyys) satisfaction, gratifi
etta . . It came Into (1. It entered) my cation; mielihyvll with pleasure (1. de
mind (I. my head) that . . , It struck me light), (Holla) gladly, (mlelelln) wil
lingly, readily, (tyydytyksell) with satis
(l. It occurred to me 1. It crossed my mind)
that . . , (mulstul) I called to mind that . . , faction (1. gratification) ; taurehti mielivrt. juolahtaa; kaikkien mielihtl to general hyvakseni to my great comfort (1. satis
(1. to everybody's) satisfaction; to please faction 1. delight), -johde Impulse; (paeverybody, vrt. olla (mlellksl); kevell hanplsto) fancy, idea; (otkku) whim, ca
mielell light of (1. at) heart, light-hearted, price; [menetella (1. tolmia)] hethen mieliwith a light heart, with light hearts, johleen mukaan [act] on the spur (1. the im
vrt. kevea; buha on taanut hnet tille mie- pulse) of the moment, -karvaus bitterness
lelle (pftlle) who has put that [Idea, etc.] of mind; (harm!) displeasure, resentment:
(suru, huoli) , worry; mielikarvauInto his head (1. his mind)? who has per
suaded (1. Influenced) him to (do) that? della (mys:) with Indignation.
millo mielell hn nyt on In what frame Of mielikkl (suoslkkl) favorite, pet, fondling;
mind Is he now? how does he feel now?
(rakas henkll) darling.
(milla tuulella) In what humor (1. what mlelillkuva Image, mental picture; (kuvltelmood) Is he now? (mita ajattelee) how Is ma) fancy. Imagination; vision, (kuvlttehe disposed? what are his sentiments? lu) Illusion, -kuvittelu Illusion; fancy;
minulla oli toitta mielettni I had some
vrt. kuvittelu. -kuvituksellinen Imaginative,
thing else in mind, I was thinking of fanciful; (haaveelllnen) fantastic, -kuvltua
something else; mit mielf tin let atiatta imagination, fancy; mitlihuvituksen luoma
what Is your opinion In the matter? what Illusion, chimera, offspring- of tbe brain,
la your view or t lie case? what view do -lau motto.


mielen mufeaun (juil.nn) tO One'S

mlelinen (yhd.) . .-minded, . .(-ly) disposed craving, appetite, longing; (tolvomus)
lesun. htihko- feeble-minded: ilkea~ evil- wish; (olkku) whim, caprice; mi*liminded, Ill-disposed; yitvllii- friendly ttkonsa restrain one's desires, control one's
(1. amiably 1. kindly) disposed]; vrt. liit- likes and dislikes; voimaha* miclileko
tolais-, raittius(strong) craving.
mielinilklelin ks. mieU(n kielin), -mrin mielitelia (malritella) flatter; make much
kS. miclii M lu.uilM.i
of; (liehakolda) curry favor with, cringe
miele paha regret; (tyytymttmyys) dis to; mys = mii-iis.
pleasure, dislike; (mleliharrni) resentment, mieiitietty sweetheart, (be) love(d), darling;
mortification; (suuttumus) indignation; mi*litiettyni my sweetheart, my love, the
(ikvyys) annoyance, trouble, discomfort; queen of my heart, (vallttunl) the woman
(buoll) worry; (suru) grief, sorrow; mi'- [the man] of my choice; (Jkpv., polka tyHpahahsvni kuulin, vtlii . . tU my regret I
tst:) my best girl.
heard that . . , I was sorry (1. It pained me miellttely 1. = mieiistely; 2. (mlellteko)
l. U grieved me) to learn (1. to hear) that . .; desire, longing [for . .].
ilmaista mielipahanea jostakin express one's mielitty (haluttu) desired, longed for; (raregret over (1. about) a th.; htratt kastettu) beloved.
mitlipahaa hness It Will grieve (1. dlS- mielityo favorite occupation (1. work);
tress) him, it will worry him, It will fill (-harrastus) hobby, fad; tehd otakin mithim with indignation; tiit ei o muata iitoiksecn derive pleasure from, take pleas
bain miclipahaa nothing but annoyance (1. ure In, enjoy, delight In.
trouble 1. discomfort) will come of It, mieli vallanteko arbitrary (1. high-handed)
(ikvyyksl) it will only cause one worry action; arbitrariness, -valta discretion;
(1. annoyance), it will only be a source of pleasure, will; (mlellvaltalsuus) arbitrari
inconvenience (1. of trouble), -paikka fa ness; olla jonktin miclivalla.isa DO left tO
p. 's discretion, (armona) be at one's mercy,
vorite place, favorite resort, -pide opin
ion, view; (ajatus) thought, idea; miku on -valtainen arbitrary, btgh-handed; (omavaltalnen) despotic. -valtaUestl arbitrarily;
*inan miclipiteesi asiasta Uh;il Is yOUr
opinion In the matter (1. your view or the In a high-handed manner; despotically,
case)? what view do you take of the mat -valtaisuus arbitrariness; arbitrary (1. high
ter? minulla on oma(f) mi/ipifcni asiasfa handed) methods [actions, etc.]; Harjottaa
I have an Idea (1. an opinion) of my own mielivaltaituutta (myOS:) carry matters
(1. I have my own private opinion) about with a high band, do as one pleases, ks.
the matter; minulla on mielipide asiasfa, harjottaa.
*tta . . my opinion (in the matter) is that mieli have (1. feel) a desire for; (haluta)
... I am of the opinion that . .; minan nu'<- wish, desire, want; like, choose, please;
Upit**ni muitaun (my03:) (according) to (kalvata) long [for, Jotakln], hanker
my mind. In my opinion. -piteldenivaihto [after . .] ; ano, mita mielit (mlU haluat
1. -vaihdos Interchange (1. exchange) of saada) tell me what you wish (1. what you
opinions, comparing notes; discussion. would like to have), (mita tahansa) say
-puoii I. (a.) Insane, crazy, demented, ll. what (ever) you like (1. please 1. will).
(s.) madman, lunatic, -puolltuui Insanity, mieliakuohuttava agitating (1. disturbing 1.
lunacy; madness; vrt. mieliuiraus. -sa'i- Revolting) (to the feelings) ; outrageous;
raata insane asylum. -sairaanholto care on micliakuohuttavaa kuulta . . it rOUSBS
of the Insane, -airas I. (a.) Insane, . . of one (1. It makes one's blood boll) to hear . . .
unsound mind, . . of diseased (1. disor miell conception; (kasitys) perception, ap
prehension; (kasite) Idea; (mlellkuva)
dered) brain (1. mind), ll. (s.) insane per
son, -sairaslainsdanto legislation con
(mental) image, -yhtymy 1. -yhtyml as
cerning the care of the Insane, -airaus sociation of Ideas.
mental disorder (1. disease 1. ailment), in miellytelli try to please, try to captivate;
vrt. mielUtelU. miellyttaminen pleasing,
mieiistelevi(inen) insinuating; fawning, miellyttivyys pleasantness, agreeableness;
coaxing-, cajoling; flattering; mealy- charm, fascination, grace; winning man
mouthed, mlelistelevalsyyi Insinuation; ners (1. ways); Aunen olentonsa miellyttafawning, mielistelijl fawner, cajoler; flat
vyym the charm (1. fascination) of her
terer, mielistell (Jotakuta) fawn upon, manners, her winning ways, mlellyuv
wheedle, cringe to, curry favor with; make pleasant, pleasing, agreeable, delightful;
much of, smile upon, try to Ingratiate o.s attractive, captivating; taking, winning
with; (Imarrella) flatter, cajole; (klemall- [manners, kayts], engaging; congenial
la jollekulle) flirt with . . .
[companion, kumppanl], genial, miellytmieiistely fawning, cajoling; (imartelu) flat Uviiti pleasantly, agreeably; attractively;
tery; (klemallu) flirting [with ..]. -halu wlnningly; congenially, in a winning (1. a
genial) manner.
desire to Ingratiate o.s. [with . .] ; (klemal
lu-) desire to flirt, (tytlst:) coquetry, miellytU please; take [a p.'s] fancy; (vei i.i puoleensa) appeal [to, Jotakuta], at
coquettlshness. -haluinen (klemallu-) dis
posed to be a coquet; flirtatious; (Imarte
tract; captivate; (tendu byv valkutus)
lu-) given to flattery.
Impress . . favorably, make a good impres
mieliety be(come) pleased (1. delighted); sion [on . .] ; strike (I. hit) a p.'s fancy;
rnyos mieltya. I.
ehdotue el ensinhaan mimllyttanyt minua
mielisuosio: mitlituotiolla (mlelelln) wil
(myus:) I was not at all pleased with (1.
lingly, with a will, with good will, (hy- 1 did not at all like) the proposition; jot
valla) by fair means, (vapaaehtolsestl) ttit If you like (1. please); nun fcouon
voluntarily, of one's own accord, of one's * minua ~ as long as I find it agree
free will; vrt. uoslo.
able (1. I take pleasure In It) ; poiha ~ mi
mielieyys (yhd.) . .-inlndedness [esim. jalo~ nua (tav.) I like the boy; t* *i mitllyt
noble-mindedness; k*vyt~ light-minded
minua ollenhaan It does not appeal (1. comness]; liittolai* sympathy with (the cause mcnd Itself) to me at all, I don't like It at
all, I take no pleasure In It whatever,
of) the Miles.
mieli tehtavt what one likes to do; favorite mieltenkuohu excitement, agitation, agitation
occupation (1. pursuit); (-harrastus) hobby. (1. perturbation) of mind; rush (1. flush)
-Uko liking, fancy; (mlellnalu) desire, of emotions, burst of passion; ferment.




the mercy or the cold and cruel World; sai

mieltymys llklng-; (kiintymys) arrectlon
lhte mieroon (l. mieron tielle) had to
[Tor], attachmcnt [to]; (Uo) deligbt,
start (1. resort to) tramping. mierolainen,
pleasure; (ihastus) rapture, enthuslasm;
mieronkiertiji wanderer, tramp; (kerjli
(myttuntolsuus) sympathy; (hyvksynen) beggar(man).
mys) approval; (himo: alttius) addictlon mieron sauva beggar's starr. -selk: ajaa
ItO, Johonkin]; mieltymyksen myrsky goika mieronselkn drlve (1. throw) the
oy out Into the World; ajettiin mieronsel
burst of delight, storm of applause; miel
kn as driven out into (1. thrown on)
tymyksen osotut expresslon or deligbt (1.
the World, -tie: taattoa joku mierontieUe
or approval), applause. -huuto shout or
reduce one to beggary, make a beggar or
dellght, (hyvksymis-) shout or applause
oue, beggar one; vrt. edell. & miero,
(1. or approbatlon); cheer.
man iplur. men] ; (et. Jkpv.) rellow
mieltynyt dellghted [with, Johonkin] ; (Ihas
[esim. kunnon a fine rellow] ; (aviomies)
tunut) charmed [with], enraptured [wlth] ;
husband; (henkil) person; mieheen (mies
(rakastunut) In love [with], enamored
t kohti) each, apiece, per capita [esim.
I or] ; vrt. seur.
5 dollaria mieheen 5 dollars each (1.
mieltyi I. (mielisty Johonkin, Johonkuhun)
apiece) ] ; mieheksi ja vaimoksi loi hn hei
take a rancy (1. a likin?) to . . , take (a)
dt (raam.) male and Temale created he
pleasure (1. delight) in . . , become rond
tliein; mieheni (vaimon esittess:) my
or . . , become attached to . . , (ihastua) be
husband: miehen tavalla (l. lailla) like a
come rasclnated (1. charmed) wlth ..; olla
[viesti kulkee] miehest mieheen
mieltynyt johonkin take (a) pleasure (1.
[the report Is circulated] rrom one to andellght) In, delight In, be taken wlth. be
other, by word or mouth, rrom man to
rond or, (harrastaa) be interested (1. Interman, rrom person to person; miehiss
est o.s.) In, (himolta) be glven (1. addlcted)
(kaikki) in a body, to a man. In rull rorce,
to . . hirnui, olla erikoisesti mieltynyt jo
(lukuisasti) in great nuinbers, in (strong)
honkin have a speclal llklng- (1. rondness)
force; (taistella] ~ miest vastaan [right"
Tor . .; show predllectlon ror . .].
mieltyi II. (saada mielt, Jrkllnty) get hand to hand; miesten a man among
men, one In a (1. In ten) thousand, splendid
morc se ii se
rellOW; miest kohti ks. mieheen; miest
mieltii jirkyttivi agltating, perturblng (to
myten accordlng to the man [huom. palk
the mlnd 1. to the reellngs I. to the nerves),
maksetaan miest myten (mys:)
dlsturblng; upsettlng (piere or news, uu
the salary depends on the man]; ei olla
tinen], thrilllng [adventure, seikkailu];
soul-stirrlng (address, puhe]; vrt. mieli- niin miehinkn (el vlitet mistn) lei
us appcar as ir nothlng were the matter.
kuohuttava, -kiihottava sensatlonal. -kiinlet us act as ir nothlng (had) happened.
niumitn unlnteresting; dull, tedlous.
-kiinnittv - mielenkiintoinen, -kirveltav lefs pretend we don't know anything about
it; hness ei ole miest sit tekemn (1.
painrul, agonizlng, polgnant; (katkera) bit
siihen) he Is not the man (1. not man
ter, -liikuttava touchlng; pathetic. -ylen
enough) to do lt, (ei pysty) he is not capable
tv elevatlng (to the mlnd), uplirtlng;
doing lt, he is not the man Tor the Job;
exalting; (Innostava) soul-lnsplring; subhn on ~ paikallaan he is the right man
llme [spectacle, nky].
(In the right place), he Is (just) the man
miettii concelve; percelve, apprehend.
for the place (1. the Job); hn on poomieluimmin prererably, by preference; (en
nen kaikkea) above ali. In preference to lestaan he vvill hold his own, he wlll take
everythlng else; min haluaisin - tehd care of hls own part, he wlll do his share:
nin I should prefer to do thls (way), I hn on minun miehini he is one of my
should llkc or (1. above) ali things to do thls. men, (hnt min kannatan) he is my man
mieluinen (tervetullut) wclcome [guest, (1. my cholce), I declare (myselT) in favor
Of hlm; kuka (\. mik) hn on miehin
vieras], deslrahle, acceptable; (miellytt
what kind of (a) man is he? what sort of (a)
v) pleasant, agreeable, pleasing; (pidet
rellow is he? who Is he? me kahden mie
ty, suosittu) llked, ravorite, popular; (ra
kas) dear; tehtv a pleasant (I. an hen we two by ourselves [huom. me teim
agreeable) task; mieluista kuulla (I am) me sen kahden miehen we tuo men dld it,
pleased (1. very glad) to hear it (1. to hear we two dld It by ourselves (1. alone) ] ;
tuhannen miest a thousand men; tuhannen
you say so) ; minusta se on (varsin) mie
miest jalkavke a thousand or the lnfanluista I take great pleasure (1. great de
llght) in lt, I dellght In it, I rejolce in do- try, (vanh.) a thousand Toot; vrt. pu, ho
raittius, saama'-, sulhas , ty Jne.
Ing it, lt glves me great satlsractlon (1.
great pleasure). mieluisa mieluinen, mies- (yhd.) male [esim. -jsen male memmieluisasti ks. mielelln, mlelulsuus deber; -kummi male sponsor; -kumppani
slrabllity, acceptablllty; agreeableness, demale companlon; -perillinen male helr],
man [esim. -oppilas man student; -palvelija
mielukas, mielukkaammin, mielukkaasti ks. man servant], (harvemmin:) masculine
mieluinen, mieluummin, mielelln.
[esim. -sukupuoli masculine sex] ; (mies
mieluummin rathcr, sooner; preTerably;
ten-) . . of men [esim. -hukka loss of men;
jn kotiin I prerer to stay home,' I -ryhm group or men]. -henkil 1. -eliji
(had 1. would) rather stay home; min en man, male. -hukka (mys:) loss of lire:
mitn sen ~ halaja 1 wish no (1. nothlng)
Slaughter; heidn mieshukkansa oli suuri
better; nkisin , ett jisit I would rather
(mys:) thelr losses (I. easualtles) were
sei> you stay, I \voulil rather you remalned;
great (1. heavy). -Joukko crowd (1. troop
otan tmn 1 wnuld rather take this,
1. band) of men; Aa tulivat miesjoukolla
(liidn parempana) 1 prerer (to take) thls;
thcy came In rorce (1. in great nuinbers),
siftf , koska . . the rather bccause (I. as
they came In a crowd (1. in crowds). -koh
1. that) . . .
tainen persona! i Security, takaus], -koh
miero (the rold and rruel) World; joutua taisesti personally. -kummi (mys:) godmieron tielle be leTt to tramp, be tfmnvn father. -kuntainen pubescent; (miehen In
out on the eold World, (kepplkerjllseksi)
saavuttanut) virlle. -kuntaisuue puDerty,
be reduced to beggary ; olla mieron tiell be pubescence. -kuntoinen = mieskuntainen.
thrown on (the raercy of) the worid, be at
-kuoro 1. -kri male cbolr, men's chorus.



chorus of men. -kvartetti male quartet(te).

-luku number of men, number(s); miesluiun makaan according to the num
ber (or men), per capita; Ae kohtasivat
miesluvultaan paljon voimakkaamman vi
hollisjoukon they were met by a far superior number of the enemy (1. by far superior numbers) ; vihollinen oli miesluvul
taan maita paljon voimakkaampi the enemy
outnumbered us by far. -lukuinen strong
in meri (1. in numbers) ; numerous; vvellattended [meeting. Kokous], -lukuisesti
in (strong 1. great) force, In great (1. In
larg-e) numbers; numerously; mieslukuisesti saapuvilla present in large numbers.
-luostari monastery. -muistiin \vitlim (I. in)
the memory of man. -murha ks. miestappo.
miesminen (mieheks) manly, mascullne,
virile; (naisista:) mannish. miesmisesti
like a man, manfully; (naisista:) mannishly.
miesmisyys (naisen) mannishness; vrt.
mies. parvi crovvd (1. group 1. horde) of
men. -polvi generation, (average) llfetime;
miespolveen for a generation; vrt. sukupolvi.
-puoli (suvun) male side, spear side. -puoli
nen male, masculine. -pivty day's work
for a man. -seminaari normal school (Engl.:
training- college) Tor male teachcrs. -suku
lainen male relative, kinsman. -tappo manslaughter; homicide; (murha) murder.
miestenpuoli (esim. kirkossa) the men's
side; (suvun) male line.
mies: voima man's strength; (kyttvoimana)
man-povver; miesvoimalla by man-power,
(ksivoimalla) by hand, (miehiss) in force,
In strong numbers [huom. ei siirry mies
voimalla \vill rcquire more than a man's
strength to move lt]. -vki (koll.) the men,
the males, (jkpv.) the men-rolks. -ni
man's voice, male voice; miesnet men's
volces. -Uninen . . for men's volces; miesaninen kvartetti male quartet(te) ; miesninen laulu slngfng by a men's chorus,
(laulukappale) song for male (1. men's)
volces. -nisesti by male volces.
miete thought; reflectlon; (tuuma) Idea,
pian, scheme; mietteet (mys:) medltatlon, contemplation; mietteisiin vaipuneena
buried (1. deep) In thought; olla mietteis
sn be lost in thought, be mustng, be
ponderlng. mietelm thought, reflectlon,
rnedltation; (mietelause) sentence; (lyhyt)
mietint = miettiminen; vrt. seur.
mietint (lausunto) report. -ehdotus 1.
-luonnos drart (1. project) of a report.
mietiskeleminen reriectlng [on], pondering: meditatlng; brooding; vrt. mietiskely.
mietiskelev reflecting, brooding: (itseen
s sulkeutunut) contemplative, medltative.
mietiskelij brooder; muser; (haaveilija)
dreamer. mietiskell reHect [(up)on, Jo
takin], give a deep thought [to ..], think
deeply [of] ; muse [on . .] ; medltate;
(usein: surekslen) brood [on (1. over), Jo
takin] ; (tutkistella) ponder [on (1. over),
Jotakin], Study; speculate; isfua ja mietis
kell sit musing, sit lost tn meditatlon.
mietiskely reriectlon, meditatlon; ponder
lng; brooding; contemplation; mietiskelyyn
vaipuneena lost In meditatlon.
mietitty (tahallinen) premedltated [crime,
rikos], dellherate; hyvin well consldered.
mietittv I. (a.) . . worth thlnklng over.
II. (s.) something to think about (1. upon
1. over), food for thought.
mietitytt: nt alkoi lt made him
(stop and) think, lt gave him pause, be
became thoughtful; vrt. ajatteluttaa.
mieto (laimea) weak [solutlon, liuos], dl-


lute(d); mlld tclgar, slkaari] ; light [vvine,

viini]; miedommat vkijuomat milder alcohollc Uquors. mletous vveakness; mildness; llghtness.
mietteinen (yhd.) . .-thlnklng, . .-\vltted, . .
of thought [esim. hidas- slovv of thought,
slow-thinking (1. -vvltted); nopea qulck
(I. nlmble) of thought, qulck-thlnklng (1.
-vvltted), nimble-vvltted] ; vrt. syv.
miettiminen thlnklng [of (1. about) . .], contemplating; reflecting (1. meditatlng) up
on; considerlng, thinking over; reriectlon.
conslderation; vrt. mietti, miettimlsaika
tlme for reflectlon (1. conslderation); anna
minulle pari piv miettimisaikaa give me
a couple of days to think it over. mietti
vinen) thoughtful [look, katse], reflectlve; medltative, contemplative, ponderlng,
musing; on miettivt (Se) n nkinen lOOkS
mietti (ajatella) think [of (1. about), Jota
kin] ; reriect (1. medltate) upon, consider,
think over; (tuumailla) contemplate; muse
[on]; (tutkistella) ponder [on (1. over)],
study; (harkita) deliberate, reason; collect
One'S thOUghtS, Stop tO think; mielessn
welgh In one's mlnd, consider, ponder;
min mietin asiaa (lhemmin) 1'11 (1. 1 \vill)
think lt over, 1*11 think of it, I wlll con
sider the matter.
mihin (alistetuissa kysymyslauseissa:) to
what, for what, (minne) vvhere (to),
\vhlther; (Johon) to vvhich, for vvhich;
aikaan at What tlme? aikaan vuorokau
desta tahansa at ali hours (of the day or
nlght), at any hour of the tvventy four;
asti hOW far? sin sit tarvitset vvhat
dO yOU need lt for? tahansa (l. hyvns)
where(so)ever; tm johtaa Cl. Die) (mi
k on seurauksena) what wlll this come
to? what will be the end of thls? vvhat
\vill come (out) of this? mihinkn: ei mi
hinkn novvhere; vrt. mikn.
miilu (sysi-) charcoal-pit; (-uuni) klln.
-puut wood for charrlng.
Miina VVilhelmina; (Jkpv.) Minnlc.
miina (sot.) mlne. -laiva boat to lay mines.
-mies (sot.) miner.
miinankaivaja (sot.) mlner.
miinottaa (sot.) mlne; (Jokin alue) plant (1.
strevv) vvlth mines; (alta) undermlne, sap;
miinotertu alue mlned area, (sot.) mlnefleld. mlinottaja mlner; sapper. miinotus
mlnlng; underminlng, sapplng. mllnotuttaa
have . . mlned, have . . planted (1. strewn)
\vith mines. miinurl (sot.) mlner.
miinus (mat.) minus. -merkki mlnus(-slgn).
mikin each (one) ; tiedtk mihin kuulaa
do you know vvhere each one belongs?
mikkeli(npiv), mikonpiv Michaelmas.
Mikko Michael; (Jkpv.) Mike.
mikro- (yhd.) miero- [esim. -metri micrometer; -organismi mlcro-organlsm] .
mikroskooppi mlcroscope. mikroskooppinen
miksi (mlnkathden) \vhy? vvhererore? for
what reason? on what account? ei vvhy
not? niin why so? pivksi on se
asetettu (mille pivlle) on vvhat date has
It been set? se muuttuu (minklaiseksi)
what does lt change Into? (inlnklhden)
why does lt change? it sanotaan vvhat
(1. how) is lt called? how do you call lt?
miksik - miksi.
mik vvhich; vvhat; mihin, miksi ks. hakus.;
hn on miehin uhat sort or a fellovv
is he? htn vvhafs the matter? vrt.
mik nyt on; kiire sinulla on What'S
your hurry? vvhy such haste? kirja
Wbat (1. vvhich) bOOk? mielettmyys
vvhat folly! mies hn on (minklainen)


what kind (1. sort) of a man Is he? (kufrom appearances), (judging) from the
ka) who is he? (mita ban tekee) what's way it appears (1. it seems), as it would
he doing for a living? what does he work seem, seemingly [esim. ~ nayit ad, el roat? ~ minnekin one here, one (I. another)
mahdutta vida oltt a catastrophe is
there, (huiskln halskln) pell-mell, helter- seemingly Inevitable]; - ... tikli .. to
skelter; ~ miasiikin one here, another there, the extent (to which) . . , to the same
(hujan hajan) helter-skelter, higgledy- extent . .; ~ on vlttmtont as far as
piggledy, every which way; ~ mistakin (it is) necessary, to the extent to which it
pit every man to his taste (1. his liking), is necessary; ~ tiedetn so far as (it) is
tastes differ; ~ mitahin one this (thing), known, from what is known; ~ (min}
the other that; ~ nyt on (hatana) what's t iediin as (1. so) far as I know (l. am
the matter? what's going on? (jkpv.) aware), for all (1. aught 1. anything) I
what's up? ~ on, han (l. etti ft tal* know (to the contrary).
(mlksl et) why don't you come? why Is It mikn any; (s.) any one, anything [eslm.
that you don't come? what keeps you onbo nitt tinun Is any one of these
away (1. from coming) ? ~ poibaa sinua] yours? voiho ~ ett tit can anything
Prevent It?]; ~ ei voi ett hnt tulevaivaa, -~ pojan [intin] on what's the mat
ter with the boy [with you]? what ails matta nothing will prevent him from com
the boy [you] ? ~ tankari what a hero! ~ ing ; ~ voima maailmatta ei voici . .
fina on mielettti mahdotonta (myS:) power on earth (1. in the world) could . .;
millntkn, minn, mittn, mittn,
where is, in your opinion, the Impossibil
ity (1. the absurdity) of It? ~ tahanta mitn ks. hakUS.; ei ~ , (S.) none,
whatever, no matter what; ~ vanha te on nothing; ei milln (ehdolla) not for any
it is by no means old! milt* .. to (1. on) thing, not for any price (1. any money),
Which... to (1. on) What..; milla keinolla (I. by no means, not on any account, on no
keinoin) tahanta (myS:) by fair means condition, under no circumstances; ei mil
foul; milla tina tmn maktat how are you ln tavalla not in any way, in no way (1.
going to pay this? what are you going to manner) ; ei miltn kalmalta from no quar
pay this With? miffi uoin palvtlla ttit ter (1. direction); ei nyt miltn bas no
what can I do for you? of what service looks at all; hn ei le mies eik ~ he is no
can I be to you? how can I serve you? man at all, he is not the man to amount to
milt nytt how does It look? milt a anything, he never will amount to any
tuannalta from which (1. what) direction? thing: hnttt [iito] ei ole mihinkn he
[it] is of no account, he is a no-account;
milt tuntuu how does It feel (1. seem) ?
(slnusta) how are you feeling? how do one cannot expect anything of him, he does
you feel [now, nyt]? minha hatun mina not have a bit of vim (about him), there is
otan which (1. what) hat shall I take? nothing to him [It], he [it] does not
minhii min muittan (nun pltklle Kinn i as amount to anything, (el kelpaa) he [it]
far (l. as near) as I can remember; minh Is good for nothing; mina en men mihinmitahin (millOln mil. H, in i nOW mir thing, kn tn iltana I'm not going anywhere
now another, (kalkenlalsta) all sorts (1. to-ight, I'll stay (at) home to-night; te
kinds) of things, various things, every ei auta mihinkn It's (Of) use (1. no
Imaginable thing, what not; minh tiedn good avail), it avails nothing; voiko tit
milln korvata can anything replace It?
ks. ni i kali (tiedn); min miehen hn titi
la on (mlk tolml hanell on) what Is he Milano Milan, milanolainen (a. & s.) Milanese.
(sot.) militia.
doing there? what Is his occupation (1. his
business) there? mina pivn hn tutee ho- militarism* (sotllasvalta) militarism, militiin (on) what day is he coming home? mixta taristl militarist, militarlstlnen militaristic.
ks. link us. ; mitha hirjat poydiit what books miljaardi (1000 mlljoonaa) milliard.
[tables]? mit ks. hakUS.; hanell ei ole miljonaari millionaire.
mill el [maktaa] he has nothing to live miljoona million; - miest a million (Of)
on [to pay with], he does not have the men; milfoonia ihmiti millions of men
wherewithal to live [to pay] ; hanell ei (1. of people), miljoonanomistaja million
ole mista ottaa he has nothing to draw aire, miljoonaeosa millionth (part), milupon; polijci, mille rakentaa (myS:) a joomkko millionaire, miljoonlttaln by mil
foundation to build on; toot mink hynn lions; In millions; milfoonittain kaloja
vean huliiut, tao minulte mitt enin pidt (mys:) millions of fish.
you may have what pen you choose, tell mUlainen of what kind (1. sort), what sort
(1. kind) Of; ~ hyvns (\. tahanta) . . Of
me which you like best,
mikthin what (1. which) may . .; wonder any kind (1. sort) whatever [huom. olipa
what (1. which) . .; what (1. which) . . do - lima tahanta, olipa ilma ~ tahanta no
you think; ~ nui.vfu on nanen I wonder matter what the weather may be] ; ~ hn
which one of these Is his? which one of on what Is he like? what sort of a fellow
these may be his? which (one) of these Is he? ~ rnie what kind of (a) man? on
do you think IS his? ~ tit poibaa oaioaa utui rautatie what is the new railroad like?
I wonder what alls (I. what's the matter) ~ ... se Hainen .. as ... SO . .; like ..,
with that ?~ [mita'fton] orna on What like . .; ~ [mi/laista] te ol what was It like?
may this be? I wonder what this Is?
millaisetsa kunnossa In What condition? in
mikali (slina mrln kuin) as (1. so) far as; what shape? vrt. sellainen.
in proportion as, to the extent to which; mille ks. mik.
(according) as ..; (nlln paljon kuln) as mi Mi D g ram ma milligram, -metrl millimeter.
much as; (jos) provided, if; (sen mukaan millincn = millainen.
kuln) according to what, by what, from milloin when? (at) what time?; (jolloln)
when; hyi'ansH milloin tahania; ~ miwhat; ~ mahdollitta as (1. so) far as pos
sible (1. feasible 1. practicable), If possible; hinhin tuuntaan now (1. sometimes) in one
- minuun tu/ so (1. as) far as 1 am con
direction, now (1. sometimes) In another;
cerned; min aliaa ymmrrn SO (1. as) now in this, now in that direction; - m<far as I understand the matter, according hin now this, now that; now one, now an
to my understanding of the matter; ~ other; ~ .., ~ .. sometimes .., some
maittan to the best of my recollection; ~ times . .; DOW . . , now . .; ~ millahin ta
judging from the appearance (1. valla now this way, now that; ~ mist akin



now () here, now (from) there; now

from tbis place (1. this direction), now
from that; first one (1. this) way, then an
other; ~ tahansa at any time, at all times,
no matter when [huom. Iahettk ~
tahansa (mys:) send It any time; send It
sometime, no matter when], (koska tahan
sa) whenever [you desire, haluat], at
all hours of the day, whenever you like
(1. choose), whenever It Is convenient (to
you) ; ~ tutet botan when are you coming:
home? ana, ~ .. always when .., (mllloln tahansa) whenever . . , (Joka kerta
kun) every time (when) . . .
milloinkaan ever; ei - never; en ~ never
(In my life), never In all my life; pahempi
kuin ~ worse than ever before,
worse than at any time previous.
millolnkin: ilmota minutie mits ~ olesktlet
keep me Informed of (1. posted as to)
your whereabouts; buba ~ on feotona who
ever Is at home, whoever is (1. happens to
be) home at that time; mik ~ now this,
now that; niifS ottetaan, mista taadaan
they are bought (I. we buy them) wherever
they can be obtained (1. are to be had) at
the time; vrt. kulloinkin.
milla ks. mik. millatn ks. mikn.
millnskaan, mlllaankn [millnikn, millsikn jne.] : ci olla ~~ (asiasta) IlOt let

. . disturb (1. bother 1. worry) one, (pysya

tyynen) remain unperturbed (1. cool 1.
calm), keep one's countenance, (vllnpltmttmana) remain unconcerned (I. un
moved 1. unaffected), (tletvlnnskan)
not take any notice [of . .], not pay any
attention [to . .], (el vlltt) not mind a
bit [of . .], not care at all about . .;
en ole tiita (niin) milianikaan (mys:) I
don't care a fig- (1. a rap) about it, It has
no effect on me (whatever), It Is all the
same to me, (annan olla) I let it pass, I
will not lift a finger to help [to hinder]
It; ei allt ftlit) -. jatkoi rauhatsa lukuaan he went calmly on reading:
without taking any notice (1. without payIng- any attention 1. without letting- It dis
turb him); ala ole mlfikan don't let
yourself he disturbed, don't disturb your
self; don't pay any attention to me [to
this. etc.].
miltel (melkeln) almost, all but, well-nig-h;
very nearly; not far from; next to; ~ IHahsi
rather too much: ~ loukkaava (\. myttv) oarmuus kythsessn With an 83surance of manners that bordered on the
offensive; ~ taukoamatta almost without
an Interruption, every few moments; nan
menetti ~ halben omaieuuttnsa he lost
pretty nearly all (that) he possessed; vrt.
mTl'ta ks.' mlkiL mlltUn ks. mlkSSn.
mlmeografi (monlstuskoje) mimeograph.
mimilkka, mlmllkkl (kasvoineleet) mimicry;
(-talto) mimic art.
mlmmoinen ~ mllainen.
mlneraali (klvenn&lnen) mineral.
mineraall- (yhd.) mineral [eslm. -happo
mineral acid; -veti mineral water; -aljy
mineral oil].
mineraloga (klvennfllstlede) mineralogy.
miniatyyrl (plenolskuva) miniature.
minimi (viiiiin) minimum.
minimi- (yhd.) minimum [eslm. -arvo mini
mum value; -ninfa minimum price; -palbka
minimum wages].
minister! minister [esim. oifceu~ minister
of justice; ofa minister of war]; (Yhdysv., 1. v.) member of the Cabinet, secre
tary teslm. rofta secretary of the treas
ury; oto secretary of war], -hallitui


government by a ministry; cabinet gov

ministerillinen ministerial.
minister r neu vasto council of ministers,
-nouvottelu conference of ministers; (Yhdysv.) cabinet meeting, meeting of the
mmisterm salkku minister's portfolio; (1.
v. Yhdysv.) place in the Cabinet, -vaihdos
change of a minister; vrt. mlnUterUtiravaihdos.
ministcpil presidentti presiding officer of a
ministry; (paamlnlsteri) premier. -pul(m)a
cabinet crisis, -puolue ministerial party,
-puoluelalnen ministerialist.
ministriels ministry, (eslm. Yhdysv.) cab
inet; astua ministeristn f 1. ministeristn
jasenehri) enter the cabinet, become a
member -of the ministry, minlsteristonjmuutos 1. -vaihdos change of ministers (1.
of ministry), change of cabinet.
mini-iteri vaitiosihtecri Minister Secretary of
State [of Finland].

ministerio ministry [eslm. mri~ ministry

of marine; outen ministry of Justice].
minia daughter-in-law, son's wife.
minka kaltainen 1. -laatulnen 1. -lalnen =
millainen. -luontoinen of what nature (I.
character), -nlminen: minkaniminen mie*
on nyhyaan postimestarina what Is the .
name of the present postmaster; minkSniminen *e on by what name does it go?
-tunden 1. -vuoksi why? for what reason?
on what account? what for? wherefore?
minkaanlainen any, any kind (1. sort) of . .;
' no kind of . . , no (1. not any) . . what
ever, no (1. not any) . . at all, none at all;
ios taitin minkniaiita apua 1 I Could
have any assistance whatever (1. any sort
of help), If I could get any help at all.
minne whither, where, where to; matba
where are you going? where are you off
to? pain where? In what direction?
which way [did he go, nan men!]; vrt.
mihin. minnekkln: miku minnekkin one
here, another there; one this way, another
that (way); one In this direction, another
In that; milloin minnefefcin now here, now
there; sometimes this (1. one) way, some
times that (1. another) ; now In this direc
tion, now In that, minnekki whither, where(un)to; (mlnne) where, minnekkaan: ei
minnrkkn nowhere; ei ' minntkbn
nowhere at all [huom. ei liikahtanat niin
minnekkaan did not budge at all (1. an
Inch)], mlnnelplin 1. -k&sln where? In
what direction? which way? where to?
minttu (kasv.) mint. -Oljy oil of mint,
mlnunlainen like me, such as I; minunlaittni mie a man like me.
minuutittain by minutes; (Joka mlmuittl)
every minute.
mlnuuttl minute; minuutttleen to a (1. the)
minute; mimratiiia In a minute, (mlnuuttla kohtl) per minute, -osotin 1. -vilsari
mina I. I; minim me; minulla on I have; minuf/etome, (mlnua varten) forme; minulta
from me; minun my [book, klrjanl], (Itsenalsen:) mine [eslm. e on minun It Is
mine]; minun mieltttani In my opinion;
minuita to me, (mlelestttni) In my opinion,
(ksittaksenl) as I understand (I. see) It
[huom, fiunu. f., Han on oikeassa (mys:)
I think he is (In the) right] ; Aon luuli miesta mrnufeii he (mls)took the man for me,
he thought the man was I (Jkpv.: was me).
mini II. ks. mika. minian: ei pitnyt
fita minn he thought nothing of It.
mirhami myrrh, -oljy oil of myrrh.



mirri puss, pussy, pussy-cat.

missi where? ~ herran nimess olet ollut
ror goodness' sake, where bave you been?
where In the world (Jkpv.: where in klngdom come) have you been? ~ hyvns cl.
tahansa) 1. (konj.) wherever, 2. (adv.)
unyuhrrr [esim. ~ hyvns minua tarvi
taan wherever I am \vanted; min voin
nukkua ~ hyvns I can sleep anywhere] ;
hn nyt on (mys:) what's hls present
whereabouts? on vika (mys:) whose
fault Is It? -piin In what dlrectlon? where?
misspin maailmaa \vliereabOUt(s) '.' in
what part or the World?
missn anywhere; ei ~ nowhere, In no
plare; siell jos there ir anywhere.
mist rrom what plare? \vhere (rrom)?
fromwhere; rrom what (I. whlch), whence;
(kuinka) how? why? vrt. mik; ~ johtuu,
ett .. why (1. how) is lt that . .? - kir
jasta sin sit luit In what book (1. where)
dld you read that? ~ sen olet lytnyt
vvhere have you found that? ~ n tiedt
how do (1. how can) you know that? ~
syyst Tor what reason? (miksi) why?
te puhutte are you taik hik about?
\vhat Is your taik about (1. oD? tl* kulk*e where does the road go? ~ tul*t where
do you come rrom? mistkin: [olivat tul
leet] mik mistkin Ihad rome] one rrom
here, amitner rrom there; [hadcome] rrom
ali over; mik mistkin pit everyone
arter (1. each one to) hls taste; one llkes
thls, another that.
mistn: ~ et voi lyt parempaa nowhere
can you rind any better; ei (rrom) nowhere, Trom no plare; ei ~ hinnasta not
Tor (1. at) any prlce; en lyd sit ~
I cannot rind It anyvvhcre (1. any place);
hn oli niin pkerryksiss, ettei tiennyt ~
he \vas so dazed that he dld not know anythlng.
mitali medal.
mitallinen (mltantysl) a measure Tuli [or
.., Jotakin], miunotto measuring, (takIng) measurement(s).
mitantollopillinan geometrlc(al). -oppi geometry.
mitan tyttmtn Short; deHclent; (kool
taan) undersized. -tyttv (aineista, esi
neist:) (oT) good measure; (Ihmisist,
asevelvollisista y. m.:) or Tuli helght (1.
stature), up to the standard (1. the meas
ure), rull-Slzed; onko se mitantyttv
(esim. kalasta:) does It come wlthln the
requirements? -vajaus short measure.
mitata measure, take the measure or . . ,
(etup. raam.) mete; (erilleen) measure
out; (tarkasti) ga(u)ge; (luodata) sound
[the depth or the river, Joen syvyytt];
(punnita) \velgh; (maanmittauskonellla)
survey [land, maata]; runsaasti glve
good (1. Tuli) measure, glve a measure
pressert down and runnlng over, glve a
llheral (1. a bounteous) measure.
mitalta measure; (kuv.) gauge; ~ lattiaa
pace tho rioor; ~ miekkojalan) measure
swords [with one, Jonkun kanssa], (run.)
play wlth sworrts, (olla kaksintaistelussa)
duel, right a duel [wlth ..], (miekkailla)
rence; voimiaan jonkun kanssa match
o. s. (1. pit one's strength) agalnst a p.,
measure one's strength wlth one. cope
wlth one, (kuv.) try conrliislons wlth one.
miten how? (Joskus:) what? (mill taval
la) in \vhat manner (1. way) ? (vaikka
kuinkakin) however; hyvns miten
tahansa; Aan koettaneekin however he
may try, no matter ho\v he trles; kuten
(tavalla tai toisella) somhow (or ottier),
(In) some way (1. manner) or other, by


some means or other ; milloinkin no w this

way, now that; [mutta] ollakaan (ker
tomuksissa:) [but] however lt was (1.
bappened) ..; ~ suloista onkaan .. how
sweet (1. dellghtrul) lt Is to . .; ~ suuri
olikaan hmmstykseni huomatessani, ett
.. what was my surprlse (1. my aslonishment) to rind (1. at rindlng 1. when I
round) that . .; ~ tahansa any way (you
llke), somehow or other, no matter how,
hOwever; kvi kvi ks. kyd; olipa hn
~ rikas tahansa however rlch he may be
(1. he Is 1. he be); olipa s*n asian laita
(nyt) ~ tahansa be that as lt may, however that may be; olkoon tahansa, oli
oli be that as lt may, however that (1. it)
may be; tshkn ~ haluaa he may do as
he pleases (1. llkes 1. wants to), mitenkin:
milloin mitenkin now one way, now another;
now this way, no\v that; vrt. jotenkin, 2.
mitenk (mit sanoitte) beg pardon"? I beg
your pardon! (Jkpv.) how (is that)? \vhat
dld you say? mys = miten.
mitenkn In any w:ay (1. manner 1. wise).
(mahdollisesti) posslbly: *i in no way
(1. wlse), not In any way, noways, (el mil
ln tavoin) by no means, on no account,
(el ensinkn) not at ali, lmpossibly, not
posslbly; (huudahduksissa:) never! (el
missn nimess) not Tor goodness' (I.
pity's) sake! not under any conslderation!
ei ~ muuten (In) no other way, nohow else;
*t voi ~ pst mukaan you can not pos
slbly (1. not by any means) come wlth us;
hn ei kyennyt ~ selittmn asiaa (mys:
lie was (quite) at a loss to explaln (1. ac
count Tor) the matter; jos ~ voin ir I can
In any way, ir I posslbly can, ir I only
can rind a (1. my) way [to do It, tehd
sen] ; min en ~ voi Cl. jaksa) ksitt sit
I am quite unable to see (1. to understaml)
lt, I am quite at a loss to understand it, I
can not see (1. understand) lt at ali; sin
et ~ voi Cl. sinun ci ~ sovi) lhte ulos
tuolla hatulla you cannot posslbly go out
With that hat on; sin st voi vaatia, ett
.. (et kohtuudella) you cannot Justly (1.
reasonably) demand, that . .; l sit
ota don't take lt by any means! ror good
ness' sake, don't take that!
mitta measure; (mtttaperuste) standard;
(mittari) gauge; (otettu) measurement:
(mittasuhde, suuruus) dimension, size;
mitan mukaan by measure, arcording to
measure(ments) ; mitan mukaan tehty
\puku] [a suit] made to measure (1. to
order), tailor-made [suit]; mitat ja painot
welghts and measures; ajan mittaan (pit
kn) In the course or tlme, in the longrun, (alkaa myten) as tlme goes [went]
on (1. by), in time; koko vuoden mittaan in
the course or the year, durlng the \vhole
year; miehen a man's helght.
mitta- (yhd.) measuring- [esim. -lasi measurlng-glass; -nuora measurlng-cord] .
mittaaja measurer; ga(u)ger; vrt. mittari,
mittaamaton (Jota el ole mitattu) unmeasured, not measured; (Jota el voi mitata)
lmmeasurable, plumbless [depth, syvyys),
abysmal, measureiess, Immensurable; (
retn) boundless [space, avaruus] j Immense, enormous; mittaamattoman pitk
immeasurably long; mirtaomaMoman syv
(mys:) lmmeasurable, plumbless, abys
mal. mittaamattomuus Immeasurableness:
Immensity. mittaaminen
measuring; measurement; vrt. mittaus.
mitta asteikko scale; vrt. mittakaava, -astia
measure; lasinen mitta-astia glass measure.
mittailla (mitata) measure, gauge; (maata)
be surveying. mittain measure; ga(u)ge.

mittainen: mink mittaiten halaat what mtt yhttyJettS most closely connected
length do you want? olla tananta ~ be as [with ..], (henklllst:) most intimately
good as one's word, make one's word good, connected [with each other, keskenan] ;
live up to one's word (1. one's promise) ; ~ moitittaoin blameworthy in the extreme,
very much open to blame (1. to criticism 1.
vrt. miehen~, monen~, tiiysi - y. m.
lYiitta'ijpjestelm system of measures, to censure); - pikimmin as soon (1. as
-kaava measure; standard; (mltta-astelkko) early 1. as speedily 1. as fast) as possible,
scale; sutiressa (1. laaiatta) mittakaavatta at the first (1. the earliest) opportunity, at
on a large scale. In a large way, extensive
the first chance one gets; ~ ... tita (\.
ly, -done (mlttaus-) measuring-machine. ) . . the . . the . . [eslm. mita piktmmin,
-lai (mys:) graduated glass; (laslnen sau (}. ttn) partmpi the sooner (1. the
mitta-astla) glass measure; (tekn., useln:) quicker) the better] ; ~ taurimmalla haogauge, -luotl plumb; plummet, (sound
I//a(myos:) with (the) utmost care; ~ iuing-Mead, -nauha tape line (1. measure) ; rimmalla varovaisuudella With extreme (1.
(measuring-)tape. -pllll pipette, plpet. utmost 1. the greatest) caution; tuurim-puikko surveyors' pin. -puu measure, matta moor-in In (1. to) the highest (1. the
(foot-) rule: (Jaardln mittainen) yardstick; utmost) degree; ~ ttmrin the greatest,
(kuv. mys:) standard, gauge; vrt. mitta- (the) utmost, extreme, utter [huom. mita
tanko. -pyri measuring-wheel.
saurn kSyhyyt (mys:) the extreme of
mittari (mlttaaja) measurer; (tekn.) meter; poverty, abject poverty, (kurjuus) utter
gauge; (yhd.) -meter [eslm. kmua gas- misery]; trktin (mys:) of supreme
meter]; -gauge [eslm. tad*~ rain-]; (I. of the first 1. of chief) importance,
vrt. maan~. -perhonen (elalnt.) geometrld. (seuraukslltaan) of the utmost conse
mittasilla: olla mittatilla jonkun kantta quence: vaihtflevin lisallyt the most
match o.s. against a p., measure one's varied (1. varying) contents; mieliala oil ~
strength with one, pit one's strength innottunein the greatest enthusiasm pre
against one, cope with one.
mitta suhde proportion; (kokosuhde) di miUhin what may (1. might) . .? I wonder
mension. -Un ko measuring-pole (1. -rod); what? what . . do you think? ~, jot . .
(maanmlttarln) starr.
what If . .? suppose . . , Just Imagine If . .;
mittaut measurement; (mlttaamlnen) meas
~ snnoncf I wonder what you'll say? ~ *<
uring, mensuration: (maanmlttarln tolmlt- mtrkinnee what can (1. might) that mean?
tama) survey, -kona measuring-machine. ~ fat laptttta tutu re I wonder what
-opiiimen geometrlc(al). -oppi geometry. this child will become (1. will grow up to
-tykalut Implements (I. Instruments) Tor be)? what Is to become of this child? mimeasuring, measuring Instruments.
takln: mllloin mitkin now this, now that;
now one thing, now another; palotltiin kuin
mittauttaa nave .. measured: have .. sur
veyed; (Jollakulla) have one measure, have mitakin ruhtinutta was treated like a prince.
one survey.
mltipi what; at . . what If . . , suppose
mittal ltjt 1. -ketju (measurlng-)ehaln; .., just Imagine (1. think) if ..; ~ niitta
(maanmlttarln) surveyors' chain, -ykiikk pitl.-i-.ia pahtitta what's the use of pro
unit or measure: measuring unit.
longing the argument (1. of having any
mitten (klrjap.) English, 14 point (type).
further discussion), without (wasting any)
mlttaly measuring; measurement; lattian further words, without further discussion:
pacing the floor; mi.i.-i,,.,, n ~ sword- ~ tiita (vahat) no matter! never mind!
play, (kakslntalstelu) duel [huom huhaan (mltap Sitten) what then [, If.., los..].
-i Vtnyt hnellt vertoja miehhoji-n mit- mitttmyys nothingness; (vhpati)lsyys)
telyisa no one was his match with the Insignificance, want of consequence, un
sword] : voimien ~ test of strength.
importance; (arvottomuus) valuelessness,
mitt I. (kysyv tal relat. pronomlnl) what; worthlessness; (plenuus) smallness. little
(relat., joskus:) that; jo* . . (ajattele- ness; (pikkumalsuus) pettiness-, (kehnous)
han) what If . . , just Imagine 1 . . , sup
paltriness; (konkr.) trifle, triviality;
pose ..; feuufuu what (Is the) news? valpui takaitin tntitttn mitttmyyteent
any news? (kulnka voltte) how are you (mys:) he became a nonentity again;
getting along? - (pitiiat tchda what Is to ten ~ (myos:) it's being of no account (I.
be done? to what of It! what mat
no value), It's being worthless.
ters that! ~ tahanta (\. hyvnt) what- miUtn (vBhaptlnen) insignificant, In
(so)ever, no matter what Twill happen, considerable; unimportant, trifling; trivial;
tapahtuukln] ; turhia stuff and non
(vaatlmaton) unpretending, unpretentious,
sense! fiddlesticks! oh, piffle! - vitla not modest; (arvoton) valueless, . . of no value,
. . though, not a bit of It [eslm. /mi/in /<- worthless; (pieni) small, little, slight
nn pitvn \an,in-i ; multa i'ift I [scratch, naarmu] ; (kehno) paltry, mean;
thought he would keep his word, but he petty, cheap; (turna) futile: (kelpaamaton)
didn't though (I. but not he 1. not a bit of invalid, . . without effect, null and void. . .
It)], (mita turhia) nonsense! i*e() - of no (binding) force; (merkltykseton)
nonsense! vrt. edell.; jot niinkin, nun ~ meaningless; mitaitHman pieni very small,
pahaa tiinS olitt even so, where would be tiny (little), minute; minimal, (vithilptlthe harm (1. what harm could come of It); nen) Inconsiderable remount, matiral. In
hn t*kt* haluaa he does what(ever) he significant, paltry [sum, summa]; mitat pleases (1. likes), he has (everything) his toman fin-ill' mar a negligible quantity,
own way; pa hin lumimyrtky ~ mina muir
an infinitesimal (I. Infinitely small) amount;
mitttmt aniioni (vahaptlset) my little
an the worst blizzard (that) I can re
member; taarin ~ milloinkaan on nht (I. paltry 1. Insignificant) merits; mitt
(myds:) the greatest ever seen,
a man of little (I. of no) account, a man
mltii II. (superlatllvln vahvlkkeena) most, who does not amount to much: ~ *umma
utmost, . . In the extreme; ihanin piv a trifling sum, a trifle; mitatentfi
a [the] most lovely (1. beautiful) day; empty (1. Idle) talk, nonsense: jalittaa miyrkimmin most emphatically, most decid
tttmkti declare Invalid (1. null and
edly, tooth and nail; kaantin (rayos :) of void), cancel, annul.
supreme beauty; karfln (mys :) wretched mitn (a.) any; (s.) anything; ri In the extreme, wretchedly bad; lahim- no, (S.) nothing; ti apua no hel"



SlStance; i , mista kannattaiti mainita

nothing to speak of, notblngr worth men
tioning; mi niin ~, ei yhtn ~ nothing
at all, nothing whatever; n tiennyt ~
ennenkuin han o/i /o vitrtssni I knew
nothing (l. I was not aware of anything)
before he was already at my side; hnetl
ti ole ~ tunta Iah nja ,k'ykyj\ he has
none of his father's gifts [ability] ; ilman
(nun) ~ apaa with no assistance whatever,
entirely unaided; tiits ei tat* ~ nothing
will come of It, It won't come to anything,
It won't come off.
mohikaani Mohican; viimeinen ~ the last of
the Mohicans.
moiliainen rarrot.
meinen such, like that, such like; (vertalnen) like, equal; (kaltalnen) similar;
miet such a man, a man like that, such a
fellow as that, (hanen molsensa) a fellow
like him, such a one as he; moitta ei ehll toyJa the like Is far to seek; moitta
taattaa lattua (1. tapahtua) SUCh things
Will happen; en o (kothaan) moitta nhnyt [kaallat] I never saw [heard] the like
(1. the beat 1. anything like It 1. anything
to beat that); well, I never (1. I declare)!
hnen moittaan ei le koko maatta there IS
not such another (1. not his like 1. not his
match) In the whole country; < on (ihan)
hanen molttanta (that's) Just like him, that's
(like) him all over; vrt. mokoma, lainen.
molelo (herrastalo) manor-house, countryseat; mansion.
moiskahdus, moiskahtaa jne. kS. maiskahdus. maiakahtaa jne.

moite blame, censure; criticism: disapproval;

(nuhde) reproach, reproof; (lak.) protest;
moitttta antaitteaa blameworthy, repre
hensible, vrt. moltittava; moitteita (mys:)
blame, censure [eslm. antaita moitteita de
serve blame (1. censure), vrt. mys aaada] ;
siin ei le moitteen sijaa there Is no cause
for reproach In that, that is blameless,
-lause vote of censure.
moitinta blaming, blame, censure, criticism;
reproacb(lng); alituinen ~ continual fault
finding, vrt. nKykkiminen. moitiekella find
fault with, be (1. keep) blaming, blame.
moltittava blameworthy, blamable, blame
ful, reprehensible [error, erehdys] ; honen
kyttytymisent on fhyvin) moitittavaa
his conduct Is open to blame (1. to criti
cism), moitituvasti In a manner worthy
of blame (1. of censure) , blamably, reprehenslbly; kSyttytya moitittaoatti act
blameworthy, moitittavuue blameworthlness, blamefulness, reprchenslbleness.
moitteen alainen open to criticism (1. to
censure 1. to blame): blameworthy, repre
hensible, censurable; taattaa moitteenataitektl compromise, -halu, -halulnen ks.
moittimis halu, -halulnen.
moitteeton blameless [conduct, kftyts], free
from blame, above reproach, Irreproach
able; perfect [faithfulness, uskolllsuus] ;
(vlrheeton) faultless; pelotn Ja ~ without
fear and without reproach, moitteettomasti
blamelessly, without blame, free from
blame; Irreproachably, above reproach.
moltteettomuuB blamelessness; Irreproachableness.
moittia blame [a p. for, Jotakuta Jostakln],
censure, express disapproval of . .; (strong
ly) disapprove; find fault with; (nuhdella)
dispraise, reprehend, reprove; (arvostella)
criticize (adversely); (lak.) (enter a) pro
test against, dispute fa will, testamenttla],
contest; ~ taomiota (lak.) challenge a sen
tence; /11 i tovi (l. ooi) ~ tiit, ett
on niin mtnetellyt you cannot blame (1. re


proach) him for acting (1. doing) so. moitUja one who criticizes; (disparaging) critic,
detractor; (morkkaaja) heckler, fault-finder.
moittimmen blaming, censuring, fault-find
ing; reproaching; hlt lyt veljent kytktest aina jotakin moittimisen tyyt he
always finds some fault with his brother's
conduct, he always criticizes his brother.
moittimis halu disposition to censure (I. to
blame), fault-finding (disposition); censorlousness. -haluinen fault-finding, (hyper)crltlcal, captious, censorious; carping.
mojottaa pain, ache: hammattani my
tooth aches. I have the toothache.
mokkakahvi Mocha coffee, mocha.
mokko ks. peruna.
mokoma I. (a.) such, like, like that, such
like, Similar; mokoma(kin) /terra taiteilija]
a pretty specimen of a gentleman [of an
artist] (he Is). Indeed! II. (s.) such as that,
(henkllst:) such a one as that; (vertainen) like, match, equal; [suuttua] mofcomatta [take offense] at such a trifle; i
miilaan mokomin by no means, on no con
dition; en oie tatisant mohomaa kuultut

nhnyt] I never heard [saw] the like In

all my life; well, I never! kaikin mokomin
by all means, for goodness' (1. pity's I.
mercy's) sake, (kaikin voimln) with all
one's might, (ehdottomastl) positively,
(vlttamttmstt) necessarily, without
fall [hUOm. Afin tahtoi kaikin mokomin
tietS (mys:) he Insisted on knowing;
no'n (antee kaikin mokomin saada . . be
Is very anxious (1. very eager) to get . .:
tule kaikin mokomin huomenna be sure to
(I. mind you) come to-morrow, do (1. don't
fall to) come to-morrow], vrt. kaikin; o/etko (kotkaan) kaullut mokomaa did you
ever hear the like (1. anything equal to
that) ? tojnen ~ titan as much again, as
many more, another helping.
molekyli (hluke) molecule.
molemmat I. (a.) both; the two; - veljektet
both brothers, the two brothers; molemmin
puolin on both sides, (kummaltakin) on
each (1. either) side, (keskenSlsesti) mu
tually i, M. MI jot linen molemmin (1. molemmilta) puolin suottutaan If agreeable to
both sides (1. both parties); euorfen irtitanomitajalla molemmin puolin subject to a
year's notice by both parties]. II. (s.) both;
the two; ~ [heist] ouat varahkaita both
[of them] are rich; molemmilla from both
(of them), of both of them: he tulivat molemmin they both came; jatka ~ who both,
both of whom: me ~ both (I. the two) of
US; vrt. kumplkin.
moiomminpuolinen (keskenlnen) mutual
[agreement, soplmus] ; reciprocal; (jolssakln tapaukslssa:) Inter- [eslm. riippuvaituut Interdependence] ; irtisanominen
notice by both parties; mo/emminpuo/iseita
suostumuhsetta by mutual agreement.
molli (mus.) minor, the minor key.
molli- (yhd.) minor [eslm. -atketma minor
scale: -ofofu minor chord].
molskahdus splash; plump, molska(hd) uttaa (lulskhdytt&u) splash [the water, veti.i i. moiskahtaa fall with a splash, plump;
(syoksyS veteen y. m.) plunge; (liskh) splash: pdola mottkahti fell with a
splash, (Jkpv.) fell kersplash. molske
splash(ing): plump, molskla (be) splash
(-Ing); (csim. kitsin) dabble [In the water,
vedesslt'J. molskis (Jkpv.) kerswosh! kerplunge!
Moluklt Molukka Islands, the Moluccas.
monarkia (yksinvalta) monarchy, monarkiiti
monarchist, monarkistinen monarchlstic.
monarkki (ykslnvaltlas) monarch, mo

nark(k)inen monarchial [form of govern- vvlthout number, tlmes and tlmes; mones
sa kohden In many (1. several 1. lots oO
ment, hallitusmuoto], monarchlc(al).
places; monessa tapauksessa In many (1.
monasti = monesti.
several 1. numerous 1. lots ol) cases ; mo
monellainen = monenlainen.
monen- i.yinl.) . . of many (dirrerent) . . , nesta aikaa (pitkst) arter a long tlme (1.
.. of various .., .. varylng In .. [esim. V/hile); monia penikulmia many mtles; mo
nia tuhansia ihmisi (mys:) thousands 0(
-paksuisia . . varying In thlckness; -pitui
sia .. ot many dirrerent lengths, . . oi people; mies (mys:) many men; monin
many tlmes (over), (monenkertai
various lengths, .. varylng In length].
-kaltainen: monenkaltaisia . . of many (dlf- sesti) manifold(ly); monin verroin many
tlmes, . . by a great deal,
ferent) klnds, various, dlverse, many dlfTerent [oplnlons, mielipiteita], dlvers, . . by far, vastly; monta kertaa many a
(moninaisia) manirold. -kaltaisuus varlety; tlme, many (1. several) tlmes, tlme (1.
(moninaisuus) agaln) and agaln, (usein) orten; monta
maniroldness. -karvainen varlegated, . . of miest (mys:) several men, a great num
ber or men, (Jkpv.) lots or men, vrt. moni
many (1. of dlvers) colors; vrt. monivri
nen, -kertainen (alk.) many tlmes doubled; mies; hnen monet ystvns his many (1.
manirold; multlple; (luonnont. y. m.) mul- numerous) rrlends; kuinka monta niit on
tfplicate, multiplex. -kertaisesti many tlmes hovv many are they (1. are there or them)?
niin monta ihmist OnyuS: j Such a (large)
over, manifold; saada jokin monenkertai
sesti takaisin recelve back many tlmes the number or people; niit on liian monta
origlnal. -kertaistaa multlply. -kielinen . . there are too many of them; sangen moni
of various (1. of many different) languages; Cl. monta) . . numerous . . , a great many
polyglot. -laatuinen, -laatuisuus = moneni- . . , a great number ol . . .
Uinen, -laisuus. -lainen: monenlaisia . . of moni- (yhd.) . . with many . . , many- [esim.
many (dirrerent) klnds (1. varletles), . . of -haarainen . . with many branches; -lehti
nen . . wlth many leaves, many-leaved;
various klnds, many klnds of . .; ovat mo
nenlaisia (myS:) dJllVl', vnr.V; Vrt. mo- -sivuinen . . wtth many sldes, many-sided] ;
nenkaltainen. -laisUUS kS. monenkaltaUuus. . . vvlth several . .; (etup. tiet.) multl[eslm. -muotoinen multlform; -sivuinen
-mallinen: monenmallisia . . of (1. In) vari
ous (1. many dirrerent) patterns. -mittai
multllateral], poly- [esim. -arominen polynen: monenmittaimia . . of many different atomlc; -muotoinen polymorphous] .
slzes, . . varylng In size (1. in length), moniaanne In many (1. several) dlrectlons;
. . of various slzes. -moinen = monenkal- in many places. monias some; moniaat
uinen. -muotoinen multirorm, polymor- some, (moni) many a; on moniaita, jotka . .
phous; (moninainen) manirold, multlfarl- there are (some) people vvho . . .
ous, diverslfled, various; monenmuotoisia moni av loi non polygamous. -avioisuus po(mys:) . . of many (dirrerent) shapcs. lygamy. -ehtoinen (mat.) compound [pro
-muotoisuus dlversity (1. varlety) of rorms. portion, ptslasku]. -emlnen (kasv.) ..
-niminen . . havlng (1. of) many (different) \vitli many plstlls. -heteinen (kasv.) . .
names. -nkinen multlform; monennkbi- wtth many stamens, polyandrous. -Jakoinen
si . . or many klnds (1. sbapes), various, multlpartlte, multlfid [lear, lehti]. -Jak
soinen . . runnlng In many series; . . In
mones: kuinka whlcb In order [huom. many phases; . . in many sections. -jlkei
kuinka (arpa) on aina voitto every hOW nen I. (a.) many-footed, multlped, polyorten is there a prize? kuinka ~ katu taa
pod(ous). II. (s.) multlped(e). -Jatkoinen
ta on Lincoln-katu how many streets are (esim. kysi) . . vvlth a number of spllces;
there from bere to Lincoln Street?], mo
. . made out or odds and ends. -jumalainen
nesko = kuinka mones, ks. edell.
polythelstic. -Jumalaisuus polythelsm.
monesti many a tlrae (and ort), many tlmes; monikaan: ei tietne, ett .. many may
(usein) orten, ort(en)tlmes, frequently; not know that . . , there may be many vvho
(useissa tapauksissa) In many cases; ~ do not know that . .; ei ~ (l. montakaan)
kuulin ttini sanovan (mys:) many Is the not many a . . , many . . not . .; tietneelt
ti m.' I heard my motber say. monesti ko I wonder ir there are many who know.
how many tlmes? how often?
moninkertainen monenkertainen, -kesi
mongerrus linito. mongertaa taik lingo; (pu
nen (kasveista:) perennlal. -kielinen . . in
hua kankeasti) mangle (1. torture) a lan- (1. of) several languages, polyglot.
guage; mongmrtaa suomaa (mys:) speak monikko (klel.) plural (number); monikossa
bad ( I. very broken) Finnish, murder Finnish. In the plural (number). -muoto plural form.
mongolilainen I. (a.) Mongolian [race, ro monikollinen plural. monikollisesti In the
tu], Mongol. II. (s.) Mongol(lan). mongo- plural.
lilaisrotuinen Mongolian.
monill koppinen (kasv.) . . \vlth many valves.
moni many a [man, mies]; many; (lukuisa) -koukeroinen . . vvlth many riourlshes (1.
numerous: moneen aikaan (pitkn) for a curllcues). -kulmainen .. vvlth many an(1. thls) long tiine (1. vvnile), for an age, gles; vrt. monisrminen, -kulmio (tasanTor ages; moneen kertaan agaln (1. once) nes-) polygon; (kappale) polyhedron. -ky
and agaln, over and over (agaln), tlme and kyinen: monikykyinen henkil aperson vvlth
again, many (1. several) tlmes, repeatedly; varled ablllty (1. varled talents); vrt. moni
moneen vuotaan for (many 1. many long) puolinen, -ksitteinen . . admittlng or many
years, Tor years and years, Tor many a lnterpretatlons, very ambiguous. -ktinen
(long) year, (tulevaisuudesta puhuen:) for many-armed. -lokeroinen labyrinttiini';
many a year to corae; monolla (ori) tavalla, (kasv.) many-valved; (ellnt.) multlvalvumonin tavoin in many (1. several 1. various) lar. -lukuinen numerous, large; multltudl(dirrerent) ways, by various means, arter nous; multirarlous. -lukuiseetl numerousvarious fashions [huom. tyn voi tehd ly: . In great numbers. -lukuisuus . . bemonella (eri) tavalla (mys:) there are ing (so) numerous; numerousness; great
more ways than one of dolng the work]; number(s); multltude; great varlety.
monen monta kartam many tlmes (over), -miehisyys polyandry. -mielinen (monella
over and over, orten and orten, tlme and eri tavalla ksitettv) admltting (1. susagaln, many and many a tlme, a great ceptlble) or various lnterpretatlons. (very)
many times, (lukemattomia kertoja) tlmes ambiguous, equlvocal; (henkilst: horju



vainen) lnconstant, rickle, fllgbty; (oikul

linen) capriclous, whlmslcal. -mielisesti
amblguously; in a rickle manner; caprlciously. -mielisyys amblguity; flckleness;
capriciousness. -miljoonikko multimllllonaire, mllllonaire many times over. -muo
toinen = monenmuotoinen, -muotoisuus
polymorphlsm. -mutkainen compllcated
[macliinery, koneisto], complex; lntricate
[matter, asla; question, kysymys]; (Jos
kus:) compound; [kertomuksen, kappaleen
y. m.] juoni ky yh monimut haise mmuhsi
(mys:) the plot thickens. -mutkaisesti in
a compllcated manner; lntrlcately. -mut
kaisuus compllcated nature (1. character);
complexlty; intrlcacy, -naamainen (kuv.)
two-raced; double-dealing.
moninainen varlous, dlversiried; manirold,
multiplex, multipllcate. moninaisuus (great)
varlety, dlversity; multipllclty.
moninkertainen monenkertainen.
moni numeroinen: moninumeroinen luku a
number of many dtglts, a number wlth (I.
runnlng- Into) many rigures. -puolinen
many-sided [question, kysymys] ; (monikykyinen) versatile, (Jkpv.) all-(a)round [man,
rich; monipuolinen varatta a (food assortment [of ... Jotakin]; laaja ja moni
puolinen kokemus lakimiehen a Wide experience as a lawyer. -puolisestl from
many (1. varlous) sldes (1. angles 1. polnts
or vicw). -puolisuus many-sldedness; versatillty. -painon many-headed [monster,
hirvi], -sanainen wordy, verbose; prollx;
(lavea) extensive, lengthy. -anaisesti wordily, verbosely. -sanalsuus wordlness, verbosity; extenslveness, prolixlty. -salainen
. . of many (1. several) hundreds. -satamiehinen . . or many hundred men, . . or
many Inindred(s), .. or hundreds or men.
-siemeninen many-seeded; (kasv.) polyspermous. -sirkkalnen (kasv.) polycotyledonous. -sivukas (mat.) polygon.
monistaa multlply; reproduce, make coples;
(et. kalklopaperln avulla) manifold; ~ mimeografilla (run orf on a) mimeograpb.
monistaminen multlplying; rei>roduction.
monisteita = monistaa, monlsteluoikeus
copyright, monistin = monistuskoje. mo
nistua be(come) multiplied, be reproduced.
monistus = monistaminen, monistuskoje
apparatus for multlplylng (1. Tor reproduclng coples); [eri lajeja: hectograph,
mlmeograph, etc.].
moniii srmiks 1. -srmi (mat.) polyhedron.
-srmiinen I. -tahkoinen polyhedral. -taho
kas polyhedron. -taitoinen versatile, vrt.
monikykyinen. -talvinen . . of many \vinters, many winters (1. many a Winter) old,
. . whlch has weathered many \vlnters.
-taso = monisrmiks. -tavuinen . . \villi
many syllables, many-syllabled, polysyllablC; monitavuinen sana polysyllable.
-terinen: moniterinen linkkuveitsi a
pooket-knire wlth several blades.
monituinen many a . .: monen manifold,
multitlldlnollS; monta monituista kertaa
many and many a time, ever so many timcs.
moni 11 vaiheinen eventful [life, elm], (kir
java) clieckcred [ltre, elm; career, ura],
full or vlctssitudes, wlth many ups and
downs; dlversiried. -valmoinen, -vaimoiSUUS kS. moni avioinen, -aviolsuus. -vlvahduksellinen 1. -vlvahteinen . . with many
shailes (1. tinges 1. tones); changeable [sllk,
silkki], -vuotinen many years', . . or many
yearsC duration); (kasv.) perennlal [plant,
kasvi]; [hnell on] monivuotinen kokemus
[he has] many years' experience; moni
vuotinen ystvyys a frlcndshlp or many


years' (1. or long) standlng. -virinen manycolored, party-colored, varlegated; (tiet.)

[Ught, valo]. -Uninen
(mus.) .. Tor several volces. -Unisesti:
laulaa moninisesti Sing With ali the partS
(1. the volces).
monogrammi (nimikuvlo) monogram.
monologi (yksinpuhelu) monolog(ue).
monopoli (yksinoikeus) monopoly.
monta ks. moni.
monttu (perustuskuoppa) large plt dug Tor
a roundatlon.
mont(t)ri (koneiden pystyttj) expert to
set up a machine; macblnlst.
Moolok, Molok Moloch.
mooseksen- (yhd.) Mosaic [esim. -laki Mo
saic law]. -kirja one or the books or the
Pentateucb. -uskolainen Israellte, Jew.
Mooses Moses; Mooseksen kirjat (raoin.) the
Pentateuch, the Books or Moses.
moottori motor; englne.
moottori- (yhd.) motor- [esim. -(polku)pyr motor-cycle; -vene motor-boat].
mopsi (ers koiralajl) pug(-dog). -naama
Tace like a pug-dog.
moraali moral; (Jonkun henkiln) morals.
moraalinen moral. moraalisaarna (curtain-)
lecture; preachment. moraalisesti morally.
moraalisuus morallty. moraaliton . . wlth
no morals, lmmoral. moraalittomuus lark
or morals, lmmorallty.
mordvalainen (a. & s.) Mordvinlan.
morfiini (lk.) morphln(e), morphla. -myrkytye morphine poisonlng. -ruiske Injection or morphine. -ruisku morphine syrlnge.
morfinisti (morfiinin kyttj) morphine
riend, (jkpv.) dope-Nend; hn on (mys:)
he takes morphine, he has the morphine
hablt, (Jkpv.) he is a dope-riend.
morkata (moittia) critlcize, cehsure, rind
rault wlth, reproach, reprove, blame; (st
ti) scold; (hmmstell) nag [at, jotaku
ta] ; (halventaa) east rellectlons upon [one,
Jotakuta], morkkaaminen ks. morkkailu.
morkkailija rault-Hnder, scold; nagger.
morkkailla = morkata, morkkailu raultrindlng; scoldlng; nagglng.
mormoni (usk.) Mormon. mormonilalssaarnaaja Mormon preacher. mormonilaisuus
morsian riancc; (kihlattu) betrothed, engaged woman; (vihille valmis) bride:
(henttu) sweetheart.
morsius- (yhd.) bridal [esim. -harso (l.
-huntu) bridal veli; -Auon (\. -kammio)
bridal chamber; -saatto Cl. -saattue) bridal
procession; -seppele bridal wreath]; weddlng- [esim. -lahja weddlng-present; -polku
weddlng-drcss]. -kapiot (-myynit) trousseau; (-lahja) edding-present. -kruunu
bridal crown. -neiti bridesmald; (naimi
sissa olevasta:) matron or honor. -pari
bridal couple: bride and brtdegroom. -pukuinen . . In bridal dress. -teltta (bridal)
Canopy. -tytt = morsiusneiti.
morska (sieni) morel.
mortteli mortar.
mosaiiiikki (klvlkutoma) mosalc. -lattia
mosaic rioor. -ty mosalc (work).
moska refuse; rubblsh, trash; (moskapuhe)
nonsense, babble; vrt. roska.
moskeija (muhamettilainen kirkko) mosque.
-rakennus mosque.
Moskova Moscow. moskovalainen (a. & s.)
motiivi (vaikutin, peruste) motive; (tit.,
mys:) motir, theme.
moukari sledge(-hammer). moukarinheitto
(urh.) throwlng the hammer. moukaroida
use (1. hammer wlth 1. strlke wlth) a
sledge; hammer.



moukka ks. mau*; se pitisi jo moukankin

jrjell ymmrt any Tool OUght to understand that.
moukkamainen lubberly, loutish, boorlsb;
(karkea) unmannerly, rucle; (talonpoikais-)
niStiC, Churllsh; moukkamaiset tavat ftulo
(I. rustic) manners, manners of a lout (1.
a clodbopper). moukkamaisesti loutlsbly,
boorlshly; like a clodhopper (1. a lubber);
rudely, rustically. moukkamaisuua loutishness, boorishness, lubberllne33; rudeness. rustlclty, churllshness; unmannerlines; (kmpelyys) clumslness.
mouruta bellow, bawl; vatsa mouruaa tbe
stomacb (g)rumbles.
mua * minua, ks. min.
muassa: ionkin ~ witli . . , accompanylng . .;
jonkun muassa (along) \vllh one, In tbe
company of . . , In one's company; muun
muassa among (1. besldes) otber tblngs;
Vrt. mukana.
mudata dredge.
muhamettilainen I. (a.) Mobammedan, Mosrem. II. (s.) Mohammedan, Mussulman,
Moslem. muhamettilaisuus Mohammedanism; Islam.
Muhammed, Muhamet Mohammed, muhammedinuskonto Mohammedanlsm, Mobam
medan reltglon; Islam.
muhea mellow [soll, maa]; loose; vrt. myhe. muheikko mellovv soll.
muhennos (keltt.) Stew; vrt. perunamuhennos. muhennus loosenlng; (keltt.) mashlng; stewlng. muhentaa (maata) loosen,
break up; (keitt.) masb [potatoes, peru
noita], (keittmll) stew. muhentaminen
muhennus. muhentua (maa) be loosened,
be broken up.
muhkea stately [edirice, rakennus], lmposlng; (komea) splendld, magnlficent; grand;
elegant; (kaunis) flne, graceful; mies a
rine-looklng fcllow, a man or flne physlque. muhkeasti lmposlngly, magnlflcently, elegantly [dressed, puettu] ; gracefully;
ml muhkeasti livo In splendor ( l. In great
style). muhkeilemlnen maklng a great dlsplay of; sportlng; (munkellu) dtsplay.
muhkeilla keep up a parade (I. a great
show), make a (great) dlsplay (1. a show)
'or, jollakin]; sport [a new hat, uudella
liatulla] ; show off, dlsplay. munkellu ~
muhkeilemlnen. muhkeus ststellness, magnlficence, splendor; (komeus) dlsplay,
pomp; elegance; dalntlness.
muhoileminen smiling. muhoilla (hymyill)
smlle; hn muhoili minulta sbe smlled on
me, sbe gave me a qulet smlle. muhoilu
muhvi i. q.uuhka) muff; 2. (tekn.) coupllng.
muija old \voman; (vaimo) wlfe.
muikea somewbat sour, sourlsh, sliarp, tart;
(hapan) sour, (kuv.) surly, vinegary; ~
naama sour countenance, sulien (1. surly)
face (I. look) ; maistua muikealta taste sour,
bave a sourlsb (1. a sharp) taste. muikeannikinen sulien, surly, morose. mui
keasti sourly; sullenly, morosely; katsoa
muikeasti johonkuhun (mys:) glve one a
sour look. muikeus sourness; (kuv.) surltness, moroseness.
muikistaa: suutaan pucker up one's
mouth, make a wry mouth.
muikku (ellnt.) a species or whlterish [Coregonus albula].
muinainen old(en), anclent; ~ Rooma Ancient Rome; muinaisina aikoina In ancient
(1. olden) tlmes. In days of old (1. of yore).
muinais- (yhcl.) Old [esim. -ruotsalainen Old
Swedish; -suomalainen (a.) Old Finnish],
anclent [esim. -kieli ancient language;
-suomalainen (s.) ancient Finn; -taru an


clent tradition], -aika antlqulty, anclent

(1. olden) tlmes; muinaisajan ihmiset the
anclents, tbe people of anclent tlmes (1. of
antlqulty). -aikainen 1. -alkuinen olden,
anclent; (tald.) antlque. -esine rellc or
antlqulty, antlque; curiosity, curlo; mui
naisesineit (mys:) antlqutties. -Jnns
rellc (of antlqulty), anclent rellc. -linna
anclent (1. prehlstorlc) stronghold. -lyt
arclieologlcal dlscovery; rellc or anclent
tlmes, antlque. -maailma anclent world;
antlqulty. -muisto anclent monument; an
tlqulty; archeologlcal remalns; vrt. llrtyK.
-muoto (kiel.) arcbalsm. -satu tale oi olden
tlmes. -taru 1. -tarina (mys:) legend,
myth. -tiede arcbeology, arcbasology. -tie
teellinen archeologlcal. -tieteilij archeologlst; (muinalstutkija) antlquary, antiquarlan. -tieto ks. muinaistielle, -tutkija
ks. muinalstieteilij. -tutkimus antlquarlan researcb; (mulnalstlede) arcbeology.
muinaisuus antlqulty, anclent (1. olden 1.
early) tlmes; harmaassa muinaisuudessa
In (the) hoary antlqulty, In the dawn or
Clvillzation; kaukana muinaisuudessa lar
back In antlqulty, In remote antlqulty.
muinoin (In days) or old (1. or yore), In olden
times. In bygone days. In days long past;
(ennen) Tormerly; ennen In days long
past, in olden tlmes, once upon a tiine, (ai
koja sitten) a long tlme ago, vrt. ennen,
muinoinen = muinainen, muinois- (ylul.)
ks. muinais-, muinoisin ks. muinoin.
muiskata muiskauttaa. muiskaus smack;
klSS. mUiSkaUttaa: muiskauttaa Muuta jol
lekulle glve one a smack, klss one. muisku
klss, smack.
muistaa remember [one with a present. Jo
takuta lahjalla], recollect, recall; (muis
tella) call to (one's) mind, brlng to mlnd;
(pit muistissaan 1. mielessn) bear In
mlnd, keep . . In mlnd (1. In memory), be
mlndrul of; (ajatella) thlnk [or (1. about).
Jotakin] ; (ottaa huomioon) conslder, take
into consideration (1. Into account); ~ Jo(ta)kln hmrsti remember . . dimly (1.
vaguely), bave a dim (1. a vague 1. a raint)
recollectlon (1. memory) or . .; muistaakseni (mikli muistan) as near (1. as rar) as
I can remember, to the best or my recol
lectlon, ir my memory does not Tall me, ir
I remember right(ly), (olen muistavinani)
I tbink I remember; muista mit sanon
(mys:) mmk me! muistan nhneeni I re
member seelng (1. havlng seen); muistan
sen (viel) kuin eilisen pivn I remember
it as ir it were yesterday; muista terveyt
tsi think or (1. remember) your health!
hntkin muistettiin he also \vas remembered; olla muistavinaan thlnk one remembers, (vlkky mieless) bave a vague
(1. a raint) Idea (1. a dim notlon) [tbat . . ,
ett . .] ; on muistaminen, on muistettava
lt is to be borne In mlnd, one should re
member (1. recall) [that.., ett..], It
should be taken Into consideration. muis
tamaton forgetrul, obllvlous; . . wlth no
memory; (vlinpitmtn) unmlndrul. muis
tamattomuus rorgetrulness. muistaminen
rememberlng, recollectlng Jne., vrt. muis
taa: remembrance, memory, recollectlon.
muistamiskyky memory; power or remem
berlng. muisteleminen recollectlng, rocalling, rememberlng; recollectlon.
muistella recollect, recall, remember, call
(back) to (one's) mlnd, brlng to mlnd;
kaihoten remember . . tenderly, have (1.
cherlsh) tender memories or . .; ~ men
neisyytt recall memories or the past, re
call past memories; menneit aikoja



recall the olden tlmes, (be) recall(lng) the

bygone days; tit muisttlUssaan on 10memberlng, (ajatellessaan) whlle (be
wa) thlnklng or that. muistelma recollectlon, remlniscence, memory; (kirjalli
nen) memolr (tav. plur.). muistelo, muis
telu remembrance, (muistelma) recollectlon, remlniscence. muistettava I. (a.) memorable; ikuistit! muistettava . . never to be
rorgotten. II. (s.) somethlng to (1. one wlll)
remember; muiststtavaa memoranda.
muisti memory; remembrance; (mieli) mlnd;
muistista Iloin memory; kaksi muistiin
(laskiessa yhteen tai kertoessa:) carry
two; minun muistini aikana as far back as
(1. ever slnce) 1 can remember, withln
my recollection; vrt. muisto, muistialset
somethlng- to (1. that one vvlll) remember;
(lksytys) lesson; muistiaisiksi as (1. for)
a lesson. mulstierehdys sllp or the memory.
muistiinlikirjotumaton not noted (1. taken)
down, unrecorded. -pano note; (muistet
tava) memorandum; (muistelma) memolr;
muistiinpanoja notes, memoranda, (muis
telmia) memolrs. -pano- (yhd.) ks. muisti-.
muisti II kirja (muistllnpanokirja) notebook,
memorandum-book. -lehti memorandumpad. -liata memoranda; (memorandum) list.
muistinasi matter or memory.
muistinen . . vvltli a . . memory [esim. huono
. . vvlth a poor memory, (tav.) rorgetful;
hyv~ (blessed) with a good memory].
mulstivirh* sllp or the memory.
muisto memory; remembrance; recollection,
remlniscence; (merkki-) memorlal; (-esi
ne) keepsake, souvenlr, memento; [antaa]
muistoksi | k ivu . .] as a remembrance;
Jonkin [jonkun] muistoksi In memory or.
In comrnemurallon or, as a memorlal or, In
remembrance of, [a poem, runo] to the
memory of; lapsuuden muistot recollectlons or chlldliood, chlldhood memorics.
muisto- (yhd.) memorlal [esim. -piv me
morlal day; -taulu memorlal tablet] ; (Jos
kus:) commemoratlve [esim. -runo commemorative poem], -ateria memorlal; (eh
toollinen) supper observed in remembrance
or our Lord. -esine keepsake, souvenlr,
memento. -Juhla celebratlon In memory
or . . . -kirja album. -kirjotua memorlal;
lnscrlptlon, (hautakiveen y. m. kaiverret
tu:) epltaph; (jonkun muistolle) trlbute,
eulogy. -kivi monument; vrt. hautakivi,
-lahja keepsake, souvenlr, memento; token
or rrlendshlp (1. or remembrance). -liata
ks. muistilista, -lksy lesson learned by
heart (l. by rote), lesson commltted to
memory. -marja (k uv.) somethlng (that)
one v.iil remember a long tlme; lesson.
-merkki memorlal, monument; (muisto
esine 1. -lahja) token or remembrance,
keepsake, souvenlr; vrt. seur. -pataa
statue; monument (my3: haudalla), me
morlal; (hauta) tombstone. -puhe memo
rlal address; speech In memory (1. In com
rnemoration) [or . .] ; eulogy; muistopuheen
pitj orator, euloglst. -raha medal (In
memory of . .). -rikos . . Heh (1. abounding) in (l. rull or) memorles or the past
(1. or hlstorical assoclatlons) ; . . Heh In
memorles; hlghly memorable [period, ai
kakausi], -runo (mys:) ode (to the mem
ory or . .), comrnemoration ode. -sanat
(vainajasta) eulogy. -taito mnemonlcs;
memory tralnlng. -tiedot (pertnnls-) tra
dition, -tieto mere memory work, knowledge acqulred by crammlng.
muistua: ~ mieleen remember, recall, recollect, brlng (1. call) to mlnd, (palata)
come to ui m' s mlnd agaln [huom. jokin
muistuu mieleeni I remember (1. recall I.


recollect) a tn., I call to mind a tb.; me ei

muistu mieleeni I cannot recall (1. recollect
1. remember) it; yhfkki hnelle maistui
mieleen, ett . . he suddenly remembered
(1. recalled) that . . , (Jkpv.) ali at once it
popped Into hls mlnd that . .].
muistutella call .. to mind, try to recall;
(muistella) recollect; (muistuttaa Jotaku
ta) keep remlnding.
muistuttaa remind' [one or . . , Jotakuta jos
takin (1. Jollekulle Jotakin)], put [one] in
mind [or . .], brlng . . to [one's] memory;
(mieleen) suggest, be suggestive of . .;
(yhtlisyytens kautta y. m.) resemble;
(huomauttaa) remark, observe, polnt out,
call [one's] attention [to .., jostakin],
(nuhdellen) remonstrate (1. expostulate)
[vvlth one about a tb., Jotakuta Jostakin],
(moittien) reprove [one Tor . .-ing, jotaku
ta jostakin], admonish; muistuta minua re
mind mc, prompt me fir I happen to forget,
Jos satun unohtamaan] ; ~ mieleen remind
[or ... Jotakin], recall; suggest; mie
liin recall, revive; hn isns (1. (is
tn) he remlnds me or hls rattier, (on
Isns nkinen) he resembles hls ratber,
(Jkpv.) he takes arter hls ratber; hn
minusta ilveilij he makes me think (1. he
remlnds me) or a down; hnt tytyy ali
tuisesti he has to be continually reminded
(1. remonstrated witb) ; vrt. muistuttami
nen, muistuttaja one who remlnds, someone to remind; remlnder; (huomauttaja)
Observer, muistuttaminen remlnding, calllng to attention jne., vrt. muistuttaa; mi
nulla ei ole mitn muistuttamista (sit
vastaan) I have nothing to say to the contrary, I bave no objections to make (against
lt) : siin Cl. siihen) ti olt mitn muis
tuttamista tbere Is no occaslon ror remarks
about it; sit vastaan olisi paljonkin muis
tuttamista a great many objections mlght
be made to thls, a great deal could be (1.
there is a great deal to be) said against it.
muistuttava: jotakin muistuttava sugges
tive o( . . , resembllng . .; jotakuta muistut
tava resembllng one [huom. hness ti olt
mitn aatelismiest muistuttavaa he h&S
nothing oi the nobleman about luin;.
muistutus remlnder; (huomautus) remark,
observatlon; note, Comment; (ala-) rootnote; (nuhde) reproor, reprlmand; (varot
tava) admonltlon; (vastavite) objectlon;
tehd muistutuksia johonkin nhden make
remarks upon (1. about) a th.
muju 1. (krmeen-) venom, polson; 2.
(ruuppa, pohjasakka) dregs, lees, grounds,
sedlment; (tuhka) ashes; maan mustissa
mujuissa In the black morasses.
muka I. (otaksutustl) supposedly, presumably; (huudahduksena:) pooh! [Joskus el
sanaa muka ensinkn knnet, esim.: jot
kut vittvt, ett hn on rikat some
people clalm (1. contend) that he Is Heh] ;
~ laillinen Supposedly legal; hnen piti
jd kotimieheksi he prctended that he
had to stay home to take care or the house
[the chlldren] ; hn kuuli neni (oli
kuulevinaan) be thought he heard my voice,
(vitti kuulleensa) he clalmed (that) he
heard my voice; hn on varakkaampi he
clalms (1. pretends) to be vveallhier, he Is
supposed to be vvealthler; han tanoo (1.
vitt) olevansa - sairas he makes believe
he is sick, he pretends to be sick, he pre
tends be Is sick.
muka II: muassa, mukaa, mukaan, mukana
ks. hakus.
mukaa: ja muuten sit (samassa suhtees
sa) and otherwlse accordlngly (1. In the
same proportion); sit ~ kuin In propor




tlon as, (according) as, to the extent to

which, In the degree as.

~ according to your order, In compliance

with your instructions; ~ accordingly;
mukaan I. (adv.) along; with [me, you, him, otlooultmit*n*a ~ in pursuance of his duty;
etc.: mubauni, mukaami, mukaanta Jne.] ; vrt. johdon, kohtuuden-, lain y. m.
annan tinulle evit ~ mal halle ] 1 1 give mukamM ks. muka. I.
you some food to take with you [on the mukana (Jonkln, Jonkun) with . . , along
road] ; toada joba (httmn) ~ get one with . . , together with . . , accompanying..,
to go along.
(seurassa) in company with ... in the com

mukaan II. (postpos.) according to, by;

(kaupp.) as per; (lak.) In pursuance of;
(mukalsestl) In conformity to (1. with). In
accordance with, in harmony with, agree
ably (l. conformably 1. pursuant) to; kthyn ~ according to the orders; lain ac
cording to law, by law; painon ~ by weight;
tea bain(ha) as, according as. In pro
portion as, (mikall) so (1. as) far as;
- mita han tanoo according to what iiisays, by his account, (Judging) from what
he says; topimakttn ~ according to agree
ment, by agreement, as agreed (upon);
tarpeen - needed, as demand arises, as
occasion requires, (tarvlttaessa) when nec
essary, at need; tavallituudtn ~ as usual;
tuman ~ according to this; In accordance
with this; mtimman muodin ~ after the
newest fashion; ooimUni ~ as far as my
strength will permit, (parhaanl mukaan }
to the best of my ability. -Ilitetty (klrjeeseen y. m.) enclosed; attached [to]; ap
pended [to].
mukaannuttaa adapt, accommodate, suit, fit,
adjust [to, Johonkln] ; vrt. soveUuttaa.
mukaaniealtempaav.i transporting, ravish
ing [music, sol t to] ; enrapturing; ~ puh*
forceful (1. Impetuous) speech, eloquent
mukaantua accommodate O.S., adapt (I. suit)
o.s. [to circumstances, olosuhtelslln] ; rec
oncile O.S.; (allstua) resign,- yield, sub
mit [to . .] ; (sovlttautua) adjust Itself [to,
Johonkln] ; (yhtltsty) conform to; (noudattaa) comply (1. act In accordance) with;
(suostua) acquiesce In, consent to, agree
to; - olfviin oloihin accommodate o.s. to
existing conditions, submit to the estab
lished order of things, mukaantu matn,
-minen, -vaurien), -vaisuus ks. mukautu ni.-it'in, -minen, -va(inen), -vaisuus.
mukaelma (Jljltelm) Imitation, copy;
(muunnelma, sovltelma) adaptation.
mukaileminen Imitation, copying; adapta
tion, mukailija Imitator; (teoksen y. m.)
one who has adapted . . . mukailla (Jaljltell) imitate, copy; (muunnella, sovltella)
adapt; ranthankiclesta mukailta adapted
from the French, mukallu Imitation; adap
mukalnen (Jonkln) agreeing with, conform
ing with (1. to). In accordance with; agree
able (1. conformable) to; consistent (1.
compatible) with; congenial to; (sovellutettu Johonkln) suited (1. adapted) to, adJusted to; alia moan jonkin ~ correspond
exactly to, agree exactly with, coincide
with I Imom. alennos on aivan alhuperuittn birjotahttn ~ (mys:) the copy Is an
exact reproduction of the original]; t* ti
lt / *tuj*nta muhaitta It Is not to
his interest (1. his advantage), It Is not
compatible with his Interests; on hSnrn taontt*nta muhaitta It IS In accordance

(I. in keeping) with his character; vrt.

johdon , kohtuuden , lain, oikeuden ,
totuuden y. m.

mukaiiesti (Jonkln ~) according to, by; In

conformity to (1. with); In accordance
with; (samoln kuln) In analogy with, anal
ogous to; (nojalla) conformably to, In pur
suance Of; vrt. mukaan, II; eld tulo/tnta
live within one's Income; marykttnnt

pany Of . .; vrt. mukanaan; ajautua too/en

drive before the wind; misa see life,
live like other people; toi fonkun vtrran rahoja vaimonsa he got some money
With bis Wife; unan ~ tali .. (myS:) the
train brought . .; min len I'm with
you, I'm your man; olla jottakin be with
... be (1. make) one of the party, (olla
saapuvllla) be present, attend, be [In ..],
(ottaa osaa) take part, participate [In . .]
[huom. hnhin ou titila he was there,
too; olla hoho ajan ossahin (myS;)
watch . . through, be with . . all along (1.
to the finish); olla haniiitimuxsii help to
secure, help to raise (a loan, lalnaa), take
part in securing, be active In obtaining, be
one of those who obtained (1. secured 1.
raised); olla kytymytt ksiteltett
take part In (1. be present at) the proceed
ings (1. the discussion); mi on allut
monttta that fellow has seen a good deal
of life (1. has been through a great deal)] ;
tum,in lhrtn enclosed I send you, en
closed you will find, (erl lahetyksen:) this
is accompanied by, together with this I am
sending, I am sending under separate cover,
mukanaan with one [makanani with me;
mukanati with you Jne.l ; hn tali, tuari

tearae he came with a large escort (1. suite

1. retinue), he came escorted (I. accom
panied) by a large suite; 0 tuli kaupunkiin polka the father came to town to
gether with (1. accompanied by) his son;
mtidn mukanamme With US, With OUT par
ty; onko si milla rahaa mukanati have you

any money about (1. with) you? have you

any money on your person? ks. tuoda.
mukanaoleva (klrjeen y. m.) enclosed, In
mukauttaa accommodate (1. fit 1. adapt) . .
[to, Johonkin].
mukautua mukaantua. mukautumaton ..
not adaptable; unaccommodating; unyield
ing, mukautumattomuus lack of adapt
ability; unyielding nature, mukautumlnen
adaptation; accommodating o.s.; resigna
tion [to, Johonkln]; complying with; vrt.
mukaantua. mukautumiskyky ability to
adapt (1. to accommodate) oneself (1. Itself)
[to . .]. mukautuva(inen) adaptable; .ac
commodating; (s&vyls) compliant; rea
sonable; (myontyvSlnen) submissive, tractable; hetposti olotuhteitiin mukautuva
. . who adapts himself easily to the circum
stances, mukautuvaltuus adaptableness,
accommodatlveness; compliance; submlsstveness, tractabllity.
mukava comfortable, easy; (kodlkas) cozy;
(soplva, kaytnnlllnen) convenient, handy;
(sovltettu) suitable, fit, adapted [to, Jo
honkln] ; (omltulnen) peculiar, singular,
queer [sensation, tunne] ; (kummalllnen)
odd, strange, funny; (soma) neat, nice;
(hauska) pleasant, Jolly, mukavattl com
fortably; conveniently, handily; singularly,
queerly, funnily; neatly; pleasantly.
mukavuus comfortableness, comfort, ease,
convenience; (kytannllisyys) handlness;
mukavuutta rakattava . . who wants to
take It easy (1. to be comfortable), fond of
ease, easy-going. Indolent; hSn rakaitaa
(1. harrattaa) muhaouutta he likes to be
comfortable (1. to take things easy); hai-



hilla nykyajan mukavuuksilla varustettu talo

a house wlth ali modern convenlences;
katsoa mukavuuttaan look out (1. atter)
one's own comfort, inake o s. comrortable,
( vapaammin : ) take one's ease. -laitos tul
let, ClOSet. -syy: mukavuussyist Inr the
sake of convenlence.
mukavuuttaharrastava 1. -rakastava easygoing; ease-lovlng, Tond oX ease; lndolent;
olen liiaksi vaivautuakseni tarpeettomasti
I am much too lndolent to exert myself
muki mu;.
mukiin: menet (ky pins) will do. \vlll
pass (muster). -menev passable, llkely:
(Jotenkin hyv) falrly good, tolerable, not
amlss, not (90) bad, (Jkpv.) so-so; (kes
mukillinen mugftil.
mukiloida ks. mukkiloida.
mukina mumbling, mutterlng: (napina)
murmur(lng), grumbllng, grumble. muki
seminen mumbling Jne., ks. mukista; ei
mitn mukisemista no grumbllng ttiere!
not a (1. another) word! no excuses, mlnd!
mukisija mutterer; grumbler; (jkpv.) a
hand to complaln. mukista (mutista) mum
ble; mutter; (nurista) grumble, murmur:
(hiiskua) utter a sound. say a word; (teh
d vastavitteit) raise (1. make) objectlnns; vrt. mkist.
mukkiloida (lyd) beat, pound (soundly),
abusc; belabor, thrash, drub, glve . . a
drubblng; (kolhia) batter, knock . . about
(1. out of shape); (pidell pahoin) use (1.
treat 1. handle) roughly; pahoin mukkiloitu
beaten, (esineest:) badly battered. mukklloimlnen beatlng, poundlng, abuslng;
batterlng; vrt. mukkiloida.
mukula lump; knob, knot; bunch; (kuhmu)
bump; (vars. tiet.) protuberance; (Juuri-)
tubpr; (kuv. = lapsi) kld, youngster. mukulainen lumpy; knotty, knobby; bumpy;
(kasv.) tuberous.
mukula Juuri (kasv.) ftislform (1. tuberous)
root. -kivi cobblestone. cobble: (pieni)
pebble. -kivitys rohble(stone) pavement.
mukura (prottiberant) knot [In a tree, puus
sa], gnarl; (ryhmy) bump, knob; lump.
mukurolda (rusikoida) batter, knock out
of shape; use (1. handle) roughly; vrt.
mulahdus plump; plun|f<\ mulahtaa plump;
mulatti (valko- Ja mustaihoisen Jlkelinen)
mulatto; (nais) mulatto vvoman.
mu lauttaa (katsoa ~) glare [at, Johonku
hun (1. Johonkin)]; fro\vn [at ..]; vrt.
mulj ottaa.
mulina gurgle, gurgling; purl(lng).
mulipU hornless, polled.
muliata gurgle; puri.
muljahdus I. (molskahdus) plump; splash;
2. (luiskahdus) slip. muljahtaa 1. (pulah
taa) plump; splash; 2. (luiskahtaa) slip,
slkle. muljauttaa - mulauttaa.
muljottaa (katsoa ) stare [at, Johonkin],
gape [at ..]; glare [at]; (Jkpv.) ga\vp,
gaup; vrt. mulkoilla.
mulkoileminen glarlng, starlng; glovvcring;
ogllng. mulkoilla roll one's eyes; glare [at.
Johonkin], stare [at]; glower [at]; ogle.
mulko Ilmainen . . wlth protuberant eyes,
. . wlth eyes startlng (1. popplng) out or
one"s head; wall-eyed, goggle-eyed. -sllmisyya protuberance of [one's] eyes;
vvall-eyes; (lk.) exophthalmla.
mullakas, mullikat . . itu ricb soll (1. dirt).


mullata cover with soll (1. earth 1. dirt) ;

hlll up, tilli; (kuopata) bury, put . . into
the ground; maahan bury In the ground.
mullikka yearllng; (lehm-) heirer; (sonni)
mullin: mallin pell-mell, hlggledy-plggledy; (ylsalaisin) topsy-turvy; (huiskin
hiskin) helter-skelter.
mullistaa (knt ylsalaisin) turn upslde
down, overthrow, overturn, upset, subvert; (knt mullin mallin) turn topsyturvy; (myllert) stir (up). mullistava
revolutlonary; Milt on ollut mullistava vai
kutus johonkin it has revolutlonlzed . . , it
has rhanged . . completely.
mullistus overthrovv, overturn, upsetting,
subversion: (luonnon- & kuv.) upheaval;
(valt.) revolutlon; on aikaansaanut (perin
pohjaisia) mullistuksia teollisuuden alalla
has revolutlonlzed the industry. -ttaludesire
to overthrovv (1. to upset) everythlng, <leslre to turn everythlng topsy-turvy. -kausi
period of (great) upheaval; (valt.) revolu
tlonary perlod. -oppi revolutlonary doctrine.
mullittaa cover (up) . . (wlth earth 1. with
mold); hlll up [(the) potatoes, perunoita},
earth up; vrt. multia.
mullos newly-plowed (graln-)field; pelto
on mulloksella the (graln-)rield has been
plowed (1. turned) up Just lately.
mulperlpuu (silkkiispuu) mulberry(-tree).
mutta mold; (ruoka-) vegetable mold, hu
mus; soll, dirt; (tomu) dust; (maa) earth;
maltan alla (haudassa) under (1. beneath)
the SOd: kasvi tarvitsee tuoretta muttaa
the plant needs fresh earth (I. dirt) ; kepet
mullat haudallesi (1. v.) green be the sod
above you! vrt. musta, puna, ruok .
multaaminen coverlng up wlth earth, hillIng (up); (kuoppaaminen) burying, puttlng Into the ground.
multa aura double-breasted (1. double moldboard) plow. -happo humlc acld.
multainen . . Heh In (vegetable) mold;
moldy, earthy; mellovv [soll, maa].
-multainen (yhd.) . . wlth . . soll (1. dirt 1.
mold) [esim. laiha wlth poor soti (1.
dirt) ; rikas- with rlch dirt (1. soll)] ; vrt.
multa kerros layer of mold (1. or earth),
layer of (rich) dirt; (geol.) soil-cap. -lava
bed of mold; (talmllava) hotbed. -Ilja pile
(1. heap) or mold (1. or earth). -maa mold;
humous soll. -paakku 1. -kokkare clod.
-piskynen trmpskynen. -sieni
(kasv.) trurrie. -sirkka (ellnt.) molecrlc.ket.
multaus coverlng with earth, hlllinir (up),
earthlng up; (kuoppaaminen) burying,
{mttlng Into the ground. multava mulakas. multavieremi rall or earth; cave-in;
Slide: vrt. maanvierem.
multia hill (up) ; cover wlth soll (1. earth 1.
dirt); ojaa clean a ditch (arter p!o\ving).
multurl double-breasted plovv.
mumina mumbllng, mutterlng; mumble.
mutter; (nten) murmur; vrt. mutina.
mumista mumble, murmur; mutter roaths.
kirouksia] ; mumiMta partaansa mutter to
o.s. (1. betvveen one's teeth).
mummo (eukko) old \voman; (Isoiti) grandmother, (Jkpv.) granny.
mun = minun, ks. mini.
muna egg.
muna- (yhd.) egg- [esim. -koetin eggtester; -kuppi 1. -kupponen egg-cup; -solu
munakas (keltt.) omelet(te).
muna!! kastike egg sauce. -kauppias eggdealer; one who peddles eggs. -kerma
(keltt.) custard. -kokkeli 1. -kuukku scram




bled eggs. -lukko padlock; varustaa muna- constitute, compose; (olla) make, make
lukolla padlock.
(luoda) create; (synnytt) generatemunamoinen egg-shaped. ovirorm, ovold; up;
(perustaa) round; (laatia) rormulate; ~
(kasv.) ovate; (soikea) oval.
round; ~ toisenlaiseksi
muna1 maito mllk-and-egg soup. -muoto transrorm, (Sbape)
remodel, mold over, (kirjateos
oval rorm (l. sbape), oval.
munan- (yhd.) egg- [esim. -kuori egg-sbell; (sommitella) modiry, (Jrjestrerormulate,
toisin) re-muotoinen egg-sbaped]. -haudonta hatch(muuttaa) convert; uusia sanoja
ing (or eggs); lncubation. -hautomakoje arrange,
hautomakoje. -keltuainen volk (of an oleva . . that can be molded (1. rormed)
e?8r). -kuorinta Pipping (or eggs). -muo
[material, aine], rormable; kaksi
toinen ks. munamainen. -ruskualnen ==- plastic
miest valamiehistn a Jury conmunankeltuainen. -valkuainen white or an toista
romposed 1. is rormed) or t\velve
egg; (tiet.) albumon; (tekn.) glalr.
maanlaadun siell ~ savi the SOil
munanvalkuaisalne album(n(ous substance). men;
or clay (1. Is clay). muo
munaa paistikas (keitt.) Trled eggs. -piirakas dostella rorm, rashlon,
shape, model; moldI. -piirakka (keitt.) custard ple.
make, create; (laatia)
muna sako (keitt.) custard. -sarja ovary. draw up, drart, rrame,
rormulate; vrt.
munaskuu = munuainen; munaskuut (raam.) muodostaa, muodostelma (re)arrans-ement;
tbe relns. munasto ovary.
muna' tiehyt ovldiict, ovarian tube. -toti muodostelu (laadinta) drarting,
rormulategg-nog; (kuuma) tom and Jerry, -vispelys Jng; (muovailu) remodel(l)lng; (muunte
beaten eggs. -vispil egg-beater.
lu) transrormatlon; (muodostelma) adap
munia lay (eggs); (laskea munansa) deposlt tation; on muodostetun alaisena is belng
ItS eggs; hyv munimaan (kanasta:) a gOOd rormulated (1. remodeled 1. rcarranged).
layer. muniminen laylng, laying (or) eggs.
munimisaika laylng-tlme; (pesimisaika) muodostua be rormed, rorm; be shaped, be
molded [Into ... Joksikin]; be composed
munittaa make . . lay (an egg 1. eggs). mu- !.,', J?s,takln], (synty) be generated;
nitusmuna nest-egg. muniva egg-laylng; (tulla Joksikin) become, turn out: (nyt
tyty) present ltseir, take the rorm (1
muniva kana a lavin- hen, a layer
munkin!'kaapu 1. -viitta monk's robe (1. shape) or; (esiinty) stand out, be outllned;
(muuttua) be transrormed (1 concloak 1. rrock); cowl. -puku monk's dress,
monastlc dress ; garb of a monastlc order, yerted) [into. Joksikin], change (1. turn)
~ joksikin (saada Jokin muoto)
frlar's garb. -painine monk's hood; cowl.
be rormed (1. shaped 1. molded) Into . . .
munklsto = munkkikunta.
(on) the rorm (l. shape) or . . , be
munkki I. monk; (kerjlls-) frlar. II = take
come . . , grow Into . . , (sukeutua Joksi
munkkilikri. III. (keitt.) frled cke, kin)
turn out (to be) . . , (muuttua Joksi
kin) be transrormed Into . . , (kehitty)
munkki- (yhd.) monastlc [esim. -elm mo
nastlc life; -lupaus monastlc vow(s) ; develop into . .; ~ jonkin luontoiseksi take
snts monastlc rule] ; vrt. luostari-, (1. assume 1. get) the character (1. the nature) or; ~ tavaksi (mys.) become (1
-kaapu ks. munkinkaapu. -kammio 1. -koppi grow
into) a hablt; keskustelu muodostui
rnonVs (l. frlar's) cell, monastlc cell. riitelyksi
(muuttui) the discusslon turned
-kunta monastlc (I. rellglous) order; (1. was transrormed
1. grew) Into a quarbrotherhood.
degenerated into a quarmunkkilaisuus monastlclsm; monkery.
kuva ei muodostu niin tydelliseksi
munkkiniaitos monastlclsm. -latina monk- rel;
I.atin. monks1 Latln; vrt. kykkilatina. the picture does not stand out so complete
-likri Denedlctine (llqueur). -luostari (1. so clear), the picture does not anpear
(1. Is not outllned) so sharply; minklai
seksi se muodostui (mink muotoiseksi)
munuainen kldney.
rorm (I. shape) did It take? (mit
munuais- (yhd.) kldney- [esim. -muotoinen siit tuli)
how did It turn out? what (be-)
kldney-shaped; -tauti kidney-disease], re- came or It?
(esim. Jostakin kuvasta pu
nal. -kivi stone In the kldneys, (lk.) ne- huen:) how did
It present ltseir? ho\v did
phritic (1. renal) calculus. -mura (lk.) It come out? se
muodostuu epselvksi
gravel. -rasva suet. -tauti disease or the (kuvasta:) it presonts
indlstinrt, it
kldneys; nephrltlc disease;
(hiipiv) gro\vs dim, It appears ltseir
obsrure; tilaisuus
Brlghfs disease; vrt. seur. -tulehdus In- muodostui juhlahctheksi the
riammatlon of the kldneys; (lk.) nephrltls
(to be) a solemn one; vedest muodos
munuamainen kldney-shaped [lear, lehti] out
(kasv.) renirorm; nephrold.
\vater; vesi muodostuu hyryksi
muodikas rashlonable [dress, puku], styllsh, rrom
(muuttuu) water is transrormed (I. isconmodisti: up-to-date. muodikkaasti rashion- verted)
into steam. muodostuma rorma
ably [dresscd, puettu], styllshly; up-to- tlon. muodostuminen
rormatlon: rormingdate; In the latest rashlon. muodikkuus belng
shaped 1. molded 1. out
styllshness; . . belng styllsh (1. up-to-date). llned Jne., vrt.(1. muodostua)
muodin mukainen styllsh, rashlonable; up- nen) appearance: (kehitys) ; developnient;
to-date. -mukaisesti fashionablv. In a rash
lonable style; in the latest rashlon (l. style). (muuntuminen) transrormatlon.
muodollinen formal; muodollisessa suhteessa muodostumia!! kykyinen plastic; rormable.
-tila state or rormatlon; (kem.) nascent
In rorm. muodollisesti Trmily, muodol
conditlon (1. state).
lisuus formallty, rorm; ilman muodolli
suuksia (mys:) without ceremonies.
muodostus (muodostaminen) rnrmlng, shapmuodon1' kauneus I. -ihanuus grare, elcganre Ing, molding; (muodostuma) rormatlon(I. beauty) or rorm. -muutos change in (kehitys) developmcnt. -vika ma! rormatlon.
rorm, transrormatlon. -vaihdos (biol ) muodostuvalnen plastic, rormable. muodosmetamorphosis.
tuvaisuus plastlclty.
muodostaa (antaa muoto, muovailla) rorm muodoton rormless, shapeless [mass, mas
[an opinion or . . , ksitys Jostakin], rash
; (kuvaton) misshapen, lll-shaped- monlon, sbape, tnodel; mold; modiry; (tehd) strous;
(ruma) derormed, dlsrigured,



marred, ugly. muodottomuus rormlessness,

shapelessness; dernrmity; monstroslty.
muokata work up; (parannella) lmprove;
(viljell) tili [the soll, maata], cultlvate,
(valmistaa) prepare, dress, treat; (raiva
ta) clear; (nahk.) curry; (kuv.) work upon; maaper jollekin (kuv.) prepare
(1. break) ground for, (raivata) pave the
way Tor; ~ uuteen asuun work up In a
new shape, remodel, rearrange, (kirjateos
y. m.) revlse. muokattu: hyvin muokattu
maa land (1. soll) vvell worked up, lmproved land. muokkaamaton not worked
up; untllled [soll, maa]; unlmproved; unprepared, undressed, not treated; muok
kaamaton maaper (kuv.) unprepared (1.
unbroken) ground. muokkaaminen workIng up; lmprovlng; tllllng, cultivatlon;
preparlng, dresslng, treating. muokkaus =
muokkaaminen; (kirjallinen) revision, adaptation; maan muokkaus (mys:) the tillage or the soll.
muona rood, provlslons;
Tare, vlctuals; (-palkka) allovvance In klnd
(glven to Tarm-hands In place or wages).
-mestari (sot.) head of the commlssary
department; commlssary(-general). -mies
rarm-hand recelvlng hls wages (partly) in
provlslons; truck-servant. -mUri ration;
allovvance. -renki ks. muonamies. -varain
hankinta securing (1. supplylng) or provl
slons; purveyance. -varalnhankkija purveyor. -varasto supply (1. stock) or pro
vlslons, stock or supplles. -varat provl
slons, rood; muonavarat ovat lopussa the
supply or provlslons has been exhausted,
we are at the end or our provlslons (1. our
supplles) ; hankkia muonavaroja = muo
muonittaa supply . . \vlth provlslons, supply,
provision, purvey. muonitus muonavarainhankinta.
muori (iti) mother; (eukko) old woman;
(Isoiti) grandmother, granny. -vainaja:
kuten muorivainajan oli tapana sanoa as
grandma used to say (, when she was allve).
muoti rashlon, style, mode; muodista pois
jnyt gone out or rashlon, out-or-date;
jd (pois) muodista go (1. get 1. Tall) out
or rashlon; olla muodissa be the rashlon (1.
the vogue), be In vogue, be rashlonable, be
a rad, be (the) smart (thlng), (Jkpv.) be
ali the go, be the rage; viimeisen muodin
mukaan In the latest (1. nevvest) style (1.
rashlon 1. rut).
muoti asla matter or rashlon (1. or style).
-hulluus mania for new fashlons (1. for the
latest thlng); rashlonable rolly. -kauppa
(muotlmyymAl) store ror ladles' rurnlshlngs, (suuren osastokaupan) suit and roat
denartment; (hattu) mllllnery (store), the
mllliner's, (Engl.) mllllncr's shop. -kaup
pias ladles' outnttcr; dressmaker, modlste;
(hattu-) mllllner. -kuva rashion-plate.
-lehti rashlon magazine (1. book). -leijona
muotinarri. -liike store Tor ladles' rurnMilne-s; mllllnery establtshment. -myy
ml ks. muotikauppa, -nainen rashlonable
lady, lady or rashlon; soclety wnman.
-narri 1. -pp dandy, Top, dude, beau.
-nukke (alkup., vahanukke kauppojen Ik
kunoissa) lay-rigurc, (wax-)rigure; (kuv.)
doll or rashlon. -tarpeet rancy artlcles (1.
goods). -tavara rashlonable artlrles, styllsh goods. -vri rashlonable rolor.
muoto rorm; (asu) shape, rigure; (kasvot)
look(s), countenanre; (ulkonk) appearance, aspect; (Tys. = tila) state, conslstence; (klel.) volce Tesim. passiivi the
passlve volce] : (tapa) manner, way, rash
lon, wisc; mode, style; muodoltaan In rorm;


muodon vuoksi ror rorm's sake, as a mat

ter or Torm, (nn vuoksi) Tor show, for
the sake or appearances, ror appearaiire
sake, (Jkpv.) for the looks or the tblng:
muotonsa puolesta tydellinen perrect in
1'orin, rinlshed, elegant; asia saa sen kautta
aivan toisen muodon that puts an (entlrely )
dirrerent race on the matter, that gives the
matter an entlrely dirrerent aspect, that
alters the matter entlrely; ei miltn muo
toa In no way (1. wlse), not In any way; by
no (1. not by any) means. on no account.
not . . at ali, (el suinkaan) certainly not,
not ror (ali) the \vorld, not for worlds;
ror goodness' (1. mercy's) sake not; hnen
muotonsa kirkastui hls countenance brightened, (yliluonnollisella valolla) hls coun
tenance was gloriried, hls race was transrigured; jonkin muodossa In the fnrni (1.
shape 1. gulse) or; jhme [nesteminen]
~ (Olotila) SOlld [liquld] State; siin muo
dossa in that rorm (1. shape) ; sill muotoa
In thls (1. that) manner (1. way 1. wise),
that way; at that rate; uudistetussa muo
dossa In a new rorm (I. gulse).
muotoasla matter or rorm, rormality.
muotoilu model(l)lng; moldlng.
muotoinen (Jonkin ~) Tormed (I. shaped 1.
rashloned) as ... In the rorm (1. shape 1.
gulse) or . . , (kaltainen) llke . . , (nki
nen) slmllar In appearance to . . , (Jotakin
muistuttava) resembllng . .; ihmisen . .
In human rorm (1. shape), resembllng (1.
bearlng resemblance to) man; mink se
oli what aspect did it have? how dld It appear? what was it llke? pullon shaped
llke a bottle (1. a riask), bottle- shaped;
sen kS. sellainen; tmn Of thlS Shape
(1. rorm), or the same shape (1. rorm) as
thls, llke thls, resembllng (1. bearlng resem
blance to) thls; vrt. monen, pallon y. m.
muotokuva portrait, plcture, llkeness. -maa
laaja 1. -maalari portralt-painter. -maalaus
portrait -palntlng.
muoto; oppi (luonnont. & klel.) morphology.
-puoli (epsuhtainen) asymmetric, unsymmetrical. -puolinen 1'ormal. -puolisesti
(muotopuollsessa suhteessa) In rorm, rormaily. -rikkaus wealth (I. rlchness) or rorm.
-sarja (klel.) paradlgm. -viiva ks. riviiva.
muotti mo(u)ld, form.
muovaileminen mo(u)ldlng Jne., ks. seur.
muovailla mo(u)ld, shape, model, rashlon,
rorm; (kirjallisesti) revise; (sovitella)
mndiry; (muodostella) rormulate; (laatia)
dravv up. make, frame; anteen osaan
mo(u)ld over, remodel. muovailu = muo
vaileminen; (kirjallinen) revision, adaptatlon; (sovittelu) modirication; (muodostelu) rormulatlon; on muovailun alaisena ts
bolng remodeled, (kirjallisen) Is being revlsed, is under revision; vrt. muodostelu.
muovata = muovailla.
mura (sora) gravel; (rupa) grounds, lees.
rlrogs: (suo-) muck.
murahdella grovvl, be growling; murahteli
hiukan (mys:) gave a rew growls.
murahdus growl; snarl; grumble. murahtaa
(mrht, esim. karhu) growl; (murista)
snarl; (kuv.) grumble (out).
murakka = murea, murakkuus crlspness;
tenderness. shortness.
muratti (kasv.) Ivy. -kynns Ivy(-vine).
murea tender [beer, (hrn)liha] ; (esim.
korppu) crisp.
murehtia mourn rror, jotakuta], grieve [at
(1. ror I. over) i , lamcnt, reel arler r atl . sorrow (ror, Jotakuta; over a thlng, Jotakin] ;
(decply) regret (the lossoO; (olla huolis
saan) be distressed, be grleved, be anxlous
[for a p.'s sarety, jonkun turvalllsuudes


ta], (alituisesti) (ret, vvorry; (olls pelois
(o.s.) [about, jostakin], (levottomana) be
saan) be uneasy (In one's mind) [about (1. alarmed, alarm (1. dlstress) o.s. [about,
Tor), Jostakin]; be troubled [about ..]; jostakin] ; vrt. suru.
(huolehtia provlde Tor, take care oi'; l murheellinen (surumielinen; Ikv) sad;
murehdi huomisesta take iiii ttlOUgbt (1. be mournrul, melancholy, sorrowrul, dolerul,
not an.Tious) for the morrovv; vrt. surra, rueful, vvoeful; dlstressed, arrilcteil,
murehtiminen mournlng, grlevlng; sorrovv- grleved; (onneton) unhappy; murheelliset
in?, brooding over one's grler.
kasvot sorroivTul (i. vvoeful 1. rueful) counmureke (keltt.) drcsslng, stumng; (liha-) tenance, carevvorn Tace; sep olisi mur
Torcemeat; tytt murekkeella Tili \vitll heellista that \vniiid (certalnly) be a sad
dresslng, sturr.
thlng. murheellisesti sadly; mourarully,
muren(e) crumb; particle, blt; rragment; sorrowfully, dolefully; unhapplly. mur(jyvnen) grain; vrt. muru. murenematon heelllsuus sadness, sorrovvrulness, dolerulnot crumbling; (rapautumaton) not dls- ness, melancholy; unhapplness; (suru,
lntegrating (1. decomposing). murenemi
murhe) sorrovv, grler.
nen crumbling; (rapautuminen) dlsintegra- murheen laakso vale or tears. -lapsi ks.
tton, decomposition. mureneva: helposti murhelapsi. -osotus show (1. expression)
mureneva crumbly, easily crumbled, (etup. or grler; (osanotto toisen murheeseen)
tekn.) rriable. murenevaisuus frlabllity, rri- condolence. -piv day o( sorrow (1. of
ableness. crumbling; grler) ; black day.
vrt. murentaa, murennus (murentaminen) murheeton, murheettomasti, murheettomuus
crumbling; crushlng (to atoms), grindlng kS. suruton, -tomasti, -tomuus.
to povvder, stamping, poundlng. murentaa murheikas sorrovvrul, dolerul. murheinen
crumble, break; crush (to atoms); stamp, (murheellinen)
pound; murentaa hienoksi grlnd (1. reduce grleved; sad, unhappy; (murhetta tuotta
1. rub) tn powder. murentaja crusher [esim. va) dolerul, dlstressing.
malminmurentaja ore-crusher] . murenta murhe! lapsi chlld or sorrovv; black sheep
minen = murennus. murentua, mureta (In the ramily), scapegrace. -mieli: mur
crumble (avvay) ; (srky) be crusbed, be hemielin wlth sadness (1. grler I. sorrovv)
ground [to rine powder, hienoksi Jauheek
(In one's heart). -mielinen sad. grleved,
si); (rapautua) dislntegrate; (Ilman vaiku
melancholy; mournrul. -nytelm tragedy.
tuksesta) weather.
-runo(elma) elegy.
murha murder; (tappo) manslaughter; hom- murhei tuittaa dlstress, grleve; mik minua
icide; jonkun murhatta syytettyn Charged enin ~, on .. vvhat grleves me most (I.
wlth the murder of . .; vrt. joukko.
vvhat makes me reel vvorst) Is . .; vrt. su
murha- (yhd.) murderous [esim. -ai* I. rettaa.
-hanko murderous design (1. lntent) : -ase murina grovvl(lng), snarl(lng) j (kuv. = na
murderous weapon]. -ie (mys:) lntent pina) grumbling, grumble, complatnt, murto kili; murka-aiktissa Wlth murderous mur. murista (morista) grovvl, snarl; (kuv.
(1. homlcldal) lntent, uitti lntent to kili. = napista) grumble; (mutista) murmur.
murhaaja murderer; (surmaaja) slayer; murjaani blackamoor; (Jkpv.) nlgger.
klller; vrt. murhamies. -Joukkio gang of murjoa (pidell pahoin) use (1. treat 1. hanmurderers (1. of cutthroats). -nainen dlc) roughly, treat 111, abuse; (rusikoida)
voman murderer, murderess.
mangle, maul; (sortaa) oppress, keep unmurhaaminen murder(tng): (surmaaminen) der one's thumb; (musertaa) crush; (koe
slaylng, kllllng; (kuv. = teurastus) slaugh- tella) try; maailman marjoma used rouglllv
ter(lng), butchery.
by the vvorld.
murha-ase (mys:) the murderer's vveapon; murjottaa look (1. be) sulien (1. surly 1.
murha-aseet (sota-aseet) murderous arms. morose), look cross; mope, look mopish;
murhaava murderous [artlllery fire, tykki
(nyrpelll) pout (the llps), be peevish, be
tuli]; ~ arvostelu crushlng crltlcism.
in a sulk (1. In the sulks), be sulky; istua
murha' enkeli angel of destructlon (1. of ~ slt moplng (l. sulklng), mope avvay;
death). -himo lust of murder; (verenhlmo) mit sin siin murjotat vvhat are you mop bloodthlrstlness. -Juttu murder story. ing about there?
-kiihko murderous mania, mania Tor miir- murkina (mornlng) meal;breakrast: olla mur
derlng. -mies murderer, assassln; murha
kinalla (take one's) breakrast [huom. hn
miesten luola (1. pss) den or murderers ei ole viel ollut murkinalla he has not had
hls mornlng meal yet, he has not been to
(l. or cutthroats).
murhan! halu - murhahimo. -haluinen mur
breakrast yet]. murkinoida breakrast, eat
bloodthlrsty, (1. have I. take) (one's) breakfast; (olla
ruoalla) be at the table, have a meal, eat.
murha polttaja tnrendlary, person gullty of murkinoiminen breakrastlng; eatlng.
arson. -poltto (lak.) arson; Incendiary flre. murmell(elin) (ellnt.) marmot feri lajeja:
vvoodrhuck, prairie-dng, bobac y. m.l.
-polttoyrity attctnpted arsnn.
murhata murder: (tappaa) kili, slay; (esim. murre (kieli-) dlalect; (murtaminen) acvaltiollisista syist) assasslnate; (pist cent; (nen) change of volec, vrt. mur
kuoliaaksi) stab (and kili); (teurastaa) ros. -Juttu 1. -kertomus Story (told) In
slaughter, massacre. murhaty 1. -teko dlalect. -sana vvord In a dlalect, dlalect
murderous act (1. deed): (act or) murder. vvord. -sanakirja dlrtlonary or dlalects.
murhauttaa have . . murdered, have . . murros breaklng; (kriitillinen kohta) crlsls;
slaughtered (1. massacred); vrt. surmaut
(nen-) change [of volce] ; (tuulenkaatataa, murhayritys attempt [upon a p.'s life, ma puu) vvlndrall, (sot.) abatls, barrlcade
Jotakuta vastaan], murderous attempt (I. or relled trees: pojan ni on murroksessa
attark) [on ..]; attempt at (1. to) murder. the boy's volce Is changlng. -aika I. (
murhe sorrow, grler, arfllctlon, dlstress; nen) perlod vvhlle fa boy's volce 1 Is chang
(murehtiminen) mourning; (huoli) care, lng; 2. murroskausi, -iki age or puberty,
sollrltude; anxlety; trouhle, vvorry; olla puberty. -katto (rak.) curb-rool. -kausi
murheissaan be grleved, be sorrovvrul, be crltical perlod, (tlme or) crlsls. -viiva
sad, be sorry, (huolissaan) be (1. feel) (geol.) llne or rault, rault-llne.
anxious [about (1. Tor) one's boy, poikansa murska: murskaksi to (1. In) sblvers, to (I. In)
takia], be troubled (1. vvorrled), vvorry pleces,ks. lyd, menn; murskana crushed,



slilvereil (to rragments), broken In (1. to)

pleces (1. shlvers), ali smashed (to pteces),
shattered, In shlvers.
-murska (yhd.) crushed . . , ground (1. powdered) .. [esim. kivi~ crushed rock (1.
stone): lasi~ ground (1. powdered) glass] ;
. hiili- (kivihiili) slack.
murskaaminen crushlng; smashlng, shatter Ing; breaklng; vrt. murskata, murskaantua
be crushed, be smashed, be shattered.
murskata crush; (lyd rikki 1. pirstaksi)
smash, shatter; break; (koneella, esim.
malmia) stanip, pound; (ruhjoa) bruise;
~ jonkun pkallo yhdell Ukolla break a
p.'s skull (1. head) wltli one blow, brain a
p ; /ankan toiveet shatter (1. crush)
ono's hopes. murskautua murskaantua;
murskautui junan alla was crushed under
a tulin.
mursu (ellnt.) walrus.
mursun hammas tusk or a walrus. -pyynti
murtoa break (to pleces, rikki; open, auki:
the seal, sinetti; the resistance. vastarin
ta]: crack: (lyd rikki) smash, shatter:
(musertaa) crush: (kuv. = hvitt) destroy, ruln; (puheessaan) speak wlth a
rorelirn arrent, speak broken [Finnish,
F.ngllSh. etC.]; niskansa, selkrankansa
ks. talttaa; ovi auki break a door open
(1. In), rorre a door: poikki snap (otf),
break: vihollisen taistelu' rintama break
(1. cut through) the enemy's [battle] llne;
ta mursi hanan ryhkeytens that took ali
the boastlng out of hlm. that humbled hlm;
se mursi hnen terveytens It rulned hls
health: vesi on murtanut sulun (lpi)
tili' water has broken through the (lain.
murtaja hrraker [esim. jnmurtaja Icebreakerl : crusher. murtamaton unbroken,
. . unt broken: vrt. murtumaton. murtami
nen hrcaklng, rrarking Jne., vrt. murtaa.
murtautua hreak [throuRh, Jonkin lpi; Into
a lion se, taloon] : ~ Kauppapuotiin break
open a store; vankilasta (karata) break
out or prlson, break Jit. murtautuminen
hrcaklng [Into. .]; (varkaan) house-breakInif; (murtovarkaus) burglary.
murteellinen dlalectlr(al) :
nnetty) broken; murteellisella englannin
kielell In broken Engltsh. murteellisesti
\vlth a rorelirn (1. a broken) arrent; puhua
murteellisesti suomea speak broken Finn
ish, murteellisuus dlalect: provlnrlallsm:
hnen puheensa murteellisuudesta . . Trom
tils rorelirn arrent . . , rrom hls broken
Enirllsh I Finnish, etcl . . .
murto hreaklnir: (Johonkin) breaklng- In,
(varkaan) house-brcaklng, burglary.
murtojl kanki rro\vbar. -klvlsora (geol.) glaclal drirt, rubble. -luku (mat.) rrartlon(al
murtomaajuoksu (urh.) rross-country runnlnsr (1. rare).
murto -osa fractlon(al pam. -vakuutus
burglary Insurance, -vara? bnrRlar, housebreaker. (jkpv.) second story man. -varkaus
burglary, house-breaking. -viiva broken
llne. -yritys attempted (1. attompt at)
murtua break; crack; (esim. pato) burst;
(srkv) be (1. ifet) broken (1. crarked);
(katketa) snap [orf, poikki] ; (musertua)
be crushed. be shattered; (turmeltua) be
destroyed, be rulned; hn murtui (kuv.) he
broke down: terveys on murtunut the
health Is broken (I. Is rulned). murtuma
ton (Joka el ole murtunut) unbroken: unshattered, unerushed; (Jota el voida mur
taa) unbreakable, (lannistumaton) lndomltable renergy, tarmo; courage, rohkeus],


(voittamaton) unconquerable, invinclble;

(luja) staunch [resistance, vastarinta], un rilnching. murtumattomuus lndomltableness, unconquerableness; staunebness, unfllnchlngness. murtuminen breaklng, burstlng; snapplng; (kuv.) breaklng down. murtumus breakdown; (syv katumus) contrltlon.
murtunut broken [man, mies; splrit, mieli],
crushed [skull, pkallo]; (kuv.) rulned,
(surusta y. m.) broken down, broken (1.
crushed) In splrit, broken-bearted, hum
bled (to the dUSt); murtuneella nell In
a broken volce; murtunut terveys broken
(1. rulned) health.
muru crumb; (Jyv) grain; (palanen) bit,
plece, partlcle, fragment; vrt. kullan,
murunen = muru.
museo museum. -rakennus museum (bulldlng).
muserrus crushlng;
smashlng, shatterlng; poundlng; vrt. seur.
musertaa crush; (lyd murskaksi) smash.
shatter; (survoa) pound [In a mortar. huh
maressa] ; (kuv.) prostrate, overwhelm,
(tuhota) destroy, annlhllate, (murtaa)
break [the resistance, vastarinta], one who crushes (1. crushed) ; crusher;
shatterer. musertaminen = muserrus. mu
sertava crushlng [blow. Isku; defeat, tap
pio]; ovenvhelmlng [vlctory, voitto], mu
sertua be (1. get) crushed. be shattered,
be smashed, be broken; (kuv.) be overvvhelmed. musertuminen breaklng, crush
lng: shatterlng.
musiikinopettaja muslc-teacher, teacher (1.
proressor) of music, Instructor In music.
musiikki music; vrt. soitanto.
musiikki- (yhd.) muslcal [esim. -kappale
muslcal plece; -maailma musical World;
-yhdistys muslcal soclety], music- [esim.
kauppa muslc-store: -koala muslc-school;
-soli muslc-hall]; vrt. soitanto-, soitto-,
-arvostelu muslcal crltlcism, crltlclsm or
music, -opetus lnstructlon In music, opisto
conservatory (of music), college (1. acad
emy) or music, -oppi 1. -tiede music.
musikaalinen (soitannollinen) muslcal.
musikantti (soittoniekka) muslcian.
musikka (venlinen talonpoika) muzhik,
Russian peasant.
muskattiviinl, muskat-viini (myskintuoksu! nen vllnl) muscatel, muscat.
muskotti mnsket. -soturi (hlst.) musketeer.
muskotinkukka mace. muskotti nutmeg.
musliinl (hieno puuvillakangas) musiin; mull.
musta I. (a.) blaek; (tumma) dark: kaihi
(lak.) glaucoma; sotnja Black Hundred:
surma (IsoruttO) blar.fc death; taulu
(koulussa:) blac.kboard; vri black color,
black; mustiin puettu, mustissa oleva . .
(dressed) In black: [kuvata . .] mit mustimmilla vreill fpaint . .] as black as can
(1. rould) be, [put . .] In the blackest colors,
In the \vorst Ilght. II. (s.) (mustaihoinen)
black; (Jkpv;) dark(e)y; mustien maanosa
the dark continent.
musta- (yhd.) . . \vlth black . . , black[eslm. -iuoDointn wlth black stripes, blackstrlped; -sitminen wlth black eyes, blackeycd; -tukkainen wlth black halr, blarkhalred], black feslm. -Kfa black llst: -luta
blark chalk (1. crayon); -pippuri black
pepper] .
mustaaminen blackenlng: (kuv.) dragglng
down In the dirt, dlsparagement, asperslon.
mustahko blacklsh: swarthy.
musia ihoinen black(-hued), black-sktnned:
mustaihoiset the blacks, the black-sklnned
people (1. races). -karvainen black-halred.
-Kvlty (plint.) blue fo.x. -kirja black llst;

4 I ( .
(ylloplstoissa y. m., hist.) black book, -kul- nished. mustuttaa make . . turn black,
blacken, black . . up, (hopeatavaraa y. m.)
mainen black-browed.
mustalainen gypsy, gipsy (plur. gypsies, tarnish, mustuus blackness.
muta (lleju) mud, mire: (suo-) bog-earth,
gipsies); (Joskus:) Gypsy.
mustalais- (yhd.) gypsy [eslm. -ahha gypsy muck; (pohjasakka) slime, ooze; vrt. lieju.
woman; -leiri gypsy camp; -tytt gypsy muta- (yhd.) mud- [eslm. -kylpy mud-bath;
girl], -elma gypsy life; (kuv.) roving life. -ltkk mud-puddle].
-Joukko 1. -Joukkue band (1. gang) of gyp mutainen muddy, miry; oozy; full of slime;
vetl muddy (1. dirty) water, mutalsuus
sies, -veri gypsy blood.
muddlness, miriness, oozlness.
Mustamerl the Black Sea, the Euxlne Sea.
mustamulta black earth; vegetable mold, mutall kerros layer of mud (1. of mire),
humus; (suo-) muck. -vyOhyke the black- -kuoppa = mutareika. -maa mire, miry
ground, -poh ja mud(dy) bottom; (valtaearth region.
meren) oozy bottom, ooze, -poh jamen . .
mustanaamalnen black-faced.
mustanl!klrjaa black-speckled; pepper-and- with a mud(dy) bottom, -proomu mudsalt, -puhuva blackish; Iron-gray; (Inos- scow, mud-boat, -relka mud-hole; slough,
ta:) swarthy, -punalnen dark red. -ruskea -suo bog, marsh; mire.
dark brown; dun. -slnertiv 1. -slnlnen mutaus ks. ruoppaus.
mutina mumbling, muttering; (napina)
blue black.
mustallparta I. (a.) - mustapartataen. II. grumbling, grumble; mumnir(lng). mutl(s.) man with a black beard, -partalnen semlnen mumbling, muttering; grumbling.
black-bearded, black-whiskered, -pukulnen mutista mumble, mutter [oaths, klrouk. . (dressed) in black, -rastaa (ellnt.) sla] ; (naplsta) grumble, murmur; matitta
blackbird, -silma black eye. -sukkainen . . partaanta mutter to O.S., mutter between
with black stockings; (kuv.) Jealous [of, one's teeth (1. in one's beard).
Jostakusta]. -sukkaisesti Jealously, -luk- mutka bend, curve; (kierros) roundabout (1.
circuitous) way, detour, circuit; (knne)
kaisuus Jealousy.
mustata blacken (mys kuv.); (make . .) turn, winding; (silmukka) eye, loop, (kyblack; (kuv.) throw dirt (1. sling mud) on, den; mer.) bight; (temppu, metku) trick,
drag . . (down) In the dirt, run . . down, dodge; (veruke) technicality; complication,
intricacy ; asiassa on monta mutbaa, aria on
defame, calumniate.
monen mutkan takana there are so many
muetaitakki 1. -nuttu (pappl) blackcoat.
mustaue black(en)lng; (kuv.) dragging . . Ifs and ans in the case, there are many
difficulties In the matter, the matter Is not
down in the dirt, mud-sllnglng, calumnia
tion, -yrltyi attempt to drag a p.'s name so simple, the matter Is not so easily set
tled (1. arranged 1. disposed of), the case
In the dirt, attempted calumniation.
musta veil (munkkt) Black Friar; Dominican, IS (pretty) dubious; muitta (1. pittmmitta)
matkltta without (any) further ado, (suo-verinen = tummaverinen.
muste (kenk- y. m.) blacking, polish; (klr- raan) straight, direct, (suln pSln) head
JOtUS- tal paino-) Ink; musteessa oleva, long [huom. haytlii pitemmltta mut kit I a
mutteeseen tohritty (all) inky, musteenj- atiaan kasiksi (snnanp.) take the bull by
tuhrlja 1. -tohrljl scribbler, quill-driver. the horns] ; naoraan tall ~ there came a
loop in the rope; finfl * ~ onfcin there Is
muste!! Imukko blotter, -kala (ellnt.) cuttle
where the trick (1. the difficulty) comes
mustelma black and blue spot: bruise: yd In, (valkeus) there's (1. that's) the diffi
mustrlmille beat . . black and blue; on miu- culty, that's (Just) the knotty point, there's
telmiUa, on mustelmitsa Is black and blue, the rub; tien mutkassa at a bend (1. a
turn) of the road, where the road bends
Is bruised.
(1. curves 1. turns), mutkallla bend, curve,
musteneminen blackening, growing (1. get
wind (In and out), crook back and forth,
ting 1. turning) black.
mustentaa blacken, (make . .) black; make make bends (1. curves), meander; (kuv. =
blacker: (tummentaa) darken, make koukkullla) dodge about, shift, shuffle,
dark(er); (plment) obscure, mustenta- beat about the bush; vrt. mutkltella.
mutkamen bending, curving; crooked,
mlnen black(en)lng Jne., vrt. edell.
muste pilkku Ink spot (1. stain) ; vrt. muste- curved, bent; (klemurteleva) winding, sin
tahra. -pullo Ink-bottle; vrt. muetetolppo. uous, meandering; (kuv.) = mutkalllnen.
-pyti (klrjap.) ink table, -sieni (kasv.) mutkalsuus crookedness, sinuosity; convo
lution; o*n mutkaisuus (myCs:) the windInk -mushroom. Ink-cap.
Ing course of the river.
mimeta blacken, grow (1. get 1. turn 1. be
come) black(er); (maatlma) til- mutkalllnen (kuv.) complicated. Involved,
missani everything turned black (before complex. Intricate [matter, asa; question,
kysymys] ; (valkea) difficult; delicate;
my eves 1. before me), I grew dizzy.
muste tahra Ink blot, Ink stain, -tahralnen (sotkiiincn) entangled: vrt. mutkikas. mut
Inky, . . soiled with Ink. -tela (klrjap.) kalllsesti Intricately; with difficulty, mutInk(lng) -roller, -tolpno Inkwell, Inkstand. kallisuus complexity, compllcatedness. In
tricacy; difficulty: delicacy; complicated
-Upl Ink spot, blot of Ink.
Musti common name for a black dog; (1. Intricate 1. delicate) nature (1. character).
mutkaton . . without (any) bends (1. curves
(Jkpv.) Nig.
mu3tikanl|kukka blueberry flower, -varsl 1. turns 1. loops, vrt. mutka); (kuv. = ykslnkcrtatnen) uncomplicated, simple, plain,
blueberry bush.
(suora) straightforward, artless, (selva )
mustikka blueberry; (europpalalnen) bil
clear, unentanglect. mutkattomastl without
berry, (Engl.) whortleberry.
mustikka- (yhd.) blueberry [eslm. -licmi complications: stralghtforward(ly) : clear
blueberry sauce; -mthu blueberry Juice]. ly, plainly, mutkattomuue freedom from
-meta woods where blueberries grow. complications; simplicity; straightforward
-puuro (1. v.) blueberry pudding.
ness; clearness.
mustua grow (1. get 1. turn) black, blacken; mutkaus (tien y. m.) bend, turn; curve;
(hopeasta puhuen:) tarnish; vrt. muateta. (laaja) sweep; vrt. mutka.
mustuainen (Sllman) pupil, mustuminen mutkautua (menn mutkille) form (1. mak)
blackening; (hopean y. m.) tarnishing, mue- bends, coll, bend, (sllmukollle) form (1.
tunut blackened, black; (hopeasta:) tar- make) loops, lopp; (kSyeia mutkatsekel)

become sinuous, begin to wind (In und something else; kaikki ~ everything else,
out), (kuv.) become (more) complicated; all the rest; kaikki muut (s.) all the others,
vrt. mutkiitua.
all the rest (of them), everyone else, vrt.
mutkiku (klemnrteleva) winding: [path, kaikki; kuinha taatoit muuta odottaahaan
polku], sinuous, tortuous, serpentine, me how could you expect anything else?
andering [course, juoksu] ; (mutkalnen) mita manta what else? o/i ci/a muitabin
crooked, bent; (kuv.) Intricate, compli
there were others (1. other people) present,
cated, Involved, (sotkulnen) entangled; ks. too; olivat tiella muufAin the others (1. all
rest) were present, too: yfesr fcir/a otettehda (mutklkkaaksl). mutklkkaaetl fol
lowing a sinuous course; (kuv.) Intricate
tiin, muut lhetettiin takaitin (muut kirjat )
ly, mutklkkuut sinuosity; winding course; one book was bought, the rest were re
crookedness; (kuv.) Intricacy, complexity. turned, (muut tavarat) a book was bought,
mutkistaa (kouklstaa) bend, make. . crooked, the other articles were returned.
curve, bow; (kuv. = tebda mutklkkaaksl) muualla elsewhere, somewhere (1. any
make (more) Intricate (I. difficult), com where) else; (toisella tabolla) otherwhere;
plicate, mutkistaminen bending, making In another direction; (toisella paikkakuncrooked; (kuv.) making more complicated. nalla) In another place (1. locality) ; (pois
mutkistue bend, (become) curve(d) ; (kuv.) sa) away; ei mittn ~ nowhere else;
become more complicated (1. complex 1. ncmma'n huin mittn ~ more than any
difficult); mutkiftunut bent, curved, where else; jottakin ~ somewhere (1. any
crooked, mutkiatuminen bending, curving; where) else, muualle [menna. go] else
(kuv.) becoming more complicated, com where, somewhere else; In another di
rection, otherwhere; to another place (1.
mutkitella (kierrella) wind (In and out); locality) ; (pols) away, muualta from else
twist and turn (mys kuv.); bend; (Joesta where, from somewhere (1. anywhere) else,
puhuen:) meander; (rlstlln rastlln) zigzag; from otherwhere; from another direction;
(koukkullla) dodge (about), shift, shuffle; from another place (1. locality), muuaitawriggle (about), mutkitteleminen winding, tuotu (maahan) Imported.
twisting and turning; meandering; dodg muuan ks. muudan. muuanne = muualle.
ing (1. wriggling) about, shuffling, mut- muudan (eras) a, an; a certain [Mr. Smith,
kiticiova winding [path, polku]; sinuous,
Smith]; (joku) some, a few [days
tortuous; serpentine, meandering [stream, herra
ago, piiiva takaperln]. II. (s.) one [of
vlrta]. mutkittelu = mutkitteleminen.
them, heistal.
multa but; (joskus:) however; ~ Jrumminmuukalainen I. (a.) foreign [word, sana] ;
hin. ~ tittebin Still, yet.
(lak.) allen; (kasvelsta, mys:) exotic. .
mutter! (ruuvl-) nut. -avain wrench, -laatta
(s.) stranger; (ulkomaalainen) foreigner;
alien; tuntta ittent muukalaitekti
mutu (elalnt.) minnow.
feel like a stranger.
mutimaa (natustaa) munch; mumble.
muukalals(yhd.) foreign [eslm. -
muu I. (a.) other, another, different; (jiil- foreign people
(1. nation); -kitli foreign
jellaoleva) remaining, the rest of . .; ~ language].
ota the remaining part, the rest; mmata muukalaistu become a stranger; (vleraantapauksessa otherwise, else, (tal muuten) tua kansalllsuudestaan) become denation
or (else) ; muut atiaaharrattavat Other
alized, muukalaistuminen denationalization,
people Interested; muuf ihmitet other peo
ple; muuf holme tty the Other (I. the muukalalstunut estranged; denationalized,
muukalaissyntyinen . . of foreign birth,
remaining) three estates; moat tSSdyt the muukalaisuus
foreign descent; foreign
other estates, the rest of the estates; n blood;
(klelelllnen) foreign word (1. phrase).
tied mitn muuta keinoa 1 know Other muuli (aasiorlln
hevosentamman sekaslway, I don't know any other (1. another 1. klo) mule, -aas ja
i hlnny.
any different) way to do It; Aunen maul
kapineenta his other effects, the rest of muullnajaja mule-driver, muleteer.
his things (1. his belongings). II. (s.) else; muulloln at another time; at other times; el
the rest [of ..]; < o mahdottitta there kotkaan ~ at no other time, never . . any
is no other possibility (1. way) ; maun muat- other time, on no other occasion; otkut ~
ta among Other things; maun puoletta for some other time; min len tnn otythe rest, (mit muuhun tulee) as to the neempi kuin ~ (kuin tavalllsestl) I am
rest, as to what remains, (mutssa suntels- more tired than usual to-day.
sa) In other respects (1. particulars), muumio (palsamoltu ruumls) mummy,
(muuten) otherwise [huom. kaibcn moan -arkku mummy-case.
puoletta in every other respect] ; muuf (the) muumiomainen, muumlonUpalnen mummyothers, other people, (loput) the rest [of like, resembling a mummy.
them, helst] ; ei huhaan ~ huin ban no one muun laatuinen 1. -lainen . . of another (1.
but he, no one besides him; ei mitn muuta of different) kind; differently constituted,
nothing else (I. more 1. further), (siinu constituted in a different way; mihn
kalkkl) that's all [huom. minulia ei ole mi- maunlainen ei helpaiti no Other kind would
tSn muula (mahdolli.tuutla \. beinoa l jl- do, any other kind wouldn't do.
ella kuin . . there Is no other choice left muunnella 1. (tr. = muutella) change (over
and over), make changes: vary; (muovallla)
(for) me than (1. but) to . . , there Is no al
ternative left me but to . . , I have nothing remodel, rearrange; (sovltella) adapt:
(1. no course) left but to . .] ; ei tarvittm (sommltella) modify: (muorlostaa toisin)
muuta kuin . . one has only to ... It is only transform; 2. (Itr. = vaihdella) vary, fluc
necessary to . .; n voi muuta huin ihme- tuate; (muuttua) keep changing, change,
tell I can not but marvel. cannot help muunnelma rearrangement: adaptation;
wondering; htrttda tlia muissa excite modification; (tolslntelu) variation.
(1. arouse) other people's sympathy (1. muunnos (luonnont.) variety; (kertomukpity) ; han ei tee muuta kuin itket She does sen) version; (mat.) transformation; mys
nothing but cry; liman manta (suorastaan) = muuntaminen.
right away, straight (1. right) off, at once, muuntaa (tolseksl) transform; convert [In
without any further question, vrt. liman; to, jokslkln], turn [Into]; (tolsenlalseksl)
oka ~ someone else; /o Ita) kin mau(fa) alter, change; (muunnella) vary: vrt.



muuntaminen transformation;
Conversion [ Into . . ] ; ai tert ion.
muunteleva(inen) changeable, varlable; varylng, fiuctuating; varled. muuntelevaisuus
ehangeableness, varlableness ; varlatlon.
muuntelu (biol. & mat.) varlatlon; (Harp
paava) mutatlon.
muunto = muuntaminen.
muuntua be transformed, be turned [Into,
joksikin]', be converted [Into..]; transform; change, alter. muuntuva (mat.)
muuraaminen l. (jonkin ~) doing the mason(ry) work In (1. on) . . , laylng of . .; 2.
(muurausty) brlcklaying, amason's work;
vrt. muurata.
muurahainen ant, plsmlre; ahkera kuin ~
(sananp.) as busy as a bee.
muurahais- (ybd.) ant- [esim. -karhu ant bear; -muna ant-egg; -ty/ ant-eater] ;
(etup. tiet.) Tormic [esim. -happo formlc
acidj. -karhu (mys:) great ant-eater, tamanolr. -keko ant-iiill, ant-heap. -korento
(ellnt.) ant-llon. -laji klnd of ant, specles
of ants. -pes = muurahaiskeko, -toukka
Jarva of an ant; ant-grub.
muurain (kasv.) cloudberry, knotberry,
mountain-bramble. -hillo cloudberry Jam.
-mehu cloudberry Juice, (sokeroitu) cloud
berry syrup. -auo cloudberry marsh.
muurari (stone-)mason, brlcklayer. -mes
tari master-mason.
muurari n il ammatti masonry; brlcklayer's
trade. -kislli Journeyman-masonO. -brlck
layer). -oppi: olla muurarinopissa be learning the mason's trade, be servlng as an apprentice to s mason; vrt. panna (oppiin),
-oppilas mason's apprentice. -telineet scaffoldlng. -ty ks. muurausty, -tyntekij
mason, brlcklayer.
muurata (kivest tai tiilist) do the mason
(-ry) work to [the house, talo]; lay (up)
[the wall, sein], bulld [the chimney, uunlnpllppu], wall up; (tillist) brick (up)
[the fireplace, takka]; (itsenisesti) lay
bricks; tein [talo] tiilist (mys:) make
a brlck wall [house]; ~ umpeen (esim.
oviaukko) brlck (1. stone) up.
muuraus brlcklaying, mason work; masonry;
mys = muuraaminen, -lasta 1. -kauha
trowel. -luoti plummet, plumb-bob. -ty
brlcklaying, mason('s) work; masonry.
muurauttaa bave . . bullt [of Stone, kives
t] ; aukko umpeen tiave the gap brlcked
[stoned] up; ~ itselleen talo have a brlck
(a stone] bouse bullt.
muuri wall; (uuni) rireplace; muureilla ym
prity walled In; vaikeni kuin ~ kept as
silent as the tomb, kept perfectly mum.
muuriiaukko openlng In a [the] wall: (mur
tamalla tehty) breach in a [the] wall.
-hammastus (rak.) battlement. -kivi bulldlng-stone. -laasti ks. laasti, -liitos 1. -limi
tys bond. -luoti ks. muurausluoti.
muurinen (ybd.) . .-walled [esim. korkeahigh-walled; matala low-walled].
muurin: murtaja 1. -murrin battertng-ram.
-rako clert In a [the] wall, (levempi) gap
(1. break) In a [the] wall; vrt. muuriaukko.
muuri I! pata large Iron pot (1. kettle) walled
In Wlth bricks. -puskuri muurinmurtaja,
-ruukki ks. laasti, -tiili brlck. -varustus
muutama (Joku) some, a few; vrt. er;
muutamat some, (ert) certaln, (Jotkut
harvat) a few, (useat) several, (s.) some
people, a few people; muutaman kerran a
few tlmes; muutamat . . , toiset . . some
(people) ... others . .; muutamia kertoja
a few tlmes ; muutamin paikoin In sulin1
places (1. localltles). In some parts [of the


country, maata], (siell tll) here and

there, vrt. seur.; muutamissa kohdin on
some polnts, (palkoin) at (1. In) some
places, (suhteissa) In some respects, (asiois
sa) In some thlngs; ainoastaan muutamia
henkilit oli saapunut Only a fc\v people
(1. persons) hadarrlved; haluatteko kirjoja,
tss on muutamia (lo you want books?
here aro some; on muutamia (sellaisia ih
misi), jotka . . there are people, uho . . .
muutattaa have . . removed; have . . changed;
jotta) kin jollakulla have one move (1. remove 1. transfer) a th., have one change a tn.
muuta change; (vaihtelu) varlatlon; vartety;
muutteeksi for a change, for the sake of
varlety (1. of a change), for varlety's (1.
for novelty's) sake, vrt. vaihde.
muutella 1. (tr.) change [the order of the
words, sanain Jrjestyst], alter, vary;
shlft [one's position, asentoa(an) ] ; (muo
dostella) modlfy; (ltr.) (vaihdella) vary,
change [often, usein], keep changing, shlft,
(vuorotella) alternate; mielipiteet muutte
levat oplnlons change; tuuli muuttelee the
wind changes contlnually, the wlnd veers
(1. shirts).
muuten otherwlse, or (else), else; (toisin)
in anotber (1. In a dlfferent) way, dirrerently; (sitpaitsi) moreover, furthermore,
besldes; (mit siihen tulee) as for that (matter); (toisaalta) on the other hand; (muun
suhteen) (as) for the rest, as to the rest;
[katso, see] further (1. for other partlculars) ; (muissa suhteissa) In other respects
(1. particulars) ; (Itse asiassa) In fact, to
teli the truth, as a matter or ract; ~ kuin
(paitsi) except (lf), save; kiirehdi, (tai)
myhstyt be qulck or (else) you will
be (too) late; kuinkas (tietysti) certainly! of course! oh, yes!
muutoin = muuten.
muutoksenhaku (olk. ptkseen) appeal.
muutos change, alteration; (vaihtelu) varla
tlon; (muuttaminen) changing; (muunta
(mukaileva) modlflcatlon; (uudistus) In
novation; (lisv tai korjaava) amendment; (knne) turn, shlft; parempaan
pin a change (1. a turn) for the better;
anoa muutosta ptkseen appeal the case,
appeal [to a hlgher court, ylemmlt oi
keudelta] ; ehdotus hyvksyttiin ilman muu
toksia the motlon carrled wlthout any
amendments (1. unamended), the orlginal
motion was carrled; mielialan change In
[one's] feellng, change tn [publlc] sentlment. -ehdotus proposed change (1. altera
tion), (lakiin y. m.) (proposed) amendment; ks. tehd.
muuttaa (siirt, siirty) move, (pois) remove, carry off, (toiseen palkkaan) trans
fer, transport; (toisenlaiseksi)
[one's tactlcs, menettelytapaansa; the or
der of the words, sanain Jrjestyst], turn
[water Into wlne, vesi viiniksi], alter;
transform [Into . . , Joksikin] ; (etup. tiet.)
transmute [into ..]; (mat. y. m.) reduce
[dollars to cents, dollarit senteiksi], (et.
tekn.) convert [heat Into energy, lmp
energiaksi]; (vaihtaa) shlft [one's position,
asentoa]: (korjata) amend [the bankruptcy law, konkurssilakla], revlse;
asumaan jonkun luo move to a p.'S house,
go to room at a p.'s, (huonekumppanina)
go to Ilve wlth a p.; ~ itsens nkymtt
mksi make oneself lnvlslble; jalkaa
(vaihtaa) change step; ~ kantaansa shlft
one's ground, take a new (1. a dirrcrent)
Stand [In . .] ; ~ karvansa ks. vrins-,
~ kuivaa ylleen put somethlng dry on, put
on dry clothes, change one's clothes;



kaupunkiin (maalta) move to tOWIl; ~ maa

han immlgrate; ~ maalla move (out) into
tbe country, (asumaan) go to Ilve in tbe
country; (pois) maasta emlgrate, leave
the country; manan majoille (kuolla) go to
one'S long home; ~ mieler.s, ~ mieltn
change one's mlnd, (ajatella Jrkevmmin)
thinkbetter Of it, vrt. Seur.; ~ mielipiteen
s change (1. alter) one's oplnion(s) ;
muotoaan change lts form, (he) change(d)
in form, be metamorphosetl, (esim. kieli)
shift its form, (muuttua toiseen muotoon)
transform; ~ nahkansa change its skln,
(luoda) east lts skln; ~ pois go (1. move)
avvay, remove, leave; puut parempaan
maahan transplant the trees into a better
soll; rahaksi convert (i. turn) . . Into
money (1. cash), (omaisuutensa) sell orr;
(kaupp.) realize on . .; suuntaansa) al
ter (1. change) one's (1. lts) course; ~
takkia Change one'S coat; ~ taloon (asu
maan) move Into the house, move in, take
Possession or a house (1. or a Hat) ; ~ tau
lu seinll korkeammalle (ripustaa. Siirt)
move (1. hang 1. put 1. place) the plcture
on the wall higher; ~ vaatteita (1. pukua)
change one's clothes, change; ~ vrins
(mys:) lose its color, Tade; muutta
malta jokin by changing . . , by (the) alteratlon oi . .; hevosia muutettaessa \vlien
changing horses; jd muuttamatta remaln unchanged (1. unaltered), not be
clianged; kaulusta pit vhn ~ the collar has to be altered a little; kuumuus oli
muuttanut tasangon ermaaksi the heat had
clianged (1. turned 1. transformed) the
plain into a desert; kylm ~ veden jksi
cold changes (1. turns 1. translorms) water
Into ice; pykl silytetn (l. jtetn)
muuttamatta the section wlll remaln un
altered, there will be no amendments to
the section; e ei muuta asiaa that does not
alter matters any, it (1. that) makes no real
(I. no materiat) dl (Terence; e ci ofe muu
tettavissa (sit el voida ~) it (1. that) cannol be changed (1. altered), there is no alterlng It; e asian that alters the case,
that puts a dirferent face (1. phase) on the
SSvor' aliere?- tru sforme
Uekn ) co^*
muuttamina mu\
n* 'ine ks ",?"':
;., eIi,1",".m,'"e"
J ?. .mSJ"?".Ls:
taa; alteration; transrormatln; reductlon
muutteeksi ks. muute.
muutteellinen, muutteelllsuut ks. muuttele
va, muuttelevaisuus.
muutteleminen alteration, changing; (muo
dosteleminen) modiricatlon; (vaihtelemi
nen) shiltlng, varylng, varlation; (vuorot
teleminen) alternatlon; vrt. muutella.
muutteleva(inen) changeable [weather, s],
inconstant, lickle,
riighty; vrt. valhteleva(inen). muuttelevai
suus changeableness, varlableness; Inconstancy, nckleness.
muuttelu = muutteleminen.
muutto moving, removal; (siirto) transportation; transfer; (pois Jonkun palvelukses
ta) leaving [ap.'s] service; (vaihto) change,
changing; hevosten ~ changing (oi) horses;
vaatteiden change or Clothing (1. or
clolhes). -aika (asunnon, palvelijain y. m.)
moving tlme. -apu: saada muuttoapua bave
(part of) one's moving expenses paid.
-haukka (ellnt.) peregrine ralcon. -hein
sirkka (ellnt.) locust. -homma muutto
puuha, -kirja 1. -todistus extract rrom the
parlsh register Issued [in Finland] to per
son moving to another parlsh; (palve
lijain) reeommendation, character, testi
rnonial. -lintu bird of passage, migratory

my kertaa

bird. -puuha trouble of moving; olla i

topuuhissa be (engaged In) moving. be
busy (1. occupied) wlth moving, (-aikeis
sa) lntend to move. -piv moving day;
(palkollisten) day when servants and farmhands [in Finland] move. -tavara bousehold goods that are being moved. -touhu
= muuttopuuha, -vaunut moving-van, rurnlture-van.
muuttua change, alter; be changed (l. al
tered); (Joksikin) be turned. be trans rormed [into], turn [into], (etup. tiet.)
be converted [Into . . , Joksikin] ; (muo
dostua) grow [worse, pahemmaksi], get,
become [a habit, tavaksi] ; (vaihdella) vary;
~ leikist todeksi go from jest to earnest;
mullaksi molder (away), go (1. crumble)
to dust; ~ muodoltaan (toiseen muotoon)
change Torm, transform, be nietamorphosed; ~ muuttumistaan keep on chang
ing; ~ nestemiseksi (l. nestemiseen muo
toon) (mys:) become (1. turn) a Uquld,
be converted into a Uquld, Uquefy; ~ pa
remmaksi change for the better, get bet
ter, lmprove; tavaksi (mys:) grovv into
(1. get to be) a habit; toisenlaiseksi be
come dirrerent, change, alter; toisen n
kiseksi change in looks, (asioista puhuen:)
assume a dlllerent aspect; ~ vhitellen
(l. asteettain) joksikin be gradually changed
into, merge (1. shade orr) into, graduate
into, vrt. sulautua; hnen kasvonsa muut
tuivat his lace (I. hls countenance) changed,
(kasvojen vri) he changed color; hn on
muuttunut toiseksi mieheksi, hn on suu
resti muuttunut he is much changed, time
Lsurrerlng, etc] has wrought great changes
in him, he has become another man, he is
a Changed man; ilma muuttuu lmpimksi
it Is getting warm, it's gettlng to be warm
vveather; se on muuttunut sananlaskuksi it
has become a proverb (1. a saylng), lt bas
become proverblal; vesi muuttuu hyryksi
water is turned (1. is converted) into steam
(1. into vapor), \vater changes (1. turns)
into steam, (tekn.) water vaporlzes; yst
vyys muuttui vihaksi Irlendsbip (was)
turned Into hatred.
muu'""*<>" (Joka el muutu) Invariable;
lmmu,aDle- unvarying;
unalterable; unchanging,
ylng; (pysyv)
(pysyv) conslant;
(Joka el ole muuttunut) unchanged, unal
tered; unmodiried; hnen tilansa on his
condltlon remains unchanged, (sairaan) he
is much (1. about) tbe saine. muuttumatta
(muuttumattomasti) unchangeably, immutably; (vaihtelematta) invariably; (pe
ruuttamatta) irrevocably; vrt. pysy, muut
tumattomuus unchaiigcableness, imiuutablllty.
muuttuminen changing, change, alteration (etup. tiet. & tekn.) transrormatln, transmutation; Conversion [into. Joksikin] ; vrt.
muuttuva(inen) changeable, variable; (oi
kukas, epvarma; Inconstant, rickle, riighty ;
muuttuvaiset thdet variable Stars; kaikki
on muuttuvaista everything changes, everythlng Is subject to change; vrt. muutteleva(inen). muuttuvaisuus muuttelevaisuus.
myhhdell smile; (teeskennellen tai type
riisti) simper, smlrk [at. Jollekin]; ne myhhtelivt minulle they smiled at (1. on)
me. myhhdys (quiet 1. pleasant 1. goodnatured) smile; (makeileva) simper. mvhhteleminen, myhhtely smlllng. myhkht
smile (a raint smile). myhill = myhhdell; myhill partaansa smile (1. laugh)
behtnd one's beard, (itsekseen) laugh to o. s.
mykerU crush; (rypist) rumple, crum-

ple, (jkpv.) muss; (kri kokoon) fold . . bellow; (karjua) roar; (ulvoa) howl; myrsup (1. together).
ky mylvii the tempest Is roarlng (1. Is
myker ikasv.) capitulum; composlte riower. howUng). mylvhdys bawl, bellow; roar;
-kukkainen composlte [plant, kasvi].
howl. mylvint give (1. let) out a bawl
mykevyys convexlty, roundness; distenslon. (1.. a bellow 1. roar); vrt. mylvi.
my kev bulbous, hemispberic; round(ed); Munchen Munich.
bulging, dlstended; (kupera) convex.
myntti coin, money; tehd myntti jollakin
Riykistytti ks. mykist.
(kuv.) make capital (1. feather one's nest)
mykistyi be silenced; be stricken (1. struck) out of . . . mynttys (rabaksllyntl) colndunib [wlth amazement, hmmstyksest; ing, coinage. myntt ks. lyd (rahaksi).
uitti shaine, hpest], be(come) dumb- myrin, myrist ks. murina, murista.
rounded; become dumb (1. silent). mykit myrkky polson; (et. krmeen-) venom;
t* silence; (hmmstyksest y. m.) strlke (tartunta-, lk.) virus.
. . dumb; (tehd Joku puhumattomaksi) myrkky- (yhd.) polson- [esim. -passi poldeprive one or hls speech, make . . dumb son-bag (1. -sac) ; -rauhanen polson-gland] ;
(l. stlent).
(myrkyllinen, myrkky sisltv) polson myki (Unssi) lens. mykiminen, mykin- ous [esim. -aine polsonous substance; -/uo
muotoinen lens-sbaped; lentlcular.
ma poisonou3 drart (1. drlnk)]; (myrky
mykkyr (kr) bundle, pack.
tetty) polsoned [esim. -juoma polsoned
mykkyys dumbness, muteness; vrt. kuuro. drlnk (1. drart); -pikari polsoned cup].
mykk I. (a.) dumb [from one's blrtb, syn
-aine (tartunta-aine) virus, -hammas (pol
tymstn saakka] , mute [sorrow, suru; son- )rang. -krme venomous serpent (1.
admiratton, ihailu] ; (netn) silent; (pu
snake), polson(ous) snake. -malja polsoned
humaton) speechless, tongue-tled; mykk
cup, cup of polson. -oppi toxlcology.
n hmmstyksest (struck) dumb Wltb -paperi (polson) fly-papcr. -rakko polsonamazement, speechless wltti amazement. sac (1. -bag). -seos polsonous mlxture.
Ii. (s.) mute; vrt. kuuro.
myrkyllinen polsonous; venomous [snake,
myllerrys (hmmennys) confuslon; (seka
krme; remark, huomautus]; (kuv.) virusorto) cbaos; dlsorder; (temmellys) Hi
lent; kaasu polsonous (1. noxious) gas,
rnuit (mys kuv.); tunteiden tumult Of polson gas. myrkyllltestl pqlsonously;
reelings. myllert stlr up, agitate; (syn
(kuv.) venomously, virulcntly. myrkylli
nytt sekasortoa) cause confuslon (1. dls
syys polsonous qualitles (1. nature), vlruorder), brlng chaos; (saattaa epjrjes
lence; (kuv.) venom.
tykseen) throvv Into confuslon, brlng Into myrkytetty polsoned, . . Infected wlth pol
dlsorder, derange, dlsorder; (hmment) son. myrkytty be(come) polsoned, become
confuse, confound; (Jtt Jlkeens seka
(1. get) tainted (1. inrected) ; hnen mie
sortoa ja hvityst) make (great) bavoc; lens myrkyttyi sellaisesta kohtelusta hls
hnen mielessn myllersivt kaikenlaiset mind was polsoned (1. Inrected) by such
ajatukset ali klnds of thoughts vvere surg- treatment. myrkyttj poisoner. myrkyt
ing througb bis mlnd; myrsky myllersi tminen poisonlng; lnrectlon, talntlng.
meren the tempest lashed (1. drove) the myrkytt polson [one's lire. Jonkun el
sea into a fury, the storm stlrred up the m]; taint, lnrect [wlth ... Jollakin].
rountains or the deep (1. the sea to its myrkyttmyys non-polsonous qualitles (1.
deplhs) ; myrskyn myllertm meri the nature), rreedom from polson. myrkytys
tormented (1. tempest -tossed) sea, the sea poisonlng; lnrectlon; (lk.) intoxication.
loru by a tempest; vrt. temmelt & seur. myrkytys- (yhd.) .. or poisonlng [esim.
myllerlda (peuhata) make a nolse, be -kohtaus attack or poisonlng; -oire sympboisterous; (esim. tuuli) bluster; (raivo
tom or poisonlng; -tapaus case or poison
ta) rage; (elmid) run rlot; (knt lng]. -murha murder by polson, poisonlng.
ylsalaisin) turn . . topsy-turvy; (tehd -yritys attempt to polson, attempted poi
pahaa siivoa) make a Utter; (saada aikaan sonlng.
sekasortoa) make (great) havoc.
myrkytytti (Joku) have (1. order) . . pol
mylly mlll; (Jauho-) flour-mtll, grlst-mill; soned; (Jollakulla) have one polson . . .
hn taa siit vett myllyyns (kuv.) be myrkytn non-polsonous, not venomous.
vvill make a handle of that; vrt. tuuli, myrryinen morose, surly, sulky, sulien,
-koski falls (1. raplds) suitable for vvater- moody, dogged; crabbed. myrryltyys mopower. -laitos mlll, mllllng establlshment. roseness, sullenness, sulklness.
-lampi (padottu) mlll-pond; mlll-Uam. myrsky (wind-) storm, tempest; gale (or
-mki 1. lii U \vlth a wlnd-mill on lt; 2. \vlnd) ; myrskyn enteit slgns or (an apgrounds around a (grlst-)mlll.
proachlng) storm; myrskyss in a storm
(1. a tempest), when (1. whlle) a storm
myllyn- (ybd.) . . or a [the] miu, mlllfeslm. -omistaja o\vner or the mlll, mlll- was raglng; merell ky (1. raivoaa) lt
ovsner; -pato mill-dam; -ratas mlll-wheel] . blows (1. is blovvlng) a gale on the sea, a
-kivi millstone. -luukku hatcb. -paikka 1. storm Is raglng at sea; vrt. pyrre.
-sija place (1. slte) Tor a mlll, mlll-slte. myrsky- (yhd.) storm- [esim. -aalto storm-putous mlll-race; mlU-head. -ruuhi 1. wave; -keskus storm-center] ; (myrskyi
-rlnni 1. -kouru 1. -uoma mill-race (1. nen) stormy [esim. -kausi stormy season;
-course), mlll-run. -siipi ks. tuulimyllyn- -yS stormy nlght].
siipi. -torvi 1. -tuutti hopper.
myrskyinen stormy [vveather, s; season,
mylly puro mlll stream. -tie road (leading)
vuodenaika; session. Istunto], tempestuous; (melskelnen, meluisa) tumultuous
to the mlll.
myllytt! lake . . to the mlll; have . . ground. [meettng, kokous], uproarious [scene,
myllkk (melske, khkk) tumult; com- kohtaus]; (hurja) Wild; meri (mys:)
inotion; uproar, turmoll; (rhkk) row; turbulent sea. myrskyisyys tempestuousness; tumultuousness; sn myrskyisyys
(mellakka) rlot; (sekasorto) dlsorder, con
fuslon, chaos; (hlin) nolse, dln, racket, the Inclemency or the vveather, the stormy
vveather. myrskyis myrskyinen.
hullabaloo; (vilin) swarmlng tbrong.
myllri mlller. myllrinrenkl mlller's helper. myrskylintu storm-blrd; (ellnt.) petrel;
myllt = myllerlda.
arctlc fulmar.
mylviminen, mylvint roarlng, bellovvlng; myrskyn enne slgn or an approachlng (1. a
bovvllng; vrt. mylvhdys, mylvii bawl, comlng) storm. -puuska sudden gale;



squall. -velloma storm-tossed [sea, meri],

myrsky pskynen (ellnt.) Leach's petrel.
-s 1. -Ilma stormy (I. tempestuous)
wealher; myrshyslt in stormy weather.
In a .stonn (1. a tempest). -tuuli stormwtnd, stormy \vind, (heavy) gale, tempest.
myrskyt* storm (mys kuv.); blow a gale;
myrsky it is stormlng, lt blows (1. is
li lu i nif) a gale; eilen myrskysi koko pivn
lt stormed ail day yesterday; meri myrs
ky ttiere Is a gale at sea, tbe sea Is svvept
by a storm (1. a gale), tbe sea is raglng.
myrskyminen storming. myrskyv stormlng; stormy, tempestuous; turbulent [sea,
meri]; vrt. myrskyinen.
myrtin kukka myrtle. -okaa twig (1. spray)
or myrtle.
myrtti (kasv.) myrtle. -kruunu myrtlevvreatb, crown of myrtle. -seppele myrtlewreath; vrt. edell. -ljy myrtle-oll.
myrtynyt: maito mllk Which IS turnlng
sour; jd myrtyneelle mielelle Stay sul
ien (1. surly 1. morose 1. moody), (alaku
loiseksi) remain downbearted (1. disheartened I. dejected) ; miesten mielet ovat myrtyneet tbe men are sulien (1. sulky 1. mo
rose), (katkeroituneet) tbe men bave become embittered (1. are bitter), myrty
(hapata) turn sour, (become 1. get) sour,
turn; (kuv.) get (1. grow) sulien (1. sulky
1. morose), (katkeroitua) become embit
tered, grow bitter.
myrkk myllkk.
myski (= hajuaine) musk. -elin 1. -hirvi
(elint.) musk-deer. -hrk musk-ox.
myssy bonnet; (joskus:) cap.
mystiikka (salaoppi) mysttclsm. mystikko
mystlc. mystillinen mystlc(al); (salape
rinen) mysterlous.
mytlstye, mytistminen purslng (1. puckerIng) up; vrt. mytUt. mytisty (rypisty)
be(come) wnnkled (up), be rumpled,
(Jkpv.) be mussed (up); (rutistua) be
crushed. mytistU (kokoon) purse (1.
pucker) up, draw together; (rypist)
UTlnkle; mytimt suutaan (nyrpist)
purse one's llps, screw up onc's llps.
mytologia (taruoppl) mythology.
mytty bundle, pack; lyd myttyyn (ko
koon) bundle up [one's clothes, vaatteen
sa], (ryppyyn tai ljn) batter [one's
hat, hattunsa], knock .. out or shape,
crush, (kuv. = tehd tyhjksi) Trustrate,
foil, baffle, thwart [one's plans, jonkun
suunnitelmat] ; menn myttyyn (kuv.
raueta) be rrustrated, be rolled, be
thwarted, (esim. toiveista;) be shattered,
(joutua karille) Strand, (eponnistua) mlscarry, fail, break down, rall through, come
to nothing; olla mytytt be (ali) battered
(up), be dented, be crushed.
myyd sell [cheap, halvalla; a th. dear, Jo
kin kalliista (1. kalliilla) ; to a p., Jollekul
le; at (1. for) flve dollars, viidest dolla
rista (1. viidell dollarilla)], (tehd kaup
paa Jollakin) deal in, be a seller (1. vendor)
oT; (panna menemn) dlspose of; ~ hal
vemmalla kuin [Joku toinen] sell cheaper
than. . , undersell [another person] ; huu
tokaupalla sell . . at auctlon, auctlon . . orf;
tukuttain sell wholesale; vrt. myytv,
myyj seller, vendor; (myymmles) : vrt. kaupustaja. myyjiiset 1'air (1.
bazaar) [for charlty, hyvntekevftlsyystarkotuksla varten]; sle (of rancy work).
myyjtr salesvvoman. myyminen selling;
dealing in; dlsposing of; vrt. myynti.
myym- (yhd.) ks. myynti-.
myyml store, (Engl.) shop; (huvimajan


tapainen) pavilion, kiosk; (koju) stand.

boolh. myyntipyt (kauppapuodin) counter; (kapakan) bar. myymtn unsold; . . on
hand, . . undisposed (1. not dlsposed) or.
myymvero license; exclse.
myynit trousseau.
myynti selling, sle; dlsposing of, dlsposal.
myynti- (yhd.) selling [esim. -arvo selling
value; -hinta selling prlce] ; (markkina-)
market [esim. -hinta market prlce]. -arvio
valuation for sle. -koju booth, stall; vrt.
myyml, -oikeus selling license; rigbt to
sell (1. to dlspose or), rightof sle; (viralli
nen) license to sell. -paikka (kauppapaik
ka) market(-place) ;
store, (Engl.) shop. -palkkio Commission
(on a sle).
myyr (maa-) mole; (mets-, oja-, pelto-)
myyrn kokoinen .. or the size or a mole.
-mts mole-bill. -nahka moleskin. -reik
1. -kytv mole's burrovv; hole (I. passage) made by a mole. -ty (kuv.) underhanded WOrk; tehd myyrntyt jotakin
vastaan vvork underhanded against . . .
myyrst, myyrt work zealously, work
hard; busy o. s., be busy [wltn. Jonkin
myyskennell sell, dlspose or; (tarjota) orTer Tor sle; (kaupustella) peddle. myys
kentelij ks. kaupitsija, kaupustelija, myyskentely selling; dlsposing or; mys = kau
myytv to be sold; (myytviss oleva)
salable; (myytvksi tarjottu) . . (orrered
1. kept) ror sle; myytvn for sle, on
Sale; antaa (1. jtt) jollekulle myytvksi
leave witb one to be sold (on Commission).
myden ks. myten.
myd myyd.
mydt (prees. mytn) glve way, yield.
myhemmin later (on) [In the day, pivn
kuluessa] ; (Jlkeenpin) al'terwards; (tu
levaisuudessa) lntheTuture; (Joskus tuon
nempana) on some ruture occasion; subsequently; (myhempin aikoina) in later
times (1. years), In arter years; minkin
olen nhnyt sen, ja ~ kuin sin I have seen
lt, too, and more recently than you; mene
tina edelt, min tulen you go rirst and
I wlll come later (I. by and by) ; sata raot
taa hundred years later (1. arterwards) ;
vuotta ~ a (1. one) ye,ar later, (seuraavana
vuonna) the rollovving year, arter a rvvelvemonth; vhn ~ (tuonnempana) a llttle
later (on), arter a llttle (whlle); l tule
kuin kello kuudelta don't be later than
slx, mind you be there by six.
myhempi later; posterlor [to . . , kuin . .] ,
latter; (sen Jlkeinen) subsequent; my
hemmll ill (vanhemmalla) In later ii tv
(1. years); myhemmt tiedot later news;
myhempin aikoina In later times. In arter
years; nen ~ elmns hls subsequent
(1. arter) lire; asiain ~ kehitys an arter
development or the arralrs, later developments.
myh late; myhempi, myhn ks. hakus. ; myhn pivn untll late In (1. lar
Into) the day; myhn yhn Tar Into
the night, tili late at (I. In the) night, to
the wee small hours, (aamuyhn) tili towards morning; alkaa olla lt is gettlng
late, the day Is rar spent (I. is almost
done), the evening is closing in. night
draws nigh (1. on) j olla myhss (my
hstynyt) be late, (Junasta, mys:) be overdue; on jo ks. myhinen, -aikainen late.
myhinen late; (hidas) slow (in gettlng
ready), tardy; ~ vuodenaika vaikuttaa sen,
ett . . tbe lateness or tbe season Is re-


sponslble for . . ; liian myhist tOO liite; Inexorableness. myntymitn unylelding;
on jo ~ it is (getting) late, the rtay is (al- (heltymtn) Inexorable. myntyvinen
ready) lar spent. myhisyys lateness; (taipuvainen) (. . or a) pliant (disposition),
ajan myhisyyden takia ori aCCOUnt Of (1. ylelding; (alistuvainen) submlssive; (heik
because of) the late hour (1. season) ; on ko) vveak; (mukaantuva) aicommodating;
account of the lateness of the hour (1. tbe (halukas) wiillng, ready [to, johonkin];
(illan) Indulgent; hn on varmastikin sii
hen myntyvinen he \vill no doubt consent
myhkaevuinen late [variety, laji].
myhstyminen being late, (esim. koulusta) to (1. comply wlth) that. myntyvisesti
yieldlngly; submlsslvely; accommodatlngly,
belng tardy; (viivytys) delay. myhsty
nyt .. cornin? (1. arrlving) too late; de- compllantly; \vlllingly, readlly.
layed; (koulusta) tardy; myhstyneet myntyviisyys pliant (1. ylelding) disposi
hakemukset applicatlons arrivlng- (too) tion; submissiveness; \veakness; compll
late; vi t. myhsty, myhsty = my
ance [with ... Johonkin]; vvillingness,
hstyminen, myhstyttminen delaylng; readiness; (liiallinen) indulgence. -mies
person advocatlng a pollcy or submissive
relardatlon. myhstytt delay; (hidas
tuttaa) retard; (viivstytt) detaln, keep. ness. -politiikka policy of submissiveness,
myhstyi be delayed; (olla myhss-) be submlssive policy.
late (at (1. Tor) scbool, koulusta] ; (tulla myntyi (antaa mynnytyksens) glve one's
consent (1. one's asscnt) [to. Johonkin],
myhn) miss [the ceremonies, Juhlame
noista], come (too) late; (hidastua) be re- consent [to ..], assent [to ..], acqulesce
[in . .] ; (suostua) agree [to a p.'s . .-ing,
tarded [by . . , Jonkin takia] ; (viivsty)
be detained [by ..], be kept [by ..]; ~ siihen ett Joku ..], comply with [a p.'s
junasta miss (1. be late lor) the train; jul
request, Jonkun pyyntn]; humor [hls
kaiseminen myhstynyt (lehdess) publl- every vvhtm, kalkkiin hnen oikkuihinsa] ;
catlon delayed; juna myhstyi viisi mi
(mukaantua) resign, yleld fto . . , Johon
nuuttia the train was 5 mlnutes late (1. kin], submlt; johonkin (mys:) accept
Overdue) ; juna [laiva, posti] on myhsty
[an offcr, tarjoukseen; a proposal, esityk
nyt the train [the boat, the mall] is over
seen], (suostua) grant [a request, pyyn
due (1. is late).
myhiin late [In the nfght, Iltasella]: myntminen admlttlng jne , ks. mynt;
syksyll late in the fall, in (the) late Tall; admlssion: acknovvleelgement, recognttion.
he syvt pivllisens tliey have a late myntv arrirmative [ans\ver, vastaus];
dinner, they dine (I. have their dinner) antaa vastaus ansvver in the arrirmative
late: liian ~ too late; parempi ~ kuin ei [to .., Johonkin], accept [a proposal or
koskaan better lato than never; vrt. myh. marrlage, kosintaan], myntvsti = myn
mynnelli (mynt) admit, concede; (suos
tua) acqulesce, agree, asscnt; (olla samaa mynt admit, concede; (sallia) allow;
mielt) concur; (nykytell myntymyk
permit; (tunnustaa) recognlze [hls great
seksi) be (I. keep) noddlng approval of . . . merits, hnen suuret ansionsa], acknovvl
mynnytelli make admisslons, admit, ac- edge; (tehd tunnustus) conress [one's
crime, rikoksensa] ; (omistaa) ovvn [to
knowfedge; (mynnell) be nodding ap
proval [of ..]; ansvver in the arflrmative; belng povverless, olevansa voimaton; one's
(mynnytt) make concessions, concede. dereat, hvins], (jkpv.) ovvn up [to ..
mynnyttminen allovving jne., vrt. seur. (1. that ..)]; (antaa) grant, comply \vlth,
mynnyttii (mynty) allow, own (up to (esim. eduskunnasta puhuen:) appropriate
[Tunrts ror (a purpose), varoja Johonkin
..): (tunnustaa) admit, acknovvledge, con
cede; (antaa) grant; (antaa mynteinen tarkotukseen], (nestyksen kautta) vote;
vastaus) answer in the arfirmative; vrt. (antaa mvnteinen vastaus) say yes rto . . ,
mynt; mynnytt jonkin tekeminen jokin], ansvver In the arrirmative; (suos
glve a concesslon to do a th. mynnytys tua) consent (1. assent) [to ... Jokin (1.
admlssion; concesslon; (lupa) permission, lupa Johonkin)]; agree [to ..]; mynne
sanctlon; (helpotus) allowance; (suostu
tn granted! itsens voitetuksi ks. tun
nustaa; ~ laina jollekulle grant a loan to
mus) consent, assent; antaa mynnytyk
sens johonkin (suostumuksensa) glve one, acroinmodate onr> \vlth a loan: ~ lokin
one's consent (1. one's assent) to a th., mahdolliseksi admit the possiblllty or . .:
(hyvksymisens) approve of a th. ; antaa ~ Jokin oikeaksi admit that a th. is right
mynnytys johonkin glve a permission (vi
(1. Is Just), acknovvledge (1. admit) the
rallinen: a concesslon) to; jonkun hyvn
Justlce (1. the rlghtrulness) or a th., (hy
tahtoisella mynnytyksell by kind permis
vksy) approve or a th.; Jollekulle oi
sion or . . , \vith the sanctlon of . .; tehd keus glve (1. grant) one a right [to ..],
mynnytyksi make concessions.
llcense one [to sell . . . myyd . .] : ~ ole
mynteinen arrirmative ransvver, vastaus; vansa vrss admit that one Is (In the)
sentence, lause], mynteisesti In the af- wrong; eduskunta on myntnyt miljoonan
rirmative, arrirmatlvely. mynteisyys: vas
markkaa valistustarhotuhsiin the diet has
tauksen mynteisyys the answer belng in appropriated a mllllon (marks) ror cducathe arrirmative . . .
tlonal purposes; hn mynsi pyynt()mms
he granted (us) our request, he complled
mynteliis ylelding, compllant; (myntyvi
nen) indulgent; (alistuvainen) submlssive. Wlth our request; hn mynsi sen todeksi
myntyminen consent [to . .], assent [to, he admltted (1. acknovvlertgert) that it vvas
Johonkin]; sanctlon; compllance [with..], true (1. vvas so), he conceded It to he true;
ylelding [to . .]; vrt. mynty, myntymys jos aika ~ ir there is (1. be) tlme. ir the tlme
permitS; niin pian kuin tilaisuus ~ as soon
consent, assent; (lupa) permission, sanc
as the opnortunlty presi-nts ltseir, as soon
tlon; (mynnytys) concesslon; hn ny
kytti ptn myntymyksen merkiksi he as there Is an oppnrtunlty, as soon as the
norided assent; vaikeneminen on mynty
tlme (1. the occasion) servcs, (Jkpv.) as
myksen markki (sananp.) sllence gives con
soon as I [vve, you. etc] get a chance; mi
sent; netn myntymys tactt assent, lm- nun tytyy ~ olevani voimaton . . I must
plied consent. myntymttmyys unylcld- admit that I am (1. I admit myseir) povver
Ing character (1. nature); (ItsepSlsyys)
less to ... I ovvn I am powerless (1. nnstubbornness, obstlnacy ; (heltymttmyys) able) to . . , (Jkpv.) I ovvn up that I'm


helpless: * bal tinan on mynnettv you myeti (mukana) with, along with, together
will (bave to) admit that, you will grant with, accompanying . .; (myten) along;
me that; tila ei myn nu enemp tyventy~ (alas) down; (puolesta) tor. In favor; ~
mist anecseen space does not permit go- mhe downhill; Vrt. mvot; ~ foi vattaan
In? (l. not allow us to go) Into further for (I. In favor) or against; mytm,
details In the subject; yieisetti myonn*- mytnn ks. hakUS.; nnen mytns
tn, *ttS . . It Is generally acknowledged (mukanaan) by him, with htm.
mytinon (suotulsa) favorable [wind, tuu(1. admitted 1. allowed) that . . .
my6t also, too; (myoskin) likewise, as well; 11]: (suoslolllnen) propitious; (talpuval(sltapaltsl) besides, in addition (to this 1. nen) favoring . . , favorably Inclined (1.
to that), further, moreover; Inda (\. ttka) disposed); ~ maa ks. mytlnua; ~ enni
~ as well as. as also; nun ~ so . . , too;
(good) luck, good fortune, (menestysi
(samoln) likewise, so likewise, myStkin = success [huom. hntlia on Mat ~ onni
myo; oinowtaon . . . vaan myoskin . . not kaikitta yrityktissn he has had good
only . . , but also . . (1. but . . , too 1. but luck In everything he has undertaken,
. . as well).
success has attended (1. fortune has fa
mySikiin: / ~ neither; ei . . , eik ~ . . not vored) all his efforts] ; tuu/< (mer.) fair
. . , . . [eSlm. en mina sita saanut, etk ~ wind; jot onni on minulle ohnkn ~ If
sind I did not get It, neither did you; mina fortune smiles (up)on me at all. If I have
n l* viel koskaan aiminlyanyt . . , *nka any luck at all. mytisettl favorably:
~ aio tehda tits nyt I never yet neglected propitiously. myUUsyyi favorableness,
. . , nor will I (do so) now].
myotajiieet dowry,
myottymltvlrl (tekn.) annealing-color.
myoitli I. (antaa peran) give way, yield, dower, dot; antaa jotakin jollehallt mytgive in; (vlstya) budge, give ground.
iitikti give . . to one as a marriage-gift.
myust II. (tekn.) anneal: temper.
mytjis vakuutus endowment Insurance,
myten (pltkln) along; (Johonkln astl) to, -varustus dowry.
up to, right up to, down to. right down to, myota the right way [estm. tilittaS
as far as (to); (yll) over; (jokln vlel mu- kittaa myStkarvaan rub the cat's fur the
kaan luettuna) up to and Including, to . . right way], -kiyminen prosperity, good
Inclusive; (maarln) in proportion, to . . ex
fortune; (menestys) success; myots- a
tent; (pltklt) ; (pern) way: (puoles- vaitoinkymiittt In weal and woe, for
ta) In favor, for; (mukana) with; ~ foi better or for worse, through good as well
vattaan for (l. In favor) against; antaa as 111 report. In good fortune and bad, in
~ give way, yield, (sallla) permit [eslm. prosperity as In adversity.
o* aihani tainkin - anlaa if Only time my tle ks. mytmaa.
permits. If only can find time], vrt. an myt liitetty attached [to . .], appended,
taa; Hoa mrk wet to the skin, wet annexed; enclosed, -maa downward slope,
through: Jnuriaan to the (tap-)root, declivity; descent; meilla oli koko matka
(perinpohjln) root and branch; laitoja (I. mytmaata It was downhill all the way,
reunoja) ~ (right) to the brim eslm. the road descended all the way. -mielinen
tdytta lotit reanoia(an) - fill the glasses (mukaantuva) compliant: accommodating;
to the brim, fill the glasses brimful] ; mita of/a myofumrXinen ollekin be In sympathy
~ tuna on totta how far Is It true? to with ... be favorably disposed (l. In
what extent Is there truth In It? oikeutta clined) towards . . . -mielisyys compliance;
~ (olkeudenmukatsestl) rightfully, by favorable attitude, -mlkl - mytmaa.
rlght(s). Justly, deservedly, (oikeastaan) myUlipilvU(n) with the sun. -rikok- ellinen
really [huom. * kaatun oiktutta ~ minulle I. (a.) accessory [to, Johonkin], aiding
It belongs to me by rlght(s), (oikeastaan) It and abetting. II. (s.) ^ rikoitoveri. -seureally should belong to me! ; peruitak- raava accompanying; (eslm. klrjeen mnkatia(an) ~ to the ground, (tydelllsestl) na) enclosed: mys = mytUiltetty. - ukai in 1. -sukaan - mytkarvaan.
completely, utterly, (perinpohjln) thor
oughly, with thoroughness; pienimpi vota Itunto sympathy, fellow-feeling: yleistS mytttintoa herttv exciting (I. roll-s
yksityitkohtia ~ down to the (very) min
utest detail, down to the last detail; pol- ing) public sympathy, appealing to the
kua ~ along the path 'hiiom. kulkea pol- sympathy of the public, -tuntolnen sym
hua ~ (mys:) follow the path]; [vedes- pathizing [with, Jollekln] ; sympathetic
[towards one, Jotakuta kohtaan] ; kaikki
sal polvia In water up to one's knees,
knee deep, knee high; ruumitta ~ tight tall* atialle myttuntoit*t all those In
F eslm. ;.-.-. .'/.M rmimirta ~ (eslm. takkt) sympathy with this cause, all sympathizers
be (a) tight (fit), fit tight]; teinHa ~ with this cause, -tuntoisesti sympathetic
along the edge of the wall; t*itt*matta ally, with sympathy. -tuntoHuus sympa
otaa ~ to the seventh volume Inclusive, thy, fellow-feeling; (osanotto) solicitude:
UP to and Including the seventh volume; myotStantoltmJtn osotut token of sym
tilts ~ (ever) since then, since that time; pathy, -tuntoisuusaclrc-si resolutions ex
sita thus (1. so far), to that extent pressing sympathy, -tuuli (myotainen)
4M alia on titS ~ oalmit the matter Is fair (1. favorable) wind; [purjehtla] mySthus (1. so) far settled] : tits ~ oil kaikkl ttuultrn [sail] with (1. before) the wind:
hyv so far so good, so far everything was mcill oli myttuu (mys:) we had the
all rieht: ta - fcum as far as rthe money wind behind us (1. at our backs), -vaikuthouis nut, rahaa rllttaa], in proportion as, Ua contribute [to ..], cooperate [In
to the extent to which, as, according as, ing, johonkin] ; concur [In bringing It
as fast (I. soon) as [they arrive, nllta saa- about, sen syntymlseen] ; aid, help: be
puu]; ficta - along the road; vyStaiti ~ conducive to. -vaikutus cooperation; (apu)
up to one's (1. the) waist, waist high, assistance : onkun myStavaikutuksella with
the cooperation of. In cooperation with,
waist deep; yStS ~ = IKpi yon, ks. Uni.
mytenantava yielding, compliant; (allstu- -virtaa(n) down the river, (vlrran muka
valnen) submissive; (helkko) weak; (hem- na) with the current.
myUtns, mytlnUn continuously, con
motteleva) Indulgent.
mytyrl: mtnnS mytyrinSn go (away) for stantly, all the while.

good, go (1. leave) never to return.

m| = mtnK.

midinlaaku spawning.
piny smell, -hako: mnnynhaot chopped
mdnnys decay; putrefaction, decomposi
pine boughs, pine twigs, -havu 1. = mannynhako; 2. =- mnnynneula(nen). -havution, madnnytt make (1. cause . . to)
decay, rot; (cause . . to) spoil, madannyya ljy pine-oil, -kanto pine stump, -kerkka
pine shoot (1. sprout), -neula(nen) pine-- mdannisyys. mdnnincn rotten; (laho) decayed; (kuv.) corrupt [morals, mo- needle, pine-leaf, -oksa pine twig (1.
branch), -pihka pine-pitch, -lernen pineraall] ; lpeens mdnninen (kUV.) rotten to the core, thoroughly corrupt, m- seed, -talml young pine, pine shoot (1.
dnnisyys rottenness, putridity; (kuv.) sprout), -vesa 1. -alku scion of a pine-tree.
corruption, madnsyj(kaavi) saprophyte, manttinahka Hungarian (1. tawed) leather.
mdnsym rotten (to the core), decayed, mnty pine; (Suomessayleinen laji:) Scotch
midntynyt decayed, rotten, rndnty = pine; Scotch fir. -ho lot pine wood, pine.
mdt. mdntav . . causing putrefac mntyinen (mnnyst tehty) . . of pine, pine.
tion, putrefactive; (liiiik.) septic, mdnt mnty I kangas 1. -numnii pine-barren, -mots
pine-forest, pine-woods, pinery, -nauta
mdtt. mdttminen rotting, putre
fying, mdtta (cause . . to) rot, decay, (ellnt.) pine-marten, -puuplne; (kasvava)
putrefy, make . . putrid, cause putrefac
pine-tree; (puualneena, mys:) pine wood,
tion; decompose, mdty rotting; putre
-vyhyke zone of pines.
faction, madata rot, decay; get rotten, be manta (klrnun-) dasher; (tekn.) piston,
come putrid, putrefy; (lahota) become de
plunger, -pumppu piston-pump.
cayed; (maatua) molder, crumble to dust. mrehtij (oliiint.l ruminant; (kuv.) per
menlasklja: taitava menlatkija Skilled In
son always harping on one string, marehcoasting [suksilla: on sklis]. -laaku slid
tlminen rumination; (kuv.) rehashing; se
ing down-hill, tobogganing, coasting; on vanhojrn juttujcn marehtimista that's
sledging-, -laakukelkka coaster, bob-sled; rehashing (1. harping) the same old stories,
toboggan, -nyppyl knob, -rinne l. -pinta mrehti chew the cud, (tlet.) ruminate;
hillside, (hill-) slope; declivity, -tarml (kuv.) repeat (over and over), rehash; m
steep hillside, -tyras -- men trma, -rinne. rehti eamoja asioita harp on One (1. the
mihn (mtl) roe; spawn.
same) string, boat over the same old ground.
milhi sap. mllhllnen . . full of sap, sappy. mrilleajo maturation; suppuration.
mihanteko, mihminen tapping [the mrkeli ks. merkeli & smirkell.
trees], mai hta tap [a tree, puuta].
markiminen maturation, suppuration, pus
mik<k)y Clang, ring; peal; niin mtt mettS formation; ~ tavallisesti albaa . . pus usu
mihyi (mys:) making the woods ring (1. ally begins to form . . . mark! v suppu
resound), maikyttai make . . resound (1. rating; marhivS haava a wound that is
ring I. clang 1. peal).
suppurating, mlrkli maturate, fester, ul
milake clap(plng) ; smack(lng) ; splash(lng). cerate; (l.'iftk.) suppurate.
maiakia clap! smack! splash: miiakll clap; mirkyy* wetness; (kosteus) dampness, hu
smack; splash, maiakyttaa crack [a whip, midity; (konkr.) moisture; (mSrka ilma)
pllska]; pop; vrt. maiskuttaa. maiskytys wet weather; Uialllnen ~ excessive mois
cracking; popping; smacking, miskhdya ture (1. wet).
smack, snap; pop: clap, miskhdytta mrk I. (a.) wet [sponge, slenl; floor, latsmack; Clap; (lyd) miskhdytti ooen
tla]; (kostea) humid, moist; (vesi-) wa
biinn (mys:) shut the door with a bang, tery; hlttt mrkn dripping With sweat,
slammed (1. banged) the door to; vrt. m- wet with perspiration.
jhdytt. miakht (give a) smack; pop; mlrkl II. (s.) pus, matter: kyd morille
clap; oui miskhti kiinni the door shut (1. (begin to) suppurate, (esim. palseesta:)
closed) with a bang.
maturate, -ajos abscess: (palse) boll,
majhdy* smack, crack; snap, slap, mijh- -haava fester, ulcer; running sore.
dyltaa [the lines on the horses back, mSrkiinen purulent, mattery, mfirk&isyye
ohjaksllla hevosta selkn]. mijlhui purulence.
smack, crack, snap.
mrk-kuume (liiiik.) pyromla. -pest seat of
maki hill; Slope, hillside; onto (I. neuvo) the trouble; (-ajos) abscess, -pussl sac of
miest mett, l men pStt (sananl.; pus. -pal pustule.
1. v.) everybody will lend you a hand when marasy (mer.) top.
you get to the top; vrt. myt-, vaata mrn luoksu I. -vuoto discharge of pus.
y. m. -hihna breast-band.
suppuration, -muodostus formation of
mkinen hilly [country, maa (1. seutu)], .. pus, maturation, suppuration, -aekalnen
Intersected with hills and valleys; broken, . . mixed with pus.
rough, rugged; (aaltolleva) undulating; mask! mash; brewers' grains, -ammo mash
(yhd.) . . with . . hills, . .-hilled [esim. (-Ing) -tub, mash-vat.
jyrbka~ . . with steep hills] .
mtakaU mesh, mftakiye mashing.
mssill, mssily -- mSssta. mssky.
makirinne -- menrinne.
mkiayya hllllness, ruggedness.
msst (Juopotella) carouse, revel, live
miki'jtupa cabin, hut, cot(tage). -tupalal- fast: (hekumoida) gormandize, gorge,
nen cotter, cottager, -vyfl = makihihna.
(esim. raam. ) feast; (riehua) riot, run
mkr(inen) gnat; (hyttynen) mosquito.
riot; (mellastaa) raise a racket, be bois
makitUl bleat, mkatys bleat, bleating.
terous, romp, mleaiys = maaXSminen.
mlli I. (tupakka-) quid; chew.
maasiljl carouser, reveUDer, fast liver,
milll II. (isku) blow.
debauchee; (hekumoitslja) glutton, gor
mmmi a dish made [In Finland] of rye- mandizer; (mellastaja) noisy (l. boister
meal, which Is mixed with water to a thick ous) person, maaiminen carousing jne.,
consistency, then malted or sweetened by ks. mssat; (miissilys) revelry, debauch
heating It over a slow fire, flavored, baked ery; gluttony.
In the oven in birch-bark baskets, and mash, pulp; mshsi ks. lyd, menserved with cream.
n; olla mtn be (all) smashed (1. shat
mnnikk, min nieto patch (1. grove) of tered).
pines; mys = mntymets. mnnikk- mltl spawn, roe; aebta mtint spawn.
metai pine-forest, pine-woods.
-Jyvlnen 1. -mua egg. -kala spawner.
minnyn- (yhd.) pine- [esim. -kuorl pine- mltklmlnen, matklnt* lashing; beating,
bark; -hpy pine-cone], -haju smell of pine, thrashing; slapping; vrt. seur. mr



(keep) lash(ing) [wltb a wbip, piiskalla] :

beat, thrash: pommel, pound, thump; vrt.
seur. mtkist lasb (1. strike 1. give a
cut) [wltb a hip, piiskalla]: beat; slap
ra p. on tbe bark. Jotakuta selkni ; clap.
mttikk place Tuli of hummocks; boggy
mittainen . . with hummocks ; boggy [swamp,
suol ; (mtsminen) bushy. mittiisyys:
raon mattityys the svvamp being (SO)
niittminen scooping Jne., vrt. seur.
mtt scoop [vvater out of . . , vett Josta
kin; berries into ... marjoja Johonkin],
dlp; (ammentaa) bail, lade; (kaataa) pour;
dump: (heitt) throvv in a heap, ljn] ;
rahoja johonkin squnder money in (1.
on) ... pour money into ..; tyttn
dlp . . rull, f111 . . up, pack . . mii; tyteen
mtetty fllled up, parked chock-full.
miti I. (a.) rotten [apple, omena]; decayed; putrid; putrescent; fetld [smell,
haju]; (mullaksi muuttunut) moldered; ~
mana bad (1. rotten 1. addled) egg. II.
(s.) rot, decay; (mrk) pus, matter; vrt.
luu, -haava ulcerous (1. rankiin?) \vound;
vrt. mtpaise, -kuu dog-days. -kuume
miirkkuume. -muna (etup. kuv.) bad (1.
addled) efrfr.
mitinemlnen rotting, decay(lng) ; rot, putreraction; molderlng; mtnemist estvt
aineet antiseptlcs. mtnemistila State
of decay (1, of deromposltion), putrefaction. mitinemittmyys . . not being susceptible to decay; lmperishabillty. mitinemitn unrotted, undecayed; . . not rot
ting, . . not decaylng.
mtpaise abscess; (kuv.) ulcer, cancer.
mataa hummock: (suo-) bog: (kasvi-) tussock, tuft. -piinan . . \viin tussocks (1.
turts), turtert: (mtsminen) bushy.
mitata = mtt.
miyri badger. -koira dachshund.
maihni - mti.
miinU, mynt bleatlng, bleat: baa. m
kij bleater. miikiminen -- mint. mkii, mkyi bleat; baa. maakaista give a
bleat, bleat; baa. mlikiisy bleat; baa.
Mri Moravla
mritell derine; (mrt) determtne,
(kokeellisesti) ascertaln; rix: laji derine
a specles. mritelm definition, mri
telty deTined; fixed, settled [opinion, kan
ta] ; tarkoin mritelty \vell-derined; vrt.
mrtty, mritteleminen deflning; determlnlng, asrertnintng: flxing. mritte
lemtn (Jota ei voi mritell) undefinable, iinrtetermlnable, unascertainable; (Jo
ta ei ole mritelty) undeflned, undetermlned. mrittely 1. - mritteleminen;
2. (= mritys) definition.
mritys definition; attrlbute.
mrly staple.
mri 1. (er) amount; (summa) sum; (lu
ku-) number; (paljous) multltude; quantity; (aste, verta) degree, extent, measure;
(suhde) proportion; (tukku) lot; batch;
(annos) portion, (lk.) dose; (Joukko)
mass; (varasto) supply, store, stock; (pi
toisuus) percentage; 2. (p-) end, aim,
object, goal; mark; mrltn suurempi
larger (1. greater) In amount (I. quantity
1. number); mrn p (pmr) goal,
end, alm, object, (matkan) destlnatlon;
mrns nhden as to the amount (1.
the quantity, quantltatlvely; hn on jo
saanut mrns he has already recelved
(1. gotten) hls sliare (1. hls portion 1. xvhat
was comlng to hlm) ; jossakin mrin In a
(1. some) measure (1. degree), to some (1.
to a certaln) extent (1. degree). In part;


jotenkin suuressa mrss to a considerable extent (1. degree), In a conslderable

degree: kaikella on mrns (rajansa |
there is a limit to everything: matkan
(place oO destlnatlon, Journey's end; melkoinen ~ (mys:) a great many; miss
mrin (kuinka suuressa) to \vhat extent.
In (1. to) vvhat degree, how rar [that Is
true, se on totta] ; olla be to . . , (sovit
tu) be agreed, (aikoa) intend htiom. nei
don oli tavata toisensa tll (Olivat So
pineet) they were to meet here, they bad
arranged (1. had made an appointment) to
meet here, (aikomus) tbey lntended (I.
tbey had planned) to meet here: kokouk
sen oli ~ oikoa kello liit the meeting was
to begln (I. to start) at 1 o'clock: minun
oli tavata hnet I had an appointment
xvlth hlm, I had arranged (I. agreed) to
meet hlm; minun on olla siell I am expected (1. supposed) to be there, It is understood that I am to be there, (on olta
va) I have to be there] ; pieniss mrin
in smali lots (1. quantittes): somassa mrin
kuin . . to the extent, to xvhlch . . : siihen
mrin, siin mrin to SUCh an extent, to
such a degree [that .., ett ..], so far,
(niin) so, (niin suurissa mrin) in such
quantitles (1. dimensions) [esim. siihen (\.
siin) mrin vaikea dlfflcult to SUCh an
extent (1. to such a degree), so dirficult] ;
thn mrn (nin pitklle) thls far.
thus (1. SO) far; [kehitty] vissiin m
rn [be developed] to a certaln degree
(kohtaan: point) ; vhss rl. pieness;
mrin in (a) slight degree (1. measure),
to a small extent (1. degree). sparingly.
mr- (yhd.) flxed [esim. -hinta fixed
price; -palkka flxed salary]; (etup. ajas
ta:) appolnted 'esim. -piv appointed
day], certaln. -aika (the) tlme set, certaln
tlme, rixed (1. stated I. prescrlbed) tlme,
(sovittu) appolnted tlme; term; mr
aikana at (1. on) the tlme set (1. fixed), at
(I. on) the appointed time; mrajan ku
luessa \\ithin a flxed (1. a prescrlbed)
tlme, xvlthin a certaln perlod (of time) .
durlng the time (1. period) set. -aikainen
. . held at the prescrlbed tlme, . . beld at
certaln stated tlmes; (ajoittainen) periodlcal, . . held (1. occurrlng) at stated (1. at
regular) intervals; (snnllinen) rcgular;
(mrtyn ajan kestv) . . lastlng a cer
taln tlme, . . of a certaln duration; mr
aikaiset krjt regular sesslons of court,
(I. v. Engl.) general assizes. -aikaisesti
perlodically; at stated times (1. intervals).
-aikaisuus periodlcalness; regularity. -ajoin
1. -ajoittain = mraikaisesti, -ehto (lak.
mrileminen mrminen, mrill
= mrt.
miirllukuinen of a certaln (1. a flxed)
number; constant.
mrnne (lkrin) prescriptlon.
mrnpllinen . . above tbe flxed amount;
mrillpaikka (place of) destlnatlon; (so
vittu) appolnted place (1. spot); (koh
taus-, esim. rakastuneltten) tryst; mr
paikalla (tietyll) on the spot, at the (ap
pointed) place. -perinen (tarkotuksellinen)
lntentional, designed. deliberate.
-puolinen quantltative. -puolisesti quantl
tatlvely, as regards quantity. -piv
(mys:) day set, date set (1. fixed). cer
taln day, (oikeusjutuissa y. m.) prescrlbed
day, date prescrlbed. -raha grant; appropriatlon: alloxvance. -rahaesitys bill for
an appropriatlon. -sana (kiel.) adverb.
-suuntainen . . golng in a certain (1. a flxed)

direction, -suururnen (mat.) constant. In
committee], appoint one to serve on [the
variable; fixed.
committee] ; ~ hantaiwa determine one's
mirttty fixed, appointed, prescribed; (erl- stand, determine (1. decide) what stand
koisesti) specified; (varma) definite; one will take [in a question, Johonkln kymrttyjen vlimatkojen phn Ipss] symykseen nuhden] ; ~ hullekin hanen
at Set distances; mrtyll a/alla ja pai- paikkansa assign everybody to ills plac.',
fe/a (sovitulla) at tbe appointed time and show each person to his seat (1. his place) ;
place; mrtyn sakon uhalla pain of a ~ [palkklo] kymmtnehsi dollariksi fix
(Certain) fine; mrtyt hinnal fixed (1. [the fee (1. the reward)] at ten dollars;
set) prices; hohtaloni on ~ my fate Is set
. . mahsettai'alisi order . . tO be paid,
tled (1. is sealed) ; laissa ~ prescribed (1. authorize (1. give directions for) the pay
provided 1. appointed 1. ordained) by law; ment of . .; Joku papiksi jonnekin as
tarhain accurately determined, definite. sign one somewhere as a minister; plmaarttv . . to be determined (1. fixed 1. tlettoksi ordain . . to be held, (eslm. valsettled JIM'., Ks. mrt) ; miiritiiaixs tiopaivat) decree . . to be held; ~ raja
eleva . . that can be determined, determi- joiichin (kuv.) determine (l. fix) a limit
nable; jokin on jonkun mrttviss a p. for (1. the limits of 1. the bounds of) ...
bas tbe power to determine a th., (rllppuu draw a line [between . .], (panna) set
Jostakusta) a th. rests with (1. depends on bounds (1. limits) to . .; ~ fakkoja (\.
1. Is dependent on) a p.; vatftdet mrt- sakkoa) jostakin fix (1. Impose) a fine
ton aihana at a time to be fixed (1. de
for ... punish . . by a fine for . . [buom.
sellaiststa rihohsefta ooidaan ~ raskaita
termined 1. appointed) later (on),
marttmyy indeflniteness. Indeterminate- sakkoja such an offense is punishable by a
ness; boundlessness; Innumerableness; heavy fine] ; ~ Joku jonkun (tolsen) *m(kohtuuttomuus) Immoderateness; vrt. stksl appoint one substitute for another,
substitute one for another, have one take
mrtunti fixed (1. appointed) hour; m- another's place; ~ JOkln Jonkun tthtvkii
rtunnillp on the hour fixed, at the hour set. charge one with . . , enjoin . . (up)on a p.;
mrtyn arvoinen . . of a certain (I. fixed ~ JOkU takemiian jotakin Instruct (1. dlI. definite) value, -suuruinen . . of a cer
rect 1. order) one to do a th., enjoin it up
tain (1. fixed 1. definite) size.
on a p. to do a th.; ~ Jollekulle uhkatakko
maaraia determine [the thickness of the Ice, jottakin subptEna one for . . , serve one a
Jaim paksuus; the fate of . . , jonkin (1. subpoena for ..; Joku oahtiin order (1.
jonkun) kohtalo] ; fix [the price, hints; assign) one to guard-duty; mr
the day for ... patva jotakin varten; a tax piiikset he dictates (1. determines) the
of 5 dollars upon ... 5 dollarln vero Jolle- decisions; jos mina toan ~ If I am (al
kln]; (asettaa) set, put [on..]; (kaskei) lowed) to decide. If I can have my way;
order [the house to be razed, talo puret- kohtalo on nun mrnnyt fate has so or
tavaksi; one out of (1. to leave) town, Jo- dained (It), it has been so ordained by
ku lhtemn kaupunglsta]. Instruct, tell fate; kukaan ei voi ~ minan ttkojani
[one to obey, Joku tottelemaan], command, one can control my actions, nobody can
give (1. Issue) an order [to dissolve the dictate to me what I shall do; buten /oiua
meeting, kokous hajotettavaksl ; to cease on mrtty <\. mrtn) as the law di
hostilities, vlholllsuudet lopetettavlksl] ; rects, as provided by law; ah mr ta
(st) direct, prescribe (mys laak.) ; ta rangaistuksen the law provides a pen
decree, (lalsta y. m. : ) provide, (kohtalosta y. alty for that; lkri mrsi tairaalle kylm.:) ordain; (ehdottomast!) dictate; (vel- pyja the doctor prescribed baths for the
vottaa) enjoin [(It) upon a p. to do a th., patient; miha tiina on ollut mriiamss
Joku tekemn Jotakin], charge [one to what bas been the determining factor (1.
look after a th., Joku pltmn huoltajos- the decisive Influence) there? tuomio m
takln], (sakon tal rangalstuksen uhalla) r oanktateen the sentence is prison.
bind [one] over [to appear before the mratn (murmtn) undetermined, in
court, Joku tulemaan olkeuteen] ; (tuoml- definite; (rajaton) . . with no bounds (1.
ta) sentence [one to pay . . , Joku maksa- limits), boundless, unbounded, illimitable;
inaari ..], inflict [a penalty upon a p., (Uikematon) innumerable, countless; (kolirangalstus Jollekulle], (maksettavaksl y. tuuton) Immoderate, exorbitant.
m.) Impose [a fine of 100 dollars upon a marvuoroin in turn; by turns; (ty-) In
p., Jollekulle 100 dollaris sakkoja] ; (nl- shifts.
mittaa) appoint [one (as a) secretary, Jo mrye (ksky) order(s), direction. In
ku klrjurlksl; the day for ... palvft Jota
struction, command; (vlrkaan-) appoint
kin varten] ; designate, assign [one to a ment; (lauke-) prescription; (lain y. m.)
post, Joku Jnhonkln toimeen] ; (vallta) provision; (sopimuksen y. m.) stipulation;
choose, select; (my on tii) appropriate mys - mrminen; mrykstt Orders,
' funds for . . , varoja johonkln] ; (pysyvttsti commands, dictates, (snnokset) regula
1. lopullisestl) settle, establish; (ratkatsta) tions; antaa give orders, order, direct,
decide; ~ Joku atianajajakseen appoint a Instruct; kieltyty lotttltmatta kaupunp. one's attorney, (vallta) choose a p. for gin jrjestyssnnn mrykei refuse tO
(l. as) one's attorney; - ehdat (maarltel- obey the city ordinances (l. regulations);
la) stipulate the conditions, (panna) dic
t fin mrytttn mukaitttti I did as di
tate (the) terms [to one, Jollekulle] ; ~ rected (1. as told to), 1 followed the di
trlkoiskohtaitetti specify ; tkorkea] hin- rections, I followed [the doctor's, etcf]
ta talolletn set (1. put) a [high] price on orders, -tana (klel.) modifier; attribute.
unc's bouse; ~ hStit laaantaikii (asettaa) -valu right to command, right to say what
set (1. fix) the wedding-day on (1. for) a p. should do, authority.
Saturday; ~ [JOkln paiVi] juhlapivhsi mKarUJI one who determines (1. directs 1.
appoint [a day] (as) a holiday; ~ [jutun dictates), one who Is in authority; (Jkpv.)
kaslttely] joksikin paivdk*! fix (1. appoint) boss; chjoton ~ dictator; kuka toalla on
[the trial of the case] for a certain day, mrfn who Is In authority here? win
designate a day for [the trial of the case]; is at the head of things here? (Jkpv.)
~ Joku [komlteaan] jaientkti appoint (1. Is the boss here? olla jonkin mrr
choose 1. select) one (as) a member [of the (aslolsta puhuen:) be of decisive '

tance in ... be a declslve factor in . . , de- sulky, sulk; istua mktt sit and mope,
cide . .; suunnon . . vvhich determines sit and sulk, sit in a sulky mood. mktys
[determined] the directlon (1. tbe course), moping; sullenness, sulkiness.
. . vvhich determines tbe policies [of a mlin bavvl, bellovv, roar. mlist bawl,
party, etc], . . hien determined the stand bellow; (mylvi) roar; l mlise (Jkpv.)
they took, (henkilst:) one wbo gives the shut up! shut your mouth!
keynote [huom. hn on taonnan mr mlj (laituri) dock, quay, \vharf.
jn hovitta be is tbe one \vbo determines mllmysty be stuperied, be dumrounded.
tbe policies or the court].
mly roar(lng), bavvl(lng), bellow(ing) ;
mrminen determining, fixing etc, ks. howl(lng). -apina (elint.) bowler.
mrt; determination; (Johonkin vir mlyt roar, bavvi, bellovv; hovvl. mlymi
kaan y. m.) appointment: (varojen y.m.) ap- nen roaring, bavvling jne., vrt. mlyt.
propriation. mrmisvalta authorlty, Con ml kS. mly, mlin.
trol; (ratkaisuvalta) riglit to decide; ehdo mlhdell (be) bellovv(ing), be bavvling.
ton mrmisvalta bSOlUte Control, dlC- mlhdys roar, bavvl, bellow; howl. mlhtatonal power [huom. hnell on ehdoton tgive a roar (I. a bavvl 1. a bellovv); give
mrmisvalta tll he is in absolute a bovvl.
control (1. authority) here, his vvord is mlkk clamor, turmoil, uproar; nolse;
lavv here].
row; tiitkt ~ nousi my, uhat a row that
mrmumyya indeflnlteness, lndeter- stlrred up.
minateness; (epmrisyys) vagueness. mnj (maaliaine) red lead, minium.
mrmttmsti indefinltely. mr mrin (low) growl. morista grovvl; vrt.
mtn . . vhlch has not been declded upon murista,
(as yet), undetermlned; Indefinlte; (rajot- mrk spook, bugaboo, bugbear (mys
tamatoni unlimited, unbounded; mr
kuv.), bogey, (bob)goblin.
mttmksi ajaksi for an unlimited period, mrsky (sieni) morel.
indeflnitely; mrmttmn suuri in- mrssri (tykki) mortar.
definitely large.
mrhdell (be) grovvl(ing), keep growIlng.
mrv determining, determlnative; (rat mrhdys grovvl. mrht (give a) growl.
kaiseva) declslve; artikkeli (klel.) the mrkk growl(lng); bellowing, bavvling;
derinite article; mik tiin on ollut m
vrt. mtkk. mrt grovvl; (ammua)
rvn \vhat lias bcen the determining bellovv, bavvl.
influence (1. the decisive factor) in that; mrklli sulky fellovv; bumpkln.
tuuntaa mrvt piirit the inner mtkhdys thud, tbump. mtkht tbud;
circles, (hovi-) the povver behlnd the pudota mtkht Tall vvltb a thud.
throne, (puolueessa y. m.) those who Con mtkle chunk, hunk; vrt. mykky.
trol the policies of [the party].
mtkk (mellakka) tumult, rlot; uproar,
mhkle clnink, lump; clod; (snnllinen) turmoil; rovv; (hmmennys) confusion,
block; vrt. kulta-, voi~. -Jalka (lk.) commotion; vrt. mlkk.
clubroot, clumproot. -Jlkeinen club- myhennys loosenlng. myhentj: maan
footerl. -kala (elint.) sun-fish.
myhentj an lmplement to stlr up (1. to
mh maha I. pot-belly, big paunch; 2.(m- loosen) the ground. myhent stir up
hmaUainen henkil) beer-barrel, pot[the soil, maata], loosen; make loose (I.
belly. -mahainen pot-bellled.
light 1. mellovv), mellovv. myheys loosemkellys mumbllng, muttering. mokeltaa ness; mellovvness; sponglness. myhe
mumble, mutter, grumble.
loose; mellovv, soft; spongy.
mkinmies = mkkilinen.
mykky (kntti) chunk, hunk, lump; clod;
mkin (mukina) grumbling, growl(lng) ; leip big chunk (1. hunk) of bread, (limp
mumblliiB-, mumble, mutter(lng); (napina) pu) loaf of bread.
murmur(lng). mkitt grumble, growl; myriminen, myrint (esim. sian) rooting,
(mutista) mumble; (napista) murmur.
grubblng; (pyhint) rummaging; mys
mkki cabln, cottage, hut. mkkilinen cot- myry. myri 1. (tonkia) root, grub;
ta^er; cotter. mkkipahainen poor cabin, (pyhi) stir up, rummage (through); 2.
hut, shack, hovel.
mk ks. melu. -ljy (1. v.) rire-vvater.
myry roar(ing), bavvl(ing), bellovv(ing).
mktell, mktt mope, look moplsh; myryt roar, bavvl, bellovv; (jyrt, esim.
(olla huonolla tuulella) be (1. look) sulien ukkonen) rumble, grumble; myrsky my
(1. sulky), be in a sulk (1. In the sulks), act ry tbe storm Is roaring.

naakka (eliiint.) Jackdavv, davv.
naali (elint.) Arctic fox.
naama face. rountenance; physlognomy, visage; (Jkpv. = kuono, turpa) phlz, mug;
pin (\. vasten) naamaa to one'S face,
straiglit in the (l. one's) face; vrt. kasvot,
naama- (yhd.) facial [esim. -hermo facial
nerve; -huima facial angle).
naamainen (yhd.) . .-faced [esim. leve
broad-raced; musta black-raced].
naamaluu: naamaluut (anat.) facial bones,
bones of the face.
naamari mask; (esim. ritarin) vlzor; (kuv.

mys:) guise; ystvyyden naamaria kyt

ten under the guise of frlendshlp.
naamiaiset = naamiohuvit.
naamiaisiipuku mastpierade costume, fancy
dress. -tanssiaiset maskeri ball, masquerarte.
naamio mask; vrt. naamari, -huvit masquerade; mys naamiais tanssiaiset.

naamioida, naamioittaa mask; (kuv. mys:)

disgulse; ~ itsens (put on a) mask, wear
a mask, (teatt.) make up. naamioitu I. (a.)
masked ; oli naamioitu . .-ktl lmpersonated
. . , vvas dressed to represent ... II. (s.)
masquerader, mask(er). naamioitua makeup, get-up. naamloton unmasked.

nupu k k*


naapukka (-lakki) fur(-llned leatlier) cap

[commonly worn in Winter in Finland].
naapuri neighbor; kuten hyvien naapurien
tuleekin (mys:) in a nelgbborly way.
naapuri- (yhd.) nelghboring [esim. -kau
punki nelghboring city (1. town); -maa
nelghboring country; -pitj nelghboring
pristi; -valtio nelghboring state]; adjacent [esim. -alue adjacent territory; -talo
adjacent Mouse] ; vrt. lhi-, -kansa nelgh
boring people, neighbors. -seutu nelghbor
ing tract (1. region 1. country), -sopu 1.
-rauha nelghborliness; el hyvst naa
purisovussa live (1. be) on good (1. friendly) terms, get along well (vvith each other),
ilve in a nelghborly way.
naapuristo neighborhood, (lhist) vlcinlty;
(naapurit) the neighbors.
naapuritalo (mys:) nelghboring bouse;
(viereinen) next-door nelgbbor's; naapuri
talossa (mys:) next door, (toisella puo
lella tiet) across the road, over the way.
naapuritar nelghbor (woman); vrt. seur.
naapuri] vaimo neigbbor's wl(e. -valtakunta
nelghboring country [republlc, empire,
kingdom]. -vki the neighbors; the people
(1. the family) next door.
naapurus: he ovat naapurukset they are
naapuruus nelghborhood; (lheisyys) nearness, vicinity; (naapurisopu) nelghborli
ness. -sopu nelghborliness.
naara (harkkl) grappling-hooks, grapnel,
drag. naaraaminen dragging, sweeplng.
naaran nappi 1. -nippa (silmss) sty.
naaras female; (etenkin imettvisten) dam.
naaras- (yhd.) female [esim. -kala reinalo
fish; -karhu female bear] , she [esim. -kar
hu she bear; -mm she woirj. -elin female
(animal). -hirvi cow (1. female) moose (1.
elk). -leijona lioness. -puoli female sex;
(naaras) female. -teeri gray-hen, heathhen. -tiikeri tlgress, female tiger.
naarata drag, svvecp; hakea jotakin jrvest
naaraamalla drag for . . in the lake, scour
the lake for . . . naaraus dragging, sweeping.
naarmu serateb; (piirto) score, scorlng.
naarmuinen seratebed (up 1. ali over);
scored over. naarmuttaa scratch; score.
naatti (Juurikasvien) top; naatit tops.
naava (kuusen) beard-moss. naavainen . .
covered (1. grown over) wtth beard-moss.
nafta (vuorlljy) napbtha.
naftaliini naphthalene, naphthaline. -pallo
moth ball.
naftalhde napbtha-well.
nahan U muokkaus preparing hldes; preparation Of hldes. -tapainen nahkamainen.
-vaihdos change of skin; castlng or the skln.
-valmistus 1. manufacture of leather; 2.
-"- nahanmuokkaus.

nahistua get (I. become) leathery; (sitkis

ty) become tough(er), toughen; (sienetty) get (1. become) spongy. nahistunut
leathery; toughened; spongy.
nahjus (vitkastellja) sluggard, drone, snatl;
laggard; dawdler, (Jkpv.) slovv poke, poke;
(tollo) lubber, lout, gawky; (vetelys) loiterer. nahjusmainen slugglsh, slollilul, . .
llke a snail; slow, tardy, (jkpv.) poky;
(kmpel) clumsy, lubberly; awkward.
nahjustaa be slovv (1. slugglsh 1. poky),
tarry, lag (behlnd), loiter, daily; (kvel
lessn) snumr. nahjustaminen tarrying,
lagging (bebind); daiiylng; shuffliiig. nahJustelija nahjus, nahjustella = nahjus
taa. nanjustelu nahjustaminen.
nahka skin; (parkittu) leather; (vuota) hide;
(turkki) pelt, rell; fur: [pst Jostakin!
ehjin (i. hein) nahoin [get out Of . .] with


a whole skln (I. whole-sklnned 1. safe 1.

unharmed 1. unscathed I. scot-free).
nahka- (yhd.) leather [esim. -hihna leather
strap (l. belt); -lakki leather cap; -ruoska
leather whip] ; . . of leather [esim. -kais
tale Cl. -liuska 1. -siekale) strlp of leather;
-lappu patcb or leather; -palanen plece or
leather \; (harvemmin:) leather- [esim.
-paperi leather-paper; -siipincn leatherwlnged; -tavara(t) leather-goods] . -hou
sut leather breeches.
nahkainen . . of leather, leather; (yhd.)
. .-sklnned [esim. paksu- thick-sklnnedj.
nahka,, kala scaleless fish. -kansi: nahka
kannet (kirjan) leather blndlng; sidottu
nahkakansiin bouiiil in leather, leatlierbound. -kantlnen bound In leather (1. cair,
etc), leather-bound. -kaulus rur collar.
-kauppa leatber-trade; (puoti) store carrying leather-goods. -kauppias dealer in
leather; dealer In sklns h. in hides).
-laukku leather bag (1. wallet) ; (seljassa
kannettava) leather knapsack. -ieill leather
bottle, (water) skln. -letku leather hose.
nahkamainen leathery, leatherllke.
nahkallmuna egg vvith an imperfect shell;
(et. Engl.) wind-egg. -nide leather blndlng.
-peite leather cover(lng); (elimen ruu
miissa) skln lntegument. -peitteinen . .
covered vvith skln (1. vvith rur). -peitturi
ks. nahkuri., -pohja (-antura) leather sole.
-pohjainen leather-soled. -poika (sot.) recruit. -pllinen (kengn) leather upper.
-pllys leather cover. -pts a decislon
vvhlch can not be carried out; loolish decisiofl; antaa nahkapts turn down -reunuksinen . . edged with leather (1. wlth rur).
-selkinen (kirja) . . with a leather back.
nahkaset rell; pelt; vrt. lammas-.
nahkaUside leather blnding. -siipi (ellnt.)
bat. -eisuste rur lining. -slsusteinen . .
vvith a rur lining, rur-llned. -ukki leather
jacket. -tehdas leather-lactory; (nahku
rin-) tannery. -teollisuus leather Industry,
-tuppmen . . wlth a sheath or leather. -tykki
leather(-cased) gun. -voide grea3e (1. oli)
Tor leather; leather dressing. -vuori, -vuo
rinen = nahkajsisuste, -slsusteinen. -vy
leather strap (1. belt).
nahkea leathery; (sitke) tough, tenaclous;
(slenettynyt) spongy; vrt. nihke, nahkeus
loughness; sponglness; vrt. nihkeys.
nahkiainen (ellnt.) lamprey, lamper-eel;
(Joki-) rlver-lamprey.
nahkottaa (peitt nahalla) cover vvith
leather; cover with skins (I. with hldes) ;
(sisustaa nahalla) llne with leather (1.
vvith sklns), llne with rur. nah kotus (nahkottaminen) covering (l. lining) wlth
leather (1. wlth skins) j (konkr.) leathercovering; leather-linlng, fur-llning.
nahkuri tanner; (parkitun nahan ksitteli
j) currler.
nahkurin- (yhd.) tanner's [esim. -ammatti
taiiner's trade; -liike tanner'3 business;
-oppilas tanner's apprentice; -parkki tanner's barkj. -oppi: panna poika nahkurinoppiin put the boy with a tanner to learn
tue trade, apprentice a boy to a tanner.
-slli Journeyman tanner, -tehdas tannery;
naida marry, be (1. get) married; wed,
naiivi, naivl (lapsellinen; typer) nalve [remark, huomautus]; siiuplc; unsophlstlcated.
naikkonen woman, remalc; (tytt) glrl,
mald(en); (halventavassa merkit.) vvench.
naimalleste lmpedlment to (the) marrlage.
-halu anxiety (1. eagerness) to get mar
ried; love-slckness. -haluinen anxlous (1.



eager) to get marrled; Iove-slck. -houreet

rooltsh dreams of marriage. -iki mar
riageable age; olla naimaiss be Of (1.
have reached) a marriageable age. -iki
nen (. . or a) marriageable iage). -ilmotus
matrimonlal advertisement. -kaari mari liiti' law(S). -kauppa naimitkauppa.
-kielto prohlbitlon of marrlag-e. -lupa mar
riage llcense. -lupaus = aviolupaus. -ota
(pesst) dovver. -puuhat: olla naimapuu
hina be getting ready to get marrled; vrt.
naimatuumat. -sopimus kS. avioliittosopi
mus, -tarjous proposal of marriage, orrer
(of marriage). -toimisto matrimonlal
naimaton tinmarrled, single; el [kuolla]
naimattomana Uve [die] unmarrled, live
[die] single, (miehist:) live [die] abachelor, (naisista:) live [die] a spinster. naimattomuudenlupaus vow or celibacy. nai
mattomuus unmarrled state, celibacy;
(miehen) bachelorbood; (naisen) splnsterhood.
naimatuumat tboughts or marriage; hn on
naimatuumissa he is thinking oX getting
marrled, he is contemplatlng matrlmony.
naiminen marriage; naimaan kautta by mar
riage liuoin, sai rahoja naimisen kautta
(mys:) marrled money]; naimisissa oleva
marrled; hnen lapsensa ensimisist nai
misista her chlldren by ber rirst marriage;
Joutua naimisiin get (1. be) marrled [huom.
joutua hyviin naimisiin marry well, make
a good mateli] ; olla naimisissa be mar
rled [huom. ma olemme olleet naimisissa
20 vuotta (mys:) we have been man and
wlfe for twenty years; on hyviss naimi
sissa (mys:) Is comfortably settled In
lire]. naimishalu = nalmahalu. naimisiin
meno marrylng, getting marrled; marriage.
naimisl kaari marriage lavvs. -kauppa match,
marriage; naimiskauppojen vlittj iiiiitrh
maker, go-between, matrimonlal agent;
heidn naimiskaupastaan ei tullut mitn
their engagement \vas broken (ui i ; olla
naimiskaupoissa jonkun kanssa negtiate a
marriage xvi t It . .; teki hyvt naimiskaupat
(mys:i marrled \vell. -kilhkoinen = nai
nainen woman; (herras-) lady; (naispuoli)
female; naisen .. (mys:) female [esim.
naisen viekkaus remale cunnlng].
nainut marrled [man, mies].
nais- (yhd.) oman [esim. -edustaja uoman
represcntatlve; -jsen woman member;
-opettaja \vornan teacher], remale [esim.
-sukupuoli remale sex; -ni female volce] ,
(Joskus:) lady
[esim. -opettaja lady
teacher] ; (naisellinen, naisten-) femlnlne
[esim. -maailma femlnlne World; -aiot
femlnlne graces] ; (naisen) woman's [esim.
-kasvot wuman's race; -ni woman's
volce] ; vrt. naisen-, naisten-.
naisasia women's rlghts; (naisten nlolkeusasla) woman's suffrage, suffrage (1.
votes) rorwomen; naisasian ajaja advocate
or women's rights, (naisesta:) surrragette.
-liike movement for the emanclpatlon of
women, remlnlst movement; woman's suf
frage movement. -liitto alliance Tor the
promotlon or women's rights, women's
surrrage league.
naisekas, naisekkaasti, naiaekkuus ks. nai
sellinen, nalsellisesti, naisellisuus.
naisellinen womanly [grace, sulo], \vomanHkC; rcmlnlne; mys ---- naismainen, nal
sellisesti \vomanly; erremlnately. naisel
lisuus womanllness; remlnlnlty; vrt. naismaisuus.
naisen- (ybd.) woman's [esim. -ksiala
woman's bandwrltlng;
-nimi woman's


mi n !.' ; -sydn woman's heart] ; female

[esim. -ni female volce] ; vrt. naisten-.
naisennustaja prophetess; slbyl.
naisenrystd abduction (of a oman).
naiseus womanhood.
naisll hahmo female (1. feminine) rorm, a
woman's flgure. -henkil oman, female.
-ihailija (nainen, joka Ihailee) oman admlrer; vrt. naistenihailija. -ihminen =
(lelk.) pettlcoat. -Johtaja
uurnan prlnclpal (1. manager 1. dlrector).
-kirjailija \voman author (1. writer). -kum
mi remale sponsor. -kuoro 1. -kri cholr
(1. chorus) of women (1. of female volces),
female cbolr. -kysymys ks. naisasia, -liike
- naisasialiike, -liitto women's league (1.
alliance). -luostari convent, nunnery. -l
kri uoman doctor, woman physlcian.
naismainen feminine; (balvekslv. merkit.,
etup. miehist) womanlsh, efremlnate.
naismaisuus uomanishness; efreminacy.
naisllorja remale slave. -osasto (esim. yh
distyksen) women's sectlon; vrt. naistenosasto, -pappi priestess. -parka poor (1. unhappy)
uuman, -profeetta prophetess.
-puoli (suvun) female llne, the distarr
(side), the spindle-slde; (naisihminen)
female; naispuolelta on the remale line.
-puolinen remale, oman [woiid, maail
ma] ; (klel.) 1 rimmin;; naispuolinen kanta
Tetnale llne; naispuoliset jsenet (mys:)
lady members. -seminaari normal school
Tor women. -seura ladies' (1. lady) company,
company (1. soclety) or women; naisseu
rassa In the company of women, aniong
women; vrt. naisyhdistys, -soturi Amazon,
amazon. -suku remale sex, rair (1. weaker)
sex. -eukulnen remlnine. -sukulainen re
male relatlve, klnsuoman. -sydn woman's
heart. -taudit women's diseases, diseases
or (l. pecullar to) women. -tautioppi gynecology, gynaecology.
naisten- (yhd.) women's, ladies' [esim.
-nuon* ladies' room; -mies ladies' man;
-osasto women's (1. ladies') department;
-rtli ladies' tallor; -ty women's uork;
-vaatteet women'9 (1. ladies'.) clothes] ; . .
or uoincn [esim. -jumaloiminen adoration
(1. worshlpi of women; -taudit diseases of
women] ; (harvemmin:) uoman 's [esim.
-ty woman's uork | ; vrt. naisen-, -hattu
(mys:) bonnet. -hurmaaja 1. -lumooja
(leikin.) lady-klller, heart-smasher. -ihai
lija admlrer of women. -satula sldesaddle. -viha hatred of women, averslon
(l. antlpathy) to(ward) the female sex.
-vihaaja uoman-hater.
naisiituttava = naisystv, -valta dominion
of women; (halvekslv.) pettlcoat government. -vki uomankiiul, women, ladies;
naisven askareet (1. tehtvt) WOman'S
vvork, woman's dutles. -yhdistys women's
(1. ladies') club. -ylioppilas woman student. -ystv uoman (1. lady) Mend.
naitava marriageable.
naittaa marry, glve . . (away) in marriage
[to ..]; tyttrens jollekulle marry
one's daughter to a p., bestow one's daughter's hand in marriage upon a p., make a
match betueen one's daughter and . .; soo
da tyttrens naitetuksi (mys:) get (1.
see) one's daughter marrled orr (1. set
tled). naittaja one who glves a uoman
away In marriage; match-maker; (holhoo
ja) guardlan. naittaminen marrylng, glvIng . . in marriage.
naitu marrled [woman, nainen].
nakata (heitt) throw, riing [a penny to a
beggar, penni kerjliselle], east; (yls
kdelln) toss; (huikata) barter; (Jkpv.)
8wap, dlcker; - menemn send flylng,

burl, (airottomina) east aslde, lhrow
away; - niskojaan fling (I- throv.-) one's
head back.
nakella heitell; niskojaan k;, uluta.
nakerrella (be) gna\v(tng); nibble [at ..],
m unet) [a blscuit, leivosta], nakerrus
gnawlng. nakertaa nibble cbeese, juus
toa]; (kalvaa) griaw; nakertaa poikki gnaw
. . orr (1. in tW0) ; nakertaa rikki gnasv
asunder. nakertaja trnavver; (elaint.) roclent.
nakertaminen gnauing; (kuv.) rretting,
orrylng. nakertelu nibbling. munching.
nakkaaminen tbrowlng, fllnglng Jne., vrt.
nakata, nakkautua be tlirown (1. riung 1.
burled), be tossed; (heittyty) tbrow o.s.
Unto .., Johonkin], plunge into. (hypt)
spring into [the saddle, satulaan], leap;
nakkautua sinne tnne toSS (1. be tOSSedj
about. nakkautuminen belng tbrotvn (1.
burled); (sinne tnne) tossing.
nakki(peli) a game of cards (often used in
gambllng). -makkara frankfurter.
nake snap! crack! naktahdella be (1. keep)
snapping (1. cracklng), snap, crack; click;
(natista) creak; palvot fi. polvitaipeet)
naktahtelevat the knee-Jolnts snap. nak
sahdus snap, crack; click. naksahduttaa
crack; click, tick; (napsabduttaa) snap.
naksahtaa (glve a) snap, (give a) crack;
(give a) click, (glve a) tick; lasi naksahti
(rikki) the glass cracked (1. snapped).
naksata naksahtaa, naksahdella. naksis
snap! crack! naksutella click, tick; crack;
Clatter; naksutella hampaitaan [sydes
sn] chank one's teeth [vvhlle eating].
naksuttaa (esim. kello) tick. naksutus
nakutella (be 1. keep) knock(ing); tap, rap;
(nokallaan) peck [at, jotakin]; vasaralla
(bei hammer(lng), be tapping wlth a hammer. nakuttaa knock, rap; tap; (vasaroida)
vrt. naputtaa, nakuttaminen
knocking, rapping; (vasaralla) hammering;
vt. nakutus, nakuttelu (repeated) knock
ing, rapping; (nokalla) pecklng; (vasaral
la) hammering. nakutus rap(ping), tap
(Ping), knock(ing); (vasaran) hammering.
naljailla Joke, jest; (ilvehti) make sport (1.
run> [or ..], poke run [at ..]. naljailu
Joklng, fun, sport; raillery.
nalkita wedge.
nalkki 1. (vvooden) wedge; 2. ks. pojan.
nalkutella (takoa) (be) hammer(lng); (na
kutella) knock, tap, rap; haukkua be
barklng, be yelplng, (kuv.) rate at, si-old,
nag, peck at. nalkuttaa (vasaroida) ham
mer; (nakuttaa) knock, rap, tap; (hauk
kua) bark, yelp; (kuv.) nag, peck [at . .];
nalkuttaa yht ja samaa Ilrp on olle String.
nalkuttaminen, nalkutus (vasaran) ham
mering; (haukunta) bark(ing), yeip(ing),
(kuv.) nagglng, pecking, vrt. nakutus.
nalli I. (pyssyn-) cap, percussion cap.
nalli II. (karhu) bruin.
neilikka (poika-) = naskali, 2.
namuset (goody-)goodies, sweet(meat)3,
napa (ruumiin) navel; (keskikohta) center
(point); (pyrn) hub, nave; (maan-)
pole; (pyrivn akselin) pivot.
napa- (yhd.) 1. (ruumiinnapa- ) navel-, umbilical [esim. -kohju navel-rupture, umbilical hernta; -nuora (l. -varsi) navelstrlng, umbllical cord] j 2. (maannapa-)
polar [esim. -j polar ice; -meri polar
sea; -virta polar current]. -kaira auger,
nimble; vrt. nveri, -maat polar regions
(I. lands). -matkailija polar explorer. -piiri
Polar Circle; etelinen napapiiri antarcttc
Circle; pohjoinen napapiiri arctlc Circle,
-retkeilij polar eiplorer. -retkl(kunu)

polar eipeditlon. -seutu polar region; ae>

pmsesmlmlm m polar regions (1. latitudes).
napaseutu- (yhd.) polar fesim. -j polar
ice; -rotkit kunta polar eipeditlon; -tmiat
polar Winter; -tutki)* polar explorer].
-ilmasto climate in polar regions.
napa: side = napavy. -tutkimus polar exploration.
napaus knock, rap, tap; (sonnilla) snap;
(korvalle) flllip; (isku) blow, slap-, vrt.
napsahdu. napauttaa knock [at tbe door,
oveen], tap [at tbe wlndow, Ikkunaan],
rap; (napsahduttaa) snap; (iske) strike.
napa. vy (babys) band; belly-band. -vy
hyke polar zone; etelnapavybhyke antarctic zone: pohjoisnapavyhyke arcticzone.
nperrell (nperrell) nibble: (askarrella)
potter (about), busy o.s., be busy ;v.itb.
jotakin]; tlnker. napertelija nibbler; potterer, busybody; tinkerer. napertelu nlbbling; pottering (about): tinkering.
napina murmur; grumbiing.
napin lpi - napinreik. -muotoinen
(sbaped) like a button.
napinreik buttonbole. -sakset buttonbole
scissors. -silkki buttonbole silk, twist.
napintekij button-maker.
napiseminen murmuring Jne., vrt. seur. na
pista murmur, grumble; grunt; (esim.
lapsista:) snarl.
napittaa provlde \vith buttons; (panna nap
piin) button (up) .one'3 coat, takkinsa] ;
napitettu buttoned; ~ auki unbutton;
kiinni button (up), lasten (up), clasp. napittamaton unbuttoned. napittaminen, na
pitus buttonlng (up); clasplng.
Napoli Naples.
nappi button; (koriste-, paidan) stud; (kal
vokin-, mys:) link; nuttu on napissa tbe
coat is buttoned (up). -kenkl buttoned
slioe (Engl. boot). -koukku button-hook.
nappinen (yhd.) . .-buttoned, . . wltb . . but
tons [esim. kiilto brlght-buttoned; toW. . ivith large buttons] .
nappirivi ro of buttons.
nappo, nappu scoop.
nappula peg, pln; (suude) plug, stopper;
(shk-) button; vrt. peli.
napsaa (be) snap(plng); (be) cllck(lng) ;
(esim. kello) tick, be ticklng.
napsahdus snap; click; crack, napsahduttaa
snap [one's fingers, sormillaan]; crack,
napsahtaa (glve a) snap; (give a) click;
napsahtaa rikki crack, napse snapping;
clicklng. napsls snap! click! crack!
napu (esim. tammlpellss) plece, man.
naputella knock; tap, rap; be tapping, be
rapping, (vasaroida) hammer; sormil
laan tap with one's ringers. naputtaa
knock; tap [at the wlndow, Ikkunaan],
rap; joku naputtaa (oveen), ovelle napu
tetaan (mys:) there is a knock (at the
door). naputtaminen knocking, tapping,
rapping; vrt. seur. naputus knocking;
knock, rap, tap.
naraaminen dragging; stveeping.
narahdella be crcaklng, creak; (kitist)
squeak; (narskua) crunch; vrt. natista;
ovi narahteli saranoillaan the door creaked
on Its hinges. narahdus creak; squeak.
narahduttaa make . . (1. cause . . to) creak,
creak. narahtaa (give a) creak; squeak.
narata = naarata, naraus naaraus.
narina creak(lng) ;
(esim. lumen) crunching.
narinkka, narikka market for petty dealcrs
(mostly in clothlng).
nariseminen crcaklng, squeaklng; crunch
ing; (muriseminen) grovvllng, snarllng.
nariseva creaklng, creaky, squeaky [sboe,
kenk] ; (lumi) crunching; (kuv.) growllng,



snarling. narisija (regular) grovvler, grumbler; complalner; peevlsh fellovv, faultNnder. narista creak; grate; (esim. lumi
j iii k. iin alla) crunch; (kitist) squeak;
(kuv.) growl, snarl. narisuttaa creak;
(esim. lunta) crunch; (kitisytt) squeak;
narisuttaa hampaitaan (kiristell) gnasb
(1. grlt) one's teeth.
narraaminen decelving Jne., vrt. seur. nar
rata (pett) decelve, (tahallisesti) cheat;
lmpose upon ..; (vet nenst) fool,
dupe, gull, tioax; (tuottaa pettymyst) disappolnt; narrata luokseen COaX (1. luri' 1.
enllce) . . to one [ones room, ones house] ;
vrt. seur. narrattava . . who lets (1. allovvs)
hlmseir to be fooled (1. duped); (s.)
dupe; hn ai ole narrattavissa you can not
loi il hiin; on helposti narrattavissa IS easlly
lmposed upon. Is easlly duped (1. gulled).
narri fool; down; pit .. narrinaan make a
fool of . . , fool, lmpose upon . . , (pilkka
naan) make a laughing-stock of . .; vrt.
hovi-, narrimainen roolisb; (hassunalkainen) droll, ludicrous; (naurettava) ridiculous. narrimaisesti foolislily; drolly. narrimaisuus roollshness; (konkr.) vrt. hullutus.
narrin kaapu (1. v.) cap and bells; vrt. seur.
-puku uiotley.
narsissi narcissus; ketta~ darrodil.
narskahdella (esim. lumi jalkani alla)
crunch; squeal; (narahdella) be creaking.
narskahdus creak; jarring sound, Jar; 'lu
men y. m.) crunching. narskahduttaa ks.
narskuttaa, narskahtaa (give a) creak;
grate, grit; (lumi y. m.) crunch; squeal;
vrt. narskua, narske creak(lng); jar;
cruncliing; (hampaiden) gnashing, grlndlng.
narskua (be) creak(lng); grate, grlt, Jar;
(kitist) squeak; (esim. lumi Jalkaln alla)
crunch; kenkni narskuvat my shoes creak
(1. squeak) ; lumi narskuu the show Is
cruncliing (1. Is squealing). narskuminen
creaking Jne., ks. edell. narskuttaa creak;
Jar, grate (1. grlt) [one's teeth, hampai
squeak(lng); grating; crunchlng.
narttu 1'emale dog; bitch; vrt. naaras.
naru (nuora) cord, string; (kysi) rope;
(hirttonuora) halter; kaulansa with the
halter around his neck.
naseva (sattuva) . . to the polnt, . . to the
purpose, telling [remark, huomautus];
(terv) sharp, keen, cutting [retort, vas
taus] ; (pureva) blting; vrt. navakka, nase
vasti to the polut, to the purpose, tellingly; sharply, keenly, cuttingly. nasevuus
naskali 1. a\vl; (klrjap.) bodkin; 2. (poi
ka-) youngster, strlpllng; urchln; (jkpv.)
kld; vrt. poikanallikka. naskalimainen, naskalinmuotolnen awl-shaped.
nassakka keg, small cask; vrt. leili.
nassu (porsas) llttle pig, piggy.
nasta (nupi) tack; brad; (vaarna, pilkki)
peg; (tappi) plug; (kara) rod, spindle;
(pahka, nappi) boss, head, knob, stud.
nastottaa tack; peg, pln. nastotus tacklng;
pegging, pinnlng.
natina creak(lng); (kitin) squeak(lng);
(narskc) crunching. natista creak; (kitis
t) squeak; (narskahdella) crunch; laiva
natisi liitteissn the shlp was creaking in
every Joint, natisuttaa make . . creak (1.
squeak), creak; (make . .) crunch.
nato (miehen sisar) slster-in-la\v.
natriumi (kein.) sodium.
natsarealainen (s.) Nazarene. Natsaret Nazareth.
natsionallsml (kansalliskiihko) natlonallsm.
natustaa (popsia) munch, (hampaattomalla

suulla) mumble. natustamlnen, natustus

munching; mumbling.
nau me\v! mlaow! miaul!
naudanliha beef.
nauha rlbbon, tape, brald; band; helmi
string (I. rope 1. band) of pearls.
nauhainen (yhd.) . . \vith a . . ribbon, . . w itli
.. rlbbons [esim. leve~ .. wlth a broad
ribbon, . . with broad ribbns].
nauhake (strlpoD brald; galloon. nauhakengt
lace(d) shoes. nauhanpitkl plece of ribbon.
nauha, rulla bolt of ribbon; spool of ribbon.
-ruusu(ke)bow; knot, rosette; vrt. kokardi.
nauhottaa lace.
nau kata 1. (ryypplst) sip; (ryypt) drink ;
2. (nykki) snap [ai one, Jotakuta],
naukkaamlnen I. sipping; drlnking; 2.
snapping; vrt. edell. naukku (ryyppy) drink,
dram; (Jkpv.)nip, (tav. aamu) eye-opener.
naukua (kissasta:) mew, miaow, miaul,
caterwaul; (mankua) vvhine, vvbimper;
(kitist) squeak, creak. naukujaiset ks.
kissannaukujaiset. naukuminen
Jne., vrt. naukua.
naula I. (rauta-) naii, (suuri, rataplkky y. m.) spike; (kenk-) hobnail; (puu-) pui,
(naulakon y. m.) peg; osua naulan phn
(\. kantaan) hlt the naii on the head, (kuv.,
mys:) strike home; ripustaa (\. panna)
nuttunsa naulaan hang up one's coat (on
the naii); se ~ veti (kuv.) thai struck
home, that told, that helped; takki on nau
lassa the coat is hung on the [a] naii.
naula II. (naulanpaino) pouml.
naula- (yhd.) naii- [esim. -kone nail-machine; -tehdas nail-factory].
naulaaminen nailing (up): ilmotuksien ~
posting (of) bills, placarding.
naulailla be nailing (up), keep nailing-.
naulainen (yhd.) . .-pound [esim. ou*i~
five-pound; yksitoista eleven-pound].
naulakko rack. naulalaatikko uail-box; (laa
tikollinen nauloja) box of nails.
naulan- (yhd.) naii- [esim. -muotoinen nallshaped; -pa nail-hcad]. -aines nail-rod;
nail-plate. -kanta nail-head. -nostin nallpuller (1. -extractor); (nupi-) tack-puller;
tack-clavv. -paino pound welgbt. -painoi
nen 1. -painava . . vvelghing a pound. -reik
naulapuu (naulakko) rack.
naulata naii; (nhtvksi) naii up; ilmatuksia post bills, placard [walls, seiniin] ;
~ Minni rasten wlth nalls, naii up, naii
[on to, Johonkin]; ~ .. tiedoksi put up
(1. post) a notlce of (1. about).
naula tynnyri 1. -puikko nall-keg; keg or
naulaus =* naulaaminen; pst (irti) nau
lauksesta come unnailed.
naulita naii (fast) [to, johonkin]; (kuv.)
fix, pln [to. Johonkin] ; seisoi kuin paikal
leen naulittuna stood as lf he were rooted
(1. 1'ixed) to the spot; vrt. ristiin.
naulolttain by the pound; pounds of . . .
nauraa laugh [at ... Jollekin (1. Jollekul
le)]; (hymyill) smlle [at ... Jollekin];
~ haljetakseen split one's sldes with iaugtiter (1. with laughlng), burst (1. split) with
laughter; ivallisesti (1. ilkkuen) laugh
to scorn, dcride, jeer (1. scorf) [at one,
jollekulle]; ~ kikattaa giggle, titter; ~
kohti kurkkua(an) laugh uproariously,
roar wlth laughter, gutTaw; ~ kuollakseen:
nauroin kuollakseni I laughed tili I thought
I'd die, I almost died laughlng, I thought
I'd die laughlng; ~ makeasti laugh heartlly,
have a good laugh; ~ partaansa (1. salamyhk) laugh In one's sleeve, laugh (1.
chuckle) to o. s.; pirullisesti glve
flendlsh (1. a wlcked 1. an evtl) laugh; -



neen laugh loud; en voi olla nauramatta

I cannot help laughing, I cannot help but
laugh; hnelle naurettiin he wa3 laughed
at, people laughed at hiin. naurahdella
laugb, be (1. keep) laughing. naurahdus
laugb(ter); (hymbdys) smlle. naurahtaa
laugh (out), glve a (short) laugh; (hymhti) smlle. nauraja laugher; (pilkkaaja)
scoffer; taaja naurajat puolelleen bave the
laugh on one's side, turn oIT the laugh.
nauraminen laughing; smillng; tiin ei ole
mitn nauramitta tiiere 13 nothing to lauuli
at in (1. about) tbat, it's no laughlng rniitter. nauratella be (1. keep) making . . laugh.
naurattaa (jotakuta) make one (1. cause
one to) laugh (1. smlle); (hertt naurua)
cause amusement (1. merriment 1. laughter); (huvittaa) aniuse, tlckle; mik sinua
- what makes you laugh? what do you
lind so ainusing? minua ~, kun ajattelen . .
it makes me laugh to think . . , I \vant to
laugh when I think . . , (huvittaa) lt
amuses (1. uckles) me to think . . . naurat
tava . . which provokes laughter, . . likely
to provoke laughter, laughable. naurava
laughlng; smiling.
naureskella, naurella be laughlng; laugh.
naurettava rldiculous; (huvittava) laugh
able, amusing; (lystllllnen) runny, comical, droll, ludicrous; (mieletn) absurd;
joutua naurettavaksi make o. s. rldiculous
I. a laughing-stock), cxposc o. s. to ridlcule; vrt. naurunalainen, naurettavuus rldlculousness; ludicrousness; menee nau
rettavuuksiin runs Into the rldiculous.
nauriin kylv sowing (OD turnips. -siemen
lumip-seed; rape-seed.
nauris turnip; rape; vrt. rehu, -halme 1.
-maa turnip-rield. -ljy rape-oll, colza-oll.
nauru laughter, laugh; (hymyily) smlle;
(pilkka) ridicule, derlslon; vrt. naurahdus;
naurun enne Object (1. SUbJect) or ridi
cule (1. or derlslon), laughlng-stock, butt
or ridicule; naurussa suin \vlth a smillng
race, hls race ali smlles, with smiling llps.
-hermo: kutkuttaa nauruhermoja strike
one's sense or humor (1. or the rldiculous
1. of the ludicrous), make one laugh,
tlckle (1. amuse) one; vrt. naurulihas.
nauruinen (naurava) laughlng, smiling;
mys naurunhaluinen.
nauru kaasu (kein.) laughlng-gas. -kouristus
(fit or) convulsive laughter. -kuoppainen)
dimple. -lihas (anat.) laughing-muscle.
nauruni alainen: tehd itsens naurunalai
seksi make o.s. rldiculous (1. an object or
ridicule), make a laughlng-stock (1. a Tool)
or o.s.; vrt. joutua, -asia laughlng matter;
.. ei ole mikn naurunasia (mys:) . . Is
nothing to laugh at. -halu lncllnatlon (1.
proneness) to laugh, laughlng mood. -ha
luinen . . glven to laughter, (. . or) laughter-lovlng (disposition), rond or laughing.
-purskahdus 1. -puuska (out)burst (1. rit 1.
paroxysm) or laughter; vrt. seur. -remahdus I. -remakka 1. -rhahdys 1. -rhakka
burst (1. peal) or laughter, roar or laughter.
nauru suinen (. . \\itli) laughing (llps); ..
wltb a smillng race; (hymyilev) smiling;
(nauruinen) rond or laughlng. -suu one
\vho laughs, (Jkpv.) great hand to laugh;
(hyrayllij) smller. -tauti (1. v.) hysterics.
-tuuli: olla naurutuulella be in a laughing
nauta neat; kymmenen nautaa (tav.) ten
head or cattle. -elin = nauta; nauta
elimet neat (cattle). -karja (neat) cattle.
nautinnonhalu love or pleasure; [one's]
deslre to enjoy life. -haluinen fontl of
pleasure, pleasure-loving; sensual; nontinnonhalutntn ihminen pleasure -seeker,


lover of pleasure. -himo Inordinate love

or pleasure; sensuality. -himoinen overrond or pleasure ; sensual ; nautinnonhimoinen ihminen (.mys:) sensuallst.
nautinta (lak.) usage; mys nauttiminen.
nautinto enjoyment; (ilo) delight, pleasure;
(tyydytys) satlsraction, gratiricatioii; (kyt
t) USe, usage ; on todellinen ~ kuulla hnen
puhuvan lt is a real treat (1. pleasure 1.
delight) to hear him speak, one really enjoys to hear him speak. -aine: nautintoai
neet comforts or life, (ylellisyys-) luxuries (or lire) ; (kiihottavat) stlmulants;
(huumaavat) narcotics. -kasvi plant yielding a stimulant (1. a narcotic). -oikeus
right to use, enjoyment; (lak.) usufruct.
-rikas rull or enjoyment, enjoyable, delightrul.
nautittava I. (a.) enjoyable; nautittavan'
kelpaava Iit to drlnk [to eat] ; drinkable;
eatable. II. (s.) anything fit (1. good) to
drlnk [to eat], (ravinto) food, nourishment; jotakin nautittavaa (mys:) something to eat or (to) drlnk.
nauttia enjoy [life undisturbed, elmst
huolettomana] ; (sisns) take [medlclne,
lkkeit; iood, ravintoa]; (syd) eat;
(juoda) drlnk; (saada osakseen 1. hyvk
seen) have (the benent of), receive (l.
get) [a salary of 100 dollars a month, sa
dan dollarin kuukausipalkkaa] ; (kytt)
use, make use of; (Itr., absol.) enjoy o.s.,
be happy; ~ [suurta] arvoa enjoy [great
(1. high)] esteem, be [highly (1. greatly)]
esteemed, be [highly] respeeted; ~ elkett
have (1. get) a penslon; herkkuja eat
daintles, have dainties (1. dellcacies) to
eat, (ravita itsen herkuilla) feast; hy
vll halulla (syd) partake hcartily or . . ,
help o.s. Uberally to . . , give o.s. a llberal
helplng or . .; jostakin enjoy a th., take
pleasure (1. delight) in . . , be delighted
wlth . .; ~ kunnioitusta enjoy respect (1.
esteem); ~ opetusta jossakin receive
instruction in, have lessons In (1. on) . .;
~ Jonkun turvaa have the protectlon or . .;
~ tysin siemauksin enjoy . . to the fullest
extent, lnduige rreely, take keen delight
(1. enjoyment) in, revel In [song, laulus
ta], (hengitt) take in [the rresh coun
try air, raittiista maaseututlmasta] In deep
drafts; ~ vapaudestaan enjoy one's liberty,
(Jkpv.) have one's riing; ~ virkavapautta
have (the benent or) a leave oi absence,
(virkalomaa) be on a vacation; ~ yleist
luottamusta have (1. enjoy) the conridence
(1. the trust) or the publlc, enjoy publlc
conridence, be universally (1. generally)
trusted; en ole nauttinut mitn sitten ei
lispivn I have laken (1. eaten 1. tasted)
nothing slnce yesterday, I have not tasted
rood Slnce yesterday; hn ei nauti ensin
kn vkijuomia he never touches llquor
(1. strong drlnk). nautti maton: palkkaa
nauttimaton . . \vitliout (1. not dra\ving) a
salary; vkijuomia nauttimaton mies a
man who does not drlnk. nauttiminen enJoying, enjoyment; vkijuomien nauttimi
nen use (I. uslng) of intoxlcants. nauttiva
enjoy lng; taklllg; hvlng; suurta palkkaa
nauttiva mies a man \vith a large salary. a
hlgh-salaried (1. a highly pald) man; yleis
t luottamusta nauttiva . . \vho enjoys pub
llc conridence, universally trusted.
nau'unta (kissan) mew(lng), mlaow(lng),
caterwaul(lng) ; (mangunta) whine; (kiti
n) squeak(lng), creak(lng); vrt. naukua.
navakasti hard; brlskly; (Jkpv.) good and
liani; tuulee there is a Tresb (1. stUO
breeze, the breeze Is fresb (1. Is stlff).
navakka stlff [breeze, tuuli] ; rlgld; brlak,



sinart [blOW, Isku]; hard; navakka isku viikkoa about rour weeks, four weeks or
(mys:) vigorous l)low; navakka tuuli SO; 8. (laukka) gallop; ajaa nelitt ride
(mys:) fresh (1. brlsk) breeze. navakkuus [drive] at a gallop, gallop.
lirrness; rigidity; brlskness, smartness; neliniitinen rour-lear . twill, kangas].
tuulen navakkuus (tav.) tl; \viml being SO nelin kertainen rourfold, quadruple. -ker
stirr (1. so bard) . . .
taisesti 1. -kerroin fourlold; rour times.
navetta cow-stable, cowshed; bam. -lanta -kontin 1. -rymin on ali fours.
cow manure. -piha barn-yard. -piika neliunytkainen .. in rour acts; lour-acl
hired glrl on the [a] farm, glrl who works , coniciiy, huvinytelm], -osainen .. in
out on a l:iriii, (Engl.) milkmaid. -raken
rour parts; (kirjateoksista:) . . in rour
nu* barn; cow-stable.
volumes, rour-volume; (esim. kirjahylly)
na thcy; , jotka .. those who . .; niiden . . In rour sectlons.
(heidn) their, (itsenisesti:) thelrs, (noi nelisenkymment about forty.
den) . . or those; niiden kanssa \vitli tliem, neliUsiipinan rour-winged; (luonnont.) tetwith those [who ... Jotka . .] ; niille to rapteran [insect, hynteinen], telrapter(1. Tor 1. on) them [those] ; niit nit (Jos ous , lniit, hedelm], -sivukas (geoni.)
mit) this and that, odds and ends, ali quadrllateral.
sorts or thlngs, tittle-tattle, chltter-cbat- nelisll kulma rour-slded Ngure; quadrangle,
ter, (otsikkona sanomalehdess y. m. = quadrllateral; (neli) square, -kulmainen
kaikenlaista) mlscellaneous; vrt. niikseen. quadrangular,
neekeri negro; colored man, black (man) ; -nurkkainen - nelinurkkainen.
(Jkpv.) darky, nlgger; neekerit negroes, neiisten at a gallop, m nm career, at full
colored people.
speed. nelistys Tuli speed; (laukka) gallop.
neekeri- (yhd.) negro, colored [esim. -orja nelistminen galloping, gallop. nelistv
galloplllg; nelistv keuhkotauti (tav.
negro slave; -sotilas negro (1. colored)
soldler; -valtio negro State; -vett negro quick consumption. nelist gallop.
(I. colored) populatlon]. -lapsi negro (1. neli ;siikei)nen (nuorasta:) rour-stranded;
colored) chlld; (Jkpv.) pickanlnny. -nainen rour-ply. -tahokas (mat.) tetrahedron.
1. -vaimo negro (1. colored) woman, ne- nelitaitteinen rolded twice; quarto.
gress; (Jkpv.) wench, negro wench.
nelitaitteislikoko quarto (slze). -kokoinen
negatiivi (kiel. & valok.) negatlve. negatii
quarto [book, kirja).
vinen (kielteinen) negatlve [quantlty, lu nelitavuinen . . or rour syllables, rour-sylku], negatiivisesti negatlvely; negatiivi- labled, quadrlsyllabic; nelitavuinen tana
testi tkkinen . . cbarged wlth negative (mys:) quadrlsyllable.
nelittin rour at a tiine; by rours; (nelj
neilikka 1. (kasv.) ptnk; (puutarha-) car- rinnakkain; rour abreast.
nation, clove-plnk; 2. (-mauste) clove, nelijvaljainen lour-horse. -valjakko four(tav., koll.) cloves. -ljy oli or cloves.
ln-hand, four-horse team, team of four
neiti miss; lady; (neitsyt) maid(en) ; ~ on liorses; coacli and four. -vuotias I. (a.) . .
lktenyt u/o* ei ole kotona] MISS X. Is OUt Tour years old (1. of age); nelivuotiat lapti
[Is imt In]; neititeni madam! Miss X.! on
(mys:) a clilld or rour, a rour-year-old
ko " nhnyt . . have you seen . . , Miss X.? chlld; vrt. nelivuotinen. II. (s.) rour-yearneito mald(en), damsel; (Impi) virgin; (tyt
old. -vuotinen Tour-yearly, quadrennlal;
t) glrl; (luonnotar) nymph; kaunit ~ raii
mys = cdell. -Sininen . . In rour parts;
maiden (1. damsel). neitonen = neito.
rour-part; . . rendered (1. sung) by rour
noitsi yjeellinen vlrgln(al), maiden | honor, volces; nelinitt laulua rour-part slnging.
kunnia], maidenly; (puhdas) chastc. neit neli square; (klrjap.) em; (mat.) square
seellisyys vlrglnlty.
number; korottaa nelin = neliid.
neitsy, neitsyt maid(en) ; vlrgln; ~ Ma(a)- neli- (yhd.) square [esim. -jalka square
root; -juuri square root; -kilometri square
ria the Virgin Mary. neitsykinen = neit
kllometer; -mitta square measure; -ponisyt, neitsytkammio malden's bovver. neit
kulma square mlle] , quadratlc [esim. -mit
syys vlrglnlty, maidenhood.
nekku (siirappi-) cone or talTy (1. or but- ta quadratlc measure].
neliid (mat.) square, raise to the second
ter-scotch); (Engl.) cone of toffee.
poxvor. neliiminen squaring.
neli (laukka) gallop.
neli- (yhd.) four- [esim. -lehtinen four- nelinmuotoinen square; quadratlc.
leaved; -nurkkainen rour-cornered; -py- nelj Tour; neljll jalalla (nelinkontin) on
rinen rour-ttheeled; -tivuinen four- ali Tours; jakaa neljn osaan (mys:)
quaitcr; me neljn (miehen) the Tour or
sided], quadr(i)- [esim. -tivuinen quadrl
lateral); (tiet.) tetr(a) [esim. -mitta tet- us, we rour. -kymment rorty.
ramcter]. -aplla(s) four-leaved clover. neljni! istuttava . . vvith seats ror Tour;
-hankainen . . wlth rour oar-locks (1. thole- (esim. automobiilista:) rour-passenger;
plns). -hoteinen (kasv.) . . \vitli four sta- neljnistuttavat krryt carrlage \vltll seats
mens. -Jakoinen divlded In rour; quar- ror four, two-seated carrlage (1. buggy).
tered; (tiet.) quadripartite. -Jalkainen I. -lainen 1. -laatuinen 1. -kaltainen . . or
(a.) four-footed, quadruped. II. (s.) quad- rour (dirrerent) klnds (1. sorts 1. varleties).
rupcd. -Jalkapyt Tour-legged table. -ker neljnneksi in the fourth place, fourthly.
roksinen lour-story [bullding, rakennus]. neljnneksittln quarterly; by the quarler.
nelikko (1. v.) rirkin.
neljnnes rourth (pait), quarter (mys
neli kulmainen rour-cornered, quadrangu- kuun-, vuosi-); (ympyrn) quadrant;
lar, tetragonal. -kulmio quadrangle; tetra- neljnneksiin jaettu (mys:) quartered;
gon. -kymmenvuotias I. (a.) forty years (kello) neljnnett yli kaksi at a quarter
old (1. or age). II. (s.) (mies) man of Torty. past t\vo; kello on neljnneksen kolmatta
-katinen four-handed, quadrumanous. -k- it's a quarter past two (0'ciock); kolme
neljnnett three fourths, three quarters.
tisesti vvlth four hands. -Hitto (hist.)
(Juadruple Alllance. -luokkainen: neliluok- neljnnes- (yhd.) quarter or a(n) . . [esim.
kainen koulu a school wlth four grades (1. -arkki quarter or a sheet; -penikulma quar
four classes). -miehinen . . of rour men (1. ter or a mlle; -tunti quarter or an hour] ;
members) ; nelimiehinen komitea commlt- quarter [esim. -nuotti quarter note; -paussi
quarter rest (1. pause) ; -penikulma quar
tee of four.
nelinen 1. (noin nelj) about four; nettien ter mlle]. -nuotti (mys:) crolchet. -sivu



quarter of a pagre; (nelitalttelsslvu) quarto

page. -vuoti (mys:) quarter, three months.
-vuosittain quarterly, by the quarter,
every three months.
neljn vedettv: neljnvedettavt vaunut
rour-horse carriage. neljs fourth; nel
jnneksi fourthly; neljs Mooseksen kirja
fourth book or the Pentateuch, Numbers.
neljsataa four hundred.
neljs kertainen: neljskertainen varkaus
fourth offense at steallng (1. at theft).
-kymmenes fortleth. -sadas rour hundredth.
neljsti rour times. neljstoista rourteenth.
neljstuhannes four thousandth. nelj
toista Tourteen; neljtoista piv (mys:)
a fortnight. neljtuhatta rour thousand.
nelonen (the number) rour; (korteissa:)
Tour- spot: neloset quadrupIetS; synnytti
neloset (tav.) bore four at one blrth.
nenitse: Jankin close by (I. to) ...
nen nose; (krs) proboscls; (p) end,
head, (krki) point, tip; aivon jonkun ne
nn edess (\. alla) under a p.'s very nose,
right under a p.'s nose, rlght berore a p.'s
eyes, (esim. sulkea ovi) rlght in a p.'s race;
antaa jotakuta nenlle (nolata) make one
reel cheap, (lksytt) give one a (good)
callln(r-down, (Jkpv.) clean one up, brlng
one up standlng, teli one \vhere to get
Off at; hn ei laske Cl. pst) ketn
nenlleen (hyppmn) he does not allow
anybody to sit on him (1. to step on hls
toes 1. to walk over him), he stands up for
hls rights; kallion nenss on (I. at) the
edge or a rock (1. a Cliff); lent nenl
leen ks. langeta; niemen nenss (Out) at
the point (1. the end) of the cape. at the
head of the promontory; seipn nenn
{nenss} at (1. on) the end of a pole.
nen- (yhd.) nose- [esim. -koriste nose ornament; -lasit nose-glasses] , . . of the nose
[esim. -luu bone of the nose; -nipukka tip
f the nose; -rusto cartilage of the nose],
nasal eslrn. -fan nasal bone: -ontelo nasal
ravityj. -apina (ellnt.) proboscls -monkey,
nose ape.
neninen (yhd.) . .-nosed, . . \vlth a . . nose
[esim. pano rcd-nosed, \vlth a rcd nose].
nenkkyys impertlnence, sauciness; impudence. nenkkin (1. v.) Tace to Taen. ne
nkkni Impertlnently, pertly, saucily;
Impudently. nonkkS minx, hussy; (etup.
lapsista:) saucebox. nenks impertlnent,
pert, saucy; (hvytn) Impudent.
nenliina handkerchief; (joskus:) pockethandkerchief. -kangas liandkerrhler Unen.
nenn' Juuri 1. -tyvi root of the nose. -pieli:
haava nennpieless \vltli a \vound beslde
one's nose. -p tl|) or the nose. -varsi rldge
of the nose. -vuoto nosebleccl.
nen "peili (lk.) nasal spenulum. -polyyppi
polypus of the nose. -rillit 1. -kakkulat
nose-glasses. -varsi = nennvarsi, -veren
vuoto nosebleed. -ni nasal tone (I.
twang); puhua nen-nell (mys:) taik
through one's nose, nasallze. -nne (klel.)
nasal (sound).
nero genius; aikamme nerot the geniuscs (1.
the shinlng Ughts) of our age.
nerokas Ingenious [device, laite], artrul;
(Ihmisest:) . . or genius, (lahjakas) hlghly girted, talented; ~ ajatus brilliant (I.
lngenlous) idea; mies f keksij, runoilija
y. m.] man [lnvcntor, poet, etc] or gen
ius, nerokkaasti Ingenlously, artrully; brllllantly. nerokkuus Ingenulty, Ingenlousness; (nero) genius, nerollinen, nerollisuus ks. nerokas, nerokkuus.
neron- (yhd.) .. of genius [esim. -leimah
dus 1. -vlhdys flash oT genius; -luoma
creatlon of genius], -lahjat talents. -nyte

example (1. speclmen 1. sample) of one's

genius, -tuot* product (1. work) of genius.
neropatti (1. v.) vvonder, genius. ,
neste llquld; (Joskus:) llquor; (kasvin, ruu
miin y. m.) fluld; (biol.) plasma, -mitta
liquid measure.
nesteminen fluld, liquid; nestemisess
muodossa in liquid State; nestemiset ai
neet riuids, llqulds.
nestel! mr amount or liquid. -patsas ol
ijiini or llquld (1. of riuld).
netto (Hik.) net [amount. eight, value, etc.].
netto- (yhd.) net [esim. -lisys net increase; -tulo net income; -tuotanto net
Production; -voitto net proflt(s)]. -hinta
net prlce. -paino net welght. -tonnimr
net tonnage.
neula (silm-) needle; (nuppi-, hius-) pin;
Vrt. haka , hattu ~, hius, parsin , solki.
neula- (yhd.) needle- [esim. -kirja needlebook; -tehdas ncerile-faclory] ; (nuppineu
la-) pin- [esim. -tehdas pln-ractory; -tyyny
pin-cushlon]. -kotelo needle-case; package or needles (I. of plns). -kuppi 1. -lau
tanen 1. -vati pln-tray.
neulamalnen needlelike, needle-shaped.
neulanen (havupuun) needle, (Joskus:) leaf.
neulani! kanta ks. neulannuppi. -krki point
of a needle, needle-point; pln-polnt. -muo
toinen needle-shaped: vrt. neulamalnen.
-nuppi head of a pin, pln-head. -pisto
stltch; prick vvith (1. of) a needle (1. a
pin), pin-prlck. -reik pin-prick, ncedleprick. -silm eye of a needle: (kuv. = ah
das kytv) needle's eye.
neula paperi paper (1. package) of needles
(1. or pins).- -rahat pln-money. -teollisuus
manuracture of needles [of pins] ; needle
neule (ompelus) sewlng; needle\vork; (puik
ko) knittlng; (koru) embroldery, fancyvvork; (-laiika) seuing-cotton, thread.
neuloa (ommella) sew [a button on a coat,
nappi takkiin], (koruompelua) uork, embrolder, (ksin tai ompelukoneella) slltch,
(peitteit y. m.) quilt; (kutoa puikoilla)
knit; (valmistaa) make [a drcss, puku];
(tehd neulomatyt) do sevvlng, do needlework; ahkerasti he sew!ng buslly, be
plylng the needle; kiinni sew up, (esim.
haava) stltch up, take rthree, rour, etc]
stltches, (esim. nappi takkiin) sew on (securely) ; hn istui ja neuloi she sat sevvlng,
she sat at her neertlevvork, she \vas busy
wlth her needle. neuloja one \vho se\vs (I.
Stitches); mys = ompellja(tar).
neuloma- (yhd.) ks. ompelu-.
neulominen se\ving; stitchlng: knltting:
vrt. neuloa, neulomuj se\vlng; needle\vork.
neulonta 1. * neulominen; vrt. ompelu; 2.
= seur. neulos sewlng, necdleuork; knlt
ting; (pistos) stltch.
neutri (klel.) neuternoun [pronoun]; (neutrlsuku) neutcr (gender). -sukuinen neuter.
neuvo advlce, counsel; (esitys, hoksautus)
suggestion; hint; (neuvonta) reeommendatlon; (keino) way (out), expedient,
means; remedy; (tieto) Information; (oh
je, osotus) dirertlon, lnstructlon; neuvoin
ja toimin In Word and (In) decd; Jonkun
neuvosta by (1. on) a p.'s advlce, by (1. on)
the advlce or . . , on a p.'s rerommendation, at (1. on) a p.'s suggestion Ihuom.
lienen neuvosta on \vhose advice? acrordlng to whose dlrectlons?] ; neuvot (kalus
to) servlce, set, (kalut) tools, implements,
errects, (tarpeet) materlals, belonglngs,
appurtenanoes, paraphernalla, (vlineet)
outrit, equlpment, vrt. kahvineuvot, opetusneuvot y. m.; ehkp jokin neuvoksi
tulee something (l. some way) will turn



up (1. some way wlll be found), I [we]

hope; we wili manage It somebow (, I
hope)i ei ollut (mitn) monta neuvoa
there was no (other) cholce (1. alternatlve), there was no other way, there was
nothing else to be done; ti tul muu navoksi kuin . . , muuta neuvoa ei ole kuin . .
there remains nothing else but . . , there is
no other choice (1. course 1. way) left
than (I. but) . .; en tied, mik neuvoksi
tulee I tlon't know what to do (1. how to
manage) (under the clrcumstances), I
don't know any way at ali (1. on earth), I
don't knovv any earthly means, (olen ym
mll) I am perrectly nonplus(s)ed (1. bewlldered), (neuvotonna) I am (completely) at my wit's end; hyvi neuvoja (some)
good advlce (1. counsel), some good suggestlons, (tietoja) valuable Inrormatlon;
hn tiet neuvot kaikkeen (\. kaikki neu
vot) he knows (1. has) a remedy Tor everythlng, he knows how to flx everything, there
lsn't anythlng he can't set to rlghts (1. set
rlght) ; kyll aika neuvon antaa (1. V.) tiine
\v 1 1 1 teli ; meill ei ole muuta neuvoa kuin . .
(mys:) no other course Is (1. there Is no
other course) open to us than to . .; mik
minulle tulee neuvoksi (mihin ryhtyisin)
\vhat am I to do? \vhat shall I do? mik
(tulee, tuli) neuvoksi (mit tehd) \vhat
Is one to do?
neuvoa advlse [one to go, to take care, etc,
Jotakuta menemn, pitmn huolta Jne.] ;
(kehottaa) counsel, recommend [one to
apply for a position, Jotakuta hakemaan
Jotakin tointa] ; (nytt) show [one the
way, jollekulle tle(t)], (sanoa) teli [one
how to do a th., Jotakuta miten Jokin on
tehtv]; (osottaa) refer [one to a lawyer, Joku lakimiehen luo] ; (opastaa) guide,
Instnict, glve dlrectlons (1. lnstructlons)
[to one. Jotakuta]; (opettaa) teach; (an
taa tietoa, llmottaa) inform; (johtaa mie
leen) suggest, prompt; (antaa) glve, Impart [to . .], Inspire [with . .] ; lap
sille aakkosia teacb the children the alphabet: ~ Jollekulle miten tehd . . teli (1.
show l. teach 1. Instnict) one how to do a
th.; ~ jollekulle mit hnen on sanottava
teli one \vhat to say, prompt one, (panna
sanat suuhun) put the vvords Into a p.'s
Illulltll; Jotakuta olemaan mahdollisim
man varovainen advise one to use extrerne
cautlon (1. tobe very cautlous); ~ Joku tielle
show one (out to) the road, guide one (1.
leart one out) to the road; ~ tyt jolle
kulle teli one whero to flnd work; neuvo
minulle, mist saa . . teli me where to get
. . ; hnet neuvottiin paraimmille paikoille
(vietiin) he was shown to one of the best
seatS (1. places); hn neuvoi minua otta
maan tmn (myfls:) he rcrommended thls
to mc ; kuka voisi minulle, miss hn
asuu (sanoa) who could teli me where he
Ilves, (nytt) who could show (l. dlrect)
me to hls restdence, (antaa osotteen) who
could glve (l. furnish) me hls address?
minut neuvottiin (menemn) hnen luok
seen I was referred (1. was told to go 1.
was dlrected) to hlm.
neuvoja advlser, counseKDor; (vfr.) Instructor; karjanhoidon expert In stockralslng; vrt. maanviljelyksen.
neuvokas (kekselis) inventlve, resourcerul;
ready-witted, ingenlous; (nokkela) smart,
runnlng; (ovela) clever, crafty; (lyks)
Judlclous, wlse, prudont, dlscreet; (pt
tvinen) resolute. neuvokkaasti resourcerully; ingcnlously; cunningly, cleverly;
wlsely, prudontly, dlscreetly; resolutely;
vrt. edell. neuvokkaisuus resourcefulness,

Inventlveness, lngenuity; smartness, cleverness, cunnlng; wisdom, prudence, good

sense, discretlon; resoluteness, resolutlon.
presence of mlnd; vrt. neuvokas, neuvokki
(neuvo) advlce, counsel; suggestion; (neu
vottelu) consultatlon, dellberatlon; (osotus) instructlon. neuvokkuus = neuvokkai
suus. neuvominen advising jne., ks. neuvoa.
neuvon antaja advlser, counseKDor. -pide
consultatlon, dellberatlon, conrerence.
neuvos (yhd.) councll(l)or [esim. valtio
councllor or State], -kunta council; nenvoskunnan jsen (mys:) counciHDor.
-mies member or the council; (raati)
member or the city admlnistratlon. -pyt
councll-board (I. -table); kuninkaan neuvospydn ress In the king's council.
neuvosto council; (kollegi) board; (halli
tus-) cablnet; vrt. hallinto, kirkko,
pualue , valtakunnan V. m.
neuvotella consuit [(wlth) one about a th.,
Jonkun kanssa Jostakin], take counsel (1.
advlce) [with ..], advlse [wlth . .] ; conrer [wlth one about ..], deliberate [upon
(1. about) a matter, Jostakin asiasta] -. negOtiate, treat [Wlth . .]; rauhanehdoista
treat Tor terms of peace, negotlate (the)
terms Of peace; yhteisesti (l. keskenn)
confer, deliberate, take counsel (together),
(Ik.) have (1. hold) a consultatlon, (kes
kustella) discuss, (tuumitella) reason to
neuvoton irresolute, (epriv) hesltating;
(hmmentynyt) perplexed, puzzled (how
to act), . . at a loss to know what to do,
at one's wit's end: (kasv. & biol.) neuter;
hn ei j neuvottomaksi hc'11 flnd a way
out of It, he' 11 know what to do; olla neu
vottomana not know what to do, be Irreso
lute, (kahdella pll) be in two minls.
neuvotteleminen consultatlon, deiiberation.
neuvotteleva deliberative; Consulting [physlclan, lkri].
neuvottelu consultatlon, conference, dellb
eratlon; negotlatlon; (keskustelu) dlscussion; olla neuvotteluissa jostakin carry on
negotlatlons about (1. concerning) a th.
-kokoui conference.
neuvottomastl irresolutely; (avuttomasti)
helplessly; (epriden) hesltatingly. neu
vottomuus lrresolutlon, hesltation, indetermlnation:
neuvovani advislngly, Instructlvcly.
neva (suo) marsh, swamp, fen; bog. nevainen marshy, swampy; boggy.
nide (kirjan) blnding; mys = nidos.
nidonta stltching, sewing; (sidonta) blnd
ing. nidos (kappale, osa) volume; mys =
nide. nidottaa have . . stltched (1. sewed) :
(sidottaa) have . . bound [ together, yhteen ] .
nielaista swa!low, get . . down, gulp; ki
taansa (esim. maa) engulf, swallow up;
vrt. niell, nielaisu swallowlng; mys =
seur. nielaus swallow, gulp; (siemaus)
ilralt. nieleksii = nieleskell, nieleminen
swallowing; devourlng. nielemisvaivat difficulty In swallowlng. nieleskell be (1.
keep) swallowing. nieleskely swa!lowing.
nielett make [one] keep swallowlng;
minua nielett I have to keep swallo\vlng.
niell swallow [the balt, sytti; one's vexation, harminsa]; (ahmien) gulp; devour;
(kitaansa) swallow up, (esim. maasta pu
huen:) engulf; (kuv.) pocket [an arrront,
solvaus], put up with, (kuluttaa) absorb,
ronsume; sanoja(an) swallow (halD
one's xvords; saada solvauksia (mys:)
have to eat dust (1. dlrt).
nielu throat; (anat.) pharynx; (kita) mouth;



(aukko) entrance. -risa (anat.) tonsll;

nitlurisain tulehdut (lk.) tonsillltls,
(mrkiv) qumsy. -tulahdua lnflammatlon
or ttie pharynx.
niemeke point (of land), cape; (pitk, estinpistv) tongue (1. splt) of land; (korkea)
promontory, headland, foreland ; vrt. niemi.
niemen|klrkl 1. -nen poltit (1. end 1. head)
of the [a] cape; niemennents at tbe (extreme) end of the cape; vrt. nen.
niemi cape, point; (niemeke) promontory;
(-maa) peninsula, -maa peninsula,
nieriiinen (eltnt.) char(r).
nietoksinen . . full of (snow-)drifts, drirty
(1. drlfted) [road, tie]; (yhd.) wlth ..
(snovv-)drirts (esim. korkea (covered)
with btgh (snow-) drirts].
nietos drift (Of snow) ; nietosten peitossa
covered wlth (I. by) snovv-drirts; kasata
(l. kert) nietoksiin drift; lumi on kor
keina nietokeina the snow has forinnd (1.
Is in) hlgh drirts. nietostaa drift. nietostua rorm drirts, (be) drlft(ed).
rihertl* toll (and moll), drudge, tug;
kokoon (sst) scrape together.
nihilismi nlhilism. nihilistl nihlllst.
nihkeys dampness, molstness. nihkeyty
hecome (I. get) damp (1. molst). nihke
rtamp, moist.
niiaaminen curtsylng. niiata make (1. drop)
a curts(e)y, curtsy, courtcsy; niiaa nyt
kauniisti rouvalle drop a pretty curts(e)y
now to my lady! niiata syvn s\veep a
curtsy. niiaus curts(e)y; curtsylnir.
niidensilm* heddie-eye. niidet heddle.
niikseen, niiksi: jos ~ tulee (jos tosi tulee)
ir It comes to that (1. to a plnch) , ir need be.
Niili virta the (river) Nile, Nlle rlver.
niin so: that \vay; (siten) thus; (samoin)
also, llkewise; (vastauksissa:) yes; ~ err
.. so that . .; hyv kasvatus on harvi~
nainen such a good educatlon (1. so i
an educatlon) ls not common; hyv kuin
se onkin be it ever so good, no matter how
good it IS; ~ hn kuin muutkin hoth he
and others, (samoin) he as well as otliers;
hn puhui thus he spoke, those \vere hls
(very) wordS; ikn ks. niinikn (hakus.) ; ~ ja nin (rather 1. Just) so so,
Just (1. pretty) mlddling, fairly well; ~
kauan ku(i)n as long as; ~ kuningas kuin
hn onkin klng though he be; ~ muodoin
ks. niinmuodoin (haklis.) ; ~ no (very) Weil
(theni ! oli hnen nimens (se oli) that
was his name; o/Zen under such clrcumstances, this (1. such) being the case, that
beintr SO; vrt. niinmuodoin; ~ on minunkin
laitani it is the same with me, It Is so (1.
that Vi" ay) \vlth me, too; sanoakseni SO
to speak, you mlght say; ~ anottu ;iyh.:
n. S.] SO-called; aivan ~ on minunkin ..
laita it Is that way \vith my . . , too; it Is the
same vvlth my . . , too; eik l<n't that so
(I. trtiei? lsn't that the way it is (I. the
\vav of lt?) Ihuom. sin olet terve, eik
you are \vell, aren't you? sit sin tarkotat, eik you mean that, don't you? ] ; ei
~ mitn nothing at ali; ei ~ pennikn
not a (single) cent (1. penny), (Jkpv.)
nevcr a cent, not a red cent; en ole koskaan
ennen nhnyt ~ ystvllisi ihmisi I have
nevcr seen such kind pcople (1. pcople so
klnd) before; hn teki he dld so, that
\vas the \vay ho did; jos olisi (laita) lf
It was (I. werej SO, were it so; me olimme
~ hmmstynein, ettemme
such (1. so great) was our astonlshment
that WC did not . .; milloin ~, milloin nin
now this way, now that; now one (1. thls)
way. now another; mit what? onfco se
(nyt) ~ vlttmtnt ls lt so necessary


then? does lt really have to be done? 13 lt

then as necessary as you thlnk? vai ~,
sin et siis halua menn SO, you don't \vant
to go? you don't want to go, then?
niini bast, bass.
niini- (yhd.) bast, bass [esim. -kysi bast
(1. bass) rope; -matto bast (1. bass) mat].
niinikn (samoin) llkewlse. In llke manner;
(myskin) also, too, . . as well; (Juuri
niin) qulte (1. Just) so! exactly!
nilnipuu (europpalainen) llnden, bast-tree;
(amerikkalainen) basswood; vrt. lehmus,
-mets llnden \voods.
niini]syy 1. -solu bast-flber, bast-cell.
niinkuin as [I do, min teen], llke [me, mi
n] ; ~ kaikki muutkin llke ali the rest,
llke everybody else.
niinkn: ei vhinen not so small; not
Small at ali; ei se ~ hauskaa ole It ls not
so partlcularly (1. not so very) pleasant,
lt ls not so pleasant as one would thlnk;
hn ei ole tyytyvinen he ls not SO very
(1. not partlcularly) satisfied, he ls not
oversatlsfled, he ls not as pleased as one
would think; hn ei ole vrss (el
kovinkaan) he ls not so (much In the)
wrong after ali, he ls not so rar out of the
way (1. so much off the track) [when he
says . . , sanoessaan . .] ; hn ei voi hy
vin (el kovinkaan) he is not so very well
arter ali. niinkhn (tokkohan) really?
lndeed? niinkhn suuri se (todella) on
1 \vonder ir lt really ls that big? niinkhn
se oli I wonder ir lt really vvas so? \vas It
so, lndeed'
niinmuodoin (siis) consequently. In consequence, therefore, accordlngly, hence;
(niin ollen) thus, so, then; me olemme ~ . .
(mys:) wc arc, then, . . . nlinpianku(i)n
as soon as; (Engl.) dlrectly [he saw me . . ,
hn nki minut ..]. niinp: niinp niin
(aivan niin) exactly, quite so, (mynnet
tess:) oh, yes; (yes,) certainly! (yes,)
or course! niinp on (asia) thafs the case,
(pit paikkansa) lt is true, (you are)
qulte right (ahout that), correct! niinpin
that Way; SO; thus; asia kntyi niinpin
the arralr took such a turn.
niisi cord of a heddle; niidet heddle; panna
niisiin heddle. -koukku heddlehook. -puut
(loom-)hainess. -varpa shaft.
niisi heddle.
nilsku(tU)a (nyyhkytt) sob: snurfle.
niistin, niistj snufrer. niistminen (ne
nn) blowtng (1. wlping) one's nose;
(kynttiln y. m.) snufflng. niist blow
[one's nose, nen()ns], wlpe [the chlld's
nose. lapsen nen] ; blow (1. wlpe) the
nose; (katkaista p tai karsi) snuff la
canrtle, kynttil].
niitata (kotkata) rlvet; cllnch.
niitinen (vhd.) . .-lcar [esim. kolmi~ thrcelear; nK four-lear].
nlittaus rlvetlng (mys konkr.) ; clinching.
-kone rlvettng-machine.
niitti rivet. -kanta rivet-heart. -kone rivetmachlne. -liitos rlvet-jolnt; rlveted Joint,
-reik rlvet-liole.
niitto rno\ving", cuttlng; ovat heinnniitossa
are mowing (I. cuttlng) (the) hny. -kone
movvlng-niachine, mower; vrt. leikkuukone.
-mle3 one \vho mows, mower. yki men
to mow, mowers; (hein-) haymakers.
niitty meadow; (run.) mead, lea; (etup.
yhd.) field [esim. apila- field of clover] ;
(laidun) pasture; vrt. hein , kylv y. m.
niitty- (yhd.) meadow- [esim. -hukka meadow-flo\ver; -ruo/io meadow-grass]. -lato
shed for hay out In the rield. -maa meadow-iand, mcadovv-ground. -mato grassworm. -nurmikka (kasv.)



-palsta patcb of meadovv. -Mia (kasv.)

cotton-grass. cotton-rusti.
niittj = niittomies. niittminen mowlng,
rutting. niittamtn unmown, uncut; . .
not mown (1. cut) ; standing, grovvlng.
niittaa mow; mow down; (korjata) reap
[graln, viljaa]; (leikata) cut; niitty
mow a meadow, mow a fleld; mink kyl
v, sen saa ~ v, liat one sovvs that sball
he also reap.
niitantl niittminen, niittt bave . .
movved (1. CUt); niittt heinns jollakalla have a p. cut (1. mo\v) one's hay.
nikama (anat.) vertebra; (nivel) Joint,
artlculatlon: vrt. kaula, rinta-, selk-.
nikaman || kaari (anat.) neural arcb. -tuleh
dus Inriammation or the vertebras.
nikarrella (nikkaroida) do some carpenterIng; (nperrell) potter (about), (be) tlnker(lng). nikartelu carpentering; ttnkerlng.
nikka hlccup, hlccough.
nikkari ks. puusepp, nikkaroida do (some)
carpenterlng, do a piece of carpentervvork. nikkaroiminen carpenterlng.
nikkeli (-metalli) nickel.
nikkeli- (ybd.) nickel [esim. -kaivos nickel
mlne; -malmi nickel ore; -raha nickel
money], -lejeerinkl (kem.) alloy or nickel.
nikkelinen . . (made) of nickel, nickel. nikkeliteokset nlckelvvare. nikkelldl (plate
\vlth) nickel, nlckel-plate. nlkkeiiminen
nikkelity nlckel-plated,
nlckeHDed. nlklata, nlklattu - nlkkelid,
nlkkelity. niklaus nlckel-platlng.
Nikolai Nicholas; (Jkpv.) Nick.
nikotella hlccup, hlccougb.
nikotiini (tupakkamyrkky) nlcotin(e). -myr
kytys nlcotln(e)-poisonlng.
nikottaa: minua ~ I have the hlccups. I am
hlccuplng; panna nikottamaan make . . hlc
cup. nikotua hlccup, hlccough. nikotuttaa
= nikottaa.
nikcahdus snap; crack, niksahtaa snap;
niksi trlck (or the trade); rine polnt.
nila (ilma) sllme, (luonnont.) mucus; (jl
si) sap; (niini) bast, bass. -kerros (ihon)
mucous layer.
nilja (Ilma) sllme, mucus; (liukkaus) slipperiness. niljaantua become (1. get 1. grow)
sllmy (1. slippery). nlljahtaa nuljahtaa.
nlljainen, niljakas, niljakka slimy, mucous,
mucilaginous; (liukas, livettv) slippery.
niljakkuus sllminess; slipperiness. niljelle,
niljell ks. nilki.
nilkahdus (nyrjhdys) sprain; (onnahdus)
llmp. nilkahtaa (nyrjht) be (1. get)
sprained, be put out or Joint; (onnahiaa)
limp [slightly, hiukan].
nilki: menn' niljelle (nirhautua) get rubbed
(1. chared 1. galled) ; olla niljell be chared,
be galled.
nilkka ankle; (anat.) tarsus; (kinttu) hock;
nilkkaan asti up to one's ankles, ankle -deep.
nilkka- (yhd.) ankle- [esim. -nivel ankleJoint].
nilkkainen (yhd.) . . with . . ankles [esim.
hoikka \vith siendor ankles; paksu- \vlth
large ankles].
nilkkaluu ankle hone, astragal(us) ; nilkkaluut bones of tlie ankle.
nilkku I. (a.) lame; limplng, hait. II. (s.)
lame person; nilkut the lame, the hait.
nilkuttaa (ontua) limp, be lame, hobble;
nilkuttaa toista jalkaansa be lame in one
leg; kvell nilkuttaa walk lame, (\valk
\vith a) limp, hobble. nilkuttaminen limp
lng-; hobbling. nilkutus limp(lng); hobbllng, hobble.
nilviinen (eltnt.) mollusk.
nimellinen named, called; (nimellis-) noml-


nai [value, arvo] ; tltular; jonkin ~ naraod

. . , called . .; olipa (se) mink nimellist
tahansa whatever be its name; sen
(niminen) by (1. or) that name, bearlng (1.
golng by) that name; vrt. niminen, nimel
lisarvo nomlnal value: (esim. osakkeen)
Tace value; [myyd] nimellisarvosta [sell]
at race value, [sell] at par. nimellisesti
nominally; ainoastaan nimellisesti In name
only, only nominally.
nimen 'huuto roll-call; toimittaa nimenhuuto
call the roll. -muutos 1. -muutto change or
nimenomaan expressly, explicltly; (erikoi
sesti) specirically; partlcularly. nimen
omainen express, explicit; (jyrkk) dennite, clear, dlstlnct.
nimen;pano naming; (-merkint johonkin)
slgning (one's name). -sekaannus nlmierehdys.
niment (klel.) nomlnative (case).
nimettmyys namelessness; kirjotuksen
(tav.) the artlcle belng anonymous (1.
unslgned). nimettomstl anonyniously.
nimet (mention by) name; call, denomlnate; (mainita) mention, cite: joka to
distajaksi mention one who could be called
as a vitness.
nimetn nameless; (nimen llmottamaton)
anonymous [author, tekij] : (tiet.) innomlnate; sormi ring-ringer, thlrd ringer; vrt. nimittmtn.
nimeminen naming; mentioning, citfng.
nimi name; tltle; [ainoastaan] nimeksi in
name [only], (nimellisesti) nominally.
(hiukkanen) a little, a trifle, a tiny bit, a
rew, very rew, slightly, to a slight degree
[huom. olihan sit siell nimeksi (mys:)
well, there was (Just) a semblanre or it
there]; Jonkin [Jonkun] nimell (nimise
n) under the name or . . , (joskus:) as . . ,
(jonkin varjolla) under the pretext (1.
guise) or ... (nimiss) in one's name
[CSim. rahat ovat hnen nimelln the
money Is In hls name; ystvyyden nimell
under the pretext (I. the guise) or rrientlship]; nimelt (n) by (the) name (Of ..).
named, called, bearlng (1. going by) the
name or . . [huom. esim. poika, nimelt
Pekka a boy by the name or Peter; a boy.
Peter by name; a boy named Peter; tunsin
hnet nimelt I kne\v hlm by name] : Jonkin
[jonkun] nimess in the name or ... In
one's name, (puolesta) on behair or . . , In
(1. on) one'S behaU [esim. ihmisyyden ni
mess in the name or humanity; minun ni
messni In my name, In my behair]; jon
kun nimiss in a p. 'S name; antaa jollekulle
jonkin [jonkun] mukaan name one aiter
(1. Tor) somethlng [somebody]; antaa (l.
panna) jonkin (h jollekin) nimeksi . . call
(1. name) a th. .., give a th. the name
(or) . .; hnell on ~ miest myten he
deserves hls name, hls name Is not a mlsnomer; Juhana the name (or) John;
kulkee sill nimell goes (1. is kno\vn) by
that name; luetella nimelt(n) kaikki listallaolijat call (1. read) over (ali) the
names on the Ust; mik Cl. kuha) hn on
nimeltn, mik hnen nimens on \vhat is
his name? [ottaa] omiin nimiins [takel
In one's o\vn name, (haltuunsa) itake]
over; tunnetaan nimell . . is knoun (1.
goes) by the name or . .: vain siksi nimeksi
in name only, only nominally, (vain hiuk
kasen) only a little, nothlng (I. not much)
to speak or.
nimi- (yhd.) name- [esim. -laatta nameplate; -pyhimys name-salnt] : tltle- [esim.
-sivu (kirjan) title-page] ; (nimellinen) nom
lnal [esim. -kristitty nominal Christian].

nimisnsekaannus niistk in the names, con- m.) nomlnation; (virkaan y. m.) appolnting,
fusion 'Jkpv.: mlx-up] In the names.
appolntment. nimiimtn unnamed, not
nimiterehdye mistake in the naine, -huuto named, not mentloned; (tiet.) innomlnate.
nimitt (nimelt) name; (Joksikin) terni;
(antaa nimi) glve a name [to . . , Jokin];
nimike title; (otsikko) headlng.
nimi kilpi slgn; (ovessa) door-plate, name- (virallisesti) appolnt [one (an) ambassaplate. -kirja reglster, roll, Ust. -kirjain dor, Joku lhettilksi; a commlttee, ko
Inltial (letter); nimikirjaimet lnitlals. -kir- mitea], make, create; (Joku Johonkin luottotoimeen tai ehdokkaaksi Johonkin vir
Jotua signature.
nimikko nainesake. -hevonen [-puu, -vana kaan) nomlnate [one (a) candldate ror
Jne.] (Jonkun) a p.'s horse [tree, colt, governor, Joku kuvernrlnehdokkaaksi;
an executor ofawlll. testamentin toimeen
etc.J. -poika [one's] nainesake.
nimi kortti (kynti-) visltingr-card, (call- panija] ; (arvonimelt) style, glve . . a title;
lng-)card; (liikemiehen) huslness-card. (kutsua) call; denomlnate; jokin joku
-kristitty (mys:) hypocrlte, pretended jonkin [jonkun] mukaan name . . after (1.
Christian, -kuvio monogram; (kirjassa; for 1. In iiii) . .; hnen nimens oli oikeas
tltle-page vignette; head-piece. -laatta taan Juho, mutta kaikki nimittivt hnt
(ovessa) door-plate. -lehti (kirjan) title- Janneksi hi- name really was John, but
page. -leima stamped signature; seal; everybody called hrm Johnnle; hnet nimi
mys = seur. -leimasin (autograph) stainp. tettiin (yliopiston) lehtoriksi he was ap-levy = nimi | laatta, -kilpi, -lippu 1. -lappu polnted (an) instructor; miten (\. miksi)
sllp of paper (on whlch the name of a hnt nimitetn how Is he styled, what
title Is glven llilll .' miksi minun on hnt
contestant, etc. is wrltten); (nestyslip
pu) ballot; (tavarallppu) label, tlcket; vrt. nimitettv (puhuteltava) what title am 1
nimilevy. -lista ks. seur. -luettelo list of to glve htm, how am I to address hlm?
names; roll; (nestys-) registration list; nimituomari ks. varatuomari.
aakkosellinen nimiluettelo index Of liilllirs. nimitya name, term, appellatlon, denomina-merkki signature; (kirjailijan y. m.) pen- tion; (lis-) eplthet; (arvo- y. m.) title;
name; (koristeellinen) monogram; nimi
(virka-) appolntment, Commission; (ehdo
merkit (= nimikirjaimet) lnitlals.
kas-) nomlnation; (ritariksi y. m.) creaniminen named . . , called . .; . . by name, tion; vrt. kunnia, -asia appolntment. -oi
by the name or . .; Antti miss a man by keus rlght or nomlnation (1. or nominatlng) ;
the name or Andrew, a man called. (1. right to appolnt, power or appolntment.
named) Andrew; a man, Andrew by name; nimivirka orrice In name only; nomlnal (1.
Aura nimisell laivalla on the "Aura"; tltular) orrice.
mink by (1. Oi) wbat name? mink nimi (kirjap.) title. -kirjasin 1. -kirjako
mies a man by (1. of) \vhat name? title type, title.
mink te on what name does lt go by? nipin: ~ napin ks. tin (tuskin); hn ehti ~
what is tts name? what Is it called? ru
napin junaan he caught the train \\ uh no
ma . . with (l. or) an ugly (1. a homely) tlme
to spare, he barely (1. just) caught
name; sen . . by that name, . . of that the train.
(1. of such) name; toisen ~ . . of anotber nipistell be (1. keep) pinchlng.
name, . . of a different name.
nipistin: nipistimst tweezers, nippers. -pih
nimiosa (nytelmn) leading pari; title rle. dit pinchers; nippers.
nimipiv calendar day honored by a name; nipistys pinchlng, nipplng; plnch; gripe.
(harvoin:) name-day; viett nimipivn
nipistminen pinchlng; nipping. nipist
s celebrate tbe ralendar day honored by plnch [a p.'s ear (nose), Jotakuta korvasta
the name a p. bears. -lahja name-day pres- (nenst)], nip; tweak; (tarttua) grip;
ent. -onnittelu compltments of the day.
nipist pois (\. poikki) nip oli ; mahaani
nimisana (klel. ) noun.
nipist my stomach grlpes.
nimismiehen;: konttori (1. v. Yhdysv.) sher- nippu (tukku) bundle; (kimppu) Tasclcle,
cluster; bunch; (pakka) bale; hein- bale
trfs ofrice. -virka sheriffs orrice.
nimismies (I. v. Yhdysv.) sheriff; (Engl., or hay, (lyh) bundle or hay.
mys:) bailirr, sheriffs orficer. -piiri (1. nipuittain In (1. by) bundles, by the bundle;
by (1. in) bales, by the bale; bundles (1.
v. Yhdysv.) county; (Engl.) baillwlck.
nimist list of names; (rekisteri) reglster bales) or . . .
(or names); (osotekalenteri) dlrectory; nipukka tip; (nirkko) corner; (krki) point;
(leikattu) snip; nenn tip or the nose.
(sanasto) nomenclature; termlnology.
nimi iltapa (klel.) Inflnitive. -taulu (esim. niputtaa make (up) into (1. tie up in) a
suurten rakennusten eteisiss) bulletin- bundle (I. bundles), tie Into bundles; (pan
linard; mys nimikilpi.
na pakkoihin) bale [hay, heini], niputta
nimitell name; (kutsua) call; ("haukkua") minen, niputus maklng into bundles; ballng.
call names, hurl eplthets at one, Jotakuta] ; nirhaaminen, gnawing jne., vrt. nirhata,
nimitteli minua koiraksi ja vaikka miksi nirhalaltainen (kasv.) dentate, sinuate.
called me a cur and what not. nlmlttele- nirhama graze(d place), abraslon. nirhata
(kalvaa) gnaw; (hangata) chafe, gall;
minen, nimittely namlng, calling names.
nimittin narnely [lyhennettyn: viz.l; that bark, rret (the skln, ihoa] ; (riipaista) graze,
is to say; (tav. luk.) to wit; [selittvn scratch, (kihnuttaa) rub (ofD, abrade.
sanana kytettess nimittin usein on nirkko (sharp) point; tip; (trlangular) lobe;
knnettv kiertmll tai Jtetn se toi
(leikattu) snip.
sinaan kntmttkln, esim. asia on nirpist nyrpist.
niin, ett . . the fact (1. the case 1. the nirppanen sauce-box. hussy, mlnx.
t ruth) IS that . .; Kaario ei voinut tulla nirskahdus grating sound; creak, squeak.
hn oli ~ sairaana Charles \vus unable to nirskahtaa (make a) creak, squeak; grate.
come because (1. Tor 1. as) he was slck, nirskahtaminen creakiug Jne., ks. edell.
belng slck Charles could not come; olin nirskua creak, squeak; grate.
sairaana enk (niin ollen) voinut pst niska nenk, back (1. napc) or the neck; jon
(you see I. you know) I was slck and could kun niskaan (kimppuun) on a p., on a p.-s
not come].
track; jonkun niskoille on a p., on(to) a
nimittj (mat.) denomlnator. nimittmi
p.'S Shoulders, ks. lykt; kosken nis
nen namlng; calling; (vaaliehdokkaiden y. kassa (Just 1. rlgbt) above tbe vvaterfall.

at the bead or tbe rapids; olla / nt- straitened (1. pinched) circumstances;
koilla (valvana) be a burden to one, be a myos niukalta.
drag on a p. [huom. * on kaikkl Hantn niukennus reduction; curtailment, niukenniskoillaan he has all that on bis bands]. taa make (more) scanty (1. meager 1. fru
niska harjas: 'an niskaharjakstt bristles gal); reduce, curtail, scant; stint; (va
on a hog's neck, -hlrsl (rak.) sleeper; hen tas ) cut down.
(ffround)slll, groundsel.
niukln: naufcin ks. tain (tuskln).
niskainen (yhd.) . .-necked [eslm. aykks~ niukka scant(y); (rather) short [measure,
mitta], sklmp(y), skimped; slight, mea
niska kampa back-comb, -karm back hair, ger; niggardly; (harvinalnen, vhlukui-kuoppa hollow (In the back 1. at the nape) nen) sparse, scarce; (kehno) poor, frugal
of the neck, -luu neck-bone, bone ot the [meal, atera] ; niahat tirJot poor (1. mea
ger) knowledge; scant(y) Information;
neck, -mukura occipital condyle.
niskanen girder; Joist.
niukat tulot scanty (1. straitened) Income;
niska palmikko cue, queue; (jkpv.) pigtail. niukimmillaan at Its [their] scant(l)est, (at
their) scarcest, shortest; ~ raointo poor
-puu joist.
(l. sparing) diet, scanty (1. meager) fare,
niskotella be (1. show o. s.) refractory [to
wards one, Jotakuta vastaan], be (1. show (rllitmatn) Insufficient food; ~ (roofco-)
o..s.) insubordinate, not be amenable to anna* short ration, small allowance, pit
discipline; (olla Itseplnen) be obstinate, tance; ~ taimccnliila (1. data*) Scant (1.
be mulish. niskoUeleminen - niskottelu. meager 1. bare) living, bare subsistence
niskotteleva refractory, Insubordinate; (it- [huom. heillj on ~ toimeentalo they are
sepalnen) obstinate, mulish, niskottelevai- rather pinched, they are living in narrow
euus niskottelu. nijkottelija refractory (1. in poor) circumstances] ; ~ vomito
person; stubborn (1. obstinate) person, scanty supply, -antoinen . . yielding little,
mule, niskottelu being refractory (1. ob poor [soil, maanlaatu].
stinate); refractoriness, contumacy; (Itse- niukkuui scantiness, scarceness, scarcity,
jiiilsyys) stubbornness, mullshness. nls- meagerness; poorness; frugality; vrt.
kottelutuomio (lak.) Judgment by default. niukka.
niskuri = nlskottelija.
nlukua: niubuin naukuin ks. tin (tuskln):
nltu wheat; vrt. vehnS. -lei pi white bread, hn psi niukuin naukuin tutkinnosta lpi
ft was all (1. as much as) he could do to
wheat bread.
nisi (nanni) teat, nipple; (tlet.) mamma get through the examination.
[plur. mammae]; (rlnta) breast; (elalnten nivel Joint, articulation; (kasv.) node.
nisist, Joskus:) dug. nlsikia (el&lnt.) nivel- (yhd.) synovial [eslm. -kalvo syno
vial membrane; -nette synovial fluid] ;
mammal, nltilail breast-pump.
niteinen 1. . . with a . . binding [eslm. pafcsu articular [esim. -kuoppa articular socket;
. . with a heavy binding] ; 2. ( -nidokslnen) In -rusto articular cartilage] . -elln articulate.
..volumes [esim. viiti~ In five volumes]. niveleton Jolntless; (luonnont.) Inartlcunitina creak(ing). nltisti creak; vrt. kitUt. late(d). nlvelikis Jointed, articulate.
nltoa stitch, sew; (sitoa) bind; ~ yhtttn nivelinen - niveliks: (yhd.) ..-Jointed, ..
fasten together; stitch together; birla on in the Joints [eslm. iuuikra- stiff-Jointed,
viela nltomatta the book Is still unbound stiff In the joints].
nlveliilnan (elaint.) articulate.
(1. in sheets).
nitoma kone (bookbinders') sewlng-ma- nivel Jalkainen (el&lnt.) arthropod. -Jnne
ligament. -J*ykkyys(lk.) ankylosts. -lelnl
chlne; (metallilankaa kttyttv) wire-stitch
er, -laatlkko (klrjansltojan) sewing-press. 1. -kolotu* articular rheumatism; gout,
nitomaton unstitched, unsewed, not sewed; -lute articulation; (-side) ligament, -mato
(sltumaton) unbound [book, kirja] ; ~ hirja (ellnt.) annelid (worm), -uta (anat.)
(myos:) a book In sheets, nitominen stitch condyle. -nukke Jointed doll; lay-figure,
manikin, -palko (kasv.) lomont. -pussi
ing, sewing; (sltomlnen) binding.
synovial capsule, -reumatltml - nivelkonitraattl (kern.) nitrate.
lotua. -rlkko fracture of a Joint, -side
nitroglyseriini (kem.) nltroglycerln.
niuha (vihainen) fierce, furious; (pureva) (anat.) ligament, -taive Joint, articulation.
biting, cutting, keen, sharp; (klivas, na- -taut) disease of the joints, -tulehdus in
vakka) vehement, violent; high; ~ ttmU flainmatlon of a Joint (1. of the Joints);
sharp (1. keen) wind, biting blast; vrt. (laak.) arthritis, -vesl Joint-water; mys
niukka. -ruokainen: on niuharuokainon is = seur. -void (anat.) synovia, -vill
a light eater.
(kasv.) Internode.
nluhasti fiercely, furiously; bltingly, sharply; niverl ks. visa, -piippu pipe of bird's-eye
vehemently; vrt. niukastl. nluhuus fierce
(1. of mottled) wood.
ness, fury, furiousness; keenness, sharp nivoa plait, braid; (altaa y. m.) wattle;
ness: vehemence, violence; vrt. nlukkuus. (kutoa) weave; (klctoa) twine, nlvonta
niukahduttaa = nyrjMhdytt. niukahtam- plaiting Jne., ks. edell.
nen spraln(lng). niukahtaa be (1. get) nlvunen: niou*mt groins, nlvus groin.
nivus- (yhd.) Inguinal [estm. -kanava In
mukalta, niukaltl scantily, sparingly; (saas- guinal canal; -rauhanen inguinal gland],
tellen) grudgingly; aikaa on liian ~ the -ajos (liiiik.) bubo, -kohju Inguinal hernia,
time Is too short (1. too limited), we are rupture (of the groin). -Una groin.
too pressed for time; h*illa on rahaa ~ Nizza Nice.
they have very little money to spare, they no now! well! no, tnt* titten well, what
are short (1. scant) of money, they have a then? no nun well, all right [eslm. no niin,
scarcity of money; sellaisla miehi on ~ fee niinkuin haluat all right, do ,4s you
such men are scarce (1. rare), such men please]; no, tuleeko miit mitn Will any
are seldom found (1. met with) ; to meil- thing come of It? well, are you going to
la on hyuin we have very little (1. have do
well, aren't you ever going to begin?
a scarcity) of It; vrt. seur. niukanlainen Noa It?
Noah; Noon arkki Noah's ark.
rather scanty (1. short 1. scarce).
Nobel prize.
niukasti scantily, sparingly, meagerly; (klt- Nobel-palkinto
saastl) grudgingly; tl ~ live sparingly noenjkarvainen 1. -varinen sooty; smoky.
soot; (mustata) be(1. meagerly 1. poorly 1. meanly), live In



gTtme, blacken, smut [oj., itsens] ; (teh

d nokiseksi) make . . sooty.
noidannuoli (tautina) lumbago. noMuata =
noituminen, noiduttu enchanted. bevntcbed:
on noiduttu (mys:) is under a spell, is
laid under a (magic) spel!.
noin like tbat: (suunnilleen) about, aronnd,
>oniething like, somevihere near. tn the
neignborbood or, a matter or 10 pound-,
10 naulaa" ; (lhes) close to (1. upon).
nearly; ~ kello bMn aikana (at) about
two 0'ClOCk ; kolme tmi nelj some tbree
or four; tatu nuorta miest ItnvS: a
hundred or so young men; kot tbere
dow! thafs done: thafs over now: tbere
it is: tbaf s bow lt is: thafs wbat it rants:
(hyvksyvsti:) thafs nght: good: thafs
the ay: thafs it: just so: tee do like
that: do that (I. this) way:
noita I. magician, sorcerer, wizard: (nais)
itcn. sorceress; (naisen haukkumamme Da:) hag; noitain vainoaminen (myoS:)
persecution(s) Tor (I. against) witchcrart.
noita II. ks. tuo.
noita akka wltch, sorceress; enchantress.
-Juttu trial Tor itchcrart. -keino magii-al
agency, conjury, magic; charm, spell(temppu) conjurlng trick; noitakeinoilla
by conjury, by (1. through) magic art.
-krjt trial Tor witchcrart. -rovio stake;
poltettiin noitaroviotla was burned at the
stake as a vvltch. -rumpu magician's drum.
-sauva magic(ian's) wand (1. -rod). -temp
pu ks. taikatemppu, -ukko wizard, sor
cerer, magician. -uako shamanism. -vainot
persecution or vritches (1. for vvitchcrart).
noitua use magic, east a spell: work wonders; play the vvizard; (manata) conjure;
(loitsia) bewitch, enchant; (kirota) swear,
curse, damn. noituminen conjuring; conJuration; bewitchlng, enchantlng; (kiroa
minen) sivearing, curslng; vrt. edell. noiturl magician, sorcerer, wlzard; enchanter.
noituua witchcrart, sorcery; magic, black
art; harjottaa noituutta practise wttchcrart (1. sorcery), use magic. -taito magic
(1. magiclan's 1. sorcerer's) art.
noja (tuki, vara) support, stay, (mill Jokin
lep) rest; (pohja, peruste) ground;
strength; nojallaan, nojalleen In a leaning
(1. slanting) position; atilt; jonkin nojalla
in (1. by) vlrtue of, (perusteella) on the
ground or, (johonkin luottaen, Johonkin pe
rustuen) on (1. upon) the strength or [esim.
mink nojalla on what ground(S)? riitt
mttmien perusteiden nojalla upon insuTlirient (I. inadequate) grounds; ten nojalla
In (l. by) virtue or that, on that ground (l.
basls), on the basis or that; toimivaltansa
nojalla by vlrtue or his .authority; tmn
pykln nojalla in (1. by) vlrtue or this
sectlon, on the basis or this sectlon] ; jon
kin nojasta supported by (1. on), leaning
(1. resting) on, leaning against, (kuv.) upheld by [esim. hnen valtaistuimensa on
pistimien nojassa lu.-i throne is upheld by
bayonetS; hn seisoo pilarin nojassa he
stands leaning against a plllar; p kden
nojassa leaning (1. resting) one's head
against one's hand, wlth one's head (rest
ing) on one's hand; huom.: se on onnen
nojassa (varassa) that depends on luck (I.
on Cbance) ] ; jd oman onnensa nojaan
be lert to one's rate (1. to shirt Tor o.s.
1. to depend on one's o\vn resources),
be deserted, be abandoned. nojaaminen
leaning, resting [on (1. against). Johonkin
(1. Jotakin vastaan)], nojailla (be) lean
(Ing) [on (1. against). Johonkin (1. jotakin


vasten;, keep leaning; rest ;on (1.

against ..].
noja puut <voun. Parallel bars. aikaili.;
nojaselkainen tmoli chair vrith a leaning
back. easy chair. -tohva sora; davenporl.
nojata rest ]one's elbow on the table, kyy
nrpitn pytn; ones head ajtainst
ones hand, ptn kteens ' ; lean ;baekwards, taaksepin; ones cbeek on ones
hand, poskeaan kttun) vasten; . recline
.against ... jotakin vasten'; (kuv.) base
>ne's remarks upon ... lausuntonsa jo
honkin; ; (panna luottonsa johonkin) rely
on . . , depend on . .; (nojautua) be based
on ... jononkin', stand ;on ... jonon
kin;, (olla jonkin varassa) be upheld by;
. seisoa; jononkin (1. jotakin vasten) nojaten
stand] leaning (I. reclming . against..;
lakiin nojaten hn vaati supported by (1.
depending on) the Iaw he demanded, on
the strength oi the lav he demanded.
nojatuoli arm-chair; easy-chalr, (lepotuoli
Morris chair. nojatusten leaning against
eacb otber.
nojautua support o.s.; lean. rest [against,
jotakin vasten: on, johonkin]; (kallistua)
recline; (luottaa) depend Lon ..], rely
[on . .] ; (perustua) be rounded (I. grunded
1. based) ;(up)on]; johonkin johonku
hun] jossakin give (1. quote I. clte 1. rerer
to) . . as one's authority in (1. on 1. ror) . . ,
have a p.s authority ror . . , have a p. ror
one's authority in ..; johonkin nojautuen
in (l. by) virtue or . . , on the ground(S) or
(1. that) . .; hn nojautui lausunnossaan (1.
nen lausuntonsa nojautui) lakiin he based
his statement (1. his statement \vas baseil)
upon the law, he clted (1. rererred to) the
law as the basis (or his statement.
nokare (mhkle) lump; (maa-) clod; (kul
ta-) nugget; (voi- y. m.) pat.
nokeaminen sooting; begiiming, smuttlng;
vrt. noeta, nokeentua, nokeutua become
(I. get) sooty (l. smutty), become (1. gel)
covered \vttb soot (1. \vlth smut), be blackened vvith soot.
noki soot; (-lika) grime; (viljan) blight,
rust, smut; olla noessa be sooty, be smut
ty (ali over), be grimy thuoin. nen'' on
noessa (mys:) you have soot on your
nose] ; tulla nokeen get sooty (1. smutty I.
grimy), get smutty ali over, get covered
with soot (1. \vilh smut). -aukko nokiluukku, -huisku (nokikolarin) chlmneysweep's broom. -Jyv ergot, bllghted kernel or rye letc.J. -kana (elaint.) coot.
-kolari chimney-s\veep(er). -luukku 1.
-reik soot-hole. -musta black as soot,
black as coal, sooty.
nokinen sooty; (nokea tynn oleva) lull oi
soot; (noen likaama 1. mustaama) gtiiny,
bcgrimed; smudgy; smutty (mys esim.
viljasta) ; savupiippu a clilmney Tuli of
(1. choked \vlth) soot, sooty clilmney; ~
thk a bllghted (1. rusty 1. smutty) head
or graln. nokinen smut-iiose, soot-nose.
nokinta =- nokkiminen.
nokillplirustua ks. hiilipiirustus, -pilkku
bit (1. spot) or soot; smudge, smut. -pinen (thk) bllghted, rusty, smutty. -p
(maanv.) bllghted head (of graln). -sieni
(kasv.) smut-rungus.
nokisuus sootlness; smudglness; (viljan y.
m.) smuttlness.
noki is) telia (toisiaan) lull. (kuv.) baucly
words, wrangle, blcker.
nokillUhki - nokip. -valkea rire In the
clilmney; naapuritalossa oli nohivalhea
(Jkpv.) the nelghbor's clilmney burnuil out.
-vri color or soot, black.



nokka (linnun) hill, (vahva, koukkuinen,

esim. petolintujen) beak; (nen) nose;
(veneen, = kokka) prow; (niemi) polnt
(or land), cape.
nokkaantu (loukkaantua) take offense (at
. . , Jostakin], be(come) offended (1. arrronted 1. hurfed), snurr [at . .] ; (panna pa
hakseen) take . . III (I. amlss), take . . In bad
part, get dlsappolnted luitli..]. nokkaan tuminen: jostakin nokkaantuminen taking ofrense at . . , getting (l.belng)ofrenrted at ...
nokkalelin (ellnt.) duckblll. -hakku plck
(ax), -hauki (ellnt.) garflsh.
nokkainen (yhd.) . ,-billed [esim. pitk~
long-bllled; puna~ red-billed].
nokka iiii (ellnt.) porcupine ant-eater,
eclildna. -valat (ellnt.) bottlenose whale.
hyperoodon. -astainen: luuli on (meille)
aivan nohkavaetainen the vviml Is dead
agalnst us (1. is rlght ahead), we have to
sali right In the teeth or (1. rlght against)
the ulnd. -viisas (nenks) impertlnent,
pert, saucy; (Itsevlisas) wlse In one's own
conceit, concelted.
nokkela (kekselis) qulck- (1. sharp-)wltted; (ovela) smart, clever [trick, temppu] ;
(sukkela) qulck, nimble, deft; (nppr)
Inifonious; resourceful; handy; ~ mies
clever (1. smart) fellovv; vastaus wltty (1.
clever) answer. nokkelasti cleverly, smartly; quickly, brlskly; ingenlously; vrt. nok
kela, nokkeluus ready lngenuity, resourcefulness; cleverness; (etenkin puheessa:)
(ready) wlt; (sukkeluus) qulckness, deftness; handlness.
nokkia peck [at, Jotakin], be pecklng; vrt.
noukkia, nokkiminen pecklng.
nokkonen (kasv.) nettle.
nokkos- (yhd.) nettle- [esim. -lanha nettleyarn; -perhonen nettle-butteiTly ] . -kuume
1. -rokko (lk.) the hlves, nettle-rash.
nokottaa mope, look moplsh; istua ~ sit
moplng. nokotus moplng.
nolaaminen taking down Jne., vrt. seur.
nolata take . . down, humble, humlllate;
nmke . . look blank (1. foolish 1. sheeplsh) ;
make . . reel cheap (1. ashamed 1. embarrassed), make . . want to slnk throufjh the
rioor: (saattaa hmmstyksiin 1. hmmen
nyksiin) make . . balfled (1. nonplussed 1.
dlsconcerted 1. dumlounded), embarrass,
make . . abashed, abash, dlscountenance,
dlscomflt; take . . aback, strlke . . ali of a
(saattaa pettymn) dlsappoint;
(saattaa hpen) put . . to shame, shame;
(saattaa varjoon, Jkpv.) take the shine out
[of a p., Joku]; itsens do somethlng
to spoll one's chances, (brlng) dlsgrace
(upon) o.s., (tehd Itsens naurunalaisek
si) make a laughlng-stock of o.s., make
o.s. rldiculous, (Jkpv.) make one's cake
dough, put one's loot in it; ~ perinpohjin
(mys:) crush, (esim. vastustajansa vit
telyss) smash; koettaa ~ joku tykell
kytksell bnnvbeat, bully. nolaus hunilllatlon; (nolaaminen) barfllng, dumfounding, dlsconcertlng; (Jkpv.) conie-down.
nolla zero; clpher (mys kuv.); (ei mitn)
naught, nought, nll, nothing; (kuv.) nonentlty; nollan arvoinen of no worth, worth
nothing; nollan numero clpher, zero; hn
on tydellinen he Is a perfect nonentlty;
lmpmittari on nollassa the thermometer
(1. the mercury) is at (1. marks 1. reglsters) zero. -meridiaani zero meridian, first
(1. (irlme) meridian, -piste zero.
nollottaa (seisoa ) stand gaplng (I. staring), gape, stare.
nolo (nolattu) barried, dlsconcerted, nonplus(s)cd; blank; (pettynyt) dlsappolnted,
crestrallen, (perinpohjin) crushed; (hmil


ln oleva)
embarrassecl, discomrited,
abashed; dumrouuded, aghast; (hpeis
sn oleva) ashamed, mortified, dashed;
(surkea, kurja) sorry, poor, ignominious.
Inglorlous; (kiusallinen) awkward [posi
tion, asema] ; (kmpel) clumsy, buugling,
vrt. saamaton; loppu a sorry (1. an isrnomlnious) end; nytt nololta, olla nolon
nkinen look blank (1. roolish 1. sheep
lsh); tuntea itsens noloksi (mys:) reel
cheap, feel small. nolosti poorly, ignomtniously, inglorlously; sorrily; awkwardly:
heidn kvi nolosti they came to a sorry
end, it ali riatted out Tor them: ks. pt
tyi, nolostua be taken down (jkpv. : a peg
or two), be(come) humiliated; (joutua H
milleen) be(come) barried (I. dlsconcerted 1.
nonplused 1. bumrounded), be dashed; feel
ashamed (1. sheeplsh 1. awkward), (Jkpv.)
reel SOld ; hn nolostui siit niin, ettei tien
nyt . . that made hlm reel so cheap ttiat he
dld not know . . . nolostunut barried, dls
concerted, nonplus(s)ed, dum(b)roun<led:
abashed; humiliated; dlsappolnted; awkward; crestrallen. nolostus ks. seur. nolous
disconcertedness; abashment; humillation;
disappolntment; blank (1. sold) look, blank ness or one's look; awkwardness; se ta
pahtui Cl. oli) hnen nolouttaan lt \vas bis
awk\vardness (that caused it), it was his
blundering (1. his bungling) that caused lt;
vrt. saamattomuus.
nominatiivi (kiel. = niment) nominatlve
(case), nomini (kiel.) noun.
nonius, noonio vernier.
nonparelli (klrjap.)nonpareil, 6-point (type).
nootti (diplomatlc) note.
nopanheitto shaking (1. throwing) dice.
nopea fast [runner, Juoksija] ; rapld [streani,
virta; progress, edistys; growth, kasvu],
swirt; (pikainen) hurried; qulck, prompt;
(kiireellinen) speedy iriight, pako] ; (nop
sajalkainen) rieet; hevonen rast (1. swlrt
1. speedy I. rieet) horse; ksittmn
qulck (of apprehenslon), smart; ~ liike
qulck (1. rapld 1. s\virt) motion; silmys
quick (1. hurried 1. Swift) glance; ~ tahti
quick time; tekemn ptksens quick
in maklng up one's mlnd; vastaus quick
answer, ready reply. -ajatuksinen qulck(1. nimble- )witted.
nopeaan nopeasti.
nopea Jal kai non ks. nopsajalkainen. -Juoksuinen swirtly runnlng, fast, rapld [stream,
virta]; (hevosesta:) swirt, rieet. -kasvui
nen . . which grows rast; (kasveista :)early.
-kulkuinen rast(-going) [steamer, hyry
laiva]; rieet [horse, hevonen].
nopeammin raster, quicker; at (1. with)
greater speed; (pikemmin) sooner.
nopeasti rast; rapldly, Sttlftly; speedlly;
hurriedly, hastlly; qulck(ly) ; (pian) soon;
(vauhdilla) at a good rate, at high speed;
~ toistaan seuraten In qulck (1. rapld)
succession, one on the heels or the other;
huhu levi rumor (1. gossip) spreads
quickly (I. llke wlld-rire); kvell ~ walk
fast; non ~ kuin psi as rast as he could,
at (the) top (or his) speed; sep kvi ~
why, that was a quick Job! why, that was
done In (Iess than) no time!
nopeus fastness, rapidity, swirtness; qulck
ness; speedlness, hastlness; rieetness; celerity; (kiire) haste; (vauhti) speed; veloclty, rate, pace; karttuva ~ lncreaslng
(1. heightening) speed, acceleration; laimi
kulkee kymmenen solmuvlin nopeudella
(tunnissa) the ship Is maklng 10 knots;
list nopeutta (vauhtia) Increase the
speed, accelerate (the speed), speed up,



put on more speed; tuulen velocity of

the wind. -mittari speedometer.
naposteleminen (jonkin) tmkering :at (1.
with) . .]. nopostelija tinkerer. nopostelia
do . . by dribs; (be) tinker(lng) [at (1.
wittii, jotakin], nopostelu tinkering.

noppa die (plur. dice). -peli (ganie or 1.

yarne at) dice.
nopsa = nopea; (vikkel) nimble, agrile;
alert. -Jalkainen rieet(-rooted), fleet (1.
Swift) of root, swfrt-rooted.
nopsasti nopeasti; (vikkelsti) nimbly;
alertly. nopsuus = nopeus; (vikkelyys)
nimbleness, agillty; alertness.
norahtaa drip (down) ; (tihkua) trlckle,
noroa, noreus ks. norja, norjuus.
norja (notkea) riexible, llthe, limber; pliable, pilant, supple; wi!lowy; (sorja) slender: (pehme) soft.
Norja >orway.

norjalainen (a. & s.) Nor

norjan; kieli Norwegian (language). -kieli

nen .Norwegian [text, teksti], .. in (the)
."Norwegian (language).
ncrjaselkiinen = notkeaselkinen.
norjentaa rnake . . (more) riexible (1. pliant
1. pliable); make .. (more) lithe (1. lim
ber), limber . . up. norjentua, norjeta
berome (1. get 1. grow) (more) riexible (1.
pliable 1. pliant 1. limber) ; become lithe(r) ;
(esim. hevosesta:) limber up. norjis(tut)taa, norj istua ks. norjentaa, norjentua.
norjuus flextbility, pliableness, llmberness,
litheness; suppleness.
norkko (kasv.) catkin; amcnt.
norkoilla hang around [to get something,
Jotakin saadakseen], norkoilu, norkoilemi
nen hanging around.
normaali norrnal; standard.
normaali- (yhd.) norrnal [esim. -hinta normal prlce; -typiv norrnal worktng-day] ;
standard [esim. -aika standard time; -pai
nos standard edition] . -kello standard tlmeplece. -koulu (1. v. Yhdysv.)practtse school,
model school; (ulkomailla, mys:) norrnal
school. -kynttil standard candle: 18 normaalikynttiln valovoimainen shklamppu
an electric lamp or 1 6 candle-power. -liuos
(kem.) norrnal (1. standard) solution.
-muoto (algebran, yhtln) general rorm.
normaalinen norrnal; standard.
normaali olot norrnal condltions; normaali
oloissa under (1. in) norrnal condltions.
-raitainen standard-gauge [railroad, rata].
normandi, normanni Norman, normandilainen, normannilainen (a. & s.) Norman.

noro (swampy 1. marshy) hollow; fenny

dell; vrt. notko, noroinen swampy, marshy;
(alava) low(-lylng), deep.
norppa (elint.) marble seal.
norssi (kuore) smelt.
norsu elephant.
norsuni hampaat tusks or an elephant. -lui
nen ivory [ornament. koriste], . . or Ivory.
norsunluu Ivory. -leikkaus carvlng In ivory.
(N) -rannikko 1. -ranta Ivory Coast.
norsutauti (liik.) elephantlasls.

nostaa raise [(to a) higher (position), kor

keammalle; to the surrace, (maan)plnnalle;
to the throne, valtaistuimelle: the prlces,
hintoja; a storm or Indlgnatlon, suuttu
muksen myrsky]; lt rt [one's head, pns
(1. ptn); welghts, painoja], lirt up
[the (1. one's) eyes to heaven. silmns
taivaaseen], put up [on the shelf, hyllyl
le]; (ottaa pois, peri) draw [money rrom
the bank, rahaa pankista; one's salary,
palkkansa; a legacy, perintosuutensal ,
take out; (nostaa pois) take (1. lirt) orr
.esim. noitaa ovi saranoiltaan take the door

orr its hing-esj; (ottaa maasta) take up,

pick up f rrom the floor, lattialta]; (ko
jeella) hoist, beave: (vlent, kohottaa)
elevate; (pit koholla) hold up; (list)
increase, heighten; swell; (hertt) rouse
the peopie to rebellion, kansa kapinaan],
(panna vireille) bring up, bring rorward;
(synnytt, call (1. draw) rorth, create
[alarm, melua], cause. bring; (kiihottaa)
stlr up; alas lirt down, take down, (esim.
hyllylt) reach down; ~ orpoa draw lots;
'kansakunta] aseisiin rouse the nation i
to arms; [pyssyn] hana rock the gun1 ;
hattuaan [lakkiaan] jollekulle lif! (1.
raise 1. tip) one's hat ;one's cap] to a p.;
Joku hevosen selkn liTt a p. on to (1.
up on) the horse, put . . on the horse's
back; hintaa raise (I. run up) the price,
(aiheuttaa nouseminen) cause the price to
rlse (I. to advance 1. to go up), bring up
(1. advance) the price; huuto set up a
cry, raise an outcry, cry out, (jostakin)
trumpet out, blazon rorth (I. abroad), nolse
abroad; hlin start an uproar, start a
hubbub, raise a row, (jkpv.) raise a rumpus (1. a rough-house), (hivytt) raise
an alarm, raise the hue and cry; ~ hly
stir up excitement, make . . exclted (1.
agitated), (rhin) raise a row (l. a rum
pusi [about (1. over), jostakin]; ~ jaloil
leen raise [one] to his reet, put . . on (to)
hls legs (1. hls Teet), (pystyyn) raise a
thing] Into an upright position; kanne
ks. nostaa oikeusjuttu; jonkin kansi lirt
the lid (1. the cover) orr a th.; kapina
raise a rebellion (1. a revolt), (nousta ka
pinaan) rise In rebellion, rise (in arms),
rebel, revolt, mutlny, (mellakka) raise (1.
kick up) a row; - .. kapinaan (yllytt)
rouse (1. stir up) . . to rebellion (1. to a
revolt), vrt. nastaa aseisiin; ~ kysymys
jostakin bring a subject (1. a matter) into
questlon, raise a questlon, bring up a sub
ject (1. a matter), bring . . under consideration, (esitt) propose a questlon (1. a
subject), vrt. nostaa puheeksi; ~ Jollekulle
kyyneleet silmiin bring tears to a p.'s eyes,
draw tears rrom one: ~ [selkns] ky
ryyn (esim. kissa) arch [lts back] ; ~ lippu
raise (1. hoist) a riag; ~ melu(a) raise (1.
kick up) a row (l. a rumpus) [about ...
jostakin], make trouble about ... (hlkk) make a russ (1. a stlr 1. an ado) [about
..], (htyytt) cause (1. create) alarm;
meteli (\. metakka) jostakin ks. ertell.:
~ oikeudenkynti (1. oikeusjuttu) jotakuta
vastaan (alkaa) bring (1. start 1. commence)
an action (1. a suit) against one, bring (1.
take) action against one, Institute (1. start)
(legal) proceedings against one, procoed
against one, go to la\v with one; ~ pahaa
verta stlr up (1. raise) bad blonri; peru
noita (kaivaa) dig potatoes; Jokin (asla)
puheeksi bring up a subject (I. a matter)
(for dlscussion), bring up a matter [In the
course or the conversatlon, keskustelun
kuluessa], start a subject, lntroduce the
subject of . . , broach a subject; ~ punot
poskille (terveyden) bring the cnlor to
one's cheeks, (hveliliisyyden) bring the
red (1. a riush) to one's cheeks; pois
HU (1. take) orr; ~ purjeet put up the
sails. hoist sail; pystyyn raise [one's (1.
Its) head. pns: a mast. masto] , lirt (up),
set up [the pins, keilatl, put up, rlght f a
post, pylvs], (auttaa Jaloilleen) help (1.
lirt) to one's Teet hunni, nostaa karvansa
pystyyn briStle up; nostaa korvansa pys
tyyn (elimist:) lirt (1. prlck up) Its
ears], vrt. pystytt; rahat pankista get
the money at the bank, (omat sstns)

dra\v the money out of the bank; rymy (mys:) .. seems to have no joints in
jostakin ks. nostaa melu; seisaalleen
hls body. -Jseninen llmber-jointecl. -selralse, (esim. humalainen mies) help . . up, kinen . . \vith a Umber back; (kuv.) . .
help . . on to hls legs (1. hls reet), llft up; vvho llkes to bow to the powers that be.
"" syyte KS. nostaa oikeusjuttu; [katti notkeasti nimbly, \vitn agilily.
la] tulelle (mys:) put [the kettle] (on
= notko.
the Tire 1. the stove) ; ~ [pata] tulelta take notkelma
riexlblllty, pliableness; llmberness;
[the pot] off the Tire; ~ tppset taivasta notkeus
litheness; nimbleness, agility.
kohti (lelklll. = kuolla) turn up one's toes;
~ vett (nostokoneella) draw water, holst notkistaa bend; bow; (koukistaa) crook;
water; ~ vihaa arouse (1. exclte) hatred, (norjentaa) make . . more riexible (1. plia
ble), make .. limber, ltmber (up); ~ pol
stlr up antagonlsm; nosta [jalkaasi] (leh
viaan bend the (1. one's) knees, bo\v (1.
mlle, lypsettess:) holst [your foot] ! crook)
the (I. one's) knee, (polvistua)
anarkia jlteen ptn anarchy rears
kneel [berore (1. to) one. Jonkun edess].
(1. liTts) its head once more; se nosti h
bending, bowing Jne., ks.
ness ajatuksen . . (hertti) tliat put the
idea or . . im in i hls head, that gave him edell. notkistua (taipua) bend, get (1. be)
the idea or . . , that prompted hlm to [try bent; sag; (tulla notkeaksi) become (more)
riexible (1. pliable 1. pliant), become (more)
. . , koettaa . .] ; l nosta liikoja (mys:) limber,
limber (up). notkistus bending; vrt.
don't (over)straln yourself by ltrtlng.
= norjentaa.
nostaja one who ralses (I. lirts I. dravvs jne., notko hollow; dale,notkistuttaa
depression (in the
vrt. nostaa) ; one who ralsed (1. lirted 1. ground). -eelkinendell:
svvaydrevv) ; (hissi) elevator, holst. nostaminen backed, hollow-backed, svvayed. -selkiraislng Jne., ks. nostaa; vrt. nosto.
syys: hevosen nothoselhisyys . the
nostattaa (Jollakulla) have one lirt (1. ralse 1. horseCs) belng saddle-backed . . .
draw jne., ks. nostaa); (saada nousemaan) notkua rock, shake; (ponnahdella) spring;
rouse, stlr up, ralse; (hertt) call forth,
notkulauta sprfngboard.
evoke; (synnytt) cause, occaslon; pro- (taipua) bend.
rocking Jne., vrt. notkua, not
voke; (tuottaa) produce, bring rorth; notkuminen
kutella (keep) rock(lng). notkuva bending,
(kiihottaa) inclte, exclte [to rebelllon, ka
pinaan], Insttgate; (kehottaa) call (up)on; noudanta
Tetchlng; bringing.
hansa aseisiin rouse the people to arms,
set the nation (up) in arms; taikina noudatettava . . vvhleh ought to be rollovved
(1. glven heed to); .. vvorthy to be rol
make the dough rlse. nostattaminen, nos
tatus (esim. aseisiin) rousing; stirrlngup; lovved; on has [have] to be rollovved (1.
taikinan nostatus raislng the dough, mak- Obeyed) ; vahvistaa noudatettavaksi ratiTy,
conrirm, sanction.
Ing the dough rlse.
nostella (he) lirt(lng) [heavy vvelghts, ras noudattaa 1. (tuottaa) send Tor, have . .
kaita painoja], keep uriini.'; vrt. nostaa. brought (1. Tetched) [esim. lkett ap
teekista send ror medlcine rrom the drugnostin (vipu) lever; vrt. vkivipu.
nosto (nostaminen) lirtlng, raislng; eleva- store] ; 2. (seurata) rollow [advice, neu
tlon; heavlng, hoistlng; lncreaslng, helght- voa; example, esimerkki], keep to..; (to
enlng; rousing, dravvlng rorth, evoklng, tella) obey [the command, ksky]; (olla
provoklng; stlrrlng up; (sotaven) levy- kuuliainen) attend to, pay heed to; (ottaa
huomioon 1. varteen) observe [the rules,
Ing; ks. nostaa; vrt. mys arvan, lem
sntj]; (mukaantua) conrorm [to ..],
men y. m.
in accordance [wlth . .] ; (mynt)
nosto|| kanki (vipu) lever. -koje devlce to comply
with [a p.'s request, Jonkun pyyn
lirt vvlth, holstlng-apparatus [erilaisia nos- t], accede
[a p.'s vvtshcs, jonkun
tokojelta: block and tackle, vvindlass, holst, toivomuksia]; to(tytt)
(olla mu
elevator, crane, derrick y. m.], -kone hoist kainen) agree, accord, beruirill;
(ing-englne); vrt. edell. -kori (kaivoksen) correspond: noudatettava inks.keeping

cago; (malminnostoa varten) skip, (pieni)

bneket. -korkeus helglit to vvhleh somethlng hetken mielijohdetta act on the Spilr OT the
Is (1. can be> lirted. -kysi holsting rope, kinlaista jrjestyst have some order
rope to holst wlth; (mer.) halyard. -laitos [about . . , johonkin nhden], rollovv some
(hissi) elevator; (kaivoksen) hoist. -pilli
or order; jrjen nt listen to
(fys.) pipette. -pumppu ltrt-pump. -rana sort
(the volce or) reason; kehotusta do as
crane; derrick. -ruuvi Jack-screw. -silta one
asked (1. urged to), obey a call,
llft-brldge; drawbrldge. -tela (nostoko
(pyynt) comply vvith a request, vrt. nou
neen) holsting-drum. -vipu lever. -voima dattaa
kieltoa Obey vvhen told
lirtlng povver. -vki (Tlnal) reserve rorces
not to do a th., obey a prohlbitlon; koh
subject to the war levy; (miliisi) mllltla. tuutta
-vkipyr (holsttng-)blook; pulley. -vyl reasonable) [in (1. about) be..,moderate
1. -aukko (kaivoksen) shaft.
measnotarlus, notaari notary; julkinen notary ure); kutsua accept an invltation; obey
a summons; kutsumustaan (taipumus
notkahdella (be) bend(lng): shake, quake, taan) rollovv one'S calllng; laillisia muo
rock; maa notkahteli jalkaimme alla the toja observe the legal rorms, comply vvlth
ground shook (l. rocked) under our reet. the legal technicalltles; [tarkasti] lain
notkahdus bending; spring.
kirjainta keep to the [strict] letter of the
notkahdutella, notkahduttaa rock; shake; lavv, keep [strictly] vvithln the law; ~
(kydessn) \vaddle; ptn tilt one's lakia comply (l. act in accordance) vvlth
head; ruumistaan kvellessn swing o s. the lavv. obey (1. observe) the lavv; jon
along. notkahtaa bend; shake, rock, quake; kun mielt please one, do as a p. likes to
(ponnahtaa) spring. notkahtaminen bend
have one do, comply vvith a p.'s vvishes: ~
ing; shaking, ro;ktng.
muodollisuuksia observe (1. stand upon)
(ormalities, stand upon ceremony, pay atnotkea (taipuisa) riexible, pliant, pliable;
(norja) llmber(-Jointed) : supple, lithe; tention to conventlons, be punctilious;
(pehme) sort; (Jseniltn) aglle, nim- Jonkun neuvoa rollovv (1. take) one's ad
ble, spry, llvely; . . on erinomaisen notkea vice, obey one; - omaa mieltUn (1. p



tn) have one's own way , do as one pleases,

fOllOW one'S 0\vn COUrse; ~ omia oikku
jaan rollow one's o\vn sweet xvii!, indulge
evcry whlm; ~ snt folltnv a rule, go
by (the) rule; jonkun tahtoa [toivomus
ta] comply wlth a p.'s wisbes, meet a p.'s
demands, ruirill the demands [the wishes]
rap.: tarkasti be strict tn observing
[the )aw, lakia]; ~ varovaisuutta be cautlous, observe caution, be careful, take
care, look out [huom. asiassa tytyy
mit suurinta varovaisuutta One ShOUld
[we must] proceed wlth the greatest cau
tion In the matter, the most rlgld precautions have to be taken In the matter; paras
en - varovaisuutta (mys:) lt's best (1. as
well) to be on the safe side] ; alistua nou
dattamaan jotakin (lakia y. m.) submlt to
. . , reslgn o. s. to . . , (jonkun toivomuksia,
ptst y. m.) derer to..; attribuutti ~
psanansa sijaa the modirter agrees in
case wlth the word lt modiries; .. jota
asianomaiset noudattakoot . . \vhn h must
be complied with by ali (those) concerned,
. . whlcn ali those concerned should In due
course attend to. noudattaja follo\ver, Ob
server; one who obeys. noudattaminen
(seuraaminen) rollowing, keeplng to Jne.,
ks. noudattaa, 2.; sntjen [tarkka] nou
dattaminen [strict] observance or rules.
retchlng; brlnglng;
mys noudattaminen.
nouKata peck; plck; pluck; (maasta) take
up, plck up; vrt. noukkia.
noukinta plcking; (kukkien y. m.) gathering, (thkplden y. m.) gleanlng.
noukka ks. nokka.
noukkeat leavlngs; (viljapellon) gleanlngs.
noukkia plck [berrles, marjoja] ; (koota)
gatber [riowers, kukkia; frult, hedelmi];
glean [heads (1. ears) of graln, thkpi
t], noukkijaplcker [esim. marjojen noukkija berry-plcker], gatherer; (tahkpl
den) gleaner. noukkiminen noukinta.
nouseminen rlslng; golng up; (seisomaan)
standlng (1. gettlng) up; (yls) ascendIng, ascenslon; (Jollekin) mountlng, stepping (1. treadlng) on; (kasvien y. m.)
shootlng forth, sprlnglng up; (herminen)
arislng; (lisntyminen) growlng, Increase,
s\velllng; (hintojen) advance; vrt. nousta.
nouseva rlslng [sun, aurinko]; ascending,
ascendant; (kasvava) growlng (up); (li
sntyv) Increaslng; (tuleva) comlng
(\veek, viikko], futurc, (seuraava) next;
nousevalla viikolla (during 1. In) the com
lng week, (ensi) next week; ~ polvi rls
lng (1. comlng 1, ruturc) gencratlon. generation (now) growlng up; ~ sarja (mat.)
ascending serles; asteettain tulovero
graduated Incomc tax; jostakin nouseva
emerging (1. emergent) from ..; jyrksti
vuorenseinm preclpltous mountaln
Wall: 60 henkeen vkijoukko a crowd Of
about 60 (persons), a cro\vd of nearly 60
people; plle sadan excecding one hun
dred, . . of more than a hundred; tuhansiin
runnlng (up) to thousands, . . or thousands, rcarhlng (1. runnlng Into) thou
sands. noussut rtsen; haudasta (\. kuol
leista) noussut resurrected.
nousta rlse [to the surrace, pinnalle: to a
height of 5 feet, viiden Jalan korkeuteen;
in fank, arvoastelssa]. arise, go up; (pys
tyyn) get up, stand up, ralse o.s.; (Istu
maan) sit up; (astua Jonnekin) mount ia
ladder, tikapuille], ascend f the to\ver, tor
niin; (ln)to heaven, taivaaseen], step (I.
get 1. tread) on; (esim. kasvaen maasta)
come up, shoot (up), shoot rorth; (pistii


esiin) sprlng up, pop (up); (arvoastelssa

y. m.; mys hinnoista:) advance; (hert,
synty) spring (1. come) Into existence,
orlglnate, set In; (esiinty) appear; (yl
ty) be lncreased, be Intensirietl. be helghtened; (kasvaa) grow, Increase; (paisua)
swell; nousee toinen kysymys another questlon arlses (1. comes up), there arises an
other questlon; nouskaa, pojat get up,
boys! (kuv.) arise, boys! up, boys! ~ oseisiin rlse in (1. to) arms [against . .] ;
~ hevosen selkn mount a (1. one's) horse,
get on the (1. one's) horse, get on horseback, vrt. nousta satulaan; ~ huippuunsa
Cl. huippukohtaansa) reach its riilminatlon,
reach its hlghest point, reach the cllmax,
vrt. nousta ylimmilleen; hyryn ilmaan
rlse as (1. In the rorm of) vapor, cvaporate,
vrt. haihtua; ~ ilmaan go (1. rlse) up In
the air, (esim. Ilmapallosta:) ascend; ~
istualleen vuoteella, ~ istumaan sngyss
sit up In bed; ~ kapinaan rlse In rebelllon, rebel, revolt [against, Jotakuta (1. Jo
takin) vastaan], mutiny; ~ koholle ks.
nousta pystyyn; ~ korkealle rlse hlgh; ~
korkeimmilleen (esim. vesi) rlse to ItS
hlghest, (esim. levottomuus) rlse (1. be
worked up) to the hlghest pitch, mys =
nousta ylimmilleen; kukalle begln to
blossom, (kuv.) begin to riourish, riourish;
kuolleista rlse (agaln) rrom the dead, be
resurrected; ~ krryille (1. krryihin) get
(1. climb) Into the buggy; krryilt
(laskeutua) step out of the carrlage, get
out of the buggy; laivaan go on board
(a shlp), embark (on a shlp); ~ maihin (1.
maalle) land, go ashore, dlsembark; ~ Jo
honkin mrn Cl. summaan) amount to
. . , come (up) to . . , mount up to . .; ~ nousemistaan be constantly rlslng, be rlslng
hlgher and hlgher; ~ oraalle come (1. shoot
1. sprlng) up [huom. on noussut oraalle
(mys:) Is up]; puhujalavalle mount (1.
ascend) the platform; ~ puuhun go up a
tree, (kiivet) cllmb up (Into) a tree; ~
pystyyn ralse o.s., (Jaloilleen) get (1. stand)
up, get on (to) one's reet, rlse (to one's Teet)
Dlliom. sai hiukset nousemaan pystyyn
marto the halr stand on end; tie nousi pys
tyyn (kuv.) Insurmountable (1. Insuperablo) obstacles arosc (1. Interposert), dirricultles mountaln hlgh arosc (I. presented
themselves 1. came In the \vay) 1 , vrt. nous
ta seisomaan, nousta takajaloilleen; ~
( polku) pyrns selkn mount (I. get on
to) one's bicycle; ~ (yls) pivn mukana
rlse (1. get up) with the sun (1. the lark);
pydst [sairasvuoteelta y. m.] get up
(1. rlse) Trom the tahle ftho slckbed, etc],
leave the tahle Ttlie slckbed]; phn
go to ono's heart (mys kuv.); saarnas
tuoliin mount (1. ascend 1. go up into) the
pulplt, (astua) entpr the pulplt; ~ satu
laan get Into the sartdlo, get on (1. mount)
one'S horse; seisomaan (l. seisaalleen )
rlse, get up, get on (to) one's legs (1.
reet), stand up rin order to see better,
paremmin nhdkseen], ralse o.s.; tai
vaaseen ascend (ln)to heaven: ~ takaja
loilleen rear (itselO on Its hlnd legs, rear;
tuolilla step (1. get) on (to) a chalr; ~
tuolilta get up from (1. get out ori a riialr,
leave a chalr: ~ valtaistuimelle mount
(1. ascend) the throne, succeed (I. come) to
the throne; ~ varpailleen rlse on tiptoe;
vastustamaan jotakuta [jotakin] rise
against . . , rlse to oppose ... set o.s.
against . . , (ryhty) take one's stand as opposed to . .; ~ vuorelle ascend \l. cllmb 1.
scale) a mountaln, vrt. kiivet; vuoteetta
Cl. moJnrulta; (yls) get up, get out or bed;

vkivaltaa valtaan rlse aKalnst vlolence,
(come rorward to) oppose vlolence; yU
(astua I. kiivet yli) step (1. cllmb) over . . ,
surmount, (nousta korkeammalle kuin) rlse
above (1. hlg-her than) . . , (virrata yli, ve
dest:) overflovv, (kuv.) exceed (1. go beyond 1. ko above) ( a prescrlbed sum, m
rtyn summan (1. mrtyst summasta)],
be above, transcend; ~ ylimmilleen (kuv.)
rlse to Its helKht; ~ ylkertaan walk upstalrs, cllmb the stalrs; ~ yl* nousta,
vrt. nousta pivn mukana, nousta vuoteel
ta; ~ ylt aamuimin Ket up mornings (1. In
the mornlnK) ; ankkuri nousee (nostetaan)
the anchor Is belng weighed (1. lirted) ;
aurinko noutaa idtt the sun rlses (1.
comes up) In the east; hinnat noutavat the
prlces are rlstnK (1. are KolnK up); hinta
nousee liian kalliiksi It XVill COSt tOO niUCll,
lt comes (1. amounts) to too much; the
prlce amounts to too much; hn ei ole vie
l nouttut (ylt) he has not Kotten (1. he
Is not) up yet; hn nouti paikaltaan he rose
(from hls seat), (siirtyi) he moved from
hls seat; ilmapuntari nousee the baniiuetor
Is rlslng (1. Is on the rlse) ; innottut nousee
the enthuslasm Is rlslng (I- growlng hlgher
1. becomlnK more Intense 1. IncreasInK) ;
huttannuktet noutivat moneen tataan mark
kaan the cost went up (1. mounted 1.
amounted) to several hundred marks;
luonto noutee eit vaataan (human) nature
revolts (I. rebels) agalnst lt; on noutamatta
rlses, Roes up, Is rlslnK. Is golnK up, Is advanclnK, Is IncreasInK, Is on the rlse (1. the
advance 1. the lncrcase); oros nousee
(maatta) the new crops (1. thls year's
crop) Is comlnK up, the tender crop shoots
forth (from the frtound); pivn (]. aurin
gon) nouttetta at sunrise; rakkoja noutee
hllsters are rlslng, (muodostuu, Ilmes
tyy) bllsters are breaklnK (I. comlnK)
out; rannalta on nouttut miehen ruumis
(ajautunut) the body or a drovvned man
has been vvashed ashore; rohkeus noutee
courage Is rlslng (I. KrowlnK 1. IncreasInK) ;
savu(a) noutee smoke rlses (1. KOes up),
(tupruaa) smoke comes (1. pours) out
I from ..]; ien arvo noutee lt rlses In
value, Its value rlses (1. Increases); sutii
nousee riita a quarrel \vlll (a)rlse about
thnt, that wlll cause trouble, that will be
a cause of dlspute (I. or quarrel), a dispute wlll ensue (1. come about) over It:
siit nouti ilmi kapina that roused open rebelllon, (esim. Jossakin jrjestss) that
broiiKht rorth (l. roused 1. ratsed 1. provoked) a storm or angry protest; tumma
noutee niin suureksi the sum amounts to
so much i triat . . , ett . .1, the sum makes
(1. Is) so much; tumu nouti a (ok set In (1.
roso I. came up) : vaiktuktia noutee (eteen)
dimcultles arlse (I. come up 1. sprliiK up) ;
vastalauseita noutee protests are ratsed (1.
are heard).
nousu (nouseminen) risin, arising, koIiik
up Jne, ks. nousta: rlse; ascenslon; (Il
maan y. m.) ascent; (tien, maan y. m.)
slope (up); (rautatien, kadun v. m.) Krade,
Krartlent; (nousupaikka) risliiK grounrt,
accllvlty; (hintojen y. m.) advance, enhancement;
growth; (taimelle y. m.) sproutinp, shootIng rorth, sprlnKiuK up; (ilmestyminen)
comlnK up; (kiihtyminen) intensirylnK;
(kapinaan) rlslng in arms, Insurrertion,
revolt, rebellton; (Johonkin 1. jollekin as
tuminen) mounttnR: - ja latku (mys:)
KOliiK up and down, riuctuatlon; maan
rlse or (1. In) the ground; ruuvin pltch
or a screw; valtaittuimelle - accesslon (to


the throne) ; vuorelle ~ ascent or a [the]

mountaln: Vrt. auringon-, kuun~ y. m.
-aalto tldal wave; bore, ( Engl. i eagre. -aika
tlme to Ket up; (esim. auringon) tlme or
rlslnK; kantoliinan nousuaika perlod or na
tional Krowth, (herys-) period or national
nousuinen (yhd.)..with a. . ascent (1. Krade),
.. rlslnK -ly [esim. jyrkk- witb a
steep ascent (1. Krade), rlslng abruptlyj.
nousukaa upstart, parvenu; (jkpv.) newlyrich.
nousu korkeus height to whieh something
rlses. -paikka rlslnK ground, acclivlty;
(maihin-) landing place. -vaal (the) rlslng
tlde, (vuoksi) riow (or the tide), Hood
(tide); noutuveden aika rlslng tide, TlOOd
tide; korkein noutuveti hlgh tlde, hlgh
water. -viikko (nouseva viikko) the corning week, next week. -voima abllity (1.
power) to rlse.
noutaa brlng, Tetch; come Tor; kirje paa
titta (go and) bring a letter from the postorrice; noutamaan to brlng, to Ket, Tor,
arter, ks. lhett, menn, tulla; onko hn
kynyt ten noutamatta has he been tOT (1.
arter) (t? haa he been to Ket it? on puita
noutamatta Is out to Ket wood. noutaminen
bringlng, retching; noutamisen uhalla on
pain or belnK brought (1. haled) berore
the court.
nouto noutaminen. -Uhka: noutouhalla
= noutamisen uhalla, ks. noutaminen.
novelli (short) story, tale; novelette; (pit
k) novel. -kirjallisuus tales and Short
stories; rictlon. -kirjasto 1. -kokoelma collection or Short stories.
novellin kirjottaja writer or Short stories,
story-wrlter; novellst. -tapainen .. resembllnK a novel.
novellisti = novellinklrjottaja.
nuha cold (in the Heart): (nasal) catarrh;
hnell on ollut ~ jo aseita kertoja talvan
kuluessa (mys:) he has had qulte a number or colds durlng the Winter; minutta
on ~, minulla on nuhaa l have a cold (in my
head); (tina) saat nuhaa, jos .. you wlll
take (1. catch) cold, ir . . , lt wlll Klve you
(1. it wlll brlng on) a cold, ir . . . nuhainen
. . wlth a cold (in the head); . . stopped (1.
sturred) up with a cold. nuhakuume
grip(pe), Inriuenza.
nuhde reproach; upbraldlng; reprimand;
(ankara) reproor, rebuke; (jkpv.) ratlng,
talklng to, lecture; (varottelu) admonltlon,
e v In iiialn m. nuhttat scoldlng(s), upbraldlng(s),
mand (s); antaa nuhteita = nuhdella.
nuhdella (moittien) reproach [one for (1.
\vitin . . -ing. jotakuta jostakin], upbraid
fone ror (1. wlth 1. on account oD ... Jo
takuta Jostakin], blame; Klve a scoIdinK (1.
a ratlng) [to . . ror, jotakuta jostaktn) ; expostulate (1. remonstrate) rwlth one about
a th., Jotakuta Jostakin]; (varotellen) admonlsh [one eoncernlnK a rault, Jotakuta
Jostakin virheest]; (ojennellen) reprove,
censure; reprimand, rebuke [ror (1. on
account or) ... jostakin].
nuhdel saarna sermon, lecture; ks. pit,
-saarnaaja sermonlzer; morallzer. -sana
word or reproach: word or censure.
nuhista snirr, snurr; (puheessa) snurrie.
nuhjailla, nuhjata poke (around), dawdle.
be slow, waste time; (khmystell) bungle
[with (1. at) ..]; (mktt) mope; mit
tiell nuhjailet why are you dawdllng
there? nuhjus, nuhjusmainen. nuhlustella
ks. nahjus, nahjusmainen, nahjustella.
nuhraantua Ket blurred, get rogged; Ket
dulled; Ket ruzzy; vrt. tuhraantua.



nuhtMton (moitteeton) irreproacbable [con

duct, kyts], above reproaeh, blameless
'life, elm], free or blame: unobjectlonable; (rikkomaton) unswerving [ridellty,
uskollisuus1, unbroken. nuhteettomasti irreproachably, blamelessly; unswervingly.
nuhteettomuus blamelessness, irreproachableness; . . being above reproaeh.
nuhteleminen reproachlng Jne., ks. nuhdella.
nuhteleva! ineni reprovlng, reproachlng,
reproachlul; reprehensive; nuhteleva sil
mys reprovlng look, look of reproaeh.
nuhtelevat ise)stl reproachingly, reproachfully; reprehensibly. nuhtelu reproaeh
(ing), upbralding; expostulation(s), remonstration(s) ; (nuhteet) rebuke(s), reproof(s ) , reprlmand(s) .
nuija club; hammer; (esim. kroketti-) mallel; (puheenjohtajan) gavel; (etup. sota-)
mace; (tek., raskas) beetle. nuljaaminen
rlubblng. nuijajoukko band armed with
clubs; (hist.) the club army. nuijamainen
.. Ilke a club (1. a mallet), club-shaped.
nuijamies man armed with a club, clubman.
nuijan! isku 1. -lynti blow (1. stroke) or a
club (1. a mace). -muotoinen club-shaped.
-varsi handle of a [the] club.
nuijat pai (sammakonpolka) tadpole, polllwog; (kuv.) thirkhead, numbskull. -sota
peasants' war [In Finland 1597] In which
clubs and maces were used as vveapons,
club war.
nuijata club. nuijia nuijata. nuijiminen,
nuijinta clubbing.
nuiva (tyly) harsh; Stern; crabbed; (kova)
bard, severe; (nolo) baffled, dlsappolnted;
abashed; kyd nuiville nenin be(come)
barried (I. nonplused), feel rheap, feel
small, feel sheepisb. nuivasti harshly,
sternly. nuivuus harshness, sternness.
nujakka (kahakka) sculTle, tussle, brush;
(melu, melske) nolse, racket, row.
nujerrus breaklng; crushlng; puttlng down,
suppression; vrt. seur.
nujertaa (murtaa) break; (musertaa) crush;
(kukistaa) put down, suppress; (pakottaa
vaikenemaan) put a quletus upon; vas
tarinta put down (I. suppress) the opposi
tion, nujertaminen ks. nujerrus.
nu juu tel la, n u juututa sculTle, tussle; toi
siaan tukatta (be) pull(lng) each other's
halr; tapella scurrie, be rightlng.
nukahdus slumber; (lyhyt uni) doze, nap,
snak-h (1. wlnk) of sleep.
nukahtaa rall asleep, go (1. drop o(T) to
sleep [over one's book, kirjansa reen; In
splte or one's pain, tuskistaan huolimat
ta], drop orr [for a few minutes, hetki
seksi], doze orr (to sleep), go orr Into a
doze: get to sleep; nukahdin pitkn I took
a long nap; hetkinen take a little nap,
have a wink or sleep; jlleen go to sleep
(1. rall asleep) agaln. nukahtaminen i.iii
Ing asleep, golng (I. dropplng orr) to sleep,
dozlng orr (to sleep) ; vrt. edell.
nukallinen rieecy; nppy; llurry, downy;
(takkuinen) sbaggy, rough. nukallisuus
rieeciness; nappiness; riurriness; (takkuisuus) shagginess.
nuken- (yhd.) doil's [esim. -kasvot dolrs
race; -p doll's headl. -kaappi dollCs)
house. -vaunut doll buggy.
nukka rieece; (veran y. m.) nap, (sametin)
plle; (pitk) shag; (hyty) Hurr, (kasvien
y. m.) down; (karva) halr; (takku) tangled
(I. matted halr). nukkaantua berome (1.
get) riurry (l. downy). nukkainen = nu
kallinen: (yhd.) . . wlth a . . nap (1. plle)
[esim. karkeanukkainen . . ujlh a rough


nap (1. plle) ; lyhytnukkainen . . with a Short

nap (1. plle)], . .-plled [esim. pitknukkainen long-plled]. nukkaisuus nukallisuus.
nukka kangas I. -kudos cloth wlth a nap;
(pitknukkalnen) shag. -lanka chenille.
-matto carpet (I. rug) with a nap; VVIlton
carpet (I. rug). -punos chenille. -verka
plush. -vieru threadbare; (kulunut) shabby, seedy.
nukke doll; puppet; vrt. nivel, nukkemai
nen . . like a doll, doll-llke. nukketeatteri
puppet-show, marlonette show.
nukkua sleep, be asleep; (menn nukuksiin)
rall asleep, go (1. get) to sleep; hyvin
(\. makeasti) sleep well, sleep sound(ly),
sleep sweetly, have a good sleep, have a
good nlghts rest; ~ levottomasti sleep restlessly, have a troubled sleep (1. night); ~
liian pitkn sleep too long, oversleep
(O.S.); nyyhhytyksiins (nukahtaa) sob
o. s. to sleep, go to sleep sobbing; si
kesti (]. sike unta) sleep sound, be
sound asleep, sleep hard, be In a deep (I. a
sound) sleep, sleep llke a log; (saada)
tarpeekseen (Jkpv.) have one's sleep out;
nukkuessahan) In one's sleep; en saattanut
I couldn't (get to) sleep; o.'i'n nuMumassa kun hn tuli I was asleep (I. was
sleeplng) when he eame: olla nukkuvinaan
pretend to be asleep, feign sleep; vrt. nu
kahtaa, nukkuja one who sleeps, sleeper.
nukkumatti Sandman.
nukkuminen sleeplng; rallini' asleep, golng
to sleep: vrt. nukkua, nukkuneisuus (uneli
aisuus) dnnvslness, sleeplness; somnolence.
nukkuva sleeplng; (joskus:) asleep: (ui
nuva) dormant. nukus: hert nukuksista
wake up out or one's (1. a) sleep; olla nu
kuksissa be (rast) asleep, (be) sleep(lng),
(kuv.) lie dormant. nukutella l.(tr.) lull (1.
hush) . . to sleep; 2. (Itr.) try to go to (1.
try to get) sleep. nukutin ks. nukutusaine.
nukuttaa put . . to sleep, lull . . asleep (1. to
sleep); (lk.) ana>sthetlze, artmlnister anaestheties rto a p., Joku] ; vrt. huumata;
kloroformilla (put . . to sleep wlth) chlorororm, put . . under the Inriuence or rhlorororlll [hliom. hnet on nukutettu klorofor
milla (mys:) he has had ehloroiorm admlnlstered to hlml: ~ suruttomuuden
uneen lull into Security ; minua alkoi I got
(1. grew 1. became) Sleepy (1. dozy); minua
I reel (1. I am) Sleepy (1. dozy). nukut
taminen puttlng (1. lulling) to sleep; (une
liaisuus) sleeplness; mys = nukutus, nu
kuttava . . \vhlch puts one to sleep; (pitk
veteinen) tedlous. (ikv) diili; nukattavat
eineet ana-sthetlcs. nukuttelu I. (tr.) lull
ing to sleep; 3. (itr.) trying to go to sleep.
nukutus I. nukuttaminen; (lk.) adminIstratlon or anasthetics. -aine (huumaus-)
anaesthetic; (nukutin) soporiric. liypnotlc:
(narkoottinen) narootlc. -laulu (kehto-)
lullaby; (kuv. 1. v.) oplate(s).
nulikka stripllng, youngster; young rascal.
whlppersnapper. hobhledehoy: cub; lirat
(or a boy) ; (Jkpv.) kld; cair; ennen nulik
kana (ollessani) when I \<as (still) a kld
(1. a youngster 1. a stripllng 1. a mb),
-iki hobhledehoy age; gawky aire
nulikkamalnen klddish; hobbledehoylsh; ~
kyts kld's conduct, cair perrormances.
nulikkamaisuus klddish conduct, cair per
rormances (1. actlons).
nuljahdus sllp(ping). nuljahduttaa make (1.
cause to) sllp. nullahtaa (luiskahtaa) sllp,
sltde; (luisua) glide; nuljahtaa jonkun k
sist sllp (1. slide) out or a p.'s hands.
nuljahtaminen slipplng, slldlng; gliding.



nulkki ks. nulikka.

numero number; (laskumerkkl) flgure, numeral; (kaupp. = suuruus-) slze; (sano
malehden y. m.) lssue; numeroa liian pie
net [suuret] a slze too small [too big (1.
large)]; numerolleen to the exact flgure;
mink numeron hansikkaita te kyttte
what slze (1. number) do you wear (1.
take) In gloves? .. on ensimisen nume
rona . . Is the flrst number Ton the program,
ohjelmassa], .. occuples the flrst place.
numero- (yhd.) numerlcal [esim. -arvo numerlcal value; -jrjesty* numerlcal order] .
numeroida (mark . . with a) number; ~
[muistikirjan] sivut page [a note-book].
numeroimaton unnumbered. numeroiminen
numberlng; (kirjan) sivujen numeroiminen
paglng. numeroimiskone numberlng-machlne; (-leimasin) numbering-stamp.
numeroinen (yhd.) . .-Tlgure, . . in . . rigures, . . runnlng Into . . flgures [esim.
viisinumeroinen luku a flve-figure number,
a number m (1. runnlng Into) flve flg
ures] ; kahdeksannumeroiset kalossit num
ber eight rubbers.
numeroittaa, numeroitu* ks. numeroida, nu
numeroii merkki numeral charaeter; rigure.
-mies a man \vho has a great deal to do
\vlth rigures (1. \vho does a great deal of
rigiiring). -taulu (kirkossa) hymn board.
nummi moor; (kanerva-) heath; (hiekka-)
sandy plaln, stretch of sand; (mntymet
s kasvava) plne-barren. -maa moorland;
heathy tract.
nunna nun. -luostari convent; nunnery.
-lupaus (conventual) vow.
nunnanpuku nun's hablt (1. garb), garb of a
nuo thnse; noiden of those; noilla with (1.
by) those; noille to (1. for) those; noilta
Trom those; noita those.
nuohoa s\veep [the chlmney, savutorvi],
clean out. nuohoioija chlmney-s\veep(er).
nuohojanammatti cnimney-sweep's trade
(1. occupatlon). nuohojapoika chlmneysweep's helper. nuohomlnen, nuohonta
sweeplng. nuohota nuohoa.
nuojua (huojua) rork; sway; (notkua) bend.
nuokahdella bend, bow; rock.
nuokkua (nykky) nod; (lerppua) droop;
(riippua) hang (down) ; (keikkua) swing,
rork; (taipua) hend, how; vrt. nuoku
tulla, nuokkuminen = nuokunta. nuokkumisliike (kasv.) mitation. nuokkuoksainen
. . wlth drooplng branches. nuokkuva noddlng; bnwlng; drooplng. nuokunta noddlng; drooplng Jne., ks. nuokkua, nuokus:
olla nuokuksissa i. (riipuksissa) be droop
lng; 2. ^ olla torkutuissa, ks. torkus. nuokutella (unisena) dozc, nod (mys kukista
y. m); (nykklllit) bow; vrt. seur. nuokuttaa (nykytt) nod [one's head, p
tn] ; (antaa lerppua) droop; (taivuttaa)
bend, bow; (keikuttaa) swing, rock. nuokuttaminen, nuokutus noddlhg; drooplng;
bowing; rocklng.
nuolaiseminen llrking. nuolaista lick (up) ;
l nuolaise ennenkun tipahtaa (sanani.)
don't count your ehiekens herore they are
hatehed: vrt. nuolla, nuolaisu llck. nuoleksla nuoleskella; (kuv.) fawn [Upon . . ,
Jotakuta], cringe [before..]. nuoleminen
nuoleni krki arrow-hcad. -muotoinen arrow-shaped, (sliaped) like an arrow;
(kasv.) sagittate. -nopea Swift as an arrow (1. as a dart) ; arrowy. -nopeasti =
nuolen nopeudella, ks. nuali. -p arrowhead. -paklrjotu cuneirorm writlng (1.


nuoleskella be llcklng; keep licking; vrt.

nuolcksia. nuolettaa let (1. have) . . lick .
nuolettaa koiralla lautanen puhtaaksi let (1.
have) the dog llck the plate clean.
nuoli arrow, shaft; bolt; (Ilmapyssyn) dart:
nuolen nopeudella Swift as (the fllght Oi)
an arrow, swirt as a dart, llke a shot.
-haukka (ellnt.) hobby, -kantainen (kasv.)
sagittate. -kontti quiver. -myrkky arro\vpoison. -sade shower (1. rin) of arrows.
-sauma (anat.) sagittal suture.
nuolla llck [the plate clean, lautanen puh
taaksi] ; sileksi (esim. kissa karvansa)
sllck, sleek; ~ suuhunsa (latkia) lap;
suutaan (\. huuliaan) llck one'S llps (1.
chops). nuoltu licked; (siloinen) sllck, sleek.
nuolutauti (elinlk.) licklng-disease.
nuora cord, strlng, twine; (kysi) rope;
(kuivuu- y. m.) llne.
nuoralla tanssija tight-rope perrormer (1.
Walker), rope-dancer, cquillbrlst. -tanssi
(-minen) tight-rope perrorming, ropedanclng.
nuorani punoja maker of cord; (kyden)
rope-makcr. -ptk piecc of rope.
nuora portaat I. -astuimet rope-ladder.
nuorehko youthful; juvenile; rather young,
nuorekas youthrul; juvenile; vrt. edell.;
ikisekseen young for one*s years (1. one's)
age. nuorekkaasti youthrully. nuorekkuus
youthfulness; youth.
nuoremmuus . . belng younger; Juniority;
mene sin nuoremmuuttasi you are young
er, you ought to go.
nuorempi younger; (etenkin virassa y. m.)
junior; (myhempi, uudempi) more recent;
nuorempana (ollessani) \vhen young(er),
in mv young(er) days, when I was (a)
young(ster) ; kuin younger than . . ,
(ajassa) posterlor to, (myhempi) later
than . .; Plinius (mys: Plinius, nuor.)
Pllny, the Younger; ~ poika a younger
son; hn nytt nuoremmalta kuin mit
hn todellisuudessa on (mys:) he does not
look his years ; hn on minua vuotta he
Is a year younger than I (am), he Is a year
my junior; Matti Pusa, nuor. Matt. Pusa,
Jr.; mene sin nuoremmaksesi you, \vho are
younger, go; you are younger, you go: sen
jtn nuorempieni tehtvksi I leave that
to younger men, I leave that to my juniors;
(mys:) chlldren under 15 (years).
nuorennus rejuvenatlon.
nuoron puoleinen rather young, younglsh.
-raitis . . with the health of youth, young
and healthv (1. bloomlng).
nuorentaa make . . younger, make . . (feel)
young agaln, renc\v one's youth, rejuvenate; (kuv.) renew, regenerate. nuorenta
minen rejuvenating, rejuvenatlon: reneval
of rone's] vouth. nuorentava rejuvenating
[erfect. vaikutus] ; (kuv.) renewing.
nuorentua get (1. grow) younger, grow
young agaln, be(come) rejuvenated; olen
nuorentunut, tunnen nuorentuneeni I feel
younger. nuorentuminen gettlng younger.
rejuvenatlon. nuorentuva rejuvenescent.
nuori young [cattle, karja] ; youthful; Juve
[ofrender, pahantekij];
when young, as a young man [ woman] , at a
youthrul age; (minun) nuorena ollessani
when I was young; nuoruudessani) In my
vouth. in the early part of my ltre, early
in mv life; nuoret the young rolks, young
people; henkil (lak.) a mlnor; yst
vni my young (1. youthrul) frlend; Nuor
ten miesten [naisten] kristillinen yhdistys
Young Men's [Women's] Christian Asso
ciation; hn ei ole en erittin (\. kovin)



(mys:) shc is no longer in the first

flush (1. freshness) of youth, he is no more
a (raw and) callow youth; muista, ettet
ole en (mys:) remember that you
are not so young as you used to be. -herra
younfr gentleman; (palvelusven puhees
sa:) master, youngr master.
nuorikko brlde; young (1. newly) married
oman; nuorikot the bridal couple, (Jkpv.)
the newly-weds.
nuori maito new milk; sweet mllk. -mies
young man; (Joskus:) swain; (poikamies)
single (1. unmarrled) man, bachelor.
nuoriso youth; (nuoret) young people
[youngr men, youngr women], the young;
nouira the risin generatlon. -Joukko
crowd or young people. -kirjallisuus books
ror the young; Juvenlle literature. -kir
jasto young folks' library. -leikit Juvenlle
sports. -liike young people's movement.
-liitto league or young people's socletles.
nuorisontuomiolstuin Juvenlle court.
nuoriso* osasto Junior department. -seura 1.
-yhdistys young people s soclety (1. club 1.
association 1. unlon). -seurallike movement
towards roundlng and developing young
people'3 socletles (1. clubs) ; vrt. nuoriso
liike, -vakuutus (1. v.) chtldren's Insurance.
nuortaa = nuorentaa.
nuorta* (norja) llthe, lissom(e) [Hgure, var
talo] ; wlllowy, limber, supple; (Joustava)
elastlc, springy; (raitis, tuore) rresh;
mieli buoyant spirits, cheerful disposition,
nuorteaatl llthely, llmberly; elastlcally.
nuorteus litheness, llssom(e)ness; suppleness; elasticlty, sprlng(lness); freshness;
(kuv.) buoyancy.
nuortua nuorentua, nuortuminen, nuortumua nuorentuminen.
nuorturkkilainen I. (a.) Young Turklsh. II.
(s.) Young Turk.
nuorukainen youth, young man; (poika) lad.
nuorukais iki adolescence. -Joukko 1. -parvi
band of youths (1. of lads).
nuoruuden- (yhd.) . . of youth [esim. -hul
lutukset rollles of youth: -lhde fountain
of youth; -pivt days Oi youth; -unelma
dream or youth; -viehty* 1. -hempeys
charm or youth], .*. or one's youth [esim.
-ihanne ideal or one's youth; -muistot recollectlons (1. memorles) or one's youth;
-toveri companlon or one's youth] ; (nuo
rekas) youthrul (esim. -into youthrul ardor; -raikkaus youthrul rreshness; -tuli
youthrul rire; -voima youthrul strength].
-aika time (1. days) or youth, youthrul
days. -aikuinen . . rrom the days or one's
youth. -erehdys mlstake (1. error 1. lapse
1. rault 1. sllp) or youth. -hairahdus youth
rul escapade (1. indlscretion). -kiihko 1.
-kiivaus ardor (1. heat) or youth. -lemmit
ty 1. -rakastettu sweetheart or one's (early)
nuoruudenlemmittyni my boyhoodCs) sweetheart, my early (1. my flrst)
sueetheart. -rakkaus young (1. rirst) love;
early love (1. attachment) ; love or ]one's]
youth, (Jkpv.) puppy love. -ystv: nuoruudenystvni rrlend or (1. rrom) my
youth (1. my young days 1. my boyhood
days), an early (1. a school-day) Triend or
mlne; he ovat naoruudenystvi they are
rrienrts rrom (thcir) youth.
nuoruus youth; youthrul age; nuoruuden
aika (mys:) days or youth, early lire;
nuoruudessaan in (hls) youth, in the early
pari or hls life. in hls early life; ja hul
luus (sananp.) young rolks \vlll have thelr
rilng, boys wlll be boys, you can't put (1.
expect) old heads on young shoulders;
nuoruuteni aikuinen ystv a rrlend oT
mlne rrom the days of my youth. -vuosi:


jonkun nuoruusvuodet oneS young (I.

early) years, the years or one's youth.
nuoska I. (a.) = nuoskea. II. (s.) = seur.
-ilma thaw; mild weathcr.
nuoskea (suoja) mild; (kostea) damp, humld, wet; ~ lumi soit (1. wet) snow. nuoskeus mlldness; dampness, humldity; (lu
men) sortness. nuoskeuttaa: nuoskeuttaa
lumi thaw (1. melt) the snow.
nuot = nuo.
nuotanveto sweep(lng) wlth a selne; sweepselning; olla nuotanvedossa be rishlng vclth
a [the] selne, be seining.
nuotio camp-rire, bonrire; (sot.) blvouac.
-tuli = nuotio.
nuotisto (collectlon or) notes.
nuotta selne, drag-selne, haul-ashore selne;
sweep-selne; o/fa nuotalla be rishing with
a selne, be seining. -apaja 1. (nuotanvetopalkka) selnlng-ground; 2. (-saalis) haul,
drart. -kalastus selne rishing, seining.
-kota 1. -lato shed In vvhlch to keep the
selne (1. to dry the nets). -kunta seinecrevv; seine-gang. -talas = nuottakota.
nuotti note; (ni) tune; (svelm) melody:
air; strain (or music) ; noottien kirjotus
Copylng (or) music; laulaa [soittaa] nuo
teista sing [play] rrom (the) notes, sing
[play] by note; vrt. koko, puoli y. m.
nuotti- (yhd.) music [esim. -kirja muslcbook; -paperi muslc-paper] . -asetin 1. -J*lus music-stand; (soittimeen kiinnitett
v) music-rack. -avain cler; key. -laukku
muslc-case (1. -roll 1. -holder) ; vrt. nuottisalkku, -lehti sheet or music, -salkku
muslc-porUolio. -teline = nuottiasetin.
-vihko muslc-book. -viiva llne (orastarr).
-viivasto starr; stave.
nuottue = nuottakunta.
nupina, nupista ks. napina, napista.
nupiton . . \vlthout a bead (1. a knob) , knoblcss.
nupop (nuti-) hornless.
nuppi (kepin y. m.) bead, knob; (satulan,
miekan y. m.) pommel; (esim. lipputangon
pss) ball; (esim. pistomiekan krjess)
button. -klrklnen.. wlth a button on itsend.
nuppinen (yhd.) . .-headed, . .-knobbed,
. .-pommeled [esim. hopea satula sllverpommeled saddle; kulta keppi goldheaded
cane; pyre neula round headed pln].
nuppineula pln; nuppineulan pisto prlck or
a pln, pin-prlck; nuppineulan p head or
a pin. pin-head. -tyyny pin-rushlon.
nuppiplinen . . \vith a head, (esim. satula)
. . \vlth a pommel; ~ neula pin.
nuppu bud; (lehtlsilmlkko, tiet.) gemma;
olla nupulla be in bud, he buddlng.
nuppulnen (yhd.) . . \vith . . buds [esim.
puna wlth red buds; suuri wlth large
nuppunen, nupukka small bud; nuppuseni
(hyvilysatiana) my lamb! mam(m)a's precious blossom! vrt. kullanmuru.
nurea = nyrpea.
nureksia complaln, rind rault \vlth . . , re
pine; (be unhappy and) murmur [at one'3
rate, kohtaloaan!, grumble; be dlscontented [at . . , Jotakin], nureksiminen, nu
reksima romplaining, replnlng; murmur
(-ing), grumbllng. nureksua = nureksia.
nureus (nurjamielisyys) enmlty, 111 \vlll;
(tyytymttmyys) discontent, dlssatlsraction; vrt. nurjuus.
nurin vrong; \vrong side out, inside out;
(kumoon) over, down: Iverblon yhteydess kytettyn ks. knt, lyd, menn
y. m.] ; - fcarin (the) wrong side (1. way)
to, (the) wrong way around; (pliin) (the)
wrong side up; (ylsalaisin) upside down,
(the) wrong (1. bottom) end up; ksin
kS. nurinpin: nrin \ipsldc down, hei



ter-skelter; niskoin (pistikkaa) heels

over head, head over heels, head flrst,
hcadlong, topsy-turvy, (kumoon) over
(huom. tuli (l. putosi) nurin niskoin por
taita ala* (myi):) tumbled downstalrs];
oleva wrong; pin Ks. nurinpin (hakus.); heitt ~ (esim. kova tuuli ihmisen)
knork (I. throw 1. hurl) . . over (I. down 1.
"II hlB feet); kaataa ~ ks. kaataa (kUuioon) ; takki on the coat has been turned
Inside OUt; vet tukka jalkaansa piit
one's storklng on Inside out.
nurina imiruiur(liiK), grumbllng, frrowl
(-Ing); (napina) romplalnlrig; on kuulunut
nurinaa murmurs (1. grumbllngs 1. complalnts) have been heard.
nurin kurinan perverted, perverse, wrong;
(mieletn, hullunaikalnen) preposterous,
alisiini, irrational; (kmpel) awkward;





Just opposlte tn uhat it ought to (have)

De(cn); nurinkurinen menettelytapa wrong
(I. Irrational) method; nurinkuriset aja
tukset Cl. ksitteet) wmng (I. Talse I.
perverse) Ideas (I. notions), (mielettmt)
absurd (I. preposterous) ldeas (I. notlons).
-kurlsesti the wrong way; perversely; aburdly, preposterously. -kurisuu* perviTsciii-ss; absurdlty, preposterousness.
-nukoin ks. nurin (niskoin), -puolinen
wronir. -pin (esim. matto lattialla) wrong
slde up, (esim. takki) wrong side out, in
side out; (ylsalaisin) upslde down, botti im siili' up; mys
nurin kurin, ks. nu
rin; taulu on nurinpin seinll the Picture
hanifs Taco to the wall. -piinan reversed;
wrimg, perverted, perverse;
(yl<isulalsln oleva) . . turned upslde down;
nurlnpinen yritys a blunderlng (1. an
awkward) atlcmpt.
nurltamlnen iniirrnurlng, Jne., ks. nurista,
nurisija griiinblcr, irrowler. nurista murniiir, grunihle, growl: (napista) complaln
1 at (I. ahmit), Jostakin 1, repine.
nurja wrong; (kuv.) a(d)verse; unfriendly,
unkliidly; (tyke) cross, crabbed; (nurin
kurinen) perverse; ~ katse cross (1. crablied-l. suur) look; kohtalo adverse (1.
iinkliiil) ratr; - ksitys (vr) wrong (I.
perverse 1. Irrational I. rranky) idea (1.
notlon), (cpsuosiolllnen) unTrlendly (1.
prejudlred) opinion; mieli eninlty, IIIw III [ huom. pila nurjalla mielell jotakuta
kohtaan lie III (Ilsposed (I. feel enmlty)
tnu-ards a p.l; ~ puoli (esim. kankaassa)
wrong side. seamy side (mys kuv.); nurjat olot adverse ronditlons.
nurja mielinen nverse, lll-dlsposed, unacrommodatlng, unfriendly; cross, crusty;
(eiisuopea) unfavorable; (ennakkoluuloi
nen) prejudlred. -mielisesti aversely, unrrleudlv; wlth enmlty, with lll-wlll; wlth
prejudlce. -mielisyys iinrrlendllness, disarrection; enmlty, tll-wlll; crossness: pre
judlce; (vastenmielisyys) averslon, dlsllke.
nurjasti wrong; a((l)versely; unkliidly;
crossly; perversely.
nurjuus . . belng wrong; (kuv.) averslon,
adverseness; unklndness, unfrlendllness,
disarrectlon; crossness; perverseness, perverslty; vrt. nurja.
nurkantakaiset (leik.) home-ratsed tobarco.
nurkutain cornerwlse.
nurkka corner; (soppi) nook, recess; (kul
ma) angle; nurkan takana helli iid the cor
ner, (a)round the corner: panna nurkkaan
(hpemn ) put . . In the corner, stand
one (1. niake one stand) In the corner; vrt.
nurkka- (yhd.) corner- [esim. -kaappi cornercupboard; -kivi corner-stone; -pylvs cor-


ner-post]. -asianajaja pettirogger; (Jkpv.)

a no-account lawyer. -hylly rorner-sheir.
nurkkainen (yhd.) . .-cornered, . . \vith . .
corners [esim. kolmi three- cornered;
valkea~ . . with white corners].
nurkkaSJuoni petty lntrigue. -kamari corner-room. -kauppa corner store: (kuv.)
cheap store, (jkpv.) Junk-shop. -kauppias
man who runs a cheap store; (Jkpv.) Junkdealer. -kunta set, cllque; ring; (seutu
kunta) neighborhood, parts. -kuntainsn
clanish, . . Incllned to rorni cliques. -kuntaisuus elanishness. -kuntalainen member
(1. one) of a clique (1. a set), -puoti corner
store. -sihteeri (1. v.) qulll-driver. -tohtori
quack doctor.
nurkkaus corner: vrt. salvos.
nurkkaviiaas I. (a.) pedantic. II. (s.) pedant.
nurkua murmur, grumble; (valittaa) com
plaln [to a p. about a th., Jollekulle josta
kin]; repine [ at ..], (moittia) rind rault
(wlth . .] ; nurfcumofio without a mur
mur, wlthout a word or (1. ithout any)
complaint, unromplainingly; vrt. valittaa.
nurkumaton uncomplalnlng; (alistuvainen)
submlsslve; reslgned (to one's fate). nurkumattomuus uncomplainlngness, submtsslveness, resignation. nurkuminsn murniurIng, grumbling; complalning, complaints.
nurmettua (ruohottua) become grass-grown,
become covered (1. grown over) \vlth grass;
(esim. puutarha) grow up (1. get rhoked)
vvith grass; (esim. hautakumpu) be(come)
sodded over; (muuttua niityksi) turn Into
a meadow; on nurmettunut (mys:) Is
grassert over.
nurmi (green) sward, green; (kentt) lawn:
(ruoho) grass; nurmella on the grass, on
the lawn. nurmikas grassy, . . covered with
nurmikentt grass-plot. lawn:
green. nurmikka (kasv.) meadow-grass.
nurmikko = nurmi, nurmikkoinen grassy,
. . Ilke a lawn.
nurmi penger grassy slope; grassy terrace.
-penkki terrace to slt on. -permanto lavvn;
(green) sward.
nurpea, nurpeasti, nurpeus = nyrpei, nyrpesti, nyrpeys.
nutip (mullp) hornless.
nutistaa (rutistaa)
squeeze; (rusentaa)
rrush, (jkpv.) squash; (kuv.) put down
[the opposition, vastarinta]; .. hengilt
crush (1. squeeze) the life out of . .; vrt.
nujertaa, nutistus squeezlng; squeeze:
crushing; (kuv.) putting down.
nuttu coat; (ihokas) Jacket.
nuttura (hius-) knot [or hair].
nutukas (poronnahkakenk) finnsko.
nutun- (yhd.) coat [esim. -kaulus coat collar: -nappi coat button; -tasku coat
porket], . . or a [the] coat [esim. -selk
hack or a (1. the) coat]. -lievs sklrt or a
[the] coat, coat tali.
nuuka ks. kitsas, visu. nuukuus ks. kitsaus.
nuuska snulT.
nuuska- (yhd.) snurr- [esim. -mylly snurfnilll; -tehdas snurr-factory] .
nuuskaaja user or snurr, man (1. one) \vho
uses (I. takes) snurr; ahkera (jkpv.) a
gieat hand to use snurr. nuuskaaminen
uslng (1. taklng) (or) snurr. nuuskainen
snurry, . . covered (1. solled) wlth snurr.
nuusitakuono (kuv.) dirty snufr-nose.
nuuskan kyttj
- nuuskaaja. -ruskea
nuuskarasia snurr-box. nuuskari = nuus
kaaja. nuuskata take (1. use) snurr. nuuskatehtaillja manuracturer or -inu i.
nuuskia (haistella) snirr [at ..], smell.
scent; snurr; (kuv.) poke, pry, rerret
(out), spy; joka paikasta go prylng (1.



pokin?) about everywhere; ~ perinpohjin

( I . lpikotaisin) ransack, rummage ; ~ sei.
oillt hunt up, rerret (1. spy) out, unearth.
nuuskija (kuv.) spy; sneak; Paul Pry.
nuuskiminen, nuuakinta sniTfing Jne., ks.
nuutua wlther, become wlthered; nuutunut
witbered, (kuumuudesta) parched.
nyhdnt = nyhtminen, nyhdtt have . .
torn (1. pulled) up (I. out); nyhdtt
(pait) hammas have a tooth pulled out.
nyhert potter; tinker; Tool around [at . . ,
jotakin]; (ahertaa) busy o.s.
nyhjist, nyhjt glve [one] a poke [In the
rlbs, jotakuta kylkeen], nudge; (kuv.) glve
. . a hint. nyhjys poke, nudge; (kuv.) hlnt.
nyhtist puli, snatch, grab, tear; (give a)
jerk: twltch; vrt. nyht, nykist, nyh
tminen tearing (1. pulling) orr (1. up);
jerking; vrt. seur.
nyht tear (1. puli) [up, yls; orf, pois] ;
(nykist) jerk, twltch; jotakuta hihasta
(be 1. keep) pull(lng) one's sleeve, grab
(1. puli) one by the sleeve; ~ irti tear (1.
puli) . . loose (1. away); ~ rikkaruohoja
puli up weeds; vrt. nyppi,
nyhlaltainen (kasv.) crenate.
nyint jerking; pulling, snatching; (kalan)
nykerinen snub [nose, nen]; (tylpp)
pointless, blunt(-ended).
ny kero nen pug-nose, snub nose. -neninen pug-nosed, snub-nosed.
nykiell = nyki, nyht, nykiminen = nyin
t. nyki (be) jerk(lng) ; puli, tug; nip;
(kalasta:) bite, nlbble, be (1. keep) nibbling; nykii tliere Is (1. I have) a bite, the
risti are nibbling; vrt. nykist,
nykki pluck; keep jerking (1. twitchtng).
nyky: tt nyky ks. nykyn,
nyky- (yhd.) present [esim. -aika (the)
present time; -polvi (the) present generatlon]. -ika (mys:) the present; (meidn
aikamme) our (ovvn) time(s), the present
age (1. tlmes) ; (kiel.) present (tense) ;
nykyaikana, nykyaikaan novvadays, at the
present day, in our tlmes (1. days), today; nykyajan . . of the tlmes, . . of our
own tlmes, present-day, modern; nykyajan
keksinnt modern inventlons; nykyajan
vaatimukset the demands of the times, our
demands (1. destres) to-day; nykyajan vaa
timuksia vastaava (\. vaatimuksien mukai
nen) up-to-date, . . up to the times; kaikki
nykyajan mukavuudet ali modern conveniences (1. improvements). -aikainen .. of
the (I. our own) times, present-day; (uu
denaikainen) modern, up-to-date; (uusi)
new, recent; (muodissa oleva) fashtonable.
nykyaikaisenUa make . . (more) modern;
modernize. nykyaikaistua be(come) modernized. nykyaikals(tut)taa modernize.
nykyhetki (the) present moment (1. Instant); (nykyaika) present time, the present; nykyhetkell for (1. at) the present
moment, (nykyn) at present, for the
present, for the time belng.
nykyinen (. . or the) present (time); (ny
kyaikainen) . . or the (1. our own) tlmes,
present-day, modern; (nyt vallitseva) . .
now prevalllng, actual; existlng; aika
[kuningas Jne.] the present time [king,
etc. ] ; nykyisiss olosuhteissa, nykyisten
olosuhteitten vallitessa unrter present conditions, in the present state of things, un
der existlng (1. present) circumstances,
(asiain nykyiselln ollessa) as matters
are now (1. now stand), as matters stand
at present. nykyiselleen: jtt nykyisel
leen (muuttamatta) lcave . . unchanged (1.
unaltered), leave . . as lt Is (1. was), let . .


alone, retaln (1. maintain) the status quo.

nykyiselln as lt now is, (muuttumattoma
na) unchanged, unaltered; asian nykyi
selln ollessa as the case (1. the matter)
no\v stands, at the present phase or the arfalr. nykyisin, nykyisittin - nykyn,
nykyisyys present time(s), the present,
present day (1. age).
nyky kansa the people novvadays (1. today), people of to-day. -keatm (klel.)
present, the present tense. -kieli the pres
ent language, the language now prevailing,
the modern Engllsh [Finnish, etc.]. -maail
ma the present-day world, the world In
our day (1. time), the \vorld no\vadays (1.
to-day) , the World as lt is novv (1. now Is) ;
(nykyaika) the present age (1. day 1. times).
-olot present state of things, existlng conditions (1. circumstances); nykyoloissa un
der present conditlons (1. existlng circum
stances), In our day, vrt. nykyinen, -piv
present day, thls day; nykypivin In our
day(s); nOwadays; nykypivin Pariisi the
Parls of our day (1. our time), the Paris
of to-day. -vuosi: nykyvuosina In (1. during) these (1. recent) years.
nykyn at (1. for the) present; (juuri nyt)
now, ror the time being. (nykyaikaan)
no\vadays, at the present day, to-day,
(meidn aikanamme) In our times (1.
days); -" on sellainen harvinaista nowadays such things are rare.
nykhdell Jerk, glve jerks, (be 1. keep)
twitch(ing); nykhdellen by jerks by rits
and starts, intermittently. nykhdys Jerk,
twitch. nykhdytt jerk, tvvitch. nykhtely twitching. nykht give a Jerk, jerk,
twitch; start.
nykiseminen jerking Jne., ks. seur.
nykist (give a) jerk, twitch; (vetist)
puli lone's sleeve, Jotakuta hihasta] , pluck;
(sleppaista) grab, snatch; (riuhtaista)
tear, wrench; (kalasta puhuen:) bite; ~
irti tear (1. puli) away (1. loose); - Jota
kuta parrasta (esim. pikku lapsi) puli
one's beard (I. one's whlskers), (solvaisutarkotuksessa) pluck one by the beard.
nykisy jerk, tvvitch, puli, wrench; ensi
nykisyll (mys:) the rirst time he
pulled; yhdell nykisyll at one Jerk (1.
twltch 1. puli).
nykt: - kelloa move the regulator (or a
watch) forward (1. ahead) Lbackward (1.
batk ) ] , regulate a watch.
nykys jerk, twltch; puli; wrench.
nyljent, nylkeminen Haying, skinning, stripplng the skin orr; (kuv.) rieecing, extortlon; exploiting; vrt. nylke; harjottaa nyl
kemist (kuv.) practlse extortlon. nylkemisjrjestelm system or extortlon; (esim.
tylisten) system or exploltation. nylke
mtn unskinned.
nylke skln (mys kuv.), rlay [an anlmal,
elin], strlp the skin orr . .; (kuv.) rieece
[one out or every cent, joltakulta Joka
sentti]; (pett) cheat; (kiskoa) extort;
(riist) exploit; - kansaa (kyhdytt)
bleed (1. draln) the people [by heavy
taxes, raskailla veroilla] ; jotakuta kau
passa skin (1. rieece) one in a bargaln;
nahka (kiskoa) strip orr the skin, strlp orr
a[n anlmal's] hide; jotakuta peliss
cheat (1. skln 1. rieece) one In a game;
Joltakulta pnahka scalp one; kapitalistit
nylkevt tylisi (riistvt) the \vorklng
men are explolted by the capitalista.
nylklj one who skins (1. riays), man to
skin, man to strip orr the [cow's, etc] litUe;
Skinner; vrt. seur. nylkyri I. nylkij;
2. (kuv.) sklnrilnt, cheat; extortioner. nyi



kyveiui bunting-knire; (intiaanin) scalplng-knire.

nypinU plcklng; plucktng. nypisUll, nypistaly KS. hypistell, hypistely.
nyplu (nypli) finger it ... Jotakin}:
nypltty piimi pillow-lace, (koneella tehty)
bobbinet; nypltty ty bobbln-VfOrk;
pitsi make laee, vrt. koukuta.
nyplys: piltin lace-making. -kaava lacepattern. -tyyny 1. -paljanen lace-pUlow.
nyplminen k-, nyplys.
nypint. nyppii (noukkia)
pick; (nyki) pluck.
nyppy, nyppyinen = nppy, nppyinen.
nyppyl - nppy; (men-) knoll, knob;
(kallion-) spur.
nypykk tlp; vrt. nipukka, typykk.
nyreys nyrpeya. nyre = nyrpe; olla
nyreissn nyrpeilla.
nyrjhdys spraln, strain(lng); (sljoiltaanmenoj dlslocation, luxation. nyrjhdytt
(venahdytlaa) strain, spraln [one's ankle,
Nilkkansa, ; (vannahdytUa) twist; (saat
taa sijoiltaan; put out of Joint, dislocate,
(liSjOint; hn on nyrjhdyttnyl olkapns
he has put hls shoulder out (of Joint),
nyrjhtym spraln. nyrjhty nyrjht,
nyrjhtminen strain(ing), sprain(ing);
dlslocation. nyrjht get (1. be) strained
(I. spralned); get (1. come 1. be put) out
of Joint, be(come) dlslocated; jalkani nyr
jhti my root vvas (1. got) sprained, I
spralned my foot.
nyrkin itku blow or (1. wltb) tbe rist.
-kokoinen . . (or) the slze or tbe rist. -puinti
sliaking one's flst [at one, Jollekulle].
nyrkkeilij (ammatti-) boxer, puglllst. nyrk
kein be rigbtlng vvlth one's flsts; (urheilutarkotuksessa tai ammattinaan) box.
nyrkkeily boxing; prize-righting. -hansikas
boxlng-glove. -taito art of boxing, pugilistlc art.
nyrkki rist ; nyrkkiin puristeltu ksi clenched
hand. -laki mob-lavv; the principle tbat
inlght makes rlght.
nyrkkinen (yhd.) . .-flsted [esim. vahvastrong-risted].
nyrkki.oikeus nyrkkilaki. -ottelu Tlstflght. ristlcurrs; puglllstic encounter.
nyrkkiset: oltu nyrkkisill liave (1. be In) a
rist-riKlH. nyrkkisota fightlng (1. uar)
vvlth the rists, rist-rigbt.
nyrkki; uistelija boxer, prlze-Hghter, puglllst. -taistelu boxlng-mateh, prize-flght;
(nyrkkeily) boxing, prlze-fightliig. -tap
pelu iist-right; vrt. edell. -valta mob violence; vrt. nyrkkilaki. -voima: nyrkkivoimalla wittl one'3 rists.
nyrpeilla (olla myrryincn) be sulien, be
surly, be morose, be In a sulk (1. in the
sulks) [about (I. over) . . , Jostakin], sulk,
look sulien (1. morose 1. crabbed) ; be
cross, be crusty, (olla tyytymtn) be
dlssatisricd (1. discontented 1. displeased)
[vvlth .., Jostakin]; (olla loukkaantunut)
be oirended [with one at (1. about) a th.,
Jollekulle Jostakin], feel hurt; (kantaa
kaunaa) bave (1. bear) a grudge [against
one, Jollekulle], owe lone] a grudge. nyrpeistn ks. nyrpe.
nyrpeya suilenness, sulklness, moroseness;
dlsrontent(edness), dlssatlsractlon; bad
humor; vrt. seur. nyrpe (myrrylnen)
siilien [looks, katse], sulky, surly, glum,
morose; (tyytymtn) dlssatisried, dis
contented; (huonotuulinen) . . in a bad
humor; (iire) cross, crusty; olla nyrpeissn (l. nyrpeilln 1. nyrpetl mielell)
nyrpeilla. nyrpesti sullenly, sulkily,
morosely; in a dlssatisricd manner, dlscontentedly.


nyrpistya (nenn) sniff; mys = nyrpist

minen, nyrpistya be pursed up; (kuv.)
beicome annoyed (1. piqued) [at ... Jos
takin], be put out, (loukkaantua) be(come)
offended (L butfed) [at . .] ; nyrpistynjrt
annoyed, piqued. put out. nyrpistminen
isuun) pursin? up; (nenn) snirfing.
nyrpist: nenns jollekin turn up one*s
nose at . . , smrr at . . , sneer at . . , rrovvn
upon . .; suutemn purse one's lips, dravv
ones llps togetber, screw (1. draw) up
one's moutb.
nysterm = nystyr, -hammas bunodont
nysty i pahka) knob, boss; node, nodule;
small elevation (1. emlnence 1. protuberance); (ksn) art; (kasv.) gland; vrt.
nystyr, -karva (kasv.) glandular balr.
nystyr (anat.) papilla (plur. papilla) ;
(iaak.) tubercle. -basilli tubercle-baclllus.
nystyrinen tuberculate(d), nodular; granulated. nystyrtauti tuberculosls.
nys: lusikka~ sbort-bandled spoon; piip
pu short pipe, stub-pipe.
nyt no; heti rigbt a ay, at once, this
very instant, instantly, Lmmediately ; no te
hn kumma why, thafs Tunny (1. queer) !
sain sen vasta I just got it, I COUld Ilot
get it earller (1. berore).
nytki tvvitch, jerk. nytkytell, nytkytt
jerk, twitch; Joit; be jerking (1. jolting);
ajaa nytkytell jog along. nytky ks. hyt
ky, nytkhdell (be) Jerk(ing), make
sudden (l. starts), (be) twitcb
(-lng); (hytky) joit. nytkhdys Jerk,
tvvitcb; puli. nytkhdytt jerk, tvvitch;
joit. nytkht (give a) jerk, tilch. nytkist give . . a (sudden) Jerk, jerk, (Jkpv.)
yank; vrt. nykist.
nyttemmin no\v, novvadays; hn asuu
maalla he is living in the country now, be
has (recently) moved (in) to the country;
tm lausetapa on vanhentunut tllis expresslon Is no longer In current use, tbis
terin Is golng out or use now.
nyyhke nyyhkytys, nyyhki sob; snuffle;
sanoi [selitti jne.] nyyhkien (mys;) sobbed
out. nyyhkyttminen sobblng. nyyhkytt
sob. nyyhkytys sob; sobblng; kuului nyyh
kytyst (mys:) sobs vvere heard.
nyykisty bend the knees; (niiata) curtsy;
(lyyhisty) sink [under the burden, taa
kan alle], succumb; droop; vrt. kyykisty.
nyykytell, nyykytt, nyykytys ks. nykytell, nykytt, nyokytys.
nyytti, nyytty bundle.
nyokkya nod, be noddlng. nykkys nod:
(nykkminen) noddlng. nykkytt =
nykt, nyky teli be (1. keep) noddlng
ione's bead, pantaan], nod. nykyttminen
noddlng. nykytt nod [ones head, p
tn], nyokytys noddlng.
nykt nod ito one, Jollekulle]; hyvk
syen patun, (ptn) hyvksymisen
merkiksi nod (1. bow) assent, nod (ones
head in approval), nod approval, nod yes;
~ plln nod one'3 head; hn nykksi
minulle ystvllisesti (mys:) he gave me
a (rlendly nod.
nyri cord, string; t\vine; (esim. kengn)
lace; vrt. nuora, -liivi ks. kureliivi.
nyritt lace; tie up, strap; kiinni fasten
(vvith a lace), lace (securely); tiukkaan
nyritetty tlglit-laced. nyritya lacing.
nemm ( nen min) I see; se on ~ jo
valmis it ls ready, I see; I see lt's ready.
nenninen seemlng [peace, rauha], apparent, ostensible; (luuloteltu) supposed, reputed; pretended. nennisesti seemlngly,
apparently, ostenslbly. nennisyys appearance.

nt you see, you know; [selittvn sanana
kytetn net aivan samoin kuin nimittin,
ks. tt]. netko(a) do you see, don't you
nhden: johonkin With (1. in) regard to
. . , as regards . . , regardlng, considerlng,
respecting, bearing upon . . , (Jotakin kos
kien) as to . . , concerning, toucblng, wlth
reference to . . , Tor [esim. ikns for
blsage], (jossakin) In [esim. raha-asioihin
In (regard to) money matters], (Jossa
kin tapauksessa) In case (1. polnt) of . .
thuom. siihen (mys:) in vlew of that,
(sentbden) Tor that reason, on account or
tbat; siihen ttt . . In view of the laet
tnat . ., slnce . .; toisiinsa ~ (mys:) in
relation to each otber, (verrattuina) as
against each otber] ; kaikkien ~ lierot e (1.
in sigbt or) everybody, In full vlew of ali,
(avoimesti) openly; koko maailman be
fore ali the World, in the face (1. berore
the eyes) or the whole world; kirkolta
(as) seen from the cburch, (katsoen) looklng from the cburch; minusta as I see
it, (minun mielestni) in my opinion, to my
mind, (mit minuun tulee) as Tor me, Tor
my part, as rar as I am concerned [huom.
minusta ~ on epviisasta niin menetell ( lor
my part) I think it Is unwise to do so, lt
seems to me unvvlse to do so; tulkoon vain
minusta ~ he may come for ali (1. for
aught) 1 care; he may come, and \vclcome;
well, let hlm come!]; maiden ~ In the
presence of otbers, before other people.
nhd see [in a vision, nyss; witb one's
own eyes, omin silmin; from the paper
that ... lehdest ett ..]; (havaita) percelve; (erottaa) dlscern, descry; espy,
make out; (huomata) observe; flnd; (ko
kea) learn, eiperlence; (krsi) surfer;
(olla nkemss) wltness; (katsoa) behold, set eyes upon; nen kirjeestsi,
ett . . I flnd (1. learn 1. see) from (1. by)
your lelter that . .; nen silmistsi, ett . .
I see from (1. by) your looks that . . , I
caii read (It) In your eyes (1. your racc)
that . . ; nen surukseni, ett . . I flnd to
mv sorro\v that ... I am sorry to rind
tbat . .; net, netks ks. hakus.; aaveita
see ghosts. be haunted; huolta have
trouble, have many an anxlous moment
ion account of a p., Jonkun takia], (Jos
takin) take (great) pains \vith . . , vrt.
nhd vaivaa; ~ hyvksi [tehd Jotakin]
see m [to do a th.], think (1. deem) lt flt
(1. proper) [to do a th.], think best [buom.
jos niin hyvksi net if you think (lt) best,
ir you (so) choose, tr you like] ; janoa
(krsi) be thlrsty, thlrst (for drlnk), surrer from (1. with) thirst; ~ kirjasta see . .
in the book; ~ nkyj see (1. have) vi
siona; nlk starve, be starvlng, suffer
wlth (1. from) hunger; ~ parhaaksi think
(I. deem) best (1. Iit); ~ peikkoja keskel
l piv (my s : ) be baunted by imaglnary
terrors, be (always) looking Tor imaglnary
evlls; tarpeelliseksi flnd lt necessary
ito resclnd, peruuttaa]; ~ [tyns] tur
haksi rind [one's efforts] to be (1. to have
been) in vain, find [one's trouble] useless,
rind [one's labor] lost, realize that [one's
work] bas been for nothing; ~ vaivaa jon
kun takia go (1. put o. s.) to trouble ror
one, trouble (1. bother) o.s. on a p.'s account [huom. lk nhk vaivaa minun
takiani don't let me trouble you, don't take
(I. go to 1. put yourseir to) any trouble on
my account] ; ~ vaivaa jostakin (l. jossa
kin) have trouble wlth . . . trouble (1.
bother) o.s. wlth . . , go to trouble about
. . , (huolta) take (great) palns \vitli . .


[ huom. jo* viitsit nhd sen vaivan, ett . .

ir you don't mind taking (1. to take) the
trouble to . .] ; ~ unta dream [or (1. about)
.., Jostakin; that ... ett ..]; ~ Jokin
vilahdukselta, ~ vilahdus jostakin catch a
glimpse or . .; nkisin mielellni, ett teet
sen I should like you to (1. like to have
you) (lo it; en ihanani sit piv ne III
never ilve to see that day, my eyes will
(1. I shall) never behold that day; en ole
nhnyt . . sen koommin I never saw . . afterwards, I haven't set eyes upon . . slnce; enp
ole koskaan kummempata nhnyt Weil, I
never saw the like (1. saw anythtng like it) ;
en voi ~ niit kaikkia I cannot make them
ali out (1. discern them ali) ; en voi maata
I cannot descry (1. make out) (any) land;
hyvksyn sen nkemttni I accept it (1. I
approve of it) even without seeing lt; h
net nhdessni at the slght or hlm, on (1.
at) seeing hlm; kaksi miest nhdn is
tumassa pydn ress (nyttmkuvauksessa:) tvio men are seen (1. are discovered)
sitting at a table; minun nhdkseni as hit
as I can see, (mielestni) to my mind, In
my opinion; min nin onnettomuustapauk
sen omin silmin (mys:) the accident or curred under my very eyes; min olin omin
silmin nkemss . . 1 witnessed . . personally, I was an.eye-wltness of ..; mel
t saattaa (l. voi) ~ koko tasangon yli
(mys:) rrom the hill you get a vlew or
the Whle plain; se avaa (ihmisten) silmt
nkemn that wlll open the eyes oi the
people (to see), that wlll be an eye-opener
to the people; se ji minulta nkemtt
(en saanut nhd) I did not have a chance
to see lt, I dld not get (1. come) to see it,
(huomaamatta) it cscaped my notlce (1.
my eye) ; sen nen (\. voin nhd) jo h
nen naamastaankin (mys:) I can teli that
by the looks or him; siit nhdn from
tbat one can see [how . . , miten . .], (n
kyy) from that it becomes evldent; iti ei
tavallisesti ne lapsensa vikoja a mother
is usually blind to her chlld's faults.
nhtvyys: nhtvyydet thlngs uorth see
ing (1. looking at), SlgbtS; katsella paik
kakunnan nhtvyyksi see (1. be seeing)
the slgbts (of the place), have a look
around the place, go about sight-seelng.
nhtv (nkemist ansaitseva) worth see
ing, \vorth looking at; (nkyv) vlsible,
perceptlble, apparent; (huomattavissa ole
va) dlscernible, dlstingulshable, percelvable; kyllp sin olet you are a slght
(to behold) ! on nhtvn, on nhtviss
is to be seen, (nytteill) Is (belng) e.\hiblted, Is (placed) on exhlbltlon, (tar
kastusta varten) Is . . ror Inspectlon, (huo
mataan) Is observed. Is notlced, (havai
taan) is percclved; paljon nhtv unys.)
much (1. many thlngs) to see (1. to look
at); vrt. silmin-, nhtvsti seemlngly,
apparently; .. as lt would seem (I. appear); vlsibly; mys = ilmeisesti.
niden, nille, nill, nilt Jne., ks. nm.
nin in thts way (I. manner 1. rashlon), like
ttlls; so; thus; korkea thls (1. SO) hlgh;
~ ollen under (1. In) these (1. such 1.
those) clrcumstanccs, this (1. that 1. such)
being the case, thls belng the state of arralrs (l. or thlngs), thls belng the way It
was, that being so; thus; ~ paljon this (1.
so) much; asia on ~ (mys:) thls Is how
(1. the way) lt is, thls Is the sltuatlon;
niin ja ~ (rather) so-so, (pretty) mlddllng; somehow, after a rashlon; se on teh
tv ~ (mys:) thls is how (1. thls Is the
way) lt has to be done. ninikn = nin;
(huudahduksena:) here, thls way! this Is



cannot) be seen, Is invisible, (on kadon

the \\3\' nink: nink tt asiaa aittaan
nut nkyvist; has passed out or slgfit.
Is this the uay thls arrair Is belng manhas disappeared.
aged? is this how you carry on thls ar
rair? ninkhn (tokkohan) I wonder ir nkyv vlslble: (huomattava) discernlble.
(I. whether) . .? do you (really) thlnk . .?
perceptlble, percelvable, (helposti) consplc (Itsenisesti:) really? Indeed? Is that so?
uous [Place, paikka]; nkyviss in sight,
you don't say so! niinmuodoin = nin ol
in vlew [buom. jonkun nkyviss vvithm
len, ks. nin.
(the) Sight or . .; kaikkien nkyvist in
or (l. under the very eyes oD everynivettyminen wltherlng Jne., ks. nivettyi.
body, In (Tuli) slght (1. vtew) or ali] :
nivettyneisyys . . belng so drled up (1. so
nkyvistn rrom Slght, OUt of
withered), the wlthered (1. leathery) convie w [ huom. hn hvisi nkyvistni he dis
dltion [or..]. nivettynyt ulthered; raded;
(1. out or) my sight, I lost
(kuivunut) drled up; (kutistunut) shrunken;
sight or luin : kaukana jonkun nkyvist
(nahistunut) leathery; rubbery; spongy.
rar beyond the sight or a p., rar beyond a
nivetty (lakastua) wllher (away); Tade
(away): (kuihtua, etup. ihmisist:) plne p.'s range or vision; (mene) pois nkyvit
tni (get) out or my sight! be gone!] : olla
away, langulsh; (kuivettua) dry up: (na
nkyvitt be (wlth)ln slght, be In vlew.
histua) get leathery, get rubbery, get
be u itiini one's range or vision, be vlslble,
be seen, (kuv.) be In evldenee [esim. taunivety* wltherlng; rading away; drylng
rauktet ovat nyt nkyvitt the results are
up; pinlng away, langulshlng; langulshnow in evldenee]. nkyvinen vlslble
ment. -tauti (lk.) chlorosls.
[world, maailma]; discernlble, perceptl
nivet(yt)t cause . . to wlther; (nahistui
ble, percelvable; (aistillinen) . . pertalnlngtaa) make (1. cause to become) leathery.
to the senses, . . arrectlng the senses, sensuous; vrt. nkyv, nkyviseetl vlsibly,
nkeminen seelng Jne., ks. nhd; sight;
perceptlbly, percelvably. nkyvisyy vlsnkemisen arvoinen, nkemist ansaitseva
lbillty, vlslbleness; consptcuousness; dls. . (well) worth seelng, . . worth looklng
cernlbleness, perceptlbility, pereelvableat, remarkable; jo sen nkeminenkin hau~
ness. nkyvityyaraja = nkraja.
histuttaa the niere (1. Very) slght or It fllls
one ui Ui awe; siell olisi sinulla paljon nky be seen, appear, be vlslble; (nytty
nkemist you would fiini a lot oi thlngs
ty) show, be shown, be presented, present (I. manirest) Itself; (selvit, kyd
worth seelng (1. a good deal to look at)
Ilmi) be clear, be evident; (erottua) be
there. nkemya vvhat one has seen (1. exdlscerned, be descried; (nytt) seem,
pcrienced) ; vrt. seur. nkem what one
look; nkyy, ett .. It appears that ...
has seen; nkemiin (1. nkemn) asti
(on ilmeist) It Is evident (I. manirest)
good-by ttll we rneet (1. tili 1 see you)
agaln! I hope to see you agaln (soon)!
that . .; nkyy olevan appears (1. seems)
to be, looks . .; hnelle nkyy tehdyn v
(Jkpv.) SO long! [heti] eni nkemlt at
rirst slght, rrom the [very] moment I set
ryytt he seems to have surrered Injustlce, (an) injustlce seems to have been done
eyes upon It [them, etc], (silmykselt)
(to) him; hnen sanoistaan nkyy, ett . .
at the rirst glance; kerro nkemistsi teli
(ky selville) hls words prove (1. show)
what you have seen (I. wltnessed), (koke
muksistasi) teli us (about) your experthat . . , It appears rrom what he saj s
that ..; hnest nkyy, ett .. one (1.
lences; sitten viime nkemni olivat he
you) can see (it) from hls looks that . .;
paljon muuttuneet thcy had changed a
great deal slnce I saw them last. nkem
Aan nkyy olevan tll he seems to be
tn 1. (Joka el ne) . . not seelng, . . vvllhhere, lt appears (1. seems) that be Is here;
hnt ei ny eik kuulu he Is not seen or
out one's slght, (sokea) bllnd; 2. (Jota
el ole nhty) unseen; vrt. nkymtn,
heard (1. nelther seen nor heard) or, (hn
nkij (silminnkij) eye-wltness; (katso
on hvinnyt Jljettmiin) he has disap
ja) spertator; (ennustaja) seer, prophct;
peared without leaving a trace (beliind 1.
oliko siin ketn nkij was there anybehind hlm) ; jrvi nkyy kartalla the lake
one (who) saw It? vvas there anyone to
Is seen (1. Is shown) on the map; kalliot
see (I. any eye-wltness to) lt? nkimet
eivt ny tnne (l. tlt) the clirrs can
apparatus or vision, (nkelin) organ(s)
not be seen (1. do not show) rrom here;
or slght (1. or vision), vlsual organ(s).
kuten nkyy as It appears (1. seems), as It
would seem, (kuten net) as you can see;
nakin kenk niussel; (kuori) Shell; vrt.
luulin hnt ystvkseni, mutta hn nkyi
simpukka, -kler snail-shell.
olevankin pinvastoin (osottautill) I thought
nkkileip liard thln bread; (1. v.) hardtack.
he was my Trlend, but he proved (to be)
nky sight, spectacle; (henki) apparltlon,
the opposlte; niinkuin minusta nkyy as lt
vishin; (uiko-) appearanre, look(s), aspect;
seems (I. would seem) to me, as I thlnk;
mik kamala uhat a dreadrul (I. fearrul)
on, kuten nkyy, tarpeellista (mys:) Is
spertacle (1. slght)! what a terrlble sight!
seeiningly necessary; on nkynyt tanomankyisyya showiness; consplruousness; vistehdiss has appeared In the press; ee ai
ihlllty; vrt. seur. nkyia shovvy; (huo
tule nkymn, tt ei ny lt Is not to (1. lt
mattava) ronsplcuous; (riittv) ample,
wlll not) be seen, (esim. rasvapllkusta y.
roplous; (mitta y. m.) llberal, heaped;
m.) It v.111 not show, (Jkpv.) it won't show;
(nkyv) vislhle. nkyisati shovvlly; conte nkyy kaikesta ptten olevan . . it has
spicuously; amply, coplously, llberally;
every appearanre or belng . . , (Judging)
rrom ali appearances lt Is . . , lt has ali
the ear-marks or belng ..; tturaukttt al
nkyleip (raain.) she\vbread, showbread.
kavat the results begln to show (l. to
nkymttmyy* invlslblllty. nkymttmsti
appear 1. to manirest themselves) ; tiell
Invlsibly. nkymtn Invlslble; unseen;
ei nkynyt ainoatakaan ihmist n oi) oi! y (1.
(Joskus:) . . out or sight; (erottamaton)
livlng soul) was to be seen there, noIndlscernlble, imperrcptlble, indlscoverbody had put In an appearance there; siit
able: hipy nkymttmiin dlsappear In
nkyy tulevan komta talo thafs golng to
the dlstance, vanlsh rrom slght, (esim. il
be a rine house, It seems (1. lt appears):
mapallo) vanish Into thln air; on nkymt
(jkpv.) thafs golng to be a Nne house, I
tmiss Is not (to be) seen, vvill not (1.


4 49


take it; taita nakyy [, etta . .] it appears (a.) conspicuous; (plainly) visible. II. (s.)
sight, view; hn huisi nkislt he was
(1. it will be seen) rrom this tthat . .].
nik (eye)slght, (Joskus:) eyes, vision; lost to (my) view (1. sight), he disappeared
(ulko-) appearance, looks; aspect; (kal- (from sight), he vanished (from sight);
talsuus) likeness, (re) semblance; nkjn kaikkitn nkisll In full view of all; olla
nkisll be in sight (1. view), be visible,
ks. hakus.; naeitS(Sn) by sight, in appear
ance [huom. han on nSoltn hr.xki-ihinrn be In evidence, (huomattavastl) be con
<n;ik<>jii;in) he looks middle-aged, he has spicuous; vrt. nXkyvX.
the appearance or being a man of middle nikjiin (nalt&n) in looks, In appearance,
in aspect; by sight; mys = nabtXvstl.
age] ; noon vuok*l the sake or ap
pearances, appearance's (1. form's) sake, nikj kanta point of view; lakitieUtlliselt
(Jkpv.) the looks or It (1. or the thing), nkkannalta (katsottuna) a legal
to save appearances ; . . antaa f/ omital- point view; silt nakokannatta (katsotn)
en naon .. gives It peculiar appear
from such a point or view; vrt. kanta.
ance (1. aspect); hntll on Aono ( 1, -kentti (.) Held (I. range) or vision,
htikko) ~ he has poor (eye)slght (I. eyes) , -kohta point or view; (Jkpv.) view-point,
Anei on ( I Aon on) isns nkoa he IS -kulma angle vision, visual (1. optic)
somewhat (1. something) like his father, angle, -kyky (mys:) (eye)slght, vision;
he bears a certain likeness (1. resemblance) vrt. nKkoVoima. -matka 1. -vill seeingto his rather, he resembles his father, dlstance; sight, view; range of vision, -pilri
(jkpv.) he looks -a little like his father; horizon; rield or view; (etenkln kuv.)
vrt. ulko, vaivan y. m.
range (1. sphere) vision (1. observation) ;
nik- (yhd.) . . of sight [eslm. -oiM sense (kuv.) mental horizon; onkun nkpiiriss
a p.'s range or vision, -tornl tower
of sight; -kyky raculty or sight], . . or vi
sion [eslm. -kentta field of vision; -rafa commanding a (beautirul) view; (rakenlimit or vision]; optlc(al) [estm. -hmrah- nuksen katolla) belvedere, -olma power
dut (\. -huirlo) optical Illusion; -Aero or sight.
optic nerve], visual [eslm. -Aermo visual nilistynyt starving, starved, famished; (nlne'rve; -hyky visual faculty], -ala view, k&inen) hungry, nillstyl get hungry, be
sight; (lavea) prospect; (malsema) scene starved.
(-ry); (kokonals-) panorama; avoin nk- nilji (lima) slime; (luonnont.) mucus,
ala clear view; kaum nkala beautiful nilliinen slimy.
scenery, -alakorttl post-card with a view nllkilntyi = nXIistya.
[of . .]. -elln organ or sight (1. or vision), nikii hunger; mmun on ~ 1 mi hungry:
visual organ, -hairahdus 1. -hiiri (mys:) minan tafee I am getting hungry. I Shall
get hungry [If I must . . , Jos mlnun tyhallucination.
nikinen: jonkin >ank,:n' - .. (which tyy . .] : olla nlimn be hungry, hunger,
[who] looks) like .... .-looking, of a . . starve.
appearance (I. aspect), . . In appearance, nlkilnen hungry [look, katse: as a woir,
similar in appearance to . . , resembling . . kuin susl] ; (nallstynyt) starving, [huom. vpilyttvn suspicious-looking, Ished; (n&lka nhnyt) starved; ~ uota
. . of a suspicious appearance; hntn n- empty stomach: jonkin ~ hungry ...
kistnsa htnkit a person who looked like nilkilsyy* hunger, hungrlness.
him, a person resembling him; mmixen ~ nilklllkuolema death by starvation, -kurkl
like (1. resembling) man, manlike; /a/on ostrich; (kuv.) walking skeleton, -kuume
. . or (a) noble appearance (1. aspect); ka- (laftk.) ramine-fever; (lavantautl) typhus.
malan dread Tul- look Ing, horrible in ap nilkili God-forsaken hole: vrt. spur.
pearance; en (looking) like that, of nalkifmaa country often visited by famines;
such an appearance (1. aspect)]; kyllapa (kuv.) God-forsaken country (1. hole),
oltt what a sight you are! what a fright -palkka starvation wages, -parannus star
you look! (Jkpv.) my, but you are a sight! vation (1. fasting) cure; on nlkparannukminim nkSistn lipun holuatte what kind stlla Is undergoing a starvation cure, -seutu
of a (looking) flag do you want? o//a on- famine district; vrt. nalkKmaa. -talteillja
kin ~ look . . , look like . . , appear to be 1. (Joka opettelelksen eUimaan ruoatta)
. . , wear a look of . . , vrt. nXyttXX (Jolta- person who tries to make a record In liv
kln) [huom. Aon o/i itkeneen she looked ing without rood, hunger artist; 2. (taltei
as though she had been crying, her eyes llja, joka ansaltsee huonostl) starving art
ist, -uosl year of famine (1. of dearth),
were red with weeping, she had the ap
pearance Of having wept; hn oli hmm*- famine year. -vy6; krstaa nlkvyStaan
tynttn (mys:) he wore a look or as
(1. v.) pull up (1. pull In) one's belt, go
tonishment; mink ~ on What does It light (1. let up) on food (1. on rations),
look like? how does It look? what Is It vrt. klrUta.
like? on enemmn kaolletn kam elvn ~ nlkan kuoleminen = nlkkuolema. -nSnlooks more dead than alive; on hyvn tyminen starvation.
looks well, looks rie, is fine (1. pretty) nitviji nagger, nilvimlnen nagging, nilvia
to look at, (Ihmlsesta:) Is good-looking. nag (1. fret 1. peck) [at one, Jotakuta].
Is fine-looking; on kivulloistn looks nilillipito underreedlng, half- feeding.
sickly, appears to be ailing; on no/on (ponen, nilin hit famine; dearth, -nik starving,
tairaan, tyiimun ne.) looks cheap (had, starvation.
SlCk, Stupid, etc.); on tairaan ~ (myos:) nm(t) these; nidtn of these; naiden joulooks like a sick man; on en kuin .. kossa among these; nille to these, for
looks as though ..]; olla onkun look these; ntflta with these, by these; nilia
like a p., resemble (1. bear a resemblance studuin In these parts, In this neighbor
to) a p. [huom. Ac ooat hyoin toisttnsa hood; nilt from these; nUinii pivina any
nkisi they look very much alike, they day now, almost any day; naita these;
bear a strong (family) resemblance to ama mithtt these men.
each other, they are very much alike (in ninnl nipple, teat, dug; vrt. nUa.
appearance) ; Aon on atoan i\unsJ ntptr- = naper-.
(mys:) he Is the Image (1. the picture) napiiiinen pinch [or salt, suolaa].
of his father], nlkolsyyt likeness; resem napistelominen k~. napistely. napistclija
blance, similarity, similitude. nikoisi I. (plkkuvaras) petty thler, pilferer, nicher.



npistell (sormlella) finger; (varastella)

piirer, rilch. nipistely ftngerlng; pllferlng; (lak.) petty larceny; npistelyyn tai
puva llght-fingered.
npist 1. nipist; 2. (ottaa luvatto
masti) take, approprlate for o.s.
npittimet tweezers; (small) plncers, (Jkpv.)
nipli (hypistell) ringer [at a th., jota
kin]; pluck (1. plck) [at ..]; (nypltfi)
make (1. knlt) lace.
nipist, nplminen ^ nyplt, nyplminen.
nippl (sormen-) flnger-tlp, flnger's end;
(sormi) ringer; vrt. piit (nppins).
nppy (Ihossa) plmple, pustule, (lk.) pap
ille, nppyinen plmpled, plmply; nppyiset
kaivot (mys:) face covered wlth pimples;
(yhd.) . . wlth . . pimples f esim. punanppyinen \vith red pimples]. nppyl nppy.
nppill tvvang [the strlngs or a harp, har
pun kiell]; hiljaa touch. nippiimisUt
(soittimessa) keyboard; (urkujen, mys:)
manual. nppin (soittimen) key. nppist
rap [one over the fingers. Jotakuta sor
mille], crack; (eslm.solttlmenklelt)strike.
nppryys cleverness; handlness, dexterlty;
agllity, nlmbleness. nppr (kekselii
syytt osottava) clever, Ingenlous; (kte
v) handy, dexterous, sklllful, deft; (not
kea) aglle. nlmble; (soma) neat. npprsti
cleverly, Ingenlously; handlly, dexterously,
deftly; nlmbly; neatly.
nppys snap; (sormilla) Nlllp; (soittimel
la) touch, strlke. nppytell be snapplng;
be rapplng; (soitinta) be striklng, (be)
twang(lng) [the strings of a harp, harpun
kiell]; nppytteli hillaa luuttunsa kitti
tourhed hls liite.
nppytU snap; (sormilla) fllllp; (lyd
kevyesti) rap lone over the knuckles, Jo
takuta rystyllle] ; (soittimella) strlke [a
noto on a piano, ni pianosta], (kevyesti)
touch; ~ [soittimen] kielt plck (1. touch
1. strlke) a strlng; ~ menemn snap (1.
fllp I. nick) away: Jotakuta nenlle give
one a snap (1. a fllllp) on the nose, (kuv.)
make one reel cheap; ~ Jotakuta trmille
jollakin rap one's fingers (1. rap one over
the ringers) wlth . . .
nps (soma) neat, nlce tldy; (nppr)
handy, clever. npsii hd ly teili nppy
tell. nps(hd ytt = nppytt.
nphdytell, nphdyttM = nppytell,
nppytt; nppmll (mus.)
pizzicato; ~ sormin (Jotakin Jouslsoitlnta)
(mys:) pluck wlth ringers
nre young spruce (1. rir 1. plne). nireikk
cluster (1. patch 1. grove) of young spruce
(1. rirs l. plnes).
nrhi (elint.) (European) Jay.
nrkkl swirt, speedy, fast; qulck, prompt;
(nokkela) nlmble; clever.
nrkkyys Impatlenre: qulrk temper, touchlness; irrltablllty, fretfulness; vrt. nrkKs.
nrkksti lmpatlently; touchlly: peevlshly, rretrully. nrks (krsimtn) Impatlent; (pikainen) qulck (to take oITense (I.
to anger), suuttumaan]; (pikavihainen)
quick-tempered, touchy; (rtyis) Irrltable. peevlsh, petulant, fretrul.
nrkstyminen gettlng nettled (1. huffed),
helng displeased, takin? ofrense, resenting; vrt. nrkstys, nrkstynyt nettled
[at, Jostakin], huffed. rurried; (loukkaan
tunut) offeuded, affronted, (pahastunut)
displeased; lndlgnant. nrkstys resentment, pique, umbrage; lndlgnation. (suut
tumus) anger; (loukkaantuminen) offense;
olla nrkstyksissn jostakinbo nettled (1.
huffed at (1. about), be annoyed (1.


plqued) at (1. about), feel resentment at,

resent, be lndlgnant at, be offended at.
be In (hlgh) dudgeon over. nrkstyttv
annoying, vexatlous, provoklng; troublesome. nrkstytt (loukata) orrend, glve
ofrense to; dlsplease; (suututtaa) vex, annoy, provoke, make . . angry (1. lndlgnant).
nrksty become (1. get) nettled (1. hurred
1. ruffled); be(come) lndlgnant [at ...
Jostakin]; be (1. become I. get) displeased;
(loukkaantua) take offense (1. umbrage)
[at ..], be (1. get) offended (1. affronted)
[at . .] ; resent; (suuttua) get angry [wlt
one, Johonkuhun], be(come) provoked.
nrte stack, rick.
nrstys heartbum, acld dyspepsia. nrs
t: minua nrst I have heartbum.
nsi (kasv.) mezereon, spurge-ollve. -pen
sas mezereon-shrub.
nskkyys, nskksti, nskkS - nenkkyys, nenkksti, nenkk. nsks, n
sviisas nenks.
ntkelm (kasv.) vetchllng.
nveri glmlet(-auger) ; auger; vrt. vintil.
nverrell bore, be borlng; vrt. nperrell.
nverteleminen, nvertely borlng; vrt. napertelu. nvert bore.
nykint, nykkiminen snapplng; prlcking;
(kuv.) nagging. nykkii snap: (kaloista:)
nlbble; (kuv. = hmmstell) nag; fret,
worry, peck [at . .].
nyte specimen [of . . , Jostakin] : example;
(kaupp. y. m.) sample, (malli) pattern;
(todiste) proof [of.., Jostakin]; (osotus)
exhlbltlon; demonst ration; hnen kmialastaan, hnen ksialansa ~ a specimen
Of hls handwritlng; nytteeksi jostakin,
jonkin nytteeksi as a proof Of . .; antaa
~ taidostaan glve a proof of one's skill;
olla nytteill be on exhlbltlon [In the
store \vliulow, kaupan Ikkunassa], be exhtbited, be dlsplayed.
nyte arkki advance sheet. -ikkuna (kaup
papuodin) show-wlndow, dtsplay wlndow.
-kappale sample, specimen. -kokoelma collectlon or speclmens; (kaupp.) collectlon
of samples (I. of patterns). -kortti (mal
li-) sample-card.
nytell show; (panna nhtvksi) exhlblt,
display; (antaa katsella) let . . see (1. vlew
1. look at); (nyttmll) play, act [one's
part well, osa(a)nsa hyvin]; perform:
(nyttelijseurueesta puhuen:) glve aperformance, glve performances; (esitt)
glve, prodUCe; herrasmiest play the
gentleman; murhenytelmi present (1.
glve 1. put on 1. produce) tragedles; ~
Jonkun osaa act (1. play) the part of . . .
act (1. play) . . , appear as . . [esim. ny
tell hyvntekijn osaa act (1. play) the
part oT a benefactor: nytett roiston osaa
act (1. play) the Vlllaln; hn nyttelee
Hamletin osaa he Is appearing as Hamlet,
he Is playing (I. acting) the part of Ham
let] ; ~ suurta (\. trket) osaa jossakin
(kuv.) play an Important part (I. rle) in
. . , be an lmportant flgure In .
tiin 30 kertaa (\. iltaa) pertysten (Josta
kin nytelmst puhuen:) . . had a run of
twenty nights, . . played twenty nlghts;
se juttu on nytelty loppuun thai affair (1.
case) Is (1. has been) definltely settled (1.
flnallyarranged) .thatarfalr has been closed.
nytelmist repertoire, repertory.
nytelm (teatt.) play, drama; show; (yi.)
spectarle. Slght; nytelmn henkilt the
eharaclers In a play, vrt. henkil; suuren
moinen a grand spectacle, an imposlng
nytelm- (yhd.) dramatlc [esim. -runo
d rainat ie poem; -runous dramatlc poetry;

-taide dramattc art]. -kappale play. -kir nytt 1. (tr.) show [one tbe \vay. Jolle
jailija playwright, vvriter of plays, drama- kulle tiet] ; polnt; lndlcate [the tlme, al
tlst. -kirjallisuus dramatic llterature; kaa]; (nytell) show rorth, exhlbit, dtsplays. -kirjasto collection or plays (1. of play, (teatt.) play, act, perrorm; (esitt)
present; produce; (todistaa) prove, give
dramas). -laji klnd or play.
nytelmllinen dramatic. nytelmnklrjot- proof of; demonstrate; (osottaa) manifest,
taja writer of plays, playwright. nytelm- glve evidence of; (neuvoa) point out, dlrect; 2. (ltr.) appear; seem; (olla nki
seura dramatic Club; nytelmseuran joh
taja director or a dramatic club, one wbo nen) look, (ulkonltn) have an appear
ance [or . . , Joltakin] ; (tarjota nky)
trains Tor plays, trainer, vrt. teatterin
show, make a . . show; (olla todenmukais
ta) be llkely [to . .], promise; (tuntua)
nyte luento trial lecture. -numero (sano
strlke [one as belng . . , Jostakusta Jolta
malehden y. m.) sample copy. -palanen kin]
; nytettess npon presentatlon,
sample, specimen. -tilkku sample. -tunti (pankk.)
at Sight; ~ huonoa esimerkki
model lesson (I. class).
nytteille; panija exbibltor. -pano exhibitlon. set (1. glve) a bad example; ~ joltakin
seuratessa:) look . . , seem . . ,
nytteleminen sbowing; exhlbiting, exblbl
tion, dlsplay(ing) ; (teatt.) playing", act- appear . . [esim. nytt hyvlt look good
(1. appear) to be ali rtght;
[!i--; performlng; vrt. nytell.
nyttelij (teatt.) actor, player; performer; nytt luultavalta seem (1. appear) llkely,
(nimisanan seuratessa:)
ruveta nyttelijksi become an actor. gO
on tbe Stage. -Joukko ks. nyttelijseurue, look llke . . [esim. tm ~ kullalta this
-kumppani fellow actor; partner. -kyky looks like gold]; ~ lupaavalta (mys:)
ability as an actor, dramattc ablllty (1. tal- bld ralr to be a good one, promise well
[huom. kaikki nytti lupaavalta (mys:)
ent). -seura 1. -seurue dramattc company;
stock company, -taito art or acting-, actors' there was every promise (1. every Indlcaart, btstrlonlc art; mys = nyttelijkyky. tlon) or SUCCess; yritys ei nyt lupaavalta
(mys:) lt does not look as tr the enterprise
nyttelijtr actress.
nyttelijura: antautua (\. ruveta) nytteli- would be successrul, (Jkpv.) it does not
as irthat would pan out well] ; Jol
juratte go on tbe stage, become an actor.
nyttely exhibitlon, show; (suuri) exposl- lekulle miten jokin on tehtv Show (1. dlrect)
one how to do a th., show one how;
tlon; (maanviljelys-, elin- y. m.) fatr; ~ olevan
huono, sairas y. m.] seems
(-ryhm) exhlbit; (teatt.) play; (nyttele
(1. appears) to be [poor, sick, etc], looks
minen) playing, acting; vrt. elin, maail
etc] ; ~ jollekulle ovea
man, taide- y. m. -alue exhibitlon (1.
show one the door; ~ silt ett hn tulee
exposltlon) grounds. -esine exhlbit. -halli paikan
he seems llkely (enough)
exhibitlon (1. exposition) hali; vrt. nyttely
to get (1. to secure) the position, lt looks
rakennus, -huoneisto show-rooms. -raken
as though he was golng
nus exposition (1. rairl buildlng. -yleis
to) get (1. secure) the position; silt
visltors to (1. at) an exposition (1. an ex
though . .; tiet lead
hibitlon 1. a fatr).
(1. Show) the way, guide; ~ todistus mai
nyttj one who show [sbowed, etc.]; neestaan
present) a certiflcate
exhlbitor. nyttminen showing Jne., ks. of character; ~ toteen,
todeksi prove
truth of . .), substantlate, establish
nyttm stage; scene; (kuv.) theater [esim. (the
sota theater or war]. -koristeet stage Of . . [huom. nytt toteen, ettthejoku
decoratlons; vrt. seur. -laitokset stage fur- vrss prove one to be \vrong] : on
nishlngs; scenery.
tulevan kaunis ilma (lupaa tulla) lt blds
nyttmlle asettelu 1. -pano staglng. nyt
falr to be nice weather, we are llkely to
tmllinen scenic [erfect, vaikutus], the- get (l. lt seems that we are going to get)
atrlcal. nyttmnmuutos change of scene flne weather; ~ tulevan sade lt looks llke
(1. or scenery); scene-shiHing.
raln, we are llkely to get rin (soon);
nyttmCtaide scenic (1. theatrlcal) art. nythn minulle show me! let me see!
-taiteilija (scenic) artlst. -tarpeet actors' nyt minulle ktesi show me your hand!
supplies. -tottumus experlence on the nyt tnne tulta (valaise) bring the llght
stage, stage experlence.
here (1. this way), llght me; asema ar
nyttv: joltakin ~ .. looking, .. appear- veluttavalta the sltuation looks bad, thlngs
ing [esim. kauhealta ~ horrlbie looking (1. look bad; . . ei' nyt lupaavan mitn hy
appearing) ; pohjattomalta ~ apparently v . . is not (1. does not look 1. does not
seem) very promlslng; hnen asiansa nyt
nyttyty show o.s. (1. itself) ; show one's tvt olevan huonosti (mys:) thlngs look
face, (jkpv.) show up; (esiinty) appear bad for hlm; hnen nytti olevan vaikea
[In its true llght, oikeassa valossaan], ksitt . . lt appeared to be dirricult ror
make one's (1. Its) appearance; (nky) be him to grasp . .; hnest ~ kehittyvn ete
seen, show, be vlslble, be In evidence; v laulajatar she promises to make (1.
(osottautua) prove; (Ilmesty) be rorth- she gives promise of maklng) a good
comlng, turn up; be presented; (Ilmet) Singer, there seems to be the maklng of
a good Singer in her; hn nytti minut
manifest itself, betray itself, reveal Its pres(tulemaan) tnne (neuvoi) he sho\ved me
ence, present Itself; ~ ahkeraksi (osottau
the way here, he directed me here; hn
tua) prove o.s. to be lndustrlous; eduk
laihtuneen he seems (1. appears) to have
seen appear to [one's] advantage; ~ oi
keassa karvassaan show o.s. in one's true lost flesh; hn minusta olevan .. he
character, appear as one [it] really Is; ~ to- Seems to me to he . .; hn ~ sen nkiselt
he looks (llke) lt (ali over); hn tahtoo ~
deksi prove to be true, (tulla vahvistetuk
oppineelta he wants to appear a learned
si) be conflrmed, be verifled; . . on nyt
tytynyt tarpeelliseksi . . has proved (to man (1. to seem to be an educated man);
be) necessary, . . has been round (to be) johan tm ~ ihmisasunnolta this looks
necessary; vaikutukset alkavat ~ the ef- llke a house already; kello ~ kymment
fects begln to show (themselves) ; vrt. the clock says ten, the hands polnt to tcn
(o'clock), lt Is ten by (1. accordlng to) the


Clock rimoin, minn kettoni ~ kymment nntyi (grow) ralnt [wtth thlrst, Janoon] :
(tav.) it's ten (o'cloek) by (1. to) (uupua) become (1. get)
mywatch] ; lmpmittari kymment astet
Tatlguedd. prostrated); slnk(l. fall) [under
ta kylm the thermometer reglsters (1. Is the burden, taakan alle]; (menehty) sucat 1. shows 1. indlcates I. marks) 10 degrees cumb; perlsh: (kuihtua) langulsh, (et.
kasveista:) droop; nntymisilln vsy
below the rreezlng-polnt [below zero] ; mit
ta hn how does he look (1. appear)? myksest well nlgh exhausted, ready to
What (loes he lOOk Iike? minusta nytti nau- drop (wlth fatigue), (Jkpv.) ali In; ~ ik
rrttavalte, ett .. (mys:) lt struck me as vn langulsh; - nlkn (be) starve(d),
rldlculous that . .; mintut* ~, ett .. lt ramlsh, ralnt wlth hunger, perlsh wlth (1.
seems to me that . . , (luulen) I thlnk rrom) hunger: (saada) vankilassa rl.
that . .; miten vain sinusta parhaalta ~ as vankeudessa) langulsh In prlson, langulsh
you (may) thlnk best (1. fit I. proper): sen In durance vlle.
saa tulevaisuus ~, tulevaisuus nyttkn nrnnppy (silmss) sty.
ten 1 'n.- \vlll teli, tlme must teli: se
marten: (mnty-) plne-marten.
nytti kamalatta (mys:) that was a hor- nt
rlble slght; se nytti komealta (mys:) it nlliinen (sammakon-) tadpole, polllwog.
made a fIne Show ; se hyvin mitttmlt nyht raveKDlngs; (karike) riock; (nuk
(mys:) lt makes a very poor show; siit ka) riurr, down.
tulevan hyv (lupaa tulla) lt looks prom- nyrennys humillatlon; mortiricatlon. nyIslng, lt blds Talr to be a good one, lt rent (make . .) humble. brlng . . low;
promlses well; silt se minusta that'3 (nyryytt) humlllate, morttry.
the way It seems (1. looks) to me, that'3 nyrimmsti, nyrimmiten most humbly;
vrt. kiitt.
how I take It.
nytt (nyts) exhlbltlon; show(lng) ; (to nyrlsteleminen crouching, cowering; grovellng, crlnglng. nyristelev servlle. nydistelu) demonstratlon, provlng; (nytt
minen) manirestatlon; (pankk.) slght. ristelij one who crlnges (In the dust I.
llke a dog), groveKDer; sneak. nyristelll
-kuntoinen presentable.
nytnt exhlbltlon. show; (teatt.) perform- be servlle; (madella) grovel. crlnge,
ance, entertalnment: vrt. luhja . -kausi crouch; (alistua) truckle (1. knuckle down)
[to. Jollekulle], nyristely crlnglng, (ab(theatrlcal) season. -vuosi year of playing;
.lect) servlllty. nyrlsty = nyrty.
heidn ensiminen nytntvuotensa onnis
humbllng (1. abaslng) o. s.
tui hyvin (tav.) thelr rirst year was a sucCPSS
nyrtynyt humillated, mortiried; abased:
nytksinen (yhd.) In . . acts, . .-act [esim. (nyr) humble, meek, lowly: (alistuvai
vitsi nytelm play In rive acts, flve-act nen) submtsslve. nyrty humble (1. abase)
o. s., grow humble.
Play; yksi~ .. In one act, one-act..].
nyts exhlbltlon, show; (teatt.) act; (to nyryys humllity, humbleness, lowllness,
diste) demonstratlon, proor, substantla- meekness; (alistuvaisuus) submlsslveness;
tlon; nytsten vliss bctwcen the acts. Submission; humble splrlt.
ndn |! nahka marten-skln; iTur of a) mar- nyryyttminen humlllatlng, humillatlon;
ten. -nahkainen marten; ndnnahkainen mortiricatlon. nyryytt humlllate, morkaulus marten collar (1. fur 1. neckplece). tiry; abase: (tehd nyrksi) humble, brlngnnnys exhaustlon; nnnyksiin ajettu . . low; (pakottaa alistumaan) subdue. ny
overdrlven, spent [horse, hevonen], worn ryytys humillatlon, mortiricatlon; abase out; olla nnnyksiss be exhausted, be ment.
prostrate(d), (heikkona) be ralnt f\vlth hun nyr humble; meek: lowly (1. meek) (in
ger, nlst], (kasveista y. m.) droop, be splrlt) ; (alistuvainen) submlsslve [mlnd,
drooplnir [\vlth the heat, kuumuudesta]; mieli]; (kuuliainen) obedlent [servant,
vsymyksest nnnyksiss exhausted, fa- palvelija], (taipuvainen) wllllng, ready;
tlgued. nnnytt exhaust ra countrv bv nyrin palvelijanne (kirjeiss, vanh.) your
war, maa sodalla]; (perinpohjin) pros- most obedlent (1. humble) servant: ~ ru
trate; (uuvuttaa) fatigue; nnnytt nl
kous (mys:) Slippllcatlon; vlikappale
kn starve (. . out), starve . . to death, a wllllng (1. a ready) tool. -henkinen . .
famlsh, reduce . . by ramlne. nalnnytys meek (1. humble) In splrlt, . . or a yleldlngexhaustlon; prostratlon; nlkn nnnytys disposition; liian nyrhenkinen tOO meek;
starvlng (out), nntyminen exhaustlon; vrt. seur. -mielinen humble-mlnded, humprostratlon; ralntlng; drooping. nUntymys ble-splrlted -plnen ks. heikkomielinen,
exhaustlon; prostratlon; (vsymys) fa nyrsti humbly, meekly; submlsslvely:
tigue; nlkn nntymys Starvatlon.
obedlently; wlllmgly, readily; vrt. nyr.

oas thorn, splne; prick; (pieni) prickle,

stlng; (vaka) barb.
objekti (klel. - kohde) object. -sija (ktel.)
objectlve case: accusatlve.
obligauioni (liik.) bond, debenture. -laina
bonded loan.
odotella (be) walt(lng) [Tor .., Jotakuta
], awalt, expect, look (1. watch)
. .] ; jotakin odotellessa, ni, -si Jne.]
whlle walting ror . . , whlle awaltlng . . ,
In expectatlon or . .; vrt. odottaa, odotettu
expocted, looked-ror, anticlpated; kanan
odotettu vieras the long expected guest.
odottaa walt [ror an opportunlty, tilaisuutta;

Tor one to go, ett Joku menisi (1. Jonkun

menevn); tili (1. untfl) . . , kunnes . .],awalt
[thelr comlng, heidn tuloaan], (a)blde;
watch [Tor . .] ; (odotella) expect, look
[Tor . .1, (varsinkin: toivoen) look rorward
[to ..]; (aavistaen) roresee, antlclpate;
(Ikviden) long [Tor . .], wlsh [ror . .] ;
(odottaa varmuudella, laskea) count [(up-)
on ..]; (luottaen) depend [(up)on . .] ;
(valmistautua ottamaan tai saamaan) prepare o.s. [Tor ..], be prepared [ror . .] ;
(olla Jotakuta odottamassa tulevaisuudes
sa) be In store [Tor one]; odotahan, kun
sinut kynsiini wait (1. you Just walt)



tili I catCh you; odota vh(ise)n, odota

hiukan (l. hetkinen ) Walt a bit (1. a little),
walt a minute (1. a \vliile), (pyshdy Het
keksi) Stop (for) a minute; odotettavana
(\. odotettavilla) ollut e.vpected, antlclpated, looked-lor; odotin hnen varmasti
tulevan I lully expected blm to come, I
was sure ne would come, I depended upon
hls COIlllng; jonkun takovan jotakin expect one to do a tn., (varmasti) count
(upjon a p. to do a tn., (luottaa) depend
upon a p.'s dolng a Ib.; ~, kunne* joku on
lhtenyt [tullut) (mys;) walt tor one to
go [to come] ; jonkun saapunutta walt
for (1. awalt) one's comingr (1. arnval) ;
. . saapuvaksi, ~ . . saapuvan expect . . to
arrlve [huom. juna, jota odotetaan saapu
vaksi (l. jonka odotetaan saapuvan) kello
10 illalla (mys:) tbe tratn (wblcb is) due
(to arrlve) at 10 (o'clock) P. M.]; ~ saa
vansa look for [belp rrom . . , apua Josta
kin], look rorward to [mucb pleasure, pal
jon bupla], expect iguests, vieraita], anticipate; ~ vieraita expect (tbe arrlval or)
guests; yli aikansa walt beyond tbe tlme
agreed, walt longer tlian agreed to; odottaessani hnen tuloaan ( I. hnt tulevaksi)
\vlnie walting Tor blm (to come) ; odotta
matta k s. bakUS.; odotti, ett hnt pyy
dettisiin . . expected to be (1. tbat be
WOUld be) asked to . . ; antaa jonkun ~
have one walt, (odotuttaa jotakuta) keep
one waltlng i liuoin, anna hnen (mys:)
let blm Walt] ; is odotetaan tn iltana ko
tiin tulevaksi railier Is expected (to arrlve)
home to-nigbt; ket sin odotat who(m)
are you waitlng for? wbo(m) are you expectlng? Aulia olisi sit odottanut (l. osan
nut ) wiio wou!d (1. could) liave expected
(l. antlclpated) that? (aavistanut) wbo
could bave Toreseen tbat? me amma voi
tiet, mik kohtalo] meit ~ we do not
know wbat [rate] awalts us (1. wbat Is
belore us 1. wbat is In store for us) ; meit
kaikkia kuolema deatti awaits us ali; min
odotan kuvaa (tulevaksi) I am waitlng Tor
tbe boat (to come); min odotan rahakirjett I expect to recelve a letter wltb
money in it, I am looklng (1. waitlng) Tor
a money order; sn odotettavissa is to be
expected [buom. se olikin odotettavissa
(mys:) lliafs wbat one would naturally
expect] ; parempia aikoja odottaessamme
wlule awaltlng better times, In expectation
of better times [we . .] ; sit min odotin
kin tliafs wbat I expected (1. looked for),
I was prepared for tbat; sit olen ikni
odottanut iliafs wbat I bave walted (1.
longed 1. boped) for ali my life (1. my
Wh0le life) long; vastausta [tilaisuutta] ei
tarvinnut kauan (mys:) tbe answer
[tbe opportunity] was not long in comlng.
odottamaton unexpected, unlooked-for, unforeseen, . . not counted on; (yllttv)
surprlslng, startllng; (satunnainen) cbance,
casual; onnenpotkaus unexpected stroke
or fortune, wlndTall, godsend; odottamat
toman pieni unexpectedly small, . . smaller
tban expected, . . small contrary to ali expectatlons. odottamatta unexpectedly; unawares; (vastoin luuloa) contrary to (ali)
expectatlon(S); se tuli aivan odottamatta
(mys:) lt came as a complete surprise, it
came wben least expected, it was quite
unexpected (1. so sudden). odottaminen
expecting, waltlng, Jne., ks. odottaa; (odo
tus) walt, expectation, suspense; jonkin
odottaminen waiting (1. looklng) Tor . .,
expecting (1. awalting) a tb. odottelemi
nen, odottelu walting, walt; expectation.
odotus waiting, Walt; (odottelu) expecta


tion; (Jnnitys) suspense. -aika tlme [one

bad to walt, etc] ; pitk odotusaika a long
(tlme to) walt. -huono (lkrin y. m.)
waiting-room; parlor; (esim. kuvernrin)
anlectiamber, anteroom. -palkka charge Tor
waiting; vrt. odotutrahat. -pivt days
one bad to walt; (velalliselle mynnetyt)
days of grsce. -rahat (pika-ajurin) extra
laie for waitlng. -aali (rautatieaseman y.
m.) walting-room, vrt. odotushuone.
odotuttaa (Jotakuta) keep . . waitlng, make
(1. have) . . wait; (viivytt) keep, detain; itsen keep people waltlng, (olla
myhss) be .. late li m un. l odotuta
itsesi don't keep us waltlng (Tor you),
dmit be late] ; jotakuta turhilla lupauk
silla keep . . waiting (1. boperul) wlib
empty promlses. odotuttaminen detaining,
detention; jonkun odotuttaminen (mys:)
to keep one waiting.
ohdake tblstle. -kaavi tblstle.
ohdakkeinen thlstly [Held, pelto]; (kuv.)
tborny, . . strewn wltb tborns.
oheen (viereen) by (the side of . .); beslde;
(mukaan) uitti, along wltb; tien oheen by
tbe wayside; vrt. liitt, -liitetty 1. -pantu
annexed [to . .], appended .to . .], afrixed
[tO . .] ; enclosed; oheenliitetty lasku tbe
enclosed blll.
ohella (mukana) uitu, togetber (1. along)
wltb; (paitsi, lisksi) besldes. In addltlon
to . .; jonka besldes whlch; and besldes;
sen besldes (tbat), In addltlon (to tbat),
moreover; sen hn selitti besldes that
he explalned, and be besldes (1. lurther)
declared, and be went on to explain; tmn
~ besldes (thls), moreover. In addltlon to
tbls, rurtbermore; vrt. Iisaksi.
ohemmuua: sen - lts belng thlnner.
ohennua tbinnlng; rareractlon; flattening
out. ohentaa (make . .) tbln(ner); rarefy
[air. Ilmaa]; (litist) flatten out. ohenta
minen ks. ohennu*, ohentua, oheta become
(1. get 1. grow) tliinner; be(come) rareried.
oheua (vieress) by, close by (1. to); (rin
nalla) beside, alongslde [of . .] ; mys =ohella; tien ohessa by tbe wayside, along
(tbe side uf) tbe road. oheeta: tien ohesta
rrom (1. by) tbe roadslde (1. wayside),
rrom (1. by) tbe side oi the road.
ohi I. (sivu) by, past; (mennytt) done; (lo
pussa, loppuun) over, at an end; ~ kul
kiessani In (1. wben) passlng (by) ; ~ men
nen ks. ohimennen ; kaikki vaara on (men
nyt) ali danger is past (1. over).
ohi 11. (s.) : oheen, ohella, ohessa, ohesta ks.
bakus. -kulkea: pistyty tervehtimss
ohikulkiessaan drop (1. look) In. -kulkeva
. . passlng by, vrt seur. -kulkija passer-by
[plur. passers-by]. -kulku 1. -kynti 1.
-meno passlng (by). -matka: ohimatkalla
in (1. when) passlng by. -menev passlng;
(kuv. = lyhytaikainen) . . or sbort duratlon, transient, transito ry; tauti on ohime
nev laatua tbe slckness (1. tbe dlsease)
Is or a temporary nature, the slckness will
soon pass orr. -menij ohikulkija, -men
nen in passlng; (nin) ohimennen sanottuna
by tbe way; mainita ohimennen (mys:)
mention Incidentally. -mennese(n) in (1.
when) passlng (by).
ohimo 1. (p-) temple; 2. (nivus) groln.
ohimo- (yhd.) temporal [esim. -luu temporal bone; -auma temporal suture].
ohitse ohi, I.
ohja = ohjas, ohjaaja one \vlio leads (1.
guides Jne., ks. ohjata); guide; (neuvoja)
lnstructor; (Johtaja) conductor, leader;
(automobiilin) Cbaurreur; juhlamenojen
ohjaaja master or ceremonles, marsbal (or
tbe day). ohjaaminen leading, steerlng Jne.,



ks. ohjata, ohjailla be leading, be gulding;

i.knv... be pilotin?; mys = ohjata.
ohjas: ohjakset relns [mys kuv., esim. halUtusohjakset i eins of government ] , llnes,
(Jkpv.) rlbbons, vrt. suitset, -perit llnes.
-suoli (anat.) small intestine.
ohjata (Johtaa) lead [a chlld by the hand,
lasta kdest; a horse by the halter, he
vosta pitsist]; conduct; (suunnata) steer
[a vessel, alusta; an auto(moblle), auto
mobiilia], dlrect [one's steps to . . , aske
leensa johonkin], guide [a horse, hevosta] ;
(simst) regulate; (kuv.) pilot [the
ship oi' stale through dirriculties, valtio
laiva vaikeuksien lpi]; manage; (neuvoa,
opastaa) instruct, give directions [to ..]:
(osottaa) show; ~ jonkun askeleita direct
(1. guide) one's steps; ~ keikuttelu toisel
le suunnalle turn the conversation in another direction, change the subject; lai
va turvallisesti satamaan (mys:) brlng (1.
take) the boat safely Into port; jotakuta
lukemaan show One hOW to read; ~ oikealle
tolalle put . . on the right track, set . .
right; hn ei anna ~ Cl. ei salli ohjattavan)
itsen he is not wllling to be gulded, he
does not let anybody guide (1. show) hlm;
hnet ohjattiin parhaimmille paikoille lie
was shown to onc of the best seats; kait
selmus ohjaa vaiheitamme providenceguldes
(1. dlrects 1. ordains 1. controls) our Ilves
(1. destlnies 1. fates) ; laivaa ei voitu ~ the
sliij) was unmanageable, (ei totellut per
sint) the ship dld not answer the helm;
osaatko laivaa can you steer? can you
handle the [a] Ship? venett on helppo
(mys:) the boat steers casily.
ohjaton . . without relns; (kuv.) unbrldled,
ungoverned, uncontrolled; vrt. hillitn.
ohjattava diiigible, steerable; ~ ilmalaiva
dlrlgible; helposti (vene, laiva) easy to
steer, easlly steered.
ohjaus guidance, direction; (opastus, neu
vonta) instructlon; (hoito) management,
conduct; mys = ohjaaminen, -laita 1. -koje
guidlng mechanism; steering-apparatus,
steering-gear. -pyri (persimen) wheel;
stcering-wheel. -suunta
(esim. laivan) course. -tanko (polkupy
rn) handle-bar; vrt. ohjauspyr.
ohjautua be led, be gulded, be dlrected;
i mcl its way; oikealle tolalle be dlrected
on the right track, 1'ind lts way into proper
ohje direction, Instructlon; guidance; (sn
t) rule, precept, maxlm; (neuvo) advlce,
counsel; (mrys) prcscriptlon; (osotus) indlcatlon; (ojennusnuora) gulding
prlnclple, guide (to go by) ; (malli-) stand
ard, (joskus:) norm; ohjeet (mys:) gui
dance; ohjeiden mukaisesti according to (1.
In accordance witli) (the) directions (1. InStructlons), vrt. menetell; antaa ohjeita
give directions (1. instructions), glve . .
guidance, guide, dlrect, Instruct, prescrlbe;
opiksi ja ohjeeksi to a p.'s Instructlon and
guidance; sinulle ohjeeksi Tor your guidance.
ohjelma program(me); (puolue) plaUorm;
(tcatt., mys:) (play-)bill; illan the program ror the night, the evening's program;
on ohjelmassa Is included in (1. forms a
part ot) the program, is glven (1. taken
up) on the program, appears on the pro
gram. -ehdotus proposed platrorm, draft
of (I. Tor) a platrorm. -kohta 1. -numero
number on a [the] program.
ohjelmanllmukainen . . as glven on the pro
gram; . . as glven (1. outllned) In the plat
rorm. -mukaisesti In accordance wltb tbe
program; m harmony \vtth tbe platrorm.


-vastainen . . contrary to (1. not in accord

with) the platrorm.
ohjelmisto (teatterin) repertoire, repertory:
nytelm pysyi kauan ohjelmistossa the
play had a long run, the play held (I. kept
lts place on) the stage for a long ti me.
ohje nuora rule; gulding prlnciple; guide
(to go by). -snt (esim. armeijan) regulations; (esim. kaupungin) ordinance; order(s); rule(s); (seuran, yhtin y. m.)
by-laws; (Jobtosnt) instructions; ohjasnnn mukainen . . (belng) in accord
ance witb regulatlons, (. . as) prescrlbed,
(Jkpv.) regulation [unirorm, virkapuku] ;
ohjesnnn vastainen . . contrary to rules
and regulatlons, . . contrary to the [city]
ordinance. -sntehdotus proposed ordi
nance (1. regulatlons 1. by-laws). -santinen regulated [prostltution, haureus] .
ohjo hana regulator-cock. -ruuvi adjustlng
(1. regulatlng) screw; set-screw.
ohkainen, ohkoinen ks. ohut.
oho(h) oh! oho!
ohra barley.
ohra- (yhd.) barley(-) [esim. -jauhot bar
ley flour (1. meal); -leip barley bread;
-pelto barley-rield; -vesi barley-vvater].
ohrainen . . or barley, barley. ohraisesti
(kuv. = huonosti) badly, ill, amlss, wrong,
(onnettomasti) unhapplly, unfortunately,
disastrously; hnelle on kynyt ohraisesti
things bave gone wrong with hlm, be bas
come to grier, (sattunut tapaturma) be
has had an accident.
ohramaltaat barley malt.
ohran- (yhd.) . . or barley, barley(-) [esim.
-jyv kernel (1. grain) or barley; -olki barley-straw; -thk bead ot barley, barleyhead]. -jyv (mys:) barleycorn; hanalla
on ohranjyv silmss (on humalassa) he
has got a drop too much (j. a drop in liis
eye), he is tipsy.
ohra ryynipuuro barley porrldge. -ryynit 1.
-suurimat pearl-barley, pearled barley;
hulled barley. -salama sheet llghtning.
ohueen thinly; sparsely. ohueksikulunut . .
v. 'im thln. ohuessa, ohuesti thinly; sparse
ly. ohukainen = ohut. ohukas = lettu,
ohuke (klrjap.) thin space.
ohut thln; (esim. Ilmasta:) rare; (kevyt)
light [overcoat, pllystakki] ; onneen,
ohuessa ks. hakus. ; ohuessa puvussa tbinly
dressed (1. clad); ~ kudos thin texture,
loose sturr, light weave.
ohut- (yhd.) . . with thln . . , thln- [esim.
-huulinen . . \vitli thln Ups, thin-lippcd;
-seininen . . wlth thln \valls, tbin-walled] .
-kuorinen thln-shelled; thin-sklnned [frult,
hedelm; potato, peruna], -laltainen: ohutlaitainen soutuvene a light ro w -boat. -pukuinen 1. -vaatteinon thinly dressed (1. clad
1. clotlied); .. In light(-weight) clothlng.
-suoli (anat.) small intestine.ohuus thinness; llghtness; (ilman) rarlty.
Ol oh! ah! ~, jospa minulla (vain) olisi ..
oh, if 1 only had . .!
oieta become (1. get) stralght(er), stralghten
(out); unbend; (esim. klbaralsesta hiuk
sesta:) get (1. come) uncurled, get (1.
come) out of curl, (esim. kysi) become
oi(J)eti (suoraan) stralght, right, dlrect(ly) ;
(suoraa pt) stralght on.
oihkaammen, oihkata - voihkaaminen, voihkata.
oikaiseminen straiglitcning Jne., ks. oikaista;
mys = oikaisu.
oikaista (ojentaa) stralghten [a naii, naula;
tbe line, rivi], make . . stralght; (korjata)



correct [a mistake, erehdys], rectlfy [an

error. virhe], set .. rlght, adjust;
metsn lpi tako a short cut through the
woods, (make a) cut through the woods;
ruumiinsa (l. itsens) (lraw O.S. Up,
stralghten up, stretch o.s. (to one's Tuli
belght), stretch up; vrt. suoristu.
oikaistava . . to be corrected (1. rectlfled);
oikaistavissa oleva . . that can be corrected
(1. rectiried),rectiriable [mistake, erehdys].
oikaisu (oikaiseminen) stralghtening; (kor
jaus) correctlon; rectiricatlon; oikaisuja
(otsikkona:) correctlons, errata.
oikaisu- (yhd.) ks. korjaus-.
oikea I. (a.) rlght [mau, mies; place, palk
ka; hand, kasi]; rlghtful [heir, perillinen;
owner, omistaja] ; (laillinen) legitlmate; (oi
keamielinen; oikeudenmukainen) Just [sentence, tuomio; cause, asla]; (asianmukai
nen, sopiva) proper [word, sana],due; fltting; (sntillinen, virheetn) correct [pronunclatlon, ntmistapa] ; (todellinen) real
[cause, syy; dlamond, timantti] ; (vrent
mtn) genulne, true [American, amerikka
lainen] ; aika (tarkka, tsmllinen) rlght
(1. correct 1. exact) tlme, (sopiva) proper
tlme; oikeaan aikaan at the rlght tlme,
punctually, on tlme, at the tlme wc are [it
Is, they were, etc.J due, (sopivaan) at a
proper (1. a happy) tlme, opportunely;
henkil the rlght (1. proper) person;
oikeaksi todistettu jljenns a certlfled
copy; oikealla puolella tiet on the rlght
side or the road; ~ mies the rlght man (In
the rlght place), the very man (Tor the
place). Just the man (for the Job); ~ puoli
(kankaan, tien y. m.) rlght side, (laivassa)
starboard (Side) ; oikeassa jrjestyksess
In the rlght order, In regular order, (asian
mukaisessa) In due (1. proper) order; ~
suhde due (1. rlght 1. Just) proportion;
oikeat vaatimukset rtghtful (1. legltlmate 1.
Just) clalms; ystv a true (1. real 1.
genulne) friend; oikeita viinej genulne
wlnes; hn on minun ~ kteni he Is my
rlght -hand man; hyvksy oikeaksi acccpt
(. . as correct), approve, (Jkpv.) O. K.;
isf saanko oikean pyssyn mav I have a
real gun, rather? jonkin oikealla puolella
on the rlght (hand) side of . . , .on the
rlght (hand) or . . . to the rlght or . .; Ju
hosta on tullut herrasmies John has 1)0come qulte a (1. the) gentleman; tiedonan
to havaittiin oikeaksi (mys:) the Informa
tion tumed out to be a ract. II. (s.) the
rlght; the rlght hand (1. side) ; oikealla (k
dell) on the rlght (hand); oikealle (alkup.
oikealle kdelle) to the rlght; oikealle ja
vasemmalle (to the) rlght and 1<! I't; olla
oikeassa be (In the) rlght.
oikea- (yhd.) rlght- [esim. -ktinen rlghtbandedj. -kielinen grammatlcally correct;
correct In dlctlon. -kielisyys grammatical
correctness, correct grammar; correct
Engllsh [Finnish, etc.]. -kierteinen righthanded. -laatuinen . . or the rlght sort (1.
klnd). -mielinen uprlght, Just [man, mies] ;
fair, light-mlnded; (oikein ajatteleva)
rlgbt-thlnklng. -mielisesti Justly, rairl.v;
wltb ralrness, wlth Justlce. -mielisyys
Justness, ralrness, uprlghtness; Justlce,
lntegrity; right-mindedness.
oikeammin more correctly; more properly;
sanottuna (\. sanoen) to put (1. to State)
It more exactiy, more correctly speaking,
more properly; better, rather.
oikeanpuolinen . . being to the rlght, rlghthand [corner, nurkka]; (ruumiinosasta:)
rlgbt [root, Jalka; ear, korva], (hevosista
Suhuen, mys:) orr [root. Jalka; borse,
evonen] ; (mer.) starboard [side, kylki];


~ ovi the door to the (1. your) rlght, the

rlght-hand door.
oi keall oppinen (puhdasoppinen) ortbodoz;
SOund (in dOCtrlne); vrt. oikeauskoinen.
-oppisuus orthodoxy. -perinen authentlc;
genulne. -perisyys authentlclty; genuineneSS ;
(mys:) authentlcatlon.
oikeastaan really; (oikeutta myten) by
rlght (s), rlghtly, properly, Justly, In (ali)
Justlce; (todellisuudessa) in realitv, actually, as a matter (1. m polnt) or ract; (var
sinaisesti) truly; (perimmltn) at bottom; hnen pitisi ~ matkustaa sinne itse
he really ought to go there In person: kirja
on ~ minun, vaikka se on ollut hnell niin
kauan the book ls mlne by rlght(s) (1. is
really mlne), althougb be has had lt so long.
oikeasuhtainen proportlonate;
symmetrlc(al); vrt. sopusuhtainen, -uskoinen (a.
& s.) orthodox. -uskoisuus orthodoxy.
oikeimmln most correctly, most properly.
oikein rlght, rlghtly, arlght, In the rlght
way; (virheettmsti, sntillisestl) correct
ly: (oikeudenmukaisesti) Justly, falrly;
(asianmukaisesti) properly, duly; (todella)
really, truly; (hyvin) very well [satisfled,
tyytyvinen], very [well, hyvin], pretty;
(varsin) qulte; (tarkoin) exactiy; ~ kaunis
(erittin) very (1. exceedlngly) beautiful,
(aika) qulte beautiful, pretty nlce; ~ pian
rlght qulck, pretty qulckly; ~ tarkistettu
properly adjusted, duly approved; aivon ~
sure enough, (vastauksissa:) very true,
(aivan niin) Just (1. qulte) so, (qulte 1.
very) rlght; aivan ~, mutta .. thafs so,
but ..; very true (1. thafs true enough),
but . .; annahan kun - katson sinua let me
have a good look at you! ei ~ not qulte,
not altogether, not very well [pleased,
tyytyvinen] ; ennenkun psimme al
kuunkaan (kunnolleen) before wc were
falrly orr, even berore we were well
started; en voi hyvin I'm not feellng
(qulte) rlght, I'm not reellng very well;
hnen ei ole asiat there ls something
wrong (1. something the matter) wlth him
[wlth hl s affalrs], (terveyteen nhden) he
ls not as well as he should be; jos min
asian ~ ymmrrn lf I understand lt rlght
(l. correctly); if I get (1. have) lt rlght;
jos nyt tekisin ~, niin minun pitisi . .
lf I no w did as I ought to, I should . .; klrjottaa nimens wrlte one's name correct
ly; kuvailla jotakin ~ mielessn form a
correct Idea (1. a true conceptlon) or a th.;
menetell act in the rlght way, act as
one should, do (the) rlght (thing); mik
sinun on (oikeastaan) what ls really the
matter wlth you? what really alls you?
min en kuullut, mit sanoit I did not
qulte (I. exactiy) catcb what you sald;
min en tied, mit Vastata hnelle I
don't know exactiy (1. I hardly know>
what to anstver him: min en ole ~ va
kuutettu I am not rully (1. qulte) convinced; mitata measure rlght: niin
right! good! thafs lt! Just so! onko se ~,
ett .. ls It rlght (1. proper 1. rittlng 1.
Just 1. fair) that . .? onfco se totta ls It
really true? on ja kohtuullista {, ett . .]
it Is (no more than) fair (1. Just) [that . .] ;
r"r , kun tulit you did right to come;
tll ei(vt) ole kaikki (asiat) ali IS
not (qulte) right here, there ls something
susplcious (1. wrong) here. -ajatteleva
rlght-thlnking; rlght-minded.
oikelnkirjotue orthography; (correct) spelllng. -harjotus exercise In spelltng. -kysy
mys questlon of orthography. -oppi (rules
of) orthography, spelllng. -reformi spell-

ing reform. -virna error In orthography, tiried, unjustiriable, unauthorlzed [claim,
vaatimus], unvvarranted, uncalled for; vrt.
orthographic(al) error.
laiton, oikeudettomasti vtithout rlght; con
oikeinpin (oikeassa asemassa, oikeaan ase
maan) In correct position; rlght side up; trary to Justice (1. to law); unjustly, un(pystyss, pystyyn) uprlght; (oikein) rlght, ralrly, vvrongrully, unjustiriably, unvvarIn a proper way (1. manner), properly, (In) rantedly. olkeudettomuudentila State of
lavvlessness; anarcby. oikeudettomuus lavvthe rlght vvay.
oikeisto the Rlght, the Conservatlve party; lessness; lnjustlce; unjustness, unralrness;
unjustiriableness; vrt. laittomuus.
(Jonkun puolueen) the rlght wlng, the con
oikeuksinen (yhd.) . . wlth . . rlghts [esim.
servatlve element [or a party].
oikeisto- (yhd.) conservatlve [esim. -Imhti laaja . . wlth extenslve rlghts].
conservatlve nevvspaper; -ryhm conserva oikeus rlght [to . . , Johonkin] ; Justice; (oi
tlve group; -sanomalchditt conservatlve keudenmukaisuus) rightrulness, Justness,
legltimacy; (laillisuus) lavvrulness; (oi
keusistuin) court (or Justice); (laki) lavv;
oikeistolainen conservatlve.
(oikeutus) authorizatlon, authorlty; tltle,
oikeistol mielinen conservatlve, .. vvlth con
vvarrant; (etu-) prlvllege; oikeuden edess
servatlve tendencles, . . wlth a conserva
berore the court; [Jtt Joku] oikeuden
tlve leantng. -mielisyys conservatlsm.
olkeittain by rlghts, rlghtly; properly; real- htiin [glve one] Into the hands or the
lavv (1. or Justice), In the hands or Ui e
ly; vrt. oikeastaan.
oikeneminen straightenlng, unbendlng Jne., court, [dcllver one] up (1. over) to Jus
tice (1. to the lavv), [dellver (1. give) one]
ks. oieta.
up, vrt. jtt; oikeuksien ristiriita! isuus t
oikeudellinen legal, Jurldical [basls, poh
ja]; Judlcial; (olkea) rlghtrul, legltimate conrilct or privlleges; maan parit (sa[Clalin, vaatimus], JUSt; naisen astma nanp., 1. v.) In the end Justice prevalls,
the legal position (1. status) or vvomen, Justice will trlumph In the end, rlght althe position of women In the eyes of the vvays wlns in the end; ~ on minun puolal
mi-., oikeudellisesti legally; Jurldlcally; lani the lavv Is (1. I have the lavv) on my
legitlmately; tn legal respect, In the eyes side, (olen oikeassa) Justice (1. rlght) is
or the law, before the law; oikeudellisesti on my side, I'm In the rlght; oikeutta har
ptev valld, legal, good before the law, rastava uprlght, JUSt; oikeutta myten ks.
. . vvhlcb wlll stand law. oikeudellisuus oikeastaan; antaa jollekulle tehd . .
rlghtfulness, (esim. vaatimuksen) just- (mys:) rnlit U' one to do . .; en epile en
ness, legallty, legltimacy.
oikeutta l don't doubt the rightrulness (1.
oikeuden- (yhd.) . . of Justice [esim. -ihanne JUStneSS 1. legallty) Of lt; hakea joitakin
ldeal or justice; -tunto sense of justice];
oikeuksia apply (1. petition) lor certain
(tuomioistuimen) . . or the court [esim. rlghts (1. privlleges); hnelt oli tyti
-pt* declslon or the court]. -hakija one niin menetell he was rully (1. completely
who sues (1. asks) for justice, suer for 1. qulte) vvithin hls rlghts In dolng so, ne
Justice; litlgant. -haltija asslgn(ee). -hoito \vas perrectly Justiried In dolng so; hnel
admlnlstration of Justice. -istunto session l on ' menetell miten haluaa he has the
right to do as he pleases, (vapaus) he Is at
or [the] court; court.
oikeudenkynti (law)oUlt, action [agalnst Uberty to do as he pleases, (saa menetel
a i>., Jotakuta vastaan], (legal) proceed- l) he may do as he pleases; minulla on
lngs; (ksittely) trial; (krjiminen) saada (olen oikeutettu) rm entltled to (selltlgatlon; vrt. oikeusjuttu, -apulainen 1. cure 1. obtaln) . .; se on ja kohtuu* lt Is
-avustaja counsel. -asiakirjat pleadings. no more than falr, that Is just and right;
-asiamies attorney; (lakimies) lavvyer. siihen hnell ei ole oikeutta (sen tekoon)
-Jrjestys (order or) procedure. -ku- he has no rlght (1. he Is not entltled) to
lu(ngl)t expenses In a [the] suit (1. case), do that, he Is not Justiried in dolng lt;
expenses In (1. involved in carfylng on) a usko asian oikeuteen lait h In the rightrul
suit; (tuomitut) costs. -laitos Judlclary; ness (1. the Justice) oi the cause; vastoin
oikeudenkyntilaitohsen uudistus n-lnnn
kaikkea oikeutta contrary to ali justice (1.
or the Judlclary; vrt. oikeuslaitos, -piv au rlght).
oikeus- (yhd.) . . or Justice [esim. -ihanne
day or trial, -virhe legal error.
oikeuden kytt admlnlstration or law (1. ldeal or Justice; -periaate prlnciple or Jus
or Justice) ; Jurisdlctlon. -loukkaus vlola- tice]; legal [esim. -perutte legal basls;
tlon or Justice; (Jonkun oikeuksien) vlola- -suhteet legal relatlons; -toistelu legal
tlon or (1. Inrrlngement upon) a p.'s rlghts. battle] ; Judlcial [esim. -jrjestelm Judl
-mukainen Just. rlght, . . In conrormlty cial systera; -murha Judlcial murder].
wllh justice; (olkea) rlghtrul, legltimate; -ala legal matter; (-Juttu) case, (law-)
(kohtuullinen) falr, equltable. -mukaisesti suit. -aste: ensiminen oikeusaste court
or rirst lnstance. -istuin = tuomioistuin.
Justly, rlghtrully, legitlmately, . . In con
rormlty vvlth Justice; falr(ly), wlth falr- -Juttu case, (lavv)sult, action; legal proness, wlth Justice; (oikeastaan) rlghtly, ceedlngs. -Jrjestys legal (I. Judlcial) pro
by rlght(s) ; oikeudenmukaisesti jaettu cedure; lavv or the loruin, -kulut oikeu
JUStly (1. falrly) dlvlded; se kuuluu oikeu
denkyntikulut, -kysymys questlon or lavv,
denmukaisesti minulle lt belongs to me (1. legal (1. Jurldical) questlon. -ksite Idea
lt Is mlne) by rlght(s), I have a right to lt. (1. conceptlon) or Justice (1. or vvbat is
-mukaisuus rlghtfulness, legltimacy, just- rlght 1. of rlght and vvrong). -laitos Sys
ness; Justice; equity, ralrness. -omistaja tem of courts (or Justice), judlclary;
assign(ee). -palvelija ofricer or the court. oikeuslaitokset (lll.YS:) the COUrtS. -l-tunto (mys:) sense or right. -valvoja keopiilinen 1. -lketieteellinen . . or (1. lncustodlan or justice. -vastainen . . contrary volving) medical jurlsprudence. -lkeoppi
to Justice; (lainvastainen) . . contrary to l. -lketiede medical Jurisprudence. -mi
law, lllegal. -voimainen valld, . . author- nisteri mlnister or Justice; (1. v. Yhdysv.)
lzed by lavv, legal, lawful.
Attorney General, -olot (-laitos) Judlcial
oikeudeton . . without (legal) rlghts; . . System (1. instltutions) ; oiheusolot maassa
wlthout lavv, lavvless; (oikeudenvastalnen) ovat kurjalla kannalla the sltuatlon In the
country, as to the metlng out or Justice, Is
contrary to Justice (1. to law) ; (vr) unJust, wrongful, unfalr; (aiheeton) unjus- bad. -oppi Jurlsprudence, -oppinut I. ia) , .

versed in law (1. In jurisprudence), .. oikukaa, oikukk(ais)uus = oikullinen, oikullearned In law. 11. (s.) person versea (1. lisuus.
learned) In law, jurist, jurisprudent, oikullinen capricious, whimsical; cranky,
-osasto department or justice, -paikka rreaklsh, crotchety; of a changeable (1.
place where tbe trial Is [was] held; court, moody l. fitful; disposition; ~ laonn*
tribunal, rorum. -pllrl jurisdiction, -pttte- cranky (1. moody 1. capricious) disposi
yy validity, legality; lawfulness, -rlita tion, oikullieest! capriciously, whimsically;
legal controversy; litigation, -tajunta sense cranklly, 1'reaklshly. oikulliiuus caprlor justice; sense ot right, -tapaus case In ciousness,
law. -tied science or tue law, jurispru
dence; vrt. UkltUde. -tietoelhnen juridical; oikutolla - - ikkiull.i. oikuttelu = oikkuilu.
juristic, -tilato court statistics, -toimi oinas (pssl) ram; (salvettu) wether.
(-laltos) Judiciary, -vaade 1. -vaatimus lesign jonkin ~ a sign of . .] ; (taudln
gal claim (1. demand), -valtio constitutional oire
y. m.) symptom; (jalkl) mark, trace, ves
tige; (Hinaus) manifestation; (eslolre) pre
oikeutettu entitled [to, johonkln] ; (valtuu- monitory symptom; oireet signs, symptoms,
tetiu) authorized [to act, tolmlmaanj ; (01- (pyrklmys) tendency, drill; mitb oaat
keudenmukalnen) rigimui, Just, legit
taudin oireet what are the symptoms or
male; oik*uttttuja vaatimuhsia just (1. the disease? how does the disease show (1.
iiKiitiiil 1. legitimate) claims; perimn ~ manliest) Hseir (1. reveal its presence) ?
entitled to Inherit (1. to an inheritance); linnepin ouat oireet the tendency (1. the
fmn kunnian on hn he IS en
drift) is In that direction; taudin - on ,
titled to that honor, he has a right(rul tta . . the symptoius of the disease are,
claim) to that honor, (ansallsee) he de
that . . , Ihe disease la characterized by . .;
serves that honor; * on tavallaan oiheu- tuntea taudin oirtita ! the disease com
tettua It is Jusliried, in a way. oikeutetusti ing on, reel thai one is coming down with
justly, rlghtrully; lays, n oikeutetutti in (1. is going to have) a disease.
perrect (1. In all) justice, with perrect oitis (hetl) at once, instantly, Immediately,
right (1. justice).
directly, right away; (paikalia) on tue
oikeutua entitle L to, Johonkln], give .. a spot,
and iheu; vrl. heti.
[the] right [to, johonkln] ; (valtuuttaa) oiustaatnere
lake a short cut, make a cut [across
authorize, empower; (autaa oikeuius) the Held,
polkkl] . oiustie ks. oikotie.
justiry, (laminen) legitimate; oikeutettu
. .. oivallinen. oivalhnen excellent;
ks. hakus.; mih tinut *iih*n what gives oiva
first-rale [rellow,
you a Tight to that? tama l oikeuta laaticapllai, rich, superb, grand, magmaan (l. hyvhtymnj **tlai*ta lu/ this unes],
does not Justiry (1. Is not sulllcleul mo
exqulslle; oiuaiusta fine! splendid!
tive ) the passage or such a law. cnoice,
excenenl! capllai! oivallieeti line(ly),
oikeuttaminen entitling jne., ks. edell.; au
excellently, inaguiflcenlly, capthorization; vrt. seur. oikeutus justirica- splendidly,
liaily. oivallltuu excellence; splendidness;
tion; authority, authorization; legitimation. goouuess;
fine (1. choice 1. first-rate)
oikku whim, rreak, caprice, rancy; luonnon quality.
~ a rreak or nature; * on vain han*noih- olvallut (ksltys) comprehension, appre
kujaan It's only one or his freaks (l. hension; understanding, oivaltaa see, per
wiums). olkkuilla be rreaklsh, be whim
be aware of; (kasltlaa) comprehend,
sical, be capricious, blow hot and cold; ceive,
conceive; () uner(juouitella) be cranky; shurrie, quibble; apprehend;
sen taydelliscsti I am fully
sum, beat about the bush, play last and aware oioaUan
kai mian oiaaUat you un
loose; make a 1'uss; oikkuMen whimsically, derstand, 1 suppose
don't you) ? oivallafreakishly, capriciously, cranklly. oikkuiiu minen seeing jne.,ks.(1.edell.;
whims, caprlce(s); dodgery, shilling, quib
sala-) drain;
bling; russ. oikkuinen = oikullinen. oikkup (kuv.) whimsical fellow (1. person); (Katu-, maanlien-) guller; myos ojaniic;
the irycrank.
oikoa (korjata) correct [the mistakes, ereh- ing-pan into the lire, from bad lo worse,
dyksetj, sel right [a mistaken Idea, vaa- -aura dilching-plow, trenching -plow.
rinkasliys], recliry [an error, virbej, ojalnen (yhd.) . . with . . ditches [eslm.
ernend(ale) ; (panna kuutoon) put . . to *apcu~ with narrow ditches].
rights, make .. right (again); (olkalsta ojamyyrt (elalnt.) water-vole, water-rat.
suoraksl) straighten [a nail, naula], make ojaii: kaivaja ditch -digger, digger or dllches,
. . straight; (ojeuiaa suoraksl) sirelch dilcher. -kaivu digging dllches, duelling.
(out); (kulkea) cross [the mountains, yll ojanne (puroneii) rill, runlet, rivulet; (va
vuorlenj ; (kulkea olkotieta) lake a siiorl in >, peliolla) rurrow, drill, ojan.piennar l.
cul; jaseniaiin stretch (O.S.), stretch -rena 1. -syrja 1. -varsi 1. -vieri edge (1.
bank) a [the] ditch; ojan\var*illa 1. -vieone's llmijs, have a good stretch.
oikoilla be (1. keep) straightening (out), be ritia along dilch-bauks, aiung the edges of
(1. keep) selling rlghl, stralghlen (oui);, ditches.
ojas (auran) plow-beam.
be correcting, correct; vrt. oikoa.
oikoincn straight [road, tie; slick, keppl]; oja,! torvi drain-pipe, -veei ditch-water.
ojonne (ojennuskemo) corrective.
(kuv.) dlrecl.
oiko kulma straight angle, -matka short cut. ojennella (ojentaa) slralghlen; stretch (out) ;
(oikoa) set . . right, correct; ~ )**nin
oikommen correcting jiie., ks. oikoa.
oiko.polku shorl cul; cross cul. -pat stretch (one's limbs) ; ~ kmin kohti taidlreclly; (hell) immedlalely, at once; (.suo- va*ta stretch (1. lilt 1. raise) one's hands
rlnla tiet) ihe sliorlesl way (1. route), the towards heaven; ~ (puuj streich
out (1. pul oui 1. pul rorlh) Us branches.
stralghtest course (1. roule); (suoraaii) di
rect; (suinpaln) headlong; hn ritnti oiko. ojennu slralghlenlng (up); extension; (rlpauta botan (tuyos:) he took a bee-line vin) alignment, alinement; (korjaus) rec home, -uiu the nearest (1. the lilicallon; (rangalstuksena) correction,
stralghtest) way, across lots, -ti abort -huon house or correction; vrt. ojcnnuslaiCUI; oikotitta oikoUiU. -torvi trumpet. to. -kino corrective, -laitot rerormatory,



nouse or correctlon; (pahantapaisia lapsia

varten) rerorm school. -nuora rule, gulding prlnclple; guide (to go by) ; minulle
ojennutnuoraksi lor yotir guldance. -ran
gaistua correctlon; (kuri) dlsclpllne.
ojentaa extend, hold out; (pitkksi) stretch
( rorth), stretch out; (suoristaa) stralghten
a naii, naula], make .. stralght; (korja
ta, parantaa) set . . rtght, correct; (suun
nata) level [one's gun at . . , pyssyns Jo
takin kohti], polnt [one's plstol at a p.,
pistoolinsa Jotakuta kohti] ; (tarjota, ku
rottaa) pass, hand, reach; ojenna tnne
lautasesi paSS (ll|>) .Volir JilatO; ojennetuin

ksin with outstretched hands, wlth one's

hands stretched (1. held out), (avoimin sy
lin) \vith open arms; ~ Jollekulle auttava
ktens g ivo (1. lend 1. huld out 1. stretch
out) a belplng hand to one, do a (good)
turn to one; itsens (\. ruumiinsa) suo
raksi stratghten up, stralghten o. s., stretch
(o.s.) to one's Tuli helght, stretcb up,
(pystyyn) draw o.s. up (to one's Tuli
helght); ~ ksin kohti taivasta kS. ojen
nella; ~ ktens jollekulle bold out (1. ex
tend) one'9 hand to a p., glve a p. one's
hand; ~ ktens jotakin ottaakseen hold
out (1. put out) one'3 hand to take a tn.,
reach a th.; rivi (suoraksi) make a llne
stralght, (sot.) dress a rank, (torin an)
allgn(ment). ojantajalihaa (anat.) exten>iii'. ojentaminen stralghtenlng jne., ks.
ojentaa; ex tension; correctlon.
ojentautua stretch, extend; (suoraksi)
stretch (1. draw) o.s. (to one's full helght);
(venyttiytya) straln; ottamaan stretch
up to take (1. to get), stretch up to reach,
reach (1. stretch) [arter (1. for) . . , Jota
kin], reach out [for (1. after) . .] ; ~ suo
raksi (esim. krme) stretch Itself to its
Tuli length, stretch out (to) lts Tuli length.
ojentua stretch oneseir [itseir], stretch
(out) ;
(suoristua) become stralght;
stralghten, (sot., riveist puhuen:) dress
l to the rlght, oikealle]; (korjaantua) be
corrected, correct o.s., (parantua) reform,
correct one'S ways; hn ei ota ojentuak
seen he won't submit to correctlon, be Is
Incorrlglble; jsenet ojentuvat the Umbs
stretch. ojentumaton Incorrlglble, lrreclalmable; . . beyond ali reform.
ojittaa dltch [a fleld, pelto]; draln [a
ineadovv, niitty] ; ojittamalla by dralning,
by ditchlng. ojittamaton . . vvbich is [was]
not ditched (1. dralned), undltched, undralned. ojittaminen ditchlng; dralning.
ojitus ditchlng, dralning; dralnage. -Jrjes
telm system of dltches; dralnage system.
ojituttaa have . . ditched, have dltches dug
In (I. through) , . .
ojo: ksi ojona ( I. ojossa) wlth outstretched
hand, wltb one's hand outstretched (1. extended), with one's arm extended (1.
stretched forth) ; pistimet ojona (sot.)
wlth flxed bayonets.
ojuri dltcher.
oka = oas. okainen prlckly, splny, thorny;
brlstly. okalanka barbed \vlre.
okra (maalljauhe) ocher, ochre.
oksa (kasvavan puun) branch, limb, (pieni)
tvvlg, sprig, (lehtcv tai kukkiva) spray;
(haara) bough; (vesa) shoot; (laudassa y.
m.) knot.
oksaalihappo (kem.) oxallc acld.
oksahanka: oksahangassa on a branch (I. a
stub) [of the tree] close to the trunk.
oksainen branching, branched [tree, puu],
branchy, . . full or branches; twiggy; (lau
dasta y. m.) knotty, knotted, . . full or
knots; gnarled.
-oksainen (ybd) . . wlth . . branches, . .-


branched [esim. harva- wtth few branches,

thin-branched; moni wlth many branches,
many -branched], (lautatavarasta:) . . u ith
. . knots (in lt) [esim. pyre wlth round
knots (in lt)].
oksaistukas selon.
oksaisuus brancblness; knottlness; laudan
the board belng full of knots . .; puun
the tree belng Hill of branches.
oksan reik knot-bole. -tynki stub (of a
branch) ; hn ripusti takkinsa oksantynkn

(tav.) he hung his coat on abroken branch.

oksa | pahka gnarl, knot. -paikka knotty
Place; taittui oksapaikasta broke \vhere thekimi was, broke at a knot(ty place). -puu
knotted \vood.
oksaa (puut.) graft, selon, oksastaa (puut.)
(en)grart, lngraft. oksastaminen, oksastua
(en)grartlng, lngraftlng.
oksastua- (y)i(l.) grartlng- [esim. -vaha
graftlng-knlfe] .
-haava lnclslon (made In graftlng). -koe
attempted grarting; grartlng-test. -kohta
place where the grarting is done.
oksaton free or (1. rrom) knots, . . wlth no
(1. vvithoul any) knots, clean [timber,
puu]; (haaraton) .. \vitliout (1. \vith no)
branches. okaattomuua . . belng Tree (1.
clean) rrom knots, Treedom rrom knots; . .
havlng no (1. being \vlthout) branches.
okse: okseet vomlt; ruveta okselle begln to
millit (1. to spew 1. to throw up). oksen
nus vomltlng; (etup. konkr.) vomlt. ok
sennus- (vliil.) = oksetus-. oksennusviinikivi (lk.) tartar emetlc. oksennuttaa =
oksettaa; minua oksennuttaa I feel like

vomltlng, I feel sick at my stomach, I am

(1. 1 reel) qualmlsh (1. nauseated). oksentaa
vomlt, spew, (Jkpv.) puke; (antaa ylen)
throvv up; (kuv., esim. kanuunoista:) belch
(rorth); oksentaa tulta ja tulikive (tuli
vuori) spew rorth (1. vomlt rorth 1. emit)
rire and brlmstone. oksentaminen vomlt
lng jne., ks. oksentaa, oksetin emetic,
vomit(ory). oksettaa cause (1. errect 1.
brlng about) vomltlng; make . . (1. cause
. . to) vomlt (1. to throw up); (kuvettaa)
make . . (feel) sick at one's stomach,
cause nausea, nauseate, slcken; minua ok
settaa nhdessni . . lt turns (1. lt makes
me sick at) my stomach to see . . , lt glves
mc (the) qualms (1. lt nauseates) me to
see . . . oksettaminen nauseating; nausea,
qualmlshness, belng sick at one's stomach;
vrt. seur.
oksetus vomltlng; nausea, qualmlshness.
-in* = oksetin. -Juuri (lk.) lpecac
(-uanha). -pulveri emetlc (povvder). -viini
antlmonial wine.
oksia lirune, lop, trim [a bedge, pensasai
taa] ; (harventaa) thln.
oksi(i)di (kem.) oxlde, oxld.
oksikaa branchy; twiggy, sprlggy [bush,
pensas]; vrt. oksainen, oksiminen, oksinta
pruning, lopplng, trlmmlng. okaittaa =
oksia, oksittaminen = oksiminen, oksittua
branch, throvv out (l. shoot forth) branches.
Okaltus = oksiminen.
oktaavi (mus.) octave.
oktaavi- (yhd. = kahdeksannes-) octavo
[esim. -nide 1. -nidos octavo volume].
-koko octavo.
Olavi Olar.
oleellinen essential; rundamental; materiat,
substantial. oleellisesti essentlally; materially, substantlally. oleellisuus essentlalness, essentiallty; (trkeys) lmportance.
oleilla = oleskella; en tied, miss hn ny
kyn oleilee I dotvt know wbere be Is
staylng at present, I don't know big present whereabouts (1. hls \vhereabouts Just

now), r have lost track or hlm at present; oleskelu stay(Ing) ; sojourn; (asustaminen)
metsss oleilee ryvreit robbers inrest livlng, dwelllng; (ahkeraan kynti) rrequentlng; ~ ulkoilmassa staying out (oD
(1. haunt 1. have their baunt in) the rorest.
doors. -huono sltting-room; llvlng-room.
oleilu = oleskelu,
card grantlng permission to stay (1.
oloinen (vastak. kielteinen') posltive; (to
to remaln) ..; (sotilaan, lomalippu) rurdellinen) real; vrt. oleellinen, oloisesti
lough. -lupa permission to stay . . . -palkka
posltively; really.
a olinpaikka,
oleksia ks. oleskella, oleilla, oleksiminen oletettava
supposable, prcsumable; acceptoleskelu.
able; reasonable, likely, probable. oletet
olemassa il oleva existing, exlstent, . . in existtavasti presumably; probably; very likely.
ence;extant. -olo existence; (olemus) belng;
oletettavuus supposableness; acceptabllity.
(esiintyminen) occurrence; presence; oiesuppose; opine; (edellytt) premassaolon taistelu the struggle for existence. olettaa
sume; assume; oletan hnet runon tekijksi
olematon non-exlstent, non-exlsting, . . not
I presume be is (1. I suppose hlm to be)
existing, . . not In existence, . . not to be
the autbor o( the poem; olettakaamme,
round; (el mikn) no; katsoa .. olematto
ett hn tekee niin (let US) suppose
maksi, pit . . olemattomana consider . . a
(that) he does SO; olettakaamme, ett niin
nonentity (1. a nulllty), consider . . of no
on (asian)laita (mys:) we wlll suppose
account; lopettaa .. olemattomiin do away
thls to be the case; olettamalla (\. olet
ith . . entlrely, (el jatkaa en ensin
taen), ett . . on (l. under) the presumpkn) cease (1. stop) altogether, give up tion (1. suppositlon) that . . , supposing
. . to ali intents and purposes; tehd ole
(that) ..; sopii ~, e . . it is likely (1.
mattomaksi make . . as though it never probable)
that . . . olettaminen supposing
bad been (1. bad happened), (poistaa maa
jne., vrt. olettaa, olettamus supposition,
ilmasta) remove . . rrom the race ot the presumption, assumption; (tiet.) hypotheearlh, get rid or .. ror good (and ali),
Sls; (arvaus) conjecture; lhden siit olet
olemattomuus non-exlstence, nothingness,
tamuksesta, ett . . I start vvith (1. rrom)
the presumption (1. suppositlon) that . . ,
oleminen being; existence; vrt. olemus; ole
I take as my ground the suppositlon that
misen taistelu the struggle for existence.
. . , I lay down as an antecedent proposi
olemus essence, (Joskus:) substance; (luon
tion that ... (vapaammin:) I take ror
ne) nature; person; (henki) splrit; (olen
granted that . . . oletus suppositlon, pre
to) being; (olo) existence; o/emufce/faan
sumption, assumption; (arvailu) conjec
in (its) essence, in substance, mtrinslcally,
ture; se on pelkk oletueta it is mere (1.
essentially. -muoto rorm or existence.
pure) conjecture (1. presumption 1. sup
olennainen (oleellinen) essentiat; fundaposition) ; vrt. edell.
mental; materiat, substantial; (sisinen) oleva (olemassa-) existing, extant; (voimas
inberent, intrlnsic; immanent.
sa-) establlshed; (vallitseva) prevalling,
olonnoida personiry, (im)personate, emprevalent; olevat olot the existing (1. pre
body; oiennoitu personi l'ied, embodled.
valling) conditlons (1. circumstances), the
olennoima personirtcatlon; (im)personacondltlons as they (really) are; jossakin
tion, embodiment; kaiken hyvn olennoima
(saapuvilla-) . . present in (1. at) . . , (saa
embodiment or alt that is good. olonnoimitavissa-) .. on (I. at) hand in .. [huom.
kassassa olevat rahat (ksill-) the cash on
nan, olonnointa personifying; personirtca
hand, (rekisteriss) the money in the
tlon; embodiment.
cash-register; kaupungissa olevat jsenet
olento being; creature; (olemus) nature,
(mys:) members residlng in the city];
person; (kyts) manner(s), ways: (olo)
kateissa mlsslng, lost; [useassa tapauk
existence; (kiel.) the esslve case [a cersessa el sanaa oleva suoranaisesti ensinkn
tain Oblique case in Finnish] ; hnen olen
knnet tai knnetn kiertmll (rela
nossaan on jotakin epilyttv he has
tiivilauseella), esim.: matkalla olevat joukot
sometblng suspiclous about hlm (1. In hls
the troops on the way; myytvn olevat
manner); elv ltving being (1. thlng) ;
talot the houses (, whlch are) ror sle;
vrt. ihmis.
rakenteella ~ silta a bridge (, whlch was)
oleskeleminen = oleskelu,
under constructlon(l. belng constructed) ] ;
oleskella stay [ror a \vhile, hetken alkaa];
vrt. esill-', mukana, poissa, tekeill
be staying [with one's relatives, sukulais
y. m. olevainen existing, extant; kaikki oletensa luona], (be) stop(plng) [at a hotel,
vainen everythtng in existence, ali that exhotellissa], (make a) sojourn; (asustaa)
ists; kaikki olevainen on katoavaista ali
Ilve, reside, dwell; (oleilla) keep [in the
rimte thlngs must die.
garret, ylisill], have one's whereabouts (1.
one's quarters); be; (kyd usein) Tre- olevinaan ks. olla.
(-hedelm) olive. -puu ollve-tree,
quent; (vetelehti) hang around; (viett)
ollve. -ljy ollve-oil.
spend [tbree years at sea, kolme vuotta
olija one who is; (henkil) person; jossakin
merill], pass [the Winter abroad, talvi ul
olijat those who are [were] . . , those In
komailla; jalkeilla (sairaasta:) be up, be
(1. on 1. at) . . [huom. huoneessaolijat those
(up and) about the house, vrt. jalkeilla; ~
(who were) In the room, (lsn-) those
present; kaikki retkell mukana olijat ali
(Engl. : publie houses); maalla, maa
taking part In the excurslon, ali those
seudulla stay (1. be staying) in the coun
who were (1. wbo went) on the trlp; laivastry, (kaupunkilaisesta, pilkall.) rusttcate;
those aboard (the shlp), (matkusta
- metsss stay (1. Ilve) in the woods,
jat) the passengers or the shlp ] ; vrt. lsn,
haunt the vvoods, (piilotellen) keep to the
woods; ulkoilmassa be (1. stay 1. keep 1. olinpaikka (asuin-) resldenre, place or
residence, abode, habltatlon; (oleskelu-)
live) in the open air; hn on oleskellut
place to stay (at); whereabouts; (tyyssija)
Amerikassa aseita vuosia he bas Stayed (1.
resort, haunt, (pahantekijin y. m.) hangllved 1. been) In America (1. he bas been a
out; tuntematon wbereabouts unknown;
resldent or America) Tor several years;
hauska a nlce place (at wbich) to stay;
kest se oleskelee Lapissa, talvet Egyptiss
hnen olinpaikkaansa ei tiedet (\. tunneta)
(muuttolinnusta:) it summers in Lapland
HU wbereabout li (1. are) not known.
and wlnters In Egypt; vrt. oleilla.



olio (esine) thlngr; (olento) being-, entlty;

(luomus) creature.
oljen .karvainen 1. -keltainen straw-COlored.
-kopsi Stravv; hukkuva tarttuu oljenkor
teenkin (sananp.) a drovvnlng man catcbes
(1. iii catch) at a stravv, drovvnlng men
catch at straws.
oljlllakatettu olkikattoinen,
olka sboulder; (tekn.) ledge, slielf; (uu
nin-) mantel(piece).
olka- (yhd.) sboulder- [esim. -nivel sboulder-Joint].
olkain olu.
olkainen (ybd.) . .-sbouldered, .. \\itli ..
sboulders [esim. Uoma broad-sbouldered,
. . vi iiii broad sboulders] .
olkainkohennue shrug (of one's sboulders).
olkallklvi (raken.) console, bracket. -lappu
olu. -luu bone oi tbe upper arin;
(anat.) bumerus. -nauha sboulder-strap;
vrt. olu. -noja support lor tbe sboulders.
-pi sboulder. -valtimo (anat.) bracblal
artery. -varrenluu =- olkaluu, -varsi up
per arm; (anat.) bracblum. -vy (sot.)
sboulder-belt; (patruuna-) bandoleer.
olki stravv; oljet (kli.) stravv, (Kngl.,
mys:) haulin.
olki- (ybd.) stravv- [esim. -peitteinen stravv covered; -ty stravv-vvork; (oljista tebty,
olkinen) stravv [esim. -hattu stravv bat;
-matto stravv mat], .. of stravv [esim.
-katto roor Of Stravv; -kysi (l. nuora}
rope or stravv]. -auma 1. -keko stravv stack. -katto (mys:) tbatcbed (1. stravv thatched) roof. -kattoinon stravv-rooied;
olkikattoinen mkki (mys:) a thatched
cotlage, a Mut covered vvlth stravv. -kupo
1. -lyhda bundle of stravv. -leip bread
vvlth stravv mixed In It. -matrasei stravv bed.
olkinen . . or stravv, stravv.
olkillpahnat 1. -pehku Utter, -patja stravv
bed, bed or stravv, pallet. -peitteinen
(mys:) . . covered vvlth stravv, thatched
lioor, Katto], -rehu stravv. -side vvltne (l.
vvlthy) of stravv. -tukko vvisp of stravv.
-vilja g-ralns vvlth stravv-llke stalks. -vuode
stravv bed.
olla be [glad. Iloinen; sick, sairas (1. sairaa
na); one'3 own master, oma berransa; in
danger, vaarassa] ; stand [in need or . . ,
Jonkin tarpeessa; accused, syytettyn] ; He
[In ambusb, vijyksiss]; (istua) slt [in
Judgment, tuomarina]; (olemassa) exlst,
be at hand; (lyty) be round, be met vvlth;
(esiinty) occur, appear; (sijaita) be situated, be located; (muodostaa) make, rorm,
constltute; (olla tehty jostakin, muodostua)
be (made) or . . [esim. nm lelut ovat settuloidiistia these toys are (made) or celluloldj , be composed of . . , conslst or (1. In) . . ;
(olla Joksikin, koitua) serve as . . , prove,
lead to [one's avvakenlng, Jollekulle Her
tykseksi]; (olla Jostakusta Jotakin, tuntua)
seem, strike; (sislty) enter into . . , rorm a
part or . . , be included In . .; (vallita) prevall; ole huutamatta quit (1. stop) (your)
yelllng! shut up (yelllng)! olen [otin] ollut
I have [I had] been; olin (vhll) pudota 1
came (1. I vvas) near falllng, 1 vvas about to
Tall, I nearly lell, 1 vvas on the verge or ralllng; olipa (l. olkoonpa) rikas tai kyh be
lt (1. vvhether) rlch or poor; olkoon niin be
lt SO! ali rlght! very vvell! olkoonpa niinkin,
mutta . . lt (1. that) inay be so, but . .;
o/isin voinut sen tehd I COUld (1. I mlght)
have done it; ahtaalla be in straitened in bardpressed,
(Jkpv.) be hard up, be up agalnst lt, (h
dss) be in distress; ~ aiheessa tehd . .
be golng to do . . , lntend (I. pian) to do . . ,
tliiiik Of dolng . . [liuoin, olin juuri aiheessa


lhte (mys:) I vvas (just) about to leave,

1 vvas (just) on tbe point or starting] ;
aisoissa be put to the carriage, be in tbe
shalts, (valjaissa) be bitcbed up, be barnessed; (kuv.) restrain o. s., bebave o.s.
, esim. olehan nyt aisoissa DOW, bebave yourseirij; jonkin alaisena be under . . , be
the SUbJect or . . [huom. asia on ollut poh
dinnan alaisena (mys:) the matter bas
been debated (Upon) ; hn on ollut lk
rinhoidon alaisena (mys:) be Mas undergoue (a course oi) treatment; kaupunki oli
monen onnettomuuden alaisena the City vvas
visited by many imsiortunes, tbe city vvas
overtaken by many calamities] ; ~ alene
massa be sinklng, be golng down, be on tbe
decline, (esim. aurinko) be going down Un)
the sky; ~ alkuisin (Jostakin) be deriveu
lioin . . , derlve lts ongin Iroin . . , (josta
kusta) origluate (1. have orlginated) vvlth
. .; ~ alulta be under vvay, (alkuasteella)
be in its prelmunary stages [buom. asia on
jo kauan ollut alulla the matter bas been
under adviseuient (1. been hangiug lue)
Tor a long time (1. vvbile); hn on hyvll
alulla tullakseen ylioppilaaksi he IS vvell on
the vvay to become a college student; se
aika on tuskin alullakaan (tuskin tullut)
that time bas scarceiy set in, vve have
scarcely entered (upon) that time] ; am
matiltaan . . be . . by trade, roilovv a trade
[esim. hn on ammatiltaan haivertaja be is
an engraver by trade, be rollovvs tbe engraver s trade (i.tlie trade or an engraver) J .
arvoltaan . . have (1. possess) tbe rauk
of . . , hold (1. have) a idoctorJ's degree
[ buom. hn on arvoltaan professori (my os : )
bls tltle is prolessor; hn on arvoltaan toh
tori (mys:) lus degree is doctorj ; ~
asioissa jonkun kanssa have dealings vvlth
oue, uo ousiness vviin oue; ~ jollekulle
avuksi be a beip to one iin . .J ; elmn ja
kuoleman vaiheella have oue s llle liuiig
(up)on (1. by) a thread, (bilya) bover betvveen lue and ueath; ensimisen laini
(1. be) l'irst [huom. olla ensimisen listalla
(mys:) Uead a list] ; ~ erilainen kuin ..
(be) durer(eut) rrotu . . , vary irom . .; ~
erilln be (1. lie) apart, (esim. aviopuoli
soista puhuen:) be separated, be liviug
apart, (pysytell) keep avvay (1. alooi)
Liroin . .J ; ~ eri mielt disagree, dirier (1U
opinion) [about . . , Jostakinj [huom. otan
siin eri mielt kanssasi 1 duTer vvilli juu
tuere (1. about tuat), 1 doiit agree vvitii
you tliere, (Jkpv.) 1 uon't see lt tbat vvay;
siit ollaan eri mielt oplnlons diller (1.
there are diriereut opinions 1. there is du lerence or opinion) anout that; voidaan olla
eri mielt siit, onko . . there luay be du lerent opinions (1. a du lerence oi opinion)
as to . . , (panna kyseeseen) it is a question
(1. it may be questloiied) vvhether . .] ; ~
esill (kasilla) lie (ready) at hand, be (1.
He) handy, be out (handy), (ksiteltvn)
be belore [the court, tue housej, be up
[Tor trial, ror dlscussion], (oikeudessa) be
on, be tried [buom. juttu on paraikaa esill
(oikeudessa) the case is (up) belore tbe
court (l. is ueing tried) Just novv, tbe case
is novv up (lor trial), the case is onj ; ~
Jonkin esineen (jollekin alttiina) stand
(exposed to) [the enemy's arlillery lire,
flc.j, vrt. esine; ~ haitaksi jollekulle be a
dravvback (1. an inconvenieuce 1. a blndrance
1. a delriment) to one, lnconvenience one,
put one to lnconvenience, (kiusaksi) give
one trouble, be a trouble (1. a bother) to
one, (vahingoksi) do one barm [buom. ei
o/ii haitaksi koettaa (l. vaikka koetettai
siin) lt wouldn't (do any) barm (1. burt)

to try, there would (1. could) be no harm turing, be browsing; ~ lamas.ia kS. lama;
(In) trying, It would be as -well to try] ; ~ ~ lafatta be (1. stick) tight [huom. Uip
helpolla bave It easy, (jkpv.) be (1. live) on nykyn luiatea It's hard work to earn
on Easy Street: ~ ft/f/ua keep quiet, be one's living nowadays, it Is hard times;
still, (aftnetl) be silent; ~ hyvkti (mys:) paalu oli lajatta the pole stuck tight, It was
do [one] (a) good (turn); ~ hpeittn ks. tough work (1. hard pulling) to get the pole
up, the pole was tight In the ground] ;
hipeUsXKn; ~ ihmeiten os t akin be sur
prised at ... be astonished at . .; ~ ihmi- ~ lukrvinaun vrt. olla tekevinKSn ; ~ . .
tikti (sllvolla) behave o.s., (Jkpv.) act like lapimitaten measure (1. be) . . In diameter,


folks, Vrt. ihminen;

illallitella, ~ lita-

eolia have (1. eat 1. take) (one's) supper,

sup; ~ man do (1. get along) without ..
"pslin. coin kylla olla sitii ilmanhin well,
I can (easily) do (1. get along) without It] ;
- iloittaan jottakin be glad Of, (take) de
light In, rejoice at (1. In); ~ jollekulle
iloktl (tuottaa lloa) give (1. afford) . .
pleasure (1. Joy 1. delight), delight; ~ ollakuiia jonakin have . . for (l. as) . . [eslm.
hnell on fninun sisaren! vaimona he has
my sister for (1. as) his wife], (Jonkun
palveluksessa) be employed (1. engaged)
by one as . . eslm. polka on minalla apalaisena the boy Is employed (1. engaged)
by me es an assistant], itehd Jonkln vlrkaa) serve one for (I. as) . . [eslm. hnell
oli tateenvario heppin an umbrella served
him for (i. as) a cane] ; jollekulle joktlUn be a un . . to one. be to one's . . [eslm.
te on tinulle hiipeakti It Is a shame to you;
te oli hanelle edukti It was to his advan
tage], serve one as . . , (osottautua) prove
. . to one. prove one's . . [eslm olla kiihotteekti serve as a spur, prove an Incentive
(1. a Stimulus) ; te oli hanelle hyvakti harotakttkti It served him as good training;
te oli hanelle turmiokti it proved (1. was)
hlS ruin; vene o/ I, fill,- ,;,xl,,h*rl,*i the
boat proved an Impediment (1. an em
barrassment) to them] ; ~ jottakutta Otakin be . . to one [ eslm. mintata te on dentekev It Is all the same to me], (Jon
kun mlelestft) think (1. consider) a th. . . ,
be In one's opinion . . [eslm. minaste on
runrn, tita . . I consider It wrong (1. In my
opinion It Is wrong) that ..], (tuntua)
strike one as (being) . . , (nytt) seem
(1. look 1. appear) to one . .: ~ /'/,-',' re
main, be left, (yll maftram be over: ai
lette (tyftssaan y. m.) be (1. lag) behind, be
back, (maksuissaan y. m.) be In arrear(s),
vrt. jljess; fjsenen > lottakin komiteattaiie a member or) a committee;
kahdtn oaiheella be Of two minds, be
uncertain what to do, ks. kahdenvaih ; ~
katoamaitillaan, ~ katoamatta VTt. olla tekemisilUn; - kauniitla paikalla be beauti
fully situated, have a fine location, have a
beautiful situation; kaupan be for sale,
be on sale; ~ kaupoitta jonkun kan**a be
negotiating with one (the purchase of . .),
bave a deal (1. have dealings) with one; ~
Mantona (pelto) lie fallow; kiitosta
[moit<tta] amaitttoa deserve praise [cen
sure]; - kii:aahsi (mys:) give (1. make 1.
CaUSe) trouble; ~ kokouktessa ' konsertis-

ma ne.] (lasna) be at (1. attend) a meeting

[a concert, etc.]: ~ korkealla [mota/alfa]
He (1. stand 1. be) high [low]; ~ kummina
lapselle stand (I. be) godfather [godmother] to a Child; ~ bunniabsi ollekalle
be to one's credit, do one credit, reflect
(great) credit upon one; karjalla bannalla be In a miserable (1. In a very bad)
shape (1. state 1. condition), be In a very
bad way; - Jonkln kynnyktella (kuv.) be
on the brink (1. the eve) of . .; - ksill
(esllla) He ready at hand. HP (out) handy,
(kytettavgn) be at hand, be ready,
(varattuna) be In readiness; ~ laiiumtlla
(kaydfi) be out to grass, be grazing, be pas

measure (1. be) . . through; mrm-htymisilln (\. nntymisilln) janoon

(mys:) be parched with thirst, (be ready
to) drop from thirst: ~ mcnnyttoj mietta
be done for, (Jkpv.) be a goner, vrt. mennyt; Jonkln m.-rhhinii serve as a mark
of ... (llmalsta .lotakln) be a sign of . . ,
give Indication of . . , be indicative of . . ,
bespeak, (ennustaa) bode, augur; Jolle
kulle mieleen please one (I. one's fancy),
be to one's liking, strike (1. hit) a p.'s fancy
[huom. * */ ollut hanelle mieleen (mys:)
he did not like It. that displeased him] ; ~
Jollekulle (1. Junktim mieliksi please one,
vrt. seur.; - mielin hirlin ollekalle (\. onkun kan**a) (try to) get Into a p.'s good
graces, (llehltellfi) fawn upon (1. cringe to)
a p., curry favor with one, flatter one,
smile on a p., (Jkpv.) get on the right side
Of a P. [huom. koettaa olla miefin kielin /onJban fcanua try (one's best) to please one] :
nelinttnS fmiehen) make a fourth: ~
nkevinn ks. olla tekevlnSKn : - ohfaktitma (kuv.) hold the reins: oikein: te oli
hanelle oikein (paralksl) that serve! him
right, he got what was coming to him:
olematta exist, be (In existence), be on the
face of the earth, (saatavlssa) be at hand
[huom. harrattutta on haomattavatta mfloV
rin olematta there Is considerable Interest
(shown) : joe lokin erehdyt on olematta (on
tapahtunut) If there Is any mistake; mitSan
todittaktia ei ole o'ematta there Is no evi
dence (to be had 1. at hand): nun kauan
kain maailma on olematta as long as the
world Stands: olla olematta iotakin orten
exist (1. live 1. be there) lust to . .: para*
miet mita on olematta (mvs:) the best
man alive (1. living 1. In existence), thp best
man there IS; tettainen kepine on hyvii ole
matta such a tool Is a nice thine to have
(around) : tellainen yttv on hyv olematta
it is a good thing to have such a frlendl;
oleoinaan pretend to be [sick, salrasl,
make believe one Is [angry, smittunut],
give ft out that one Is . . , act the part of . . ,
(luulla olevansa) think one Is . . , (kuvltella> Imagine o.s. to be ... (kuv. = mahtallla) think o.s. somebody, think a great deal
of o.s., (jkpv.) be stuck on o.s., (teeskennella) act (1. be) affected, vrt. tekeytyK
Thliom. onfco tm oleoinaan vnita Is
this supposed (1. am I to suppose this) to
be butter? am I supposed to take this for
butter?]; ~ Jonkun oma belong to .
[huom. otet kuoteman oma (kllV.) you are
a dead man. there Is no help for you,
(Jkpv.) you are a goner] : onnrksi jollehnlle be lucky for . . , be well (1. be a good
t'llmn for an.: o*an> lattakln (]. ottaMn) be (1. form 1. constitute) a pert of,
(alneosana) be one of the Ingredients of . .;
~ pahahti (vahlngoksl) be Inlurlou*. work
harm, work for evil, (turmlok'l) he ruin
ous, be detrimental, vrt. seur. - pahentaa;
pahennuktehtl bp for the worse, (sprve
to) make matters worse, tpnd (1. havp a
tondpncv) to make It worse, (pahentaa)
aggravate, (pllata) spoil 'huom. Aa'n on pahennuktekti ymparittSlleen he Is a menace
to his neighborhood] : ~ jotakln [lotakuta]
parempi (myos:) surpass, excel, outdo,



(Jkpv.) beat; paloittaan fear, be arraid,

be fearful (of, Jonkin suhteen], (kauhuis
saan) dread, (pelstykslssn) be in a
rrlght, be rrightened, (huolissaan) be anxlous [about. Jonkin suhteen], be apprehenslve [or . .], apprehend, (levottomana) be
alarmed; -" Jonkin perustana, ~ perustana
jollekin rorm a hasis for . . , (esim. Jonkun
menettelyn) underlle; ~ piilosilla play (at)
hide and seek (1. coop); ~ piilossa (Jossa
kin) hlde (1. concel) o. s., be bidden, be
concealed, be In hiding, nide, be bidden
away (1. out ot slght 1. out of the way); ~
Silkallaan k s. pitklln; ~ Jonkin pituinen
e (1. measure) ... be . . long, (ihmisist
y. m.) be . . tali; ~ poikkeuksena be (1. rorm
1. make 1. constltute) an exception [or the
rule, snnst] ; ~ poissa kotoa be away
(rromhome), have gone away; ~ polvillaan
(be) kneel(lng), be on one's knees [berore
a p., Jonkun edess] ; ollappa hn tll lf
he only were here; ~ Jonkin puutteessa be
In need (1. want) or . . , lark, want, need,
be wlthout . . , (k~rsl) surrer rrom the
want or . .; pystyss stand erect; ~ Jo
honkin pin (antaa, viett) look out on . . ,
look on (to) . . , race, rront, (olla tekems
s Jotakin) be . .-ing, be on the . . [huora.
terveyteni on huononemaan pin my health
is ralllng (1. is on the decline), I am ralllng
In health] . ptev be valid, stand (1.
hold) good; Jonkin rajalla (koskettaen)
border on, (rakennuksista y. m.:) abut
upon, adjoln, be near the boundary(-line);
" [muista] riippuvainen have to (lepelld Oli
[others] ; riittvsti be enough, be surriclent, be on hand in surrtcient quantitles;
~ runsaasti be met \vith in abundance (1.
in great numbers), be Tound abundantly,
occur in great (1. in large) numbers [huom.
niit on siell runsaasti (mys:) there aiv
plenty or them there] ; ~ ruoalla bc having
one's meal, be eatlng, be at dlnner [supper,
etc.]; ~ siivolla (kyttyty siivosti) behave decently (1. well), behave (o. s.), conduct o.s. properly, (olla hiljaa) keep qulet;
sovinnossa (keskenn) be (good) Mends,
be on good terms, (tulla sopuun) agree (1.
get along) vvell (together), vrt. seur.; ~
(hyvss) sovussa jonkun kanssa be (good)
rrlends wlth, be on good terms with, (tul
la toimeen) get along (1. on) well wlth;
~ sukua jollekulle [jollekin] be ivlateil
to, be a relatlve o( ... be akin to . .:
Jonkun suosiossa be In a p.'s ravor,
be In ravor wlth one, be ravored by one,
stand well \vlth one, (Jkpv.) have a standin (1. a puli) vvlth . .; ~ suuressa arvossa
be highly esteemed, be held In high
esteeni; suvussa (kulkea perintn)
run in the ramlly; syrjss ks. pysy
tell; ~ syyn johonkin, ~ jonkin syyn
be the cause or . . , (aiheuttaa) cause, occaslon, brlng on, brlng about, give cause
(1. rise) to . . , (edist) help, ald, be con(lucive to . . , vrt. seur.; syyp johonkin
be to blame Tor . . , (aiheuttaa) cause, brlng
about, vrt. edell.; ~ tarpeeksi ks. olla riit
tvsti; tarpeen be needed, be necessary
[ huom. nyt olivat hyvt neuvot hnelle ki
pesti tarpeen novv he was in sore need or
good advice]; Jonkin tarpeessa bc (1.
stand) in need or.., (tarvita) have need or..,
need.vvant; ~ tehtvns tehnyt be througu
(wlth one's task), be done, be rinlshed;
tekemisilln jotakin be going to (1. about
to) . . , be (I. come) near . .-ing, be on the
point (1. the verge) or . .-Ing, (Just) lntend
to . . , vrt. seur.; ~ tekemss be (Just)
dolng . . , do . . , be orcupled (1. busy)
vvlth .. (1. ..-Ing), be engaged in .., be


In the act or dolng . .; ~ [viel] tekemtt

(tehtvn) remaln (1. be lert) to be done,
be [Still] UnnniShed; - tekemtt jotakin
(ei tehd) not do . . , (Jtt) Tall to do . . ,
(lakata tekemst) quit (I. leave orr 1. give
up) dolng . . , desist rrom dolng . . , g-o
\vilhout . .-Ing [huom. en voi olla naurumatta (itkemtt jne..) I cannot help laughlng (crylng, etc), I cannot keep rrom laugh
ing; sinun olisi paras olla sinne menemtt
you had better not go there ] ; tekevinn
. . pretend (1. relgn) to do . . , relgn (I. make
belleve) that one is . .-ing, act as though
one WOUldbe . .-Ing [huom. ei olla huomaa
vinaan, ei olla nkevinn (mys:) take no
notlce, (completely) ignore, (ummistaa sil
mns Jollekin) wink (1. sbut one's eyes)
at] ; ~ tiessn: hn on jo tiessn he is
gone (already), he is (already) on hts (1.
the) \vay ; ~ (Jonkin) toivona Cl. toiveissa)
hope ror . . , be In hopes or [getting, saa
da], expect (to get) . . , count (1. calculate
1. reckon) upon [getting, etc] ; tyss
be at work, be working, work; tysihoi
dossa jonkun luona board with; vaarassa
menett (mys:) run (1. stand) the risk
or losing, (be) risk(lng) [one's lire, hen
kens] ; vahingoksi do (1. cause) damage
(1. injury 1. hanri), hurt, (turmella) spoil,
(Jollekulle) be a detrlment to; Jonkun
vallassa be In one's power [huom. hnen
vallassaan on tehd .. (mys:) he has lt in
hls power to do . .] ; ~ vallitsevana be
prevalent, relgn (supreme), prevail, be
common; valloillaan have rree rein(s),
run rlot, run Wild, (taudeista y. m.) be rire,
(raivota) be raglng, rage, be raving, (olla
Irti) run loose, run rree; ~ valmiina be (1.
get) ready [by 3 o'clock, kello kolmelta] ;
~ jonkin varassa (be) lean(ing) on (1.
agalnst) . . , (etup. kuv.) depend (1. be depending) upon . . [huom. on kokonaan sat
tuman varassa, voidaanko. . lt IS a mere (I.
the merest 1. ali a) chance wbether lt can
. . , lt wlll depend on (mere) chance (1.
luck) whether you can . . ] ; ~ varuillaan
look out (Tor, jonkin suhteen], be on the
lookout jror],beware [or],take care [huom.
ole varuillasi, ettet lankea be carerul that
you don't Tall, take care not to rall: ei olla
varuillaan be ott one's guard, be caught
napping; hnen suhteensa (l. hneen nh
den) tytyy olla varuillaan you [one] must
be on your [hls] guard agalnst hlm, you
[one] will have to watch (1. to look out ror)
hlml ; velkaa jollekulle owe one; "olla"
verbi the verb "to be"; ~ veress (veren
tahraama) be (ali) bloody, vrt. seur.; ~
Jollakulla veriss rkuv.) be (1. run) In one's
blood, be natural ror one; ~ vinossa be (1.
have got 1. hang) awry (1. askew 1. on one
Side), (kuv.) be wrong; virkatoimes
saan) be perrormlng the dutles or one's
orrice; voiton puolella be vlctorlous, have
the upper hand, (vallitsevana) predominate; ~ vuoteen omana keep one's bed.
stay in bed, He slck In bed; ~ Jossakin v
hemmistn be in the mlnorlty in . . , rorm
a mlnorlty or (1. In) .., constltute a ml
norlty In . .; vhenemss (mys:) be on
the decrease, be on the decline; ~ vhll
tehd jotakin be about to do . . , (hukkua,
pudota, saada surmansa y. m.) be (1. come)
near . .-ing, have a narrow escape rrom
. .-Ing, vrt. olla tekemisilln; yhtd. sa
maa) mielt jonkun kanssa [jostakin] agree
uitu one [about (1. as to) . .], share one's
opinion (1. vlews) [about . .], be or one
mlnd (1. one opinion) wltb a p., be or one's
way or thlnklng, thlnk allke wlth one
[huom. siin en voi olla yht mielt kans-


ori (mys:) I can not agree witb you there:

riit me olemme tytin yht mielt ve
fully agree as to that] ; neti be silent,
hold one's tongue; oUnn(ui) vhlle (being) . . [ buom. hnen tll Ollettaan Willie
(be was) here, during bis s tay here: neimititsa Ollettaan during ber married life.
wblle marrled]; on ihmisi, jotka .. there
are people (1. persons) who . .; on niit nii
tkin there are also sucb (1. tbose) . .;
pydll lattialta) .. UeS (1. IS lying) On
tbe table [on the floor] ; on selv, ett . .
lt is clear (1. evldent) tbat ..; on tehtv
bas tO (1. milSt) be done; annahan , kun . .
vait tili [I . .] ; anna n - let (1. leave) lt
alODe! hand s orf! anna ttn ~ tll let lt
s tay bere, leave lt here; ci ole ketn, joka
ottaisi . . (mys:) there Is nobody to take . .;
ei siit ole Cl. siit ei ole) mihinkn (].
miksikn) |t ls good for nothing, lt won't
do for anythlng; heidn asuntonaan oli kota
tbey had a Laplander's tent to Ilve In (1.
for thelr house); hnell on pahat aikeet
(l.' elkeet) he means (1. be ls bent on) mlschief, he means (1. he lntends) some barm;
hnen kasveillaan oli tutkan ilme his face
\vore an expresslon of pain; hness on jo
takin epilyttv there ls somethlng suspiClOUS abOUt htm; hnett on keuhkotau
din merkkej he shows symptoms (1. slgns)
Of consumptlon; hnett ei ole mihinkn
he ls good for nothlng, he does not amount
to anythlng; hnest ei ole siihen virkaan
(el ole sopiva) he wlll not do (1. he ls not
the rlgbt man) for that orrice, he Is not
sulted (I. ritted) for that orrire; hnett ei
olisi papikti he would not be flt for a minlster, he Is not ritted for the mlnlstry, he
would not make a good mlnlster; hn on
nyt asemapllikkn (palvelee) he ls servlng now (1. be ls now employed) as a statfon agent; hn on viemtt kirjett pot
tiin be has gone (1. he ls on the way) to
mall a letter, he Is taklng a letter to the
post-ofrice: jonkun on oltava [tehtv y.
m.] one must (1. has to 1. ls requlred to)
be !do, etc], lt Is up to one to be rto
do, etc.]; jot et tahdo (tulla), niin ole tu
lematta lf you don't \\ant to come, never
mind (1. don't) ; kirjan antio on . ,-ssa the
merlt of the book conslsts (1. lles) In . .;
kolme ynn kolme on fyhteent) huuti tbree
and three are (I. make) slx; korko on aina
emi tavulla the accent falls (1. ls) always
on the flrst syllable: laiva on rakennettu
Lontoossa (tav.) the shln was bullt In Lon
don; laivastossa on viiti laivaa the fleet
consists of flve shlps, there are 5 ships In
tbe fleet; luettelotta on otakkalden nimet
(muiden muassa) the Ilst Inrludes the
names of the shareholders, the names of
the shareholders are on (1. are lnrlurted In)
the llst. (luettelo sislt) the llst rontalns
the names of the shareholders; mik sinun
oli, kun et tullut what \vas the matter (1.
the trouble) that you did not come? mik
sinun on (mik vaivaa) vvhat alls you?
what's the matter wlth you? minulla ei ole
siihen rahaa I have not (got) the money Tor
lt. (olen vailla) I lack (1. I am wlthout) the
necessary funds: minulla oli I had: minulla
on ollut1 I have f had1 : minulla on hnet
t suuret toiveet I have (1. I entertaln)
great hopes for (1. of) hlm. (asetan h
neen) I place great hopes In hlm; minun oli
te maksettava I had to pay vvas up to
me to pay lt, lt fell (1. came I. dovolved)
on me to pay lt; minun on paha ~ I don't
feel comfortable, I am (1. I feel) uncomfortable, I don't feel ali (1. qulte) rlght
[about tbat, sen takia], (olen pahoillani) I


am sorry; minusta on kuin . . lt seems to

me as if (1. aS thOUgb) . .; mit sinulla on
tiell \vliat have you (got) there? niin on mi
nustakin (niin nytt) thafs how it seems
to me, too; thafs what I think, too; niit on
sata there are (1. there ls) a hundred of
them, tbey make one hundred; Pariisi on
Seine-joen varrella ParlS lies (1. ls 1. Is Sltuated) on the river Seine; talaituut on siin, ett . . tbe secret lies In the ract that . .;
sanomalehdess on ollut kirjotut (mys:)
there has appeared (1. has been publisbed)
an artlcle In the newspaper, the paper has
contalned (1. has bad) an artlcle; selitys on
tiin, ett . . tbe explanatlon lles (1. ls to
be roniiii ) in (the fact that) . . ; siell ei ollut
mitn there \vas nothlng there; tiin on
tyy there Is the reason, thafs the reason
\vhy; siit el ole sytvksi that ls not Tit
(1. is uni it ) to eat, that won't do to eat; talo
on mett (mys:) the house stands (1. ls
Sltuated) on a ti i II ; taulu on seinlt the
Picture is (1. hangs) on the wall; tiedtk,
ket sinun on kiittminen siit do you
know (l. are you aware of) whom you have
to thank Tor lt? thn tummaan ei ole las
kettu vuokraa this sum (1. thls amount)
does not lnclude (1. is excluslve of) the
rent, tbe rent ls not lnrluded In thls
amount; tss lkkeest on opiumia this
medlcine contalns oplum, there Is opium
in thls medlcine; vanki tai ~ vedell ja lei. viill the prlsoner was kept (I. was put) on
bread and water.
ollenkaan .. at ali: (vhintkn) .. In the
least, . . In the sllghtest degree; ci not
at ali, not in the least, not in the sllghtest
degree, (el missn mrin) in no wise (1.
v.ay), not in (1. to) any degree, not to any
extent: tuskin scarcely (I. hardly) at
ali; vrt. ensinkn.
olletiktk aan: ci olletihaan particularly not
. . . ollotii kikin (more) particularly (1.
esperlally) ; in partlcular; olletikin kun (\.
koska) particularly slnce, ali the more as
. .; olletikin silloin kun (mys.) above ali
when . . ; vrt. vreinkin.
olo exlstence, being: (tila) condltlon, state;
(toimeentulo) llvellhood, llving, subslstence; (oleskelu) stay, sojourn; oioni tll
ei ole pitkllinen my stay here \vlll not be
long; for (olosuhteet) condltlons, clrctimstances; state of thlngs (1. of afrairs),
situation: otot mannermaalla
(mys:) Continental affalrs; ahtaat olot
straltened (1. narro\v 1. humble) rirrumstancos; hyvist oloissa In easy (I. in good 1.
in comfortable) circumstances rhuom. hn
on hyviss oloissa (mys:) he is romfortably
sltuated, (voi hyvin) he is doing vvell, he
is well off ] ; hnell on hyvin vaikeat olot
he has a very hard (1. very bad) tlmc or it,
he ls badly orr, he Is doing badly, (on ah
taalla) he is hard pressed, he is In a sad
plight (I. way); kurjat otot mlserable (1.
wretched) condltlons; liian kallis meidn
oloihimme (nhden) too expensive for US
(in our circumstances), beyond our means;
maamme olot the condltlons (1. the state of
thlngs) in our country; meidn oloittamme
(mys:) sltuated as we are; minklainen
on olosi how are you sltuated? how are
thlngs going wlth you? how are you gettlng on? nauttia olottaan jottakin enjoy
one's stay at . .; niss oloitta under (I.
in) these clrrumstanrcs, (asiain nin ollen)
thls bcliig the situation (I. the state of af
falrs) ; parempi olojen jrjestys a better
order of thlngs; sellaisissa oloilta under
surh circumstances (1. condltlons). In such
a situation, m a situation Itke that.




pleases. one'sown tray; [Jtt joku] onton

oloaika sojourn, (lyhyt) tay; (olemassa
onnensa nojaan [leave . .] to hls Own reolo-) exlstence: vrt. tilli.
sources, rieave . .1 to shirt (1. to look out)
olojentuntemattomuus unfamlllarity (1. lack
or ramlliarity) wlth the conditlons (I. wlth
Tor hlmseir, [turn (I. east 1. set) . .] adrirt
(1. loose upon the World) : omassa maassa in
the state of affalrs).
olo I muoto rorm orexlstence; (olotila) State, OUr country; at home; maita ehdostaan =
consistenev; aineen jhme t nesteminen]
omin ehdoin; omasta ja liikekumppaninsa
puolesta Tor seir and partner; [puhua]
olomuoto the solid 'llquldl state (1. conontosta kokemuksestaan (1. oman kokemuk
slstency) or matter. -paikka = olinpaikka,
sensa perusteella) [speak] Trom persona!
-sija (kiel.) locatlve (case).
experlence, [speak] rrom (one's own) exolosuhde: olosuhteet (the) circumstances,
omasta pstn Tor o. s. rhuom.
(the) conditlons, the state or thlngs (1. or
hn keksi sen omasta pstn he thought
afrairs). vrt. oliMt; olosuhteiden mukaan
himseir, (jkpv.) he got tt out or
aocordlng to circumstances, as (the) cir
hiS Own head] ; omiaan f}, omansa) johonkin
cumstances (l. as the case) may requlre,
(\. joksikin) sulted (1. Dl 1. rttted 1. adanted)
as circumstances permit (1. allow): oloror (I. to) . . , sulted (I. adanted) to be . .
suhteiden pakosta by (the) force or cir
[hliom. aivan omiaan johonkin JUSt (1. evcumstances; hn voi olosuhteisiin nhden
actly) CUt OUt Tor . .: on omiaan papiksi IS
hyvin he Is (I. he Is getting along) as -eli
sulted (1. adapted) to be a mlnlster. Is
as could be expected (under the circum
suited (1. adapted) ror (1. to) the mlnlstry;
stances), he is very well ai! thlngs conse oli omiaan tekemn hnet kuuluisaksi
sidered (1. taking ali thlng-s into account),
was the sort or thing that tvould (1. It
be Is progressing satlsractorily; jos olo
as or a nature to 1. It helped to) make
suhteet (sen) myntvt (1. sallivat) if
him Tamous] : omin ehdoin oT one's own
circumstances allow (1. permit) , circum
accord. or one's own rree wlll, voluntarily,
stances permltting; kaikissa (\. kaikenlai
spontaneously; omin korvin wlth one's
sissa) olosuhteissa under ali circumstances,
ears; omin ksin wlth one's own
In every condltion or ltre, in ali phases or
hand(s); omin lupinsa, omin luvin ks. lupa;
life; miten olosuhteet kulloinkin vaativat,
by oneseir, iinalded. tvithout
aina olosuhteiden mukaan as circumstances
any help. slngle-handed [huom. to// toi
may requlre, as the case may be; maaten
(mys:) shirt (1. look
samanlaisissa olosuhteissa Other COnditiOnS
being equal, conditlons otbenvlse being out) ror o. s., take care or o.s.. (esim. tyss)
omin pin(s) on
one's own account, (ali) by oneseir, ror one
olo tila state, condltion; conslstency, conseir, (ilman apua) unaided, slngle-handed,
sistence: (olomuoto) rorm or exlstence;
alone, (omasta alotteestaan) on (1. or)
(asema) position, -vapauslippu ks. oleskeone's own Initiative, (omin luvin) at (1. on)
one*s own risk, on one's own responslbility
oltava: siin on heill hyv they are com(1. authorlty), or one's own accord, (jkpv.)
fortable there.
one's own hook; omin silmin witb one's
oluen ajaja olutkuslci. -anniskelu 1. -myynti
(retail) sle or beer. -myyntiolkeua llcense 0\vn eves [huom. nin sen omin silmin
I saw it with these very eyes, I
to sell beer. -panija brewer. -pano 1. -teko
was an eve-wltness or lt] ; omin valloin
brewlng (beer).
(omaan valtaansa) rree, to one's o\vn pleaoluksinen (yhd.) with . . shoulder-straps (I.
sure (1. sweet Will), mys => omavaltaisesti
epaulets) [esim. sini~ wlth blue shoulderThuom. jtt omin valloin give rree rein
straps (1. epaulets) ].
to, glve . . a rree rein, let . . have rree seope
olus(nauha) shoulder-strap; epaulet(te).
(to do as . . pleases), give . . rree plav,
olut beer; (etup. Engl.) ale.
(ikpv.) glve one (plenty or) rope, (huoleh
olut- (yhd.) beer- [esim. -pallo beer-bottle] .
timatta, esim. lapset) leave . . to take care
-anniskelu I. = oluenanniskelu ; ?. = olutkapakka, -haarikka beer tankard. -Juusto or themselves, leave . . uneared ror, let . .
do as they wlshi : omin varoin at onp's o\vn
(1. v.) posset, beer-posset. -kapakka beer
expense, vrt. omin pin: omin voimin or
saloon, -kori beer-case; (korillinen olutta)
case or beer. -kuski drlver or a brewery one's own strength. by oneseir, (apua tar
\vagon. -lasi 1. (lastuinen olutta) glass vitsematta) unaided, wlthout asslstanee,
orbeer; 2. (olut-lasi) beer-glass. -myyml
slngle-handed; alkaa liike start (1. set
1. -puoti place where beer is sold. -panimo
up) In business ror o.s., start one's own
1. -tehdas brevvery. -seideli beer-mug;
business; hn asuu omassa talossaan
beer-glass; steln. -tynnyri beer-keg; (suu
(mys:) he Ilves tn a house or his own;
ri) beer-barrel. beer-eask.
hn uhrasi oman itsent he sacririced hlmolympialainen Olympic, Olympian; olympia
selT; jonkun [/onkin] a p.'S Own, (Jol
lekin, jollekulle kuuluvaa belonglng to . .;
laiset kisat Olympic (1. Olympian) games.
oma OWn; omaansa kukin kiitt (sananp.)
leipoa (itse) omiksi tarpeikseen do one*S
everybody thinks hls nwn Is best, every
o\vn baklng; nyt olet kuoleman now you
crow thinks hls o\vn llttle crous are the
are a rtead man; olemalla itsemme by be
blackest; ehto, valta as you please!
ing our (own) selves; olla herrnnsa be
one's own master; olla omissa ajatuksissaan
take your cliotre.' erikoinen, erityinen
be burled (1. ahsorbed) tn one's (own)
a pecullar . . (or Us own), its own pecullar, . . ali one's own, (yksityinen) private thoughtS; ota sin tuo kirja, min otan
omani you take that book. I wlll take
[ Iiim un. vaatii oman erikoisen lukunsa reml ne (1. my Own) ; se oli hnelle omansa
qulres a Chapter by Itseir j ; ~ itseni my
(1. omiaan) it servert him rlght, that -nas
own selT; ~ kiitos haisee (sananp.) seirJust
wtiat he deserved (1. what was compralse Is no recommendatlon, (jkpv.) seirtng to him) : tekijn omalla kustannuksella
pratso stinks; omalla vastuutta(an) , omalle
by the author; vuoteen omana
vastaulle(en) assumlng the rusponsibllity
conrtned to the (1. one's) bed: ks. olla.
(or It, at one'.s o\vn risk, on one's o\vh
hook (1. venture); oman maan tuotteita omaaja owner; possessor. omaaminen ownliomfl-made goods; oman mielens mukaan
lng. possesslng: possession.
Bccordlng to one's o\vn idea (1. rancv), to oma! ehtoinen rree, voluntary; spontaneous.
uit one's own rancy, to please o. s., as one
-hankkima seir-acqulred; (-ansaitsema)




self-earned, -hyvlinen self-satisfied, self- (filos.) self-existent; hantlla I ol takaan omaptrUt a/a usa (myS:) he
complacent; conceited.
omainen (sukulalnen) relative, relation, has not an (1. not one 1. not a single) Idea
kinsman [kinswoman] ; omoi'ni (jkpv.) of his own. -peraieeeti (Itsenaisestl) In
dependently, -peraisyys (alkuperaisyys)
my people, my folks.
omaiiuudenl Jako division (1. distribution) originality; (itsen&lsyys) Independence,
self-dependence; (filos.) self-existence,
of property, -luovutui surrender (1. turn
ing- over) of one's estate [to tbe creditors, -painen self-willed, wilful, headstrong;
velkojllle]. -yhteisyy* joint ownership; vrt. omavaltainen. -paisesti Wilfully, ill a
headstrong manner. -pSiayy self-will, wllcommunity of wealth; communism.
fulness ; obstinacy, -rak kau s ks. ttierakkaus.
omaiauu property, (etup. lak.) estate; (va
ral I i suns) wealth; fortune; (mita joku omata own; possess [talents, kykyj], have.
omistaa) goods, belongings, possessions; oma tekoinen 1. -tekerna . . Of [one's] own
~ jactnin lastrn kttken the estate (1. the make (1. manufacture), self-made, . . of
fortune which he left) was divided among [one's] own making (1. creation), -tunto
(Jos lapsla on kaksl: between) the chil
conscience; omantunnon Hani the voice of
dren; hn on koonnut mvlhoisen omaisuu- conscience, the inward voice (1. monitor) ;
dmn be has made (1. accumulated) quite a omaatuntoa cailla otmva . . Without (1. lackfortune, he Is pretty well off; pallonko h- Ing) a conscience, void of conscience, unn*lla on omaisuulta (lnyns:
What (1. how
consclentlous, unscrupulous, unprincipled,
much) Is be worth? -uhteet property (katumusta tuntematon) remorseless; hyrelations.
vll omallatunnolla With a good (1. Clear 1.
omakielinen . . speaking [printed In] one's safe) conscience, conscientiously; paha
own language (1. one's native tongue).
omatunto bad (1. evil 1. guilty) conscience,
omaktua make . . one's own; (omistaa Itsel- sense Of guilt; inalla on Jotakin omallaleen) appropriate; (tunnustaa) own, ac
tunnolla*i (mys:) there is something
knowledge [.. as one's son, pojakseen], (weighing) on your conscience, -valomen
recognize; (hyvksy) adopt, accept; (Jo- self-luminous, -valtainen arbitrary, des
kln asa) espouse [a cause]; akin aatt potic; autocratic; (-painen) self-willed,
embrace an Idea, make an Idea one's own, wilful, -valuiiesti arbitrarily, despotically;
(tolselta saatu) appropriate an Idea; - a- on one's own authority, transgressing the
kin mitlipid* adopt a view, accept an opin
power (1. the authority) given one; vrt.
ion, make an opinion one's own. omaksu- ornadla vastuullaan, omln luplnsa). -valtaiminen making . . one's own, appropriation; suu arbitrariness, despotism; wllfulness.
(tunnustamlnen) acknowledgement.
-vanhurskaui self-righteousness, -vereinen
oma kylliinen self-sufficient, sufficient un
self-supporting; (rllppumaton) independ
to one's self, -kitlnen . . by (1. In) one's ent. -varaUuut Independence.
own hand, . . In one's own handwriting, omeletti (munakas) omelet(te).
autograph; (lak.) . . under one's hand; omaapple.
katintn kirfotu* (harvlnalsuutena silytet- omena
omena- (yhd.) apple(-) [estm. -hyyttlS ap
ty) autograph; onkun omaktinen atltkir- ple Jelly; -mofo apple-worm; -mehu apple
joius one's (own 1. autograph) signature, juice], -happo (kern.) malic acid. -hedelmS
signature in one's own hand, -kUtlaeatl by apple; (kasv.) pome, -hiilokc apple sauce,
(1. with 1. In) one's own hand; (lak.) un
-kukka apple-blossom, -muhennos (keltt.)
der one's hand, -katliyyt autographic na
stewed apples; apple sauce.
ture, -laatulnen peculiar, unique, -maa- omenan- (yhd.) apple- [eslm. -fcuori applelainen (fellow) countryman, -mainen home peeling; -muotointn apple-shaped; -vihrt
[Industry, teolllsuus]; inland [trade, apple-green], . . of an apple [eslm. -sydan
kauppa] ; (kotlmalnen) domestic.
of an apple], -raaklla green (1. un
oman arvontunto self-respect: pride, -ka- core
ripe) apple.
denoikeu (principle of) wild (1. rough) omena
paisto baked apples; (-pllrakka)
justice; mob law; harjottaa omankdenoi- apple pie. -pilrakka 1. -pilraka apple pie;
btutta take the law ln(to) one's own vrt. omenatorttu. -puu apple-tree, -tarha
hands, -takeinen ks. omintakrincn.
apple orchard, -iorttu apple turnover; ap
omanto (klel.) possessive (case) ; (lat.) ple dumpling, -viini (apple) cider, -v l i pale
genitive, -alja the possessive case.
of an apple, -vuoil: Auono ., c'a
omantunnon- (yhd.) . . of conscience [eslm. slice
omtnavuoti poor [a good] year for apples.
-os/o matter of conscience; -ky*ymy* ques ometta,
omette ks. navetta.
tion of conscience; -rou/ia peace (1. tran
own; proper [to . .] ; (luonteenquillity) of conscience; -ompm* liberty of oninainen
for, Jolleklnd. Jolconscience], -arka (over)scrupulous; very lekulle)]; characteristic
(omltulnen) peculiar [to, jolle(1. extremely) conscientious; olla omantan- kln] ; (erikolnen) special, particular; (jononarkm (mys:) have a tender conscience, takln merkltseva l. llmalseva) expressive
-epilyt: omantunnonepilykset conscien
(1. suggestive 1. Indicative) [of ..]; tious scruples, -pakko violence done to tydellieyyM
on ilimisttle ominaista Imper
conscience, moral constraint; vrt. uakon- fection is characteristic
of (1. character
pakko. -tuska 1. -valva compunction; re
morse; omantunnon tuxhat 1. -vaivat pangs omnala- (yhd.) (fys.) specific [eslm. -lampo
(1. twinges 1. compunctions) of conscience. specific heat; -pono specific gravity].
omanvoiton pyynta selfishness, self-interest, ominaiaaati characteristically; peculiarly.
egoism; one's own (l. one's private 1. one's ominalstakaut personal surety (1. security^.
personal) Interest; omanvoitonpyynnst omlnaisuua property, quality;
for one's own gain. -pyytajl self-seeking character(lstlc) ; (luonne) nature; (omlperson, one who seeks his own ends, -pyy- tulsuus) peculiarity.
tmattomyya disinterestedness, unselfish omin takeeion . . without any (1. possessing
ness. -pyyUmiton disinterested, unselfish. no) originality; (always) dependent (on
oma ottama self-assumed [power, valta] ; others), -takeettomuui lack of originality;
usurped; (omavalltsema) self-chosen, . . dependence (upon others), -takeinen not
chosen by oneself, -periinen (alkuperl- depending on others; (Itsenalnen) Inde
nen) original [work, teos; Idea, ajatus] ; pendent [thinking, ajattelu], self-depend
(Itsenftlnen) Independent, self-dependent; ent; (alkuperlnen) original; vrt. omape

rinen. -lakeisesti without depending on proper [to . .] ; - muodottuma peculiar
others, unaided, (all) alone; (Itsenaisestl) formation; omituittlla taoalla In a peculiar
Independently; tyo*k*nntlla omintakti**tti (1. a strange) manner, peculiarly; omituitwork without assistance, do Independent ta kyll curiously enough, strange to say;
(1. original) work, -takeiiuus Independ
vrt. omlnainen. omitui*eti peculiarly,
ence; originality.
strangely, queerly, funnily, curiously, sin
omistaa own [a I.H in, maatalo; land, maa- gularly; characteristically, omitultuut pe
culiarity, strangeness, oddity, oddness,
ta], possess [a fortune, omalsuus; a li
brary, kirjasto], be the owner (1. the pro
queerness; singularity; (persoonalllnen)
prietor 1. the possessor) of, have; (antaa) eccentricity; (merklllisyys) curiosity;
devote (one's time to . . , alkansa jollekln; (omlnainen pllrre) characteristic; specific
a few pages to a topic, Joltakln sivuja Jon- (1. peculiar) feature; hntll on omat amikin aineen kaslttelyfle] , appropriate [some
tuituutenta he has his peculiarities (1. ec
thing to . . , jotakln Johonkln], (pyhitt&a, centricities 1. oddities), he has peculiarities
vlhklu) dedicate [one's life to . . , elmn- (1. eccentricities) of his own.
s jollekln; a poem to a p., Jollekulle ru ommel seam; vrt. ratkeu (ompeleesta). omno] ; bestuw [care on . . , huolta Jollekln], mella (tr.) sew; (Itr.) do sewing, do nee
pay attention to . . , huomlota Jollekln]; dlework; vrt. neuloa. ompeleminen sewing;
(oniaksua) own, acknowledge, recognize; vrt. ompelu. ompelijai tar seamstress;
~ haomiota jolitkin aaiallt (myS:) give 8 needlewoman; (nalsten pukujen) dress
matter une' attention; ittellten kaikki maker, modiste; (riitalln typajassa tyshunnia ciukiM, take (1. attribute) all the kentelev) talloress. ompelimo dressmak
credit to O.S., give o.s. all the credit or It, er's (work) shop, dressmaking (work) shop.
(viiittiin kuuluvan) claim all the honor (1. ompelu sewing; needlework; vrt. ommel.
credit) (as one's own); kirja Jollekulle ompelu- (yhd.) sewing- [eslm. -ktne sow
dedicate (1. Inscribe) a book to one; ing-machine; -poyta sewing-table; -tilkki
manta possess (1. own) land, be a landowner sewing-silk]; (harvemmin:) work- [esim.
(I. a landed proprietor); ~ malla Jollekulle -lipa* (I. -ra*ia) work-box; -pyt workgive a toast to one (1. In one's honor), toast table], -kehy l. -keh embroidery-frame
one; ~ omakteen (tunnustaa) own, ac
(1. -hoop), tambour(-frame). -kirjainen
knowledge; - tyylliiyytentu own (1. ac
embroidered, -kirjaus embroidery, -kori 1.
knowledge) one's guilt; en omita (itielle- -koppa sewing-basket, work-basket, -lanka
ni) seltaista syytst l disown (I. disavow 1. 1. -rihma sewing-cotton, thread.
disclaim) such an accusation; an omita ompelu sewing; (konkr.) needlework; omtllt mitn mrrkitynt (anna, pane) I pelukset (ompelutarpeet) sewing materials,
(lirn't attach any Importance to this, I at
(ommellut tyt) needlework, sewing.
tribute (1. ascribe) no significance to this; ompelu eura sewing-circle, sewing (1. nee
ei tahtonat - minim serhithstrn he dlework) club (1. society), -ormue ks.
would not own (1. acknowledge 1. recog
iormutin. -tarpeet sewing materials, -tyo
nize) me as his COUSln; kaikki mita mina sewing, needlework.
omitan all (that) I possess (1. have), all on ks. olla.
my worldly (1. earthly) goods (1. posses ongelma (arvotus) riddle, enigma, puzzle,
sions), all that Is mine (1. that I can call mystery; (pulmalllnen kysymys) difficult
my own); kuka tmn kirfan ~ (myS:) (1. Involved 1. knotty 1. hard 1. puzzling)
who is the owner or this book? (kenen question (1. problem), delicate question,
oma) whose book Is this? (kenelle kuuluu) nice point; (syvlllnen) deep question (1.
who(m) does this book belong to? yhtion problem), ongelmainen enigmatical, mys
terious, puzzling; (monlmutkalnen) In
omittama talo a house owned by (1. be
longing to) the company. omliUJa owner, volved, Intricate [question, kysymys] ; (valproprietor; (haltlja) possessor; (vakuutus- kea) hard, knotty; (tarkka) delicate, nice.
kirjan, maatllan y. m.) holder; olla jonkin ongen koukku fish-hook, book, -pahla 1. -
omittajana be the owner (1. proprietor) fish-pole, fishing-rod, -lima flsh(lng) or ... be In possession of . . , possess (1. line, (koukkulneen, Jkpv.) hook and line.
own) a th.; vrt. hoteUin, oikeuden, onginu fishing (with hook and line), an
oakkeen~, tilan~ y. m. omiitajaur gling, -palkka place to fish; angling-place.
(woman) owner; woman proprietor, pro onkalo (kullu, kolo) cleft, crevice, ravine,
prietress. omiiUJaton . . without an owner, gorge, (syv) chasm; (luola) cave; (kuop. . having no owner, ownerless, omlttami- pa) hollow, cavity, pit; (syvennys) de
ncn owning, possessing Jne., kS. omiataa; pression; (plllopalkka) corner, nook, re
possession; (pyhlttamlnen) dedication; cess; metan onhaloitta In the recesses of
vrt. omistus. omittautua devote o.s. [to ... the forest.
Jollekln], give o.s up to; (omistaa alkansa onkl fish-hook; (Jkpv.) hook and line; jtuo
olla ongelia sit [be] fishing (1. angling),
1. elmans Jollekln) devote one's time (1.
one's energies 1. one's life) to . .; (vlhkly- sit and fish; hala on ongtita there Is a fish
ty) dedicate O.S. to ... omistava possess
on the hook.
ing, owning; omistavat luokat the proper onkla fish (with hook and line); (etup. Engl.)
angle; ~ ahoenia (Istua onklmassa) be
tied classes; vrt. maataomlatava.
omistus possession, ownership, proprietor fishing (1. angling) for perch; oten onkinat
ship; (Jonkin Jollekln) dedication; devo hntlt talaituujtn (kuv.) I have drawn a
tion, -aaemo (klel.) possessive pronoun. secret out of him (1. from him), I have
fished (1. got) a secret out of him, I have
-kirjotus = omittuuanat. -lilt (klel.)
possessive suffix, -oikeua ownership, pro coaxed (1. wheedled) a secret out of him.
prietary rlght(s), proprietorship; right of onkija flsher(man), angler, onkillero an
possession; kirfallinen omittutoikeut copy gleworm, bait, worm, onkimaneuvot fish
right, -unat (klrjassa y. m.) dedication; ing-tackle, onklmato = onkiliero. onkimaurhellu fishing (1. angling) as a sport,
(eslm. mulstotaulussa) Inscription,
omitulnen peculiar [to ... Jollekln]; (erls- onklmiea = onkija. onkiminen = onginta.
kummalllnen) strange [chance, sattuma], onkinen (yhd.) . . with a . . hook, . . with . .
queer, odd, funny, quaint, curious [sight, hooks [esim. m**iinki~ . . with a brass
nky], unique; (harvlnalnen) singular, hook, . . with brass hooks].
rare; (omlnainen) characteristic [of . .] ; onklvapa = ongenpahla.



onko k s. olla.
onnahdu limp. onnahtaa llmp [sllglitly,
hiukan], be lame; hobble; (ontua) hait
(usein kuv. ) ; onnahtaa hiukan hait (1. Talter> a llttle; onnahtaa toista jalkaansa be
lame in one leg; kvell onnahtaan ai k
lame, -nalle \\ ith a llmp, have a llmp. onnahtaminen limplng, halting.
onneatuottava . . wblcb brlngs good luck;
propltious, rortunate, lucky.
onnekas prosperous [war, sota]; fortunate
[general, kenraali], lucky [adventurer,
seikkailija]; successrul; (onnellinen) liappy [time, aika]; (siunattu) blessed; (suo
tuisa) propltious, auspiclous [start, alku] ;
Telicitous. onnekkaasti prosperously; l'ortunately; happi ly; propitlously; ausplctously, under favorable ausplces. onnekkuus
prosperousness, prosperity;
propitlousness; (onni) rortune, luck; (me
nestys) success.
onnela the bappy (I. the rortunate) lsle; the
Islands of the Blest; Elyslum.
onnellinen bappy [time, aika; couple, paris
kunta] ; lucky [cbauce, sattuma]; rortu
nate mau, mies; occurrence, sattuma];
(menestyksellinen) successrul [experlment,
koe), prosperous; (suotuisa) ravorable,
propitlous, ausplcious, rellcltous; (autu
aallinen) bllssrul [State, tila] ; asama
rurtunate (1. ravorable) sltuatlon; ~ kn
n happy (1. lucky 1. rortunate) turn; ~
loppu ravorable (1. rortunate) concluslon
(1. end) , happy end; hanan kilpakosijansa
his successrul rlval; jonkin omistaja the
happy possessor or . .; olla ~ jostakin be
bappy about (1. at 1. over) . . . onnelllsentaa
ks. o n neli) s tut taa.
onnellisesti happlly; rortunately, lucklly;
successrully; sarely, sare and sound; ~
keitetty well ended (1. over) ; ~ pttynyt
brought to a happy end; hn saapui pa
rilla be arrlved sarely at hls destination, be
arrlved at his destination sare and sound;
me olemme [nyt] ~ psseet hnest he 'S
gone [now], and (a) good rlddance (, too),
e have rortunately gotten rld or him
Il o u'] ; me silyimme kaihilta vaaroilta
we were mercirully (1. provldentlally 1.
rortunately) preserved rrom ali dangers.
onnellistuttaa make (1. render) . . happy;
bless [vvltb ... Jollakin], onnellistuttaja
one who makes [made] . . bappy, one wbo
blesses [blessed] . . . onnellistuttaminen
maklng (1. renderlng) happy; blesslng.
onnellisuus happlness, rellclty, bllss; (autuaallisuus) beatltude.
onnen- (ylid.) . . or rortune [esim. -lapsi child
or rortune; -suosikki ravorlte or rortune] ;
lucky [esim. -piv lucky il ay; -thti lucky
star] . -aika bappy tlme(s) ; (menestyksen)
tiine or prosperity. -antaja tbat whlch
brlngs good luck; (taikakalu) amulet, tallsman; mys = onnellistuttaja. -autuas hap
py, bllssrul, blessed, blest. -heitto unlucky rellow; ne'er-do-well. -kauppa lucky
(1. rnere) cbance; vrt. onni. -maa land or
luck, lotus-land; vrt. onnela, -oikku rreak
(1. whlm 1. caprice) or rortune, one or the
Treaks or rortune. -onginta rortune-hunting. -onkija rortune-hunter; (seikkailija)
adventurer. -poika lucky dog, lucky rellow;
one who Is lucky (1. is always In luck);
(suosikki) rortune's ravorlte. -potkaus 1.
-potku lucky stmko (1. hlt 1. chance),
stroke or (good) rortune, (Jkpv., etup.
Engl.) riuke. -pyri wheel or rortune, rortune's wheel. -sattuma lucky chance; vrt.
onnenpotkaus. -suosima ravored by ror
tune, rortune's ravorlte. -toivottaja who congratuiates. -toivotus


congratulation; onntntoivotuksot best (1.

good) wishes; compllments; (onnittelut)
congratulatlons, relicitatlons.
onnentoivotus- (yhd.) congratulatory [esim.
-kirja congratulatory letter; -puhe con
gratulatory address], .. or congratulation
[esim. -kirje letter or congratulation].
onnentuoja ks. onnenantaja.
onnestaa ks. onnistaa.
onnetar the goddess or rortune fl.or chance) ;
Fortune; onnettaren suosikki one oi' Fortune's ravorltes, a ravorlte (1. the petted
child) or Fortune, vrt. onnenpoika.
onneton (onnea vailla oleva; unhappy [marrlage, avioliitto] ; unrortunate, unlucky,
unsuccessrul; (onnettomuuteen tuomittu)
Ul-rated, tll-starred, star-crossed, bapless;
(tuhoisa) dlsastrous [event, tapaus; undertaking, yritys], calamltous; (turmiolli
nen) ratal [tendency, pyrkimys] ; (surulli
nen) sad; woerul; (kurja) wretched, miserable; - piv ratal (1. Ul-starred) day,
(murheen palva) sad (1. woerul) day; oli
hovin onnstonta, stt . . lt was very unror
tunate thai..; lt was a real mlsrortune
tbat . . .
onnettomasti unhappily; unrortunately, unlucklly; unsuccessrul ly; dlsastrously, calamltously; ratally; sadly, woerully; mlserably; vrt. onneton; sattui niin ~, att ..
bad (1. 111) luck bad lt so that . . .
onnettomuuden: ennustaja pahanennustaja. -tapaus accldent; casualty.
onnettomuus nn.Mortune, 111 rortune, bad (1.
Ui) luck; (vastus) adverslty; (onnettomuudentapaus) accldent, casualty, (pie
nempi) mlshap, mlscbance, mlsadventure;
(turmio) dlsaster, calamity; ruln; (tia:u
distress, trouble; onnettomuuden sattuessa
(l. tapahtuessa) (kun sattui) uhon the ac
cldent bappened, (Jos sattuu) in case or
(an) accident; minulle sattui ~, jouduin
onnettomuuteen I inet wlth adverslty (1.
with mlsrortune 1. \vltli a mlshap), 1 had
(1. met with) bad luck, (tapaturma) I
met uitti an accldent. -kumppani
onnettomuustoveri. -paikka scene or the
dlsaster (1. the accldent). -plvi ratal (1.
Ul-starred) day; black day. -tapaus onnettomuudentapaus. -tilaisuus: onnettomuustilaisuudessa Ilon the accldent OCcurred, at the time [the scene] or the ac
cident. -toveri companlon (1. comrade) In
mlsrortune (I. In mlsery), rellow surrerer.
-vuosi unrortunate (1. bad 1. dlsastrous)
year, year or calamity; year or mlsrortune
(1. or bad luck).
onnettomuutta ennustava ks. pahaaennustava. -tuottava . . \vhich brlngs bad luck
(I. brlngs mlsrortune); ratal; dlsastrous.
onni luck, chance, rortune; (osa) lot; (me
nestys) success, prosperity, weirare; (hy
v) the good; (onnellisuus) happlness, re
llclty; (autuaalllsuus) bllss. beatltude; on
nea matkalla (1. v.) good luck to you! pleasant (1. sare) Journey! (merimatkalle lh
tiess) sare passage! bon voyage! (vanh.)
good speed! God speed you! onnekseni
to my luck, to my good rortune, rortunately
(1. lucktly) ror me; onneksi rortunately,
lucklly [Tor him, hnelle], by good chance
(1. luck), as good luck would have lt; on
neksi olkoon good luck (to you) ! I wish
you success! success attend you! (vanh.)
good speed! onnen Jrantamo/nen a ravorlte
(1. a darllng) or Fortune, one or Fortune's
ravorltes, the spollt (1. petted) child or
Fortune; onnen kaupalla, onnen kauppaa
on a chance, at a venture, at haphazard,
Just to see how lt turns out (1. what turns
up) ; onnen kauppa (lucky 1. mere) cbance



fhuom. on onnen kauppaa, tapaatko hnet
very successrul, (mainio) rine, brilliant; flkotoa (vai et) (sattuman varassa) lt's
tama oli onnistunut the social vvas a success.
(Just) mere ehance (1. accldent) ir you rind onnitella congratulate [a p. (up)on . . , jota
liim at home] ; onnen pivt happy days, kuta Jostakin (1. jonkin johdosta)], comure or happiness; ja onnettomuus weal
pliment, rellcitate [on, jostakin (1. jonkin
and vvoe, good and UI, the rortune(s) [or
Johdosta) ] ; onnittelemme sinua syntym
ap.] ror good or 111; ~ suosi kaikkia hnen pivsi johdosta we (wi3h to) extend you our
yrityksin fortune ravorcd (1. smlled on)
congratulations on your birthday, (we wisb
ali hls undertaklngs, ali things prospered you ) many happy returns or the day. onnit
(l. went well) with hlm; huono ~ bad (1. teleminen congratulatlng, congratulation.
111 1. poor) lUCk [buom. hnell on huono onnittelu ks. onnentoivotus; mys = edell.
korttipeliss he bas no luck (1. be Is un- -kortti (Jouluksi) Chrlstmas card, (synty
lucky) at cards] ; hyv - (good) luck, mpivksi) birthday card; Jne. -shksa
nppy lot; hnell on onnea be bas luck,
noma telegram or congratulations.
be 1S lUCky; kaikeksi onneksi bv great onnunta = ontuminen.
good fortune, (most 1. very) fortuuately onsi = ontto, ontelo I. (s.) hollow, cavity;
(1. lucklly), vrt. onneksi; kukin on oman vrt. rinta, vatsa. II. (a.) hollow. onteva
onnensa sepp (sananp.) every raan is the concave. onttaa hollow (out).
arcliltect of hls own fortune; olipa onni, ontto hollovv; (kuv.) empty; ontot tiedot
ett . . lt vvas lucky tbat . . , how fortunate empty (1. sballovv) knowledge, (heikot)
(1. \vliat a stroke of luck) that . .; on (ole
shaky knowledge; ni bollow (1. dull)
va) onneksi jollekulle (tuottaa onnea) wlll sound. -laskimo (anat.) vena cava. -sarvi
be lucky (1. fortunate) for one, wlll be a
nen . . wltb hollovv borns; (elint.) cavicorn.
lucky thing for one, wlll brlng happiness onttous hollowness; emptlness; (nen)
to one; se ei riippunut niin paljon taidosta dullness.
kuin hyvst onnesta lt vvas inore by gOOd ontua limp, walk lame; balt (mys kuv.);
luck tban by good management, lt \vas
toista jalkaansa be lame in one leg. on
more good luck than anytblng else.
tuminen limplng; haltlng. ontuva limping;
onnistaa be successful, succeed; be lucky;
halting; ontuva kynti limplng walk (1. gait) .
vrt. onnistua; nt on onnistanut he has ooppera (mus.) opera; oopperassa at tlie
been successful (1. prosperous), be bas opera, In opera.
prospered, things bave gone well wlth bim; ooppera- (yhd.) opera- [esim. -laulaja opsinua ei tule onnistamaan you \vill not SUCera-slnger; -talo opera-house], operatic
ceed, lt wlll go agalnst you, you wlll meet
[esim. -musiikki operatic music; -seurue
wtth reverses. onnistaminen being success
operatic company], -laulajataropera-sluger.
ful, succeeding; success, luck.
ooppiumi ks. opiumi.
onnistua be successful, succeed [In one's opaali (miner.) opal. opaalinvlrinen opalesattempt, yrityksessn], meet witb suc
cent, opaline; opal-colored.
cess; (menesty) prosper; (asioista:) be a opas guide; (joka nyttelee palkan merkilli
success, turn out successfully (1. well) ; ~ syyksi matkailijoille) clcerone; (opastus)
hyvin be (very) successful, be a (great)
guidance; vrt. matka, opastaa guide;
success, turn out ali rigbt, (Jkpv.) pan out
(nytt tiet) show . . the way; (Johtaa)
Weil; ~ lopulta tekemn jotakin SUCCeed lead, conduct; (ohjata) dlrect; (osottaa)
in doing a th. at last (1. in the end), manshow, polnt out, indlcate; (neuvoa) teach,
age to do a th. (at last) ; mainiosti (esim. lnstruct. opastaja (neuvoja) lnstructor; vrt.
juhla) be a great (1. a brllllant) success, opas. opastaminen gulding Jne,, ks. opas
go orr rine, (esim. nyttelij) score a great taa, opastella = opastaa, opastus guidance;
success tas ... Jossakin osassa], (Jkpv.) direction; Instructlon; Aan tarvitsee opas
make a great hit; ei onnistu does not suc
tusta (mys.) he needs to be directed.
ceed, is not successful, Is unsuccessful, is operatsionl (lk., = leikkaus) operation.
(l. proves) a failure, falls (or success), -pyt ks. leikkauspyt.
mlscarrles; hnen el ole onnistuva saada operetti operetta.
enemp he will not succeed in gettlng any opetella learn [to read, lukemaan; tbe a-b-c
more; hnen onnistui paeta, hn onnistui or knowledge, tiedon aakkosia], be learn pakenemaan he made good hls escape; h
Ing [a trade, jotakin ammattia]; (harjonen onnistui saada, hn onnistui saamaan tella) practlse [danclng, tanssimaan], train
(mys:) he was fortunate enougb to get; o. s. [in ..], take exercises [in ..]; (lues
hn onnistui kaikissa yrityksissn, kaikki kella) study; lksyn prepare (1. study)
hnen yrityksens onnistuivat SUCCeSS at- one's lesson; uimaan learn to swlm, take
tended ali his errorts (1. undertaklngs), ali swimming lessons; ulkoa learn . . by
his efrorts vvere crovvned wlth success; ali heart (1. by rote), learn . . word ror word,
things prospered wlth hlm, everytbing he commit to memory, memorize. opetettu
turned his hand to vvas a success; se ei on
tratned [bear, karhu] ; (temppuja teke
nistunut ensinkn lt proved a complete (1. mn) perrorming.
an utter) railure, nothing came of lt. on- opettaa teach [a boy (how) to swlm, poika
nistumaton unsuccessrul; abortive [at
uimaan; one French, Jollekulle ranskaa] ;
tempt, yritys] ; would-be [poet, runoilija] ;
(neuvoa) show [one bow to do a th., joonnistumaton yritys (mys:) an attempt (ta)ku(ta) tekemn Jo(ta)kln], lnstruct
\vitliout success; kokonaan onnistumaton
[one in . . . Jollekulle Jotakin] ; (harjottaa)
kirjailijana a perrect (1. a signal 1. an ut
train, school; hevosta break (in) ahorse;
ter) fatlure as a wrlter. onnistumattomasti Jotakuta olemaan ihmisiksi (1. siivolla)
unsuccessruliy, vvithout success. onnistu
teach one proper (1. decent) behavior,
mattomuus poor success; railure. onnistu
teach one manners: Joku pahoille tavoilla
minen being successrul, succeeding; suc
teach one bad hablts (1. manners 1. ways);
cess; luck. onnistuneesti successrully, witb kokemus ~, ett . . experience teaches (1.
success, in a successrul manner; happily; shows 1. proves) that . .; kyll min hanalla
(taitavasti) cleverly. onnistuneisuus sucopetan (nytn) I'll teach hlm manners (1.
cessfulness; success. onnistunut success
how to act 1. what is what).
rul [speaker, puhuja]; (sattuva) happy opettaja teacher; lnstructor; (tav., koti-)
[phrase, sanontatapa], felicltous; (mainio) tutor; (vanh.) scboolmaster, schoolmlsrine, rirst-rate, capital; hyvin onnistunut tress; olla opettajana (koulussa) teach



SChOOl ; ranskankielen opettajani my French

teacher. my teacher oi' (1. in) French, -ko
keet teachers' examinatlon, examinatlon In
teaching. -kokelas practtce-teacher, cadet.
-kokous teachers' conventlon. -kumppani
fellow teacher, colleague. -kunta starf (1.
corps 1. Torce) of teachers, teaching force;
(korkeampien koulujen) faculty. -kyky 1.
abillty as a teacher, teaching ability; 2.
capable teacher. -lahjat talent (1. girt) for
teaching, talent (1. girt) as a teacher.
opettajan t pai k ka position (1. place) as a
teacher; . ,-ssa on viisi opettajanpaikkaa
avoinna there aro S places (1. posltlons) for
teachers open (1. vacant) In . . , there are
S vacancles In [that School, etc.]. -toimi 1.
-virka position (1. appointment 1. situatlon)
as a teacher, (tehtv) teacher's calling
(1. vocation); vrt. edell.
opettaja! nyte test of teachlng abillty; test
in practice-teachlng. -seminaari normal
school; (Engl.) teachers' tralnlng-college.
opettajatar (uoman) teacher; r\anh.) school mistress; vrt. koti .
opettaja toimi ks. opettajantoimi. -tutkinto
examinatlon in (practice-)teachlng. -voi
mat: opettajavoimien puute SCSrCity (1. lack)
Oi teachers; opettajavoimia on riittmtt
msti there Is an InsulTlcient numher of
teachers, the teachers are too fe\\ ; heikot
opettajavoimat lnsuffictent and weak (1.
poor) teaching Torce (1. staff of teachers).
opettajisto (Jonkin koulun y. m.) starf of
teachers; (ammattikuntana) the teaching
proresslon, the teachers.
opettamaton untralned, unschooled. opetta
minen teaching Jne., ks. opettaa, opetta vainen instructlve; . . full or inrormatlon;
suggestive; didactlc [poem, runoelma],
opettavaisesti instrurtlvely: hn puhui
hyvin opettavaisesti hls speech \viis very
instructlve (1. as Tuli or inrormatlon).
opettavaisuus: hnen puheensa opettavairau> bis instructlve speech.
opetteleminen learnlng Jne., ks. opetella.
opetteleva I. (a.) learnlng. II. (s.) one who
is learnlng, learner; (alotteleva) beginner,
new (I. green) hand.
opettelu learnlng; (harjottelu) tratnlng,
practice, drlll; tanssin opettelu tralnlng (1.
practice) In danclng; to learn to dance.
opetus lnstructlon; (opettaminen) teaching,
tutoring; tralning; (kansan-) educatlon;
(neuvo) advlce; (ohje) precept, (kerto
muksen antama y. m.) moral; opetusta ln
structlon, (tunteja) lessons; antaa jolle
kulle opetusta jossakin give lnstructlon to
one in . . , give one lessons in (1. on) . . ,
tnstruct one in . . , teacb one . .; hoitaa ope
tusta ranskankieless teacb (1. do the teach
ing In) French, (vliaikaisesti) be a substitute teacher In French; sain hydyllisi
opetuksia I was glven valuable lnstructlon,
I acquired mucb userul knowledge (1. in
rormatlon) ; tst saamme sen opetuksen,
ett . . \ve learn from this that . . , the
moral to be dravvn Trom thls, is that . . .
opetus- (yhd.) educatlonal [esim. -kysymys
educational question; -olot educatlonal conditlons; -tapa educatlonal method] ; .. or
teaching [esim. -tapa method (1. way) or
teaching; -tunti hour or teaching], teach
ing [esim. -taito teaching abillty]. -aine
subject (taught); branch (or sturty). -ka
lusto materlals to teach wlth (1. Tor teach
ing). -kieli: koulun opetuskieli language
used In a school. the language in vvhlch the
teaching Is done tn a school. -laitos educa
tlonal Institution, -lapsi dlsclple; Kristuk
sen opetuslapset the dlsclples or Chrlst;
vrt. oppilas, -ministeri mlnlstef or educa


tlon (1. or puulle lnstructlon). -neuvot ma

terlals to teach vvlth, materlals ror teaching.
-nyte opettajanyte. -ohjelma program.
-opillinen pedagoglc(al). -oppi pedagogy,
theory and art or teaching. -runo(elma)
didactlc poem. -runous didactlc poetry.
-suunnitelma: tulevan vuoden opetussuun
nitelma (1. v.) plans Tor the coming year.
-taito (mys:) proriciency as a teacher.
-toimi (maan y. m.) publlc lnstructlon, edu
catlon. -tunti (mys:) lesson (hour), school
hour, hour In school, perlod; 2S opetustun
tia viikossa 25 ho u rs (oO teaching a week,
35 perlods a week. -ty lnstructlon; (\vork
of) teaching. -velvollisuus: hnell on 30
tunnin opetusvelvollisuus viikossa he has
(1. he is requlred) to teach 30 bours a
week. -vlineet 1. -vlikappaleet educa
tlonal supplles, aids (1. materlals used) in
opetuttaa: ~ lapsilleen jotakin have one's
chlldren taught . . .
opillinen: sivistys liook -knowiedge, scholarship, erudltlon; hnen opilliset saavutuk
sensa hls scbolastlc attalnments. opillisesti
In regard to scholarshlp; theoretically.
opin- (yhd.) . . or learnlng [esim. -haara
branch or learnlng; -nyte proor (1. evldence) or learnlng]. -ahjo seat or learnlng.
-askel: hnen ensimiset opinaskeleensa
hls rirst steps on the road or learnlng.
-halu eagerness to learn; studlousness;
(tiedon-) deslre Tor knowledge, (luku-)
love or books. -haluinen eager (1. anxious)
to learn, deslrous or learnlng; studlous.
-Jano thirst ror learnlng; (tiedon-) thlrst
ror knowledge. -kappale artlcle or belier,
tenet; doctrlne, dogma. -nyte: oppipojan
opinnyte plece or work to prove an
apprentlce's skill (In hls trade); suorittaa
opinnyte jossakin (tutkinto) pass an ex
aminatlon in ..; vrt. opettajanyte. -puh
distus rerormatlon; rerorm. -tie: kyd
opintiet enter one or the proresslons, become a student, (Jatkaa opintojaan) go on
in school (1. wlth one's educatlon), continue one'8 Studies.
opinto study; filosofian opinnot (the) study
or phllOSOphy; harjottaa opintoja Study,
apply o.s. to study, (Jossakin aineessa)
make a study or . . , vrt. harjottaa. -aika
(koulualka) school-tlme, school - days, time
spent at school (1. at college), college
career; vrt. opiskeluaika, oppiaika. -aine
subject, study. -ala 1. -haara branch (or
Study). -matka: ollessaan opintomatkalla
Ranskassa whlle travellng in France ror the
purpose or studylng (1. ror purposes or
study). -suunnitelma (yksityisen ylioppi
laan) electlons. Schedule (1. program) or
Studies, (opiston y. m.)
course(s) or study; vrt. lukujrjestys, -to
veri 1. -kumppani rellow student; classmate (in college), -vuosi year as a stu
dent, year at the university (1. at college);
opintovuodet years at the university, years
in (I. at) college, college days.
opiskeleminen = opiskelu, opiskeleva study
lng; opiskeleva nuoriso the schoolboys and
schoolgirls, the young people (1. the young
men and womcn) at college, (lak.) puplls
or school age. opiskelija student; opiskeli
jat (mys:) those studylng [at ..]. opis
kella study [geography, maantiedett], ap
ply o.s. to study, carry on (1. pursue) Stu
dies; (tutkiskella) make a study or . . , be
a student or . . ; (oppia) learn; (ltr.) go to
college, be attendlng college, go to the uni
versity; hn opiskelee ahkerasti he Studies
hard, he Is busy with rils Studies (1. U




opiskelu study(lng); learnlng; jatkaa opishelujaian) contlnue one's Studies; vrt. opin
to, -aika tlme (set apart) for study, hours
of study; mys = opintoaika. -kamari study.
opisto Institute; college; academy; (koulu)
SChOOl; lketieteellinen medical college
(1. School); vrt. musiikki, sota, ty
ven- y. m. opistolainen (college) student,
student at a college [an Institute, etc.].
opistoiirakennus college bulldlng.
opittu learned, acqulred; ks. oppia.
opiuml (lk.) oplum.
opiumi- (yhd.) oplum(-) [esim. -kauppa
oplum trade; -piippu oplum-plpe].
opiumin pitoinen . . contalnlng oplum. -polt
taja oplum-smoker. -poltto oplum-smoklng.
opiumirohdot laudanum (drops), tincture of
oppi doctrlne; (opllllsuus) learnlng, erudltlon, scholarshlp; (opetus) lesson; (tieto)
knowledge; (vastak. kytnt) theory;
(suutarin-, rtlin- y. m.) apprentlceshtp ;
oppia ik kaikki (sanani.) (\ve) live and
learn, one is never too old to learn; Buddhan
~ Buddhalsm; olla jollekulle opiksi be a
lesson to one, teach one a lesson; olla jon
kun (1. jollakulla) opissa be learnlng one's
trade wlth a p., be an apprentlce with one,
be apprentlced to one [ huom. hn on opissa
sedlln he Is an apprentlce at hls uncle's;
olla suutarin opissa (mys:) learn shoemaklng] ; Platon opit the rtoctrlnes of Plato;
vaarallinen ~ a rtangerous doctrlne.
oppia learn; (opiskella) study; (hankkia)
acqulre; (tottua) acrustom o. s., get accustomed [to, johonkin] ; opittu ulkolksy
lesson learned by heart: ~ johonkin (usein
mys.) get Into the hablt or . .-lng; ~ lais
kuuteen learn to be ldle, get accustomed
to ldleness; ~ pahoilla tavoilla learn bad
manners (1. hablts), acqulre bad hablts,
fall Into evll practlces: ~ Jokin taito learn
(1. acqulre) the art of . .-lng; ~ Jotakin
taitoa (opiskella) study an art: [parem
min] tuntemaan (Joku henkil) get (1.
learn) to know. become [better] acqualntert
[\vlth . .], (Jokin asia) learn, come (1. get)
to know fabout . .], vrt. saada (tiet); ~
uimaan learn (how) to swim. learn swlmmlng; ~ ulkoa (\. ulkomuistista) learn (1.
get) . . by heart, commlt . . to memory; se
el ole opittua that's somethlng whlch has
not been acqulred by learnlng, thafs not
learned; semmoista ei opita (opettamalla)
that (1. such thlngs) cannot be taught to
you : siihen pian oppii ks. tottua.
oppi aika apprentlceshlp; the tlme when one
was a beglnner (1. was learnlng . .), novltlate; (oppilas-) pupllage; vrt. opintoalka,
opiskeluaika, -aine siibject taught, subJect; hranch (of study). -arvo academic
(I. university) degree, degree. -istuin (pro
fessori) chalr. -is master; teacher; (pa
pista:) splrltual advlser. -Jakso course (of
Instructlon 1. or study); currlculum; class;
kyd lpi oppijakso jossakin aineessa take
a course tn a suhteet. -Jrjestelm the doc
trlnes. -kirja textbook; (koulukirja) schoolbook: (ksi-) hand-book. -koulu (regular)
school. -kunta (koulukunta) school. -kurssi
course (of study): vrt. oooljakso. -laitos
educatlonal institution, Institution of learn
lng: (koulu) school.
oppilas (ammatti-) apprentlce: (koulu-) pupll, (korkeamman oppilaitoksen) student;
(jonkin rilosofln y. m.) follower, dlsclple;
(yi. merk., Joskus:) learner; (alottellja)
novlce, tyro; Kautsky on Marxin ~ Kautsky
Is a follower (1. a dlsclple) of Marx; opttaja ja oppilaat (mys:) the teacher and the
taught; Plato, Sokrateen oppilas Plato, a


dlsclple or Socrates. -aika (opplalka) ap

prentlceshlp; novltlate; pupllage. -kirjasto
(1. v.) school llbrary; college library. -kunta
the puplls; (korkeamman oppilaitoksen)
student body. -luku 1. -mr number or
students (1. of puplls); number or apprenttces. -maksu tultlon. -sopimus (lak.) indenture. -vuosi year or [one's] appren
oppilause dogma; thesls.
oppimaton unlearned: unlettered.unscbooled,
llllterate; (tietmtn) lgnorant, uninrormed; (huono-oppinen) slow (to learn),
backward; tavallinen kansa the plaln un schooled people. oppimattomuus lack or
schooling, lack or educatlon; Ullteracy;
lgnorance. oppimestari teacher; master;
luonto, meidn suuri oppimestarimme nature, our great teacher. oppiminen Iearning, Studying jne., ks. oppia; paljon oppi
mista much to learn. oppimri ground to
be covered. Jjnount (of study) to be gotten through; (-kurssi) course. oppineisuus
learnlng, erudltlon, scholarshlp. oppiniekka
(shining) llght In the lntellectual World.
oppinut I. (a.) learned [man, mies], (kor
keasti-) scholarly, erudite; maailma the
learned (l.sclenttrtc) vvorld: mies (mys : )
man or (broad) learnlng, wldely read man;
~ seura learned (1. scfenttric) sorietv. II.
(s.) learned man, man or learnlng (1. or
letters), scholar; oppineet the learned,
SClentlStS; oppineiden keskuudessa among
the learned, among learned men, among
men or learnlng; vrt. lain-.
oppipakko compulsory educatlon. -poika
apprentlce (boy) ; oppipoika sin viel olet
hnen rinnallaan you aio Still (1. Just) an'
apprentlce (1. a beglnner) beslde (1. compared wlth) htm; vrt. oppilas, -rahat: sain
maksaa siit hyvt oppirahat (kUV.) tt (1.
that experience) cost me dear (1. a pretty
penny). -riita doctrinal controversy. -sali
lecture-room, lecture-hall; vrt. luentosali.
-sana technical (1. sclentiric) terni, -sanasto
(techntcal I. sclentiric) terminology. -suun
nitelma ks. opint>suunnitelma. -suunta
school. -snt dogma. -todistus certtricate (1. card) to show that one has served
hls apprenttceshlp. -tunti lesson (hour) .
hour or Instructlon, (koulu-) school hour,
(kuulustelu-) recltatton (perlod), class
(hour); oppitunnilla (oppitunnin aikana) In
class, durlng (the) class (1. lesson) tlme,
durlng the recltatton (perlod), durlng
school hour.
oppivainen willing (1. ready) to learn, tearhable, doclle, tractable. oppi vaisuus readlness (l. aptness 1. qulckness) to learn (1. at
learnlng), doctllty.
oppi || vapaus ltberty to study what(ever) one
chooses. -velvollisuus obllgatlon to serve
as an apprentlce. -vuosi year or apprenttce
shlp; oppivuodet (years or) apprentlceshlp:
hnell on en yksi oppivuosi jljell
(mys:) he Is wtthln a year or havlng served
hts tlme as an apprentlce (1. served out hls
optiikka (valo-oppi) optics. optikko opticlan.
optidliinen optical.
optimisti (menestykseen luottava) optlmtst.
optimistinen (hyvuskoinen) optimistie (ai).
optimistisuus opttmism.
ora (pilkki) thorn, splne, prlck(er); (ruu
vi) screw.
oraakkeli, orakeli (ennustuspalkka) oracle.
ora(ak)kellmalnen oracular. ora(ak)kelivastaus oracular saylng (1. answer), oracle.
orainen (yhd.) . . wtth a . . young (1. green
1. tender) crop [esim. kaunis . . wlth a
rine yourig' (1. green 1. tender) crop].



orang-utani, oranki (ellnt.) orang-outang,

orapihlaja (kasv.) bawthorn. -aita hawtliorn bedge.
oraa (viljan) sboot, sprout; (oraat) young
(1. new 1. green 1. tender) crop, the crop
Just (come) up; on oraalta has sprouted,
has come up, is up. -pelto 1. -vainio fleld
with the crop Just (come) up.
orastaa sprout, sboot up, shoot forth, sprlng
up; (nousta) come up, grow. orastaminen,
orastus sproutlng, shooting fortb, springIng up.
orastoukka (elint.) cutworm.
oratuomi (kasv.) sloe, blackthorn.
orava (ellnt.) squlrrei.
oravan- (ybd.) . . of a squlrrei, (a) squlrrel'3 [esim. -hnt squirrers tali (1. brusb);
-pas squirrers nest] ; squlrrei- [esim.
-hkki squlrrei -cage; -nahka squirrel-sklnj.
-nahkainen . . (made) or squirrel-skin; (slperlalals-) minlver.
orgaaninen (kem.) organlc [chemistry, ke
ori, orhi stalllon; (sota-) steed.
originaali (alkuperinen teos y. m.) orlginal.
ori: hevonen ks. ori. -nyttely exhlbltion of
stallions. -varsa (male) colt.
orja slave, tbrall, bond(s)man; (maa-) serf;
bond-slave; orjana syntynyt . . born a slave,
. . born In slavery; myyd . . orjahti sell . .
as a slave, sell . . Into slavery; olla jonkin
orjana (esim. Jonkin pahan tavan) be a
slave to . .; olla jonkun orjana be a (1. the)
Slave or 8 p.; tehd tyt orjan lailla WOrk
(1. toil) like a (galley-)slave (1. a drudge),
slave, drudge.
orja- (yhd.) slave- [esim. -kauppa slavetrade; -laiva slave-shlp].
orjaileminen, orjailu truckling. orjaileva . .
easlly embarrassed; (orjamalnen) slavlsh,
servlle, truckling. orjailla reel embarrassed
[in a p.'s presence, Jotakuta] ; (osottaa orjamaista nyryytt) be servlle, truckle;
ai orjailla jotakuta feel at ease In a p.'s
orja kauppias slave-trader (1. dealer) . -laiva
(mys:) slaver.
orjallinen slavlsh [obedlence, kuuliaisuus] ;
tarkkuus painful accuracy; vrt. orjamainen. orjallisesti slavlshly; (orjallisen tar
kasti) palnstaklngly, with slavlsh attentlon
to detalls. orjallisuus slavlshness.
orjamainen slavlsh [lmltatlon. Jljittely],
slavellke, .. llke a slave; (mateleva) ser
vlle, obsequious. orjamaisesti slavlshlv; in
a servile manner, servllely. orjamaisuus
slavlshness; servllity, servlleness.
orjamarkkinat slave-market.
orjanllajaja slave-drlver. -elm lire or a
slave; slavlsh lire; lire or drudgerv. -ios
yoke or slavery (1. or bondage). -isnt
orjanomistaja. -kaitsija overseer or slaves,
slave-drlver. -luonto nature or a slave;
slavish (1. servile) nature. -merkki brand
or slavery. -mieli slavish (1. servile) mind
(1. splrlt), servllity. -omistaja slave-owner,
slaveholder. -ruoska (1. v.) lash, whip.
orjantappura thorn; (-pensas) wlld-rose,
dogrose, (Engl.) brier. orjantappurainen
thorny (mys kuv.) ; rmn orjantappuraintn polku the thorny path or lire.
orjantappuranpiikkl thorn, brier.
orjantappura;! pensas
-(k)ruunu crown or thorns.
orjanlltyO slave-labor; slavery, drudgery.
-virka a (regular) slave's Job.
orjasteleva, orjastella = orjaileva, orjailla.
orjatar remale slave; bondvvoman.
orja ly slave labor; vrt. orjanty. -valtio
(Yhdysv.) slave state. -vouti slave-drlver.


orjuudenllhenki splrlt or bondage. -tila state

or bondage (1. or slavery), bondage.
orjuus slavery, bondage, servitude; thral(l)dom; (maa-) serrdom; (vankeus) captlvlty.
orjuuttaa enslave. orjuuttaja one who enslaves (1. enslaved), enslaver; (sortaja)
oppressor. orjuuttaminen enslavlng. orjuu
tus enslavement.
orkesteri (mus.) orchestra; (torvi- tai soti
las-) band.
orkesteri- (yhd.) orchestral [esim. -numero
orchestral number; -soitto orchestral mu
orkesterinjohtaja conductor or an orchestra.
orkesterilsoitto 1. -musiikki (mys:) or
chestra music, 'music by an orchestra.
orpana (rirst) cousln. orpanus: Ae ouat orpanukset they are (Tirst) eousins.
orpo I. (a.) orphan(ed), . . lert wlthout parents, parcntless; (turvaton) derenseless.
II. (s.) orphan (chlld); orvoksi jnyt orphaned, lert alone In (1. thrown out on) the
world; tunnen itseni orvoksi I Teel myseir
alone in the wor!d. -kassa rund Tor orphans, orphan rund. -koti orphans' home,
orphan asylum, orphanage. -lapsi orphan
chlld; wair. -poika orphan(ed) boy. -tytt
orphan(ed) girl.
orpous orphanage.
orrellinen: ~ kanoja a perch Tuli or chlckens.
orsi beam; (varras) pole; (kana- y. m.)
perch, roost.
orvaskesi epldermis; scarr-skin, ctitlcle
orvokki (kasv.) vlolet; (keto-) wild pansy,
hearfs-ease. orvonkukka ks. edell.
osa part (niys kirjan, nytelmn y. m.),
portlon; (osuus) share, interest; (kirjan)
volume; (kohtalo) rate, destiny; (onnen-)
lot, Tortune; (rooli) character, role; (koh
ta) sectlon; ~ ihmisi (a) part or the
people, some people; osaksi partly, to some
extent (I. degree), to a certaln extent,
(osittain) partlally, In part; osaksi ..,
osaksi . . partly . . , partly . . ; in part . . ,
In part . .; [min] osaltani n,] ror mv part,
[I,] ror one, ram satlsricd, olen tyytyvi
nen], (puolestani) on my part, as rar as I am
concerned; osaltansa, osaltaan ror lts part,
some\vhat, to a certaln degree (1. extent),
vrt. vaikuttaa; ~ Suomea a part (I. a portion) or Finland; ~ velasta on maksettu
part (1. some) or the debt has been pald:
hyvin suurelta osalta very largely, to a very
great (1. large) extent (1. degree), In a very
great measure; hn on saanut osansa (kuv.)
he has got his share (1. ali he deserves) ;
kaikilta osiltaan In ali parts. In every part,
(Joka suhteessa) in every respect (1. \vay) ;
lasti myydn useammassa osassa (laivan)
the cargo Is to be sohi m several lots (1.
parts) ; maan pohjoisessa osassa Inthenorthern part (1. portlon) or the countrv; muulta
osaltaan (muutoin) ror the rest. as to (1. as
Tor) the rest; muutamat taulun osat some
portlons or the picture; pieniss osissa
(vars. kaupp. & tekn.) In small lots. In
small batches, (mriss) in small quantltles; sain oman osani I got my share; vhin
osin In small lots (i. portlons 1. quantttles
1. batches), (vhittin, mys:) retall, (v
hitellen) gradually, step by step; vhlt
osaltani to the extent of mv small means
(1. pouers), to the extent or my llmited
ability [huom. teen vhlt osaltani mink
voin I'll do whatever I can wlth my llmited
ability (l. \vith my small means) 1.
osaamaton: jotakin osaamaton unacqualnted
wlth . . , not versed In . . , unversed In . . ,
not ramlliar wlth . . , knowIng no . . , not
up in (I. on) . . , (tietmtn) Ignorant or



. . , vrt. taitamaton. osaamattomuue: jonkin

otaamattomuut unacquaintance wltb . . , Ig
norance ... osaaminen knowing bow . . ,
being familiar with . .; vrt.outa; laktyn alkoa osaaminen *i yk*in ruta knowing (1. tO
know) the lesson by beart Is not enough.
osaa otlamaton: johonkin ~ not taking part
(1. taking no part) In . . , not participating
In . .; (kuv.) not condoling wltb ... un
sympathetic ; baihki luiif r/utm osaaollamaltomat . . all those who took no part (1. who
did not participate) In the battle, -ottavainen participant; (kuv.) sympathizing,
sympathetic, -ottavaisesti sympathlzingly;
sympathetically; with sympathy, -ottavaisuus (kuv.) sympathy; nancn osaaottavaituuttiua ohonkin .. (myos:) his sympa
thizing with . . .
osaavarti ks. ttuvasti, taitavattl.
osamen (yhd.) 1 . . . In . . parts, composed
(1. consisting) of . . parts, (klrjasta:) . . In
(1. of) . . volumes, . .-volume (eslm. kakmi
tavftlyt (musical) composition In two
parts; Jtub.M- (a a work In (1. of) two
volumes, a two-volume work; huom.: teas
on DM the work is In (l. is composed or 1.
consists of) five volumes]; 2. (kohtalolnen) . .-rated, . . with a . . lot [eslm. kova~
Ill-rated, .. with a hard lot, (mys:) Illstarred].
osakas part-owner, (jossakln lllkkeessa)
partner; (osakkeenomistaja) shareholder,
stockholder; (osalllnen) Interested party;
sharer; (osanottaja) partaker, participant,
-kumppani associate, co-partner; rellow
stoi-kholder. -luettelo list shareholders.
osako share: osakktet shares, stock, (erl yhtlolden) Stocks; omakk*idtn mfrkintS sub
scription shares (1. stock); myda
[jonkin i in i: m otakkeita sell stock [for a
company], -kauppla (stock- )broker, dealer
In stocks, -kirja I. -klrje stock-certificate.
-luettelo stork -register, -pankki joint-stock
bank, -paperl I. -lodisti stock-certificate.
-poma capital stock, -yhti (joint-) stock
company, (tavall.) company.
osakkeenomisuja shareholder, stockholder.
osakkuus partnership; (osanotto) participa
tion; vrt. oullUuu.
osakunta (ylloppllas-) nation, osakuntalainon member or a nation, osakunutalo
nation -house.
osallinen I. (a) participant [or. . , jossakln],
sharing [in . .] ; concerned [In ..], Inter
ested [In . .]. II. (s.) participant, partaker,
sharer, the Interested party; ~ johonkin
(mys:) a party to . .; olla ~ jotiakin (L
johonkin participate (I. take part) In . .; be
concerned In . . , be a party to . . , (Jossa
kln moltittavassa) be Implicated (I. mixed
up) In . . , (Jossakln rlkoksessa y. m.) be
an accessory to . . , be an accomplice In ...
osaliisuus participation; part, share; (Jo'' ni in rlkokseen) complicity; hantn otallituutenta tiihtn (myos:) his part In It;
pst onkin oeallisuutecn become a par
ticipant or . . , be allowed to participate
(1. to share) In ...
osa maksu part payment; (osittals-) partial
payment; (maksuer) InstaKOmenl. -mr (mat.) quotient.
osanen small part, small portion; (hlukkanen) particle, fragment; pitniin oatiin
in(to) tiny particles.
osan ottaja partaker, participant; osanottaja
uhlaan participant (1. partaker) In the fes
tival, -ottavamen (kuv.) sympathizing, sym
pathetic, -ottavaisuus (kuv.) sympathy.
oeanotto participation [in . .] : (kuv.) sym
pathy, interest; osanotoila with sympathy,

sympathetically, -oikeus right to take part

(I. to participate).
osanto (klel.) (the) partitive (case).
osa palkka percentage (of the profits, etc.):
commission, -puiileen about, around;
something like; (suu'nnllleen, llklmaln) In
the neighborhood or . .; oiopuiffoen *ama
about (1. much) the same, -puoll Ill-treated
by Tortune, . . with a hard lot; hapless,
luckless; dada osopuoiefcj, be i.-it without
(1. not get) one's share, be Ill-treated by
Tortune. -sana (klel.) partitive (word).
osasto section, part; (jaosto) division; (sotllas- y. m.) detachment, (plenl) squad;
(lalvaston) squadron; (hallituslaltoksen,
kaupan y. m.) department; (rautatievaunussa) compartment; (koulussa, Unja)
course, (luokka) grade; vrt. nais, paikal11> , oialUtl~ y. m.
otutonpallllkkO head (1. ) a depart
osata (kyt-tit) be able to [do a th., tehd jotakln] , be capable or [doing . .] ; (ttetaa,
tuntea) know how to [swim, uida; avoid,
valttaa], know [the language, klelt], be
familiar [with . .] ; (ymmartaa) under
stand; (hoksata) come to (think, ajatella], hit upon [..Ing]; (sattua) happen,
chance; (osua) hit, strike: (osata tic)
find one's way [back, takaisln; home, kotlln]; omaa knows how [to ..], Is able
[to ..], (vol) can, (tletita) knows; omaako
kakaan tltta does anybody know (1. Is there
anyone who knows) the way? osaaho lap*i
vitl kvtll can the child walk yet? otaatka tntlanninkitlta do you know (I. can you
Speak) English? osaatteko sitll tahailin
can you find your way back from there?
otatit tulla oiktaan aikaan you happeiK-ll
(1. chanced) to come at the right time; ~
clua know how to enjoy lire, know how to
live, know how to get most out or life; ~
erutiaa be able (1. know how) to distin
guish, be capable or distinguishing; jonnekkin (know how to) rind one's (1. the)
way to a place, know one's way to a place:
k&yttaytya know how to appear (1. to
behave); - hayltaa jotakin hyvbittn
know how to avail o.s. (I. how to take ad
vantage) or . . , know how to turn . . to one's
advantage, know how to impose upon ..;
- oikcaan hit the (right 1. exact) mark,
strike It right, strike the right note,
hit the nail on the head, strike (1. bit
straight) home, hit the truth, rind out (I.
discover) the right way (1. the right thing
to do), (arvata olkein) guess right, hit It,
vrt. oua; olla ihmisten paritta know
how to get on (1. to associate) with people:
pilkkaan (1. maaliin > hit the mark, bit
the target, make (1. score) a bull's-eye:
/n,- i i,i'. i., ,1 tie) rind the road, rind the
way: ulhoa know . . by heart: en osaa
ksittS (vol) I cannot understand, (jaksa)
I fail to see (1. to understand) : n osaa /6>tua sanofa (myns:) I am at a loss (1. to
rind) words; ttk omaa kiitt (etk ymmrr) don't you know how (1. know you
ought) to thank? hyvin o*attu that's a goo-1
hit, (kuv.) that hits the nail on the head,
(tehty) well done! Han o*aa onkanotrran
rantkaa he knows (1. he has learned) some
French, he knows a little French; han atoa
monta kielt he knows (1. he can speak 1.
he Is ramlliar with l. he has a knowledge
) many languages, (hallitsee) he has many
languages at his command, he Is master of
many languages; nan tuittetla hyvin
he can (I. he knows how to) skate well, (on
iiw.4 lulstellja) he Is a good skater; jota
bin otaava versed In . . , (taltava jossakln)

skilled (1. clever) In ... proficient In . . , witness, testify; (nytt toteen) demon
bandy at . .; poika o*a* hyoin luksynsa the strate; (olla jonkin merkklna) signify, de
boy knew his lesson well, the boy could note, betoken; (vlltata) imply; refer [to . . ,
say his lesson naht Off; te bay oaikeahti johonkln (l. Jonkun luo) ] ; (neuvoa) direct,
mitt*, jotka eivt otaa kielt It will be hard point out; (panna oste) address [a letter
for those who don't know (1. who are not to .., klrje Johonkin (I. Jollekulle)!;
up In) the language, It will be difficult for (mynt) assign, grant, give; appropriate
those Ignorant of the language; (* M) ai- [ funds for (1. to) a purpose, varoja johon
kin tarkotukseen] ; (merklta) mark; ~ oifeem otattu you struck It (just) right!
osaton . . without part or lot, . . without haa show (l. indicate 1. tell) the time;
a(ny) share, shareless, portionless; josta- halvtktumiita(an) jollekulle (I. jollekin)
Mn ~ having no share (1. no Interest) In . .; show contempt for . . , treat . . with scorn
jd otattomakti be left without any share (1. with disdain), scorn . . , (laellle, ks(1. without part or lot), (jostakln) be left kyille y. m.) trample on . . , set . . at naught;
without a th., (Jkpv.) be left out in the - liarrastavansa jotakin manifest in Inter
cold 1 1 in in i. hnkn ei tuna tilaisuudtssa est in . . , vrt. SCUT; harrastusta jallekin
jnyt otattomakti nor was tie forgotten (1. (\. johonkin) show Interest In ... take (I.
passed over 1. left out) at that occasion] ; feel) an interest In . . , take . . up with In
luonto ci ollut jttnyt hnt otattomakti terest, be interested in ... show (1. dis
lahjoittaan he did not come (I. he was not play) Interest towards . .; - haomamaisent) Into the world unendowed by nature, tuutta jollekulle pay (1. Show) attention to
otattomuus failure to have one's share one; ~ Jollekulle hyvyytta show one kind
[Of ..]; Afinen otattomuutenta rikohteen ness, be kind to one, do one a favor (1. a
tuli todittetukti it was proved that he had kindness) ; ~ hiitollituuttaan jollekulle
show (1. express) one's gratitude to(ward)
no connection with the crime.
oaava kg. eattuvaa p., prove one's gratitude to(ward) a p.;
osa i veil : (e otaaeljeni my brethren, you who ~ kohteliaituutta jollebulle (myoS:) be
share a like fate with me, you people who courteous (1. polite 1. civil) to one, show
are in the same condition that I am (1. with one a civility; ~ jollekulle kannioitutme), -voltto percentage (of the profits). ta(an) pay one's respects to a p.; ~ Joku
Jonkun /no refer (1. direct) a p. to another;
osm ks. ou.
- Iiioffnmusfolon
jaUthulle (I jotakuta
osingonjako declaring of dividends.
oiinko (lilk.) dividend; (osuus) share; in kohtaan) show [one's] confidence in a p.,
terest, -lippu coupon; dividend-warrant. show that one has confidence (1. that one
in a p., confide (I. trust) In a p.;
otitella, osittaa divide; part; parcel (out), trusts)
michutiita show (1. display 1. manifest 1.
portion (OUt) ; osittaa pes (18k.) assign
(on a second marriage) their inheritance give evidence of) courage, (eslm. jokln teto children of the first marriage, osittain ko) Indicate (1. be a proof of) courage;
partly, to some extent (1. some degree); joku ovell* (\. ooetta alo*) show one the
(ajaa ulos) turn a p. out (of doors) ;
partially, In part, (oslssa) in parts; osittain door,
.., osittain . . partly . . , (and) partly. . . osit- rohkeutta - sot t an miehuutta; ~ JOtatainen partial, osittaisesti osittain. osit- kuta tormellaan point . . OUtkS. myS osotaiemaksu partial payment, lnstal(l)ment. tella; ~ jollekulle tuotiota(an) Show favor
osittamincn dividing Jne., vrt. osittaa. osi- to, be favorable toward, (kattenlaputuksllla) applaud; ~ tahtia mark time, (lyod)
tus division, partition, parceling (1. por
(the) time; tieta ks. nytt; vi*tioning) OUt; myS = oittaminen. ositua- beat
raanvaraituutta jollekulle (I. jotakuta koh
latkU kS. seuralasku.
show hospitality to(ward) one, be
o*mankftami (kasv.) cattail, reed-mace.
hospitable to one; yttvllityytt jolie otte address; (osotus) token, indication; kulle (}. jotakuta kohtaan) Show kindness
(todlstus) evidence, proof; jonhin kind to one, behave kind
teekit (eslm. ystftvyyden) as a token of ... to(ward)
ly toward one; ei mikn tita nun selvn
(naytteeksl) as a proof Of . .; tilla ototteella otota
. . nothing proves (I. shows) It
with that address, -kalenterl directory.
clearly as . .; onen kytktem ~ ke-kllpi slgn(-board): vrt. nimikilpi. -korttl so
her conduct betrays (1.
(business) card; vrt. seur. -lappu 1. -lippu shows) frivolity,
her conduct gives
address slip, label [on one's baggage, etc.], proof of frlvolousnesS;
hn on otottanut
(relftlllnen, sldottava) tag, shipping-tag.
alepanta puolu**ton he has proved (1.
oaotella (matkla) mimic, mock, simulate, shown) himself (to be) Impartial; Afin on
Imitate; (aplnolda) ape; (sormellaan) otottanut tuurta tarmoa ntoa\ he has dis
point; ~ jotakuta sormellaan point one's played great energy [zeal]; hn ototti mifinger at a p., (pllkalllsestl) point the fin
nut (tul*maan) tann he directed me (to
ger of scorn at one.
come) here, he told me to come here, he
osotetoimisto (tledonanto-) Intelligence of
referred me to you; .. jota ~ tekin, ett&
fice, bureau of information.
h* oliuat kuttanttt .... as Is shown (I. In
osotm indicator; (kellon-) hand; (lavara-) dicated) even by the fact that they had
label, Vrt. osotelappu.
called (1. by their having called) . .; kaikki
oiottaa show [caution (1. cautiousness), va- merkit otottaoat (, *tta) . . there Is every
rovalsuutta] , display [energy, tarmoa], sign (1. Indication) of ... everything points
exhibit; pay [attention, huomlota; respect to (1. is Indicative of) . .; bello ~ kymmtntS
to one (1. one respect), jollekulle kunniol- ks. nytt; hokemut on otottanut ten kytusta] ; (sormella) point [to . . , Johonktn tnnollitekti experience has proved (1. de
monstrated) it to be practical (1. that It Is
(1. Jotakin kohtl) ]; (llmalsta) Indicate, be
tray, manifest [an interest in . . , mielen - practical) ; kokfmut mtille, *tta . .
kllntoa Johonktn]; (puolestaan) go to (myos:) the experience teaches (1. tells)
show: (tuoda eslln) express; (antaa ny- us that . .; imtn ttlottia (mys:) as
te) give (l. present) evidence of ... give appears from the report, according to the
(I. show 1. exhibit) proofs of . .; (olla Jon- report; minil t ototettiin paraimmille paikin todlstuksena, todistaa) evidence, give koill I was shown (1. ushered) to one of
proof of ... prove [one's gratitude, klitol- the best seats; mikn el mota, etta ..
ilsuuttaan], evince; bear witness of . . , there Is nothing to show that . . , there Is



no indication (I. no slgn) that . .; mit nuo

sanat omottavat what do those words show
(1. lndlcate 1. prove)? (merkitsevt) vvtiat Is
the significance of those words? se ~, ett
hn on rehellinen miee (mys:) that ShOws
fiini to be (1. that bespeaks lilm as) an honest iiiiin; te ~ heikkoutta that lndicates
weakness, that Is a slgn (1. a proor) or
weakness ; se ~ hyvn tahdon puutetta that
betrays (1. shows 1. proves) lack of good
uill: se ~ hnen tietmttmyyttn it
shows (1. proves) lgnorance on his part,
that shovvs how lgnorant he is; tahdon sill
~ I want to show (1. polnt out 1. prove)
thereby [that . . , ett . .] , (ilmaista) I want
to express thereby . . ; viimeiset tiedot osat
tavat, ett . . the latest news (1. the most
recent advices) go (1. tend) to show, that
. . , the latest news bear witness to the ract
that . .; voitko ~ ainoatakaan sellaista tapuusta can you show (1. cite 1. polnt out 1.
refer to) any such (1. any slmilar) case?
osottaja (mat.) numerator; (nyttj) Indlcator. osottaminen showlng Jne., ks. osottaa-, (osotus) display; manKestation. osottava: jotakin osottava (mys:) lndicative
of . . .
osottautua show o.s., show itselT; present
(1. manirest) ltselT; (~ Joksikin) prove
f (to be) dirflcult, vaikeaksi], turn out [to
be . . , olevan . .] ; be found (out) [to be . . ,
olevan . .] ; (olla Ilmeist) appear; joksi
kin prove (to be) . . , be proved (1. proven)
(to be) . . , turn out (to be) . . , be found
(out) to be . . , show (1. prove) o.s. (to
be) . . [huom. osottautua mieheksi prove
o.s. (to be) a man, act the man, play a
man's part; Aan osottautui siihen sopimat
tomaksi he turned out (1. he showed himselr) unnt (1. unsuited) for lt, he was
found to be unflt(ted) for it; se osottautui
oikeaksi it was proved rlght, lt proved correct. it came true] ; osottautui toimivan
hyvin proved (1. turned out) to work well;
luulin hnt ystvkseni, mutta hn osottautuihin (olevan) pinvastoin I t lion yllt ho
was my frlend but he proved (to be) the
opposite. osottautumlnen provlng, turning
out; (ilmeneminen) manifestation.
osotteleminen, osottelu mlmtcklng. mlmlcry;
mocking, mockery; aping; polntlng [at . .],
Vrt. osotella.
osotus (todistus) evidence, proof; (osotta
minen) demonstration; (viittaus) reference, directlon; (neuvo) lnstruction(s) ;
(ilmaus) expresslon; tribute; (merkki)
slg-n, indicatfon, mark, token; (mrys)
cheque), draft, order; vrt. kunnian ~, maksu~ , mielen y.m.: arvonantoni osotukseksi
as a token of (my) esteeni: hnen osotustensa mukaan rollovving- hls dlrectlons, aecording to hls dlrectlons; jonkin osotukseksi as
a slgn (1. token) of . . , In token (1. as a
proof) Of . .: kiitollisuuden [ystvyyden]
tribute (1. token) or gratltude Tor rriendsbip] ; suosion ~ (mark of 1. token of) ravor.
ostaa buy [at a certaln prlce. Jostakin hin
nasta; from (1. or) one. Joltakulta; . . by
the pound, .. nauloittani], purchase; buy
in, buy up: (itselleen, omakseen) purchase
for o. s., acauire by purchase; (laliioa)
buy Tone] ofr, brlbe; ~ jotakin itselleen
buy o.s. a th., buy a th. for o.s. ; ~ Jo(ta)kln
liian kalliista buy . . too (lear, pay too much
for ..; sika skiss (kuv.) buy a th.
(un)slght unseen; ~ takaisin bnv back,; [Itsens] vapaaksi buy
fone's] rreedom, (lunnailla) redeem, ransom; hn osti itselleen takin ja pojalle uu
den hatun he bought htmself a coat and a

new bat for the boy; hn osti pojalle uuden

hatun (mys:) he grot the boy a new
hai : on ostettavissa is to be bought, (myy
tvn) is on sle, (kuv. = lahjottavissa)
is open to bribes:
ostaja buycr, purchaser; (kauppatuttava)
customer, patron; (kaupanhalukas) prospective buyer. -piiri business connections;
circle of customers (1. of patrons 1. or
friends), custom; laaja ostajapiiri (mys:) a
large number of customers (1. of patrons).
ostaminen buylng, purchasing. ostattaa:
jollakulla make (1. bave) one buy. ostalija
buyer; purchaser; purchasing agrent. oatalla buy, purchase; be buylng- (up) [. .
here and there, sielt tlt] ; buy up, buy
In; (hieroa kauppaa) bargain [for. Jota
kin], negotiate (for) a purchase.
osteri (ruokasimpukka) oyster.
osteri- (yhd.) oyster- [esim. -Jkauppo-oystertrade; -luoto I. -srkk oyster-bank].
osterin- (yhd.) oyster- [esim. -kuori 1. -kop
pa oyster-sbell; -viiletyt oyster-ralslng (1.
-rarming)]. -pyynti oyster-fishing.
ostJa(a)kinklell Ostlak. ostJa(a)kki Ostlak.
osto buylng; purchase; (kauppa) bargain.
-hinta purchase price; cost prlce; (alkupe
rinen hinta) orlglnal cost: ostohinnalla at
COSt; alle ostohinnan (mys:) below cost.
at a loss, at a sacrlfice. -kangas bought
material. -kyky purchasing power. -kykyi
nen . . (who Is) able to buy. -lammin
bought fuel. -osuuskunta coperative buy
lng concern. -puku ready-made suit (I.
clothes 1. suit or clothes); (jkpv.) suit or
store clothes.
ostos purchase; kyd ostoksilla do one's
Shopping, do one's buylng (1. purchasing) ;
lhte ostoksille go (out) Shopping; on ostoksilla Is out Shopping, (ostamassa Jolle
kin lllkehuoneelle) Is on a buylng trip.
ostolltarjous orrer to buy. -tavara bought
(1. purchased) goods.
osua hlt (it 1. the mark) , go (1. strlke) bome:
(sattua) strlke; (Joksikin ajaksi y. m.) fall
ron], hefall; (sattumalta) happen, rhanre:
come to pass; harhaan (erehty) make a
mistake, make an error of Judgment, be
mistaken [In (regard to) (1. about). Jossa
kin (1. Johonkin nhden)] ; ~ huonoon teu
raan get Into bad company, fall In wlth
bad companions; maaliin hlt the target.
(yi.) hlt the mark, go home; oikeaan hit
It rlght, be rlght, strike the right note.
strlke home, strike the naii on the head,
rind out the right way (1. right thlng to
do), vrt. sattua (paikalleen); ~ putoamaan
happen (1. chance) to Tall; osuu joksikin
mrtyksi pivksi falls on a certaln dat e;
osuu talveksi falls in the Winter; arpa osui
minulle (1. minuun) the lot fell on (1. to)
me: he osuivat yhteen they chanced (1.
happened) to meet, they met (by chance);
hn osui olemaan poissa (sattui) be hap
pened to be away; kivi osui miest phn
the stone struck the man on the head: lau
kaus ei osunut the shot missed (the mark):
laukaus ei osunut hneen the Shot dld not
hlt lilm. the shot missed him; oikeaan osu
va [osunut] (mys:) . . to the polnt, . . to
the purpose, telling [remark, huomautus] ;
valo osuu eptasaisesti the llght falls unevenly; vrt. sattua.
osuma hit. -tarkkuus preclslon (1. certainty)
or aim.
osuminen hlttlng, strlklng, happening Jne.,
vrt. osua.
osuus share, lnterest; (osa) part, portion,
lot; contingent; (panos) stake; (osamr)
quota; mik ~ hnell siin on what part

Cl. share 1. Interest) has he In It? mina an acceptable) guest; oto{/in aikaan at a
maktoin orauteni I paid (down) my share favorable (1. an opportune) moment, at a
(1. my portion).
convenient time, at the right moment, otolos u us- (yhd.) cooperative [eslm. -kaappa lisesti opportunely, seasonably; conven
iently, suitably, appropriately; acceptably;
cooperative store; -Hike cooperative con
cern: -mei/eri cooperative creamery] . -kaa- agreeably; favorably, otolliiuue opportune
sa cooperative relief fiirnl. -kunta cooper ness, seasonableness; convenience, fitness,
ative organization (1. society), -toimin- suitability; acceptability; agreeableness;
ravorableness; vrt. otollinen.
nallinen cooperative.
osuustoiminta cooperation.
otos (ottamlnen) taking out, withdrawal;
osuustoiminta- (yhd.) cooperative [eslm. (otettu miara) amount taken out (I. with
-Hike cooperative movement; -yrityt co
drawn); (era) item.
operative enterprise], .. of cooperation otea forehead, (run.) brow; (Joskus:) head,
[eslm. -ptriaat* principle of cooperation], front; (uunin) mantel(piece); (etupuoli)
-laki laws governing1 cooperative enter
front(slde), face; ~ rypyu with one's
prises (1. organizations).
brows knit, with contracted brow(s), with
osviitta guidance; guide; (neuvo) dlrec- one's forehead puckered (up), frowning;
ofso.s. hicma by (1. In) the sweat of your
tlon(s), Instructlon(s) ; (vlltta) bint, indi
brow, (raam.) in the sweat of thy face.
otaksua suppose; presume, assume; (var- otaa- (yhd.) front [eslm. -kihara 1. -tuortuva
rnaksl) take . . for granted; (vet Johtop- front lock], frontal [eslm. -Ihas frontal
t i- ; take, conclude; otaksuen, tttS . . on muscle; -lau frontal bone], -harja (hevosen) foretop, forelock, -hihna (hevosen
<]. under) the supposition that . . , suppos
ing that . . , taking (it) for granted that . .; pltslss) brow-band, front-piece.
vnncn muinoin otabfuttiin . . formerly peo otsainen (yhd.) . . with a . . forehead (1.
ple supposed . . , people once thought . . , brow) [eslm. korkta with a high fore
people used to think . .; oli otahsuttava(a) , head, with high brows; ryppy~ with a
oli atuhxuttavissa [. et ta..1 It uns tO hiwrinkled forehead (1. brow)].
supposed [that ..]. otaksuma supposi tea k e heading; (nimio) title; sill ottaktion, presumption, assumption; hypothe ketlla under that head(lng) .under that title.
sis, otakauminen supposition; presuming, oUallklrJotue heading: head-line, -korlste
assuming; presumption, assumption, otak- frontlet, frontal; diadem. -kUre (lak.)
suttava presumable: (luultava) likely, prob
bandage for the forehead, forehead band
able; vii. otaksua. otaksuttavasti supposed
age; vrt. otsanauha. -nahka Skin Of (1. )
ly, presumably; mys = luultavastl.
the forehead, -nauha fillet, frontal, front
otattaa have . . taken; ~ (pols) hammam have let; head-band, -ryppy wrinkle (1. furrow)
a tooth pulled (out), have a tooth ex on the forehead, -tide =-- otsakre. -suoni
tracted; ~ jallakulta have one take, (pols) vein of the (1. of one's) forehead, -tukka
have one remove (I. pull 1. extract) ; ~ lock(s) on the forehead.
bimni have . . caught (I. seized 1. appre otsikko (rak.) pediment, (ptykolmlo)
hended), (vangltuttaa) have . . (1. cause . . tympanum, (frllsl) frieze; (otsake) headto be) arrested.
Ing, title; (plleklrjotus) superscription.
otava (Big) Dipper, (Engl.) Charles's Wain; -lehti (klrjan) title-page, -sanat motto.
(tiet.) Ursa Major.
otso = karhu.
ote grasp, hold, grip; (kirjotuksesta:) ex otsoni (kem.) ozone.
tract, excerpt, (lalnaus) quotation, cita ottaa take [a th. In one's hand, Jokln (eslne)
tion, (Jaljennos) copy; (tovl) stretch, spell; kteens; one (a) prisoner, Joku vanglksi;
(kerta) turn, bout; hyo ~ (eslm. palnls- a p. Into one's service, Joku palvelukseensa> a good hold; monin atidn (by) piece
sa; medicine (1. physic), mkkeit; the
meal, by fits and starts, by snatches, (mo
boy out of (1. away from the) school, pol
neen kertaan) over and over again; vr ka (pols) koulusta] ; (pols) take away
(eslm. palnlssa) wrong hold, wrong grip; [from one, Joltakulta], take off, remove;
yhdellii otteella with one Jerk (1. snatch); (esllle, ulos) take out [a patent on (1.
(kuv.) at (1. with) one swoop, at one stroke. for), patentti Jollekin], withdraw [one's
otella (kllstella) dispute, wrangle (and Jan
money from a bank, rahansa pankista],
gle) rabout (1. over) ..]; (talstella) fight, draw [one's salary in advance, palkkansa
encounter, wrestle, grapple [with . .]; (nu- etukateen]; (rllstaa) deprive [one of . . ,
Juutella) tussle [with each other, keske- Joltakulta Jotakin], dispossess Tone of ...
nn] ; ht ottetioat pikkaasloitta they dis
Joltakulta jo(ta)kln] ; (yls, estile) take up
puted (1. wrangled) over trifles, they were [a th. from the ground, Jotakin maasta: a
wrangling over trifles: me latmmt ~ luia.ii; subject for discussion, Jokln alhe keskustnntnkuin saimme ehdotukstn hyvakeytykfi telunalalseksl], pick up [a p. (In one's car
we had hot work (In) getting (1. we had to riage), Joku karryllleen] ; (Jseneksl tal
fight hard to get) the measure through, we yhteyteen) admit [one Into a society, Joku
had to wrestle (Jkpv.: had a tussle) to get yhdlstykseen (Jseneksl); a state Into the
the measure through; titila ottltiin kiivaotti Union, valtlo llittovaltion yhteyteen], In
there was a hot dispute going on there.
corporate; (hyvksy) adopt; (ryhtya lootollinen (olkeaan alkaan sattuva) opportune, honkln) undertake (I. agree) [to do a th.,
seasonable, timely, well-timed: (suotulsa) tehdkseen Jotakin], take In hand, set about
favorable; (sovellas) convenient, suitable, [the execution of ... tolmeenpannakseen
fit, proper, appropriate; (hyvSksyttavS) ac Jotakin] ; (Johonkln) take in [a p. at a hos
ceptable; (mielulnen) pleasant, pleasing, pital, Joku salraalaan], take .. Into; take
agreeable; (tervetullut) welcome: (mie- on [a cargo, lastl]; (vastaan) receive;
lenmukalnen) . . being to one's taste (1. () accept [a position, Jokln tolml],
one's mind); ~ aiha proper time, conven
(huolekseen) assume [the responsibility
ient season: ~ hrthi timely hour, appro
for . . , vastuu Jostakln] ; (Joku Johonkln
priate (1. favorable) moment; ~ maaperd tolmeen) employ [a p. as one's lawyer, Jo
(kuv.) favorable soil (1. ground); ~ tilai- ku aslanajajakseen], engage, appoint; (vaira good (1. favorable) opportunity; ~ rustaa Itselleen) provide (1. supply 1. fur
vastaus an acceptable answer, (suotulsa) nish) O.S. [With, Jotakin] ; ota tama ktetti
a favorable reply: - vitrt a welcome (1. take this in your l"jnd: ~ ahtaallt; knn,



ahtaalU - at a plncb, in an emergency, if

Tor your conslderatlon (1. notlce)], vrt.
need be; Joku apulaiseksi employ (1. en- huomio; ~ irti (irrottaa) loosen, detach;
gage) one as an asslstant; ~ [Jlleen] ar jostakin itseens take lt home to o.s.,
moihinda) take (1. receive) . . [agaln] Into
(JkpV.) put on tbe COat, VM. loukkaantua ;
one's good graces (1. Into one's ravor) ; ~
itselleen take ror o.s., (esim. vaimo) take
arvostellakseen undertake to critlclze to o.s., (arvonimi y. m.) assume, (anas
lilluin, en ota arvostellakseni (myS:) I
taen) appropriate: ~ johtajaksi: ottivat h
would not attempt to critlclze] ; . . niinnet johtajakseen took (1. chose 1. adopted)
paikakseen settie (1. establlsh o.s.) at . . ,
him as thelr leader; juuri (mat.) extract
take up nm- s resldence at . . ; aviokti
(1. rind) the root [or . .] ; Joku jseneksi
wed, espouse; avuksensa (Joku) hlre (1.
johonkin (\. jonkin jseneksi) take one as
employ) a p. to help one, (kutsua) call tbe
a member Into (1. o() . . , receive (1. admit)
assistance (1. the help) of . . , (Jokin) reone as a member (1. into the membershlp)
sort to . . , have recourse to . . [buom. mi
or . . , (etup. Johonkin suljettuun seuraan)
nun oli otettava . . avukseni sit tehdesni
tnltlate . . Into (1. as a member of); Jo
kin Joltakin kannatta take a th. . .-ly (1. in
(mys:) I had to do lt wlth the help or . .] ,
vrt. ottaa apulaiseksi; ~ Joku elttkseen
. . 1. as a . .) [esim. ottaa leikin kannalta
offer to take care of one, (suostua) agree
take . . in Jest (I. In run 1. as a Joke), not
take . . Seriously; ottoa vakavalta kannalta
to provlde Tor one, (ryhty elttmn)
take . . seriously, take . . In earnest], (kat
undertake to support (1. to provlde for)
soa) regard . . rrom a certaln vievv-point
one; ennemmin (\. ennen) prefer (to
take) . . i liuoin, otan ennemmin tmn
[huom. riippuu siit, milt kannalta asia
otetaan lt depends on how you take lt
(mys:) I choose thls, I ratber take thlsj ;
(1. liiiu- you look at tbe matter 1. what
~ eronna, ero virattaan reslgn (from
ground you go upon 1. in what light you
Office), reslgn one's Office, retlre (from
regard lt) ] ; Jotakuta kauluksesta ks. tart
one's orflce) ; ~ Joku esikuvakseen have
tua; ~ keskiarvo jostakin find the artthone for a pattern, take pattern by (1. from
metlcal mean or . . , strike an average be1. after) one, take one as an example;
tween . . ; keskusteltavaksi take . . up
sille, esiin take out, brlng forth, (esim.
ror dlscussion; ~ kiinni catch, catch hold
kirje) produce, (esim. kynveltsl) brlng
[or . . , Jostakin], selze, grasp, clasp, (ei
out, (ksiteltvksi) take up, brlng up;
evst mukaansa matkalle provlde O.S. \vitll k hellitt) lay hold or . . [huom. ottakaa
varas kiinni stop tlliel': ], vrt. saada (kiin
food for the Journey, take a lunch along
ni); kirelle fl. kovalle) ks. ottaa tiu
(on a trlp) ; haaste jotakuta vastaan take
kalle; kirkkoon Church, receive . . into
out a sn m n n m s agalnst one; ~ hajalle take
the Church after a chlld's lii rt h; ~ kouluun
. . apart, take . . to pieces, (Irti) dlsjolnt;
admit (ln)to school; kuullakseen Iend an
haltuunsa take Possession of . . , take . .
ear to . . , pay heed to ... , pay attentlon
Into one's possesslon, (huostaansa) take . .
. . , li sten to ireason, jrjen nt], folover, take charge of . . , (vallata, anastaa)
low [a p.'s advtee, Jonkun neuvoa] ; Joku
occupy, selze, possess o.s. of . . , (liitt
subject one to examlnayhteyteen, esim. maakunta) annex; hank
tlon, examlne (1. questlon) one; ~ kuutakiakseen undertake (1. agree) to provlde
tus (ask to) have the banns publlshed;
(I. to Turnlsh) . . , undertake the dellvery
ksiins assume [the management of the
or . . , (urakalla) contract to furnlsh (1. to
rirm, liikkeen Johto], take over, take, (huo
deliver) .., contract Tor ..; harkitta
vakseen, ~ harkinnan alaiseksi take . . un- lekseen) take . . in hand, take charge (1.
care) or . . [huom. ottaa ohjakset ksiins
dcr advlsement (1. under deliberatlon 1. under conslderatlon): ~ hattu pstn take take (up) the relns (mys kuv.)]; ~ kofr one's hat, (paljastaa pns) bare one's sille (esille) take out, produce. brlng out;
ksitellkseen, ksiteltvksi take un
heart; Joku hengilt bereave (1. deprlve)
one or (hls) lire, make away wlth one, take der conslderatlon, take up (Tor consldera
a p.'s life, (surmata, mestata) put one to tlon 1. ror dlscussion), (oikeusjuttu) try
ilrlltll; ~ hoitaakseen undertake to look
[huom. asia otetaan ksiteltvksi the mat
arter, (agree to) take care (1. charge) of, ter Is to come up (l. is to be brought up)
Tor conslderatlon,
the take
(valvoakseen) assume the management vvlll
be trled]; ~ kytntn
or, (huostaansa) take . . In (1. under)
one's care (I. into one's keeplng); ~ .. (1. brlng 1. put) . . into use, lntroduce [compulsory education, koulupakko], lnauguhoteisiinsa take . . under one's protectlon;
rate, brlng . . into rasti ion: ~ (aina ratse
m.VS = edell.; huolehtiakseen il le li' rt Uki'
(1. take out) a loan; ~ jotakin lainaksi jol
the charge of [brlnglng up the rhlldren,
takulta borrow . . or (1. rrom) one; laplasten kasvattamisesta] , undertake to . . ,
sekseen adopt, (kasvattaaksren) take . . to
(agree to) take charge (1. care) or . . , take
brlng up; ~ leppykseen allOW O.S. to be
. . In hand, take up; huolekseen k s.
appeased (1. conclllated), relent [huom.
edell.; ~ huomaansa (\. huostaansa) take
. . In one's charge (1. keeplng), take charge hn ei ottanut leppykseen (tav.) he \vouli1
(1. care) of . . , take over, (haltuunsa) take not be (1. he dld not want to be) conclll
ated (l. appeased), he would not relent] ;
. . Into one's possesslon, (turviinsa) take . .
under (l. In) onc's protectlon; huomioon
Joku liikekumppanihseen take one Into
take Into conslderatlon (1. Into account),
partnershlp (wlth one) ; ~ lujalle ,1. lujille)
pay attentlon to . . , glve heed to . . , have ks. ottaa tiukalle ; lukuun = lukuunottaa ;
(1. pay) regard to . . , attend to . . , con Joku luokseen asumaan take a p. to room
slder, (huomata) observe, (take) notlce
(1. to live) wlth one, take a p. into one's
(or . .), note; (ajatella) thlnk [or . .] ; (pi
nouse, room one; Joltakulta lupaus, ett
t muistissa) bear in mlnd, mtnd, rememhn ei . . make one (1. exact a) promlse that
ber [ huom. kaiken tmn huomioon ottaen
he wlll not . .; Jokin lhtkohdakseen
rl. ottamalla) In conslderatlon (l. in vlew
(mys:) start (1. set out) rrom . . , proceed
o( ali thls), conslderlng ali thls, au thls
rrom..; [vhitellen] maksaakseen agree
taken Into conslderatlon; oletko ottanut
(1. undertake) to pay [In lnstalments] ; ~
huomioon menot? (mys:) have you counted Joku mallikseen take (1. rollo\v) one as a
the COSt? sinulle (\. sinun) huomioon otet
model, pattern arter one, vrt. ottaa esi
tavaksi for you to take notlce (1, note) pr, kuvakseen; ~ malttaakseen have patience



(enough), keep cool, keep one's head; ~

matkaani**} kS. ottaa mukaan(sa); ~ [ta
kin] mitta jostakusta measure ane (1. lake
one's measure) [for a coat]; ~ muistiin
nimet (panna) take (down) the narnes,
wrlte (1. note) down the names; ~ mu
kaani sa take . . (aluiiR) \vlth one, take . .
along, (tuoda) brlng (along wltb one), (kan
taa matkassaan) e rry . . along; ~ niskoil
laan assume, take (. . on one's shoulders),
ShOUlder; ~ nokkaansa ks. nokkaantua; ~
nyte take (out) a sample [or . .], sample
[the ore, malmista]; ~ nytteit draw
samples; ~ omakseen (esim. jonkun asla)
take up (1. espouse) . . as one's own, (vas
tatakseen) stand [the damage (1. the loss),
vahinko], (anastaa) approprlate [huom.
tahtoisin ottaa sinut omakseni (vaimokseni)
I would llke to have you Tor my very own] ;
onkeen take (1. get) the balt, (kuv.) pay
beed to . . , take heed or (1. to) . . , take
\varnlng 1'rom . . [huom. ottoa onkeensa,
mit joku sanoo (kuv.) take a p.'s counsel
(1. advlce)]; ~ opetusta (tunteja) take
lessons [In French, ranskankieless; on the
piano, pianonsoitossa] ; Jokin opikseen,
oppia jostakin take a lesson Trom . . , be
advised by ..; oppiakseen learn a les
son [by . .], learn [rrom one's experlence,
kokemuksestaan] ; osaa johonkin take
part In . . , partake (1. partlcipate) In . . ,
(liitty) Join in . . , Join . . , (puuttua) take
a hand In . . , (Johonkin seurueeseen y. m.)
make (1. be) one of .. [huom. ottaa har
rastuksella osaa johonkin take an earnest
part in . . , take . . up witli great Interest,
take great Interest tn . .] ; Joku ottopojakseen adopt one; pahakseen ks. pahas
tua; palstoilleen (sanomalehdest;) print,
publlsb, lnsert, (ottaa vastaan) accept;
Joku palvelukseensa (mys:) hlre (1.
employ 1. engage) one; pitkseen huolta
= ottaa huolehtiakseen; ~ pois joltakulta
take . . away from one, (riist) deprlve
(1. dlspossess) one of . .; Jokin puheeksi
bring up a subject (for discusslon 1. in
conversatlon), Introduce (1. start) a sub
ject, (varovasti) broach a subject, (esitt
vss mieless) suggest a Ui., (hertt
kysymys Jostakin) brlng . . under conslderation; puoltaakseen(i. puolustaakseen)
jotakuta stand up Tor (1. In defense of),
undertake a p.'s defense, take a p.'s part;
~ pmrkseen make lt one's object,
take upon o. s. the task of [dolng a tn.,
tehd Jotakin], make a potut of [doing . .] ;
pytkirjaan (put . . on) record; put . .
In the ralnutes, spread . . on the record
(1. the mlnutes), take . . down, lncorporate (1. Include 1. lnsert) . . in the mlnutes
(1. the record); ~ Jokin sana sanakirjaan
take (1. put 1. Include 1. glve) a word tn the
dlctlonary; ~ selko(a) jostakin, selvt)
jostakin flnd out (how . . Is), lnforin (1.
post) o.s. on (I. about 1. as to) . . , (tutkia)
search into . . , lnvestigate, (ottaa varmuus
Jostakin) ascertaln the nature of . . , establlsh the trutb or . . [huom. ottaa tarkka
selko asiasta flnd out Just exactly ho\v lt
Is, flnd out the trutb or the matter, ln
vestigate . . thoroujbly, sirt the matter to
the bottoml ; ~ saloilta ascertaln [ uhetlicr
. . , onko . . ], (tutkia) lnqulre Into . . , rind
. . out, search . . out, (perinpohjin) get at
(1. to) the bottom of . . , vrt. edell.; sii
piens suojaan take (1. fold 1. enrold) . .
under (the shadow or) one's wlng(s); ~
Jokin syykseen, - syy Jostakin pllens
take the blame for . . upon o.s. (1. on one's
shoulders), blame o.s. for . . , (vastuulleen)
assume (1. shoulder) the responslblllty for

. .; ~ takaisin take . . back (agaln), retake,

(esim. menetetty alkaa) redeem; ~ taka
varikkoon (panna) conriscate, selze (upon),
(talteen) lmpound; Jokin talteen take
care of . . [huom. talteen otettu (llmotukSlSSa:) fOUnd] ; tavakseen (1. tavaksi)
make a hablt (1. a practise) or [..-lng],
acqulre the hablt of . . , get used to . . ,
become acCUStOmed tO ..; tehdkseen
jo(ta)kin undertake (to do) a tri., (suostua
tekemn) agree to do . . , (tarjoutua) offer to do . . [huom. hn on onnistunut kai
kessa, mit on ottanut tehdkseen be hus
succeeded In everythlng he has taken In
hand (1. has undertaken 1. has lald tils hand
to), he has prospered In ali bls undertaklngs] ; Jokin tehtvkseen make lt one's
business [elmntehtvkseen: one's ob
ject (1. atm) In life] to . . , take lt upon o.s.
to . . , take upon o.s. the task of . .-lng, as
sume a task; ~ tilaa take (1. take up 1. occupy) a great deal of space (1. of room);
~ tiukalla (olla lujassa) be tlgbt, (kuv.) be
liani (1. tough) work [huom. tiukalle otti,
ennenkun hn siit suoriutui ( mys : ) he had
a liani ilme Of lt] ; ~ toimekseen ks. ottaa
tehdkseen; ~ tyyssijansa: ovat ottaneet
tyyssijansa johonkin air nestlng In . . , have
SWOOped down on . .; ~ urakalle, ~ urakalla tehdkseen take . . on a contract (I.
under contract), undertake . . by contract,
contract (to do) . .; ~ uskoakseen give (1.
attach) credence (1. credlt) to . . , belleve,
Credit [huom. n ota sit uskoakseni I riiu
not (1. I wouldn't) belleve it, (en usko) I
don't belleve lt; Aan ai tahtonut sit us
koakseen he would not (1. he dld not want
to) belleve It, he was loath to belleve lt] ;
vaarin observe, notlce, heed, take heed
of . . , pay beed (1. attentlon) to . . , act tn
accordance wlth . . , keep [huom. ottaa neu
vosta vaarin take (1. fOllow) advlce; ottaa
tilaisuudesta vaarin Selze (1. take advantage n f) the Opportunlty] ; ~ vaivaksensa
tehd go to (1. take upon o.s.) the trouble
to do (1. or dolng), undertake the trouble
to do; vastaan recelve [wltb open arms,
avoimin sylin; Into a hospltal, sairaalaan],
glve one a . . welcome (1. receptlon) [esim.
vieraat otettiin lmpimsti vastaan the
guests were glven a warm welcome (1. re
ceptlon)], (hyvksyen) accept [an offer,
tarjous; a present, lahja], take, take In
[washlng, pesua; boarders, tyslholtolalsla], take on, (alistuen) submlt to; vamtuu jostakin (niskoilleen) assume (1. shoul
der) the responslbility ror..; ~ Jotakuta
vytisist clasp [vkivaltaisesti: selze (1.
catch hold or)] one around the \vaist, put
(1. sllp) one's arm around a p.'s walst; ~
Jonkin yhteyteen lncorporate in (to) . .;
skeinen asentonsa resume the position (1.
posture) one Just had (1. one had a whlle
ago); ottakaa kirjat (esille) take out your
books! otti erehdyksest vrn lakin look
(1. plcked up) the wrong hat, took a wrong
hat by mlstakc; otti hetken aikaa ennen
kuin . . (mys:) tt was some llttle tlme berore . . ; n ota sanoakseni kuinka monta . .
I wouldn't undertake to say how many . .;
he kieltytyivt ottamasta hnt joukkoonsa
they refused to make htm one or them (1.
to admlt hlm among them), (mukaansa)
they rerused to take hlm (1. to let hlm go)
along (wlth them) ; hn ai ottanut totellakseen he would not obey, (kieltytyi totte
lemasta) he rerused to obey; hnell on
viet viima kuukauden palkka ottamatta he
has not taken out (1. drawn out) hls last
month's wages yet, he has still hls last
month'8 salary (I. wages) coming (I. due)

ovlto luin ; hn(mt) on otettu vahtimestariksi he oudostua oudoksua, oudostus surprlse.
bas been employed (I. taken on 1. engaged) astonishment: wonder. oudostuttaa sur
prlse, astonlsh, rouse astonishment, make
as (a) Janitor; Jutta otetaan uudelleen k
siteltvksi the case \vlll be retrled (1. will a strange Impression [on a p.. Jotakuta] ;
come up for trial agaln), tbe case wiii be oudostuttava surprlslng, astonlshing; (ou
reheard (1. reopened 1. opened up agaln); to) strange, queer, pecullar.
kirjotut otettiin lehteen tbe artlcle was ac- ounaatus presentlment; premonition [or].
cepted by tbe paper, (pantiin) the artlcle outo (tuntematon) unknown, unramtliar;
was put (1. lnserted 1. publlshed) in the (harvinainen) unusual, extraordlnary, rare :
paper; kummanko otat (mys:) wbicb (one) (omituinen) pecullar, singular; (kummal
would you llke? whlch wlll (1. do) you linen) queer, odd, qualnt; (vieras) strange
cboose? laiva hiili tbe sblp Is coailng, [man, mies; name, nimi]; oudon hiljainen
the boat is taklng on (1. In) coal; mist unusually (1. strangely) quiet (1. sllent);
otetaan f I. ottaa) rahat (saadaan) where outoja ihmisi strangers, strange people;
are we (going) to get the money (Trom)? outoja kasvoja unramtliar (i. strange)
where shall we rind tbe money [for lt, sii
races; outoja kuuluu strange things (1. tul
hen]? where is the money to come rrom?
lngs 1. rumors) are reported (1." heard);
miten hn otti vastauksesi (mill mielell) outoja ni strange (1. queer 1. welrd)
bow dld be take your answer? paikka on sounds, welrd volces; maa strange
(jo) otetta the seai is taken (1. occupied), country, (tutkimaton) unexplored country;
(myyty, tilattu) the seat Is sold (1. en
maku peculiar (1. unusual 1. strange)
gaged), (toimi on tytetty) the place has taste (1. riavor); hn on tll' he is a
been filled, tbe position Is no longer va- Stranger here; kemia on hnelle kokonaan
cant (1. open).
outoa chemlstry Is entirely unramtliar (1.
ottaja one \vho takes [took] Jne., ks. ottaa; Is a sealed book) to hlm; minusta tuntuu
taker; vrt. vastaan, ottamaton not taken, tll oudolta lt seems strange (1. pecullar)
untaken. ottaminen taklng Jne., ks. ottaa. to me here, (en tunne Ihmisi) I reel like
otteleminen dlsputlng Jne., ks. otella, ottelu a stranger here; tll tuntuu niin oudolta
(kiista) dlspute, wrangle; (kahakka) fight, lt seems (1. appears) so strange here, there
eiiKaKement, encounter; (khm) set-to, is something queer here, I reel there Is
brush, scrap; bout; (nujakka) grapple, somethlng pecullar going on here; vrt. tun
tematon, outous unusualness; singularity,
wrestle, tussle, (kuv.) tug.
strangeness; peculiarlty, oddlty, oddness,
otto (ottaminen) taklng; (Joksikin) adop
tion; mys = otos; vrt. lapseksi, pois, queerness; strange (I. pecullar) character.
ovela shrewd, sbarp; (viekas) cunnlng,
vastaan y. m.
crarty, artrul, sly, roxy; (kekselis) clever,
otto-lapsi adopted
in hl;(yhd.)
adopted [esim.
son; -tytr
adopted smart, quick-witted, lngenious; (terv,
sukkela) subtle, astute; keksint artrul
claughter]. -lapai (mys:) foster-chlld.
clever lnventlon, (keino) clever
otua (riista) game; (elukka) anlmal; crea- devlce,
(out or lt) ; kettu (kuv.) sly (1. wise)
ture, beast; kamala (mys:) horrld Old rox;
veitikka (i. veijari) cunnlng (1.
brute; kumma queer creature (1. beast). sharp) rascal,
sly dog, artlul dodger. ove
oudoksesta(an) rrom tbe newness (1. strange- lasti
sharply, cunnlngly, crartily,
ness) of lt, because he was unused (1. un- artrully; Ingenlously,
cleverly; smartly.
accustomed 1. new) to lt.
oveluus shrewdness, sharpness, slyness,
oudoksua tblnk (1. conslder) . . unusual (1. cunnlng, crartlness, artrulness; Ingenulty,
strange 1. exceptlonal 1. extraordlnary); cleverness, smartness; subtlety.
(kummastella) be astonlshed (1. surpnsed) oven- (yhd.) door- [esim. -linkku door[at, jotakin], vlew . . wlth surprlse (1. \vith latch; -lukko door-lock; -sarana doorastonishment), wonder [at]; oudoksuen as lunge]. -kamana Hansoin; top or a doorIf one were unable to recognlze, (hmms
rrame. -karmi dour-rrame. -kehyslauta I.
tyksell) with (a look or) surprlse (1. as
-vuorilauta door-caslng. -nurkka corner
tonishment); katsoi hneen oudoksuen near (1. by) the door. -pieli door-Jamb.
(mys:) looked at her as though she were door-post. -puolisko: toinen ovenpuolisko
a stranger (1. as though he did not kno\v one or the doors (or a double door). -rako
who she was) ; vrt. oudistella. oudoksut
crack or the door; ovenraosta through the
taa = oudostuttaa, oudoksuva(lnen) surcrack or the door, at (1. through) the
prised [look, katse], astonlshed; oudoksuva (opened) door, at (1. through) the door lert
katse a look oi' surprlse. oudoksuvasti =
ajar. -reik door-way; (rakenteella ole
oudoksuen, ks. oudoksua.
vassa talossa) space lert ror a door. -ripa
oudon- (yhd.) . . wlth a strange (1. a pecudoor-handle; (pyre) door-knob. -ruutu
liar) . . , strange-, pecullar- [esim. -hajui
(door-)panel; panel or the door. -sulkija
nen . . w!th a strange (I. a pecullar) smell, door check, door-closlng devlce. -suu:
strange- (1. peculiar-)smelllng; -makuinen seisoa ovensuussa stand at (I. near) the
. . wlth a strange (1. a pecullar) taste,
door. -sppi 1. -haka door-latch, doorstrange- (1. pecullar- )tastlng]. -lainen catch. -vartija doorkeeper; Janitor: (hotel
(rather) unusual (1. unwonted 1. unaccus- lin) porter. -vedike door-handle, door-pull.
tomed), (rather) exceptlonal (1. extraordl ovi door; [seisoa] ovella [stand] in the
nary), (qulte) out or the common (1. the doorway, (oven suussa) [stand] at the
ordlnary) ; (vieras) strange, odd. -nkinen door; [vke virtasi ulos] oven tydelt
. . of an unusual (1. a strange 1. a queer) [people were pouring out] as fast as the
appearance, uncommon-looklng, strange - door would permit (1. allow); ovesta
looking, queer(-looking), peculiar(-look- through the door; ovesta ulos out or (1.
ing), odd(-looklng).
through) the door [huom. tst ovetta ulos
oudostella reel llke a stranger; jotakin out at thls door, thls way out] ; ovet avoinna
'.il h open doors ; lukittujen ovien takana,
(lnd . . strange (1. queer 1. unusual), Tall
ovet lukossa behlnd (1. \Mtli) closed doors.
to recognlze a th.; jotakuta ks. vieras
taa; oudostellen ks. oudoksuen, oudosti In prlvate, (luk.) In camera; on ovella (kuv.)
In an unusual (1. a strange) manner (1. Is at our very door. Is upon us. Is near (1.
way), strangely; (omituisesti) pecullarly, Imminent 1. impending), is at hand.
singularly; (kummallisesti) queerly, oddly. ovi- (yhd.) door- [esim. -kello door-bell;




laatta door-plate]. -aukko ovenrelk. ovillnurkka(us) corner by (1. near) the door.
-kilpi door-plate; name-plate. -kello: ovi
-pieli = ovenpieli, -puitteet door-caslng,
kelloa soitetaan someone Is ringlng the
door-case; (-karmi) door-1'rame. -raha ad(door-)bell, tliere Is a ring at the door.
mission(fee), entrance Tee; mahtaa oviraha
ovinen (yhd.) with . . doors [esim. kaksi~
(mys:) pay for admlsslon, pay to get in.
wltb two doors].
-verho door curtaln; portlere.

-pa, -pl (loppulllte) Just; (huudahduksis

sa:) uoll, why; jopa hn tuli well (1. why),
he has come; vrt. jopa; jospa Cl. kunpa)
tietisin II' I OIll.V kilo VV; kuhapa sen tiet
\vho can teli, who knowS; olipa (hn) kuha
tahansa whoever he (may) be, vvhoever it
be, vrt. hyvin ; pidpp tuota hetkinen
Just hold thls for a moment (, vvill you.
please) ; tep kummaa ( \vhy ,) tbafs strange !
how odd! vrt. merkillinen; tep oli todella
hauskaa (wby,) It was really pleasant; sili
ei ole vli, ottipa noista kumman tahanta
it makes no difrerence vvhether you [1, etc]
take thls or; tittephn nhdn Weil,
we \vlll see; tuleppa tnne come (over)
here! Just step over here! [-pa, -p Jte
tn usein kntmtt].
paadus: olla paaduhsissa be liani of heart,
be hardened, be callous, be obdurate. paa
duttaa harden [one's heart, sydmens].
paahdatella bask [In the sun(shlne). aurin
gonpaisteessa] ; warm (1. toast) o s. [beTore a Tire, tulen ress], paahde heat,
ardor; auringon paahde blaze (1. heat) oi
the sun. paahdettu roasted [cofree, kahvi] ;
(esim. leip) toasted; paahdettu leip (tav.)
toast, paahdin ks. kahvlpaahdin.
paahtaa (kuumottaa) heat, glve out heat;
(korventaa) be blazing (1. scorching) hot,
scorch; (polttaa) burn; (kuumentaa) roast;
(mys.eslm.aurlngosta:)bake; (keltt.) toast
[bread, leip]; vrt. pasuttaa; Jonkun
iho ruskeaksi tan one (brown); kahvia
roast coffee; aurinko ~ (kuumasti) the
sun scorches, the sun is blazing hot. paahtamaton unroasted [cofree, kahvi]; untoasted [bread, leip], . . not toasted. paah
taminen heating, scorchlng Jne., ks. paah
taa, paahtava scorching, burning; paahta
vatta helteett In the [a] burning (1. scorch
lng 1. blazing) sun, In the burning heat.
paahteinen burning; hot; vrt. pivn.
paahto 1. paahda; 2. = paahtaminen,
-leip toast, -paisti roast beeC.
paahtua be (1. become 1. get) heated (1.
scorcned 1. roasted), get bakcd; roast, bakc.
paahtuminen roastlng, baklng.
paakku lump; (maa- y. m.) clod; (mhkle)
clog. paakkuinen lumpy; cloddy; cloggy.
paakkuiiuua lumplness; cloddlness; clogglness.
paali bale; vrt. pakka.
paalu pllc: post, pole; (pieni) stake; (tuki-)
prop. -juntta plle-drlver. -laituri pier
built on piles.
paaluBto plllng. paaluttaa, paaluta drlve
piles [into . .], pile. paaluttaminen ks. seur.
paalutus plllng (mys konkr.); plle-drivlng.
-kone plle-drlver. -ty6 plllng-.
paaluvarustus (sot.) palisade.
paanu (rooring-)shlngle. -katto shlngle-roof.
paarihuon* morgue, mortuary, deart-house.
paarit (sairas-) Utter, stretchcr; (ruumis)
bler. paarivaate (funeral) pall. hearse-cloth.
paarma (-krpnen) gadfly; (hevos) horseflv; (sokea) deer-fly; vrt. salvartaja.
-lintu (ellnt.) flycatcher.

paashi (hovlpolka) page.

paasi (laakea) riag, slab; (kallio) rock; (ki
vi) stone, boulder.
paasto rast. paastoaminen fasting. paastokausi, paastonaika season (1. tlme) or Tastlng; (kirkollinen) Lent. paastopiv rastday. paastota rast, be rasting.
paatero, paato(nen) = paaai.
paatsama (kasv.) buckthorn.
paatua be(come) hardened, harden, grow
hard. paatumaton . . not hardened, un
hardened. paatuminen hardening; vrt. seur.
paatumus, paatuneisuus hardness of heart,
obduracy. paatunut hardened [sinner, syn
tinen], obdurate; (kovasydminen) hardhearted; (tunteeton) hard, callous.
Paavali Paul; apostoli Saint Paul.
paavi pope, ponttrr. -kunta pontlficate,
popedom, papacy, popery.
paavilainen paplst. paavilaisuus popery;
nomanism. paavillinen papal, pontlfical;
paavin arvo papal (1. pontirical) dlgnity,
papacy. -Istuin papal chair, Holy See. -kirja
(papal) bull. -kruunu tiaia. -usko popery,
papistry; vrt. katolinusko. -vaali (mys:)
papal elerllon. -valta power of the pope, pa
pal dominion (1. povver); papacy, popedom.
Paavo Paul.
padallinen potful.
padan- (yhd.) . . or a pot (I. a kettle), pot[esim. -kansi lld (1. cover) or a pot (I. a
kettle), pot-lld].
padota dam, dam up; dam orf.
paeta riee; riy; (lhte pakosalle) take to
riight, take to one's heels; (karata) run
away; (piiasta pakoon) escape; (vltt)
avold, Shun, eschew; ~ paikkakunnalta
leave the place secretly, llee rrom the
place, abscond; ~ jonkun (urvun riee to
one Tor shelter, scek shelter (1. reTuge 1.
protectlon) vvith one; velkojiaan flee (I.
run away) Trorn onc's credltors; vihoill
een tielt flee berore the enemy; [pelas
tua] pakenemalla [escape] by riight.
paha I. (a.) bad [man, mies; conscicnce,
omatunto; taste, maku; blood, veri]; evll
[splrlt, henki; deed, teko], 111; (ilke)
me an, wicked, maliclous, mallgnant; (tyly)
harsn, unkiud; (haijynkuiinen) naughty,
cross; (vaikea) severe [wound, haava],
serlous; (huono) poor; (onneton) unTortunate, unlucky; (tuhoisa) dlsastrous; pahaa
ei pid pahalla kostaman \ve IllUSt recompense no man evil Tor evll; pahaan aikaan
(sopimattomaan) at an Inconvenlent (1. an
lnopportunc 1. a bad) Ilme, untimely; ~
elm: hnell oli paha elm he Teit
qualmlsh (I. slck at his stomach I. nauseated), 'voi pahoin) he was recllng bad, he
did not reel very well; ilma (ummehtu
nut) bad (1. roul 1. unwholesomc) air, (pa
ha s) bad (1. nasty) \veather; pahaksi
onneksi unlortunately, unluckily, as 111
luck would have lt: pahalla tuulella ks.
huono; ~ mieli bad feeilng, bad splrlts,



discomrort [huom. hnell on tiit paha

mieli he leels bad about It, he Is sorry Tor
(1. about) It, (on pahastunut) he has taken
It 111; olla pahalla mielell /ostokin !".-!
bad about, vrt. olla (pahoillaan)]; mki
bad (1. steep) tilli (to cllmb); pahan ilman
lintu (kuv.) bird or 111 omen; onni hard
(1. poor 1. bad) luck, mlsfortune, vrt. kova;
potkimaan (hevosesta, Jkpv..) bad at
klcking, a klcker; [missn] pahatta mie
lett (aikomuksessa) wlth [any] bad in
tention; pahatta palatta ks. pula; pahat
ihmiset bad (1. evil 1. wlcked) people; pahat
kielet evil (1. malicious) tongues; pahat
seuraukset bad (1. evil 1. serious 1. dlsastrous) consequences (1. eiTects) ; vika
bad (1. serious) fault, serious inconvenience (1. drawbaek); virhe serious (1.
bad 1. grave) error, serious fault; pahempi
ks. hakUS.; pahoilla mielin ks. palloillaan;
hankautua pahaksi become (1. get) rubbed
(1. cbared) badly, chafe (1. fret) badly:
minun on ~ olla I feel bad (1. uneasy), I
feel 111 at ease, I am (1. reel) uncomfortable, (olen pahoillani) I am (1. feel) sorry,
I regret [havina; done that, silt ett tulin
niin tehneeksi], (olen paholnvoipa) I don't
reel well, I feel 111. II. (s.) evil; wrong;
(vahinko) lnjury; on poistettava juuri
neen the evil has to be rooted out (1. be
eradicated); aavittaa pahaa (mys:) have
a reeling that somettiing is wrong, tako
alarm, (Jkpv.) smell a rat, get wlnd or it,
vrt. aavistaa; ajatella pahaa jostakusta
thlnk 111 Of (inc; hnell on ~ mielett he
has some wlcked design (1. purpose) on
hand, he means (1. he Is bent on) mischief;
jollet tee tit hyvll, niin teet ten pahalla
ir you won't llsten to reason. I must use
rorce; if you don't do it \vhen asked, I
shall have to make you; .. on pahaksi . .
wlll have a bad errect, . . wlll work Tor
evil ; se on pahan edell it lS a bad omen, It
bodes (l. is a presage of) evil, that does
not bode any good, (onnettomuuden) some
thing dreadful is going to happen; vltt
f ahaa avoid (1. shun) evil (1. wrong-dotng
pahaaennustava, pahaenteinen evll-bodlng,
ominous (of ill), portentous; (uhkaava)
threatening; (synkk) dark. sinlster, black;
~ katse black (1. threatening) look.
pahanen k i evil spirlt; devll; vrt. paholainen.
pahainen I. (a.) paltry, mean; insignlficant;
(mittn) worthless; (kehno) poor, shabby; (kurja) vvretched, miserable; hn oli
silloin viel poika he was Just a mcre
boy then, at that time hevvas but (1. Just)
a stub of a boy; mkki a miserable (1.
wretehed) hovel. II. (s.) vvretch, poor
vvretch, poor creature (I. thlng).
paha juoninen (Juonitteleva) mean, ugly;
CrOSS(-grallied); mys pahanilkinen,
-tapainen. -Juonisesti meanly; maliclously.
-Juonisuus meanness, ugllness; crossness;
bad temper. -kaikuinen: pahakaikuinen
nimi a ii.inir that sounds bad.
pahaksua ks. paheksua.
pahalta] haiseva, -maistuva ks. pahan hajui
nen, -makuinen.
paha; maineinen notorlous [house, talo; for
. . , Jostakin] : . . in (1. of) bad repute, . .
of ill rme (I. repute), ill-reputed, .. of
(I. with) a bad name; paikka on pahamai
neinen the place has a bad reputation (1. a
bad name), the place cnjoys an unpleasant
notoriety. -maineisuuj notoriety, notorlousness; ill repute (1. fame).
-pahan, -pihin (loppuliite) \vell. \vhy; jatkanpahan (well,) I am going to continuo
(1. to keep on); tittephn nhdn Weil,


we \vlll see; teenphn vain huvikteni Weil

(1. why), I am dolng it Just Tor the run or
It (I. lm- pleasure): tulipahan sade (well.)
we had rin arter ali (I. anyway).
pahan ennustaja bird or 111 omen; prophet
or evil; (Jkpv.) croaker. -hajuinen ba<l(1. evil- 1. ill-)smelllng, . . with a bad smell
(1. odor), . . that smells bad, malodorous;
(pahaltalyhkv) stinking, fetid [plant,
kasvi] ; pahanhajuinen hengityt bad (1. roill
1. stlnklng) breath. -ilkinen bad, mean, vicious; wicked; (hijy) malicious, maltu;nant, malevolent; ugly; (vallaton) mlschlevous. -ilkisesti meanly, viclously; mali
clously, malignantly, malevolently; nauroi
pahanilkisesti (mys:) gave a mean (1. a
vlrlous 1. a wlcked) laugh. -llkisyys mean
ness, viciousness; mallciousness. -kurinen
mischievous; naughty; (hijy) bad; (hilli
tn) unruly, rowdy(lsh), rude; (tottele
maton) dlsobedient; (pahantapainen) with
bad manners, 111-mannered; vrt. pahanilki
nen, -laatuinen severe; (lk.)
vlrulent. -makuinen bad-tasting, bad-riavored, unsavory; . . wlth a bad taste, . .
tastlng bad. -makuisuus . . being unsavory;
bad taste; ten pahanmakuisuus lts (havina;
a) bad taste. -nkinen bad- (1. lll-)looklng; (ruma) ugly [wound, haava], unslghtly, homely. -pivinen (surkea) poor,
pitiable: (kurja) wretched [hovel. hkke
li], miserable, shabby; (mittn) goodror-nothlng, paltry; pahanpivinen ..-rm
a poor (1. a good-ror-nothing) old . . , a
(rlckety) rattletrap or a . .; pieni pahan
pivinen poikavekara the merest Stub oT
a boy, a tiny little rellow (1. rascal). -pivisestl poorly, pitiably. wretchedly, miserably, shabbily. -alivoinen, -eisulnen ks.
-slsuinen. -suopa evilmlnded, evil-disposed, lll-dlsposed; mali
cious, mallgnant, malevolent. -suopi aisiuus
lll-vvlll, malevolence, mallce, malignlty.
-tahtoinen ks. pahansuopa, -tapainen . .
with bad manners (1. hablts), ill-mannered;
(turmeltunut) depraved; vlcious; (paha)
bad, mallgnant \vound, haava]; kasvatus
laitos pahantapaisia poikia varten reformSChOOl Tor boys; vrt. pahan ilkinen, -kiiri
nen, -tapaisuus vlcious (1. bad) disposi
tion; viciousness. -tekij evll-doer, maleractor, orfender; (rikoksen-) crlmlnal,
felon. -teko evil deed, misdeed; outrage;
(rikos) crime, (lievempi) orfense.
pahalsilvolnen untldy; (ali) llttered (up),
. . in disorder, . . in a Utter; ill-kept; (li
kainen) dirty, uncleanly. -eisulnen Ul-tempered, 111-disposed; (re) cross, crabbed;
vrt. sisukas.
pahasti = pahoin.
pahastua take it ill (1. amlss), be(come) orfendert, become (1. get 1. grow 1. feel)
grieved; ~ jostakin take . . ill (1. amiss),
take . . In ill part, take exception to, (louk
kaantua) take ofrense at, be(come) orrended (1. shocked) at, be hurred at. reel
hurt at (1. by), (Jkpv.) be mirred. at, be
put out about, (suuttua) be(come) provokcd at; jollet (te) pahatta ir you won't
be orfended, ir you don't take lt ill, ir you
don't mlnd; l pakattu, jos sanon, ett ..
now. don't take it amiss (1. don't be or
fended), ir I teli you that . . . pahastumi
nen, pahastua (loukkaantuminen) taking
orrense [at . .], gettlng (1. being) offended;
(paheksumus) indlgnation, 111 feeling.
pahallsuinen foul-mouthed, smutty. -tauti
(kuppa) bad disease, syphills. -tuuli bad
humor, UI temper, vrt. huono, -tuulinen . .
out or humor, . . out or temper; moody.
pahe vlce; paheet vlcious (1. bad) habits,



Vices; paheiden pespaikka Slnk (1. hotbed)

of vlce, hotbed or every lnlqulty. paheel
linen . . rull of vlce and cvil, preriigale
[life, elm]; vicious, depraved. paheellisuus prorilgacy; vlclousness; Immorallty.
paheksua, paheksla (strongiy) dlsapprove
[or ..], condemn; deprecate; (moittia)
blame, reproach; (olla pahoillaan jostakin)
feel bad [about . . , Jotakin] ; (loukkaan
tua) take orfense [at . ., Jotakin], be orrended (1. shocked) [at ..]; jyrksti
jotakin strongiy dlsapprove or, express o.s.
strongiy agalnst; vrt. pahastua, paheksu
minen dlsapproval, disapprobatlon; crltlcism, censure; condemnation; vrt. seur.
paheksumus dlspleasure, dlsllke, UI reellng;
lndlgnallon; (tyytymttmyys) dlssatlsractlon, dlscontent; (paheksuva arvostelu)
crltlclsm; hertt pheksumusta (a)rouse
lndignatlon, call forth crltlclsm (1. protests), stlr up 111 reellng, be ofTeuslve
[to . .]. -huuto cry or dlsapproval (1. dlssatlsraction) ; lndlgnant exclamatlon, exclamatlon or lndignatlon.
paheksuttava . . to be condemned (1. deprecated), condemnable, . . worthy or con
demnation; not commendable; mys =
moitittava, paheksuttavasi! In a manner
(1. a way) to be condemned (1. wortby of
condemnation); vrt. moitittavasti,
pahemmin pahempi worse, (valkeam
pi) harder, more dimcult; olan (min) pa
hemmistakin ollut I have been tbrough
(even) (than tbat), I have seen
WOrse; ten pahempi ali (1. SO lliuch) the
worse [for hlm, Tor lt, etc], (paha kyll)
paheneminen =. pahentuminen, pahennus
(turmio) detrlment;
harm, lnjury; (hvistys) scandal; pahen
nutta herttv (l. tuottava) orfenslve;
scandalous, shocking, (sdytn) lndecent;
pahennutta herttv kytt (\. esiintymi
nen) dlsorderly conduct, scandalous bebavlor; hertt pahennutta cause (1.
glve) orrense, cause (1. create) (a) scandal;
saada pahennutta aikaan (mys:) work
harm, work lnjury. pahentaa make (1. render) .. worse; aggravate [the rever, kuu
metta]; (huonontaa) lmpalr, deterlorate;
(pilata) spoll; te vain pahentaa atiaa liiat
will only (tend to) make matters worse,
thai wlll only aggravate (1. hurt 1. spoll)
matters. pahentaminen maklng worse; aggravatlon; impalring, deterioratlon; vrt.
edell. pahentua get (1. grow) worse, be
(-come) aggravated; (huonontua) deterlo
rate; (pilaantua) get damaged; get (1. be)
spoiled, spoll. pahentuminen getting worse;
aggravation; (huonontuminen) deteriora
tlon; (pilaantuminen) getting spoiled. pa
heta = pahentua; pahenee pahenemittaan
ls getting (1. grovvlng) worse and worse.
pahimmillaan = pahimmoillaan. pahimmilleen:
te ji juuri pahimmilleen I | wc, etc] bad
to leave lt at its (very) \vorst stage. pahim
min (the) worst. pahimmoiksi: pahimmoihti
tuuri (Just) a llttle (1. a tririe) too large;
vrt. pahite. pahimmoillaan: olla pahimmoiltam be at Its (1. the) worst, be worst
[huom. tairauteni pahimmoillaan ollessa
(mys:) at the worst stage or my Illness].
pahimmoilleen most lnopportunely; mys
~ pahimmoiksi, pahimmilleen.
pahin worst; (kovin) hardest, (ankarin)
most severe, most serlous, (vaikein) most
dimcult; pahimmatta tapauksessa at the
worst, lf the worst comes to the worst;
pahimpaan nlknt to Still the WOrst
pangs (1. cravlngs) or one's hunger, (ke31


vyemmln:) to take orr the edge or one's

appetlte; ~ on jo ohi, nyt on ~ ohi the
worst (or lt) ls over now, we are through
(with) the worst (part) or lt now; pahinta
on, ett . . the worst (part) or lt ls that . . ,
worst or ali [, he . . , hn . .].
pahite: ei olisi pahitteeksi (haitaksi) it
wouldn't do any harm, it wouldn't hurt, (el
olisi sopimatonta) lt would not be amlss,
It wouldn't spoil matters. pahiten worst.
pahka lump, bump; knob, node; bulb; pro
tuberance; (puussa y. m.) gnarl, knot; (et.
lk.) tumor; vrt. kuhmu, pahkainen lumpy,
bumpy; knobby, nodose; gnarly, knotty.
pahkaisuus lumpiness, bumplness; knobblness, knoltlness, nodoslty; puun pahkaisuus
(mys:) the tree belng so gnarled . . . pahkakuppi cup (1. bowi) made out or gnarled
wood. pahkula, pahkura pahka, pahkurainen lumpy, bumpy; knobby, knotty,
pahla (ongen-) rod.
pahna (sikoltti) sty; pahnat litter, stravv;
pahnoilla on the Utter, on the straw.
pahoillaan: olla jostakin be (1. leel) sorry
Tor (1. about), reel bad about, (tyytym
tn Johonkin) be dlspleased at, (loukkaan
tunut) reel hurt at (1. about), (harmis
saan) be grleved at, (pettynyt) reel dis appolnted at, (valittaa) regret [what has
happened, silta mit on tapahtunut], deplore [huom. olen pahoillani tiit, ett mi
nun tytyy niin tehd I am sorry to be
obllged to do so]. pahoilleen: tulla pahoil
leen reel bad, reel hurt, reel sorry, become
grieved, become dlspleased.
pahoin badly [tllted, kallellaan] ; 111, amlss,
wrong; (kovin) severely [hurt, loukkaan
tunut; \vounded, haavottunut] ; (jkpv.)
bad; (surkeasti) sadly; ~ pelkn, ett ..
I am very much arrald that . . , I rear very
much that . .; ~ tairaana severely (1. dangerously) sick (1. UI); hnelle kvi - thlngs
went \vrong (1. lt went bad) wlth hlm, he
e am e to grler, (onnettomasti) he had an
accldent (I. a mlshap). -pidell ks. pidell
(pahoin), -pltely UI treatment, UI usage;
cruelty; (lak.) assault and bttery. -vointi
lndispositlon; tuntea pahoinvointia not Teet
well, reel bad (1. slck), reel lndlsposed.
-voipa . . not well, slck, UI, . . reellng bad,
paholainen the Evll One, the devll, (Jkpv.)
the dickens, Old Nick, Old Harry, Old
ScratCb; paholaisen manaaminen exorclsm.
pahotella be sorry [Tor (1. over 1. about),
Jotakin], regret, deplore; (lausua pallot
telunsa) express one's regret [about . . ,
Jotakin] ; vrt. valitella; ~ tuuretti jotakin
regret very much . . , be very sorry Tor (1.
Obout) ; hn saattaa ~ viikkomri mitt
tmtt asiasta he wlll worry (1. Hei) Tor
weeks about a tririe.
pahottaa (Jonkun mielt) make one sorry (1.
unhappy 1. grleved), dlsplease, (loukata)
orrend, glve orrense to, shock, hurt one's
reellngs, (koskea kipesti, surettaa) grleve,
dlstress, (katkeroittaa) cmbltter, sour;
vrt. suututtaa; mielens reel hurt, be
(-come) grleved; minua (\. mieltni)
It pains (1. grieves) me, it glves me pain,
lt ls palnrul to me [to see hovv . . , nhd
miten . .], I am sorry (1. grleved) [to hear,
kuulla], I regret. pahottaminen displeasIng Jne., ks. edell.; (Jonkun) mielen pakot
taminen maklng . . sorry, dlspleaslng, grlevlng. pahottelu regret; lausua pallottelunsa
jostakin express one's regret about, deplore.
pahus nulsance; horrld tblng; mys paho
lainen; tuo pojan that nulsance or a boy.



pahuus badness; v/lckedness; (hilljynilkisyy3) malice, splte; (paba) evil.

pahvi pastoboard, board; (tav. ohut) cardboard, Bristol board; (karkea) mtllboard,
(olki-) stravvboard. -kansi: pahvihannet
(bound) in boards. -kantinen (kirja) . .
bound In boards (1. In board covers).
-kotelo I. -rasia pasteboard (1. cardboard)
box, carton; (hattu-) bandbox.
pahvimainen . . llke (1. resembllng) paste
board. pahvinen (. . or) pasteboard, (. . oO
paidan- (yhd.) shlrt- f esim. -hiha sblrtsleeve; -kaulus shirt-collar] . -kauluri collar-band, ncck-band. -nappi shtrt-button;
(iitanalnen) stud. -rinnus 1. -rinta(mus)
paikalla I. (Ilmaisten paikkaa) at tho place,
on tho spot, there, (lsn) present; ol
leet (ihmiset) those present. (sivustakat
sojat) the bystanders; 2. (heti) rlght there
and then, vrt. seur.; heti immediatcly,
lnstantly, at once, rlght away.
paikallaan; pysyminen standing -tili. standstlll; belng statlonary; stagnaney, stagnation; (liikkumattomuus) lmmovableness,
Immobillty. -seisova . . standing stlll; sta
tlonary; stagnant [water, vesi].
paikallinen local [press, sanomalehdist;
pupulation, vest]; kieltolaki local op
tion; local-optlon law.
paikallis- (yhd.) local [esim. -asiamies local
agent; -edut local lnterests; -liikenne local
trarflc]. -adverbi (klel.) adverb of place.
-aika local tlme. -Juna local (traln), accommodation traln. -kirje drop letter, local
letter. -leima (kuv.) local color. -osasto
local (organizatlon). -sija (klel.) locatlve
case; case Indlcatlng locallty or directlon.
paikallistaa locallze. paikallistaminen, pai
kallistu locallzlng; locallzation. paikal
listuntemus kno\vledge of the locallty, lo
cal knovvledge; vrt. paikallisvaisto.
paikallisuus: kaupan the trade belng only
local (I. being conrined to the locallty).
paikallisvaisto sense (1. bump) or locallty.
paikan hankintatoimisto cmployment orflce;
intelllgence orflce. -mrys (kiel.) adverb
or place. -tuntemus ks. paikallistuntemus.
-vlitysliike 1. -vlitystoimisto employment
oirice (1. agency).
paikata (panna paikka) patch (up); (korja
ta) mend, repair; (neuloa kiinni) stitch
up; (kirjap.) overlay.
paikka 1. place; (sija) seat; (tila) room, space;
(seutu) locality, nelghborhood; (kohta)
spot; polnt; part, scction. portion, (esim.
kirjassa) passage; (sljaitsemls-) slte; locatlon, situatton (mys esim. palveluspaik
ka); (asema; toimi, virka) position, orflce,
post; (papin-) llvlng (Engl.); 2. (palkkaus
ta varten) patch, shred; paikalla ks. Iiakus.;
paikoin ks. paikoittain; paikoilla, pai
koille (suunnilleen) abont, somethlng llke,
in the nelghborhood of [huom. nousee SO:n
paikoille (mys:) gocs up (1. amounts) to
50 or thereahoutsj ; hnell on meidn
liikkeessmme he lias a position (I. a situatlon) \vith our rirm, he is employed by our
rirm; hn sanoi sanan paikalleen \vhnt lie
sald was (most) opportune, \vhat he said
hlt the naii on the head, he said the rlght
thlng (at the rlght tlme) ; jd paikoilleen
stay where one Is, (toimeensa) retain (1.
keep) one's position, stay in one's position,
stay on, remain In orrice, vrt. jd; kaikin paikoin in ali places, (kaikkialla) everyxvhere, every place; kaupunki on Cl. sijait
see) ihanalla paikalla the city is beautiful!}'


situated, the to\vn lias a beautiful locatlon

(1. Situatton); korkeimmassa paikassa at
the place or last resort [huom. vedota kor
keimpaan paikkaan appeal to the hlghest
tribunal (1. to the last resort)] ; monin pai
koin in several (1. many 1. sundry) places,
(Jkpv.) In lOtS or places; nill paikoin
(seuduin) In this locallty (1. nelghbor
hood), in these parts (1. reglons), about (1.
around) here, hereabout(s) [huom. se oli
jossakin nill paikoin It was Just about
here, lt was rignt here somevvhere] ; .. en
aivan paikallaan . . is Just as It ShOUld be,
. . Is (ali) rlght and proper, . . Is perrectly
proper (1. Justiried); on paikallaan, ett ..
it Is approprlate (1. proper I. befittlng)
that . .: [hn Oli kuolla] siihen paikkaani sa)
[she almost died] (rlght) on the spot;
toisin paikoin ks. paikoittain; vrt. istuma,
opettajan, virka y. m.
paikka-aisti sense (1. bump) or locallty.
paikkaaminen patchlng (up) jne., ks. paika
ta, paikkailla be patchlng, be mendlng;
vrt. paikata.
paikkakunnalleen local. paikkakunta place,
locality; nelghborhood;
(seutu) tract,
parts; (piiri) distrlct. paikkakuntalainen:
paikkakuntalaiset people from (1. In) our
(1. this) locality (1. nelghborhood 1. dis
trlct); onko hn paikkakuntalaisia IS be (1.
does he come) rrom this (1. our) locallty
(1. nelghborhood).
paikkamulsti memory for (1. or) places; vrt.
paikkansa pitmttmyys Invalidity: untruth; unreliabllity. -pitmtn not valld,
lnvalid; not true, Tallacious [argument.
vite], ralse; (epluotettava) unrellable.
-pitv . . holding (1. proving) good, . .
standing the test. valld; true; (luotettava)
rellable. -pitv(is)yys valldity; truth; rellablllty.
paikka paikoin = paikoittain, -suutari cobbler.
paikkaus patchlng (up); mendlng, repairIng;
(kirjap.) overlaying. paikkautlaa,
paikkuuttaa have . . patched (up), have . .
mended (1. repalred); paikkuuttaa jollakulla
have one patch (I. mend).
paikkeilla, paikkeille - paikoilla, paikoille,
k S. paikka.
pikoilleenasettaminen puttlng . . In place,
placing; mounting.
paikoin (paikoittain) In places; (suunnil
leen) about, somethlng llke; niill about
that, somethlng llke that, thereabout(s);
vrt. paikka, paikoittain tn (some) places:
at (some) places; (esim. kirjasta:) in some
passages: (siell tiiflll) here and there.
pai koitui nen . . occurrlng In some places
(1. here and there); (yksittinen) sporadlc(al). paikotellen paikoittain.
paimen herdsman, (etup.Vhd.) herd [esim.
siko strtneherd;] (lammas) shepherd;
(karja-) cowherd, neatherd;
poika] paimeneen [ send the boy out] to
teini (the) cattle; olla [lehmi] paimenessa
be tendlng (1. vvatching) [the cows] ; vrt.
karja, lampaan , sielun y. m.
paimen- (yhd.) shepherd', co\vherd's, pastoral [esim. -luikku 1. -torvi shepherd's (I.
cowherd's) horn; -pilli shepherd's plpe,
pastoral pipe; -sauva shepherd's crook (I.
starr), pastoral starf].
[sbeep, etc.j.
paimen huilu shepherd's riute; Pan's plpes.
-kansa pastoral people; vrt. paimentolatskemsa. -koira shepherrt-dog, shepherd's
dog; (skotlantilainen) collie, -laulu shepherd's song; mys = paimenruno.



paimennus tendlng [cattle, etc] ; (vartioi

minen) watchlng, guardlng.
paimenjpoika shepherd boy, herdboy. -runo
(-Ima) pastoral (poem), bucollc.
paimentaa tend [cattle, karjaa], shepherd;
(vartioida) watcb, guard. paimentaminen
= paimennus.
paimentolainen nomad; el paimentolaisena
(paimentolaiselmi) lead a wandering
pastoral life, lead a nomadlc life.
paimentolais- (yhd.) nomadlc, nomad [esim.
-elm nomad(lc) 111'e; -heimo nomad(lc)
trlbc]. -kansa nomadlc people (I. race);
paimentytt sbepherd glrl; (run.) shepherdess.
painaa 1. (tr.) press [(up)on ..], (olla pai
nona, painostuksena)
[(up)on ..], welgh down, lie heavy on
(mys kuv.); (rasittaa) burden (mys
kuv.), load, (kuv.) oppress; (leimalla)
stamp [one's name, nimens; . . on wax,
. . vahaan], make an impression [upon . .),
lmpress; (kirjap. & tekn.) print; (vrjt)
dye; 2. (itr.) welgh [two pounds, kaksi
naulaa], bave a weight of . . , scale, (olla
raskas) be (I. Teel) heavy, (kuv.) have (1.
carry) weig-ht; ~ alat press (l. vvelgh)
down; ~ katseensa maahan (luoda) lower
(1. drop) one's eyes, east down one's eyes,
east one's look down; kiinni (esim. luuk
ku) press . . shut, press . . down, press . .
on (securely) [to, johonkin], (esim. haa
va) press . . logether; ~ kohoon (puristaa.
press . . tog-ether, compress; ~ Uimansa
johonkin put (1. set) its seal (1. its lm
press) upon . . . (Jtt) leave its mark (I.
its traces) on . .; ~ Jonkun mieleen ks.
terottaa; mieleens k3. panna; ~ nah
kaansa (kuv.) hlde . . \vitliln o. s., keep to
o.s., not show one'3 reeltngs; ~ palkeita
work the bellows; rikki press . . so as
to break (1. to crush) lt; ~ rintaansa vas
taan ks. puristaa; ~ Jotakin sormettaan
press . . wlth one's ringer, press with one's
ringer on . .; villaisella (kuv.) (keep . .)
qulet, (Jkpv.) keep . . dark, (silitt) smootli
. . over; painaikaa) puuta (istukaa) Sit
down! lake (I. have) a seat! be seated!
painettuna In print. prlnted [huom. ilmes
ty painettuna appear (1. come out) in
print, be published, be issued (from the
press) ] ; painoi rahan kouraani pressed a
plcce or money Into my hand; aallokko
tuuli] kohti the waves are [the wlnd
Is] rushlng on [towanl us, etc.]: astia
pallon the vessel welghs a good deal,
(on raskas) the vessel is (very) heavy;
huolten painamana wetghed down wlth (I.
by)care(S); hyvksy painettavaksi (senso
rista puhuen:) approve; lumi puiden ok
sia the snow welghs down the branches of
the trees; on parhaillaaan painettavana Is
(just now) belng prlnted. Is (Just now) in
(I. golng through) the press; paljonko se
(mys:) what is Its welght? se ajatus
minua that thought welghs on my mlnd,
(vaivaa) that thought tormcnts (1. worries) me; suru{je)n painamana oppressed
wlth (1. by) grief; taakka hartioitani
the burden welghs (1. iles) heavy on my
ShOUlders; velkojen painamana burdened
wlth debts.
painaja (painokoneen hoitaja) pressman.
painajainen ulghtmare, Incubus.
painaltaa press [toward the east, it koh
ti] ; ~ eteenpin press rorward, go on, go
painamaton unprlnted;
oleva) manuscrlpt. painaminen, painanta
pressing Jne., ks. painaa.


painattaa have .. prlnted (1. published);

(julkaista painosta) publlsh [a book, kir
ja], (put .. in) print; (leimalla) have ..
stamped. painattaja publlsher. painattami
nen ks. seur.
painatus prlnting, publishing; ulottaa teok
sen ~ start prlnting the work, put the
Work to press [huom. teoksen ~ alotetaan
.. (mys:) the work wlll go to press . .].
-kustannukset eost or prlnting, prlnting
expenses; (Julkalsemis-) cost (1. expense)
or publishing (1. or publlcatlon). publish
ing expenses. -oikeus rlght to print; (kus
tannus-) right to publlsh, copyright.
painautua press o.s.; (laskeutua) lo\ver o.s.,
descenU, go down, (esim. Joki) Tall, (esim.
maa) slope (down), (esim. aurinko) slnk;
(kyyristy) crouch, squat, (etenkin pelos
ta) cenver; (kumartua) bow (down), stoop
(down); ~ mietteisiins (kuv.) Tall Into (1.
be lost in) medltation (I. a brown study).
painava (raskas) heavy; \veighty, ponder
oiis; (painoinen) welghing . .; (trke) lmportant, momontous, gravo; painavat syyt
weighty (1. grave) reasons; naulan
wclghlug a pound. painavuus (raskaus)
heavlncss; (paino) weight; (kuv.) welghtiness.
paine pressure; vrt. ilman y. m. -ilma
compressed air. -korkeua (rys.) pressureheight.
paineleminen, painelu pressing. painella
(be) press(ing); squeeze, be squeeztng;
(nimen y. m.) stamp, be stamping; mys
= painaltaa.
painepumppu (tekn.) rorce-pump.
painetti (sotllasklvrln pistin) bayonet.
(painiminen) wrestling;
wrestling matcb (1. bout), wrestle. painia
urestle; grapple; struggle. painija wrestler. painikilpailu wrestling mateli, paini
minen wrestllng.
painin (kirja- y. m.) press.
painin lyj wrestler. -lynti wrestling.
painisilla: olla = painiskella, palnisllle:
ruveta painisitte begln (I. start) to wrestle,
start wrestllng [huom. ruvetaanpa painisitte
lefs wrestle, let's have a wrestllng match].
painiskella bc wrestling, be grappling, be
struggiing; wrestle, grapple, struggle.
painiskelu wrestling, grappling, struggiing.
paino welght; gravlty; (kuorma) load;
(paine) pressure; (painin) press; (kirja
paino) prlntlng-orrice; (painostus) stre3,
einptiasis; painoltaan 10 naulaa weighing
10 pounds, 10 pounds by welght; painot
(punnukset) welghts, (nosto) dumb-bells;
ilmesty painosta appear rrom the press,
apiiear (1. come out) in print, bc Issued
(Iroin the press), be published, leave the
press, vrt. ilmesty; kirja on painossa the
book Is belng printcd (I. is In press 1. Is at
the press 1. Is golng through the press);
panna painoon put in the press [huom. leh
te painoon pantaessa as we go (I. went) to
press]; suuremmalla painolla \vith greter
stress (l. cmphasis), more emphatlcally.
palnoilarkki f prlnted) sheet; (tekn.) slgnature; teos ksitt SO painoarkkia (Ill.Vn.-. :)
the work is prlnted in 20 slgnatures. -ase
tus press law, laws governlng the press.
-asia: painoasiain ylihallitus = painoylihal
litus, -asiamies censor (or the press). -este:
lehte kohtasi painoeste the (lS3Ue Of the)
paper did not meet the approval or (1. was
not passed by) the censor, the paper was
suhjected to prohibitlve censorshlp. -hiiva
compressed yeast. -huone (kirjap.) pressroom.



painoinen: jonkin ~ \vel(?lilng .., .. by

welgbt [huom. viiden naulan hauki
(mys:) a rive-pound plke].
painogjuttu suit hrought agalnst a newspaper by the censors. -Jrjestelm system
or welghts. -kanne action Tor llbel; (sa
nomalehte vastaan) action by censors
[agalnst a newspaper] ; vrt. painojuttu.
painokaa empliatlc, rorceful, strong; (paina
va) welghty.
painokielto prohlbltlon to appear; vrt. palnooste.
painokkaasti with emphasls, wlth stress;
emphatlcally, rorclbly; kyllin ~ vvlth surflclent (1. enougb) emphasls. painokkuus
emphasls, stress.
painoi kone (prlntlng-)press; prlntlng-maChlne. -kunto: olla painokunnosta be rem Iv
Tor the press (1. Tor prlntlng), be ready to
go to press. -kuntoinen ready ror (1.
ready to go to) the press. -kustannukset
cost (1. expense) or prlntlng, prlntlng expense. -laki
1. (painovapaus) press
law(s); 2. (fys.) law or gravltatlon, gravltatlon. -lasti ballast. -luoti (kellonluotl)
welgbt. -lupa llcense to prlnt [a book,
etc.j, permission to appear Trom the press
(1. In prlnt); censors approval, (vlrall.)
lmprlmatur. -mitta measure of vveigbt.
-muste prlnters' ink, prlntlng-lnk. -mr
vvelght; quantlty (by \vcight). -nappi pushbutton, press-button.
painonyhuvennus 1. -vhennys decrease In
welght; (-hukka) loss of vvelght. -nosto
(urh.) lirtlng or welghts.
painollpaikka place where .. was prlnted;
(kirjan nlmllehdelle painettuna) lmprlnt.
-paperi prlntlng-paper. -piste (rys.) center
or gravlty. -pumppu rorce-pump.
painos edition; lssue; (painoty) prlnt; usei
na painoksina In several edltlons [huom.
on ilmestynyt useina painoksina bas run
through several edltlons].
painostaa (thdent) lay stress (up)on,
stress, emphasize; (huomauttaa) polnt
out; (vaivata) vvelgh down, opprcss; eri
koisesti lay partlcular stress on; /onkin
painostamalna) weighed (I. bO\Vr<l 1. burdened) down wlth, depressed wlth [huom.
helteen painostamana oppressed (1. fanit)
wlth (the) heat] ; rintaani ~ l reel a pressure (1. a welght) on my chest. painosta
minen emphaslzlng; (vaivaava) oppression,
welgblng down. painostava oppresslve
[heat or the sun, helle] ; (helteinen) sultry
[weather, Ilma]; (painostavan kostea)
muggy [day, piv]; (ummehtunut) close
[air. Ilma] ; sturry. palnostavasti oppresslvely; vaikuttaa palnostavasti bave an op
presslve elTect. painostavuus oppresslveness; sultrlness; closeness. palnostua (esim.
mieliala) become dejected (l. depressed).
painostunut (kuv.) oppressed; dejected, de
pressed; painostunut mieliala (splrlt of)
dejection (1. depression), painostus stress,
emphasls; (paino) pressure, welght; pai
nostuksen tunne Teellng or pressure (1. or
welght) [on the chest, rinnassa], (kuv.)
reeilng or dejection (l. or depression),
painollsuhde proportion or weigbt. -tuote
speclmen (1. piece) or prlntlng; painotuot
teet prlnted matter. -ty prlntlng. -valmis
painokun toinen, -vapaus Treedom (1. Ilberty) or the press; rree press. -vapauslaki
press law(s). -virhe mlsprlnt, prlnter's
(1. typographlcal) error; (lat.) erratum;
painovirheit, painovirheiden luettelo crrata, llst (I. table) or errata. -voima grav
lty, (Torce or) gravltatlon. -vuosi year tn
whlch . . was prlnted, year or prlntlng;
(nimilehdell) date. -vtrl printers' lnk.


prlnting-lnk. -vrjys callco-printing. -yk

sikk unlt or welght. -ylihallitus (supreme)
board or censors; Department or Censorshlp; (1. v. Ybdysv.) National Board or
painua be(come) pressed (down), be(come)
welghed down; (vaipua) slnk; droop; (las
kea) go down, descend, decllne, drop; (las
keutua) settie, substde: (nest:) get
hoarse; (tunkeutua) penetrate, enter [the
soll, maahan] ; (piirty) be(come) engraved [on . .], be(come) lnscrlbed [on . .] ;
be(come) rixed [on ..], be(come) lmpressed [on ..], be(come) lmprlnted (1.
stamped); (ajautua) drirt, drlve; kaa
relle bend, bulge; sag; kiinni (esim. sil
mt) close, shut; ~ kokoon (puristua) be
(-come) compressed, (lysht) collapse,
(ljn) rall in a heap; ~ maahan (esim.
savu) drlve (1. come) down(ward), settie;
~ mieleen lmprint (1. rix) ltseir In the mlnd,
be(come) engraved on the mlnd, be Inculcated In the mlnd, vrt. seur.; muistiin
be(come) lmpressed on the memory, root
ltseir in the memory; ~ pohjoiseen, poh
joista kohti (esim. pilvist:) be drirting
(orf) toward the north, (painaltaa) press
toward the north; ~ umpeen (haava) beai
(up 1. over), mys = painua kiinni.
painuma depression, hollow. -vara allo\vance ror settllng.
painuminen slnklng, drooplng Jne., ks. pai
nua, painunut sunk; drooped, drooplng;
(nest:) hoarse, husky; olas painunut
sunk (down); p painuneena \vith droop
lng (1. hanglng) nead; vrt. painostunut.
painua: olla painuksissa (esim. mieliala)
be depressed, be dejected, be we!ghed
down, (nest: olla khe) be hoarse;
pt painuksissa with drooplng (1. hang
lng) heads.
paise boii, abscess, tumor; (paisuma) swelllng; vrt. veri, -rutto bubonlc plague,
paiskaaminen throwlng Jne., ks. paiskata.
paiskata (viskata) throw [the book on the
rioor, kirja lattialle], rilng [one's hat on
the table, hattunsa pydlle]; toss; dash
[one's cap agalnst the wail, lakkinsa sei
nn] ; (lyd) knock [down, kumoon],
slap, bang; (slngahduttaa) hurl, let . . ny,
send . . riylng; ~ [ovi] kiinni slam (1.
bang) [the door] (shut 1. to), shut [the
door] Wlthabang; ~ maahan throw(l.ning
1. dash) on (1. to) the ground, throw (1.
knock) down; ~ menemn rilngr (1. thro\v)
away, tOSS ofT, \vtlisk o II'; ~ pytn toss
(1. rilng) on the table; ~ rikki dash (1.
knock) to pleces, smash; ~ syyts vasten
jonkun kasvoja hurl (out) a charge (1. an accusatlon) stralght at one (1. In one's race) ;
~ . . ulos (ovesta) throw . . out, turn [one]
OUt; vrt. helttaa.
paiskaus throw, rilng, toss, dash; mys
paiskaaminen; yhdell paiskauksella Wlth
one throw.
palakautua be thrown, be riung, be hurled;
(heittelehti) be tossed [about (1. here
and there), sinne tnne], toss; (heittyty)
throw (1. fllng) o.s. down; ~ sellleen be
thrown (down) on one's back, be thrown
over backward, (heittyty) throw o.s.
(down) on one's back.
palakella, paiskia be tbrowlng, be riinglng,
be tossing; tbrow, rilng, toss [helter-skelter, hujan hajan].
paistaa I. (Itr. = loistaa) shlne, shed llght.
paistaa II. (tr.) roast [meat, lihaa], (uunis
sa) bake [bread, leip; apples, omenoita] :
(rasvassa, paistinpannussa) fry [potatoes,
perunoita; eggs, munia] ; (avoimella tulet


4 sr,

la) broll. paistaminen raastin? Jne., ks.

paistaa, II. paistattaa have . . roasted (I.
baked 1. rrled Jne., vrt. paistaa, II); pais
tattaa piv bask In the sun(shlne),suno.s.
paiste sinne, glare; llght; (kuumuus) heat.
paistelnen sunshlny, sunny; (valoisa) brtght;
vrt. auringon--', piv .
paistettu roasted, roast [pork, sianliha] ;
(rasvassa) rrled; (uunissa) baked: paistet
tuja ( kanan Jmunia frled eggS; liiaksi
overdone, baked too much; liian vhn
(mys:) underdone, ra\v.
paisti steak; roast (meat); (palstlpala, teurasllha) plece [of mutton, etc] Tor a roast,
(etup. Engl.) Joint [of beef, etc] ; vrt. h
rn, lammas y. m. -haarukka carvlngfork.
paistikas baked . . [esim. peruna baked
potato]. paistikastlke (pan-)gravy, brown
paistin katku I. -kiry smell of roastlng
(meat); smell of meat rrylng; smell o'r
steak. -kllnnin l. -kntj turnsplt. -pannu
frylng- pan. (olk. pitkvartinen) spider;
drlpplng-pan. -rasva (meat-)drlpplngs.
-uuni oven. -varras spit.
paistlllvati platter; servlng-dlsh for meat.
-veitsi carvlng-knire, carver.
paistos (keltt.) pie; (uuni-) (e)scalloped . .
[esim. kala scalloped nsh; makaronisealloped macaronl].


pajan "ahjo (blacksmlth's) rorge. -kuona 1.

-hilse scales.
pajatso (klovni) down; (llvehtlj) harle
quin, burroon.
pajattaa (puhua) taik, Chat; chatter, prattle;
laulaa) slng, chant. pajatus taik, (merry)
chat, chatter; slnglng, chantlng.
paju wlllow, oster; (-vitsa) wlcker. pajui
nen . . or wll!ow (1. osler), osler, wlllow.
pajukko patch or wlllows; clump or
paju B koppa 1. -kori 1. -vasu wlcker (1. osler)
basket. -kysi: sytt jollekulle pajukytt (Jkpv., lelklll.) strlng (1. sturf) one,
make one swallow lt.
pajunettl (pistin) bayonet.
pajuni kuori 1. -parkki bark or wlllow, \villow-bark. -oksa wlllow-twlg, twlg or a
wlllow; (-vitsa) wlcker. -punonta 1. -pal
mikoiminen vt-eavlng (or) wlckerwork.
pajupeneas willow, osler. -aita wlllow-hedge.

pajullpilll wlllow \vhlstlc. -viidakko thlcket

of wlllows, \viiio\v thlcket. -vitsa wlcker;
(siteen) wlthe.
pakaasi (matkatavara) baggage; (Engl.)
luggage. -lippu (baggage-) check. -vaunu
baggage-car; (Engl.) luggage-van. -yli
paino excess (eight of) baggage.
pakahdus bursting, spllttlng; breaklng. pakahduttaa make (1. cause to) burst (1. spllt
1. break) ; cause . . to choke.
paistouunl oven.
pakahtua (haljeta) burst, spllt; (srky)
paistua be roasted, be baked, be frled, be break; (lkhty) Choke; olin nauruun
I nearly spllt my sldes wlth laughter, my
brolled; roast, hake, fry, broll; be roast
lng, be baklng, be rrylng, be brolllng; kyp
sldes nearly spllt (1. burst) wltb laughtng;
sydmeni oli suruun my heart almost
sksi paistunut (liha y. m.) \vell done.
paisua swell, (Joesta y. m.) rlse; (phtty) broke (1. was near to breaklng) wlth sorbloat, be(come) bloated; (lisnty) in- row, I thougbt my heart would break wltb
crease, grow; (laajeta) wlden, get wlder; SOrrOW; sydn pakahtuu, kun ajattelee . .
enough to break one's heart to thlnk . . .
Kitti prlde;
povi paisuu
(l. rinta)
paisui ilosta
(1. it's
pakahtuminen bursting Jne., ks. edell.
v.) tbe heart rilled \vith Joy. paisuma pakana heathen, pagan; (Juutalaisten kannal
swelling; (paise) tumor. paisuminen swell- ta katsoen:) gentlle; pakanat tbe heathen.
lng Jne., ks. edell. palsunta (hyryn) ex- pakana- (yhd.) heathen [esim. -kansa heathen
panslon. paisunut swollen [rlver. Joki], people; -maa heathen country].
swelled (up), turgid; (phttynyt) bloated. pakanallinen heathen, pagan. pakanallisuus
palaus: olla paisuksissa be swollen, be heathenlsm, paganlsm.
swelled (up), be turgid, (phtyksissft) pakanan lhetys mission among the heathen.
be bloated, be purrcd (up). paisuttaa make -maailma heathendom; the heathen (world).
(1. cause to) swell (1. rlse Jne., vrt. paisua), pakanuus heathenlsm, paganlsm; pakanuu
den aikana In heathen tlmes (1. days 1.
swell, bloat; (laajentaa) widen, dllate, ex
ages). In the age (1. tbe days) or heathen
pand; (nostaa) heave, ralse; povea paisut
tava vapauden tunne (1. V.) a feellng of lsm (1. or paganlsm); pakanuuden ajoista
rreedom which nila one's heart wlth Joy asti down from heathen tlmes, (down)
Iroin the age or beathenism.
and prlde.
paita shlrt; (naisen, mys:) chemlse. -lihai pakara ks. per, -lihas: pakaralihakset
or the buttock(s).
sillaan In one's shtrt-sleeves.
Raitainen (yhd.) . . wlth a . . shlrt, . .-shlrted pakari (leipuri) baker. -tupa bakehouse;
[esim. puna" \vlth a red shlrt, red-shlrted] . bakery.
paltalkangaa 1. -liina shlrting. -ressu (1. v.) pakastaa, pakastua get cold; get (1. grow)
a llttle one with nothlng on but a shlrt. COlder; ulkona pakastaa lt lS gettlng (1.
paitasillaan wltb nothlng en but one's shlrt. growlng) colder outside, the cold Is lnIn one's shlrt, (Jkpv.) In one's shlrt tali. creaslng (1. Is gettlng more Intense).
paitatehdas sblrt-ractory.
pakastiainen (ellnt.) great tlt(mouse).
paitsi, paitaa except [when, kun; ir, Jos], pakata I. pack; stow,sturr; (sulloa) cram;
save; but; (poikkeuksella) \vlth the excep- tyteen pack . . Iiii I, fl II . . up ; tulee paka
tlon of, (Jonkin lisksi) besldes. In addl- ten tyteen becomes packed (1. crammed)
tlon to, (yli) over and above, beyond; vrt. mu, becomes chock-rull.
ilman: ~ ett . . except that . . , save that ..: pakata II: jotakin tekemn be lncllned
kolme(a) except (1. save) three, [ali]
(1. dlsposed) to do, have (1. show) tendency
but three, (lukuun ottamatta) but Tor to do, be llkely to do [huom. esim. krsi
three; sit ett hn on ... on hn mys
vllisyys pakkaa loppumaan patlence lS
kin . . besldes belng . . , be Is also . .; he Is llkely to come to an end; laatikko pakkaa
not only . . , but also . . ; jota besldes avautumaan the box trles to open ; minua
WhlCh; kaikkialla [minulla] tll every- pakkasi naurattamaan I could hanlly keep
rrom laughing; pojat pakkaavat tappele
where [else] except here; kaikki [maut]
maan the boys are dlsposed to rightf.
min ali [the rest] except me.
paja (sepn-) blacksmtthCs) shop, smlthy, pakeilla, pakeille = pakinoilla, pakinoille ks.
(ty-) workshop, shop; (tehdas) (actory; pakina.
vrt. hiki, kone y. m. -moukari (black- pakeneminen fleelng Jne., ks. paeta, pake
nija rugitlve; vrt. pakolainen.
kinith's) sledge.


4 86

paketti package, parcel, packet; mys =

pakettilaiva; panna pakettiin (kUri) wrap
. . up, do (1. put) . . up in a package, bundle . . up. -laiva I. -alus packet(-boat).
-lhetys parcel, package; ralsslve. -posti
parcel post. -toimisto parcel dellvery Office.
pakina (puhelu) chat, taik; (rupattelu;
Chatter; lhte jonkun pakinoille (puheille)
(ro to call upon a p., go to see one; olla
jonkun pakinoilla have a taik \vlth one, call
upon one, be to see one [about a matter,
Jostakin asiasta] ; vrt. puhe. pakinoida
have a chat (1. a taik) rwlth one, jonkun
kanssa], chat, taik; (rupatella) chatter.
pakinoiminen, pakiseminen chattlng, taik
lnR; chattering. pakisija (great) talker;
rhatterer; tyhjn pakisija empty talker,
babbler. pakista = pakinoida; mit pakiset
what arc you talktng about?
pakka bundle, roll, package; bolt [esim.
kangas bolt oi cloth]; (paali) bale;
paperia bundle of ten reams of paper. pak
kaaminen packing Jne., ks. pakata, pak
kaantua -= pakkautua.
pakka! huone custom-house. -huoneen|tarkaataja 1. -pllysmies custom-house Inspector, lnspector of a custom-house.
-laatikko (packlng-)box, packlng-case.
pakkanen (Treezlng) rold, frost; (pakkas
ilma) cold (1. freezlng) \veather.
pakkaa- (yhd.) cold, rrosty [esim. -aamu
coMO. rrosty) mornlng; -y cold (1. frosty)
pakkasenpurema I. (a.) rrost-bittcn. II. (s.)
rrost-bite: chllblain.
pakkasllllma 1. -si cold (1. rrosty 1. rreezing) weather. -talvi cold Winter. -y
(mys:) cold wlnter('s) nlght.
pakkaus packing; stovvage. -huone packlngroom. -laitos packlng-house, packing establishment.
pakkautua (tunkeutua) force o. s., force one's
way; mys = sulloutua; ~ ahtaasta reist
squeeze o. s. through a narrow openlng.
pakko compulslon, coerclon; constralnt, restralnt; (tarve) need, necesslty; (vkival
ta) force; pakkopa siihen lienee well. there
seems to be no way out nr It (1. no \vay to
avold lt); well, there doesn't seem to be
any help for it; well, I suppose I [\ve. etc]
must do lt, then; pakosta from necesslty,
by (1. on) constralnt, from (1. under 1. on)
compulsion. (vlttmttmstl) neeessarlly, Of necesslty [hUOm. jokin ratkaisu pa
kostakin tapahtuu somethlng declsive must
(1. Is bound to) happen] ; ei ole ~ there Is
no compulslon, (ei tarvitse) one does not
need. there Is no need, It Is not necessary,
I [we, you, etc] don't have to; ei sinun
ota ~ tulla (tarvis) you needn't come. lt
Is not necessary for you to come, you don't
have to come, you are not under obligatlon to come; nen oli ~ lhte he was
compelled (1. rorced) to lcave, he had to
leave, he was obllged to go; jos pakoksi
ky ir lt comes to compulslon (1. to neces
slty), lf lt becomes (absolutely) neces
sary; mik ~ minun on sinne menn \vhat
necesslty is there (1. why should lt be
necessary) for me to go there? olojen pa
kosta (belng) compelled (1. forced) by the
clrcumstances, under the force or clrcumstances; on ~ mynt one Is compelled
(I. forced 1. obllged) to admlt, one must
(1. has to) admlt; sinun on tehd (1. pa
kosta tehtv) se you sliall (1. must 1. got
to) do lt, IMI compel you to do lt, you are
compelled by necessity (1. rorced by com
pulsion) to do it? vlttmttmyyden pa
kosta rorced by necesslty, or (1. by 1. rrom)


pakko- (yhd.) coerclve [esim. -toimenpide

1. -taimi coerclve measure], compulsory,
(en)forced [esim. -myynti enforced (1.
compulsory) sle], -hallinta (lak.) receivership. -huutokauppa (1. v.) sherlfPs sle;
myytiin pakkohuutokaupalla was SOld at
auction (1. \vas auctioned orr)by the sherirr.
pakkoinen (plnnlstynyt) dlstended; Inriated.
pak koi! kappale (sensorin) copy (to be) submitted to the censor. -keino: pakkokeinot
coerclve means. means or compulslon,
(means or) coerclon, Torce; pakkokeinoilla
by (means of) coerclon, by compulsory
means, by (using) force; tarvitsematta
kytt pakkokeinoja WlthOUt havlng to
resort to coercion (1. to compulsion). -laki
(en)act(ment); coerclve law.
-lunastaa condemn (property ror publlc
purposes). -lunaatus condemnatlon. -luo
vuttaa condemn; expropriate.
pakkoluovutus condemnatlon; exproprlatlon.
-lautakunta board or appralsers. -oikeus
(rlght or> eminent domaln.
pakko paita 1. -rijy 1. -Ukki stralt-Jacket.
-tila condltlon or constralnt; compulsion;
(httila) emergency; (lak.) necesslty.
-ty compulsory work; (tyvankilassa)
hard Iabor, penal servltude. -valhe ks. htiivalc. -vero (sot.) contrlbutlon; trlbute.
-verottaa (sot.) levy trlbute on . . . -voima
compulslon, coerclon, rorce.
pak k ula ~ pahka.
paklaaminen (maal.) puttylng, rilling (. .
with putty). paklata (maal.) putty (. . up),
rill (up) (. . wlth putty). paklaus (maal.)
pako rllght; escape; vrt. maan; olla jota
kin paossa be rieelng rrom . . , be a rugitlve from . . ; piiloutua maailmaa pakoon
hlde o.s. (away) from the world; sadetta
pakoon out or (1. away rrom) the rin,
(vlttkseen) to get out or (1. to avold 1.
to escape) the rin. -hyry exhaust-steam.
pakoilla be hldlng f from, Jotakin (1. Jota
kuta)], be (1. keep) In hldlng, keep out or
sight, (jkpv.) keep hld: (vltell) avold.
pako | kauhu
panlc stricken [crowd, joukko] ; (Jkpv.) panlcky;
pahokauhuinen pelko panlc fear.
pakolainen Tugitive: (vainottu) rerugee;
(maan) extle; (karkuri) runaway.
pakollinen compulsory [mllllary Service,
(tarpeen vaatima, vlttmtn) . . rorced,
by necesslty, . . compelled by clrcum
stances; nettmyys rorced silence;
pakollisen vlttmtn absolutely neces
sary, Indispensable. pakollisesti (pakolla,
pakkoa kyttmll) by force, by con
stralnt, by compulslon, rorclbly; (pakon
alaisena) under compulsion. pakollisuus
. . belng compulsory (1. obllgatory); (pak
ko) necesslty; compulslon.
pakomatka flight.
pakon alainen rorced [obedlence, kuuliai
suus], enrorced; compulsory, obllgatory;
restralned; vrt. pakollinen, -alaisesti un
der compulsion. -alaisuus (condltlon of)
restralnt; mys pakollisuus.
pakoon loikkiminen skulking auay. -puikahdus sllnklng away, sneaklng away.
pako paikka (place of) reruge; shelter, retreat; vrt. turvapaikka, -retki rl ight ; Mas
saan pakoretkell while rieeing Tor reruge
[he ..].
pakosalla: olla pakosalla be rieeing (ror re
ruge), be a rugitlve: vrt. pako. pakosalle
= pakoon, ks. ajaa, lhte; vrt. mys: pako.
pakosta ks. pakko.
pakoton unconstrained, unrestrained; (va
paaehtoinen) rree, voluntary.



pakottaa I. force, compel, enforce, coerce;

constrain; (velvottaa) obllge; (ajaa) drive
[one to elo a th., Joku tekemn Jotakin] ;
(ahdistaa) press, push [one Into . . , Joku
Johonkin] ; (saada) make [one do a th., Jo
ku tekemn Jotakin], brlng; (tckn., me
tallia) Chase, emboss; ~ itsen johonkin
persuade (1. brlng 1. induce) o.s. to do . .;
~ nlll joku alistumaan [antautumaan]
starve . . into Submission [Into surrender] ; JOkU ottamaan tekemn Jne.]
jotakin (mys:) rorce . . upon a p.; -
tottelemaan force . . (ln)to obedlence, en
force obedience from; tunnustamaan
force (1. wrlng) a confesslon rrom, make
. . COnfeSS
Imuin, kiduttamalla ~ joku
tunnustamaan tortun' . . into a conresslon,
force a confession out of a p. by torture],
vrt. saada; jos ht ~ tf compelled (1. IT
drlven to it) by necesslty, In (a) case of
emergency; mik sinut siihen pakotti what
compelled you to do it? what drove you
to that? what made you do it? oltn vahotettu sen myntmn I am compelled (1.
rorced) to admlt It, I must (1. have to)
admlt it.
pakottaa II. (srke) acne; pain; koko ruu
mistani ~ my whole body aches, I ache ali
over; ptni my head aches, I have a
headache; silmini ~ my cyes ache, my
eyes pain me.
pakottaminen I . forclng Jne., ks. pakottaa, I;
compulsion; coerclon; 2. (srkeminen)
achlng. pakottava compelllng, lmpelllng;
Impcrative [reason, syy], urgent, presslng
[need, ht}; (vastustamaton) Irreslstlble;
(srkev) achlng: [tooth, hammas] ; pakot
tava tarve urgent (1. lmperatlve) necesslty,
urgent need, urgency; pakottavat syyt
(mys:) cogent reasons. pakottomasti
unconstralnedly, in an unrestralned man
ner; (vapaaehtoisesti) freely, voluntarlly.
pakottomuus freedom from restralnt (I.
from constralnt), absence of restraint.
pakotus compulsion, coerclon; constralnt;
(painostus) pressure; (kipu) ache, pain.
-vasara (tekn.) chaslng-hammcr.
pakovesl ebb, low tlde (1. water), vrt. luode,
2; pakoveden aika ebb-tlde, low tide.
paksu thlck; (tav. ruumiiltaan) stout; (vah
va) heavy [overcoat, pllystakki] ; (kuv.)
big [lie. vale]: paksua kangasta (vahvaa)
heavy (1. stout) materlal; paksulta, pak
sulti thickly, thlck; sumu thlck (1. dense)
fog; paksut posket round (1. full) cheeks;
Kaarle Paksu (hlst.) Charles the Fat.
paksu- (yhd.) . . with (a) thlck (1. heavy) . . ,
thlck-, heavy- [esim. -anturainen thirksoled, hcavy-soled: -huulinen \vlth thlck
llps, thlck-llppcd; -pohjainen wlth a heavy
(1. a thick) bottom, heavy-bottomed, thlck bottomedj.
paksuhko somewhat (I. rather) thick (1.
heavy 1. stout).
paksuinen (jonkin ) . . thlck. or . . thlck ness; . . in thlckness; kahden tuuman
two Inches thick (1. through), t\vo Inclics
In thlckness; sormen or a ringer's thlck
ness, as thlck as a flnger.
paksu kaulainen thlck-necked. -kuorinen
omena- y. m.) thlck-sklnned; paksukuorinen kello a \vatch wlth a heavy case. -nah
kainen thlck-sklnned, . . wlth a heavy tilde;
(tiet.) pachydermatous. -nlskainen thlck necked, bnll-necked. -nokkainen (lintu)
paksuntaa make . . thlck (er), make . . heavler, thlcken; (etup. nestett, haihduttamal
la) Inspissate; (paisuttaa) svvell. paksuntua
paksuta, paksuuntua.


paksut pinen (kaltainen) . . \vlth a thlck

skull, thlck-skulled; (kuv.. mys:) thlckheaded, thick -vvitted, stupid, dense. -pai
thickhead, blockhead, num(b)skull. -suoli
(anat.) large intestlne.
paksuta becorne (1. get) thick(er), thlcken;
(paisua) swell.
paksu ty vinon: ~ puu a tree thick at the base
(or the trunk).
paksuuntua (be) thicken(ed); (nesteist:)
be inspissated.
paksuus thlckness; stoutness; (vahvuus)
heavlncss, (kankaan) \velght; (sumun)
denseness; vrt. paksu.
pala bit, piece; (siru) partlcle, fragmcnt:
~ palalta plece by plece, bit by blt; karvas
~ purtavaksi (kuv.) a bitter pill (1. dose)
to s\vallow.
palaa burn; (olla tulessa) be on Tire; (po
roksi) burn up, (maan tasalle) burn down;
(haluta) long, yearn; (hehkua) glow;
halusta burn (1. be consumed 1. be filled)
with a deslre [to do a th., tehd Jota
kin], ardently long [to see .., saada
nhd . .] ; karrelle be charred, be
carbonlzed; ~ kuoliaaksi burn to death:
~ kuonaksi burn into slag: ~ loimoten
(tuli) burn with a flare, be flarlng up; ~
loppuun burn out, burn to the socket;
perustuksiaan myten burn to the ground,
burn down, burn up, vrt. palaa poroksi;
pohjaan (keitto) burn on the bottom, be
burned; ~ poroksi (1. tuhaksi) burn (1. be
reduced) to ashes, burn down, be consumed
(by flre) [huom. hnen talonsa on palanut
poroksi his house is burnt down, he is
burnt out] : hnen poskensa paloivat kiih
kosta (\. kiihkoa) his cheeks \vere burnlng
(1. were glowlng 1. wcre aglow) wlth excltement; kaupunki the town is burnlng
(1. Is on flre); mieleni sinne I'm con
sumed wlth the deslre (1. have a consumlng deslre) to go there, I long (1. I yearn)
to get there; miesparka paloi huoneeseensa
the unrortunate man burned up In his
room: silmt palavat uteliaisuutta the eyes
are aglow (l.brlghtl.shlnlng) wlthcurloslty.
palaaminen returnlng, rettirn: reverslon.
palamaton (joka el ole palanut) unhurned,
unburnt, not burned: (Joka el pala) Incombustlble, not combustible: (tulenkest
v) flre-proor. palamattomuus lncombustlbillty, lncombustlbleness; (tulenkestvyys) . . belng flre-proor.
palaminen burnlng; (kem.) combustlon.
palamislmp (kem. & fys.) heat or rombustlon.
palanen blt, (llttle) piere; partlcle: (siru)
Tragment, shlver; (tilkku) shrcd; vrt. pa
la; paperia ks. paperilippu; palasiksi
(in)to pleces, (ln)to shivers, ks. lyd, sr
ky; saata minua ~ matkaa go wlth me
(1. accompany me) part or the \vay, (Jkpv.)
go a plece wlth me. palanpalne: jotakin
palanpaineehsi somethlng to drink: olutta
palanpaineeksi becr to wash it down.
palaalttaln by blts, tn blts; (pala palalta)
plece by plece, blt by blt.
palasokeri lump sugar; (rouhe-) crushed
palata return [home, kotiin]; turn (I. go 1.
come) back; revert rto the subject. ainee
seen] ; (tulla takaisin) come agaln, recur
[to (one's) mind, mieleen]; ~ entiselleen
return (l. go back 1. revert) to the rormer
State (or things I. or arralrs); johonkin
return to . . , revert to . . , (astua Jillleen)
refinter [the Service or the government,
hallituksen palvelukseen], (asettua takai
sin) resume [one's seat, palkalleen), reassume [the command or . . , Jonkin ko



mentoon], (alkaa uudestaan) recommence;

jrkiins recover (1. regain) one's reason (1. one's senses I. one's wits), come to
one's senses agaln, vrt. tulla; tajuama
regain (1. recover) consciousness, come to
one's senses (1. to o.s.); ~ tyhm resume one's \vork, take up ones work
agaln; ~ virkaansa (l. toimet nsa 1. teht
viins) resume one's orrice (1. one's posi
tion 1. one's dutles), take up one's dutles
agaln; [kotiin] palattuaan on one's way
back [home], whlle returning Ihomel, In
retumlng; hnen kasvoilleen palasi niiden
tavallinen ilme (mys:) bls face recovered
Its usual (1. wonted) expresslon; kevt on
palannut spring has come agaln (1. bas returned); kotiin palattuani Bfter my retiini
palatsi palace. -keikaus 1. -vallankumous
Palace revolutlon; vrt. valtiokeikaus.
palatsimainen palatlal, . . Uke a palace;
(mahtava) Imposlng.
palaus return; reverslon.
palauttaa (tuoda 1. toimittaa takaisin) re
turn [a letter, kirje; a th. to Its owner,
esine omistajalleen], brlng . . back, take . .
back; restore; make restltutlon or . .; (ot
taa Jlleen kytntn) reintroduce, brlng
. . in agaln; (lhett takaisin) send . .
back; remlt; (lykt takaisin) refer . .back
[to the lovver court, alempaan oikeuteen);
entiselleen restore to its [to their] former condition, reestablish; Joku jr
kiins brlng one to hl s senses; mieleens
Cl. muistiin) recall . . (to mlnd), call (back)
to (one'S) mlnd, call . . (agaln) to memory;
~ rauha maahan restore peace In (1. to)
the country, paciry (1. tranqullllze) the
country, (kuv.) restore peace. palautta
minen returning Jne., ks. edell.; restoration; restltutlon; relntroductlon. palautua
turn (1. go 1. come) back; (palata) return,
revert [to the former state, entiselleen];
(uudistua) recur. palautuminen coming
(1. turnlng) back; return; reverslon; reCurring; entiselleen palautuminen rever
slon to the Tormer state (of things).
palautus return(lng); restoratlon; reestablishment; restltutlon; reintroductlon; re
call; (kunnian, viran y. m.) rehabilltation;
vrt. palauttaa, -merkki (mus.) natural.
palava I. (a.) . . \vhlch Is ablaze (1. In riames),
[passion, kiihko];
glowing Tenthusiasm, innostus]; (tulinen)
flery, ardent [deslre, halu], splrlted, pan
slonate; (Joka voi palaa) combustlble;
rukous fervent prayer; palavat aineet combustiblps; palavat silmt riery (1. glowing)
eyes. II. (s.) (kuumuus) heat; minulle tuli
I became (1. got) warm (1. heated); olla
palavissaan be (I. Teel) hot. palavasti glowIngly; fervently, ardently; wlth burnlng
zeal, with glowing enthusiasm; (kiihkesti)
passlonatcly. palavuus (kuumuus) heat; (ai
neen) combustlbility; (kuv.) ardor, fervor.
paleleminen Treezlng. palella be (1. feel)
cold, be freezlng, freeze; be chllled
(through), feel chllly; ksini palelee my
hands are freezlng, my hands are (numb
wlth) cold: minua palelee I am (1. feel)
cold (1. chllly), (vilustaa) I am surrerlng
rrom (the) cold; minua paleli kovin reess
istuessani I felt very chllly durlng the
drlve, I sat In the slelgh chllled through
wlth (the) cold (I. hair rrozen wlth the
cold). palellua: olla palelluksissa be numb
wlth cold, (palella) be cold. (paleltuneena)
be frozen (stlfD. palelluttaa rreeze [one's
ears, korvansa], have (1. get) .. frozen;
hn palellutti itsens matkalla he vvas fro
zen (1. frost-bitten) on the trip; oUn pa


lelluttanut jalkani I have rrozen my Teet,

my feet are frost-bitten; vrt. vilustaa, pa
lelluttaminen freezlng. paleltaa *= palella,
paleltua rreeze; get (1. be) frost-bitten;
paleltua araksi get chilblalns, become chllblatned; paleltua kuoliaaksi freeze to deatb,
perlsh wlth cold, die rrom cold (1. from
exposure); jalat ovat paleltuneet the Teet
have (1. are) frozen, the feet are frostbitten; perunat ovat paleltuneet (perunan
varret) the potatoes are bllgbted (1. spoilt)
by (the) Trost, (Joko varret tai Itse peru
nat) the potatoes are frost-bitten, the po
tatoes have frozen. paleltuma frost-blte,
chllblaln. paleltuminen freezlng. paleltunut
frozen; (kasveista:) frost-bitten, bllgbted
\vith frost; vrt. paleltua.
paletti (taidemaalarin Varilasta) palette,
palet. -veitsi palet-knlfe.
palho (kasv.) niament.
palikka stlck; (kapula) club; rung; (polt
to-) slab.
palja ks. moukari.
paljaaksihakkaus (metsn) clean cutting.
paljaastaan merely; (pelkstn) excluslvely; (vain) only.
paljas (verhotun, alaston) bare, uncovered;
naked [rock, kallio], nude; (kalju) bald
p] ;
strlpped, (tyhj) empty; vold; (pelkk)
mere, only, nothing but ; paljaalla maalla on
the bare ground; paljaalla silmll \vith tbe
naked eye; paljaalle silmlle nkymtn
invlslble to the naked eye; paljaan taivaan
alla nnrler the Open Sky; paljaat seint bare
walls; paljain jaloin barefoot(ed), \vlth bare
Teet, wlth one's feet bare; paljain ksin
barehanded, with one's hands bare, (hansik
kaitta) ungloved; paljain pin bareheaded,
(hatuttomin pin) with one's head uncov
ered, (useammasta puhuen:) \vlih bared
headS; paljain silmin nhtv visible to the
naked eye; paljain srin bare-legged, wltn
bare legs, wlth thelr legs bare; ~ paikka
bare spot, (kalju) bald spot; plaki bald
crown (of the head), bald head: sota
mies common soldier; hakata paljaaksi cut
. . clean, cut . . ali down: hn si paljasta
leip he ate bread \vlth nothing on lt, (el
muuta kuin) he ate nothing but bread:
hn varastettiin paljaaksi be vvas robbed
(1. strlpped) or everythlng; se on paljasta
lorua (pelkk) lt Is mere (ldle) taik, it's
Just (1. nothing but) taik.
paljas !| ihoinen
halrless; (alaston) naked. nude. -Jlkeinen
[Trlar, munkki], barefooted.
-kaulainen bare-necked, . . \vlth one's neck
bare; bare-throated. -pinen, -pisyys, -pa
- kalju pinen, -pisyys, -p. -siemeninen
(kasv.) gymnospermous. -saarinen barelegged.
paljastaa uncover [one's head, pns], bare
[one's breast, rintansa] ; lay . . bare (I.
open), expose [one's ignorance, tietmt
tmyytens] ; (riisua paljaaksi) denude,
strlp; dlsmantle, dlvest; (tuoda ilmi) unvell, unmask [a p.'s hypocrlcy, Jonkun te
kopyhyys] ; (ilmaista) reveal, dlsclose,
make . . kiioun; aikeensa Cl. tuumansa )
dlsclose (1. reveal) one's plans; aseensa
[miekkansa, revolverinsa Jne.] draw [one'S
svvord, one's gun, etc], (miekasta, mys:)
unsheathe; itsens expose o.s., show o.s.
up for what one is: muistopatsas unvetl
a statue (1. a monumenl); petkuttaja
expose (I. unmask) an impostor, (jkpv.)
show up an impostor; pns bare (1.
uncover) the (1. one's) head; Jonkun
vehkeet expose (1. dlsclose 1. show up) a
p.'s intrigues. paljastajaiset (ceremonies

at tino unveiling [of ..]. paljutua be
selling In large quantities (1. In wholesale
come bare (1. naked 1. nude), be(come) ex
lots), selling (by) wholesale. -o*to buying
posed (1. uncovered), be(come) unmasked in large quantities (1. on a large scale),
(1. unveiled); (tulla llml) be revealed, be wholesale buying.
disclosed; (esim. salajuonl) be unearthed; paljoudellinen quantitative, paljous multi
tude, great (1. large) number(s); ()
p*tolliiaat*n*a paljaft ui his treach
ery was exposed (1. was brought to llgnt); quantity, lot; (joukko) mass; (runsaus)
p paljastui, the head Is bared (1. Is un
abundance, plenteousness;
covered), (k&y kaljukst) the head Is get
numerousness; vrt. ven .
ting1 bald, paljastumlnen revelation; (eslm. palkalllnen salaried.
salajuonen) disclosure, paljutui (paljas- palkan korotus Increase (1. advance 1. raise)
tamlnen) baring, uncovering; exposing, In (1. of) salary (1. of pay 1. of wages),
exposure; (mulstopatsaan y. m.) unveiling; raise, -lisa(ys) addition to one's salary;
unmasking; (salalllton y. m.) unearthing; n. '4s => edell. -maksaja one who pays the
(llmltuontl) disclosure, revelation; hirotit wa >s; (tynantaja) employer; nuono [hypaljaitaktia appalling exposures; petohsen va' palkanmaksaja (m.VOS:) 8 [agOOd]
paljatta* exposure of a fraud.
paymaster. -maksupiivi pay-day, -nautpal Jo: palktet bellows, vrt. lleUoin.
tija 1. -kan taja 1. -saaja salaried person;
paljo = paljon; paljoa much [earlier, alkal- palhannautiijat persons who (1. that) draw
semmln; larger, suurempl]. [better (1. salaries, salaried people, -pidatyt dak.) gar
superior), parempl]. vastly, .. by far; nishment (1. garnlsheelng) of a p. 's wages.
(raelkolsta) considerably, a good deal.
palkata hire, take . . Into one's pay; pay [one
ptIJOlt- kS. paljol-.
to do . . , joku tekemn Jotakln] ; (tehd
paljoka . . who always tries to help himself palkkasoplmus) engage [one for . . , Joku
to the lion's share, . . who wants (1. asks 1. johonkln]. palkaton unsalarled; (kuv.) ..
without a reward; palhaton toiml a position
demands) much.
paljoktua consider .. too great (1. high), with no salary attached, an office with no
consider . . to be too much; (pltaa lltalll- emoluments; tehd patkatonta t yol work
sena) consider .. excessive (I. exorbitant); without pay (1. without wages), work with
~ hintaa consider the price too high.
out a salary (1. a reward), palkattomastl
paljolta much; (runsaastl) In plenty, aplenty, without pay, without a salary; (korvaukIn abundance, copiously, abundantly, plen
setta) without a reward, palkattu hired;
paid [to do a th., Jo(ta)kln tekemn] ;
paljon much [more, enemman; larger, suu
(tav. halvekslv. merklt.) mercenary; (pal
rempl], far [superior, parempl], . . by far, kalllnen) salaried; palkattu katyri hired
vastly; (melkolsta) a good (1. a great) deal tool, hireling.
[cheaper, halvempl], (quite) a lot; (uselta) palkeenkiell (taklssa, Ihossa y. m.) tonguemany, a good many, several, various, (quite) shaped (1. strap-shaped) tear; three-cor
a number [of ..], (Jkpv.) lots (1. a lot) nered piece that Is hanging loose.
of ... (runsaastl) plenty of [time, alkaa] ; palkinnonlljako distribution (1. giving out)
~ kiitohtia = kiltokiia paljon, kS. kiitos; of prizes, -taaja winner of a prize, prize
- nh f mista [htrtomilta Jne.] (mys:) winner, -saanut .. awarded a prize; prize
many things (1. a good deal) to see [to tell,
[picture, taulu; hen, kanaj. -eaantietc.]; - on siina. buinha .. much depends mahdollltuua chance of getting a prize.
on how ... It depends a good deal upon palkinta rewarding; vrt. palkita.
how . .; - poma fa vhn villa/a (sananp., palklnto prize: premium; (korvaus) reward;
1. v.) a lot of noise over nothing, (Jkpv.) pathinnoksi (\. palkintona) hyvst kytkIt was all Wind pudding; ~ , ~ rahoja **tt as a reward for good behavior, -aine
dnyos:) a large sum of money, (Jkpv.) subject for a prize essay; palhintoain**t
lots (1. heaps) of money; ~ uatta much (mys:) subjects for the essays In the con
(1. quite a lot 1. a good deal) that Is new, test, -ammunta shooting-match, shootingmany new things, (uusla selkkoja) many contest, -kllpallu prize competition, -kli
(I. a number of) new points, (uutlsla) a Jotua prize essay, -lautakunta the judges;
lot of news; aika quite a lot [of . .], a committee to award prizes, -mltali medal
great deal [of ..], (melkolnen maara 1. (awarded as a prize), -rana money re
summa) a fairly (1. a tolerably ) large amount, ceived as a prize; prize-money; (-mltali)
a good (1. a fair) sum, a fair amount, vrt. medal, -tuomarl (one of the) Judge(s);
alka: / - mitudn not much, nothing to one of the committee to award prizes; vrt.
speak of. (tuskln mltan) scarcely (1. hard
ly) anything; en tytsn ~ liest palkita reward; (kllpallussa) award a prize
he Is (a) way behind (1. back) in his work.
[to one, joku]; (maksaa) repay, requite
alisi palionkin listtv good deal might
[one with Ingratitude, joku kllttmSttbe added, much more might be said, there myydelia]; (korvata) recompense, remu
might be many things to add; on ~ inmi- nerate; make good: (kostaa) return [good
iia. otka .. (rnyos:) there are many (of for evil, paha hyvalla], render; ~ onkan
those) who . .; miMd oU vkr there vaivat repay one for the (1. his) trouble;
were a great many people there (I. pres
hnet palkittiin (nyttelySSa) he W8S
ent), a large crowd of people was present awarded a prize; hn palkitsi haonottl hy(1. was there), there was a large attend
oyyttni (kuv.) he gave (1. he made) me a
ance there.
a poor return (1. a poor recompense) for
paljon kobenut . . with a broad (1. a wide) my kindness, palkitsematon unrewarded;
unrequited; (kllpallussa, nayttelyss) . .
experience: . . with a good deal of experi
ence, -merkitseva . . full of meaning (1. of not awarded a prize, palkiuemlnen re
significance), significant; (larked) . . of warding jne., ks. palkita; remuneration.
great Importance (1. moment), momentous, paikitsija one who rewards [rewarded,
etc.]; rewarder.
-sliiltlvl . . rich in matter; full of infor
mation; suggestive; (-merkitseva) full of palkka (ty-) wages (Joskus: wage), (vanh.)
meaning; significant; vrt. rikaisUltlnen. hire; (maaraaikaiiM-n, vilkko-, kuukauslpaljotuin In large quantities; vrt. tuku(l)t- Jne.) salary; (sotllashenklllden; mys yl.
merk.) pay; (palkklo) reward; (ansio)
paljottaislkauppa - tukkukauppa. -mjryntl earnings; (korvaus) compensation, recom




pense, remuneratlon; (maksu) payment;

kunnollinen derent wages, a living wage;
niin pienest palkatta for SUCh Small (1.
poor) pay, for such a low salary; olla ninrtlta palkalla have a good salary (coming
In), get (1. draw) good pay, be gettlng big
pay; saada ansaittu palkkansa get (I. meet
wlth) one'3 Just deserts, get one" revvarrt
[huom. hn sai ansaitun palkkansa (Jkpv..
mys:) he got what \vas coming to hlm];
siin on vaivoistasi (sen sutii sait pal
kaksesi) there's ali you get for your trouble (I. your pains), thafs ali the thanks
you get, there Is gratitude for you: tymies
on palkkansa ansainnut (raam.) the laborcr
Is worthy of hls hlre. palkkaaminen tiirIng, engagement, paying; vrt. palkata palkkaanauttlva . . drawlng a salary; salaried.
palkkall-aateikko scale of wages. -ehdot
terms (1. stipulatlons) In regard to one's
salary (1. pay); vrt. seur. -etu: palkkaedut
emoluments; (-mr) amount of vvages
(I. or pay 1. or salary) to be pald one (1.
one Is to get).
palkkainen (yhd.) . .-salarled (esim. halpalow-salarled; kallis~ high-salarled].
palkkajoukot (sot.) mercenary troops, merrenarles.
palkkalainen person who works for somebody else (1. Tor others); hlreil man;
palkkakiista pay-roll. -mr amount of
vvages (1. or salary 1. or pay). -orja wageslave. -orjuus \vage-slavery. -paimen mer
cenary mlnister (I. prlest); hlrellng. -renki
hlredman; (kuv.) hlrellng. -sopimus agreement concerning one's salary (1. one's
wages). -soturi mercenary (soldler). -tulo
lncome from one's wages (I. one's salary).
palkkaus ks. palkkaaminen, -lista pay-rnll.
-snt 1. salary budget for government
orriclals; 2. palkollistaan t.
palkka vaatimus salary (1. wages 1. pay)
\vanted (1. expected); ilmottaa (\. esitt)
wanted (1. expected). -vki hlred help;
mys = palkkajoukot.
palkki beam, tlmber. balk; (lankku) plank.
palkkio (korvaus) revvarrt, recompense, re
muneratlon, rompensation, pay: (asian
ajajan, liiakrln y. m.) Tee; (kunnia-) honnrarlum; (hyvitys) bonus: (osuus-) cornmission: jonkin palkkioksi (l. palkkiona)
as a revvarrt (1. a remuneratlon) Tor: vrt.
tekijS. -virka orrire paying only recs;
Office paving a Commission.
palko (kasv.) pod. -hedelm podded Trult:
legunie, pulse.
palkolnen (yhd.) . . wlth . . pods feslm.
suuri \vlth large pods; viheri vvith
grecn pods].
palkokasvi plant bearing pods, (kasv.) legumlnous plant.
palkollinen hlred man [glr.I]; (etup. Engl.)
servant; (halveks. merk.) menlal.
palkollis asetus Servanfs Act. -snt act
regulating the hlrlng of servants. -vki
the servants.
palkovene canoe. -retki canoe trlp, trip In
a canoe. -urheilu canoelng (as a sport).
palle hem; (reuna) edge; (lieste) racing.
pallea (anat.) diaphragm, uildrirr.
pallero chunk; pojan chunk (1. chub) of
a boy. palleroinen I. (a.) pinnin, rhunby,
chunky. II. (s.) pallero, palleromainen
cliubby; . . round llke a ball.
palli (jakkara) (Toot-)stool; (pchmeil) hassock; mys = pallo.
pai listaa hem. pallistaminen, pallistus hemming.


pallo (heitto-) ball, (kellanheltossa:) bowl;

(pallomainen esine) globe, (pieni) globule
(etenkin luonnont.), (esim. paperi-) pellet:
(leikki-, lasista y. m.) marble; (mat.)
sphere; (thtlt., mys:) orb; (Ilma-) balloon; vrt. maa~.
pallo- (yhd.) ball [esim. -leikki ball game:
-venttiili ball valve] ; (etup. mat.) spherical [esim. -kolmio spherlcal triangle].
-kartta globe. -laakeri (kuula-) ball bearing.
pallomainen . . round llke a ball, globular;
(mat.) spherlcal.
pallonen llttle ball (1. marble Jne., ks. pallo):
(luonnont.) globule; (paperi- y. m.) pel
let; olla pallosilla play ball.
railoni heitto throvvlng (I. tosslng) the ball;
(baseball-peliss:) pitchlng; vrt. seur.
-heittj (baseball peliss:) pitcher.
pallonivel ball-and-socket Joint.
pallon: lynti i. -peluu ball -playing, playing
ball. -muotoinen spherlcal, globular; . . in
the shape or (1. . . shaped like) a sphere
(I. a globe). -puollako (maant.) hemisphere; lntinen pallonpuolisko the west
ern hemlsphere.
pallo peli (-leikki) ball game [eri lajeja:
baseball, rootball, basket-ball y. m.],
-salama ball (I. globe) llghtning.
pallosillaolo playing ball, ball-playing.
pallonestys ballotlng.
palmikko brald, plalt; panna palmikolle
brald, plalt.
palmikkoinen (yhd.) . . \vith a . . brald, . .
wlth . . bralds, . .-bralded [esim. paksu
with a thlck brald, (tukasta y. m.) thickbraided; pitk- (tytt y. m.) vvith long
bralds, (tukka y. m.) long-braided] ; ..
palmikkol nauha hair-rlbbon;
bow (on a brald). -teos plalted work,
palmikoida brald, plalt; (esim. kukkia)
t\vine. palmikoima (s.) plalted (1. bralded)
work; braidlng, plalting. palmikoiminen
bralding, plalting.
palmu palm.
palmu- (yhd.) palm- [esim. -puu palm-tree;
-viini palm-\vlnc; -ljy palm-oil]. -lehto
palm-grove, grovo or palms.
palmun- (yhd.) palm- [esim. -lehti palmlear; -oksa palm-branch].
palmusunnuntai Palm Sunday.
palo rire. (suuri) conriagratlon; (palami
nen) burnlng: (kaski) burned-ovcr clear
ing; pohjoisen (revontuli) northern
llghts, aurora borealls: vrt. tuli.
palo- (yhd.) rire- [esim. -hlyytys Tlrealarm; -ovi rire-door]. -apu (1. v.) rire
insurance. -apuyhti (I. v.) rire Insurance
company, -aaema rire statlon; rire hali;
cnglne-house. -haava burn: (kiehuvan ve
den aiheuttama) scald. -haka rirc-hook.
paloittain - palasittain.
palo jrjestys 1. -asetus Tire regulatlons.
-kaappi rire-alarm box. -kalusto rire equlpment. -katselmus rire inspectlon, inspection by the rire department. -katu 1. -kuja
alley. -kello rirc-bell; (hlyytys-) rirealarm. -koukku 1. -keksi rire-hook. -kun
nantalo nro hali. -kunta rire-brlgade, the
riromen; rire department. -kuntalainen
mcmber or a rire-brlgade; (palosotilas)
rireman. -krki (eliilnt.) great black Wood
pecker, -merkki rire-signa!. -mestari cbier
or the rire department (1. or a rire-brl
gade); (jkpv.) rire chler; (Engl.) riremaster. -muuri fire-wall; flre-proor wall.
-portaat (pelastus-) rire-escapc. -posti
hyrlrant. -purje rire-screen. -pllikk ks.
palomestari, -raha(t) rire Insurance, -rakko
bllster (raused by scaldlng or burnlng).

-ruisku rire-engine. -sotamies 1. -sotilas paluupiletti ks. menolippu, -retki re
turn (trip); (sot.) retrcat; olla paluuretpalotella cut . . up, cut . . (in)to pieces; (ha
kell (sot.) be in (1. on the) retreat, be
kata palasiksi) chop; (jakaa) dlvide . . up, marching back. -tavara (kaupp.) returned
(esim. maatila) parcel (out); (jaotella) goods.
dismember [a kingdom, kuningaskunta], palvaaminen curlng; smoking, palvata cure
break up.
(. . by drylng), dry; (savustaa) smoke.
palo|[ tikapuut rire-ladder; vrt. paloportaat, palvattu cured [meat, liha], drled [beer,
-toimi rire service. -torni watch-to\ver to naudanliha]; (savustettu) smoked [liani,
observe rires, tower or the fire hali, rire- sianklnkkuj.
servlng, attendlng [on . .] jne.,
palotta* palotella. palottamaton, palotte- palveleminen
ks. palvella, palvelevainen . . ready (1. wllllematon . . not cut up, unchopped; undl- ing) to render servlce(s); wllling, obllgvlded, not parceled out. palottaminen, pa- ing; liiaksi palvelevainen (mys:) overlotteleminsn cutting up jne., ks. palotella. obllglng, orriclous, obsequlous, (Jkpv.) . .
palo: vahingonkorvaus compensatlon for loss like a flunkey. palvelevalsuus readlness
by fire. -vahinko damage (caused) by Tire, (1. willingness) to render servlce(s); obligloss by fire; palovahingon krsinyt . . whO Ingness.
has suffered loss by fire. -vakuuttaa ln- palvelija servant; attendant; (koti-) domessure . . agalnst (loss by) Tire; take out fire tic (servant), house-servant; (halvent.
Insurance on . .; palovakuutettu lnsured merkit.) menlal; (palvelustytt) hlred glrl,
against rire.
mald; (palvoja) worshlpper, adorer. -Joukko
palovakuutus fire Insurance, -kirja fire In
(suuri) host or servants. -kunta the sersurance pollcy. -summa amount or rire vants; the (Torce oD attendants. -kysymys
insurance. -yhti rire Insurance company. servant problem (1. questlon). -luokka
palo: vamma burn. -varjelus I. -suojelus rire servant class.
protcctlon. -vartija rire-vvatch(man); rire- palvella serve [Tor wages, palkan edest;
man on watch. -vartio vvatch (1. guard) or one's country, maataan; the publie, ylei
riremen. -viina ks. viina, -mpri rire- s; In . . , Jossakin], be servlng; (olla
bucket. -ljy (vuoriljy) kerosene, (re- palveluksessa) be out to (1. be in) service;
rined) petroleum; (vanh.) coal-oil.
(etup. tilapisesti) be in attendance (1. be
paloljy- (yhd.) ks. ljy-.
uaiting) [on. Jotakuta], attend [on], wait
plptt 1. tattle; clatter (one's tongue), upon; (hydytt) do service [to]; (pal
wag (1. run) one's tongue; 2. (sydmest:) voa) orshlp [idols, epjumalia]; ~ jolla
be throbbing. be beating. palpatua (tittle-) kulla be In a p.'s service, have a place (1. be
tattle, clatter; (sydmen) beating.
in service) at a p.'s (1. with a p.) ; . . juma
palsami balsani, palsamoida embalm. palsa- lanaan \vorship . . as a god, make . . one's
moiminen embalming. palsamoitsija em- god; ~ loppuun (aikansa) serve (1. serve
OUt 1. rinlsh) one'S tiine; ~ nuhteettomasti
palsta parcel, Iot [esim. mets vvood-lot] ; serve . . wlthout blame, (uskollisesti) serve
(tilkku) patch; (sanomalehden y. m.) col- . . raithrully; ~ opettajana serve (1. be enumn; vrt. maa-.
gaged) as a teachcr; ~ oppiaikansa ks.
palstainen (yhd.) . .-column [esim. viisi~ suorittaa,
rive-rolumn; seifsen seven-column].
palvelus service; employment; (palvonta)
palsta! kauppa: palstakaupalla palstama- \vorship; cult; vrt. sota, vasta y. m.;
rin; hiin kirjottelce lehteen palstakaupalla hn teki minulle hvvn palveluksen he did
(saa maksun palstaperusteella) he is a (1. rendered) me a good service (I. a
space-wrlter on the paper. -mrin col- ravor 1. a klndness), he dld (I. sorved)
umns Tor . .].
me a good turn; olla jonkun palveluksessa
palstan pituinen . . a column long (1. in be In a p.'s service (1. employ), be emlength). -tyte riller; padding; palstan- ployed by a p., (huonepalvelljolsta:) have
tytteekei to HU up a column \vlth, to Tili a place (1. be in service) at a p.'s (1.
the column.
wlth a p.), (olla tyss Jollakulla) work
palsta tila (1. v.) small rarm. -viljelij Tor one [huom. olla valtion palveluksessa
small rarmer. -viljelys rarmlng In a small be In the service of the government, be in
way (I. on a small srale).
government service].
palsternakka (kasv.) parsnlp.
palvelusaika term (l.time) or service; (virpalstoittain In columns; by columns; (pals- jca-)tenure or orrice. -kelpoinen - palvelustamiirin) columns of . . .
kuntoinen. -kumppani Tellovv servant: hn on
palstotua parcel (. . out), divide . . Into lots. ollut minun palveluskumppaninani he Tshe]
palstottami non, palstotua parcel (1) Ing (out) . has worked wlth me, we have worked topalttaa pallistaa.
gether, (esim. armeiassa) he has served
palttina linen. palttinainen . . or Unen, Unen with me; vrt. virkatoveri. -kunta corps
[shfrt, paita].
(1. starr I. rorce) or servants, the servants,
palttinall kangas Unen; palttinakankaat whlte the attendants, the employees; (henkil
goods. -lakana linen sheet.
kunta) rorce, starr. -kuntoinen . . nt (I.
palttoo (pllystakki) overcoat, (etup. Engl.) qualiried) ror service, . . able (1. In a contop-coat, greatcoat.
dition) to do one's (orriclal) work; capapalttu pancake(s) made or blood, blood pan- ble or (dolng 1. perrormlng) one's duty;
Cake(S); antaa palttua jollekin (kuv.) not able-bodied. -kuntoisuus fitncss ror ser
care a rig about . . . -leip bread made or vice; abillty to do one's work. -palkka
place (or employment), situatlon; (virka
palturi poor quality (home-grown) tobacco. paikka) position, orrice. -todistus testi paluu return. -matka return-trip (l. -jour- monial, reTerencc; recommendatlon; (cerney 1. -voyage), journey (1. voyage) back; tirirate or) rharacter. -tytt hlred glrl;
way back. return; paluumatkalla (an) on servant-girl; (piika) mald. -vuoro shirt;
one's [Its] way back, (when 1. whlle) re- watch. -vikl hlred help, servants.
turnlng, on Us return-trlp; lhte paluu palvoa worship; adore. palvoja xvorshlpmatkalle (mys:) start back, start (ror) (p)er; adorer. palvonta vvorshlp; adoratlon.
home; olla paluumatkalla (mys:) be re- pamahdella make (1. glve) loud reports;
turning. -piletti return-tlcket; meno- 1a glve a serles ot expIos(ons; be cracklng;

lakkaamatta give contlnual reports, (ka
bank robber, robber or banks. -seteli
nuunoista:) keep boomlng, keep thunder- bank-note, Treasury note. (vlheriselkiIng; laukauksia pamahteli (lOUd) repOttS
nen) greenback. -valiokunta commlttee on
\vere heard, (pyssyn-) guns were xoinx orr. banklng. -valtuusmies (one or the) superpamahdua report; clap; detonation; (rjh
visor(s) or the government bank [in
dys) exploslon; kauhealla pamahduksella Finland] appolnted by the Dlet. -varkaus
wlth a terrlble exploslon (1. nolse 1. thun- robblng (of) a bank, bank-robberv. -vek
der). pamahduttaa (ampua) tlre orr (\vith seli bank-note. -velka debt to the bank.
a boom), detonate; pop (orr); vrt. rjh- pankko ks. uunin-.
dyttia. pamahtaa rn.-ike (1. glve) a (loud) p.a^na. t/*,el,*J!? put rinto... Johonkin; on
report; crack; detonate; (rjht) ex- the table, pydlle; the horses In the staplode; laukaus pamahti a gun was flred, ble, hevoset talliin] j set [the child on the
(kuului) a report (of a gun) was heard. floor, lapsi lattialle], place; (tav.: lappeel
pamahtaminen detonatlng, explodlng; vrt. leen, pitklleen) lay (down) [a tb. on the
pamahdus, pamau, pamauttaa ks. pamah
table, Jokin esine pydlle] ; (saattaa) get
dus, pamahduttaa.
[one to do a th., Joku tekemn Jotakin!
pamppaileminen (sydmen) beatlng, throb- prevall upon [a p. to do a th., Joku teke
blng. pamppaileva beatlng, throbbtng; mn Jotakin], induce; (pakottaa) make
pamppailevin sydmin wtth (a) throbblng [one do a th.. Joku tekemn Jotakin],
heart, wlth one's heart beatlng (loud). roree, compel; (saada) cause [one to do
pamppailla (sydmest:) throb, beat (loud), Joku tekemn ..]; - ahtaalle ks. panna
pant; be throbblng, be beatlng, be pant- tiukalle; ~ aikansa johonkin (omistaa) delng; (kiivaasti) go pltapat. pamppailu vote one's tlme to, (kytt) spend one's
tlme in; ~ oin/n put .. In (I. to) the
pamppu rope's end; cat-o'-nlne-tails; (kasa
sharts, (valjastaa) harness, (Jkpv.) hltch
kan- y. m.) knout; (patukka) rod, ferule. KP;.^T *fo". De VuXUng (up) a rence, be
panamahattu Panama hat. Panaman-kanava buildlng a Tence; - .. aitoon ks. aidota;
Panama canal. Panaman-kannas Isthmus ~ . . Jonkin alaiseksi subject one to . . ~
or Panama.
alkuun ks. panna liikkeelle, vrt. seur.; ~
pan II (laudotus) walnscot.
alulle begln, start, commence, lnaugurate
paneminen puttlng, settlng Jne., ks. panna. [a great rerorm, suuri uudistus], vrt. panpanetella slander, backblte, vlliry, caluml- nf Y"rel"e; ~ alttiiksi expose [to . . , jolle
nate; mallgn; vrt. parjata.
kin], (vaaraan) endanger, Imperll, Jeopardpanettaa have . . (1. cause . . to be) placed lze; (uskaltaa) rlsk. run the rlsk or
(1. put 1. set 1. lnserted Jne., vrt. panna); hazard, venture; (uhrata) saennee, (luo
lehteen have . . lnserted (1. put) in a pua) give up, abandon [huom. ponno hen
nevvspapcr; ~ Joku linnaan have one put kens alttiiksi (mys:) saertrice o. s.; panna
In Jall, have one Jalled, vrt. panettaa van
vaaralle alttiiksi (mys:) endanger, Im
keuteen; taloon uusi katto (teett) perll, rlsk] ; ~ arvaamalla guess at, make
have the house roofed agaln (1. reroored), a rough guess at, put (1. mi) . . m at
have a new roor put on the house; van
random; arvailemaan set (1. have)
keuteen (have . .) commlt(ted) to prlson; guesslng; Joku arvelemaan set one (to)
~ viralta have . . removed from Office, thlnklng, (epilemn) make one hesltatehave . . dlscharged, (toimittaa) cause the ~ arvoa jollekin value . . (hlghly), prlze,
removal (1. the dlscharge) or a p.
set (hlgh 1. great) value on . . , attach value
panetteleminen slanderlng, backbltlng; ca- to . . , (Jkpv.) set (great) store by, (antaa
lumnlatlon. panettelija slanderer, back- arvoa) appreclate, (kunnioittaa) esteem . . ,
blter; calumnlator. panettelu 1 .= panettele
have (1. hold) . . m hlgh esteem rhuom.
minen; 2. slander; calumny.
panna liian suurta arvoa jollekin overestlpaneutua llc down [on one's back, sell
mate . . , thlnk too hlghly (1. too much)
leen]; lay o. s. down; johonkin (pereh
OT . .: ponno liian vhn arvoa jollekin unty) post o. S. up on a th.; maata, ~ dervalue . . , underestlmate] ; ehdoksi
manaamaan Ile down.
make a condltlon [that .., ett ..], vrt.
paniikki (pakokauhu; killinen ltlkepula) asettaa; ~ ehdolle johonkin virkaan nomlpanlc.
nate (1. present one's name) for an orflce;
panimo brewery.

~* ehtoja : mitn ehtoja panematta (mys*)

pankin- (yhd.) . . of a [the] bank [esim.

-johtaja dlrector of a bank; -konttori orrice of the bank; -ryst robblng of a
bank]. -Johtokunta board of dlrectors of
a [the] bank. -kamreeri bank arrountant,
accountant (In a bank). -kassri bank
cashicr. -komlsarlus manager of a branch
or the Rank or Finland, -tarkastaja bank
pankki bank; panna (1. eijottaa) rahoja
pankkiin put (1. dcposlt) money In the bank.
pankki- (yhd.) bank- resim. -kirja bankbook; -tili bank-account].
pankkiiri banker.
pankki | kuitti bank receipt. -laina bank loan.
-laitos banklng establishment (1. house);
(-liike) banklng business; (pankki) bank.
-laki banklng law; banklng code. -liike
banklng (business); pankhilUkkeen harjottaja one engaged In (the) banklng (busi
ness), banker. -mies banker; pankkimie
hille (mys:) Tor men In the banklng busi
ness, -osake bank-Share; pankkiosakkeet
(Koli.) bank-stock. -osotus Check, -rosvo

uncondltlonally; Joku elkkeelle pehsidn

. . (orr), put (1. place) . . on the penslon
ISt; ~ epjrjestykseen (mys:) thTOW
Into dlsorder, dlsarrange, dlsturb, (Jkpv.)
muss up; erilleen put (1. Set) . . apart (1
aslde); ~ esteit jollekin put (1. throw)
obstacles In the way or . .; ~ haasiaan ks.
haasioida; ~ hakaan hOOk, Clasp, (Salpaan)
(esim. ovi) latch, (kiinni) fasten; ~ .. hakemukseen (lak.) sue for the recovery of
... go to law to recover ..; hengille
reglster (Tor taxatlon); huomionsa jo
honkin (omistaa) glve . . one's attentlon.
vrt. seur.; huomiota johonkin Cl. jolle
kin) pay attentlon to . . , give beed to . . ,
(ottaa lukuun) take . . Into conslderatlon
(I. Into account), vrt. ottaa (huomioon) ; ~
istumaan (mys:) seat; ~ [lapsi] htkas
teeseen admlnlster emergency baptism to
[a Child]; - ikeeseen ks. iest; ~ [hiuk
sensa] jakaukselle part [one's halr] ; ~
[housut, kengt] jalkaansa put on [one's
trousers, one's shoes] ; [vesi] juokse
maan let [the water] run, make . . run; ~
-jrjestykseen put . . In order, put . . rlght



(1. to rlghts), vrt. panna kuntoon; ~ kah

leisiin put . . in cliains (1. In lrons 1. In
bonds), Tetter, chaln, vrt. kahlehtia; ~ kah
tia dlvlde In two, balve, spllt [esim. ponkaamme riita kahtia let US spllt the dlfference], Vrt. panna tasan; ~ kaikkensa dO
(1. try) everythlng (1. one's utmost) [(In
order) to . . , tehdkseen Jotakin], make
every erfort, spare no palns; kallelleen
put (1. set) . . atllt (1. sldewlse), tm, slant;
kampoihin (Jkpv.) panna vastaan; ~
kapaloon k3. kapaloida; ~ kartalla ks. kartottaa; kehyksiin ks. kehyst; ~ [he
vonen] kenkn slioe [a norse], put (new)
shoes on [a horse] ; ~ kerlle ks. keri;
kesannoksi let .. Ile fallOW; [liata] kiert
mn start [allst] ,put [alisti In clrculatlon,
set golng; ~ [bluksensa] kiharoille curl
[one's balr], do up [one's halr] In curl papers; kiinni lasten, (sulkea) close, sbut,
(vangita) arrest [liuoin, panna ha'at kiinni
(my3:) bOOk up] ; kiirett jollekin
basten (1. burry) on a tb., (hoputtaa)
press on a tb.; ~ kimppuun make . . Into
(1. tie . . up In) a bundle, bundle up, vrt.
usuttaa; [hntns] kippuraan (l. kie
muraan} curl [lts tali]; - kirjaan (l. kir
joihin) put (1. set 1. wrlte) . . down [In the
book(s)J, vrt. panna muistiin; [kovalle]
koetukselle try . . [ severely 1 , put . . to a
[severe] test (1. trial); ~ korjuuseen ks.
panna talteen; korko jollekin tavulle
(mys:) accent a syllable; ~ kova kovaa
vastaan oppose (1. plt) force to (1. against)
rorce, glve .. as good as be [tbey] sent;
Joku kovalle jostakin put one through a
severe drllllng for, tako . . severely to
task for, vrt. kovistaa & panna tiukalle;
kunnioittamaan jotakuta illpirc respect
for one, make one respect a p.; ~ kuntoon
put . . in (worklng) order, put . . rlgbt (1.
stralght), get..ln order, get..ln(to) shape,
(korjata) put . . In repalr; ~ kuormaa be
loadlng, be maklng a load ; ~ kuormaa liiaksi
put too mucb on [a wagon, etc], overload;
kyseeseen (l. kyseenalaiseksi) question,
call . . In question; kytkyeeseen (1. kytkyyn) ks. kytke; [hansikkaat] kteen
s put [the gloves] on, put on [the gloves] ;
~ ktkn lilde away (I. out of the way 1.
out of slgbt), put out cl sight, conceal, lay
(1. put) aside (1. away); ~ kyntiin (\.
kymn) (esim. kone) set (l.put) . . in motlon, set [the machlne] going, start [huom.
panna tehdas kyntiin open up the lactory,
start the work at the ractory, commence
operations at the ractory, (uudelleen) resume work (1. operations) at the ractory,
reopen the ractory] ; kytntn put . .
Into use, put . . Into errect, (ottaa) introduce, lnaugurate, (pts, laki y. m.)
carry out, enrorce, vrt. panna tytntn;
[baavottunut SOrml] kreeseen bind
up [a wounded ringer], bandage . . (up);
~ kysiin tie (1. liimli with ropes, rope,
blnd, tie, (kdet seln taakse sidottuina)
plnlon, vrt. kytt; ~ laivaan (tavaraa)
load . . on a boat, ship, (hevosia y. m.) emliark; lakoon ks. lyd; Jonkun laskuun
kS. panna tiliin; [katkennut ksi] lastoi
hin put . . In splints, set [a broken arm] ;
~ lattiaa be laylng the rioor. be rioorlng
[ tbe room, huoneeseen ] ; ~ lauluksi start
(1. begin) a song, start to slng, strike up a
song; leikiksi (pit leikkin) take . . in
Jest (1. in run), take . . as a Joke; ~ leima
johonkin stamp, seal,
brand, vrt. leimata; ~ liikkeelle set (1.
start) . . golng, start, glve . . a start, glve
a start (1. an lmpetus) to . . , (huhu y. m.)
set . . arioat [huom. panna kaiken kykyns


liikkeelle bend every energy], vrt. panna

kyntiin; ~ limiin ks. limitt; ~ lujaan
put . . In securely, make . . fast (1. secure); ~ lujalle ks. edell. t panna kovalle,
panna tiukalle; Joku lukemaan lksyn
set one studylng (1. to study) bls lesson,
(pakottaa) make one study hls lesson, (ks
ke) order (1. dlrect) one to study bls les
son; ~ lukkoon lOCk; lufeon taakse lOCk
. . up (1. In), put . . under lock and key;
luostariin put . . In(to) a convent; ~
(mys:) pln one's (ai tn on . . , 1 ix one's
lait h In (1. on) . .; ~ luottamusta johonkin
put ralth In . . , place (1. put 1. bave) conridence In . .: [Sauna] lmmit (1. lm
pimn) make (1. start 1. build) a rire In
the batb-house, heat (1. warm) the bathbouse; ~ maata lie (1. lay o.s.) down [on
. . , Jollekin], (levolle) go to rest, (vuotee
seen, et. yksi) go to bed, retlre (Tor tbe
nlght) ; ~ menemn send . . orr, dlspatch,
(ajaa luotaan) dismlss, turn . . orr, (antaa
matkapassit) send . . packlng, (kuluttaa)
spend, throw away [one's money, raho
jaan], run tbrougb (wltb) . .; ~ merkille
(havaita) riotlce, observe, (take) note (or
. .), (ottaa huomioon) mark, heed, mlnd
[huom. pane merkille sanani mark my
words, bear In mind my words] ; merkki
johonkin (mys:) mark a tb.; ~ mieleens
take note (1. notice) or . . , rix (1. store) . .
in one's memory, (pit mielessn) bear
(1. keep 1. carry) . . In mind, (muistaa) remember [huom. pane se mieleesi bear tillit
in mlnd! remember that! don't you Torget
lt! miettimn, ~ ajattelemaan make . .
think, set . . tblnklng, glve . . somethlng to
thlnk about, glve . . rood Tor thought;
muistiin (kirjottaa) take (1. wrlte 1. put 1.
note) down, make (a) note or . . , record;
~ muistiinsa ks. panna mieleens; ~ nap
piin ks. napittaa; nauramaan: se panee
nauramaan lt makes one laugb; ~ Jonkun
nimeksi Kalle name one Charles, glve one
tbe name or Charles; ~ nimens johonkin
put one's name to . . , slgn . . , subscrlbe
to . .; ~ Jokin nojalleen sein vasten leail
. . (up) agalnst the Wall: ~ nukkumaan
(esim. lapset) put [tbe chlldren] to bed,
(menn) gO to bed; ~ JOkU nurkkaan h
pemn make one stand (1. stand one) In
tbe corner; ~ nuuskaksi take a plncb or
snulT; ~ [yleisn] nhtvksi exhlblt
[publicly], put on exblbltlon, dlsplay Tor
[publie] lnspectlon, vrt. seur.; nytteille
exbiblt, dlsplay [In tbe store wlndow, puo
din Ikkunaan], put (1. place) on exblbltlon;
~ nyttmlle (put . . on tbe) stage, put . .
on the show; ~ olutta brew beer, brew;
[saada] ~ omastaan (\. omistaan) [have
to] pay out o( one's own pocket, (Jkpv.)
[have to] rork out (1. over) [the money];
~ [poika rtlin] oppiin apprentice [the
boy] to [a tailor], put [the boy] to learn
[the tallor's] trade, (vanb.) blnd [the boy]
(as an) apprentice to [a tailor] ; ~ pahaksi,
~ pahakseen ks. pahastua; painoa jolle
kin (thdent) cmphaslze; ~ palamaan
ks. sytytt (palamaan): paljon tyt
johonkin put (in) a lot or work on . . , expend a great dcal or labor on . . , take great
palns with..; pantiksi (kunniansa y. m.)
pledge, vrt. pantata; ~ [ajatuksensa] pa
perille put [one's tboughts] down on paper,
pen [one'S thoughts] ; parastaan (tehd
kaikkensa) do (I. try) one's (very) best,
try as hard as (1. try ali) one can (1. try
with ali one's mlght) [to do.., tehdkseen
Jotakin], vrt. panna kaikkensa; ~ parem
piin suihin: evt on pantu parempiin suihin




the grub Is ali eaten up, we [they] Dave by (1. put away) ror a ralny day; ~ takai
rinlshed the grub, we [they] have eaten
sin put . . back (agaln) ; ~ taitelle, ~ tai
up ali the lunch; viinat on pantu parempiin
teen put away (1. aslde 1. up), lay by,
store, (siln) store up, (tallentaa var
tihin somebody else got dnink (1. soused)
on tliat, there lsn't a smell left; peittoon maan palkkaan) put . . In sie keeplng, vrt.
ks. peitt; ~ joku pelkmn lnsplre tear panna varalle; tanssiksi have a uance
[huom. pannaanpa tanssiksi let'S have a
(1. awc) In; ~ piiloon ks. panna ktkn;
dance, let's arrange (1. get up) a dance] ;
piippuunsa ml one's plpe; ~ pilalle ks.
~ tasan (keskenn) sbare . . between
pilata; pitkkseen johonkin stretch O.s.
(I. stretch out) on . . , 11c down Tuli length themselvcs, share . . even, go lialves, (pan
na kahtia) halve . . , dlvlde . . in two equal
On . . , vrt. heittyty; ~ [kirje] postiin
mall [a letter], put (I. drop) [a letter] In parts, vrt. tasata; ~ ttlkeen bar (I. bolt)
[the door, ovi], push the bolt (to), (sal
the mall -box, vrt. vied; ~ pulloihin put In
bottles, bottle; ~ phns (esim. hattu) paan) latch; terveisi kirjeeseen send
put on, (kuv.) make up one's mlnd, set
one's regards (in a letter) ; ~ tileihin ks.
vied; ~ Jonkun tiliin (1. tilille) put down
one's head [that lt shall be done Just that
(1. enter 1. place) . . to (1. on) a p.'s account,
way, ett se on Juuri niin tehtv] ;
charge . . to a p. (1. to a p.'s account), vrt.
plleen ks. panna ylleen; ~ Jonkun p
velottaa; ~ Joku tiukalle (saattaa pulaan)
pyrlle make one's head whlrl, make one
dtzzy, set one puzzllng, (saattaa pkerrykput . . In bad straits (1. a bad rix), (ahdis
taa) press . . hard, brlng pressure to bear
siln) daze, bevvllder; ~ pydlle put (1.
place 1. set) . . on the table, (kirja, asla y.
upon, tent . . to the quick; toimeen (jr
jest) arrange [a slelghlng-party, reki
m.) lay . . on the table, (asla) table;
pytn (ruoka) put . . on the table;
retki], ks. toimeenpanna; ~ toimeksi get
rahoja yritykseen put money Into an enterbusy, (kiirehti) hurry up; ~ toivonsa jo
prlse, (sijottaa) Invest money In an enterhonkin [johonkuhun] set (1. place 1. rix)
one's hope(s) in (1. on) . . [huom. hn oli
prlse; ~ raja jollekin (kuv.) set bounds (1.
llmits) to . . , vrt. panna sulku; ~ rautoihin Sannut kaikki toivonsa poikaansa (mys:)
ks. panna kahleisiin; ~ rekisteriin ks. re
er sole rellance was (in 1. on) her son] ;
kisterid; ~ riippumaan (mys:) SUSpend,
~ tukkoon ks. tukkia; ~ Joku funnast uk
hang [rrom . .]. (kuv.) let . . depend on . .;
selle ks. pakottaa (tunnustamaan) ; ~ tupa~ ristiin lay . . crosswlse (1. one across the
kaksi, tupakka have a smoke; ttili
other) [ huom. hn ei ole pannut kortta ris
tappuroihin (I. v.) make . . spread llke \vikltiin (asiassa) he has not lirteil a ringcr (1.
rire; ~ tulli jollekin place (1. put 1. lmpose)
not done a thlng)], ks. mys risti; ~ ryp
a duty [Of .] on . .; ~ thdelle ks. panna
pyyn ks. rypist, rypytt; sanoihinsa
merkille; ~ tyteen ks. tytt; ~ tytn
voimaa make what one says emphatic, emtn carry (1. brlng) . . Into errect (1. Into
phaslze one's vvords (1. what one says), vrt.
executlon), execute [an order, ksky],
painostaa; sekaan put Indo), mix vvitll,
(tarmokkaasti, esim. laki) enrorce, (ajaa
vrt. sekaan, sekottaa; ~ sekaisin (lellii, vesi)
perille) carry . . out (1. through), (to
make . . turbid, roll, (Jkpv.) rlle, (heitell)
teuttaa) reallze, vrt. tytt; ~ uutimet
ikkunaan hang (up) the curtains (in the
throw . . heltor-skelter, muddle, muss up,
(sekottaa) mix; ~ Jokin Jonkin sijaan (l.
wlndow) ; ~ vahtiin put (1. place) . . on
sijalle) substltute a tn. Tor ... replace a guard, set (1. put) [a p.] to \vatch . . ,
th. by . .; silmns umpeen (l. kiinni)
(sot.) statlon, post; ~ valalle put . . under
k S. sulkea, ummistaa; ~ sinetti kirjeeseen
oath, have (1. make) . . take an [the] oath
seal a [the] letter; ~ siteeseen bandage . .
[huom. heit ei pantu valalle (mys;) they
up, put . . in a bandage, (kytkseen) put
were not requlred to take an oath; ~ [he
. . in a sllng, tie up; soimaan (soitattaa
vonen] valjaisiin hitch up [the horse],
Jotakin) set (1. start) . . playing; - soke
(Jkpv.) hook up [the horse], (aisoihin) put
riin prcserve (. . wlth sugar), can (. . \vith
[the horsc] In the shafts, vrt. valjastaa; ~
sugar), vrt. keitt (sokeriin); ~ solkeen
varalle lay aslde, lay by, reserve; lo
kin valtansa alle put . . under one's [thelr]
bUCkle (up): ~ solmuun ks. solmeta; ~
dominion, subjugate, make . . subject to
suitset [hevosen] suuhun (pitset phn)
put the bridle on [the horsc], bridle [a one; varastoon (mys:) store; ~ Joku
vastaamaan jostakin call one to account for
horse], (kuv.) curb, bridle; ~ sormet sor
. . , have (I. make) one account ror (1. give
mien lomahan lnterlock (1. lace) thelr flngers; - sulku jollekin (kuv.) put a rheck
an account or . .), (pit syyllisen) make
to . . , stop, arrest, (tehd loppu) put an
(1. hold) a p. responsible (1. accountable)
end (1. a stop) to . .; ~ suolaan ks. suolata;
Tor . .; ~ vastaan set o.s. In opposition to
... set o.s. (over) agalnst . . , be set against,
suu skki myten (sananp., 1. V.) CUt
(pent) make resistance, (be) restst(ing),
one's coat accordlng to one's clolh; ~ Jo
oppose, (tehd estelylt) make (1. raise)
kin sydmelleen take (1. lay) . . to heart; ~
objectlons to . . , object ( huom. panna jyr
syrjn <\. sivuun) put (1. Set 1. place 1.
lay) aslde, put by, leave . . to one side,
ksti vastaan be set dead agalnst: en pane
vastaan I have no objectlon(s), I shall make
(siln) stow (1. put) away, (piiloon) put
no Objectlon(s) ] ; vastalause jotakin vas
. . out of siglit, (erilleen) lay . . apart;
taan protcst against . . , raise (1. enter 1.
syy jostakin jonkun niskoille put (1. lay)
the blame Tor . . on someone else; ~ Jokin present) a protest against . . , object to . . ,
remonstrate against . .; Jokin vauhtiin
Jonkun syyksi (l. viaksi) blame one for . . ,
lay (1. put 1. throw) the blame for . . on a (alkuun) get . . under way, get started,
p., lay (the blame Tor) . . at a p.'s door, put glve . . a start, (yksinomaan kuv.) put lire
. . down agalnst one, lay . . to a p.'s charge, Into . . , vrt. panna kyntiin, panna liikkeel
le; " viimeiset voimansa (liikkeelle) mushold one accountable ror . .; ~ joku syyt
teeseen jostakin (lailliseen) Institute (1. ter up (1. summon) ali one's strengtb, extake) legal proceedlngs agalnst one, lndict ert o.s. to the utmost, put ali one's strength
into [doing ..], use (1. expend) ali one's
one for, vrt. nostaa (oikeusjuttu); ~ ss
tn put (1. lay) by [Tor one's old age, strength In [doing ..], make a supreme
vanhanplvn varalle], (varata) reserve (1. errort [to reach ... pstkseen ..], vrt.
keep) [ror another tlme, toiseen kertaan], panna kaikkensa; Joku viralta remove
one rrom (1. put one out or) orrice, dis
(sst) save [money, rahaa], (Jkpv.) lay

charge, (Jkpv.) flre, (hallitsija) depose, pledge) [Tor . .], ln(to) pavvn, (takuuksi)
dethrone; ~ vireille brlng . . about (1. up as a guarantee (1. a Security) [or (1. Tor)
I. In 1. rorvvard), start, set . . on foot, (ky
. .] ; antaa (l. jtt) pantiksi (mys:)
symys y. m.) broacb, raise, (ottaa esille) pledge, pavvn ; . . on lainan panttina . . IS
take . . up (for discusslon), introduce, (ky- (1. serves as) a pledge on the loan, . . is a
symyksenalaiseksl) brlng . . into question, guarantee (I. a Security) on the loan. -kuitti
(harklnnanalalseksi) brlng . . under con- pavvn-tlckct. -laina loan on a pawn (1. a
sideratlon, (panna kyntiin) set . . golng, pledge). -lainaaja pavvnbroker. -lalna(us)vrt. nostaa (oikeusjuttu); ~ voimaan put konttori pawnbroker's orrice; loan-orrice.
(1. carry) Into effect, (esim. laki) enforce; -Iaina(us)lait08 - panttilaitos. -laina(us) ylleen (esim. takki) put on liuoin, mit liike pavvnbroking; harjottaa panttilaiaiot panna yllesi \\li;U are you going to na(us)liikett run a pavvn-shop, carry on
wear (I. to put on)?], vrt. pukeutua; halla a pavvn business, -laitos pavvn-shop; mys
pani perunat the potatoes were (1. got) = panttilaina(us)konttori. -leikki game oi
frost-bltten, the potatoes vvere damaged by rorlelts. -lippu pavvn-ticket.
the frost; kello panee tik, tak the Clock panttisilla: olla panttisilla play (at) 1'orlVils.
goes tick-tock; min panen tarvittavat va panttitavara goods In pawn (I. In pledge);
rat (annan) I'll put in (1. furnish 1. ad- pavvns. -huutokauppa (auctibn) sle or
vance) the money (1. the funds) needed; se goods In pavvn.
panee kysymn . . tbat makes one ask lilni- pantti ii todistus pavvn-ticket. -vanki hostage.
seir . . , (tytyy kysy) one has to (1. one papattaa =- plptt, 1.
must) ask (hlmself) . .; se pani miehen va paperi paper; vrt. asia-'.
kavaksi lt (i. tbat) made the man serlous. paperi- (yhd.) paper- [esim. -sakset paperpanna II. (kirkonkirous) ban, excommunlca- shears; -veitsi paper knire], (paperinen)
tlon; pannaan julistettu excommunicated; pupcr [esim. -kannet paper covers; -kukka
julistaa pannaan (kirkon-) excomniunicate, paper riovver; -pussi paper bag] ; . . or pa
(valtio-) lnterdict, (kielt) prohlbit [esim. per [esim. -arkki sheet or paper]. -kantivkijuomat olisi julistettava pannaan (I. V.) nen . . In (1. vvlth) paper covers. -kasa 1.
the sle and manulacture oi liquor ought -pinkkaheap or paper(s). -kauppa (-puoti)
to be prohiblted].
stationer's (store); (-liike) stationer's (I.
pannaanjulistu (kirkollinen) excommunl- stationery) business, -kauppias stationer.
catlon; (kuv.) problbitlon. pannakirja (paa
-kone paper-machlne, paper-making mavin) bull of excommunlcation.
chlne. -kori 1. -koppa vvaste-paper basket,
pannu pan; pot; (hyrykattila) boiler; vrt. vvaste-basket. -kr roll or paper; (pa
hyryn-, kahvi*, liima*-, paistin'-' y. m. ketti) package, parcel. -leija klte. -leima
-huone boller-room; (eri rakennuksena) (vesileima) vvater-mark. -lippu 1. -lappu
boller-house. -kakku pancake; siit tuli slip (1. blt 1. scrap) or paper. -liuska 1.
pannukakku (kuv.) it came to naught, lt -kaista slip (1. ribbon) or paper.
vvas a rizzle (1. a rallure), it ali ended in paperlllepano vvrlting; annotation, taking
smoke. -kivi (boller-)scale, rur. -levy
(1. settlng) down.
boiler-plate. -muuri brickvvork around a paperi, lyhty paper lantein; Japanese (1. Chlboiler.
nese) lantern. -massa (paper-)pulp.
pannu(Je)n|kataastus 1. -tarkaatu* lnspec- paperinen . . (made) or paper, paper; (yhd.) . .
tlon or bollers.
or . . paper [esim. ohut~ . . or thln paper].
pannun | koetus testlng a boiler; vrt. edell. paperin[[ liimaus sizing or paper. -valmistus
-rjhdys boiler explosion.
paper-manuracture, paper-maklng.
pannusopp (hyrypannu-) boiler maker.
paperinpalanen = paperilippu. -pihdit paper pano (oluen-) brewing (of beer); mys = holder (1. -binder 1. -cllp). -puu (tree
uscd ror) pulp-wood. -raha paper money;
panoraama (kuva-) panorama.
paperirahaa (mys:) bllls. -rippeet vvastepanos (osuus) contrlbution, (peliss:) stake; paper. -tehdas paper-mill, paper-ractory.
(pankkiin-) deposlt; (pyssyn) charge; -teollisuus paper Industry, -ttter cornucopia or paper, (paper) cornet.
(Juoman) brewlng, brew(age).
panssari armo(u)r; vrt. rautapaita, -alus paperoida paper la room, huone]; hang
armored vessel; lronclad; vrt. seur. -laiva (the) paper. paperoiminen paperlng; paperbattleshlp, (suuri, uudenaikainen) dread- hanglng. paperoitsija paper-hanger.
nought, dreadnaught, super-dreadnought. paperossi cigarette. -kotelo clgarette-case.
-laivasto rieet or battlcships (1. or dread- paperossini; polttaja cigarette smnker; into
noughts). -levy armor-plate: plate armor. himoinen paperossinpolttaja (Jkpv.) cifrn-paita coat or mall; culrass. -peite armor- rette tiend. -ptk stump or a cigarette,
plate, armor. -peittelnen armored, armor- cigarette stump.
clad, armor-plated. -torni (Steel) turret. paperossi] paperi clgarette-paper, -laatikko
-varustus armor.
1. -rasia ctgarette-box; box or clgarettes.
panssaroida armo(u)r, plate. panssaroiminen paperrus (hius-) curl-paper; (halr-)curler.
armorlng, platlng. panssaroitu armored, papertaa: papertaa hiuksensa do one's hair
armor-clad, armor-plated; lron-clad.
up on curl-papers.
pantata (put . . in) pa\vn, (put . . in) pledge; papiksillvihittv (s.) candldate ror ordlna(Jkpv.) hock; (kiinteist) mortgage.
tion. -vihkiminen ordinatton.
panteismi (kaikkljumalaisuus) pantheism. papillinen clerical; mlnisterial; prlestly, sacpantin1 antaja one who pavvns (1. gives a erdotal [dignlty, arvokkuus]; vrt. pappia-.
pawn); (kiinteist-) mortgagor, mortga- papinalku young man studylng ror the
ge(o)r. -omistaja 1. -saaja (kiinteist-) ministry; vrt. papinkokelas. -kaapu 1.
-kappa prlesfs (1. prlestly) robe. -kaulus
clergyman's bands. -kirja = paplntodistus.
pantsari ks. panssari.
panttaaminen, panttaus pavvning, pledging; -kokelas candldate ror ordinatton (1. ormortgaglng. panttauttaa have . . pavvned; ders). -paikka position as a mlnlster. -puku
mlnister's (1. clei'gyman's) garb; (pappls-)
have . . mortgaged.
clerical garb. -rouva minlster's (1. preachpantteri (ellnt.) panther, leopard.
pantti pawn; pledge; (kiinteist-) mortgage; er's I. clergymatrs 1. parson's) vvire;
(takuu) guarantee, Security; (leikeiss:) nest tulisi erinomainen papinrouva She
rorrelt; [jonkin] pantiksi as a pavvn (1. a vvould make an ldeal vvire ror a clergyman




(1. an ideal preacher's wlfe). -todistus

clergyman's (f. mlnlster-s) certiricate, extract rrom the parlsh reglster; (syn
tym-; avioliitto-; kuolin-) blrth [marrlage, death] certlflcate. -toimi ks. papin
virka, -tutkinto examinatlon ror ordlnation
(1. for orders). -vaali electlon or a mlnls
ter; cbooslng a mlnlster. -vala ordlnation
oath. -vihkiiset ordlnation. -virka (-toi
mi) mlnistry; (-tehtvt) a mlnlster's dutles; on ollut papinviratta (mys:) has
heen a mlnlster; vrt. virka.
papisto the mlnistry, the clergy; the prlesthood. papitar priesteas. pappeinkokous
conventlon or minlsters, mlnlsterlal conventlon.
pappi mlnlster, pastor, parson, (etup. katol.) priest; (saarnaaja) preacher; (pappismles) clergyman, ecclesiastlc. pappila parsonage, manse; (Engl.) rectory, vlcarage.
pappilaiset mlnlster's family, people from
(1. or) the parsonage. pappilanrakennus
parsonage, manse.
pappisllmies clergyman, ecclesiastlc; (kir
kon-) churchman. -sivistys tralnlng for
the Church, niuku ramily or mlnisters.
-aaity clergy, (katol.) the holy orders;
(vanh. valtiopivill) Estate of the Clergy.
-valta ascendancy (1. dominatlon 1. predomlnance 1. sway) or the prlesthood;
(konkr.) hlerarchy. -valtainen hlerarchic,
hlerarchal; priest-ridden [country, maaj.
-virka clerlcal orrice; vrt. papinvirka,
papu bean; (herne) pea; siin on kova
purtavana (kuv.) It Is a hard nut to crack,
lt Is a poser.
papukaija parrot, (Jkpv.) Poll(y), Poll-parrot; [eri lajeja: cockatoo, maraw, lory,
lorlkeet, (pieni) parrakeet, love-bird],
papukasvl bean.
papurikko dapple gray.
papyros papyrus, -kr roll or papyrus,
paraastaan ks. parhaastaan,
paraati (sot.) parade; kulkea paraaditta pit
kin katuja parade the streets. -kytv
matn entrance. -marssi: menn (1. kulkea >
paraatimarssitta lniirrli In a parade -ovi
(p-) main door; rront door. -puku (sot )
Tuli unirorm; dress unirorm.
parabeli (mat.) parabola.
paraf(f)iini (-vaha) pararrin(e). -kynttil
pararrin candle. -ljy pararrin-oil.
parahdus ks. parkaisu,
parahiksi Just (about) right, neither too
much nor too little, (Just) enough; moderately; (Juuri) Just; (tin tuskin) barely,
oniy just; (paraaseen aikaan) at the right
tlme, in good tlme, in the nlck of tlme;
(oikein) right; (lvall. huudahd.) It serves
[sorved] you right! ~ pitk [tuuri] (of)
the right length [size], Just the (right)
length [size]; ehdin (juuri) ~ junaan 1
caught the traln (Just) iti the nlck of tlme, I
caught the traln vvlth no tlme to spare; huoneetta on lmmin the room Is Just warm
enough (1. is comrortable), the temperature or the room Is Just right; on ~ kylm
lt Is not unpleasantly (1. not dlsagreeably)
cold, (Ilma) the vveather Is Just right- te
on hnelle ~ (oikein) lt serves hlm right;
fan kotiin ~ illalliselle I Came home JUSt
in tlme Tor supper.
parahtaa ks. parkaista; - itkemn (l. it
kuun) burst Into crylng.
parahultainen Just (about) right; due, nt
proper; (kohtalainen) moderato; - lmmin
comrortable (1. moderate) warmth; on (mys:) Is JUSt the (right) thlng; parahul
taisen pitk [tuuri Jne.] vrt. parahiksi,
parahultaisesti neither too much nor too


little, enough. Just (about) right; moderately.

paraikaa = paraillaan. parsiksi = parahiksi.
parsittaan Just; (Juuri nyt) Just now; kestv (l. pidettv) . . now in progress,
present; koolla olevien valtiopivien ai
kana durlng the present dlet, while this
dlet is sittlng (1. is in session) ; ~ siin istuessamme Just as we were sittlng there:
hnen ~ laulaessaan (my:) in the IBldSt
pr his Song; juhlan ~ ollessa (paraimmillaan) Just (1. right) In the mldst (I. m the
millille) or the reast, when the Teast was
In rull swing (1. was well under way);
juttu on ksiteltvn (mys:) the trial
or the case Is now In progress, the case Is
now on; krjt ovat ~ (kynniss) the
COUrt 13 nOW In Session; nestys oli viel
~ kynnitt lehtemme painoon mennets
the votlng was still proceeding when we
went to press.
paraimmillaan at one's [its] best; jonkin ~
olletta when . . Is [was] at lts best (1. its
helght), when . . Is [was] in lts rull bloom,
when . . is [was] In lts rull swing (1. tllt);
kevt on ~ the sprlng is at lts height (1.
is In Tuli bloom); miet on ~ (voimiltaan)
the man Is at hls rull strength, (iltn)
the man is In hls best years (1. In hls
prlme). paraimmin = paraiten. paraisto
(yliteiskunnan)slite; (paras osa) the rio\ver
(1. the cream 1. the pick) [or . .]. paraiten
best; (parhaalla tavalla) in the best man
ner (1. way).
parane maton, -mattomasti, -mattomuus ks.



paraneminen lmprovlng, improvement; (tau- "

dlsta) recoverlng, recovery; onfco nen
paranemisestaan mitn toivoa 13 there any
hope Tor (l. or) hls recovery (1. recoverlng) ?
parannella = parantaa; (korjailla) rix
(over), patch over, work up, (esim. kirja
teosta) revlse, (esim. taideteosta) touch
up; runoa revlse a poem; mui parannel
tu laitot (kirjaa) a (new) revised edition.
parannus Improvement; betterlng, betterment; (usk.) repentance; (lk.) course or
(medical) treatment, treatment; (-keino)
remedy, cure; (uudistus) rerorm; olla parannuksella, olla parannuksen alaisena be

taklng a (course or) treatment. -keino

remedy, cure, help. -laitos rerormatory;
vrt. ojennuslsitos. -saarna sermon urging
to repentance; (moraali-) sermon, (curtain-)lccture. -tapa method or curlng(hoitotapa) method or treatlng.
parantaa better, improve, amellorate; (kor
jaamalla) (a)mend; (etenkin moraalisesti)
rerorm; (tehd terveeksi) make .. well(poistaa tauti) cure [one or . . , joku jos
takin]; (lkit) heal [a wound. haava]
(poistaa vika) remedy; (auttaa) help; (edis
t) be a help [in (1. to) . .], help . . on,
help . . rorward, advance; (korjata) redress, repair; (muovailla) work up, (kir
joja y. m.) revlse; ~ attma(a)nta better
(1. Improve I. amellorate) one's condltion,
improve one's position, become better orr~ elinkeinot Improve the Industries, (vil
kastuttaa) revlse the Industries; ~ elmntapania mend one's ways, begln to lead a
better iire, (jkpv.) turn over a new lear~ tietojaan Improve one's (1. in) Knowl
edge; helpotti parannettavitta olepa easily
remedled (l. mended l. cured 1. redressed
1. repalred); se ei paranna asiaa el
asia siit parane, ks. parata, parantaja one
who lmproves (l. cures 1. heals); one who
mproved (I. cured 1. healed); lmprover;
healer; (raam.) physlclan. parantamaton

paran Untinen

unhealed, not healed; open [sore, haava]; ter [slnce .., senjlkeen kun . .] ; > olisi
vrt. parantumaton, parantaminen improv- hyv ~ that would be too good (ror anyIng, betterlng Jne., ks. parantaa; Improve- thlng); tm on taota ~ (mys:) thls takes
ment: reparation; Jonkin parantamiseksi precedence or that . . .
to Improve a h., to cure a th., to remedy parempi I kulkuinen faster [steamer, hyrya th., as a cure (1. a remedy) for a th.; laiva], speedler; parempikulkainen htvojonkan parantamiseksi to cure (1. as a cure nen (mys:) a better horse to go. -kykyi
for) one.
nen . . wlth (1. of) greater ablllty, more
parantola sanatorlum, health-resort. -vieras capable. -lahjainen . . or (1. with) greater
patlent (1. guest) (at a sanatorlum 1. at a (1. more) talent(s), better (1. more greatly)
girted, better endowed (by nature). lavji
parantua = parata, parantumaton (etup. nen . . or better (1. superior) quallty. -oppi
tavoiltaan) incorrlgible, lrreclalmable; cor- nen . . quicker to learn, . . easler to teach.
rectlon-proor; (paranematon) lncurable -osainen . . In better clrcumstances; . .
[dlsease, tauti], . . beyond (1. past) recov- better Off; te parempiosaiset . . you WhO
ery; conrirmed [lnvalld, raajarikko]; vrt. are better orr (In lire) . . . -palkkainen . .
auttamaton, parantumattomaati lncorrlgl- wlth (I. drawlngj a better salary, better
bly, lrreclalmably; (paranemattomastl) ln- salarled (1. pald) [position, toimi] ; paremcurably, . . beyond (1. past) recovery. pa- pipalkkainen toimi (mys:) a better paylng
rantumattomuut lncorrlglblifty, lncorrlgl- position; parempipalkkaista tyt better
bleness; (paraneraattomuus) incurablllty, pald work, work commandlng better pay
Incurableness. parantuminen = parane
(1. wages). -volntinen .. dolng better, ..
better (ofO ; . . In better health.
paras best; par(h)aasta pst ks. parhaas parhaallaan, parhaillaan = parsillaan, par
taan; ~ laataaan the best or tts klncl; pa
haastaan (enimmkseen) mostly, for the
rasta aikaa ks. parastaikaa (hakUS.); pa
most part; (etupss) prlnctpally, malnly,
rasta on olla varovainen (mys:) It is as chieriy; essentlally, substantlally; (etusi
well to be cautious; ystvni my best jassa) roremost, flrst, In the rirst place;
(1. dearest) niemi, (nuorten puheessa:)
(yleens) generally. parhaiksi = parahiksi,
my c-hiilil; parhaansa [parhaa\ni, -si Jne.]
parhain paras, parhaiten = paralten.
mukaan, parastaan pannen to the best of pari (yhteen kuuluva) palr; (muuten:) cu
atn 1 ablllty,
nttitlti** the
thn utn
one's [my,
a marrled
most of one's abllltles (1. pouers), (mink (lintu-, koira- y. m.) brace; (hevos- tai
voi) as much (1. as well) as one [I, you, vetojuhta-) team, span; (toinen samasta
etc.] can [could], uhat one can [could], parista) mate; minuuttia a couple of
Wtth ali one 's mlght; parhaassa miehuu
mlnutes, two or three mlnutes; ~ piv
tensa iss, parhaassa issn in one'S a couple of days, a day or tmi; sanaa
best years, in one's prlme, In the prime of a word or so, a word (or two); Jonkun
life; en parhaalla tahdollanikaan voinut . . parissa (seurassa) In the company or . . ,
try ali (1. try as hard as) I can, I couldn't In a p.'s company, in company wlth . . ,
... in splte of myseir (1. try wlth ali my among (the company or) . . , (mukana)
mlght 1. no matter how hard I tried) I with . . , (yhdess) together wltb . .; ihmis(*OUldn't ..; sinun olisi parasi ta) kirjottaa ten pariin [parissa] amoilfr people; kaksi
hanalla heti you had better wrlte hlm at paria hansikkaita t\vo pairs of gloveS;
once; tehd parhaansa, tehd parastaan miss on tmn hansikkaan ~ Where is the
do one's best. paraafaikaa Just now; Just mate to thls glove? where Is the other
tben; vrt. parsillaan.
glove (I. the other one or thls palr or
parata (tulla paremmaksi) get (1. grow) gloves)?
rakastanut a loving couple. a
better, be(come) lmproved, Improve; (ta
a couple) or lovers, the lovers;
voiltaan) (get) rerorm(ed); (tervehty) saanko(1.puhua
kanssasi sanaa may I have
recover, convalesce, get well, rally; (Jl
a word (1. a word or so 1. a word or two)
leen) be restored to health; be(come) wlth you? may I speak to you ror a mocured; (eheksi, umpeen) heal; ei asia sii
tulla ihmisten pariin (Joukkoon)
t (l. tili) parane that does not help nmt - ment?
get (out) among people; yksi ~ nit (1.
ters any, that does not improve (1. mend) nist) a palr or these. -halkolnen (kasv.)
matters (I. the matter), the case \vlll not plnnately ele (1. parted), plnnatirid; vrt.
be any better thereby, (el voita) nothlng parijakoinen, -hevonen one or the team;
is gained by that.
parihevoset team (1. span) or horses, team.
paratiisi paradlse. -lintu blrd of paradise. Pariisi
Paris; Pariisin veriht (hlst.) Masparatiisin I ihana . . llke a paradise, supreme- sacre or
day). pariisi
ly beautiful; beavenly. -puku nature's lainen (a.St& Bartholomew('s
s.) Parlslan.
garb, the nude.
pariisitar Parlslan woman (1. lady).
paratkoon: herra (1. jumala) ~ Cod help parijakoinen (kasv.) plnnatisect(ed).
me [you, hlm, etc.].
parlkas .. rormlng a palr, matching; vrt.
paraus: paraaden mukaan - parhaansa mu- parillinen.
kaan, ks. paras.
parikymment about (1. some) twenty,
paremman | nkinen better-looklng; vrt. pa- (about) a score.
rempi. -puoleinen Talrly (1. rather) good. parilaa (mys: parila) gridlron; grlll.
paremmin better; (ennemmin) rather; aja pari lehtinen (kasv.) plnnate. -liuskainen
drlve faster! whlp up your horse! parem- (kasv.) plnnatllobed.
muua superiorlty; superior ablllty; better parillinen . . placed in pairs, . . occurrlng In
(1. superior) quallty; (etusija) precedence
pairs; (tasainen) even [number, luku];
mys = parikas; parilliset lehdot (kasv.)
parempi better; (laadultaan) superior; evenly plnnate leaves.
[muutos] parempaan pin [a change] loi' pariloida broil, grlll.
the better; parempamme, meit paremmat pari nen: parisen piv [viikkoa v. in.] a
our betters, those better than we are; hn couple or days [\veeks, etc], a day [a
on tullut Ci. kynyt) paremman nkiseksi week, etc] or two. parl(n)paivainen lasthe [she] has lmproved in looks, hls [her] lng a couple or days (I. a day or two), a
looks have lmproved, he [she] looks bet- couple or days' ...



parillosainen (kasv.)plnnatlpaitite. -ovi double iloni-, roldlng door. -puoli odd [glove,
hansikas] ; paripuolet hansikkaat a COUple
of odd gloves, a couple of gloves that are
not mates (1. that don't match); nm
hansikkaat ovat paripuolet theSe glOVeS are
not mates. -reki bob-sleig-h; bob-sled;
(kahdenvedettv) two-horse sleigh. -sataa
a couple or hundred, about (1. some) two
parisenkymment, -sataa, -tuhatta ks. pa
ri kymment, -sataa, -tuhatta.
pariskunta married couple.
paristo (fys.) battery.
paritella procure (for Immoral purposes),
pander, (olla sukupuoliyhteydess) have
(sexual) lntercourse, (elimest:) mate,
pariton ks. paripuoll; luku odd numbcr.
parittaa couple, mate, palr; mateli-, vrt. pa
parittain by (1. In) palrs; In couples; two
by (1. and) two; by twos. In twos. parittainen . . placed (1. arranged 1. sltuated) In
palrs, . . occurring In palrs; vrt. parillinen.
parittaja procurer, plmp, pander, vrt. seur.
-nainen procuress, li.iud.
parittaminen ks. paritus, paritteleminen -=
parittelu, parittelija = parittaja, parittelu
procuring, panderlng; bawdrv; (suku
puoliyhdynt) sexual lntercourse, copu1 at loi); vrt. paritus.
parituhatta a couple of thousand; (parisen-)
about (1. some) two thousand.
paritus copulatlon; (parittaminen) coupllng,
matlng, palrlng. -aika pairing-tlme, matlng-time. -vietti sexual lnstinct.
pari || valjakko team (or horses), span (or
horses); (vaunulneen) carrlage and palr.
-vaunut two-horse carrlage (1. coach);
parioaunut ajoivat ohi (mys:) a carrlage
and palr drove by.
parjaaja defamer, detractor; llbel(l)er;
(panettelija) slanderer, calumnlator; (her
jaaja) reviiri-, parjaaminen deraming, deramatlon; slanderlng; calumnlatlon; vrt.
seur. parjata derame, detract; (kirjalli
sesti) llbel; (panetella) slander, calumnlate, mallgn; (haukkua, herjata) abuse,
shovver (1. heap) abuse upon, revlle.
parjaus deraniation;
slander, calumny;
abuse; vrt. herjaus, -halu deslre to abuse.
-haluinen . . Incllned to abuse; abuslve.
-kirjotus HbeI(ous artlcle); lampoon.
parka I. (a.) poor [esim. tytt poor girl] ;
(surkuteltava) pltiable; (kurja) wretched,
mlserable. II. (s.) raukka, II.
parkaiseminen = parkaisu, parkaista cry
out; give (1. set up) a scream (I. a shriek
1. a cry); shriek, scream; (ulvaista) bowl,
yell, bawl. parkaisu cry, outcry; (kimak
ka) scream, shriek; (ulvalsu) yell, howl,
parketti (permanto, teatterissa) parquet:
orchestra. -lattia parquet rioor. Inlaid
rioor; parqtietry.
parkikset barks used In tanning.
parkita tan, lim-k. parkitsematon untanned.
parkitseminen tanning, barklng. parkitusaineet = parkikset.
parkki I. (kuori) bark; (nahkurin) tanners'
bark, tan(-bark).
parkki II. = pasuri.
parkkillaine (kem.) tannln. -happo (kem.)
tannlc acld, tannln.
parkkiintua be(come) tanned (I. barked);
(kuv.) be toughened, toughen; nahkani on
siksi hyvin parkkiintunut, ett . . my tilde
is so tough(ened) that . . .
parkkilaiva bark, barque.
parkkumi (-kangas) fustian.


parku scrcamlng, shrieklng; cry(lng); (ul

vonta) yell(ing), nowl(ing), bawl(ing).
parkua shriek, scream; cry; (ulvoa) howl,
yell, bawl. parkuja one wbo screams (1.
yells 1. bawls); bawler.
parlamentaarinen parliamentary [System or
government, hallitustapa].
parlamentti parliament; (Englannin parla
menttia tarkottaen, mys:) Parliament.
-rakennus parliament bullding, house or
paro(o)ni baron. paro(o)nltar baroness.
parrakas bearded, . . with a beard; (Jkpv.)
vvblskered; parrakkaat kasvot bearded
face, (karkean) brlstly face. parrakkuus
. . belng bearded; hnen parrakkuutensa . .
(mys:) hls (having a) beard.
parran || ajaja (parturi) barber. -ajo sbavlng.
parranajon kone salety-razor. -kuppi shavIng-cup. -vehkeet sbavlng outnt.
parranllkasvu growth or beard; heill on
huono parrankasvu tliey have tbln beards
(1. a tiun beard). -leikkuu trlmmlng or a
beard. -snki stubble; vahva parransnki
(1. v.) several [tbree, etc] days' growth
or beard.
parras brink, verge (etup. kuv.); (astian y.
m.) brim, rim; (reuna) edge; (reelinki.
Ikuilun] partaalla on the brink or the preciplce [the Chasm] ; olla haudan partaalla
stand on the verge (1. the brink) or the
grave, have one root in the grave; perika
don partaalla on the verge (1. the brink)
or ruln; vararikon partaalla On the verge
or bankruptcy.
parras puu (laivan) rail(tng); gunvvale.
-tasa: nousee [tulee) porrastasolle rlses
[comes up] to tbe brim: on parras\tasalla
1. -tasan Is up to the brim.
parraton beardless, unbearded. parrattomuus beardlessness, absence or beard.
parrottua become bearded (I. covered xvlth
a beard), get (1. grovv) a beard.
parru (small) square tlmber, (Engl.) spar;
(hirsi) beam; vrt. katto.
parsa (kasv.) asparagus, -heini = edell.
-kimppu bunch or asparagus(-tips).
parsi beam; spar; (katon) tie-beam, Jolst;
(orsi) pole; (navetan) stall: pen; panna
parsille kuivamaan liani,- on the beams (1.
on poles) to dry.
parsia darn [stocklngs, sukkia]; (paikata)
patch; (korjata) mend. parsima- (yhd.)
ks. parsin-, parsiminen darning; patching;
parsin lanka
parta beard; vvhiskers; vrt. leuka, piikki,
poski, pujo, pukin y. m.
partaalla ks. parras.
partahuulinen . . wlth a moustache; (par
tainen) bearded.
paruinen = parrakas; (yhd.) . .-bearded
[esim. musta black-bearded; pitk~
long-bearded]. partaisuus ks. parrakkuus.
partalljkl (kasv.) beard-moss, necklacemoss. -karva hair (out) or one's beard.
-niekka = partasuu, -rohtuma 1. -aleni
barbers' llch. -saippua shaving-soap. -sui
nen bearded, . . with a beard: vvhlskered.
-suti shaving-brush. -suu I. (a.) partasuinen. II. (s.) bearded man. -veitsi razor.
-veitsihiaisin razor-strop, strop.
partikkeli (kiel., -= apusana) psrtlcle.
partiolJoukko I. -kunta scouting party; (sis
sijoukko) band or ralders, gue(r)rillaband.
partiolainen, partiomies (sot.) ralder;

patrulli laiva
partiopoika boy scout. -liike boy scout tSroitua maitoa Pasteurlzed milk. past
roiminen Pasteurlzation.
partio retkelinen excurslonlst; rambler; pasuri (ellnt.) white bream, (Engl.) brcam(sot.) raider; gue(r)rilla. -retki expedl- flat.
tlon; (retkeily) ramble, stroll, excursion; pasuttaa calclne [ore, malmeja], roast.
(sot.) rald, incursion, inroad.
pasutus calclnatlon, ruasting. pasutusuuni
partisiippi (Mcl., = laatutapa) partlclple. (malmin) roastlng-oven.
-Jrjestelm (kiel.) partlclpial constructlon. pasuuna trombone; (vanhanajan) trumpet;
partitiivi (klel., = osanto) partltlve (case). tuomiopivn the trump of doom. pasuuparturi barber. parturinkyltti barbers' sign nanpuhaltaja trombone player, tromhonist.
(I. pole). parturitupa barber shop; tonso- pata I. (keitto-) pot, kettle, (pannu) pan;
rial parlor(s); (Engl.) barbefs shop.
Skillet; ~ kattilaa soimaa (, musta kylki
parveilla (esim. kaloista:) shoal, school, kummallakin) (sanani.) lts (a case of) the
(mehilisist:) s\varm; (linnuista y. m.:) pot culling the kettle black; olla hyv pa
taa jonkun kanssa be on good (1. rrlendly
flock; (tunkeilla) crowd, throng.
parveilu shoallng Jne., ks. parveilla, -aika 1. lntimate) terms \vith one. II. (korteissa:)
spadc, (patamaa I. -vri) spades.
parveke (rakennuksesta ulkoneva, mys pata Juoppo hard drinker, conrirmed drunkard, sot; (Jkpv.) boozer. -kortti 1. -lehti
teatterin) balcony; (lehteri) gallery; (ti
lapinen, kilpailuradalla y. m.) stand, grand spade. -koukku pot-hook. -lakki skullstand; (lava) platform. -palkka 1. -sija cap; (turkkilaisen) fez, tarboosh.
seat In the balcony; (lehteri-) seat in the pataljoona (sot.) battalion.
pataljoonan !| komentaja 1. -pllikk comgallery, gallery seat.
parvi I. (Uuta) swarm; (lintu- y. m.) flock, mander of a battalion. -lkri surgeon of
(lentv) fllght; bevy [huom. tytt~ bevy a battalion; (sotilas-) army surgeon.
of girls); (kala-) shoal, school; (Joukkue) -saarnaaja (army) chaplain.
band, troop, (suuri) host; (lauma) herd, pataljoonittain in (1. by) battallons.
pack; (ryhm) group, party; cluster; par pataluha: pataluhaksi ks. haukkua, piest
(pahanpiviseksi), -maa (suit of) spades.
vissa kS. parvittain.
parvi II. (ylinen) lort; (vintti) garret, attlc. patamainen . . (shaped) like a pot, . . reparvittain In svvarms; (kaloista.) in shoals, sembllng (1. . . or the shape or) a pot.
in schools; (linnuista y. m.:) In flocks; pata paisti (keltt.) pot-roast. -rani 1. -rm
a good-for-nothlng old kettle (1. pot).
(ryhmittin) in groups.
-rumpu kettle-drum. -vanhoillinen ks. ru-pas, -pls (loppulilte) ks. -pa, -pii.
tivanhoillinen. -ss aee or spades.
passadi- k?, passadi-.
pasaltti (min.) basalt.
pateilla, pateille: kyd jonkun pateilla, men
n jonkun pateille go to sce one, call on (1.
pasianssi (kortti-) solltalre.
vlslt) a p., (haastattamassa) lnterview a p.,
pasko (silm-) trarhoma.
(neuvoa kysymss) consult a p.
pasma (lanka-) skeln. pasmata (panna pas
patentinllalainen patented. -hakemus apmoille) put (1. wlnd) ln(to) skelns.
passadi li tuuli trade-wlnd. -vyhyke region pllcatlon for a patent. -haltija patentee.
-saanut patented.
(1. zone) of (the) trade-wlnds.
passari I. one \vho serves (I. attends upon patentti (keksij-) patent [on (1. for) . . ,
. .); (tarjoilija) Walter.
patentti- (yhd.) patent [esim. -lke patent
passari II. ks. harppi.
passari I nainen waltress. -poika (hotellin) medicine: -oikeus patent rlght]. -anomus
1. -hakemus patentinhakemus. -laki pat
bell-boy; (mer.) cabin-boy; vrt. pikantti
ent la\v(s). -lukko patent lock [eri laje
ja: Yale lock, combination lock. safetypassata scrve; (tarjoilla) walt Tupon a p., Jo
takuta] ; attend [upon . .] ; vrt. mys sopia. lock, duplex-lock y. m.], -toimisto 1. =
passi (matka-) passport; (kuljetus-) pass; patenttivirasto; 2. (yksityinen) patent
agency. -virasto (Yhdysv.) Patent orflce.
vrt. matka.
passiivi (klel.) passlve (voice). -muodostus patiini (kenk) congress shoe.
passlve constructlon. -muoto passlve (form). patja mattress; bed (etup. yhd.); (pn
alus-) plllo\v, (koko sngyn levyinen) bolpassiivinen passlve; unresistlng.
passimaksu passport Tee. passintarkastus ster; vrt. hyhen , olki, patjakangas
examlnation of passports. passitoimisto = (bed)tlcklng. patjanpllinen (bed)tick.
passivirasto. passiton . . without a passport. cover (1. tlck) of a mattress; vrt. pielukpassittaa (lhett) send, shlp, dispatch, senpllinen.
(Johonkin) take (1. convey) to, transport; pato dam; (Joessa, mys:) welr; (ranta-)
(panna menemn) pass; (varustaa passl- embankment, levee, dike, sea-vvall; vrt.
lohi, patoaminen dammlng (up 1. off).
tuslipulla) provide with a permit; ~ maas
ta pois shlp out of the country, deport patoluukku Sltllce(-gate). patous I. = pa
toaminen; 2. = pti. patoutua be(come)
f f n mi the country); miss passitettiin l
ninvankilaan the man was sent (1. taken) dammed up; (tukkeutua) be(come) blocked
to the state prlson. passittaminen, passitus (up) ; patoutunut dammed up, blocked (up).
sending, dlspatrhlng; transportatlon. paa- patoutuma: patoutuma joessa the place
where the rlver Is blocked (up).
sltuslippu permit.
passivirasto department [of the government patriarkallinen
in Russla] In charge of lssulng passports; (raam.) patrlarch.
(I. v. Yhdysv.) Bureau of Cltlzenshlp.
patriisi (liisi.) patriclan.
pastelli maalaus (-maalaaminen) pastel (1. patroona (pyssyn-) cartrldge; kova ballcrayon) dravvlng; (pastelli) pastel.
cartrldge; lyh (l. tyhj) hlank car
pasternakka (kasv.) parsnlp.
pastilli (apt.) lozenge, pastll(le), troche.
patroona- (yhd.) cartrldge- [esim. -kotelo
pastori pastor, parson, mlnister. pastorin- cartridge-case;
-laukku cartrldge-bag;
kanalla Office \vhere the clerical work of -vy cartrldge-belt]. -laatikko cartrldgebox. -tasku cartrldge-case.
a 'Finnish] mlnister is handled, minis
teri offlce.
patrulli ikiilkuvalitl) patrol, guard. -laiva
pastroida, pastriseerata Pasteurize; pas- patrol (boat).

patruuna I. (maa-) squlre; master; vrt.
the doors are bangin? (1. are slam
mln?); pyssyt paukkuivat (the) ?uns were
patruuna II. patroona.
crackin? (1. were goin? orf); tykit pauk
petsainen (yhd.) . . with . . pillars [esim. kuvat tbe cannons (1. the guns) are boomin?
karkaa- Witb blgh pillars].
(1. thundering). paukkuilla = paukahdella;
pataaa statue; (pylvs) pillar, (puu-) post; vrt. mys: paukkua, paukkuminen = pauke.
(kolonna) column, (joskus:) shaft; vrt. paukkulpuut crackiin? wood. -signaali detkara, muisto-, suola, tuli V. m. onatln? slgnal; (rautatien) detonator, rall-pyhimys styllte.
road torpedo.
patteri (sot.) battery. -tuli Tire rrom the paukkuva crackin?; boomin?, thunderin?:
rattiin?; crackiin?; ~ (talvi)pakkanen a
batterles (of . .].
patti spavin. -Jalkainen spavined [borse, snapping cold winter's day (1. ni?bt). pauhevonen].
kunta = pauke, paukutella = paukuttaa:
patukka rawblde; blacksnake; (piiska) whip: paukuttelevat leikkipyssyjn are Crackin?





whlp one v.ith a blacksnake, (jkpv.) glve

one some rawhlde; vrt. kmmen .
pau pop! bang! crack! vrt. piu.
pauhaaminen roartng- Jne., ks. pauhata, pau
haava roarlng [cataract, putous; sea, me
ri], thundering; (myrskyis) stormy. pauhailla (be) roar(lng); (puheessa, saarnas
sa y. m.) be thundering, be fulmlnatln?;
vrt. seur. pauhata (kohista) roar: (jymist)
rumble; (Jyrist) thunder [(forth) denunclations agalnst vice, paheita vastaani;
(myrskyt) storm; (meluta) make a
(dreadrul) noise; (puhua mahtaillen) bra?;
(saarnata voimallisesti) rulmlnate; meri
pauhaa the sea Is roarln?, a storm Is rap
in? on the sea; ukkonen pauhaa (the) thun
der Is roarln? (1. Is rumbiin?), it is thun
dering, It thunders, there is a thunderstorm. pauhina roar, rumble, rumbiin?;
thunder(tng), roll; storm: din, noise,
Clamor; kosken pauhina din (1. roar) of the
cataract, (kaukainen) rumble of the cata
ract, noise (1. roar) or the raplds. pauhu
pauhina; ukkosen pauhu din (1. roar) of
paukahdella be crackin?, be snappln?; ?ive
loud reports; (esim. ovet) be slammln?;
(rtist) cracklc, be crackiin?; vrt. pa
mahdella, paukahdus crack; report; (esim.
ukkosen) clap, peal; (oven) slam, ban?;
(pamahdus) explOSlon; pyssyn paukahdus
crack (1. report) of a gun. paukahduttaa
= pamahduttaa; paukahduttaa kiinni (esim.

ovi) shut . . wlth a ban? (1. a slam), slam

(1. ban?) . . to (1. shut), slam, ban?, (esim.
portti) clap . . to, (esim. kirja) slap . . shut
(I. to).
paukahtaa crack, snap; (pamahtaa) ?ive (1.
make) a (loud) report; detonate; (esim.
ovesta:) slam, ban?; (rjht) explode;
~ kiinni (esim. ovi) shut (1. be shut) wlth
a ban?, ban? (1. slam) shut (1. to), (esim.
portti) clap to; pysy paukahti the ?un
wcnt orr (with a report); ban? (I. crack),
went the gun; vrt. pamahtaa, poksahtaa.
paukahtaminen crackin?, snapping; explodln?; detonatlon.
pauke crackin?, snappln?, poppin?; thunder(in?); (paukutus) clappln?; (Jymy)
noise, din, roar; hirve ovien Trightrul
hangin? of doors; pyssyjen crack (1. re
port I. clamor) of ?uns, rattie or the muskets; tykkien boomin? (1. thunder 1.
roar) of (the) cannon (din of) cannonadln?, roar (1. boom) of the ?uns. paukkaa
= paukkua, paukku crack, snap; report;
clap; (pamahdus) exploslnn; vrt. pauke.
paukkua make a noise; (be) crack(lng),
(be) siiap(ping); (rysk) crash; (Jymis
t) thunder, boom; (paukahdella) peal,
clap; (rtist) rattie, cracklc; kuusipuut
paukkuvat palaessaan sprure firevvood
crackles In burnlng; nurkat paukkuvat,
pakkanen paukkuu nurkissa it Is freezln?
so hard (liat the \valls crack; ovet pauk-

their toy pistols.

paukuttaa clap rone's hands, ksin];

crack; (rmlsytt) cause to rattie (1. to
crackle); make a dreadrul noise (1. din)
with; (ovia, pulpetteja y. m.) ban?, slam;
clatter; (koputtaa) rap, be rappin?; saar
nata - thunder (rorth) rrom the pulptt.
paukuttaminen, paukutus makin? a noise
[uith . .] ; (ksien) clappln?; (ovien) banging, slammln?; clatter(ing) ; (melu) noise;
vrt. pauke.
paula I. (ansa) snare, trap; (kuv.) tolls.
paula II. (nyri) cord, strin?; (kengn- y. m.)
lace, strap; (verkon) rope ' alipaula rootrope; ylipaula head-rope]; kengn paulat
shoe-strin?s, shoe-laces, straps for shoes,
strappln?. -kenkl lace-shoe, laced shoe.
paulottaa lace up [a shoe, kenk]; strap
(up), tie (up). paulottaminen, paulotus
laein? up; strapping (mys konkr.).
paussi (mus.) rest, pause. -merkki (mus.)
paviaani (ellnt.) baboon.
paviljonki (huvimaja) pavlllon.
pavunpalko bean-pod; vrt. herneenpalk3.
peeveli ks. peijakas.
pehku Utter; vrt. turve, -vuode litter or
pehmeneminen softenlng. pehmennys sortenin?; aivojen pehmennys Softenlng Of the
brain. pehmentyi = pehmet, pehment
minen sortening. pehment make . . soft
(-er), sorten (mys kuv.); make .. more
pliable; (lyhent) loosen; (lient) mollffy; se pehmensi hnen sydmens that
softened hls heart; se pehment vatsan
(lyhent) that will loosen (1. relieve)
the bowels; vrt. pehmitt, pehmet sorten,
become (1. grow 1. get) soft(er); become
(more) pliable; (hedelmist Ja kuv.) mellow; (helty) grow tender, relent; (lieven
ty) be(come) molllfied, melt; kerake peh
menee the consonant Is sortened; vrt. peh
mit, pehmeys softness; pliablllty; mellowness, biandness; gentieness, tenderness; lenlence, lenity; vrt. pehme; nen
pehmeys softness (1. mello\vness 1. biand
ness) of the voice.
pehme soft; (mehuisa, sulava) meIlow,
bland; (hento) ?entle, tender; supple;
(taipuisa) pllant, pliable; yleldin?; (hll)
lenlent; pehmeiss kansissa (kirja) in Ilmp
covers (1. blndln?); leip soft bread,
fresh bread; luonne ylelding (1. pliant)
disposition (I. nature), (heikko) weak character; ni mellovv (I. sort 1. bland) volce.
pehme- (yhd.) soft-, . . wlth soft . . [esim.
-kuorinen soft-shelled; -ktinen . . \vith
soft hands]. -karvainen
dovvny; \voolly. -kielinen (sammal-) llsping. -lihainen: se on pehmelihainen its
ineat Is tender. -pohjainen . . \vith a sort
(1. a muddy) bottom; pehmepohjaiset ken
gt soft-soled shoes.
pehmesti sortly; blandly; gently, tenderly;

pehmeeydminen soft- (1. tender-)bearted. faults, pcltalty covert, veiled [allusion,
pehmiuya ks. pehmitK.
vllttaus], disguised, vrt. seur.
pehmitUminen softening, mollification, peh- peitetty covered (up), wrapped (1. muffled)
mittaa make . . soft, soften; make . . plia
up; enveloped, shrouded, veiled; (salattu,
ble; (ealm. hedelma) mellow, make . . mel
pilltettu) hidden, concealed; (kuv.) dis
low; (liottamalla) macerate; (kuv.) melt, guised, covert; vrt. peittaa; peiietym ta
thaw; pehmiltu jankun seiba (km ..l warm nda In veiled words; haataan . . laid In
(1. dust) one's Jacket, give one a (sound) the grave, burled; hmrn ~ shrouded
thrashing; vrt. pehment. pehrnitys soft
(1. veiled) In obscurity (1. In mystery) ; maening; mellowing; (liottamalla) macera
tailla ~ carpeted [floor, lattla] ; turpdlla
tion; (selkftsauna) thrashing; vrt. edell. ~ turfed [roof, katto], . . covered with sod.
rhmita (be) soften(ed), become (1. grow peitin cover(lng); envelope, case, -hoyhenet
get) soft; become pliable; (hedelmlsta (llnnun) coverts, -kalvo (luonnont.) tegu
y. m.) mellow; vrt. pehmet. pehmoinen ment, Integument.
= pehmea. pahmustaa soften, make . . soft, peitonompelu quilting, -kehl qulltlng-frame.
(vaoulla) pad ; wad, stuff, pehmyt - pebme. pellos: olla p*itoh*it*a be covered, (plllospehtorl foreman (1. superintendent) on a sa) keep out of sight, (salassa) be bidden,
be concealed.
farm; (Engl.) steward.
peitota 1. (ruslkoida) maul, beat soundly;
peijaaminen = petkuttaminen.
peijaiset (solemn) funeral feast; vrt. kar- 2. peitata; oku pahanpiuiseksi (l. V.)
whip (1. beat) one within an Inch of his life.
hun .
peijaka the deuce, the dickens; ~ vUhn peiUi spear; lance, pike; vrt. keiha. -mies
(mys:) by Jove! by Jingo! peijakkaan lancer; spearman.
hyva deucedly good; ~ oh, the dickens! poitta, poittausaine (tekn.) mordant.
oh, the deuce! you don't say so!
peitteinen (yhd.) covered with .... .-cov
pel Jala, peijaue = petkuttaa, petkutu*.
ered [esim. ti,m,~ . . covered with snow,
pelkko (bob) goblin, (sadulssa:) troll, (hlr- snow-covered] .
VKI) ogre; (kummltus) spook, ghost; peitteleminen covering (up) Jne., ks. peitelU.
(kuv.) bogey, bugbear; lotialiimin ~ the peiuelemtt unreservedly, undlsgulsedly;
(suoraan) In so many words. In plain words
specter (1. the bugbear) of socialism.
peilallla = peilata, 1. peilailu looking at O.S. (1. terms), straight out; (avomiellsesti)
Openly; lautaa miclipiteensa pfitIn the mirror.
pel lau 1. (pelllss) look at O.S. (1. at one's tctemaitu express one's opinion unreserved
face) in the looking-glass (I. In the mir
ly, peittelomltmsti ks. edell. peiueleror), stand before (1. look In) the (look
mtn undisguised, plain, unconcealed;
ing-glass; 2. (mer. mltata veden sy- (kortstelematon) unembelllshed; (avomlevyytt) sound, peilaus 1. = peilailu; 2. llnen) unreserved, frank, open; (suora)
downright; (a'aston) naked, nude; (tees(mer.) sounding.
peili looking-glass, glass; mirror; (leak.) kentelematn) unarrected, unfeigned [plea
speculum; (oven) panel; katsohan peiliin sure, mlelihyv], sincere; unsoplilstlcated;
(\. peilist), milt nytt see In the look
peillelemltomt toiiatiat naked (1. cold)
ing-glass hOW you lOOk; si/ma on sielun ~ facts; pcittcicmtn totau* the plain un
the eye Is the mirror of the soul; vrt. hei- varnished truth, peittely = peitteleminen.
jtui~. -ikkuna plate-glass window, -klr- peitto cover(lng); (suoja) shelter; mys =
kas glassy [surface, pinta]; (eslm. Jarves- nkypeite; peiton all* (sunkyyil) under
U:) . . smooth (I. clear) as glass, . . like the qullt(s) ; olla jonkin peitossa be covered
a mirror, mirror-like [lake, Jarvl]; .. (as) (up) by (1. with), (alia) be under . . ,
clear as a mirror; (eslm. metalllastlasta:) (hautautuneena) be burled In, (plllottama. . shining like a mirror (1. like glass), na, eslm. metsn) be hidden (1. concealed)
-kuva reflection, reflected Image; Image by (1. In), (verbossa) be wrapped up in
(mys kuv.). -lui (lasllajlna) plate glass, (1. with), (esim. savun) be enveloped In,
(kuv., eslm. amaran) be shrouded (I.
mirror-plate, mirror-glass.
pelln, kehyi 1. -puitteet looking-glass frame; veiled) In [huom. olla piloten pioa (talvas) be clouded over, be cloudy, be over
frame of a mirror.
pelillo! 1. (ovl, jossa on peill) door with a cast, be overspread with clouds] ; vuor*n
mirror on It; 2. (panel!-) paneled door, pclttoon lumatta spirited Into the mountain.
-pint glassy surface, -pintainen . . with peittyi become (1. get) covered [with, Jol
a glassy surface; . . (as) smooth as glass. lakln], be(come) covered up, be(come)
-tyyni . . (as) smooth as glass.
wrapped up [In, Johonkln] ; (vajota) be
peipponen, pelppo (elalnt.) chaffinch; finch. (-come) embedded In, (kaariytya) be(come)
peitata (nahk. & v.-irj.) fix (I. set) . . with enveloped (1. shrouded 1. veiled) In; ~ hiekiMonbe(come) embedded In sand; ~ /umn
mordant; mordant.
become (1. get) covered with (1. burled in)
peit cover; (verho) covering, veil, envel
ope, case, (luonnont.) Integument; (sn- snow, become covered up In snow, be
In (1. under), get snowed In; mky-) quilt, comforter, (vllttl) blanket snowed
[bau] peittyi pilviin the sun became
[huom. /um~ blanket of snow], (paksu, rinko
clouded over, (pllloutul) the sun
karkea) rug; vrt. hbyhen-, karva-, pl- was hidden
(1. hid Itself) behind the clouds,
ly~ y. m.
shrouded (1. veiled) In clouds.
peitelaai glass shade (1. case 1. protector). peiuaminenwas
(up) Jne., ks. peitt.
peitell* (be) cover(lng) [with, Jollakln], peittmtn uncovered;
vrt. peittalemtn.
cover . . up; wrap up; muffle; (slala)
(up) [with . . , Jolla
conceal, hide; (kuv.) disguise, cloak, veil;
kln], cover Itself; (pliloutua) hide (1. con
mask [one's feelings, tunteitaan], dissem
ble; (sllotella) palliate, gloss (1. varnish) ceal) O.S., hide Itself; vrt. seur.
over; ptUMtn (peltetyln sanoln) In covert peiltat cover, cover up, cover over; (verho(I. disguised) words (1. terms), covertly. ta) wrap up, muffle up, envelope [In, JoIndirectly [nuom. antaa ptit*U*n ymmrt hunkin; with, Jollakln]; veil, (en)shroud;
bint (Indirectly), Intimate, Insinuate] ; (estai Aftkymasta) prevent seeing, (kuv.)
uttaan cover one's nakedness ; - eclipse, throw Into the shade; (salata)
gloss over (1. cloak 1. tilde) one's bide (. . from view), conceal, (kuv.) dis-



guise, cloak, mask; (maalian) enibecl;

(Hautaan) bury. Inter; (tekn.) lay, overlay,
case, coat, llne; ~ hautaan lay In tbe
grave, bury. Inter; ~ maahan cover up (1.
bury) In the ground; ~ jokin nkyvitt
prevent seelng . . nide . . from vlew; ~
turpeilla (cover . . wlth) turf, turf over,
cover . . \vith sod; aurinko on pilvien
peittm the sun 13 clouded over (1. overcast, the sun Is hldden behind the clouds;
tavun peittm envcloped (1. shrouded) in
smoke; te ~ menot It covers the expenses.
peitnt covering, covering up (1. over).
Pekka Peter; (jkpv.) Pete; hn ei ole Pek
kaa pahempi (1. v.) he Is no worse than the
rcst or tbem [of us], he Is as good as the
pelaaja player [esim. pallon ball-player] ;
vrt. peluri, pelaaminen playing.
pelasta* save [a p.'s life. Jonkun henki; one
from ruln. Joku hvist]; (vaarasta y.
m.) rescue [from drovvning, hukkumasta);
preserve [from .., Jostakin]; (vapauttaa)
Tree; (vapahtaa) dellvcr [rrom. Jostakin],
redeem; ~ Joku henkiin brlng one (back)
to life, recall (1. restore) one to lire; ~
ittent ks. pelastautua; .. jonkun k
sist rescue . . from the hands of . .; ~
nahkansa save one'.'* skln (I. one's bacon);
hn ei ole en pelattettavitta he is beyond (ali) help, he is beyond (1. past) hope
(1. recovery), his case Is desperate, there
is no hope for hiin; te ei ole en pelattet
tavitta It Is Irretrtevable, it is lost beyond
recovery, (jkpv.) it's gone (1. lost) Tor
good; te meidt (mys:) that VVill be
our salvation. pelastaja rescuer, saver;
(vapahtaja) savlor; preserver; (lunastaja)
dellverer; (vapauttaja) liberator. pelasta
minen saving Jne., ks. pelastaa, pelastau
tua save o. s.; escape; (pst) come off,
get orr (1. away) [from, jostakin].
pelastua save o. s., be (1. get) saved, be rcscued; (vltt) escape, clude, avoid; (va
pautua) be(come) freed (I. released 1. liberated), be(come) dellvered [from, Josta
kin]; be preserved [from danger, vaaras
ta], be redeemed; ~ ilmitulematta escape
detectlon; vrt. pelastautua, pelastuminen
rescue, dellvery; escape.
pelastus rescue. delivery;
[from, jostakin]; (iner.) salvage; (vapah
dus) salvation; (lunastus) deliverance;
(pakoonpsy) escape; pelastuksen toivo
hope of escape, hope of belng saved; ~
oli lhell rescue \vas nlgh (1. \vas at hand);
se on ainoa pelastuksen tie (ainoa, mik
meidt pelastaa) that'8 our only means (1.
hope) of escape (1. of rescue), thafs the
only way out or It Tor us. -armei(J)a Sal
vation Army. -armeUJlalainen mcmber
[man, \voman] r the Salvation Army;
pelastusarmeialaiset Salvation Army people.
-asema (hengen-) 111'e-savlng statlnn. -keino
(means of) rescue. -koti rescue home.
-kysi llfe-llne. -laitteet 1. -vehkeet (henEren) life-saving apparatus (1. cquipment).
-palkka (rner.) salvage. -rengas ltre-biioy;
llfe-preservcr. -tie \vay or escape, way
out; vrt. pelastuskeino, -ty rescue \vork.
-vene (hengen-) llfe-boat. -vy HTe-preservcr, llfe-bclt. -yhti salvage company;
vvrecklng company, -yritys attempt to res
cue (1. to save), attempt at rescue, attempted rescue.
pelata play [cards korttia], have a game
Of . .; (Uhkapeli) gamhlf; menett pe
laamalla gamblc a\vay, lose . . at cards.
peli game; (leikki) play; ei milln pelill
(tavoin) In no way (I. wlse), on no accoiint,
(el suinkaan) by no means, (mahdotonta)


lmposslble; hn menetti omaisuutensa pe

litt he lost his fortune at cards (1. in
gambllng), he gambled away his fortune:
hn rikastui tiin pelitt he made himself
richby it (1. by that game). -helvetti gambling-hell; vrt. peliluola, -himo passion Tor
gambllng, gambllng-fever. -huone gambling-bouse, gaming-house.
pelikaani (ellnt.) pellcan.
peli kiihko pelihimo, -kiihkoinen = pelinhimoinen. -kortti (playing- )card; (Jkpv.)
pasteboard. -korttivero tax on playingcards. -kumppani partner. -luola gamblingden (1. -hole 1. -dlve).
pelimanni muslclan; (viulunsoittaja) fid.1 Iit: (pllllnsolttaja) plper.
pelillmarkka 1. -merkki chip, counter. -nap
pula 1. -napu man, (sakkipelin, mys:)piece.
pelini! hai ui non .. uho vvants to play; fond
of playing (1. or gambllng); vrt. seur.
-himoinen . . with a passion for gambllng
(1. for playing).
peli onni luck (In gambling). -paikka gambllng-place. -pankki bank. -pyti gambllng-table; (kortti-) card-table; (shakkipyt) chess-table. -raha chip: counter.
-seura (kortti-) card-party; (-klubi) cardclub. -snt rule or tbe game; rule or play.
-velka gambling-debt. -vimma gamblingmanla, rage (1. mania) for gambling. -voitto
\vlnnings at cards (1. rrom gambling).
peljstyi, peljt ks. pelsty, pelt.
pelkistys (kem.) reduction. pelkist (kem.)
reduce; pelkistv aine (pelkistin) reducIng agent.
pelkk square ttmber; beam.
pelkk mere, nothing but, ali; (paljas) bare;
(puhdas) pure; clear; pure and simple,
sheer; (suora) plaln, simple; hopea pure
Silver; ~ totuus the plaln truth; pelkk
harmia nothing but harm (1. mortlllcatlon
1. vexation); hn ti pelkk leip he ate
nothing but bread, (kuivaa) he \vas eatlng
dry (1. plaln) bread; minulla on ollut pelk
k iloa hilnett he has brought nothing
but joy to me, I have had nothing but joy
or hlm (1. on his account), I have had unmlngled (I. unqualiried 1. pure) Joy on his
account; olla pelkkn korvana lkm.) be
ali ears, be ali attention; se peruttuu pelk
kiin epilyksiin it is rounded on mere (I.
Is based slmply on) susplcion.
pelko rear; dread; (huoli) apprehension:
(levottomuus) aiarm; (arkuus, pelkuruus)
timldlty, tlmorousness; (pelsty) rrlght;
(kauhu) terror; pelon vallatta ks. valta;
pelotta, ett [muuten] . . lest ... Tor rear
that [other\vlse] ..; ei ole mitn pelkoa
(ei ole pelttviss) there is no reason to
be atarmed (1. to be arrald), there Is no
cause for rear (1. ror alarm) ; jonkin pelotta
ror (1. in 1. rrom 1. thrnugh) rear or huom.
selksaunan pelotta ei hn uskaltanut pu
hua mitn (mys:) being arrald or a bealtng lie dtd not dare to say anything].
pelkuri co\vard, raint-hcarted (1. chlckenhearted) rellow; (raukkamainen) dastard,
craven, poltroon. pelkurimainen co\vardly:
raint-hcarted. clilcken-hearted; (pelokas)
timid, timorsome; (raukkamainen) craven.
dastardly. pelkurimaisesti (in a) covvardly
(manner). Itke a co\vard, raint-heartedly;
tlmldly; cravenly. pelkurimaisuus rovvardllness, ralnt-heartedness, rhlcken-heartedness; dastardliness: vrt. seur. pelkuruus
cowardlce, lack or courage, falnt-heartedness; (pelokkuus) timldlty, tlmorousness;
(pelko) rear, dread.
pelkstn only, but, merely. Just.
pelkminen belng arrald [of ..]; (pelko)
fear; sinulla ei ole mitn pelkmist (pe


tuttava) alarming-, disquieting; (pelttv)
terrifying, formidable, terrible: vrt. hirvea.
pelottavasti alarmingly, terribly; (pelottavassa mrss) to an alarming degree (1.
extent), pelottelu Intimidation; < e/i vain
peloiielua that was only (1. Just) to frighten
(1. scare) me [you, him, etc.]. petottomasti
fearlessly, intrepidly; vrt. pelkamtt.
pelottomuus fearlessness, Intrepidity.
pelotus frightening, scaring; intimidation;
vrt. pelottelu. -keino means of Intimidation.
peltl (levy) plate, (ohut) sheet (metal) [eslm.
rauta- sheet Iron]; vrt. lakki-; (uunln-)
damper, register. - k atto sheet-Iron roof,
(galvanoltu) galvanized Iron roof.
peltinen (yhd.) . . of . . plate [eslin. oahva~
. . of thick plate].
pelti, sakset = levysakiet. -aeppl Iron-plate
(1. sheet-metal) worker, worker In Ironplate; vrt. lkkisepp.
pelto (tilled) field; (peltomaa) arable land,
tilled (1. cultivated) ground; peltoa a nutty arable and pasture land, plow and pas
ture land, fields and meadows; ajaa joku
pfliollt (fcuv.) turn one out (of doors),
show one the door, (tlehensa) send one
packing, pack one off.
pelto- (yhd.) field- [eslm. -htm* field-pea;
-hiiri field-mouse], -ala area (1. extent)
of cultivated land; acreage under the plow,
-kana = peltopyy. -maa arable land, field
under plow, tilled (1. cultivated) ground.
-mies tiller Of the SOU; farmer, -my
(eiaint.) vole, (European) meadow-mouse,
-ohdake (kasv.) Canada thistle, -pala
pcltotiikku. -pyy (eiaint.) gray partridge,
-arka strip of field surrounded by ditches,
-tllkku patch, small field; (puutarha-) gar
den plot, -ty field-labor; tilling (1. culti
vation) of the soil, farming, -vari (ellnt.)
pelu: pc/at chopped straw, (akanat) chaff;
vrt. silppu. -koppa large basket in which
to carry chopped straw.
peluri gambler; korttl card-player, (uhka-) gambler.
peluu playing, play; vrt. kortiu-.
polaetyminen, peleetymys fright, pelastynyl
frightened, startled, scared, terrified ; (saikytetty) Intimidated; (nuolestunut) alarmed
[by(l. atl. over), Jostakln]. palacty fright;
alarm; (pelko) fear, dread. peliatyttamlnen frightening Jne., ks. seur. pelasty tu
frighten, scare; startle; vrt. pelottaa; pelstytt linnut itntoon frighten (1. scare) the
birds away.
pelstyl be (1. get) frightened (I. scared 1.
alarmed 1. startled) [at, Jostakln] ; vrt.
pelatty feared; dreaded; t*hd itstns peltyksi make o.s. dreaded. pelitUva formi
dable; terrible: dreadful, frightful; vrt.
kauhUtava. pelttaa <= pelattyttlUL
pelaty* scarecrow; (kuv.) fright, sight;
pelitl fear; (olla peloissaan) be afraid [of,
Jotakln] ; stand in fear (1. dread 1. awe)
[of, Jotakln]; (kauhlstuen) dread; (aavlstaa pelaten) apprehend, be apprehensive
of . . ; p*lkn, ftta han * tul* 1 am afraid
he Won't COme; / Aunen ehsyneen I
fear (1. I am afraid) (that) he has lost his
way; relaten, ttts . . being afraid that . . ,
fearing that ... for fear of getting . .-ed,
apprehensive that . . ; ptlttn jotakin for (1.
through) the fear of . .; ~ be In
fear of one's life, be In mortal terror;
joutumasta ikavyyktiin be anxious lest one
should get Into trouble, vrt. seur.; /oulavanta ikaoyyktlla be afraid of getting-


l&ttv) you have nothing: to fear, you

need not fear anything-, pelkiimittl with
out fear, fearlessly, Intrepidly, nothing
daunted: unflinchingly; vrt. rohkeatti. pelkaamttmyy fearlessness. Intrepidity.
pelkUmlUemUtl = pelkamtt. pelkamten fearless, intrepid, unafraid [of ..],
not afraid (1. fearful), undaunted, daunt
less [courage, rohkeus] ; unflinching:;
plucky: ptlkmtSn *anomalthti a paper
not afraid to speak out; vrt. rohkea.
pellava flax; vrt. Ulna, pellavainen . . Of
flax, flaxen; (lllnalnen) linen.
pellava kanga linen, -kuontalo tow. -lanka
1. -rihma llnon thread, -loukku flax-brake.
-maa 1. -polto -field, field of flax.
pellavan kuitu flax fibre, -liotus soaking1 of
flax; (Engl.) retting, -loukutus braking of
flax, flax braking.
pellavansiemen flaxseed, linseed.
pellavansiemen- (yhd.) Unseed- [eslm. -kakka
linseed-cake; -Stiy llnseed-olll. flaxseed
[eslm. -pmira flaxseed poultice].
pellavanviljely cultivation of flax, flaxculture.
pellava pa* flaxen head; tow-head, -tendas
linen- (manu) factory, -tukka flaxen hair,
-dljy linseed-oil.
pelh damper; register.
pelln aukko I. -relki hole for a damper,
-nuora cord of a damper.
pelln .hoysto 1. -lanta manure, -pelitti
scarecrow, -piennor 1. -pyrtin bank.
pelmuiuittaa shake up, stir (up); (plyyttaa) drive (up), raise [(the) dust, tomua],
sweep; (hajottaa) scatter; otahuia tuluata shake one by the hair of his head,
(vet&i) pull a p.'s hair.
pelokas tlrnld, timorous, tlmorsome; (arka)
shy; shrinking [manner, kyts] ; (pelastynyt) frightened [glance, sllmays], scared;
fearful. pelokkati timidly, timorously;
(arastl) shyly; (pelolla) with fear, pelokkuus timidity, tlmorousness; fearfulness;
(arkuus) shyness.
peln aih cause for alarm (1. for fear); ap
prehension, -alai nan timid, timorous; fright
ened, alarmed, -alaleuu (arkuus) timidity;
(pelko ) fear, dread, alarm; el alitui*e**a
p*lonalaiiuuJ*fsa live In constant fear (1.
terror), -sekainen mingled (1. mixed) with
fear, -tunne sensation of fear; apprehension.
pelotella frighten, terrify, scare; Intimidate;
I antanut ~ itttaSn refused to be Intimi
dated; Vrt. pelottaa.
peloton undaunted, dauntless [courage, roh
keus] ; fearless, Intrepid; vrt. pelkgjtmatan.
pelottaa frighten, (jkpv.) snare; (salkuhdyttaa akklyliatyksella) startle; (synnytta*
pelkoa Jossakussa) inspire . . with fear, In
timidate, (kunnloituksensekalsta) fill (1.
Inspire 1. impress 1. strike) with awe, awe;
(jntakuta Jostakln) deter [one from going,
jotakuta menemasta], discourage; (kaublstuttaa) terrify, strike . . with terror,
appall; (huolestuttaa) alarm, give alarm
to. fill . . with anxiety, make . . uneasy;
/ofcin jotakuta a p. fears (1. dreads 1. is
afraid of) a th., a p. is alarmed (1. fright
ened) by, a tb. frightens (1. alarms 1.
scares) a p., (huolestuttaa) a th. fills a p.
with anxiety, (pane pelkaamaan) a th. in
spires a p. with fear (1. with awe): minua
~ I am afraid, I feel (1. am) frightened, I
fear, 1 dread [to go there, menn sinne], I
apprehend llial . . , ett . .] ; I am (1. feel)
alarmed [by (1. over) his long absence, hanenpltkalllnen polssaolonsa]. pelottaminen
frightening Jne., ks. edell.; (pelotus) In
timidation, pelottava frightening; (huoles-



Into trouble, be afraid (1. fear) tbat one

will get Into trouble; - kaoUmaa be afraid
(I. stand In fear) of death, dread death; ~
jonkun kuoleuan (mys:) have fears of a
p.'s recovery [huom. hnen peltn huolevan there are fears for his life, his life Is
despalred of] ; tturauktia be afraid of
the consequences, dread (I. fear) the consequences; ~ mortoa dread oppression; ~
tututtumasta (Johonkuhun) shun a p.'s ac
quaintance; pflkti putoavanta tie Was
afraid of falling, he feared lest (1. that) he
WOUld fall; on ptlttviss, tita .. It IS tO
be feared that ". . [huom. el pelttvis, mtt . . 'mys:) one need not fear (1. be
-afraid) that . .] ; nun *i tarvitt* tita
you need have no fear of that; 0/0 ptlhSa
don't be afraid! fear nothing! never fear!
(have) no fear!
panqar (plennar) edge, border; (valll) bank,
embankment; (terassl) terrace; (kumpu)
mound; (rtnne) slope, descent; vrt. ranta~, rata, -luiika slope (1. side) of an
embankment, -maa terraced ground,
pengermi (porras) ledge, shelf; (rata-, kukkas- y. m.) bed; mys penfer; vrt. kukka~. pengermiinan terraced, pangerryi
embankment. pengartU terrace;
bank up, embank.
pangonia - penkomlnen.

penikka whelp, (etup. kolran) puppy, pup;

Ckarhun, leljonan y. m.) cub. ptnikkamainan (kuv.) puppylsh, whelplsh; vrt. nullkkamainen. penikkamaisasti like a pup (1. a
whelp), penikkamaieuus puppyism, panlkKatauti distemper; (hermostossa) chorea.
penikoida whelp; pup. panlkolminan whelpIng, pupping.
pnl(n)kulm a Finnish measure of distance,
ab. 6)4 Engl. statute miles; (englannln-)
mile; (ranskalalnen y. m.) league; p*nlkulmitn laajuadtlta for miles around.
for miles and miles; vrt. marl, -maarl
number of miles; p*nikutmamri, ptnihulmamiiarin mill's and mill's, lor miles
(and miles).
panl(n)kulman!|laajulnan .. about miles
wide (1. across), -lavylnen . . about 6 miles
broad, -pltulnan &yt miles long.
panl(n)kulmapataaa d. v.) mile-post, mile
stone. penl(n)kulmitta!n for miles (and
penkera ks. penger. pankarelttiln In terraces.

pankki bench, seat; (koulun-, Engl.) form;

(klrkon-) pew. -rlvl row (of benches);
tier (of seats). -Je (klrkossa) pew.
penkoa (tonkla) root (up), grub (up); (etsla
fthroutfln. ransack, rumtarkkaan) search (through),
mage; (kalvaa) dig (up), delve; ~ **ill*
hunt up, (kalvaa) dig up, (etsl selvllle)
search out; ~ [talo] ptrinpohfin search
[the house] thoroughly, ransack [the
house] ; ~ tatkajaan, ~ taikunta dig
down Into (1. go through) one's pockets,
(kopelolda) fumble In one's pockets, penkoja searcher [for]; jonhin ptnkofa (esllle-) one who hunted (1. dug) up, one who
searched out. pankominan rooting (up)
jne., ks. penkoa; (pengonta) rummage.
pannl a Finnish copper coin, corresponding
In value to about one-fifth of a cent;
my last cent; viiiiptnnia
ft v Vhrtvat/ \ a j*inff /Irritr) a h >.i I rrwum i(I.
v. Yhdysv.) a cent, (Engl.) a halfpenny.
-kirjanen penny pamphlet.
pannlnki (1. v.) penny; vrt. hopaa~. pannlrhanen: ptnnipaho**ni my poor (1. paltry
meager) pittance, pennitn penniless.
peneaikko = pensasto. pentainan busby,

p-m p i

penau bush; shrub, -alt hedge, -kai

pentatmainen busby, shrubby.
pentaato thicket (of bushes), brush, bush;
(eslm. pihamaalla) shrubbery; vrt. viidakko. grow over with bushes; (yksltyisest kasvlsta:) grow Into a bush.
penseya lukewarmness ; Indifference; laxity;
vrt. seur. pense lukewarm, half-hearted
[Christian, krlstltty] ; (vallnpltamtn) In
different; (veltto) lax; languid. peneei*tl
lukewarmly; Indifferently, penslttyi be
come (1. grow) lukewarm (1. Indifferent).
penseeli ks. ivellin. penuelin- (ybd.) ks.
alveltiman-. pensselld paint [the throat,
kurlckua]; (paint with a) brush; (slenell)
swab, penseeloiminan painting; swabbing.
Panttl Benedict.
' pcnlkka. pentukoir young dog,
Puppy(-dog), pup. pentumainen ks. penikkamainen.
penatl (Intt) Insist; (vaatla) urge; (olla
Itsepainen) be obstnate; ~ matean oppose
. . obstinately, (Jkpv.) be on the other side
of the fence, vrt. tenta. peniminen In
papeilnl (kern.) pepsln(e)
= perkata.
,(johonkln) making . . ac
quainted (1. familiar) with, making . . versed
In. perahdyttli make . . at home [In a
trade, johonkln ammattlln], make . . profi
cient [In ..], make .. (well) acquainted
[with ..], acquaint [one with the state of
affairs, joku aslalntllaan], make . . familiar
[with a subject, johonkln aineeseen], make
. . versed [In a science, Johonkln tleteenhaaraan].
perehtyminan. perehtymyi acquaintance;
familiarity [with ..]. parehtymattomyyt
lack of acquaintance [with], unfamlllarlty
[with]; Ignorance [of]; deficient (1. In
sufficient) knowledge [of], deficient In
sight [into].
perehtymatOn: johonkin ~ unacquainted
with, not up In (1. on), unfamiliar (1. not
familiar) with, not conversant with, not
(well) versed in, not well posted In, (tletmtn) Ignorant of, (kokematon) In
experienced 1; atiaan (myi'iS:) Unini
tiated; englanninkitletn ~ (mys:) knowIng no English.
perehtynyt: johankin ~ (well) acquainted
with, familiar with, (well) versed in; at
home In; experienced (1. practised) In,
Skilled In [huom. tnglanninkieletn hyvin ~
well versed In English, conversant (1. at
home) Invrt;English,
Englishseur (Jkpv.) well up on
_..... ' (johonkln)
/4Ah^niri\ become familiar with
(1. versed In), get acquainted with; make
o.s. familiar with, familiarize o.s. with;
(tottua) get used to; (puastii perllle) get
Into; (pyrkla perllle) make o.s. at home In;
(palista sllmtleman) get an insight Into,
get an Idea of; (past tletman) become
Initiated In(to); ~ Itmat,n become accli
mated (1. acclimatized) ; kotttaa pStta ptrthtymaSn johonkin try to get (1. work)
Into; on (hyvin) p*r*htynyt utuun knows
the country (1. the neighborhood) well,
knows the Ins and outs of the neighbor
hood (I. the locality).

perempl '(slsempi)
Inner, Interior;
(kaukal... ^ '
. ' \"*'
sempl) farther; (taempana oleva) back,
hlnd(er), rear, posterior; p*remmak*i,
rcmmallt farther back, farther to the rear;

farther In [bUOm. asluhaa percmmaksi (\.

ptremmalle) Come ]; perempan far
ther back, farther behind, farther In the
rear; farther In.

to a
perfektl (kiel.) present perfect tense.
pergamenttl (nahkapaperl) parchment; (hle- ClOSe, to a TlnlSh; ~ p*tyni. ~ tultuani
no) vellum, -kiir roll or parchment, -nide upon my arrival (there), having reached
1. -side parchment (I. vellum) binding:, there; ajaa a*ia ~ (lpl) carry (1. push I.
-paper! parchment-paper, vegetable parch drive 1. force) the matter through; ajaa
mlelipiteenm ~ carry one'3 point,
pwhan the deuce, the dickens; ~ (oiekn) perille ajaminen carrying (I. pushing 1. forc
ing) through, -vieminen l.-saattaminen pur
darned! vrt. uakell.
perhe family; (talonvkl, ruokakunta) house suance, prosecution; carrying on (1. Into ef
carrying (1. working) out, realization.
hold; (huone) house; p*rh**n pr the
family circle; hyvst ptrheeit at (good) perillinen heir, heiress; kuoli perillitttta
family, well connected.
(mys:) died without Issue; vrt. perij.
perhe- (yhd.) family, domestic [eslm. -100- permission . . without heirs, . . without
bar family physician; -riita family (1. do- Issue; helrless.
mestlc) feud; -*aht**t family (1. domestic) perilla at one's destination; there; jobo han
relations], -aalat family matters; domestic on has he already reached his destina
tion? Is he already there? (kauhana) pahconcerns.
perheellinen: ~ mes a man with a family, Jan ~ In the far North, In high (northern)
family man. perhe-llml family (I. do
latitudes, (up) In the extreme North; nyt
mestic) life; (kott-) home life.
ma olamma ~ now we are at our journey's
perneen fl emintt housewife; mother of a end, now we are here, here we are; olla ~
[the] family; (talon-) lady (1. woman) of jastakin (perehtynyt johonkln) be familiar
the house, -ii father (I. head) of a [the] (1. be acquainted) with . . , be versed In . . ,
family; head of the house; (perheelllnen be at home In ... know a tn. [ huom. han
mies) family man. -iitnt* master (1. head) on ~ niLita os mi ita (myos:) he Is well In
of the family; head (I. man) of the house. formed on such matters].
-Ill mother of a [the] family.
per I minen Inheriting Jne., ks. periM; exaction.
perheeton . . without a (1. with no) family. perimisilJirjMty* (lak.) succession. -kuiperhelhauu family lot In a cemetery; (-ra- Unnuktet cost of (1. fee for) collecting.
kennus) family vault (1. tomb). -huoiet -olkeu* right of Inheritance.
family (1. domestic) cares.
perimplni (taalmpana) hindmost, farthest
perheinen (yhd.) . . with a . . family [eslm. back, nearest the back, In the extreme rear,
uuri with a large family], perhelttaln farthest from the front; (slsimpanft) mby (1. In) families.
(ner)most; (kaulmpana) farthest off (I.
perhe||kalleui heirloom, -kunta family; (per- away), farthermost.
heen pllrl) family circle; (huonekunta) peri my* Inheritance, -maa ks. perlntomu.
household, -nytelm domestic drama; -oikeutettu entitled to Inherit (1. to an In
hmrittava ptrhtnytetm domestic comedy; heritance), -sota war of succession; ItarhyttSoa perhenytelm domestic trag vallan p*rimy*tota War Of the Austrian
edy, -olot domestic conditions; (-aslat) Succession, -tleto tradition,
family affairs; (-elme) domestic (1. fam perimiinen hindmost; . . farthest back; (slily) life, -on ni domestic happiness, -side: sin) ln(ner)most; (etulsln) most distant,
ptrhttittat family ties, -turu grief In the remotest; (kaulmpana oleva) farthest, far
family, family grief. domestic sorrow. thermost.
-vaakuna family arms (1. escutcheon), perimatieto tradition,
arms of the family,
perlmlten (Jota el ole perltty) uncollected,
not called for.
perho butterfly; (onki-) fly. perhomainen
(kasv.) papilionaceous, parhonen = perho. perln I. (kauttaaltaan) . . throughout, thorperhoel'haavl hand-net to catch butterflies, oughly, all the way through; (ylen) ex
tremely, .. In the extreme; (erlnomalsen)
Insect-net, -onki fly-hook,
perhoitaa fish (I. angle) with a fly-book. exceedingly; (alvan) quite, altogether;
(tysin) perrectly, rully, entirely, utterly;
penaate principle; p*riaatt*t**a in (point
adhering strictly to the mat
of) principle, as a matter of principle; ter atiallintn
In hand (1. to the Tacts In the case),
periaatteissaan pytyminen holding 10 One's relevant;
very (I. extremely) dry,
principles; oariaatttittaan pytyo (1. luja) dry In the extreme;
~ kVyhS
me* a man of firm principles, perlaatteel- miserably (1. abjectly)~ hur/a,
poor, destitute,
linen . . of principle, . . Involving a princi
ple, rounded on principle; periaott//nn hoyhtynyt impoverished, reduced to beg
kytymyt question (1. matter) of (I. Involv gary; rthtllinen thoroughly honest, hlilling a) principle, periaatteellitesti In (point
to the core (1. the backbone); trht
of) principle, as a matter of principle, perl- est
highly Important, extremely (1. exceeding
aatteeton unprincipled; p*rtaattt*ton mit* ly)
. . of utmost (1. of the great
(mys:) a man devoid of principle, perl- est)Important,
since; ./a - since then.
periji heir; raren omaitaadtn
heir lo
to a since
uaen ~- neir
| *
ever ain
large fortune. perlJlUr heiress
tur- perln||Juurin
radically: (kokomlo) ruin;

-utterly; (selkkaperlsesti) In detail;

ruined; ptrihatonn tuomittu doomed (to naan)
hvittS pcrinjuurin ks. hvitt (perlndestruction); joutua p*rikatoon be(come) pohjln). -juurinen fundamental; (perlnruined, go to rack and ruin, go to destruction, pohjalnen) thorough( -going); radical [re
perl k unta the heirs.
form, parannus].
peri kuva original (type); type, prototype; perinnalnen hereditary; (In)heritable; (pemodel; (kuva) Image; nan on rth*lli*yyd*n rltty) Inherited; (perliitnli kulkeva) transi he Is the embodiment of honesty. mlsslble. perinnaietieto tradition, perlnnii-kuvalllnen (tyypllllnen) typical, -kuvalll- yyi . . being hereditary (1. transmissible);
eeti typically.
perille to the end, to the destination; there; pehnnollinen perlnnKlnen. perinnollisyy*
atti, taakka all the way (there), (maa- (fyalol.) heredity; myos perinnkliyy.
rapalkkaan) to the destination, (right) to pwlnnOnljako division (1. distribution) or


an [the] lnheritance. -vaatimus claim (to tinen, perjanulnnumero, perjantaisin vrt.
an lnheritance).
lauantainen Jne.
perinnttomyya dlslnberitance. perinntn perkaamaton, perkaaminen = perkkaamaton,
. . vvithout lnheritance, rtislnherlted; tehd perkkaaminen.
perinnttmksi dislnherit.
perkata clean (out); cleanse; (puutarhaa y.
perin pohjainen thorough(-going); runda- m.) vveed (out), clear . . of weeds, (kuo
mental; (Juurtajaksalnen) radlcal, svveep- kalla) hoe; (raivata) clear; (ruokatavaroi
ing [reform, uudistus]; (tyhjentv) ex- ta) look over [gooseberrles, karviaismar
haustlve [inqulry, tutkimus], comprehen- joja], plck over, hull [stravvberries, man
slve; (seikkaperinen) clrcumstantlal, de- sikoita] ; vrt. silvota; kaivo [oja] Clean
talled, minute, (tarkka) close [study, opis
out a well [a dltcb] ; kaloja clean fish,
kelu]; (syv) proround; ~ muutot radlcal scale and gut risti, get the rish ready;
(1. rundamental 1. svveeplng) cbange;
~ peltoa clear land (for cultivation), be
selksauna thorough (1. sound) beating;
clearing a rield, put Wild land under culti
perinpohjaiset tiedot jostakin thorough vation.
knovvledge or . . . perinpohjaisesti thor- perkeet (kalan-) guts, entralls.
ougbly, rundamentally; radlcally, sweep- perkele devll; riend. perkeleellinen devlllsh,
ingly; exhaustlvely; In detall, mlnutely. flendlsb, dlabollcal. perkeleellisesti devil-pohjaisuus thoroughness; proroundness, ishly, flendlsbly, dlabollcally. perkeleelliprofundlty; radlcalness; svveeplng nature syys devilishness, flendlshness, diabolical(1. character); exhaustiveness. -pohjin
er.inp.?.nJai"*,t'i (kokonaan) utterly, vrt. perkkaamaton uncleaned,*uncleansed; (esim
puutarha) unvveeded; (marjoista y.' m.:)
perint lnheritance. -tapa tradition, -tieto not looked (1. picked) over, not hulled, untradition.
hulled; (raivaamaton) uncleared.notcleared.
perint lnheritance; legacy; (-osuus) share perkkaaminen cleaning Jne., ks. perkata.
(1. portlon) or an lnheritance; jtt pe perkkaus perkkaaminen. -ty (work or)
rinnksi (\. perintn) jollekulle leave . . cleaning out; (maan) clearing.
to one (as an lnheritance), (Jlkisdksel perkkauttaa have . . cleaned out (1. \veeded
l) vvill; jtt perinntt disinherit: luo
Jne., vrt. perkata); have . . cleared.
pua (kokonaan) perinnst renounce ali perkule ks. perhana.
claim on the estate, dlsclalm ali rlghts In perlemo (helmiinen) mother-or-pearl.
the lnheritance.
permalainen (a. & s.) Permlan.
perintijuttu lawsult Involving an lnherit permanto (lattia) rioor; (teatt.) parquet,
ance, case in the probate court. -Jrjestys plt, main rioor. -aitio (teatt.) hox on the
succession. -kaari laws of lnheritance, lavvs main rioor.
of succession (to property). -maa heredl- permantoinen ks. lattiainen.
tary possesslons; perintmaat (mys:) he- permanto istuin 1. -paikka (teatt.) parquet
seat, seat on the main rioor, seat In the plt
redltary domains,
rlght or ln
-palkki (lattia-) rioor plank.
heritance; (perimys-) rlght or succession. perna (anat.) spleen, mtlt. -rutto 1. -tauti
(ellnlk.) anthrax.
-omaisuus lnheritance, rarnlly (1. heredi
tary) estate. -osa 1. -osuus share (1. Persia Persia, persialainen (a. & s.) Persian,
portion) or an lnheritance; share, portlon; persialaissota (hlst.) Persian war. Persian
(raam.) lnheritance. -prinssi (kruunun-) lahti Persian Guir, Ouir or Persia.
crown prlnce; vrt. perintruhtinas. -rahat P^^siikka peach. -puu peach-tree
1. -varat Inherlted money, -ruhtinas 1. (pe- parallja (kasv.) parsley.
Jollekin], covetous
rlnnllinen) hereditary prlnce
. (kruu perso greedy [or .
[or ..]; fond [or . .]. persoilla (Jotakin)
nunperillinen) heir apparent, crovvn prlnce.
-Upa tradition, -tila ramlly (1. hereditary) be greedy (1. hungry 1.. eager) for; be
covetous or, covet; vrt. norkoilla.
estate. -vero lnheritance tax.
peri || suomalainen (a.) purely (1. truly) Finn person (ifi)oida ks. olennoida.
ish; (aito-) genuine Finnish, -synti orlginal persoona person; omassa persoonassaan In
sln. -vihollinen hereditary (1. feudal) ene- person, (itse) hlmseir. persoonallinen personal; (yksityinen) indlvidual, private. per
my; (p-) arch-roe, arch-enemy.
soonallisesti personally, in person, persoo
periytynyt Inherlted, hereditary. periyty be nallisuus
personality; (konkr.)person(age):
inherlted; (olla perinnist) be hereditary. huomattava
persoonallisuus an illUStrlOUS
. peri (saada perint) Inherlt [. . rrom one's personage; menn
persoonallisuuksiin touch
parents, Jotakin vanhemmiltaan; eternal upon (1. indulge in)
personalltles [huom.
life, iankaikkinen elm], come into an ln
heritance, rall heir to ..; (kantaa) collect the dlscusslon began to be
personal] per
[rents, vuokramaksuja], call in; levy soonapronomini (kiel.) personal
[taxes, veroja] ; (hakea oikeuden kautta) persoonaton Impersonal [verb, verbi],
perrecover [damages, vahingonkorvausta]; soonattomuus impersonallty
(vaatia) exact, demand; maksuja) exact persous greedlnes. greed, covetousness;
payment, demand (to obtain) compensatlon; rondness [ror . . , Jollekin].
oikeuden kautta recover in court, (lail
perspective. -kuva perspective.
lista saatavaansa) sue ror the recovery of perspektiivi
-oppi (principles or) perspective. -pinta 1
[a debt, etc], take (legal) proceedings for -taso
the recovery of . .; - sakko(a) exact a fine Pertti Bert.
[of . .] ; kyll sinut viel paha perii (sinun pertusks, partlzan; (Iskuase) halberd.
ky huonosti) evll \vill overtake you yet peru lnheritance; legacy; (perintosuus)
you wlll come to grief (l. to harin) yet,
(1. share) or an lnheritance: perut
It vvill go vvrong \vith you yet; mik minut portlon
(Jtteet) relics, (Jlkeenjnyt omaisuus)
nyt perii (miten minun ky) vvhat vvill be property
estate 1. erfects) or a deceased;
my fate (1. my lot) novv? vvhat vvill berall kirjalliset(1.perut
llterary remains.
(1. vvill come o() me novv?

perjantai Friday; perjantaina (on) Frlday. perukka (remotest) corner (1. nook); angle;
perjantai- (yhd.) Friday [esim. -aamu Frl
recess, cranny; (seutu) nelghborhood, loday mornlng; -ilta Friday nigbt] . perjan- COllty; lahden porukassa in the rarthest


corner or the bay, farthest up tbe bay; kin], care [about (1. ror) a tn.. Jostakin],
pohjan perukoilla (kaukana pohjoisessa) In be concerned [about . .] ; ~ oma talous bethe rar north, rar up In the north, in high gln (l. set up l. go to) housekeeplng (Tor
(nortbem) latltudes; tll perukalta around O.S.) ; toiveensa johonkin base one'S hopes
here, in this locality (1. nelghborbood 1. on, plaee (I. rix) one's hopes on (1. In), vrt.
panna (toivonsa); ~ yhdistys round (1. or
perulainen (a. & s.) Peruvian.
ganlze 1. rorm) a Society; ~ yhti rorm (1.
peruna potato [plur. potatoes] ; (Jkpv.) spud. organlze) a (stock) company; el siit ku
peruna- (ybd.) potato(-) [esim. -jauho po- kaan perusta nobody cares (1. troubles hlmtato-riour; -keitto potato soup; -kuoriainen seir) about that, (el kiinnit siihen huo
potato-bug(l. -beetle)]. -kellari root cellar. miota) nobody pays any attentlon to lt;
-kuoppa potato-plt; vrt. edell. -laatikko kaupungin perustettuaan [hn . .] aTter the
ks. perunapaistos, -laatu I. -laji variety or roundlng (1. tbe establlshment) or the city
potatoes. -maa potato-Tleld, (pieni) potato[he . .], having establlshed the city [be . .] ;
patcb. -mokko 1. -muhennos masbed po
mihin sin perustat vitteesi what Is your
tatoes. -mukula tuber.
clalm based (up)on? (up)on what do you
perunan- (yhd.) potato-, (perunain-) . . or base your argument? perustaja roiinder.
potatoes [esim. -kaivuu potato-digging, perustaminen roundlng, establlshlng Jne.,
dlgging or potatoes; -kasvu growth or po
ks. perustaa; roundatlon, establlshment.
tatoes]. -istutus 1. -kylv 1. -pano planttu perustamistlalka tlme (I. date) or the estab
(or) potatoes, potato-plantlng. -kuori po
llshment (1. organlzatlon) [or..]. -homma:
tato skln; (leikkaamalla irrotettu) potato olla jonkin perustamishommissa be gettlng
peel. -kuorija: on perunankuorijana . .-ssa ready (1. be preparlng) to establlsh (1. to
is peeling potatoes at . . . -kylvkone po- organlze Jne., vrt. perustaa), (-alkeissa)
tato-planter. -nosto I. -otto potato-dlgglng, intend to establlsh (l. to organlze Jne.),
potato-harvest. -nostokone potato-dlgger. -kustannukset cost or roundlng, expenses
-varret potato-tops, potato-vlne(s). -vil
or organlzatlon; (alku-) lnltlal expenses.
jelys ralsing or potatoes.
-lupa permission to establlsh (1. to rorm 1.
perunat paistos scalloped potatoes. -rutto 1. to organlze); mynt jollekulle jonkin pe
-kolera potato-rot, potato-bllght. -sato po- rustamislupa (mys:) grant . . a charter ror
tato-crop. -soppa potato soup. -tauti po
roundlng (1. to round) . . . -poma lnltlal
tato disease. -voi masbed potatoes.
perunkirjotus (taking or an) inventory (or poru suutua be based [(up)on, johonkin (I.
the estate or a deceased person).
Jollekin)], be rounded [(up)on], establlsh
perus roundatlon; basls; (pohja) ground; Itseir; vrt. perustua.
bottom; vrt. perustus.
perustava: jonkin kokous meetlng to or
perus- (yhd.) rundamental, essentia] [esim. ganlze . . , assembly to establlsh (1. to
-aate 1. -ajatus rundamental Idea; -ehto round) ...
rundamental (1. essentlal) condltlon; -oikeus peruste ground, basis; (syy) reason, argu
rundamental rlght; -ominaisuus rundamen
ment; (toiminta-) motlve; perusteet rirst
tal (1. essentlal) quallty (1. property)], prlnclples, Tundamentals, (alkeet) elements,
primary [esim. -aines primary constltuent; beglnnlngs, rudlmentS; jonkin perusteella
-vri primary color]. -aine primary mat- on the ground (1. the basls) or, on [esim.
ter, elemental substance. -ajatus (mys:) mies tuomittiin esitettyjen todistusten pe
leadlng (l. domlnatlng) idea. -asento (posi
rusteella the man was convlcted on the evltion or) attentlon. -aate(klel.)positlve(depresented], because or, by reason or,
gree). -ehto (mys.) necessary condltlon. dence
(johonkin viitaten tai nojautuen) on the
-kivi roundatlon-stone; rirst Stone; (kul
plea or; mill perusteella (i. perusteilla)
ma-) Corner-Stone; laskea peruskivi jollekin on what ground (I. basls l. account)? ror
lay the corner- stone or . . . -kisite runda
\vhat reason? samanlaisilla perusteilla on
mental prlnciple. -laki rundamental law; slmllar grounds, ror slmllar reasons; sen
vrt. perustuslaki, -luku cardlnal number. perusteella ett . . on the ground that . . .
-muoto primltlve rorm; (klel.) root; (p perusteellinen (perinpohjainen) thorough
muoto) princlpal part; (perustyyppi) prlm- (-golng); (perlnjuurlnen) radical; (syvlli
ltive type. -muuri roundatlon wall. -ohje nen) proround; perusteelliset tiedot thor
(malllohje) rule, norm, standard; (ylin)
ough knovvlcdge, thorough lnslght. perus
maxlm; (periaate) prlnciple. -olettamus teellisesti thoroughly; radlcally; soundly.
(mat.) axiom. -periaate rundamental (prln
radlcalnessciple), basic prlnciple. -piirre (luonteen perusteellisuus thoroughness;
y. m.) rundamental characterlstlc; essentlal proroundness,
un(1. leadlng) reature. -sidos (kankaassa)
roundatlon-vveave. -eyy primary (1. prl- . . are without roundatlon. perusteettomasti
meval 1. primltlve 1. original) cause, orlgi- groundlessly, baselessly; (syytt) wlthout
nal (1. primary) source. -svel keynote, cause
(1. reason). perusteettomuus groundtonlc (mys kuv.); (esim. kirjailijan teok
lessness, baselessness.
sessa) tone. -snt rundamental rule; perustelematon
. . ror whlch no reasons
leadlng (1. chier) maxlm; (yhdistyksen y. have been glven;
unaccounted ror; unexm.) perussnnt COnStitUtlOn.
perusta ground; roundatlon; (Jalusta) base; perusteleminen (Jonkin) statlng the reason(s)
(kuv.) basls.
ror (1. the motlve or). perustella state the
perustaa lay the Toundation or; round [a reason (s) Tor, glve reasons ror, state the
school, koulu; a rcllglon, uskonto]; estab
motlve or; (todistella) brlng rorvvard argullsh [a business, liike; a rund, rahasto], ments [why ... miksi . .] ; (selitt) explant; (panna alulle) set up [a business, plaln (the reasons ror), account ror; (puo
liike], start [a newspaper, sanomalehti]; lustella) Justiry [one's attitude by . . . kan
(pohjata) ground [on. Johonkin (1. Jolle
taansa Jollakin], vlndlcate; mys = perus
kin)]; (muodostaa) rorm, (Jrjest) or
taa; heikosti perusteltu poorly grounded.
ganlze; (laittaa) Institute [Tree llbrarles, perustelu statement or the reasons: (todis
vapaita kirjastoja], put up; (rakentaa) telu) argument(atlon), llne or argument;
bulld; (nojata) base [on .., johonkin]; (selittely) explanatlon (or the reasons ror
(vlitt) trouDle o.s. [about a th., josta
. .), expositlon; (puolustava) Justiricatlon,

vlndicatlon, derense; perustelut statement peruutua (vetytyi takaisin) draw back,
draw orr; go back [upon], sbrlnk (back)
of tbe reasons.
rrromj; get (1. back) out [or], withdraw
perustotuus rundamental truth; axlom.
perustua be founded (1. grounded 1. based)
[rromj; (luopua) glve up [one s purpose,
[(up)on. Johonkin]; (nojata) rest [(up)on, aikeestaan], surrender, yield, rorego [one's
Johonkin], lean; stand [on], be upheld clalm, vaatimuksestaan], abandon [an un[byl, be supported [by]; (riippua) depend dertaklng, yrityksest], deslst [rrom. Jos
takin] ; (tehd mynnytyksi) make con[on], hang [on . .] ; be due [to] ; johon
kin (mys:) have . . for its authorlty , mihin cessions; ~ kaupasta go back onabargaln,
tm perustuu \vliat is thls based upon? se wlthdraw (rom (1. back out or) tbe deal;
perustuu erehdykseen lt dependS On S mlS- lupauksestaan go back upon (1. Ilot live
take, lt Is due to a mlstake; vite perustuu up to) one's promlse, wlthdraw (1. back
pelkkn arveluun tbe statement Is based OUt Of) one'S promlse; hevonen peruutuu
the horse Is backlng (up); hn ei peruudu
(1. Is made) on mere conjecture.
perustuksen i kaivu dlgglng aroundatlon; ex- vhkn he does not glve In (1. not
yield) at ali, be makes no concesslons;
cavating- (for a roundatlon). -pano Founda
konsertti peruutuu (J pitmtt) the
tion; establlshment.
concert wlll not be held, the concert will
perustus ground(work); roundatlon; (poh
ja) bottom; (kuv.) basis; (perustaminen) be canceled (1. withdrawn); vrt. peryty.
roundlng, establlshment; perustuksiaan peruutus backlng; revocatlon; recall(lng),
myten to the ground, kS. palaa-, horina calllng orr, wlthdrawal; cancellatlon, annulment, nullirication; (lain y. m.) repeal;
perustuksiaan myten, horjua perustuksil
(vliaikainen) suspension, puttlng o(t;
taan (kuv.) totter to lts foundatlons.
(epuutus) countermand; (uutisen) retract perustusl! kivi = peruskivi, -kuoppa ks. mont
tu, -kustannukset cost of laylng tbe foun- lng; (julkinen, opin y. m.) recantlng, redatlon(s); vrt. perustamis-, -laillinen I. cantation; vrt. peruuttaa.
(a.) constltutlonal [ (system of) govern- peri (p) end; rear (end), back end; (ta
ment, hallitusjrjestelm]. II. (s.) constttu- kapuoli) hlnder part, back (part); bottom,
posterlor; (nuotan) bag; (aluksen) Stern,
tlonallst. -laillisesti constltutlonally. -lail
lisuus constltutlonal Ity; (ajatussuuntana) art; (pyssyn-) butt(-end); (hnt) tali,
traln^ (kasv., kukan) pedicel; (kuv. perus
constltutlonal Ism.
tus) ground, roundatlon; edell (laivas
perustuslainlimukainen constltutlonal. -muu
tos cbange oi (1. In the) constltution; (tai ta:) stern roremost; pert (kellon-) cbaln,
(riippu-) rob, vrt. pilpunpert; hu
-lisys) amendment to the constltution.
-vastainen unconstltutlonal; . . contrary to hussa ei ole mitn per the rumor has no
(1. no ground) \vhatever, the
tbe constltution. -vastaisesti unconstlturumor Is \vlthout any roundatlon, there Is
tlonally, contrary to the constltution. -vas
(I. no truth In) the rumor;
taisuus unconstitutionallty.
perustuslaki constltution lal lavv); (perus-) Annussa el ollut per (huhu el toteutunut)
rundamental law. -kysymys questlon in- the rumor was not conrirmed (1. not veriried); paljonko siin puheessa en parisi
volvlng the constltution. -sds 1. -saan
nos provision in the constltution. -taistelu how much truth Is there In that taik? how
struggle (1. contest) about (1. In regard to) rar Is that taik true? how rar Is there
the constltution. -valiokunta standing com- truth In that taik? se on historiallista per
mittee [or the Finnish Dlet] to deal \vith vailla lt has no hlstorlcal roundatlon (1.
(proposed) amendments to tbe constltution. ground), there Is no hlstorlcal ground Tor lt.
perustuva: johonkin rounded (1. based I. peri- (yhd.) back, rear [esim. -Istuin back
(1. rear) seat] ; (Uivasta tai veneestl pu
grounded) (up)on, restlng on.
arter esim -hytti after cabln; -tuhto
peruslvliva ground-llne; base. -virhe prtn- huen:)
arter thwart],art. -aukko (anat.)anus. -ovi
clpal error; radlcal rault. -yksikk unlt. anal
-huone 1. -kamari back (1. rear)
-ni (mus.) keynote, tonlc.
room; (sis-) inner room. -Ikkuna (taka-)
peruukki (tekotukka) wlg, periwlg; peruke. back window; (ptyikkuna) gable-window.
peruuttaa back [one's horse, hevosensa] ; perinen (yhd.) . . or . . ortgln [esim. suo
(kuv.) go back upon [one's promlse, lu
malais- or Finnish origln] ; derlved [rrom
pauksensa] ; revoke [an accusatlon, syy
. .] ; traced [to . .].
ts], reverse; recall, call orr; wlthdraw, perisin: elia jostakin (Johtua) arise (1.
take back, retract, recant; (tehd mittt
sprlng 1. come) rrom, orlglnate In (1. rrom),
mksi) cancel, annul, nulliry; (jtt pit
proceed rrom, (alkuisin) derlve one's (1.
mtt, lakkauttaa) suspend, stop, stay; Its) origln rrom, be derlved rrom; suku on
(antaa epuu) countermand; hakemuk
~ Ranskasta the ramlly Is or French origln
sensa \vithdraw one's appllcation; ~ kauppa (1. is traced to France), the ramlly origlks. purkaa; ~ laki revoke (1. repeal) a law; nated In France, the ramlly comes (1.
~ oppinsa recant; tilaus cancel (1. coun
springs) rrom France; vrt. kotoisin.
termand) an Order; ~ tunnustuksensa dlS- per*!! Jlkeinen (ellnt.) pygopod. -kanaa In
avow (1. renounce 1. retract) one's conres- a single rile, (riviss) In a ime (1. strlng 1.
sioii; uutinen (esiin, sanomalehdest pu
row); mys = perkkin, -kaneetti (alkup.
huen:) retract a [the] report; nytnt on loppusvel) rerraln, burden; (toimittajan
tlt pivlt peruutettu to-day's perlorm- huomautus) edltor's note (I. comment).
ance has been cancelled (1. called orr) ; -kansi arter deck; (korotettu) poop(-deck).
tmnpivinen luento peruutetaan tO-day'S -keula (laivan) poop, Stern.
lecture Is wltbdrawn (1. is cancelled 1. Is perkkin one arter another (1. the other),
called orr 1. will not be held).
one behlnd the other, (esim. valjastetuista
peruuttamaton (Jota el voida peruuttaa) Ir- hevosista:) tandem; (yht mittaa) . . runrevocable [promlse, lupaus]; lrreversible; nlng successively, In (unbroken) succes(Jrkhtmtn) unswervlng [resolutlon, sion, consecutlvely; kolmena pivn ~ on
pts], peruuttamattomasti lrrevocably, three successlve days, (lor)three days runlrreversibly; (ehdottomasti) posltlvely, ab- nlng (1. In successlon) ; useita pivi ror
solutely. peruuttamattomuus Irrevocable- (several) days In successlon, ror several
ness, lrrevocablllty; lrreverslbleness; posl- consecutlve days. perkkinen = pertti
tlveness. peruuttaminen ks. peruutus.
nen, perkkisasento: perkkisasennosem




in a line one behlnd the otber. In single perttmyys groundlessness, baselessoess;

Me. perksyttin = perkkin,
peri lasti: perlastlssa oleva down (1. peritysten = perkkin.
trtriimcd) by tbe Stern, -lauta back board, peritin i. (kuv.) groundless, baseless; (ai
heeton) unrounded, ungrounded; (valheel
board at tbe back.
linen) ralse, untrue; (tekaistu) lnvented,
parilla to tbe rear (end); behlnd, at (1. torelgned, rictitious, trumped-up Icbarge,
wards) the back; (taustalle) to tbe backsyyts]; 2. (kasv.) sessile [nower, kuk
ground; huoneen ~ to the back (1. the rear)
ka] ; irtn story made out or whole
or the room, rarther in (to) tbe room; ky
cloth, (tekaistu) made-up (1. trumpedtvn perlle to the back (1. the back end
up) story, Invention, rabiication: julistaa
1. the far end) or the hallway; vrt. perille,
. . perttmksi declare . . to be xvithout
perill in the rear (end); (taustassa) In
(any) ioundation; osottautua perttmkui
the background; (takana) behlnd, at (1. on)
itseir to have no roundation, prove (I.
the back Tor] ; pihan perlt 'In tbe back
be proven) (to be) groundless (1. un
(part) of the yard. In the rear; vrt. perill,
rounded), prove (1. be proven) to be witbperimela oar (1. paddle) to steer vvlth.
out any roundation.
permiehen hytti mate S cabln. -tutkinto
perit I. = peruuttaa; 2. = tiedustelU.
mate's examlnatlon.
permies (mer.) mate; ensiminen rirst per vilkkaa: juosta pervilkkaa (be) run
(-nlng) one arter another (I. one behind
mate (1. orricer); vrt. pernpitj,
the other). -voittoinen . . heavy at the
pernikama (anat.) caudal vertebra.
back (1. the stern); (perlastlssa oleva)
pernpito steering. -kompassi steerlngloaded heavlly art. -voittoisuus: laivan
compass, binnacle.
pervoittoisuus tbe boafs being heavlly
pern E pitj one \vho steers, man at tlle
loaded art.
wheel (1. tbe rudder), helmsman, steersperys
retreat; vrt. perytyminen.
nian; vrt. permies, -puolella: pernpuoperys- (yhd.) ks. perytymi-.
lella laivaa astern, (itse laivassa) in the peryttminen
= peruuttaminen, periytt
stern (or the shlp), aft. -puolelle: pern= peruuttaa.
puolelle laivaa astern, (Itse laivalla) to- periytyminen
(sot.) ralllng
wards the stern, (ab)art. -puolalta froin
back, retreat; (vetytyminen takaisin)
tbe stern.
withdrawal, backing out [or ..].
perlovl back door; (esim. nyttmn) back perytymis
Jrjestys order or retreat. -liike
(1. rear) entrance. -painoinen (laivasta:)
retrograde movement, retreat. -matka =
trlmmed by tbe stern. -pakara buttock,
-merkki Slgnal to retreat;
(Jkpv.) butt; perpakarat (Ihmisen) butantaa perytymismerkki sound (1. beat)
tocks, rump, backsldes, (leikin.) stern,
-ratki retreat; lhte pe(elimen) hind quarters. -pankki back seat;
rytymisretkette (Start on a) retreat; olla
(kuv.) best seat. -pohjola the rar (1. experytymisretkell
be in (1. be on the)
treme) north, -puheet = jlkipuheet. -puka
retreat, be retreatlng, be marching back.
mat ptles, hemorrboids. -puoli hlnder (1.
-yritys attempt to retreat; attempted rehlnd) part, back part; (elimen) hlnd quarter(s), rump; (laivassa) arter-part; stern; perytye ks. peruutus, -todistaja impeached
vrt. takapuoli, -ruiske enema, clyster;
wltness. (go) back: back out [or, . .. , Josta
(tav.) douche (admlnlstered Into the rec- periyty
Illin); antaa jollekulle perruiske admlnlskin] ; (sot.) rall back, retreat; perytymtt
ter (1. glve) an enema (1. a douche) to a p.
unMnchingly. unralterlngly, Immovably,
-ruisku enema-syringe, syrlnge for the recrirmly, staunchly; xvithout retreatlng; pe
tum: anal doucbe. -ruumis hlnd (1. back)
rytymtt tuumaakaan (mys:) xvithout
part (or the body). -salonki arter cabln,
budging (1. backing down) an Inch; ~ kau
arter saloon, -sein (taka-) back wall.
histuneena <\. sihhtyneen) jotakin nh
perisin rudder; helm, vvheel (molemmat
dessn shrink back at (1. shrlnk rrom) the
mys kuv.) ; olla persimess, hoitaa per
slght or . . , recoll at (1. rrom) the slght or.
sint be at tbe helm (1. the vvheel), be periin arter; behlnd; antoa - glve way.
(the) helmsman. -nuora (mer.) tiller-rope;
yleld, submlt [to ..], (olla huonompi) be
(veneen) yoke-llne.
Inrerlor, (heitt menneeksi) glve (ft) up,
perisi (perll) In the rear (end), at the
give up the game, ks. antaa; olla jonkin back, at the rear, (Jljess) arter; behlnd;
(haluta jotakin) be eager ror (1. arter) . . .
perssn arter one, (mukanaan) along
be anxlous ror . . , be desirous or ... be
(wlth one).
greedy or . . , long ror . . , (tavotella) banpristi (Jljest) arter; behlnd; ~ kuuluu,
ker arter (1. ror) . .; yksi toisensa ~ one
sanoi torventekij (1. V.) tirne \vill teli,
arter another (1. the other). -antaminen I.
you*ll rind out; jonka ~ arter whlch,where-anto yieldlng, glving In; (alistuminen)
upon; mtn arter that, therearter, (JlSubmission; vrt. pernantavaisuus. -antaJemmln) artervvards, subsequently. -piin
va(inen) indulgent, yieldlng, compllant.
arterwards; later.
-anUvaisuus Indulgence, compliance; yield
lng disposition; (alistuvaisuus) submispersuoli (anat.) rectum.
sivcness. -kattoja attendant; (valvoja)
peritl (aivan, perin) qulte, altgether; thoroverseer, supervlsor. -katsonta attendanre;
oughly; (kokonaan) utterly; (tysin) per(valvonta) supervision, overstght, Inspecrectly, rully, wholly, cntirely, completely,
tion; superlntendence; watch; jonkun petotally; (ylen) extremely, . . In the exrnkatsonnan
alaisena under HS supervi
treme; exceedlngly; kiusaantunut worsion or a p., under a p.'s oversight (1. suried beyond ali endurance; moMoiondo)
-kuulutus (ctslmls-) aoutterly (I. \vholly 1. al)Solutely 1. stmply)
Imposslble; turmeltunut (kuv.) utterly
vertlsement [Tor . .1.
perntyi =- peryty.
corrupted, rotten to the core.
perittiin perkkin, perttinen . . fol- peseminen washlng; laundering; cleaning;
vrt pest, pesemtn unwashed; uncleaned;
lovvlng one arter anotber, successlve, con(likainen) dlrty. pesentt \vashlng; laun
secutlve; perttinen holmivaljakko a team
dering; vrt. pesu. pesett have . . washed
or tbree horses tandem; perttisess jo
(i. laundered); have .. cleaned; pesett
nossa In a single Me.



lana have the floor scrubbed (I. mopped).

peseyty minen washing
(O.S.), wash; (kylpemlncn)
nlnen) bathing,
bathing. peseyty wasb (O.9.),
have (1. get) a wash, get washed; (koko
ruumllltaan) bathe.
peailntyi nest; (kuv.) become seated.
pesijH washer; vrt. seur. pesljltlr washer
woman; laundrywoman; (joka samalla silltta) laundress.
po.iminon nesting; breeding; vrt. pesia.
pesimis- (yhd.) nesting- [eslm. -aika nest
ing-time (I. -season); -paihka nestingplace], -pontte (linnun) bird-house.
pesinti pesiminm. pesia nc'St; (Sllt) breed.
peto = pesu.
pessimism! (synkktolvelsuus) pessimism,
pessimist) pessimist, pessimlstinen pes
peitaaminen hiring .inc., ks. seur. pestata
hire, engage, employ; (merlmlehl) ship;
(sot., varvuta) enlist, recruit.
pestaus hiring, engagement, employment;
(merlmlesten) shipping; (varvays) enlist
ment, recruiting, -ilk* hlrlng-season.
pesuuttaa bave . . hired (1. engaged); (merimlebla) have . . shipped; (vrvaytt)
have . . enlisted (I. recruited), pestautua
hire (O.S.) out; (lalvaan) ship [on a boat];
pcatautua aotapalveluhseen enlist. Join the
army [the navy].
pesti (advanced) hire: money advanced on
a servant's wages; mys pestaus; ottaa
~ ks. pestautua. -rah ks. edell.
pests wash Tone's race, kasvonsa; . . out,
. . pols] ; (ammattlmalsestl, vaatteita) laun
der; (kuv., mys:) clean; pestess In the
wash, In washing; ~ attioita wash dishes;
~ it**n*, ~ itien wash (O.S.), have a
wash, get washed; ktensa wash one's
hands [huom. eiit mina pesen fctenj(kUV.)
I wash my hands or that, I disclaim any
connection with that affair, that's not on
my conscience! ; lattiaia) (kuurata) scrub
(I. scour) the floor, (pyyhkl pesurlevulla)
mop the floor; ~ puhtaakti wash . . clean,
(kuv.) whitewash; ~ pyykki, ~ vaatteita
wash [on Mondays, maanantalsln] , be washIng, do (one's) washing. peeUvi (pesua
kestv) washable; .. on pestdc (kest
pesua; mys:) . . washes, . . will wash.
pesu wash(ing); (lattian-) scrubbing, scourIng, (pyyhlnt pesurlevulla) mopping; (puhdlstus) cleaning; (ammattlmalnen vaattelden) laundering, laundry-work; avat p*uita (vaattelsta:) are In (1. are going
through) the wash (1. the laundry), are
being washed (1. laundered).
pesu- (yhd.) wash- [eslm. -alias wash-basin:
-ammm WBSh-tUb], washing- [eslm. -hon*
washing-machine] .
pesuakestv pesunkestvK.
pesullakka washerwoman; (lattian-) scrub
woman, -astia wash-pot; mys - pesuvat.
-harja scrubbing-brush, -hiekka scourlngsand. -huone wash-room; (kasvojen pesua
y. m. varen) lavatory, toilet, -kaappi washstand, commode, -kannu pitcher; (etup.
Engl.) jug, ewer, -karhu ks. supt. -I o nos
laundry, -laiturl washing-raft, -lauta wash
board, -luettelo washing-list, laundry list,
-matami ks. pesuakka.
[H-Mjn kestavi washable, . . that will wash;
fast [COlor, Vri]; ptsunhettvt hankaat
(tav.) wash goods. -vlintOkone (clothes-)
posu pullo (kemlstin) wash(lng) -bottle.
-punkka wash-tub (on legs), -pyti dralnIng-board; (-kaappi) wash-stand, com
mode, -rlepu I. -ratti \vash-ratr, washcloth; (astlan-) dish-rag (1. -cloth); (lat
tian-) scrub-cloth, mop. -eaippua tollet-


soap; (pyykkl-) laundry soap, -sammio

(pyykki-) wash-tub, -sanko scrub-pall,
mop-pall, -sieni (bath-) sponge, -tupa washhouse, laundry(-room). -vaatteet washing;
(pestvt) clothes for the wash, dirty
clothes; (pestyt) clothes from the wash,
clean clothes; (joita voldaan pesta) wash
able clothes, -vatl (wash-)basln; wash
bowl, -vesi water (for washing), washwater, water to wash In (1. with); (astian-)
dish-water; (likainen) dirty water, (saippualnen, vaatteiden pesun jalkeen) suds.
pesye ks. poikue.
pesa (linnun-) nest (mys kuv.); (ellmen,
maanalatnen) lair, hole, (luola) den, cave;
(liesl) fireplace, hearth, (uunl) stove; (pilpun-) bowl; (kuolln-) estate; mys = pesapaikka, 2; taudin ~ nest (1. hotbed) Of
disease; Vit. karhun, konkuri~, kuo
lln, rutto y. m. - settlement of prop
erty (between husband and wife); separa
tion (mys kuv.). -kunta ks. poikue.
pesan Jako distribution (1. division) of an
estate among the heirs, -kavallut defraud
ing one's coheirs [one's creditors], -klrJotus ks. perunklrjatu. -luettelo Inven
tory of an estate, -luovutue (konkursslln)
surrender of an estate (to the creditors),
-aelvittajl (kuollnpesan) administrator, ex
ecutor; (konkursslpesn) receiver, (Engl.)
liquidator, -selvitys administrating an es
pesapaikka I. (favorite I. principal) resort;
(olopalkka) haunt; 2. (tyysslja) nest, hot
bed; (slklamls-) breeding-place; (paheiden,
mys:) sink.
petiitti (klrjap.) brevier,. 8-polnt (type).
petkele tool to chop straw.
petkuttaa (pettaa, peijata) cheat, swindle,
deceive, defraud, (Jkpv.) take In; (narrata,
vctiia nenast) impose upon . . , fool, dupe;
(tehd kepponen) trick; (volttaa viekkaudella) outwit; (nylkea) fleece, skin [one,
jotakuta] : joltakulta jotakin (peijata)
cheat (1. skin 1. do 1. humbug) one out of . .;
Jotakuta deceive (1. swindle)
one In a bargain, take one In on a deal; ~
Jotakuta Jonkln otoa swindle one In (1.
take one In on) the purchase of . .; hnt
petkutettiin pahatti he was swindled good
and plenty, he was badly (1. properly)
taken in, he was more than cheated; aid
koetakkaan ~ minua (mys:) you won't
catch me (napping)! you won't get ahead
of me! petkuttaja cheat; (pettaja) de
ceiver, defraiider, dnubli'-dealer; (Joka
esilntyy Jonakin toisena henkiln) Impos
tor; (ovela) sharper; (suur-) swindler;
(nylkyri) fleecer; shark, petkuttaminen
cheating Jne., ks. petkuttaa; vrt. mys seur.
petkutus (peljaus) cheat(lng), swindle,
swindling; (petos) deceit, deception, fraud,
Imposture; (huljaus) humbug; (narraus)
foolery; (metkuilu, temppullu) trickery;
(nyljent) fleecing, -yrltys attempted
swindle (1. cheat 1. fraud), attempt to
cheat (1. to defraud).
peto (wild) beast, brute (mys kuv.); (hlrvl) monster; (raateluelln) beast of prey.
peto- (yhd.) . . of prey [esim. -tlSin beast
of prey], carnivorous, predatory [eslm.
-hyonttintn carnivorous (I. predatory) In
sect], -ellin (mys:) wild beast, carnivor
ous (1. predatory) animal (1. beast), -lintu
(claim.) bird of prey, raptorial bird.
petollinen deceitful, false, treacherous;
fraudulent bankruptcy, vararlkko]; de
ceptive, delusive [hope, toivo], fallacious;
(vllpllllnen) perfidious, guileful; (epluotettava) insidious; (vijyva) lurking [rock
In the sea, karl meressi] ; (vlekas, kavala)

false-bearted, two-raced; (uskoton) falth- t) desert, (luopua) fall away [from . .1 ;
less; pciollista peli (kuv.) foul play, petol- (antaa peran) give way, yield; (el pltaft
liaetti deceitfully, falsely, treacherously; paikkaansa, el onnistua) go amiss, fall (or
fraudulently; delusively; perfidiously; In
success 1. of the effect), miscarry; ~ baasidiously; vrt. edell. petolliauus deceitful- pasta ks. petkuttaa; ~ jonkun /uoomus
ness, falseness, treachery; fraud(ulence); betray a p. 's trust, betray a confidence; ~
delusiveness; perfidy; duplicity, false- lapauktenta, ~ tunanta break one's prom
he artcdness.
ise (I. one's word), go back on one's word;
petomainen (raaka) brutal; (vllll) wild, puolue betray a party, (Jatttt) desert a
savage; (saalllnhtmolnen) rapacious [beast, party; /lnen Jalkanta pettiut his legs
i-i.iin: usurer, kOEonklskurt], ravenous; gave (way) under him, his legs gave out
predatory, predacious; ~ (uonte brutal (1. from under him, his legs refused to sup
cruel 1. Inhuman) nature: petomoisen julma port him; / rohkeutenia petti rathai(mys:) atrocious, petomaisesti brutally; tevalia Hetkella his courage deserted (1. his
wildly, savagely; rapaciously, petomaisuus heart failed) him at the critical moment;
jollei muistmi pet If my memory doesn't
brutality; wildness; rapaclousness.
peto deceit, deception, fraud, guile; Impos
fall me (1. serves me right 1. Is not at
ture; (petkutus) cheat: (huijaus) swindle; fault), unless my memory deceives me:
(viippi) treachery, perfidy, bad faith; (val- latkut pettiot the calculations went amiss;
hf) falsehood; falsity, -kauppa crooked perutta* petti the foundation gave way;
deallng(S); tehdii petothauppaa be Cheat- ulkonak utein ~ appearances are deceiv
ing (I. deceitful).
Ing, cheat.
petrol!, petroleum, petroleum; (lamppuoljy) petijlkko (petjmetsS) pine forest, pinekerosene, coal-oil, -keittio kerosene-stove: wood; (petjmetsikko) grove (1. clump)
(ftljy-) oil-stove, -lamppu kerosene- lamp, of pine-trees.
-llhde oil-well, -moottori kerosene-engine; peUJa pine; vrt. manty. petjiinen I. (a.)
. . Of pine, pine. II. (S.) = pettuleipH.
petrol -engine.
petsaamaton unstained, petsata (puus.) petjan kuori bark of the pine, pine bark.
stain, petsaus staining; stain, petal stain. -ktnttyri gnarled pine.
pettu (pine) bark; mys = seur. -leipl bark pcuhaaminen, peuhtominen romping; bois
bread, hunger-bread.
terous merriment, peuhata, peuhtoa romp,
petturl (pettja) deceiver; (petkuttaja) be boisterous; (meluta) be noisy, make a
cheat; (kavaltaja) traitor, betrayer; vrt. noise; vrt. reuhata.
peukalo thumb; (tlet.) pollex; hnell on ~
pettymlnen ks. seur. pettymyi disappoint
hethella hammenta (kuv.) his fingers are
ment; (pettnyt tolvo) frustrated expecta
all thumbs; panne (\. pist) peukaloa jottion (1. hope), disappointed hope(s); ton- taki'n (l. v.) give one's hand (1. shake hands)
tea ptttymytts (mys:) feel disappointed. on ... peukaloida thumb; (sormlella) fin
pettynyt disappointed, baffled; deceived; ger: (kuv.) tamper [with, Jotakln], (Jkpv.)
(myttyyn mennyt) frustrated, rolled, monkey [with].
thwarted; pettyneet toiveet thwarted (1. peukaloinen 1. (sadun) Hop-o'-my-Thumb,
disappointed 1. frustrated) hopes, frus
Tom Thumb; Lilliputian; 2. (elalnt.) wren.
trated expectations: toivtittaan pettynyt peukalon kynsi thumb-nail, -paksulnen ..
disappointed In one's hopes (1. one's ex
of a thumb's thickness, -pltulnen . . of a
thumb's length.
pettyi be disappointed [in one's expecta poukalo polka = peukaloinen, 1. -ruuvi
tions, tolveissaan], be baffled [in all one's thumbscrew.
endeavors (1. attempts), kalklssa yrttyk- peukaloton . . without a thumb, thumbless.
slssaan] ; be deceived; (erehtya) make a peura (elalnt.) reindeer; (pohjolsamerlkkamistake, be mistaken, (laskulssaan) be off lalnen) caribou, peuran jiktli, -litia ks.
(1. be wrong) In one's calculation; ohon- poron jakal, -liha.
kin nu/iL/rn, ~ jonkin evhteen, ~ jossahin piakkoln soon, shortly. In a short time; (enbe mistaken (1. deceived) In (1. as to I. nen pltka) before (1. ere) long, piammiten
about), (eslm. toivossaan) be disappointed (pretty) soon, In a (very) short time;
In, (laskea 1. arvlolda varln) miscalculate . . ; qulck(ly); (mita plklmmln) at an early
date; as soon (I. speedily 1. fast) as possi
~ onkun suhteen, ~~ johonhin henhiln
ble; (melkeln) rather, almost.
nhden be mistaken (I. deceived 1. disap
pointed) In 8 person; huomaan Una petty- plan soon; shortly, directly; (ennen pltka)
neen/ I find I am mistaken (1. deceived) before (I. ere) long; at an early date; (noabout that, I'm disappointed about that; peastl) qulck(Iy), fast; ~ aikaa (ebka)
maybe, perhaps [ huom. taattaa ~ aikaa taalien peiy If I'm not mistaken,
petuja deceiver, defrauder; (kavaltaja) pahtaa ett . . it may readily (1. easily)
traitor, betrayer; ptttj traitor happen that . .].
to one's country; vrt. petkuttaja. pettami- pianilno (mus.) uprlgbt piano, pianieti ks.
nen deceiving Jne., ks. pett. petUmatto- pianonsoittajamyys infallibility. petUmaUmetl unfail piankin (helpostl) easily, readily.
ingly, unerringly: unswervingly; Infallibly. piano (mus.) plano, pianoforte, -kappale
pettimlton unfailing, unerring [certainty, piece for the piano.
varmuus] ; unswerving [fidelity, uskolll- pianonllkieli string of a plano, plano string;
suus] ; infallible [remedy, parannuskelno] ; vrt. pianonppin. -rimpyty* strumming
(1. pounding) (on) the piano, -soittaja pi
(varilla) sure; pettmttmn varmatti
with unfailing certainty, pettv(lnen) ano-player, pianist, -eolito piano-playing,
deceitful, false, treacherous [memory, -tekija piano-maker, -vlrltuji piano-tuner.
mulsto] ; deceptive, delusive, fallacious; piano nappam key (of a piano), -tuntl pi
(turba) Illusory, Illusive; vrt. petollinen. ano-lesson, -tuoll piano-stool, music-stool.
pettai deceive, dupe; (toiveet, odotukset y. piaster! (turkkllalnen hopearaha) piaster.
m.) disappoint, baffle; (etenkln kaupolssa pidelll hold [one by the coat, jotakuta tay. m.) cheat, swindle; defraud; (kavaltaa) klnllepeesta; a p. 's horse, jonkun hevosta] ;
betray Tone's country, Isnmaansa; a (kasltella) handle, manipulate; (kohdella)
friend, ystvnsj; (ei pysy uskolllsena) treat; ohiitta hold . . by the reins; ~
play . . false; (rakastettunsa) jilt; (hylja- jotakuta pahoin (kohdella) deal hard (1.



111) with one, treat (1. use) one roughly,

be hard with (1. upon) one, maltreat (1. illuse) one, (paholnpldella) do one bodily
harm, assault one; pahoin pidtlty Illtreated, Ill-used, maltreated, roughly used
(1. handled); ptans pid*lt*n holding his
head, holding his hands to his head.
pidennys extension, prolongation; (llsays)
addition; (lykkftys) respite; mys = pidentlminen; vrt. ajan, -aika extension of
time; respite, -vaatimus (ajan) demand
for extension of time (I. for respite).
pidentyminen, pldentyi ks. pitenemlnen, pldeta. pidentammen lengthening, extending;
extension, prolongation. pldenUt make . .
longer, lengthen (out); extend [a line, vilvaa; the time of payment, maksualkaa],
draw out, elongate; (etenkln ajasta puhuen:) prolong [life, elinalkaa]. (venytta&) protract; i/o pident ihS happiness
lengthens life; vrt. jatkaa. pideta (prees.
pitrncni become (I. grow 1. get) longer;
be(come) lengthened (1. extended), length
en; be(come) prolonged (1. protracted).
pidike (tekn.) dog; cramp; (kllnnl-) clamp,
holdrast; (Jarrun) shoe, skid; vrt. pidke.
-haka (eslm. kellon rattaan) pawl, detent;
ratchet; (jarrusappl) catch, click.
pldln ks. klinnl-.
pldot banquet, feast [In honor of . . , jonkun
kunniaksl], entertainment.
pidike 1. (tekn.) catch, hook, clamp, holdrast;
(Jarrun) shoe, skid; 2. (mus.) hold; 3.
(kuv.) check, hold, (este) clog; of/a pidk/ketn jollrhulle hold one bark, restrain (I.
check 1. curb) one, be a check (1. a re
straint) upon one. (est) hinder, hamper.
pidatellt hold (back), keep (back), restrain;
(estellen) detain; (hllllta) check, keep In
check, stop; ~ htoottaan rein (1. hold) In
one's horse, hold one's horse (In check);
htngityttn (\. hmnktn) pidStmtttn With
bated (1. suspended) breath; vrt. pidan.
pidtotty detained; (ehklsty) restrained,
checked; (tukahdutettu) suppressed [rage,
ralvo; sigh, huokaus] ; (vanglttu) arrested,
taken Into custody, pidatin ks. pidke, l .
pidike. pldltteleminen holding (back) Jne.,
ks. pldStellS. pdtty minen: oftahin pidttymintn abstaining from, restraining O.S.
from; abstinence from, restraint from.
pidittymatn Intemperate; Incontinent; un
restrained, pldttyva(lnen) abstemious,
continent, temperate, pldittyvtisyys ab
stemiousness, abstinence; continence, temperanre. pldattyl restrain O.S., cbeck O.S.;
(pyshtya) Stop; pidtty jattahin refrain
from, keep (away) from, abstain from
[drinking, Juomasta; from worldly plea
sures, maallmalllslsta huvltukslsta] , re
strain o.s. from, (karttaa) shun, avoid;
*n voinut pidtty nauramatta l COUld
not help laughing, I could not keep (1. not
keep myself 1. not refrain) from lanirhlng;
vrt. pldattaytyK. pldattaminen holding (1.
keeping) back jne., ks. pldtt; (estmlnen) prevention, pidttytyminen = pidttyminen. pidatUiyly* ks. pidattya (Jostakln); (hllllta Itsen) check (1. curb)
o.s., be continent.
pidttai (el pstaa) hold (1. keep) back,
(estellen) detain; (est) binder, prevent,
restrain, deter; check, stop; suppress [one's
emotions, mlelenlllkutustaan], repress;
(ehklitsta, hldastuttaa) Impede, retard;
(vllvytt) delay; (ottaa kllnni, vanglta)
apprehend, arrest, take .. Into custody;
seize; (el antaa, el maksaa) withhold [a
p. 's pay, jonkun palkka] ; (siillyttiiii) keep,
maintain, retain; (itselleen) reserve [a right
to get, olkeus saada] ; (hllllta) give a


check to, put a check on (1. to); (pyshdytt) bring . . to a stop (1. a standstill),
stay; ~ henhrn hold one's breath, vrt.
pidtell; ~ hevastaan kS. piditell; ~ if-

t*Uemn reserve (1. keep) Tor o.s. [huom.

(min) pidtn itselleni oikeaden mrt

I reserve the right to determine (1. of de

termining)]; ~ ittfn restrain (1. check)
O.S.; ~ hyyneleensa keep (1. hold) back the
tears; ~ nonrnoon keep back one's laugh
ter, keep (1. refrain) n-imi laughing [huom.
en voinut ~ nounrani diiyo-:) I could not
help laughing; hanma oil vaikea (I. nan tushin taattoi) ~ nauruaan (mys:) he wanted
to laugh badly (1. the worst way)) ; ~ Jon
kun (ty)palkka keep back (1. hold back I.
withhold) a p. 's wages, (lak.) garnlshee a
p. 's wages; ~ vara* stop a thief, (Tanglta)
arrest a thief; ~ Joku virantoimituksesia
withhold one performing the duties
of his office, (vallalkalsestl) suspend one

( Office): kaikki oikeudet pijatetty <l

pidtttn) all rights reserved; mikatin *i
ooi ~ minua (est) nothing shall (1. can)
prevent me.
pldatya keeping (1. holding) back, restrain
ing, checking, stopping; suppression, re
pression; (vllvytys) delay, detention; (palkan y. in.) withholding, (lak.) garnishment;
(omalsuuden, lak.) attachment; (este) hin
drance, Impediment, obstruction; (hlllintS)
restraint: vrt. palkan~. -lait* ks. telkilaitr.
-oikeus (lak.) Hen.
piehtaroida (maassa) roll (over) [on the
ground, maassa]. have a roll, roll o.s. (1.
Itself) over; tumble (about); (klerlskell)
wallow, welter, piehuroiminen rolling
(over); wallowing.
piekseminen, pieksentt whipping jne., ks.
piestn. pieksettii have . . whipped (1. lashed
1. flogged 1. beaten).
pieksu shoe; (Jkpv.) shoepack, pack; (mokkaslinl) moccasin.

plekBltta, pieksAi ks. piekiettii, plesta.

piel* ks. hcin-.
pleli (oven, Ikkunan y. m.) post, Jamb; (pllarl) pillar; oven pi*l**ms (lhell) at the
door, near (by) the door, (close) by the
door. In the doorway; vrt. ikkun* , oven .
pioluksen.pllinen 1. -pUlly (tyynyn-) pil
low-tick; (Irtonalnen) pillow-case, pillow
pielus 1. (tyyny) cushion; pad; (paunalus)
pillow; 2. (pleli) jamb, post.
plena (rak.) fillet, listel, strip, (ulkoneva)
molding; (kiinnitys ) slat; rail; vrt. poikki -. pionaus mo(u)ldlng; (slmssl) cornice.
pienehke rather (1. somewhat) small, small
ish; (vhpttlnen) rather insignificant,
pienempl smaller; lesser; (vahempl) less:
(VhptOlSempl) minor; luhu on tataa pitn*mpl (mys:) the number Is below a hun
dred, the sum does not come up (l. not
amount) to a hundred; vrt. pienl. pienen*minon reduction; lessening, diminishing;
decrease, pienenlainen, -llnti = plenehk; pitntnlnt mi** rather Short fellow.
pienennell be making . . smaller, be (1.
keep) reducing; (murennella) crumble;
(pllkkoa) cut . . (In)to pieces; chop; (palotella) cut up, dismember, plenennyt re
duction, diminution; (vahennys) decrease;
myS = pienentminen.

pienennyttS have

. . made smaller, (eslm. fcuva) have . . re

duced, plenenpuoleinen pienehke. pienenteleminen crumbling Jne., ks. pienennellH. pionenty minen = pieneneminen. pienenty = pienet. plenentiminen lessen
ing jne., ks. seur.

plenentfli make . . smaller (1. less); (vahen tua) lessen, diminish, cut down [toe ex



penses, kuluja], reduce [. . by one liair,

puolella], decrease; (hlenontaa) make ..
finer; (miireiitaa) crumble, pulverize; (palotella) cut up, dismember; (pllkkoa) chop
I \vooil. puita] ; pienennetyss mittakaavassa
on a reduced (1. a small) scale; vrt. vabent. pieneta become (1. grow 1. get) smaller
(1. less); be(come) reduced [In size, kooltaan], (vahetii) diminish, (be) lessen(ed),
decrease; (hlenontua) get finer; (mureta)
be pulverized.
pieni little [man, mies; way, matka; mo
ment, hetkl]; small [letter, kirjaln; differ
ence, erotus], minute, diminutive: (lyhyt)
short [moment, hetkinen]; (tiento) tiny;
(mi tatOn) Insignificant,
trivial, trifling,
(vhptolnen> petty [quarrel, rllta], slight; pjenen
~ tiny (1. wee) little, (tiyvln) very little
(1. small), minute, diminutive, (ylen) ex
tremely small; pi*n*na olUftgni oli tapani . .
(mys:) as a child 1 used to . .; pientt
rahat small coins, (valhtoraha) change
[huom. anho tinalta yhtn pitnt rahaa
have you any change (about you)?]; pienet tulot small (1. slender) Income; jfcoisekseen small for one's age; lap*! little
child, (syltlapsl) Infant, baby; pitnltta
erltia in small Items (1. lots 1. quantities),
In driblets; * on ~ a*ia It's a trivial affair,
It's a trifling matter, (helppo) It is an easy
matter; tina let oitl ~, poikateni
you are too little (1. too small) yet (1. you
are not big enough yet), my boy.
piem- (yod.) . . with (a) small . . , smalt[esim. -{Atinn . . with small leaves, smallleaved; -siimdintn . with small eyes, small eyed; -sainen . . with a small mouth, smallmouthed]; (vh-) . . with little . . [esim.
-lilkenteintn . . with little traffic], -kalloinen 1. -peinen small-headed, mlcrocephallc. -kasvuinen small (of stature), .. of
short build (1. stature), snort-built; (elalmlsta:) small; (kasvelsta) low; hyvin pitnikatvuintn (kaplmuinen) pygmean, Lil
liputian, -kokoinen small-sized; miniature.
-kukkainen .. with small (1. little) flowers,
small-flowered [plant, kasvl].
pienin smallest, least; ~ mr (mys:)
minimum (amount).
pieni pilkkuinen . . sprinkled over with small
spots (1. dots), -rakeinen small-graln(ed),
flne-graln(ed). -ruutulnen (ikkuna) . . with
small panes; (pelllauta y. m.) small-check
ered; (kankaasta : ) small-check(ed)/ rinectieck(ed).
pienil (murentaa) crumble, crumb . . up,
crush . . to atoms, reduce . . to crumbs;
(pllkkoa) chop [wood, pulta].
piennar (ojan, pelln) edge; (rlnne) slope.
pienoinen I. (a.) little, (quite) small, dimin
utive; (hentO) tiny. II. (S.) - pienokainen.
pienokainen baby, the little one; chick; pitnokaittt the little (1. the wee) ones.
pienoisilkoko miniature; pitnoitkokoa In
miniature; piirtas pi*noi*kokoon draw In
miniature, draw in little, draw on a small
scale, -kokoinen miniature [engine, kone],
diminutive, dwarf; pitnoitkokomtn muotokuva miniature (portrait), -kuva miniature.
-maalaut miniature, -tyo miniature work,
pientare = piennar.
pientenlMtenkoulu primary school; (lastentarha) kindergarten,
pienljteollisuus Industry on (1. In) a small
scale; (ksl-) handicraft, -tilallinen small
farmer; small (1. petty) freeholder,
pienuus smallness, dlmlnutlveness; small (1.
diminutive) size; littleness (myos kuv.);
(vilhapatlsyys) insignificance; lightness;
Vrt. pieni.


pieni: viljeiija small farmer, farmer In a small

way. -viljelys farming on a small scale (1.
In a small way).
pleat! whip, lash; thrash, flog; (ruoskalla)
scourge; (lyd) beat; ~ hnnlln lash
(1. beat) with its tail; ~ hieltuiiim (kuv.) be
wagging one's tongue, make one's tongue
run, prattle. Jabber (away); joku pahanpivitekti beat . . up, beat one within an
Inch Of his life; ~ suuta(an) ks. soittaa;
tuulta beat the air, (puhua turhaan) talk
to the Winds; myrtky piektet imitla the
storm lashes the waves; sad pitkti ikkunaruataja the rain was beating (1. lashing
1. pelting) against the (wh.dow-)panes.
Pietarl 1. (mlehen fllml) Peter; '8. (VenfiJn pkaupunkl) Petrograd, (ennen) Saint
Petersburg. pieUrilainen I. (s.) resident
of Petrograd. II. (a.) Petrograd [merchant,
kaupplas] , . . from Petrograd.
pieu!, pletl: joatua pietikti get no trlck(s).
pieU pitch; (suut.) wax.
piha yard; (llnnan, palatsln y. m.) court
(-yard);- (altaus) enclosure; pihalla In the
yard (I. COUrt) ; ajaa joku pihallr. (UlOS) turn
. . out of doors; vrt. taka~. -ai ta fence
around the yard, -koira house-dog, -ma*
(court)yard; (koulun y. m., mys:) play
pihanl puoleinen: pihanpuoltintn nnone Ibfcuno room [window] looking on (1. fac
ing) the yard (1. the court), -puoli the
side toward the yard; pinonpuoMfa (taloai
on the side or the bouse next to the yard,
(taka-) In the rear (of the house).
piharakennua building In the backyard, rear
building, pi nasal la In the yard, pihatto
(navetta) cow-stable, cow-shed; (piba)
yard, pihaveraja pate (leading to the yard).
pihdit (pair of) tonga; (hohtlmet) pincers,
(plenet) pliers, (katkalsu-) nippers; (nplttlmet) tweezers; (lkrln) forceps;
(purtstln) clamp, (penkklplhdlt) vice.
plhlni, pihiserninen hissing, fizzing; siz
zling; wheezing; vrt.seur. plhiati hiss, fizz;
sizzle; (vluhua) wheeze.
pihka pitch; resin, gum. plhkaantu* be
(-come) covered (1. smeared) with pitch;
(Jkpv. rakastua) get stuck [on . . , johonkuhun] ; vrt. rakaitua. pihkaantunut . .
covered (1. smeared) with pitch; (kuv.,
Jkpv.) stuck (l.sweet) [on..,johonkuhtm].
pihkainen pitchy, resinous, (tahmea) sticky,
pihkaleuu pltchiness. reslnousness. pihkamalto (ternlmalto) beestings, blestlngs. plhkantuoksu resinous odor(s), pitchy smell,
pihkaoljy (bartsl-) rosln-oll.
pihkua (tlhkua) trickle; (esllle) ooze (out);
exude; ~ lvitt* ooze through, percolate.
pihlaja rowan(-tree), mountain-ash.
pihlajanmarja rowan-berry; mountain-ash
berry, -terttu bunch of rowan-berries.
pihtl cleft stick (1. branch); (haarukka)
fork, crotch; (kuv.) pinch; pihdit ks. hakus.; jautua pihtiin get Into a pinch [ huorn.
jopa joudult pihtiin now you are caught
in a pinch]; Vrt. saapas .

plhtllplell door-post, door-jamb, -polvi(nen)

knock-kneed, -aynnytys: skrin tytyi
turaaulaa pihtisynnytyhseen the ductor
had to use (the) forceps to bring the child,
the child had to be brought with forceps
(1. with Instruments).
pihvi (llha-) beefsteak, -paliti beefsteak;
pil (pyssyn-) flint; (kem.) silicon, silicium;
kova kain ~ hard as flint, flinty.
pll- (yhd.) flint [eslm. -ot flint Imple
ments; -lati flint glass] ; (tlet.) silicic, si
liceous [eslm. -happo silicic acid; -hl*kka





(mys:) silica; pilhapon taola (kem.) sil pllmaa kleselguhr, dlatomaceous earth,
icate. -Jauho kfeselguhr.
piimeneminen, pilmlUyminen curdling, piipilka hired girl, mald(-servant), servant- meta, pllmitty curdle, clabber, (jkpv.)
girl, -kamari hired girls' room, maids' room. lobber, lopper.
piikanen (tytt) girl; lass(le); Jill.
piimulta - piimaa.
pukillinen thorny, prickly.
piim clabbered milk, (jkpv.) lobbered milk,
piikitell* pick [at one. Jotakuta], fling- [at sour milk; (kirnu-) buttermilk.
. .]; gibe [at . .]. pilkittely picking, fling piimainen I. (piimaan tabrlttu) . . smeared
(1. covered) with lobbered milk.
ing [at . .].
piikiton prlckless, thornless, spineless [cac piimainen II. (plinkaltalnen) flint-like, flinty.
puma leili flagon for clabbered (1. sour)
tus, kaktus].
piikivi fllnt(stone).
milk, -parta 1. -suu (kuv.) slobber-mouth,
piikivi- (yhd.) flint [eslm. -kalut flint imple
ments; -kirou flint ax; -nuoli flint arrow] . puna torture; agony, torment, (excruciat
pllkki (kasveissa y. m.) thorn, prick, spine, ing) pain; vrt. krsimys, valva, plinaaminen
(pieni, esim. ohdakkeen) prickle; (pllkkl- tormenting, torturing, racking; worrying,
langan y. m.) barb; (pistln, eslm. ampiai- pilnapenkki rack; panna piinapenkkiin put
sen) sting-; (plikklslan) quill; (rlkkinalsen . . to the rack, subject . . to torture.
hampaan y. m.) jag, snag; (haravan, tadl- piinata torment, torture, rack; pain, plague:
kon y. m.) tine, prong; (keen y. m.) tooth; (klusata) worry, annoy; tease, piinau*
(pulkko, naula) spike; (krkl) point; (en- rack; joutua pnnaukseen get llllu 8 painful
tlsajan kelhas) pike; (kuv. = plstosana) position, be put on the rack, piinaviikko
(kirk.) Holy Week; Passion Week,
fling, hint, taunt, gibe.
piikki evainen splny-flnned, prlckly-flnned. piintynyt (deep-) rooted, Ingrained [preju
-hakku pick, -kampela (elalnt.) turbot. dice, ennakkoluulo] ; inveterate [hatred,
-karkinen sharp -pointed, -lanka barbed vlha] ; confirmed [in ..]; out-and-out,
thorough-going; ~ johonkin ajatukteen
wire, -lanka-aita barbed wire fence, -nah
fixed to (1. In) a notion, set (1. confirmed)
kamen (ellnt.) echlnoderm.
piikklnen 1. thorny, spiny, spinse, prickly; in an idea; motialitti a confirmed (1. thor
socialist, piintya (tarttua)
bristly; (luonnont.) aculeate; echlnate(d);
a. (yhd.) . . with . . prickles (1. spines Jne., stick (1. set) fast, fasten; (juurtua) be
ks. piikki); ..-prickled [esim. terv~ (firmly) rooted, take (a) firm hold, (kuv.)
become confirmed (1. fixed) [in old habits,
piikki nuija club with spikes, spiked club, ' vanholhln tapolhln] ; olla piintynyt ioHon(kuv.) hold on (1. cling) to, stick to.
-parta pointed beard; Imperial, -pohjainen: pihin
i pattaa, plipaUamlnen, piipatus - piipitpiihbipohjaisct kengt hobnailed shoes.
-plnen sharp-pointed. -sienj (kasv.) ta, piipittminen, piipityft.
prickly fungus, -sika (ellnt.) porcupine. piiperrys 1. peep(lng), piping; cbirp(ing),
plikkisyyi prtckllness, splnoslty; pen*oon ~ twltter(lng); 2. tripping. piiporUi 1. (pll(tav.) the shrub being so thorny . . .
pltttta) peep, cheep; pipe; (vlsert) chirp,
piikki tynnyri barrel studded on the Inside twitter; 2. (tlpsuttaa) trip (along); mince.
pnpiltaminen = piipitya. pllpittal peep,
with nails, -lea toothed harrow.
piikuus virginity, maidenhood.
cheep; pli ; (vlkista) squeak; piipittv
pnleilla, piileksia, pleskell (plllollla) hide peeping, cheeping; piping [voice, fiftnl].
(I. conceal) O.S., be (1. keep) In hiding, lie pupitys peep(ing), cheep(ing); piping.
low, keep out of sight, keep out of the piippalakki (sulppolakkl) pointed cap; (lasway ; (olla plllossa) be hidden, be concealed. ten) stocking cap.
pilllpuu (salava) brittle willow.
piippu pipe; (pyssyn-) barrel; vrt. uunin~.
piill hide (1. conceal) O.S.; (olla plilossa) -hylly pipe-rack, -kyn 1. -kytsl 1. -nytl
be hidden, be concealed, hide; vrt. plileill; stub-pipe, -tupakka smoking-tobceo.
~ otakuta hide o.s. from a p.; kyll *n pMpulllnen plpe(ful) [of tobacco, tupakkaa].
akin paha pillee, tuna pillee jotabin there pilpuniiimuke mouthpiece (of a pipe), -kansi
is something under (1. behind) that, I smell lid (1. cover) of a pipe-bowl, -koppa 1.
a rat there, he has [they have] (got) some
-pes pipe-bowl, bowl of a pipe, -letku
thing up his [their] sleeve, I'm sure.
pliable stem (1. tube) of a pipe, -prit
piilo secret place, recess, cranny; (pltlo- tobacco out of one's pipe, -poltto smoking
paikka) hiding-place; piiloon In hiding, (k- a pipe, -varsl pipe-stem.
sista) out of the way, (nkyvist) out of plirakka. piirakaa (tav. llha-) pasty; (hesight; pHlossa In hiding, hidden, concealed delm-) pie, (plenl) tart; (liba- tal hedel[esim. pyiy pHlossa stay hidden, remain mu-; plenl) patty, -tai k ma dough for concealed], (salassa) In secret, pliloilla ks. ties [pies] ; pie-crust.
piiicillu. piilopalkka hiding-place, (elfn- pliri circle [eslm. hodin home circle],
ten, mys:) covert; (ktk) secret place; (Joskus:) orb; (rengas, ympyr) ring,
(plllottelu-) lurking-place; (sopukka) re
(alue) district, circuit, territory;
cess, cranny, corner, nook, plllosllla: all,, round;
(tolmlnta-) sphere, scope; (ulottumls-)
piilositla play (1. be playing at) hlde-and- compass,
extent, range; (seutu, vyhyke)
(go-)seek. piilotajunta (slelut.) subcon- region; (mat.)
perimeter; otctfua piiriin
sciousness. pillotella 1. = pillottaa; 2.
a circle about a p.,
pUloiiia. pillotle: olla piloteilla be (1. keep) (estm. pilrllelklssa)iiiiiu
join hands In a ring (1.
In biding, He low.
. .; [levita]
piilottaa hide, conceal; (eslm. pakolalsta) kantan piiriin (keskuuteen) [spread]
Shelter; ~ Jotahin yllten (\. vaatttitiinta) the people; keryty piiriin gather (1.among
hide . . about one, conceal . . on one's per
in a ring (1. a circle); [llikkua] korkdssa
son, pulottaminen hiding, concealing.
puloittaiutua hide (1. conceal) o.s. [there, fashionable) circles, [move] in the best
slnne; from a p., Jonkun nakyvlsta], hide. society; moan ~ orb (1. sphere) or the
piilu broadax(e). pliluamaton unhewed. pii- earth, (-pinta) face of the earth; oma**a
luaminen hewing, pllluklrves broadax.
piir.sini In one's own (1. immediate)
piilukko flint-lock, -pyssy 1. -kivaari flint
circle, among one's own people, among
lock gun (1. musket), flintlock.
one's friends, (vaall- y. m.) in one's own
pliluta hew.

piirllhyppy round dance. -Intinri district ohonkin (\. jonhin alle) Sign (1.
engineer. -Jako division Into districts, -jr- write) one's name under . . , (hyvksyen)
jeet district organization, -kokou* district Subscribe to hunin. piirtli nimtnsa alhaconvention, -kunta (organized) district. hirioihin (1. historian IchJillc) write (1.
-lalkkl ring game; (-tanssl) round dance. carve) one's name on the pages (1. tablets
-lUkirl district physician; (1. v. Ybdysv.) 1. annals) of history] ; viiaa draw (1.
county physician; (Engl.) medical officer trace) a line.
to a county council, -oikeus district court; piiru = prto; (kompassin) point, pliruinen
(Yhdysv., mys:) circuit court. -pUllikko streaked, streaky; scratched, marked;
head of a district.
scored (over).
piirisill: olla piirimilla (pllrlhyppyslll) be pilrusUa draw [figures, kuvlolta; maps,
dancing round dances (1. a round dance). karttoja; In Ink, musteella], (malln um
-olo dancing round dance.
kaan) copy; (rnuodostaen USrlvllvat) de
puni tanssi round dance, -tarkaataja district lineate; (talt.) sketch; vrt. plirt. piiruInspector.
taja draftsman; designer; vrt. piirtajiL
piirittajl besieger, piiriuimlnen = purity. piirustaminen drawing; sketching; deline
plirlttU besiege (mys kuv.), lay siege to, ation, piiruetella be (engaged In) drawing
Invest; (ymprid) encircle, surround, (1. sketching); do (1. make) drawings,
hem In, compass about; (estakseen ulos- piirustelu drawing, making of drawings.
psyn) blockade [the port, satama] ; polii- piirustin drawing-pen.
it piirittiot talon (myus:) the police pnr-ustuksenopettaja teacher of drawing;
formed a cordon around the house: oihol- (Engl.) drawing-master.
latn prittmn surrounded by the ene piirustus drawing; (konkr., mys:) sketch,
my, beset by the enemy on all sides.
(tekn.) design.
pnntuomari district judge; (joskus:) circuit purubtus- (yhd.) drawing- [eslm. -lauta
drawing-board; -paper, drawing-paper;
purity siege. Investment; blockade; (pll- -poytii drawing-table). -hillicharcoal(-penHttaminen) surrounding, encircling, -taito cil). -kolmio triangle, -konttori = piiruitechnics (1. art) of besieging, -til state tuitoimisto. -kotelo = piiruituslaatikko.
Of Siege; julistaa kaupunki piirttystilaan
-koulu art school, -kyna drawing-pencil;
proclaim the city In a state of siege. drawing pen. -laatikko case (1. box) of
-tykist siege artillery.
drawing Instruments. -Ilitu crayon; pastel,
piirongmlaatikko bureau -drawer.
-nyttely exhibition of drawings; art ex
piironki bureau, dresser, (korkea) chiffonier, hibit, -opetus Instruction In (1. teaching
i pniii. .11 1 chest of drawers, -laatikko bu
of) drawing, -all drawing-room; art room.
reau-drawer. -Ulna bureau scarf.
-taito (art of) drawing, draftsman's art;
piirre feature, lineament, line; (luonteen-) draftsmanship, -urpcct drawing materials
trait; point; prttiltn In one's [Its] fea
(I. supplies), -toimisio draftsman's office,
tures, In US traits; piirttlt merimietela- -viivotin ruler: T square; (kolmio-) triangle.
matta (kuvauksla) sketches of a sailor's plisata ks. rlittal; hylla hUntlla anta piiiaa
life; lyhyin piirttin briefly, in brief; omi- he Is a great sleeper.
nainrn (I. buvaava) ~ a characteristic (fea piisl ks. He!.
ture) ; yltitin piirttin (mys:) In general; piiska 1. (ruoska) whip; (vltsa) rod, birch;
vrt. kaivonpiirteet, luonteen~ y. m.
2. (palmlkko) cue, (jkpv.) pigtail; anfaa
plirrell* = piirtua; ci saa ~ pulpttttihin,
pUshaa whip, lash, (hevoselle) give . . the
poiat no marking on the desks, (mind,) Whip; Vrt. ratsu & ruoska.
boys! piirrelma sketch.
phskan isku lash (1. cut) with a [the]
plirrln (kalverrln) burin, graver; dry-point; whip, lash, -lljihdy* crack (1. smack) of
(pllrustln) drawing-pen.
a whip, -lima lash.
(pllrustus) drawing, design, sketch; piiskata whip, lash; administer a whipping
(kalverrus) engraving, (yhd. mys:) plate; (1. a lashing) [to one, Jotakuta] ; (ruoskia)
(Iialkl-, pysty-) profile; (kuvlo) figure; flog; (antua vltsaa) switch; ~ mattoja
vrt. purr.
beat carpets (1. rugs), piiikauttaa have
piirrinti = piirtamiin-n.
. . whipped (I. lashed 1. flogged).
piirtoinen (ynd.) . .-featured, . . -with . . fea piiski cur; pup.
tures (1. traits) [eslm. ankam- hard-fea piiskuri whlpper, flogmaster.
tured, with stern features; tL-rava- sharp- piiionihlrki bison, buffalo.
featured; yievii- with noble traits (1. fea
piispa bishop, prispallinen episcopal.
piirteleminen, pnrtely
piispan- (yhd.) bishop's, . . of a bishop,
pilrto ivilni) streak, strlp(e), (naarmu) episcopal [eslm. -arao bishop's rank, epis
scratch, mark, score; cut; (elukan otsas- copal dignity; -saura bishop's staff; -vaali
sa) blaze; (vllva) line; (Jalkl) trace; (veto, election of a bishop], -istum bishop's seat
eslm. kynan) stroke; touch; (uurre) fur
(1. stool); see. -klrljit 1. -tarkaitu In
row, groove; mys - piirtaminsn. -kirjotu spection by the bishop, -puku bishop's
(engraved) inscription, -naikall (puusepan) robes; (juhla-) pontificals, -virka bishop's
scratch-awl; vrt. seur. -neula 1. -puikko office, bishopric, episcopate.
dry-point; (kalverrin) graver, burin.
piitata (vlltt) concern (1. trouble) o.s.
piirtyt be marked, be delineated; be de
[about (I. with), Jostakln]; care (I. mind)
picted [on, Johonkln].
[about]; worry, piittaamaton (huoleton)
piirtiji drawer; (ammattl-) draftsman; de
careless; (vllnpitmtn) indifferent; msigner, piirtaminen drawing jne., ks. seur. tan piittaamaton . . who does not care at
piirtti (pllrustaa) draw [maps, karttoja; all (Jkpv.: a rap) for anything, (huoleton)
figures In the sand with one's stick, ke- happy-go-lucky, (vllnpltmtn) apathetic.
plllaan kuvlolta hlekkaan], trace; (luon- piittaamauomuus indifference; unconcern
nostaa) design, sketch; (merkita) sign (-edness).
[one's name, nlmens] ; (kaivertaa) cut, pika: pibaa soon, shortly, directly, (nopeascarve [one's name In the bark, nlmensa tl) qulck(ly), fast; tnntn pikaa before (1.
puunkuoreen] ; (etup. metalliln) engrave ere) long, in a short time, soon; tuota pibaa
[on steel, terkseen], grave; (uurtaa) fur
(hetl) Instantly, Immediately, at once, di
row, score; (puns.) scratch, mark; ni- rectly, (plan) soon. In a short time.

- 516
plka- i.vlid.) fast, rapid, express [eslm. -a/a pikastua pikaistua.
fast driving; -ammunta rapid Tiring; -hayry plkatavara (goods sent by) express; lhetfast steamer; -ana fast train, express t . . pihatavarana send . . by express.
-toimisto express office.
train], -ajuri cabman; (-isnt) cab-pro
prietor; (automoblili-, Jkpv.) taxi-driver. pikajtuli (sot.) rapid firing, -tykki rapid-ampuja quick shot.
fire gun. -uinti fast swimming; vrt. kilpapikainen (nopea) quick, rapid [progress, uinti. -veturi engine of an express train.
edistymlnen], speedy [recovery, parantu- -viesti dispatch; (plkalahctti) courier.
minen] ; swift, fleet; fast; (kilreellinen) -vihainen quick to take offense, touchy,
nasty, hurried; (kllllnen) sudden, abrupt; quick-tempered, captious; (kuumaverl(pintapuolinen) passing, fugitive, transi
nen) hot-blooded, hot-headed, hot-tem
tory; (kllvas; Ihmlslst:) bot, Impetuous, pered; (helpostl suuttuva) irascible, -vihalhot-headed, rash, (plkavlhainen) quick to suuc quick temper, touchiness; Irascibility.
take offense, touchy, quick-tempered, cap pike (nyppykangas) pique.
tious; ~ tuonne quick (l. hot 1. hasty) tem pi keenly a = pihkaantua.
per, fiery (1. passionate) disposition; ~ pikemmin quicker, sooner; more promptly;
silmiiys basty (1. quick 1. cursory) glance; (mleluummln) rather, much (1. far) rather,
- suuttumaan quick to anger, vrt. pikavi- far more; han on ~ r has bain kyh he Is
halnen; ~ oattaut quick answer, Immediate rich rather than poor, pikemminkin rather.
reply, pikaisemmln quicker, faster; sooner; pikenttl butler; (lakeija) footman, -polka
more promptly, pikaisesti quickly, prompt
page; (Jkpv.) buttons.
ly; rapidly, speedily, swiftly, fast; hastily, pikeminen pitching; waxing; vrt. pie.
hurriedly; transitorily; suddenly, abruptly; piki pitch; (suutarin-) shoemakers' wax.
hot-headed(ly), captiously; silmill pikai- pikilntynyt: johonhahan (kuv., Jkpv.)
***ti kirja luvitse glance hastily through stuck (1. sweet) on.
the book, plkalsln quickest [way, tie], plkiintyfi 1. (kuv.) got stuck [on, johonspeediest, fastest.
kubun] ; 2. = piintyS.
pikaistua (kilvastua, suuttua) lose one's piki laastari pitch plaster, -lanka waxed
temper, grow angry, get hot-headed, fly end, shoemakers' thread, shoe-thread.
Into a passion, fire up, flare up; (kllhtya) pikimmin quickest, soonest, earliest; mita
get excited, get (1. grow) (too) warm; as soon (1. as quick) as possible (1.
(unohtaa itsens) forget o.s.; (olla Ulan as ever you can), the soonest possible, at
htlnen) be (too) rash, be (too) hasty, be the first possible moment, pikimmiten In
overhasty. pikaistumlnen losing one's tem
(great) haste, hastily, In a hurry; (nlln
per, flaring up; (plkalsuus) rashness, hot- plan kuln sulnkln) as soon as possible, at
ness; vrt. seur. pikaistus rashness; pihaii- an early date. plklmmltUin, piklmmaltlin
tubstssa in a rash moment, In (a moment (hetkeksi) for a moment; (kllreella) In
of) rashness, (suuttumuksessa) In a fit of haste, hastily, In a hurry; (ohimennen) in
anger, (lak.) without premeditation, un
passing, cursorily.
pikimusta pitchy, pitch-dark [night, y<>),
pikalsuua quickness, rapidity, speed(lness), pitch-black; jet-black [hair, tukka], ..
swiftness; hastiness; (kllllsyys) sudden
black as Jet.
ness, abruptness; (tullsuus) hotness, flerl- pi kimainen pitch-like, pitchy, pikinen pitchy.
ness; (plkapalsyys) bot-headedness, quick piki! Pihma - plkilanka. -oljy pitch-Oil.
(-ness of) temper, touchiness; (pikaistus) pikka (pilkklhakku) pick; (rautakankl) iron
rashness; vrt. pikapaUyy.
bar; crowbar.
pikalljuna (mys:) express. -Juoktlja (Ib- pikkainen = plkkuinen. plkkaralnen very
mlsesta:) fast runner: sprinter; vrt. kllpa- small, wee (little) [mouse, hiirl], tiny
juokiija. -Juoksu swift (1. fast) running; (little) [child, lapsl].
sprint (Ing). -Juokiukllpallu sprlntlng- pikkelai, plkkelys (keltt.) pickles.
match. -kirjottaja stenographer, shorthand- pikku llttle.small.tiny; ~ haritta lambkin;
writer, -klrjotua stenography, shorthand; ueljcni my little brother, my baby brother.
pihakirjotuhsella In shorthand, stenograph- pikku- (yhd.) little, small [eslm. -linnut
tCally: osala piliakirjatusta kIKlW [bOW tO
little (1. small) birds; -point little (1. small)
write] shorthand, -kuva snap-shot, -luis- boys; -varea* little toe]; (vhptlnen)
telija swift (1. fast) skater, -luiitelu swift petty [eslm. -/nonet petty Intrigues; -rah(1. fast) skating, -lulstin racing skate, tina* petty prince], minor [eslm. -hicrta-luontolnen quick-tempered, rash; hot thtl 1. -planeetli minor planet; -pyht nu
(-headed), -lahettl express, courier (vars. ll- - holidays] ; vrt. pieni-. -asia trifle, small
sot.), -lahetys express, -marssl forced (1. little) thing (1. matter), trifling (1. mi
march; pikamaruiua by forced (1. fast) nor) matter, trumpery affair, triviality.
marches, double quick.
-askareot 1. -toimet petty (1. pottering)
Jobs, -elukat (kotl-) smaller domestic ani
pikanelll (a kind of) chewing-tobacco.
mals [sheep, pigs and goats], -herra shod
pikalloikeus (kentta-) drumhead court mar
tial, -palnln 1. -paino(kone) cylinder press; dy (1. would-be) gentleman; lordllng. -huilu
(rotatsionl-) rotary press; (volma-) power- (mus.) piccolo, -huolet petty (1. trifling)
press, -posti 1. (-lhetti) courier; 2. (ny- cares.
kyalk.; 1. v.) special delivery, -puhelu (te- plkkuinen = pikku; olla pihhuisiin pain
lefooni-) hurry-call, -purjehdus fast sail
(Jkpv.) be In the family way, be with
ing; vrt. kilpapurjehdus. -pain hastily, child, plkkuiien a little [larger, suurempi].
hurriedly; qulck(ly); (htlsestl) In pass- pikku Juoksu (ilolkka) Jog-trot; (etup. ill
Ing, transitorily, cursorily, -pftinen hot mlslsta:) dog-trot, -juttu trifle, bagatelle,
(-headed), Impetuous, passionate; quick
trumpery affair, matter of little (1. of no)
tempered, rash, hasty, -palsy ys hot-headed- importance, -kalat little (1. small) flsh(es);
ness, impetuosity; rashness; pikapaityy- (koll.) fry, small fry. -kapine small (I.
dessn in his hot-headedness, in the heat little) thing, -karja small cattle, -kauppa
of his temper, -patt: pikapisen - pl- (-kaupankynti) small trade; (rihkama-)
kaistukscsa, ks. pikaistus; vrt. mys: plka- fancy(-goods) store, -kauppia* petty (1.
small) dealer, storekeeper In a small way.
pikari goblet; (run.) chalice; (tav.) glass -kaupunkl small town; (maalals-) country
town, -kaupunkilainen person from (1. of)
[eslm. viini- wine-glass].


pikk u kaupunk rmamen

uncorrupted, undeflled, untainted; (vablngolttumaton) undamaged, (tavarolsta:) In
gOOd Condition; pilaantumaton hedelm un
spoiled (1. untainted 1. good) fruit; vrt.
turmeltumaton. pilaantunut damaged, In
jured, spoiled (mys: spoilt), blighted;
foul [air, lima]; ruined [health, terveys] ;
(etup. moraallsesti:) corrupt [taste, maku;
morals, moraall], depraved; tainted; (hedelmista:) overripe, decayed (In spots),
rotten; (saastutettu) Infected, polluted;
pilaantunut ilma (myos:) vitiated air, (saas
tutettu) polluted air; pilauaitunut (kanan-)
spoiled (1. bad 1. rotten) egg; Una
ol o hiukan pilaantunutta the meat was al
ready tainted, pilaantuva perishable [goods,
lavara] ; helposti pilaantuva very perishable.
pila esitys burlesque, lake-off. -Juttu (kasku) Joke; witticism, -hi n ta = pilkkahinta.
-kuva caricature; (sanomalehdissa:) car
toon; pilahuvain piirtj cartoonist, carlcaturlsl. -lehtl comic paper; (sanomalehden llslehten) comic secllon.
pilallinen damaged, spoiled; no good; vrt.
pilan aihe subject for a joke [a cartoon],
-puhuja = leikinlaskija. -pain 1. -paiten
(lystlkseen) for (the) fun (of It); (lelklllan) for a joke, In jest, (Just) In fun. -teko
joking. Jesting, jest, banter(lng); fooling,
foolery; (pllkka) derision, mockery.
pllalpllrro caricature; (sanomalehtl-) car
toon, -piirtsja cartoonist, caricaturist.
-puhe joking, jest(lng); vrt. lelkklpuhe.
pilar! pillar; (kolonna) column; (pylvs)
post; (k&nnatln) support; (sllta-, mys:)
pier, pllarlsto colonnade; arcade; (rakennuksen edess tal ymprillft:) perlstyle.
pilaruno humorous poem; (pureva) stiro,
sallrlcal poem; vrt. pilkkaruno.
pilata (tehd kelvottomaksl) spoil [a ma
chine, kone; one's work, tyns; the meat,
llha] ; (lurmella) ruin, destroy; blight;
(vahlngolttaa) hurt. Injure [one's reputa
tion, maineensa], damage; affect; (huononlaa) make . . worse, deteriorate. Im
pair; (rumentaa) disfigure, deform, de
face, mar; (saasluttaa) Infect, taint, pol
lute [the air, lima], vitiate; (turmella mo
raallsestl) corrupt, deprave, debauch; ~
a*ia spoil It, (pahentaa) make mailers
(1. the matter) worse; - [lapsl] h*mmottelemalla spoil [a child] (by overindulg
ence); ~ hatiloimalla bungle, botch; ~
Jonkun diyv.-i) main,- make one lose his
good name, sully one's fair name, deslroy
one's reputation, bring discredit (1. dis
grace) upon one; ~ jonkun maunnitelmat
spoil one's plans, ruin one's prospects;
terveytens kS. turmella; ~ jonkun toivert
mar (i. blight 1. blast 1. ruin) one's hopes;
~ vatsanta k s. turmelln; /tuono cura pilaa
hyvst tauat evil communications corrupt
good manners; kmanuu* pilaa ntokaaineet heat spoils food(sluffs) ; mudan [fa
nn] pilaama affecled by rot (1. decay),
bllg-hted [potato, peruna; fruit, hedelmS];
ruosteen pilaama altacked (1. affected) by
rust, (raudasta:) spoiled (1. ruined) by rust,
(Jkpv.) rusted to pieces; vrt. turmella.


small town,
man living In a small (1. a
town; pikkukaupunkilaittt !<>
pie of (1. In) a small (1. a country) town,
-kaupunklmalnen characteristic of a (per
son from a) small (1. a country) town.
tracts; pamphlets,
-kivet small
stones, pebbles,
-koulu -- plentenlaitenkoulu. -kuningas petty king, -lapset little
children; (rinta-) babies, Infants, -lastenkoulu = pienttnlasttnkoulu. -leivokset COOkies; small cakes. -HIM 1. -rilll little finger.
pikkumainen mean, narrow-minded, small;
(turnantarkka) overnlce, overparticular,
squeamish, pikkumaisesti meanly, narrowmindedly; squeamishly. pikkumaisuus
meanness, narrow-mindedness, smallness;
pikku piru Imp; vrt. plkku-ukko. -polminto:
pibhupoimintaja , odds and ends,
gleanings, -porvari petty bourgeois (1.
tradesman), -porvarlllinen petty (1. petit)
bourgeois, -porvarillisesti In a petty bour
geois manner (1. fashion), like petty bour
geois, -porvarllliauu petty bourgeois char
acter, -rihkama small notions; knickknacks.
-ruikkunen very small quantity, (Just) a
little; a tiny bit, a wee bit, a mite, -selkka
=- pikkuMla; (yksltyis-) detail, minor point.
-serkku second cousin, -serkukiet: A aoat
pikkuserkuksct they are second cousins,
-eormi little ringer, -summa small sum;
driblet; pikkuMummista In driblets, -tavarat notions, -tilallinen pientilallinen.
-tunnit small hours, -ukko: nhd pikkuukkoja (Juoppohullusta:) see snakes, see
tblngs. -uutieet (1. v.) news of lesser Im
portance; personals, -valtlo small (1. mi
nor) state, -velat small (l. petty) debts.
-viljelija --- plenvlljelija. -viljelys = pienviljelys. -vlrheet little (1. lesser 1. slight l.
minor) errors (1. faults), -vikl little folks,
little people.
plkriinihappo (kem.) picric acid.
pila I. joke, joking, jest; (lelkkl) fun, sport;
(lelkllllsyys) humor; pilaa pahumatta with
out joking (1. jesting); pilan paiten (JUSt)

for fun, just In fun, just for the fun qf the

thing (1. Of It); pilait) tikteen all joking
aside! pitoitlaan for (1. as) a joke, In jest.
In fun. Jestingly, jokingly, (huvlkseen) for
(the) fun (of the thing) [eslm. *anai ten
rain piloillaan be just said that for fun (1.
for a joke), he just said that In Jest],
plia II. (turmlo): pilalle (\. piloilla atti
SO as tO be spoiled; ajaa hevonen pilalle
hurt (1. ruin) a horse by overdriving, break
a horse's wind, drive a horse to death;
ampaa akin pilalle damage . . by shooting,
(murskaksl) shoot . . to pieces, (raunlolk81) Shoot . . to ruins ; itke tilmns pilaitf
one's eyes OUt; lukea itsensa pilait*
ruin one's health by overstudy, vrt. seur.;
lak*a tilmantS pilalle Injure (1. damage 1.
spoil 1. ruin) one's eyes by reading; menno
pilalle (terveydesta:) be undermined, be
ruined, be shattered, vrt. menng; olla
pilalla be spoiled, be ruined, be damaged,
(eslm. terveydesta:) be shattered, be
broken; panno cl. naattaa) pilalle ks. pilata.
pilaamaton ks. pllaantumaton. pilaaminen
spoiling Jne., ks. pilata; (etup. moraallnen)
corruption, vitiation, depravation; (huonontamlnen) deterioration, degeneration.
pilaantua become (1. get I. be) spoiled (1.
damaged 1. ruined 1. blighted 1. marred);
spoil; (buonontua) deteriorate, degenerate;
(etup. moraallsestl) be(come) corrupted
(1. tainted 1. contaminated 1. Infected 1. pol
luted), (turmeltua) ruin o.s.; (hedelmlsta
y. m., mys:) perish, pllaantumaton undecayed, unspoiled, (etup. moraallsestl)

pilautua pilaantua.

piletin hint price of a [the] ticket; fare,

-myyjl ticket-seller; (lalvakontlorelssa y.
m., Engl.) booking-clerk, -myynti sale of
tickets; ticket-selling.
piletitin . . without a ticket, . . with no ticket.
piletti ticket, -luukku ticket-window, -makau price of the ticket; (matka-) fare.-myymktl ticket-office; (Engl.) booking-office.
pilkahdella glimpse [now and then, si1'-
tllln]; (tulkata) twinkle, be twf


pilkahdus gllmpse; gllmmer; (vlhdys) Is mocking (1. proranation or) holy thlngs,
flash; toivon ~ a riash (1. a gllmmer 1. a thls Is sacrllege.
breath) or hope. pilkahtaa gllmpse; riash; pilkkaanllammunta rirlng at a [the] target,
strlke (1. catch) the eye; (esiin) shlne (1. target-practice, practlslng at a [the] tar
break) through [ror a moment, hetkeksi], get; pilkkaanammunta kivreill riTIepeep out; (hmtt) be dlmly (1. indis- practlce. -ampuja: taitava pilkkaanampuja
tlnctly) seen (I. observed 1. vlsibie) ; kuu a good marksman, a crack shot, (tarkkapilkahti pilven takaa (mys:) I [we, they, ampuja) sharpshooter.
etc] caught a glimpse or the moon behlnd pilkkaava scorring, mocking; (pilkallinen)
the clouds; vrt. pilkist,
scornrul, sneerlng, derlslve; Jumalaa ~
pilkallinen (ivallinen) scornful, sneerlng, blasphemous.
scorring; taunting, mocking, derlslve; (pu pilkkaihinta rldlculously low prlce; bottom
reva) sarcastlc [remark, huomautus], iron- price; pilkkahinnasta, pilkkahinnalla at a
lC(al); huuto, hymy, nauru y. m., kS. great bargaln, ror a song, Tor a tririe. at a
pilkka huuto, -hymy, -nauru y. m.; ~ mat
rldlculously low price, (Jkpv.) dlrt-cheap
kiminen mocking, mockery; pilkallisella
[huom. kaikki myytiin Cl. meni) pilkkahin
nell In a scornrul (1. sarcastlc 1. sneer- nasta (mys:) everythlng was practlcallv
Ing) tone (or volce), sneerlngly. pilkalli
thrown (1. given) away]. -huuto scornrul
sesti scornfully, sneerlngly; mocklngly, (1. sneerlng) cry (1. exclamatlon) ; sneer,
derlslvely; (purevasti) sarcastlcally, iron- Jeer, hoot; pilkkahuutoja (mys:) sneer
lcally; hymyill pilkallisesti Smlle SCom- lng, Jeerlng, hootlng. -hymy scornrul (1.
fully (1. sardonically) [at, Jollekin (1. Jolle
sardonlc) smile, sneer.
kulle)], sneer (1. Jeer) [atj; curl one's lips pilkkailla be (I. keep) scorning (1. scorring
In scorn; naurahtaa pilkallisesti give a at l. mocking (at) jne., ks. pilkata); heap
scorring laugh (1. a laugh or scorn) ; nauraa taunts (1. rldlcule) upon . .; (tehd pilaa)
pilkallisesti (jollekin) laugh to scorn . . , be maklng run [or, Jotakin], make game
derlde. pilkallisuus scornrulness; derisive- or [a p., Jotakuta], pilkkailu scorring;
ness; sarcasm, lrony; vrt. pilkka; hnen mockery, derlsion.
nens pilkallisuus the sarcasm (1. the pilkka? kirjotus lampoon; satlre. -kirves
sneer) In hls volce (1. tone), hls tone (or sarcastlc person; (leikinlaskija) Joker, huvolce) belng so sarcastic (I. so scornrul). morlst, wlt; (veitikka) wag; rogue. -laulu
pilkanllalainen . . subjected to rldlcule (1. (rhymlng) lampoon; satirical verses; (her
scorn), . . exposed to derlsion; vrt naurun
ja-) libelous song. -nauru sneerlng (I.
alainen, -teko derlsion, mockery, scorring; scorring 1. mocking 1. scornrul 1. derlslve)
vrt. pilanteko; tm on pilkantekoa pyhist laugh(ter), laugh or scorn; sneer(s). -nimi
asioista thls Is mocking (1. is proranation nickname; (liika-) sobrlquet. -puhe: pilk
or) sacred thlngs, thls Is sacrllege.
kapuhetta, -puheita glbes, sneers, scorring;
pilkata scorn, spurn, derlde, scorr (I. sneer vrt. pilapuhe. -runo satlre; (hvistys-)
1. mock 1. rilng l. riout 1. Jeer) at . . , (her
lampoon; llbel(l)ous poem. -runous satlre.
jata) abuse, revile, rall [at . .] ; ~ Jumalaa -sana abusive (1. lnsultlng) word; word or
scorr at God. blaspheme; Jotakin pilkatak
scorn, sneerlng (1. scorring) word; sneer,
seen (mys:) in mockery or, In scorn or. Jeer, rilng, taunt, glbe, riout; pilkkasanoja
pilke (pilkahdus) gllmpse; glimmer(ing); (mys:) lnsults, abustve language, sneer
toivon (mys:) a gllmmer or hope. pH lng, Jeerlng, scorring.
kehtii pilkahdella.
pilkkajlaiipi (ellnt.) velvet scoter. -taulu
pilkepuut chopped \vood.
(ampumataulu) target; (kuv.; mys:) butt.
pilkint pegging.
pilkki (shoe-)peg.
pilkisteleminen ks. pilkistely. pilkistella pilkkoa (halkoa) spllt, cleave (. . to pleces);
(kurkistella) peep [through, jostakin: into, (palotella) cut . . Into pleces, dismember;
Johonkin; out, ulos]; peer; be (1. keep) chop (up), cut up; - puita spllt wood.
Chop (up) W00d; - syttypuita CUt (up)
peeping (1. peerlng); vrt. pilkist, pilkis
tely peeplng (through, Into, out), vrt. edell. kindllngs, chop (up) klndllngs; maa on pil
kottu (kuv.) the country (I. the nation)
pilkistys peep, look. pilkistit* 1. (kurkis
taa) peep; peer; 2. (pilkahtaa) gllmpse, has been dismembered. pilkkomaton ungllmmer; (hmtt) be dlmly seen (1. spllt, unclert; unchopped; undlvlded. pilk
vlsibie); (kuultaa) shlne through (mys kominen splittlng Jne., ks. pilkkoa.
kuv.); aurinko pilkisti pilvien takaa the pilkkonen: pilkkonen pime ks. seur. pilk
sun peeped (1. shone 1. peered) out (1. rorth) kopime I. (a.) pltch-dark [nlght, y],
rrom behlnd the clouds, there was a gllmpse pltch-black. II. (s.) pltchy (1. lnky) darkor the sun (rrom) behlnd the clouds; pi
ness, Egyptlan darkness.
vn pilkistess at the peep or day.
pilkku dot [esim. i:n ~ the dot over an 1] ;
pilkiUeminen pegging. pilkit peg.
speck; (tpl) spot; (vlimerkkin) compilkka I. (iva) scorn, sneer; rldlcule; ma; pilkulleen to a dot, to a T, to a halr('s
breadth), to a turn, to a nlcety, exactly;
taunt(s), glbe(s); (pilkkaaminen) mock
ery, scorring, derlsion; (pila, leikki) Joke, vrt. kymmenys'-.
Joklng, jest: run; (tom)roolery; gag; pii. pilkkuinen pilkullinen; (yhd.) . . wlth
koillaan In derlsion, (piloillaan) In (l. ror) dots (1. spots Jne., ks. pilkku); . .-ly dotted
run, In Jest, as a Joke; joutua pilkan alai
(1. spotted) [esim. suuri~ vvlth large dots
seksi become (1. be made) a laughtng- (1. spots); tihe- thlckly dotted (1.
stock, be made run or; olla pilkkana surrer spotted)]. pllkkuisuus = pilkullisuus.
(1. be put to) shame, surrer lndlgnities, pilkkuikuume 1. -lavanuuti spotted Tever.
(naurettavana) be an ohjeet or rldlcule, be pilkonta = pilkkominen.
a (common) laughlng-stock; vrt. pila.
gleam, gllmmer, glance, gllmpsepilkka II. (merkki) blaze; mark; (maalitau pilkottaa
riash; (hmtt) be dimly (1. lndistlnctlu) target, (maalitaulun keskus) buirs- ly)
(1. observed 1. vlsibie); be riltting
eye; tehd pilkkoja puihin blaze the trecs. along; (vilkkua)
bllnk, wlnk, tvvlnkle; ~
pilkkaaja scorrer, mocker, riouter; (et. Ju
pilvien takaa gleam (l. glance 1. gllmpse)
malan-) blasphemer; (herjaaja) revller, rrom behlnd the clouds; vrt. pilkist, pil
raller. pilkkaaminen scorning Jne., ks. pil
kottaminen gleamlng jne., ks. edell. pilkokata; tm on pyhyyden pilkkaamista thls tus gleam(lng), glimmer(ing), gllmpse;

flash; myos - pilkottaminen ; hynttilan cast, be Cloudy; vrt. avu , tomo, ukpilkota* gleam or a candle; vrt. pilke.
ko~ y. m.
pilkullinen dotted, spotted, spotty, sprinkled pilvillllnna (tuulentupa) castle In the air,
over with spots; speckled, pilkullisuus air-castle; castle in Spain, -muoto cloudform; pilvimuotoja (tav.) forms of clouds.
. . being: dotted (1. spotted 1. speckled).
pilkuttaa dot; point . . off, punctuate [a sen pilvinen (taivaasta puhuen:) clouded, over
tence, lause] ; (merktta) mark, pllkuttami- clouded, overcast; cloudy [day, plv],
nen dotting; pointing , punctuation; sunless; (synkk) gloomy; cao cloudy (1.
marking, pllkutus punctuation; mys gloomy) weather; ~ taivat (mys:) cloudy
(1. sunless) sky. pilvlayyt cloudiness.
pilla: tchiia pillojaan make ravages [In, jos- pilvillplirUva 1. -hipova (pllviln yluv.o . .
sakin], work havoc [In . .] ; ravage.
raking (1. reaching to) the skies.
pillahtaa: ithuun burst out crying, burst pimeneminen darkening; vrt. seur. pimen(1. break) into tears.
nys (aurlngon tal kuun) eclipse; (tantten)
pillastua (hevoslsta:) get frightened (1. take occultation.
Trlght) and run a\vay; break loose (and pimento dark(ness), obscurity; gloom; (syrun away), pillottuminen: hevostn pilla*- vyys) abyss, chasm, depths; (varjo) shad
tumintn the horse getting frightened and ow; vrt. piracy, pimontola realm of dark
running away, pillastunut runaway [horse, ness, the abodes of darkness; mys = helvetti. plmentolainen obscurant(lst), one
hevonen] ; pillastunut Htvontn (mys:) run
who opposes the spread of education and
away, pillastus runaway.
pillen pill; pellet; (suurl, eslm. hevosille liberty or thought. pimentolaisuui ob
kytetty) bolus; pillereina In form of pills, scurantism.
pimentyl = pimetK.
-ras i a pill-box.
pilll (putkl) pipe; tube; (ruoko) reed; (vl- pimentaminen darkening Jne., ks. seur. pi
hellys-) whistle; tchtaan ~ the factory mentt darken, make .. dark(er); cloud
[the sky, talvas] ; (taivaankappale) eclipse;
whistle; vrt. lmu~, palmen y. m.
(kuv.) dim [a p.'s reason, jonkun Jarkll.
pilllke (kasv.) hemp-nettle.
pillikkyy* . . being shaped like a tube (1. a pimet grow (1. get 1. become) dark(er),
reed); (kasvln) .. having- a hollow stem. (be) darken(ed); (taivaankappaleista:) be
pi Mi ks . . like a pipe (1. a reed); tubular; eclipsed; (hmrty) grow dim, get dusky;
flstulous. pilllmainen tubular; . . shaped (himmetS) be(come) obscured; Ulan pimtlike a pipe (1. a reed).
tet*a at the evening twilight, as It Is grow
pilli piipari (i. v.) musician, -sieni (kasv.) ing dark (I. getting dusky), as the twilight
Is deepening; jrki on pimennyt the mind
bracket-fungus, polypore.
has become darkened, the reason has be
pillisto (urku-) pipes, piping.
pillittiji whimperer, whlner; cry-baby, pil- come dimmed.
littlminen " pillitys. pillittaa (solttaa) pimoys darkness, (the) dark; obscurity,
pipe; thru pillittaa whimper, whine, be dimness; (hamaryys) dusk, gloom; (kuv.,
piping, be squealing; juo*ta pillittaa (sulh- mys;) night; pimeyden ruhtina* the prince
kuna) be spurting, be squirting, be spout- of darkness; pimeyden tySt deeds of dark
Ing (out), pillitys (Itkun) wblmper(lng), ness; yon pimeydi'ssu In the darkness (1.
the dark) of (the) night, under the shadow
whining; squealing.
pillomus 1. (pahantekija) miscreant, villain, of (the) night.
knave; despicable wretch; outlaw; 2. (pa- pirnea I. (a.) dark; (hamr) dim; dusky;
hanteko) evil (1. felonous) deed; foul deed (synkk) gloomy; (kuv.) obscure; ~ koppi
(vankl-) dark cell; - taivaankappalt (fys.)
(1. outrage).
a non-luminous body; pime&t huomet dark
piloillaan ks. pila. I.
pilputa cut . . into little bits; (eslm. paperla) (1. sombre 1. gloomy) rooms. II. (s.) dark,
darkness, gloom, obscurity; piman tullm
tear . . Into (little) bits.
(I. tulletta) at nightfall, at the close of
piltti (polkanen) lad, laddie.
(the) day; pimeStt In the dark.
pilttuu stall; box-stall.
pirnean !arka afraid In (1. of) the dark, -pelko
pilveilll be cloudy; alkaa ~ begin to cloud I. (s.) fear of being (left alone) In the dark,
up, be clouding up.
terror of darkness. II. (a.) - pimenarka.
pilven hahtuva wisp of cloud; fleecy cloud pimitUiminen darkening Jne., ks. seur. pimillet; (hoyhenpllvi) cirrus; vrt. seur. -nat- tal darken, obscure; cast a shade [over . .] ;
tara speck (1. wisp 1. patch) of cloud; (pimentaa) eclipse; (sumentaa) dim, (be-)
fleecy cloud; cloudlet; pilo*nhattaroid*n cloud; (jobtaa harhaan, hmment) lead
pfittm taiva* dappled (1. mackerel) sky. astray, mislead, misguide, plmitya = ,
-korkuinen . . reaching to (1. above) the mittminen.
clouds, sky-high; vrt. pilvUpllrtavK. -lonka pimpcttH tinkle, jingle; ring, plmpltyi tin
1. -penger bank of clouds, -pattas pillar of kling, jingling; tinkle, jingle.
cloud. -peittami overclouded [sky, talvas], pimssikivi pumice-stone, pumice.
cloudy; cloud-capped [mountain, vuoren- pinaattl (kasv.) spinach, -kasvi spinach.
hulppu]. -piirtaj (korkea rakennus) sky pingotln stretcher; (kankaan-) temple; (plnscraper, -purkaui cloudburst, -pyorre gotuskehys) tenter.
funnel-shaped cloud, -rama edge of a the]
stretch [strings, klell], draw;
cloud, -takainen (kuv.) Utopian; visionary, pingouaa
strain; tighten [a rope, kyua], make . .
-vaaru bank of clouds.
taut (I. tense); string; (erlkolseen kehykpilvettyi (mennii pllveen) cloud over, be seen) stretch on tenter-hooks, tenter; brace
(-come) overcast, be(come) covered with (a drum, rumpu] ; ~ ousta Him tiakalU
clouds, pilvetn cloudless, unclouded, clear (kuv.) stretch the tension too much;
[sky, talvas]. pllveytyl = pllvettyii.
liiahtl stretch (1. strain) too much, plngotpilvl cloud; pilvia hipooa (\. tavottmltva) . . Uminen stretching Jne., ks. edell. pingottua
reaching to the clouds, (kuv.) . . aspiring be(come) stretched; (esim. koyilestii:)
after the Impossible, high-flown; kuin pil- tighten; (llhaksista y. m.) contract; (Jnoitta pudonnttna (hmmftstyneen) struck nltty) become (1. grow) tense.
with amazement, taken all aback, com pingotus strain; (plngottaminen, pingottupletely taken (a)back; olla pilve*m (talvas) minen) stretching, tightening, -kehyt (ube overclouded, be clouded over, be over
tlmlen y. ni. plngottamlsta varen) ter



pingvllnl (ellnt.) pengruln.

pinkka (kasa) pile, heap; stack; (nippu)
bunch, bundle; (pakka) pack; bale.
pinko: olla pingollaan be (tightly) stretched,
be strained, be tight, be tense, be taut;
vftd pingolUen stretch, tighten, pull . .
tight, -pahvi heavy building-paper, -paper!
pinnallinen superficial; skin-deep.
pinno tension, stretch, stress; tight place;
(pula) pinch, stralt(s); (pulma) predica
ment, dilemma, (jkpv.) fix, scrape; aattaa
otakuta plnteesta help one out a tight
place (1. a dirriculty 1. a rix) ; joutua pinttcsern get Into (1. be caught In) a tight
place, get Into a scrape, get Into a (bad) rix,
Come It; olla pint cessa <lllV'i>:> be
squeezed, (Jnnltyksess) be on the rack,
(pulassa) be In for It, (purlstuksessa, et.
kuv.) be bard pressed.
pinniantura (SUUt.) Insole.
pinnistella strain (every nerve) ; (ponnlstella) exert o.s., make efforts; (abertal) take
pains [with . .]. pinnlstetty strained; (teenn&lnen) affected, put-on, pinnistyt tension,
stretch; strain, stress; (plnne) tight place,
(tight) squeeze, pinch; Hollinen pinni*ty*
vrt. plnne.
nlatyi be(come)
strained, strain;
plngottua. pinnistaminen straining, stretchIng; exertion, pinnista* Strain; stretch;
(ponnlstaa) exert; pinnitt kaihhi ooimansa exert (1. put forth) all one's strength,
strain every nerve, muster (up) ail one's
strength, (tehda kalkkensa) do one's utmost.
pino (kasa) pile; stack; vrt. halko~. pinoamlnen piling (up) Jne., ks. seur. pi nota
pile (up), pile one on top of the other;
(kasata) heap up; piata halhoja pile wood,
(mltattuna plnoon) cord wood.
pinsotti tweezers; (small) pincers.
pirita surface; (tlet.) superficies; (eslm. klteen) face; (taso) plane; (korkeus) level;
(-lauta) slab; pinnalta on the surface, (kuv.
= nkjn) externally, outwardly, (henkllSt:) In MS [her] exterior; halteva (\.
laitava) ~ Inclined plane, (kuv.) the down
ward path (1. way); vrt. maan, mereny. HI. -ala area, superficial contents; (ala)
extent, -aura skim-colter plow, skim-plow,
plntalnen (yhd.) . . with . . surface [eslm.
*itta~ with a smooth surface] ; myos
pintail karkalstua case-hardening, -kllnne ks.
pintaveto. -lauta slab, -mitta square (1.
superficial) measure, -puoll surface; (nahan) grain side; (ulko-) outside, exterior,
-puollnen superficial, skin-deep, shallow,
perfunctory; (htlnen) cursory; pintapuofincfi tnntemam (\. pintapuolieet tic Jot ) /ostakln a superficial (1. a passing) knowledge
of, a smattering of. -puolisesti superficial
ly; on the surface; (htalsestl) cursorily,
-puolisuus superficiality, superflclalness,
shallowness, perfunctorlness; cursorlness.
-puu sap-wood, alburnum, -vesl surfacewater, -veto (fys.) adhesion, -ykslkko
unit of area.
pinteeseen, pinteessa, pinteeati ks. pinne.
pinteli, pintil (tekn.) spindle.
plo(o)nl (kasv.) peony.
pi pana (muru) bit, particle; crumb; (alku)
semblance, vestige; *i hadan pipanaa not a
bit (1. a particle 1. a semblance) of danger.
piparjuuri horseradish, -kastike horseradish
gravy (l. sauce), -lina meat [beef, etc.]
with horseradish.
plparkakku (ginger) cooky, glngersnap. -talklna dough for ginger cookies.
piparminttu peppermint, -oljy oil of pep
permint, peppermint-oil.


plparuut(t)! k.S. piparjuuri.

plpetti (nostopilll) pipette, plpet.

pipila Bible, piplianhistoria Bible (1. Bibli
cal) history, pipliaseura Bible Society.
pipolakki pointed cap.
pippi: pipit a papit the common herd, tagrag (people); anybody and everybody.
pjppuri pepper; vrt. hSyste , turkln .
plppurl- (yhd.) pepper- [eslm. -mylly pep
per-mill; -nula pepper-box], -hern* pep
pippurinen peppery (mys kuv.); (plppuroltu) peppered; (kuv., mys:) quick-tem
pered; liiaksi ~ too hot with pepper, too
peppery, pippuroida put pepper in . .; pep
per; pipparoitv ks. pippurinen. pippuroimlnen peppering.
plrahdella (tihkullla) be trickling, trickle;
(plrskotella) be sprinkling; pirahdelltn
by drops, by sprinkles, pirahdut drip;
sprinkle; sateen pirahdus sprinkle (1. spit
1. spurt) of rain, plrahduttaa let fall a few
drops, drip, drop; sprinkle; tataa pirahJattaa spit a little rain, sprinkle; vrt. pirsknhduttaa. pirahtaa (tippua) drop, drip;
(tlhkua) trickle; (pirskua) sprinkle; pirah
taa in trickle out (1. forth), ooze out (1.
forth); sit pirahti hiukan astiaan (myS:)
a few drops went In.
pirina trickling, dripping; (slrlnii) bum
(-mlng), murmur; (llrinii) purl, ripple,
piriseminen trickling Jne., ks. piristS; vrt.
edell. piristellt sprinkle, be sprinkling:
(sirotella) strew, be strewing, piritti
trickle, percolate; drip, drop; (tihkua)
ooze; (slrlstft) hum, murmur; (llrlsta) purl,
ripple, plrlitil sprinkle; (slrottaa) strew.
pirotella sprinkle; spatter: vrt. sirotella.
pirottolu, pirotus sprinkling; spattering.
pirskahdella -- pirskua. pirikahdus sprin
kle, spatter; squirt, pirtkahduttaa sprin
kle, spatter; squirt; vrt. pirikottaa. pirskahtaa sprinkle; be spattered; squirt; vrt.
pirahtaa. plrsko sprinkle, sprinkling; spat
ter; (veslputouksen y. m.) spray, plrakoilla
ks. pirskua. plrskottaa sprinkle, spatter:
spray; squirt; plrmkattaa onkin plle (l.
ohonkin) sprinkle over, (be)sprlnkle, spat
ter (1. spray) on (1. over); vrt. pirUt.
pirskouaminen, plrakotus (he)sprlnkllng,
spattering: spraying, pirskua be sprin
kling, be spraying; sprinkle, spray; be spat
tered, spatter [on a p., jonkun paalle:
ln(to) one's face, jonkun kasvollle], be
spattering; vrt. rKUkyg.
pireta splinter, shiver; fragment; pirttahti,
plrttalktl into splinters, (tn)to shivers (1.
shatters), (kappalelksl) to pieces. Into
pieces, ks. lyd, mennK; pintona (all) In
splinters (1. shivers), (all) In pieces; vrt.
pntale, pirstaaminen breaking to shivers
(1. to splinters) JIM'., ks. pirstata. pirstaantua = pirstautua.
piretale = pirita; prttalet (mys:) debris,
fragments that remain(ed), scattered rem
nants, wreck; pir*tal*ik*i mennyf splin
tered, shivered, shattered, . . broken into
splinters (1. to shivers), . . burst to pieces,
(hajalllnen) . . all In pieces; armcrn pirmtalett the shattered (1. scattered) remnants
of the army.
pirstata break to shivers (1. to splinters),
shiver (to fragments), dash (1. knock) to
pieces, smash, crush; (hajottaa) shatter,
shiver, splinter; split; tear to splinters,
pirstautua break (1. fly) into splinters (1.
into shivers), splinter, (be) shatter(ed),
(be) shiver(ed); fly Into (1. burst in)
pieces; (sarky) get broken, be (I. get)
smashed, smash, burst; (bajota) split, piratautuminen breaking into splinters (1. shlv-



ers), smashing, bursting, plrste - pintad), pirstoa = piritata. pirstoutua, pirstoutuminen ks. pirstautua, plrfttautumlnen.
pipa (weavers') reed, sley, slay.
pirteys liveliness, briskness; freshness;
alertness, plrtei live [newspaper, sanomalehtlj; lively, spirited, brisk; hearty; (terve)
fresh, sound; (vllkas) sprightly, vivacious;
(kettera) alert; taattaa joba pirtelle ftro1 stir (1. wake) . . up, stimulate (1. re
fresh) a p., cheer one (up), enliven one.
pirllttyminen brightening up, cheering
(up), pirtistya brighten (1. cheer) up, pick
up, take heart; grow (1. get) more lively.
pirtist brighten (1. cheer 1. liven) up;
make .. (more) lively; refresh; stir (1.
wake) . . up, stimulate [the audience, kuulljakuntaa].
plrttl living-room (1. best room) [of a farm
house In Finland]; (-rakennus) log-cabin,
cot; maalain- country living-room.
pirttu. plrtu spirits, liquor, strong drink;
whlsk(e)y. -tehdas distillery.
plru the devil, the Old Mck (1. Scratch I.Har
ry); piran .. darned [good.hyva] ; "oimkSSn
oh, the dickens! darned! by Jingo! [huom.
pira hne t viekan the devil take him!].
piruilla act of pure spite (1. deviltry);
(Juonltella) have bad designs. Intrigue;
(kujellla) have some mischief up one's
sleeve, be up to some mischief, have some
trick In mind; pirailla jotltkulit be fooling
one, be teasing one, poke fun at one; An
tekl <n vain piraill*l*aan he did It 1 1. be
acted so) of pure deviltry (1. mischief),
pirulllnen devilish, fiendish [trick, temppu], diabolical [smile, hymy]: (helvetlllinen) Infernal, plrulllsestl devilishly, dia
bolically; Infernally; like a devil (1. a
fiend), plrulllsuus devll(t)ry; devlllahness,
dlabollcalness. plrunpaska asafetlda, asaftlda. pirusillaan out of pure (1. sheer)
deviltry (1. mischief); out of (pure) spite,
pirusti (MI un tavalla) like the devil, plruut
devll(t)ry; piraaktittaan, piruuttaan out
of pure deviltry (1. mischief), (lelklllaan)
JUSt for fun; hnella on piraa* me/ella he
has no good intentions, he has bad (1. evil)
designs, (jokln kuje) he's got something
(1. some mischief) up his sleeve, he has
some trlck(s) In mind.
plume (teeren-) freckle; vrt. maksa~. pisamainen freckled; freckle-faced.
pisara drop; kuin ~ mmrttta just (like) a
drop In the ocean, but a drop In the bucket.
pisaramainen . . shaped like a drop, pisaroda (sateen alkaessa) sprinkle, be sprin
kling; (tlppua) dribble, pisaroimlnen sprin
kling; dribbling, plsarolttaln by drops;
drop by drop, a drop at a time, pisarrella
= plearoida.
plein longest: tallest; vrt. pltka.
plikl cur; pup.
piskuinen = plkku; iaama Small flock,
a puny flock.

plila ferrule; piilat mountings.

piite point (mys kilpailu-); (vallmerkklii.-u period, full stop; (pllkku) dot. -aita
picket fence, -as tel k ho scale.
pisteittain by points.
plslelasku counting by points.
pisteleminon = pisti-ly.
plitelikisyya polntedness. cutting nature;
sarcasm, Irony, plstellls (kuv.) pointed,
cutting; (Ivalllnen) sarcastic, ironlc(al);
caustic: pitteliSt haomaatam a pointed (1.
sarcastic I. cutting I. caustic) remark, pistoiiaasti pointedly; sarcastically. Ironically;
plstslll sting; (neulalla y. in.) prick (mys
kuv.); stick; (naulalla y. m.) puncture;


(Jollakln suuremmalla aseella) stab; (klrpelld) smart; (kuv. = pllkltella) pick

[at], taunt, gibe [at], quip: fling fat],
throw It up to (1. at) [one, Jotakuta] ; (klrvell) nettle; (suututtaa) annoy, vex, pro
voke; pique; ~ rtikia johonkin (mys:)
perforate; * pisttli hooin Hants It pricked
him sorely, pistoly stinging; pricking;
(kuv.) picking [at], taunting.
pistemr (number of) points; score.
plstimettn stlngless; (klva&rl) . . without a
pinin (hyntelsen) stlng(er); (klviarln)
bayonet; (-puukko) stiletto; (lkrlen)
lancet, -harjotukset exercises with the
bayonet, bayonet exercises, -hykkiys bay
onet attack; tthiot pittinhykhykitn
(mys:) charged with fixed bayonets.
-talstalu fight with bayonets.
pisto sting, prick; (tynt) thrust; (Jollakln
teraaseella) stab; (lk.) hypodermic, -ase
pointed weapon; weapon for thrusting (1.
for stabbing), weapon to thrust (1. to stab)
With; vrt. plstln. -haava Stab.
pistokas slip, cutting.
pisto karpanen (el&int.) stomoxyld (fly);
stable-fly, -miekka rapier; (nupplkarklnen, mlekkallu-) foil.
pistlo i li pistol, -ampuja shot with a pistol.
-kaksintaistelu duel with pistols.
pcttoioilinlaukaui pistol-shot.
pisto puhe fling; pointed remarks; sarcasm,
irony, -ruisku hypodermic syringe.
pistos stitch; sting; prick; (eslm. rlnnassa)
sharp pain; mys = pUtouna.
pisto saha compass-saw, -sana cutting (1.
sarcastic) word, pointed (1. caustic) re
mark; fling, taunt, gibe, cut, quip, flout,
scoff; sarcasm.
plstilstl (give a) sting; (give a) thrust;
give a (sudden) stab.
plstimlnen pricking Jne., ks. pistas.
plstitelli prick; (pllkltella) pick [at], taunt;
(klusata) vex, provoke, annoy; (harmittaa) fret, gall; (rsytt) tease, torment;
vrt. pUtella.
plstivyys (hajun, maun y. m.) pungency;
poignancy (mys kuv.); vrt. pUtellaityy.
pista va stinging [Insect, hyntelnen] ; pun
gent, poignant [pain, tuska] ; biting; (plstell&s) cutting, caustic, sarcastic; ~ haja
pungent smell, poignant odor; ~ maka pun
gent (I. biting I. acrid) taste; vrt. eslln,
lmun~ y. m. plstlvlstl pungently, poig
nantly; cuttingly, sarcastically; vrt. pl>
pistiytyl project. Jut out; shelve out; pro
trude; ~ jotahuta hattomatta, ~ fonkan
luana drop (1. pop 1. run) In to see one,
(drop in to) call on a p.
pistil (neulalla y. m.) prick, (suuremmalla
eslneelli; mys: pistai Johonkin) stick [a
pin In one's coat, nupplneula takkllnsa] ;
(tynta) thrust [a sword Into Its sheath,
miekka huotraansa], (lavistaa) pierce; (tlkarllla y. m.) stab; (plstlmelia, esim. hyntelslstft puhuen:) sting; (ulota) project,
jut out [Into the lake, Jarveen], shelve out:
protrude: (panna) put [something Into
one's pockets, Jo(ta)kln taskuunsa], tuck
[a book under one's arm, kirja kainaloonsa] : (korttipellssa) take [. . with a trump,
valtllla] ; pitta iincn rumen' (pane) put
your name there, (klrjota) write (1. sign)
your name there; ~ **iin project, Jut (out),
stand out, stand forth, shoot (1. put) out.
protrude, stick out, peep out (1. forth)
[from among the trees, pulden valiste],
(eslm. aurlnko pllven takaa) be shining (1.
peering) forth (I. out) [huom. Aunen pajdanhihania ~ his shirt-Sleeve shows



(1. StlCkS OUt)], vrt. pist nkyviin; [dollari] Jonkun kauraan put [a dollari
ln(to) one's hand, (Juomarahaksi) tlp one
[a dollar] ; ~ kuoliaaksi stab (. . to death) ;
~ lauluksi st rike up a song [huom. pistetnp lauluksi let us sillit, let us have (I.
let us strlke up) a song] ; ~ leikiksi (ly
d) turn . . Into a Joke, start to Joke;
lavitsa pierce through, (Jokin Jonkin) run
. . through a th., pierce a th. wlth . .; ~
nenns johonkin (kUV.) StiCk (1. poke)
one's nose into (an affalr), meddle in; ~
nenn (todella pistvsti, hajusta:) have
a pungent smell, have a penetratlng (I. a
strlklng 1. an orfenslve) odor, be offenslve,
(esim. ruoanhaju) be(come) very perceptlble; nkyviin stick out, show, peep out
(1. forth), stand out (1. forth); nppins
johonkin KS. pist nenns; ~ [tupakkaa]
piippuunsa flll one's plpe [wlth tobacco] ;
pillit pussiin (lelkill.) pack up (and go),
shut up shop; ~ poskeensa (syd suu
hunsa) eat up, eat, consume, help o. s. to;
(hotkaista) swallow down (1. up); ~ po
veensa place (1. nide) in one's bosom, put
(1. stick) In the front of one's blouse (1.
one's walst); ~ puhki (silm, paise y. m.)
puhkaista; ~ phn ks. plkht; ~
reik johonkin prlck (1. cut 1. make) a hole
In; '(maan, ~ silmiin catch (1. take)
one's eye, catch the eye, be conspicuous,
be promlnent, be (very) strlklng, be glarIng [huom. aurinko pisti hnt silmiin ( Imi klsl) the sun blazed in hls eyes, the sum
bllnded hlm ] ; tanssiksiko, panna; ~ Jokin
taskuunsa put . . In ( tn) one's pocket, pocket,
(esim. ksi) thrust (1. stick) . . ln(to) one's
pocket: ~ Jokin tuleen (sytytt) set . . on
rire (1. arire); [miekkansa] tuppeen
(mys:) Shcathe [One'S SWOrd] ; ~ vartaa
seen Tlx . . upon a spit, splt, (lvistii)
thrust a splt through; vihaksi (suutut
taa) vex, provoke, annoy [huom. minun
pisti todellakin vihaksi I Teit rea! ly provoked (1. annoyed); minun ~ vihaksi, kun
ajattelen . . (mys:) lt makes me angry (1.
rouses my anger 1. makes me mad) to thlnk
(1. when I thlnk) . .]; ~ [sana] vliin put
in [a word] (edgewlse), (kirjottaessa) Insert ra word] ; kylkeeni (mys:) I have
a Stltrh In my Side; niemi mereen the
cape projects Into the sea, the promontory
extends (I. Juts out) into the sea; rintaani
I have a stlnglng sensatlon (1. a sharp
pain 1. shoottng palns) In my chest: se pisti
hneen kipesti lt pricked him sorely.
pitaalinen I. (a.) Icprous, . . arrerted with
leprosy. II. (s.) leper. pltaalltauti leprosy.
pitaali Uutinen = pitaalinen; pitaalitaatisten sairaala hospltal for lepcrs, leper hospltal.
piteleminen holding Jne., ks. pidell, pitely
handling; (kytt) usage, use; (kohtelu)
treatment; vrt. pahoin-.
pitemmlt (any) longer: further; (en)
more; (kauemmaksi) farther; (laajemmal
ta) to a(ny) greater extent.
pitempi longer; (kookkaampi) taller; pitem
mitt puheitta wlthout more (I. further)
ado; pitemmn aikaa Tor a long tiine, for
soine tlme; ktt (asu) weapnn [huom.
minulla ei ollut mitn ktt pitemp I had
nothlng but my hands, I \vas unarmed].
-aikainen (rather) long, lengthy, . . of long
(1. of some) duratlon; protracted [stay,
oleskelu]; lingcrlng [lllness, sairaus],
(kestv) lastlng.
piteneminen lengthenlng; extension; prolongatlon: vrt. pidet, pitennys, pitentminen, pi tenti pidennys, pidentminen,


piti: paroiksi good! good enougb foryou!

serves you [him, her, them] right!
pitkin (Jotakin ) along, sktrtlng [esim.
polkua along (I. skirting) the path], (ku
luessa) throughout [the year, vuotta], (ym
pri) almut, (a)round, ali over (1. around
1. about), (kautta) through: matkaa ali
the ay (through), (kauttaaltaan) through
out, (kaiken aikaa) ali along; piruuttaan
(at) rull length, nai. (to) the whole lengtb
or lt, (kautta linjan) from end to end;
nuotta the whole year long (1. through).
durlng the whole year, throughout the
year. -puolin 1. -piin => pitkittin.
pitkisty be lengthened, be prolonged, be
protracted, be(come) (long) drawn out;
mys = pitksty.
pitkittyminen (Jatkuminen) contlnuation.
pitkittyi be lengthened, be prolonged, be
protracted; be drawn out; (be) extend(ed) ;
(pidet) grow longer: (jatkua) be continued, contlnue; (kest) last: (viivsty)
be delayed; pitkittyv (Jatkuva) continued, protracted.
pitkittin lcngth\vavs. lengthwise; longltudinally. pitkittinen longitudinal; pitkit
tinen leikkaus longitudinal (1. Iengthwise)
sectlon, cut along (1. wlth) the grain. pitkittisljuovainen 1. -raitainen striped lengthwlse, . . with the strlpes runnlng lengthwise (1. runnlng up and down).
pitkittminen lengthenlng (out) Jne., ks.
seur.; prolongatlon; contlnuation.
pitkitt lengtiien (out); extend, elongate;
prolong [a respite, lykkysaikaa] ; (piden
t) make . . longer; (ulotuttaa) stretrh
(out); (viivytt) delay, retard; (lykt)
put orf; (jatkaa) contlnue, keep up; (ve
nytt) draw out, protract, drag out;
aikaa extend the tlme, draw out the tlme;
asiaa lengthen the case, make the case
long drawn out, (viivytt) retard matters:
matkaa lengthen (1. delay) the Journey.
make the way longer, lengthen the way,
(jatkaa) contlnue (1. proceed on) the Journey.
pitkity* prolongatlon, protract ion ; extension :
(viivytys) delay; mys pitkittminen.
pitkulainen oblong; longer than broad; (soikiomalnen) elliptlcal. oval.
pitk long; (kookas) tali; (pitk Ja hoikka)
lanky [lubber, roikale] ; piikitt puheitta
vrt. pitempi; ja hoikka tali and slender:
keskustelu long (1. lengthy I. prolonged)
dlsrusslon: pitkkseen, pitklle, pitklleen,
pitkll, pitkollaan, pitklt kS. hakUS.;
nen: nytt pitk nen jollekulle Stick
one's flngers to one's nose at a p., vrt. saa
da; pitkn matkan ammunta long-range
ShOOtlng (1. firing); pitkn matkan phn
at a great (I. at a long distance), far away,
far off, (pst) Trom far av/ay, from rar
Off; pitkn matkan pss at a great (1. a
long) distance, far ofr [from. jostakin]:
pitkn matkan pst from afar, from far
im av. from a great distance, from a long
\vay off, (esim. ampumisesta puhuen:) at
a long range; [taas] pitkst aikaa [once
more] after a long tlme: pitkn ks. hakus. ; (esim. nukkua) pitkn pivn far
Into the day; ei pitkn aikaan not for a
long tlme, not for ever so long; kaula pit
kn Cl. pitkll) wlth onc's [its] nerk
craned (1. stretrhed out), wlth neck(s)
eraned; koko pitkn pivn the livelong
day, ali (the) day long, the whole day long,
throughout (1. au through) the day: kuinka
on .. (mys:) what Is the length or . .?
pitk- (yhd.) . . with (a) long . . , long[eslm. -hntinen long-talled, . . wlth a
long tail; -karvainen long-baired, . . wlth
long liair; -lehtinen . . \vlth long leaves,

long-leaved; -nokkaintn . . with a long bill pltkalint* somewhat (1. rather I. quite) long
(1. beak), long-billed, long-beaked]. -elkal- (1. tall); longleb, taiilsb; . . or considerable
length, lengthy; drawn out, extended.
nen long; lengthy, . . of long duration, pro
tracted [stay, oleskelu] ; (kestavfi) endur pitk matkainen . . (coming) from far away;
vitrt (fliyg:) guest I'nim
ing, lasting; pitkSaikafntn *airaa* linger
ing Illness; pithaaikainrn ty \\ork Of long away, a travel (Der from distant parts,
duration, a long drawn-out work; vrt. pit- -miellnen long-suffering, forbearing; slow
to anger: (karslvallinen) patient, -mlellk.ilimcn. -alkaisuua Icngthlness; long du
tettl with forbearance; patiently, with pa
pltkihke rather (I. somewhat) long (1. tall) ; tience, -mlellsyy long-suffering, forbear
ance: patience.
longish, talllsh.
pitk hoyla long plane, -ikanicn long-lived; pitkanllhuiskea tall and ilcmler (I. -liinl.
longeva!; hnett ei tult pitkikitl -lalnen = pitkalant; pHhnlaintn mat ka
(myi:) he won't live (1. last) long; siUU quite a (long) distance, (melkolnen) a con
*i tult pithaihaittd that Won't last long. siderable distance; pitknlaintn pah*
rather lengthy speech, -puoleinen pit-ikljiyyt longevity.
pitkainen (ukkonen) thunder; pitkaittn y- kiinliiinen. -pydrea Oval, elliptical.
pltk: nklnen far-sighted, long-sighted;
lin rumbling or thunder.
puke kaiioinen .. with an elongated skull; 1 1.) hypermtropie, -nikisyys - (1.
(tlet.) dolichocephalic, -kuvolnen long- long-sightedness; (lak.) hypermtropie,
faced, . . with a long face (1. visage), -kas- -palkoinen . . with long pods, -parlai inen)
vulnen . . tall In (1. of) stature, (kookas) long-whiskered, long-bearded, perjantai
tall; lanky, -kolpi splndleshanks. -koiplnen Good Friday, -pilma stringy sour milk,
I. -saarlnen long-legged; (holkka-) spindle- -piimainen long drawn-out, long spun-out
shanked, -korvadelklll., assista:) long-ears. [story, kertomus]; long-winded [speerti,
pitkkeen = pitkalleen.
puhe], tedious, tiresome; prolix; vrt. pttpitkaksya find . . (too) long, consider (1. kvetelnen. -plfmttisesti in a long-winded
deem) . . too long; odotutta find the (1. a tedious) manner, tediously, tlresomely.
-piimaisyye long-wlndedness, tedlousness,
wait too long; vrt. pitkiityE.
pltkilkyntinen . . with long nails (1. claws 1. tiresomeness; vrt. pitkveteisyy. -puhoitalons); (kuv. = n&plsteleva) light-fin
nen . . who talks on and on forever; ver
gered, -katinen long-armed, -lauseinen . . bose, wordy; long-winded; tut pitkcomposed (1. consisting) of long (1. lengthy) pahtinen did not have much to say, did not
sentences, . . (made up) of long sentences. say much, -pyretoinen long-tailed [fish,
-leukainen . . with a long (1. a protruding) kala; comet, pyrstt&htl] . -arvlrot.u longchin; long-jawed, lantern- jawed, -llepeinen horn breed, -aiima trawl, long-line, -sopminen . . with long (1. slender) fingers,
long [skirt, hame] ; (maatavllstv) sweep
long- fingered.
ing, trailing.
far, a good (1. a long) way; at great
pitkAlle , a good way, a long way, quite
a distance; kehittynyt (Jossakln taldos- length; (kauan) long; (Joskus:) well, much.
sa) accomplished, (mennyt) far advanced, pltklatyttvt tedious; tiresome [wait, odovrt. mean! (Ulan pltklle) ; hulunut ailta tus], wearisome, pitktitytui make . .
the time being so far advanced, the lateness tired (1. weary); be tedious, be tiresome;
adatas alkoi pitkttytt minan I grew
of the hour; ~ pssyt (well 1. far) ad
vanced, forward, well (1. far) along [In], tired of waiting, the waiting became te
well up [In one's studies, oplnnolssaan] ; dious for me.
aiku on kulunut the time (1. the hour) Is pitktty (pilkksy) find . . too long-winded
far advanced, the hour Is growing late. It (I. tedious 1. tiresome), find . . long; (kyl'
Is (getting) late; atia on foatunut (I. mn- lsty, vssya) get (1. grow) tired (1. weary)
nyt) nun ~ the matter has been carried so [of waiting, odotukseen], tire [of . .1 ;
far [that . . , etla . .], (sllle kannalle) the (tuskastua) grow Impatient [of, Johonkln] ;
matter has come to such a pass (l. has vrt. pitkaksya.
reached such a point) [that .., ett ..]. pitk skoinen . . with long lines (1. verses),
pitkSlleen: heiltyty ~ maahan throw O.S.
-vartaloinen tall, . . of commanding stature
flat (1. prone 1. full length) on the ground, (1. height), -vartinen long-handled, longthrow o.s. out at full length on the ground; Charted: (kasvelsta:) with a long stem
kaataa ~ fall flat (1. prone 1. prostrate). (1. Stalk) ; pitkavartieet maappaat high
pitkllinen long; lengthy, . . of long (1. of boots. -veteinen (kuv.) long-winded
some) duration, prolonged, protracted, [speech, pube], long drawn-out, tedious:
(long) continued [drought, kulvuus; rain, (vsyttv) tiresome; (yksltolkkolnen)
sade], long-drawn; lingering [Illness, sal- monotonous; (laahustava) drawling [tone
raus] ; on m .; uiiui ~ the happiness did of voice. Uni], -veteisesti tediously; tlre
not last long (1. was short-lived 1. was of somely; long-windedly, in a drawling
short duration), pitkallisesti for a long manner, -veteisyye . . being (so) longtime; (hltaastl) slowly, pitkllliiyy length - winded; long-wlndedness, tedlousness:
mess, great length; long duration.
tiresomeness, -vlhainon slow to forget (an
pitkalli (kaukana) far; on jo ~ Is well (1. Injury): slow to forgive. (. . of an) unfor
far) advanced (1. along) [In, Jossakln].
giving (disposition) ; . . who bears a grudge,
pltkllUn: olla ~ lie full length. He flat, He -vlhaliuu slowness to forgive, -vlllainen
outstretched, He prostrate, be In a lying long-wool(l)ed [sheep, laminas].
(1. a recumbent) position (1. posture), lie pitklln far, a good (1. a long) way; (hltaas
down, vrt. muta (pltkallan).
tl) slowly, tardily; (kauan) long, (for) a
pitklt, pitkilti (pltkil matka) far, a good long time (I. while); kat*oa Johonkin (1.
(I. a long) way; (kauan, laajapernlsestl) jotakin) ~ (tarkkaan) take a good look at.
at great length; kainka ~ how far? meill (Ihmetellen) view (1. look at) . . with sur
on vifl ~ kotiin we have still a long prise; nakkaa ~ aamuitin Sleep long mornway to go to get home, we are still a long Ings; puhua ~ (hltaastl) speak slowly.
way from home; mm ~ tits so much of (kauan) speak (a) long (time); pairan lyn]
that; onko inn ~ 18 It (1. la the place) all day [night] long, during the whole
far off (1. far away)? Is It far (I. a long day [night], all through the day [the night],
way) there (I. to that place)?
(kulueasa) in the ? of a [the] daj




[night]; vuodtn ~ in the course (1. the

space) of a year. In (1. during-) a year, (koko vuoden) all the year around, the whole
year long, throughout the (whole) year;
vrt. pitka. -nukkuja one who sleeps long
In the mornlng(s); a late riser, (Jkpv.)
pito keeping, holding; (tolmltus) perform
ing, performance; (tolmeenpano) arrang
ing, arrangement; (vletto) observation,
observance; vrt. pidot.
piwinen (yhd.) containing: . . [eslm. hopeancontaining silver; kalian- containing gold] ,
. .-bearing- [eslm. hallan- gold-bearing-] ;
(tlet.) . .-ferous [eslm. hopean- argentif
erous; mrtalHn- metalliferous].
pitoituu (yhd.) percentage of . . [eslm.
kullan- percentage of gold; mitalli~ per
centage of metal], proportion of.
pito paikka place In which to keep . .; (siillytyspalkka) place of deposit (1. of safe
keeping), repository; (jossa on pldot) place
where the banquet was held, -puku suit
(of clothes) for everyday (1. for common)
wear; vrt. seur. -vaatteet everyday clothes,
clothing for common use.
pitsi lace.
piul- (yhd.) lace(-) [eslm. -lakki lace cap;
-rcunuksinen lace-edged; -uudin lace cur
tain], -kaulus lace collar; Vandyke collar;
vrt. piUtryhel.
pilsin kudonta 1. -nyplys lacemaklng. -kutoja 1. -nypiaj lacemaker.
pltsillreunuktlnen (mys:) edged with lace;
lace-bordered, -ryhel frill, ruff(le).
pitumen: jonkin ~ . . long, . . In length, Of
a . .'s length [eslm. hahdtn // ~ two
feet long, two feet in length; *ormn of
a finger's length] ; minan pitaieni ml**
man of my height, a man as tall as I (am) ;
en - so long, of such (a) length; sen ~
** (1. v.) that's the end of the story, that's
all there Is to the story; vild*n alan ~
mtiv* (mys:) a five-foot pole.
pltuudenmlttaus measuring (of) lengths.
pituua length; (korkeus) height, tallness;
(ajan) lengthlness, duration; (mat.) longi
tude; katvaa (\. lyntl pituutta grow In
height, (nousta korkeuteen) spring (1.
run) up.
pituus- (yhd.) . . of length [eslm. -mifte
measure of length; -ykiikkS unit (1. stand
ard) of length] ; linear [eslm. -jalha linear
foot; -mitta linear measure]; longitudinal
[esim. -aksdi longitudinal axis], -aste
(maant.) degree of longitude, longitude,
-hyppy broad (1. long) Jump, -kasvu growth
in height (1. in length), -mitta (mys:)
long measure, -eu unte longitudinal direc
tion; pituuMuunfaan lengthwise, length
ways, longitudinally [huom. uovat hanhaussa kalkevat pituuituuntaan the Stripes
run the length of the cloth (1. with the
piten: tiita ~ (astl) ever since, (sen koommin) since then, since that time, (sen Jlkeen) after that (time), from that time
(forth); (silt hetkesta) from that very
moment; vrt. alku, ksl.
pitja I: jonhln ~ one who holds [held,
etc.], one who conducts [conducted],
(etup. yhd.) keeper of .... .-keeper, (yllpltj) malntalner (1. preserver) of . .
[eslm. hotrllin- keeper of a hotel, hotelkeeper; umalanpalvtlukitn ~ one Who
conducted the services; jare*tykttn
maintalner (1. preserver) of (public) or
der] ; puhetn . . who delivered the ad
dress (1. the oration), vrt. puhuja.
pitja . (kunta) parish, pitjlinen parishjoner; pitialatt (mys:) parish rgg|.


dents, people living In (1. inhabitants of) a

[the] parish, the parish people.
pitajin- (yhd.) parish [eslm. -hirjaito par
ish library; -hirhko parish church], paro
chial; vrt. kunnan-. -apulainen assistant
clergyman (in a parish); (Eng-1.) curat*.
-raja boundary of the parish, -uutari (L
v.) village cobbler.
pltijla parish.
pittmlnen keeping, holding Jne., ka. pitSa.
pitmttmyye untenableness; Indefensi
bility. piUmtten (kestamtn) not dura
ble, (kuv.) untenable, unsustainable. Inde
fensible; (kyttmtn) unused, unworn
[suit, puku], . . not yet worn, new. piuvyys tenablllty; defenslblllty. pltivi (kestiivit) tenable; maintainable, sustainable,
defensible; pitv attia a vessel that does
not leak; vrt. paikkantapitv.
pltU keep [company, seuraa; one's promise,
lupauksensa; watch, vahtla; a restaurant,
ravintolaa; school, koulua; a servant, palvelijaa; one's feet dry, Jalkansa kulvlnai,
hold [one by the coat, Jotakuta taklsta; in
one's hand, kdessn; a meeting, kokous;
one responsible for, Jotakuta vastuunalalsena Jostakln; water, vetta]; (sailyttaa)
retain, maintain, preserve; (katsoa Jokslkin) consider [. . foolish, Jotakln hullunatkaisena; the case lost, Juttu menetettynfi] ,
think, regard [a p. (as) one's best friend.
Jotakuta parhaana ystavana&n], deem [a p.
worthy of, Jotakuta Jonkin arvolsena], look
upon [a p. as one's chief support, Jotakuta
parhaana tukenaan] ; (toimittaa) conduct
[(the) services, Jumalanpalvelusta] ; Jonkun pitaisi (lulls!) one should, one ought
to; jonkun pit (tytyy) one must (1. has
to 1. is compelled to 1. is obliged to), one
shall; ahiaalla press hard [esim. hunt a
pidttaan ahiaalla oka taholta he is being
pressed hard from every quarter] ; eitoisia (kuv.) keep In check, keep (1. hold)
within bounds, curb; Jotaktn Jonkun
ansiona give one credit for, give one the
credit of; ~ arvossa hold (1. have) . . In
esteem, esteem, value [huom. pit hmnossa arootsa (Jotakuta) have (T. hold) In
low esteem, have little (1. show scant)
respect for, disrespect, think lightly of,
think (1. make) light of; pit uura
arvotta set great value on, prize . . highly,
attach great value to, value (I. appreciate)
. . very much (1. hlg-hly), make much of,
think highly or, (jkpv.) set great store by,
(Jotakuta) reverence, have high regard for;
/ionio i pidet missn arvosta he S not
thought anything of, he is not respected],
vrt. pit kunniaisa; auki keep . . Open,
(eslm. sllmitnsa) hold . . open, have . . open,
(antaa olla) let . . stay open, leave . . open;
emdnnyytt talotta manage the affairs
of the house, have the management of the
household (in one's hands); ~ tsitelm
ostahin ainettta give (1. hold) a lecture on,
deliver a discourse (1. an address) on, lec
ture on, (klrjotettu) read a paper on a
subject; - [tllaa] Mfaitaan have (1. hold
1. keep) [the estate] In one's possession,
be possessed (I. In possession) of, possess,
occupy, hold, (holdossaan) keep (1. hold)
. . In one's care; - halpana (kuv.) ks. halvekiia & pit (huonossa) arvossa; - hmakaa, ~ lystia have a good time, enjoy (i.
amuse) o.s., have fun [at a p. 's expense,
Jonkun kustannuksella] ; htlpolla not be
hard on; ~ [hyvSa] nnofta take [good]
care of, look arter, look to, provide [well]
for [one's children, lapslstaan; the needs
(1. the wants) of, Jonkun tarpelsta], ad
minister to, attend to [huom. pitaa tri

kota haolta ottakin pay special attention hnett pidankin much as I (may) like him,
to, bestow special care upon, give special fond as I am (1. may be) of him] ; ~ juhlacare to, (vlitta) be very much concerned pitoia (be) banquet(tog) ; ~ juomink*la
about (1. for), be very anxious about; pit carouse, revel; ~ [kuulija, luklja Jne.]
HfUaa huoita jostakusta take a loving (1. a jnnitylsess hold the attention of [the
hearer, the reader, etc.] ; ~ ]rje*ty*t
tender) care or one, cherish one affection
ately (1. fondly 1. tenderly); pitaa' huoita keep (1. maintain 1. preserve) order; ~
ittdan 100k out (1. Shift) O.S. ; pitiia kauppaa (puotla) keep (1. run) a store, be
huoita amista asioistaan look after one's a storekeeper, (Jonkln kauppaa) deal (1.
own affairs (1. Interests), attend to (1. trade) In, Sell; kemuja jonkun kunniakti
mind) one's own business; pit huoita iii- give a party (1. a banquet) In honor of one;
ta, ttta . . look (1. see 1. attend) to It that ~ kiinni jostakin hold fast to (myos kuv.),
keep hold of, cling to, (kuv.) hold (on) to,
. . , see that . . ; pit huoita if, cita . . tu
le* fendyfc*i(mys:) see that . . Is done, see adhere to, (jkpv.) stick to, (tlukastl, eslm.
. . through], vrt. huolehtia; hutltohaup- olkeukslstaan) Insist upon [huom. pit
paa jostahin (be) hold(lng) an auction of, itiepintailMti fciinni jostahin liolil tO . . tesell (1. put up) . . at auction, (be) auction naciously, persist In] ; - hiircita make
(-Ing) off; hyvn (kestlt y. m.) treat . . haste [with, Jollakln], hasten, hurry (up),
hurry on [huom. ala pida tilla mitn kiiwell, entertain .. (hospitably), be hospita
ble to, treat (1. feast) . . (right) royally, rett don't (be In a) hurry about (1. with)
regale; ~ hyann take . . In good part, that, take your time (with It) ] ; kirjaa


(valeten) take . . without a word (1. a mur

mur), (slet) put up with, stand, suffer,
(eslm. loukkaus) pocket [nuom. pid hyvntl (krsl) you have to stand (1. to put
up with) It, (syyt itseftsl) you have (no
body but) yourself to blame (for It), you
can blame yourself, you('ll) have to take
the consequences, (ota) you may keep It,
you can have It, (Jkpv.) put that In your
pipe and smoke It, (saat mlellhyvalla) you
are welcome (to It) ] ; ~ hlin ks. meluta ;
~ ihmeen kS. pi t Ha kummana; ~ ilojaan
(huvltella) amuse O.S., have fun; iitunto
be holding (a) session, be In session; . . jonahin (eslm. puhtaana, valmllna y. m.)
keep . . [clean, ready, etc.], (harvemmln:)
hold . . , (katsoa Jokstkln) consider (1. re
gard) . . (as 1. to be) ... think . . (to be)
. . , look upon . . as . . [huom. pitaa tttn
onntllittna saadcssaan .. (myoS:) Congrat
ulate o.s. upon having received . . ; pit
lotakin pyhn hold (1. keep) . . sacred,
(sapattla y. m.) hallow, keep . . (holy), ob
serve; pit jotakuta roittona (myos:) put
(1. set) one down as a crook; pit a r noise na kuin . . (joiikiii verolsena) con
sider . . as good as ... put (1. place) . . on
a level (1. a par) with . . , consider (1. put
1. place) . . as equal to . . (1. as . .'s equal) ;
pit Jotakln sopiuana (Inyo.s;) think . . fit
(1. proper), deem . . befitting; pit . . val (myos:) keep (1. have) . . In readi
ness, have . . ready ; pit . . vharooi**na
hold . . (to be) of little account, think light
ly Of, hold . . Cheap, vrt. halvekiia; pid
sita minear, I don't think It amounts to
anything (1. to much), I don't consider
that's anything, I hold (1. I consider) It of
no value, I put (1. set) no value upon It;
pili lit liian kalliina (myos:) he thought
It COSt tOO much; hanta ci pdela minn

he Is considered of little account (1. a goodfor-nothing), (el mlssun arvossa) he la

given (1. Is shown) no respect; Ant pidetn ribhaana (mithtn) (myos:) he passes
(1. goes) for a rich man; Ant pidetn
taitaliana aharin (iliy,.-.:.l he IS S8ld tO
be (1. Is reputed) a clever physician; kenena minua pidt whom do you take me for?
who do you think I am? ] ; ottakin [jo*takutta] like, be fond of, be attached to,
love, bave a liking for, (etenkln ruoasta y.
m.) relish, (nauttla jostakln) enjoy [huom.
pit paljon joitahusta be Very



one, be deeply (1. very much) attached to

one, love one dearly, have a weakness (l. a
fondness) for one; Aneit pidetn pallan
oprttajana he Is i mi i- i liked is a teacher;
mit pidan* taulutta (myos:) how does
the picture appeal to you? nun pelln kuin

jostahin keep account Of;


keep the books, do the bookkeeping; ~

komtntoa command, (kuv.) rule the roost,
hold sway, lord It. be master (1. boss) [In
the house, talossa], be the head of [nuom.
pit kovaa (I. tiukkaa) komentoa (kuv.)
hold the reins with a tight hand, rule with
an iron hand, rule with a rod of Iron] ; ~
kooMta keep . . together, (eslm. puolue)
keep.. united; ~ Jotakuta*<wa//a(lujalla)be
hard upon one, keep (1. bold) a tight hand
(1. tight rein) over one, keep a close rein
over (1. upon) one, bold one down, (ahdistaa) press one bard; ~ kummana consider
(1. regard) . . a marvel (1. a wonder), con
sider . . wonderful, be surprised at, won
der (1. marvel) at [huom. en pid minn
kummana, did . . I don't wonder at all that
. .] ; ~ ktuimVuni hold . . in respect (1. In
honor), respect, honor, have (1. feel) re
spect for, vrt. pit arvossa; kunnossa

keep . . up, keep . . In repair, maintain

[huom. pit AaonoMa kunnossa (ruokos.-..ii not look after . . properly, take bad
care of, (lalmlnlyOda) neglect (to take
proper care of), (vlljella huonostl) let . .
lie (1. go to) waste, mismanage] ; ~ kuri**a
keep .. In discipline (1. well disciplined),
keep . . In good order, vrt. pit alsoissa;
~ kuuluitetua jonkun kantta Subject one to
examination, put one through an examina
tion, examine one; ~ jotakuta kdett kiinni
hold one by the band; ktiil keep . . on
band, keep . . bandy, (valmllna) keep . .
ready, hold . . In readiness; ~ bathosfa
keep . . hidden (1. concealed), keep . . In
hiding-; [telulas] kynnisi keep [the
rectory] going (1. running), run [the fac
tory] ; ~ Itpoa rest, repose, (sot.) halt; lipess Souk (1. Steep) . . In lye; - lomaa

have an Intermission, (eslm. sade) hold (1.

let) up, (selsahtua) pause, stop, halt, (kesa- y. m.) have a vacation, (odottaa) watt;
lutntoja deliver (1. give) lectures, lec
ture; Jotakuta la/alla hold a tight rein
over, hold . . under one's thumb [huoin.
opettaja piti meit lujalla tuthinnossa the

teacher gave us a stiff drilling (1. held us

down) In the examination], vrt. pit kovalla; lultua jostahin keep an account of,
(valltt) care about, mind (about) [huom.
/ion ci tiita uurta lukua pida (valia) be
does not consider it of much account, be
does not mind (1. care) much about It,
(Jkpv.) he does not set much store by it;
os emme pida taita luhua If we do not
consider this, not considering this, not tak
ing this Into account. If we disregard this,
1 we leave this out of consideration]; Jotakuta luonaan (asumaisa) have a p. llv



Ing \vlth one, keep one, house one, grlve

one lodgings, lodge one; lupauksensa
keep (1. Ilve up to) one's, vrt. pi
t sanansa; ' melua ks. meluta; mie
less' nl keep (1. bear) . . in mlnd, vrt.
seur.; muistissa(an) keep In one's head,
retaln In the memory, remember, (muis
tella) bear . . In remembrance [huom. pidet
tkn muistitta, ett . . be lt (1. let lt be)
remembered that . .], vrt. edell.; ~ mur
hetta ks. pit huolta; ' neuvoa ks. neuvo
tella [huom. he pitivt neuvoa keskenn,
miten . . they took counsel how to . .] ; ~
nuhdesaarna jollekulle read one a lecture
(I. a lesson), preach to one, rate one; ~
nlss. ~ nlll underfeed, liair starve;
[tavaroita] nytteill ikkunassa exhiblt
(1. display) [goods] In the wlndow; ~
omanaan conslder . . as one's own [huom.
pit vahinko omanaan (Ottaa krsikseen)
stand (good) Tor the damage, go good for
the damage], vrt. pit hyvnn; ~ oma
na tietonaan keep . . to o.s., keep uliini about
[huom. pid se omana tietonasi (mys:)
be (1. keep) qulet (1. still) about lt, mum
Is the word, (Jkpv.) keep lt under your
liat] ; pahaa elm (1. menoa) make a
(dreadful) nolse, be nolsy, make a lot or
nolse, make a dlsturbance, (metelid)
ralse a (terrible) row (1. rumpus), bluster
(around), klck up a ro\v (1. a rumpus 1. a
fuss), make a hubbub, keep up an uproar,
(mellastaa) nm rlot, vrt. elmid, mekas
taa, mellastaa, meluta, metelid; ~ paik
kansa hold good, hold true, be true, be
valld [huom. se pit paikkansa (on oikein)
that Is so, qulte rlght, that Is true. Just
SO, tliafs lt; se pit yh viel paikkansa
(jokin totuus, teoria y. m., mys:) lt still
prevalls] ; ~ parempana conslder (f. regard
1. thtnk) . . better, prefer, glve preference
to, llke . . rather [huom. pitisin parempana
tulla ajetuksi maanpakoon kuin . . I ShOUld
prerer banlshment to . . , I had (much)
rather be exlled than . .; pit jotakin kaik
kea muuta fl. kaikkia muita) parempana
prefer . . above everythlng else (1. above
ali) ] ; " peli jonkun kanssa Jest with one
[ huom. siell he pitvt pelin there they
larry on tlielr game (1. games)]; ~ per
steer, be at the helm (1. the wheel); ~
pilkkanaan make run of, mock (at), scorr
at, derlde, rldieule, make game (1. Jest)
of, (Jotakuta, mys:) banter one, make a
fool of one, (naurunaan) make a butt of
rldieule (1. a laughlng-stock) of one; ~
puhe make (1. glve 1. deliver) a speech (1.
an address), deliver an oratkin, speak in
publlc [huom. pit puhe jollekulle address
a speech (l. address o.s.) to; puolensa,
~ puof/aan hold one's own [wlth(l.against)
one. Jotakuta vastaan], stand (1. hold) one's
ground. stand (stead)fast, hold out [against
the enemy, vihollista vastaan], stand, withstand, (esim. vlttelyss) malntaln one's
polut, (katsoa etuaan) look out for o.s.,
(Jkpv.) feather one's own nest, look out
for number one; ~ Jonkun puolta stand on
a p.'s side, side (1. take sldes 1. side in)
\vlth one, (puolustaa) stand up for (1. in
defense or) one, take a p.'s part (1. side);
~ pystyss keep . . In an uprlght position,
keep (1. hold) . . erect, (jaloillaan) keep . .
on hls [its] legs, (kuv.) keep up, keep golng, (pit yll) uphold, maintain, preserve, sustaln, (tukea) support; ~ (oma)
pns (Jossakin) have . . one's own way,
lnslst (up)on dolng . . one's own way, follow one's own bent (1. humor 1. svveet wlll)
in, perslst In; ~ [hattu] pssn keep
[one's hat] on (one's hcad); pytkirjaa


act as Secretary, keep (1. record) the

mlnutes, (jostakin) keep the mlnutes or,
keep a record of, record; ~ . . ruoassa
board, keep . . In food, feed; ~ salassa ks.
salata; ~ sanansa keep (1. live up to) one's
word, make one's word good, be as good
as one's word, vrt. pysy (sanassaan);
seuraa ks. seurustella; ~ silmll keep (1have) an (1. one's) eye on, glve an eye to,
have . . In one's eye, keep a close (1. a
watchful 1. a vigllant) eye upon, (tbystell)
observe [the movements of the enemy,
vihollisen liikkeit], (vaalien) look arter
[the child, lasta], mlnd, (vartioida) vvatch.
be watchlng, keep watch over, vrt. valvoa,
ottaa (huomioon), kiinnitt (huomiota)
[huom. sit seikkaa silmll piten In View
or that ract, in vlew or the fact (that . . ,
ett . .), taktng that Into conslderation,
bearlng that In mlnd] ; suunsa kiinni
(valeta) keep one's mouth shut, keep one's
lips closed, be qulet, be still, keep still
[huom. pid suusi kiinni (mys:) hold your
tongue! (Jkpv.) Shut up!]; ~ suunsa kanta'
jostakin = pit omana tietonaan; -~ ta
loutta keep house, manage (1. run) the
house(hold); ~ tarjolla, ~ tarjona orrer
[ to the guests, vieraille] , (myytvn) orrer
(1. have) . . ror sle, vrt. tarjota; ~ tiettyn
take . . Tor granted, take lt ror granted
[that .., ett ..]; ~ tili jostakin keep
(an) account of, (Jkpv.) keep track of;
tiukalla kS. pit kovalla, pit lujalla;
tyten totena ottaa todesta, ks. tosi;
~ tulta (be) keep (ing) a rire, keep up the
flre; ~ [vene] tyhjn vedest keep the
vviitcr out of [the boat] ; tyss employ.
keep . . m (one's) employ; ~ vaatteissa
(mys:) clotbe; ~ vallassaan keep (1. hold)
. . In one's po\ver, (valtansa alaisena) rule
(1. hold sway) over; ~ jotakin varalla (\.
varattuna) have (1. hold) . . in reserve, reserve, vrt. edell.; varansa ks. olla (va
ruillaan); Jotakin varmana (olla varma)
be sure (1. certaln 1. positive) or [huom.
pit varmana, ett . . conslder lt certaln
that . . , take lt ror granted that . . , (olla
varma) be sure that . .]; ~ vinoa jotakuta
vastaan (kantaa) bear hatred to one, have
(1. bear 1. carry) a grudge against one, (vi
hata) hate one; ~ vireill (esim. tulta,
keskustelua y. m.) keep up, keep . . golng,
(esim. mielenkiintoa) keep . . allve, (yll
pit) maintain [huom. pit tulta vireill
(mys:) keep the rire burning (1. allve);
asiaa on pidetty jo kauan vireill the matter (1. the questlon) has been under dlscusslon ror a long tlme, the matter has
been hanging rire ror a long time, (Juttua) the case has been pending ror a long
tlme] ; ~ voimassa keep . . In rorce, keep
. . up, maintain, preserve, (kynniss) keep
..golng (1. alive), vrt. edell.; ~ ..(kiinni)
vytisist clasp one's vtiiixt, clasp (1. hold)
one around the walst; vli ks. vlitt;
~ yht (olla yksiss tuumin) puli together,
(kyd yhteen) agree, tally; ~ yll ks. yl
lpit; astia ei pid vett the vesseldoesn't
(1. won't) hold vvater; ehdotus pidettkn
hyvksyttyn (voidaan pit) the proposi
tion may be consklered (as) accepted, (pi
tkmme) let us conslder the proposition
accepted; ett niin piti kyd (ob, dear)
that lt should turn out that vvay! hnen
piti tulla jo eilen he should have (1. he ought
to have 1. he \vas to) come yesterday; jt
t pitmtt (esim. nytnt) put orr, not
hold, not have, (lykt) postpone (lndeflnltely), adjourn, (peruuttaa, esim. konsert
ti) call orr, (pakottavista syist) glve up,
\vtthdraw the plans of [huom. kenttjuhla

tytyi tt pitmStta sateisen ilman takia empty; rven ~ bottom of a [the] lake,

they bad to give up the picnic (1. the picnic

had to be given up) on account of rainy
weather] ; jd pitmtts be put off, not
be held, be given up, (tulla peruutetuksl)
be called off, (lykkayty) be postponed;
bokoat pidtttiin the meeting was held, the
meeting took place; lupaa, mutta *i piJa
makes promises, but does not keep them;
holds his promises lightly (1. of no ac
count); minan ~ mtnn I must go, I have
to go, I must (1. I have to) be off; mice
honesta pidrtn katihatipangissaan What
do people think of him (1. how Is he looked
upon by the people 1. what Is he thought
Of) in his home-town? mi a tuleman ~
what may (1. might) come, what might be
fall (1. happen), what the outcome might
be; nun *it ~ that's the way! that's it!
ffOOd! i* on niinhain olla pitkin It is just
as it should be; ttidn / pit asi jtts
hymtt nyttelytt you Should not omit
visiting (I. not fall to visit) the fair, you
can not afford to miss the exhibition.
plu: pua ding dong.
piukata = tiukata. piukea (klre) tight, taut,
(tightly) stretched; (luja) firm, immov
able; vrt. seur. plukka tight [around the
waist, vytlsllt] ; (plngotettu) tense,
(tightly) stretched, (mer.) taut; piuhhaan
tight; vrt. tiukka.
pivo (kasl) hand; (kmmen) hollow of the
hand, pivolllnen handful.
plakaatti placard, bill; (Ilmotus, kuulutus)
notice; (julistus) edict, proclamation.
plakkaci ks. tasku.
planeetti, planeetta (klertotahtl) planet,
-kunu planetary system.
plantaashl (vlljelys) plantation.
plastiikka plastic art.
platina (-metalll) platinum.
platino- (yhd.) platinum [eslm. -lanka plat
inum wire; -upohas platinum crucible].
platinainen . . of platinum, platinum [dish,
astla]. platinasioni platinum sponge.
pleissata (kaksl kydenpt yhteen) splice.
pliki (puunaula, pllkkl) peg, shoe-peg.
plintti (volm.) horse, vaulting-horse, -hyppay* jump over a vaulting horse.
plokl ks. vkipyr.
plombi ks. lyljyte; (hampaan) filling.
plootu plate; (peltl) sheet; mys = seur.
-rana square copper coin [formerly used
In Sweden, etc.].
pluraali ks. mooikko.
pluskvamperfekti ks. entispttym.
plus-merkki (mat.) plus-sign.
plutoona (sot.) squad; (vanh.) platoon.
plyyshi (-kangas) plush.
pohatta a rich (1. wealthy) man; magnate,
(upporlkas mies) nabob, Crsus; aiba ~
a regular nabob.
pohdin fan. pohdinta winnowing, fanning;
sifting (mys. kuv.); shaking; (kuv.) dis
cussion, deliberation; debate, debating.
pohja 1. bottom; (perus) ground, (kuv.)
foundation, basis; footing; (tekn.) support,
rest; (kanta) base; 2. (pohjalnen) north;
!). (antura) sole; jonkln pohjaUa (perusteella) on the ground (1. the basis) of, (nojalla) in (I. by) virtue of [huom. onha
poh jalla (Up)on \\lllrli; lain ja oikeudtn
pohjalla on the grounds of law and Justice] ;
pohjaltaan (kuv.) fundamentally, at heart,
at bottom [eslm. Aon on pohjaltaan rehellintn mitt he Is at heart (1. at bottom) an
honest fellow] ; (haubana) pohjan perilla
In the far(thest) north, In high northern
latitudes; on jo oltmussa the foundation
has been laid; juoda pohjaan drink to the
bottom, drain to the dregs, (tyhjenta)

lake bottom; keltaintn ritti tiniltila polijalla a yellow cross on a blue field (1.
ground) : aajtmmalle pohjallt on a broader
(1. a wider) basis; laitlittlla [vakaualla]
pohjalla on a legal [a firm] basis, (kannalla) on a legal [a firm] footing; Hike peruttuu osuusptriaattetn pohjalle the busi
ness Is based (1. is founded) on the princi
ple Of cooperation; olla jonkin pohjana be
the basis (1. the foundation 1. the ground)
of (1. for), form (1. serve as) a [the] basis
for ... underlie [eslm. on kttkasttlun pohana serves as (1. forms) a (1. the) basis
for the discussion] ; tivittykttn ~ the foundation(s) of civilization, the basis (1. the
groundwork) of civilization; *ydmtn(*)
pohjasta from the bottom or one's heart,
(syvyydesta) one's Inmost heart, (kalkesta sydmestan) with all one's heart.
pohja- (yhd.) bottom-, ground- [eslm. -j
bottom-ice, ground-ice], (pohjlmalnen)
bottom [esim. -berros bottom layer], (pe
rus-) ground [eslm. -tvel ground tone].
pohjaaminen reaching (1. touching) the bot
tom; (maal.) priming; (kenklen) soling,
pohjahaavi (lllppl) casting-net.
pohjalnen I. (yhd.) with a . . bottom [estm.
liukat~ with a slippery bottom], ..-bot
tomed [esim. tata~ flat-bottomed, smoothbottomed].
pohjainen II. ks. pohjolnen.
pohja kerros (mys:) substratum; (pohja)
ground; (rakennuksen) ground floor; (kellarl-) basement, -koulu (1. v.) primary
school, -kudo ground, -kuva horizontal
pohjalainen (a. & s.) East Bothnlan. pohjalaisosakunta East Bothnlan student corpo
pohja last! (palno-) ballast, -lioju 1. -muta
ooze; mud from (I. on) the bottom [of . .] ;
(lete) Silt; vrt. pohjasakka. -maalaus
priming; ground(ing). -maali ground
(-color); priming, -nahka sole-leather.
pohjankaivu = peru>tukaenkaivu.

Pohjanlahti Our or Bothnia. Pohjanmaa

East Bothnia. Pohjanmeri North Sea, Ger
man Ocean.
pohjan palo northern lights, aurora borealls.
-peiuo: minulla ti ola viel edct pohjanptittoakaan (marjoja) I haven't enough yet
to cover the bottom of my pail [my bas
ket, etc.]. -peri far(thest) north, extreme
north, high northern latitudes, -perilnen
arctic, hyperborean, -perttllinen hyperbo
rean; pohjanptrlistt people of (1. )
the extreme north. -Uhtl north star, polestar, polar star.
pohjanuotta trawl.

pohja purre peruipiirre. -plirro 1. -pilrustus (asema-) ground-plan, plan, plot:

myOS = pohjakuva. -paoma ks. kantapoma. -raha nest-egg; nucleus; (rahaston)
Initial (1. beginning) luinl. rtrst donation;
(alkupfloma) capital to start with; lahjottaa 1,000 dallara rahatton pohjarahakti
start a fund with a subscription of 1,000
dollars, -rahasto (kanta-) initial rund; vrt.
edell. -sakka 1. -sako sediment; settlings;
(vlinln y. m.) lees, dregs; (kahvln y. in.)
grounds; (kem.) precipitate, -save! tonic,
key-note, -ivy key-note.
pohjata (ulottua pohjaan) reach (1. touch)
the bottom; (pohjlttaa) bottom; (maal.)
prime, ground; ktnkia sole (1. rebottom)
Shoes; nan joutiti niin kauas (rannasta),
tttti rna pohjannut (mys:) he went be
yond his depth.



pohjatiedot Foundation; on heikot pohjatie

dot lottokin has lieon poorly grounded (1.
has not had a good Foundation) In.
pohjaton bottomless, fattiomless [depth, sy
vyys] ; (kyllstymatn) insatlable; (koh
tuuton) Immoderate, exorbltant; ~ on papin
tkki (1. v.) there Is no end to a prlesfs
demands. pohjattomuua . . belng bottom
less (1. rathomless); lnsatlablllty; vrt. koh
pohjatuuli north wind, northerly wlnd; (mytol.) Boreas.
pohjaus ks. pohjaaminen.
pohjautua: ~ kenkns have one's shoes
soled (1. rebottomed).
pohjautua reacli (1. touch) theboltom, bottom.
pohjalivesi ground-vvater; (laivassa) bllgevvater. -virta undercurrent. -vri = poh
jamaali; (vaakunan, lipun y. m.) ricid.
pohje calf (or the \ug); (koipi) leg, sliank.
-luu cair-bone; (anat.) ribula.
pohJim(m)alnen . . (sltuated) nearest to the
bottom; (alimainen) lovvest; undermost,
lovvermost, nethermost;
(Jkpv.) rockbOttom; (syvin) deepest; pohjimaisena
lowest, undermost, lovvermost, at the
(very) bottom, underneath ali (I. everythlng); (Jkpv.) at rock-bottom.
pohjittaa bottom; vrt. pohjata, pohjltut bottoming.
pohjoinen I. (a.) northern [country, maa;
part or . . , osa Jotakin], (the) north [hair
or the islanti, puolisko saarta] ; Pohjoinen
Jmeri Arctic Ocean; pohjoiset napamaat
arctlc reglons (1. lands), the arctic. II. (s.)
the north; pohjoiseen menevt janat tralns
golng north, tralns to the north; pohjoiseen
pin to (1. towards) the north, (etup. liik
keest puhuen) northvvard(s); pohjoisetta
In the north, (pohjoismaissa) In the north
ern countrles.
pohjoia- (ybd.) north [esim. -rannikko north
coast], (maantieteellisiss nimityksiss y.
m.) North- [esim. -amerikkalainen NOrtbAmerlcan; -turoppalainen North-European] ; northern [esim. -piiri northern district; -rinne northern slope].
pohjoieln rarthest north, northernmost; poh
joisimpana Tarthest In (1. to) the north,
rarthest north, northernmost.
Pohjois-Jmeri Arctic Ocean.
pohjola, koillinen north-northeast. -luode
north-northwest. -maalainen I. (a.) north
ern. II. (s.) lnhabitant or the north, northerner. -maalaisuus northern character;
northern temperament. -maat the northern
countrles, the North, -mainen northern;
pohjoismaiset kielet the Scandinavian languages.
pohjoisnapa north pole; (usein:) the North
Pole. -retkeilij arctlc explorer. -ratki 1.
-matka arctlc expedltlon, north pole expeditlon. -retkikunta arctlc expedltlon.
pohjois osa (the) northern part [of the
country, maata], -puoleinen .. sltuated on
the north side (I. to the north), -puoli north
side; jonkin pohjoispuolella on the north
side or . . , (to the) north or . . . -raja north
ern border (1. boundary), the boundary to
the north, -suomalainen I. (a.) North- Finn
ish. II. (s.) North-Ftnn. -tuuli pohja
tuuli, -valtiot (Yhdysv.) the Northern
States, the North.
pohjola the North; pohjolan asukkaat lnhabltants or the North, northerners. Pohjo
lainen ks. pohjoismaalainen, 11. pohJonen
ks. pohjoinen.
pohjukaissuoli (anat.) duodenum.
pohjukka bottom; (perukka) heart, depths;
lahden pohjukassa at the upper end oi the


pohjustaa Tound, ground; (maal.) prlme;

kytymyt (alustaa) lntroduce (1. present)
a subject (1. a questlon) (Tor dlscusslon).
(pitemmlt) make a report on (1. about)
a subject (1. a questlon). pohjustaja (ky
symyksen) one who Introduced (1. vvho
vvlll present) [the questlon] for dlscus
slon. pohjustaminen rounding, groundlng;
(maal.) primlng; (kysymyksen) lntroductlon, reportlng. pohjustus Foundation;
(maal.) primlng; (kysymyksen) lntroductlon (1. presentatlon) [or a subject] for
dlscusslon; report.
pohkeinen (yhd.) . . vvith . . calves [esim.
pa*u . . vvith large calves] .
pohkio pohje.
pohmelo: olla pohmelotsa be soberlng orr
rrom a spree, reel the arter-errects or a
pree; vrt. kohmelo.
pohtia wlnnow, fan; slft (mys kuv.);- (pu
distaa) shake; (kuv.) discuss, dellberate,
debate [upon], argue [the questlon, kysy
myst], moot. pohtiminen - pohdinta.
poiju (mer.) buoy. poijuta (iner.) mark vvith
(1. by) buoys, buoy.
poika boy; lad; (nuorukainen) youngster;
(suhteessaan vanhempiinsa) son; (elimen)
young [huom. kanan chtck(en)], (karhun
y. m.) CUb, vrt. penikka; hn on poikaa (1.
v.) he Teels hls oats; ktntn vvhose boy?
whose son? vrt. kissan-, linnun y. m.
-koulu ljoys' school. -kukko young rooster,
cockerel. -lapsi male child; (jkpv.) baby
boy. -loppi KS. nulikka li poikanallikka.
-lurjus rascal (1. scamp 1. rogue) or a boy.
poikamainen boylsh; (lapsellinen) Juvenile.
puerlle. poikamaiseeti boylsbly. poika
maisuus boylshness; (poikamainen kuje)
boylsh trlck, prank, escapade.
poikamiehen- (yhd.) bachelor', . . or a bach
elor [esim. -asunto bachelor's apartments,
apartments or a bachelor; -elm bacheIor's
lire, life or a bachelor). -Ilmi (mys:)
bachelorhood. -tavat bachelor('s) hablts
(1. ways).
poikamiehenolo bachelorhood, bachelorshlp.
poikamies bachelor; unmarried (1. single)
man; jd poikamiehekti remaln single.
-talous bacbelor's house(hold). -tuttava
bachelor rrlend.
poikanallikka 1. -naskali cub, young colt,
( In tie) urchln; vrt. poikaveitlkka & nulikka.
poikanen Ilttle boy, urchln; lad(dle); (eli
men) young, orrsprlng; vrt. poika; elvi
poikasia synnyttv (ellnt.) VlVlpaTOUS;
em poikasineen the Iliotlier (I. the dam)
vvith lier young (ones).
poika, nulikka 1. -nulkkl nulikka, -puoli
stepson. -veitikka 1. -vekara 1. -viikari
vvhlppersnapper, hobbledehoy; young ras
cal (1. rogue). -vuodet (years or one's)
boyhood, boyhood years; poikavuosista lh
tien (mys:) rrom a boy, rrom hls youth up.
poiketa tum orr [on another road, toiselle
tielle; rrom the main road, valla(maan)tlelt], strlke orr, branch orr, turn [aside
(1. orr), sivuun], svvitch orr [on the sldetrack, sivuraiteelle], run orr; deviate, dlverge; (kuv.) depart [rrom one's usual
hablts, tavoistaan], dlgress; (erota) dirrer
[rrom], vary; ~ aineestaan dlgress rrom
one's subject, svvitch (1. branch) orr (rrom)
one's subject, leave (1. get away rrom)
one'S Subject; johonkin (ohimennessn)
stop at a place in passing (by), touch at a
Place; ~ Jotakuta katsomaan (\. katsomas
ta) drop In (to see one), call on a p. (1. at
a p.'s nouse); ~ tielt turn aslde rrom
the road, turn orr (rrom) the road [huora.
poiketa velvollisuuden tielt depart rrom
(1. rorsake) the path or duty] ; vanhasta



depart from an old custom, forsake

an Old custom; kann* poikktaa alkukielest the translation differs (1. deviates)
from the original language; atoa poikktaa
mtidn rantaammc the boat rails (1. StOpS
1. touches 1. puts In) at our shore (In passIng); tie poikkeaa oiktalle the road turns
(off) (I. branches off) to the right; totuuJetta poiketen deviating (1. departing)
from (1. forsaking) the path of truth.
poikia bring forth young, give birth to
young, litter; (hevosesta:) foal; (lehmftsta:) calve; (lampeaste:) lamb; (karhusta, sudesta y. m.) cub; (kolrasta ja kolransukufslsta ellmlst:) whelp, pup; (klssasta:) kitten.
poikin: ~ /a pitkin (alkup.) crosswise and
lengthwise; (tav.) crisscross; in all direc
tions, (slkln sokln) helter-skelter; (sinne
tanne) hither and thither. polklUe: jonkln
poihitse across . . ; VI- 1 polkkl.
polkltuln crosswise, (right) across [the
road, tlelia] ; across (1. through) the grain;
transversely; (etenkin: vinostl) athwart;
oU Hella eJcssni (polkklpuolln) lay
square In my path, polkittalnen . . placed
(1. situated) crosswise (1. transversely),
running [lying, etc.] across, crossed; trans
verse, transversal, traverse: (vinostl) cross,
thwart, poikittaisuus . . being placed (1. . .
lying) crosswise; transverse position.
poikkeama (fys.) declination, poikkeamlnen
turning off Jin1., ks. polketa; deviation;
(alneesta y. m.) digression, poikkeava de
viating, diverging; (kuv.) digressing, (eroava) differing; tavallleauJetta poikkeava . .
out of the ordinary, extraordinary; excep
tional; abnormal, not normal, anomalous.
poikkeavasti: taoallitaudesta poikkeaoattl
In a manner out of the ordinary, in an ex
traordinary manner.
poikkeuksellinen (tavalllsuudesta poikkeava)
exceptional; . . out of the ordinary, extra
ordinary, polkkeuksellisestl exceptionally,
by way of .exception, as an exception. In
exceptional cases, poikkeukseton . . with
out an exception.
poikkeuma deviation, divergence; (fys.) de
poikkeus exception, (vllpuheessa) reserva
tion; (polkkeaminen) departure; (poikkeu
ma) deviation, divergence; digression:
poikhtuksena as an exception, by way of
exception; poikkeuktena oleva exceptional;
fmlltel] poikktukiitta [almost] without
(an 1. any) exception, [almost] exclusively;
(le > tnt i(man paikkeusla (there IS)
no rule without an (1. some) exception,
there Is always an exception to a [the] rule.
poikkeus- (ybd.) exceptional [eslm. -a*ma
exceptional position (I. situation); -toim*npidf exceptional measure], -lakl law grant
ing exceptional powers to the government.
-tapaus exceptional case; (erlkols-) special
case; (poikkeus) exception; poikkmttapauk'smsa, -tata (mys:) exceptionally,
by exception, vit. polkkeukellise*ti. -tila
exceptional state (of things), exceptional
condltlon(s); poikkeattilatta under excep
tional conditions; vrt. edell.
poikkl (katketen) off; jonhin ~ (yll) across
a th.; htppi on ~ the stick Is broken (In
two); no ~ (el sanaakaan) not another
word! not a word out of you! keep your
mouth shut! (Jkpv.) shut up! (valtl) hush!
polkkl- (yhd.) cross- [esim. -katu crossstreet; -parra cross-beam, cross-bar] ;
(tlet., etenk. geom.) transverse [eslm.
-oscnio transverse position; -akttll trans
verse axis; -vliva transverse line], -ansas

cross-beam, cross-support, -hirel cross

beam, -juova stripe running across [ath.];
transverse line. -Juovalnen . . with the
stripes running across. -Kirves adz(e).
-lelkkaus cross-section, transverse section;
(pystysuora) vertical section, (rakennusplirustukslssa, myOs:) side elevation, -mai
sin across the country.
poikkinalnen broken; vrt. katkonainen.
poikklllpiena (-puu) crosspiece, cross-bard,
-rail); transom; (eslm. tuolinjalkaln valiss) rung, -puolin, -puollnen, -puolieuut
poikit|tain, -tainen, -taieuua. -puomi cross
bar, -puu kS. poikkipiena. -pain, -pilnen,
-pisyys ks. poikit|taln, -tainen, -taiauus.
-raitainen = polkkijuovainen. -rata railroad
line connecting two main lines, -sauma
cross-seam; (anat.) transverse suture.
-telainen transverse, cross, -teloin - poikittain; ase t tua poikkiteloin polall* throw
o.s. (eslm. krmeest: lay itself) across
the path, -tie cross-road, cross-way; cross
cut, -vliva cross-line; (mat.) transversal;
(leikkaus-) intersecting line.
polkue (joldenkln ntsakkalden) litter; (llntujen) brood, hatch.
poikuus male purity (1. chastity) ; Innocence;
(lapsuus) boyhood, -kemut 1. -kekkent
farewell supper for a bachelor on the eve
of his marriage.
poimia pick [berries, marjoja] ; (kerullia)
gather [flowers, kukkia; fruit, hedelml],
glean [heads of grain, thkpit] ; (tehd
ottelta) extract, excerpt, poimlminen, poimlnta picking Jne., ks. edell. poimmto
(kirjallinen) extract, excerpt; poimintoia
(mys:) gleanings, scraps, odds and ends;
vrt. edell.
poimu 1. (polmukc) fold; (kankaan) plait,
pleat, (vartavasten tehty) tuck; (jture,
ryppy) crease; wrinkle, pucker, gather; 2.
(lleve) hem; menn poimaille fall ln(to)
folds (1. creases), be(come) creased; olla
poimata (\. poimuilla) be (1. lie) In folds,
be plaited, be creased, poimuaminen fold
ing Jne., ks. poimuta. poimuilla fall ln(to)
folds (1. creases); crease, show creases,
poimuinen 1. .. with folds (1. creases);
folded, creased; plaited; puckered, gath
ered; (ryhelletty) frilled, ruffled; (kasv.)
pllcate(d); 2. (yhd.) .. with .. folds (1.
creases 1. plaits 1. gathers), . .-ly folded (1.
creased) [esim. with deep
folds (1. creases Jne.), deeply folded
(1. creased)], polmukaa folded, creased;
plaited; puckered; frilled, ruffled, poimuke
- poimu, 1. poimuta fold, plait, put plaits
(1. a plait) In; (sillttess) flute, quill;
(neuloessa) gather, pucker, wrinkle; (royhelta) frill, ruffle, polmutella loop, fes
toon; (korlstella poimuilla) drape; (kiemurrella) wind (In and out), wind Its way;
mys = edell. pol m uton . . without folds
(1. creases Jne., ks. poimu), . . free from
folds; (polmuttamaton) . . not folded, . .
not creased, poimuttaa = poimuta. poimuttummen (geol.) flexure.
polntterl (-kolra) pointer.
poli away, off; (tlelta) out of the way;
(syrJaSn, slvuun) aside; (ulos) out; ~ alta
get out from under there, vrt. pol tlelt;
aloitta get out from under foot, vrt.
pal tleltu; ~ h,,n,ki tpaily* away with
(all) doubt! (l eparl) don't hesitate! ~
ti*lta (get) out of the (I. out of my) way
(, there)! clear the way (1. the road 1. the
track)! stand aside! stand to one side!
make way! [huom. laita nmS /to
get these out of the way, put these aside,
(pols nakyvistS) put these away, put these



out or slght]; jtt ~ (mys:) ellminate,

vrt. jtt; jd ~ (llimlsistii:) stay away
[From school, koulusta], stay out, fall to
appear [In court, oikeuden Istunnosta],
Tall to (1. not) put In an appearance, absent
o.s., (jkpv.) not show up, (asioista Ja Ih
misist:) not be rorthcomlng, not turn up,
(asioista:) be omltted, (erehdyksest) be
overlooked [huom. se ji (minulta) ereh
dyksest (mys:) I rorgot to put that down
(I. In), that was an overslght (1. an omisslon) on my part], vrt. jd; puhu (\. mo
no) ~ speak (out) your mlnd! speak out!
speak up! usko ~ belleveme! honest! really! vrt. poissa.
pois ajo drlvlng orr (1. away). -erotettu
set apart, separated, detached; (erilleen
otettu) excluded. -Jtt leavtng out; exrluslon, ellmlnatlon: omlsslon. -Jminen
1. -Jnti staylng away; non-attendance;
non-appearanre, iallure to appear. -kulu
nut \viint au ay (1. ofD, rubbed orf. -las
kettu (-luettu) deducted; (-vedettv) taken
orr; (-Jtetty) ellmlnated (1. excluded) In
(I. rrom) the calculatlon(s); kulut poislashrtiudtna Utter taklng out the expenses,
arter deducting (the) expenses. -lht l.
-meno golng away, leavlng, departure.
-muutto movlng (away), removal. -otta
minen 1. -otto taklng away (1. orr), removal.
-pin away, aslde; ja niin poispin and so
Torth, and SO on; knt katseensa pois
pin (mys:) avert one's gaze.
poissa away, absent; out; (kadoksissa) lost,
mlsslng; jonkun oliosta during a p.'s
absenre; olla be away, be absent, be out
[or school, koulusta], -oleva absent; pois
saolevat those (1. the) absent. -olo absence;
(poisjminen) non-attendance, non-appearance. -olosakko rine ror non-attend
ance (I. ror not being present).
poissuljettu excluded; (estetty) debarred;
(karkotettu) expelled; (erotettu) ellmlnated.
poistaa remove [the cause or, jonkin syy],
ellminate, (sulkea pois) exclude, shut out,
(ottaa pois) take orr, take away, (vhen
t) deduct, dock; (lakkauttaa) do away
[wlth] ; annul; (lopettaa) abollsh [slavery,
orjuus], (tehd loppu) put an end [to];
(jtt pois) cut out, (sopimattomia koh
tia) expunge, expurgate, (pyyhki pois)
strike out, cancel [a paragraph, kappale],
blot out, wlpc away, wlpe out, obllterate,
erase, (esim. korjausluvussa) delete, dele;
(raivata tiet) clear away, get rld or,
(Jokin henkil) clear out or the way, make
away Wlth; ~ epkohta, vrinkyts
remove an evil, do away with (1. put an
end to) an abuse, (korjata) remedy (1. rind
a remedy ror) an abuse; esteet jonkin
tielt remove the obstacles berore (1. In the
way or) ; jonkin jljet remove every trace
or, (puhdistaa) obllterate the traces or; ~
kaihi silmst remove a catarart rrom an
eye, (leikata) couch an [the] eye: kaikki
epilykset remove ali doubts, (knt pois)
dlvert au susplclons, (haihduttaa) dlspel
ali doubts (1. ali susplclons); kaikki ko
ristukset remove (1. strlp orr) ali decoratlons; ~ kytnnst abollsh, do away
wlth; luetteloista remove trom the llsts,
Strlke orr the rolls; ~ mielestn dlsmlss
(1. dlspel) rrom (1. put out or) one's mlnd
(1. one'S thOUghtS), Vrt. heitt; ohjel
masta strlke . . from (1. cut . . out or) the
program, (Jtt pois) leave out or (I.
leave orr 1. exclude rrom) the program; ~
syyts pltn (vapautua) Tree o.s. Trom
a r.harge; sds repeal an ordlnance;
~ tileist take orr the books; vaara (tor
jua) avert a dangcr; vaikeudet remove

polii. I

(1. Clear away) the dirriculties; ei ole pois

tettavissa . . c annot be removed (1. abollshed I. strlcken out Jne.J, . . is Irremovable; se mrys olisi poistettava that order should be repealed (1. revoked), that
decree ougbt to be resclnded, (esim. sopi
muksessa) that sttpulatlon should be
strlcken out (1. lert out 1. omltted 1. expunged). poistaminen removlng Jne., ks.
poistaa; kirjoista poistaminen taklng Of f
the books.
poisto removal; cancel (l)atlon; (vhennys)
deduction; (Inventaari-) depreciatlon ; (klrioista poistettu er) ltem taken orr the
lOOkS; mys poistaminen,
poistua (lhte) go away, leave (the place),
go orr, go away, depart, get orr [the train
at. Junasta Jossakin] ; (vetyty pois) witbdraw, retire; (haihtua, esim. kaasu) escape; (kadota) disappear, vanlsh; (lakata
olemasta) cease (to exist), pass away;
(menn tiehens) be orr; paikkakunnalta
leave the place (I. the locallty), (esim. ka
valluksen tehtyn) abscond; ~ maasta
leave (1. qult) the country, (karata) run
avvay rrom the country; ~ riveist rall out
or llne, step out rrom the ranks; ~ salista
retire (1. wlthdraw) rrom the hali, (Jtt
sali) leave the hali; tst elmst de
part thls life. pass away, (maailmasta)
leave thls World; hn poistui kiireesti huo
neesta (mys:) hls exit Trom the room was
hasty; kske jotakuta (\. jonkun) poistu
maan order one out [or the room, huo
neesta], order (1. teli) one to leave, dls
mlss one. poistumaton inerraceable i mark,
merkki], indelible. poistuminen golng au ay
Jne., ks. poistua; (polsvetytymlnen) withdrawal. retlrement, (lht) departure.
pois vedetty deducted, docked, taken orr.
-veto (summasta) deduction.
pojan || nalkki -= poikanallikka. -poika grandson, SOh'S son; pojanpojan poika [tytr']
great grandson [granddaughter]. -tytr
granddaughter, son's daughter; pojantyt
tren poika [tytr] great grandson [grand
daughter]. -vaatteet boys' clothes.
pojintima stepson.
poju lad(die); son(ny); (poikanen) llttle boy.
pojunen poju; pojuseni my llttle boy!
sonny! laddle!
pokaali (Juomamalja) (loving-)cup; goblet.
-kilpailu race (1. contest) ror a [the] cup.
pokkuroida bow and scrape [berore one.
Jonkun edess (1. jollekulle)]; (madella)
crouch (down) [berore one], (liehakoida)
rawn [around . .]. pokkuroiminen, pokku
roima bowlng and srraping; crouchtng;
rawnlng around; toadylsm. pokkuroitstla
one who bows and scrapes [berore ..];
(Illan kohtelias) an overpollte person; (ma
telija) toady, toadeater.
poksahdus pop; report. poksahduttaa make
(I. cause to) pop: pop; (menemn) make
. . go orr wlth a pop (1. a report).
poksahtaa (glve a) pop; make a report;
auki (esim. pullo) open (1. burst open) with
a pop; ~ pois (esim. korkki) go orr wlth
a pop (1. a report); rikki rl. halki) burst
(open), crack open. poksahtaminen popptng. poksis pop!
pola rioat. -koukku rioat-tarkle.
polarisatsioni irvs.l polarlzation.
polemiikki (kynsota) controversy; polemlc
(argument). polemiseerata carry on a
controversy, dlspute, arguc [agalnst, Jo
takin vastaan]; be engaged In a polemlc
argument [agalnst].
poletti (sot.) epaulet; (olkanauha) sboulderstrap.
poliisi pollce.



poliisi (yhd.) pollce [esim. -asema pollce

station; -oikeus pollce court; -tuomari po
llce Judge (1. justlce); -valvonta poltce su
pervision], -asla poliisijuttu; poliisiasiat
(-laitos) pollce (department). -Juttu po
llce case, case In the pollce court. -jrjes
tys pollce regulatlons. -kamari pollce headquarters; (Engl.) pollce-offlce; (-asema)
pollce station. -koira sleuth-hound; (veri-)
bloodhound. -komisarlus (1. v.) lleutenant
of pollce, pollce lleutenant. -konstaapeli
poltceman, (vahdissa kulkeva) patrolman.
-konttori ks. pollisikamari. -kunta pollce
Torce; the pollce. -kuulustelu examlnatlon
conducted by the pollce; (polllslotkeudessa) examlnatlon before a pollce-court. -lai
tos pollce department, the pollce; pollce
system. -mestari 1. -pllikk chler of po
llce; pollce commlssloner (1. supertntendent); (Venjll Ja Suomessa;) pollce-master. -miss pollceman, pollce orricer. -pl
lyst officers in command of the pollce
force. -snt pollce order (1. fegulatlon) ;
vrt. poliisijrjestys. -tarkastaja Inspertor
of pollce, police Inspector. -tuomioistuin
pollce court. -tutkinto poliisikuulustelu,
-urkkija spy of the polltlcal pollce; secretservlce man. -vahti konttori i. -vartiokonttori pollce station. -valtio state subject to
the omnlpotence of the pollce. -valvonta:
olla poliisivalvonnan alaisena be Under SUrvelllance of the police (1. of the secretservlce men), be shadowed (1. watchcdl
by detectlves (1. by secret-service agents).
-viranomaiset police authoritles. -voima
police Torce.
poliittinen polltlcal, polltlc: - kcmpanhieroja
lobbylst. poliittisesti polltlcally.
poliklinikka dlspensary (and surgery).
polin ks. poljin.
politiikka politics; (valtiotaito) statecrart;
(Jonkun noudattama) policy; /monoa poli
tiikkaa bad policy. politlkko pollticlan.
politikoida play politics; taik (1. discuss)
politics. politikoiminen playing politics;
talklng politics. politikoitsija pollticlan.
politillinen, politillisesti ks. poliit tinen,
poljenta polkeminen; vrt. seur.
poljento (inetr.) rhythm; (tahti) timo, tem
po, measure.
poljettaa (jollakulla) have . . trample (1.
tramp 1. tread Jne., ks. polkea); (jotakin)
have . . stamped (I. tramped 1. tramp led
down), poljettu trampled (over); (kuv.)
downtrodden [people, kansa]; (sorrettu)
oppressed; vrt. polkea.
poljin treadle; (urkujen, polkupyrn y. m.)
pedai. -ratas treadvvbeel.
polkaista stamp [(on) the floor \vith one's
ruot, Jalallaan lattiaan] ; vrt. polkea, pol
kaisu Stamp : yhdelt polkaisutta hn . . by
one stamp or hls foot he . . .
polkea trample [. . to death, kuoliaaksi],
tramp; tread (mys esim. kukko kanaa);
(polkupyr y. m.) pedal; (tmisten)
stamp [(wlth)one's foot, Jalkaansa] ; (kuv.)
tread (1. trample) down, trample under
foot, (sortaa) oppress, keep . . under one's
tiiliini, keep . . down; (painaa alas) press
(1. wetgh) down, (loukata) vlolate, lnfringe
I ii|>on |; (syrjytt) set aslde, dlsregard,
neglect, lgnore; Jonkin hintaa drive (1.
force) down the price or . .; jalkoihinsa,
jalhainsa alla trample Under fOOt; ka
tuja (be) tramp(lng) the streets; ken
kns linttaan wear one's shoes out of
sbape; ~ kovaksi tread . . hard, stamp
down; lakia trample the law under foot,
vlolate the law; Jonkun oikeutta (l. oi
keuksia) tread (I. trample) down the rights


of a p., lnfringe upon a p.'s rights ; rifcfci

tread on . . and break (1. smash) lt, break
(1. smash) [one's pedals, pyrns polki
met] (in riding), crush under one's feet (1.
one's heels), break (I. crush) . . by stamp
lng on; urkuja tread (the pedals or) the
polkeentua be(come) trodden [smooth, si
leksi], be trampled [under the hoors of
the horses, hevosten jalkoihin] , be stamped
upon: jatkoihin be trampled (1. stamped)
under Toot. polkeminen trampling Jne., ks.
polkka (-tanssi) poika.
polku 1. (-tie) patti (mys kuv.); walk;
(etup. mets-) trall; (kuv.) track; 2. (pol
jenta) tramp(lng), trampling; stamplng.
-hinta very (1. rldlculously) low price, bottom price: polkuhinnasta at bottom prices,
at a sacrlfice, bclow cost, for a mere song,
vrt. pilkkahinta, -mylly treadmill. -naimiset
mlsalllance, mesalliance. -painin treadlepress.
polkupyr (kaksipyrinen) blcycle; (kol
mipyrinen) trlcycle; (vanh.) velocipede;
(jkpv.) wheel, bike.
polkupyr- (yhd.) bicycle [esim. -kilpailu
bicycle race; -liikenne blcycle trafflc].
polkupyrilij bicycllst, cycllst. polkupy
rily riding a blcycle (1. a wheel), blcycllng; cycllng, wheellng.
polkupyrlllajaja, -ajo - polku pyrilij,
polkupyr; lyhty bicycle lamp. -matka 1.
-retki blcycle trlp; (pitempi) bicycle tour,
cycling-tour. -rata track Tor blcycle rlders.
-urheilu bicycling(as sport), blcycle riding.
polkuratas treadwheel. polkusin ks. poljin.
pollari (laiturilla) bollard: (laivankannella)
tlmber-head, (risti-) bltt.
polo I. (a.) = poloinen. II. (s.) = polopoloinen poor; (kurja) wretchcd, miserable:
(slittv) pltlable; (onneton) unfortunate, unlucky, unsucccssrul; mies ~ (the)
poor fellow; min (mies) I, unlucky (1.
poor) fellow; poika the poor boy; vai
minua poloista Oh, poor me!
polska (I. v.) reel.
polskia (s)plash; dabble [tn the water. ve
dess], polskiminen, polskinta polskutus.
polskuttaa polskia,
(s)plashlng; dabbling.
polstarl bed; hSyhtn~ Teather-bed.
poltanta polttaminen, poltattaa have (1.
order) .. burned, cause . . to be burned;
(Jollakulla) have one burn.
polte sharp pain; (kipu) ache.
poltella polttaa, poltettu burned; poltettu
kalkki qutcklime, unslacked Ilme.
poltin burner; (kaasu-, mys:) Jet; (kahvipaahdln) roaster. -lasi burning-glass. -rauta
polttaa burn; (korventaa) scorch, slnge;
sear; (kuumalla vedell) scald; (syvytt
vill aineilla, lk.) cauterize [a wound,
haavaa]; (Itr.; kivist, ktrvelt) smart,
ache; ~ hiuksiaan (korventaa) slnge the
(1. onc's) halr, (khert) crlmp one's
halr on curllng-lrons; m<rUi lehmn
y. m.] brand Ta cow, etc.]; pohjaan let
. . burn (on the bottom), let . . scorch on
the bottom, burn; poroksi, tuhaksi
burn (I. reduce) to ashes, lay In ashes,
burn to clnders, burn down, burn to the
ground; roviolla burn at the stake;
ruumis cremate a corpse (1. a dead body)
{ hunni, hnen ruumiinsa poltettiin he was
cremateil]; tupakkaa smoke tobacco;
viinaa distil whisky (1. spirits); auringon
polttama iho skln lanned by the (scorching)



sun, sun-burned skln; kurkkuani ~ my

throat burns, (klrvelt) my throat smarts;
maa alkoi hnen jalkainsa alla he Tound
the place too hot for hlm; nokkonen ~ a
nettle stlngs (1. prlcks): pippuri ~ kielt
pepper burns the tongue, pepper makes
the tongue smart; potkiani my cheeks
burn; tydntni ~ (kuv.) my heart aches,
my heart Is sore, lt grleves me to the heart;
vatsaani ~ \ have a sharp pain In
my stomach, I have a [the] stomach-ache,
my stomach aches.
polttaja burner [esim. kalkin lime-burner;
burnlng Jne., ks. polttaa; (tupakan) smok
ing; (merkin) brandlng; vrt. poltto, polt
tava burnlng; (korventava) scorchlng; polt
tava jano burnlng (I. parchlng) thlrst; pi
vn polttava kysymys the burnin? questton
of the day. poltteleminen, polttelu burn
lng; (kirvely) smartlng, achlng; (tupakan)
smoking-; vrt. edell.
polttiainen 1. (mkr) grnat; 3. (nokkonen)
nettle, small nettle.
polttimo dlstlllery, stlll.
poltto (polttaminen) burnlng: scorchlng,
(haavan) cauterlzatlon; (palaminen) combustlon, consumlng by flre: (polte) sharp
pain, pangs, (kirvely) smart, smartlng
pain, (srky) acne; (kuume) fever; vrt.
kalkin , ruumiin , synnytys , tupakan ,
viinan y. m.
poltto! aine Cuel. combustlble; polttoaineet
fliel, COmbUStlble; polttoainetta sstv
ruel-saving. -arvo (lmpteho) heatlng
power. -haava burn; (hyryn tai kuuman
veden polttama) scald. -lasi burnlng-glass.
-lava polttorovio, -merkki brand. -moot
tori (tekn.) (Internal-)combustlon englne.
-polll burnlng-mlrror. -piste rocus, focal
polnt. -puu(t) rire-woort; fucl. -rovio
pyre, funeral plle; tuomita polttoroviolle
condemn to be burnt at the stake. -tupakka
smoklng-tobacco. -turve pcat; turrs to
burn. -uhri burnt-orrerfng, burnt-sacriNce.
-uuni klln; (ruumiin-) crematory. -vli
(Tys.) roral dlstance. dljy illumlnatlngoll, kerosene (oli), coat-oll.
polveileminen bendlng Jne, ks. polveilla,
polveileva wlndlng, mennrterlng; slnuous,
tortuous; scrpentlnc. polveilla (mutkitella)
bend, wlnrt (in and out); (kiemurrella)
twlne, (esim. Joki) meander; (kreill)
curve, loop. polvekaa . . \vlth a bend (1. an
elbo\v), . . with bends In lt; mys = pol
veileva, polveke bend, angle, elbo\v. polvekkuua .. liavlng a bend (I. a knee);
slnnoslty. polvellinen - polvekas.
polven! korkuinen knee-hlgh; polvenkorkui
selta knee-hlgh, up to one's knees, kneedeep. -koukistus 1. -taivutus (voim.) bendIng (of) the knee. -lump(p)io = polvilump(p)lo. -notkistua bendlng (I. crooklng) the knee, kneellng; genuriectlon; mys
= polvenkoukistus. -taive bend of the knee,
back part or the knee-Jolnt; loukkasi polventaipeensa (mys:) was liurt under
(-neath) hls knee-Jolnt.
polveutua (Jostakin) descend from, be a descendant or, come of (1. from) [a famous
ramlly (1. stock), kuuluisasta suvusta],
sprlng rrom; (Johtaa syntyns) derlvc one s
llneage from [an anclent ramlly, vanhasta
suvusta], count one's lincage (1. one's pedlgree) rrom, (esim. kasveista:) derlve Its
orlgin rrom, be derived rrom, evolve rrom,
arlse rrom. polveutuminen descent. descendance; derlvation; vrt. edell.
polveutumlsll luettelo pedlgrce. -oppi (Ih
misen) theory or the descent or man; (ke
hitys-) doctrlne or evolutlon.


polveutuva descendlng; suoraan ~ jlkeli

nen llneal descendant.
polvi knee; (mutka) bend, turn; (polveke)
elbow, angle; (kaari) curve; (nivel) Joint;
(suku-) generatlon; polvesta polveen rrom
generatlon to generatlon; polvan asti up
to the knees, knee-deep, knee-hlgh; aita
tekee tss polven (mutkan) at thls polnt
the rence turns orr at an angle (1. makes
a turn) ; hnell oli lapsi polvellaan (nai
sesta:) she had (1. beld) the chtld on ber
knee(s) (1. on her lap); istua jonkun pol
vella slt on a p.'s knee(s), (syliss) slt on
a p.*s lap ; kolmanteen ja neljnteen polveen
(raam.) unto the thlrd and rourth genera
tlon; kuinka mones what generatlon?
suorassa polvessa In llneal descent.
polvi- (yhd.) knee- [esim. -nivel knee-Jolnt;
-puu knee-tlmber]. -hihna (shoemakers')
stlrrup (1. knee-strap). -housut kneebreeches, knee-pants, small-clothes, (Jkpv.)
shorts; (levet) knlckerbockers.
polvikaa jolnted, artlculate; vrt. polvekaa.
polvi kinner tendon or the knee, kneestrlng.
-lump(p)io kneecap, kneepan;
polvinen (yhd.) . .-kneed, . . wlth . . knees
[esim. kipe sore-kneed, wlth sore knees:
knees], (nivelinen) ..-Jolnted, .. wlth ..
Jolnts [esim. moni many-Jolnted, wlth
many Jolnts].
polvirauta angle-bar, angle-lron, knee-lron.
polvistua kneel (down) [berore (1. to) one.
Jonkun eteen], bend one's knee(s), bow (1.
bend) the knee [to], (ali (1. go down) on
one's knees [berore (1. to)]; polvistunut
kneellng. polvistuminen, polvistua kneel
lng: (etup. kirkoll.) genuriectlon.
polvi taive = polventaive. -tulehdus (polvi
nivelen) lnriammatlon or the knee-Jolnt.
-varus 1. -suojus knee-cap, knee-protector.
polyteknikko student In a polytechnlc school.
polyteknlko, polyteknikuml polytechnlc
school, school or technology. polyteknillinon, polytekninen polytechnlc [institute,
polyyppi 1. (elint.)polyp; 2. (nen-)polypus.
pomeranssi bitter orange, bitter Seville.
-i nikeltainen orange.
pomerans&inkuori orange-peel, orange-skln.
-ljy orange-peel oli.
Pommerl Pomerania, pommerilainen Pome
pommi bomb, Shell, bombshell. -ISyto dlscovery (1. flnd) or a bomb (1. or bombs).
pommin; heitto throwlng or a bomb. -heit
tj thrower or a bomb, bomb-thrower.
-sirpale spllnter (1. rragment) or a bomb
pommirjhdys exploslon or a bomb, bomb
pommittaa bombard (mys
kuv.), shell. pommittaminen, pommitus
bombardment, shelllng.
pommi Jtykki bomb-gun. -yritys attempt to
throw a bomb, attempted assasslnatlon.
pomo (Jkpv.) big gun: (pohatta) nabob;
(porho) magnate; (tynjohtaja, mestari)
pompahdella (be) bound(lng), bounce, rebound. pompahdua bounce, bound. pom
pahtaa bounce (orr the wall. seinst ta
kaisin] ; pompahtaa takaisin bounce back,
rebound, lly back; vrt. ponnahtaa.
pompelmus (kasv.) graperrult.
pomppailla = pompahdella.
poni (pieni hevonen) pony. .
ponnahdus liound, bounce, sprlng; rebound
(-lng); (esim. kuulan) rlcocbet. -hyppys
Jump (l. leap) rrom a sprlng-board. -lauta



ponnahtaa bound, bounce, spring; (lent)

fly; (notkua) bend; - auki fly (1. pop 1.
spring) open, open; ~ rti fly off. fly (l.
spring) loose ; ~ pystyyn (ihmisesta : ) start
up (from one's seat), spring (1. jump) to
one's ii-i't, (eslneesta:) spring (up), jump
UP; - lakaibin ivln Hlllil, Spring (1. fly)
back; (eslm. pyssynluotl) ricochet, (nest:) reverberate, ponnahtaminen boundIng jiH'., ks. edell.
ponneka (palnokas) emphatic, strong; (ponteva) energetic, vigorous, telling, forcible,
effective. ponnekkaasti with stress (1. em
phasis), emphatically, strongly; energetic
ally, vigorously, with vim, with vigor; ef
fectively. ponnekkuue stress, emphasis;
(paino) weight; (volma) force, energy;
ponnckkuudella with stress, with emphasis,
emphatically, with vim (and vigor), vigor
ously; antaa ponnekhuutta jolltkin empha
size, give strength (1. weight) to, give (1.
add) vigor (1. vim) to.

ponneton 1. (kasv.) . . without anthers; 2.

(kuv.) . . lacking vim (I. vigor 1. energy);
(laimea) lame, feeble, weak, flabby; (veltto) slack, limp, languid.
ponnln spring.
ponniataa exert, make an exertion, put forth;
(plnnlst) strain; (yritt) exert O.S., make
an effort, try one's hardest; (pyrkla) strive;
(ottaa vauhtla) get a spring, gain (a) mo
mentum; ~ ttttnpain strive forward, push
(1. spur) on, struggle along; - kaikki ooimania exert all one's strength, try one's
hardest (1. one's very best) [to get, saadakseen], try with all one's might (1. as
hard as one can) [to reach the top of the
bill, paastkseen men plle], vrt. ponnlstella (kovastl) ; ~ ooitaan (tehd ten)
resist, make resistance, pull back, strain
against, not let o.s. be dragged along, ponnistaminen exerting; straining; striving.
ponnistautua exert o.s., make an effort,
struggle (hard) [to . .] ; ponnlttmtna irti
struggle loose, (try to) extricate o.s.; ponniftautua tuorabti (try to 1. make an effort
to) straighten up, (eslneest:) (tend to)
spring back, rebound.
ponnisteiia make exertions; make efforts;
(plnnlstella) strain; (pyrkla) strive, strug
gle; ~ etvenpain struggle along, (kuv.,
myOs:) strive (1. struggle) to rise (in the
world); struggle to get on in the world;
kaikin Ooimin saadaktttn . . try '
hardest (1. best) to get . . , work as bard
as one can to get . . , use one's best en
deavors to obtain . . , make (1. bend) every
effort (1. strain every nerve) to obtain
(1. to secure) . . , vrt. ponnl*taa (kalkkl
volmansa); - kovaiti pitkietn men
strain (1. struggle
gle bard 1. make a
great effort 1. try with all one's might) to
reacb the top of the hill; - mk*S >.'..,
struggle up the bill, ponnistelu exertlon(s); effort(s); struggle.
ponniitu exertion, strain; effort; (ponsl)
spring; (vauhtl) start; (vaivannk) en
deavor. -lauta spring-board.
pond l. (kasv.) anther; . (palno) stress,
emphasis; (volma) strength, weight, ener
gy; (karki) point; (ponsllause) resolution;
antea pontta puhetllttn emphasize one's
speech, give strength (1. weight 1. empha
sis) to one's speech; hn*t* ti le tn
rnifuun pontta he has lost all his energy,
(Jkpv.) there is no go left in him; *iina *i
ol* pontta eihH ptr It has no foundation
(1. ground) whatever, there Is no ground
for It, (mltaan jarkea) there Is no rime nor
reason in it. -ehdotu proposed rsolu tlon(a). -laue resolution.


ponsmen (yhd.) . . with . . anthers [eslm. nrar~ with large anthers] ; jyrkka- pants*
a sharply worded (1. a radical) resolution.
pontata fungue and groove, match; ponafu/a /auto/a matched boards, match-boards.
ponteva vigorous, powerful, strong; (tarmokas) energetic; (palnokas) telling, rorcl
ble, effective, (sanolsta, puheesta y. m.:)
emphatic, pontevasti vigorously, energet
ically, effectively; emphatically; mita tevi'mmin most vigorously, most emphati
cally, with the greatest emphasis, ponteVUU8 vlgor(ousness), energy; weight; (palnostus) emphasis; (volma) force, power.
ponttaug (lautojen) matching, -kone matchIng-macblne, matcher.
pontti (-llltos) tongue-and-groove Joint;
matched Joint, match-Joint, -hyli matchplane, -uurre groove.
pontioni, ponttu(u) (alus) pontoon, -tilta
pontoon bridge.
poppamios maridan, sorcerer, wizard; (intiaanlen) medlclne-man, powwow.
poppeli (kasv.) poplar, -kuja(nne) avenue
of poplars, walk borded (1. edged) with
poplars, poplar walk, -puu poplar(-tree).
popsia munch; ~ potkeeiua eat up, (herkutellen) feast [on, jotakln]. poptlminen
pora drill; bore; (porantera) bit; (napakalra) auger, (naverl) gimlet, -kone drillingmachine, drill; boring-machine.
popan i, pel ki = poraureika. -teri drill; (kairan-) bit, boring-bit, -varal (kasl-) brace;
bit-brace, bit-stock.
poraruutl (klvl-) blasting-powder.
porata I. drill; bore; (louhia) blast; - haivoa
(rnyos:) sink (1. put down) a well; ~ tunnH vuoren lpi (myos:) tunnel a mountain.
porata II. (Itkea) cry; mewl; (Jollottaa)
bawl, squall; vrt. parkua.
poraua drilling; boring; (-reika) bore, -kaivo
(mlss vest nousee maanplnnan yll) arte
sian well, -kone porakone. -relki drilled
hole, bore-hole, bore.
pore bubble, porehtla bubble, porellemlnen
bubbling; effervescing, porellla bubble
(up); (helmellla) effervesce, (Jkpv.) fizz.
poreilu = poreileminen.

porho magnate, (Jkpv.) big bug, big gun;

(pohatta) nabob; vrt. pomo.
porlna murmur(lng); (kattllan y. m.) bum
ming, singing, muttering; mumbling, grum
bling; vrt. porista. porltemlnen = porlna.
perista murmur; (eslm. kattlla tulella)
hum, sing, mutter; (porellla) bubble; (imitlsta) mumble; vrt. lorUu.
porkata beat in the water with a pole (to
chase fish Into a net).
porkka (nuotta-) pole; (sukslsauva, myos:)
porkkana carrot.
pormeatarl (Amer. & Engl.) mayor; (uselssa Europan malssa) burgomaster; (Ranskassa, 1. v.) maire, (Itallassa, 1. v.j syndic,
pormestann toimi 1. -vlrka mayor's office.
poro I. (tuhka) ashes, cinders; (sakka) sedi
ment, settlings; (eslm. kahvtn) grounds;
lees, dregs; (Ilka) dirt, mud, soli; (kuona)
slag; ptipun porot ashes of a pipe.
poro II. (elalnt.) reindeer.
poroattla ash-tray.
poroharks male reindeer, buck.
porolnen .. full of grounds (1. of dregs);
muddy; (tuhkalnen) . . full (1. choked 1.
strewn) with ashes.
porojkello (alsakello) bell tied to the shaft
of a sleigh, -kuppl ash-tray, -laldun pas
ture for reindeer.

poron- (ynd.) reindeer [esim. -HAa reindeer


meat; -maita relndeer mllk; -nethkm reln portto harlot; levd vroman. porttola nouse
deer klnj. -Jkl relndeer-moss. -paisti
of UI rme, brotbel, disorderly bouse,
roastied) relndeer.
bavrdy-bouse. porttolanpitj keeper or a
poro peukalo bunjrler, rumbler; (hutilus)
botch(er). -porvari a man or (]. with) very Portugali Portugal, portugalilainen (a. k s.)
narrow and conservatlve vlews; typlcal
Porturuese; partufeiileesst tne Porturuese.
bourKeois. -porvarillinen narrow and conportugalinkieli Portugruese.
ervatlve, typically bourKeois. -porvarini. portviini port(wine).
auua narrow ronservatism; lyplcally bour- poru cry; squaU(inc), bavrKin*;): (itku)
11 vlew, very narrow bourKeois vlews.
cryln*/, veepuur. -kurkku bawler; (pilk-porvarimainen poroporvariliinenkanimena:) cry-baby.
porottaa (polyytl) rnake a dust, make the porutella, poruuttaa make .. cry (1. squall
dust (I. the ashes) riy; (gainentaa) stlr(up)
1. bawl).
the dreif rl. the s/rounds), make . . muddy; porvari (liikemies) tradesman: (vanb.)
(arki-) ache, pain; hampaitani ~ my teeth
burKher, burs/ess; (sosialistien kannalta)
a/he (badly), I have a (severe) toothache;
bourKeois, (keskiluokkalainen) man or the
pakkanen the cold Is severe. It Is bitter
middle class. porvarillinen bourKeois Ju
cold; pohjoinen ~ the north wlnd I blttlce, oikeus] ; middle-class; pmrvarilliitn
Inir (I. bitter cold; ptni I have a racktiaittykmtn tmmnmt . . with a bourKeois
Inif headache, my head throbs wlth pain.
tralninK: porvarillista lukua . . born of the
porraa tep; talr; (Ilta) root-brldKe, plank
middle class, . . or a bourKeois (1. a middle[over a brook, etc] ; (kuv.) stepplnK-stone;
class) ramily. porvarillisesti in (a) bour
portaat (rilKht or) talrs, stalr, (et. uiko-)
Keois manner (I. rashion). In middle-class
tep, (porraskytv) lalrvvay, stalrcase;
rashlon, iike a bourKeois. porvarillisuus
portaita ylite alaa] up ldown] the stairs
bourKeois (I. middle-class) cbaracter; (hen
(I. the tep), up [down] talrs; etsitn
kiln) bourKeois (1. middle-class) vlevrs (1.
portaat doortep, front steps, (tav. katok
Ideas). porvariluokka bounreois class;
sella varustetut) toop.
(keski-) middle class; (porvaristo) bourporras ukil l. -aat(u)in stalr-step, stalr;
Keoisie. porvarimainen .. typical or a bour
ylimmll porrasastimstlaon (I. at) the toi) of
Keois. porvari maisuus bourKeois manners;
the talrs. -kivi tone doorstep, flafrstone
bourKeois Ideas.
Tor a doorstep; (esim. purossa) stepplnK- porvarisF neiti younK lady or the middle
torie. -kiytlvi stalrway, stalrcase. -lauta
class. -perhe bourKeois (1. middle-class)
plank [over a tream, puron yli], footramily. -sty (esim. Suomen vanhoilla
brlrlire. (laivaan) koiik plank.
valtiopivill) Estate of Buiresses; (Rans
porrasmainen gtep-llke, .. Ilke steps (1.
hfst.) Thinl Estate.
tali), porrastaa provlde wlth stalrs (I
bourKeoisie; burKhers, burtresses;
tmi); (pengert) terraee; (Ulottaa) put porvaristo
middle class. porvarisvtki
a plank over I a tream, puro] , throvv planks
bourKeois (I. middle-class) people; trades(I. rall) over |a low place In the path,
vetinen kohta polulla I. porraatie plank (1. posetiivi (-soitin) hand-oriran, (etup. Enifl.)
rall) to walk on over a low plaee. porras
barrel-orifan. posetiivin soituja I. -vn
tu* terraclnK; (Ulotu) throultiK planks
tj orgran-Krlnder.
(I. rall) over [a |ow plare].
positiivi (kiel. perusaste) positlve (deP0" /le ' y"nfr) P'tf. sucklnif plg;
positiivinen positlve.
(piiollkavulnen Ika) hoat, shotc; rarrovv
portaamalnan pl|fKlh; vrt. sikamainen, poski Cheek; laada poiktllelen) Ket (1. hve)
the cheek (1. the race). Ket a burporsaspaisti roast (liekin*) plK. porsasTet, be burreted; titn posketta = tien vie
talla (kuv.)be on a olninken) debauch, deress,
bauili; (hnrjatella) leail a rast lire. portolu iirunken dehaurh. debaurhery- poski hammas (iso) molar (tootli), Krinder.
premolar(tooth). -kuoppa
(hurjastelu) rast life. ponia rarrow
dlmple. -luu cheek-bone.
porsliini k, posliini,
. . wlth . . cheeks
porstua (entrance) hali, entrance, (pieni)
(esim. kalpea palc-rheeked; nuo rosypassaicc; vrt. etimm <V. kuisti,
portaat k, porras, portaikko *- portaisto. poski parta side-whlskers, whlskers. -pussi
portalnen (yhd.) .. wlth .. stalr [esim. -iyrkcheek-pouch. -p cheek-bone; (poski)
mportalnmn wlth steep tali], portaisto
(fllk-ht oD tali, stalnase; (porraskyt
posliini china; porcelain; vrt. fajanssi,
v) talrway. porUitUIn In steps; In ter
raee; nke an amphllheatcr; vrt asteit posliini- (yhd.) chlna(-), porcelain(-) [esim.
-astia china (1. porcelain) dish; -kuppi china
tain, portaittainen terraced; . . (shaped)
Ilke an ainpliitlieater.
v '
(I. porcelain) cup; -savi chlna-clay, poreelaln-clay; -tehdas chlna-factory, porcelalnportimo (elitint.) eimlne; ucasel
ractory]. -astiasto china Service, set of
portlnjavaln kcy to the irale. -kolkutin
china; vrt. posliininen, -kotilo (elint.)
knocker (on a Kate), -vartija Kalc-keeper,
eowry, rowrie. -maalaus palntliiK on china
porter; ifuaiil (at a icale).
(1. on porcelain), china painiin*, -maljakko
porttarl (Juoma) porter; (vkev) stout
porcelain vase. -myyml china store, (pie
portti icale; (fatettay; (pkytv) main
entrance; portitta thiouich the Kate. -holvi posliininen
china [dlnner-service, pytasarcliwiiy. rovered Katevvay; vrt. porttiky
tlasto; doll, nukke], porcelain [vase, mal
tv, -kallo hellat the Kale. -kytv Kate
china, . . or porcelain: teevvay; (mahtava) portal; (esiin, nllyttelyattiatto china tea-set (1. -Service), set or
palka le Johtava) entrance. -laskimo (anat.)
portal vein.
' posliini1 savi (mys:) kaolin(e). -tavara(t)
porttlnen (yhd.) . . wlth . . ifate (I. portals)
(koll.) chlnaware. -teollisuus porcelalnleslm. korkea- wlth ti I ajrti ate, wlth loftv
* possessiivispronomini, -suffiksi ks. omistus portti!! ristikko lattlce (or a Kate 1 In a
asemo, -liite.
Kate), lattlce vvork. -vahti portinvartija, possu (porsas) llttle plf, piKg-y.
-vaja covered Katevvay.
poste: ~ restonre general dellvery.



posti mail(s); (etup. Engl.) post; (-konttori)

post-orrice; postini my mall; postissa In
the mall, (postin kautta) tbrough the
maili s), (postitse) by mall; [vastaanottaa]
postissa kuljetettavaksi [recelve]
rnalling, [recelve] for seiniini? tbrough
the malls; ensi postissa in the next mall,
(palaavassa) by return mall.
posti- (ylid.) mall- [esim. -juna mail-traln;
-laiva mail-boat, mail-steamer; -vaunu
mail-car], post- [esim. -konttori postorrice; -torvi post-horn] ; postal [esim.
-laki postal law; -sstpankki postal savings-bank; -yhtsys postal Communication],
-asema (kaupungissa) sub-statlon; (maal
la, postihevosten vaihtoa varten) posthouse. -ekspeditoori head (I. chlef) clerk
in (1. at) a (large) post-orrice. -stuanti (1.
v.) C. O. D (= collect on dellvery). -hal
litus Post-orrice Department, -hevonen rural mall-carrler's horse; (Engl.) post horse.
-kartta postal map; map or mall-routes.
-konttorirakennus post-orrice (bulldlng).
-kortti postal card, (Jkpv.) postal; (Engl.)
pOSt-card; kuvallinen postikortti pieliin'

post-card. -kulku postal Service [between

A and B, A:n Ja B:n vlill]; ( yhteys)
postal Communication, -laatikko mail-box;
(etup. Engl.) post-box. -laitos postal Ser
vice; (postlvlrasto) post-orrice department.
-laukku mall bag; (nahkainen, lukollinen)
mall-pouch; (etup. Engl.) post-bag. -leima
postmark. -liitto: kansainvlinsn postiliitto
Unlversal Postal Union.
postiljooni mailman, mall-carrler, postman;
(kirjeenkantaja) letter-carrler.
postilla (saarnakirja) book or bomilles (1.
or sermons).
postilhetys mall; (paketti-) parcel. -vekseli
(Engl.) bank post-bill.
postimaksu postage; postimaksusta aapaa,
postimaksutta I rankeil, . . rree or postage.
-vapaus rranklng prlvllege.
postimerkki (postage- )stamp; postimsrkkien
kokooja stamp-collector, phllatelist; panna
postimsrkkl kirjeeseen, varustaa kirja pos-

timerh(e)ill stamp a letter. -albumi stampalbum. -kieli language or stamps. -koko

elma rollectlon or (postage-)stamps.
posti | mestari postmaster, -mies mailman;
(postinkuljettaja, maalla) rural mall-car
rler, drlver or a rural dellvery-wagon.
postini hoitaja postmaster; (nais-) postmlstress. -kantaja mall-carrler; (kirjeen-)
letter-carrler. -kanto (kotlinkanto) dellvery
or inall(s). -kuljettaja rural mall-carrler,
(-ajaja) drlver or a rural dellvery-vvagon;
(Engl.) drlver or a mail-cart. -kuljetus
carrylng the mall(s), conveyance or (the)
mall(s), carrylng or mail(s). -kulku ks.
postikulku, -noutaja one who goes [went,
etc] arter the mall; (postimies) mailman.
-ryostaji robber or the matl(s). -ryst
robbery or the mall(s), mall-robbery.
-tarkastaja post-orrice inspector. -tuoja
one wlio brings [brought, etc] the mall;
(postimies) mailman.
posti osote post-orrice address; postiosotteeni on . . (mys:) you m ay address my mall
to . . . -osotus postal money-order, postorrice order. -paketti parcel, package.
-paperi (kirje-) letter-paper. -pilvi: postipivin each day (on whlch) we get mall,
each day the mall arrlves. -raha postage.
-sopimus postal conventlon. -skki mailbag; mall-sark; (nahkainen, lukollinen)
mall-pouch. -takia rates or postage, postal
rates. -talo (-rakennus) post-orrice bulldlog, (pihoineen) post-orrice premlses.
-tilaus (sanomalehden y. m.) subscrlptlon
paid at (1. through) a post-offlee. -tlrsh-


toorl postmaster-general. -toimisto (-kont

tori) post-orrice.
postitse by mall, (Engl.) by post; (postin
kautta) tbrough the matl(s).
postittaa mall [a letter, kirje], post. postittaja one who malls, maller. postittami
nen, postitus maillng.
postitus kone
-osasto mailing department.
posti II vapaasti rranked, rree or postage.
-vaunut rural dellvery- wagon; (Engl.) mailcart, mall-carrlage, (vanh.) stage(-coach);
(postlnkuljetusta varten kaupungin piiris
s:) post-orrice wagou. -virkailija postorrice orriclal.
potaatti ks. peruna.
potaska (kem.) potash.
potea be i lving) sick, be (lylng) 111, be down
[wlth] ; lavantautia (vuoteen omana) be
lylng sick (1. be lald up) wlth (the) typhold n- ver; hn on potenut ankaraa tautia
(mys:) he has had (1. has gone through)
a severe illness.
potenssi (mat.) power, degree.
potentsiaali ks. mahtotapa.
potilas patlent, sick person; (pitkaikainen)
potkahdus kick; (pyssyn, mys:) recoll;
(ponnahdus) rebound(lng), sprlng; (sy
sys) knock; bump. Joit; vrt. potkaus. potkahtaa (glve a) klck, (pyssyst, mys:)
recoll; (ponnahtaa) rebound, sprlng; (len
t) riy [open, auki] ; vrt. ponnahtaa,
potkaiseminen klcking Jne., ks. seur.
potkaista klck [open, auki; over, kumoon],
glve . . a kick, (ampuma-aseesta, mys:)
recoll; (kolahduttaa) knock [wlth one's
root, Jalallaan] ; ~ saappaat jaloistaan klck
orr one's boots. potkaisu potku.
potkaus ks. potkahdus; onnen lucky
chance, lucky hlt (1. shot); stroke or good
luck (1. or rortune).
potkea: ~ verkkoa beat in the water \vltli a
pole to chase rish into a net.
potkia klck, be klcking; ~ Joku ovesta ulos
kick one out (or doors) ; peitto pltn
kick orr one'S blanket; ~ tutkainta vastaan
klck agalnst the prlcks; lapsi makasi lat
tiatta ja potki the ehiid lay klcking on the
rioor; sill ti pitkll potkita that won't
carry one [us, you, them] rar, that won't
take us (1. won't go) rar. potkija klcker.
potkiminen klcking. potkiskella be (1.
keep) klcking.
potku klck; (sysys) knock; vrt. potkaus;
saada potku(t) be klcked out I of . . , Jos
takin], (Jkpv.) get the bounce, be rired.
-kelkka chalr sled (1. coaster). -pallo (Jal
ka-) rootball.
potkuri i. (laivan) propeller, screw(-propeller); 2. (esim. hevonen) klcker; 3. =
potkukelkka, -alus screvtr-vessel. -laiva
(-hyry) screw-steamer; mys = edell.
potkurin Iskseli slialt or a propeller; screwsliart. -lapa I. -siipi blade (I. arm) or a
se rew( -propeller).
potra (mainio) rine, splendld, capital;
poika a good (1. Iine I. splendld) rellow,
(Jkpv.) a trump, a brick, a good scout.
poudistaa: alkaa ~ it Is beglnnlng to clear
up, lt Is gettlng brlghter, lt's clearing orr.
poukahdella be bouncing, be bounding;
bounce, bound (and rebound). poukahdus
rebounding, rebound; (luodin) rlcochet.
poukahtaa (re)bound, bounce [back. ta
kaisin]; sprlng up, pystyyn]: (luodista:)
rlcochet: poukahtaa pesst (kipin) pop
(1. riy) out or the rireplace; vrt. ponnah
taa, potkahtaa. poukahuminsn (re)bounding Jne., ks. edell.
poukama (mutka) bend, curve; sweep; (lah

Iiilia .


xu :sXan\ i-, a-iaa sien. mt

y-na^i nar ,



mu f.^ <i ear L *r. aeaier. raer

' ***?/ pysyy mmmtamm .'. _ 3* T*SIf> *7t rj.

-tatu 't-aaif

(Karrs) *r; CkanaLi

fa*. .'*-'.
rt*, kaaa a i-jb raon Kd d_ aer>
r*.>. fks. / -!rr fibm*t. saa il rair _
fae l. '.i**r, {r; oxr ribyxt nm. -M
rv U- n** L ra L dear L aate; veaXter-,
vaaja Vima+.-V:..**; fkiflcaU-) paZaazst;
vri |im)i pai f ia* ka ronuae-teOer.
w'nan wbo teili fortena, aula teli fortanea 'by earda, korteista; by patmiorr.
k*/l*ttt. . m afli by teliin; rorttme*,
br 'practunurj paJjnmry. as a palmlst, as
* t',:Vjim-UtUtit: perata jttttksUt tU ooe
m fortune, (korteista; run me cards for
'/f.* a*vaae <is>r**mu*ro) fortane-tellinr,
taliin* fortune; (kadetti-; palmlstry, ehlr>tnuai>:y : (ennustus; wnat he tbe forlune-teller, ef:.j propbesled, prophecr.
K auttaa nre one's fortuna told 'br, Joi
povi \?,M,tti, breast; (srli) >ap
In the bov,rn of the earth. In the lap of
iiMlf.r earth, In the earth. In the ground,
vrt. maa. -taaku Inside coat-pocket, (In
side; breast-pocket.
Vaagl Prague.
pramaa pompous, gorgeous, ostentatlous,
howy; (mahtipontinen; bombastlc; (ko
mea, uhkea; flne, splendld, grand, Impos
in-, prameilamlnafi paradlng Jne., ka. seur.;
vrt. rnyos pramailu.
pramallla make a frreat dlsplay (1. show)
[of, Jollakin], parade, show off, dlsplay;
(kopeilla) boaat [of. Jollakin], brag [about
, .], vaurit, prlde o.s. [on . .], glory [In . .] ;
rikkaudellaan parade (1. show off) one's
weallh, make a (vulgar) dlsplay of one's
walth, (kerskailla) vaunt (1. boast of)
one' rlche.s; ~ uudmlla hatulla sport a new
liat. pramellu (ostentatlous) dlsplay, ostentatlori, parade. sliow(lness); pomposlty;
(kopellu) boastlng, bragging, vaunting.
pramaua i<oinp(ousness); (loisto) splendor,
(rlory; (pramellu) show(lness), dlsplay;
(kopeus) prlde; maailman prameudet glorles (I. baubles) or the World; riikinkukko
kalkeeea prameudettaan the peacock In ali
lil prlde; tuuralla prameudella vvltli great
piimi) and clrcumstance, (loistolla) In (1.
wlth) great splendor, in great style.
prammlpurja (rner.) topgallant sali.
predikaatintyte (klol.) predlcate complelimnt;
tubltantllvl predikaatintytteen
prmllnitn nouti, predikaatti (klel., mal
mi) prndlrato.
pressenstsl) (klel., kcstm) present
(tenso); kon/unktiivin (the) present
Miilijuiictlvi'. -muoto present tense.
prejudikaatti (ennakkopts) precedent.
prtmlUrl (tnat.) flrst nlght.
pranikka (alkup.) Russian ginger cooky;
(kuv. kunniamerkki, rlntaraha) decoratlon, (pilkall.) gewgaw, hauble.
preparaatti (valmlsto) preparatlon; mikros
kooppinen -" sl lelu.
prapositslonl (klel., etusana) preposition,
preiuyieriuinen (a. ii s.) Presbyterlan.


tjltL- .. ii a t&e! prefent
Ljri^j :f a ^resaaeav mmi
ite te a ael ;eeBma; ; pres.ienSia!
Tie :/
Tziir^e^xa. DTi* , t r_rst iadj ot tbe
_an>i_ at sissa z cae Wirte Boc>ePrxtaa.
pnaa r^rfi-ras*, r^-<:as, prtme, <A)
x^3Bt>er cc*. eemmjeriemmtM irtsX creamery
tftotr. laa ai 'tar. first-ciass rooli.
prtmeemtam SQnsmHc: ffii- ^valer on a p.,
tU jaeitSM lAiUt' : aprsx. priiskaaajntaa. pnaakataa spriakiiaa;, spattc.-iiur.
prikaati bnjrade. -kaaraaal bnradier-reneral.
putaat itMlMami ttoef of (a) bnrade. brigacber-generaJ.
priki (-larra) brtg-.
prikka: >iiJm (fta^ Ufmllleen) to a T,
to a bair. (jost eiartly, prectsely.
priaaaaaaaa (ensmkinen laulajatar) prima
dottna; (ensun. niTttelijitir; leading ladj.
priaaaaaa pruxess. priaati (royal) prtnee.
pritma (iirnii) prian.
probleemi (tebtiri; ongelma) problem.
profeatal Iinan ennuitulc*ellinen) prophetle(al). prafaatu propbet.
profaaaari professor. arafeaaorimainen proressorial.
larra rank of a proressor; proressorsbip. -palkka = profassorintoimi.
-rouva proressofs wlfe; (leski) proressor^s
wldow. -toimi 1. -virka professorsmp,
(prfe*Or*S) Cbalr [esim. kreikankielen
pratamaoiiMurirkm tbe Cbalr of Greek].
profiili (sivukuva) profile; (tekn. mys:)
vertical sectlon, (-piirustus) side elevatlon; profiilissa In profile, slde-face. -valo
kuva slde-face portralt, profile picture,
side vlew.
prokuraattori procurator; (1. v. Ybdysv.)
Attorney-General. prokuraattorinapulainen
asslstant procurator.
prokuristi head clerk, confidentlol clerk.
proletaari, proletariaatti ks. kyhlistlinen, kyhlist.
pronomini (klel., = asemosana) pronoun.
pronaai bronze.
prontai- (ybd.) bronze [esim. -katui bronze
age; -kuva bronze flgure]. pronssinen ..
(made) of bronze, bronze [statue, kuvaEatsasj. pronsaita bronze. pronssi tutkone
bronze color.
proomu barge, llghter; (muta-) scow; (Itmerell Ja Hollannissa kytetty) praam.
firoomumies, proomunkuljettaja bargeman,
proosa (suorasanainen tyyli) prose. prooaallinen (kuiva, eprunolllnen) prosaic.
propaganda (aatteenlevltys) propaganda;
raon ~ propaganda by deed.
propelli ks. potkuri.
propsi prop -puut props.
prosentti per cent.; (prosenttimr 1. -lu
ku) percentage; maksaa mrtty liike
voitosta pay a certaln percentage of the
profitS; neljkymment prosenttia veroista
40 per cent. of the taxes; [lainata rahaa]
viiden prosentin korolla loan (1. let out)
money] at flve per cent. -luku 1. -milri
prostitueerata, prostituoida prostltute; prostitueerattu (i. prostituoitu) nainen a pros

prole! ni


proteiini (ryslol.) protein, -alneet protelds,

protestantti Protestant. protestanttlnen Prot
estant [Church, klrkko]. protestanttisuus
protesterata (panna vastalause) protest.
ppotesti (vastalause) protest (rnyos vekselln). -kokous meeting to protest; Indigna
tion meeting:.
protoplasma (alkulima) protoplasm.
provnsori (1. v.) registered pharmacist, proviisorintutkinto (1. v.) examination for
registered pharmacists.
provokaattorl spy employed as a decoy; paid
agent of an autocratic government to Incite
members or a radical political organization
to acts or violence, provokaulonl Inciting
to acts of violence, provoteerata (alheuttaa) provoke; (yllyttaa) incite (to acts of
prystill ks. rehennellu, ylvttell.
psaimi psalm, psalttarl psalter.
psykologi, psykologia, psykologinen ks. ilelu|tieteilljS, -tide, -tleteellinen.
ptruu Whoa! ~ takaisin u IK ill, bilrk1

publikaani (raam.) publican.

pudistaa shake [one's head, patan], give
.. a (good) shake (1. shaking); (kllvaastl)
tOSS; Vrt. ravis taa; ~ hihastaan Shake . .
out of one's sleeve, (kuv.) do . . as easily
as you can turn your hand over, do (I.
make) . . off hand, turn off (1. out) [verses,
runoja] (with perfect ease); Us niikoiltaan throw off the yoke; jotakuta ksivarretta shake one by the arm, shake one's
arm; pudistettava hyvin ennen nauttimista
(laakeohjelssa:) shake well before using.
pudittaminen shaking, pudistella be shak
ing, shake; (be) toss(lng); pudistella mattoja shake carpets, pudistus shake; (pudlstamlnen) shaking; vrt. pnpudistu.
pdote fall (down), come down, drop; (sulstua) tumble [down, alas], plunge [Into
the water, veteen]; (syksy) rush [down,
alas] ; heuoiemeltt be thrown from
one's horse, fall from (1. off) one's horse,
be dismounted, be unhorsed; ~ jaloillten
Tall (i. light) on one's feet, light (1. come
down) like a cat (on his feet) ; ~ jihin
fall through the Ice; ~ moo/urn fall to the
ground, (alas) fall down, come down; pudotcssaan In falling; hatta putos, ( paasta >
the hat fell off; minulta putomi jotakin I
dropped something, I let . . fall, (lulskahtl
kfislstanl) . . slipped through my fingers;
olla putoamaitillaan be on the point Of fall
ing (down), be about (1. ready) to fall,
come very near falling (down).
pudottaa drop, let . . fall ; hyhentns
iii.i(i])ii . ju padotti /ici'oscn the Ice would
not bear up (1. not stand the weight of)
the horse, pudottaminen dropping, pudottautua let o.s. fall, let o.s. down, drop o.s.
(down); (hypftt) Jump down; (syksy)
plunge [Into, jobonkln].
puenta dressing; (verhoaminen) covering,
puettaa have . . dressed; (jollakulla) have
(1. make) one dress; (pukea) dress, puettaminen dressing.
puettu dressed; clothed, clad; ~ knhhatlin
(verhottu) covered (1. decorated 1. adorned
1. decked) with flowers; hyvin ~ well
dressed; hyvin hemumit* (myos:) a
gentleman respectably dressed; ohonkin -,
olionliin putttuna dressed (1. clothed 1. at
tired) In, with . . on, (Junlapukuun) ar
rayed In, Invested In (1. with) [huom. r<rotaan ~ ritari knight clad In armor, armorclad knight; tilkkiln ~ vallanaintn lady
(dressed) In Silk; virkapuhnun purttuna
arrayed in bis robea of office] ; oktiktn -


dressed (up) as, (eksytystarkotuksessa)

disguised as, In the disguise of [eslm.
naiseksi mies a man dressed (1. dis
guised) as a woman, a man in female at
tire; talonpojahxi (I. talonpojan puhuun t
puritana disguised as a peasant, In the dis
guise of a peasant] ; vrt. pukuinen.
puhallella blow, be (1. keep) blowing; ~
sormiinsa blOW (un) one's fingers.
puhillui I. blow(ing); null ilia y. m.) blast;
tfhtaan pillin ~

the blOW

(1. blowing 1.

blast 1. shriek) of the factory whistle.

puhallus! hana blow-off cock, -pllli 1. -putki
(kern.) blow-pipe, -aoitin wind-instru
ment, -tauti (ellnlk.) bloat.
puhallutua I. (antaa puhaltaa) have . .
blown; ~ hevosia let the horses have a
breathing-spell (1. take a breath).
puhalluttw II. (palsuttaa) bloat, make . .
(1. cause . . to be) bloated.
puhaltaa blow; (vllmana) sweep; (tammlpellssft:) buff; ~ huilua play (1. blow) the
flute; ~ hSyrykattila blow off a boiler; ~
jukin ilmaa tayteen (pulllstaa) blow up (1.
inflate) a th.; ~ juoktuun (l&hteu) take to
one's heels, make off (as fast as one can) ;
~ hynttila lammuktiin blow the candle out ;
~ sauupilvi piipumtaan puff (1. blow) a
cloud of smoke from one's pipe; ~ tu/ta
blow (up) the fire, fan the fire; tnn ~
boca tuuli it Is blowing hard (1. there Is a
strong wind) to-day.
puhaltaje (yhd.) . .-blower [eslm. latin~
glass-blower], (solttaja) ..-player [eslm.
huilan flute-player].
puhalummen blowing jne., ks. puhaltaa;
(boyrykattllan) blow-off, puhaltua blow;
(halhtua) evaporate; puhaltua poi* evapo
puhata (prees. puhkaan) = puhkia.
puhdas clean [floor, lattla; band, ksl], pure
[water, vesi; air, lima; heart, sydn], clear
[loss, tapplo; conscience, omatunto] ;
1 1 HI i iiruit tu harrastava) cleanly [in one's
habits, tavolltaan] ; ~ paptrl clean paper,
(Jolle el ole klrjotettu mltn) blank pa
per; puhdatta jlht ks. u-hda-, - totuu*
plain (unvarnished) truth; ~ tula net In
come; voitto clear profit, clear gain,
(netto-) net profit, net gain; ~ uni (solpuhallue II: olla puhalluhtitsa be bloated.

tannolllsesti) pure tone; puhtaal'a muomtnhielella 111 plll'i' Finnish, V I I . selvK; pu/itaa**a kullatta In pure gold, all In gold;
klrjottaa puhtaakii make a good (1. a plain)
copy of, copy . . plain, rewrite, vrt. IdrjotUa.

puhdas henkinen . . With a Clean (1. a fine)

moral spirit; (pubdas) clean, pure, -kielinen . . with pure diction; (olkeaklellnen)
. . In correct language, correct. -klelUyy*
pure (1. purity of) diction, correct lan
guage; purism, -mainemen . . of a good (I.
a blameless) reputation, . . bearing a good
name, . . of good character, respectable,
-maineisuus good (1. blameless) reputation,
good name, good character (1. standing),
respectability, -oppinen sound (in doc
trine); (olkeaopplnen) orthodox, -oppituu
orthodoxy, -rotuincn . . of pure race; (-verlnen) pure-blooded, (alnoastaan elKlmlsi.i i thoroughbred, -rotuisuut purity of
race; pure blood; pure breed, -sydaminen
pure In (I. at) heart, -sydamisyys purity
of heart, -vorinen pure-blooded [Indian,
Indlaani]; (ellmlst, mys:) thorough
bred; (tyslverlnen) full-blooded; vrt. puhdaftrotuinen. -verisyys => puhdarotufsuus.
-vlljelya (bakteerlen) pure culture.
puhde time of day when artificial light Is
needed; candle-light; (bamara) twilight,



dusk; (aamu-) gray [of the mornlng] ;

vrt. aamu , ilta; puhteelta at candlelight, (ilta-) In the twilight (hour), (aa
mu-) in the gray or the mornlng. -hetki
twilight-hour; (aamu-) early mornlng.
-pakinat tvvlllght taik; storles (1. tales)
told at candle-llght. -tyt work at lampllght [at candle-llght].
puhdistaa clean, cleanse, make . . clean; purlfy [the blood, veri] (mys kuv.); clear
[land, maata] ; (ruokota) clean out [a well,
kaivo]; (siivota, siisti) clean up; tidy
up; (kirkastaa) polish, burnisb, rurblsh,
brlghten, (tav. Jollakin karkealla) scour
(up); (pest) wash (up); (sulattamalla,
etenkin rasvoja) render [lard, silavaa],
try out, (tekn.) reflne [copper, kuparia;
sugar, sokeria], (tislaamalla)
(kuv.) purge [from. Jostakin], (pest puh
taaksi) whllewash, (Jalostaa) cbasten [the
soul, sielua] ; hedelmi (perata) plck (1.
look) over frult; ~ ilma purlfy (1. clear)
the air (1. the atmosphere), clariry the atmosphere; itmene valalla clear (I. purge)
o.s. by oath, svvear that one Is not gullty;
hana clean (1. Uress) a Chicken, (sisl
mykset) draw a Chicken ; kuonasta remove the slag, puriry; lamppu (lampun
sydn) trlm a lamp; - plyst (clear rrom)
dUSt, vrt. tomuttaa; [puutarha] rikka
ruohoista clear [the garden] or wceds,
weed [the garden]; [meri] nevoista
clear the sea (I. sweep the sea clear) of
pirates; synnist purge (1. cleanse) . .
Trorn sln; Joku syytt (l. syytksest)
clear (1. vlndirate) one or a charge, whltewasll [ huom. puhdistaa joku kaikesta syyst
clear (1. exoneratc) one rrom ali blartie] ;
syytetty prove the innocence of the accused (man), clear the accused from ali
blame, cxonerate the accused; viljaa vis
kuukoneella wlnnow (I. ran) (the) graln.
puhdistaja cieaner, cleanser; puririer; polisher; reriner; vrt. edell. puhdistamaton
. . (which \vas) not rleaned; (tekn.) unrerined [sugar, sokeri), . . not refined, (raa
ka) raw. puhdistaminen cleanlng Jne., ks.
puhdistaa; purlNcation; rertiricatloil; vrt.
puhdistus, puhdistamo refinery. puhdis
tautua (puhdistua) become clean (1. pure),
get clean, be(come) puriried; (nytt It
sens syyttmksi) clear o.s. [of, Jostakin] ,
exonerate o.s. [rrom a charge, syytkses
t] ; (Jkpv.) clear one's sklrts [or ali blame,
kaikesta syyst], puhdistettu cleaned; pu
riried; (kirkastettu) polished; (tekn.) reTined [sugar, sokeri], (tislaamalla) rectlried [splrits, alkoholi] ; (kuv.) whltewashed;
(krsimysten kautta) chastened.
puhdistua become clean (I. pure 1. clear),
get clean, get clear, be(come) puriried;
(tekn.) be(come) rerined, (tislaamalla) be
rectiried; (kuv.) be(come) cleared [or,
Jostakin], be(come) exonerated [rrom];
vrt. puhdistautua; syytksest be(come)
cleared or (I. vindirated or 1. exoneratcd
rrom) a charge. puhdistuminen puririration, expurgatloii; (syytksest y. m.)
vlndlcatlon. puhdistunut puriried; (puhdas)
pure, Clean; krsimyksen koulussa puh
distunut chastened by (1. in the school or)
surrerlng (1. sorrow); vrt. puhdistettu,
puhdistus purirication; cleanslng; cleanlng
out; (lampun y. m.) trlnimlng; (siivous)
cleanlng up, tldying; (kirkastus) polishlng; (pesu) vvashlng; scourlng; (ras
van) renderlng; (metallien y. m.) rerinlng;
(tislaamalla) rectiricatlon; (kuv.) clearing
[or charge, etc], whltewashlng; chastenlng. -aine puririer, cleanser. -kaivo (llkavlemrlveden) septlc tank. -kone (viljan


y. m.) cieaner; (vlskuu-) wlnnowtngmachlne, winnower. -toimenpide: ryhty

puhdistustoimenpiteisiin lake measures to
clean up (1. out), -ty (work or) cleaning
(1. tldying 1. polishlng Jne.), ks. puhdistaa,
-vala oath or one's innocence.
puhe speech; (juhla- y. m.) address, oration; (puhelu) taik, chat, (keskustelu) conversation; dlscusslon; (kieli) language,
tongue; (puhent) volce; (sanat) words;
puheena oleva . . In questlon, . . in polnt,
(keskustelunalalnen) . . under dlscusslon,
. . under conslderatlon; puheena ollut . .
talked about, . . touched (upon), . . (afore-)
mentloned, aroresald; puheessa ja kirjotuksessa In spoken and vvritten language, in
speech and \vriting, (puhumalla Ja klrjottamalla) by speaklng and vvrltlng; antau
tua puheisiin jonkun kanssa enter into (1.
engage In) ronversatlon itu one; asiasta
on ollut puhetta [meidn kesken] \ve have
talked or the matter, there has been taik
or the matter [betvveen us], the matter
has been diSCUSSed [by us] ; hnen puheen
sa mukaan according to what he says, (va
kuutuksensa) accordlng to his assertion;
johtaa muualle (keskustelu) tuni the
conversatlon In another directlon, change
the SUbject; joutua puheisiin jonkun kanssa
get Into (a) conversatlon wlth, happen to
have a taik \vith: mist on hai Is the
taik (1. the dlscusslon) almut? (kysymys)
uhat IS the question? mit puhetta tm
on (mit lorua) \vhat's ali that sturr you
are telllng me? niill (l. sill) pahein, silt
puheetta vvlth that (I. with such an) understanding, rrom that conversatlon; on pu
heena, ett. .lt is belng talked thai. .n ts
the taik that.., (kerrotaan )people
Is said) that.., (huhuillaan) lt is rumored
(I. Whispered) that .
..on yleisen pu
heena (mys:) . . Is general (1. common)
taik, . . Is generally talked about, (kau
pungissa) . . Is the taik or the town, . . is
talked about everyvvhere; sen puheena ol
lessa (\vhlle) speaklng (I. talklng) oi that.
whlle mentionlng that In passlng; siit ei
ole puhettakaan (silt emme puhukaan) we
are not talklng about that, thafs way orr
the subJect, (ei maksa puhua) no use talk
lng or that, (ajatella) lt is not to be tbought
or, (el kysymystkn) thafs (entirely)
out or the questlon, (mahdotonta) ImposSlble! tunsin hnet puheestaan I recognlzed
hlm by his speech, I knew hlm by the way
he talked (1. spoke), (nestn) I recog
nlzed hlm by bls volce.
puhoeksitullut . . brought up (In conversa
tlon I. durlng the conversatlon), . . that
came up In (the) conversatlon, mentloned.
puhe-elin (anat.) organ or speech.
puheen aihe I. -aine subJect or (I. Tor) con
versatlon, theme of conversatlon, toplc;
lyt jokin puheenaihe (mys:) tlnrl soinethlng to taik about: on yleisen puheeniaiheena (\. -aineena) kaupungilla is a com
mon toplc In (I. Is the taik or) the town.
-alainen . . In question, . . under discussion:
puheenalainen asia the matter (I. the sub
Ject) in questlon.
puheena || oleva = puheenalainen, -ollut: puheenaollut asia the matter In question, the
subJect arorementioned; puhoenaollut hen
kil the said (I. aforenamed) person, the
puheenjohtaja chairman; the chair; preslding
Ofricer; (esimies) president; puheenjohta
jana, puheenjohtajan paikalla (mys:) In
the chair; olla (\. toimia) puheenjohtajana
be (the) chairman, act as chairman, be In
the chair, preslde [huom. hnen puheen

puheenjohtajan paikka


johtajana ollessaan under his rhalrmanship.

\vitli him presldlng, w 1 1 li hlm as cbairman,
uliilc- be \\;i> ehalrman].
puheenjohtajan paikka seat or the ehalrman,
cbairman's seat, chair (or the presldlng
orrtcer). -toimi chalrmansblp, presldency.
-vasara I. -nuija gavel of tbe presldlng
puheenjosa (klel.) part or speech. -parsi
i ui n of expresslon; (sanontatapa) phrase,
(sanantapa) saylng; (Jollekin kielelle omi
nainen) lilluin; on yleisen puheenpartena
is a Common saying. -pai: saada puheenpst kiinni pick up tbe tlnviicl of conversatlon. -vuoro cbance to speak (1. to
taik 1. to say somethlng); (kokouksessa)
the floor; antaa puheenvuoro jollekulle (ko
kouksessa) grant (1. glve) one the rioor,
grant one permission to speak; en ole kyt
tnyt ainoatakaan puheenvuoroa I have
not asked for the floor (1. not spoken)
once; hnell on nyt puheenvuoro be bas
the rioor now, be has the right to speak;
kanalla on seuraava puheenvuoro wh0S6
tuin is It to speak? uho \vill be tbe next
speaker? who wlll have the rioor next?
ottaa puheenvuoro take the floor, rlse (1.
begin) to speak; seuraava puheenvuoro on
hra N:ll (puheenjohtajan Julistamana:)
Mr. N. bas the floor.
puhe halu eagerness to taik (1. to speak);
talkatlveness, loquacity. -hariotus practlce In speaklng [Engllsh, etc.J ; puheharjotuksia (keskusteluharjotuksla) conversatlonal exerclses, practlce in conversatlon.
-hiri impediment or speech.
puheillaolo lntervlew; audience. puheillepsy: kielt joltakulta puheillepsy refuse an audience to a p., reruse to recelve
in audience, refuse to grant . . an
audience (1. an lnterview).
puheinen (yhd.) ks. harva, suuri- y. m.
puhe!! kieli colloquial (1. spoken) language;
language of conversatlon; (tuttavallinen)
kieless (kun englanninkielt tarkotetaan:)
Is used In spoken (I. In conversatlonal)
Englisb. -kone = puhumakone. -kumppani
= puhetoveri. -kuvio flgure or speech.
-kyky faculty (1. povver) or speech;
(lahja) glft or speech, speech; puheky
kyns menettnyt lliarliculate; saada puhe
kykyns takaisin recover one's speech.
-kykyinen . . capable or speaklng, . . able
to speak. -kyvyttmyys inablllty to speak
(I. to use the organs or speech). -kyvytn
lncapable or speaklng, unable to speak.
-lahja girt or speech; (puhuja-) oratorlcal
abillty (1. girt); mys = puhekyky; hnel
l on erinomaiset puhelahjat he has (an)
exceptlonal oratorlcal abillty (1. glft).
puheleminen talklng; cbatting; vrt. puhelu.
puheliaaati Uh an easy flovv or taik; talkallvely. puheliaisuus easy Dow or taik, taik atlveness; garrullty, loquacity. puhelias . .
wltb an easy riow or taik; talkative, loquacious, chatty; (suulas) garrulous; (avo
mielinen) rolliin linnut Ivc; puhelias mies
(mys:) a riuent talker; viini teki hnet
puheliaaksi (mys:) the wlne loosened his
puhelimitse by (1. over the) (tele)pbone.
puhelin telephone; (Jkpv.) phone. -keskus
asema rentral telephone exchange, -kone
telephone (apparatus).
puhella taik, speak; (pakinoida) chat; ~
/onnun kanssa have a taik (I. a chat) with
one, taik (1. chat 1. converse) wlth one,
(puhutella Jotakuta) speak to one [huom.
fiuhellessani hnen kanssaan (mys:) illllng my conversatlon witb blm] ; *j-


nn be bavlng a chat, taik (I. converse)

together; lhemmin asiasta taik the matter over, taik further on (1. or 1. about) the
subject, dlscuss the subject further;
tuttavallisesti (mys:) have a confidential
Chat; siit saamme myhemmin we ui II
taik about tbat later.
puhelu taik; (tuttavallinen) chat; (keskus
telu) conversatlon; colloquy; vrt. kak
sin, vuoro, yksin-, -kohtaus dialogue
scene. -muoto dialogue form, tnterlocutory
form. -osa dialogue part (1. rle); (Jkpv.)
talklng part. -torvi = puhetorvi, 1.
puhemiehist the Speakers [or the Finnish
puhemies (eduskunnan) speaker [usein:
Speaker] ; (Jonkun toisen puolesta pubuja)
spokesman, (kosloretkellii y. m.) go-between. -neuvosto speakers' council [or the
Finnish Dlet].
puhe nytelm spoken drama. -oikeus =
puhevalta, -suomi spoken (1. conversational) Finnish, -svy tone (or volce); ks
kevss puhesvyss In a commanding
tone (or voice), In a tone or command.
-taiteellinen rhetorlcal; oratorlcal. -taito
oratory; oratorlcal art, art or (publlc)
speaklng; (puhetaidonoppt) rhetorlc; vrt.
puhekyky, -tapa manner (1. \vay) or speak
lng (1. or talklng), the way one speaks;
mode or expresslon. -torvi 1. (puhelu-)
speaklng-tube; (esim. teleronln) mouthplece; (huuto-) speaklng-trumpet, (nt
paisuttava) megaphone; 2. (kuv.) mouthplece. -toveri someone to taik to; companion to chat (1. to taik) uitti, -tulva riow (1.
torrent 1. deluge 1. volley) of words; volublllty. -valta volce; right to speak, rlght
to express one's opinion; hnell ei ole mi
tn puhevaltaa asiassa be has no voice in
the matter; menett puhevaltansa (oikeu
dessa) lose one's rlght to appear [before
a Judge]. -vapaus liberty (1. freedom)
of speech, free speech. -vapaustaistelu
struggle to obtaln rree speech. -nellinen
(klel.) voiced 1 consonant, kerake], sonant.
-netn volceless, breathed, surd. -ni
(speaklng) volre; voiced sound. -nne
artlculate sound.
puhina, puhiseminen snuming, snuffle;
(pubkina) purring and blovvlng; (hkin)
gruntlng. puhista snurrie; (puhkia) puff
(and blow), (huohottaa) pant; (Shkia)
uruni; puhista vihasta snort (I. lillut' >
n h anger.
puhjennut . . out, . . In bloom; (auennut)
open(ed); (taudista y. m.) .. luokin out;
(juuri) lehti a lear just out; kukalle . . burst Into blossom; puoleksi nuppu a
hair-open(ed) bud, a bud half-open(ed);
tysin lehdelle puu a tree In full leaf;
viime vuonna sota the war vvhlch broke
out last year.
puhjeta burst, come out; (aueta) open, come
open, unfold, (kukista:) blossom (out),
bloom, blow; (alkaa) break out, break loose;
(ratketa) burst out; esiin burst (1. break)
forth, (esiinty) appear, arlse, come forth;
huokauksiin break into slghs, break out
slghlng; ilmi, ilmoille burst (I. break)
out, break loose; ilmiliekkiin blaze out,
(kuv.) blaze (I. flare) up; itkemn,
itkuun burst out crylng, (kyyneliin) burst
(1. break) Into tears; kukalle, kukkaan
burst Into blossom, burst Into bloom, blos
som out, come out (In blossom); lehdel
le, lehteen burst Into lear, come out In
lear, lear out, leave out, put forth leaves;
punomaan break into vvords, break into
speech, begln to speak, (keskeytt net
tmyys) break the silence; rUmuhuu

tihin burst out In (1. set up) shouts or puhua 1. speak [to one, Jollekulle; of (L
Joy, burst out tn rlnglng cheers, burst In
about), jostakin asiasta; Finnish, suomea;
to cheers; ~ Manomaan burst out, exclalm, froin experience, kokemuksesta; in rlddles,
vrt. puhjeta puhumaan; - valituksiin burst arvotuksilla; loud, kovanisesti] ; (puhel
la) taik [of (1. about), jostakin; polltlcs,
out u alllng, Utter lamentations; kaikki leh
det kukat] eivt ole viel puhjenneet politiikasta; English, englantia] ; (lausua)
(mys:) alt the leaves yilossoms] are not utter; (sanoa) say; (huomauttaa) observe.
out yet; kukat puhkeavat the bloom (1. the remark; (mainita) mentlon; 2. (puhaltaa)
blossom) Is bursting out; lehti on juuri blOW; asiasta lhemmin ks. puheita;
puhjennut the Iciir IS just OUt, vrt. puh
hiljaa speak (In a) low (voice), speak softjennut (hakus.) ; nuppu puhkeaa the bud Is ly (1. under one's breath) ; hyv (l. hy
openlng, the bud blossoms out; paita puh
v sana) jonkun puolesta speak (1. say 1.
keaa the boll is bursting (I. breaklng 1. put in) a good \vord Tor one [vvlth a p.,
openln?), (alkaa vuotaa) the boll beglns to Jollekulle], speak ravorably of one, men
tlon one ravorably; ~ itsekseen taik to o.s..
run (1. to suppurate); pilvi puhkesi ota
sollloquize; itsens pustiin corner o.s.
ntaan the cloudbroke into raln; rokko puh
keaa (tuli- Ja vesirokossa) the rasb comes (In one's taik 1. by what one says), vrt.
out, (esim. lsossarokossa) the pocks appear puhua ristiin; ~ jostakusta taik or [esim.
hnest puhuttiin he as talked ori : ~
(1. come OUt) ; sodan puhjetessa [puhjettua]
at [arter] the outbreak of the war, ulien joutavia, ~ joutavuuksia taik nonsense, taik
[arter] the war broke out; ota puhkesi rubbish, (Jkpv.) say thlngs Just to bear o.s.
taik, vrt. puhua puuta hein; jumalat
the war broke out.
tomia utter blaspbemles, blaspheme;
puhka puff; vrt. puuhka.
jrke, jrkevsti taik sense, speak senpuhkaa = puhkia.
kielill {mam.) speak with tongues;
puhkaiseminen breaklng through Jne., ks. puhuaksemme
Voltairen sanoilla to US6 Volpuhkaista.
talre's words, to quote Voltaire, in the
puhkaista (tunkea lpi) break through; pen- \vordS or Voltaire; ~ laajalti (1. laajasanaietrate; (lvist) bore through, plerce sesti 1. lavean laajasti 1. laveasti) jostakin
(through), puncture [a tlre, kumirengas];
(mys.) expatiate upon; ~ liikoja say (1.
(lk.) lance; (pist reik) prlck (1. cut 1. taik)
(sanoa varomaton sana)
make) a hole [In . .] ; cut open; (pist make atoosllpmuch,
the tongue); (unohtaa it
puhki) put out [a p.'s eyes, Jonkun siimat] , sens) rorget(or
loppuun speak to the
(neulalla) prlck; (avata) open; ~ mtpaise end, conclude one's~ remarks
(kuv.) use the knlfe upon an angry sore; minun loppuun let me flnlsh,[huom.
paise lance (1. open) a boll. puhkaisu Usten to ali I bave to say] ; (kuuntele)
=- puhkaiseminen.
taik through the (1. one's) nose, bave a
puhkaus purring (and blovvlng); pantlng.
nasal twang; omaan pussiinsa speak tn
puhkeamaton unopened [bud, nuppu]; .. one's own lavor [huom. siin hn puhui
not out (yet). puhkeaminen bursting Jne., omaan pussiinsa (mys:) he sald that for
ks. puhjeta; outbreak.
hls o\Mi benerit] ; ~ pahaa jostakusta speak
puhki through, right (1. straight) through; 111 or one, taik (1. gossip) about one, (parlyd ~ knock a hole in, (ulkoa) knock (1. Jata) slander one; ~ Jonkin [Jonkun] puo
dash 1. beat) in, (sislt) knock (1. dash 1. lesta speak lm', (nimess) speak on behair
or, (puolustukseksi) speak in derense of,
beat) out; (murtaa, esim. ovi) break.
plead ror, derend, (hyv jostakin 1. Josta
puhkia (huohottaa) puff (and blow); (l
kusta) speak in lavor or [huom. esim. pal
htt) pant; (hkl) grunt.
puhkoa be plerclng, be puncturing, plerce, jon puhuu sen puolesta, ett hn tulee va
lituksi there are many thlngs which speak
puncture, (lk.) be lanclng, lance; rei
ki johonkin punch holes in, be puncturing, In Tavor or hls being (1. gettlng) elected],
(tervll aseella) be prlcking holes In, speak ravorably or, speak a good word ror,
(tekn.) perforate; ~ jonkun silmt put out recommend, (ilmaisten kannattavansa) pronounce Tor, come out Tor; ~ puuta hein,
a p.'s eyes.
pttmi, ~ pty taik nonsense, taik
puhkua 1. = puhkia; 2. pursua.
rubbish, taik bosh (and nonsense), taik to
puhkuisuus flatulence, wlndlness.
wlnds, (asiatonta) taik oli' the subject,
puhtaaksi II kirjotettu .. copled plaln(ly),
plalnly copled [manuscript, ksiklrjotusj. not taik to the polut; ristiin (sama hen
-kirjottaa copy . . to make lt plaln (1. kil) contradlct o.s., (kahdesta tat useam
legible), copy (. . plalnly). -kirjottaJa one masta henkilst:) contradlct each otber
[huom. hn puhui ristiin (esim. todistajas
who coples [(has) copled], copler, transcrlber; (ammatti-) copyist, copylng clerk. ta:) hls stories dld not hang together (I.
-kirjotus copylng (plalnly). -pesu washlng did not agree 1. dld not Jibe)]; sekai
. . clean.rleansing; ablution; (kuv.) clearing sin (houria) rave (on), taik vvlldly [esim.
or ali blame, exoneratlon; whltewashing. hn alkoi ~ sekaisin (esim. kuumesairaaspuhtaanapito keeplng clean, cleanlng; katu- ta:) he began to rave], vrt. houria & seur.;
jen cleanlng (of) the streets, street- ~ sekavasti (ristiin rastiin) taik (1. speak)
cleaning. -Jrjestelm system or cleanlng. lncoherently, taik dlsconnectedly, ramble
-velvollisuus duty to keep (1. of keeplng) in one's taik, hedge about, not taik plalnly,
vrt. edell. ; ~ siivottomuuksia taik Indeclean.
puhtaanapltiji (katujen, latrllnien y. m.) cencies, use vlle (1. obscene) language; ~
scavenger. puhtaastaan (yksinomaan) ex- suunsa puhtaaksi speak out one's inlnd.
clusively, solely. puhtaasti purely; cleanly, (suoraan) speak in plaln terms (1. vvords)
vvlth cleanliness; (helposti) easlly, readily. [huom. puhu suusi puhtaaksi speak (out)
puhtaus clean(ll)ness; purlty, pureness; your mlnd! say what you tblnk!] ; ~ totta
clearness; (siisteys) tidlness; siveellinen speak the truth; tyhj ks. puhua puuta
hein; ~ valeita teli lies, teli untruths
puhtaus moral purlty, chastlty.
[huom. puhua valeita jostakusta (mys:)
puhti (vauhti) speed, rate; (llmanveto) draft;
belle a p.J; nens kheksi taik O.S.
(vireys) push, go, activlty, vlm, splrit; h
ness on puhtia he Is Tuli of go; vrt. vauhti. hoarse; puhumattakaan (mitn) siit, ett
puhto- (yhd.) ks. netto-.
. . to say nothlng or (1. not to mention) the
puhtoinen => puhdas.
ract that . . , (huolimatta) apart rrom (1. lr



respectlve of) the Tact that . . , not takin?

Into consideration the Tact that . .; asia pu
huu itse puolestaan lt speaks for ltself, the
matter is perrectly evident (1. plaln); hn
ei puhunut thn mitn he hari Iiottllng tO
saj' to thls (1. to that) ; hnest puhuttaessa
(In 1. whlle) speaklng or him, whlle talk
in? (1. wblle the taik is) about him; hn
puhuu huonosti suomea he talks Finnish
poorly, he does not speak Finnish vvell, he
talks (1. speaks) poor Finnish, (murteelli
sesti) he talks broken Finnish; kirjassa pu
hutaan kalastuksesta the DOOk IS (1. tells)
about fishlng; kirjassa puhutaan tarttuvis
ta taudeista (kirja ksittelee) the book
deals wlth (1. treats or) contagious dlseases; koho kaupunki puhuu siit (mys:)
it is the taik of the (whole) town; me em
me puhuneet siit (mys:) we did not dlsCUSS (1. not go Into) that; onhan siit kuul
tu puhuttavan well, we bave heard lt talked
or (1. about); thafs what they say ; so they
say; saanko puhua pari sanaa kanssasi may
I have 8 Word Wlth you? sanaakaan puhu
matta without saying (1. breathlng) a word
(1. a syllable); siell Cl. siin) paha, miss
(siit) puhutaan (sananp.) taik or (1. mentlon) the devil and he Is sure to appear;
siit ei en puhuta mitn (mys:) t lie ro
is no more taik (1. mention) or it; lkm
me puhuko en siit (asiasta) wc wtll say
no more about lt, let us drep the subject;
l puhu siit mitn don't speak oT (1. say
anythlng about) lt, don't mention lt, pass
that by (1. over) in sllence, (Jkpv.) mum
is the vvord!
puhuja (publlc) speaker; speechmaker;
(kauno-) orator; juhlassa esiintyi useita
puhujia there were a number or speakers
at the celebratlon, several persons (1. gentlemen) spoke (1. delivered addresses) at the
banquet. -kyky 1. -lahja oratorlcal abillty
(1. girt); abillty (1. power) as an orator.
-kykyinen . . with oratorlcal abllity, . . with
abillty as a speaker (1. as an orator). -lava
platrorm; (puhujanistuln) rostrum. -taito
ks. puhetaito,
puhuma' harjotu: puhumaharjotuksia tralning in elocutlon (1. in public speaklng) ;
vrt. puheharjotus. -kone talklng-machlne,
puhumaton unable to speak, lncapable or
speaklng; speechless, tongue-tled; (myk
k) dumb, mute; (amer. suom. = englan
ninkielt taitamaton) unable to speak EngUsh; menn puhumattomaksi lose one'S
speecb, be deprived (1. lose the po\ver)
or speech, be struck dumb. puhumattomuua speechlessness; dumbness, muteness.
puhuminen speaklng jne., ks. puhua, puhumiataito 1. = puhetaito; 2. = puhekyky,
puhutella: jotakuta speak (1. taik) to (I.
w!th) one, address (1. accost) one, (terveh
tien) greet one [on the Street, kadulla] ;
~ jotakuta joksikin eall (1. style) one . .
[esim. puhutella jotakuta neidiksi eall (1.
stvle) one a lady] ; puhuteltaessa when (1.
on being) addressed (1. accosted 1. spoken
to); he puhuttelevat toisiaan they are talkIng to each other, they are converslng, (sa
novat) they eall each other [brother, vel
jiksi], they speak or each other as [brothers, etc.]; miksi hnt puhutellaan hOW 13
he styled? what title am I to give him?
by (1. under) what tltle shall I address him?
sill aikaa kun puhuttelen hiukan issi
whlle I speak (I. have a word) wlth your
fatber. puhuteltu addressed, accosted,
spoken to; puhuteltu henkil the person


puhuttaa (Jotakuta) get one to taik. (tarkotuksella saada tiet Jotakin) draw one out.
puhutteleminen (Jonkun) speaklng (1. talklng) to Jne., ks. puhutella.
puhuttelu adrtress(lng); kytetn puhutte
lussa is used in addrcssing people; vastata puhutteluun answer when (one is) ad
dressed (1. spoken to), answer when anyone speaks to one. -sana term (1. noun) or
address; (Joskus:) pronoun of address.
puhvell(hark) bufralo.
puhvelinll metsstys bufralo-hunt(lng). -nah
ka burralo-skln; (turkikseksi valmistettu
na) burralo-robe.
puhvi (sanomalehti-) purr.
puida 1: riiht (\. etoa) thresh (the
grain), thrash; 2: ~ nyrkki jollekulle
shake (1. double up) one's rist at a p. (1.
at a p.'s race).
puidenpalvelus trec-worship.
puijaaminen cheating Jne., ks. seur. puijata
cheat, trick, deceive; gull [one Into . . ,
Joku tekemn Jotakin] ; vrt. petkuttaa,
puijaus (petkutus) cbeat(lng), trlckery;
puikahdus sllpping (ofD; slinking, sneaking; vrt. pakoon, puikahtaa = pujahtaa.
puikea oval; elliptical; (pitkulainen) oblong,
. .' longer than lt is broad; (kasv.) ovate
[lear, lehti], egg-shaped. pulkeamalnen
ovallsh, ovalold.
pui keli us = puikeltaminen, puikahdus.
pui kelo (kasv.) spadlx.
puikeltaa (kiemurrella) wlnd (In and out),
wlnd along, (liikkua puikeltaen) wrlggle
(about); (kiit) run [away (1. orr), tie
hens], whisk; mys = puikkia, puikelta
minen winding (along) Jne., ks. edell.
puikkelehtia wlnd in and out [among the
crowd, vkijoukossa] ; pois (l. ulos) jos
takin wind (1. twist) one's way out or.
puikkia: pakoon (hpeissn) skulk (I.
slink) away, (salaa) sneak (1. steal) away,
(esim. krmeest puhuen:) wrlggle away,
vrt. seur.; - tiehens (ptki) run (1. skulk
1. slip) away, be (1. make 1. hurry) orr, bolt.
puikko pln; skewer; (nappula) peg; (tikku)
stick (mys esim. lakka-); (hammas)
prong, tooth; vrt. sukka.
puimall kone threshing-machine, thresher.
-mies thresher. -osuuskunta copcrative
threshlng association.
puimaton not threshed, unthreshed. puimavarsta riall. puiminen puinti.
puinen wooden, . . or \vood; (yhd.) . . or . .
wood [esim. kova~ or hard \vood] ; kova~
rattia (tav.) hard-wood rioor.
puinti threshlng, thrashing; nyrkin- shaklng one's rist [at one. Jollekulle] .
puiseva woody [flber, kuitu; stem, varsi],
llgneous. puisevuus woodlness; Woody
puistaa ks. pudistaa.
puistattaa: minua I am shlverlng (ali
over), I am shuddering, I fecl a shiver (1.
a shudder); (vilustaa) I'm shaklng with a
Chili, I have a Chili; minua puistatti kuul
lessani .. (mys:) a shiver (1. a shudder)
went down my spine when I heard . .; tyt
t puistatti sit nhdessn the glrl Shuddered (1. gave a shudder) at the slglit or
It, the slght or It made the glrl shiver.
puistatus shudder, shiver; (vilunpuistatus)
nt or shlverlng; (Jkpv.) the shlvers; (v
ristys) shaklng; quiver.
puistikko (small) park; (lehto) grove. -katu
= puistokatu.
puisto park; grounds; (kaupungin sisll,
katujen risteyksess y. m.) square, -alue
land reserved Tor a park. -Istutus park (1.
grove) that was planted (1. set out); (pen


5 2

sas-) shrubbcry. -katu boulevard; avenue

bordered w!tli trees. -kytv 1. walk in
a park; 2. walk bordered wltb trees.
puiukasvava . . covered (1. grown over)
wlth trees, wooded.
puite: puittett (kehys) rrainc, rramework,
casing, border, rim, (ikkunan) sash(es),
(kuv.) bounds, llmits, compass; ahtaina
puitteilta (kuv.) in a narrow compass (1.
puittaa dart, dash; bolt, hurry ofr: pa
koon dart away, flee, take to one's heels;
vii. puikkia.
puitteinen (yhd.) \vitii a . . rrame, framed
in . . [esim. kulta~ wlth a golden rrame,
framed in gold].
pujahduttaa sllp: pass .. stealthlly.
pujahtaa slip, sllde; (hiipi) sllnk, steal, sneak ;
~ huoneeseen sllp (1. glide 1. slide) Into the
room, (varkain) steal (I. sneak) Into the
room; piiloon sllp (I. steal) Into a hldingplace, steal (1. slink 1. sneak) away; Wehens sneak (1. sllnk 1. steal) away, skulk
orr, vanlsh; ulos, pihalle steal (1. sneak
1. slink) out; siihen on pujahtanut virhe an
error has rrept (1. has sllpped) In there.
pujoke (kyslllite) spllce.
pujoparta polnted beard, Vandyke beard.
pujotella 1. -- pujottaa; 2. pujottautua.
pujottaa thread [through (1. on) . . , Johon
kin]; pass .. through; (pist) put (1.
thrust) [one's arm into one's sleeve, kten
s takinhihaan]; (vet) dravv . . through;
helmi lankaan strlng beads, (metallilankaan) strlng beads on a wlre; ~ lanka
neulaan (1. neulan silmn) thread a needle. pujottaminen threading jne., ks. edell.
pujottautua sllp
nm hetvveen, vliin],
sllde; sllnk; (hiipi) steal [away rrom,
(pois) Jostakin] , sneak; rreep; (kiemurrel
la) wrlggle [out or, (ulos) Jostakin]; pu
jottautua vkijoukon lpi thread one's way
through the crowd. pujottautuminen slipping Jne., kS. edell. pujottelu I. = pujot
taminen; 2. ^ pujottautuminen, pujotus
threading [through 1. on].
pukahtaa: ei puhunut eik pukahtanut did
not say (I. utter) a (single) word.
pukama bump; protuberance; tumor; (pai
se) boll, abscess; vrt. per-'.
pukari hiilly; (porho) big rellow, big gun;
vrt. P~, tappelu-.
pukata push, shove; poke; (syst) thrust;
kumoon push (1. shove) . . over, knock
. . over, upset; ~ jotakuta kylkeen poke
one in the side (1. the rlbs), nudge one.
pukea dress; clothe; (etup. Juhlapukuun)
attlre [In], array [In]; (sopia) suit, rit,
be becomillg; ajatuksensa sanoiksi clothe
one's thoughts In (1. put one's thoughts
into) vvords (1. language), (ilmaista) give
expresston to (1. flnd words Tor 1. express)
one's thoughts; itsens dress (o.s.) [as
a down, klovniksi], (Jkpv.) dress up;
morsian(ta) dress (1. attlre 1. deck) abride;
~ plleen, ylleen put on one's clothes,
gct (o.s.) dressed, dress (o.s.), don [one's
robe or Office, virkapuku]; valepukuun
dlsgulse . . I as] ; hnen ylleen puettiin kaapu
he was Invested with a gown (1. a frock);
leninki pukee hnt (hyvin) the dress is
becomillg to (I. becomes) her; vaatimatto
muus pukee hnt modesty sults her vvell,
modesty adorns her. pukeet dress, attlre;
pukeitta dressed: vrt. pukimet, pukematon
undressed, unclothed, not ali (I. fully)
dressed. pukeminen dresslng Jne., ks. pu
kea, pukeumlnen = pukeutuminen.
pukeutua dress (o.s.), put on one's clothes,
get (o.s.) dressed, dress up (o.s.), niake


one's tollet; get Into one's clothes; hun.

tutin put on a veli, wear a veli; ~ joh
tikin dlsgulse o.s. as a . . [huom. pukeutua
naiseksi (mys:) dlsgulse o.s. in womens
clothes (1. In female apparel); naiseksi pu
keutunut miet a man dressed up (1. disgulsed) as a woman, a man in the dlsgulse
of a \\ liinan, a man In women's clothes] ;
jonkin muotoon take (I. assume) the form
(I. the shape) or; kiirettti dress hurrledly, (Jkpv.) Jump into one's clothes;
koreisiin dress up (o.s.), deck (1. adorn)
o. s., make o.s. smart (1. trlm); maitiin
dress in black, wear black, vrt. seur.;
surupukuun dress In (I. put on) mourning,
go Into mourning, wear mourning; vale
pukuun disguise O.S. [as]; virkapukuun
(-sa) don (1. put on) one's robes or orrice;
hn ei ole viel pukeutunut, she has not yet
made her tollet, she is not dressed yet; hn
pukeutuu erittin aistikkaasti she dresses
in very good (1. in exqulsite) taste. pukeutumaton undressed, not dressed (yet).
pukeutuminen dresslng; tollet.
pukimet dress; tysiss pukimissa ali (I.
Tully) dressed. pukine artlcle or dress (1.
or wearing apparel), garment; (puku) dress,
apparel, attlre; pukineet clothes, dress,
suit, garments, ralment; vrt. edell.
pukin ii haju smell or goats; goatlsh smell.
-kaltainen goatllke; goatlsh.hlrclne. -nahka
(parkitsematon) goafs skln, (parkittu)
goatskln. -nahkainen (. . or) goatskin. -parta
goafs beard; (ihmisell:) goatee. -sarvi
goafs horn. -sorkka buck's Toot; (kuv.)
cloven foot (1. hoor).
pukkaus push(lng); shove; (esim. kylkeen)
poke; (nyhjys) nudge.
pukki (elint.) buck, he goat, (jkpv.) billygoat; (teline) horse; vrt. saha, -silta
trestle(work) bridge, trestle.
puksipuu (kasv.) box; (puulajina:) boxwood.
puksls bump! thwack! whack!
puku dress, suit (or clothes), costume; gar
ments, ralment, apparel; (vaatteet) clothes;
(tav. Juhlallinen) garb, attlre, array (kalk
ki kolme mys kuv.); (verho) clothlng,
coverlng. -huone dresslng-room.
pukuinen (yhd.) dressed in
In a . . suit [huom. frakki . . in a dresssuit, . . in (Tuli) evenlng dress; silkki . .
(dressed) in sllk; virka . . attlred In (1.
invested wlth) one's robes or Office] ; vrt.
puku! kangas materiat (1. cloth) Tor dresses,
dress-materlal, dress-rabrlc. -kuosi rashion
(In dress). -neulomo (naisten) dressmaking shop (1. parlors); vrt. rtlinverstas.
-parsi ks. vaateparsi, -tanssi costume
dance; vrt seur. -tanssiaiset I. -tanssit
rancv-dress party, fancy( -dress) ball.
pula pinch, strait(s); (ahdinko) dirriculty.
embarrassment, trouble; (pulma) awkward
(1. trylng) sltuatlon, scrape, predlcament,
dilemma, quandary, (Jkpv.) flx; (ht)
pllght, dlstress; (kriisi) crlsis: (pakkotila)
exlgency; auttaa pulasta help . . in an exigency (1. a pinch 1. a quandary), puli
. . through, vrt. auttaa; joutua pulman get
Into a scrape (1 a Dx 1. a mess), get Into
lii 1 liru 11 ies, vrt. joutua [huom. tiesin jou
tuvani pulaan (mys:) I knew I as going
to be in tor lt] ; pahassa pulassa, pahem
massa kuin pulassa harii (I. sorely) pressed
(I. put to lt). In sore (1. dire) straits.
(Jkpv.) in a bad flx; vrt. liike, ministe
ri, raha y. in.
pulahdus pliimp, plop; plunge; (molskahdus)
splash. pulahtaa plump, plop; plunge [into
the water, veteen] ; (molskahtaa) splash.
pulahtaminen plumping Jne., ks. edell.

pulikka - palikka.
ks. pullomainen. -tulppa stopper (Tor a
pulikoida dabble; (s)plash [ in the water, ve
bottle); (korkki) cork.
dess], pulikoiminen dabbllng; (s)plashtng. pulloll poski nen ks. pulleaposkinen, -suppilo
pulina (s)plashing; (lorina) gurgle. puli
(kemistin) separatory runnel.
seminen (s)plashing, gurgllng. pulista pullottaa I. (olla pullollaan) be purred up
(s)plasb; (lorista) gurgle.
(1. out), be bulging, bulge out, stand out;
pulituuri shellac varnlsh.
be blovvn up, be distended, be inriated;
pulkka pulkha, pulk(a), Laplander's sled. posket pullottavat the cheeks are purred
puikko (astia) rask, barrel.
up (1. out), the cheeks bulge out, the
puilahdella - pullahtaa, pullahdutslla (Jo
cheeks are purry.
takin) send up (1. out) clouds (1. purrs) of pullottaa II. (panna pulloihin) bottle.
... purr [smoke, savua], blow; make .. pullottain by the bottle(rui).
vvhlrl up, send . . wblriing up. pullahtaa pullottava bulging, purred up (1. out); prowhirl(up), swirl; (esim. savu) purr, (esiin) tuberant; distended, inriated; pullottavat
pop up [to the surface, pinnalle], come silmt bulging eyes, pop-eyes.
up: vrt. pulpahtaa.
pulma (valkeus) dirriculty; (pula) dilemma,
predlcament, quandary; (kriisi) crlsls;
pullakka (rather) plump, chubby; (pyreh
k) roundish, rotund; (pullistunut) bulg- (pulmallinen kysymys) dirricult (1. delicate) questlon; problem; vrt. pula. pul
ing; vrt. pullea, pullakkuus = pulleus.
pullea plump, chubby; (pyre) round mallinen (vaikea) dirricult, hard [problem,
(-shaped), roundish, rotund; (pakkolnen) ratkaistava]; avvkvvard: crltical; (arka
bulging, distended, Inflated; kukkaro luontoinen) delicate; (vaikeasti selvitett
rulHl.vvell-rilled l.rat) purse; - lompakko v) hard to solve; (mutkallinen) compllplump pocket-book, pocket-book sturred cated, complex, intricate [matter, asia];
(hmmentv) puzzllng, perplexlng; (kiu
rull; vatsa big (1. iarge) stomach, dis
tended abdomen; palleat posket chubby sallinen) embarrasslng, annoying, troublesome;
pulmallinen asema dirricult (1. avvk
rheeks. -naamainen fat-faced, chucklefaced, (leiklll.) . . with a race like a Tuli vvard) position, crltical sltuatlon; pulmal
moon. -poski nen chubby-cheeked, full- linen kysymys dirricult (1. complicated 1.
eheeked; (pullo-) .. \vith bulglng cheeks. intricate 1. delicate) questlon (1. problem),
-vatsalnen . . wlth a big paunch, pot-bellled, a hard problem to solve, (Jkpv.) a tickllsh
question (1. problem), a hard nut to crack,
. . \vith a distended abdomen.
In a complicated manner, in
pulleus plumpness, chubblness; (pyreys) apulmalliseni
puzzllng vvay, so as to be hard to solve;
roundness, rotundity; (tytelisyys) rull- lntricately.
pulmallisuus dirriculty; avvkness; (pullistus) bulging.
criticalness; delicacy; complexpullistaa (laajentaa) dlstend [the stomach, vvardness;
complication, intricacy, intrtcateness;
vatsaa], expand; (pingottaa) stretch (out); ity,
perplexlng) rharacter. pulma(puhaltamalla) blow (I. purr) out [one's
stralts, dilemma, pinch, (Jkpv.) liv,
cheeks, poskensa], (tuulesta:) rill [the paikka
tight place; (eptietoisuus) perplexlty,
sails, purjeet]; (puhaltaa Ilmaa tyteen) puzzle,
(vaikeus) dirriculty,
inriate, blow up; (paisuttaa) swell, bulge; t roulile; quandary;
vrt. pulma.
(kohottaa) heave; ~ rintaansa (hengitt pulmunen embarrassment;
mll sisn) expand one's chest, (mahta pulpahdella be bubbling; (kuv.) bubble up;
vuuden tunteesta) swell up (1. out) one's vrt. pulputa; pulpahteleva iloisuus bub
chest, purr up (with importance). pullisuchcerrulness. pulpahdus sprlnging
minen distending Jne., ks. edell.; dlstention, bling
(1. poppjng) up; (esille-) springlng (1.
expanslon; Innatkin, pullisuutua purr up. vvelling)
pullistua be(come) distended [wlth . .], dls pulpahtaa rorth.
spring (1. pop) up; (porehtia)
tend, be(come) expanded, expand; be(come) bubble (up) ; esille spring rorth, vvell
Inriated; bulge out, (purje tuulessa:) belly, rorth (1. out), gush out, riovv out; pulpah
rill, (esim. posket) purr up; (paisua) swell ti julkisuuteen (kuv.) leaked out.
(out); (kohota) heave; ~ u/o* (silmist
kansi top (1. lid) or a desk, desk
puhuen:) stick out, pop out, bulge out. pulpetin!
top. -laatikko desk-dravver.
pullistuma sweliing; bulge, purry (1. purred - pulpetti
up) place. pullistuminen distending Jne.,
pulppuileminen vvelling (I.
ks. pullistua; dlstention, expanslon; lnria- pulppuaminen,
bubbling) up Jne., ks. seur. pulppuilla,
tion. pullistunut distended [bladder, rak
(up); (esille) vvell
ko], expanded; inriated; purreet up, blown rorth, vvell out; bubble
(virrata) riovv; (porista)
up; pullistuneet posket distended (1. purred - puri, gurgle. pulputtaa
(tr.) make . . (1.
up) Cheeks. pullistus = pullistaminen,
. . to) vvell up (1. bubble jne., ks.
pullistuminen, pullistustauti = puhallus- cause
tauti, pullistuttaa cause . . to expand (I. pulppuaminen. pulputus (pulppuili!) bub
dlstend 1. bulge out I. swell), make . . in
(1. vvelling) up; vvelling rorth (1.
riated; tuuli pullistuttaa purjeita the vvind bling
s \vells (l. riils 1. bellles) the satls; vrt. out); (lorina) puri, gurgle.
good(1. rine-)looking, trlm; smart;
dressy [suit, puku]; (siro) handsome,
pullo bottle; riask; (pieni, apteekki- tai la- vvell-built;
. . or commanding
boratorl-) vlal, phlal. -asetin 1. -hkki stand stature, . . or (komea)
physlque, stately; (upea,
(1. rack) ror riasks. bottle-rack. -kori crate uhkea) rine, rine
elegant, magniri(1. wickerwork basket) (Tor transportatlon cent, grand; hevonen
or large bottles). -lasi bottle-glass, green horse,
trlm-bullt horse; mies a rine-lookglass.
lng (I. splendid-lonklng) rellovv, a man or
pullollaan: olla ~ ks. pullottaa, I; posket ~ rine physlque; sehn nytt pulskalta
with the (1. one's) cheeks purred up (1. vvell, that looks rine (I. grand), that makes
out), one's cheeks purred (1. blovvn) up, a rine show; vrt. komea, pulskasti splenwith blovvn cheeks.
dldiy, magniricently; rine(ly); elegantly.
pullollinen liottlelul, bottle [or wine, vii
pulskea - pulska, pulskeus good (I. rine)
ni], pullomainen bottle- (1. riask-) shaped, looks, commanding stature, rine physlque,
bottle-llke; (luonnont.) ampullaceous.
trlm bulld, statellness: elegance, splendor,
pullon || kaula neck or a bottle. -muotoinen grandeur. pulskl = pulska.




pulskia plump! plunge! (Jkpv.) kerplump!

pulskistua grow better lookin?, jtow handsomer, lmprove In looks (1. In appearance).
pultti bolt.
pulveri powder.
pumaata (voide) pomade, pomatum.
pumeranssi pomeranssi.
pumpata ks. pumputa.
pumppu I. (vesi-) puinp.
pumppu II. (kasv. = ers kurpitsalaji)
pumpkln; (Jttilis-) Winter squash.
pumppuaminan pumplng.
pumppu asema pumptng-statlon, pumpbouse. -kalvo \vell \vlth a pump. -kone
pumplng-englne, pump. -laitos (-asema)
pumplng-statlon; (pumppu-) pump.
pumpula pompon.
pumpuli (puuvilla) cotton.
pumpuli- (ybd.) ks. puuvilla-, -hame cotton
skirt. -ruuti guncotton: pyroxylln(e).
pumpun- (yhd.) . . or a pump, pump- [esim.
-Itku stroke or a pump; -lpp 1. -venttiili
valve or a pump, pump-valve; -mnt
pump-plston]. -putki I. -torvi plpe (of a
pump). -vipu I. -kampi pump-handle.
pumputa pump; draw [water out or a well,
vett kalvosta] ; tyhjksi pump . . dry.
puna red(ness); (helakka) scarlet; (karmosllnl) crlmson; (terveyden-) ruddlness,
(tilapinen, kasvoilla y. m.) blush; terveyden potkilla the glow of health (1. a
good color) on the cheeks.
puna- (yhd.) . . wlth (a) red . . , red- [esim.
-kukkainen . . wlth red flowers, red-flowered; -marjainen . . \\ itli red berrles; -neninen red-nosed, . . wlth a red nose; -rintalnen red-breasted] .
punaamaton unpalnted. punaaminen reddenHiK Jne., ks. punata.
punall-apila red clover. -hehku red heat;
redness. -hehkutnen 1. -hehkuva red-hot.
Punahilkka (sadussa) Uttle Red RidingHood.
puna: hohteinen glowing wlth red, . . wlth a
red glow (1. gllmmer). -huullnen . . wlth
Cherry llps. -Ihoinen I. (a.) copper-colored,
. . wlth a red skln, (Indlaanelsta:) redsklnned, copper-colored; (punaverinen)
ruddy, rublcund. II. (s.) redskln, red man.
punainen red [palnt. maali; clay, savi] ; (tu
li-) crlmson, scarlet; (purppuran-) purple; (punastunut) riushed; (P)~ rltti (yh
distys) Red Cross; punaiseksi maalattu
. . palntcd red.
Punalnen-merl Red Sea.
punaisenruskea reddish (1. ruddy) brown,
(tumma) maroon; russet; auburn [halr,
tukka]; bay [horse, hevonen].
puna Juovainen . . \viili red strlpes, redstriped; . . wlth red streaks, . . streaked
with red. -juurl(kaa) beet, red beet. -kam
pela (ellnt.) plaice. -keltainen orange,
reddish yellow.
punakka red-faced, ruddy(-raced), rubl
cund; blowzed,blowzy. -kaavolnen ks. edell.
punakkuus ruddlness; roslness; vrt. punaposkisuus.
puna! kuumennus heatlng .. red-hot. -Hitu
red chalk, (piirustus-) red crayon. -maa
lata palnt . . red. -maali red palnt; (-mul
ta) red ocher, ruddle; (punainen Ihomaall)
rouge. -multa red ocher (1. ochre). -nahka
(Intiaani) redskln. -nauhalnen . . wlth red
bands (l. rlbbons). -parta man wlth a red
beard. -partainen . . with a red beard.
-poski I. (a.) = punaposkinen. II. (s.) rosycheek. -poskinen (tytist:) .. wlth rosy
cheeks, rosy-cheeked, . . wlth cheeks Uke
peaches; (miehist:) ruddy- cheeked, (pu
nakka) ruddy-faced, red-faced. -posklsuus


rosy cheeks, roslness (1. rosy color) or

one's cheeks. -puu (kasv.) redwood. -rintasatakieli (ellnt.) robln, redbreast. -ruskea
punaisenruskea. -sinerv Violet; purple,
hellotrope. -sipuli (red) onlon. -sokea
. . unable to distingulsh red; (vrisokea)
color-bllnd. -sokeus lnablllty to distin
gulsh red.
punasteleva blushlng [brlde, morsian], pu
nastella (be) blusb(lng), keep riushlng.
punastua blush [at . . , jostakin; Tor sbme,
hpest], redden, riush, color (up) [wlth.
Jostakin], turn crlmson; vrt. punertua;
korviaan myten TlUSh (1. blush) to one's
earS; saada joku punastumaan make out'
blush. punastuminen blushlng, flusbtng, colorlng(up). punastusblush(lng),riush(lng).
punata make . . red, redden; (vrjt punai
seksi) dye (1. color) . . red, staln . . red;
(lhomaalllla) palnt . . red.
puna takki redcoat. -takkinen . . In (1. \vith
1. wearlng) a red coat. -tauti (bloody)
dysentery, bloody flux; (nautaelimiss)
Texas fever. -tautinen dysenterlc; . . affected wlth Texas fever. -tukkainen redhalred; red-headed. -tuikku (ellnt.) bullfinch.
punaua red colorlng; (lhomaalllla) red palnt,
rouge; mys = punaaminen.
puna: verinen ruddy, rublcund; . . \vlth a
fresh color; red-faced; blowzy; vrt. pu
nakka, -viini red wlne; claret. -vri red;
(-multa) red ocher, ruddle.
punehtua = punastua.
punerrella punertaa, punerrus red (1.
ruddy) glow; redness, red. punertaa 1.
(tr.) color (1. dye) . . red, palnt . . red; 2.
(vivahtaa punaiseen) lncline to red, bave a
shade of red (In It); be shot (1. tlnged)
wlth red; mys = punertua.
punertava shot (1. tlnged) with red; somevvhat red, reddish; ruddy [glow, loiste] ;
(tukasta puhuen:) sandy; auburn. -tukkai
nen . . \vlth sandy halr; . . \vith auburn halr.
punertua grow (1. turn) red, redden; (turn)
crlmson (1. purple); flush.
punike, punikki name for a red covv.
punkka (malto-) lo\v wooden keg (1. tub)
[to keep mllk In]; (pesu-) tub.
punkki (Juusto- y. m.) mlte; (puunti)
tlck; (tiet.) acarld.
punnerrus balanclng. punnertaa (volm.)
balance, polse.
punninta welghlng; (kuv.) dellberatlon,
punnita welgh [graln, viljaa; the reasons,
sylt]; balance, polse f. . In one's hand,
Jotakin kdessn]; welgh out [a pound
or fish to a p., naula kalaa Jollekulle] ;
(maanm.) level, take the level (1. gradlent)
or, take (1. run) the grade or; (kuv.) welgh
(in one's mlnd), turn over In one's mlnd,
(tuumia) conslder, ponder, dellberate [upon] ; ~ tananta, ~ sanojaan welgh one's
words (vvell); punnittu ja kykiseksi ha
vaittu (kuv.) welghed In the balance and
found wantlng; ottaa atia tarkoin punnitakteen take a matter under (1. into) carerul conslderatlon; tarkoin atiaa punnittu
anta after due conslderatlon, upon mature
dellberatlon, arter thlnklng lt over well.
punnitseminen welgbing Jne., ks. edell.;
(kuv.) conslderatlon, dellberatlon. punnitsija welgher; (maanm.) level(l)er, a surveyor to take the grade [or].
punnitus (punnitseminen) welghlng (out);
(maanm.) level(l)lng, taklng the grade(s).
-kone (maanm.) level(lng-lnstrument).
punnus weigbt.
punoa twist; (kiert) twlne, (silkki)
throw; (kehrt) spin (togethcr); (kutoa)



weave; (kuv.) make up, concoct, Invent;

~ juonia, ~ vehkeit concoct SChemes, in trigue. cabal, plot; ~ kytt make rope;
~ valheita make up (1. Invent) lles, fabrlcate; ~ yhteen twist together; Jonkin
ympri twist (I. tuinc 1. wlnd 1. weave) . .
around (1. about) . . . punoja ks. kydenpunoja, punominen, punonta twlstlng, twining; (kuv.) fabricatlon, concoction, invention. punonnainen, punontainen I. (a.)
twlsted. II. (s.) punos.
punoa twist; twlne; (nyri) cord; kehitt
punoksesta iiutttisl, ravel. -teot 1. -ty
twlsted work.
punottaa be red(dened), be flushed (wltb
red); (punertaa) be shot (1. tlnged 1.
touched) \vltli red; (loistaa punaisena)
tflow (1. shliie) (witli) red, havc a red glow ;
posket punottavat the cheeks are rosy (1.
flushed 1. flushlng); taivas the sky glows
red (1. is reddened), there is a flush (1. a
red glow) in (1. on) the sky, there Is a rosy
(1. a scarlet) riush (1. glow) on the sky;
vrt. punertaa, punottava reddened [sky,
taivas], glowlng (with red), flushed, flushing. punottua, punotus = punertua, pu
punoutua twist, become (1. get) twisted (1.
entongled); (kierty) twine; (kuv.) rlse,
ensue, evolvc [rrom, jostakin] ; keskustelu
punoutui pitkksi the dlscussion became
long drawn out (I. becamo spun out at
great length), vrt. sukeutua, punoutuminen
twlsting Jne., ks. edell.
punssi (Swedish) punch.
punssi- (yhd.) punch- [esim. -lasi punchglass; -malja punch-bowl],
punta pound (steriili?).
puntari steelyard; (vaaka) scale(s), balance(s). puntarinkoukku hook of a steel
yard, steelyard hook.
puntarp (kasv.) foxtall.
puntti package, (etup. Engl.) packet; (nip
pu) bundle; panna punttiin make up Into
(I. tie up in) a bundle (1. a package).
puodin- (yhd.) store-, . . of a Itlie] store
[esim. -ikkuna store-window; -ovi door of
the store]; (etup. Engl.) shop- [esim.
-ikkuna shop-window; -oi>i shop-door].
puola I. puolukka.
puola II. (kmi) spool, (ompelukoneessa y.
m.) bobbin; (pyrn) spoke; (tlkapuissa)
rung, round, rundle.
Puola (Puolanmaa) Poland; Puolan (usein:)
Polisli [esim. Puolan kapina the 1'ollsh rebelllon].
puolaaminen spoollng.
puolsin ks. puolukka.
puolalainen I. (a.) Pollsh. II. (s.) Pole,
Polish (language). Puolanmaa Poland.
puolapuu (pyrn) spoke; (tikapuitten)
round, rung.
puolata spool. puolaus spooling. puolauskone spoolcr, spoollng-machine.
puoleen: ja toiseen now in one directlon,
now In another, froin one side to the other,
(edestakaisin) to and fro, (Joka puolelle)
In ali dircctlons; katsoa jonkun look
toward(s) a p., (kunnioittaen) look up
to a p.; tst ~ (puolin) hereafter, arter
thls, from now on. In (1. for) the ruture.
puoleensavetv attractive [appearance, ul
komuoto] ; wlnsome, pleasing, engaglng.
puoleinen: 1. jonkin ~ (Jollakin puolella,
Johonkin pin oleva) sltuated on the . .
side, sltuated (1. lylng) to(\vards> the . . ,
looklng (out) towards the . . , racing the . .
[esim. jrven ikkuna window looklng
(out) tonards the lake, wlndow facing the
lake: jrven ~ pelto the fleld sltuated to35


ward the lake; mantereen ~ sltuated (1.

looklng) toward(s) the shore; meren ~
racing the sea; tmn ~ sltuated (1. located) on thls side, looklng this way, rac
ing thls side] ; 2. (Jotakuinkin, melko)
rather, somewhat, rairly, tolerably, pretty
[esim. huonon ~ rather poor, not very
good; lmpimn pretty (1. rather) warm] .
puoleksi hair [out or the wator, ulkona ve
dest] ; by halT; - musta, ~ valkoinen hali
black, hair white; ~ rappeutunut (raken
nus) hair tumble-down, (osittain) partlally (1. partly) dilapidated; ~ sivistynyt
hair-clvlllzed, semlclvlllzed; ~ suoritettu
hair perrormed, hair done, hair rinlsbed,
hair completed; panna ~ halve.
puolelainen (Jonkin puolella asuva) . . llvlng on the . . side, . . livlng toward (1. near)
. . [esim. Duluthin puolelaiset people (1.
those) Uvlng on the Du lu tri side, those liv
lng toward (1. near) Duluth], (Joltakin seu
dulta oleva) . . livlng (1. resldlng) In the
vicinity or (1. in and around) . . [buom.
Helsingin puolelaiset (inyos:) people rrom
Helslngrors and vicinity] ; tmnpuolelaiset
people livlng around here, those livlng In
(1. those rrom) thls part or the country.
puolella: ja toisella on one side as well
as on the other, (kumminkin puolin) on
Iki [il sides; jonkin jollakin ~, jollakin ~
jotakin On the . . Side or [bUOm. Englannin
kanavaa on the Engllsh side or the
Channel; foen tll on thls side or the
river] : minulla on oikeus puolellani JUStlce
(1. rlght) Is on my side, (laki) the law is
on my side (1. Is wlth me), (olen oikeassa)
I am In the rlght; olla jonkin ~ (esim. eh
dotuksen) be in ravor or, ravor, (kannat
taa) support [huom. olla voiton have the
upper hand, have the advantage, have the
bctter (or, Jossakin), be on the wlnning
side, (esim. kaupanteossa) be on the sare
side, be maklng somethlng] ; olla jonkun
~ be (I. stanU) on a p.'s side, sido (I. take
sides) \vith a p. [huom. hn on meidn
puolellamme (mys:) he is \vitll US] ; Tam
pereen ~ (seudulla) around (1. m the vi
cinity OD Tammerfors; vasemmalla ~ on
(1. at) the leit side (1. hand); vrt. puoli.
puolelle: jonkin jollekin ~, jollekin ~ jota
kin on the . . side or [esim. joen tlle ~,
tlle - jokea on thls side of the river] ;
menn vihollisen ~ go over to (tbe side or)
the enemy, (karata) desert to the enemyCs
side); ruveta (1. asettua) jonkun (Jota
kuta kannattamaan) declare (o. s.) ror (1.
In ravor or) one, come out (I. take a stand)
Tor one, Side Wlth one; tulkaa meidn puo
lellemme come over on our side (I. to us).
puolelta: joka rrom evcry side, from ali
around. (nkkannalta) rrom every angle,
rrom every polnt or view [huom. hykt
kimppuun joka ~ attack . . on ali sides (1.
on every Side); katsella (\. tarkastella)
jotakin joka ~ (mys.) examlne . . careTully] ; . . on suuri vika minun puoleltani
. . Is a great Tault of mine (1. on my part);
idin on the mother's side, (Joskus:)
rrom the mother's side; vrt. seur.
puolen: jonkin jollakin ~, jollakin ~ jotakin
(puolella) on the . . side or [huom. haudan
tuolla (\. toisella) ~ on the other side (or
the grave), beyond the grave. In tbe Oreat
Beyond, over yonder; tll aitaa (on)
thls side or the rence] ; jollekin ~ (puo
lelle) on the . . side [huom. tlle ~ on thls
side, over here] ; joltakin ~ (puolelta) rrom
the . . side [esim. vrlt - rrom the
wrong side] ; kahden ~ (kummallakin puo
lella) on elther hand, (Jotakin) on each (1.
elther) side or, ks. mys: kahden; milt



~ tahansa asiaa katsottaneihin 1)0 matter

rrom what angle you look at the subject
(1. at lt), whatever vlew of tbe matter you
take; vrt. puoli,
puolen]! Kokoinen . . hair as large (as lt used
to be); hair (the orlglnal) slze. -pito taking sldes (1. slding) [wlth one], taklng [a
p.'s] part; (kannatus) support, countenance; (puolustus) defense; (puolensaplto) hoidin? one's own [agalnst]. -pitj
one who takes sldes [wlth] ; (puolustaja)
. . \vho would defend, derender; hnell ei
ole ketn puoitnpitj he has (l. there
Is) no one to take sldes with hlm, there Is
no one to take hls part (1. to be on hls
side), (puolustajaa) he has no one to derend hlm.
puolenpivn aika noon(tlme), noontlde,
mldday. -juna noon traln. -vuoro (ty-)
noon shirt.
puolentuopinpullo (1. v.) plnt bottle (1.
puolasta (hyvksi, edest) Tor, In ravor or.
In behair or. In the lnterest or; (nimess)
on behair or. In the name of; (suhteen) In
regard to, as to, as regards, rogardlng, In
respect to, In; jonkun ~ ror one, In (1. on)
behair or a p., In (1. on) a p.'s behair, In
the lnterest or a p.; me puolettamme we,
ror (1. on) our part; (taas) \ve, agaln; we,
however; \ve, moreover; we, on the other
hand; mink se ei kelpaa In what re
spect is lt useless (1. worthless 1. unnt);
minun puolestani TOT (1. on) my part, as
rar as I am concerned; muotonsa ~ as to
the form. In (respect to) form, as regards
the rorm, vrt. muoto; omasta puolestani
for my ovvn part, [I . . ,] ror myseir, on
my ovvn behair, (mit minuun tulee) as
rar as I am concerned; [terve] nunniin ja
sielun ~ [hale] In body and mlnd; sek ~
ett vastaan both ror and agalnst, botb pro
and con, ror as we!l as agalnst; totuuden
Tor the truth, In defense or the truth.
puoleton tavaton.
puoli I. (s.) side; (puolikas) hair; (osa)
part; (seutu) nelghborhooU; (asian) polnt;
(nkkohta) polnt or vlew, aspect; (lak.
= asianomainen) party; (yhtln, mys:)
mernber; puoleksi, puolella, puolelle, puo
lelta, puolen, puolesta ks. hakus. ; puolet
(asia) partles [esim. riitelevt puolet (rii
ta-) the contendlng (1. opposlng) partles,
the partles in the lltlgatlon], (Jostakin)
(a) hair, one hair, nrty per cent. [esiin.
puolet voitosta hair ot the proTIt; menetti
puolet omaisuudestaan lost hai f of hls Tor
inne; sin saat puolet siit you wlll get
haU or lt] ; puolillaan vett hair rllled \vlth
(1. half rull of) water; puolin ks. hakus.;
puolta isompi (kahta kertaa) tvvlce as large,
as large again; puolta vhemmn hair as
inuch, less by (a) hali'; asialla on puolensa
there are rriore ways than one or looklng
at the matter, (hyvt puolensa) the matter
has Its good polnts, (asia on oikeutettu)
the case has Its Justlflcatlon [but . . , mut
ta . . ] ; asiassa on kaksi puolta there are
two sldes to the questlon (I. to lt); hyv ~
good polnt, ravorable side [huorn. sill on
se hyv ~, ett se on . . (etu) lt has the
advantage of being . . , lt has thls In Its
ravor that . .], vrt. hyvS; hnell ei ole mi
tn puolta siin asiassa there is no cliance
(jkpv.: no show) ror hlm In that alTalr;
kello ~ yhdeksn (at) hair past eight; mei
dn puolessamme (seuduillamme) In our
nelghborhood, in our part or the country,
where we Ilve, around us; on parantunut
puolella has lmproved a hundred per cent ,
is twlce as good, [runs, etc.) as well agaln-


panna puoleksi, panna puoliksi halve, (Jkpv.)

make lt rirty firty, go nrty rifty [on] ;
piv [y] on puolessa the day [the nlght] Is
half spent (1. gone), lt Is noon [midnlght] ;
tm ~ pitj thls part or the parlsh.
puoli II. (a.) half; [nukkua] puoleen pi
vn [sleep] tili noon, [sleep] untll (1.
up to) noon; puolessa vuodessa ( uitin r
hair a year, inside hair a year; ~ kuukautta
hair a montb, a fortnight; nautaa voita
hair a pound or butter; ~ pulloa samppan
jaa a hair-bottle or Champagne, a split
Champagne; ~ valtakuntaa hair of tbe em
pire (1. tbe klngdom); hn viipyi siell
<\. puolen) vuotta he stayed (1. remalned)
there half a year; kaksi ja puoli penikulmaa
two mlles and a half, two and a hair milesvrt. puoli, I.
puoli- (yhd.) hair- [esim. -antura hair- sole:
-tunti hair-hour] ; (puoleksi, puolittain) hair
[esim. -kuollut baK dead; -piloillaan balf
Joklngly; -virallinen hair orriclal], (osit
tain) partlally, partly [esim. -kuuro partlally dear; -sulanut (ruoka) partlally (I.
partly) dlgested] ; (muodolllsemmassa tai
tleteellisemmss kieless) semi- [esim.
-virallinen semlorflcial; -ympyr semlclrcle], (harvemmin:) deml-, heml- [esim.
-jumala demlgod; -pallonmuotoinen hein, spherlc(al)]. -alasti hair naked. -alaston
hair naked; puolialasto\mana, -min ks.
edell. -apina (elint.) lemur. -askel (mus.)
hair step. -hansikas mltt. -herra would-be
gentleman, shoddy arlstocrat. -hullu half
mad, (vhmlellnen) half-wltted; (Jkpv.)
crazy, cracked. -humalainen hair drunk,
tlpsy. -hmr early twlllght (1. dusk);
puolihmrss (aamulla) when lt was not
yet rull day. -ivallinen hair lronlcal. -kansi
(laivan) poop.
puolikas half; ~ olutta a pint-bottle or beer
arkin ~ half or a sheet, hair a sbeet.
puolill kasvuinen hair-grown. -kolmatta two
and a hair; puolikolmatta tuntia (mys:)
two hours and a hair. -kuntoinen ralrly.
good, medium, mlddllng, passable, mediocre. -kuolias: puolikuoliaaksi hair dead.
(esim. piest) withln an lnch or one's lire.
-kuu hair-moon; (alkava kuu; mys Tur
kin valtakunnan merkkin:)
-kuurimuotoinen crescent-shaped, semllunar. -kylpy bath In whtch only (the lower)
part or the body Is Immersed. -kymment
(about) rive. -kyps half ripe: (leivst:)
hair-baked; (lihasta y. m.:) hair done;
(kuv.) ra\v, crude. -knns hair turn;
puoliknns oikeaan (VOlm.) rlght turn'
-lahonnut hair (1. partlally) decayed. -lapa
nen mltt. -lihava (klrjap.) black race. -maa:
puolimaissa half-way, mld\vay, (keskipal
koilla) In the miildle or. -matka: puolimat
kassa half-vvay [bet\vcen Boston and Chlcajfo, Bostonin Ja Chicagon vlill], -m
dnnyt hair rotten; putrescent. -mki: puolimess, puolimkeen hair-way up [down]
the MH.
puolin: ~ ja toisin In one respect as well as
(In) another, (molemmin puolin) on both
Sldes ; kumminkin ks. kumpikin; kummin
hyvns elther way, vrt. kumpi; molem
min ~ (Jotakin) on each (1. elther) side
of, ks. molemmat; tst ks. tsfedcs.
puolinainen hair; (puolivalmis) hair done (1.
ready), hair rinlshed: partly rinlshed, unrinished; (eptydellinen) Incomplete, Imperfect: (riittmtn) lnsufflclent; (niuk
ka) rather short, meager; (laimea) hairhearted; toimenpide hair-measure. puolinaisesti haU; Incompletely, Imperrectly
Insurriclently; meagerly; hair-heartedlv'.
puolinaisuus lncompleteness, Imperrection;



insurriclency; meagerness; half-heartedness.

puolineljtt tbree and a lmir.
puolinen 1. (puoli) about hair; puolisen
vuotta about half a year; 2. (puollplvaterla) luncb(eon); (pivllinen) dlnner;
heti puolisella II Ktlt ai ter lunrli.
puoli li nuotti (mus.) Mali' note, minlm. -pallo
hemlsphere. -pensas (kasv.) undershrub.
-pilotti nair-fare tlcket. -pime I. (a.) balf
dark; darkened [room, huone]; (hmr)
dusky. II. (9.) semidarkness, half-darkness; dusk. -piste semlcolon. -pohja liairSOle; SOle; panna puolipohjat kenkiin hali
sole (1. sole 1. resole) a pair of shoes. -poh
jata half-sole; (re)sole. -pohjaus hair-solhik, (re)sollng. -plliini majolica. -pukeet:
puolipukeissa (oleva) hair dressed. -pullo
(1. v.) plnt bottle; small bottle. -pyre
semicircular; semlcylindrlcal.
puolipiv noon, noonday, mldday; (tbtlt.)
meridian; Jatkeen puolenpivn alter noon
[lyb. P. M. J. p. p.], vrt. iltapiv, -aika
noontlde, noon(time). -Jumalanpalvelus (I.
v.) mornlng servlce. -piiri (maant.) me
puoli raaka half raw; (lihasta y. m.;) hair
done; (puollvilll) semisavage, liair barba
rian, -raakalainen semibarbarian, hair bar
barian, -rotuinen half-breed, half-blood.
-saapas half-boot. -selke (ilma) dlm; (tai
vas) half clear, partlally clear, parttally
overcast. -silpinen (eliilnt.) heteropteran.
-sisarukset hair-brothers (and balf-slsters) ; he olivat puolisisaruhset She \v:ls hlS
hair-slster, he was her bair-brotber. -sivis
tynyt hair-educated, partly (1. partially)
pintapuolisesti) superriclally
educated; (Jostakin kansasta:) half clvlllzed, semlcivlllzed. -sivistys superrictal
puolisko hair; (harvoin:) moiety.
puoliso spouse; mate, companion; (esim.
kuninkaan) consort; puolieoni (miehen pu
heessa:) my wire, (vaimon puheessa:) my
husband; (aviopuolisot husband (1. man)
and wlfe, marrled couple.
puolisokea hair-bllnd, partlally bllnd; purbllnd. -sukka sock. -sula (metalleista y.
m ) hair molten; . . In a semlliquid State;
(ruoasta:) half digested. partlally digested.
-suunnikas (geom.) trapezlum, trapeze.
-SUUtUSI puolisuutuksissa(an) half angry.
-tainnos State of semiconsclousness; olla
pualitainnohsissa (myS:) lie half UIICOI1sclous (I. Insenslble). -tanko: puolitangos
sa, puolitankoon (lipusta:) at balf-mast.
-tekoinen . . half done (1. ready), half finIshed; vrt. keskenerinen, -tie: puolitiehen,
puolitiett half-way, mldway, (keskipal
koilla) In the mlddle [of ..]. -toista one
and a hair, a . . and a half [esim. puolitois
ta vuotta a year and a halfj.
puolittain puoleksi; (osittain) partially,
partly, In part; ~ valmis half ready. puo
littainen (osittainen) partlal; mys puo
puoli tunnittain half-bourly. -tuumainen
half-lnch. -umpi: puoliummessa oleva =
seur. -umpinainen hair closed, partially (1.
partly) closed. -uni doze; puoliunissa(an)
half asleep, (haK) In a doze. -valmis
puolitekoinen, -valve: puolivalveella (oleva)
half a\vake. -varjo (thtlt.) penumbra.
-vede: puotiveteess (hana) at bair-cock,
(kello) hair wound, . . partly wound up.
-verinen hair-blood. hair-breed. -villainen
hair wool(l)en, llnsey-vvoolsey; (kuv.)
shoddy [arlstocrat, herrasmies], would-be;
puolivillainen kangas (karkea) llnsey-woolsey. -villi hair Wild, hair savage, semisav-


age [trlbe, heimo], (seml)barbarou9. -vuosi

hair-year, slx montbs. -vuosikokous semlannual meetlng. -vuosisata hair century.
-vuosisatais- (ylnl.) semlcentennlal; puolivuosisatais (muisto) juhla (mys:) cclcbratlon or the nrtletb anntversary [or ..].
-vuosittain semlannually, hair-yearly,every
hair-year. -vuotias slx months old. -vuo
tinen hair-year [course, kurssi; Interest,
korko] ; hair-yearly, semlannual. -vikisin
hair rorcibly; almost by rorce (1. by compulslon). -viii mlddle, centre; (matkan)
mldway, hair way; puolivliss In the mld
dle [of], (matkaa) hair-vvay, mldway; tal
vi on jo puolivliss (puoleksi kulunut) the
Winter is already hair gone (1. passed 1.
over). -ympyrinen semicircular; (-py
re) hair roiiiul. -ympyrnmuotoinen semi
circular. -y mldnight; puoliyn aika (bour
or) mldnight; puoliyn aikaan at (1. about)
mldnight; puoliyn aurinko mldnight sun;
puoliyn hetki the mldnight hour, stroke
of mldnight. -neen In an undertone, half
aloud. under one's breath. -ni (mus.)
semltone. -Unti (klel.) semlvowel.
puoli ustaa ks. puolustaa.
puoltaa (pit Jonkun puolta) side with,
take skles \vitii, stand up for; (puolustaa)
derend; (suosittaa) recommend [the adop
tion (1. acceptance) or. Jonkin hyvksy
mist], advlse; (suosia) ravor, be In ravor
or, countenance; (puhua Jonkin puolesta)
speak In ravor (1. In derense) or, speak ravorably or, speak In support or [a motlon,
ehdotusta] ; (kannattaa) support, stand by
(1. behind), back; (ajaa Jotakin asiaa) advocate; vrt. puolustaa; ~ anomusta, - ano
muksen hyvksymist ravor the grantlng
or a request, recommend that the rcquest
be granted, declare (o.s.) In ravor or the
petltlon; ~ {onkin silyttmist recom
mend the preservatlon or, he In ravor or
malntalnlng (1. keeplng) a tb.; hn puolsi
ehdotustani (puhui puolesta) he spoke In
ravor (1. In support) or my motlon, (kan
natti) he supported my motlon; jonkin
puoltamiseksi In derense or, In support or,
(puolusteluksi) In (1. as an) apology (1.
excuse) ror . .; moni seikka puoltaa sen hy
vksymist many thlngs argue (1. speak)
In ravor or lts acceptance, many thlngs go
to show (1. to prove) that lt ought to be
puoltaja derender; (suosija) one who ravors; (kannattaja) supporter, backer; (Jon
kin asian ajaja) advocate [of], puoltaminen
defendlng Jne., ks. puoltaa; advocacy. puol
tava ravorable [report, lausunto]; (Jotakin
~) . . In support or . . , rccommendlng . .;
puoltava sana = puoltosana; antaa puoltava
lausunto jostakin report (1. pronounce) Tavorably on (1. ahout), give (1. deliver 1. ex
press) a ravorable opinion on (1. about),
express o.s. ravorably on (1. about).
puolto derense; (suositus) recommendation;
(kannatus) support, countenance; (puolenpito) (avorlng, ravor; mys = puoltaminen,
-lause recommendation; antaa jollekulle
puottolauseensa give one a recommenda
tion, recommend one. -sana (Jonkin, Jon
kun hyvksi) a word Tor . . , (puolustus*)
a word In [a p.'s, etc] derense; (-lause)
puolue party; (ryhm) raction; (kannatta
jat, puoluelaiset) rollowers, adherents,
puolue- (yhd.) party [esim. -edut party Interests; -elm party IKe; -kuri party disclpllne; -periaatteet party princlples].
puolueellinen partlal; prejudlced, blased
[Judgment, tuomio], interested; partizan



[committee, komltea]. puoluoelliseatl par

tially; with partiality, puolueellisuus par
tiality; unjust (1. undue) favoring, favor
itism; (arvostelussa y. m.) bias.
puolueeriijohtaja 1. -paamies party leader,
head of a [the] party; (porno) party boss.
puolueeton Impartial; unbiased, unwarped,
unprejudiced; disinterested, fair; (erillan
EysyvS) neutral; oikeus (mys:) evenanded justice, puolueettomastl impartial
ly; without bias (1. prejudice); disinter
estedly, fairly; regardless of persons; neu
trally, puolueettomuus Impartiality; dis
interestedness; neutrality,
puoluehallinto party management; execu
tive committee of the party, -henki party
spirit; partlzanship.
puolueittain by parties; (ryhmittain) by
puoluejako party division, division Into
parties. -Jarjesto party organization, -kanta
(Jonkun) [a p. 's] political views (1. sym
pathies) ; mys = puolueva'rl, 1 . -karva =
puoluevKri, l. -kllhko party zeal; partisan
ship; puoluehiihko oli ylimmilln party
feeling ran hlgh(est). -kokous convention
of a party, party convention; political con
vention, -kunta faction.
puoluelainen member (1. adherent) of a
party; (Jonkun) follower, adherent, (kiivas) partlzan [mys: partisan].
puoluellmlea worker In (1. for) a party; party
man, partlzan. -neuvosto party council,
-ohjolma (party) platform; party program,
-olot: moon puolueolot the party situation
in a [the] country, -pukari (kllhkea puoluemles) partlzan, faclionist; (puolueen
johtaja) party boss, one of the bosses of
the party. -rliU party feud (I. dispute 1.
conflict 1. strife); factional dispute (1.
fight), -ryhmltys = puoluejako. -taistelu
= puolueriita. -toveri fellow member of
a party; (soslallstlcn kesken:) comrade,
-vimma 1. -ralvo partizan fury, -vari 1.
(Jonkun henkiln) political affiliations,
vrt. puoluekanta; 2. (puolueen tunnusvarl)
color adopted by a party; [one's] colors.
puolukanvarai cowberry stalk.
puolukka (kasv.) cowberry, mountain-cran
berry; (I'ohJ.-Yhdysv., kauppanimen) llngun berry, -hillo cowberry Jam (1. mar
malade 1. preserves).
puolustaa defend; (suojella) protect, guard;
safeguard; (lleventiiii) be (I. furnish) an
excuse (I. an apology) [for ..]; (osottaa
oikeutetuksl) Justify, warrant; vindicate;
(puolustella, tekoaan y. m.) apologize [for],
excuse; (olla jonkuu puolella) stand by,
stand up for, be on the side of, take sides
with, stand for; (ajaa) advocate, vrt. puoli.. i. - ,-hdystn excuse (1. apologize
for) one's mistake, (seUUiiu) explain one's
mistake; jotakln mitlipidett defend an
Opinion, maintain an opinion; oiheuhsiaan
defend one's rights, maintain (1. vindicate
1. assert) one's rights; ~ oikeuita stand
for Justice (1. for right), safeguard (the)
Justice, (pitita kiinni oikeudesta) adhere to
the (1. to What Is) right; ~ paikkansa jus
tify Its place (1. its insertion) (in the book,
klrjassa] ; ~ vaitasbirjaania defend (1. main
tain) one's thesis; puotustamatta jatttty
(left) undefended; puoluitettavitsa oleva
excusable, pardonable, venial [offense,
rikkomus] ; fa ei ooida ~ (yl. ii sot.) It
is untenable (1. Indefensible), (moraallsestl) It Is unjustifiable, It is Inexcusable,
puolustaja defender; advocate; (suosija)
one who favors, favorer; (kannattaja) sup
porter; (klrkkoh.) apologist; hnell el ol-

/u( hctn paoluttajaa (my US:) there was
no one to defend him; vrt. puoltaja. puolustamaton undefended; (jota el volda puo
lustaa) Indefensible [conduct, kayttytyminen]; unjustifiable [act, teko], Inex
cusable, unwarrantable puoluslaminen de
fending jne., ks. puolustaa; (jonkln asian
ajaminen) advocacy; vrt. puolustus. puolustautua defend O.S.; be (1. stand) on the
defensive [against], (sitkeasti) stand out
[against the enemy, vihollista vastaan] .
excuse o.s. [by Insisting that . . , vittml1ft, etta . .], allege (1. plead) . . as an ex
cuse; vrt. puhdistautua. puolustella (be)
defend(lng); (anteeksipyydellen) apologize
[], excuse; puolustella itsen .mcnettelyn jne.] joltakin apologize (1. excuse
o.s.) by . .-Ing, allege . . as an excuse [for
one's course of action, etc.]; vrt. puolus
taa. puolustln means of defense,
puolustus defense; (olkeuttava) justifica
tion, vindication; (jonkln asan y. m.) ad
vocacy; (puolustusklrjotus tal -pune)
apology; (lleventav selkka) excuse; pnolustuhsehseen han vetosi naoruufeeflM he
pleaded his youth (as an excuse); jwuWn
puolustuhschsi in defense of, to justify (1.
to vindicate) . . , (lleventavana seikkana)
as an excuse for. In excuse of.
puolustus- (yhd.) . . of defense, defensive
[eslm. -as weapon of defense, defensive
weapon; -sota defensive war, war of de
fense], -aseet (mys:) defensive arms,
-asema defensive attitude, attitude of de
fense; (sot.) position of defense, -asento
posture of defense, (miekkallussa) guard;
vrt. edell. -asianajaja attorney for the de
fense, -keino means of defense; (turvakeino) safeguard, -klrja 1. -kirjotus written
defense; apology, -kunto: puolustushunnossa ready (1. prepared) for defense; In
shape to defend o.s. [Itself], -kuntoinen
. . prepared (I. ready) for defense, -laitokaet (valtakunnan ylelset) defenses. -Ilitto
defensive alliance, -mahdollisuus chance
to defend o.s. -puhe (speech for the) de
fense; plea in defense [of . .] ; (vanh.)
apology, -sana word In defense; vrt. puoltosana. -toi ml defense(s).
puoluu = puolaus.
puoml boom.
puoshaka (keksi) boat-hook,
puoskari quack (doctor), charlatan; (jkpv.)
fake. -Ulke quack medicine (I. remedy),
puoskaroida practise quackery, dabble in
medicine; (be) doctor(lng) [a person, jotakuta]. puoskaroiminen quackery, dab
bling In medicine.
puosu (mer.) boatswain,
puoti (kauppa-) store; (etup. Engl.) shop,
puoti- (yhd.) store(-) [eslm. -hinta store
price] ; (etup. Engl.) shop- [esim. -tytta
shop-girl], -huonelsto rooms of (1. for) a
store, store rooms,
puotilainen salesman (In a store), (store)
clerk; (Engl.) shopman, counter-man,
puoti mies I. -palvelija . kauppapalvelija.
-polka store boy, boy employed at a store,
-varas shoplifter, -varkaus shoplifting.
puplna (puola) bobbin,
puraaminen mortising.
puraiseminen biting, puralsin ks. purasin.
puralsta (give a) bite; nip; (koirasta:)
snap; (leikata) cut. puraisu biting, nip
ping; snapping; (purema) bite; snap,
purasin, puras chisel; mortise-chisel, purasinkone = purauskone.
purata mortise, cut (1. make) a mortise In.
purattaa have . . (1. cause . . to be) loosened
(1. undone jne., ks. purkaa); kaorma
have the wagon [the cart, etc.] unloaded;



laivan tatti have the boat unloaded; ~

ptt have a declsion reversed [ huom. pu
ntti (heill) ptksen (mys:) made them
reverse their decisfon] ; ~ vanha rakennut
have an old buildlng torn (l. taken) down.
purauskone mortising-machlne.
pureksia blte; (pureskella) chew, mastlcate
[the rood tboroughly, ruoka perinpohjin],
(hevosesta:) champ [Us blts, kuolalmlaan] ;
~ rikki (poikki) chew (1. gnaw) . . ofr,
blte . . in two, (kappaleiksi) chew . . up (1.
ali to pieces), bite . . to pleces. pureksimet
organ(s) or mastlcatlon. pureksiminen bltlng; mys = pureskelu.
purema blte; cut. -lihas mastlcatory tnuscle; ulompi puremalihat (anat.) masseter.
pureskeleminen pureskelu, pureskella ks
pureksia; (rouskutella) munoh; (nakertaa)
gnaw; pureskella tupakkaa chew tobacco.
pureskelu cbewing, mastlcatlon; champlng.
purettaa: ~ latta chew (1. premastlcate)
the rood for a baby.
pureutua: ~ Johonkin eat Into . . , corrode,
(leikata) cut into [the metal, metalliin];
(tarttua Johonkin) hook on to, cllng (fast) to.
pureva biting, stlnglng; cuttlng [remark,
huomautus], sharp, keen; plerclng; (kat
kera) bitter; ~ iva caustlc satlre; purevan
ivallinen caustlc; pakkanen plerclng- (1.
bitter) cold, nipplng cold; ~ vastaus cutting retort, (samalla ilre) snappish reply.
purevasti bitingly;cuttlngly,sharpry;piercIngly; (Ivallisesti) satirlcally; caustically
purevuus bitlng (1. cutting 1. caustlc) nature; sharpness.
purilaat barrow; (paarit) Utter, stretcher.
puristaa press; (pusertaa) squeeze [a p.'s
hand. Jonkun ktt ; out the Juice, mehu
ulos]; (kokoon) compress [air, ilmaa];
(nipist) pinch [wlth one's ringers, sor
millaan; witb a palr or tongs, pihdeill]:
(likist) Jam; (painaa) weigh down; (pin
gottaa) st rin: (olla piukka) be (too) tlght;
huulenta yhteen (pttvisesti) COmpress one's llps, (nyrpist) purse (1. pucker up) one's llps; ~ kokoon press (1.
squeeze) together, squeeze Into a small
space, squeeze (I. pinch) up, compress,
crush; rens nyrkkiin Clench one'S
flst; ~ nyrkki clench one's fist [at one,
Jollekulle], vrt. puida; - rikki squeeze . .
to pleces, Crush, Squash; ~ rintaansa vas
ten press (suojelustarkotuksessa: clasp 1.
catch) . . to one's breast (1. one's bosom).
press . . to one's heart, (syleill) hug . . to
one's breast; kenk rinnatta the shoe
plnches (1. is too tlght) over the lnstep;
takki ~ rintaani the coat Is too tlght Tor
me across (1. over) the chest. puristaminen
presslng Jne., ks. edell.; (kokoon-) compresslon. puristautua be pressed (1. squeezed)
[into. Johonkin] ; puristautua itint rin
taa vasten (sylilapsi) press close to one's
mother's breast (1. bosom). puristella be
presslng, be squeezlng; press, squeeze; vrt.
puristu; puristella tyttj (Syleill) hug

the girls. puristettu pressed, squeezed,

Jammed; compresscd [air, Ilma].
puristin press; (ruuvi-) clamp; vise. -kone
puristua be pressed (1. squeezed) [together,
kokoon], be Jammed; (Ilma y. m.) be compressed.
puristus presslng. squeezlng; (kokoon-)
compresslon; Ulklstys) squeeze, Jam; (pai
nostus) pressure; press; (sorto) oppres
sion; (Jnnitys) Straln; olla puristuksessa
(\. puristuksissa) be squeezed, be pressed
(together), be tn a squeeze (1. a Jam), be
under pressure, be compressed. -kestvyys


1. -lujuus (fys.) retroactlve tenaclty. -laki

oppresslve law. -ruuvi clamp-screw.
puristuvaisuus (fys.) comprcsslblllty.
puritaani (klrkkoh.) Purltan.
purje sali; tysiss purjeitta with ali salls
set. In ful sail. -ala area (1. spread) or canvas. -alus saillng-vessel, saller.
purjeenompelija 1. -tekij sallmaker.

purjeeton . . without sails, sallless.

purjehdittava (purjehdittavissa oleva) navigable.

purjehdus sailing, navlgatlon; (huvi-)

purjehdus- (yhd.) salllng(-) [esim. -kunto
sailing trlm; -ohjeet sailing-dlrectlons].
-kausi sailing- (1. navlgatlon-)season, (season or) navlgatlon. -kilpailu sailing (1. sallboat) race, yacht race, regatta, -kunto:
olla purjehduskunnossa (vene, laiva) be in
sailing trlm, be ready Tor the sea. -kuntoi
nen (merikuntoinen) seaworthy; (purjehdusvalmis) . . In sailing trlm, ready to sail,
ready Tor sea. -kuntoisuus seaworthlness;
readiness to sali. -matka 1. -retki sailing
tour, sali; (Jonkin salmen y. m. yli) passage; (huvi-) yachting trlp; ottaa joku mu
kaan purjehdusmatkalle (myS:) take a p.
(along) Tor a sali. -seura yacht-club, boatclub. -snt Navlgatlon Act. -vyl 1.
-reitti lairway, (navlgablo) Channel.
purjehtia sail [the sea, merta]; navlgate;
(kulkea) go, run, (ohi) pass, (eteenpin)
proceed; purjehdittavasta kunnotta oleva
ks. purjehduskuntoinen; ~ kumoon capSlze, tip over; ~ maailman ympri sali
around the world, circumnavigate the
globe; ~ mytist sali with a (air wlnd,
sali with the wind, run (1. scud) before
the wind; ~ niemen ympri round (1. double) a cape; [niemen] ohi pass (1. double) [a cape]; pitkin Jonkin rannikkoa
coast along . .; vrll lipulla sali un
der ralse colors. purjehtija one who sails,
sailor; (taitava) navlgator; (huvi-) yachtsman; maailman ympri purjehtija Circumnavlgator or the globe. purjehtiminen sail
ing, navlgatlon.
purjot kangas 1. -vaate sail-cloth, canvas.
-kankainen . . or sail-cloth, canvas [roof,
katto], -laiva salling-vessel, saller. -lanka
twlne; (kre-) packthread. -tuuli (my
ttuuli) ralr (1. prosperous) wind. -vene
sail(ing)-boat; sloop; (huvipursi) yacht:
otata hoitaa purjevenett (mys:) be able
to sati a boat.
purjolaukka (kasv.) leek.
purkaa (Irrottaa) loosen, unloose [the bonds
or marriage, avioliiton siteet], undo [a
knot, solmu], unrasten, untle; (kierteest)
unlash; (repi alas) puli down, tear down
[a huildlng, rakennus], demolish, raze;
(kehitt) ravel, unravel, take out, rlp (1.
tear) up, rip, draw (1. plck) out the threads
or, Tray out; (laukaista) dlscharge; (va
laa) pour out (mys kuv.), pour, shower,
shed: (Ilmoille: kuv.) pour rorth, vent
[one's spite, sappeaan], give vent to; (ruis
kuttaa) throw (out), eject, emit, spout;
(tyhjent) exhaust; (kevent) throw orr,
unburden (mys kuv); (kuorma, lasti)
unload; (kuv. = lakkauttaa, tehd mitt
tmksi) cancel, annul; dlssolve [a mar
riage, avioliitto] ; (peruuttaa) reverse ja
sentence, tuomio], revoke, resclnd, (pyr
t) go back upon; katukivityt take (I.
tear) up the pavement; ~ kauppa go back
upon a deal, cancel (1. resclnd) a bargaln;
kidastaan vomit, belch rorth, splt rorth:
kihlauksensa jonkun kantta toreak olT one'S

engagement with a p.j kuorma unload



[the slelgh, reest], unpack; kytt let

out (a) rope, (kyden sikeit) untulst a
rope; ladelma dlstrlbute the composltlon; lain mrSyM repeal a liw, rescind
a decree; laioa, laivan ltti unload a
boat; liitto dissolve (1. break) an alliance (1. a league); palmikkonsa unbraid one's balr; (pyssyn) pano* take
out the charge; pts reverse a decision. rescind a resolutlon; raivonsa
(esim. myrsky) spend tts fury, spend itself; ~ sopimus call orr an agrcement,
break an engagement, dissolve a contract,
(peruuttaa) annul (1. cancel) a contract; ~
suustaan pour forth [oaths and curses, ki
rouksia Ja voimasanoja] ; sydmens
open one's heart [to a p., jollekulle], (ke
vent) unburden one's mlnd, unbosom
o.s.; ~ tulta spit flre, (tulivuoresta y. m.)
emit flre; tunteitaan pour out one's reelin(fs, (vapaasti) glve free course to one's
emotions, glve vent to one's feellngs, let
out one's reellngs; ~ tuomio overrule (1.
reverse 1. set aside) a Judgment (1. a sentence); vaatetta ravel cloth; ~ vetens
merten (joesta:) discharge Its \vaters into
the ocean, (purkautua) empty (1. dis
charge) Into the sea; vihaansa jollekulle
\iohonkin~\ vent (1. pour forth 1. wreak)
ones vvrath (1. rage) upon, break out upon
one (in angry \vords), (pahaa tuultaan)
visit (1. vent) one's displeasure (1. ill-humor) on, (haukkumalla) shouer (1. pour 1.
hail) (a torrent of) abuse upon . . ; joki
iltn the rlver is throuing orr lts cover
oT ice; kauppa pysyy purkamatta the deal
\vill stand; kihlaus on purettu the engagernent has been broken (ori ) ; silta on purettu
the bridge has been torn down; tulivuori
the volcano is active (1. Is In eruption);
tulivuori ~ laavaa the volcano Is dischargIng (1. is pourlng rorth) lava.
purkaja (laivan-) unloader; (rys.) dlschargIng-rod, discharger; (latomakoneen) dlstrlbutor; kaupan ~ one uho went back on
(1. uho canceled) a deal. purkajaiset (kau
pan tai sopimuksen) cancelation [or a con
tract, etc.].
purkamaton (Jota el voida purkaa) tndissoluble; (peruuttamaton) Irrevocable, lrreverslble; (muuttamaton) unalterable; ~
kauppa a deal vvhlch has not been canceled,
(Jota ei voida purkaa) a deal that cannot
be canceled, a deal that stands; ~ lasti the
cargo uhlch has [had] not been unloaded
(yet); solmu a knot whlch cannot be untied, an lnextrlcable knot. purkamattomasti
lndlssolubly; lrrevocably, irreverslbly; unalterably. purkamattomuus lrrcvocabllity,
irrevocableness, lrreverslbleness. purka
minen loosenlng jne., ks. purkaa; (raken
nuksen y. m.) demolitlon; (ladelman) dlstributlon; (liiton y. m.) dlssolutlon; (p
tksen y. m.) reversal; (peruuttaminen)
cancelation, annulment; lastin purkaminen
laivasta unloadlng of the boat. purkauma
(kankaassa y. m.) a raveled (1. rrayed)
place; (purkaus) outbreak, outburst; erup
tion, purkaumaton (esim. kangas) unraveled; . . vvhlch does not ravel; (kuv.) lndlssoluble, (peruuttamaton) irrevocable; vrt.
purkaua discharge; (raju) burst, outburst;
(puhjenta) outbreak; (tulivuoren y. m.)
eruption; mys = purkaminen; hnen ru
nolliset purkauksensa his poetical efTuslons; raju ~ vlolent outburst (1. erup
tion), (rjhdys) exploslon; vihan purkauk
set outbursts or wralh, rits or anger (1. or
rage); vrt. pilven, tulivuoren, tunteen
y. m. -kone (lastin) unloading-machlne.


-paikka (satama) port or discharge; (-lai

turi) wbarr.
purkautua = purattaa.
purkautua (Irrottua) get (1. come) loose (1.
unrastened 1. unrixed), loosen, (solmusta:)
get (1. come) untled; (kehkeyty, kankaas
ta:) rray, ravel, become (un)raveled; (ha
jaantua) dissolve, be dlssolved, resolve (itseir); (shkst y. m.) discharge; (rjh
ten) explode, burst (out); (Joki y. m.)
empty (1. discharge) (ltselD [Into the sea.
mereen]; (tyhjksi) be(come) exhausted;
(peruutua) be reversed, be annulled, (kaup
pa y. m.) be canceled; (kihlaus y. m.) be
broken orr; (lupaus y. m.) be broken, be
rorrelted; vrt. purkaa; ilmoilla ''eli (1.
gush) out, (kuv.) burst (1. break) rorth;
~ mereen (Joki) empty (1. dlscharg-e) itseir Into the sea, riow Into the sea-, ajatuk
set purkautuivat sveliksi the thOUg/htS
broke rorth (1. Tound expresslon) tn mu
sic (1. in SOng) ; sopimus purkautuu the
agreement wili be canceled, the contract
Wlll be called orr; tulivuori purkautuu tbe
volcano Is In action (1. in eruption 1.
active 1. discharglng); ukonpilvl purkautuu
the electrlc storm Is spendlng lts rurv;
viha purkautuu (puhkeaa) the vvratti bursts
(1. breaks) out. purkautumaton purkau
maton. purkautuminen gettlng loose Jne.,
ks. purkautua; (shkn y. m.) discharge;
(tulivuoren) eruption; (tunteiden y. m.)
outburst; (ptksen y. m.) reversal; (kau
pan y. m.) cancelation; vrt. purkaus.
purkki (lasi- y. m.) jar; bottle; (lakkipelti-) can.
purnu (hinkalo) bln; box.
puro brook, creek, rlll; stream(let), rlvulet.
-lohi (ellnt.) brown trout, rlver-trout.
-nieri (ellnt.) speckled trout, brook-trout.
purpattaa mutter, murmur; vrt. parpattaa,
purpatus mutter(lng).
purppura purple. purppurainen purple.
purppurakotilo purple-shell, purple murex.
purppuran puna crlmson: purple. -punainen
crimson; purple. -vrinen purple(-colored).
purppuravrl purple.
purppurolda (em)purple. purppuroiminen
(em)purpllng. purppuroitua turn (1. be
come) purple; purple (up).
purra bite, (koirasta, mys:) snap [at . . ,
Jotakuta] ; (nipist) nlp, plnch; (leikata)
cut, plerce, penetrate; (pureksia) chew;
hammasta set one's teetti, (rauskutta)
gnash (1. grlnd) one's teeth; ~ huuliaan,
~ huultaan bite one's llp(s), (puristaa ko
koon) compress (1. purse) one's llps; ~
rikki bite in (1. to) pleces, chew up; ~ *npakkaa chew tobacco ; koira puri minua k
teen the dog blt (1. snapped at) my hand
[huom. koira puri minua sreen (mys:)
the dog blt me in the leg] ; vatsaani pora*
I have a sharp pain (1. I have sharp pains)
In my stomach (1. my bowels), I have (the)
pural crart, bark, vessel; (huvi-) yacht:
(vene) boat. -klubi yacht-club; boat-club.
-mies (kauppalaivassa) boatsvvain.
purskahdus sp(l)uttering out; spurtlng- (1.
gushlng) out; (puuska) outbreak, (out-)
burst; naurun ~ burst (I. peal) or laughter.
purskahtaa (ulos) sp(l)utter out; (etenkin
nesteest:) spurt (1. gush) out; itke
mn, ~ itkuun burst into tears, burst out
Crying; nauruun, ~ nauramaan burst
out laughing, burst (out) Into laughter,
set up a laugh, laugh out loud, laugb outright; pilkkanauruun burst into a nmrkIng laughter; veri purskahti haavasta blOOd
spurted from (1. out rrom I. out of) the



wound. purskahtaminen spurtlng (1. gusliIng) out; (nauruun) burstlng (out).

purskue spurt out, gush (out); (riskyit)
sputter; vrt. pursua, purskumlnen spurttng out Jne., ks. edell.
pursu ks. tuo-.
pursui t)a (tihkua) trtcklc, percolate, (esiin,
hitaasti) ooze out, ooze forth; (shisten)
efrervesce, flzz; (vuotaa, valua) riow; .
yli laitatin run over, ovei flow; tie pursuaa
lokaa (1. v.) the road Is sloppy (1. mushy);
vrt. purskua. pursuaminen, pursuminen
trirkllng Jne., ks. edell.
purtilo (kaukalo) troufrli: (laasti-) hod.
puru: Uivan ~ chewed-up bread; vrt. sa
han, vatsan.
puru- (yhd.) cbewlng- leslm. -kam(m)l
chewtng-gum; -tupakka chewlng-tobaccoj.
purua (mrehtijill) cud; (tupakka-) quld,
chew; kumi wad of gum.
pusero blouse; (naisen, mys:) shlrt-walst;
vrt. mekko, -kangas shlrt-walst materiat.
puserrin press.
puserrus pressin?, squeezlng; press(ure);
squeeze, Jani ; puserruksissa alava squeezed
(1. pressed 1. jammed) In.
pusertaa press; (saadakseen mehun, esim.
hedelmist) squeeze, squash; (likist)
Jam; plncb; vrt. puristaa; kokoon ks.
puristaa; Jonkun ktt squeezed. press)
a p.'s hand; mehu taatakin press (1.
squeeze) the Juice out of; rikki ks. pu
ristaa, pusertaminen pressin? Jne., ks.
edell. pusertautua (esiin) be pressed out
(1. forth), (Jostakin) be wrung (1. rorced)
out or (1. rrom); (Johonkin) get squeezed
(1. pressed 1. Jammed) In, squeeze (o.s.)
Into; vrt. seur. pusertua be pressed, be
squeezed; get Jammed (1. squeezed) In; be
(-come) plnched; vrt. puristua; pusertua
kokoon be compressed.
squeezlng; (Johonkin) gettlng squeezed
In; (kokoon-) compresslon.
puskea (esim. pssi) butt; ram; (samalla
haavottaen) pore, (Iske) knock, bump (1.
run) [one's head agalnst, pilansa johon
kin]; (tynt) push, shove; thrust; (kuv.
ahertaa) work hard, toti, (Jkpv.) dtg:
puhki ram a hole in, ram through, (pssis
t:) butt a hole In, (sonnista:) gore;
tyonthrryj push (1. run) a wheelbarrow; tyt \vork hard, toti; vana v
lill launch the boat, shove her out (1. oli) ;
vihojaan jollakulla vent one's sptte (I.
anger) upon a p., (haukkumalla) shovver
(1. rin) (a torrent oD abuse upon a p.;
puskevat toimiaan (pssit) aie buttlng each
other, (sonnit) are drlvlng at each other
head on, (esim. rautatievaunut) are bumping
against each other: putkien (nykhdellen)
by Jerks, by (flts and) starts. puskeminen,
puskenta buttlng Jne., ks. edell. puskeskella be (1. keep) buttlng. puskin (rauta
tievaunussa) bufrer, bumper. pusku butt;
(tynt) push, shove; (puskenta) buttlng,
bumping, pushlpg. puskuri (laivan) ram;
(pnkk) prop, support, brace; (puskin)
buffer, bumper. puskuset: olla puskusilla
be buttlng each other; ruveta puskusille
-i.u t buttlng.
pussata ks. suudella.
pussi bag; (et. ellnt.) pouch; (hioi.) sac;
(skki) sack; (raha-) purse: passit silmien
alla (wlth) pouches under the eyes; takki
on takaa pussilla the coat bags In the back.
-eliin (ellnt.) marsupial.
pussillinen: jotakin a bag (1. a pouch) rull
of (1. fllled wlth) . . . -pussimainen pouchllke, pouchy; (blol.) sacclform.
pUSSl|rotU>: virginialainen OpoSSUm. -tauti
(sikotauti) mumps.


pusu ks. suudelma.

puteli bottle.
putina (wooden) bottle; (leili) flagon.
putinki ks. vanukas.
putipuhdas as clean as can be, perfectly
clean; (paljas) strlpped [or . .], denuded;
halla pani pellon putipuhtaaksi the frOSt latd
the fleld waste, the Frost bllghted the rteld.
putka j.-iii; lock-up; (Jkpv.) coop, cage; jou
tua putkaan laini tn Jall, be (1. get) locked
UP, (Jkpv.) get plnched; panna putkaan lock
up; (jkpv.) put . . tr. the coop.
putkahtaa (tynty) shoot irorth, estin],
come [out, ulos]; (luiskahtaa) glide:
Jonkun ksist shoot (1. gllde) out of one's
putkeni katkaisija plpe-cutter. -laskija plpelayer. -muotoinen tubular.
putki (Johto-) pipe; (kumi-, lasi- tai me
talli-) tube; (kivrin) bore; vrt. johto-,
kauko y. m.
putki- (yhd.) plpe- [esim. -pihdit plpetongs; -puristin plpe-clamp, pipe-vlse];
tube- [estm. -kaivo tube-vvell; -kone tubemachlne] ; (putkilla varustettu) tubular
[eslm.-natrifa tubular boiler]. -Johto pipellne, line (1. condult) or plpe; plplng;
(lyhyt) tublng. -kaivo (tav.) drlven Welt.
putkilo tube; (kasv.) duct, vessel. -kasvi
vascular plant.
putkimainen tubular; tubulate(d).
putkimato (elint.) tube-worm.
putkinen (yhd.) . . wlth . . plpes (1. tubes)
[esim. paksu wlth heavy ptpes (1. tubes)].
putki II tarpeet ptpe-rtttings, ptpe-fixtures.
-viri tube-color, tube-palnt.
putlata (tekn.) puddle.
putlaus puddllng. -uuni puddllng-furnace.
putoaminen 1'allmg (down) jne., ks. pudota;
fall. putoilla be (1. keep) falllng (1. dropplng) down.
putous (vesi-) falls, waterfall, cataract;
Niagaran Niagara Falls.
puu tree; (-aine) wood; (poltto-) flrewood; puusta katsoen (kuv.) by Just glanclng at it, looklng (at lt) rrom a long
range; puut (mys:) tlmber, (poltto-)
WOOd, flre-W00d; joutua puille paljailla be
left empty-handed, be left pennlless (1.
\VlttlOllt resources), vrt. saattaa; lmmit
t huonetta puilla lioat the room wlth
W00d; on kuin puulla phn lyty, on
kuin puusta pudonnut (kuv.) acts as though
he hart been knocked In the head, ts struck
wlth amazemcnt, Is [acts] dazed (1. stunned), (Jkpv.) Is taken alt aback, looks
[acts] as though he had Tallen (1. had just
come down) from the clouds.
puu- (yhd.) (puusta tehty, puinen) wooden
[esim. -lusikka v/ooden spoon; -nuija wooden club; -silta wooden bridge]; (harvem
min:) wood- Tesim. -alkoholi wood-alcohol;
-terva W00d-tar], . . or W00d [esim. -pala
nen picce of wood] ; (kasvavasta puusta
puhuen:) tree- [esim. -kiipij (ellnt.)
tree-cllmber, tree-creeper]. -aine (kcm.)
llgnln(e); puuaineet woocl, lumber. -astia
wooden vessel; woorten dlsh; (tynnyrlmlnen) cask, (pienempi) keg.
puuderl ks. puuteri.
puudua: on puuduksissa Is (be)numb(ed),
has become (1. grown) numb, has gone to
sleep, Is aslcep, (kankeana) ts stiff, (kuv.)
Is stunned; vrt. puutua, puuduttaa (tur
ruttaa) hcnumh; olen puuduttanut kteni
I hnve made mv Hand numb (1. go to
sleep), my hand Is (be)numb(ed).
puuha homma; (tekeminen) dolng(s);
(toimi) Job; (suunnitelma) pian; hnell
on liian paljon puuhaa he Is too tiusy. he
has too mucb to do (1. to see to), he has



too many things on hls liamls, (jkpv.) he

bas too many lrons in the rire; olla puu
hatta be busy [from early tili late, aamus
ta iltaan], be occupied, be engaged, be
employed, (Jkpv.) be on the Job, (aikeessa) be golng, intend, pian [to do a th., teh
d Jotakin], (valmistautua) be gettlng
ready [to]; tt on hntllt liian paljon
puuhaa (vaivaa) tbat vvill cause hlm too
much troubie (I. bottier), (tyt) that wlll
give hlm too much vvork; vrt. muutto,
naimapuuhat y. m.
puuhaaja (Jonkin) one vvho arranged (I.
vvorked Tor 1. tried Jne., vrt. puuhata);
manager. puuhaaminen = hommaaminen;
(puuha) luistie; (vaiva) troubie; pallon
puuhaamitta much to ilo, a lot of troubie
(1. bother 1. work).
puuhaillja bustler; mys = puuhaaja, puu
hailla hommailla; puuhailla jonkin hyvkti (tehd tyt) work Tor (the benent
of) . . , work In behair or . . , (auttaa) help
.. along, give one's asslstance to ..; en
titd, mit tiili puuhailtiin I don't kn0W
what vvas golng on (1. \vas done)
there. puuhailu ks. puuhaaminen, puuhakaa
(touhukas) live, hustllng; (yrittelis) enterprlslng; (totmekas) drlving, pushlng;
actlve, energetlc; (ahkera) busy, lndustrious; (valpas) wlde-awake. puuhakkuus
actlvlty, energy, vim; enterprlse; (Jkpv.)
puuhata = hommata; (tyskennell) vvork
| Tor, Jonkin hyvksi], labor, toil; (pyrki,
yritt) try endeavor, make an effort; (ai
koa, suunnitella) lntcnd [to], be plannlng
[toj ; Jonkun hyvkti work In a p.'s be
hair rimom. hn on puuhannut paljon minun
hyvkseni (mys:) he has done a great deal
for me (I. a lot In my behair) ] ; vrt. puuhail
la; Jonkin hyvksymist try (1. endeavor
I. make an errort) to get . . adopted, vvork
for the adoption (I. the acceptance) or;
Jonkin kytntnottamista, Jotakin ky
tntn try (1. endeavor) to lntroduce (I.
to get . . Introdured) ; Jotakin taadaktten
vvork to get a th., endeavor (1. make an
effort) to get a th.; mit hn puuhaa nyky
n (hommaa) uhat is he doing at present?
puullhevonen I. -hepo vvooden horse; (-puk
ki) wooden trestle. -hiili rharcoal. -hiomo
(vvood-)pulp mlll (1. Tactory).
puuhka inurr; (turkisnahka) fur; (kaula)
rur collar (1. scarf), tlppet, boa. -reunut
trimmlng of rur, rur border.
puu! Jalka \vooden leg; (hltl) stilt; kvell
puujaloilla (hitilll) vvalk on stllts. -Jumala
vvooden Idol; (kuv.) dummy. -kapula
(rounrt) stirk or wood; vrt. kalikka, kapula,
-kenk vvooden shoe; sabot.
metsstys) novvle-knire. -Junkkari a tnugh
(1. bully) ready to knire one. -saha (pisto-)
rompass-savv; keyhole-saw. -aeppl cutler;
hyv puukkosepp (mys.) a blacksmtth
who makes (speclally) good knlves. -viila
knlfe-rile; enterlng-flle.
puukon haava out (I. slash) of a kuiri,
knire wound. -isku slash (I. stab) with (1.
or) a knire, stab. -pii knire-handle. -ter
knire-blade; (terv syrj) edge or a knire.
puukottaa knire, stab (1. slash 1. cut) vvith a
knire, stab. puukottaja one vvho knired (1.
staboeii); stabber. puukottaminen, puuko
tus kntring; stabblng.
puullkuppl vvooden dlsh (I. bovvl). -kuva
vvooden Image; (kuv.) dummy. -laatikko
(wooden) box, case, (harvalautainen) crate;
(polttopuiden silytyst varten) vvood-box.
-laji (kasvavista puista:) kind (1. specles 1.
variety) or tree; (puuaine-) klnd (I. soit 1.


variety) or vvood. -leikkaus vvood-carving.

carving In \vood; vrt. puunlelkkaus. -liiteri
" puuvaja.
puumainen Woody; ligneous.
puumassa (ground) vvood-pulp. -tehdas
( vvood -)pulp mill.
puumerkki mark; (criss)cross; pannat puu
merkkins johonkin make one's mark on,
(kuv.) give . . a mark or approval.
puun- (yhd.) . . or a tree [esim. -haara
branch (1. limb) or a tree; -runko trunk (I.
bole) or a treel.
puunata wax, pollsh.
puunaula treenall, trcnail; (vvooden) peg.
puun hakkaaja vvood-cutter, uood-chopper:
tarvitsen puunhahkaajan I need a nian to
cut vvood (Tor me), -hakkuu cutting (I.
Chopplng) wood; olla puunhahkuutta be
cutting (1. chopplng) vvood. -istutus plantlng (or) trees- -Jalostus maklng or manuTactured products rrom vvood. -knnin
strlp or cloth to carry rire-wood. -kantaja
man to carry (1. to bring) In wooil; .. on
puunkantajana . . is carrying wood. -kanto
1. stump (or a tree); 2. (puunkantaminen)
carrying (or) vvood. -kolominen barklng
the trees. -kuori (kaarna) bark (of a tree).
-leikkaaja vvood-carver. one ho r arvos (in)
vvood. -leikkaus vvood-carving, carving on
(1. in) vvood. -piirtotaito .\ylography. -piir
tj vvood engraver, makcr or vvood -cuts,
xylographer. -pllkkola one vvho chops vvood.
vvood-chopper. -pilkonta chopplng (or)
vvood. -raja ks. puuraja, -sahaaja man to
saw vvood; ( vvood -)sawyer. -sahuu savving
(or) vvood; vvood-savvlng. -ti (ellnt.) tlck.
-olly Impure olive-oll. svveet-oll.
puu paperi paper rrom vvood-pulp, vvoodpaper. -piirros vvoodctit; engravlng on
vvood, xylograph. -pino (halkopino) vvood plle, plle or vvood. -puhaltimet (orkeste
rin) vvood-vvlnds. -p (kuv.) blockhead,
dolt; (Jkpv.) chump. -pllyste (puus.)
veneer (or vvood).
-raja ttmner-llne.
-rakennus Trame bulldlng (I.
vvooden structure.
puuraksl (kem.) borax.
puuro (keitt.) porrldge; mess; (etup. kau
ra-) stlrabout; (etup. maissi-) mush; (mar
ja- y. m.) puddlng: (puuromainen massa)
mash; pulp; (lk. = haude-) poultlce;
vrt. kauraryyni , riisi y. m. -haude poultlre, rataplasm.
puuroinen pulpy; thlrk: vrt. puuromainen,
puurolsuus pulpy conslstency. puuromai
nen . . llke porrldge: pulpy. puuropata
kettle (1. pot) or porrldge (1. or mush).
puurottua Torm a porridge (1. a puddlng):
thlcken. puurovati pudding-dish; dlsh or
porridge (1. or puddlng).
puu ryhm group or trees. -saha savv to
savv vvood: vrt. halkosaha.
puusepp (carpenter and) Jolner; (kirves
mies) carpenter; (huonekalu-) oablnetmaker. -mestari master carpenter.
puusepn- (yhd.) carpenter's, Joincr"s reslm.
-ammatti carpenter's (1. Jolner's) trade;
-oppilat carpenter's (I. Jolner's) apprentlce]. -slli journeyman carpenter (I. Joln
er). -tehdas (huonekalu-) rurniture Tac
tory; (Jossa ovia Ja ikkunoita valmiste
taan) sash and door ractory. -ty carpcnter's (1. Jolner's) vvork, carpenter vvork,
carpentry, Jolnery. -tyhuone carpenter('s)
puuska gust (or vvlnd); blast; (myrskyn-)
squall: (tuulahdus) purr; (tovi) spell;
(puuskaus) fit, attack; puuskassa, puus
kittain ks. bakus.; raivon ~ rit or rage.
-p = puuska; puuskapiss In SquallS,
mys = puuskittain.



puuskaa**: kdet ~ \vilh arms on hips,

wltb (one's) arms aklmbo. puuskaus spell;
(kohtaus) fit, attack; vrt. puuska, puus
kittain hv (1. in) spells, by rits and starts;
(aika ajoin) at lntervals.
puuskua (puhaltaa) purr (and blow); (l
htt) pant; (viuhua) wheezc; vihatta
snort vvlth anger. puuskuttaa purr (and
blow), breathe heavlly (1. hard), pant; an
taa hevosten puuskuttaa breathe the horses,
let the horses take (1. get) a (1. thelr) breath.
puuBsolu xvood-cell. -sorvari wood-turner.
-sorvi latbe for turnlngr wood.
puustakatsoja unlnltlated person; superflclal (1. casual) Observer; outsider.
puustavi ks. kirjain. puusta|villinen, villi
sesti ks. kirjai mellinen, -mellisssti.
puustelli (kruunun-) government-ovvned
farm rented out [in Finland].
puustl blow; knock; punch; vrt. karva.
puu sylys armrul of \vood. -siis spllnter
(or wood) : (vartavasten valmistettu) splint.
puuta (venl. palnomltta) pood.
puu 1 taakka load (1. bundle) or wood. -tai
misto nursery.
puutakasvamaton treeless, bare (of trees);
(paljas) bleak; (autio) barren.
puu talo rrame house, xvooden house; (hir
si-) log-house. -tappi wooden plug; (-nau
la) wooden pln (I. naii), dowel; tre(e)nail;
(puikko) pcg.
puutarha garden; (hedelm-) orchard.
puutarha- (yhd.) garden(-) [esim. -kasvi
garden plant; -kukka garden riovver; -sak
set garden-shears] ; (Joskus:) hortlcultural [esim. -nyttely hortlcultural exhlblt;
-seura (I. -yhdistys) hortlcultural Society].
-kannu (kastelu-) watering-pot (1. -can);
sprlnkler. -kaupunki garden city. -koulu
gardenlng scbool. -kuokka (garden) hoe.
-maa garden-plot ; on hyv puutarhamaata
is sultable Tor a garden. -mansikka (tame)
straxvberry. -multa garden dlrt. -muuri
garden wall.
puutarhamaita garden fence. -hoito garden
lng, horticulture; (myynti varten) truckgardening. -portti garden gate.
puutarhatruisku (garden) sprayer; sprln
kler. -sakset (mys:) pruning-shears.
-tuotteet garden-sturr (I. -truck), garden
produce; garden products. -ty work In
the garden: gardenlng. -veitsi pruningkniTe, (kyrterlnen) prunlng-hook. -vil
jelij bortlculturist; vrt. puutarhuri, -vil
jely* horticulture.
puutarhuri gardener; (Jolla on puutalmlsto)
nurseryman; (puutarhanhoitoa elinkeinona
barjottava) truck- (1. market-)gardencr.
puutasastv (poltto-) ruel-saving.
puutavara Iumber; (raskas) tlmber.
puutavara- (yhd.) Iumber [esim. -markkinat
Iumber market; -yhti Iumber company];
. . or. Iumber [esim. -laji klnd (1. sort 1. variety) or Iumber]. -kauppa Iumber trade,
trade In Iumber; (-liike) Iumber business.
-kauppias Iumber dealer, dealer In Iumber.
-lasti cargo or Iumber; puutavaralastissa
with (l. rarrying) a cargo or Iumber. -liike
Iumber business; Iumber rirm (1. concern);
harjottaa puutavaraliikett be in the (1.
carry on a) Iumber business.
puutavaranvlentl export or Iumber, Iumber
puutavara teollisuus Iumber Industry, lumbering. -tulli duty on Iumber.
puute lack, want; dericiency; (tarve) need;
(puuttuminen) shortage; absence; (puut
teellisuus) derect, f1aw; (vika) fault, drawback; (ht) destltutlon; dlstress; (ky
hyys) poverty, prlvatlon; ehdotuksessa on


puutteita the motion (1. the proposition)

has certain drawbacks (I. derects 1. raults) ;
jonka puutteessa In the absence or which;
kaikenlaiset puutteet privatlons or ali
kinds.dericiencles or ali klnds; kasvatuksen
lack or tralnlng (1. or education); neu
von puutteessa not having (1. not being
glven) (any) advice (on the matter), in
lack oT advice; opettajista on suuri ~
there is a great need (1. lack) or teachers;
paremman puutteessa in the absence of
anything better; se luetaan hnelle puut
teeksi (varjopuoleksi) lt is consldered to
be to his disadvantage, it Is consldered to
be a dravvback to hiin, it is consldered a
derect (1. a fault) \vith (1. in) hiin: varain
puutteessa lacking (the necessary) funds
[he was unable to . . , hn ei kyennyt . .],
in (1. Tor) lack or funds, (lak.) In derault
of payment.
puu teollisuus ks. puutavarateollisuus. -teos
(plece oD woodwork.
puuteri (lhojauhe) powder, race-powder.
-huisku powder-purr.
puuteroida pouder.
puutiainen (ellnt.) tick.
puutikku spllnter, sliver (or wood); stlck.
puuton treeless, bare (of trees); (paljas)
naked, bleak [plain, tasanko] ; (esim. vuo
renhuippu) bald.
puutteellinen derectlve, lmperrect; faulty,
. . full of raults; (riittmtn) Insufflclent,
lnadequate; sanavarasto scanty (1. lim
lted I. meager) vocabulary; vrt. vaillinai
nen, puutteellisesti rtefcctively, imperrectly; raultily. puutteellisuus . . being derec
tive, deTectlveness, imperrectlon; (puute)
lack, dericiency, derect, riavv; (riittmt
tmyys) insurriclency, lnadequacy; (valin
naisuus) scantlness.
puutteen alainen needy, destltute; (hdn
alainen) dlstressed; (kyh) poor, lndlgent. -alaisuus (ht) need, want, destltu
tlon; dlstress; (kyhyys) indlgence, poverty.
puuttua lack, \vant: be dericlent, be wantIng, be lacking, be xvanted, be short; Tall;
(olla kateissa) be misslng; (olla poissa) be
absent; (olla kaivattu) be deslred; (tart
tua) stlck (Tast) [to, Johonkin], cllng [to] ;
~ asiaan (sekaantua) lnterrere (1. meddie)
with (1. In) a matter, take a hand in a mat
ter, (Jkpv.) blltt in; puheeseen piit (1.
sllp) in a word (or two), (keskeytten)
tnterrupt, break in(to the convcrsallon),
(huomauttaa) remark, (sekaantua, Jkpv.)
butt In f liuoin, en voinut puheeseen I
could not (1. I had no chance to) Interrupt
(I. hreak Into the conversation), I could
not get a word In (ertgevvise), (Jkpv.) I
could not butt in ' ; heilt puuttuu hnen
tarmoaan tbey haven't (1. they lack) hls
energy; hnelt puuttuu voimia he lacks (1.
Is lacking in) stremrth; kun sanoja puuttuu
vvhen wordS Tall; krsivllisyytt puuttuu
patlence (1. rorbcarance) Is vvantlng (I. Is
lacking); minulta puuttuu sanoja sit 11maistakseni I have no words (1. I am at a
Inss Tor vvords) to express it, \vorrts (to
exnress It) Tall me; minulta puuttuu varoja
siihen I have not the (necessary) means (at
my eommand), I lack the runds (for It),
(minun el kannata) I cannot nfforrt lt; se
viel puuttuisi I suppose thal's necessary,
too! what next? xvell, I never! siit puut
tuu jotakin there is something lacking in
that, I miss something there, lt is dericlent
(1. lacking) In some way; summasta puut
tuu yksi dollari lt lacks a dollar of the sum,
the amount Is a (1. one) dollar short, I am
[he Is jne.] a dollar short: vhtt puuttui,
ettei hn saanut surmaansa he was very



near (1. he caine wlthln sn ace of) belng

kllled, he hari a narrow cscape, (Jkpv.) he
had a close shave. puuttumaton neverralling, unralllng", never-mlsslng: (lakkaa
maton) Incessant, unceaslng; (alituinen)
perpetual, contlnual puuttuminen lacking.
wantlng; lack, want; absence. puuttuva
dericlent; defectlve, wantlng; (kateissa ol
lut) mlsslng [llnk, rengas]: puuttuva halu
lack nr Interest. puuttuvainen, puuttuvaiauue ks. puutteellinen, puutteellisuus.
puutua 1. (kyd puumaiseksi) turn (1. grow
I. become) Woody, become Hgneous; 2.
(kangistua) become (1. get 1. grow) stirr,
stlffen; (turtua) grow numb, be(come)
benumbed; (kuv.) grow dull, become dead,
be deadened ; on puutunut - - on puuduk
sissa, ks. puudus. puutuminen 1. turnlng
woody; 2. stltTenlng; benumblng; nuinbness.
puullty 1. woodwork, work In wood, (puu
sepn) carpenter work; 2. (puuteos)
woodwork. -tyntekij worker In wood,
wood-worker. -Ui puunti. -vaarna
(WOOden) peg; vrt. puu naula & -tappi.
-vaha grartlng-wa.\. -vaja I. (puusta tehtv)
wooden shed: 2. (halkovaja) wood-shcd,
wood-house. -vanu k e wood-pulp. -varsi 1.
(tykalun y. m.) wooden handle; 2. (kasv.)
Woody stem. -vasara mallet. -veistoa woodcarvlng; (a plcce of) sculpture In wood;
vrt. puupiirros, -veistotaide sculpture In
puuvenprammlpurje (mer.) royal.
puuvilla cotton.
puuvilla- (yhd.) cotton- [esim. -kasvi cotton-plant; -tehdas cotton-mlll (l.-ractory)] ;
(puuvillasta tehty) cotton [esim. -rihma
cotton thrcad; -tuhka cotton stocklng].
puuvillainen . . or cotton, cotton.
puuvilla kangas cotton (cloth 1. materlal);
puuvillakankaita (mys:) cotton goods.
-kankainen . . (made) or cotton (materlal),
cotton. -kehrm cotton-mlll. -lanka cot
ton (yarn). -nauha (cotton) tape.
puuvillansiemen rottonseed. -kakku cottoncake. -ljy conttonseed-oll.
puuvilla pakka bale or cotton. -palttina:
puuvillapalttinaa \vhlte cotton goods. -pen
sas rottnn-plant, cotton(-shrub). -ruuti
guncotton. -sametti velveteen, cotton velvet; (leikkaamaton) cordurov. -teollisuus
rotton Industry, -vanu (cotton) waddlng.
puuijy impure ollve-oll, sweet-oll.
puvunripustin coat-hangcr.
pyh pooli! pugh! pshaw!
pyhiinvaellus pilgrimage. -palkka place or
pllgrlmage, (holy) shrtne.
pyhiinvaeltaja pllgrlm.
pyhlmyksenkuva Image (I. statue) or a salnt.
pyhimys salnt. -keh halo (of a salnt); nlmbus. -loiste aureole, glory (aroiind the
head or a salnt); vrt. edell. -tarina 1. -taru
legend. -tarusto legends.
pyhlsin (on) holidays, (on) Sundays.
pyhiss kvij, -kynti


pyhittminen hallowlng;consecration; (omis
taminen) dedlcatlon. pyhitt (usk.) keep
holy, hallow [the Sabbath, sapatti], sanctlfy, consecrate; proclaim sacred (1. lnvlolable): (omistaa) dedlcate r. . tothememorvof,
Jokin Jonkun(l.jonkln)mulstollcl ; devote;
(hydytt) be of use (1. avall), serve;
pyhitetty jonkun muistolla (klrjotuksena
hautapatsaassa) sacred to the memory or;
jonkin muistolle pyhitetty piv a day to
commemorate . .; e ei pyhit mitn (hy
dyt) thafs no use, thafs or no avall, that
f S ali In vain; tarkotus pyhitt keinot the


end Justiries the means. pyhitys hai Jowlng, sanctirication, conseeration; dedlcatlon.
pyhkimlnen, pyhkli = pyyhkiminen, pyyhki.
pyhyys hollness; (valan, palkan y. m.) sacredness; sanctlty; saintllness; pyhyyden
pilkka sacrllege, proraning sacred tmrors:
nen pyhyytens (paavista:) HlS Holine^s.
lain ~ sanctlty or law.
pyh* I. (a.) boly; (pyhitetty) sacred;
nenJU Holy ChOSt (1. Splrit); - rammatta
Holy Blble, Holy (1. Sacred) Wrlt (1. Scrtptures); vala (mys:) solemn oath; h
nelle ei ole mikn pyh nothing IS saoreil
to him; Ludvig Pyh (hist.) Saint Louis.
pyh II. (s.) . . that Is sacred; (pyhimys)
salnt; (juhla-) hollday, (sunnuntai) Sun
day; pyht holidays, (kirkolliset) reast;
kaiken pyhn nimess In the name Of (1. by)
ali that is sacred; viimeisten pivien pyht
(mormoonlt) Latter-Day Salnts. -aamu Sunday morning; (Juhlapivn) morning or a
hollday. -aatto eve or a holiday. -ilta vrt.

pyhin!! Jnns rellc. -kuva image (I. statue)

or a salnt. -miestenpiv AU Salnts' Day:
pyhinmiestenpivn aatto HallO\veen. -pal
velus \vorslilp or salnts. -yhteys communion or salnts.
pyhkk sanctuary; sbrlne; (pyhitetty ra
kennus) sacred edirice; (templi) temple.
pyhkoulu Sunday school.
pyhksiteko sanctirication.
pyh puku ks. pyhvaatteet. -piv (alkup.)
holy day; (sunnuntai) Sunday; (juhla)
pyhsti solemnly; luvata ~ solemnly promIse, glve a solemn promlse, vow; vannoa
swear In the name or ali that Is holy (I.
sacred), take a solemn oath, vow.
pyhtt pyhkk.

pyhtn : viikko a week wlth no hollday (s).

pyhvaatteet hollday (1. Sunday) ciothes.
[one's] best ciothes; hnell oli ylln
(mys:) he had on hls Sunday best.
pyklittin by sectlons: (asteettain) oy degrees; (pykl pykllt) sectlon by sectlon.
pykl (lovi) notch, nlck, hack: (esim. ham
masrattaan) Jag, dent; (pieni) dlnt; (sy
vennys) lndentatlon; (aste) degree; (sn
t-, laki- y. m.) sectlon, (kohta) clause:
pykllt sectlon by sectlon, a sectlon
at a time. pyklinen notched, . . with
notches; (hampainen) lndented; (asteisiin
Jaettu) graduate(d): monipyklinan
wlth many notches (I. dents) ; . . with many
(tekn.) stepped pulley. -pinen (kasv.)
notched, emarginate, (tylpsti) retuse.
pykltn not notched, not lndented, . . without notches (1. dents).
pyklittminen graduatlon. pykl&itta
notch, (In)dent; (varustaa asteikolla) g-raduate; (jakaa pykliin) dlvlde Into sections;
vrt. pykl.
py Uistella be bendlng (way) over, be bendlng double; (pyriskell) be tumbling:
(astioita y. m.) be turnlng bottom end (I.
side) up. pylliatys bendlng over (1. dou
ble). pyllist bend (way) over, bend dou
ble; (astiaa) tlp over. pylly buttocks:
(Jkpv.) butts; menn pyllylleen Tall over
(backwards), (kaatua) tumble down, (ku
moon) overturned, rall bottomslde up, (kuv.) rall, go (ali) to pleces,
(raueta tyhjiin) come to naught (1. to noth
ing), rall through, mlscarry. pyllyill be
tumbling, tumble. pyllhdys tumbling
(down), rolllng; tumble. pyllht Tall
(clumsily), tumble down, plump; roll [under the table, pydn alle].

pyi viikko


pylvikk, pylvist colonnade; (rakennuk

sen Julkisivun) porttco; (rakennuksen ym
pri ulottuva) perlstyle.
pylvs plllar; (kolonna) column; (patsas)
post; (silta-) pler; (kuv.) prop, malnstay,
support; vrt. tuki. -Jono colonnade; row
of plllars. -jrjest order. -kytv passage (1. walK) uitii a colonnade; colon
nade; (holvi-) arcade.
pylvsminen columnar, plllared.
pylvs! pyhimys stylite. -rivi row of plllars
(1. oi columns), colonnade; vrt. pylvikk.
-sali plllared hali.
pylvst ks. pylvikk.
pylvn muotoinen columnar, . . shaped like
a column (1. a plllar). -p top of a col
umn; (koristeellinen) capital (of a column).
pyramidi (srmkariin) pyramld. pyramidimainen, pyramidinmuotoinen . . like a
pyramld, pyramid(lc)al.
pyre (pore, kupla) bubble.
Pyreneet: Pyrentitten niemimaa the Iberian
Peninsula; Pyrentitten vuoret the Pyrenees
pyrint asplration; endeavor(s), effort(s);
(tarkotus) aim, Intention, purpose; (p
mr) end (In vlew).
pyristeleminen struggling Jne., ks. seur.
pyristell struggle [tn the net, verkossa;
to get rree, irtlpstkseen] ; flounder;
(esim. lintu silvllln) riutter.
pyrkiji one \vlio strlves (1. trles Jne., ks.
pyrki); asplrant; (oppilaaksi-) one seeklng admisslon; (hakija) appltcant, candldate; kouluun pyrkijit oli paljon there
were many seeklng admisslon to the school.
pyrkiminen strivlng Jne., ks. pyrki; endeavor(s), struggle; vrt. seur. pyrkimys
endeavor(s), errort(s), exertlon(s); strug
gle [Tor, Johonkin; to do, tehd); (harras
tus) asplration; (yritys) attempt; (suun
ta) tendency, drirt; (tarkotus) purpose,
intention; (pmr) aim, object; pyrki
mykset aspirations, pursults, endeavors,
(yritykset) efforts, attempts; pyrkimys
jonkin jouduttamiseksi the efCorts (1. at
tempts I. endeavors) to hurry up (1. to
hasten) . . . pyrkiv: eteenpin pyrkiv
pyrkii strive [for (1. arter) .., Johonkin];
(koettaa) try, endeavor, seek (kalkki kol
me: to do a tli.. tekemn Jotakin], aim
[at . .-Ing] ; (hakea) apply [for . .] ; (tavotella) aspire, pursue; (tahtoa) want;
(haluta) deslre, wlsh; (ahkeroida) take
pains, exert o. s., make an eflort: ~ eroon
jostakin strive (1. try) to get rld of;
esille try (1. strive) to come out (1. forth);
~ ilmi (tunkeutua) try to rorce lts way
out, try to make itseir manirest, strive to
show Itseir ; kouluun seek admisslon to
a School ; ~ lapsen kummiksi \van t to be
(I. deslre to stand) godfather Tor the chlld;
~ lymn try to strike (1. to hlt); ~ op
pilaaksi ask (1. try 1. vvlsh) to be admltted
as a student (1. a pupll); pakoon try to
escape (1. to get away); ~ perille try (1.
endeavor) to reach one's destlnatlon; ~
pois velvollisuudestaan (vetyty) shlrk
one's duty, try to get out or (1. to evade)
one's obllgatlons; ~ Johonkin pmrn
strive for an end, strive to attaln an objcrt,
pursue an Object; ~ pstkseen johonkin
endeavor to get tn . . , try to reach (1. attain 1. galn) . .. ~ rantaan try (1. endeavor)
to reach shore (1. land); ratinaan strive
for (1. to m<Jce 1. to secure) peace. seek
peace, (haluta) deslre (1. want 1. wtsb Tor)
peace; saamaan try (1. endeavor 1.
strive) to get (1. to secure 1. to obtain),
strive (1. struggle) for, atm at; siialle


try to come (1. to get) in, want to be let

In, seek admisslon; Jonkun turviin seek
a p.'s protectlon, seek protectlon rrom one;
tydellisyyteen aim at (1. aspire to) perTectlon; virkaan apply for a position,
seek an Ofrice; kaikki pyrkii mtnemn
everythlng rots easlly, everythlng has a ten
dency to decay; /antoon pyrkiessn vvhlle
trylng (1. attemptlng) to riy, when maklng
an attempt to fly; mihin sin sill pyrit
\vhat are you aimlng at by (1. with) that?
minua [se] pyrki naurattamaan (teki mie
leni) I liail a good notlon (1. mlnd) to laugh
[at that] ; olen aina pyrkinyt thn thts Is
what I have aHvays aimed at (1. asplred
to), (tarkottanut) I have always had thts
tn view.
pyrskihdys, pyrskhtai = purskahdin, purs
pyrst tali. -evi (kalan) caudal fin. -hy
hen tatl-reather.
pyrstinen (yhd.) . .-tallini, . . wlth a . . tali
[esim. pitk long-talled, wtth a long
talli, pyrstllinen tatled.
pyrstllsulka tall-reather, qulll (Trom the
tali), -tiainen (elint.) long-talled tltmouse. -thti cornit.
pyrsttn tailless.
pyry (lumi-) whirling (1. drivlng) snowstonn; (snow-)squall, bli/zanl; lent py
ryn (lumi, tomu y. m.) be whlrllng (1.
blovvlng) around [huom. vaahto (veneen)
kokassa pyryn lent the spray (1. the
foam) Is dashtng agalnst the provv]. -Ilma
bllzzard, whirllng snow-storm; ankara pyryilma bllnding snow-storm.
pyryinen: eilen oli piv there was a
bllzzard yesterday. pyrylumi whlrllng (1.
drlving 1. drirtlng) snow.
pyryttyi drirt; umpeen pyryttynyt dritted
(full or snow), block(ad)ed with snow
(-drirts), snowed in. pyryttminen vvhlrllng (of snovv); vvhirllng snowstorm. pyryttii whlrl, come (1. go) drivlng (1. vvhirl
lng); (kinoksiin) drirt; ulkona pyrytt
there Is a whlrling snowstorm outside;
vrt. seur. pyryt pyrytt; (tomu, vaah
to y. m.) riy, (vaahto y. m.) dash around;
ismi pyry the snow Is blowlng (1. whlrllng I. eddylng) around; fomu pyry there
are clouds or dust blowing about.
pyrhdelli Clap (I. beat) the Wings, riutter.
pyrhdys flutter or Wings; lentoon pyrh
dys (1. v.) sudden Tllght. pyrht: pyrh
t lentoon riy (suddenly) away, take wlng
(i. riight).
pyrkk 1. = pyry; 3. hlin, meteli.
pyssy gun; (rihla-) ririe; (haulikko) shotgun; vrt. kivri, -mies man \vith a gun;
hyv [Auono] pyssymies good [had] marksman (1. shot) ; kaksi pyssymiest two men
wlth (1. carrylng) guns.
pyssynllhihna gun strap; sllng by whlch to
carry a gun. -kantama range (or a gun),
gunshot; pyssynkantaman phn [ pss]
wlthin range, wlthln gunshot. -laukaus report or a gun; gunshot. -lukko gun-lock.
-luoti bullct. -peri butt (or a gun), -piippu
gun-barrel, barrel of a gun. -tukki gunstock.
pyssyseppi gunsmltb.
pysty I. (s.) uprlght (1. erect) position;
pystyss, pystyyn ks. hakus. II. (a.) up
rlght, erect; vertlcal.
pysty- (yhd.) vertlcal, perpendicular [esim.
-akseli vertlcal (1. perpendicular) axls].
-altaplcket-rcnce, (Engl.) pallng(s). -akse
linen . . wlth a vertlcal (1. a perpendicular)
axls. -asento uprlght (I. erect) position.
-Jyrkki sheer, preclpltous, very steep; (kki-) .. descendlng (I, dlpptng) abruptly;



(pystysuora) perpendlcular, vertical. -Jh

dytin (fys. & kem.) reflux condenser.
-kaulus stand-up collar.
pystyminen being In a position [to] Jne.,
ks. pysty, pystymton (teraseesta:) . .
that doesn't cut well, dull [knire, veitsi];
(kykenemtn) lncapabie, incompetent.
pystyllnen turn(ed)-up nose; snub-nose,
pug-nose. -neninen 1. -nokkainen snubnosed, pug-nosed, . . with a turned-up
nose. -piinan . . wlth one's head up (1.
erect 1. thrown back).
pystyss uprlght, erect, (korvista:) prlcked
up, cocked; (pystyyn knnettyn tai nos
tettuna) turned up; ~ korvin, korvat
wlth ears prlcked up. (yksinomaan koiris
ta:) wlth ears cocked; oleva (standing)
upright, erect; silmin with (one's) eyes
wlde open, wllh starlng eyes; kaulus ~
witll one's collar turned up; nen wlttl
one's nose turned (1. stuck) up, wlth one's
nose in the air; olla ~ stand uprlght (1.
erect), be erect, (plln) stand on end,
stand endwlse, (tukasta, mys:) brlstlc;
p ~ (koholla) v.ith (one's) head erect,
with one's (1. the) head throvvn back, with
one's head In the air; sormi ~ with one's
Hnger lirtcd; tukka ~ (esim. kauhusta)
wlth one's hair standingr on end, (kammat
tuna pystyyn) with the hair combed up (1.
combed pompadour). -pito upbolding, keeplng up, maintalnlng; maintenance, preservatlon; support(ing).
pysty suora (a. & s.) vertical, perpendlcular; (luoti-) plumb. -suoraan, -suorassa
vertlcally, perpendicularly; plumb.
pystytell (be) put(ting) up; (keep) erect
(-lng). pystyttminen puttlng up, erectIng; erectlon; (esim. teltan) pltchlng. pys
tytt put up, raise (from the ground),
erect; pltch [a tent, teltta] ; pystytt
muistopatsas jollekulle erect (1. put up) a
monument (1. a statue) In honor (1. in
memory) or.
pysty litukka (pystyyn kammattu) hair
combed pompadour; (kankea Ja luonnos
taan pysty) brlstllng hair. -tukkainen (Jo
ka kampaa hiuksensa pystyyn) . . wlth hls
hair combed pompadour; (luonnostaan) . .
wlth hls hair brlstllng.
pystytys erectlon; puttlng up, ralslng; (tel
tan) pttching.
pystyviiva vertical (llne).
pystyv (kykenev) able, capable; competent; (taitava) sklfful, clever fman, mies],
adroit, dext(e)rous; ~ peitsi a knire that
cuts well, (terv) sharp knire; tyhn
(tykykyinen) able to work, able-bodled.
pystyyn . . into an uprlght (1. erect) posi
tion; (yls) up; asettaa place (1. set) . .
uprlght, put (I. set) . . up (on end), (pl
leen) put .. on end; hypt ~ Jump up,
(kavahtaa) start up, (takajaloilleen, esim.
hevonen) rear; jd ~ remaln standing
(I. erect), be Icft standing; kammata tuk
kansa comb one's hair up (1. pompa
dour). -asettaminen ks. pystyttminen,
-karkaus starttng (1. Jumplng) up.
pysty (kyet) be In a position [to . .], be
able (1. enabled) [to ..], be capable [of
dolng . . , tekemn jotakin] ; (kelvata) be
good (1. rit) [Tor, Johonkin], do rror . .);
(olla taitava) be skiirul, be clever; (vai
kuttaa) work; (tepsi) take, teli (1. have)
effect [on]; (teraseesta:) cut; pystyy
(mys:) can [melt, sulattamaan]; hyvin
(esim. veitsi) have a good edge, cut well;
- saamaan aikaan jotakin be able to accompllsh (1. to brlng about) something;
hneen ei pysty imartelu he Is not SUSpcptlble (1. open) to flattery, he can not


be reached (1. touched) by flattery; neen

ei pysty mikn nothing has (l. wfll have)
any effect upon blm, (Jkpv.) nothing wlll
faze blm, (el uletu) be is beyond the reach
of everythlng. (ei tunne mitn) be ts lnsenslble (1. dear) to everything; hn ei
pysty mihinkn he is good for nothing;
hn ei pysty siihen he is not able to do (1.
not capable or dolng) lt, he has not the
Capacity to do lt; hn ei pysty tehtvns
(ei ole tehtvns tasalla) he is not equal
to (1. not able to cope wlth) the task berore him, he Is not up to what is requtred
of him; nyt, mihin pystyt show what you
are good Tor, show what you are wortn,
(Jkpv.) show what's in you, show what
klnd of sturr you are made of; saha pystyy
hyvin (puuhun) the saw grips (the wood)

siihen sinun

voimasi eivt pysty

(eivt riit) you are not strong enough (1.

your strength is not sumcient) Tor that,
you have not enough strength to do that.
lt requlres more than your strength to acconiplish that; veitsi ei pysty [puuhun] the
knlfe does (1. wlll) not cut [wood].
pysyminen rematnlng Jne., ks. pysy; pai
kallaan standing still, stagnation. pysymttmyys
transltoriness ;
(muuttuvaisuus) mutabllity, changeableness. pysymton unstable, inconstant;
(haihtuva) not durable (1. lastlng), transltory, passlng, rugltive; (muuttuvainen)
changeable, mutable; (epvarma) uncertain.
pysytell keep [away, poissa; (In) the saddle.
satulassa], keep to [the road, tiell: one-s
subject, aineessaan]; (Jd) remaln;
erilln ks. pysy; hyviss vleiss jon
kun kanssa stand well \vlth one, keep up
good relatlons wlth . . , keep on rriendly
terms (l. frlendly rootfng) with a p.;
loitommalla (etll) keep one's dlstance
[from, Jostakin], keep aloor [rrom], (syr
jss) keep (1. stand) to one side, stand
aslde, keep aslde: ~ Jonkin [Jonkun] n
kyviss keep wlthin slght or; ~ poissa ks.
pysy (poissa, erilln); Jonkun rinnalla
ks. pysy; ~ syrjss (kuv.) not be consplcuous; vrt. (pysy) loitolla; ~ veden
pinnalla keep arioat, (elvist olennoista:)
keep (o.s.) above water, keep one's head
above (1. out of) water. pysytteleminen
keeplng, remalnlng.
pysyttminen keeping Jne., ks. pysytt; retentlon; preservation, maintenance; /onnun
~ virassaan a p.'s retention (1. continuance) in Office.
pysyttyty keep [qutet, rauhallisena; (in)
the saddle, satulassa] ; ~ kiinni jossakin
hold on to, stlck to; ~ poissa keep away,
stay away; vrt. pysytell, pysy.
pysytt (pit) keep; retain; (entiselln)
malntain; (silytt) preserve; entisel
ln keep (1. retain 1. preserve) . . unchanged (I. unaltered I. as lt is 1. as lt was) ;
~ hengiss keep . . alive, (yllpit) support lire; Joku virassaan retain one In
omce (1. in hls position) ; ~ voimassa have
. . remaln in rorce (1. in efrect), retain.
pysyv (kestv) established [value, arvo;
Place, sija], lasting; (seisova) standing [orrer, tarjous]; (vakituinen) settled, rixed;
vrt. seur.
pysyvinen (kestvinen) established: last
lng, endurlng; (vakava) steady; (horjuma
ton) stable; (luja) flrm, rixed; (muuttu
maton) constant, unchangeable; settled
[weather, ilma]; (silrtymtn) permanent
[position, toimi]; (seisova) standing; (ali
tuinen) perpetual; (Jatkuva) contlnual;
arvo, merkitys las{lng Importance, en




durlng qualltles; jd pysyviseksi remain

remembrance by her chlldren] ; ~ munana
permanent, stay fixed; olla ~ be lastlng (1.
(be able to) rollow, keep pace \vith [huom.
endurlng), be permanent, last, stand tbe
jaksatko pysy mukana are you able to loltest of tiine, pysy visesti lastlngly, endurlow? can you keep up wlth us (1. wlth the
Ingly; steadlly, constantly, lnvarlably; perothers) ? ] ; ~ muuttumatta remain unmanently; perpetually, contlnually. pysycliaiiR-ed (1. unaltered), remain as lt Is (I.
viisyys lasttng quallty, enduring nature;
it \vas 1. it used to be); paikallaan, ~
durabllity, duration; permanence; stabllpaikoillaan stay \vlicre one Is, keep in the
iiy; constancy.
same place, stay (1. keep 1. remain) In one's
place, remain stationary, (Istua paikallaan)
pysyvsti = pysyvisesi!.
keep (1. retain) one's seat, (Jd Istu
pysyi stay; (Jd) remain; (pysytell, py
maan) be (1. remain) seated, (olla liikku
syttyty) keep, bold on [te, jossakin] ;
matta) keep qulet, be qulet, keep still, not
keep o.s. [wltbln certaln bounds (1. llmlts),
stir, not move, (istua) slt still, (edisty
mrtyiss rajoissa] ; (seisoa) stand; (ol
mtt) be stationary, remain unprogresla) be, exist; (kest) last, endure; (Jat
sive, (yrityksest y. m.) be stagnant, be at
kua) contlnue, go on, keep on; (pit kiin
a standstlll, stand still, vrt. pysy viras
ni) aliide; (pyshty) stop; pytyn entisel
saan; ~ pilaantumatta (hyvll) keep
t palkallaan retalnlng (1. rcinaining at) liis
well; ~ poissa (pysytell) keep away
former salary; pysyyk se does (1. wlll) lt
[rrom the saloon, kapakasta], keep out
stay (1. Stick) ? pysyy totuutena, ett . .
[or], (vltell) shun, avoid, (olla pysyvlit rematns a laet tbat . .; ~ aisoissa keep
sesti) be gone rorever (Jkpv.: Tor good),
o.s. In Check (1. In curb), restraln (1. curb
vrt. pysy erilln; puolueettomana keep
1. cbeck) o.s., bebave o.s.; ~ alallaan keep
(1. stand 1. remain) neutral, not (take)
wltbin one's province (1. domain), keep
slde(s) with elther (party), (erilln)
one's place, (siivolla) keep qutet, bebave
stand (1. hold) aloor; ~ pystyss (olla)
o.s.; alhaisena (hinnasta:) keep down,
stand (1. keep o.s.) uprlght (1. erect), keep
remain low; ~ asiassa keep (1. stlck) to
(o.s.) up, (seisoa) stand up, (be able to)
the subject (in hand), keep to the polnt,
stand on one's feet, (Jaloillaan) keep (on)
keep on the subject [huora, hn mi pysy
one's Teet, (tasapainossa) keep one's balasiassa (mys;) he wanders (1. strays)
ance [huom. jaksoi tuskin pysy pystyss
rroni the subject, he gets orf the subject] ;
was hardly able to stand up (1. to keep on
~ entissns nkisen retain one'S (1. its)
hls Teet)], vrt. pysy jaloillaan; ptk
rormer appearance, look Just the same (as
sessn stlck (1. adhere) to one's determiever); ~ orillaan (l. erossa) jostakin keep
natlon (I. one's resolve), vrt. pysy lujana;
away (1. ofr 1. aloof) rrom, restraln o.s.
~ rauhallisena remain calm, (hiljaa) keep
rrom, (olla nauttimatta y. m.) abstain from,
qulet, vrt. pysy maltillisena; ~ salassa be
retrain rrom, (vltt) sbun, avoid; ~ hen
kept Secret, remain a secret; ~ samana,
giss keep il live; ~ huoneessaan keep to
samanlaisena remain tlie same [huom. hn
(l. remain in) one's room; ~ jaloillaan
pysyi aina samana he was always the same,
stand (on one's legs), keep (on) one's reet
he was always hlmself] , vrt. pysy muuttu
(1. legs), vrt. pysy pystyss; *- jyrkkn matta; ~ sanassaan stand (1. ablde) liy one's
perslst In [one's demand, vaatimukses
word, hold to one's \vord, (pit sanansa)
saan], inslst (up)on, adbere rirmly to,
keep one's word [huom. mies, joka pysyy
(Jkpv.) stlck to; ~ (edelleenkin) kannol
sanassaan (mys:) a man or his word];
laan bold one's position, hold (1. stand 1.
sisll stay In, (huoneissaan) keep indoors,
malntain) one's ground; kiinni jossakin
keep to the nouse ; suunnassaan keep
hang (1. hold) last to, cllng to, stlck to,
(1. steer) one's course (mys kuv.), stand
(pysytell) hold on to, (ei pst Irti) be
upon the course; tahdissa keep tlme,
(tanssissa, kvelyss y. m.) keep (In) step,
stuck in, stick (rast) [In the snow-drirt,
(soutaessa, mys:) keep the (1. one's)
lumikinoksessa]; ~ kintereill (pysytell)
keep pace with; ~ kohtuuden rajoissa (py
stroke; ~ [entisiss] tavoissaan retain (1.
sytell) keep wlthln the bounds oi' reason,
keep to) one's [rormer] hablts; ~ terveen
keep wlthln reasonable bounds; ~ koolla
(sily) keep \vell, retain (1. preserve)
remain togetber, (Jkpv.) stlck together,
one's health, (olla) be in good health;
vrt. seur.; ~ koossa (liitteissn y. m.)
totuudessa adhere (1. stlck I. hold) to the
hold (1. keep) togetber; ~ koskematta re
truth, keep o.s. to the truth, (puhua tot
ta) speak (1. teli) the truth, (valantekomain untouched (1. lntact), (olla) be unkaavassa:) teli the whole truth and nothtouched; ~ lujana siaml f nm. remain lirin,
Ing but the truth: ~ uskollisena jollekulle
be steadrast, be stable, (Jkpv.) stick to,
be (1. remain) ralthrul (1. true) to one,
(kest) stand, bold out [esim. pysy lu
keep raitti wlth one; uskossaan (silyt
jana ptksessn stand rtrm in one's det uskonsa) keep one's raitti; ~ vahin
termlnatlon, stlck to one's resolve] ;
goittumatta remain (1. be) unhurt; ~ val
maltillisena (kylmverisen) keep cool,
lalla hold sway, be prevalent; ~ vallassa
(rauhallisena) remain calm (1. seir-posremain (I. contlnue) In power (I. In ausessed 1. collected), (silytt malttinsa)
keep one's head, control o.s., use seirthorlty), (silytt) retain the power; control, not lose control of o.s., not lose
virassaan remain In orrice, (silytt vir
one's head (1. one's temper), retain one's
kansa) retain one's position (I. one's or
seir-possession, (hillit Itsens) check o.s.,
rice); ~ vireess (mus.) keep In tune; ~
(noudattaa malttia) use moderatlon; ~
voimassa remain (1. contlnue to be) In
mielipiteessn (kiinni) keep (1. stlck 1.
Torce, remain valld; netnn, ~ neti
adbere) to one's opinion, hold one's opin
keep sllence, keep still, be still, remain slion, (Itsepintaisesti) perslst in one's opin
lent, observe sllence. hold one's tongue,
ion; ~ muistissa, ~ muistossa be retaineil
not say a word, vrt. pit (suunsa kiinni);
(1. kept) In the memory, (rakkaassa) be
ei se pysy lt \vnu't stay (1. stlck); kyll se
cherlshed In [a p.'s] remembrance | Iinoin.
pysyy it \vill stay there ali right; oli
hn on aina pysyv lastensa rakkaassa
ja pysyi kadoksissa renialned (I. stayed)
muistossa her memory will be ever cher
lshed (I. \vill be kept green) by her cblldren, slie wlll ever be cherlshed In tender pyshdell stop [agaln and agaln, tuon tuos-


hait; keep stopplng; - unin pyydystell (be) bunt(lng); trap; (kuv.)
(mys:) orten come to a stop.
ensnare, be ensnaring, (en)trap.
pyhdy (seisahdus) stop, hait; standstill, pyydystys catchlng, taklng; capture; (an
stagnation; (esim. katuliikenteess) blocksoilla) trapping; kalan ~ catchlng risb,
(keskeytys) pause, lntermission, lull; cesflshlng; linnun blrd-catchlng, fowllng;
satlon; (vliaika) lnterval; (viivytys) devrt. pyynti, -tapa = pyyntitapa,
lay, detention; (pyshtyminen) stoppin?, pyydystj catcher [esim. linnun- birdstoppage; olla pyshdyksiss (lakannut)
catcher] ; (ansoilla-) trapper. pyydyst
have ceased (1. stopped), be at (1. have
minen = pyydystys. pyydyst catch, take;
come to) a standstill, (levt) be at rest
(ansoilla) trap; snare; (metsst) nunt;
Ihuom liikenne on pyshdyksiss (mys:)
pyydyst heittohihnalla lasso.
the trarric has been blockedj. -merkki pyyhe (-liina) tovvel; (yhd.) wlper [esim.
signal to stop. -paikka stopplng-place,
kynn~ pen-wlper] ; (kulvausvaate) dryPlace to stop.
lng-Cloth; mys = pyyheriepu. -liina tovvel.
pyshdyttminen stopplng Jne., ks. seur.
-riepu cloth (1. rags) to wipe . . vvltb; (to
mu riepu) duster.
pyshdytt stop [the train. Juna], make . .
(I. cause . . to) stop, hait; puli up [one's pyyhin = pyyhe, -liina tovvel. -rtti =
horse, hevosensa] ; bring . . (l. cause . . to
come) to a standstill; (sulkea) stay; stem pyyhint = pyyhkiminen, pyyhiskell, pyyh
keill, pyyhkien vvlpe [one's shoes oir on
[the currait, virta] ; (hillit) check, glve (1.
put) a check to; (ehkist) arrest; sta(u)nch
the mat, kenkin mattoon], be vviplng, be
Line (riovv or) blood, verenvuoto]: clofr.
vviping ofr [ (the) dust, tomuja] ; wipe . .
clean; vvlpe . . dry; rub, be rubbing; rub
JS""?!!' 5?trucl: ~ kasvussaan Stunt (the
frw}h of); ~ kulussaan bring . . to a
ff; pyyhkiell partaansa (sivell) stroke
(sudden) standstill, stop . . , stop
one's beard, (puhdistustarkotuksessa) vvlpe
one's beard. pyyhkiminen vviping Jne., ks.
pyyhki, pyyhkimtn unvvlped, not vvlped:
pyshtyminen stopplng Jne., ks. seur.
mitta Ueaped-up measure.
pyshty (come to a) stop, (come to a) hait;
(esim. Juna tai hevonen) puli up, draw up; pyyhki vvlpe; (pois) vvlpe orr, (esim. Jota
strlke out, take out;
(yi.) come to a standstill; (lakata) cease,
(kuivata) dry; (sivell) stroke [one"s
(Jkpv ) let up; leave off; (kesken) break
beard, partaansa] ; ~ astioita vvlpe dlsbes,
prr [in the mlddle or a sentence, keskell
(kuivata) dry dishes; ~ jalkojaan mattoon
lausetta]; (sot.) hait, make a hait; ~ alwipe orr one's feet (1. one's shoes) on a
kuunsa stop in the (1. in lts) very beginmat; kyyneleens dry (1. vvlpe avvay)
nlng, (kuv.) die berore Us blrth, come to
one's tears; nimi luettelosta take (1.
ani untimely end; ~ hetkeksi, ~ vhksi
strike) a name orr a [the] list, (poistaa)
aikaa stop Tor a while, pause, (Jkpv.) let
remove a name rrom the list; ~ pois (kir
up for a VVhile; ~ kasvussaan stop grovvjotettua, vetmll viiva yli) strlke out,
lng; ~ fcafiomaan Stop to see; ~ odotta
cross out, scratch out, (Jtt) cut out.
maan stop to vvalt, stop [ror, Jotakin]- ~
(esim. lakiehdotuksesta) expunge; ~ pVv
puolitiehen (alkup.) stop half-vvay, (kuv.)
pydst vvlpe the dust orr the lable, du-.t
leav,e orr In the mlddle, leave one's vvork
table; ~ silmns kyynelist dry one'3
unrimsned; ~ sinne stop there; ~ kki
eyes; ~ suutaan vvlpe one's moutb; juosta
stop short (1. abruptly), come to a sudden

as rast as one can.
Stop (1. standstill); verenvuoto on pysh
tynyt the blood ha3 stopped (1. ceased) pyyhkiseminen stroking Jne., ks. seur.
runnlng, the (How or) blood has been pyyhkist stroke, pass one's hand over:
pass over; (stlittkseen) smooth; (pyyh
ki) vvlpe; (lakaista) svveep [. . clean, puh
pyskki stop(plng-place); (rautatie-) riagtaaksi];
(huuhtoa) vvash; ~ [jyv]mitta
(tasaiseksi) level ofr (1. strike) a measure
pysy ks. pyshdys.
[or graln] ; ~ ohi svveep past, brush by (1.
pytky piece, cliunk; (esim. Juusto-) sllce
past) ; partaansa stroke (one's hand
oven one'3 beard; pois svveep avvay,
PfiS\y ,(,?Kim; ,v?1_) smaU wooden tub (vvltli
svveep orr, brush orr, clear avvay (I. orr>.
n V,^' /"* n: !kala- y- ">) wooden pall
(I. bucket); (malto-) bowl. pytyllinen a
(esim. hike) vvlpe avvay, vvlpe orr, (kynl
l y. m.) strlke out; rahat pydlt taakuunsa svveep (1. rake) the money rrom (I.
a tub (1. rirkln) oi butter.
olT) the table Into one's pocket; ~ tukkan
pyY.^(n"!lrii'^ hzel-grouse, (ameiikkalalsa pystyyn brush one's halr back; rofciri iIp - vr? ?uUSe' <PohJ-Yhdysv.) parkansa silmilt push (1. brush) one'3 halr
Vi vt ' . ' P.el,'?~ ' . " P"" kahden jakoa
out or one's eyes, push (1. put) one's halr
(1. v.) a partrldge Is not enough for tvvo
back rrom one's eyes; aalto pyyhkisi h
parempi ~ pivossa kuin kaksi oksalla (Sa
net mereen the vvave vvashed hlm into the
liani ) a blid In the Hand is \vortli tvvo In
sea, he vvas vvashed overboard (1. into the
the bush.
sea) ; aalto pyyhkisi yli (laivan) kannen a
pyyde Intprest; (halu) desire; (pyikimvs)
sea (1. a vvave) svvept (over) the deck; hn
alin . aspiratlon; (tarkotus) purpose, endon pyyhkisty pois luetteloista he has been
(vaatimus) cialm, pretenslon; hnell on
orr the lista; tykit pyyhkisivt
liian suuret pyyteet he alins tOO hlgh
kentn puhtaaksi the guns (1. the caimon)
pyydell (pyyt) ask. beg; be (1. koen)
svvept the rield clean.
ask ing. be begglng; (kutsua) Invite; (ke
hottaa) persuade; (tavotella) hanker arter pyyhlt: ~ ohi ks. pyyhkist (ohi) &
}ivl?2: ~ a"teeksi apologlze; ~ jotakuta
jaamadn urge (I. entreat) one to slay, trv pyykinpesu vvashlng.
to persuade one to stay.
* pyykittminen, pyykitys marklng boundaries; demarcatlon. pyykitt mark boundarPSnflZf.ial!5up) "evlce t0 ca,cn : (mets ies, demarcate; set landmarks.
elimen, linnun-) trap, (ansa) snare; li. pyykki
I. (raja-v boundary-stone (1. -post
bfrlf/3^ Lef snars and traps to catch
l. -mark), landmark; heap or Stones (to
Olrds; vrt. kalanpyydykset, rotan-, -paikka
mark a boundary).
(kalan) piace to catch flsh, fishing-piace
pyykki II. (pesu) vvashlng, vvash; vrt. pesu.

-karttu (clothes-)pounder. -laituri wash
to be allowed (1. permitted) [to do, tehdii] ;
ing-raft, -nuora clothes-line.
~ lykkyst ask for a postponement; ~
pyykkipauaa (rajapyykkl) boundary-post, [asan] lyhkmist, ~ [aslaa] lykttvksi
ask to have [the case] postponed, ask that
pyykkari ks. pesijtr.
[the case] be postponed; ~ neuaoa jolta
pyylevyys chubblness, plumpness; stout
kulta ask advice of a p., advise (I. consult)
ness, corpulency; roundness, fullness, pyy- with a p., vrt. kysy (neuvoa); ~ ohjeita
levi chubby, plump; (tanakka) .. Inclined ask for directions, ask for instructions; ~
to stoutness, (rather) stout; (nalslsta:) puhetnvuoroa (kokouksessa y. m. ) ask for (1.
buxom; (pyrea) round(ed); lyhyt a pyy- to be granted) the floor, ask permission to
lev pudgy, pyylevittl: astuskeila pyylt- speak, ask to be heard; ~ puheilleen ask
vsti walk In a rolling (1. a waddling:) to have a talk with, vrt. kutsua; ~ puolimanner.
sellt ask . . to (come and) lunch with one.
pyynpaisti roast(ed) partridge.
Invite . . to luncb(eon); ~ pst mukaan
pyynti 1. (pyydystys) catching, taking; ask (to be allowed) to go along (l. with
(kalan y. m.) fishing; (metsstys) hunting; the others) ; - pst pois ask for permis
vrt. helmen, rustan. 2. = pyynt.
sion to go, ask to be permitted to go; ~
pyyntillneuvot 1. -vehkeet things to hunt or ptt talmosla uudelleen ualituksi de
fish with; (kalan-) fishing-tackle, -paikka cline reelection; senaatista jotakin peti
(kalan-) fishing-place, place to fish, -retki tion the senate for, ask the senate for,
(kalan-) fishing-trip; (metsstys-) bunt
(hakea) apply to the senate for; ~ jotakuing-trip, -tapa method of catching jne., ta **arak*ten ask a p. to accompany one,
ks. pyynti, l. -vene (kalan-) fishing-boat. ask a p. to (come and) be company for
pyynt request, demand; (anomus) petition, one; ~ jonkun *aoj*lusta ask for (1. re
application; (kehotus) Invitation; pyynnl- quest) a p.'s protection; ~ joltakulta tala, etia . . (myus:) requesting that . .; jon- kaisin ask one to return (1. to give back 1.
kun pyynnst at (1. on) a p's request, as to bring back,), (vaatla) reclaim; ~ jotakuta
requested by one.
ttkemn jotakin ask (I. request 1. Invite 1.
pyytelemlnen asking jne., ks. pyydell*.
beg) one to do a th. [huom. pyyt jota
pyytaja one who asks (1. requests jne., ks. kuta kymn heill Invite (I. ask) a p. to
pyytXS); (pyydystju) catcher, (ansollla) call on (1. to visit) one; pyyt jotakuta
trapper; hynteisten (eslm. linnusta:) lausumaan mielipiteens (mys:) ask for a
catcher of Insects, py y laminen asking p.'S opinion; lint on pyydetty tulemaan
Jne., ks. seur.
he has been asked (1. requested 1. invited)
pyytaa 1. ask, request; demand; (kllnkeas- to come, (joskus:) he has been summoned] :
41) solicit, entreat, beseech; (rukollla) beg; ~ [enslmalseen] valssiin ask . . for a [for
(anna) apply [for]; (kutsua) invite; (ha- the first] waltz; tavara tuodaan pyyd*tluta) desire; 2. (pyydyst) catch, take, tfxsu the goods will be delivered on re
(ansollla) trap, snare, (metsastaa) hunt; quest (1. when asked for I. when re
pyydn, ttfettt hiritse minua I must ask quested) ; vastausta pyydetn reply IS
(1. request 1. beg) you not to disturb me; requested (1. is asked for).
pyytin, ttt .. (mys:) with a request pyytfl = pyynti, pyydystys.
that . .; pyytmll ~ urgently request, pylltll make notches [in, jotakin], notch.
earnestly entreat, beg hard, ardently ask; pykkl (English) beech: (amerlkkalalnen)
pyytmtt unasked, unsolicited, without white beech; pySkittS t*hty (mys:)
being asked (I. requested), (kutsumatta) beechen. -metal beech-wood, -puu (kasuninvited, unbidden, self-invited [huom. vava) beech(-tree); (puualneena:) beech
hn U- hi sen pyytmtt (Iliyos:) be did it
without having to be requested; tu/i pyrennya (pyrentmlnen) rounding; nurkatsa
on pieni ~ the corner Is rounded
pyytmtt (myos:) he came of his own
accord]; ~ antceksi (jotakin) beg [ap.'s] (off) a little, pyrentmlnen rounding
(off), pyorentaa make . . round, round;
pardon for, beg (1. ask) pardon (1. forgive
ness) for, beg to be pardoned (1. forgiven) round off.
for, (virhettit) ask for Indulgence (1. leni pyreya roundness; rotundity; (esim. posency) with [the youth's faults, nuorukal- Klen) chubblness; plumpness; hantn potsen vlrhelta], (joltakulta) apologize to one kltnta ~ her round (1. rounded 1. plump 1.
full) cheeks, pyrea round, rounded, ro
for, make one an apology for, make ex
cuses (1. apologies) to one for, (erehdysta) tund; circular; (pallomalnen) spherical;
ask a p. to excuse one for [huom. eslm. nihavuhko) chubby, plump; pySrtat posktt
pyyilii hnelt puoltstani antetksi make my Chubby (1. full) Cheeks; /mat pyrtin
excuses (1. my apologies) to him; pyydn his eyes open (1. wide) [with astonish
anleckst I beg (1. ask) your pardon (1. your ment, hnmmstyksest], open-eyed, wideforgiveness), (antakaa) forgive me! (an- eyed, (Jkpv.) his eyes as large as saucers,
teeksi!) pardon me! (vhaptfslsta sel- with his eyes like saucers, pyreahk
koista:) excuse me!]; ~ apua Joltakulta roundish; (pulleahko) chubby, plump.
apply to one for help, ask a p.'s help, ask pyorca knsvomen round- (1. Chubby-) faced;
one for help; - armahdusta joltakulta vrt. seur. -poaklnen . . with chubby cheeks,
(anoa) ask (1. apply to 1. petition) one for a chubby-cheeked, -rauta round Iron.
pardon; ~ armoa beg for mercy, (henken - pyoriminen revolving jne., ks. pyri. pys sastmlstft) beg for one's life, vrt. rlmlslllke rotary motion, rotation, pyonnta
edell.; jOtakUta auttamaan itsen ask a rotation; myos = pyoriminen. pyrinUnop. to give one a lift, ask for a p.'s help [In] ; peua velocity, pyrlni = pyrint; vrt.
- troa virastaan request to be relieved from hyrin. pyriakelll be rolling (around);
the office, (jattaa erohakemus) send In (I. ikJtantyillii) be turning round (and round),
tender) one's resignation; ~ haaskalta use (esltn. vllrl) be veering; vrt. pyri. (1. hunt with) carcasses for bait; ~ har- risty become (1. get I. grow) round, be
(-come) rounded, pyrist = pyrenU.
taasti kS. pyytmll pyyta; joltakulta
pyritelli be turning around, be swinging
iotabin ask one for; ~ JOtakUta kahville
ask a p. to have a cup of coffee with one, around; be rolling-, be wheeling, be trun
ask one in to coffee; ~ lapa(a) ask for dling; (eslm. hattua kslssaun) be whirl
permission [to do a th., tehd Jotakin], ask ing, be twirling; vrt. pyrittUi; pyrltM




var 'O* * beavL pj tt inia

roll 'a barrei, timjni; a boo{>,
'.**'} eye*. gin'! tn ; , trsadje.
t .s tkzi. > rotate. auke . . rotat*.
rei .. > i_*-ti . i^ra, isrn tae hanSe <L
ertrji ; of, pnd 1 aa orrac poseti.-vsa; :
ptin ar >: roll; OK- bea-2. i; ^115laaj *tiake .! 5 bead- pyttilyt rollmg
jr*., k_ e-l*:i.
pyriv . . t ..Tunr arc-^r>i rotatmg. vfeirimr. rotary loiyja, luke': (vienri) roilug: kyrr a SI' main; top.
PjaVi (kiertai) rerohre, rotate, turo, go
Upp/.; < tieni) roll, ItuJ, tmodle.
Hirn r-sund <aad round); (kierrell) rele,
f*eel aro-jQj; (hiir>u> b*- in a hurry (L a
fiurry. bustle, make a fass: (kieppua)
tviiMr, F*tr. (lapin ympin) swrTei; (esim.
hyrr > spin; Imi.- ndb pyrii
mUelemo mria mmetilmmit I am lurning
o*er greal projetrts m mj nund; tamm
tnne turo bere and tbere, < kieppua) sain
abOUt, Tr; 1MIMIM / ****
swing ones partner, dance one around,
daoee WIIO one: orotmkoomi pytiot eimti
mmmsmm my thougbts are constantly turo
ina- loward you; i mmm fM pyr keittin
(hyorii> tbe lady or the nouse is buslling
(about) in tbe kltcben; koko niini py
rii tiimistni my bead whirls, I am dlzzy;
rotmm pyrii the wbeel Is turning (1. rotat itiKi. the wheel goes (1. turns) around;
ssma pyrii kielellni (kuv.i the Word is
on tbe tlp (I. I bave tbe word on tbe end) or
my tongue, the word is on my tongues end.
pyriinen (ellnt.) porpoise.
pyrr whlrl, swi rl; (vedess :)eddy, (kova)
whlrlpool; vortex; (tukassa:) vertex; tois
tetun pyrteest In the conrusion (1. the
tumult) or (tbe) battle; omoi on pyrteitt
the water Is rormlng eddles (l. wbirlpools);
the water eddies.
-myraky tornado,
(violent) cyclone, (Aasian vesill) typboon;
(hirmumyrsky) hurricane. -pataaa walerspout. -tuuli whlrlwlnd.
pyrryt: menn pyrryksiin kS. pyrty;
olla pyrryksiss (pyrtynyt) be In a ralnt
(1. a swoon), have rainled (away), have
swooned, (tuntea pyrrytyst) reel dlzzy
(I. giddy), vrt. pokerry; panna (l. maat
taa) pyrryksiin make . . ralnt (away),
cause . . to SXVOon, vrt. pkerrytt.
pyrryttv: pt ~ (huimaava) dizzy, gidrly ihelght, korkeus], (kuv.) bewllderlng.
pyrryt make . . dlzzy (I. giddy), daze,
dlzzy; minua ~, ptni ~ I feel (1. I am)
dlzzy (l. giddy), my head is (1. feels) dlz
zy (1. giddy), my head svvims; minua alkoi
~ I got dlzzy (l. giddy), I vvas selzed wlth
pyrrytya dlzzlness, glddlness; dlzzy (1. gid
dy) iisnlloil; (liik.) vertlgo; tuntea pyr
rytyst reel dlzzlness, reel glddlness, reel
dlzzy, (pyrlymystft) reel (one Is golng
to) ralnt. -kohUut atlack (I. nt) or dlzzl
ness (l. or glddlness).
pyrrt swing; turn, wlnd; sweep.
pyrtymlnan ralntlng, swoonlng; vrt. pyr
rytyt, pyrtymitkohtaut ralntlng- nt, ralntlng-peli, un); (lllak.) syncope; vrt.
pyrrytyikuhtnut. pyrtymyt swoon, ralntIng-nt; mys ~ pyrrytyt, pyrtynyt
ralntcd (uvvay), suooned (away); pyr
tyneen (inyos:) in a ralnt, In a svvoon.
pyrty rulnt (away), (Tall Into a) svvoon.
pyftrtan (ojiin) edge (oi a dltch); vrt. pel
pyrt (tuutii) turn back; (palata) return,
retracu one' flteps.


(TBaj-rr) rirrle; flina-, kala- y.

MO: (knp-) bon.
(ratas) vHeeL (pieni. TabvarakemelBenitrock: (e^un. sngyn jalan alla)raster:
<py>ir) Circle: (pottu-) bicycJe. cyeie.
<jkpt. ) bike: pyrit rtir. . . oo wbeels.
pyirmM emrmmtettm vneeled: heiUa pyirm tTOUB.) turn cart-wneels: mmimuOm ti
olo p\ iti pyr O- .) I bavent a reJ
ceot CL a smgle penny); gin (the)
5 -S ? (k5k; Trt. kikma , iki y. m.
pTtrttmtotkm (be) svnngiiojr) around, be
turning around: (tuulesta:) be veering. be
smntng (about); lanrin. be turnmf
m tbe danre.
pyriMyt sving. vbeel. turn: round; (etup.
tiet. 4 tekn.) rotation. i vauhtipyrin y. mi
rerolution. pyrAMyttU svrtng [around.
yxopin'. vbeel . . about (L around), turn
.. around: (etup. tekn.) slue; pyrhdytt t
tn (ympri) turn one's borse
around. pyrthtaly blrling; (luulen)
Teerlng. pyrihtijniiMn svrtngtng around
Joe., ks. seur.
pyriMM. swing around, swing o.s., turn
(around); (pyrii) rotate, revolve, (tapin
ympri) swivel: (tuulesta) veer: shift.
change; (ympri) kantoplln turn on
one"s beel, wbeel around: lattialle (ro
mahtaa) come tumbling down on the rioor,
roll down on tbe noor; (hiuiiih swing
(1. dance) around; ympri swing o.s.
around, turn.
pyrileminen = pyrily.
pyrtiliji (pottu-) bicyclist. -seura 1. -yh
distyt blcycle club.
pyrill ride a blcycle, (go on a) \vlieel,
cycle. pyrily blcycle ridlng, cycllng.
pyrii nen (yhd.) . .-wbeeled, . . wllh . .
wheels [esim. kokoi two-wheeled, . . wilh
two wheels: moni . . wiib many wheel^;
nrari.. witb large wheels.large-wheeled].
pyrin akseli axle(-tree); (koneessa) shalt.
-heitto (volm.) turning cart-wbeels. -Jlki
wbeel-track, (maantiell, tav. syvnlainen)
rut. -kannikka Telly (or a vvheel), relloe:
vrt. seur. -kani nm (or a wheel). -kisko
tlre. -muotoinen wheel-shaped, . . in the
sbape or a wheel; (tiet.) rotate. -rengas
1. = pyrnvanne: 3. = pyrnkeh. -tekij
wheelwrlgbt. -vanna tlre.
pyrtahko grlndstone.
pyriys, pyrytt ks. pyrhdys, pyorhdytt.
pyro kirjotut roundhand, round hand.
-kutomakone clrcular loom. -rauta round
(bar-)iron. -aha clrcular saw, buzz-saw.
-sakset rotary shears.
pyveli (mestaaja) executioner; (hirttj)
-pi (jlklliite) ks. -pa.
phkin (-hedelm) nut; (phkinpuun) hazelnut, (europpalalsen) Tilbert; vrt. maa-,
taksan y. m. -matat hazel vvood (1. grove).
pihkininkuorl nut-shell.
phkin pensas bazel(-bush). -pihdit nutcracker. -puinen . . or hazel, hazel. -puu
hazel. -ljy hazel-oil.
phkyl (kasv.) achene, achenium.
pihdyt: olla pihdyhtits be lntoxicated, be
drunk. pihdyttv lntoxicating; inebriatlng; pihdyttvt /uomat lntoxicating llquor(s), strong drlnk(s), lntoxicants. pih
dytt lntoxicate (mys kuv.), Inebriate,
make . . drunk (mys kuv.). pihdytyt intoxlcation; lnebriatlon.
pihtyminen becoming lntoxicated, Intoxlcatlon; vrt. seur.
pihtymys Intoxicatlon; lnebriatlon, (state
or) drunkenness. -tila state or drunkenness (1. or Intoxicatlon).



pihtynyt lntoxlcated, drunk, tipsy; pihty

nein, pihtyneess tilassa In a State Of intoxlcatton; pihtyneen ollessaan (mys;)
hen (l. whlle) lntoxlcated.
pihtyi become (I. get) lntoxlcated, get
drunk, get tlpsy.
piilyminen, pai ly nti shlmmer(ing), gleam
(-lng); glitter(ing). pillyi shimmer, gleam;
Kllsten; (kimaltaa) glltter; (kuvastua) be
mlrrored, be reflected.
piin In the directlon of . . , toward(s), to;
mnty, seini ali wrong. ali off, (a)
way orr the track, beside the mark [esim.
tehd jokin ~ seini do a th. ali wrong] ;
eteln to(wards) the south, (liikett
Ilmaisten, mys:) southward(s) [huom.
eteln ~ menevt junat (mys:) trains
(Tor the) south, soutlibound trains] ; ete
lss ~ in (1. to) the SOUth; jonnekin ~ in
some directlon, In one directlon or other;
juosta ~ jotakin nm (l. bump) against . .;
kaikki asiat ovat hyvin everytblng Is ali
rli-ht (1. is nne 1. is In rine shape 1. Is going wcll), (Jkpv.) everything Is 0. K.; mi
hin ~ In what directlon? which way [dld
he go, hn meni]? (minne) where? mist
from what directlon? from where?
(from) whence? niin ~ (In) that way, tbus,
so; olla lisntymn ~ be on the increase,
be lncreaslng; olla paranemaan ~ be pet
ting better, be on the way to recovery, be
rallying, be mendlng, be on the gain (1. on
the mend), be convalescent; olla vhene
mn ~ be on tbe decrease (1. decllne), be
dlmlnlshlng, be decreaslng (more and
more), (esim. tuuli) be dylng down, (kuus
ta:) be on the wane; vrt. pins.
piinan (ybd.) . .-headed, . . \vith a . . head,
. . wlth . . beads [esim. iso~ large-headed,
with a large head; kaksi- two-headed,
double -headed; moni~ many-headed, wlth
many heads] ; (-krklnen) . .-pointed, ..
\vlth a . . point [esim. terv sharppointed, . . \vltli a sharp polnt; tyls wlth
a blinit polnt].
pinkn: ei sinne ~ nowhere near lt, nothIng like that, nothlng or the kind.
pins: hy (laatuun) may be done, (on
mahdollista) is posslble, (menettelee) passes
(muster), (on sopivaa) Is proper, Is fltting
[esim. ei ky , ett sin menet sinne lt
won't do (1. lt Is not best) Tor you to go
there, you must not go there, (el sovi) lt
Is not proper Tor you to go there; c ky
(kyll) ~ (sen voi tehd) lt may be done,
you may do so].
pinvastainen (vastakkainen) opposlte, opposed [to ... Jollekin], contrary [to . . ] ;
(suunnaltaan) reverse, converse; (toinen)
the other [extreme, rlmisyys; side, puo
li]; (erilainen) dlfferent, unllke; ~ jrjes
tys reverse (1. Inverse) order; pinvastai
seen suuntaan in an [the] opposlte dlrection, the other way; . . ovat aivan Cl. koko
naan) pinvastaiset . . aie dlametrically opposed (to each other), . . are exactly (1.
dlametrically) opposlte; suhde on aivan ~
the case Is Just the reverse (1. the opposite).
pinvastoin on the contrary, contrarlwlse;
to the contrary; vice versa; (knten) inversely, conversely, reversely; (ennemmin)
much ratber, far more; ~ fcnin (qulte) op
poslte to, In contradlstlnctlon to, contrary
to; osia an juuri ~ lt Is Just (1. qulte) the
contrary (I. the opposlte 1. the other way
1. the reverse).
piisin pins.
pissn: olla ~ be drunk, be tlpsy, be
(deep) In one's cups, be lntoxlcated [huom.
hn on hiukan he has taken a drop (1. a
little) too much].


piiatlkkaa head rirst; headlong, preclpltately; head over heels; pudota ~ veteen Tall
(1. plunge) head foremost (I. rirst) Into
the water.
pistret (pellavan) shives.
piitse: jonkin ~ by (1. past) the head (1. the
end) or . . , by . . .
pitset (suitset) bridle; panna ~ phn
(hevoselle) pui the bridle on.
pivemmlli later in the day, later (1. further) on durlng (l. in) the day.
pivettyminen gettlng sun-burnt (I. tanned),
tannlng. pivettynyt sun-burnt; vveatherbeaten, weathered; (ruskettunut) tanned.
pivettyi get sun-burnt; (ahavoitua) get
weather-beaten, (ruskettua) get tanned.
pivety* sunburn; (coat of) tan.
pivineen: laiva hukkui miehistineen the
shlp was lost wlth its crew (1. wlth crew
and ali) ; talo paloi irtaimistoineen the
nouse burned down wlth ali lts contents;
vrt. kaikkineen.
pivisin by day, in the daytlme; hn on har
voin kotona ~ he Is seldom at home In the
daytlme (1. durlng the day).
pivitell complain, lament [of . . , Jotakin],
bemoan; (voivotella) wail, whtne, whlmper;
(harmitella) pour out one's feellngs [to
one about. Jollekulle Jotakin] ; hn pivit
teli toivotonta asemaansa he complalned of
hts bopeless situatlon. pivitteleminen, pi
vittely lamentlng, complainlng; lamentatlon, lament; waillng; vrt. edell.
pivittin (Joka piv) daily; (piv pivl
t) day by day; (pivien mukaan) by the
day. pivittinen daily; (tiet.) dliirnal. pi
vittisin daily; (Joka piv) every day.
pivystys duty (Tor the day); guard-duty.
-upseeri (sot.) offlcer of the day; orricer on
duty. -vuoro turn to be on duty for the day.
pivystj: kuka on tnn pivystjn
who is on duty for the day? pivyst he
on duty for the day; pivystv upseeri =
piivyt (run.) day; sun.
piv day; (aurinko) sun; pivineen ks. ha
ku s.; pivlleen kaksi vuotta tW0 ycars to
a (1. to the very) day, exactly two years;
pivll by day, In (1. during) the daytimc;
pivlt (piv kohti) . . a day, per day
[huom. kirjeenne huhtikuun 7- pivlt your
letter (lilkekleless: your favor) of Aprll
7tb] ; pivn puolella on the siinny side, toward (1. facing) the Sun; pivn valjetessa
at dawn, at daybreak, In the dawn; ~ oli jo
pitklle kulunut the day was Tar advanced
(l. far spent); ~ pivlt day arter day,
day by day, wlth every day; pivss (pi
vlt) a day, per day, (yhdess pivss)
in a (1. one) day [esim. hn ansaitsee kol
me dollaria pivss he Is earnlng three
dollars a day; se ei ole pivss tehty lt
can not be done In a (1. In one) day] ; pivs
t pivn, pivst toiseen from day to
day, Trom one day to another (1. to the
next) ; pivt pitkn, pivt pitkt day in
and day out, (kaiket pivt) ali day long,
vrt. seur.; pivt pstn day after day,
(pivkaudet) day in, day out; elokuun 4
piv(n) the fourth (day) or August; er
n pivn one day [huom. tss ern
pivn the other day] ; hyv piv (aa
mupivll:) good mornlng! (iltapivll:)
good arternoon! (useimmiten:) how do you
do? (Jkpv.) hello! joka ~ every day, daily;
jonakin pivn sinne day, one day [huom.
tss jonakin pivn one of these days,
some (1. one) day or other] ; [en ole nhnyt
hnt] kahteen pivn [ I have not seenhlm]
for tuo days; keskell piv In the mlddle of tbe day, at (1. about) noon, vrt. kes



kell; kymmenett pivtt In ten day3;

lopettaa pivns commlt sulclde, rnake
away with o. s., die by one's own hand;
meidn pivinmme In our day, nowadays;
nin pivin tn tbese days, these days
liuoin, aivan nin pivin any day no\v] ;
vanhoilla pivilln in (One'S) Old age; voi
pivini woe is me! ah me!
piv- (yhd.) day- [esim. -pll day-owI;
-sokeus day-bllndness] ; (a) day's [esim.
-annos (}. -muona) day's ration].
pivinen: piviseen aikaan, paivoisella k s.
-pivinen (yhd.) . . days' . .. [esim. holmi~
taittelu a thrce days' battle], (. . pivn
vanha) . . days old [esim. hahti~ vasikka
a t\vo days Old calf] ; vrt. joka, pahan-,
turhan y. m.
pivlljuna day train; (puolipiv-) noon
traln. -Jrjesty (pari.) order or the day.
-kausi day; pivkaudet day In, day out;
day arter day, vrt. seur.; pivkautta Tor
(many) days, for days at a time, for days
together; ei pivkausiin not for many (I.
Several) days [esim. hn ei nyttytynyt
pivkausiin he dld not show hlmseir
(Jkpv.: show up) ror several days]. -kirja
diary, Journal (mys kirjanp. ); (laivan)
log(-book); (kirjanp.) day-book. -konsertti
matinee muslcal, aflernoon concert. -ko
rento (cllnt.) ephemera, May-fly. -ksky
(sot.) order of the day. -lehti daily (paper). -lista Schedule for the day [Tor the
week, for the meetlng, etc.]; Schedule.
pivllinen dlnner; antaa pivlliset jonkun
kunniaksi glve a dlnner In ap.'s honor; j
d pivlliselle johonkin stay to dlnner wlth
[liuom. raivon, ett jtte meille pivllitelle (mys:) 1 hope you will dine (1. wlll
take dlnner) wlth us] ; olla pivllisell ks.
syd (pivllist); vrt. puolinen.
plvlll*- fvhd.) dlnner- [esim. -kello dlnnec-bell; -tunti dinner-hour] ; (puolls-)
lunch- [esim. -tunM lunch-hourj. -aika
dinner-time; pivllisaikaan at (1. about)
dlnner-tlme, (puolisen) at lunch-tlme; pivllisajalla durlng (1. at) dlnner-tlme,
(-tunnilla) durlng the dlnner-hour; (puo
lls-) durlng the lunch(-hour). -ateria dln
ner; (puolinen) noonday meal, lunch(eon).
pivllisensyont! dlnlng; dlnner.
pivllisl! hetki dlnner-hour; lunch-hour.
-kahvi(t) corree taken at dlnner; arterdlnner corree. -konsertti music Turnished
during dlnner. -kutsut dlnner-party. -lepo
after-dlnner (1. noonday) nap, siesta, -loma
dlnner-hour; (time to eat) dlnner. -pyt
dinner-table; pivllispydtt at the dlnner-table, at dlnner. -seura 1. -seurue dln
ner-party. -uni arter-dlnner nap, vrt. pivllislepo. -vieras guest (at dlnner), guest
invited to a dlnner-party; me saamme pi
vllisvieraita we are golng to have company
to (1. at) dlnner.
pivlinen day-Iaborer; one who works (1.
man \vorklng) by the day.
piv matka day's Journey; (sot.) day's
inarch. -mies = pivlinen.
pivmr date. -leimasin dater.
pivn kakkara:



(kasv.) oxeye dalsy. -koita 1. -koitto dawn,

daybreak; pivnkoitteetta at dawn, at daybreak.
pivnkukansiemen (auringon-) sunriower
seed. -ljy sunriower-oil.
pivni kukka (kasv.) sunriower. -matka a
day's Journey. -paahtama 1. -paahteinen
sun-baked, sun-scorched, . . baked In the
sun. -puoleinen . . situated on the sunny
side, sunny [slope, rinne], -rinne: pivnrinteett oleva sunny, sunlit. -sappi ks.

auringonsappl. -sarastus = pivnkoite,
-savu haze. -seisauspiste solstfce. -selvi
. . (as) plain (1. clear) as day(llght), (as)
clear as (the) noonday (sun); (seir-)evident; (selvn selv) unmlstakable: on pi
vnselv, ett . . (mys:) it Is obvlous (1.
evldent) to everybody that . . . -tapaus
event or the day. -tasaaja equator. -tasaus
equlnox. -valo dayllght, day; pivnvalolla
by dayllght; taattoa pivnvaloon brlng to
(day)llght. -varjo parasol, sun-sbade; umbrella.
piv!! nytnt matinee. -paista sunsbine.
-paisteinen sunlit, sunny. -palkka a (I.
one's) day's wages; daily wage(s), daily
pay; pivpalkalla by the day, (piv palkkaperusteella) on the basls or a daily
wage; antoi pivpalkkansa gave Ii is day's
wages. -palkkalainen day-laborer. -per
honen (ellnt.) butterriy. -raha extra l
lttnee per day [pald a government orricial in Finland whlle he Is away from
home on business].
pivsaikaan, pivsell by day, tn the davtime, durlng the day (time): (pivnvalol
la) by dayllght, whlle it Is day(ltght).
pivsydn middle or the day, (hlgh) noon,
m id day; pivtydnn In the middle or the
day, at hlgh noon.
pivtty dated; ~ maalitk. l p:n dated the
rirst or March, dated (1. under date or)
March lst., bearlng (the) date or March Ist.
pivtltyo day's work; work by (the) dav,
day-work; olla pivtytt (be) work(ing)
by the day; tehd pivtyt work during
the day, work tn the day-shirt, mvs =
edell. -tylinen day-laborer, laborer workIng by the day.
pivtr goddess or day, goddess of the sun.
pivtn sunless; (pime) dark.
pivys datlng; date. pivminen dating.
pivmtn undated, . . uiiliout a date.
plkhdys ks. phn,
plkht: jonkun phn occur (1. come)
to one, strlke one, come (in)to a p.'s mlnd.
enter one's mlnd (I. head), suggest Itseir
to one, (Jkpv.) pop into one's head; kun
hnen phns (mys : ) when the whim
takes iii iii: kunnes phni plkhti ottaa
selville tintil I took it Into my head to Tlnd
out; tettainen ei koskaan saattaisi phnikn such a thlng would never enter
my head, I should never dream or such a
plpttminen babbllng Jne., ks. seur. pl
ptt babble, prattle; (kehuskella) bluster, swagger.
plvi bare spot [on the ground], place where
the snow is gone (1. Is melted). -silsa
(phk) rlngworm.
plyileminen peering Jne., ks. seur. palvilla,
ply 'kurkistella) peer, peep, peek; (kat
sella) gaze, glare; (kimallella) gllmmer.
gllsten; plyill ymprilleen gaze (I. peer)
around. plyily plyileminen.
plht = plkht.
pls t. (suksen-) place for the foot on a
skl; 2. (pulma) predlcament, dilemma;
(pula) stralts, pinch, (Jkpv.) scrape, rtx;
joutua plkteen get Into a (pretty) H.x.
get into a predlcament, (pulmaan) be(come)
puzzled (what to do); ptt plk(h)tt
get out or a scrape (1. a flx).
pmptt (be) clang(lng), (be) clank(lng).
pnttys, pnttminen grindlng; lktyn
phn pnttminen (Jonkun) beatlng a
lesson into a p., (omaan phns) grind
lng away (1. dlgglng) at a [the] lesson.
pntt grind; (lyd) beat; - lksy () jon
kun phn beat (I. hammer 1. pound 1.
drum) a lesson into a p.('s head); p-



/in* grlnd (1. plufr) avvay [at Latln, lati

naa] ; lukea pnttsi studled hard.
pre (katto-) shlngle; (kori- y. m.) spllnt
i ri ..; kattaa preill shlngle.
pre- (yhd.) shlngle- [esim. -katto shlnglerooT; -naula shlngle-nall] ; splint- [esim.
-kori Cl. -koppa) spllnt-basket] . -kattoinen
. . \vith a shingle-roor. -plkky 1. -puu block
to be split Into shlngles (1. into spllnters),
bolt. -soihtu 1. -valkea torch made of a
parini (esim. hertyskellon) buzzlng, buzz;
(torven) blarlng, bray(ing); (rtin) rat
tle; parran prattllng, babbllng; rumpu
jen beatlng or drums, the rat-tat-tat (I.
the rubadub) of drums. priseminen = p
rin, pristell (be) snort(lng); (rumpua)
be beatlngr, be rolling; (torvea) beblaring;
pristell maustaan squirt (I. splutter) out.
pristys = prin, prist (esim. hertys
kellosta:) buzz: (rmist) rattle; (riiiky)
blare, bray; rummut prisevt the drums
are rolling (1. are beatlng 1. go rat-tat-tat);
telefooni prisee the telcphonc Is buzzing.
pristminen snortlng Jne., ks. seur. pris
t snort; prist rumpua beat (1. roll) a
(lrurii; prist torvea blare a born, make
a horn bray (1. blare).
prjt (suoriutua) do [wlthout . . , ilman
Jotakin; well, hyvin]; (manage to) get on;
get along (somehow) [with] ; (tulla toi
meen) support O.S.; Aan prjsi tutkinnos
sa hyvin he dld (1. he came out) vvell In (1.
wlth 1. at) hls exanilriation.
parpattaminen prattling, cackllng; chatterIng. parpattaa prattle, babble, cackle; chatter; vrt. plptt, prptys prattle; chatter, babble; cackle; minua suututtaa kuun
nella hnen alituista prptystn I hate to
hear her everlasting cackle.
prryttminen rattling; drummlng. prrytt rattle, (make a) clatter; (rummuttaa)
'In un; prrytt rumpua beat (1. roll) a
drum; vrt. prist, prrytys rattle, clatter;
(rummun) beatlng, roll(lng), vrt. prin.
prrlaitos buzzer; alarm.
prske spray; spatter. prski prsky.
prskyminen, prskynt spatterlng; snortlng.
prskyttminen spatterlng, splashlng. prskytti sp(l)atter [uater on, vett jonkun
plle], splash; spray; (panna prskymn)
make .. spatter (1. splash); (prist)
snort. prskytys spatterlng; spraying. prs
ky (risky) spatter [ln(to) one's face,
Jonkun kasvoille], splash; (prist) snort;
vaahto prskyy laivan kokassa the spray Is
dashlng at the prow or the boat.
prskhdya squirt; spurt. prskhdytt
(make . .) squirt; (make . .) spurt (out);
(rnlsklihdytt) spatter. prskht squirt;
(purskahtaa) spurt (out); (riskht) be
spattered. plrsk = prsky; kyn prsk the pen spatters the lnk (1. makes the
Ink spatter).
Prttyli Bartholomevv; (Prttylin piv)
St. Bartholomew's day. Prttylin-y (hlst.)
the massacre of Saint Bartholome\v('s day).
pssi ram, tup; (salvettu) vvether. pssi np
(kuv.) numskull, sheepshead, blockhead.
ptemttmyys lncompeten|ce (1. -cy), dlsabillty, lncapaclty; disqualiricatlon, unritness; . . bclng unvvarranted; lnvalidity, nulllty; untenableness, Inderensiblllty. pte
mtn (kykenemtn) Incompetent [for a
position. Johonkin toimeen]; unquallfled;
(pystymtn) incapable; (aiheeton) un\varranted; (kelpaamaton) invalld, (null
and) vold, . . of no (blndlng) rorce; (pit
mtn) untenable [argument, vite], lndefensible, . . that runnot be sustalned; julis
taa ptemttmksi (henkil) declare . . In


competent; (lakisds y. m.) declare . .

Invalld, declare . . null and vold.
ptevyys (kelpoisuus) competence; qualincatlon(s); (sopivaisuus) fitness; (pitvyys)
valldlty; (laillisuus) legitimacy; (vitteen)
derenslblllty, tenability. -ehto qualiricatlon. -vaatimus requlrement, quallficatlon.
ptev (kykenev) competent, (fully) quallried; capable; (sopiva) flt; (kelpaava)
valld; (laillinen) lavvful [excuse, syy pois
jmiseen], legitimate; (pitv) tenable
[argument, vite] ; . . that can be sustalned,
defenslble; (perusteltu) wcll-founded, wellgrounded; (painava) weighty; arvostele
maan qualiried to Judge, competent to crltlclze: syy good (1. valld 1. vvell-founded
1. welghty) reason; virkaan (fully) qual
iried Tor the position; sin et ole asiaa
ratkaisemaan you are not capable of decldlng (1. not competent to judge) in the matter. ptevsti competently, in a competent
way (I. manner) ; capably.
pite be valld; hold good, hold true; (kelva
ta) do, be good [for].
ptk I. stump, end; blt; vrt. kyden, lau
lun, sikarin y. m.
ptki II. = plin.
ptsi Turnace; vrt. tulinen.
p head; (kallo) skull, (anat.) cranlum;
(loppu; huippu) end; extremity; termination; (krki) polnt, (esim. kielen) tlp;
(varsi, esim. puukon) handle; (latva) top;
(tyvi-) butt(-end); (kuv. = mieli, tuuli)
temper, mood, humor, splrlt(s); pin, pin
s, pissn ks. hakus.; edell head 1'lrst,
head foremost, headlong; plle(.en), pll(n), plt(n) ks. hakus. ; pn meno
(perikato) destruction, (vanh.) bane, (kuo
lema) death; pss, pst k s. hakus.;
pst phn fniui one end to the other,
(alusta loppuun) from beglnnlng to end;
pt pahkaa ks. suora (a pt); ajatella
jotakin pns ympri (1. puhki) trouble
(1. puzzle) one's head about (1. over 1.
\vlth), beat (1. rack 1. cudgel 1. puzzle)
one's bralns about (1. wlth); huono poor
head, dull understandlng (1. braln), (muis
ti) poor in emo ry: hypt plleen veteen
(sukeltaessa) dlve head rirst, take a header;
hyv a good (1. clear) head, (muisti)
good memory; nell on oma pns he
has a mlnd (1. a will) of hls own; An on
muita ptn pitempi he is a head taller
than other people, he stands head and
shoulders above the others (1. the rest) ;
An an nyt sill pll (tuulella) he Is now
In that mood (1. that humor), (mielell) he
Is oT that mlnd now; minun on pni kipe
I have a headache, my head aches: olla alla
pin be dovvncast, bo dejected, (Jkpv.) be
blue, be In the dumps; on monella pll
(mielell) Is undeclded, does not know
liat to do; [istua] pydn phn [seat
o.s.] at the head (1. the end) or the table;
suuri , mutta vhn jrke (1. V.) a big
head, but nothlng In lt; lots or head and no
p- (yhd.) (suurin, trkein) main, princlpal,
chler, (yli-) head, (Johtava) leadlng [esim.
-katu main (1. princlpal) Street; -kokki head
(1. chieD cook; -piirre leadlng (1. princlpal
1. main) feature; -vika chier (1. main 1. prin
clpal) rault]. -aine chler (1. princlpal) substance; (luku-) most Important subject (I.
study), (yliopistossa) major [huom. nen
paineenaan oli thtitiede (mys.) he rnajored In astronomy]. -aines chler (1. main)
lngredlent. -ajatus leadlng Idea; main (1.
chler 1. princlpal) thought (1. Idea), -ansio
chlef (1. princlpal) merlt. -armel(J)a main
arniy. -asema (keskus-) Central statlon;



(-maja) headquarters. -asia main (1. prin

cipal I. chler) thlng (1. object); main point;
pasia minulle oli ehti ajoissa Helsinkiin

(mys:) the great thing Tor me was to ne

in Helsingfors in tlme; pasiassa in the
main, vrt. pasiallisesti; osata erottaa p
asia sivuasiasta he able to dlsrrimlnate netween (the) essential and non-essentlal (1.
between prlnclpal and subordlnate points).
-asiallinen prlnclpal, main, chler [food, ra
vinto]; (oleellinen) essential. -asiallisesti
principally, chleHy, mainly; essentlally,
substantlally; (enimmkseen) mostly, for
the most part; (useimmassa tapauksessa)
in most cases, In the (great) majority or
cases. -asiamies general atcent. -avu cardtnal vlrtue. -ehto main (l. principal) conditlon (1. provision), -elinkeino chier (1. prln
clpal) Industry; prlnclpal trade, prlnclpal
occupatlon. -esikunta general starr, stair or
the commander-ln-chier. -fasadi grand racade; (piirustuksessa:) rront elevation.
-harjotus (tcatt.) dress rehearsal. -heimo
principal trlbe. -henkil (nytelmn, no
vellin y. m.) ieadlng (1. prlnclpal) character; nero, heroine.
phine coverlng for the head, head-dress,
head-gear; (eri lajeja:) bonnet, hood.
piihki (lk.) rlng\vorm.
pUllhuivi kerchlef. -hyve cardlnal vlrtue;
(Jonkun) chier (1. prlnclpal) vlrtue.
phn pisto Tancy, notkui, Idea, conreit;
Impulse; (oikku) \vhim, caprice; [mene
tell] hetken phnpiston mukaan [act]
on the spur (I. the Impulse) or the moment. -plkhdys (sudden) notlon.
pilli ilmansuunta cardlnal polnt; nelj pil
mansuuntaa (mys:) the lour points or the
compass. -Jakso (luonnont.) subklngdom;
phylum. -Jalkalnen (elint.) cephalnpod.
-Johto I. (kaasu-, vesi- y. m.) main; 2. ks.
ylin (Johto). -Jokimin rlver; (trkein) prln
clpal river. -Joukko, -joukot main army;
buik (or the army), main body (or an ar
my]. -Juuri tap-root. -kaali ks. kupukaali.
pkallo skiill; (anat.) cranlum; vrt. kallo.
pkallonpaikka (raam. - Golgata) Calvary,
Golgotha. pkallotiede craniology.
pll kamara sralp. -kappale (osa) main section: (esim. katkismuksen) artlrle.
pkaupunki capital (city); (maailmankaupunki) metropolis; piirikunnan (1. "kauntin") ~ (Yhdysv.) county seat. -elm li! e
In the capital (1. the metropolis).
pkaupunkilainen Inhabitant of the capital;
(maailman-) metropolitan.
plli kieli principal language. -kirja (kirjanp.) ledger. -kirjotus (sanomalehden)
ieadlng artlcle; (Fiig-1.) leader.
pkkin end to end;


(1. trade); (-kauppa) main store; (-kont

tori) main (I. head) orrice. -liina kerchier.
-linnotus main (1. principal) (ortress.
plle: - ptteeksi ks. plliseksi; jonkin

(up)on a th., on top or . . , (yli) over a

tb., (lisksi) above a th., over and above a
th., beyond a th., besldes (1. In addltion to)
a th. piilleen, pllens on one's head; (yl
leen) on; (vaatteilleen) on one's clothes, on
one's dress; hypt plleen veteen (sukel
taessa) dive head flrst, take a header; kaa
taa pllens (mys:) splll (1. drop) . . on
(1. ali over) o.s.
plle hykkys assauit, (sudden) attack;
(-hykkminen) aggression, -hykkj 1.
-karkaaja aggressor; one who assaults (1.
attacks), one who assaulted (1. attacked),
. . wiio made the attack ; assatlant. -karkaus = pllehykkys. -kirjotus heading,
tltle; supcrscriptlon; (osote) address.
pllekkin one (up)on the otiier. one on top
or another (I. of the other).

pllel kvij one who assaults (I. attacks):

one \vho assaulted (1. attacked) ; aggressor.
-piin on the OUtSide; nky pllepin
show on the outside (1. on the surface).
-ptteeksi ks. plliseksi.
plletysten - pllekkin.
pllikkyys command; leadershlp.
pllikk chler, (vanh.) chiertain; (pmies)
head; (Johtaja) leader; (sot.) orricer In
eomnmnd, commander; (linnotukscn) governor, commandant; (laivan) captain,
(kauppalaivan) master; pllikkn oleva
commanding, . . in command. -kunta the
orricers (commissioned and non-commlssloned).
pllikntoiml position as commander; posi
tion as the head [or . .].
pllimlinen uppermost, topmost; (uiko-)
outward, external.
pllinen I. (s.) (pllys) covcring, (esim.
huonekalujen) cover, spread, throw, (tyy
nyn y. m.) tlck, (Irtanalnen) case, slip;
(kengn) vamp, upper; takin cloth the
coat Is made or. II. (a.) (Jonkin ~) . . sltuatcd (I. located) over (I. above 1. on top
oD . .; pllisin puolin (pintapuolisesti) superricially; vrt maan-, plliseksi, plli
siksi Into the bargaln. to boot, over and
above that, moreovcr, rurther(more), even,
(lisksi) besides, thereto; extra; kaiken
pllisiksi on top or (1. over and above)
everything (else), on top or ali this (1. ali
that), to cronn lt ali.
paaliisi) kerros surrace layer. -nahka (ken
gn) vamp, upper.
paillttseovcr;>onJ>in ~ over..,along over...
pllyksinen . . covered with .... .-covered
[esim. nahka~ leather-covered, covered
\vith leather] ; vrt. seur.
pllys coat(ing); (verhotus) clothlng,
(tekn.) casing; (verho) envelope; (-paperi)
wrapper, wrapping; (pllyste) racing,
(lauta-) sheathing, (ohut, puu- y. m.) veneer; (pllyst) top; (kansi) cover; mys

p i kohdittain glvlng the main points (I. the

suhstanre), (flving- a synopsis; givlng an
outllne. -kohdituinen ks. edcll. -kohta
main polnt, (harvemmin:) cardlnal (1. sallent) polnt; (ppiirre) lcading (1. main)
feature (I. characterlstlc), principal trait;
pkohdissaan in the main. -kokki (mys,
etup. hotellin y. m.:) chef. -konna viilaili pllys! hame ovcrsklrt, tunic. -hiha (irto
or the \vorst type, crook or the \vorst or- nainen) oversleeve. -kenk overshoe; arcder. -konsuli consul-general. -konttori tic (tav. plur.). -ketto epldermis, cuticle;
main (1. central) orrice(s); home orrice. (kamara) scalp. -kivi (myllyss) upper
-koppa brain-pan; (kallo) skull, (ieik.)pate. millstone. -lakana upper (1. top) sheet.
-korko prlmary accent, main acccnt. -kort
-mies (typllysmles) roreman, (Jkpv.)
teeri headquarters. -kysymys main (1. chlef boss; (esimies) superior; (johtaja) head,
1. Ieadlng) questlon; main (I. vltal) point. leader. -nahka ks. pllisnahka. -nuttu
-kytv (sisn-) main entrance; (-kori- overcoat, top-coat; (ernlainen, lyhyt)
dorl) main hallway. -laenluu (anat.) parle- Mackinaw (coat); (plliminen) outside
tal bone. -laki crown (or the head), top or coat. -paperi \vrapper, wrapplng(-paper).
the head; [seisoa] plaellaan [stand] on -peite (sngyn) bedspread, coverlet, counone's head. -lause (kiel.) main (1. principal) terpane. -pukine outer garment(s); p/clause. -liike (suurin Uiko) chler business tyspukineet (mys:) wraps, -puoli upper



psiismattress) at the head or the [his, her] bed

-pudistus shake (1. toss) or the head. -puoli
(vuoteen) head [or the bed]. -srky head
ache; megrim. -taivutus bending (1. bowlng) the head. -tauti (hevosilla) strangles.
KS. pllysnuttu.
pjnunna prioress. -nuppi (halventav.)
pllyste, pllystin ks. pllys, pllystys noddle, pate, (Jkpv.) nut.
coverlng; coatlng; (vuoraus) sheathlng, pnvaiva puzzle; trouble, bothcr; nhd
(rakennuksen uiko-) siding-, (reuna-) rac
paljon pnvaivaa jostakin (l. jonkin takia)
ing; (ympriv) casing. pllyst ks. pl
puzzle (1. rack) one's bralns a good deal
lys, pllystminen coverlng- Jne., ks. seur. about (1. over), have a lot or bother (1. or
pllyst cover [a sora with plush, sohva trouble) on account of.
plyyshlvaatteella], cover over; (esim. kul poma capital; ja korko prlnclpal and
lnterest; siihen tarvitaan suuria pomia
lalla) overlay; (esim. vallalla) coat; (vuo
rata) sbeatbe, (rakennus, ulkoa) side; quite a ltttle capital is needed ror that,
(etup. reuna) race; (ymprid) case, ln- (varoja) it takes large Tunds to start [to
case; jollakin pllystetty (esim. sohva) carry on, etc] that; vrt. liike-, osake-.
-mr amount or capital,
covered wlth, upbolstered in (1. with).
pllyst (sot.) the orricers (commissioned pomanlilyhennys paying (1. payment) on
the prlnclpal. -omistaja capitallst; ovvner
and non-commissloned).
or capital, -sijotus Investment (or capital)
pillysllvaate outer garment; pllysvaatteet poma
tili stock-account. -vakuutus enouter garments, wraps. -viri top coat.
dovvment Insurance,
pll: jonkin (up)on a th., on top or . . , pllominaisuus
prlnclpal (1. leadlng) quali(ylpuolella) above a th.; (yli) over a th.(1. feature); (luonteen-) chler tralt or
pni above (1. over) my head; vrt. ty
main (1. prln
p. -pin (up)on, on (the) top; at the top. clpal) part; (the) bulk -osa
[or..]; (nytel
plln, pllns (esim. seisoa) on one's mn) leading part; p.. a kansaa the mass
head; (ylln) on [esim. minulla oli pll
(1. the bulk) of the people. -osasto main di
ni takki I had on a coat] .
vision, -ovi main door; (-kytv) main enplt (ylpuolelta) rrom above; rrom the trance. -paikka chler (1. principal) place;
top; on (l. at) the top, above; (ulkopuolel
prlnclpal seat; (esim. kaupan) metropolis.
ta) from the outside; (on the) outside; ~ -paino: panna ppaino jollekin lay partickaunis katsella nlce to look at on the out
ular stress (l. emphasis) on, empliasize
side (I. outwardly) ; musta black on the . . particularly; vrt. pkorko. -pappi
top (1. on the upper side), black above, (ul
prelate. -periaate leading princlple; (pe
koa) black on the outside; nhden ex- rus) rundamental (princlple). -perillinen
ternally, outwardly, on the exterior, (ulko
prlnclpal heir [helress], -perkele = pnlt) in outvvard (1. external) appear- piru. -piirre leading (1. main) reature (1.
ance; maan from (1. off) the race or the characteristic); prlnclpal trait; kuvata ..
earth; ottaa [korko] ~ (pltpin) do- ppiirtein (1. ppiirteissn) glve the
duct [the lnterest], (edeltksin) take [the glst or, glve the main characterlstics or.
lnterest] In advance; putosi pni (yl
-piispa prlmate. -piru areh-devll. -postitipuolelta) fell from above (1. over) my head, rehtri postmaster-general. -pukari leader
rell rrom overhead, (plaeltani) rell orr
(or the gang) [in. Jossakin], chler lnstigamy head. -pin rrom above; rrom the toptor [of] ; (Jkpv.) cock or the \valk. -pyrint
(ulkopuolelta) on the outside, rrom (the)
1. -pyrkimys chler aim; main object. -raha
outside, vrt. plt (nhden) ; erottaa pl
poll-tax, per caplta tax. -rahasto prlncl
tpin (omaisuudesta y. m.) set apart, re- pal Tund; (yleis) general rund. -rakennus
main buildlng; (kartanon) manor-housepltn, pltns (yltn) orr; riisua ~
(talonpoikaistalon) 1'arm nouse, -rata main
llne; (emrata) trunk llne.
take orr one's clothes, undress (o.s.).
(ylimys) peer.
p luu skull. -lhde prlnclpal spring,
head source; (kuv.) chler source. -maali prly (helmi) pearl.
hem; (reuna) edge. piirmiti hem.
aim, object, goal; vrt. pmr, -maja
headquarters; pmajasta rrom (the) head- prmys, prmminen liemming.
quarters. -mies (esim. suvun) head; (pl pruhtinas: helvetin (1. v.) his majesty
likk) chler, head man; (Johtaja) leader; Satan. his satanic majestv.
(lak. y. m.) prlnclpal. -ministeri prime pryn pear. -hillo pear jam. -laji variety
minister, premler. -munkki prior. -muoto (1. specles) or pear.
prlnclpal rorm; (klel., verbin) voice.
prynnmuotoinen pear-shaped. pryn
pmr end; aim, object; (-maali) goal; puu pear-tree; pear; (puuaineena) \vood
(tehtv) task; (tarkotus) purpose; ilman or a pear-tree.
pmr aimlessly, with no object In psana main (I. prlnclpal) vvord; . . noudat
View; matkamme pmr OUT (place Of) taa psanansa sijaa . . agrees in case vvilh
destlnatlon, our Journeys end; varma p
the word It modirics.
mr (mys:) derinlte polnt. pmrt pseminen gettlng Jne., ks. pst,
tmyys lack or purpose, [one's] having no psemtn: olen psemttmiss hnen
object (1. aim 1. purpose); alrnlessness. kanssaan I can't get rid or him, he (I. that
pmrtn . . without an object (1. an man) borcs me to death, he Is a bore; olla
aim 1. a purpose); almless, purposeless.
psemttmiss jonkin kanssa not know
pnahka scalp.
what to do \vlth, be unable to manage . . ,
pn alainen 1. -alus (pielus) piilovv; cush- be helplcss in managlng rin overcomlng,
lon; heintukho pnalaisenaan VYlth a etc] a th.; vrt. luokse-, lpi-,
bundle or hay under his head (I. for a pil- p seurakunta ks. emseurakunta, -sisllys
low). -klvistyt 1. -kipu headache. -koriste substance; chler (I. main) purport; princi
ornament Tor the head; head-band, rillet. pal (1. chler) contents. -sisnkytv main
-kiire bandage ror the head. -liike motlon entranre.
or (1. with) the (I. one's) head. -meno (tu psiinen Easter; (Juutalaisten) Passover.
ho) ruln, destruction. -nykkiys nod(dlng). pisiis- (yhd.) Easter [esim. -aamu Easter
-pohjat: vuoteen pnpohjissa (under the morning; -muna Easter egg; -viikko Easter
(I. top) side; (ulkopuoli) outer side, out
side; (oikea) rlght side. -rakennut 1. -ra
kenne superstructure (mys kuv.). -rengas
(polkupyrn tai automobiilin) tire; outer
tube, shoe. -sisuste outer Iining. -takki


aatto Eutr ere. -aika Easter
(lime); Eastertlde; pietieitaikmam at (L
about) Eaiiler. -Juhla Easter festival . (Juutalalsteni Puvivfr. -lammas (tbe) pasebal lamb. -toma Eater vacatkm. -mmbmt*
(sanomalehden y. m .) Ea*ter number (1.
lasue 1. edition). -pyMt Easter holidays,
Easter. -palvi Easter day, Easter Sunday:
toinen psiispiv EaMer Mondajr. -y*
Easter rilirtit; 'aattoy) niartit before Easter.
pa*kynn, piaaky (elalnt.) wallow; m.
myrkr , terva , trm-, paaakyaaftpaat *walloWa nest; sytv pskysenpes edlble blrd's-nest.
paasotajoukko bulk (1. main body) of in
army; main arrny.
paaaayt (Joniakin) eseaped; (Jononkin) axrlved [at] ; jokainen 24 vuotta paaluksi
miee every man (I. male) wbo bas reached
the age or 24 years; koulusta . . wbo bas
Inlshed acbool (I. was graduated rrom a
School), . . wbo bas ccmpleted bls course
In (I. at) tbe ichool; pitemmlle rurtber
advanced, (kauemmaksi) rarther advanced.
palaat on tbe (I. one's) head, on [esim. Uk
ki wlth one s hat on, (wlth) a bat on one's
bead], In the (I. one's) head [esim. laskea
pesln) do It In one'S bead] ; fankin
maikan at a dlstance of, at a . . djstance [hUOm. englanninpenikulman pss
(mys.) a mlle away; lyhyen matkan
(mys:) not far away (I. dlstant), (lhell)
close (I. near) by; pitkn matkan
(mys:) rar away, rar orr].
paasaa laakanto I. -laaku mental arlthmetlc;
ratkaista esimerkki psslaskun avulla
solve a problem mentally (1. by mental
arlthmetlc), (jkpv.) do lt In one's bead.
paattalamlnan unraslenlng Jne., ks. seur.
paastalla uurasten, undo, untle; loose(n);
detach [fromj; (sotk uksista) disengage,
eitrlcate; petell ksi siteist iiuhandaKe
the arin, uurasten the handages from the
arm; petell sukkeluuksia crack Jokes.
paastely ' ptteleminen.
pstin: pn (lunnas) ransom.
poasta l. (vj frt-t [In, sisn; tbere, sinne;
marrled, naimisiin] be let [Into the room,
huoneeseen), bo admltted [to the scbool,
kouluun]; (saada lupa) be allowed [to
vlslt one, tervehtlmlian Jotakuta], be permltted; (saada tilaisuus) Ket (I. be Kiven) a
chance (1. an opportunlty) [to sce, nke
mn]; (onnistua) succeed [In] ; (voida)
be ai) le to [pass, kulkemaan ohi); (saapua
Johonkin) arrlvo at: (saavuttaa) reach
[port, satamaan], attaln (perrectlon, ty
dellisyyteen], (Jokin mr) come up to;
(tulla) come, (Joksikin) beeome [apartlcipant of. osalliseksi Johonkin]; (pois) get
out, get orr; (Irti) Ket (I. come 1. work)
loose; dlseiiKaKe o. s. [Itseir], uurasten o. s.
[Itsoir]; (erilleen) Ket rld or [a p.. Josta
kusta; one's slrkness, taudistaan], (kul
tiksi) Ket elear or-, (ssty Jostakin) be
spared | rrom more sufrerlnK. krsimst
enemp 1, he saved [rrom], (pelastua) be
rcseucd [rrom],be relleved for]; (vltty)
escape 'punlshment, rangaistuksesta]; (ol
la lopettanut) be throiiKb I wlth], have rinIshed [one's tllnner, pivlliselt] ; (lopet
taa) rinlsh; psee (mys:) ran, (saatlaa)
may [esim. pseek hn mukaan ran lie
come ulonK? (saako) may he come alonK? ] ;
- alkuun Ket a start, Ket startert, Kot under
way, Ket Kolng, make a neglnning, (mer.)
Kather way, (kuv. -= saada Jalansijaa) Ket
(1. Kain 1. obtaln) a rootlng [huom. pst
keikuttelun alkuun Ket the conversation
KoIiik, Ket the dlscusslon under way]
aterialta Ket (1. be) through one's meal,

finlsh ooe'5 meal 'huom. aterialta pmmstymm km .. (mj'ri> tbe meal beuur over
he . .] ; emmi (menn) come open, open.
(saumasta tai liitteest) np (open), come
un*ewed, come unstuebed, (jostakin kiin
nisidotusta:) come undooe. come nnrasteoed, (sonnasta y. m.) come (1. ret) untied, (esim. takki, napitukselta) come unbuttoned. (kierty atiki) come untwisled
'huom. mmm am pssyt auki (mys:) the
seam bas Kiven vzj.: edelle ret ahead
or, (voittaa) beat tbe others, muista] ;
ehen Cl. ekjim makein} joltakin come (I.
get) off (L oat or . .) ahole-sktnned (1.
unbarmed 1. sare); elkkeelle ks. saada
(elke): erOteen (\. ereem) faatakin [jemtakusta] pet rid or, rld o.s. or. (vapautua)
|-et rree rrom, (lopullisesti; mys: saada
tehdyksi Jne.) ret throurh witb, (myyml
l) dlspose or. Ket .. disposed or buom.
n pse eroan siit afatmkseetm (mys:) I
cannot Ket tbe Idea out or my mind, I can
not bantsb tbe thougbt rrom my mind; en
pssyt hamasta nullem eraem (mys,
Jkpv.:) I could not shake bim orr; hnest
ei pse milln eraem tbere is no escapimr
hlm, tbere is never any getling rid or blm:
hn psi jutusta erilleen (myOS:) the Case
(1. the action) against him as dropped] ;
helpolla have it easy rhuom. hn psee
helpotu (mys:) he's Kot it easy, (Jkpv.)
he's Kot a sort snap], vrt. seur.; helpolle
jostakin Ket orr easy. Ket out or . . easilv.
(halvalla) get orr . . rheaply; hengist
jostakin escape alive rrom, escape rrom . .
wlth one's life; huomioon be(come) noticed, (Jonkun) come to tbe notice (1. tbe
attenllont or; hyvlle tuulelle get Into
a good (1. a merry) bumor, get In a good
splrit, get Into good spirlts, be(come)
cheered up, beeome anlmated; hyvn
maineeseen acqulre (1. make) a (good) reputation, (tulla kuuluisaksi) beeome ramOUS; irti, irralleen get (1. come)
loose (1. unrastened 1. untled), (liikkues
saan) work loose, (irtautua) loosen, come
away (1. orr), get detached, (veneest pu
huen:) go adrirt, (ponnistuksilla) Torce
o.s. loose, extrlcate o.s., (liimauksesta)
come unglued, (esim. tuli) break out
[rrom. Jostakin], start [rrom], vrt. pst
valloilleen; [taas] jaloilleen get on ones
Teet [agaln]; jononkin, jonnekin get
(ln)to, (Jseneksi, oppilaaksi y. m.) be ad
mltted (in)to, galn admlsslon to, (saada lu
pa menn) be allowed to ko to, have (I. get)
access to, (tulla Johonkin) come (to), (saa
pua) arrlve at, reach, (saavuttaa) attaln
[huom. pst ikuiseen lepoon take one's
eternal rest, go to one's long home; pst
jostakin johonkin johtoptkseen (mys:)
conclude rrom, lnrer rrom; pst korkeaan
ikn attaln Old aire. Ilve to be Old; pst
lailliseen ikn come or age, attain one's
Iliaforlty ; pst lopulliseen pmrns,
pst mrn phn (mys:) Kain the (1.
one's) rinal end; pst taivaaseen (mys:)
KO to heaveil; pst vapaasti johonkin
have rree (1. unrestrlcted) admlttance to.
(maksamatta) pet into . . rree, Ket in without havliiK to pay anythlnK; heti kun p
sen kotiin as soon as (ever) I get home:
huoneeseen psee jokainen everybOdy has
(rree) access to the room, the room Is accesslble to everyone (1. to everybodv).
(kuka tahansa) anyone can Ket (1. ean go)
Into the room, (sallitaan menn) anyone
may vlslt (1. go into 1. get Into) the room;
kun pstiin kirjat n) loppuun \Ylleu tbe end
or the book was reached; nill lipuilla p
sette teatteriin tlieso tlckets w!ll admlt


yo to the theater; varkaat psivt huo
kin keskuudessa], galn (1. rind) ravor with,
neistoon ikkunan kautta the thleves made
get a bold upon, vrt. tulla; ~ liikkeelle
thelr way (1. came In l. found an entrance)
(liikkumaan) be able to move (1. to move
into the room through a vvlndovv, (rikko
about 1. to walk 1. to go), vrt. pst al
malla Ikkunan) the thfeves rorced entrance
kuun; ~ lhelle jotakin get (1. come) near
(I. broke Into the room) through a vvin(1. close to), be able to get near; ~ maihin
dow] ; ~ joksikin, ~ joksikuksi become . . ,
reach (the) shore, reach land, (esim. laivan
(Johonkin toimeen) get (1. obtaln) a posi
matkustajista:) be allovved to land (1. to
tion as, be(come) engaged as, (jseneksi,
gO on Shore); ~ maksamatta, ~ maksutta
oppilaaksi y. m.) be admltted to (1. into)
get avvay vvlthout havlng to pay, (vilpilli
i liiloin, pst jonkin omistajaksi (inviis:)
sesti) elude payment; ~ metsn peittoon
come Into Possession of; pst osalliseksi
hlde Itseir in the vvoods; ~ mukaan be able
johonkin (mys:) have an opportunlty (1.
go (1. to come) along (1. wlth the others,
get a chance I. be allovved) to take part in,
etc), (saada lupa tulla) be allovved to go
(saada olla mukana) be permltted to join
(1. to come) along [huom. en pse mukaan
In; pst saman arvoiseksi kuin . . (mys:)
(mys:) I cannot go along, (on mahdotonta
get (1. be put 1. be placed) on a level (1. a par)
pst) it is impossible ror me to go vvlth
Vvlth . .; pst ylioppilaaksi (mys:) gradUthe others] ; ~ [maan] nkyviin come in
ate from a hlgh school; pass one's entrance
sight or [land], get slght or [land], sight
examlnatlon as a college student] ; ~ jos
[land]; Jonkun nkyvist (silmist) got
takin (pois) get out of, get orr [rrom], get
out rrom under (1. get avvay rrom) a p.'s
avvay, come out, (vapaaksi) get (1. become)
get OUt ora p. 'S Sight; ~ oikeuksiinsa
rree from, (ssty Joltakin) escape, be
get one's rlghts, (Jkpv.) come Into one's
spared rrom, (eroon, erilleen; mys: Josta
omilleen (kaupassa) come out even,
kusta) get rld or, rld o.s. or, (be able to)
hold one'S OVVn; ~ pakenemaan, ~ pakoon
shake orr [huom. pst koulusta (mys:)
=* pst karkuun [huom. nen onnistui
be(come) graduated from a school, complete (1. rinlsh) one's school (1. one's Sst (1. hn onnistui psemn) pakoon
e made good his escape, he managed to
course); pst opista complete (1. flnish)
escape, (Jkpv.) he made a get-avvay] ;
one's apprenticeshlp, have completed (1.
paljaalla sikhdyksell get orr VVlth Only a
rinlshed) one's apprenticeshlp; pst pu
shock (1. vvith a mere shock), only be (1.
lasta (mys:) be relleved; pst sairaa
get) rrlghtened; ~ Jonkun palvelukseen
lasta terveen be dlscharged (1. dlsmlssed)
secure (1. obtaln 1. get) employment) at a
Trom a hospltal as cured; pst tyst
p.'s (l. vvlth a p.), obtaln (l. secure 1. rind)
(vapaaksi) get ofr (Trom one's work);
place (1. a sltuatlon) vvith a p.; ~ parem
pst veloistaan (mys:) get free Trom
mille piville get into better clrcumstances,
debt, get out (1. get clear) or debt, clear
on the sunny side or Iii e; ~ parem
orr ali one's obllgatlons; nyt pset siit
paan vauhtiin attain a Iiighcr specd, (kuv.)
vaivasta now you are (1. you win be) saved
make greater progress, gather more
havlng to do that (1. havlng the trouble),
strength; - perille reach the goal (1. the
now you need not bothcr (vvlth that)], vrt.
destination), arrive at one's destinatlon,
paait tekemst, pst erilleen; ~ julki
(saapua) arrive (there), get there [huom.
suuteen become publlcly (1. generally)
pst ajoissa perille arrive (1. come) in
known, (salaamlsyritykslsttt huolimatta)
tlme], vrt. seur.; ~ jonkin perille
leak out, get out, escape the censor; ~
(perehty Johonkin) get Into . . , (pst
juurtumaan (get a chance to) take root,
get an lnslght Into . . , get
become (Tirmly) rooted, become (1. get)
an idea or, (selville) rind out, detect, get
Hrmly rixed [in a p.'s mlnd. Jonkun mie
asian perille (lyt) get
leen], (saada jalansijaa) get a (rirm) rootit, catch it, get (1. catch) the polnt, catch
Ing, become established; ~ Jonkin jljille
on to (vvhat vvas meant, vvhat was belng
get on the track or . . , (get) trace (or),
done, etc); pst tarhatuksensa perille
get a Clue [huom. poliisi on pssyt asian
galn (1. attain) one's end (1. one's alm),
jljille the pollce have got a clue (In the
attain one's object (1. one'spurpose), reach
case)]; karkuun make one's escape,
one's goal, carry (1. galn) one's polnt; ps
(manage to) escape (1. get avvay); ~ Jon
t toiveittensa perille galn (l. attain) vvhat
kun kimppuun (get a chance to) attack one,
one has desired (1. vvlshed), get (1. galn)
get at one, grapple one; ~ koskesta (alas)
deslre (1. one's vvlsh), reach the goal
manage to come down (1. shoot) the raplds;
or one's hopes, attain the object or one's
kuivalle (maalle) reach dry land; ~ *u/- vvlshes (I. one's expectatlons), see one's
kemaan be allovved to pass, get passage, be \vlshes ruirilled] ; ~ pitklle get (1. come)
able to pass [huom. pst vapaasti kulke
rar, be rar advanced vvlth (l. in) [huom.
maan have (a) tree passage; nyt pset va
on jo pssyt pitklle kirjan lukemi
paasti kulkemaan novv you can pass Treely, hn
sessa he Is already vvell advanced (1. vvcll
now the passage Is rree (ror you)] ; ~ kur
along) In the bOOk ; kuinka pitklle me pkistamaan jonnekin (kuv.) get a peep (1. a simmekn viime kerralla hOVV t&T had vve
sight) or (I. at); ~ kuuluville be heard,
got (1. dld vve get) last tlme? kun psen
get a hearing, make Itseir heard, be given niin pitklle vvhen(ever) I get that rar] ; ~
ear, (kuulomatkan phn) come wltbln Jonkun puheille obtaln (1. secure 1. be
earshot (1. wlthln hearing) [huom. totuu
granted I. be admltted to) an audience (1.
den tytyy valtaistuimen kuuluville the an intervlevv) vvlth, be granted an audience
truth must reach the throne (1. must galn by, galn admlttance (1. access) to a p.'s
a hearing at the throne) ] ; ~ ksiksi johon
presence; ~ pystyyn ks. pst jaloilleen;
kin (saada kiinni) get hold or, grasp, selze, ~ pivnvaloon ( lulla) come to (the) llght (or
put one's hands on [huom. hneen ei voida day), come out, become knovvn, vrt. pst
pst ksiksi It Is lmposstble to get at julkisuuteen; ~ rantaan reach (the) Shore,
hlm, he cannot be reached (by any attacks), put ashore, vrt. pst maihin; ~ rauhaan
he Is beyon I tlie reach or any attacks, he
(vainajasta:) rind peace, (hiljaisuuteen) be
is unassallable, he Is Invulnerable] ; ~ Jon
lert in qulet (1. In peace), (rauhottua) be
kun ksist get away rrom one, (luiskah
qulet, reel relleved, (tyyty) be content,
taa) sllp out or one's hands; kytntn vrt. Seur.; ~ rauhaan joit akulta hv let alone
galn ground [among some people, Joiden
by, not be disturbed by, (saada rauha) be


protected from [huom. mina tn kotkoon (mys :) his examination (being) over be . .] ;
paust hneit lie never gives me ~ tyiilln hyalnvoivakti become (1. grow)
any peace, he never lets me alone, he Is
through one's work, work one's
always bothering me] ; ~ telvill* ottohin prosperous
way to prosperity; ulos get out, (tulla
(be able to) find out, find, get (1. come) pstetyksi)
be let out, (karkaamalla) es
to know, become aware of, (saada selv)
(hllplmll) slip out, sneak out, (nesmake.. out, (ymmrt) understand, (lyt, cape,
out [buom. en paute alta
hoksata) catch on [to], (saada tutkltuksi) (mys:) I cannot
Out; tlt ei kukaan
fathom, think . . out [huom. en le viel- pte u/o no one get
Is going to get (1. is to
kn pttyt telville tiita, mik sen aihtutti be let) out of here]
vaaratta escape
(mys:) I am still at a loss to know (1. still from peril, get out of~danger,
unable to make out 1. still In the dark avoid
jo ptty
about) what caused It] ; ~ teluille vtille (on ohl) the danger Is (safely) on
jotsakin atiatta see one's way Clear In (1. vaikuttamaan (get a chance to) have ; Its
with regard to) a matter; ~ unen atti [their] effect, (get a chance to) take effect,
come (1. get) that , reach there; ~ jalansijaa) get (1. gain) a fooling
siillr. ~ tildan get in, come in, (tulla p&s- (saada
[among the people, kansaan], gain ground
tetyksl) be let In, be allowed to come in (1. [among], get ahold upon [huom. kun aarinto enter) [huom. hn ei pttyt titalle ko pause e vaikuttamaan (myS:) When t be
(mys:) he could not get (1. come) in, vrt.
gets a chance to make its rays felt] ; pst (Slslle) ] ; ~ Modan jalaistu get out sun
oaUoillten break loose, get loose, burst'out.
from under the feet or war, (valttya) es
get (1. have) free range, get (1.
cape the ravages of (the) war; ~ Jonkun have) out.
full sway, vrt. piUt irralleen; subulaisehsi become related to, form an al
valtaan come to power, become (pre)domiliance With [hUOm. / annistui pst
gain predominance, (tulla yleiseksi)
naimiten haul la . .-n suhulaiseksi (mys:) nant,
come Into (I. get in) vogue, come Into sway,
he succeeded in allying himself with . . by become prevalent, (saada Jalansljaa) gain
marriage (1. in marrying into . .'s family)] ; (1. obtain 1. get) a footing, (volttaa alaa
jonkun suosoon find (1. obtain) favor gain ground [among them, heidan keskuude.ssaan], get a hold upon, (tulla suositukwith one, get ln(to) a p. 's good graces, in
gratiate O.S. With [huom. pst yimi*n (\. sl) find favor with, (levita) spread [huom.
kantan) taotioon (mys:) become popular, oli pttyt valtaan (mys : ) prevailed ] , vrt.
gain popularity] ; ~ tuotuitiin tulohsiin ob
pst voi tolle; ~ oapaakti get (1. become)
tain (1. get) favorable (1. desired) results; free, gain one's freedom, (vapaalle jalalle)
~ jonkun tuusta (tulla lausuneeksl) escape be set free, be set at liberty, be set at large,
one's lips [eslm. oaromaton tana psi /t
be released (1. discharged) [from custody,
nen su uscio n (mys:) he let out an incau
vankeudesta], (Jkpv.) get off; varmuutious Word]; ~ tahaisin [entiaeen] loi
teen jottakin find out . . definitely, (hankm er sa be given one's [former] Job again; kla vannuus) ascertain, make sure about,
takaitin virhaanma get one's position (tulla vakuutetuksl) be convinced, convince
o.s. of, (olla varma) be quite sure (L cer
back, be(come) reinstated in (one's) of
fice; ~ tekemtt jotakin not have to [Inf.] tain) about, know . . definitely; umhtiin
to going at a good speed, get Into full
. . , not need to [inf.] . . , (valttya) escape
(1. avoid) . .-ing, (lopettaa) get (1. be) speed (1. swing), (jkpv.) get up steam (1.
through with . .-Ing, finish . .-ing, be done speed), (mer.) gather way, (vllkastua) put
with. .-Ing, (lakata) quit (1. stop 1. cease 1. on the pace, (edisty) make headway, make
leave Off) . .-ing . .. ptemme nake- progress, (levita) gain ground; verilns
mtt hnt ten enempS we are done with get warmed up (to It); ~ virkaan get (ta
him (for good), we have seen the last of t) an office, be appointed to an office,
vrt. s.uida (tolml); - voimaan acquire (1.
bim; psi n juuri symst, kun . . I had
just finished (1. was just done with eating) obtalin strength (1. power), become power
my meal When . .; pte mita nkemtt ful [huom. pste tenunoiteen voimaan
(nun vahvaksl) becomes so powerful, ac
(mys:) I cannot (help) but see it, I can
not help seeing it; tatkin oli hn pttyt quires (I. obtains) such a strength (1. a
tita tanomatta kan .. (saanut sanotuksi) power), reaches such an Intensity], vrt.
he had scarcely uttered that when . . , he pst valan; ~ voitolle gain (1. win) the
had hardly had time to say that when . .] ; victory, be victorious, come off victorious,
~ tekemn otahin (saada tllalsuus) get come off (the) victor, (kllpallussa) win,
(1. be given) a chance (1. an opportunity) bear (1. carry) off the prize, (yl. merk.)
to [Inf.] ... be In a [the] position to [inf.] carry off the palm, triumph, (mlellplteesta
... get to [inf.] . . , (volda, kyet) be able y. in.:) prevail, (Jostakln esltyksesta, Sato [Inf.].., (onnlstua) manage to [inf.] nestyksess:) be carried, carry; (volton. . , (saada lupa) be allowed (1. permitted) puolelle) get (1. gain) the upper hand, get
to [inf.] . . [huom. ptemme pian htin the better (l. the best) of, prevail [over,
tekemn (mys:) we can (1. may) soon Jostakusta], gain (the) ascendancy, get the
begin (I. set out) making hay; pst naut- ascendancy, (volttaa) beat, outdo, outstrip
[huom. vihollinen psi heitt voitolle the
timaan oitakin etuja get (1. have I. enjoy)
the benefit of certain privileges, obtain (I. enemy won a victory over them, the enemy
too much for them] ; ~ voiton puolelle
secure certain benefits; mino pause aoktemaan (myS:) I Can not run; ttn pauset ks. i'il.' 1 1.; ~ vhtl k. pst belpolla;
pian tietmn (myS:) you will soon (get Jonkln ylimmille huipuiUe (esim. tieteen)
to) know that, (huomaamaan) you will soon reach the highest rung of the ladder [In
become aware of it; veti ti pause (mistn) science], (eslm. talteen) reach the height
juoktemaan (myS:) there is no outlet for of perfection [in art] ; ~ neen (saada
the water] ; ~ Johonkin toimeen ks. aada oikea aiinl) get the right tune; ei ~ mihin(palkka); - Jonkun turviin find shelter (l. ktian, ei puusta pitkn make no prog
protection 1. refuge) with, vrt. seur.- ~ ress, make no headway, get nowhere, be
turvaan find refuge (1. shelter) [In, jonne- unable to get anywhere [huom. lunta oli
kln; at a p. 's house, Jonkun taloon] ; tut. nun paljon, ettemme ptteet mihinkn
kinnotta (liiplst) pass one's examination (mys:) we were blocked (1. were held up)
[huom. tutMnnatta pttyan han .. by the snow; Ufa ei pte mihinkn there

is no gettlng around it, you cannot get one's hold, relinqulsh one's grasp, loosen
around it (1. avvay rrom lt), there is no es- one's grip, (pudottaa) drop, (kuv.) miss,
cape (1. no gettlng away) rrom It] -. et pse, lose, let . . slip, let . . go by, (luopua) give
ennenhn tunnusta* you shall not get away up [esim. pst hyv tilaisuus ksistn
before you COnfeSS; se kysymys psee miss (I. lose) an opportunity, let an oppormrvksi that question wlll become (1. tunity go by (1. slip)]; ~ laitumelle turn
is getting to be 1. is coming to be) the de- . . out to grass; ~ lukosta unlock, open;
cislve one; sinne ei pse lumelta you can lumoista break the spell (1. the charm) over,
not get there (1. to the place) because of do avvay vvith the spell (1. the enchant(1. on account of) the snow.
ment) whlch holds . . captive, disenchant;
piist II. (perSStS) arter; /onnin (alan) ~ ~ luokseen let . . to une, (suoda psy)
arter . . [esim. pivn ~ arter a day; grant . . admittance to one, (pubeilleen)
huom.: tunnin ~ (mys:) (wlth)ln an grant . . an audience; ~ lhelleen let . .
hour] ; Jonkin matkan at (1. rrom) a . . come (1. allovv . . to come) near one;
dlstance, at a dlstance or, rrom the dlstance lhtemn let . . go, allovv (1. permit) . . to
oT [huom. angtanninpenikutman ~ (mys:) go (1. to depart), grant . . iree passage, vrt.
a mlle away; lyhyen matkan (mys:) gst menemn; lpi let . . througb,
e permeable to, transmit [light, valoa];
rrom close by; pitkn matkan (mys:)
rrom rar away (I. orr)] ; vrt. p.
~ lyhlle slacken, make . . slack, loosen;
pstinen (elint.) shrew(-mouse).
~ maihin set (1. put) . . on shore, land, dlspstminen lettlng go jne., ks. seur.; (irti-) embark; ~ menemn let . . go (away), al
lovv . . to leave, dismlss ; ~ napista unbut
release; dlsengagement.
pst (kdestn tai menemn) let go, ton, unrasten, undo; ~ nauru laugh outrlgbt, (purskahtaa nauruun) burst (out) in
let . . drop, let . . slip, drop; (irti) re
lease, let loose, (Irrottaa) unrasten, detach to laughter; Jokin (1. joku) nkyvist(n)
[rrom. Jostakin], dlsengage, (purkaa) lose Slght or . . [huom. hn ei pstnyt
loose(n) [bands, siteet], (solmu y. m.) un- poikaa hetkeksikn nkyvistn She never
do, untle, (vapaaksi, vapauttaa) iree, set . . allovved (1. trusted) the boy out or her
rree, llberate; (tehtvistn, sairaalasta y. slght Tor a moment] ; ~ ohi let . . pass, let
m.) discharge [rrom]; (vapahtaa) dellver; . . go by, allovv . . to pass, make room for
(pelastaa) rescue; (vaivasta y. m.) relleve . . to pass; pauloista unlace, undo the
for], rld [or] ; (antaa) let, give [a sound, straps on; ~ pois let out, allovv to go, (va
ni]; (antaa tulla) let . . come; pstk paaksi) release, (menemn) dismlss, (esim.
(antakaa tiet) make room! (get) out or sairaalasta) discharge; ~ puheilleen grant
an intervlevv (1. an audience) to, receive,
the way! pst meit pahasta (raam.) de
llver us rrom evll! pst minut (irti) let grant (1. give) an intervlevv (1. an audi
me go, please! let me loose! unhand me! ence) ; ~ pulasta save . . rrom a dilemma,
pst minut hnt nkemst (Sst) relleve . . rrom a critical situation, (Jkpv.)
spare me the slght or hiin! ~ aisoista take get .. out or a plnch; ~ rauhaan (jtt)
. . OUt or the SbartS, vrt. pst valjaista; leave . . in peace, let . . alone; ~ [ovi] sot
ilasta unbolt the door, undo (1. dravv) the
~ auki open, (napeista) unbutton, (sitees
t) untle, unrasten, (kreest) unrold, bolt; ~ Joku sislle (l. sisn) let one
(come) In, admit one, allovv one to enter,
(esim. solmusta y. m.) undo, vrt. aukaista,
avata; edell let . . get abead or one, grant one admtssion (1. admittance) [huom.
sisn let me in! hnt ei pstetty
(antaa jonkun voittaa) let . . beat one; ~
[ovi] haasta unhook [the door], uhdo; sislle (estettiin psemst) he was debarred entrance, entrancc \vas denled
helpolla, ~ vhtt let . . OtT easlly; ~ hel
potuksen huokaus draw (1. heave 1. give) hlm, he was prevented rrom enterlng, he
a slgb or relief ; huuto give a scream (1. was lOCked OUt] ; ~ siteest, ~ siteist
a cry), cry out, scream, utter a cry; ~ h- loose(n) the bands (1. the ties), undo, uu
tvalhe teli a white lie, rib; ~ hlllle (1. rasten, untle [huom. pst jonkun ksi
siteist take the bandages orr a p.'s arm,
lyhlle) Siack, relax, Vrt. bllitt; ~ hy
heni (pudottaa) shed lts reathers, mo(u)lt; unhandage a p.'s arm] ; ~ sivu(itse) ks.
ohi; soijasta unbuckle; ~ sol
hyry blOW orr Steam; ~ irralleen let
muista) untle (1. undo) a knot; ~ [hevo
(1. make) . . loose, loosen [one's halr, tuk
unbrldle [a horse], take the
kansa], (esim. vaunu Junasta) detach
[horse's] brldle orr; ~ suustaan (kuv.) let
[Trom], (esim. vene) unrasten, dlsengage.
(vapaaksi) release, set . . rree, set . . at out or one's mouth, (esim. sana) let . . (1.
llberty, (koirat, kahleista) uncouple, vrt. allovv . . to) pass one's llps, utter, blurt out;
seur.; irti (ktens) release one's hold, [hevonen] valjaista unhltch (1. unharmys edell., vrt. pst vapaaksi & ir
ness) [a horse], take [the horse] orr the
rottaa; Joku itseens kiinni iskemn buggy [the vvagon, etc] ; ~ valloilleen give
(kuv.) expose o. s., lay open one's weak rree rein to, give Tuli (1. rree) play to,
point; julkisuuteen allovv . . to become (esim. tunteensa) let loose, (esim. mieli
publlc (1. to be publtshed), brlng beiore kuvituksensa) let . . nm Wild; ~ vapaaksi
the publlc, make publlc, give out, (esim. let . . go rree, let . . at llberty, (esim. van
salaisuus) let out; ~ kahleista unshackle, ki) release, discharge rrom custody, (va
unchain, unretter; ~ [lapsi] kapalo(i)sta paalle Jalalle) set . . rree, set . . at llberty,
unsvvaddle [a child], take the band(s) orr rree, llberate; ~ Joku vapaasti kulkemaan
[the cblld]; ~ karvoja (esim. hevosesta:) let one pass unmolested, grant one rree
passage; vett hanasta turn the water
shed the halr, mo(u)lt [huom. turkki ps
t karvoja the l'nr sheds, the halr is rall- on, let water out or the Taucet; ~ yliopis
ing OUt of the rur] ; kengnnauhat (Irti) toon ail m il . . to the university [huom.
koulu, jolla on oikeus ~ oppilaita yliopis
unlace the shoes; ~ [koirat] jonkun kimp
puun let [the dogsl loose on; ~ kotiin toon a school vvhose vvork Is accredlted by
university] ; ~ ni make (1. produce
send home, (menemn) dismlss, (hajalleen,
esim. sot.) disband; ~ koulusta graduate, 1. emit) a sound, give rorth (1. orr 1. out) a
utter a sound, (meluisa tai epmiel
give a diploma; ~ kytky(e)st uncouple,
untle; ~ ksistn let go (one's hold or), lyttv) make a nolse [huom. nt ps
let . . slip througb (l. out or) one's hands tmtt vviihout a \vord, vvlthout (Utter
(mys kuv.); (hellitt) let go (1. release) in?) a sound (1. a cry)]; oikeus ti pst




uksista right (1. a privilege) does paittMllinen . . with an ending (I. a suffix),
not relieve one of (1. not exempt one from) plitteeton . . without an ending (1. a suffix).
his duties (1. his obligations); Aon [] patttteinen (yhd.) . . ending with (1. In) ...
psti aika mln he [It] gave a dreadful . . with a . . ending [eslm. ookatdi~ ending
roar (1. howl).
with (1. in) a vowel, with a vowel-ending].
pastan: pivt ~ ks. pniva.
pttelia resolute, determined, firm.
past (vapautus) release, liberation; dis psttely drawing conclusions [from]; concharge; (pelastus) rescue, deliverance; cluslon(s), inference(s), deductlon(s).
(vaivasta y. m.) relief, (Jostakln epmlel- paittyminen ending, termination, conclusion,
lyttvst) riddance; (velvolllsuudesta y. winding up; completion; (loppu) end, close,
m.) exemption; (oppllaltoksesta-) gradua
finish; (umpeenkulumlnen) expiration; ition; vrt. ynnin~. -kirja (palveluksesta) nen aaokra-ajan pttymitt before the eitestimonial, references; (vanh.) character. plratlon of the lease; koulan ~ closing of
-oikeus: koala, alla on pmtSoikeam yli- the school-term [buom. koulun pttymiopittoon an accredited school, -tod l tu *tta ei alt VMS tietoa It IS Hut known .M t
certificate of graduation; (etup. korkeam- when tbe (school-)term will end]. puymlsta koululsta:) diploma (of graduation). misaika (time of) expiration. pattymitn
-tutklnto final examlnation(s).
Interminate [decimal, (kymmen)murtolupsumma (kokonals-) sum total; (suurln) ku]; (et. kiel.) Incomplete; vrt. pttmaprincipal (1. largest) sum.
tn. pllttynyt ended, . . brought to an end:
paasy (Johonkin) admission [to], access finished, completed, concluded; accom
[to]; (psylupa) admittance, entrance plished; pttynyt tek*min*n (klel.) com
[Into], Ingress; (vapautus) release [from plete action, pitttyvi: johonkin pttyv
tbe prison, vankllasta), liberation, dis
ending in (1. with), terminating in (1. with),
charge [from the hospital, sairaalasta] ; ptattyft end, terminate, wind up; be con
(vaivasta y. m.) relief, riddance, (verolsta cluded, be brought to an end (1. a close),
y. m.) exemption; ~ kielletty (lav.) no ad
be at an end, close, (jollakln tuloksella)
mittance! hcnraalihtii'ernrin puheille ~
come to an Issue, issue [In], conclude [In] ;
on vuikeaa It Is hard to secure (1. to ob
(kulua loppuun tai umpeen) come to an
tain) an Interview (1. an audience) with the end,
expire; (lakata) cease, stop; (kayd.
governor-general; kittt joltakalta ~ jo- menn)
turn out [well, nyvinj, pass off,
honkin refuse one admission (1. access)
off. go; (nousta johonkin) go up to,
(In)tO, vrt. puheille ; sinne on helppo ~ amount
(1. mount up) to; (valmlstua) be
It is easy to get (in) there, H (1. that place) completed,
be finished, be accomplished;
Is easily accessible (1. Is easy of access),
be decided, be settled,
(eslm. johonkin oplstoon) their entrance be determined; Jonkun
*dak*i turn out
requirements are not hard, -hakemu* ap
a p. 's advantage); plication for admission.
badly (I.
psyinen (yhd.) . . of access [esim. h*lppo~ ill 1. unfavorably), come to a out
bad end, go
easy of access; vaikea~ difficult of access]. wrong, prove disastrous, (epaonnlstua)
pasy korm card of admittance; (vapaa-)
fall; ~ hyvin turn out well, end
pass, permit; complimentary ticket, -lippu miscarry,
come off) well, (onnlstua) succeed, be
ticket (of admission), -makeu admission, a(I. success;
(loppua) end (1.
entrance (1. admission) fee; mak*aa - close) with, ~be ohonkin
concluded with, wind up
makiu (mys:) pay for admission, -tutklnto with,
(1. terminate) in,
entrance examination, -vaatimukset en
(paatelman y. m.) resolve Itself Into, (jol
trance requirements.
pa syy main (1. principal 1. chief) reason, (esim. olkeusjuttuun) culminate inresult
chief (1. principal) motive (1. cause), -ilvel iltama pttyi tanssiin (IliyjS:) a [huom.
tonic, key-note, -savy key-note, -sant
the social; katu pttyy toriin
principal (1. main 1. chief) rule. -Ulo ks. concluded
the street runs Into (1. ends at) a market
-tarkotus main purpose, chief ob
Is a square (1. a market-place)
ject. -tauti = piiuntauti; vrt paansrky.
the end of the street; tanko pttyy t>paite (klel.) ending, termination; suffix; at
the rod runs (in)to
(naulan) clinch; riveted end; (loppu) end, a sharp point]; (mys:)
~ fcuo/maan (mys:) end
Close; vrt. johto , taivutuc-.
turn out
plate- (yhd.) terminal [eslm. -asema termi
successful(ly), prove successful, have a
nal (railroad) station; -martini terminal happy
onmoraine], -asema (mys:) terminus, ter
nellitetti (my us:) the operation was a suc
pa tchtv principal task, chief object: accomplished] ; nolottt come to a sorry
leading (1. principal) part; (elman- y. m.)
Inglorious) end, rizzle out, vrt. patty
chief mission (In life], -tekljl chief factor. (Lan
huonosti ; onnettomatti come to a sad
paatekohu (-piste) terminal point; far
prove disastrous, turn out wrong (1.
thest point, extremity, end; (rautatlen y. end,
unlmpplly), vrt. paatly huonosti; asan
m.) terminus, terminal.
nin pttyett (l. ptyttya) the matter
ptelia (tehda patelml) draw conclusions having turned out thus, after such an out[from, Jostakin], conclude. Infer; (ratkals- i-.. in.' of the matter; amia pttyi nun llu>
ta) decide, determine; (ajatella) think. matter came to such an end, the matter
patelm deduction, inference, conclusion; ended (i. turned out) thus, the matter had

(log.) syllogism; vrt. johtopt.

pteos principal work; [one's] most Im
portant piece of work.
ptepiste ks. ptekohta.
ptetty settled [matter, asa], concluded
[bargain, kauppa], finished [work, ty] ;
on ~ aa (mys:) that's settled.
pa tila manor, demesne, -tirehtri ks. ylitirehtri. -toiminta principal action; (nay-

telman) main (1. chief) plot, -tolmituji


Such an outcome;

hakrmutaika pttyy

huomenna the time set for application will

expire to-morrow; hnen pivns pttyivt tn aamuna he passed away (1. the
end came) this morning; ke*ku*tela pttyi
thn ih discussion was closed (1. was
lir. 'iik-lit to an end) here (1. at this point),
(kfskustelun tuloksena oil tama) the dis
cussion resolved Itself Into (1. resulted in
1. culminated In) this; kitpaila pttyi *it*n,
(id nal mimai palklnnon the con

finish (1. complete 1. conclude 1. end) one's
studies [huom. pt*ttyn opintonma yliopittotta nan fonti .. (mys:) having fin
ished (1. completed) his university course
he went . .] ; ottaa (}. valita) jokin
(mys:) decide for (1. in favor of) . .; ~
pivnt pass away, depart this life, (surmata itsensa) make an end of (1. make away
with) D.S., commit suicide [huom. ptt
pivnt hirtipuusta end (one's days) on
the gallOWS] ; ruomta maanuiljelijabii de
cide to take up farming, decide (1. make up
one's mind) to become a farmer; ti/i(t)
balance an account, (klrjat) close the books;
~ tyonta conclude (1. finish) one's work;
pauta ittm Judge for yourself! you yourself
decide! atia on ptetty (saatettu loppuun)
the matter (1. the af-falr) Is (1. has been)
settled, (lopulllsestl) the matter has been
finally arranged; Aon on [vermatti] pttnyt taattaa tyn loppuun he has [firmly]
made up his mind (l. be is determined) to
finish the work (1. to carry the work
through) ; nan pant* toimeen, mit hn on
pttnyt he will carry Into effect (i. car
ry through) what he has resolved upon (1.
what he has decided to do) ; jtt atia Jonkun ptettvksi leave a matter to one to
decide, submit a matter to (be passed upon
by) a p. [huom. Jtt atia oikeuden pfetfaVfe/ (oikeuden haltuun) leave the case
to (1. In the hands of) the court]; at in,,
atia pttmtt leave the matter unsettled
(1. till another time), let the matter rest,
take no action In the matter; kaibetta ptttn (very) evidently, apparently; kaiketta
ptten tule* kuiva bes (mys:) the In
dications are (1. there Is every Indication)
that we will have a dry summer; kobouhtttta pSttttiin, ett . . it was decided at
the meeting that . . , the meeting resolved
(1. decided) that . .; mina ol*n (ujatti)
pttnyt yritt it Is my firm Intention to
make an effort, I have made up my mind
to try, I am determined to make an effort;
mitta tina ttn ptt how do you conic to
valU - paatosvalta.
such a conclusion? from what do you draw
pllttimatUSmyya Irresolution, Indecision. that conclusion? from what do you Infer
piittimitAn unfinished, . . not brought to (1. Judge) that? what makes you conclude
(1. Infer) that? olotuhttitta ptten Judg
an end; (ratkalsematon) . . not (yet) de
ing from the conditions; saada tynsa pcided, unsettled; (loppuunsaattamaton) un
accomplished; (cprolv) undecided, Irres
tetyktl (mys:) get through one's work;
olute; atia a matter not yet decided, an tiita ptten Judging (I. concluding) from
unsettled affair.
that; voit pita ptettyn (atiana), ett
paattavannen) resolute, determined, firm; m tultmme you can (1. may) take It for
(ripea) prompt, unhesitating; (neuvokas) granted (1. you can depend upon It) that
resourceful; Hantn ~ ttiintymitenta pelat- we will come.
ti ateman the firm stand be took saved the pattmyys (kuv.) senselessness, foolish
ness, absurdity; recklessness, pttmsti
situation, (neuvokkuutensa) his resource
ful action saved the day. pMttttaviiseatl (mlelettmsti) senselessly, absurdly, -fool
= paatUvKstl. pttvaisyys resolution, ishly; (uhkarohkeastl) recklessly.
determination; grit; (neuvokkuus) pres ptuote principal (1. main 1. staple) product.
ence of mind, resourcefulness. piattavasti pttttty gable; vrt. ptyteln. -huone gable
resolutely. In a decided (1. determined) room, room in the gable. -Ratio gable roof,
manner; (rlpe&stl) promptly; (varmastl) -kolmio (rak.) tympan(um); pediment,
-sein gable end, gable (wall).
pu*a (lopettaa) end, bring . . to an end (1. paatyyuija principal seat; (eslm. ryvrlen)
to a close), terminate; conclude; (valmllk- chief den.
si) finish [one's work, tynsa], complete, pty (sattua) get [amongst foes, vlhollisaccomplish; (tehd ptos) decide, resolve, ten joukkoon], fair in(to), fall in with;
determine; come to a decision; make up (Joutua) land, lodge, alliflit.
one's mind; (ratkalsta) settle; (tehd p8ft- ptntvalta = pSiitvalta.
telm) Infer, gather, deduce; (arvostella) pt pahkaa 1. -euoraa headlong, precipi
tately; head over heels; pell-mell; (eslm.
Judge; p attmit oleva unfinished, un
vastata) offhand, right off.
completed, unaccomplished, (ratkalsema
lunaetu obtaining a copy of a
ton) unsettled, undecided; ~ atia decide
the question, settle the matter; ~ rota legal decision; (-maksu) fee (charged) for
(a copy of) a decision of the court, -teko
make up one's mind to resign, decide to
resign; jotakin ottakin conclude (1. Infer decision; pthsenttko on aaikeata it Is
1. Judge) . . from, draw a conclusion from; difficult to come to a decision (1. to make
kaappa conclude a bargain; opintonta up one's mind).


test resulted In his being awarded the first

prize; kakouksen ptytty arter (the close
) the mt'cinik', arter the meeting was
over; kokaus pttyi the meeting came to
an end, the meeting closed; kun atia pttyy (ratkalstaan) when the matter will be
decided (1. settled), (saatetaan loppuun)
when the matter (1. the affair) Is finally
settled; loma pttyy enti viikalla the va
cation will expire (1. come to an end) next
Week; mihin fama on pttyv, on mahdotonta anea there Is no telling where this
Is likely to end (1. to stop); what the out
come or this will be. Is Impossible to fore
tell; miten pttyi ruta what was the result
(1. the outcome) of the dispute? miten ta on pttyv (mys:) what will be the
end (1. the outcome) of this? olio pttymtta be drawing- to an end (1. to a close) ;
alia pttynyt have ended, have been
brought to a close, be at an end (1. a close),
(alka) have expired, (obi) be over, (suorllettu) be done, be accomplished, be fin
ished, (ratkalstu) be settled [huom. atia *i
ol* vitla hetkn pttynyt the matter 13
far from being done with (1. from being
settled); vaaraltinen tua on pttynyt (Slvuutettu) the dangerous situation has been
(safely) passed] ; ** pttyi nun, *tt . .
the end (1. the result) of It was that . . , it
resulted In . .; tiihen ** pttyi that was
the end of It, (nlln se k&vi) that's the way
it turned out.
plltUJlUet (luentojen y. m.) closing of [a
series of lectures, etc.] (with a celebra
tion); (piittmlnen) conclusion; comple
tion; hoalun ~ closing exercises, com
mencement (exercises), vrt. seur.
p**uajaij;luhla celebration at the close (1.
closing) [of]; (koulun, ylloplston) com
mencement exercises; commencement day.
-puhe commencement address, -tilaiiuus
(eslm. luentojen) closing; (koulun) com
mencement (exercises).
plltUminen ending Jne., ks. pKttM; (loppuunsaattamlnen) completion. piiuimis-


piiUn (piiti vallia oleva) headless; (luontyneet kasvot bloated (1. swollen) rce.
nont.) acepbalous; (loputon) .. vvlthout phttyi bloat; (paisua) swell (up), beend, endless, lntermlnable: (kuv.) roollsh come swo!len. phtt* bloat, make . . tur
[attr-mpt, vrltys], wlid. mad, (mieletn) gld: (ajetuttaa) cause . . to swell; mssenseless, absurd, preposterous; pttmi tykten phttmt kasvot a face DiOted
froin disslpation. phtys phs. phpts (ratkaisu) declsion, settlement; (kes
tyttai =- phtt,
kustelun, harkinnan perusteella tehty) reso- pkerrys stuperactlon; pkerryksiss stupelutlon; (luja aikomus) determlnatlon; (tuo
ried, dazed, (hmmennyksiss) conrused,
mioistuimen) Judgment, decree, (valamie
dumbrounded; menn pkerryhsiin ks. phistn) verdlct, rindlng; (erotuomarin, ar- kerty. pkerryttii stupery; (hmment)
vlomlesten y. m.) award; (ptelm) con- conruse, be Wilder; (pyrrytt) make . .
clusion, Inrerence; (pttjiset) closlng;
dlzzy. pkertynyt stupeHed, dazed. pkercompletlon; (loppu) end, close, termlna- tyi be(come) stuperied, be dazed; rall into
tlon;' vrt. johto, tilin y. m.; antoa
a stupor; (pyrty) ralnt, get dlzzy; (hm
utlatta (lak.) iflve a declsion (1. render a menty) be(come) conrused, be bewildered.
verdlct 1. pronounce Jugdment) In a case; pkkel (plkky) chunk (or wood); (tukki)
kokouksessa tehty resolution passed at a log; (kannon-) stump; (kuivettunut puun
[the] meeting; muuttaa ptksens alter runko) dead trunk [of a tree] ; lahonnut
one's declsion, (mielens) change (1. alter) rotten log, Tallen and rotten tree-trunk.
one'S mlnd; panna ptksens toimeen -pii = plkkypa.
carry one's resolution Into effect, carry pksyt ks. housut.
out one'S purpose; saada asia hyvn p pksi (hkkeli) bovel; snack.
lhteen be able to brlng the matter to a plh I. (s.) ldlot, rool; (tollo) slmpleton.
happy endlng, succeed In maklng the mat
II. (a.) silly, roollsh.
ter turn out well.
plini riying or dust; (tuoksina; hlin)
ptslasku proportion; (vanh.) rule or conruslon, tumult; vrt. seur. pliseminen:
thrce; moniehtoinen compound propor
maantien pliseminen esti hnt nkemst
tion; yksiehtoinen Slmple proportion. the (Tlylng) dust rrorri the road prevented
-esimerkki exerclsc (I. problem I. example) hlm rrom Seelng; tomun pliseminen the
In proportion,
riying (or) dust. pliaevi dusty [road,
pitslllause (ponsi-) resolution; (log.) con- tie], plist be dusty; (tuiskuta) vvhlrl.
clusion; deduction. -valu authorlty (1. ny, dance; automobiili pani tien plise
povver) to declde, povver to settie; (lak. mn the automobile Ieft behlnd (lt) a
--- tuomiovalta) Jurisdlctlon; meill ei ole cloud or dust; maantie plisee the road is
dusty, (tomu plisee maantiell) the dust
(mitn) ptsvaltaa ttt atlatta W6
Is (1. there are clouds or dust) blowing
have no authorlty to pass upon thls (mat
almut on the road; (oma plisee the dust
ter), wc have no Jurisdlctlon In thls mat
ter, thls matter Is beyond our Jurisdlctlon. Is riying (1. whlrllng 1. blowIng- about);
-valtainen . . havlng (I. clothed wlth) Jurls- mu (turhia) plite don't taik nonsense:
dlctloil [in]; ptsvaltainen jsenluku (\. plisUi, plitytUi make the dust rlse (I.
lukumr) quorum; . . ei ole ptsvaltai
riy I. roll In clouds); ralse (a) dust; (pnen . . h as no Jurisdlctlon, . . can not pass lyytt) dust.
upon [thls matter, tss asiassa]; johto- plji(ni) rool, ldlot.
hunta on ptsvaltainen viiden jsenen plkky (alasin- y. m.) block; (lyhyt Ja pak
lsnollessa flve members or the board (of su) chunk (or wood); (tukki) log; (kai
dlrectors) shall constltutc a quorum.
vos- y. m.) prop, post; vrt. mestaus, ra
paali vahti (sot.) grand guard. -vaikutin chler ta, saha y. m. -pii (kuv.) blockhead.
motive; (ptekij) chler factor. -valtimo dolt, (Jkpv.) chump, numskull. -saha crossaorta, main artery. -varaa arcli-thier; cut saw.
(suurvaras) master thler. -veijari crook or
nostokone contrivance Tor hoistlng
the worst type (1. order); vrt. seur. -val plkyn;
-pii Iog-end; chunk; (esim. kaduntikka arrant rascal. -voima main rorce(s), logs.
kytetty) block.
(esim. armelan tai laivaston) main body; laskemiseen ks.
plly(y)ttaa; tavuja pii
bulk. -voitto prlnclpal (1. chler) prlze. plly(y)telli
vlolently at one's pipe.
-nenkannattaja leadlng organ. -iini keynote; (uscamplnlscss laulussa:) prlncl Plly (y)ttminen maklng .. whlrl (1. (ly I.
pal part; laulaa p-nt carry the air.
phe: paheetta phttynyt; fulia pahee plly(y)ttai make (1. cause .. to) whlrl (1.
riy 1. dance); (tupruttaa) (be) belch(ing);
seen Us. phttyi.
savua ilmaan (esim. savupiipusta:) beloh
phl ks. plh.
phnl - hutikka; olla phnss be drunk, rorth (volumes or) smoke; savu{j)a pii
be tlpsy, (etup. Engl.) be In one's cups, puttaan purr vlolently at one's plpe; ~ to
(Jkpv.) be tlght. phniilll, phnU he on mua make the dust riy, ralse a [the] dust;
a drunk (1. a sprec I. a booze), be drlnk- Jotakuta tukatta be pullin? a p.'s hair,
Ing. phnlnen (be)ruddled; (humalainen) puli one by the halr.
drunk, tlpsy; phninen ykulkija a belated pllyt whlrl, riy [In the wlnd, tuulessa],
revel(l)er. phnp: phnpissn under dance; (savu) belch Tortb; niin ett tukka
the Inriuence or drlnk (1. or llquor), In a pllysi so that hls [her, our, etc] halr vvas
drunken rit.
riying (in the wlnd).
ph sNvelllng; (lk.) edema, oedema; phl- pllihdya (ylltys) surprlse; sovun a (vloln = phttynyt; vrt. vesi, -hiha purred lent) purr or smoke. pllhti* (lent) riy
(about), whirl (around); pllht phn
phinen ks. phttynyt, phnaamainen . . (Jkpv.) pop Into one's head; paktu tavu pl
wlth a bloatcd race.
lhti uuninpiipusta the chlmney belched
pht bloatod state (1. condltlon); bloatlng; rorth a thlck volume or smoke, thlck smoke
swelllng; phtiktttt bloated, swollen belched rorth rrom (1. out or) the chlm
Ifrom tho blow, iskusta], swelled (up). ney; [hn] tulla pllhti [he] came withphttymlnan bloatlng; swelllng. phttymi out ceremony, (odottamatta) [be] dropped
swelllng. phttynyt bloated, turgld; In upon us, [he] came unexpectedly (1. un(ajettunut) swollen, swelled (up); pht
awarcs), (yhtkki) came suddenly [buom.



eilen tulla pllhti minulle lahja yesterday

I qulte unexpectedly recelved a present].
pll 0\vl; (kuv.) = pllpS. plllln:
tiimat plllln with starlng eyes, \vith
his eyes Starin? (with surprrse), hls eyes
hlank vvith surprise. pllmalnen (kuv.)
stupld; (bupsu) roollsh, sllly. pllmisyys
stupldlty; foollshness.
plln huuto hootlng (1. screechlng) of o\vls
(I. or an o\vl): screech of an owl; tu-\vliit,
tu-whoo. -poika(nen) young o\vl. -suku
Tamlly of owls, owl ramlly.
pllp! slmpleton, (jkpv.) goose, booby;
(tyhmyri) dunce; vrt. pssinp, plkkyp*.
plltt* stare (stupldly), gape.
ply riust: olio plytt lie covered \vith dust,
be dusty: tulla plyyn become (1. get) covered wltb dust, get dusty.
ply- (ybd.) ks. tomu-, -hiukkanen 1. -hiu
tale rine partlcle of dust, graln or dust,
mote. -huisku (reather) duster. -imuri
dust absorber; vanuuni cleaner.
plyinen dusty. plymaa (geol.) loess.
plyttyi plytty, plyttyminen getting
dusty. plyttynyt . . covered \vitli dust,
dusty. plyttyi get dusty, become (I. get)
novered \vith dust. plyttminen dustlng.
plytti* dust; (nostaa ply) (1. stir
up) tbe dust, make (1. ralse) a dust. ply
tyt dustlng; vrt. plyytys. plyt* = plis
t; (tomu plyt) the dust Hles. plyytt
(kasv.) polllnate; vrt. plytt, plyytys
(kasv.) polllnation. plyminen (tomun)
pl*hdytt* - plly(y)tt. plhti* - pl
pnkittminen propplng (up) Jne., ks. seur.
pnkitt* prop (up), brace, stay; (kuv.)
support, sustaln, (Jkpv.) back. pnkltys
propplng (up), bracing; (kuv.) backlng.
pankki prop, brace, stay, support; (rak.)
ponkaname short pettlcoat; (vannebame)
boop-sklrt, hoops.
pnkt* = pnkitt.
pntt keg; (leik. = saarnastuoli) pulplt;
linnun ~ (pes-) biril-liousc; vrt. kasvi,
pnikkyys stiffnc^s; (kuv.) bumptiousncss.
pnkk (Jykk) stirr; (ylpe) seir-tmportant, bumptlous, (Jkpv.) stuck-up. pnkistl stirfly; with an air or selT-lmportanrc.
pper mess; hodgepodge; (seos) mlxture;
(pehme massa) pulp; mash.
ppper: olla poppertt (sekaisin) be
dazed, be bewildered, be conrused, be stupeTied; anon poppertt Stupld \vlth sleep,
dazed, bewlldered. ppperinen confused
(and exclted), bewildered, dazed, stupeTled; vrt. unenppperinen.
pp (kummitus, peltys) bugbear, hugaboo; ppj (mys:) rrightlul lllusions,
Imaglnary evlls; vrt. porho.
prhistell* (korviaan) be pricklng up, (kar
vojaan) be brlstllng up. prhisty* (nousta
pystyyn) rlse, stand on end, brlstlc (up),
vrt. prrtt, prhist* (herist) prlck
up [one's ears, korviaan]; (nostaa pys
tyyn) bristle (up) [its halr, karvojaan];
(prrtt) rumple, rurrie.
prh prr; porholla koroin with ItS
ears prlcked up [huom. kuunteli porholla
korvin (Ihmisest:) was ali ears]. prhtty = prrtty. prrittii prrtt.
prriinen ks. sitti .

prrit* (be) buzz(lng), (be) hum(mlng).

prr ; olla prrtt, olla prrlln be rum pled, be shaggy, (ihmisen tukasta:) be dlsbevel(l)ed, be in disorder, (Jkpv.) be touSled, be musscd up; tukka prrtt \vitli
one's halr rumpled up (1. dlsheveled).


prrinen rumpled [balr, tukka] ; dlshevel(l)ed; unkempt, rrowzy; (takkuinen)

rough [coat, karva], shaggy [dog, koira],
bushy; (Jkpv.) tousled [head, p], prrisyys rumpled (1. dlsheveled 1. tousled)
condition, shagginess.
prrl! karvainen . . \vltli shaggy (1. tousled
1. rumpled) halr; prrharvainen koira a
dog wlth coarse and shaggy halr. -partainen
. . \vith an unkempt beard. -piinen shockheaded, . . with shaggy head; . . wlth rum
pled halr, . . wlth one's halr in disorder.
-pii I. (s.) shock-headed boy. II. (a.)

prrttyminen be(com)lng rumpled Jne., ks.

seur. prrttyl be(come) rumpled (1. dl
sheveled 1. tousled), become unkempt, get
Into disorder. prrttminen rumpllng Jne.,
ks. seur. prrtti* 1. (tr.) rumple, nirrin;
rough up [one's halr, tukkansa]; dlsbevel;
(kangasta) roughen, tease(l); 2. (Itr.) be
unkempt; tukka prrtt (on valkeata
saada kammatuksi) the hair Is stubborn
(1. Is unruly).
prr tukka rumpled (1. dlsheveled 1. un
kempt) halr; vrt. prrp. -tukkainen . .
wlth rumpled (1. dlsheveled 1. unkempt)
hair, shock-headed.
prssi exchange; (Ranskassa y. m.) bourse;
(kukkaro) purse; [keinotella] prttitt
[speculate] on the exchange; arvopaperi
stock exchange; Lontoon ~ London Ex
change; Pariitin ~ the Bourse or Paris.
prssi- (yhd.) exchange [esim. -hinta ex
change prlce; -kertomut exchange report;
-tunti exchange houri, -huijari reckless
speculator on the (stock) exchange, -hui
jaus reckless (1. rrenzied) speculatlng on
the (stock) exnhange; (-petkutus) svvlndllng on the exchange, -huutokauppa ex
change (1. stock) auntion. -ilmotus 1.
-noteeraus quotatlon (or exnhange priccs).
-kaupanvlittj prssivlittj, -kauppa
exnhange business; dnal on the exchange,
-keinottelija speculator on the exnhange.
-keinottelu spenuiatlon on the exnhange.
-peli stoek-Jobbing; vrt. mys edell.
-vlittj (stonk-)broker.
ptkii: pakoon takc to one's heels, Dee,
cut out and run a\vay, (hiipi) sllnk away;
~ tiehent bolt, run orr, scamper, (Jkpv.)
make o.s. snarce, skedaddle, vanlsh, beat
lt, (kiireesti) takc to one's heels. (Jkpv.)
make traeks, (luikkia) sllnk orr (f. a\vay).
ptky hunk; piene: (viipale) sliee: vrt. pytky.
ptsi (mrehtijill) the rirst stomach;
(anat.) rumen.
pty (sturr and) nonsense; (roska) rubblsh.
bosh, trash, (tommy-)rot; pty nonsense,
rubblsh, (mielettmyyksi) absurditles.
-puhe nonsense; nonsenslcal sturr; te on
ptypuhetta lt Is ali nonsense.
pydllepano laylng on the table, tabllng.
pydnlljalka table leg. -katanta settlng the
table. -kulma 1. -nurkka norner or a fthe]
table. -pii end or a [the] table; pydn
alapit I ylptt] at the Toot [at Uin
head] or the table.
pyhennelli - pyhistell. pyhentii make
. . purry (1. Tlurry); shake up; vrt. pyhi.
pyheys . . belng purry (1. riurry). pyhe
purry; riurry [plllow, tyyny]; (tyteli
nen) rilli; vrt. kuohkea.
pyhiminen turnlng over Jne., ks. pyhi.
pyhisteleminen rurrilng (up) Jne., ks. py
histell. pyhistelev* strutting. suaggering; (jkpv.) stunk-up. pyhisteli* (hyhe
nin y. m.) rurrie (up), berurrie, (karvo
jaan y.m.) bristle up; (kuv.) strut,swagger;
(ylpeill) be proud or; (ylvstell) plume
o.s. [on], pyhistely = pyhisteleminen.




pyhii (knnell) turn over, tum; (yls

alaisin) clutter (up); (hmment, esim.
tulisijaa) rake up; (pudistella) shake up;
(kuv.) stir up, rake up; ~ heini turn over
(1. turn) the hay; ~ patja shake up a [the]
pyhkeileminen swaggerlng jne., ks. pyhkeill. pyhkeile pompous, showy, ostentatlous; swaggering, strutttng; (kerskuva)
bragglng, boastlul. pyhkeilijl pompous
person; (kerskuja) swaggerer, braggart.
pyhkeill (kuv.) swagger, strut [about];
(upeilla) parade, make a show [of, jolla
kin], riaunt; (kerskua) bluster, brag,
boast, vaunt [about one's victory, voitos
(-tlng); parading, making a show [oi];
boasting.braggfng, vaunting; vrt. pyhkeya.
pyhkeys conceit; arrogame, hauglitiness;
pyhkea conceited, (jkpv.) set up [with
one's success, menestyksestn], putfed
up: (ylimielinen) arrogant, haughty, overbearing; lordly; strutting, pompous; (yl
pe) proud [as a peacock, kuin riikinkuk
ko] , vainglorlous, (Jkpv.) stuck-up. -puhei
nen . . who talks In a haughty (I. an arro
gant) manner.
pyhkesti pompously; arrogantly, haughtlly: proudly, vaingloriously.
pyhtt = pyhent; vrt. pyhi.
pyristyttv . . enoiigh to make one's tiair
stand on eud, appalling; revolting (1. shocking) (to the reelings), outrageous; (kama
la) ghastly, horrld; pyristyttvi juttuja
appalling (1. hair-ralslng) storlcs, stories
tliat would make one's halr rlse (I. stand
on end). pyristytt, pyrlsti strlke ..
with horror, horrlfy, appall; make . . shudder; minua pyristytti kuullessani, kuinka
. . I was horriried (I. appalled) to hear ho\v

. . , lt made me shudder to hear how . . , I

shuddered when I heard how . .; vrt. kau
histuttaa, pyristv pyristyttv.
pyt table; on katettu dinner [breakfast,
etc] Is ser*ed (1. ready), the table is
spread; istua pydss slt (1. be slttlng) at
the table; istua pytn (symn) slt down
to (1. at) the table, slt down to dinner [to
supper, etc. ] ; ruoka on pydss the meal
Is ready, dinner [breakrast, lunch, supper]
is ready (1. Is served I. Is on the table).
pyt- (yhd.) table(-) [esim. -humppani
table-companlon; -lamppu table laini'.
-veitsi table-knire; -voi table butler \
-astiasto 1. -kalusto dinner [lunch, break
fast, etc] set. -astia: pytastiat table
utenslls; vrt. seur. -hopeat Silver Service.
-kauha (1. v.) soup-ladle. -keskustelu conversatlon at the table; table taik.
pytkirja (kokouksen y. m.) minutes: (se
lostus keskusteluista y. m.) report (or the
proceedlngs); (etup. virallinen) record;
pytkirjanlllunaatua obtainlng a copy oi
the record (by paying the cbarge). -ote
extract from the record, (yhdistyksen) extract f mm the minutes; (jljenns) copy
or the minutes. -pitj ks. pytkirjuri.
-tarkistus approvlng the minutes.
pytkirjuri (kokouksissa) recordlng Secre
tary; (sihteeri) Secretary; toimia pytkirjurina act as Secretary, keep the minutes.
pyt; laati kko table drawer. -levy top or a
table; (irlanainen, ylimrinen) tableleaC -liina table-cloth; (tav. vrillinen ko
risteluna) table-cover, table spread. -naa
puri 1. -toveri nelghbor at table. tablecompanlon. -rukous grace; lukea pytrukous say grace, ask the blesslng. -teline
caster. -tuoli desk. -vaaka table scales.
-vieras guest at (I. for) dinner [lunch, etc.].

raa'annokka (mer.) yard-arm.

raa'asti coarsely, rudely, roughly; brutally;
cruelly; In a hrutal (1. coarse 1. rude) man
ner; vrt. raaka.
raadanta toll(lng); drudgery, slavery.
raadella tear . . to pieces; tear . . Ilmb from
llmb, maugle; (repi) renrt; (viilt haa
voja) slash; (runnella) mutilate, rudely
destroy; (kuv.) tear; joutua petojen raa
deltavaksi Tall a prey to Wild beasts.
raadollinen (raam.) \vretclied, mlserablc.
raaentaa - raaistuttaa.
raahaaminen dragglng, trailing. raahata
drag, trall; (retuuttaa) lug (along); vrt.
raahtia raatsia.
raahustaa 1. (tr.) = raahata; 2. (itr.)
laahustaa, retustaa.
raaistaa raaistuttaa. raaistua be(come)
brutalized; (raakalatstua) become barbarous. raaistuminen returning (I. going
back) to barbarlsm; brutalization. raais
tunut brutalized; barbarlzed. raaistuttaa
make .. (more) brutal, brutallze; dehumanlze; mys = raakalaistuttaa. raaistu ttaminen brutalizing.
raaja (jsen) limb; raajat (mys:) extremitles.
raajainen (yhd.) . .-llmbed [esim. heikko~
weak-limbed; vahva strong-limbed].
raaja rikko I. (a.) raajarikkoina!!. II. (S.)

cripple. -rikkoinen crippled, maimed;

(rampa) lame, dlsabled. -rl k koisuu s crip
pled (1. maimed) condltion; lameness, dlsablllty.
raajaton limbless, . . without limbs.
raaka I. (a.) raw [meat, liha]; crude [oli,
ljy]: (karkea) rough; (puhdistamaton)
unrerined [product, tuote]: (kypsymtn) green [apple, omena; frult, hedelm],
not ripe: (moraalisesti) rude, coarse, vulgar, (elimellinen) brutal [behavlor, ky
ts]; (julma) cruel; (villi, raakalals-) savage, barbarous; raakaa kielt coarse language, vulgar expressions; mies rough
(1. coarse) man, rough, (Julma) cruel (1.
brutal) man, brute; voima brute force:
syd raa' altaan cat . . raw, cat . . uncooked.
raaka II. (laivan) yard. -puu yard.
raaka- (yhd.) raw, crude, unrerined [esim.
-aine raw (I. crude) materlal; -silkki raw
silk; -sokeri raw (1. unrerined) sugar:
-vaski crude (1. unrerined) copper].
raakalainen barbarian; (villi) savage; (kuv.,
mys.) Vandal, Goth.
raakalals- (yhd.) barbarous, savage [esim.
-heimo barbarous (I. savage) trlbe. -kansa
barbarous (1. savage) people]. -elm life
or a savage, UTe or savages; (kuv.) lire or
a brute. -lauma horde or savages; barbar
ian horde. -tavat customs (1. practlces) or
savages, barbarous customs (1. practlces).



raakalalstua become harbarous; be(come)

unclvillzed, slnk Into (1. go back to)
savagery, degenerate into a state <>r sav
agery. raakalaistunut barbarlzed; unclvil
lzed. raakalaistuttaa degrade Into bar
barlsm, make . . barbarous (1. savage),
barbarlze. raakalaisuus barbarlsm, sav
agery; barbarity, iiiliiiinanity; Vandallsm.
raakamainen luu tai [act, teko], brutisli,
(julma) cruel; (karkea) coarse, rude; (si
vistymtn) unpollshed, unclvillzed. raa
kamaisesti brutally, brutlshly, cruelly;
coarsely, rudely. raakamaisuua brutality;
coarseness, rudeness; (Julmuus) cruelty.
raakapurje (mer.) squaresail.
raakarauta crude Iron.
raakila green fruit; karviaismarjan [omatun
y. m.] ~ green gooscberry [apple, etc] ;
luumu~ green plum.
raakki (hylky) vvreck; (viallisuuden y. m.
takia hyljtty esine) cull; (sotapalveluk
seen kelpaamaton) mau declared (phystcaily) unflt Tor military Service, -lauta,
-puu (hylky-) cull.
raakku (simpukka) mussel; clam; mys
raakkua (varis) caw; (korppi) croak. raak
kuminen cawlng; croaklng.
raakkutunklo (ateria-) kltchen-mldden.
raakua = raakkua.
raakunkuori mussel sheli, Shell.
raakunta raw(ing); croak(ing). raakuttaa
-- raakkua.
raakuuden purkaus outburst (1. outbreak)
or brutality. -tila (state of) barbarlsm (1.
raakuua rawness, crudity; rudeness, coarseness: vulgarlty; brutality; cruelty; (raa
kalaisuus) barbarity; savageness.
raamattu Blble; (the) Scripture(s); raamat
tunsa tyystin tunteva vvell versed In the
llililc: raamatussa In the Blble, in (the)
Scripture(s). -seura Bible Society.
raamatullinen Bibllcal, Scrlptural.
raamatun- (yhd.) . . or the Blble [esim.
-knns translatlon (1. version) of the
Blble; -painos edition oi' the Bible;
-tulkinta lnterpretution of the Bible],
Bible [esim. -tmksti Blble text], Bib
llcal [esim. -kieli Bibllcal language).
-historia Blble (1. Bibllcal) hlstory. -kohu
I. -paikka passage In (I. rrom) the Blble;
Scripture text. -klsiktrjotus (mys:) codex (plur. codices). -kUnnskomiteacommittee on the translatlon of the Blble.
-lause quotatlon rrom the Bible. -mukainen
according to (the) Scrlpture(s); Scrlptural,
Bibllcal. -eelitys 1. (selittminen) exposltion (1. expoundlng) of the Blble; (-tulkin
ta) Interpretation of the Blble; 2. (har
Bible- readlng.
translatlon of the Bible into (konkr. : In)
Finnish: (konkr.) Finnish translatlon of
the Blble. -vastainen . . contrary to (1.
not In accordance vvith) the Scrlptures,
raami ks. kehys, -saha (keh-) gang-saw.
raamu ks. naarmu.
raanl (merirasva) \vhale-oil, traln-oll.
raapaiseminen scratchlng Jne., ks. seur.;
tulen ~ tulitikulla striklng (1. llghtlng) a
raapaista scratch; graze; (kynsin, mys:)
claw; (hangaten) scrape; (vet) strike;
~ /alallaan (kumartaen) scrape; kten
s naulaan scratch (I. jag) one's hand on
(1. agalnst) a naii; ~ tulta (tulitikulla)
strike (1. scratch 1. light) a matrh; neula
raapaisi minua kteen the pln scratched
my hand. raapaisu scratch; (tulitikulla


yjn.) stroke; (Jalalla y.m.) scrape; mys

mm raapaiseminen.
raape erasure; raappaat scrapings. -kumi
(ink-)eraser. -neula etching-needlc. -veitsi
knife to use In eraslng, eraser.
raapia (kynsi) scratch [a p.'s lace, Jonkun
kasvoja], clavv; mys = raappia. raapimi
nen scratchlng Jne., ks. edell. raappia
scrape; (kirskuttaen) grate; raappia pois
erase, scratch out, (Joltakin kohtia) make
erasures [In, Jostakin]; raapittu kohta era
sure. raappimlnen scraping; (pois-) eraslng.
raapustaa (thert) scravvl. raapustella be
raaputella be scratchlng; be eraslng. raaput
taa (pois) erase; (naarmuttaa) scratch.
raastaa (kiskoa) tcar, puli; (repi) rend;
(laahata) drag (along vvith one) [by the
halr, tilkasta], haul (along); (ryst) pillage, sack; (hvitt) devastate; repoleiksi tear to rags (1. to tatters); tuk
kaansa tear onc's hair [vvith ragc, raivois
saan]; raastoivat toisiaan tukasta tore (I.
pulled) each other's halr; vrt. riist, raas
taminen dragglng (along) Jne., ks. edell.;
(autioksi-) devastatlon. raastautua be
dragged (along); (Irti) tear o.s. avvay,
break avvay [rrom]; vrt. riistyty.
raastupa = raatihuone; mys --- seur. raas
tuvanoikeus municipal court; (Engl.) magIstrates' court.
raataa (uurastaa) toll (and moll); drudge
[Trom davvn tili dark, aamuvarhaisesta Il
tamyhn], plod, (Jkpv.) grlnd; (ponnis
tella) struggle, strlve, vvrestle; (tehd ty
t) labor, vvork; ~ orjan lailla (vvork llke
a) slave. raataja toller; drudge; laborer.
raataminen raadanta.
raatari ks. rtli.
raateleminen tearing to pleces Jne., ks. raa
raateleva(inen) rapacious [beast, elin],
predatory, predacious; elin ks. raateluelin; raateleva peto (kuv.) rapacious
beast. raatelevaisuus rapacity, rapaclousness. raateli as = raatelevainen, raatelija
mangler, mutllator; mys " petoelin.
raatelu tearing to pleces; mutilatlon; (viilte
ly) slashlng. -elin carnivorous anlmal;
(peto-) beast or prey. -hammas sectorial
(1. carnasslal) tooth.
raati (neuvosto) councll. -herra (hist.)
king's councilor. -huone tovvn hali (1.
house), city hali, municipal bulldings.
-mies ks. neuvosmies.
raato carcass; (etup. Ihmisen) cadaver;
(haaska) rarrion. -kuoriainen (eltnt.)
raatsia (hennoa) havc the heart [to do a
th , tehd Jotakin].
raa'unta ks. raakunta.
raavaanllha becT.
raavas I. (s.) = nauta (elin). II. (a. ty
sikasvuinen) grovvn up. (elimist:) rullgrovvn; (vankka) robust, sturdy.
raaveltuukkl duck.
radanrakennus rallroad construction.
radikaali radical. radikaalinen (Jyrkk) rad
Ical. radikaalisuus radlcallsm.
radiumi (kem.) radium.
rae hali; (raejyv) hallstone; (muru) graln;
(Jyvnen) granule; rakeet, rakeita hali,
vrt. sataa; luotia satoi kuin rakeita
It hailed bullets; vrt. suola-, -hauli: raehaulit (karkeat) buckshot, (kartessl-)
grape-shot. -kuuro 1. -puuska quickly passlng hall-storm, (Jkpv.) a little hali.
-myrsky (vlolent) hall-storm.
raesade hall-storm; Tall of hali. -vakuutus
Insurance agalnst hali, hali Insurance.
raha money; (lantti) plece o( money, coln;



(mitali) medal; (kteinen) cash; (maksu)

tOll [esim. silta bridge tOli] , dues; rahan
sa arvosta cl. edest) one's money's worth;
alha on rahaa time Is money (I. Is precious); vanha ancient (l. old) coln.
raha- (yhd.) money- [esim. -kysymys money questlon; -markkinat money-market] ; ..
or money [esim. -lahja girt of money; -lj
pile (1. heap) of money; -summa sum of
money]; (rahallinen) pecunlary, monetary
[esim. -arvo pecunlary (1. monetary) value;
-jrjestelm monetary systern] ; (rahaasioita koskeva) rinancial [esim. -huolet
rinanrlal troubles (1. uorrles)]. -ansio
earnlngs; (rahallinen hyty) pecunlary
(1. rinancial) benent (1. advantage). -apu
1. -avustui pecunlary ald (1. assistance).
-arkku 1. -kirstu money-chest, (kassa-)
strong box. -arvo (mys:) money value.
-asia money-matter; money transactlon;
raha-asiat rinances, rinancial matters (1.
arralrs), vrt. liikeasia.
raha-asiainllministeri mlnlster or finance;
(Yhdysv.) Secretary or the Treasury;
(Engl.) Chancellor of the Exchequer, (ni
mellisesti:) First Lord or the Treasury.
-ministeri mlnlstry or rinance, rinancial
department; (Yhdysv.) Treasury Depart
ment, -valiokunta commlttee on rinances,
rinance commlttee.
raha[|er item; (maksu-) lnstal(l)ment,(partlal) payment. -harkko 1. -kanki bullion.
rahalnfkerj collector or old colns, numlsmatlst. -periminen collecting; collectlon (or bills 1. or debts). -perimistoimisto
collection (1. collecting) agency.
raha!! kaappi (kassa-) sare. -kanta monetary
standard, standard or currency, specie basls; standard (or coinage).
rahakas moneyed; (varakas) wealthy; (ri
kas) rlch.
rshaB kirje letter contalning money, remittanee. -kokoelma collection or (rare)coins;
niimlsmatlcal collection.
rahaksi II lymtn uncolned; rahaksilymtn kulta [hopea] bullion. -lyty coined
f Silver, hopea], minted. -muutto turning
Into money; sle (to ralse money); (va
raston) selllllg Olit; konkurss, rahaksi
muutto bankruptcy sle.
raha kukkaro purse; (lompakonmuotolnen)
pocketbook. -laatta (coln -)t>lank. -laina loan
or money, -laitos 1. rinancial Institution
(1. establlshmcnt); 2. (jrjestelm) mone
tary systern. -laji klnd or coln, specles (or
coin), denomlnatlon; money, -laki law governlng rinances, monetary la\v. -leima
impression (on a coln), stamp (or a coln).
-leimasin die (used in colning money),
stamp. -lipas cash-box, muncy-bnx.
rahallinen pecunlary | loss, tappio], mone
tary; rinancial; (tuottava) prontable, lucratlve, remuneratlve; ~ etu pccuniary (I.
rinancial) advantage; (pecunlary) gain,
pront. rahallisesti rtnancially; rahallisesti
edullinen (mys:) profltablc In dollars and
cents, . . \vhich pays \vell.
rahai lhde source or revenue; (tulo-)source
or Income. -lhetys-remlttance (or money).
-lyt dlscovery or money; dlscovery or
old colns. -maksut expenditures, dlsbursements. -massi = rahakukkaro, -mies mon
eyed man, man or money, (Jkpv.) moneybags; (Tinanssl) rinancler; (kapitalisti)
capitallst. -ministeri ks. raha-asiainminis
teri, -mr amount or money; mys =

kinta money-making; -vaihtoja moneychanger].-ahnegreedy Tor money, grasping,
avarlcious; covetous; (Jkpv.) money mad.
-ahneus greed Tor money; vrt. rahanhimo,
-arvo clrculatlng (1. exchange) value or a
coin; vrt. raha-arvo. -himo love oT money;
avarlce. -kanto collecting (money 1. bills),
collection (or debts l.or bills). -kerys col
lection (or money); panna toimeen rahan
kerys . .-n hyvksi (kokoustllalsuudessa
y. m.) take up a collection ror, (Jkpv.)
pass round the bat ror, (laajempi, listojen
y.m. avulla) raise money ror. -lyj
minter, coiner.
rahanlyntl colning (or money), mlnting;
coinage. -oikeus rlght (1. privllcge) or
colning (1. to coln) money.
rahani muutos change or coinage; (uudistus)
monetary rerorm. -puute xvant (1. lack)
or money; (yleinen) scarcity (1. deartb) or
money, -reik expense (to be met ) ; (mak
su) payment (to be laken care or); hn on
saanut jonkunverran rahoja, mutta kyllp
hnell on rahanreikikin (Jkpv.) ne has

got some money, but he has plenty of

places ror It, too. -tuntija numismaHolog)lst; connolsseur or colns (and medals).
-vlittj (money-)broker; (lainan-) loanagent. -vrennys counterreltlng (or mon
ey), -vrentj counterrelter (or money).
rahall painin colning press, mlnting mill.
-paja mint. -palkinto money prlze; (kilpaajoissa y.m.) purse. -palkka wages; [one's]
pay In money, -palkkio revvard or money,
money revvard; (suoritetusta tyst y.m.)
compensatlon (or money), -pula rinan
cial embarrassment, pecunlary (1. rinan
cial) dirriculty (1. dirriculttes); (-pulma)
rinancial crisls;ol(a ra/iapn<assabelnstraits,
be h.uii pressed(ror money). -pussi moneybag; (kukkaro) purse. -ruhtinas money
prlnce; money king; (maan) raharuhtinaat
(Yhdysv., mys:) Wall Street, -saatavat
(Jonkun) money(s) due a p. -sakko rine.
rahastaa rinance; rurnish (1. supply) the
runds needed [Tor].
rahasto treasury; (pohja-) rund, (lahjotettu) roundatlon; (kassa) cash on hand.
rahastonhoitaja treasurer; (kasrl) cashier; (laivan) purser.
rahalltiede numlsmatics. -tieteilij numismat(olog)lst, numlsmaticlan.
rahatoimi rinances. -kamari (munlclpal)
board or Tinance(s).
rahaton moneyless; lmpecunlous; (pennitn)
pennlless; ~ mies man vvlthout money,
pennlless man; olla rahattomana (satun
naisesti) have run out or cash, (pennitt
mn) be pennlless. rahattomuus lmpecunioslty; hnen rahattomuutensa (tav.) his
belng pennlless (1. without money).
rahalltulo Income (or money), -valta the
moneyed powers, the money kings; plutocracy. -varat (pecunlary) mcans, runds;
vaatii rahavaroja (mys:) requlres money.
-vero tax (pald) In money, -yksikk mone
tary unlt, unlt or currency. -ylimys plutorT.U; vrt. raharuhtinas, -ylimyst plutocracy.
rahdata rrelght; (mer.) charter.
rahdinll kuljetus 1. -veto rreigbting, rreightage. -lhettj shlpper or rrelght, consigner (or rrelght).
rahi bench, seat.

rahina raitio: (kahina) rustle. rahista rattle.

rahle strap (In a harness), trace, ks. rahkeet.
rahjus (raukka) pltlable creature; (poor)
rahan- (yhd.) . . or money [esim. -kierto vvretch; poor rellovv (1. tblng); (renttu)
circulatlon or money; -saanti supply or shabby(-looking) rellovv; (nahjus) lout,
lubber; vrt. ukko-.
money; -tarve need or money; -vaihto ex
change or money] ; money- [esim. -han rahka (suolan) erriorescence. -sammal peatrahasumma.


moss, bog-moss, sphagnum. -auo peat-bog, echo, resound ; ntete raikui hnen huudois
taan the vvoods rang(l. echoed 1. resounded)
peat-bed (1. -moor).
rahkeet (vetoblbnat valjaissa) traces.
vv ith hls SbOUtS; muoeionoeotusten raikuessa
rahkottua (esim. suolakille) elTloresce. rah- amtd loud applause, durlng bursts or apkottuminen erriorescence.
plause. raikuminen rlnglng, clanglng: echorahtaaja rreiifliter; charterer, shlpper. rah
lng, resoundlng. raikuva ringlng (cheer,
taaminen, rahtaus rretghtlng; charterlng. hurraahuuto; applause, kttenpaukutus],
rahtauekirja charter-party.
rahti rreigbt; makeattu(nu) Hancockiin railo (Jss) crack (1. rirt) [In the Ice],
(kaupp.) f. o. b. i i.vti. sanoista: free on crevlce.
board] Hancock, -kirja blll of lading; vvay- rainta mllking-pall.
blll. -laiva rrelghter, rrelght(-carrying) raipanisku lash ml' the vvlilp l. vvith a whlp).
vessel: tramp; (kauppa-) trader. -liike
rrelghtlng. -maksu rrelght charge, Irelght- raippa rod; twig, switch; (piiska) vvlilp;
age; rahtimaksutta free of charge. -seteli lash; antaa raippoja jollekulle glve (I. ail
-' rahtikirja, -suostumus (lak.) charter- mlnlster) lashes (1. a riogging) to, riog,
vvliip. -paalu whlpping-post. -rangaistus
party. -tavara rrelght; (Engl.) goods;
(punlshment by) whlpplng, riogging.
rahtitavarana (Yhdysv.) by rrelght. -va
raiska I. (a.) poor, wretched; (raihnas)
paasti trelght prepald.
rahtu blt, partlcle, aloin, mi te ; a Uttle; / poorly, alllng, lnrirm, rrall, vveakly; tytt
rahtuakaan (ei niin mitn) not a bit (1. a ~ poor girl. II. (s.) I. = rahjus; 2. (rik
vv 1 1 1 1 > [better, parempi], not in the least, ka) n inte; milmee (raam.) a mote In
not at ali, none (vvhatever). rahtu(i)nen one's eye, vrt. rikka.
rahtu; rahtunen totuutta a bit (1. a raiskaaja (naisen) ravisher, one who bas
graln) or trutb; rahtusen parempi a llttle commltted rape [upon]; (hvittj) devas(bit) better, a trlfle better; odotahan rah
tator; vrt. metsiin, raiskaaminen spolling
tunen walt a bit, walt a llttle; vrt. kotva. Jne., ks. raiskata, raiskaantua be(come)
rahvaan kieli speech of plaln (1. common) spoiled; be rulned, be destroyed, be devpeople; (maalais-) rustic (1. country) dla- astated; be mutilated: be vvasted; vrt.senr.
lect. -luokka plaln (1. common) people; raiskata (turmella) spoll, damage, (hvitt,
(talonpoikais-) peasant class. -mies mau tuhota) ruln, destroy, devastate; depreor the people; man or bumble birtli. date; (maata vkisin) ravlsh, outrage,
-nainen \voman or humbie blrtb; (talon
(commlt) rape (upon); (tuhlata, haaskata)
poikais-) peasant-vvoman.
waste; (runnella) mutllate; mets cut
rahvas (maalais-) country-people, peasantry ; down tlmber recklessly, waste tlmber;
(yhteinen kansa) common (1. plaln) people; trespass upon a rorest. raiskaus spolling;
destruction; devastation; mutllatlon; (nai
rahvaan mies a man of the people.
sen) ravlshment, outrage, rape; (tuhlaus)
raidallinen strlped [materiat (1. cloth), kan
reckless waste; vrt. metsnraiskaus.
gas] ; (Juovainen) streaked, streaky.
raide track, (tbe) ralls; llne; (-kisko) rail. raisu rrisky, romplng; lively, splrlted; (vil
li) Wild, bolsterous; (huilakka) glddy, rat-leveys (rallroad) ga(u)ge.
raidottaa strlpe; streak. raidotus striplng. tle-bralned; hevonen rrisky (I. splrlted)
raihnaantua get (I. be getting) poorly; get horse. raisusti rriskily, romplshly; uilitly,
rrall (1. weakly), become inflrm (1. de- boisterously. raisuus rrlskiness, rompishcreplt). raihnailla be poorly (1. alllng), plne. ness; spirlt; wlldness, bolsterousness; gldraihnailu alllng; plnlng. raihnainen poorly; dlness.
rrall, weak(ly), reeble, lnrirm, decreplt; raita I. (Juova) stripe, streak ; llne; (leve) bar.
puny [chtld, lapsi]; (sairasteleva) slckly, raita II. (-paju) goat-wlllow, great sallovv.
alllng; vanha Ja raihnainen aged and ill- raitainen strlped; (Juovainen) streaked,
! imu raihnaisestl Teebly, inrirnily; kvell streaky; (yhd.) . .-strlped, wlth . . stripes
[esim. kapea narrow-strlped, vvllli narraihnaisesti be able to walk only \vilh dirrow stripes; puna~ red-striped].
riculty, waik wlth totterlng steps. raihnai
suus rrallness, Trallty, weakness, lnrirmlty, raiteen [vaihto swltcblng. -vli gage, gauge.
deblllty; decrepltude. raihnas = raihnai raitainen (yhd.) . .-track [esim. kaksi- dounen, raihnastella = raihnailla, raihnaus ble-track; ykei~ single -track], . .-ga(u)ge
[esim. -kapea~ narrow-ga(u)ge; -leveraihnaisuus.
raikahdella clang, rlng; niin ett mete rai- broad-gage, wlde-ga(u)ge].
kahtell iinys:) maklng the woods rlng ralti (lakana) sheet.
agaln. ralkahdus clang, rlng(lng); (trh- raitio track; llne. -rata track(way); (kai
dys) blast. ralkahduttaa make . . rlng; rai- voksissa y. m.) tramway; vrt. seur.
hahduttaa torveen blow (1. send out) a raitiotie (katu-) street-car llne; trolley-line;
blast riimi the horn. ralkahtaa clang; (esim. (Engl.) tramway(-llne), tram-llne; maan
torvi) rlng (out).
alainen subvvay. -llike(nne) street-car
raikas rresb [mornlng, aamu; breatli (or trarric; (Engl.) tram-car trarric. -vaunu
vv 1 1 i < l > , tuulahdus; water, vesi] ; (viile) street-car, trolley-car; (Engl.) tram-car,
cool [mornlng air, aamuilma], breezy; tillin ; raitiotievaunun ajuri motorman ; trol(kirkas, hele) clear [volce, ni], brlght; ley-man.
vrt. raitis; nauru hearty (1. rlnglng) raitis rresh [air, ilma]; (viile) cool; (rai
laughter; tuuli cool (l.rerreshlng) wlnd; tistava) braclng, Invlgoratlng; (terve)
raikkaalla mielell In fresh SptrltS, re- sound finlnil, mieli]; (Juomaton) sober.
rreshed, (kevyell) vvitli alight heart, (Iloi
temperate; tuuli cool (1. rerreshlng)
sella) Tuli or cheer: raikkaat vrit gay (1. wlnd, rresh breeze. raitistaa Treshcn (up);
brlght) colors. -Uninen . . vvith a clear (I. (virkist) rerresh, brace, invlgorate, have
a rlnglng) volce [soittimista y.m.: tone a braclng (I. an Invlgoratlng) errect [up
(1. sound)].
on] ; (selvitt, humalasta y. m.) sober.
raikkaasti (puhaltaa, tuuli) brlskly; (nauraa raitistaminen rreshenlng(up) Jne., ks. cdell.
y. m.) beartlly; cheerrully; brlghtly, gayly. raitistava braclng: (virkistv) rerreshlng,
raikkaus (esim. aamun) Treshness; cool- Invlgoratlng. raitistua be(come) relreshed
ness; (nen) clearness, brlgbtness; (nau
(1. lnvlgorated), be(come) revlved; (sel
run) llght-heartedness.
vit, humalasta y.m.) sober (up). raitis
raikua clang, ring; peai; sound; (kaikua) tuttava raitistaa.



raitti village Street (1. road).

raittiisti cool(ly): bracingly, lnvigoratlngly;
temperately; soberly; merelt tuulee
there Is a cool (1. an lnvigorating) breeze
rrom the sen; vrt. raitis.
raittiuden harrastaja 1. -ystv Mend (1. advocate) or temperance, temperance worker;
vrt. raittiusmies,
raittius rreshness, coolness; soundness;
(vkijuomiin nhden) temperance; sobrlety, soberness; vrt. ehdoton.
raittius- (yhd.) temperance [esim. -kokous
temperance meetlng; -liike temperance
movement; -vki temperance people] . -aate
1. -asia cause or temperance, temperance
(cause); (-liike) temperance movement.
-esitelmi temperance lecture (1. address),
lecture on temperance. -Juoma temperance
drlnk; soit drink, non-alcoholic beverage.
-lupaus (temperance) pledge. -mielinen . .
who sympathizes wlth (1. works Tor) the
temperance movement. -mies temperance
man; (ehdoton) total abstalner. -opetus
Instruction In temperance. -puhuja teinperance speaker. -ravintola restaurant [hotel]
where no llquor is spld; temperance hotel;
(kahvila) care, (Engr.) corree-house. -seura
1. -yhdistys temperance Society.
raivaaja one vvlio clears [cleared] Jne., ks.
raivata; (tien-) pioneer. raivaamaton uncleared [land, maa; forest, mets], not
cleared, unreclalmed [land, maa]; vaste;
(teitten puolesta) pathless, impassable
[tract, seutu]; Impenetrable ; (kulkema
ton) untrodden, unbroken [path, polku] ;
raivaamaton ala unbroken ground, (kuv.)
untrodden rield. raivaaminen (maan, met
sn) clearing; (kuv.) ploneerlng. raivata
clear [land, maata; the rield or stones,klvet
pellosta; a rorest, mets] ; (kuv.) pioneer;
~ tielt(n) clear away, (jokin, joku) clear
. . out or the way, get rld or, (Joku) make
away wlth; ~ tie metsn lpi cut a road
through the rorest, make (1. clear) a path
through the VVOOdS [huom. raivata itselleen
tie metsn lpi (mys:) make one's \vay
through the woods] ; ~ tiet (kuv.) pave
(1. clear) the (1. a) way [Tor, Jollekin],
pioneer [the temperance movement, rait
tiusliikkeelle]; ~ tiet fl. tiens) miekalla
cut one's way; ~ tilaa clear a space, make
room [Tor, jollekulle, Jollekin], raivattu
cleared [land, maa; path, polku]; (kuv.)
raivaus clearing; clearance. -tyS clearing;
(kuv.) pioneer work.
raivio (metsss) clearing; (uutlsvlljelys)
newly reclaimeu (1. opened 1. broken) land;
piece or land under cultivatlon ror the Nrst
raivo I. (s.) rage, rury; (mieletn) Trenzy,
madness; (hurjuus) wlldness; (vimma) Tauaticism; raivoissaan oleva inruriated, enraged, mad, rrantic; luonnonvoimain the
Tury or the eleinen ts; olla raivoissaan be In
a rage, be Inruriated [at, Jostakin], be ru
nous [at], (esim. luonnonvoimista:) be
raglng. be ravlng; vrt. raivota. II. (a.)
raivostunut, raivoaminen raglng; (hurja)
raivollhullu I. (a.) stark (1. ravlng) mad;
(lk.) vlolently lnsane. H. (s.) raglng mad111:111; vlolent lunatlc. -hulluus raglng mad
ness; (lk.) vlolent lnsanlty.
raivoisa runous [attack, hykkys; yeil,
huuto], rrantic [errort, yritys], rrenzled,
mad; (raivostunut) Inruriated; (hurja)
Wild, savage; (ankara) vlolent; luskonvlminalnen, yltipinen) ranatlc(al). raivoi
sasti raivokkaasti, raivoisuus = raivokkuus. raivokas ks. raivoisa; raivokas vas


tarinta furlous (1. frantlc 1. vlolent) reslstance. raivokkaasti ruriously, rrantically:

wlldly; vlolently; ranatically. raivokkuus
(raivo) rage, rury, (mieletn) fremy; (vii
leys) wlldness; (ankaruus) vlolence. rai
vonpurkaus outburst (1. outbreak) or rage
(1. or rury). raivolpiinen 1. -p rrenzled,
rurlous; ravlng; Wild; (mahdoton hillit)
raivostua lose control or o. s., riy (1. work
o.s.) into a passion (1. a rage), become ru
nous (1. Inruriated). raivostuminen riylng
Into a rage (1. rury 1. Trenzy). raivostunut
raglng, ravlng; enraged, inruriated; run
ous, mad; (villi) wlld, savage. raivostuttaa
make . . rurlous (1. mad 1. rrantic), drive
. . mad, throw . . Into a rage (1. a passion),
inrurlate, enrage, madden; hnt raivottutti ajatus siit, ett . . the thougbt or
. .-ing . . made hlm rrantic (1. rurlous).
raivota rage, be raglng; be rurlous, be mad:
(riehua) rave, be ravlng; (tehd tuhojaan)
make ravages, ravage; (olla vallalla 1.
vauhdissa) run riot, run rampant, (taudista:)be rire; ~ kiukusta, - vihasta (mys:)
boll over wlth rage; alkaa break loose,
burst (1. break) out; intohimot raivosivat
hnen rinnassaan passlons tore hlm; rutto
raivoaa a plague is raglng (1. ravaging).
raivotar rury. raivotauti (ellnlk.) rabies.
raivous ks. raivo.
raja I. llmlt, bound; term; (maiden y. m.)
boundary (line), llne; border; conrine(s);
(rajaseutu) rrontier; (veden y. m.) edge;
kulkee siit the boundary llne runs through
there; rajojen uudelleen jrjestely revision
or boundarles; aukoitta ~ clear a boun
dary line; jonkin rajalla oleva borderlng
on, adjoinlng.., adjacent to; jonkin rajois
sa vi tiiin the bounds (l.limlts) or; kaikella
on rajanta there is a llmlt to everytblng;
katon rajassa (rlght) under the edge or the
roor, under the eaves; kaupungin rajoin si
spuolella viilun the City llmltS; menn
rajan yli pass (1. go over) the boundary,
cross the boundary llne, (sot.) cross the
rrontier; manna sopivaisuuden rajojen ul
kopuolelle overstep the bounds or proprlety (1. or decorum), vrt. mennM (yli);
murhamies pidtettiin rajalla the murUerer
was stopped at the border (I. the rrontier);
Suomen ja Venjn (vlinen)" the bound
ary (llne) between Finland and Unssia.
raja II. (kenk-) worn(-out) shoe.
raja- (yhd.) boundary [esim. -kivi boundary
stone; -7in/a boundary llne]; border [esim.
-valtiot border states; -vartio border patrol]; (rajaseutu-) rrontier [esim. -linna
1. -tinnotut rrontier rortreSS; -maakunta
rrontier province; -vartio rrontier guard],
-aika transitlon(al) period, period or transltion; epoch, era. -aita llne rence. -alue
border-land; rrontier. -arvo (mat.) llmlt.
-asukas person llvlng on the border, borderer; rrontiersman.
rajainen (yhd.) . . with . . boundarles [esim.
selv with well rixed boundarles] ; . .
with .. bounds (1. llmits) [esim. ahdatw!th narrow bounds (1. limlts)].
rajakahakka sklrmish on the rrontier.
rajakkain borderlng on (I. abuttlng upon)
each other, one borderlng on the olher, ad
joinlng each other; ~ oleva(t) adjacent,
adjolning, nelghboring; olla adjoin (each
other), be adjacent. rajakkainen ks. rajak
kain (oleva).
raja 1 kreivi margrave. -maa border-land,
border (mys kuv.); (naapurimaa) nelgh
boring (1. adjoinlng) country, -maalainen
person llvlng along the border; rrontiers
man. -merkki boundary (niark). boundary



stone; landmark, -naapuri nearest (1. next)

rajan:laukalu 1. -avail* (metsass) bound
ary-clearing In a rorest. -Jarjestely fron
tier regulation, -kiyntl survey of bound
aries; (Jkpv.) pacing (Engl.: beating) the
bounds, -takainen . . located beyond the
boundary, transfrontler; rajantahaiitt kaupuitelijat ped(d)lers (1. traders) from
over the border (1. the line), -teikitys 1.
-paalutui setting the (boundary) stakes,
-vartioiminen guarding the frontier.
raja pyykki -- rajamerkki. -riiU 1. -rettelo
dispute about (the) boundary, boundary
rajaseutu border(-land) ; (etenkin: asutuksen) frontier, -kaupunki town on the bor
der, frontier (I. border) town, -linnotus
frontier fortress.
raja sopimus treaty fixing (1. determining)
the boundaries, -sota (sota rajolsta:) bor
der-war; (rajalla kyty sota) border war
fare, -su u tar i cobbler.
rajaton unlimited [credit, luotto] , unbounded,
limitless, . . without bounds; (suplstamaton) unrestricted [liberty, vapaus] ; (aareton) boundless [confidence, luottarnus],
illimitable; (loppumaton) endless. Intermi
nable [length, pltuus] ; Infinite; (ehdoton)
absolute [monarchy, ykslnvaltlus] ; ~ vaita
unlimited (1. boundless 1. unrestricted 1.
abSOlUte) POWer; hnen riemunsa oli ~ Ili-i
Joy knew no bounds, rajattomasti wlthout bounds (1. restraint), unrestrictedly;
Infinitely; absolutely; luottaa rajattomasti
ohonhin [johonkuhnn] rely absolutely
(up)on, place absolute reliance (up)on,
(Jkpv.) bank (up)on. rajattomuu bound
lessness; infinity; absoluteness.
rajatulliasema customs station on the bor
der (I. the line).
rajatusten - rajakkaln.
rajautua (olla rajakkaln, koskettaa) border
[(up)on, Johonkln], touch (upon); abut;
vrt. rajottua.
rajajvahtl 1. -vartija frontier guard, guard
on the border, -vaiheet confines, -vartio
frontier guard; border patrol, -viiva line
of demarcation; rnyos = rlvliva. -vest
people living on (1. along) the border.
rajotella bound, limit, restrict; (mrta)
determine; define; vrt. rajottaa. rajotettu
limited [monarchy, yksinvalta; number,
lukumftlrft], restricted [space, tila] ; finite.
rajottaa bound, border; (suplstaa) limit, re
strict, confine [one's activity to, tolmlntansa Johonkln]; put a limit to; (hiiiiu)
restrain, curb, check; (vhent) reduce
[to, Johonkln], retrench; onkun oapautta
restrict (1. limit) a p. 's liberty; Italian rajattavat pahjoisessa Alpit Italy IS bounded
on the north by the Alps, rajottaminen
confining; restriction, limitation; restrain
ing, curbing; reduction, retrenchment.
rajottua restrict (1. limit 1. confine) O.S. [to,
Johonkin]; (aslolsta:) be limited (1. re
stricted) [to, Johonkln]; (rajautua) be
bounded [by, Johonkln]. rajottuminen re
stricting D.S.; being limited (1. confined).
rajotut limitation, restriction; (rajottava
maarltelma) modification, (aanestyksessa
. m.) qualification; ilman minknlaitia
rajotuhia without any restrictions, un
reservedly, (vapaastl) freely; mrtyill
rajotuktUla with certain restrictions, sub
ject to certain qualifications; panno ra/otubtia jonhun (persoonailisellc ) vapaudelle
put restraints on (1. set bounds to) a p.'s
liberty, put restraint on a p.
raj u violent, vehement; (ralvolsa) furious
[attack, hyokkays]. frantic; (melulsa) tu


multuous, turbulent; (hlllltn) ungovern

able [temper, luonto], unruly [horse, hevonen], intractable; (raisu) boisterous;
(villl) wild, savage; (hurja) fierce; ~
myrsby violent tempest, fierce storm, vrt.
rajumyrftky; ~ vastarinta forcible (1. fran
tic) resistance, -lima storm; on tulo**a
rajuiima & storm Is coming up (1. Is gatherIng 1. Is brewing), we are In for a storm,
-luontoinen. .or Impetuous disposition, Im
petuous; (tulinen) fiery; (vllll) wild, fierce.
-myrsky hurricane; severe wind-storm;
vrt. pyrremyriky. -pinen unruly [boy,
polka] ; ungovernable, headstrong; (vllll)
wild, savage; (huima-) reckless, -pisyys
unruly (1. ungovernable) disposition; reck
lessness, -pit violent person; scapegrace.
rajustl violently, vehemently; furiously,
frantically; ungovernably; wildly, fiercely;
*ykkia - (sydn) beat wildly (l. violently
1. hard), rajuui violence, vehemence; fury,
rage; ungovernableness, Intractableness ;
wlldness, fierceness; vrt. raju.
rakas dear, beloved; (lhelnen) Intimate; Jollekulle rahkaahsi ktiynyt grown dear to . .;
ruhhaani (armaanl) my darling! rakkaat
ysiuybsei intimate friends, great chums;
rakkaimpanl my loved (1. dearest) ones,
those nearest and dearest to me (1. to my
heart), my heart's dearest; jos henkcsi on
sinuiic ~ If you value your life.
rakastaa love; be a lover of [good music,
hy viui soltantoa] ; be much attached to,
(pit) be (very) fond of, like, rakaetaja
lover; (huonossa merktt.) paramour, (jkpv.)
affinity, rakaetajatar mistress, paramour;
(Jkpv.) affinity, rakastaminen loving; (pitmlnen) being fond of, liking.
rakastava loving; oikeulta . . who loves
Justice . I'M MI. okainen oihcutta ~ ihmintn
every person who loves Justice, every lover
Of Justice], Vrt. oikeamielinen; vapautta ~
liberty-loving i linuiii. jobaintn maanta va
pautta ~ kantalaintn every citizen who
loves his country's liberty (I. to whom the
liberty of his country Is dear)]; vrt. seur.
rakastavalnen loving; (rakastunut) . . In
love; (bella) affectionate, tender; rakattavainen pari (myS:) couple of lovers; rakattavaittt those in love, (the) lovers, rakastellja lover; paramour, rakattella love; make
love [to one, Jotakuta]. rakasWIu lovemaking; courtship, rakaitettava amiable,
lovable; (mlellyttav) lovely, charming,
winsome, sweet, rakastettavattl in a lov
able manner, amiably; charmingly, wlnsomely. rakastettavuus amiability, lovableness, wlnsomeness; charm, rakastettu
Icmmiity. rakastua fall in love [with a p.,
johonkuhun], lose one's heart [to, Johonkuiuiii] ; become deeply attached [to], grow
fond [of], rakastuminen falling in love,
losing one's heart, rakaatunut in love
[with, Johonkuhun], enamored [of]; (ihastunut) charmed [by]; fond [of]; rakattunut pari a couple of lovers.
rakeet ks. ra.
rakenne structure; construction, (teko)
build, make: (koneisto) mechanism; a/la
raktnteella be under construction, be
building; rak*nt**U start to build;
on l'un/ rahennelta IS an Old make (I.

model). Is out-of-date; vrt. ruumiln.

rakonneiia be building, be erecting; (sommltella) build up, construct [sentences,
lauselta]. rakennettu built, constructed,
rakennus building; structure; edifice; (rakentamlnen, mys:) construction, erection;
tato on hyvasta rabennubfeesa (maatalo)
the farm has good buildings; Mo on

kennuksen alaisena the tlOUSe IS a bulldlng, hyvstell jotakuta - bid . . an afrectlonate
tbe house Is belng bullt (1. constructed), tarevvell, take a tender leave of.
the house Is under constructlon; tontilla rakkari 1. (lurjus) rascal, scoundrel, viilaili;
on (mys:) the lot has been bullt upon. rascally (1. rascal of a) fellow, scamp;
rakennus- (yhd.) bulldlngr [esim. -aineet 1. cur; 2. (polllsltolmitsija kaupungeissa)
pound-keeper, poundmaster.
-tarpeet bulldlngr materialS; -hanke 1. -yri
tys building enterprlse; -rahasto bulldlng rakkauden- (yhd.) . . of love [esim. -jumala
lumi ; -urakka bulldlng contract] ; archl- god of love; -pantti pledge of love; -todis
tectural [esim. -piirustus archttectural tus proof of love] ; love- [esim. -ateria
love-feast; -sairas love-slck] ; vrt. lemmen-,
dravving]. -hirsi plece of tlmber for bulld
lng purposes; rakennushirsi tlmber. -Jr
-tunnustus declaratlon (1. confesslon)
Of love; tehd rakkaudentunnustus jolle
jestys l. -snt bulldlng regulatlons; bulld
lng ordlnance. -laina loan (made; ralsed) kulle (mys:) teli one's love (1. declare o.s.)
for bulldlng purposes. -lupa bulldlng per
to. -ty work of love; (laupeuden-) deed
mit, -mestari (carpenter and) bullder; arof mercy, act or compasslon; cbarity.
chltect; (-urakoitsija) bulldlng contractor, rakkaus love [of] ; (Intohimoinen) passion
[for]; (uskollinen) devotlon [to]; (miel
contractor. -osuuskunta coperatlve bulld
lng association, -pahvi 1. -paperi bulldlng tymys) afrectlon [for]; (kiintymys) rondpaper. -ryhm group (1. cluster) or bulld- ness; attachment [to] ; [hn teki sen] rak
lngs. -taide archltecture. -taiteellinen kaudesta johonkin [he 11(1 lt] out Of love
archltectural, archltectonlc(al). -taiteelli
for; kristillinen Christian love, charily;
sesti arcbitecturally. -tapa way or bulld
lapsen vanhempiaan kohtaan filial love
lng . .; (-tyyli) archltecture. -telineet (1. devotlon); vanha ei ruostu (sananp.)
scarfold(ing). -tyyli (style of) archltec
love never grows old, love never dles,
ture. -ty bulldlng; constructlon (\vork). love does not tarnlsh \vith age.
-tylinen 1. -tymies worker engaged in rakkaus- (yhd.) love- (esim. -kirje lovethe bulldlng trades.
letter; -/au/ulove-song;-fornalove >U)1> ;
rakennuttaa have . . bullt (1. erected 1. con
vrt. lemmen-, -asiat love-afralrs. -avio
structed); jollakulla bave one bulld; ~ liitto love-match. -juttu (-seikkailu) lovetalo bulld a bouse, have a bouse bullt (1. affalr; (-tarina) tale of love, love-story.
erected) ; urakalla let a contract to bulld -romaani (love-)romance, love-story. -seik
. . , bave . . bullt by contract. rakennuttaja kailu love-afralr, love-adventure.
one \vlio has . . bullt; (urakalla) con rakki cur; (kuv.) raller. -koira cur.
tractor. rakennuttaminen bulldlng; bavlng rakko (virtsa- y. m.) bladder; (veslrakko.
. . bullt.
Ihossa) bllster; mys = rakkula; vrt. pa
rakentaa bulld [on the sands, hiekalle; lts lo, sappi, virtsa y. m.
nest, pesns]; construct [a shlp, laiva; a rakkoll katarri catarrh In (1. of) the bladder.
theory, teoria] ; (pystytt) erect, bulld -kivi stone In the bladder; (lk.) urinary
up [a city, kaupunki]; put up; (perustaa)
calculus. -lev (kasv.) bladder-wrack (1.
found, establlsh, Institute; (saada aikaan)
-tangle). -mato bladder-worm, scolei;
make, brlng abOUt; ~ epsopua joidenkui
(sian y. m.) measle. -tauti (virtsa-) dlsease
den vlille cause (1. create 1. make) trouble or the bladder. -tulehdus mriammatlon of
between certain persons; jlleen re- the bladder.
bulld, reconstruct, refirect; ~ johonkin li rakkula (vesi-) bllster, (anat.) veslcle; (Il
s bulld an additlon to, bulld onto, (laa
ma-; lasissa, metalleissa y. m.) riaw, airjentaa) enlarge [buom. rakentaa taloon bole; (kupla) bubble; (nyppyl) pustule;
(yksi) kerros lis bulld anolher Story (1. iho nousee rakkuloille the skln rlses in blisadd a Story) to tbe house; ~ pesns ters, bllsters [pustules] rlse (1. appear)
(mys:) nest; ~ rauhaa make peace, (kah
on the iki n; olla rakkuloilla be covered uitti
den henkiln vlille) try to concillate, try bllsters. rakkulainen . . covered \vitli blls
to make . . frlends agaln; riitaa make (1. ters, bllstery.
brew l. cause) trouble, meddle [In a ramlly, rako crack, chlnk, fissure, cranny; (suu
perheess], (haastaa) pick a quarrel; rehko) crevlce; (halkeama) cleft, spUt,
silta construct (1. bulld) a bridge, erect a (Jtikss:) crevasse; (aukko) sllt, (narbridge, (Jonkin yli) bridge [esim. ~ silta row) openlng; raollaan, raolleen ajar [esim.
virran yli bridge a stream] ; talo bulld ovi on raollaan the door is (1. stands) ajar;
(I. put up 1. erect) a house; tuttavuutta jtt ovi raolleen leave the door ajar (1.
jonkun kanssa kS. tehd (tuttavuutta); ~ open)]; kallion crevlce In a [the] rock;
. . Jonkin varaan bulld (1. erect) . . upon, kurkistaa raosta peer through a [the] crev
(k liv.) build (1. found) . . upon; siihen ra
lce; vrt. lattian, oven, seinn.
kennettiin kirkko a Church was bullt (1. rakontulehdus rakkotulehdus.
erected) there. rakentaja bullder, con- rako tuli I. -valkea log-rire.
structor; (tekij) maker; vrt. rauhanra- raksaa be cracking, be snapping: (esim. kel
kentaja, riidanrakentaja y. m. rakentama
lo) be ticking, go tlck-tock; (rtist) cracton . . not (yet) bullt; (tyhj) vacant [lot, kle; (narskua) cr(a)unch. raksahdella be
tontti], unoccupled. rakentaminen bulld
(1. keep) cracking (1. snapping); crackle.
lng Jne., ks. rakentaa; constructlon, erec- raksahdus crack, snap; cllck. raksahtaa
tlon. rakentamisvelvollisuus obllgatlon to crack, snap; cllck. raksahtaminen crack
bulld. rakentava constructlve [vvork, ty], ing Jne., ks. edell.
rakenteleminen bulldlng up, constructlng; raksl strap, strop; (silmukka) sllng; saap
erectlon; vrt. rakennella, rakentua be con
paan boot-strap.
structed, be bullt (up), be composed [of, raksls crasb!
jostakin] ; rakentua jollekin be bullt upon, raksuttaa (esim. kello) go tlck-tock, be tick
(perustua) be founded (1. grounded 1. ing; hampaitaan cliamp the teeth. rak
based) upon.
sutus (kellon) tlck(lng); (hampaiden)
raketti (sky-)rocket. -keppi rocket-stlck, champlng.
rocket-rod. -merkki slgnal-rocket.
rakuuna (sot.) dragoon. -hevonen dragoon
rakitella (nykki) nag (1. peck) [at, jota
horse. -rykmentti reglment of dragoons:
kuta] ; (haukkua) abuse, scold (contlnual- toinen [kymmenes Jne.] rakuunarykmentti
ly), bullyrag.
the second [tenth, etc] dragoons. -upseeri
rakkaastl arrcctionately, tenderly, fondly; officer of the dragoons.


rallatella he trolllng (out), troll, be slnging ra) vlolent; vrt. seur. -sade pourlng (1.
Treely (1. carelessly); ~ iloisesti HU, be heavy) raln, downpour, torrent(s) of raln.
liitin?, rallattaa sing freely. slng careless rankki (viina-) wash, dlstlllers' wash; (ra
ly, troll [one's song, lauluaan], rallattelu, pa) lees, dregs, draff; vrt. mski.
rallatus free and careless slnglng, trolllng; rannanmuodoatua shore formatlon.
(Iloinen) llltlng.
rannaton sboreless.
ramina rattle, rattllng; clatter; (rfilkyn) ranne wrlst.
clangor; vrt. rmin, rmist rattle; make ranne- (yhd.) wrlst- [esim. -nivel wrlsta nolse (1. a clatter), clatter; (rikya) clang. Jolnt]. -luut bones of the wrlst.
rampa crlppled; dlsabled, maimed; lame; rannempl . . (sltuated 1. located) nearer (to)
ji rammaksi koko loppuikseen rcniained the Shore; rannemmaksi, rannampana
a crlpple (1. was crlppled) for the rest of nearer (to) the shore; rannempaa From
hls life. rampaui crlppled (1. maimed) con- nearer the shore.
dltlon; lameness. rampauttaa crlpple; rannerengas bracelet; armlet.
maim, dlsable. rampautua be(come) crlp rannikko coast; shore; vrt. meren.
pled (1. dlsabled); (lamautua) be(come) rannikko- (yhd.) coast [esim. -asutus coast
settlement; -ilmasto coast climate: -kau
ramppi (teatt.) front (part) of the stage; punki coast tovvn] : coastal [esim. -linnotus
the rootlights. -kuume stage rrlgbt.
coastal fortlflcatlon; -seutu coastal re
rana (nosto-> crane; derrlck; vrt. hana.
gion; (rannikolla sijaitseva) . . on the coast
rangaista punish [for, Jostakin] ; (Jotakuta)
[esim. -asutus settlement on the coast;
-kaupunki tOWn (1. City) 011 the COaSt; -lin
infllct punlshment on, subject . . to pun
lshment; (kurittaa) chastise, correct; dls- notus Tortress on the coast] ; vrt. ranta-,
clpllne; ~ kuolemalla m n ie t capital pun
-alus coastlng-vessel, coaster, coast-llner.
lshment [upon].
-asukas lnhabltant of a seaport town (I. of
rangaistava punlshable, penal [neglect, a seaslde place); coast lnhabltant, dweller
huolimattomuus] ; (syyllinen, rikollinen) h.v the sea; rannikkoasukkaat pcople livlng
gullty, crlminal ; ~ rikkomus penal (I. pun- on the sea coast (1. by the sea).
ishable) offense. rangaistavaisuus puntsh- rannlkkolainen - rannikkoasukas.
rannikko laiva ks. rannikkoalus. -liikenne
rangaistuksenTalainen Hahlo (1. subject) to coast trafflc; coast(lng-) trade. -rata railpunlshment, punlshable. -lievennys amc- road along the coast, coast line. -seutu
lloratlon of punlshment.
(mys:) tract or coast; llttoral; marltlme
rangaistus punlshment [Tor, Jostakin]; dlstrlct. -vartio coast patrol. -viiva coast(etenkin: lain mrm) penalty; (ran
kaiseminen) cbastlsement; (kuri) dlscl- rannim(m)alnen . . (sltuated) nearest the
pllne; rangaistukseksi as (a) punlshment, shore (1. the coast).
for (a) punlshment; rangaistuksen uhalla
under pain of punlshment. under (the) rannustln wrlstlet; warm curf; mltt.
penalty Of 18W; rangaistuksetta = rankai Ranska France; Ranskan . . French [esim.
Ranskan Kongo French Kongo; Ranskan
sematta; vaatia rangaistusta jollekulle dernanrl a p.'s convlctlon [for. Jostakin], vallankumous French Revolutlon]. ranska
t.-' ranskankieli; 2. = ranskantauti. rans
demand that the law take Its course In
kalainen I. (a.) French. II. (s.) Frenchman;
regard to a p.
the French(men). ranskalalsrangaistus- (yhd.) penal [esim. -jrjestelm
penal system; -laitos penal Institution]; nalnen = ranskatar, ranskalais-saksalainen
[war, sota], Francopunltlve [esim. -retkikunta punltlve expeGerman. ranskalaistua adopt French cusditlon]. -aika term (of punlshment); kr
be(come) Frenchlsi <\. palvella) rangaistusaihansa loppuun
serve one's term (1. one's sentence). -kaari ried. ranskalaistuttaa Frenchiry; Galllclze.
(laissa) penal code. -komppania dlsclpllne ranskanllklell (the) French (language); rans
company, -mrys (the) penalty (stlpu- kankielell In French, -leip (1. v.) Vlenna
lated); (laissa:) penal clause. -siirtola bread, Vlenna roll (s), -tauti French dlspenal colony, colony of convlcts, convlet- ease, syphllls.
colony. -tuomio (Jumalan) Judgment; ranskatar French woman, French lady.
(vitsaus) visltation. -ty hard labor; penal ranta shore; (matala, uimarannaksi sopiva
Servltude. -vanki convlct. -vankila (kuri
y. m.) beach; (rk.) Strand; (-trm) bank;
tus-) penltentiary.
joen toisella rannalla on the other side of
ranka tali slender tree cut down [Tor huilii
the rlver; meren rannalla [rannalle'] on the
Ing materlal, etc], slender tree-trunk (1. seashore.bythe sea(slde): vrt. metsn, tai
tlmbpr); pole.
vaan. -asukas person livlng (1. dwelllng)
rankaisematon unpunished; uncbastlsed. on the Shore; mys - rannikkoasukas.
rankaisematta \vlth lmpunlty; unpunished. -hiekka the sands; beach(-sand); leikki
rankaisemattomuus lmpunlty. rankaisemi
rantahiekalla play on the sands (I. on the
nen punlshlng, punlshment: chastlsement. beach).
rankalslja punlsher, chastlser.
rntinen (yhd.) \vith . . shores (1. beaches
rankaisu punlshment; chastlsement. -Into 1. banks) [esim. jyrkk~ with steep shores
zeal for punlshment. -oikeus rlght to pun
banks): kaunis wlth beautiful shores
ish: (lak.) crlminal Jurisdlctlon. -siirto (1.
(I. beaches)].
(upseerin, virkamiehen) degrad&tlon. -tapa rantalljtkl
dock-walloper, wharf-rat; rowway (1. manner 1. method) of punlshlng (1. dy WhO haunts
the WharfS; vrt. satama
or punlshment); form of punlshment. -toi
-kaistale frontage, strlp of land
menpide steps taken to punlsb; punltlve along the shore.
-kallio rock on (I. clirr
along) the shore; (meren-) sea-cllff. -ka
rankaisunsa have . . punlshed, cause . . to rikko rock-bound shore, rocky shore.
be punlshed.
-katu Street runnlng along the shore: lakerankapuu tali slender tree; mys ranka. shore drlve; rivcr-drlve: bcaeh-drlve (1.
-road). -kivi rock (I. stone) on the shore.
rankasti heavlly; profusely; sotaa (mys:)
It Is ralnlng hard (1. wlth a vengeance), lt's rock by the water. -kyll vlllage on the
of a lake; vlllage by the sea. -lyt
pourlng (down), It comes down In sheets.
drlftage; Jetsam; (lait.) wreclc.
rankka heavy [ratn, sade]; profuse; (anka



sbore: (rk.) Strand; (tyris) bank;

(rannikko) coast; vrt. ranta.
ranta maa rrontage, (vesijtt-) littoral.
-niitty meadow (1. rield) by the sbore [the
riverj. -oikaus shore rights. -pato enbankment. -pattari battery on (1. ai) the
shore. shore battery; (meren) battery
farin? the sea. -penger bank; embankment.
-utu ks. rannikkoseutu, -ilta quay:
(-laituri) pier. -alpi (elint.) (common)
sandpiper. -airkkl (hiekka-) sand-bar
(near the shore); (ulospistv) sand-bar
Projectin? out froni the land. -ti (jr
ven-) lakeside road; (meren-) seasidc road;
vrt. rantakatu; kulkea rantatiet (mys:)
rollo\v the shore. -trm bank, slope.
-vahti coast patrol. -valli = rantapenjer.
-(Ml water near (1. aion?) the shore.
sballow water. -yrs (steep) bank; >on
rantayrt the rtver-banks.
ranteinen (yhd.) . .-wristed, . . with . . wrlsts
[esim. pksu~ large-wristed, wlth large
rantu ks. raita, I.
raollaan, raolleen ks. rako.
raotella be (1. keep) openlng . . a little; mys
= seur. raottaa (ovea, silmin y. m.) open
. . (Just) a little. raottaminen opening . .
a little. raottautua (be) open(ed) a little.
rapa dregs, drarr; (kura, loka) mud, soil,
(paksu) mlre; (sohjo) slush, sludge: (lika)
dirt; kiven ~ ks. sora; olla ravatta be
muddy, be solled (ali over), be dirty. rapsi nn muddy, mlry; slushy; (ryvettynyt)
soiled, dirty; rapainen tim muddy (1. slushy)
road; rapaitet saappaat muddy boots.
rapa Juoppo = patajuoppo. -kivi rapaklvl,
a rough red granlte.
rapakko mud-hole, puddle, muddy place:
(suurehko) muddy pool; Atlantin ~ (lelk.)
the (mill-)pond.
rapamaha 1. = ptsi; S. (kuv.) potbelly,
raparperi rhubarb, pie-plant.
rapasuojus (loka-) mud-guard; (esim. kr
ryjen edess) dashhoard, splash-board.
rapata plaster; (ulkoa) rapattu puutalo stacco house.
rapautua weather; dlslntegrate; (mureta)
crumble off (1. away). rapautuminen
weatherlng; disintegration.
rapea (vuolas) rapld, Swift; (rivakka) brisk,
smart [shower, sadekuuro]; (runsas) profuse; round, goodly; (mitoista:) llberal,
'heaped; naula (runsas) a good pound;
~ sada heavy raln; ~ virta Swift (1. rapld)
current; ei ole rapeata (lt's) nothtng to
boast of, (vastauksena, esim. vointia ky
syttess) not very well, vrt. hvi, rapeus
swlftness, briskness, smartness; profuseness.
rapina (kahina) rustle; (ratina) rattle, clatter, nolse; (sadeplsaraln) patter; kynien
(klrjotettaessa) scratchlng or pens. rapi
seminen rustllng, rustle: rattling, clattering; (kariseminen) ralling (down), comlng
down. rapista (ratista) rattle, clatter; (sa
depisaroista y. m.) patter, pitter-patter;
(kahista) rustle; (karista) Tall (down),
come down. rapistaa, rapistella (esim. pa
peria) rustle; (ratlstaa) rattle; (sirottaa,
pudottaa) strew, shed.
rapistua ks. rnsisty.
raportti report; (selostus) account, statemont; antaa jostakin report (ahont 1.
upon), submit a report about (1. upon).
rappaaja plasterer. rappaamaton unplastered, . . not plastered. rappaaminen plasterlng. rappari ks. rappaaja.
rappaus plasterlng; (konkr.) plaster. -lasta
(piasiorlng -)trowcl, -! 1. -IHsU lath.


rappauttaa hare . . plastered; (Jollakulla)

bave . . plaster.
rappsuttaa cause the decline of; bring . . to
decay (I. to ruln), ruln; (rakennuksista y.
m.:) cause . . to run down, cause .. to be
come dilapldated; (moraalisesti) corrupt,
demoralize, make . . degenerate; ~ joku
perinpohjin make a physical and moral
wreck of.
rappeutua Tall into decay, decay; go down,
decline; (be) run down; (huonontua) deteriorate; (rakennuksista y. m.:) go to rack
and ruin, become dilapidated; (ihmisist,
moraalisesti:) become depraved, become
(a) degenerate, degenerate, (Jkpv.) go to
the dogs (1. the bad) : laskea rappeutumaan
neglect, (esim. viljelykset) allow . . to run
down, (rakennukset y. m.) let . . go to de
cay. rappeutuminen, rappeutumus decline,
decadence, decay (ing); (elm. rakennus
ten) dilapidatlon; (ihmiskunnan, sukujen
y. m.) degeneration, degeneracy; (moraa
linen) degradatlon. rappeutuneisuus state
of decadence, State or decline, (ihmiskun
nan, sukujen) degeneracy; (moraalinen)
state of degradatlon: (rakennusten y. m.)
decayed (1. dilapidated) state. rappeutunut
decayed, run down, deterlorated; (raken
nus y. m.) dilapldated, . . out of repair;
(valtakunta y. m.) . . in a state of decline;
(moraalisesti) morally weakened [people.
kansa], depraved, corrupt, degenerate.
rappio decline, decadence, decay; (tuho)
ruln, dOWnfall; wreck; rappiolla oleva, rap
piolle joutunut run down, neglected, (esim.
rakennus) . . out of repair, dilapldated,
(ihminen, moraalisesti) depraved, corrupt,
degenerate; Joutua rappiolle go down,
decline, decay, go to rack and niin, (esim.
maanviljelys) be (1. get) run down, be neg
lected, (esim. rakennus) get out or repair,
become dilapidated, become tumble-down,
(Ihmisest:) become a (moral) wreck,
(jkpv.) go to the dogs, vrt. rappeutua; olla
rappiolla be in a state of decline (I. of de
cay), be on a [the] decline, (esim. vilje
lys) be run down, be in a neglected condltion, lie waste, (rakennus y. m.) be tumble-down, be dilapldated, (ihminen, mo
raalisesti) be degenerate, be depraved
[huom. hn on kokonaan ({. auttamatto
masti) Tappiolla he has gone hopelessly. to
the bad, he has gone to pieces, he is an
utter wreck, he is down and out, he bas
completely degenerated]. -tila (state of)
decay, decline; (rakennuksen y. m.) dilap
ldated state, run-down condltlon; (vilje
lyksen y. m.) neglected condltlon, state of
waste; (moraalinen) state or degeneracy.
degeneracy; olla rappiotilassa ks. (olla)
rappuset (portaat) stalrs, Tllght (or stalrs):
(et. uiko-) steps; rappusilla on the steps.
rapaahdus snap, crack; rattiin? nolse; (kahahdus) rustle. rapsahtaa snap, crack: (ka
hahtaa) rustle. rapsahtaminen snapping
Jne., ks. edell. rapsauttaa (lyd) slap,
(piiskalla) lasit, (kevyesti) toucb; rapsaut
taa poikki snap (1. snatch) . . ofr. rapaa
patter(lng); (kolina) clatter; vrt. rapina
& kapse.
rapsia: ~ kirje (kokoon) scrlbble a letter;
kohoon scrape (1. scramble) together;
[hevostaan] piiskatta flick [one's horse] ;
~ poikki snap (1. snatch) ofr, be snapping
(1. snatchlng 1. cuttlng) orr.
rapslkakku rape-cake.
rapsiminen, rapslnta (kokoon-) scraplng (1.
scrambllng) together; (piiskalla) rilcklng;
(poikki) snapping (I. cuttlng) ofr.
rapsis snap! crack!



rapu (Joklyrllnen) cravvflsli, crayrish;

(oli. lyhytpyrstinen) crab; vrt. meri;
ravan sakset clavvs (l. plncers) of a crawHsb. -allin (ellnt.) crustacean: -haavi
crawrish net. -rutto plague destructlve to
rasahdella be riistlinp, rustle. rasahdus rus
tle; (kolahdus) clatter. rasahtaa rustle;
(kolahtaa) clatter; rasahtaa rikki break
\vith a crack (1. a crash), (esim. ikkuna)
rrash In. rasahtaminen rustling: clatterlng.
rasavilli I. (a.) boisterous, Wild. II. (s.) (po
jasta:) mischler(-makcr); (tytst:) romp,
tomboy, madcap.
rasia (round) box; (pllys-) bandbox; kau
lus- collar-box; vrt. nuuska, pahvi-,
voi y.m. -pahvi pasteboard (for boxes),
rasite (lak.) servltudc; vrt. rasitus.
rasittaa straln, tax (one's strength); (vaiva
ta) trouble, worry, bother; (kiusata) vex;
(painaa, olla taakkana) burden, be burdensomc; oppress, welgh down; (vsytt) be
hard, be trylng: (riuduttaa) teli on; (las
tata) load, overload; (lak.) encumber; ~
itsen liiaksi overwork (o.s.), overtax
one's strength (1. o.s.), overstraln (1. overexert) o.s., go (1. work) beyond one's
strength, overdo; jotakuta liiaksi be too
great a straln upon, be too great an exertlon for, be an overexertlon for, overburden [hunni, pitkn puhuminen nt
liiaksi (mys:) much speaklng Is too strenuous for blm] ; ~ Jonkun tili debit (1.
charge to) a p.'s account; tiimi it
stralns the eye (to look at il): vikojen ratittama burdened with (1. by) debt(s), encumbered; vero/en rasittama burdened
\vlth taxes. rasittaminen stralnlng Jne., ks.
rasittava (voimia kysyv) trylng [work,
ty], hard, strenuous; (raskas) burdensome; (painostava) oppresslve [heat, kuu
muus] ; (kiusallinen) troublesome; ~ piv
strenuous day, (kuumuuden takia) sultry
day; ~ taakka heavy burden.
raalttua straln o.s., be strained; (vaivautua)
be burdened, be oppressed, be welghed
down; (kiusaantua) be troubled, be worried: be vexed; ~ jossakin, jostakin
becomc wearled wlth. be(come) worn-out
over (1. wlth), be(come) tlred (out) with,
be(come) exhausted wltli; liiaksi bc
overburdened, be overtaxed, be(come)
overwrought (1. overworked), ovcrwork
(o.s.), overdo (o.s.), overstraln (o.s.), (sil
mist:) be overstralned. rasittuminen
stralnlng o.s. Jne., ks. edell. rasittunut
wearled, worn (out); strained.
rasitukaeton (lak.) unencumbered [estate,
tila], unmortgaged; .. rree Trom cncumbrance(s), . . clear of debt.
rasitus (taakka) burden; charge; (ponnis
tus) exertlon; (plnnlstys) straln; (vastus,
vaiva) trouble, Inconvenlence; (lak.) encumbrancc; olla jollekulle rasitukseksi,
olla jollekulle (\. jonkun) rasituksena be a
burden (I. a care 1. a trouble) to, trouble,
burden. -todistus (lak.) abstract (oi tltle).
raskaanlainen rather (1. somewhat) heavy (].
hard Jne. ,ks. raskas). raskaasti tmavily; (an
karasti) severely, hard; (sikesti) soundly.
raakaa heavy [load, taakka; responslblllty,
vastuu]: ponderous [style, tyyli]; (vai
kea) hard [work, ty], difflcult, severe.
trylng; (vaivalloinen) burdensome; (ras
kautensa takia kiusallinen) cumbersomc;
(idiksi tuleva) pregnant: liikutella
unwleldy, cumbersome, ponderous, bulky;
mieli heavy heart, (alakuloisuus) dejectlon, depression, low splrlts, (ahdistus)


anxlety [huom. raskaalla mielell (mys:)

heavy at heart, heavy-hearted, downcast,
dejected]; paino heavy (1. great) weight;
rikos serious crlme, flagrant vlolation
of the law; ~ syyts grave (1. serious)
charge, severe accusatlon; tykist heavy
ordnancc: fy (mys:) heavy work,
drudgery, toil; ~ uni (sike) sound (I.
deep 1. heavy) sleep; olla raskaana (nai
sesta:) be pregnant, be with chlld, (Jkpv.)
be in the famlly \vay.
(esim. kirjottaessa) clumsy, awkward.
-luontoinen (rikos, syyts y. m.) grave,
serious. -mielinen heavy-hearted, (synk
k-) melancholy, broodlng, gloomy; (ala
kuloinen) low-splrlted, dejected. -mieli
syys heavlness or heart, heavy-heartedness; melancholy, gloom(lness); depression
(or splrits); vrt. edell. -soittoinen: on roskassoittoinen has a hard touch. -soutuinen :
raskassoutuinen vene a hard boat to row.
-slp (mlner.) heavy spar, barite. -uni
nen: on raskasuninen is a heavy (1. a
sound) sleeper.
raskaudentila pregnancy, (lk.) gestatlon.
raskaus weight; heavlness, ponderousness;
(valkeus, ankaruus) severlty; (rikoksen y.
m.) serlousness, gravlty; (raskaudentila)
raskautettu (raam.) heavy-laden.
raskauttaa (vaikeuttaa) render (1. make) . .
(more) dirricult; (lak.) aggravate; (vaiva
ta) burden, encumber, welgh down, op
press, slt heavy on; ~ jonkun mielt (ma
sentaa) make one dejected; rikosta se,
ett . . the crlme is aggravated by the fact
that . . . raskauttaminen aggravatlon; burdenlng jne., ks. edell. raskauttava aggravating [clrcumstance, seikka (1. asianhaa
ra)]; raskauttavia seikkoja (mys:) aggravatlons.
raski(t)a: ~ tehd jotakin have the heart
to do, rind lt In one's heart to do: ei raskl(n)nut hertt (mys:) dld not Itke to
wake .. up: i raski(n)nut ostaa (mys:)
was too close (1. too stlngy) to buy; ei raskiintnut tehd sit didn't have the heart
to do It, could not make himseir (I. not
brlng hlmself to) do lt.
raspi (jmsl, rouhin) rasp.
rassi (karistin) cleaner [esim. piipun plpcoleaner] ; scraper; plck; (pyssyn) ramrod.
rastas (ellnt.) thrush. -lintu thrush.
rasti ks. tienviitta.
rastiin ks. ristiin.
rasva rat: (sula) dripplngs, (vedensekainen)
bastlng(s); (sian-) lard: (Ihra) suet; (va
laan-) bluhber; (voide) grease; (ljy) oli;
olla rasvassa be greasy, be (bc)smeared
wlth grease: vrt. kalan , munuais y.m.
raiva- (yhd.) fatty [esim. -happo ratty acld;
-kudos ratty tlssue], (etup. tiet.) adiposc
[esim. -ev adlpose fin; -kudos adipose
ti.isue] ; . . of fat [esim. -mhkle lump or
fat], (harvemmin:) fat- [esim. -solu Tatcell]. -aine rat, fatty substance.
rasvaaja greaser; (ljyj) oller. rasvaami
nen greaslng Jne., ks. rasvata.
rasva i! hntinen fat-talled. -hntllammas
fat-tailed sheep.
rasvainen fat [meat, liha]; greasy; (ljyi
nen) olly; (tahrainen) smeary, dlrty; ras
vaiset ljyt fatty oils. rasvaisuus fatness;
greaslness; olliness; smearlness.
rasvall kasvain adlpose (1. fatty) tumor. -ker
ros layer or fat; (esim. sydmen ympril
l) accumulatlon or fat. -koe test for rat.
-koetin apparatus to test Tor rat; (maidon)
laclometer, lactobutyrometcr. -liemi stock.
-maha ks. ihramaha, -maksa ratty liver.



-mittari - rasvakoetin. -milri amount (1.

proportion) or fat. -nahka olled leather.
-nahkainen . . of olled leather. -nahka
saappaat boots made or olled leather.
rasvan 1 maku taste or fat. -muodastua formation of fat; (konkr.) accumulation or
fat; vii. rasvottuminen.
rasvallpilkku grease-spot; smear, daub.
pitoisuus: jonkin rasvapitoisuus percentage or fat In. -rauhanen rat-gland. -silli
fat herrlng. -sula dripplng(s). -sydn lalty degeneration of the heart, fatty heart.
rasvata grease; (ljyt) oli. (koneita, mys:)
lubricate; (voidella) smear.
rasvaEtahra grease-spot, smear. -tauti adlposity; (lk.) adiposts. -tyyni I. (a.) (pei
lityyni) (as) smooth as glass, dead calm;
becalmed. II. (s.) dead calm.
rasvaus greaslng; olllng; (koneiden, mys:)
raavottua become fatty; (taudlllisesti) undergo a fatty degeneration ; sydn oli rai
vottuna fat had accumulated around the
heart. rasvottuminen (tandillinen) fatty (I.
adipose) degeneration; fatty tnfiltratton.
rasvottunut fatty [heart, sydn].
rata track; (kilpa-ajo y. m.) course; (ran
tatien, mys:) llne; (taivaankappaleen
kierto-) orbit; thtien course (1. path)
Of the Stars; vrt. haara, kilpa-ajo, luis
tin-, p- y. m.
rata!' insinri Civil cngineer In railroad Ser
vice, -kisko rall. -mestari roadmaster,
trackmaster. -osa (railroad) division, -pen
ger railroad bank, embankment; road-bed.
-piha (railroad) yards. -plkky (railroad-)
tie, cross-tie; (etup. Ena-1.) sleeper. -raken
nus railroad constructlon.
ratas wheel; vrt. rattaat, -ellln (eliiin t.)
rotirer. -koneisto I. -laitos wheelwork:
\vorks. -laiva boat propelled by paddlc\vhecls.
ratasmainen vvheel-shaped; (tiet.) rotate.
ratalltymies section-band. -vahti I. -vartl(J)a track-walker. -vaihde (railroad-)
s\vltch; (Engl.) the points. -valli ks. ratapenger.
ratina raitio, rattling, clatter(lng); crack Ing; crunrhing; grate; creak(lng); (rtin)
rrackle. ratiseminen rattling Jne.,ks.seur.:
vrt. ratina, ratista rattle, clatter; (be)
rrack(ing); (narskua) crunch; grate; (na
tista) creak; (rtist) crackle.
ratkaisematon unsettled, Indecistve [battle.
taistelu]; dravvn [game, peli]; unsolved
[problem, probleemi]; (pttmtn) undeclded, undetermined; kysymys unsettled (1. undeclded) questlon. (avoin) open
questlon. ratkaiseminen decldlng jne., ks.
ratkaista; settlement: soltltlon; vrt. rat
ratkaiseva declslvc [step, askel; victory.
voitto; vote, ni], conclusive Iproor; to
diste]; (varma) derinite; ratkaisevalla het
kell in the critlcal (I. deolslve) moment:
onko ptksesi (lopullinen) have you
made up your mind (dcrinitely)? Is your
declslon flnal? tehd pt* make up
one's mind definitely, come to a derinite
(1. a final) declslon (1. concluslon). rat
kaisevasti decislvely, ronclusively: (lopul
lisesti) derinltely; vaikuttaa ratkaisevasti
johonkin have a declslve erfect upon, determlne, dcclde. settie.
ratkaisija one who decides (settles, solves
Jne., ks. ratkaista); one who declded [settled, ctc.]; arblter. arbitrator.
ratkaisu (ptt) dectde, settie, determlne ;
(selvitt, suorittaa) solve [a problem,


probleemi], do an exerclse, harjotusestmerkki]; (tuomiolla) pronouncejudgment

upon; (sovittaa) adjust [a dispute, riita];
(toimia riltatuomarina) arbltrate; ratkai
sematta jnyt kilpailu a tie; ratkaise
matta jnyt peli [taistelu y.m.] a draw;
arvalla decide by (dravving) lot(s):
asia settie the (1. a) mtter, glve a de
clslve turn to a thing, (oikeuslaitoksessa)
render a declslon (1. pronounce judgment)
in a case; kysymys settie (1. decide)
a [the] questlon; riita settie (I.
adjust) a controversy; ristiriita settie
8 emi riict (I. a dirriCUlty); ratkaistavissa
(oleva) solvable, . . capable or solutlon;
joutua ratkaistavaksi rme up for decl
slon, arlse Tor settlement; jtt asia jon
kun ratkaistavaksi leave a [the] matter to
be settled by (1. to the declslon or) ; jd
ratkaisematta not be settled, Tall to be set
tled, (peli, kilpailu y. m.) be a dravv, be a
tie; kysymys on ratkaisematta the questioil
remalns unsolved, the questlon Is (stlll)
open; olla ratkaistavana (harkittavana) be
under conslderatlon, (oikeudessa) be under advlsement, be pending.
ratkaisu declslon, settlement; solutlon: (rii
dan y. m.) concillatlon, arbltratlon, adjustment; (Jrjestely) arrangement; (loppu)
issue, (tulos) result; arvotuksen (mys:)
the key to the rlddle; asia on sinun ratkai
susi varassa It rests wlth you to decide the
matter; pst (X. tulla) johonkin ratkai
suun asiassa get the matter settled (somehow), arrlve at a declslon in the matter.
have (I. get) the questlon solved in some
manner, (sopimukseen) reach an agreement (or some klnd) in the matter; vaikut
taa sodan ratkaisuun (mys:) InTluence the
Tate or the war; valitukset ovat lopullisen
ratkaisun varassa the appeals are pending
the rinal decision. -keino solutlon; wav
out Tor] : way tn settie, -oikeus 1. -valta
rlght (l. povver) to determine (1. to settie);
(toimivalta) authorlty.
ratkeama rip; (esim. kankaassa) s(p)llt;vrt.
halkeama, repem, ratkeaminen ripping
jne., ks. ratketa; (ratkaisu) solutlon: set
tlement. ratkeilla be (1. keep) ripping, be
(1. keep) burstlng open; rlp (open), burst
open, open. (neuleesta, mys:) come unstilched; vrt. seur.
ratketa (pst auki) rip (open), come unstltrhed, come unsewed: (repeyty) tear.
be rent, get torn; (haljeta) spllt; crack:
(aueta) come (1. dy) open, open; (tulla
ratkaistuksi) be(come) settled: be solved.
be(come) untangled, be(come) cleared:
(ptty) turn out, result [in]: (puhjeta)
break, burst; itkuun burst out crylng,
burst (1. break) Into tears; juomaan be
gin to drink heavily; - laulamaan (ruve
ta) break Into song: liitteistn rlp,
burst the seams. burst every seam; sau
masta, ompeleesta burst the seam. rip
along (I. In) the seam; asia ratkesi hnen
edukseen the matter turncd out (I. was
declded) in hls ravor, (oikeusasia) the
verrtiot went in hls ravor; kilpailu ratkesi
siten, ett . . the result of the contest was
that..,the contest resulted In..: sauma on
ratkennut (mys:) the seam has glven way.
ratkoa rlp (up), unstitch; (pitsej, nauhoja
y. m.) rip orr: (nappeja y. m.) cut orr;
(repi) tear (up); - puku rlp a dress up:
sauma rip (open) a seam; vanhoja
vaatteita rlp up old clothes. ratkomaveitsi
knire to rlp wlth, knire Tor ripping. ratko
minen, ratkonta ripping (up) jne., ks. ratkoa.
ratoksi ks. ratto, ratostl merrlly, Jolllly.
ratsain on horseback; rldlng; tulin tnne



I rode up (1. over), I came (here) on horse

rataasi istunta sutina; on horseback; seat.
-saapas ridlng-boot.
ratsastaa rlde nn a p.'s back. Jonkun se
lss] ; KO On horseback: ~ hevosen telassa
rlde (a horse); kvely rlde aion at a
svalk, \valk one's horse; tytt tauhkaa
rlde at full speed; rnnin ratsastettuaan
(mys:) after an hour's rlde. ratsastaja
rlder; equestrlan; taitava ratsastaja a
skllled (1. clever 1. good) borseraan. rat
sastaminen rldlng (on horseback). ratsas
tella be niliii*.'; rlde (horseback).
ratsastus rldlng; (ratsain suoritettu matka)
ratsastus- (yhd.) rldlng- [esim. -hame riding-sklrt; -koulu rldlng -school; -seurue
rtdlng-party]. -housut rlding-breecbes.
-laitos 1. -opisto rldlng-arademy; eques
trlan academy, -matka = ratsastusretki,
-puku ridlng-costume (I. -dress); (naisen)
rldlng-habit. -rata (race-)track, (race-)
course. -retki rlde; (tieteellisi y. m. tarkotuksla varten) mounted expeditlon. -saa
pas rlding-boot. -satula silille, mount.
-taidonopettaja rldlng-master. -taito art nr
rldlng, horsemanshlp; erinomaisen ratsastustaidon nyte a speclmen of excellent
horsemanshlp. -tunti lesson In rldlng, riding-lesson. -urheilu rldlng (as a sport).
ratsu saddle-horse, riding-horse, mount;
(sota-) charger, steed. -hevonen rldlnghorse; saddle-horse, mount; (vuokra-; tav.
huono) hack. -joukko band nr horsemen,
cavalcade; cavalry; SO-miehinen ratsujouk
ko a troop of 50 horse. -mestari captaln of
the cavalry, cavalry captaln. -mies rlder;
horseman; equestrlan; (sot. ratsusotilas)
cavalryman, trooper; sata ratsumiest
(sot.) a hundred horse.
ratsu nopettaja tralner; one who breaks
horses: (sot., mys:) rldlng-master.
ratsu palvelija gronm. -palvelua cavalry
servlce: (hlst.) equestrlan service. -piiskal.
-ruoska rldlng-whlp. -raippa (pitk) horsewhlp; vrt. edell. -satula saddle. -taituri
(kilpa-ajoissa y. m.) Jockey; (sirkuksessa)
clrcus rlder, equestrlan
(perrormer) ;
(preeriaseutujen y.m.) rough-rlder. -talli
stable(s). -tila an estate [formerly In Fin
land] under obllgatton to furnlsh and
equlp a cavalryman. -tilallinen holder
of an estate under obligatlon to fur
nlsh and equlp a cavalryman.
mounted guard (1. patrol I. plcket). -varus
tus equlpment for equestrlan servlce.
-varustusvelvollisuus duty to furnlsh and
equlp a man for equestrlan Service, -vel
vollinen (one) whose duty was to furnlsh
and equlp a man for equestrlan service.
ratsuven- (yhd.) . . of cavalry [esim. -ken
raali general of cavalry: -osasto division or
cavalry], cavalry [esim. -koulu cavalry
School; -taistelu cavalry battle; -upseeri
cavalry officer].
ratsuvki cavalry, horsemen; horse: tuhan
nen miest ratsuvke a ttlousand cavalry men (1. horsemen 1. horse). -Joukko troop
of cavalry, cavalry troop. -rykmentti regtment of cavalry (1. horse).
rattaanhesnmaa cog, tooth (of a wheel).
rattaat whcels; (krryt) carrlage, (kevyet)
buggy: (vankkurit) vvagon, (kaksipyri
set) cart.
rattainen (yhd.) . .-vvheelcd Teslm. kaksi
two-wheeled] ; . . wlth . . \vheels [esim.
moni wlth many wheels].
ratti I. (suppilo) funnel.
ratti II. (mer. = ohjauspyr) wbeel.
ratto pleasure, dellght; enjoyment; (ajan


vietto) pastlme: amusement; rtkseen ks.

huvi(ksensa); jonkun ratoksi for a p.'S
amusement, to amuse a p.
rattoisa, rattoinen (hilpe, hauska) gay,
merry, Joyrul, Jolly; Jovlal; (llolsa) cheerful; (hauskuttava) entertalnlng, amuslng;
seurakumppani Jolly (l. Jovlal 1. enter
talnlng) companlon; vrt. hupsinen, rattoi
sasti merrily, gayly. rattoisuus gayety,
mlrth(fulness), Jolllty; cheerfulness.
raudan- (yhd.) Iron- [esim. -harmaa lrongray]. -kova . . liani as Iron. -kuona (Iron)
slag. -laatut Iron shavlngs. -luja (kuv.)
Iron [uonst! tutkin, ruumiinrakenne], -pltoinen contalnlng Iron; (tekn.) Terrlferous
[ore, malmi] ; ferruginous [earth, multa] ;
(lk.) Iron [tonic, lkevesl], chalybeate
[ vvater.vesl]. -pitoisuus percentage (1. pro
portion) or iron [in], -puru Iron flllngs.
raudaton (kem.) . . free from Iron.
raudikko bay (horse); (vaaleahko) sorrel
(horse). -tamma bay mare.
raudotettu (esim. reki) lroned (off); (ylt' yleens) . . covered wlth sheet-lron, lronsheathed; lron-clad, lron-cased; (sislt)
lron-llned; (pst) iron-tlpped, . . tlpped
wlth Iron; (raudoilla vahvistettu) . . riveted (1. reenforred) wlth Iron.
raudottaa Iron (off) [a sled, reki] ; (pllys
t raudalla) cover (1. sheet) . . with Iron,
(sislt) linc . . vvltli iron; (vahvistustarkotuksessa) rivet with Iron; (rautaheloilla
y. m.) mount . . \vlth Iron. raudottaminen
ironlng (orr) Jne., ks. edell. raudotus
(konkr.) irons [on the runners of a sled,
etc] ; Iron-coverlng (1. -sheetlng 1. -llning) ; (helat y. m. varusteet) Iron mountlngs, Iron rittlngs; (rantaty) lronwork;
mys = raudottaminen.
raueta (laimeta) grow weak(er), become (I.
get) \veak, (be) weaken(ed), lose strength,
languish; (veltostua) relax; (Jd sik
seen) be dropped, come to nothlng, Tall
through, go up In smoke; fali, mlscarry;
(luhistua) collapse, go to ruln, Tall (l.break)
down; (menn myttyyn) be wrecked (I.
rulned); omaan mahdottomuuteensa fafl
on account of Its Impossiblllty, fall through
on account of belng unreasible; ~ tyhjiin
come to nothlng (1. to naught). Tall through,
go up In smoke, explode, (menn myttyyn)
break down, collapse; (eponnistua) fall,
mlscarry [huom. yritys raukesi tyhjiin
(mys:) the enterprlse was Trustrated, (yri
tyksest oli luovuttava) the enterprlse had
to be dropped] : antaa asian let the matter drop, drop the matter; asia raukesi the
matter was dropped; ehdotus raukesi the
proJect (1. motlon 1. blll) Teli through (1.
was rejected): hn antoi suunnitelmansa
he gave up hls pian, he rellnquished his
project; jtt raukeamaan let . . drop, let
. . be; toiveeni ovat rauenneet (tyhjiin) my
hopes have failed (1. r alien to the ground) ;
voimat raukeavat the strength Is glvlng
way (I. Is weakening).
rauha peace; (tyyneys, levollisuus) calm
(-ness), qulet(ness). tranquilllty: (rau
hallisuus) serenity; (lepo) rest, repose;
hnen tomullensa may he (1. hls ashes) rest
in peace; rauhan aikana In tlme(s) of peace,
In peace; olkoon teille (raam.) peace be
untoyou! rannassa (mys:) at peace; aivan
rauhassa in perfect peace (1. qulet), perfectly qulet, (Jkpv.) qulte at one's case:
(saada) olla rauhassa joltakulta be free
from a p.'s annoyance (1. from annoyance
on the part of ap.),be protected from ap. ;
se ei anna minulle hengen fl. pahaakaan t
rauhaa lt never glves me a mlnute's peace,
tt never leaves me at pesee (dsy or nlght).


rauhaarakastava peace-lovlng, peaceable,
muus) agltatlon; disquletude; dlsturbance.
peacerul. -rakentava conclllatory; peace trouble; (mielen) uneaslness, anxtety; rau
hattomuuden henki spirlt or unrest, uneasl
rauhaisa, rauhainen ks. rauhallinen, rauhainess; rauhattomuudet disturbances [tn the
auus ks. rauhallisuus.
country, maassa], troubles.
rauhallinen peaccful, peaceable, paclflc; rauhotettu (proclalmed) Invlolable (1. In(tyyni) calm, unperturbed, cool; (levolli
vlolate); under protectlon (or the law);
nen) composert, (calm and) collected, self(metsnelimist:) lmmune: ~ alue rorbldpossessed; (hiljainen, rauhaisa) quiet [lire, den ground; metsnriista protected game.
elm], tranqull; (leppoisa) placid; (rau
(tyynnytt) calm, quiet [a chlld,
haisa) serene [mind, mieli]; luonne rauhottaa
lapsi; the nerves, hermoja], paciry, lull,
peaceable disposition; ~ omatunto qutet
tianqulKDlze [the mob.meluava vkijouk
consclencc: rauhalliset aikomukset peacerul
ko], still; soothe, appease, allay [the agi(1. paciric) lntentlons; rauhalliset ajat
tated reelings, kiihtyneit tunteita] ; (vai
peaceful timcs, tlmes of peace; rauhallista
vakuuttavasti) reassure: (lohduttaa)
tiot pcaceabiy, In a peacerul manner (1.
glve comfort to; (laissa kielt
vvay), (rauhallisin keinoin) by peacerul
tai vahingoittamasta) protect,
means. rauhallisesti pearerully, peaceablv;
the protectlon or the gamecalmly; quietly; serenely; nukkui rauhalli

alue put a distrlct under
sesti (kuolon uneen) departed (1. passed
the protectlon or the law, Torbid access to
avvay) In peace. rauhallisuus peacerulness;
a distrlct; ~ maa paciry (1. tranquilize) a
calm(ness), qulet(ne3s), quletude, tran[the] country; ~ mieli reassure, comrort,
quilllty, placldity; stlilness; serenlty.
a quletlng (1. a soothing) errect upon
rauhan- (yhd.) . . or peace [esim. -aika time
[huom. tm toimenpide rauhotti suuresti
or peace; -ehdot terms or peace; -ruhtinas
thls measure helped much to restore
prlnce or peace; -sanoma message orpeace],
tranqull(l)lty, thls measure (greatly) repeace [esim. -kongressi peace congress;
the publlc] ; ~ Jonkun mielt quiet
-palkinto peace prize; -puolue peace party] .
a p.'s mind, mys = edell.; nlkns
-aate peace: pacirism; (-liike) peace move(tyydytt)
appease one's hunger; omaa
ment; innokas rauhanaatteen ajaja ardent
tuntoaan appease (1. satlsry) one's conadvocate or peace, ardent paclfist. -ehdotus
calming jne., ks.
proposal ror peace, peace proposal(s), overedell. rauhottava quletlng, tranquilizlng,
tures or (1. ror) peace.
(Ik.) sedarauhanen (anat.) gland.
tlve; (vakuuttava) reassurlng [blt or news.
rauhanllhieroja negotlator Tor peace; medlauutinen]
comtor, concillator; peacemaker. -hieronta ks.
rorting, COnSOllng; rauhottavat aineet (].
rauhanneuvottelu, -hiritsij disturber or
the peace; quarrelsome person, trouble(tyynty) calm o.s., quiet (1. calm) down,
cool orr; compose o.s.; (saada lohtua) be
rioter. -Julistus proclamatlon or peace.
comrort O.S.; rauhota, poikaseni
-kanta peace roottng; rauhankannalla (ol
calm yourseir (I. be quiet). my boy!
len) In tlmes or peace, (whcn) on a peace
rauhotus pacincatlon, tranquil(l)lzation:
rootlng. -kokous peace congress. -neuvot
(metsnriistan, kalojen y. m.) protectlon
telu (t) peace negotiatlons, negotlations ror
(Tor the sake or preservatlon) ; putting un
peace; olla rauhanneuvotteluissa negotlate
der the protectlon (of the law); mys =(terms of) peace, treat ror terms (1. negorauhottaminen. -aika closed season. -ty
tlate a treaty) or peace. -piippu peace-plpe,
Iiipe or peace: (intiaanien) calumet. -ra- work or pacincatlon; (-yritykset) errorts
to paciry.
entaja medlator, concillator; peacemaker.
conclllatlon; raukaiseva too exhllaratlng, enervatlng; exhaustlve, weakcning; depresslng; opprespeacemaktng. -rikkoja disturber or the
slve [lieat, kuumuus]: vrt. seur.
peace. -rikkominen, -rikkomus breach or
peace, violatlon or the peace. -sopimus raukaista make . . reel weak (1. ralnt), weaktreaty or peace. -tarjous orrer (1. pro
en; (vsymyksest) wcary, ratlgue. exposal) or peace. -teko conclusion or peace;
haust; enervate; (masentaa) depress; (vel
treaty. -tuomari Justlce or the peace.
tostaa) slacken, relax; (painaa) make . . reel
dull (1. logy), oppress; minua raukaisee 1
rauhaa- (yhd.) glandular [esim. -ajettuma
reel (1. I am) tlred, I reel weak, I reel langlandular swelling; -kasvain glandular tumor; -syp glandular cancer]. -tulehdus
guid (1. Ilmp); meri-ilma raukaisee the seainrivmmatlon or a gland [of the glands].
air is too exhllaratlng, the sea-air enervates
one; jonkin raukedsema enervated (1. exrauhaton (levoton) restless [nlght, y; dis
hausted 1. overcome) by.
position, luonne], . . without peace: unsettled; agitatert, turbulent [sea, meri; prov- raukea ralnt, languld; weak, recbte; (vsy
incc, maakunta] ; (hiriintynyt) dlsturbed,
nyt) tired, \veary, wearied; (veltto) slack,
disquieted, troubled [sleep, uni]; (huoles
lax; (tyls) dull, dumplsh, logy; - katse
tunut) uneasy. concerned, anxlous.alarmed;
languld expresslon, ralnt look. vrt. seur.:
(meluisa) noisy [street, katu]; - elm a
~ silmys languld glance; hnen ktens
iiic \vith many nps and downs,a checkered
riippui raukeana hls hand nung Slack ; vsy
career, (vsymtnt touhua tynn oleva)
myksest raukeana raint wlth wearlness
restless (1. busy) lire, (huolia tynn ole
worn out, weary, tlred (out), ratlgued.
va) troubled lire; katse restless glance
-katseinen . . wlth an expresslon or exhaustion, . . wlth a worn-out (1. a tired-out) look.
(1. look), uneasy (1. troubled) expresslon,
(huolestunut) anxlous look; ~ sielu, ~ raukeaminen grovving weak(er) Jne., ks
henki a restless (1. an unsettled) spirlt, a
raueta; osion ~ the fact that the matter
restless soul; rauhattomat ajat unsettled
was dropped.
tlmes, (levottomat) troubled (1. troublous) raukeasti ralntly; languidly; wearily; palaa
tlmes; kvell rauhattomana edestakaisin
burn dim. raukeus fntntness; reeblene^s
kadulla [huoneessa y. m.j pace the Street
weakness; languor, lassitude; dullness[the rioor, etc.]. rauhattomasti restlessly,
(valon y.m.) dimness; (vsymys) wearlwlthout peace; uneaslly; turbulently. rau
ness, ratigue; enervatlon; (velttous) llmphattomuus unrest, restlessness; (levotto
ness, relaxatlon.



raukka I. (a.) parka, I; (pelkurlmatnen)

COwardly; ntll raukoilla rajoilla In thls
poor land; tytt ~ poor girl! poor thing!
II. (s.) (etup. naisista Ja lapsista:) poor
creature, poor thlng; (miehist:) poor rellow; (pelkuri) coward; dastard; lapsiraukat
poor children; pikku ~ poor llttle thlng;
voi minua raukkaa poor me! woe is me!
poor wretch that I am ! raukkamainen cowardly; (halpamainen) craven, dastardly;
(lulkkimalnen) sneaky, sneaklng; (pelkurimainen) falnt-hearted, chlcken-hearted.
raukkamaisesti cowardly; cravenly, das
tardly; sneakingly; raint-heartedly. rauk
kamaisuus cowardice; craven spirit; falntheartedness.
raunio ruin; ronnfor ruins, (pirstaleet) scattercd remnants, wreck(age), debrls; rau
nio' Dna oleva linna castle in ruins, ruined
Castle; olla raunioina He in rulns, be a
wreck. -kasa 1. -lj heap or ruins.
rauska I. (srkyv) breakable, Traglle; (hau
ras) brittle; brash; lyd ranskaksi smash
. . to pieces, shatter. II. (yhd.) dliapidated
. . , worn-out . . , broken . . , torn . . , tattered . . [esim. hattu- torn (1. tattered)
hat; kuppi" dliapidated (1. worn-out) cup;
reki~ dliapidated slelgh].
rauskaa cr(a)unch. rauskahdus crack; (ry
shdys) crash. rauskahtaa cr(a)unch;
crack; (rysht) crash. rauskahtaminen
cr(a)unchlng Jne., ks.
edell. rauske
cr(a)unchdng); crash. rauskis crash!
rausku (ellnt.) ray.
rauskuttaa cr(a)unch; grate; ~ hampaitaan
grlnd (1. grate) one's tcoth. rauskutus
cr(a)unchlng; gratlng.
rauta Iron; raudat (pyydys-) Steel trap Tesim.
ketunraudat Steel rox-trap], (kahleet)
chains, lrons, retters, bonds, vrt. ksirau
dat; hanatta on monta rautaa tulessa (kuv.)
he has many lrons in the flre; olla raudoissa
be in irons, be fettered (1. chained).
rauta- (yhd.) iron(-) [esim. -malmi Iron ore;
-teollisuus Iron Industry; -tylinen ironworker; -valimo iron-foundry] ; (raudasta
tehty, rautainen) Iron [esim. -koukku Iron
hook; -lapio iron spade (1. -shovel); -putki
Iron plpe] ; (harvemmin:) . . of Iron [esim.
-mr amount (1. percentage) or iron;
-levy sheet or Iron], -betoni reenrorced
(1. armored) concrete. -harava Iron rake.
rautainen . . of iron, Iron [law or wages,
palkkalaki] ; (raudankovulnen) . . hard as
iron; ~ tahto Iron wlll, wlll or Iron;
terveys Iron constitution, constltutlon or
Iron, robust health; rautaiset lihakset muscles or Iron.
rauta'! Jauho iron rilings. -kaivos Iron mlne.
-kala (elint.) stlckleback. -kanki (tyaseena:) crowbar [eri lajeja: plnch-bar, llnlng
bar y. m.] ; (-tanko) iron bar. -kansleri
(hlst.) Iron Chancellor. -kara iron pln, rod.
-kauppa (-puoti) hardware store, (Engl.)
ironmonger's shop; (-liike) hardware trade
(1. business), -kauppias dealer in hardware,
hardware merchant; (Engl.) ironmonger.
-kausi Iron age. -kautinen . . oi the iron
age. -koura Iron hand; (tekn.) Iron scoop;
rautakourin \vlth an Iron hand. -krklnen
tipped (1. pointed) with Iron.
rautalanka (iron) wlre. -alta wire rence.
-kysi wlre rope; (vahva) cablc. -verkko
wlre nettlng; (seulan y. m.) screen, wire
rauta levy Iron plate; (ohuempi) sheet or
iron. -multa (iron) ocher. -muna addled
egg; (hedelmtn) egg wlthout a tread.
-nokkonen (kasv.) d\varr nettle. -oksidi
rerrlc oxld(e); Iron oxld(e). -paita (panssarlpaita) coat or mail; (rlntahaarniska)


cuirass. -peittelnen . . covered wlth iron,

iron-clad. -pelti 1. (ohut) sheet iron,
(paksumpi) Iron plate; 2. (uunin-) damper, draTt. -pilleri: rautapillereit iron
(tonic In Torm or) capsules (I. tablets).
-pukulnen iron-clad. -pllinen = rautapeitteinen. -ristikko Iron grating; (vanki
lan) the bars. -rohdot Iron tonlc (In Ilquid
rorm). -romu scrap-lron, old Iron. -romu
kauppias dealer in scrap-iron; Junk-dealer.
-ruoste (lron-)rust. -ruukki ks. rautateh
das, -sorvi engine-lathe. -slp (mlner.)
sparry Iron, slderlte. -snky Iron bcd
(-stead). -tammi (kasv.) holm-oak. -Unko
iron bar, Iron rod, bar or Iron. -tavara Iron;
(pikkutavara) hardware; (Engl.) ironmongery. -tehdas lron-works. -teitse by rall,
by "traln.
rautatie rallroad; (etup. Engl.) rallway; rau
tatien ylikytv rallroad crossIng, (grade)
crossing; ajaa rautatiell rlde on a rallroad,
go (1. travel) by rall.
rautatie- (yhd.) rallroad- [esim. -Juna rallroad-traln: -liikenne rallroad-trarric: -silta
railroad-brldge] ; (yhdyssanojen ollessa
lyhemmss yhteydess:) rallroad [esim.
-lakko rallroad strlke; -ravintola rallroad
restaurant], -anomus petltlon Tor a rall
road. -asema (rallroad) statlon; (rallroad)
denot; (pteasema) termlnal. -ehdotus
rallroad proJect. -hallitus department [or
the Finnish government] In charge or the
government rallroads: Rallroad Department,
-henkilkunta rallroad employees. -Insi
nri clvil engineer In rallroad employ:
clvll engineer whose speclalty is rallroad
constructlon. -Jtk worker In (1. member
or) a rallroad constructlon gang. -kisko
rall. -konduktri (rallroad-)conductor;
(Engl.) guard. -kuningas rallroad klng;
(-porho) rallroad magnate. -linja ratlroadllne.
rautatielinen rallroad man (I. employen).
rautatie lkri phystclan In rallroad em
ploy, rallroad physictan. -matka rallroad
trlp (1. Journey).
rautatienllpalveluskunta rallroad employees,
railroad men. -penger ks. ratapenger.
rautatielonnettomuus rallroad accident. -pi
letti (rallroad) tlcket. -raide rallroad-track.
-rakennus railroad constructlon: (konkr.)
rallroad (In process or constructlon): on
tyss rautatierakennuksella Is worklng
wlth a rallroad construrtlon gang. -risteys
rallroad crossing. -tarve need or rallroads.
-tilasto rallroad statlstics. -ty rallroad
WOrk; on rautatietiss Is worklng on a
rallroad, Is dolng rallroad work. -tylinen
1. -tymies laborer on a rallroad. mcmbor
or a (rallroad) constructlon [sectlon] gang,
rallroad hand (1. \vorker), (Engl.) navvy;
vrt. rautatielinen, -vaihde (rallroad)
swftch. -valiokunta rommtttee on rall
roads fin the Finnish Dlctl. -vaunu rallrnart-rar; (matkustala-, myfis:) coarh,
(Ensi.) ralKvny-rarrlnire; vrt. tavaravaunu,
-verkko netwo"rk nr rallroad-llnes. -virka
mies rallroad orrirlal. -yhteys railroad
connection(s) rwlth, Johonkin],
rautatiill vitriried brlck; clinker. -vanne
hoop (1. band) or Iron, Iron hoop (I. band).
-vanteinen Iron-bound, . . wlth iron hoops.
-vihtrilli (kem.) green vltrlol, iron suirate.
-vitjat Iron ehaln: (vahvat) chaln cable.
-vuori monntaln rlch in Iron ore, rerrirerous mountaln.
rautias I. (a.) bay; (tumma) chestnut; (vaa
leahko) sorrel. II. (s.) raudikko,
rautlo I. (rautasepp) smlth; 2. -= raudikko,
rautu (purolohl) 6ro.wri ^rout, rlver-trout.

ravaaja trotter, trottlng-tiorse. ravaaminen raliStlC, . . true tO llf; katsantotapa
reallstlc vlews, realism.
ravakasti qulckly, briskly; promptly; ener- reduta revel, lead a llTe or dlsslpation; cagetlcally; tehd tyt work briskly, rouse; vrt. remuta.
worK wltb s \vlll
ravakka qulck [at' work, tyt tekemn], reekeli, reikeli ks. salpa.
prompt [decislon, pts]; brlsk, smart; reelinki (mer.) rail(lng), gunwale; bulwark.
(nopsa) Swift; (reipas) actlve, energetlc. reellinen a slelgb Tuli or [people, vke].
ravakkuua qulckness, promptness; brlsk- reell ajo
ness, smartness; swirtness; energy.
(Engl.) sledglng. -kulku trarel(lng) by
ravata trot. ravauttaa I. (antaa ravata) make slelgb; (-ajo) slelgh-rlding.
. . trot, trot [the borse, hevostaan],
reen 1 antura slelgh-shoe, sled(ge)-shoe. -Ja
ravauttaa II. (lyd) strike; hn lyd m- las sled(ge)-runner, slelgh-runner. -kannas
vautti hevosta selkn he tOUChed Up t lie back (1. hind) end or a [the] slelgh-runner;
horse, be whlpped the horse.
reen kannaksilta on the (back end or the)
ravi I. (oja) ditch.
runners (or the sleigh). -koppa body or a
ravi II. (hevosen) trot; ravia at a trot; slelgh (l. a cutter), box or a sled.
ajaa ravia trot on e 's horse; luotta ravia referaatti (selostus, alustus) report, state(go at a) trot. -kilpailu trottlng-matcb. ment; (esim. kirjan sisllst) revlew. refe
ravinto Food, nourlshment; nutriment; roida (selostaa) report (upon the contents
nrovender; (elatus) sustenance; vrt. ruo
or ... jonkin sislt], make a report
ka; sielun ~ splrltual food, food for the [about, Jotakin]; revlew [a book, kirja].
SOUl. -aine artiCle Of fOOd; ravintoaineet reformeerattu : hirhko Meformed Church.
foodstuff(s), provlslons, victuals, Tood, reformi (uudistus) reform. -puku (u/om
provender. -arvo nutrltlve value, Tood an^) dress deslgned to meet hyglenlc revalue. -Jrjesty dlet. -kaavi Tood-pro- qulrements. -ystv advocate or rerorm(s),
duolng plant; plant used for food.
ravintola restaurant; (etup. Engl.) tavern. regissdori (nyttmohjaaja) stage-manager.
tnn; (hotelli) hotel; (kahvila) eare: vrt. reoistraattorl (luetteloonpanlja) reglster (I.
raittius-, -liike restaurant business.
recorder) or deeds; reglstrar.
ravintolani emnt landlady (or a restau regulaattori (Jrjestin) regulator; governor.
rant), -hoitaja manager of a restaurant, rehahtaa ks. remahtaa. -isnt restaurant proprictor; landlord (of rehellinen honest [opinion, mielipide; Ilvlng,
a hotel).
toimeentulo], square [deal, menettelv] ;
ravinto lhde source or nourlshment. -neste Talr; (suora) upright; (vilpitn) sincexe.
nutrltlve Huld; nutrltlous Juice; (Ihmis
rrank, candld; (luotettava) rellable: (kun
ruumiin) lymph; (kasvien) sap. -valmiste niallinen) honorable: peli honest game.
(rood) preparatlon. -vero tax on foodsturfs. (kuv.) Talr play; rehellisen nkinen hon-voima nutrltlve propertles; nourlshment.
rehellisesti honestly. squarely;
ravistaa shake [one's (l.the)head, ptn] ; est-looklng.
ralr (and square); slncerely, rrankly, canglve .. a (good) shake (1. shaklng); (niin dldly;
; menetell rehellisesti play
ett esineet hyppivt) toss; hereille shake Talr, be on the square,
rehellisyys honestv,
. . out of a sound sleep, rouse one out of squareness; ralrness; uprlghtness;
integrlhls sleep, arouse, (kuv.) stlr . . up; ~ jota
deallng; slnkuta hihatta shake one by the arm. ravis
taminen shaklng; tosslng. ravistella shake- v.) honesty is the best policy.
ravlstua shrlnk (so as to leak); become (I. be purred up, put on alrs; (Jkpv.)be stuckget) leaky. ravistuminen shrlnking; becom- up [about (I. over). Jostakin], stick one's
lng leaky. ravistunut leaky. ravistuttaa
up. (Jkpv.) be chesty, (Engl.) be
make . . (1. cause . . to) leak, cause . . to nose
cocky; (komeilla) show orr, make a show
rlches, rikkauksillaan], dlsplay
ravita (eltt) feed, nourlsh, (kuv.) roster- vulgarly, parade;
plume (1.
(kestit) treat, entertaln, (Juhlallisesti) vaunt) o.s. [about(pyhlitell)
(1. over). Jollakin],
reast; (yllpit) malntaln, support; (teh
d kylliseksi) satlate; (tyydytt) satlsry.
; mielivalta rehentelee despotlsm
ravitsematon (Joka el ravitse) unnutrltlous, Is[over]
not nourlshlng, non-nutrltlve, (Joka el ole
proud, snobblsh, overbearlng,
ravittu) unnourlshed. ravitseminen reedtng rehentelev(Jkpv.)
stuck-up: (Engl.) cocky.
jne., ks. ravita; nourlshment; (ravitsemus) haughty;
bully; (Jkpv.) cad.
nutrition, ravitseva(inen) nourlshlng, nu
parade. vulgar dls
trltlous [Tood, ruoka]; (tyttv) satlsry - play, ostentation; orr,
Ing, fllllng. ravitsevaisuus nutrltlve value; rehevyys luxuriant growth; braggadoclo.
nutrition, ravittu fed, nourished; satiated, state, luxurlance, exuberance; nourlshlng
rilled; satlsfied; vrt. ravita.
rehev 1. (rehottava, rikas) thrlving, nour
raviurheilu trottlng (as a sport).
luxuriant [growth, kasvu], abunravun |j kulku retrogresslon; (Jkpv.) craw- lshlng;
exubcrant; rlch [pasture, laidun];
rishlng. -liha meat or the crawTlsh, craw- dant,
(mehev) lUSh; tavattoman ~ kasvillisuus
rish meat.
vegetation; 2. (mahtava, ylpe) haughty.
ravustaa catch crawflsh. ravustaja catcher rank
overbearlng, lordly, superclllous, arrogant;
of cravvrish. ravustus catchlng (or) craw- purred
up, (Jkpv.) chesty; - elintapa osrish.
tentatlous dlsplay or wealth. -nurminen
reaali- (yhd.)modern,practlcal [esim. -aineet . . covered thlck (I. thlckly covered) wtth
modern (1. practical) subjectsj. -koulu l
grass, thlckly swarded. -ruohoinen (esim.
-lyseo school with a currlculum on modern niitty) . . covered thlck wlth grass, . .
(1. practical) Iines; (hlgb)school wbere no wlth a good crop or grass, . . rlch with
classical language Is taught. -linja 1. -osasto grass; vrt. edell.
(classes In the) modern course. -luokka
1. luxurlantly, rlchly; 2. (mahta
class In the modern course. -oppilaitos ks. rehevsti
vasti) haughtlly, arrogantly.
reullkoulu. -unioni real unlon.
rehki romp, rrlsk; (esim. vallattomista
realistinen (olevslsperlnen) reallstlc; natu- lapsista:) carry (l. be carrylng) on, (jkpv.)

eut up; (esim. koiranpennuista:) tousle; nytti reipastuneen (mys:) seemed to be
in better bealth and splrlts. reipastuttaa
(elmid) niake a noise, be nolsy; (pon
nistella) strlve, struggle; (raataa) toll, lnvigorate, glve new vigor to; (virkist)
refresh; (rohkaista) cheer up; (vilkastut
drudge; vrt. reuhtoa,
rehottaa flourlsh, prosper, be thrlving; grow taa) put new life Into, reanimate. reippaasti
exuberantly, luxurlate; (kuv.) flower, blos- cheerfully, In a spirited (1. a sprightly)
SOm, blOOm; paheet rehottavat evll tS lile. manner; (pontevasti) heartily, vlgorously;
rehottaminen flourlsblng Jne., ks. edell. (rivakasti) alertly, nimbly, qulckly. reip
paus cheerfulness, good cheer, sprlghtllrehottava flourlshlng, . . In full bloom; (re
hev) rich, luxurlant.
nes3, alacrlty; vlgor; alertness, promptness.
rehti (kelpo) uprlght, honest, square, reisi thlgh; (elimen, Joskus:) leg; (sian y.m.)
hain (mys savustettuna tai suolattuna).
straightforward; (kunnon) true blue; (hy
v) good; (oikeamielinen) rlghteous; (luo reisi- (yhd.) thigh- [esim. -(aa thigh-bone] ;
tettava) rellable; ~ mies good, honest (anat.) remoral [esim. -laskimo femoral
fellovv; straigbtrorward rello\v. rehtiys vein; -valtimo femoral artery]. -lihas musuprlghtness, honesty, integrlty, rectltude; cle or the thlgh. -lihat (esim. karitsan)
leg; (naudan) round; (hirvielimen y. m.)
rehtori princlpal, superintendent, (Engl.) haunch. -luu (anat., mys:) femur.
liead master; (yliopistoissa:) prestdent, (ul reistailla (reuhtoma) make a fuss, make a
komaiden) rector. rehtorin|toiml I. -virka noise; (yritell) be (1. keep) trying. reis
prlncipalshlp, superlntendency ; presldency. tata (reuhtoma) make a russ, make a
rehu Teed; (etenkin: korsi-) rodder; (hein-) noise; (koetella) try.
rorage, provender. naine Teed. -arvo value reisu ks. matka.
as feed (1. as rodder). -Jauhot ground Teed. reitti (suunta) course, route; (vyl) Chan
-Juurikas (kasv.) mangel-wurzel. -kakku nel, (Engl.) falrway; (vesist-) chaln of
oil-cake; reedlng-cake. -kasvi plant used lakes; water-route.
as (1. for) rodder. -nauris turnlp.
reivaaminen reering. reivata (mer.) reef,
rehun puute scarclty (1. dearth) or fodder, take In salls. relvaua reivaaminen, reirodder famlne. -sytt glvlng feed, feedlng. vinuora reef-polnt.
rehu oljet straw for fodder. -vehnjauhot reillinen . . wlth holes In; (lvistetty) permlddllngs.
rehvakas . . baving tbe qualitles of a seir- reki (ajo) slelgb, (kevyt) cutter; (ty-)sled,
linportant boor; crudely pompous; (Jkpv.) bob-sled; (Engl.) sledge; ajaa reell (be)
stuck-up. rehvana boor; (rehvastellja) bul- Slelgh(ing); lhte ajamaan reell Start
ly ; (retkale) sloven. rehvaataa, rehvastella on a slelgh-rlde, go sleigh(-rid)ing; vrt.
act the bully; (ylpeill) show off; (kers
kivi, -keli slelghlnff: mainio rekikeli exkailla) brag; (rebvanoida) act boorlsh. cellent (1. good) slelghlng. -laulu "sleigblng
rehvastelu actlng the bully; shovvlng dll'. song"; (I. v.) country ballad, dltty. -peite
reik hole; (aukko) opening, aperture, robe, lap robe; (-vllyt) rurrobe(s). -retki
moutb; (ilma-) vent; (rako) cbink, crack, (rekiajo) slelgh-rlde: (reklhuvlt)slelghlng(raha-, esim. automaattlkonelssa:) slot; party, slelfh-rlde party.
(joissakin tykaluissa:) eye; (kuoppa) plt. rekisteri reglster; (luettelo) list, roll; (31reikinen . . full or boles, holey; boney- sltiuettelo, kirjoissa y. m.) Index, table
combed; perforated; (kuoppainen) pitted; of contents. -tonni reglster ton.
(honkainen) porous; (yhd.) . . wlth . . holes rekisterid reglster; record; (panna rekis
[esim. kaksi~ Wlth t\vo hOleS ; moni- with teriin) flle; (nimiluetteloon y. m.) enroll.
many boles]. relkilsyys . . belng holey (1. rekisteriminen reglstratlon; recordlng;
perforated); perforated condltlon.
filing; enrollment.
reik:: leimasin I. -rauta punch. -leip rye rekisterimlsllkoje I. -laite reglstering appabread, baked [in Finland] In round loaves, ratus, reglster; recorder; (osotln) indira
llke quoits, wbich often are strung on a tnr. -maksu reglstratlon (1. recordlng 1.
pole to dry and harden; (1. v.) hardtack. enrollment) fce.
-ompelu(s) hemstitch; (kirjailutyss) eye- reklstraattori ks. registraattori.
let work. -tiili bollow brick. -tuoli 1. -rahi reki! taiJa fur robe. -vaippa robe. -vllyt
(pikkulapsen) baby tender, (rullilla kulke
fur robc(s).
va) baby Walker; (tarpeen tekoa varten) rekki (voim.) horizontal bar. -liike: rekkinursery chalr, (bables') tollet chalr.
liikkeit exercises on the horizontal bar.
reila (kunto) conditlon, state; shape; (jr rekla(a)mi (kehuskelu) pufr(lng); tehd
jestys) order; panna railoon set (1. put) reklamia jollekin pufr, advertlse, (Jkpv.)
in order, arrange; vrt. kunto.
boost. -Jrjestelm System (I. scheme) of
reilu rehti, reilusti: el reilusti Ilve advertlslng. -valaistus electrlc sign adwell, (rennosti) Ilve rree and easy, (Jkpv.) vertlsing.
be an easy spender; sivuutimme ssn rei rekordl (urh.) record; saavuttaa cl. voittaa
lusti (esim. kiven koskessa) we cleared it 1. saada) (enntys) make a record. -kil
easlly (1. safely 1. witb a margln).
pailu record contest (1. match).
reima = reipas; (karski) bold.
rekryytinotto recrultlng.
reimari spar-buoy.
rekryytti (sot.) raw rccrult, recrult.
reimasti reippaasti; (karskisti) boldly.
relatlfvi (kiel.) relatlve; (yhd.) relatlve
[esim. -lause relatlve clause; -pronomini
Rein Rblne; Roinin viini Rhlne wlne. Hein
joki 1. -virta Rhlne rlver, the rlver Rhlne. relatlve pronoun].
reipas (mieleltn) cheerfui ; (eloisa) sprlght- romahdus: naurun ~ bnrst (1. peal 1. roar)
ly, llvely; (toimekas) active, hearty; (tar
of laughter, loud laughtcr. remahtaa (puh
mokas) vlgorous, energetic; (rivakka) alert, jeta) burst (1. break) out [into laughter,
nlmble, (Jkpv.)spry; vanhus vlgorous (I. nauruun] ; (kajahtaa) peal; remahtava nauru
hale and hearty) old man; reippain mielin boisterous laughter.
In a cheerfui frame of mlnd, (innostunei remakka: naurun ks. (naurun) remahdus;
na) rull or enthuslasm. reipastua (mielel
riemun ~ great (1. clamorous) outburst of
tn) grow (more) cheerfui, chcer up, re- Joy.
galn (1. recover) one's splrlts, (virkisty) remeli (hihna) strap; leather band; (kapea)
be refreshed, (voimiltaan) regain one's thong.
strengtb, recover (I. regain) one's bealtb; rempallaan: olla (epkunnossa) be out or



gear, be out of (worklng-)order, be out of

repalr, (hunningolla) be run down, (levperss) be neglecled i liuoin, asiat ovat
rempallaan thlngs are In a bad shape (I.
condltion 1. way), (Jkpv.) thlngs are (run)
down at the heels; maailma on ~ the world
is out of Joint] . rempalleen: menn (1. jou
tua) rempalleen = remppautua.
remppautua get out of gear, get out of
(working-)order, get out of repair; get run
down, be(come) neglected; (asioista:) get
into (ii) bad shape.
remputtaa 1. (lyd) pound; (kilkutella)
st i nm [(on) the piano, pianoa], thrum;
(kalkuttaa) clatter; ~ pianoa (mys :)drum
on the piano; 2. = retuuttaa, remputtaminen
pounding Jne., ks. remputtaa. remputus:
pianon remputus druiiiiiiing (1. strummlng
I. pounding) on the piano; tanssin rempu
tus stamplng.
remu (melu) nolse, clamor; (rhin) uproar,
rowdy uproar; (elmiminen) stir, ado;
(riemu) boisterous (1. clamorous) merrlment. remuaminen romplng; carousing; vrt.
remuta, remuava noisy, boisterous, romp
lng; vrt. remuta, remuilija, remuaja rowdy; carouser; (rasavilli) romp. remuilla =
remuta, remulnen noisy, boisterous, clamorous; romplng; rowdy. remuta make a
nolse, be noisy; raise an uproar; (rlehakoida) romp; (viett remuavaa elm) carouse; remuten in boisterous (l.clamorous)
merriment, wlth much merriment, wlth
nolse and bluster.
renes(s)an*el (taiteen Ja kirjallisuuden uu
distus) the Rcnalssance (of Art); (kirjalli
suuden Ja tieteen) Hevival of Learnlng.
renes(a)antsi- tyhd.) Renalssance [esim.
-kirjallisuus Renaissance llterature; -tyyli
Renaissance style (1. arciiltecture)]. -aika
1. -kausi era of the Renaissance.
rengas rlng; (ketjussa y. m.) link; (esim.
silmn alla) Circle; (vanne) hoop; (hela)
rerrule; (liitto taloudellisten etujen saavut
tamiseksi) pool, (Engl.) syndicate, (Sak
sinsa y.m.) cartel. -hyrr gyroscope.
-kerys (1. v.) endless cnaln.
rengasmainen ring-shaped (1. -formed), annular; (pyre) circular; orhlcular. rengas
maisesti in the shape (1. Torin) of rings.
rengasll panssari rlng armor. -solki round (1.
ring-shaped) buckle.
rengim paikka place as a hlred man.
-tehtv hlred rnaii'3 work; (kuv.) drudgery; vrt. seur. -virka Job of a farm hand;
(kuv.) Ilicuial Job; vrt. koiranvirka.
rengonkieli Jargon, glbberlsh; cant; (Jkpv.)
renkaan] heitto pltchlng (1. tossing) rings.
-muotoinen = rengasmainen.
renki hired man, hlred hand; (maatalon)
farm hand; rengit (mys:) the inen, the
malc help. -mies = renki, -poika hlred
boy; young farm hand; (Jkpv.) chore boy.
-tupa 1. -kamari room for the hired help.
renkuttaa 1. (keikuttaa) rock; sliake; wag;
2. (rallattaa) sing crudely, troll (out), renkuttaminen 1. rocking, shaking; 2. trolling
out. renkutus 1. => renkuttaminen; 2. crude
slnglng; (konkr.) crude country ballad.
rennosti limply, slackly; freely; (kuv.) In a
rree and easy manner, liberally, (muitta
mutkilta) \vithout any further ado, recklessly; luvata ~ promlse freely (1. easily),
make llueral promlses.
rensseli (laukku) knapsack; (reppu) pack.
rento (lerppalnen, veltto) limp, slack, relaxed, loose; (vapaa) lice anil easy, rree;
rentonaan limply, slackly, caielessly, recklessly, freely, vrt. rennosti L huolii, maata
rentonaan ruohikolla Ile caielessly stretebed


out on the grass] ; heitt rennoksi Iet . .

loose (1. slack), slacken, relax. rentoina
(ylpeill) be proud [or. Jollakin], (Jkpv.)
be stuck-up; (kerskailla) brag (1. boast)
[Of, Jollakin] ; rsntoilla rahoillaan parade
one's money, (tuhlata) spend one's money
rreely. rentous limpness, slackness; (kuv.)
free and easy disposition.
renttu dlsreputable ragged fellow; (kulku
ri) tramp; (vetelehtij) loafer, (Jkpv.)bum;
(retkale) sloven. -herra wrecked (1. degenerate) gentleman; (Jkpv.) down-and-out
renttuilija carouser; loafer; vrt. edell. rent
tuina carouse; tramp; (vetelehti) loaf,
(Jkpv.) burn. renttuilu carousing; tramplng; loaflng. renttumainen dissolute, disorderly; good-for-nolhing; (repaleinen)
rentukka (kasv.) cowsllp; marsb-marlgold.
rentus sloven; vrt. renttu, rentustaa, rentustella renttuilla. rentustelu = renttuilu.
repale (ryysy) rag, shred; repaleet rags(and
tatters), rags and tagS; repaleisiin puettu
. . In rags, ragged, tattered. repaleinen
ragged [coat, nuttu], .. in rags; tattered
[flag, lippu]; (revitty) torn. repaleisuus
repattaa (rpytt) riap, flutter; (roikkua)
dangle, (be) sway(ing).
repeill (repeyty) tear [easily, helposti; in
several places, useista kohdin], be(come)
rent. repeily tearing. repely rendlng; tear
lng. repeytyminen tearing; rendlng. repey
ty tear, be(come) rent, be torn, rend; vrt.
revet, repem rent, tear; (ratkeama) rlp,
(kankaassa, mys:) sllt; (halkeama) crevlce, crack; (murros) rupture; (kuv.) spllt
[tn a party, puolueessa], repiminen tear
ing Jne., ks. repi, repimhaava laceratlon,
Jaggcd \vound.
repi tear [to shreds, slekalelksl; one's balr,
tukkaansa] ; rend [one's garments, vaat
teensa] ; (rikki) tear . . to pleces; (irti)
tear ofr, (Jkpv.) yank (I. Jerk) ofr; auki
tear up, rip open ( liuoin, repi auki vanhat
haavat open the old wounds, make old
wounds bleed afresh] ; rakennut tear
down a buildlng, raze (1. wreck) a building; rikki (mys:) tear asunder, rend,
tear . . up; ~ silmt jonkun pst scratch
(1. tear) a p."s eyes out, gouge the Idogs,
etc] eyes out.
repliikki (teatt.) speech; pait; repliikit
(mys:) Iines.
repo fox, reynard. repolainen: mikko repo
lainen Iteynard the Fox.
reportteri (sanomalehden uutlstenhankklja)
repostella use (1. treat 1. handle) rouglily;
(arvostella ankarasti) crltlcize harshly (1severely), censure; nibble [at], repoetelu
rough handllng; (ankara arvostelu) harsh
crltlclsm, nibbling.
reppall korva drooping (1. riapplng) ear;
mys = seur. -korvalnen lop-eared.
reppu knapsack; bag; (kulkukauppiaan)
pack; vrt. reput, reppuri, reppuryss pack
peddlcr (from Russian Karelia),
reppana = rppn,
repriisi (mus.) repeat. -merkki repeat.
reput: antaa reput jollekulle (tutkinnossa)
ks. reputtaa; saada ~ (tulla hyltyksi) be
rejected [at an examination, tutkinnossa],
rall [in], (Jkpv.) riunk, (Engl.) be plucked.
reputtaa reject [one at an examination, Joku
tutkinnossa] ; (Engl., jkpv.) pluck. reputta
minen, reputus rejectlng; rejectlon; (jkpv.,
Engl.) plucking.
repiseminen tearing, pulling; rendlng. re
pisev spley, thrilling [Story, Juttu] ;



(voimakkaasti vaikuttava) drastic [measure, toimenpide] ; (ratkaiseva) decislve,

concluslve. repisevn spiclly, tbrllllngly,
In a splcy (1. a thrilllng) manner; In a
drastic manner; decislvely, concluslvely.
repist tear (one's coat, takkinsa]; rend
iii lwain, kahtia] ; (irti, pois) tear out [a
lear rrom the note-book, lehti muistikir
jasta], tear oIT; (nyhtist) puli; yank,
jerk; halki tear (1. Jerk) in two; ~ irti
tear out, detach, (nyhtist) tear (1. vvrench)
orr (I. loose); ~ ktens naulaan jatr one's
hand on (1. against) a naii; pois tear orr,
tear away; ~ vaatteensa (raam.) rend one's
garmentS; hn on repissyt housunsa he
has torn hls trousers, he has his trousers
torn. repisy tearing ; rendlng ; Jerk ; wrench.
rese(e)da (kasv.) mignonette. -ljy mlgnonette-oll.
resepti (lk.) prescription; (keitto- y. m.)
recipe, receipt. -kaavake prescription blank.
reservi (varavki) reserve, the reserves.
-armei(J)a the reserves. -hevonen extra
horse. -joukko body of reserves; reservijoukot the reserves. -kasarmi barracks Tor
reserves; (harjotuslelrl) trainlng camp Tor
reserves. -komppania company of reserves.
reservilinen reservlst; vrt. reservimies.
reservi || mies 1. -sotilas soldler in the re
serves, reservist. -upseeri orricer or (1. In)
the reserves. -vlnrikki enslgn or the re
resetti ( 1 ahj any tnt) beneflt (performance) .
resiina (rautatie-) band-car.
resla(rekl) sled \vitli a body of basswood
flber or cord nettlng.
resori sprlng; ajoneuvojen resorit carrlagesprlngs.
resu: resat rags, tatters, shreds; resuina
(ali) in tatters, in rags, in shreds. resuinen
(repaleinen) ragged, . . (clothed) In rags,
tattered (and torn); (rikkininen) broken,
torn; resuinen takki shabby (1. ragged)
retiisi radlsh.
retiisin Isiemen radlsh seed. -taimi radish
ratikka (kasv.) black radish.
retkahdella be flopping down Jne., vrt.
seur.; (torkkuvan) miehen p retkahteli
the man kept noddlng.
retkahtaa Hop down, tbrow (1. fling) o. s.
down, tali down limply, drop [into the
chair, tuoliin] ; collapse; pudota Tall
down limply.
retkale slouch; sloven; (rhjys) shabbylooklng fellow; (ryysylinen) ragged fellow.
retkallaan: olla hang slack, (lerpallaan)
slouch, droop, hang down (loosely), flap,
(esim. koiran korvat) lop [huom. oli py
t vasten leaned limply against the table].
retkalleen: jd rutkalleen stay slack, stay
slouchy, be lopplng over [huom. sinne
hn ji retkalleen aidalle makaamaan there
he was left hanglng (apparently) llfeless
over the fence] ; kaatui retkalleen pyt
vasten Teli limply against (1. on) the table.
retkeileminen travcllng Jne., ks. retkeill,
retkeilij excurslonist; (tutkimus-) explorer; (vaeltaja) wanderer; (matkailija)
retkeill (matkailla) travel, journey; (sa
moilla) stroll, ramble, rove, roam; (kuljes
kella) wander; (tehd retki Johonkin) make
exrurslons, (tutkimus-) explore [a country,
Jossakin maassa] ; ~ ristiin rastiin go crlsscross, zlg-zag,
search tbrougb, explore (thoroughly); ~
ympri maata ramblu over the country.
retkeily retkeileminen; (huvi-, etup. Jal
kaisin) ramble(s), stroll(s), (laivalla, Ju-


nalla y. m.) excursion(s); (matkailu) travel(s). retkelinen (huvi-) excurslontst;

vrt. tutkimus.
retki (matka) Journey, travel, (meri-) voyage; (kvisy) trlp; (etup. kierto-) tour;
(huvi-) excursion, outing; (Jalkaisin tehty)
ramble; (tieteellinen, sota- y. m.) expedition; (kynti) vlslt; retkelln on hi3 trlp,
on hls ramble; Helsingin a trlp to Hel
singfors ; tehd jonnekin make (l.take)a
trlp (1. a tour) to, (huvi-) go on an ex
cursion (1. an outing) to; vrt. huvi,
kvely, napa, sota, tutkimus, ve
ne- y.m.
retkikunta expedltlon. retkikuntalainenmember or an expedltlon.
retkottaa (roikkua) dangle, hang loose; (olla
riipuksissa) flap; maata loll [on the sofa,
sohvalla], Iounge; stretch out, lie outstretched, sprawl [on the grass, ruohikos
sa], lop down [on the Iounge, leposohvalla] .
retku ks. renttu, retkale.
retkua hang slack, hang loose, flap; (roik
kua) dangle.
retostaa (laahata) drag (along \vlth one),
lug, trail; (raahautua) drag one's llmbs
along; kyd shurrie along; vrt. retus
taa. retosUminen dragglng (along wlth
one) Jne., ks. edell.
rettel trouble, dirriculty, dirricultles; (selk
kaus) complication(s), tangle; (Jkpv.) mlxup; (riitely) wrangle(s); (riitaisuus) dissenslon, dlspute; aiheuttaa retteltt cause
(1. brew) trouble, (selkkauksia) lead to
compllcatlons, vrt. aiheuttaa, -haluinen 1.
(a.) . . looking (1. buntlng) for trouble, . .
who likes trouble; (krjlmls-) fond of
litigation, . . who likes to go to law. II. (s.)
one who is fond or trouble; (krj-) one
WhO HkeS to gO tO law; vrt. retteli tsij.
rettelid make (1. cause) trouble; stlr up
dissenslon; (Juonitella) intrlgue; (krji
d) go to law,lltlgate; nikan start a fuss,
raise a row; hn retteli alituisesti (mys:)
he Is constantly starting fusses. retteli
minen making trouble Jne., ks. edell. rette
linen troublesome; troublous [tlme(s),
aika] ; (sotkuinen) entangled [afralrjuttu].
retteliuij one who likes to raise (1. to
start) a fuss, one who likes to make trouble,
troublesome fcllow (1. person); mischlermaker; (Jkpv.) cantankerous person.
retuinen dllapidated, ramshackle [buildlng,
rakennus]; (rhjinen) shabby; vrt. resui
nen, retulsuus ramshackle (1. run-down)
condltlon; dilapldation; shabblness.
retuper: olla retuperll be in a ncglected
(1. a run-down) condltlon, (kehnossa kun
nossa) be In a bad shape (1. condltlon),
(esim. maatilasta puhuen:) be run down;
vrt. (olla) rapplo(lla).
retus sloven; slouch. retustaa (renttuina)
slouch, go like a sloven; (raataa) toll (and
moll), drudge; el retustaa live from hand
to mouth, (try to) hang on, keep the wolf
Trom the door; kyd (l. kulkea) retustaa
drag one's Teet (1. oneself) along, (vanhuk
sesta:) shuffle along. retustaminen, retusteleminen ks. retustelu. retustella =- re
tustaa. retustelu slouching; (raadanta)
drudgery; (retustava elo) hanglng on.
retuuttaa drag (along \vith one), haul, lug,
trail; perssn drag (1. lug) aboul \vitli
one; kiskoa tug (along); vrt. retustaa.
reuhaaminen making a noise Jne., ks. reuha
ta; boisterous play(lng), romp. reuhata,
reuhailla (meluta) make a nolse, be uoisy;
(peuhata) romp, carry un; (elmid)
make a row, make a disturbance (1. a
fuss); vrt. rehki.

reuhka Tur cap (, whlch can be pulled over revisionisti revislonlst.
revitt, revitytt* have . . torn (1. rent); ~
the ears).
juurinen have . . pulled out by the roots;
reuhka(t)a reuhata.
reuhtoa (kiskoa) tug (and puli); (ponnistel
~ rakennus have a building torn down (1.
la) struggle [to get loose, irtipstkseen] ; demollshed) ; vrt. repi.
(touhuilla) bustle about; (raataa) toll (and revlveri revolver.
moil); ~ ilmaa (huitoa) saw the air. (with revolverin laukaus revolver sbot, report (or
one's hands), beat the air; kepilln lay a revolver). -luoti (revolver) bullet.
about one \vith one's cane; ~ ksilln revolveri | nytelm shooting arrray, revolver
(mys:) gestlcolate wildly (1. madly). reuh- tragedy. -sankari liero in a shooting arrray.
toilla (ksilln) gestlculate madly; mys revontulet (pohjanpalo) northern ligbts, au= edell. reuhtominen tugging (and pull- rora borealis.
ing) jne., ks. reuhtoa.
revontuli- (yhd.) auroral [esim. -kaari aureumaattinen (lk.)rheumatlc [pain, srky; roral arch; -vy auroral band].
revhdys tear(ing), puli, yank, Jerk. revhrever, kuume], reumatismi rheumatism.
dytt (kupeensa y. m.) have . . ruptured;
reuna (syrj) edge; border, margln; (laita)
hn rtvhdytti itsens he was ruptured.
brim, Nm; (parras) vergc, brlnk; (esim.
metsn) skirt; (hulplo) selvage: reunoja revht be torn, be(come) wrencbed;
myten to the brim; reunoja(an) myten (esim. kuve) be ruptured; ovi revhti auki
tynn (oleva) full (1. rilled) to the brim, the door was wrenched (1. thrown) open,
brlmful; aavikon reunassa (liepeill) on the (lensi) the door new open.
edge of the prairie; joen river's edge, riehahdus riaming up, 1'laring (up), Tlashing;
(rk.) margln or a river; jyrknteen reunalla riare, riash. riehahtaa (hulmahtaa) Dame
(partaalla) on the brlnk (1. the edge 1. the up (mys kuv.), nre (up), riash.
verge) or the preciplce; meten reunasta riehakasti gayly; in a Jaunty manner; rompat (1. on) the edge (1. the skirt) or the ingly, rrlskllv. rlehakka (riemakas) . . In a
W00dS; vrt. ala, yl~ y.m.
rolllcking humor, .. In high spirlts; gay:
reunaaminen edging Jne., ks. reunata.
(raisu) romplng [glrl, tytt], rrisky [horse.
reunainen (ybd.) . .-edged [esim. leve hevonen]; spirlted; sportive, vlvacious;
broad-edged; terv sharp-edged] ; . . rattle-pated. riehakkuus hlgh good humor,
vvllh . . margins [esim. leve \vith Wide good spirlts, gaiety ; rrisklness ; sportiveness.
marglns] ; (reunukslnen) . .-bordered [esim. riehakoida be in hlgh spirlts, be In a rolllck
kulta gold-bordered].
ing humor; be bolsterous; be Wild; (rie
reunakirjotus marglnal note.
hua) romp, rrolic, gambol; (elmid) make
reunama edge; border, margln; vrt. reuna. a nolse, be nolsy.
reunall muistutus marglnal note (I. remark 1. riehua rage; (luonnonvoimista, raivohullusta
comment). -ommel 1. -sauma overcast seam. y. m.) rave; be Turlous, be Wild; (kulku
reunata edge, border; race; vrt. reunustaa. taudista y.m.) be rire; (myrskyt) storni;
(meluta) make a nolse, roar; (rehki;
reunimainen (rlmlnen) outermost, (eti
lapsista:) romp, play boisterously;
sin) rartliest, rarthermost, remotest.
tarpeekseen spend o.s., (esim. myrsky)
reunoitaa edge, border; vrt. reunustaa.
reunotus edging, borderlng; vrt. reunustus. spend its Tury, spend ltseir; ~ valloillaan
rage(l. rave) unchecked (1. without check),
-kone edglng-machlne.
run rampant, (esim. Intohimot) have Tree
reunukslnen (-reunainen) . .-edged, -bor
dered [esim. pitsi lace-edged, lace-bor- relns, run wlld, vent themselvcs Treely;
dered] ; (-nauhalnen) . .-braided [esim. alkaa begin to rage (1. to rave), (puhje
ta) burst (1. break) out, break loose. riehu
kulta gold-braided].
reunus (laita) edge; border, margln; (hatun) minen raglng Jne., ks. edell. riehunut ragbrim; (puku-) trimming; (prme) edging. ing: rage, rurv.
-nauha braid, band along the edge or cloth; riekale rag, shred. tatter; kulua riekaleiksi
edging; (koristeellinen) trimming. -piena be worn to rags (I. to shreds 1. to tatters),
become (1. get) tattered (1. ragged). rieka
1. -lista moldlng; llstel.
reunusta (koru) trimming; (piena-) molding. leinen ragged; tattered; (repaleisesti puet
reunustaa edge, border; race; (nauhalla y. tu) . . in rags.
m.) bind, braid; (koristella) trlm [a hat, riekko (ellnt.) \vlilte ptarmtgan, wlllowhattu] , trlm . . with a border; (ruokalajeja) ptarmigan.
garnlsh [\vlth parslcy, persiljalla] ; (laitel riemahdella be Jumplng Tor Joy; vrt. riela) mount; (kehyst) rrame; (yi. merkit.) mahtaa. riemahdus (outburst or) Joy; enSkirt, llne; jonkin reunustama lined (1. thuslasm; happiness; exultatlon, jubllatlon.
sklrted) by (1. with), bordered with; ran
riemahtaa Jump ror Joy, be transported
taa reunustavat pensaat ovat . . the* bUShes with Joy [at, jostakin] ; exult [at (1. over) ] ;
sklrtlng (1. llnlng) the shore are . . reu- (iloita) rejolce [at]; vrt. riemastua, rienustamaton . . not bordered; ..not braided;
mahtamlnen exultatlon; rejolcing [at].
nntrimmed. reunustaminen edging jne., riemakka . . in hlgh (1. good) spirlts, . . in
ks. reunustaa, reunustus edging, border; a rolllcking humor; (hilpe) gay, merry:
bralding; trimming; garnlsh; racing.
(riemuitseva) jubilant, exultant. riemakreutoa, reutoilla, reutominen reuhtoa, kuus hlgh good humor, rolllcking humor,
reuhtoilla, reuhtominen.
gaiety, merriment; high glee, mirth. rlerevehtymi rupture. revehty be ruptured; mastella exult, Jubilate; be In high spirlts.
vrt. revht.
riemastelu exultatlon, jubllatlon.
revell tear, rend; (raadella) tear .. to pleces; riemastua be rejolced, (suuresti) be trans
(viillell) gasti, slash; (kuv.) harrow; ran- ported (I. carrled away) wlth Joy [at. Jos
kle [In].
takin], Jump ror Joy; (ihastua) be(come)
revet rend, be rent; (kiskottaessa) tear; enraptured; (Innostua) become enthuslas(haljeta) spllt, break (In two); - kahtia be ttc [about (1. over), Jostakin], riemastu
minen rejolcing; exultatlon; vrt. riemastu,
torn in two, be rent in tvvaln; paperi re
pe helposti paper tears easlly; nen riemastunut transported (1. carried away)
silmns repesivt suuriksi (kuv. - han with Joy, enraptured; exultant, Jubilant.
llistyi) he opened Iils eyes vvide, he riemastua (great) rejolcing, exultatlon, Ju
stared, he was ali wonder.
bllatlon; transport or Joy; (riemunpur
revint = repiminen.
kaus) outburst or Joy; (Ihastus) rapture;

(tnnostus) enthusiasm, nemaetuttaa make help), vrt. edell.; ~ jonkun kimppuun has
ten to attack a p.; aiha ~ time files, (luls. . Jump for Joy, make . . exultant (1. Jubi
lant); (lhastuttaa) enrapture; hnt He- taa) time glides on, time is slipping away,
mast ut ti ajota* . . (mys : ) he rejoiced at time goes apace; minan on riennettu kothe thought ... he was carried away (I. tiin I must (I. I have to) hurry home.
was transported) with Joy at the thought riepottaa (laahata) drag . . along [by the
Of . .; vrt. ilahduttaa.
hair, tukasta] ; lug; (repl) tear, pull [one
nemu Joy, delight; rejoicing; (llonplto) at, Jotakuta jostakln]. rlepottaminen drag
merriment, mirth; (rlemastus) exultation, ging (along) Jne., ks. edell.
jubilation; (lhastus) rapture; ilo fa ~ Joy riepu I. (s.) rag, cloth; ritvut rags, duds,
and merriment, mirth and rejoicing, high (lapsen) diapers, (etup. Engl.) clouts; vrt.
glee: rajaton ~ boundless joy, rapture, peu~. II. (a.) (raukka) poor; (kurja) mis
transport of Joy, ecstacy; vrt. voiton. erable, wretched; henhi ~ [one's] wretched
-huuto cry (1. shout) or Joy.
; tyttS ~ poor girl!
riemullla exult: be jubilant: vrt. riemuita. rieska I. (a.) (happamaton) unleavened
riemuilu exultation, jubilation; mirth, rle- [bread, lelpaj; (tuore) rresh; sweet [milk,
muinen, riemuisa joyful, joyous; merry; malto]. II. (s.) (fresh) food; (raam.) milk;
(rlemultseva) rejoicing-, riemuleostl Joy- nun ~ (benklnen ravlnto) spiritual food,
-lei pi unleavened bread, -maito sweet milk.
rully, Joyously; merrily.
rlemuiU(ilolta) rejoice [at, In]; exult [over, rielas (eppuhdas) unclean [spirit, henkl],
at]; i v. non johdosta) triumph: nek- Impure; (rlvo) indecent, file [Imagination,
ktti shout with joy. cheer, jubilate; rf- mlellkuvltus] ; dirty, smutty; (saastalnen)
mui'ten rejoicingly, joyrully, filled with filthy, foul; (epaslveellinen) profligate,
joy, exultlngly, triumphantly, rlemultae- dissolute [lire, elma], licentious; (hlmokas) lustful; (pahantapalnen) vicious [com
mlnen Jubilation, exultation; (rlemu) re
joicing, riemuitseva rejoicing; exultant, pany, seura], depraved; wicked; (hpellljubilant; (volton Johdosta) triumphant: nen) shameful; ~ kat*e lustful expres
sion; ~ mie(rletasputielnen) foul-mouthed
riemuitieva hat se hymy
(myoS:) a look
fellow, (rietasta elftma vletlva) libertine,
(a smile] or triumph.
nemujuhla feast of rejoicing; celebration: rake; ~ nainen overbold woman. lewd
(50-vuotls- y. m.) Jubilee: (satavuotls-) woman, wanton (woman) ; ~ pake foul (1.
Indecent 1. vile) language; riettaat ajatukcentenary, -plivi day of jubilee.
riemujuhlija one who takes part in a Teast *et Impure (I. roul) thoughts; riettaat jutut
or rejoicing; person celebrating a jubilee; dirty (I. smutty 1. filthy) stories; riettaat
paheet shameful (I. depraved) vices; ritt(palvan sankarl) hero or the day.
riemuKa* joyful; (riemultseva) exultant taat titmat instru eyes, riettauti unclean
[look, katse], jubilant; (voltonriemulnen) ly; indecently, vilely; dissolutely, licen
tiously; lustfully; viciously, riettaut im
riemu kulhue (joyous) procession; (volton purity; Indecency, vlleness; fllth(lness),
foulness; licentiousness; liistfulness: de
johdosta tolmeenpantu) triumphal proces
sion, triumph, -laulu song (I. carol) of pravity ; vlclousness, wickedness ; vrt. rleta.
Joy; song of rejoicing, -maieteri person rihkama 1. = rihkamatavara ; S. (sekalalnen
for whom the alma mater Is celebrating plkkutavara; korut) trinkets, (arvoton)
the nrtleth anniversary or his having re
trash, -kauppa dealing In small wares;
mys rihkamapuotl. -kauppia* dealer
ceived his degree or Master or Arts.
riemunllkyynel tear of joy. -osotus ex
In small wares (1. in notions), haberdasher:
pression (I. demonstration) or joy. -tunne (kuljekslva) ped(d)ler, hawker, -puotl
store Tor notions, (Yhdysv.) 5 and 10 cent
reeling of joy. Joyful reeling.
portti triumphal arch, -pilvi (rie- store; (Engl.) general draper's, haber
dasher's shop, -aaksa (kuljekslva) ped(d)Ier
mun-) day or rejoicing, -saatto tri
or notions, (pack-)ped(d)Ier; (Engl. ) hawk umphal procession; triumph, -tohtorl per
ster; vrt. rihkamakauppias. -tavara small
son for whom the alma mater Is celebrat
ing the nrtieth anniversary of his having wares, notions, haberdashery; (Engl.) drap
received his doctor's degree, -vuoal year ery wares, haberdasher's goods.
rihla 1. (uurros) ririe, (spiral) groove: 3.
of jubilee, Jubilee.
rtena (pllkka) blasphemy; (saasta) impur
(-pyssy) muzzle-loading ririe: rihlat riries,
ity, filil, rienaaja ks. pahabenki.
(rlhlaus) rifling, rihlaamaton smoothbore(d) [gun, pyssy], .. without rifling,
nonnella = rient.
riennftttaminen hastening Jne., ks. seur. ungrooved. nhlaammen rlHIng, grooving.
riennattai hasten [a message to, sana Jol- rihlapyiay rifle.
lekulle]; hurry up (I. on): (kildftttiia) rihlata rifle, groove, rlhlattu riried [gun,
hurry, speed [the news, uutlnen].
pyssy]. rlhlaua ririing.
riento: aihammf riennot (pyrklmykset, har- rihma (lanka-) thread; (nyrl) string, cord;
rastukset) the strlvlng(s) or our tlme(s), (kengn-)lace; (hynteislll) palpus, palp,
-aine (veren) fibrln(e).
the endeavor (1. alms 1. aspirations 1. tend
encies 1. movements) or our times; naori- rihmakerX ball of thread (I. of string 1. of
ton riennot (myos:) the ambitions or the cord); vrt. lankakera. rihmamainen thread
young people, -atkel: eaiity rientoatkelin like; fibrous, stringy.
be making (great) strides, -marsii (sot.) rlhmarulla (lanka-) spool (of thread); (kSaforced march; r*ntomar**i**a by forced ini) bobbin, -uhda* spool (manu) factory.
rihveli (klvlkyn) slate-pencil, -taulu slate.
marches. In double-quick time.
rientaminen hurrying Jne., ks. seur.
Riianlahtl Guir or Riga, riianpaltaml Car
rlentai hurry [to meet a p., tapaamaan jo- pathian (1. Riga) balsam.
takuta] ; hasten [to one's destruction, pe- riidanllaih* 1. -aine cause of quarrel, bone
rikatoaan kohtl]; make haste; (ktltat) contention, apple or discord; seed or
dissension, -alainen . . subject to dispute,
speed; fly; ritnsin Mita teilt t anomaan l
hastened to tell (It to) you (1. to Inrorm disputed, contested, . . In dispute. . . at is
you about it); ~ Jollekulle avabsi hurry sue; (Josta voldaan kllstella) disputable,
to a p. 's rescue, hasten to a p. 's assist
contestable: debatable: vrt. kiiitaniUlnen.
ance, riy to a p. 's aid, vrt. seur.: - htn -alaisuus dlsputableness. -halu quarrel
(apuun) basten (1. fly) to assist (1. to someness; disposition to (pick a) quarrel;


(krjlrnls) rondness for lawsults; (tais
wlth one. riipoturr.inen dragging (along)
telu-) pugnacity. -haluinen (torahalutnen) Jne., k s. edell.
quarrelsome; contentlous, . . likin? to dis- riippa (kivi-) ancbor. -kivi stone used as
pute, . . fond of contradlctlng, (Jkpv.) canan anchor. -koivu = riippukeivu. -luoti
tankerous, . . \vho goes about wl th a chlp soundlng-lead.
on his shoulder; (tlsteluhalulnen) pugna- riippi netted bag.
clous; (krjlmis-v . . fond of lavvsults. riippua hang [rrom tbe ceillng, katosta; on
-haluisuus = riidanhalu. -kauna seed of a cord, nuorassa; In a sling, siteess], be
dlssenslon. -kihmi tirr, (petty) quarrel, suspended [rrom]; (lerpata) droop, hang
blckerlng; olla riidankhmtt have a pet
down, riap, lop-, (roikkua) dangle; (kuv.)
ty quarrel (1. a tirr) [wlth. Jonkun kans
depend; ~ jostakin (kuv.) depend on, (hen
sa], btcker. -rakentaja quarrelsome per
kilist puhuen:) be dependent on, (Joh
son, one Wiio plcks quarrels, mlschlef- tua) be due to, (perustua Johonkin) rest
maker. -ratkaisija arbltrator, referee; (pe
on; ~ mukana hang on; riippuen siit, on
liss tai kilpailussa) umplre, Judge of a nistuuko hn saamaan . . depending (up)on
contest; (valittaja) medlator.
whether he succeeds In getttng . . ; ei, mi
kli minusta riippuu not it I can help it;
riidaton undisputed, uncontested.
riidell quarrel [about. Jostakin; wlth a p., hnen vyltn riippui sapeli a sabre bung
hlS belt; se ei siit suuresti riipu It does
Jonkun kanssa] ; (kiistell) dlspute [about] ;
not depend much on th at; siit riippumatta
(kinastella) blcker, altercate, wrangle; (oi
lrrespectlve (1. regardless I.
keuslaitoksissa) carry on lavvsults, go to
In splte) Of that; tehd jokin jostakin riip
law, lltlgate; (nahistella) tussle [Tor, Jos
. . dependent upon; toisistaan
takin], vvrangle and Jangle [about].
riippumatta Independent(ly) or each other.
riiheni! parret poles on vvblcb sbeaves or riippu
king-post truss. -koivu
graln are packed In the process or drylng.
drooping (1. weeplng) blrch.
-puinti threshlng (In a barn).
(itseninen) Independent; (ta
riihi outbuildlng [of a rarm in Finland] riippumaton
vvhere graln Is artiriclally dried and loudellisesti)(kelnuverkko)
threshed by hand, drylng barn; kuivata riippumatto
lndependence; seK-supvilja rahitta (mys:) dry the graln arti
port. riippuminen hanglng Jne., ks. riip
riclally. -kuiva artiriclally drled [graln, pua;
(kuv.) dependence [on].
vilja], -mies thresher, man vvorklng In a riippullokaainen
. . wlth hanglng (1. droop
drylng barn. -rakennus ks. riihi.
branches; riippuoksainen koivu ks.
riihitt dry and thresh In a drying barn. riippukoivu.
suspension rallvvay.
Riika 1. (naisen nimi) Frederica; 2. (kau
-ilta suspension bridge.
punki) Rlga.
rilkapalsaml Carpathlan (1. Riga) balsam. kuva) dangling; joitakin drooping;
(kuv.) depend
riiklnl kana peahen. -kukko peacock; (koi
ras tai naaras) pearovvl.
vainen (Jostakusta) dependent [on].
riikinkukon! hyhen I. -eulka peacock feathriippuvaisuus dependence; ketkeninen
er. -poika(nen) peacblck.
(1. reclprocal) dependence; lnterriimi (run. loppusointu) rhyme, rlme. mutual
dependence. -suhde position or depend
-loppuinen . . vvlth an end-rhyme.
dependent position; (keskeninen)
riimisuolau (panna rllmlsuolaan) sprlnkle ence,
correlatlon- olla riippuvaituussuhteessa jo
over vvlth sait.
honkuhun be dependent upon.
riimu I. (pitset) halter.
hanglng (down); suspension; (lerpriimu II. (-kirjain) rune.
drooping; vrt. riippuminen,
riimu- (yhd.) runlc, rune- [esim. -kivi runlc
ipus: olla riipuksissa (be) hang(ing), (lerstone, rune-stone; -sauva runlc stair, rune- pallaan)
droop, hang down, riap, (esim.
starrj. -kirjaimisto runlc alphabet, Tuthorc. hartioista:)
slouch: kieli riipuksissa (koi
-kirjain runlc character, rune. -kirjotus ralla:)
lolling tongue, wlth his tongue
runlc vvrltlng (1. characters); (hautakives
lolllng; p riipuksissa vvlth drooping head,
s y. m.) runlc Inscrlptlon.
vvlth one's head drooped. -koru pendant.
riimunvarai halter-strap; hltchlng-strap.
riiputtaa dangle; kissaa jalasta carry the
riipaiseminen scratchlng Jne., ks. seur.
riipaista (naarmuttaa) scratch; (esim. pys- cat (hanglng down) by the root.
synluotl) graze; (raapaista) grate, (Johon riisi I. (viljalaji) rlce.
kin karkeaan) rasp; (piirt) cut; (repis riisi II. (20 kirjaa) ream [or paper, paperia].
t) tear; (kiskaista) puli [at. Jostakin], riisi III. (-tauti) rlekets; (lftk.) rachitls.
Jerk, yank; auki rlp (1. tear) .. open, riisi [Jauhot rice-Hour. -(ryyni)puuro bolled
(viilt) slash . . (opcn), (tempaista) Jerk rlce. -ryynit 1. -suurimat rlce; (joskus:)
(1. yank) . . open; kori riipaisi minua kteen gralns or rlce.
the basket scratched agalnst my hand. Hi riisi "tauti riisi, III. -Uutinen .. arrected
with rlekets, rlckety.
paisu scratch; graze; cut; mys = riipai
riisitUin by the ream, In reams.
riipallaan: oleva hanglng, drooping, pen- riiisillvalnio rice-Tleld. -vanukaa rlce puddent; olla ~ hang, be suspended, (lerpal- ding. -velli gruel or rlce. -vesi rlce-water.
laan) droop, hang down, (esim. koiran kor
= riisi, I.
vista:) riap, lop, (roikkua) dangle. riipal riiasi
(metsn-) game. -maa preserve(s);
leen: jd riipalleen be drooping, be (leTt) riista
[pyynti hunting (or) game. -vartija
riipiminen strlpplng (orr); mys silpimi
gamekceper; (Joka valvoo, ett metsstys
nen, rilpimtn . . not strlpped.
lakeja noudatetaan) game-warden.
riipii strlp (. . orr); mys = silpi; ~ leh
det puutta strlp the tree (or its leaves); riisto (tyvenluokan y. m.) exploltatlon ;
(ryst) plunderlng.
~ lehti puusta strlp leaves orr a tree;
riistj one who wrenched (1. wrested jne.,
~ pellavia rlpple Hax.
riipoa (tempoa) Jerk, yank, twltcb; (kiskoa) ks. riist); (tylisten y. m.) explotter.
f>ull, tear. riipominen Jerklng Jne., ks. edell. -luokka exploltlng class, class or explolters.
ipottaa (laahata) drag (along), lug, trall; -puolue party or capitalisi explolters.
~ perttn drag (1. lug) about (1. along) riistminen wrencbing jne., ks. riist;


vat (keikenaan) they got to quarreling
(with one another), they fell out (with
each other), rlitaantuminen falling out,
quarreling; (epasopu) disagreement; (haJaannus) division (in the camp), split.
riita-asia 1. = riltakysymys; 2. = riitajuttu.
riitainen embroiled; (jakaantunut) divided;
(riitellfts) quarrelsome; (suhtelsta y. m.)
strained: riitaitet aviopaolisot a quarrel
some couple; riitaiset suhteet strained re
lations; htilla on riitaiset vlit they are out
(with one another), they are at variance;
he ovat aina olteet riitaisissa vleiss they
have always been at variance, they (have)
never got(ten) along (with each other),
their relations have always been strained,
riitaisa (toralnen) quarrelsome, conten
tious; (jkpv.) ugly, cantankerous; vrt.
edell. riitaisuus ((), disagree
ment, (lleva) misunderstanding; (kllsta)
controversy, dispute; he ovat sopinttt riitaisuutenta they have settled their differ
ences (I. their dispute 1. their controversy) ;
puolueessa on riitaisuutta (}. riitaieuuksia )
there Is strife within (l. division In) the
rflUljuttu controversy; (olkeusjuttu) law
suit, suit; heill oli riitajuttu sill it asiasta
(myos:)they were at law (1. were In court)
about that, -kappale ks. seur. -kapula
(-kappale) bone of contention, apple of
discord; (rlldanalhe) seed of dissension;
(Jkpv.) cause Of trouble; vwkata riitahapula ohonhin throw an apple of discord
among, -kirjotu* polemical pamphlet, con
troversial treatise; (lehdess) controversial
article, -kohu point of dispute (1. of con
troversy), point at Issue, -kumppani fellow
(that) one has had his Ins and out with(kilpallija) rival; (vastustaja) adversary,
antagonist, -kysymys matter (Lease) In (1.
under) dispute, (point at) Issue; mooted (1.
debatable) question, question at Issue,
-pukari quarrelsome person, wranglerone who likes to pick a quarrel; (eslm
puolueen) promoter of strife (1. of dissen
sion); (krajapukarl) one who likes to go
to law, (everlasting) litigant, -puoll liti
gant; (asianosalnen) party, -raha: panno
riitaraha kahtia Split the difference. -8akKI
(nalsista:) termagant, scold.


mys seur. rlliUntl (tyvenluokan)

rsUyty wrench D.S.; pull (1. tear) o.e.
[out of a p.'s arms, jnnknn sylellysta ! ;
break loose (1. away); irtl (hevoststa y.
) break loose;
ks istheir
t n
(1. tore)
hands, broke loose (I. away) from them.
riist (lemmata) wrencb (1. wrest) [. . from
one, joltakulta jo(ta)kln], snatch; (raastaa) tear (mys kuv.), tear away [,
Joltakulta], pull away [from]; (ryst)
rob, (de)spoil; exploit [the working class,
tyvenluokkaa] ; (ottaa pols) take away
(forcibly) [from, Joltakulta], (omalsuudesta:) dispossess [one of, Joltakulta jotakln] ; (kuv.) deprive [one of all hope, Jol
takulta kalkkl tolvo], (eslm. kuolernan
kautta) bereave; ~ ajatuhsistaan drive . .
from one's thoughts, tear . . out or one's
heart; ~ joltakulta harten oapanttnsa de
prive one of his liberty (1. freedom); ~
tubha pttn tear one's hair out; lapti
riitttttiin idiltan (kuoll) the child was
taken away from his mother, the mother
was bereft of her child; riist minulta
kaikcn it spoils all my Joy, It takes
away all my Joy In life, It robs me of my Joy.
riisua (vaatteet) undress; disrobe; (vet
pols) draw off, pull off; (ottaa pols) take
off [one's skates, lulstlmensa], remove;
(valjaista) unharness; (aukaisemalla solkl
v.i 1 1.) unbuckle. Unfasten; ~ alattomaksi
strip (. . to the skin), undress; ~ a/a
(mer.) unrig (1. dismantle) a vessel, lay
up a boat [for winter, talveksl]; ateet,
~ aseensa lay down One's arms; ~ asee I
/oltakulta disarm (1. unarm) a p.; ~ hantihkaama draw (1. pull) off one's gloves;
hevonrn (ualiaitta) unharness tbe horse,
take the horse out of the shafts; ~ kypri
pitn doff one's helmet; miekha
oyltn unbuckle One's SWOrd; ~ naamio
take off (1. remove) a mask; ~ purieet
(.) Strike Sail; ~ taappaat jalastaan
take (1. pull) off one's boots; ~ (vaattett)
yltn (\. paltn) undress, take off one's
clothes; vyonsa unbuckle (1. unfasten 1.
undo one's belt, riisuminen, rlliunta un
dressing, (saappatden y. m.) pulling (I.
taking) off; (hevosen) unharnessing; (mlekan, vyn y. m.) unbuckling, unfastening:;
(aluksen) unrigging, dismantling; ateitttn
riisuminen disarmament, rlliuttaa have . .
undressed (1. pulled off Jne., ks. rUnm);
riisiittaa hevanen have the horse unhar
nessed (1. put up), rlisuutua undress (o.e.),
take off one's clothes,
ruta quarrel; (kllsta) dispute, (vakava) con
troversy; dissension; (erlpuralsuus, epsopu) disagreement, discord, strife [be
tween two rivals, kahden kllpallljan vlllU] (kina) bicker, wrangle, squabble, al
tercation; (suku- y. m.) feud; (ottelu)
fight, contest; (rlstlrllta) conflict; differ
ence, contention; (sanomalehtl- y. m.) po
lemics; (olkeusjuttu) lawsuit; (lak.) civil
action; [Jonkln] omitta*oiktudt*ta dis
pute abOUt (the) Ownership [Of] ; haastaa
riltaa (try to) pick a quarrel [with a p.,
Jonkun kanssa], (Jkpv.) go about with a
Chip on one's Shoulder; outua riitaan ionbun hanssa kS. riitaantua; olla riidatta
k*shtnn be at odds (with one another),
not be on good terras with one another,
be at variance (sukurlidassa: at feud) with
one another; vrt. oikeus, r.ija y.m.
rlluantua fall out [with one, Jonkun kans
sa;, have a falling-out [with], get to quar
reling [with]; (have a) quarrel [with];
bave a disagreement [with] ; hu riitaantu,-

riiUutua = riitaantua.
riitaveli = riitakumppani.

rute (Jft-) very thin sheet (I. coat 1. crust)

of Ice [over (1. on)]; (huurre) hoarfrost;
mnna riitteeseen become covered with (a)
thin (sheet of) Ice, get a thin coat of Ice;
riittetis be covered with thin Ice, be
slightly frozen over.
rntelemmen ks. riitely. riitelija quarrelsome
person, quarrel-picker; quarreler, wran
gler; promoter of strife; (karajlen kftvijU)
everlasting litigant, riitely quarreling Jne.,
ks. rlideUK; (kurjlntl) litigation.
rllttelnen . . covered with a (very) thin sheet
(1. Coat) Ice; vrt. huurtelnen. rlittyi menna riitteesccn, ks. ritte.

riltUminen surflclng, . . being sufficient (1.

enough), piittamattemyye insufficiency,
Inadequacy, rttmttmitti Insufficient
ly, inadequately. riitUmitfin Insufficient,
Inadequate; . . not enough; (nlukka) scanty.
rlltUvyy sufficiency; adequacy, riiuava
sufficient; adequate; (tyyyttv) satis
factory; (ykslnom. predlkaatlntaytteena)
enough, (Jkpv.) plenty; riittSvSn *aari
large enough, adequate; riittot toditt**t
sufficient evidence, ample proof- on ri/fto Is enough, Is sufficient, suffices.
rlltuvlttl sufficiently; adequately; (kyllln) enough.


riitt be enough. be surriclent, do, surrice, rikka dust particle: (roska) blt or dlrt:
be adequate; riittmn asti enough, sur(etup. raam.) mote; rikat (lakaisemat)
ficlently [esim. Milt on jo puhuttu riitt
s\veepings, the dust, (roskat) garbage.
mn asti enough has been salil about It,
rnbblsh; ~ MllmMM a clnder (1. a blt or
that has been surNciently dlscussed]; ~
dlrt 1. a rorelgn particle) In the eye, (Jkpv.)
hyvin be more than surriclent, be plonty;
somethlng In [my, etc] eye; ci panna rik
riittk tm Minulle (tuletko autetuksi)
kaa ristiin not lirt a ringer (1. not stlr
wlll thls do ( enough) ror you? will ttiis
hand or root) [to rurther a cause. Jonkin
serve your purpose? ~ ptevyydeksi be
asian edistmiseksi].
surriclent to qualiry (1. ror qualiricatlon) : rikka lapio dust-pan. -lj 1. -kaaa rubbishik mm olut riittnyt wouldn't that have
heap, heap or rubbish; heitt rikkaljn
done? hadn't that been surriclent (1.
tbrow . . on the rubbish-heap.
enOUgh) ? ei viel riit mm, ett talo raken rikkaruoho (noxious) weed(s); rikkaruohoa
netaan It ls not enough that the house be
kasvava weedy; rikkaruoho! je)n vallasta
built, puttlng up the house wlll not do
oleva overgro\vn wlth (1. Tuli or) weeds;
alone; jo thafs enough (1. surriclent),
kitke rikkaruohot t) puutarhasta, parata
that wlll (have to) do, let that surrice,
puutarha rikkaruoho (Dsta vveed a [the]
(Jkpv.) thafs a plenty; mikli tilaa - (leh
garden; pelto kaMVaa rikkaruohoa the fleld
dess y. m.) as Tar as the space wlll admlt;
ls growlng up to weeds (1. Is gettlng
~ tMhemn tunnottomaksi (on kylliksi)
VVeedy); pelto on rikkaruohossa Cl. rikka
it ls surriclent [anaesthetlc] to make the
vallassa) the Neld ls overgrown
patlent unconscious: siihen minun voimani
with (1. rull or) weeds. rikkaruohoinen
eivt riit it goes beyond my powers (l.
strength), my strength is not equal to that:
tm odottamaan, ett . . thlS rully rikkaruohon J kasvu growth or weeds. -sie
shows that . . , thls is good proor that . .". men: rikkaruohonsiemeni seed(S)or weeds.
nivaajainen evil spirlt. riivata (kuv.) pos- rikka tunkio = rikkalj. -tynnyri garbage
barrel; garbage can.
sess; mik Minua riivaa what has possessed
you? what's the matter \vlth you (. are rikkauden- (yhd.) . . or wealth [esim. -lhde
source or wealtb].
you possessed)? paholaisen Cl. pirun) rii
vaama possessed by (1. oO a devil. riivattu rikkaus richness; (konkr.) wealth, rlches;
(kuv.) possessed (by the dcvll): Min rii
(runsaus) plenty, abundance, arriuence:
vatun nallikka you lmp or Satan ! you llmb
mielikuvitukMMn ~ wealth (1. rertlllty) or
(or the devll)! rlivautuabecome possessed;
become rrenzled: hn rilvautut tekemn rikkein - rikkininen.
he became so rrenzled as to do.
rikki I. (hajalla) broken, asunder, In sunder,
riivi (n) lauta (pellavan) ripple.
(palasina) In pieces, (kulunut) worn
riivinrauta (raastin) grater.
through, worn out: (hajalle) broken,
riivlntl stripping orr; (pellavan) rippiin*.
asunder [esim. jyrsi ~ gnaw asunder],
riivi (roisto) sooundrel, knave, vlllaln;
(palasiksi) to pieces, (pirstaksi) to shlvers:
(vinti) rascal, soamp: riiviss oleva (rii
en Maa tt rahaa ~ I can't get any change
vattu) possessed (by a devll), rrenzled,
for thls: hakata cut to pieces, break,
mad; pojan ~ rascal or a boy, rasrallv
(Jkpv.) hack to pieces; kuluttaa kenkns
boy, scamp.
~ wcar one's shoes out (1. through); olla
Rikard Richard; ~ Leijonamieli Richard
~ be broken, (palasina) be ali in pieces,
CcRur de Lion, Richard the Llon-hearted.
be smashed, (kulunut) be worn out (1.
rikaa rich rman, mies; ore, malmi]; (vara
through), be Trayed, be torn; vatsani en ~
kas) vvcalthy; opulcnt; (runsas) abundant,
my bowels are loose, I have the dlarrhea.
plentirul, coplous; jostakin rlch In ..; rikki II. (kem.) suirur, sulphur; (tulikivi)
mielikuvituM rlch (1. Terille) lmaglnatlon;
rikkaat the rlch; niin rikkaat kuin kyht rikki- (yhd.) suirur [esim. -kylpy suirur
kin rich and poor alike, the rlch as well as bath; -lhde suirur spring; -ryhm (kem.)
the poor.
suirur group]; .. or suirur [esim. -malto
rikasllaatteinen . . rich in Ideas. -aatteisuus: milk or suirur; -yhdistys compound or sui
kirjan rikasaatteisuue the richness of the rur]. -hapoke (kem.) suirurous acld. -happo
book in ideas. -Ihoinen . . rlch In motirs.
SUlfuriC acld: rikkihapon suola SUlTate.
-ainainen . . rich in subject-matter. -lah
-happoinen: rikkihappoinen suola suirate.
jainen., richly endovved by nature, (hlghly)
-hiili (kem.) carbon dlsuirid(e). -hrme
talented, (highly) girted. -slsltdinen
subllmed suirur; (-kukka) riowers or sui
rlch In meanlng, . . mi] or Information (I.
rur. -Jauhe riowers or suirur.
meaning); (merkityksellinen) slgniricant. rikkiHJrslnU gnawlng asunder. -koitumi
rikastua get rich; become (a) rlch (man)nen boiilng to pieces; (pehmeksi massak
make money, rikastuminen gettlng rlchsi) reducing to pulp.
making money; acqutsltlon or wealth; rikklllklisu (miner.) Iron pyrites. -kukka
rikastumisen taito the art or gettlng rich,
(tuli-) riovvers or suirur.
how to get rlch, (jkpv.) the knack or mak rikkimennyt broken, . . gone to pieces:
ing money, rikastuttaa enrich(mys kuv.),
vrt. rikkininen, -muserru crushmake .. rich (1. \vealthy); (kuv.) add to
lng; smashlng, shatterlng; breaklng up,
[science, tiedett], rikastuttaminen enpoundlng
rlchlng; making . . rlch(er).
rikkininen broken<torn; (rftsvlnen) ragged,
rikasvalheinen evenUul.
tattered; vrt. rikki, I. rikkinisyys broken
rikin- (yhd.) suirur- [esim. -hyry suirur(1. torn) conditlon; (esim. sukkien) ragged
vapor(l.-rumes); -vrinen suirur-colored],
(1. worn-out) conditlon; raggedness.
. . or suirur [esim. -haju smcll or suirur] . rlkkipuikko stlck or suirur, suirur stlck.
-keltainen suirur-colored. -pitoinen . . con- rikkipureminen bitlng Into pieces.
talning suirur; suiruret(t)ed. -savu sulrur- rikkirauta (kem.) suirid or Iron.
rumes. -sekainen . . mixed wlth suirur, rikklrevitty torn asunder (1. to pieces), torn
up, torn to shreds, tattered.
rikittiminen suirurlng; suiruration. rikitt rikkilltehdas suirur-vvorks. -tikku suirursuirur; suiruratu, sulluret. rikitya niatch; (vanh., Jkpv.) brimstone raatch.
-vesi (rikkllhteen) suirur-waters. -vety


(kem.) hydrogen suirid, sulruret(t)ed hy

rikkhiviisaasti overwisely; smart(ly). -vii
su would-be (1. atrectedly) wise; over\\ise; (over-)smart; rihkiviisas ihminen
\vlseacre, (Jkpv.) smarty, smart Aleck.
-viisaus over\viseness, would-be (1. arfected) wlsdom; smartness.
rikkoa (srke) break (mys kuv.), crack;
(murskata; break. . to pieces, smasb, shatter; (kus = loukata) vlolate [a treaty,
sopimus], (tehd vrin) orrend (1. commit
an offense) [against], (poiketa Jostakin)
transgress [(the rules of) proprlety, so
pivaisuuden sntj], trespass [against],
(olla tottelematta) dlsobey [the rirtii commandtnent, viidett ksky (vastaan)];
(hirit) dlsturb, lnterrupt, break in upon
[the sllence, hiljaisuus], (purkaa) rend
[the ties or rriendshlp, ystvyyden siteet] ;
enntys break (1. beat) the record; ~
hyvt vlit sever (1. cause a breaking-orr
or) the good relatlons, dlsturb the good
terms; ~ kotirauha dlsturb the peace (of
a ramiiy); lakia (vastaan) transgress
(1. vlolate 1. break 1. dlsobey) a law, be
gullty or (1. commit) a breach against the
law; ~ lupauksensa break one's promise
(1. one'S pledge); ~ puolueen eheys dls
turb (kokonaan: destroy) the lntegrlty of
the party; ~ rahaa change money [huom.
voit ho minulle dollarin can you change
(1. break) a dollar for me? can you glve
me (1. bave you) change Tor a dollar?];
rauha break (1. dlsturb) the peace; ~
Manansa break one'S \vonl; ~ siivouden
vaatimuksia (olla noudattamatta) trans
gress the demands or proprlety, commit
(1. be gullty or) a breach against good
form, (trkesti) sbock (1. outrage) ali
decency; ~ valansa vlolate (1. break)
one's oatb; .. vastaan (etup. Jotakuta)
orrend (1. commit an orrense) against,
do an injury to, wrong, sln against, (Jota
kin) vlolate, transgress, dlsobey; ~ vatsa
cause dlarrhea, (pehment) loosen the
bowelS; vlins jonkun kanssa break oft
rriendshlp witb, (puolueen y. m.) break
one's relatlons xv itu, sever one's connectlons wlth; hevonen rikkoo (ravatessaan)
the horse breaks; sopimus on rikottu the
agreement is (1. has been) broken.
rikkoja: jonkin one who breaks [broke,
has broken, etc] ... (kuv., mys:) vlolator of, transgressor of, trespasser (1. orrender) against, vrt. rikkoa; (yhd.) dlsturber or . . , . .-breaker [esim. rauhan
dlsturber or the peace; sapatin~ Sabbathbreaker]. rikkomaton unbroken [seal, si
netti; oath, vala]; (kuv.) lnviolate; (jota
ei voida rikkoa) Invlolable; (pyh) sacred;
pit lupaus rikkomattomana keep a prom
ise lnviolate (1. sacred). rikkomattomuus
lnviolablllty; (pyhyys) sacredness. rikko
minen breaking Jne., ks. rikkoa; breach,
dlsobedlence [against] ; lupauksen rikko
minen breach of promise (1. or raith), railure to keep one's promise (1. one's word).
rikkomus breach, vlolation; transgresslon,
trespass; orfense; (lak.) mlsdeineanor;
(hairahdus) fault, mlstake; vrt. rikos.
rikkoutua get (1. be) broken, break, (pirs
taleiksi) be smashed, riy into (I. burst In)
pleces; (kuv.) be broken orr, be ruptured,
(hiriyty) be dlsturbud, be interrupted;
Vrt. srky; heidn hyvt Vlins rikkou
tuivat their friendly relatlons were broken
orf, they ceased to be on good terms, there
was a rupture betvveen them; vli rikkou
tui the relatlon [betvveen them] was broken


(ofr). rikkoutuminen breaking; (esim. v

lien) breach, rupture. rikkoutunut broken;
ruptured [rriendshlp, ystvyys] ; (hiriin
tynyt) disturbed [peace, rauha] ; inter
rikkuri (lakko-) strlke-breaker; (Jkpv.)
scab, (Engl.) blackleg.
rikokselli, nen, -sesti, -suus = rikollinen,
-sesti, -suus.
rikoksentekij crlmlnal; (raskaan) relon;
(vhisen) orrender; (rikollinen) culprlt;
(tuomittu) convlct. -Joukkue 1. -sakki
gang of crlmlnals.
rikoksenyritys attempt to commit a crime;
(lak.) crlmlnal attempt.
rikollinen I. (a.) crlmlnal [act, teko]; Telonious; (valtio-) treasonable; (syyllinen)
gullty. II. (s.) culprlt; crlmlnal. rikolli
sesti crlmlnally. rikollisuus criminallty;
(syyllisyys) gullt(lness).
rikos crlme; (sakoilla sovittamaton) relony;
(vhinen) mlsdemeanor; (rikkomus) or
rense; Vlolation; rikoksen tunnustaminen
acknovvledgment of a rault (1. or an or
rense), admisslon or (one's) gullt, conresslon (or a crlme), vrt. hengen, lain,
valtio y. m.
rikos- (yhd.) crlmlnal [esim. -juttu crlml
nal case (1. suit); -lainoppi crlmlnal Jurlsprudence; -tilasto crlmlnal statlstics].
rl kosii asia (-Juttu) crlmlnal case; rikosasiain
luettelo crlmlnal docket; rikosasiain tuo
mari Judge of the crlmlnal court, crlmlnal
court Judge. -asiallinen crlminal. -kump
pani = rikostoveri.
rikoslain: kytnt adminlstration of crlml
nal law. -sdnt crlmlnal legislation.
rikos! laki crlmlnal law; crlmlnal code.
-luontoinen . . or crlmlnal nature; . . crlm
lnal In nature. -oikeus (-laki) crlmlnal
law; (-tuomioistuin) crlmlnal court. -oppi
crlminology. -toveri accompltce, partner
In crime, accessory [to].
riksi rlx-dollar.
Riku Richard; (Jkpv.) Dick.
rillit spectacles; (eye-)glasses.
rima slab (or wood); (sle) lath. -naula
rimpi I. (kasv.) rush; (sarja-) riovverlng (1.
grassy) rusb.
rimpi 11. marsh growing rushes and sedges;
(hetelkk) quagmire. -suo ks. edell.
rim(p)su strlp; (puvussa y. m.) Turbelow.
rimpuilla tug and puli; (esim. hevosesta:)
fret, b& restlve; (kiemurrella) wrlggle;
(kuv.) dodge, shurrie, quibble, (Juonitel
la) be a bother, make a russ; tyydy nyt
siihen, lk suotta rimpuile now, be contrnt (wlth that) and don't make a russ (1.
don't be a bother). rimpuilu tugglng and
pulllng; vvrlggling; (kuv.) dodglng, qulbbltng; (touhu) russ; (vaiva) bother, trouble.
rimputella, rimputtaa strum, tbrum; (he
listell) tlnkle; pianoa strum (on) the
piano, rimputtelu, rimputus thrummlng,
strummlng; tlnkllng.
rinkeli, rinkil blscult twistcd In a rigure
eight (1. a Circle),
rinnakkain (rinnan) abreast, (esim. seisoa)
shoulder to shoulder; (vierekkin) side by
side, (esim. laivoista:) alongside (each
other); (lhekkin) close to each other;
niit ei voida panna (kuv.) they (annot
be placed on the same level (1. on a par),
(venata) they cannot be compared; vrt.
rinnan, rinnakkainen parallel; (vaihtoeh
toinen) alternalive; rinnakkainen kolmivaljakko team or three horses abreast.
rinnakkais- (yhd.) parallel [esim. -kohta
parallel passage; -kurssi parallel course;
-luokka parallel grade]. -ehdotus alter-

rinnak kaiiotasto
natlve proposition, -osasto (koulussa) Par
-kuva hair-length plcture; (veisto-; mys
allel course.
rahassa) bust; (rahassa:) head. -lappu ks.
rinnalla: jonkin [jonkun] (rinnakkain) rintatilkku. -lapai cbild at the breast, nursside by side with, abreast or (1. wlth), lng- chlld, nurs(e)lin(r, sucklmg. -lasi
(vieress) by, by [a p.'s] side, beside breast-pump. -lasta breast-bone; (anat.)
(mys kuv.), (esim. laivasta:) alongslde sternum. -liha (teuraselukan) brisket.
or, (lhell) close to, next to, (ohella) rintama (sot.) the front. -palvotut servlce
along witli, (tasalla) on a level (1. a par) at the front.
\vith. (verrattaessa) in comparlson wlth (1. rlntamua 1. (takin y. m.) breast; (paidan)
to), (as) compared \vlth; pysy{tell) jonkun bosom, front; S. rintasuoja.
~ (esim. kvelless) keep up with, keep rinta; neula breastpln; broocb; (kravatti-)
abreast or, keep step wlth, (kuv. mys:) scarr-pln. -noja ralling (to lean agalnst);
keep pace Wlth; suurien voittajan ~ 041 breast-rall; vrt. kaidepuu. -ontelo cavity
tappioitakin (ohessa) along wltb great or the chest; (anat.) thoracic cavity. -pe
vlctories there are defeats. rinnalle: a*tt- rillinen dlrect betr, heir or tbe body;
taa . . jonkin rinnalla place . . at the Side rintaperilliset (myS:) lawful iSSUB: kuol
of, (rinnan) place . . beside . . , (laiva y. la rintaperillisett die wlthout issuc. -pieli
m.) place . . alongside or, (vertaiseksi) put (pukineen) lapel. -pulveri cough powder.
(1. place) . . on a par (1. on a level) with, -puoli (etupuoli) rront (side), Tace; (tekn.)
breast. -rohdot cough medlclne. -ryhyt
(verrata) compare to (1. with) ; hn ai p
t Cl. ei tule) isns rinnalle (tasalle) he frlll, rucbe. -sokeri rock-candy. -suoja
does not come up to hls rather, (ei ved (llnnotuksen y. m.) breastwork, parapet.
vertoja islleen) he Is not equal (1. not a -syp cancer or the breast. -tasku breast
match) to hls rather, he cannot equal hls pocket. -tauti dlsease or the chest (1. or
the lungs); affection or tbe lungs; vrt.
rinnan = rinnakkain; jonkin [jonkun] keuhkotauti, -tautinen affected by a dls
ease or the lungs; (keuhkotautinen) conkanssa side by side with, abreast or, (jon
kin ohella) beside . . , (mukana) along sumptlve. -tilkku (lapsen) blb. -uinti
\vltli; kaksi tWO abreast; huikea (yht) brcast-stroke swlmmlng.
walk abreast, (esim. kaksi Junaa) run rintava broad-cbested, broad-breasted.
abreast, (yhdensuuntaisesti) run parallel. rinta varustus (sot.) parapet; breastwork.
rinnanl1 ahdistus sttrilng pain (in the breast), -ni chest-tone, deep tone. -nist cbestpaln in the chest; (lk.) angina pectoris; register.
(ahdashenklsyys) shortness or breath; ripa handle; (tekn. = vahvike) rlb; vrt. oven .
(hengen-) asthma. -alutta base or tbe ripale (muru) crumb, rragment; grain;
chest, (anat.) hypogastric region; (1. v.) (Hiukkanen) particle; (repale) shred; (pirs
rinnankorkeudetta tale) shlver.
breast-blgh. -korvennus heartburn. -kou ri patti: olla ripatilla have the dlarrbea, sutristus (lk.) cardlac asthma. -pakotus fer from dlarrbea; vrt. ripuli.
pain In the chest. -pistot stlnglng sensa ripe ks. rippeet.
tion in the chest. -ymprys bust-measure; rlpeyt qutckness, promptness; brlskness,
srnartness; alertncss, nimbleness. ripe
rinnastaa (asettaa rinnakkain) place . . qulck [at work, tyt tekemn], prompt
[declslon, pts] ; brisk, smart; (ketter)
abreast; (klel.) cordinate. rinnastaminen
alert, nlmble; ripet vauhtia at a smart
cordlnatlon. rinnastava cordinative. rin
(1. a swirt) pace; ripe vanhus a vlgorous
nastettu cordinate [clause, lause], rin
(1. a hale) Old man. ripesti qulckly, promptnastut cordlnatlon.
ly; brlskly; wlth brlskness (1. promptness);
rinnatusten rinnakkain.
rinne slope; descent, declivlty; (parras) nlmbly; matka kului ripesti tbe riistnee
brlnk; (Joen) bank; jyrkk ~ (Jyrknne) (1. the trlp) seemed short.
preclplce, steep; vrt. metsn, men y.m. ripille|laakeminen 1. -lasku rirst communlon,
rinnus 1. ks. paidan ; S. = rinnustin. -lieve conrirmatlon. ripillelaskutoimitua conflrlapel. -nappi stud. -paini wrestllng where matlon servlce.
the contestant takes hold or tbe oppo- rlpillil kymtn I.(a.)not conrirmed; ripilnenfs coat lapels
lkymtn kun oli (mys:) never baving
rinnuttin breast-strap.
been admltted to communlon [he . .]. II.
rinta chest; breast (mys kuv.); (anat.)
(s.) non-communlcant. -kynti taklng (1.
thorax; (tald.) bust; (povi) bosom; partaklng oO communlon. -kynyt 1. -kyp
(rintaosa, keltt.) brisket; (Jalan) lnstep, (rormally) admltted to communlon, conarch; (rinne) slope; rinnat (nist) breasts. firmed.
(anat.) mamma?; rinnalla, rinnalle, rinnan riplttj (rippi-is) confessor; (nuhdesaarkS. hakus.; rintaani ahdistaa I 1'ecl a welght naaja) morallzer; sermonlzer. ripittminen
(1. a pressure) on my chest; antaa lapselle confesslng; (nuhteleminen) moraliztng
rintaa ks. imett (lasta); heikko [vahva]
[(up)on]. ripittmtn unronressed. ripit
wcak [strong (1. good)] lungs; puolen
t (Joku) hear a p.'s confesslon, confess,
pivn rinnassa (edell) close to noon, near shrive; (kuv. = nuhdella) moralize [to a
liuon; rohkeutta rinnassa [rintaan] a brave p.. Jotakuta], (lksytt) read [a p.] a lesheart; takki ahdistaa rinnasta tbe coat is son (1. a homlly), lecture, rate, take [a p.]
too tight across the chest; vrt. metsn-, to task [for. Jostakin], call . . down, (Jkpv.)
men y.m.
glve . . a piece of one's mind, baul . . over
rinta- (yhd.) pectoral [esim. -ep (kalan) the coals. ripitys confession; (kuv.) calllng
pectoral rin; -lihas pectoral inuscle] ; tho
down, talklng to, (nuhdesaarna) lecture,
racic [esim. -nikama thoracic vertebra;
(ankara) rating; vrt. kotiripitys.
-tiehyt thoracic duct]. -haarniska breast- ripotella (sirotella) strew; sprinkle [sait
plate; culrass.
over . . (1. . . with sait), suolaa jollekin (1.
rintainen (yhd.) . .-chested, . .-brcasted Johonkin)]; - jauhetta jollekin (sprinkle
[esim. ahdas- narrow-chested; leve . . ttilli) powder; (mataa) ripottelee it IS
broad-chesteri, broad-breasted].
sprlnkllng, lt sprlnkles.
rintaa karamelli cough-drop. -katarri cold ripottaa (sirottaa) strew; sprinkle [sait over
on the lungs, bronchlal cough; chronlc (l. on) one's sandwlch, suolaa voileivlle] ;
bronchltis. -keh chest; (anat.) thorax. (kaataa) spill, drop; sokeria marjoihin


edustalla]; (luovia) tack, make tacks;
(klerrella) circle, wheel around; ~ pit kin
rannihkoa Skirt the coast; maassa risteilee
rautateit the country Is traversed (1.
crossed) by railroads, railroads are trav
ersing (1. are crossing) the country,
ristaily cruising; vrt. seur. -mat k a 1. -retki

sprinkle sugar over the berries, sprinkle

the berries with sugar; vrt. ripotella. rpottaminen strewing jne., ka. edell. ripottelu
strewing, sprinkling; (jauheen) powdering.
ripotut strewing, sprinkling; spilling, drop
ping, -kimalle tinsel.
rippMt (t&hteet) leavings; (noukkeet) pickIngs, scraps; (kankaan y. m.) odds and
ends; (murut) crumbs; vrt. jte.
rippl confession; (berranehtoollinen) com
munion; ripi**a In (1. under) confession;
vrt. sala-, -isa confessor; (katol. kirk.)
father confessor, -klrkko communion ser
vice; onha tnn rippihirhkaa IS It Communion Sunday to-day?
rippl koulu confirmation school, -lapsl youth
attending a confirmation school; candidate
for confirmation; vrt. rippilapsi. -opetus
Instruction given In a confirmation school.
nppi laps! first communicant, -leip com
munion bread; wafer; (katol. kirk.) host,
-luku preparation for (one's) first com
munion, -lupaus 1. -vala confirmation
pledge (1. oath), -puhe ks. seur. -saarna
(-puhe) communion sermon; (kuv.) lec
ture, (etenkln: valmon kotona mlehelleen
pitm) curtain-lecture, -ealaisuue con
fession; rippisalaisuutena In the COnfeSslon(al). -tuoll confession-chair, confes
sional, -vieras communicant, -vllnl com
munion wine, -vkl the communicants.
nppua ks. rilppux.
ripai I. (-kangas) rep.
ripai II. (rlpsu) fringe (of hair); ripset (vu
rekarvat) cilla, vrt. Imripset. -karva
(silman) lash, eyelash, (Jkpv.) winker; vrt.

ripsmen (yhd.) . . with . . fringes [eslm.

hiem>~ with fine fringes].
ripiu 1. (hulsku) feather-duster, whiskbroom; 2. (rips!) fringe, ripsuamir.en
whisking, ripauta whisk [the dust off . .
tomu(a) jostakin] ; (plytta) dust.
ripuli (Ulk.) diarrhea, dlarrhcea; (et.lapsllla kosan alkana, jkpv.) summer complaint.
ripusaa: viime ~ (tlngassa) at the last mo
ripuataa hang (up) [on a nail, naulaan; to
dry, kulvamaan ], put .. up; (ulos) hang
out [clotbes to dry, vaattelta kulvamaan] ;
(pujottaa, nuoraan y. m.) string; ~ johonkin (rllppumaan) suspend from; ~ haulaansa bang . . around (1. on) one's neck.
ripustammen hanging (up) jne., ks. edell.;
suspension, ripuatella be hanging (up I.
out); (pujottelemalla, lankaan y.m.) be
Stringing; vrt. ripuataa. ripustettu hung
up; batioon ripustettu hanging (1. sus
pended) from the Celling; teinatt* ripus
tettu hanging (1. hung up) on the wall,
ripimin hanger; (koukku) hook; (-tellne)
rack; vrt. vaateripuatln. rlpuatut hanging
up; hanging out; suspension.
rjpuUaa = ripottaa.
risa (rauhanen) gland; (kasvain) tumor;
rixat (rasyt) rags, tatters; vrt. nlelu~.
risahdella be rustling, rustle; (rltlst) be
cracking, be snapping, riaahdua rustle;
crack, snap, ritahua rustle; crack; (naksahtaa) snap.
rieainen (rUsylnen) ragged; tattered; (rlkklkulunut) . . worn Into holes, worn out,
frayed, torn, . . In holes, risaisuus raggedness, tattered (1. ragged) condition; hnen
pukunMa risaisuu* his ragged clothes.
riaaltauti <i,-i,tk.) scrofula. -Uutinen scrof
rlaiinieijy castor-oil, -kapall capsule of
risteileminen cruising Jne., ks. riateUla. ristalllji cruiser, rlatailll cruise [In the Bal
tic, Itamerella; off Helslngfors, Helslngln

risteys Crossing;


risleyksess at the

crossing, at the crossroads, vrt. tienhaara(ssa).

risteytUI cross, rlsteytya crossing; (ristlslitos) cross-breeding.
rlatl cross (mys kuv.); (mus.) sharp; (klrjap.) dagger; (kortelssa) clubs; (kuv. =
valva, haltta) trouble, burden. Inconven
ience, hamper, (klusa) bore; rittiin (rattun) ks. hakus.; ristiss ksin, kadft ristimta with one's hands crossed (1. folded),
with folded bands (1. arms) [liuom. letaa
rimtimia ksin (kuv.) sit Idle, not lift a fin
ger, not stir] ; /a/at ristiss with one's legs
crossed, with crossed legs; kantaa ristinta
kiirsivllisyydell bear (inn's CrOSS With
patience, bear one's cross patiently; o/a
jollehuUe ristin be a cross (1. a trouble I.
a burden to, trouble, bother [huom. * on
/ine/I ristin (myos:) he- has It on his
hands] ; MiellS ci ollut (yhtS) ratin tietua
not a living soul was there; vrt. haka~.
risti- (yhd.) cross- | eslm. -hettu cross -fox;
-tull cross-fire]; (kumml-) god- [eslm.
-isa godfather; -tytr goddaughter], -aallokko cross-waves, cross-swell, -asento:
olla rittiatenno**a be (1. lie) crosswise, be
crossed, -holvl cross- vaulting; groined
vault(lng). -huull harelip, -huulinen harelipped. -himthikki (ellnt.) crosa-splder,
ristlln crosswise; rattiin crisscross, (pitkin Ja polkin) lengthwise and crosswise,
(slnne tanne) here and there, hither and
thither (1. yon), (Joka suuntaan) In all di
rections, (slkln sokln) zigzag; kyd ~
Intercross (each other), (kuv., eslm. todlstukslsta:) contradict (1. be contradictory
to) each other, -naulinta 1. -naulitsemlnen
crucifixion, -naulita nail to the cross, cru
cify, -naulluija crucifier, -naulittu I. (a.)
crucified. II. (s.) the Crucified (One); rl*tiinnaulitun huoa crucifix, -pao crossing;
(ksivarsien y. m.) folding, -puhumlnen
contradicting O.S., self-contradiction; da joku kiinni ristiinpuhumiscsta CatCh 6
contradicting himself, catch . . at self-con
rlstillkaarl (rak.) ogive, groin-rib; crossspringer, -kansa Christendom, -kappale
(hoyrykoneessa) cross-head, -katu ks. polkkikatu. -kipkko cruciform church.
ristikko (rauta- y. m.) grating, grate; (sa
le-) lattice, trellis; (kehlkko) framework;
rittiholla varastet la grated [window. 1kkuna] ; ristibkojcn tahona behind the bars.
-ai ta lattlce(d) fence, -ikkuna (rautarlstlkolla suojattu) grated window; (rlstlkosta
tehty) lattice-window, trellis-window. -oi
lattice-door, trellis-door, -portti lattice
gate, trellis-gate; (vankllan y. m.) grated
gate, -rakenno 1. -rakennus (puu-) frame
work, frame; (rauta-) skeleton construction.
riatikklin crosswise; hyd ~ cross (1. go
across) each other.
riatillkukkainen: ristikukkaistt (kasv.) cruclfers, the mustard family, -kukkula
(anat.) promontory of sacrum, -kulma
(mat.) vertical angle, -kuulustelija crossexaminer,
-kuulustella cross-examine
[a witness, todlstajaa] ; cross-question,
-kuulustelu cross-examination, -klytivi
crossing (of passages), (two) Intersecting
passages; (klrkoss* y. m.) cross-aisle.

risti lapal

riavraon . . llttered vrith Tallen branches, . .
full or dead branches (I. broken twtgs).
riaulkaaa brush pile. -kimppu rag(g)ol;
bandle of brushvrood.
risukko thlcket, place full or underbrush;
brushvrood; (risukasa) brush plle. -mau
brush; (Entrl.) copse.
risu ' maja hut made or poles and brush.
-okaa dead branch (1. tulg).
rita (sadln) trap.
riurl knight; (bist., mys:) chevaller. -aika
(hlst.) age (1. days) of chlvalry, chivalrous
age. -arvo knlg-hthood. -huone hali of the
kntghts. -kannus (knlfrhfs) spur; aitaa
fl. voittaa) ritarikannuhtmnta gsin One'S
spurs. -kunnia: ritarikunmani kootta on
my honor as a knight. -kunta order of
knlghtbood (1. of knigbts). -laitos cblvalry.
-linna knlghfs castle.
riurillinen chivalrous, knightly, courtly;
(kuv.) gallant, (kohtelias) courteous, po11 te, gentlemanly [conduct, kaytosi. ritarilllsestl llke (1. benttlng) a knlght; gallantly. ritarillisuus chlvalry; gallantry.
ritari I lynti dubbing; accolade. -merkki
badge; ritarimerkit decoratlons or honor.
-romaani roinance or the days or chlvalry.
-runo poem or (the days of) chlvalry.
ritarlsto order of knlghthood; vrt. ritaristy; ~ ja aateli (1. V.) the nobllity, the
estate of nobles.
ritari II saaty (order oD knlghthood; (muin.
roomal.) equestrlan order. -varustus
knlghfs arnitir.
ritlni, ritiseminen (esim. Jin) cracklng,
snapplng. rltist (Jst:) crack, snap.
ritvakolvu weeptng blrch.
riudunta = riutuminen.
riuduttaa consume; \vear atvay, \vaste, devour; (laihduttaa) emaciate; (kuv.) prey
Upon, teli on; urun riuduttama \vastt'il
(1. worn) Witb grler; tauti hanan voi
miaan the dlsease is consumlng (1. Is telllng on) hls strength. riuduttaminen con
sumlng Jne., ks. edell. riuduttava consuunng [longlng, kaipuu] ; devourlng.
rluhdonta Jerking Jne., ks. riuhtoa.
riuhtaista Jerk, (Jkpv.) yank; twltch; (tem
mata) snatch (I. wrench) [a child out of
hls mother's arms, lapsi itins sylist] ;
(vetist) puli; (repist) tear; itmanm
Irti ks. seur.
riuhtautua wrench (1. tear) o.s. (avvay) ; rilng
o.s. [out or a p.'s arms. Jonkun syleilyst l ;
tnyklst itsens) Jerk (1. yank) o.s., (esim.
hevosesta:) break loose [from]; Ml
(mys:) Jerk (1. yank) loose [rrom], (va
paaksi) wrench o.s. free [rrom].
riuhtoa (tempoa) be Jerking, Jerk, (Jkpv.)
be yanklng, yank: (kiskoa) puli (1. be pullIng) [at. Jostakin'', tug and puli; be tearing; ifanaS irtil loosen o.s. [rrom], (he
vosesta:) tear (ltselO loose, loosen lts halter. vrt. riuktaista.
riuku (long) pole [esim. naanafi boppole] : rod.
riuska boldly actlve, tmpetuous; vtgorous;
(nopsat alert: - hte unpeluous dispo
sition: vrt. raatariuua ikoralli- j. m.) reef: (srkk) bar;
bank. vrt. Mikki-, kojfia- y. m. riuttainan
rull of reers (L of bars). Huuakoraili reercvvral.
riutua vkuthtu*> pine (away), be pining, go
mto a iJecUn*. lanruish, (kulua) waste
i *> > . tv >.rn. w*ar away. b* consumed ;
iN-tkrtt> groar fautt tL atak); imenebtji raint th hunrrr. oalkaan]-. (uupua)
b*vcv>me^ *.i8us*t4: vlaifctuii be(come)
emaoiatMtLvastcat vuay). rall away: (la
kastua) vi*l vttsjanfas;), droop; ihupua)
fad*: - ii an ka peaoat tta a tM ora


eblld to b baptlzed n. chrlstened).

-fif (aoat.) Menun; rittiluittan kaJUa
mall of the back.
ristiminen haptlzlns;, cbrlstenlng.
riotimtlnan rUtiamustoiaam.
rlrtlminiml Christian (1. baptlsmal) naine;
<Jkpv.) given name, flrst name. ristimtn
iinrhrlstened, . . not baptlzed, unbaptlzed,
riitin- (yhd.) . . of the cross, cross- [esim.
-kantafa bearer of the cross, cross-bearer;
tla way of the cross].
rlitlnlksmi lanat.) sacral vertebra.
rlstlngllppu banner of the cross. -markki
Alirn Of the cross; tmhd ristinmerkki make
the slirn of the cross, (ristit itsens) cross
o.s. -muotoinen cross-shaped, . . In the
forrn of a cross ;cruclform,cruclate. -aoturl soldler of the cross; (hlst.) crusader.
rlillnt haiitlsm, chrlstenlng.
rlatl I ompelu I. -pisto cross-stltch. -plyytys
(hioi.) cross-polllnatlon. -raitainen 1. -rantulnen check(er)ed. -retkelinen 1. -retkellljl crusader. -retki crusade [against,
Jotakin vastaan]; holy war; lhti ristirethalla set out (I. r<>) on a crusade.
ristiriita contradlctlon; dlsagreement, lack
of harmony; onlroversy; (yhteentrmys)
clasli(liig), conrilct, colllslon; (yhteensopi
mattomuus) Incompatlblllty, lncongrulty,
Incoiislstniicy; (epjohdonmukaisuus) ini-oiisnquonca; (vastakkaisuus) contrariness,
opposition; (poikkeavaisuus) dlscrepancy;
atulan clash (I. clashlng 1. conrilct) of
Inlnrnsta, (sovittamaton) Incompatlblllty
of Intnrnsts; /ontua ristiriitaan rome Into
ronfllct, clash [wlth], vrt. Joutua; olla ris
tiriidassa Jonkin kantaa be In contradlctlon
tn, Imi liironslstont wlth, clash wlth, (be)
coiifllctdiiR) wlth, be In opposition to;
alfa ristiriidassa keskenn be Incongruous.
ristiriitainen contradlctory; lnconsistent.
Iiirnuipatlhlo, Incongruous; conriictlng;
i\ lakkaillen) contrarv, opposlte; (poik
keava) dlsrrepanl: aika tlme of conrilct,
(rettelinen) troublous tlmes; ristiriitaiset
tdut i'oiiriU'tlii(r Interests: ristiriitaiset hu
kut Irfarfotl contradlctory (I. conriictlng)
ruinors Ireports]. ristiriitaisuus contra
dlctlon; (sovlttamattomuus) Incompatlbll
lty: (epjohdonmukaisuus) Inconslstency,
InconsiHJuence ; mys ristiriita; liinrnit,./. n niiirniaiium tlie Inconslstency (1.
Ilie .ii-.u i nent) of the statements.
rlatl 'ritari knlirht or the cross, crusader.
-Ida cross band: riiMaVtaaarim.v.Yhdysv.)
by paroel post. -aldoUhotys package of
books hv tnall. -allto cross breedlng, intarbreedmr. hybrldliatton. -ellttU cros
the brrml, mterbreed. -ooraa (ellnt.) sheldrak. burrow-duck. -auu hareltp; (lelk.
Jani) humur, rotumtall.
rleUit* - kristitty.
ristituli rross-rire: alta rtertrolasaa be expo**t u cross rire.
ristit k, risti.
risti l vata drart -II brother (In a Church) ;
riatartjat brvthret.
ristit ikastaat baptii*. christen; (YtHtysv.
tav i tuuue, - ituusi ero** o s-, make th*
siru of iht> >-\v<; mi ilasi on*"s
natht* vin prajrr. ooavaaa paaVi ristittiin
JmmaJkm :*< -Uh-sl son as christened. (I.
nattMsti J.''(;<
natinaa, rt-.-if: ,prt>>; barusta.
Ram I Ch-^tian. ckp > v"hrtsy; *. Cartosos.'**r. t>S >^r,v
** kvom "-f < bsv***. v>rf i r:vso
rattv ..V*.! c-r*.:v. OrvAvn tav ranat
ti vt*. brvsA.\\xl Uv**. -aM* vroarfc)
rotta T fcrusaavvi.



away by) grief; ~ vankeudessa languish In

prison (I. In durance Vlle);Aanen terveyten-


vapaus l. lupa) take the liberty, presume;

han ti rohjenntlt tehili tit (myS:)

ta on riutunuf he Is wasted In health, bis durst not do It; vrt. uakaltaa.

health Is undermined, he Is In poor health; rohkaiseminen encouraging Jne., ks. rohkaiihanen voimansa riatuloat his Strength
fell (1. wore) away; laiho riataa kaamuudtsta the Crops arc drooping With (1.

ta. rohkaiseva encouraging; cheering [news,

uutlncn]. rohkaisevasti (eslm. puhua) en
couragingly; Cheeringly; vaikuttaa rahkatttoatti johonkuhun have an encouraging (1.
a cheering) effect upon,
rohkaitta encourage; (eslm. ryypyst puhuen) make . . brave (1. courageous 1. bold),
embolden; (antaa rohkeutta) Inspire . . with
courage; (elhdytt) cheer . . up, hearten;
~ jonkan mitlta Inspire . . with courage,
encourage, cheer . . up, give . . heart; ~
mitltn take courage, take heart, pluck up
heart, pick (1. muster) up courage [huom.
rohkaise mieten take heart! take courage!
Cheer up! rohkaiti mitltnt ja as lui ti (mys:) he made bold to step In];

parched by) the heat; pivS riutua (run.)

the day Is growing faint (1. Is farting: away) ;
tuli riataa (hlmmenee) the fire Is dying
down (1. Is fading), riutuminen pining (away)
jne., ks. edell.; decline, rlutumu* pining
(away); (uupumus) exhaustion; pivn
riutumat fading of the daylight, rlutunut
worn, wasted; faint [with] ; (kulhtunut)
withered, drooping; emaciated; (uupunut)
exhausted: riutanat ttrvtyt wasted health,
(1. frail) health; oanhuuttaan riutunut
worn with age, (raihnainen) feeble with
age, Infirm, riutuva pining, languishing,
declining [health, terveys] ; fading, wither
~ mitltn Jotabin kestamn Summon (I.
ing [flower, kukka] ; riutuva katit (kal- muster up) (one's) courage to stand . . ,
bosta) pining glance, (salraan) fading (1. screw up one's courage to stand [the test,
dimming) glance; riutuva tali fading fire. etc.], nerve o.s. for.
rlvakMtl, rivakka, rivakkuui = ravakastl, rohkalttua take (1. get 1. pluck up) courage
ravakka, ravakkuus.
(1. heart), pluck up one's spirits, pick up
rivaton . . without a handle; . . without ribs; courage, become (more) courageous (I.
vrt. ripa.
brave), rohkaistunut encouraged [by, Jostakln], more courageous, braver, rohkairivl line; row [eslm. mSkki row of cot
tages]; (mies-, kansan-) file; rank; (joo) tu ks. seur.
train; riden vliti olfva tila interlinear rohkaliu (mielen-) encouragement; (Joskus:)
space; attttaa rioiin range, line up; kah- countenance, -ryyppy bracer, a drink to
dttta rioista, kahteen rioiin tWO deep,
tWO lines [hUOm. asettua kahteen riviin

form two deep, form two lines], -ittutu

planting in rows, -kylvo sowing In rows,
drilling, -kylvkone drill.
rivinen (yhd.) . . In . . rows. . . In . . lines,
. .-lined. . .-line [eslm. kakti- in two rows,
double-lined; viisi~ taktitts five -line stan
za] ; (eslm. sot.) . .-ranked [eslm. kakti~
double-ranked] ; (nappl-) . .-breasted [eslm.
liait*! double-breasted; yk*i~ singlebreasted]; holmi~ hanari an accordion
with three keyboards.
rivisto (sot.) column.
rivittiln In rows; row after row, by rows.
rivo Indecent, obscene [picture, kuva], Im
modest [dress, puku], vile; (Irstas) lewd,
Immoral, wanton, loose; (sSdytn) im
proper; (karkea) coarse; (ruma) nasty;
rivoa coarse Jesting (I. Jokes); rivoa
pahttta loose talk, improper language; ~
uttu lewd (1. filthy 1. obscene 1. vile 1. sug
gestive) story, (Jkpv.) dirty story; ttko
Improper act, wanton action; pahua rioo/a
talk about Indecencies, speak In a sugges
tive (1. a loose) way. rivoniekalnen sugges
tive [story, Juttu]; (epalltv) question
able, (Jkpv.) shady, rivostl indecently, ob
scenely, Immodestly; lewdly, wantonly,
loosely; Improperly; coarsely; kyttyty
riootti act Indecent(Iy), behave Immodest
ly: pubfutua rivosti dress Improperly (I.
Indecently l. Immodestly), rivo eulnen I.
-puhelnen coarse-mouthed, foul-mouthed,
. . Indecent In speech, profane, rlvoui Inde
cency, obscenity; immorality; Impropriety;
looseness; rivouktia Indecencies, coarse (I.
vile) stories, ribaldry.
rodunsekotu* cross-breeding, crossing of
breeds; (Ihmlslstapuhuen:) mixing of races.
rohdin kangas tow (Cloth), -lanha tow.
-paita tow shirt, -tukko bunch of tow.
rohdos drug, -kauppa drug-store; mennti
rohdotkauppaan (myos:) go to the druggist's, -kauppia* druggist.

encourage one (1. to give one heart).

rohkoa courageous, brave, (Jkpv.) plucky;
stout of heart, stout-hearted; (uskallas)
bold [attack, hykkys], daring [enter
prise, yrltys], audacious: venturesome;
(pelkUmaton) Intrepid; (uhkarohkea) rash,
reckless; ~ kuin Uijona (as) brave (1. bold)
as a lion; rohkcalla kdell (nmsausti) lib
erally, roundly, amply; rohkialla mielella
In a brave (1. a bold) mood, courageously,
bravely, boldly, daringly, undaunted; ~
mimli brave mood, courage, fortitude.
(Jkpv.) pluck; ~ puoluMtu* gallant (1. brave)
defense; ~ roban koriaa (1. v.) faint beart
never won a fair lady.
rohkeal.luontoinen bold, daring; (urhea)
brave, Intrepid, -puhelnen bold; (suora-)
outspoken, frank; lapsi on rohh*apuh*in*n
the child Is not afraid to speak up.
rohkeasti courageously, bravely; boldly,
daringly; Intrepidly; recklessly, rohkeui
courage, (Jkpv.) pluck; (fyysllllnen) brav
ery; (moraallnen) fortitude; (uskallalsuus)
boldness, daring, audacity; nerve; (pelottomuus) Intrepidity; (unkarohkeus) reck
lessness; antaa rohkiutta rohkaUU; hanell ti otlut rohkeutta tehda tita he hadn't

the courage (1. the nerve 1. the heart) to do It.

rohtla dress (1. comb) [flax, pellavla], heckle,
rohtimet tow; (terva-) oakum, rohtiminen

(rohtlmlsta tehty) (made of) tow; rohtiminen paita Shirt Of tOW cloth, tOW Shirt.

rohto drug ; medicine, (etup. ulostava) physic ;

rohdot (tlpparohdot) drugs, medicine.
-pullo medicine bottle, (pleui) vial, phial.
-varaito stock of drugs.
rohtua get (1. be) chapped, chap, roughen,
rohtuma chapped spot (1. place); tetter,
(lak.) herpes; pojalla on rohtuma pothet*a the boy's cheek Is chapped; vrt. hllrohtuma. rohtuminen cliapplng. rohtunut
chapped, roughened.
rolhu blaze; flare; (llekkl) flame(s); vrt.
seur. roihua rolhuta. rohuamnen
flaming (up); blazing (up), roihua
flaming, blazing [bonfire, nuotlo]. roihuta
rohjeta have (the) courage (1. heart) [to do flame (up), blaze (up); flare (up); iitkit
.., tehda Jotakln] ; (uskaltaa) dare, ven
roihuiivat the flames were blazing up.
ture, be bold (1. forward 1. audacious) roihuvalkea blazing bonfire (1. camp-fire).
enough [to ask, kysya], (ottaa Itselleen rolkale lubber, lout; (vetelebtlja) lounger;



(roisto) rascal; (Iso) miehin a big: lubber of a man.

roikka (sakki) gang, crew, (jkpv.) lot, set;
(joukko) troop, band.
roikkua (riippua) hang (down), be suspended; (Heilua) dangle, swing- (to and
f ro), roikkuminen hanging- (down) Jne.,
ks. edell. roikuttaa swing', dangle; bave . .
suspended, let . . hang; roikuttaa kittaa ja
loista let tbe cat hang by lts teet. roikut
taminen svvmRing, dangling.
roima sturdy [fellow, mies], vlgorous, robust, stout; (Jkpv.) bounclng [boy, poi
ka]; (reima) brlsk. ~ tavalla sturdily,
soundly, vrt. aika, II. -housut Tuli trousers
ulrauii in at the ankles).
roitkahdella be splashlng, be dasliing about,
(be) spatter(ing). rolskahdus splasb, spatter. rolakahduttaa splash, spatter. roiskah
taa splasb [up over one. Jonkun plle (1.
vaatteille); Into one's face, kasvoille],
dasb; spatter; (ruiskahtaa) squlrt. rois
kahtaminen splasbing Jne., ks. edell.
roiske spatter(lng), splash(ing); (vesipu
touksen) spray, roiskia spatter; splasb;
(pirskottaa) sprlnkle; (ruiskia) squlrt;
mys = roiskua, roiskiminen, polskinta
spatterlng Jne., ks. edell. roiskua be spattered [around, ympri]; splash, dash;
(plrskua) sprlnkle. roiakuttaa spatter [water on a p., vett Jonkun plle; a p. wlth
mud, kuraa Jonkun plle], splash, dash
I mml (up)on . . , kuraa Jonkun plle] ;
(pirskottaa) sprlnkle. roiskuttaminen, roiakutus spatterlng- Jne., ks. edell.
roisto scoundrel, knave, viiluin; rascal,
rogue; ruman. -Joukko set or rascals, lot
of vi II alus ; (-Joukkue) gang or rurrians.
roistemainon scoundrelly, knavlsh, viiluin ous; rascally. roistomaiaesti llke a viilaili
(1. a scoundrel), knavishly; hn menetteli
roittomaittttl he acted vlllainous (1. scoun
drelly). rolttomaisuus vlliainy; rascallty.
rolstonteko (piece or) vlliainy, roguery;
knavish trlck; (rolstomainen) vlllainous
act (1. deed). roistous vlliainy; rascallty.
roistovki (the) rabble, mob, rirrrarr, scum
(of creatlon); vrt. roskavaki.
roju rubblsh, sturr, trash; (suurikokoinen)
lumber; (trky) refuse; (sohju) Jumble.
rokeerau (shakkipeliss) Castle, rokoeraua
rokka (herne-) pea soup; (soppa) soup.
rokko pox [esim. Uhma- cowpox]; (iso-)
smallpox, (lk.) varlola; tairattaa rokkoa,
olla rokotta be iii \vltli smallpox, have the
smallpox; vrt. iso, tuhka, tuli y. m.
rokkoaine vacclne, vacclne virus (I. lymph
1. matter). -varasto stock or vacclne.
rokkoinon . . lnrected wlth smallpox.
rokkomyrkky polson of smallpox, smallpox
rokon||arpi pock-mark (of smallpox), small
pox plt, plt or smallpox. -arpinen pockmarked, pocked. . . pitted by smallpox.
-arpisuus dlsrigurement from smallpox.
-istutus rokotus, -panija ks. rokottaja,
-pano vaccinatlon. -tartuttama . . lnrected
vvltli smallpox.
rokottaa vaccinate. rokottaja vacclnator,
vaccinating oiricer. rokottamaton . . not
vacclnated. rokottaminen vaccinating, vac
cinatlon; vrt. seur.
rokotus vaccinatlon; Inoculatlon wlth cowpox. -aine I. -lymfa = rokkoaine, -lasta
vacclne-polnt. -neste vacclne lymph, vac
clne. -pakko compulsory vaccinatlon. -voivollinen . . obllged to be vacclnated. -vel
vollisuus obllgatlon or being vacclnated.
rokotuttaa have . . vacclnated.
romaani (klrj.) novel; (rakkaus-, seikkailu-,
ritari-) romance; romaaneja (mys:) rictlon.

ro potulla

Romaania Rumaania.
romaani I kirjailija = romaaninkirjottaja. -kirJalliauus riction. -kirjasto lihrary (1. collectlon) or novels, lihrary or riction.
romaanilainon Romance [language, kieli],
Romanlc; (tit.) Romanesque [archltecture,
rakennustaide] ; romaanilaittt kansat Ro
mance peoples, the (Neo-)Latln races.
romaanimainen romantic; fantastic; sentlmental.
romaanini kirjottaja novelist; writer or ro
mance (1. or riction). -lukeminen novelreading. -lukija novel-reader. -tapainen
. . llke riction, . . liki; a romance.
romaani | sankari nero of (1. In) a novel (1. a
romance). -sankaritar beroine or (1. In) a
novel (1. a romance). -tyyli style or a novel
(1. a romance).
romahdus (rymhdys) crash; (Jyskhdys)
thud, thump; (luhistuminen) breakdown,
collapse. -oppi 1. -teoria doctrlne [tbeory]
or the breakdown or capltalism.
romahduttaa cause to rall wlth a crash, let
come down wltb a crash; tumble over.
romahtaa come down wlth a crasb, come
crashlng down; (keikahtaa) tumble (down),
come tumhllng down; roll over; (pudota)
rall (down); maahan tumble (down),
come down wltb a crash, crasb down,
Collapse; romahtamaisillaan oleva rakennut

builillng totterlng to lts rall (1. ready to

rall), bulldlng ready to collapse (tiiliraken
nuksesta: ready to cave In), romahtaminen
tumbling- (down) Jne., ks. edell.; (luhistu
minen) collapse.
romantiikka (erikoisena kirjallisuuden suun
tana:) romantic movement; romantlctsm.
romantillinen, romanttinen (tunnelmalli
nen) romantic.
romina boom, rumble; racket; (ratina) rattle. romiseminen rattling, rumbling. r
mist boom; rumble; (ratista) rattle.
rom iltaa make .. boom (1. rumble); romittaa rumpua tom-tom.
rommi rum. -pullo rum-riask.
romu (roju) rubblsb, trasb; (-tavara) Junk;
lumber; (raudan-) scrap-lron; tynn kai
kenlaista romua (mys, Jkpv.:) fu 11 of
ali klnds or sturr. -huone 1. -kamari
lumber-room; store-room.
romuinen . . full or rubblsb (1. or Junk 1. or
lumber); (siivoton) untldy, llttered. romuisuus untldlness, llttered condltion.
romu kauppa junk shop. -kauppias Junkdealer. -komero 1. -soppi rubblsh-corner.
corner ror rubbtsh (1. for Junk). -koppa
waste-baSket. -koppi 1. = romuhuone; i.
romukomero. -laatikko 1. -kitkS box ror
rubblsh; (piirongin y. m.) drawer ror odds
and ends; (Jkpv.) catch-all. -Iiii rubblshheap; (lj sikin sokin heitettyj tavaroita)
mcss (or rubblsh). -nurkka romukomero.
-rauta scrap-lron. -tavara Junk; lumber.
rooli (tehtv) part, rle; character.
Rooma Home. roomalainen (a. & s.) Roman;
roomalainen oikeut Roman law.
roomalais epistola I. -kirje Epistle to the
Romans. -katolinen Roman Cathollc. -nai
nen Roman matron (1. oman), -nen Ro
man (1. aqulllne) nose. -oikeus Roman law.
roomu ks. proomu.
ropina rattle, rattling (nolse); racket; rakei
den pelt (1. rattle) or the hali. ropise
minen rattling Jne., ks. seur. ropista rattle
[on (1. against) the window-pane, ikkuna
ruutuun] ; (piest) pelt [against, Johon
kin], patter; vrt. rapista.
ropo (raam.) mlte; (rahanen) penny, cent,
(etup. Engl.) rarthlng; (mittn summa)
t Tilli'; viimeisen roponsa hlS last penny.
roponen -= ropo.
ropostella kB. repostella.


ropuhd us rattle; (kuuro) shower, ropuhtaa rotauionlkon (palno-) rotary press.
rattle; (lyoda) beat, pelt [ against, Johonkin]. roteva robust, stout; sturdy, rugged; (volropsau ropuhdu; vit. haull~.
makas) vigorous, powerful, strong; mus
ropsia whip, lash; beat; knock; vrt. ropiah- cular. -Jtieninen large-limbed, big-boned,
taa; tad* ropsii ikkunoihin the rain Is beat
raw-boned, -kasvuinen tall and stronging (1. pattering: 1. pelting-) against the built, big-framed; tiin tuoutta ovat hoik'
panes; tataa ropsii the rain Is coming In kl rottoakatvuitia they are all big in that
gusts, ropsiminen whipping Jne., ks. edell. family, all (members) of that family are
rosetii ks. niMtti.
big. -rakenteinen .. powerfully built;
roika rubbish, trash (molemmat mys knv.); vrt. seur. -ruumiinen big-framed, bigstuff; litter; (rikka) mote, cinder [In one's bodied, robust; muscular.
eye, sllmassft]; (Ilka) dirt, filth: rothat rotevasti sturdily; vigorously, powerfully,
rubbish, trash. Utter; pahua roshaa talk rotevuu* robustness, sturdlness, ruggednonsense (1. trash 1. rubbish), rotkalnen ness; vigor, power, (muscular) strength.
untidy [neighborhood, ymprist], littered; rotkelma ravine; (kuru) gully; (notko)
(llkalnen) dirty; (kuv.) filthy (1. vile) dale, dell; vrt. seur.
[story, juttu], foul; (eppuhdas) unclean; rotko (vuoren-) gorge; (kullu) chasm; cleft;
rothainen katu dirty (1. ill-kept) street, (rotkelma) ravine, deep gully, rotkoinen
roikajiuu untidiness, littered condition; . . full of (1. rich In) gorges (1. chasms I.
fUth(lness); (kuv.) trashlness, vlleness.
ravines), rotkotle road through a gorge
roika joukko mob; (-vakl) the rabble. (1. a ravine).
-klrjallituui trashy (1. cheap) literature. rotta rat. -kit mouser; hunter, -koira
-lehti trashy (news)paper; (Amer.) yellow ratter; rat-terrier, -sota war on rats.
rottinkl rattan, -keppl rattan cane.
Journal (1. sheet), -lijl rubbish-heap.
roskamainen dirty, filthy, foul; (jkpv.) nasty rottmkinen . . of rattan, rattan.
[weather, lima] ; ~ jattu scandalous af rottinkipalmu (climbing) rattan.
rotu race; stock, strain; (karja- y. m.)
fair, vile (1. filthy) story.
breed; (veri) blood; hyv rotua (oltaa)
roikavaki the rabble, riffraff, scum of so
. . Of good Stock; pahdatta rotua Of pure
ciety; (roskajoukko) mob.
breed; thoroughbred.
rotmariini ikasv.) rosemary.
rosoinen rough [Ice, Jaa], rugged; bumpy rotu- (ybd.) race [eslm. -trota* race dif
[road, tie], humpy; (ryhmylnen) knotty ference (1. distinction); -( race feud (1.
war)]; racial [eslm. -ominaiiuuJft racial
[stick, keppl]; (epatasalnen) uneven; Ir
regular; ~ pinta rough (1. uneven) surface. qualities; -tota racial war].
elaln blooded (1. pedigreed) animal;
rouituu* roughness, ruggedness; uneven(etup. hevosesta:) thoroughbred, -hevonen
ness; irregularity (of surface).
(horse); pedigreed horse.
roiollkynii diseased (1. roughened) nail,
-plntainen . . with a rough (1. a rugged) rotumen . . of . . race (1. stock 1. breed)
[eslm. Ayrthlre of Ayrshire breed; *uosurface; vrt. roulnen. -rappaui rough
casting: (klvensekalnen) pebble-dashing. malait Of Finnish race].
rotu 'katkeruus racial bitterness; (-vlha)
rosolli (kind of) salad.
rospuutto bad (state of the) roads; (eslm. race hatred, -lehrna cow with a pedigree.
-luokittelu classification Into races, -omikevaallft lumen sulacssa) bad sleighing.
tuliuus peculiarity of race, racial charac
rovo robber, bandit, outlaw, brigand; des
perado; (rolsto) cutthroat; (varas) thief; teristic, -sekotus (eiaimlsta:) cross-breed
ing, (konkr.) mixture of breed; (IhmislsVrt. maantie . mcri y. 111.
ta:) mixing (konkr.: mixture) of races;
rosvoaminen robbing jne., ks. roivota; rob
bery, plunder; rlau rosvoamiltlla live by (henktlolden kesken) intermarriage, -talerobbery (1. by plunder), rosvoilla rob; telu racial struggle, conflict between races.
loot, plunder, pillage, roavoilu robberies; -tunnus racial characteristic, -vlha race
(1. racial) hatred.
brigandage; mys rosvoamineo.
roevo Joukko band (1. gang) of robbers (1. roudanlahto: odottaa rouaanlhton taakka
of bandits), bandit gang. -Joukkue league wait until the ground is (thoroughly)
of bandits; mys = edell. -Juttu (kuv.) thawed (out).
blood-curdling Story; vrt. rosvoromaani. roudala freeze [the ground, maa].
-liitto league of bandits, robber-league. rouhe: rouhtti (Jauho-) grits, groats, coarse
meal (1. flour), -mylly (tekn.) crusher.
-llnna robbers' castle.
rotvomalnen villainous, . . like (1. fitting) a rouhennus rouhiminen. rouhentaa ks.
rouhU, 1.
robber (1. a bandit).

rosvonipei* robbers' den, den of thieves (1.

robbers), haunt (1. stronghold) of robbers.
-tye deed of a robber; piece of outlawry.
rosvo patllikko chief of bandits, robbercaptain, robber-chief. -retKI ks. ryoitretkl. -ritafi robber-baron, robber-knight.
-romaani story of robbers (1. of outlaws);
story of robbers' adventures; (kuv.) story
(1. tale) of blood and thunder, blood
curdling (1. hair-raising) story, melodra
matic story.
roivota rob; (harjottaa rosvousta) practise
robberies; (ryOstfta) loot, plunder, pillage,
rifle, sack [a town, kaupunkll : vrt. ryvKttt. roivoui robbery: (ryostft) plunder(lng), looting, pillage, spoliation.
rotan- (yhd.) rat's [eslm. -hnt rat's tall;
peta rat's nest]; rat- [eslm. -reika rathole], -myrkky rat-poison; (vanh.) rats
bane, -polka young rat. -pyydyt rat-trap,
-pyydystja (eslm. kolra) rat-catcher, rat
ter, -pyyntl rat-catching; ratting, -syoml
. . gnawed by rtti.

rouheiryynit grits, groats, -ok er i crushed

rouhia l. (jauhaa karkoaksl) grind . . (up)
coarse; (musertaa) crush [rock, klvla ] ;
bruise [malt, maltalta] ; (survla) pound
(up); stamp; 2. (jmssl) rasp, rouhlmton . . not ground; . . not crushed, rouhi
minen grinding . . coai-se; crushing, bruis
ing; pounding (up); vrt. rouhia. rouhimo
crushing-mill, (rnalml-) stamp(lng)-mlll,
stamp, rouhln 1. (-kone) crusher; (survin) stamp; 2. (jam-- 1 1 rasp, rouhinu =
rouhiminen. rouhittu ground coarse;
crushed; bruised.
roukklo ks. rykkiii.
rousku (-slenl) Lactarlus.
rouskua cr(a)unch. rouskuttaa cr(a)unch;
parra routkuttaa Cr(a)unch. rouakutua

rousteikko ground frozen hard.
routa frost In the ground; frost: alia rouaatta be frozen, routalnen frozen, routalauut frozen condition; moan routaitmu the



Frost being still In the ground. routavuosi:

routavuodet "frost years", a periini or rccent Finnish hlstory, during \vhich Russlanization was carried un by the Russian
government Inamost hlgh-handed manner.
rouva (marrled) lady; (vaimo) vvife; (kor
teissa:) queen [esim. ruutu queen of
dlamondsj ; X. Mrs. X.; nen rouvansa
his wlTe; on, hyv ~ yes, Mrs. X.! yes,
ma'am! faion lady of the house.
rouvasi! Ihminen lady. -vki ladies.
rovasti mlnlster In charge of a large parlsh
(1. Church); (1. v. Engl.) dean, rural dean.
-kunta deanery.
rove blrch(-bark) cup; mys = tuokkonen.
rovio burnlng pile; (ruumis-) pyre; (kasa,
roukklo) pile; roviolla poltettavaksi to be
burnt at the stake; vrt. poltto, roviollapoltto burnlng at the stake; (kerettilisen,
nlst.) auto da (e.
rubiini (min.) ruby. -koriat* ornament of
rubiininpunainen ruby (md).
rubrilkki ks. otsake.

Rudolf, Rudolph.
ruhjevamma 1. -haava brulse, contuslon.
ruhjln ks. survin.
ruhjoa brulse [one's knee, polvensa], contuse; (musertaa) crush (mys kuv.); (sur
voa) stamp: (runnella) manglc; (hvitt)
demollsh; (kuv.) smash, shatter. ruhjo
minen, ruhjonta brulslng jne., ks. edell.
ruhjoutua be(come) bruised; be(come)
(1. get) crushed; (runneltua) be(come)
mangled; (kuv.) be smashcd, be shattcred.
ruhka ruuhka, 1 ; ruhhanaan In the bulk,
In the mass. ruhkata (tukeista, uitettaes
sa:) (form a) Jam, be(come) Jammed.
ruhmo mortar.
ruho body; (runko) trunk.
ruhtinaallinen prlncely; royal, ruhtinaalli
sesti llke a prlnce. In a prlncely (1. royal)
manner; palkittiin ruhtinaallisesti \vas royally rewarded.
ruhtinas prlnce; ~ Bismarck Prince Blsinarck; Lauenburgin Prince or Lauenburg. -kunta prlnclpality. -pari the prlnce
and hls consort.
ruhtinatar prlncess.
Ruija Norwegian Lapland, Flnmarken.
ruikuttaa whlne, pule, \vhlmper; snlvel; (it
ke) cry; (valittaa) wail, moan. ruikutta
minen \vhlning Jne., ks. edell. ruikutus
whine, whlmper; (esim. linnun) cry or
distress; (valitus) wall(ing).
ruis rye; nytt lupaavalta the rye-rields
look (1. the crop or rye looks) promlsing.
-halme rye-fleld.
ruisjauho: ruisjauhot rye-meal, (seulotut)
rye-flour. -puuro rye porrldge. -velli rye
ruiskahdus spurt; squlrt. ruiskahdutua
spurt, squlrt; (puhaltaa blow; (lenntt)
throw. ruiskahtaa spurt, squlrt; (voimak
kaana suihkuna) spout. ruiskaista spurt,
Squlrt. rulskaiSU = ruiskahdus.
(kasv.) bachelor's-button,
corn-riower, bluebottle.
ruiske (lk.) injectlon; vrt. perruiske.
ruisku (kastelu-) spray(er); (korva- y. m.)
syrlnge; (palo-) rire-eugine; vrt. hyry,
kasi y. m. -harjotus flre-englne practice.
ruiskuhllaa rye-shock.


Inspectlon or a rlre-ehginc; muster or the

ruiskupulloatomlzer; (kemistin) \vash-bottle.
ruiskuta (be) spurt(ing), (be) squlrt(Ing);
(voimakkaana suihkuna) spoutlng.
ruiskuttaa spurt; squlrt [vvater on . . , vett
..-n plle]; (esim. valas sieraimistaan)
spout; (puhaltaa) blow; (heitt) tbrovv;
(kastelutarkotuksessa) spray; (paloruis
kulla) throw water [on], play (1. dlrect)
the hose [on (1. at)]; (lk.) lnject [mediclne Into, lkett johonkin], syrlnge [tbe
ears \vith luke\varm water, haaleata vett
korviin] ; myrkky hedelmpuihin spray
the rrult-tmes; palokuntalaiset saivat
ahkeraan kaksi tuntia, ennenkun saivat tu
len vallan rajotetuksi the Nmmen had to
ply the englnes Tor t\vo hours berore they
got control or tbe Hre. ruiskuttaminen
spurtlng jne., ks. edell.
ruiskutus " ruiskuttaminen; (lk.) Injec
tlon. -laite spray(er). -reik (valaan)
blow-hole; (tiet.) splracle.
ruisll leip rye bmad, black bread. -pelto
rye-deld. -rkki (ellnt.) corn-crake,
land-rall. -vainio rye-rield.
rujo (rampa) dlsabled, maimed, crlppled;
(vaivainen) lame. -muotoinen derormed,
mlsshapen; (syntymstn saakka) malrormed; (epluoma) monstrous.
rukata: kelloa adjust the regulator, regulate a \vatch [a Clock].
rukiin- (yhd.) . . or rye [esim. -jyv kernel
or rye; -thk hcad or rye], rye- [esim.
oljet rye-stravv].
rukiinen . . or rye, rye [bread, leip].
rukiinjkylv sowlng the rye, sowlng or rye.
-leikkuu cutting the rye, cuttlng or (the)
rye. -oras: rukilnoraat blades or rye, tender (1. sproutlng) crop or rye.
rukin.poljin treadle or a splnnlng-wheel.
-pyr wheel.
rukka raukka.
rukkanen leather mitten; antaa jollekulle
rukkaset (tytt pojalle) reruse one, reruse
(1. turn down) one's orrer (or marrlage).
turn one down, (Jkpv.) glve one the mit
ten; saada rukkaset be turned down (in a
proposal or marrlage), (Jkpv.) get (1. be
given) the mitten.
rukkaus (kellon y. m.) adjustment, regulatlon.
rukki splnnlng-wheel.
ruko (hay)cock; panna heini ruhoon (\.
ruolle) put the hay In cocks, cock hay.
rukoaminen putting In cocks, cocklng.
rukoileminen praylng Jne., ks. rukoilla, ru
koileva praylng; (anova) pleading. ImplorIng, entreatlng, beseechlng [glance, kat
se], suppllcating; begging; rukoilevalla
nell pleadlngly, entreatingly, suppllcatlngly, In a pleading (1. an entreatlng 1. a
suppllcating) voice. rukollevasti pleadlng
ly, lmplorlngly, beseechlngly. rukoilija one
who prays, person praylng; suppllant.
rukoilla pray [to God, Jumalaa] ; (kiihkesti
pyyt) plead, Implore, entreat, beseech.
supplicate; beg; armoa cry (1. beg)
(or mercy; jotakuta avuksi beg (1. Im
plore 1. beseech) . . (or help, (esim. Juma
laa) Invoke the aid or [God] ; iltarukouk
sensa (esim. lapsesta:) say one's evenlng
prayer; joltakulta jotakin beseech (1. en
treat 1. Implore 1. appeal to) a p. (or;
jonkun puolesta pray ror a p., pray In a

ruisku huone (flre-)englne house; (palo

asema) flre hali. -kannu sprlnkling-can (I.
-pot), sprinkler; waterlng-pot (I. -can). p.*s behalf; Jumalan siunausta jollekin
Invoke (1. call down) the blesslng or Heaven
ruiskukka = ruiskaunokki.
ruiskullmestari man In cliarge or a flre- upon . . .
englne. -miehist flre-englne crew, rim rukoilu praylng; supplicatlon.
men vvorking an englne (1. a hose).
rukous prayer; supplicatlon; entreaty;
ruiskun letku (flre-englne) hose. -tarkastus (pyynt) petltion; rukoukset (mys:)



pleadings; ismeldn the Lord's prayer,

<the) "Our Father"; vrt. ei~.
rukous- (yhd.) prayer- f esim. -fcir/a prayerbook;
kokous prayer-meetlngj. -hetki
hour or prayer. -huone meetlng-house,
chapel; nouse or prayer (I. of worship).
-nauha (katolilaisen) rosary. -piv day
set for general prayers in a country, day
or prayer. -ali chapel. -sunnuntai (1. v.)
Rogation Sunday.
ruletti (ers onnenpeli) roulette.
rulla roller; reel; (onkivavoissa y. m.) troll;
(huonekalujen Jaloissa y. m.) caster; (k
re) roll, (esim. pergamentti) scroll; vrt.
lanka, -kaniini \vlndow-shade, (Engl.)
wlndow-blind,blind. -lanka 1. -rihma thread
(on spools). -luistelija roller-skater. -luis
timet roller-skates. -luistinrata rollerskating rink. -puut wood ror (maklng)
spools; blrch props. -rana walklng crane.
-syltty (kre-) rolled headcheese. -tu
pakka roll-tobacco. -vapa rod and reel.
-vaunu truck. -Im revolvlng (1. rollin?)
ruma ugly: unslghtly; (ei mikn kaunis,
kasvoiltaan) homely; (rhjinen) shabby;
(likainen) dlrty, rilthy; (kuv.) roul [deed,
teko] ; ~ ilma bad (1. dtsagrceable) weather,
(Jkpv.) nasty weather, (mer.) dlrty (I.
roul) weather; ~ juttu ugly arralr; ~
nky Ulf ly sig-ht, unslghtly scene; puoli
bad reature, bad side, (Jonkin) the evll
[or]; tytt el ole niinkn ~ the Kiri is
not so bad-looklng (arter ali).
Rumaania Roumania. rumaanialainen (a. &
s.) Roumanlan.
rumannlkinen . . or an ugly appearance,
ugly, bad-looking. rumasti In an uglv (1. a
dlsagrecable) manner; tn hn teki (1.
menetteli) rumasti liiat was liiran oT Imu.
(Jkpv.) lt was a dlrty trlck or (1. In) hlm.
rumannua dlsriguratlon, dlsrigurement; deracement. rumentaa make . . ugly (1. ugller); ruln (1. spoll) the appearance or rthe
nelghborhood, ymprist], spoll (the looks
or . .). (esim. arvista puhuen:) dlsrigure,
mar; (tehd muodottomaksi) derace; puku
rumentaa hnt the dreSS SpollS her looks
(1. mars her appearance), (el sovi hnelle)
the dress does not become her. rumentua,
rumeta become ugly (1. ugller), be(come)
dlsrigured (1. marred 1. deraced).
rummunllhihna brace (or a druiu). -lyj
drummer. -lynti drummlng, beatlng a
drum, drum-beat. -nahka drumhead, hcad
or a drum. -plrrytys roll (1. beatlng 1.
rat-tat-tat 1. rubadub) or drums.
rummuttaa drum (I. strum) [vvlth one's Nngers, sormillaan! ; heat a drum (1. the
drum), beat the drums: pianoa drum (1.
strum) on a [the] piano, strum a piano.
rummuttaja drummer.
drummlng; beatlng a drum, beatlng the
drums. rummutus drummlng, beatlng or
drums; (nt matkien:) rat-tat(-tat),
rumpali drummer; (-poika) drummer-boy.
rumpu drum; (pyrn) hub, nave: (silta-)
culvert. -kalvo (anat.) tympanic membrane; korvan rumpukatvo (tav.) the cardriiui. -kapula drumstirk. -ontelo (anat.)
tympanum. -palikka drumstick.
rumuua ugllness; (kasvojen) bad looks.
bomeliness; (rhjlsyys) shabbiness; (kuv.)
runko stem; stock; (puun y. m.) trutik; (lai
van y. m.) hull; (keh, esim. rakennuksen)
rramo(work); shell; (rakennuksen, kirja
teoksen y. m.) skcleton.
runkoinen (yhd.) . .-stcmmed, . .-trunked,
. .-bulled. .-rramcd [esim. korkea~ hlgh-


trunked; pieni~ small-stemmed; vahva~

strong-rramed, (laivasta:) strong-hulled].
runkomuoto (kiel.) prlmltive lonn.
runnarl runner.
runnella mangle, mutilate; maim; (rusikoi
da) batter (I. knock) .. almut; raaul; (pi
dell pahoin) handle roughly; (ruhjoa)
brulse; (musertaa) crush; (hvitt) ravage; devastate, lay \vaste; myrsky run
teli kukat (mys:) the storm lald the riowers IO\V; taudin runtelemat kasvot a Vlsage
marked with the ravages or (1. marred by)
disease. runneltu mangled, mutilated;
. . battered
brulsed; crushed; ravaged; hnen pahoin
runneltu ruumiinsa hlS (badly) mangled
body. runneltua be mangled, be mutilated.
be maimed; (rusikoitua) be (ali) battered
about; (vikaantua) be (1. get) damagcd;
(ruhjoutua) be brulsed; (musertua) be (1.
get) crushed; (tulla hvitetyksi) be devastated.
runo poem: (eepoksen) rune; (sonetti) sonnet; runoja poems, (koll.) poetry.
runo- (yhd.) poetlc(al) [esim. -aisti poetlc
taste; -kieli poetlcal language; -suoni poetlc
vein] ; (se) metrlcal [esim. -korko metrlcal accent: -(airo metiical art].
runoelma pocm.
runo henki poetlcal splrlt; (-lahja) poetlc
girt (1. rire). -hepo = runoratsu.
runoileminen \vrltlng or poems (1. poetry 1.
runoilemien halu deslre to wrlte (I. or wrlting) poetry; Insplratlon. -taito runoilutaito.
runoilija poet; \vriter or verse (1. or poetry).
-Iahj poetlc girt (I. talent), girt or (1. talent ror) poetry. -maine reputatlon (1. rme)
as a poet; (-nimi) naine as a poet. -noro
poetlc genius, -taito poetlc ability.
runoilijatar poetess.
runoilla write poems (1. poetry 1. verse).
runoilu \vritlng or poetry; poetry. -taito
(art or) poetlc compositlon; (art or) versirication.
runo jalka 1. -polvi Toot; (-mitta) measure.
-koe attempt at poetry. -kokoelma collectlon or poems (I. or poetry). -lahja (lau
lun-) girt or Song; mys = runoilijalahja.
-laji klnd or poem (1. verse); (se-) klnd
or metre, metre. -laulaja rune-slnger;
mlnstrel; ballad-slnger; (vaeltava) troubadour.
runollinen poetlc(al); ~ vapaus poetlc IIcense. runollisesti poetlcally. runollisuus
poetlc quallty (1. character), poetlc splrlt;
(esim. maiseman) poetlc beauty; tynn
runollisuutta (mys:) Tuli or poetry.
runoi mitallinen metrlcal. -mitta meter;
(poetlc) measure; runomitalla in verse, In
poetry. -mittainen metrlcal; . . In verse, .
in poetry; runomittainen kieli verse. -mittaoppl scanslon; (runo-) prosody. -muoto
(Torm or) poetry; (runomitta-) metrlcal
1'mi'Iii; runomuodossa In the Imin or poet
ry, In verse, In metrlcal Torm. -niekka
ks. runoilija.
runonllkatkelma rragment or a poem; poetlc
rragnient. -keruu collecting (oD runes (1.
rolk poems 1. songs). -kerill collcctor or
runes (1. or rolk poems). -lausunta declamatlon, reciiation, readlng. -muotoinen
. . in the Torin or a poem, (In) poetlc
(rorni). -pltki plece or poetry; llttle
poem. -rakenne poetlc structure; (se-)
metrlcal structure; versiricatlon. -taput
taja 1. -tekljl verse-maker, verslrler;
poetaster; vrt. sesepp. -sepustus verscmaklng; rhyming, rlmlng.
runo -oppi prosody; vrt. runousoppi, -pol
jento rliythin. -puku verse form, metrlcal



form, meter; runopuvussa In verse (rorm),

Inpoetlc form; vrt. runomuoto, -pukuinen..
(clotbed) In verse (1. In poetry), . . In poetlc
form, poetlc; (-mittainen) vcrsiried. -ratsu
(kuv.) Pegasus. -ruhtinas chlef poet; great
poet. -sepp writer of verse (1. of poetry) ;
vrt. runoilija & runonsepustaja. -sikerm
group (I. collection) of poems. -aie llne
(or poetry); (llne or) verse. -taida (art or)
runotar Muse, muse.
runoteos poetlcal vvork; (-kappale) plece or
poetry, (long-) poem.
runoton unpoetlc(al); (proosalllnen) prosalc.
runottomuua lack of poetlc splrlt (1. poetlc
quallty 1. poetlc beauty).
runotuote poetic(al) productlon; (runo
teos) poetlc(al) work.
runoua poetry; poesy; vrt. kansan-, un
kari, taide y.m. -laji klnd of poetry.
-oppi poetlcs.
runo valikoima selectlons from the poets,
antbology or poetry. -vihko note-book Tor
(I. contalnlng) poetry; memorandum-book
Tor poetry.
runsaammalti In (stlll) greater abundance
(1. proruslon 1. plenteousness) ; more coplously (I. abundantly 1. protusely); more
freely (1. llberally).
runsaani! puoleinen rather coplous (1. liberal
1. profuse jne., ks. runsas), -puoleisesti
rather copiously (1. llberally 1. prorusely).
runsaasti In abundance, (a) plenty [of, jota
kin], In plenty; abundantly, copiously,
plentlfully; (runsaalla mitalla) amply, tn
ample measure; freely, llberally; (lllkanalsen) profusely, In profuslon; (rikkaasti)
rlchly; (hyvin) well; ~ huvitettu richly (1.
amply) lllustrated, . . with plenty of lllustratlons; [hnell on] rahaa [he has]
plenty of money, [he has] money In plenty;
~ tietoja (mys:) a wealth of Information;
haavasta vuotaa varta the \vound bleedS
freely; hn viipyi tll tunnin he s tay cd
here a gOOd hour; kirjomia on kauniita
runoja the book contalns a \vcaltli (1. an
abundance) of beautiful poems; luvata
promlse a lot, promlse freely; miell on
hylkeit seals abound there, plenty of seals
are found there; miell on ~ kukkia Tlowers are found there In great profuslon;
siihen kuluu aikaa tt takes a gOOd (I. a
preclous) long tlme.
runsaimmin In greatest abundance (1. pro
fuslon); most copiously (1. abundantly 1.
prorusely); most freely (1. llberally).
runsas abundant, coplous, plentlftil [supply,
varasto], plenteous; ample, liberal; round;
(kukkurainen) heaped; (lllkanaisen) pro
fuse; (rikas) rich; Tertlle; runmaamma m
rin, runsaalla mitalla, runsain mitoin in
ample measure, amply, mys = runsaasti;
runmain kmin llberally, freely; englanninpenikulma a long (1. gOOd) mlle; ~ lu
mentulo heavy rall or snow; ~ mitta ample
(1. round) measure, (kukkura-) heaped
measure: ~ naulan good (1. liberal) pound;
maalim rlch spolls, large amount of plunder; ato rich (1. plenteous) harvest,
(vuodentulo) rlch crop; ~ siunaus rlch
runsas aatteinen, -aatteisuus, -ainainen ks.
rlkasaatteincn Jne. -ajatuksinen . . Cull or
(dccp) tbought, . . teemlng with ldeas, . .
preirnant wlth thoujrht. -antoinen (esim.
maa) . . wlth an abundant yield, productlve ; vrt. runsassatoinen, -kttlnen (antelias)
liberal, generous; (aulis) opcn-handed (I.
-hearted). -lahjainen rikaslahjainen.
-multainen . . rlch In humus, -ruokainen:
olla runmamruokainen have a good (l.healthv)
appettte, be a hearty eater, (suursymri)


be a glutton, (elimist:) be a good reeder.

-sanainen verbose, vvordy; bombastlc. -an
toinen (esim. maa) . . yielding large (1.
rlch) crops, . . yielding bumper crops;
runmammatoinen vuosi year (if large crops,
year or rlch (1. bounteous) yleld. -sisl
tinen ks. rikassisaltinen. -tuloinen lucrative [position, toimi] ; remuneratlve; (tuot
tava) prorilable. -tuottoinen (maa y. m.)
. . yielding large (1. rlch) crops, . . rlch In
yleld; (tuottelias) productlve, rertile. -vai
heinen (rikas-) eventrul.
runsauden sarvi 1. -malja horn or plenty,
runsaus abundance; copiousness, plentliulness, plenteousness; plenty; prorusion;
amplltude: (rikkaus) rlchness, wealth; (yl
tkyllisyys) superabundance, ezuberance.
runteleminen mangllng Jne., ks. runnella.
runti (tynnyrin-) bung-bole, bung.
runtoutua ks. ruhjoutua.
ruoakset ks. ruoka tavara, -aineet.
ruoan]! haju smell or rood; vrt. ruoankrr-Jtteet leavlngs (or rood): vrt. ruoanrippeet. -kry 1. -katku smell or cooking,
kltchen smell. -laittaja cook. -laitto preparatlon or rood; cooking; cookery. -laittokoulu cooking school; school or domestlc
science. -laittotaito art or cookery. -pito
boardlngr. -pitj boardlng-house keeper.
-rippeet leavlngs (or rood) ; (murut) crumbs.
ruoansulatus dlgestlon; ruoansulatusta edis
tv . . aldlng (I. conduclve to) dlgestlon;
huono poor (1. bad) dlgestlon, Indlgestlon, dyspepsla.
ruoansulatus- (ybd.) . . or dlgestlon, digestlve [esim. -elimet organs or dlgestlon, dlgestlve organs; -prosessi process or dlges
tlon, digestlve process]. -aika tlme requlred Tor dlgestlon. -hirit dlsturbanre?
In dlgestlon; lndigestlon. -kanava alimen
try canal.
ruoantihteet ruoanjtteet.
ruodillinen stalked; petlolate [lear, lehti].
ruodin (auranter) co(u)lter.
ruodinta bonlng.
ruoditon . . \vithout a stalk (1. a petlolc) ;
(kasv.) sesslle [lear, lehti].
ruodslllnen (sulka) sharted; vrt. ruotoinen.
ruodosto (kalan) skeleton, bones [or a
rish]. ruodoton (kala) boneless; (sulka)
. . \vithout a shart.
ruoduittain by (1. In) riles; ampua ~ rire
In successlon.
ruohikko, ruohlato I. (ruoliosto) grass; (ruo
hokentt) lawn, green; (nurmikko) svvard.
greensward; S. = ruoikko; taikoilla ruohi
kotta Cl. ruohikossa) lie sprawllng (1. be
stretched out) on the grass.
ruoho grass; (yrtti) herb: vrt. rikka; ruo
holla on the grass, vrt. ruohikko, -aavikko
(Pohj. -Amerikan) pralrle, (Floridan y. m.)
savanna(h); Etel-Amerikan ruohoaavikot
(the) pampas.
ruohoinen grass-grown; (ruoholsa) grassy;
vrt. rehev, ruohoiss grassy.
ruoho kasvi grass(y plant); (tiet.) herbaceous plant. -kentt (nurmi-) grass plot:
(hyvin hoidettu) lawn, green; (nurmikko)
rield or grass, (run.)lea; vrt. ruohotasanko.
ruohokko = ruohikko, 1.
ruoho!l laukka 1. -sipuli (kasv.) chlves.
-mts grassy hummock.
ruohonen: ruohosellu on the grass.
ruohon H karvainen
growtb or grass. -koral (-varsi) stalk or
grass, grass-stalk; (-lehti) blade or grass,
grass-blade. -leikkuu cuttlng or grass;
motvlng the la\vn. -leikkuukone lav.nmower. -snki hay stubble. -tapainen
grass-llke; herbaceous. -vihre grassgreen, . . green as grass.



ruohot penger bank (of sod), terrace. -penkki

seat (I. bench) made or sod.
ruohosto grass; herbage; (nurmi) (green-)
svvard; vrt. ruohikko, ruohotasanko grassy
plain; vrt. ruohoaavikko, ruohoton . . nol
grass-grown; (paljas) bare.
ruohottua be(come) covered with grass, become grass-grown (1. grass-covered 1.
grassy): grow up to grass, grow grassy.
ruohottunut grass-grown, . . covered (I.
grown over) \vitii grass ; grassy; liiaksi
ruohottunut overgrown wlth grass.
ruohon varsi (kasv.) herbaceous stem. -ljy
ruohtua, ruohtuma ks. rohtua, rohtuma,
ruoikko the reeds; ruoikolta among (1. in)
the reeds. ruoikkoinen . . Tuli of reeds,
ruoja (ilki) dirty dog, (etup. Engl.) nasty
crcature (1. thing) ; (vekkuli) rascal, rogue,
ly dog; Min (senkin) you dlrty dog (1.
ruoju (kengn) top; ruoiut (ruojukset) shoepacks, (kenkrajat) palr or old (1. \vornout) sboes.
ruoka food, (vanh.) meat; (-laji) dlsh,
course; mys ruoka-aineet; ruoalta
psty! n) arter rinlshlng (1. bavlng flnIshed) one'S meal; ruokaa ia juomaa meat
(1. rood) and drlnk; ~ on pydtt (the)
dlnner [breakfast, etc] is ready (1. Is on
the table); Grand-hotellissa on huonom
paa (1. taa huonompaa ruokaa) kuin . . the
moklng Is not as good at Hotel Grand as..,
the cuislne at Hotel Grand is inferior to
that or . .; [tarjottiin] kolmenlaista ruokaa
(mys:) tbree courses [were served] ;
of/a ruoalla he at the table, be havlng a
meal, be taklng one's meal, (Istua py
dss) be slttlng at (the) table; vrt. jlki,
kasvi-, liha y.m.
ruokal-alka meal-time; tlme to eat, tlme
to bave one's meal; ruoka-aikaan durlng (1.
at) meals, durlng (1. at) meal-time(s).
-aine : ruoka-aineet (artlCleS Of) food, fOOdstufrs, (ruoakset) eatables, victuals; vrt.
ravintoaine, -aitta outbullrtlng Tor storlng
Tood; larder; vrt. ruokasili. -annos portton of food; allowance of provisiona; (et.
sot.) ration, -astia dlsh. -halu appetlte;
hyvll ruokahalulla with a good (1. a
hearty) appetlte. -hedelm fruit for cooking (purposes), Trult for ples. -huone ks.
ruokaileminen taklng (1. havlng) one's meals;
eating. ruokailija boarder; (ravintoloissa
y. m.) customer. ruokailla take (1. have)
one's meals, eat (one's meals); (olla ruoal
la) be at the table. ruokailu eating (one's
ruokailu- (yhd.) ks. ruoka-, -huone (hotel
lin y. m.) dlnlng-room, (pienempi) breakrast-room; (rautatieasemilla y. m.) eatlngroom, luncb-room.
ruokainen ks. kaikki, runsas, vh y.m.
ruokaisuua ks. kaikki, vh y. m.
ruokaB Jrjestys dlet(ary): (lk.) reglmen.
-kaappi cupboard; sbelves; (-sili) pantry,
buttery. -knnin (I. v.) dinner-pall; lunchbox. -kasvi plant for food; (sytv) edlble plant. -kauppa, -kauppias ks. ruokata
vara kauppa, -kauppias, -kellari cellar
store-room; (uiko-, Juurlksien silytyst
varten) root-bouse. -kello dlnner-bell, bell;
(huoneessa:) gong for meals. -kori 1. (torlostoksla varten) market-basket; 2. (evskori) luncn-basket, (suuri) provlslon-hamper. -kunta persons who eat together;
(sot.) mess. -kutsu call to (1. announcement of) dlnner [breakfast, supper].
ruokala eating-house. boarding-house, dlnIng-rooms; (ravintola) restaurant.


ruokalaji dlsh; course.

ruokalanliemanta landlady. -Isnt landlord.
-pitj boarding-house keeper; keeper of
ruokall leip (plain) bread. -lepo nap (1. doze)
after a meal; (palvllls-) after-dlnner nap,
siesta; olla ruokalevolla be taklng an afterdlnner nap (1. a siesta), -lista 1. -luettelo
blll or rare; (Juhlapivllisill; mys ho
tellin y. m.) menu. -luku grace (berore
meals), blesslng; lukea ruokaluku say
grace, ask the blesslng. -lusikallinen table
spoonrul [or. Jotakin], -lusikka tablespoon.
-multa (black) rlch soll (1. earth). -muru 1.
-palanen blt or rood, morsel. -myyml
ruokatavarakauppa, -omena cooking-apple.
-paikka eatlng-house, dlnlng-rooms; (ruo
kala) boardlng-bouse (1. -place); hyv ruo
kapaikka a good place to eat (1. to take
one's meals). -palkka: olla cl. tehd tyt)
ruokapalkalta work for one's board. -pntt
(1. v.) dinner-pall. -pyt (dlning-) table,
dlnlng-room table; ruokapydss at (the)
table. -rahat money enough to pay one's
board. -rauha: antakaa minulle ruokarauha
let me eat in peace. -ryyppy appetlzer,
\vhet. -salaatti lettuce. -sali dlnlng-room
(1. -hali); (suuri) banquet-room, banquei
(-lng) hali. -sieni (sytv sieni) edlble
mushroom. -sili pantry; larder; (esim.
hotellin) storeroom (Tor provlslons). -tar
peet ToodSturr(S) ; vrt. ruokavarat.
ruokatavara: ruokatavaraa, ruokatavaroita
provlslons, rood supplies, eatables. victuals,
vlands, (fcaupp.) grocerles (silykkeet,
mausteet, kasvikset y.m., mutta el liha)
-kauppa grocery (store); (Engl.) provi
sion-dealer^ (shop), -kauppias grocer;
dealer In (general) provlslons.
ruoka! torvi gullet; (anat.)esophagus,CESOphagus. -tunti meal-hour [lunch-hour, dlnner-hour, etc.]. -varasto stock or provisions; supply or rood (I. or provlslons);
store. -varat provlslons, rood supplies; vrt.
muonavarat, -vasu ruokakori, -vieras
m.) customer.
In cooklng.y. -voi
cooklng butter
-ljy ollve-oil: salad-oil.
ruokinta ruokkiminen. -Jrjestys: oikea
ruokintajrjettyt proper (regulation OD
reedlng; vrt. ruokajrjestys.
ruokita (ravita) reed.
ruokki (ellnt.) razor-billed auk, razorblll.
ruokkia reed [the dog on meat, koiraa lihal
la] ; (ravita) nourlsh; (elimi, rehulla)
rodder; (pit yll) malntaln; hevostaan
kauroilla reed oats to one's horse, (pltemmlti) keep. one's horse on oats; /a vaa
tettaa jotakuta reed and clothe one, keep
. . In rood and clothlng. ruokkimaton unfed, unfoddered. ruokkiminen reedinj- Jne.,
ks. ruokkia.
ruokko (hoito) care; keep; (elatus) sustcnance; (ruokinta) reedlng; mys =- ruokkoaminen; vrt. lapsen; antaa (l. jtt)
ruoholle (elin) put .. out [at], (lapsi)
board.. out, farm.. out; olla ruoholla (elin)
be put out [at], (lapsi y. m.) be rarmed
OUt [\vlth, Jollakulla]; .. on huonossa ruo
hotta . . Is (I. has been) badly taken care
or, . . has been neglected, (siivossa) . . Is
llttered, . . IS Untldy; . . on hyvss ruo
hosta . . Is (1. has been) well cared Tor, . .
Is in rine shape, (siisti) . . Is neat, . . Is tldy.
ruokkoamlnen cleanlng (out) Jne, ks. ruokota.
ruokkoinen: huono . . badly cared for. bad
ly attended to, neglected, (epsiisti) llt
tered, untldy.
ruokkooja dresser; hevottn groom; vrt.
ruoko cane; (kasv.) reed; vrt. sokeri,
ruokoinen .. or reed; reedy.




ruoko!' keppi cane. -kimppu bunch (1. clump) ruotsalalsl-amerikkalainen (a. & s.) Swedor reeds; bundle of canes. -pilli reed. lsh-Amerlcan. -perinen . . or Swedish descent (1. orlgln). -suomalainen I. (s.) Swed
-sokeri cane-sugar.
ruokota (siivota) clean; clean out [a stable, ish Finn. II. (a.) Swedlsb-Finnish. -syn
talli] ; (puhdistaa) dress; (hoitaa) take care tyinen . . or Swedish blrth.
or, attend to: hevosta groom a horse.
ruotsalaistu* become Swedish; be(come)
ruokoton (siivoton) untidy, unclean(ly); asslmllated wlth the Swedish: vrt. suoma
dlrty, fllthy; mys rivo. ruokottomasti ks. laistua, ruotsalaistuminen asslmllatlon wltti
rivosti, ruokottomuus unclean(ll)ness, dlrt- the Swedish, ruotsalaistunut . . ssiini lated vvlth the Swedish, ruoualaistuttaa
lneSS, riitti; m.VS = rivous; puhua ruokot
tomuuksia taik about obscenlttes (1. m- make . . Swedish, ruotsalaistuttaminen
maklng . . Swedish.
ruokotuoli cane chalr.
ruotsalaisuus Swedish characteristlc (1. peruo'on korsi (slalk or a) reed, reed-stalk. cullarlty): (kieless:) Swedish Idiom (I.
-p bead of (a) reed.
usage). ruotsalaisvalta Swedish dominion.
ruopata dredge.
Ruotsi Sweden; Ruotsin Lappi (the) Swedish
ruopia scratcb [the ground, maata]; cla\v; Lapland. ruotsi (ruotsinkieli) Swedish
(kuopia) paw; (kalvaa) dig. ruopiminen (language). ruotaiapuhuva Swedlsh-speakscratcblng Jne., ks. edell.
fng. ruotslklihkoinen (a.) . . with a mania
ruopotella scratcb; (hangata, hieroa) mb. ror things Swedish, ruotsikko (s.) person
ruoppa inud. ruoppaaja (-kone) dredge. Swedish In sptrlt.
ruoppaaminen dredglng. ruoppainen . . Tuli ruotsin! aikuinen . . or (1. dating rrom) the
or mud, muddy.
tlme or Flnland's amilation with Sweden,
ruoppaus dredglng. -kauha (dredglng) -kieli Swedish (language). -kielinen Swed
bucket, scoop. -kone 1. -laitos dredgingish, -maalainen I. (a.) Swedish. II. (s.)
machine, dredge. -koura grab-bucket (or Swede. -mielinen I. (a.) . . Swedish In
a dredge). -proomu = mutaproomu. -ty spirlt (1. In views); .. sympathlzlng wlth
dredglng (work).
everything Swedish. II. (s.) person Swed
ruori ks. persin, -kettinki \vbeel-chain. ish In spirlt, person sympathizfng with
-mies helmsman, steersman, wheelsman; everything Swedish.
vrt. pernpitj.
ruotsinnos Swedish translatlon, translatlon
ruorin|kampi I. -varsi tiller.
Into Swedish.
ruorillpinna tiller. -rataa wheel.
ruotsinpuoleinen . . (situated) on the Swed
ruoska whlp, lash; scourge (mys kuv.); ish side (of the border).
vrt. solmu .
ruotsintaa translate (1. render) Into Swed
ruoskan i letkaus I. -limhdys lash, cut \vitli ish, ruotsintaminen (Jonkin) translatlon
a wblp. -ljhdys crack or a whlp; vrt.
[or . .] Into Swedish.
edell. -siima (wnlp-)lash, thong.
ruotta (kalan) skeleton (or a rish).
ruoskia Clog; (piiskata) wblp, lash; (vanh.) ruotu (sot.) rile; (sotilas-) dlstrlct irormerscourge; (etup.usk.) riagellate; jotakuta ly tn Sweden and Finland] charged with
arvostelussaan Clay a p. In onc's crltlclsm, the maintenance or a Toot-soldier; jakaa
criticlze . . harshly (1. severely); Iinaan
ruotuihin divlde . . into distrlcts charged
sa mortiry the flesh; varttia flay. ruos
wlth the maintenance or root-soldlers.
kita scourger; (piiskuri) one who whips, -Jako allotment Into distrlcts charged with
whlpper. ruoskiminen, ruoskinta riog
the maintenance or root-soldlers. -(Jako-)
ging Jne., ks. ruoskia, ruoski (tu)ttaa (Jo
laitos inilltary tenure establishment. -sota
ku) have . . riogged (1. whlpped 1. lashed); mies Toot-soldler under the mllitary tenure
(Jollakulla) have one riog (1. whlp 1. lash). establishment. -sotavki = ruotuvki, -ta
ruoste rust; (vasken-) verdlgrls; (viljan, lollinen 1. -tilallinen farmer obliged to take
mys:) smut, bllght; olla ruosteissa lie part in malntainlng a root-soldter. -ukko
aged pauper [Tormerly In Finland] allotted
rusty, be rusted.
ruosteen karvainen ruosteenvarinen. -kel
by the communlty to the lowest bldtainen (. . of a) rusty yellow. -ruskea der; vrt. seur. -vaivainen parlsh depend(. . of a) rusty brown. -sym 1. -turme
ent, pauper. -vki soldlery [rormerly In
lema corroded (by rust). -vihre verdlgris Sweden and Finland] Apportloned (I. allot
ted) to various distrlcts to be malngreen. -viri 1. -karva color or rust. -vri
tained by the land-owntng population; the
nen rust-colored; rerruglnous.
ruosteinen rusty; kyd ruosteiseksi bccome (Swedish) national (1. terrltorial) army.
(1. get) rusty, rust. ruoeteisuus rustiness. rupatella, rupattaa chat; chatter, prate;
ruostelipilkku spot (1. sinin) of rust. -pilk- rupatella iloisesti chat merrlly, laugli and
kuinen . . vvith rusty stalns. . . wlth spots taik. rupattelija chatterer. rupattelu, ru(I. stalns) nr rust. -aleni (kasv.) rust patus chat, small taik, chit-chat.
(-fungus). -sorsa (ellnt.) Brahminy duck. rupeama tlme between two meals; (Jakso)
ruostua rust, berome (I. get) rusty, be at- stretch; spell; (ajanjakso) perlod; yhteen
tacked (I. be afTected) by rust. ruostuma
rupeamaan at a stretch, wlthout stopptng,
ton . . rree from rust, . . not affected (1. wlthout (an) lntermlsston.
attacked) by rust, . . not rustlng, rust- rupeaminen beglnnlng Jne., ks. ruveta.
proof, . . proor agalnst rust. ruostuminen rupi scab, scale, (lk.) slougb, eschar;
rusting. ruoetunut rusty, rusted. ruos
(esim. lapsen pss) scurr: olla ravassa,
tuttaa rust, make . . rusty.
olla ruvella be scabby. -konna rupisam
ru'ota (prees. rukoan) put . . into cocks, makko, -lisko (ellnt.) crested newt: watercock [hay, heini].
newt, trlton.
ruoti (kasv.) staik; vrt. lehden.
rupinen scabby, scabbed; scurry.
ruotia (ottaa pois ruodot) bone [a risti, ka rupiljrohtuma: pojan kdess on rupimahtumaa the inu v hand Is chapped so badly
la], ruotiminen bonlng.
ruotiukko ruotu-ukko.
that lt shows scabs. -sammakko (common
ruoto (kalan-) bone, flsbbone; (ev-, pilkki) European) toad.
splno; (sulan-) shart, (tiet.) scape; (puu rupisuus scabblness.
kon) tang. ruotoinen bony [rish, kala], rupla r(o)uble; ruplan seteleiss In one. . full or bones; (pilkkinen) spiny.
ruble billS; ruplitta In rubles; kymmenen
ruotsalainen I. (s.) Swede; ruotsalaiset ruplaa ten rubles.
(mys:) the Swedish. II. (a.) Swedish. rupull (tuhkarokko) measles; mys rok-



ko; lapsi on ruputissa the chlld has the

rusahdella be crackiin*, crackle; (ryshdell) be crashlng. rusahdua snap, crack;
(ryshdys) crasb. rusahtaa snap, crack;
(rysht) crash; vrt. rasahtaa, rusahta
minen snapplng Jne., ks. edell.
ruse (puna) red(ness); ruddlness; (ihomaa11) palnt, rouge.
rusennus crusb; squeeze; mys = rusenta
minen, rusentaa (murskata) crush; (likis
t) squeeze; (ruhjoa) brulse; (murtaa)
break; (hakata murskaksi) smash, shattcr;
rusentaa jonkun kallo break a p.'s skull (1.
head), dash a p.'s bralns out; vrt. muser
taa, rusentaminen crushlng Jne., ks. edell.
rusentua be(come) crushed (1. squeezed 1.
bruised 1. smashed Jne., vrt. rusentaa),
rusentuminen bcing crushed (1. squeezed 1.
rusetti (nauharuusu) bow, knot; rosette;
(kokardi) cockade.
rusikoida handle roughly, maul; (esim. hat
tu) batter (out of shape); (lyd) pound,
knock; (mukkllolda) pommel; vrt. piest,
rusikoiminen handllng . . roughly Jne., ks.
edell.; rnugh handllng.
rusina raisin. -kakku frult-cake; plum-cake.
-keitto 1. -soppa raisin and prune sauce.
ruslnankivi raisln-seed.
ruskaa (esim. laiva liitteissn) groan, creak;
(rysk) crash. ruskamlnen groanlng Jne.,
ks. edell. ruskata ks. ruskaa, ruske groan
(-Ing); (ryske) crash(lng); (Jymy) dln.
ruskea brown; (kellertvn-) tan; hiili
kS. ruskohiili.
ruskea- (yhd.) . . wlth bro\vn . . , brown[eslm. -raitainen . . \vitn brown strlpes;
-silminen brown-eyed].
ruskeahko broxvnlsh.
ruskean] keltainen brownlsh yellow. -kirjava
brownlsh mottled, mottled brown. -punai
nen brovvnlsh red; maroon; (hevosesta:)
sorrel; (tukasta:) aiilmrn; vrt. punaisenruskea.
ruskea!! pilkkuinen .. with brown dots, ..
dotted wlth brown. -tukkainen brownhalred; brunette. -taplilnen . . brown
spots; .. spotted brown.
ruskettaa ks. rusketuttaa. ruskettua, rusketa
turn brown, become (I. get) brown; brown;
(ahavoitua) get sun-burned, get tanned.get
browned. rusketuttaa brown; (esim. au
rinko Ibon, mys:) tan, bronze. ruskeus
brown (color), brownness. ruskeuttaa
(make . .) brown; vrt. rusketuttaa.
rusko I. (ruskotus) red(ness); glow; vrt.
aamu~, ilta~.

rusko II. (hevosen nimen) bay.

ruskohiili brown coal; (llgnilttl) lignite.
ruskoinen reddlsb [sky, taivas] ; (punertuva)
rusko! Isvi (kasv.) brovvn seaweed. -sammal
(kasv.) brown moss.
ruskottaa: toivo* the sky Is red (I. reddlsb
1. rosy), the sky glows; toivo* alkoi ~ the
sky flusbed \vlth red (1. \vltli rose). ruskot
taminen, ruskotus red(ness),roslncss; glow.
ruskuainen (munan-) yolk.
ruso (rusko) red(ness); ruddlness. -hohtoi
nen rose-colored, rosy-tlnted, rosy-klndled.
-huulet rosy lips. -iho rosy complexlon.
-pilvi purple (1. rosy) cloud. -poski rosy
cheek. -poskinen rosy-cheeked. -suu rosy
rusottaa shlmmer (\villi) red ; vrt. ruskottaa,
rusottaminen red shlmmer. rusottava . .
shlmmerlng wltb red, Dushlng, rosy. rusotus redness, red; ruddlness; blush.
russakka cockroacb.
rustailla, rustata be maklng, be equlpplng;
vrt. laitella.


rusthollari ks. ratsutllallinen. rustholli ks.

rusto grlstle; (anat.) cartilage. rustoinen
grlstly, cartllaglnous.
rustollkala cartllaglnous risli. -kasvain car
tllaglnous tumor.
rustomainen, rustontapainen grlstly, cartl
laglnous, cbondroid.
rusto!! ruotoinen: rustoruotoiset kalat cartl
laglnous nshes. -solu cartllage-cell.
rustoton . . devold of cartilage.
rustottua form cartilage (1. grlstle), be converted (1. be turned) Into cartilage, become
grlstly. rustottuma cartllaglnous formatlon.
rustottuminen, rustotus process or forming
(1. of being turned Into) cartilage, Tormatlon of cartilage.
ruta (muta, lieju) mud, mtre.
ruteeni Huthenlan.

rutillhullu (asioista:) preposterous. absurd

(In the extreme); (raivohullu) ravlng mad,
completely out or one's mlnd (I. one's
head); olotko rutihullu, kun sottaisia a)attolot you must be out or your head to thlnk
sucb thlngs. -kuiva . . as dry as dust (1. as
powder 1. as soot). -kyh (absolutely)
pennlless; lmpoverlshed, . . reduced to
rutiseminen cracking Jne., ks. seur. rutista
crack: (naksaa) creak, groan.
rutistaa (puristaa) press, squeeze; (rypis
t) rumple, crumple, wrlnkle, (Jkpv.)
muss (up) ; rikki crush, squash, rutista
minen presslng Jne., ks. edell.
rutistua be pressed, be squeezed; be (c)rumpled, be wrlnkled, wrinkle, (Jkpv.) be
mussed (up); (kutistua) sbrink. rutistunut
(puristunut) pressed, squeezed; (rypisty
nyt) rumpled (1. crumpled) [plece or paper,
paperi], wrlnkled [goxvn, leninki]; (Jkpv.)
mussed. _
rutillvanha very (1. extremely) old; (Jkpv.)
. . as old as Methuselah (1. as the hllls);
vrt. ikivanha, -vanhoillinen ultraconservatlve. -vanhoillisuus ultraoonservatlsm, ex
treme (1. uncompromlslng) conservatism.
ruton || saastuttama 1. -tartuttama . . Inrected
wlth the plague, plague-strlckcn. -tapainen
pestllentlal. -tarttuma pestllence.
rutosti (kki) suddenly; (pian) svvirtly,
ruttaantua ks. ryplstyK, rutistua.
rutto plague, pest; pestllence; (paise-) bubonlc plague. -paise plague-sore, eruption
caused by the plague; (kuv.) plague-spot.
-pesi seat or the plague. -sulku quaran
tlne; olla ruttosulussa s tay (1. He 1. be
kept) In quarantlne; viikon ruttosulku
(mys:) quarantlne Tor a \veek. -tauti
plague, pest. -tautinen plague-strlcken,
. . 111 (1. Inrected) wlll> the plague.
ruttu: manna ruttuun be (1. get) rumpled (I.
crumpled), bc (1. get) wrinkled, (Jkpv.)
get mussed, vrt. rutistua; olla rutussa be
(c)rumpled, be wrlnklcd, (kutistunut) be
shriink; panna ruttuun (c) rumple, \vrlnkle,
(Jkpv.) muss (up). ruttuinen (c)rumpled,
wrlnkled; (Jkpv.) mussed.
ruuan- (yhd.) ks. ruoan-.
ruudinllhaju smell or (gun)powder. -mus
taama powder-stalned. -savu smoke from
the povvder.
ruudukas, ruudullinen checked; (suuriruutuinen) plald, checkered; ruudukkaasta
kankaasta tehty puku check(ed) suit. ruudunmuotoinen squarc(-shapcd).
ruuhi (vene) riat-bottomed rowboat (usually
\vlth square ends), punt; (kaukalo) trough;
ruuhka 1. (tukki-) log Jam, Jam or logs;
8. (rupa) rioatlng debrls.
ruukinpatruuna ks. tehtaanisantK.



ruukki kS. muuri, rauta-.

ruukku pot, Jar; crock; vrt. kukka , mai
to, vesi. -Juusto potted cheese. -kasvi
potted plant [potted geranium, etc.J. -rusi
nat (best) dessert raislns. -savi potter's Clay.
ruukunlitekij potter. -tako pottery.
ruuma (laivan lasti-) bold.
ruumenet oharr.
ruumiillinen (ruumiin-) bodlly, corporal;
(fyysllllnen) physlcal, corporeal; ty
pbyslcal (1. raanual) labor; ruumiillisen
tyn tekij (manual) laborer, worklng mau.
ruumiillisentaa = ruumiillistaa, ruumiilli
sesti bodlly; in the flesh, in person; physically; ruumiillisesti ja henkisesti sairas
mies a physically and mentally sick man, a
surrerer In mlnd and body. ruumiillistaa
embody, lncarnate; (olennolda) personi ry.
ruumiillistaminen embodlment, incarnatlon.
ruumiillistettu embodled; lncarnate; personiried. ruumiillistua become lncarnate,
be embodled; be(come) personiried. ruu
miillistunut embodled, lncarnate; personi
ried. ruumiillistus embodlment. ruumiil
lisuus corpor(e)allty.
ruumiin- (yhd.) . . of the body [esim. -liika
motion of tbe body; -ontalo cavlty of the
body; -paino weight of the body], .. of
body [esim. -voima strength of body];
physlcal, bodlly, corporal [esim. -harjotus
physlcal (1. bodlly) exerclse; -heikkoudet
physlcal (1. bodlly) Inflrmitles; -vamma
bodily (1. corporal) injury]. -asento posi
tion or the body; bodlly attltude; (ryhti)
ruumiinavaus post-mortem (examlnatlon) ;
(lk.) autopsy. -pytkirja record of a
post-mortem examlnatlon. -toimitus (performance of an) autopsy.
ruumiinen (yhd.) . .-bodled [esim. hikko~
weak-bodled; iso~ big-bodied, large-bodled] ; . . or a . . constltutlon [esim. heikkoor a feeble (1. weak) constltutlon; vankkaor a strong (1. a robust) constltutlon].
ruumiini haju cadaverous smell (1. odor),
(kalman) deathly odor. -kantaja pallbearer, bearer. -kellot death-knell, knell.
-koi ks. syp.
-koko slze or body,
tytt ruumiinkokoa
Hill slze,
HIV slze. -kokoinen lire-slze. -liikunto
(physlcal) exerclse. -lmp temperature
or the body; body-beat, anlmal heat.
-mukainen ntted; tightntting. -muodostus
flgure, form; vrt. ruumiinrakenne. -myrkky
septic virus in corpses, cadaverlc polson;
vrt. ruumismyrkky. -myrkytys septic polsonlng. -osa pan (or the body); (Jsen)
llrnb, inember. -peite covering on the body;
ruumiinpoltto crematlon; ruumiinpolton har
rastaja (\. kannattaja) crematlonlst. -uuni
crematorlum, crematory. -yhdistys crematory (1. crematorlal) soclcty.
ruumiin rakenne 1. -rakennus bodily structure, physlque; constltutlon; bulld, frame;
hento ruumiinrakenne slender rrame. -ran
gaistus corporal punlshment. -rystj
body-snatcher, grave-robber; resurrectlonman. -tarkastus search or the person;
(kuolemanjlkeinen) post-mortem examl
natlon; vrt. (kuolemansyiden) tutkimus,
-vika bodlly (1. physlcal) derect (1. deronnity); (synnynninen) mairormation;
hnell on ruumiinvika (mys:) he 18
derormed. -voimat bodily (1. physlcal)
strength (1. powers>; tavattomilla ruumiinvoimilla varustettu mies man or extraordinary strength, very strong (1. exccedIngly povverrul) man.
ruumiiton bodlless, lncorporeal; . . vvlthout


materia! form, linmaterial. ruumiittomuus

. . belng \vithout materlal form.
ruumis body; (ruumllnrunko) trunk, torso;
(vainajan) corpse, dead body; (leikkely
varten) cadaver; ruumiinosa) terveydeksi
ror one's health. -arkku corrin; casket.
ruumis huone room \vlierc a dead person Is
lald out; (tav.) morgue, mortuary; (lelkkaushuone) dissectlng-room, (yliopistois
sa) anatomlcal laboratory. -myrkky (el
vss ruumiissa muodostuva) ptomatn(e).
-myrkytys ptomain(e)-polsoning. -naamio
death-mask. -paarit bier. -saarna funeral
sermon. -aatto funeral procession ; funeral
train, train of mourners.
ruumistua become the embodlment of; (usk.,
llhalllstua) become lncarnate. ruumistunut
embodled: lncarnate. ruumistus embodl
ment; Incarnatlon. ruumistuttaa embody;
ruumisvaunut hearse.
ruuna (valakka) geldlng, castrated horse:
vrt. rusko.
ruuni ks. ruskea, -hiili = ruskohiili, -kivi
(kem.) tnanganese dioxld.
ruunikko brown(ish) horse; (rusko) bay.
ruunu crown; vrt. kruunu.
ruunun- (yhd.) ks. kruunun-, -mies ofricer
or the Crown; government orficial (I. employee). -vouti (1. v.) dlstrict attorney,
(Engl.) dlstrict bailirr.
ruuppa (ksn) \vart.
ruustinna (rovastlnrouva) dean's wire; rector's wlfe; (leski-) dean's w*ldow.
ruusu I. (kasv.) rose; Ruusujen sota (Engl.
hiSt.) War or the ROSeS; kulkea ruusuilta
He on a bed or roses.
ruusu II. (-tauti) erysipelas.
ruusu- (yhd.) rose- [esim. -kvartsi rosequartz; -tarha rose-garden; -vesi rosewater] ; . . of roses [esim. -seppele wreath (1.
garland) or roses; -tarha garden or roses].
ruusuinen rosy; . . strewn wlth roses; (ruu
suilla koristettu) . . decked (1. decorated)
wlth roses; (ruusunvrinen) rose-colored.
ruusui kaali (kasv.) Brussels sprouts. -kasvi
plant or the rose lamlly.
ruusuke rosette; rose; vrt. nauha, ruusukkeinen (kasv.) . . arranged In a rosette.
ruusumainen . . resembllng a rose, (ruusunnkinen) . . rose-like In appearance; (ruusunmuotolnen) . . sbaped Iike a rose.
ruuaunauha (rukous-) rosary.
ruusun marja hip. -nuppu 1. -umppu roso
llini, -puna rose(-red): rose-color. -punai
nen rose-red, rose-pink, rose-colored; rosy
(rerl). -tapainen = ruusumainen. -tuoksu
seent (1. odor) or roses, rose fragrance.
-vri rose-color. -vrinen rose-colored.
ruusullpapu scarlet bean. -pensaikko I. -pen
saista hedge or roses. -pensas rose-bush.
-puinen . . of rosevvood; rosevvood. -puu
ruususto (rak.) tracery.
ruusuljy essence(l.attar)or roses; rose-oll.
ruutana (olaint.) crurian carp, crucian. -lam
mikko earp-pond.
ruuti gunpowder, povvder.
ruuti- (yhd.) povvder- [esim. -sarvi povvderhorn; -tynnyri povvder-barrel] . -aitta I.
-huone povvder-magazlne. -Jyv grain or
povvder. -kammiopovvder-niagazine. -kaup
pa 1. trade In povvder; 2.(ruutlpuotl)store
vvhere povvder Is sold. gun-store. -kellari
povvder-magazine. -kuiva . . dry as povvder;
vrt. rutikuiva, -laukaus blank shot. -panos
charge or (gun-)povvder. -rae ruutijyv.
-rjhdys exploslon or gunpowder. -tehdas
ruutu l. (ikkuna- y. m.) pane (or glass);
(neliminen) square; (malleissa y. m.)



check; (ovessa y. m.) panel; 2. (korttlvrl)

ruutu- (yhd.) .. or dlamonds "[esim. -kak
konen deuce of dlamonds; -sotamies Jack
(1. knave) of dlamonds].
ruutuinen = ruudukas; (yhd.) . . \vitli . .
checks, . .-checked [esim. pieni wlth
small checks, small-checkedj.
ruutu kortti diamond. -maa suit of dlamonds.
ruutumainen square (-shaped).
ruutu malli checkered pattern. -mallinen
. . witli a checkered pattern, checkered.
ruuvaaminen screwlng. ruuvailla be screwing.
ruuvata screvv; ~ auki, ~ irti unscrew,
screw orr; ~ kansi kiinni scrcw the lid on;
seinn kiinni fasten (1. Hx) . . on (1. to)
the wall with a screvv (1. \vith screws),
screw . . on the vvall. ruuvaua screwlng.
ruuvi screvv.
ruuvi- (yhd.) screw- [esim. -lpp 1. -venttaii screvv-valve; -pultti screw-bolt] ;
(kierukka) splral [esim. -viiva splral llne].
-avain wrencb; (universaali-) monkeywrench. -liike screvv motlon.
ruuvimainen ks. kierteinen.
ruuvi |! meisseli screvv-driver. -mutteri nut.
-naula wood-screw.
ruuvin kanta head or a [the] screvv, screvvhead. -kierre thread of a [the] screw,
(screw-)thread. -muotoinen 1. -tapainen
screw-shaped; screvv-llke.
ruuvil penkki vise(-bench). -pihti 1. -pihdit
clamp; (kiinte) vlse. -pora (kierukka-)
splral drlll; (-kaira) splral auger. -potkuri
(laivan) screvv propeller, screvv. -puristin
vlse; (filmaus-) clamp, screvv-clamp; (kir
jansitojan) standlng-press. -pyr 1. -ratas
vvorm-gear, worm-wheel. -sorkka dlestock; screvv-stock, screvv-plate. -taltta
ruvenmuodostus formatlon of a scab; scab
(1. scabby) formatlon.
ruveta (alkaa) begln, commence, start, set
about; (ryhty Johonkin tai Jotakin teke
mn) undertake [to do . .]. take to, resort
to; (antautua Johonkin) take up [a trade.
Jollekin ammattialalle (1. Johonkin ammat
tiin)], enter, engage In, go In for; (tarttua,
laam.) take; (koskettaa) touch; vrt. ryh
ty; rupeaa satamaan lt Is beglnning to
raln; ampumaan open rire; Jonkun
auttajaksi (ottaa auttaakseen) undertake
to help One; huutamaan, ~ kirkumaan
begln to yell, start yelling, set up a yell (I.
a hovvl); inhoamaan jotakin (mys:) take
a disllke (1. an aversion) to; ~ Jonkin joh
tajaksi become the leader or, put o. s. at the
head or, take charge of, assume the command (1. the management) of; joksikin
become . . , (menn) go as.., (asettua) set
o.s. (1. put o.s. forvvard) as . . [esim. ruve
ta sanomatehtimieheksi become a nevvspaper mau; ruvata sotamieheksi become a
soldler, go as a soldler], vrt. tulla (Joksi
kin) ; ~ jseneksi johonkin become a member of, enter . . as a member. Join . .;
koettamaan: ei kannata ~ koettamaan it
does not pay to try, lt Is no use to ti y, lt
Is no use trylng; ~ levolle go to sleep, go
to bed, retire, (pivllis- y.m.) take a nap;
liikeyhteyteen jonkun kanssa establlsh
business connectlons (1. enter Into busi
ness relatlons) vvith a p.; liittoon jon
kun kanssa kS. tehd (liitto); maalarinoppiin enter the palnter's trade as an apprentlce; ~ merimieheksi become a sallor,
gO to Sea; neuvotteluihin ks. ryhty; ~
nunnaksi ks. menn; Jonkun palvelukseen
enter a p.'s Service, take a position vvith a
p.; papiksi become a mlnlster (1. a cler-


gyman), enter the mlnistry, enter (1.

take) boly orders; pitklleen nurmelle
lie (1. throw o.s.) down on the grass;
puhumaan begln (to speak), (nousta) rlse
to speak; ~ Jonkun puolelle take a p.'s pait
(1. side), side vvith a p., (liitty) join a p.'s
party, ally o.s. with; ~ puuhiin ks. ryhty;
~ rettelimn start (1. stlr up 1. mak)
trouble, begln to ralse trouble, start a fuss
(I. a quarrel), (oikeudessa) go to law, go
to the courts [about. Jonkin takia] ;
ruoalle, symn begln the meal, sit
down to the table; Jonkun seuraan associate vviih a p., Join a p.; ~ Jonkun sijalle
take (1. occupy 1. fill) a p.'s place. step into
a p.'s place, (vapauttaa) relleve a p., (kor
vaten) replace a p.; ~ sotamieheksi
(mys:) enlist (as a soldler); takuuseen
jollekulle go bond for a p.; ~ tarinoihin
jonkun kanssa begln to Chat vvith, have a
Chat (1. a taik) vvith; tekemn jotakin
begln to do . . , start . .-ing, commence
. .-ing, (ryhty) take to . .-Ing, take up (1.
go In for) . .-ing [esim. ruveta apua huu
tamaan begln to yell for help; ruveta juo
maan take to drinktng; ruveta lampaita
kasvattamaan take up (1. go In for) Shcepralslng; ruveta riitelemn start quarrellng] ; Jonkin tekoon begln (1. start 1.
commence 1. set about) to make [to bulld,
to construct, etc], vrt. edell.; ~ toimen
piteisiin, ~ toimiin ks. ryhty; ' tuoma
riksi (asettua) set o.s. up as a Judge
[huom. en halua ~ kenenkn tuomariksi
I don't vvant to set myseir up as a judge
over anyone; en halua tuomariksi siin
asiassa I don't vvish to be a judge In (1. of)
that matter] ; tyhn ks. ryhty; ~ voi
maan pahoin (mys:) be taken slck; joka
miekkaan rupee, se miekkaan hukkuu Whosoever taketh the sword, shall perish thereby; mihin sin nyt rupeat what are you
going to do (1. to undertake 1. to begln)
novv? minua rupesi naurattamaan ajatelles
sani, kuinka . . lt made me laugb to think
how ... I wanted (1. I had) to laugh when
I thought how . . .
ruvettua form a scab, form scabs, become
scabby (1. scabbed); haava on ruvettunut
a scab has rormed on the sore; lapsen korvantausta on ruvettunut a scab has formed
behind the chlld's ear. ruvettuminen for
matlon of a scab (1. of scabs). ruvettunut
scabby [wound, haava]; scurfy [skin.lho].
ryhdikkyys erect (1. good 1. flne) carriage,
stately carriage (I. bearlng); statellness;
(puhti) vlm, splrlt, forcc; hness ei ole
mitn ryhdikkyytt (kuv.) there IS no
splrlt (1. no force) In hlm; hness on ryh
dikkyytt he has a flne carriage, (kuv.) he
Is very forcerul. ryhdikksti: kvell ryh
dikksti have an erect carriage In walking.
ryhdiks . . wlth an erect (1. a stately) car
riage, . . wlth a stately bearlng; (pulska)
stately. ryhdittomyys poor carriage; (kuv.)
lack of backbone; lack of force (1- of
splrlt). ryhditon . . \vlth a poor carriage;
. . vvho lacks a good carriage; (kuv.) . . wlth
no backbone, . . with no splrit (1. no vlm).
ryhdynt = ryhtyminen.
ryhmitell, ryhmittely ks. ryhmitt, ryh
gruuped. ryhmitty group themselves,
form (1. assemble In) groups, group (together). ryhmittminen grouplng jne., ka.
seur. ryhmitt group; cluster; (luokit
taa) classiry, class. ryhmitys grouping;
(luokitus) classlflcatlon.
ryhmy (pahka) lump, knob, (etup. puussa)
knot; (eptasaisuus) unevenncss; vrt. kuh


(undertake to) defend one; Jotakin puu
haamaan make arrangements (1. preparatlons) for (1. to do) . . , take measures for
(l. to do) . .; puuhiin take steps (1. meas
ures) [to have the matter arranged, asian
Jrjestmiseksi], (valmisteluihin) make
preparatlons (1. arrangements) [for; to,
lnf.j , Vrt. ryhty toimenpiteisiin; ripes
ti toimimaan set brlskly to \vork about . . ,
(Jkpv.) tackle . . vigorously; ~ rystn,
~ rystmn Start to plunder; sellai
seen keinoon, joka tepsii resort to SUCb
means as will do (1. help 1. answer);
taisteluun (ottaa taistellakseen) take up
the flght [for. Jonkin puolesta; agalnst.
Jotakin vastaan], engage in (a) combat (1. In
a rigbt)[Wltb];~ tarmolla johonkingo at.,
vigorously, tackle . . energetically; ~ teh
tvns take up one's task (1. one's work),
go to work, start to perform one's duties;
~ tekemn jotakin Set about (1. proceed)
to do a th., (Jkpv.) take to dolng a th., tac
kle; toimeen take (soine) action, (toi
menpiteisiin) take measures [to get . .
repalred, Jonkin korjaamiseksi], (ty
hn) set (1. go) to \vork (at lt), enter upon
tbe task, (Jkpv.) tackle the Job, (virkaan
sa) go (1. enter) Into Office [huom. en ryh
dy mihinkn toimeen sen suhteen I Shall
take no action in that matter, I'm not gt>lng to do anythlng (1. to take any action)
about lt, (en sekaannu) I'm not golng to
meddle wlth lt]; Jonkin toimeenpanoon
proceed to carry . . into executlon (1. into
ef Teet) ; toimenpiteisiin take measures
[regardlng, Jonkin suhteen], take steps [to
get, saadakseen], (turvautua) resort to . .
measures [agalnst, etc.], (valmisteluihin)
make arrangements [for; to, mr. ]. make
preparatlons, (toimeen) take action [huom.
ryhty laillisiin toimenpiteisiin jotakuta
vastaan (mys:) begln (1. institute) legal
proceedlngs agalnst, proceed (legally)
against; ryhty tarmokkaisiin toimenpitei
siin (mys:) adopt vlgorous measures] :
toimiin ks. edell. & ryhty toimeen; toiseen kysymykssen proceed (1. go on 1. pass
on) to another questlon; tutkimaan un
dertake to lnvcstlgate (1. to study), set
about (1. proceed) to lnvestigate, enter up
on an examlnation or; ~ tyhn begln (1.
commence) work, set to work, start worklng, start (1. take up) the \vork, begln (1.
start) one's work, (Jkpv.) tackle one's
WOrk, tackle the Job; ~ uudestaluomaan
set about to reconstruct (1. remodel), un
dertake to remodel, turn one's hand to remodellng, proceed to remodel; varokei
noihin jonkin johdosta (l. jotakin vastaan)
take precautions agalnst, provlde agalnst
[huom. ryhty varokeinoihin suojellakseen
jonkun henke take steps tO enslliv the
sarety or] : vihollisuuksiin open bostilltles; ~ vkivaltaan resort to vlolence; ei
tiennyt mihin ~ dld not kno\v \vliat to du
(1. to take up 1. to turn to) next; hn ei
koskaan ryhdy mihinkn he never does a
single thlng, he has no lnltiatlve (in bim);
hn onnistuu kaikessa, mihin (hn) ryhtyy
he succeeds in everythlng (he takes m
hand) ; min en ryhdy mihinkn (toimiin)
tss asiassa I shall take no action in tbis
matter; olen eptietoinen, mihin tss on
ryhdyttv i'in at a loss to knovv what to do
(1. vvbat I shall do); siihen on jo ryhdytty
steps have been taken (I. measures have
been adopted) In that dlrectlon (already),
arrangements (1. preparatlons) bave been
made for that (already).
ryh hump, hunch. ryhinen bumped; kaksiryhinen kameeli the t\vo-humped camel.
ryhivalas (ellnt.) humpback.

mu. ryhmyinen knotty; knobby, tuberous;

(rosoinen) rough; (eptasainen) uneven.
ryhmyltyy* knottlness; rougbness; unevenness. ryhmysauva (thick) knotty stlck
(1. cane) ; (aseena kytetty) cudgel.
ryhm group; set; (puu- y. m.) clump;
cluster; (puolue-) ractlon; (luokka) category, class; vrt. rakennus, talo y.m.
ryhmk group; cluster; vrt. edell.
ryhm! kunta group; cllque, set; (mielipi
de-) ractlon. -kuva (valo-) group plcture.
-kuvaelma group tableau. -nimi 1. -sana
(klel.) collectlve noun, collectlve.
ryhti (ruumiin-) carrlage, bearlng; (kyt
tytyminen) manner; (kuv.) splrlt, Torce,
(Jkpv.) vlm, go; sotilaallinen ryhti milltary
bearlng, soldleriy carrlage; vrt. ryhdikkyys.
ryhtlnen (ybd.) . . with a . . carrlage (1. bear
lng) [esim. komea with a Hne (1. a stately
1. an lmposlng) carrlage (1. bearlng)].
ryhtyminen beglnnlng Jne., ks. seur.
ryhtyi (ruveta) begln, commence, start, set
about; (alottaa) undertake, take steps [to,
mr.] ; proceed [to repalr, korjaamaan] ; (an
tautua) cnter Into [Turther discusslon, Jat
kamaan keskustelua]; embark In [an enterprise, yritykseen], engage in [speculatlon(s), keinotteluun; conversatlon, kes
kusteluun], take to [. .-lng, jotakin teke
mn] ; (ottaa osaa) take part [In] ; (se
kaantua) take a hand [In], step Into; (tart
tua) selze; (turvautua Jononkin) resort (1.
have recourse) to; (kyd ksiksi) set to
[work, tyhn], take up [..-lng], address
o.s. to [a task. Johonkin tehtvn], (Jkpv.)
tackle; (ottaa vastaan) take over, assume;
vrt. ruveta; ~ antomaan lausuntoa proceed
(1. set about) to give a report (1. an opin
ion); asiaan take a hand in the matter
(1. the arralr), mix in an [the] arrair, intervene, (kiinnitt huomionsa) give one's
attentlon to (I. concern o.s. about) a mat
ter; ~ hallitukseen (ottaa hallltusohjakset)
take over the relns of (the) government (1.
State), (liitty) become a member or the
government, (Yhdysv. y. m.) join the cablnet; ~ hankkeeseen make arrangements
[to have . . repalred, saada . . korjatuksi],
take steps [to get .., saada ..], (ottaa
osaa) take part in an enterprlse, enter into
(1. engage In) an enterprise; harkitse
maan asiaa take the matter under consideration (1. under advisement), take it up;
~ jlleen (Johonkin) take up . . agaln, resume [one's medical practice, harjottamaan lkrintointa; one's Office, virkaan
sa], (esim. neuvotteluihin) reenter [buom.
ryhtyS jlleen johtamaan jotakin (myS:)
reassume the leadersliip of; ryhty jlleen
tyhn resume (1. recommence) work, (pa
lata) return (1. go back) to \vork] ; ~ kan
nattamaan jotakin give one's support to;
kaupantekoon start to bargaln ivvith),
begln to taik about a deal, enter into negotlatlons [with]; ~ kostotoimiin resort to
reprlsals, wreak vengeance; ~ Johonkin
kooin kourin (Start to) haiulle . . vvlthout
mlttens, set to prosecute . . vigorously; ~
Jotakin kyttmn begln to use . . , com
mence ustng . . ; ~ lakkoon begln a strike,
go on (a) strike, strike; miefcfcaan grasp (I.
selze) a s\vord, (raam.) take the svvord; ~
Jotakin muuttamaan take steps to alter (1.
for changlng) a th., set about to cbange a
tb.; neuvotteluihin enter Into (1. open 1.
Start) negotiations; ~ opiskelemaan lke
tiedett take up (the study of) medlclne,
begin studylng medlclne; ~ poistamaan
jotakin take steps (1. measures) to remove
( abolish 1. to get.. removed), make ar
rangements Tor the removal of; ~ puolus
tamaan jotakuta undertake a p.'s defense.



ryijy rug; vrt. roijy. -matto rug-.

rylnt* hawking; coughing, ryiskelll be
hawking; cougrh (repeatedly), ryittaminen
hawking, rylttii make . . hawk n. cough);
minan ryitt I have to hawk (1. to cough),
I have a fit of coughing, ryityi = ryittxminen. rykimlnen hawking; coughing, rykli (kaklstella) hawk; (ysklft) cough.
rykmentlnuliiklrl regimental surgeon; (vannempl, Kn-'i.) surgeon-major, -pappi chap
lain (of a regiment). -pMlllkko commander
(of a regiment), regimental commander.
rykmentti regiment; rykmcntin pdamaja
regimental headquarters.
rykaiseminen hawking jne., ks. seur. rykaista
hawk; (yskist) hack, cough, (merklksl
y. in.) bem. rykiisy, rykfiy* hawk; (yskalsy) hack; (merklksi annettu) hem.
rymlni rumble, din, racket, noise; (ryske)
crash; vrt. melu. rymiseminen rumbling
Jne., ks. seur. rymist rumble, cause a din;
make a (dreadful) noise; (ryskaa) crash;
(jymlsta) thunder; rymisitn with a rum
ble, with much rumbling, (rysklen) with a
crash, rymista make a (dreadful) racket
(1. noise) with, cause a din with; (rmls) rattle. rymitytUi make . . rumble.
rymy din; noise, racket; (ryske) crash; (melu) clamor, turmoil, uproar; (elamolmlnen)
disturbance, row; (Jkpv.) hubbub, rumpus;
vrt. rymm. rymyta cause a din; make a
(dreadful) noise; (eslm. lapslsta:) romp,
be noisy; (koluta) make a disturbance,
rymyminen making a dreadful noise;
romping; vrt. edell.
rymihdelU make a noise: be rumbling; (ryskahdellft) cause one crash after another;
putos/ rymhjfllen fell (down) With 8 66rles of crashes, fell crashing.
rymikkfl (mellakka) tumult; uproar, tur
moil; (rb&kk) row; (metell) disturb
ance, riot; myS = rymy; tapptlun ~ noisy
fight; the turmoil of the fight.
rynkyttaminen shaking Jne., ks. seur. rynkytt shake; Jolt; be thumping; (kolkuttaa, ryskyttaa) beat, pound, rynkytyt shak
ing; Jolting; beating, pounding.
rynniityt (great) exertion, effort; (eslm.
xllpallussa) spurt; (ryntys) rush; attack,
assault, rynnistaminen exertion; spurting;
rushing: pressing [on] ; vrt. seur. rynnl*tli (greatly) exert O.S., make an (1. a great)
effort; (tehda loppurynnlstys, eslm. kllpallussa) make a spurt, spurt; (systa)
rush, dash; (palnaa) press; (hykat) make
an attack (1. an assault): rynnitt ettenpin press (1. rush 1. dash) on (1. forward);
rynnist ylen unk*n*S overexert O.S.; vrt.
rynnkk (hykkuys) attack, assault, onset;
onrush; drive; (syksy) rush; ryhty rynnhkn (sot.) launch a drive; vrt. vaki~.
rynniU make an assault (1. attack), assault,
attack; (systa, karata) rush, dash; make
a rush; ~ jnnhin kimppuun make an as
sault upon, attack, assault, charge, storm;
rynttiut linnotuksttn (mys:) forced
their entrance Into the fortress. rynUilernmen ks. rynUily. rynUllll assault (re
peatedly), make assaults (1. attacks), keep
attacking, keep charging, ryntaily making
assaults, assaulting; repeated assaults (I.
charges), ryntiy* assault, attack, onset,
onrush; drive; (syksymlnen) rush, run
[on the bank, pankklln]. ryntitminen
making an assault Jne., ks. rynnt.


wallow [in mire, loassa; In filth, llassa; in

vice, pahelssa], welter; (plehtarolda) roll,
rypistell (eslm. paperla) be (c)rumpllng
(up); be wrinkling; (Jkpv.) be mussing
(up); vrt. rypUtK. rypistymlnen (c)rumpltng Jne., ks. rypistya. ryplstynyt (c)rumpled, wrinkled, wrinkly; (Jkpv.) mussedup; (polmuttunut) creased. rypistys
(c)rumpllng, wrinkling, puckering; (kulmlen) contraction; vrt. rypyty*. rypistya
be (1. become 1. get) rumpled (1. crumpled
1. wrinkled), (c)rumple, wrinkle, pucker
(up); (Jkpv.) be(come) mussed up; (polmuuntua) crease, rypl tu crumple [the
paper In one's hand, paperla kftdessaan],
rumple, wrinkle, pucker (up); (polmuttaa)
crease; rypUt hulmiaan contract (1. wrin
kle) one's brow, (vlhalsestl) frown; rypitt ottaanta scowl, frown, wrinkle (1. con
tract) one's forehead, vrt. rypyttKS.
ryppy wrinkle, pucker, (c)rumple; (poimu)
crease, fold, (neuloksen) gather; (vako)
furrow [on thj forehead, otsassa] ; olla rypyss be (c)rumpled, be wrinkled, be wrin
kly, be furrowed with wrinkles, be creased;
ot*a rypyt*a with one's brow wrinkled,
with contracted brow, with a frown, ryppylnen (c)rumpled; wrinkled [forehead,
otsa], wrinkly, furrowed with wrinkles;
ryppyitet hotvot wrinkled (1. shriveled)
face, ryppyiiyy* .. being wrinkled; kasooien ryppyityy* (tav.) the wrinkled face.
ryppyotulnen . . with (a) wrinkled fore
head (l. brow).
rypyttaminen ks. rypyty. rypyttU crease;
(omp.) gather; vrt. rypUta. rypytyi creas
ing; (ompelussa) gathering.
ryplle (vllnl-) grape; (terttu) bunch, clus
ter, rypileenmuotolnen . . shaped like a
grape (1. a cluster of grapes).
ryple happo (kem.) racemlc acid, -holto
grape-cure, -mehu 1. -neste grape Juice,
juice of grapes; (kymatn) must, -parannus grape-cure, -sokeri grape-sugar;
(kem.) dextrose, dextroglucose. -terttu
buncb (1. cluster) of grapes, -vllnl grape
ryske crash; (kollna) din, racket, noise;
(jyske) thumping; (pauhu) roar, ryskiminen
crashing; thumping; roaring, rysklntl =
ryskiminen. ryekinS = ryike, ruske. ryskia,
pysky (be) crash(lng), give a series or
crashes; make (1. cause) a din: (jyskla) be
thumping; (pauhata) be roaring, roar; vrt.
ruikaa. ryekyUaminen pommeling jne., ks.
seur. ryskyttaa pommel, pound (away) [at
the door, ovea] ; thump; (rynkyttSS) shake
(violently); vrt. jyikyttaK. ryskytys ks.
ryikyttamlnen. ryakthdell be cracking;
be crashing, rytklhdyi crash; (Jyskhdys)
thud, thump. ryskhdytU cause . . to
crash; (lyMft) thump, ryskhtmlnen crashIng; thudding, ryiklhtll crash; (JyskilhII.M thud: ryskhtrn with a crash (1. a
thud); vrt. kaatua (romahtaa). ryskai ryskia.
ryssa Russian, rysslinen (a. & 9.) Russian,
ryity(nen) knuckle.
rysy ks. kasi~.
rys fyke (net); pyyt rytll catch in (I.
with) a fyke (net), -kalattu fishing with
a fyke (net).
pysnaita leader (1. run) of a fyke (net).
rysahdell be crashing; be cracking, rysahdyi crash; (rasahdus) crack(lng). rytahttmlnen crashing; cracking, ryslhtii crash;
(rasahtaa) crack; ry*ht*n with a crash;
rynUit: maata ryntilln nurmihalla lie rytht hokoon collapse with a crash;
the grass propped on one's elbows; olla rysiihtaa kumoon topple over with a crash.
ryntilln pyl vasten lean "'.< the ryteikko brush-heap; entanglement (formed
table on chest and elbows,
by fallen trees In a forest), tangle.
rypeminen wallowing jne., ks. seur. rypea rytins crash; crack(lng); vrt. ru*k. rytl-

bath, douche; lumiryppy whirling snowstorm. ryppyinen whlrlln?;
roamln?, rrothin?.
ryppy I kannu
-kylpy shower-bath. -laitos shower-bath:
(esim. puutaihan kastelua varten) spray.
ryppy = rypyt.
ryppyminen whlrlin? Jne., ks. ryopyta.
rypsihdys spurt, gush; dash. rypsht
minen spurtin? Jne., ks. seur. rypsht
spurt, ?ush; smiirt: (syksht) dash.
rush; (risky) spatter, spray.
rypynt = ryppyminen. rypyt (lent,
esim. tomu, vaahto y. m.) whlrl, riy, danre.
be whlrlln?; be dashln?; (risky) be spattertn?, be sprayin?; (vaahdota) roam.
froth; p/y ryppy maantiell dust IS (1.
there are clouds or dust) whlrlln? (1.
blowlng) about on the road; vesi (veneen)
kokassa ryppy the spray dances around
(1. riles vvhlrling about) the prow.
rysteleminen robblng, plunderin? Jne., ks.
seur. rystell be robbln?; be plunderin?.
be lootin?, be plllagfng: plunder, loot, pllla?e. rystj one who robs (1. steals I.
plunders Jne., ks. ryst) : one who robbed
(1. stole 1. plundered Jne.); robber; plunderer. rystminen robbln? Jne., ks. seur.
rystyty tear (1. tvrench) o.s. [away, Ir
ti]; break (loose, lrtil; (klskoutua) Hin?
o.s. [out or. Jostakin] ; lpi make (1.
push) one's way through, cut through;
vrt. riistyty.
ryst (rosvota) rob [one or . . , Joltakulta
jo(ta)kln: a house, talo], steal [. . rrom.
joltakin tai Jostakin Jotakin], (hvitten)
plunder, loot, plllage, sack [a city. kau
punki], ririe; (ulosoton kautta) selze (. .
c rjii n )
on an executlon), levy a dlstress upon;
ryypiskeleminen ks. ryypiskely, ryypiskelij
(kaapata) take, capture; (ottaa vkivaltai
tlppler. ryypiskell (be) drlnkdn?); (Juo
sesti haltuunsa) lay hold or, appropriate:
potella) booze, tlpple. ryypiskely drinkin?;
(et. lapsi) abduct, kldnap: putipuhtaaksi
(Joku) rob one or everythlng he has (1.
ryyppimlnen sippln?; drinkin?, ryyppii
owns), strlp one or every cent, (Jokin tai
(maistella) sip, be sippln?; mys = ryy
jkpv.) Clean out; nelt rystettiin
rahat, hnen rahansa rystettiin he was
ryyppy drlnk, dram; (siemaus) drart,
robbed or hls money, he was held up and his
drau?ht; (jkpv.) puli, ?ulp; vrt. kulabdus,
money was taken ; hn rysti minulta lapse
naukku; ottaa ~ take (1. have 1. lndul?e
ni (esim. vieraannuttamalla hnet minusta)
In) a drlnk, (Jkpv.) take a puli [at the
he robbed me or my chlld, (kuljettamalla
bottle, pullosta]: vrt. rohkaisu , ruoka
salaa pois) he kldnapped my chlld.
y.m. -lasi whlsk(e)y-?lass; small ?lass.
ryyppist sip; toss orr. ryyppiisy, ryyp- ryst robbery; plunder(ing); rtriing. plllaglng,
srkin?; depredatlon, rape, raplne,
pys drart, drau?ht; gufp; (horpptsy)
(ulosmittaus-) seizure. (lak.)
sip. ryyppminen drinkin? Jne., ks. seur.
executlon; dlstress; (etup. lapsen) abducryypt drlnk Twater, vett]; (maistellen)
tion, kldnaplng; el rystll Ilve by
sip; (Juopotella, Jkpv.) booze; itsens
robbery. Ilve on plunder (1. on booty), Ilve
humalaan ?et drunk, ?et tlpsy, drlnk o.s.
by plunderin?; jtt kaupunki rystlle
Tuli (or llquor); pohjaan empty [onc's
alttiiksi ?lve the town up to plllage: lapsen
?lass, lasinsa].
kldnappin? or a Chlld: Sabinitarten
ryysy: ryysyt ra?s, tatters, (lkpv.) duds.
ryysylnen ra??ed, . . r.lothed in ra?s; (re
(hist.) the rape or the Sabines. -huuto
paleinen) tattered. ryysylsyys ra??odness.
kauppa sherirrs sle. -murha murder and
ryysyllkilry uundle or ra?s. -kyhlist
robbery, murder in connectlon with (a)
the raggea proletarlat.
ryysyllnen, ryysymekko ra??ed rellow, rystn halu rapaclty, rapaciousness. -ha
ragamurrtn, tatterdemalion. ryyaynukke
luinen rapaclous, predatory, predaclous.
rystl! retki plunderin? (1. lootlng 1. plllagra? doll.
lng) expeditlon; rald. -saalis booty, spotls,
ryyti (mauste) spfce, seasonln?, condiment;
plunder; (ryostnuhrl) prey; joka joutui
vrt mausta, -kasvit plants ror seasonln?.
heidn rystsaaliikseen whlch they got as
-maa kltchen-garden, ve?etable ?arden.
their booty (I. thelr spolls). -toimitus
-neilikka clove; ryyti\neilikhaa 1. -neilikoita
(lak.) executlon: seizure. -tuomio ks. uloscloves. -pippuri allsplce.
ottotuomio. -viljelys robbln? (the) soti or
rykle (mlserable) vvretch, dcsplcable Telits rertillty; pollcy or exhaustlng (the)
low; (roisto) vlllain, rascal: tina (senkin)
soil bv a non-rotation or crops.
you mlserable \vrctrh! you viilsin!
rymiminen, rymint crawlin? Jne., ks. rytt I. (lika) rilth; roul matter; 2. (epatto) nasty (1. dirty) thlng. ryttlnen mthy.
rymiskell (be)
robber; (vanh.) thier; (rosvo) bn
scramble (on), rymi crawl; creep [on ryvri
dit, brigand. -Joukko = rosvojoukko,
ali Tours, nelinkontin] ; (kmpi) scramble.
do\vnpour; ryvt rob [one or . . , Joltakulta Jotakin] ;
(kadulla, maantiell y. m.; Jkpv.) hold up;
(syksy) (lasti, ?ush(in?): (riske) spray;
- itselleen grab (. . Tor o.s.); vrt. ryst.
(vaahto) foam, rroth; (kylpy) shower-


etninen crashlng jne., ks. seur. pytitU

crash; (liitteissn) oreak, groan.
rytkyminen shakin? Jne., ks. seur. rytky
shake, (ajopeleist:) Joit; (huojua) rock;
(notkua) bend.
pytmi (poljento) rhythm. rytmiks, rytmil
linen rhythmic(al).
rytyyttminen shakin?, rytyytt shake
(violently); rytyytt jotakuta (mys:)
?lve onc a (food shakin?; ajaa rytyytt
drive Joltln?ly, drlve nolslly.
rytkk (mellakka) tumult, uproar, turmoll; dlsturbance, row; tappelun scufrie,
rracas, eonfused right.
ryt (tuulen kaatama puu) windrall; (ry
teikk) entan?lement or Tallen trees (In a
ryvettyminen ?ctttn? soiled; soliin? (1.
dirtyin?) o.s. ryvettyi ?et soiled (1. muddy 1. dlrty); (ryvett itsens) soil (1.
dlrty) o.s. ryvettminen soliin? Jne., ks.
seur. ryvetti soil; (liata) dlrty, make ..
dlrty; (et. loassa laahaamalla) bedra??le
lone's dress, pukunsa], ry veti = rype.
ryvtta - ryvett.
ryyni hulled (1. pearled) ?raln; ryynit (ko
konaiset) hulled . . [esim. kauraryymt
hulled oats], pearl(ed) . . [esim. ohraryynit pearl(cd) barley], (ruhje) ?rlts,
?roatS; litistetyt hauraryynit rolled oats;
vrt. mannaryynit, riUiryynit y. m.
ryyni makkara sausa?e sturred wlth pearl
barley [or rlce] and suet. -mylly pearlln?mlll. -puuro bolled . . resim. riisiryynipuuro bolled rlce], porrld?e or pearl(ed)
. . [esim. ohraryynipuuro porrid?e of pearl
barley]. -velli ?ruel (or hulled or pearled

ryovys robbery; robbing; (maantle-, ing) sound, riikeiitl glaringly; gaudily;
Jkpv.) hold-up; vrt. ryat. ry4vaamlnen shrilly; sharply.
robbing; (Jkpv.) holding up.
raikkyminon blaring Jne., ks. raikkytt. rilkrhin racket, clamor, noise, uproar; dm- kyn blare, blaring, bray(lng); clangor;
malalslen y. m.) brawl; (riltelevlen) vrt. rikc. rikky (torvlsta:) blare, bray;
wrangling, wrangle; (metakka) row; fuss; (ramlsta) clatter, rattle, rlikki rattle, rilnastaa ! Illllna 1:11 - 1 II ) .-,- Iir.4\\!.
kyttaniinon blaring Jne., ks. seur. rtikyttai
(rslni. kokouksessa) make a fuss, raise a (torveen:) make .. blare (1. bray); (ramtrow [about, Jostakln); pit rhin be syttaa) rattle, clatter; (rummuttaa) pound
making a racket (1. a noise), be noisy, [on the piano, planoa], pommel, rikytys
(hunialalslsta y. m.:) be brawling, keep up blaring; rattling; rattle, clatter; pounding,
a brawl, vrt. rabiata, rhiseminen making pommeling; vrt. edell.
a racket jne., ks. rhiit. rihisijtt ranter; roisko (rolske) splashes, splashing, spatter(rlltellja) wrangler, Jangler; (juonlttellja) Ing, (veslputouksen y. m.) spray(lng),
troublesome fellow (1. person); (humalal- sprinkling; (kuuro) shower; (pauke) crack
nen) brawler. rihliU make a racket (I. a ling, crackle; (ruske) crash, raiskiminen
noise I. a fuss), fuss; (kerskuen) rant; spattering Jne., ks. seur. ralskik spatter,
(riidellen) wrangle, be wrangling; (huma- sprinkle, spray; splash; vrt. riskyS. rislalslsta:) brawl.
kyttamlnen spattering jne., ks. seur. rUtkytUa spatter, sprinkle [water on, vettft
rihjy shabby(-looklng) fellow; dirty fel
low; (nalsista:) slattern, slut; vrt. rahju. Jonkun (Jonkln) paftllc], spray; splash,
dash [mud on a p., kuraa jonkun palle].
rahji I. (a.) poor; (kurja) wretched, miser
riiskytys - raUkyttamtnen. rllikyl (mis
able; Anon (hokkell) hovel, hole, ram
kua) splash [up on (1. over) one, Jonkun
shackle house; ukka ~ poor old man.
Into one's face, Jonkun kasvollle];
rahji II. (s.) squalor, dirt, filth; (solkku) plle;
(riilskia) spatter; (ratlstft) crackle; (lenslop(s).
klplnolsttt:) fly about, (tulesta:)
rihjilnen squalid; shabby [house, talo] ; nella,
sparkle, send out sparks; vrt. raiiklK; v*t(llkalnen) dirty, soiled; filthy; (solskel- t
ri*kyi plltni water splashed (1. spat
nen) slushy, sloppy (mys Ihmlslst). rh- tered
1. sprinkled I. squirted) on me, I was
ja.syys squalor; shabblness; dirtiness, sprinkled
(1. splashed) all over with water.
fllthlness; slushiness; slopplness. rihjltl
(tuhrla) smear, daub; (llata) dirty, soil, raitkl (elaint.) Jaeger, skua (gull).
make . . dirty; (kuv.) bungle, make a mess raiskihdelll be (1. keep) sprinkling; (pauof (things); (kokoukslssa y.m.) cause kahdella) crackle, be crackling, riiskihdys
trouble (1. a disturbance), make trouble, splash, spatter, sprinkle; (rulskahclus)
rihjiy smearing; soiling; (kuv.) bungling spurt, squirt. rll*kahtelminen, riiikah(work); causing (of) trouble; on ilket lely sprinkling; crackling, riitkahtiminen
splashing Jne., ks. seur. rliiklhUl splash;
kattelia hntn rhjyttn (Jkpv.) It's dis
gusting to see the mess he is making of It. dash; spatter, sprinkle; vrt. roUkahtaarahjayty minen getting soiled jne., ks. seur. riiikil crackle; (klpinoldii) sparkle; (lenrihjiytya got (I. become) soiled, get dirty, nella) fly about; mys = 1.
become untidy; vrt. tahriutua. rtthjiiji rtjihdellt be exploding, give a series of ex
bungler; (kokoukslssa) disturber, trouble
plosions; be bursting; (pamahdella) go off
maker; (rfthlslja) ranter.
repeatedly, rijihdyt explosion; (paukahrabmimmen, rihminta sprawling Jne., ks. dus) detonation; (ukkosen y. m.) peal.
seur. rihmii sprawl; (ryml) crawl, rijihdyt- (yhd.) explosive [esim. -vaikutum
explosive effect; -voima explosive power] ;
rahmt rheum, (mucous) secretion [from the (kern.) fulminating [eslm. -fo/iopea ful
mercury] . -aine explosive, -kaasu
eyes]; (Jkpv.) matter, rihmiinen bleared,
bleary, rhmieyye: titmn rhmityy* the (kem.) oxyhydrogen (gas), -panos burst
-pomml shell, bomb; explosive
eye being bleared, blcarlness of the eye.
rahmalliin (flat) on one's stomach: ry- projectile.
mi rahmllSn creep (1. crawl) on one's rijihdytella be exploding; be blowing up,
be blasting. pJhdytUminen blasting,
blowing up. rijihdyttaa cause . . to ex
rihmistelli, rahmittii revel, carouse.
plode; blast, blow up; spring [a mine,
rahahdys outburst; vrt. naurun~. rihlhtai: mllna]
; rjhdyttau ilmaan blow . . up.
rhht nauramaan burst Otlt Into laugh
ter, burst (I. break) out laughing, roar pjihtminen exploding Jne., ks. rjht:
explosion, rijhtlvi explosive [mixture (1.
with laughter; vrt. remahtaa.
rihikkl hubbub, uproar; (Jkpv.) rumpus, composition), seos] ; bursting; rjhtv
row; tfppelun ~ scuffle, brawl, fracas; kaala explosive projectile, shell, shrapnel.
vrt. naurun; tiitk* ~ noami (Jkpv.) rijihtii explode; be blown up, blow up;
(paniahtaa)bang; (haljeta) burst: ilmaan
my, what a rumpus that caused! blare, blaring, bray(lng); (akklnal- he blown up, blow up; rikki explode,
ii- i i blast; (kalku) clang(or); (rainlna) fly to pieces, burst (Into pieces); pommi
riiihii the bomb exploded (I. burst).
clatter, rattle; (huuto) yell(lng).
raikeys glarlngness; glare; (varin) gaudl- riklminen coughing up phlegm, expectorat
ness; (teravyys) sharpness, striklngness; ing, rki cough up (1. raise) phlegm, ex
(klmakkuus) shrillness.
rftknlti (laskea) count, reckon; calculate.
riikei glaring [light, valo; color, vari; abuse, rikyUU(kuv.)gab;o7<1
rkyta (I.V.) shut up!
vaarinkayttO] ; gross [negligence, huollmattomuus] ; crass; (vrist) gaudy, (Jkpv.) riki mucus (1. discharge) (from the nose),
loud; (klmakka) shrill; (terava, Jyrkk) snivel, snot; (kurkusta tuleva) phlegm;
Sharp, Striking; tUtmtimyy* gross (ysks) expectoration; pojan ntnS(mi)
uohttt rk the boy's nose Is running,
(I. glaring) Ignorance; todtl/isuut glar
ing reality; the plain, unvarnished truth rikainen running [nose, nena] ; snotty.
[about]; ~ vaitakohta glaring (1. Sharp I. rk loppi snivel (l)lng brat. -minty dwarfed
striking) contrast; ~ vSaryyi (huutava) (1. stunted) pine, -nena 1. -nokka snlvcrying (I. glaring 1. screeching) Injustice; el(l)er. -nenainen 1. -nokkainen . . whose
~ acini sherp (1. shrill 1. screeching 1. blar
nose Is (continually) running; snotty

nosed. -tauti glanders. -tautinen . . a(- rappeutua, rnstymys decayed (1. dllapl
rected wlth glanders. -torvi (1. v.) snout. dated) State; run-do\vn condltlon; (mo
rkttirastas (ellnt.) fleldrare.
raalinen) degeneratlon; vrt. rappeutuminen.
rkttminen chatterlng Jne., ks. seur. r rnt wot snow; (Jinen) Sleet; sotaa rnt
ktt (esim. harakasta:) chatter; (kuv., wet snow Is ralllng. rnUinen slushy
Jkpv.) gab; vii. rktt. rktys chatter;
[weather, s]; (J-) sleety.
(kuv.) gabbie.
rntllsade fall or wct snow; sleetv raln.
pkminen snivel(l)ing.
-s 1. -Ilma slushy (1. sloppy) xveather.
rlssi Ilmaa lanrl free rrom ta\: Treehold. rapisteleminen rioundering Jne., ks. seur.
-mies rreeholder; (aatelismies) nobleman. rapistella riounder; (linnusta:) riap fabout
-tila (1. v.) Treehold estate.
the cagre, hkiss], be riapping; (pyrtstelrme swamp; morass; marsh; vrt. uo. r- l) struggle [to get loose. Irti pstk
melkkB swampy land (1. tract); mys =- seen], rpistely = rapisteleminen.
edell. rmeinen swampy; marshy.
rppn vent (I. shutter) Tor the smoke.
rlme! kuume malariat I Tever). -maaswampy ripsi be rapplng, be slapplng [a chlld on
land. -niitty, -viljelyt ks. uo niitty, -vil
the hand, lasta kdelle]; ~ hmvotta put
kalla riick a horse wlth a whlp.
rimeys (nen) cracked tone; harshness; rpyl (uima-) web. -Jalka (ellnt.) web(torven) blarlng (quality).
root, webbed Toot. -Jalkainen web-rooted.
rme (nest:) cracked, jarrlng, rasping; -kalvo web.
harsh; (rlkyv) blarlng; vrt. rmisev. rpytell be riapping, be riutterlng; (silmi
-ninen . . vvith a cracked (1. a harsh) n) be bllnklng; vrt. rpytt.
sound; (rmisev) rattllng [Piano, piano] ; rpyttminen riapping Jne., ks. seur.
(esim. torvi) blarlng.
rpytt riap, riutter; (silm) blink, wlnk;
rmin racket, rl iti; (rtin) rattle, rattling; twlnkle; ksin clap the hands, ap(rikyn) blare; vrt. rymin, rmisev plaud; ~ tpln riap the [Its] Wings; ~
cracked, jarrlng; (rtisev) rattllng; (rl
silmin (esim. hermostuksissa) bllnk one's
kyv) blarlng; rmisev ni cracked (1. eyes. rpytyt (silpien) riapping; (silmien)
husky) volce; rattllng (I. Jarrlng 1. rasp
bllnklng. wlnklng; ktttn rpytyt clapping
ing) SOund; vanha rmisev piano rattllng or hands, applause.
old piano, (Jkpv.) a regular rattletrap of rpt (esim. hevosta piiskalla) rilck.touch.
a piano, rmistin rattle. rmist rattle; rpys ks. silmn-, rpytt (Silm) bllnk.
make (1. producc) a Jarrlng sound; (p
tilm rpyttmtt Without bllnk
rist) blare, bray; (Ihmisen nest:) be wlnk;
cracked; vrt. rymist, rmist = rmi- lng; vrt. rpytt.
syttKK. rmisyttminen rattling Jne., ks. rssirauta press(lng-)lron; (rtlin) goose
[plur. gooses]; vrt. silitysrauta.
seur. rmisytt rattle [a drum, rumpua] ;
clatter; rmisytt pianoa rattle on the rsst press [a suit, puku]; vrt. silitt,
rassaaminen presslng. raaytt
rmpiminen wading. rmpi wade r in the have . . pressed; (Jollakulla) have . . press.
mire, liejussa]; walk along wlth dirflculty, rsti arrear(s) : rttin oleva . . In arrear(s).
trudge; rmpi lumotta wade In (1. . . stlll due, dellnquent [tax, vero] ; rttin
through) the snow.
olevat verot arrears or taxes; olla rttin,
olla rttits be In arrears, (veroista:) be
rmpp ks. rm.
dellnquent. -kirja 1. -luettelo arrears llst,
rmpytt, rmyytt ks. remputtaa.
oT arrears; veronmaksajien rstiluettelo
rm rlckety old . . [esim. tuoli rlckety Ilst
(llst or) dellnquent tax-payers.
old chalr; uuni rlckety old stove] ; rat
person in arrears (wlth hls taxes,
tllng old . . , rattletrap of a . . [esim. piano
rattllng old piano, rattletrap or a piano]. ctc), dellnquent. rstinkanto collection or
arrears. rstivero(t) arrears or
rmhdya bang; peal; clap; (yhteen-) clash; taxes, dellnquent
(ryrnhdys) crash. rmhtminen banglng
Jne., ks. seur. rmht bang; peal: clap; rsy ks. rtti.
be crackllng; (rasabdel(rikht) glve a blare, blare; (Iske r
mhten yhteen) clash; (rymht) crash. la) be rustllng, rustle; (rmist) be rat
be rrashlng, crash;
rmkkyys rattllng (1. cracked I. blarlng)
quallty (1. character); nen rmkkyys (krist) rrlzzle, slzzle. rshdys crack (le):
(mys:) the cracked (1. the blarlng) tone (ryshdys) crash. rshteleminen crackllng
(1. sound), the Jar (1. the blare) or the Jne., ks. rshdell. rshtminen cracking
Jne., ks. seur. rsht crack; (rtist)
tone (1. the sound). rmkk rattllng; blar
lng; Jarrlng; (rike) shrill, pierrlng. r- crackle; (rasahtaa) rustle; (rysht)
mksti In a rattllng (1. a hlaring) manner; crash; rsht tuleen catch (1. take) Hre
pierclngly. rmt (prees. rmjn) rattle; with a sharp slzzle (1. with a crackle).
make a clatter; glve (1. make) a cracked rtin crackle, crackllng; vrt. ratina, rtise
sound; (rlky) blare.
minen crackllng Jne., ks. seur. rtist
rnget - lnget, rngetn collarless, . . (risky) crackle; (ratista) rattle; (kalis
ta) clatter.
vvithout a collar.
rnni Channel, trough; (katto-) eaves- rtti (ryysy) rag; plece (1. blt) or rag (1. or
trough; (syksytorvi) raln-plpe, spout. cloth). -kauppias rag-seller; ragman. -mies
1. -ij ragman: ragplcker.
rnsdsKyminen decllne, decay, decartence; rttri
1. (alempi kruununpalvelija; 1. v.)
(Ihmisten) degeneratlon. rnsdsHynyt de- sherirrs
deputy, (Engl.) ballirr; 2. (vouti)
cayed, run down, . . out or repalr, (raken
nus y. m.) dilaplrtated, tumble-down; rn
sistynyt herrasmies a decayed gentleman. rvhdytt throw (1. ning) [the door open,
rn(i)ty (Tall into) decay; decllne; be ovi auki].
(come) run down; (esim. rakennus) be- rvht: ~ auki (esim. ovi) riy open; tii
come dllapldated, dllapldate; (huonontua) mani ei rvhtnyt I dld not bllnk (once).
detcrlorate; (moraalisesti) degenerate; ryhin (melu) racket, clamor, nolse; (hu
miet on rnsistynyt the man Is run down, malaisten y. m.) brawl; (hiri, meteli)
the man has decllned (1. deterlorated) ; vrt. dlsturbance, row; vrt. rhin, ryht make



a nolse (1. a russ 1. a dlsturbance), be noisy;

(meluta) russ; (rhist) brawl; (elmid)
make a row; (rehennell) act the bully;
vrt. riihist, ryhj noisy person; bravvler.
ryhminen maklng a nolse, russlng;
[crowd, vkijoukko] ; (rhisev) bravvling.
rysk = rauska. .
rysts eaves. -kouru eaves-trougb. -ps
kynen (elint.) house-martin.
rhk ks. heitti.
rkkymlnen cawlng Jne., ks. seur. rkky
(variksesta:) caw; (korpista, mys:) croak;
(kirkua, lapsesta:) bawl, yell.
rikk ks. rui~.
rkkys torture; (raaka kohtelu) lll-treatment, lnhuman treatment; (Julmuus) cruelty; vrt. elin-, rkkytt have . . tortured. rkkyty be tortured, be tormented; (krsi) surrer (pain); rkkytyi
tehtaasta (1. v.) was driven llke a mule In
the factory. rkkj one who torture
[tortured Jne.]; torturer; (kiusaaja) tormentor. rkkminen torturing Jne., ks.
rikyminen rkkyminen. rkyn (va
riksen y. m.) caw(lng); (korpin, mys:)
croak(lng); (parku, lapsen) bawl(ing). r
ky = rkky; (riky, torvesta:) bray.
rkhdys caw; (klrkahdus) shriek, scream;
(huuto) yell. riskht utter a (Short)
caw; (pojasta:) yell (1. bawl) out. rktt (esim. ankoista:) quack; (hanhista y.
m.) gabble; vrt. rktt, rktys quack
(-lng); gabble.
rkt torture, torment; (pahoinpidell)
lll-treat, Ul-use, maltreat, use (1. treat)
. . roughly, abuse; mlshandle, do : . bodlly
harm; (kuv., Jkpv.) murder [a roreign
language. Jotakin vierasta kielt].
rpe, rpp (silmss) ks. rhm.
rpiminen maklng a mess or; bungllng.
rpi (Jkpv.) make a (bad) mess or,
mess [one's rood, ruoka(a)nsa) ; (kuv.)
bungle. rpilset party at whlch the scraps
(1. the lert-overs) or a banquet are served.
rsy rag. rsy inen .. In rags, ragged;
(repaleinen) tattered; vrt. ryyayinen.
rtikk rutabaga.
r't snlvel; snot; vrt. rki.
rtli tallor; naisten (mys : ) dressmaker.
-lihaa (anat.) sartorius. -lintu (elint.)
tallor-blrd. -mestari master tailor.
rtlin- (yhd.) tailor's, tallors' [esim. -am
matti tallor's trade; -lasku tailor's blll;
-oppilas tailor's apprentlce; -sakset tailors'
shears]; -Hiha taiforlng (1. tallor's) busi
ness; (kylttin:) tailor; harfottaa rtlinliikett be in the tailorlng business, do tailoring. -liitu tallors' chalk. -oppi : poika on
rtlinopissalhe boy is Icarnlng the tallor's
trade; vrt. oppi & panna (oppiin), -slli
Journeyman tailor. -tyhuone 1. -verata(s)
tallor-shop; tallor's workshop.
rtlid tailor, do tailorlng.
Rveli Reval, Revel.
rvint rpiminen.
rvsuinen bold (In one's speech); (Jkpv.)
cheeky; olla ~ (Jkpv.) Jaw, be (alvvavs)
rvnt - rkyn.
rhin grunt(lng); (rinnan) rattle. rhist
grunt; (esim. rinta) rattle. rhiseminen
gruntlng; rattling.


rhkiminen, rhkint gruntlng. rhkin

grunt(lng). rhki (siasta:) grunt.
rhk catarrh. rhkinen catarrhal.
rohkaista (glve a) grunt.
rhkkuume catarrhal rever.
rhnauru horse-laugh, gurravv; psti rShnaumn gave a horse-laugh.
rhtU = rhki; Utua ~ slt . . , a Tat
lazy heap; maata ~ lie lolling; nauraa ~
laugh In a coarse manner, (Jkpv.) iet out a
(regular) horse-laugh.
rijy walst; shirt-waist; (nuttu) Jacket.
rijyinen (yhd.) . . with a . . vvalst (1. jacket)
on, . . dressed In a . . vvalst (1. jacket)
[esim. puna . . with a red Jacket on; silk
ki- . . (dressed) In a silk vvalst].
rijy|kangas 1. -vaate materiat ror vvaists (].
ror Jackets).
rkittminen beatlng Jne., ks. seur. rkitt
(rusikoida) beat, thrasb. punlsh; (lksyt
t) take . . to task, read . . a lecture, taik
severely to . . , (jkpv.) read . . the riot act.
rkitys beatlng. thrashlng; (kuv.) talking
to, lecture, calling down.
rokki; antaa rkkiin ks. rkitt; saada rkkiin(s) get a beatlng (1. a thrashlng), be
thrashed, be beaten (mys kuv.).
rnsy (kasv.) runner, sarmentum.
rntgeninllkone Roentgen apparatus. -sde
Hoentgen ray. -valokuva Roentgenogram.
rtkle: karhun [miehen] ~ a big Clumsy
bear [man],
rottelo (hkkeli) hovel, ramshackle house.
ryhdell belch (repeatedly), keep belchlng.
ryhellys 1. = ryheltminen; 2. = ryhel,
-kone plaitlng-machine; rurrier. -pihdit
riuting-lron; plalting-lron.
ryheltminen rurriing Jne., ks. seur. ryhelt rurrie, Trill [lace, pitsi]; (poimut
taa) plait, flute, crlmp; (kuroa) gather.
ryhel rrill, rurrie; rurr; ruche, ruchlng.
ryhennell, ryhistell be purred up (wlth
prlde) [about. Jostakin]; (jkpv.) be (verv)
chesty [about]. ryhist: ryhist it
sen (\. rintaansa) Bwell Wlth pride.
ryhi (prrtt) rurrie.
ryhkelll be insolent, put on alrs, act
haughty [about, Jostakin], rlde the (I.
mount one's) high horse.
ryhkeys insolence; arrogance, overbearlng
manner: haughtlness; audacity, errrontery;
lmpuolence; impertinence; mik what (a
plece or) lmpudence!
ryhke insolent; arrogant, overbearing;
(ylpe) haughty; (Julkea) audaclous, bold,
brazen; (hvytn) impudent, bareraced
[lie, vale], shameless; (nenks) lmpertlnent, saucy; (ryhken ivallinen) scornrul;
~ esiintyminen insolent manner; kyts
Insolent (1. haughty) behavlor, overbearlng
manner, Insolence; lurjus impudent rascal; ~ vastaus Impudent (1. saucy 1. Inso
lent) reply. ryhkesti insolently; arrogantly, in an overbearlng manner; haughtlly; boldly; lmpudcntly; saucily; scornrully
vrt. edell.
ryhklst ryhti.t. ryhkisy belch,
eructation. ryhtiseminen belchlng. ryhUlsU belch. ryhtisy = ryhkisy. ryh
tytt make . . belch, cause . . to belch;
minua ryhtytt I have to belch.
ryhy (kasv.) panicled splkes.
ryhys ks. ryhel.
rykki (lj) pile, heap; vrt. kivi-.


get r letter, kirje; enough, kylliksi;

new slrength from, uutta voimaa jostakin:
one to do a tn.. Joku tekemn Jotakin: a
th. done, Jokin tehdyksi], receive (orders
to leave. mrys lhte: money from one,
rahaa joltakulta] ; be Kiven [a chanre, ti
laisuus], be g-ranted 'a license, virallinen
lupa], (mitali, palkinto y. m.) be anarded
ia medal Tor bravery, mitali urhoudesta] ;
obtain [a loan of money, rahalaina: exemption from, vapautus(ta) Jostakin], procure;
have [a letter, kirje; one's coat mended,
takkinsa palkatuksi; to stand, kest];
(panna, saattaa) make [people believe that
. . , ihmiset uskomaan, ett . . ; one submit
to, Joku alistumaan Johonkin; one's hair
stand on end. Jonkun hiukset nousemaan
pystyyn], cause [one to laugh. Joku nau
ramaan], bring [one to do a th.. Joku te
kemn Jotakin], (Johtaa) lead [one to
thlnk that . . , joku ajattelemaan, ett . .] ;
(taivuttaa) Indure [one to speak. Joku pu
humaan]; (suostuttaa) persuade [one to
gtve up a th., Joku luopumaan Jostakin],
prevall (up)on [a p. to do a th., Joku teke
mn Jotakin], (hellytt) move [one to
help, Joku auttamaani: (saada tehdyksi,
kyet tekemn) be able to [rix it, se kor
jatuksi; show, osotettiksl], be able to make
one understand, Joku ksittmn], manage to [save one's property, omaisuutensa
pelastetuksi], manage to get [It to (ro In,
se mahtumaan Johonkin], (onnistua) sucrecrt in [calmlng (l. quietlng), tyynnyte
tyksi (1. tyyntymn)]; (tavata, lyt)
rind [orraslon for dlssatlsraction, aihetta
tyytymttmyyteen; purchasers, ostajia;
an opportunity, tilaisuus]; (saavuttaa,
voittaa) galn [a foothold, Jalansijaa; experlence, kokemusta], wln (approval, hy
vksymist; a prlze, palkinto; a victory
over the enemy, voitto vihollisesta], acquire [confldence, luottamusta: Inriuence,
vaikutusvaltaa], attain [notorlety, kuului
suutta], secure rgood results, hyvi tu
loksia; a p. for one's side, Joku puolelleen;
a position wlth a rirm, palkka Jossakin liik
keess] ; (osakseen) meet wlth [esim. eitys sai yleisen hyvksymisen the proposal
met wlth general approval], (kokea) experlence; (saada lupa) be allovved, be permltted [esim. hn sai thte he was allowed
(I. permltted) to go (1. to leave)]; saa
(mys:) may, (voi) ran; aikaa Ket (l.
rinrl) tlmo, (voittaa) galn tlme; aikaan
aikaansaada [ huom. en saanut suuria ai
kaan I vvas not able to do muoh, I dld not
arcompltsh much; hykkys sai aikaan sen,
ett hn jtti erohakemuksensa the
hrought about hls reslgnatlon (1. raused
him to restgn)]; vrt. aiheuttaa; aivohal
vaus be strlcken wlth apoplexy, have an
apoplectlc rit (1. stroke); ~ Joku ajattele
maan jotakin (mys:) prompt one to thlnk
of (l. about): Joku Johonkin ajatukseen
(Jollekin pilalle) put an Idea (1. a thought)
Into a p.'s head (f. mind), get one to thinkIng..; a/fcuneuorlglnate [wlth one.Jostakusta: In a country, Jostakin maasta], have
its ongin (I. sourre) Tln, Jostakin], derive
lts orlgin [Trom], (alkaa) beirln, start,
(esim. Joesta:) rlse, (syntv) arise, come
(l.sprlng)up [esim. lakko sai alkunsa tst
kiihotuksesta the strike started from (1.
had lts source In) that agltatlon]: ~ [hy
vn] alkuun (kymn) get [well] under


way, (esim. kone) Ket . . Kolng [huom. laki

mies oli saanut asian hyvn alkuun, kun . .
the lawyer had the case well in hand, when
..]; anteeksi be rorgiven, (esim. ri
koksensa) be pardoned [huom. saada o*tkm(nmm) anteeksi have one's debt canceled,
be released from payinK one "s debt; sen
olen jo luonut anteeksi I have already been
forgiven for that] ; apua joltakulta
(mys:) be helped (1. aided) by; ~ armah
dus be pardoned, (yleinen) be granted an
amnesty; auki get . . open(ed); efckistyksl, estetyksi manage to prevent
(1. to check), succeed in torestalling, (eh
kist) prevent, forestall, (tehd tyhjksi)
attempts, yritykset], thwart,
(vltt) avoid [huom. saadakseen sen eh
kistyksi in order to prevent it: mitan
saadaan ehkistyksi hovv is that to be prpvented (1. avoided)? (autetuksi) how Is
that to be helped?]: elatuksensa rl.
elantonsa) jostakin earn a living (I. a livelihood) by, subslst upon [huom. hn saa
siit niukan elatuksensa he ekes out a mere
exlstence by that] ; (uutta) elvykett
jostakin be enllvened (1. qulckened 1. revlved) by, get new life from; elke
(mys:) be allowed a penslon, be pensioned.
be put on the pension llst [huom. esim.
hn sai 200 markan kuukautisen elkkeen
he was allowed (1. he drew) a monthly
pension of SOO marks] ; Joku epilemn
(mys:) make . . suspiclous, arouse one's
susplcions; ~ ro (virastaan, toimestaan)
be al!owed to resign, be rclieved from one's
duties, (tulla erotetuksi) be dlscharged,
(puolisostaan) be divorced, be granted a
(In 11 oD divorce from [huom. saada ero
elkkeell be pensioned off. retire on a
pension, (sot., Engl.) retire on half-pay];
~ [kuulijat] haltioihinsa thrill [one's aurtience], make [nne's audicnce] Wild wlth
enthusiasm; haltuunsa get . . indo) one's
Possession (1. onc's hands), get (1. galn 1.
serure) possesslon of, obtain [huom. sain
talon perinnn kaatta haltuuni (mys:) the
house oame Into my Possession by inheritanre] ; ~ halvaus be stricken with paralysls. have a stroke (of paralysis); hampaita (lapsesta:) cut teetti, (be) teeth(lng):
harmia jostakin have annoyance (I. derive
dlspleasure) on account of (1. out of):
haukkumisia be scolded, get a scolding, be
taken to task, (jkpv.) be called down, get
a ralllng-down; hehkumaan (esim. pos
ket) mntit- . . \vitli a blush, brlng a flush
to, flush [esim. viini off saanut hnen
kasvonsa hehkumaan wlne had flushed hls
face] ; ~ Joku hereille (manage to) avvaken.
(a)rouse, wake up, wake . . up out of hls
rtrowsiness (l. lethargy), vrt. hertt: hermostumaan make . . nervous; hinnan
alennusta (mys:) be allowed a redttctlon
[on], get a rebate [on]; horjumaan
(mys:) shake, (esim. terveys) undermine
[huom. mikn ei saanut hnen uskoaan
horjumaan nothlng could shake hls ralthl;
~ Joku hyvlle tuulelle jlleen get (1. piit)
. . into good spirlts again; ~ hyv saalis
make a good haul : Jostakusta hyv ystv
make . . ones Intimate rrlend, make a clnse
frlend of; hyty jostakin beneflt by,
proflt by, derive advantage (1. benefit 1.
pront) Trom (1. by), get prorit out of,
(knt vottoksecn) take advantage of,
turn . . to one 's account; hpet (osak-



able], vrt. seur.; kylins jostakin have

seen) jostakin reap dlsgrace frotn, be dlsone's mi or, (ruoasta y. m.) be satlated
Sraced by; hvet be put to shame [on
with, (esim. makeisista) be(come) cloyed
account or. Jotakin (1. Jonkin takia)], reap
wlth, become tired or, (jkpv.) get sick and
dlsgrace [from], be dtsgraced [ali one's
tlred or [huom. olen saanut siit kylini
life, koko elinaikansa], be bumlliated [be(mys:) 1 have had enough (or lt), I am
cause of . . , Jotakin], (tuntea hpe) feel
(1. be) asbamed (or o.s.) | hunni, saisit h
done( through) with it],vrt.edell.;
vet sanojasi ynu ouglit to be ashamed or kylm vett niskaansa (kuv.) get (1. receive)
a wet blanket, have cold water thrown
yourself for using such language] ; ~ Jo
on one's plans [huom. hn sai kylm
kin hvimn (kokonaan) get . . rooted
vett niskaansa (toiveensa hupenivat) a
out, get . . extermlnated; ilmi brlng . .
wet blanket was thrown on hls hopes] ;
to (day)light, dlscover, detect [a crime,
kynsiins catch hold or, get into one's grasp
rikos], rind out, dlsclose, vrt. saada selvil
(1. one's clutches), get one's ringers (1.
le, saada tiet; Joku itkemn (mys:)
one's cla\vs) on, vrt. saada ksiins; ~
draw tears from a p.('s eyes); ~ jalat al
kyyti get a rlde, get a Mft, mys = saada
lensa (kuv.) take to one's legs (1. one's
haukkumisia; krsi have to Surrer (1.
heels), run away, (Jkpv.) skedaddle; ~ jol
to bear 1. to stand 1. to endure), (esim.
takulta jotakin juonittelemalla force . . f rom
pilkkaa) have to submlt to [huom. hn on
one by intrlgues (1. by trlckery), (lapsista
varmaankin saanut krsi paljon She must
puhuen:) get what one wants by teaslng;
have surrered much: hn saa krsi totte
jrkhtmn budge; ~ Joku jmn:
(mys:) he has to pay
hnt ei saatu (milln) jmn he COUld
the penalty Tor his dlsobedience] ; ~ Jokin
not be persuaded to Stay; ~ kansalaisoi
one's hands, get hold
keudet become naturallzed, gain (1. be ador, get (I. put) one's hands on, lay hands
mitted to) cttizenship; katua jotakin
upon, come across,
have reason (1. flnd occaslon) to repent . .
come by, (lyt) luul [huom. saada ohjak
Iinoin, saat viet katua sit you \vill re
control or things,
pent lt yct, you will be sorry for lt some
day, you wlll regret lt some tlme] ; kes-- get the relns (1. the management or thlngs)
hnet voisi saada
koset have a mlscarriage; ~ Joku kiihkoon
ksiins where Is he to he round? where
get one exclted, excite (1. inriame 1. procould
hlm? ] ; ksky
voke) one [huom. nen sanansa saivat ih
get (I. receive) an order, receive orders, be
miset sellaiseen kiihkoon, ett . . hfs WOrdS
be ordered
worked the people up to such an excite[huom. sain kskyn muuttaa (mys:) I rement that . .] : kiinni catch, selze, apprercived
was served
hend, get [huom. saada jehu kiinni valeesta
on me to move] ; ~ knne (asiasta:) take
catch . . Ivlng (1. In a He) ; varas saatiin
a turn, enter a new phasc; lahjaksi get
kiinni the thter was caught (I. selzed 1. ap(1. receive) . . as a present, be presented
prehended), (Jkpv.) they got the thlef] ;
with, have . . glven one; [Jonkun into]
kokea (have) experience, live through
COOl (down) [a p.'s ardor] ;
[huom. hn on saanut kokea paljon elms
~ lainaksi, lainata Obtaln . . as a loan,
sn he has experienced much (1. has had
the loan or, have . . lent
many ups and downs) In (hls) life. he has
(to) one [huom. saisinko hevostanne lai
llved through many thlngs, he has had an
your horse? (lainaat
eventful life] ; ~ kokoon get together, (be
teko) wlll you lend me your horse? hn
able to) produce: ~ korvausta jostakin resai sen lainaksi (mys:) lt was lent (to)
cover damages for, get reeompensed for,
him, he had lt lent to hlm]; lain voima
get COmpensation for; ~ korviinsa: jos hn
become crrectlve, go Into rorce, become a
saa sen korviinsa ir lt comes to (1. reaches)
hls ears, ir he hears of lt: korvilleen get law; ~ lapsi(a) have (1. bear 1. glve birth
to) a chlld, have chlldren, (raam.) bring
a boxing (1. a cuffing), get (1. have) one's
rorth a Child [Chlldren] ; ~ liehakoimalla,
ears boxed (1. culTed); saadakseen (Jota
kin) to get (1. obtaln Jne., ks. saada), (Jos
makeilemalla (Jotakin Itselleen) obtaln
kus:) for .. Teslni. saadakseen suojaa for
(1. get) . . by cajolery, wheedle . . [out or
shelter] ; ~ kunnia have the honor Teslm.
one, Joltakulta] ; ~ lievennyst rangaistuk
saan kunnian ilmottaa I have the honor
seensa have one's sentence commuted;
of announclng] ; ~ kuntoon get . . In
liikkeelle get . . started, get . . to make a
shape, get (1. have) . . flxed (1. settled
move (1. to stir), rouse, (esim. kone) get
I. arranged) ; kuohuksiin, ~ kuohumaan
. . golng, (Jrkhtmn) budge: lohdu
make . . (1. cause . . to) froth (1. to surge),
tusta jostakin flnd comrort (I. solace) in,
(veri y. m.) make . . boll, (kuv.) stir up,
be comrorted by; . . loppu come to a . .
rouse, agltate, excite [huom. se saa mielen
end [huom. sai onnettoman lopun (mys:)
kuohuksiin lt rouses one, lt makes one's
turncd out badly (1. unrortunately)] ;
Joku luopumaan jostakin (mvS:) dlscourblood boll, lt is an outrage upon one's reelIngs] ; ~ hutsu recelve a call, receive an
age one rrom; ~ lupa get (I. obtaln) per
Invltatlon [to, Johonkin], be called rto . .],
mission [to leave, lhte], be permltted,
be asked to accept [a position, Johonkin
be al!owed f to take, ottaa], be granted
toimeen], be summoned [to appear In
permission, (virallinen) be granted a llcense
court, saapua oikeuteen]; ~ kuulla hear,
[huom. saako luvan olla (esim. ruokiipfivlearn [Trom, Jostakin (1. Joltakulta 1. Jon
dss:) may I glve (1. pass) you? wlll you
kin kautta)], understand [rrom], be told
(1. wou!d you like to) have? saanko luvan
[huom. saada kuulla totuus be told the
may I be permltted, may I get permission,
truth, (suorat sanat) be told . . in plain (1.
allow me (to), may I (orrer you my arm,
In SO many) WordS; hn sai kuulla kunniansa
tarjota teille ksivarteni; speak, puhua);
he \vas told right to hls Tace what they
mit saan luvan tarjota What WOUld you
thOUght or hlm], vrt. saada tiet; ~
llke to have? uhat shall I orrer you?
[nens] kuuluville make [o.s.] heard; ~
jotakin lupaan be promlsed . . , have (1.
kyllikseen, kytlhseen get (1. have) enough
get) a promise or: ~ lksytys, ~ ripitys
[or, Jo(s)takin], get (1. have) one's mi
be given a lecture, he hauled over the
[ori, be satlsried, be(come) satlated, have
coals, vrt. saada haukkumisia; [ehdok
one s wants satlsried [huom. hn et saa
kaansa] lpiajetuksi (be able to) carry
koskaan kyllikseen (mys:) be IS lnsati[its candldate]; ~ mahtumaan (manage


flnd) tlme to learn; osakseen meet wtth

to) get . . to go In, manage (1. be able) to
nt . . in; ~ maksaa joilta, kin have li) pay
[general approbation, yleist hyvksymis
for [huom. sain maksaa sen selknahaltani t; Ingratltude, kllttmttmyytt], exthey took lt out of my nide; sen raot uief perlence, have (1. get) [a cool recebtlon,
mifcma kalliilla Cl- kalliisti) J'0U Wlll (hBVe kylm vastaanotto], be the object or [solicltude, huolenpitoa], galn (1. wln) [everyto) pay dearly Tor that, lt wlll cost you
dearly yet, (uhkauksena:) you haven't body's ravor, kalkkien suosio], (tulla Jon
heard the last of lt yet, 1*11 get even \vlth kun osalle) befall [esim. hn on saanut
paljon hyv osakseen much good has he
you yet], vrt. makua (hengelln); ~ mak
sa jostakin (suoritus) get (1. recelve) one's rilen hlm], (Joutua Jonkin alaiseksi) draw
(1. bring) .. down upon o. s., attract [nopay Tor, be pald ror [huom. en oi* viel
saanut tytt maksaa 1 have not been paid tlce, huomiota], call . . to o. s., (Joutua jon
kin esineeksi) become an [the] object of,
In rilli yet] ; matkaan ks. saattaa;
become a [the] subject of [rldlcule, nau
moitteita jostakin be exposed to ccnsure
rua], (tulla kohdelluksi) be treated \vith.
Tor, get blame for, recelve censure Tor, be
(tulla palkituksi) be rewarded wlth [huom.
blamed for, (nuhteita) be reproached (1.
saada huomiota osakseen be given ai Ien reprlmanded 1. reproved) for, (jkpv.) get
tion, be given (a great deal of) notlce,
a scoldlng for, be taken to task for;
muistutus jostakin be remlnded (1. put In
have (a great deal of) attentlon pald one:
se kunnia, mink hn on saanut osakseen
mind) of, (virallinen) be reprlmanded for,
(esim. koulussa) be reproved for, be called
the honor whlch has Tallen to hls lot (1.
has been meted out to hlm) ] ; osalleen
down for, (Jkpv.) be called on the carpet
get . . as (1. for) one's sbare, have . . alfor; ~ myntv vastaus be answered In
the arflrmatlve, (pyyntns) have [one's
lotted to one [huom. hn sai osalleen kaksi
request] granted, (koslmlseen)be accepted;
taloa (mys:) two houses were allotted to
hlm] ; ~ ostoa be for (I. on) sle, be to be
~ nauttia enJoy [huom. olen saanut nauttia
had (1. bougbt) [huom. mist tllaisia maa
paljon hyv tss talossa I have enjoyed
rl. saadaan) ostaa (mys:) where miv
(1. met wlth 1. expcrlenced 1. been shown)
these be bought? wbere can these be obmuch klndness In thls house, I have en
talned? niit saa ostaa kaikista kaupoista
joyed your hospltalltyl ; nenlleen be (1.
(mys:) they may be bought (1. had) at
get) snubbed, (Jkpv.) get what is [ was] corn
ali the stores, they are sold at ali the stores,
ini,- to one, (tulla nolatuksi) be chagrlned,
be humlllated; nimens jostakin be they are kept at every store] ; paikka
(toimi) get (1. obtain 1. secure) a position,
named after, get (I. derlve) lts [hls, etc]
(Jkpv.) get a Job, (virka) get into an orflce,
name from; nousemaan (mys:) bring
get an appointment: ~ palkakseenbe repald
up, force up, (nostattaa) raise. (esim. ka
[Ingratltude, kllttmttmyytt] ;
pinaan) rouse, succeed in rouslng; nuh
palkinto (mys:) be awarded (1. be given)
teita ks. saada moitteita; nhd (get to)
(korvaus) be rewarded; palkkaa
see, be able to see, (lupa) be allowed(
tuhat dollaria vuodessa get (1. have 1. re
permltted) to see, (tilaisuus) have an opcelve 1. draw) a salary of a thousand
fortunlty (1. a chance) to see, (plktmldollars a year [huom. saamatta minkn
illln) catcb Slght or fhuoill. saadaanpa
laista paikkaa wtthout (recelvlng) any sal
han Cl. saammepa) nhd, sen saamme vie
l nhd, sep saadaan nhd that remainS ary whatever, wlthout (any) remuneratlon,
uitti no pay (Wbatever); paljonko hn saa
to be seen, we shall see, we wlll walt and
palkkaa uhat are hls wages? what Is hls
see; saadaanpahan (l. saa) nhd, onnis
salary (1. hls pay) ? ] ; ~ palkka tystn
tuuko s* \ve shall see whether or not
lt succeeds, \ve shall (1. we wlll) see be pald for one's work, (korvaus) be compensated (I. recompensed) for one's work,
whether lt turns (1. comes) out ali rlght;
get remuneratlon for the work done (by
saa(pa) nhd miten siin ky we Wlll (1.
we shall) see how that turns out, I wonder one): ~ patentti jollekin obtain (1. be
Jrranted) a patent on; ~ Joku pelottelematho\v thai wlll turn out; haluaisin nhd
a luopumaan jostakin discourage one from
l should llke to see (1. to be shown); hn
dolng . . , Intlmldate one Into givlng up . .;
aa nhd paljon vaivaa lie has to take great
(I. a great deal or) palns, he wlll have (1. he
penikoita, ** pentuja, ~ poikasia ks. penikoida, poikia; perinnksi, ~ perintn
has to go to) a great deal or troublc] ; ~
nhdkseen jotakin get (a chance) to see a Inherlt, succeed to [huom. hn on saanut
th. [huom. kun saan kirjan nhdkseni,
kellon perinnksi Cl. perintn) sedltn
voin sanoa . . (mys:) arter seeing the bonk
(mys:) the watch was left hlm by hls
I ran teli]; ~ Jokin nkyviins get (a)
uncle] ; ~ perint.* hn on saanut pienen
slght or, gain sight or, come in vlew or,
perinnn (mys:) he has rome Into (1. has
(mer.) slght, (Ukt) catch slght or, (e)spy,
succeeded to) a llttle money (1. a llttle
dcscry; ~ odottaa have to \valt, be kept
property); ~ peri (Jotakin) fall helr to,
waltlng [huom. nt saatiin odottaa he
(Joku) become the helr of; ~ pitk nen
kept us uaitlng, we had to walt Tor hlm] ;
(petty) be(come) keenly dlsappolnted,
draw s blank, (tulla narratuksi) be left out
olla rauhassa be <l'Tt) at peace, have
in the cold, be left In the lurcb, (Jkpv.)
(1. enjoy) peace, (joltakulta) be protected
get left, get the go-by; ~ pit be allowed
rrom, be Tree Trom a p.'s annoyance [huom.
to keep [huom. hn sai pit arpea koko
en saa olla hetkekn rauhassa 1 never get
loppuikns he carrled a [the] scar as long
a minute's peace (1. a minute to myselO;
as ne llved: hn sai pit henkens hls life
hnen tytyy ~ olla aivan rauhassa (sai
was spared] ; puheenvuoro (kokoukses
raasta puhuen:) he must be kept perrectly
sa) be granted (1. obtain 1. secure) the rioor,
qulet], vrt. paasta (rauhaan Joltakulta);
get (1. be granted) permission to speak,
~ onkeensa (tiet, selville) plck (l. take
vrt. saada sananvuoro; ~ puhua be allOWed
1. catch) up, catch on, grasp [huom. nopea
to speak [huom. saanko puhua pari sanaa
saamaan onkeensa (asioita) quick to get (1.
kanssasi may I have a word wlth you ? ] ;
to plck up) things, quick to catch on] ; ~
puhua loppuun be allowed to have one's
Jokin onnistumaan (mys:) make a success
Say (out) [huom. hn ei saanut puhua lop
or, manage (1. be able) to make a success
puun he was not able (hnen el annettu:
or; Jokin opituksi get . . learned (1. Into
he was not allowed) to finlsh what be had
one-s head), (oppia) learn, (voida oppia)
tO Say] ; puhutella jotakuta get a chance
be able to learn, (enntt oppia) have (1.

to speak to, obtain an Interview with, gain can't make anything out or It, (klrjeesta)
access to; ~ puolelleen win . . over [buom. I can't decipher It; hnen ksialastaan on
lahjomalla saada joku puolelleen buy . . mh Jotan saada selo (my03:) blS Hand
over, win . . over (to one's side) by a bribe] ; (-writing) Is Illegible, It Is Impossible to
~ pyshtymn bring . . to a Stop, Stop make out (1. to decipher) what he writes] ;
[buom. konetta el saatu pyshtymn the, ~ slipeensa: hn Mal (pahasti) siipeensa
engine could not be stopped] ; - (kuv.) he (1. his pride) took a fall; ~ tilaa
tytbahtaus be seized (1. be taken) wltb (a have room, find room, find an abiding-place
fit ) dizziness; ~ Jotakln phns get [in his mind, hnen mlelessaanl, vrt. mah(1. take) . . Into one's bead [buom. han ted tua [huom. pyydn sijaa lehdessnne
phns koettaa .. (myoS:) til Idea seuraavallt l request (to be allowed)
came (1. popped) Into bis head to try . .; space In your paper for the following] ;
minha Han kerran on saanut phnst ~ Joku Mioiturmuui (mys:) persuade
siin hn myshin pysyy When his mind one [to cancel the aeal, kaupan purkamlIs once made up (about a thing) he seen] ; ~ surmonta I1 (1. get) killed, meet
never changes It, be always sticks to an one's death; Jotakln tuuhunsa (1. tuuhun
opinion (1. an Idea) which he has once pantavaa) get something to eat, get (1.
formed] ; misto tait sen ph*i what put nave) some food, get a bite; suustaan
that Into your head? where did you get (be able to) say, get . . out [buom. saamatthat Idea? how did you come to (1. what ta sanaahaan suustaan Without Saying (1.
made you) think of that? what suggested uttering) a word, speechless, mute, at a loss
that to you(r mind)? ~ r*ippoja be to know what to say, nonplussed; etk toa
whipped (I. flogged) at the whipping-post; sit suustasi (mys:) can't you come out
rangaittut jostakin be punished for, pay With it? hn ei saanut sanaakaan suusfaanhe
the penalty for: ~ rauha(a) get peace could not say (1. utter) a word, he stood
[huom. en saa hens n rauhaa hnelt he (1. he was) speechless (1. dumb 1. mute),
never lets me alone, he never gives me a you could not get a word out of him] ;
syntymn (kyet tekemaan) be able to do
minute's peace; en saanut viime yn rau
(I. to bring about 1. to produce), be capa
haa hammastaudiltani 1 did not get a min
of doing [huom. <n saanut sit syntyute's peace last night on account of my
tooth, my toothache gave me no peace last mn l could not do (I. accomplish) It, I
unable to produce It, (Jkpv.) I couldn't
night] ; - tabhoa be fined, have to pay a
fine [of ten dollars, kymmeuen dollarla] ; make a go of It] ; ~ syntyns jostakin de
Its origin from, be derived from, have
tana ostakin: joko le t saanut et ga
nan have you bad any word about It? (tie- one's [its] origin (1. rise I. source 1. root)
don) have you been Informed of It? ta- in, owe Its origin to, originate In, take Its
from, arise from; ~ Joku syyhyn find
nanuuoro get a chance to say (1. to put in) rise
. guilty. Indict one; ~ Joku syypksi oa word, get (1. be given) a chance to speak .honkin
find . . guilty of, (succeed In) con(1. to express one's opinion), get a word in
edgewise; tanotukti be able to say, (eh- vlct(lng) . . of [huom. Johonkin syyphti
guilty of, convicted of] ; ~
lla sanoa) have time to say, have a chance
be able to save (1. to lay away);
to say, (saada suustaan) get . . out [huom. sstetyksi
(heltymaitn) move, soften,
n saanut muuta sanotuksi (IliyoS:) that
(talvutetuksl) persuade [huom.
was all I was able (1. I had time 1. I had a touch,
mihinkan he can
Chance) to say; hn el taanat tanotukti
laota julmaa tanaa She could not bear (1. not (1. be Is not to) be persuaded, ho Is
turns a deaf ear
bring herself) to speak that cruel word; to all proposals (1. all offers);
ti taa
tuskin oli hn saanut sen sanotuksi, kiln . . tu milln taipumaan he could hanta
not be per
he had scarcely uttered this, when . .] ; ~ suaded (l. moved), he was relentless,
selkoa ks. aada selv, vrt. myos saada [we, they] could not persuade him: seyou
elville; - tclhsauna, ~ selkns get a nonet taipumaan (myos:) he allowed him
beating (1. a whipping I. a thrashing 1. a self to be persuaded by that], vrt. seur. ;
trouncing), be beaten, be whipped (mo- Joku taivutetuhti get one [ to withdraw
leniinat mys kuv.), be thrashed, (Jkpv.) his
resignation, peruuttamaan erohakemukget a (good) licking, be licked; selvitte sensa],
prevail upon . . [to do a th., tekefind out [where a p. has his home, jonkun
Jotakln], (houkuttelullla y. m.) In
kotipalkka], (selvyytt) get light on, get niuim
persuade 1. Influence) one [to go
. . cleared up, have . . made clear to one, there, lhtemn
sinne]; ~ takaisin get (1.
have .. solved, (ilml) discover, detect la
back, get (1. have) . .
crime, rlkos], disclose, unearth, unravel [a returned (to one),. .recover
[the money, ramystery, salalsuus], get .. unearthed (1. hat; one's health, terveytens],
regain fa
unraveled), (paasta Jaljllle) track, get on p. 's confidence, Jonkun luottamus],
the track of, (solvltt.ift, cslm. sotkulnen hastaan) get . . In change [huom. taada(ratavyyhtl) disentangle [huom. mikati olmn *oa- kaitin mielenmalltinsa regain one's selfnnt stli',lie as far as I have been able to
learn (1. to gather 1. to find out)] ; ~ ei- come to reason (again) ; Aon o ktllonsa
vityttd /ohonkin obtain light on, obtain in
takaisin (mys:) his watch was returned
formation on (1. about 1. In), receive an ex
(1. restored) to him; takaisin saamani oaplanation of (1. concerning); ~ ttlvyytt paus
regained liberty, my restored free
asiaan get some light on the matter, get the dom] my
; tappiota suffer (1. sustain) loss,
matter (somewhat) cleared up, vrt. tuda lose, be
loser [through (l.frorn) the bar
vaUistusta; ~ mlva(ii) ostakin get (any)
gain, kaupassa], come off a loser [from],
clearness out of, (selville) find out, (tut- be
(rather) the worse [for]; tarpeekseen
klmalla, tarkastamalla, kuuntelemalla y.
m.) make out, be able to make out, (klrjo- ks. saada kyllikseen; ~ farpeensa ks. saada
tuksesta y. m., myos:) decipher, (osata lu- kyllnsK; - tauti contract an Illness, catch
kea) be able to read [huom. n toa selo a disease, vrt. sairastua; ~ tehd jotakin
hnen olinpaikastaan I am unable to make be allowed (I. permitted) to do a tli. [huom.
out where he Is, I cannot find out his et saa tehd sit you must not do that,
whereabouts, I am unable to locate him; (Jkpv.) you better nut do It; hn saa tehJ
en o a tita selv l cannot (1. I am unable nun, jos haluaa he may do so if he likes (1.
to) make that out, 1 cannot fathom that, I If he Wishes to) ; han *ai tehd, mit halusi



he was alIowed to do as he pleased (1.

lt ali hlsnti
own [the
; ~ of
the chlld,
hoitaa lasta], (Jonkin suorittaminen) be
charged wlth (the task or) . .-lng, have the
task entrusted to one of . .-lng, be commlsslened (1. entrusted 1. assigned) to
[inr.l, be entrusted wlth a Commission (1.
a task), (saada mrys) be lnstructed to
[Inf.] [esim. Alin tai tehtvkseen menn
sinne he was charged (1. entrusted) with
going there, the task (1. the duty) or going
there was entrusted to (1. assigned to 1.
lald upon) hlm. (tolmekseen) he was commlssloned (1. lnstructed) to go there];
tieto, ~ tietoja (Jostakin) be Inrormed or
(I. about 1. as to), get (1. receive) inTormation of (1. about), liani about, hear or
(I. about), get (1. receive) news of (1. from),
obtaln (1. get) knowledge or, (edeltpin)
get (I. receive) notlce or, (varotus) be
vvarned or, get (1. receive) a warning or
(I. about) Ilmoin, saada tietoja ulkomailta
(kaupp.) get advices (1. reports) rrom
abroad; saada vri tietoja jostakin
(mys:) be mlslnformed about; saamieni
tietojen mukaan accordlng to Information
(vvhich I have) rcceived, rrom what I (have)
gather(ed); en ole saanut mitn tietoa h
nelt I have not heard anytlilng (1. heard a
word) from hlm, I have not had any (1. I
have no) Word from hlm; en ole saanut mi
tn tietotjia hnen hommistaan I have not
heard anything or hls dolngs, I have no lntlmation of what he Is dolng; huomenna
saatte turhemman tiedon you Shall hear
more to-morrow, you wlll (1. you may)
get further partlculars to-morrow, 1*11 glve
you rurther Inrormation to-morrow; hnel
t ei koskaan saa tytt tietoa he never
glves a stralght answer; lhempi tietoja
saadaan . .-Ita Tor rurtber partlculars apply
to . . ; olen saanut sen tiedon luotettavalta
henkillt l have (1. I got) the Information
rrom a rellable person (1. source); olen
saanut trken tiedon l have iecelved iinportant (1. an excellent plece or) Inrorma
tion], vrt. scur.; tiet cume (1. happen)
to know [about (1. or). Jotakin (1. josta
kin); that . . , ett . .], learn [rrom, Josta
kin (1. Joltakulta); or, jo(ta)kln; tliat ..,
ett . .], be Inrormed [or (1. about 1. as to
I. tliat). Jo(ta)kin; by a p.. Joltakulta], be
told [oT; by], become acqualnted [witti],
rind out, (kuulla) hear [or (I. about),
Jo(s)takln], come to hear [oi], gather
[rrom a p.. Joltakulta; tliat, ett] [liuoin,
soin tiet sen hnelt itseltn 1 heard lt
rrom hirn directly, I had the inrormation
rrom hlm rirst hand, I had it from hls own
llps; kenelt sin sait sen tiet (mys:)
who Inrormed you about tliat; kuten t
mnpivisest lehdest saamme tiet as
we gather rrom (1. as we read in) to-day's
paper; kyll sen viel saat tiet you Will
rind it out (1. come to know It) yet (1. In
Uinet): mikli olen saanut tiet accordlng
to what I have learned, accordlng to In
rormation I have recelved; niin pian kuin
hn sai tiet siit (mys:) as Sooil as it
canie to llis cais (1. llis notlce); sit ei ke
nenkn tarvitse saada tiet (mys:) no
one need be the wlser about tliat] ; ~ tilai
suus johonkin get (1. 1'iiuli au opportunlty
or (1. Tor) . .-lng (1. to, inf.), rind (au)
occaslon for . .-lng (1. to, inr.), (jkpv.) get
a chance to [Inr.] [huom. kun saat tilai
suutta (mys:) \vhen you have lelsure (Tor
it), when you have a chance (to do so)];
~ toimeen (toimitetuksi) brlng atiout, efTect, establlsh, (suorittaa) accompllsh, perrorm, reallze, cany out, execute [huom.

rauha saatiin toimeen peace was estai)lished], vrt. saada aikaan; ~ toimeentu
lonsa make (1. earn) one's living, gain a
Mvelihood, make one's \vav In the World,
(manage to) get along (1. on), support o.s.
[by], live [by] ; tohnekseen ks. saada
tehtvkseen [huom. hn sai toimekseen
asian ratkaisun he \vas charged with (the
task or) declding the mattcr, he was en
trusted (1. was assigned) to decide the
matter (I. to pass upon the case);
toimi ks: saada paikka; ~ toria ks. saada
moitteita; ~ toteeninytetyksi) : hn ei saa
nut sit toteennytetyksi (myoS:) he COUld
not (1. he was unable to) prove lt; ~ Joku
tottelemaan know how to command obedlence rrom, brlng . . to obedience, (esim.
uppiniskaiset pojat) brlng [rerractory
boys] to a sense or their duty; ~ tottu
musta johonkin (l. jossakin) get experienre
in, grow ramiliar with; tukea be supported [by one's rrlends, ystviltn; by
racts, tosiasioista], receive support rrrom],
be backed (up) [by], have the backing
[or] ; ~ tukkaplly be taken by one"s halr
and Shaken [huom. poika sai opettajalta
tukkaplly (tav.) the teacher took the boy
by hls halr and gave hlm a good sbaking] :
tulokseksi get (1. obtaln) . . as a result
[huom. siit on saatu tulokseksi, ett . . en
vhenemss that has resulted In maklng
. . decrease, the result or that has been
that . . is decreasing, that has come to a
decreaslng oi' . .] ; Joku tunnustamaan
(pakkokeinoilla, mys:) wring a conresslon
out or one [by the third degree, etc] ; ~
tunnustusta (osakseen) galn (1. obtaln 1.
wln) recognltion, meet \vith approval, be
glvep credit Tor; ~ tuntea (come to) reet,
(tulla tuntemaan) come to kirnu, rind out,
(kokea) experience; ~ tuomio jotakuta vas
taan obtaln a Judgment (1. a decislon)
against a p.; tuulta purjeisiinsa (k uv.)
get Wlnd for one'S sailS; ~ tyyty johonkin
have to be contented wlth, have to put up
wlth, (krsi) have to stand; ~ tyt get
(I. obtaln 1. rind 1. secure) work (1. employment), (Jkpv.) get a Job; ~ [toiveen
sa] tytetyksi have [one's hopes] ruirilled.
reallze, get (1. have)
[one's wlsh]
(granted) [huom. sain toiveeni tytetyksi
(tav.) my hopes were reallzed] ; ~ Joku
uskomaan jotakin (vakuutetuksi Jostakin)
convlnce one or, get one convlnced or;
uudelleen have a leluni [or the sickness,
(sama) tauti] ; ~ uusi taudinkohtaus ( ennen kun on edellisest tydelleen toipunut)
have a relapse (or the sickness); ~ vahin
gonkorvausta recover damages; ~ vahinkoa
mii lei (1. sustain) loSS, vrt. saada tappiota;
vahvistusta (esim. uutinen) be conrirmed, be veriried, be corroborated, (osottautua todeksi) prove (to be) true; ~ [kir
ja] vaihdetuksi toiseen get (1. have) [the
book] changed for another; ~ Joku vaike
nemaan put (1. brlng) . . to sllence, sllence;
~ Joku vakuutetuksi jostakin (be able
to) convlnce one or; ~ valaistusta: asia
saa siit valaistusta that throwS Ugbt
upon the matter; ~ valita be allowed to
choose [huom. jos saan valita (mys:) if I
can (1. am allowcd to) have my cholce] ; ~
jokin valmiiksi get [dinner] ready, get
[the dress] llnlshed, get through (1. be
tlirough 1. be doue) wlth, complete, rinlsh,
(ennilttil) be able to do [perform, rinish,
complete] , Mu oin. esim. saada tyns val
miiksi get through (1. be through wltb)
one's \vork, have one's work done; saatko
sen valmiiksi kello hahdeksitoista III you
be able to rinlsh it (1. to get lt ready) by
twelve o'clock? will you get lt done (1. be



tbrougb wlth lt) by twelve o'clock? hn

mad talorakennuksen valmiiksi he completed
(1. rinlshed) the bulldlng of the bouse. he
Kot througn building tbe nouse; eit ei voi
saada valmiiksi niin lyhyess ajassa it can
not be done (1. be put througb) In so Short
a (space or) tlme] ; ~ jokin valtaansa get
. . In (1. under) one's power (1. one's Con
trol), gain a hold upon, get (1. gain) power
(1. sway) over, get (1. gain) Control of (1.
over) ; varmuus, ~ varmuutta make sure
[of (1. about). Jostakin], assure (1. convlnce) o.s. [ofj. satisfy o.s. [that . . , siit,
ett . .], ascertain l Imnrn. oli saatu var
muus siit, ett . . it had been ascertalned
thai . .; tahdon saada siit varmuuden I
want to make sure about It (1. tbat), I mean
to see that (ror) myseir] ; ~ tuutuu* get (1.
receive) an ansvver (1. a reply) [huom. ky
symykseen ei ale saatu vastausta the question Is (1. remalns) unanswered, there has
been no answer (1. no reply) to the question] ; vieraita have (1. receive) company
(I. guestS 1. callers) [huom. me saimme
vieraita (mys:) some frlends (1. callers 1.
guestS) dropped in] ; Joku vihamieliseksi
make . . unrriendly, put . . in a hostlle
mood, n.ake . . an enemy [of. Jollekin] ;
vihi jostakin get wlnd (I. scent 1. an intlniatlon) of, hear rumors of, get (1. have)
an lnkling of, get on the track of; ~ viree
seen (esim. Jousi) be able to dravv [buom.
saako hn jousen vireeseen (mys : ) can he
draw a bovv?]; vitsaa be svvitched, be
whlpped; ~ voittoa jostakin make a profit
out or, get pront rrom (1. out of), pront
by, vrt. saada hyty; ~ vuoro spring a
leak, (mer.) bllge; ~ JOkU ymmrtmn:
ennenkun sain hnet ymmrtmn (mys:)
before I could make liim understand (1. see
I. realtze); ystvi make rrlends; ~
nens kuuluville (l. kuulluksi) make o.s.
heard, (kuv.) obtain a hearing; saako tll
polttaa is smoking permltted (1. allowed)
here? may I smoke here? en saa sit teh
neeksi (en voi tehd) I cannot get (1.
brlng) myseir to do it, I cannot make up
my mlnd (1. I cannot prevall upon myself)
lo do lt, (en henno) I have not the heart to
do It, (phk.) I cannot puli myself together
to do lt; hnen kanssaan saa keskustella he
IS approacnable; hnest voidaan ~ viel
kunnon mies (voi tulla) he may turn out
ali right (I. to be an honest man) yet; hn
saa lhte he may go (1. leave), he Is allovved n. permltted) to go; hnt ei saatu
symn he could not be Induced (elimes
t: be got) to eat; /ollet ole hiljaa, niin saat
menn tiehesi IT you can't keep qulet, you'll
have to leave (1. go); kirjan (1. kirjaa) saa
(ostaa) dollarilla the book may be had (I.
the book sells) for a dollar; koettaa ~
ankaruutta neens try to put severity li)
one's voice, try to make one's volce sound
severe (1. harsii); nuoli [taistelussa] saa
mistaan haavoista died of wounds recetved
[In battle], dled of hls wounds; mist olet
sen saanut where did you get it? miten saat
pivsi kulumaan hovv do you (manage to)
n II your days? \vhat do you do to pass (1.
to vvhlle) avvay your (1. the) tlme? how do
you pass (1. whlle) avvay your tlme? siin
saat valehtelemisestasi thafs \vhat you get
for (I. vvhat comes of) lylng, (esim. korvalle
lydess) take that for lylng.
saagoi ryynit) sago, pearl sago.
saaja one who gets (receives, obtalns Jne.,
vrt. saada); recelver, reciplent; (kirjeen-)
addressee; (lhetyksen-) conslgnee.
saakeli the deuce, the dlckens; ~ soikoon
the dlckens! the deuce take It! (i'il be)
dog-gone(d) 1


saakka: johonkin ~ 1. (palkkaa ilmaisten:)

right (down) to, up to, rlght (I. clear) up
to [esim. kunne* vesi oli noussut hnen
kaulaansa u ii t tl the water stood (right 1.
clear) up to hls neck, to the very [esim.
luuhun to the very bonc], ali the way
(to) [esim hn saattoi minua kotiin ~ he
accompanled me ali the way home], as far
as [esim. polveen ~ as far as the knee] ;
2. (aikaa ilmaisten:) tili, until, (up) to,
(etup. raam.) unto [esim. utuun viime ai
koihin until quite recently: kuolemaansa
~ to hls (very) death, (rlght up) tili hls
death; thn , nihin tili now, (right)
up to (1. tili) now; uskollinen kuolemaan ~
falthful unto death; viimeiseen hengenve
toonsa ~ to hls last gasp (1. breath) ] , rlght
on (1. up) to [esim. psiiseen ~ rlght on
(1. rlght up) to Easter] ; 3. (yi. merk.) to,
rlght to, down to [esim. loppuun (rlght)
to the end; pienimpiin yksityiskohtiin
down to the minutest detail(s)], (lukua IImottaen:) up to, as many as; jostakin
right from, from the very [esim. alusta ~
right rrom the beginning, rrom the very
beglnnlng (1. very first)], (palkkaa ilmais
ten:) ali the way rrom [esim kotoa ali
the way rrom home], (alkaa Ilmaisten:)
since, ever slnce [esim. eilisest slnce
yesterday; joulusta ever since Chrlstmas] : vrt. asti.
saallinlhlmo rapaclty, rapaclousness; ravenousness, voraclty. -himoinen rapaclous,
predaclous, predatory; ravenous, voraclous.
saalis booty, spoils; prey, quarry; (pyynti-,
etup. kalan) catch, haul, (raam.) draugbt;
(ryst-) plunder; (sota-) pillage; (kuv.)
harvest; joutua [liekkien; petojen] saaliiksi
Tall a prey to [riames; Wild animals], become a prey to (1. tbe prey or) [huom.
joutua liekkien saaliiksi (mys:) be destroyed by (tbe) flames] ; vrt. kalan,
ryst-', sotu y.m.
saalistaa procure, get; (pyydyst) catch,
take, capture. saalistaja proflteer.
saama!! kuitti recelpt. -mies credltor.
saamaton 1. (maksamaton) outstandlng [debt,
velka] ; 2. (kykenemtn) inelTIcient, lncapable; (yrlttelemtn) unenterprlsing;
(avuton) helpless, shiftless; (kmpel)
awkward, gawky, clumsy; bungling, lerthanded; ~ mies awkward (1. good-ror-nothing) rellow; one, whose flngers are ali
thumbs. saamattomuus lnefriciency, incapablllty, lncapacity; lack or enterprlse;
helplessness; awkwardness, .clumslness.
saaminen I. gettlng Jne., ks. saada,
saaminen II. (raha-) clalm; saamiseni everything that Is due me, accounts due me, (tlllenmukalnen) balance due to me, balance
in my favor; saamiset ks. saatavat; minulla
on hnelt SO dollaria saamista I have a 50
dollar clalm on hiin, there are 50 dollars
due me rrom him, I am to get rrom hiin
$50.00, (hn on velkaa minulle) he owes
me 150.00.
saanti (saalis) catch; (tarjonaolo) supply
[or]; access [to]; mys saaminen; nu
tun catch of risti; lieden ~ gettlng
water [is dirricult, on valkeata], supply or
water, water-supply, (esim. kallionkolossa
olevasta lhteest) access to water.
saapua (top-)boot; saappaat jalassa wltb
boots on, booted. -nahka shoe-lcather.
-nilkkainen (elint.) booted. -pari pair or
boots. -pihti bootjack.
saapastaa stalk.
saapasvarsi boot-leg.
saappaan il kaulus boot-top. -korva I. -raksi
saapua arrlve [at (1. In), johonkin]; (tulla)
come [to, johonkin], get [there, sinne];

(lhesty) draw near (to), draw nlgh (un- lander. -vest Island people. people llvlng
to), approacb; come on; (tulla saapuville) on a chaln of (l.on the) lslands orr a coast.
appear, put In an appearance; (piiasta pe saarlstol! laivasto (sota-) gunboat riotilla;
rille) reach; kaupunkiin arrlve at (I. get coast (I. patrol) riotilla. -liike(nne) coastto) the luun. reach the town; kokoukseen trarric, trarric among the lslands orr a
arrlve at (1. get to) the meetlng, show up coast. -vene coast-boat.
(1. put m an appearance) at the meetlng; saarna sermon; (kuv. = ripitys) lecture;
maihin reach land, reach shore, land, put pit dellver (1. preach) a sermon,
ashore; ~ paikalla arrlve (at the place), preach; vrt. moraali, nuhde.
appear at the place, (Jkpv.) turn up, show saarnaaja preacher; evangelist; (vankilany. m.) chaplaln; vrt. lhetys . -munkki
UP; perille kS. pst; < sovittuun
1. -veli preachlng frlar, Domlnlcan (Trlar).
paikkaan appear (1. put In an appear
ance) at the appointed place, (jkpv.) show saarnaaJan|toimi 1. -virka occupatlon or a
preacher, orrice or a chaplaln; pastorate.
up where one sald one would; hn ai saa
punutkaan he Talled to appear (1. to come), saarnaaminen preachlng.
saarnailla be
(sovitulla ajalla sovittuun paikkaan) he dld preachlng; vrt. saarnata.
net keep the appolntment; junan saapuessa saarnaa kirja book or sermons (I. of homlwhen (1. as) the traln arrlved (1. pui led in lles); vrt. seur. -kokoelma collectlon (1.
book) of sermons. -lahjat talent ror preach
1. came In), at the arrlval of the traln; tie
toja saapuu Information Is comlng to hand; lng, girt or (1. ror) preachlng. -luonnos
tnne on saapunut tieto hanan tulostaan brler or a sermon, outline (or a sermon).
news has reached here (1. has arrlved) of -mies preacher.
hlS comlng; uutinen saapui tnne mitan the saarnan tapainen . . (dellvered) In pulpit
news reached us (1. was recelved) yesterday. style. saarnanuottl sermonlzlng tone (of
saapuminen arrlvlng Jne., ks. cdell.; (tulo) VOlCe)*; Cantlng tone; Maarnanuotilla in a
arrlval, advent; (lsnolo) presence, at- sermonlzlng (1. cantlng) tone.
saarnastuoli pulpit. saarnastuolinkattosoundtendance; (lak.) appearance.
saapumia- (yhd.) . . or arrlval [esim. -aika ing-board (of a pulpit) ; pulpit canopy.
tlme or arrlval; -paikka place of arrlval]. saarnata preach [temperance, raittiutta; to
-pilvi day or arrlval. -velvollisuus (esim. dear ears, kuuroille korville; on a text, jos
todistajan) obligatlon to appear [before takin tekstist]; sermonlze; (nuhdellen)
the courtj.
lecture; (puhua pauhaten) barangue;
saapuvilla (lsn) present; (saatavissa) at uusia aatteita preach new ideas; nen
hand; olla saapuvilla (lsn) be present [at. s kheksi preach o.s. hoarse.
Jossakin], attend, be In attendance, (pal saarna tapa manner or preachlng, deltvery.
kalla) be on the spot (1. the ground), be at -teksti text (or a sermon). -ni = saarnathe place, be there [huom. pyydetn ole
maan tyttremme vihkiisiss (kutsu saarni (common European) ash. saarni (pul)korteissa:) Mr. & Mrs. . . request the pleanen ashen. saarnipuu (kasvava) ash-tree;
sure or Mr. . .'s company at the marrlage (puuaineena) ash(-wood).
or their daughtcr]. -olo presence; attend saarros (saarto) blockade; joutua saarroksiin
ance; vrt. lsnolo.
be(come) surrounded (1. bemmed In), be
saapuvilla: tulla come to the place, turn (-Come) encompassed; olla saarroksissa be
up. come up, appear [In (1. beTore the) surrounded, be hemmed In, be encom
cnurt, oikeuteen], make one's appearance, passed, (suljettuna) be shut In; (sot.) be
show up, attend, put In an appearance [at blockaded; pit saarroksissa have (1. keep)
(the) court, oikeuteen], present o. s. [huom. . . blockaded.
hn *i tullut (mys:) he ralled to ap saartaa (ymprid) surround, enclrcle, hem
In; (kiert) encompass, ring; (sulkea)
saarekas = saarinen, saareke little Island, shut In, (esim. kapcasulseen lahteen) bottle
lslet; (niemimaa) peninsula, saarelainen up, (sot.) blockade [a port, satama];
islander, islesman; saarelaiset (mys:) the karhu surround (1. enclrcle) a bear, round
Island pcople. saarelma lsle(t).
up a bear. saartaminen surrounding Jne.,
Saarenmaa Oesel.
ks. cdell.
saareton . . wlth no lslands, . . wlthout (1. saarto blockade; mys = saartaminen, -kai
devold o() lslands.
vanto trench. -liike movement to sur
saari Island, Isle; (pieni, run.) lslet; vrt. round, surrounding (1. enclrcllng) move
luoto; saarella, saaressa on an Island; saa
ment; (sot.) riank movement.
ria tynn oleva . . Tuli of lslands, lsland- saasta riitti, roul matter; impurltles; (lika)
Studded, . . (lotted With ISlandS; Jamaiean dlrt; (tartunta) lnrectlon; (kuv.) talnt.
Island or Jamalca; Kreikan saaret Isles saastainen rilthy [lmagtnation, mielikuvi
or Creece.
tus], roul, sordid, dirty, nasty; unclean
saari- (yhd.) lnsular, Island [esim. -ilmasto
[spirlt, henki], lmpure; saastaiset ajatuk
Insular cllmate; -linnotus lnsular rortress. set rilthy (1. lmpure) thoughts. saaatalsesti
Island 1'ui-i; -valtakunta 1. -valtio Island rilthily, roully, sordidly. saastaisuus filtli
klngdom (1. nation)]; .. or lslands [esim. (-Iness); roulness; sordidness; derilement.
-ryhm group or lslands]. -maa Island saaataton . . Tree from talnt; (puhdas)
clean, pure; (tahraton) spotless, iiumaru(klngdom).
saarinen . . rleh In (1. studded with) lslands late; (tartuttamaton) underiled, unpolluted,
untalnted; vrt. saastuttamaton, aaastatto(1. Isles), island-studded (1. -dotted).
saaristo group (1. cluster) or lslands (I. or masti (usk.) wlthout a talnt or sin. saas
tattomu us rreedom from taint (or sin);
Isles), rchipelago; belt (I. rrlngc) or ls
(puhtaus) cleanness, purity; (usk.) imlands (orr the COast); aion viett kesnfi)
Helsingin saaristossa I am golng to speiid maculateness. saastua become rilthy. be
the summer on (one or) the lslands orr (1. (-come) polluted (1. contamlnated I. dettled
outside of) Helsingfors, -alus coastlng- 1. vltlated); be(come) iniected, be(come)
vcssel, coaster. -kalastus rishing among tainted; (hvisty) be(come) proraned (I.
desecrated). saastunut polluted, contaml
the lslands orr the coast.
nated, vltlated; lnrected. tainted; proraned,
saaristolainen inhabltant or one or the ls
saastuttaa pollute, contamlnate,
lands orr the coast, islander.
saaristolais elm UTe oli the lslands orr a derile, vitiate; (tartuttaa) InTect, talnt;
(pilata) pollute [the air, ilma; the rlver,
-Ithe] coast, island life. -tyyppi typlcal is





Joki] ; (myrkytt) polson [the general

tapahtua such tblngs \vill (1. may 1. are
opinion, yleinen mielipide] ; (hpist) prollable to) happen.
fane, desecrate; olla jonkin saastuttama be saattaa III. (saada) get (1. induce) [one to
inTected (1. talnted) \vitli, be polluted (1.
do a th., joku tekemn jotakin], make
contaminated 1. defiled) wlth. saastutta
[one laugh. Joku nauramaan], (panna)
maton unpolluted, undefiled, un tai n led; . .
bring [one to grlef and sorrow. Joku su
not contaminated; (etup. us];.) lmmaculate ruun Ja murheeseen] ; (saada aikaan) bring
[conceptlon, sikiminen], saastuttaminen
about, do; (aiheuttaa) cause, occasion;
pollutlng Jne., ks. saastuttaa, saastutus
(asettaa) put, place [In motlon, liikkee
pollutlon, defilement, contamination, vltlaseen]; (syst) throw [Into dlsorder, ep
t k m; lnfection; desecratlon; vrt. Itse.
jrjestykseen; Into confuslon, sekasor
toon], reduce [to]; vrt. saada; ~ aikaan
saatana Sulan: (ktroussanana:) God damn!
saatanallinen satanic(al); diabollcal; (hel
bring about, elfect, work, do, cause, make
vetillinen) inrernal.
[great havoc, suurta vauriota], (Jotakin
rikollista) provoke, set on foot, contrlve,
saatava I. (a.) recelvable; obtalnable; saata
lnstigate [esim. saattaa paljon pahaa aikaan
vana . . to be bad, . . to be reacbed (I. g-ot
cause much mischler, do a great deal of
at), . . \vltliin reach, accesslble, obtainable
rrrmi the retallers, vhittismyyjilt],
harm, work much evll], vrt. saada (ai
; ~ alaisekseen, ~ valtansa alaiseksi
available [esim. sit ei ota saatavana it is
make . . subject to one, bring . . under
not to be had, It is not obtainable (1. avail
one's domlnation (1. one's rule), subdue,
able)] ; saatavissa ks. hakus. II. (s.) demand,
subjugate, (voittaa) conquer; ~ Jonkin
claim; (tulo) lncome, revenue; saatavat
alaiseksi (esineeksi) make . . an object of,
<mys:) credits due, outstanding debts,
make . . subject to, (panna alttiiksi) ex(tili) accounts recelvable; vrt. saaminen.
pose . . to [huom. saattaa asia keskustelun
saatavissa . . to be had (1. obtalned), ob
tainable; saatavissani olevat olleet) lhteet alaiseksi bring a matter under dlscusslon,
broach a subject; saattaa . . vaaran alaiseksi
the sources accesslble to me, the sources
expose.. to danger.cndanger, imperil, bring
I have [I bad] access to; on ~ is to be
. . into perii, rlSk], Vrt. saattaa epluu
had (1. obtalned), Is obtalnable [from, Jos
lon alaiseksi, naurunalaiseksi; - Joku edes
takin], Is available, Is accessible [huom.
vastuuseen call . . to account [for, Josta
minulla ei ole niit kirjoja ~ I have not
take . . to task [Tor], make . . ansuer
access to those books, (ksill) I have not
[Tor] ; entiselleen restore (to Its former
those books at hand; mist niit on saata
(uudelleen pystytt) reftstahvissa (mys:) where can they be obtalned?
lisb: epluulonalaiseksi bring . . under
on ~ miehi, jotka . . there are men avail
suspicion, cause . . to be suspected, (he
able (1. to be rounil) who . . , men can be
rtt epluuloa) arouse suspicion about:
("il m I whO . .; tyvoimaa on runsaasti
~ eptoivoon drlve . . to despalr,make..desthere Is a plentiful supply of labor] .
perate; ~ Joku hengilt cause a p.'s death,
saati (k ka) (viel vhemmin) still less, so
make away wlth a p.; ~ hereille (make..)
much the less, the less so; (sit suurem
wake up, (a)waken, rouse; Joku hulluksi
malla syyll) ali the more so [as, kun] ;
drive one madd.crazy l.wild); ~ huonoon
sitten hn to say nothing of luin ; minun oli
huutoon bring . . Into dlsrepute, bring
mahdotonta ehti paikalle, ~ sitten pit
discredit on, dlscredlt, cause . . to lose hls
aikomani puhe It \vns lmpossible for me to
name, vrt. pilata (jonkun maine);
reach the place In tlme, much less to deJoku huonoon valoon (ihmisten silmiss)
llver the address ( tlme, to say nothing
one In the eyes of the people; ~
of the address I had intended to deliver).
joku hmille(en) ernharrass, aliash. make
saattaa I. (seurata) accompany, go with [one,
one feel embarrassed (1. abashed), vrt.
Jotakuta], see, attend, (suojaten) escort
SOUr.; hmmennyksiin ronfUSe. bewtlder,
(mys esim. poika tytt); convoy; (opas
perplex, confound, make . . confused, throw
taen) lead, conduct; ~ edemmksi (toimit
. . Into conTuslon, (sekottaa) dlsconcert,
taa) rorvvard; ~ jotakuta (\. joku) johonkin
discompose, (kiihkoon) fiuster, flurry, (ih
accompany (1. see 1. take) one to . . [huom. meisiin) puzzle; ~ hpen put . . to shame,
saattaa jo(ta)ku(.ta) asemalle (mys:) go
bring sliarne upon, dlsgrace, dishonor; ~
to the statlon to see a p. otT; saattaa jota
hvin bTlng.. to ruln, cause [ap.'s] niin,
kuta hautaan attend a p.'s funeral, roiioxv
niin [huom. se tulee saattamaan hnet h
(I. see) . . to hls last restlng-place; saattaa
vin (mys:) that wlll be bls ruln, that
joku joen yli take a p. across the rlver;
\viii bring ruin upon hlm] ; ~ ikvyyksiin
saattaa naiset vaunujen luo see (1. Conduct)
lead . . Into trouble, subject . . to annoythe ladles to the carriage: saattaa joku ance (1. to unpleasantries) ; ilmi bring . .
turvaan (1. turvalliseen paikkaan) bring . .
to light; ~ intoihinsa (make . .) exclte(d),
Into (1. escort . . to 1. place . . In) sarety] ;
Tire (l.lnsplre..) wlth enthuslasm; itselminun saattamanani accompanied by me,
leen ikvyyksi draw (1. bring) down trou
(opastamanani) under my guldance.
ble (I. vexatlon) upon o. s. (1. upon one's
saattaa II. (kyet) be able [to do a tn., tehd
head), lncur trouble, expose o.s. to unJo(ta)kln],be capable of [..-ing] ; (hennoa)
pleasant thingS; itsens huomatuksi (1.
have the heart [to, lnr.]; saattaa (voi) can, yleisen huomion esineeksi) make O.S. ennniiiy, IS llable to [lnr.J; saattoa niin olla,
spicuous, (hertt yleist huomiota) atmutta . . it may be so (1. that way), but . .;
tract general notlce, call people's attention
en saata tehd sit (mys:) I am unable to to O.S.; itsens naurettavaksi (1. naurun
do it, (luonnoltani) I can not bring inyscir
alaiseksi) make o.s. rldiculous (1. a laughto do lt; en saattanut olla nauramatta I Ing-stock), make a laughing-stock of o.s.,
COUld not help laughlng; hn ei saattanut expose o.s. to rldicule; ~ julkUsuuteen) ks.
lausua tuota julmaa sanaa (mys :) She COUld julkisuus; ~ Joku jlleen tajuihinsa bring
not bear (I. not bring herself) to speak that . . back to consclousness, bring . . round,
cruel Word; hn ~ huolla mill hetkell hy
revlve; ~ Joku jrkiins bring one to reavns he Is llable to (1. he may) die at any son (1. to hls senses); kuohukaan ks.
momcnt; hn saattoi istua siell tuntikausia
saada; ~ [asiat] kurjaan kuntoon get
he would sit there for hours; min en saa
[thIngs] Into (a) very bad shape, get [matta olla tt kertomatta I can not refraln
ters] into a mlserable condltion, (|kpv.)
rrom (1. not help) telling tlils; selloista ~
make a mess of [thlngs (1. It)] ; [vaati

uniksensa i kuuluviin make [one's demands
(1. oneselD] hearri, force a heartng Tor
[one's demands], brlng [one's demandsj
to nollce (1. berore the publlc) ; kytn
tn brlng . . into use, lntroduce, (muotiin)
brlng- . . Into fashlon (1. Into vogue), vrt.
ottaa (kytntn); ~ joku levottomaksi
make . . uneasy, mi . . vlth anxiety; lop
puun brlng . . to completion, carry . .
through, carry . . out, brlng . . to an end,
(lopettaa) rinisb, complete, vrt. saada (val
miiksi); ~ matkaan (aikaansaada) brlng
about, etTect, (aiheuttaa) cause, call rortb,
lead tn, (tehd) do, vrt. saattaa aikaan;
mielipahaa jollekulle brlng a p. to grlef,
grleve (1. exasperate 1. dlsplease) a p.; ~
jokU naurunalaiseksi bring ridiuule UpOIl.
make a laughlng-stock of, make one the
butt or ridlCUle, vrt. naurunalainen;
joku (hnen) oikeuksiinsa (takaisin)
restore one to his rights (1. hls prlvlleges);
~ Joku onnettomaksi make . . unhappy,
brlng trouble upon a p., brlng disaster to
(1. upon) a p.; Joku perikatoon (vied)
wo.rk a p.'s ruin, cause a p.'s Tall, lead . .
to ruin (1. to destructlon) ; puille paljaille
brlng . . to want, make . . destltute, reduce
. . to beggary; ~ pulaan brlng . . Into a
predlcament (1. an embarrassing sltuatlon
1. a quandary 1. a dilemma), leave . . in the
lurcb, embarrass, puzzle; ptkseen
brlng . . to a derlslon, brlng . . to a settlement, dcclde, settie; ~ Joku raivoihinsa (l.
raivostumaan) throw . . into a (violent)
rage (1. a violent temper), drlve . . mad,
make . . (raglng) mad, mys raivostut
taa; ~ JokU rangaistukseen brlng . . tO
punfshmcnt, brlng.. to Justice, punlsh a p.;
Jokin sekavaksi make a tangle (l.amuddle) or, (en)tangle, muddle, (Jkpv.) make
a mess or; Joku selville jostakin brlng . .
to a clear underslandlng or, (auttaa) help
. . to understand . . ; sokeaksi make . .
bllnd, vrt. sokaista; Joku suunniltaan
make . . losc hls bearings (1. hls head 1. hls
self-command), turn a p.'s head, (hmmen
t) dlsconccrt, dlscompose, confuse, vrt.
saattaa raivoihinsa; ~ Joku syytteeseen
cause (1. order) an action to be brought
against, have . . prosecuted, brlng . . berore a court of Justice, (virkamiehest:)
piosecute a p.; ~ Joku tekemn jotakin
make one do . . , cause (1. brlng) one to
do . .; ~ Joku tietoiseksi jostakin make . .
reallze a th brlng . . to the reallzation (1.
the knovvlodge) of [his raults. vioistaan],
convince a p. or, (esim. Jostakin tosiasias
ta) brlng ia ract, etc] home to a p.; ~
Jonkun tietoon (l. tiedoksi) brlng . . to a
p.'s knovlcdge, make . . cognlzant or, inrorm (1. advlse) . . or (1. as io), glve . . lnrormatlon or, lell (1. apprlse) . . or, send
(I. write)..word [vhen.., koska ..], let..
know, (tutustuttaa) acqualnt . . (1. make . .
acqualnted) \vlth [the Tacts, tosiasiat],
make . . avare or, (tiedottaa) communlcatc
(1. impart) . . to ap.; ~ Jokin tietyksi make
. . known; Joku Johonkin tilaan cause . .
to Tall Into a state of, put . . in a state or,
(esim. kyhyyteen) throw a p. Into, reduce
a p. to; ~ tiukimmilleen (krjist) brlng
. . to a head (1. a cllmax), drlve (1. push)
[matters, asiat] to extremes; ~ [hallitsi
jan] vahvistettavaksi brlng . . berore (1.
present . . to) [the monarch (1. the ruler)]
Tor Sanctlon; ~ vaikenemaan ks. saada; ~
vimmaan ks. saattaa raivoihinsa; voimaan
brlng . . Into rorce, establlsh, (esim. laki)
enTorce [huom. saattaa uudelleen voimaan
reestabllsh, (elvytt) rcvlvel ; Jokin
yhdenmukaiseksi (Jonkin kanssa) brlng . .
into conformity [with], make .. to con-

Ma* utua

form [to], make .. unlrorm; yleiseksi

make . . general, make . . popular; ~ ym
mlle ks. saattaa hmmennyksiin; koettaa
laiton lailliseksi try to make the tllegal
legal, try to legallzetbe lllegal; se saattoi
perustamaan suomalaisia kouluja ft (1. that)
brought about the establlshlng or Finnish
schools, that caused Finnish scboois to be
saattaja one \vho escorts [escorted] Jne.,
vrt. saattaa, I; (kumppani) companlon;
(saattomies) escort; (opastaja) guide; vrt.
sanan-, saattaminen I. accompanying jne.,
ks. saattaa, I. saattaminen II. getting jne.,
ks. saattaa, III; ryhty toimenpiteisiin syyl
lisen saattamiseksi lailliseen edesvastuuseen
take measures to call the culprit to account berore the law.
saatto (kulkue) procession, vrt. juhla, rie
mu ; mys = saattue, saattaminen, I. -kellot
runeral bell (1. toll). -kulku(e) procession.
saattolainen (kuun y. m.) satellite.
saatto!! mies (esim. tytn) escort; (kumppa
ni) companlon; (opas) guide; (henkivarti
ja) bOdy-guard; saattomiehet ks. saattavki.
-seurue (jonkun huomatun henkiln) es
cort, (esim. lhettiln) suite; (yksityis
henkiliden) those vho escorted . . . -Iki
those who accompanled (1. \vho escorted)
. . [to the Statlon, etc] ; saattovke* o/i
paljon (mys:) there vas a great crovd to
escort . . (1. to see . . orr).
saattue escort; (lhettiln y. m.) suite.
saavi covl; bucket; (amme) tub. saavillinen:
saavillinen Vett a COWl (1. a tul)) fUll I
vater. saavittain by the cowl; by the tub.
saavunta arrival, comlng; reacblng.
saavutettava: [Jonkun] saavutettavissa wlt li
In [a I). 's] rcach; saavutettavissa oleva . .
that can be reached (1. acqulred), attainable; on saavutettavissa may be reached, is
vlthin reach, may be attalned (1. acqulred
1. galncd), Is attalnable, vrt. saavuttaa.
saavutettu reached, attalned (to), arrlved
at; gained, von, acqulred, obtalned, procured; ~ ik the age attalned to; er
in the helght reached; ~ taito the skill
attalned; ~ tulos the result arrlved at:
voitto the vlctory von (1. gained) ; saavute
tun kokemuksen nojalla on the strength or
experlence gained (1. acqulred).
saavuttaa (pst) reach [a great age, kor
kea ik], achieve, attaln [great skill in . . ,
suuri taito Jossakin], accompllsh; attain
to, arrlve at; (saada kiinni) overtake, catch
(1. come) up vlth, (laivasta puhuen:) overhaul; (voittaa) gain [an advantage, Jokin
etu; experlence, kokemusta], wln, acqulre
[conrtdenre, luottamusta], (saada) obtain.
get; (hankkia) earn, procure; saavutettava,
saavutettu ks. hakus.; ~ hyvksymist vin
approval, meet vlth approbatlon: ~ hyv
maine acqulre (1. wln) a good reputatfon.
vln a Talr name; ~ hyv tulos, ~ hyvt
tulokset attaln (1. obtain 1. get 1. arrlve at)
a good result [good results] ; ~ Jonkun
kiitollisuus vln (1. gain) a p.'s gratltude:
~ mainetta earn (1. win) Tame (1. renovn) ;
maisterinarvo attaln the degree or Mas
ter or AUS; menestyst Wln SUCceSS,
meet (1. be crovned) wlth success, have
success, be successrul; ~ Jonkun suosio
gain (1. vin) a p.'s Tavor, conclllate a p.;
takaisin ks. saada; tarkotuksensa ks.
pst (tarkotuksensa perille); ~ tydelli
syys attain (1. arrlve at) perfectlon; ~
voitto jostakusta vln (a vlctory) over a p.,
get the better or a p. [in], (esim. Juoksu
kilpailussa) outdlstance ap.; ~ yleist suo
siota meet vlth general ravor; aatteen saa
vuttamat voitot vlctorles von (1. gained)
by the movement; elkein saavutettua



upon reachlng the age of retlrement (1. for

retlrlng); en min tomuta hnt I cannot
catCh up \vlth tllm; Aon ei saavuttanut tor
kutustaan he ralled to galn hls purpose, he
(lid not attaln hls object; kosto on sinut
varmasti saavuttava vengeance \vl 11 lie sure
to overtake you; olon saavuttanut, mit
olen tavotelluthin I liave galned (1. attatned)
what I have almed at (1. asplred to); silt
ei mitn saavuteta (voiteta) nothlng Is
galned (I. Is von) by that.
saavuttamaton (Jota el saavuteta) unattalnable, . . beyond reacb, . . out or reach, (jota el
ole saavutettu) unattalned, . . not reached;
on saavuttamattomissa IS unattatnable. Is
beyond (1. out or) reach. saavuttamatto
muus: sellaisen onnen saavuttamattomuus
the fact that such happtness Is unattalnable. saavuttaminen reaching Jne., ks. saa
vuttaa; paremman vaikutuksen saavuttami
seksi to obtain (1. to galn) a better (l.
a greater) eflect.
savutut attalnment, achlevement, accompllshment; (tulos) result; (urh.) record;
mys = saavuttaminen; voittaa entinen ~
break the record.
a(b)batti sapatti.
sabiinilainen (a. & s.) Sabine, sabiinilalsnainen, sabiiniur Sabine.
sadannat hundredth (part). sadas (the) hundredth [tlme, kerta], sadasosa hundredth
sadatella (kirota) curse. ilainn. (herjata) rail
[agatnst . . , Jotakuta (1. Jotakin)] ; (hauk
kua) scold; (toivottaa pahaa) wlsh .. Hl;
(vannoa) swear. sadatteleminen curslng
Jne., ks. edell. sadattelija one uho curses
(1. s\vears). sadattelu, sadatus curslng;
swearlng; (kirous) profane oaths, curses.
sade raln; (kuuro-) shower (mys kuv.)
[esim. kivi" shovver of Stones; luoti
Shower or bullets]; sateella, sateessa In
the raln, \vliile lt Is [lt was] ralnlng; menn
toteen suojaan seek shclter from the raln.
sade- (yhd.) raln- [esim. -pisara raln-drop;
-vesi raln-water], (sateinen) ralny [esim.
-kausi ralny season; -piv ralny day].
-aika ralny season. -ilma ralny weather;
sadeilmalla In ralny \veather; oli sadeilma,
kun . . lt was ralny \veattier ulien . . , (sa
toi) lt was ralnlng when . . . -kappa ks.
sadetakki, -katto (ajopelien, latvan y.m.)
tllt; (rakennuksen) penthouse, (ulko-oven
edess) carrlagc-porch. -kuuro shovver
(or raln).
sadella: satelee (vett) lt Is ralnlng, (kuv.)
lt halls ... . . come shovvering, . . are
falllng fast; kuulain sadelleita undcr a
shower or bullets, vvhllo bullets were
halling; huulia satelee lt halls bullets,
bullets hali, bullets are rallin* rast, bullets
come Shouerlnif ; lunta satelee lt Is snowIng, snow is ralltng; rakeita sateli, ett
ropisi there was a shower or hali, hali was
rattllng agalnst the roor [the Windows,
etc.]; sukkeluuksia sateli One VOlley of
wlttlclsm arter another was exchangred.
sadell ltkk (raln-)puddle, plash, small
pool. -mittari raln-gauge, pluvlometer.
-mr amount (l.quantlty) or raln, preclpitatlon. -pilvi rain-cloud; nlmbus. -puuska
squall (of raln). -rlpsahdus lc\v drops or
raln, sprlnkle or raln. -ropsahdus heavy
sbower (or a Short duratton). -ryppy
drlvlng: raln. -t ralny (1. wet) ueaiher.
-Ukki raln-coat; (-viitta) macklntosh. -usva
mlst; vrt. seur. -vihma drlzzle; mlzzle.
sadin trap; snare; joutua satimeen (kuv.)
be entrapped, be caught (in a trap).
sadoittain hundreds or . . , . . in hundreds,
by the hundred.


sadukealalnen I. (s.) Sadducee. II. (a.) Sadducean.

sadunkertoja satujenkertoja. sadusto COllectlon of ralry-tales; (muinais-) myths,
legendary hlstory; vrt. tarusto.
saeta get (1. grow) thlck(er), thlcken; become dense(r); (sameta) become (more)
turhia ; (maksottua) coagulate, elot.
safiiri (slnlklvl) sapphlre. safiirinsininen
sapphire (blue).
safrani ~ sahrami.
saha saw; (-laitos) sawmlll: vrt. hyry,
vesi-, sahaaja sawer; (ammatti-) sawyer.
sahaamaton unsawed, . . not (yet) sawed.
sahaaminen sawlng.
saha! hirsi ks. sahatukki. -Jauhoi t) sawdust.
-kala (Haiut.) sawrish; (sahahai) sawshark. -kone sawlng-machine.
sahalainen worker In a saumlll, sawmlll
saha lal tinen (kasv.) serrate(d). -laitos
sawmlll. -leikkaus sllt made In sawlng,
cuttlng, kerr. -lihas (anat.) serratus. -liike
sawmill business.
Sahalin: Sahalinin saari the Island or
sahamainen saw-shaped, saw-llke.
sahan- (yhd.) . . or asaw, saw- [esim. -ham
mas tooth or a saw, saw- tontti], -asettaja
man to adjust (1. to set) a saw. -karikkeet
sawdust. -keh 1. -puitteet 1. -raami (saw-)
Kato, saw-Trame. -omistaja saumlll owner.
-puru sawdust. -terottaja one who sharpens saws, saw-sharpener (1. -riler). -ter
blade or a savv, saw-blade.
saha!! pistiinen (ellnt.) sauNy, (tiet.) phytnphairan. -pukki sawhorse, saubuck.
-pyklinen saw-toothed; (tiet.) serrate.
-plkky saw-log.
Sahara Sahara; Saharan aavikko (l. ermaa)
the Sahara desert, the desert or Sahara.
sahata saw [wood, puita; planks, lankkuja],
cut; ~ halki saw . . In tuo (length wlse) ;
~ poikki saw orr.
saha: teline (sau--)gate. -teollisuus saumlll
Industry, -tukki sawlog. -tuote saunnii
product. -tymies saumlll worker.
sahaus sawlng. -kone sawing-machlne; (sa
ha) saw.
sahauttaa have . . sawed; ~ jollakulla have
one saw. sahauttaminen: plkkyjen ksin
sahauttaminen ei kannata lt does not pay
to have the logs sawed by hand.
saha viila sau-tilc. -yhti saumlll company.
sahra primltlve wooden plow.
sahrami (-mauste) sarrron. -kasvi (kasv.)
crocus. -leip sarrron bread.
sahrami nkeltainen saftron-rolorert; sarrron.
sahti (llght) homc-brewed beer; table-beer.
sahuri sawyer. sahuu sahaus.
sahvlaanl (-nahka) Morocco-leather.morocco.
-kenk morocco shoe.
Saimaa (Lake) Saima; Saimaan kanava the
Saima canal; Saimaan vesist the Saima
chatn or lakes.
saippua soap; (-palanen) cake or soap.
saippua- (yhd) soap- [esim. -attia soapdlsh; -kupla soap-bubble] ; .. or soap
[esim. -kanit/ 1. -tanko bar or soap].
saippuainen soapy.
saippua! keittim soap-works. -kuppi soapdlsh; (parturin) sbavlng-mug.
saippuamainen soapy.
saippuan!! keitto 1. -keitint soap-bolllng.
-keittj one uho bolls soap; soap-maker.
salppualipala(nen) plece or soap; cake or
soap. -rasia soap-box (1. -holder). -ruiske
soapy enema. -tehdas soap-(manu)ractory,
soap-works. -tehtailija soap-manuracturer,
soap-maker. -vaahto lather. -veti soapy
water; (vaahtoava) soap-suds, suds.
taippuolda soap; (esim. parranajoa varten)



lattier; Intnn hyvin (mys:) put on a

good lattier. saippuoiminen, saippuoinut
soaptng, (parran y. m.) lathering. saippuoittaminen (kerii.) saponirtcatlon. aaippuoittaa (kem.) saponiry.
sairaala hospital; Inrirmary; (parantola)
sanatorlum; vrt. kolera, mieli.
sairaalloinen sickly, allin? (In bealth), Inflrm; surrerlng; morbld (craving Tor drink,
Juomahlmo] ; (ei terve) unsound [body,
ruumis], unheallhy [state or mind, mieJ
lentlla] ; sairaalloiset ajatukset morbld
Ideas, unsound notlons. salraalloisesti morbldly, unsoundly. sairaalloisuus slckllness,
poor health; inflrmlty; (kuv.) morbidness,
morbldlty, unsoundness.
sairaan hoiUJa(tar) nurse; (kurssinkynyt)
tralned nurse. -hoito care of (I. attendance
on) the slck, nurslng (of the slck). -huone
slck-room; vrt. sairashuone, -kaitsija attendant on the slck. -luonakiynti vlsiting
(oO the sick; (lkrin) vlsit to a patient,
Professional call.
sairaloinen ks. sairaalloinen.
sairas I. (a.) sick, (predikaatintytteen)
UI; (vuoteen oma) laid up; (sairaalloinen)
morbld [mind, mieli; imaglnation, mieliku
vitus]; ~ poika the Slck lad; hn nytt
sairaalta he looks slck (1. Ui 1. poorly), he
looks as thougb he were not well; olla
sairaana be Slck, be UI, vrt. sairastaa;
ruumiillisesti ja henkisesti slck (1. run
down) both physically and mentally.
sairas II. (s.) slck person, invalld; (potilas)
patient, surferer; sairaat (mys:) the slck;
hn on sairaan luona kymss he Is vlsit
ing a [the] patient; ottaa vastaan sairaita
recelve patlents.
sairas- (yhd.) sick- [esim. -luettelo slcklist; -kertomus stck-repoit] . -alus 1. -laiva
hospital ship.
sairaaapu slck-relier. -kassa 1. -rahasto sick
fund, slck-reller rund. -yhdistys beneflt
Society (1. association); (Engl.) frlendly
sairashuone 1. = sairaala; 2. = sairaanhuone.
sairashuone]! lkri (sairaalassa asuva) house
physlclan; house surgeon. -maksu hospital
I -* . -rakennus hospital (building).
sairas kassa sairasapukassa. -koti asylum
(1. home) for mvallds; (parantola) sana
torlum. -klynti (lkrin) vlsit to a patient,
proresslonal call; (papin) slck-call; vrt.
sairaanluonakynti. -mielinen . . Slck In
mind, . . mentally slck (1. UI), -paarit
stretcher, Utter, -sali (hospital) ward.
sairastaa be slck, be UI, (olla vuoteen oma
na) be down (1. be lying UI) [with typhold
rever, suollkuumetta], be laid up [wltb],
(potea) suTfer [ rrom a dlsease. Jotakin
tautia] ; keuhkotautia (be) surrer(lngr)
rrom tuberculosls (1. consumptlon) ; kuu
metta have a fever, be in a rever, be slck
(I. 111) wlth (a) rever; vuoteen omana
be Slck In bcd, be lying 111; hn sairastaa
syp (mys:) he has a cancer; pitemmn
aikaa sairastettuaan after a prolonged 111ness (l. surrerlng); yhteiskunta somethlng alls soclety. sairastaminen belng slck
Jne., ks. edell.; slckness, Ulness; surferlng-.
sairastella be In poor health, be sickly;
sairastella usein be often sick. sairastua
be taken slck (1. 111) [with, Johonkin (tau
tiin)], become slck (1. UI), sairastuminen
to be taken UI.
sairaan vakuutus (1. v.) bealth Insurance.
-vaunu ambulance. -voimistelija Swedish
masseur. -voimistelu Swedish gymnastics
(I. movcments). -vuode slck-bed; maata
sairasvuoteessa be slck In bed, be conNned
to one's bed.
sairauden li kohtaus 1. -tapaus case or slck


ness 0- or Ulness). -todistus doctor's certiricate; bealth certiNcate.

sairaua slckness, Ulness; malady; (tauti)
disease; sairauden sattuessa (\. kohdatessa)
in case Of Ulness; hnen sairautensa aikana
(mys:) whlle be was [is] slck. -este: h
nell oli sairauseste he was prevented (rrom
appearlng) by Ulness (I. by lndlspositlon),
be was lndlsposed. -tilasto (1. v.) the
report or the Board or Health [Tor the
year, etc.]. -vakuutus health Insurance.
saita stingy, mlserly, penurlous; (Jkpv.)
close(-risted), tigbt. saitamainen stingy:
niggardly; (jkpv.) close-, vrt. edell. saitamaisuus stlnglness, niggardliness; (jkpv.)
closeness. saituri miser; (Jkpv.) tlghtwad;
(kitsasteli ja) nlggard. saituus stinglness;
miserliness; (jkpv.) closeness.
saivar nit.
saivarrella, saivartaa (kuv.) split (1. be split
ti n sr > halrs: be pedantic; (sanoja) quibble;
(viisastella) sophlstlcate.
saivartaja (ellnt.) bot-riy, bot; (kuv.) =
saivartelija. -toukka bot.
saivartelija halr-splttter; pedant; (sanojen)
qutbbler; (viisastelija) sopbist. saivartelu
hair-splitting; pedantry; (sanojen) quibbling; se on saivartelua thafs splltting
halrs, thafs too Nne a dlstinction, (sano
jen) thafs quibbling.
sakara polnt(ed end); projecting part (1.
piece); peg; (koukku) hook; (sarvi) horn;
kuun point (1. hom) or the moon.
Sakari, Sakaria Zacharlah, Zachary.
Sakariini (kem.) saccharln(e).
sakarisormi Uttle ringer.
sakaristo, sakasti vestry; (etup. katol.kirk.)
sacrlsty. sakastinovi vestry door.
sakea (paksu) thlck [forest, mets; fog, su
mu]; heavy; (tihe) dense; (liemest:) ..
well tblckened, . . of good conslstency:
(samea) muddy, turbld, troubled; liemi
well thickened broth, thlck soup; savu
thick (1. dense 1. heavy) smoke; sakeimpam
luotisateeseen where the bullets raln(ed)
thlckest, to the very thlck of the enemy*s
flrlng; kasvaa sakeassa grow thlck; siel
l on puita hyvin sakeassa the trees
are (growlng) very thlck there; veri on
vett sakeampi (sananp.) blood Is thlcker
than watcr. sakeasti tblckly; densely;
ClOSely; lunta sataa sakeasti the SHOW IS
ralllng thlck and fast. sakeneminen gettlng
thlck(er) Jne., ks. saeta; (maksottuminen)
coagulatlon. sakeus thlckness; fieavlness;
denslty; closeness; thlck conslstency: (sa
meus) muddlness, turbidlty. sakeutua
aakl ks. sakki, I.
sakinpelaaja chess-player.
sakka (pohja-) settllngs, dregs, lees, (esim.
kahvin) grounds; sedlment; (kem.) preclpltate; (muta) sllt. sakkainen . . full or set
tllngs (1. or grounds 1. or sedlment); thick;
(liejuinen) muddy; sllty. sakkaisuus . . be
lng full of settllngs (1. or sedlment); mud
dlness. sakkauttaa cause . . to deposlt a
sedlment; (sekottaa) stlr up the grounds
(1. the settllngs 1. the sedlment); make . .
muddy. sakkauttaminen, sakkautus (jon
kin) causing . . to deposlt a sedlment jne.,
ks. edell. sakkautua rorm (1. deposlt) a
sedlment; (sameta) become muddy (1. sllty).
sakki I. (Joukko) crowd; (Joukkue) gang:
(ryhm) group; mennnps sinne sakilla
let us go there in a crowd.
sakki II. (-peli) CheSS; pelata sakkia play at
sakki- (yhd.) chess- [esim. -klubi chessclub; -lauta chess- board]. -nappula chessni.iii
-ottelu chess tournament. -peli
(game of) chess. -ruutu square or a choss

sakki tehtv
board. -tehtv 1. -problemi chess problem. over; vika/aan conceal (1. cover) one's
raults. salailu hidlng, conceallng; cover-elo move (in the game of chess).
aakko flne; penalty; sako{i)lla sovittamaton Ing, dlsgulslng.
riko a crlme that cannot be pald ror wlth salainen secret [conrerence, neuvottelu] ;
a flne, (lak.) felony; tahon uhalla under (1. hldden, concealed; (salamyhk tapahtuva)
upon) penalty (1. pain) or flne, under a clandestine; (yksityinen) prlvate; (peitel
flne Of [huom. 100 dollarin tahon aholla ty) underhand, dlsgulsed, masked; (salassa
under penalty or (a flne of) 100 dollars] ; oleva) latent; (salavihkalnen) furtlve
[glance, silmys], stealthy; (netn) siantaa sakkoa, tuomita sakkoihin ks. sakot
taa; olkoon sakon alainen Shall be llable (1. lent, taclt [agreement, sopimus]; ep
subject) to a flne; vrt. uhka, sakkolainen luulo lurklng suspiclon; neuvosto secret
person lmprisoned Tor rallure to pay his councll, (Engl.) privy councll; tauti
insldlOUS disease; salaiset tieteet ks. sala
aakko maksu flne. -mri sum flned, amount tieteet; salaiset vehkeet (1. vehkeilyt) Se
plots, clandestine machlnatlons; vrt.
of the flne. -raha: shkrahat money from
rines, the flnes; (mill sakko maksetaan) sala-, salaisesti secretly. In secret, in (ali)
money to pay the flne(s). -vanki = sak- secrecy; in an underhand manner; furtlvely, stealthlly; sllently, tacitly; sopia sataikolainen.
sako = sakka, sakoaminen petting- ttilck Jne., sesti jostakin (mys:) make a secret (1. a
ks. isota; (maksi ii luminen) coagulatlon. taclt) agreement almut, salaisuus secrecy;
sakoisa .. \vell thlckened [broth, liemi], prlvacy; (konkr.) secret; mystery; pysyi
salaisuutena reinalneil a Secret.
. . or a (food conslstency; vrt. sakea.
sakotta* rine [a p. 10 dollars. Jotakuta kym sala I iva dlsgulsed irony. -Juoni intrigue;
menen dollaria] ; (tuomita sakkoihin) im- machlnatlon; (-vehje) plot, conspiracy;
pose a rine [or . .] upon . . , sentence . . to salajuonien virittj plotter, lntrlguer.
pay a Tlne; hnt Mktettiin 10 markkaa -kalastua flshing out or season, risblng
be was flned 10 marks, a rine or ten marks against the game-laws;poachlng(for rish).
was lmposed upon hlm, he was sentenced -kapakka unllcensed saloon; (Jkpv.) blind
to pay a rine or 10 marks. sakottaminen, pig. -kapakolda keep an unllcensed saloon,
sell liquor wlthout a llcense; (Jkpv.) be
sakotus rining.
bllnd-plgglng. -kapakoiminen selllng liquor
sakramentti sacrament.
Saksa Germany; Sakean .. (mys:) Herman. vvlthout a llcense; (Jkpv.) blind-ptgging,
aaksa = saksankieli; vrt. kamasaksa, eak- bootlegglng. -kapakoitsija keeper or an
unllcensed saloon; (Jkpv.) bllnd-plgger,
saapuhuva German-speaklng.
aakaalainen I. (a.) German; Teutonlc; (S)~ bootlegger. -kari hldden (1. lurklng 1.
ritarikunta (lilst.) the Teutonlc Knlghts. sunken) rock. -kauppa secret trade; vrt.
salakuljetus, -kauppias unllctnsed (I. llleII. (s.) German; Teuton.
gal) trader; tnterloper. -kavala Insldlous
saksalaisi! nainen German oman. -ranska
[attack, hykkys; person, ihminen],
lainen Franco-German; saksalais-rantkalaitreacherous; (petollinen) deceltful; (lui
nen eota the Franco-Prusslan War.
aaksalaistua become Germanlzed, Germanlze. hu) sly; salakavala menettely (mys:) un
saksalaistuminen Germanlzatlon. aaksalaia- derhand practices; salakavala pllehyktunut Germanlzed. saksalaistuttaa German- kys attark from behind (1. on the sly).
-kavalasti Insldtously, treacherously; slyly.
lze. saksalaistuttaminen.saksalaistutus Ger
manlzatlon. saksalaisuus Germanlsm. sak- -kavaluus insldlousness; treachery; slysalaisjvaatainen 1. -vihollinen antl-German. ness. -kieli Jargon adopted Tor secrecy,
aksanjhirvi (eiint.) red deer, (uros) stag. rant. -kihlat: olla salakihloissa be secretly
-kieli (the) German (language). -kielinen engaged [to one, Jonkun kanssa], -kihlattu
German, . . in German; saksankielinen puhe secretly engaged. -kirjain clpher. -kirjotus
a speech In German. -kumina fennel; clpher; cryptograph(y); (-taito) cipherlng.
(mausteena) fennel-seeds. -kuusi (kasv.) salakka (European) bleak.
salakuljettaja smusrgler; (etup. sotatarpeiEuropean Silver Hr.
Saksanmaa Germany.
den) contrabandlst. -Joukkue band of
saksanphkin \valnut. -puu walnut-tree.
sakset (palr or) sclssors; (suuremmat) salakuljetus (practlce of) smuggllng. -laiva
ShearS; vrt. ketun , kynttil, lammas, vessel used In smuggllng; smuggler.
levy y.m. aakaikone shearlng-machlne. -yrltya attempt to smuggle; attempted
Saksi Saxony. aaksilainen (a. & s.) Saxon. smuggllng.
aala- (yhd.) secret [esim. -kytv Secret sala kuoppa pitrall. -kuuntelija eavesdroppassage; -laatikko secret dravver; -tasku per. -kahmi: salakhm - salakhmisecret pocket] ; (tiet.) crypto- [esim. -Mr- sestl. -khminen underhand (ed); clandes
tine, stealthy, rurtlve; (salakavala) Insldl
jotus cryplogram].
salaa in secret. In secrecy, secretly; (esim. ous, sly. -khmieesti In an underhand(ed)
katsahtaa) Turtively; (varkain) stealthlly; manner (1. way); clandestinely; (varkain)
(piilotellen) surreptltlously: (salamyhk) stealthlly, Turtively; (salakavalasti) Insldt
covertly, (Jkpv.) on the sly; isltn ously; (salamyhk) covertly, on the sly.
(isn tietmtt) without his father's -khmisyys imderhandedness; stealthy (1.
clandestine) actlons; stealth, rurtlveness;
knowledge. iiiiknoun to his rather.
salaaminen keeplng . . secret Jne., ks. salata. Insldlousness, slyness. -ktk secret hldsalaatti (vihannes-) lettuce; (keltt.) salad. Ing-place. -liitto conspiracy, plot. -liitto
-kastike salad dresslng. -kaavi plant used lainen con.tplrator. -luoto KS. salakari,
-lyhty dark lantern, (pieni) buirs-eye;
In (1. for) salad.
(shk-) flash-llght. -lke nostrum; (humsala -avio secret marrtage. -hanke (-liitto)
plot, conspiracy; (ansa) snare, trap; olla buugl-) quack medlclne; (patentti-) patent
salahankkeissa jotakuta vastaan plot (I.
consplre 1. Intrigue) against, be plottlng salama llghtnlng; (ukonvaaja) thunderbolt;
against. -hauta pitrall. -huone secret rooin (ukkostuli) riash of llghtnlng; iski(maa(I. cbamber 1. closet). -hykkys secret han) johonkin the llghtnlng struck somewhere; Iski puuhun the llghtnlng struck
attack; (-hanke) secret plot (1. design).
a tree, a [thej tree was struck by llght
salailla nide, conceal (mys kuv.); be hui
lng; keep . . tn hidlng; (kuv. = peitell) nlng; leimahti there was a riash or llght
cover, mask, dlsgulse, gloss (1. varnlsb) nlng, the llghtnlng flasbed; sataman nopeu-

della qulck as llghtnlng, llke a flash, wlth about) lt; sinun ei pid - minulta mitn
llghtning speed; kirin ~ kirkkaalta taivaalta you must not conceal (1. hlde) anythlngllke a bolt from the sky (1. tbe blue).
from me, you ougbt to bave no secrets
salaman isku stroke oi' llghtnlng; [vaikutti from me.
Hneen] kuin salamanisku [came to her] sala tarkotus hldden purpose; secret motlve.
llke a thunderbolt. -leimahdus flash of -tl* secret path; secret passage; (kuv.)
llghtnlng; (salama) llghtnlng. -nopea . . secret Channel; (syrjtie) roundbout way;
qulck (1. swirt) as llghtning; hnell on salateit by a secret pass, (kuv.) through
salamannopea ajatuskyky he IS llMc tO secret cbannels, (varkain) stealthlly, (sa
tbink out matters \vith llgbtnlng rapldity, lamyhk) underhand(ed), by backstairs
he thlnks qulck as a flash. -nopeua llght- methods. -tieteet occult sciences.
ning speed (1. rapldity), vrt. ulama. salattu hldden, concealed: (salainen) secret-,
occult; obscure; (salaperinen) mystert-vaurio tlamage done by llghtnlng.
ous; maailma the hldden (I. unseen)
salamanteri (elint.) salamander.
sala metsisty poacblng (Tor game); hunt- World; salatut tieteet occult sciences.
lng out of season. -metsstj one who sala tuonti smuggllng In. -tuuma secret
hunts out of season; poacher.
salamoida flash; eilen salamoi kovasti there salava (kasv.) brlttle wlllow.
salajuoni, -vehkeilij plotter;
were frequent flashes of llghtnlng yesterday, the llghtnlng flashed frequently yes- machlnator. -vehkeily plotting; macblnaterday; taivas salamoi there are flashes of tlon(s). -viha secret grudge; covert h&tred.
llghtnlng In the Sky; tule (ulos) katsomaan -vihainen Insldlous; treacherous [dog, koi
miten taivas salamoi come out and see tbe ra], -vihjaus hlnt, (hidden) inlimatton.
flashes of llghtnlng. salamoiminen flashlng -vihkaa furtlvely, stealthlly, on the sly-,
(salaa) In secret, secretly: (hiljaisuudessa)
of llghtnlng; flashes of llghtnlng.
salan murha assasslnatlon. -murhaaja assns- quietly. In ali qulet; (Jkpv.) on tbe qulet:
sln. -murhata assasslnate. -myhkiinen se- vrt. salakhmisesti. -vihkainen furtlve
cretlve, covert [action, menettely]; close[glance, katse], stealtby, sly. -viittaua
clandestlne. lnsinuatlon; alluslon; vrt. alavin jaus.
-myhkillj person lncllned to be secretlve. -vuoteus unlawful lntercourse;fornlcatlon.
-myhkisyys secretlveness; underhanded- saldo (klrjanp.) balance.
ness; salamyhkisyyden ilme an air Of mys- sali hali; room; (yksit, perheasunnossa)
tery. -myhk stealthlly, secretly; covert- parlor; (sairaaloissa y. m.) ward; vrt. ra
ly, on the Sly; salamyhk tapahtuva un- koni-, ruoka-', tanssi >'. m.
derhand(ed). -neuvos (1. v. Engl.) prlvy salin- (yhd.) hali [esim. -ikkuna ball wlncouncllor. -nimi pseudonym, (kirjailijan) dow; -lattia hali floor], vrt. ruokasalin-.
nom de plume, pen-name; salanimell un- -kaappi buffet, slde-board.
der a flctltlous (1. an assumed) name, un- salisylihappo (kcm.) sallcylic acld.
der a pseudonym. -oja covered trench, salkkari (suola-) salt-box.
draln. -ojittaa drain. -ojitua dralnlng. -ovi salkku portfolio (mys esim. ministerin);
secret (1. hldden) door. -perinen mysterl- vrt. laukku.
ous [dlsappearance, katoaminen]; mys- salko (riuku) pole; (tanko) rod, staff; (keptlc(al), apocryphal; (salamyhkinen) se
El) stlck. -papu pole-bean. -ruusu (kasv.)
cretlve; (umpimielinen) retlcent, closeollybock.
mouthed; (salainen) secret. -perisesti salkuton: ministeri mlnlster \vtthout a
mysterlously; mystlcally; secretlvely; retl- portrollo.
cently; secretly. -periayys mysterlous- sallia (antaa) permit [one to do a th.. Jon
ness; mystlcalness; secretlveness; reti- kun tehd jotakin], allovv; give (1. grant)
cence; secrecy.
. . permission [to do . .] ; suffer, let; consalapoliisi (-konstaapeli) detectlve, (Yhdys
sent (1. agree) to, sanctlon; (mrt) orvaltain hallituksen y. m.) secret Service daln; (suoda) grant; (mynt) admlt;
agent (1. man); (Lontoon poliisilaitoksen) (Siet) tolerate; /onnun puhua a!low (1.
Scotland Yarder, Scotland Yard man; (Yh- permit) one to speak, grant one permission
dysv., Jkpv.) plaln-clothes man.
to speak; puhuttavan jostakin permit (1.
salapoliisi- (yhd.) detectlve [esim. -toimisto iillnu) . . to be dlscussed [huom. hn ai
detectlve agency (I. bureau)], -laitos de
sallinut edes puhuttavankaan siit he dld
tectlve Service; (Yhdysvaltain hallituksen not even allow (1. permit) any discussion
v m ) secret Service
about lt, (malnlttavankaan) be dld not alsala polku Secret (by-)path. -polttaja llllclt low (1. permit) lt even to be menttoned] :
dlstlller; (Jkpv.) moonshlner. -polttimo sallikaa lasten tulla minun luokseni (raam. )
secret (1. unllcensed 1. llllclt) dlstlllerv. suffer (the) llttle chlldren to come unto
-poltto llllclt dlstllllng; (Jkpv.) moonshln- me! sallikaa minun huomauttaa permit (1.
Ing. -portaat secret stalrcase. -pyydystj ail'i\v) me to point out, I beg leave to
poacher. -rippi secret confesslon.
polnt out; may I be allowed to observe;
salalisiitti(kasv.) cryptogam. -soppi 1. -louk
sallimatta kenenkn tulla lhelle vvitnout
ko secret recess (1. nook); lurklng-place. permlttlng anybody to aomc near, not letsalassa (salattuna) hldden, secret; (salaa)
tlng anybody come near; salli minulle se
in secret, secretly, sub rosa: ~ pidettv ilo, ett . . allovv me to have the Joy or
. . to be held secret, (kahdenkeskeinen)
. .-lng . .; aika [tila] ei salli asian lhemp
conridentlal; olla ~ (ktketty) be hldden, ksittely (the) tlme [the space] does not
be concealed, be secret, be latent.
allovv (1. admit) of going any further
salaayntinen . . Tallen Into (1. addicted to)
Into (1. further examlnation oD the subJcct; hn ei salli minun siell kyvn (1.
secret slns.
salata keep . . secret [from one, Joltakulta], kyd) he does not allovv (1. permit) me to
make a secret of, (jkpv.) keep .. dark; go there, he does not allovv (I. permit) that
(peitell) tilde, conceal [a th. from one, I go there: hnen ei sallittu kuolla asiansa
Joltakulta jotakin]; (kuv.) dlsguise, cloak, puolesta lt was not his lot (1. lt dld not
veli, mask, cover; totuus conceal the befall hlni) to die for his cause; hnen sal
truth, keep the truth back, suppress the littiin tehd niinkuin (l. mit) halusi (Sai
trulli: en halua sit sinulta I YVill not tehd) he as allovved (1. permltted) to do
keep It (secret) from you; hn et sit (en- \vhatever he pleased (1. to have his own
way m everyttung-); jos aika sallii U tbe
sinkn) salannut he made no secret of (1.



tlme permits (I. allo\vs), if the tlme \vlll

permit (1. vvlll allovv), (Jos alkaa Jpl) ir
any tlme remains (1. Is left) ; jos sallitte ir
you permit me, ir you consent, vvlth (1. by)
your permission (1. leave 1. consent) ; kait
selmus on niin [toisin] sallinut Providence
Das so [has othervvlse] ordalned; (st) oli
niin silitt kohtalo (kotitalo oli niin m
rnnyt) It was (1. Fate liail) so or
dalned, fate vvould bave It so; sit ai hn
tola koskaan sallimaan tilat he Vili never
permit (1. sanctlon), he wlll never consent
to that, he \vlll never allow thai to take
Place; sit ti sllitt tehd] that was not
permltted (1. allov/ed) [to be done].
sallima ks. sallimus, sallimanuskoja latallst.
Uiminen permlttlng Jne., ks. sallia; per
mission; toleratlon.
sallimus (kohtalo) fate, destlny; (kaitsel
mus) providence; kohtalon ~ decree of
fate, destlny [ huom. kohtalon sallimuksesta
by providence, provldentially; oli kohtalon
~, ttt hn pelastui (in.Viis:) lt \vas hls
destlny to be saved, bls escape was provldentlal]. -usko fatallsm.
sallittu permltted, allowed; (siedetty) tolerated; vrt. sallia.
salmeke narrovv Channel (1. passage); (sal
mi) sound. salmensuu entrance to (1.
mouth of) a sound (1. a stralt). salmi
sound; stralt (s); Calais'n salmi the Straits
or Dover; kapsa salmi narrovv sound, nar
rovv Channel (I. passage).
salmiakki (kem.) sai ammonlac, ammonium
chlorld(e). -pastilli lozenge contalning
ammonium chlorlde.
salo backvvoods; unlnhablted (1. uncultlvated) region (1. tract) ; (ermaa) vvilderness; saloilla In the backvvoods.
salo- (yhd.) backvvoods [esim. -lrvi back
vvoods lake; -kyl backvvoods vlllage].
salolainen hackvvondsman.
salo || lampi small lake in the backvvoods;
vvoodland pool. -maa backvvoods; vvoodland; vvllderness; salomailla In the back
vvoods, In the vvoodland.
Salomo Solomon; Salomon Saarnaaja (raam.)
Eccleslastes; Salomon sananlaskut (raam.)
Proverbs (or Solomon); Salomon tuomio
judgment of Solomon, (viisas) Solomonlc
Judgment. Salomoni Solomon.
salomokki cottage in the backvvoods, back
vvoods cottage (1. hut 1. cabln).
salonki parlor, (etup. Engl.) saloon; (taide-;
vieras-) salon; (yksityisasunnon) dravvlngroom, reception-room; (laivan) cabln; pit
salonkia malntain a salon, -huonekalut
dravvlng-room furnlture. -kieli language of
the dravvlng-room (1. the salon), parlor (I.
drawing-room) language. -kivri gun of
(a) small callber, BB gun.
salonkimainen . . flt Tor the drawing-room,
pollte, genteel; (esim. huone) salon-llke;
salonki II matkustaja cabin passenger; saloon
passenger. -musiikki drawlng-room music.
-nainen soclety vvoman. -paikka (laivassa:)
stateroom (berth), cabin berth. -piletti
cabin tlcket; stateroom ticket. -pyt par
lor (1. drawlng-room) table. -sankari social
Ilon. -sija = salonkipaikka. -tavat (1. V.)
Society manners; etiquette. -tottumus ease
In movlng around in social clrcles. -vaunu
parlor-car; (Engl.) saloon(-carriage).
salonmles = salolainen, saloseutu back
vvoods (distrlct 1. country); vvoodland.
salpa bolt; (telki) bar; olla salvassa be
bolted, be barred, (suljettu) be closed, be
shut, (salpautunut) be blocked up.
salpaaminen boltlng Jne., ks. salvata.
aalpaln bar; bolt. aalpatanko bar.
salpaus: sn salpauksissa bas been dammed


up, (esim. katuliikenne) has been blocked

up, (hengitys) has been cut orr, has been
stopped, bas stopped Short [buom. veri on
salpauksissa the circulatlun of the blood
has been stopped (1. has stopped Short)].
salpautua be(come) bolted; (sulkeutua) become closed (1. shut); (tukkeutua) be
(-come) blocked up, be(come) obstructed
(1. lmpeded I. stopped); be(come) clogged;
(patoutua) be(come) dammed up; (ehkis
ty) be(come) stemmed (1. checked); vrt.
salvata ; hengitys salpautuu the forealll StODS
short, the breath chokes up, (estyy) the
breath becomes lmpeded; ni salpautuu
(takertuu) the voice stlcks m the throat.
salpietari (kem.) saltpeter, nlter. -hapoke,
-happo kS. typpi hapoke, -happo, -liha meat
treated (1. prepared) wlth saltpeter.
salpietarinpitoinen . . containtng nlter, nltrous.
salpuu damming (up); dammlng orr.
salva (voide) salve, ointment.
salvaa I. put up (the rramevvork of) [a new
(log-)house, uutta (blrsl)huonetta].
salvaa II. kuohita, salvamaton ks. kuohitsematon.
salvaminen I. (talon) putting up (the rrame
vvork of), salvaminen II. ks. kuohitseminen.
salvata bolt [the door, ovi]; bar; (sulkea)
shut, close; (lukita) lock [a p. In . . , Joku
Johonkin]; (esteill) block (up), obstruct,
stop [the Dow of vvater, veden Juoksu] ;
(padota) dam (up); (tukkia, tyrehdytt)
Check, stem; Clog; ~ tie joltakulta [jol
takin] block the road (1. the way) ror (1.
agalnst), obstruct . .-'s passage; erottaa
salpaamalla dam OIT; pelko salpasi kieleni
(sitoi) rear rettered my tongue.
salvetti (lautasliina) napkin, servlette; (pie
ni) dolly.
salvo; kukko castrated cock, capon. -pssi
castrated ram, vvether.
salvos rramevvork [or a log-house] ; [hlrslhuone] on salvoksella the rramevvork [or
the log-house] is being put up. -rakennus
sama the same, the very; ldentical, the sald;
(samankaltainen) slmllar, llke, such; [mo
lemmat] samaa kokoa (mys:) [both] Of a
Slze; samaa maata (yht) or a I eather, or the
same strlpe, orr the same plece, In tbe same
Class [huom. hn on samaa maata kuin
Isnskln (mys:) he Is a chlp or the old
blOCk]; samaan aikaan at the Same tlme;
samaan aikaan kuin . . at the same tlme as
. . , (el y. m.) contemporary vvltli . . ,
(saapua y. m.) simultaneously vvlth . .;
kuin the same as, equal to, equlvalent to;
samalla ks. hakus.; ~ mies the same mau,
the very man; samana pivn on the (1.
that) same day, that very day; saman maan
miehi rellovv countrymen, compatrlots;
oli asianlaita meillkin lt vvas the same In
our case, the sltuatlon vvas the same vvlth
us, our situation vvas ldentical; samassa
ks. hakus.; samassa mrin in the same degree, equally, (vastaavassa) correspondlngly; samassa silmnrpyksess at that
very Instant (l.momenl),(n the tnlnkllng or
an eye, in an instant; samassa suhteessa
(mys:) proportlonately; samasta paikasta
rrom the same (I. that very) place; samoi
hin aikoihin about (1. at) the same tlme,
contemporaneously [vvlth, kuin], colncidently [vvlth] ; heill on samat edut (mys :)
thetr Interests are ldentical; hn sanoo sa
maa kuin minkin he says the same as I do
(I. the same thlng that I do); min olen
tehnyt saman I have done the same (thing) ;
ne ovat samat (henkilt) they are ldentical;
olla samaa mielt [asiasta] be o( the same
opinion [about tbe matter] , be or one mind;



se ajaa Kaman asian that amountS to the saman! luontoinen .. or the same nature;
same thlng, that makes no di (Terence; viel Parallel [case, tapaus], llke, slmilar; analosamana pivn hn . . that same (1. that gous: reiated. -merkityksellinen . . equlva
very) day he... -aiheinen.. vvitli the same lent in meanlng, . . or llke (1. or the same)
(1. wlth the ldenttcal) motlve (1. theme). slgniricance; (klel.) synonymous; an >
samainen the same, the very [man, mies].
monimerkityksellinen kuin .. (mys:) is the
aamakeskinen concentrlc(al).
same In sense (1. meanlng) as ..; samansamalla (samassa) at that very moment; (sa
merhityhsellisi sanoja (mys:) synonyms.
maan aikaan) at the same tlme; (mys)
-merkityksellisyys equivalence in mean
also, . . too, . . as well; (sen ohessa) besides,
lng; (kiel.) synonymy. -mielinen llkein additlon to that; (samalla kertaa) at once,
mlnded, . . or one (1. the same) mind (L
DOth [esim. toimittaen (kertaa) sek oven opinion) ; (samoin ajatteleva) . . who tbinks
ett ikkunan virkaa servlng at once as (1.
alike, . . or the same u ay or thinking; jouk
both as) door and wlndow] : ~ kuin at the
ko samanmielisi a group Of people think
same tlme as . . , (sill vlin) whlle [buom.
ing alike (1. people or the same opinions).
samalla kuin kyt elell, voit pistyty pos
-muotoinen . . or the same rorm (1. shape),
tiin on your way tbere you mlght as well
slmilar (In shape), llke. -muotoisuus siru;
drop Into the post-oMce] ; tavalla In the larity or rorm, likeness In (1. simllarlty or)
shape. -niminen . . or (1. wlth 1. bearlng)
same manner, in llke manner, slmilarly,
(yhtlisesti) alike [esim. he ajattelevat the same name : samanniminen mies (mys : )
a namesake or bis. -nkinen . . or the
samalla tavalla they thlnk alike, (samoin)
they thlnk so too], iti. samoin.
same appearance, . . slmilar In appearanre.
slmilar, like; (kasvonpiirteiltn) . . or
samallainen -- samanlainen.
saman aiheinen sama-alhelnen. -aikainen
Slmilar features; he ovat hyvin saman
1. -aikuinen contemporaneous; coexlstent,
nkisi (toistensa nkisi) they are very
much alike, they are much llke eacb other,
(samaan aikaan tapahtuva) slmultaneous,
they strongly resemble each other. -pai
coincident, synchronous [wlth . . , kuin . .].
noinen . . or the same vveight, . . equal in
-arvoinen . . <>r the same value, . . of equal
value, . . or ldentical value; (tasa-arvolwelght [to thls, kuin tm], .. or equal
nen) . . as good, equal, equlvalent; saman
\veight. -pituinen . . or the same length ;
arvoinen kuin as good as, equal to, equlva
..equal In length [to.., kuin..] ;..or equal
length. -puoleinen . . (situated 1. located
lent to [huom. on samanarvoinen kuin
1. lying) on the same side. -eisallyksinen
(mys:) counterbalances . .] ; ne ovat sa
manarvoiset they are equal, they are on a .. or the same contents; .. or the same
tenor. -sukuinen reiated, ai lied; ovat sa
par, they are equlvalent, (jkpv.) lt Is slx
mansukuisia (mys:) are akin. -suuntainen
of (the) one and liair a dozen of the other;
pit samanarvoisena kuin ks. pit (Jona
. . golng (1. running) in the same dlrectlon,
kin), -arvoisuus equallty; equivalence. . . to the Same efrect; Slmilar, llke; sa
-henkinen (esim. kirja) . . of the same tone
mansuuntainen esitys a proposition (1. a
(1. tenor); (henkil) llke-mlnded, . . or the motlon) along the same llne(s); saman
same mind. -Ikinen . . of the same age [as
suuntaista oli hnen muukin puheensa the
he, kuin hn]; COeval; me olemme saman
rest or hls taik was to the same errect;
ikiset we are of the same age, (hnen . . on samansuuntainen . . goes (1. runs ].
kanssaan) he and I are or the same (1. or lles) in the same dlrectlon, stands In llne
an) ag-e. -kaltainen (-lainen) . . or the same
\vith [lt, kuin se], -suuruinen .. or the
kimi (l. sort), (-muotoinen) or the same same slze, . . or equal (1. even) slze; a>
rorm (1. shape) [as . . , kuin ..]; slmilar mansuurumen summa (mys:) an equal
[to .., kuin ..], like (unto); (sellainen)
ai non nt. -tapainen . . or like habtts; mys
surh; vrt. samanlainen, -kaltaisuus slmi= samanluon toinen; jotakin samantapaista
larlty, llkeness. -kokoinen . . equal in (1.
olin minkin ajatellut I, too, had thought
. . or equal) slze, . . (ot) the same slze;
or Somethlng to that errect; vrt. saman
samankokoinen kuin . . as large as . . , (Of)
suuntainen, -tekev = yhdentekev.
the same slze as . . , equal to . . (In slze) ; samarialainen (raam.) Samarltan; laupias
ne ovat samankokoisia (mys:) they are of
the good Sarnaritan. samariittikurssicourse
a slze. -korkuinen . . equal In (1. or equal)
(1. class) In rirst ald to the lnjured.
helght, . . or the same helg-ht; samansamaasa
at the very moment [he saw the
korkuinen kuin . . as high as . . , level
teacher come In, nki hn opettajan astu
with . . . -laatuinen . . of the same klnd (1.
vrt. samalla & sama.
sort); slmilar, (a)llke.
samanlainen . . or the same sort (1. klnd 1. samaten likevvlse. In llke manner, in the
same manner (1. way); .. the same;
quality); (-muotoinen) . . or the same rorm
(mys) also, . . too, . . as well; [hauskaa
(1. shape); (a)llke; like that; (samankal
joulua ] samoten [Kierry Cbristmas! ]
tainen) slmilar [to ... kuin . .], resemtho
same to you! hn teki ~ he did the
bling [a th., kuin Jokin] ; (vertainen) equal;
same; ja hn ~ and he Ukewlse( \vell).
ja muuta samanlaista and Other Slmilar
thlngs, and somethlng else or that klnd; samaninen. . slmilar (1. ldentical) in sound.
haluan toisen samanlaisen I \vant to get an- samea muddy, turbld, disturbed, troubled;
(esim. ajatuksista puhuen:) muddled;
other or the same klnd (1. another llke
(himme) obscure, dlm; clouded; (eloton)
that) ; kauttaaltaan ~ the same ali through,
dull; hakea sameasta saaliinsa, kalastaa
uniroim, homogeneous; minulla on kotona
sameassa vedess lish in troubled \vaters.
(toinen) ~ I liave another (or the same
sameneminen gettlng (1. becomlng) muddy
klnd) at home; minunkin on ostettava I
(I. turbld 1. troubled). samentaa make ..
inust buy one (like that), too; n ovat
muddy (1. turbid); dlsturb; make .. dull
kaikki samanlaisia they are ali (or) the
(1. dlm 1. tarnished); (kuv.) cloud, trouble.
same (klnd), (yhtlisi) they are ali alike;
sully [one's mind, Jonkun mielt], (him
ovatko kaikki miehet samanlaisia are ali
ment) darken, obscure. samentamaton
men alike (1. the same)? (sellaista) are ali
undisturbed, untroubled; (kirkas) clear.
men or that type (1. that klnd)? se mies on
E aha juoppo ja veli on ~ that man IS a sameta get (1. become) muddy (1. turbld),
eavy drinker and hls brother Is another be disturbed; be(come) troubled; (kuv.)
(1. Is too 1. Is Just as bad). samanlaisuus become clouded (1. sullled); (himmet)
llkeness ; resemblance, simllarlty, slmilltude. get (1. become) dull (1. dlm), be(come)


i sss

tarnlshed; (menett loistonsa) lose Its

lustre, tarnlsb.
sametti velvet; vrt. puuvilla, silkki.
sametti- (yhd.) velvet- [esim. -nokka velvetplle] ; (samettinen) velvet [esim. -lakki
velvet cap; -nauha velvet rlbbon; -takki
velvet coat; -tyyny velvet cusblonj. -hie
noinen . . (as) soft (1. rine) as velvet, velvety. -housut (polvi-) velvet breeches.
-kudos velvet. -liivit velvet vest (1. walstcoat).
samettimainen velvety, (. . llke) velvet.
samettinen velvet, . . of velvet.
sametti llnukkalnen .. \vitli a nap (1. plle)
like (tbat Of) velvet. -pehme samettihienoinen.
sameus muddlness, turbldlty, turbldness;
obscureness, dlmness; dullncss; vrt. samea.
sammakko frog; (korpi-) toad. -elin frogllke animal; (tiet.) ampblblan, batrachian.
sammakon h mti rrog-spawn,spawn of frogs.
-poika (nililnen) tadpole, polllwog-.
sammal moss; (tiet.) bryopnyte. -elin
(ellnt.) moss-anlmal, moss-anlmalcule,
polyzoan, bryozoan.
sammalenotto gatberlng (of) moss. samma
likko moss. sammalinen mossy, mossed;
(sammalpeltteiiicn) moss-clad, moss-covered. sammalisto 1. - sammalikko; 2. =
samma 1 kasvi sto.
sammal! kaavi moss(-plant). -kasvisto moss
flora, the mosses. -kieli lisper. -kielinen
llsplng. -kuivike moss Utter, -laji specles
of moss.
sammallus llsplng, llsp; (kangcrrus) falterlng.
sammaloittaa cover . . uitti moss, moss.
sammaloitua be(come) covered with moss,
become moss-clad. become mossy (1. overgrown \vttn moss). sammaloitunut mosscovered, moss-clad, . . overgrown with
moss, moss-grown [stone, kivi].
sammal tpeitteinen moss-covered (I. -clad),
[mountaln top, vuoren
huippu], -ruusu moss-rose.
sammaltaa llsp; (kangertaa) lalter. sam
maltaminen llsping; falterlng.
sammaltua = sammaloitua.
sammal turve moss-peat; (suo-) bog-peat.
-vihre moss-green, mossy green.
sammas: Ma lampailla lie affected \vitli (1.
mi i Iit \vitli) thrush. -uuti (liiiik.) thrush.
samminmtl sturgeon roe, roe of (the)
sturgeon; (maustettu) caviar(e).
sammio vat; (large) tub.
sammua go out; die out; be extlnguished;
(hiipua) die down; (kuolla sukupuuttoon)
become extlnct; (Janosta:) be quenched,
be Slaked; sammumaisittaan oleva takka
valkea a rire at the polnt or dylng out, a
flre burnt low, a Tire alrnost (l.nearly)out;
suku sammuu the ramlly vvill become ex
tlnct (1. Wlll die OUt); tuli [valo] Mammuu
the Tire [the llght] goes (1. dles) out.
sammumaton lnextlngtilshable, unquenchable [thlrst. Jano], (nm.) quenchless.
sammuminen golng (I. dylng) out Jne.,
ks. sammua, sammunut . . gone out, extingulshed; dead [camp-rire, nuotio]; ex
tlnct [volcano, tulivuori; ramlly, suku];
jo aikoja sitten sammunut rakkaus a love
long dead. sammus: menn sammuksiin
(tuli) go OUt, die OUt; on sammuksissa
has been put out (1. extlnguished), (sam
munut) has gone (I. dled) out, is dead.
sammutettu: sammutettu kalkki Slaked (1.
slackeil) Ilme. aammutin extingulsber.
sammuttaa put out, extlngulsh; (kuv.)
quench, slake; ~ janonsa quench (1. slake
I. allay) one's thlrst; ~ kaasu(valo) turn
out the gas; kalkkia slake (1. slack)
Ilme; kynttil put out S candle, (puhal

tamalla) blow out a candle, (niistmll

tai tukahduttamalla) snufr out a candle;
tulipalo put out the rire, get the flre
under (one's) Control, sammuttaja extlngulsher . sammuttamaton unextinguisbed,
unquenched [thlrst, Jano) ; (sammumaton)
lnerttngulshable, unquenchable; sammut
tamaton kalkki unslaked (1. unslacked)
Ilme, quick-llme. sammuttaminen puttlng
OUt Jne., kS. sammuttaa; vrt. seur.
sammutus puttlng out, extlnguishing; ex
tlnct lon; tulipalon puttlng the flre out,
gettlng the flre under control, extlnguish
ing (of) rire, puttlng out flre(s). -kalusto
1. -kalut rire -extlnguishing apparatus;
rire-rightlng appllances. -kojeet 1. -vehkeet
ks. edell. -osasto rire-extlngulsblng di
vision (of a flre-brlgade). -ty (wprk of)
extlnguishing (a) flre; sammutusty' pttyi
kello 3 aamulla the flremen ceased to play
tbelr hoses (1. were tlirough \vlth their
\vork) at 3 A. M. -yrltya (tulipalon) attempt to extlngulsh [the flre].
sammuva dylng, radlng; hiillos the dylng
(1. fadlng) embers; katsa dylng (1.
radlng) glance.
samoileminen strolllng Jne., ks. seur.
samoilla (kuljeskella) stroll, \vander (aliout) ;
ramble, rove, roam; range; (harhailla)
stray; maita mantereita ramble over the
country; ~ metsi uander about (1. stroll
1. rove 1. roam) in the woods. stroll
through the woods. samoilu samoilemi
nen; strolls, rambles, rovlngs, vvanderings.
aamoin (samalla tavalla) In the same man
ner (I. way). In llke manner, slmllarly;
(samaten) llkewlse, . . the same; (mys)
also; SO, tOO; . . as Weil; kuin edellinen
kin as well as the former; ~ kuin minkin
In the same way (1. manner) as I [dld,
tein], llke me; kuin se(kin) as well as
tbat, (sen mukaisesti) In conformlty to (1.
Wlth) that; ~ minkin SO I, tOO; . . I, as
well; hn ~ kuin kaikki muutkin he llke
(1. as well as) the rest (1. everyone else).
samojedi Samoyed(e). samojedilainen (a.)
Samoyedlc. samojedinkieli Samoyed(lc).
samota = samoilla.
samovaari (teekelttl) samovar.
sampi (ellnt.) sturgeon.
aampo a magic ml 11 [In the Finnish
mythology, the Sampo.
samppanja Champagne, -pullo Champagne
Samuli Samuel; (Jkpv.) Sam, Sammy.
samumtuull slmoom, Simoon.
samuus sameness; ldentlty.
sana word; (sanoma) message; (viesti)
news; (oppi-) terin; sanaa sanomatta
wlthout saylng a word, (neti) silent(ly),
In sllence; sanalta sanoen In a word. (ly
hyesti) tn short, In so many words, to
put the matter (1. the whole tblng) In a
nutshell; sanalta word by word; ~
sanasta kS. antaa; sanassaan pysyv mies
a man Of hlS Word; sanasta miest, sar
vesta hrk (I. v.) a man should be taken
at bls word; sanasta sanaan Word for
word [the same, sama], (sananmukaisesti)
llterally, verbatlm [huom. sanasta sanaan
tosi (mys:) true to the letter] ; sanoin
Ilmaista (l. lausua) express in words,
glve words to; sanoin ja huvin In (1. uit li)
words and plctures; sanoin ja teoin (both)
In speech and action. In word(s) and
deed(S); sanoin kuvaamaton . . beyond descrlptlon, . . beyond expressioni en muista
sit niin sanalleen I don't rernember (1.
recollect) tbe exact (1. actual) vvords.
I don't rernember the exact wordlng (of
lt); Jumalan the vvord of God, Ood's
Word, tbe dlvlne word; panna jollakulla

sanot suuhun give one the cue, teli one
vvhat to say; vrt. haukkuma, kiro-,
inahti, synty y.m.
n- (yhd.) . . of vvords [esim. -oorr
treasure of wordS; -kokoelma collectlon
nl' words]. -arvotut rlddle In vvords;
logogrlph. -helin Juurii" of words.
sanailla have vvords [vvlth a p. ah out . . ,
Jonkun kanssa Jostakin], have a tl r r [vvlth] ;
(kiistell) dlspute, altercate: (riidell)
vvrangle. sanailu tirr, altercatlon; (sana
kiista) dlspute; hiill oli hiukan Manailua
tiit they had a tirr (vvlth each other)
almut (1. over) that.
sanainen (yhd.) . .-ly vvorded [esim. jyrkka~ sharply vvorded; terv- keenly
vvorded], vrt. harva, mani y.m.
sananjalka (kasv.) rem; (kuolleenkoura)
bracken, brake. -Jrjestys order (1. sequence 1. arrangement) of (the) vvords;
(klel.) syntactlcal arrangement.
sanakas = sanarikas.
sana kiista dlspute; (verbal) controversy.
-kirja dlctlonary; lexicon.
sanakirjani tekij lexlcographer, complleror
a dlctlonary. -teko complllng a dlctlonary.
sanakirjaty vvork of complling a dlctlon
ary, dlctlonary vvork: tehd sanakirjat yt
be (engaged In) complltng a dlctlonary.
sanakkuus sanarikkaus.
sana! kuva allegory. -kiinne tuin or a
phrase; phraslng, phrase. -leikki play (up)
on vvords, pun, qulbble; (arvotuksen muo
dossa) conundrum. -luettelo llst or vvords,
-luokka (klel.) part of speech. -muoto
(lausemuoto) vvording, text.
sananen (Uttle) vvord; viel one vvonl
more, one more vvord.
sanan- (yhd.) . . or a vvord [esim. -loppu
end of a vvord]; . . of vvords [esim. -va
linta cholce (I. selectlon) or vvords].
-Jako syllabl(ri)catlon, division of a vvord
into syllables. -Jalka sanajalka. -johto
etymology (or vvords). -kuulija hearer;
llstener (to a sermon); rakkaat Manankuulijani (1. v.) my dear Mends.
sananlasku proverb; (-parsi) saylng; Mananlaskun tapaan proverbially; kuten
sanoo as the saylng is (1. goes). -kokoelma
collectlon (I. book) or proverbs.
sanan lenntin ks. hklennatln.
-lennttijl courler. -mukainen llteral [translatlon, knns], verbal. -mukaisesti llterally, verbatim, vvord Tor vvord. -mukai
suus llteralness, exactness. -parsi saylng;
by-word; (lauseparsi) phrase; on tullut
sananparreksi llilS IliTOIIin proverblal.
-saattaja messenger; herald, -salvartaja
halr-splltter; qulbbler; hypercritlc. -sai
vartelu halr-splittlng; qulbbllng, sophlsti.v ; se on vain Manansaivartelua lt Is mere
halr-splittlng, it Is a dlstlnctlon vvlthout
a dirrerence.
tanansapitivi . . vvho keeps hls vvord, . .
true (1. ralthrul) to one's vvord, . . as good
as one'9 vvord; mies a man or hls vvord.
sanan |i selitysoppi etymology. -sija (muis
tutuksen syy) reason to object, chance to
remark; antaa sanansijaa give opportunlty
to crltlcism, CauSC crltlClsm; Maada sanan
sijaa (moitteen-) lind a chance (1. rind
reason) to criticlze (1. to censure); vrt.
sananvuoro. -synty vvord- lormation. -syntyoppi derlvation; etymology. -taivutus
lnriectlon (or vvords). -taivutusoppi in
flectlon. -tuoja messenger; (plkalhettl)
courler. -vaihto exchange oi vvords; Interlocutlon; kiivas sananvaihto heated ex
change or vvords, altercatlon; vrt. sa
nailu, sanakiista, -valinta (mys:) cholce
or dictlon, dlctlon. -valta volce; (lausunta-


oikeus) rlght to speak. rlght to ex

press an opinion; vrt. puhevalta, -vapaus
Uberty (1. rreedom) or speech, (rlght or)
rree speech. -velka: jd jollekulle Mananvelkaan not have a chance to reply (l. a
chance at repartee) [huom. s mies ei
koskaan jnyt sananvelkaan kenellekn
that man vvas never at a loss for (1.
never short oi) an ansvver, that rellovv vvas
alvvays ready vvlth an ansvver (1. alvvays
qulck at repartee)]. -viej bearer of a [the]
message; messenger. -vuoro chance to say
something, tuin (to speak) ; tmtam jolle
kulle sananvuoro give . . a chance to say
something (1. to express hls opinion);
Minulla on sananvuoro (tiiV.) nOVV lt'S .mm
t tl 1*11 ; vrt. puheenvuoro, suunvuoro, -vii
ristelij prevaricator, quibbler; equlvocator; one vvho tvvlsts (1. dlstorts) vvords.
-vristely tvvlsting (1. dlstortlng) (or the
meanlng) or vvords; prevarlcation, qulb
bllng; equivocation.
an oppi etymology. -rikas . . rlcb In
vvords, coplous [language, kieli], -rikkaus
(kielen) rlchness (In vvords), vvealth, coplousness. -sepp colner or new vvords.
-solmu sanaknne, -ota battle vvlth
vvords; dlspute, controversy; kyd tanaMOtaa kS. seur. -sotasi Ma: olla sanasotaMilla be engaged in a heated argument,
dlspute, (kynsotasilla) be engaged in (I.
e rry on) a controversy, (klnailla) vvrangle
[vvlth. Jonkun kanssa].
sanassaanpyayv sanansapitv. sanaatasanainen llteral, verbal.
sanasto vocabulary, glossary; list or vvords;
(Jonkun tieteenhaaran tai alan) noraenclature, (oppi-) termlnology.
sana! sukkeluus vvitty (1. humorous) re
mark; vrt. seur. -sutkaus sally; (sukke
luus) vvltticlsm; Joke; (sanaleikki) pun;
lasketella sanasutkauksia make vvittv (1.
humorous) remarks, crack Jokes. -skki:
avata sanaskkins Start prating, begin to
Jabber. -taituri artlst In uslng [In colnIng] vvords.
sanaton (puhumaton) speechless, tonguetled; (mykk) dumb, mute: (hiljainen,
netn) silent [admlratlon. Ihailu]; hmmsty sanattomaksi be StruCk illirnli
vvlth amazement, become speechless vvlth
VVOIlder; kaikki seisoivat siin sanattomina
ali stood there speechless (1. silent 1.
dumb). sanattomasti speechless(ly); sllently. tanattomuut speechlessness; dumbncss, muteness; slience.
sana! tulva riovv (1. torrent 1. deluge 1. voiley) or vvords; kinen sanatulva angry
riovv or vvords, tlrade. -vapaus sanan
vapaus, -varasto 1. -varat vocabulary.
-yhdistyt compound vvord. -yhtym combinatlon or vvords; (klel.) collocatlon.
sandaali (anturakenk) sandal.
saneleminen dlctatlng; speaklng. sanelladlctate; (puhua) speak; sanele harvempaan
speak (I. give It) more slovvly; sanella
vala(a) admlnlster an oath [to a p.. jolle
kulle], sanelu dlctatlon; (valan) admlnistration; Manatun mukaan kirjotettu dtCtated; kirjottaa sanelun mukaan vvrite
rrom dlctatlon.
sangallinen . . vvlth bovvs; sangolliset silm
lasit glasses vvlth bovvs, spectacles.
sangen very, exceedingly [small, pieni]:
emlnently [adapted to, sopiva Johonkin];
(aika, melko) pretty, rather, tolcrably;
ro on ~ Muuri the dirrerence is pretty
great, (melkoinen) the dirrerence Is conslderable, (hyvin) the dirrerence is very
(1. exceidlngly) great; oli viisaasti
tehty that vvas pretty vvlse (to do); Miina
teit - viisaasti lt vvas pretty (1. very)



wlse Of you; tiedn sen ~ hyvin I kno\v It

very (1. perrectly 1. exceedlngly) well.
sangollinen palirul; buckeUul.
saniainen (kasv.) rem.
saniaial kasvi rem. -puu tree-fern.
sanka (ripa) hauille; (padan, sangon y.m.,
mys:) ball; (silmlasin) bow; (kukkaron
y.m.) rrame; silmlasien tangat bows or
(the) spectacles (1. glasses), (kehykset)
frame (1. rlms) or (a palr or) glasses.
sankainen (yhd.) . . wlth a . . haiulle [esim.
puu~ mpri a pall \vlth a \voodcn
haiulle]; (silmlaseista:) .. wlth .. bows,
. . Uh a . . rrame [esim. kultasankaiset
silmlasit a palr of glasses wlth gold
bows (1. with a gold rrame)].
sankari hero; (balventav. merkit.) Ilon;
pivn hero or tbe day; vrt. salonki,
sota , uskon y.m.
sankari- (yhd.) herole [esim. -aika 1. -kausi
herole age; -runous herole poetry] ; .. or
heroes [esim. -aika age or heroes]. -kuo
lema death or a hero, herole death.
sankarillinen herole [deed, teko; death,
kuolema], sankarillisesti herolcally. san
karillisuus herotsm, herole courage.
sankarimaine laine (1. name) or a hero,
beroic rme [name],
sankarimainen . . benttlng (1. worthy or) a
hero; (sankarillinen) herole [deed, teko].
sankari 1 nainen herolne. -runo epic (poem);
beroic (poem). -satu herole tale.
sankaritar herolne.
sankari urina 1. -taru herole tale. -teko
1. -ty ks. uroty, -ura career or a hero;
herole career.
sankasti thlckly; densely; (tihess) close
to each other. sankka thlck [rorest, met
s; smoke, savu; rog, sumu],beavy, dense.
sankki (plllukkopyssyn) pan. -reik touchhole. -ruuti prlmlng(-powder).
sankkuus thlckness, heaviness, denseness,
sanko pall, bucket; kalvon well-bucket.
sannottaa sand; (kytvi) gravel. eannottaminen, sannotus sandlng; gravellng.
sanoa say [a Word to one, sana Jollekulle];
(ilmottaa) teli [one's errand, asiansa; the
tnith, totuus; one \vhat to do, Jollekulle
mit hnen on tehtv]; (kutsua) call,
name; (selitt) declare; (mainita) mentlon; (sanoa syyksi, vltt) plead, allege, pretend; (lausua) state, utter, ex
press; aiotuksensa jostakin (lausua)
express (1. State) one's opinion about, say
\vhat one thlnks about, speak out (one's
mtnd) about, give one's (honest) opinion
or (I. one's sentiments about); ~ edelt
teli (1. say) . . rirst, (sanella) dlctate;
~ ennakolta teli . . berorehand, (ennustaa)
roretell, predlct, prophesy [huom. sanoinhan minulle jo ennakolta, ett niin tulisi
kymn I told you berorehand that lt
would come to that, (Jkpv.) I told you
SO] ; -" hyv sana jonkun puolesta speak
(1. say 1. put In) a good \vord ror one;
~ hyvsti(t), ~ jhyviset (Jollekulle)
ks. jtt (hyvsti); - irti glve notlce
[or], notiry, (laina, saatava y.m.) call In
[huom. sanoa irti saatavansa call In one's
clalm; sanoa joku irti toimestaan glve one
notlce to leave (I. to qult), glve one
notlce or the tcrmlnatlon or hls rontract:
eanoa irti vuokralaisensa glve the tenant
notlce to move; sanomatta itsen asian
mukaisesti irti vvlthout givlng the requlred
notlce (or one's Intention to leave)];
itsen joksikin call o. S. . . [esim. anoa
itsen paroonihsi call O.S. a baron] ; jotakuta johtikin say that one la . . , say


one to be . . , (nimitt) call (1. style I.

name) one . . , (vltt) declare one (to
be) . . [esim. hn sanoi minua hupsuksi,
kun en tehnyt sit he called me (1. lie
declared me 1. he declared me to be 1. he
sald that I was) a Tool, because I dld not
do SO; hnt sanotaan rikkaaksi he 13
called rlcb, he Is sald to be rlch; hnt
sanottiin tavallisesti Juusoksi he was corn
iin m ly called Joe]; sanoakseni ks. Iiakus.;
~ huutavalla nett speak loud(ly), say
. . loudly, say . . In a loud volce; ~ mit
(hnell) on sydmell havu ones say,
(puhua suunsa puhtaaksi) speak (out \vhat
Is on) one's mlnd; ~ jonkun nimi teli a p. 's
name, teli \vtmt a p.'s name Is, name a p.;
olevansa valmis lhtemn say that Olle
ls (I. declare o.s.) ready to go (1. to
leave); ~ on toista kuin tehd saylng and
dolng aie (tuo) dirrerent thlngs; puo
lustuksekseen: mit hnell oli sanottavana
puolustuksekseen liat dld he (havu to)
say In hls derense? vvhat dld (1. what
could) be glve as an excuse? sanotta
vansa say vvhat one has to say, say one's
say [huom. sanoa sanottavansa hyvin put
well what one has to say, know how to
express o.s., know how to put ..; sanoa
sanottavansa kaunistelematta Speak OUt
rrankly liat one has to say, (Jkpv.) taik
stralght rrom the shoulder, (Jollekulle)
glve . . a blt or one's mlnd] ; ~ suoraan,
kaunistelematta Speak In plain (1. In
unvamlsbed) terms (1. words), say . .
stralght out (1. stralght rrom tbe shoul
der), teli [a p.j In unmlstakable terms (1.
\vordS) [huom. sanottakoon se suoraan let
that be sald In plaln Engllsh; sanon sen
sinulle suoraan I teli you that stralght
out]; Jokin Jonkun syyksi ks. panna;
Jokin syyksi johonkin say (1. clalm) . .
to be the cause or, (puolustellen) plead . .
as an excuse ror, allege (l. pretend) . . as
(1. to be) the cause or [huom. hn sanoi
sairauden syyksi poissaoloonsa (mys:) he
excused hlmseir on the plea or slckness] ;
terveiset (l. terveisi) jollekulle glve . .
one's compllments, give . . one's klnd (I.
one's best) regards [huom. sano hnelle
sellaiset terveiset, ett . . glve bim my
regards and teli luin that . . , (uhkauksena
tai suuttumuksen Ilmaisuna:) teli him
rrom me that . .; sano hnelle terveisi
minulta reinember me to him, glve hlm
my best (1. my klnd) regards, glve hlm
my compllments, present my compllments
to hlm; sano terveisi kotiin remember me
(1. glve my love) to ali at home] ; ~ tois
tamiseen, uudelleen say . . over agaln,
(toistaa) repeat; totuus teli the truth;
vastaan ansvver back, retort; sanahan
muuta Just as you say! (lhn muuta
sano) Just tlllllk or lt! sanoinhan sen
1 told you so! Just as I sald lt vvould (be)!
sanokaa hnelle, ett . . teli hlm that . . ,
Himottakaa) Inrorm him (l. let him know)
that . .; sanokaamme (let us) say [Tirty,
viisikymment] ; sanomattakin) ks. ha
kus.; sanon vain niinkuin asiat todella ovat
I am merely stating the racts (1. telllng
the truth); sanotaan it is sald (I. staled),
people (1. they) say, (huhutaan) It is rumored [huom. hnen sanotaan kuolleen
he is sald to have died (1. to be dead);
niin kirjassa sanotaan SO it says in the
bOOk] ; sanottakoon se hnest let lt be Said
or him, lt may be sald or mm; sanottakoon
vain sen verran this IllllCh may lie sald;
sanottava, sanottu ks. iiakus.; enks (mi
n) sit sanonut dldn't I teli you so!
I told you so! en sano sen enemp I am

not fc-olng to (1. I won't) say (any) more;



hn ei sanonut tulevansa he salli he

i m Id not come; hnest ei voi eit ~
one cannot say that or imu, lt cannot be
said of li im, lt does not apply to htm; hn
sanoi minun lihoneen he sald that I had
grown fatter, (sanot Itselleni) he told me
(that) I had grOWn fatter; hn anoo ole
vansa sairas he says (that) he is slck;
kuinka (l. miten) taitoitte \vliat itul you
say? how as that? (kohteliaasti kysyt
tess:) beg pardon? kuten sanotaan, ku
ten on tapana as the saylng Is (I. goes);
mit minun on sanottava \vhat am I tO
say? What s 11 ali I Say? olen kuullut sanot
tavan, ett . . I have heard lt sald (1. stated
1. rumored) that ... I have heard people
say that . . ; onko sinulle sanottu asiasta
bave you been told (1. lnformed) or the
matter? sitp voi (todellakin) ~ lauluksi
(Jkpv.) now, liiat 's uliat I call slnglug;
(olo sanoessa(an) \vlien saylng tbis, at
these words; tytyy ~, ett .. (mynt)
one imisi say (1. admlt) that . . , lt must
be sald (1. admltted) that . . , (sen sanon)
1 declare [lt vvas well done, se olt hyvin
sanoaksejni [-ti, -nsa Jne.] to say.. [I, you,
ote] ; sanoakseni mit minulla on mie
less (l. sydmell) to speak (out) my
mlnd, to unburden my mind; hn sanoi
sen vain yleens jotakin sanoakseen he
was JUSt talking; niin sanoakseni, niin
sanoaksemme so to speak, as I [we] niay
say, (iknkuin) as lt were [esim. hn oli
niin sanoakseni ruoska, jolla . . he \vas, SO
to speak (1. as I may say 1. as lt were),
a scourge by (1. with) wnich ..].
sanoen saylng [esim. nin Aon .. saylng
thls (1. so saylng) he ..], (puhuen) ..
speaking, to put it . . [esim. tarkemmin ~
more strlctly speaking, to put lt more
derinltely] ; nin meidn kesken - between
you and me, between ourselves; paremmin
(oikeammin) more properly (1. strlctly
1. correctly) speaking.
sanoja one \vlio says (1. tells I. calls Jne.,
ks. anoa); one vvho sald (1. told 1. called
sanoma (viesti) message; tldlngs, news;
(sana) word; (tieto) Information; (tiedon
anto) notice; (sanomalehti) newspaper,
paper; ikvi sanomia sad tldlngs (1.
news), dlsappolntlng news. -kallot tolllng
or the bells at the tlme of a p.'s death
I at a Tuneral], passlng bell, knell: vrt.
hautauskellot. -kirjallinen Journallstlc.
sanomalehden (yhd.) . . of a newspaper
[esim. -julkaisija publlsher of a newspaper; -lukija reader of a newspaper] ;
newspaper [esim. -kirjeenvaihtaja ncuspaper correspondent; -kirjottaja newspaper wrlter] ; (harvemmin:) .. of newspapers [esim. -jakelu dlstributlon of
nevvspapers; -myynti selllng of newspapersj. -numero number (I. edition 1.
lssue) of a ne\vspaper. -palsta newspaper
oolumn, column of a newspaper. -tilaaja
newspaper subscilber, subscrlber of (1to) a newspaper. -toimittaja editor (of a
newspaper), newspaper editor. -toimitus
the edltorlal starr (of a newspaper).
sanomalehdist the press, the newspapers.
sanomalehti newspaper, paper; (jukaplVlneil, Joskus:) Journal; sanomalehdet
(mys:) the press.
sanomalehti- (yhd.) newspaper [esim. -kir
jeenvaihtaja newspaper
-maailma newspaper World; -yhti newspaper company], -ankka false report (1.
story) (publlshed In a newspaper); hoax,
canard; (Jkpv.) fake report, fake story.


(Jkpv., lyh.) ad. -kehalsu purr (1. boostlng advertlsement) In a newspaper, newspaper purr. -kertoja (newspaper) reporter.
-kieli: sanomalehtikieless In
newspaper language (1. taik 1. parlance).
-kirjallisuus Journallstlc llterature; (sa
nomalehdist) the press. -mlea newspaper
mau; journallst. -myyj man [boy] who
(-kauppias) news-dealer; on sanomalehtimyyjn sells newspapers, has a nevvsstand.
-myyml news-stand.
paper used for newspapers, news-paper,
news prlnt. -poika newsboy, paper-boy.
-toimisto edltor's omce. -uutinen newspaper ltem (1. report). -valhe newspaper
lie; vrt. anomalehtiankka. -vittely lie\VSpaper debate (1. discusslon).
sanomaton unspeakable [Joy, Ilo], unutterable, lnexpresslble; .. beyond expresston;
(ilo y.m.) lnerfable; sanomattoman kaunis
exceedlngly (1. supremely) beautiful, (ku
vaamattoman) . . beautiful beyond descriptlon.
sanomatta vvitliout saylng (1. telling 1.
mentlonlng Jne., ks. sanoa); jtt ~
leave unsald, fall to say (1. to teli); j
kn ~ let It be (1. remaln) unsald [buom.
oliko se onnistunut vai ei, jkn ~
(mys:) whether lt was a success or not,
I don't care (I. I prerer not) to say; lhte
(tiehens) mitn leave wlthout saylng
(1. telling . .) anything, go away without
leavlng (any) word; sanaa(kaan) ~ wlthout saylng (1. uttering 1. breatblng) a
word; sen olisin toivonut jttneeni t\.
jneen) I \vish I had leit that unsald,
I wlsh I had not sald that. sanomattakin:
on sanomattakin selv goes WltbOUt say
lng, ls a matter or course, stands to
reason, (on pivnselv) ls self-evldent,
Is clear w!thout anything rurther.
sanomattomasti unspeakably, unutterably.
sanominen saylng jne., ks. sanoa.
sanontatapa manner (1. way 1. mode) or
expression, manner or speaking (1. or expresslng o. s.); (kirjailijan y.m.) dlctlon,
phraseology, style.
sanottava (a.) . . to speak or, . . \vortli
mentlonlng, noteworthy; (s.) .. to say;
ei sanottavan paljon (ei erittin) not very
(1. over) much. not to any great degree,
nothlng extraordinary; ei sanottavassa
mrss not In any degree \vortli men
tlonlng (huomattavassa) not to (1. In)
any noteworthy (1. any notlceable) degree;
hnelt on sinulle jotakin sanottavaa he
has somethlng to say [to you], he wants
(1. wlshes) to say [to teli you] somethlng:
hn katkaisi sanottavansa he lnterrupted
hlmseir wlulr he was speaking; mit si
nulla on sanottavaa \vhat have you to say? do you wlsb to say? vrt. sanoa.
sanottavasti to any noteworthy degree, so
as to deserve mentionlng; et sanottavasti
not to a degree worth mentlonlng, not
enough to deserve mentlon(lng), nothlng
to speak or.
sanottu sald, mentioned; ~ ja tehty no
sooner sald than done; vrt. tuuma(sta toi
meen); mies the Said man; sanottuna ks.
sanoen; ci ole ~ it does not follo\v [that
.., ett ..], it is not certaln, (vastauk
sissa, mys:) not necessarlly; ei ole liikaa
~ it ls not saylng too much; hyvin well
put! well sald! Autan as i [we] sald
(berore), to repeat (what I sald berore);
vrt. sanoa, sanotunlainen . . llke the sald
. . , . . slmilar to that mentioned berore.
sanoutua: ' irti toimestaan glve notice that
one ls golng to leave (hls position).
sanskrllttl (sanskrlltinklell) Sanskrit.


santa (hiekka) sand; (karkea) grlt.

santa- (yhd.) ks. hiekka-.
santaali (anturakenk) sandal.
santinen ks. hiekkainen.
santarmi gendarme. -kunta ks. santarmista,
-pllikk chlef of gendarmes.
santarmlsto gendarmery, gendarmerie, the
body (1. Torce) of gendarmes; military
police [of France, of Unssia, etc.].
santarmi Evalta rule of the grendarmes.
-valtio State ruled ny (the) gendarmes.
santelipuu (kasv.) sandalvvood.
Santeri Alexander; (jkpv.) Aleck, Sandy.
saostaa (kem.) preclpltate. saostaminen
preclpltatlng; preclpltatlon. saostua 1.
(kem.) be preclpitated; S. = saota. saostut
saota get (1. grow) thlck, thlcken; (samen
tua) become (1. grow) turbld; (maksut tua) coagulate; vrt. sakkautua. ssottaa
tbicken; (samentaa) make . . muddy (1.
turbld), trouble, stir . . up.
saparo (niint) tail.
sapatin- (yhd.) . . or the Sabbath, Sabbath f esim. -rikkoja 1. -hiritsij Sabbathbreaker, breaker of the Sabbath; -rikko
minen breaking or the Sabbath, Sabbathbreaking]. -vietto observlng (of) the Sab
sapatti Sabbath. -lepo Sabbath rest. -piv
Sabbath(-day). -rauha qtiiet or the Sab
bath; vrt. sapattilepo.
sapekas (kuv.) . . rull or gall, . . Tuli or
spleen, . . Tuli of bltterness; bltterly persistent; (myrkyllinen) venomous, vlrulent; hn oli kyllin ajamaan mielipiteen
sa lpi (jkpv.) he had enough gall to
Torce his polnt. sapekkaasti \vlth bitter
perslstence; venomously, virulently. sapekkuus bitter perslstence; venomousness,
apeli saber (mys: sabre), (broad)sword;
(kyrterinen, Itmainen) scimltar.
sapeli- (yhd.) saber-, svvord- [esim. -haava
saber-cut, sword-cut; -pistin saber-bayonet, sword-bayonet]. -hihna sword-belt.
sapelinliaku stroke uitti a saber (1. a
sword); saber-cut, sword-cut. -kahva
swor<l-handle, (sword-)hlIt. -kalina clank
or swords: clank of a saber. -kalistaja
(knv.) suash-buckler. -kyttely wieldlng
a sunrd (l. a sabre). -muotoinen
sbaped like a saber (1. a scimltar); (kasv.)
scimltar-shaped. -sil 1. -ter blade or a
saber; svvord-blade. -tuppi scabbard (or
the saber).
sapelivalta rule by (1. law or) the svvord;
mllitary rule.
sapen! purkaus (kuv.) outburst or ralllng,
outburst or galling bltterness. -sekainen
. . talnted \vltli gall.
sapettaa (rsytt) gall, rret, lrrltate, (Jo
takuta) stir (up) a p.'s bile; (suututtaa)
make one's blood boll : minua ajatella . .
It galls (I. rrets) me to thlnk ..; tm
vastarinta sapetti hnt he was galled by
thls opposition, sapettua be(come) galled;
rret; (suuttua) riy into a rage.
sappi gall; bile; (kuv., mys:) spleen; se
kuohutti suppeani, sm kvi sapeile(ni) that

stlrred (up) my bile, that roused my bile,

that made me boil vvlth rage.
sappi- (yhd.) gall- [esim. -kivi gall-stone;
-rakko gall-bladder] ; bile- [esim. -happo
blle-acld], (tiet.) blllary [esim. -kivi luit
ary calculus]. -neste bile. -tauti blllary
dlsorder. -tiehyt gall-duct, blllary duct.
-vriaine blle-plgment.
sara (kasv.) sedge. -hein sedge(-grass);
(kuivattuna) sedge-hay; sarahein kasvava
sedgy. -kasvi plant or the sedge ramlly.


sarana hlnge. -snky rolding bed. -tuoli

rolding chalr; camp-chair; camp-stool.
saraniitty sedgy meadow.
sarastaa (valjeta) dawn; (koittaa) break;
aamu the mornlng dawns (1. Is dawnlng) ; pivn sarastaessa at (laun, at daybreak, in the dawn; piv the day
davt-ns, the day Is breaking, lt Is beglnning
to ilav.n. sarastaminen dawnlng; break
lng. sarastus dawn; (pivn) daybreak,
break or day; uuden ajan sarastus the
da\vn or a new era.
sardiini (ellnt.) sardtne, pllchard.
sareke column.
sarekkeinen (yhd.) . . wlth . . columns,
. .-column [esim. viisi uitti rive columns,
rive-column] .
sarja serles; (Jakso) succession, run; (Jo
no) stretch; (rivi) row, Me. range; (mat.,
mys:) progression; (kasv.) umbel; geo
metrinen geometrical serles; tapahtu
main succession (1. serles 1. run) or
events; vrt. muna.
sarja- (yhd.) serlal [esim. -arvonta serial
dravving; -numero serial number].
sarjal! kukkainen: sarjakukkaiset (kasv.) the
parsley ramlly. -lasku (mat.) series; progresslons. -rimpi (kasv.) riovverfng rush.
sarjoittain, sarjoittainen ks. jaksoittain,

sarka I. (pelto-) plot; (lava) bed.

sarka II. (-vaate) coarse, hairy vvoolen
cloth; \vadmoI, vvadmal.
sarka- (yhd.) uailnmi [esim. -housut vvadmol trousers;-fo*fci l.-nartu vvadmol coatl.
sarkainen (sarkavaatteesta tehty) (. . or)
wadmol, . . or homespun cloth.
sarka! kangas 1. -vaate = sarka, II.
sarkaoja (dralnlng-)ditch (In a rield).
sarkavaatteet vvadmol garments.
sarkka (Juoma-) goblet, (drlnklng) cup;
sarvas male relndeer; relndeer bnll.
sarveis- (yhd.) horny [esim. -nokka horny
litll: -suoma horny scale]. -aina (kem.)
keratln. -hetula (valaan) plate or vvhalebone. -kalvo 1. -kelmu (silmn) cornea.
-kerros horny layer. -kasi (ihon) ks.

sarvekas. sarvellinen horned; horny. ssrvenmuotoinen horn-shaped, . . In the shape

or a horn. sarveton horaless [cattle, kar
ja], .. vvlthout horns. sarveutua be converted Into horn. sarveutuma horn-Ilke
sarvi horn; (hirven, poron y.m.) antler;
on sarvesta Is (made oD horn.
sarvi- (yhd.) horn [esim. -kampa horn
comb; -lusikka horn spoon; -nappi horn
button] ; (sarvekas) horned [esim. -elin
horned anlmal; -karja horned cattle].
-Jaakko (ellnt.) timberman.
sarvi kas horned.
sarvi II kuono (ellnt.) rhlnoceros. -lastut
horn-shavlngs, shavings or horn. -liima
glue made rrom horns.
sarvimainen horny, horn-llke, corneous.
sarvinen (yhd.) . .-horned [esim. kaksi
tvvo-horned; yksi one-horned].
sarvi pinen horned; (hirvielimist:) antlered. -p 1. = edell.; 2. (kuv.) the
horny devll. -polio (ellnt.) horned oul,
horn-owl. -teos article made o( horn.
-valas (ellnt.) narulial. -vlke (miner.)
hornblende. -ljy animal oli; (kahdesti
tislattu) DippePs oli.
sassiin (Joutuin) suirtly, qulckly; (kiirees
ti) in a hurry; (heti) at once; tui*
hurry up! come at once!
sata a hundred [years, vuotta]; saroja ker
toja hundreds or timcs; satoja vuosia (Tor)
hundreds or years, (vuosisatoja) ror cen



turles; el edes yht Majatta not even one

In a hundred; minulla on Jo niit alun tit
t Mataa I have already started on my
second hundred; xc kasvaa korkoa viisi
tadalle lt ylelds (1. bears) rive per cent.
Interest; siell oli niit Matoja the le were
hundreds or them, they could be found
there by the hundred,
aataa (vett) rin (mys kuv.); (lunta)
now; (rakeita) hail; (kuv.) come showering down, be rallin* rast; lunta lt Is
smnvlng, lt snows, snow Is ralllng (1.
Corning down); ~ rakeita it hailS, lt ft
hallin?, vrt. rae; rankasti it is rainlng
(1. cornin: down) hard (1. heavily);
vett it ralns, it is rainlng; ~ vett kaa
tamalla it is pouring (down), the raln Is
pouring (down), lt's comlng down In torrents; [eilen] Matoi lumtrnt there was
a fall of wet snow [yesterday]; satoi(pa)
tai paistoi raln or Shlne; kun lakkaa Mata
matta when It stops rainlng, when the raln
stops (1. ceases); olla Matamatta not raln
[huom. ihme, ett on ollut niin kauan sa
tamatta (mys:) lt's a wonder that we
have had no raln for so long a ttme] ;
pilvi on Matanut tyhjksi the cloud has
emptled itse II'; vaikka puukkoja sataisi
(I. v.) even ir It should raln pitchforks (l.
raln cats and dogs); sken Matanut lumi
the freshly fallen snow, the fresh snow.
sata-asteinen . . or a hundred degrees;
(esim. asteikko) centlgrade.
aatainen: moni- joukko a crowd or
several hundred pcople, a crowd or many
(I. several) hundreds.
sata kerta manyplles;
(anat.) omasum.
-kertainen hundrcdrold, centuple. -kertaisesti a hundredrold: by the hundred,
-kieli (elint.) nightlngale. -kunta about
a hundred, a hundred or so (1. or thereaboiits). -luku (the number one) hundred; kahdeksannella sataluvulla In the
eight hundreds. In the ninth century.
-lukuinen .. numbering (about) a hundred.
atama harbor, port, haven (mys kuv.);
rauhan ~ (kuv.) qulet haven, haven or
rest; Suomen ~ Finnish port. -alue harbor.
satamainen (yhd.) . . wlth a . . harbor (I.
port) [esim. huono~ with a poor harbor
(1. port)].
satama1 Jrjestys harbor regulatlons. -Jtk
rowdy (,who haunts the docks); (Jkpv.)
dork-vvalloper, wharf-rat. -kapteeni captnln of the port, port-raptaln. -kaupunki
seaport-town, seaport, port-town. -kont
tori port-captaln's omce(s). -laituri pier
Twharr] (In a harbor). -maksut 1. -rahat
pnrt-rtuty, port-toll, harbor-dues. -meetari harhor-master.
aatamanil edutta road(s), roadstead. -suu
the entranre to (I. the mouth of) a harbor.
satama!1 pai k ka (place for a) harbor; (ank
kuri-) anchorlng-place. -poliisi harbor
patrolman; inember of the harbor squad.
-rata harbor tracks; rallroad(-llne) conneeting with a harbor. -tylinen 1. -ty
mies loiiRshoreman; dock-laborer.
satamiehinen . . conslstlng or (1. . . num
bering) a hundred men; joukko troop
or a (1. one) hundred men.
sataminen rainlng, comlng down; lumen ~
snowlng; rakeitten halllng; vrt. sataa.
sata mrin by (1. In) hundreds, by the
hundred; nr oli tiell satamrin there
were hundreds (and hundreds) oT them.
-mr: satomriin nouseva . . golng up
to (several) hundreds, . . reaching several
hundreds: satamrin ks. hakus. -pivi
nen., lasting a hundred days ; Satapivinen
keisarivalta (hlst.) the Hundred Days. -vuosi
century. -vuotias . . a hundred years old.

. . a century old: vrt. seur. -vuotinen

centennlal, centenary: Satavuotinen Mota
(hlst.) Hundred Years' war.
satavuotisjuhla centennlal celebration, cen
tenary. -muisto: viettoa jonkin tapahtu
man tatavuotitmuittoa celebrate the bundredth anniversary or an event. -muisto
piv hundredth anniversary, centenary.
-riemujuhla centennlal Jubllee.
sateenkaari rainbow. -rautu ralnbow-trout.
sateen] mittari ks. sademittari, -suoja t.
(esim. puun alla) shelter rrom the raln,
vrt. sade; 2. (-varjo) umbrella.
sateenvarjo umbrella. -teline 1. -hkki um
brella stand (1. rack). -tuppi umbrellacover.
sateeton rainless; (kuiva) dry. sateinen
rainy; sateinen piv ralny (1. wet) day.
sateleminen rainlng; (kuv.) halllng; lumen
sateleminen SnOWing.
satiainen (elint.) crab-louse.
satiini (silkki) sattn; (puuvilla- tai villa-)
sateen, -nahka satln leather.
satiiri (iva) satire. satiirikko (lvalllja)
satlrlst. satiirinen satirlc(al).
sato yield, return; (vilja-, hein- y.m.)
crop(s), harvest (mys kuv.); (maan)
produce; kuolon ~ the harvest or death.
satoinen (yhd.) . . yleldlng . . crops. . . or . .
crops [esim. niukka- (esim. maa) . .yleld
lng poor crops, (esim. vuosi) . . of poor
satoisa . . glvlng a rich (1. a bountlful)
yleld; (tuottelias) productlve; (runsas)
abundant, coplous, plcntirul, rlch; (vilja
va) rertlle, Trultrul. satoisaali abundantly,
coplously, rlchly, plentirully. satoisuus
productiveness; abundance, coplousness,
rlchness, plentlfulness; rertllity.
sattua happen [to know, tie tuumiin; to be
away, olemaan poissa], chance [to be at
a place, olemaan Jossakin]; come to pass;
(osua) hlt [the mark, maaliin], strlke;
(Jonkun osaksi) fall (1. come) to a p.'s
lot (1. share): (kohdata) encounter, meet
with; (joutua) Tall [to a p. (1. to a p.'s
lot). Jonkun osalle] ; (kyd) go; (tapah
tua) occur, take place, pass; (koskettaa)
touch; ~ Jonkun eteen: kaikki mit eteeni
tattuu everything that comes my way;
hyvin, hyvsti go Weil [huom. ;o
hyvin tattuu (ky) ir ali goes well, (on
hyv onni) if I have good luck; tep eattui
hyvtti (kntyi) tliat turned out well.
(tuli sopivasti) that sulted well, that was
verv convenlent, (tuli hyvn tarpeeseen)
that came In handy, that was very handy,
that stood me in good stead, (oli onnelli
nen sattuma) that uus a lucky hlt (1.
stroke), (huudahduksena) why, that was
lucky! thafs what I call good luck!];
~ johonkin touch, (kolahtaa) hlt (1. bump
1. knock) agalnst, strlke on. (osua, esim.
katse) rtill (1. happen to Tall) upon, (ra
jautua, esim. toisen maahan) adjoln, abut
(on) [huom. jalkani sattui kiveen (mys:)
I bumped (1. hlt 1. knocked) my Toot
agalnst a Stone; kivi tottui minua phn
the Stone struck me on (1. In) the head];
~ johonkuhun hlt (1. strlke) a p., (esim.
moite) tai l on a p., (kohdistua) be dlrected agalnst a p. [huom. hneen sattui
nuoli (mys:) he was struck by an arrow;
se eattui hneen kipetti (kuv.) that hurt
his reellngs deeply, that told on him] ;
joksikin ajakti rall (in . . , come (1. oc
cur) In (1. durlng) . . [esim. hnen kyn
tins sattui ketkti hls vlslt came (1. occurred) In (1. durlng) the summer; joulu
piv tattuu tn vuonna keskiviikoksi
Chrlstmas Day Talls thls year on Wednesday] ;



y.m. :) berall a p. [huom. hnelle on

sattunut tapaturma (mys:) be has met
\vith an accident; minulle mattui este I met
wlth (1. I was met by) a hindrance (l.
an obstacle), I \vas hlnderecl] ; ~ kohtaa
maan, ~ tapaamaan chance (1. happen)
upon, Tall In wltb, (bappon to) meet, encounter; lisksi bappen In addttton,
happen besldes, (asioita pahentamaan) set
m [to aggravate (1. to complicate) matters] ; nukkumaan bappen to Tall asleep,
(olemaan levolla) happen to be asleep
[huom. hn Mattuu jotkut nukkumaan
(mys:) he does go to sleep sometlmes];
paikalleen (oikeaan) hlt the naii on the
bead, hlt the exact mark, strlke the rlght
(esim. huomautuksesta:)
home, be telllngr [huom. huomautus sattui
paikalleen the remark struck bome, lt was
a telllngr remark], vrt. osua (oikeaan):
~ puheeksi: se sattui puheeksi keskenm
me we (Just) happened to touch upon
that subject (In our conversation) ; soiraaksi happen to be slck, (happen to) Tall
III; ~ tulemaan happen (1. chance) to come
[huom. hn sattui tulemaan minua vastaan
be bappened to meet me, (Jkpv.) be hap
pened to run Into me; juuri kun hn sattui
tulemaan sisn (mys:) Just When he
came In, as lt happened (1. lt chanced) ] :
vastakkain (bappen to) meet (each
other); yhteen chance to meet, meet
unexpectedly, bappen to come across each
other, (koskettaa) meet, touch (eacb
other); sattuessa ks. hakus. ; sattui niin,
att .. lt happened that . .; sattuu (tapah
tumaan) may happen, wlll happen; sotuin
luuri (tulemaan) paikalle, kun . . I Just
happened to come to the place when . .;
sn muista en, miten hnen sanansa sat
tuivat I don't recollect any longer hls
exact words, I don't remember any morc
exactly how be put lt: halukas tekemn
kaikenlaista tyt mit kulloinkin sattuu
olemaan wllllng to do ali klnds of \vork
that happen to be at hand, wllllng to inake
o.s. general ly useful; joka sana sattui
(paikalleen) every word hlt the naii on the
head, every word was telllng; jollei mitn
astetta Cl. esteit) satu lf no hlndrances
occur, unless some obstacle turns up,
(Jkpv.) ir nnthlng happens; jos sattuu sade
ir lt happens to raln (1. to be ralny), ir lt
should begln to raln; kun (I. milloin)
sattuu sopimaan uh (lt Is) convenlent,
when(ever) lt happens to suit you, (mil
loin tilaisuutta Ilmenee) when occaslon
offers, when an opportunlty presents ltselT; milloin sattuu: hn tulee milloin sat
tuu (miten milloinkin) he comes whenever
he chooses, he comes at almost any tlme;
milloin se on sattunut when has that hap
pened (1. occurred 1. taken place)? miten
(kulloinkin) sattuu (umpimhkn) at
random [huom. vri on miten kulloinkin
sattuu (olemaan) the color Is a matter oT
riianne] : mitn trkemp ei ole sattunut
(tapahtumaan) sill aikaa nothlng Of importance has occurred durlng thls tlme;
niin sattuivat sanani (kuuluivat) tliose
were my words, thats how I put lt, that
Is the way In vhirh I sald lt; on sattunut
selkkauksia there Mas been trouble. dlsturbances (l.compllcations) have occurred:
vlist sattuu niin, ett . . sometlmes lt
may happen (1. may come to pass) that . . .
sattuessa: jonkin \vhen . . occurs. In case
of . . [huom. esteen In case or (a p.'s)
being blndered (from appearlng, etc);
kuolemantapauksen ~ in case of death;
onnettomuuden niin ~ \vlien bad luck \vill
bave lt SO; sairauden ~ (mys:) lf anyone


(ir you, etc.) be taken UI; tarpeen ~

(mys:) when needed, when necessary,
(vaatiessa) as occaslon requlres (1. demands), as wanted; tilaisuuden (tar
joutuessa) whenever opportunlty presents
ltseir, whenever the (an) opportunlty
sattuma (mere) chance, accident, hazard;
contlngency, casualty; (tapaus) lncident,
occurrence; (osuma) hlt; sattumalta ks.
hakus.; jtt [kaikki] sattuman varaan
trust [everything) to luck (1. to chance),
let chance decide [in everything]; on oi
van sattuman varassa, tapaatko hnet ko
tona it will be the merest accident, lf you
Tlnd hlm at home; on kokonaan sattuman
varassa, saadaanko sit aikaan vai ei it Is
a mere (1. It Is ali a) chance whethcr lt
can be brought ahout or not; onnellinen
~ a Iucky (1. a rortunate) chance, lucky
sattumalta by (a) mere chance; by chance,
by accident, accldentally, casually; (kki
arvaamatta) unexpectedly, unawares; kul
jin juuri ohi, kun . . (mys:) I Just
happened to pass by, when . . ; Aan oli
siell (mys:) he happened to be there.
sattuminen happening Jne., ks. sattua;
(Joksikin ajaksi) falllng on. sattumoisin
by chance, by accident, casually; vrt. sat
tumalta, sattumoissa: , . on sattumoissa
. . Is a mere chance, . . Is au a chance.
sattumus sattuma; vrt. yhteensattumus.
sattunut: sattuneesta syyst (1. V.) for unexpected (1. unavoldable) reasons, because
of unToreseen clrcumstances, on account
of clrcumstances beyond our control.
sattuva occurring; (paikalleen-) . . to the
polnt, telllng [remark, huomautus]; strlkIng [exatnple, esimerkki]; (onnistunut)
happy; (nppr) clever; (sopiva) appropriate; hnen vastauksensa oli erinomaisen
his answer was very much to the polnt,
hls reply hit the naii on the head. -sanai
nen polnted [answer, vastaus]; telllngly
sattuvasti to the point; in a striking man
ner; (hyvin) well; (npprsti) cleverly;
(sopivasti) approprlately; on sanottu
O. huomautettu), ett. .H has been (very)
well sald (1. approprlately remarked) that...
satu falry-tale; (taru) myth, legend; (kas
ku) Story, talc; (elin-) Table; vrt. kan
san; satujen maa fairy-land, wonderland,
dreamland. -aika mythlral (1. fabulous)
age (1. perlod). -aines legcndary materiat.
satujen kertoja Story teller, one who teli s
fairy-tales; hn on erinomainen satujenkertoja he tells fairy-tales excellently.
-kerj (kansan-) collector or folk-lore.
-kirjottaja writer of fairy-tales (1. or
storles 1. of rabies).
satull kausi
tunika, -kirja book of fairytales (1. of fables), story-book. -kirjalli
suus legendary llterature. -kokoelma collectlon of fairy-tales (1. or myths 1. of
rabies 1. or rolk-lore). -kuningas legen
dary (1. mythlral) klng; (sadun) klng In
a Talry-tale.
satula saddle;
heitt joku satulasta
(mys:) tinhorse (1. unseat) a p.; [tottu
nut ratsastamaan] Ilman satulaa (mys:)
[used to rldlng] bareback.
satula- (yhd.) saddle- [esim. -nen saddlenose; -neninen saddle-nosed].
saddle-roor, saddle-back roof.
saddle-blanket, saddle-cloth.
atulan kaari saddletree; saddle-bow. -lyt
ti m I. (a.) . . galled by the saddle. II. (s.)
-muotoinen saddleshaped. -nasta pommel (of a saddle).
satulasepp barness-maker; saddler.




satulasepin- (yhd.) lmrness-maker's, sad- the body durlng a (Finnish) bath; batbdler's [esim. -liike harness-maker's (1. whlsk.
saddler's) business; -ty harness-maker's saunottaa bathe. saunottaja attendant at a
(1. saddler's) work]. -kislli Journeyman bath(-house), attendant. saunottaminen
harness-maker. -tyhuone harness-maker's bathing. saunotus 1. bathlng; 3. (selk
sauna) whlpplng, beating, thrashlng.
atula tasku saddle-bag. -tyyny (saddle-) sauva staff; (esim. voimistelu-) wand:
pad. -valjaat saddlery. -vy (saddle-)glrtb, (keppi) stlck, (lyhyt Ja paksu) cudgel;
(tanko, kanki) md. pole; Aaronin Aaron'*
satuloida saddle [a liorse, hevonen], put rod; piispan blShop'S stafT; vrt. komen
the [a] saddle on. satuloiminen saddllng. to, marsalkka, ryhmy, suksi y.m.
satumaailma rairy-land, wonderland,dream- au vai! bakteeri rod-shaped bacterium. baland.
clllus. -liika: sauvaliikkeet (voim.) and
satumainen fabulous [ vveallh, rikkaus] ; exerclses, wand drills. -voimistelu wand
ni.vthic.1i; tehn tuntuu satumaiselta \vhy.
that sounds llke a myth. satumaisesti auvoa (venett) pole (along), push . .
rabulously. satumaisuus fabulousness.
along \vith a pole; punt. sauvoin pole.
satunnainen accldental [phenomenon, Il
sauvominen, eauvonta pollng (along),
mi], chance [meetlng, kohtaaminen; Job, punting.
toimi]; lncldental, oecasional [customer, auvottaa (maanm.) stake out (1. olf).
ostaja; need, tarve], casual [occurrence, sauvotus staking out (1. ori).
esiintyminen] ;
temporary saveamaton unplastered; .. not mlxed wlth
[work, ty; lllness, sairaus]; (ajoittainen) clay. saveaminen smearlng with Clay, Jne.,
SpOradlC; satunnaiset hutut (\. menot) ln
ks. saveta.
cldental expenses; satunnaiset tulolhteet saveni! karvainen 1. -vrinen clay-colored.
lncldental sources of lncome; satunnaiset clayey. -otto digglng clay; miehet ovat
pihhutyt Odd JObS; satunnaisia tarpeita menneet savenottoon the men have gone to
varten Tor occaskma! needs, for lncldental dlg clay. -ottopaikka place Tor digging
demands (I. expenses). satunnaisesti sc- clay; (savlkuoppa) clay-plt. -pitoinen . .
cldentally, casually, lncldentally, occa- contalnlng clay, clayey. -sekainen . . mlxed
slonally; (sattumalta) by chance; (tila
uitti clay, clayey. -tapainen > savimainen.
pisesti) for the occaslon, temporarlly; -valaja potter.
(ajolttalsestl) sporadlrally. satunnaisuus savenvalu pottery; (-taito) ceramlcs. -teok
. . Im-iiik accldental (1. casual Jne., ks. sa
set pottery; earthenware; crockery. -teol
tunnainen); temporariness.
lisuus earthenware (1. pottery) Industry.
astu! nytelm dramatlzed ralry-tale. -prins saveta smear (1. daub) . . wlth clay, cover
. . ivlth clay, (rapata) plaster; (maanvilj.)
si (sadun) prlnce In a ralry-tale.
Saturnus S.itnrn.
mix clay wlth . . , clay.
satuttaa ik< ilahdut taa) knock, bump [one's savi Clay ; hiehon- ia mullansekainen loain.
head agalnst the edge of the table, pns savi- (yhd.) clay(-) [esim. -liuske claypoydnreunaan], strlke [agalnst a th.. Jo
slate; -piippu clay plpe] ; . . or clay [esim.
takin vastaan], htt; (loukata) hurt, lnjure: -kerros layer (1. stratum) or clay; -fcofc(koskettaa) touch; ~ itsens hurt (1. kare lump (1. cliunk) or clay]. -astia
brulse) o.s., be hurt, get hurt, be brulsed earthen vessel; saviastiat earthenvvare
[huom. satuttamatta itsen (mys:) (vessels). crockery, pottery. -hauta claywlthout gettlng an.v brulses; hn satutti plt. -huilu ocarlna.
itsens kiveen he ran Into a Stone, (lankesi) savikka (kasv.) plgweed; gooseroot.
he stumbled agalnst a Stone and hurt savikko(maa) clay(ey) soll.
hlmseir] ; laihansa hurt (1. lnjure) one's savi kukko toy ocarlna, vhistle made or
fnot. satuttaminen knocklng Jne., ks. edell. clay; vrt. savihuilu. -kuoppa clay-plt;
(vett tynn oleva) pool or mud, muddy
saty(y)rl (mulnalskrelkk. haltia) satyr.
pool. -lieju clayey mud, (vedensekainen)
sauhu = savu.
= savikko.
ssukko (elint.) otter. saukonnahkalnen savimainen-maa
clayey; arglllaceous. savimokki
otter-skin [cap, lakki], .. or otter.
mud-hut; (savltllllst tehty) adobe, (Jkpv.)
ssuma seam; (liitos) Joint; (tiet.) suture. doble-house. savinen clayey; (saveen tah
aaumaamaton unseamed; .. not Jolnted; rattu) . . smeared (1. covered) with clay.
(kenk y.m.) unstltched. ssumaamlnen savi I! permanto clay rioor. -per (-pohja)
scaming Jne., ks. saumata, saumahyl clay bottom. -perinen . . \vith a clay
jolntlng-plane. saumantayta rilllng (for the bottom. -pohja, -pohjainen ks. savi per,
cracks), somethlng to chlnk the cracks -perinen, -puoli (branny) tetter: (Jkpv.)
uiih. saumata seam; (puus.) Joint; (ken
salt-rheum; (ekseemt) eczema; vrt. hilseki y.m.) sew, stltch. saumaton seamless; rohtuma, -ruukku crock; earthenvvare pot
(1. Jar). -sotku - savivelli. -Uvara(t)
Jolntless. saumaus seamlng; Jolntlng;
(suut.) sewlng, slitching; mys sauma. earthenvvare (goods), pottery, stonevvare.
sauna bath-house; bath hut; (-huone) liatli- -teokset savitavarat. -teollisuus saroom; vrt. selk, -kylpy bath (taken In venvaluteolllsuus. -tuotteet pottery, earth
a bath-house). -lakana (large) bath-tovvel. envvare (goods). -velli wet clayey mix-lyly bath-house steam; exposure to ture; mud-puddle; fcofco tie oli pelkkn
bath-house steam.
savivellin the road was one big, vast
saunanllhaju bath-house odor.
-isnt puddle; the road was one mass or mud.
keeper of a [the] bath-house. -kiuaa ks. -vesi clayey \vater.
kiuas, -lauteet 1. -lava 1. -parvi platrorm Savo Savo(lax). savolainen.. rromSavo(lax).
(wlth benches) [In a Finnish bath-room, savotta (tehdas, ruukki) mlll; xvorks.
\vhere those taking a bath slt] ; set of aavu smoke; rumes; ei siit nouse, jossa
ei tulta ole (sananp.) no smpke wlthout
Tire; olla savussa be (ali) smoky, (savutsaunall rakennus bath-house (bulldlng). -rh
j ramshackle (1. run-down) bath-house. tunut) be black(ened) wlth smoke; tulla
saunassakyntl taking (oD baths, vlslting savuun become (1. get) smoky.
(or) a bath-house; tihe (mys:) rre- savu- (yhd.) smoke- [esim. -torvi smokequentlng a bath-house. saunavasta bunch plpe] ; . . or smoke [esim. -patsas roimiin
of small leary (blrcb) swltches for beating or smoke].



vuamaton . . which does not smoke (1.

reek); vrt. savuton, savuaminen smoking
Jne., ks. savuta, savuava smoking; reekIng; (kytcvS) smo(u)ldering: savuava(t)
raunio(t) smoking (1. smolderlng) rulns.
savuhattu cowl, chlmney-cap.
aavuinen smoky [room, huone]; (savuttunut) . . black(ened) wlth smoke, smokebegrlmed. savuisuus smoklness.
aavulohto (chlmney-)riue.
savuke clgarette.
savu kiehkura 1. -kiemura smoke-rlng.
-kupu (takan, ahjon y.m.) hood.
savun- (yhd.) . . of smoke [esim. -haja <\.
-katku) smell oi' smoke; -maku taste oi'
smoke] ; smoky [esim. -haju (1. -kry)
smoky smcll; -harmaa smoky gray; -maku
smoky taste]; smoke[esim. -pitv
smoke- ti gut].
savunaamari smoke-helmet.
savun imij smoke-condenser. -karvainen
smoke-colored, smoky, dark-gray. -poltto
laite smoke-consumer.
savull pelti damper, reglster. -piippu =
savupiipun! hattu ks. aavuhattu. -noki SOOt
in (1. from) a chlmney.
avullpllvi cloud Of smoke; paksuja savupil
vi (mvs:) thlck volumes or smoke.
-pirtti chlmneyless hut with a vent In the
roof to let out smoke. -reik vent-hole
for (the) smoke; (tillist muuratun savu
piipun) flue.
savua liha smoked (1. smoke-cured) meat;
(naudan-) dried beef. -liikki (cured and)
smoked ham. -makkara smoked (1. cured)
sausage. -silli smoked (1. cured) herrlng.
savustaa smoke [meat, lihaa] ; (palvata)
cure (. . by smoking); (esim. huone, tar
tunnan estmiseksi) fumlgate. savustami
nen smoking jne., ks. edell. savustettu
smoked [herrlng, silli; sausage, makkara],
vrt. savu-, savustua be(come) smoked;
get smoky; vrt. savuttua, savustunut
smoked; smoky; maistua savustumalta
have a smoky taste. savustus smoking;
curtng; fumlgatlon; vrt. savustaa.
savuta smoke; (etenkin: levitten pahaa ha
jua) reek; (kyte) smo(u)lder; lamppu
savuaa the lamp Is smoking, savuton
smokeless [(gun)povvder, ruuti], .. free
rrom smoke. savutorvi (tav. tiilist tehty)
chlmney; (et. peltinen) smoke-stack, (lai
van y.m., mys:) funnel; (savujohto) flue.
savuttaa smoke, (mustuttaa) blacken . .
\vitn smoke. savuttaminen smoking Jne.,
ks. edell. savuttua become (1. get) (ali)
smoky, become (1. get) smoke-begrlmed,
be blackened (1. get black) \vlth smoke.
savuttunut smoky [oeillng, katto] -.smokebegrimed; black(ened) wlth smoke. aavutus smoking; blackenlng wlth smoke.
savu vaippa 1. -verho veli of smoke; (sot.)
curtaln or smoke.
Schlesia Sllesla. Schvvarzvvald Black Forest.
se it; that; (Joskus:) the [esim. sill seu
raukselta, ett hn . . \vith the result
that he..] ; [plur. ne, ks. haku s.] ; se, joka
he [she] who, the man \vho, vvhocvcr;
se kirja, jonka ostin, on hyv the book
I bougbt (l. that book \vhlch I bought) Is
a good one; se, mik .. that whlch ..;
senkin ks. hakus.; sen (1. sit) parempi
so much the better [huom. mit vhem
mn, sen (\. sit) parempi the less the
better]; ** en [tav. lyh. s. o.] that Is (to
say) [tav. lyh.: 1. e. (latinalaisista sanois
ta: id est)J; se on hn It Is he; se on
siin, voijaanko se tehd vai ei (riippuu
silt) it depends on vvhether lt can be
done or not; se on sit, ett .. (tiet)
that Is (as much as) to say that . .;


sep, siihen, siin, siit, siksi, eilisien),

sill, sin(ns), sit ks. hakus.; hn se
tmn teki it \ he \vh0 dld thls.
seassa: jonkin [joidenkin] among . . , in
the mldst of ... in . . [esim. kansan ~
among the people; savun ~ in the mldst
or the smoke; vkijoukon In (1. among)
the crowd] ; vrt. joukossa, seasta: jonkin
[joidenkin] seasta among . . , rrom an 101 1 jr
[esim. tavaroiden seasta lytyi kirves
an ax was round among the artlcles].
seata mix, blend, mlngle; compound; vrt.
se(e)bra, seepra (elint.) zebra.
seemilinen I. (s.) Semlte. II. (a.) Semltlc.
seerumhoito (lk.) serum treatment. see
rumi (lk.) serum.
se'e8 clear, bright; serene [sky, taivas].
se'eetyminen clearing up. se'eetyt (ilmas
ta:) clear up; brighten, get brlght(er);
ilma (1. taivas) se'estyy lt is Clearing Up,
lt Is gettlng brlghter.
seeterl ks. setri.
segmentti (mat.) segment.
seideli Stein, mug; vrt. olut.
seikka clrcumstance, (sattunut) lncldent;
(asia) thing; arrair; (tosi-) fact; ~ oli
sellainen, ett [satuin sairastumaan'] (1. V.)
lt (Just) happened that [I was taken slck] ;
monta seikkaa many thlngs.
seikkailija adventurer; (selkkailijatar) adventuress. -elm adventurer's (1. adventurous) lire, lire or an adventurer. -luonne
adventurous Character; hn on seikkailijaluonne he Is an adventurous character,
he is incllned (1. dlsposed) to adventure.
-sielu adventurous splrlt; vrt. edell.
selkkailijatar adventuress.
seikkailla be out in search or adventure:
hn halusi ~ he was eager to rind ad
venture, he SOUght adventure; lhte seik
kailemaan go out in search or adventure.
seikkailu adventure.
-halu love or (1.
longlng Tor) adventure. -haluinen adventure-lovlng, . . rond or adventure, adven
turous, adventuresome.
seikkallu(ri)kaa adventurous, .. full or ad
venture; (vaarallinen) venturesome, rlsky,
hazardous. seikkailuromaani story or ad
venture; romance.
seikka!! mrys (klel.) adverblal phrase.
-perinen iletailed [report, kertomus],
minute [descrlptlon, selostus], circumstantlal; (tarkka) particular; (selv) expllclt; (tydellinen) rull; (tyhjentv)
exhaustlve. -perisestl In (Tuli) detall,
(great) length; extenslvely; esitt jokin
seikkaperisesti give . . in detail, go Into
partlculars In regard to, partlcularlze;
kerrohan nyt seikkaperisesti, miten asia
tapahtui teli me [us] now In detail hovv lt
happened, give me [us] now ali the par
tlculars (1. ali the detalls) as to how lt
happened. -perlsyys rulness or detall,
completcness (or detall); mlnutenpss; circumstantlallty; particularlty; explicitness.
-sana (klel.) adverb.
seimi manger, crlb; vrt. lasten.
seinivieri: seinivierell seinmll ks.
seinm, seinus, seinusta Wall; jonkin sei
nustalla near (1. close to) the vvall or.
sein Wall; sai puhua tyhjille seinille had to
speak to an empty room.
sein- (yhd.) Wall- [esim. -jkl wallllchen; -kartta \vall-map; -kello wallclock] ; (joskus:) mural [esim. -koristus
mural decoratlonl. -ala wall-space. -hirsi
logd.pieceor tlmber) (tobe used)ln a wall.
seininen (yhd.) . . wlth . . walls, . .-walled
[esim. korkea- \vlth hlgh walls, hlghwalled].



seinll kaappi cupboard set In tbe \vall.

-kangas tapestry (Tor wall-hanglngs).
seinikkiin: me asumme ~ wc ars next-door
nelfirhbors; olla ~ jonkin kanssa be adjacent to, be rlght next to.
seinll kuva plcture (to hang- on the \vall).
-lamppu bracket-lamp. -laudotua (-paneli)
Ensi.) weather-boardlng.
seinllinen walled.
sein lukki (ellnt.) daddy-long-legs, harvestman. -maalaus wall-palnting, mural
patnttng; (fresko-) fresco(-paintlng).
seinm wall; (astian) side; (luonnont.)
parles [plur. parletes]; (kulissi) wlng;
seinmll near (1. close to) a [tbe] wall,
beslde (1. alongslde of) a [the] wall.
aeinnllrako crack (1. chlnk) In a [the] wall.
-sisinen lndoor.
sein ipaneli walnscot(lng). -paperi wallpaper; lainapaperit (mys:) paper-hangIngs. -peili wall mlrror; hanglng mlrror;
(etup. kahden Ikkunan vliss) pler-glass.
-penkki bench rastened to the wall. -pilari
l. -pylvs pllaster. -sammal (kasv.) feathermoss; (seinill kasvava) wall-moss. -snky
bunk; bed rastened to the \vall. -taulu
Picture (to hang on the wall).
sei naton . . wlthout walls, . . wlth no walls.
seinll verho (kudottu) tapestry [plur. tapestrles] ; seinverhot (mys:) wall-hanglngs. -vieri: seinvierest ks. seinm(ll).
selpl (ellnt.) dace.
seis stop! (esim. komentosanana voimiste
lussa) stand! (sot.) hait!
seisahdella stop [repeatedly, tuon tuosta
kin], be (1. keep) stopplng (1. pauslng 1.
seisahdus stop(plng), stoppage, hait; standstlll; (hetken kestv) pause; (esim. katu
liikenteess) blocking; (etup. kuv.) stagnatlon; joutua seisahduksiin come to a
standstlll, (esim. katuliikenteest:) be
(-Come) DlOCked, be held up; on seisah
duksissa Is at (1. has come to) a standstlll,
(tehtaasta y.m.:) is not runnlng, (kellosta,
koneesta, mys:) Is not golng [huom.
kettoni on seisahduksissa my vvatch lias
stopped] ; vrt. pyshdys, -laituri (rauta
tien) platform or a (rallroad) flag-station.
-tila standstlll; stoppage; (katuliikentees
s y.m.) blocking.
seisahduttaa stop [the traln. Juna] ; brlng
. . to a standstlll; (esteell) stay; (padota)
Stem; (ehkist) Check; ~ hevosensa stop
(one's horse), puli one's liorse up [in
front of the house, talon eteen] ; ~ kone
stop an englne, brlng an englne to a stand
stlll; tyt stop the \vork, let the
work Stand (1. He); ~ verenvuoto stop
(1. check 1. stay 1. stanoh) the riow of
blood. seisahduttaminen stopplng Jne., ks.
seisahtaa, seisahtua (pyshty) stop [there,
siihen], hait; come to a stop (1. a hait);
(esim. koneesta:) come to a standstlll;
(hetkeksi) pause; (krryill tai ratsulla
ajavasta.) puli up, dra\v up (mys Junas
ta); (virtaamasta; mys kuv.) stagnate;
vrt. pyshty, seisahtaminen, seisahtumi
nen stopping Jne., ks. edell.
seisattaa 1. = seisottaa; 3. (seisahtua)
stop, hait. seisaus = seisahdus.
seismografi (maanjrlstysmittarl) selsmograph.
seisoa stand [In the window. Ikkunassa;
on one foot, yhdell jalalla], be standlng
(up); ~ [omilla] jaloillaan stand on ones
[own] feet (I. legs), keep one's legs;
~ neuvottomana (mys:) be nonplus(s)ed,
stand (1. be) at a loss to know vvhat to do;
~ odottamassa stand waltlng [for, Jota


kin], be on the lookout [for]; ovella

stand In the doorway, (ovensuussa) stand
at the door; paikallaan stand stlll, stand
at one's post, (kuv.) stand flrm; pl
ln stand on one's head; sivussa stand
aslde, stand at a dlstance; suorana
stand stralght (1. erect); ~ Jonkun tiell
stand (1. be) in a p.'s way; Jonkin
varassa support o.s. on (1. agalnst), be
supported by (mys kuv.), (nojata) lean
(1. rest) on (1. agalnst), recllne on, (olla
perustettu johonkin) be based upon, (etup.
kuv.) be sustalned by, be upbeld by
[huom. seisoi vasemman jalkansa varassa
stood restlng (1. leaning) on hls lert root.
supported hlmseir on hls left foot] ;
~ vsyhsiin(s) asti stand untll one gets
tlred, tlre o.s. (1. wear o.s. out) standlng
(on one'S feet); seisomaan nousemalla by
rising; seisoppa siivosti siin now, Stand
there nicely! jd seisomaan remain
standlng, (pyshty) stay [at the door,
ovensuuhun], stop [huom. tyn tytyy
jd seisomaan the work must be stopped.
the work wlll have to stand stlll (for a
while. Joksikin alkaa)]; kello [kone] sei
soo the clock [the macblne] has stopped,
the clock [the machlne] Is not runnlng
(1. golng) ; panna tyt tehtaassa seisomaan
(tav.) close the shop (1. the factory) ;
tehdas on seisonut kolme piv tbe fac
tory has been closed (1. has not been
runnlng) Tor three days. seisoaltaan, sei
soaltaan standlng (erect). In standlng po
sition, on foot; syd seisoaltaan eat
standlng. seisoallean ks. nostaa, nousta.
seisoja one who stands [huom. vieressseisoja bystander] ; seisojat (tav.) those
seisomapaikka: seisomapaikat
standlng-room [25 cents, 25 sentti],
seisominen standlng. seisonoja support to
lean agalnst in standlng.
seisonta standlng. -silta platform.
seisoskella be standlng, stand.
seisottaa (esim hevostaan) have . . stand,
rnake (1. let) . . Stand; mys = seisahdut
taa; en voinut ~ hevostani I could not
have my horse stand [that long, niin kau
an], (saada seisahtumaan) I could not (1.
I \vas unable to) stop my borse, I could
not make my horse stop. seisottua =
seisahtua, seisotus seisahdus.
seist, seista ks. seisoa.
seita (lappalainen Jumalankuva) Lapp ldol.
seitlkko seven; (Jkpv.) seven-spot; vrt.
seitsikko, seitonen (number) seven; (esim.
seitsemine-n :
seitsemisen vuotta about (1. some) seven
years. seitsemisenkymment: seitsemisen
kymment ihmist people to the number
of seventy, some seventy people, seventy
people or so (1. or thereabouts).
seitsemn seven. -kymment seventy; (Jos
kus:) three score and ten.
seitsemnnes seventh (part); viisi seitse
mnnest flve seventbs.
seitsemn ] sataa seven hundred,
Seventeen, -toistasataa Seventeen hundred,
-tuhatta seven thousand. -vuotias, -vuo
tinen = seitsen|vuotias,
seitsems seventh. -kymmenes seventteth.
-kymmenesosa seventleth (part). -osa
seitsemnnes, -sadas seven hundredth.
-toista (the) seventeenth. -toistaosa seventeenth (part). -tuhannes seven tbousandth.
seitsen- (yhd.) seven- [esim. -haarainen
seven-branched; -kielinen seven-stringed;
-lehtinen seven-leaved; -sivuinen sevensided, (esim. lentolehtl) seven-page], . .
wlth (1. or) seven . . [esim. -heteinen wlth
seven stamens; -tavuinen vvlth (1. of)
seven syllables] ; (tiet.) hept(a)- [esim.


-kulmainen heptaugular; -sivuinen heptag- upon, lntrusion on. sekaantunut: johonkin
onal]. -huonelnen .. vvlth (1. of) seven sekaantunut lnvolved In, (jkpv.) mlxed up
rooms, seven-room. -kertainen sevenrold. vvlth.
-kymmenluku (the number) seventy; ft- ekalnen mlxed; (samea) troubled, turbld,
tenkymmenluvulla In the seventles. -kym
muddy; (sekava) conrused; (sotkuinen)
menvuotias I. (a.) . . of seventy (years or (en)tangled, lnvolved; muddled; sekaisin
age), . . seventy years old. II. (s.) a man tuntein vvlth mlxed reellngs; jonkin
of seventy, a man seventy years old, a mlxed vvlth, blended vvlth, vrt. seur. i
septuagenarlan. -luku (the number) seven. -sekainen (yhd.) mlxed vvlth, (-pltolnen)
-luokkainen . . \vith seven grades, . . vvlth contalnlng . . [esim. hiekan- mlxed vvlth
a seven-year course. -palstainen seven- sand; raudan contalnlng Iron].
column [paper, leliti], -sataisvuotinen sekaisin ali mlxed up (1. together); (ali) In
. . comprlslng seven hundred years, . . of conruslon, (ali) In a muddle (1. a mess);
seven hundred yearsC duratlon). -sata
(valitsematta) promlscuously, lndiscrlmlvuotismuisto (jonkin) seven-hundredtb nately; (sikin sokin) helter-skelter, pellannlversary [or]. -toistasataluku: seifsen- mell, hlggledy-plggledy; (tolkuttomasti)
toistasataluvulta In the Seventeen hun- In a conrused manner, conrusedly; mieleni
dreds. -vuotlaa I. (a.) seven-year-old menet - I am gettlng conrused; hn on
[chlld, lapsi], .. seven years old (1. or hiukan pstn ~ he (l. hls mlnd) Is
age); seitsenvuotias poika (mys:) a boy
somevvhat unbalanced, (Jkpv.) he Is a llttle
II. (s.)seven
[boy; . glrl]
or orr. aekalsesti In a conrused manner, lnseven.
. lastlng
coherently. sekaisuus (esim. veden) trou
seven years, . . or seven yearsC duratlon); bled (1. turbld) condltlon, turbldness,
Seitsenvuotinen ota Seven Years' War;
turbldlty, muddlness; (kuv.) . . belng con
heidn seitsenvuotinen tuttavuutensa tllelr
rused; vrt. sekavuus.
acqualntance [rrlendshlp] or seven years. sekalljuna mlxed traln. -kaasu Dovvson gas.
-vuotiskausi perlod or seven years, seven- -kieli mlxed language; composlte language.
year perlod.
-kielinen . . vvlth a mlxture or languages.
seitsikko company or seven players, septet; -kuoro
1. -kri mlxed chorus; (etup.
vrt. torvi.
kirkko-) mlxed cholr.
eitti (hmhkinverkko) cobweb.
mlxed; mlscellaneous, promlsseivs pole; (aidan-, mys:) stake, (sulp- cuous; (kirjava)
varlegated, motley;
pok&rklnen) plcket, pale; (sauva) rod, seura(kunta) motley
crovvd; sekalaisin
starf; (keppi) stlck. -alta plcket rence. tuntein vvlth mlxed reellngs.
-hyppy (urh.) pole-vault(lng).
seivstminen staking Jne., ks. seur. sei
-leip mlxed fc^ead; (petunsekalnen) bread
vst stake; (maanm.) stake out, stake made
orr; (pist seipseen) plerce, pln, naii; sekali (klrjap.) pl(e).
vrt. keihst.
seka lista mlxed tlcket; rusion tlcket. -luku
(eka: seassa, teosta, sekaan ks. hakus.
number. -marjat tutti rruttl.
seka- (yhd.) mlxed [esim. -avio mlxed mar- mlxed
mess, medley, Jumble, muddle,
rlage; -mets mlxed rorest; -rehu mlxed -melska
hodgepodge; (puheesta:) glbberrodder]. -aineinen .. or mlxed (1. mlscel- lsh. -mielinen
dellrlous, llght-headed; vrt.
laneous) SUbjectS; stka-aineista lukemista sekapinen. -mielisyys
dellrlousness, llghtreadlng on mlscellaneous subjects, mlscel
headedness. -muoto (luonnont.) hybrld
laneous readlng.
sekaan: jonkin [joidenkin] ~ among .. sekanalnen mlxed; (sekalainen) mlscellane
[esim. hn hvisi vkijoukon he disap- ous, promlscuous; (sekainen) conrused,
peared among the crovvd]. In, wlth [esim. muddled;
vrt. sekava. panna pettua leivn put plne-bark In sekantti (mat.)
the bread, mix plne-bark vvlth the riour;
muddle-headed, addle-headed,
panna vett viinin put vvater In (1. Wlth) scatter-bralned;
on sekopisen Is out or
the wlne, (mys:) add water to the vvlne] ;
hls mlnd (1. hls head). -rotu mlxed breed;
hn murisi tyns ~ (tyt tehdessn)
cross-breed; mongrel breed. -rotuinen
he grovvled vvhlle he vvorked.
sekaannus (hmminki) conruslon, dlsorder, cross-bred; . . or mlxed breed, mongrel,
bevvllderment; (sotku) tangle, (Jkpv.) hybrld; (Ihmisist:) . . or mlxed blood;
mlx-up: (erehdys) mlstake; psylipuissa sekarotuinen koira mongrel (dog). -siitos
tuli there was a conruslon (1. a tangle 1. ks. ristisiitos, -siki hybrld; cross, mon
a mlx-up) In regard to the tlckets. sekaan- grel (mys kuv.). -sopuinen (kasv.) ponuttaa conruse, make..conrused, mlx..up. lygamous. -sorto conruslon, dlsorder,
sekaantua 1. (Johonkin) mix (1. mlngle I. chaos; muddle, Jumble; (hmmennys) bevvllderment; (meteli) uproar. -sortoinen
blend) vvlth, get mlxed (up) vvlth, (kuv.)
dlsordered, conlused; chaotlc; ttkasortoimeddle Wtth (1- In) [esim. sekaantua mui
den ihmisten asioihin meddle in other nen pako dlsordered flight, rout. -sotku
people'3 business, meddle vvlth other ~ sekamelska, -sotkuinen conrused, dls
pcople's arralrs], lnterrere vvlth, inter- ordered; messy.
vene In,
encroach sekaUvara sundry vvares, sundrles; (ruoka(up)on, inrrlnge (up)on; (toisiinsa) be- Ja mauste-) grocerles. -kauppa (-puoti)
general store; (ruoka- Ja sekatavara-)
come (1. get) mlxed, lntermlngle, lntermlx; 8. (hmmenty) become (1. get) con- grocery (store). -kauppias dealer In gen
rused, become mlxed up, (puhuessaan)
eral merchandlse, keeper or a general
lose the thread, become disconcerted; store; (ruoka- Ja mauste-) grocer.
johonkin juttuun get mlxed up wlth an sekatylinen (1. v.) common laborer.
arralr, become (1. get 1. be) lnvolved In an sekava conrused; muddled; (hajanainen)
afralr: ~ puheessaan bc(come) conrused Incoherent; (epselv) ..not clear, blurred
In (1. durlng) one's speech, lose the thread
[image, kuva; print, painos], lndlstinct,
or one's speech; vkijoukkoon mlngle In hazy [notlon about, ksitys Jostakin],
(1. mix vvlth) the crovvd. sekaantuminen vague; (hmr) obscure, dlm; (sotkui
mlxlng [vvlth] Jne., ks. edell.; johonkin nen) tangled, entangled, lnvolved; unsekaantuminen (ryhtyminen) lnterrerence settled; (mutkikas) compllcated, lntrlcate;
(1. meddllng) vvlth. Intervention In, (oi
(sekasortoinen) chaotlc; ~ juttu (sotkui
keudeton) encroachment (1. lnfrlngement)
nen) entangled (1. lnvolved 1. compllcated)



atralr; ~ puhe confused (1. incoherent)

taik; sanatulva (mys:) rlgmarole;
sekavat ajatukset confused (1. muddled 1.
bazy 1. vague 1. cbaotic) thoughts. seka
vasti in a confused manner; incoherently;
lndistinctly, hazily, vaguely; dimly. obscurely; in a complicated manner, intricately.
sekaviljamlxed graln; (laihona) mixed crops.
sekavuus conruslon, conrused (1. muddled)
state (l. character), conrusedness; (haja
naisuus) incoherence; (epselvyys) lack of
clearness, indlstlnctness, hazlness, vaguencss; dlmness, ohscurlty; (mutkalllsuus)
complicated nature, lntrlcacy; nen paheensa (mys:) hls conrused (1. In
coherent) taik, the confused character of
his taik.
seka vri mixed (1. blended) color; sekaorit (erilaiset vrit)' varlegated colors.
varlegated, party-colored, partl-colored;
(kirjava) motley, mottled. -Uninen: sekaninen laulu song for a mixed chorus;
eong (1. slnging) by a mixed chorus,
-nisestl in a mixed chorus.
sekki ks. shekki.
sekottaa mix [\vater wlth (the) milk, vett
maltoon], blcnd, mlngle; (list johonkin)
put in, add to; (samentaa) anake . . turbtd,
disturb; (panna sekaisin, sotkea) jumble,
muddle; (hmment) stlr, (kuv.) confuse, conround, perturb, dfsconcert, embarrass; (erehdyksest johonkin) mlstake
. . for, (jkpv.) mix up; ~ asiat muddle
(the) affalrs, make a rnuddle (1. a mess)
of the afTalrs; Jokin johonkin toiseen
confuse (1. mlstake) . . for something
else; keskenn intermingle. lntermlx,
lnterfuse; kortit shuffle the cards;
ksitteet confuso (1. befuddle) the ideas;
lhde disturb (1. stlr up) the spring;
metalleja (keskenn) alloy metals; ~
puuroa (hmment) stlr the porrldge; ~
vett viiniin mix vvater \vlth (the) vvlne,
put water In (one's) wlne, (laimentaa)
dilute wlne \vith vvater, (vrentmlstarkotuksessa) adulterate vvlne wtth \vater; ~
[aineksia] yhteen compound [ingredlents] .
sekottamaton . . not mixed, unmixed; unalloyed [metal, metalli] ; (puhdas) pure;
(aito) genulne; (samentamaton) undlsturbed; (kuv.) . . not muddled. sekottaminen mlxlng Jne., ks. sekottaa.
sekottua be mixed (1. mlngled 1. blended)
[\vlth, Johonkin]; mix, blend, mlngle;
(sekaantua) be(come) confused. sekottumaton 1. (Joka ei sekotu) . . tilat does not
mix (1. blend); 2. sekottamaton.
sekotus mlxture; compositlon, concoctlon;
(aines-) compound; (etup. metalli) alloy;
(sekavuus, sotku) conruslon; (hmminki)
Chaos; mys = sekottaminen. -kone mlxer,
mixlng-machlne; (laastin-) mortar-mlll.
sekoBvarsi (kasv.) thallus. -vartinen (s.)
sekuli --- sekavilja.
sekunti second. -heiluri (fys.) secondspendulum. -viisari secnnd-hand.
sek and (also), (togcther) \vlth, and . .
too; sek . . ett . . botli . . and ..... as
\vell as
and . . allke, . . no less
than . . [esim. sek hnen suorasanaiset
kirjotuksensa ett runonsa his prose and
vcrse allke; sek kirja- ett puhekieless
botli in (the) written and In (the) spoken
language; hn on sek muotokuva- ett
maisemamaalari he 13 a portrait-painter
as \vell as a landscape-palnter, he patnts
portralts as \vell as landscapes].
selaileminen (esim. kirjan lehtien) turnlng
over; (hermostunut) fumbling wlth; vrt.


seur. selailla (kirjaa y. m.) turn over the

leaves or, (lpi) glance over, run through;
selailla hermostuneesti kirjan lehti f umble
nervously \vlth the leaves of tlie book:
selailla kirja lpi run through (1. glance
over) a [the] book. selailu selaileminen,
selata = selailla,
selin: istua [seisoa] johonkuhun [johon
kin] slt [stand] wlth one's back toward..;
olla ~ johonkuhun [johonkin] have one'S
back (turned) tovvard . . .
selitell (be) explain(lng); (valaista) 11lustrate; (tulkita) interpret, read a meanIng into; expound [a text, teksti]: (sel
vitt) thrash out, clear up, (perinpohjin)
analyze; (esitt) state (1. detail) the
facts of [a case, asiaa]; (kuvata) descrlbe; kantaansa explaln (1. give 1. unfold) one's vlevvs [about]; vrt. selitt.
selitelm descrlption, account.
selitettvyys: jonkin ~ . .'s being expllcable
(1. explalnable), the fact that . . admlts
or explanatlon. selitettv . . to be explalned; selitettviss oleva . . that can be
accounted for, expllcable, explainable;
osia on helposti selitettviss the matter
(1. the afralr) can easlly be accounteiL Tor
(1. is easlly explalned) ; helposti selitettv
Cl. selitettviss oleva) easlly accounted
for, easlly explalned.
selitteleminen, selittely explalnlng jne., ks.
selitell; (merkityksen y.m.) exposition;
puolusteleva setittely apologlzlng, apologles.
selittln back to back, wlth their backs to
each other.
selittminen explalnlng Jne., ks. selitt;
(tulkinta) interpretation; (raamatun y.m.)
exposition; (valaiseminen) illustration.elucldation. selittmttmyys lnexplicableness;
mystery, mysteriousness. selittmtn 1.
(Jota el voi selitt) Inexplicable, inexplalnable; (sanomaton) lndescribable; (sa
laperinen) mysterious; 2. (Jota el ole
selitetty) unexplalned, (selvittmtn) . .
not unravel(l)ed, .. not cleared up.
selitt explain, account Tor [the dlsappearance or, jonkin katoaminen], give an
account or; (tulkita) Interpret [dreams,
unia], construe, read a meaning into,
(esim. salaklrjotus) declpher; (selvitt,
ratkaista) make out, work O. thrash) out,
clear up, solve; (Jonkin merkityst y.m.)
expound [the Blble, raamattua); (perin
pohjin) analyze; (tehd selvksi) make . .
clear; (valaista, esimerkeill y. m.) 11lustrate, elucidate; (kuvata) descrlbe;
(kehitt) unrold [one's vlevvs, kanta(a)nsa], set rorth; (huomautella) comment
(up)on; (Julistaa) declare; arvotus ex
plain (1. make out) a riddle, (esim. kuva-)
declpher a riddle (1. a rebus), (arvotukselltnen asla) explain a mvstery; ~ me
nettelyns syyt explain the reasons for
one's conduct, explain why one acted so
(1. did that); oikeutetuksi Justiry [esim.
non koetti ~ menettelyns oikeutetuksi
he tried to justiry hls conduct]; ~ Jokin
olemattomaksi explain . . a\vay, (pertt
mksi) explain . . to be wlthout a roundation; ~ olevansa halukas [valmis] hyvk
symn declare o. s. vvllllng ireadyj to
accept; ~ syyns (mys:) give one's rea
sons; Jokin tapaus descrlbe an event,
explain (1. give an account or) ho\v . .
happened; ~ Jonkun vastaus jollakin ta
valla interpret a p.'s answer In a . . way,
read a certain meaning Into a p.'s ansvver;
~ vrin mislnterpret, mlsconstrue, (ta
hallaan) put a Talse constructlon on
[huom. selitt vrin jonkin tarkotus Cl.
merkitys) mlsconstrue a th.]; jokin



vrksi explain that . . Is [was] wrong,

(julistaa) declare (1. pronounce) . . to be
wrong; m voi ~ mist st johtuu I cannot
explain what causes [wbat lias caused] it,
I cannot account for lt; hn selitti kerto
muksensa todeksi (mys:) he declared tiis
Story to be true; hn fefti sen selitten,
ett .. (mys:) he dtd lt \vlth a declaration that . . (l. issuing a statement that..);
syist, joita meidn ei tarvitse lhte l
hemmin selittmn for reasons \vhlch we
need not go Into.
selityt explanatlon, account [of] ; expllcation; (tulkinta) interpretation, constructlon; (ratkaisu) solutlon; (erittely) analysls; (valaiseva) Ulustratlon; (selostus)
descriptlon; (selittv lausunto) statement
[in regard to. Jonkin Johdosta] ; (huomau
tus) comment;
(Julistus) declaration;
mys = selittminen; selitykseksi l>\ v.av
of explanatlon, In (1. as an) explanatlon;
antaa - kytksestn (mys:) explain
why one had acted so, vrt. antaa, -tapa
way (1. manner) or explalnlng (1. or ex
planatlon); (tulkinta-) manner or lnterpretlng. -yritys attempt to explain (1. to
Justlfy); (tulkinta-) attempt to interpret,
attempted interpretation.
selja (kasv.) ekler. -puu elder-trce.
seljet get clear(er); clear up; brighten,
get brlght(er); (kahvista y.m.) settie;
(ilma) alkaa - lt Is clearing up, it is beginnlng to clear up. lt is gettlng brlghter.
selkata (sotkea) entangle, tangle; (hm
ment) confuse, throw . . into conrusion;
make a mess (1. a muddle) or; (tehd
monimutkaiseksi) complicate.
selkeneminen (ilman y.m.) clearing up,
brlghtenlng; (kahvin y.m.) settling.
selkeys clearness; brightncss; (kuulakkuus)
serenity, llmpldness; (kuv. = selvyys)
plainness, distlnctness, expllcltness, luriditv. selkeytyminen (nesteen) settling,
clariricatlon. selkeytyi settie, be clariried,
clarify. selke clear, brlght, (kuulakka,
esim. ilma) serene; (kuv. selv) plain,
distlnct, expllclt; lucld tperception, ksi
tys] : selkell nell in a Clear volce.
selkesti clearly, brlghtly; lucldly, plalnly, distinctly.
telkkaaminen entangling Jne., ks. selkata.
selkkaannus = selkkaus, selkkainen entangled, lnvolved; confused, muddled;
(mutkikas) compllcated, intrlcate. selk
kaus entanglement; tangle: (hmminki)
ronrusion, dlsorder, muddle:
trouble, difriculty; cnmpllcation: embarrassment; (eripuraisuus) dliTerence: (rii
ta) conflict; (vastakkaisuus) coilision,
clash: johtaa selkkauksiin lcad into rompllcatlons (1. Into diiricultles), result In
entanglements, cause trouble; joutua selk
kauksiin [viranomaisten kanssa] get Into
a tangle (1. into a conflict 1. into trouble)
rwlth the authorltles], become lnvolved
in dirricultles, clash [with the orricers] :
saada aikaan selkkausta cailSO ConTllSlon
(1. dlsorder), (Jossakin) cause . . to herome tangled; (rettellt) cause (I. mako)
trouble, lead Into complicatlons. selkkautua (hmmenty) become (1. get) con
fused; got into conrusion: get into a
muddle (1. a mess); (sotkeutua) become
entangled (1. lnvolved) rin. johonkin] ;
become cnmpllcatpil; (Joutua selkkauksiin)
become lnvolved In complicatlons.
selko (selvyys) clearness; (tieto) Informa
tion, knowledge; truth; (selvitys) ac
count; hankkia tarkka asiasta makc a
close Inqulry about (1. in regard to) the
mattcr, gather true Information of the


matter, Inforro (l. post) o.s. carefully

about (the exact state of) the matter,
make o.s. vvell informed in (1. about) the
matter, vrt. ottaa (selko) ; onko sinulla
selkoa siit asiasta (tietoa) have you any
information (1. any knowledge) of that
matter? are you posted about that mat
ter? do you know just how that matter
is? siit ei tullut mitn selkoa wc f they]
\vere unable to flnd out anythlng about it,
that remalns a mystery; vaatia joltakulta
selkoa jostakin demand an account from a
p. of (1. about); vrt. saada, tehd (selkoa).
selko sellleen, -sellln Wide open [huom.
avata ovi selkosellleen open the door Wide,
push the door clear open].
selkosen: ~ sellleen, sellln ks. cdoll.
selk back; (veden) open (body of) water
[huom jrven the open lake; meren
the open sea] ; (maan-, vuoren-) rldge;
(vaa'an) beam; selin, sellleen, sellln
ks. hakus.; selssn on one's back, on the
back, plckaback [esim. kantaa lasta sels
sn carry the chlld on one's back (1.
plckaback)]; aavalla meren selll on the
open sea, on the hlgh seas; jonkun seln
takana behind a p.'s back (mys kuv.);
maailman selkn out in the (COld) World;
tulee puute puutteen selkn want follOWS
(1. corties on top of) want, the wants are
arcumulatlng; yn selkn (out) In the
dark of nlght.
selk- (yhd.) dorsal Tesim. -ev dorsal fin;
-nikamat dorsal vertebraj] ; splnal [esim.
-ydin splnal marrow] ; (selss oleva) . .
on the back [esim. -harjakset bristles on
the back: -otsake (kirjan) tltle on the
back] ; (seln-) . . of the back [esim.
-lihas muscle or the back]. -harju (anat.)
selklnen (yhd.) . .-backed [esim. koukku
crook(ed)-backod; matala low-backed;
suora straight-backed], .. wlth a. .back
[esim. kiero wlth a tvvlsted (I. a dlstorted) back].
selk1 Jnne (blol.) notochord. -karvat halr
on the back [of], -keno: setkkenossa
(oleva) bent back(wards). -kilpi shell on
the back Tor]; (kilpikonnan) carapace:
(hynteisen) scale. -kipu backache, pain
in the (1. in one's) back. -lanka 1. -siima
long-llne, trawl. -lihat (teuraan) slrloln;
(selkosa) chlne. -muna kidney.
selkmys (kirjan, tuolin y.m.) back; (puki
neessa y.m.) back (part), backplece; (sel
knoja) support for the back.
selk nahka skln on (I. of) the back; hn
sai maksaa sen selknahallaan (kuv.) he
had to pay Tor it with hls hlde, they took
It out or his hlde.
-nikama (tav.)
vortchra rplur. vertebra1]. -noja support
Tor the back; (tuolin) back; (lauta) backboarri: (kuv.) backing, support, (henki
lst:) hacker, -paisti (1. v.) slrloln stcak.
-pH selkranka; selkpiitni karmii, kun
ajattelen . . cold shivers run (up and)
down my back (1. go down my spine)
when I think ... -puoli back (part);
backslde; (sot.) rear; [hykt vihollisen
kimppuun] selkpuolelta [attack the enemy] in the rear. -ranganmutka curvature
or the spine. -rangaton I. (a.) splneless,
Invertebratc: (kuv.) . . wlthout backbone.
II. (s.) lnvertebrate (mys kuv.). -rangattomuus . . being splneless; (kuv.) lack of
backbone. -ranka backbone; spine, splnal
column; (kuv.) backbone; iill miehell on
selkrankaa that man has backbone, he Is
a man of backbone. -rankalnen (a. & s.)
vertebrate. -rauta (pyrn) hand or Iron
[around a \vheel], ilre. -sauna beating,

glve further light on; clear up, clear;
(valaista) illustrate, elucldate [by examples, esimerkeill] ; vrt. selvitt, selvet
(seljet) clear up, get clear(er), (ilmasta,
mys:) brlghten; (selvit) get plain(er),
become (more) evldent; become obvious;
s [asia] alkaa selvet the \vcather ttie
matter] begins to clear up, the \veaiher
[the matter]
Is gettlng
Is brlghtenlng
(up). clearer, the
selvike that which clears (1. clartfles);
(tieto) mrormation, light, enlightenment;
asia kaipaa selvikett the matter neecls
clarlTylng, vrt. selvitys; kahvin selvikett
anything used to settie (1. to clarify) cofree, anything wlth which to settie the
corree, cofree claririer.
selville kS. kyd, ottaa, pst, saada.
-ottaminen (Jonkin) rindlng . . out; ascertalnlng; (tutkiminen) lnquiry [into], -saa
minen (Jonkin) disentangllng, dlsentanglement [or], unravellng [or]; (ilmisaamlnen) dlscovery, detectlon, unearthing-,
rindlng (1. huntlng) out, traclng.
selvill: olla ~ jostakin be clear on, knovv
. . (well), understand [huom. olan nyt
siit tytin (mys:) lt is now perrectlv
clear to me, I understand (1. I know) no\v
Just h0\v lt IS; olla siit mitan . .
(mys:) know (Just) how ..].
selvitell (sotkuksista) dlsentangle, (bc)
unravel(lng), (kuv.) clear up, xvorfc (1.
thrash) out; (jrjest) adjust. settie;
(selitell) be explainlng, explain, glve an
account or; expound, elucldate; (eritell)
analyze. selvitelm descrlption, account:
vrt. selostus, selvitteleminen disentan
gllng Jne., ks. selvitell, selvittely disentanglement, unraveling; (Jrjestely) adJustment, settlement: (selittely) exposl
tion, elucldation; (erittely) analysls; mys
edell.; [lykt takaisin valiokuntaan]
lhemp selvittely varten [reTer back to
Ilari (kasv.) celery.
the commlttee] ror elucldation, (ksitte
III (koppi, komero) cell.
Ilo (soit.) (vlolon)cello. aellonsoittala ly) ror rurther conslderatlon (1. lnvestt(violon)cellist; vrt. seur. sellotalturi cello gatlon). selvittj one who dlsentangles
Jne., ks. selvitt; one who disentangleil
jne.; vrt. laivanselvittj, pesnselvittj,
olluloidi (tekn.) cellulold.
elluloosa (kem.) cellulose. -tohdaa cellu- selvittminen disentangllng Jne., ks. sel
lose factory. -teollisuus cellulose Industry, vitt, selvittmtt&myys unaccountabllity, Inexpllcablllty; sen selvittmttmyy*
-vanu cellulose.
selonteko acrount Tor, Jostakin], statement; the ract that lt has not been [that lt
roport [on]; (selvitys) exposltion; (seli
cannot be] explalned (1. clearcd up 1.
solved). selvittmtn (Jota ei voida sel
tys) explanation.
vitt) unaccountablc, lnexpllcable, . . that
selostella ks. seur.
selostaa glve an account or [the reasons cannot be solved; (Jota el ole selvitetty)
ror, Jonkin syit], report [upon the con- unexplalned; (selittmtn) . . not unravtents or. Jonkin sislt] ; revievv; (sallt- eled, . . not cleared up; unsettled, . . not
t) explain, expound, elucldate; asian (yet) settled; (ratkaisematon) unsolved;
menoa report on (1. glve an account or) selvittmtn kysymys question not cleared
the progress of the case: kirjan sisl- up, unsolved (1. open) question, (johon el
t() revle\v a book. selostaminen glvlng voida antaa vastausta) question that can
an account or Jne., ks. edell. selostelu not be ansvvered, unansvverable question.
detailed statement; exposltion, elucldation; selvitt (vyyhti y.m.; mys kuv.) dlsen
(selostus) revie\v(ing) : mys edell. tangle, unravel [a mystery, lokin sala
selostus report, statement; lyhyt selostus perinen Juttu; a compllcated question,
kirjan sisllst a short revlew of the book. sotkuinen kysymys], (esim. jokin kysy
seltterlvesi Seltzer (\vater) ; charged vvater. mys) clear . . up, thrash out, work out.
(esim. tilit) straighten out [the accounts] ;
selusta, selustln =- selkmys, selustatuoli
(korkeaselklnen) high-baeked chair.
(Jrjest) adjust, settie; (selitt) ex
selvemmin more plainly (1. dlstinctly), more plain; (selostella) expound; (tehd sel
clcarly (1. expllcltly), in a more expllcit vksi) make . . clear, make . . lntelllglble
(1. outspoken) rorm (1. manner): (tarkem
[to a p., jollekulle], bring . . home [to a
min) more dennitcly [esim. nhd ~ see p., jollekulle]; (tehd selvemmksi) make
more ciearly, see clearer].
. . clearer, shed more light on; (valaista)
selveneminen clearing up Jne., ks. selvet. Illustrate [by examples, esimerkeill],
selvennys (furtlier) light [on]; (valaistus)
elucldate; (tulkita) decipher, interpret;
(ratkaista) solve; (tehd neste kirkkaaksi)
elucldation, lllustration; (selitys) expla
nation; mys = seur. selventminen mak- sottle, clariry; asia make a [the] matter
Ing . . clear(er) Jne., ks. selvent; (esi
clear, clear a matter up, adjust (1. settie)
merkeill) lllustration, elucldation. selven
a matter, (Juttu) unravel a case, (ottaa
t make . . clear(er), make . . plaln(er), selville) ascertaln the nature of the matter;

whlpplng, thrashlng, trounclng; vrt. saada.

-suoja protectlon for the back. -srky
backache. -uinti svvlmming on the back.
-vinoi lateral curvature of the splne.
selkydin spinal C(h)ord; selkytimen piden
tym (anat.) medulla oblongata. -hermo
spinal nerve. -tauti 1. -vaiva dlsease or the
spinal column; spinal trouble. -trhdys
shock to the spinal cord.
Kainon such, . . Itke that; (sit laatua)
. . of the (1. that) klnd, . . of that nature,
.. of such a nature [that ... ett ..];
(samanlainen) Uke, slmllar; (substantlivisesti kytettyn:) such a thing, (henki
lst:) SUCh a one; mi** kuin hn Such
a man as he, a man llke Mm, a man of hls
klnd (1. hls type); ~ (mi**) oli Cromwell
such (a man) \vas Cronnvell, that Is the
type (1. the sort) or man Cromwell was;
~, millaiseksi hnet on kuvatta SUCh as he
has been picturcd; ~ on hn such (a one)
Is he, thafs what he Is llke; sellaisia *i
oi* saatavitta such thlngs cannot be obtalned, thev are not to be had; sellaisia
ovat ihmiset thafs the way lt is vvlth
people, thafs how people are constituted, thafs human nature; sellaista *t
olisi tapahtunut, jos . . such a thini? (1. any
such thing 1. that sort or thing:) \vould not
have happened, ir . . , this (1. that) would
not have happened, tr . .; sellaista tapahtuu
(\. sattuu) such (thlngs) will happen-,
el mitn selloitta nothlng or the klnd (I.
the llke), no such thing-; ei ollut ~, miksi
sit oli kuvattu (mys:) Teli sliort of the
descrlption; ja muuta sellaista and more
or that klnrl (or thing), and other things
to the same erfert; olot pysyvt sellaisina
the conditlons remain such, (entiselln)
the conditlons remain Just as they were
(1. as they used to be), (muuttumatta) the
conditlons remain unchanged.



~ asia oikeudessa (\. oikeuden edess)

settie a [tbe] matter In (1. berore) tbe
COUrt(S); kantansa jossakin asiassa
make one's position clear In a matter;
~ konkurssipes \viml up (1. llquldate) a
bankrupfs estate; ~ kuolinpes \viim| up
a deceased man's estate; ~ kysymys unravel a question, (tehd selvksi) make a
question clear; (ratkaista) solve (1. settie)
a question; ~ laiva (mer.) clear a ship
(out; in); ~ liike (lopettaessaan se) wlnd
up (1. llquldate) a business; ~ rahaasiansa vvlnd up one'9 Financial afCalrs,
settie one's flnances, (Jrjest) arrange
(1. adjust) one's money matters; ~ sotkuksista dlsentangle, unravcl, (kuv.)thrash
(1. work) out, clear up; vyyhti unravel
(I. dlsentangle) a skein (1. a hank); jtt
selvittmtt leave . . unsettled (I. unsolved), rall to clear up, (esim. kysymys)
leave . . open.
unravellng; clearing (up); (Jrjestminen)
adjustment, settlement; (selitys) explanation; (selostelu) exposltion, elucldatlon;
(ratkaisu) solution; (kuolinpesn) admlnistratlon;
(konkurssipesn) llquldatlon;
mys = selvittminen; antaa ~ jostakin
glve an account or, glve (1. lssue) an explanation or, vrt. selity*; hankkia sel
vityst asiaan look further into tbe matter,
gret (1. obtaln) more llght on the matter,
rind out about the matter; lykt kokous
selvityksen hankkimiseksi adjourn the
meetlng to get llght on the matter (I.
to Institute an lnquiry 1. for the institution
or an lnquiry) ; vrt. selvittely & laivan ,
-mies (kuolinpesn) admlnlstrator; (kon
kurssipesn) recelver, (etup. Engl.) llqutdator. -tila: selvitys- ja suoritustila (lak.)
recelvershlp, (state of) llquldatlon.
selvit (seljet) clear up, brlghten; (tulla
selvksi) become (1. get 1. grovv) clear,
(Jollekulle) davvn (np)on; (pst vapaak
si) get off, come orr (safely), get rid of,
clear o.s. (rrom, jostakin]; (selviyty Jos
takin) get out of [a rix, pulasta], extrlcate o.s. from, emerge rrom [the crlsls,
vaarallisesta tilanteesta], get (1. puli)
through . .;
sober (agaln), get sober (again), (Jkpv.)
sober up; (tointua) recover [from the
shock, sikhdyksest], recover o.s.; ~
humalasta(an) become sober (agaln), (jkpv.)
sober up; get over one's drunk; hyvin
jostakin kS. selviyty; hmmstykses
tn rocover from one's surprlse, become
o.s. agaln; ~ lhtemn be prepared (1. be
ready) for departure (1. to go 1. to leave);
sotkuksista be (1. become I. get) dlsentangled (1. unraveled); tyrmistykses
tn recover rrom one's amazement (1.
daze), recover from the shock; unestaan
rouse o.s. out of sleep, get rid of (1. shake
ofD one's sleeplness; ~ voittajana come
off vlctorlous, emerge (as) a victor; asia
selvisi the matter cleared (ItselD up [for
hlm, hnellel, the matter \vas cleared (up),
(salaperiselt nyttnyt) the mystery was
cleared (I. vvas solved); ennenkuin se sel
visi hnelle berore that became clear to (I.
that da\vned on) him, (ksitti) before he
reallzed that; kuinka tst selvitn how
can \ve get thls thlng cleared up? ho\v can
we (manage to) get out of thls? niinpiankuin hn f siit) hiukan selvisi as soon as
his head cleared a llttle (1. his head became a llttle ciearer); pni alkaa my
head beglns to clear (1. Is gettlng ciearer);
siit kyll ajan oloon selvitn everythlng
wlll be ali rigbt (1. thlngs will clear up)
by and by, I am sure.


selviytyminen be(com)Ing dtsentangled Jne.,

ks. seur.
selviyty (sotkukslsta) be(come) dlsentangled, be(come) unraveled; (suoriutua)
clear o.s. [from; of], come orr [rrom;
with], get out [of a rix, pulasta], extrlcate o.s. [from], puli o.s. out [of]; (tulla
toimeen) get (1. manage to get) along
[with, jostakin]; (seljet) clear up; ~
hyvin jostakin [jostakusta] clear O.S. Weil
rrom, come orr safely from, get rid of . .
easlly, get through . . wlthout dlfriculty,
(tulla toimeen) get along well wlth; ~
jostakin jotenkuten Clear O.S. rrom (1. Of)
. . somehow, (tulla toimeen) get along
somehovv v.itli; hnen kanssaan on vaikea
~ it is (a) difricult (thlng) to reach an
understandlng wlth him, lt is difricult to
manage matters \vlth him, (tulla toimeen)
it is difricult to get along wlth hlm; vrt.
selvit, suoriutua.
selviminen clearing up jne., ks. selvit.
selvimttmyys . . beinff unsolvable (1. lnextricable). selvimtn . . whlch cannot
be cleared (1. solved Jne., ks. selvit);
(Josta el voi selvit) inextricable [muddle,
sotku]; (selittmtn) lnexpllcable; (rat
kaisematon) unsolvable [dirriculty, val
keus]; selvimtn arvotus a rlddle that
does not unrold ltself.
selvi (mat.) axlom.
selvyys clearness; plalnness, dlstlnctness;
lucldity; (ilmeisyys) obviousness; (tark
kuus) expllcitness; (valo) llght; vrt. selko.
selv clear [volce, ni; lntellect. Jrki;
to, viittaus Johonkin],
unblurred, brlght; lucld; (selvsti huomat
tava) plaln, distinct: unmlstakable ; (Il
meinen^ apparent, evident, obvlous, manirest; (puhdas) pure; (-piirteinen) pronounced, marked, declded; (peittelemtn)
undlsgulsed; (ei Juovuksissa) sober; sel
ville, selvill ks. hakus.; selvin sanoin in
plaln (1. in unmlstakable) \vonls, In ex
press terms, expllcltly, (koristelematta)
In plaln terms, in so many vvords; kuin
piv ks. pivnselv; ~ kuva Clear (1.
plaln 1. unblurred) plcture; selvll pl
l (ollesaan) \vhen sober, when he IS
hlmselT; selvll suomenkielell in plaln
Finnish; ~ totuus plaln (unvarnlshed)
trulli : selvt todistukset clear lironi', manKest evldence; ~ valhe evident lie, (puh
das) pure lie, nothlng but a lie; selv
hopeaa (or) pure Silver; selv peli f air
play; selv puhetta plaln taik. plain
Spccch; hankkia Cl. ottaa) ~ jostakin flnd
out (how . . Is) ; se on itsestn , se on
~ sanomattakin that Is seir-evtdent, that
Is a matter or course, that goes wlthout
saylng, (pivn selv) that Is as clear as
day; se on selvn "-, se on selvkin sel
vempi that does not alIow or mlslnterpretation, that cannot be mlsundcrstood, that
Is perrectly clear, that Is unmlstakable (1.
unequlvocal), vrt. edell.
selvjrkinen clear-thlnklng, clear-headed
[pian, suunnitelma] ; (jrkev) senslble.
-nkinen clear-seclng; clear- (1. sharp-)
slghted (mys kuv.). -nkisyys clearslghtedness: penetratlon. -piirteinen clearcut; marked, pronounced; (selv) clear,
distinct, plalnly put, conclse, persplcuous.
-piirteisesti in a clear-cnt manner; clearly,
Plalnly: dlstinctly, concisely, persplcuously. -piirteisyys dlstlnctness of shape (1. or
outline), clear-cut character, marked (1.
pronounced) features; clearness, dlstlnct
ness; conclseness. -pinen clear-headed;
(raitis) sober. -siitti (kasv.) phanerogam.
selvsti clearly; plalnly, dlstinctly: In a
lucid manner; In a marked (I. a pro-



nounced) manner, pronouncedly; (Ilmei

sesti) evldently, obvlouslv, manirestly; ~
nhtv clearly vlslble. plalnly seen, plaln,
consplcuous, obvlous, manirest.
aelvtajuinen clear, lucid; plaln.
sellleen (down) on one's back, (esim. kaa
tua) backwards, (auki) Wide open, w-ide
[esim. avata suunsa ~ open one's mouth
Wide], sellln (flat) on one's back,
prone on one'S back; sllln (maassa)
maatan (mys:) supine.
selnne (vuoren- y.m.) ridge, vrt. harju;
jrven kS. selk.
seln pakotus pain in the (I. one's) back,
backache. -taivutus bendlng one's back;
stooping down.
semafori (merkinantolaltos, ctup. rauta
teill) semaphore.
sementti cenient; (betoni) concrete; laskea
(l. panna) sementill (esim. katu) pave . .
wlth concrete (1. wlth cement), lay a con
crete (1. a cement) pavement [on].
sementti- (yhd.) cement, (betoni-) concrete
[esim. -lattia concrete (1. cement) rioor].
-iskos concrete. -laasti cement mortar.
-lattiainen . . wlth a concrete (1. a cement)
sementtinen (. . of) cement; (betoni-) con
crete, . . or concrete.
sementti!! ters (tekn.) cement(ation) steel.
-tilli concrete block.
seminaari (opettaja-) normal School, (Engl.)
traintng-cnllege (1. -school) (Tor teachers); (pappis- y.m.) seminary; (tieteelli
nen, yliopistoissa) semlnar. -kurssi nor
mal school course.
seminaarilainen student at (1. of) a normal
sominaarin Johtaja presldent of a normal
school. -opettaja tencher at a normal
School, -oppilas = seminaarilainen,
tralninir-coilege) certiricate (1. dlploma).
semminkin, semminkn (more) partlcularly, especially; in partlcular; above ali;
~ kun partlcularly (1. especially) as (1.
stnce), ali the more as, the more so because.
semmoinen -= sellainen; semmoisenaan as
snch, as it is, as it was, (niin) thus [huom.
hn pysyy semmoisenaan (Jpi semmolsekseen) he remalns as he was (1. he used
tn he), he Is always hlmseir, (muuttumat
ta) he remains unrhangertl ; asia on that
is the case, thafs how it is, it is thus, the
matter (1. the case) Is such [that . . , ett
. .] : . . ja sen semmoista . . and the llke,
. . and more or that sort or thlng; mit se
melu on \vhat (kind oO nolse is that?
senaati n |i pts dccree or the senate. -talo
senaatti senate; Keisarillinen Suomen Se
naatti the Imperial Finnish Senate.
senaattori senator.
senaattorini paikka Office, of SPnator, senatnrship. -salkku scnator's portfolio,
senaikainen I. -aikuinen . . datinir Horn
that tlme, . . of that timo, . . or thnse
tlmes; (silloinen) . . (prevaillng) at that
tlme; ministeri tlie mlnister at the (i.
that) tlme; senaikaisen tavan mukaan aecnrrllng to the custom(s) of those times,
as the ciistom was (then).
sen astlnen . . tili n. up to) that time (1.
point), . . up (1. down) IIII thon; senastinen hallitus kalansaalis the (fovernment
[the catch or risti- up to that tiine
-ikinen . . or that age; (tasaikinen) . . or
the same age [as . . , kuin . .] ; kaikki sen
ikiset lapset ali children or that age.
-Jlkeen arter that, therearter; arterwards.
subsequently; (sitten) next, in the next

Place; senjlkeen kun [hn oli puhunut]
arter [he had spoken] ; heti senjlkeen
lmmediately arter that, immedlately rollowlng (that I. this). -kaltainen such,
.. or such (a) nature (1. character 1.
quallty); ja muuta senkaltaista and other
thlngrs or slmfiar nature, and the llke.
-kautta through that, therebv, by that
(means), in that (1. this) way (1. manner) ;
(sit tiet) that way, by going that way.
senkin: saituri you [that] old miser:
seitsemn hommaa a hundred and one
things to do, many irons in the Tire; sin
~ vietv oh, you pest! you nulsance!
sen laatuinen = senkaltainen; (Sit lajia) . .
or that (1. the) kind (1. sort), that sort or
. . . -lainen, -lajinen - sellainen, -luon
toinen such, . . like that-, . . or such char
acter (1. nature); .. or such disposition
(1. temperament). -mukainen . . (belnsr)
in conformity thereto (1. therewtth); . .
which is In accordance therewith; (saman
lainen) simllar. -mukaisesti accordingly.
In conrormity thereto (1. therewith), In
accordance therewith. -nkinen . . or
such (a) description, . . or such appearance; . . or that description. -puoleinen
. . (located 1. sltuated 1. lying) on that
side, . . racing that side.
sensatsioniuutinen sensational report, sensatlonal plece of news.
sensijaan lnstead (or It 1. or that). In place
(1. In lieu) or that, in place thereor; (sit
vastoin) on the contrary, on the other
hand; sensijaan, ett olisi parantanut ta~
pansa, hn pinvastoin .. mstead oT improvlng hls ways he on the contrary . . .
sensori censor.
sensukuinen . . related (1. akin 1. allled) to
that (1. thereto).
sensuroida censor. sensuroimaton uneen sored. sensuroiminen censoring.
sensuuntainen . . (tendlng) In that (1. such)
dlrectlon, .. of (1. wlth) such tendencles(-tapainen) . . to that errect; ~ muuta
a change in that (1. such) dlrectlon; ~
uudistus (mys : ) a rerorm toward that encl.
sensuuri (tarkastus) censorshtp. sensuurinalainen . . subject to censorship. sensuuripakko compulsory censorship.
sen|isuuruinen .. or that size, .. as big as
that. -tapainen such. .. like that, .. resembllng that; . . to that errect; (saman-)
simllar, like: jotakin sentapaista somethinjr
to that errect fwould be needed, tarvit
taisiin], something llke that.
sentlllgramma centigram(me). -litra centlllter.
sentimentaalinen (tunteikas) sentlmental(halveksivasti:) namby-pambv, maudlin.
sentimentaalisuus sentlmental! ty.
sentimetri ccntlmcter.
sentnerl hundredwelght [lyh. cwt.].
sentraali ks. telefonl~.
sentti (raha) cent. sentti- ks. senti-.
senthden thererore, Tor that reason, necause or that, on arrnunt or that; ~ ett .
because, Tor .. [esim. hnt rangaistiin
ett (hn ) oli varastanut leivn he \vas
punlshcd because he had (1. Tor havina:)
stolen a loaf or bread], (sen perusteella
ett) on the grotind that . . .
sentn however, yet, sttll, nevertheless
notwlthstanding, ror ali that; thnugh; hn
ei ~ hennonut tehd sit vet (I. sttll |
howeyer) lie did not have the heart to do
It: hnell on ~ viel jonkunverran hpy
(jljell) he has ror ali that some shame
lert; voi, voi ~ woe, woe! woe is me!
enNertalnen (a.) .. or that much, .'. or
such a tririe; (s.) such a trlfle. such a



Iit tie amount: senvertaisen takia for SUCb.

a trlfle. -vuokii - senthden.
seos mlxture, compound, composltlon; conroction; (metalli-) alloy. -kide compound
ota mix, mingle, blend [wlth. Johonkin] ;
puheessaan kS. sekaantua. Otella be
mlxlngr, be blendtng; mix, blend. mingle;
(hmmennell) be stlrrlng, stir. ottaa
seotella; vrt. sekottaa. otteleminen
mlxlng jne., ks. seotella. eotui = sekotus.
separaattori (erottaja) separator.
sepelhanhi (ellnt.) bamacle(-goose).
epeli broken (1. crushed) stone (1. rock),
macadam. -kiveyi macadam. -kivi = se
peli; sepelihivill laskettu tie macadam
(-lzed) road; laskea (1. panna) sepelikivill macadamlze.
sepel kaula(inen) collared, .. \\ith a ring
(1. a rurr) around the neck. -kyyhkynen
(ellnt.) rlng-dove, wood-plgeon, cushat.
sepitelli be maklnfr; (sanoja y.m.) be colnlng; be writlng, be composing; vrt. sepit
sepitelm (plece of) composltlon;
(kyhys) essay. sepittj one \vlio wrote
(1. composed Jne., ks. sepitt), one who
has written (1. composed Jne.); (klrjottaja)
vvriter, author; (tekij) maker; (svellyk
sen) composer. sepittminen makin? (up)
Jne., ks. seur.
sepitt make (up), fabrlcate, coln [\vords,
sanoja] ; (panna kokoon) put together,
concoct; (laatia) dravv up [a report, lau
sunto]; (keksi) lnvent; (kirjottaa) wrlte,
compose; (tuottaa) produce; runoja
vvrlte (1. compose) poetry, make verse(s);
~ valheita make up (1. tnvent 1. rorge)
lles; vrt. sepustaa, sepitys fabrlcatton;
wrltlng, composltlon; (keksint) lnventlon; mys = sepittminen.
sopiva (kasv.) stem-clasptng, amplexlcaul.
sepii emhrace, enclose.
seppele wreath, garland; crown; vrt. laa
keri, morsius- y.m. aeppeleensltojatar
(malsterinvlhkllslss) lady whn at a
laureation blnds the laurel crown for a
reciplent of an academlc degree.
seppelid (ln)wreathe, festoon, garland:
(koristaa seppeleill) decorate . . with
vvreaths (1. with garlands) ; (Joku henkil)
rrovvn . . with a vvreath; (kruunata)
crown; laakereilla crown . . with laurels (]. -uitti bays); ~ maisteriksi (vihki)
ceremoniously conrer the degrce or master
or arts upon, laureate. seppeliminen (In-)
wreathlng jne., ks. edell.: (maisteriksi)
laureation. seppelity (estooned [areh,
kunniaporttl] ; .. decorated wlth wreaths
(1. ulth garlands); .. crovvned with a
laurel \vreath.
seppo - sepp.
sepposen - selkosen.
epp blarksmlth: smlth [huom. kattita~
holler-smlthl, (yhd. mys;) makcr [esim.
kello~ watrhmaker] : (ellnt.) cllck-beetle,
claterid (hcetle); jokainen on oman onnen
sa everybody is the moldcr or hls own
Tortiine, every man is the arehltcrt of hls
imu fortune; ei kukaan (ole) syntyes
sn (1. v.) no one Is a born artlsan; vrt.
lkki , puu , runo, sana , vaski y.m.
-mestari master blarksmlth.
septetti ks. seitsikko.
sepustaa make up, rabrlcate, rorge [lie.,
valeita]; (sanoja) coln; ("keitt kokoon")
concoct; (keksi) lnvent; (kyhiilll) put
together, compose; scrlbhle [verses, ru
noja]; (laatia) dravv up; vrt. sepitt,
aepustaja (kyhlllj) scribbler, composer;
runojen sepustaja scribbler of verses,
rhymester, poetaster; valheiden sepustaja
rabrlcator of lles. sepustaminen making


up Jne., ks. sepustaa, sepustella: sepustttla runoja scrlbhle verses (1. poems), jot
down verses. sepustus scrlbhle, scrlbbllng; (kyhys) composltlon; mys = se
sep: kummallista (why,) thafs strange!
thafs odd! how curlous! how strange!
(Jkpv.) thafs runny! why! saadaan
nhd well, we shall see! se (Juuri nltn)
thafs lt! Just so! exactly! (siin pulma)
thafs where the dlfflculty comes In,
(Jkpv.) there's the rub; (no,) (vasta)
merkillist well (1. why), thafs the
strangest thlng I ever saw!
sepn- (yhd.) blacksmlth's [esim. -ammatti
blacksmlth's trade; -oppilas blacksmith's
apprentlce; -ty blacksmlth's work]. -ahjo
(blacksmlth's) rorge. -kislli Journeyman
-paja blacksmlth's
smlthy. -pihdit blacksmlth's tongs.
serafi (ylienkeli) seraph.
Serbia Servla, Serbia, serbialainen (a. & s.)
Servlan, Serb. serblanklell (the) Servlan
(language), Serb.
serenadi (laulutervehdys) serenade.
serkku cousln. serkus: ne ovat serkukset
they are couslns.
sertinkl (-kangas) shirtlng.
sesonkiteollisuus seasonal Industry.
seteli l>i il : (pankki-) bank-note; vrt. rahti ;
seteleiss In bllls, tn paper money; viiden
dollarin - a rive-dollar blll. -kr roll or
bllls ; vrt. setelitukku.
seteli nanto-olkeus rlght to lssue bank-notes.
setelinvrentj counterreiter or bllls.
seteli pakka 1. -plnkka bundle (1. plle) or
bllls. -pankki bank autborlzed to issue
bank-notes, (1. v. Yhdysv.) national bank.
-raha blll; setelirahaa bllls, (paperi-) pa
per money (1. currency); kymmenen dol
larin seteliraha ten-dollar blll; Yhdysval
tain (hallituksen liikkeeseen laskemaa)
setelirahaa (tav.) U. S. Treasury notes;
vrt. seteli.
setelist paper currency. setelitukku bundle
or bllls; (-kr) roll or bllls.
setolkka (valjaissa) saddle (o( a harness),
setri (kasv.) cedar. -puu cedar(-trce).
set (paternal) unrle, [one's] rather'3
brothcr; isn (paternal) great uncle.
seula sleve; sirter; (karkea) rlddle, (hiek
ka- y.m.) screen; (hieno, myllyn y.m.)
bolter. -luu (anat.) ethmold (bone).
seulasst (thtisikerm) the Plelades. seulata ks. seuloa, seulavaate bolting-rloth.
seuloa sirt (mys kuv.); (karkealla neulalla)
screen; (sihdata) bolt; (kuv. = valikoida)
plck out; (erotella) separate, rnll;
akanat nisuista separate the charf Troiri
the whoat. seulomakone sirter. seulomi
nen, seulonta -i lt itiir jne., ks. seulaa.
seura company; (yhdistys) Society, asso
ciation; (klubi) club; (tilapinen; hnvly.m.) party, gathcring; assembly; hnest
minulla ei ole mitn seuraa he is no com
pany to me; hauska , iloinen a merry
party (1. company), a festlve gathertng:
olla joidenkin seurassa be In a rthc]
company or, be among, he one of the
company or, vrt. seur.; olla jonkun seuras
sa be in a p.'s company, be \vlth a p.,
(saattamana) be accnmpanied by one; per
heens seurassa (perhe mukanaan) accnm
panied by hls famlly. \vith hls ramlly;
pit vieraille seuraa entertaln the guests.
seuraaja rollo\ver; successor; (saattolainen)
satelitte; vrt. seuralainen, seuraaminen
roIlowlng Jne., ks. seurata; (usk.) Imltatlon. seuraamus ronscciticnre.
seuraarakastava sociahle: companlonable.




sequence [of], result [from]; aikaansa

auraava rollovving-, ensulng; (JrjestyksesS lhin) next; seuraavalla tavalla ks. seu
keep abreast of the tlmes, keep up to
date; ~ esimerkki (mys:) rollovv suit,
raavasti; seuraavalla viikolla (durlng) tbe
rollovv the [a p.'s] lead; hetken mieli
rollovving week, the week arter, the next
johdetta act on the spur or the moment;
Week; seuraavana pivn the next day,
(on) the rollovving day, the day arter;
~ itsestn be a matter or course, be seirseuraavassa luvussa in the next (1. the rol
evldent; jotakuta rollovv (1. accompany
lovving- 1. the ensuing) Chapter; hn ker
1. escort) a p.; ~ Jonkun jljess come
toi seuraavan jutun he told the rollovving
arter, rollovv, succeed; jlki rollovv
(1. keep to) the track, (Jonkun) rollovv In
story (1. a story as fo!lows); jotakin ~
rollovving (1. ensulng) upon, given arter the Tootsteps Of; katseellaan fOlldVV . .
vvlth one's eyes; keskustelua follovv O.
. .; selitys on ~ the explanatlon Is as follows; sit (sen Jlkeinen) the . . rol
pay attentlon to) the dlscusslon; kinte
lovving tliat (1. lt), (the) next, the . . lmreill, ~ kantapill tread closely on tbe
mediately rollovving, (sen mukana oleva)
heels of, be (1. come 1. tag) at the heels or,
the accompany ing.., the., accompanying it. follovv.. closely, tag after,(ajaa takaa)doK:
~ kirjeen sislt rollovv the contents of
seuraavan! lainen .. of the rollovving nature
(1. character). -sisllyksinen 1. -sisltinen
the letter; krjill asslst the Judg-e in
. . or the rollovving contents (1. tenor),
court [Tor practlce] : Jotakuta matkalla
. . vvlth the rollovving contents, . . reading
Cl. matkalle) accompany a p. on a Journey,
~ [asiain] menoa follovv the course (1. tbe
as rollovvs.
development) or [things (1. arralrsi];
seuraavasti In the rollovving manner; as
Tollous, thtis, in thls vvlse; (seuraavaan
metsnreunaa: seuratkaa taota metsnreu
naa follovv (1. keep along) the edge or that
tapaan) to the rollovving errect; lause kuu
luu ~ the sentenre runs thus (1. as rollovvs).
wood, skirt that piece or tlmber; ~ Jonkin
seura elm social life; Society lire.society;
mukana accompany, go vvlth, go along-,
rollovv, dblm. virran mukana) drirt (1.
ottaa osaa seuraelmn take part in So
cial ltre, mix In soclety. -huone (1. v.)
rioat) vvlth (mys kuv.), (pysytell mu
rlub-house; hotel, -huvit social entertalnkana 1. tasalla) keep paco vvlth, (kuunnel
ment, soclety hali. -ihminen soclable per
la) be paying attention to, (olla liitetty
son; soclety man [vvomanl.
mukaan) be attached to, be fastened to,
seurainvlinen lntersoclety [contest, kilpai
be enclosed in [huom. mukana seuraa s
lu]; seurainvliset riitaisuudet dlTferences dollaria (esim. kirjeess) I enclose herebetvveen (useammasta kuin kahdesta:
vvlth $5.00, you \vill find enclosed $5.00:
kuitti seuraa mukana a receipt Is attached
among) the socletles.
seura kumppani (matkalla y.m.) companlon;
(1. is enclosed)]; ~ Jonkun neuvoa rollow
(seurustelu-) some one to assoclate vvlth;
(1. take) a p.'s advlce, llsten to one, act on
a p.'S advlce [huom. seuraa neuvoani take
(seura) company, -kunnallinen congregatlonal; concernlng: the parish. -kunnan(l. llsten to) my advlce, be advised by
arkisto parish rerords. -kunta congregame]; ohjeita follovv (the) Instructlons;
tion: (pitj) parish; (uskovaisten yhteys)
rollovv (the) prescriptlons; omia oik
communion. -kuntalainen member or the
kujaan Indulge one's every vvhlm, rollovv
congregttion; parishioner.
one's ovvn svveet vvill; kirjett seuraa raseuralainen companlon; (toveri) comrade;
halhetys (kirjeen mukana on) the letter
(saattaja) escort; (seuraaja) rollovver;
Is accompanied by a remlttance, a remit(kannatta.!) adherent; seuralaiset (seurue)
tance goes vvlth (1. ts enclosed in) the
company, escort, train, sulte, retlnue,
letter; maine seuraa alusta luvussa the
(palvelijat) attendants.
predlcate agrees vvlth the subject in numseura lasku (rule or) partnership. -mies
ber; onni on seurannut hnt kaihissa h
soclety man, man or soclety; social man
nen yrityksissn every undertaklng or hls
(1. rellovv); hn on hauska seuramies
has been attended (I. crovvned) vvlth suc(mys:) he Is a ntre man (1. a pleasant
cess, everythlng has succeeded vvlth him.
rellovv) to meet in soclety, he Is very good
he has had the best klnd or luck (1. of
company, (Jkpv.) he Is a good mixer.
success) In every unrlertaking: sadetta
-nainen (lady's) companlon.
seuraa pivnpaiste arter raln comes stinseuran arka shy (or company), easlly emshlne: siit seuraa, ett .. lienee it rol
barrassed; unsoclal. -haluinen social, solovvs that .., rrom thls rollovvs that ..;
clally lncllned; .. vvho likcs to mlnglc vvlth
sit seurataan it Is belng follovved, (Jlji
people. -pettj: en halua olla seurantelln) lt Is helinr linitatert, (esim. kirjaa
pettj I don't vvant to break up the com
koulussa) It Is beinpr used (as a textpany (1. the gatherlng 1. the party).
liook); sotaa seurannut rauha peace folseuranto (klel.) oomltattve (case).
lovvlng (1. roming after) the war, peace
seurat nytelm amateur play (1. perrormvvhlch rollovved (1. came arter) the vvar:
tuulta seuraa usein sade vvlnd Is OTten
ance); play intended rnr amateurs; prlvate (1. amateur) theatrlcals. -nyttelij
rollovved (1. accompanied) by raln, raln
amateur actor. -peli game. -piiri
often comes vvith a vvlnd.
social Circle (1. set 1. group); (kanssaky- seuratoveri = seurakumppani.
mispitrl) clrcie or (one's) acqualntanres seurattava: esimerkki example vvorth rol
lovving. examplc invitlng (1. vvorthy oD
(1. TrlendS), set; hnen lhin seurapiirins
the clrcie or hts (most) tntlmate rrlends.
Seurasaaret Society Islands.
seuraus consequence: (tulos) result, outrome,
Issue; (vaikutus) errect: mik siit
seurata rollovv [after (1. on the trall or) a tn.,
on (oleva) seurauksena VYhat VVill be the
Jotakin; in a p.'s steps. Jonkun askelelta;
consequence (1. the result 1. the outcomo)
attentlvely, tarkkaavaisesti 1 : (mukana) go
nf it? vvhat ronseqtiencos vvill that lead
vvlth, accompany, (pysy) keep pre vvlth,
to? vvhat wlll thls result In? vvhat vvill
(kuv.) pav attentlon to [a sernion, saar
rollovv Trorn lt? rikas seurauksista rlch In
naa] ; (ohessa) bc attached to; (jljest)
consequences (1. in results); siira* oli hyvt
come after; succecd I one In ofrice. Jota
seuraukset It nrought good results, (byvi
kuta virassa) : (noudattaa) go by, keep to
vaikutus) it had a good errect; sill seu
[the rules, sntj], observe [the prerauksella vvith such a result, vvlth such an
srrlptlons, ohjettal : (olla seurauksena)
ensue [from. Jostakin], be a (1. the) con


seurue (seura) party, company; (saattue) alan- (yhd.) plg's, bog's [esim. -kauhalo
escort, (ylhisen henkiln) traln, sulte.ret- pig's trough; -p plg's (I. hog's) head;
inue; (seuralaiset) attendants, follouers; -selk plg's (1. hog's) back]. -harja(kset)
(kokoontunut Joukko) gatherlng; kymmen
plg's (I. hog's) bristles. -hoito ralslng of
henkinen a party (1. a company) of ten plgs. -ihra lard. -Jalka pig's Toot; (kei
tetyt) sianjalat pig's feet. -kyljys pork(perSOUS); vrt. nyttelij.
seurusteleminen assoclating [wlth] Jne., chop. -krs pig's snout. -liha pork;
(liikki) hain. -marja sianpuola. -nahka
ks. seur.
seurustella associate [\vlth a p.. Jonkun plgskln; hogskln. -paisti roast pork.
-puola 1. -puolukka (kasv.) bearberry.
kanssa], rrequent the company (1. the So
ciety) of; (esim. poika tytn kanssa) keep -rasva lard. -ruoka food (fit) for plgs.
company vvith; (olla kanssakymisess) see -saksa Jargon, gibberlsh; (Jkpv.) plgone another, (Jkpv.) vlslt back and forth; Latln. -syltty headclieese; brawn.
be a frcquent visitor (1. guest) [at . .'s sibylla (ennustajanalnen) sibyl.
(nouse). Jonkun perheess]; have lnter- side band, tie, bond (kalkki mys kuv.);
course [with a p.. Jonkun kanssa] ; ~ oA(kre) bandage, (Jossa ktt kannetaan)
kerasti keskenn orten (1. frequently) sling; (jolla Jotakin sidotaan) blnder;
associate, be often seen together, exchange tape; (kirjan, mys:) bindlng; olla siteess
vislts frequently, be Intlmate (frlends); be bound, be lied, be bandaged, (esim.
ylhisiss piireiss associate In fashlon- ksi) be In a sling; siin ei ole siteeksikn
able (1. hlfrher) circles, move (I. mlngle) totta there is not a word of truth in it;
vrt. kipsi, yhdys, ystvyys y.m.
in fashlonable Society; sano (minulle) ke
nen kanssa seurustelet, niin niin sanon side- (yhd.) tie- [esim. -palkki tle-beam;
kuka olet teli me who your associates are -pultti tle-bolt]; (sidos-) bindlng [esim.
-aine bindlng materlal].
and I wlll teli you vvhat you are.
seurustelu assorlatlng; association; (kans side aine (tiet.) iigament; sideaineet (lk.)
sakyminen) Intercourse; Communication; bandaging materlal (1. supplles). -harso
anttseptic gauze, gauze (ror bandages).
ilta kului hupaisessa seurustelussa the
evenlng was spent in an enjoyable way. -kaari (mus.) tie. -kalvo (silmn) conJunctlva. -kudos connective tlssue. -kre
-elm social Intercourse; mys = seura
elm, -kieli 1. -puhe language of con- compress. -sana (kiel.) conjunctlon, con
versatlon; vrt. sslonklkieli. -piiri Circle of nective; (verbi) copula. -tarpeet bandag
(one's) acquaintances; set; vrt. seurapiiri, ing materials (1. supplles).
-puku (naisen) party dress, evenlng dress. sidonta sitominen.
-snt (rule oD etlquette; seurustelu- sidos band; (kre) bandage; (ksi-) sling;
snnt (mys.) etlquette. -taito reflne- (kankaan) weave; vrt. side. -asema (sot.)
ment, pollsh; hnell on seurustelutaitoa bandaging statlon, flrst ald statlon. -harso,
he bas acqulred pollsh, he Is an accom- -tarpeet ks. side harso, -tarpeet, -vanu
plished gentleman, he knows how to be absorbent cotton.
entertalnlng. -tapa [one's] manners. -tot sidottaa have . . bound (I. bandaged 1. tled
tumus social ease, ramlliarlty wlth the Jne., ks. sitoa); haava have a wound
vvays of Society, -toveri 1. -kumppani ks. dressed (1. bandaged); kirja nahka
kansiin have a book bound In leather (1.
seutu region, partS; tract; (piiri) dlstrlct; In morocco).
(lhi-) nelghborhood, viclnlty. (palkka)
place, locallty; jonkin seuduilla, jonkin siedettvyys tolerableness. siedettv toi erable,
endurable, sufferable;
seudussa in the region (1. viclnlty) or,
near, (ajasta puhuen:) about, around, at (sallittu) tolerated; siedettviss oleva
siedettvt olot tolabout [esim. puoliyn seudussa (1. seu
duilla) (at) about midnight; sydmen erable (1. bearable) condltlons; se ei ole
not be tolerated
seuduilla Cl. seudussa) in the region oi' the
(1. endured) any more.
heart, (lhell) near the heart; 1820 vuo
ks. siekailla,
den seuduilla almut the year 1620]: mei
siekaili Ja one vvho hesltates; (hlturi) slovv
dn seuduillamme In our locallty, in these poke,
(vltkallparts, \vhere we Ilve; nill seuduin in this la) hesltate; (eprid) have scruples
nelghborhood, hercabouts, In these parts
[about] ; (hidastella) be slow, lose (1.
(1. reglons), In thls part or the country, \vastc)
tiine; daVVdle; siekailematta un(In the country round) about here, In thls
\vlthout hesltatlon; hn ei
locallty, In thls dlstrlct; sydmen seudut hesltatlngly,
tehd sit he dld not hesltate to
reglons of the heart; tm on mkist
seutua thls Is hilly country, thls country do It, he lost no tiine in tackllng it. siekailu
Is qulte hllly. -kunta dlstrlct (1. tract 1. hesltatlon; losing (1. vvastlng) tlme; delay.
locallty 1. nelghborhood) (wlth lts popu- aiekale (kaistale) strlp; (kankaan y.m.)
shred, rlbbon; tear; (sirpale) splinter;
vaatteet ovat siekaleina the ClOtheS are ali
seutuvilla: jonkin jonkin seuduilla, ks. In
(1. ali tattered and torn).
seutu; ei seutuvillakaan not even near. Ilot siellrags
there; at that place; tll here
even In the viclnlty, nowhere near. seu
there, about [huom. siell tll ta
tuville (lhelle) near, to the viclnlty; and
sangolla nkee valkoisia mkkej (mys:)
(ajasta:) at, about, (somewhere) around. the
is dotted \vith whlte cottages;
sfinksi sphinx [plur. sphlnxes].
nyt on en vain joku puu jljell tll
shaahi shah.
(mys:) no\v the trees are fe\v and far
shaali (lsohulvl) shaxvl.
betvveen. -olo [one's] belng (1. presence)
there: (-oleskeju) fone's] stay there.
shabloni (kaavalevy) stencil(-plate); (rp
from there, from that place, thence:
pjn) model.
tlt from here and there, (eri tahoilta)
shakki ks. sakki, II.
dirrerent (1. varlous) quarters (1.
shekki Check; (Engl.) cheque. -kirja check- dlrections).
-ksin, -puolen, -pin from
that dlrectlon (1. that quarter), from that
shelatlini (lllvakko) gelatln(e).
Side, from there; hykkys tehtiin sieltsheriffi sherirr.
ksin rl. -puolen) the attark vvas made
siamilainen (a. k s.) Slamese.
from (1. on) that side.



sielu soul; (mieli) mlnd, pirit; sieluni

autuuden nimess Upon my SOUl! sielukas
soulful [person, henkil; expresslon, Ilme],
sielukellot knell, passin? bell. sielukkeasti
soulTully. sielukkuus soulfulness. sielul
linen psychic(al). sielullisesti psychlcally.
sielumessu mass for (toe repose of) the
dead, mass for the repose or the soul,
lelun- (yhd.) . . or (the) soul [esim. -rauha
peace of (the) soul; -vaara perii of (the)
soul], -elm splrltual hl e: lntellectual
life. -hoito care of souls, splrltual charge.
-ht anguish (1. dlstress) or (the) soul.
-kyky: hnen sielunhykyns hlS IIK-llt.ll
facultles. -paimen shepherd of the fold,
pastor. -ravinto 1. -ruoka food Tor the
soul. splrltual food. -tila state of [one's]
soul; (mielen-) state of mind, mental state.
-tuska mental agony, anguish (1. agony)
or (the) soul; sieluntuskat mental agonies,
pailffS or the soul; hn oli kovista sielun
tuskissa he surrered rrom sharpd. Intense)
pangs (1. agonies) or soul. -vaellus transmlgratlon (1. relncarnatlon) or souls, metempsychosts. -vaellusoppi doctrlne of
transmlgratlon (l.of relncarnatlon). -vaiva
surferlng or (the) soul; mental surrering.
-vihollinen the arch-enemy, the archriend.
sielui tiede psychology. -tieteellinen psycliologlcal. -tieteellisesti psychologlcally.
-tieteilij psychologlst.
sieluton soulless [expresslon. Ilme]; splrltless. sieluttomuus soullessness, lack or soul.
siemaiseminen gulplng (down), tosslng orr.
siemaista gulp (down), toss orr; (nielaista)
swallow; pullosta take a puli at the
bottle; suuhunsa toss "II. siemaisu
gulp; draft; mys siemaiseminen; yh
dell siemaisulla in (1. at 1. wlth) one
draft. siemaus gulp; (jkpv.) puli [at the
bottle, pullosta] ; pith siemaus (Jkpv.)
swlg; [nauttia onnesta] tysin siemauksin
;drlnk In happlness] in deep drarts, In
dcep breaths.
siemen seed; (Tysiol.) sperm, semen; (tau
din y.m.; mys kuv.) germ.
siemen- (yhd.) seed(-) [esim. -kakku seedoake; -kaura seed-oats; -perunat scedpotatoesj; (ihmisen) semlnal f esim. -neste
semlnal riuld; -rakkula semlnal vesicle].
-aihe (kasv.) ovule, seed-bud.
siemenelllnen seed-bearlng.
siemenelot graln (kept) Tor seed.
siemeneni; koristus shortrting (of) the seed,
seedlng. -teko fructificatlon.
siemenetn scedless; appelsiini (mys:)
navel orangc. siemenhaiven (kasv.) pappus
[plur. pappi].
siemeninen (yhd.) . . wlth . . seerts...-seerted
rpslm. moni many-seeded; viisi~ with
rivo seeils, rivo-seeded].
siemen istukka (kasv.) planenta.
siemenjyvt graln (kept) Tor seed, seed
(-graln). -kaavi seedllng. -kauppa (puoti)
seed store. -kauppias dealer In seeds.
seedsman, keeper of a seed store. -koe
seed test. -kota (kasv.) seed-vessel; rap
sille, -kylv seedlng, sowing of (the) seed.
-lokero (kasv.) pericarp; vrt. siemenkota.
siemennys seedlng, sowlng.
siemen puu seed-trec. -tarkastus tosting or
siementy (run to) seed. siement (kyn
t maahan) plow In (the seed); (kylv)
seed, SOW; vrt. hedelmitt.
siemen g vaippa (kasv.) arll.
(kasv.) albumen. -vilja graln (kept) Tor
seed, seed-graln. -viljely* cultlvatlon Tor
(obtalnlng) seed. -vuosi: huono [hyv]
siemenvuosi poor [good] year for seeds.


-vuoto pollutlon; (taudillinen) spermatorrhea, spermatorrho?a.

sienen; pyynti sponge-rishlng. -tuntija one
who knows ali about mushrooms, speclallst on mushrooms.
sienettynyt overgrown with rungus: (sieniminen) fungous.
sienetty be(come)
overgrown with rungus; (muuttua sienimiseksi) become rungous.
sieni l. (kasv.) rungus [plur. fungi, runguses], (tav. sytv) mushroom, (sy
tvksi kelpaamaton lakki-) toadstool:
2. (pesu-) sponge; pest itsen sienelt
(mys:) sponge o.s. -elin sponge. -keitto
mushroom soup. -koralli mushroom-coral.
-laji species or rungus; klnd or mush
room. -muhennos stevved mushrooms.
sieniminen spongy, sponge-llke; . . like a
(kasv. & lk.) fungous,
mushroom. sieninen 1. sj)ongy; 2. (sie
nettynyt) . . overgrown wlth rungus (1.
toadstools), fungous. alenisyya spongy
nature (1. character).
slenlltauti (kasveissa) fungus disease. -tiede
siepata (temmata) snatch (l.wrench l.grah)
ra ehlld out or Its mother's arms. lapsi
itins sylist: a th. rrom a p., Joltakulta
Jotakin! ; puli: (tarttua) catch, selze;
(saada ksiins) plck up; (anastaa) lay (1.
catch 1. take) hold of; [varas] kiinni
catch (1. selze) [the thlef] ; kynsiins selze
(1. grab).. In lts clutches; saada siepatuksi
(kuv.) succeed In snatchlng (1. In plcking
up), succeed In catching, (esim. langaton
shksanoma matkalla) lntercept, succeed
in intercepting. sieppaaminen snatchlng
Jne..-ks. edell. aieppaista snatch, grab;
(esim. hampaillaan) snap. sieppaisu snatch
(-Ing), grah(bing): snap(ping). sieppaus
snatch, grab, puli; (ote) grasp, clutch:
(sieppaisu) snap; mys = sieppaaminen.
siera ks. kovasin.
Sierain nostrll; sieraimet nostrlls.
sierettyminen gettlng rough jne., ks. seur.
sieretty, sierottua (tulla karkeaksi) get (1.
(halkeilla) be(come)
chapped, chap; (hankautua) be(come)
rhafert: (tulla nlljelle) get raw.
sietmttmyys unbearableness; lntolerahllity, intnlerableness. sietmttmsti unbearably, Intolerably. sietmtn unbearable, unendurable; Insurferable, lntolerable; (tuskallinen) excruclatlng [pain,
tuska]; sietmttmt olot unbearable (1.
intnlcrable) condltions; hn kvi lopulta
yh sietmttmmmksi (mys:) It became at the end more and more lmposslble
to assoclate \vlth htm; hn on sietmtn
ihminen (tav.) he Is slmply lntolerable,
he Is a bore.
siet bear, enduro, stand [(the) cold, kyl
m], put up wlth fa p.'s Impudence, jon
kun hvyttmyytt]; (krsi) surrer; (su
vaita) tolerate; (sallia) permit, allow; adlinl siejettviss ks. siedettv (hakus);
[hnt] sietisi auttaa tehokkaammin (Oli
si syyt) it woul<l he well to asslst [hlm]
more offcrtually, (pitisi) [he] ought to
be glven more active support; sietisit
saada selksi you (would) deserve a beatIng, you ought to be whlpped, you ought
tn get a thraslllng: asiaa siet harkita
(tarvitsee) the matter requtres (1. necds)
conslderatinn, (kannattaa) It \vill pay to
tlunk the matter over, the matter is \vorth
thlnklng over; arin ei sied viivytyst the
matter allows (l.admlts)of no delay:enoi
~ rasvaista ruokaa I dlsllkc Tat, I can't
eat fat; en voi ~ sit miest I cannnt bear
(jkpv.: Stand) that rellovv; hn ei sied



ensinkn vetoa he cannot stand a drart at

ali, he Is susceptlble to the least (blt of)
draft; hn ti tied Itihhi (l. pilaa) he
cannot take a Joke, he doesn't tolerate any
Jokes, he won't have (1. won't permit) any
joklng, (Jkpv.) he won't stand (for) any
joklng; hn ti sied tanssia talossaan he
does not tolerate (any) danclng in hls
nouse, he won't allow (1. permit) danclng
In his house; hn ei voinut ~ sit kauem
paa (el Jaksanut kestit) he could not endure (jkpv.: stand) lt any longer; hnen
terveytens ti sit sied hlS health Wlll
not permit it, hls health does not admlt of
it, (Jkpv.) hls health won't stand lt; nt
en voi I cannot bear hiin, (Jkpv.) I can
not Stand llim; tm kasvi ei ensinkn
sied kylm thls plant cannot stand cold
(1. not endure the cold) at ali, (on hyvin
arka) thls plant Is very sensltlve to cold;
vatsani ti sitd antinkaan kahvia COffee
doesn't agree wlth me at ali.
sievennys cmbelllshmc nt; pollshlng. lieven
ty become nlcer (1. neater), get (1. grow)
neater; (pulskistua) Improve In one's
looks; (kaunistua) become more beautlrul. aleventli make . . (look) neater (1.
nlcer), improve the appearance (I. the
looks) of; make . . (more) beautiful, bcautiry; (slevlstella) trlm; (mat.) slmplify
[an equatlon, yhtl].
tieveti (dlluted) nltrlc acld, aqua fortls.
sievistell 1. (koristella) embelllsb [a Story,
Juttua] ; (laitella slevemmksl) trlm; vrt.
sievent; 2. (keimailla) he coquetttsh,
coquet. slovistely 1. embellishment; tnmmlng; 2. coquetry. ileviatyt embelllsh' ment. sievist ks. levent, omittaa.
sievoinen nlce, neat, natty; handsome [fortune, omaisuus], flne, pretty; raha
summa nlce (1. neat 1. handsome) sum of
money; pitni Jalka pretty llttle foot.
lievyys prettiness; handsomeness; beauty;
charms; neatness; nattlness; vrt. seur.
siev pretty [scenery, maisema], attractive;
handsome; (viehttv) lovely, wlnsome
[smlle, hymy]; (kaunis) beautiful, rair,
rine; nlce [day, piilv]; (siro) neat, natty;
~ ksiala beautiful handvvrltlng, pretty
style; sievll tavalla In a nlce (1. a pleasant 1. a gentle) way; nilkka a pretty
ankle; tyttS pretty (1. attractive 1. winSOme) gtrl; halme siev pikkutytt ttiree
sweet (1. dear) llttle glrls.
siev mallinen . . \vith a pretty pattern;
(tyyliks) styllsh, beautirul, pretty. -tekoinen..of a pretty design; neat, flne, nlce.
sievsti prettily, attractlvely. beautirully:
nicely. neatly; ulnsomely. sievn nlcely,
neatly; (helposti) easlly, readlly; st on
sievn tehty thafs easlly done. (pian) it
won't take long (to do that), that will
soon be done.
signaali (merkki) signal. -kirja code of
slgnals, signal-code. -mies slgnalman.
sihdata I. (seuloa) slft; (hienon vaatteen
lpi) bolt.
sihdata II. (thdt) aim [at, Johonkin],
take alm [at].
sihin hlss(lng), slbllatlon; slzzle, slzzllng.
sihiseminen htsslng; slzzllng; vrt. edell.
sihist hlss; (pihist) slzzle.
sihtaaminen I. (seulominen) sirtlng; bolting.
sihtaaminen II. (thtminen) aimlng [at]
Jne., ks. sihdata, II.
sihtaus " sihtaaminen,
sihteeri I. Secretary; (virkamies) clerk.
sihteeri II. (-lintu) secretary-blrd.
sihteerin toimi position as Secretary; secretaryshlp. -virasto Secretary 's ofrice;
clerk's Office.


sihteerist body of secretaries; (sihteerinvirasto) Secretary 's Office, secretarlat(e).

sihti I. (seula) sirter, sleve; (myllyn, mys:)
bolter. II. (thtin) sight, alm.
sihti: Jauhot sifted flour; (myllyss sihda
tut) bolted riour. -laitos bolter, boltingmachine. -mylly bolting-mlll.
siigell (plkaklrj.) word-slgn.
siihen (sinne) there; (asti) so far, to that
polnt; (sen Johdosta, sit varten) to it, to
that, thereto, to that purpose (1. end), for
It; asti up to that polnt, (aikaan) until
(1. up to) that tlme, tili then, up to then;
"- ci olt mitn sanomista (\. muistutta
mista) there Is no objection to that, there
is nothing to be said jgalnst that; ~ ai ol
lut mitn tilaisuutta there was no opportunlty for It (1. to do lt 1. Tor doing it);
~ Juuri halusin tulla that was what I
\vantcil to corne at, It was that I \vas
drlvlng at; ~ menness by (1. berore) that
tlme; on mtidn pyrittv thafs
vve must strlve to accompllsh (1. to come
to); ei ole ainoa there Is no time for
(1. to do) that; jd remaln there, (ole
maan) stay there; laske st put (1. set)
lt down there! -astinen senaatinen;
kaikki siihenastiset yritykset ali efforts up
to that tlme (1. that polnt), (aikaisemmat)
ali prevlous erforts. -kuuluva . . belonglng
to ltd. thereto) ;..connected with that (
siika (elint.) vvhlterish. Siikainen ..aboundlng In (1. filled wlth) \vhlterish.
silli (elint.) bedgehog.
siima line; (ruoskan) lash, cord, thong;
vrt. ongen, piiskan, pitk y.m.
alimaista lash. sllmaus lash.
siimeksinen shady; . . affordlng shade.
siimes shade; shadovv. ilimesrantainen
. . \vlth shady shores (1. banks). tilmeit
shade; (varjostaa) overshade, overshadow.
linna gllmpse; gllmmerlng; (Juova) streak;
(sini) blue. illnnell he appearlng blue;
appear hazy (1. dlm 1. lndlstinct); vrt.
siinnyt begotten; pyhst hengest concelved by the Holy Ghost; synniss Ja
syntynyt born and begotten In sln.
iinto siinne, siinty look (1. appear)
blue [agalnst the sky, taivaanrantaa vas
ten], siintminen looking (I. appearlng)
blue; blue appearance. siintv (appearing) blue; siintv selk the blue tvaters;
etll siintvt tunturit mountaltis ap
pearlng blue In the dlstance, mountains m
the blue dlstance. siint (sinert) look
(I. appear) blue; (hmtt) be dtmly (I.
be lndtstlnrtly) seen (1. vlslble) ; tunturit
siinsivt kaukana
mountains appeared blue at the horlzon,
(hmttivt) you could get a gllmpse or
the mountains at the horlzon.
siinus (mat.) slne; jonkin the slne of,
the slne for.
siin In that. In it, thereln; (siell) there;
(silloin) then, on that occaslon; kaikki
thafs ali! mrin, ett minua alkoi kyl
lstytt (mys:) enough to cloy me, vrt.
mr; olet oikeassa vrss] you
are rlght [wrong] about (1. In) that; oli
mies (1. v., jkpv.) can you beat it! \vell.
dld you ever! on jo paljon (se tiet)
thafs qulte a good deal (1. qultc a sum);
siinp se thafs It! sit ollaan there \ve
are, thafs \vhat \ve have come to. (enks
sit sanonut) I told you so! teet oikein
(mys:) you are rlght In dolng that(;
s on (riippuu silt) It depends on.
siipeenammuttu . . shot In the wtng, . .
vvlnged. siipeensaaanut (kuv.) snubbed;
chagrlned; (nolostunut) crestfallen.

siipi \viiik (mys sot. <V kuv.); (run.) virasto (Yhdysvaltain) Bureau of lmml
plnlon; (tuulimyllyn, mys:) vane; (vesi- gratlon.
pyrin) paddle; siipiens tuojaan under siirtomaa eolony.
one'9 wlng; puolueen vasen ~ toe left siirtomaa- (yhd.) colonlal [esim. -asiat cowing of the party, -lain wlnged anlmal. lonlal affalrs; -politiikka colonlal pollcy).
siipien II ripytys beating (1. Napplng) of siirtomaantavara colonlal goods (1. produce).
[lts] wlngrs; (pikkulinnuista puhuen:) -kauppa 1. colonlal trade: 2. (-puoti)
riutterlng of [lts] Wings, -viii expanse store dealing with lmported goods.
or wlng, wing expanse; siipienvli() 2 siirtonainen movable; (liikkuva) mobile;
jalkaa (wlth a) wlng expanse (of) 2 teet. (luistava) slldlng; (kuljetettava) portable,
siipi hyhen wlng-reather. -Jalkainen (le
transportable; (asetettavissa oleva) adjustpakko) bat. -karja poultry, (barnyard) able; vrt. siirrettv.
fowl(s). -karjanhoito raising of poultry, siirto! -oikeus rigbt of conveyanee (1. of
poultry-ralsing. -kynkk wlng-bone; pin- asslgnment). -summa balance (1. amount
lon-bone. -kyni silpisulka. -laiva = 1. sum) to be carrled (1. brought) forwarcl
siipiratasalus. -mutteri thumb-nut.
(1. over).
silplmiinen wlng-like; wlng-shaped; alirorm. aiirtymlnen movlng (over) Jne., ks. siirty;
siipinen (yhd.) . . wlth . . Wings, . .-wlnged removal; transltlon; entrance [upon, Jo
[esim. suippo wlth polnted (1. taper- honkin]; (paikaltaan) dlslocatlon; (koko
lng) Wings, polnted-wlnged; vahva wlth uksen y.m.) postponement; pivjrjestyk
strong Wings, strong-wlnged].
seen ~ passlng on to the order or the day,
siipi orava (ellnt.) flylng squlrrel. -puoli taklng up (agaln) of the business of tbe
. . wlth only one wlng; . . wlth a broken day. siirtyv movable; (syrjnlulstava)
wlng, wlnged. -rakennus wlng; (an) L. slldlng; (kuljetettava) portable. sllrtyvi-ratas 1. -pyr (laivan y.m.) paddle- syys . . belng movable; portablllty.
wheel. -ratasalus boat propelled by paddle- siirty (paikaltaan) move, shirt (one's po
wheels. -rlkko(lnen) = siipipuoli. -sato sition), cbange place; be displaced, be
mo(U)lttng; siipisadon aika mo(U)ltlng dlslocated, be put out or place; (muualle
Season; on siipisatona, on siipisadolla lS
tai toiselle) be transrerred [to the dauglimo(u)ltlng. -satoinen mo(u)ltlng. -sulka ter, tyttrelle]; be transported; move
qulll, plnlon; vrt. slipihyhen. -vli ks. over; (solua) sllde, glide; (menn) go
[rrom one party to another, henkilit
siippa sweetheart, bcloved, darllng; the toiselle], go over, be handed over, pass
man [the woman] of one's cholce.
[to tiun, hnelle; Into other hands, toisiin
alira (ellnt.) lsopod; (maa-) wood-louse. ksiin], pass over, go (1. pass) on [to
siirappi slrup, syrup; (etup. Engl.) treacle; another Chapter, toiseen lukuun]; (lyk
(melassl) molasses. -karamelli molasses kyty) be put ofr, be deferred, be postcandy.
poned; (ryhty) proceed [to do a th.. Jo
siirappimainen slrupy, syrupy; (kuv.) ln- takin tekemn]; (astua) enter upon, cnslpldly (1. slckly) sweet.
ter, step on, step [astde, sivuun] ; ai
slirottaa stand out, proJect; (Jkpv.) stlck neesta toiseen pass (oin from one subject
out. sllrottava . . standlng out, projectlng, to anottu r; ~ edemmksi, ~ kauemmaksi
(Jkpv.) . . sticklng out.
move rarther orr (1. away) [rrom], dra\v
siirrettv . . to be moved (1. transrerred) ; away [rrom]; ~ islt pojalle be handed
(klrjanplt.) . . to be carrled forward; (siir
over (1. pass over) rrom rather to son;
rettviss oleva) movable, portable [en- ~ lhemmksi move nearer, draw nearer,
glne, kone], transportable; transferable; vrt. tulla; maasta emigrate; -' muinais
(tynnettv) slldlng [door, ovi] ; vrt. muistojen joukkoon (kuv.) become out or
date; ~ paikaltaan move (from lts place),
stlr, change position, be(come) displaced
siirros transfer; (luovutus) conveyanee;
(geol.) rault; vrt. siirto, -viiva (geol.)
(1. dlslodged), be put out or place, (hie
man) budge; puhumaan jostakin pro
aiirrht move, shlft; hiukan move (1. ceed to (taik about) . . , pass over to . . ,
(ryhty) take up the taik about . .;
shirt) a llttle, (hievahtaa) budge.
siirto movlng, removal, transrer(lng); (esim. [vihollisen] puolelle go over [to the
omaisuuden toiselle-) conveyanee, asslgn- enemy] ; ~ syrjn step aside, step to
ment; (klrjanp.) carrylng forward (1. one side, make room (1. \vay) [Tor, Jonkin
over), (merklntn:) (balance) carrled for(1. Jonkun) tielt], (poistua) withdraw,
ward (1. over), (balance) brought forward; retlre; taappin ajassa go back in tiine;
(peli-) move; (esim. vekselin) endorse- toiseen kysymykseen pass (1. proceed)
ment; (lykkys) putting orr, (kokouksen to another questlon; toiseen uskoon
y.m.) postponement, adjournment; (mus.) go over to another faith, (knty) be
transposlng; siirron hakija person applylng converted to another rellglon; toiselle
to be transrerred, person applylng for a paikkakunnalle (muuttaa) move (1. go 1.
transfer; virkamiehen ~ jostakin toimesta mlgrate) to another loeallty; toisille
toiseen the transfer(lng) of an offlcial omistajille pass (over) to other o\vners;
from one position to another. -asukas col- uusille aloille (l. urille) enter (upon) a
onlst. -kirja (lak.) deed or transfer, con
new rield, enter upon a new career;
veyanee; deed. -kunnittain by colonles. uunf.slvA.sefn, ~ nestmn proceed
-kunta ks. seur.
to vote (1. to ballotlng); kansa siirtyy
siirtola eolony; (uutlsasutus) settlement. vallankumouksen tielle (astuu) the people
siirtolainen (maastamuuttava) emlgrant, enter upon (1. step out upon 1. begln to
(maahanmuuttava) immlgrant; (shrtomaa- tread) the path or revolutlon.
lalnen) colonlst; settler.
siirtj one who moves 1. transfers jne.,
siirtolalsSasioimisto emlgratlon [Immlgra- ks. siirt); one who (has) transrerred
(etc); (luovuttaja) convcyer, conveyor,
tlon] bureau, -asioitsija emlgrant [ Imml
grant] agent. -laiva emlgrant shlp; Im
assigner; (vekselin) endorser. siirtminen
mlgrant shlp. -tulva riow or emigrants; movlng jne., ks. siirt; vrt. mys siirto.
Dow or lmmlgrants.
siirt (muuttaa) move; (pois) remove;
siirtolaisuus (maastamuutto) emlgratlon; transrer, transport, transmlt; (toisaalle)
(maahanmuutto) lmmlgratlon. siirtolais
move . . over; (Istuttaa) transplant [trees



to a new soll, puita uuteen maapern;

a dlsease, tauti] ; (vied) carry, bring,
take; (klrjanp.) carry rorward (1. over):
(luovuttaa) make . . over, (lak., mys:)
eonvey, asslgn; hand (1. pass) over;
(pankk.) endorse [a note, vekseli] ; (tyn
t) pusii, shove, (palkaltaan) dlsplace,
put out or place, dislodge, dlslocate, (saa
da hievahtamaan) budge; (lykt) put ofr,
defer. postpone; siirrettvitt oleva ks.
siirrettv; kauemmaksi move farther
away; kokous put ofr (1. postpone) the
meeting [tili to-morrow, huomiseksi]; ~
kontrahti toisella transfer (1. make over) a
contract to another person; ~ korkeam
malle luokalle (koulussa) promote . . to a
hlgher grade; ~ luokalta pass, promote;
maksuaikaa (Jatkaa) extend the tlme
of (1. ror) payment; jokin Jonkun ni
melle put . . In a p.'s name, slgn . . over to
a p.; ~ pyt seinn move (1. pusii 1.
shove) the table up to the wall; ~ sota
joukkoja transfer (1. transport) troops;
summa transfer a sum, (kirjoissa) carry
a sum rorvvard (1. over); ~ syrjn move
to one side, move (1. put) avvay, push (1.
shove) aside, (pyyhkist) brush aslde;
toiseen virkaan transfer . . to another
Office [huom. Kuopion postimestari siir
rettiin Ouluun the postmaster at Kuopio
vvas transferred to Uleaborg] ; ~ roisiin
ksiin pass (1. turn) . . over Into other
hands; tuonnemmaksi put o il', (esim.
kokous) postpone, (esim. maksupiv)
derer; ~ verta henkilst toiseen transTuse
blood from one person to another;
vuoria (kuv.) move mountalns.
di* consequently, accordlngly, hence; so,
then; (niinmuodoin) thus; (senthden)
therefore, for that reason; (sanalla sano
en) In Short; ~ sin ymmrrt then, you
understand; koska ~ thus, since; then,
because: (kysyvsti:) whcn, then, . .;
min olin ~ oikeassa SO (1. thus 1. then),
I was rlght; sin olet ~ sit mielt, ett
minun olisi mentv you tlilnk, then, (that)
I ought to go; so you thlnk I ought to go.
siisero (klrjap.) plca, 12-polnt (type),
(mittayksikkn) (plca) em.
Mateilla make (1. be maklng) . . tldy (1.
neat), make . . neat and clcan, (Jkpv.) tldy
(up); (laitella) rix (1. be flxlng) [one's
dress, pukuaan] ; (puhdistaa) be cleanlng;
~ itsen make o. s. presentable (1. trlm),
make o. s. look nlce, groom o.s., (Jkpv.)
spruce up (o.s.), flx up (o.s.), (linnusta:)
prune (Its feathers); vrt. siisti, siistei ly
making . . tldy (1. neat and clean); rixlng;
vrt. edell.
siisteys tldlness; neatness; clean(U)ness;
decency; orderllness. -yy: siisteyssyist
ror reasons or cleanllness (1. or decency
1. or orderllness).
aiiati (neat and) tldy; neat (and clean);
(puhdas) clean(ly); (siivo) deccnt; (s
dyllinen) proper, becoming; (hyvss Jr
jestyksess oleva) orderly; huone clean
(1. tldy) room; ~ puhetapa decent (1.
proper 1. becoming) language; tytt
neat and clean girl, (tavoiltaan) decent (1.
respectable) girl. -asuinen . . fltted out
neat and clean; neatly dressed (1. attlred).
siistiintyl become tldy (1. neat 1. clean Jne.,
ks. siitti) ; become neater (and cleaner) ;
(jkpv.) tldy up. silstlji ks. siivooja, siis
timinen maklng . . tldy jne., ks. siisti,
sllstlmtn (esim. huone) untldy, . . not
put in order; (Jkpv.) . . not tldied up,
.. not done (yet); (hoitamaton) untended,
neglected [beard, parta], unkempt; 111-


groomed; (kuv.) unpollshed, rude [lan

guage, puhetapa], siisti nti siistiminen,
siistipuk uinen neatly dressed [girl, tytt],
siististi tldlly; neatly (and cleanly); cleanly; decently; properly, becomingly. siis
tiytyi 1. = siistiinty; 2. ks. siisteill
siisti make . . tldy, make . . neat and clean,
make . . look (neat and) tldy; put . . In
order, put thlngs In order (1. stralght 1. to
rlghts) [In a room, huone(tta); on a
wrltlng-table, kirjotuspyt()], stralghten thlngs [In], (Jkpv.) tldy (up), do [a
room, huone] ; (puhdistaa) clean, make . .
clean (and tldy); ~ itsens ks. siisteill
(Itsen); kynsin, ~ kyntens manlcure one's nalls, clean and trlm one's
nai N: vrt. siivota.
siiteply (kasv.) pollen, anther-dust. -hiuk
kanen grain of pollen, pollen-graln.
siltin penis; vrt. slittimet. -elin: siitinelimet Sexual organs, genltals; (kasveilla,
mys:) organs or rructiricatlon. -Jrjes
telm (kasv.) sexual system. -neste sperm,
seinen, semlnal riuid.
siitos conception; (etenkin elimist:)
breedlng; (hedelmitys) fertlllzatlon. -elin
breeder, anlmal kept (1. selected) for
breedlng purposes. -karja stock kept (1.
selected) for breedlng purposes. -kykyinen
. . capable or breedlng (1. or propagaling).
-kykylsyys capablllty or propagatlon.
-kyvyttmyys Impotence. -kyvytn linpotent. -ori stalllon, stud-horse.
eiittimet genitals. siitti (elimen) spermatozon; siittit spermatozoa.
siittminen begettlng; breedlng. siitt
(miehest:) beget; (elimist:) breed
(mys kuv.).
silt I. (elt. sanasta se) of lt, or that,
thereor; rrom lt, rrom that; about lt (1.
that), as to that, concernlng that; (sielt)
from there, from that place, thence; (sen
sisst) out or lt; ~ johtuu, ett .. hence
(1. thus) lt is that . . , that is (the reason)
why . .; ~ kun since [huom. siit on nyt
kymmenen vuotta kun hnet viimeksi nin

lt ls ten years now since I saw hlm last;

aina asti kun .. ever Since . .]; ~ ln
tien rrom that tlme on, ever since, ever
after; ~ min en tied mitn I kno\v
nothing (1. I have no knovvledge) of that;
~ on jo kymmenen vuotta (kulunut) ten
years have passed (1. elapsed) since; ~
(ajasta) saakka ever since (then), from
that very tlme, rrom that tlme on; ~
saakka kun . . ever since ..; seuraa
lt rollows rrom that, thence lt ro!lo\vs;
en ote ottanut yhtn ~ I have not taken
any or it; he keskustelivat ~, oliko . . they
were dlscusslng the ract \vhether . .; hn
avasi laukun ja otti ~ pullon he Opened
the bag and took a bottle out (or It);
hnt rangaistiin ~ ett oli varastanut . .
he was punlshed for havlng stolen . .; joko
on kauankin was It long ago? how mucli
tlme has elapsed (1. bow long has it been)
since then? has lt been long since [you
were here, kun out tll] ? mit hn sanoo
~ what does he say of (1. about) lt? (siihen)
what does he say to lt? puhun juuri
thafs Just what I am talking about (1. of);
se johtuu ~, ett .. thafs because . .:
viel se selvi (Ilma) lt \vlil clear up
yet, (Jokin sotkuinen asla) it \vill become
(1. get) cleared up yet; l puhu ~ don't
speak of lt! don't mentlon it: l vlit
(mitn) don't pay any attention to lt,
never mlnd lt.
siit II. (v.) be begotten; (elimist:) breed,
be bred (mys kuv.); (synty) be born;



(saada alkunsa) be produced, be brought

forth; (lisnty) be multlplled, multlply.
ii tain: te tl paran ttiat is to (1. of) no
avall, that does not help matters; you
can't make lt any better.
siiveks, sitvellinen wlnged, . . wlth Wings,
siivenlnentt 1. -p wlng-tlp.
wlngless Jblrd, lintu], . . wlthout Wings;
(tiet.) apterous, apteral; (Jolta suvet on
riistetty) . . deprived or lts Wings.
ai i v i la strainer; (kykki-) colander; (suo
din) rilter. -paperi (suodatin-) Mterpaper. -putki (kasv.) sleve-tube.
siivilid straln, pass . . through a strainer;
(suodattaa) rilter. siiviliminen stralnlng;
Nltering. siivilimtn unstralned; unriltered. Mvility straln [through .., Jon
kin lpi] ; percolate, rilter.
siivitt wlng.
aiivo I. (a.) (sdyllinen) decent, proper;
(hvelis) modest; (hyvntahtoinen) klnd,
good-natured; (hiljainen) qulet, peaceful;
(slivokytkslnen) well-behaved; kytt
decent (1. proper) behavlor: tiivolla qulet,
stlll, vrt. olla; mitt decent (1. modest 1.
good-natured 1. pearerul) fellow; tytt
decent glrl, respertablc girl; vrt. siisti.
siivo II. (s.) (kunto) condltlon, state: (Jr
jestys) order; (siivoaminen) cleanlng;
(huono) Utter, dlsorder, (likaisuus) uncleanliness, fllth; tehd pahaa siivoa make
a Utter, (Jossakin) make . . untldy, (Jkpv.)
make a mess or thlngs [In, Jossakin];
vai tit siivoa uhat a Utter! (jkpv.) uliat
a mess!
siivoamaton untldy, . . In dlsorder, . . In a
Utter, (esim. parta) unkempt, neglected.
siivoaminen cleanlng Jne., ks. siivota, siivoamishomma cleanlng; olla siivoamishommissa be busy \vith housc-cleanlng, be
busy cleanlng the house.
siivokseen quletly, peacerully, decently,
properly: olla (siivolla) behave o.s.,
kcep qulet. silvollinen ks. sdyllinen.
siivoojai tar) cleanlng woman; chambermald, mald (to care Tor rooms). siivosti
decently, properly; modestly; peacerully;
(hiljaa) qulet (ly), pysy siivosti keep
qulet, behave (o.s.).
silvota (puhdistaa) clean [a room, huone;
a drawer, laatikko; one's nalls, kyntens;
a rish, kala], make .. clean; (siisti) put
" . . In order, put (the) thlngs straight
(1. to rlghts)
[In a room, huone],
(Jkpv.) tldy (up) [a room, huone]; (lintu,
mys:) dress; ~ nenns' \vlpe (1. blow)
one's nose; perinpohjin clean . . thoroughly, glve . . a thorough cleanlng (Jkpv.:
clean-up), clean out; [sarka] rikka
ruohoista clear [a plot] Trom weeds. sii
voton untldy, unclean(ly); (takkuinen)
unkempt [bcard, parta] ; (likainen) dirty;
(kyhyyden takia)
squalld; (sdytn) (ndecent [language,
puhetapa], (sopimaton) Improper. siivot
tomuus untldlness, uncleandDness; dlrtlness, fllthlness; indecency, lniproprlcty.
siivous I. (ominaisuutena) decency, proprlety; modesty; klndness, good (1. peace
ful) nature; quletness;vrt. siivo, I; 2. (sii
voaminen) cleanlng; tidylng; (Jkpv.)cleanup; siivouden nimess for the sake or de
cency, Tor decency's Sake; perinpohjainen
thorough cleanlng (1. clean-up). ali
VOUtua - siistiyty. 2.
sila (tila) room, space; (palkka) place;
(asema) position; (klel.) case; (Istuin-)
Seat: vrt. asuin , jalan , tuli y.m.;
sijaan in return, In exchange, Instead,
(Jonkin) Instead of, In place or, In lleu or,
In return for, In exchange for, (korvauk


seksi) as a compensation Tor, to make up

. . [buom. en sijaan Instead (1. In place
1. In lleu) or that, In place thereor, (sit
vastoin) on the contrary, on the other
hand (1. Side): sen sijaan on saatu toinen
(mys:) lt has been replaeed by another.
anotber has been substltuted for it; kun
sen sijaan \vhereas, \vhile (on the other
hand)]; sijaani In my place (huom. olen
lhettnyt hnet sijaani (mys:) I have
sent hlm as a SUbStitute]; antaa sijaa jol
lekin glve scope to, give room Tor, leave
room ror, make room Tor, admit or [esim.
te antaa sijaa muistutuksille it leaves
room for crltlclsm (1. comment); se '
anna tijaa tpilyktille that leaves no room
ror doubt, that does not admlt or any
doubt] ; atettaa nti tijaan place . . first
(and roremost), place . . berore ali, give . .
the preference, vrt. asettaa; en haluaisi
olla hnen sijassaan (mys:) I wouldn't
like to be In hls shoes (1. be hlm); hnell
on huomattava be holds a promtnent
position [among .., Joidenkin joukossa],
he occuples a consplcuous place [among' ;
jd toisella sijalla stand second, corrie
(1. be) second; numeroidut sijat (teatte
rissa y.m.) numbered seats; tinun sijassasi
(ir I were) In your place, (tr I were) In
your position, (sinuna) ir I vvere you;
ttatttritta on tijaa 1000 katsojalla the
theater Is capable or holding (1. or seatlng) 1000 spectators, the theater has a
seatlng capaclty of 1000, the theater seats
(1. has accommodatlon ror) 1000 people;
vrt. tila.
sijainen (esim. opettajan y.m.) substltute;
(Joidenkin virkamiesten) deputy; Kristuk
sen the Vlcar or ChrlSt; olla jonkun si
jaisena act as a p.'s substltute, mi (1.
take) a p.'s place temporarlly; sheriffin
deputy shenlT; teettt ty sijaisella
have the work done by a substltute, employ a substltute to do the work; vrt.
sijais aine substltute: surrogate. -hallitus
regencv. -kansleri vlce-chancellor. -ku
ningas vlceroy; (Irlannin) Lord Lleutenant.
-opettaja (teacher actlng as a) substltute.
sijaisuus ks. viransijaisuus.
sijaita be situated, be located. He, stand,
be; (talossa) be accommodated, be housed
[In, Jossakin], be held; edullisella
[luonnonlhanalla] paikalla be well (1. favorably) [beautirully] situated (1. lo
cated), have a ravorable [a beautirul]
loCtlon (1. Sltliatlon); hallitut sijaitsee
(maan) pkaupungitta the governmellt
has lts seat In (1. at) the capital, the seat
or the government Is (located) In (1. at)
the capital; kirkko sijaitset: mell the
chutch stands on a rilli ; koulu sijaitsee
hnen talottaan the school Is located In his
house, (koulua pidetn) the school is
held In his house; mitta kaupunki tijaittte \vhere Is the tovvn located (1. sit
uated)? where does the town lie? sijait
seminen (tila) location. sijaitseva: jossa
kin sijaitseva situated In, located In, lying
in, standlng on (1. In).
Sljake = sijaisaine.

sijamuoto (klel.) case rorm.

sijoiltaan ks. menn, -meno dlslocatlon,
suolella = sijottaa; (klel.) decllne.
sljottaa place, locate: statlon [troops at (1.
In) .., Joukkoja Johonkin], post (vars.
sot.); (majottaa) lodge; (Ulottaa) accommodate, take In, house [Tor the night.
money In the bank, rahansa pankkiin] ;



(liikkeeseen) Invest [money In an enterprlse, rahoja liikeyritykseen] : (sovittaa

johonkin) nt in, Hx, lnsert; (kem.) subStitute; asema sinne locate a [the]
statlon there. (sot.) station a post there;
istumaan seat: ~ vahteja post (1. sta
tlon) sentries; sotajoukko oli sijotettu
kaupunkiin the troops were stationed in
the city, (majotettu) the troops were
quartered (1. bllleted) in the tovvn. sljottaminen plactng Jne., ks. edell. aijottelu
(kiel.) declenslon. sijattua place o.s., (pysyvisesti) settie, get settled; (istumaan)
seat o.s.; (majottua) put up [at, Johonkin].
sijotus placlng jne., ks. sijottaa; (rahan)
Investment; (sst-) deposit; (mat.)
Substitution; poman Investment of
capital, -metodi mcthod or substitution.
aika hog, plg; s\vlne [plur. swlne] ; (etup.
teuraaksi lihotettu) porker; ~ Si evt
the trip Teli through, (Jkpv.) the trlp dld
not pan out, (siit ei tullut mitn) nothing came or it; vrt. mets, villi.
sl kaari ks. sikari.
ika elin: sikaelimet (koll.) SWlne. -hu
mala: sikahumaiassa beastly (1. dead)
drunk; juoda itsens sihahumalaan get
beastly (I. dead) drunk. -lauma drove of
plgs (1. or hogs 1. or sutne).
sikamainen svvinish; (kuv.) base, mean,
beastly, (jkpv.) dirty, low; (hvytn) impudent: se oli teko that \vas a mean (1.
a beastly I. an impudent) act, (Jkpv.) that
was a dirty trlck. sikamaisesti swlnlshly;
(kuv.) meanly, basely; siin hn teki sika
maisesti he acted mean (1. beastly) there
(1. in that), that vvas a dirty trlck or his.
sikamaisuus svvinlshness; (kuv.) baseness,
meanness, beastllness.
sikaretti cigarette.
sikari cigar. -Imuke ctgar-holder, (etup.
Engl.) clgar-tube. -kotelo clgar-case.
-laatikko cigar-box; box o( clgars. -myy
ml cigar store; (Engl.) tobacconisfs shop.
sikarini: katkaisija ctgar-cutter. -polttaja
clgar-smoker. -ptk stump or a clgar,
clgar-stump. -savu clgar-smoke.
sikari tehdas cigar factory.
sika rotu breed or pigs (1. of s\vlne). -rutto
hog-cholera: swlne-plague. -tarha pig-pen.
sikerm (ryhm) group, cluster; vrt.
runo, thti, slker (parvi) svvarm;
(ryhm) group, cluster; vrt. edell.
sikeys heavlness, deepness, soundness. si
ke (raskas) heavy [slcep, uni]; (syv)
deep, SOIind; olla sikess unessa be fast
(1. sound) asleep, be In sound (1. In deep)
sieep. sikesti heavily; soundly, deeply.
siklinty breed; (lisnty) multlply.
sikinsokin zlgzag; (sekaisin) promiscuously, lndlscrlmlnately; helter-skelter, higgledy-plggledy, pell-mell; (pitkin ja poi
kin) crisscross.
ikiin (kasv.) ovary. sikiv(inen) proliric, productive, recund, rruitrul. slkivisyys productiveness, recundlty, liultfulness.
siki (tav. alle 5-vlikkolncn) embryo, (yli
5-vllkkoinen, syntymtn) retus; (Jlke
linen) offsprlng; (poikanen) the young,
(halveks.); sikit (poikaset) the
young, brood, (Jlkeliset) orrsprlng,
progeny, lssue [huom. kyykrmeitten si
kit (raam.) generatlon or vipers]. -kalvo
(blol.) amnlon.
sikiSnlhdettmlnen abortlon.

ikiooppl embryology.
sikkara: panna silmt sikkaraan squlnt
one's eyes, peer; silmt sikkarassa \vlth
one's eyes squlnted (1. hair shut). wlth
hair-shut eyes. -ilmainen squint-eyed,


. . wlth hair-shut eyes. -sllmlsyys (Jon

kun) [one's] being squint-eyed.
sikli (muuan raha) shekel.
siko elin animal or the hog Tamily; hoglike animal. -ltti 1. -lv 1. -pahna
pigsty; plg-pen. -paimen swlneherd. -piha
= sikatarha. -tauti (the) mumps.
sikseen: jtt jokin drop, let .. drop,
(ratkaisematta) leave . . open, let . . be
undecided, (sellalsekseen) leave . . as lt
is. (heitt) abandon, give up, qult, (lo
pettaa) lay down, tllscontlnue; jd
(semmoiseksi) remaln as it is, (raueta)
drop [huom. asia saa (\. antaa asian) jd
the matter may rest there, I [we] will
drop the matter; matka ji (matkasta
el tullut mitn) the trlp Teli through,
the trlp dld not materialize, (peruutettiin)
the trip \vas abandoned (1. was given up),
we [theyl gave up the pian (1. the
thought) or golng there]; vrt. silleen.
siksi (senthden) thercrore, Tor that reason. because or that, on account of that;
(niin) so [proud that (1. as to) . . , ylpe,
ett ..], (kyllin) .. enough, surriclently
. .: (siihen mrin) to such a degree, to
such an extent; (sikli) so far, thus (ar;
(siihen) thereto, to that, to that purpose
(1. end), (siihen tarkotukseen) ror that
(purpose); ett .. (kunnes) tili, until,
(senthden ett) because; ku(i)n [hn
tulee] tili [he comes], (kunnes) untll,
(niin kauan) as (1. so) long as, vvhtle:
min nt luulin thafs what I took
him ror: paljon, ett .. so much (so)
that . . , enough (1. surriclently) to . . ,
(siin mrin) to such a degree that . .;
pitk so long, long enough rto, lnf.],
surriclently long, or such a length [that
. .1 : se on liian pieni Tor that purpose
it is too small, It is too small Tor that;
vaikea dimcult to such a degree, so
dirrirult, surriclently dirflcult [to render
It almost lmposslble to be put through,
ett sit on melkein mahdoton toteuttaa] ;
jos tutee If lt comes to that (1. to such
a pass), (silt riippuu) lf lt depends upon
that. (siihen kehittyy) ir lt goes so (1.
that) far, vrt. niiksi; se ei kelpaa lt Is
not good enough (1. not sultable) Tor that
(purpose), lt won't do ror that.
sikuna(viina) unrectiried graln spirlts (containlng (usel-oll). sikunaljy ruscl-oll.
sikuri chicorv. -Juuri chlcory root. -kahvi
chlcory coflee.
sikli so Tar. thus rar; in so far; (siihen
mrin) ln( such a degree, to such an
extent; (sen verran) surriclently (1. enough)
rto cause discontent, ett tyytymttmyyt
t syntyi]; (samassa mrin) in (I. to) the
same degree (1. proportion), to the same
extent: (siin suhteessa) In that respect;
, erf . . so rnr that . .: kuin so (1. as)
rar as n understand the matter, min
asiaa ymmrrn], (samassa suhteessa
kuin) In proportion as, to the same extent
as. In the same degree as, (sen mukaan
kuin) as, accordlng as; kuin mahdollista
as far (1. as much) as pnsslble, vrt. mikli;
, mikli to the extent that . . , to that
extent [esim. vaaraa on olemassa , mikli
varovaisuuskeinoja laiminlydn to the
extent that prerantlons aie neglected, to
that extent danger exlsts], vrt. sikli kuin;
se on totta so (1. thus) rar lt Is true, to
that extent (1. in that respect) it Is true.
siklinen (siell oleva) . . there, . . at (1.
or) that place: (siell asuva) . . living (1.
reslding) there (1. at that place); (s.) one
(rom (1. a resldent of) that place [huom.



en o/c nhnyt kaitaan siklisi pitkiin ai

koihin I haverTt seen any one (1. any of
the people) from that place for a long
tlmej; konsuli the resident consul, the
consul (reslding) there (1. at that place);
mieliala the sentlment there, the sentlment at that place; sikliset olot (the)
condltlons (exlsting) there, the circumstances prevaillng there, the condltlons In
that place [city, country, etc.]; siklisis
s oloissa under (1. considering) the con
dltlons existing at that place [In that
tila ks. siiat.
tilaamaton unpollshed; unlurblshed. tilaa
minen pollshlng Jne., ks. silata.
tila! helyt mountlnirs. -hihna trace.
tilakka (haili) Baltic (1. small) herring;
(suolakala) salted herring.
tilan;' ly StUmi I. (a.) . . galled by the harnoss. II. (s.) gall, harness gall. -tekij
tilat harness: (kiskotus) mountings; panna
siiat hevosen] selkn harness [a horse],
put the harness on.
iltu pollsh [\vith mi, vahalla]: burnish,
rurblsh: (sivell) coat, smear, cover.
overlay [wlth, Jollakin] : (pllyst me
tallilla) plate; ~ hopealla (plate with)
Silver: - kallalla plate with gold, (kullata)
glld. ailaut pollshlng: (kulta-) glldtng,
(konkr.) gllt: (hopea) stlvering.
Hava pork rat, rat (or pork); (slanlhra)
lard. -kerrot layer of (pork) fat.
tllavaljaat mounted harness.
Hava neula larding-needle. -viipale sllce
of (pork) rat. -ljy lard-oil.
allavolda lard. silavoiminen larding.
ileyt smoothness; sleekness: evenness.
ilo* smooth [surrace, pinta]; (kiiltvn)
steek [halr, tukka] ; (tasainen) even [road,
tlol, plane, plaln: sileksi ajeltu smooth
(-shaven); silsaksi porattu kivri smoothbore(d) gun; porata sileksi bore ..
smooth. -ihoinen smooth-sklnned, . . with
a smooth skln. -karvainen smooth-halred,
(ot. kiilto-) sleek-halred.
smooth-sklnned frrult, hedelm], .. with
n smooth skln (I. Shell Jne., ks. kuori).
-lastainen (elint.) ratlte. -leukalnen . .
\vlth a smooth chln; (sileksi ajeltu)
smooth-shaven. -ottalnen . . wlth an un\vrlnkled (1. a eare-free) brow (1. loreliead). -pintainen . . wlth a smooth surface. -runkoinen . . wlth a smooth trunk.
tlllkaatti (kem. -= pllhapon suola) slllcate.
tlllnteri 1. (lieri) cyllnder; 2. (-hattu;
Jkpv.) plug (hat), vrt. seur. -hattu (silk
ki) sllk hat. -kello watch wlth a cyllnder
tllinterinmuotoinen cylindrlcal.
tllinterlpainin cyllnder press.
Uitella smooth down (1. out): (sivell)
stroke [the cat, kissaa]; (hyvill) caress,
rondle; (taputella) pat and stroke; vrt.
littaa : ~ jotakin (kuv.) smooth .. over,
pnlllate. silitteleminen, tilittely smoothIng down jne., ks. edell. silittj (vaat
teiden-) lronlng-woman, Ironer; (pesij
|a silittj) laundress. tilittminen smoothlng (down) Jne., ks. silitt, tilittmtn
. . not smoothed out: (raudalla) unlroned,
rotigh-drled. silitt smooth, (esim. tuk
kaa) smooth down, (ryppyjen oikaisemi
seksi) smooth out; flatten (out); (sivell)
stroke, rub gently, pass one's hand over;
(silitysraudalla) Iron; (sllltyskoneella)
ralenrter; vrt. rsst.
tilitys smoothlng (down); stroklng; (silitys
raudalla) lronlhg.
silitys- (yhd.) Ironing- [esim. -laula iron-


ing-board; -vaate ironlng-cloth]. -alut

irontng-blanket. -kene calender. -rauta
riat-Iron, Iron, sad-lron; vrt. rsslrauta.
silit become (1. get) smooth(er); become
(more) even: ja kiillottua become
smooth and glossy.
silkin hienoinen = ailkkihieno. -kaltainen
. . Itke silk, sllky. -kehruu sllk-splnnlng.
-kehrj silk-spinner. -kehrUm silksplnnlng-mill. -kutoja silk- vveaver. -viljelys
silk culture, ralsing (1. breeding) or silkworms, serlculture. -virjtys dyelng (or)
silkka (pelkk) mere, nothing but; ali:
(puhdas) pure: (selv) plaln; silkkaa totta
plaln (1. pure) truth, nothing but (Uie)
truth, ali truth; silkkaa vett nothing But
water, pure water; [puhui] silkkaa valetta
[told] nothing but lies.
silkki silk: hieno kuin ks. ilkkihieno.
silkki- (yhd.) sllk- [esim. -tehdas sllk-Tactory; -tehtailua sllk-manuracturer] ; (sil
kist tehty, silkkinen) sllk [esim. -hame
sllk skirt; -nauha sllk rlbbon; -sametti
sllk velvet: -sukat sllk stocklngs] ; silky,
silken [esim. -hiukset sllky (1. silken)
halr; -hohto silky luster]. -harso (kan
kaana) silk gauze, crepe, crape; (valmiina
harsona) sllk veli. -hattu sllk hat; vrt.
silkkipytty, -hieno . . (as) rine (1. sort)
as silk, silky. -hiuksinen silky-halred.
-hohtoinen . . or a silky luster. -huivi silk
scarr: sllk kerchlef. -kangas sllk, silk
materlal, silk Tabrlc; silkkikankaat sllk
sturrs, sllks, vrt. sllkkitavarat. -kankainen
. . of sllk (materlal). -karikkeet waste
sllk. -karvainen . . wlth sllky halr; silkv.
-kauppa silk trade, trade In sllk. -kauppias
sllk merchant, dealer In silk (goods).
-kehrmS sllk splnning-mlll. -kiilto silkv
luster (1. gloss). -kiiltoinen . . or (1. with)
a silky luster (I. gloss). -kotelo (silky)
cocoon. -kutomo silk (weaving-)mlll.
-lanka sllk (thread). -mato silkworm.
silkkiminen . . llke silk. silk-llke, silkv.
silkkinen (. . oD silk; silky.
silkkillpaperi sllk tissue: tlssue-paper. -per
honen (elint.) sllk-moth. -pukulnen . .
(dressed) in sllk. -pytty (lelk.) stoveplpe
hat, plug (hat). -rihkama (1. v.) silk noveltles. -tavarat sllk goods, sllks. -teolli
suus sllk Industry, -vaate ks. silkkikangas.
-vuori 1. -sisuste silk llning. -vuorinen . .
with a sllk llning, sllk-llned. -vyyhti(nen)
skein of silk.
silkkiislmarja mulberry. -mato sllkworm.
-puu (kasv.) mulberry tree; silkkiispuun
lehti mulberry lear.
sillaikaa (In the) meantime, meanwhlle; In
the interval; ~ ku(i)n whlle.
sillan Hansat brldge-truss. -arkku bridge
support; bridge-pier. -kaari arch or a
bridge, -kaidepuut raillng or a bridge.
-korva end (1. head) or a bridge: approach
to a bridge; sillankorvassa at the end (1.
the head) or the bridge, -pty abutment
(or a bridge); head or a bridge, -pvarus
(sot.) bridge-head. -rakennus constructlon (I. erecting) or a fthe] bridge: vrt.
siltarakennus. -rakentaja bridge bullder.
sillata ks. sillottaa.
sille to lt, to that; (sit varten) Tor tt, Tor
that; (eriden verbien yhteydess) at lt,
at that [esim. he vain nauroivat thev
only laughed at it] : ei mahda (\. voi)
mitn nothing can be done about lt, it (1.
that) cannot b s helped.
tiileen: jtt (sikseen) leave . . as lt Is
[was], (pttmtt) leave .. undecided.
leave . . as an open questlon, (rauhaan)
let . . alone, (el ryhty mihinkn) take no




action [In (1. upon) . .], (antaa raueta)

[\vith], head over heels in love [with] j
let .. drop (I. rest), drop; jd ~ (sik
~ tuuttuneena beside himself wlth rage,
seen) remain as it is, (pttmtt) rein a violent rage; ~ tikhtynyt terrlbly
maln (I. be lert) undecided (1. an open
Mghtened, selzed vvltii panic, panicquestlon), (raueta) be dropped, (sille kan
stricken, (Jkpv.) scared to death.
nalle) be left in that stage [huom. jkn limitysten 'race to race, racing each other.
f se) ~ let it remain as it is, let the matter silmitn . . wlth no eyes, eyeless: (sokea)
rest ttaere] ; vrt. sikseen.
blind [hate, viha]; (hikilemtn) rutbiiii herrlng. -kala herrlng.
less; (hurja) violent; reckless; (kauhuisillin- (yhd.) . . of herrlng [esim. -ladonta nen) panlc, (Jkpv.) panicky; silmittmn
1. -sutlonta packing of herrlng; -saali*
suuttumuksen vallassa in' a violent rage,
catch or herrlng; -suolaus salting or her
beside hlmseir with rage; raivo bllnd
rlng], herring's [esim. -p herring's rage. rrenzled fury; ~ sikhdys panic(ky)
head], herrlng [esim. -heimo herrlng famrright (1. terror).
tly; -raoto herrlng bone]. -pyynti ctching sllmu(kka), silmus (esim. kyden) loop,
(of) herrlng, (-kalastus) rishlng Tor her
noose, slmg: (kiemura) coll; (verkon-)
rlng. -pyyntiaika herrlng season. -pyynti
mesh; (kutlmen) stitch; (rengas) link;
paikka place to catch herrlng. -suolavesi
(pieni) cyclet; (kasv. = silmikko) bud,
herrlng brlne.
eye; vrt. surmasllmus.
ai lii J nuotta seine for ctching herrlng, her silmustaa furnlsh (1. provide) wlth loops
rlng seine. -parvi school of herrlng. -sa
(1. wlth meshes Jne., ks. silmu),
laatti herrlng salad; (1. v.) salmagundl. silm eye (mys neulan, kirveen y.m.);
-tynnyri barrel or [for] herrlng; herrlng
(pieni) eyelet; (verkon y.m.) mesh; (ku
silver-bottom tlmen)
stitch; (pelikorteissa y.m.) spot,
whale, Rudolphfs rorqual.
(katse) look, glance; (nk) sight;
illoin then, at that tlme; ~ kun when,
(nkyvist) out or slght, rrom
\vhlle; tllin novv and then, occasion[one's] sight (1. vlew) [huom. (lhde)
ally, (Joskus) at tlmes.
get out of my slght], vrt.
silloinen . . at (1. of) that tlme, (silloin val
kadota; silmin (\. silmien) eteen before
litseva 1. vallinnut) . . then prcvalling,
sight), Into a p.'s pres(esim. muoti) . . then In vogue; . . precnce, berore one, vrt. avautua; ~ silmst
valltng (1. In vogue) at that tlme; (sen
an eye Tor an eye
ajan) . . or that age (1. periofl), . . or those
and a tooth ror a tooth; silmst silmn
times; . . then existlng, . . exlstlng at that
to race [huom.
tlme; (silloin tapahtunut) . . whlch took
katsoa vaaraa silmst silmn Stand Tace
place then (1. at that tlme); ~ aika that
danger] ; silmt
tlme, those tlmes ; ~ ministeri . . who \vas
eyes, (kasvot) race [esim. katsoa jotakuta
mlnister at that tlme, the minlster at that
(1. the race)];
time; silloisissa oloissa under the condlsilmt suurina \vith one's eyes Wide open,
tlons then prevalllng, consklerlng condiWlde-eyed: avoin ~ jollekin (l. jotakin n
tions at that time, as matters (1. circumkemn) an eye open ror (1. open to destances) were then.
tect), vrt. avoin; hyvll [pahalla] silmll
si liottaa bridge (over), build a bridge over
ravorably [with disravor] ; (saada) hvet
rthe rlver, Joki]; (porrastaa) make (1.
silmns maalle (1. silmt pstns) be
fcuild) a root-bridge [over ..]; suo
(1. dreadrully) ashamed, be so
bulld a corduroy road over a svvamp. ali
ashamed as not to want to show one's
lottamaton unbrldged; .. wlth no (Toot-)
jonkun silmin edess berore
bridge, Ulottaminen, sillotus brldglng
(1. under) a p.'s [very] eyes, under the
(over) jne., ks. siilotta.
[rlght] berore a p.'s race,
that, by
berore one, In a p.*s presence, (esim. mai
withI. that,
it: ei
in a p.'s Tuli view
is no hurry (1. rm in no hurry) about
f huom. pit Jumala silmins edess kecp
that, you need not hurry about (1. wlth)
God berore one (1. in one's sight)] ; kateen
that; ~ ei vli, kuka sen saa it does not
~ eye or envy, envious eye (I. glance),
matter (1. not make any dirference) who
(pahan) an evll eye; katsella jotakin sil
gets it, no matter who gets it; ~ lailla,
nostamatta (1. kntmtt) not
tavoin in that (I. In this) manner (1. way
take one's eves orr . . , rlvet one's eyes
1. wise), by this (1. by these) means, (sit
gaze) upon; thteen (source or
menoa) at that rate, like that, (siten)
sprlng: minun silmissni In my eyes,
thus, (hyvksyen:) thafs the way! et sin a)
in my opinion (1. my judg~ pse you will not get off wlth that. ment), (lsnollessanl)
in my presence;
silli II. (sen vuoksi) ror that reason; hn
silmll keep (1. have) a
sen tekikin thafs why he dtd It.
upon, keep a
sill III. (partlk.) Tor; as, because; (net)
strlct watch upon, not let . . out or one's
namely; jos . . for ir . . , because ir . .;
en nhnyt hnt, hn oli jo ennttnyt
puuron ~ hollow In porrldge rilled wlth
lhte I dld not see him, as (l. because) he
had already left.
silm- (yhd.) eye- [esim. -kre 1. -side
silmi- (yhd.) ks. silm-.
eye-bandage], .. or the eye [esim. -lihat
silmiinpistv ks. silmnpistv.
muscle or the eye] ; (silmi varten oleva)
silmikko .(kasvin-) bud; (esim. perunan)
. . ror the eves (esim. -voide otntment ror
eye, hilum; (kyprin) vlsnr, vlzor. silmikthe eyes]. -hammas eye-tooth, canlne tooth.
kin = silmitysten. silmikoida, silmikoit
-haude compress for the eyes. -hermo
ta bud. silmlkoi(tta)minen buddlng.
nerve; (nk-) optic nerve.
silmin H nhtv apparent, obvious, manlfest;
(Ilmeinen) evident. -nhtvsti apparentlv, sllmlleminen glanclng (down) Jne.,ks.seur.
obviously, manifestly; evidcntly. -nkij silmill have a glance (1. a look) [at. JotaiiiiJa a , , ., r
km'- glance down (1. over) [the paper,
' 'S""" vlolently [angry, suuttunut] ;
sanomalehte]; eye; (katsella) look [at
beyond measure, beyond reason; (soke(l. on) ., Jotaklnl vlew- nehd vleUastl) bllndly [charmed, ihastunut]; - rakatsaus) looic ove?, surv^y, get a survey
kastunut (johonkuhun) Uead m love
(1. a general view) of; - Jotakuta fc,7rest




kantaphn eye . . from tlp to toe, Stze . .

up, take .. In (8t a glance); kirjaa
glance (l. run) over the book; [hti
sesti] Jokin lpi glanee..over (1. through)
[hurrledly], run one's eye over; ~ Jotakin
tarkkaan eye . . Closely, SCrutlnize; pinta
puolisesti silmilUssin) in glancing . .
over superflclally, from a superflclal
glance (1. examlnatlon) [of], silmily
glancing through (1. over), eyeing; viewing; survey(lng).
silmlnen (.Yhd.) . .-eyed, . . wlth . . eyes
[esim. sinl~ blue-eyed, . . vvith blue eyes;
tumma dark-eyed, . . vvith dark eyes;
vilkas .. with keen eyes, llvely-eyed].
sllminllpalvelija one who attends faithfully
to his work only vvhen vvatched, eyeservant.
-palvelut (1. v.) hypocrlsy.
-pyynti deslre or the eyes. -vilkutut
blinklnir: (merkinantona) -svinklng.
ilmaista (Jotakin. Johonkin) glance down
[the paper, lehte], take a look (1. a
glance) at, glance at; annahan kun silmisen sit Just let me take (1. have) a
look at lt; htisesti jotakin give . . a
hasty glance, east a hasty glance at, take
a hurrled look at, run (one's eye) hastlly
over; vrt. silmill.
sllmisyys (yhd.) ks. kiero, sini, vino.
sllmllkarvat eyebrow. -kehnkalvo (anat.)
silmkkin race to face.
silm kolo silmkuoppa, -kulma corner
or the eye; (ohimo) temple. -kuoppa eyesocket, orhit, -lasikotelo spectacle-case.
-lasikrme (elint.) cobra(-de-capello).
-laslnsangat (spectacle-)bows; (-kehys)
spectacle-Tramc, rlms (of the spectacles).
-lasit (eye-)glasses; spectacles. -lautanen
eyelld, lld. -lippu: (hevosen) silmliput
bllnders, bllnds, bllnkers.
silmllllpito watchlng over, keeping watch
over, superlntendence, supervision, survelllance; vvatch; (hoito) charge, care,
CUBtOdy; olla ionkun silmllpidon alaisena
be under a p.'s supervision, be vvatched
over by a p., be In a p.'s charge [huom.
olla poliisin silmllpidon alaisena be under
police surveillance; olla tarkan silmll
pidon alaisena be (kept) under a strlct
supervisioni, -pit (valvoa) vvatch (1.
keep vvatch) [over . . , Jotakin (1. Jotaku
ta)], have the supervision of, supervlse,
oversee; vrt. pit (silmll).
silmnluonti eyelld. -lke medlcine (1.
remedv) for the eye(s). -lketiede ophthalmology. -lkri eye-speciallst, ocullst; (Jkpv.) eve-doctor. -mitta: silm
mitalla measurlng by (1. with) the eye;
mrt jokin silmmitalla measure (1.
gauge) . . vvith the eye. -muna eyeball,
ball of the eye. -mr 1. (tarkotus) alm,
ohjeet; 2. (silmmitta) estlmate by the
eye; silmmrlt measurlng vvlth (1. by)
the ('s) eye; silmmrlt tehty mit
taus measurement done vvith (1. by) the
eye; pit jotakin silmmrnn have
(i. hold) . . as one's alm (1. one's objectlve)
[huom. olen aina pitnyt silmmrnni . .
(tav.) lt has alvvays been my alm to ..].
-mrinen silmvarainen. -neula needle.
silmn- (yhd.) . . of the eye [esim. -akseli
axls of the eve; -nurkka corner of the
eye]. -alus: silmnalus ajetuksissa (vvith)
a svvelllng (right) under one's eye, one's
face svvollen rlght under one's eye; sil
mnalus mustana \viili a bruise (1. a black
spot) under one's eye. -herkku reast for
(1. treat to) the eyes. -Isku vvlnk(lng);
suoda silmniskuja jollekulle make eyes at,
vvlnk at. -kantama range of slght (1. of


vision) : silmnkantamiin as far as (the)

eye can see. -kantamaton . . exceedlng
the range or (one's) vision; (aava) vast,
DOUndleSS ; silmnkantamattomiin, silmn
kantamattomissa beyond (1. out of) one's
range or vision, beyond sigbt (1. vtevv);
hipyi silmnkantamattomiin raded Into the
dlstance, dlsappeared beyond the range or
vision, vvas lost to vlevv (I. to sight).
-kanto = silmnkantama, -korea I. (a.)
pleaslng to the common eye. II. (s.) =
silmnruoka, -koreus = silmnruoka.
silmnkntj slelght-or-hand perlormer,
legerdemainlst, magiclan. -ilveily slelghtor-hand performance; rarce. -taito sleight
or hand, legerdemain; magic art. -temppu
sleight-or-hand trick; maglcian's trlck.
silmn || knt sleight or hand, legerdemain;
magic, -lume: silmnlumeeksi to lead
astrav. to delude, wlth the purpose or
deludlng (1. decelvlng). -luonti glance (or
the eye). look: vrt. silmnisku.
silmnne eye; eyelet; (lhteen) source [of
a sprlng], sprlng; vrt. silm.
silmnllpakotus (shootlng) pain In the
eye(s). -palvelija, -palvelua ks. silmin ;palvelija, -palvelus, -ruoka dellght to (1.
reast Tor) the eyes, treat to the eyes;
silmnruokaa (myS:) thingS tO dellght
the eye. -rp(hd)yksellinen instantaneous. lnstant: momentary. -rp(hd)ya (alkup.) tvvlnkling (or an eye), twlrtkle;
(tav.) moment, instant; silmnrpyksess
in a moment, in an instant, In a [the]
tvvlnkling or an eve, in a riash, (palkalla)
on the Instant. instantaneously, instantly,
(heti) immediatelv: tll (1. sill; silmn
rpyksell on the Instant, at a momenfs
notlce. -rpysvalokuva snap-shot. -srky
= silmnpakotus. -tulehdus inriammatlon
or the eve(s): (lk.) ophthalmla. -val
kuainen \vinle or the eye; (anat.) sclerotlc
coat. -vilkutus = silminvilkutus.
siima pari two eyes; skeniv silmpari
two sparkling eyes. -pasko (lk.) trachoma. -peili ophthalmoscope. -pieli cor
ner or the eye. -puhe talking or the eyes.
-puoli I. (a.) one-eyed. H. (s.) one-eyed
person, -ripsi eyelash, eyewinker; silm
ripset eyelashes. -rohdot = silmlke.
-sairas . . surrerlng rrom an arrectlon or
his eves, . . with diseased eyes.
ailmstys buddlng, lnoculatlon. sllmst
lnoculate, grart by buddlng, bud.
silmitauti dlsease or the eye(s), eyedlsease, (Jkpv.) eye-trouble. -ter pupll
(or the eye); hn oli idin silmter (kuv.)
he vvas the (very) apple or his mother's
eye, he was his mother's treasure. -ternkeh Iris. -tikku: olla jonkun silmtikkuna
be an eye-sore to, be an orrense to, be a
thorn In the flesh (1. the side) to.
silmtysten sllmltystsn.
silmt ks. silmill, silmlst.
silm! vamma arrectlon (1. complaint) or the
eye, ocular arrectlon; (Jkpv.) eye-trouble.
-varainen . . measured by (I. vvith) the
eye, (llkimainen) approxtmate. -varaisarvio(inta) measurement (1. estlmate) by
the eve. -varjostin shade Tor the eyes.
-vesi eye-vvater, eyc-wash; (lk.) collyrlum. -vika = silmvamma, -voide (tav.)
eye-salvc. -vuoto runnlng or the eyes.
silmys (katse) look, glance; (nkeminen)
slght; (silmily) lnspection, survey; ensi
silmykselt at the Hrst glance (1. slght).
silmminen ks. silmileminen.
sllmnolstv consplcuous; strlking [resemblanco, yhtlisyys], remarkahle; (il
meinen) obvlous, evldent; (huomattava)
promlnent [feature, piirre]; ero strik



tn? difrerence, conspicuous (1. noticeable)

Iloinen sile.
silo hanslkranahka viet kld. -kallio (g-eol.)
flr6sscd rock
silottaa smooth: (esim. paperia) calender;
(mankeloida) mangle; (viimeistell) finistl; (kiillottaa) glOSS; silotettu paperi
satln paper, supercalendered paper; vrt. si
litt, silottaminen smootblng Jne.,ks.edell.
silpaiseminen slashlng Jne., ks. seur. silpaista (leikata) slasli, Kasli, cut; (siepata)
snatch [one's sword out or the scabbard,
miekkansa tupesta], silpalsu slasb, gash;
silpiminen shelling Jne.,ks. silpi, sllpimtn
. . not shelled (1. hulled 1. husked); . . not
plcked over. silpii shell [peas, herneit],
iiull, husk; plck over; (riipi) strlp ofr.
silpoa mutllate, malm; slash . . to pleces;
(palotella) cut up, cut . . to pleces; (re
pi) tear . . to pleces, tear up; ~ jsenet
joltakulta mutllate (1. malm 1. mangle)
a p.; vrt. silputa.
silpoherne garden-pea wlth non-edlble pods.
silpominen mutllattng Jne., ks. siippa; mutllatlon.
silposuonlnen (kasv.) parallel-nerved.
silpoutua be mutllated, be malmed; be cut
up (1. Into pleces); be torn to pleces (1.
up); (ruhjoutua) be mangled; vrt. silpoa.
silppu chopped straw; chaff; (ape) miish.
silppuaminen chopplng Jne., ks. silputa,
ailppukone reed-cutter, chafr-cutter. sil
puta (hakata pieniksi palasiksi) chop, cut
up, cut . . Into small pleces (1. bits); (teh
d silpuiksi) chop (1. cut up) . . Into charf,
reduce . . to chaff; (murentaa) crumble.
silta bridge; (laituri-) pler, Jetty; (lattia)
floor; (koroke) platform; vrt. asema,
laiva', maa, vaunu y.m.
silta -arkku - sillanarkku. -lankku 1. -palkki
plank (1. board) or (1. In) a brldge-floor;
(lattia-) plank of (1. In) a floor. -paalu
plle of a bridge (1. a pler 1. a Jetty).
-patsas column (1. plllar) on a bridge;
(tuki-) pler or a bridge, -pukki trestle.
-raha bridge toll. -rakennus bridge buildlng; olla tyst siltarahennuhsella WOrk 011

the construction (1. the' bulldlng) of a

ai Iti (kuitenkin) hovvever, yet, still, for ali
that: (silt huolimatta) nevertheless, notvvithstandlng: (senthden) thererore. Tor
tbat reason, becaused.on account) of that.
siitit -= il ti. siltansa ks. sinns.
silvonta -- silpominen.
sima (mesi) honey; (-Juoma) mead, (vanh.)
metheglin. simainen . . as svveet as honey,
honey-svveet; (kuv.) honeycd.
sima Juoma mead; (vanh.) metheglin. -lei
vos cruller. -suinen (kuv.) . . vvitb sweet
lips, honey-sweet; (mcslsanainen) honeytongued.
vvlth svveet-suu
llps, I.the(s.)svveet
II. person
(a.) =
8imo Simeon; Simon.
simpanssi (ellnt.) chimpanzee.
imppu (ellnt.) sculpin.
simpukankuori mussel Shell.
simpukka (ellnt.) bivalve: (nklnkenk)
mussel, clam; shell. -elin bivalve. -hiekka
Simson (raam.) Samson.
simssl (katto-) cornicc; (plenaus) mo(u)Iding. -hyl mo(u)idlng-plane.
sinapinsiemen mustard seed; (raam.) graln
of mustard. sinappi mustard.
alnappi- (yhd.) mustard(-) [esim. -haude
mustard poultlce; -lusikka mustard spoon;
-ljy mustard-oill.
-laastari mustard
plaster, slnaplsra. -taikina mustard plasbridge.


ter; mustard poultlce. -tlkki 1. -purkki

mustard Jar, mustard pot.
sinelli: sotamiehen overcoat of a soldier's
sinerrys blue tlnge. sinerty become (1.
turn) blulsh, shade Into blue, fade Into a
blue. sinertminen sinerrys. sinertv
bluish, . . shading into blue, . . vvlth a blue
shade (1. tlnge). sinert have a blue
tlnge, have a blulsh color, be blulsh.
sinerv = sinertv.
sinetin kalvertaja seal-engraver. -lunastus
payment for arrixing the seal [to], -pano
seallng. afflxlng the seal [to, Johonkin].
-rikkominen breaking (of) the seal.
sinetitn . . vvlthout a seal.
sinetti seal: (Joskus:) slgnet. -lakka seallng wax. -sormus signet-rlng, seal-rlng.
sinet make (1. color) . . blue; put blulng
In, blue.
sinetid seal. arrix a [the] seal [to].
sinetiminen seallng Jne., ks. edell.
sinfonia Symphony, -konsertti Symphony
concert. -kuoro sympbony chorus.
singahdella sinkoilla, slngahdus hurl,
fllng, throw. slngahdutella be hurllng; be
shootlng: send .. flylng (1. spinnlng);
lumivyry singahdutteli suuria kivi ilmaan

the avalanche sent big rocks flylng (1.

spinnlng) through the air; vrt. seur. singahduttaa hurl, fllng, sllng; let . . ny,
send . . ri.ving. send . . spinnlng; (viskata)
throvv, dart; (purkaa, esim. tulivuori:)
shoot [. . into the air, limaan], throvv out,
eject; singahduttaa syytksi jotakuta vas
taan hurl (1. fllng) accusatfons against.
singahduttaminen hurllng Jne., ks. edell.
singahtaa fly (out); (tulla viskatuksi) be
hurled (1. flung 1. throvvn); (esim. tuli
vuoren aukosta) be hurled (1. throvvn)
out, be ejected; vrt. sinkoilla.
singota = singahtaa; vrt. sinkoilla.
sini I: ... kuni as . . , SO . .; vrt. sikli
sini II. umit.) slne.
sini III. (the) blue; (-vri) blue color;
taivaan the blue of the sky (1. the
heavens), the azure (of the sky).
sini- (yhd.) blue- [esim. -ruutuinen bluecheck(er)ed; -silmuinen blue-eyed] ; (sini
nen) blue [esim. -nauha blue rlbbon;
-silkki blue sllk]; (sinertvn-) blulsh
[esim. -keltainen blulsh yellovvl. -hai
(ellnt.) great blue shark. -hallava =
siniharmaa, -happo (kein.) prusslc acld,
hydrocyanlc acld. -harmaa blulsh gray,
slate-blue, slate-colored. -hohtoinen . .
shlmmering (1. shlnlng) in blue. -Juovai
nen . . vvlth blue strlpes (I. streaks), bluestrlped, blue-streaked. -Jljenns blueprint. -Jljennspaperi blue-prlnt paper.
-kalvo (Jrven) the smooth (and) blue
surface [of the lake]. -kansi: taivaan slistkansi blue sky, blue vault above, blue
vault Of hcaven. -kopio = sinijljenni.
-laki sinikansi. -levt (kasv.) bluegreen algae. -marja black and blue spot,
brulse causlng discoloratlon. -musta bluish
black, blue-black, llvld.
sininen blue.
sinillnrhi (common European) roller. -piika
(mytol.) vvood-nymph; dryad. -pilkkuinen
blue-spotted, blue-speckled, . . spotted (1.
speckled) vvlth blue. -punainen purple;
violet, (vaaleampi) lilac. -punerva . . vvlth
a purple tlnge, purplish; vrt. edell. -puu
logvvood. -raitainen " sinljuovainen.
slnls sini s, ks. sini, I.
sinisen- (yhd.) blulsh [esim. -vihre blulsh
green]; blue- [esim. -kirjava bluespeckled]. -kalpea llvld. -viluinen . . blue
vvlth cold.



ini silm l. (s.) a blue-eyed person; 2.

(a.) l)iue-eyed. -simpukka (elint.) edibie
mussel. -*or*a (elalnt.) Wild duck, mallard.
inittyi becotne (I. get 1. grow) blue.
im taivu blue sky, blue beaven(s), azure
(sky). -tauti blue Jaundlce; cyanosls.
sinitt ks. sinet.
ini tplinen Ks. sinipilkkuinen.
(elalnt.) blue vvlialc. Sibbald's rorqual.
-valkea I. -valkoinen blue and whlte; (si
nertvn-) hluisd white. -vuokko (com
mon) hepatlca; liverwort. -vri (the) blue
iniinen (elint.) youngr (1. Small) smelt.
inkata (puus.) dovetall.
sinkauttaa - singahduttaa.
sinkil (puristin) cramp, i:lanip;(haka)hook.
slnkitseminen zinc(k)lng; galvanizlng, galvanization.
sinkitt, sinkit* zinc; (galvanoida) galvanize. slnkitys sinkitseminen.
sinkkaua duvetail.
inkkl (metalli) zlnc.
sinkki- (yhd.) zlnc [esim. -astia zlnc vessel;
kaivos Zinc niini'; -sulfaatti ZII1C SUlpliate].
-laatta zinc plate. -lanka zinc wlre, (gal
vanoitu) galvanlzed wlre. -levy zlnc plate;
(galvanoitu) galvanlzed Iron. -levykatto
roof of galvanlzed lion. -malmi zlnc ore.
inkkinen zlnc, . . of zinc.
sinkki oksidi zlnc xlde. -pelti zlnc plate;
sheet zlnc. -pllystys zinc(k)ing; (gal
vanoiminen) galvanizlng. -salva zinc salve.
-suola zinc sait. -salpa zlnc spar; calamln(e). -tomu 1. -aavu zlnc-dust. -valkea
1. -valkoinen zlnc whlte. -vihtrilli zinc (1.
white) vitiini, -vlke (miner.) spbalerlte,
(zinc) blende.
sinkoilla fly laround, ymprlns], riy up,
be flylng (up), lie blown (1. nurled 1.
tltrovvn) up L in tlte air. Ilmaan]; skenet
sinkoilivat ympiirins the SparkS fle\V (1.
were Dylng) ali around.
alnne tbere, (runok. Joskus:) thlther; ~
mentess on the ay tbere, \vliile vve
[they] were going tbere; saavuttaessa
uiton aiTlving tbere; ~ tnne here and
there, hither and thlther, one \vay and the
other, (edestakaisin) to and rro, up and
down [huont. milloin , milloin tnne now
here, I10W there; se ei vaikuta eik tnne
thafs ncither here nor there, tltat makes
no dirretence, (Jkpv.) that does not cut
any flgure].
sinnepin In that dlrectlon, that way; towards that; (suunnilleen niin) thereabouts;
(lhes) approxlmately; jotakin somethltiK llke tltat, somethlng to that errect;
se ei ole sinnepinkn thafs (I. you are)
far from the mark, you are not even on
the rlght track, it's nothing or the kind (1.
the sort).
slnnetulo arrlval (there).
sinni ks. sisu.
sinoperi (miner.) rlnnabar; (punainen maaIivari) vermllion.
alntu blnlsh \vatery buttcrmilk; \vatered
III i I k ; vrt. kurnaali.
sinunlainen 1. (a.) .. of your kind (1.
quality 1. type), . . llke you; sinunlaisesi
mies a fiian or your kind (1. type), a man
llke you. II. (s.) your peer (1. equal);
sinunlaisillesi (tav.) for men of your kind,
for men llke you.
sinutella (jotakuta) call one by hls rirst
nanie, address one ramlliarly, (harvoin:)
thou. sinutteleminen, sinuttelu (Jonkun)
calling one by hls first name.
sini I. (raam., runokieless y.m.) thou;
(tav. puheessa:) you.
sin II: ~ aikana durlng that tlme; ~ min
olen sit pitnyt t hats what I have consldered (1. tbougbt) lt to be, thafs what I


bave taken lt for; ~ pivn (on) that

day; vrt. seur.
sinns, sinn (semmoisenaan) as lt Is, as
sucb, in that Shape (1. conditlon); (tuol
laisenaan) like that; sinns se myytiin
(sellaisenaan) lt was soid as it is [it as; .
sinn min sen ostin I bought it as lt is,
I bougbt lt in that sbape (1. condition) ;
anna sen olla sinn let it be (as it IM.
let it alone, leave it as lt is.
Sion Zion. aioniatinen: sionistinen liike
Zlonlst movement, Zlonlsm.
sipaiseminen grazlng Jne., ks. seur. sipaista
(hipaista) graze, brush, skim [the surface
of the water, vedenpintaa], shave: (kos
kettaa) touch (llgbtly); (pyyhkist) stroke
hurriedly; sweep; (vetist) strfke ia
match, valkea tulitikkuun] (hurriedly);
(SitmalSta) lash; sipaista jotakuta korvalle
give a p. a box (1. a slap) on tbe ear.
sipaisu = sipaiseminen,
sipttle = sirpale.
Siperia Slberla; Siperian rata Trans- Siberian rallroad. siperialainen (a. & a.)
Sipi ks. rantasipi.
sipin wnlsper(ing). sipiseminen whispering. sipisiji wbisperer. opista wbisper;
(kuv.) mlnce (one's words).
sippura: silmt sippurassa . . \vilh squlnting
eyes, with one's eyes squinted (up).
siprist: ~ silmin squint ones eyes, peer.
sipsuttaa tnp; (et. teeskennellen) mlnce.
sipsuttaminen tripplng; mlnclng. sipsutus
trlpplng; mlnclng; trip (or the feet).
sipuli onlon; (pieni laji) shallot; (valko-)
garllc; (ruoholaukka) chlves; (purjolaukka) leek; (kasvinosana) bulb. -kastike
creamed onlons. -kaavi bulbous plant,
bulb; (ahtaammassa merkityksess) onlon.
-kupoli 1. -kupu (rak.) bulbous dome.
aipulimainen bulbous, bttlb-shaped.
sipulin- (yhd.) . . of (an) onlon, onion(-)
[esim. -haju smell of onlon, onion smell;
-ker bulb of an onion, onion-bulb; -maku
taste of onion, onlon taste].
sipuliljy oli or onlons; (kem.) allyl suirid.
sirahdus (littlc) drop. sirahtaa ooze out (1.
forth); leak out; (tipahtaa) drop; sielt
sirahti hiukan nestett a llttle llqtlid oozed
(1. leaked) out or there; vrt. pirahtaa.
sirahvi (elint.) glrario.
sireeni I. (kasv.) lilac.
sireeni II. (mytol.; sumu-) slren.
sireeni- (yhd.) . . of lllacs, lilac- [esim.
-aita hedge of lllacs, lllac-hedge; -maja
arbor of lllacs, lilac-arbor; -pensas lllacbush].
sireenilaulu slren song.
sireeninlikukka lilac. -tuoksu fragrance of
sirin sizzle, stzzilng; chlrp(tng); sirkan
chlrpdng notes) of the crlcket. siristell
-- sirist, siristi .sizzle; (esim. sirkasta:)
cliirp; vrt. pirist.
sirist: ~ silmin squlnt one's eyes, blink
one's eyes, peer.
siritt: sirkka - the ericket cblrps (1. is
chirping l. is singing). siritys chlrp(lng);
sirkka ericket [huom. koti~ house-crlcket] ;
vrt. hein.
sirkka!, lehti (kasv.) seed-lear, cotyledon.
-lehtinen (kasv.) cotyledonal.cotyledonous.
sirkkeli 1. (ympyr) Circle; 2. (harppi)
compasses, dlvlders; 3. = pyrsaha. -saha
ks. pyrsaha.
Sirkku, sirkkunen (elint.) bunting; vrt.
sirkus clrcus. -rakennua circus (buildlng).
-tirehtri circus manager.
sirkuttaa (visert) cblrp, t\vitter, chlrrup.
slrkutua cblrp(lng), tvvltter, cblrrup.

iro (siev) pretty; (-muotoinen) wellformed, well-sbaped; (solakka) slender;
(miellyttv, hieno) graceful [motlon, lii
ke], elegant; (siisti) neat, nlce, spruce,
trim; p pretty (1. well-formed 1. wellshaped) liead; vartalo pretty (1. grace
ful) Torm, well-formed body. -muotoinen
well-rormed, well-shaped; slender; vrt.
seur. -rakenteinen . . neatly bullt, wellshaped, well-rormed, shapely; (esim. laiva)
. . of (1. wltti) graceful Iines, -ruumilnen
. . witb an excellent flgure, well-bullt,
well-rormed; handsome.
irostella: ~ itsen spruce (o.s) up. sirotti
prettily; gracerully, elegantly; neatly;
vrt. siro. sirostua become (more) pretty
(1. neat); vrt. siro.
sirotekoinen . . nlcely (1. neatly) done. . .
neatly made, neat, gracerul; vvell-built;
vrt. siro.
sirotella (be) strew(lng), (be)sprlnkle;
hittoa kytvll strew sand on llie walk.
sirottaa strew [riowers, kukkia; sand, hie
taa], sprlnkle [sait, suolaa], (etup. run.)
besprlnkle; (hajottaa, levitt) spread,
scatter [about (I. broadcast), ymprlnsa] ;
kuhilla sirotettu strewn \vith flowers. si
rottaminen strewlng Jne., ks. edell.
irotinen sirotekoinen.
sirous prettlness; pretty (1. graceful) form,
beautirul shape; slenderness; gracefulness,
elegance; neatness, trlmness; vrt. siro.
sirpale (pirstale) spllnter, Silver; (esim.
saviastian) shard; (siru) chip; (palanen)
rragment, plece, blt; sirpaleiksi (mys:)
Into shatters. Into shlvers [buom. menn
sirpaleiksi (mys:) be shattered, be
smashed (to pleces), vrt. menn] ; lasin
sirpaletta broken (bits of) glass; vrt.
pirsta, pirstale.
irpinmuotoinen slckle-sbaped. sirppi slckle.
sirppimainen = sirpinmuotoinen.
sirrilln: silmt ~ (levlln) witb one'S
eyes Wide open.
sirritt spraui, spread out.
sirriinen (ellnt.) sandplper; (ranta-) knot.
iru(nan) chip, rragment, partlcle, (llttle)
plece; (sle) spllnter; (muru) crumb; vrt.
sirpale, plrsta(le).
sisar slster; vrt. laupeuden.
sisar- (yhd.) slster, (kaksois-) twln [esim.
-kieli slster language; -laivat slster shlps,
twln shlps].
sisarellinen slsterly [love, rakkaus], sisarellisuus slsterly attltude.
sisaren- (yhd.) slster's [esim. -lapsi si*ter's
chlld], -murha sororiclde. -murhaaja sororlcide. -poika nephew, [one's] slster's
son. -tytr nlece, [one's] slster's daughter.
sisarpuoli half-slster; stepslster.
sisarukset ohildren of the same parents;
sisarusten lapset flrst couslns [huom. he
ovat sisarusten lapsia (mys:) their mothers are Sisters] ; he ovat (pojasta Ja ty
tst:) they are brother and sister (kah
desta tytst:) they are slsters; he ovat
sisaruksia (useammasta puhuen:) they are
brothers and slsters.
sisarus- (yhd.) . . or (brothers and) slsters
[esim. -piiri circle of (brothers and) sls
ters: -ryhm group of (brothers and) Sis
ters), -pari two Sisters; brother and slster.
-Joukko: sisarusjoukossa among (1. In the
circle of) brothers and Sisters, -rakkaus
love of (1. betvveen 1. for one's) brothers
and slsters.
sisaruus slsterhood.
sisarvuode bed loi- Sisters (and brothers);
(yhteis-) bed used In common.
slselidi chlsel; (pakottaa metallia) cbase,
encbase. siseliminen chlsellng; chaslng,


slsempi lnner, lnterlor; sisemmt osat Inner

(1. lnterlor) parts, (elimelliset) lnternalparts.
Sisilia Slclly. sisilialainen (a. & s.) Slclllan.
sisilisko lizard; (-elin) saurlan; vrt. rupiitsko, vesilisko.
sisimminen lnnermost, lnmost. sisin lnnermost, lnmost; sisimpn rarthest In,
lnnermost; maan sisimptin osiin to the ln
nermost parts (1. the beart) or the coun
try; sielunsa sisimmss m one's lnner
most soul, tn one's beart of hearts.
slsko slster.
sissi guer(r)Ula (soldler); (meri-) freebooter. -pllikk chler or a guerrllla
band, guerrllla chler. -sota guerrllla \varrare. -soturi guerrllla soldler.
sisu (rohkeus) heart, courage, nerve, (Jkpv.)
pluck; (luonto) temper, disposition; (sap
pi) gall; (ltseplsyys) obstinacy, obstlnate
splrlt; hanalla oli sisua tehd st (Jkpv.)
he bad the gall to do lt; minulla ti olt
sisua tehd sit I have not the beart to do
lt, I can not brlng myseir to do lt; paha ~
bad (1. headstrong) disposition; sill mithtll on sisua yritt that mau has courage
to persevere. that man certainly has perseverance. sisulnen ks. pahasisuinan. sisu
kas (bltterly) perslstent, headstrong; persevering; (rohkea) bold, audaclous; sisukas
miss perse vering (1. headstrong 1. bold) man.
sisus the Inside, the lnterlor; (Jyvn y.m.)
kernel; (leivn) sort portlon; (ydin) pulp;
sisukset ks. sislmykset; maan sisukset
the boxvels or the earth. -hermosto sympathetlc nervous System, -kipu Internal
|i.imiM. -loinen (blol.) entozon; sisustoiset entozoa, -pohja (kengn) lnner sole.
sisusta the Inside, the lnterior.
sisustaa fit up, (kalustaa) rurnlsh; (varus
taa slsusteelia) line [a coat, takki];
(keltt.) sturr. aisuatamaton (kalustamaton) . . not rurnished, unfurnlshed; (slsusteeton) . . not lineo, . . vvithout linlng,
unllned. sisustaminen Iittiin? up Jne., ks.
sisuste linlng. -vanu Cotton (used) Tor linlng.
sisustus (lnterlor) rurnlshings, nttlngs;
(esim. kauppaliikkeen) rixtures; (huone
kalut) 1'uriuliire; (sisustaminen) 1'itting
up, Turnlshlng.
sisusvaiva = sisuskipu.
sis: sis|(le, -U, -It, -ss. -st, -n ks.
sis- (yhd.) lnner. Inside [esim. -huone ln
ner (1. inside) room; -ikkuna lnner (1.
Inside) wlndow; -tasku Inside pocket),
lnterlor [esim. -Anone lnterlor cnamber;
-pinta lnterlor surrace; -sein lnterior
\vall]; (sisinen) Internal [esiin, -politiikka
internal politics; -tauti internal dlsease] ;
(sismaa-) lnland [esim. -jrvi tnland
lake; -meri lnland sea]. -asiainministeri
mlnlster or the lnterlor; (1. v. Yhdysv.)
Secretary or the lnterlor; (Engl.) Home
Secretary, (vlrall.) Secretary or State Tor
the Home Department, -elin lnner organ;
siselimet ks. sislmykset, -eronto (klel.)
elative (case).
sisinen lnner, lnward. Inside, Internal [purlty, puhtaus; trouble, hiri]; lnterlor
[organlzatlon or business, liikkeen Jrjes
tely], lntrlnslc [value (1. worth), arvo],
lnherent, lnhorn; (kotimainen) home, domestlc; minni my lnner man; muut
toliike domestic mlgration, migration within the country; paikallissija (klel.) ln
terlor (1. Internal) local case; sota (kan
sallis-) Civil war; sisiset osat (ruumiin)
Internal parts [or the body] ; vrt. sisllinen.
sisH katto celllng. -kaupunki the lnner part
or the city; (keski-) central part or the
city, heart or the city; vrt. keskikaupunki.
siskkin one wltbln (I. Inside of) tbe otner.



etsikko cJnmber-maid, maid.

Mi karva tnteroal ear. labyrintti. -tm
islle -==stslliaaa umer; (ninmiln-) mternal, Inwarl: (sislmys-) intesunal: tmrvm inn*r iant ii nee>i); temti mternal disease: m. sisin*. sisllisesti intercaily:
IDaxrllV; sieXlisnti mmmtittmvmksi to i>e
taken (L used) internally, for mternal use.
sisllissota Civil war.
sisllyksetn . . saying/ (L te!Imr) Bothina-;
mnnmri>w (tyhj) empty. inane, vacuous. sisllyksinsn les. sisltiaeasisllys (kirjan yjn. contents: (aine) subject-matter; (tarkotus, merkitys) meamng,
sirmficalion. purport, l>ea.-.n^, ter^or: hmm
kirjetti kirjeen, fonkm eii rl. jokm mli
sismttykseitmjt ) traramc (myS:lhe TOte
a letter to Uus erfect: jonkin pmeerimtlin^n
(mys:) toe siibstance of. -luettelo
(table oO ccntents; t aakkosellinen) index,
-rt ka* = sisltDrikassisllytt lnclude, lake m, embrsce. incorporate.
slli In, \riUun, inside; (huoneessa) indijr<; vrt. pysy.
sisllks = sisltorikas.

stslmys: sisMbmykset entrails, viscera, (vat

san) bovrels, intestines; ijkpv.) insides:
mttmm <\- mmistsm) sislmykset take Out tbe
entrails or, < teuraselimist) dlsembowel,
evi-eerate, 'esim. liriimisla Ja jniksist)
draw, (kaloista) gut, clean. -hermosto
(anat.) symiathetic nervous system. -mato
lntt-stinai uurm.
sislty (johonkin) be included In, be contained in, be comprised in, be embraced
in be taken in, be lncorporated in, (olla
osana) form a part of, (kuulua) enter in
to sisltyyk se sopimukseen (myS:)
d<#s tbat enter into tbe agreement? is
that provided for in tbe agreement? siihen
sisltyy niin montm itikkaa so many circumstances (1. factors 1. Incldents) are
Included in (1. are involved in 1. enter into)
that ' thn summaan ei sislly vuokraa
(kuulu) tbis sum does not lnclude (tbe)
islt from tbe Inside, from wlthln; (huo
neesta, mys:) from indoors; (sispuolel
ta) inwardly, Internally, (on tbe) Inside,
wittiln; ja ulina (esirn. maalata) on the
Inside as neli as the outside, inside as well
as outside, (raam.) wlthln and wlthout.
-ksin from tbe Inside, from wltbln. -luku
reading from tlie book; (neen-) reading
sislt contaln, hold; lnclude; (ksitt)
comprlse; involve; Imply; (merkit) pur
port; Sig*nlfy; > sislt saman ajatuksen
(mys:) . . carries the same idea; ehdotus
~ paljon tbe proposition comprises (1.
involves) a great deal, the proposition Includes a great many polnts (1. questlons),
(merkitsee) the proposition implles a great
deal; hopeaa [kultaa Jne.] sisltv ks.
hopeanpitoinen, kullanpitoinen jne.; ohjel
ma sislsi viisi kohtaa the program com
prlsed (1. contalned 1. included) flve
points; se ~ suuren vaaran It involves (a)
great danger; rm lke opiumia this
medicine rontains opium, oplum is one of
the ingredients of this medicine.
sislt ra sisllys; kirjan ~ oli pasiassa
seuraava the general (1. the princlpal)
contents of tlie book were as follows, the
substance (1. the purport) of the book
was as rollows.
sisltinen: mink ~ of \vhat contents?
(mit sisltv) contalnlng what? sen ~,
ett . . of SUCh contents that . .; seuraavan
~ of the followlng contents, (nin kuulu-


va).. reading (1- srorded) ibus. sislln kas

. . fnll of (1. rich in) subject-matter (1.
useful know!edge), . . full of Information.
sis luku (oppiaineena koulussa) reading;
mv .s = sultlakn. -lukuharjotus reading
eiercise. -luomi (siiman) nictitating membrane. -lhetys home mission, -lhetysty
bome mission (work); tehd sislhetys
tyt do home mission(ary) work.
sismaa mland, interior (1. inner part) of
tbe country; himuu inland, in tbe In
terior (1. tbe inner partsi of the country.
in tbe interior. -J inland ice (of conti
nental rlaciers). -kaupunki inland town;
(suuri) inland city; town [city] In tbe
interior or tbe country.
siamaalajiMfi: sUmmalaiset people from
tbe intenor (of the country), sismaanilmaisto) climate of tbe interior, inland
sis ministeri = sisasiainministeri, -mi
nisteri department ror mternal affairs;
(Yhdysv.) Department of the Interior;
'Engi.) Home Department, (huoneisto)
Home Office, -neitsyt = siskk, -olento
(kiel.) inessive (case), -oppilas student
livuur on tbe campus, dormltory glrl[boy]: boarding-scbool pupll: vrt. seur.
-oppi las laitos school (1. institution)
numtaming dormitories; (jossa kalkki op
pilaat saavat tysihoidon) boarding-school.
-osa (Jonkin) inner (1. Interior 1. internal)
part Ofj, tbe Interior [Of]; smmren sis
osassa in the interior (part) of tbe island.
-palvelijatar = siskk -pohja inner sole:
i kengn sisn pantava) Insole. -poliittinen
. . concerning tbe internal politics; mUSpoliittinen kysymys question of internal
politics. -puoli the Inside, tbe interior,
the Inner side; (jonkin) sispuolella in
side, within, on the inside [or]; sispuo
inside, (on
talo the
on maalattava
ulkopuoletta (mys:) tbe interior (I. tbe
Inside) of the house has to be painted as
well as the exterior (1. the outside)].
-puolinen inside, inner, interior. -reuna
Inner edge (I. border 1. margin). -sein
Interior (1. inner 1. Inside) wall; (vli-)
sisss: jonkin in (1. with:n) ... Inside
(1. In tbe interior) of. Inside . .; vrt. sisl
l, sisst: jonkin sisst from the inside
or, out Of [huom. kalan sisst lytyi . .
they round . . Inside the ftsh] ; vrt. sislt,
sistulento (kiel.) Illatlve (case),
sistysten siskkin.
sisvesi 1. (jrvi) inland lake; sisvesien
laivaliike sisvesiliikenne; sisvesill on
the inland vaters (1. lakes); 2. (korvan)
endolymph. -liikenne inland navigation.
sisn In(to), Inside, within; akkunasta
[ovesta] in at (1. tbrough) the \vlndow
[the door] ; kuuta tunkeutui seinst ~
the bullet entered (1. came in) tbrougb
the wall.
sisnjtt (hakemuksen y.m.) filing, putting In, handing In; (anomuksen) presentation. -aika tlme to hand in; time set for
handing in. -todistus receipt (acknowledging the filing of . .).
sisn kanto carrylng (1. bringlng 1. taking)
in. -kasvanut lngrown, . . grown In. -kirJottaa enter ra p.'s name (1. a p.), Joku],
put [a p.s name] on the books (1. the
reglster); (rekisterid) register [a letter. kirje], enroll. enlist, (yliopistoon)
matriculate r In (I. at) a university].
-kirjotus registration (mys kirjeen),
enrollment: matriculatlon; vrt. edell. -klrlotusmaksu registration fee; (seurojen
y.m.) lnitiatlon fee; (yliopistoissa) matric


ulatlon fee. -kirjotutta* (esim. kirje) sitkos paste.
have . . regtstered; sisnkirjotuttaa it sitoa blnd (mys kuv.); (solmita) tie;
sens johonkin (jseneksi y.m.) have o.s.
(kiinnitt) rasten (1. rix 1. attach) [to,
enrolled (l. reglstered) In, have one's Johonkin]; (liitt yhteen) cement; (kuv.)
name entered (l. put) on the books or, conrine, restraln, rctter, (velvottaa) oblige;
(yliopistoon) matriculate in. -kytv ~ haava blnd (1. bandage) a wound, (puh
entrance. -lmpiv . . wlthout a chlmney distaa Ja sitoa) dress a wound; ~ [koiran]
(-stack). -murto burglary. -painunut kaulaan tie . . around the [dog'sl neck;
sunken; sisnpainuneet posket sunken (1. ~ kiinni tie, fasten [vvith. Jollakin]; hitch
hollow)checkS; sisnpainunut rinta Sunk
[one's horse to, hevosensa Johonkin] ;
en (1. hoIlow 1. narrovv) chest. -piirretty ~ kirja blnd a book [In cair, vasikan(geom.) Inscribed [Circle, ympyr], -piin nahkakansiin] ; ~ Jonkun kdet [seln
lnward(s),towards the interior; sisnpin taakse) tie (i. blnd) a p.'s hands [behlnd
kntyneet jalat teet turned in(vvards) his back], pinlon a p.; ~ luutia make
[on account of derormlty].
brooms; [hevosensa] pylvseen tie
sisnpsy admission, admittance, access;
[one's horse] to a post; ~ seppeleit
(-tulo) entrance; (on) vapaa (the) ad
make (1. blnd) wreaths; ~ Jonkun silmt
mission (is) rree; vapaa free admission bandage (1. cover) a p.'s eyes, bllndrold
(1. admittance); vrt. psy. -kortti 1. -lippu a p.; skin suu tie (up) a sack; ~ yhteen
ticket (of admission). -maksu admission bind (1. tie 1. rasten) . . together; laasti
(I. entrance) fee; (tav.) admission. -tut
sitoo hyvin the mortar blnds (1. holds) well.
kinto entrance examinatlon. -vaatimukset
= setolkka.
entrance requirements [or (1. Tor) a col sitolkka
anything bound (1. tled); (lyhde)
lege, opistoon ] , requlrements for entrance. sitoma
shear. sitomaton unbound (mys kirja);
s isn jitu Ilja the one uho was enterlng (1. untied, unlastened. sitominen blndlng Jne.,
had entered); sisntulijat those enterlng. ks. sitoa, sitomisvoima blndlng capacity
-tulo entrance; (rahallinen) income.
(1. povver); cementing power.
sitaiseminen tylng Jne., ks. seur. sitaista sitomo
blndery, bookblndery.
tie (hurriedly) [. . In a knot, solmuun], sitoumus(kirjan-)
obligatlon, engagement; (sopimus)
blnd [together, yhteen] (qulckly), rasten agreement,
(lupaus) promlse;
(qulckly) [a sash around one's waist, vy
(velka-) liablllty; olla sitoumuksissa be
vytisilleen] ; vrt. sitoa, sltaisu sitai
a p.. Jollekulle],
seminen; yhdell sitaisulla \vlth one qulck have an agreement [wlth],
have (1. be
under) a contract [vvith] .
aiteentekij maker of bandages.
o.s. to
alton thus; (niin) so; (sen kautta) by that
[Inr.], engage o.s. to, pledge one's vvord
means: (sill tavalla) In that way (1. man
(velner), llke that: (samoin) llkevvlse; ~ me
obllgate (1. oblige) o.s. to;
netellen saavutamme voiton doing SO (1. by vottautua)
prothat means) we wlll gain a vlctory; asian
. . vvith food, hankkimaan Jollekulle
laita on ~, ett . . the laet Is that . . , vlde
the case (1. the sltuation) is such that . .;
hankkimaan contract to dellver, agree to
eikS asia ole ~. ett . . is lt not the Tact obtaln,
sitou(1. not so) that . .: hekin tekivt ~ they, tuahseni sit tekemn I VVill not blnd (1.
too, dld thus (1. so 1. ltkewlse 1. the same); obllgate)
myseir to do that. sitoutuminen
koska asia on , niin meidn tytyy . . blndlng o.s.
ks. edell.
that (1. it) being so (1. being the case), sitova blndlngJne.,
[promise, lupaus] ; obllgavve must . .; under such circumstances vve
(order, m
must . .; vrt. niin.
rys]; (varma) derinlte; (ratkaiseva) consitkeys toughness; leathery character; (nes
teen) vlscoslty, stringlness; (kuv.) perse- gent(mediclne); jotakuta ~ blndlng astrinto.obverance, perslstence; tenacity; stubborn- ligatory upon; laillisesti ~ legaliy blndlng,
ness, obstinacy; vrt. seur.
(ptev) valld. sitovasti in a blndlng rorm;
sitke tough; (nahkamalnen) leathery; (nes
conclusively; (ptevsti) validly.
teist:) vlscous, vlscid, strlngy; (kuv., derinitely,
kestv) persevering, (hellittmtn) per- sitra
sitroona > sitruuna.
slstent, tenaclous, (Itsepinen) stubborn sitruuna
(tavallinen) lemon; (pieni, hapan)
[reslstance, vastarinta], obstinate; ~ itse
Ilme; (oikea sitruuna) citron.
pintaisuus dogged persistence (1. persesitruuna(yhd.) . . of lemon, lemon- [esim.
verance) : sen henki on sitkess it Is liani
to kili, It dies liani, -henkinen . . hard to -viipale slice or lemon; -ljy lemon-oil].
citrlc acld. -Juoma 1. -vesi
kili; . . that dies hard; sitkehenkinen yri
tys enterprisc vvhich perslsts [has per- lemonade.
sisted] in spite or dirricultles, enterprlse . sitruunan- (yhd.) lemon-, . . or lemon [esim.
vvhich fs hard to kili (1. which reruses to -kuori lemon-rind (1. -peel); -mehu (l.
-neste) lemon-Juice, Juice or lemon].
be killed); .. on sitkehenkinen (mys:)
-keltainen lemon yellovv, lemon(-colored),
. . dies hard; vrt. sitke.
sitkehk rather tough (1. leathery); rather cltrlne. -vrinen lemon-colored.
vlscous (1. stringy); vrt. sitke.
sitruunaoljy (mys:) zcst.
sitkelljuoksuinen viscid, viscous rriiiid. sittemmin arter that, therearter, slnce
neste]; (llimamainen) gluey. -kuiuinen
(then); (myhemmin) artervvards, subsetough; (kankaasta:) . . that vvlll stand hard quently, later (on); (siit saakka) ever
(I. rough) wear (1. usage). -luontoinen arter, ever slnce.
(esim. kysymys) . . or an obstinate nature, sitten then; (sen Jlkeen) arter that, there
obstinate, tough; (esim. henkil) . . or a arter; artervvards; subsequently; (sitten
tenaclous character, persevering.
Jonkin) slnce ..; (takaperin) .. ago, ..
sitkesti toughly; vvith perseverance; per- back; joulun [kevn] since Chrlstmas
slstently, tenaclously; vrt. sitke.
[sprlng] ; [el] kuin jouluna [not] slnce
Chrlstmas; kun hn oli lhtenyt alter he
sitkistyminen becommg tough(er) Jne., ks.
had gone, vvhen he vvas gone; se on
seur. sitkistyi become (1. get 1. grovv)
myhist then it vvill be too late, lt vvlll
tough(er), toughen. sitklsUmlnan toughenlng. Itklst make tough(er), toughen. be too late then (1. by that tiine);



vuodin 177 slnce (1. after) (tbe yemr)

1779; snt(s) k-, ent; jo aikoja (a)
long (tirnej ago; joku aika some tlme
afro; kuinka* bOW then? kuka hn on
who is he then? (Jkpv.) who is he anyhow? mitat ti whal then? (seuraavaksi)
vvell, what's next? vuosia (several)
years ago (1. back 1. slnce).
ittenkin (kuitenkin) however, yet, stiU,
though; (silta huolimatta) nevertheless,
notwlthstandlng; for ali tbat, in spite of
that, none the less, arter ali; even tben;
anyhow; (kalkissa tapauksissa) at ali
events, at any rate; [mutta] hn piti
itsepintaisesti kiinni ksityksestn [bUt]
yet (I. stili 1. nevertheless) he clung perslstently to bls opinion; siin on jotakin
hyv stiU (1. nevertheless) tbere Is something good In lt, tbere is sometblng good
in lt at ali events; hn on rikas, mutta
onneton he Is rlch but nevertheless un
happy; he is rlch, yet (1. novrever he Is)
unhappy; though he Is rlch, he ts unhappy;
siit nkyy ~ tulevan sada lt seems to be
golng to raln after ali; vioistaan huolimatta
hn ~ on . . wlth ali hls faults he Is . . ,
notvvlthstandlng (1. in splte of) hls faults
he Is . .; vrt. seur.
ittenkn: ei not .., however; yet (1.
stiU 1. nevertheless 1. Tor ali that) . . not;
hn ai tullut however (1. nevertheless 1.
yet 1. still) he dtd not come, (perltkn)
he dld not come Tor ali that (1. after ali),
(silt huolimatta) none the less, he dld not
come; vrt. edell. tittenpa: sittenp(hn)
nhdn we shall see (then)!
(-beetle), dung-beetle.
IU I. (part. sanasta se) lt; ennen before
that (1. then), prlor (1. prevlous) to that;
~ sn tss (mys:) I shall do no such thing
(I. nolhlng or the klnd); ei ~ sika tt
nelther thls nor that.
alta II. the; ~~ suursmmalla syyll, kun . .
"wlth ali the more reason because (1. as)
. . , so niuch rather because (1. as) . . ,
ali the more because (1. as) ..; tm oli
~ paremmin (\. enemmn) paikallaan, kun
. . tlus \vas (ali) the more approprlate
because (1. as) . . .
siu paitsi liesldes; (mys) also, as well,
llkewlse; (viel) further(more); (sen li
sksi) moreovcr, In addltlon (to thls 1. to
tliat); (ylltso) to boot, over and above
that. -vastoin on the contrary, on the
other hand; kun sitvastoin whereas, vvhile
(on the other hand) [esim. min puolustin
sit, kun hn sitvastoin vastusti 1 \vas in
favor of lt, \vhlle on the other hand (1. on
the contrary) he opposed lt (1. \vhereas he
opposcd lt)].
iunaama; odota siunaaman aika Walt a
momiMit (1. a mlnute). iunaamlnen bless
lng, benedlctlon: (pyhittminen) consecratlon. siunailla bless (I. be blcssing) o. s.
[for one's good luck, hyv onneaan];
(pivitell) utter oxrlamatlons; (sadatella)
utter oaths. siunata bless ; pronouncc a
benedlctlon [upon a p., Jo(ta)ku(ta)] ; (py
hitt) consecrate; siunata jonkun ruumis
read the builal servlee over a p.; siunata
ruoalle, siunata ruoka ask a blesslng before
a meal, say grace; Jumala siunatkoon sinua
Ood bless you! siunattu blessed; kaiken
siunatuksi lopuksi (1. v.) for the grand
flnale, to rap the cllmax, to crown it ali;
olla siunatussa tilassa (idiksi tulossa) be
al)out to become a mother, (Jkpv.)
be In the fainlly \vay. siunauksellinen
blessed, blissrui: .. full or blesslngs;
(hyty tuottava) hlghly benericlal: siunauksmllinsn vuosi a year (fuJl) or bless


siunaukselliseen bllssrully; very
benericially. siunauksellisuus blessedness,
bltssfulness; .. being rull or blessings;
. . being bigbly benericlal. siunaus bless
lng; (esim. papin lausuma) benedlction;
(pyhitys) consecration ; siunausta (mys:)
blesslngs; antaa siunauksensa jollekulle
glve one's blesslng to, bestow (1. conrer)
ones blesslng (up)on a p.; olla jollekulle
siunaukseksi be a blesslng to a p.; sill ei
oUut saumausta that brougbt no blesslng
(1. no good), tbat carried no good witb lt.
siunausrikas, siunaustatuottava siuna
uksellinen, siunautua: heill on siunautu
nut paljon lapsia they bave been blessed
wltb many chlldren.
sivahduttaa rap; (ISlmhdytt) slap; (ly
d) st rike, glve.. a blow; lasb ; vrt. sivaltaa.
ivailua slap; lasb, strike, blow; vrt. seur.
sivaltaa (limhdytt) slap, glve . . a slap
[In the face. vasten naamaa] ; (huitaista)
lash, wblp; (lyd) strike, give (1. deal) . .
a blow, knock, bit, smlte; (siepata) snatch,
(kteens) snatch bold or; ~ jotakuta
korvalla slap (1. box) a p. on the ear, box
a p.'s ear; Jotakuta ruoskalla glve . . a
lasb wlth a [the] wblp, lash (. . wlth a
siveellinen moral: (slveysopllllnen) etblcal;
(sive) chaste, vlrtuous; ~ ihminen moral
man, person or lorty morals, vlrtuous
person; ~ kysymys question or morals (1.
or morallty); ~ puhtaus moral purity,
(Siveys) Cbastlty; siveellisess suhteessa
morally, as (1. m respect) to morals, from
a moral polnt or vlew. siveellisesti moral
ly; ethlcally. siveellisyydentunto moral
sense (1. reellng), morals.
siveellisyys morallty; morals; vrt. siveys,
-kyaymys question of morallty, moral issue. -ksite conceptlon or morallty (1. or
morals). -periaate prlnclple or morallty
(1. or morals). -rikos outrage upon mo
rallty; (lak.) Statutory oUense; tehd si
veellisyysrikos commlt a statutory olTense.
siveettmyys lmmorallty; levvdness, lack of
chastlty; (sdyttmyys) lndecency; (pa
he) vice; ~ rehottaa lmmorallty riourlshes,
Vice IS rampant. -rikoa = siveellisyysrikos :
syyp siveettmyysrikokseen
(mys : )
gullty or (an act or) lmmorallty.
aiveettmsti lmmorally, levvdly; indecently.
siveetn lmmoral [\voman, nainen; conduct, kyts] ; uncbaste. lewd; (henkils
t:) . . with loose morals; (sdytn) indecent.
iveleminen stroklng Jne., ks. sivell.
sivellin (halr) brush; (hieno) hair-pencll;
siveltimell kuvata picture wlth tbe brush,
represent (1. paint 1. depict 1. portray) In
sivellyt stroke; touch; vrt. aivelemlnen.
sivell (silitt) stroke [one's beard, par
taansa]; (koskettaa) touch; (hieroa) rub;
(maalata) palnt [a p.'s tbroat vvltb. Jon
kun kurkkua Jollakin], plaster [one's
cheeks vvlth rouge, poskiinsa Ihomaalla] .
apply [to, johonkin (1. jollekin); wlth a
brush, pensselill] ;
[butter on one's bread (1. one's bread wttn
butter), voita leivlleen] ; (voidella) smear,
bcsmear; (tuhria) daub [. . wlth clay, sa
vea johonkin (1. Jotakin savella)], bedaub;
(peitt) cover; pohjamaalilla prime,
ground; ~ salvaa johonkin smear . . VVith
salve, apply salve to.
siveltimen kyttely (metbod o() bandllng
one's brush, touch. -yaral handle of the
brush, brush-handle. -veto stroke (1.
sxveep) or tbe brush.
slvely aivelemlnen.

slvuiveydellinen moral. siveydelllsyys morallty. (valistus)' enllghtenment; (oppi) learning;
siveyden Lopettaja teacher of cbastity; (si
(hlenostus) rcfinement.
veellisyyden-) teacher of morals (1. of sivistys- (yhd.) civllized [esim. -kieli civl
morallty). -tunto siveellisyydentunto. lized language; -maa civllized country];
siveys (puhtaus) chastity, vlrtue, purlty;
(valistus-) educational [esim. -laitos edu
(siveellisyys) morality, morals; (sdylli
cational institution; -tarkotus educational
syys) decency, modesty; (kunniallisuus) purpose] ; (sivistyksen-) .. or clvillzatlon,
. . or education, . . or culture [esim. -kes
siveys- (ybd.) moral [esim. -laki moral law; kus center or clvillzatlon (1. or culture);
-snt' moral rule], . . of morals [esim. -muoto 1'orm or clvillzatlon (1. or educa
-filosofi pbilosopher of morals: filosofia tion); -mr amount or education (1. or
pbilosophy or morals]; .. of morality culture)], -ahjo source (1. seat 1. center)
[esim. -tilasto statistics or morality). or culture (1. or education). -aste degree
(1. level) or clvillzatlon (1. or education);
-Ksky 1. -ohje moral precept; (-snt)
moral rule. -opillinen etbical; moral; si- degree or culture attalned. -elm cul
veysopillinen kysymys (mys:) question tural life. -harrastus: sivistysharrastukset
of ethlcs. -oppi etblcs; pbilosophy of educational (1. cultural) pursuits, work in
morals. -periaate Ks. siveellisyysperiaate. the lnterest or enllghtenment (1. or public
poliisi pollce(man) detailed to enforce education) ; tunnettu sivistysharrastuksisregulations concerning public morals. taan known Tor his lnterest In the pro-romaani novel of morals, novel deallng motion or (1. hls zeal to advance) en
\vith a moral problem. -saarnaaja preacher llghtenment (1. public education). -historia
of morals, moralist. -sankari moralist; hlstory or clvillzatlon. -historiallinen . .
relating to (1. treatlng 1. deallng wltb) the
moralizer; vrt. edell.
or clvillzatlon. -historiallisesti In
sive cbaste, vlrtuous; (puhdas) pure, hlstory
(1. with rererence to) the hlstory or clvill
clean; (siveellinen) moral; (sdyllinen)
-Ihminen civllized man. -kansa
decent, modest; (kunniallinen) respectcivllized nation (1. people). -kanta stan
able; ihminen (mys:) person of clean dard
or clvillzatlon (1. or culture
morals. sivesti chastely, vlrtuously; moI. or education), cultural stage; kansa on
rally; decently, modestly; respectably.
the edu
siviili- (ybd.) civll [esim. -avioliitto civil cation or the people is at (mys:)
marrlage; -elm clvll life; -virkamies clvll (1. level). -kausi period aorhlgh
offlclalj; (slvlllihenkiln-) civilian [esim. -keino educational means; means of civil-puku clvlllan dress; -vaatteet civilian
-kuva: ajan sivistyskuva pirtunclotbes]. -asema clvll status, status of a lzing.
(reriectlng the life) or the times, picture
Citizen, -asia ks. siviilijuttu, -asukas:
or the cultural
siviiliasukkaat civilian populatlon. -henkil developmenttheor standard
the times. -olot educa
civilian (person), -insinri civll englneer. tional (I. cultural)
-Juttu clvll case; civll suit (1. action),
-pyrkimykset 1. -riennot educational (1.
-lainoppi clvll Jurlsprudence. -laki clvll 1.cultural)
(I. private) law. -oikeudellinen . . of civll certain stage or development (In the life
law; . . lnvolvlng the clvll law. -oikeus or
a people); (kansainvlinen) Inter
civil court; (-laki) civll law. -pukuinen national
word. -sanakirja encyclopedla,
. . In civilian dress, . . In cltizen^s (1. ci
encyclopaedia. -taistelu struggle In the ln
vilian 1. plain) clothes; siviilipukuinen po
culture; (etup. Saksan hlst.)
liisi (tav.) plaln-clothes man. -sty
against the ascendancy or the
siviiliasema, -toimituskunta department struggle
Church in the State, -taso = sivistyskanta.
of civil affalrs. -virka civil ofrice (1. post). -ty work ror the promotion or clvillzatlon.
sivistyksellinen educational, cultural; sivis
tyksellisess suhteessa (mys:) in respect sivistyttminen civillzlng Jne., ks. seur.
to culture, sivlstyksenharrastaja promoter sivisty tt civillze: niake . . civllized (1.
cultured 1. refined); humanlze [savages,
(1. advocate) of public education. sivisty
raakalaisia] ; (kasvattaa) educate; (tavoil
minen . . becomlng civllized Jne, ks. sivis
ty; rerinement. sivistymttmyys lack or taan) pollsh, refine, cuitivate. sivistyi
become clvilized (1. cultured 1. educated
education (I. of culture), lack or rerine
ment (1. ofpollsh); Uliteracy; (ticlmtt- 1. polished 1. refined I. cultivated); vrt.
myys) lgnorance. sivistymtn (esim. edell. sivist = slvistyttK.
henkil) uneducated, uncultured; (esim. sivu I. (s.) side (mys: kolmion, laivan
kansa) uncivlllzed; (tavoiltaan, henkil) y.m.); (sivusta, kylki) flank; (siipi) wlng;
(kirjan) page: sivulla, sivulle, sivulta,
unpolished, lll-mannered, boorish; (tiet
mtn) Ignorant, (vhiin lukenut) llllterate. sivussa ks. hakus.
sivistyneist educated (1. cultured) people sivu II. (adv.) by, past, vrt. ohi; jos eln ~
(1. class). sivistyneisyys (ract of) being tst vuodesta If I am spared past the end
educated (1. civllized 1. cultured), educa
of thls year, lf I live untll next year: siit
tion, clvillzatlon, culture; (oppineisuus) kin even past that, (edemmksi) still
learning, erudition.
rarther on.
sivistynyt educated, cultured [person, hen sivu- (yhd.) side [esim. -huone side room;
kil]; clvilized [people, kansa]; (oppinut)
ikkuna side wlndow; -ovi side door] ,
learned, (lukenut) literate; (hlenotapai- lateral [esim. -paine lateral pressure;
nen) polished, rerined, cultivated, vvell- -pinta lateral surraoe; -suunta lateral dibred; sivistyneempi bctler (1. more hlghly) rectlon] ; by- [esim. -tarkotus by-deslgn;
educated; sivistyneess seurassa In polite -tuote by-product] ; (vhemmn trke)
Society; sivistyneit ihmisi people of (1. . . or secondary (1. or mlnor) lmportance,
with) education, educated (1. cultured 1. secondary, mlnor, unlmportant [esim. -osio
rerined) people; hienosti sivistynyt henkil point (I. matter) of secondary (1. or mlnor)
(mys:) an accompllshed person; oppia lmportance, secondary (l. mtnor 1. unlm
sivistyneit tapoja acquire cultured (I. portant) matter; -henkil character (1.
polished) manners, learn manners or re
rigure) or secondary (1. or mlnor) lm
portance], subordinate [esim. -henkil
sivistys education; (vastakohtana raakalal- subordlnate character], (satunnainen) lnsuudelle) clvillzatlon; (kulttuuri) culture; cidental [esim. -asia lncldental matter].



ivua sivell.
slvufalne secondary subject; (-tuote) byproduct. -aitio box at the side.
sivuaja ks. sivuuja. sivuaminen tangency.
sivuliansio = sivutulo, -askel step aside,
step to one side. -elinkeino secondary
employment, subsidiary occupation; (koko
maan) Industry or secondary importance,
subsidiary Industry [or a country], -haara
side-branch; (suvun) collateral branch;
vrt. haararata.
-henkil (mys:) out
sider, -hyppys Jump (1. bound) to tlie
side. -hykkys (soi.) riank attack, attack
against the flank.
sivuinen (yhd.) . . wlth . . sides [esim.
kuusi~ . . \vitn slx sides] ; . .-page, . . of..
pages [esim. kahdeksan- vihkonen eightpage pamphlet, pamphlet or eight pages].
sivuitse by, past; vrt. ohi, sivu, II.
sivuittain (sivukaupalla) by the page; (sivu
edell) sldev/ays; vrt. sivutusten.
sivu il Joki tributary, subsidiary rlver (1.
stream). -kanta (suvun) collateral llne (1.
branch). -katu side Street; (taka-) back
Street; (kuja) alley. -korko secondary
accent. -kulkeva . . passlng by. -kulkija
passer-by; sivukulkijat passers-by. -kuva
prorile; (henkiln, mys:) side vlevv (1.
race). -ksite incldental idea, secondary
notion, conceptlon or secondary impor
tance. -kytv (puistossa) by-path, side
path; (rakennuksessa y.m.) side passage;
(kadulla) sldexvalk; (kirkossa y.m.) side
aisle. -lause (klel.) subordlnate clause.
sivulla on (1. by) the side [or] ; (syrjss)
aslde; laivan ~ bcside tlic sliip, alongslde
(oi) the shlp; vrt. vierell.
sivulle to the side [or], to (its) side; (syr
jn) aside; vrt. vierelle, -pin to the side
ITrom]; (ulospin) out\vard(s), out. -tai
vutus bendlng to the side, bendlng sidevvays.
sivullinen outsider; (sivustakatsoja) bystander; (asiaankuulumaton) . . not concerned; sivulliset (mys:) those not concemed;
sivullisia ei pstet sislle
(mys:) stiangers (are) not admltted.
sivulta irniii the side.
sivumennen in passing; ~ sanoen by the
way, incidentally; mainita ~ (mys.) mentlon casually (I. incidentally).
sivumerkitys secondary nicaning (1. sense).
sivummalla rarther on the side. sivummalle
rarther to the side.
sivu muoto (muunnos) variation, varlety.
-mr number oi' paRes. -oja (maantien
y.m.) drainag-c dltch (alongslde a road).
-parveke side gallery. -penkki side-seat,
side bench. -perillinen (lak.) helr collat
eral. -perint collateral successlon. -raide
side-track, sldinif; (vain toisesta pstn
pradan yhteydess oleva) spur-track,
(Jkpv.) spur. -rakennus side building;
(kylki-) wing, L. -raU branch line (1.
road). -saatavat perquisites.
[keisarin Jne.]
aid(e)-de-camp [to the emperor, etc.].
sivu seikka 1. -asia polnt or minor impor
tance, minor polnt (l. circumstance); side
lssue; on (mys:) is unimportant, is or
secondary importance.
sivusmiea (sot.) rugleman.
sivussa on (1. at) tlie side: (syrjss) aside;
siin ~ (lisksi) besldes (that), in aclditlon to thls (1. that), (Jkpv.) on the side.
sivusta (s.) vvingr; (esim. armeian, mys:)
Tlank; jonkin sivustalla (mys:) at the
side or.
sivustakatsoja ks. syrjstkatsslija.


sivusnnt (yhdistyksen y.m.) bv-lavvs.

sivuta (greom.) be tangent to, toucb (. . at a
tangent); vrt. sivell, sivuuttaa.
sivulltarkotus (itseks) prlvate end (In
vle\v), seirish purpose;
double intention; (sala-) hidden purpose
(1. meanlng); ilman sivutarkotuksia \vitti
no private end in vievv, (sala-) witb no
double intention, -tehtv task or secon
dary Importance; (-rooli) subordlnate
pan : vrj. sivutoimi, -tie side road. -toimi
slde-llne; avocation; (-homma) incldental
occupation; (-ty) extra (1. occasional)
\vork; hn on ottanut hoitaakseen virkaa
sivutoimena he has accepted the position
as a Slde-line; hnell ei ole oikeutta hank
kia mitn sivutoimia (tav.) he has no
right to engage In any other occupation (1.
to do any other \vork).
sivutse, sivuttain ks. sivuitse, sivuittain.
sivu tulet (laivan) side-lights. -tulo(t)
extra Income, lncome rrom extra work;
vrt. sivusaatavat.
sivutusten side by side;
abreast (or each other), (esim. laivoista:)
alongslde or each other.
sivuty extra work; vrt. sivu|tolmi, -tulo.
sivuuja (geom.) tangent.
sivuun to the side, to one side; (syrjn)
aside; vrt. sivulle.
sivuuttaa (menn sivu) pass (by), go by;
(Jtt koskematta) pass over; (Jtt
huomioonottamatta) overlook, dlsregard.
lgnore, not pay any attentlon to; (jtt
pois) omit, leave out; (kyd yli) go beyond, transgress [proprlety, sopivaisuuden
vaatimukset], surpass; (vist) rend orr,
ward orr; ~ joku (ajaen) pass (1. drlve
by) a p., (kvellen) pass (I. go by) a p.;
~ kaupunki pass a City; kysymys pass
over (1. disregard 1. lgnore 1. omit) a [the]
question; ~ vaitiololla pass by In silence;
~ SO vuotta pass the age or rtrty (years).
sivuuttaminen passing (by) Jne., ks. edell.
sivuutua be passed; (vltty) be avoided.
slvuutus = sivuuttaminen, -raide slding*,
slvullvaikutin (syrj-) by-motlve, side interest. -virka = sivutoimi.
Scandinavia, skandinaavilalnen (a. & s.)
Scandinavian, skandinaavilalsuus Scandinavianlsm.
skorpioni (elint.) scorplon. skorpioninpisto
sting or a scorplon.
Skotlanti Scotland; Skotlannin kieli Scotch.
skotlantilainen, skottilainen I. (s.) Scot,
Scotchman; skotlantilaiset (mys:) the
Scotch. II. (a.) Scotch, Scottish.
slaavi Slav. slaavilainen I. (s.) Slav. II. (a.)
Slavic, Slavonic; slaavilaiset kielet Slavlc
(1. Slavonic) languaffos. slaavilaiskiihkoillJa, slavofiili Slavophtl(e). slaavilaisuus
slovaakki Slovak; etovaakin kieli Slovak.
smaragdi (miner.) cmerald. smaragdinvih
re emerald green.
smirkeli (eppuhdas korundi) emery.
smirkeli- (yhd.) emery- [esim. -paperi
emery-paper; -vaate emery-cloth]. -patja
emery (-bag). -pyr 1. -tahko 1. -levy
smirkelid polish (1. rub) . . with emery.
soaista sokaista.
sodan- (yhd.) . . or war [esim. -syy cause
or war]. -aihe cause or war. -haluinen 1.
-himoinen \varlike, eager Tor war; vrt. so
tainen, -julistus declaration or vvar. -ju
mala god or vvar, war-god, Mars.
sodankynti vvarrare, vvaging (or) vvar.
-taito strategy, art or \varrare, mllltary
science; (henkiln) strateg-ic skill, skill ia



warfare. -tapa method or warrare, man

ner or COnducting the vvar; julma sodankyntitapa (mys:) cruel warfare.
eoontaa (make . .) bllnd; vrt. sokaista,
(oentua 1. = sokaistua; 2. = soeta.
soeta become bllnd(ed); (hikisty) be
(-come) dazzled.
sofisml (fll. = viisastelu) sophlsm. sofisti
sophist; ^muinaisessa Kreikassa) Sophist.
sofistinen sophlstlc(al).
aohia poke [at. Jotakin]; (be) thrust(tng)
blindly (1. at random); (pistell) be pricklng (1. stabblng) blindly (I. at random).
aohina: paheen babble, hahhling; nten
murmur of voices; vrt. kohina, suhina,
solusta murmur, vrt. kohista, suhista.
sohjo, sohju ks. ji!-', lumi.
mess of
..; (thri)
blotch; make
- fco-a
koon throw (1. Jumble) together, scribble
off (1. down), sohriminen Jumbling to
gether Jne., ks. edell.
sohva sofa; davenport; (lepo-) couch,
lounge; (istuma-) settie, settee. -matto
rug (1. mat) placed on the floor In front
or a sora.
sohvanplllnen couch-cover.
sohva pyt (1. v.) parlor table. -tyyny
sofa-cushion (1. pillow).
Sohvi Sophia.
soida ring, peal, clang; (kuulua) sound;
(esim. kirkonkellot, Juhlallisesti) chime;
(kilist) Jingle, tinkle; ~ kauniilta sound
beautiful, sound pretty; hnen nens soi
alituisesti korvissani her VOlce is arlnging incessantly In my ears: kello on
soinut )o toisen kerran (tav.) the second
bell bas rung; kello soi the bell Is rlnging,
(ovikello) there Is a rlng at the door,
there's the door-bell; kellot soivat kirk
koon the bells are rlnging ror Church;
korvani soivat (humisevat) there is a rlng
ing (1. a buzzlng) in my ears, my head Is
ringlng; teeri soi the blackcock is glvlng
its matlng calls (1. is calllng amorously).
soidin (amorous) calllng (of grouse, etc] :
(-aika) matlng-tlme, mating; ampua soiti
melta shoot at mating-time.
soihdun; kantaja torch-bearer. -valo torchllgbt.
soihtu torch; link. -kulkua torcbllght processlon.
soija! kasvi (kasv.) soy-bean, soy. -kastike
(Japanese) soy. -papu soy-bean.
soikea oval, elliptlc(al); (pitkulainen) oblong.
soikentaa make . . (more) oblong; make . .
(more) oval; vrt. suipentaa, soukentaa.
soiketa become oblong; become oval.
soikio oval; (mat.) ellipse. -harppi elliptlc
(1. oval) compasses; elllpsograph.
soikionmuotoinen elllptlc(al), oval-shaped.
soikulainen oval; vrt. pitkulainen.
soikko tub (\viih an oblong base).
soimaaminen reproaching Jne., ks. soimata.
soimasana (nuhde-) word or reproach;
(herja-) abuslve \vord, Invectlve; soimasanoja (mys:) abuslve language, abuse.
soimata (nuhdella) reproach [one for (1.
with), jotakuta Jostakin], reprove, upbrald, reprlmand; (syytt) accuse [of,
jostakin], charge [wlth] ; twlt [one \vlth
lovv blrth, Jotakuta alhaisesta syntypers
t] ; (moittia) blame [Tor], rate, censure;
(herjata) abuse; (haukkua) scold, rebuke,
chlde; ~ Jotakuta varkaaksi (syytt)
blame . . for (1. charge . . \vlth l. accuse . .
Of) theft; omatunto soimaa minua my COnsclence reproarhes (1. reprovps) me. soi
maus reproach, reproof, reprimand; up-


accu atlon,
abuse; rebuke; mys = soimaaminen.
solmi = seimi.
solminen ringlng jne., ks. soida.
soinen ks. suoperinen.
soinnahtaa = sointua.
soinnillinen (kiel.) voiced, sonant; vrt. soin
nukas, soinniton (kiel.) volceless, surd;
vrt. soinnuton.
soinnukas sonorous; melodious; muslcal,
tuneful; euphonious, (sopu-) harmonious;
(hele) sllvery; ~ ni (mys:) fullsoundlng (1. rich) voice. soinnukkaasti
sonorously, melodiously, tunerully, muslcaliy, euphonlously; harmontously. soin
nukkuus sonorousness, sonority, melodlousness; richness (1. rullness) of tone;
euphony; harmony.
soinnuton . . wlthout (1. lacking) richness
(1. rullness) or tone, riat, dull, tuneless;
(sopu-) lnharmonlous.
soinnuttaa (yhteen) brlng . . Into accord (1.
harmony), harmonize; (viritt) tune;
(kaiuttaa) let ring.
soinnuttomasti dully, witliout melody; inharmonlously.
aoinnuttomuus lack of
richness (I. rullness) or tone, riatness,
dullness; (sopu-) lnharmonlousness, lack
or harmony.
soinnutus (mus.) harmonlzatlon.
sointi ring; clang; (Tys.) sound; (mus.)
tone; vrt. seur.
sointu sound, ring, tone; (mus.) harmony,
accord; miellyttv agreeabie sound,
pleasing ring; puhdas clear rlng, pure
harmony; vrt. alku, loppu, sopu.
sointua sound, rlng; (kaikua) resound; (ol
la sopusoinnussa) harmonize; sointuu huo
nosti Is not in harmony, does not harmonize
(Weil), is dlscordant; heidn nens eivt
soinnu hyvin (mys:) their voices don't
blend well.
sointuinen (yhd.) . . \vitii a . . rlng (1. tone
1. quallty), . . with . . sounds [esim. kaunis~ ni voice with a beautirul rlng (1.
tone 1. quality); rike- \vith dlscordant
(1. harsh) sounds].
sointuisa --- soinnukas, sointuisuus harmonlotisness; harmony, accord; (soinnuk
kuus) sonorousness, melodlousness. soin
tuminen sounding Jne., ks. sointua.
sointuoppi harmonics.*
sointuva sonorous; (soinnukas) melodious,
muslcal, harmonious; kauniilta prettysoundlng, . . wlth a beautiful rlng, vrt.
sointuinen. sointuvaisuus soinnukkuus.
soiro (rak.) scantllng.
soistua become swampy (1. marshy).
soitannollinen muslcal; soitannolliset lahjat
muslcal talent (1. abiltty).
soitannon- (yhd.) . . or music [esim. -ar
vostelija critic or music; -tuntija connolsseur or music], -harrastaja lover or music;
amateur (1. non-proresslonal) muslcian.
-Johtaja dlrector or music; vrt. kapelli
mestari, -opettaja muslc-teacher, (Engl.)
muslc-master; (yliopistoissa) prolessor or
music, -opettajatar music-teacher, woman
teacher of music, -opetus instructlon In
music; soitannonopetusta (mys:) lessons
in music, muslc-lessons. -ystv lover or
soitanto music; playing; vrt. soitto.
soitanto- (yhd.) muslcal [esim. -juhla mu
slcal restlval]; .. or music feslm. -teoria
theory or music], -kausi concert season.
-opinnot study or music, -oppi music,
-tunti music -lesson.
soitattaa, soitatella make (1. have) . . play
(1. rlng); hn soitatti minulla marseljeesin
he had me play the "Marseillaise"; hn



soitatti Cl. soitatteli) (automaattista) pianoaan kaiken piv he had his pianoplayer (I. hl8 player-piano) play ali day
long-; vrt. soittaa.
soitella be playing, play (Instruments),
make music; iltaisin meill soitellaan \ve
have music (at our house) In the evenlng, (Jkpv.) evenlngs we have music at
our house; vrt. soittaa.
soitalma piece of music.
soitin musical Instrument; (yhd.) Instru ment [esim. kieli- stringed Instrument];
Moittimien soidessa he marssivat they
marched to music, -kauppa music-store,
store dealing in muslcal Instruments,
-kauppias mnslc-dealer, dealer in music
(-ai Instruments), -musiikki lnstrumental
soitinnus Instrumentatlon.
soitonlijohtaja band-master, conductor (of
a band); leader (of a band); vrt. soitannonjohtaja. -opettaja = soitannonopettaja.
soittaa (kelloa y.m.) rlng, (et. suurta) toll,
peal; (soittimella) play; (puhaltaa) blow
ia Moni, torvea]; (kilist) Jingle, tinkle;
soita (kelloa) rlng the bell; helskytell
tvvang on a harp, harppua]; huilaa
play (on) the flute, blow the flute;
htkeltoa sound the fan] alarm; ~ jolle
kulle (telefoonissa) call (1. rlng) up a p.;
Jonkun kuolinkelloja toll the bell Tor a
p., toll a p.'s knell (1. a knell Tor a p.);
pivlliselle sounrt (1. rlng) the dinner-bell; ~ sit svelt (kuv.) strlke that
tone; ~ Miuioma rattle on, Jabber away,
(Jkpv.)chew the rag, vrt. piest (kielt); tanssiksi st rike up the music for a dance:
valssia (be) play(ing) a walz; viulua
play (on) a [the] riddle.
soittaja player; muslclan; (soittokunnas
sa) band(s)man; kellon- (kirkonkellojen)
on who rlngs the lehurch] bell(s), (sun
tio) sexton; vrt. harpun-, sellon , viu
lun y.m. soittajaiset (lnstrumental) concert, muslcal performance; toimeenpanna
soittajaiset (mys:) arrange a program of
lnstrumental numbers.
soittaminen rlnglng jne., ks. soittaa; vrt.
soitto, soittamo (tcatt.) orchestra. soit
teleminen playing (Instruments); making
music, soittimentekij tnaker of muslcal
soitto I. (soitanto) music; (soittaminen)
playing; (kollon-) rlng, peal, toll, (soitta
minen) rlnglng, pealing, tolling, souniling;
(soitin) instrument. fharp, flute, etc.J;
kaksi soittoa tvvo bells, (teleronlssa) two
rlngs; vrt. ilta~.
soitto II. - - soihtu.
soitto- (yhd.) muslcal [esim. -numero muslcal number] ; music- [esim. -rasia mu
sin-box], -automaatti automatic muslcal
instrument. -harjotus (soittokunnan) band
practlce; (esiintymist varten) concert rehearsal; pit soittoharjotuksia jossakin
practlse In, have thelr practlce In, (yk
sityisest henkilst puhuen:) practlse
one's muslc-lessons In. -Juhla musical
-kapina muslcal
-kappale plecc of music, -kausi concert
season. -kello bell. -koje 1. -laite rlnuingapparatus; vrt. seur. -kone 1. mechanical
playing instrument; 2. = soitin, -kunta
(torvi-) band; (orkesteri) orchestra. -lava
band stand. -neuvot musical Instruments.
-niekka muslclan. -nuotit music, -parveke
balcony for the band. -taiteilija muslclan.
-taito (Jonkun henkiln) abllity as a mu
slclan; (svel-) art of music, -taitoinen
. . able to play (an Instrument). -taituri


skilled (I. accompllshed) muslclan. -tapa

manner of playing, -tarpeet musical supplies. -tunti music-lesson, lesson in mu
sic, -vihko music(-book). -yhdistys mu
sical Society; pbllharmonic Society.
SOJo: ojentaa sojoon tbrust .. Into posi
tion, StretCh (1. push) OUt; olla sojossa
be stretched out, be outstretctjed, project;
pistin sojossa wlth fixed bayoflet. sojottaa
project, stretch out.
sokaisematon unbllnded; undazzled; (esim.
lhde) . . tbat is [was] not stirred up;
vrt. sokaista, sokaiseminen blinding jne.,
ks. sokaista, sokaiseva blinding; (hiki
sev) dazzling.
sokaista bllnd (mys kuv.), make . . blind;
(hikist) dazzle, daze, (ykslnom. kuv.)
Infatuate; (hmment) stir (up); (samen
taa) make . . muddy (1. turbid) ; (liata,
saastuttaa) dirty, smudge; (pimitt) dim,
(be)cloud, muddle; ~ jonkun jrki becloud a p.'s reason, muddle (1. beruddle)
a p.'s lntellect, blind a p.; joltakulta
silmt blind a p. (mys kuv.), (hikist)
dazzle a p.('s eyes). sokaistua be(come)
blinded; be(come) dazzled; be(come) infatuated; be stirred up; become turbid;
be(come) dirtied; be(come) clouded (1.
muddled); vrt. edell. sokaistua blinding;
dazzling; Inratuation.
sokea blind (mys kuv.); sightless; (so
kaistu) bllndrold(ed); (kuv. = ehdoton)
Impllcit; ~ ase toisen ksiss a mere tool
(I. merely a tool) In the hands of another;
kartta OUtline map; sokeakin sen nkee
even a blind can see that, (1. v.) that
ought to be perfectly clear (to everybody); ~ luottamus impllcit confirtence
(1. faith) [In, Johonkuhun (1. johon
kin)]; sokeana syntynyt . . born blind;
~ pilkku (silmss) bllnd-spot: usko
blind (1. Impllcit) raltli [in. Johonkin];
hnen toinen silmns on he is blind in
one eye; joutua (l. tulla) sokeaksi become
blind, Jose one's sight.
sokeain- (yhd.) . . Tor the bllnd [esim. -koti
home ror the blind; -koulu school for the
blind], -kirjotua xvriting Ftype] for the
bllnd. -opetus lnstruction or the bllnd.
-opisto asylum (1. Institution) ror the
sokeasti bllndly; at random: (haikailematta)
rashly, without conslderatlon; (ehdotto
masti) fmpllcitly; huitoa ymprilleen
strike bllndly about one.
sokellus ks. soperrus. sokeltaa sp(l)utter;
slur one's words; vrt. solkata,
sokeri sugar; vrt. hedelm, maito, rin
ta, ryple y.m.
sokeri- (yhd.) sugar(-) [esim. -lusikka sug
ar spoon; -pihdit sugar-tongs; -teollisuus
sugar Industry; -vaahtera sugar-maple] ;
. . or sugar [esim. -mnru(nen) crumb (].
bit) or sugar]. -astia sugar-bowl. -happo
(kem.) saccharic acld. -herne I. (kasv.)
skinless pea, string-pea; ?. (-muru) grain
or sugar. -hirssi (kasv.) sorghum. -istutus
sugar-plantatlon. -Jauho (hieno) powdered
granulated sugar.
-juurikas 1. -Juuri
(kasv.) sugar-beet. -kakku sugared cake;
rrostcd cake. -kauppa sugar trade. -ksko
loaf or sugar (in Torm or a cone), sugarloar. -kirves (1, v.) hammer Tor breaklng
sugar. -koe test Tor sugar. -korppu sug
ared toast, -kurkku sweet plckled cucumber. -laji klnd (1. quallty) or sugar;
sokeritajeja (mys:) sugars.
bakery speclallzlng in pastrles; conrectlonery, (Engl.) conrectloner's shop. -lei
puri confectloner; (sokerileivosten leipoja)



pastry-cook. -leipuriliike bakery carrying

a full ltne or pastrles; confectioner's busi
ness, -leip sugared cooky (1. cake).
-leivo* (French) pastry; sohmriUivakset
(French) pastry, pastrles. -liuos sugary
sokerimainen sugary, saccharlne.
sokeril! malja = sokeriastia, -mittari saccharlmeter. -mr ks. sokerinpitoisuus.
sokerin- (yhd.) . . or sugar, sugar [esim.
-puute shortage of sugar; -tuotanto Pro
duction or sugar, sugar productlon].
sokerinen sugary; . . of sugar.
sokerin makea .. (as) sweet as sugar,
sugary, sugared. -maku sugar(y) taste,
taste or sugar. -pitoinen . . contalning
sugar; saccharlferous. -pitoisuus (jonkin
aineen) quantlty (1. percentage) or sugar
[in a substance]. -valmistua rerining of
sugar, sugar refinlng. -viljely* ks. sokerlruo'onvilj elys.
sokeri II pala lump (1. plece) of sugar. -papu
(kasv.) sugar-bean. -peruna svveet potato.
-pula (sokerinpuute) shortage or sugar.
-rasia sugar-box (1. chest). -rinkil sugarcoated blscult twtsted In a figure eight.
-ruoko sugar-cane. -ruo'onvilJelys ralsing
of sugar-cane, cultlvatlon of the sugarcane. -sakset sugar-nlppers. -silaus frostIng, lclng. -tauti diabetes, -tautinen diabetlc. -tehdas sugar rerinery. -toppa ks.
-toukka (ellnt.) brlstletall. -tulli duty
on sugar, sugar duty. -vasara ks. sokerikirves, -vesi sugared (1. sugary) water.
sokeroida sugar, svveeten (\vlth sugar);
(silata sokerilla) Ice, frost. sokeroimaton
unsugared, unsweetened.
sugarlng Jne., ks. sokeroida.
sokeus blindness; (kuv., mys:) fallure (1.
lnabllity) to see (1. to reallze).
sokeuttaa, sokeutua = soentaa, soentua.
sokkallnaula (tekn.) cotter-pin.
sokkeli foundatlon; base; (Jalusta) pedestal.
sokkelo labyrintti, maze; (komero, soppi)
corner, nook. recess. sokkeloinen labyn m lii an, labyrinthlc, labyrlnthine ; intricate [problem, kysymys].
sokko bllndman; (-peli) blindman's burf.
sokkosilla: olla sokkosilla play bllndman's
burf. aokkosille: ruveta sokhosilU (start
to) play blindman's burf.
sokuri, sokuroida = sokeri, sokeroida.
sola (kuja) alley; (vuoren-) pass, (ahdas)
gorge, derile; (rotko) ravine.
solahdue (qulck) slide; slip; vrt. solahtaa,
solahduttaa make . . slide (quickly), make
. . Sllp; (let . .) Slip; solahduttaa vliin
slip . . in between. solahtaa slide (qulGkly); slip [out of a p.'s hands, Jonkun k slsta] ; (solua) gllde (quickly I. rapidly).
solakka (hoikka) slender, sllm; (sirovartalolnen) well-built, weli-rormed, \vell-proportloned; (kookas) tali, lofty of stature;
vartalo slender (1. sllm) rigure, wellproportloned lorin, solakkuus slenderness,
slimness; slender rorm (1. figure) ;tallness.
solatie road (1. trall) through a gorge, pass,
(pitk) derile; (kuja-) alley.
solidaarinen solidary. solidaarisuus solldarlty.
solina (veden) babbling, rlppllng; babble,
rlpple; (lorina) gurgling.
solis- (yhd.) subclavlan [esim. -laskimo
subclavian vein].
soliseminen babbling Jne., ks. solista.
solis lihas subclavlan muscle, subclavlus.
-luu clavlcle, collar-bone.
solista (esim. vesi purossa) babble, rlpple;
(lorista) gurgle; (loiskia) splash; vesi
juosta solisi katolta (rnni myten) the


\vater came bubbllng (1. gurgling) down

the spout, (rystlt pudoten) the water
came splashing down Trom the roof.
solisti sololst.
soljahtaa solahtaa; vrt. venht.
soljeton . . wlthout a buckle (1. a clasp),
. . wlth no buckles (1. clasps) ; vrt. solki.
soljua ks. solua.
solkata: suomea speak (very) broken Fin
nish, murder the Finnish language; koetti
jotakin tried to say something in very
broken English [Finnish, etc.].
solki buckle; (haka-) clasp; (rinta-) brooch.
-hihna strap with a buckle. -kenk shoe
\vith buckles, bucklc(cl) shoe. -koriste buc
kle used Tor decoratlon, decorative buckle.
solkinen (yhd.) . . with a . . buckle, . . with
. . buckles [esim. messinki . . wlth a
brass buckle, .. wlth brass buckles].
solki neula (naisen hius-) barrette; (rinta-)
brooch. -rengas round buckle. -vy belt
wlth a buckle.
solkku slops, (Jkpv.) sllpslop; (sotku) mess.
solmeaminen tytng jne., ks. seur.
solmeta tie [around one's neck, kaulaansa;
to. Johonkin (kiinni)]; (sitoa) blnd; (panna solmuun) tie a knot [in, Jokin], tie . .
in a knot, knot; (kuv.) catch, entangle,
ensnare, (en)trap; ~ Uitto ks. tehd;
JOkU omiin sanoihinsa riiteli (1. entangle 1.
trap) a p. In hls own words; rauha conclude (1. make) peace, vrt. tehd; Joku
sanoissa entrap (1. corner) one in his taik,
(Jkpv.) catch . . up; ~ tuttavuus make an
acqualntance; vrt. solmia.
solmi solmu, solmia = solmeta; solmia
avioliitto enter Into matrimony. solmimi
nen, solmita = solmeaminen, solmeta.
solmu knot (mys mer. solmuvli), tie;
(koriste-, rusetti) bow; (luu-; kasvin)
Joint, node; solmuissa oleva knotty; olla
solmussa liave a knot in it, be ticd in 8
knot; vrt. umpi, veto~ y.m. solmuinen
knotty. solmukravatti (bow) tie, neektle.
aolmunviliks. solmuvli, solmuruoskaknout.
solmusta* (virkata) crochct. solmustamlnen
solmustus crochet(ing). -lanka (pumpuli)
crochet cotton. -malli crortiet pattern.
-neula 1. -puikko crochet-hook (1. -needle).
solmuvli (mer.) knot; laiva kulkee 10 sol
muvlin nopeudella (tunnissa) the boat
makes 10 knots (an hour).
solske slops; (tiell y.m.) slush. solskua
splash (1. dash) about; vrt. holskua.
solu cell; (pieni) cellule.
solua slide, glide, sllp. soluilla be sliding
Jne., vrt. edell.
solulnen (yhd.) ..with..cells Testm. moni
with many cells; suun' with large cells].
solu II kasvi cellular plant. -ketto cuticle,
solukko, solukudos cellular (1. areolar) tissue. solulima (blol.) cytoplasm.
soluminen sliding Jne., ks. solua.
solu [muodostus cell-rormation. -neste (proto)plasm.
soi unta soluminen.
soluoppi cytology. solusto cellular System.
soluttaa make .. slide (1. glide 1. sllp);
(esim. vett.) let (1. make) [the water]
run down [along, Jotakin myten].
solulltuma nucleus (of a cell). -vliaine
lntercellular substance, matrix.
solvaaja one who insults [lnsulted] Jne.,
ks. solvata; (parjaaja) slanderer. solvaa
minen insulting jne., ks. solvata, solvaava
lnsuiting; ofrensive; abusive; (ryhke)
insolent; (parjaava) slanderous, defamatory; vrt. solvata; solvaava puhetapa in
sulting (1. abusive) language. solvaisija




solvaaja, olveitta ks. seur. solvata ln sooda soda. -vesi soda water.
sult, affront, offer an lnsult [to, Jotakuta] ; soolo solo.
(loukata) offend; (parjata) abuse; (saattaa soolo- (yhd.) solo [esim. -numero solo
huonoon maineeseen) derame, slander; number: -osa solo part; -tanssi solo dance].
solvata jotakuta valehtelijaksi call Olle a
-kappale solo. -kohu solo part. -laulaja
llar, lnsult one by calltng- hlm a llar. sololst. -laulu vocal solo.
tolvau* lnsult, affront; (loukkaus) offense; soopeli (elint.) sable. soopelinnahka sable
(parjaus) abuse; defamatlon, slander;
(fur). soopelinnahkainen sable, . . of sable
mys = solvaaminen,
oma pretty, nlce, neat; trlm; (sorja) grace- soperrella = sopertaa, soperrus sp(l)utter;
ful, dalnty; (Jkpv.) cute; (suloinen) sweet; babble, Jabber; (nkytys) stammer(lng),
(miellyttv) cozy; (mukava) comfortable, stutter(lng); vrt. seur. sopertaa sp(l)uthandy; (omituinen) odd, qucer, strange, ter, slur one's words; (Jokeltaa) babble;
qualnt; olisipa ~ tiet it would be inter(lrptt) Jabber; (nkytt) stammer
estlng to know. somasti prettily, neatly;
[an excuse, anteeksipyynt], stutter; ralgraccfully; cozily; queerly, qualntly; vrt. ter In one's speech; (mutista) mumJbie.
edell. omatekoinen.. neatly made (l.done). sopertaminen, soperteleminen sp(l)ullerlng
somentua, someta become (I. g-et) prettler Jne., ks. edell. sopertelu ks. soperrus.
(1. neater 1. more gracerul jne., vrt. soma);
(Johonkin) adapt.. to, suit ( ..
Improve; ei asia (l. se) siit(n) somene sopeuttaa
make . . conrorm to; accommodate to;
(parane) matters won't be Improved (any) to;
harmonize. sopeu
by that, that \von't Improve matters any. tua accommodate o.s. [to
an envlronment,
aomer(o) gravel; vrt. sora.
(olla sopu
omistaa make . . prettler (1. neater 1. more soinnussa) accord [vvith. [to];
be in
gracerul Jne., ks. soma); make .. look harmony [with], harmonize; (soveltua)
pretty (1. neat Jne.); (kaunistaa) beautify, adapted (f. ntted l.suited l.applicable) [to,
(kuv.) grace; (koristaa) adorn, embelllsh, Johonkin] ; vrt. sopia, sopeutuminen (Johon
doeorate, ornament; (pukea; Jkpv.) flx up, kin) accommodatlng o.s. to Jne., ks. edell.
spruce (up); (sopia) become, be becomlng sopia
rit [somethlng (1. to 1. in 1. Into), Jo
[to] ; (olla somistuksena) be an adornment honkin];
(olla sopiva) be ntted (1. riitin?
I to. Jotakin]; puhu hnt the dress be1. suitable) [ror, jollekulle (1. johonkin)],
comes her very \vell, the dress Is very be
[for (1. to)]; (soveltua)
comlng to her, she Is pretty in that dress,
suit [the subject, aineeseen], be adapted
that dress makes her look pretty; vrt.
applicable) [to. Johon
kaunistaa, somistaminen, somistus maklng kin], (olla tyydyttv)
serve (1. answer)
prettler Jne., ks. edell.; (koristaminen)
; (olla arvonembelllshment, adornment. somistella =
benttingsomistaa, som Istua = somentua; somistaa 1. proper) [to. Jollekulle (1. (1.Jollekin)],
ulkomuodoltaan Improve In uppearance (1. become, beflt; (kelvata) do; (olla sopu
In looks).
agree, be In harmony [wtth],
sommitella (panna kokoon) put (1. flt) . . soinnussa)
[with] ; (et. vreist:) match
together, make up, compose [a letter, harmonize
[with]; (tehdassopimus) make (1. arrlve
kirje; a sentence, lause] ; (rakennella)
come to an agreement
construct; (muovailla) formulate, shape,
(1. to an understandlng 1. to terms)
fashlon; (laatia) dra\v up [a statement,
(tehd sovinto) be
lausunto], rtrart; (suunnitella) pian; (so
(-come) reconciled [to], make peace
vitella) adjust [. . to, .. Johonkin], som
make rriends
mitelma composition; (rakennelma) con[wlth], (sovittamalla. Jrjestmll asiat)
structlon; (luonnos) drart; sketch; (suun
nitelma) plan(s),proJect. sommitteleminen riitansa] ; arrange [vvlth a p. dirrerences,
to have . .
puttingr (1. rittingr) together Jne., ks. som
done. Jonkun kanssa Jonkin teettmisest] ;
mitella, sommittelu, sommitus composi
. . , Jonkin
tion; constructlon; formulatlon; adjuslhankkimisesta], bargaln; ~ huonosti nt
ment; mys *= sommitteleminen,
sompa (vvithe) ririg (at the lower end of a
agree, not get along vvell wlth each other;
skiinR-pole); disk. -sauva starr (1. pole)
wlth a rlng (1. a disk) used In skllng; vrt.
(very) becomlng [to, Jollekulle], (henki
somuus prettlness, neatness: trlmness;
[\vtth], vrt. sopia toistensa kanssa;
gracerulness, dalntlness; (jkpv.) cuteness;
jokin hyvll settie (I. adjust) . . in a
cozlness; (omituisuus) oddness.queerness,
(1. a peaceable) manner, settie (1.
strangeness, qualntness; vrt. soma.
adjust 1. arrange) . . amicably (1. peacesondi (lk.) probe.

(hyvin) joksikin be ntted for.

sonetti sonnet.
do well as, be Just the rlght person [thlng]
sonnanajo haullng of dung (1. or manure).
Tor, have the qualities of, (jkp*'.) be cut
sonni h iiii; vrt. hrk, -mulli young bull. out Tor [liuom. hn sopisi hyvin sotamiesonnittaa (lannottaa) manure.
heksi (mys:) he would make a good solsonni 11 vasikka male cair. -yhdistys fariners'
dler] ; jollekulle suit one, (esim. takki)
association for maintaining a pedigreed
rit one (well), (Jonkun arvolle y.m.) be
come (1. befit 1. behoove) one, be becom
sonnustaa: itsens (vytt) gird o. s.,
lng (1. bentting) to one, (ajan y.m. puo
(varustautua) prepare o.s., get ready [for
lesta) be convenlent for [huom. hattu so
the Journey, matkalle], sonnustautua pre
pii hnelle mainiosti (mys:) her luit is
pare .o.s., get ready; vrt. edell.
very becomlng; jos teille sopii (mys:) ir
sonta dung-, (etup. mrk) muck; (lanta)
(It is) agreeable to you; kun teille niin so
manure. sontainen dungy, mucky.
pii, milloin teille vain sopii at your consonta kuorma load of dung; (lanta-) Ioad of venience, whenever It sults your convenlence,whenever(lt Is) convenlent Tor you:
manure. -lj dung-heap. -tunkio dunghlll.
musta sopii kaikille black sults everybody,
sontia (hevosista:) dung orr, dung; vrt.
looks vvell In black; takki ei
sovi hnelle (mys:) the coat does not
sontiainen (elint.) dor(-beetle), dung-beetle.



look well on hlm] ; ~ [jonkun kanssa]

lastakin agree [vvlth one] about (1. on 1.
as to), make (1. reach) an agreement
[wlth one] about, (ajasta, paikasta y.m.)
appoint, make an appolntment; ~ kauppa,
~ kaupatta agree about a deal (1. a bargain), (ptt) conclude a bargatn; ~
kaskenaan ks. sopia toistensa kanssa; ~
toisiinsa fit one Into the other, rit Into
eacll other; ~ [hyvin] toisilleen suit eacli
otlier [well], be [well] suited to (1. ror)
each other, make a [good] match, be
iwell] matched; [hyvin] toistensa
kanssa (olla sovinnossa) agree [well] wlth
each other, get on [well] together; - yh
teen fit (together), correspond, match,
(olla sopusoinnussa)
[huom. .. eivt sovi yhteen (avioparista,
mys:) . . are an UI -matched couple, (esi
neist:) .. don't match (1. Iit together)],
vrt. sopia toisilleen; sopii (saa, voi) may,
can, is rree (1. ai liberty) to, (ky pins)
will do [esim. (teidn) sopii koettaa you
may (I. can) tr.y, sopiiko minun tulta si
sn may (1. can) I come In? am I at
liberty (1. am I allowed) to come In?
sopii (ky pins) that \vlll do (very
veli), that'11 be ali rlght; toivoa sopii,
ett . . we may hope that . . , (toivon) I
hope that . . ] ; sopiva, sovittu ks. hakus. ;
sovittuani hnen kanssaan . . arter (1. Up
on) agreelng (1. reaching an agreement)
\vlth hlm . .; asia oli jo sovittu heidn kes
ken the matter uas already agreed upon
betvveen them, (riidanalainen) the matter
was alrea-iy settled (1. adjusted) between
them; avoin sopii lukkoon the key Ms the
lock; ei sovi, ett sin teet niin it Is Ilot
nttlng (1. lt is not proper 1. It won't do)
for you to do so, It is not proper that you
do so; he ovat jo sopineet (tehneet sovin
non) they have already becorne reconclled,
they have already settled thelr dirrerences,
they have already made up (1. made
rrlends) uit li each other; he ovat sopineet
siit, ett . . they have agreed that . .;
hn ei sovi siihen he is not rit (1. not
suited 1. not cut out) for that; nen
kanssaan on vaikea ~ (tulla toimeen)
(mys.) It is hard (1. dlfllcult) to agree
(I. to get along) \vlth hlm, he Is troubleSome: kuvaus sopii hneen tarkalleen the
descrlptlon fits hiin perrectly (Jkpv.: to a
T); me olemme niin sopineet \ve have SO
agreed, we have made such an agreement,
\ve have made an agreement to that effect;
minulle ei sopinut tulla (ei Ollut alkaa)
I coukl not rind (1. get) tlme to come, (el
ollut tilaisuutta) 1 had no chance to come,
(el ollut soveliasta) lt was not proper ror
rne to come, lt was not nttlng that I
ShOUld come; minun ei sovi tuomita hnt
lt Is not nttlng (1. not proper 1. not rlght)
for me to Judgc hlm, it behooves me
not to Judge hlm; riita on sovittu the dispute Is (1. has been) adjusted (I. settled),
(olemme sopineet) we are reconclled, we
have come to terms, (Jkpv.) the quarrel Is
patched up, \ve have made up vvith each
other; se ei sovi ollenkaan (el ky laatuun)
that wlll not (1. won't) do at ali, that vvlll
never do; se ei sovi thn (esim. sana
kntess:) lt does not come In here,
lt does not suit (1. do vvell) here, lt (1.
Is not proper here; se sopii
mainiosti lt Is a splendld fit, (on sopiva
tarkotukseen) that does (1. \viil do) splendldly, thafs Just the (rlght) thlng; sinulle
f 1. sinun) ei sovi kyttyty niin it doeSn't
become you (1. it does not look well ror
you) to behave likc that, such conduct


comes with ill (1. with bad) grace from

you; talo sopii nkymn sinne one can
(1. It Is posslhle to) see the house rrom
there, the house can be seen rrom there.
sopimaton unnt [Tor the proresslon, am
mattiinsa], not rit [Tor rood, ravinnoksi],
unsultable [ror],inexpedlent, lnapproprlate,
lmpertlnentrremark.huomaiitus] ; (yhteen-)
lncompatlble; (soveltumaton) lmproper,
unbecomlng, unberittlng [language, kieli],
unseemly; (sdytn) Indecent, lndellcate:
(ajan puolesta) lnopportune, unseasonable,
inconvenient, ill-chosen [momcnt, hetki],
untlmely, . . out or season, lll-tlmed; (kel
paamaton) unservlceable; (vrn palk
kaan pantu) mlsplaced, . . out or place;
~ kyts lmproper (1. unbecomlng) behavior, mlsbehavlor, lndecorum; sopimat
tomaan aikaan at an Inconvenient (1. ln
opportune 1. unseasonable 1. awk\vard)
tlme, untlmely, (hetkell) at the wrong
moinen t [huom. huomaan tulleeni sopimat
tomaan aikaan (mys:) I feel I am intruding] ; sopimattomaan aikaan sattuva [sat
tunut] untlmely, lll-tlmed, lnopportune;
sopimattomia vrej unbecomlng colors,
(el sopusointuisia) clashlng colors, colors
that don't [dld not] harmonize; hieman
~ (mys:) not quite the thlng; hnen
arvolleen ~ unworthy or hlm, beneath
hlm (1. hls dlgnity). sopimattomasti
unsultably; inexpedlently. lnappropriately,
lmpertlnently, lncompatlbly; lmproperly,
unbecomlngly; lndecently; Inopportunely,
unseasonably, lnconvenlently, untlmely;
vrt. edell. sopimattomuus unritness, inexpedlence, lnappropriateness, impertlnence, incompatlblllty; lmproprlety, unbecomlngness, unseemllness; lndecency;
inopportuneness, unseasonableness, lnconvenlence, untlmellness; unservlceableness;
breach or etlquette; (sopimaton puhe)
lmproper expresslon; menn sopimatto
muuksiin go to excess, overstep the bounds
or proprlety (1. or decorum), (puheessa)
use lmproper language; vrt. sopimaton,
sopiminen nttlng jne., ks. sopia; (sovinto)
sopimuksen ;hieroja negotlator (or a treaty);
vrt. sovinnonhieroja, -hieronta negotlatlon
(or a treaty); (sovinnon) arbitratlon.
-mukainen . . In conformlty wlth (1. . . as
speciried In) the agreement (1. the contract
1. the treaty), (. . as) stlpulated. -rikkoja
one who broke an Ithe] agreement;
breaker (1. vlolator) or contract (1. or
treaty). -rikos vlolatlon or an agreement,
breach (I. vlolatlon) or contract (1. oi'
treaty). -teko eoncludlng or a contract
(1. a treaty 1. an agreement); (-laatiminen)
drawlng up or the agreement (1. the con
tract 1. the treaty). -vastainen . . contrary
to (1. . . In vlolatlon or) the contract (1.
the agreement 1. the treaty).
sopimus agreement, .(laillisesti sitova) con
tract, (esim. valtioiden vlill) compact,
(klrkoll. Il hlst.) covenant; (rauhan- y.m.)
understandlng, arrangement, pact; (aikaan ja paikkaan
nhden) appolntment, engagement; (sel
vitys) settlement; (vlitys-) compromise;
(osto- tai myynti) bargaln; (esim. oppi
pojan ja mestarin vlill) lndenture(s);
sopimuksen kohta Stlpulatlon; hieroa sopi
musta be negotiatlng, negotlate, negotlate
(ror) a treaty; Wienin ~ (hlst.) Treaty or
Vienna; yhteisest sopimuksesta by mutual
agreement, by common consent; vrt. so
vinto, -ehdotus drart or an agreement;
proposed agreement; drart or a treaty.



-kirja (formal) contract; deed. -kumppani

party (to an agreement), contracting par
ty; hnen sopimuskumppaninsa the Other
party to the agreement. -vapaus prlvllege
to make contracts.
sopiva (johonkin) flt (1. suitable) Tor (I.
to); (soveltuva) suited (1. adapted) to (1.
for); (kelpaava) rilted Tor, qualiried Tor;
(luonnostaan) apt; (asianmukainen) proper
[ansvver, vastaus], approprlate, litttng,
seemly; (arvolle y.m. ) becoming, bentting; (sdyllinen) decent; (oikea) rlght;
(jrkev) advisable; (ajan puolesta) opportune, seasonable, timely, \vell-timed;
(mukava) convenient [for (1. to)], handy,
(edullinen) expedient; (kyttkelpoinen)
serviceable [for]; sopivaan aikaan at (1.
in) a convenient time (1. season), opportunely, seasonably; laulettavaksi suit
able ror singlng, suited to singing (1. to
be sung); sopivalla tavalla In a suitable
manner (1. way). suitably, fittingly; sopi
vassa tilaisuudessa as occasion offers,
when an opportunity presents itseir,
whenever I [we, etc] get a good chance;
sopivat vrit fitting (1. proper) colors,
(yhteen-) harmonlzlng colors; viljelt
vksi flt (1. suitable 1. well-suited) Tor
cultlvation; sopivin keinoin by proper (1.
suitable) means, in a proper way, (tarkotuksenmukaisln) by methods that shall an
svver the purpose; hn ei ole ~ siihen toi
meen he is not fltted (1. not qualiried 1.
not the proper man) ror that position,
(moraalisessa suhteessa) he is not rit ror
that position, (cl kelpaa) he wlll not do
for that position; hnen arvolleen ~ benttlng (1. becoming to) his dlgnlty, worthy
or him; juuri minulle ~ Just the thing
ror me, just suitable (1. rit) ror me; niin
kuin sopivaksi nette as you see fit, as you
rind it convenient (1. advisable); siihen
nauha ribbon to suit lt, (vrin puolesta)
ribbon to match it; tarkotukseensa ~ flt
(1. ritted 1. suited 1. suitable 1. adapted) for
(1. to) the purpose, (tarkotusta vastaava)
good (1. proper) ror the purpose, adequate;
tehk se milloin sopivaksi nette do it


ks. edell. sopotus whlsper; pluttertlng);

soppa soup; (Ueml) broth; aika (Jkpv.,
kuv.) a regular (1. a fearrul) mess; vrt.
liha*-, peruna y.m.
soppa- (yhd.) soup- [esim. -kauha soupladle; -lautanen soup-platej. -kuppi soupbowl. -liha meat for soup, soup-meat.
-luu soup-bone. -malja (soup-)tureen.
soppi corner, nook, angle; recess; (esim.
ktkpaikka) cranny; (mat.) solld angle;
he etsivt [metsn] joka sapen they
searched every nook and cranny, they
scoured every recess (1. nook) [of the
forest]. oppinen (yhd.) . . with . . corners
(1. nooks 1. recesses) [esim. monisoppinen
. .with many corners (1. nooks 1. recesses)].
sopraano (mus.) soprano; treble. -avain
soprano (1. treble) clef. -laulajatar so
prano. -osa soprano (part), treble part.
-ni (henkilll) soprano (1. treble)
volce; mys = edell.
sopu harmony, accord, concord; agreement:
(vkseys) unity; (yksimielisyys) unanimlty;
(ystvyys) amity; (toveruus) good fellowship; (rauha) peace; sopu(a) ei kest
nyt kauan harmnny did not last long (1.
uas not very lasting), they did not rematn
frlendS very long; el sovussa keskenn
Ilve in harmony (1. in peace 1. in good fellovvship) \vlth each other; kyll sijaa
suo good felloivship v.111 make room; olla
sovussa jonkun kanssa get along (1. agree)
well with, be in harmony with; olla sovus
sa keskenn get along well, agree well.
be good rriends, be on good terms (wlth
each other). sopuinen, sopuisa agreeable;
not quarrelsome; (rauhallinen) peacerul,
peaceable; (mukautuva, svyis) compliant, accommodatlng, reasonable; (sovin
nollinen) conciliatory, reconcllable, placable; (ystvllinen) rriendly, amicable. so
puisasti agreeably, peaceably, peacerully,
in peace; accommodatingly; reasonably;
In a conciliatory (1. a rriendly) manner;
amlcably; vrt. sopuisa, sopuisuus agreeable ness; peacerulness, peaceableness; reasonal)leness; conciliatory disposition; placabiiity, compatibility; friendllness, amity;
vrt. sopuisa.
sopukka corner, nook, angle, recess; (kt
k) cranny; sydmens syvimpn sopuk
kaan In the inmost recess (1. nook 1. cran
ny) of her heart, in her beart of hearts.
sopuli (elint.) lemmlng.
sopu sointu harmony, accord, concord, unlson; (yhtpitvisyys) agreement, accordance, conrormlty; olla sopusoinnussa
jonkin kanssa be in harmony with, be in
accord to (1. wlth), harmonlze (1. accord)
with, (olla yhdenmukainen) agree (1. be
in keeping) \vith, be in conformity (1. In
correspondence) with, correspond with (1.
to) [huom. meidn pyrkimyksemme ovat
sopusoinnussa (mys:) our aims coinclde
(1. agree)]. -sointulnen harmonious; (Jon
kin kanssa), accordant with (1. to), concordant wlth, (yhtpitv) . . In agreement
(1. in keeping) with, agreeing with, corresponding wlth (1. to), compatlble with,
colncident wtth, agreeable (1. conrormable) to. -sointuisuus = sopusointu, -suhta
symmotry; harmony; (suhdalllsuus) pro
portion, -suhtainen symmetrlc(al); har
(suhteellinen) proportionate,
proportional. -suhtaisastl symmetrically;
harmoniously, in harmony; (suhteellisesti)
proportionately, in good proportion, -suh
taisuus = sopusuhta.
sora gravel; grit.

\vhen(ever) convenient, do it when(ever)

it suits you (1. your convenience), (ei kii
rett) do it In your own (good) time, take
your time about it; vrt. sovelias, soveltuva.
sopivaisuus fitness, suitability, sultableness;
qualirication(s); aptness; propriety, appropriateness, seemliness; decency, decorum; advlsabllity; opportuneness, seasonableness; convenience, handiness; expedience, serviceableness; vrt. sopiva; *opivaisuuden rajoissa \vitllin the bounds oT
propriety (1. or decorum) ; sopivaisuuden
vaatimukset requlrcments (1. demands 1.
clalms) oi' propriety (1. of decorum 1. or
decency) ; sen sopivaisuudesta ei ole mitn
epilyst (mys:) there is no doubt about
Its being proper (1. becoming 1. suitable),
there is no doubt that it is becoming (1.
proper 1. befltting). -snt rule or pro
priety (1. of decorum); rule or etiquette.
sopivasti suitably, fltly; aptly; properly,
appropriately, fittingly; becomingly, befittinglv; decently; opportunely, seasonablv, timely; convenlently, handily; expediently; (sopivalla tavalla) In a suitable
(1. convenient 1. proper) manner (1. way);
vrt. sopiva.
sopottaa (supista) vvhlsper [In a p.'s ear,
Jonkun korvaan] ; (sokeltaa) sputter,
babble, (Jkpv.) splutter; en ymmrtnyt,
mit hn sopotti 1 could not make out her
sputterlng. sopottaminen whlsperlng Jne., sorahdella be grating; be Jarring; hnen


kielens sorahtelee he rolls (1. he burrs) -koukku hooked ringer; vrt. vet, -kouklils r's. torahdua burr; Jar. sorahtaa burr;
kuset: olla sormikoukkusiOa. ks. vet
(vihloen) grate, Jar; . . sorahti pahasti
(sormikoukkua), -lasku countlng on one's
nen korviinsa . . jarred (up)on bls ears ringers. -luu (anat.) phalanx [plur. phalbaclly. . . grated badly on bls ears. sorah
anges], bone or the ringer.
sormimainen ringer-sbaped, .. or (1. in) tbe
taminen burrlng jne., ks. edell.
shape or a ringer.
sorainen gravelly; gritty.
sora; juna gravel train; ballast traln. -kerros sormimlnen nngering; thumbing.
layer of gravel. -kieli one who burrs. sorminen (yhd.) . . wlth . . ringers, . .-Tln-kuoppa gravel-plt. -lj beap or gravel; gered [esim. paksu- ..with thlck ringers;
oli sor eljn (mys:) hail Tallen in rulns. pitk ..\vlth long ringers, long-ringered] ;
-maa gravel(ly) soll.
. . with a . . ringer [esim. koukku- . . wlth
soramainen . . like gravel, gravel-llke.
a crooked ringer].
soramki hill (1. mound) whlch furntshes sormillsuukkonen ks. lentomuisku. -syyhy
gravel, gravel-hlll. soranottopaikka place ringer itch; itchy ringers.
from \vhlcb gravel Is taken; (-kuoppa) sormittaa (mus. y.m.) ringer; (esim. Jonkin
gravel-plt; (-mki) gravel-hlll.
nppimist) manipulate [the keyboard
soransekainen . . mlxed \vith gravel, grav- or]. aormittaminen nngering.
sormilltulehdus relon, whltlow. -tuppi ringer
elly; gritty.
sorailpeite (Jonkin) layer or gravel on top or a glove, glove-ringer; cot, ringer-stall.
or. -pilli sha\vm. -sointu dlscord, dls- sormitus (mus.) nngering.
sormus rlng; vrt. kanta, kihla y.m.
sorastasi (peitt soralla) gravel; (tytt sormustin thlmble.
soralla, esim. ratapengert) ballast. soras- sorranta oppression, sorronalai nen oppressed.
tus (ratapenkereen y.m.) ballast. sorala sorros (nen) boarseness; huutaa nens
= sorastaa.
sorroksiin yell O. S. hoarse; neni on sorsora! tyte gravel rilllng; mys sarastus, rotsissa (khen) my volce is hoarse,
-ni dlscordant sound, dlscordant note (murtunut) my volce Is broken, vrt. nen
(mys kuv.); (vihlova) jarrlng (1. gratlng) murros, -tila State or oppression, op
sound; ei yhtn sorant kuulunut not a pressed state.
single dlscordant note was heard.
sorrus sorros.
sorea gracerul; (siro) pretty, rine, elegant; sorsa (Wild) dUCk; vrt. Jouhi , lapa , sini .
(siev) neat; (kaunis) handsome, beautl- sorsan poika duckllng, young duck. -poikue
in i. latr. soreasti gracerully; prettlly, brood or Wild ducks. -pyynti duck-huntelegant ly; neatly; bandsomely. soreus ing (1. -shooting).
gracefulness; prettlness, elegance; neat- sorsaparvl swarm or (Wild) ducks.
ness; hahdsomeness. fatrness; vrt. sorea. sortaa oppress; keep . . In subjectlon; (hal
sorina (esim. puheen) murmur; buzz; vrt. lita hirmuvaltalsestl) tyrannlze over; (pol
surina, soriseminen munnuring Jne., ks. kea) trample down, trample . . under root;
seur. sorista murmur; buzz; sorisee (kuu
(loukata) encroach (1. inrringe) [upon a
luu pahalta) sounds bad, has a dlscordant p.'s rights. Jonkun oikeuksia], vlolate;
sound; vrt. surista.
(tehd vkivaltaa) do vlolence [to] ;
sorja = sorea.
jonkun vapautta trample on tbe rreedom
sorkallinen cloven-rooted, . . with cloven or (1. on a p.'S rreedom); sorrettu asema
hoors. sorkinta = sorkkiminen.
oppressed state (1. conditlon). sortaja opsorkka (cloven) hoor; (sri) leg; (vasaran) pressor; tyrant. sortaminen oppresslng
claw (or a hammer); joka every single jne., ks. sortaa; vrt. mys seur.
one, every soul. -elin cloven-rooted ani- sorto oppression; tyranny; (vkivalta) vlo
mal. -Jalkainen cloven-rooted. -rasva lence; harjoitan sortoa OppreSS.
neafs-root oli. -rauta claw-bar; wrecklng sorto- (yhd.) . . or oppression, (vkivallan)
bar. -sri cloven-rooted. -tauti (suu- Ja . . or vlolence [esim. -jrjestelm reglme
sorkka-) hoor- (l.root-)and-mouth disease. or oppression (1. or vlolence); -kausi pesorkkia poke, be poklng; (sormlella) be rlod or oppression], -hallitus government
\vhlch oppresses the people, tyrannical (1.
nngering; (kaivella) dig, be dlgglng; (ton
kia) be grubbing; (kourallla) be grabblng, despotic) government. -valta reglme or
grab. sorkkiminen poking Jne., ks. edell. oppression (1. or vlolence); tyranny. -vuo
det years oi oppression (1. or tyranny 1. or
sormenjlki ringer-print, ringer-mark. -le
veys a ringer's breadth. -levyinen . . or a lawlessness).
ringer'3 breadth. -muotoinen = sormimai sortua (kaatua) Tall (down), drop (1. go)
nen, -paksuinen . . or a 1'lnger's thlckness, down, (nurin) tumble (down); (luhistua)
. . as thlck as one's ringer. -pituinen . . or collapse, (esim. sein) Tall in, (esim. maa)
a llnger's length, . . as long as one's cave In, glve way; (vajota) sink down;
ringer. -p ringer-tlp, tlp (1. end) or the (menehty) succumb, perish, go under;
[one's] ringer. -verta a ringer's breadth (nnty) break down; (riutua) plne
away, languish; (Joutua rappiolle, henki
sormi ringer; (ellnt.) dlglt; panna sormet list:) go to (rack and) ruin, (Jkpv.) go
sormien lomahan lnterlock one's ringers; to the bad (1. the dogs); (kukistua) be
[hnell oli] sormus sormessa [he bad] a (-come) overthrown; (tulla kheksi,
rlng on hls ringer; vrt. etu, keski-, nest:) become hoarse (1. husky);
hevosten jalkoihin Tall under the liorses'
sormi- (yhd.) ringer(-) [esim. -harjotus reet, be trampled down by the horses;
ringer excerclse (1. practlce); -puhe maahan Tall (down) to the ground, tumble
ringer -taik].
down, (luhistua) collapse; ryskyen
sormia sormiella.
crash to pleces, collapse with a crash;
sormiasento position or the ringers.
suruun (kuolla) die or a broken heart,
sormieleminen nngering; thumblng. sor
(riutua surusta) plne away with grier (1.
miella ringer; (peukaloida) thumb.
wlth sorrow), (vaipua) be(come) burled
sormijakoinen (kasv.) dlgitate(d).
In grier; taakkansa alle sink (1. tali 1.
sormikas knitted glove.
break down) under one's burden; sortu
sormiilkiell ringer-language, dear-and-dumb neella nell wlth a hoarse (1. a broken)
language, dactylology. -koi relon, \vhitlow. volce; nen nens sortui (mys:) he



became hoarse, he lost hls volce; rakennus

sortui the bullding collapsed, the walls or
the bllllding fell In; * sortuu omaan mah
dottomuuteensa lt viii fall through on accuunt or being (1. because lt Is) Impractisoptumaton (murtumaton) unbroken; (kuklstamaton) unsubdued, unconquered, . .
not cruslied; (Joka el sorru) unylelding;
unconquerable; ni volce vvhicb Is not
hoarse; vrt. kukistumaton, lannistumaton.
sortuminen ralling (down) Jne., ks. sortua;
rall; (luhistuminen) collapse.
sorva (ellnt.) rudd, redeye.
sorvaaminen turning.
sorvari turner. -mestari master turner.
sorvarin- (yhd.) turner's [esim. -oppilas
turner's apprentlce].
sorvata tuin In a lathe, turn [wood, puuta].
sorvaus (art or) turnlng-, turnery.
sorvi lathe; (kone^ englne-lathe.
sorvin lastut shavlngs rrom a lathe, turnlngrs. -ter cutting-tool (or a lathe),
lathe-tool; mys sorvirauta.
sorvi S penkki l. -tuoli (turning-)lathe. -rau
ta turnlng-chlsel (1. -gouge). -ty turn
lng, turner's vork, lathe-work; sorvityt
(konkr.) thlngs made vlth the lathe,
turnery; taitava sorvityss (mys:) sklllrul vlth the lathe.
sose mash; (keltt.) sauce [esim. omena
apple sauce]. -keitto puree.
sosiaali demokraatti Social Democrat. -de
mokraattinen social democratic. -demo
kratia social democracy. -poliittinen: so
siaalipoliittinen kysymys questlon (1. problem) or (1. In the rield or) social politlcs.
-politiikka social politlcs. -vallankumouk
sellinen Social Uevolutlonlst.
sosialismi sorialism. sosialisti soclaltst.
sosialisti- (yhd.) soclalist [esim. -johtaja
soclallst leader; -lehti soclalist paper].
-luopio turncoat or the Soclalist party.
sosialistinen sociallst(lc).
sosialistillosasto soclalist local; (haaraosas
to) branch or tlie Soclalist party, -puolue
Soclallst party.
eosialistisuus soclalistlc tendency (1. character), tendency tuvard soclallsm; hnen
sosialistisuutensa on kyseenalainen the
honesty (1. earnestness) or hls sociallstic
stand (1. clalms) is questlonable.
sosiologia (yhteiskuntaoppi) sociology.
sota var; (sodankynti) varlare; (taistelu)
1'lRht [against, jotakin vastaan]; battle;
soraa kyp ks. sotiva; alkaa ~ jotakin
maata vastaan make (1. vage) var upon a
country, levy var against (1. engage In
var vith) a country, (vihollisuudet) open
(1. commence) hostllltles against a coun
try; vrt. ilmi, sissi, sisilis y.m.
sota- (yhd.) var(-) [esim. -alus var-vessel;
neuvosto var councll; -nuija var-club;
-velka var debt] ; . . or var [esim. -histo
ria hlstory or var; -neuvosto councll or
var; -duosi year or var]; (sotilas-) military [esim. -akatemia military academy:
-historia mllltary hlstory; -kuri mllitary
disclpllne] ; (kentt-) flelrt- [esim. -soiraata rield-hospltal; -shklenntin fleldtelegraph]: (taistelu-) battle [esim. -lippu
battle riag). -aika tlme or var, var tlme;
armeian lukumr sota-aikana (mys:)
the var streiiRth. -ase veapon or var
(-rare); sota-aseet (mys:) arms. -asetuk
set artlcles or var; (sotilas-) mllitary
lavs. -asiaintoimituskunta department Tor
mllitary arrairs; var department. -siat
mllitary arrairs. -asu armament, var attlre, var(Hke) equipment; tydess sotaasussa (mys:) rully equipped ror var.


-halu varllke disposition, -haluinen eager

Tor var; . . vlth a varllke disposition,
-hankkeet preparatlons ror var, varlike
deslgns. -harjotukset mllltary exercises;
(manveri) maneuvers, manceuvres. -herra
mllltary orricer; (Jonka ksiss on suuri
valta) var lord. -huuto var-cry, battlecry; (kuv., mys:) slogan; (intiaanien)
sotainen, sotaisa varllke, belllgerent, belllcose, martlal. sotaisuus varllke disposi
tion, belligerence, belligerency.
sota jalka sotakan ta; olla sotajalalla (in
tiaaneista:) be on the var-path. -Joukko
army; (vanh.) host; sotajoukot rorces,
troops, (armela) army. -Jumala = sadanjumala. -Juoni stratairem, strategy: (kuv.,
mys:) teint. -kannalleasettaminen mobilizatlon. -kanta var tooting; asettaa
joukot sotakannalle mobillze the army, put
the army on var roting; olla satakunnalla
keskenn (kuv.) be at enmlty vlth each
other, be at svords' points vitb each
other. -kartta var-map. -kelpoinen . . nt
ror mllitary servlce, . . able to bear arms.
. . capable or bearing arms; (esim. laiva:)
. . nt Tor var servlce; vrt. sotakun toinen,
-kelpoisuus ritness ror mllitary servlce.
-kentt (taistelu-) battle-rield. -kepponen
= sotajuoni, -kieltotavara contraband (or
var). -kirves ks. sotatappara. -korvaus
var-lndemnity. -koulu mllltary school.
-koululainen student In (1. or) a military
school, cadet. -kulungit 1. -kulut ks. sotakustannukset. -kumppani (ase-) companion
(1. brother 1. comrade) In arms, rellov
soldier. -kunnia military honor (1. glory 1.
renovn). -kunto (taistelu-) righting trim
(1. order); olla sotakunnossa (mys:) be in
good rtghting condltlon, (valmiina) be
equipped (1. ready) ror var, (varustautu
nut) be prepared ror var: -kuntoinen . .
In righting trim; vrt. talstelukuntoinen.
-kuntoisuus ability to enter Into (1. carry
on) var; (being in) righting trim (1. or
der), being equipped (1. ready) ror var;
(varustautunelsuus) preparedness ror var,
readlness ror mllltary operatlons; vrt. taistelukuntoisuus. -kustannukset cost or a
[the] var, expense(s) Tor carrying on a
l the] var. -laitos (maan) the army and
navy; military arrairs. -laiva var-sliip;
(taistelu-) battle-ship,man-or-var; (uudenaik. panssarilaiva, mys:) dreadnaught,
dreadnought. -laivasto Heet (or var-vessels); (jonkin maan) navy. -laki martlal
lav; military lav. -laulu var-song; battlesong, battle-hymn. -maine military re
novn. -marsalkka 1. -marski rield-marshal.
-melske din (1. tumult 1. turmoil) or var
(taistelun: or battle). -miehist the soldiers, soldlery. -mies soldier; (miliisiin
kuuluva, myos:)milltiaman; (tav. sotamies.
mys:)prlvate; (kortti-) Jack; kohota sotamiehest (mys:) rise rrom the ranks; fovalliset sotamiehet (koll.) the rank and Hle.
-miesjoukko troop (or soldiers). body or
soldlers. -ministeri mlnister or var, (1. v.
Ylidysv.) Secretary or War; (Engl.) Sec
retary or State ror War, (tav.) War Secre
tary, -ministeri Department or VVar, \Var
Department; (huoneisto, et. Engl.) varorrice. -neuvottelu councll or var; pit
sotaneuvottelua hold a councll or var.
-nyttm theater(l.scene) or var. -oikeus
court-martlal; mllitary court. -onni rortune or var, success in var, military success; vaihtelevalla sotaonnella vlth varylng (mllltary) success, vith varytng rortunes. -opisto mllltary academy (1. college).
-palvelus military Service (1. duty); kaitsi

vuotta tolapalvelaktesta (myOS:) two years rlstlrlldassa) conflict [with, Jotakin vasIn the ranks; olla *otapalv*luk*tMta be In taan], be contrary [to], stand In opposi
military service, serve (one's time) In the tion [to], be In violation [of]; * *otii
army, -pappl 1. -saarnaaja army chaplain. omaatantoani vastaan It IS Contrary to (1.
-piillikkyy command of an army. -pa*l- Is against) my conscience (to do that);
likko military commander, commander; se motii periaatteitani vastaan () it IS
greneral; tt*oa (1. taitmla) totapllihk against (1. it is contrary to 1. It conflicts
with) my principles; totii Srkta vamskilled general, eminent military com
mander, -paallysto = sotilaspa'allysto. taan that Is contrary to reason; * *otii
rahatto war fund(s); war treasury. -raUu kaikkia sdhsi vastaan It IS 111 Violation
charger, steed, -petki military (1. war) of all rules (1. statutes).
expedition, military campaign; (maaiian- otilaallinen military [salute, tervehdys],
tiykkys) Invasion; totartthe on an (1. soldierly, soldierlike; ryhti soldierly (1.
a military) expedition, (kestaessa) during soldierlike 1. military) bearing, totllaalllthe expedition (1. the campaign 1. the In
sesti In a military (1. soldierly 1. soldier
vasion), -rintama front; sotarintamalta at like) manner (1. way 1. fashion).
the front, -rotvo robber (1. plunderer) on otilaanammatti military profession.
the battle-field, -aalis war-booty, plun otilakko suspension of hostilities (1. of
der, loot, spoils (of war); (laivasta pn- arms), truce; (lyhyt tal oslttalnen) ar
huen:) prize of war. -ealatavara contraband mistice.
(of war), -sankari hero of war, military otilaa soldier; (-henktlo) military man;
hero, -sauma fortified port, -leikkailu (soturl) warrior.
adventure of war, war adventure, -tuun- somas- (yhd.) military [eslm. -dams mili
nitelma military plans, plan of military tary life; -iha military age; -Srj*ttS mili
operations, plan(s) of a military campaign, tary organization; -kunnia military honor
war project, -tai to art of war(fare); strat
(1. glory)] ; soldier's, . . of a soldier [eslm.
egy (and military tactics); (-kokemus) -lm life of a soldier, soldier's life;
experience In war, practice In arms; vrt. -laala Soldier's song; -teltta soldier's
sodankayntitaito. -tait.oinen . . Skilled In
tent]; .. of soldiers [eslm. -joakko (I.
military tactics (1. science), . . skilled In -joukkiiei band (1. troop) of soldiers;
strategy, -taitoisuus ability In military -majotut quartering (1. billeting) of sol
tactics (1. In military science 1. In the art diers], -elami (mytts:) soldier life, -henof war), ability as a strategist; military kilo military man, military person(age),
skill: vrt. oUtaito. -tanner ks. taiitelu- soldier, -kapina mutiny, revolt of (the)
ItcnttK. -tan tt I war dance, -tapahtuma 1. soldiers, -katarmi barracks, -ketju cordon
-tapaut event of (1. In a) war. -tappara (of soldiers). -klvUrl rifle (used In the
hattle-ax(e), (intlaanien) tomahawk, -tar- army), -luokk military caste, -llhettill*
kotui: *otatarkotak*iin for war purposes, military attach. -lUkirl army surgeon (1.
physician), -mellakka 1. -metell military
-tarpeet war supplies, requisites (I. ne
cessaries) of war, munitions; (ampuma-) riot. -mlellvalU military despotism, -pllrl
ammunition, -temppu = otajuonl. -tiede (-alue) military district: *otila*piirti**a
science of war, military science, -til (keskuudessa) in military circles, -puku
State Of war; julittaa totatilaan declare . . uniform. -pUlllkkfi military commander.
-pilllytto officers (in command), -rahatto
In a state of war. -tolml I. war (1. mili
tary) operation; 2. -> aotalalto. -torI (elke-) soldiers' pension fund, -sairaala
war trumpet, war bugle, -toveri comrade military hospital, -aoltto martial (1. mili
(1. companion) In war. -tuomari auditor, tary) music, -ioittokunta military band,
military lawyer, -tuomlolttuln military -ty military caste. -tarkotut: totilamcourt, -ulvonta war-whoop; vrt. otahuuto. tarkotuksiin for military purposes, -ur
-urho great warrior, hero of many battles; military career, career as (1. of) a soldier;
vrt. sotasankari. -vahingonkorvaus = tota- antautui sotilasaralle he ChOSe the korvaus. -vanhut veteran, -vankeus cap
fesslon of arms (I. the career of a soldier 1.
tivity; olla totavanktuJtita (myOS:) be a a military career), he went Into the army,
prisoner of war. -vankl prisoner of war, he became a soldier, -vahtl military guard;
captive. -varato war (1. military) supplies sentry, sentinel, -valu (-mlellvalta) mili
(1. stores); commissariat, -varuttut ks. tary despotism; (-hallltus) military gov
ota-atu; sotavarustuhset preparations for ernment (1. rule), militarism; (-valtakunwar, armament, -vaunu(t) war-chariot. ta) military power, -valtio militaristic
-vero war-tax; (vlholllselta otettti) con
country (1. state), vrt. edell. -vlltta mili
tribution levied upon the enemy, -vitkaali tary cloak (1. cape), -viranomainen mili
military prosecutor. -voima military tary authority.
forces: (sotllaallinen) military power: eliminen waging war Jne., ks. sotia; (solotavoima maalla ja merella land- and dankayntl) warfare.
naval forces, army and navy,
totitopa(sota-asu) armament, warlike equip
totavlen- (yhd.) . . of (the) troops [eslm. ment; war attire; (haarnlska) armor; toti-kuljmtat transportation of troops; -kat- topaan putttu clad in armor, armor-clad.
srlmux 1. -tarkattu* review of the troops]. aotiva warring. . . engaged In war, belliger
ent: (keskenan) totioat oallat the warring
-majotu quartering (1. billeting 1. can
toning) of troops, -otaato troop, military (1. belligerent) powers, the powers at war
squad (1. detachment): (-Joukko) band (I. with each other.
liorty) of soldier, -otto recruiting, levy otka (elftint.) scaup, scaup-duck; (puna-)
(-Ing) of troops, levying for military pochard.
servir, miisterlnir Into service; conscrip
(polkea) tread [grapes for wine,
tion, drnft; (-hanklnta) raising of troops, aotke
rypaleltil vlliiiksl] ; (sekottaa) mix [mor
sotavaki soldiers, troops; (Jflrjestetty) mil
tar, laastla], blend, mingle, (sotkuksl)
itary (forces); (armeia) army; (nosto-) Jumble (together), (jkpv.) make a mess of;
(kletoa) tangle [a skein, vyyhtll, entangle.
tot I a wage (I. make) war [against], war (kuv.) confuse [two matters, kaksl aslaa
'against, Jotakuta vastaan; with, Jonkun (tolsllnsa)],(Jkpv.) mix up, (trlida muikalknnssai ; (talstella) battle with], fight llseksl) romiilicate; (tahrla) soil, (m.nkc)
[against (1. with)], combat [with]; (olla dirty, bedraggle [one's dress, pukunsa] ;



~ joku (&amment&) confuse (1. conround

1. dlsconcert) a p.,embarrass a p.; ~ kirjat
(kirjanpito- y.m.) get the books in (a) bad
shape, (jkpv.) make a mess or the books;
- sekaisin (sekottaa) mix (1. blend) together, stlr to mix (1. to blend) thoroughly, (kuv.) conruse, (Jkpv.) make a mess
or- selv asia conruse a plaln case,
(jkpv.) ball things up; taikinaa knead
the dough; l sotke minua (hmmenn)
don't confuse me (1. my thoughts), don't
interrupt my traln of thought. sotkemi
nen treadlng Jne., ks. ertell. sotkeutua get
(1. become 1. be) entangled [in the ropes,
kysiin], get into a tangle (1. a muddle);
(kuv.) get (1. become 1. be) involved (1.
Implicated) [in]; (hmmenty) become (1.
be I. get) confused (1. confounded), (se
kaantua) lose the thread, become (1. get)
disroncerted; (tulla mutkikkaaksi) become
complicated (1. intrlcate). sotkeutuminen
getting entangled Jne., ks. edell.
sotku tangle, entanglement; (hmmennys)
confuslon, conrused state of thlngs; (se
kamelska) Jumble, muddle, mess; (et.
ruoista:) bodgepodge, mixture. sotkuinen
(en)tangled (mys kuv), muddled; (se
kava) conrused; (monimutkainen) com
plicated, lntricate, Involved; (hmment
v) conruslng, perplexing [question, kysy
mys], puzzllng; sotkuinen asia entangled
affair, arralr not easily unraveled, (mut
kallinen) complicated arralr, intrlcate
matter. sotku : olla sotkuksissa be en
tangled, be muddled, be in a mess, (seka
vana) be conrused; vrt. menn (sotkukslin), selvit (sotkuksista).
sotnia, sotnja: molli - the Black Hundred.
soturi \varrlor, soldier-, (taistelija) rtghter.
soudanta = soutu, soudattaa (jollakulla)
have a p. row; (kilkuttaa) rock [the
cradle, kehtoa], swing; soudatin itseni yli
Joen l hari mvseir rovved (1. taken) across
the rlver, I got someone to row me across
the rlver. soudella row (1. paddle) about,
he ro\ving.
soukennus- soukenltamlnen, -tumincn. soukentaa make . . narrovv(er), narrow; (sulppntaa) taper; (kutistaa) contract. soukentaminen making narro\v(er) Jne., ks.
ertell. soukentua become (1. get) narrow
(-er), narrow (orr); (suipentua) taper;
(supistua) contract. soukentuminen becomlng (1. gettlng) narrow(er) Jne., ks.
erlell. souketa = soukentua.
soukka (kapea) narrow, strait; (hoikka)
thln, slender.
soutaa row [a boat, venett]; (pient ve
nett) scull; (meloa) paddle; (kiikutella)
rock, swing; soudettava ks. kahden; ~ ja
huovata (kuv.) thlnk [dol one \vay to-day
anrl the opposlte to-morro\v, (olla kalkkien
mieliksi) change ones mlnd wlth every
Wlnd (that blo\vs); jrven selk row
on the open lake; ~ kaikin voimin row
wlth ali one's mlght, puli harrl on the
oars, ply the oars (Tast). soutaja rower,
oarsman; he tarvitsevat soutajan they
need someone to row (or them. soutami
nen rowing Jne., ks. soutaa, souteleminen,
soutelu soutaminen.

souto ks. seur.

soutu rovvlng; sctilllng; (urheiluna) boating; (soutotapa) stroke; vrt. kilpa-.
soutu- (yhd.) rowlng-, boat- fesim. -klubi
rowing-"rlub, boat-clubl. -kilpailu boatracc, boat-racing, rowliig-match (1. -contest); (vhden soudettavilla veneill) sculling-match (1. -contest). -mies = soutaja,
-retki rowlng-trip, boat-trlp; toimeenpan
na souturciki johonkin (mys:) arrange to


row to . . . -teljo 1. -tuhto thwart, rower's

seat. -urheilu (sport oO rowing; boatmg.
-vene rowboat, (pieni, yhden hengen sou
dettava) scull; (laivan) yawl.
soveliaasti sultably, appropriately, properly; benttlngly; (mukavasti) convenlently,
vrt. sopivasti, soveliaisuus suitableness,
suitabllity, Titness, propriety; vrt. sopi
vaisuus, sovelias sultable, fit [Tor, Johon
kin], appropriate, proper; becomlng, beNttlng; (mukava) convenient; ci ole sove
liasta, ett . . it is not appropriate (1. beritting) that . .; vrt. sopiva,
sovellettu applled [physlcs, rysiikka].
sovelluttaa applv [a rule to, snt Johon
kin], adapt, nt, suit rto, johonkin]; kytntn adapt . . to use, put . . in practlce, appiy; se voidaan ~ thn [hneen]
lt may be applled (1. it Is applicable) in
this case [to him], it can be brought to
bear upon this case [upon him], (pit
paikkansa) that holds good in this case
[or him]: vrt. sovittaa, sovelluttaminen
applying jne., ks. edell.; applicatlon. sovelluttamistapa manner or applying; method
of applicatlon.
sovellutus applicatlon;
soveltaa sovelluttaa, soveltautua ks. seur.
soveltua (sopia) be sulted (1. adapted 1. ntted) [for(l. to), Johonkin], be sultable [Tor
(1. to)], suit [that color \vell, hyvin siihen
vriin; a p., Jollekulle], nt [the occasion,
tilaisuuteen], be appropriate [to]; be nt
[Tor a p., Jollekulle] ; (ajan y.m. puolesta)
be convenient [Tor a p.]; (olla sovellutet
tavissa) apply [to, Johonkin], be appli
cable [to]; (olla sopivaa) be proper [for
a p., jollekulle], be ritting, be becomlng
[to her, hnelle], be benttlng, (esim. ra
vinto) agree [wltb a p., Jollekulle]; (ky
d yhteen) tally [\vith the descrlptlon,
kuvaukseen] ; (olla yhdenmukainen) be
conslstent (1. compatlble) [wlth. Johon
kin] ; ~ jonkun taipumukseen agree with
(1. suit l. be sultable to) one's inclinatlon
(1. one's natural bent); soveltuu johonkin
(voidaan sovelluttaa) may be applled to,
is applicable to, (pit paikkansa) holds
good or; ei sovella, ett sin menet sinne
(sovi) it Is not nt (1. proper) that you go
there, it is not proper ror you to go
there: miten t>ein teille soveltuu hOwever
vou flnd it sultable (1. convenient), (Just)
to suit you(r convenience) ; se soveltuu
meille kytettvksi lt IS fittod (1. Sulted)
for our use, It is adapted to our use; vrt.
soveltumaton . . not suited, . . not ritted,
. . not adapted, unsultable; Inappllcable
[to]; (yhteen-) inconslstent [wtth], incompatlble [wlth]. soveltumattomuus unsuttableness, unsultability; lnapplirablllty;
lnconslstency, Incompatibllity. soveltumi
nen being sultable Jne., ks. soveltua; ap
plicatlon; sen soveltuminen thn on ky
seenalaista Its applicatlon In this case Is
doubtrul, whether it can be applled here
Is questionable. soveltuva (johonkin) ap
plicable [to] ; (sopiva) sulted (1. ritted 1.
adapted) [to] ; (asiaankuuluva) relevant.
pertlnent; (yhteen-) conslstent, compatible [\vith]; soveltuvissa kohdin where aplicable; nen arvolleen soveltuva becom
lng (1. benttlng) hls dlgnity; tilaisuuteen
soveltuva puhe a speech adapted (1. ritted
I. appropriate) to the occasion; vrt. sopiva,
sovinnainen conventional. sovinnaisesti conventionallv. sovinnaistapa conventionallty,
convention(al custom). sovinnaisuus conventlonalism.
sovinnollinen conciliatory;



peacerul, paclflc, peaceable; (anteeksi

antava) rorgivlng. sovinnollisesi in a conclllatory manner; (rauhallisesti) peacerully, In peace. sovinnollisuus conciliatory (1.
peacerul) disposition; peacefulness, peaceableness; rorglvingness.
sovinnon; hieroja peacemaker, conclllator;
negotlator, arbltrator; (vlittj) medlator. -teko reconcillation.
sovinto (re)concillatlon, reunlon; (sopu)
barmony, Concord, amity; (sopimus) agreement, settlement; (kompromissi) compromise; olla sovinnossa keskenn] be in
harmony (1. In amity 1. on good terms)
[wlth each other], (yksimielisi) agree
[xvlth each other].
sovinto ehdotus proposition Tor a compromise (1. a reconcillation). -ehto: sovintoehdot condltions (1. terms) for (1. or) an
agreement (1. a compromlse 1. a reconcill
ation); (rauhan-) terms or peace. -Juhla
reast of reconcillation. -kuolema death or
atonement, explatory dcath. -lautakunta
board or arbltratlon, the arbltrators.
-oikeus court (1. tribunal) or arttotration.
-tuomari judge of a court of arbltratlon;
(riidanratkaisua) arbltrator; vrt. erotuo
mari, rauhantuomari. -tuomio (sovintooikeuden pts) Judgment (1. decree 1.
decision) or a court or arbltratlon. -uhri
sacrifice of atonement, explatory sacrlrice; propitlatlon.
sovitella be adjustlng, adjust, accommodate; (muodostella) modiry; (Jrjestell)
arrange (mys mus.); (sljotellen) apply,
be applying; (riitaa y.m.) arbitrate, medlate, (esim. rlltapuolueita) conciliate, try
to conciliate; vrt. sovittaa, sovltelma
(mus.) arrangement.
sovittaa nt, suit, adapt, accommodate [to] ;
(sovitella) adjust, modiry; (sovelluttaa)
apply [to, Johonkin] ; (palauttaa sopu)
conciliate, reconcile; settie; (vlitt) ar
bitrate, medlate; (rangaistuksella, korva
uksella y.m.) pay for, pay the penalty or
[one's rollles, hulluttelunsa], make up ror,
make amends Tor, atone ror [one's slns,
syntins], explate; (lunastaa) reflecm;
(lepytt) appease, paciry; (sljottaa)place;
(Jrjest) arrange; ~ aika niin, ett ..
arrange the tlme so that . . , tlme . . so
that . .; ~ erehdyksens atone (1. pay) for
one's error, (lievemmss merkityksess:)
make up ror one's error (1. one's mlstake);
kytntn ks. sovelluttaa; nytt'
mlle dramatlze; ~ orkesterille orchestrate, arrange ror an orchestra; ~ paikoil
leen flt . . in, nt . . Into Its place, adjust
.. to lts place, (sljottaa) place: pia
nolle arrange for the piano; riitaisuudet
adjust (1. settie 1. conciliate 1. reconcile)
the dlfferences (1. the controversles), (so
pia ehdoista) arbitrate the controversles;
riitapuolet reconcile (1. conciliate 1.
brlng together) the disputing partles;
rikoksensa atone ror (1. explate) one's
crlme [by .., Jollakin], (maksaa) pay for
one's crlme [vvith one"s life, hengelln],
make amends for ono's crlme [wlth]; ~
sanansa kuulijainsa ksityskyvyn mukaan

adapt (1. suit) one's \vords to ones hearersC abllity 1. rapaclty), speak In terms
which may be understood by one's hearers; sanoihin, ~ sanoiksi put . . Into
words, (pukea) clothe . . In \vords, (Il
maista) glve expresslon to; ~ toisiinsa
flt together, dovetall; ~ yhteen nt . .
together: sovitti maailman synnit (mys:)
redeemed the World; jonkin mukaan sovi
tettu adapted (1. sulted 1. accommodated)
to. sovittaja conclllator; (et. usk.) expi-


ator; (sopimuksen aikaansaaja) arbltrator;

(vlittj) negotlator, mediator. sovittaJalset: sovittajaisiksi as a peace-orrerlng,
(Jonkin) as amends [ror]. sovittamaton
(leppymtn) Irreconcllable, lmplacable;
(jota el voi sovittaa) . . whlch cannot be
atoned ror, unatonable [crlme, rikos];
(Jota el ole sovitettu) unreconclled, . . not
conclllated; unsettled, unadjusted; (esim.
rikos) . . not atoned Tor, . . not explated.
sovittaminen flttlng jne., ks. sovittaa,
sovittava conciliatory [attltude, kanta];
atonlng, explatory. sovitteleminen adjust
lng jne., ks. sovitella.
sovittelu adjustlng, adjustment; modirication; arrangement; application; (riidan
y.m.) arbltratlon, mediatlon, (sovittami
nen) concillatlon; compromlse; (neuvotte
lu) negotlatlon; vrt. sovitella, -ehdotus
proposal ror an adjustment (1. a settle
ment); (sovinto-) proposition Tor a com
promlse, proposed compromlse. -lauta
kunta board or concillatlon and arbltra
tlon. -vara allowance Tor adjustment (1.
for modlflcatlon). -yritys attempt to con
ciliate (I. to medlate); attempted con
cillatlon (1. mediatlon).
sovittu agrced, . . agreed upon, (ajasta tai
palkasta:) appolnted, (mrtty) set, rixed;
hinta agreed prlce, prlce agreed upon;
sovittuun aikaan at the appolnted tlme;
sovitulla paikalla at the appolnted place,
at a [the] place agreed upon [huom.




(mys.) at the place set Tor the duel] ;

[ennemmin] sovitusta palkkiosta Tor a Tee
[prevlously] agreed upon, ror a prearranged tee.
sovitus adaptatlon, accommodatlon; adjust
ment, modirication; application; (re)conciliation; settlement: arbltratlon, media
tlon; atonement; redemptlon; vrt. sovit
taa; (mus.) arrangement; (hyvitys) satisraction: (korvaus) lndemniricatlon, compensatlon, redress, amends. -kuolema
sovintokuolema. -oppi doctrlne of atone
ment. -uhri sovintouhri.
spartalainen (a. k s.) Spartan.
spektri (kirjo) Spectrum [plur. Spectra],
-vri color or the Spectrum.
spiraali (kierukka, kierre) splral.
spiritismi (henkioppl) splrltuallsm, splrltlsm. spiritisti splritualist, splrltist. spiritlstlnen splrltuallstic, splritlstlc; spiritistinen istunto seanoe.
spitaali Isairaala hospltal for lepers. -tauti
leprosy. -tautinen pitaalinen.
sprii ks. vkiviina.
statisti (teatteri-) supernumerary.
steariini (kem.) stearln. -happo stearlc
acld: (kauppak.) stearln. -kynttil composite (1. stearln) candle.
stereotypeerata, stereotypoida stereotype.
stereotypia stereotypy. -laatta stereotype
sterilisoida, steriliseerata (tappaa taudinsiemenet) sterlllze. sterilisoiminen, sterlliseeraus sterillzing, stertllzatlon.
stipendi (apuraha opintoja y.m. varten)
seholarship, rellovvshlp; (valtion myntm) alloxvanre [granted by the government] to further a p.'s Studies; (Engl.)
exhibltlon. stipendiaatti recipient or a
seholarship (1. a rello\vship), scholar;
(Engl.) exhlbltloner.
stipendi || matka trip made (I. taken) by a re
cipient or a traveling seholarship. -rahasto
1. -varat seholarship (1. rello\vship) rund.
stoalainen (tn.) 1. (a.) stolc(al); oppihunta School or the Stolcs; 2. (s.) Stolc.
stoalaisuus Stolctsm.



strutsi (elint.) ostrlch. -lintu (elint.)

ostrlch; (sllelastalnen) ratite.
stryknilnl (-myrkky) strychnln(e),strychnia.
subjekti (klel.) subject. subjektiton . . wlthout a 9ubject.
sublimaatti (lliiik.) subllmate.
substantiivi (nimisana) nouii: substanttve.
suden ajo wolf-hunting. -korento (elint.)
dragon-fly. -kuoppa pltrall, pit for trapplng wolves. -marja (kasv.) herb-Parls.
-nahka wolfskln. -nahkaturkki wolfskfn
coat. -nlk voraclous appetite; minulla on
sudennalk I am as hungry as a wolf,
-penikka l. -pentu wolf's cub; young wolf.
-pyynti wolf-huntlng. -raudat \voir-trap.
-ulvonta howl(ing)or a wolf(l.or wolves).
Suezin-kanava Suez canal.
suffiksi (klel. = loppulilte) surrix.
suhahdella be whizzlng; (esim. tuuli) be
slghlng, be whlspering; vrt. suhahtaa,
suhahdus (esim. nuolen) \vhiz(z); (kuis
kaus) whlsper. suhahtaa whlz(z) [by,
ohi]; whlstle; (esim. tuuli) sigh; (kuis
kata) whlsper.
(kohtuullinen) moilerate, reasonable; vrt.
suhteellinen, suhdaton dlsproportlonal, . .
out of proportion, disproportlonatc; (lii
allinen) exaggerated, excessive; tahdotto
man Muuri excosslvely (1. dlsproportlonately) large (1. big), large (1. big) beyond
measure, large out of ali proportion; vrt.
suhde relatlon rto(ward) . . , Johonkin; between . ., Joidenkin vlill], bearing [on],
connectlon [\vlth, Jonkun kanssa]; (ver
ranto) proportion; rate, ratto (mys mat.);
(puoli) respect, regard: ei missn suh
teessa huonompi not \vorse In any respect,
In no respect lnrerlor; kaikitta suhteissa
In ali respects, In every respect; mik on
sen ' (l. miss suhteista st on) thn
kysymykseen what relatlon has that to
[what bearing has that on] this questlon?
monesta suhteessa in many (I. several)
respects, on many accounts; ne ovat suh
teetta toisiinsa (yhteydess) thcy have (1.
bear) a relatlon to each other, they have
connectlon vvlth each other; tss suhtees
ta In thls respert (I. regard), (tmn yh
teydess) In thls connectlon, (thn nh
den) In rererence to thls, reTerrlng to
this; vrt. olo*-, sukulaisuus , ystvyys
y.m. -luku ratio.
suhina (esim. tuulen) slgh, slghlng. sough,
soughing. murmur, murmurlng, \vhtsper,
whlspering; (vluhlna) whlz(z), whlzzing;
korvissa buzzlng (1. rlnglng) In the
ears (1. in the head). suhiseminen slghing
Jne.,ks.seur. suhista Mgh, sough, murmur;
(viuhua) \vhlz(z), whlstle; hlss; (kuiskia)
Whlsper; korvani suhisevat there is a ringIng (1. a buzzlng) In my ears, my ears
rlng, I have a bmnmlng In my ears.
suhtautua (johonkin: mat.) be to ras ..,
niinkuin . .],be (1. stand) In a relatlon tn;
johonkin \ johonkuhun] jollakin tavalla
(kuv.) take a . . stand (I. attltude) in
[to\vard], (kyttyty Jossakin) behave
. .-lv in . . [huom. suhtautua johonkin f jo
honkuhun) oikealla tavalla take the rlght
stand In (1. toxvard), manage (1. handle)
. . In the rlght way; suhtautua vlinpit
mttmsti asiaan take (1. show) no interest In the matter, remaln Indirrerent
tonard the matter i ; osata ~ ympristn
s knovv how to be In proper relatlon to
one's environment(s), kno\v just what at
tltude to take tnvvards one's envlronment.
suhtautuminen stand, attltude; se riippuu
hnen suhtautumisestaan asiaan (mys;)


lt depends on \vhat stand (1. \vhat attl

tude) he will take In the matter.
suhteellinen proportional, proportlonate:
(verrattainen) relative, comparatlve; (so
pusuhtainen) symmetrlcal; ~ vaalitapa
proportional representatlon; kaikki on suh
teellista everythlng Is relative, everything
Is a matter of comparison. suhteelli
sesti In proportion [to], proportionately,
cornparatlvely; (sopusuhtalsestl) symmetrlcally; suhteellisesti johonkin nhden
(mys:) In relatlon to. suhteellisuus proportionallty; proportlonateness;
suhtaisuus) symmetry.
suhteen: jonkin - \vith (I. in) regard to,
regardlng, (Jotakin koskien) concerning,
as to, wlth reference to, bearing upon,
(Jostakin) about, upon [huom. sen
(mys:) on that subject, (stln) there,
(mikli sit koskee) as far as that Is concerned].
suhteeton dlsproportionate, . . out of pro
portion, dlsproportlonal; unsymmetrlcal;
(Jota el voi verrata) incomparable, . . not
comparable; tuhttettoman suuri disproportlonately large, so large as to be out of
ali proportion; vrt. suhdaton. suhteetto
masti disproportlonately: out of (ali) pro
portion; unsymmetrlcally. suhteettomuus
disproportion, lack of proportion.
suhunne (kiel.) slbllant.
suihkaaminen (kuiskaaminen) \vhlspering.
sulhkahtaa (lent) riy, dash. suihkata
(kuiskata) \vhisper [In a p.'s ear. Jonkun
korvaan] : suihkata suuta jollekulle glve . .
a kiss, klss (hurrledly), (ryst suukko)
snatch a klss rrom. suihkia = suihkua,
suihkiminen = sulhkuminen.
suihku stream. spurt, jet; (voimakas) spout;
(roiske) spray; (kylpy- y.m.) shovver.
suihkua spurt, spout: (roiskua) spray.
suihkuitkaivo fountaln.
-kylpy shovverbath, shovver. -lhde spouting well; (kuohulhde) geyser; (suihkukaivo) fountaln.
-mies (palokunnassa) hoseman.
tuihkumlnen spurtlng Jne., ks. suihkua.
suihku pullo (ruisku-) \vash-bottle. -pump
pu (tekn.) jet-pump. -ryppy shovver.
suihkuttaa spurt, spout: throw [vvater, vet
t], ejert: (ruiskuttaa) spray, sprlnkle.
suihkuttaminen, suihkutut spurtlng Jne.,
ks. edell.
suikale = siekale.
suikata: ~ suuta ks. suihkata.
suikea = soikea; (kasv.) lanceolate.
suikerrella, suikertaa (esim. joki) vvind in
and o\it. pursun a serpentine (1. a wlndlng) course: (kiemurrella) wrlggle, he
viTlggllng. suikertelu \vindlng (in and out)
jne., ks. edell.
suikulainen I. ci.) rnther long (and narrow); oblong; (soikea) oval, ovold.
suikulainen II. (elint.) amphioxus, lancelet.
suin ks. sukia & suu.
suinen (yhd.) . . wlth a . . mouth (I. npenIng 1. muzzle jne., ks. suu), . ,-mouthed
reslm. avara- . . \vlth a \vlde (1. a large)
mouth (1. openlng), wlde-mouthed. largemouthed]; vrt. hell, kova, suuri y.m.
suinkaan: ei (ei milln muotoa) by no
means, not by any means, on no aocount.
In no wlse, (ei tosiaankaan) certalnly not.
surely not, Indeed not, (Jkpv.) oh, dear.
no! I guess not! hn ei ole kaikkein
vkevimpi by no moans Is he amnng the
Strongeft: min en tehnyt sit I certaln
ly dld not do it, (Jkpv.) I never dld tt:
(mit,) ei hn viel ole tullut (why.)
surelv, he hasnt come yet (,has he?): you
dont mean to say that he has come already?




suinkin (milloinkaan) ever; (vain) only, (tupruta) emit (1. puff out) smoke (1.
but; (mahdollisesti) posslbly; jos " (on) funies). suitsuttaa burn incense [before.
mahdollista II lt l)e posslble, If only tt Jollekin] ; suitsuttaa savua kS. suitsuta,
were posslble, ir by any means tt Is pos- suitsuttaminen, suitsutus burning- of In
sible; niin hyvin kuin ~ as well as pos- cense.
sible, in the best way posslble; niin hyv suitsutusllaine (frank) Incense. -alttari altar
kuin ~ toivoa voi as (food as one (1. on whlch the Incense is [was] burned.
-astia (kuljetettava) censer. thurible:
you) possibly could wlsh, (et kai toi
voisi parempaa) one could not very well (-pannu) incense-burner. -savu Incense.
expect any(thlng) better; niin pian kuin -uhri lncensc-ofrering.
as soon as posslble, (ensi tilaisuudessa) sujahdus sllde, gllde; (viuhahdus) whlz(z).
at your earliest conventence; reen mink sujahduttaa make . . (1. cause . . to) sllde
(1. gllde), slip [.. into one's pocket, Jo noin I wlll do whatever I posslbly can,
( latkin taskuunsa], (lenntt) fltng
(parhaani) I'll do my (very) best.
suinpin headlong, head over heels, head
[away, menemn], sujahtaa (luistaa)
sllde, gllde; (antaa pern) glvc [a little,
first; precipitately; helter-skelter.
hiukan], yield; (taipua) bend; (lent)
suinta ks. aukimlnen.
riy; (kiit) speed, shoot [by, ohitse] ;
suipennus kS. suipentaminen. suipentumi(viuhua) whlz(z), whlstle [through the
nen. uipentaa make narrower (at one
air, halki ilman], sujahtaminen sliding
end); (krjist) taper, make .. pointed;
suipentaa tervkrkiseksi Sharpen . . to a Jne., ks. edell.
point. suipentaminen makin? narrower (at sujakka limber, llthe(some); (taipuisa)
one end) Jne, ks. edell. suipentua become pllable, flexlble.
(1. get) narro\ver (at one end), narrow sujua (solua) gllde, sllde feasily through,
(orr); (krjisty) taper, become pointed. helposti lpi] ; (antaa pern) glve, yleld;
suipentuminen becomlng narrovver (at one
(taipua) bend, sag; (kyd) go (1. get 1.
end) Jne., ks. edell. suipeta, suipota = run) on (1. along), be runnlng [smoothly,
suipentua; suipeta krjeksi taper (1. nar- tasaisesti] ; (edisty) progress, advance,
ro\v ofD to a polnt, run (in)to a point. proceed; (onnistua) succeed, have . . sucsuippeneminen = suipentuminen.
cess, turn out; ~ huonosti make poor (1.
suippo (kaita) narrovv; (suippeneva) taper- little) progress, (hitaasti) progress (1. ad
lng (to a polnt); (terv) pointed, peaked. vance) slowly, (onnistua) have little sucsuippo! harjainen (katto) . . wlth a Sharp cess [huom. ty sujuu huonosti the work
(1. a peaked) gable. -kaari pointed arch; does not progress (1. advance) (well), the
ogtve; (terv) lancet (arch). -korvainen work is not progresslng well (1. at any
. . wlth pointed cars. -karkinen pointed, great pace) ; ty sujuu hnelt huonosti
peaked; (sharply) tapering. -lakki peaked he does not make much (1. he makes poor
(1. pointed) cap. -lakkinen . . wlth a 1. he makes little) progress in (1. with)
peaked cap. -parta (leuassa) pointed (1. hls work, he does not advance (at any
. peaked) beard, Vandyke beard; (alahuu
great pace) In (1. wlth) hls work]; hy
lessa) Imperial, -partainen., uit h a pointed vin, mainiosti (esim. ty) progress (1.
(1. a Vandyke) beard. -pyrstinen . . with be progressing) well (1. excellently),
a tapering (1. a pointed) tali. -painan
(esim. asiat) go (1. run) on (1. along) well
suippokrkinen. -torninen . . \vitli a pointed (1. smoothly), be golng (1. be running)
(1. a peaked) tower; (et. kirkko) . . with a well (1. smoothly), (onnistua) be a (great
steeple (1. a splre).
1. brllllant) success, go (very) well, go
(ofD splendidly (1. brilliantly 1. exrellentsuippu (krki) polnt; tlp; (huippu) peak.
-kaulus pointed cape.
ly) [huom. kappale sujui mainiosti (mys:)
suistaa (syst) hurl (down) [Into the tne presentatlon (or the play) was a great
abyss, kuiluun], throw, plunge [. . Into success: puhe sujuu hnelt hyvin he has
the water, veteen], pltch; ~ valtaistui
an easy riow of speech (1. of language I.
melta ks. syst, suistaminen hurllng of words) at hls conunand, he speaks
flucntly, (on sujuva puhuja) he is a flu(down) Jne., ks. edell.
ent Speaker; se sujui meilt mainiosti we
suistomaa, suistamo delta.
suistua Tall (1. tumble) down (1. headlong). made excellent progress with (1. in) it,
(syksy) plunge [Into the water, veteen] ; we came out splendidly (1. wlth flylng
COlors); se sujuu hyvin, se sujuu mainiosti
be thrown, be hurled, be dashed; (kukis
tua) be Overthro\vn; ~ hevosen selst (mys:) it goes llke clockwork] : miten ty
be thrown (1. be hurled) from one's horse, (-si) sujuu how are you gettlng on (1.
fall rrom (I. olT) one's horse: ~ kiskoilta, along) with the [your] work? how does
raiteilta (Juna) run off (l. leave) the your work progress (1. advance)? sujumi
ralls, be deralled; ~ pengert alas nen glldlng Jne., ks. edell.
tumble (1. plunge I. be hurled) down the sujutella, sujuttaa ranse . . to slide (1. to
ernbankment; ~ suulleen fall (1. he thrown) gllde); let .. slide (1. glide); (taivuttaa)
on one's face: ~ valtaistuimelta be de- be bending, bend, crook, make . . bend.
throned, (kukistua) be overthrown; vrt. sujuva fliient [speaker, puhuja] ; riowing
syksy, suistunut tallini, tumbled; (ku
[scntence. lause]; (pakoton, vapaa) easy,
kistunut) overthrown.
smooth; (sujakka; taipuisa) limber, lithe;
suitsea (savuta) be smoking, smoke, pllable, supple; (keve) llglit, (liikkeis
smo(u)lder: (hyryt) be fumlng. suitse
sn) nlmble; ~ esitys easy dellvery,
minen smoking Jne., ks. edell.
easy flow of language, smooth presenta
suitsenperit Iines, reins. suitset (knnlal- tlon; ksiala easy (1. smooth) hand
writlng, runnlng hand: sujuvat liikkeet
met) hit, (kanki) curb-bit; (pitset)
briille; (ohjakset) reins, Iines, sultseton . . llght and easy (1. llght and nlnihle) movewithont a briille. suitsi ks. suitset, sult- ments, gracpful movements; helposti ~
(taipuva) easlly bent, pliabh-, flcxiblc, lim
sienpano bridllng.
suitsittaa brlrtle (a (the) horse. hevonen 1. ber. sujuvsisuus fluenry; (esim. ksialan)
put the brldle on. suitslttamlnen, suitsltus ease, easlness, smoothness: (talpulsuus)
. . being easlly bent, pllableness, flexlbllibridllng.
ty, limberness. sujuvasti (esim. puhua:)
suitsu smoke; rume(s). suitsuaminen smok
fluently; (pakottomasti) easily, with ease,
ing Jne., ks. seur. suitsuta smoke, fume;




smoothly; (talpulsastl) Hthely; Hexlnly; garter; (sukankannatln) stocking-suspend(kevyesti) llgbtly, nlmbly; artikkeli on su
er (1. -supporter). -nauha ritarikunta I.
juvasti kirjotetta the artlcle Is wrltten In -ritarista order of the Garter. -puikko 1.
(lowlng language. sujuvuus ujuvaiiuus. -varras knitting-needle.
suka (harjas) brlstle; (harja) brusb; (he sukkasillaan In one's stocking feet. In one's
stockings (1. socks).
vos-) curry-comb.
sukaisu (sivaltaa) slap, strtke, glve . . a sukkatehdaa hoslery (manu)factory,hosiery.
quick slap, (esim. ruoskalla) lash; ~ pa sukkela qulck, swirt; (nopea) fast, speedy;
(Joutuisa) ready, prompt; (ketter) nimble,
koon (livist) dart (1. dash) away; ~
suuhunsa grab . . qulckly and put lt Into agile: (lyks) quick- (1. sharp-)wttted.
clever [trick, temppu] : (vitsiks)
one's mouth.
suka karva brlstle; (tiet.) set [plur. setac]. wltty; (mukava) handy; (omituinen) queer,
-karvainen brlstly, . . covered with brlstly Odd, Strange, CUrlOUS; sukkelaan = sukke
lasti; keino handy way, clever method,
aukamainen brlstle-like; (tiet.) setaceous, (omituinen) queer way, strange means;
setiform. sukamato (meri-) sea-worm. sep sokkeloa (omituista) thafs queer (1.
sukanen (kasv.) brlstle; set [plur. set]. strange) ! lsn't that odd (1. pecullar 1.
sukan kudelma 1. -kudin (1. v.) kulttini.-; queer 1. strange) ! vrt. sep.
laski sukanhutimensa pydll put (1. lay) sukkela!: kielinen .. gllb of tongue (1. or
the sock she was knltting on the table. speech), . . wlth a gllb tongue. -liikkeinen
-kudonta knltting (oi) stockings (1. of . . wlth quick (1. Swift) movements, nimble,
socks). -kutoja one who knlts socks (1. agile. -neuvoinen qulck- (1. ready-)wltted;
stockings). -kutomakone knltting machlne . . prompt to act. -neuvoisuus ready wit.
(Tor hoslery). -kutomatehdas I. -kutomo -sanainen qulck- (1. ready -)witted; (vas
kntttlng-mlll Tor hoslery; vrt. sukkatehdas. tauksissaan) . . quick at repartee. -sanai-auu top Of a Stocking; sukansuusta sisn suus wlt.
Into the stocking. -aUrl leg or a stocking, sukkelasti qulck(ly), swirtly, fast, speedily;
stocking leg. -teri foot or a stocking (1. readlly, promptly; nimbly; cleverly; in a
\vitty manner; queerly; vrt. sukkela.
a sock).
sukellus dive; (sukeltaminen) divtng; [ui sukkela! tuumainen ready- (1. quick-)witted,
. qulck of wlt; Swift or thought; vrt.
da] sukelluksissa [SWlm] Ulnli-C (the)
water, submerged; menn sukelluksiin sukkelaneuvoinen. -tuumaisuus ready (1.
quick) wit; swlftness of thought.
slnk, go down, be(come) submerged, (het
kiseksi) duck; nousta sukelluksista COme sukkeluus quickness; (nopeus) swiftness,
up, come (1. rlse) to the surface, emerge, speediness; (joutuisuus) readlness, promptreappear; vrt. upoksiin, upoksissa, -lue ness; (ketteryys) nimbleness, agility;
(lykkyys) cleverness, ready wlt; (pila)
submarlne (boat), -kyplri dlver's helmet.
-puku dlver's suit, submarlne armo(u)r, wittlclsm, sally (of wit), joke, jest; (sana
leikki) pun; sukkeluuksien laskija Wit,
Joker, Jester, punster: lasketella sukke
sukeltaa dive, take a dive; submerge; (hy
pt) plunge [Into the water, veteen]; luuksia crack jokes, Indulge In wltticlsms
(kastaa Itsens kki) duck. sukeltaja (1. in sallles or wlt 1. In puns), teli one
Jest arter another.
diver. sukeltaminen dlvlng Jne., ks. sukel
taa, sukeltautua (Ilve; sukeltautua emiin sukkula shuttle. aukkulamainen shuttledive forth [from among the crowd, vki- shaped; (tiet.) rusirorm. sukkulamato
(elint.) nematode (worm).
sukeutua (Johtua) ensue, arlse, sprlng suklaa chocolate. -kakku cake (1. bar) or
[rrorn, Jostakin]; (kehitty) develop (1. cbocolate.
evolve) [into. Joksikin; rrom (1. out of), su k laan vri non chocolate. suklaatehdas choc
Jostakin], grovv rotit of. Jostakin]; (tulla) olate factory. suklaat! ks. suklaa.
become, get; asiasta sukeutui vilkas kes suksi ski, skee. -keli skiing. -mies skier,
kustelu (mys:) a llvely dlscusslon en- skl-runner. -sauva skl-starr, skl-pole.
Sued; siifa sukeutui pitk keskustetu a suku famlly; (ylhinen) house; (sukulai
long dlscusslon evolved from (1. gre\v out
kin, kindred; (kanta) stock; (per)
Of) that: siit voi ~ jotakin Somcthlng set)
descent, lineage, parentage.
may come (out) of that, that may develop extraction,
(lht) origin: (synty
(1. evolve) Into somethlng, somcthlng may per) birth,blood;
(laji) klnd, spectes;
arlse (1. sprlng) from that, somethlng (rotu) breed,natlvity;
(heimo, suku
may grovv (! turn) out of that, that may kunta) tiibe; (kasv. race;
& plaint.) genus;
come to (1. result In) somethlng. sukeu
tuminen ensulng Jne., ks. edell.; developor one's blrth (1. ramily 1. lineage 1. an
ment, evolutlon.
ccstry); alhaista sukua (oleva) kS. alhaissukia (etup. hevosta) curry(-comb), groom; sukuinen; hn on ylhist sukua he Is nf
rub down; (harjata) brush; (kammata) hlgh birth (1. High ancestry), lie Is or
comb [one's halr, hiuksiaan]; (sivell) noble descent, he Is high-born: kaukaista
stroke fnno's beard, partaansa] . sukimaton sukua jollekulle dlstantly related to, a disuncurrled, ungroomed; unbrushed, un- tant relative of; kuninkaallista sukua or
combed. sukiminen currylng jne., ks. sukia. royal blood; omaa sukua W. nec W.
sukka (etup. naisen) stocking, (miehen)
[huom. kuka (}. nuha) hn on omaa sukua
sock; (yi.) hose; (hehku) mantle; miesten vvliat \vas her maiden name? who was sbe
sukkia men's stockings (1. hose 1. hoslery), berore she was married?]; vrt. ihmis.
suku- (yhd.) ramily [esim. -kiista I. -riita
sukkainen (ylid.) . . with . . stockings (I. ramily reud; -perint ramily tnlierltancei.
socks), . ,-stocklnged [esim. sini~ . . wlth -aateli nobllity or blood. -haara 1. -kanta
blue stockings (1. socks), bluo-stockinged]. branch or tlie family. -hauta ramily lot;
sukkalijalkainen stockinged, . . with one's (kappeli) ramily vault. -hyvincn neHtocklngs (1. socks) on; (hevosesta:) .. potlc. -hyvisyys nepotism.
\vlth white hocks. -lanka (villa-) worsted sukuinen (yhd.) related (1. akln 1. allled 1.
(I. yarn) for stockings, stocklng-yarn; kindred) to [esim. sen . . related (1.
Huilivilla-) stocklng-thread. -mieli (karlc) akln 1. allled) to lt] ; vrt. suomen-.
.'unin-; (mustasukkainen) Jealous. -nauha sukuisin: olla ~ dcilve one's birth (1. origin)


posslblllty; sulasta armosta OUt or Sbeer
(1. of pure) mercy; ~ vesi open
water; ~ voi melted (1. drawn) butter;
vlttmttmyys absolute (1. sheer) necesslty; ~ ljy nuld oli, oli which Is not
rrozen; sulimmat kiitokseni my most Slncere (1. hearty) thanks; on sulaa hulluutta
[yrittkn..] lt is sheer (1. nothlng but)
madness [even to attempt ..], lt Is the
veriest madness . .; se on ~ totuus lt Is
the naked truth, lt Is pure (1. sheer)
truth, lt Is nothlng but the truth, (Jkpv.)
it Is the gospel-truth; se on valhe lt Is
au a lie; vrt. silkka.
sula II. (s.) (avoin vesi) open water; ajaa
sulaan drive into open vvater.
sulaa melt; (metalleista y.m., mys:) fuse;
(etup. lumesta Ja Jst:) thaw; (muuttua
nestemiseksi) llquefy; (liueta) dlssolve;
(ruoasta:) be(come) dlgested, dlgest;
sulaa suussa melts in the mouth; tyh
jiin melt down to nothlng, dvvindle away;
vedeksi melt into vvater, thaw; yhteen
(esim. vreist:) run together, melt Into
each other, blend, coalesce, (kuv.) amalgamate; ajos ~ the tumor goes down ; soke
ri vedess sugar dissolves (1. melts) in
vvater; sydn the heart melts (1. softens 1. grows tender); taivaan sini ~ me
ren vihren the liluc or the azure melts
Into (1. runs together vvith) the green or
the sea. sulaaminen sulattaminen, aulaantua = sulaa, sulautua, sulamaton (Joka
el ole sulanut) . . not melted, (esim. me
talleista:) . . not rused, (ruoasta:) undlgested, . . not dlgested; (Joka el ole
liuennut) undissolved; (Joka ei sula) ..
vvhich does not melt, infusible [metal,
(ruoasta:) Indlgestlble. sulamattomuus . .
belng infusible (1. indlgestlble Jne., ks.
ertell.); (llukenemattomuus) Indlssolubility.
sulamellotus (tekn.) wet puddllng.
sulaminen melting jne., ks. sulaa; (ruoan)
sulamia kohta melting- (1. ruslng-)potnt,
point or ruslon. -kuumuus melting heat.
-piste = sulamiskohta. -tila melted (1.
molten) condltlon; ruslon.
sulankyn qulll.
sulatella be melting, be fuslng Jne.; vrt.

[from, Jostakin], descend [from], be a

descendant [of], spring [rrom], come
[rrom (1. of)].
suku Johto llneage. -kartano ramily estate,
(vanha) ancestral estate; (lak.) entall.
-kehitys (biol.) pbylogeny. -kieli = suku
laiskieli, -kirja pedigree; (yksinom. ihmi
sist puhuen:) genealogy; vrt. sukuluet
telo, -kosto blood revenge (1. vengeance).
-kunta race; generatlon.
sukulainen relatlve, relatlon; (mies-) klnsman, (nais-) klnsvvoman; (kasv. k ellnt.)
congener; sukulaiset (mys:) kln, kindred,
kinsfolk, kitti and kln; sukulaistenpa)
suosiminen nepotlsm; hn on minun suku
laiseni (mys:) he is a connectlon or mine;
joutua Cl. pst) jonkun sukulaiseksi
(mvs:) become related (1. allled) to a p.,
be brougnt into (a ramlly) alllance wlth a
p. ; lhin sukulainen, lhimmt sukulaiset
(lak.) next or kln; min en lue hnt su
kulaisekseni (mys:) I do not claim rela
tionshlp wlth him.
sukulais! kansa kindred people. -kieli related (1. kindred 1. allled 1. cognate) language. -piirre ramily reature (1. llkeness);
sukulaispiirteet (mys:) family ltneaments.
-rakas . . loini of (I. attached to) one's
relatlves (1. one's kinsrolk 1. one's kin
dred), (sukulaisiaan suosiva) nepotlc.
-rakkaus attachment to one's relatives (1.
one's kindred 1. one's kinsfolk); (suosi
minen) nepotlsm. -siteet, -suhde ks. su
sukulaisuus kinshlp, relationshlp, consanguinity; (ramily) alliance; (yleis.) arrinlty. -siteet ties (1. bonds) or relationshlp,
ramily ties (1. bonds). -suhde relationshlp,
famlly connectlon; olla jonkun kanssa su
kulaisuussuhteessa be related to, bave
family connections wlth.
suku luettelo genealogy, ramily reglster,
llst or ancestors; (-kirja) pedigree; vrt.
suku|taulu, -puu. -nimi ramily name, surname; (Jkpv.) last name; (luonnont.) gonerlc name. -lunastusoikeus privilege or
members or a ramily to redeem the ramily
estate. -pert descent, lineage, parentage,
extraction, blrth; orlgln; ramily; alhaista
[ylhist] sukuper ks. suku. -polvi gen
eratlon; monen sukupolven ajan, monta
sukupolvea for many generations. -puoli
sex; hienompi sukupuoli tbe fair sex.
sukupuoli- (viul.) sexual [esim. -elm
sexual life; -tauti sexual dlsease]. -elin
sexual organ; sukupuolielimet (mys:)
genltals, private parts. -vietti sexual instlnct (1. deslre).
sukullpuu genealogical tree, famlly tree.
-puutto extlnction; sukupuuttoon kuollut
extinct. -rutsaua lncest. -taulu genea
logical table. -tauti dlsease runnlng in a
ramily; (peritty) Inherlted dlsease. -tiede
genealogy. -tieteellinen genealogical. -tie
teilij genealoglst. -tila 1. -tilus ks. suku
kartano, -vaakuna ramily coat or arms,
arms (or a ramily). -vietti sexual lnstlnct
(1. rtesire). -vika ramily vveakness, In
herlted derect. -ylpeys ancestral prlde,
ramily prlde.
sula I. (a.) (sulatettu, sulanut) melted,
molten; (Juokseva) llquld, riuid; (Jtym
tn)., not rrozen, ..not congealed; (avoin)
open; (paljas) bare, naked; (pelkk)
sheer, mere, nothlng but; very, veriest;
(selv, suora) plaln, slmple, utter, downrlgbt; (puhdas) pure; (ehdoton) absolute;
~ maa ground \vhlch Is not rrozen,
(lumeton) bare ground, naked ground;
~ mahdottomuus Utter (1. dOwnHght 1.
absolute) lmposslblllty, simply an lm-


sulatin (tekn.) melting-pot;

sulattaa melt [snow, lunta]; (esim. metal
leja) ruse: (esim. rautamalmia) smelt;
(esim. lmmin Ilma jt, lunta) thaw;
(nesteytt) liquery; (Ihraa, voita:) render; (ruokaa) dlgest; (kuv.) put up wlth,
stomach, (kaltaisekseen) asslmilate; (v
reist:) blend; ajos reduce a swelling,
make a swelling go down; ~ toisiinsa
ruse (1. melt) together, (kuv.) amalgamate, (tehden yhdenmukaisiksi) asslmi
late; vrt. sulauttaa, sulattamaton . . not
melted, unmelted. . . not rused; (ruoka)
undlgested; (keitt.) . . not rendered, unrendered. sulattaminen melting Jne., ks.

sulatto (sullmo) smelter(y), smeltlngvvorks; (sulatusuuni) smeltlng-rnrnace.

sulatus Tuslon; (ruoan) dlgestion; mys
= sulattaminen, -kuumuus melting heat.
-pannu meltlng-pot.
-uuni smeltlngrnrnace.
sulauttaa ruse; blend: ~ itseens asslmi
late, lncorporate Into Itself, (Ime) absorb. sulautua ruse; (et. vreist:) blend;
sulautua johonkin become merged (1. absorbed 1. Incorporatcd) in, (Jonkin kai



tiseksi) be(come) asslmllated In, vrt.

muuttaa (vhitellen Joksikin).
sulava meltlng, rustng; (Jonka voi sulattaa)
fluld, llquld; (nuortea) limber, lithe,
(liukas) supple; (pakoton) easy, unconstralned,
graceful, charmlng; Matavat liikkeet (miel
lyttvt) graceful (1. charmlng) movements, (kevyet) easy (1. unconstralned)
movements; taaeea ~ melting In the
mouth, extrcmely dellclous; vaikeutti ~
ruoka food whlch Is dlfflcult to dtgest.
sulavaisuus fusibillty; (ruoan) dlgestlbllity; vrt. sulavuus, sulavasti llthely; \vlth
ease, smoothly; (miellyttvsti) gracerully. charmlnirly. sulavuus (nuorteus) lithesomeness; llmberness; suppleness; (pa
kottomuus) ease, smoothness; (miellyt
tvyys) grace(fulness), charm(lngness).
sulfaatti (kem.) sulphate, suirate. sulfidi
sulphlfle, sulfld. sulfiini sulphlte.
sulhanen Nance; (jkpv.) [her] tntended;
(vihlllemenev) groom, brfdegroom; (ko
slia) suitor; (mielitietty) beau; lover.
sulhas mies suitor; vrt. edell.
groomsman; (the groom's) best man.
sulho = sulhanen.
sullmo (Amer. suom.) smelter(y), smeltlngworks.
sulittaa feather, furnlsh vvlth feathers;
piume; tulitettu feathered, plumed.
suljenta = sulkeminen.
suljettu closed [meetlng, kokous; syllable,
tavu], close, shut; sealed [letter, kirje;
package, kr] ; suljettujen ovien takana
behlnd (1. vvlth) closed doors; seura
snclety the membershlp of whlch is llmtted, select soclety, (valio-) select com
pany (1. party), (yksityinen) prlvate party
(1. club); suljetuilla lipuilla by Secret ballot; kirjeeseen . . enclosed in the letter.
sulka (hyhen) feather; (suuri, kaunis,
esim. strutsin) piume; (kyn) qulll.
sulka kaura Tatarlan (1. banner) oats.
-kyn (pen made of a) qulll.
sulkamalnen featherilke; plume-llke.
sulka sato mo(u)ltlng, sheddlng of Teathers; (-aika) mo(u)lting-season: olla sul
kasadossa mo(u)lt, (be) shed(rting) lts
feathers; vrt. siipisato. -suoninen featherveined.
sulkava (ellnt.) Abramls ballerus.
sulkea close [the ranks, rivit] , shut [the
door, ovi], shut up [in a dungeon, tyr
mn]; (lukita) lock (up); (teljet) bolt;
(est) bar (out), obstruct; (pyshdyt t fi u > shut (1. turn) ofr [the gas, kaasuvirta]: stop; biock (up) [the trafric, lii
kenne] ; (padota) dam (up): (pois) exclurte
I from, Jostakin], bar out, debar: aitauk
seen rence in; ~ Jotakin jonkun huomioon
recommcnd . . for (1. commend . . to) ap.'s
conslderatlon: ~ kirje seal a letter;
kirjeeseen enrlose (in the letter) ; lukon
taa(kse) lork . . up (1. In), put [a p.]
under lock and key; ~ piiriin Torni a
Circle about, enclrcle, encompass; ~
postista (virallisella mryksell) debar
from the malls; ~ satama close (1. shut
up) the harbor, bottle up the barbor,
(saartaa) hlorkade a [the] port; sil
mns close (I. shut) one's eyes, (jolta
kin, kuv.) \vlnk at; ~ sinetill (esim. kir
je) seal, (esim. huone) seal up; ~ sisn
shut (1. lock 1. close) up (1. In); ~ Jotakin
Jonkun suosioon commend . . to a p.'s
Tavor; sydmeens keep (1. treasnrc)
In one's heart; ~ syliins lock (1. clasp)
In one's arms, embrace rhuoni. aallot sul
kivat hnet kylmn syliins the cold


waves closed over hlm, the sea engulfed

blm In lts cold embrace]; talo close
the house, (tarttumisvaaran takia) quarantine the house; Me bar (1. obstruct
1. block) the passage (1. the road 1. the
way); ~ vankilaan shut up (1. confine)
. . in prlson, lmprison; verenjuoksu
stop (l. stanch) the riow or blooU.
sulkematon unsealed rietter, kirje]; .. not
closed; (avoin) open. sulkeminen closmg
jne., ks. sulkea, sulkemisaika closing-time.
sulkeutua close (itself), shut, be(come)
shut (1. closed); (lukon taakse) lock o. s.
(up) [In one's room, huoneeseensa); (k
riyty) become enfolded iin the embrace
of the rorest, metsn peittoon] ; ~ itseen
s wlthdra\v \vithin o.s., becorne retleent,
~ lukon taalksel lock o.s. in: jonkun
suosioon commend o.s. to a p.'s favor (1.
remembrance) [huom. sulkeutuen suosioon
ne hoplng to retaln yur kind sympathles,
hoplng (1. trustlng) that you will continue
to ravor me] ; silmt sulkeutuvat the eyes
close (1. shut). sulkeutunut ks. itse.
sulku (vesi-) sluice; (kanavan-) lock, (pa
to) dam; (katu-) barrlcade: (sulkumerk
ki) parenthesis [plur. parentheses], (ha
kanen) bracket: (kuv. = este) check, obStruction; mys sulkeminen; panna
sulkuja jollekin (l. jonkin tielle) put Obstructlons In the way or, (try to) check,
obstruct; vrt. tyn.
sulku- (yhd.) lock- Tesim. -kammio lockchamber; -portti lock-gate] ; (sulkemis-)
closlng [esim. -koneisto closing mechanlsm; -laite closing device] ; stop- [esim.
hana Stop-COCk; -venttiili Stop-valve].
sulkul laitos (kanavan) lock. -lihas (anat.)
sphincter. -luukku gate (of a lock).
-maksu(t) lock toll, lockage. -merkki
parenthesis; (haka-) bracket; sulkumerk
kien vliss vvithin parentheses fbracketsl.
-mies ks. sulunkaitsija. -pyt (kirjap.)
(pieni, mys:) make-up tahle: (kehyksineen, kauppak.) imposlng-stone frame.
sulloa (ahtaa) pack [in one's trunk, ark
kuunsa], stuff, cram; Jam; stovv; (liian
tyteen) crowd; ~ jokin jotakin tyteen
pack (1. cram 1. sturf) . . (chock-)rull of.
sullominen, sullonta packing jne., ks.
edell. sulloutua pack, cro\vd [into asmall
room, pieneen huoneeseen], throng; be
(rome) pneked (1. crowded 1. crammed
1. jammed) [Into. Johonkin] ; sulloutua ty
teen jotakin become chock-full of, be
(come) packed (1. crammed) full of,
(esim. ihmisi) be(come) crowded \vith.
sulo I. (a.) suloinen. II. (s.) charm, grace.
sulo- (yhd.) s\veet, lovely, charmlng, dellghtrul, pleasant resim. -laulu sweet (1.
charmlng 1. delightful) song; -suu sweet
(1. lovely) mouth; -tunne dellghtrul (1.
pleasant) sensation].
suloinen sweet [smile, hymy; repose, lepo;
word, sana]; (herttainen) lovely; (ihas
tuttava) charmlng; (miellyttv) delightful. pleasant, pleasing; (et. maku y.m.)
rielicious; ~ tunne dellghtful (1. pleasant)
feeling (1. sensation), (autuaallinen) blissTul sensation: suloisessa sovussa in s\veet
(-est)accord(l. harmony). suloisesti sxveetly, charmiiiRly; delightrully, pleasantly;
dellciously; vrt. edell. suloisuus sveetness,
lovellness; charm, grace; dellghKfulness),
pleasantness; deliclousness.
sulo sointu svveet melody: (mus.) consonance. -sointuinen s\veetly melodlous,
. . with a s\veet ring; euphonious. -sointuisuus euphony.
sulostuttaa svveeten; make . . pleasant;



gladden; Choor. sulostuttaja: hankkia it

selleen elmn sulostuttaja get someone
who \vlll make oneCs life) happy. sulos
tuttaminen swectening Jne., ks. sulostuttaa.
sulotar Grace.
cheerless, Joyless. sulotuoksuinen sweetscented, s\veet-smclllng, fragrant, dellclous(-smelling); aromatic. sulous sueetness; lovellness; charm, grace; vrt. su
loisuus, suloninen (-solmuinen) melodlous; euphonious (henkilst:) .. 'with
a sweet (l. a lovely 1. a pleaslng) volce,
sult(t)aani suitan.
sulu(kafferi) ZuliK-Knlir).
suluke (klrjap.) space.
sulunkaitsija lock-keeper, lock-tender.
suiuton . . without locks (1. slulces).
sumakkl (ers parkltusalne) sumac.
sumea mlsty, foggy; . . shrouded In a
mlst (I. in mists); (utuinen) hazy (mys
kuv.); (hamara) dim, obscure; (synkk)
dark, gloomy; vrt. sumuinen; mieti su
meana in a gloomy (1. a melancholy)
mood. SUmennus = sumentaminen, su
mentuminen, sumentaa shroud . . In a
mlst (1. in inlsts) ; (hmrt, synkent)
darken, obscure; make . . gloomy; (kuv.)
dim, (be)cloud (a p.'s reason. Jonkun Jr
ki] ; make .. hazy: .. sumentaa mielen
. . makes one sad (1. gloomy). sumenta
minen shrouding in a mist Jne., ks. edell.
sumentua become (1. get) shrouded In a
mlst, become (1. get) mlsty (1. foggy);
(kuv.) become (1. get) dim (1. clouded 1.
hazy), become obscure: (esim. mieli) get
gloomy. sumentuminen becoming shrouded
in a mist Jne., ks. edell. sumeus mlstiness, fogglness; haziness; dlmness; darkness; (mielen) gloom(iness).
summa sum; (mr) amount; (kokonais-)
total (amount): summassa (tukussa) In
bulk, In a lump, by the gross, (summakauppaa) at random: summissa in large
quantities, (tukuttain) in \vholesale lots,
vrt. edell. -kauppa sle [purchase] in alump (1. in bulk); summakaupalla, summakauppaa (summassa) at random: vrt. seur.
-mutikka: summamutikassa, summamutikkaa at random, haphazard, by chance, (ar
vailemalla) by the way of conjecture.
summaton, summattomasti, summattomuus
ks. suunnaton, suunnattomasti, suunnattomuus.
summittain = summissa, ks. summa, sum
mittainen summary; vrt. umpimhkinen,
summittaisesti, summittaisin in a sum
mary manner, summarily.
sumppi (kahvi) diluted llquld obtalned
rrom corree-grounds and used as a basis
for the next pot of ooffpe; (l.v.)poor cotTee.
sumppu (kala-) rioatlng receptacle for
holding flsh. (Engl.) corr.
sumu fog, mist; (auder) haze; sumun pei
tossa oleva ks. sumupeitteinen; maisema
on sumussa the landscape Is shrouded (1.
is \vrapped) in a mlst.
sumu- (yhd.) fog- [esim. -kello fog-bell;
-merkki fog-Signal, fog-alarm; -vihellin
sumuinen roggy, mlsty; nebulous; (utui
nen) hazy. sumuisuus fogglness, mlstlness; nebulosity; haziness.
sumu]] kuva (taikalyhdyll esitetty) dlssolvlng vlew. -peittelnen . . shrouded (1.
.\vrapped) In a mlst. -sireeni slren; vrt.
seur. -torvi foghorn, slren.
sunnuntai Sunday; vrt. lauantai.
sunnuntai- (yhd.) Sunday [esim. -aamu
Sunday morning; -koulu Sunday schooi];


vrt. lauantai-, -ilta: sunnuntai-iltana Sun

day evenlng, Sunday nlght. -lepo rest on
Sunday, Sunday rest, Sabbath rest. -met
sstj holiday sportsman.
sunnuntainen . . of Sunday, Sunday's; (vii
me-) . . of last Sunday, last Sunday's
[esim. konsertti the concert of last
Sunday, last Sunday's concert]. sunnun
tainumero Sunday issue (1. number 1.
edition), sunnuntaipiv Sunday. sunnun
taisin Sundays; aina ~ every Sunday, al\vays on Sunday. sunnuntaity labor (1.
vvork) on Sunday, Sunday work.
suntio (ktrkonvartija) sexton.
suo swamp, marsh, morass, (etup. Engl.)
fen; (turve-) bog, moss, (laaja) moor;
(hylly) quagmire; (liejukko) slough.
suoda grant [a th. to a p., Jotakin Jolle
kulle], vouchsafe [hlm an ansvver, hnelle
vastaus], not (be)grudge [a p. a th.. Jo
takin Jollekulle] ; (sallia) allow, permit,
let; (antaa) give, arford[(a) blessing, siu
nausta], lend; (etup. luonnosta puhuen:)
endovv [one vvith extraordinary talent,
Jollekulle erinomaiset lahjat] ; (toivoa)
VVlSh; soisin, ett niin olisi I WiSh lt were
so, (haluaisin) would that lt were so;
soisin saavani sen I VVlSh I VVOUld get lt;
~ jollekulle anteeksi Torgive (1. pardon 1.
excuse) a p. [huom. suokaa anteeksi 1
beg (1. ask) your pardon, (vakavammin)
1 beg your forglveness, (vnptlsemmist syist) pardon me! excuse me!
(Jkpv.) beg pardon! suotakoon meille an
teeksi, jos . . may we (1. let us) be Torglven, If ..]; ~ huomiota jollekin give ..
one's attention, give (1. pay) attention to,
take notice of, (pit trken) attach
Importance to, vrt. panna; ~ Jollekulle
kaikkea hyv wlsh . . ali (1. every) good;
lupa ks. antaa; Jollekulle pahaa \vish
(1. mean) a p. harm; ~ suukko jollekulle
bestow a klss upon a p.; ~ turvaa jolle
kulle (esim. laki) grant (1. give) a p. protcction; suo hnen tulta (anna) allovv (1.
permit) him to come, let hlm come; suo
koon Juntata, ett min on (\. olisi) God
grant lt be so! vvould to God lt were so!
suon sen sinulle mielellni I don't (be-)
grudge lt you, (for my part) you are
welcome to lt, I am glad that you got (1.
have) it; heidn ei suotu kuolla maansa
puolesta lt vvas not their lot (1. not
granted to them) to die for their coun
try; hn ei suo itselleen (vhkn) le
poa he does not allovv himseir any rest;
hn ei suonut minulle silmystkn he
did not vouchsafe me (1. he dld not condescend to give me) even a glance; hnen
ei suotu nhd isns lt was not granted
(to) hlm to see his rather, lt vvas hls rate
that he should not see hls rather; jos Ju
mala suo (tahtoo) u God grants (1. vvills),
God \villing, please God [huom. jos Juma
la minulle terveytt suo if God grant me
health] ; olisin suonut, ett hn olisi tullut
I \vlsh (1. \vould) he had come, I vvould
have been glad If he had come; sit ei
olisi suotu minulle mielelln (mys:) that
was (rather) begrudged me.
suodatin niter. suodattaa (siivilid) filter,
filtrate. suodattaminen suodatus.
suodatus filterlng; filtratlon. -koje 1. -laite
rilterlng apparatus. -paperi rilter(ing)paper.
suodin filter. suodos filtrate.
suoneina marsh hay, hay gathered rrom a
marsh (1. rrom marshy ground).
suola I. (s.) shelter [against coid, kylml
t], cover; (turva) protection; (puolus
tus) defense; (-palkka) rcfuge; (katos)



Sbed; suojaksi joltakin [joltakulta] as a

protectlon ag-alnst. to protect . . against;
jonkun tuojassa, jonkun suojista (suoje
lemana) under a p.'s protectlon; antoa
tuojaa jollekullo (Ottaa huoneeseensa)
glve shelter to, (turvaa) glve . . one's
protectlon, protect; ttti (\. hakoa) tuo
jaa joltakulta [jostakin] seek protectlon
wlth [In (1. at)], take refuge with,
(esim. sateen-) run (1. riy) to . . for
shelter, take (1. seek) shelter [under a
tree, puun alta] ; kanuunoin tuojatta un
der cover Of the guns; olla tuojatta Iit;
protected (1. sheltered) [from (1. against).
Joltakin], be safe from, vrt. turva; ottaa
tuojaanta (\. suojiinsa) take . . under (1.
Into) one's protectlon, take . . under one's
wlng; puun tuojatta In the shelter of a tree.
uoja II. (a.) (leuto) mlld, open [Winter,
talvi] ; ~ i' a thavv, mlld weather; on
lt Is thavvlng-, lt Is mlld weather.
suojaaminen protectlng Jne., ks. suojata.
auojaamistoimenplde protectlve measure.
suojaava sheltering, protectlng; ai'n
(lak.) emolllent.
suojahauta trench.
suojainen I. (suojattu) sheltered [place,
palkka] ; (turvattu) protected.
suojainen II. (leuto) mlld [\veattier, saa].
suojaa kaari (pyssyn) trlgger-guard. -kansi
protectlve deck, shelter-deck. -katto shel
ter; (sot.) defenslve roof (1. coverlng).
-muuri (puolustus-) derenslve (1. pro
tectlng) vvall.
suojanpuoli (mer.) leeward; suojanpuolelle
(to the) leeward.
suoja paikka Shelter; vrt. turvapaikka,
-pussi (mer.) femler. -seini protectlng
wall. -si thaw, mlld weather.
suojata shelter [against cold, kylmilt];
cover, shleld, screen; (turvata) protect
[against (1. Trom), Joltakin]; (safe-)
guard;. (puolustaa) derend; (silytt)
preserve; itten kylmlt protect (1.
shelter) o.s. against cold; jonkun oikeuktia (sare) guard a p.'s rights; Joltakin
suojattu protected against; vrt. suojella.'
suojaton unsheltered; unprotected; (avo
nainen) open; (turvaton) defenseless.
suojatti ward, prot^ge, (nais-) protegee;
(a person under one's) charge; cllent.
suojal! varustus buKvark; rortiricatlon. -vki
convoy, escort.
suojeleminen protectlng Jne., ks. suojella;
(puolustus) defense; (varjelu) preservatlon. suojeleva protectlng, protectlve [resemblance,
protector; patron; derender. suojella pro
tect [against (I. rrom), joltakin]; (puo
lustaa) defend [against (1. from)]; (var
jella) preserve; (turvata) (safe)guard;
suojella oikeuksiaan joltakin guard onc'S
rights against . . ; vrt. suojata.
suojelus protectlon; defense; safeguard;
patronage; olla jonkun suojeluksen alaisena
be under a p.'s protection (1. wlng), be
under the patronage of.
suojelus- (yhd.) protectlve [esim. -laki
protectlve law; -jrjettelm protcctive
systcm; -toimenpide protectlve measure],
.. of protectlon Leslm. -jrjestelm Sys
tem of protectlon]; (varjelus-) guardlan
[esim. -enkeli guardlan angel; -henki
guardlan spirit], (Harvemmin:) tutelary
leslm. -jumala tutelary god (1. delty) ] ;
vrt. puolustus-, -alue protectlve district;
protectorate. -ase weapon of defense, defensivo weapon; suojelusaseet (mys:)
derensive arms.
genius [plur. genil]. -herra protector;
patron. -keino means of protectlon, pro


tectlon; (silytys-) preservatlve; (laak.)

preventive, prophylactlc. -kirje 1. -kirja
(letter of) safe-conduct. -kunta (palok.)
salvage company,
-lupa safe-conduct.
-merkki trade-mark. -muuri = suoja
muuri, -pyhimys 1. -pyh patron, guardian
saint; (nais-) patroness. -rokotus pre
ventive (1. protectlve) lnoculatlon. -tulli
protectlve tarlff (I. duty); suojelustullien
puoltaja protectlonlst.
protectlve (tarlff) System, protectlon(lsm).
-vartija escort, convoy. -vki escort, con
voy. -yhdisty ks. elinsuojelusyhdisty.
suojus shelter, cover(ing), shleld; screen;
(kotelo) envelope, case, caslng, capsule;
(silm-) shade; (lika- y.m.) guard; (-va
rustus) breastwork, bulwark, fortlflcation; (katos) sbed; (sadekatto) penthouse:
(kasv.) lnvolucr.e; lnvolucel. -katto pent
house; mys suojakatta. -lehti (kasv.)
suojustin guard; vrt. loka.
suoli kaasu (kem.) methane. -kaavi marsh
plant (I. weed). -kukko (ellnt.) rurr.
suokulainen (ellnt.) rurr, (naaras) reeve.
suola sait; (kem. & lk.) sai; vrt. haju,
keitto y.m.
suola- (ybd.) salt(-) [esim. -aavikko saltdesert; -kaivos salt-mlne; -kide saltcrystal; -kylpy sait batb] ; . . or sait
[esim. -kide crystal of sait; -pattat plllar
or sait].
suolaamaton unsalted [butter, voi], suo
laaminen saltlng Jne., ks. suolata, suolaamo place where [flsh, etc] are salted;
curlng-house. suolaanpano = suolaaminen.
suolan happo (kem.)
hydrochlorlc acld;
(kaupp., mys:) murlatlc acld. -hein 1.
-hlerakka (kasv.) sorrel.
suolainen sait; salty, saltlsh; sallne; brlny;
vesi salt(y) water, (merta tarkottaen,
myS:) brlne [huom. suolaisen veden kalat
salt-water flshes] ; taolaiselta maistuva
bracklsh, salty.
-suolainen (ybd.) . .-ly salted [esim. heikfco scarcely salted; fcoea heavlly salted].
auolaisa .. rlch In sait, salty. suolaisuus
saltness, sallnlty.
suolalljrvl salt(y) lake; Sauri Suolajrvi
Great Salt Lake. -kala salt(ed) flsh.
plckled flsh. -kauppiaa dealer In sait.
-kerros layer (1. stratum) of sait.
suolakko box for sait; (ruokapydss:)
salt-shaker, saltcellar.
suolall kurkku plckled cucumber,
plckle; (pieni) gherkln. -liha salt(ed)
meat. -lhde sait (1. sallne) sprlng.
suolamainen salty, salt-llke, sallne.
suolanljmaku salty (1. sallne) taste. -pitoinen . . contalnlng sait, sallferous. -pitoi
suus (degree of) saltness, percentage of
sait. -tapainen = suolamainen.
suolata sait; (silytyst varten) sait down,
(panemalla suolaveteen) put . .
down In brlne, plckle; corn [beef, nau
danlihaa] ; suolattu liha salted meat.
suolatehdas 1. -keittim salt-works. suo
laton . . uithout sait, . . contalnlng no sait;
fresb [water, vesi], suolatuin duty on
sait. suolaus suolaaminen, suolauttaa
hava . . salted.
suola! vesi salt(y) water; brlne. -vuori rock
or sait, sait rock.
suolen- (yhd.) . . of an lntestlne, . . of tbe
intestlnes, lntestlnal [esim. -repem rupture of the Intestlnes; -seinm wall of
an lntestlne, lntestlnal wall]. -mutka ln
testlnal fold.
suoli lntestlne, bowel; (kalan y.m.) gut.
suoli- (yhd.) lntestlnal [esim. -katarri ln
testlnal catarrh; -kohju lntestlnal hernla;


Suomi Finland; Suomen .. (usein:) Finnish
[esim. Suomen hansa the Finnish people] ;
Suomen puoleinen . . Situated (1. located)
on the Finnish side (or the boundary);
Suomen ruotsalainen Svvertc 1'rom Finland.
Finlander of Swedish descent. suomi
(suomenkieli) (the) Finnish (language);
suomensi In (the) Finnish (language), (suo
menkielelle) Into (the) Finnish (language).
suomia (piest) \vhip, tbrash, flog, give a
thrashlng [to]; (ruoskalla:) lash. suomi
minen, suominta whlpplng Jne., ks. edell.
suomisyji bitter opponent of the Finns
(1. of everythlng Finnish).
suomu scale. suomuinen scaly; vrt. kiiltosuomuinen, tuomulehtl (kasv.) scale, bract;
(akana) glume.
suo|multa 1. -muta boggy soll.
suomumainen scale-shaped, scaly; (tiet.)
lamlnate, lamellar, squamous, squamose.
suomullpeite scaly coverlng(l.mtegurnent);
(vankka) scaly armor. -peltteinen .. covered wlth scales, scaly.
suomus scale. suomus- (yhd.) ks. suomu-.
suomustaa *cale. suomustamaton unscaled,
. . not scaled. suomustaminen, suomustus
suomuton . . wlthout scales.
suomuurain ks. muurain.
suonen isku bleedlng (mys kuv.), lettlng
or blood; (lk.) phlebotomy, venosection.
-kovetus (lk.) hardenlng or the \valls of
an artery. -repeytym rupture of a vein.
-sidonta tying (or) a blood-vessel. -tyky
tys pulsatlon, beatlng (1. throbblng) or the
pulse, pulse. -veto cramp.
suoni (laskimo-; malmi-; lehti-) vein;
(valtimo) artery; (anat.) vessel; (Janne)
slnew, tendon; (kasv. mys:) nerve; vrt.


-rauhanen inlestinal gland] ; . . Of the intestlnes [esim. -katarri catarrh or the ln

testines; -tauti dlsease of tbe lntestines].
-haava ulcer of the lntestines. -Janne
catgut, catgut string. -kuume ks. lavan
tauti, -lieve (anat.) mesentery. -lima intestlnal mucus. -mato lntestinal worm.
suolinkainen (ellnt.) roundworm. tuolisolmu knot In (1. knottlng or) the lntes
tines. suolisto lntestines, bovvels.
suoli tulehdus inflammation of the lntes
tines (1. the bovvels). -vy glrdle, belt;
(vytre) \vaist; vrt. nlkvy.
suoma (lahja) glft.
suomaa bog; boggy (1. marshy 1. swampy)
soil (1. ground 1. land); rnarsh land.
suomalainen I. (a.) Finnish; (Joskus:) Finnic.
Ii. (s.) Finn, Finlander.
suomalais- (ybd.) . . or Finnish [esim. -huo
linen . . or Finnish fashion; -perinen . .
or Finnish ONgln; -syntyinen . . Of Finnish
descent (1. extractlon)] ; .. wlth a Finnish
.. [esim. -niminen.. v! itu a Finnish name] ;
Finnish [esim. -heimo Finnish tribe] ;
Finno- [esim. -ugrilaiset kielet FlnnoUgric ianguages].
suomalaisittain in Finnish Tashlon. suoma
laistua become Finnish (In language and
manners), adopt Finnish manners (and
language), become assimilated by the Finn
ish people; suomalaistua kieleltn adopt
the Finnish language; suomalaistua ta
voiltaan adopt (1. acquire) Finnish customs (1. manners), become a Finn in one's
customs (1. one'8 manners). suomalais
tuminen becomlng Finnish Jne., ks. dell.
suomalaistuttaa make . . Finnish, bave (1.
make) . . adopt Finnish manners (and lan
guage). suomalaistuttaminen making . .
Finnish jne., ks. edell. suomalaisuus:
suomalaisuuden asia the cause oi" the Finn
ish people and the Finnish language.
suomalmi bog-lron (ore).
suomoapuhuva Finnlsh-speaklng.
suomen kieli (the) Finnish (language).
-kielinen (. . in the) Finnish (language);
(suomeapuhuva) Finnlsh-speaklng; suo
menkielinen puhe speech In (tbe) Finnish
Suomenlahti (the) Guir or Finland.
Suomenmaa Finland.
suomen: maalainen I. (S.) Finlander. II. (a,):
suomenmaalainen rykmentti (Russian) regiment statloned In Finland, -mielinen FlnnIsh-minded, pro-Finnlsh, Finnish In one's
(polltlcal) vie\vs, . . or the Finnish party;
hn on suomenmielinen (mys:) he ravors
the Finnish views (1. the Finnish party),
-mielisyys: hnen suomenmielisyytens hts
pro-Finnlsh attltude (1. vle\vs), hls sympathy (1. hls Tavorable attltude) tovvard
the Finnish language (1. tovvard everythlng
suomennella be translatlng Into Finnish.
Suomenniemi Finnish peninsula, peninsula
or Finland.
suomennos translatlon Into (the) Finnish
(language); Finnish translatlon; suomennoksenain a Finnish translatlon (1. version).
suomensukuinen . . related to the Finns,
FlnnlC; virolaiset ovat suomensukuista
kansaa the Esthonians aro klnspeople to
(1. are klnsmen of) the Finns.
suomentaa translate (1. render) Into (tbe)
Finnish (language) ; suomentanut . . (Kir
jan otsikkosivulla y.m.) translated Into
Finnish by ... suomentaja translator
(into Finnish), one who translates (1. bas
translated) . . Into Finnish, suomentami
nen translatlng into (the) Finnish (lan

imu', veri-*.

suoniitty marshy meado\v, marsh.

suonikalvo (siiman) chorold coat.
suoni kas slne\vy.
suonijkohju 1. -tyri dllatation of a vein
[or velns] ; (tiet.) varicose veln[s].
suoninen (yhd.) . . with . . velns (1. nerves)
[esim. moni . . with many veins (1.
nerves)], . .-veined [esim. haara~ retlculate-veined].
suoni||rauta rieam; lancet. -side (lk.)
suonisto (system oD veins.
suonkulvaus reclalmlng of swamp-land(s).
suopa sort (1. potash) soap; vrt. saippua.
suopaikka marshy (1. STvampy) place.
suopea (suosiollinen) favorable [to a p.,
jollekulle], propltious [to]; (ystvllinen)
klnd, good, rriendly [kaikki: to]; (hy
vntahtoinen) kindly(-dlsposed), benevolent; (hyvtarkottava) well-meanlng, welllntentioned; (lempe, lauhkea) gentle,mlld,
sort; (armollinen) graclous [to] ; (armah
tavainen) merclful; suopealla mielell jo
takuta kohtaan favorably dlsposed (1. incllned) tovvards, klndly tovvards. In good
humor vvith: suopein silmin favorably,
\vlth lavor [liuoin, sit ei hovissa katsota
suopein silmin lt is not In the good graces
or (1. In ravor vvith) the court, lt is looked
upon (1. lt Is vlevved) vvith disravor at
the court]. suopeamiellnen .. favorably
(1. klndly) dlsposed (1. incllned) [toward.
Jollekin (1. Jotakin kohtaan)]; (suosiolli
nen) favorable [to], suopeasti favorably,
propitiously; klndly; gently, raildly; graclously; mercifully.
suoilpehku litter of bog-peat. -perinen
svvampy, marshy; boggy, (hyllyv) quaggy. -perllayys svvampiness, marshlness;
suopeus ravor(ableness), propltiousness;



klnd(U)ness, rrlendllness; [a p.'s] favorable disposition [tovvard. Jotakin koh

taan], rrlendly attltude; good lntentlons
[tovvardl, benevolence; gentleness, mlldness: gractousness; mercy, mercifulness;
vrt. suopea.
uopunki lasso, larlat.
suo pursu (kasv.) narrow-leaved Labrador
tea, \vlld rosemary. -pll (ellnt.) shorteared o\vl, marsh-ovvl.
suora I. (a.) straight [stlck, keppi: line,
viiva: road, tie]; rlght [angle, kulma];
(vlitn) direct; (lyhyt) short; (pysty)
uprlght (mys kuv.), erect; (selv) plaln,
dounrlght [lie, vale]; (sula) utter [imposslblllty, mahdottomuus], sheer; (suo
rasukainen) stralghtforuard [character,
luonne], outspoken; (vilpitn) slncere,
rrank, candid, aboveboard, square; (re
Just, ' Talr; (avonainen) open(-hearted):
(teeskentelemtn) unequivocal, unfelgned
[confession, tunnustus] ; (peittelemtn)
undisgutsod, unreserved; suoraan ks. hakus. ; suoraa peli straight game, (menet
tely) fair play; suoraa puhetta plaln
speech, \vords that cannot be mlsunderstood, unmistakable words, (koristelema
tonta) plain (1. straightlorvvard) language;
suoraa pafstraight(way) [to hell, helvet
tiin], directly, (jkpv.) rlght straight, (suin
pin) headlong, precipltately, (lyhint tie
t) the Shortest way; ~ esiintyminen
stralghtrorvvard (1. aboveboard) conduct,
stralichtforvvard (1. open) manner(s); ~
kohtelu square deal, Talr treatment; ~
mies uprlght (1. stralghtrorvvard) fellow(l.
man), (rehellinen) honest rellovv (1. man);
; Istua, kvell] suorana, suorassa [slt,walk]
straight (1. erect), (ojona) stretched out,
outstretched [huom. ksi suorana (ojona)
with one's hand outstretched, with out
stretched hand: selk suorana (1. suoras
sa, wlth one's back straight, straight,
erect] ; ~ polvi Ilneal descent; ~ totuus
plain (1. unvarnlshed) truth, (alaston)
naked truth; ~ vastakohta direct contrast, the very opposlte; ~ vastaus straight
(1. direct 1. point-blank) ans\ver; suoriksi
puhuen (]. sanoen) kB. suoraan (sanoen) ;
suorin sanoin In plaln terni (I. vvords),
plalnlv, straight out, outrlght; suorin tie
johonkin the shortest (1. nearest) route
(1. vvay) to, (oikotie) short-cut; oli suoraa
hulluutta luulla . . It was sheer madness
to believe . . . it \vas utter insanity to belleve . .; olla jotakuta kohtaan be Inlllk
(1. open 1. aboveboard) \vith (1. tovvard);
se on suoraa maankavallusta it is rank
treason; se on suoraa petosta it is plain
fraud; vlimme on [nyt] we are [now]
square (1. qutts).
suora II. (s.) straight (1. ristit) llne.
suoraan straight [on, eteenpin], rlght;
directly [to, jonnekin]; (selvsti) plalnly, In vvords that do [did] not allo\v of
mlsinterpretatlon, In words not to be misunderstood; (kiertelemtt) polntblank,
outrlght; (vilpittmsti) slncerely, frankly, straightrorvvardly, squarely; (avoi
mesti) openly, freely, vvithout reserve,
aboveboard; ~ asiaan directly to the matter; edessnne straight (1. rlght 1. Just)
aliead of you; ~ ja rehellisesti frankly
and honestly; [ohjata] jotakin kohden
[steer] directly to(ward), directly .for;
pohjoiseen, ~ pohjoisessa (myS:)
due north; ~ sanoahseni to speak frankly
(1. plalnly), to be rrank \vith you, vrt.
seur.; sanoen to speak frankly (l. hon
estly), frankly (1. honestly) speaking, to


put It In plain English, (totta) to teli the

truth, to be rrank (1. candid I. plain)
(with you), to be ralr and square wttn
you, (kaunistelematta) not to mlnce matters; ~ vastaan straight (1. directly)
agalnst [huom. tuulee vastaan the wind
Is (blowing) directly against us (them
Jne.)]; on ~ tunnustettava, ett .. It
must be rrankly (1. openly) conressed
that . .; sano minulle teli me honestly
(1. frankly); selitt ~ declare rrankly (1.
openly 1. \vlthout reserve); vrt. suorastaan.
suora kaide rectangle; suorakaiteen muo
toinen rectangular. -kasvuinen . . straight
in growth, . . of straight growth. -kulma
rlght angle. -kulmainen rlght-angled "trlangle, kolmio] ; rectangular. -kulmaisesti
at rlght angles. -kulmio rectangular flgure. -luontoinen 1. -mielinen rrank, can
did, slncere, stralghtrorvvard, uprlght.
(-puheinen) outspoken, unreserved.
suoranainen direct, lmmediate [cause, syy];
(todellinen) actual, posltive, regular; (ni
menomainen) express
[order, ksky] ;
(sula) downrlght, outrlght [lie, vale] :
(selv) plaln, Clear; tss on harjotettu
suoranaista petosta OUtrlght (1. dO\vnrlgllt)
deceptlon has been perpetrated here, this
Is a clear case of deccit, thls is a case >!
dovvnrlght deceit. suoranaisesti directly,
immedlately; (todella) actually; (nimen
omaan) expressly; (suoraan) downright;
suorall puheinen outspoken, plain-spoken,
stralghtrorvvard. -sanainen . . in prose;
prose; (Joskus:) prosalc; suorasanaisia ru
noelmia poems in prose, poetic prose.
-sanaisesti in prose.
suorastaan dovvnrlght; qulte; (yksinkertai
sesti) slmply; (tydellisesti) thoroughly;
(ehdottomasti) absolutely, posltlvely [linposslble, mahdotonta]; (kokonaan) entlrely, vvholly, utterly, outright; (suora
naisesti) actually; hn ei sit sanonut,
mutta . . he did not exactly say so but . . ,
he did not qulte teli that but . . . suorasti
~ suoraan.
suorasukainen straightforvvard, uprlght.
outspokenness. -viivainen rectlllnear, rectilineal, straight-lined.
suorentaa straighten, make . . straight;
vrt. suoristaa, suorentua, suoreta = oieta,
suorentuminen suoreneminen.
suoria (oikaista) set rlght, correct; (raer.)
clear [a ship, laiva]; (varustautua) gret
ready [for the Journey, matkalle], prepare [for]; ~ tiehens kS. potkia; suori
matkaasi be gone! of f wlth you! clear
out! go about your business! (Jkpv.) beat
It! (ulos) get out (of here)! suoriminen
sctting rlght Jne., ks. edell.; (aluksen)
clearing, clearance.
suoristaa straighten (out); unbend, uncoll,
uncurl; (oikaista) adjust (mys mek.),
(set . .) rlght; ~ selkns straighten one's
back, straighten up, stand up straight; vrt.
oikoa, suoristautua dravv o. s. up, stretcb
o.s. (to one's Tuli helght), stand up
straight. suoristua oieta, suoristua
stralgbtening; (mek.) adjustment.
suorittaa (tehd) perrorm [so much vvork
in a day, mrtty mr tyt pivss],
do [one's part well, osansa hyvin]: discharge; (toimittaa) make [an inspectton,
katselmus (1. tarkastus); the trlp in three
days, matka kolmessa pivss], (panna
toimeen, tytntn) execute [everythitijr
accordlng to orders, kaikki mrysten


mukaan] ; carry . . Into effect; effect [a not be perrormed ln a (very) short time,
retreat, perytyminen], (saada aikaan) the vvork wlll requlre conslderable time;
accompllsh, achleve; (tytt) rulflll;
inisi ohjelmanumeroa on jo suoritettu rive
(loppuun) carry out [a plece of work, numbers on the program have already
Jokin ty], rinish [the battle In a few been presented (1. been glven). suorittaja
liours, taistelu muutamassa tunnissa] ; one who (has) perrormed Jne., ks. edell.;
(ratkaista) solve; (selvitt) settie, llqul- perrormer;
date; (maksaa) pay, make payment [for,
(maksaja) payer. suorittamaton undone,
Jokin] ; (kustantaa) bear, defray; (koe, unperrormed, unexecuted, . . not done, . .
tutkinto y.m.) pass; (lpikyd) undergo;
not perrormed, . . not executed, . . not
(palvella) serve; asevelvollisuute nsa accompllshed;
(maksamaton) unpald, unsettled; (ratkai
serve one's time In the army [In the
navy] ; ~ asiansa do (1. carry out) one's sematon) UnSOlVed; suorittamaton ranerrand, vrt. suorittaa tehtviins; ~ [S gaistusalka unserved time (or one's term
dollaria] etukteen pay [5 dollars] In ad- in prison); suorittamattomat maksut
vance, pay down [5 dollars], make a de(mys:) payments stlll due, (rstlssoleposlt of [5 dollars]; ~ Jostakin kallis vat) arrears or payments (1. or dues),
hinta pay dearly Tor; ~ kokeet glve proof payments (1. dues) in arrears. suorittami
nen perrormlng Jne., ks. suorittaa; vrt.
or (one's skill as) . . , pass an examlnatlon
seur. suoritut perrormance; discharge;
(1. a test); ~ kurssi kirjanpidossa (kyd)
executlon; accompllshment; achlevement;
take a course tn bookkeeplng, (pt
(maksu) payment, (lhetetty) remittance;
t) rinish (1. pass through) a (I. one's)
(lopullinen) settlement, liquldation; vel
course In bookkeeplng; kustannukset
vollisuuksien suoritus discharge or (one's)
jostakin pay (for) the expenses of, (vas
tata) defray (1. bear) the expense(s) of dutles, ruirillment or (one's) obllgatlons.
[huom. wlll
(State or) liquldation.
be defrayed~(1. kunta
by exthe suoritustila
suoriutua (selviyty) extrlcate o.s. [rrom,
COmmunlty] : ~ laskuesimerkki ilci (1. Jostakin], get out [or a rix, pinteest];
work out 1. solve) a problem; ~ loppuun get orr, clear o.s. [rrom]; (tulla toimeen)
carry (1. bring) . . to completlon (1. to a get along [somehow. Jotenkuten], make
concluslon), complete, rinish, (esim. kil
one's way, manage; (pst eroon Josta
pailu) see .. through (1. to the end); ~ kin 1. Jostakusta) get rid or, rld o.s. or,
maksu make (the) payment [huom. mak
get rree rrom; (karkottaa) beat (1. \vard)
sun jdess suorittamatta In case of non- orr [one's antagonlst easlly, helposti
payment, ln derault or payment] ; ~ mak
vastustajastaan] ; (voittaa) overcome, get
sunsa meet one's payments; ~ Jokin no- over [the dirricultles, vaikeuksista]; (pi
peasti (mys:) make short \vork of ..; t puolensa) hold one's ovvn: (varustau
~ Jonkun opinnot pay for (1. pay the cost tua, laittautua) prepare, get ready; ~
oD a p.'s Studies, bear (1. derray) the asiasta helposti get (1. come) orr (1. OUt)
expense(s) or a p.'s studles; ~ oppi- easy, do lt easlly, get the matter easlly
aikansa serve one's time (as an apprenarranged; ~ hyvsti (l. hyvin) jostakin
tlce) ; ~ pivty(ns) perrorm one's day's tehtvst discharge a [the] work credltwork; ~ rangaistuksensa undergo one's ably, perrorm a [the] task well [huom.
(rangalstusaikansa) serve hn suoriutui silt hyvin he dld (1. he nmone's terin or punishment [huom. suori
ducted hlmseir) \vell ln that, (kunnialla)
tettuaan rangaistuksensa (mys:) on the he came out or that wlth credlt] ; ~ Jos
completlon or hls term or punishment] ;
takin kunnialla come out of . . vvith credlt
sakkonsa vankeudella undergo lmprls(1. wlth honors), get through \vith . .
onment in derault or Nne, work out one's creditably; matkalle prepare (1. get
rine; suuria tekoja perrorm (1. accom
ready 1. make preparatlons) ror the [a]
pllsh 1. achleve) great deeds; ~ jokin journey (1. the trln), (lhte) set out on
tehtv perrorm a task, do the \vork a [the] trip; [hyvin] tutkinnosta do
[well, hyvin], handle the work (1. the
(1. stand) [well] in the examlnatlon, pass
problem) [admlrably, Ihmeteltvn hy
the examlnatlon [wlth honors]; voitta
vin] ; tehtvns perrorm (1. execute)
jana jostakin come out or . . vlctorlous,
one's task (1. one's Commission), do one's galn a Vlctory [huom. hn suoriutui voit
task, (velvollisuutensa) perrorm (1. do 1. tajana vittelyst (mys:) he got the betdischarge) one's dutles [huom. hn on ter or hls opponent In the debate] ; kuinka
suorittanut tehtviins (mys:) he has hnest suoriudutaan how shall we get
accompllshed hls work, hls vvork Is done; rld (1. get rree 1. rid ourselves) or hlm?
hn on suorittanut tehtvns kaikkien
miten suoriutui hn vastavittelijstn
tyydytykseksi (mys:) he has acqultted ho\v dld he come orr (1. succeed) wlth
hlmseir \vlth satlsfaction to ali]; tut
his opponent ln the debate; laiva suoriutui
kinto pass an [the] examlnatlon, (esim. jist the boat extrlcated ltsoir rrom (1.
permiehen) take an examlnatlon [to be a got clear or) the Ice.
mate, etc], get a (1. one's) [mate's, etc] suorsa sorsa.
certiricate; ~ ty perrorm a [the] work, suortuva tress; (kutri) lock, curl, rlnglet.
(loppuun) carry out a [the] work;
stralghtness; dlrectness; (pystyys)
velkansa pay (1. settie 1. llquidate) one's suoruus
erectness; (vilpittmyys) slncerety, rrankdebt, (kaikki) discharge (1. vvlpe out) ness,
stralghtrorwardness, uprightness,
one'S debtS; ~ veroa pay taxes; ~ vuok
openness; (rehellisyys)
ransa pivtin pay one's rent by work outspokenness,
plain (1. honest 1. ralr
(-lng)i work ror (the payment or) one's I. square)Integrity,
vrt. suora.
rent; he suorittivat vlins they settled suoseutu s\vampy squarcness;
marshy 1. boggy)
between themselves; hnell on vaikea tract (1. distrlct 1. region).
tehtv suoritettavana(an) he has a >lil li
ravor, patronlze; countenance; (hei
cult task to perrorm (1. berore hlm): hn suosia
ll) cherlsh; (edist) roster [the rine
on suorittanut suurenmoisen elmntyn
arts, taiteita] ; (kannattaa, hyvksy)
he has perrormed (l. accompllshed 1. done)
support; (suojata) protect; (pit) llke;
magniricent lire's work; ty st ole niin
kaikkien suosima the ravortte or everykn pian suoritettavissa the \vnrk can body, ravored (1. llked) by everybody.



suosiolla be ravoring, be cherlshing, la

vor, cherish; llke. suoaija one who ravors
[ravored, etc] Jne., ks. suosia; patron
(-Izer); (suojelija) protector. suosikki
(hemmoteltu) pet. rondling;
(esim. onnen) mlnion; (suojatti) protegg,
(naisesta:) protegee. suosiminen, suosinta
ravoring jne., ks. suosia; (kannatus) support; (suojaaminen) protection.
suosio ravor, grace, good wlll, good graces;
(suopeus) klnd(U)ness, benevolence; (hy
vksyminen) approbation; (yleisn) popularity; suosiolla (mieli-) vvillingly, in (I.
wlth) a good splrlt, amicably, by fatr
means, (vastaanpanematta) vvlthout protest, (vapaaehtoisesti) voluntarlly; olla
(yleisn) suuresta suosiossa be very popular, be highly ravored by (1. high in the
ravor or) the people, be hlgh In the good
graces Of the people; sat osakseen myrs
kyist suosiota gained (l.met \vlth) stormy
applause, vrt. suosionosotus.
suosiollinen favorably (1. kindly) dlsposed
[toward one. Jotakuta kohtaan]; graclous,
good, benevolent; (suotuisa) ravorable;
~ lukija (esim. kirjan esipuheessa:) the
kind reader; Jonkun suosiollisella avulla
\vtth a p.'s kind asslstance; suosiollisella
luvallanne wlth your kind permission;
suosiollisin silmin Cavorably, vrt. suopea;
olla ~ jollekin [jotakuta kohtaan] be
favorahie to, be favorably (1. kindly) dls
posed (1. Incllned) to\vard(s). suosiolli
sesti favorablv, wlth ravor, propitiously,
graciously; kindly, benevolently; suosiol
lisesti arvosteltavaksi your favorable mention [or thls book] is soltrited. suosiolli
suus ravorable (1. kind) attitude: propitiousness, graclnusness; klndness. benevo
lence; ravorahleness: vrt. suosiollinen.
suosionimyrsky storm (1. burst) or ap
-osotus applause, acclamation,
choers; (-todistus) favor, mark or ravor;
palkittiin myrskyisill suosionosotuksilla
was revvarded with stormy applause (1.
stormy cheers).
suositella 1. = suosittaa; 2. -" suostutella,
suosittaa (puoltaa) recommend [one ror
a position, Jotakuta johonkin toimeen] ;
commend. suosittaminen recommendlng,
commending. suoslttautua recommend o.s.
suosittelu (re)commendatlon; (suostutte
lu) persuaslon;
(lepyttely) appeaslng,
suosittu ravored, . . In ravor, popular; . .
much sought arter, well-llkcd: ravorite;
( kysytty, esim. Jokin tavara).. In demand:
yleisesti ~ (mys:) . . In general ravor.
suositus recommendatlon, commendatlon;
nen suosituksellaan on hls recommen
datlon. -kirje letter or recommendatlon;
letter or Introduction. -lause recommen
datlon, commendatlon.
suostua (mynty) (glve one's) consent (1.
assent) [to, Johonkin], agree [to a th.,
johonkin (asiaan); to a p.'s dolng a th.,
siihen ett joku tekee Jotakin]; (hyvk
sy) accept [a proposal, ehdotukseeni;
approve [oi']; (mukautua) acqutesce [In]:
(taipua) comply [wlth], humor [every
\vhlm or a p., jonkun Jokaiseen oikkuun] ;
(alistua) submlt [to the condltlons orrered, tarjottuihin ehtoihin]; (sallia) allo\v. permit, concede [to]: (antaa myntvmvs) grant; (tehd mieliksi) accede
[to], gratirv: (olla halukas, taipuvainen)
be \vilHng [to go, menemn], be ready
[to do . . , tekemn jo(ta)kln] ; (ottaa
tehdkseen) undertake [a task (1. to do
. .), tekemn jo(ta)kln], take upon o.s.


(1. upon one's shoulders) [to do ..], contract [to do . .] ; jonkun eroamiseen
(\. eroon) accept (1. consent to) a p.'s reslgnation; hymyillen (mys:) smile as
sent; ~ keskenn agree bet\veen (use
ammasta kuin kahdesta puhuen: among)
themselves, come to terms [about, josta
kin] , reach an understandlng (between
themselves) [as to]; ~ mynnytyksiin allow (1. agree to) concessions; ~ ostamaan
agree (1. consent) to buy, (olla halukas)
be \villing (1. be ready) to buy; Jonkun
pyyntn consent (I. assent 1. concede 1.
accede) to a p.'s request, grant (1. com
ply \vith) a p.'s request; sitoumuksiin
take upon o.s. (1. undertake) obligations
(1. liabllltles); tarjoukseen accept an
[the] orrer; Jonkun toivomuksiin meet
(1. gratiry 1. humor 1. accede to) a p.'s
wlshes; ~ tulemaan be wllling to come,
consent (1. agree) to come; ~ vaatimuksiin
consent (1. accede) to the demands, com
ply with the demands, (alistua) submit
(1. acqulesce) to the demands; nen
anomukseensa ei suostuttu his petltlon (1.
appllcation) was not accepted (1. \vas rejected); hn suostuu kaikkeen he COnsentS
(1. assents) to everythlng; olla suostumatta
pyyntn not grant (1. Tall to grant) a
request, reject (1. reruse) a [the] re
quest. suostuminen consentlng jne., ks.
edell.; (mukautuminen) acquiescence [tn] ,
compliance [xvltn] ; (alistuminen) Sub
mission [to] ; vrt. seur. suostumus con
sent, assent [to. Johonkin]; acceptance;
(vahvistus) sanctlon; (lupa) permission:
(sopimus) agreement; antaa suostumuk
sensa johonkin (mys:) assent to, (ne
tn) acqulesce in; hn on saanut vanhempainsa suostumuksen he has (obtalned) his
parents' consent (1. assent 1. approval 1.
approbation) ; teidn suostumuksellanne
with your consent (Lassen t 1. permission).
suostunta (mynnytys) grant; (-vero) Spe
cial lnternal revenue tax. -esitys bill ror
ralslng (speclal) lnternal revenue. -tulot
1. -varat revenue rrom speclal laxes.
-valiokunta (house) commlttee on raislng
(speclal) lnternal revenue. -vero (speclal)
lnternal revenue tax.
suostutella (kehotella) persuade; (lepytell)
appease, conclllate, propitlate, soften.
suostuttaa (taivuttaa) lnduce; persuade:
vrt. edell.
suostuvainen \villlng, dlsposed (1. inclined)
[to accept, vastaanottamaan]; (mukautu
vainen) compliant; (valmis) ready; min
olen siihen It is agreeable to me,
I am \villlng to do It [to accept that],
I am ready ror lt. suostuvaisesti \villlngly;
readily. suostuvaisuus -vvillingness, readiness; compliance.
suotava deslrable, . . to be desired (1.
wtshed ror); olisi suotavaa it is to be de
sired, it vvould be desirable [huom. olisi
hyvin suotavaa, ett . . It is very much to
be desired that . .]. suotavuus desirabllity,
suotta (turhaan) In vain, vainly, to no purpose, rrultlessly; (syytt) \vlthout a (1.
any) reason (1. cause), ror nothing; (tar
unnecessarily, needlessly.
uselessly; (lystiks(ien) ror run, ror the
Tun or it (1. Or the thlng); aikojaan
(syytti) w!thout any (1. due) cause, (tar
peettomasti) needlessly, unnecessarily; en
min viitsi sinne ~ lhte (mys:) 1 don't
\vant to go there K there is no use Tor
me; on aivan ~ sinun menn sinne lt IS
perTectly useless Tor you to go there.


69 1

there's no uso In your golng there; l ~

(vaivaa itsesi) don't take the trouble to
..! rton't make yourseir any trouble! save
yourself the trouble! -piten = turhan
suotuinen, suotuisa favorable [turn, kn
ne; vveather, s; to a p.. Jollekulle];
propttlous; (edullinen) advantageous,profitable [to]; (sovelias, sopiva) sultable,
proper; (toivottu) wished for, desired;
suotuisalla hetkell at a favorable (1. a
propitlous 1. a proper) moment; tilai
suus ravorable occasion, (ravorable) opportunity. suotuisasti, suotuisasti tavorably, propitiously, sultably. suotuisuus ravorablcness; advantageousness, proritableness; suitabllity, proprlety; sn suotui
suus (mys:) the \veather being ravorable.
suoturve (bog-)peat.
suova (hein- Stack, rick; panna hei
ni suovaan (\. suoviin) Stack hay.
auoveri ks. lanko.
suoviljelys cultlvatlon of bogs (1. orsvvamps
l.of marshes); (viljelty suo) reclaimed bog.
supattaa (kuiskutella) vvhisper [into a p.'s
ear, Jonkun korvaan], supattaja vvhlspercr.
supattaminen whisperlng. supatus vvhisper.
superlatiivi (klel.) superlative (degree).
supeta (prees. suppenen) become (1. get)
narrovv, become (1. et) narro\vcr.
supi I. (aito) pure, true, genulne; (puh
taasti) purely, truly, genuinely; (lpeens)
thoroughly, through and through; suo
malainen true (1. genulne) Finnish, Fin
nish through and through.
supi II. (ellnt.) raccoon, coon.
supina (supatus) vvhisper; (mutina) mumble.
supiseminen vvhisperlng;; mumbltng. supista
vvhisper; (mutista) mumble. mutter; su
pista rukouksia be whispering (1. mumbllng- 1. muttcrlng) prayers.
supistaa redurc; (rajottaa) liruit, put a
limlt to, vestrlct, confine; (vhent) cut
down, lessen, diminlsh, curtall, retrench;
(lyhent) shorten; (kaventaa) narrovv;
(vet kokoon) dravv together, contract
(mys klel.), (suppuun) purse (up), pucker
(up); (teksti y.m.) abrldge, condense;
~ kustannuksia cut down (1. rcduce) (on)
the expenses. retrench In regard to the
matter of expenses; ~ murtoluku cancel
a rraction, rcduce a fractlon to lovver
terms; ~ Jonkun oikeuksia [vapautta]
restrlct (1. limit 1. clrcumscrlbe) a p.'s
rights [libcrty], (oikeudettomasti) encroach upon a p.'s rights [llberty];
sana contract a vvord; sanottavansa ly
hyeen bc brlet", cut lt (!. the matter)
short, make a long story short; ~ suutan
sa pucker (1. screw up) one's mouth (1.
one's lips); Jonkun valtaa restrlct (1.
limlt 1. reduce) a p.'s povver; supistetussa
muodossa In a condensed (I. summarized)
rorm. supistaminen reducing Jne., ks.edell.
supistava (rajottava) restrtctlve; jonkun
oikeuksia supistava restrlctlng (I. r i croachlng upon) a p.'s rights. supistavasti rcstrictively. supistella be (1. keep
on) reduclng (1. cuttlng down jne., vrt.
supistaa), supistelma summary, compendium,
abridgment. supistua be reduced [to,
Johonkin], reduce itself; (rajottua) be
(-come) llmlted (1. restrlcted) [to, Johon
kin], limlt (1. restrlct) ltseir [to]; (ku
tistua) contract, dravv itseir together;
(vhenty) be(come) cut down (1. dlminIsiied 1. retrenched), diminlsh; (lyhenty)
be(come) shortened, shorten; hnen an
sionsa supistuvat hyvin vhiin hls merlts
dvvindle to practlcally nothlng (1. diminlsh


to a mere nothlng). supistuminen (esim.

lihasten) contraction; vrt. seur. supistus
reductlon; (rajotus) llmltatlon.restrlction;
(vhennys) cuttlng down, curtallment,
dlmlnutlon, retrenchment; (kutlstus) con
traction; (kirjallinen y.m.) abrldgment,
condensatlon; (mat.) cancellatlon; vrt.
supistelma. supistuva(inen) . . able to
contract, contractive. supistuvaisuus abilIty (1. power) to contract.
supisuomalainen k;, supi, I.
suppea concise, terse; (supistettu) reduced,
condensed [contents, sislt]; compcndious; (ahdas) narrovv; suppeassa muo
dossa ks. seur. suppeasti In a condensed
(1. a concise I. a terse) form. suppeus conclseness, terseness; condensed form; compendlousness.
suppilo (ratti) funnel. suppilomainen, suppilonmuotoinen funnel-shaped.
suppu: supussa pursed(up), puckered(up);
menn suppuun be(come) purscd (1. puckered) up; panna suunsa suppuun pucker
(1. purse) (up) one's mouth (1. one's lips).
sureksla ks. surra, sureksiminen, sureminen grlevlng Jne., ks. surra.
surettaa grleve, glve pain [to]; (tehd
murheelliseksi) distress, sadden; (huolet
taa) worry, afriict, trouble; cause . .
worry (1. anxlety); minua ~ kovin it
grleves (1. hurts) me very much Ithat it
turned out that vvay, ett niin kvi], I
am very much grieved (1. worrlcd), It Is
a source of proround sorrow (1. prlef) to
me [that he should act so, ett hn me
netteli sill tavalla], it breaks my heart
[to hear, kuulla], surettava sad, painini,
prlevous, distressing, arriictlng; (slitt
v) pltlful, deplorable [mistake, erehdys],
surina buzz(tng), hum(mlng); whlr(rlng).
suriseminen buzzlng Jne., ks. seur. surista
(mehilinen y.m.) buzz, hum;(kone) vvhlr.
surkastua (lakastua) wither (avvay). Tade
(avvay); (riutua) plne (avvay), languish;
(kulua) waste away; (rypisty) shrlvel
(up); (kasvussaan) be(come) stunted (1.
dvvarfed), be(come) checked In lts grovvth;
(huonontua) decay, decline; (ravinnon
puutteessa) atrophy; tuomittu surkastu
maan siin ympristss condemned to
languish In that environment. surkastuma
(luonnont.) rudiment. surkastuminen vvltherlng jne., ks. surkastua, surkastumus
vvlthered (I. shriveled 1. stunted) State (1.
conditlon); vrt. surkastus. surkastunut
vvithered, raded; shriveled (up); (luon
nont.) stunted, dvvarred; rudlmentary
[organ, elin]; surkastunut elin rudiment.
surkastus decline; atrophy; vrt. surkastu
minen; olla surkastuksissa be In a vvithered
conditlon, be vvithered, be shriveled up, be
stunted. surkastuttaa make . . (1. cause
. . to) wlther Jne., ks. surkastua; (kasvus
saan) stunt, dvvarf.
surkea (surullinen) sad, sorrovvTul, woeful, distressing, dlstressful [accident, ta
paturma], doleful [event, tapahtuma];
(ikv) sorry [sight, nky] ; (kurja) miserable, vvretched; (surkuteltava) pltlful,
plteous, pitiable: (valitettava) deplorable,
lamentable; (kehno) paltry; asema, ~
tila plteous (1. sad 1. distressing 1. de
plorable) conditlon; surkealla nell In a
vvhlning (1. puling) volce, whining, pullng;
surkean kuuluisa notorious, lnfamous;
surkean laiha mlserable, (plteously) emaciated, cadaverous (kotielimist:) mlserably lean; on surkeata nhd It is a sad
(1. a sorry 1. a distressing 1. a plteous 1. a
miserable) sight to see, it Is a plty to see.



-mulstoinen: surkeamuistoinen piv rtay

or sad (1. or sorrotvrul 1. or distressing)
surkeasti sadly, sorrowrully, dlstressrully;
sorrlly; mlserably, wretchedly; pltifully;
deplorably, lamentably; pettyi was sad
ly (1- grlevously) dlsappolnted; vrt. surkea.
surkeileminen pltying Jne., ks. seur. sur
keilla pily, have plty (1. compasslon) on;
commlserate r I surkeilemalla parane
it is no use pltying lt, plty is of no avall
there. surkellu pltying.
surkeus sadness; sorrlness; mlsery, mlserableness, wretchedness, dlstress; pltirulness; paltrlness; voi surkeatta woe Is me!
oh, mlsery! vrt. surkea.
surku plty, commlseratlon; minun tulee
hnt ~ ks. SSli. -mielinen (sliv)
compasslonate, pltying.
surkutella (sll) plty, have plty (1. com
passlon) [Tor (1. upon), Jotakuta], be (1.
feel) sorry [for], commlserate; (valittaa,
olla pahoillaan) regret; deplore; (Ilmaista
surkuttelunsa) express one's sorrow (1.
one's sympathy) [for, Jotakin], surkutel
tava pittrul [lgnorance, tietmttmyys],
plteous, pltlable; (et. henkilist:) . . to be
pltied, . . worthy or plty, poor, wretched,
mlserable; (valitettava) deplorable, lamentable, Sad; perin surkuteltavassa ti
lassa (mys:) In a condltlon excltlng the
greatest pity. surkuteltavaan pltifully,
plteously; mlserably: deplorably, lament
ably, sadly. surkuteltavuus pltlfulness,
ptteousness, pltiableness; miserableness;
sadness. surkutteleminen pltylng Jne., ks.
surkutella, surkuttelu plty(lng), commls
eratlon, compasslon, sympathy; (pahottelu) regret.
surma death; (tuho) destructlon; (loppu)
end; (surmaaminen) kllling; en suurin
surmin(i) not for the life of me, (mil
ln ehdolla) on no condltlon; joutua sur
man suuhun meet (one's) death (1. de
structlon), Tall into destructlon: se on si
nun surmasi It \viii be the death or you;
vrt. murha, surmaaja slayer; (murhaaja)
murderer; rosvon surmaajaa ei laki ran
kaise the law does not punish one who
slays (1. kills) a robber. surmaaminen
slaying jne., ks. surmata, surmaava kill
uu-; nopeasti surmaava (mys:) . . which
kills quickiy.
surmanisku death-blow, fatal blow (mys
kuv.); (lopettava) rinishlng blow (1. stab):
se oli hnelle surmanisku that blOW v. ilhls death, that was hls death-blow, that
was the fatal blovv for hlm.
surmosilmus noose.
surmata slay; (ottaa hengilt) put . . to
death, (joku) take a p.'s lire; (tappaa) kili,
make away wlth; (murhata) murder; (Jou
koittain, mys:) butcher, slaughter, (ve
rilylyss) massarre: .. surmattiin jou
koittain . . were butchered (1. slaughtered
i. murdered 1. slaln 1. massacred) in great
numbers; hn surmasi itsens he killed
hlmseir, (teki itsemurhan) he committed
suiclde, he made away \vlth hlmseir, he
lald violent hands (up)on hlmseir; viholli
sen surmaama slain hy the enemy.
surmaty murderous deed, murder.
surmauttaa have . . slain (1. killed 1. mur
dered 1. butchered 1. slaughtered 1. mas
sacred), (have . .) put to death; jolla
kulla have a p. put to death (1. slain Jne.)
by . . , have . . slay a p., vrt. surmata.
surra grleve [at (1. Tor 1. over), Jotakin],
be (1. Teel) grleved [at]; (sureksia) plne
[over], (Teel) sorrow [Tor]; (lievemmin:)
regret [the loss of. Jonkin menettmist].


be (1. feel) sorry [for]; (kuollutta) mourn

[for]; (valittaa menetyst) bemoan, lament; (olla suruissaan) be sad, be mournful, be sorrowful, be affllcted (I. be dlstressed) wlth grlef; (huolehtia) be mindrul [or], have . . In mind, worry [about] -.
~ joutavia worry (1. grleve) over nolhing(1. over trlfles); ~ Jonkun onnettomuutta
grleve over (1. reel grleved at 1. regret) a
p.'S mlsrortune; vaimonsa kuolemaa
mourn the loss or (1. mourn ror) one's
\vife; hn suri ollessaan (\. sit ett oli)
pakotettu jttmn kotinsa he was (1. he
relt) grleved at being compelled to leave
hls home; l sit suotta sure do not
grleve needlessly over that, do not needlessly take lt so much (1. so sorely) to
heart; l sure huomisesta be not anxlous
(1. take no thought) Tor the morrow, vrt.
suru sorrow; (kuoleman aiheuttama) mournlng; (tuska) grler, woe, arnictlon, dls
tress; (krsimys) surrering; (mielipaha)
regret; (huoli) trouble, care; vrt. hovi,
maan , sydmen ; suruissaan sad. monni
ni), grlevlng [over the loss or hls rather,
Isns kuolemasta], In grler; surukseni
to my grlef (1. sorrow), to my great re
gret [huom. surukseni kuulen, ett . .
(mys:) I hear (1. learn) with sorrow (1.
wlth regret 1. with pain) that . . ; kuulin
surukseni (mys:) I was grleved (1. distressed) to hear] ; surulla ja murheella
wlth grieT and SOrrow; surun murtamana
broken by grlef, grler- (l.sorrow-)strlcken;
~ sydmess sad at heart, wlth a sad heart;
heill on ollut paljon surua lapsistaan
thelr chlldren have been a great (source
or) sorrow (1. grler 1. worry) to them,
their chlldren have caused them much
grler (1. sorrow 1. worry 1. anxiety);
ilossa ja surussa tn weal and woe; kuolla
suruun (mys:) die hroken-heartert, vrt.
kuolla; olla suruissaan jostakin (palloillaan)
be (I. reel) sorry Tor, regret, vrt. surra.
suru- (yhd.)mournlng [esim. -konhimourning veil] ; . . or mournlng [esim. -talo
house or mournlng; -vuosi year of mourn
lng]; (hautajais-) runeral [esim. -saatto
CI. -saattue) runeral processlon]. -aika
(period on mournlng. -harso (-nauha)
crape; (-huntu) mournlng veil. -harso
kangas crape (for mournlng).
auruinen, surulsa sad [look, katse], mournrul, melancholy; sorrowrul, woerul; (mur
heellinen) distressed [over (1. about).
Jostakin], grleved [over]. surulsestl, surulsosti sadly, mournrully; sorrowrully.
surulsuus sadness, moumrulness, melan
choly; sorrovvrulness.
surulljuhla celebratlon or mournlng; (hau
tajais-) funeral celebratlon; juhlasta tuli
Cl. muodostui) surujuhla the celebratlon
turned out to be one or mournlng (1. to be
an event or grler), the celebratlon turned
to one or mournlng. -Jumalanpalvelus ru
neral Service, -kirje letter announoing a
p.'s death; letter on mournlng paper.
-laulu (hautaus) mournlng (1. runeral)
hyrnn (1. song), dlrge; (-runo) elegy; song
or sorrovv.
surullinen sad [tune, svel; accident, tapa
turma], mournful, wo(e)rul [day, piv],
ruerul, dolerul levent, tapahtuma]; (ala
kuloinen, surumielinen) melancholy [mood,
mielentila]; sorrowrul [song, laulu], dolorous; (kaamea, synkk) dreary, dlsmal;
(murheellinen) grleved, arriicted (wlth
grler), distressed; ~ nky sad (1. sorry)
sight; ~ ulkomuoto (mys:) funereal coun



tenance; surullisen kuuluisa notorlous, lnramouS; se olimi surullista tilat WOUld t>e
a sad thtng. surullisesti sailly, mournfully; sorrowfully. surullisuus sadness,
mournfulness, wo(e)fulness; melancboly;
sorrowrulness; drearlness; vrt. surkeus,
suru || marssi funeral march. -mielin \vitli
a sad (1. a heavy) beart, sad-bearted.
-mielinen sad (at beart), sad-bearted,
beavy-bearted, mournrul, woerul. sorrowrui; (raskas-) melancboly; (alakuloinen)
dOwncat, dejected; surumielinen katit
sad (1. mournrul 1. melancboly) look.
-mielisesti sadly, mournfully, woefully,
sorrovvrully. -mielisyys sadness (of beart),
beavlness or beart, beavy-beartedness,
mournfulness, \vocfulness, sorro\vl'ulness;
melancboly; vrt. alakuloisuus.
urun ilmaisu 1. -osotus (osanotto) condolence. -ilmaisukirje letter of condolence.
-piv day of sorrow, day of grier. -voit-'
toinen 1. -omainen 1. -sekainen (rather)
sad, (ratber) melancboly, sorrowful;
(synkk) gloomy; surunvoit toinen svel
melody In whtch tones or sadness predomlnate(d), ratber sad melody. -voittoiaestl (ratber) sadly, (ratber) sorrowrully;
gloomlly. -volttoisuus (predomlnance of)
sadness; melancboly; gloomlness.
auruLpuku mournlng(-attlre 1. -dress 1.
-garb), (lesken, mys:) weeds; olla suru
puvussa be In (1. wear) mournlng [Tor a
p., Jonkun kuoleman Jobdosta], be dressed
in mournlng (1. m black), bave on one's
mournlng garments. -pukuinen.. (dressed)
In moumlng. -reuna black (1. mournlng)
border. -reunainen black-bordered, . . vvltli
a black border; mournlng. -anoma mourn
rul tidlngs, message of sorrow. -soitto
mournful music; (bautaus-) funeral music,
-tervehdys (-kynti) vlslt of condolence.
suruti huoleti, suruttomasti.
suruton sorrovvless, . . free from sorrow;
(huoleton) . . free from care, care-free,
happy-go-lucky, unthlnklng
olento], light-hearted, Ugbt of beart,
easy-golng; (vlinpitmtn) unconcerned,
indlfferent, careless; elm life Tree
rrom care, easy (1. comfortable) life, life
of (ease and) comfort, (kevytmielinen)
thoughtless (1. careless) life, (maailmal
linen) \vorldly life; suruttomat pivt
care-free days (1. lire), life free from
care [hUOm. hankkia itselleen suruttomat
pivt (mys:) inake o.s. comfortable In
lire, procure o.s. a competency]. surutto
masti free from sorrow (1. care), carelessly, uuli a llgbt beart, llght of heart,
unconcernedly; el suruttomasti live free
rrom care, (usk.) Ilve In a worldly way.
suruttomuudentila (usk.) State of vorldliness (1. of worldly-mlndedness).
suruttomuus freedom from sorrovv (,
sorrovvlessness; light-heartedness, Ughtness or heart; (huolettomuus) unconcern
(-edness), indirrerence, carelessness; (mu
kavuus) comrort, ease; suruttomuuoen
uni (kuv.) sense of Security.
suru verho mournlng veli. -viesti suru
sanoma, -virsi surulaulu.
survaista thrust, shove, push; (pist)
plunge [one's knlfe Into a p.'s heart,
veitsens Jonkun sydmeen], run; lunge;
~ keihns karhun kylkeen thrust (1.
plunge 1. run) one's lance Into the side of
a [the] bear; kumoon knock . . down,
tumble . . over ; ~ Jotakuta miekalla thrust
(1. plunge) one's sword Into a p., stab . .
wlth one's svvord. survalsu thrust, shove,
push; lunge; Jonkin kumoonsurvaisu knock lug . . down, tumbllng . . over. turvata


ks. survaista, survla (toisiansa) be (1.

keep) pusblng, push, buffet, Jostle; (v
kijoukossa) elbow (and Jostle); tunkeutua
survimalla eteenpin (vkijoukossa) elbOW
o.s. along, elbow one's way.
survin pesue; (-kone) stamp. -kone stamp.
-laitos (malmin y.m.) stamp (ing)-mill.
-malmi stamp-rock. -ruuhi mortar.
survoa (murskata) stamp, crush, pound;
(parveilla) swarm; hyttyset survovat the
mosqultoes are swarming; vrt. survia.
survoin ks. survin. survominen, survonta
stamplng Jne., ks. survoa,
susi woir. -hauli (t) buckshot. -kuoppa ks.
sudenkuoppa, -lauma pack of wolves.
susimainen wolflsh; (ahnas) voraclous.
sutarl ks. nokikolari,
suuta (tahrata, tuhria) smear.soll.smudge;
vrt. nuohoa.
suti (pensseli) brusb; (rttltukko) bunch
or rags, mop.
sutia brusb, slap . . on; (tuhria) daub.
sutkaus ks. sana.

sutkia (lyd) beat, rap, wback; (piest)

tbrasb; (ruoskalla) whlp, lash; ~ jotakuta
selkn rap (1. wback) . . on the back;
vrt. hutkia, sutklminen, sutklnta beatlng
Jne., ks. edell.
suu mouth (mys Joen, astian y.m.); (pys
syn, kanuunan) muzzle; (aukko) oririce:
openlng, aperture; (sataman y.m.) entrance, entry; lnlet, (lasku-) outlet; ~
auki = avossa suin ks. avo; ~ kiinni Sbut
your mouth! keep your mouth sbut! keep
qulet! be qulet! bold your tongue!
(Jkpv.) sbut up! suulleen on one's race
[esim. kaatua suulleen tali on one's race],
vrt. langeta; suusta suuhun rrom mouth
to mouth; hn on suuna pn kaikessa
he wants to rule the roost, (Jkpv.) be
thlnks he Is the wbole cheese; illan suussa
towards (1. about) evenlng; joen suussa at
the mouth or the rlver, where the rlver
empties (lts waters); kahdeksan penikul
maa joon suusta (yls) eight mlles up the
rlver; kaivoksen entrance to the mlne,
mine entrance; onko avain suulla Is the
key In tbe lock (1. tbe door)? oven suu
hun, oven suussa at (1. near) the door;
sataman suussa at the entrance to tbe
harbor; skin top or a [the] sack
[huom. skin aukeni the sack opened] ;
tien suussa at the beglnnlng of the road,
\vhere the road starts.
suuda sooda.

suude (kiila) wedge; key; (tulppa) plug.

suudella klss [a p. on the cbeek, Jotakuta
poskelle; a p.'s band. Jonkun ktt] ; osculate; (moiskahduttaen) smack. suudel
ma klss; (molskahdus) smack.
suudita wedge; (tuketa tulpalla) plug.
suu | haara (Joen) one or the moutbs (1.
outlets) or a rlver. -kappale ks. uutin.
-kapula gag. -katarri (lk.) catarrhal
suukko(nen) klss; vrt. suudelma.
suukopu: pit (kovaa) suukopua jostakin
(Jkpv.) shoot off one's mouth [thelr
mouths] about, (riidell) wranglo (1. bandy words) about [huom. he ovat pitneet
siit kovaa suukopua (Jkpv.) thelr tongues
have been wagging a lot about tliat].
suulaasti garrulously; talkatlvely.
suulaenluu (anat.) palatal bone. suulaki
palate. suulakka wafer.
suulas garrulous, loquaclous; (puhelias)
talkatlve [old oman, akka], chatty;
gosslpy. suulaus garrulousness, loquaclty; talkativeness, cbattlness; gosslpy dis
suullinen I. (a.) oral [translatlon, knns;



examlnatlon, tutkinto], verbal [message, sa

noma] ; (Joskus:) vlva voce [votlng. nes
tys]: testamentti (lak.) nuncupative \vlll.
suullinen II. (suuntysl) mouthtiil.
suullinen III. (tulppa) stopper, plug, (peh
me) wad; (tynnyrin) bung; (korkki) cork.
suullisesti orally; by \vorrj or moutb; viva
suun anto kissing. -liike movement or the
falr, nioilerate.
suunnata dlrect [one's steps homeward,
askeleensa kotiinpin; the guns upon,
kanuunat Jotakin kohden; one"s attentlon to new flelds, huomionsa uusille
urille]; (thdt) alm [. . at. Jokin Johon
kin (1. Jotakuta kohden)], polnt [. . at],
(pyssyst, mys;) level f . . at], present
[.. to] ; (knt) turn [one's eyes to (ani),
katseensa Johonkin]; bend [one's steps
tovvard, askeleensa jonnekin pin] ; (kes
kitt) concentrate [one's energies upon,
tarmonsa Johonkin] ; (kohdistaa) poke
[run at, plla(nsa) Johonkuhun]: (ohjata)
steer [ashore, rantaan] ; kulkunsa jo
honkin dlrect one's course tl. one's steps)
to(ward), wend (1. take) one's way to
(-ward), make Tor . . , (esim. laiva) steer
(lts course) to(ward), shape Us course
to(\vard); ~ (vesi)suihku johonkin bring
the hoso to play (1. let the hose play)
upon; tykki jotakin kohden dlrect a
gun upon, bring the gun to bear upon;
pyssynpiiput olivat suunnattuina heit
kohden the guns were dlrected upon (1.
aimeil at 1. levelcd at 1. pointed at) tbem.
suunnaton (suunnattoman suuri) enormous
[plle, lj; sum, summa], lmmense, vast
[dlfference, ero), huge [rock, kallionlohkare], prodlgious [mountain, vuori],
monstrous, colossal; (Jttilisminen) glgantlc, titanlc; (satumaisen suuri) fabulous [strength, voima] : (hmmstyttv)
stupendous; (hirve) tremendous [loss of
lire, Ihmishengen hukka] ; (kohtuuton)
excesslve, exorbitant, preposterous [scandal, hvistys]; ~ mr velkoja (mys:)
no end or debts; suunnattoman . . enormously [long, pitk], immensely [large,
suuri], monstroi.sly, tremendously; suun
nattoman suuri ks. suunnaton; suunnattomilla ponnistuksilla by (1. vvith 1. through)
tltanic (1. glgantic 1. tremendous) elTorts;
suunnattomissa mrin (mys:) in COUntless numbcl'S; kasvaa suunnattomaksi Cl.
suunnattoman suureksi) grow to be enor
mous, grow to an enormous slze, grow
lmmeasurably, grow beyond (ali) measure;
kiskoa suunnattomia voittoja CXaCt tre
mendous (1. fabulous 1. enormous 1. exor
bitant) pronts. suunnattomasti enormously, Immensely, vastly; fabulously; stupendously, tremendously; (kohtuuttomas
ti) beyond ali measure, exorbitantly, excesslvoly; vrt. suunnaton, suunnattomuus
enurmity, immensity, vastness; hugeness,
monstrnsity; rabulousness; stupendousness, tremendoustipss; vrt. suunnaton.
suunnikas (mat.) parallelogram. -sarmi
suunnilleen (Just) about; (arviolta) approxlmately; (noin) something like [100
riollars, 100 dollaria], soine [60 people,
60 henke]: (melkein) much [the same,
sama: In the rollo\vlng manner, seuraa
vasti]; (lhes) nearly; niin about so (1.
that), something (1. much) llke that, approxlmately so (1. that way); sata
(mys:) a hundred or thereabouts; arvata
~ guess roughly (1. approxlmately), guess


as near as one can, make a rougb guess

[at); * oli tss lt \vas (somewbere)
about here; sinne on penikulma (mys:)
it Is a matter or a mile or so (to that
suunnitella pian [the conquest of, Jonkin
vallotusta], lay plans for [a campaign,
sotaretke; the capture or, jonkin valtaa
mista], design [ to do ... tehd jotakin],
outllne, dra\v up, map out [one's work,
tyns], lay down; scheme, proJect; (sa
laa) plot; (aikoa) purpose, intend, propose; (tehd luonnos) sketch, dellneate.
suunnitelma pian, design (mys taideteos
ta y.m. varten), outllne. scheme, (Jonkin)
proJect [for], (rough) draft [of]; (ftrst)
sketch, delineation; (runko) skeleton. suun
nitelmallinen methodical, systematicaKly
arranged), planned (berorehand),deslgned,
concerted [action, toiminta], suunnitel
mallisesti methodically, systematically, according to a (rixed) pian; (harkitusti) dellberately. suunnitelmallisuus methoddcalness), system(aticalness), regularity of
pian; systematical arrangement.
suunnitelmanmukainen = suunnitelmallinen.
suunnitta* = ' suunnata; vrt. suunnitella,
suunnittelematon . . \vithout a regular
pian, unmethodical,unsystematic(al); edeltpin suunnittelematon . . not planned
beforehand. suunnltteleminenplanning jne.,
ks. suunnitella, suunnittelija (Jonkin) one
who plans [planned] ..Jne., ks. suunnitella;
planner, schemer; (esim. rakennuksen)
designer, suunnittelu 1. = suunnittelemi
nen; 2: *= suunnitelma, suunnitus =*
suuntaaminen; vrt. edell.
suun; pieksija 1. -soittaja gabbler, prattler,
great (I. ldle) talker, regular parrot for
talklng; (kerskuja) braggart, swaggerer,
blusterer. -pieksminen 1. -soitanta 1.
-soitto ldle (1. empty 1. mere) taik (1.
words), gabble, (idle) prattle.
suunta dlrection, way, course; (taho) quarter, (Joskus:) side; (mielipide- y.m.)
trend [of opinion]; (ajatus-) tendency
[of thought], aim, purport; drift; (puo
lue-, menettelytapa) pollcy.policies: (aate-,
mys:) persuasion; vrt. hallitus, ilman ,
kulku y.m.: [olla] suunniltaan [be] beslde o. s., (raivoissaan) [bel frantic, in a
frenzy, (riemuissaan) [be] transported,
in (an) ecstasy [huorn. joutua (pois) suun
niltaan (vihasta) beconie (1. get) beside
o.s. (wlth rage), become frantic (with
rage) (at hearing that, kuullessaan sen),
(ilosta) liccome transported \vith [joyi.go
Into ecstastes, (menett malttinsa) lose
one's self-command (1. one's head), (hm
menty) become dlsconcerted (1. dlscomposed 1. confused)]; Johonkin suuntaan in
a . . dlrection [huom. ajatettuun suuntaan
on the set (1. assumed) course, on the
road (1. path) whlch \vp (you, etc.) (have)
Started to fOllow; jotakin siihen suuntaan
(tapaan) something to that errect; ky
samaan suuntaan (mys:) follous along
the Same llne(S); knty toiseen suun
taan (mys:) take another course (I. Ilne).
Strlke another path; lntiseen suuntaan
(mys:) toward the \vest, westward: mi
nin suuntaan hn meni (mys:) \vhich
way did he go? 1 ; ajan kirjan] trend (I.
tendency I. drlft) of the times [the book]-;
joka suunnalla in ali dirertlons, (kaik
kialla) every\vbcre, (kuv.) on ali hands;
joka suunnallet kaikille suunnille In ali
dlrections. In every dlrection; joka suun
nalta from ali dlrections (1. quarters),
from every dlrection (1. quarter); joutaa
pois oikealta suunnalta get Off (1. be




turned aslde rrom) one's course, lose suureksua conslder . . too great (1. too large
one's (1. the rlght) course; jrven on 1. too big); vrt. paljoksua.
idst lnteen the lake lles (1. runs) east suurellinen (ylpe) haughty, lorty, superand West; kirjotuksessa on siveellinen ~ clllous; (komeileva) showy, pompous;
the artlcle has a moral tendency, the article (suurenmoinen) great, lmposing.extensive.
purports moral vle\vs (1. ends); mik on suurellisesti haughtily, superclliously;
tattien (mys:) vvhich way does the showlly, with (great) pomp, in grand style.
\vind blow; olla samalla suunnalla be (1.
suurellisuus haughtlness, loftlness; showHe) In the same dlrectlon. He the same lness, pomposlty, pomp(ousness); grand
vvay, vrt. Seur.; olla samassa suunnassa style.
kuin . . be In line (1. on a llne) vvith . .; suuremmuus: palkkion ~ the Commission
saman suunnan miehi men Of the same (1. Tee 1. reward) belng hlgher, the hlgher
persuaslon; [kulkea] sit suuntaa [go] Commission, the ract that the Commission
In that directlon, [take] that course; [se Is [was] hlgher.
on] tuolla suunnalla [lt IS (1. it lles)] suurempi greater, larger, bigger, talloi-,
that way (1. In that dlrectlon); uusi ~ higher; (ylempi) superlor; nen ~ op
new (1. another) dlrectlon (1. course), pinsa his superlor(lty In) learning; mr
(hallitus-) new rSgime, new pollcy, (latu, on ~ kuin mist sovittiin (mys:) the
kuv.) new (1. another) path.
amount (1. the quantlty) exceeds that
suuntaaminen dlrectlngr jne., ks. suunnata. agreed upon; vrt. suuri, -arvoinen . . of
suuntainen (ybd.) . . going (1. that g-oes) hlgher (1. greater) value, . . more valuable.
In . . dlrectlon, . . along . . llne(s), . . -lukuisuus superlorlty In numbers, nuwlth . . tendency, . . to . . effect, (-lainen) merical superlorlty.
. . or . . sort [esim. sen . . going In that suurenarvoinen = suurlarvoinen.
dlrectlon, along- that llne, along- those suureneminen = suurentuminen,
Iines, to that effect, wlth that tendency, suurenlainen suurehko,
of that sort] ; kaihen- kehitys prog-ress suurenmoinen (loistava, mahtava) grand,
(1. development) In every dlrectlon (1. magnificent, splendld [reast. Juhla; vlew,
every fleld); kaikensuuntaisia mielipiteit nkala], great; (vaikuttava) lmposing
[spectacle, nytelm], sublime [mountain
oplnlons of (1. wlth) varlous (1. varylng-)
tendencles, (-laisia) ali sorts of oplnlons; scenery, vuorimalsema], grandlose; (ma
jesteettinen) maJestlC; suurenmoista hui
vrt. Hinaa*, sen, yhden.
jausta lmmense (1. huge) swindle, swindle
suunta: kysymys questlon or pollcy; (me
nettelytapa-) questlon of tactlcs. -piirrin on a large scale; vrt. suunnaton, suuren
marking-gauge. -riita controversy (1. dls- moiseen In (a) grand style, grandly, magsenslon) about the pollcy; (menettelytapa-) niricently, splendidly, greatly; In an lm
controversy (1. dlssenslon) about (ques- posing manner (1. rashlon), lmposlngly;
majestlcally. suurenmoisuus grandeur,
tions of) tactlcs.
splendo(u)r, greatness, lmsuuntautua be dlrected [toward (1. upon 1. magniricence,
posingness; majesty.
at), Johonkin (1. Jotakin kohden)] ; be lev- suurennella
(kuv.) enlarge
eled [at] ; dlrect HselT; (thdt) be aimed upon, magniry;enlarging;
[at, . . kohden; agalnst, . . vastaan], alm (ylvstell) plume (lilotella)
(ltseir) [at; agalnst] ; (knty) turn [to- suurennus enlarging [of (1. upon)],
enward; agalnst]; (olla Jonnekin pin) face; largement; magnirying, magnlfication;
(pyrki) have for Us [thelr] alm (1. end aggrandlzement; lncrease; vrt. suurentaa,
1. Object); hnen harrastuksensa suuntau
magnirylng-glass; (lukiessa kytetty)
tuivat uusille aloille his interest turned to -lasi
readlng-glass; vrt. mikroskooppi,
new flelds, hls pursults sought (1. were suurennuttaa
(lsonnuttaa) have . . enlarged;
directed toward) new flelds.
(Jollakulla) have (1. let) a p. enlarge.
suuntaviiva llne of dlrectlon.
suuntia (mer.) take the bearlngs of; (ltr.) suurentaa make . . larger
(1. greater 1. big
take its bearlngs.
(valo-opllllsuun; tysi mouthful. -vuoro chance (1. op- sestl:) magniry (myskuv.);
portunity) to speak (1. to taik); hnelt ei swell [the numbers, lukumr);
saa suunvuoroa one does not get an op- lncrease [one's demands, vaatimuksiaan],
portunity with hlm to put in a word augment; enhance [the pleasure, nautin
(edgewlse), he never gives one a chance toa; the crime, rikosta], aggrandize; (pa
to say a word.
hentaa) aggravate [the danger, vaaraa].
suu ontelo cavlty or the mouth, buccal suurentaminen maklng larger jne., ks.
cavlty. -pala morsel; mouthful; (puraisu) suurentaa.
bite [of bread, leip], -paltti braggart, (upon) Jne., ks. suurennella, suurentelevaiswaggerer, blusterer; (lrpottellj) prat- nen . . disposed (1. prone) to enlarge upon
tler, chatterbox; vrt. suunpieksj, -pieli thlngs (1. to exaggerate); (kerskaileva)
corner or the mouth. -puhe oral Commu
bragglng. suurentelu -= suurenteleminen;
nication; (huhu) hearsay, (vague) rumor, (Hiottelu) exaggeratlon; (kerskailu) brag
gossip. -puoli (Joen) outlet, mouth, (ala
suurentua become (1. get 1. grow)
juoksu) lo\ver course.
larger (1. greater 1. bigger), become en
suur- (yhd.) grand, Grand [esim. -amiraali larged, enlarge; (valo-opllllsesti) be(come)
grand admlral. -inkvisiittori Grand Inquis- niagnified; (laajeta) become more extenItor; -mestari grand master; -sulttaani- sive, extend; (paisua) swell; (lisnty)
Grand Suitan]; (joskus:) Great [esim. lncrease, be(come) enhanced; (kasvaa)
Suurbritannia Great Britain].
grow; (pahentua) be(come) aggravated;
suure (mat.) quantlty.
vrt. suurentaa, suurentuminen becomlng
suurehko rather (l. sornewhat 1. pretty) larger jne., ks. edell.; enlargement; (li
big (1. great I. large); (suurenkokoinen) sntyminen) lncrease, enhancement.
good-slzed, (rather) large-sized; (huo suuresti greatly, hlghly, vastly, in (1. to) a
mattava) eonslderable, . . or a eonslderable high degree, to a great degree; (kovin)
slze; (laajanpuolelnen) rather extenslve; very, very much [arrald, peloissaan],
summa rahaa eonslderable (1. handsome)
(paljon) much; (melkoisesti) conslderum of money.
ably; (isoisestl) grandly, In (a) grand



style (1. fasblon); ei not greatly, not to

a (1. any) great (1. considerable) degree,
not (very) much; el Ilve In (great)
State, Ilve In grand style, keep a great (1.
a large) establlshment; nauttia joitakin
enjoy . . very much, take great pleasure
(1. dellght) In; se ihmetytt minua ~ I
am very much astonlshed at tliat; se ilahduttaisi minua ~ (mys:) that would ne
very (1. extremely) dellghtrul to me; Min
Tehdyt ~ you are greatly mlstaken (1.
greatly In error).
suureta suurentua.
suuretiede mathematlcs.
suur||herttua grand duke. -herttuakunta
grand ducny (1. dukedom). -herttuallinen
grand-ducal. -herttuatar grand duchess.
tuuri great [dlfference, erotus; city, kau
punki; honor, kunnia; calamlty, onnetto
muus; power, valta]; (et. laajuuteen tai
paljouteen nhden) large [garden, puu
tarha; number, lukumr; Fortune, omai
suus]; (iso) big [fellovv, mies; tree, puu;
llar, valehtelija] ; (kooltaan) . . of a great
(1. a large 1. a big) slze; (laaja) vast, extensive (area, ala]; (kuv.) gross [negllgence, huolimattomuus; 11, loukkaus],
(vakavaluontolnen) grave, serlous; suu
reksi harmikseni nin . . mUCh tO my dlSgust I saw ... I vvas greatly annoyed to
see . .; suureisi osaksi, suurelta osalta
largely, to a great extent (1. degree), In a
great measure; suurella nell In a loud
volce; suuren ~ (tavattoman) very (1.
exceedlngly 1. extraordlnarlly) great (1.
large), nuge, colossal; suuressa mrin
to a great (1. a large) extent. In a great
(1. a large) measure, largely, hlghly, extenslvely, In (1. to) a hlgh degree, emlnently, vrt. suurissa mrin; suuret aja
tukset, suuret luulot hlgh (1. big) opinion
[of, Jostakin], great ldeas [of]; suuretta
pienet (= ylhiset Ja alhaiset) hlgh and
10W; suuret mrt jotakin (mys:) volumes or, lots oi; suuria much, a great
deal (liuoin, ei kassasta suuria ollut the ii'
was not much (1. not a great deal or)
money at hand (1. In the cash-reglster);
erotus ei tee suuria the dlfference does
not amount to much, the difrerence Is
rather slight], vrt. luulotella, toivoa; ~
apu great help [to], (huojennus Jollekul
le) great rellef to, great (1. good) remedy
for huolii, hnest on ollut suurta apua
minulle he has been a great help to me,
he has glven (1. has furnlshed) me much
help] ; ~ asia lmportant matter (1. arralr),
a matter (1. an arralr) or great imi>ortance, (vakava) grave (1. serlous) matter
(1. arralr) [huom. se nyt ei ~ asia ole
thafs only a small matter, (el merkitse
suuria) that does not cut any great rigure] ; ~ huoli, suurta huolta a great (deal
or) anxlety, much (1. a great deal or)
\vorry (1. trouble); Jonkun ~ ihailija
great admirer or a p.; joukko big (1.
large) cro\vd, (mr) great number(s),
multltude [or]; ~ mies (henkisesti) great
(Jkpv. : big) man; osa large (1. big 1.
great) pait (1. sliare) [or], good (1. great)
deal [of], (lukumrst:) large (1. great)
number r of], (moni) many [of them, heis
t] ; ~ rifcos great (1. serlous 1. grave)
crlme (1. orrense), gross vlolatlon or the
law; ~ sielu great soul, (henkilst:)
lorty splrlt, noble mlnd; suurissa mrin,
suurin mrin in great numbers, In great
quantlties, in large lots (1. batches), In
large doses, (suuressa mittakaavassa) on
a large (l. a big) scale, extenslvely, (tu
kuttain) wholesale, in Job lots; - summa


rahaa, ~ rahasumma large (1. good I.

round) suin or money, large amount or
money; synti great (1. grlevous) sln;
~ vale big (1. gross) He; virhe great
rault, gross (1. grave) error (1. blunder):
saarra sukua (oleva) ks. suurisukuinen;
hnell on suuria maaomaisuuksia he bas
(1. ovras) great (1. extenslve) landed estates, he Is a great land-owner; hn psti
suuren naurun he burst Into a roar of
laughter; lsnolijoin suureksi hmms
tykseksi (mys:) much to the surprlse of
those present; minulla olisi ~ halu antaa
hnelle selkn I have a great mlnd to
glve blm a thrashlng; ne ovat kaikki yht
suuria (mys:) they are ali of a slze (1.
ali the same slze); nin ~ (of) thls slze;
olen krsinyt suurta vryytt I have SuTrered (1. have been subjected to) great
(1. gross 1. much) lnjustice; Pietari Suuri
Peter the Great; saada suuret silmt open
one's eyes wlde, stare In wonder, (llis
ty) be(come) amazed; se osottaa suurta
tietmttmyytt lt IS a Slgn (1. a prOOf)
of gross lgnorance.
suuri- (yhd.) . . \vitli (a) great (1. large 1.
big) ..... of great . . , large-, big- [esim.
-ansioinen .. or (1. wlth) great merlt(s);
-karjainen . . vvith a large herd of cattle;
-pinen .. \vith a large head, large-headed;
-silmineh . . wlth large eyes, large-eyed].
-arvoinen . . or hlgh (1. great 1. much)
value, very valuable; (merkittv) signirlcant; (trke) lmportant, . . or (great)
suurihma (ellnt.) palpus [plur. palpl],
suurikaavuinen (Ikisekseen) large (1. big)
[for one's age (l.years)] ; vrt. isokasvuinen.
suu rikko 1. -nilko sore Ups.
suuri I! lukuinen numerous, . . of great num
bers; numerically large (1. strong); suuritukuisempi ks. lukuisa(mpl). -lukuisuus:
niiden suurilukuisuus the fact that they
were so numerous, thelr (great) numbers.
suurima ryyni.
suurin greatest, largest, blggest; osa
the greatest part [of], most [or], (ajas
ta, matkasta:) the best part [of]; (p
asiallisin) the greater part [of those pres
ent, lsnolijoista], the major part (1.
portlon), the main part, the bulk, the
mass, (lukumr) the greater number
[huom. suurimmaksi osaksi, suurimmalta
osalta for the most part, mostly, (p
asiallisesti) ehieily, prlncipally] ; mit
suurimmalla tarkkuudella \vllh extreme (1.
utmost 1. the greatest) care (1. accuracy
1. preclslon); se on suurinta hulluutta it
is the greatest folly, lt Is mad (1. supreme)
folly; vrt. suuri,
uurillplirteinen grand, magnlflcent; (laajaplirtelnen)
rar-reachlng; suuripiirteisi
ajatuksia lofty (1. high 1. aspirlng)
ideas; vrt. suurenmoinen, -puheinen ks.
suurisanainen. -ruhtinaallinen grand-ducal.
-ruhtinaanmaa 1. -ruhtinaskunta grand
duehy [of], grand dukedom. -ruhtinas
grand duke, grand prlnce. -ruhtinatar
grand duchess, grand princess. -ruutuinen
(akkuna) .. \vtth large panes, (shakki
lauta y.m.) . . vvith large squares, (kangas)
. . vvith large checks (1. plalds), largechecked. -sanainen grandlloquent;bombastie; (kerskuva) boastful, bragglng, (jkpv.)
. . Wiio talkS big; suurisanaisia fraaseja
hlgh-sounding phrases. -eanaiseetl grandlloquently, .bombastlcally, boastfully, In a
bragglng (1. a bombastlc) manner, -eanaiuue grandlloquence; boastfulness; (Jkpv.)
big taik. -uinen (alkup.) large-mouthed;

(kuv.) blusterlng. . . who talks big-, (kers suuruus greatness; blgness, largeness; (et.
kaileva) boastful, bragglng; (neks) tiet.) magnltude; (tavaton) vastness,
loud, nolsy, vocirerous; (hvytn) saucy; hugeness; (suurenmoisuus) grandness;
vrt. uurisanainen. -suisesti blUStCHngly ;
(laajuus, esim, huoneen) dlmenslons [of
boastrully, braggingly; loudly, nolsily, a room] ; (tilavuus) volume; (ulottuvai
vocirerously; sauclly. -tuliuua . . belng a suus) extent; (koko) slze; (mat.) quanbraggart; bragglng manners, boastfulness; ttty; (henkilist;) great (1. promlnent)
loudness, nolslness; vocirerousness; sau- man (1. person 1. personage); suuruudel
ciness. -sukuinen . . of an lllustrlous (1. taan In Slze [bUOm. suuruudeltaan kolmas
a great) family; (jihais-) . . or noble (mys:) third largest]; ottaa selville huo
parentage (1. llneage 1. family 1. descent), neen ~ flnd out how large the room Is,
. . of liigh birth, hlgb-born. -suuntainen flnd out the dlmenslons of the room;
far-reachlng [enterprlse, yritys], .. out- tuntematon unknown celebrlty; vaaran
llned on a large scale; vrt. suuripiirteinen, greatness (1. magnltude 1. extent) of
-tinen laborious, toilsome, . . requlrlng a the danger. -suhde proportion; (mat.)
great deal of work: (Jkpv.) tougb [Job ratio.
(1. problom), tehtv]; (alkaa kuluttava) suur: valehtelija great liar; (Jkpv.) big llar.
tlme-consumlng. -valtainen potent, (hlgh -valta (one of the) great power(s); suur
and) mlgbty; (hallitsijasta:) soverelgn; vallat the (great) powers. -valtiollinen =
suurivaltaisin most soverelgn. -Uninen suurpoliittinen, -viljelij farmer on a large
loud, vocirerous; (meluava) nolsy.
scale; vrt. suurtilallinen, -viljelys farmlng
suurkaupunki big (1. large) city; (suurin (1. agrlculture) on a large scale. -visiiri
grand vlzler.
Jossakin maassa tai laajalla alueella)
metropollS ; suurkaupungin .... Of (1. In) suusanallinen, suusanalllsestl suullinen,
a big city (1. a metropolls), metropolitan suullisesti.
[esim. suurkaupungin elm life Of (1. In) suustaladattavamuzzle-loadlng [gun, pyssy],
a big City (1. a metropollS) ; suurkaupungin suutahtaa become angered (1. lncensed),
leima (l. luonne) metropolitan impression nash (in anger), (Jkpv.) flare up (in an(1. Stamp 1. CharaCter); suurkaupungin ger); vrt. suuttua.
vett populatlon of the metropolls, met suutari I. shoemaker; (raja-) cobbler.
ropolitan populatlon]. -elm metropolitan suutari II. (ellnt.) tench.
suutarimestari (master) shoemaker; o\vncr
life, life In a metropolls.
suurkaupunkilainen (s.) person from a big of a shoemakerCs) shop.
suutarin- (yhd.) shoemaker's [esim. -am
city, metropolitan.
suurkaupunkilais- (yhd.) metropolitan [esim. matti shoemaker's trade; -oppilas shoe-tavat metropolitan customs (1. manners)]. maker's apprentlce]. -kislli Journeyman
shoemaker. -oppi: olla suutarinopissa be
uur) krjt (Norjan) Stortblng, the Nor
the shoemaker's trade; vrt. lelwegian Parliament. -lakko general strlke. learnlng
purinoppi, nahkurinoppi. -ty (mys:)
-liike large business establlshment (1. shoemaklng.
-tyhuoneshoemaker('s) shop.
flrm); suurliikkeet (jkpv.) big business,
make shoes; (palkata) mend (1.
-merkityksellinen . . or great Importance suutaroida
shoes, cobble.
(1. consequence 1. slgnlflcance 1. bearing).
Tace to face.
-mies great man; (mahtava) magnate. suutasuksin
sorkkatauti (elinlk.)
-moguli Oreat (1. Grand) Mogul. -myy
foot-and-mouth dlsease.
ml (1. v.) department store. -peluri great suuta

(1. heavy) gambler. -poliittinen . . farklsslng. suutelo klss; (molsreachlng polltlcally. -politiikka rar-reach- suuteleminen
kahdus) smack. suutelu klsslng, osculation.
lng polltlcs. -siivous general house-clean- suutln
mouthplece.emlng (mys kuv.). -suinen = suurisuinen, bouchure.
-teollisuus the great (1. the large) Indus suuton
no) mouth.
tries; manuracturlng on a large scale.
-teos great work; great (1. magniricent) suuttaa plug; (kiilata) wedge.
angry [at,
Production, -tila large (I. extenslve) larm Jostakin; with a p., Johonkuhun],
(1. landed estate). -tilallinen owner or an
1. roused)
extenslve (1. a large) farm, owncr or large
farms, large land-owner.
a passion, (Jkpv.) become (1. get) mad
auurtomylly roller-mlll.
[at, Johonkin]; (loukkaantua) become (1.
suurty great work, great (1. noble l.grand) get 1. be) offended [at. Jostakin], take
achievement (1. deed), explolt.
ofrense [at]; (rsyynty) become exassuuruinen: jonkin ~ (kokoinen) .. (of) perated [at (1. about 1. over 1. with)],
the slze of ... . . of the . . slze [esim. be(come) provoked [by (1. at)]; (kiusaan
rmn (of) the Slze or thlS; yllmaini
tua) become (1. get 1. grow) vexed (1. antun of the above-mentloned slze] ; tadan noyed) [at]; (pahastua) take.. amlss, take
dollarin summa a suin or (1. amounting 111 [about. Jostakin] ; (menett malttinsa)
to) a hundred dollars; sadan tuhannen lose one's head (1. one's temper); (rai
miehen ~ armeija an army of a hundred vostua) tly Into a passion (1. a rage);
thousand men; vrt. eri, saman y.m. ~ aiheettomasti, tyhjst (Syytt) get
suurus (keitt., esim. kastikkeen) thlckenlng angry at (1. over) nothing, get angry
[for the sauce] ; (aamiainen) breakfast. wlthout any (1. wlthout a) reason (1.
suurustaa (saostaa) thicken [wlth flour, cause), (Jkpv.) get mad over (1. at 1. for)
etc] ; (syd aamiaista) (eat 1. have) nothlng; suuttuakin mokomasta the idea
breakfast, suurustamaton . . not thick- of taklng offense at such a trlfle! ~ sil
ened, unthlckened [broth, liemi], suu
mittmsti riy Into a (vlolent) passion (1.
rustaminen, suurustus (jauhoilla y.m.) rage), go mad, become Inrurlated [huom.
thlckenlng [with riour, ele.].
hn suuttui silmittmsti (invcis:) he flew
suuruuden aika perlod of [lts] greatness. Into such a rage that he (completely) lost
-hullu one wbo has a mania ror greatness; Control of hlmself; hn suuttui siit sil
(lak.) megalomanlac. -hulluus mania for mittmsti that tbrew hlm Into a vlolent
greatness; monomanlac ambition; (lk.) rage (1. passion 1. temper) ] ; hn suuttuu
helposti be li easiiy offended (1. provoked),



he Is quick to take offense ; olla tuattavinaan make believe that one Is angered,
retend to gel angry, simulate anger;
iita iuattuiti kuka tahanta (my OS:) that
s enough to vex a saint; ala juuu, jot
anon tta . . don't get angry (1. don't take
t amiss) If I tell you that . . .
suuttumaton . . sluw to anger (1. to get
angry 1. to become angered 1. to take of
fense jne., ks. Miuttua); (krslvlllnen)
patient, forbearing.
slowness to anger (1. to take offense);
(krslvalllsyys) patience, forbearance.
uuttuminen becoming angry [at] jne., ks.
euuttua. uuttumu anger; (et. run.) Ire;
(vlha) wrath, passion; (raivo) rage, fury;
(paliastumus, harml) Indignation, Ill-feel
ing, vexation; irattumuktcn httktll
(myos:) In an angry moment, suuttunut
angry [at, Johonkin (1. jostakln); with a
p., Johonkuhun], angered, Incensed, roused,
exasperated [at (1. about), Jostakln],
(Jkpv.) mad [at]; (klukustunut) wrathful,
Irate; (loukkaantunut) offended [at];
(harmlstunut) Indignant [at], provoked
[by]; (klusaantunut) vexed (1. annoyed)
[at (1. with)]; alia tuiittunut (mys:) be
In a huff, (Jkpv.) be miffed, (ralvostunut)
be In a rage; vrt. uuttiu.
uu, tulehdui Inflammation of the mouth,
-tupakka (puru-) chewing tobacco.
su u tus: olla tuutuktiiia(an) be angry (1.
exasperated 1. Indignant) [al, Joslakin (1.
Jollekulle)], be angered (1. incensed 1.
roused) tat, Jostakln], be offended (l. be
provoked) [at (1. by), Jostakln], (harmissaan) be vexed (1. annoyed 1. Irritated)
Lat, JostaklnJ.
/tuututell vex o.s., feel vexed (1. Irritated),
be angry (1. indignant); vrt. kiukutelU.
uututteleminen, uututtolu vexing o.s.
jne., ks. edell.
euututtaa (jotakuta 1. Joku) make . . angry,
anger, rouse a p. 's anger, exasperate,
(jkpv.) make . . inad; (loukata) offend;
(hariinttaa, arsyllaa) vex. Irritate, pro
voke, annoy, put . . out (of temper), ruffle
(one's temper) ; tellainen jo beta tahan
ta (myos,:) that Is enough to vex a saint;
vrt. kiukuttaa. uututtammen making . .
angry jne., ks. uututtaa. euututtava an
gering; exasperating; (harmlttava) vexing,
irritating, provoking, annoying.
uuvesi mouth-wash, gargle.
uvaita(karslii) tolerate, bear, stand, endure,
put up with, do with; (siutaii) surfer Lone
to do, junkun icini jutuklnj; (sallia)
permit, allow; (miellliyvallii) please, be
pleased to, like; (alentua) condescend (1.
deign) [to do ... telilla Jotakin]; tauaitsctteko jotakin (haluatteko) would you
like to have something, is there anything
that yuu wish (to have); n voi ~ hnt
1 cannot tolerate (1. bear 1. stand) him;
etteko tuvaitte tulla sisdlle won't you
please Cuine in? /ion i tuvainnut ti(i)t
mainittavan he did not tolerate its being
mentioned, he could not stand (I. bear) to
hear anybody mention it; han ei tuvainnut
vstala he did not vouchsafe an answer,
he did not deign ([.condescend) to answer;
jos (ten} tuvaitsette If you please (1. like),
(luvallanne) with your (kind) permission,
if you (will) permit (1. allow) It; kuten
tuvaitsette as you please (I. like) [huom.
buten ehhd suvaittette muittaa (1. V.) as
you will perhaps remember] ; mit tuvaittette what would you like? what will you
Have? (mlten voin palvella) what can I do
for you? ei*u tuvaitkoon huomata the


court will please notice (1. note 1. uke

notice) ; pretidentti tvvmtli kensan/the president condescended (1. deigned)
to speak to me. the president graciously
spoke to me. luvaiuematoti intolerant,
suvaitsemaitomuus Intolerance, smaiueminen tolerating jne., ks. suvuU; tolertlon, tolerance; forbearance. tu*aiUtinen tolerant; forbearing, tuvaiuevaiietti
tolerantly, forbearlngly, with tolerance (1.
forbearance), suvaiuevalauut tolerance,
toleration; forbearance, uvaitu toler
able, bearable.
suvnto quiet waters.
s u van tomen: - airta * river With SeverU
stretches of quiet water.

uveaminen thaw(lng). uvenpuoleinen . .

facing south(ward). tuveu thaw; tmtm
It Is thawing.
uvi (kes) summer; (suoja) tbaw, mild (1.
open) weather, suvlnen summer-like; nvinen *sa ks. seur.
uvilltii (suoja) mild weather; (kesa-)
summer weather, -ye summer('s) nlgtit.
uvullinm (blol.) sexual, suvulhsuut sex
euvun Jatkaminen 1. -HtUminen propaga
tion, -uoiinu nepotism.
uvuton sexless; (blol.) asexual; (kiel.y.m.)
neuter. luvuttomuut sexlessness; (blol.)
asexuallty; (klel.) being neuter.
Sveiul Switzerland, sveiuilinen (a. & s.)
Swiss; Helvetian; tveitsiliset the Swiss.
veiuiliiikaarU Swiss guards. veiUinJuusto Swiss cheese.
yaanivetyhappo (kem.) hydrocyanic (1.
prusslc) acid, syankaliumi (kem.) potas
sium cyanld(e), prussiate of potash.
sydenllpolttaja charcoal-burner. -poltlo
burning (of) charcoal, charcoal burning.
ydet ks. sytl.
sydamelllnen hearty [welcome, vastaanolto], cordial [greeting, tervehdys], heart
felt [congratulation, onnentoivotus] ; (ystv&lllnen) kind; (lmmln) warm; tervehdykuni (mys:) my klnd(est) regards
[tol.tydimelliaesti heartily, cordially ; from
(the bottom of) one's heart; warmly Lattached to, kllntynyt Johonkuhun]. ydimelliiyyi heartiness, cordiality, warmth
of heart; (warm) affection.
sydamen- (yhd.) . . of the heart [eslm.
-sopuhha recess of the heart] ; vrt. ydan-.
-ahdistut heaviness of heart; deep anxiety:
vrt. sydamenkourUtus. -a*i (alkup.) af
fair Of the heart; ottaa . . lydamenalia** take . . to heart, lay . . on one's
heart, let . . lie on one's heart. Impress . .
on one's mind; on minuUa tydmtnaiiana It Is first In my heart, -halvaus
sydanhalvaus. -kourietu (lk.) angina
pectorls. -muotolnen heart-shaped; cor
date, -sur u heartache; huolla tydamensuruun (mys:) die of a broken beart.
-tuska heartache; deep anxiety, -tykytys
1. -tykynta heart-beat, beating (1. pulsa
tion) of the heart, (nopea, kilhottunut)
palpitation of the heart, (ankam) throb
(-l)lng) of the heart, -vara* (1. v.) heartbreaker, (Jkpv.) heart smasher.
sydmettmyy heartlessness; (Julmuus)
cruelty, sydmettmsti heartlessly; (Julmastl) cruelly, sydmetn heartless; (Julma) cruel.
sydamikke I. (a.) spiteful, Ill-natured, Illtempered; (klnen) ..of (1. with a) fierce
disposition, savage; (hllllton) . . or un
governable temper. Intractable; (Itsepalnen) self-willed, obstinate. II. (s.) spiteful
(1. intractable 1. self-willed) person, per
son of fierce (1. ungovernable) temper.



sydminen (yhd.) . ,-heartea [esim. awo~

open-hearted; hell~ tender-hearted].
sydn heart; (puun) pith; (hedelmn) kerncl, (yleens: keskus) core (kaikki edell.
mys kuv.): (kivi, hedelmn) stone; (ydin,
kuv.) nucleus, marrow; (lampun) wlck;
sydmelle kyp touchlng, thrilling, soulstirrlng, vrt. liikuttava; sydmelle pantava
worthy of earnest conslderatlon; syd
mens syvyydess (mys:) in one's heart
or hearts; sydmestn rrom one's heart,
heartily, cordially, vrt. koko; annetta hy
vst sydmest glven out of the kindness
of oue's heart; ksi sydmell vvith one's
hand upon one's heart; maan sydmess
. In the heart of the country; olla kur
kussa have one's heart in one's mouth.
sydn- (yhd.) . . or the heart, heart- [esim.
-lihas muscle of the heart; -tauti disease
or the heart, heart-disease; -ni heartsound] ; (anat.) cardiac [esim. -valtimo
cardiac artery]. -ala pit of the stomach;
sydnalaansa pidellen with one'S hands at
one'3 heart ; sydnalassa ( in the region) belo\v the heart. -alaklpu pain belo\v the heart.
-teinen auricle (or the heart); atrium.
-haava: hn sai sydnhaavan her heart was
(deeply) hurt. -halvaus paralysis of the
heart, heart-railure, vrt. kuolla, -huoli (l.v.)
sorrow, grleT. -Juuri: sydnjuuria myten,
sydnjuuriin (saakka) to the depth Of
one's heart, to the (1. tn one's) very heart.
-kammio (anat.) ventriclc (of the heart).
-kes mtdsummer, middle or the summer;
sydnkeslt in inidsummer, at midsummer-time, in the middle of the sum
mer, -kipu (kuv.) heartache. -kohta (the
very) center, heart, core. -korvako (anat.)
auricular appendage. -kuoppa sydnala,
-kpy : sydnkpyni my darling, my sweetheart, my love, my treasure. -laho rottenness at the core, heart-rot. -lpp (anat.)
cardiac valve, -maa(t) backvvoods, region
a\vay from clvillzation; (er-) ullderness;
(aarniomets) Jungie; sydnmailla In the
backwoods. -pistos sting in the heart.
-pussi (anat.) perlcardium. -puu heart\vood, (tiet.) duramen. -piv noon, midday; (tiiht.) meridian, -suru ks. sydmen' uru. -talvi the depth of Winter, midwinter; sydntalvella in (the) mldwlnler
(-ttmc), In the depth of Winter, -tautinen
. . surferlng rrom (l. affected wlth) heartdisease; (heikkosydminen) ..wlth a weak
heart. -toiminta action of the [ones] heart,
heart action, -tuska ks. sydmentuska.
sydnty become (1. get) angered (1. roused
1. exasperated) [at. Jostakin], get angry
[at], be angered [by], be(come) provoked [at] ; vrt. suuttua.
sydntsrkev heartbreaking, harrowing
iremorse, katumus], heartrendlng [cry,
huuto]; poignant [pain, tuska]; ~ suru
harrowing (1. poignant) sorrow (1. grieD.
sydn il varjo (tht.) umbra, -veri: sydnverens his hearfs blood, the blood oi'
his heart. -vika organic heart-trouble;
hnell on sydnvika (tav.) theres something \vrong with his heart. -y mldnlght,
depth or nlght; sydnyll at mldnlght.
In the dead (1." the depth) or nlght.
syhelm = syyhy.
syinen 1. (kasv.) fibrous; 2. (yhd.) .. wlth
. . ribers, . . with . . filaments, . .-ly nbered [esim. hieno- . . \vith fine ribers
(1. filaments), rinely ribered].
syke = sykint.
sykerrys kinking; shrinking. sykerty klnk;
(kutistua) slirmk. sykert make . . klnk,
twist; (kutistaa) shrink. syker Klnk;


knot; panna hiukset sykerlle do (up)

one's halr in a knot.
sykint beat(lng), pulsatlon; vrt. tykytys,
sykkiv beatlng, throbblng, pulsating.
sykki bcat [wlth Joy, ilosta], pulsate;
(kiivaasti) throb, palpltate, go pltapat;
elm sykki hnen suonissaan life pulsated
In his velns.
sykkyr (kierre, esim. langassa) klnk; (sotkus) tangle; menn sykkyrn klnk, become (1. get) kinky, become (1. get)
wrinkled, (kpristy) shrlnk, (sotkeutua)
become (1- ffet) tangled, tangle; olla syk
kyrss (esim. ihmisest:) be huddled
(up). -suoli (anat.) Jejunum and ileum.
sykkileminen, sykkily (sydmen) pulsa
tlon (I. beatlng) [or the heart]. sykkill
be beatlng, pulsate.
syksy rall; (varsinkin Engl.) autumn; syk
syll In the Tall (1. the autumn), (viime
syksyn) last Tall, (ensi) next Tall.
syksyinen 1. r.-ill-like, anturiin -Itke, autumnal; ilmat kyvt syksyisiksi lt Is getting
to be like Tall (1. autumn); 2. (yhd.) . . or
. . Tall (1. autumn), . . rall's [esim. viime
syksyiset sateet the rains or last fall (1.
autumn), last rall's rains].
syksykalastus rishlng in the fall (1.
autumn), late rishlng.
syksyllinen: sade (viimesyksyinen) the
raln or last rall (1. autumn), last rall's
ram, (syksy-) the raln In the rall.
syksyllmyh late rall (I. autumn); syksymyhll late in the rall (1. the autumn).
-pime darkness or the Tall (1. the autumn),
au tuumat darkness; syksypimell in the
darkness or the rall.
sykhdell be beatlng, heat, pulsate; be
throbbing, throb, palpitate; sydn sykhteli
ilosta the heart beat (1. was leaping) wlth
Joy; vrt. sykki, sykhdys (sydmen)
beat, throb. sykhdytt make . . beat (1.
throb 1. bound 1. start); minua sykhdytti
I was startled; se sykhdytti sydntni it
made mv heart beat (1. throb). sykhtely
beatlng, pulsating; throbbing, palpitatlon.
sykhtminen throbbing Jne., ks. seur.
sykht throb; (kki) leap; (hypht)
start, startle, bound; sydmeni sykhti
ilosta my heart leaped (1. started) Tor Joy;
vrt. sykki.
syleileminen embracing, bugglng. syleill
embrace; (Jkpv.) hug; (sulkea syliins)
clasp (1. rold 1. take) . . in onc's anns,
clasp (1. press) . . to one's bosom (1. breast
1. heart). syleily embrace, hug.
sylen korkuinen .. six Teet high (1. deep);
a rathom hlgh, . . or a rathom's height.
-levyinen . . slx Teet Wide; a fathom Wide,
. . of a rathoin's wtdth. -mitta rathom;
(puu-) cord. -paksuinen . . as thlck (1. as
big around) as the reach or one's arms.
-pituinen . . slx reet long, a rathom long,
. . or a rathom's length. -pituus length
or ttte rull stretch or one's arrns; a rath
om' length.
syli I. (henkiln) arms, (rinta) bosom,
breast, heart, (helma) lap, (polvi) knee;
2. (pituusmitta) rathom, (useimmiten:)
Six Teet; 3. (puu-; 1. V.) cord; ~ tynn
vvith one's arms rull or; [ottaa] syliins
[take . .] tn one's arms, on (I. in) one's
lap: istua jonkun syliss Slt In a p.'S lap,
(polvella) sit on a p.'s knee: viisi sylt
puita live cords or wood. -halot (1. v.)
cord-wood. -kaupalla = ylimrin, -koira
lap dog. -kummi godmother (who holds
the child at baptism). -lapsi baby; inlant.
sylillinen armrul [or wood, puita].
syllllmitt* sylenmitta. -mrin (esim.



puita:) by the cord; cords or; (pituutta

tarkoittaen:) rathorns or, (tav.) yards or.
-mr 1. -luku number of rathoms; number OT COrdS ; kulkea syli mri eteenpin
(1. v.) advance several yards.
syllntysi = 1x11111060.
yli ote bold (1. gnp 1. grasp) around the
\vaist. -paini \vrestllng vvith a hold around
the \valst.
ylitUin = ylimrin, ylitysten embraclng
(1. hugglng) each other. In each other's
arms, In a close embrace.
syljeksiminen splttlng. syljeksi be splttlng,
splt; (Jatkuvasti) keep (on) splttlng; ryki ja syljehsi expectorate. syljelleajava
. . vvhlch produces sallvatlon, . . exclting a
Tlow of sallva. syljen Juoksu 1. -vuoto
sallvatlon, secretion (1. riow) or sallva.
syljent* splttlng. syljeskeleminen, ayljeskely syljeksiminen, syljeskeli* syljek
si, syllettminen sallvatlon. tylJetUv
syljelleajava. syljett cause to splt,
secrete sallva, produce sallvatlon; sairasta
syljett tavallista runsaammin the patlent
has an abnonnal rio\v of sallva.
sylkeminen splttlng. sylke splt; (hienos
televassa kieless:) expectorate.
sylki splt, splttle; (tiet.) sallva; sputum;
(kuola) drlvel; (ysks) expectoratlon; pu
hua mit suuhun tuo (jkpv.) s ny anythlng
that comes (ln)to one's head, say what Is
uppermost, taik In a rattle-bralned way.
sylki- (yhd., anat.) sallvary [esim. -rauha
nen sallvary gland]. -astia 1. -kuppi 1. -laa
tikko sptttoon, cuspldor. -lntti expecto
ratlon, sputum.
sylkinen (tahrittu) . . covered (1. deriled)
wlth sputum (1. splt 1. sallva).
sylki!! pullo receptacle [Tor a consumptlve]
In whlch to deposlt the expectoratlons.
-tahra splt staln, stain rrom splttle.
sylkkyl (likky) splash to and rro; (syk
ki) pulsate-, (hytky) bob; rock.
sylky = syljent. -astia ks. sylkiastia.
sylkytell rock, be rockina-. sylkhtisydn
sylhhtl ilosta the heart leaped wltn Joy.
sylkiseminen, sylkisy splttlng. sylkisU
splt; expectorate; (ruiskahduttaa) squlrt;
sylkist suustaan splt Olit.
yltti ks. hillo, syltty headcheese.
sylys armful; vrt. puu,
symbaali (mus.) cymbal.
sympatia (myttuntolsuus) sympathy.
synago(o)ga (Juutalalsklrkko) synagogue.
syndikalisml syndlcallsm. syndikalistl syndlcallst.
synkentyi, synket synkisty, synkeys
- synkkyys, synke = synkk, synklstyminen grovvlng gloomy Jne., ks. synkisty,
synklstyttminen maklng gloomy, cloudlng, darkenlng. synkistytt make gloomy,
east a gloom over [a p.'s life. Jonkun el
m], gioom, cloud, darken. synkisty grovv
(1. become 1. get) gloomy (1. sulien 1.
dreary 1. moody); (pimet) gro\v (1. be
come 1. get) dark(er), darken; (pllvetty)
become overcast (1. clouded 1. cloudy),
Cloud up; hnen kasvonsa synkistyivt
hetkeksi hls bro\v darkenert Tor a moment,
hls face clouded up (1. became clouded)
for a moment, a frown passpd over hls
brow; hnen mielens synkistyi he (1. hls
mlnd) grew gloomy (1. melancholy), he
grew (1. became) moody; taivas synkistyy
the sky is darkenlng, (menee pilveen)
the sky Is clouding over (1. up), lt is
gettlng cloudy. synkist synkistytt.
synkkyys gloom(lness), drearlness; (pi
meys) darkness; blackness;
desolateness, desolatlon; (synkkmielisyys)


synkk gloomy [day, piv; weather, s;

mlnd (1. temper), mieli], dreary [shadow,
varjo], cheerless; (kaamea) dismal [place,
palkka]; ( uhkaava) lowerlng [look, katse];
(pilvinen) cloudy [sky, taivas], clouded
[brow, otsa] ; (hmr) somber [color,
vri], sombre; (pime) dark, murky [den,
luola]; (musta) black; (Jylh) desolate
[vvilderness, ermaa]; (surullinen) sad:
(synkkmlellnen) melancholy; moody; ~
pimeys gloomy (1. dreary I. intense)
darkness, lnky blackness; tulevaisuus
gloomy (1. black 1. dreary) future, (Ilo
ton) CheerleSS (UtUre; synkll mielell
In a gloomy mood, downhearted, melan
choly; synkss metsss in the depth(s)
or the rorest. In the thlck of the rorest, in
the deep rorest; synkt ajatukset gloomy
(1. black 1. dreary 1. dismal) thoughts;
synkt pilvet dark (1. lowerlng I. dense)
clouds; synkt toiveet gloomy prospects;
hnen ~ otsansa kirkastui (mys:) btS
black looks dlsappeared, hls rrovvn cleared
up; nytt synklt (pimelt) lt looks
black (1. dark), the prospects are anythlng
but brlght; taivas on synkkn the Sky Is
overcast (1. gloomy 1. dull). -kulmainen
. . wlth projectlng brows, . . with a rro\vning brow. -mielinen gloomy (or mlnd),
heavy -hearted, melancholy; (surumielinen)
sad. -mielisyys gloom(lness_), heaviness or
heart, melancholy; sadness.
synnillinen sln(ul [thought, ajatus]; se olisi
synnillist (mys:) lt would be a sln. aynnillisesti slnrully. aynnilllsyya slnfulness.
synniniht eleventh-hour agony over one's
slns; mys synnintuska. -katumus penance. -orja (a) slave to sln. -pst absolutlon. -rangaistus punlshment For one's
slns. -tekij slnner, transgressor, trespasser, orrender. -tie path (1. way) or sln.
-tunnustus conresslon (or slns). -tunto
COIlSClOUSneSS or one'S Slns; tulla synnin
tuntoon (mys:) reallze one's slns, be
convlcted or sln (1. or one's slns). -tuska
agony (1. angulsh 1. dlstress) Tor (1. over)
one's slns. -uni callousness to sln, unconcernedness about one's slns, unconsciousness or sln, lack or reallzation of sln.
ynnittomyys Treedom rrom sln, sinlessness.
synnitn . . rree rrom sln, sinless; (saastaton) lmmaculate.
synnyin]! maa natlve country (1. Iand); vrt.
isnmaa, -seutu natlve place; (-palkka)
synnynninen inborn [passion. Intohimo;
rlght, oikeus], lnnate [energy, tarmok
kuus; eloquence, kaunopuheisuus], Inbred
[worth, arvo], Inherent [power, voima;
love o( ease, mukavuudenhalu], natlve/lndlgenous; natural [girt, lahja] ; (peritty)
lnherlted [derormlty, epmuodostuma] ;
(syntyperinen) congenital; ~ aatelismies
[prinssi] a nobleman [a prince] bybirtb;
se nytt olevan hness synnynnist
that seems to come natural to hlm, that
seems to be Inherent (1. Inborn) In hlm.
he Is to the manner born, (Jkpv.) he was
born that way; vrt. syntyperinen.
synnynt orlgln(atlon); (synty) genesis;
(syntyminen) blrth; comlng up.
synnyttimet genltals (or a remale),pudenda.
synnyttj vvoman in chlldbed (1. In conrinement); \voman cxpectlng to be dellvered
or (1. who Is about to glve blrth to) a
chlld; (tuottaja) producer (mys kuv.);
(aikaansaaja, esim. metelin) orlglnator,
creator [or the dlsturbancel ; one who
causes (l. brlngs about Jne.) [wbo caused
(1. brought about)], ks. synnytt, syn
nyttminen glvlng blrth to Jne., ka. seur.


nyltn) suomalainen a Finn (1. Finnish)
by blrth, born a Finn, or Finnish extractlon; synnyt syvt (syntysanat) magic
vvords; kuun new moon.
syntyinen (yhd.) . . by blrth, . .-ly born,
. . or . . blrth (1. extractlon 1. descent 1.
blood), . . or a . . ramlly [esim. alhaislowly born, . . or low blrth; jalo . . or
noble blrth, . . or a noble ramlly, . . or
noble blood; suomalais- a Finn (1. Finnish)
by blrth, or Finnish descent (1. extractlon)].
syntyisin by birth, or . . descent (1. extrac
tlon); (lhtisin; esineist y.m.:) .. in (1.
by) orlgin; venlinen Russian by blrth,
or Russian descent.
syntyminen = synty.
syntym blrth, natlvlty; Kristuksen
(mys:) the Natlvlty; annen Kristuksen
syntym (lyh. e. Kr.) berore Chrlst (lyh.

synnytt glve blrth to [a chlld, lapsi],

brlng fortb, bear, be dellvered of [a son,
poika], (ykslnom. elimist; mys kuv.)
produce [young, poikasia], breed [Heas,
kirppuja]; (aikaansaada) glve rlse to [anger, suuttumusta], brlng about, cause [anxlety, levottomuutta; sedltlon, kapinalli
suutta], occaslon [expenditure, kustannuk
sia], provoke [laughter, naurua; displeasure, tyytymttmyytt], ralse [a storm
or lndlgnatlon, suuttumuksen myrsky],
(a)rouse [amusement, Iloisuutta; sympattiy,
myttuntoa], stir up [rebelllon, kaplna(a)], engender [strlre, riitaa], orlglnate,
call fortti; (kehitt) generate i lipat, lm
p; electrlclty, shk], develop; (he
rtt) vvake [evll deslres, pahoja halu
ja], avvaken [compasslon, myttuntoa],
create [dissatlsfactlon, tyytymttmyytt],
exclte [envy, kateutta], make [one jealous. Jossakussa kateutta], prompt [a feelIng of gratitude, klttolllsuudentunnetta] ;
(muodostaa) form [ldeas, ajatuksia; plans,
suunnitelmia] ; ~ epilyst (hertt)
arouse (1. rouse 1. cause 1. wake 1. glve
rlse tO) SUSplClOn; ~ kauhua jossakussa
strlke terror Into a p.Cs heart); ~ pahaa
verta cause (1. stir up) bad feellng; ~ se
kasortoa cause confuslon, brlng about dlsorder, create a chaotlc condltlon; suurta
levottomuutta cause great unrest (1. alarm),
agitate people's ratnds greatly; viha
mielisyytt glve rlse to (I. brlng about 1.
cause) enmlty (1. anlmoslty); imettviset
synnyttvt elvi poikasia maminals bring
forth (1. produce) livlng young; mik on
tmn synnyttnyt (aiheuttanut) \vhat has
brought thls about? uhat has glven rlse
(1. blrth) to thls? vvhat has caused (1. occasloned) thls? (on syyn) what Is the
cause Of (1. for) thls? se ~ pahaa mielt
kaikissa liiat \vill stir up bad Teellng In
everybody, cverybody will leel bad about
it; vesi hyry water rorms steam;
roima ~ liikett energy produces motlon.
ynnytyi childblrth, dellvery [or a chlld].
-laitot maternlty bospltal. -oppi obstetrlcs,
mldwirery. -pihdit obstetrical forceps.
-poltot 1. -tutkat throes (1. pangs) or
childblrth, labor (palns), travall.
synodi synod.
synteettinen (Ulos. e kem.) synthetic(al).
synti sln; (rikkomus) transgression; (et.
raam.) trespass; (pahanteko) lnlqulty.
wrongdoing; on ~ ja hpe, ett hn teki
niin (Jkpv.) it is a sln and a shame (1. It
is a wickod shame) that he should do so;
vrt. peri , teko.
yntienanteekelllanto remisslon (1. rorgiveness) (or sins 1. Tor slns); pardon; (syn
ninpst) absolutlon. -saaminen remis
slon or sins, pardon; (synninpst) abso
syntiini: langennut . . Tallen into sin. -lan
keemus rall or (the rirst) man, rall or
Adam; (yleisemmin) lapse into Sln; syn
tiinlankeemuksesta saakka on ihminen . .
(mys:) since hls rall man has ...
synti H kuorma load (1. burden) or sln. -luet
telo list or Sins; se lis hnen syntiluetteloaan that \vlll add to the list or hls sins.
syntinen I. (a.) slnrul (1. wlcked) Tman,
ihminen; life, elm; action, teko; thought,
ajatus]; (synti tekev) slnning. II. (s.i
----- synnintekij.

syntipukki scapegoat; vlctim.

syntisesti sinrully. syntisyys slnfulness.
syntlttaakka burden of sin. -velka gullt;
vrt. syntikuorma.

synty blrth, natlvlty; (alkuper) orlgin,

rlse; (tiet.) genesis; (lht) source;
(muodostus) rormatlun; syntyjn (\. syn-

B. C); jlkeen Kristuksen syntymn (lyh.

). Kr.) anno Domlnl (lyh. A. D.).

syntym- (yhd.) . . or (one's) blrth [esim.
-hetki bour or (one's) birth; -vuosi yoar of
(one's) blrth], natal [esim. -hetki natal
hour], -httkl: syntymhethestni saakka
1'rom my birth, since I was born. -kau
punki native city (1. town), city (1. town)
where one was born. -maa = synnyinmaa,
-merkki blrthmark, (lk.) naevus; (pu
nertava) strawberry-mark; (tumma) mole.
-oikeus blrthrlght. -palkka birthplace.
-piv blrthday, anniversary or one's birth;
syntympivnni on my blrthday. -pivlahja blrthday present. -seutu 1. -sija
syntymtn unborn.
syntyneisyyt birth-rate. -luku blrth-rate;
number or blrths.
syntyllperi extractlon, descent, birth; (su
ku-) parentage, ramlly; (alku-) orlgin,
rlse, source; (kuv.) derivation; synty
perltn saksalainen of German extractlon
(1. descent), German by blrth; alhaista
syntyper lovvly lunii,. ,nf limuille orlgin,
vrt. alhaissyntyinen. -perinen Iiatlve, llidlgenOUS; syntyperinen amerikkalainen
natural-born (1. native) American, native or
America; vrt. synnynninen, -sana magic
Word; sen syntysanat lausuttiin .. (kuv.)
the idea or (1. Tor) It was rormulated . . .
tyntyvltyyt blrth-rate; number or blrths.
tynty be born, be brought rorth, be produced, be generated, breed; (saada al
kunsa) orlgtnate, (a)rlse, come (1. sprlng)
up (1. Into exlstence), (kehitty) come
about, develop; (tulia) become, turn out
[esim. jostakin syntyy jotakin a th. turns
out to be . .] ; (tapahtua) break out; (muo
dostua) rnrill, be Shaped [Into]; syntyes
sn at hls blrth, \vhen he was born; syn
tyi kiusallinen vaitiolo thcre \vas a painTul
sllence, (seurasi) a palnTul sllence ensued (1. rollOW6d); syntyi tappelu a right
came about, a right broke out, there was
a right, (seurasi) a rtght ensued; syntynyt
vuonna laaa born in (the year) 1882:
syntyyk siit mitn will anythlng come
or that? wlll it turri out to be anythlng?
wlll you arrlve at any results? (kykenetk
tekemn) can you manago It? are you
able to do lt? asiassa (]. jutussa) syntynyt
pytkirja records in (1. about) the case;
ei se hnelt synny he cannot manage (1.
he Is not able) to do lt. he is no good at that;
est hiriit syntymst prevent (1. foresiall) (the outbreak oO dlsturbanccs:
heille syntyi poika a son \vas born to them;
hness syntyi ajatus the thought arose in
hls mlnd, the thought came (1. occurred 1.
presented ltself) to hls mlnd (1. to hlm),
the thought sugge*ted Itseir to hlm rto
try, koettaa] ; hn on tss maassa synty-



nyt he was bom in thls country, he Is a

native or this country; juhlakulkueen viimeisiss riveiss syntyi levottomuutta
there vvas some dlsturbance In the last
ranks of the parade; kaupoista ei synny
mitn (ei tule) nothlng \vili come or the
hargaln, the bargain \vlll not be made;
kuningattarelle on syntynyt poika the
queen has given blrth to a son, the queen
has been dclivered of a son; mekaanisesta
tyst syntyy lmp mechanlcal work
generates (1. produces) heat; milloin on
hn syntynyt when was he bom? mist
tm on syntynyt \vhat has brought this
forth (1. about) ? vvhat has caused (I.
gtven rise to) thls? where has this origtnated? vvhere did this have its rise (1. its
orlgtn)? mitn ptst ei syntynyt no
decislon \vas reached (I. vvas arrlved at),
there vvas no decislon [in the case, jutus
sa], .. came to no decislon; muutamat
verbimuodot syntyvt apuverbien avulla
some verbal forms are constructed \vith
the aid of an auxillary verb; niit syntyy
kuin sieni sateella (1. V.) they spring up
like mushrooms in the night; siell on syn
tynyt hiriit (puhjennut) dlsturbances
have broken out there; siihen on syntynyt
kaupunki a city has sprung up there.
sypressi (-puu) cypress.
syreeni = sireeni, I.
syrjemmlle (more 1. farther) to the (1.
one) side; farther to\vard the edge, nearer
the edge ; varokaa joutumasta syrjemmlle
be rareful, don't get any nearer the edge.
syrjemmll (more 1. rarther) on (1. to)
the side; rarther to\vard the edge, nearer
the edge. syrjineen, syrjilln on (its)
edge, edgevvlse. syrjittin (syrj edell)
edgewise, edgevvays; (sivuittain) sldewlse,
sldeways; (syrjtysten) edge to edge.
syrjitt ks. hylki.
syrj (reuna) edge; border: (esim. kirjanlehden y.m.) margin; (sivu) side; (laita,
esim. kupin, lasin) brim; (hatun, kilven
y.m.) rim; (syvnteen y.m.) brink; (ulko
neva, esim. kallion) leclge, shelT; (esim.
kaupungin) outsklrts [of]; vrt. leivn;
syrjlleen, syrjlln on (its) edge, edge
vvlse; syrjss oleva ks. syrjinen; [kat
sella] syrjst [vvatrh . .] rrom a distance; syrjst lovilla (l.lovitettu jnotcMed
on (1. along) the edge; syrjn ks. hakus.;
olla jonkin syrjss stand (I. be siluaKMl 1.
Ile) by the side of; olla syrjss (loitolla)
be (1. Ile 1. be situated) out of the vvay, be
orr rrom [ the road, tiest]; tien syrjss
by the roadside.
syrj- (yhd.) side [esim. -silmys side
glance] ;
-suunta lateral dlrection] ; vrt. sivu-, -askel
sldestep. -hyppys leap (1. spring 1. jump
1. bouuil) tu tiu- side.
syrjinen I. (a.) out-or-the-vvay [place,
paikka], outlylng; (etinen) remote, dlstant, .. distantly located (1. situated);
(piilossa oleva) concealed, . . hlddcn rrom
view; (eristetty) secluded, Isolated; (yk
sininen) lonely, solltary; [sen] ~ asema
[Its] out-or-the-way location. (etinen)
dlstant (1. remote) location. II. (s.) out
sider, stranger, vrt. sivullinen, syrjisyys
out-of-the-u-ay location; (etisyys) remoteness, dlstant location; (eristyneisyys)
secluded (1. Isolated) location; sen syr
jisyys (mys:) its being situated out or
the way.
syrj;; katu ks. sivukatu. -kaupunki outsklrts
(of the city), -kuja alley; (taka-)back alley.
-kulma outlylng part [ori, the oulskirls
[orj. -kyl outlylng (1. out-of-the-\vay)


vlllage, village located out or the vvay:

(etinen) distant village. -muistutus ks.
reunamuistutus, -polku by-palh; Vrt. har
hapolku, -polvi, -raide, -seikka ks. sivu
haara, -raide, -seikka, -silm: katsoa jo
takin syrjsilmll look at . . out Of the
corner or one's eye, look askance (1.
askevv 1. obliquely) at, east side-glances at,
leer at, ogle. -silmys slde-glance; (sala-)
furtive (1. stealthy) glance; vrt. edell.
syrjstkatselija bystander; (katselija) onlooker, looker-on, spectator, beholder,
syrj tarkotus ks. sivutarkotus. -tie side
road; side path, by-vvay, by-path; vrt.
kiertotie, -toimi ks. sivutoimi.
syrjtysten edge to (1. against) edge, side
by side. syrjvaikutin by-motive, side interest; (lis-) further motlve.
syrjyttminen setting aside Jne., ks. senr. :
disregard; exclusion; removal. syrjytt
set (1. put) aside; (tunkea pois) force . .
out or its [hls] place, rorce (1. pusti) . .
aside (l.lnto the background), brush aside,
put . . out of the vvay, dlsplace, (tullen
Itse tilalle) supersede, take the place of,
supplant; (raivata tielt, esim. Joku hen
kil :) clear (1. push) out of the vvay;
(poistaa) remove [from]; (sulkea pois)
exclude, debar [from], shut out [from];
(Jtt huomioonottamatta) disregard. ignore, be dlsregardrul or; (halveksia)
slight; (laiminlyd) neglect: (tehd vaa
rin jollekulle) vvrong; tuntea itsens syr
jytetyksi feel (that one Is being) slighted,
Teel o.s. lgnored.
syrjytys ks. syr
jyttminen, syrjyty (tulla syrjytetyk
si) be set (I. put) aside, be Torced (1.
pnshed 1. brushed) aside; (visty) stand
aside, get out of the vvay, give vvay: (J
d huomioonottamatta) be disregarded, bo
lgnored; syrjyty jonkin tielt yield its
place to, give place to, make vvay for,
give vvay to.
syrjn to one side, to the side, aside:
(loitommalle) out or the vvay; ampua ~
miss the mark, shoot amlss; jttyty ~
jostakin (vetyty) vvithdravv from, drop
out of; jtt (huomioonottamalta)
leave . . out or consideration, leave . . out
of the question, Ignore, (syrjytt) set (1.
put) . . aside, disregard, (luopua) leave . .
alone, drop, (laiminlyd) neglect; jd
~ (huomioonottamatta) be lert out or
consideration (I. or the question), be ignored, (tulla syrjytetyksi) he set (]. vht)
aside, be disregarded, (jd slksnen) be
lert alone, be dropped, (tulia laiminly
dyksi) be neglerted, vrt. jttyty syrjn.
syrjni Slryanlan. syrjninkieli Siryanian.
sysi Charcoal; meni(p) syteen tai saveen
(kuv.) vvhatever the outcome rnay be.
hovvever It may go; come vveal, come woe!
palaa sydelle burn to charcoal, (hiilty)
bccome (I. get) charred; polttaa sydelle
burn . . to charcoal, (hlilta) char. -hauta
I. -miilu charcoal-plt: Kiln; (-uuni) rharcoal-rurnace. -murska (charcoal) breeze.
-musta coal-black [night, y], jet-black.
.. (as) black as coal (1. as midnight):
(Jkpv.) black as the ace or spades.
sysiminen, sysint tyrkkiminen, sysi
syst push down, alas; in, sislle], shove
;rorward (1. on), eteenpin]; give .. a
push (1. a shove), give a push (1. a shove)
to; (tynt) thrust; (tyrkt) poke,
(jkpv.) dlg [one In the ribs, jotakuta kyl
keen] ; vrt. tyrkt; kumoon push (1.
shove 1. tumble 1. knock) . . over, upset,
overturn; ~ luotaan push . . avvay (from



one), (kuv.) repulse, reburr, reject, (halveKsien) scorn, spurn; ~ syrjn pusii (1.
shove 1. brusti) . . aslde; vene vesille
shove the boat out (1. orf), gtve the boat
a shove-ofr, (laskea) launch a boat. sysys
pusii, shove; (voimakas) buffet; (tynt)
thrust (mys kuv.); (tyrkkys) poke [In
the side, kylkeen], (jkpv.) digr [in the
ribs] ; (kuv.) impetus; encouragement.
sysminen pushing Jne., ks. syst.
syte kindling; (tulus-) tinder; sytteet
kindling, klndltng-wood.
syteminen chlpplng. syte (hakata) chlp
[Ice, jt].
sytkytt pulsate; (esim. kone) be thumping. sytkytys pulsation; tbumplng.
sytty -= syte.
syttyminen kindling jne.,ks.syttyM;Ignition;
(puhkeaminen) outbreak, breaking out.
syttymi8! aika time (1. period) requlred for
ignltlon. -piste ignitlon-polnt.
syttymttmyys unlnriammabliity; incombustlbillty.
syttymtn uninflammable;
(palamaton) incombustible.
syttypuu: syttypuita kindllng(-wood).
syttyvinen lnriammable: combustlble. syttyvisyys lnflammabillty; (palavaisuus)
sytty kindle, be kindlcd (molemmat mys
kuv.), catch (1. catch on 1. take 1. get on)
fire. light; (et. tiet.) ignite; (leimahtaa)
riame out, Hame up, blaze out, blaze up;
(puhjeta) break out; (saada alkunsa)
origlnate; (alkaa) start, begin, spring up;
~ ilmiliekkiin (esim. tuli) blaze out, (esim.
talo) burst into flames, (kuv.) blaze up,
flare up; kiihkoon fire up; ~ tuleen
catch (l. catch on 1. take 1. get on) Tire;
hnen vihansa syttyi his anger was klndled. his anger blazed up, (hn suutahti)
he riared up, he became incensed; kapina
syttyi a rebellion (1. a rcvolt) broke (1.
riared) out, (alkoi) the rebellion sprang
up [in the northern part or the country,
maan pohjoisosassa] ; lempi syttyy love is
klndled; puut syttyvt helposti the wood
is easlly klndled (1. klndles easlly), the
wood lights readily: sota syttyi the war
broke (1. flamed 1. blazed) "out; tali syttyi
the fire broke out [in the englne-room,
konehuoneesta], the fire started Fin the
kltohen, keittist; rrom a spark, kipins
t], (sai alkunsa) the fire originated [tn],
(tulen aiheutti) the fire was caused by;
tuli syttyy (mys:) the fire is getting
sytytell be llghtlng, be kindling Jne., vrt.
sytytt, sytyke 1. syte-, 2. (kuv.)
= kiihdyke. sytytin (rjhdyspanoksen)
primer, (esim. kanuunan) sIo\v-match;
(sytytysjohto) fuse; (kaasumoottorln y.m.)
ignlter; vrt. sytytyslaite. sytytteleminen,
sytyttely llghtlng; kindling. sytyttj lighter; one who klndles rklndled] Jne., ks. sy
tytt; (tekn.) tgnlter; vrt. lyhdynsytyttj.
sytyttminen llghtlng jne., ks. sytytt;
ignltlon. sytyttmtdn unlighted, unklndled. sytyttv (kuv.) kindling, lnsplrlng,
stirring. sytyttvsti (kuv.) insplringly,
stirringly, in a stirring (1. an lnsplrlng)
sytytt (palamaan) light [a lamp, lamppu;
one"s plpe, piippunsa], kindle (mys kuv.);
start; (roihuun) set fire to, set . . aflre,
set .. on rire: (panos, pommi, miina y.m.)
fire; (tekn.) ignite; (hertt) auake, inriame, excite; lempoa kindle (1. awake)
love; palamaan, tuleen set . . On fire,
set .. aflre, set fire to; tulitikku light
(l. kindle) a match. (raapaista) strtke a


match; ~ tuli uuniin light (I. kindle 1.

start) a fire in the ftreplace (l^tlic stovo);
~ Joku vihaan lnccnse, make .'. Incensed,
(raivoon) lnriame . . wlth rago.
sytytys sytyttminen, -aine Ignltlng
substance; (syte) kindling. -Johto ruse.
-koje 1. -laite ignltlng (1. flring) apparatus (I. mechanism). -lanka fuse. -neula
(pyssyn) rirlng-pln. -panos prlmlng.
syveneminen becomlng decpor, deepentng.
syvennys (esim. maassa) depression; (ura)
groove; (lovi) lndentation, dent; (ontelo)
cavlty; (rakennuksen seinss) recess,
nlche, (oven tai Ikkunan) embrasuro; vrt.
syvnne, syventyminen getting engrossed
in Jne., ks. seur.; mys = syveneminen,
syventy (Johonkin, kuv.) get pngrossed
In, be(come) absorbed in, be(como) Immersed in, lose o.s. in, go deep (I. enter
deeply) Into [a subject, johonkin ainee
seen], be(come) lost in [medltatlon, mie
tiskelyyn]; mys = syvet; mietteisiins
syventyneen lost In medltatlon, deep In
thought; niin syventynyt kirjan lukemi
seen, ett .. so engrossed (I. absorbpd) In
rcading the book that . . , so Intent upon
the book that . .; tutkimuksiin syventy
neen absorbed (1. engrossed) in Studies.
syventminen maklng . . decper, dcnpening. syvent make . . deepcr, deepcn.
syvet become (1. get) deepcr, dcepen.
syvyinen: kymmenen jalan . . Of a [the]
depth of 10 reet, 10 Teet deep ftmom. se
on kymmenen jalan ~ (mys:) It has the
depth or 10 reet]; mink ~ of what
depth? how deep? onkohan se sen ~
I wonder vrhether lt Is or that depth (1.
Is so deep 1. Is as deep as that)? saman ~
kuin . . or the same depth as . . .
syvyys depth; depths. deep; (ominaisuute
na, mys:) deepness, (kuv.) prorundity,
proroundness; (kuilu) abyss, chasm, gulT;
meren syvyydess In the (lpptlis OT the
sea; metrin syvyydess, metrin syvyydell
at a meter's depth, at the depth or a
meter; pohjaton bottoinlcss (I. fathomless) deep (1. depths).
syv deep [sea, meri; sorrow, suru; volce,
ni], (kuv.) proround rrcspect, kunnioi
tus]; (alhainen) low [volce, ni] ; (sike)
sound rsleep, uni] ; (raskas) heavy: syviss
mietteiss deep In thought, (absorbed) in
deep thought, in proround medltatlon, In
a bro\vn study, thlnklng deeply; hiljai
suus deep (1. proround) silcnce; huokaus
deep (1. heavy) slgh; lautanen soupplate; syvlle, syvll deep; pettymys
keen disappolntment:
sound asleep, in a deep (1. a proround)
sleep; syvn deep, to a great depth:
kansan syviss riveiss .iniong the rank
and n le, among the masses; kulkea syvs
s (laiva) draw deep, dra\v a great deal or
\vater [huom. laiva kulkee 25 jalkaa syvs
s the shlp draws 25 reet or water] ; vrt.
syv aattelnen (esim. kirjateos) . . Tuli of
(deep 1. profound) thought,.. teemlng wlth
Ideas, . . pregnant with thought, proround,
deep, heavy, -aatteisuus e lonkin) depth
of thougbt [of (1. In)], profoundness (or
thought). -ajatuksinen syvuttelnen.
syvlle' kyp (kuv.) deep, . . that penetrates deei", proround
research, tutki
mus] ; syvllehypi uudistuksia reforms
that penetrate deep, deeply penetratlng
rerorms, uprootlng reforms; vrt. syvlli
nen, -vaikuttava momenlous, . . or vltai
syvllinen deep ;thoi.ght, ajatus;, profound



r ttilnker,
ajattelija] ;
thOTOUgh; syvlliset tiedot jostakin proround (1. thorough) Knowledge In, thorough
lnslght Into. syvllisyys depth, deepness,
profundlty, proloundness; thoroughness.
syvllkulkeva (laivasta:) deep-drawlng.
syvltl deep(ly), proroundly; Jotakuta ~
koskeva . . whlch toucbed a p. deeply,
vrt. koskea.
syvalmeri deep sea; eyvnmertn .. deepsea . . . -mielinen profound [thlnker, ajat
telija], deep. -mielisesti profoundly, In a
proround style. -mielisyys profoundness,
deptti (or understandlng) ; hnen kirjotukstensa syvmielisyys the depth Of UIKlerstandlng In bls wrltlngs. -mietteinen deep, thlnklng, deep, profound; (mietiskelev)
proroundly medltatlve. -mietteisestl pro
foundly; In profound meditatlon. -mietteisyys profoundness, depth of thought
[in] ; medltatlveness.
syvnne deep place, (esim. Jrven pohjassa)
hollow; (notko) dale, dell; vrt. syvennys.
syv oppinen . . or eminent (1. deep 1. pro
round) learning, deeply learned. -rnti
nen: eyvrantainen Jrvi a lake Whlch is
deep right up to the shore-llne.
syvss: kulkeva 1. -kyv (laivasta:) deepdravving. -kyvyys (laivan) draft. -oleva
deeply embedded.
syvsti deeply, proroundly; vrt. syvltl.
syvvesl the deep, deep vvater.
syy I. (aihe) cause [of (1. Tor), Johonkin],
reason [for], occasion; (peruste) ground
(1. grounds) [Tor . .-ing], account; (vika)
Tault; (syyllisyys) blame, gullt: (vaikutin)
motlve; syyn ja seurauksen laki the Ia\v
or cause and errect, the Iaw or causation;
~ on hness, ~ on hnen he IS to blame,
he is (the one) to be blamed, lt is hls
rault, the rault is hls, the rault lles at his
door (1. Wlth hlm); ~ on siin, ett ..
the reason is (thls) that . . , the cause (1.
the reason) (Tor it) lies In the ract that
. .; syytt (kyll), hyvll tyyli, tydell
Myyll wlth good reason, for good reasons,
on good grounds, In ali reason, (oikeuden
mukaisesti) by rlght, by (good) rlghts,
Justly, \vith Justice; Myyt tai toisesta Tor
some reason or other; Myytt, ilman Myyt
vvlthout a (1. any 1. due) reason, wlthout
cause (1. reason), vvlthout any cause, unprovoked(ly), (esim. suuttua) Tor nothing,
vrt. seur.; Myytt suotta \vlthout any rea
son \vhatever, without due cause, vvlthout
any justiricatinn (\vhatever), (aiheetto
masti) unprovokedly; tuomion muutta
miseen reason (1. cause 1. grounds) Tor
changlng the sentence (1. the Judgment);
ti ole Myyt kiitt don't mentlon It, you
are \velcome (to it); ei (se) olt hntn
tyynt, ett . . it is not hls rault that . . ,
it is no rault or hls that . . , lt Is not
due to li iin that . .; ci ole minun tyyni,
ett hn kaatui (mys:) he fell by no rault
or milli- ; en luule olevan tyyt tehd tit
I don't thlnk there is any (good) reason
Tor doing lt; en lyd mitn tyyt hnes
s I rind no gullt (1. blame) In hlm, I don't
rind any rault vvlth (1. In) hlm; esitt Johonkin State (1. put Torth 1. set forth)
the reason for, render a reason Tor; h
nell ei ole eyyt valittaa he has no cause
(1. occasion 1. reason) Tor complalnt,
there is no reason why he should complain; hnell on Myyt olla tyytyvinen
he has reason to be satlsried, there is
every reason Tor hls being satlsried; hn
Ji pois Mill Myyll, ett . . he stayed away
on the pretext that . .; hn selitti syyksi


viipymiseens sen, ett . . he CVplaincd as

a reason (1. he alleged as an excuse) for
hls being late that . . , he said (that) be
as late because . . ; ilman minun Myytni
by no fault (1. no action) or mlne; Joko
yytt tai Myytt vvlth or vvlthout cause
(1. reason); kaikella on tyynt everythlng
has lts cause, there Is a cause lor every
thlng; kenen tyy te on whose rault is lt?
who is to blame (Tor that)? (kuka on
vastuussa) who is responsible Tor that?
meill oliti tyyt .. (mys:) it VVOUld be
well Tor us to . . , we would do vvell to . . ,
we had better . .; mikli tyyt on (tar
peellista) as lt may appear necessary;
mik oli siihen Myyn (mys:) hOW came
that to pass? mik oli Myyn sotaan (\.
sodan syyn) what vvas the cause or tbe
vvar? \vhat caused the war? minulla on
tiihen omat tyyni I have my own reasons
Tor (dolng) ltO.Tor dolng so); min sanon
Minulle Myyn tiihen 1*11 teli you the reason
or lt (1. the reason vvhy); min selitn si
nulle eyyn, miksi en tullut IMI explain to
you the cause Tor (1. oD my rallure to
come, 1*11 explain to you (the reason) vvhy I
did not come; miet syyst Tor vvhat rea
son? on vvhat account? on vvhat ground
(1. grounds)? vvhat Tor? (miksi) why?
on syyt epill, ett . . (mys : ) there are
good reasons (1. grounds) to suspect (1.
Tor suspectlng) that . .; ptevien syiden
nojalla (\. perusteella ) upon good (1. reasonable) grounds, vvlth good reasons, upon
valid reasons; se j Minun syyksesi (viak
sesi) lt vvlll be Iaid to your charge (1. at
your door), the blame Tor lt vvlll stick (1.
cllng) to you, lt vvill be counted agalnst
you; siihen on monta Myyt there are several reasons for it, it resulted rrom (1. lt is
the consequence or) several causes; aiit
syyst ror that reason, because or that, on
that account; Miit syyst ett [hn ai
kyennyt jrjestmn sit'} on account oT
[his being unable (1. hls inablllty) to arrange it], because or [hls Inablllty to arrange it], by reason or, ror the reason
that . . , (sen Johdosta) In consequence of
[his being unable to arrange lt], (sen pe
rusteella) on the ground that . . , on the
ground or [his being unable to arrange
it] ; Mit suuremmalla Myyll SO mucll
rather, vvlth ali the more reason, ali the
more reason why . . [huom. eik meidn
tulisi Mit suuremmalla syyll . . hOW mUCh
rather ought we not to ..: sinun tulisi
tehd se sit suuremmalla syyll, kun . .
there Is ali the more reason why you
should do It because ..]; tappion ~ oli
hnen, tappio oli hnen eyytn he \\ as to
blame Tor the loss, (hn aiheutti tappion)
he vvas the cause or the loss; voit syyll
sanoa (mys:) you may well say.
syy II. (kultu) Tiber, ribre, rilament; (vuo
sirengas) annual ring.
syydell be thro\vlng Jne., ks. syyt.
syydn t syytminen.
syyhy, syyhelm Itch; (lk.) scables; (kapi,
kotielimill) mange, (lampaissa) scab.
syyhyminen, syyhynt ltching. syyhyttminen, syyhytys ltching; scratchlng. syyhytt ltch; (kynsi) scratch; (hieroa) rub;
sormiani syyhytt my ringers ltch. syyhy
ltch; menn' syyhymtt saunaan Stick (1.
poke) one's nose Into a mattcr and be
thrashed, brlng unnecessary trouble upon
o. s.; sormiani syyhyy, sormeni Myyhyvt
my ringers ltch (1. are ltching).
syylllnan I. (a.) guilty, culpable. II. (s.)
culprlt, orrender, the guilty person, the



porsi m to blame; hn on Muurin ~ he is

the most guilty, he Is must to blame;
min ykiin olen I alone am to blame;
vrt. syyp, syyllisyys -n Iit. syyllisyyden
Julistus (valamiehistn antama) verdict of
guilty; kielt syyllisyytens deny one'S
(fullt, plead not guilty.
syyl Walt.
yynlalainen (round) guilty [of the crime,
rikokseen], (syypksi todistettu) convlrted [or].
syyni ks. tarkastus.
syyn takeeton lrresponsible [being, olento] ;
unaccountable; hn on syyntakeeton he is
not responsible (l.not acrountable) ror his
actions, he caimot bc taken (1. brnught) to
account for his actions. -takeettomuus Irresponsiblllty; hnen syyntakeettomuuten
sa his not being responsible ror his ac
tions. -lakcinen responsible (1. accountable)
-takeisuus responsibility,
syynilla, syynt examlne, scrutinlzc, lnspect. syynily examination, scrutlny, inspection.
syynminen examinlng Jne.,
ks. syynt; mys = edell.
syy, perinen causal. -p guilty; olla syy
p johonkin be guilty or, be (the person)
to blame ror, (Jonkin aiheuttaja) have
caused, be the cause or, (vastuussa Josta
kin) be responsible ror.
Syyria Syria. syyrialainen (a. & s.) Syrian.
syys Tall, autumn.
syys- (yhd.) Tall, autumn, . . in the Tall (1.
the autumn) (esim. -ilta rall (I. autumn)
evening, evening in the rall; -kuukausi
Tall (1. autumn) month; -sade rall (1.
autumn) rin, raln in the rall (1. the
autumn)]; (harvemmin:) autumnal [esim.
-pivntasaus autuninal equlnox] . -aika
ks. syyskausi, -halla Irost in the rall,
autumn(al) rrost. -ilma rall veather,
autumri(al) vveather; lall-llke (1. autunmllke) \veather. -J ice In the rall. -kausi
Tall season; rall. -kes latter pait or
the summer; syyskesll, syyskesst late
In the summer. In the latter part or the
summer, -kuu (the month oD September.
-kylm: ensimiset syyskylmt rirst au
tumn vveather. rirst rrosts [rirst cold
nlghts, first cold days] in the rall.
-kylv(t) Tall (1. autumn) sowing. -krjt
rall term or the (dlslrlct) court. -luku
kausi lall term, rall (1. rirst) semcster.
-markkinat rair (1. market-days) in the
Tall. -myrsky : ensimiset syysmyrskyt
(mys:) the rirst storms or the rall.
-myh late in the rall. -puhteet lelsurehours at candlc-llirht In the lall. -piv
rall day, auturnn day, day In the rall, day
In (the) autumn. -talvi late rall; early
Winter; syystalvella, syystalvesta late In
the rall, early In the Winter, in the early
Winter, -tunnelma autumn-llke (1. au
tumnal) atmosphere.
syysuhde causality.
syys viima chilly (I. blting) rall wind.
-vilja rall (1. autumn) grain. -y rall (1.
autumn) night, night in the rall, nlght in
(the) autumn.
syyte (kanne) Indirtment; (oikeusjuttu)
action ragainst a p.. Jotakuta vastaan);
etup. korkeampia viranomaisia vastaan)
luipeachment; (syyts) accusatlon.charge;
Joutua syytteeseen jostakin he charged
with, be accused or, be lndlrted ror, be
prosecuted ror. -aika timo limlt (I. tlme
designated) ror brlnglng action agatnst . . .
-kirja - syytskirja.


syyteleminen, syytely -< syytminen.

syyteoikeus rlght to brlng action agralnst,
rlght to prosecute; rlght to impeach. syy
tetty derendant, the accused; (joskus:) the
prlsoner. ayytevalamiehist grand Jury.
syylinki (elke) agreed upon ror
the rest (1. the remalnder) of ones Me;
olla syylingill have an allowance ror the
rest or one's lire.
syytteen alainen .. charged with, ..accused
or; olla syytteenalaisena be under an accusatlon, (virkamiehest.) be impeached,
(oikeudessa) be prosecuted [Tor, Josta
kin] ; panna syytteenalaiseksi indict, arralgn, (virkavirheest) impeach. -alaisuus
syyttj one who accuses ; accused jne.];
(lak.) prosecutor; (kantaja) plaintirr; vi
rallinen ~ prosecuting attorney, district
attorney. syyttminen accusing jne., ks.
syytt; prosecutlon; (korkean vlrkamleben) impeaclunent.
syyttv accusing
[glance, katse] ; (moittiva) reproachlng,
reproachrul; hn loi minuun syyttvn kat
seen (mys:) he east a glance of reproach
at me, he glanced at me reproachrully.
syytt accuse [one or, jotakuta jostakin],
charge lwlth]; (et. lak.) Indict [one Tor,
jotakuta jostakin], arraign [one berore
the court, jotakuta oikeudessa]; (et. virka
miest) Impeach [a judge, tuomaria];
(ajaa syytett) prosecute [one for]; (pan
na syyksi) allege . . as an excuse; (moit
tia) blame [one ror, Jotakuta jostakin] ;
(nuhdella) reproach [with (1. Tor . .-lng),
jostakin]; itsen jostakin blame o. s.
ror, lay the blame or . . on o.s., (nuhdella)
reproach o.S. wlth [huom. syyttk it
senne, jos . . (saatte syytt) you have
yourseir to blame (1. to thank) ir . .] ;
jotakuta laiskuudesta blame . . ror (1.
reproach .. wlth) lazlness (1. being lazy);
tietmttmyyttn (mys:) plead ignorance; hn ~ miehen varastaneen hnelt
kellon he accuses the man or having stolen
his \vatch, he charges the man with
stealing a watch 1'rom him (1. with the
theft of his v, aliin
hiin ~ siit heik
koa terveyttn he glves (1. OITers) his
poor healtb as an excuse ror that, he
blames his poor health ror that; hnt
syytettiin yhdest viasta kateudesta
one rault, that or envy, \vas attributed
to him; hnt syytetn varkaaksi (l. var
kaudesta) he is accused or being a thler, he
is charged wlth thelt; omatunto ~ minua
my consclence accuses (I. reproaches) me.
syyttmyys innocence; rreedom Trom gullt;
(moitteettomuus) blamelessness; syytt
myyden julistus (valamiehistn antama)
verdict oi' not guilty; vrt. syytn, syytt
msti innocently, wlthout being guilty,
wlthout having committed any crime (1.
oriense). wlthout being guilty or the
crime (1. the orrense) one was accused or,
(aiheettomasti) without cause (1. reason);
hnet tuomittiin syyttmsti lie was innocent of the crime ror whlcb he was
syytminen throwing Jne., ks. seur.
syyt (heitt) throw [the cargo over
board, lasti mereen] ; (menemn) throw
away; (viskell yksitellen) east, toss, rilng
[around, ymp&rlns]; (kaataa) dump [Into
the sea, mereen], (et. kourua myten)
shoot [coal into the cellar, hiill kellariin] ;
(etup. nestett) pour (. . Id 1. out); (la
pioida) shovel [coal Into the rurnace, hii
li uuniin] ; (astialla) scoop [water out or,
vett Jostakin], bail [water out of a boat,

vett veneeita] ; -i herjasanoja jonkun
[Tortb (1. out), ulos]; (syst itsens)
silmille heap abuse (1. abuslve language) throw (1. hurl 1. precipltate) o.s. [down
upon a p.; luotaan pusb (1. shove) . . Into the abyss, syvyyteen; out or tbe
away; [rahojaan] menemn thro\v \\indo\v, ulos Ikkunasta]; plunge [into
[one's money] away; ~ Jotakin Jonkun the sea, mereen; into the right, taiste
luun] ; (tulla systyksi) be throvvn, be
ptie pour . . upon a p., drench (1. douse)
a p. wlth, (esim. hvyttmyyksi) shower burled, be precipitated, be plunged; (kaa
(1. heap) [abuses] upon a p.; ~ Maattaan tua, pudota) rall (1. tumble) (down)
[Trom, Jostakin; on to (1. Into), Johonkin],
ilkeyksi east lll-natured remarks, heap
abuse upon one; -" syy jonkun niskoille Tall headlong; - eteenpin rush (1. dash
sprlng) rorward (1. Torth 1. aliead) ;
ks. panna (syy).
hevosen selst ks. suistua; ~ jonkun
tyytn . . Tree rrom gullt, guiltless; (lak.)
Tall (1. pounce) upon. (Jkpv.)
. . not gullty; (viaton) lnnocent; (moittee
pitch Into, (karata) rush (1. dash 1. Hy)
ton) blameless, . . rree rrom blame; [syy
tetyn] syyttmksi julistaminen acqulttal at, (hykt) attack; omaan miekkaansa
[Of the defendant] ; vakauttaa olevansa ~ rall upon one's (own) sword; ovelle
make a rush ror the door, rush (1. make)
protest one's lnnocence.
yyts accusatlon, cbarge; (syyte) Indlct- ror the door; ~ sotaan rush (1. plunge)
Into war; ~ Jonkun syliin throw o.s. Into
ment; (moite) reproach; pelkuruuden ~
(1. plunge into) a p.'s arms; [suinpin]
charge (1. accusatlon) of cowardlce; vrt.
syyte, -kirja (blll of) lndictment. -kohu turmioon (l. perikatoon) plunge (1. rush)
[headlong] to destruction, go to (rack
count (in the lndictment), charge.
and) ruln; vrt. syst.
yd eat; (et. elimist:) reed [on. Jota
kin] ; (aterioida) Dave (1. take) one's sykshdys (hyphdys) dash, rush; (suih
kuaminen) gush, spurt, spout; (syksy)
meal(s); (et. sot.) mess [together, yhdes
s]; (kuluttaa) consume; (syvytt) eat plunge; precipltatlon. syksht (hyph
t) dash, rush; (suihkuta) gusb, spurt,
orf, eat . . away, corrode, fret; (ahmia)
spout; (syksy) plunge; vrt. syksy.
devour; aamiaista (eat 1. have) break
fast; ~ [jonkun] armoleip Ilve (up)on sylis (ahne) gluttonous.
[a p.'s] charity (1. bounty); ~ heini syminen eating jne., ks. syd, syminki
(pidot) banquet, reast [ror (1. In honor
eat hay, (varsinaisena ravintonaan) reed
Of), Jonkun kunniaksi] ; viett aikansa
on hay; ~ illallista have (1. eat 1. take)
supper, sup; ~ istualtaan be seated symingeiss ja juomingeissa Spend one'S
when eating, be seated and eat; ~ itsens time in sumptuous eating and drinking (1.
kylliseksi eat tili one is satlsried (l. i mi). In rlotous llvlng).
eat one's rill, eat enough; kaiken piv symllelot graln reserved Tor home conbe eating ali day (long) ; kilpaa try who sumption. -hammas molar (tooth),grlnder.
(1. whtch one) can eat most (1. rastest); symri big (1. good) eater, glutton; gormandlzer. symtapa manner or eating;
"* kyllikseen, ~ kyllhseent ~ kyllltn,
~ kylins eat one's rill, eat tili one Is table etlquette. symttmyys rast(lng).
symtuuli: symtuulella In a mood ror
satlsried, eat ali one needs; ~ liiaksi, ~ Ui
kaa eat too much, eat . . to excess, overeat, eating [huom. kala on symtuulella the Tiiu
surrelt o.s. [wlth] ; [puutarha] paljaaksi are bitlng well]. symtn (Joka ei sy) . .
eat up [the garden],eat everylhing in slght who does not eat,..who is rasting; (Jota el
[In the garden]; pivllist have (1. eat ole syty) . .not eaten, (maistettu) untasted;
olla symttmn go \villiout eating, fast
1. be havlng one's) dlnner, dlne, be at dln[buom. hn on ollut symttmn kolme
ner, (puoli-) have (I. take) (one's) lunch;
~ sanansa (rikkoa) break one's word (1. piv (tav.) he has not eaten for three
synti eating; Teedlng; taking or
promlse), go back on one's \vord (I. one's
promlse); ~ suuhunsa eat (up), devour, food; pivllisen synti dinlng; vrt. syd.
(hotkaista) swallo\v; vankasti eat heart- sypyminen (Johonkin) eating [into] Jne.,
ks. seur. sypy (sisn) eat (its way)
lly; en ole synyt mitn sitten eilisen
I have eaten (I. taken 1. tasted) nothlng into; (kemiallisesti) corrode; (leikkautua)
slnce ycsterday; en ole viel synyt I cut into [the flesh, lihaan]; (vakiintua,
haven't eaten yet, (ateriaani loppuun) I esim. tavat:) become conrirmed, (Juurtua)
haven't rinlshed eating (1. rinlshed my take root, become (deeply) rooted, get a
(rirm) rootlng (1. hold) [In thelr mlnds,
meal) yet; joutua jonkin sytvksi be
eaten up by, be dcvoured by; katsoa kun heidn mieliins]; (esim. ominaisuudet)
elimet syvt vvatch iho anlmals reed; become ingralned [in]; (esim. tauti, pahe)
min syn Rissasella (kyn symss) 1 become lnveterate [with a p., johonku
take my meals (1. 1 am boardlng) at Rls- hun] ; ~ jonkun veriin (kuv.) eat itseir
into a p.'s nature. rasten itseir upon;
sanen's; olla symss be havlng (I. be at)
syvlle sypynyt (kuv.) deep-rooted, deepa meal, (pivllist) he havlng one's dln
seated, lnveterate, . . or long standing.
ner, be dinlng, (pydss) be at the table;
ruoste sy rautaa rust eats (I. corrodes) syp I. (syvyttv) corrodlng; kali
caustlc potash; notron(i) caustlc soda.
syj (etup. yhd.) eater [esim. Uhan meat syp II. (koi) cancer (mys kuv.).
eater]; (Joskus:) reeiler; vrt. ihmis-, syplinen vermin; (loiselj) leech; par
asi te: sypliset vermin.
kasvin~, kasvi- y.m. syjtr gorgon;
syst 1. (tr.) throw (1. burl) [a p. down
demon or a \voman, she devll; ogress.
rrom the roor. Joku (alas) katolta], presykseminan throwlng Jne., ks. syst.
syksy rush, dash; gush, spurt; plunging; cipitate [humanlty into damnation, ihmis
kadotukseen], plunge [a p. into tbe
vrt. veren, -aalto heavy sea, rushing
water, Joku veteen; the country into war,
wave, surge. -kaivo riushlng chamber.
sotaan; one's knire into a p.'s
syksyminen, syksym rushing Jne., ks.
heart, veitsens Jonkun sydmeen] ; (pis
seur. ; precipltatlon.
(1. run) [one's sword througb
syksyi rush [in, sisn; into danger, vaa
raan; out of the room, huoneesta (ulos)], a p., miekkansa jonkun lvitse] ; (kaataa)
dash [Into tbe rlver. Jokeen], bounce [out, dump [. . over board, Jo(ta)kin mereen];
(ruiskuttaa) spurt (1. spout) [water, vet
ulos], (verest y.m.:) gush (1. spurt)



t] ; 3. (itr.) = syksy; itsens tur

mioon ks. syksy (turmioon); ~ kumoon
(esim. hallitus) overttirovv [tbe Govern
ment], overturn, tumble .. over, (Joku)
nm . . down, knock . . down; joku on
nettomuuteen t) iin ^r calamlty upon a p.,
vrt. syst perikatoon; ~ Joku orjuuteen
linut- . . Into bondage, reduce . . to slavery, enslave; perikatoon (Joku) brlng . .
to niin, brlng about (1. cause) a p.'s ruln
(1. r.ill), brlng ruln upon a p., ruln (1.
\vreck) a p.; (Itr.) ks. syksy (perika
toon); ~ arinan annan (Joku) plunge . .
Into tbe Jaws oi' death, plunge . . to destructlon, (syksy) burry (1. plung-e) to
one's destructlon; tulta splt (1. spurt 1.
spout) rire, eject II ie ; ~ valtaistuimelta
detbrone, drlved. throw 1. burl) . . from the
throne, (kukistaa) overthrow; vrt. syksy.
systin, systvi (sukkula) shuttle.
sytell be feedlng, feed; (Jatkuvasti) keep
feedlng. aytteleminen feedlng.
yttl (kalan y.m.) bait (mys kuv.); (hou
kutus) decoy, lure; means or enttcement;
panna syttej koukkuihin tillit tbe liooks.
syttils fatllng; '(kuv.) leecb; paraslte.
syttj reeder (mys tekn.). syttminen
leecllng Jne., ks. sytt. syttmtn unTecl,
unfoddered; (llhottamaton) unrattened.
yotua reed [the baby, lasta; (tbe) cbickens, kanoja; tbe press, painokonetta] ;
(elimi, mys:) rodder [tbe cattle, kar
jaa]; (laitumella) pasture, g-raze [(the)
cattle, karjaa; sheep, lampaita]; (lihot
tiin) Tatten; sytetty vasikka latted tali;
~ hevoselle kauroja feed oats to tbe horse,
glve the horse oats (to eat); hevosta
kauroilla feed the horse on oats; ~ juttu
jollekulle make . . swallow a Story [huom.
koettaa ~ jokin juttu jollekulle (mys:)
try a story on a p.] ; kylliseksi (eli
mist:) glve . . enoug-h to satlsfy lt, let . .
eat lts UH (1. ali lt wants); ~ liha koirilla
let the dog-s eat (up) tbe meat; niitty
paljaaksi let tbe hay-fleld be eaten bare;
valheita jollekulle stulT one \vltli lles,
make .. swallow ralsehoods; ~ vieraille
herkkuja glve the guests dellcacles to eat,
treat the guests wlth dellcacles (1. dalntles); lasta tytyy ~ lusikalla the baby
bas to be fed \vitli a spoon; ottaa hevosia
sytettvkseen take horses to feed.
sytt feedlng, fodderlng.
sytt- (yhd.) . . kept Tor fattenlng, latted
[esim. -sika hog kept Tor rattenlng, ratted
hog; -vasikka latted calT] ; (tekn.) Teed[eslm. -pumppu feed-pump; -putki feedplpe; -valssi feed-roller] . -elukka (mys:)
fatllnir. -karja cattle to be rattened, cattle
kept for rattenlng; (sytetty) ratte(ne)d
cattle. -laite (tekn.) reeder. -maa pasture
(-lumi): grazing-land. -palkka place at
whlch to stop Tor feedlng. -veal (hyry
kattilan) feed vvater.
sytv I. (a.) eatable, edlble [musbroum,
sieni]. II. (s.) food, eatables, somethlng
to eat; sytvksi kelpaamaton . . unflt for
food, .. not edlble, lnedlble; sytvksi
kelpaava eatable, edlble; onko sinulla mi
tn sytv have you anythlng to eat?
syvy nt (kemiallinen) corroslon; (geol.)
eroslon. syvytUJI one vvho etcbes, etcher.
syvyttminen corrodlng Jne., ks. syvyt
t, syvyttv corroslve, caustic; eroSlve; syvyttv aine corroslve (substance). syvytt (yi.) eat; (et. kemialli
sesti) corrode; (geol.) erode; (etsata)
etch; (lk., polttaa) cauterlze; ruosteen
syvyttm eaten (1. corroded 1. arfected)
by rust, rust-eaten; vesi syvytti kannak


sen poikki vvater vvore a Channel tbrougb

the neck of land.
syvytya corroslon; eroslon; (etsaus) etchlng; (lk.) cauterlzation. -aina corroslve;
caustic. -vaai muninut, corroslve used In
etchlng; aqua fortls.
ai - - sin.
sde ray (mys kuv.); beam; (mat.) radlus;
(kuv., esim. toivon-) gleam [of bope],
gllmpse; steiden taittuminen refractlon
(of rays). -elin (ellnt.) radlolarlan.
sdehtiminen steileminen. sdehti
sde! Jlkeinen (ellnt.) radlolarlan. -keh
(tbt.) corona; (Joko todellinen tai kuv.)
halo, aureole, aureola; (esim. pyblmyksen
pn ymprill) nlmbus. -kukka (kasv.)
ray-flovver, ray-rioret. -loisto radlance,
errulgence, radlant splendor. -valo radlant
Ugbt (I. luster). -viskuri search-llght.
se (rivi) llne (of verse); (runomitta)
verse; (skeist) Stanza; sointuvin skein
In sonorous (1. In rlnglng) verse(s). -Jakso
stanza; stropbe. -sappi rlmer, rhymer,
vvrlter of Jlngles; vrt. runonsepustaja.
sestys accompanlment. sestj accompanlst. sestminen accompanylng. sest
shin hlss(lng), vvheeze, slbllatlon. shi
seminen blsslng Jne., ks. shist, shisev
hlsslng, vvbeezlng, slbllant. shist hlss,
vvheeze, slbllate; lausua sanat shisten
vvheeze out one's vvords.
shk electrlclty; shkll kyp (\. ky
tettv) . . run by electrlclty (1. by electrlc povver).
shk- (yhd.) electrlc [esim. -aalto electrlc
wave; -kala electrlc f Is li; -kipin electrlc
spark; -rata 1. -rautatie electrlc rallroad;
-voima electrlc povver] ; (tiet.) electro[eslm. -kemia electrochemlstry; -mag
neetti electromagnet]. -hehkulamppu incandescent lamp [eri lajeja: tungstenlamp, tantalum-lamp y.m.]. -hiukkanen
shkinen electrlc(al); .. charged vvlth
shki Insinri electrlcal englneer. -Isku
electrlc shock. -johto (-lanka) electrlc
vvlre; (ulkona, et. pjohto) electrlc llne;
(kokonalsklerto) electrlc Circuit, -kello
(shkll kyp tai vedettv) electrlc
clock; (soitto-) electrlc bell. -kemiallinen
electrochemlcal. -kone electrlc machlne;
(dynamo) dynamo; (-moottori) electrlc
motor. -krki electrode. -laitos electrlc
povver-plant; (-rakennus) electrlc povverhouse. -lamppu electrlc globe; (esim.
pyt-) electrlc lamp; (-valo) electrlc
llght; mys shkhehkulamppu. -lanka
electrlc vvlre; (sanoma-) telegraph vvlre.
-lanka patsas I. -pylvs telegraph-pole (1.
shklenntln telegraph.
shklenntln- (yhd.) telegrapb(-) [esim.
-asema telegraph statlon; -pylvs telegraphpole]. -Johto tclegraph-llne. -koje tele
graph apparatus.
-konttori telegraphorflce. -laitos telegraph servlce; telegraph
system. -linja telegraph-llne. -mekaanikko
telegraph mechanlc. -tie: shklenntlntiet by (1. over the) vvlre, by telegraph.
-virkamlea telegraph ofricial; (yhtin) orriclal of a telegraph company, -yhteys
telegraphlc Communication, -yhti tele
graph company.
shki! liike electrlc shop. -lyhty (esim.
automobiilin) electrlc lamp; (taskulyhty)
flash-ligtit. -mittari electrlc meter [eri la
jeja: ammeter,voltmeter,wattmeter y.m.].



-monttri fltter of electrlc machlnes;

electrician. -moottori electric motor.
shkn eristys lnsulatlon (of vvlres). -Joh
taja roniluctor of electrlclty.
shk opillinen electric [theory, teoria].
-oppi electricity. -otote = shksanomaosote. -parannus (lk.) electrotherapeutics. -purkaus electric discharge. -raitiotie
electric car-line, (Engl.) electric tram\vay.
-sanoma telegram, telegraphic message,
(telegraphic) dlspatch.
shksanoma- (yhd.) telegraphic [esim.
-vastaus telegraphic answer; -yhteys tele
graphlc Communication]; telegraph [esim.
-toimisto telegraph Office], -maksu telegram fee, charge (1. fee) for a telegram.
-nauha tape.
shksanoma! n i vaihto telegraphlc Commu
nication; exchange of telegrams.
shksanoma osote telegraph addrcss; cable
address. -poika messenger (boy). -taksa
telegraph rates. -tieto telegraphlc mes
sage (1. dlspatch), Information by w-lre (1.
by telegraph). -vastaus (mys:) ansvver
by telegraph (1. by \vlre).
shki soittojohto electric bell-line. -soittokoje electric-beil apparatus (1. device).
-teitse by \vlre, over the vvire, by tele
graph. -tekniikka electrotechnics. -teknikko
electrician. -teknillinen electrotechnlc(al).
-tieto = shksanomatieto.
shkttj telegrapher, (telegraph-)operator; (Engl.) telegraphist. shkttminen
eiectrifying; (lennttminen) telegraphing.
shktt electriry; (lennttimell) tele
graph, \vire, (kaapelitse) cable; meille sh
ktettiin, ett .. (mys:) a telegram Informed us (1. brought the news) that . . ,
we received a telegram (to the effect)
that . . , they \vired us that . . .
shktuoli electric chair; vrt. mestata.
shktys electrirication; (lenntys) tele
graphing, telegraphy.
-sana (merkki-)
code Word. -sanasto (telegraphlc) code.
shktylinen electric worker; electrician.
shktn . . free from electricity, . . not
charged wlth electricity; unelectriried.
shk valaistus electric lighting.
electric lighting system; (-tehdas) electric
lighting plant.
shk; valo electric light. -virta electric
shhdell be hissing (1. wheezing) ; kecp
hissing fcontlnually, taukoamatta-], shhdys hiss, wheeze. shht hiss, wheeze.
sie (langanp) end [of thread]; (kuitu)
flber, fllament; (kyden, langan y.m.)
Strand, cord; (kaistale) strip, shred.
sihky flash, sparkle; luster, glow; glitter,
Shine: hnen silmins the flash (1.
sparkle 1. luster) of (1. in) his eyes. sihkyminen flashlng Jne., ks. sihky, sih
kyv flashing, sparkling; sihkyvin silmin
\vith sparkling (1. flashing) eyes. sihky
(leimuta) flash; (skenid) sparkle; (s
teill) beam; (hehkua) glo\v; (kiilt)
glisten, glitter, shine; hnen silmns
sihkyivt hls eyes 1'lashed, (tulta) his
eyes riashed (1. shot forth) fire, his eyes
\vere glo\ving [\vlth rage, viha(st)a], his
eyes were sparkling [\vith enthustasm, in
nostusta] , his eyes \vere glistening (I.
beaming 1. shining) [\vith Joy, llo(st)a].
sikky I. (a.) vauhko. II. (s.) fright.
sikkyminen (being) fright(ened). sik
ky 9hy [at. Jotakin], be frightened [at],
take fright [at], (jkpv.) be scared at;
sikky jotakin (mys:) start back at the
sight of, \vince at; vrt. sikhty. siky nt
fright. sikyttminen frlghtening jne., ks.


seur. sikytt frighten 'a p., Jotakuta

(1. Joku)], alarm, (Jkpv.) scare: (pelottaa)
awe; (kauhistaa) shock, terriry; (htkh
dytt) startle. siikytys = sikyttminen,
sikhdys shock, fright; alarm: (kauhu)
terror, horror, consternalion; olla sikh
dyksissn be frightened, be startled, (le
vottomana) be alarmed, (kovin) be in a
[great] fright. sikhdytt = sikytt.
sckhtyminen (being) fright(ened). saikhtynyt rrightened, alarmed,
scared; shocked, terriried; startled; Aon
oli kovasti sikktynyt (mys:) he \v:i- in
a great fright, (Jkpv.) he \vas frightened
(1. shocked) to death. sikhty be(come)
rrightened (1. alarmed), take rright.
(Jkpv.) be(come) scared; (kauhistua) be
(come) shocked (1. terrified). get a
shock; (htkht) startle. sikht =
sikhty; hn sikhti omaa ntns
(mys:) his own voice frightened (I. ter
rified 1. Startled) hiin; min en milloinkaan
ole niin sikhtnyt kuin . . I never had
such a fright (1. I have never been so
badly frightened) as when . . .
sili (-astia) tank, clstern, (suuri) reservoir; (-paikka) depository, repository;
rehu Silo; vrt. ruoka, vaate y.m.
-kyn fountatn-pen.
sily (safe-)keeplng, custody; (huolenpito)
care, charge; hyvss silyss in sare
keeping, (turvassa) sare; jtt jotakin
jonkun silyyn leave . . in a p.'s charge (1.
care 1. keeping 1. sare-keeping): ottaa silyyns take . . into one's sare-keeping (l.
one's custody 1. one's charge) ; panna si
lyyn lay by, store [vegetables Tor Winter
use, vihanneksia talven varalta], reserve,
save, (pankkiin) deposlt [In a bnk], (jon
kun) put . . into a p.'s sare-keeping
[huom. panna silyyn pulloihin bottlel :
pit silyss keep . . sare, (silytt)
keep. save.
silyke: silykkeet (hedelm) preserves.
ronserves, (ruokatavara-) canned goods.
(Engl.) tinned provls<ons, (etikassa tai
suolavedess silytetyt) pickles.
silyke- (yhd.) canned, (Engl.) tinned
[esim. -herneet canned (1. tinned) peas;
-liha canned (I. tinned) meatl; (etikka-)
pickled [esim. -kurkut pickied cucumbers], -hedelmt preserves, conserves;
canned frult. -rasia (tinatusta rautalevys
t) can, (Engl.) tln. -tehdas cannery, cnning ractory. -tlkki 1. -purkki Jar ror
preserves (1. Tor canning), rrult-jar.
silyminen keeping Jne., ks. sily; preservatfon. silyolut stock beer, lager-beer.
silyttj (sare-)keeper; (valvoja) custodlan. silyttminen preservlng jne., ks.
seur.; itvisyyden silyttmiseksi to preserve (1. for the preservatlon or) the
power or germination.
silytt prcserve [one's life, henkens;
peace, rauha; fruit, hedelmi; from spoiling, pilaantumasta], conserve [the liberty
of the people, kansan vapaus], keep [food
in the cellar, ruokatavaraa kellarissa; the
money safe, raha tallessa], retatn [money
In one's possession, rahaa hallussaan;
one's youthful vigor, nuorekas tarmonsa] :
(yllpit) keep up [one's courage, roh
keutensa; one's reputation, maineensa1,
matntaln [one's health, terveytens; order, jrjestys], sustain [frlendly relations
wlth, ystvlliset suhteet Johonkuhun] ;
(pit itselln) hold [one's position, ase
mansa] ;
(varjella) protect
[Troni (1.
agatnst) cold, kylmlt] : (huolehtia) take
care oT; (pit silyss) keep .. safe;

sngyn(panna silyyn) lay by, lay away, store, spared) from (the) thieves, escape the.
treasure [a p. 's memory, Jonkun muisto] ; notice of the thieves; hyvin tilynyt well
(varalta) reserve, (sast) save; (panna preserved (1. kept) [huom. moka on hyvin
astlolhln) can [meat, llhaa; fruit, hedel- tailynyt (inyos:) the food is in good state
inia ; sailytetiiun (entlselln) will be Of preservation] ; maito ci tally mellaitetta
preserved (1. maintained I. retained), will kaamuad***a (happanee) milk will not
be left unchanged; ~ arvokkaut*n*a pre
keep (sweet) In such heat; on ihm--, ttt
serve (1. retain 1. maintain) one's dignity; hn tilyi taadilta It IS a wonder that he
- fntiteUn, ~ nykyittlln retain . . as did not catch (1. that he escaped) the dis
It was, retain . . as It now Is, keep . . un
ease; tama tapa on tilynyt m, iJan pichanged, keep . . unaltered, maintain the viimm* atti this custom Is retained to this
status quo; iloin*n [toivorihat] mifliala day, this custom prevails to the present
maintain one's spirits [one's cheer] : day; turna vari tilyy hyvin this color
kiitollisessa muistissa remember . . with holds well (1. is fast).
gratitude, keep.. in grateful remembrance; sulk blade (of a sword); (miekka) sword.
(micltn)malttinia retain (I. preserve 1. samen i Mid.) . . of (1. with) . . strands,
keep) one's composure (1. one's self-pos
. .-strand [eslm. kolmi kyti rope of (1.
session), keep calm, keep cool, keep one's with) three strands, three-strand rope].
self-control, retain (1. keep) one's pres keinen (yhd.) . . of (1. with) . . lines (1.
ence of mind; ~ mdntymtta preserve verses) [esim. n*li~ . . of (1. with) four
.. from decay (1. decomposition); ~ oh- lines (I. verses)], takeirlo stanza, jtlmaita retain . . on the program; rak- keittiln by lines, by verses.
kaassa muistosia cherish, treasure; sakene spark; vrt. kipinku sakcncnsammuriippumattomuutcnea maintain (1. pre- taja spark-arrester, spark-catcher.
- serve) one's Independence; Jokln topo skenoida sparkle (myos kuv.); throw (out)
retain (1. keep) a habit (1. a custom); Sparks; (tiet.) scintillate: hnen tilmns
tvrarytensa preserve one's health, (sai- sktnivt his eyes sparkled, sikenoiminen
ly terveen) keep In good health; tn- sparkling; sparkle: scintillation, sikenivi
t*via tarpeita Harten preserve (1. keep I. sparkling [wit, sukkeluus] ; tkenivin tillay by 1. lay away 1. store 1. reserve 1. min with sparkling eyes.
save) for future needs; anohtumatta sakillinon sack(ful), bag (full) [of]; save (1. keep) . . from being hidden (1. jauhoja a sack(ful) of flour.
burled) in oblivion, save . . from falling sikin muotoinen sack- (I. bag-)shaped;
(1. from sinking) Into oblivion, keep . . (luonnont.) saccate, -tide string for (1.
from being forgotten; ~ Jokln jonkin with which to tie) a sack (I. sacks), -auu
varalta save (1. keep 1. reserve) . . for, top (1. mouth 1. opening) of a [the] sack.
keep . . In store (1. In reserve) for, set . . tiki (elint.) sheatflsh.
aside for; antaa o(ta)kin onkan tailyttt- tkki sack; (pussl) bag; (luonnont. & anat.)
tavakmi give . . Into a p. 's charge (I. care 1. sac. -Juokiu sack-race, -kangas sack
safe -keeping); nma ernennt eivt kelpaa cloth, sacking.
*ilyt*ttvik*i these apples are not fit to <kkiminen baggy, . . like a bag; vrt. Sbe preserved, (el kannata saastuii) these kinmuotolnen.
apples are not good enough to save, (elvt eikki pilli bagpipe, -pilllnpuhaltaja bag
sally) these apples won't keep; on,../ . . piper.
lilyttkMeen agree to have . . In one's tie splint (er), slat; (atdan) picket, pale;
safe-keeping, (hoitaaksecn) agree to take vrt. rappau*-. -ana picket-fence, -akutin
rare of, (agree to) take charge of.
Venetian blind; (ulkopuolinen) Venetian
tallytys preservation, conservation; (safe-) shutter, -huonekalut splint-bottomed fur
keeping; retention, maintenance; protec
niture. -hikkl latticework cage; (siilelkk)
tion; (jonkin varalta) reservation, -huono trellis; espalier.
storeroom ; repository, depository; (ruo- sleikk, leiste latticework, t roll is work;
an-) pantry; (et. vaattelden-) closet. trellis, espalier, leilla split, splinter.
-keino preservative, means of preservation lekaihdin Venetian blind.
(1. of safe-keeping), -paikka place to salina rattle, clatter; crash. allisU rattle,
keep (1. to preserve); depository, reposi
clatter; crash.
tory. -raia box; myoS = Uykerasia. salli 1. = kiialll; 2. fellow, Chap; haulka
-tapa method of preserving (1. of pre
a Jovial fellow, -nyte Journeyman's
servation 1. of keeping).
proof of skill acquired In his trade.
ailyvi (pysyvainen) lasting, permanent; silp (miner.) spar.
alati murifoiio ~ . . preserved In memory slly (romu) rubbish, (Jkpv.) junk: (taakka)
forever; lalvtn yli ~ . . which keeps (1. burden; load; (sotllaan) salyt [a soldier's]
will keep) over (1. through) the winter; equipment.
vrt. seur.
salyttaminen burdening, loading.
ailyl be preserved [from decay, madanty- stlyttU (lastata) burden, load; - joUakin
mlselta]; (pahentumatta y.m.) keep; (pa- load (I. burden) . . with; jotakin jonkun
hcllta y.m.) keep o.s. free Ffrom]; (tulla nisboillc burden a p. with. Impose . . upon
yllpldetyksl) be maintained, be retained; a p.. saddle . . on a p.. (Jattiia tehtivksi)
(kestaii) last, endure, stand against; exist; charge a p. with, enjoin . . on a p.; ((tulla varjplluksi) be kept safe 'from kns load . . upon one's back, burden
danger, vaaraltai, be safeguarded [from1, o.s. with, put . . on one's back (1. one's
dull suojcMuksl) be protected [against shoulders), stlytys burdening, loading.
(1. from) cold, kylmalta] ; (sftsty) be alahdys crash. slihtai crash; ikkana *aspared, he saved; (pysy) huid, stay; lahtl rikki (ulkoa hi'ltettiiess.1) the win
(Jilart jiiljelle) he left, remain [free from, dow crashed in, (sislt) the window
vapaana jostaklrii : elvn, ~ htngitta crashed out.
he saved, escape alive, survive; ~ nuoren silo (oliilnt.) lamella [plur. lamelle], ser
nkiten preservo one's youthful appear
ration; (miner.) lamina plur. lamln.T1;
ance (l. look): ttrvten remain healthy, (lluska) flake; vrt. ale.
maintain (1. preserve) one's health, keep simpyli bun.
In good health; ~ uarkailta be saved (1. singyn- (yhd.) . . of a bedstead, . . of a


[the] bed [esim. -jalka leg of a bedstead;
vihollisen rivit break the ranks or the
-katos canopy of a bed(stead); -laita 1. enemy, rout the enemy, put the enemy to
raina edge (1. side) or the bed]. -peite rout; voitteko dollarin can you change a
(tytetty) qullt, bedqullt, comrorter, dollar? can you glve me (1. have you)
comrortable; (viltti) blanket; (pllys-)
chang-e Tor a dollar?
bedspread, counterpane. -pohja bottom or srke II. (pakottaa) ache, pain; koko ruu
a bedstead; (Jousi-) bed-sprlng. -pylvs
mistani srkss my whole body aches, 1
bedpost. -pMty end of a bedstead.
ache ali over; ptni srkee my head
**nki stubble; (parran, mys:) brlstles;
aches, I have a headache, I have shooting
parta on sangrll the beard Is (rather) palns In my head; sydntni srkee my
stubby; pelto on sngetl the rield Is cov- heart aches [huom. sydntini) srkee
ered wlth stubble, the rield Is newly nhdessni miten .. (mys:) lt CUtS me to
reaped. -pelto stubble- rield.
the qulck to see (1. when I see) how . . ,
inky bed; (-kehys) bedstead. -huopa lt Is heart-rendlng to see how ..].
(bed-)blanket. -kaappi roldlng bed. -ka srki (ellnt.) roach; paistaa srke look
mari bedroom; bedchamber. -matto rug into each other's eyes wlthout wlnklng.
kept at tbe bedside, -oljet 1. -pahnat bed -kala cyprlnold (rish).
straw. -pelto ks. .ngynpeite. -vactteet rkk (hiekka-, maalla) rldge or sand,
bedclothes; (matrasslneen) beddlng; (la
(tuulen kasaama) dune, (vedess) bank.
kanat Ja tyynynpllykset) bed-llnen. sand-bank, (ulosplstv) splt; (matalikko)
-viltti (bed-)blanket.
shoal; (kallio-, kari) reer; vrt. hiekka,
antilleen tsmlleen, sntillinen punckoralli-.
tual; regular [In one's hablts, elmn rky ache, (tuska) pain; minulla on ja
tavoissaan]; (tarkka) accurate, preclse;
lassa I have a pain In my leg; vrt. ham
Strict; vrt. tsmllinen, antillisesti puncpaan, pn , selk y.m.
tually; regularly; accurately, preclsely; srkyminen breaklng Jne., ks. srky, sr
strlctly; vrt. tsmlleen, slntllllayys punckyneisyys, srkynisyys broken condltion
tuallty; regularlty; accuracy, preclslon,
(1. State), rits] belng broken. srkynyt
prectseness; vrt. tsmllisyys,
[volce, ni]; cracked; Tractured
spitt* latch; (salvata) hoit; ~ ovi latch
[skull, pluu]; (murtunut) crushed;
the door; (salvata) bolt the door, push (1.
shattered, wrecked; sr
shove) the bolt to. apltys latehlng; boltlng.
kyneet toiveet blasted (I. vvrecked I. shat
appl latch; hasp; (salpa) bolt; (haka)
hopes; srkynyt onni
hook; Clasp; (JOUSI-) catch; panna tappiin wrecked (1. shattered)
happlness: vrt.
- spin,
murtunut, srkyninen broken: (halkea
spshdys start(Ie); (spshtminen) be- missa
lng- startled. alpsthdytUi startin, make smashed, shattered; vrt. rikkininen, sr. . (1. cause . . to) start; (slkhdytt)
kyvinen (hauras) brlttle, Traglle, . . easlly
rrlghten. spsht be startled [at, Jota
broken; (Jonka voi srke) breakable.
kin], startle [at], start (up) [at], glve a *rkyvi*yy brlttleness, rragility; breakstart; (pelsty) be(come) rrightened.
sple spllnter, shlver, shatter; (slekale) rky break, be (l.get) broken; (pirstaksi)
shred; vrt. sirpale,
be smashed (to pleces), be shivered, be
slre crack, rissure; vrt. sr. srelll crack, shattered, be blasted, (trinst) be
be cracklng.
shaken to pleces, (rjhtmll) nv (1. be
rin rattle. srist rattle.
blo\vn) to pleces, (sisisest pakotuksesta)
srjentl, srkeminen breaklng Jne., ks. seur. burst [every seam. Joka liitoksesta] ;
srke I. (rikkoa, murtaa) break [a plate, (haljeta) crack, be spllt (to pleces), (esim.
lautanen; to pleces, palasiksi; a p.'s heart. pluu) be rractured: (musertua) be
Jonkun sydn], (murskata) crush [Stones, crushed; (murentua) crumble. be crumkivi; a box by sttttng on lt, laatikko Istu
bled: palasiksi break (1. rall) to pleces.
malla sen plle], smash [a wlndow wlth break Into shlvers, crack Into pleces,
one's rist, akkuna nyrkilln] ; (hajottaa) shlver, spllt, (survomalla) be pounded to
shatter [a rock Into pleces, ktvl sirpa
pleces : sleiksi break Into spllnteTs,
leiksi; a tree Into spllnters, puu sp
be spllntered; lukko on srkynyt the lock
leiksi]; (lyd siruiksi) shlver [a goblet, Is broken; sydmeni srkyy, jos .. my
pikari]; (lyd sleiksi) spllnter [one's heart \vlll break ir . . .
lance, peltsens] ; (repi hajalle) rend [a srmika angular; (Tys.) prlsmatic(al); sr
rock, kivi; a tree, puu]; (rjhdvttftml- mikkt kasvot angular race; hn on hyvin
l) blast [rocks, kivi]; (paisuttamalla, (esiintymisessn) he has manv corners
pakottamalla) burst [a blood vessel, veri
to he rubbed orr. rmlo prtsm. srmisolu; a \vatnr-plpe, vesijohtoputki]; (ly
minen prlsmatlc(al).
d rikki tai halkeamiin) crack [nuts, ph rm edge. srminen (srmiks) angular;
kinit; a glass, lasi], rracture Ta p.'s (yhd.) . . with . . edges, . .-edged [esim.
skull, Jonkun pftkallol : sprlng [a mast, tervsrminen . . \vtth Sharp edges,
masto]; (halkaista) spllt [a boarrt, lauta]; sharp-edged].
armlisyy* angularlty.
(tehd reik lymll) knock a hole In . .; srmneula (ellnt.)
(survoa rikki) pound (1. pnstle) [In a
In; slpplng. rpll dra\v
mortar, survlmessa] ; (ruhjoa) brulse;
(murentaa) crumble, redure . . to crum- in, (be) drlnk(Ing) .. in long draughts:
bles; (vaihtaa) chanire [money, rahaal ; (hrppi) slp.
~ ikkuna break a wlndow, (ulkoa) crash srvin somethlng to eat with one's bread
a wlndow In, (sislt) crash a wlndow and butter; leip ilman srvint plaln
out, (spleiksi) smash (1. shatter) a wln- bread, bread alone, nothlng but bread.
dow, (halkeamiin) crark a window; ~ ovi srhdell be cracklng; (rikki) be crashlng.
break (1. burst open) the door: ~ reik rhdys crack; (rikki-) crash. srhti*
seinn break a hole throufrh (I. burst a glve a orackdng sound), crack; (rikki)
hole In) the wall; ~ Jonkun suunnitelmat Crash; srht yhteen Clash; kyynrpn!
destroy (1. ruln 1. spoil) a p.'s plans, (es
srhti I cracked my elnovv.
t toteuttamasta) ttnvart a p.'s plans r (halkeama) crack; rissure; (naarmu)

scratch, score, sftrfllnen cracked, . . show- *!) disposition; tractablllty; docility;
compliance, accommodating disposition;
Ing cracks.
sateen :muotoinen 1. -nkinen ray-like. moderateness; gentleness; quietness; HC-muotoisosti In the form of rays; like rays. ooien *vyi*yy* (mys:) the fact that the
horse Is [was] so gentle (1. so easy
ateettainen ks. satelttinen.
eteileminen radiating-, beaming-, ateilov to manage); vrt. seur. atlvylaa evenradiating [light, valo], radiant; beaming; dlspositioned, even-tempered; (mukauturesplendent; ilosta steilevt kasoot face va) tractable, manageable, docile; compli
beaming (1. radiant) with Joy. ateilia ant, accommodating; (maltllllnen) moder
(valoa tal lampos) radiate, (valoa) beam ate, temperate; (s&yse) gentle [horse,
(molemmat mys kuv.), emit rays (1. hevonen]; (rauhalllnen) quiet, aavyisasti
tractably, docilely; compliantly, accommo
beams), be radiant (1. beaming 1. resplen
dent) [with Joy, ilosta]. etei I y radiation; datingly; moderately; gently; quietly.
evhdye (ltklsy) rap, slap, lash, aivihmys = Steileminen.
itteitUIn In a radiate manner (1. arrange dyttaa rap, slap, lash, (ivlhtu become (1.
ment); (kasv.) In a whorl, In whorls, grow 1. get 1. turn) . . suddenly; lvhti
sateittainen (elELlnt.) radlate(d); (kasv.) huumaksi became suddenly hot (1. heated);
han tohti punaiiehsi she blushed sud
steriitalo) landed estate [formerly In denly, suddenly her cheeks grew (1.
Finland] granted to a nobleman and turned) red, she flushed (a rosy) red; tulla
evhtl came suddenly, came on (1. all of)
exempted from taxation.
satkiminen beating Jne., ks. seur. stki* a sudden.
1. beat, thrash, wallop; (ruoskla) whip, syns, synv, eyne (ollilnt.) id, ide.
lash; (lyd) rap, slap; (kurlkolda) pom sayeeys gentleness, mildness; meekness;
mel, pound; 2. = tkytelltt; tatkia ota- quietness; compliance; good manners,
bata selkn pommel (1. be slapping) . . on eyee gentle, mild; meek; (hlljalnen)
quiet, calm; (mukautuva) compliant; (hythe back, (Jkpv.) dust a p. 's Jacket.
satkytell Struggle [to get loose, Irtl piitts- v&ntapalnen) well-behaved; vrt. >KvyUK.
tkseen], (eslm. kalolsta, mys:) flounder ysestl gently, mildly; meekly; quietly;
[In the net, verkoesa] ; (klemurrella) compliantly.
twitch convulsively, wriggle; pyntai- II I. (lima) weather; kauniilla sll In
lan be beating with Its tall, (vedess) be fine (1. nice) weather; pahalla t&allS In bad
splashing with Its tall; ~ trin (1. disagreeable) weather.
struggle with one's legs, be (1. keep) lU II. - Hie.
kicking about, (eslm. kuollnkamppallussa) aa- (yhd.) weather(-), meteorological
twitch one's legs convulsively, satkyttole- [eslm. -Havainnot weather (1. meteoro
minen struggling Jne., ks. edell. tltkyttely logical) observations; -kartta weatherstruggle; wriggle; mys = edell. etkyt- chart, meteorological map].
t am inen, satkytt, st k ty s = atkyttele- sde foundation; endowment.
sdylllnen decent [looks, ulkomuotol : (sominen, stkytell, stkyttely.
tkhdys start(le): (slvallus) rap, slap. plva) proper, becoming, seemly, decorous:
stkhhdytta startle, make . . start, ilt- tactful; (hyvkaytkslnen) well-hehaved;
kihUl 1. (sSpsaht) startle; start (up); mannerly; (kunnlalllnen) respectable [girl,
2. (latkhUa) slap [against a p. 's back, tytt] ; (kohtuulllnen) reasonable, moder
Jonkun selkailnl; flap [against]; (eslm. ate, fair: - liinta decent (1. moderate 1.
reasonable) price: hni>t,-iu decent (1.
ruoska) lash [against].
ittimlnen scolding Jne., ks. seur. lull proper 1. fair) treatment; tSadyUiMtn scold, upbraid; (Jkpv.) blow up ; vrt. molttia. hinen decent-looking: ei l* iSSdyllist
avel tune; (savelma) melody, air, strain; puhaa *Uta It Is not decent to talk about
(aunl) tone; latakfolen svelet notes (1. It, It is not a subject fit for conversation;
nyttii varsin sdylliMelt (nalsesta:)
strains) of the nightingale.
avel- (yhd.) musical [eslm. -koroa musical she looks very respectable, saadylllsnti
decently, properly, seemly, In a becoming
ear; -luoma musical creation; -feo mu
sical work] ; tone- [eslm. -aalto tone-wave] . manner, becomingly, with decorum; In a
-alhe motive, -aakelma step (1. degree) civilized manner; tactfully.
(on the musical scale), -asteikko musical taadyllliyyt decency, propriety, decorum;
becoming (1. civilized) manners: tact: re
scale; (diatonlnen) gamut.
velikk -= avelaitelkko.
spectability; mSadyllifyyJen vuoksi for the
sake of decency (1. of decorum), for pro
avelikas melodious, tuneful.
linen (yhd.) . . with a . . melody [eslm. priety's sake, -lit! 1. -tunn sense of
kaum'* . . with a sweet (1. a beautiful) propriety (1. of decorum), -riko offense
melody (1. air 1. tune)].
against (1. disregard of) decency (1. pro
savnl'lakso succession of tones. -Jrjes- priety 1. decorum), -tyy: tdyUityyttelml musical system, tonality, -korkeus yitt for reasons of propriety, for pro
pitch. -IJ| (musical) key; mode, tonality. priety's sake, -aaannet rules of decency,
aivellya (musical) composition, -konsertti rules of propriety; etiquette.
concert at which a composer's composi sdynmukalnen . . corresponding to (1. In
tions are given exclusively.
accordance with) a p. 's (social) class (I.
avelmi piece of music, musical piece, air, rank 1. station).
melody, strain; vrt. iKvellys.
dyetyi learn manners, become manner
sael taide (art of) music, -taitoilija mu
ly: be(come) civilized, become polished.
sician, (musical) artist.
dyttmyy Indecency, Impropriety, In
aaveltaja (musical) composer, liveltamlnen decorum; Immodesty: obscenity; (kohtuuttomuus) unreasonableness, Immodercomposing Jne., ks. seur. svelt com
pose; (Jokln) set . . to music, write music ateness, unfairness: sSadyttSmyyhtiln m*r for. Jokln].
nev . . exceeding the bounds of propriety
ivy (kasvojen, luonteen y.m. pllrre) trait, (1. Of decency): Anen vaatimukaenea mefeature; touch; (anen) tone, accent: nrvt sJyttmyyktiin his demands are
(muoto) style, form, ivylnen = KvylaK: very Immoderate. iSSdyttemSsti Indecent
vrt. hyvansavyincn. sayieyys even (I. ly, improperly, unbecomingly. In an inpoinen

r ie
.Vcvnt tl. iraproper 1. unbecomlng-) man
ner il. way), immodestly; obscenely; unrviiscmabty. immoderately. sdytn inOvovot .lang-uage, puhetapa], improper
Nrttavlor. kyts],., exceedlng- the bounds
\>t propriety, immodest; (loukkaava) ofOustY*, shocking; (rivo) obscene; (sopitualon) unbecomlng-, unbenttlng- (lantias*-. puhetapa] ; Indecorous; ( sivistyn) toti) unmannerly, uncivlltzed, nide; (kohluuton> unreasonable [price, hinta], ImHh>vterate: sdytn kieli (\. puhetapa) impropertlunbefittlnK i.orrensive) language.
aidtntt = stminen; vrt. lain-'.
tMta (virallinen) edlct, decree; (snt)
ruH\ repulatlon; (ohjesnt) ordinance;
(laki-) statute, enactment, (et. kirk.)
canon: (mrys) order, ronunand; (ohje)
direolion; vrt. jlki .
Ailasi storm-glass, Chemical weather-g-lass.
sli pity [for (1. on)], commiseration
rorl, compassion [on (1. Tor 1. toward)];
iinytatuntoisuus) sympathy; (armeliai
suus) mercy, clemenry; (suopeus) rorbearance [wlth], indulg-ence [or (1. for)];
slill pltylngly, wltti pity (1. compas
sion 1. commiseration): ~ miest pity the
poor fellovv! (kun on mennyt hunningolle)
lt's a pity he should go to the dogs;
slist jotakuta kohtaan in (1. out or 1.
moved by) pity (1. compassion) for;
slitt pitllessly, wlthout pity (l. com
passion), (armotta) mercilessly, ruthlessiy. \vlthout mercy (1. clemency); hertt
sli jossakussa excite a p.'s pity (1.
svmpathy), arouse a p.'s pity (1. compas
sion), move .. to pity (1. to sympathy);
ky sliksi nhd, miten . . it Is a pity (I.
It Is pltiful) to see how . . , vrt. kyd;
minun on (1. tulee) hnt -, minun ky
sliksi hnt I pity (1. commiserate) hiin.
I have (1. lake) pity nn hirn, I feel pity
for him, I have compassion on ti im. (olen
palloillani hnen thtens) I am (1. I Teol)
sorry for him; on hnt he Is to ne
pltled, one can't help reolintf sorry for
llilll, vrt. edcll.: on ~ nhd sit lt Is a
pity to see it, it palns me (1. it glves me
pain 1. It is palnful to me) to see It, I am
grleved (1. troubled) at the siKht of it (1.
at seointf it), vrt. slitt.
sliminen pitylng jne., ks. sli, sli
mttmyys pltllessness, uncharltableness;
lack or pity, lack or mercy; mercllessness,
cruelty. slimttmsti pitllessly, merci
lessly, \vithnut pity (1. mercy 1. clemen
cy)- unsparinglv; ruthlesslv, relentlesslv;
cruellv. slimtn pitlless, . . xvlthout
pity, Incompasslonate, uncharitable; (ar
moton) unmercirul. merclless, lnclement;
(ankara) hard; (sstmtn) unsparina-;
(armahtamaton) relentless, ruthless; (tai
pumaton) inexorable rjudg-e. tuomari];
( lulma) crucl; slimtn kohtalo unmer
cirul (1. merclless 1. rruel 1. hard) fate;
kuoleman slimtn ksi the Unsparillfr
lllllirl Of Peath. Slinta 1. = sliminen;
sli, slitell sli, slittely
\vretchedness: palhos; tragreily. slittv
pltirul, plteous, pitiahle, . . excitinp pity;
(surkea, kurja) rnlserable, vvretehed; (et.
henkilist, mys:) . . to be pltled, . .
\vorthy of pity; (liikuttava) pathetic r sljrlit,
nky], (tuskallinen) dtstressing-, (valitetta
va) 'deplorable, (surullinen) sart: slittv
asema pitlful (I. miserable 1. sad) state (1.


conditlon); slittvn kurja pltifully

\vretched; slittvn kyh pltifully (1.
miserably 1. pathetically) poor; slittv
seikka deplorable circumstance, sad (1.
deplorable) ract, (tapahtuma) distressing
incident. slittvsti pitlfully; miserably,
xvretchedly; pathetically; deplorably.
slitt excite (1. arouse 1. awake) pity (1.
grieve; hn ~ minua he excites my (1. he
moves me to) pity (1. sympathy), (slin
hnt) I pity him; minua ~ hnen kohta
lonsa I pity him, I feel sorry for him.
his fate excites (1. rouses) my pity: minua
nhd it excites (1. it rouses) my pity
to see, it palns me (1. it g-Ives me pain 1.
it is painful to me) to see, (surettaa) 1 am
grieved (l. it grieves me) to see.
slitn - slimtn.
sliv(inen) pitying [look, katse], .. fui:
of pity; (osaaottavainen) compasslonate,
sympathetic; (ystvllinen) kind(-heartert).
charitable; (hell) tender; (laupias) merciful, clement; ~ sydn a heart full or
liity (1. or compassion 1. or sympathy).
(hellii) tender (1. kind) heart. slivisesti
pltylng-ly, full or pity, compassionately:
klnilly, charitably; tenderly. merclfully.
slivisyys pity, compassion(ateness);
sympathy; kind(-hearted)ness, charitableness; tenderness; mercy, mercirulness.
slivsti = slivisesti.
sli I. (surkutella) pity, have (I. take)
pity [on a p., jotakuta], reel pity (1. com
[Tor], commiserate;
myttuntoa) sympathize [with] ; (armah
taa) have mercy [on]; (sst) spare (1.
respect) rap. 's reelings, jonkun tunteita]:
slien pltylng-ly, compassionately, sympathetically, \vlth pity, vvlth compassion.
\vith Sympathy, vrt. slivisesti; sli
mtt ks. slimttmsti; hn ei sli
ntn she' does not spare her voice.
sllinen (kunnollinen) proper, decent; respectable [treatmem, kohtelu; conduct.
kyts] ; (kohtuullinen) reasnnable, moderate; vrt. sdyllinen, sllisesti properly. decently; respectahly [dressed. puet
tu]; reasonably. sllisyys properness,
proprioty, decency; respectabllity; reasonableness.
smisk chamois, chammy, shammy. smiskinen . . or chamois(-skin 1. -leather).
chaniois(-skin). amisknahka chamois
(skin 1. -leather). smysk ks. smisk.
sn ennustaja Torecaster; (Jkpv.) \veatherprophet. -ennustus \veather-rorecast. -Ja
kaja vveather-parting; (suuri) clirnatic divide. -muutos chanfre or (1. in) (the)
snnell repulate.
snnllinen res-ular fhcxagon, kuuslkulmlo; motion, liikunta; life, elm: \vork.
ty: In doing . . , jonkin teossal : (tavan
mukainen) ordlnary 'time, aikai: (jrjes
tyst noudattava) orderly [In ones habIts. tavoiltaan: fello\v, mies] : (hyvss
Jrjestyksess oleva) vvell-onlered; (ta
sainen) even rpace, astunta] ; tiniform
[handwrltlng. ksiala: temperature, lmpmltrii]; (mrtty) flxed; (normaali
nen) normal, standard; (asianmukainen)
due rcourse or thlng-s, asiain meno] : (ts
mllinen) punctual; snnlliset kulkuvuorot retrular trips; snnlliset tavat repular habits: snnllisiss oloissa under
normal condltlons, (vakiintuneissa) under
flxod (1. settled) condltlons: asiat menevt
snnllist menoaan thlnps nm (1. follo\v) thelr regular course, everything- is



golng on as usual, thtngs (1. matters) are

taking their due course, thlngs run
smoothly, things are going much as usual.
snnllisesti regularly; ordinarily; as a
(general) rule, as a general thing; In an
orderly manner; evenly; unirormly; normally; punctually: kulkea snnllisesti
jotakin vli (esim. laiva) run regularly
(I. make regular tri|>s) betvveen . . . snnllisraiteinen standard-ga(u)ge [rallroad,
rautatie], snnllistytt make .. regu
lar, regulatc. snnllisyys regularlty, orderliness; cvenness; uniformlty; normal
state; punctuallty.
snnn 'mukainen . . in acrordance (I. In
conrormlty) with the rule(s), regular,
regulated; (jrjestelmllinen) methodical;
(normaali) normal; (asianmukainen) proper, due. -mukaisesti accordlng to rule, in
conformity wlth (the) rules; regularly,
methodically; normally; properly, in due
loi im (i. vvay 1. manner), ilul.v. -mukaisuus
conformity to the rules; regularlty; methodicalness; due form (1. way 1. manner),
-vastainen .. contrary to the rule(s);
abnormal. -valtaisesti contrary tn the
rule(s); abnormally. -vastaisuus: jonkin
snnnvastaisuus a thing's being contrary
to the rule, a thlng's abnormallty.
snns regulatlon; (edellytys) provision;
(pykl) clause; (asetus) statute; vrt.
snnsteleminen, snnstminen regulatIng.
snnstell, snnst regulate.
snnstely, snnstys regulatlon. enntell
snnstell, snnttmyys lrregularlty, abnormallty, anomaly. snnttmsti irregularly; abnormally. sn
ntn Irregular; (tavallisuudesta poikkea
va) abnormal, anomalous; (epvakainen)
changeable; (harhaileva) erratic.
sntely regulatlon. snt regulale.
snt rule; (snns) regulatlon, statute,
by-la\v, lavv; (ohje-) ordlnanre; (peri
aate) (guidlng) prinolple. maxim; snnt
(governing) rules, regulatlons, (yhdistys
ten, yhtiiden y.m.) by-laws. (perus)
constltutlon, (asetukset) statutes; snt
jen mukaan acrording to (1. tn conformity
vvlth) the rules (1. regulatlons 1. statutes
I. by-la\VS) fhuom. pelata sntjen mu
kaan play accordlng to the rules of the
game] ; . . on yleisen sntn . . is a
gcnerally arcepled rule, . . Is a rule of
general (1. or unlversal) application; ottaa
snnksi lay down . . as a rule [huom.
olen ottanut snnksi nousta vuoteelta
kello s I have made (I. laki down) a rule
(1. my rule is) to rlse at slx o'clock] ; vrt.
johto, jrjestys , ohje, palkkaus,
perus , sivusnnt y.m. -ehdotus draft
nr (the) by-laws; (perus) draft nf a
cnnstltlltion; laatia sntehdotus yhdis
tykselle (mys:) draft (the) by-laws [a
constltutlon 1 for the Society.
sntjen mukainen . . in accordance (1. In
conformity) \vith the rules Jne., ks. sn
t; . . conformtng to the rules. -mukai
sesti accordlng to (1. tn conformity xvitli
1. tn accordance with) the rules. -mukai
suus acrordance to the rules, conrormlty
\vith (1. to) the rules; jonkin sntjenmukaisuus (mys:) the fact that .. is
Tvvas] in accordance (1. in conformity) to
the rules.
sntperlnen regulative, statutory: regu
lar; . . accordlng to (1. in conformity
\vith) the rules (1. regulations 1. statutes).


snvaihdos change (1. turn) of (1. In) (the)

\veather. soppi (ilmatiede) meteorology.
sri leg; shank; (sren etupuoli) shin:
(pohje) cair (or the leg). -haava \vound
in the (1. one's) leg, sore on the (I. one's)
leg. -luu shln-bone, (anat.) tibta.
saarinen (yhd.) . . with . . legs, . .-legged
[esim. hoikka . . Yvith siender (1. thtn)
legs, slender-legged, thin-legged].
sri varsi leg, shank. -varus 1. -varustus
(-haarniska) jambeau, Jamb(e).
srysdin) legging, leggin; (lyhyt) gaiter,
ssken pisto 1. -purema mosqulto-bltc.
sski (hyttynen) mosquito; (mkr) gnat;
sskien survonta suarming (I. danclng)
or the gnats (1. the mosquitoes). -harso
mosquito net(tlng). -parvi s\varm of gnats
(1. or mosquitoes).
ssteleminen ccouomizlng jne., ks. ss
tell, sstelis, sstelisti ks. sst
vinen, sstvisesti, sstell economize; be savlng, save; be sparing [of, jo
takin], spare: sstell varojaan (mys:)
husband one's resources. sstely ss
sstyminen: sen lts being savcd (1.
spared), the ract that It is saved. ssty
be saved, be left over: (tulla varjelluksi)
be spared, bc preserved [from], be dellvered [rrom], go free rrrom], spare o. s.
[that trouble, siit vaivasta]; hnelt
sstyy siten monta dollaria he wlll save
many a dollar by that; minulta sstyi se
nky, sstyin silt nylt that Sigilt vvas
spared me, I was spared that slght; moni
sstyi tartunnalta many were spared (1.
saved 1. preserved) rrom the Inrection (1.
from being tnfected), many \vent free
rrom inrection.
sstminen saving Jne., ks. sst; ajan
sstmiseksi to save tlme; .. ei ole ss
tmisen arvoinen . . is not \vorth saving
(1. keeplng). sstmtn (jota et ole
sstetty) . . not saved, unsaved, unspared; (joka el sst) unsparlng; (ar
mahtamaton) merciless, relentless; voi
miaan sstmtn . . Wiio does not spare
hls strength. sstvinen (taloudellinen)
eronomlcal [cook, keittj], econoinlzing
[in her household, taloudessaan; \vith
one's money, rahalnsa kytss]; thrlfty;
(sstv) saving or, jonkin kytss1,
rrugal "manager, taloudenhoitaja], spar
ing, chary [in one's (use oO vvords, sa
noissaan] ; (varova) careTul [or (one's)
money, rahalnsa kytss]: (tulevaisuu
desta huolehtiva) provldeht; (tuhlaamaton) UnwasteTUl; ruveta sstviseksi
(Jkpv.) go in Tor saving. sstvisesti
economlcally, savingly, sparingly, rrugally: \vlthout \vaste; (huolellisesti) carerully. sstvisyys economy; thrirt(lness);
saving, Trugaltty. sstvisyyssyy: sstvisyyssyist for economical reasons, Tor
economyCs sake), ror the sake of thrirt.
sst save [money, rahaa; time, aikaa:
lahor, tyt; one's clothes, vaatteitaan];
(slltellen) spare fthe horses, hevosia:
the rod, vitsaa; one's strength. voimiaan;
one the slght or. Joku nkemst ..];
(olla sstelis) economlze; (koota) save
up, accumulate. (varata) reserve ror days
to come, tulevien pivien varalle], keep
a tn. for another tlme, Jokin toiseen
kertaan] : (olla julkilausumatta) \vithhold
[one's crltlclsm tili another tlme, arvos
telunsa toiseen kertaani : (armahtaa) have
merey (l. have plty) [(up)on a p., Jota
kuta (l. joku)], pardon; ssten spar-



lngly, vrt. seur.; sstmll by saving,

by economtzing, by economy; Mtt mint
nuhteittasi pray, spare me your reproaches! (mys vain:) rorbear! sst se
itsellesi save (I. keep) ttiat for yourseK;
sst tuomiosi vvlthhold (1. spare 1. postpone) your Judgment! sst valoasi spare
(1. save) yourseir the trouble! don't take
the trouble! ~ jonkun henki spare one's
liro. grant one hls lire, (armahtaa) pardon;
< itsen Spare O.S. [llliom. se mies osaa
sst itsen (mys:) that man knows
how to take it easy, that fellovv wlll never
die of overwork] ; ~ joku joltakin Cl. jos
takin) save (1. spare) . . rrom, save (1.
spare) . . the trouble of . .-Ing [huom.
sstin hnet siit sikhdyksest (mys : )
I spared lii m the sbock] ; joltakulta jo
kin spare a p. a th.; jotakin (sstell)
be spartng (1. savin?) of; ~ nihert (ko
koon) scrape together; vanhan pivn
varalla Cl. varalta) put (1. lay) . . by for
one'S Old age; kustannuksia sstmtt
saving no expense, regardless of (1. wlthout regard to) expense; vaivojaan sst
mtt sparing (I. grudglng) no palns.
sst saving; (Jnns) balance, remalnder; (ylijm) surplus; (voitto) gain.
-kassa 1. savlngs Fund; 2.=-sstlaatlkko.
-kaisatlll savlngs account. -laatikko 1.
-Ilpaa bank. -markki savlngs stamp. -pankki
savlngs-bank. -pankkikirja savlngs-bank
book; deposltor's book. -rahat savlng-s.
-varat savlngs; (sstkassa) savlng-s fund.
sstn Ijpanlja deposltor. -pano deposittng;
(sst) saving, deposlt.
ssuhteet vveather condltlons, condltions
of the vveather.
sti = Sde.
sty (asema) statlon, status, state, posi
tion; (luokka) class (or Society), order;
(arvo) rank; (aste) degree; (valtio-)
estate; alhaista sty of low degree (1.
birth). or humble statlon; oppinut the
educated class, the class of learned men;
valtiopivin nelj sty the four estates
or the dlet; ylhist sty (oleva) . . of
rank, highborn; vrt. aateli-, avio,
kauppias-, pappia , porvaris , sotilas,
talonpoikais y.m.
sty-(,vhd.) class [esim. -ero(tos) class dlstlnctlon(l.dirference); -henki class splrlt].


-eduskunta diet (composed) of (representatives Of the) estates; Suomen styeduskunta the Finnish Dlet of Four Es
tates. -edustua representation by estates.
-erioikeus class prlvllege. -esitys bill tn
(1. before) the diet. -henkil person of
standing (1. of social position) ; styhenkilt
(mys:) gentlefolks. -huone = stytalo.
styinen: kaiken styisi . . of ali classes
(1. orders) of Society; (yhd.) . . of . . rank
(1. statlon 1. degree) [esim. alhais . . or
low rank (1. degree), . . of humble station:
korkea . . or high rank (1. station), . . of
exalted degree]; (valtio-) . . or . . estates
[esim. neli~ .. or Tour estates].
sityiljako (luokka-) division into classes;
(valtio-) division Into estates. -kokous
meetlng or (the representatlves oD an
estate. -laitos System or estates.
stylinen = styhenkil. stylisperhe
ramily or the upper classes; ramtly or a
person or standing. stylist the upper
sty 'pts declsion or an estate (o( the
dlet). -rajotus class dlstlnction. -talo assembly-house or the unprlvileged estates
[or the Finnish Diet]; House or Estates.
-valtiopivt styeduskunta. -veli peer,
rone's]! in station.
stj (perustaja) rounder; (tekn.) governor; regulator; sellaisten ankarien asetus
ten stjt (the) makers or such severe
laws, such severe lawmakers, vrt. Uin.
stminen ordaining Jne., ks. st, stmys ks. sds.
st ordaln, decree, enact, prescribe, provide; (mrt) order, dlrect, (Itsevaltai
sesi!) dlctate; (asettaa) Impose [taxes, ve
roja]; (laatia) institute, establish, make;
(tekn.) regulate; avioksky (raam.) or
daln matrlmony; lakeja make (1. enact)
laws, dlctate la\vs [to the people. kansal
le] ; ihminen ptt. Jumala man proposes, God disposes: kuten laki , kuten
laissa on sdetty as the law directs (1.
prescribes 1. provldes), as provided (1.
prescribed 1. dlrected) by laxv; lain st
mss jrjestyksess In the order (1. Tollowlng the course) prescribed (1. pro
vided) by law.
stventtllll (tekn.) throttIe( -valve), regulator-valve.

taa = taakse.
beyond ..; (-pin) backward(s), back;
taaja = tihe; taajoissa riveiss in ro\VS
haudan beyond the grave; katsoa taak
close to each other, (sot.) in close ranks.
seen look back(ward), look behlnd one;
taajaan ks. tihen.
nurkan ~ around the corner.
taaja!! hampainen .. wlth the teeth close to
taaksepin back\vard(s), back (toward);
gether, close-toothcd. -kudoksinen ks.
(Sitten) ago; hnen liikkeens menee ~
-vkinen (lensely (1.
(mys:) hls business Is golng down-hlli
thickly) populated.
(1. is on the decline); kaksi vuotta two
years ago: luoda silmys aiassa ~- look
taajasti, taajeneminen, taajennus, taajentaa,
back into the past, look backivard. -meno
taajentaminen, taajentua, taajeta, taajimgolng back\varcl, back\vard (1. retrograde)
min, taajuus ks. tihesti, tiheneminen,
movement, retrogression (mys kuv.) ;
tihennys, tihent, tihentminen, tihenty,
(kuv.) gning down, decline: kaksi viimeist
tihet, tiheimmin, tiheys.
vuotta on ollut taaksepinmenoa the tW0
taakka burden; (kuorma) load; (paino)
last years have been years of decline.
weight; raskas putosi hartioiltani a
weight (1. a burden) was lirted rrom my taala (Am. suom.) dollar.
Taalainmaa Dalecarlla. taalalainen (a. & s.)
Dalecarllan. taalalais- (yhd.) Dalecarlian.
taakse (Jonkin) beblnd . . , (tuolle puolen)

salo [place, palkka], secure; (vanna)
taalari (saksal. raha) thaler, taler.
taemmaksi, taampaa, taampana ks. taem|- sure, certaln, assured; (luotettava) rellable, trustworthy [man, mies; source,
maksi, -paa, -pana.
lhde]; (koeteltu) trled; taattua tavaraa
taannehtia retroact, have a retroactlve erguaranteed (I. \varranted) goods ; taatussa
rect. taannehtiva retroactlve [lavv, laki];
In safe keeping; vrt. taata, taatusti
assuredly, sure(ly); nm ovat taatusti
taannoin not a very long tlme ago: (sket
are guaranteed (1. warranted)
tin) recently, lately, the other day; (hetki
to be genulne.
sitten) a moment ago. taannoinen (men
nyt) past, bygone; (skettinen) recent; Taavetti David; (Jkpv.) Dave, Davle, Davy.
Taavi Dave, Davle, Davy.
(entinen) former, prcvlous.
taannuttaa (kuv.) set (1. push) back [con- tadikko pltchrork; manure-rork, dung-fork.
dltlons, oloja] ; cause (1. bring) a reactlon tae I. (sepn-) forging; blacksmith's work.
[In (the) oplnlons, mielipiteit], cause .. tae II. (vakuus) guarantee, guaranty, warrant; (varmuus) certainty; (turva) safeto decllne (1. to retrograde) ; (ehkist)
guard; (takaus) surety, Security; takeet
keep back, hinder, lmpede; (hidastuttaa)
retard. taantua be set (1. pushed) back, guarantee, surety, Security; antaa takei
jostakin give guarantee (1. Security)
o backward; (huonontua) decllne, retro
for, guarantee; ei ole takeita there Is no
grade, fali back, go down-hlll; (Jd Jl
keen) get (1. be left) behlnd; mielipiteet guarantee, there Is no knowlng (1. telling),
olivat suuresti taantuneet (mys:) a great you (1. ofle) cannot be sure; jos olisi ta
keita siit, ett se tulee tehdyksi ir there
reactlon bad taken hold of the oplnlons;
\vere any guarantee (1. surety 1. certainty)
olla taantumassa be on the decllne. taan
tuminen .. being set back Jne., ks. edell.; for lts belng (1. that lt \vould be) done;
olojen taantuminen (mys:) reactlon of mit takeita on siit, ettei hn tee sit
what guarantee have you that he won't do
(1. In) the condltlons. taantumuksellinen
it? what wlll be a guarantee Tor his not
(a. & s.) reactlonary.
doing lt? what safeguard Is there against
taantumus reactlon; retrogresslon; (huo
nontuminen) decllne; mustaakin mustempi his dolng lt? olla jonkin takeena, olla ta
keena jostakin be (1. glve) a Security (1.
~ the gloomlest reactlon. -kausi reac
a guarantee) for, guarantee; vrt. takuu.
tlonary perlod, period of reactlon. -poli
tiikka reactlonary pollcy. -puolue reac taemmainen back [part or the romu, osa
tlonary party; (taantumukselliset) the rehuonetta], hlnd(er), rear [rank, rivi],
actionarles. -suunta reactlonary tendency posterlor; vrt. taka-, taemmaksi rarther
(to the) back, farther behlnd. taempaa
(1. pollcy 1. reglme).
rrom rarther behlnd; (etmmlt) rrom a
taantuva retrogresslve, retrogradlng; (taan
tumuksellinen) reactlonary; (rappeutuva) dlstance. taempana farther back, rarther
behlnd; (etmmll) at a dlstance. taempi
. . (lylng 1. sltuated 1. located) rarther
taappin taaksepin.
taas(en) agaln; (uudelleen) anew, arresh; back; vrt. taemmainen.
(kerta viel) once more, over agaln; (sit tahalla(an) on purpose, purposely, wlth a
vastoin) on the contrary, on the other set purpose; (aikomuksella) lntentlonally,
hand; on viikko mennyt (mys:) another \vlth design; (harkiten) dellherately, preweek has passed (away) ; kn on tallat medltatedly, alter maturc thought (1. deliberation), wlth calculatlon; (tieten tai
he has come back (agaln"); hiin ~ puoles
taan halusi auttaa . . he. In return, \vanted ten) knowingly (and wllllngly), wlttlngly.
to belp . .; vrt. jlleen, taaskin again, once tahallinen lntentlonal; (harkittu) dellberate, pretnedltated [murder, murha] ; (eh
more; vrt. edell.
taata guarantee [a th., Jokin; a p. that . . , doin tahdoin tehty) voluntary [manslaughjollekulle ett . .], warrant [one's goods, ter, miestappo], wiirul [crlme, rikos; sln,
synti], tahallisesti tahallaan.
tavaransa] ; (menn takuuseen) stand (1.
become) Security (1. surety) [Tor a p., tahansa (so)ever; kuinka paljon ~ (niin
Jonkun puolesta (1. Jostakusta)], (Jkpv.) paljon kuin tahdot) as much as you please
(1. llke 1. want) [huom. annoitpa minulle
stand good for [a loan, laina]; (lak.) ball
[a p. out of prlson, Joku vapaakBl vanki
kuinka paljon ~ (mys:) lr you gave me
lasta] ; (olla vastuussa) be responslble (1.
ever SO much], vrt. hyvns; kuinka
answerable) [for. Jostakin], answer for;
~ ks. miten; kuka who(so)ever [that
(vakuuttaa) vouch [for the truth of the . . , Joka . .], anybody [who . . , Joka . .],
news, uutisen todenperisyys], assure [a anyone, (Jokainen) everybody, everyone
p. or (1. that) . . , Jollekulle Jokin] ; pledge
[can do that, voi tuon tehd], (saman
o.s. [that lt will be done In tlme. ett se tekev kuka) no matter \vho, (Jkpv.) I
tulee ajoissa tehdyksi] ; (varmistaa) en- don't care who [huom. olioon cl. olipa)
sure Ta decent llving for, Jollekulle kun
hn kuka ~ wboever he may be, be he
nollinen toimeentulo], make lt sure [that, \vho he may, no matter \vho he Is (1. be)] ;
ett]; hyv voitto guarantee (1. glve mik whlch(so)ever, \vhat(so)ever, no
guarantees of 1. ensure) a good prorit; ~ matter \vhat; miss ~ where(so)ever, anyjoku vapaaksi (lak.) go ball Tor a p.; ~ where, (In) any place, (kaikkialla) everyvekseli endorse (1. indorse) a note; kuka where; mist ~ whenresoever, (from)
takaa sen onnistumisen Wiio wlll guaran- anywhere; mit what(so)ever, anything
(you llke 1. you please) [huom. teitp mit
tee the success or lt? (ottaa vastuulleen)
who wlll answer (1. be responslble) for ~ whatever you (may) do], vrt. mit, I;
lts success; sen takaan (otan taatakseni)
nyttip se miten huonolta ~ hO\vever (1.
I guarantee (1. warrant) lt, (Jkpv.) IMI no matter how) bad it looks (1. may look),
stand good for lt, (vakuutan) I assure you bad as it looks (1. may look) : olipa . . miten
that, (lupaan) I( 11) promlse that; tavaran hyv ~ ho\vever (1. no matter ho\v) good
kunnollisuus taataan the quallty or the lt is (1. be), good as lt may be, be It ever
artlcle [the goods] is warranted.
SO good, vrt. miten.
taateli (-hedelm) date. -palmu (kasv.) tahaton unlntentlonal, unpremeditated; Involuntary.
taatto rather; (Jkpv.) dad; vrt. is.
tahdas paste: (taikina) dough; vrt. hammas.
taattu guaranteed, warranted; (turvattu) tahdikas tactrul; dlscreet. tahdikkaasti tact-



fully dlscreetly. tahdikkuus tact(fulness);

discretlon, discreetness.
tahdin lyj one ho beats tlme; one to beat
uil'- -lynti b<-aling of time: (konkr.)beat,
stroke -mukainen . .' conformlng to the
measured tlme; (rytmillinen) rhythmical;
i armollinen) measured ;sound of oars,
airojen loiske", regular. -mukaisesti in
tune- conforming to the measured beats;
rfivthmirally; regularly. -mukaisuus rhythm
(-Icalness); measured beat; regularity.
-tarkka ks. aeur.
tahdissapysyvi steady (1. exact) In keeping
who keeps tlme well.
tahditon taotless. . . lacking tact; lndlsrreet tahdittomasti tactlessly; indlscreetiv
"tahdittomuus tactlessness, lack (1.
anti of tact; indiseretlon.
tahdon- (yhd.) . . of (the) will [esim. -ponnittas eiertion or (the) wlll; -vapaus
freiHlom of the wlll]. -ilmaus xpresston
<] "manlfestatlon) of the of one's] wlll.
-roima I- -lujuus strength (1. power 1.
force) of wlll, will-power; volltion, volttional force.
tahdoton (joka on Ilman tahtoa) . . lacking
uill . . with no wlll or one's own; (taha
ton) Involuntary; passlve; (koneellinen)
automatic; (tarkotukseton) unlntentional;
vlikappale jonkun katitta (tav.) a
mere tool In the hands of. tahdottomasti
involuntarily; unlntentlonally; wlth a surrender of wlll. tahdottomuus lack (1. absence) of wiH-power; passlveness; Invol
untary character (1. nature).
ani = tai.
tahko I. (-kivi) grlndstone; vrt. smirkeli-.
tahko H. = taaotahkoa tahkota, tahkoaminen sharpening
on a grlndstone. tahkoamlskone grlndtngmachlne; (smlrkell-) emery-whel.
tahko kivi grindstone; \vhetstone. -kone =
tahkota grind (a knire, veist], sharpen
( . on a grindstone) ; vrt. hioa. tahkoutua
be(come) ground, be(come) sharpened;
vrt. hioutua.
uhma (kielell) coatlng; olla tahmassa be
sticky, be vlscld; (kieli) be coated. tah
mainen sticky, adhesive; (tahman peitt
m) coated [tonguc, kieli]; (paksu) thlck;
vrt. seur. tahmea sticky, vlscld, vlscous;
(liimamainen) gluey. tahmeta bccome (I.
jret) sticky (1. vlscld); (kieli) berome (1.
pet) coated. tahmeus stlcklness, vlscldlty;
(kielen) . . belng coated, coated condttlon.
taho (suunta) direction, quarter; (reuna)
edge; (puoli) side; (pinta. esim. kuution)
face: loka taholla Itaholle, taholta] ks.
suunta; kuhin tahollaan eaoh (1. everyone)
in hls (o\vn) quarter, each (one) in hls
o\vn place (1. llne); milt taholta tuuli ky
from \vhat direction dnes the wlnd come
(l.blo\v)? \vhlch \vay does the wlnd blou?
tahokas ks. kaksitoista, moni-, neli ,
tahota -~ tahkota.
uhra stain, spot, taint, blur (kalkki mys
kuv.); (et. muste-) blot, blotch; (et. ras
va) smear; (maali- y.m.) daub: (nokiy.m.) smut; (kuv. mys:)blemlsh smlrch;
jonkun maineetta staln (1. biemlsh 1.
smlrch) on a p.'s reputation. tahraamaton
unstained, unsollcd; unsullled: unblntted,
(kuv. mys:) unblemlshed 'honor, kunnia i.
unsmirchert. tahraaminen making dlrty
Jne., ks. tahrata, tahraantua berome (i.
get 1. be) stained (I. solled 1. tainted Jne.,
ks. tahrainen); (llkautua) get dlrty; (lia
ta itsens) SOll O.S. ; tahraantua vereen
be(rome) solled (1. stained) wlth blood.
tahraantuminen becoiiiing* stained Jne., ks.


edeil. tahrainen stained. solled. suLlied.

tainted, smircbed, blotted, blotched, spotted, spotty; smeared. daubed: smutty;
grlmy, begrlmed, befouled; (likainen)
dlrty; vrt. tahrata. Uhrapilkku Stain, Spot,
blot (kaikki kolme mys kuv.); (kuv.,
mys:) biemlsh, blur; vrt. tahra.
Uhrata stain, soil, taint, sully, snUrch (kaik
ki mys kuv.); (liata) dirtv, make . . dirty,
begrtme, (laahaamalla) bedraggle rone"'s
dress, pukunsa1 ; (ulostukseen y.m.) foul,
beroul; (thri) blur, blot, blotch; (jo
honkin rasvaiseen) smear, besmear; (kuv.,
mys:) blemisb; ittent (liata) get o. s.
dirty, dlrty (I. soll) o.s. [with. Johonkin",
vrt. tahrata vaatteensa; liituun cover . .
(1. get .. covered I. get .. white) with
Chalk [huom. tahrata ittent liituun get
o.s. chalky, get chalk on o.s.] ; maineenta disgrace o.s., stain (1. taint 1.
sully) one's reputation; musteeseen
Staln (1. SOll 1. blot) \vith ink; nennt
nokeen get (a bit or) soot on one's nose;
plyyn cover . . wlth dust, get . . dusty;
taveen (be)smear . . with Clay, cover . .
with clay; vaatteenta get one's clothes
solled (1. dirtied 1. dirty 1. stained), (rois
kuvaan lokaan) spatter one's clothes rwith
mud] ; vereen SOll (1. stain) with blood;
hnen nimens on hpell tahrattu his
name is stained \vith disgrace, his naine is
tahraton stainless, spotless [reputation,
maine]; (kuv., mys:) unspotted, Immaculate; (puhdas) pure; vrt. tahraamaton.
tahraus = tahraaminen, tahria = tahrata.
tahriutua become (I. get 1. be) soiled; mys
= tahrata itsens.
tahti tlme; (poljento) tempo, movement;
(kvely-) step, pace; eksy tahditta get
out of tlme (1. of Step 1. or pace): nope
ammatta tahditta in quicker tlme (1. tem
po 1. movement); soiton tahditta in ttme
wlth the music, in tlme (1. keeping time)
to the music; tatainen even (]. regular)
time (1. beat), (esim. marssiessa) even
step (1. pace), (soutaessa) even stroke:
vrt. marssi , valssi . -Jako (mus.) measure, tlme. -kello melronome. -laji (mus )
klnd of tlme, klnd or tempo; rhythm;
kolmijakoinen tahtilaji triple-measufe.
thtinen (yhd.) . . in . . tlme (1. tempo)
(esim. hidat~ . . In slow time (1. tempo);
nopea~ .. in qulck tlme (1. tempo)].
tahtiilosa (mus.) measure;
(tav.) bar.
-puikko baton. -viiva bar.
tahto will; (toivomus) wlsh, desire: hyv
good \vlll, good Intention(S) [huom.
hyvll tahdolla with a llttle good Inten
tion (1. \vlll) ] ; hnen viimeinen tahtoma
hls last Wisll(es); se on kuninkaan ~ lt is
the kings \vill (I. \vish I. desire).
Uhtoa (haluta) wlsh, desire, (tav.) -vvant:
(olla halukas) be villlng [to. inr.] ; (tehd
mieli) like, choose | to, inr.], please(aikoa) intend, (tarkottaa) mean; (pyvt) ask [a p. Tor a th. (1. a th. or a p!),
jotakin joltakulta: a p. to do a th., Jota
kuta tekemn jotakin], beg [to be taken
along, paiist mukaan1; (vaatia) demand.
llislst: tahdoin sanoa, ett . . (halusin) I
\vlshed (l.vanted) to say liiat.., (tarkotin)
I iiieant to say that . .; tahdon (mys:)
I \vill: tahdon, ett minua totellaan I will
be obeyert, I must be obeved, I \vant to
be obeyed; tahdon kotiin I \vant(l. I should
like) to go home; tahdon nyt tiirty toi
seen aineeteen I no\v "vvisli (1. propose) to
pass on to another subject; tahdon ten I
\vant (to have) it, I \vill have it, (toivon)
I desire it; tahdon tehd sen (haluan) I

wish (1. I want) to do It, (vastustuksesta mielellni tehd that I will do willingly.
huollmatta) I will do It. I Insist on doing I'm perfectly willing to do that; tahtoo
it; tahdon tiet I wish (1. I want) to tanoa that IS to say; Hani ei tahdo kuulua
it Is difficult to hear (1. to discern) a
know; ~ jotakuta auttajakti want some
[the] voice (1. sound), one can hardly
body to help one (1. to be one's helper);
~ hyoSa jollekull* wish a p. well (1. good), hear the voice (1. the sound), the voice
desire a p. 's good; jotahuta mn
[the sound] Is hardly discernible; vrt.
wish that . . would stay, want one to stay, haluta. tahtominen willing, volition.
(pyytiia) ask (I. beg) . . to stay (1. to re tai or; - manten .. or else . .; olipa tuuri
main); ~ lit want some more, desire ~ pieni be it large or small, whether
(to get) more, (pyyt) ask for more great or small.
[huom. t.,i<ji,tt,-ko li*d (ruokapydss, taido art; vrt. kauno-, nayttmo- y.m.
iiiyus:) do you care for more?]; ~ Jota taide- (yhd.) art, . . of art, . . of the fine
kuta papiksi (rupeamaan) want one to arts [csirn. -ketkut(ta) art center, center
become a clergyman, (esim. isa polkaan- of art, center of the fine arts; -boula art
sa) intend . . for the ministry; ~ jonkun school, school of art; -nyttely art exhibi
para*ta desire the best a p.; [Si- tion, exhibition of (the fine) art(s)]; ar
nun tytyy] tahtocn tai tahtomattati, tah- tistic esim. -keino artistic device; -kadoitpa tai tt .you must] whether you will donta artistic weaving; -runout artistic
(I. are willing 1. like) or not; tahtoisin, poetry], -aisti 1. -maku taste for (the
ett tina iiiisit I should like to have you fine) art(s), artistic taste, -akatemia acad
stay, I would rather you remained; tah- emy of arts, -ano artistic value (1. worth),
toistn jotakin juotavaa I should like to value as a work of art. -esme work (1.
have something to drink; tahtoisin puhu- piece) of art. -harrastue: taideharrattuktella tinua I wish (1. I should like) to tet interest in (1. love of) art (1. the fine
speak to you; tahtoisin tiet, onko .. arts), -historia history of art (I. of the
(inyUS:) I WOTlder, 1 ..; tahtomalla lou- fine arts), -historiallinen . . concerning
kata without intending (1. with no Inten
the history of art; (eslm. klrjateos:) . .
tion) tO Offend; luhtanialtani Unwittingly, dealing with the history of (the fine)
unintentionally, not meaning to (do It), art(s); (cslm. eslne:) .. of value to the
without wishing to (do it), (syyttani) by history of art. -kauppa art store; (Engl.)
no fault of mine. vrt. vastoin (tahtoanl); art shop, -kaupplai art dealer, dealer In
*n tahdo kaalla hnett puhuttavan I don't works of art. -kokoelma art collection,
Wish (I. want 1. like 1. care) to hear him collection of (works of) art; (ylelnen)
spoken Of; en tahdo toada tit phni (Oll art gallery, -lahja(t) artistic talent, -lajl
vaikea uskoa) It Is hard for me to believe kind (1. branch) of art. -luoma production
it, I ran hardly believe It, (yininttrtaa) it (1. work) of art, art production, -maalari
Is hard (I. difficult) for me to understand artist, painter, -matka trip for the pur
(1. to grasp) it, I do not readily get that pose of studying art. -muieo art museum;
Into my head, (oppla ulkoa) It Is hard for art gallery, -nautinto: on tarjolla taideme to memorize it; et kai tahdo (1. tahto- nautintoja there are opportunities for ar
ne) vitt, ett . . you surely don't mean tistic enjoyment (1. pleasure 1. Indul
to Say (I. to Imply) that . .; hn ei tahdo gence), -niekka artist; (mestarl) master,
kenenkn neuooja (el pld neuvomlsesta) virtuoso, -nikkarl cabinetmaker, -nyto
ho does not wish (1. want 1. like) anyone specimen of art; feat of artistic skill,
to advise him: hn tahtol rahaa he wanted -ompelu artistic needle-work, -opinnot art
(to have) money, ho asked for money; studies, study of art (1. of the line arts).
-palatsi palace of the line arts, -sana term
Aon tahtoi (tulla) papikti he wanted to be
come a minister; hn tahtoo ten nun (ole- used in art, art term, -uunta style (of
maan) he will (1. wants to) have it so, he art); school, -teollieuus industry (1. in
Insists on having It SO; Aon tiet, mit dustries) utilizing (a knowledge of) the
hn tahtoo he knows just what he wants, fine arts, art industry, -teot work (1.
he knows his own mind; jot lahdot if you production) of art, piece of art work,
will, (haluat) if you like (1. choose), (toi- -yhdistye art association, society of artists.
vut) If you wish (it) I huom. teen ten, jot taidokas skillful; (taitei'lllnen) artistic:
tahdot I'll do it if you wish (1. want) me
(nappara) clever; (konstikas) elaborate;
to] ; jot ooitin tehd niinkain tahtoilin if
(taitava) skilled, taidokkaaati skillfully;
I could do as I wish (1. I want 1. 1 would artistically; cleverly; elaborately, uidoklike) to: kukin tehkSn niinhuin tahtoo kuu skill(fulness); artistic execution, art:
everybody may do as he wishes (1. wants)
cleverness; elaborateness.
to, everybody may do as he pleases (I. taidollmen skll(l)ful: clever; (Jiirkev) wise,
likes), everybody may act acccrdlng to prudent, judicious; vrt. taitava. taidollihis own will; [tee] hten (\. miten) tah
MUJS skill, ability, laidoton unskillful;
dot [do] as you like (1. please 1. choose 1. (ymmartilmilton) unwise, Injudicious; vrt.
wish 1. want I. will), [have It] your own taitamaton. taidottomaeti unsklllfully ; un
way; mita tina minuita tahdot What do wisely, Injudiciously, uidottomuut lack
you want of (1. with) me? mita tina tah
of skill, unsklllfulness; Injudiciousness.
dot /tnen tekeon (inyoS:) what would taika (-temppu) magic (I. conjuring) trick:
you have hlrn (1. like him to) do? mifa (lumous) charm, spell; enchantment;
tahdot tiit (kuinka paljon) what (1. how (loitsu) Incantation; toiaf (myos:) rnaglc,
much) do you charge (1. ask) for It?
(manaus) conjuring,
(Jkpv.) what do you want for It? olemme witchcraft, sorcery,
taikoja utkomaton . . who does
tahtoneet tehd toivonne muhaan (mys:) Incantation;
. . free from super
we have desired (1. sought) to do ac
stition; tiit ei ole palian taikaa you (1.
cording to your Wisn(es); olin otyneempi one)
cannot expect much from (I. of) that,
kuin tahdoin tunnustaa ( olevani) I was more you cannot depend much on that, I haven't
tired than I would (1. I was willing to)
much confidence In that.
admit; pant eiot tahtoneet palaa the taika- (yhd.) magic [esim. -huila magic
(fire) wood would not burn; tanokoon hn flute; - magic drum] ; (harvemrnln:)
mita tahtoo (haluaa) he may say what he . . of magic Lesim. -juttu story of magic].
pleases, whatever he may say; sen tahdon -tine fetish, fetich; mys = taikakalu.




way, glve in, yleld [to one's request, Jon

-Juoma magic potion (1. drink). -kalu
kun pyyntn] ; (heltyi) be moved [to
charm. tallsman, amulet. -kaino magic
do . . , tekemn jotakin], allow o.s. to be
de V ice. agency Of magic ; taikakeinoilla by
persuaded (1. moved) [by a p.'s prayers,
(1. through) magic, -linna magic Castle,
jonkun rukoileviin pyyntihin], relent;
ralry-palace. -luku lncantatlon, charm;
(suostua) agree [to, lnf.], acquiesce [In],
taikaluvuilla (mys:)by lncantatlon. -lyhty
consent [to], accept [a proposal, ehdo
magic lantern. -maailma encbanted (f.
tukseen]; humor [a p.'s every wblm.
magic) world.
Jonkun kalkkiin oikkuihin] ; (olla taipu
Uikamainen magic.
taika peili magic mlrror. -aana magic word,
vainen) be Incllned [to], be dlsposed [to
cbarm. -sauva magic (1. magician's) wand
make concessions, tekemn mynnytyk
tl. rod). -taituri conjurer; sleigbt-or-band si]; <rys., valosta:) be deflected, derlect:
perrormer. -temppu magic (1. conjuring)
(klel.) be lnriected, (teonsanoista:) be
conjugated, (nimisanoista:) be declined;
triCk; harjottaa (l. tehd ) taikatemppuja
do conjurer'3 trlcks, conjure; kuin taika
noudattamaan bend (1. reslgn o.s.) to
cornply vvitb, (esim. lakia) submit to;
tempulla as if by (a stroke of) magic.
-uako superstltlon. -ulkoinen superstiyleiseen mielipiteeseen yleld (1. submlt) to
tlous. -uskoiauut superstltlon. -voima publiC opinion; hn ei ota taipuakseen
magic (power), charm, enchantment.
be does not wlsb to yleld (1. to submlt),
taikina dough; (obukals- y.m.) batter; (tahbe Is not Incllned (1. not \vllling) to sub
das) paste. taikinainen dougby.
mit, be IS Stubborn; hn el taipunut tako
taikina;, kaukalo dough-trough; kneadlngmaan sit be could not be lnduced (l.
trough. -kaulain rolllng-pin.
persuaded) to do it, be dld not allow hlmtaikinamainen dougby [mlxture, seos].
seir to be persuaded to do lt, (el alistu
taikinamarja! pensas) alplne currant.
nut) be dld not submlt to lt, (alentunut)
taikinanjuuri sponge. taiklnoitua become he dld not condescend (1. stoop) to do lt.
dougby; taikinoitunut doughy.
ui puita flexlble [wtiip, puska; wlthe, vitsa;
Ui k ka = tai.
style, tyyli], pllant [nature, luonne], pil
UI kko = tadikko.
aille [twlg, oksa], pllant; ductlle; supple
ulkoa conjure, use magic (I. lncantations 1.
[bow, jousi; mlnd, mieli] ; (notkea) li the,
cliarms), practlse vvltcbcrart (1. sorcery);
lltbesome [as a reed, kuin ruoko], limber;
(tehd taikatemppuja) perform (1. do)
mys taipuvainen, taipuisa ti flexlbly,
trlcks; taikomalla by (use of) magic, (loit
pliably, pllantly; llthely; mys = taipu
suilla) by lncantatlon. Ulkominen con
vaisesta uipulsuua riexlblllty, pllability,
juring; use of magic, practlce or wltchpllableness, pllantness; ductlllty; supplecrart; (loitsuilla) lncantatlon. uikuri maness; lltbeness, Umberness; mys tmiglcian, sorcerer, wizard, enchanter; (ma
naaja) conjurer; vrt. silmnkntj. Ui- taipumaton lnflexlble, . . not pllable; unkuu* magic; (noituus) wltchcraft, sor
yielding, unbendlng; (luja) rirm; (Jykk)
cery; necromancy; (manaus) conjuratlon,
rlgld (kalkki mys kuv.); (luja ptkses
lncantatlon; enchantment.
sn) resolute; (haluton sovitteluun) unUimen (elalnt.) mlgratory sea-trout.
compromislng; (itsepinen) stubborn; (helUlmi plant. -lava (cold) rrame; (lmmin)
tymtn) lnexorable [judge, tuomari],
(jrkkymtn) lmmovable; (ankara) Stern;
Uiminen (yhd.) . . tvlth . . plants [esim.
(klel.) uninriected, lndecllnable [noun,
rehev~ .. wltb riourlsblng plants].
nimisana] ;
hn pysyi taipumattomana
taimisto, UimiUrha nursery.
(mys:) he would not yleld. Uipumattotaimmainen = takimmainen. Ulmmaksi far
masti Inflexlbly; lnexorably; (itsepisesti)
thest (to the) back, rarthest to the rear,
stubbornly. taipumattomuus lnriexlblllty,
to the extreme rear. uimpaa rrom farthest
unyieldlng (1. unbendlng 1. uncompromisback, from the extreme rear. taimpana
ing) disposition; rirmness, rigldlty; resofarthest back, at the extreme rear.
luteness; stubbornness; lnexorableness;
Uinnos unconsciousness; (pyrtymys) ralnt,
lmmovablllty; sternness; (kiel.) .. belng
SW00I1; olla tainnoksissa (Kljutonna) 1)0
uninriected (1. lndecllnable). Uipuminen
unconscious, be ia a state of unconscious
bending jne., ks. taipua; (Johonkin) comness, be lnsenslble, be senseless, be In a pllance [wlth], resignatlon [to]; Submis
stupor, (pyrtynyt) have rainted (1.
sion [to]; acqulescence [In]; (rys., valon)
s\vooned), be In a faint(ing-fit), (elotto
deriectlon; dirrractlon; (kiel.) lnriection.
mana, liik.) be in a state of coma, (elalnt.) taipumus lnclinatlon [to evll, pahuuteen],
be torpid, be dormant, be in a torpor;
bent [Tor (1. tovvard) study, opiskeluuni;
vrt. talvi, -tila state of unconsciousness
(natural) turn [Tor music, musiikkiin]:
(1. of lnsenslbiltty); (elottomuus-) state
(lahjat) talent [for]; (taipuvaisuus) dis
or coma; (pyrry-) faint(tng), (lk.)
[to drlnk. Juomaan], aptitude
syncope; vrt. horrtis (tila).
[for business, liikealalle]; propenslty
Uinnui tainnoa.
[to] ; (alttius, et. paheisiin) addlction,
UionU taikominen.
proneness; (kallistuminen) leanlng [to
Uipale stretch (1. extent 1. length) or road,
vvard]; (ennakko-) predlsposltion [to a
stretch, distance; (tie) road; (vli-) stage;
disease, Johonkin tautiin] ; (pyrkimys)
(kannas) neck of land; lhte taipaleelle
tendency [to exaggerate, luotella] ; (miel
set off (1. set out 1. start) on the road (1.
tymys) fancy [Tor]; (kem.) arflnity,
the Journey), set out, start; olla taipaleella
at t rae lion; hnell ei ole ensinkn [nyt
be on the road.
telij] taipumuksia he bas no lnclinatlon
for [the Stage]; hnell on taipumusta
taipua bend [under the \veight of. Jonkin
painosta], be bent; (keskesta) sag; (koukis
laiskuuteen he bas an lnclinatlon (1. he Is
tua) bow, stoop; (kaartua) curve; (mu
incllned 1. he Is dlsposed) to(ward) lazlkautua) cornply [vvith a p. s wishes, jon
ness (l. indolence), he Is ratber lazy; h
kun tahtoon]; content o. s. [with]; (joutua
nell on taipumusta lihavuuteen he is intaivutetuksi) be lnduced (l.prevalled upon)
clined to corpulency (1. to be corpulent):
[to pay, maksamaan]; (alistua) reslgn o.s.
hnelt on taipumusta pyrtymiseen She
[to one's fate, kohtaloonsa], submlt [to
has a tendency (1. she Is incllned) to ralnt,
the yoke, Ikeen alle] ; (antaa pern) glve
she raints easlly, she is subject to ralnt-



Ing: -spell&; hntll on foitannoUaia taipu-

muksia she has musical inclinations, she is

trifled In music, she has musical talent,
(jkpv.) she has (1. she Is of) a musical
turn; Vrt. taiti-ilij:-. -.

taipuya bending, bowing; mys = taipuUa;

fonhin tnnn makaan tajpavat tanat


ness for battle; taittelrnkmnnofut (myos:)

fit for battle, -kuntoinon 1. -kelpoinen
. . fit for battle; 10.OOO taisttlukantoitta
mieit (mys:) 10,000 fighting men, an
effective army of 10,000 men; vrt. tai>teluvalmis. -kuntoisuus kS. taistelukunto.
taistelun meleke 1. -telme din of battle,
(sodan-) din of war. -tuoksina confusion
(I. tumult) of battle.
Utisteluilpaikka scene of action, place of
combat; (-kentta) battle-ground, -rintama
line of battle, battle-line; (sota-) front.
-vaaUtnus challenge (to a combat), -valmli . . In fighting order (1. trim), . . ready
(1. prepared) for battle (1. for action);
(jkpv.) ready for the fray.

words inflected [declined; conjugated]

according to a certain rule; vrt. seur.
taipuvainen disposed (1. Inclined) [toward,
johonkln; to do ... jotakln tekemaan] ;
(lialukas) willing, ready; (altls) given (I.
addicted) [to drinking, Jiioppouteen], prone
[to do mischief (1. to evil), pahantekoon] ;
apt [to]; (mukautuvalnen) yielding, com
pliant; tractable; (allstuyalnen) submis
sive: olla ~ johonkin (mys:) have a mind taisto taistelu.
to, feel Inclined to, (JotakJn tekemaan) be taitaa I. (osata) know, be versed In; know
Willing to [huom. o/en sii'Aen (mys:) how [to, inf.]; (kyet) be able [to, inf.],
It Is agreeable to me] ; vrt. taipul. be capable [of. .-Ing] ; (tuntea) be familiar
taipuvaisettl willingly, readily; vrt. taipui- (1. acquainted) with; taitaa (mys:) can;
sasii. taipuvaiiuu* disposition, Inclination;
- uttita biblia (mys:) he commands
willingness, readiness; addiction, prone-
(1. has mastered 1. has command of)
ness, propensity; yielding disposition, dis
vrt. osata.
position to yield; submlsslveness; vrt. taitaa II. languages,
(prees. 3:S pers. ; apuverblna) Is
[to. Inf.]; (nyttato
taisteleminen righting Jne., ks. ulitell.
[to. Inf.] ; (saattaa) may, might;
taietelija I'lghter, combatant; onkin puoles- seems
Inf.]; taidanpa viita champion of; vrt. ei~.
onnittua 1 may (l. I shall prob
taiitella fight [(with 1. against) the enemy, m*inkin
I think I shall be
vtholllsta vastaan; for one's country, successful at last. It seems
that at last 1
maansa puolesta; the flames, liekkeja vas
shall be successful; taitaa nun olla It may
taan], battle [for freedom, vapauden puo
*tta . .
lesta; against difficulties, valkeuksla vas
it may be (1. It Is perhaps 1. 1 think It Is)
taan; with Ignorance, tietmtlmyytt best
vastaan], contend [for the faith, uskon (1. Is likely to) break out. It seems likely
puolesta; for the throne, valtalstulmesta] , that
combat, conflict; clash; (kamppailla)
tn tyhn It doesn't seem as If
struggle [for existence, olemassaolosta; ruu*tawould
take up the work any more,
with (the) robbers, ryovarien kanssa] ; they
agree to work any
(palnlskella) wrestle; (otella) grapple; more; vUjatta won't
tulla tana vaonna koto
(ponnlstaa) strive [for, jonkln puolesta; crops may (1. are
to) fall this year;
against, jotakln vastaan] ; ~ hohtaloa vat- crops will be a failure this
year, I think;
taan struggle (1. strive) against fate; we are likely to bave a failure
of crops
kyhyylt vastaan Struggle (1. Contend 1.
will be a
battle) with poverty; laistrlu fight failure) this year.
(OUt) a battle [huom. nan on taistelunsa
unskll(l)ful; (tottumaton) In
taimtellut his (life's) battle is fought, bis taitamaton
untried; (kmpel) awkward,
struggles are over; laisiel,, on nyt tait- experienced,
~ (osaamaton) unable to
tcltu the struggle has now been fought do ... (tuntematon)
unacquainted with,
(1. fought out I. fought to the finish)],
not familiar with, unversed In, knowing
taistelu fight; (sota-) battle; (kamppailu) no
of; k&y
struggle; (ottelu) combat, encounter, en
gagement, action, conflict (mys kuv.); vaikcahti kiflta taitamattomillt It Will be
unable to
(ruta, kllsta) strife, contest, contention;
(klrjalllnen) polemics, controversy; (sota) speak (1. those Ignorant of 1. those not
otaamawar; elmst ja huolemasta Itfe-anddeath struggle, mortal strife (1. combat); ton. taitamattomaitl unskll(l) fully. In an
(kompo oltmatsaolosta struggle for existence; lstl) awkwardly, clumsily; Ignorantly.
aikaa ~ open the battle, engage the ene
my: , laman the battle (1. the struggle) taitamattomuut lack (1. want) of skill (1.
of life, life's struggle; ttm on taitttlua of experience), Inexperience; (kykeneinutlife is a (1. one long) struggle; Wattrloon tmyys) inability, Incapacity; (kmpelyys)
the battle of Waterloo: vrt. kakln~. awkwardness, clumsiness; (tietiimattotaisteluilue weapon (to fight with). -asento myys) ignorance, taitaminen knowing
battle-array, order of battle; (yksltylsen (how) Jne., ks. taitaa, I; (tuntemlncn)
henkilon) fighting attitude, -halu desire familiarity [with].
to fight; fighting spirit, pugnacity; ag taitava skillful [physician, lakrl], skilled
gressiveness; taiMteluhalua uhbuoa full of [In one's trade, ainmatissaan], proficient;
fighting spirit, -haluinen .. eager for (nppar, kfttevft) clever [at . .], adroit,
dexterous, bandy [at sums, laskemaan],
battle, . . disposed to fight; fighting, pug
nacious, aggressive; vrt. otainen. -han- deft; (mestari) expert [in (1. at) hand
sikas gauntlet. -Into eagerness to fight, writing, kaunoklrjotuksessa], adept [in
philosophy, fllosoflassa] ; (perehtynyt)
eagerness for battle. -JirjMtyt (sot.) or
(well) versed [In], (Jkpv.) well up in;
der of battle. -JlrJeatO fighting organi
(kokenut) experienced [In] ; (tuttu) fa
zation, organization for an active cam
paign, -kenttl 1. -tanner battle-field, field miliar [with], acquainted [with]; (opplof battle; battle-ground, -kinnat gauntlet, va) apt [pupil, oppllas] ; (kyvyks) able;
(tietorlkas) well-informed; olla ~ *-kumppanl 1. -to ver I companion (1. com
rade) in arms (I. in battle), fellow fighter. kin (myos:) have a knack for (doing) . . ,
(jkpv.) be an experienced hand In; vrt.
-kunto fighting trim; (-kuntolsuus) fit



kielen-, taitavasti SklKlKully, \vlth sklll;

cleverly, adroltly. dexterously, deftly,
handily; ably, wlth ablllty; vrt. edeil.
taitavuus sklll(fullness); proHclency; clev
erness, adroitness, dexterity, knack; expertness, adeptness; experience; aptltude;
Intelligence; (kyky) abillty, capability;
nyte jonkun taitavuudesta (mys:) a
specimen of a p.'s (own) handivvork, (am
matti) a plece of excellent orkmanship.
taite crease; (laskos) rold(ing); (polvi)
belld; ailgle; menn taitteeseen beCome (1.
get 1. be) creased (]. folded 1. bent).
taiteellinen artlstic(al). taiteellisesti artistlcally. taiteellisuus artistic executlon;
artistic arrangement.
taiteen- (yhd.) . . of art [esim. -haara
branch or art; -suosija patron or art].
-arvostelija critlc of art, art crltic. -harJottaja artlst. -harrastaja amateur In art,
dllettante; (ystv) lover of art. -mu
kainen . . (made 1. done) accordlng to the
rules of art, artistlc(al). -tuntija judge or
art, connoisseur of art. -ystv lover (1.
patron) or art.
taite(h)ikas..skilirully made (1. contrlved),
elaboratc, clever; (taiteellinen) artistic
(-ai). taite(h)lkkaasti skllirully, cleverly,
elahorately; artistlcally.
skllirulness, cleverness, claborateness; ar
tistic executlon (1. arrangement).
taiteilija artlst; (taituri) vlrtuoso; vrt.
nlk--, viulu y.m.
taiteilija (yhd.) . . or artists, artists' [esim.
-polvi generalion or artists; -seura artists'
club, association (1. Society) or artists].
-luonne: hn(ell) on taiteilijoinanne he
has (1. he Is or) an artistic temperament.
-maine reputation (1. rme 1. renovvn) as
an artlst. -nero artistic genius, genius
In art. -piiri: taiteilijapiireiss among
artists. -sielu artistic temperament. -tai
pumus artistic inclination (1. talent).
taiteilijatar (woman) artist.
taiteilijaura career of an artist, artistic
(1. an artlsfs) career.
taltelikatto curb-roof [eri lajeja: gambrel
roor, (Joka puolelle taittuva)- mansard
roorj. -kohta plaee v/hero the creasc (1.
the rold) is [\vas]; vrt. knnekohta.
taiten = taitavasti; (varovasti) cautlously,
\vith caution; (Jrkevsti) wlsely, prudently, intelligently: siin on meneteltv
(taitavasti) one must be clever in doing
it, lt requires some sklll to manage (1. to
pass) that, (varovasti) one must proceed
cautiously there, one must be cautious in
doing it.
taito sklll, art; (kyky) ablllty, capability;
(tieto) kno\vledge [or] ; (taitavuus) clev
erness, skllirulness, (Jkpv.) knack [or];
raculty; (saavutus) acquirement, accomplishment; (lahja) talent, giTt; taidolla
ks. taiten; [hnell on] ~ miellytt [he
possesses] the art or pleaslng; kielen
kno\vledge or a language, (puhumis-)
abillty to speak a language, vrt. kielitaito;
opettamisen j uimisen i art 0( teachlng
roT S\vimmlrig] ; siin ei tarvita suurta
taitoa (mys:) thafs rather easy (1. simple), (jk[iv.) thafs easy (l.simple) enough;
siin sit taitoa tarvitaankin that'S \Vhere
sklll Is required (1. Is necessary); vrt.
ammatti, kirjotus, luku, piirustus ,
sota, vlttely y.m.
taitoinen: jonkin versed in, able to
(inf.), (jkpv.) \vell up in [huom. suomen
kielen knovving- Finnish, able to speak
the Finnish language]; vrt. kirjotus,
luku y.m.
taitolahja talent, gin.


taitse: kulkea jonkin pass (1. run) behlnd (1. beyond), (ympri, esim. nurkan)
pass around [huom. tie kulkee aidan the road passes (1. runs) aloin? the other
side or the rence].
taittaa break [one's neck, niskansa; one's
back-bone, selkrankansa; a tli. in to,
Jokin kahtia]; (knt) rold [a (plece
or) paper in rour parts, paperi nel
jn osaan; nevvspapers on a roldlngmachlne,
taltlnkoneella] ;
(klrjap.) make up [a page, sivu]; kak
sinkerroin (rold) double; kokoon rold
up, rold (. . together); valo (a) rerract
the llght. taittaja (kirjap.) maker-up.
make-up (mau); (tav.) loreman. taitta
minen breaking Jne., ks. taittaa.
taitteinen I. creased [paper, paperi]; (poi
muinen) Tolded; 2. (yhd.) vrt. kahdeksan-,
neli; kaksi~ folio; kaksitoista duodecimo (lyh. : 1 2mo) ; kuusitoista sextodecimo, sixteenmo (lyh. l6mo).
taittua break (orr), be(come) broken, get
broken, burst; (valosta:) be retracted.
taittuma break: (luun-) rracture; vrt.
taite, taittuminen breaking; (valon) rerraction.
taituri artist(e);
(Jonkin esittmisess)
masterdy perrormer), vlrtuoso; (esim.
piano-, viulu- y.m.) proressional (1. eminent 1. skilled) tplanist, violinist, etc.];
kirjapaino journeyman prlnter. taiturillinen artistic, clever, skil(l)rul; ..cleverly (l.
skilllully) done (1. made 1. executed): vrt.
mestarillinen, taiturimainen . . characterlstic of a vlrtuoso. taituruus skill or a
master; (mestaruus) mastery; (mestarillisuus) masterly manner; (taito) skill(rulness), cleverness; (nppryys) adroitness,
dexterity; (taiteellisuus) arttstic taste;
artistic arrangement; taituruus, jolla se
suoritettiin (mys:) Us masterly executlon.
taivaallinen heavenly; celestial; (jumalalli
nen) dlvine; ei tmn (l. tuon) taivaallista
nothing at ali, nothing vvhatever, not a
(single) thing.
taivaan- (yhd.) celestial, . . or the beavens
lesim. -napa celestial pole, pole or the
heavens] ; (Joskus:) .. or heaven Lesim.
-valtakunta kingdom or heaven], heavenly;
sky-. -avaruus expanse (or heavens).
-kaari ralnbovv. -kansi 1. -laki rirmament(run. mys:) vault (1. arch 1. canopy 1.
rool) or heaven. arch or the sky. -kappale
heavenly (1. celestial) body, heavenly orb.
-korkuinen . . high as heaven, sky-high,
-merkki sign or (I. in) the Sky. -napa
(mys:) zenith. -pallo celestial sphere.
-ranta horizon; sky-line; taivaanrannalla
on the horizon, on the sky-line. -sininen
azure(-blue),sky-blue.-vuohl(ellnt.) snipe.
taivaaseenastuminen: Kristuksen the ascenslon (or Christ).
taiva(h)inen ks. taivaallinen.
taival -- taipale, taivaltaa (matkata) travel,
Journey, go; (kvell) walk; (vaeltaa) \vander; taivaltaa eteenpin vvander (I.plod) on.
taivas (the) heaven(s); (the) sky; taivaalla
In (1. on) the Sky; taivaan ja maan vlilt
between heaven and earth, in (the)mid-air;
taivaan nimess (or heaven'S sake! taivaan
(\. taivasten) tekij (1. V.) great God!
great heavens! merciTul povvers! taivaan
thdet Stars or the heavens; menee pil
veen (mys:) lt Is getting clouded, it Is
cloudlng up; taivasta kohti heavenvvard,
Skyvvard; aurinko oli jo korkealla (taivaal
ta) the sun was high (in the sky 1. In the
heavens). -alla under the open sky, (out)

In the open air, (ulkona) out ot doors. sesta: In the rear)]; amanta ~ (puolesta-alle (out) In the open air, out of doors, nl) for ray own part [huom. mlnulla on
taivastatapaileva taiveankorkuinen.
rahaa omatta ~ I have money myself] ;
talve fold; crease; (mutka, polveke) bend, [vasta] pitkie n aikojtn [not before] a
angle, elbow; (kayra) curve; (nivel) Joint; long time afterwards; oolmaUjnsa ~ with
Vrt. polvim,
all one's strength (1. one's power), with
Uivutella be bending Jne.. ks. talvutta; might and main, all one can. -ajaja pur
(suostutella) try to persuade, persuade; suer, -ajaminen pursuing; chasing:; vrt.
kofttaa ~ lotakuta tuumiinta work upon seur. -Jo pursuit; chase.
(1. try to persuade) a p. to become fa taka-aika: taha-aikoina In former days, for
vorable to one's plans, try to Influence a merly. In bygone days.
takaaja security, surety; one who goes a
p. In favor of one's plans,
taivuttaa (eslm. tuull pulden latvola) bend; p. 's security (1. surety) ; (vastaaja) guaran
(et. kaarelle) bow; (kyrlst&) curve; tor, warrantor; (Joka antaa takuun Jonkun
crook; (kuv. = suostuttaa, saada) Induce, henklln saapumlsesta vastaamaan) ball;
get, brin?. Influence, persuade; (klel.) (vekselln) endorser, indorser; olin hntlia
Inflect; conjugate [verbs, teonsanoja], takaajana (lalnassa) I was (1. I had gone)
decline [nouns, nlmlsanoja] ; joku puo- his security; *inun on hankittava habsi tatcctn induce (1. prevail upon 1. persuade) kaaiaa (lav.) you bave to get two people
a p. to side wltti one [huom. taivuttaa (l. two persons) to go your security (vekyleinen mielipide puoltlleen Influence pub
sellsta puhuen: to endorse your note; oilic opinion In favor of one] ; ~ Joku (fc- keustakauksesta pubuen: to go your ball).
mn jotakin prevail (up)on (1. bring: 1. taka-ala background; (nilyttmn, mys:)
get 1. Influence 1. Induce 1. persuade) a p. back.
to do a til,; voitho ~- hanet antamaan sen takaaladattav breech-loading [gun, pyssy].
can you prevail upon (1. Induce 1. get 1. takaamaton . . not guaranteed, . . not war
Influence) him to give It?
ranted, takaaminen guaranteeing Jne., ks.
taivuttaja one who bends Jne., ks. edell.; taata.
one who persuaded, -llhaa (anat.) flexor. takaaplln from the back, (eslm. hyktit
laivuttaminon bending Jne., ks. talvutta. ktmppuun) from behind, (sot.) from (l.
taivuttautua bend. Stoop; vrt. taipua.
In) the rear.
talvutu* bending; (klel.) Inflection, (Engl.) Uka|!-a*k*l back-step, step back(ward).
Inflexion (nomlnlen) declension, (verblen) -hammas back tooth; (syma-) molar
conjugation, -esimerkki example of In
(tooth), double tooth, -heitto (klel.) me
flection, -kaava 1. -tyyppi paradigm, tathesis, -ikkuna back window, window
-kone (levyn-) bendlng-machlne. -luokka In the rear (1. the back).
Class; (nlmlsanojen) tiuimaintn taivutut- takamen: I. ionkin . . situated (1. located)
luokka first declension, -muoto inflec
(1. beyond) . . [huom. parm ouotitional form, -put (klel.) termination. behind
kymmtntn takai**t ajat the times (1. the
taju Consciousness; olla tydell ta/alla, days) of about twenty years (1. of a score
olla luytlfss taju**aan be In full pOS- of years l. of a couple of decades) ago
Sesslon Of one's Senses; ptt tajuunta,
(1. back); talon ~ prlto the field behind
talla tajuihima recover (1. return to) the
II. (yhd.) (tolsella puolella
consciousness (1. one's senses), come to oleva)house].
. . situated (1. located) beyond (1.
(one's senses), ujuamaton (joka el tajua) on the other side of) . . [eslm. rajan
unable to comprehend; (tyls) dull; vrt.
. situated (1. located) beyond (1. on the
kM.ittkmaton. taluamattomuua Inability to .other
side of) the boundary], transcomprehend; dullness; vrt. klttmtto- [eslm. atlantin- transatlantic; mrn~
myy. tajuamlnen grasping Jne., ks. tajuta. transmarine].
tajuinen vrt. helppo, kansan, vaikea . Tako-intia Farther India; Indo-Cblna.
taju n ta (taju) consciousness; (ksltys) con takaitln back: (JSlleen) again; [verblen yhception, comprehension, apprehension; teydess kaitnnetaftn takaitln useln verbln
(ymmrtmys) understanding; (havaltse- eteen Illtetylia etutavulla re-, eslm. atttmus) perception; vrt. taju.
taa (palkalleen) replace, (eslm. vlrkaan)
tajuta (ksltta) grasp, comprehend, ap
reinstate, reinstall; taaauttaa regain;
prehend; conceive; (ymmanaa) under
vrt. vastaavla verbeja hakusanolsta] .
stand, (Jkpv.) see: (eslm. soltantoa, tal- takaisln- (yhd.) . . back, re- [eslm. -otto
detta y.m.) have a taste (I. an apprecia
back, repurchase; -voittaminm
tion) for, appreciate: (havalta) perceive,
(I. gaining) back, regaining].
be aware of; Hun taja*! a**man nn winning
giving back, return, restitution,
titmaybteUa he grasped (1. took In) the -nto
replacing, replacement, resituation at a (1. at the first) glance.
establlshment; (vlrkaan) relnstallatlon,
taju to n unconscious, senseless, tajuttava reinstatement, restoration: (olkouksllnsa,
comprehensible, apprehensible; conceiv
arvoonsa y.m., myCs:) rehabilitation. -kuUU
able: (ymmarrettava) Intelligible, tajut- recall, -kaantyminen turning back, return,
tavosti comprehensibly, apprehensibly; -lykkayt referring back: return, -lihetyt
conceivably: Intelligibly.
tajuttavuut sending back, return, -make u repayment,
comprehenslblllty, apprehensibility; con- refunding, reimbursement; (palautus) re
celvablllty; Intelligibility, tajuttomaatl un
turn; (kulttaus) requlttal; (kuv.) retri
consciously, tajuttomuua unconsciousness, bution; retaliation, -maksutapa method
senselessness; (lak.) syncope.
(1. manner) of repayment, -maktuvelvoltaka- (yhd.) back [eslm. -Ittain back seat; lltuut obligation to repay (1. to refund 1.
-oui back door; -pti back end; -/nu back to reimburse), -oito-oikeua right to buy
wall], (harvemmln:) rear, (etup. ellnten back, -paluu return, -eaanti 1. -aavuttaraajolsta:) hind, posterior [eslm. -alka minen winning back, regaining, recovery.
hind lee (1. foot); -oal rear door; -pan -tuontl bringing back, return(lng). resto
rear (I. hind 1. posterior) end].
ration, -vaatimua demand for [the] re
takaa from behind; from the back (1. the turn [of
-valkuttava retroactive. -vlrear); mys tait; ~ ruma bad-looking lotua retaking, recapture, -voltio *- taIn the back [huom. en ruma (mys;) knisinsaanti.
does not look well in the back (rakennuk- takalljoukko - j.lkljoukko. -keno: oHa fa4ft


T 19

kakenotsa be bent '1. !eamn?) barkwrd(i). fcafttainon (kieL) reiative ;ppv

noun, aenv> ; . -tit: tynt f l. syst ,
joka takojattaan put . . tn Ibe baitka-rouiul,
drtve . . out of ibe fleM.
UlultoM, tafcatfikk* "baek Ianda", remote
tract ff. place, backwood3.
takaJlinon load ;Of ... Jotakin], aa nraeh
an one ean earry.
taka maa outlyma- ground, (takalisto) backwood*, remote trart. -mets barkw>'l*takana behlnd; at tbe back; fsotajoukon,
rakennuksen y.m.) In tbe rear; jonkun
(huouassa) In a p.'s enarge (l. care L
kefing 1- eustody); lih / salvan
behlnd n. under) lock and key, under bolt
and bar; annalla on rahamiehi takanani
'aan kannatusta) I bave moneyed men
behind me (I. baeking me), 1 am backed op
by men of means (1. by rieh men); mmt
siin on what is behind (I. nnder) that?
what Is at the bottom of tbat? pit sa
laisuus takanaan keep a [the] Secret; ra
jan ~ on the other side of the boundary,
beyond the boundary; talon behlnd (I.
at the back of) the nouse, -piin ftakana)
behlnd; f takapuolella) back. In the back;
puhua pahaa jostakusta takanapin speak
III of a p. behlnd his back.
takan arina hearthstone; heartb-plate.
taka noja fhenkilst:) backnard leaning
altitude; (esineist:) backward Inclining
position; olla takanojallaan be leaning- (1.
be bent) backuard. -paju: takapajulle j
minen belng lert behlnd; jd takapajulle
be left behlnd ;huorn. on jnyt siksi pal
jon takapajulle Is so far behlnd j, vrt. j
d; olla takapajulla be behind(hand),
(esim. opinnoissaan) be backvvard [in
one's Studies], (esim. maksuissaan) be in
arrears fwltb one's payments]. -perin
backward(s); (ajassa) ago, back; viikko
takaperin a week ago (1. back). -pero:
tehd takaper (kuv.) back OUt [from
the deal, kaupasta], retrench, retract, go
back on [one's promlses, lupauksistaan].
-perolnen wrong, perverse [method, me
nettely]; topsy-turvy; vrt. nurinkurinen,
-peroiserti the wrong way, the hlnd side
herore, wlth the wrong end forcmost;
(kuv.) perversely, topsy-turvy, upside
down; vrt. nurinkurisesti, -peroisuus perverseness; toiisy-turvlness. -piha back
yard. -portti back pate; (linnan, kaupun
gin y.m.; vanh.) postern (Kate); (kuv.)
loophole. -puoli back (part), hinder part,
back side; (esim. kortin y.m.) reverse
side: (rakennuksen y.m.) rear (part 1.
end): (Ihmisen) hinder parts, posterlors,
buttocks, seat (mys housun-); (elimen)
hind quarters, haunches, rump; jonkin
takapuolella on the back side of; jonkin
takapuolelle to (1. on) the back sille or;
takapuolelta ks. takaapin, -pyr back (1.
hind 1. rear) \vheel. -raajat hind leirs, posterior extrcmitles. -raivo back (part) of
the head (1. skull), (anat.) occiput. -reisi
haunch. -reki back runners (of a bobsled). -reuna back side (1. edge). -rivi
(esim. tuoli-) back row; (sot.) the rear.
-ruumis lilnd (1. posterior) part of the
body, hind quarters.
takasin kS. takaisin.
taka sivu back side; (sanomalehden y.m.)
back (1. last) page. -talvi retiini or Win
ter, second Winter; (kuv.) (perlod or) reactlon. -tasku (takin) coat-taii pocket,
(housujen y.m.) back pocket. -tie back
way, (-kytv) rear cntrance; (ulos-)
rear exit.
ukaus (varmuus) surety, Security, guaran-


ty; (et. tarara-) guarantee: (henkil-)

bond; totkeos-) bail; (vekseli-) endorsement. miijrsement; antaa takaus (esim.
Laman mafc*anu*esta) give Security (I.
surety) for', vrt. taata, -kumppani joint
Surety, CO-SUrety; takauskumppaninl (tav.)
tne person tL tbe man) wbo stgned the
oote snth me.
-mies surety, Secu
rity; 'oikeudessa) bail: hankkia kaksi tamamaammestm ftar.) get two parties to go
'>ne"S bail; VTL takaaja, -sitoumus bond;
itakans) surety; menn takaussitoumuksamm go surety. -summa amount of (the)
bond ii. bail 1. Security); vrt. takaus, -yh
ti boniiimr company: guarantee company.
takavarikko: tahasmj ikkoon otettu confiscated, setxed: attacbed: on takavarikosta
bas been coofiscated (l.seized 1. attached);
ottaa (l. panna) takavarikkoon COnfiScate,
seize (upon). (velan maksuksi) attacb.
takavarikkoon ottaja one who confiscates
'ronfiscaled, etc..; seizer. -otto conflscation, seizure; (velan maksuksi) attachment: (laivan) embargo.
takavarikko tavara confiscated (1. seized 1.
attached) goods. -toimitus ks. takavarikkoonotto. -vaatimus demand for conflscation (I. seizure 1. attachment) [or].
takavarikoida eonfiscate, selze (upon); (ve
lan maksuksi) attach; (laiva) embargo.
taka varvas back toe. -voittoinan . . beavier
at tbe back end (1. at tbe rear). -vuodet
bygone (1. earlier I. past) years; taka
vuosina (kuluessa) during the past years.
(silloin) in bygone years, in (the) past
years, i sitten) years ago, some years ago.
takeet ks. tae I. & II.
takerrus: olla tuherruksissa (kllnnitarttuneena) be stuck (fast) [ini, (sotkuksissa)
be entangied. takerruttaa (tartuttaa) rnake
.. stick (rast) [to (1. in), johonkin], giue
[to]; (selkkauttaa) (en)tangle, make ..
takertua (kiinnitty) get stuck [in (1. to),
Johonkin], stick (rast), rasten [in (1. to)l,
get glued [to]; cling fto]; (tarttua)
catch, get (1. be 1. become) caught, (pu
ristukseen) be jammcd [to]; (sotkeutua)
be (1. become 1. get) entangied, get into
a tangle; get lnvolved [in, johonkin':;
(joutua) get into [the toiis or, jonkun
verkkoihini, (ansaan) be(come) ensnared:
~ kurkkuun stick lii the throat; ~ yhteen
stick (1. get stuck 1. cling 1. get glued)
together; hnen jalkansa takertui ansaan
his ront was entangied (1. he entangied
his root) in a snare; nen takkinsa taker
tui koneen rattaisiin his coat (\vas) caught
in (1. benveen) the \vheels or the engine:
hn takertui siihen sanaani he seized 011
tilat \\orrt or mtne; velkoihinsa takertunut
entangied in one's debts; vrt. tarttua, ta
kertuminen getting stuck jne., ks. edell.
takia: jonkin ~ Tor the sake or, (vuoksi)
on account or, because or, for, (perus
teella) by reason or, (seurauksena) in (I.
as a) consequence or [huom. ei sen ett
pelkisin not because (1. tliat) 1 am arraid.
not on account of belng arraid; mink ~
ks. minkthden; vliin tulleitten esteiden
~ (mys:) o\ving to unforeseen obstacles]; jonkun ~ for a p.'s sake, on a p.'s
account [esim. nen takiaan for his sake,
on his account; lasten for the childrens
sake] ; vrt. thden.
takiainen bur(r); (kasvina, mys:)burdock.
takila -- taklaus.
takim(m)ainen hind(er)most, rearmost, artermost, rarthest back (1. behlnd I. In the
rear): (viimeinen) last.
takin kaulus collar of a coat, coat collar.


hido; kultainen (oinaan)talja (krelkk. my toi.) the Golden Fleece.
talla II. (vkipyr) tackle, (kevyt) Jigger.
talkki (min.) talc. -maa 1. -multa magnesla.
talkkuna dlsh prepared [In Finland] or a
mixture of rye-, oat-, barloy- and peasemeal by mlxing It with clabbered milk.
talkoo(t) bee; party; vrt. elo, hein.
tallaaminen trampling Jne., ks. tallata, tal
laantua, tallautua be (1. becomo 1. get)
trampled (1. trodden) (down 1. upon);
siihen oli tallaantunut polku a patll li:i-l
been beaten there.
tallata trample, tread [(up)on. Jotakin];
stamp; (astua) step; (polku ruohikkoon
y.ln.) trall; jalkainsa alle, jalkoihinsa
trample under foot (1. under one's reet),
tread down; kuoliaaksi trample . . to
death; poikki tread (1. step) on [a th.]
and break it; [lasihelmi] rikki step on
la glass bead] and smash It; [tuli]
sammuksiin Stamp out [the fin: ; taltattu
. . trodden down.
tallella (silss) in sare keeplng, (turvas
sa) in sarety, sare; (Jljell) lert, remalning; (esim. vanhoista ksiklrjotukststa y.m. ;) extant; hnell on viel kaikki
sielunvoimansa he Is Still in Possession
Oi ali his facultles; niinkauan kun minulla
on jrkeni as long as I am In Posses
sion of my senses, as long as I have my
wits about me; onko sinulla [viel] rahat
have you stlll the money leit.'
have you the money in sare-keoplng? tallelle into sare-keeping, in a place or sarety;
vrt. panna, tallentaa (panna tallelle) put
. . inlo (1. place . . in) safe-keeping; (pit
tallessa) keep [ones money in (1. at) a
bank, rahojaan pankissa], keep sare, (tallessaan) keep . . In one's care (1. one's
custody); vrt. tallettaa, tallentaja keeper;
vrt. tallettaja, tallessa - tallella; hyvss
tallessa in sare keeplng, (henkilist:) sare
and sound, (turvassa) In sarety. tallettaa
deposit [In a bank, pankkiin]; tallettaa
jotakin jonkun huostaan leave . . In a p.'S
charge (1. care 1. custody), deliver . . in
trust to a p., rommit . . to a p.'s keeping.
lntrust a p. with [one's money], Intrust
money] to a p.; vrt. tallentaa, tallettaja
(pankk.) deposltor.
talletus deposltlng; (konkr.) deposit. -korko
interest on deposits; (sst-) lnterest on
savings-accounts. -paikka depository, reposltory. -pankki bank receivlng deposits.
-tili deposit account. -todistus certificate
or deposit.
talli stable; (navetta- ja tallirakennus)
liarn. -lanta (hevos-) hoi se manure.
-mestari equerry.
Tallinna Reval, Revel.
tallinpitj li\er.yman, keeper oi a liverystable.
tallirenki stabletnan, hostler,
groom; (-poika) stable-boy.
tallukka roouvear (patchcd up) or cloth (1.
or rags); (kuv.) hulk(ing person); vrt.
tallustaa, tallustella tramp; (vaivalloisesti)
along, eteenpin; through the
slush, liejuista tiet], plod [on]; peg
along; (kmpelsti) lumber, come [go]
lumberlng along; (hlkt) jog along, jog
on; (vaappua) waddle; toddle; perss
come lagging behlnd, (esim. karhu) come
jogging on behlnd; tiehens (ptki)
scamper away, (esim. karhu) Jog orr.
tallustaminen, tallusteleminen, tallustelu
tramping jne., ks. edell.
talo house; (rakennus) buildlng; (et. yhteenrakennettu kivitaloryhm) block; (asu
mus) residence; (maa-) fann, (rakennus)


-lieve eoat-tail, skirt oi* a coat. -ripustin

takitilaan ks. vartavasten.
takka I. (liesi) fireplace, hearth.
takka II. = taakka.
takkatuli 1. -valkea Tire lighted on a hearth;
takkavalkean ress by (1. at) the Cireslde, around the hearth.
takki coat; (lyhyt) Jackut; saada takkiinsa
(jkpv.) ?et the \vorst of it, be \vorsted,
come out at the llttle end of the horn;
vrt. halkohelma , pllys.
takklainen = takiainen.
takkirauta plg Iron.
takku snarl, shag, twlsted (I. matted)
bunch (1. knot) of [hair, etc.J ; olla takus
sa be shaggy, be snarled, be tangied. tak
kuinen shaggy, snarled, tangied; (prri
nen) rurried. takkuisuus shagglness;
tangied state, . . belng tangied.
taklaus rigging; riisua laivasta unrig (1.
dismantle) a shlp.
takoa (esim. rautaa, kuumana) lorge; (va
saroida) hamraer; (hakata) beat [gold,
kultaa; a drum, rumpua] ; (muovata)
work; (moukaroida; rusikoida) pound
[wlth a hammer, vasaralla], pommel
fwlth one's flsts, nyrkeilln] ; (jyskyt
t) be thumplng; aamusta iltaan be
hammerlng a\vay rrom mornmg tili ntght;
~ Jotakuta nyrkeilln selkn pound (1.
pommel) . . on the back \vith one's rists;
pianoa hammer (1. pound I. pommel) on
the piano; raudan huumana ollessa (sananp.) strlke \vhile (1. vhen) the Iron is
hot, make hay while the sun shlnes; ~
rautaa Torge (1. hammer 1. beat) Iron;
ykteen (hitsata) forge together, \veld.
takoja onc \vlio forges [forgcd, jne.];
Sammon takojat the furgers of the Sampo.
takoma hilse scales. -teos forging, artlcle
of wrought Iron [gold, etc.].
takominen forging jne., ks. takoa, takomo
tako rauta wrought (1. malleable) Iron.
-rautainen . . or \vrought Iron. -teokset
ks. takomateos.
taksa rate(s); Schedule (1. scale) of charges
(1. or rares 1. or fces); llst (1. table) or
rates; tarirr; (esim. ajurimaksit) rare,
(esim. puhelinmaksu) Tee. taksainen (yl)d.)
. . \vith . . rates (1. charges 1. rares 1.
Tees) [esim. kallistaksainen . . \vltll higll
rates Jne.], taksamittari taximeter, taxameter. taksanmukaisesti . . accordiug to (1.
by) the accepted (1. the establlshed) rates.
takaottaa (verottaa) assess, tax, lmpose (1.
lay) a tax (1. taxes) upon; (arvioida) appralse, rate.
taksotus assessment, taxatlon; (arvioimi
nen) appraisal. -lautakunta board or assessors. -luettelo assessment roll (1. llst).
-mies assessor.
taktiikka tactics; pollcy. -kysymys question or tactics (1. of pollcy).
taktikko tacticlan. taktillinen tactical.
takuu =- takaus, -mr
-sopimus guaranty. -vakuutus surely In
talas shed, house; vrt. nuotta, vene.
tali tallo\v; (munuais) suet; (voide, rasva)
grease. -hana grease-cock. -kynttil tal
lo' candle.
tahmainen . . Itke tallo\v. talinen tallovvy.
talirauhanen sebaceous gland.
talita grease . . wlth tallo\v.
talitiainen (ellnt.) greater tltmouse.
talitseminen, talivoitelu greaslng with tallow.
talja I. (nahka) skiii; (turkki) pelt; (vuota)



rarmhouse; vrt. tila; [mets] talon tarSeeksi [tlmber] enoug-h for the use of tbe
ouse; talosta taloon Crom house to lionse,
from dOOr to door; tynn vieraita a
hOUSefUl Of ffliests ; hn omistaa talon kaug ongissa he o\vns a house (I. a home 1. a
Uildlng-) In the City: kylss on 13 taloa
(maatilaa) there are thlrteen farms In the
nelg-hborhood; lhtivt mies talosta turned
out to a man.
talokas, talollinen farm-owner, rarmer; vrt.
talonpoika, talollisenpoika farmer's son.
talollisaty ks. talonpoikalssaty.
talon- (yhd.) . . or a [the] house (1. bulldlnsr l. block 1. rarm) [esim. -isnnitsij
manaper (1. superlntendent) or a (1. the)
bullding- (1. block); -katselmus lnspectlon
or a (1. the) house (1. bulldlng-); -numero
number of the house]. -emnt ks. emn
t, -haltia household g-enle: brownle.
-Isnt (-omistaja) owner of a [the]
house; (vuokralaisen puheessa:) iandlord: (talollinen) farmer, peasant proprletor. -kauppa (myynti) sle of a (1.
one's) house (1. bulldlng-): (maa-) sle or
a (1. one's) farm; (kiinteistkauppa) sle
of real estate; (osto) purchase or a house
(1. a farm) ; olla talonkaupoissa jonkun
kanssa be neg-otlatlng- (about) the sle
[the purchase] of a house (1. a farm).
-kirjat deed (for property). -mies Janltor.
-omistaja house-owner, owner of the
bulldlng-; (Isnt) landlord. -palkka locatlon (1. slte) for a house (1. a bulldlng-).
-poika peasant (holder 1. proprletor);
(maanviljelij) farmer, (Eng-1., mys:)
yeoman; (shakkipeliss) pawn; vrt. maa
-polkalnen country(-), peasant,
rustlc, provlnclal: talonpoikainen kansa
country-people, (Europassa, mys:) the
peasantry, the peasants; talonpoikaiseen
malliin tehty rustlc: talonpoikaiset tavat
peasant (1. country 1. rustlc 1. provlnclal)
talonpoikais- (yhd.) peasant, (maalais-)
country, rustlc [esim. -ht peasant (I.
country) weddlng-; -kyl country (1. rus
tlc) vlllag-e: -nainen peasant (1. country 1.
rustlc) woman; -runoilija peasant poet].
-edusmies peasant representative. representatlve of the peasantry (1. the farmers 1. the airrlcultural class).
ulonpojkslsittaln In a rustlc rashlon (1. way
1. manner), llke the rountry-people, Hke
the peasants, as peasants do.
talonpoikais! Joukko crowd (1. band) of
peasants. -kapina Insurrectlon (1. rebelllon) or (the) peasantry, peasants' rebelIlon. -kieli country (1. peasant) speech,
rustlc dlalect. -laulu country ballad (1.
song:), rustlc ballad. -levottomuus dlsturbance amongr the peasants. -liike movement or (the) peasantry. -luokka ks. talonpoikaissty. -puku costume of the
peasantry, peasant('s) costume (1. dress),
rustlc dress: talonpoikaispuvussa (mvs:)
in country attlre. -sota (hlst.) peasants'
war (1. rebelllon): (Ranskassa) Janquerle.
-suku peasant ramlly, lamily wtth peasant
ancestors (1. or peasant ancestry): hn
polveutuu talonpoikaissuvusta ali hts ancestors (jkpv.: ali hls people) have
been farmers.
-sty the peasantry,
peasant class, (Enirl., mys:) yeomanry;
(maanviljelijin sty) agrlcultural class;
(styvaltloplvlll) the Estate or the
Peasantry. -talo (rakennus) farmhouse,
peasant house; (-tila) rarm. -tupa (huone)
llvlnfr-room or a peasant ramlly (1. house);
(mkki) peasantCs) cottag-e (1. hut 1.
cabln). -tytt peasant g-lrl; (maalais-)


country glrl (1. lass). -ukko old peasant.

-vaimo peasant woman, oman or the
peasantry: (maalais-) country hornan,
-viha hatred ag-alnst the peasant class.
-vest (the) peasantry; (maalais-) the
agrlcultural populatlon, the rarmers. -vki
country people: vrt. edell.
talonpojan- (yhd.) peasanfs, farmer's, . .
or a peasant, . . of a farmer [esim. -poika
peasanfs (I. farmer's) son. son or a peas
ant (1. a Tarmer). -renki rann-hand;
(Eng-1., Joskus:) hlnd.
talonllrakennus bulldlng: of a house; en
tyss talonrakennuksella 13 vorklner on
the bulldlng-. -rakentaja carpenter; builder.
-tontti lot. -vahti I. -vartija watchman:
vvatch-dogr, house-dos:. -vouti overseer of
(1. on) a rarm. -vki the people or (1. In)
the house; (talouteen kuuluvat) members
or the household.
taloryhm group (1. cluster) or houses.
talosilla: olio talosilla play house. Ulosills:
ruveta tulosille start to play house, (kuv )
marry (1. be marrled) and settie down (1.
and start housekeeplng-) : taipua tulosille
consent to marry and settie down (1. and
start housekeeplng-).
taioton (jolla el ole taloa) . . wltbout a
house: (Jossa el ole taloja) . . wlth no
(rarm)houses; (asumaton, autio) unlnhablted [reg-lon, seutu], desolate: lonely: taival stretch (or road) along- whlcb there
are no rarmhouses (to be secn): joutua
tulottomaksi lose one's (I. be drlven out
or) house and home. taiottua settie down
m one's own house, bulld (1. acqulre) a
house (1. a home) Tor o.s.
taloudellinen economlc(al); kysymys
(mys:) questlon or economlc nature.
taloudellisesti economlcally.
talouden II hoitaja (liikkeenhoitaja) manag-er:
vrt. seur. -hoitalatar ks. emnnitsijS-hoito economy; (liikkeenjohto) manage
ment, business management; (hallinto)
admlnlstration; mys seur. -pito house
keeplng': management or a house, house
hold management; (Jrkiperinen) domestlc (1. household) economy; (emnnimi
nen) housewirery.
talous economy; (yksityinen) household,
house [esim. pit taloutta keep house] ;
vrt. kansallis.
talous- (yhd.) household [esim. tavara(t)
household srnorts: -vaaka household srales]:
(koti-) domestlc [esim. -askareet domestlc dutles]. -esine ks. talouskalu, -hom
mat household (1. domestlc) dutles, housework, domestlc arralrs. -huolet house
hold cares (1. troubles 1. worrles); (ra
halliset) rinanclal troubles. -kalu 1. -ka
pine household (1. domestlc) arttcle (1.
utensll 1. lmplement). -kirja house account-book. -koulu school or household
management, school or domestlc art. -laki
law or economy. -oppi economlcs. -osasto
Department or Economy Tor the Senate
or Finland] ; artmlnlstratlve department.
-rahat money Tor household expenses:
household allowance. -seura soclety Tor
the advancement or economlc manag-ement
or rarms. -tarpeet household (1. domestlc}
artlcles (1. supplles); house rurnlshine-s.
-tiede economlcs: polltlcal economy. -tie
teellinen . . or economlcs, economlc; ta
loustieteellinen kysymys questlon or eco
nomlcs, economlc questlon. -toimet house
hold (1. domestlc) dutles, housework.
talso(klrves) adz(e).
talteen ks. korjata, ottaa, panna.
taltta chtsel: vrt. kouru, ruuvi y.m.
talttamalnen chlsel-shaped (1. -Tormed).

talttua (asettua) abate, be abated, subslde, talvia* . . a (1. one) Winter (1. year) old;
ku down, moderate, uni, (esim. myrsky) varsa yearllng.
blow over; (tyynty) quiet (1. calm) talviasunto Winter residence; (elimen)
down, be paciried, (etup. henkilist:) Winter quarters. -urinko wlnter's sun.
calm o.s.; (malttaa mielens) compose -ilma wlnt(e)ry air; (-s) wlnter(y)
o.s., come to one's senses (1. to reason), weather. -kalaatua Winter flshlng (1. rishbecome reasonable (agaln); (ehkisty) ery). -kausi (the) Winter; (-vuodenaika)
be checked, be curbed, be dampened, be Winter season; talvikaudet througbout the
repressed; (lannistua) be sup- Winter, ali the Winter round. -keli: on
talvikeli the roads are flt for slelghlng;
pressed, be put down; (tulla nyryyte
tyksi) be humbled; (kesytty) be tamed, vrt. rekikeli, -korjuu: panna talvikorjuubecome tractable (1. meek 1. tame 1. sub- teen store (1. lay l. put) away (1. lay by)
iur the Winter, put . . In Storage for the
mlsslve); (Jkpv.) change one's tone; myrs
ky on talttumatta the storm is moderating Winter, -kuukauai Winter inontli, monin
(1. abatlng 1. subsidlng 1. golng down 1. of (1. in) Winter, -kylm (the) cold of
Winter, wlnt(e)ry cold. -krjt Winter
blONViiiK over) ; odottakaamme kunnat k
nn vihanta on talttunut let US Walt tili session of the court (1. the asslzes); vrt.
bls anger bas blown over (1. gone down 1. krjt, -leiri Winter quarters (1. camp 1.
abated 1. substded). talttumaton untam- encampment). -liike(nne) Winter tralflc;
able, lndomltable. talttumattomuus inca- (laiva-) Winter navigation. -markkinat
Winter falr (1. market), iair (1. maiketpabllity oi being tamed; lndomltable dis
position (1. nature). talttuneesti tamely; daysj heid In the Winter.
(nyrsti) humbly, meekly; (maltillisesti) talvinen wlnt(e)ry, Winter; ~ piv a winwith moderatlon.
ulttunut (hillitty) ter('s) day; vrt. moni, viime.
curbed, checked; (lannistunut) subdued, talviomena Winter apple. -pakkanen severe
suppressed; (nyrtynyt) humbled; (kesyt- cold; talvipakhatilla durlng the cold spells
tynyt) tamed, paciried; (tyyni) calm, In (1. or the) Winter; vrt. talvikylm,
quiet; (maltillinen) sober, moderate. tal
-puhde lelsure tlme of a Winter evenlng
tuttaa (tyynnytt) quiet, calm, make (1. ai lampllght; vrt. puhde, -puku Winter
cause . . to) subslde (1. abate) ; (rauhot- dress (l. attlre 1. robe). -pukuinen wlntertaa) pacify, appease; (asettaa) moderate; clad, . . (clad) in lts Winter dress. -pi(hillit) curb, check, repress; (lannistaa) vnseiaaua Winter solstlce.
suppress, subdue, (Joku) break a p.'s Ulviaaika talviaika, talvisatama (avoin
splrit (1. temper 1. wlll); (nyryytt) talvella) Winter port (1. barbor); (talvehbumble; (kesytt) tame, make . . tracta
timis-, mys:) harbor for the Winter.
ble; taltuttaa jonkun innottutta (mys:) Ulvisin (talvella) In the wlnter-ume. In
take the enthusiasm out of a p. taltutta- Winter; aina ~ (mys:) every Winter.
maton unchecked, uncurbed; untamed. talvi j| tai n no* Winter sleep, hlbernatlon; ol
taltuttaminen, ultutu* quleting Jne., ks. la (l. maata) talvitainnohtitta (esim. kar
taltuttaa; pacirication; moderatlon; re
hu) hlbernate. -tamineet Winter equlppression, suppression.
inent; (-vaatteet) Winter clothes (1.
Winter garb; vrt. talvipuku, -tar
taluttaa lead [a chlld by the hand, lasta robes),
peet (talveu) wiuter's needs (l. provikdest; a borse by the halter, hevosta sions);
Winter supplies. -tela: otettua
rllmunvarresta] ; (ohjata) conduct, guide. talviteloilleen
be laid up for Winter, -uni
taluttaja one who leads (1. guides); lapti wlntei'('s) sleep,
hlbernal sieep; vrt. talvitarvitsee viel taluttajaa the rinki Stlll
Winter supply (1. sup
needs some one to help hlm walk. talut
kauppaliikkeen) Winter
taminen ks. seur.
stock, stock ror the Winter, -yo wlnter('s)
tai utu leadlng; guldlng. -nuora leadlng- nigbl, nighl of the Winter.
String; kulkea jonkun talutusnuoratta be tamburiini (mus.)tambourine; (pieni) tlmbrel.
entirely led by, be a satellite ui, (naisen) tamineet equlpment; (et. pukineet) garb,
be lied to [a woman's] apron-strings.
attire, array, apparel, (virna- y.m.) robes
talvehtia (pass the) Winter; (et. elimist:)
Lor ofllcej, (vaatteet) clotbes, (Jkpv.)
hlbernate. talvehtiminen wintering; (eli
togs, toggery; tysiss tamineissa(an) in
men) hibernating, hlbernatlon. talvehtiva (1. under 1. with) lull equipmeiil, in full
wlnterlng; jostakin talvehtiva alut a ves- attlre, (hevosesta:) In au nls trappings;
sel wlnterlng at . . .
vrt. ty.
tai vei li non . . of last Winter, last wlnter's; tamma maro. -hevonen mare. -varsa lii ly,
talvelliset pakkaset the COld SpellS 01' last mare (1. female) colt.
Winter, last winter's severe weather. tal- tammenterho acorn.
venaika wlnter-time.
tammi I. (-puu) oak.
talveu: alkaa lt is gettlng wint(e)ry, tammi II. (-peli) cbeckers, (Engl.) draughts.
the Winter is approachlng.
tammi III. (sulku) dam.
talvi Winter; talveksi Tor Winter, (ensi tal tammikuu (month of) January. -lauta 1.
veksi) for next (1. for the comlng) Win
(tamminen) oak(en) board; i. = tammiter, (talvea varten) for Winter use; tal
-napu cbecker. -napulauta
vella in (the) Winter, (talven kestess) napulauta.
(Engl.) draugbt-board.
durlng (the) Winter, (viime talvena) last tamminen oak [table,
pyt], .. of oak,
Winter, (ensi talvena) next Winter, in the oaken.
comlng Winter; talven yli througb the tammi pakkanen severe (1. blting 1. bitter)
Winter; olla talvea (l. talvi) jossakin spend
(of the Winter 1. or January). -peli
(I. stay through) the Winter in (1. at) cold
= tammi, 11. -puu oak-tree; (-aine) oak
t liuoin, hn on pttnyt olla talven meill
1. timber). -pyt oak table.
(mys:) he has decided to stay wlth us
tammisto patch of oaks, oak grove; cluster
ali Winter], vrt. talvehtia.
of oaks; (-mets) oak vvood.
talvi- (yhd.) Winter [esim. -ilta Winter
evenlng; -lakki Winter cap; -piv Winter tamppi (survln) stamp, die; (punssi) puncb;
day; -ruis Winter rye] ; (Joskus:) wlnter's (blbna-) strap-end.
[esim. -ilta wlnter's evenlng; -piv Win tana: pistin tanassa (ujona) wlth flxed bayonet; pit tanassa keep . . leveled (1.
ter 's day]. -aika Winter -tlme.


Hxed 1. pointed at), (ojona) keep . . tanssittaa (jotakuta) dance with . . , take
stretched out.
. .' to dance; (panna tanssimaan) have . .
tanakahko ratlier thlck-set (1. sturdv 1. dance, niake . . dance; ket sin tanssitit
stout); vrt. tanakka, tanakasti steadlly, \vhom did you have to dance \vith you?
tirmly, sturdlly.
tanakka (-tekoinen) vvith \vhom did you dance.' vrt. hypitt.
thlck-set, sturdy, stout, square-bullt; tanssittaminen, tanssitus (jonkun) danc
(vankka) robust; (vkev) strong; (lyhyt) ing with Jne., ks. edell.
stocky, stumpy; (luja) steady, riim.stahle, tantere tanner.
SUbStantlal; tanakka kaivultaan Stocklly taonta = takominen; Sammon Torging
(1. sturdlly l. substantlallyj bullt. tanak- of the sampo, taottava malleable; taottava
kuu sturdiuess, stoutness; robustness;
stocklness, stuniplness; steadlness, rirm- rauta (tav.) \\Tought iron.
tapa manner, way; fashion; (Juurtunut)
ness; stability.
custoin, usage, (usual) practice, (et. yk
Taneli Daniel; (jkpv.) Dan.
tangentti (slvuaja) tangent; (nappain) key. siln) habit; (tottumus) \vont; (vallalla
oleva) vogue; (perint-) tradition; (me
tanhua rarmyard, barnyard; (karjapiha)
cattle-yard; (kuja)alley-like enclosure Tor netelm) method, policv, mode; (muoto)
cattle; kotoisilla tanhuilla aboilt one'S forra, tone; (tyyli) styie; vrt. elmn-,
kynti , kyts, laatu, menettely ,
tanhuilla, tanhuta (hypell) rrisk, tumble sanonta, teko , vaali ym.; esiin
about; (huvitella) dlsport o.s., play; ty \vay of appearing before the public,
(kyttyty) manner or conducting o.s..
(tanssia) dance.
vrt. esiintymis ; tapani mukaan min . .
tan iinen = virsu.
tankata stammer; lukea read stammer- true to my (usual) habit (1. custom) I . . ,
according to (my) habit I . . , according
ingly (l. hesitatingly).
tanko (salko) pole; (sauva) stafT; rod; to my \vont (1. my usual practice) I . .;
(kanki; mys esim. saippua-) bar [or tavaksi tullut . . which has become a cus
tom, customary, . . established (by usage),
soap, etc] ; (keppi) stick; (vipu-) lever:
vrt. lippu, ohjaus y.m. -harppi beam (hyvksytty) accepted, recognized [method, menettely], (sovinnainen) convencompasses.
tional, (perinninen; traditiona), (tavalli
tanner (kentt) field; (maa) gTound; li ha
nat tantereeseen threvv hlm to the ground. nen) usual ; tavalla tai toisella in soille Vtay
or other, somehow or other; tavan takaa
tanniini ks. parkkihappo.
Tanska Denmark. tanska (kieli) Danisi). ks. tuo(ll tuostakin); tavastaan poiketen
tanskalainen 1. (a.) Danish. II. (s.) Dane. contrary to his rner, its, their] (usual)
tanskankieli Danish. tanskatar Danish habit, contrary to habit [he ..], contrary
lo his \vont (1. to his usual practice) the..] ;
oman (1. lady).
hienot tavat (kyts-) polished (1. rerined
Unssi dance; tanssit dance, (jkpv.) hop;
ky kuin goes \vithoul a hitch, goes 1. gentle) manners: huono poor way,
bad policy; johonkin tapaan in a . . way
(1. manner 1. fashion 1. style) [buom. jo
tanssi- (yhd.) dance-, dancing- [esim. -askel
takin siihen tapaan something to that efdance-step, danclng-step; -koulu daucingrect, something in that stvle (1. that
scliool; -soitto 1. -musiikki dance-music;
straln), something like that, something of
-tahti danre-time] .
tanssia dance; jonkun pillin mukaan (kuv.) the kind (1. the SOrt); mihin tapaan
(mys:) \vhat \vay, ho\V; suomalaiseen ta
dance to somebody's piplng (1. music), be
at a p.'s beck and call, dance atleudance paan in (tlie) Finnish fashion] ; jollakin
tavalla, jollakin tavoin in (a) . . manner
(up)on a p.
(1. way 1. fashion) [huom. osia on sill
tanssiaiset dance, (hienommin:) ball; (kut
tavalla (\. tavoin) ett .. the case is such
su-) dancing-party. tanssiaispuku (nais
that . .; ei milln tavoin in no manner (1.
ten) ball dress; (miesten) rull (1. cvenlng)
dress; tanssiaispuuussa (oleva) .. dressed way l.vvise), nouise; mill tavalla (mys:)
what vvay.' ho\v? oman idin tavoin like
Tor a ball, . . in a ball dress, (miehist:)
one'S otvn mother; pttyip se mill ta
. . In rull (1. evening) dress.
valla tahansa no matter ho\v it does (I. it
tanssi;] huvit dance, (jkpv.) hup; (tanssiai
\vould) end (1. tilin out); pttyi surkeal
set) ball. -iltama social lollovved by dancla
tavalla (mys:) had a sad end; tll
Ing; vrt. edell.
tavalla (mys:) by this (1. these) means.
tanssija dancer, tanssijatar dancer, danc(nin)
like this, this way] ; jonkun tapa
(,-na) on [tehd], jollakulla on tapana (1.
tanssi kappale dance-selection, plece of tapa)
.. is In (1. .. has) tlie
dancing-shoes, habit of tehd]
[do]ing, It is ..'s habit (1. cus
pumps. -kiihko mania Tor dancing. -kump
habitually [does], .. is
pani dance-partner (1. -companion). -mes
accustomed (1. vvont) to [do], it is usual
tari dancing-master; (baletti) ballet(1.
vvith .. to [do],
master. -mies dancer; en ole tanssimiehi . . olten tdoesj, .. is used
to .. [huom.
I'm no dancer, I do not dance.
hnell oli omituinen nauraa he had a
tanssiminen, tanssima dancing.
hnen tapan
tanssin haluinen . . (very) 1'ond of dancing.
sa ei ole olla niin ystvllinen lie is not
-opettaja dancing-teacher; (nainen) dancusually
to be so
ing-mistress, (mies) dancing-niastor. -s
amicable; hnen tapansa oli (1. hnell oli
vel dance tune (I. melody).
tapana i istua siell iltaisin (myS:) he
tanssi nukke puppet, rnarionette. -opetus \vould sit there in the evenings; hnen
Instruction in (1. teachlug of) dancing:
tapansa on kyd siell usein he goes
(-tunnit) dancing-lesscins. -sali dance ball.
there often, he frequenls the place: h
tanssiskella be dancing, dance
nen tapansa (1. tapanaan) on ottaa (mys.)
tanssi svelm dance melody (1. tune). it is a habit or his to take; minun tapa-taito (art of) dancing. -taitoinen . . able (na)ni ei ole odottaa (mys:) I usuallv
to dance, .. knowing how to dance; Aan don't wait. (jkpv.) it is not In my llne to
on tanssitaitoinen (mys:) he can dance. Walt] ; min tein niiden tavoin 1 did (the
-tauti dancing-disease, tarantisin; mys suur) as tliey did; .. on jonkun tapana
" hyppytauti.
. . is usual (1. habitual I. customary)



wtth a p., ..13 a p.'s manner (1. way 1. style

1. CUStom 1. WOnt) [huom. se on nen
tapansa (mys, halveksien:) lt's the nature of the fellovv] ; on tapana (It) Is customary, (It) Is the fashion (1. the practlce 1. the custom 1. the habit) [huom.
kuten on tapana sanoa as the saying is (1.
gocs), as tliey (orten) say, as one Is accustomed (1. wont) to say, as one is in
the habit oi' saying-; siell on tapana . . it
Is the fashion there to . .]; paha bad
(1. vlclous) habit [huom. pahat tavat
(mys:) bad moralS]; sellainen kyts on
vastoin hyvi tapoja SUCh conduct Is contrary to (I. Is not in keeping with) (food
rnanners, such behavior is in bad form (1.
is not the thing) : semmoinen on muo
dostunut such a habit (1. custom 1. usage
1. practice) has been establlshed.
tapaaminen meeting (\vith) jne., ks. tavata, I.
tapahtua bappen, occur, take place; be
done [to a p.. Jollekulle]; (Jollekulle,
esim. onnettomuudesta puhuen:) befall [a
p.]; (sattua) chance, come to pass, pass,
come about; (olla kymss) go on, be
going OI); tapahtui mit tapahtui happen
(1. come) what may, whatever happens
(1. may happen); tapahtui niin, ett . .
it happened (1. chanced 1. came to pass)
that . . [ huom. tapahtui niin onnettomasti,
ett hn luiskahti ja kaatui (mys:) as
iii luck would have it, he sllpped and fell
down] ;
(raam.) let His \vlll be done; ainoastaan
siten tapahtuu hnelle oikeus only In that
\vay justice \vill be done (to) htm; ei ku
kaan tied, mit siell tapahtui (tehtiin)
no one knows vvhat took place (1. \vliat
\vas done 1. \vhat went on) there; hiljak
koin (l. sken) tapahtunut . . newly (I. rescently) occurred, recent; hnelle ei tule
tapahtumaan mitn pahaa no harm Shall
berall (1. come to 1. be done to) him;
hness on tapahtunut muutos a Change
has occurred (1. has taken place) in him,
he has experlenced a change, he is (1. has)
Changed; hn tiet kaikki mit tapahtuu
he knovvs ali that is going on (1. is taking
place) ; joskus tapahtuu, ett . . sometimes
it occurs (1. happens) that ... jos se teh
dn, niin minulle tapahtuu vryys lf
that is done, it will be an injustlce to me;
jotakin tulee tapahtumaan somcthing \vlll
happen (1. Wtll turn up); katuliikenteess
tapahtui sen johdosta seisahdus the Street
tralftcuas held up (1. \vas blocked 1. \vas
stopped 1. as bruught to a stamlstill) on
account of that, (se aiheutti seisahduk
sen) that caused a blocklng oi (1. a staiulst 11 1 in) the Street trarric; kehityksess on
tapahtunut pyshdys (mys:) the development has stopped (1. has come to a
Standstill) ; kerro minulle, kuinka kaikki
tapahtui teli me how everything (1. how
it ali) happened (1. how ali this came to
paSS) ; minulle on tapahtunut se hunnia
such an Imuni' has come to me (1. has befallen me I. has Tallen to my lot 1. has
been meted out to IHO; min ei ole tapah
tunut it has not happened so, (el ole laita)
that is not the case; oletko kuullut mit
on tapahtunut (mys:) have you heard
the news? oloissa on tapahtunut parannus
an lmprovemeut has taken place In the
conditions; on tapahtunut onnettomuus an
accldent has happened, there has been (1.
has happened) an accldent; s* il. sit) ei
saa it inust not happen, it shall
not be, (el saa tehd) it must not be done
[huom. sit ei saa toista kertaa it
must not happen agatn, (l anna ) do
not let lt occur agalo, (l tee) don't do


it again];s t apahtui erehdyksest (mys :)

lt was due to a mlstake; tmn tapahtu
essa whlle this happened (1. occurred 1.
took place 1. was going on); varkaus ta
pahtui a [the] tbeft occurred, a [the]
thert was committed (I. perpetrated 1.
done); vrt. sattua.
tapahtuma occurrence, event; lncident;
happening; tapahtumain kehitys (the) developments [huom. jkmme odottamaan
tapahtumain kehityst (mys:) let US
(walt and) see how lt \vlll come (1. turn)
out, vrt. jd], -paikka scene.
tapahtuminen happening Jne., ks. tapahtua.
tapaileminen (jonkin) groping [arter (1.
for)] jne., ks. seur.
tapailla 1. (hapuilla) grope (1. f ccl) [arter
(1. lor), jotakin], grope about [Tor]; (ko
peloida) rumble [rorj; 2. (kohdata) meet
[now and then. silloin tllin; here and
there, siell taalla] ; 3. (olla tapana) be
in (1. have) the habit or; ~ johonkin
kiinni try to reach (1. to get hold or) a
th. ; ~ muistostaan try to call to (one's)
mlnd, east about ror; sanoja be fecllng
(1. groping) for words, be at ioss for
words; tapaili kyd (mys:) used to go,
\vent orten; vrt. tavotella. tapailu ta
tapainen: jonkin llke . ., of .. klnd (1.
sort), in . . style, (tarkotettu joksikin)
intended as . . , (olevinaan Jotakin) supposed (1. pretending) to be ... quaslLesim. tutkimuksen . . Intended as (1.
supposed to be) an lnvestlgation, quaslinvestigation; vitskirjan . . pretending
to be a thesls, quasi-thesls], (Jotakin
muistuttava) resembling . .; jotakin saman
n. sen) tapaista something in that style
(1. llke that 1. of the sort), (puheesta:)
something to that errect; kaiken tapaista
kansaa ali klnds and conditions or people;
linnun (mys:) blrd-like; mink mies
hn on what klnd or (a) man Is he? vrt.
millainen; mink se oli (mys:) \vhat
was lt like; se on ihan naisten tapaista lt
is Just llke a WOman; ynn muuta sen ta
paista and the llke, and othcr things or
similar nature (1. errect); vrt. hyvn,
pahan , saman, sen, tmn y.m.
tapain kuva Picture of life; essay on rnan
ners and customs. -kuvaaja one who gives
I)lctures of life (1. uho \vrltes essays on
rnanners and customs) ; hn on erinomainen
tapainkuvaaja he pictures customs excellently. -kuvaus essay of rnanners; (maa
lauksessa) genre, -turmelua corruption
(of niorals), (moral) depravlty.
tapaisesti: jonkin like ... simllarly to
. . , In the same manner (1. way) as.
tapamuoto (kiel.) mood, mode.
Tapani Stephen; (Jkpv.) Steve, tapaninpiv
St. Stephen's day.
tapattaa ks. surmauttaa.
tapaturma accldent, casualty; (onnetto
muus) mlsrortune, mlsliap, mlschance,
mlsadveuture, (suuri) calamlty; (turmio)
tapaturma- (yhd.) accldental [esim. -laukaus
accldental shot; -rikos accidental crime].
tapaturmainen accidental [death, kuolema;
manslaughter, miestappo]. tapaturmaisesti
accidcntally, by (an) accident; by niishap.
tapaturma tappo accldental homlcide (1.
-vakuutus accldent Insurance, -vakuutus
yhti accident Insurance company.
tapaus case, event, clrcumstance: (tapah
tuma) occurrence, incldeut: ei missn
tapauksessa In no case, under no clrcumStances, on no account; hummassakin ta


728 in either case (1. event), (mo

lemmissa) In 1)01 ll cases; parhaasta ta
pauksessa at best; siin tapauksessa (niin
ollen; In tbato.sucb a) case. In tbat event,
tr so, lf tbat is (1. be) so, il sucb be tbe
case, sucb being tbe case; siin tapaukses
sa, ett . . In case (tbat) . . [huom. siin
tapauksessa, ett hn ei saavu In case be
does not come, (esim. oikeuteen:) In case
of non-appearance; siin tapauksessa, ett
hn tulee (mys:) in tbe event of bls
Coming] ; useimmissa tapauksissa in most
cases, (yleens) generally; vrt. ennakko,
kuoleman, sairauden y.m
tapata (hvit) lose; (Joutua tappiolle) be
(1. come out) a (1. the) loser [in]; ero
(mys:) get tbe worst of lt In tbe bet;
vrt. hvit.
tapella right; (otella) scurrie, tussle, be at
bio v. S; vrt. taistella.
tapetintpanija paper-hanger. -pano paperbanglng.
tapetti wall-paper; tapetit \vall-paper; ku
dottu (seinverbo) lapestry. -kangas
tapestry. -kauppa store carrylng wallpaper; (kyltiss, tav.) decorators. -klary
roll of wall-paper. -maalari wall-paper
designer, -malli wall-paper pattern. -palnlmo ks. tapettitehdas. -paperi wall-paper.
Hehdas wall-paper factory.
tapiiri (ellnt.) taplr.
tappaa kili; (ottaa hengilt) put . . to death,
murder; (teurastaa) slaugbter, butcber;
hkn, kaasuun aspbyxiate; nl
kn starve . . to death, starve . . out,
ramisb; riiht (puida) thresh; laukaus
tappoi linnun (mys:) tbe shot brougbt
down the bird; se kaiken harrastuksen
that wlll kili (1. vvlll do away wlth) ali
(the) lnterest; vrt. surmata.
slayer; klller [esim. miehen- man-killer] ;
(teurastaja) slaughterer; vrt. murhaaja,
tappami.-.en kllling Jne., ks. tappaa; tappa
misen aiheessa lor tbe purpose oi' killing,
almlng to kili, (lak.) witb lntent to kili.
tappara ks. sota.
tappeleminen fightlng Jne., ks. tapella, tap
pelija fighter; combatant; vrt. tappelu
tappelu fight; (esim. katu-) fray, atfray;
(ottelu) scurrie, tussle; (mellakka) row,
rracas; (taistelu) battle; joutua tappeluun
come to blows, get to righting; vrt. tais
telu, -kukko rightlng-cock, game-cock.
tappelunhaluinen . . eager for tbe Ii ay, . .
full or (l. disposed to) right, .. of a combative disposition, pugnaclous; nytt
tappelunhaluiselta (mys:) Show right;
Vrt. taisteluhaluinen.
(jkpv.) scrapper, regular Hghter. -tanner
ks. taistelukentt.
tappi (veneen, ammeen y.m.) plug; (naulapuun, tynnyrin henki y.m.) peg; (tyn
nyrin) bung, tap (mys kierre-), splgot,
(tulppa) stopper; (esim. saranan kaanl-)
pln; (liitoksissa kytetty) dowel; (puus.,
liitosta varten puuhun sahattu) tenon;
(akselin) Journal;
(huipukas knt-)
pivot; vrt. akseli , henki, puu.
tappio dereat; (vahinko) loss; [myyd]
tappiolla [sell] at a loss; tappiota tuottava
. . brlnging (1. that brings) loss, losing
[business, liike] ; olla tappiolla have the
worst of it, be the [a] loser, be on the
losing side. -tili 1. -kontto loss account.
tappionuhka rlsk (of loss).
Uppo kllling; (mies-) manslaughter, homicfde; (murha) murder, -ase murha-ase.


-elin = teuras(elin). -Juttu case or man

slaugbter, case or bomiclde. -karja, -nauta
ks. teuras karja, -nauta, -raha bounty,
reward [Tor shooting a woir, suden am
pumisesta], -tanner scene or battle; Held
(of battle), battle-ground.
tappura: tappurat tow, (tervatut) oakum;
panna tuli tappuroihin put a match to
tinder; vrt. orjan, -tukko bunch of tow.
tapuli 1. (kello-) beirry, be!l-tower, campanile; 2 (lauta-) plle [or lumber]. -kau
punki (hlst.) slaple town. -oikeus (hist.)
right or staple.
taputella be tapping jne., vrt. seur.
taputtaa tap [a p. on the shoulder, jotakuta
olalle], (lujemmin) clap [a p. on the
back. Jotakuta selkn] ; (hyvillen) pat
[a p. on the cheek (1. a p.'s cheek), jota
kuta poskelle], chuck [one under the
chin. Jotakuta leuan alle] ; ksin clap
one's hands, (hyvksymisen osotukseksi)
applaud. taputtaminen, taputus tapping
jne., ks. edell. ; vrt. kttentaputus.
tarha (aitaus) lnclosure, enclosure; (piha)
yard [esim. lauta~ lumber yard] ; (karja-)
cattle-yard, corral, (pieni) pen; (istutus)
plantation; vrt. elin, kana, kasvi,
puu, viini, yrtti y.m. -krme (ellnt.)
rlnged snake, grass-snake. -pll (elint.)
tariffi (tulli- y.m.) tariff; (palkka- y.m.)
scale [or wages].
tarina (taru) tradition, legend; (satu)
rable; (kertomus) tale, Story, narrative,
narration; (kasku) anecdote; akkain tari
naa (1. v.) just taik, Just bearsay. tari
noida teli (1. relate) stories (1. tncidents)
[or, Jostakin]; (jutella) taik, chat; (ker
toa) narrate. tarinoiminen telling or sto
ries jne., ks. edell.; story -telling, narration.
tarinoitaija story-teller; (Juttelija) talker.
tarita (tarjota) orrer; pass (1. serve) lwine
to the guests, viini vieraille] ; (kestit)
treat [one to . . , jollekulle Jotakin] ; vrt.
tarjota, taritaeminen offering Jne.,ks. edell.
tarjeta stand the cold, not be cold, not
freeze; kyll min nill vaatteilla tarke
nen I can surely stand tbe cold wlth tbese
clothes on, 1 certainly won't rreeze (1.
won't be cold) wlth these clothes on.
tarjo: jollekulle on jotakin tarjona (\. tar
jolla) . . is to be bad by one, . . is orrered
to one, (ksill) . . is ready at hand Tor
one, . . is at one's disposal, . . is at one's
beck and call, (saavutettavissa) . . is
within one's reach, one has . . within (his)
reach, one bas access to . . , (kytettv
n) one has . . at hand (1. to make use or
1. to rerer to 1. to consult), (vapaasti) one
has rree use or, .. is rree to one; vaara
on tarjona ilangcr is (close) at hand (1. is
near 1. is nigh 1. is present), (uhkaa) (a)
danger is threatening (1. is menacing 1. is
lurking), (yh viel) danger bas not been
tarjoaminen orfering Jne., ks. tarjota, tar
joava kS. tarjoova.
tarjoilija waiter; (laivalla) stevvard; (ka
pakka-) bartender. tarjoilijatar waitress;
(vkijuomani) barmald; (laivoilla) stewardess.
tarjoilla be ortering Jne., vrt. tarjota; (kier
around; (kestit) treat [a p. to . . , Jolle
kulle Jotakin] ; (tehd tarjoilupalvelusta)
serve, \valt [(up)on. Jollekulle]; ahke
rasti vkijuomia jollekulle be conslantly
orrering drlnks to a p.; tarjoillaan kerman
kera is served witb cream.
tarjoilu servlue*, waiting [on tbe guests. at


lalvan merlkelpolsuutta] ; (kunnossaoloa)
Inspect [forts, llnnotuksla; troops, Joukkoja; factories, tehtalta] ; (tarkkuutta,
kokoonpanoa y.m.) test [weights and
measures, palnoja ja mlttoja; the milk,
malto], (olkalstakseen vlrhelta) revise
[proofs, korjausarkkeja; a translation,
kaannos] ; (onko oikein) check [an ac
count, tllitys], check off [a list, lista],
verify [the accounts, tlllt] ; (klrjanplt.)
audit [the books, the accounts]; (katsoa)
see [If . . is right, onko . . olkeln] ; (silmlll) eye, view, survey [the landscape,
malsemaa], (yli) look over [a coat, takkla], (huolellisesti) scrutinize, scan; (tarkata) observe (closely) [the movements
of the enemy, vlhollisen lllkkelta], watch
(closely 1. attentively 1. with fixed atten
tion), (kiinteastl) look steadfastly (1.
hard) [at, jotakln], fix (1. rivet) one's
eyes [on]; (katsastaa) review [a regi
ment, rykmenttl], (sot., myos:) muster;
(valvoa) supervise, oversee, superintend;
(ottaa selkoa) find out, ascertain
[whether or not the orders have been
obeyed, onko mryksl noudatettu], in
quire [Into, jotakln]; (tutkla) look into
[a p.'s affairs, jonkun lllkeaslolta] ; (etsla) search [a house, talo]; (penkoa)
ransack [a trunk, matka-arkku] ; ~ pattit
examine (1. vis) the passports; ~ pytkirja (hyvaluya) approve the minutes
[of]; ~ varasto (myos:) take an Inven
tory of the Stock; tark<attttauakti(myas:)
for Inspection; kyd tarkastamatsa Visit
(. . for Inspection); toi'ncn tarkamttttu
paino* second revised edition; vrt. tarka>tella, tarkiataa.
tarkaitaja inspector; examiner; reviewer;
(korjaamistarkotuksessa tarkastava) re
viser, revisor; (et. yl. laltokslssa) con
troller, comptroller; (koulujen, myos:)
superintendent [of schools] ; (sot.) in
specting officer; (Hi, 11 ,i auditor; (palnojen ja mittojen, myus:) tester, sealer [of
weights and measures]; '(valvoja) super
visor; mo/don ~ Inspector (1. tester) of
milk, tarkastajalar (woman) inspector.
tarkaetamaton . . not examined jne., ks.
tarkaataa; unexamlned; uninspected; un
tested; unrevlsed; unchecked, unverified;
(tllelsta:) unaudited; unrevlewed; unsearched. tarkutaminen examining jne.,
kS. tarkaataa.
larkastelominen examining (. . closely) jne.,
ks. tarkattella. tarkastolija observer; (katsellja) beholder; (katsastelija) reviewer;
(slvustakatsoja) looker-on, spectator; vrt.
tarkastaja. tarkastella be examining Jne.,
ks. tarkastaa; examine . . closely (1. criti
cally); (tutkiskella) scan, scrutinize; (pltaii sllmlla) be observing [the move
ments of the enemy, vlhollisen lllkkelta] ;
(katsella tarkastl) observe . . closely,
watch . . closely (1. attentively 1. with
fixed attention), look closely (1. hard)
[at]; (silmiillla) (take a) view (of), eye,
behold, survey; (katsella) look (1. be lookIng) [at (1. on), Jotakln (1. jotakuta)];
(kiinteastl) fU (1. rivet) one's eyes [on];
tarkastella jotakuta kiireest kantaphn
eye . . from head to foot, look . . over,
(jkpv.) take one's measure, take stock of.
tarkastelu critical (1. close) examination
(1. inspection); (tutklskelu) scrutiny; (bavalntojen teko) observation; (korjailu) re
vision; myos = tarkaiteleminen.
Urkaitl accurately, exactly, precisely; nice
ly [adjusted, sovltettu]; closely; (ankarasti) strictly [neutral, puoiueoton; ici-


the table, etc.] ; service; pitia huolta tarjoiluita take care of the waiting, (Use)
do the waiting:, -huone (hotelllssa) tea
room, (Kngl.) coffee-room; (kapakka)
bar(room), buffet, -pyt* serving- table;
(ruokasalln) sideboard, buffet; (ravintololssa, pltka) counter, (yksitylnen) small
table, side-table; (kapakan) bar.
larjojn = I.H jntiu. tarjoku volunteer, tarJonta (taloust.) supply; kytynnun a tarjonnan lahi tile law of demand and supply.
larjooja one who offers [offered] jne., vrt.
tarjota; bidder; mninunin Li>u/iimmm| tar-

jooja the highest [lowest] bidder, tarjoommen = tarjoaminen. tarjoomuf Olfer.

larjoova: mmmn [himmn] tarjoovalle
to the highest [the lowest] bidder.

larjota offer [one a hundred dollars for the

books, jollekulle klrjoista sata donarla],
proffer, tender; (vastaanotettavaksl) pre
sent; (ojentaa) reach out [to a p.] ; (an
taa) afford [shelter, suojaa], give, be
stow, yield, provide; (tebda tarjous) bid,
make an offer; (kestlta) treat [one to a
glass of wine, jollekulle last vllniaj ; (tarjollla) serve [. . to a p. (1. a p. . . 1. a p.
with ..), jollekulle jotakln], (pydassa)
help [a p. to . .], (panna eteen) set (1.
put) .. before [a p.], (antaa poyttoverllleen) pass [some bread, lelp] ; (klert tarjoten, eslm. vlerallle) band around
.[refreshments, virvokkelta] ; ~ nemman
kuin joku toinen outbid (1. overbid) an
other, bid higher (1. more) than another;
~ kahvia (tarjoilla) serve coffee, offer
coffee, (antaa) give coffee; - kaupaksi,
myytvkmi offer (1. put up) . . for sale
[at ... jostakln hinnasta] ; nhtvhsi
(myS:) display; - palvelustaan jollekulle
offer . . one's services, offer (1. proffer 1.
tender) one's services to a p.; - pivltim-n jollekulU (antaa) give (1. serve) . . a
dinner, (usini. ravintolassa) treat . . to (a)
dinner, (pyytau paivalliselle) Invite . . to
dinner, ask . . to come and dine with one;
tovintoa propose a conciliation (1. a
compromise); ~ yStija jolltkuUt offer a
bed for the night (1. a night's lodging) to
a p.; kirja tarjoaa monta mielenkiintoista
kohtaa the book presents many Interesting
points; huinha potion tarjotaan how much
Is offered? what will you bid (1. offer)?
what's the bid? ottaa mita tariotaan take
whatever (1. take anything that) Is offered
(one); vuokrattavakti tarjotaan (llmotuksissa:) to (be) let, to rent, for rent.

Urjotin tray, waiter, salver.

urjoui offer, tender; (huutokauppa-) bid;
(ebdotUS) proposal; hnelle on tthty mon
ta naima tarjousta she has had many of
fers (1. proposals) [of marriage]; kirjallintn ~ written offer, offer (1. tender) In
writing; vrt. naima, oto~ , rauhan-.
Urjoutua volunteer [to do, tekeman], of
fer, offer (1. propose 1. tender) o.s. [as a
helper, auttajakSlj ; ~ auttamaan jotakuta
offer one's services to, offer (o.s.) to help
a p.; jonkun kumppanikti offer to ac
company a p.; lhttmn offer (1. vo
lunteer) to go; kan d/ui.vuus tarjoutuu
when (an) opportunity is afforded (1. of
fers itself), when occasion offers (1.
serves), when (an) opportunity arises.
tarjoutuminon volunteering jne., ks. edell.
tarkalleen accurately, exactly; (tsmlleen) precisely; (Jkpv.) to a dot, to a T;
vrt. t.irk.imti, ta.malleen.
UrkMUa examine [the seaworthiness or a
ship (l, s ship as to us seaworthiness),



entlflc, tieteellinen] ; (huolellisesti) caretully; (sstvisesti) economlcally;

sanoen strietly speaking; perin ~, sangen
~ (mys:) wltn great accuracy, minutely:
pit jotakuta ~ silmll keep a close eye
(up)on, \vatcb . . closely, keep . . closely
guarded; sislln olemme ~ huomioon ot
taneet \ve liave carefully notea the contentS; vrt. tarkalleen,
tarkastus examinatlon; lnspectlon; testing;
revision; revlsal; rhecking (orr); (tilin-)
audit(ing); (silmily) survey(lng), looking .. over, (huolellinen) scrutiny; (kat
sastus) revievv, (sot., mys:) muster;
(valvonta) supervision, Control; (etsint)
search; (pytkirjan) approval, approvlng; (varaston) inventory; vrt. tarkastaa,
tarkastus- (yhd.) lnspectlon [esim. -asema
lnspectlon station; -piiri inspection districtj. -arkki (kirjap.) revise. -kello control-clock; (esim. yvahdin) telltaie. -ker
tomus repun (of inspection); (tilin-)
auditing (1. auditor's) report. -koje registerlng (1. controlling) apparatus; (kas
san- y.rn.) reglster; (esim. ovella, kntristi) tunistile; (kello) telltaie. -konttori
comptroller's orrice; (tilin-) auditor's orTice. -lautakunta inspection (1. examination) board; board of revievv. -leima 1.
-merkki countermark; (kullan ja hopean;
Engl.) Iiall-mark; (esim. painoissa Ja mi
toissa) seal. -matka inspection tour. -mies
inspector; controller, comptrollcr; (valvo
ja) overseer, supervisor; vrt. tarkastaja,
-oikeus 1. (oikeus tarkastaa) right to
examine, rlght to lnspect; 2. (-tuomio
istuin) court of revision, -osasto departnient of inspection; revision department.
-pytkirja record(s) or tlie inspection.
-toimi inspection service. -toimisto (palnojen Ja niittojen, Yhdysv.) Bureau of
Standards; (tilien y.rn.) controller's orflce(s); vrt. tilintarkastustoimisto, -toi
mitus inspection; (procedure or) testing;
(tilin-) auditing.
tarkastuttaa liave . . examined (1. inspected
Jne., ks. tarkastaa); (jollakulla) liave ..
examine (1. lnspect jne.).
tarkata (tarkastella) \vatch (closely 1. attentively l. with fixed attention), see;
(tehd huomioita) ohserve; (katsella) look
[at (1. on). Jotakin (1. Jotakuta)]; (huo
mata) notlce; (ottaa vaarin) pay attention
[to], attend [to], heed.
tarkemmin more accurately (1. exactly Jne.,

tarkasti! ;

asiaa ajateltuani after

thinking the matter over (more closely),

arter (a) second thought, arter reconsldering the matter; esitt (mys:)
specify; katso ~ look (1. \vatch) closer.
tarkistaa make..(more) accurate (1. exact);
adjust; (korjaten) test and rectiry [a
measure, mitta], (etup. kirjallisesti) re
vise, examine and correct, examine and
set (to) right; ~ pytkirja approve the
minutcs. tarkistamaton . . not tested and
rectillert; unrevised; (pytkirjasta:) ..
not (yet) approved, unapproved. tarkista
minen making . . (more) accurate Jne., ks.
tarkistaa, tarkistin crlterion. tarkistus
adjustment; testing and rectirying; (kir
jallinen) revision; (pytkirjan) approval,
tarkka accurate [descrlption, kuvaus; calculator, laskija; measure, mitta], exact
[nimiber, itikum.ini 1, just ivvelght, pai
no); (tsmllinen) prectse [recordlng instrument, merkitsijakoje; derinition, m
ritelm] ; (etup. Engl.) nice [balance,
vaaka; calculation, laskelma] ; (suppea)


concise; (tiukka, perusteellinen) close;

(ankara) strict [consistency, johdonmu
kaisuus; diet, ruokajrjestys], rigid [su
pervision, valvonta], rigorous [examination,
particular [account, selonteko; (henkils
t:) about. Jossakin (1. Johonkin nhden) 1;
(huolellinen) careful [In ones work, tys
sn; in keeping ones promises, lupaus
tensa tyttmisess], scrupulous [perrormance or one's duties, tehtviens tyt
(kitsas) close-fisted, stingy, near; (var
ma) sure [hand, ksi]; (terv) sharp,
acute, keen [sense of smeli, hajuaistij ;
(herkk) fine; (selv) clear, definite
[llmit, raja], well-derined; (oikea) cor
rect; tarkat tiedot, ~ tieto accurate In
formation [about, jostakin], accurate
knovtledge [huom. hnell on - tieto siit
(mys:) he is thoroughiy mrormed about
it] ; tarkat riviivat Sharp contours, welldeflned outlines; ~ ampumaan sure or
aim, (osaamaan) certatn to hit the mark,
(Jkpv.) dead shot, sure suot; jljenns
e.xact copy, racsimlle; ~ korva accurate
(1. exact 1. nice 1. fine) ear, correct ear.
keen (1. sure) ear; ~ nk sharp (1. keen)
eyes, good (I. accurate 1. keen) slglit, vrt.
tarkka silm; ~ selostus accurate (1. exact
1. precise) description (1. statement);
silm accurate (1. sharp l. keen 1. quick)
eye [Tor (1. ii> seeing), jotakin nkemn J ;
~ tutkimus close lnqulry. strict (1. rigid)
examination, (huolellinen) carerul investlgation; ei sill ole niin tarkkaa lukua (l.
vli) it is not so very particular, 1 am
not so particular about that, you need not
be so (very) particular (1. exact) about
that; hn on ~ pikkuasioissa he is partic
ular in (1. he glves close attention to)
small matters (1. trivial aiTairs), he stands
Upon triries; kovin ~, liian ~ ks. turhan
tarkka; lashu on ehdottoman ~ (mys:)
the calculation is just to the dot; olla
kunniastaan be particular about (1. be
Jealous or) one'S honor; perin ~, sangen
~ extremely accurate, (yksityiskohtainen)
minute; pit tarkkaa huolta jostakin (1.
jostakusta) look carerully after . . , lake
good (1. particular) care of, be carerul (1.
be very particular) about [huom. hn pi
t tarkkaa huolta omista eduistaan (mys :)
he has a sharp eye to his own interests,
he \vatches Jealously his own interests,
he takes care of number one], vrt. pit
(huolta); pit tarkkaa lukua jostakin keep
(a) strict account of; pit tarkkaa vaaria
jostakin pay close attention to, observu .
closely, keep a close eye Upon.
tarkkaaja Observer, tarkkaamaton lnattentive; heedless, inadvertent, unobserving.
tarkkaamattomaan inattentivelv; unobscrvingly. tarkkaamattomuus inatlentiveness, inattentlon, lack of attention. tark
kaaminen (close) \vatching jne., ks. tarkata.
tarkkaan = tarkasti; katsoa jotakin look
at . . Closely, vrt. tarkastaa, tarkastella;
kuunnella ~ listen attentively (1. intently).
tarkkaavainen attentive; \vatclirul, heedrul
advertent; (huomaavainen) observing, observant; olla - (mys:) pay attention,
(kuunnella) listen attentively. tarkkaavai
sesti attentively; \vatchrully, heedrully;
observlnglyj hyvin tarkkaavaisesti (mys)
\vith keen (1. stralned 1. rapt) attention,
intently, (herkemtt) \vith unslacking
attention [huom. katsoa hyvin tarkkaavai
sesti johonkin (mys:) keep one's eyes
lixed upon; kuunnella jotakin hyvin tark

kaavaisesti (mys:) be ali ears to hear . . . tention [to, lnf.], (Ilman tarkotusta) unintentionally, vvithout Intention (1. de
tarkkaavaisuus (close) attentiun; (ominai
suutena:) attentiveness;
vvatchrulness, sign) [huom. mitn erityist tarkotta
heedrulness; observance; [seurata] tark
matta vvithout any particular aim (1. pur
kaavaisuudella ijollou] attentively, L loi - pose 1. meanlng), \vithout any (1. \vith no)
low] vvith close atteutiou.
particular ohjeet (1. end) in vlew] ; rartarkka korvainen 1. -kuuloinen . . vvith keen kottiko hn sill todellakin jotakin (mys ;)
had he really any object in that? en saa
(1. sbarp) hearing.
tarkk'ampuja sharpshooter; (expert) ririe- selv, mit tm ~ (mys:) I'm unablc
inan, marksman. -pataljoona battalion or to make out the meanlng or thls; nen
puheensa tarkotti samaa (myS:) vvhat ne
tarkka nkinen sharp-eyed, keen-eyed; said \vas to the same purpose (1- efrect)
(kuv.) keen-sighted [statesman, valtio
[as . . , kuin . .], the gist or \vhat he said
mies), discerning, diserlminatlng. -nki
was the same; ket sin tarkotat vvllom
sesti in a keen-siKdted manner, discerning- do you rnean? (keneen viittaat) to \vhom
ly, discrlminatingly, \vitli discrimlnatlon. do you refer (1. allude)? min en tarkot-nkisyys (kuv.) keen-sightedness, dis- tanut [sill] pahaa l meant no harin (1. no
curnmuiit, dtserimination ; vrt. tarkka (nk). oriense) [by it], there vvas no orrense
-piirteinen . . vvith marked (1. sharply de- meant! mit hn tarkotti (puheessaan, mi
fined) 1'eatures (1. outlines); tarkkapiir- llin pyrki) vvhat \vas he driving at? mit
teinen kuvaus accurate (1. detailed) de- sin sill tarkotat vvhat do you mean by
scrlptlon. -silminen sharp-eyed, eagle- that? vvhat do you mean to say? mit
syyts tarkotti vvhat did the accusatlon
eyed; vrt. tarkkankinen.
tarkkaus (close) vvatching, observing; ob- aim at (1. have for its aim)? mit tm
(mys:) vvhat is the meanlng or thls?
servation; tilien cheoklng (of) the acrehellisesti vakavasti tarkotettu honestly
counts; vrt. tarkastus.
[sincerely] meant; se asian valaisemista
tarkkavainuinen . . \vitli a keen (I. a Sharp)
Us purpose Is (1. it has lor its aim 1. it
scent, keen- (1. sharp-)scented; (henkils
purports) to throvv light upon the quest:) kcenly observaut.
tarkkuus accuracy, accurateness, exactness, tioil; siit oli seurauksena se mit tarkoexaelltude, preclslon, preciseness, (etup. tettiinkin It had (1. produced) the deslivd
Engl.) nlcety; closeness; strictness, rigidi- errect, it had the Intended result, (jkpv.)
ty; particularity, carerulness, scrupulous- it did the business; sill hn tarkotti ase
ness; thrifty habits, ermiuniy; stinglness; man selvittmist in doing that lie had in
sureness; sharpness, keeiiin'>s; deliiiitc- vlew the clearing up oi' the situation, (ha
lusi) by that he desired to clear up the
lless; correctness; vrt. tarkka; mit suu
rimmalla tarkkuudella \vitli (1. observing) situation; rm ~, err .. thls Is to sav
(the) greatest accuracy (1. care), most that ...
carerully, (tasmlllslmmln) with utrnost tarkoltamaton unlntended, unintentional;
preclslon. -kello chronometer.
mitn pahaa . . meanlng no harin.
tarkkuuttaa adjust ia iille, kivri].
harmless. tarkottaminen meanlng jne., ks.
tarkoin tarkasti; asiaa harkittuani tarkottaa.
intentional; . . vvith (a
upon mature deliberatlon (1. considuravievv to) a certain purpose, . . vvith a (set)
tion), after thinking it over \vell.
tarkottaa mcan; (aikoa) intend, purpose; purpose; (harkittu) dellberate; vrt. tahal
linen, tarkotuksellisesti intenlionally, pur(thdiita) aim it, Jolakinj ; (olla thdt
ty) tend [to the ellmlnatlon of, jonkin posely, on purpose, or set purpose; vvith
poistamista], be aimed [at], liave .. Tor (a vievv to) a certain purpose; (harkitusti)
ils aim (1. its end 1. its object), go [to, deliberately; vrt. tahallaan, tarkotuksellisuus [ils] being Intentional; deliberateInt.] ; (olla samaa kuin) ainount tto, jota
kin] ; (kohdistaa, kohdistua) reter [to. IleSS; kirjan tarkotuksellisuus the book'S
Jotakin], allude [to], (viitata) luut [at], having a certain intention (1. purpose),
(koskea) bear [upon], have reference the hook's being biassed.
[to] ; (pit tarkotuspern) bave . . in tarkotuksen mukainen (vvell-)adapted (1.
vlew; (pyrki) drive [at] ; (haluta) do- suited) to its [the] purpose, . . that suils
sire, want; (sislt) purport, import; tar- (the purpose) vvell, . . servlng (1. that
kotettu jollekulle intended (i. meant) for serves) the purpose; (sopiva) suitable,
a p. ; tarkotettu pettmn (mys:) calcu- approprlate, expedient; (kytnnllinen)
lated to deceive; hyv mean \vell iby practical; . . on hyvin tarkotuksenmukainen
a p., Jollekulle], Intend to do good, be . . is very much to the purpose, . . anactuatcd by good Intentions, have good svvers (1. serves) its purpose very vvell
lntentlons [tovvard a p., jollekulle]; (, Indeed), . . suits the purpose vvell.
jonkun parasta have a p.'s welfare (1. -mukaisesti (In a manner vvell adapted)
good) In view (1. in inind), conslder a to the purpose, sultably, appropriately;
p.'S intereStS; tappaakseen Intend to practically. -mukaisuus sultabillty, apkili; ~ (tytt) totta (nila tosissaan) be propriateuess; expedlency; practlcalness.
In earnest, mcan it serlously, (jkpv.) mean tarkotukseton purposeless, objectless; (hy
business [huom. tarkotan totta (mys:) dytn) useless, Tutlle; .. on (aivan)
I am ((juite) serious, lt is my serjous in
. . is to no purpose, . . ansvvers no pur
tention, l mean \vhat I say, (kumotakseen pose (vvhatever), . . is or no use (at ali);
epilyksen) serlously! really! (jkpv.) hon- vrt. tarkottamaton.
estly! tarkotatko tytt totta are you In vvithout any (l. vvith no) purpose (1. ob
(real) earnest'.' do you really mean it?]; ject), purposelessly. tarkotuksettomuus
tarkottaen . . having for its aim (1. end 1. lack or purpose, purposelessness; sen tar
object) to, tending to [show, osottaa] ; kotuksettomuus (mys:) its being to no
purpose (1. or no use).
tarkottaen sill hnen eilist kyttyty
mistn relerring (1. alluduiK) wlth (1. by) tarkotus purpose; (aie) Intention, lntcnt;
(ajatus) meanlng; (pmr) end, object,
that to (I. hinting vvith that at) his condUCt yesterday; tarkottamatta VVlthOUt aim, vievv, goal, polnt; (suunnitelma) de
sign, motive, pian; (pyrkimys) drllt, ten
meanlng [to offend, loukata], \viiii no In



dency; (sisllys) puiport, Import; (mer

kitys) sense; (tehtv) mission; tarkot uksella kS. tarkotuksellisesti; tarkotuktelia myyd ostaa uitll the Object
(1. the Intention) or selling- [of buying,
etc], for the purpose of selling, wlth a
vlew to sell [to buy, etc], with a vlew
OT selling; tarkotukseni meni myttyyn my
design (l. pian) came to nothing (l. was
1 1 ustrated) ; ~ korvata jokin intention to
compensate for . . (1. to rnake up ror . .);
pyhitt keinot (l. vlikappaleet) ttle
end JUStiHes the meailS; tarkotustaan vas
taamaton . . unadapted (1. not) to the pur
pose, . . not well adapted, inexpedient,
(epkytnnllinen) lmpractlcable, (epvii
sas) illjUdiCiOUS; huomaatko tarkotuksen
do you reaiize the purpose (1. the Inten
tion)? do you grasp the purport? hyvss
[pahassa] tarkotuksessa ttllh good [bad]
intent(ion), with a good [a bad] motive
(1. Object) ; hyvn tarkotukseen for (1.
10) a good purpose (I. end); mihin tarko
tukseen for (1. to) what purpose (1. end) 7
mik on tarkatuksesi (mys:) \vhat do you
mean [by (doing) that? tehdesssi noin] ;
mik sill on tarkotuksena Ylht purpose
does it serve? what is the object (1. the
purpose 1. the aim) oi' it? \viiat is lt for?
what purpose has lt? (tarkotetaan) what
Is the meaning of it? what is meant by
lt? miss tarkotuksessa \vitli \vhat inten
tion? with what end in vlew? ror (1. to)
ulint purpose? on panna toimeen ..
it is proposed to arrange . . , it Is proposed that we [they] siiould arrange . .;
parantamisen tarkotuksessa Tor the pur
pose or Improvlng, having in vlevv lmprovement. \vith the intent (1. object) or im
provlng; parhaassa tarkotuksessa vvlth the
best Intention, witb the best of Intentions, for the best; salaiset tarkotukset
Secret motives; sek on tarkotuksesi is
that what you are alming at? (puheellasi)
is that your meaning? is that what you
sen tarkotuksena on osottaa
(mys:) lt Is intended to show; se on h
nen tarkatuksensa that Is lus Intention (1.
hls design 1. his pian), thafs what he intends (1. means), (Jkpv.) thafs \vhat he Is
drivlng at; siin [tss] tarkotuksessa
with (1. for) that purpose, to that [thls]
end, (merkityksess) \vith that meaning;
valtion tarkotuksiin Tor State purposes,
ror carrying on the afrairs or the state;
yleisiin tarkotuksiin lor publie purposes,
to publie ends. -per object (1. end) (in
vie\v), aim, purpose; (pmaali) goal;
palvelemaan hnen yksityisi tarkotuspeHn to serve hls prlvate ends; vrt. edell.
tarmo energy; vigor, stamina; (voima)
strength; nerve; (Jkpv.) push, go, vlm;
tarmonsa takaa wlth (ali one's) inight and
main, (tarmokkaasti) vigorously; hness
ei ole vhkn tarmoa he has no energy
(1. no stamina), (on menettnyt) he has
lost ali hls vigor, (jkpv.) tliere is no push
(1. no go) in luin; jnnitt kaiken tar
monsa strain one's every nerve; saada
uutta tarmoa get new energy (1. vigor 1.
strength), become revived.
energetic(al); vlgorous; strong, powerrul;
tarmokas mies (mys:) a man of energy
(1. or Vigor); tarmokkaat toimenpiteet
energetlc measures. tarmokkaasti energetically, vigorously; poweiTully; with
energy, \vith vigor. tarmokkuus energy,
vigor, stamina; vrt. tarmo, tarmonpuuska
spell (1. nt) or energy (1. or vigor). tar
moton . . wlthout (1. lacking 1. wantlng In)


energy (1. vigor jne., ks. tarmo); enervated; Impotent Larm, ksivarsi] ; (berpautunut) slack, lax; (raukea) languld.
tarmottomuus lack (1. vvant) or energy
(1. or vigor jne., ks. tarmo); enervation,
impotence, impotency; slackness, laxness.
tarpeeksi surriclently, adequately; (kyllik
si) enough [money, rahaa], plenty [or
food, ruokaa] ; enemmn kuin (enough
and) more than enough, more tlian one
nueds, enough and to spare, (Joskus:)
superriuous . .; jotakin on (asti) there
Is enough (1. a sul'1'ioiency) or, there Is
(a) plenty or, . . sutTices; minulla on ~
(mys:) l have a surriciency; vrt. kylliki,
tarpeellinen necessary [ror (1. to) me, mi
nulle], needrul [ror (1. to)]; (tarvittava)
required, requlslte; (vlttmtn) lndispensable; (trke) essentlal, materlal, important;
(asianmukainen) due, proper
[care, varovaisuus]; tarpeelliseksi havait
tu . . 1'ound to be necessary; tarpeellisen
vlimatkan pss at a proper (1. a sare)
distance; ksitt .. tarpeelliseksi (mys:)
reaiize the necesslty oi; kyd tarpeelli
seksi be(corne) necessary, be required
li in un. jos minulle ky tarpeelliseksi tehd
ir lt becomes necessary lor me to do, ir it
is required that I do] ; olla (mys:) be
nceded, be wanted; on tarpeellista tiet
It is necessary (1. essentlal 1. important)
to know. tarpeellisuus necessity; lndispensableness; esseutialness; (trkeys) iinportance; (tarve) need; sellaisen menette
lyn tarpeellisuus the necessity ror (I. of)
such an action.
tarpeen ks. olla. -mukainen (asianmukai
nen) due, proper; .. nt (ror the need);
(tarpeellinen) necessary, needed, required,
requisite. -pakko want to relieve (1. ease)
nature; (tautina:) tenesmus. -teko evacuation or the bowels, stool. -vaatima
. . demanded (1. required) by necessity u.
by need), needed, necessary; vrt. tarpeen
tarpeet needs, wants; (vaatimukset) requirements, demands; (elin- y.m.) necessities, necessaries; (etup. varastossa ole
vat) supplies [huom. koulu~ school supplies]; (tarveaineet) material(s), stutr;
(raudotus-y.m.) flttings; (esim. vaatetus-)
(ty-, etup. suutarin, rtlin) rindings;
(Jossakin tarvittavat, kokonaisuudessaan)
outfit; (varusteet) equipment; tackle;
(lis-, sivu-) accessories, appurtenances;
tarpeemme (mys:) what we need; heilt
on pienet (l. vhiset) tarpeet they have
few needs (1. requlrements); hnell on
vain omiksi tarpeiksi he has only enough
ror his own need (s), he has no more than
he wantS hlmsell'; suola kuuluu kaikkien
vlttmttmiin tarpeisiin Salt IS neces
sity to every one, (elmn-) sait is one or
the necessities or life.
-tarpeet (yhd.) materials [esim. neuloma
se\ving materials ; rakennus- bulldlng
materials]; vrt. ampuma, elin, kalas
tus, kirjotus , vaatetus y.m.
tarpeeton unnecessary, needless; (aiheeton)
uncalled-ror; (hydytn) useless [repeti
tion, kertaus]; (liikanainen) superriuous
[haste, kiire] ; (turha) undue [care, huo
lellisuus] ; (Jota ei tarvita) . . not needed,
. . not uanted: kyd tarpeettomaksi be
come unnecessary [huom. aiottu matkani
on kynyt tarpeettomaksi (mys:) lt has
become unnecessary for me to make the
Intended trip, I have been spared (from)



makin the proposed trip] . tarpeettomasti

unnecessarlly, needlessly; (hydyttmsti)
uselessly; (asiaankuulumattomasi) unduly: (syytt) xvlthout a (1. any) cause (1.
reason). tarpeettomuus needlessness; (hy
dyttmyys) uselessness; (liikanalsuus) superHuousness; en tarpeettomuus oli il
meinen (mys:) that It \vas not needed
(at ali) was evldent.
Urpoa I. (venett) pole Ta boat] (along),
shove [a boat] along (wlth a pole), punt;
2. (rmpi) trudge [through the slush,
sohjussa], plod: kaloja verkkoon drlve
rish Into a net by beatlng the water wlth
a pole. tarpoin tarvoin, tarpominen
pollng- Jne., ks. tarpoa.
tarraaminen grasplng Jne., ks. seur. tarrata
(tarttua) grasp, clutch [a th., Johonkin],
selze [a p. by the collar. Jonkun kauluk
seen], catch (1. grab 1. selze 1. lay) hold
Of, grlp: tarrata kyntin kiinni (elimest:)
fasten Its clavvs In (1. Into), tarrautua =
tarrata; tarrautua (kiinni) johonkin fasten
upon, (Jkpv.) hook on to.
Tartto Dorpat.
tarttua (kyd kiinni) grasp, grlp (mys
ankkurista); selze [. . xvlth lts teeth, Jo
honkin hampain]; clutch; lay (1. catch I.
grab 1. selze 1. take) hold of [a th., Jo
honkin (kiinni)]; (tarrautua) rasten [up
on]; (kiinnitty) stlck (Tast) rto (1. In),
Johonkin], be (1. get) stuck rin (1. he
tkeen)], adhere [to], cling [to]; (puris
tukseen) be Jammed fin, Johonkin; between.
Joittenkin vliin]: (tulla siepatuksi) he
caught [by. Johonkin]: catch fin (1. on)];
(takertua) become (1. be 1. get) entangled;
(taudista:) be commiinlcated, be carrled.
(olla tarttuva) be lnTectlous, be contaglous, he catchlng; (sekaantua) step In
(and take hold oO, (ryhty) set to, set
about rto (1. the) work, tyhn], take up
Tthe matter], tackle: ansaan be caught
In a trap (1. a snare), get entangled In a
snare, be (en)trapped; ~ aseisiin take up
arms; asiaan take hold or the matter,
step In, (tulla vliin) Intervene: ~ Jota
kuta kauluksesta selze one by the collar;
kiinni johonkin lay (I. catch I. grab 1.
selze) hold of, grasp, (takertua') stlck
(Tast) to (1. In), cllng to, get stuck to
(1. In), be Jammed In (1. bet\veen), he
(1. get) caught by (1. between): kurk
kuun stlck In one's throat, (Jotakuta) grasp
fa p.] by the throat, clutch fa p.'s]
throat h ii.. m. sanat tarttuivat hnen kurk
kuunsa (mys:) he chokedl : kynn
take (up) the pen; ksiksi catch (1.
grab 1. take) hold or, vrt. kyd: Jon
kun (1. Jotakuta) ksivarteen selze (1.
catch) . . by the arm, clutch a p.'s arm;
Jonkun (1. Jotakuta) kteen selze (I.
take 1. grasp) a p.'s hand; ~ lujaan
(kiinni) stlck fast, get stuck Tast, be
caught rirmly rbetvveen] ; lumeen
get (1. be) stuck In the snovv. (esim.
Juna) get snosved In, be(come) snowbound; ~ mutaan stlck fast In the mud:
ohjaksiin grasp (1. selze 1. catch hnlrt
of) the reins: onkeen (esim. kala) ho
caught on the hook, s\vallow the balt
(mys kuv.); ~ pyssyyn selze the gun:
~ rkoneenl rattaisiin be caught (1. catch)
between (1. on) the vvheels Tor the englne] : Jonkun sanoihin selze on a p.'s
words; ~ Jonkun tukkaan selze . . by the
halr; tyhn set to \vork, (Jkpv.)
tackle the Job: ~ Jotakuta vytisist
clasp (vkivaltaisesti : selze 1. catch hold
of) .. around the vvalst; yhteen (lii


mautua) stlck (1. get stuck I. get glued)

together, (kiinnitty) get Tastened (1.
rixed) together, (pusertua) get Jammed
together; hnen jalkansa tarttui reikn
hls foot stuck (1. \vas caught 1. got
Jammed) In a hole: kalkkivesi ei tartu
seinn the wall does not take the vvhltewash; kiihtymys tarttui minuunkin the
excltement took hold or even me, even I
was arrected by the excltement; saada
laastari tarttumaan make the plaster stlck;
se hulluus ei ole viel tarttunut minuun
I have not yet Tallen a vlctlm to (1. I
have not yet caught) that rolly (1. that
madness) ; tauti saattaa tarttua sinuun you
are llable to catch (1, to become Infected
wlth) the dtsease; tauti tarttui minuun
hnest (mys:) I caught the dlsease (I.
the lnrectlon) Trom him, he gave me the
dlsease: tauti tarttuu the dlsease Is communlcated (1. carrled): vesivri ei tartu
metalliin water-color does not stlck (1.
adhere) to metal, water-color vvashes ofr
metal; vri ei tartu {kankaaseen] the dye
does not act (l.has no elTect) ron the cloth].
tarttuma = tartunta, -elin prehenslle organ.
tarttumaton . . not Infectlous, . . not contagious, . . not catchlng.
grasplng Jne., ks. tarttua; (taudin-) ln
rectlon, contaglon. tarttuva(inen) Infec
tlous [vlce, pahe], catchlng; (kosketuk
sen kautta: mys kuv.) contaglous Tprecedent, esimerkki]; tarttuvat taudit InTectlous (1. contaglous) dlseases. tarttuvalsuua Infectlous (1. contaglous) nature (1.
character); contaglon. tartunnalnen t. =
tarttuvainen; 2. tartunta.
tartunta lnrectlon; (kosketus-) contaglon;
(etup. kuv.) contamlnatlnn: levitt tar
tuntaa sprcad (1. communlcate 1. carry)
lnrectlon; saada ~ catch the lnrectlon,
(tauti) catch the dlsease. -aine contaglpus
matter, virus: (Joskus:) mlasma. -itu germ
or Inrcrtion, germ jnT contairlon. inrectlous
(1. contaglous) germ. -pesi seat or lnrec
tlon, seat or contaglon; (taudlnpes) nest
or dlsease.
tartuttaa InTect [a p. wlth a dlsease. Jo
honkuhun Jokin tauti] (mys kuv.), glve
(1. communlcate 1. carry) rthe dlsease to
a p., tauti Johonkuhun]; (lk.) inoculate
fa p. vvlth small-pox, Isorokko Johon
kuhun]; (saastuttaa, et. kuv.) contamlnate
f\vith], talnt [wlth]; olla jonkin tartut
tama be lnrected vvlth, (kuv.) be contamlnated by. tartutua lnrectlon, contaglon;
taru legend. tradition: (satu) rable: (Jumalals-) myth, (skandlnavllalnen muinais-)
saga: ~ kertoo, ett . . the tradition runs
(1. says) that . .; se on tarua lt is a myth:
vrt. muinais, pyhimys & tarina, -aika
rabulous age, mythtoal age: (Skanrilnaavian maissa) saga pcrlnd. -henkil legendary (1. mythlcal) character (l.personage).
-maailma mythlcal \vorlrt, falry-lanrt.
tarumainen rabulous. tarunomainen legendary; mythlcal. tarunomaisuus legenrlary
(1. mythlcal) nature (1. character).
taru olento legendary (1. mythlcal) belng:
character In (1. of) a rable (1. a legend);
vrt. taruhenkil. -oppi mythology. -peri
nen mythlcal.
tarusto rollectlon or legends (1. or myths 1.
or rabies), cyele or legends. legends,
mvths, rabies; vrt. taru.
tarve necd, vvant; (vlttmttmyys) necesslty; (vaatimus) requlrement, demand;
(vaativa) exlgency; (halu) cravlng Tor
(1. arter)]; (luonnon-) demand (1. cravlng)


oT nature; tarpeen makaan accordlng to
hardly be sald that . . . tarvitseva(inen)
the need, as the need may be, as there
Is need (I. want), as orcasion requires;x needy; tarvitseva(ise)t the needv, the
poor. tarviuija: jonkin tarvitsija one who
tarpeen vaatiessa (\. sattuessa 1. tallen)
is in need or jne., ks. tarvita, tarvittava
when necessary. In case or need, at need.
necessary: .. needed, .. wanted; (vaa
whcn needed, when wanted, as occasion
dittu) required, requisite: siihen tarvitta
requires, as demand arlses, at ali exlgenvat varat funds (1. money) needed (1. re
cles, (httilassa) at an emergency; ron]
quired) ror it, the requisite (1. neeessarv)
tarpeen vaatima [IS] needed, [is] required,
i-, tarpeet ks hakus.; n tarvoin pole; stake. tarvonta = tarpominen.
tunne sen tarvetta I don t feel any need of f.. .

ii . """
It, I am not In need (1. in want) or it- J**"1 ****"* ta,,alIe' ta8an ks- nakuskylpeminen on kynyt minulle tarpeeksi taaam'n*n dividlng up Jne., ks. tasata.
bathlng has become a necessity to (1 Tor) tasaantua beeome (1. be made) even (l.
me; alla jollekulle 'saareen (l. hyvn)]
?moo!h V level), get (1. grow) smooth.
smooth down, be leveled (down); (kyd
tarpeeseen be [badly] wanted (1. needed)
snnlliseksi) become (1. get) steady (1.
by, be ,'very] we1come to [huom. se olisi
regular l. unirorm); (esim. luokkaerotukminulle suureen tarpeeseen (mys:) I need
slsta:) be(come) equalized; (et. kytk
It badl.v, I am In great need or It] ; olla
luonteesta y.m.:) arquire steadijonkin tarpeessa he (1. stand) in need (1. in
ness, become eqnable, (luonteeltaan, hen
want) or, need; omaa tarvetta varten ror
become (1. grow 1. g-et) evenone's own use, ror o.s., on one's o\vn
tempered, acquire a more eqnable temper;
(asettua) settie, become settled. tasaan
tarve aineet rnaterial(s); supplles; vrt. tar
tuminen becoming even jne., ks. edell.
peet, -kalu Implement: (vline) instrutasa -arvo equality; tasa-arvosta (kaupp.)
ment; (tykalu) tool; (tarpeellinen) nec
at par. -arvoinen equal; (vertainen) comessary thtng (1. artlcle). -puut lumber
peer; (yhdenvertainen) coequal, cordinate;
ineeded ror ..); material. -tavara (artiele
olla iasa-arvoisia (keskenn) be equal(s).
or) necessity; (hydyke) commodlty: tmrbe on a level (1. a par) wlth each other.
vetavarat (mys:) necessaries, requisltes.
-arvoisesti equally; (puolueettomasti) imtarvike: tarvikkeet necessities, necessarics,
partially, fairly, in an even-hauded man
ner, without bias. -arvoisuus equality.
tarvis: ei ote sinun sit tehd it is not
-arvoisuusperiaate prlnclple of equality.
necessary ror you to do it, vou are not
-astuja amlilcr. -astunta (hevosen) ambling.
obllged to do it, you need not (I. needn't)
do it, you don't have to do It; ei ole ~ tasaileminen = tasaaminen.
valehdella It is not necessary to lie (1. to tasailla be leveling. be evening (up); (sili
tell) be smoothing (out 1. down); (lei
teli HeS); minulla on sit I need it.
kell tasaiseksi) he trimming. be pruning;
I have need or It, I am in need (1. in want)
' (jaella tasan) be apportioning (1. divlding)
or it; vrt. seur.
equal parts, (joittenkin kesken) be
tarvita need, \vant, be (1. stand) In need (1
divlding (1. distributing) equallv 'aniongl;
In want) or, have need or; (kaivata) revrt. tasata.
qulre; (voida kytt) have use [ror, jo
takin]; (olla tarpeellista) be necessary; tasainen even [temperalure, lmpmr];
plane; (vaakasuora) level; (laakea) Hat:
tarvitaan . . Is (1. \vill be) needed (l
wanted 1. necessary 1. required) rimoin.
(sile) smooth, . . not rough; (yhden
mihin sit tarvitaan \vllfit is that needed
mukainen) equal; (keskeytymtn) steady,
(1. necessary) ror? what Is the need or
unbroken; (snnllinen) uniform fgait,
that? vvhat need is there oi' that? sen ot
astunta; development, kehitys], regular
[motlon, liike]; ~ luonne even temper,
tamiseen tarvitaan rohkeutta it requires
(some) courage (Jkpv.: nerve) to take it;
(hillitty) modcrate temper: ~ maa even
(1. level) ground; pinta even (1. plane 1.
siihen tarvitaan parempi mies (mys:)
smooth) surrace; ~ tie (ei mkinen) level
it takes a better man to do that] : ~ elatuksekseen need (1. requirp) . . ror one's
road; vauhti even (I. unirorm 1. steady
1. regular) speed; tasaisin luvuin, tasaisis
subslstence (1. sustenance); ~ kovasti
jotakin need (1. want) . . badiv, be hadiy
sa luvuissa In even Hgures (1. numbers),
In need (1. in vvant) or; rahaa need (i.
(pyreiss) in round numbers (1. rigures).
\vant 1. be in need of) money; tarvitus
sanne (mys:) when (you are) in need
steadily; unirormly, regularly. tasaisuus
evenness; planeness, levelness, riatness;
'of, jotakin]; tarvittaessa \vhen needed,
\vhen \vanted. when necessary, in case or
smootlmess; equality; steadiness; unineed, 11' need(s) be, if necessary rhuom
formlty, regularity; vrt. tasainen.
tylisi on aina saatavana tarvittaessa tasa jako (Jonkin) equal division 'OP,
(mys.) workmen can ahvays be had ro.
sharlng .. aiike, apportioning (I. apporthe asking] ; min en sit tarvitse (mys:)
tlonment) into equal parts. (Jolttenkuitten
I caift make any use oi' it; en ei tarvitse
kesken) equal (1. even) distribution ror].
olla totta tliat is not necessarlly true, that
-jalkaa: hypt tasajalkaa jump with both
may not be true: siihen tuskin tarvitsee
Teet together, make a standtng broad
viitata it is hardly necessary to reler to
[hlgh] jump. -Jalkahyppy standtng broad
that; sinun ei tarvitse tehd sitiei tydy)
Jump, (korkeus-) standlng liigh Jump. -kar
you don't have to (1. you don't need 1. you
vainen ks. silekarvainen, -katto Hat roof.
are not obllged to) do it, (ei ole tarpeen)
-korkuinen: ne ovat tasakorkuiset tliey are
It is not necessary ror you to do it; sit
or equal (1. or the same) helght, thev are
ei kenenkn tarvitse tiet no one need
equally high. -kurssi par (or exchange),
know it: sit ei tarvita it Is not necessary
-kykyinen ks. tasavkinen, -kylkinen (mat.)
(1. not needed), that is unnecessary,
Isosceles ' trianglo, kolmio], -lasti: tarnathere Is no need of that: teidn tarvitsee
lastissa oleva evenly loaded, well-balanced.
vain kske yo\i need only (1. you have
-levyinen . . or unirorm breadth (l.wldth);
only to) command (1. say the \vord);
tasalevyiset (saman) . . or equal \vidtti,
tuskin tarvinnee sanoa, ett . . it need
. . of the same \vidth.



tasalla: jonkin (korkeudella) (on a) level

wlth, (rinnalla) abreast with (1. oO, (Jo
honkin asti) up to (kalkki mys kuv.),
(yht hyvii) equal to; hn ei ole tilanteen
he is not equal (1. not adequate) to the
occasion (1. the emerirency), he is not able
to cope \vith the sttuatlon; olla tehtvnm be equal to (Jkpv.: be up to)
one's task; be able to cope wlth one's task;
pysy jonkin keep o.s. on a level \vith,
(rinnalla) kecp pace (1. step) vvlth, keep
o.s. abreast of (I. vvith), keep o.s. up to:
rinnan (rintaan asti) up to (1. as rar as
1. as hlfrh as) the breast.
tasalle: jonkin (korkeudelle) (on a) level
with, (rinnalle) abreast or (1. wlth), (jo
honkin asti) up to (kalkki mys kuv.),
as Tar as; maan ~ to the ffround, vrt. hu
vittaa; Suomen kansa on pssyt muiden
kansojen the Finnish people have come
to (1. have reached) the level or other
tasa luku even number. -lukuinen evennumbered. -mielinen even-tempered, . . or
an even temper; even-minded. -mielisyys
even temper; equanlmity. -mittainen: ..
ovat tasamittaiset . . are equal in lenirth.
-mittaiauus equal leng-th. -mukainen syrnmptrlcal, symmetrlc. -mukaisuus symmetry, symmetrtcalness.
tasan even(ly), equally; (tarkalleen) Just,
exaetly, preclsely; ei ky onnen lahjat
rortune's irirts are not equally dlvidcd;
jaollinen (equally) dlvlsible, .. admittjiur
or division \vlthout a romalnder; jakaa
dlvide wlthout a remalndcr, (yht suuriin
osiin) dlvide In equal parts, divlde (1. dlstrlbute) . . equally (1. evenly) ramnna- . . ,
Jolttenkultten kesken], (esim. kustannuk
set) share, ro shares in payin? . . , (kah
tia) split, (TO halves rhuom. tasan jaetta
vaksi to be dlvided equally (1. evenly), Tor
equal (1. even) distrlbutlon] , vrt. panna;
7 menee 21:teen SI Is dlvlsible by 7
(without a remainder), 21 rnntains 7
tasa nen Hat nose. -neniinen (lat-nosed.
tasanko plaln; (yl-) plateau; (-maa) riat
(1. level) country: vrt. ruoho, yl ,
-seutu riat (1. level) country.
tasanne plane; level (mys kaivos).
tasannesgeometrla plane freometry.
tasapaino balance; (rys.) equilibrium (mo
lemmat mys kuv.): (ctup. kuv.) polse,
eqtilpolse; tasapainossa in balance, (\vell)
balanced, (Tys.) In equilibrium rhuom.
olla (\. pysy) tasapainossa (mys:) keep
one's balance, balancp (o.s.) 1 .Europan val
tiollinen the pnlltlral equilibrium n(
Europe. balance or po\ver in Europe; me
nett tasapainonsa lose one's rltsl bal
ThUOm. tasapainonsa menettnyt
(mys:) .. orr one's balancel : saattaa
tasapainoon (hrlnjr to) balance (1. polse).
-oppi stattcs. -tila state or equilibrium
(1. nT balance). balanced state
tasa 'pinta plane: level: olla tasapinnassa
(mys:) be on the same level. -pitk . .
or even (1. equal) lenirth. -pohjainen riatbottomed; tasapohjainen proomu Tlathoat.
-puolinen (puolueeton) Impartlal, ralr.
even, Just, unblassed, unprejudlced: (oi
keudenmukainen) equitable. -puolisesti Impartlally. ralrly, evenly, Jnstly; equltahly.
-puolisuus impartiality, ralrness, lustness:
equlty. -piinen . . wlth a square (1. a riat)
end: .. \vlth square ends. -sauma (mer.)
carvel- Joint: tasasaumalle rakennettu CS.Tvei bnilt. -sivuinen eniillateral 'trlamrle.


-soukkainen (kasv.) linear riear, lehti],

-suhtainen proportlonate, proportlonal;
symmetrical; (sopu-) well-proportioned.
-suhtaisesti proportionatcly; symmetrically. -suhtaisuus symmetry.
tasata 1. (jakaa tasan) dividc up, (yht
suuriin osiin) dividc (1. apportion) into
equal parts, (Jolttenkultten kesken) dlvide
.. (evenly 1. equally) ramonff (1. between)], dlstrlbute .. (evenly 1. equally)
[amonif]; 2. = tasottaa; tili(t) ks.
tasaus 1. (jako) (even 1. equal) division,
(even 1. equal) dlstrlbution; 2. = tasot ui;
vrt. pivn, -vara (trimmliiK) manrin;
mys = sovitteluvara.
tasautua = tasaantua.
tasa! valta republlc; (et. liisi, ja laajem
massa merk.) commonvvealtli. -valtainen
republlcan [rorm or Government, hallitus
muoto], -valtaisuus republicanlsm. -val
talainen republican. -valtalaisuus repub
licanlsm. -vartinen . . \vlth a stem or even
thlckness. -vertainen ks. tasa -arvoinen,
-vkinen. -virta (siihk.) dlrect current.
-voimainen: .. ovat tasavoimaiset . . are
or equal strenKth, . . are equally stronir;
vrt. scur.
-vkinen equally matched;
(vertainen) peer, compeer: fte ovat tasa
vkiset they are equals, they are on a
par, they are a mateli Tor each other,
(-voimaiset) they are equally stronff (1. or
equal strength), (et. henkisesti) they are
on a level \vith each otlier (l. on the same
taaku pocket: pist taskuuni sm (put in
one's) pocket: vrt. kivi.
taaku- (yhd.) pocket reslm. -kampa pocket
comb; -peili pocket Klass (I. rnirror)].
-hiiri (ellnt.) pockct-mouse; (pocket-)
fropher. -kello vvatch. -kirja pocket (1.
small) notebook. -koko pocket size. -ko
koinen . . or pocket Size: taskukokoinen
painos pocket edition, -laina ( Irlendly)
arcommndation. -lamppu (shk-) rlashllieht. -matti pocket; (Jkpv.) pocketpistol.
taskunen stnall pocket.
tasku raha
(mys:) spendlny-money, loose chanite,
(naisista puhuen:)
(elfnt.) crab. -sanakirja pocket dlctionary. -varaa pickpocket; cutpurse. -var
kaus pocket-plcklnfr; tehd taskuvarkaus
plck a pocket. -veitsi pocket-knlTe, (suuri)
Jack-knlTe; (kyn-) penknire.
taso plane; (korkeus-) level; olla samalla
tasolla lie on a level (1. a par 1. the same
plane) [wlth a p., kuin Joku (toinen) 1.
tasottaa make .. (more) even, even; level
rthc (rrniind, maata; the dlstlnctions, eroa
vaisuudet): (silitt) make .. sinooth(er),
smooth (out 1. down); (taputtaen, esim.
maata) pat [the ground] smooth: (leikkoen) trlm rthe halr, tukkaa], prune (a
hedire, pensasaitaa] : (kuv. - tehd sa
manlaiseksi) equallzc, (sovitella) adjust;
(mek.) compensate; vrt. tasata; kive
(hakkaamalla) dress-stone; leikkaamalla
(mys:) cut . . (orr) even: tiera make
the road (more) even, level the road.
(kuv.) make the way smooth(er) F Tor1,
vrt. raivata, tasottaja IeveKDcr. taaotUmaton unlevel(l)ed, . . not smoothed
(down); untrimmed; (eptasainen) uneven,
rouffh. tasottaminen maklnir . . (more)
even Jne., ks. tasottaa. tasottua become
(more) even; become smooth (er); (kuv.)
be(come) equallzcd, be adjusted; yrt. ta

tasotus taiottaminen; (mek.) Compensa- kulku, kuume, munuais, rutto,
tlon. -merkki (mus.) natural. -ty (work veal , vilu ym. -kertomus (I. v.) nurse"s
of) level(l)ing.
report. -kuolema death rrom?a dlsease;
tassi (teevati) saucer.
(luonnollinen) deatb due to natural causes,
tassu paw; antaa tassua put out (1. glve) natural death.
Its paw.
tautinen (Jossa on tauti) . . arrilcted with
tassukka (Jkpv.) chunk; miehen chunky dlsease(s), diseksed; (sairaalloinen) sickchap (1. fellow), chunk or a rellow; pieni ly; (epterveellinen) unhealthy [climate.
tytn a chubby little glrl.
ilmanala] ; nykyn on aika, tm on
tassutella, tassuttaa patter; (tyllertilil) tautista aikaa there Is a great deal or lll
tortdle, waddle. tasautuminen, tassuttele
ness about at present; vrt. kaatuva,
minen patterin? Jne., ks. edell. tassuttelu, keuhko, kuume, rinta, vesi y.m.
tassutus patter; toddle, waddle.
tautioppi pathology. tautisuus (sairaal
utafairl Tartar, Tatar. tata(a)rilainen I. loisiin?) slckllness; (epterveellisyys) un(s.) = edell. II. (a.) Tartar, Tartarlan, healthlness. tautivuode = sairasvuode.
Tatar, Tatarian, Tataric.
Uutta ks. takia.
tattari (kasv.) buckwheat.
Uvaaminen spelllng. tavaileminen = tavailu.
tatti mushroom; vrt. hepo, lehmiin,
tavailla be spelllng; (tankata) attempt to
tattis thanks!
read (1. to make out), tavailu spelllng;
tatuoida, tatueerata tattoo. tatuoiminen (tankkaus) attempt(s) to read.
tattoolng. tatuointa (llioptlrros) tattoo. Uvallaan In a manner, tn a way, In some
tatuoitu tattooed.
ways (1. respects), in certaln respects:
taudin- (yhd.) . . or (the) slckness (I. 111- (Jossakin mrin) to a certaln n to
ness), . . or (the) dlsease [esim. -kulku some) extent, In a certaln (I. In some)
course (1. progress) of the slckness (I. degree; hn on perheeseen kuuluva
the lllness 1. the dlsease) : -tapaus case of (mys:) she is, arter a Tashlon, one or the
slckness (1. or lllness I. of dlsease)]. -aihe ramlly: omalla tavallaan In one's (own)
way I 11 n nm. hn kertoi sen omalla tai ai i. (-syy) cause or (the) dlsease (I. slck
ness): 2. = taudlnsiemen. -aine virus, laan (Jutun) he gave hls own version or it].
contagton; vrt. edell. -kohtaus case of tavallinen usual: (harvinaisen vastakohtana)
slckness (1. of lllness); (etenkin ankara) common; (usein esiintyv) rremient: (ylei
attack (1. rit) of slckness (1. of lllness). nen) general; (arkipivinen) ordlnary,
-leveneminen spread of the dlsease. commonplace: (keskinkertainen) average
-merkki 1. -oire symptom of (the 1. a) [person, Ihminen]: (snnllinen) normal;
dlsease; symptom of slckness (1. or lll
(snnllisesti tapahtuva) regular; (tavan
ness). -pesi nest of (the) dlsease; (rutto-) omainen) customary; (totuttu) accusseat or the plague. -puuska attack of (the) tomed, habltual; sotamies common soldlsease; nt of slckness, attack (or slck
dler, prlvate: tavalliseen aikaan at the
ness); (snnllisesti palautuva) paroxysm. usual (1. ordlnary 1. regular) tlme (1.
-siemen germ or (the) dlsease, dlsease hour): tavalliseen tapaan In the ordlnary
v i- r 1 1 . -syy = taudinaihe, 1.
(1. usual) manner (1. way), much as usual:
taukoamaton, taukoamatta, taukoaminen tavallisella hvyttmyydelln Wlth hls
ks. lakkaamaton, lakkaamatta, lakkaaminen. usual (1. accustomed 1. wonted I. custom
taula (Gcrman) ttnder, punk; (kaupp.) ary) lnsolence, wlth the Impudence ha
bltual to hlm: tavalliset ihmiset common
amadou. -kp tlnder-Tungus.
taulu (kuva-) plcture, (maalaus) paintlnif; (1. ordlnary) people, the common (1. the
(puu-, esim. koulussa) board: (taulukko) general) run or people, (keskinkertaiset)
table; (pllrroslaaka, pieni) tablet: (kivi-, average people; tavallisissa oloissa under
rlhvell-) slate; (kellon) face. dlaK-plate); ordlnary (1. normal) condltlons; tavalli
loin taulut tables (1. tablets) or the law; sissa tapauksissa In ordlnary cases, (ta
musia (kouluissa y.m.) blackboard. vallisesti) ordlnarlly, as a rule: tavatusta
(tav.) board; tulehan taululla (opettaja enemmn more than usual, In an unusually
large quantlty, to an unusual degree: fooppilaalle:) come to the board; vrt. am
vallista parempi better than usual, extra
puma-', helmi-', maali, sein y.m.
taulu- (yhd.) . . or plctures (1. or paint- (-ordlnarlly) good; tavallista suurempi
lngs), plcture- [esim. -kokoelma collectlon larger (1. blgger) than usual, unusually
(1. exceptlonally 1. uncommonly) large:
or plctures, plcture-gallery; -nyttely exhlbltion or plctures (1. or palntlngs)!. ei ole tavallista tehd niin lt IS not usual
taulukko table. -ty (klrjap.) tabular \vork, (1. not customary) (ror people) to do so;
hyvin virhe a very common (1. very
tauluni! Jalusta easel:
(mustan taulun) Trequent) mlstake, a mlstake or very com
mon occurrence; kuten (on) tavallista,
standard, -kehys plcture Trame. -muotoi
niinkuin tavallista on as (Is) usual: .. en
nen tabular.
tauluvaaka srales with a dlal, dlal scale. varsin tavallista (mys:) . . IS qulte a
common thlng; sanan tavallisessa merki
tauota ks. lakata.
tyksess In the usualdy accepted) sense
taus ks. korvan; vrt. seur.
tausta background: (teatt. mys:) back. or the word. tavallisesti usually, com(-kulissi) back scone, back drop; vrt. monly; (yleens) generally; (snnllisis
s oloissa) ordlnarlly: as an ordlnary (1. a
kynsi, -kulissi back drop.
tauti dlsease; (sairaus) slckness, lllness, general 1. a usual) thlng; niinp tavalli
sesti kypi thafs the way (1. thafs how)
malady; (vaiva) complalnt, allment; (ep
kunto) disorder; hn on kovassa taudissa lt usually goes, that Is what usually (1.
he Is severely (1. crltlcally) 111. he has generally) happens. Uvalllsimmaatl, ta
(caught) a scvere slckness; kuolla tautiin vallisimmin most usually (1. commonly 1.
generally); (useimmin) most rrequently.
die wlth (1. from 1. oD a dlsease, (tapa
turmaisen kuoleman vastakohtana) die a tavallisuus (yleisyys) commonness: rrequency;
(Jonkin) usual (1. common l. rrenatural death; mik nt vaivaa, miss
taudissa hn on Trom what (dlsease) Is quent) occurrence [or] ; tavallisuuden
tavallista) as usual, (kuten
he surrerlmr? uhat Is his dlsease (l. mal
ady)? vrt. hammas, kaatuva, keuhko . yleens on tapana) accordlng to the corn-




mon practlce, vrt. tapa(nl mukaan); ta- tavarasto stock(of goods l.of merchandlse).
vallisuudesta poikkeava . . Olit of the or- tavara suoritus payment In merchandise;
payment in kind. -tili goods (I. merchan
dlnary (1. the common), . . deviating I'rotu
dise) account. -toimisto (rautat.) freightthe tisual, extraordinary, singular; kuuluu
office. -vaja goods-shed. -varasto (tava
tavallisuuksiin is (quite) the regular (1.
usual) thing; niiden tavallisuus (yleisyys)
rasto) stock (of goods 1. of merchandise);
tlielr (requency, the commonness of their
(silytetty) store(s); (tarvevarasto) supply.
OCCurretlCe; vastoin tavallisuutta, tavaili'
(Engl.) goods-wagon; (umpinainen) box
suudesta poiketen contrary to the [one's]
usual practlce (1. rule).
goods -truck;
baggagetavan mukainen 1. -omainen customary,
car, (Engl.) luggage-van. -vlitys (-kul
common, usual, habltual; (perinninen)
jetus-) rorwarding of goods; (-liike) corntlme-honored, . tradltlonal; (hyvksytty)
mission business in merchandise.
accepted, orthdox, set [Torni, muoto];
tavanomainen oikeus common (1. li liv. Iit tavata I. (vastaan tullen) meet [a p. on the
Street, Joku kadulla; reslstance, vastus
teti) law. -takaa = tuon tuostakin, ks. tuo.
ta]; (lyt) rind; (nhd) see; (sattua
tavara goods, ware(s); (kauppa-) merchanyhteen)
come across, run against, chance
dlse; (esine) article; (tarve-) commodity;
(1. happen 1. llght 1. hit 1. stumble)
(omaisuus) property; (tuote) product;
In with, encounter; (ylltt)
hnen tavaransa (mit hn omisti) his
come upon, Tall upon; (saada kiinni)
goods and chattels, (kapineensa) his efovertake, apprehend; (pahanteosta y.m.)
Ic-its, (matka-) his ba- -a- : maksaa ta
catch, take, seize [a p. In the act of spyvarassa pay in goods (1. in inerchandise),
lng, joku (paraikaa) urkkimasta] ; (kek
pay In (the rorm of) commodities, (luon
si) discover; (osua) hit, strlke; (saada
nossa) pay In kind; tynn kaikenlaista
tavaraa (1. kaikenlaisia tavaroita) full of ksiins) get at, get hold or, lay (one's)
(up)on; tapasimme hnest ystvn
ali kinds of goods (1. \vares 1. commodi
we round him a rrlend, we found a rriend
ties 1. mercliandlse 1. articles 1. efrects).
he proved htmseir a rrlend to us,
-tavara (ytid.) -\vare [esim. lasi glasshe proved (to be) a rrlend; tapasin hnet
ware; rauta hardware] ; vrt. juoma,
I found (1. caught 1. came
matka, ruoka, seka y.m.
upon) him asleep; tapasin hnet sattu
tavara- (yhd.) . . of goods [esim. -mr
malta I happened to meet (1. to come
quantity of goods; -pakka bale (1. bundle)
across) hlm, I chanced to meet hlm, I
or goods] ; (rahti-) rrelght(-), (Engl.)
(1. chanced 1. happened 1. stumbled)
goods[esim. -konttori rreiglit-office,
upon him unavvares, I rell in wlth hlm by
goods-ofrice; -asema freight depot, goodschance;
tavaraan Is [are] (to be) round,
station]. -aitta ks. tavaramakasiini, -auto
is [are] (to be) met vvlth, (esiintyy)
mobiili (auto-)truck, motor-truck. -hissi
[occur]. Is [are] encountered
rreight-elevator; (joskus:) holst. -juna
[huom. sana tavataan viel joissakin mur
the vvord Is stlll used (1.
goods-train. -katos (rahti) rreight shed;
the word stlll exists) in some dialects] ; ~
(yksityisen talon y.m.) storehouse. -kuor
(1. come across) a good
ma load or goods (I. or mercliandlse 1. of
rrlend; ~ (itse) teosta catch (1. take 1.
errecls), ks. tavara, -kuormasto traln of
seize) .. in the (very) act (1. deed),
\vagons loaded wlth goods; (sot.) bagcatch (1. take) . . red-handed; toisensa
gage-traln. -kr bundle (I. parcel) of
ks. kohdata; Joku valheesta catch a p.
goods; package; bundle, pack. -laji kind
In a lie, catch a p. lylng; - vanhoja kir
or goods; (katipp.) brand (of goods).
joja rind (I. come across) some old books,
-leima trade-mark. -leima-asetus statutes
get hold or some Old books ; joku var
kaudesta catch a p. stealing, take (1.
trade-mark register. -liike(nne) (raotat.)
catch) a p. In the act or stealing; vas
freight-trarric; transportatlou or rreight
tuksensa (vertaisensa) meet one's match;
(I. of goods). -luettelo list oi' goods (1. or
Joku vilpist catch one deceiving, rind
articles), catalog(ue); (kalusto) inventoone guilty or deceit; ~ Joku vuoteeltaan
ry. -lhetys consignment (I. shlpment)
rind (1. catch) one in bed; he tapasivat
(or goods). -makasiini vvarehouse; store
hkin tyhjn they found the cage empty;
house. -merkki 1. = tavaraleima; 2. (laji)
hnet tapasi kova kohtalo he lllit Vltll a
harii (1. a sad) rate; hnet tapasi tauti he
tavaran- (yhd.) . . oT (the) goods [esim.
was attacked by (1. he rell vietiin to) a
-arvo vaille or the goods; -hinta prlce 01'
dlsease, he caught a dlsease; hnt on
the goods; -kuljettaja transporter (1. carvalkea kotoaan] lt IS dirriCUlt to rind
rier) or goods]; ror (the) goods [esim.
him [In (1. at home)], lt is dirncult to
-kysynt demaud ror (the) goods]; (kaup
catch him (1. to get an opportunity to see
pa-) . . of mercliandlse [esim. -tunteminen hlm) ; jollen sattuisi tapaamaan hnt
knovvledge of merchandlse] .
(mys:) were I to miss hlm; kyll sinut
transportatlon (1. carrying) or goods;
viet kosto tapaa vengeance shall surely
(paikkakunnalla) delivery (of goods). -l
overtake you yet; miss hnet tapaa, miss
hettj shlpper (or goods 1. or the goods),
hn on tavattavissa where Is he to be
consigner, conslgnor, sender of (the)
found? [do you know] wherc to rind
goods. -lhetys shlpping (1. sending) of hlm? murhaajia ei ole viel tavattu the
(the) goods, consigning of (the) goods.
murderers are not (1. have not been)
round yet; olla tapaamatta (mys:) rall to
-vaihto exchange or commodities (1. or
goods), (kokonais-, kaupp.) total sales (or meet, fall to catch, miss, (osumatta) Tall
inerchandise 1. or goods), sale(s). -vas
to hit; on tavattavissa (kotonaan) Is to (1.
taanottaja conslgnee, receiver (of the may) be seen, Is in, Is at home, vrt. tava
goods). -vlittj business agent; (vlitaan; pelko tapasi hnet he \vas slruck
tyskaupplas) Commission merchant.
wlth fear, fear came upon hlm, Tear overtook (1. seized I. besel) him; pime tapasi
tavara; nyte satnple (or goods). -paketti
meidt (mys:) we were overtaken by
ks. tavarakar.



Tr: s

(the) darkness u. the nighn, darkness

as lipun us lipfore ... ennenkuin . .] ;
p tapasi kattoon (koski) his head
tourhed (Iski: struek) the eeiling; toisinko
. . may (1. could) I see (1. speak to) . .?
siell tapaa ystvi Olle Xviii meet (1. Olle
\vill be among) rriends there; taudin ta
paama attacked by a disease; varas tavat
tiin kaupungista (he thier as found (I.
\vas caught 1. was apprehended) in the city.
tavata 11: min tapaan (minun on tapana)
I am used (I. accustomed) to [do so, tehd
niin: being, olla;, I am \vont to do as I
please, tehd mit haluani, I usually
. uiiilt it, jtt sen pois;. I am in the
halut ui' . doing, tehd', it is my habit to
.ro there, kyd siell;, I have the habit
uf . . huulll. hn tapaa kyd siell usein
(mys:) he goes there often. he rrequents
ttle place; hn tapasi istuskella tuntikausia
(mys:) he used to (I. he \vould) slt for
liours (and hours)"; kuten tavataan sanoa
as the sayiug is o. goes), as they (orten)
say. as It is a rustoni to say.
uvata III. (kirjaimia) spell: (tavuittain)
spell (1. pronounce) by syllables; kuinka
s* tavataan (Am. suuni.
- kirjotetaan)
how do yuu spell It? ho\v is it spelled?
(kuinka minun tulee tavata) ho\v sliall I
spell It?
tavaton uniisual, unxvonted, uncomnion [degree or cold, kylmyys: couraife, rohkeus];
(poikkeuksellinen) exceptional: (harvinai
nen) rare: (eriiiumalnen) extraordinary:
(merkillinen) remarkable, singular: (omi
tuinen) strange, odd, . . out or the com
mon (l. the ordlnary): mys =- suunnaton;
(kohtuuton) . . beyonrt measiire; (eimenkiiiiliiiiiaton) unhearrt or; (ennennkem
tn) unexampled, unpreredentert; taiaffoman iinusually large. suuri;, uneommonly beautiftil, kaunis;, exceptionally, exceedingly : warm, lmmin;, extraordinari]y, extremely ;<lirricult, valkea], (erikoi
sen) extra
huom. tavattoman kaunis
(mys:) .. or unusual (1. exceptional 1.
extraordinary) beauty; tavattoman laaja
vast, inilneriSf; tavattoman suuri (mys:)
. . of unusual (I. enornious) size, enormousdy large), prodigious, luige, monstrous. rolossal, glgantic; meill oli siell
tavattoman hauskaa \ve enjoyed ourselves
(rreatly (1. lmmensely) there, we had an
exceedlngly frooU tiine there; niit oli ta
vattoman paljon (mys:) there were ever
su many of thein]; tavattomat tulot (ta
vattoman suuret) enorrnous (I. fabiilous)
Income: ei mitn tavattomia IlOtlling IH1usual, nothlng out of the \vay, notbiiifr
i-xlraoi-dinary (I. out of the ordlnary):
hn maksoi siit tavattoman hinnan (Inys:)
lie paid for it excessively.
tavattava occurrlng, . . to be found, . . to
be niet wlth, exlstlng, extant; tavattavana
k:lo 3S j. p. p. (esim. lkrin lliiintuksissa) Office hours 3 5 I'. M.; on tavat
tavissa ks. tavata.
tavattomasti umisually, unconunonly; exeeptlonally; extraordinarily; rernarkaljly, slngularly; out of the common; lmmensely,
enorniously; tremendously; excessively;
exceeding-ly, beyond measure; vrt. tavaton,
tavattomuua uncommonness; remarkableness, slngularity; strangeness, oddness,
oddlty; immensity; vastness; enorniousness, hugeness; monstrosily; trcinendniisness; preposterousness; excesslveness; vrt.


Uvaus spelling (hy syllables) Jne., ks. ta

vata, iii. -merkki hyplien. -virhe mistake
in spelling.
tavi (elint.) teal.
tavotella I. = tavottaa; 2. (hapuilla) prope
arter (I. for), jotakin ksiins}; (kopeloi
da) rumble [for]; vrt. tapailla; - kruunua
seek to obtain (I. to possess) the crovvn;
~ kunniaa seok (arter) glorv; mainetta
aspire to (I. seek arter) faine: pilventakaisia My too tligh; tavat eltava . . \Yorlh
Striving Tor; sit juuri olen tavotellut(kin)
that is Just \vliat I liave sought (1. striven)
to obtain (1. to reach), that is just uhat
I have aimed at: taivasta tavotteleva ..
rising tovvard the heavens, mys = taivaankorkuinen.
tavottaa (koettaa saada kiinni) try (I. attempt 1. seek I. endeavor) to catch, trv to
catch (I. to grasp I. to lay 1. to get) hold
[of]; (koettaa yletty) try (I. attempt) to
reach: (koettaa saavuttaa) trv to catch up
uitti (1. to)); (koettaa saada) seek (1.
endeavor) to obtain, (haltuunsa) seek (1.
endeavor) to possess, (ksiins) try (1.
seek) to get at: (pyrki saamaan) strive
Tor (1. arier), jotakin], struggle ,'afterl,
aspire to [pouer, valtaa], be Intent upon.
seek; (haluta) be arter a p.'s money, jon
kun rahoja]; (havitella) hunt [ror],hanker
arter (1. Tor)], hanker to obtain (1. to
possess); (himoita) covet, have one's heart
set upon; (thdt) aim I at (I. at . ,-ing) .
have . . in viexv, have . . Tor rone's] object:
(ajaa takaa) chase, give chase to, (et.kuv.)
pursue; (kyd kiinni) seize, catch (i
grasp) hold or, grasp [af, rlutch at ! ;
(iske, osua) strike, hil: (saavuttaa) catch
up i with (1. to)], overtake; (tavata) meet;
(lhennell) approacn, be approachlng, be
nearing, dravv near(er), dra\v nigh; (koet
taa jljitell) try to imltate; (koettaa en
ntt) try to make [the train. Junaa";
(koettaa saada osumaan) try to hit;
jonkun katsetta seek (I. try) to catch a
p.'s eye: ~ omaa etuaan pursue (I. strive
for) one"s ovvn interest(s); ~ rikkauksia
hunt (I. strive) Tor rlclies (1. ror \vealtli),
seek to possess nealth: sanoja ks. ta
pailla; taivasta (try to) reach the skv
(1. the heavens). strive tovvard the sky,
(hipoa) touch the sky (1. the heavens") ;
hnt min en tavata I can't (1. I am unable
to) catch up \vilh hiin, (en tapaa) 1 \von't
meet hini; kotka lintua the eagle chases
(1. glves chase to) the bird, the eagle tries
(1. attempts) to catch the blrd; vrt, tavo
tella. tavottaminen trying to catch jne.,
ks. edell. tavottelija (valtaistuimen) pretender ,to the throne1 ; (viran y.m.)
iorrice-lseeker, aspirant [Tor]; claimant
.to); vrt. krkkyj, tavottelu (jonkin)
aspiration(s) ;rorl, pursuit [of]; en(leavor(s); aim; struggle rafter], strire
errurt(s); (jljittely) Imitating, Imitatloii;
rikkauksien tavottelu pursuit of \veallll.
struggle (1. strire I. errorts I. endeavors)
to obtain wealth; vrt. tapailu.
tavu syllable; tavuihin jakaminen syllabiriratlon. syllablralinn: /aitoa tavuihin divide
Into syllables, syllabir.v, syllabicate.
tavu- (yhd.) syllable iesirn. -jako syllable
division; -kirjotus syllable vritlngl.
tavuinen (yhd.) . . or (1. with) . . syllables.
. .-syllabled, . .-syllabic(al) [esim. moni.. or (1. with) many syllables, niauvsyllabled, polysyllabtc(al)] ; vrt. kaksi-,
koImi~, neli-- jne.
tavumerkki hyphen.



tavuu I. - tavan; 2. = tavu.

ti you; (Juhlallisessa klel.) ye; teidn your,
yours [esim. teidn hattunne your liat;
onko tm teidn is this yours?]; teit
you; tek ee olette Is lt you? miten teill
jaksetaan DOW are your TolkS? onko teill
ketn kotona Is (there) auyoue at home
at your house? onko teill mitn sit
vastaan have you anythlng agalnst it?
teatteri theater, theatre; (-rakennus) playhouse; teatteria suosiva yleis the putille
which patronizes the theater; teatterissa
at the theater, (rakennuksessa) in the
theater [liuoin, kyd usein teatterissa go
to the theater (1. to plays) orien, see
drania orten] ; menn teatteriin go to the
theater (I. the play), (nyttelijksi) go un
the stage, becoine an actor.
teatteri- (yhd.) dramatic [esim. -arvostelija
dramatic crllic; -musiikki dramatfc music],
theatrlcal [esim. -katsaus thuatrical revlew] ; theater [esim. -piletti theater
tlcket] ; (Joskus:) stage [esim. -efekti
stage erfect]. -aitio box. -arvostelu criticlsm or dramatlcs, dramatic crlticism;
(jonkin kappaleen) crlticism of the play.
-henkilkunta employees (1. personnel) oi'
a [the] theater, theater stafT. -ilta: onfco
tnn teatteri-ilta is there a perrormance
(1. a play) at the theater tn-nlght? -kap
pale play, drama. -kieli language of
the stage.
-kiihko (teatterissakynti-)
passionate love Tor the theater; neen
tarttui teatterikiihko (kiihko ruveta nyt
telijksi; Jkpv.) he became stage-struck.
-kiihkoinen stage-struck; (Joka ky ahke
raan teatterissa) passionate lover of the
1. -thystin operaglasses. -koulu dramatic school, theat
rlcal school, school or dramatlcs. -lava stage.
teatterimainen theatrical; (halveksivasti:)
stagy; ottaa ~ asento strike a stagy
attltude, attltudinize. teatterimaisesti theatrlcally; In a stagy manner, teatterimai
suus theatrlcal nature of]: hnen ky
tksens teatterimaisuus his theatrlcal II.
stagy) conduct.
teatterini Johtaja manager of a [the] thea
ter, theater manager: vrt. seur. -ohjaaja
stage-manager. -ystv lover or the mel
ler, theater lover; (suosija) patron or
the theater.
teatteri |[ nyttm stage. -nytnt (theat
rlcal) perrormance; play. -ohjelma program (or the play), (painettu) playblll.
-piletti (mys:) ticket ror the theater (I.
the play), -rakennus theater (liuildlng);
playhouse. -salonki salon or a theater.
-seura 1. -seurue company or artors (1. or
players); stock company; (kiertv) road
teatterissall kvij theater-goer, play-goer;
teatterissakvijt (usein:) the play-golng
pubilc. -kynti theater-golng; vlslt to the
theater; vhent teatterissahyntejn
reduce (Jkpv.: cut down) one's theatergolng, vlslt the theater(s) less orten.
teatteri talo theater, playhouse.
audience (or a theater), theater audience,
(Joskus:) the house; (teatterissakyv)
theater-golng pubilc.
tee tea; juoda teet drink (1. take) tea;
keitt teet make (1. bre\v 1. steep) tea.
tee- (yhd.) tea(-) [esim. -lasi tea-glass;
-pyt tea-table; -siivil tea-strainer ].
-illallinen tea. -kalut - teeneuvot. -kannu
teapot. -kauppa (puoti) tea-store, (etup.
Engl.) tea-shop; (-liike) tea-business;
(esim. Jonkin maan) tea-traile. -keltin 1.


-keitti teakettle, teapot; tea-urn; (ve

nlinen) samovar. -kekkerit tea(-party).
-kupillinen teacuprul.
-kutsut tea(-party). -laji kind (1. quality
I. variely) or tea. -leip tea-biscuit, teacooky, tea-cake; teeleip tea-biscuits,
tea-cookles, tea-cakes.
teelm \vork, product; (luonnos) design,
pian; (rougb) dralt [or], rirst sketch,
outlinc(s); (runko) skeleton.
taell lusikallinen teaspoonrul. -lusikka tcaspoon; teelusikoittain b.v the teaspoonrul.
-neuvot tea-scrvlce, tea-set, set oC teathlngs.
teenninen arrected;
constralned, rorced, strained, labored; (keino
tekoinen) artiricial, mock, rictitlous; (et
sitty) rar-retched; (teeskennelty) relgned,
simulated; (jarkeilty) sophlstlcated; prlggish; ~ hymy arrecled (1. rorced 1. strained
1. labored) smile; ~ puhetapa arrected
manner oi' speaking, language full or
riiaiiiierlsins; heidn kytksessn oli jo
takin teennist there was somethlng arrected Iii their conduct, there \vas a (I. an
air or) constraint aliout them (1. In their
conduct). teennisesti arrectedly; In an
arrerted (I. a constralned 1. a rorced I. a
strained) manner (1. \vay). teennisyys
arrectatlon, arrectedness; constraint; artiriclallty, artiriclalness; (dls)slmulatlon;
hnen kytksens teennisyys the aTTectation (I. the artiriciality) or hls manners,
hls arrected (1. hls constralned) manners.
teepensas tea-plant, tea-shrub.
teereni pisama rreckle. -poikue covey (1.
brood) oi' heath-grouse. -soidin ks. soidin.
teeri (ellnt.) heath-grouse, heath-bird;
lilack-grouse; vrt. koiras-, naaras . -pari
pair oi' heath-grouse.
teeskennell (esiinty teeskennellen) be ar
rected, act arrectedly; (olla olevinaan) arrect (I. relgn I. slmulate 1. pretend 1. sham)
Lrrlendshtp, ystvyytt; Ignorance, tiet
mttmyytt] ; put on an appearance or
iplety, hurskautta], put on a [plous, ctc]
appearance; (uskottaa) make belleve; (olla
ulkokullattu) play llie saint (1. the hypocrite) I berore a ])., Jollekulle], act the
hypocrlte; (peitell) disgulse [one's volce,
ntns], make .. arrected; (salata tun
teensa) disgulse one's (real) sentlments;
Vlt. tekeyty; teeskennellen (teeskentelevstl) arrectedly. In an arrected (1. a
relgnlng) manner (1. \vay), minclngly, hypocrltlcally [huom. puhua teeskennellen
(mys:) be arrected In one's speech, (hie
nostellen) mlnce one's \vords] ; ~ hienout
ta arrect rerinement, pretend to be rerined,
(sievistell) mince; olevansa pretend to
be idear, kuuro], pretend (1. make be
lleve) that one Is [sick (1. 111), sairas],
act as il' one \vere [insane, mielipuoli],
(koettaa esiinty jonakin) t ry to pass ror,
try to pass o.s. oli' as. teeskennelty ar
rected, rcigned, simulated; sliam, mock
[Illodesty, kainous]; teeskennellyll vaka
vuudella \vith reigned (1. \vith mock) serlousness, wltli a show (1. a pretense) or
serlousness; teeskennelty hymy huuliltaan
with an arrected (1. a sham 1. a relgned)
suille on his llps. teeskenteleminen being
arrected Jne., ks. teeskennell; mys
teeskentely, teeskentelemttmyys unafrectedness, artlessness; unarrected (1.
artless l. unrelgned) manner(s); vrt.
unrelgned; undlsgulsed; artless, Inarlillclal; (luonnollinen) natural; (vilpitn)

teaekentetev ( I nen )


stne*re. frank. true; (suora) stralghtrorvoiM. laaaAenteeavtUnan) arrected, feigntna>: (puetussaan) mincing; (ulkokullattu)
bjrpoorttical, ptiartsaical; vrt. teeskennelty.
teeekenteJev< iseisti = teeskennellen, ks.
teeskennell. teeskenteievisyys arfectedn*ss: (ulkokultaisuus) bypocritical dispoaitlon. bjrpocrtsy. teeskentelij feigner,
preleuder; ulkokullattu) hypoertte, pharW**. taaekenteiy afrectatlon, arfectedness;
pretenses: (dis)slmulatlon; (ulkokultai
suus) hypocrisy, pbarlsalsm; (keinotekoi
suus) arttriclailty.
le*tetU ks. teett, taatto teettminen.
teettj on* ho has . . done (1. made 1.
l>*rrorm*il 1. *\*euted); . . who makes one
Jo . .: ntke en tameut taian teettj vvtio Is
II v.ho is haMng this house bullt? vrt.
tveateettj. teettminen havlng . . done
Jn*., kS. S*ur. : paljonko tuli saappaillesi
teettminen meneemaan \vhat di<l It COSt

you to have (1. what dld you have to pay

for bavinr) your boots made? teett
jotakin) iiav* . . done (L made 1. perrornied I. executed); teett jollakulla
hav* (I. make) one do (1. perrorm 1. excrute). liav* on* make ibuom. teett jota
kin tmtarilta (mys:) order . . rrom the
shoeiu&ker. glvo the shoemaker an order
Tori. teettt - teett.
tee) vati saurer. -ero tax on tea.
tetidaa fartory, (harvoin:) manufactory;
(suuri, mys:) mlll; (-laitos) works;
manurarturlnr plant: tehtaan takoa ractory-made, . . of Tactory make; vrt. ku
toma-, lael-, paperi-, saippua- y.m.
tehdas- (vhd.) fartory [esiin, -piiri factory
dlstrlrt: -tuote factory product]; manurarturlng [esim. -kaupunki maiuiracturing
lnwn; -piiri mnmirarturing dlstrlct]. -alue
rartorv irrounds. -laitos manufacturing
PKtablishtutMit (I. plant). factory. -liika
manurarlurlng business; harjottaa tahdasliikattu (mys:) be a manufacturer.
tehdasmainen fartory-llke. tehdasmaisesti
bv marhln*ry; (tukuttain) In great quantlty; In Inrge nunntittes; In wholcsale lots.
tehdas osakeyhti niaiiurartiirlng company,
inlllliiif ronipaiiv. -rakennus rartory (bulldIng). -tavaran) maniifartured (1. Tactorymade) goods (1. artlrlcs). -teollisuus
manurarturlng Industry, -teos manuractnrod (1. fartory-made) artlcle. -ty raetory (1. mlll) work (l. labor). -tylinen
I. -tymies ractory \vorker, mlll laborer,
fartory (I. mlll) hand.
tehd do [a good Job, kunnollinen ty; good
business, hyv, liikett; rlght (I. the rlght
thlng), oikein; iiiucli for a p.. paljon Jon
kun liyvftksl ; a great deal or damage, pal
jon vahinkoa]; make [a chalr, tuoli; a
roat, takki; a bolo In, reikll Johonkin; an
apology, anteeksipyynt; an excurslon,
huvimatka; one happy. Joku onnelliseksi;
. . sharp, Jokin tervksi; one a new man,
jostakusta uusi mies (1. Joku uudeksi mie
heksi)]; (olla tekemss) be dolng, be
tnaklng [ouscrvations, havaintoja]; (suo
rittaa) perrorm, acrompllsh, execute.earry
out. arbieve [great dceds, suuria tekoja],
(Jotakin pahaa) commit (1. perpetrate)
ia crlme, rikos], (laatia) draw up [suggestlons, ehdotuksia], draw. devlse; (sepit
t) wrfte [poems, runoja], compose; (ra
kentaa) build, construct; (asettaa) put up
f a fenee, alta], set up; (aikaansaada) effect, brlng about, work: (aiheuttaa) cause,
inlllct [t ound, haava]; (saattaa) render
;. . illejMble, Jokin mahdottomaksi lukea;


the fortress. secure, llnnotus lujaksi];

drive [a p. insane. Joku hulluksi] ; (me
netell) act, deal; (ptt) conclude [a
treaty, sopimus]; (valmistaa tehdasmai
sesti) manuracture; (tuottaa) produce [a
flne (1. an excellent) plece of work, erin
omaista tyt] ; (nousta johonkin sum
maan) amount to, come to, go to; ta*
muilla, mit haluat itsellesHkin) tehtvn

do (to others) as you would be done by;

tee se, niin olat kiltti thafs ttie good boy
[gin] ! (yes,) do lt like a good boy [girl] !
~ aitaa be putting up a fence; ala
kuloiseksi make . . blue (1. depressed), depress, east . . down, (masentaa) make . .
lose heart, take the heart (1. the courage)
out of; ~ aiota johonkin take the lnitiative
in, take the flrst steps toward; ~ anomus
jostakin (mys:) petltlon for, apply for;
(itselleen) asiaa jonkun luo find an excuse (1. a pretext) Tor going to see (1. for
calling on) a p., (Jostakin) make an erraiid of . . to see a p., make . . a pretext for
going to a p.; ehdotus, ~ esitys make a
proposal (1. a proposition), propose (a
scheme), suggest (a scheme), (esim. ko
kouksessa) make a motion, move [that . . ,
ett ..]; ~ eleit (kasvojen-) make faces
(1. grimaces), (liikkeit, ksilln) gesticulate, motion; ~ arahdys make a mistake,
be mistaken, (virhe) make (I. commit) an
error (1. a fault), fall into (an) error,
(paha, trke) make (1. commit) a blunder; ~ estelytt raise (1. make) objectlons, (esitt tekosyit) orfer (1. resort
to) excuses, try to evadc; ~ [paljon]
haittaa (cause) truuble, (cause) lnconvenlence, do [a great deal or] harm, (va
hinkoa) hurt, (kiusaa) interfere [\vith,
Jollekin], (est) liamper [constderably].
vrt. tehd vahinkoa; hallaa ks. tehd
vahinkoa & (Mieli.; ~ hain make bay;
~ helpoksi make . . easy [esim. se teki
hanalla helpoksi saavuttaa . . that made it
easy for hlm to accompllsn . .] ; halpommahst, ~ huonommaksi, kovammaksi, paremmaksi, * vaikeammaksi
jne., kS. helpottaa, huonontaa, kaventaa,
parantaa, vaikeuttaa Jne.; hullutuksia,

mielettmyyksi do foollsb things, act

foolishly, (jkpv.) make an ass of o.s.;
~ hyv do good, work to the good [or],
be beneficial to [huom. se tekee hanalle
hyv that does (1. wlll do) hlm good,
that will have a good effect on hinij ;
~ hyv jlke do good \vork, do Weil,
accomplish good results; ~ hirit cause
(1. make) a dlsturbance, cause conrusion
(1. dlsorder 1. trouble 1. lnconvenience).
make trouble, (give . .) trouble, put . . to
lnconvenience, dlsturb, (jollekulle) molest.
harass; hvityst ks. tehd tuhoa;
ihmeit work (1. perform) wonders (1.
miracles), (kuv. mys:) do wonders;
ilkivaltaa, ilkivaltaisuuksia do (1. be up
to) mischlef, commit outrages; iloiseksi




(l. syypksi) johonkin be gullty Of [an

omlsslon, laiminlyntiin], fall into [an er
ror, virheeseen], lay o.s. open to blame
for [huom. hn on tehnyt itsens syy
pksi moneen huolimattomuuteen he has
been gullty of carelessness (1. of negllgence) on many occasions (1. In mauy
instances)]; itsens tunnetuksi jostakin
I jonakin ] make o.s. known as a ... gain
the reputatlon or being ... (huon. merkit.)
make o.s. notorlous for; ivaa ks. tehd
pilaa; jalkineita make (1. manufacture)


stioes; Johtopts conclude, lnfer, deInquiries) or .. about (1. concernlng)] ;
duce, dravv (1. come to) a conclusion
knnytystyt joidenkin keskuudessa
[esim. tst hn Itki sen johtoptksen,
(etup. uskonnon, merkit.) work Tor the
ett . . rrom this he concluded (1. inferred)
Conversion or, (polltill. merkit, y.m.) carry
ttiat . .] ; ~ jollakin jotakin (kytt Jo
on propaganda among; ~ lakko (go on a)
honkin) have a use ror, use . . ror [huom.
Strlke, walk out; ~ leikkaus jossakussa
min en tee sill mitn I have no use for operate upon, perrorm an operatlon upon
it, I cannot use lt for anything; mit sin
[huom. hness tehtiin leikkaus (mys:)
sill tll teet (mys:) why have you
he went through (1. he underwent) an
brought it here?]; ~ jollekin jotakin do operatlon] ; ~ Joku levottomaksi = hert
somethlng about . . [liuoin, sille ei voi t jossakussa levottomuutta, ks. levotto
tehd mitn (mys:) there is nothlng to muus; liikkeit (ksilln, mys:) gesdo (l. to be done) about it, there is no
tlculate, gesture, motlon, wave one's
help for lt] ; ~ jostakin jotakin make . . or
hands; ~ liitto jonkun kanssa ally O.S.
(1. out or 1. rrom), turn (1. make) . . Into;
with, enter Into (1. rorm 1. make) an al~ juttu ks. tekaista; ~ jrjestelmlliseksi llance (1. a league 1. a union) wlth, (raam.)
(mys:) bring system into, systematize;
covenant \vith, (liittosopimus) make (1.
~ kaarros (esim. nuolestar) make a curve, conclude) a treaty with; ~ lisys johonkin
(ajaessaan y.m.) go around a curve, (esim.
(mys:) amend; ~ loppu jostakin ks. lo
tie) curve (around), swing (out) [to the pettaa; ~ loppua(an) be nearing one's (1.
lert. vasemmalle], bend; ~ kaikkensa, ~
the) end, vrt. tehd kuolemaa; loppu(kaiken) voitavansa do everything (1. ali)
vaatimuksensa (oikeusjutussa, mys:) wlnd
In one's power, do (1. try) ali one can, do
(1. Sum) up One'S case; ~ luettelo joius
one's (very) bcst, do (1. try) one's utmost,
takin make (1. prepare) a llst or, cataput one's best Toot rorward, make every
log(ue); lukua ks. tehd tili; ~ luostarierrort [to], spare no pains [to], leave no
lupaus take a VOW; ~ lyhyt juttu jostakin
Stone unturned; ~ kanne jotakuta vastaan make qulck work or, deal qulckly (1.
onter an action against, prosecute . . at summarlly) with; ~ lht (varustautua
la\v, vrt. nostaa (oikeudenkynti); ~ ka
lhtemn) get ready (1. prepare 1. make
pina ks. nousta (kapinaan); ~ kauppa
preparatlons) to leave, prepare (I. make
make (1. conclude) a bargaln (l. a deal)
preparations) ror departure, (olla lhds
[huom. tehd hyv kauppa (mys:) make
rise to (take) leave, (aikoa lhte) be
a bargaln, do a good plece or business];
about to leave [huom. vieraat tekivt juuri
kauppaa do business [in, Jollakin], deal
lht kun .. (mys:) the party was Just
(1. trade) [in], carry on a trade [in],
breaking up when . .] ; ~ Jollekulle mah
(liikett) carry on (1. transact) business,
dolliseksi saada jotakin make (1. reuder) lt
(myyd) sell, (olla kaupoissa) have dealpossible ror one to get . . , bring . . withlu
ings [wlth a p.. Jonkun kanssa] ; ~ kaup
a p.'s reach; ~ Jokin mahdottomaksi mako
pansa: tekee hyvin kauppansa SellS Weil,
(1. render) . . impossible, preclude (1.
is a good seller, has a great (I. a brlsk)
ellmlnate) the possibllity or; maltaiksi,
demand, (varastosta puhuen:) moves rap~ maltaita malt; * (oman) mielens mu
idly [ huom. . . tekee huonosti kauppansa kaan, ~ mit (1. niinkuin) (itse) haluaa
there is (very) llttle sle (1. demand 1.
do as one pleases (1. likes), use bne's
market) Tor ... (varastosta puhuen:) ..
own dlscretion, Tollow one's own sweet
moves SlOWly] ; Joku kelpaamattomaksi wlll,
work one's wlll [huom. tee mielesi
johonkin toimeen (mys:) dlsquallTy . . Tor
mukaan (mys:) you can have it ali your
S position; Jollekulle kepponen (\. kolt
Own way; he tekivt hnelle mit (itse)
tonen) play one a triek, play a trlck (1. a
halusivat they dld what they pleased wlth
prank) on one, play a practical Joke upon
(1. to) hlm, they worked their will on
one; ~ kierros kaupungilla take a turn
hlm] ; ~ mieti wlsh, deslre, llke, want,
about the city; kipet hurt, cause
have a desire (1. a wlsh 1. a want) to
pain; ~ hirjanpts ks. tehd tilinpts;
[lnr.], be desirous or, (olla halukas) be
~ kiusaa ks. kiusata; ~ kiusa kiusasta ks.
w!lllng to, have a good mlnd to. hav a
maksaa (samalla mitalla); ~ kokeita ks.
mlnd (1. a notlon) to, Teel inclined to,
kokeilla; ~ kompromissi, ~ kompromisseja
(kaivata) long, yearn [huom. eik kenen
compromlse; ~ konkurssi ks. tehd vara
kn tee mieli koettaa doesn't anybody
rikko; kovaksi, ~ pehmeksi, ~ tasai
want to try (a hand In this)? lsn't there
seksi y.m. kS. kovettaa, pehmitt, tuot
anybody (who is) willlng to (1. who would
taa y.m.; tehdkseen jotakin (In order) to like to) try? ei minun tee mieli (h mieleni)
do, wlth the purpose or . .-Ing- [huom.
menn sinne I don't care (1. like) to go
tehdkseen hnelle mieliksi (in order) to
there, I would rather not go there; hnen
please htm; he nousivat osottaakseen kun
mielens tekee Cl. hnen tekee mieli) me
nioitustaan (mys:) they rose In homage] ;
rille his mlnd is bent upon a sallor's life.
kunniaa jollekulle (SOt.) SalUte One; ~
he would llke to become a sallor, he longs
kuolemaa (olla kuolemaisillaan) be dying,
to go to sea, vrt. (mieleni) palaa; mene
be at the polnt or death, (taistella kuole
minne mielesi tekee go where you llke
man kanssa) struggle with death, (val
(1. please); mieleni tekee ajaa hnet ulos
mistautua kuolemaan) prepare (o. s.) ror
I have a good mind (1. I reel inclined) to
death, vrt. tehd loppuaan; kuperkeikka
turn (1. to drive) hlm OUt; minun tekee
take a tumble, topple (1. turn l. tumble)
mieli (\. tekee mieleni) kuulla (mys:)
over, tumble down, (kuv.) fali, be a railI should like to hear] ; ~ Jollekulle mieliksi
ure; Joku kykenemttmksi rtlsable a
(l. mieleen) do . . to please (1. to suit)
p.,deprive one or the power [to, Johonkin ] ;
one, do . . to a p.'s liklng, do (1. act) as
Jollekulle kysymys ask one a question,
one deslres (1. wlshes 1. likes) [huom.
put a question to ono, tnqulre or one,
tehdkseen hnelle mieliksi (In order) to
make an lnqniry nr one, (esitt) propose a
please (1. to grattry 1. to obllge 1. to suit)
question to one [huom. tehd jollekulle ky
her] ; mittauksia (maan-) do (1. carry
symyksi jonkin /o/idosfa(kysoll) question
on) surveylng: ~ mitttmksi annul, rannne about (1. concerning), Inquire (1. mako
cei, nuinry, (ptemttmksi) lnvalMate,

rnak* . . ntjJl and void: mullistus jo
kin (rnyo- ) revolulioiilze: jokin jenkin
muotoiseksi tfive . . the jhape (1. the rorni)
"f; murha rommit ia) murdtrr, kili a
rnari; matka d-Hin. tir-ta:) make (I.
forr/i) a bend n. a curve I. a loop), niake
a turn, (kierros, e-irri. ihrm.-i-ta puhuen:)
go around, ko out of one's way, (suuri)
rnake a detour huom. /"ra tciU norui
mutkan the oat went a long ay around
(I. out of il rourse), the boat made a
letour, , mutkia ks. mutkitella; jokin
mutkikkaaksi (mys:) complirate; muu
tosehdotus (esitt) propose a rhange,
(huh. lakiin) propose an arnendment, vrt.
tahdit ehdotus; Jokin Jokuj nauretta
vaksi make . . rldlculous, make . . an obJert of rldleule, turn . . to rldleule. make
a laughltig-stork of, vrt. seur.; jokin
[Joku; naurun esineeksi make . . an object
of rldleule, hoki . . up to rldleule; joku
oikeudettomaksi tuke a p.' rights away
frorn hlrn, deprlve one of hls rights, (ville
lain turvaa) oullaw one; jollekulle
oikeutta do one Jui>tlr:p, do justlee to a p.
! liuoin, tehdksemme heille oikeutta mei
dn tytyy .. (mys:) in Justlce to them
wc rnilHt ..]; oman kden oikeutta lake
the law Indo) one' own hands; ~ pahaa
ilo (I. work) evil, do III, (ilkivaltaisuutta)
do (1. lie up to) rnlsehler, (haittaa) do
Marin, harin, (vahingoittaa) hurt, iiijure.
do an liiiury, ofrend 'huom. ei tekisi pahaa
It wou|il do no harin, It would not do any
harin. It wouldn't hurt (a blt.i . vrt. tehd
haittaa, vahinkoa, vkivaltaa; pahoin k s.
tehd vrin; pahojaan ks. tehd ilki
valtaa; (hyv) palvelus jollekulle (lo
one n favor, do a favor to a p.; ~ parannus
reform (onc's ways), mend one's ways,
(iiMk.) repent, do penance, (alkaa uutta
elm) begin to lead a new life, turn over
n new leaf; ~ perinnttmksi dlsinherit;
~ pesns (liulld It.s 1. make its) nest; pilaajastakin ' jostakusta] make fun Of,
poke fun nt, Inugli at, seoff at, nioek (at),
rldleule, derlile, vrt. pilkata; pilkkaa ks.
pilkata A pit (pilkkanaan) ; ~ puhdasta
(jlke) make a clean s\veep, sweep (1.
rlean oul) cvcrythlng bcfore one [iti,
rlean up (I. out) the whole place; ptksin (Johto-) draw one's conelusions
I from, Jostakin; about. Johonkin nhden ",
vrt. ptt; ~ ptt make up one's.
liilml, romn to a declslon, (ptt) decirtc.
niilke n reHolutlon, resolve, (kokouksesta puliiieu:) pass a resolutlon, vrt. pt
t | liuoin, olen tehnyt ptkseni, p
tkseni on tehty I have maili! np my mlnd,
my mlnd Is made up, my rieclslon lias
lieeii m aile 1 ; pytkirja (laatia) rite
(1. ilraw up) the rnjnutes (1. the rerords
1. n report); raajarikkoiseksi rrlpple,
tiialm, illsnhle, mutllate; ~ rauha make
lienee, roncliido (a) peare [wltli]. (kuv.)
iiiiry the lintchet, (Jonkun henkiln kans
sa) make one's peacp \vltti, make up with;
~ runo wrlte (I. composc) a poem rhunm.
tehd runoa (mys;) woi'R upon a poem1;
~ rynnkk jotakin vastaan make an assuult upon, clinrge, attai'k, assault, storm;
selkoa (\. selv) jostakin give an acroiint of, account for, (selitt) explaln,
(antaa selostus) give a report on, (antaa
tietoa) irlve inrormntlon about, vrt. selos
taa; ~ selvitys jonkun kanssa, ~ selvt)
jonkun kanssa (selvitt villit) settie \vlth,
make (1. renrh) a settlement \vith, \vind
up one's arfalrs wlth; ~ selv puolestaan
make an account of oncs part In the


t iinsact ion, (toimistaan) give an arcount

Of O.5.: siement (be) go(lng) to Seed;
sijaa ka. tehd tilaa; silta joen yli
ks. rakentaa; solmu johonkin tie (I.
make) a knot in ... tie .. in a knot, knot;
sopimus make (1. conolude) an agreemeni (I. a treaty) ;itb , make a conipact (1. a covenant) ltd huom. tehd
sopimus jostakin make (1. agrec to) an arrantremenl about, agree upon, come to
terms about, make arrangements ror] ;
sotkuiseksi enlangle, (get
in a)
tangle, (asiansa) get ;one's arfalrs] into a
muddle, muddle ^things], make a muddle
or, (mutkalliseksi) complicate, (hmmen
t) confound, conruse, brlng . . into confusion; sovinto be(eome) reconciled,
make peace ;with a p., jonkun kanssa',
make frlends ;with]; suunnitelma draw
up a pian, devise a scheme, make a pian
(1. a scheme); synti sin. trespass
against, jotakin vastaani; ~ taikoja ks.
taikoa; tappelua try toi get up a hirtit.
tarkkaa jossakin do . . thoroughly (1.
carerully 1. scrupulously 1. conscientiously), be (very) partlcular (1. careful 1.
scrupulous) about; jokin tarpeelliseksi
(mys:) necessitate, (vaatia) requlre:
tarpeensa (luonnon) relieve o. 9., relleve
(1. satlsry) the demands of nature; Jo
kin tehottomaksi do away wlth (1. take
away 1. remove) the ef fect or, cause . . to lose
its errect, make (1. render) . . inerreetive;
~ tehtvns perrorm one's task, arcompllsh one's \vork, (velvollisuutensa) do
one's duty, perrorm (1. dlscharge) one's
duties (I. the dutles incumbent upon one)
'huom. antaa lain tehtvns let the
l:i\v take its rourse; hn teki tehtvns
(mys:) lie dirt ali he was expected to do,
he did ali he had to do, he did his parti .
vrt. suorittaa, tytt; ~ Jokin teko do (1.
perrorm 1. acromplish) a deed (1. an aet),
perrorm (I. arhieve) a reat, (paba-) commit a deed (1. an act); ~ temppuja do (I.
perrorm 1. play 1. show) trlcks; ten,
~ pysty beeome obstinate, (begin to) resist, oppose, put o.s. In (direet) opposition
f toi, reruse to go any rurther, (esim. he
vonen) balk, stop short, (pyshty kki)
come to a sudden stop, stop suddenly;
~ ten make resistance, struggle against.
vrt.tenill Hiuom. jokin tekee ten there
is a rub somewhere]; ~ ter, thk
head, lie lieadlng; testamenttinsa make
(I. dra\v up) one's (last) wlll; tie(de)ttavaksi make . . knovvn, give notice [of],
announce, give rorth the news for], publlsh, let the publlc, etc.l know, Inforni
for, jokin; that . . . ett . .], slgnify [one's
Intention to begin (1. or beglnnlng) . . ,
aikomuksensa alkaa . .], give . . to undersland [huom. tten tehdn tiettvksi
notice Is hereby given, this Is to nolirv.
this is to give notice, know ali men (1. be
It kno\vn) by these presents] ; tiet be
making (I. be rnnstructing) a road, mys
= seur.: ~ ti/aa make room, make wav
rror, Jollekin (1. Jollekulle)]; - tilaus
make out an order, give an order, send in
an order [for, jollekin], order; ~ tili jos
takin give (l. render) an account or, account for; tilinpts balance (1. close)
the books; ~ tili(.) jonkun kanssa settie
accounts (1. one's account) wlth; totta
jostakin set about . . serlouslv. take . .
serlously (1. In earnest), be In earnest
about, (jkpv.) get down to business
about, (lupauksestaan) make good [one's



Word], vrt. toteuttaa; - tuhoa cause destructlon, cause ruin, make (I. eause 1.
\vork 1. \vreak) havoc [among (1. in the
ranks oD the enemy, vihollisen riveiss | ,
ravage, blight [the rrop, viljalle 1, (va
hingoittaa) (lo damage [to, Jollekin:,
do harm [to], do Injury ;to], damage,
(panna autioksi) desolate, devastatc, lay
\vaste [lllioni. tehd suurta tuhoa (IIIVUS:)
do a great deal of damage (l. or iiann 1.
or injury);; ~ tuli build (I. make) a rire
in the rurnace, uuniin); ~ tuloaan be
romlng, (be) set(ing) in, (esim. pivst:)
be breaking, be da'nlng, (esim. Illasta:)
be closing In, be ralling, (lhesty) be
nearing, be approaching, be draing ncar
(1. High) hunni, vihollinen tekee tuloaan
the enemy is advancing (1. approaching) ] ;
tunnottomaksi (mys:) stun, stupeTy; ~
Itsens] tuntemattomaksi disguisc [O.S.];
' turhaksi ks. tehd tyhjksi; ~ tutki
muksia (mys.) do research-ork
chemistry, kemiassa!, (tutkiskella) study
[ llliom. tehd perusteellisia tutkimuksia
make a prorouml study (or history, his
toriassa), read deeply (In)!; tutkimus
investigate 'a niatter, jossakin asiassa",
make an investlgalion or l; ~ tuttavuutta
jonkun kanssa lorm (1. make) an acquaintance \vith, make a p.'s arqunintaiice,
set out to make the acquaintance or, beeome acqnainted \vlth, (rakentaa) seek a
l>.'s acquaintance, make rriendly overtures
lo; tuulentupia build eastles in the air.
build air eastles; ~ tyhjksi (est) balTle
ali their endeavors (l. their attempts),
kaikki heidn yrityksens], rruslratc (1.
roil 1. thvvart I. balk 1. cross) la p.'s plans
(1. projects), Jonkun suunnitelmat], bring
. . to naught, undo, dereat, (osottaa v
rksi) disprove ia statement, jokin vite]
[huom. tyhjksi tehdyt toiveet rrustrated
expertations, dlsappointed hopes]; tyh
jst tohinaa make a (great) fnss (1. stir
I. ado) about nothlng; tyhmyyksi
commlt (1. make) blunders, do Ioniisi] (1.
stupid) things, blunder, make a Tool (1.
an ass l. a goose) or o.s.; ~ jokin ty do
(1. perrorm) a (piece or) \vork, do (1. perronn) a job, (teko) do a deed, do an act
[esim. tehd rakkaudenty do an act oT
iovel, (paha) rommit a deed (1. an act),
(tehtv) perrorm a task (1. a dutv)
huorn. tehd ty kunnollisesti do the
vvork vvell (1. right 1. properly); tyn teh
tyn (hn . .) the ork being done (1.
perlormed I. accomplished I. conipleted I.
Tinished) (he . .), being tlirough \vlth his
(1. the) vvork (1. task) (he . .), (arter having done (I. Tinished) his \vork, his vvork
belng over (1. belng done), (tekonsa) arter
having committed the deed (he . .)], vrt.
tehd teko; Joku tyhnhykenemttmksi incapacitate (I. unfll) one Tor vvork;
-** tylakko ks. tehd lakko; tyt uork
hard, kovasti], labor, do vvork [huom.
mit tyt hn tekee liat (vvork) is he
dolng? uhat is his occupation (l. his
trade)? (mit hommaa) liat is he vvorkIng at? tyt tehtess uhile at vvork,
vvhiie vvorking, vvhile (I. during the tiine)
the vvork as belng done; tyt tekemll
by vvorking, through one's vvork; tyt
tekemtt ithout vvorking, vvlthout doing
any vvork, l<lle, idly] ; ~ Joku uteliaaksi
make . . curlous, ralse (1. excite) a p.'s
curioslty; - Jokin (I. Jotakin) uudel
leen (]. uudestaan) do . . over (agaln),
make . . anew, rcrnake, begin . . anev. ,


re|ieat (tlie same thing over again); ~

uudistuksia reform, remodel, reshape, remo(u)ld. make innovatlons, Innovate, (toi
meenpanna) carry out rerorms, vrt. uudis
taa; ~ vahinkoa do (I. cause) damage (1
Injury 1. liarni) j to, jollekin (1. jollekul
le) ], damage, Injure, harin, hurt, be hannrul to [tlie tender erop, oraille i, lie a
detriment [toi, be to |one'sl disadvantage, (tunnelia) spoll, mar '& p.'s prospects, Jonkun suuiinitelmiiie], (loukun
maalla tai metsss, henkilst:) trespass,
vrt. tehd haittaa, tehd tuhoa & vahin
goittaa; ~ vaikeaksi make (I. render) . .
hard (I. dllTicult) [huom. tm (seikka)
tekee minulle vaikeaksi auttaa hnt tllis
renders it diriicult for me to help hiui;
rm tekee tyni vaikeaksi (est tytni)
this hani|iers me considerably] ; ~ vaikutus
have an erreet [(up)on a p., johonkuhun 1,
be (very) errective, teli, strike home.
(vaikutelma) make (I. produce) an im
pression [upon], impress [huom. odotta
kaamme, mink vaikutuksen se tekee let us
alt and see vvhat erreet it \vill have (1.
llovv it III vvork); saadaanpa nhd, min
k vaikutuksen se tekee wc shall see vvhat
Miat vvlll do (1. see vvhat the erreet vvlll be
1. see vvhat erreet Miat \vill have); se ei
ollut vaikutusta tekemtt (mvs:) it did
not rail in (I. oi') its erreet; se tekee hyvn
vaikutuksen it has (I. it iii have) a good
erreet, it does good, it vvorks eli, (edul
lisen) It makes an agreeable (l. a pleasiiiy) impression, (Johonkuhun) it lmpresses one ravorably; se teki syvn ,1.
valtavan) vaikutuksen (mys:) it vvas very
Impressive, (esim. kuulijoihin) it impressed . . deeply (1. strongly 1. greatly)j ;
~ vala take an oath, svvear, (lupaus) take
a vovv, vo' [huom. tehd vr vala rom
mit perjury, perjure o.s., rorsvvear o.s.];
valitus complain ror (1. about), Josta
kin; agalnst, Jotakuta vastaan], lodge a
romplaint agalnst one regardlng . . , jota
kuta vastaan jonkin johdosta; vvlth. jolle
kulle], (lak.) appeal | to, johonkin 1, protest : agalnst]; ~ valmiiksi Mnish, complete,
through vvlth, get over ronc's (1. a pieee
or) vvork, tyns (1. jokin ty)], vrt. saa
da (valmiiksi); ~ vararikko go (]. become) bankrupt, go Into bankruptcy, go
into insolvency, become Insolvent, rail (in
business) ; vastarintaa orrer reslstanee,
put o.s. in (direct) opposition 'toi, make
a stand against the enemy, viholliselle',
reslst, ojipose [huom. tehd voimahasta
vastarintaa (myS:) oppoSC VigoroUSly] ;
vastavite make (1. pm in) an objection, obiect
huom. tehd muodollinen
vastavite (oik.) put in a demurrer] ; ~
vastavitteit make (1. raise 1. orrer 1.
urge) objections, ohjeet; ~ vastusta ks.
tehd ten; ~ velkaa contract dehtS;
velvollisuutensa do (l. perrorm) one's
duty (1. duties), (tytt) ruiriil one's
dutv, vrt. tehd tehtvns; ~ vertailuja
institute rl. make l. dra) comparlsons
hetvveen .., joidenkin vlill', (vertailu,
mys:) draw a parallel [betvveen]; ~ ve
so/a (imusta:) sprout, push out (new)
ShootS; virhe ks. tehd erehdys; ~
voitavansa ks. tehd kaikkensa; ~ vkirynnkh (make an 1. launch an) altack
assault, storm rthe fortress, llnnotusta
vastaan!; vkivaltaa rommit vlolence,
use vlolence ragalnst], do (l. orrer) vlo
lence .to], commlt an outrage (1. commlt



outrages) [upon], outrage, (ksin) lay

(vlolent) hands on, (kytt pakkoa) use
Torce liuoin, tehd vkivaltaa if alleen do
vlolence to o.s.]; ~ vrin do wrong, do
unjustly, act wrong(ly), dcal unjustly
[with a p., Jotakuta kohtaan], commit an
lnjustlce [huom. hn tekee vrin vit
tessn sellaista (myS:) It IS wrong (1.
is unjust) of liim to make such an assertlon], vrt. seur. ; ~ vryytt jallehulle
wrong (1. injure) a p., do a p. an lnjustlce,
Inrilct a wrong upon; ~ jokin yksinoikeudekeeen monopolize; tehk hyvin be so
kind! please! [huom. tehk hyvin ja as
tukaa sisn step in, please: tehk hyvin
ja odottakaa vhn will you be so klnil as
to \valt a whlle; wait a minute, please!];
tehty ei tekemttmksi muutu wbat 15
(once) done cannot be undone, (sanani.)
lt's no use crylng over spllt mllk; hn
tiet mit (hn) tekee he knows what he
Is (1. Is doing); lonka tehtyn hn
. . after doing whlch he . . , \vhich done
he . .: jos niin tehdn II' tlial is done, il
we [they] do that; jd tekemtt: kyll
te j hnelt tekemtt I am sure (that)
he will never do lt (1. never get it done),
vrt. jd; kuinka paljon se tekee (On)
how much is it [per head, mieheen]?
(esim. laskiessa:) ho\v much does It
make? (mihin summaan nousee) vhat (1.
how much) does it amount to? \vliats
the amount? mink(s) sille tekee \vhat can
you (1. one) Uo about (1. to) lt? vhat am
I [are we] to do about it? ho\v are we
golng to help (1. to remedy l. to avoid 1.
to prevent) lt? mik sen tekee (mist
Johtuu) bow (1. \vhy) is it [that . . ,
ett ..]? (mik on syyn) what Is the
cause of lt [huom. mik sen teki how did
it come about (1. to pass)? (aiheutti)
what caused lt?]; min teen sen I \v!ll do
it, I'm going to do it [regardless (1. In
splte) of you, sinusta huolimatta] ; mit
hn olisi tehtv, mithn pitisi (\. tulisi)
~ what Is one (1. a fellovv) to do? what
Is to (1. \vhat should) be done? what am I
|are we] to do? what shall (1. should) we
do? what had I [we] bctter do? mit se
tekee vvliat does it matter? what of that?
(jkpv.) what's the odds? (se el tee mi
tn) thafs nothlng! mit tehnetkin, niin
l tee sit whtever you do, don't do
that! mrtty tehtvksi .. ordered (1.
dlrected) to be done; niin hn tekee aina
thafs the \vay he ahvays does, thafs his
\v;i.v wlth everything; oletko hullu kun
noin teet are you out oC your mind to do
SO? oma tekemni or my o\vn make (1.
making), . . -vvhlch I myself (had) made,
vrt. omatekoinen; onko teill jo touot teh
tyn are you through with your (spring)
sowing already? .. on tekemtt .. has
not bpen done, . . is not done, . . is un
done, (viel) . . is st il 1 to be done; se ei
tee mitn (rauhotlaen:) lt Is no matter,
It does not matter, Ifs of no consequence,
it makes no dirrerenre, (Jkpv.) never
mind, (vastauksena anteeksipyyntn) not
at ali, no harm: sen olen tehnyt (vastauk
sena) yes, I have (done lt); se tekee
suuren summan it amounts (1. comes)
to a good(ly) sum, (yhteens) It totals a
large sum ; siin teit hyvin, se oli (sinulta)
hyvin tehty you did \vell that tlme, that
was \vell done (by you), (oikein) you did
the right thlng there; sit ei voi(da)
that can't be done, lfs an lmpossibility;
sit tehden kuin as [the work proceeded.


ty edistyi], accordlng as. In the same

degree as, vrt. (sit) mukaa (kuin); tm
teki sen, ett . . this had the efTect that . .
(1. of . .-lng), this caused . . to . . , this
caused the . .-ing of; tt tehdessn in
(1. when) doing this, (tss) here, at this,
(tll) by this.
teho erfect. tehoa tehota, tehoisa, tehoisuus ks. tehokas, tehokkuus, tehokas effeotlve, erreotual, errtclent; drastic (mys
lk); (voimakas) strong, povverrul; ottaa
tehokasta osaa johonkin ks. seur. tehok
kaasti errectively, errectually, erriciently;
drastically; poiverrully; ottaa tehokkaasti
osaa johonkin tako an active (1. an errertive) pari in . . . tehokkuus effectlveness,
efriciency, erricacy, efrectuallty. tehollinen
tehokas, tehota be efrective, have (1.
produce) an (l. its) errect [upon, johon
kin], have (1. take) effect, be of . . errect.
(Jkpv.) teli, go home; (et. kuulasta:) do
executlon; (toivotulla tavalla) have (1.
produce) the desired errect, (jkpv.) do the
business: (tepsi) work [on, johonkin (1.
johonkuhun)], act; (pysty) take: tehota
hyvin be very erfective, \vork velli myrk
ky alkaa tehota the poison beglns to work
(1. to have lts errect); vrt. vaikuttaa, teho
ton . . wlthout (1. or no) errect, ineffective
[mediclne, lke], lnerrcctual, Inerriclent;
(voimaton) po\verless; (turha) vain [attempt, yritys], rutlle, useless; olla tehoton
be of no errect, Tall or its errect, not
work, not act. tehottomuui inetTectiveness, ine.rrectuality, Inerricacy, lnernciency; (turhuus) rutility.
tehtaalainen tehdastylinen, tehtaalaistytt ractory glrl.
tehtaanllhlnta faetory price, manuracturer's
price; cost prlce. -isnnitsij (ractory)
superintendent, manager. -leima 1. -merkki
ractory-mark, brand-mark; (tavaraleima)
trade-mark. -omistaja ractory-owncr, millovvner. -tytt ractory glrl.
tehtailija manufacturer, maker for]; (teh
taanomistaja) ractory-ovvner, mill-o\vner.
tehtv task; (velvollisuus) duty, obligation; (toimi) business; employment; (ty)
work, labor; Job; (virka) functlon, orrice;
(osa, osuus) part, share; (toimitettava)
Commission, charge: (askare) occupatlon;
(askartelu) doing; (elmn- y.m.) mission
fin life. eti:.], (kutsumus) calling, vocation; (pyrkimys) object, end, alm; (laskuy.m.) problem;
(tutkinnossa anneltu)
quesllon: antaa jollekulle jokin - set (1.
give) a p. a task, (uskoa) entrust a Com
mission (1. a task) to a p.; antaa (1. uskoa)
jollekulle tehtvksi [ menn], antaa (I.
uskoa) jokin jonkun tehtvksi Commission
(1. Instruct) a p. [to go], entrust a p.
wlth tiie task or [going], asslgn to (1. lay
upon) a p. the task (1. the duty) or . .-ing.
give (1. assign) to a p. the Commission or
. -ing, charge a p. wlth; edessni oleva
the task (I. the \vork) berore me, the task
I have set mysoir (to do), \vhat I have to
do: hoitaa tehtvin hyvin do one'S \VOrk
\vell. perrorm (1. do 1. discharge) one's
duties well, discharge the runctlons or
one's orrice well. attend dlllgently (1. carerully) to one's business: hnell on liian
paljon tehtvi (\. tehtv) he has too
many duties, (tyt) he has too much to
do. he Is overwhelmed \vlth work; hnen
tehtvnn on valvoa, ett .. (hnen tu
lee) It is his duty (1. hls task) to see to it
that . . , it Is Incumbent upon htm (1. It
ralls upon him 1. it devolves upon liira 1. he

UI kata


Is commlssloned) to see to lt that . .; joka

piviset tehtvt (mys:) daily avocations (1. pursults), customary (1. usual)
employment; jonka tehtvn on ottaa . .
on vvhom the duty (1. the task) devoives
(I. falls) of taklng . . , on whom it de
voives to take . .; jonkun ~ a duty lncumbent (1. devolvlng) (up)on a p., (jolle
kulle kuuluva) a duty belonging to a p.,
(jollekulle asetettu) a duty lald upon a p.;
minun tehtvkseni on jnyt . . it Is leTt
to (1. reserved for) me to . . , (osakseni)
it has Tallen to my sbare to . .; minun tehtv(h)ni oli . . lt was my business (1.
part) to ..; se kuuluu oikeuden tehtviin
that Is among the dutles or the court,
that devoives upon (1. lles \vlth) the court;
sen ~ on . . (se on tarkotettu) lt ts lntended to . .; se on minulle mieluinen ~
(mys:) that wlll be a great pieasure to
me, I shall be very glad (1. be most happy)
to do lt; vaikea ~ a dtrficult task, a d il'
ricult thlng to (have to) do, (valkea rat
kaista) a dtrricult problem; vhn \ei
mitn] tehtv very llttlc [nothing] to do.
leikata see (1. determtne) who is to begln
(1. to start) [by tossing coins, ctc.].
leikittminen, teikitys (maanmltt.) staklng
out (I. otr). teikitti stake out (1. orr).
teikki stake; (tanko) pole.
teiklinen I. (s.) one or (1. Trom amon?)
you, one or your people; one of the class
you belong to; (teidn puolueeseenne kuu
luva) one of your party; teikliset your
people, your associates, your party, (Jkpv.)
your cro\Vd; teiklisille ominaisella h
vyttmyydell wlth the lmpudence (so)
characterlstlc of you(r) people (jkpv.: or
your crowd); hn on teiklisiin kuuluva
he belongs to (1. among-) you, he belongs to
your party; vrt. meiklinen. II. (a.) your;
ajatustapa the way of thlnklng (prevalent) among you, your way of thlnklng.
teilaaminen brcaking on the wheel. teilata
(ruhjoa) break . . (up)on the tvheel. tellaue = teilaaminen, teili (puu) wheel.
teill ks. te & tietymtn,
teini student (at a medlacval college).
teiri teeri.
teititell address [a p.] formally, use the
Tormal pronoun In addresslng a p. teitltteleminen, teitittely addresslng . . Tr
mily; Tormal address.
tekaista do (1. make) . . In haste, hastlly
make; throw together f a cake, kakku 1;
(keksi) make up [a story, Juttul. trunip
up, Tabrlcate, Torgc, Invent: tekaisin tyn
viidess minuutissa I did the \vork (1. I
turncd out the work) in Tivc mlnutes.
tekaistu tmmped-up [story, juttu], Tabrirated, Torged, Invented, manuTactured;
Tictltious; tekaistu juttu (mys:) Tabrlcation, Inventlon, Torgery. tekalsu: jonkin
tekaisu throwlng . . together, (keksiminen)
maktng . . up, Torglng, Tabrleatlon.
tekeille: panna start (1. begin 1. com
mence 1. set about) to make (1. to do 1. to
work at 1. to construct l. to build), start
(1. begln 1. commence) (the) building (oT)
. . , start (1. begin 1. commence) the constructlon oT, put . . under constructlon,
take . . In hand [huom. panna ty start
(1. begln) the \vork].
tekeill: on Is belng made (1. vorked at
1. done 1. prepared), (rakenteilla) Is bcing
bullt (1. constructed), Is under construc
tlon, (kynniss) Is golng on [huom. jota
kin on (mys:) something Is brening,
(Jkpv.) something Is up; mit sinulla on


what are you dolng? vvhat are you about?

(nuhtelevastl) \vhat are you up to now?].
tekele unpretentlous piece oT work, unprctentlous productlon (1. eTTort).
tekeminen dolng, making jne., ks. tehd;
antaa tekemist jollekulle glve . . SOHiething to do, keep . . busy (1. occupled),
(vastusta) glve (1. cause) . . (1. put . . to)
(a lOt OT) t routii (; ei mitn tekemist
m it li mg to do, (asiaa) no business; hnell
oli siin aikamoinen ~, kyll hnell oli
siin tekemist he ll.lil to go to much
bother beTore he could do (1. could succeed in perTorming) that; joutua tekemi
siin . .-n kanssa niine into contact wlth,
have (something) to do with, have to deal
\vith, (jonkun) have (1. cpme to have)
deallngs wlth, (Joutua seuraan) Tall into
the company oT, vrt. joutua [huom. _. .
taikka joudut minun kanssani tekemisiin
.. or you \vill have me to deal wltb] ;
minulla on muutakin tekemist I have
something else to do (1. to attend to),
(jkpv.) I have other Tlsh to Try; minulla
on paljon tekemist I have much (1. a
great deal 1. many thlngs) to do, I have
a great deal oT vvork on hand, I am very
busy; mit sinulla oli siell tekemist
(mit asiaa) what business did you have
there? olla tekemisiss jonkin
kanssa have to do (I. to deal) with . . ,
(Jonkun) have deallngs wlth one, be associated with a p. In some way [huom.
en halua olla en missn tekemisiss
hnen kanssaan (mys:) I am through
With lillu: en tahdo olla en sen kanssa
missn tekemisiss (mys:) I wash my
hands oT lt altogether; ne ovat tekemisiss
keskenn they have to do (1. have connection) with each other] ; sit ei ky
It can't be done. tekemisilln, tekemss,
tekemtt ks. olla; vrt. mys: tehd,
tekemtn undone, . . not done; tehty ei
(en) tekemttmksi saa uhat Is done
cannot be undone, (it Is) no use crying
over spllt milk.
tekeyty: joksikin pretend to be . . , pretend (1. make belleve 1. Teign) that one
Is . . , act (I. make a show) as IT one
were . . , (nytell) play the . . [esim.
tekeyty sairaaksi play the invalid; tekey
ty tuntemattomaksi play the stranger],
(koettaa esiinty Jonakin) try (1. be tryIng) to paSS 0. S. OTT as . . [huom. tekeyty
hurskaaksi (mys:) put on an appearance
oT. plety, wear a plous air; tekeyty jalo
mieliseksi (mys:) aTTect (1. put on) an
air oT generoslty; tekeyty sairaaksi
(mys:) Teign sickness] ; vrt. teeskennell,
olla (olevinaan).
tekij maker; (joskus:) doer; (kirjan-)
author; (klel.) person; (et. rikoksen-)
perpctrator; (mat. y.m.) Tactor; vrt. alku ;
tekijn hyvksym knns ailthorized
translation: ehdotuksen ~ (kokouksessa)
maker oT a motlon, mover, (yi.) proposer;
jakaa luku tekijihins Tactor a number;
kuka on tmn (mys:) vvhnse wnrkmanship is thls? \vhose handivvork Is thls?
ty tekijns kiitt (1. v.) the vvorkman
Is knovvn by his \vork; trke an Important Tactor (I. Tigure) [huom. olla tr
ken tekijn (mys:) play an important
part (1. role)].
tekijpalkkio author's remuneratlon (;
royalty, tekijtr (kirjan) author(ess).
tekijtn (klel.) Impersonal.
tekniikka technlcs, technlc; (taiteessa) techuiqiie. teknikko techniclan. teknillinen

technical, teknologia technology,
loginen tochnologicial).


teko deed, act; (tyo) work, handiwork,

rtoin?; (menetlely) anin; (uro-j feat,
ex|iloit; (saavutus) achievement; (snorlUis) performance; (tekeminen) muUin-.,
vrt. tekeminen; (valniiste) make: hyv ~
good action (I. deed), (arnieliaisiius-)
work (1. act) or charity (I. or mercy);
kenen ./.-.,.- tm on whose make (I.
whoso haniliwork) is this? who has made
(1. who has done) this? moitittava ~
blamable (1. roproachable) action, act (1.
aril" I. move) worthy of censure: alia
jonkin teosma be (occupied In) making . . ,
be busy making (I. with the making of)..,
be workinjr at . . , lie at work upou . . , be
(at work) ilotnir . . , be occupied (I. busy)
with . ., be engaged in dolnir (1. making)
. . , go on with (the making of) . . huom.
Han on heinn :.:., lie i> making hay l ;
olla jotakin tekoa be of . , make (1. work
manship, be ol' . ,'s making ' liuom. se on
omaa tekoa
t .nun) It IS my own
make (1. workmanship), it is or my own
making-, It is my own work, (koti-) It is
home-made; veitsi on suomalaista tekoa
the knife is ol Finnish make (I. work
manship)]; pahu ~ evil deed, misdeed;
pahat teot (raaili ) Iniquities; sanoin a
ttoin In word anil (In) deed; te all rkev
~ that was a wise act (I. move); se on
hnen tehojaan it Is his work (1. his
doing). It is of his workmanship, it is his
teko- (yhd., =- kelnotekolnon) artificial,
raise, (JalJItelty) Imitation [esirn. -kuhka
artiricial flower; -marmori imitation (1.
artificial) marble : -naftfco imitation leather;
-parta ' beard; -silkhi artificial (I.
Imitation) silk]. -Mommas artificial (I.
false) tooth; tekohampaat Set of false (1.

artificial) teeth, -krletitty mock Chris

tian; vrt. tekopyh.
tekonen (teko) deed, act; (kepponen) trick.
tekoj palkka pay (1. price) for making: . .;
(-kustannuksct) cost of making- . . ; san
[kenglSt] aiisi dallara tekopalkkaa I Rot

(1. I was paid) five dollars for making

[the shoes], (ty-) I rot five dollars for
my work (1. my time), -pyhimy hypo
crite, Pharisee, pious Impostor, -pyhyyi
hypocrisy, Pharisaism, sanctimoniousness.
-pyh hypocritical, Pharisaical, sanctimo
nious; olla tekopyh (Ill.VS:) play the
saint, pretend to be pious, act the (I. he a)
hypocrite, - (kiel.) verb. -lima1 ar
tificial (1. false) eye; (lasinen) glass eye.
-ynti actual sin. -tyy pretext, pretense,
fictitious reason, (trumped-up 1. empty)
excuse; (jonkln viilttamlsoksl) subterfuge,
evasion; ttii tekosyit (try to) find ex
cuses, resort to evasions; sanoen tekosyyksi (]. sill tekosyyll>, ett han ol
sairas under (1. on) pretext (1. pretense)
of sickness (1. of being sick) he . . , under
(1. on) the pretext (I. the pretense) that
he was sick, -tap* method (of making . .),
manner (1. way) of doing . .: talteeilinen
tekotapa artistic technique, -tukka false
hair; (peruukkl) wig; periwig, peruke.
tekstailla, teketata print (by hand).
tekstailu printing, -kynt stub pen.
tekstaus printing.
teksti text; (sanomalehden) reading mat
ter; (aine) subject; (sanat) words;
(OOpperan) libretto; Lkirjanl varsinainen
*ie body fof the hookl, the text proper.
> textbook: (mus.) libretto, -kirjake
Jasln (varsinainen teksti-) body ty|ie.


text letter; (erlkoisena kirjasinkokona)

paragon, 20-point type, -kritiikki textuaJ
criticism, -osasto (klrjan) body [of Uibook]; the text (proper); (sanomalehdrri)
reading matter.
tela roller (rnyos kirjap.), cylinder; telat
(laivan) stocks: vrt. ta!vi~. telakka
la-vatelakka; (laivaveistamo) shipyard.
ttla pyr pulley(-block). -vanuke (kirjap.)
roller composition.
telefoneerata ks. telefonoida.
telefoni telephone; (lyh., Jkpv.) phone.
telefoni- (yhd.) telephone(-) esim. -ilmotus telephone notice; -johto telephoneline; -keskustelu I. -puhelu telephone con
versation; -y/id'o telephone company ;; by
(I. over) the telephone [esim. -ilmotu*
notice over (I. by) the telephone], -aeemi
telephone station (I. exchange); (maksu-)
toll station, -laitos telephone system,
-lanka telephone wire; (-Johto) telephoneline, -lupa I. -myonnytye concession (i.
grant) for (I. to build) a telephone sys
tem, telephone franchise, -maksu tele
phone fee. -neitj telephone girl, -paisas
I. -pylvai telephone pole (I. post). -*entraali I. -keikuatatema) (central) tele
phone exchange; (Jkpv.) central, -tieto
telephone message (I. communication).
message (I. communication) over the tel
ephone, Information by (I. over) the tele
phone, -torvi (telephone) receiver.
telefoniue by (the) telephone, over the tel
ephone. (Jkpv.) by phone; meille ilmotttaaa
~, ett .. (rnyos:) a telephone communi
cation . .1 to us says that . .. puhaa
jollekulle ~ telephone to a p., talk to a
person over the (tele)phone, (keskustella)
converse with a p. by (the) telephone.
telefoniverkko network of telephone lines;
system of lelephones.
telefonoida telephone; (Jkpv.) phone, 'phone;
(publia teleTonllse) lalk over the (tele-)
phone; ~ jollekulle (tav.) call one up over
the (tele)phone, phone one. telefonoiminen
telegrafeerata ks. hktt. telegrammi
(shksanoma) telegram.
teleskooppi (kaukoputki) lelescope.
teline (rakennus-) scarrold. slage, slaging;
(alusla, asetin) stand, rack; (kenys-)
frame, (eslm. vaattelden kuivausta varen)
horse; (kuva-, taldemaalarin) easel; tlfneet (rakennus-) scaffolding, (eslm. volmislelu ) apparatus, -harjotukeet exercises
on apparatus, apparatus work. -Hike: flineliikkeet exercises on apparatus, -ilta
trestle(work) bridge, trestle, -tarpnt
material for scaffolding, -voimietelu gymnastii-s on apparatus, apparatus work.
teljeta (esim. ovl) bolt [the door], bar
(up); (sulkea) shut, shut up a p. in a
shed, joku vajaan], (lukita) lock .. (up)
'in]; - lukon taakse ks. panna.
teljin = telki.

teljo (tuhlo) seat, thwart.

telkeaminen liolting Jne., ks. teljetK.
telki bar; (salpa) bolt; (lukko) lock; olla
teljcss (eslm. ovl) be bolted, be barred,
(lukossa) be locked: panna t*lkt*n ks.
teljet; vrt. sppi. -laite bolt arrangement.
telkin (klila) wedge.
telkk (eliiint.) goldeneye, garrot.
tellikka innpi) tack; brad: (pllkkl) peg.
lcilaill.4 ks. laitella; (itsettfin) be getting
ready [forl, get (I. make) o.s. ready [for].
tellaily gelling ready.
telme noise, russ, bustle, row, tumult;
(mein) clamor, din, uproar, racket.
telmiminen making a noise Jne., ks. talnU.

tel m int*

telminta ks. telme & edell. telmltt make ko) stroke; (Hike) maneuver, manuvre;
noise (1. clamor I. a racket), be noisy,
(harjotus-) exercise; (meno) ceremony;
(puliiia) knot, difficulty; rohktalla (mbe boisterous, romp; bustle, bluster: /(.-.,,
lelmia (rnyos:) become disorderly, break palla by a bold stroke (1. trick 1. maneu
out Into disorder, raise a racket, telmyrl, ver), by bold stratagem; miind te ~ on
telmji noisy boy, noise-maker, rowdy, that's where the difficulty lies (1. comes
in); infill, n hanmn temppunea I know his
blusterer. telmita = telmi.
tricks; vrt. asianajo-, ilmanliantjS- ,
telottaa (metata) execute, telottaja exe
cutioner, telouaminen executing, telotus taika~, voimistelu~ y.m.
execution, telotus- (yhd.) ks. meataus-. temppullla perform acrobatic feats, perform
toltan harja ridgre of a [tlie] tent, tent- tricks, (kuv.) play tricks, (juonltella)
ridge; (harjapuu) ridge-pole (or a tent), quibble, maneuver, mano'iivre; vrt. muiKi-katto tent-. -ompelija 1. -tekij tent- tella. temppuilu performance of trn-U-;
(kuv.) ojlilbbllng, maneuvering; trickery,
teltu tent: (Indiaanl-) tepee.
telUa- Mid.) tent- esiui. -nappula tent- simple; (helppo) easy.
peg', tent-pin; -paalu tent-pole]; .. tenava (laps!) child, little one, little thing,
tente [eelm. -{'ri camp tents; -rar youngster;, (rnukula) chit, brat, (Jkpv.) kid.
row of It-ills '. -kanga tent-cloth; (purje-) lendenssi tendency; drift; (tarkotus) pur
canvas, duck, -katto pavilion roof, -kuja pose, -romaanl novel with a purpose,
lane between two rows of tents, -kump- novel written to propagate certain opin
panl tent-mate, (Jonkun) sharer of one's' ions, didactic novel; problem novel, -runotent. -kunU occupants of a tent: (-rytima) elma poem written to carry out a certain
group of tents, -nuora tent-rope, tent- purpose; propaganda poem; vrt. edell.
guy. -inky campers' bed, camp-bed; (seit.) tender! (rautat.) tender.
Field-bed, -vaalo ks. telttakangas. vau- tenho enchantment; (hurmaus) charm, fas
nut covered wagon. -venih)e lilt-boat. cination: (lumous) spell; (teho) effect;
leluue = tcltt.ikuni.i.
(-voima) magic power, lenhoa = tenhota.
lemmata (vetalsta) pull; (nykiiistii) jerk. tenhoaminen enchanting jne., ks. tenhota.
(rive .. a jerk (I. a pull); (vaklvalloin) tenhoisa enchanting, charming, fascinating;
wrench; (repalsta) tear; (siepata) snatch;
magic, bewitching, tenhoiiatt! charming
[tuoll] jonkun i:, pull [the chair] out ly, lenhojuoma magic potion, lenhokai
from under one; ~ Irti tear (1. wrench) . . - - tenhoiea.
off (1. loose), pull . . ofl : ~ Jokln batenla tenho laulu siren (I. enchanting) song. -pilrl
grasp (. . with one's hand), snatch: ~ Jon
magic sphere (I. area); (tenhottu) charmed
kun ktitt snatch . . from a p. 's hands, circle (1. area) ; tanda ttnhopiiriint bring
wrest . . from a p.; mukaanta carry under the spell of one's charms, -sauva
away (mys kuv.), carry . . with it, tear ks. taikasauva.
(1. Snatch) away, vrt. mukaansatempaava; tenhota enchant, charm, bewitch, cast a spell
tiioni hantt ttmpati death snatched him on: (hurmata) fascinate, tenhotar siren.
away, he was carried off by death.
tenhovolma magic (1. bewitching) power;
temmellya IinmiU: (rnctcli) uproar, tur
(hurmaus-) power to charm, power of
moil; (mellakka) riot; (tappelu) affray, enchantment (I. of fascination), fascinat
scuffle; (melli) racket, clamor, din; myrting power; magic, charm.
kyn rage (I. tumult 1. uproar) of the tennisipelii (lawn-)tennis; game of tennis.
storm, -krnte 1. -palkka 1. -tanner scene tenor! (mus.) tenor, -laulaja tenor (singer),
(of action), (Jonkin) arena [for].
-alni (henkllon) tenor voice; (-osa) tenor
temmelUmlnen scuffling jne., ks. seur.:
vrt. myS: temmelly*. temmcltaa be tentti (private) examination.
scuffling, tussle and scuffle; (esim. po- tena resistance, opposition; vrt. tehd (tena
Jlsta:) chase each other around; (ralyota, Ja ten). tenkillk, tent (vastaan) resist,
eslm. myrsky) be raging, rage; mys = make (1. offer) resistance, struggle against;
keep resisting; (ei salua itsean vled)
temmlrauta chisel.
not let o.a. be dragged along, tentily,
tenaminen resistance, opposition.
temmonta Jerking; pulling: tearing.
tem palsta lemmata, tempauksittoin by teollinen Industrial.
Jerks, by fits and starts, tempaus pull; teollisuuden ihaara branch of Industry.
jerk; wrench, tear: snatch, tempautua (Irti)
-harjottaja manufacturer; captain of in
pull (1. wrench 1. tear) o.s. away (1. loose)
[from the arms of. Jonkun sylellysta], teollisuus industry; (tehdas-) manufacture,
Jerk o.s. loose; fling o.s. out lof]; vrt. manufacturing.
rstyty: tvmpaufuu mukaan be carried teollisuus- (yhd.) Industrial, manufactur
away [by], tempoa be giving Jerks, be ing iesirn. -tlm industrial life: -kaaJerking. Jerk; be pulling by Jerks; be punki manufacturing town: -kttku* Inwrenching: be tearing, tear, tempominen diislrial (1. manufacturing) centeri. -haljerking Jne., ks. edell.
lltus Department of Industry, -kauppa
temppell, tempi! temple. temppeliherra trade In manufactured goods, trade in
(hist.) Knight Templar; ttmppelihtrrain products of Industry: (-puotl) store sellritarikanta Order of the Knight- Templars. Ing manufactured goods, (1. v.) depart
ment store, -koulu Industrial school;
Order of the Knights of the Temple,
lomppelin hlpiija desecrator of the tem- technical school, -laltoi Industrial (1.
ple. -hapaisy sacrilege, desecration of the manufacturing) establishment; (tehdas)
temple, -ryst robbing (1. robbery) of a factory, mill, -maa manufacturing coun
try, industrial nation, -nayttely industrial
[the] temple.
temppeli rakennus temple (building), -ri- exhibition, -palkka manufacturing place
(I. town I. center), -lavara manufactured
tari ks. temppeliherra.
goods (I. articles), -tllaato statistics of
temppu (kepponen) trick: shift; (Juonl)
Industries, Industrial statistics. -t>artifice, dodge; (petos-) cheat: crook;
(metku) stratagem, (crafty) device; (te- manufactured (1. Industrial) prodr


teologi (jumaluusoppinut) theologlan. teo termiitti (ellrrt.) white ant, termile.
logia tbeology. teologinen theologlcal.
ternimaito beestings, biestlugs.
teonsana (kiel.) verb.
terottaa sharpen, make .. sharp; point;
teoreetikko theorist, theorizer. teoreettinen (tahkota) grind; (hioa kovasimella) whel,
(et. partaveist) hone, (hihnalla) strop;
(tietopuolinen) tbeoretic(al). teoreettisesti
(kuv., mieleen) impress (1. urge 1. enjoin)
teoria (selite) theory.
[(up)on a p. the Importance or, jollekulle
teo work, piece of work; (tuote) product, Jonkin trkeytt], Inculcate [. . on a p.,
Production; historiallinen work on hts- Jollekulle Jotakin], lmplant (1. engrave
tory, hlstorical work; Kiven teokset tbe
[on a p.'s memory, jonkun muistiin];
\vorks or Kivi.
jotakin jonkun mieleen (mys:) implaht
teosofi (usk.) tbeosophist. teosofia theos- . . In (1. engrave . . on) a p.'s mind, fix (I.
ophy. teosofinen theosophlc(al).
stamp) . . on a p.'s mind. terottaja (veit
tepasteleminen stamplng about Jne., ks. sien y.m.) grinder; (viilaamalla-) fller.
seur. tepastella stamp about [in the sand, trttminen sharpening Jne., ks. terottaa;
hiekassa]; (kevyesti) trlp about [the (kuv.) Inculcatlon. terottua be sharpened,
room, huoneessa] ; (Juoksennella) soam- become sbarp(er). terotus = terottaminen.
per about; (hypell) dance gally around; terotuskone grlnder, grinding machlne.
(kpltt) toddle; vrt. tallustella, tepas terrorismi (hirmuvalta) terrorism. terro
telu stamplng (1. trlpping 1. scampertng)
risti terrorist. terroristinen terroristic(al).
about; toddllng, toddle.
terssi (mus.) thlrd.
tepponen kepponen.
tert(s)iaarii!aika (geol.) tertiary period.
tepsiminen efTeCt; keinon ~ on kyseen
-muodostuma tertiary Tormation.
alaista It Is questlonable \vhether the terttu cluster, bunch; (kasv.) raceme. terscheme (1. the devlce) wlll work or not. tuittain in clusters, In bunches. tertuntepsiv, tepslvisyys, tepsivsti ks. teho
muotoinen (kasv.) racemose.
kas, tehokkuus, tehokkaasti.
terva tar; nuttuni tuli tervaan I got tar on
tepsi be effectlve, have (l. produce) an (I. my coat, I got my coat stalned wlth tar;
the deslred) erfect, do the \vork; take er- olla tervassa (tervattuna) be tarred, be
fect; work, help; (Jkpv.) do the business, coated wlth tar, (tahraantuneena) be
teli, (ro home; paremmin have a better tarry, be stuck up \vith tar [huom. nut
ei tepsi
on tervassa (mys:) I have got tar
vvorks (I.
\vill take
on tuni
on my coat] ; vrt. menn.
blm, you rannot make any Impression (1. terva- (ylid.) tar- [esim. -harja tar-brush;
make anythlng take effect) on hlm, you
-tynnyri tar-barrel; -vesi tar-\vater].
ran't move hlm a vvhlt; lyd, ett tepsii tervaamaton . . not tarred, untarred. ter
hit so (that) one feels it, hlt with effect,
vaaminen tarrlng jne., ks. tervata.
hlt erfectlvely, strlke (I. deliver) a telling terva!; hauta charcoal pit with an arrangement to collect the tar. -huopa tarred
blOW [huom. ly niin, ett tepsii (jkpv.)
Teit; (-paperi) tar-paper, tarred builrtinggive It to hlm!]; se ei tepsinyt lt had (1.
It was or) no errect, It falled In (1. of) paper.
its errect, lt ralled to accompllsh the de tervainen . . stained (1. sticky) vvlth tar,
slred result, lt dld not act; se se tepsii tarry; (tervattu) tarred.
that \vill have an errect, that \vlll do the terva!! kysi 1. -nuora tarred (hemp) rope.
business, that wlll clinch the matter, tervan [polttaja distlller or tar, tar-burner.
that'11 settie It, that'11 teli, (Jkpv.) thafs -poltto dlstllling or tar, tar-burning.
terva!! pahvi (klrjanslt.) tar-board. -paperi
the sturri
ks. tervahuopa. -pytty tar-keg; (sanko)
tepsuttaa tipsuttaa.
terhakasti boldly, bravely, stotitly; brlskly, tar-pail, tar-bucket. -pskynen (elint.)
splritedly; actlvely, vlgorously; impetu- Swift, -riveet onkiini, -saippua tar soap.
ously. proudly; (jkpv.) wlth push: vrt. tervas: tervakset resinous \vood rrom \vhlcli
tar Is made. -kanto stump or a plne (1. of
terhakka; kyd johonkin (tyhn)
tackle . . brlskly (1. energetically 1. vig- a flrtree), resinous stump: (kuv.) hale
and hearty old man (1. rellow), wellorously), buckle to . . (splritedly).
terhakka (rohkea, uljas) bold, brave, stout; preserved old man. -puu resinous tree:
(puuaineena) resinous \vood. -soihtu torch
(jkpv.) plucky; (reipas, eloisa) brisk,
of (resinous) plne (1. flr).
lively, splrlted, actlve, (Jkpv.) spry; (r
vkk) qulck, nimble, alert; (tarmokas) tervasutl tar-mop; (-harja) tar-brush. ter
vlgorous, energetic, aggresslvc; (yritte
vata tar; tar over, glve a coating of tar
lis) enterprlslng; (pirteli) hale and
[to]; smear .. wlth tar; tervattu tarred.
hearty; (kiihke) Impetuous; (kopea) terva tappurat 1. -rohtimet oakum. tervaus
proud, (Jkpv.) StUCk-up; ~ ikisekseen tarrlng.
brlsk (1. actlve 1. vlgorous 1. bold) Tor tervailuuni furnace ror preparlng tar. -vaate
one's age; ~ koira bold (1. brave 1. im
tarpaulln. -vene tar-boat, boat ror transpetuous) rtog; tytt bold (1. rorward 1. porting tar. -vri (maali) tar-palnt; mys
vlgorous 1. aggresslve) glrl; ~ ij vlg- =- seur. -vriaine (kivihiili-) coal-tar color.
orous (1. hale and hearty) old man, brlsk terve healthy, healthrul; vvhole; .. In good
old rellovv. terhakkuus boldness, brave- health; (predikaatintytteen) well; (tur
ness, (Jkpv.) pluck; brlskness, llvellness, meltumaton)
[tlmber/ tukkipuu;
splrlt(edness), activlty; quickness, nlm- body, ruumis: sound
understanding. ymmrrys]:
bloness, alertness; vigor(ousness), (ag
(jrjeltn; mys kuv.) sane [crltictsm,
gresslve) energy; enterprise, (Jkpv.) push; arvostelu];
(pirte) hale, hearty; terve
impetuoslty; vrt. edell.
(tervehdyksen:) hali to you! hali thee!
terhenlnen ks. sumuinen,
(1. v.) how are you? (Jkpv.) hello! ter
terho (tammen-) acorn.
veell jrjell sane,sound in mind, in one's
teri (tehd thk) put rorth ears; be derlght mind (1. senses), in Possession of
veloplng ears.
orie's senses; terveen nkinen healthylooklng; terveen (ehjin nahoin) sare and
teri (kasv.) corolla.
sound; terveet eivt tarvitse parantajaa,
termi (opplsana) terin.



kn sairaat (raam.) they that be vvhole

need not a physlclan.but they ttiat are slck;
ja raitis whole and sound, healtby and
sober; ~ ja reipas hale and hearty, (Jkpv.)
allvc and kiektng; ~ ja voimakas healthy
and robust, well and strong; ~ jrki com
mon sense, sound sense, (jkpv.) borse
sense; ~ kasvojenvri fresh (1. healthy)
complexion (1. color on one's race) ; ~ sislu
terveess ruumiissa a sound nilnd In a
sound body; tuloa welcome! ~ tuloa
takaisin vvelcome Lack again! I am glad to
see you back (1. here) agaln (1. once
more)! (lhtijlle) be sure to come agaln!
you know you are alvvays vvelcome; ~
ulkomuoto bealthy appearance; olla tor
velona) be healthy, be vvell, be In good
terveellinen vvholesome [food, ruoka];
healthy, healthrul [cllmatc. Ilmanala; dlet,
ruokajrjestelm] ; (hyvvalkuttava) beneficlal. terveellisesti vvholesomely; benericially; vaikuttaa terveellisesti have a
\vholcsome errect. terveellisyys vvholesomeness; healthlness, healthfulness. ter
veesti soundly, sanely; terveesti kehittynyt
soundly (1. sanely) developed.
tervehdy* greeting; salutatlon; (sotilas-)
salute; (kumarrus) bow; (-kynti) orrerlng of one's respects [to],,(congratulatory
1. compllmentary) call; veljellisell terveh
dyksell \vitli Tratenial grcetings. -huuto
shout of greeting. -laukaus salute. -laulu
song or greeting. -puhe salutatory (oratlon 1. address), salutatlon speech; (Johon
kin tilaisuuteen saapuneille pidetty) ad
dress (1. vvords) or vvelcome; vrt. avajais
tervehtijone vvho greets (l.salutes); vrt. ter
vehti, tervehtiminen greeting Jne., ks. seur.
tervehtii greet [vvlth Joy, Ilolla; a p. as
one's Mend, jotakuta ystvkseen], (et.
sot.) salute; (vastaantullessaan) say goodday [to a p.. Jotakuta], say hovv-do-you-do
[to]; (kumartaa) bovv [to]; (nostaa hat
tuaan) ralse one's liat [to] ; (lyd ktt)
shake hands [vvlth]; (nykytt) nod
[to]; (huudahtaen, et. etmp) hali;
(tervetulleeksi) vvelcome [a p., jotakuta] ;
laukauksin saluici vvlth guns, (vihollista)
greet (1. .hali 1. recelve) . . vvlth the rirlng
or guns; laululla greet .. vvlth song,
(kyd laulamassa) serenade; ~ lipulla
salute vvlth a flag, (mer.) dlp the (1. her)
Dag; Aan ci tervehdi minua kadulla i II lyS ; )

he vvlll not see me (1. he doesn't speak to

me) on the Street, he Ignores (1. cuts)
me on the Street.
tervehtyminen recoverlng (rrom an lllness),
recovery (to health), convalescenee. tervehtymistolveet hopes (1. prospects) or
[a p.'s] recovery. tervehtyi recover, convalesce, get vvell, get better, begln to
rally, begln to mend, mend.
terveht tervehti.
terveiset compllments, regards, (kunnioitta
vat) respects, (et. omaisille) love; tervei
si my compllments! terveisi kotiin remember me to those at home, glve my love
to ali at home; terveisi Veijoltasi (I savv)
your brother (and he) sends hls love to
you ; hn lhti sellaisilla terveisill, ett . .
he vvent leaving vvord that . .; lmpimt
terveiseni teille kaikille (vvlth) my (1.
niuch) love to ali of you, (vvlth) best re
gards to ali or you; paljon terveisi veljellesi (vvlth) kimlest regards to your brother.
terveistentuoja one vvho brlngs a p.'s


terve Jrkinen sane, . . sound In mlnd, In

one's rlght mlnd (1. senses), . . in Posses
sion of one's senses; senslblc; (Jrkev)
intelllgent; rational [belng, olento], -tuli
aiset greeting of vvelcome; vvelcome; (juh
la) entertalnment (1. banquet) to vvelcome
[a p., Jollekulle], banquet or vvelcome.
tervetuliaisjuhla ks. edell. -laukaus salute.
-malja toast or vvelcome. -puhe address or
vvelcome, vvelcoming speech. -runo poem
of vvelcome, vvelcoming poem.
tervetullut vvelcome; (Joka tulee hyvn
tarpeeseen, mys:) acceptable.
terveydellinen sanitary, hygienic; ~ syy
ks. terveyssyy; terveydelliset olot sanitary
(1. hygienic) conditions. terveydellisesti
In a sanitary vvay, hygienically.
terveydenhoito care or the [one's, etc]
health; sanltation, byglene. -lautakunta
board of health. -oppi hyglene, hygienlcs,
sanitary science.
terveyden! ti la State or [one's] health, condltion; hnen terveydentilansa (mys:) hls
(state or) health. -todistus certiricate (1.
blll) or health, health certiricate.
terveys health; terveydeksi, terveydeksenne
your (good) health! here's to you! (on
neksi) good luck to you! happy days (to
you)! [liuom. juoda jonkun terveydeksi
drink to a p.'s health] ; terveydelle vahin
gollista injurious to the health, unsanltary;
jos Jumala terveytt suo il' Uod h I an t rne
[us] health.
terveys- (yhd.) sanitary, hygienic [esim.
-snt sanitary (1. hygienic) rule] ; mlneral, medlcinal [esim. -vesi mlneral (I.
medlclnal) vvaterj. -hoidollinen sanitary,
terveyshoito = terveydenhoito, -asetukset
sanitary regulatlons. -hallitus Department
or Public Health, -lautakunta board of
health. -ohjesnt health ordinance; terveyshoito-ohjesnnt (mys:) rules oT
health, sanitary regulatlons. -toimisto
health orrice.
terveys] Juoma health-glving (1. hygienic)
drink. -laki sanitary lavv, lavv regulatlng
the health conditions. -lautakunta board
or health. -liivi corset vvaist; Ferris vvalst.
-lhde mlneral sprlng (1. vvell), spa; me
dlcinal spring. -ohjesnt sanitary (1.
hygienic) rule. -opillinen sanitary. hygi
enic. -oppi = terveydenhoito-oppi. -po
liisi health orricer; (Engl.) health-guard.
-suola "health sait", a mlxture or salts
used to neutralize excesslve acldity or the
stomach. -syy: terveyssyyt sanitary (I.
hygienic) reasons, consideratlons or health
[huom. terveyssyist (mys:) Tor (the
benelit oT) one's health, because or one's
health]. -snt ks. terveysohjesnt.
ter (aseen lelkkausreuna) edge; (koko ~,
esim. puukon-, sahan-) blade; (koneissa
y.m.) cutter, knlTe; (esim. auringon) disk,
disc; (kasv.) Corolla; aurinko loistaa ty
delt terltn the -iiii Is shlnlng In rull
splendor, the sun is clear out; aurin
ko paistoi tydelt terltn rantahietikolle
the sun's rays beat unremittingly upon the
Sands; vrt. jalka, sukan- y.m. -ase
(sharp-)edged vveapon (1. tool).
terlnen (yhd.) .'. vvlth .. edge (1. blade)
[esim. huono~ . . vvlth a poor edge (1.
blade)], . .-edged [esim. kaksi tvvoedged, double-edged].
terksen- (yhd.) . . or steel [esim. -karkaisu
temperlng of steel; -valmistus uianuracture or steel] ; steel- [esim. -harmaa steel



gray; -vrinen steel -eoloreril . -kaltainen

. . llke stecl, steel-like. -kirkas . . (as)
bright as Steel, -kovuinen . . (as) narri as
steel. -sininen steel-blue.
terksinen .. of Steel, steel: (teriiksenluja)
.. (as) hard as steel; (rautainen) iron
i\vlll-po\ver, tahdonlujuus; constltutlon,
terlehti (kasv.) petal.
ter Steel; se helht terkselt it SOUndS
llke steel.
ters- (yhd.) steel- [esim. -pukuinen steelclad; -tylinen steel -vvorker] : (terksi
nen) steel [esim. -kieli steel striiiK; -fcisfco
steel rail; -krki stecl polrit 7 . -kalu steel
article, (tykalu) steel tool, steel Implement. -kiilto steel-llke luster. -kyn steelpen; pen polut; (varslneen, tav.) pen.
-kysi steel cable. -lanka steel vvlre; vrt.
rautalanka, -levy steel plate. -luoti stecl
ball; (pyssyn) steel bullet. -piirrot stecl
(kuva. mys) steel plate.
-takeet vvrought steel. -tehdaa steel -niill,
steel-\vorks. -teollisuus steel Industry.
-teos steel article.
terstys stecling, hanlcnlng; (kuv.) nervlng,
brarlng; vrt. karkaisu.
terstyi become (physlcally) hardencd, be
come steeled; hnen hermonsa olivat ters
tyneet he liari become steeled agalnst any
ciiintional inlluiMiies, hls nervcs hari be
come steadleri; hnen tarmonsa terstyi
hls wlll-powcr vvas steeled.
steel (mys kuv.), narrien; (kuv.) nerve
(1. hrace) [o.s., Itsen].
tersi villa steel wool. -vitjat steel chaln(s).
tert (suutar.) put a new vamp on, vamp.
tervyys sharpness; keenness; polntedness;
(kuv.) shrewdness, acuteness, acumen,
terv sharp [polnt, krki; rldge, harja;
knire, veitsi; volce, ni], keon (razor,
partaveitsi; understandlng, ymmrrys];
sharp-eriged [tool, tyase] ; (krjeks)
polntcd; (lvistv) pierclng; (krjek
kksi suippeneva) acute langle, kulma],
peaked [summlt, (vuoren)hulppu] ; (leik
kaava, pureva; mys kuv.) cuttlng, bltlng;
(kuv.) sharp-vvitted, \vitty, Ingenlous,
shrewd [man, mies], smart, penetratlng
:] ; (pureva) caustlc; arvostelu
kyky kecn ablllty to Judge, keen Jurigment;
~ huomautus sharp (I. caustlc) remark;
katse sharp (1. keen 1. plercing) look;
tervksi hiottu sharp- (1. keen-)edged,
(keenly) sharpeneri; ~ kyn polnted pen,
(kuv.) al)le pen; ~ parransnki rough
bearri; pila (pureva) cuttlng (1. blting
I. sarrastlc) Joke; ~ vastaus (pureva)
sharp retort, (sukkela) vvitty ansvver (1.
reply): hioa tervksi grlnri (1. vvhet) ..
to a sharp edge, sharpen.
tervl- (yhd.) . . \vlth a sharp
Sharp . . , Sharp- [esim. -hampainen . . vvith
sharp teeth, sharp-tnothed; -syrjinen 1.
-srminen shai p-edged, . . \vlth a sharp
edge]. -harjalnen: tervharjainen katto
steep rool": vrt. suippoharjainen.
tervhk some\vhat (1. rather) sharp.
tervi Jrkinen sharp(-wltteri), keen(-vvltted), vvitty, shrevvri; acute; (ovela) clever;
(kekselis) Ingcnious. -Jrklsyys sharp(-\vitteri)ness,
acuteness, acumen; cleverness, ingenlousness. -kulmainen acute-anglcd; tervkulmainen kolmio acute-anglecl trlangle,
trlangle \vlth acute angles. -kuonoinen
sharp-nosed, . . vvith a polnteri nose.
-krkinen (sharp-)pointcri, acute, . . (as)


sharp as a neertle. -neninen . . vvith a

polnted nose. -nkinen, -nkisyys ks.
tarkka nkinen, -nkisyys, -pinen Sharp pointed, polnted, . . \vlth a sharp (1. a
polnteri) enri; (kuv.) sharp, smart, clever,
(tervn ovela, viisas) shrevvd; vrt. tervjrkinen. -pisyys (kuv.) sharpness, smart ness, cleverness; shre\vdness; vrt. terv
krkisyys, -alimainen sharp- (1. keen- 1.
eagle-)eyed; vrt. tarkkankinen, -silmaisyys sharp (I. keen) eye; keenness (1.
sharpness) of [one's] eye; vrt. tarkkankisyys.
tervsti sharply, keenly; (ovelasti) cleverly; (viisaasti) shrewdly; (purevasti) in a
cuttlng manner, raustically. terv-lyinen
. . vvith a keen uitelleet, keen, sharp.
testamentata bequeath. vvlll [. . to a p.. Jo
kin jollekulle], (Jkpv.) leave [a p. 1,000
dollara, Jollekulle 1.000 dollaria], (pois)
dlspose [Of ..] by Wlll; testamentattu
omaisuus legacy, bequest.
testamentin S saaja testator's helr. legatee.
-tekij testalor. -teko makiug (1. dravving
uh i of a \vill. -toimeenpanija executor of
a \vlll.
testamenttaaminen bequeathlng Jne., ks.
testamentata, testamenttaus (jonkin) dis
position [or . .] by vvlll; mys = edell.
testamentti 1. (usk.) Testament: Van/is ja
Uusi Testamentti the Old and New Testa
ment; 2. (omaisuuden luovutuskirja) vvlll,
[one's] last vvlll; bequest; (virallisesti;)
[one's] last vvlll and testament; antaa tes
tamentilla ks. testamentata; kuolla teke
mtt testamenttiaan (mys:) die Intestate. -luovutus disposition by vvlll. -m
rys stlpulation in a vvlll; (-sds) legacy,
bequest. -varat bequeathed Tunds.
teuhata ks. peuhata.
teuras aniuial to he slaughtered.
teuras- (yhd.) . . to be slaughtered [esim.
-hrk ox to he slaughtered; -karja cattle
to be slaughtered; -nauta head or cattle to
he slaughtered]. -elin = teuras, -liha
butcher's meat.
teurastaa slaughter, butcher (molemmat
mys yi. nierk.); (tappaa) kili; (murhata
joukoittain, mys:) massacre; uhrielin
iiumolate a sacrlflclal animal; [hrki]
teurastettaessa at the slaughter of [oxen].
vvhlle slaughtering ... vvhlle [the oxen]
vvere beltig slaughtered; meill teuraste
taan tnn vve are slaughtering to-day.
teurastaja butcher; slaughterer.
teurastajan li puoti butcher(s) shop. -renki
butcher's man (1. helper).
teurastaminen slaughtering Jne., ks. teuras
taa, teurastamo slaughter-house; abattoir;
(Yhdy sv., et. Chicagossa, suuri )stock-yards.
teurastus slaughter, butchery (mys yi.
merk.); (verilyly) massacre. -elukka 1.
-elin ks. teuras, -huone = teurastamo.
-kirves butcher's (I. slaughterer's) ax; vrt.
lihakirves. -laitos - teurastamo, -liha:
teurastuslihassa oleva fattened for killing.
-liike butchpr'3 business, -naamari 1.
-naamio niask used in slaughtering anlmals. -puukko butcher1* knire. -tapa
inethod (1. vvay) or killing (1. slaughtering).
teutaroida Irisk (ahout), gambol, hop and
sklp, romp; tumble about; (metelid)
make a noise (1. a racket 1. a clamor), be
noisy. teutaroiminen rrlsklng about Jne.,
ks. edell.
tiainen (ellnt.) titmouse, tit; (Engl.,mys:)
tie roail: vvay; (valtamaantie) hlghvvay,
hlghroad; (matkan suunta) route; (vyl.



kulkutie) passage; (polku, rata) patti;

(ura) career; (suunta) course, directiun,
track, trail; tiell on the road, on the way.
(mennessmme) as we \vent aion?; tiet
pitkin aion? the road; hyveen tiell on the
vvay of Virtue: kulkea omaa tietn (1.
omia teitn) go one's own \vay, fOllow
one'8 o\vn course, follovv one's o\vn lnclinations; laillista tiet legally, through the
regular ctiannels of the law, oy legal
means; oikealla tiell on the rlglit road.
(tolalla) on the rlglit track; 0//0 jonkun
tiell be (I. stand) In a p.'s \vay (1. road),
be In the vvay of a p.; olla tiessn be
gone, be orr, be a\vay, vrt. olla; [hn!
on sill tielln, ji sille tielleen [he]
(went and) never eamc back (I. never retumed), has not relurned (1. come back)
yet; sata jalkaa tiest 100 feet Iroin (I.
off) the road; [hn meni] (oista tiet 'he
went] anothcr way, [he took] another
road; tt tiet thls way; vrt. kierto-,
maan*', mieron , oiko, puoli , rauta ,
syrj , valta, vesi y.m.
tiede science, -akatemia academy of science(s), (Engl., 1. v.) Royal Society, -kunta
department: college; (harvemmin:) faculty; lainopillinen tiedekunta department (I.
college) of Jurisprudence, la\v department.
-mies Scientist, mau or science; (oppinut)
scholar. -seura Scientific society (1. as
tiedettv knovvn; ks. tehd, tiedettvsti
SO far as Is knovvn; hn on tiedettvsti
syyllinen he Is knovvn to be guiltv; vrt.
tiedoksillanto Communication: (huomautus)
notiricatlon; (tieto) Inrormation, lntelligence: (Julkinen) (public) notlce, announccment;
(lak.) servlng a notlce [on a p.. Jolle
kulle], -pano notlce.
tiedollinen lntellectual; tiedollisessa suh
teessa In respect to knovvledge, intellectually. tiedollisesti lntellectuaily.
tiedon ala field (1. sphere 1. scone) or
knovvledge: vrt. ala. -antaja inforniant.
communicator; (julistaja) announcer, proclalmer; (sanomalehden) correspondent.
tiedonanto Information, Communication, intelllgence; (tiedotus) notlce, notlliration:
(selostus) statement, report; (aika ajoin
annettu, painettu) bulletin; vri tiedonantoja false Information, mlslnformatlon,
mlsstatements, mlsrepresentatlons. -toi
misto inrormation (1. tntelllgence) bureau.
tiedon haara branch or knovvledge. -halu
thirst (1. desire) Tor knovvledge (1. learnlng); love of letters. -haluinen . . eager to
learn (1. to acqulre knovvledge), . . fond of
learnlng (1. of knovvledge); (kyseliiis) . . of
an lnqulrlng mlnd, inquisltive: (utelias)
curious. -nyte proof of [one's] knovvl
tiedoton (Itse-, mys: tunnoton) unronsclous;
(tunnoton, mys:)
senseless; mys = tietmtn, tiedotto
masti unconsciously. tiedottomuus unconsciousness, insensiblltty, senselessness;
mys - tietmttmyys.
tiedustaa Inquire (1. ask 1. mako inqulrles)
[after (I. about 1. for 1. concernlng) a tli.,
Jotakin]; (etsi) look (1. search) Ifor a
lodglng, asuntoa; for a p., jotakuta], look
about [Tor]; (ottaa selkoa) flnd out
[about the matter, asiaa] ; (koota tietoja)
gather (1. get I. procure) inrormation
about] ; (kuulustaa) hear .vvhat . . , mit
. .; il' . . , onko . .] ; questlon [a p., jolta


kulta", Inlerrogate; vrt. tiedustella; jo

takin joltakulta ask one about . . , inquire
or a p. about . .; jotakuta search (1. In
quire) Tor (1. arter) a p., ask Tor a p.;
jonkun mielipidett ask a p.'s opinion
(I. advice), consult a p.; ~ Jonkun ter
veytt inquire about a p.'s health, ask hovv
a p. Is; - tiet ask the (1. one's) \vay.
tiedustaminen inquiring [after (1. about 1.
Tor)l Jne., ks. edell. tiedustelija one vvho
niakes made] an [the] Inquiry; (vakoili
ja) scout, spy. tiedustella = tiedustaa;
(sot.) reconnolter, scout, (vakoilla) spy;
tiedustella sanomalehdess advertise Tor . .
in a nevvspaper, inquire for . . (1.
try to flnd . .) through a nevvspaper.
tiedustelu inquiry: (vakoilu) reconnolter
ing; (etsint) search [for (1. after)].
-Joukko (sot.) reconnoltering party, -retki
(sot.) reconnoltering expedltlon.
tiehyt (luonnont.) duct, canal; (yi. merk.)
passage, Channel.
tien- (ylid.) . . of a (1. the) road, road
[esim. -katselmus Inspcrtlon of a (1. the)
road. road Inspection; -teko constructlon
of a (I. the) road, road constructlon],
-haara fork (In a road); parting oT the
VvayS; tienhaarassa Hl the Totk Of the
road, (kuv.) at the parting of the vvays;
Vrt. tienristeys, -korjaus repairing or
roads (l. or the road). -kyttoikeus rlght
of vvay. -krine 1. -mutka curve (I. turn
I. herui) or the road. -oheen, -ohessa,
-oh es ta ks. tienvieri.
tienoo neighborhood, viclnlty; (seutu) district, tract, pait; region; hn on SO:n tie
noissa (ikinen) he is in the neighborhood
or fifty, he is nrty years or age or thereabouts, he Is about fifty years or age;
kello viiden [puolipivn] tienoissa about
rive o'clock [imnntlme] : milt tienoin (\.
tienoilta) te tulette Irom vvhat part (1.
quarter) or the country (1. the vvorld) do
you romn? nill tienoin In these parts (I.
reglons 1. latltudes), (tss lhiympris
tll) In thls neighborhood, (in the coun
try) around here. In this distrlct: tuona
IO:n dollarin tienoilla ten dollars or thereabout(s).
tien raivaaja one vvho clears a vvay, one
vvho makes a road (I. a path 1. a track);
(kuv.) ploneer. -raivaus clearing the vvay,
iimklng or the road (1. the vvay 1. the path
I. the track); (kuv.) ploneer vvork. -risteys
crossing (of the roads); rrossroads; tienristeyksess at the crossroads. -tekovelvollinen . . vvhose duty it is to partlrlpate
in the constructlon or roads (l. of a road).
-tekovelvollisuus duty (I. ohligatkm) to
bulld roads (I. a road). -tyte riillng for
the road, ballast, road-rilllng. -varsi ks.
seur. -vieri side or the road, roadslde,
vvayslde: tienviereen to (l. by) the side or
the road, by the roadslde, [pystytt,
erect] at the roadslde, (pitkin tienviert)
along the roadsidc; tienvieress at (I. by)
the side or the road, by (1. at 1. on 1.
along) the roadslde; tienvierest from (1.
by) the side or the road, from the roadside.
(esim. lyt Jotakin) by (1. at) the road
slde, (esim. poimia kukkia) 011 the road
side, (pitkin) along (1. from along) the
roadslde. -viitta guldepost, slgn-post; vvaymark. -ylimentv (road-)crosslng.
tie oikeus rtgbt of vvay. -osuus (jollekulle
kuuluva) part of the road [asslgned to a
p.]. -puoli =~ tienvieri,
tiera (lumi-) snovv rolled up (under a
horse's hoof, etc).

tie raha road money, road tolls, -rauha had arrived (1. had been reoelve-l). at this
right to (1. privilege of) peaceful travel news, at these tidings, when this had be
come known, when these tidings had aron the highways (I. on the roads).
tierottua: hevoten kaviot tierottuoat snow rived; olla titdotta (tletty) be known
has a tendency to roll up under the hoofs [huom. minulla on me tiedossani, *e on
minun titdosiani I know It, 1 am Informed
or the horse.
tieteellinen scientific; (oppinut) scholarly: about It, I have knowledge of It] ; tiit ei
tieteellisen sivistykten saanut . . of (1. alt varmaa tietoa (l. oarmoja tie toja} there
is no positive (1. no reliable) Information
with) scientific training, tieteellisesti sci
entifically, tieteellisyys scientific charac
about the matter, it Is not positively
ter (1. nature); (oppiiieisuus) scholarliness. known.
tifitnon haara branch of science (1. of learn tieto- (yhd.) . . of knowledge [eslm. -lahde
ing), -harjouaja 1. -viljelij.i devotee of source of knowledge], -aarre treasury of
knowledge, thesaurus (of knowledge).
science; myos = tiedemie.
tieteileminen carrying on scientific experi tietoinen 1. (tietv) conscious (1. aware 1.
cognizant) iof, Jostakln]; knowing [act.
ments, tieteilij* one who carries on scien
tific experiments; (oppinut) learned man; teko] ; olla ~ jostakin be conscious of.
(tledemles) scientist, tieteilla carry on (tlet) bave knowledge of, know about,
scientific experiments; pursue scientific be In possession of Information relative
studies, tletelly (carrying on) scientific to, be aware of, be cognizant of; tSysin
experiments; pursuit of scientific studies. tietoisena tmurauktilta fully conscious of
(1. aware of 1. alive to) the consequences,
tieten (tleten) knowingly, consciously; ~ knowingly,
wittingly; . (yod.) . . with . .
tahtocn, ~ foitcn knowingly (and willing
(1. learning) [eslm. /a/a- . .
ly), wittingly, (tarkotuksella) of (1. with) with extensive
knowledge (1. learning 1.
set purpose, on purpose, purposely, (afko- Information)], tietoisettl
knowingly, con
muksella) Intentionally, vrt. tahallaan; ~ sciously, Wittingly; Vrt. tieten
it tahallaan.
tai tietmttn knowingly or unknowing
consciousness; cognizance; (tiely, COnSClOUSly Unconsciously; minun tietoisuut
/.,.'. , (rnmidan tietemme Jne.] With my varma tietoisuus certainty, full Jostakln]:
[our, etc.] knowledge, (ttetiiakscnl) so far [huom. hnell ol varma tietoisuut
as I [we] know, to my [our] knowledge, etts
that . . ,
tietenkln (luonnollisesti) of course, cer
tainly, naturally, surely, sure; (epilematt) (tlesl varmaan) he knew for certain (1.
doubt; annatko turnan minulle? annanpa positively) that . .].
tietenkin are you going to give this to me? tieto]! mllrl amount of knowledge; [a p.'s]
surely (1. of course) I am! ., n tietenfcn scholastic attainments (1. standing); stan
tu/ mubaamme he IS Coming With US, Of dard; hn ei osottanut omaaoansa tyydytcourse; naturally he Is coming with us. tiiv tittomr (myS:) be did not
tietenkaftn: e(po) fiefenfcaan of course come up to the required standard; vrt.
not, certainly not, by no means [huom. seur. -pliri (Jonkun) range of [one's]
hn ei tietenkn tul* of course he won't knowledge, -puollnen theoretlc(al). -rika*
conic; (luultavastl) most probably (1. It Is well informed; (paljon lukenut) well (1.
widely) read; tictorihas mies (myos:) a
very likely that) he will not come].
of Information, a man of wide knowl
tieto knowledge; (oppl) learning; (tunte- man
-rlkkaut ks. tietavarat. -sanakirja
rnus) Insight [Into, jostakln], (vanh.) ken; edge,
-ta*o standard
(valalscva) Information [of (1. about 1. on of knowledge; cyclopedia.
stage of scholastic attain
I. as to), Jostakln] ; (ilrnotus) notice, ad
vice. Intimation, (et. Engl.) intelligence; tion, -varat: hnen suuret tietovar*n*a
(sanme) message, dispatch; ("sana") his rich store of knowledge, his wellword; i ::,!.. n alkeet rudiments of knowl
stored mind; hnell on suret tietovarat
edge; tiedot, tietoja information, knowl
(jkpv.) he Is a mine of information, he is
edge [huom. historialliset titdot informa
a (regular) walking encyclopedia.
tion obtained from history, the state
ments of history; hnell el ../.- mitn tietty (well-)known; (selva) clear, evident:
tietoja (oppl-) he has no learning; hnell (tunnustettu) accepted, conceded; * en
on hyvt tit-Jot monissa aineissa he S WCll of course, certainly, naturally, (Jkpv.)
Informed (1. well posted) In (1. he has sure, (selva) that goes without saying;
se on ~ asia that Is a well-known fact,
thorough knowledge of) a variety of sub
that Is an understood thing, that is a
jects; i,,i..m>iii tittoja (further) particu
lars, further details, more Information], matter of course, that Is a foregone con
Vrt. antu, hankkia, aada (tietoja); ei ole clusion, t lei la va known; Vrt. tehda- tiot!:.!'.! there is no knowing [how It will tvsti so (1. as) far as Is known; (mlkll
tledamme) for all we know, to our
turn out, mlten se tulee pttymn] ; knowledge,
(tletysti) of course, certainly,
el ole f mi/. tietoa there IS no Sign (I. surely; (luonnollisesti)
naturally; (luul
Is no Indication 1. are no signs) of wind; tavastl) presumably, probably;
Afin on
ii.m haluaa kirjallista tietoa he requires In
formation in writing; hn hti pois mine tiettaoasti . . lie IS known to be ...
tietoineen with this Information (1. this tietymttmyy uncertainty, dubiousness.
knowledge 1. this advice) he went away; tietymtn unknown; (epiivarma) uncer
ilmotttta jonkun tietoon ja noudatettavaksi tain, dubious, doubtful, . . In doubt; (arinstruct a p.; follakulla on tietoa jostakin votukselllnen) problematic; kadota (ill
a p. has a certain knowledge of . . , a p. tietymttmille, kadota tietymattomun be
has (1. is In possession of) Information come (1. get) entirely lost, disappear
about (I. relative to), a p. is aware (1. without leaving any trace, disappear and
rotrnizant) of [huom. minulla ei le tiit not have one's destiny ascertained; olla
tietymttmits, olla teill tietymSttBmitn tietoa (inys:) I don't know any
thing about It, I have no knowledge of (1. mill have disappeared (without leaving
about) the matter] ; bun fst oll saapu- any trace) [huom. hn on yh viel trilla
mit when information (1. word) of this tietymattmill bis whereabouts are still

unknown; < on viel tietymttSmitt that natural [to him to act so, ett hn nun
Is still uncertain (1. problematic), that is menettelee] ; hoho atta know all about
It, know (1. be aware of) the whole affair;
still an open question, the Issue is yet un
certain, the matter Is still at Issue]; on neuuo know a remedy, know what (1.
tittymtSnt, milloin .. it Is uncertain how) to do, know how to manage under
when . . , It Is not known when . . , nobody the circumstances; n tied l don't know
knows when . . , there Is no telling when (, I'm sure); en tied mita vstala I don't
; pyty tietymttmitt remain un
know what to answer (I. to say): en tied
known, be never round (out), (salassa) mitn ten parempaa I know (Of) nothing
remain a mystery, be never disclosed (1. better, (Jkpv.) I know of nothing to beat
it; en tied tutu mitn I don't know any
tietysti of course, certainly, surely; (luon- thing about It; en tied tita atina I don't
nollisestl) naturally: I should naturally know about that, that Is unknown to me,
think so; (se on selvau) that Is clear, that 1 am not acquainted with (1. not familiar
Roes without saying, to be sure; (huu- with I. not aware of) that matter; en tittadahduksena, vastauksena:) I should say sn! nyt mitn vattata I could not say anything,
- hnkin tal** makaamm* lie will natu
I was at loss to know what to answer, I had
rally come with us, too; of course he Is nothing to say in answer; en ti*tanyt tita
coming with us, too.
nun karjakti I didn't know (that) It was
tieUJi (ennustaja) fortune-teller, sooth
so poor, I never thought (that) It was so
sayer, prophet, seer, diviner, augur; vrt. poor; AuAu kertoa, ett . . it is rumored
imit.i. -amen prophetess, rortune-teller; that .., the rumor (1. the gossip) Is (I.
has It) that . . ; hn *i l* tiil tietvinn(nolta) witch, -ukko old seer, old sooth
kn he acts as If he knew nothing of (1.
sayer; wise man.
tieUminen knowing1 jne., ks. tlet; (tieto) about) It, (el viilltil) It has had no visible
effect on him. he seems to be unmoved (1.
knowledge, tietamys knowledge; cogni
zance, tietm: hne n tietmnt makaan unaffected) by It, (on olevlnaan niinkuin
according to his knowledge, as far as he el nni.'un olisl tapahtunut) he appears (1.
looks) as if nothing were the matter; hn
was Informed (1. he knew).
tleUmltti not knowing . . , without know- ei o/e tictviniinikn) minatta he Ig
Ing . . , not (1. without) being aware of; nores me, he pays no attention to me. he
~ minian (**n) parempaa keinoa (myo:) takes no notice of me, he disregards me,
knowing no better way; tietmttni. -ti, (jkpv.) he cuts me (at every turn); hn ei
-nt jne. (en tahallani) (all) unknowingly, tied hvet (osaa) he has not sense
(all) unawares, unconsciously, unwittingly enough to be ashamed; Aunen luloaan tie im talin tietmttni loukanneekti hn- dettiin odottaa it was known that he would
tu I happened to offend him unknowingly come, we ;they, etc.] knew about (1. we
(I. unawares 1. unwittingly)]; jonkun tie- had knowledge of) his arrival, his arrival
tamtt (nun ettft Joku el tled) without a was expected, (osattiln) people [we,
p. 's knowledge, (all) unknown to a p. etc.] were prepared for his arrival;
'eslrn. minan tietmttni without my Aon talaitufidtn he knows (1. be Is let
knowledge, unknown to met; toitittaan In to 1. he Is In) the secret, (Jkpv.) he is
mitn ~ without any knowledge of (1. on to it; kan tiedetn, ett .. Since it Is
without knowing anything about) each known (I. since we know) that . . , It being
(I. whereas It Is) known that..; mi'nun
tieUmittomyyi Ignorance [of]; (tuntemat- lictbseni, mikli tiedan so (1. as) far as
tomuus) lack of acquaintance rwlthl. un- I know (I. am aware), according to (1. to
famlllarlty [with] ; (opplmattomuus) Il
the best of) my knowledge, for anything
literacy; Anen tietmttmyytent otta- (I. for aught) I know (to the contrary)
kln (mys:) his being unacquainted with: [huom. .i minan ti*tkttni not (I. none)
/tt oka tietmttmyyteen jottakin as far as I know, not (I. none) that I
leave a p. in Ignorance of (I. In the dark know of] : mitenka mina ten tietaitin how
as to), tietmtn Ignorant 'person, ihn n
(1. could) I know (It): mi tama
nen; of a th., jostakinl ; unknowing: (op- Should
~ (merkltsee) \vha4 does this mean (1.
plmaton) unlearned, uninformed, illiterate; signify)? what Is the meaning of this?
vrt. tletymtn; jottakin tietmtn un
(ennustaa) what does this forebode? ei
aware of (1. that) . . , unconscious of, (Jo- tlfila hyv that does not promise (I. fore
takln tuntematon) unacquainted with, un
bode) any good, that Is a bad omen; e tiefamiliar with, knowing no ...
detn that Is known, (jokalnen sen tletaa)
tleUralvMva: Afinen - tyont his pioneering everybody knows that, that is known by
everybody; te ~ palon that Is very sig
work; iollekin ~ .. breaking ground for.
tletvl knowing, well-informed, Intelligent; nificant, that says a great deal; e tarmiota (ennustaa) that forebodes (I. fore
(Jrkeva) clever.
tleUa know; have knowledge for, Jo(ta)- tells ]. foreshadows) disaster, that gives
kin] ; (olla tletoinen) be conscious 'of. jo- promise of disaster; titila oliti taanut
kln; that . . , ett . .1, be aware rof], be odottaa tieti miten kaaan one might have
cognizant ] ; (tuntea) be acquainted (I. had to wait there nobody knows how long
familiar) [with1; (merkit.1) mean, signify; (1. for no end of time): titila ol tieti mita
were all sorts of things there, there
(sisaltaA) Import, purport; (ennustaa) there
(fore)bode, portend, betoken, (Jotakln pa- was every Imaginable thing there, there
haa) foreshadow, (tav. hyvaft) presage, was a little of everything there; tita *l
augur; (lnvata) promise, give promise of; kenenkn tarvitte ~ (mys:) no one need
tiedan I know, (osaan) I can: tied *e be the wiser about that: tita ei varmattl
and now you know (It)! understand that' tiedet that is not known for sure, there
(inulsta) rernenilier that! tietinhan ten I Is no knowing of that for certain: tamo'
knew as much: tietmtt ks. hakii-' : tadetta this promises (I. indicates 1. fore
casts 1. forebodes) rain; trafmm kertoa,
/muda ks. huutl; tietadhan ten (why.)
ett . . the report tells that . . , the news
that's natural: you couldn't expect any
thing else;_why, of course; It comes quite is brought that . . .



tietn . . vvlthout roads (1. a road); pathleas [vvoods, mets]; (lpipsemtn)

tiheikk thleket; (viidakko) copse; (pen
saikko) bush.
tiheimmin thlrkest.
tiheneminen bccoming thlcker jne., ks. tihe
t, tihennyt thickenlng. tihentyi ks. tihet,
tihentminen makin* . . thlcker Jne., ks.
seur. tihent niake . . (1. cause . . tn be)
thlcker (i. denser), thicken; (esim. kirjo
tusta) make . . closer; tihent iskuja increase the number (I. the speed) of the
StrokeS; tihent kyntejn vlsit . . more
rrequontly, rnake one's vlsiis more frequent; tihent verkkoa make the mcshes
or the net smaller (1. closer together).
tiherry (itkun) whlmper(ing), weeplng.
tihert I. (Itke) whlmper, weep; 2. (klrJottaessaan) write . . in a small and
cramped hand, (itr.) vvrlte a small and
cramped hand.
tihet become (1. grow) thlck(er), thicken,
become (I. grow) dense(r); become closer:
(tapahtua useammin) become (I. get)
more rrequent, occur more (and more)
frequently; on tihennyt niin, ett .. has
become so clense (1. thick) that . . .
tiheyt thlrkness, denslty, denseness; rloseness; (esim. kyntien) frequencv. tihe
thlrk [rorcst, mets], dense rrog, sumu:
crowd, vkijoukko] : close fwrlting, klrJotus]; (usein tapahtuva) frequent, repcated; tiheimmss luotisateessa where
the bullets rained rastest, In the very thick
or the enemy'S Tire: tiheiss riveiss In
close rankS; tiheist varotuksista huoli
matta In splte or rrequent (1. of repeated
1. of reiterated) warnlngs; tihen phn
thick and fast, cvcry little \vhlle, ever and
anon, qulte frequently, ever so often,
tlme and airaln; tihe pensasaita thick (1.
thirk-sot I. dense) hcdge; tihet kynnit
frequent vialta.
tihekudoksinen . . of close weave, . . of
close texture.
tihess: laiho kasvaa ~ the crops are
growlng thick (1. close tngelher); niit on
Islell] (taajassa) they stand thick
(therej, they are close to each other
fthere], (niit tapaa usein) they occur (1.
are met \vlth 1. nre found I. ajipcar) fre
quently, they are to he met \vlth nrten.
tihesti thickly, densely, closely; (usein)
frequently, repeatedly; vrt. seur.
tihen thickly, densely, closely: (taajaan)
rnllnwlng each other closely, in quick (1.
In rapld) succcssion, thick and rast;
(usein) frequently, repeatedly; asuttu
ks. taajavkinen; rakennettu densely
hullt, crovvded (sectlon of the city, kau
punginosa] ; kirjottua write closely (1.
rornpnctly); luote/a satoi ~ bullets vvere
ralning thlrk and rast: pit kokouksia ~
hnld meetlngs frequently (1. continually);
tietoja saapui reports arrlved (1. came
In) at rrequent intervals (1. In qulck successlon).
tihkua (pihkua) ooze frorth, esiin: out,
ulos], secp [through, lvitse], percolate,
rilter; (tippuen) drlp, trickle; sataa tihkuu
It drlzzles, there Is a drlzzling raln. tih
kuminen oozlng jne., ks. nieli, tihkusade
drlzzle, drlzzling raln.
tihru silminen blear-eyed, bleary. stl
misyys blenrlness.
tihuttaa = tihuuttaa.
tihuty evll decd; outrage.
tihuuttaa: itke ~ \veep, (nyyhkytt) be


sobblng, sob; sataa ~ be sprlnkling, (vih

moa) be drlzzling'.
tiiainen tiainen.
Tiibetti Tibet.
tiibettilinen (a. & s.)
Tlbetan, Tbibetan.
tiikeri (ellnt.) tiger. -krme (eltnt.)
tiikerin, nahka tigerOs) skln. -penikka I.
-pentu tiger('s) whelp (1. cub). -pyynti
tiilen] karvainen .. or the color or brick,
brick red; (luonnont., mys:) testareous.
-nkinen . . like a brick. -polttaja brick burner. -poltto brlck-burning. -punainen
brick red; vrt. tiilenkarvainen. -takij
1. -valaja brickmaker; (katto-) tiler. -teko
brickmaklng. -vri brlck-color. -vrinen
ks. tiilenkarvainen.
tiili brick; (katto- y.m.) tile.
tilli- (yhd.) brick- [esim. -savi briek-clay.
-uuni brick-klln]; (tiilest tehty) brick
[esim. -lattia 1. -permanto brick rioor;
-muuri 1. -sein brick \vall). -Jauho brick dust. -kaava ks. tiilimuotti. -katos brickshed. -katto tlle(d) roor, roor or tile;
tiilikaton pano tilin'--, -kattoinen . . \vith a
tlle(d) roor. -kerros 1. -lade course or
(burned) brick. -muotti brick- (1. tile-)
tiilinen . . (made) or brick, brick.
tuli putki pipe or tile, tile pipe, drain-lile,
tile (plping). -rakennus brick nouse (1.
hullding). -savi (mys:) clay ror makin?
bricks. -tehdas brickyard; (katto- y.m.)
tile-norks. -teollisuus brick Industry;
(katto) tile Industry, -torvi ks. tiiliputki.
tiima (tunti) hour. -lasi liour- (1. sand-)
tiine . . big (1. great) with young, pregrnant;
lehm on tiineen (tav.) the COW Is going
to have a calf; tamma on tiineen the
mare is \vith roal, the mare is golng to
have a colt. tiineys pregnancy, gestation.
tiinu tul), tiinullinen tubini [or, jotakin].
tiira (ellnt.) tern; kala- common tern.
tiirikka skeleuin key, pass-key; plcklock:
tiirikalla aukeamaton burglar-proor; avata
lukko tiirikalla pick a lock.
tiistai Tuesday; vrt. lauantai(-). tiistainen
Tuesdays; vrt. lauantainen.
tiiveys --- tiiviys.
tiiviisti tlght(ly), close(ly); compactly;
menn ~ kiinni (esim. ovesta:) Shut (to)
tight, (esiin, kannesta:) shut down tight;
olla ~ ladottuina be tlghtly (1. closely 1.
compactly) packed.
tiivis tight [ 1 id, kansi]; close [texture, ku
dos; materiat, kangas] ; (joka ei vuoda.
Joskus:) sound [barrel, tynnyri]; (kiin
te) dense, compact, (et. metalleista:)
masslve, solid; (vedenpitv) water-tlgbt:
(ilman-pitv) alr-tiglit: vrt. tihe, -kantinen . . with a tlght-nttlng lid (1. cover).
-kudoksinen . . with a close texture (1.
weave); closely woven.
tiiviste (tekn.) packing; (tervarohtlmet)
tiivisty tighten, become (1. get) tighter
(1. closer l. denser), become (1. get) tight,
grow dense(r); (kaasuista y.m.:) be condensed, condense;
(astioista:) become
water-tlght; vrt. tihet.
tiivistys tightening; stopplng up; (tekn.)
packing; (hyryn y. m.) condensatlon.
-aine material for stopping up [cracks,
etc], material for chinking; (material



packlng; (tervarohtimot) oakum.
-rengas (tekn.) packing-ring.
tiivistminen ks. tiivistys, tiivist make . .
tight (1. compact 1. close), tighten; (tyt
t) stop (up) [a crack, rako], chink
[tho seams of a boat, veneen saumat],
flll (up); ca(u)lk; make .. water-tlght;
make . . alr-tight; (tekn.) pack; (fys.)
rondense; (pusertaa kokoon) compress.
tiiviys tlgbtness; closeness; denseness, density, compactness; masslveness, solidity;
vrt. tiivis.
tikahtua choke, be surrocatlng; ~ nauruun
choke wlth laughter, (Jkpv.) spllt (one's
Sldes) \vltll laughter; tikahtumaisillaan
nauruun about to choke \vlth laughter,
convulsed wlth laughter.
tikapuut (step)ladder.
tikari dagger; ponlard; (pieni, hoikka) sttletto. tikarlnllsku 1. -pisto stab or (1.
\vith) a dagger.
tikata (neuloa) stltch; (peitett y.m.) qullt.
tikittminen tlcklng. tikitti tlck. tikitys
tlck, tlck-tack.
tikka (ellnt.) Woodpecker.
tikkaaminen stltchlng; qulltlng.
tikki (peliss) trlck.
tikku spllnter; (puikko) pln; (suurempi)
stlck; (esim. sormessa:) sllver; (tuli-)
mateli; ei ole pannut tikkua ristiin has not
lirted a flnger (1. a hand) [to help them,
heidn auttamisekseen], has done (absolutely) nothlng, hasn't done a thlng, has
been (Slttlng) ldle; tehd tikusta asiaa
saadakseen . . make an errand an excuse
for gettlng . . . -peli Jackstravvs.
tikli (ellnt.) goldNnch.
tiksuttaa tlck; vrt. raksuttaa, tiksuttamlnen
tlcklng. tlksutus tlck, tlck-tack.
tlku (hk) fumes Trom (1. glven orr by)
burnlng coal.
tikuttaa (rak.) lath. tikuttaminen lathlng.
tila room, space; (sija) place; slte; (sljotnstlla) accommodatlon; (asema) position,
sltuatlon; (olo-) State, condltlon; (kunto)
shape; (aste) stage, stadlum; (lllkkumay.m.) scope; (tilaisuus) occaslon, opportunlty, chance; (maa-) farm, homestead,
(landed) estate; (vuode) bed, berth; vrt.
hKt-s m.ikun , olo, perint-' y.m.:
(Jtt] ~ allekirjotukselle [leavc] space
(1. room 1. place) Tor the slgnature: tilalla
on runsaasti mets there Is an abundance
of tlmber(-land) on the premlses (1. the
farm 1. the estate); antaa tilaa (esim. klrJotukselle lehdess) glve (1. allow) space;
asiain ~ the State (1. the condltlon) or arfalrs; tnsi tilassa on the flrst occaslon,
(niin pian kuin teille sopii) at your carUest convenlence, at your flrst opportunlty, (ensi postissa) by return mail, (Engl.)
by return or post, vrt. ensi; hurjassa ti
lassa In a miserable (I. a wretched 1. a
sad) condltlon. In a sart way (1. plight),
(huonossa kunnossa) in bad (1. poor)
shape (1. condltlon); olla ensi tilalla [eh
dokaslistalla] stand flrst [on the llst or
candidates], head (1. be headlng 1. be at
the head of) [the llst of candidates] :
onko siell tilaa viel yhdelle Is there silli
(1. can you stlll make) room for another?
on niukalti tilaa there Is not mucli room,
the Space Is Umlted; .. ottaa paljon tilaa,
. . ottaa suuren tilan . . takes Up a L' ivat
deal of space (1. of room), . . Is very volumlnous (1. bulky); pesn ~ (palkka) the
place wherc the nest had been, (tuli)
room for a [the] flre-plaiv, (kuolinpesn
y.m. asema) condltlon of the estate; salis
sa on tilaa SOO hengelle ( m vi is:) the hali


accommodates (1. seats 1. holds) 500

people; seinll ei ole tilaa useammille tauluille there Is not wall-space (1. not space
on the wall) for any more plctures; sikli
kuin on tilaa as i'ar as space allnus (1.
Space Wlll permit); alassa ei ole tilaa niin
monelle there Is not enough room In the
nouse for (1. to accommodate) so many.
tilaaja (Jonkin) subscrlber [or]: (snnl
linen lukija) regular reader [of] ; lehdell
on 12,000 tilaajaa (mys:) the paper has
a circulatlon or 12,000. tllaajainhankkija
canvasser or subscrlptlons [ror, Jollekin].
tilaajamr number or subscrlbers; (leh
den, mys:) circulatlon.
tilaaminen orderlng Jne., ks. tilata.
tilaaottava bulky, voluminous.
tilaisuus occaslon, lnstance; (tarjoutuva)
opportunlty, chance; openlng; tilaisuuden
sattuessa when an opportunlty arlses,
when occaslon (I. an openlng) orfers (1.
presents ltself), whcn an openlng comes
(1. occurs), (Jos tulee tilaisuus) ir occaslon
allows, (milloin sopivaa) \vhcn (It Is 1. It
wlll be) convenlent, sometlme or other
when there Is time (1. when I [you, etc]
have tlme) [huom. enslmisen tilaisuuden
sattuessa (mys:) on (1. at) the flrst
occaslon, at the flrst opportunlty (1.
chance)]; ~ oppia(kseen) a chance (1. an
opportunlty) to learn; ~ saada tyt a
Chance to get \vork; antaa jollekulle jo
honkin Cl. tehd jotakin) give (1. afrord)
a p. an opportunlty (1. a chance) of dolng
(1. to do) a tn.; etsi tilaisuutta seek an
opportunlty, watch one's (I. ror an) op
portunlty (1. a chance); hyv good op
portunlty (1. chance) [Tor dolng (1. to do)
. . , tehd . .] ; joka tilaisuudessa on ali occaslons, at every opportunlty; jollakulla on
~ tehd jotakin a p. has a chance (1. an
opportunlty) to do . . , there Is a chance
ror a p. to do ... a p. Is In a position to
do . .; jtt ~ kyttmtt let the oppor
tunlty pass (1. sllp), miss one's opportunl
ty (1. chance), Tall to Improve the occaslon
(1. the opportunlty); useissa tilaisuuksissa
on dirferent occaslons, at dlfrerent lnstances.
tilallinen rarm-owner, rarmer; (suur-) estate-o\vncr, landed proprletor.
tilan ahtaus lack (1. want) or space (I. or
room); (et. asunnoista puhuen:) lack nr
State; tilanahtauden vuoksi because or lack
or Space: lehte vaivaa tilanahtaus (mys:)
the paper is cramped Tor space. -haltija
holder or an [the] estate, estate-holder,
-hoitaja manager or a
landed estate (1. a rarm). -Jako allotment
(1. dlstrlbutlon) or an estate. -kauppa
deal concernlng (1. lnvolvlng) an estate;
sle [purcbase] or an [the] estate (1. a
tilanne sltuatlon; (asema) position.
tilan lomistaja ks. tilallinen, -puute lack nr
Space: vrt. tilanahtaus. -tyttv . . rllling
(1. . . whlch ruis) the space.
tilapinen (vliaikainen) provlslonal [arrangcmcnt, Jrjestely], temporary [loan,
laina; lllness, sairaus; engagement, toimi),
. . ror the tlme being; (satunnainen) accldental
[meetlng, kohtaus], rortultous
fphenomenon, Ilmi], Incldental [Income,
tulo], occaslonal [correspondent, kirjeen
vaihtaja; need, tarve], casual [vlsltor.
vierailija]; chance [customer, ostaja! ;
odd f Job, ty]; Btray; painotuote ocrasional printlng, (ammattttermini .) Job
\vork, Job printlng; tilapist tarvetta var



fen (mvs:) for an emergcncy. tilapisesti

temporarily, Tor the lime being, incldentallv. (vliaikaisesti) provisionally.
tilapis! kappale play arranged (1. \vrltten)
for a certaln (1. a special) occasion. -kirjotus artlcle \vrltten Tor a certaln (1. a
special) occasion. -nytelm ks. tilapiskappale. -paino (klrjap.) Job-printin? nrflce. -puhe speech presented on Cl. prepared Tor) a certaln (l.a special) occasion.
-puhuja occasional (1. casual) speaker.
-runoielma) poem vvrltten Tor a certain
(1. a special) occasion. -runoilija vvrlter
of occasional poetry, vrlter or poem? Tor
special occaslons. -tyd(t) (klrjap.) Job\vork, job-prlntlngr.
tilapa- (yhd.) ks. tilapis-.
tilasto statisttcs. tilastollinen statistical.
tilastontutkija statistician.
tilaatolltiede statistics. -tieteellinen statis
tical. -tieteilij statistician.
tilata order [goods from Chicago, tavaroita
Chicagosta], give an order for [10 sai-ks
of coffee, 10 skki kahvial, send for,
write for; subscribe [for a paper, lehti;
for a book, klrjal ; take Ta box for the
season at the theater, teatterista aitio
nytntkaudeksi!; (hankkia) seeure, procure; (tehd sopimus) engage; tilaama'la
by orderlng; - piletti engage (1. subscribe
for) a tlcket, (hankkia) sccure a ticket:
[Jollekulle] sija laivasta have a berth
reserved [for a p.] on a boat.
tilaton . . vvlthont landed property; tilaton
vest (mys:) landless population. tilat
tomuus . . being \vithout landed property.
tilaus order; (sanomalehtien, obligatsionten
y.m.) subscrlptlon [Tori; (muodollinen,
virallinen) requlsitlon; tilauksen mukaan
tehty made to order; hankkia jonkin ti
lauksia take orders (1. subscrlptlons) Tor,
canvass (orders) for. -hinta subscrlptlon
rate (1. prlCe), Subscrlptlon; tilaushinnat
subscrlptlon rates. -kaavake ordpr-blank;
(etup. lehden) subscrlption-blank. -kirja
order-book. -kuitti subscrlption-receipt.
-lippu order (1. subscrlptlon) blank (1.
slip). -maksu 1. -raha subscrlptlon money;
pidtti tilausrahat itselleen kept the money
from the subscrlptlons Tor himseir.
tilaustenkerillj agent; toimia f Tymiehen 1
tilaustenkerili/n (mys:) canvass Tor
subscrlptlons [for the Tymlesl.
tilava spaclous, roomy; commodlous [dwelling, asunto; harbor, satama1; rapactous;
(suuri) large [dish, astia].
tilavuus spaclousness, roominess; eommodlousness; (kappaleen, aineen) volume:
(avaruus) space; vrt. edell. -mitta cublc
measure. -suhteet cublc dimenslons; conslderatlons or space. -yksikk unit or
tilhi (elint.) Bohcmian (1. norlhern) ^vaxvvlng.
tili account; (tilinteko) rerkonlng; rjonknnl
tiliin, tilille to [a p.'S] account, vrt. panna,
vaatia; tilimme on selv our accounts are
settled, (jkpv.) \ve are square; avata ~
joltekull; open nn account for a p. (1. In
a p 's Tavor). -asema rinaneial condition;
stale (1. condition) or rinances. -kausi
perlod covered by a rinaneial statement;
vrt tilivuosi; viime tilikauden tilit (mys:)
the (rinaneial) statement ror the last year
[last hair vear, last qunrter, etr.l, rinan
eial statement covering the perlod just
endingr (1. just ended). -kertomus rinaneial
statement; (treasurei"s) report. -kirja account-book; book. -kirja-arvo value shown


by the books (1. the accounts); price on

the books.
tilin pito keeping or (the) accounts. -piUia
accountant; (kirjan-) bookkeeper. -pst
release Troin responsibility (eoncerning
certain accounts); antaa rahastonhoitajalle
tilinpst accept the treasurer's report.
release the treasurer Trom responsibility
eoncerning the accounts reported on.
-pts closing (1. balaneing) or the
books; balanee; vrt. tehd, -tarkastaja
tilintarkastus audit(ing or the books).
-kertomus audltor's (1. audltors') report.
-toimisto audlt-orrice.
tilinteko rendering or an account (1. or ac
counts), handin? In (1. giving) an account:
(yi. k kuv.) reckoning; settiini? or ac
counts; (suoritus) settlement; tilinteon
piV(kuv.) day or reckoning. -velvollinen,
-velvollisuus kS. tili velvollinen, -velvolli
tili ote statement (or accounts). -piv
(maksupiv) pay-day; (tilinteon piv)
dav or reckoning.
tilittminen rendering (of) an account Jne.,
ks. seur. tilitt render (1. give 1. hand in)
an account ror, jokinl, account Tfor]:
vrt. tehd (tili), tilitys acrount(lng) ;
statement (or accounts); vrt. tilittminen.
tili "vapaus ks. tilinpst. -velvollinen . .
obliged to render an account ror, josta
kin], .. obliged to make a statement or
the accounts; (vastuu-) accountable, ans\veral)le, responslble; hn on siit tilivel
vollinen (mvs:) It Is his duty to render
an account or that. -velvollisuus duty (1.
ohligation) to make (1. to render) an ac
count rnr], duty to account [ror]; accountabllity. -vuosi riscal year; rinaneial
tilke oakum. tilkin (tilkklmelssell) ca(u)lking-lron (I. -chlsel). tilkiueminen. tllkiU
tminen caOOlking; chlnking. tilkltt =
tilkit, tllkitys tilkitseminen, tilkit
calk. caulk; chlnk.
tilkka drop. tilkki ks. vaarna.
tilkku (kangas-) plece Tof cloth], bit,
shred: (riepu) rag. -matto rag rug, rag
mat, (mattokankaana) rag rarpet.
tilkkunen small plece (or cloth). tilkku
peitto patchvork qullt.
titlahtaa ks. pillahtaa, tillittj one vvho
weeps rrequently; (Jkpv.) cry-baby; vrt.
pillittj, tillittsi: itke tillitt be weepIng, weep; be crying.
tilus estate: rarm; (maa) land; (omaisuus)
propertv, Possession.
timantlnhioja diamond-eutter.
timantti diamond: (lasinleikkaajan) diamond-point; kova kuin ~ (run., mys:)
adamantlne. -kirjasin (klrjap., = Hj
pistett) diamond (type). -koriste diamond
ornament, set or dlamonds. -neula dtamond pin. -pora diamond drlll.
Timo Timothy: (jkpv.) Tim.
timoteinsiemen timothy seed.
timperi (kirvesmies) rarpenter.
tina Iin,
tina- (yhd.) tin [esim. -lusikka tln spoon:
-malmi tiu ore; -nappi tln button] ; . . or
tln reslm. -kanki bar or tin].
tinaaja tinner, tinsmith. tlnaamaton . . not
timied; (sis.-ilti . . not lined \vlth tln. ti
naaminen tinning. tinaharkko block or tln,
(kanki) bar or tiu. tinainen .. or tin. tln.
tina juotos tin solder; sort solder. -kaivos
tiu mmc -kalut tinvvare. -kannu (tlnapelti) tin can, tin. -mr percentage of tln.

tinan B pitoinen . . containing tin. -aekainen stalactite: (luolan pohjallc muodostuva)
. . mixed with tin, . . containing tin.
stalagmite, tippuminen dropping jne., ks.
tina paperi tin-foil, -seos (kein.) tin alloy, tippua.
-seppa ks. tinaaja. -aotamies tin soldier. tippuri gonorrhea, gonorrhoea; (jkpv.) clap.
tinata tin; (astiolta slsaltil) line with tin. tipauttaa trip; walk mincmgly, mince, tlptinatehdaa tin-works.
suttaminen, tipeutue tripping, mincing.
tinau tinning; ikmiHr., mys:) lining of tipu ks. tipa.
tin, tin lining.
tiputella, tiputtaa be dropping, be dripping,
tlnginti bargaining; haggling, higgling.
drop, drip; let .. drop (1. drip); (kaataa)
tinka I. (tlnkiminen) haggling; tingalU spill; tiputtaa hiukan lkett johonkin put
(tarkkaan) closely, to a hair; ollakulla on a few drops of medicine In (1. on), tiput~ jostakin a p. is short of, there is a taminen, tiputua dropping, dripping; spill
shortage of . . for a p., a p. is hard ing, tiputuepullo dropping-bottle.
pressed for [huom. meiU on ~ rahatta tirahdella 1. = tirist; 2. (tirskua) be
(myos:) our funds are low]; siita ei tule chirping, tirahdus (plrahdus) trickle;
linkaa there will be no haggling (1. no (tilkka) drip, drop; (raiskahdysx squirt.
disagreement 1. no difficulty) about that; tirahtaa trickle; drop; (riskht) squirt.
(vain) saurtlla tingalla only with (I. after) tiranni = tyranni.
a great deal of trouble (1. of difficulty 1. of tirehtri (Johtaja) director; (piillikk)
fuss); nima tin,:,,.-.;, i at the last moment. chief, head.
tlnka II. (urakka) contract; vrt. maito. tiriseminen
trickling Jne., ks. seur. tirisU
tlnki = edell.
(tlhkua) he trickling, trickle, ooze (out 1.
tinkiminen bargaining jne., ks. tinki; siit forth); be dropping; (riskl) be squirt*i le tinkimist there Is no question (1. Ing, squirt.
no haggling) about It.
tirkisteleminen peeping jne., ks. seur. tlrtlnklmisllvare margin (1. allowance) for re
kistell peep [through the keyhole, avaiduction, -yrltya attempt at bargaining, menreiasta]
; (kurklstella) peer [into ...
attempt to get the price reduced.
look inquisitively [at]; (tuijottinkimaUomasti unconditionally, unreserv
edly, unquestioning!}', tinkimtn (elido- peer; vrt. edell. glare [at]. tirkiiUa peep;
ton) unconditional, unconditioned, abso tlrrallaan: silmt ~ with peering eyes.
lute, unreserved; (rajaton) unqualified; tirskahtaa = purakahtaa.
(sokea) Implicit [faith, usko], unques
(nauraa) giggle, titter, snicker;
tioning; tinkimtSn kannatus unqualified tirskua
(csim. sirkasta:) chirp, tirekumlnen gig
(1. unreserved) support; jonkun tinkimtn gling
edell. tirakunta giggle, tit
velvollisuus a p.'s absolute (1. unqualified ter, snicker;ks.chirp.
1. Implicit) duty.
(out 1. forth); vrt. pursua.
tinkia try to get . . cheaper, try to get the tiski (puoti-) counter;
price of . . reduced; bargain, stand bar-

kanssa; with one's conviction, vakaumnksestaan]; without haggling,

without any bargaining, (vastustelematta)
without demur(ring), unconditionally, unquestlonlngly; hn tinki epilemn minun
sanojanl he was inclined to doubt my
words (1. to disbelieve me), he was bent
on doubting my words (I. on disbelieving
me) ; linn tinki kymmenest sentist puolen
tuntia she stood haggling over a dime for
half an hour; koettaa ~ pois o(ta)kin
(kuv.) try to reason (1. to explain) . .
away; sain tingityksi hinnasta doHarin I
got the price reduced a dollar, I made
him [the seller] take a dollar off the price.
tipa (kana) chick, pullet; tipa, tipa chick,
tipahdella be dropping, drop; he dripping,
drip; tipahdellen by drops huom. sataa
tipahdellen (myos:) drops of ral n are
falling], tlpahdua drop, tipahduttaa drop,
let .. drop, let .. fall, tipahtaa drop;
(pudota) fall, tipahtaminen dropping,
tipoittain by drops; in drops; (tlppa tlpalta)
drop by drop.
tipo tiehenea: tipotiehens go away,
be gone, go for good [eslm. hn on mennyt tipotiehens he is gone for good1.
-tlestatn: on tipotiessn is gone for good.
tippa drop, -leip cruller,
tippua drop, drip; (karista) fall; (juosta,
kynttlliista:) gutter; (vuotaa) leak; (tihkua) trickle; hihi tippui hnen otsaltaan
sweat was dripping (I. perspiration trick
led) from his forehead, his forehead was
dripping with perspiration (I. with sweat);
kynttila tippuu (tav.) tallow [paraffin] Is
running down the sides of the candle,
tippuilla - tipahdella. tippukivl (riippuva)

tissutella, tissuttaa (kvellit) patter [about,

ympari; by, I.IH , ; walk pitapat, tissuttaminen pattering, tissutus patter, pitapat.
titaani (JatUlalnen) Titan.
titteli (kirjap.) title.
tiu score; twenty; ~ kananmunia twenty
by the score, by twenties.
tightly; tensely, hard; (teravastl)
sharply, keenly; (tarkastl) closely; (kllnteiisti) firmly, steadily, fixedly; (Jarkkymattomastt) steadfastly; (peruananlamattomasti) unyieldingly, sta(u)nchly, un
flinchingly; (itsepmtaisesti) stubbornly;
(paiittavlsestl) decidedly, resolutely; (tuimastl) sternly.
tiukata (vaatla) demand, urge: joltakalta
iotabin press one for, (vaatla) demand . .
from a p. [huom. Aon tiukkasi minulta rahoja (myos:) he urged me to give him
(some) money, (klusasi) he importuned
me for money].
tiukennua = tiukentaminen; (kuv. = rajotus) restriction, tiukentaa tighten, make . .
tight(er); (veta tlukalle) draw (1. pull)
tlghtier), make (1. pull) .. taut, pull In,
take In [the belt, vyotii], clasp (I. buckle)
.. tighter; stretch [the strings, kleII; ; (kuv., esiin. kuria) make [the dis
cipline, etc.; more strict (I. more strait),
(rajottaa) restrict [the rules, santoj].
tiukentaminen tightening Jne., ks. edell.
tiukentua tighten, be made tighter, be
drawn (1. he pulled) tlght(er), be made
(1. he pulled) taut; (kuv.) become more
strict (1. restricted): vrt. tiukentaa.
tiukka tight [cover, kansi; knot, solmui;
(pingotean) taut, strained [string, kleli.*,



tense, (tightly) stretched; (ahdas) narrow; (kova) hard, (kiivas) keen [competition, kilpailu]; (tarkka) close [lnqulry,
kuulustelu]; (ankara) rlgld, strict [discipllno, kuri], severe; stern [master, Isn
t; command, ksky]; (luja) rirm [determinatlon, pts]; (tuima) sharp [rightlng, tappelu], rierce, hot [struggle, otte
lu]; vrt. kire; tiukimmilleen jnnitetty
strained to the limlt, stretched as far as it
would go; nafta tlght(-ritting) coat,
(liian ~) coat whlch Is too tlght; val
vonta rlgld supervision, strict Control;
hn on ~ pennte)istn he IS (v.'iy)
close-risted; jot ~ tule lf it comes to a
tlght place (1. to a plnch 1. to that), at a
pinch, In an- emergency, lf need be, In
case Of need; olla tiukatta, olla tiukalla
be tlght, (ahtaalla) be in a tlght place,
(ottaa lujalle, jkpv.) be tough work
lm.. m. kyllp (te) oli tiukalla \vliy, that
was a tlght plnch!
(\vhy,) that was
tough work (1. hard pulllng) !
tiukalla rahatta bo Short Of (1. be pressed
for) money]; rahoitta on we are short
of money, money Is scarce, (esim. maassa)
there Is a shortage or money, vrt. tinka.
tiukkaaminen demandlng Jne., ks. tiukata.
tiukkaan tlght(ly); vrt. tiukasti & vet.
tiukkua (valua) dripplng; vrt. tihkua.
tiukkuus tlghtness, tautncss, tenseness;
narrouness; hardness; kcenness; closeness; riglrllty, strictness; slernness; firmness; sharpness; vrt. tiukka.
tiukotua tlghten, make . . taut, dravv (1.
puli) .. tlght(er); vrt. tiukentaa.
tiuku (small) bell, (kulkunen) slelgh-bell.
tiukuttaa tlnkle, Jlngle; ring [a bell, kel
loa] ; (visert) chirp, twltter. tiukutta
minen tlnkllng Jne., ks. edell.
tiuskaaminen, tiuskaiseminen speaklng harshly Jne., ks. seur.; harsh speaklng. tius
kaista, tiuskata speak harshly (1. roughly)
(to a p.. Jollekulle], snap [at]; rebuff;
tiuthaitta jollekulle (mys:) snap a p. up.
tiuskalsu, tiuskaus harsh (1. rough) speak
lng: snapplng; snap. tiuakeet, tiuakut
harsh (1. rough) speaklng.
tiutUin ks. tiulttaln.
todella, todellakin really, Indccd; (tosiaan
kin) truly, In raith, (etup. run.) forsooth;
(varmasti) surely; (todesti) in (polnt of)
Taot, as a matter of fact; (todenleossa)
actually, In reality; todellako! niink' to
dellakin! really? you don't say (so)! did
you [he, etc] really? todellakaan: en to
dellakaan tied really I don't know, I am
sure I don't know; en todellakaan voi tulla
I really (1. I posltlvely) cannot come.
todellinen real, actual; .. ronnded on fact;
(varsinainen) poslttve, substantlal [dlfference, erotus; gain, voitto]; (olkea) true
[genius, nero], genulne; (tosi-) veritahle;
(ei vain nimeltn) vlrtual; ~ atiaintila
the real (1. the actual 1. the true) state or
thlngs; hallitsija actual (1. vlrtual)
ruler; asiain kulku the actual course nr
events; siihen ei ole mitn todellista
tyyt there are no real grounds (1. there
Is no good reason) for lt. todellisesti
really, actually, In fact, as a matter or rart.
todellisuus reality: actuality; posltivcness;
substantlallty; (Jonkin asian y.m.) rcalness; (todellinen eliim) real liro ; (tosi
seikka) laet; (totuus) trulli; todellisuu
detta In reality, in laet, as a matter of
fact, actually; kylm sober reality, cold
Tact; unelmat muuttuivat todellisuudeksi
the dreams became a reality, the dreams


materlallzed. -kuva plcture or real life.

-kuvaus plcture (1. description) of real
II Te, realistlc description. -romaani novel
ahmit real I il e, realistlc novel. -runoilija
realistlc poet.
toden mukainen truthrul, veraclous; (-n
kinen) plauslble; .. kuulottaa todenmu
kaiselta . . sounds plauslble; vrt. toden
nkinen, -mukaisesti truthfully, veraclously; plauslbly. -mukaisuus truthfulness, veracily.
todennus = toteaminen.
toden li nkinen probable, llkely; plauslble;
VerlSimllar; todennkinen perillinen Ilen
presumptlve; on todennkisint, ett ..
lt is most llkely that . . , the most
probable thlng Is that . .; on vartin toden
nkist, ett . . (mys:) there Is every
probabllity that . . , lt Is more than llkely
that . . .
-nkisesti probably, llkely:
plauslbly; todennkisesti hn .. probalily
he ... lt Is very llkely that he . . , the
chances are that he . .; hyvin (\. varsin)
todennkitttti (mys:) In ali probabllity.
todennkisyys probabllity, ltkellhood, llkeliness; plauslbllity; verlsimllltude; kaiken
todennkisyyden mukaan ks. (hyvin) to
dennkisesti, -laskento (mat.) calculus
or probabllity. -todistukset circumstantlal
toden || perinen real, .. founded on Tact,
actual; (tosi) true, truthrul, veraclous;
(olkea) correct. -perlsestl really, actual
ly; (totuudenmukaisesti) truly, truthrully,
veraclously; (oikein) correctly. -periiayya
reality, actuality; (totuudenmukaisuus)
truthrulness, veraclty, verlty; (oikeus)
todentaa ks. todeta.
todentakaa In earnest; (volmalnsa takaa)
wlth ali one's mlght; (niin hyvin, niin lu
jaa Jne. kuin voi) as well [as hard, etc]
as one can (1. could).
todentaminen ks. toteaminen.
todenllteko earnest; todenteolla really, ac
tually, truly; (tosissaan) In earnest. -totta
ks. tosi. -tuntuinen . . apparently truthrul;
. . glvlng the Impression of truthrulness.
todeta establish (the truth of), verlfy, substanllate; authentlcate; (vahvistaa) conflrm; (todistaa) certiry, altest; (vakuut
tautua) ascertaln; lkri saapui liian my
hn voidakteen muuta kuin , ett henki
oli jo lhtenyt the doctor arrlved too late
to do more than to testlfy that life was
extlnct; vrt. seur.
todistaa vvitness [a p.'s slgnature. Jonkun
alleklrjotus], testiry. glve evidence [for
a p.. Jonkun puolesta; of ignorance, tletamiiitmyytt], hear wltness (l. testimony)
Jo(ta)kln] ;
[that ... ett . .] ; (olla merkkin) bear
evidence [or. Jotakin]; (Ilmaista) betray;
(nytt toteen) prove (mys mat.); demonstrale, make good [one's clatm. vit
teens]; (oikeaksi, et. kirjallisesti) certi
ry, attest [to, jokin (1. Jotakin)) ; (osottaa)
show [llic truth or, Jonkin todenperi
syys], glve proof of; (todentaa) verlfy
[by examples, esimerkeill], substanllate
[the truth oi], establish (by evidence);
(varmentaa, vahvistaa) conftrm, afflrm;
Jollekulle atian olevan pinvastoin prove
the contrary to a p. ; todistaakseen vit
teens to prove hls assertlon, as (a) proof
(1. evidence) for hls assertlon; Jokin
oikeaksi prove (I. certlfy) . . to be correct
(1. true), certiry (1. attest) the correctness
of [huom. oikeakti todittaa . . attested (1.



Cerllfied) by ..]; oikeutensa johonkin

prove one's rlght lo; ~ Jonkuu olevan
vrss prove a p. to be vvrong, prove to
(1. convlnce) a p. that he Is vvrong; Joku
syylliseksi johonkin prove . . (to be) gUllty
or, convlct . . of; toiseksi prove.. otner\vlae; Jotakuta vastaan testiry (1. vvit
ness 1. glve evidence) against a p.; <~
* voittoonsa prove (1. veriry) one's assertlon
(1. one's polnt 1. one's case); ~ Jokin
vrksi prove (1. show) . . to be vvrong
(I. lneorrect), (kumota, esim. syyts) rerute, dlsprove, rebut, conrute [a p.'s argument. Jonkun Vite] ; todistettavissa oleva
provable, . . that can be proved, . . capable
or being proved, demonstrable; todistettu
tosiseikka proved fact, establlshed trulli
(1. Tact); joka oli todistettava liicli was
to be proved (1. demonstrated) ; jota
hnen . . as is proved (1. attested 1. vvltIiessed) by In s . . ; olla todistamassa
appcar as a wltness [in the court, oikeu
dessa], (todistaa) attest [esim. sit on
todistamassa se seikka, ett . . that Is at
tested by the Tact that . .] ; sen hn voi
itse he can prove (1. verlfy) that himseir, he can bear witness to that hlmsell';
se julmuutta lt (1. that) Is a proor (1.
bears evldence) of cruelty; se selvsti,
ett . . thai shovvs (1. proves) clearly
that . .; todistaja todisti, ett .. the VVitness testiried (1. deposed) that ..; tm
hnen puolestaan this testlTles In his Tavor, (puhuu) thls speaks (l.thls U a polnt)
In his lavcir; tten todistetaan (l. tm to
distaa), ett . . (kirjallisen todistuksen
alussa) thls is to certiry (1. thls certiries)
that . . . todistaja vvitness; todistajain ls
nollessa in the presence of vvitnesses, before vvitnesses; todistajia kuulusteltaessa
at (1. durlng) the hearing (1. the examlnatlon) Of Wltnesses; hnell on siihen
todistajia he has vvitnesses to the ract, he
can Turnlsh vvitnesses for that; kuulustella
todistajia (mys:) hear the evldence; ilmottaa joku todistajaksi mentlon (1. rerer
to) a p. as a VVltneSS; olla jonkin todis
tajana be a vvitness or, vvitness . . , (saa
puvilla Jossakin) be present at . . . todistajainkuulustelu examination (1. hearing)
of vvitnesses; hearing the evldence. todistajakumppani fellovv vvitness.
todistajani kertomus deposition (or a vvit
ness); tcstlmony. -palkkio Tee paid a vvit
ness Tor his servtces, vvitness' fee. -vala
uath (or a vvitness).
todistamaton (Jota ei ole todistettu) unverlfled [statement, vite] ; unproved, . .
(vvhlch is) not proved, . . not demon
strated, . . not vuriTied, . . not substantlated, . . not supported by evldence; (var
mentamaton) unceiliried [document, asia
paperi j, unattvsted; (jota el voi todistaa)
. . not provable, . . not verinable, . . that
cannot be proved (l. demonstrated), lndemonstrable. todistaminen vvltnessing Jne.,
ks. todistaa.
todlstautua: joksikin prove (ItselD to be
. . , glve evldence of being . . , manirest (1.
deinonstrate) itseir as belng [impossible,
mahdottomaksi] ; vrt. osottautua.
todista proof, evldence; (nyte) demonslratlon; (osotus) token, niark; (tili- y.m.)
VOUChei ' ; todisteeksi kunnioituksestani as
evidence or my esteeni, as a proor (1. a
token) or my esteeni; olla todisteena jos
takin be a proor or; vrt. todistus, todistella
be provlng, be demonstratlng; prove,
demonstrate; vrt. todistaa, todistelu prov


lng; demonstratlon; argumentatlon; vrt.

todistettavasti, todistetusti as can be
proved; or a certainty; (Ilmeisesti) obvlously. todistettavuus capability (l.posslblllty) or being proved; demonstrableness.
todistus proor [or his gullt, hnen syylli
syydestn] ; (et. lak.) evldence, (todista
jan suullisesti antama) testlmony, (et.
raam.) vvitness; (kirjallinen, kuulustelun
perusteella laadittu) deposition; (vannottu
selostus tai tiedonanto) arrtdavit; (kirjal
linen. Jostakin todistukseksi annettu) certlticate, (palvelus- y.m.) testimonial [to
a p.'s character. Jonkun ominaisuuksista],
(Jkpv.) character; (oppilaan, etup. alkeis
koulussa) report card; (todistuskappale
tilityksess) voucher; (osotus) token, slgn,
mark [or rrlendshlp, ystvyydest]; vrt.
koulu, maine, pst y.m.; todistuk
seni on oikea my tpstimony is true; todis
tuksista ilmenee it appears 1'nmi the testi mony (1. the evldence), the testlmony (1.
the evldence) proves (1. shovvs); siit,
ett hn osaa suomea certificate (1.
statement) concernlng his knovvledge or
the Finnish language, (nyte) proor or his
knovvledge or (I. In) Finnish; hn sai hy
vn todistuksen (koulusta) he recelved
good (1. exccllent) marks, (luokalta ps
tessn) he passed vvith crcdit, (pst-)
he cornpleted his course vvlth credlt; jon
kin todistukseksi as a proor or, in testl
mony or; jonkun todistuksen perusteella
On the testlmony or; olla todistuksena jos
takin bear vvitness to, glve (1. bear) evl
dence or, testiry to, be proor or, be
evldence or. -arvo [its] value as evidence.
-Jvi disqualiried as a vvitness. -kappale
(piece or) evldence; (kirjallinen y.m. to
distuskappaleena kytetty nyte) cxhiblt.
-kelpoinen . . qualiried to act as a vvitness;
competent [vvitness, todistaja], -peruste
ground or evidence. -tapa method or argument (1. or demonstratlon). -velvolli
suus burden or proor, obllgation (1. duty)
to produce (1. to rurnish) evldence. -voima
puu er as evidence; jollakin on suuri todis
tusvoima . . is povverrul evldence.
todistuttaa have . . proved (1. veriried 1.
cerliried Jne., ks. todistaa); jollakulla
have a p. testiry Jne., ks. todistaa.
toe (sulku) dam, vvelr.
tohahdella, tohahua blovv out; (tuprahtaa)
riiiru up; (leimahtaa) riame out (1. up),
tohina (kohina) nolse; (pauhu) roar: rush;
(suhina) sough(lng) [or the vvlnd] ; (so
rina) hum(mlng) [or votres] ; (touhu)
luistie, tohiseminen roaiing jne., ks. seur.
tohista (kohista) make a nolse; (pauhata)
roar; rush; (suhista) sough, murmur, (so
rista) lm m : i luutulta) bUStle.
tohlo I. (sarven-) core or a Horn, horn-core.
tohlo II. ks. plh, tollo.
tohria ks. tuhria.
tohtia = rohjeta.
tohtori doctor, (Jkpv.) doc; vrt. lkri.
tohtori n II arvo doctor's dcgree, doctorate;
saada tohtorinarvo (mys:) giaduate as a
doctor. -vitskirja doctor's thesls.
tohtoroida doctor.
tohveli I. (-kangas) dufrel.
tohveli II. (-kenk) slipper; (ernlainen
naisten) Juliet; olla tohvelin alla be tied
to a woman's apron strings, .be under
pelticoat government, be henpecked; pit
tohvelin alla (vaimo miestn) benpeck.
-sankari one vvho Is tied to a woman's


7 CO


apron strlngs (1. Is henpecked by hls wife toimenpide measure; step; (teko) action,
move; (valmistus-) arrangement, prepa1. is under petticoat government); hen
ratlon; (tulevaisuuteen thtv) provi
pecked husband. -valta ks. akkavalta.
sion; (menettely) procedure; vrt. varovai
toimeen II paneminen executing jne., ks. toi
toimenpiteet (lak., mys:) promeenpanna, -paneva executive [power,
ceedings; ei anna aihetta mihinkn toi
valta] ; toimeenpaneva johtaja managing
menpiteisiin does not call for any action;
dlrector, manager. -panija executor; (homhnen
maaja) arranger; (alkuunpanija) instig-ator.
through) hls action; on ryhdyttv tehok
toimeenpanna (panna tytntn) execute
kaisiin toimenpiteisiin efrerttve (1. vigorin order, ksky], put .. Hitu execution
ous) measures must be resorted to; tmn
(1. into clfect), carry out; (suorittaa) pertoimenpiteen! seuraus the resuit oi IbiS
rorm [a p.'s orders, jonkun ksky], acaction of mine (1. this move on my part),
complish [a design, Jokin suunnitelma];
the resuit of my dolng this; vrt. toimi.
(toteuttaa) reallze ]an Idea, Jokin ajatus];
(aikaansaada) cause, ereate, brlng about; toimeton idle; (Joka ei mitn tee) Inactive,
inert; (joka el toimi) passive; (jolla ei ole
(tehd) make [an lnspectlon, tarkastus;
tointa) . . \vlth (1. or) no occupatlon, . .
lmprovements, parannuksia; alterations,
doing nothing, unemployed, (tytn) . .
muutoksia]; (hommata) arrange (l. get up)
out or work; (Jolla ei ole yritteliisyytt)
[an exhlbltion, nyttely]; (pit) hold [an
unenterprislng; ~ jsen inactive (I. pas
examlnatlon, tutkinto]; toimeenpannaan
sive) member; toimetonna, toimettomana
(tapahtuu) takes place, wlll take place;
(mys:) in idleness [huorn. olla toimetto
kenttjuhla arrange (1. get up) a picnic;
mana (mys:) do nothing]. toimettomuus
~ kerys (toimittaa) take up (1. arrange
inactlvlty, failure to do anyTor 1. make) a eollectlon; levottomuuk
thing; Inertness; passiveness; unenter
sia make (1. cause) dlsturbances; mieprislng
lenosotus arrange (Tor) a demonstratlon,
make (1. launch) a demonstralion; muu- toimi (ammatti- y.m.) occupatlon, (palve
lus-) employment, employ; (paikka) posi
tohmia jossakin make changes in, (uudis
tion, situation, place, (etup. Engl.) post;
tuksia) make innovations In, vrt. muuttaa
appolntment; (virka) orrice; (ty) work,
& uudistaa; ~ myyjiset arrange (1. get up
1. hold) a bazaar, (vanhan, kytetyn tava
(Jkpv.) Job; (askare) business; (homma)
arrair; (tehtv) task; (annettu, uskottu)
ran) arrange a ruminage sle; pts
Commission, mission; (velvollisuus) duty;
carry (1. put) the declsion into execution
(1. into eiTect), carry out a resolutlon;
lunction; (osa) part; (asla) errand; (toi
tutkimuksia make Investlgations, invesmenpide) measure, step;
care; (kutsumus) vocation, calllng; vrt.
tlgate [the matler, asiassa]; tutkinto
have (1. arrange Tor) an Invesligation,
sivu-; toimeen astuminen entrance (1.
(kuulustelu) hold an inquest, institute au
enterlng) into (1. upon the dutles or an)
lnquiry; ~ uudistuksia make (1. carry out
orrice; toimeen vain (Just) get to work!
1. inaugurate) rclorms, make innovations.
(ryhtykmme) just let us get at lt!
toimeksi saanut (virall.) by order [or
toimeenpano execution; arrangement; perthe
governor, etc] ; toimessaan, toimella
rormance, accomplishment;
(puuhakkaana) busily, (elvsti) Ilvely,
mys = toimeenpaneminen, -ksky order
(innokkaasti) eagerly, (vakavasti,
for execution (1. to execute). -valta exec
tosissaan) carnestly, in earnest, \vith great
utive povver.
earnesmess [huom. hn oli niin toimessaan
toimeen pantava . . to be put (1. carrled)
he was so busy with (1. at) hls \vork,
into execution, . . to be carried out, . . to
(innoissaan) he \vas so eager, (tosissaan)
be arranged jne., ks. toimeenpanna; (suun
he was so much in earnest] ; toimet (as
niteltu) planned, projected; huomenna toi
kareet) doings, (harrastukset) pursults,
meenpantava juhla the celebration planned
(liike- y.m.) business (huom. kytnnlli
for to-morro\V. -saanti ks. aikaansaanti,
sen elmn toimet practlcal aliini - rauhan
-tuleva . . who makes a Tair living; huo
loimet arts or peace], vrt. alkutoimet;
nosti toimeentuleva . . who makes a poor
ensimisi toimiani oli lhett . . among
(I. a meager) living; hyvin toimeentuleva
(1. one oi) the rirst thlngs I did vvas to
mies a man who makes a good living, (ri
send . . , one or my rirst acts (1. rtrst
kas) a Well-t0-d0 man; kalastuksella toi
tasks) \vas to send . .; hnell ei ole mitn
meentuleva . . who makes his living by tointa he has no occupatlon (1. no employ
nshlng. -tulo living, livelihood, subsisment), (tyt) he Is out or work, (el tee
tence; (olemassaolo) exlstence; hyv toi
mitn) he is dolng nothing; jonkun toi
meentulo a good (1. a comfortabli?) living,
mesta through a p.'s Instrumentality, by
nlce inCOme;
(1. throiigh) a p.'s elforts, through a p.'s
(mys:) competence. -tulolhde source or actlvlty, (kautta) by (I. through) a p.'s
[one's] living Jne., ks. edell.
toimekae (toimiva) active; widc-a\vakc;
through a p.'s care, (alotteesta) through
(toimelias) thrtrty; (tarmokas) energetic;
a p.'s initiative, (pahassa merkityksess)
(yrittelis) enterprislng; (jkpv.) . . \vlth a
at (1. through) a p.'s Instigation, (m
good deal or push; (tytelis) lndustrious;
ryksest) by (1. at) a p.'s command, by
(hriv) busy. Ilve. toimekkaasti in a
a p.'S order [huom. se ei tapahtunut minun
thrirty manner (1. way), wlth push, vvith
toimestani it vt as no doing of mine, lt \vas
energy, energetically; Industriously; businone oi' my doing, It came about without
tolmekkuus actlvlty, thrirt(lness);
my having anything to do \vith lt (1.
energy; Industry, enterprlse, splrit or en\vithout my having any part in it). it was
terprlse, enterprislng splrit; vrt. toimekas.
frum no Instigation or mine] ; jd jonkun
toimeksi be leit (1. be asslgned 1. be given
toimeksianto Commission.
1. be entrusted) to a p., (tulla) rall to a
toimeliaasti, toimeliaisuus, toimelias ks.
p.('S lot) [huom. minun toimekseni ji iltoimekkaasti, toimekkuus, toimekas. toi- mottaa
. . I was charged nfth (1. I \vas as
melllnen, toimellisesti, toimellisuus ks.
slgned 1. I was given) the duty or notiry
toimekas, toimekkaasti, toimekkuus.

Ing ... I was appointed to notify . .1; one's conscience; ,.,/.- - (lulla kiiynttln
oicn t nii.s-.s.i toimissa I am here in .in.) begin to work, get (I. come) Into
such business (1. on sucli errands); olla action, (ryhty toimiin) commence opera
tions [huom. alhaa - tydell voimatla (\.
i/man teinta be without employment (I. oc
cupation), be Idle, have nothing to do; vauhdilla) get into full swing]; han toimii
kir/apainotfa he works (1. he is employed)
alia toimttta (ammatlssa) have an occupa
In a printing-office; bone ei toiminat tha
tion, (virasse) have a position, hold an of
fice, (Jkpv.) have a job, (puuliakkaana) machine did not work, the engine failed
be busy, be working- [to get the reform to work; bone toimii hyvin the machine
passed, saadakseen uudistus hyvksytyk- works (1. runs) ell; mitii tina tomtit
sl]; on hntn tointan*a (tekoai)sa) It is what are you doing? what are you about?
his work, he is responsible for it; trkt ..vJ.Vm.Ti tuliti ~ tnnollitetti the heart
~ Important position (I, office), (teli- should function regularly.
tv) Important task (1. duty), vrt. teht- toimilaika term (of office); vrt. tolmintav; ttt teimw(mys:)in this capacity. aika. -la line (of business); vrt. toimintaala.
toimia (kayttyty) act; (olla toimellas) be toimiella
be acting; vrt. puuhallU.
active; (olla tolminnassa) be In action, be toimlllhaluoperate;
toimintahalu. -henkilo officer,
in activity, be in operation, function; official, =
(toimiva) active
(tyskennelia, olla kunnossa, vaikuttaa)
work, operate; (tehcla) do; (suorittaa Jo- toimija
who arranges
kin tehtv) perform a function; (tehd [arranged]; jonakin ~ one
who acts
tyta) be working- [at the solution of the
problem, pulman ratkalsemlsekal], be at acted] as . .; vrt. toimiteija.
work [upon], (hrl) be busy [with
housework, talousaskareissa] ; (jarjeslati) toimillkauel term (of office), -kunta com
arrange; (palvella) perform the duties [of mittee; board; toimikuniwn jten member
one's office, virassaan], serve, do (1. ren
of the committee, committee member;
der) service; iltama arrange (1. get up huulna toimikantaan be (1. serve) on the
I. have) a social; jonakin (eslm. isnta- committee, belong to (1. be one of) the
nft, kaupan vllttjn, Jonkun lakimlehe- committee, vrt. kuulua (Johonkln). -kunna) act as [host; an agent In a deal; a p. 's talainen = toimikunnan jasen, ks. eilell.
lawyer], act In the capacity of, (esim. sa- -lupa (toirninta-) license (to carry on Its
nomalehtlmlehena) work as [a newspaper
business); franchise, -mies - - toimihenkil ;
man], (eslm. eritysellmena) serve (I. vrt. toimittija.
function) as [an organ of secretionl, tolmimlnen acting Jne., ks. toimia.
(eslm. puheenjohtajana) perform the du
firm; (kauppaliuone) commercial
ties of [a chairman], (viran puolesta) of tolminimi
house, business house (I. establishment).
ficiate as [huom. toimia onhun tiiaisena toiminta
(eslm. aivojen, llhasten,
(mys:) act In place of, act for, perform syditmen, lulivuoren)
action; (tyoskentely)
(1. do) duty for, (viran-) fill a p. 's posi
function(ing); (ty) work;
tion, (Jkpv.) sub for; toimia hobouhten operation;
volcano in ac
puhrcnjohtujana (mys : ) preside at the tion, active volcano; alottaa
meeting, direct the proceedings of (1. at) a enter
meeting, be In the chair; toimia lakimie- tions; hnen toimintanta arvottelijana
hena practise law; toimia lhrin prac
. as
tise medicine; toimia oihkiln (hist) a critic of his work (1. his activities);
officiate at a wedding, perform a wed
toimintanta Johonkin direct one's
ding ceremony; Aun toimi ouotihautia rait- hohdittaa
activity (1. one's energies) upon (I. to
Hniliikhccn tienraivaa/ana he was a pio
toiminnaUaan Show (1.
neer In the temperance movement for prove) by one's work
(1. one's deeds 1.
years]; ~ onhin hyvakti be active In be
toiminnatta (henkilshalf of (1. In promoting) . . , work for (I. tit:) be at [one's] work,
(esiIn behalf of), work to promote [huom. nelst:) be in operation, bebeinactive,
toimia jonhin undiitukitn hyvakti (edus- koneesta, mys yleens:) beaction,
Ininnassa, mys:) be Instrumental in get
ting a reform passed; mitn i o toimit(1. running), -aika time (1. period) of
tu ion hyaakti nothing has been done in ing
[one's, Its] activity, time of action; time
the matter (1. the case)]; - onkun hy- of
vrt. toimiaika. -ala ephere
oakti work for a p., be active In behalf of
[one's, its] activity (1. action 1. work),
a p.. Intercede (1. exert one's Influence) In of
action (1. activity I. work
a p.'S behalf (1. for a p.); kuttumuktet- 1. operations); uusio
toiminta-aloja new
*aan work In one's calling; Jonkln leuit- fields
vrt. tolmiala. -halu wil
tamitekti work to spread (I. to propagate), lingness (1. eagerness
desire) to work,
endeavor to disseminate, (tehdii knny- desire to be active, -haluinen
. willing
tystyt) carry on propaganda for; ~ Jon- (I. eager) to work; desirous of .being
kin mukaitcsti act In accordance (I. in tive; (yritti'lUis) enterprising, -kauti pe
conformity) with, act according to [hunm. riod of operations; period of activity;
toimia omantuntonta mukaitetti do (1. art)
(1. period) during which . . has been
as one's conscience commands; toimia ten time
active (I. been In operation); (tolml-,
mukaitetti act accordingly! ; ~ Jossakln virka-)
term (of office); (kmilun, myos:)
muhana take an active part in; oikein
kertomut toimintabaudtlta tamdo right, act right; ~ valtion palveluktessa session;
i- -.! ketk. 3O p:n report (I.
serve the state, be in the service (1. the statement)
for the time (I. the period)
employment) of the state, (hallltuksen) from January
1st to June Itoth. -kyky
be In the employ of the government; vigor,
energy, -kykyinen vigorous, ener
vattoin mrykti act against (1. In oppo
getic; vrt. tolmtntatarmoinen. -mahdollisition to) one's orders, act against one's suus chance to he active, chance to carry
Instructions, disobey (I. disregard) one's on one's [their, etc.] business; (tyonteko-)
orders; - vaitoin omaatuntoaan act against chance to work, -ohje instruction (ho'.v to



, 762

act 1. hoxv to do); dlrectlon, precept. piiri

ks. toiminta-ala. -suunnitelma pian of \vork,
pian or operatlons; plans. -tapa mode of
action, xvay of proceeding, (method or)
procedure; vrt. menettelytapa, -tarmo
energy, vigor; (Jkpv.) push, vlm. -tarmoi' nen energetlc(al), vlgorous; (jkpv.) .. xvith
a great deal of push. -vapaus liberty or
action, rreedom to act; omata tysi toimintavapau* (mys:) 1)6 a 1'n-c. agent.
-voima = toimintatarmo, -vuoti year or
actlvlty, year durlng whlch . . Is [has
been] actlve (1. In operatlon); (tili)
riscal year.
toimipiiri = toiminta-ala.
tolmiskella (puunata) be busy [xvith (1.
about), jotakin; about the tiouse, koto
salla], busy o.s. [\vlth] ; (tehd) be (engaged In) dolng [thls and that, yht Ja
toista] ; onhan hn vhin toimishellut niiss
asioissa he has done some work along
those Iines, It is true; he has had something to do xvith that Une or business(, it
Is true); vrt. toimia, toimiskelu being
busy jne., ks. edell. ; (ty) work.
toimisto bureau; (aslolmlsto) agency; (kont
tori) orrice.
toimitella be dolng [small errands, pikku
asioita] ; vrt. toimia & toimittaa.
toimitsija runctionary; (virkailija) orrictal,
orricer; (kaupp.) agent, Commission agent;
(tolmitusmies) e.xecutor; (konkurssissa)
assignee [In bankruptcy].
toimittaa (suorittaa) perrorm [an operatlon,
leikkaus; a task, jokin tehtv], carry
out; (et. toimltusmietien) execute, (tyt
t) acromplish; (pit) hold [an auctlon,
huutokauppa(a)] ; (hankkia) procure, get,
provlde (1. supply 1. rurnish) [a p. wlth,
Jollekulle Jotakin], rind [a position ror a
p., Jollekulle palkka] ; (valmistaa) prepare,
make ready, get ready; (jrjest, huoleh
tia) arrange, see about, see to, manage,
see that . . Is done, attend to, (hoitaa)
take (1. have the) care or, look arter, conduct [the correspondence, klrjevaihto] ;
(virkatehtvi) discharge [the dutles or a
minlster, papin tehtvi]; (lhett) send;
(saattaa perille) dellver (over to 1. up to),
(sanomalehte y.m.) edlt [a newspaper,
etc.]; (laatia) complle [a dictlonary, sanakirja(a)]; toimitetaan (tapahtuu) is taklng
place, vill take place, (pidetn) Is hold,
will be held (1. conducted), (kest) is in
progress. Is proceedlng, is golng on [esim.
vaali toimitetaan huomenna the election
wlll take place (1. will be held 1. \vlll be
conducted) to-morroxv; nestyst foimitettiin viel, kun . . the votiug vvas still in
progress (1. still golng on 1. still proceed
lng) VVhen . .] ; ~ arvioiminen makc a valuation (1. an appralsal), appralse; ~ Jokin
asia do an errand, arrange about a matter,
(huolehtia) take care or a matter, see to lt
that .. is done; ~ [kirje] edelleen for\vard [a letter] ; julkisuuteen have . .
(1. see to it that . . Is) published, give . .
publlclty, bring . . to the public notice,
vrt. toimittaa painosta; ~ jumalanpalve
lulta) conduct (1. orriciate at) the Ser
vices ; ~ jonkin katselmus make (1. carry
out) an lnspectlon or, revlew, c.xaminc,
survey; ~ kirje jollekulle (itse viemll)
take (1. dellver) a letter to a p., (pitmll
huolta ett hn saa sen) see that . . gets
the letter, see that the letter Is dellvered
to a p.; " Jokin korjattavaksi have
. . rppaired, send . . to be repalred, see


that . . is repalred; ~ kuulustelu conduct

a hearlng, hold an inquest (1. an examination); mkeasioita(an) transact business;
~ luettelo complle a llst, (laatia) complle
(1. edlt) a catalogue, (jollekulle) get (1.
rurnish) [ap.J a llst [or]; ~ Jokin mene
mn send . . o fr, send . . rorxvard, dlspatch; ~ niin, ett .. see to lt that ...
arrange (lt) SO that . .; ~ paikka jollekulle
get (1. procure) . . a position, rind . . xvork
(1. a Sltuatlon); ~ Jokin painettavaksi (l.
painoon) see that . . Is printed, attend to
having .. printed; painosta see that ..
is published, have . . published, publlsh,
lssue (1'rom the press) ; perille take . .
(1. see that . . Is taken) tbere (I. to us
destlnatlon) ; ~ perunkirjotus take an lnventory or the estate or a deceased person;
~ Joku (1. Jokin) pois tielt make axvay
xvith; pytpalvelusta Walt on the table;
joku rangaistavaksi be instrumental In
having a p. punlshed, bring a p. to punishment; ~ rukous orrer prayer, orriciate;
~ Jokin (anoisin restore (1. return) a tn.
[to lts owner, omistajalleen]; Jokin
tehdyksi arrange (1. manage) to have . .
done, see . . done, see that . . Is done:
Jonkun tehtvi act as . . , act In a p.'s
place, perrorm (1. take care oD a p."s
dutles; Jonkin tehtv do the work or,
serve as, ansxver ror; ~ tiedustelu jonkun
suhteen institute (1. make) an inqulry
concerning (1. ror) a p., search (1. Inqulre)
ror (1. arter) a p.; ~ tieto jollekulle see
that . . Is lnrormed, (vied) convey (the)
lnrormatlon to a p.; ~ tutkimus make an
lnvestigatlon, lnvestigate [huom. toimittaa
perinpohjainen tutkimus lnvestigate
thoroughly, conduct a search xvith thoroughness, canvass the ground (1. the sltu
atlon) thoroughly] ; ~ vaali conduct an
election, (ryhty toimittamaan) proceed to
an election (1. to the election oD [huom.
vaalia toimitettaessa xvhlle the election xvas
belng held (1. vvas proceedlng 1. xvas In
progress) ] ; ~ Joku virasta erotettavaksi
have a p. (1. see to it that a p. Is 1. see
about a p.'s belng) removed (Trom orrice),
see to lt that a p. be removed, have a p.
dlscharged, see to lt that a p. Is (1. see
about a p.'s belng) dlscharged; virkaa
perrorm (1. discharge) the dutles or an
orrice, (olla virassa) hold an orrice; ~
Jonkun virkaa orriciate Tor (1. In the place
or), perrorm the dutles or, discharge the
dutles or a p. in an orrice, (vliaikaisesti)
be actlng ror; ~ jollekulle ylltys prepare
a surprlse ror a p.; nestys jostakin
kysymyksest vote (1. take a vote) on a
[the] question, proceed to a division on
the question, (panna nestykselle) put the
question to vote [huom. asiasta toimitettiin
nestys the question xvas voted upon];
min toimitan hevoset I Shall See about
getting the horses; min toimitan [teille]
tarpeet I shall get [ror you] xvhatever is
necessary, I shall provlde (1. supply 1.
rurnish) [you] xvith the necessary things;
mit hn what is he dolng? xvhat Is his
business? mit se ~, jos sin tulet yksin
(hydytt) lt is no use ror you to come
alone, ir you lntend to come alone you
might as xvell not come at ali; mit sin
olet tnn toimittanut xvhat have you
done (1. xvhat dld you get done 1. xvhat
have you been dolng) to-day? nyt se on
toimitettu noxv lt Is attended to, novv
lt is done (1. is rinlshed); oitfco sinulla
jotain trkemp toimitettavana have you

toi m Ituja


anythlng more Important to do (1. to atteiKl to 1. 10 see to) ? saada asiansa toimi
tettua (jet ones business done (1. flnlshed).
toimittaja (sanomalehden) edltor; (kirjan)
author, vvrlter;
(Julkaisija) Publisher;
(kokoillja) compller. -palkkio edltor's (1.
author's) compensation.
toimittamaton . . undone; (suorittamaton)
unaccompllshed; . . not performed, . . not
carrled out, . . not executed; (lhettmtn)..not sent,..not transmltted,..not remltted. toimittaminen performlng jne., ks.
toimittaa; performance, executlon; accomplishment; (perille-) delivery; (tehtv)
somethlng (1. anythlng) to do, business;
onko sinulla (mitn) muuta toimittamista
have you anythlng else to do (1. to see to
1. to attend to), have you any other busi
ness (to attend to); viran toimittaminen
ks. virantoimitus.
toimitus performance, executlon; (et. juh
lallinen tai muodollinen) ceremony; (l
hetys-) dispatchlng, rorvvardlng, sending;
(perille-) delivery; mys toimittaminen;
(toimituskunta, sanomalehden) editorlal
starf [of a nevvspaper], (sanomalehtikie
less, usein:) the edltor, (-osasto) edito
rlal department, (-konttori) editor's Of
fice, -artikkeli editorlal. -huone (sanoma
lehden) editorlal room (1. orflce). -huo
neisto editorlal rooms (I. offices). -Johtaja
manager, managlng director. -kunta (vi
raston, esim. senaatin) department; (Jul
kaisun) editorlal starr, starf. -mies executor. -osasto (sanomalehden) editorlal de
partment. -paikka place where . . \vas [Is,
wlii be] executed. -palkka 1. -palkkio
Commission; (vlittjn) agenfs fee (1.
Charges); vrt. toimittajapalkkio. -pllikk
(konttori-) orrice manager, chief clerk.
-sihteeri (sanomalehden, 1. v.) managlng
edltor. -sivu (lehdess) editorlal page.
toimituttaa have . . performed (1. executed
1. done Jne., ks. toimittaa); cause . . to be
done; ~ tutkimus jonkin johdosta have au
investlgatlon (1. cause an lnvestigatlon to
be) made In (1. about), have . . Investlgated; vaali arrange for an electlon (to
be held), cause an electlon to be held.
toimiva actlve [member. Jsen; volcano,
tulivuori] ; (toiminnassa oleva) . . in ac
tion; (joskus:) \VOI'king; jonkun sijaisena
actlng in place of, substltutlng for.
toimivaisuus actlvity.
toimillvalta authorlty; povver to act; (val
tuus) warrant; vrt. ulommaksi, -vapaus
toinen (a.) another: (muu) other; (eri)
dirrerent; (Jrjestyslaskusanana) second;
(s.) another (one), the other; (yksi) one
[esim. toisen teist (kahdesta) tytyy
menn one or you t\vo rnust go] ; (muu)
.. else; henkil another person; itki,
~ nauroi one \vept, (Willie) the other
laughed; one \vept, another laughed;
Marx another (1. a second) Marx; mies
another man, (toinen kuin ennen) a dirferent man, (uusi) a new man; piv'
toukokuuta the second day of May, May
2nd; toi ~ one or the other; talo
tst the second huuse rrom herc, the next
house but one; toisensa perst (\. pe
rn) one after the other, one after an
other, successively; tuli, meni one
came, another went; (kahdesta puhuen:)
one came, the other went; (toisia, toisia)
some came, some went; people vvere golng
and comlng; ~ ni kellossa another tune
[huom. silloin on heill ~ ni kellossa


they \viil sing another tune then] ; toisek

seen, toiseksi ks. liaklis.; (Jonkin) toisella
puolen on the other (1. the opposlte) side
or, beyond, across [esim. toisella puolen
meren on the other side of the sea, beyond
(1. across) the sea, oversea(s); toisella
puolen salmen across the sound] ; [Olla]
toisella sijalla [be (1. stand)] second [on
the llst, listalla] ; toisella tavalla kuin . .
dlfferently from [you, sin]. In a dlfferent way from [huom. se on tehtv toi
sella tavalla kuin (mit) sin olet tehnyt
lt has to be done In a way dirrerent from
the way In which you have done lt] ;
toiselta puolen . . , toisetta puolen [taas] ..
on one hand (1. side) . . , [agaln,] on the
Other hand (1. Side) . . ; toisena pivn
(on) the second day [huom. jonakin toi
sena pivn Some Other day] ; toisen luo
kan vaunu second-class car (1. carrlage 1.
coach); toiset the otbers, (Ihmiset) other
people [huom. kaikki toiset (mys:) ali
the rest, (paitsi . .) everyone else, everybody else]; toiset ... toiset .. some ..,
others . . ; toisiaan, toistaan each other,
one another; toisilleen, toiselleen tu
each other, to one another; toisiltaan, ~
toiseltaan from each other, from one an
other; toisin ajoin (ajoittain) at tlmes,
(ottein) at intervals, (muulloin) at other
tlmes; toisin ajoin taos agaln, at other tlmes ;
toisin pivin satoi, toisin paistoi one day lt
ralned, the other was fair (1. on the other
there was sunshine); toissa aamuna [ilta
na; yn] (the) morning [evenlng; nlght]
before last, two mornings ago; toissa kes
n [talvena y.m.] (the) summer [Winter,
etc] before last, two summers [wlnters,
etc] ago; toissa pivn ks. hakus.; tois
sa vuonna (durlng) the year before last;
toista another thlng, (muuta) somethlng
else, (eri) dlfferent [huom. toista sinun on
it Is dlfrerent with you; on aivan toista
(istua . .) lt Is qulte another thlng (to slt
. .), lt Is a very dirrerent matter (to slt..),
it Is another questlon; yksi sanoo yht,
~ toista one says one tbing and the other
(says) another] ; toistansa seuraava (pe
rkkinen) consecutive; [hn oli siell]
toista vuotta [he was there] over a year,
more than a year; asema on nyt ~ the sltuatlon Is dirrerent now, (on muuttunut)
the sltuatlon has changed since then; ensiminen ... . . the lii st . . , the second
. .; hnen ~ minns his Other (1. li h
second) selT; joku someone else, somebody else; Juhana Toinen John the Second,
John II.; Kustaa Toinen Aadolf (lustavus
II., AdolphUS; olla toisella mielell be in
another humor (1. mood), have a dirrerent
opinion [or (1. about). Johonkin nhden],
thlnk dirrerently [or], have changed one's
n ii ml: olla toista mielt asiasta kuin . . have
(1. entertaln) a dirrerent viow (I. opinion)
or the matter rrom . . , be or a dirrerent
opinion (1. mlnd) about the matter rrom..;
puolelta toiselle rrom side to side, rrom
one side to the other; pivin) toisensa
jlkeen one day after another, day after
(I. by) day; sit on toiseenkin kertaan ky
sytty (useita kertoja) it has heen asked
Tor time and time agaln, it has been asked
ror a good many tlmes ; tuo on ~ hattu kuin
(mik) sinulla oli eilen liiat Is a dirrerent
hat rrom the one (whlch) you had yesterday; suuntaan tai toiseen (Johonkin) in
one dlrectlon or another, (toiseen kahdes
ta) In one dlrectlon or the other; vahinko
toisensa perst loss after (1. upon) loss.


tointua recover [rrom one's surprise, hm
(kirjall.) revise; muodostaa ~ remodelj;
mstyksestn: rrom the shock, iskusta), ~ ollen othenvise, or else, else, ir not(so);
recover o.s. [fromj; recover one's corn- ~ sanoen, sanoin in other \vords, using
posure; (koota ajatuksensa) collect one's other (1. dirrerent) words; olen kuvitellut
thoughts (1. o.s.); (tulla tajuihinsa) re
sen olevan ~ I have thought (1. imagined)
cover consclousness, come to (o.s.), come it to be dirrerent (1. to be otherwise),
to one's senses, rally [arter a swoon, 1 have liad a dirrerent idea or it: vrt. toinen,
pyrryksist] ; vrt. toipua, tointuminen toisinaan (joskus) sometimes; (silloin tal
recovering jne., ks. edell. tointumus re- loin) (every) once in a while, now and
then, occasionaliy; (aika ajoin) at times,
toipua recover [rrom a disease, taudista], at intervals; - ... ~ .. sometimes ...
raily [arter an attack or disease. taudin - sometimes . .; at limes . . , at other times
kulitauksestaj, (hmmstyksestn y.m.) . . ; ~ niin, ~ noin sometimes this way,
recover o. s.; (taudista) convalesce, (Jkpv.)
sometimes that; now this way, now that;
pick up [esim. hn on nopeasti toipumassa hnell on ~ vilu, ~ lmmin he has in(taudittaan) he is plcklng up quickly (af- termittent chills and Tever.
ter his slckness)]; (olla paranemaan pin) toisinajatteleva . . \vho thinks dirrerently,
get \vell, get better; (voimistua) Kaiu .. who has dirrerent views (rrom you);
strength: (plrtlsty) recover one's spirits,
(jolla on eri mielipide) . . or (1. having) a
take heart; hn on huomattavasti toipu
dirrerent opinion.
maan pin he is maklng great strides to- toisinto variation, variant. -muoto ks. edell.
ward recovery; kyll min tst toivun toisj kertainen .. happening (1. occurring 1
Hl surely get eli (1. Ket over this); vrt. done, etc.) (ror) a second tlme; toiskertai
tointua, toipuminen recovering jne., ks. nen varkaus second orrense or larceny;
edell.; recovery; convalescence.
hnet tuomittiin toiskertaisesta varkaudes
toipumia aika (period or) convalescence. ta (mys:) he was convicted or stealing
ror the second time. -kielinen (Amer.
-koti home Tor convalescents (1. for eonsuorn.) Knglish-speaklng; toiskieliset the
valescent patlents).
English-speaking people. -ktinen onetoipuva . . (who Is) on the road to recov
ery, convalescing, ronvalescent; taudista lianded. -mallinen ks. toisenmallinen.
. . recovering rrom an illness, conva- toissa aamuinen . . (or) the mornlng berore
last. -Iltainen . . (oD the evening (1. the
toisaalla in another directlon, somewhere night) berore last; . . (or) two nights ago.
else, elsewhere; vrt. muualla, toisaalle In -kesinen [-Ulvinen y.m.] .. ToO the
another directlon, [menn, go] somexvhere summer [Winter, etc] berore last, . . (or)
else, else\vhere; knty toisaalle turn in t\vo summcra [winters, etc] ago. -pi
(I. take) another directlon, turn the other vinen . . (oi) the day befofe yesterday.
way, take a new course, take another road. . . (or) two days ago. -pivn the day
toisaalta rrom another directlon, rrom berore yesterday; two days ago. -yn
somewhere else; (esim. etsi sit) [look the night berore last: t\vo nights ago.
-inen . . (oi ) the night berore last, . .
for lt] elsewhere, somewhere else; toi
saalta se olisi hyv, toisaalta paha in one (or) two nights ago.
way it would be good, in another way it toissynnyttij woman undergoing childblrth
\vouid be bad, rrom one aspect it would be ror the second tiine,
good, rrom another bad. toisaanne = toi toistaa repeat; (uudistaa) renew [one's resaalle,
quest, pyyntiins]; (yh uudelleen ja
tolsilarvolnen [n questlon, etc] or secon- uudelleen) reiterate; lyhyesti, ~ p
dary importance, secondary [matter, asia] ; kohdissaan (mys:) recapitulate.
(tavarasta:) second-rate, second-class, toistaiseksi ror some tlme (to come), ror
second best, second quality; toisarvoista ttie present; (toiseen aikaan) tili another
(1. some otlier) tiine, untll rurther notice
tavaraa (mys;) seconds. -asteinen (mat.)
(is glven), untll rurther provision (is
. . of (the) second degree.
toisekseen, toiseksi (sitpaitsi) hesides; made); ~ voimassa oleva provisional; ly
(sen lisksi) furlher(more), moreover, in kt put . . olT tili another (I. tili some
addition; (toiselta puolen) on the other other) time, pustpone (. . tili some other
tlme), vrt. lykt, jtt,
hand(, agaln).
toistaminen repoating jne., ks. toistaa; (ker
toisellainen = toisenlainen,
toisen I laatuinen 1. -lainen . . or another (1 toistamiseen
a second time, (uudes
a dirrerent) kind (I. sort l. nature 1. Ue- taan) (over)(Tor)
anew, arresh, (viel
scriptlon 1. type), (eri-) dirrerent [from], kerran) once again,
once more; Aan li
unlike [esim. hn on tavoiltaan toisenlainen sit ~ lie struck it a second
time, he gave
kuin muut ihmiset Ile is unlike other it a second blovv; vrt. uudelleen,
people in his mannersj, .. not like; dis- toistanta repetition; renewai; reiteration;
slmilar; vrt. erilainen, -mallinen . . of an
vrt. toistaa,
other (1. or a dirferent) model (I. pattern). toiste
(toisella kertaa) another time, (Jos
-mukainen dirrerent, unlike, disslmilar. kus ~)
soine other time. toistekin: tulkaa
-muotoinen . . or another (1. or a dirrer
toistekin (hyvstelless:) come (1. call)
ent) shape (I. rorm). -nkinen .. or an
other (1. or a dirrerent) appeaianre, dil'- toistella reiterate; be (1. keep) repeating:
ferent-looklng; (asioista:) . . or another vrt. toistaa, toistua be repeated, repeat
( dirrerent) aspect; (toisenlainen) un
Itseir, recur, occur again.
like (in appearance), disslmilar. -tapainen toitahduttaa
givc a blast [on the horn, tor
ks. toisenlaatuinen.
veen], toot, blow: toitahdutti kolmasti tor
toisin othonvise, dirrerently, in a dirrerent veen blew three hlasts on tlie horn. toitoway (l. manner 1. rashion). In another tella, toitottaa be (I. keep) tooting, be (I.
way; [toisin knnetn usein alkuliitteell keep) blowlng; toot, blow; toitottaa maail
re-, kun sit kytetn merkityksess: malle nolse ab road, blazon rorlh; toitottaa
uudelleen, esim. jrjest ~ rearrange, torveen toot (on) a horn, blow (I. sound
reorganlze; laatia readjust, reconstruct, 1. wind) a ;the] horn. toitottaminen toot

cherish a
Ing un-.. ks. edell. toltotut tooting jne.,
hope 'of obtaining. .,saada..j, (tait) live
ks. toltotta; toot, blow. .
In hope [huoin. .,'.',, hyvtt toivotta ontolva hope; (halu) wish, desire; (odotus)
expectation; (perustcltu) prospect; (tol- kin tuhteen have great hope of, hope well
vonnis) object (to bo) desired, desirable of, he sanguine of (I. concerning 1. as to)].
(I. desired) end; (mahdollisuus) chance, toivoa hope [for better times, parempia
outlook; toiveet (myos:) hope, rlianco, aikojaj ; (jotakin) be hopcfiif of, have
outlook [eslm. /luonot toiveet little hope, hopes of (I. lor), cherish a hope
[that . . , etta . .], look forward to, be In
poor prospects, poor outlook ' ; toivcitteni
mukaan according to my wishes, as 1 had expectation of; (haluta) wish [(for) ..,
hoped, as I (had) desired, as I shod, as jotakin], desire, be desirous [or]; (ikI desire, as I wish; antaa [ jolle.kulle] toi- voida) long (1. yearn) (for, Jotakin];
oeita inspire [one] with hope [of (1. for), (odottaa) expect, reckon (1. count) on [a
Jostakin], offer a prospect [uf (1. for)], p.'s support, jonkun apua]; hyv jot(olla lupaava) promise, (henkllst puhu- tahutta Jostakin] hope well of; ~ joltaen:) hold out expectations, hold out an bulta jotakin desire . . of a p.; jonkun
expectation [of], lead . . to expect [linoiii. tekevn jotakin desire (I. wish) a p. to do
antaa hyvi menestymisen toiveita it
gives great hope of success, it has every wish he would do it, 1 should like him to
prospect of success! ; ei le mitn toiveita do It]; jotakin tapahtavan wish some
men menettymitetta there Is no hope (1. thing would happen: lytvnt hope
no chance) of Its succeeding ^1. success);
(I. expect) to find; menettytta (itselhnell on toiveita toada . . he has a pros
leen) hope to succeed, entertain hopes
pect of getting ... he stands a fair of success, expert to have success, hope
chance of getting ... he Is (1. he seems)
to be successful, reckon upon success,
likely to get . .; minutla on hne*t hyvi (Jollekulle) wish that one would succeed
toiveita I place great hope in him: minulla (I. would be successful), (hyvlnvointia)
on tutu hyvi toiveita I am Imping the lu M
desire (1. be desirous of) a p.'s welfare;
for It, I have fair hopes for It, I am hope
olevanta kaukana wish one were far
ful of It, I expect much of it; olla turhista away; Jollekulle onnea wish one happi
toiveitta cherish vain hopes 'alunit (I. con
ness (I. joy); ~ onnittuvanta yrityhsetcerning), Johonkln nahdenl. Indulge in sn hope to succeed (1. hope for success
(vain) expectations, Indulge a vain Impe 1. hope that one will succeed) in one's
[about]; pettynein toivein disappointed; undertaking; ~ paratta hope for the best
*iita on hyvi toiveita the thing (1. the
huom. toivoa jonkun paratta desire the
matter 1. It) promises well, It looks hope
best for a p., wish one well]; ~ pteonful (1. promising), (Jkpv.) It (1. the thing) t tovintoon jonkun kantta desire to be
looks good; yli toiveitten beyond expec
reconciled to; rauhaa wish for peace,
tation, beyond my 'his, etc.] expectations, desire peace [with all one's heart, kalkest
more than could be expected, more than I sydamestn? : saavan-. hope (1. expect
[you, he, etc.] could expect; vrt. toivo &
1. long) to get, be hopeful of (getting),
have hope(s) of getting, expect (to get)
a reward, korvausta1: saurn entertain
toiveihiikas hopeful; (lupaava) promising:
great hopes (I. expectations) [for (1. of 1.
olla toive<h)ikkaalla mielell be hopeful:
about), Jostakin], (paljon) expect much
vrt. lupaava & toivorikai. toive- h - i!;kaasti
'of', (joMakusta) place great hopes in,
hopefully. tolvo(h)ikkuu hopefulness;
tulevaituuden toivehibkuus (mys:) the entertain great expectations of; toivoen
jotakin hoping, In the hope of, expecting;
promising future, the promise of the fu
toivoen, ett . . hoping that . . , In the hope
toivio retkeliinen
(keskiajan, that . . , expecting that . . [huom. toivoen,
ett annuit .. (rnyos:) expecting you to
mys:) palmer, -retk I pilgrimage.
. .] : toivoin tinun varmatti tulevan
toivo hope; (halu) wish, desire; (odotus) Igive
hoped that you would surely come, (lasexpectation; (mahdolllsuus) prospect: vrt.
counted upon your coming; toivoitoive; ~ -.,./., jotakin hope (I. prospect)
ett te oliti minun vallattani I would
of getting . .; Jonkln toivosia in the hope sin,
it were In my power; toivoitin
of, In expectation of, expecting to, (toiolevani kuollut 1 wish I ere dead; toivon
voen Jotakin) hoping for [eslm. mtnestyk- nun
I hope (that) It will go (1. will
men toivotta In the hope of sncceeillng,
out) (In) that way; en toivoiti mitn
expecting to succeed; parempien pivien turn
ten enemman there Is nothing (that) I
toivotta hoping for better days. In expec
desire more (I. I should like better);
tation of better days], vrt. olla; toivossa.
hneit ei voi ~ mitn (odottaa saavansa)
ett hn meniti In the hope (1. expecting)
one cannot expert anything from (I. of)
that he would go, expecting him to go;
him, there Is nothing to be hoped from
c!.ju toivotta live In hope; hnell on ~
him; I.-.I-. i niinkuin toivoin(kin) it went
parempia pivi he entertains hope for according
to my wishes. It went as I de
better times, he has hope(s) of better sired. It went
to my liking; mita te htimes, he hopes for better days; hneit nrtt toivotte what
do you expect of him?
el le mitn toivoa (Manen paranemlses(tulevan) what do you expect him to be'1
taan y.rn.) there Is no hope for him, he Is
toivon at least I hope
past (all) hope, his ease Is hopeless (1.
so: that's what I hope, at least; olla toidesperate), there Is no hope for his re
covery, (hiinen It's
no use to ask (1. to approach) hlnr. jokin toivoilla be hoping, (Jotakin) be hopeful of;
(odotella) be expecting, have expectations
on toivotta there are prospects of: me'of ; (kiivitella) lie fancying, be promis
netl kaiken loivonsa lose all (one's)
ing O.S. toivokas
toiveikai. toivominen
hope; minutla on toivosea paihka, minulla
hoping jne., ks. toivoa; ten tuhteen on (I.
on toivoa *aada paikka 1 have prospects of

varaa it leaves
(obtaining) a position: minulla on viela
a greal ileal (more) to be desired, It
vahan toivoa I have some hope still; olla


ieaves plenty of room Tor lmprovement.
1. set)
there Is still much to be desired Tor (1.
blockaded (1. clogged 1. obstrucled 1.
concernlng that); vrt.seur. toivomu* wlsh.
desire; (toivomuksen esine) object de
(kuitenkin) however, yet, still, though.
sired, vvant; (toivottu pmr) desired toki
(kaikesta huolimatta) for ali that, ali the
end, deslrable emi; (toivo) hope, expectasame,
nevertheless, anyhow; (kaikeksi on
tlon; toivomukset VViShes, deslres; hnen
fortunately, luckily, by good
toivomuksestaan at hls uish, at hls deslre:
chance (I. luck), as good luck would have
jonkun toivomuksen mukaan acoording
It; (kaikin mokomin) by ali means, (Jkpv )
to one's vvish (1. one's desire), as one
ror goodness' (1. mercys 1. pltys) sake
deslres (]. \vlshes), as one desired (I.
Aon oh, no! by no means! in no wise'
vylshed); alla jonkun toivomusten mukainen
in no way! (el vhkn) not In the least,
be In accordance with a p.'s vvishes, be to
not at ali, (lhn nyt) you don-t say (so):
one's Hklng-[huom. eihn hn liene mennyt ynu
tOlvorlka = toiveikas; ~ nuorukainen (Jolnon t mean that he has gone? he has not
la.ilnJ.uyrla toiveita) youth vvith great (1.
gone, has he?]; hnell on ~ aina jokin
vvith hlgh) hopes, hoperui youth, (Josta on
keino selviyty . . he alvvays has, however.
suuria toiveita) promlslng young man,
some way out or It; hn on - lhtenyt
young man or great promlse, (lelkill )
fortunately (1. luckily) he has gone, its a
young hoperul. toivotella be wishinir.
good thing that he has lert; hn tullee to voton hopeless; .. without hope; (ep
he wlll come, vvlll he not (1. won't be);
toivoinen) desperate [situation, asema].
me psimme onnellisesti peritte we
to,l..?V?\,WKl,?J1 [one a Ion* llre. Jollekulle
reached there sarely, though; for ali that
we reached our destlnatlon without any
pitk Ik]; toivotan teille menestyst
trouble; ottakaa ~ hiukan lis (whv,")
(mys:) success attenrt vou, may you suctake some more, though! sano ~, mik
ceed (1. be successful); - Jollekulle haus
sinua vaivaa by ali means teli us what is
kaa joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta \vlsh
one a merry Chrlstmas and a happv New
the matter wlth you, (Jkpv.) for goodness'
Year; - Jollekulle hyv yt say good
sake, teli us what alls you; sekin on ~
nlght to a p.; - Jollekulle kaikkea hyv jotakin still that is somethlng; (even) that
vvish . . everythlng good, vvish . . every
Is somethlng, though ;vthat Is somethlng.
Joy; Jollekulle onnea wish . . good luck
nevertheless; sen verran - uskaltanet
[on hls trlp, matkalle], vvish . . Joy, (jon
(tehd) you ought to venture that much.
kin Johdosta) eongratulate (1. compliment)
you ought to be man enough to do thai
.. (up)on [huom. toivotamme teille onnea
syntympivnne johdosta (\ve wish you) tokko vvhethcr, ir; ~ min haluan (Ja kysvt
many happy returns of the day happy
viel) \von't I? en tied, ~ .. I dorit
birthday!]; ~ Joku tervetulleeksi (bld . .")
know whether..or not; epilen, ~ I doubt
vveicome, extend a vveicome to, make
/ (1' ,wlletner nr not); ihmettelen, ~
han tulee ensinkn I wonder lf he will
toivottava deslrable,.. to be desired,.. to be
come at ali, I wonder whether or not he
\vlshed Tor; kuten toivottavaa on (\. olisi)
vvlll come at ali, (luuletko, ett) do vou
as Is desired: olisi toivottavaa, ett
It is
think he wlll come (1. \vill appear) at ali?
to be hoped that . . , it is deslrable that
kuka tiet, hn tulee sittenkn who
on toivottavissa, ett . . It is to be hoped
knows vvhether or not (1. knovvs lf) he
(1. eipected) that . . [huom. mitn paran
vvlll come even then. tokkohan (todellanuksia ei ole toivottavissa no Improvements
kinko) I vvonder if (really); tokkohan hn
are to be experted (I. hoped for), we
on tehnyt sit I vvonder if he reallv did
(you, they) rannot expect any Improve
do it? dld he really do it, though? tokko
ments]. toivottavaan I [wc] hope f you
han olet nhnyt hnt I vvonder if VOU
vvlll come, te tulette], It is to be hoped
(really) have seen Hirn? tokkopa: tokkopa
that [we \vlll got rin to-morrow, saadaan
hn sentn on niin paha he won't be SO
huomenna sadetta] ; (niin ainakin toivon)
bad (1. as bad as that), I should thinkat least I hope so, (vastauksena sit
I vvonder ir he really is as bad as that;
toivon) I hope so; toivottavasti ei (vas
tokkopa siit tuleekaan mitn I vvonder if
tauksena:) I (should) hope not, I trust
(1. vvhether) anythlng vvlll come or It. I
not; toivottavasti hn tulee (mys :) I [wc]
dont think it vvlll be done (1. vvlll succeed).
expect hlm to come. toivottavuus rteslra- tola track: (suunta) course; (tie) vvav
bllity, desiranleness. toivottomasti hope(polku) path, trall; oikealle tolalle ks. oh
lessly [In love with, rakastunut Johonku
jata, ohjautua; olla oikealla tolalla be on
hun] ; (eptoivoisesti) desperately toivot
the rlght track, have (I. rollovv) the rlght
tomuus hopelessness; despalr; aseman toi
course [huom. pelkn, ett asiat eivt ole
vottomuus (mys:) the hopeless (1 the
oikealla tolalta I am arrald that there Is
desperate) situation; hnen toivottomuu
somethlng the matter (1. that somethlng
tensa asemaan nhden hls dcspair over the
Is vvrong) vvith the arrairs].
toivottu desired; hoped-Tor
longed-for, wishert-for, (odotettu) ex- toljottaa, toljotella gape, stare, gaze; katsoa
~ johonkin stand gaplng (1. starlng 1.
pected; kauan toivottu hetki the long
gazlng) at, look gapingly (I. staringly) at.
hopcd-for (I. wlslie<|-ror) hour. toivotus
tolkku (Jrjestys) order; (selvvys) clearVViSh. toivova kS. t.iivcikas.
ness; (Jrki) sense, reason; nen kans
tokaista speak out (abruptly 1. brusquely)saan ei tule tolkkua (el voi keskustella)
(tiuskaista) snap out: (puuttua puheeseeni)
lie vvon't llsten to reason, there Is no
break in, Interpose; (huomauttaa) remark;
reasoning vvith hlm, one (1. vou) vvlll get
~ krsimttmsti speak out irnpatiently;
novvhere vvith hiin; olla tolkulla jostakin
sana joukkoon (1. vliin) break In (1.
have an (1. some) idea or, have some
interrupt) vvith a Word; thn hn ( sanoa )
knovvledge (1. some understandlng) or.
tokaisi (vastasi) to this he ansvvered
knovv somethlng about; olla tolkussaan be
in (possession or) one's rlght senses, be
tokeutua (salpautua) be (I. become 1. get)
conscious, be (qulte) clear in one's head.



taik sense; Maada tolkkua jottahin (be able

to) make something (1. to make sense)
out or . . , (be able to) make . . out, (be
able to) read a meaning Into . . , (saada
Selville) Nnd OUt [huom. en taa tst mi
tn loikkaa (mys:) I cannot make tiu s
out, 1 don't understand thls, (jkpv.) thls
IS ali Greek to me; hnest ti taa tolkkua
one (1. you) cannot make hlm out, (en
saa) I cannot make hlm out; tiit ti taa
(mitn) tolkkaa one (I. you) cannot make
anythlng (I. make any sense) out of that,
(esim. klrjotuksesta) one (1. you) cannot
read any meaning Into that] ; siin ei olt
tolkkua ollenkaan (jrke) there Is no
sense (1. no reason) in It, you cannot
make any sense out or lt, (Jrjestyst)
there Is no system (I. no sort or arrangeim.Mit) in It; tiit ti tule tolkkua you can
not bring any order (I. any system) into
that, you cannot put order into that, (ei
saa) you cannot make any sense out or It.
tolkullinen reasonablc, sensible; (ymmr
rettv) intelliglble, comprehenslble, . . to
be understood. tolkullisesti, tolkullisuus
kS. ymmrrettvsti, ymmrrettvyys, tol
kuton (sekava) conTused, Involved; (hm
mentynyt) confounded; (Jrjetn) senseless, unreasonable, irrational; (Jota el ym
mrr) unlntelligible, incomprehenslble;
(mieletn) meanlngless, . . vTd or sense,
nonsensical; puhua tolkuttomia taik non
sense, taik Toollshly, taik nonsenslcally.
tolkuttomasti conrusedly; senselessly; unlntelliglbly; nonsenslcally. tolkuttomuus
(hmmennys) conrusion; (jrjettmyys)
nonsense, lack or sense; (ksittmtt
myys) unlnteiliglbillty, Incomprehenslbllity.
tollo Tool, sllly person; (moukka) boor,
churl, lout; (tyhmyri) Ignoramus, dunce,
ilullard; vrt. plkkyp. tollomainon foolIsh, sllly; (moukkamainen) boorlsh, churlish; (tyhm) stupid. tollomaisesti roollshly; in a Toollsh (1. a boorish 1. a churllsh)
manner; stupldly; llke a dunce. toliomaisuus roollshness, silliness; boorlshness;
tolppo ks. muste.
tolttl (puutavaramltta) dozen.
tolvana ks. tollo.
tomaatti (kasv.) tomato. -kastike tomato
sauce. -liemi 1. -soppa tomato soup.
tomahdus thud, thump. tomahtaa thud,
thump; (pudota) tomahtaa maahan Tall
down (1. to the ground) vvith a (dead)
thud (1. thump)
tomppeli, tomppelimainen, tomppelimaisesti,
tomppelimaisuus k8. tollo, tollomainen, tol
lomaisesti, tollomaisuus.
tomu dust; (hieno Jauhe) povvder; (vaina
jan) ashes, rematns; tomuksi to dust, to
povvder. -hiukkanen bit or dirt, motc.
tomuinen dusty.
tomu' maja mortal clay, house (1. tenement)
or clay. -pilvi cloud or dust, dust-cloud;
vvhirl or dust, dust-vvhirl. -pyyhe dustcloth, dust-rag, duster. -sada raln or dust.
tomuta be dusty; tie tomuaa (mys:) the
dust Is blovvlng about on the road; vrt.
plist, tomuttaa dust, shake the dust orr.
tomuttaminen, tomutus dustlng. tomuuntua get (1. become) dusty.
Tonava the Danube.
tonkia root (1. be rootlng) up [the ground,
maata]; poke (I. scratch) about [in the
embers, hillosta]; rake up; (kalvaa) dlg
[In the soll, maata], turn up [the earth,
maata] ; vrt. penkoa, tonkiminen rootlng
up Jne., ks. edell.


tonni ton. -luku tonnage. -maksu charge

per ton. -mr tonnage.
tontti lot; (paikka) slte; (palsta) plot. -Jako
dlvldlng (1. division) into lots. -Jrjestely
arrangemcnt or the lots; the way the lots
\vere plotted (1. laid out), -voro 1. -iyri
tav (es) on the lot.
tonttu brovvnie, hobgoblln; Robin Goodrellovv, Puck; tontut (mys:) the good lolk(s).
topaasi (min.) topaz.
topakasti briskly, alertly; vigorously; (np
prsti) nimbly; (Itseensluottavasti) conridently, In a conrident manner, vvith an
(1. vvith a bold) air or conridence; (ur
heasti) bravely, boldly. topakka (ravakka)
brisk, alert; (hale and) hearty, vlgorous;
(nppr) nlmble; (urhea) brave, bold,
rorvvard; (ylpe) concelted, (Jkpv.) stuckup: topakka eukko an encrgetlc and seircnnrident vvoman; teitoi tiin topakkana
stnoil there st I rr and bold. topakkuus
brtskness, alertncss; vigor(ousness); nimblencss; braveness, boldness.
topertua become paralyzed (1. stunned 1.
Stuperied); vrt. herpaantua, pkerty.
topertunut paralyzed, stunned, stuperied.
tora qnarrel; (kiista) blcker, vvrangle, altcrcalion, squabble, rovv; (vlttely) dlspule; cnntentlon; (kinastelu) scramble;
torat ks. nuhteet; antaa toria jollekulle
scold (l. rebuke 1. reprimand 1. reprove I.
rhtde) a p., (jkpv.) blovv up a p., vrt.
nuhdella; pit toraa ks. torata. -hammas
(villisian, norsun y.m.) tusk; (villisian
y.m., mys:) Tang.
torailla ks. torata. torailu quarrel(lng);
torainen, toraisa quarrclsome; (toruva)
(naisesta, mys:) shrevvlsh;
(kilstanhalulnen) contentious; toraisa nai
nen srolddng vvoman), shrevv. toraisuus
quarrelsomeness; rontcntlousncss.
torajyv (rukiin) ergot.
torakka cockroach, roach.
torakurkku srold, shrevv, vlxen.
torata qnarrel; (kiistell) blcker, vvrangle
(and Jangle), squabble; (vltell) dlspute,
contend; (kinastella) scramble.
tori market, market-place; (aukea ala kau
pungissa) square; Plaza: menn torille go
to the market, (ostoksille) go marketing.
tori- (yhd.) market(-) [esim. -hinta market
price; -kauppa market-trade; -piv mrket-day]. -kori = torivasu. -liiko mar
keting, market trade (1. business), -mata
mi markpt-vvoman. -ostos purchase at the
market; .. on roriosfoftjif/a .. lS (1. has)
gone to shop at the market, -vasu markethasket.
torjua (est) vvard orr, Tend orr; prevent;
(vist) parry; (knt pois) turn aslde,
divert, turn orr, turn avvay; (vltt)
avert; (panna vastaan) beat orr, repel, reburr; (vltt vastaan) rebut: (puolustau
tua) derend o. s. [against, Jokin); ~ hyk
kys repcl (1. dlvort) an attark, beat (I.
vvard) orr an attack: isku turn aslde
(1. vvard o(r 1. parry) a blovv; luotaan
kS. Seur.; ~ mielettn jokin ajatat dlSmlss a thought rnun one's mind, keop a
thought out or one's mind; ~ poit (pit
loitolla) keop.. at a dislance, repel, repulse;
syy pltn (koettaa puolustautua)
denv that one Is to blame [Tor], deny ali
knovvledge or, (syytt jotakuta toista)
put (1. lay I. shoulder) the blame on
someone else, excuse o. s. [by (1. vvith)
rlalmlng . . , vlttmll . .] ; - syytkset
deny (1. turn aside 1. derend o.s. against)
the accusations; ~ vaara avert a [the]



(tanner; ~ vaatimukset ward off (1. turn

aside) the dcmands; vite reriitc (I. rcbut) an argument. torjuminen, torjunta
wardlng ori' Jne., ks. edell.
torkahdus (cat-)nap; \vink of sleep, a little
sleep. torkahtaa take a little nap, fall
asleep [Tor a l'e\v momonts, hetkiseksi],
shut the eyes. torkkua lie drovvsy, be
Sleepy; (nuokkua) nod, be noriding. tork
kuminen, torkunta being ilrowsy; nodding.
torkug: olla torkuksissa be iiuclding, be
droxvsy. torkuttaa: minua torkuttua I recl
(I. I am feellng) drovvsy (1. Sleepy)
hiiMin. mikhn minua niin torkuttaa
I \vonder \vhat makes me reel so drowsy
(1. Teel so inuch like noddlng)].
tormaltaa, tormata rush, dash, bounce [out
or the room, ulos huoneesta] ; make a
rush; ~ eteenpin rush (vlolently) forward, dash (I. dart) rorward.
torni tovver; (suippo kirkon-) steeple, spire;
(kellotapuli) belTry; (pieni, mys pans
sari-) turret; (shakkipeliss) castle, rook;
torneilla varustettu . . surmounted by
towers, to\vered, turreted; vrt. linnan,
vahti, -haukka (ellnt.) kestrel. -huone
tower-room, room In a tower. -kello
tovver-clock. -laiva turreted shlp.
tornin aukko loophole (1. aperture) In a
to\ver. -huippu splre. -ikkuna (kirkon-)
beirry-wlndow, louver-wlndow; mys =
torninaukko. -katto tovver-roof, roof of a
tower. -korkuinen . . as high as a to\ver
(1. a steeple); to\verlng. -kukko \veathercoek on the steeple. -portaat to\ver stairs.
-vartija tower \vatchman.
torni pll (claint.)barn-owl: (F.ngl.) to\vero\vl, church-owl. -rakennus tovver; (tornlmainen) tower-like strurture.
torpan | kontrahti lease (of a smai] rented
farm), rontract to lease a smali rarm.
-maa smali tenant farmer's holding. -mkki
tenant farmer's cottago. -paikka site Tor
a smali rented rarm; (mkin-) slte for a
tenant farmer'9 cottage.
torpedo torpedo, -laiva torpedo-boat.
torpedon hvittj torpedo- des troyer.
torpedollvene torpedo-boat. -verkko torpedo-net.
torppa smali rented (1. tenant) farm,
(Eng/l.) croft; (mkki) tenant farmer'3
rottage, (Engl.) crofter's cottage..
torppari (smali) tenant farmer; (Emrl.)
crofter; (Irlannissa, hist.) cottter. -ht
evictlon of a crofter (I. of orofters).
-kysymys prohlem or erofters, crofter
question. -laitos (smali) tenant-farm Sys
tem, crofting. -laki la\v pertainlng to
smali tenant farmers. -lakko erofters'
strlke. -olot conditions among the smali
tenant farmers. -vest (smali) tenant
farmers ; erofters.
torstai Thursday. torstaiaamu, torstai-ilta,
torstainnumero, torstaisin vrt. lauantai
aamu Jne.
torttu (I. v.) cake; (ernlainen hedelm)
tart; tortut French pastry. -taikina pastry
dough, paste for cakes.
torua scold, rate |a p., Jotakuta]; (Jkpv.)
blo\v up; (nuhdella) rebuke, rhide, reprove, reprimand; jotakuta jostakin
(mys:) give one a scoltlinpr for (1. because). toruminen sroldlng jne., ks. edell.
toruskella be (1. keep on) seolding Jne.,
ks. torua, toruskelu ks. toruminen.
torveni puhaltaja 1. -soittaja horn-player;
tnnnpeter; (slgnalistl, sot.) bugler: hn
on torvensoittajana soittokunnassa (tav. )
he 1j1o\vs a Horn In the band. -tekij


maker or horns. -toitotus 1. -torahdus

blast (1. sound) of a horn (1. a trumpet I.
a bugle).
torvi (putki) pipe, tube; (soitto-) horn;
trumpet; (kr) roll, scroll; torvelle
kritty rolled up. -fanfaari flourisb of
torvimainen tube-like, tubular.
torvi seitsikko brass band of seven pleces.
-signaali trumpet-call, bugle- call.trumpetsigual. -soitin: torvisoittimet (orkesterin)
the brass \vind. -soitto music of a brass
band, band music, -soittokunta brass band.
tosi (s.) truth, verity; (vakavuus) earnest;
(a.) true, truthrul; (todellinen) rcal, actual. virtual, veritable; (oikea) genuine;
(suoranainen) posltlve; (aika) regular;
(vakava) earnest, serious; todella, todella
kin, todellakaan ks. hakUS.; toden totta
truly, certatnly. In truth, to be sure,
. . 1 can teli you, upon my word [huom.
toden totta, eik hn sittenkin ole siell
why, there he is, to be sure]; kansan
valtainen (a.) truly demoeratlc, (s.) ime
democrat; runoilija real (1. virtual)
poet, born poet; tapaus ks. tositapaus
(hakus.); tappelu an actual (1. a
veritable 1. a real) right; totta ks. hakus.;
jos hankkeesta tulee ir the pian materfallzes, ir the proposed [trip, undertaking, etc] materlalizes (1. becomes a
reality), ir the enterprise becomes a reallty CI. Is a success 1. takes practlcal shape);
kun tulee when it comes to a real test;
kylin siit tulee it \vlll surely materlaii/.e; it \vill materiaiize (1. \viil become an
acromplished fact), I am sure; kyd to
teen (mys:) prove (to be) true, vrt.
kyd: nyt on (meill) edess \ve will
have to take it seriously, now comes the
tug of \var, now we must take ihlngs in
earnest ; ottaa jokin todesta take . . for
truth, take . . to be true, (vakavalta kan
nalta) take . . seriously; se huomattiin to
deksi lt \vas found (I. it proved) to be
true; se on It Is true, it is a Tart: tun
nustaa jokin todeksi admit the truth of.
tosiaan truly, really, surely, lndeed, verlly,
of a truth. rorsooth; to be sure, sure
ennugh. tosiaankaan: ei tosiaankaan luulisi
one \vould really not belleve; lt is hard. to
believe, indeed. tosiaankin: min tosiaan
kin unohdin sen I really (1. honestly 1.
posltively) rorgot lt.
tosi asia (matter or) fact. -asiallinen ac
tual [reason, syy], real, .. founded on
Tart. -asiallisesti in Tart, as a matter or
rart, actually. -elm real life. -isn
maallinen r. (a.) truly patrlotlc. II. (s.)
true patrlot.
tosin it is true, certainly, surely, indeed.
to be sure, true; nm vhlukuiset
yrityhset . . these enterprlses, Tew In
number, it is true . .; oli minulla epi
lyksi I had susplclons, it is true (1. to be
sure); not but that 1 had susplclons.
tosi olot the real state (1. condltlon) of
ttiings; the real racts; (totuus) the real
truth: tosioloihin perustuva .. Tounded (I.
based) on ract, . . In Tuli accordance wlth
rart (1. \vith the rarts). -seikka ract.
-sivistys real education; true clvilization.
tosissa(an) in earnest, seriously, gravely;
en sanonut sit tosissani I did not say that
in earnest, I did not mean it seriously,
I \vas not in earnest; hn tarkottaa sit
tosissaan he means it (quite) seriously (1.
in earnest), he is In earnest about it:
olla 'aivan] be [quite (1. entirely)]



in earnest, mcsn lt [qulte] serlously, take

. . [qulte] serlously, take a tblng In [deep;
(Jkpv.) dead] carnest, (Jkpv.) mean busi
ness : hiluni, olen aivan totiltani (mys:)
it is my serlous intention; oletko aivan
tosittati are you in earnest? do you really
mean lt? ].
tosisuomalainen I. (a.) true (1. genulne)
Finnish. II. (s.) true (1. genulne) Finn.
tosi tapa (klel.) indlcatlve (mood). -tapaus
actual ract, real occurrence, true event;
matter of ract; tbat \vhich has actually
liappened; totitapautten valotta in tbe
light of true events, in tbe light or vvhat
(hus) actually bappened. -tarve actual (1.
real) need (1. vvant). -teko: totiteotta in
reality, as a matter of ract. -toimi 1.
-toiminta posltlve (1. real 1. actual) vvork;
ryhty tositoimiin set o.s. to vvork serl
ously (1. in earnest), resort to serlous (1.
to strenuous) measures [to abollsb . . ,
Jonkin poistamiseksi]. -ty errective work,
(vakava) earnest (1. serlous) vvork. -us
konnollisuus true rellirious spirlt (1. fervor). -venlinen (a. & s.) true (1. grenu
ine) Russian.
tossu ks. tppnen.
toteaminen establlshing (tbe truth of) Jne.,
ks. todeta; vcrlflcatlon, substantlatlon.
toteen;1 ny tetUvsti as can be proved;
(varmasti) or a certainty; (ilmeisesti)
obviously. -nyttminen provlng Jne., ks.
nytt (luteen); substantiatlon, demonstration. -nyttmtn . . not proved, . .
not substantlated, ..not supportcd by evidence: unproved, unproven; (Jota el voida
nytt toteen) . . tbat cannot be proved.
-nytt ks. nytt (toteen), -saatava
todistettavissa oleva, ks. todistaa, -saata
vuus ks. todistettavuus.
toteentua toteutua.
totella obey [one's parents, vanhempiaan;
orders, ksky]; ansvver [the helm, per
sint], respond; (seurata) follow; (nou
dattaa) heed, pay heed to; (mukautua)
conform to; (kuunnella) llsten to [the
voice or reason, Jrjen nt]; ~ lonkan
pillin nt dance to somebody's plping (1.
music), be at a p.'s beck and call, dance
altendanre (up)on a p.; kehotusta
obey a summons, (neuvoa) heed the advlce; Jonkun neuvos ks. seurata; ~ ty
dment nt (l. mryksi > fOllOVV tbe
dlctates (1. the lmpulses) of one's heart,
allow o.s. to be led by one's heart; koira
tottelee nime . . the dog ansvvers (1. ivsponds 1. comes) to the name of; olla
tottelematta Cl. ei ~) kieltoa not fOllow
(1. not obey 1. not mind) vvhat one vvas
tuki not to do, (uhmatlla) defy (I. bld defiance to) the lnstructlons (1. the orders);
oppia tottelemaan (mys;) learn obedlence.
toteuttaa carry out [one's design, tuuman
sa (1. aikeensa)], carry Into errect [a
scheme (1. a proJect), suunnitelma], realIze [an Idea, Jokin ajatus]; (saattaa lop
puun) fulflll, accompllsh, carry (1. follovv)
thvough [one's pian, suunnitelmansa],
work out; (panna toimeen) execute [one's
purpose, aikomuksensa]; put (1. carry) ..
Into execution, put . . Into practlce;
(noudattaa) pursue; toteutettavissa oleva
. . posslblo to realize (1. to carry out),
feasible, practlrable, reallzable. toteuttaja
one uho canies out Jne., ks. toteuttaa;
one vvho carrled out; tarvitaan tuuman to
teuttajaa someone Is needed to carry out
(1. carry throngh) the pian. toteuttaminen
carrying out Jne., ks. toteuttaa; realizatlon,


materializatlon; accompllsbment; execu

toteutua (kyd toteen) come (1. prove)
true, prove to be true; (osottautua to
deksi) be verirted, be confirmed; (menn
tytntn) materlalize, be realized, be
fuirilled, be accompllshed, be carried out
(1. Into erfect); (pit palkkansa) bold
gOOd; aavistukseni toteutui my presentlment (1. my foreboding) came (1. proved)
true, what I surmlsed (1. suspected)
proved to be true, (pahat) my mlsglvings
came true; aikeeni toteutui my pian \vas
(1. my deslgns vvere) realized (1. carried
out 1. carried Into errect), my proposed . .
materiallzed; huomata jokin toteutuneeksi
rind . . to be ruirilled (1. to be accom
pllshed), rind tbat .. has [had] come true,
rind that . . has Lhad] materiallzed.
toteutuminen comingr true; realizatlon,
totinen (vakava) earnest, serlous, grave,
sober; (Juhlallinen) solemn; (suora, vil
pitn) slncere; (tosi) true; (todellinen)
real; aikomus (vakaa) earnest (1. se
rlous) Intention; ~ totuut, ~ toti real
truth; menn totitekti become grave (1.
sober 1. serlous); olla (1. pyty) totlttna
malntaln one's gravlty, remaln serlous,
keep one's countenance. totisesti verily,
or a truth, truly; (varmasti) assuredly,
surely, for a certainty, certalnly, lndeed;
(tosissaan) in earnest, earnestly; (vaka
vasti) serlously, gravely; totitetti, totisesti
tanon min teille (raam.) verily (, verily)
I say unto you. totisuus seriousness,
gravlty, graveness, soberness; carnestness.
totku: kalan totkut rcruse from (the) flsh.
totta true; (the) truth; ~ hn meidt irti
tatkee (varmaankin) no duubt but that be
\vill let us go free; he vvlll let us out, I
should thlnk; kai (tietysti) certalnly!
yes, certalnly! (yes,) lndeed! (yes,) or
course! oh yes (, certalnly)! (yes,) by ali
incans! surely! (Jkpv.) sure! I should say
so! (Ihmetellen kysymyst:) \vhy, yes!
~ kai hn ten tehnee (tehneekhn) I
\vonder ir he \vill do that, (varmaankin)
I am sure that he \vlll (1. he'll) do lt;
kai tinakin tulet you vvlll come too, vvlll
you not (1. v.'on't you)? puhuakteni to
teli (1. to speak 1. to say) the truth, (va
kavasti) serlously speaklng; tosiaan =
toden totta, ks. tosi; vie(hn) by
Jove! by Jlmlny! eik ~ lsn't that so
(I. true)?
Imuni, sin teet ten, eik ~
you vvlll do lt, won't you? tuta tln tarkotit, eik thls Is vvhat you rererred to,
dldn't you?], vrt. eik; ihanko (do you)
really (mean lt)? niin kuin min eln
as sure as I Ilve; te on ~ (mynten:)
it is true (enough), very true, just so, or
course; so he [she, It, etc] Is; tlin on
paljon ~ thcre Is illlich trulli In that;
tuleeko matkattati ~ are you really golng
to take the trlp? Is your proposed trlp
golng to inateriallze? tottahan (tietysti)
or course, naturally, certalnly, qulte so;
(varmaan) surely; (epilemtt) no duubt.
tottamaar of course; tottamaar tina ten
tiedt or course you knovv that, you must
knuvv that. tottapa: tottapa hn tarvitsee
tit I suppose (1. I prcsume 1. prubably)
he needs lt; be necds lt, I suppose (1. I
thlnk); tattapai lian i siit ajan oloon selvi
tn everythlng vvill be au rlght (1. thlngs
vvlll clear up) by and by, let us hope (1.
I belleve).
tottelematon dlsobedlent, undutlful [cblld,

lapsi] ; lnsubordlnate, refractory; (Itse
(1. vvay), (taitavasti) Sklirully; nn tottu
neesti with such famillarlty (1. skill).
pintainen) obstlnate, stubborn; olla jo
takuta kohtaan be dlsobedlent (1. undutl- tottunut practised; (kokenut) experienced
[In]; (Jotakin tunteva) familiar [vvlth] ;
ful) to, dlsobey. tottelemattomaan lnsub(taitava) skilled (by long practice); (har
ordinately, In a rerractory manner; obstlnately, stubbornly. tottelemattomuus jaantunut) trained; (karaistu) inured [to],
dlsobedlence; lnsubmlsslon, insubordlna- seasoned; (Joka on Joutunut usein koke
tion; (itsepintaisuus) obstinacy, stubbom- maan tai tekemn Jotakin) accustomed
(1. used) [to hardshlp(s), vaikeuksiin; to
ness. tottelemattomuusrikos (orrense of)
go vvithout . . , olemaan Ilman . .; to exeriiisubordlnatlon.
cising authority, mrmn] ; habltuated
totteleminen obeying Jne., ks. totella; jonkin [to accurate thinklng', tsmlliseen ajatte
~ (mys:) obedlence to. tottelevainen luun] ; tottuneella kdell v. ith a trained
obedient, dutiful; (alistuvainen) submls- hand, vvith the dexterity of long practice,
slve. tottelevaisesti obedlently, dutlfully; dexterously, skilfully; ~ purjehtija prac
submlsslvely. tottelevaisuus obedlence, tised (1. experienced 1. trained) sailor (1.
dutlfulness; submlsslveness.
yachtsman), .. (very) familiar vvith sailtottua (johonkin) become (1. get I. be) ac- Ing; ~ saamaan used (1. accustomed 1.
customed (1. used 1. habltuated) to, get vvont) to get; olla ~ johonkin be used (1.
Into the habit of . .-ing; (harjaantua) be accustomed) to, (aina infinitiivin kera) be
(-come) trained [to ride, ratsastamaan], wont [to do, etc], have practice (1. ex
be(corne) trained in the habit of . .-Ing, perience) in, be experienced in, be famil
become experienced (1. practised) In; (tu
iar vvlth, be skilled In, be trained In, be
tustua) become ramiliar(ized) vvith; ~ fl- lnured tO; sin, joka olet vanha (ja) ~
manalaan become lnured (1. accustom o. s.)
[sakinpelaaja] (mys:) an old (1. a prac
to a [the] cllmate, be(come) acclimated; tised) hand [at chess] like yourseir.
~ pimen (silm) become accustomed (1. totunnainen conventional.
adapt itself) to darkness; pois break totutella 1. be accustoming Jne., ks. totut
o.s. of the habit of [smoking, tupakoimi
taa; 2. = totuttaa itsen, ks. seur.
sesta], get out or the habit (1. the way) totuttaa accustom (1. habituate) [a p. to . . ,
of [uslng tobacco, tupakan kytst], Jotakuta (1. Joku) Johonkin], ramiliarize
break the habit of, correct o.s. or [a bad
[a p. vvlth], make . . accustomed (1. usecC)
habit, pahasta tavasta], be weaned of;
[to, Johonkin], make familiar [vvlth];
totuttuun tapaan In the 11 su ai (1. CUStom- (harjottaa) traln [a p. to do . . , Joku teke
ary 1. habltual) manner (1. vvay 1. fashlon), mn Jotakin] ; (karaista) inure [a p. to] ;
accordlng to the usual custom (1. to tlme- ~ johonkin ilmanalaan habituate , . to a
honored observance), accordlng to (the)
cllmate, acclimate, acclimatlze; itsens
old usage (1. old practice), (vanhaan) in jostakin kS. tottua (puis); ~ itsen (l.
accordance (1. In harmony) \vlth the old itsens) johonkin accustom (1. habituate)
routine; kunhan Uhon vhn tottuu as o.s. to, ramiliarize o.s. vvith, (karaista)
soon as you get a Uttle used (1. accus
lnure o.s. to, (tottua) get Into the habit or
tomed) to lt, as soon as you get Into the . .-ing, vrt. tottua; Joku tupakoimaan
way (of it); sellaiseen alkaa jo one beget a p. Into the habit or smoking, teach
glns to get accustomed (1. get used) to . . to smoke. totuttaminen accustomingSUCh thingS; siihen (kyll) pian tottuu One jne., ks. edell.; jonkun totuttaminen jo
soon gets (1. you soon get) accustomed honkin accustoming (oi) a p. to. totuttau
(1. used) to lt.
tua (try to) accustom (1. inure) o.s. to,
(try to) ramiliarize o.s. vvith, (try to)
tottumaton unaccustomed; (Johonkin) unramlllar with, unused to, . . not used to get Into the habit or [smoking, tupakoi
(opetella) (try to) learn [to do . . ,
(it), unvvonted to; (kokematon) lnexpetekemn' jotakin] .
rienced, new; (kykenemtn kestmn Jo
takin) unseasoned; (kmpel) clumsy, totuuden 1 aines element of truth. -etsij'
avvkvvard. tottumattomasti as lf one were seeker (1. lnquirer) after truth. -etsint
inexperienced, in a manner shovvlng lack seeking (1. lnquiry) after truth. -harras
of experience; (kmpelsti) clumsily, tus love of truth; veracity. -mukainen
awkwardly. tottumattomuus unfamtliarity, truthful, veraclous; .. (vvhich is) In ac
inexperience; lack (1. want) of experience cordance vvith the truth. -mukaisesti
(1. of practice).
truthfully, veraclously. -mukaisuus truth tottuminen becomlng accustomed [to] Jne., rulness, veracity. -rakkaus love or truth.
-tarve craving ror truth. -viha hatred or
ks. tottua.
(1. for) (the) truth.
tottumus (tapa) custom, \vont, habit [of totuus
truth; verity; (totuudenmukaisuus)
smoking, tupakoimiseen] ; habitual attl- veracity;
hn sai kuulla totuuden he as
tude; (kokemus) experience; (harjotus) told the (plain)
iiset totuudet the
practice; (tuntemus) famillarlty [\vlth, eternal verlties; truth;
kieltmtn on, ett . .
Johonkin] ; (tottuminen) getting used [to] ;
(tosiasia) It is an undeniable ract that . .;
tottumuksen voima the rorce (1. the elTect) on
lhimpn totuutta is nearest the truth.
of habit (1. of custom 1. of long usage); is the
nearest approach to the truth; vrt.
tottumuksesta through force of habit,
through habit, as a matter of habit; ~ on
flaming up; (kuv.) outburst or
(ihmisen) toinen luonto habit is the second
nature of man, (1. v.) custom makes ali entlmsiasm. touhahtaa (leimahtaa) riame
vvhirl up; (kuv.) flare up
thtngs easy, habit simplifies vvork; jolla
in an outburst (1. a spell) or enthusiasm.
kulla on tottumusta johonkin a p. is ac
customed (1. habltuated) to, a p. has ex touhu bustle, bustling; (puuha) fuss, arto;
perience (1. practice) in, a p. Is familiar (kiire) riurry, hurry; (tyhjnpivinen)
Wlth, a p. is used to; pitkaikainen ~ potteringr, (jkpv.) puttering; (hrint)
habit of long duratlon, habltual practice; Stlr: minulta on ollut niin paljon touhuat,
vrt. tapa. tottuneesti in an accustomed ett .. I have been so busy that . .;
(1. an experienced 1. a familiar) manner olla touhussa(an) be tius.v, bustle around,


(Jkpv.) be hustllntr, luistie, touhuaminen traagillinen traglc(al). traagillisestl traglcbellis? busy Jne., ks. touhuta; vrt. touhu, ally. traagillisuus traglcalness; sen rroatouhuilla ks. touhuta, touhuinen busy, gillisuus (mys:) the tragedy of lt.
hustllng; bustllng; (palvelunhaluinen) or- traani = raani.
flclous. touhunta ks. touhu, touhupiv transitiivinen (kiel.) transltlve. transitiivi
verbi transltlve (verb).
busy day. touhuta be busy, stlr, (ahke
rasti) bustle, (Jkpv.) bustle; (toimia) be translatiivi (klel.) translatlve (case).
actlve [In, Jotakin] ; (Jrjestell) bustle tratta (kaupp.) drart.
around (puttlng thlngs to right); (kiiruh treenata (harjotclla) train. treenaus tralnlng.
taa) be in a burry (1. a flurry), hurry; triasllkausi (geol.) Trias, Trlasslc (period).
touhuta turhia exert o.s. needlessly, be -muodostuma Trlas(slc) rormatlon.
busy about nothtng, (Jkpv.) putter (around). tribuuni (htst.) trlbune.
trigonometria (kolmlomltanto) trigonometouhuviikko busy week.
toukka larva [plur. larva]; (matomainen, try. trigonometrinen- trlgonometrlc(al).
etup. perhosen) Caterpillar, (et. kovakuo triklini (elint.) trlchina; trikiinien saastut
riaisen) grub, (mtnemlstilassa olevissa tama . . affected vvlth trichinae, trlchlnous.
aineissa) maggot. -aate larval stage. -kauai trikoo (-kangas) trlcot; stocklnet. -tavarat
larva(l) period. -kotelo larva capsule, (tav.) knltted goods. -tehdas ractory ror
capsule of the larva. -muoto larva(l) rorm. knltted goods. -vaatteet (lhomytlset)
touko sovvlng; (kevt-) spring sowing; (lai
ho) crop; tehd toukoa do the (spring) triljoona trllllon.
sovvlng. -aika sovvlng season (1. time), triumvlirl (hist.) trlumvir. trium draattl
time for sowlng. -hrk (ellnt.) oil- trlumvlrate..
beetle. -kuu (the month or) May; roufeo- Troija (hist.) Troy; Troijan sota Trojan
kuuni piv the 1'irst (day)or May, May lst. War. troijalainen (a. & s.) Trojan.
troopillinen (maant.) tropic(al).
toutain (ellnt.) a klnd-or carp.
trubaduuri (hist.) troubadour.
touvi ha\vser; (heavy) rope.
toveri comrade; (kumppani) companlon, trusti (kaupp.) trust.
partner, (lheinen, mys elnjn-) mate, tsaari czar, tsar. tsaaritar czarlna. tsaarivalta (tsaarin hallitus) rule or the Czar;
(Jkpv.) chum, pai; (ystv) rrlend; (vir
(-valtakunta) realm(I. empire) or the Czar.
kaveli) colleague; (sotilas-, ylloppllasy.m.) fellovv [soldler, student, etc], (up tseklnkieli Czech; Bobemtan. tsekkllinen
seeri- y.m.) brother [orricer, etc.]; vrt. l. (a.) Czecblc, Czechish; Bohemlan; 2. (s.)
Czech; Bohemlan.
huone*, koulu, onnettomuus, ylioppi
las y.m. -elm lire among [one's] tsheremissi: tsheremissin JMeKCheremlssian.
frlends; (seura-) social life; (toveruus) tsherkessi(linen) Clrcasslan.
fellovvshlp, companionship. -henki (spirlt tuberkell (nystyr) tubercle. -basilli tuor) comradeship, rellovvshtp; vrt. toveruus, bercle-baclllus.
-iltama social gatherlng vvlth program Tor tuberkelinen tubercular [cow, lehm], tustudents and thelr guests. -kokous meetlng berculous. tuberkeliton non-tubercular.
of comrades; meetlng or old.rriends; (pit tue = tuki.
kn erossaolon Jlkeen pidetty) reunion or tuhahdus purr, vvhirr; blow [or wlnd, or
old chums, (koulun entisten oppilaiden) gas, etc.]. tuhahtaa purr, vvhirr; blow out
reunion or the almuni, -kunta the old boys (wlth a purr 1. with a whirr).
(1. rellovvs); (koulun) student club (1. So tuhanllharmaa ash-gray, ashen gray (l.grey).
ciety), Tratemlty; toverikunnassa hnet -karvainen ash-colored, ashy.
tunnettiin . . among hts comrades (1. his tuhannen tuhat, tuhannes thousandth.
chums) he vvas known ... In the rratertuhannesosa thousandth (part) [or]. tu
nlty he \vas known . .; lyseon toverikunta hannesti a thousand tlmes ; pyydn tuhan
(1. v.) association or students rrom the nesti anteeksi (tav.) a thousand pardons!
lOth, llth and 12th grades.
tuhansin, tuhansittain by tbousands, by
toverillinen soclable, companlonable, . . easy the thousand, in thousands; tuhansittain
to get on wlth, . . easy to make rrlends miehi (mys:) thousands of men.
wlth; approachable; (ystvllinen) rrlend- tuhat (a. 1. one) thousand [lyhennettyn,
ly [intercourse, seurustelu]; (veljellinen) etup. kauppaklelessa: M.]; tuhansissa ko
Traternal, brotherly. toverillisesti in a so
In thousands or homes; Tuhat ja
clable (1. a trlendly) manner; like old deissa
yt (Itmainen satukokoelma) Thou
rriends; (veljellisesti) fraternally. In a yksi
sand and One Nights, Arabian Nlghts' Enbrotherly way (1. manner), toverlllisuus tertalnment;
kertaa a thousand tlmes;
soclablllty, Trlendly manners (1. ways 1. niit on tuhansia
there are thousands
conduct), brotherllness.
or them, they occur In thousands, they are
toverillpliri (ystv-) Circle or rrlends; to
by the
veripiirein (mys:) among rrlends, thousand). -Jalkainen (ellnt.) (1.myrlapod;
among old rriends; vrt. toverikunta. -seura mllleped(e).
or) a
1. = toverikunta; 2. -= toveripiiri.
thousand lakes; tuhatjrvinen maa land
toverus = toveri.
vvlth (1. oD a thousand lakes, (mrtyst
toveruus comradeship, rellowshlp; compan
maasta puhuen:) the land or the thousand
ionship; toveruudella (kirjeen lopussa:) lakes. -kerroin thousandrold, a thousand
rraternally. -henki 1. -tunto ks. toverihenki. times. -kertainen thousandrold. -kunta
tovi (hetki) vvhlle; snatch; lnterval; (kerta, (about) a thousand. -luku (the number oD
ote) round, bout; (vuoro) turn; spell; thousand; tuhatluvulla (11:11a vuosisa
toviksi aikaa for a good \vhlle, Tor a (1. dalla) In the eleventh century; tasaisissa
some) time, vrt. kotva; moneen toviin tuhatluvuissa by even thousands. -lukuinen
many tlmes (over), over and over agaln, a thousandrold, . . to be counted In thou
repeatedly; toiseen toviin (uudestaan) sands, . . comprlsing thousands or; tuhatarresb, anew; yhteen toviin (keskeyty
lukuisena joukkona In thousands, by the
mtt) continuously, without interruptlon, thousand. -mrin by (1. in) thousands,
at one time, at (1. on) a stretch, at one thousands or [borses, hevosia], -plnen
thousand-headed, . . wlth a thousand



heads. -taituri Jack-of-all-trades. -vuoti

nen . . a thousand years old, ..ula
thousand years ; tuhatvuotinen valtakunta
the millennium. -anincn . . of a thousand
tuherrella = tuhertaa,
tuherrus bungle,
POtCh; tinker; putter; mys tuhertami
nen, tuhertaa (Jonkin teossa) bungle,
botch; tinker [at, Jotakin]; putter, dabble; do (1. make) .. slowly and poorly;
(vitkastella) delay, lag- [In one's work,
tyssn] ; (touhuta) busy o.s. [wlth
tririlng Jobs, Joutavanpivisiss hommis
sa] ; tuhertaa kokoon ks. thert, tuhertaja bungler, botcher; tinker; putterer,
dabbler; unhandy person; vrt. thertj.
tuhertaminen bungllng Jne., ks. tuhertaa.
tuhina hlsslng; purring. tuhista blow out
hisslngly, escape audlbly; be blsslng, hlss;
(pubista) be purring, purr; lapsen nen
tuhisee the baby is snirring (1. Is snuffllng); puhista ja tuhista purr and snort,
purr and blow; vrt. tohista, pihist.
tuhka ashes; ~ tihen In rapld successlon,
thick and rast, mys = tuon tuostakin, ks.
tuo; nen talonsa on tuhkana llls bouse IS
laid In asbes; kuin ~ tuuleen as ashes before the wlnd. -kivi (geol.) tufr, tufa.
-kuppi ash-tray. -lipe lye obtained rrom
ashes. -lj ptle (1. heap) ot asbes, ashplle. -pesi ash-pit, ash-hole; (-laatikko)
ash-pan. -poro ashes.
tuhkarokko measles; hn on tuhkarokossa
be bas tbe measles. -kohtaus 1. -tapaus
case or measles.
tuhkatihen ks. tuhka (tihen).
tuhkeloaienl (kasv.) putTball.
tuhkimo, tuhkimus CInderella.
tuhkuri I. (elint.) mlnk.
tuhkuri II. tuhkarokko.
tuhlaaja spender, lavisher, squanderer,
spendthrirt, prodlgal.
(raam.) the prodlgal son.
tuhlaaminen spending Jne., ks. tuhlata.
tuhlaava(lnen) lavlsh, prodlgal, squanderlng; (haaskaava) vvasterul; (varojen ky
tss) extravagant [government, hallitus],
. . prodlgal In one's [lts] expendlturcs;
tuhlaavainen jonkin kytss \vasteTul In
tbe use or, lavlsh (1. prodlgal) In using . .;
tuhlaava(ise)n antelias lavlshly llberal,
riush, free [wlth]. tuhlaavaisesti lavlshly,
(Joskus:) lavlshlngly. tuhlaavaisuus lavlshness, prodlgality, vvasterulness, extravagance, extravaganey.
tuhlailla be spending, spend; ~ aikaansa
daily (away one's tlme); vrt. tuhlata.
tuhlari = tuhlaaja.
tuhlata spend [one's estate by gambllng,
omaisuutensa pelaamalla; one's money on,
rahaansa Johonkin], spend lavlshly (l. uselcssly); lavlsh [money, rahaa; tokens or
arrectlon upon a p., jollekulle hellyydenosotuksla], use .. too llberally, throvv
away; (hvitt) squander [one's estate
In useless enterprlses, omaisuutensa hy
dyttmiin yrityksiin; one's money on a
cause, rahansa jonkin asian hyvksi] ;
(haaskata) waste [tiine and money, alkaa
Ja rahaa] ; (sirotella, jaella) dlsslpate,
scatter; ~ [koko] omaisuutensa waste (1.
spend 1. run through \vltli) one's [entlrc]
fortune; ~ rahaa turhuuksiin spend money
In vanlty (1. recklessly), throw one's
money a\vay on tfiries; ~ sanoja lavish
(1. vvaste 1. squander) \vords [on], be
\vastelul (1. be lavlsh) uitli xvords. tuhlaus
(esim. rahojen) spending [or money].


(varojen) squanderlng [of resources] ;

(haaskaus; esim. ajan, tyn, sanojen)
waste [or tlme, or labor, or words].
tuhlautua be vvasted, be spent, be squandered, be thrown away.
tuhma roollsb, silly; (mieletn) absurd;
(epviisas) lmprudent, unvvlse; vrt. tyhm,
tuhmanylpe pompous, concelted, (Jkpv.)
stuek-up. tuhmasti roollshly; imprudently, unvvlsely. tuhmus, tuhmuri, tuhmeliini
stupld rellow, slmpleton, dunce, goose,
booby; vrt. plkkyp. tuhmuus roolishness, sllllness; absurdlty; lmprudence,
lack oi wisdom; vrt. tyhmyys.
tuho (turmio) ruin; perdltion; (kukistumi
nen, esim. Jonkin valtakunnan) Tall, collapse; (et. laivan) wreck; (hvitys) destruction, havoc; ravage; (tydellinen) anni hilat ion ; (vahinko) damage, loss, harm,
lnjury; (suuri onnettomuus) disaster, calamlty; tuhoa ennustava dlsastrous, (pa
haa-) omlnous, Ul-omened; tuhon omaksi
tuomittu doomed (to destruction) ; joutua
tuhon omaksi be lost, perish, be destroyed,
come to destruction, be rulned, be(come)
annlbllated; tulvan tuhot damage done by
tbe riood, destruction (l. havoc 1. losses)
caused by tbe riood, (hvitystyt) the
ravages or the riood.
tuhoaminen rulnlng Jne., ks. tuhota; vrt.
mys tuho.
tuhoatuotuva, tuhoava destructlve, rulnous,
balerul; (kuolettava) ratal, baneful; (on
nettomuutta tuottava) dlsastrous, calamltous; (turmiollinen) pernlclous; (raivoa
va, hvittv) ravaging, devastatlng. tuhoavasti destructlvely, ruinously; latally.
dlsastrously; pernlclously.
tuhohynteinen destructlve (1. lnjurlous 1.
noxlous) ins,ect.
tuhoisa, tuholnen dlsastrous, calamitous;
(kuolettava) ratal [to], banerul; (tuhoatuottava) destructlve, rulnous; (turmiolli
nen) pernlclous, noxlous, balerul, hurtlul; (vahingollinen) lnjurlous. tuhoisasti
dlsastrously; fatally; destructlvely, ruin
ously; pernlclously, noxlously, balelully;
injurlously; pttyi tuhoisasti ended dls
astrously (l. ratally), came to a dlsastrous
(1. a ratal) end. tuhoisuus dlsastrous (1.
ratal 1. destructlve 1. rulnous 1. pernlclous
1. noxlous 1. lnjurlous) character [or] ;
ratallty; destructiveness; noxlousness, lnJurlousness.
tuhonteko destruction; laylng waste, devastatlon, desolatlon; ravaging, sacklng; vrt.
tuhota ruln, destroy; demollsh [a bulldlng,
rakennus]; blast [the hopes, toiveet],
bllght [the crops, vilja; a p.'s prospects,
Jonkun menestymisen mahdollisuudet] ;
(turmella) shatter [a p.'s health, jonkun
terveys] ; (autioittaa) \vaste, lay waste
[a country, maa], devastate, desolate;
(saattaa perikatoon, srke) wreck [a p.'s
bapplness. Jonkun onni] ; (vahingoittaa)
damage, spoll; (lopen) undo, annihllate
[a Ileet, laivasto; an army, armela] ; (utterly) deleat [the cnemy, vihollinen];
(raivoten) ravage, sack [a tovvn, kaupun
ki] ; (murskata) crush; (hvitt suku
puuttoon) exterminate [a people, jokin
kansa], (hvitt perinjuurin) eradicate,
extlrpate; (tehd tyhjksi) rrustrate, roil,
baffle [a p.'s plans. Jonkun suunnitelmat].
tuhoty dlsastrous (1. rulnous 1. calamitous)
act (l deed), vvork or destruction; (hvi
tys-) havoc.


tuhoutua be rulned, be destroyed, be demollshed; be blasted; be shattered, be

wrecked; (turmeltua) be damaged; (murs
kaantua) be crushed, be annihllated; (h
vit) perlsb; vrt. tuhota; ~ sukupuuttoon
be(come) exterminated.
tuhraaminen soillng Jne., ks. tuhrata; mys
tuhertaminen, tuhraantua get (1. lie
roille) dirty, be (1. become 1. get) solled
(1. blurred 1. blotted 1. blotched 1. smudged
1. daubed 1. smeared) [with, Johonkin].
tuhraantunut dirty; soiled; blurred, blot
ted, smudged, daubed, dauby, smeared,
smeary. tuhrata soll [one's Hngers \vith
Ink, sormensa musteeseen], get . . dirty,
dlrty; blur, blot, blotcb, smudge, daub,
smear; mys = tuhertaa, tuhraus 1. =
tuhraaminen; 2. - tuherrus, tuhrautua
ks. tuhraantua.
tuhria = tuhrata; ~ pois smear (I. blot)
out (1. over). tuhrija dauber; bunglcr.
tuhrlmua tuhertaja.
tuhrua = tuhertaja.
tuhruataa 1. = tuhertaa; 2. = tuhrata,
tuhrusty botched \vork, bungled work.
(et. maalauksesta:) daublng; (huono)
slovenly (piece of) work.
tuhto (teljo) rower's seat, thvvart.
tuhuttaa ks. tihuuttaa.
tuijottaa stare (l.gaze) [absent-mindedly at,
hajamielisesti Johonkin]; (tlllst) gape
[at]; tuijottaen tyhjn avaruuteen Staring Into vacancy; katsoa johonkuhun
stare at a p., look liani at a p. tuijottami
nen, tuijotus starlng- Jne., ks. edell.
tuikahdus twinkle; sparkle; flash; gllmpse.
tuikahtaa twlnkle, bllnk; sparkle, sclntlllate, flash; (vlkht) gltsten, glltter.
tulkasti ks. tuikeasti.
tulkata: ~ esille stick out, stand out (1.
Torth), proJect, protrude; vrt. tuikkaa.
tuike (esim. thtien) twlnkllng, blinking;
twlnkle; sparkllng.
tulkaa sharp, keen; (ankara) Stern, severe;
(Julma) grlm, rierce; (pureva) bitlng, bit
ter; ~ katse sharp look (1. giance), grlm
look; tuikean punainen brlght (1. glarlng)
red; vrt. tuima, tuikeasti sharply, keenly;
sternly, severely; grimly, nercely; katsoa
tuikeasti jotakuta silmiin look . . Sternly
in the eye, look sharply (I. sternly) at a p.
tulkeua sharpness, keenness; sternness;
severlty; grimness, flerceness.
tuiki (aivan) qulte; (kokonaan) altogether,
entirely, completely, thoroughly; (kerras
saan) dovvnrlght, (ehdottomasti) absolutely; (yksinkertaisesti) slmply; (ylen)
extremely, . . in the extreme, exceedlngly,
utterly; kelvoton utterly (1. altogether
1. entirely 1. absolutely) \vorthless; ~
mahdotonta slmply (1. absolutely) imposSible [huom. se on ~ mahdotonta (mys:)
lt Is a sheer (1. a dovvnrlght) Impossibllity] ; ~ tarpeellinen . . or Utmost necesslty,
extremely (1. exceedingly 1. utterly) necessary, necessary In the extreme; ~ tyys
tin to a halr, (perinpohjin) very thor
oughly; ~ trke . . of supreme (1. ex
treme) lmportance, extremely Important,
lmportant in the extreme; vrt. perti.
tulkkaa (prees. tuikun), tuikkia tuinkin, he
twlnkllnir, be blinklmr, be sparkllng, be
scintlllatlngr, be riashing; (kurkistaa) popp
out rrrom (behlnrl) the clouds, pilvien
raosta] ; (vlkky, kuultaa) gleam, gllsten.
glltter; vrt. tuikata, tuikuttaa ks. edell.
tuima sharp; (ankara) severe; stern, augtere [man. mies]; (kova) hard; (kiivas)
vlolent, vehemcnt; (Julma) grlm, rierce;

(pureva) bitlng, bitter; (pistv) acute
[pain, tuska] ; (tyke) harsh, rough,
gruff; (nopea) svvirt, speedy, fast; (hurja)
\vild, furious; (suolaton) riat; ~ katse
sharp (1. stern 1. grlm) look; ~ pakkanen
severe (1. bitter 1. bitlng) cold; ~ tuuli .
severe (1. hard 1. sharp) vvlnd, vrt. vinha;
vauhti ks. vinha, tuimasti sharply; se
verely; sternly; hard; vlolently; grimly,
fiercely; wlldly, furiously; vrt. tuima; kat
soa tuimasti jotakuta silmiin ks. tuikeasti.
tuimata (pakottaa) ache; sydntni tuimaa
(kirvelt) my heart aches (1. is aching),
I have a pain In my heart.
tuimeta become (1. get 1. grow) sharper (1.
harder 1. more severe 1. more violent Jne.,
ks. tuima); (esim. kasvot) harden. tuimistua (suuttua, vihastua) become (1. get 1.
grow) angered, get (1. become) angry,
flare up; vrt. edell.
tuimuus sharpness; severlty; sternness;
hardness; vlolence; vehemence; grimness,
vrt. svvlfttuima.
tuiskahdus flight; (sudden) turn, swing.
tuiskahtaa whirl, fly; (syst) rush, dash,
dart; knty tuiskahtaa turn o. S. around
suddenly (I. In a flash) ; tulla tuiskahti si
sn came whlrling (1. dashlng) Into the
room, whirled (1. dashed) into the room,
(Ihmisest:) darted into the room.
tuisku (lumi-) (drlving 1. whirling) snowstorm, bllzzard; tuiskussa ja sateessa amid
drivlng snow and sleet, In ali wealhers;
lumessa ja tuiskussa In a snow-storm.
tuiskuaks. tuiskuta, tuiskulumi drlfted snow.
tuiskuta be whlrling, whlrl, come (1. go)
drivlng along (1. whlrllng around); (len
t) fly, be flylng; (lumi) tuiskuaa the
sno\v is blowing about (1. whirllng
around), there is a whlrllng (1. a drivlng)
snow-storm; sislle drlft (1. be drlven)
into the room; ~ umpeen 1. (tr.) block . .
wlth snow(-drifts), 2. (ltr.) be (1. get)
blocked wlth snow(-drifts) [huom. um
peen tuiskunnut . . blocked \viih sno\v
(-drlfts), .. Tuli or snow]; ply tuis
kuaa tiell the dust Is (1. there are clouds
of dust) blowlng about on the road. tuis
kuttaa make .. ulliti (1. Ily); tuiskuttaa
lunta (lumi) tuiskuaa, ks. edell.
tuittulnen ks. seur.
tuittullpiinen hot-headed, hot-brained, hotblooded, hot- (1. qulck-l.hasty-Hempered;
hasty, choleric, flery; (helposti rsyynty
v) touchy, lrrltable; (helposti loukkaan
tuva) . . qulck to take offense; (tiuskiva)
snapplsh; (kinen) cross, crusty; (r
tyis) peevlsh, petulant. -pisyys hot (1.
qulck 1. hasty) temper, choleric temperament, rierlness; touchlness, lrrltablllty;
snappishness; peevlshness, petulance. -p
touchy (1. crusty 1. hot-headed) person;
(jkpv.) spltflre.
tukahduttaa (etup. kuv.) smother, stirie
[the volce of consclence. omantunnon
ni], suppress, repress [sedltlon, kapi
nallisuus]; qucll [a rlot, rneten], quench;
starnp out; (kukistaa) subdue, put down,
crush; (saada hiljenemn) muffle (1.
deaden 1. silence) [the sound, alini] ; (eh
kist) ctierk; vrt. tukehduttaa; tukahdu
tettuja nyyhkytyksi stiflcd (1. smothered
1. broken) sobs; ~ kapina suppress
(1. starnp out) a revolt; Jokin liike
suppress (1. Check) a movement; ~ tuli
ks. tukehduttaa, tukahduttaminen smothering Jne., ks. edell.; suppression, repres
sion, tukahduttava sttntng: surfocatlng
[atmospherc, ilma]; (painostava) oppres-




slve [heat, kuumuus], sultry [vveather,

s]; (huoneessa) close, stulTy [atr. Il
ma]; tukahduttavan huuma (mys:) Stifling. tukahduttavasi!: se vaikuttaa tukahauttavasti lt lias a smothering (1. stiriing
1. surrocating) efrect [upon, johonkin], it
stlfles, lt smothers. tukahduttavuus surrocatlngr atmosphere, stllllngr heat, closeness, sturriness. tukahtua be smothered,
smother, be stiried; be quelled, be
quenched Jne., ks. tukahduttaa, tukahtu
minen smothering.
tukala (valkea) hard, dirricult [task, teh
tv; trlp. matka], (jkpv.) tough; (krsi
vllisyytt kysyv) trylng; (kiusallinen)
(kriitillinen) crltlcal; (epmukava) uncomrortable,
(pulmallinen) puzzling, perplexlng; ~
asema, ~ tila a\vkward (1. trylng- 1. em
barrassing 1. dlstresslng) sltuatlon, pllght,
stralts, (pulma) predlcament, dilemma,
(jkpv.) pinch, flx, (vaarallinen) crltlcal
sltuatlon [huom. tukalatta asemassa, tu
kalassa tilassa (mys:) m dimculty. In
dirncultles, (aineellisesti) In straltened (1.
In embarrassed) circumstances] ; hnen
toimeentulonsa on hyvin tukalaa lt'S very
hard for hlm to earn hts llvlng, lie Is In
very straltened clrcumstances; minulla on
olo (voin pahoin) 1 am not reeling well;
vrt. vaikea, tukalaatl with dtrficulty; uncomfortably; lnconveniently. tukaluus dlfflculty; (pula) embarrassment, (puute
y.m.) hardshlp; (kiusallinen) awk\vanlness, troublesomeness; (epmukavuus) uncomrortableness, inconvenience; (pulmal
lisuus) perplexity.
tukanlelkkuu hair-cuttlng. -kone clippers.
tuke plug; Stopper; olla tukkeessa be stopped (up), be choked (up), be clogged;
(pantu tukkoon) be plugged (up).
tukea support (mys kuv.), give support
[to, Jotakuta (1. Jotakin)], prop (up), (et.
kuv.) sustain, uphold, bear . . up; (pit
pystyss) hold . . up, stay; (vahvistaa)
strengthen; (nojata) rest [one's head
agalnst one's hand, ptn ksilln] ;
(osottaa todeksi) conrirm. substantlate;
jonkun tukemana supported by a p., wlth
a p.'s support.
tukehdus surfocatloq. -kohtaus attack (1.
rit 1. spell) or surrocatlon.
tukehduttaa choke, sulTocate. stlflP, smother;
(et. kaasusta puhuen:) asphyxiate; ka
paloonsa (kuv.) nip . . In the bud, stifle . .
In the germ. (esim. kapinallisuus) crush
(I. stamp)..out before it comes to a head:
~ [lapsi] makaamalla roll over [a Child]
and smother it; savuun stifle (1. sufrocate) . . vvith smoke: ~ tuli smother (1.
surrocate 1. quench 1. stamp out) a flre;
vrt. tukahduttaa, tukehtua be (1. become
1. get) choked (1. sutTocated 1. stiried 1.
tukeminen supporting jne., ks. tukea; sup
port, sustenance; vitteens tukemisehsi
to support (1. to give support to) hls assertlon.
tuketa tukkia.
tukeva steady, flrm; (joka oi kaadu) stable;
(vahva) heavy frope, kysi], strong:
(vankka) substantlal; (tanakka) heavyset, Sturdy, Stout: tukevin askelin Wlth
flrm step'.
tukevasti steadily, flrmly;
Stably; Stolltly; istua tukevasti satulassa
sit flrmly in the saddle. tukevatekoinen
. . of solld (1. substantlal) make, substan
tlal, solld, stout; vrt. tanakka, tukevuus


steadlness, rirmness; stablllty; sturdlness,

stoutness; heavy (1. strong) quality,
Tukholma Stockholm, tukholmalainen I. (a.)
.. or (1. in) Stockholm; Stockholm: tuk
holmalainen pankki a bank in (I. of) Stock
holm. II. (s.) inhabitant (1. cltlzen) of
tuki support; (et. henkilst:) supporter;
(kuv., esim. perheen) main support,
maln-stay [or the Tamily] ; (pnkk, et.
konkr.) prop, brace, stay, starf; (muurin-,
seinn-) buttress; (alus-) rest; (vivun tu
(laivan-, telakalla)
shore; (Jalan-) rooting; tuetta wlthout a
support [huom. ampua tuetta sboot withOUt a gun-rest]; tukien varassa oleta
propped up, standing (1. rqstlng) upon
braces (I. props 1. supports); antoa tukea
foliokin (kuv.) give support to, support;
hn oli vanhempainsa ~ ja turva heidn
vanhuutensa pivin he \vas a prop and
stay (1. and support) to (1. \vas the prop and
stay of) hls parents' decllnlng years-, olla
ilman (1. vailla) tukea ja turvaa be WtthOUt
support and shelter, be destitute; panna
tuet (\. tukia) jonkin alle (mys:) underpin ... underprop ..; sill vitteell ei
' nyt olevan tukea tosiseikoissa that Claim
rtoes not seem to be borne out by (the)
factS; vitteens tueksi to support his
assertion. -akseli supporting shart.
tukija supporter; vrt. tuki.
tuklllkohta polnt (1. base) of support; sup
port; (vivun) fulcrum; (kiinnekohta) hold.
-mies (jalkap.) half-back. -muuri (maata
y.m. pidttmss) retalning-xvall; (ulko
neva) buttress; (holvin) pler.
tukin laskija 1. -uittaja log-driver; tukinlaskijoita tarvitaan (tav.) men (are)
wanted to rioat logs. -lasku 1. -uitto
rioatlng (or) logs, log-drivlng. -laskuvyl 1. -uittovyl passage (1. Channel)
Tor log-drlving.
tukinta = tukkiminen.
tukiiipiste ks. tukikohta, -pylvs supporting
pillar (1. column); (muurin y.m.) buttress;
(kuv.) main support, main prop, malnstay,
tukistaa: jotakuta puli (1. Jerk) a p.'s
hatr, puli (1. Jerk) . . by the halr. tukista
minen, tukistus (Jonkun) pulltng (1. Jerklng) a p.'s halr.
tukka halr (or the head).
tukkainen (yhd.) . .-halred, . . \vlth . . halr
[esim. puna~ red-haired, .. wlth redhair],
tukka laite halr-dress; style or hair-dresslng. -nuotta pulling (1. tearlnir) each other'S halr. -nuottasilla: olla tukkanuottasilla
be pulling (1. be tearlng) each other's halr,
(kuv. = kiistell) - be at loggerhearts.
-nuottasille: ruveta tukkanuottasille lie in n
to puli <J. to tear) each other's halr.
-plly : . . ansaitsee hyvn tukkapllyn . .
deserves to he thoroughly shaken by the
halr: antaa jollekulle tukkaplly shake . .
by the halr; saada tukkaplly get one'S
hair pulled, be shaken by the halr.
tukkeus: menn tuhkeuhsiin ks. tukkeutua:
olla tukkeuksissa be stopped (up). be
choked (up). be clogged (up). be shut
(up): he nlooked (up). tukkeutua bc (I.
become 1. get) stopped (1. choked 1. shut
up 1. clnB-ged): (esim. liikenteest:) be (1.
become 1. get) blocked, stagnate.
tukki log: (hirsi) timber; (tav. nelikulmai
seksi sahattu) beam (mys kangas-):
(alus-, hakkausta varten) block; (kivaa



rln) Stock; kri kangas tukille roll the

cloth on the beam.
tukkia stop fthe trarric, liikenne], stop up
the pipe, piippu; the road, tie]; choke
Cup), clog (up); (sulkea) shut (up),(esim.
liikenne y.m.) block (up); (tulpalla) plug
(up); (est) obstruct (a passage, kulku
vyl], bar; check; (padota) stem; (tyt
t) rill (up); (tyrehdytt) sta(u)nch
(flow of)
blood, verenvuoto];
tuhi suusi = suu kiinni, kB. suu; -"
haava (lk.) plug a vvound vvith a tampon, tampon a vvound: reik (tulpalla)
plug (up) a [the] hole, (tytt) rill up a
fthe] hole, (est vuoto) stop the leak,
(Isommasta puhuen:) block (up) the hole.
cover the hole [\vlth. Jollakin]; r
syitt stop (1. rill) (up) vvith raps; Jon
kun suu shut up a p.'s mouth; hnelt on
suu tukittu hls mouth has been shut up.
tukki!! huutokauppa auction or timber, tlmber auction. -Jtk ks. tukkilainen, -kasa
plle or logs (1. or timber), log-plle.
-kuorma load or logs (1. or timber).
tukkilainen rartsman; (tukinuittaja) rlverman, log-drlver.
tukki lautta ralt (or timber). -mets tlmber-land; (Jkpv. mys:) the \voods; h
nelt on komeata tukkimets he has a Hne
plece or tlmher-land, he has a Nne lot oi
standlng timber; menn tukkimetsn go
loggtng, go to work In the vvoods. -mies
= tukkilainen.
tukkiminen stopplng (up) Jne., ks. tukkia.
tukki || poika (young) rlverman, (young) logdrlver. -puu tlmher; hn sai metsstn
paljon hyvi tukkipuita (jkpv.) he pot a
lnt or rine timber o(( hls place. -ruuhka
ks. ruuhka, -ty logglng; (uitto) log-HoatIng, log-drlvlng; olla tukkitiss \vork In
the vvoods, be logglng, (uitossa) be rioatIng (I. drlvlng) logs. -tylinen i. = tukki
lainen; '->. ^- metstyiinen. -yhti logglng
company; (puutavara-) lumber company.
tukko (tulppa) stopper, plug: (tukku)
bunch, handrul, (esim. hein-) wlsp,
(hius- y.m.) turt, mop (mys: rtti ); (ve
renvuodon ehkisemiseksi kytetty; lk.)
tampon. (kUre, side) dressing, bandage;
vrt. tukku; olla tukossa be stopped. be
choked, be shut up, be blocked (up), be
cloggcd, be obstructed, (tahallisesti tukit
tuna) be plugged (up), (Jollakin esteell)
be barred (up), (suljettuna) be closed
(up) [esim. nenni on tukossa my nose
(1. my head) is stopped up],
tukku bunch; bundle; (seteli-, mys:) roll;
ostaa tukussa buy . . (by) the vvholesale;
vrt. tukuttain, -kauppa vvholesale business
(1. house);
(tukuttain kauppaaminen)
vvholesale trade.
-kauppias vvholesale
dealer (1. merrhant), vvholesaler.
tuku(i)ttain in (1. by) bunehes (1. bundles):
hundles of: (kauppak.) vvholesale, by
vvholesale, In vvholesale lots.
tuleentua ripen. become ripe. tuleentuminen
ripenlng; odottaa vehnn tuleentumiseen
asti vvalt until the vvheat Is ripe.
tulehdut inflammation. tulehduttaa cause
. . to be mriamed, cause inriammation
Tor], Inriarne. tulehtua become (1. get 1.
be) mrianied, inriarne. tulehtuminen becomlng lnriami>d Jne., ks. edell.: (tuleh
dus) inriammatiou. tulehtunut InHamed.
tulema (mat.) ansvver. -taulu table or an svvers.
tuleminen cominsr Jne., ks. tulla, tulemus:
Kristuksen tulemus Chrlst'3 comlng, the


tulenarka inriammable. -arkuus inriammaliiiitv. -karvainen riame-colored. -kest

vyys rireproor quality; sen tulenkestvyys
(mys:) the ract that It Is rireproor.
-kestv rireproor; tulenkestv savi NreClay; tulenkestv tiili rire-hrlck. -kieleke
tongue or riame. -liekki 1. -lieska ks. tuliliekki, -palvelija rire-worshlp(p)er, vvorshlp(p)er or rire. -palvelus rire-vvorshlp.
-sammutus extlngulshlng (I. puttlng out)
or (the) rire. -sammutus- (yhd.) ks. sam
tulenta arrlval, comlng.
tulon vaara danger or rire; tulenvaaralta
suojattu . . protectcd against 1'lre, (tulen
-vahinko damage
(caused 1. done) by rire. -valo (lieden-)
rircllght; (lampun-) lamp-ltght, (kyntti
ln-) candle-llght; tulenvalossa by rirelight, by lamp-llght, by candle-llght.
-varjostin rire-screcn.
tuleva coming; (tulevainen) ruture, . . or
the ruture; . . to come; (seuraava) next;
(aiottu) lntended, prospectlve; elm
the lire to come, the ruture life, next life,
the herearter; ~ lankoni my brother-inlavv (that Is) to be, my luture (1. my
prospective) brother-In-law; tulevalla vii
kolla thls coming vveek, this ensuing vveek.
(ensi) next vveek: tulevat ja menevt junat
incomlng and outgolng tralns; tulevat su
kupolvet comlng (I. ruture 1. succeedlng)
generatlons, generatlons unborn, generatlons (1. ages) (yet) to come, arter-ages,
posterlty; tulevat tapahtumat things to
come, comlng (1. ruture) events; tulevia
ja menevi (tulijoita Ja menijit) arrlvals and departures, persons comlng and
golng; [Sst] tulevien pivien varalle
Cl. varatta) [put . . by] Tor a rainy day:
tulevina aikoina In (the) days to come, in
the ruture, (run.) in (the) days yet to be;
hnen ~ miehens her Tutllre husband;
mit minulle on tuleva(a) vvhat IS coming
to me, vvhat Is due me, (kuuluvaa) vvhat
Is belonging to me, (mihin olen oikeutettu)
vvhat I am entitled to (get 1. have), (osani)
my rlghtrul (1. Just 1. legltlmate) share;
/ p. tulevaa kuuta the Tlrst or next month.
(Joskus:) the lst prox. tulevainen comlng,
ruture: vrt. edell.
tulevaisuuden toiveet
prospects or the ruture, [a p.'s] prospects
in life. -toivo hope or the ruture.
tulevaisuus ruture, Tuturlty; tulevaisuudes
sa in the fllture; jtt asia tulevaisuuden
varaan leave the matter to the ruture,
(sikseen) let the matter rest; sen on
osottava the ruture wlll verlTv It, (1. v.)
time vvill teli.
tuli Tire; (valo) llght; tulen ress by the
rire, (takan) at the rireplace; ja leimaus
(voimalauseena, 1. v.) by thunder! great
heavens! on irti! rire! antakaa minulle
tulta glve me a llght, plcase; ikkunasta
nkyy ~ there. Is a llght In the vvlndovv;
iskee tulta It Is lightcntng, the llghtnlng is
riashlng; kaataa ljy tuleen (kuv.) add
ruel to the riame, pour oli on the rire;
kahden tulen vliss betvveen tvvo Tlres,
betvveen the devll and the deep sea; lem
men - the rire (1. the riame) or lovc:
list paita tuleen add Tuel to the Tire,
replenish the Tire; menn vaikka tuleen
jonkun puolesta go through rire and vvater
ror a p.; olla tulessa be on rire, be arire,
be ablazc, be burnlng, (sot.) be under
Tire, vrt. Ilmituli; panna [pata] tulelle put
rthe kettle] on the rire.
tuliaiset (kemut) home-comlng (Teast 1.



banqtiet); (Jollekulle pidetyt) entertalnment to vvelcome [a p.]; (lahja) homecomlng present; is toi tuliaisia kaupun
gista fatlier brought presents (1. good
thtngs) Trom the city. tuliaispuhe salutatory spcech, words of greetlng; (Jollekulle
pidetty) address (1. vvords) of welcome.
tulija one \vlio Is eomlng; one uho came;
one \vho had come; (saapuja) arrlval; vrt.
sisn; siell nkee yhtmittaa tulijoita
ja menijit you \vlll see there a continuous stream or people coining and gotng.
tuli juova streak or Tire, (salama) streak or
llghtnlng. -kaste baptlsm hy Tire; .. jossa
hn sai tulikasteensa (k uv.) . . where hls
ablllty [as a . .] was put to a severe test
(1. trial), -kekle Hrehrand. -kara ball or
flre, flre-ball. -kipin! spark (or rire).
-kirjaimet 1. -kirjotua letters or rire; tulikirjaimilla in (1. \vlth) letters or rire. -kita
tlery moiith. -kivi brlmstone; vrt. rikki,
II. -kivijrvi the lake or rire and brlm
stone. -koe(tua) ordeal by rire; vrt. tuli
kaste, -kukka riovvers or sulphur. -kuuma
red hot [Iron, rauta], -krpnen (Amer.
suom.) rireriy. -lanka ruse, ruze. -lasi
burnlng-glass, sun-glass. -liekki Hame (or
rire); tuliliekit (mys:) tongues or rire.
-luikku gun.
Tulimaa Tlerra del Fuego.
lulimimiainen: tuhat tulim(m)aista conrounrl It! hang it! damnatlon! (peijakas)
by Jove! by Jingo! tuhat tulim(m)aista,
mit sin oikein tarkotat \vhat the devil
do you really mean?
tulinen riery [\vlne, viini; eloquenoe, kau
nopuheisuus]; .. Tuli or rire; (palava)
bnrnlng; (kuuma) hot; (hehkuva) glovvlng
[Iron, rauta]; (kiihke) passlonate, ardent, Tervent; vehement; (kiivas) hotheacled,
(raju) wild; into Tlery ardor, (palava)
burnlng (1. ardent) zeal; kiire hot
haste [huotn. mihin sinulla on niin ~ kiire
where arc you golng In surh hot haste (I.
at surh great speed)]; ~ luonne riery (1.
passionato 1. hot 1. wlld) temper; ptsi
(raam.) the riery rurnaco: rannan* pas
slonate (1. burnlng 1. riery) love; ~ tois
telu, - tappelu hot battle (1. combat 1.
right); tulisen kuuma red hot, very hot,
burnlng hot; tulisen vihan vimmassa In a
rnrious rage, ali ariame wlth wrath; tulisia
hiili riory (1. Ilve) embcrs, burnlng (1.
gl0Wing 1. Ilve) coal(s); tulisin kirjaimin
In (1. with) letters o( rire; tulista vauhtia
wlth a rurlous speed, Tast and Turlous.
(luoksusta:) at a furious pre: olla kuin tu
lisilla hiilill (kuv.) be on needles and plns.
-tulinen (yhd.) . . with a . . llght, . . wlth . .
llghts [esim. kirkas- . . wlth a bright
llght, .. wlth bright lights].
tuli pallo ball or rire, Hre-ball. -palo rire;
(roihuava, mys:) ronriagration. -palon
alku sllght Tire, small blaze. -palopaikka
(place oO the rire: aiotko lhte tulipalo
paikalle are you going to the rire. -patsas
plllar or Tire; (mys raam.) rolumn or
rire. -perinen eruptlve. -pea hearth;
(vanhanalkals. muuratuissa uuneissa) rireplace; (rautauuneissa) rire-pot.rire-grate;
(esim. veturin) rire-box, (esim. hyrykat
tilan) rurnace. -pinta (esim. hyrykatti
lan) heatlng-surraee, rire-surlace. -pu
nainen . . as red as rire, riery red, riamernlored, srarlet. -putki (tekn., esim.
hyrypannuissa) riue; (kanuunoissa) tube
for a cannon].
tulirokko srarlet Tever; (liik.) srarlatlna.
-kohtaus 1. -tapaus case or scarlet rever.


tullsade shower or rire; scatterlng (1. flylng) or sparks.

tulisesti In a riery manner, hotly; passlonately, ardently, Tervently; vrt. tulinen.
tuli: sija = tulipesK. -silminen Tiery-eved
[monster, hirvi], .. \vith riery (1. g-lowIng) eyes. -soihtu toreh.
tulistaa Tire, exclte; lnriame.
tulisto (teatt.) the rootllghts.
tulistua lose one's temper, gro\v angry, become (much) heated, gro\v (l. become 1.
get) excltcd; (leimahtaa) riare up; tulistu
neena In a rit (1. a moment) or anger,
riushcd with anger, (kiihtyneen) very
much exclted, in a state or excitement.
tulistuttaa (kuv.) exclte (. . very rnurh),
make . . angry (1. excitert).
tulisuus riery (I. hot) temper, rire, rierlness, passion, heat: vehemence, rervencv,
rervo(u)r, ardo(u)r; \vlldncss; tuimuu
dessaan In hls riery temper, In hls passion,
in the heat (1. the excitement) or the
moment: raudan the heat or the Iron;
vrt. tulinen.
tuli sde ray or Tire. -skene spark (or
rire). -tikku match; (ernlainen) lucirer.
-tikkulaatikko match-box.
match-rartory. -torvi ks. tuliputkl.
tuiitua (valoilla) illuminatlon; (Ilo-) rireworks.
tuli vala ks. tulikoe, -vuorenaukko crater
(or a volcano). -vuorenpurkaue eruption
or a volcano, volcanic eruption, -vuori
volcano. -vri riame-color, color or rire.
tulkinta lnterpretatlon: version: (selitys)
constructlon; explanation: vrt. raamatun .
tulkita Interpret [the speech In Finnish,
puhe suomeksi; a p.'s look. Jonkun katse;
a character, Jotakin osaa (nyttmll)];
(selitt) expound [a text, teksti], explain, read a .. meanlng Into; (antaa tul
kinta) construe; (Ilmaista) express, give
expresslon to [one's senttments, tuntei
taan]: (antaa oma ajatuksensa) give one's
version oi; vrin jotakin (\. jokin)
mlslnterpret, mlsconstrue, put a ralse
constructlon on, (esim. Jonkun lausunto)
read a \vrong meanlng Into [a p.'s statement, etc], (esim. kntess) interpret
. . wrongly (1. erroneously), (ymmrt
vrin) misunderstand ; niin hn sen tul
kitsi that is the way he Interpreted it.
that Is [was] his version or it. tulkitsematon . . not Interpreted, . . not explained.
unlnterpreted: (jota ei voi tulkita) . . that
can not be Interpreted, . . lncapable nr
interpretation. tulkitseminen Interpreting
Jne., ks. tulkita.
tulkitsemis kysymys questlon oT lnterpre
tatlon (1. or ronstruction). -tapa way to
Interpret (1. to construe), way or Inter
pretation (I. or constructlon). -yritya attempt to Interpret, attempt at lnterpreta
tlon; attempted interpretation.
tulkitsija interpreter; (selittj) expounder.
exposltor: one who Interprets (1. expresses
1. explalns); one who Interpreted (1. expressed 1. explained).
tulkki interpreter.
tulla come rwlth a p., Jonkun mukana: into
the rield, kentlle], be comlng; (patista)
get [there, sinne; on the bridge, sillalle],
(saapua) arrlve rat a decision. pilatuk
seen], reach, (esim. rahasta, shksano
masta y.m.:) come In. he recelved; (jok
sikin) become [a soldler, sotamlelieksl;
dangerous, vaaralliseksi], get r angry, vi
haiseksi], grow fold, vanhaksi], (Joskus:)
go [mad, hulluksi], (passiivisesti:) be



[proved, todistetuksi] ; (rutuurlmerkltykfsess:) be golng [to repent, katumaan];

(sattua) happen (1. chance) [to buy, osta
neeksi]; (aikamerkltyksess:) come on,
set in [esim. kun talvi tuli \vhen the Winter
came on (I. set in)]; (Johtua, aiheutua)
be causert [by, Jostakin], be due [to], be
owlng [to]: Jonkin tulee [olla, tehd]
.. has (1. is) to [be, do], .. will have to
[be, do], .. shall [be, do], .. must [be,
do], It Is requlrcrt (I. it Is necessary)
that . . be [esim. puvun tulee olla pahdat
it is requlred (1. is necessary) that the
dress be clean ] ; Jonkun tuUm [olla, tehd]
a p. has (l. Is) to [be, do], a p. will have
to [be, do], a p. shall (1. must) [be, do],
(tarvitsee) lt Is neressary for a p. to
jbe, do], (Joltakulta vaaditaan) a p. Is
requlred to ibe, do], (on pakko) a p. Is
obllged to [be, dol, a p. is compelled (1.
forced) to [be, do], (velvollisuus) lt Is a
p.s duty to [be, do], lt devolves (1. It
Talls) upon a p. to [be, do], lt Is Incumbent upon a p. to . . [huom. jonka tulot
tehd (mys:) on whom the duty (1. the
task) devolves (1. ralls) to do (1. or dolng);
niinkuin kohteliaan miehen tuleekin as a
gentleman shnuld, as It behooves (I. becomes I. beseems) a gentleman] ; tuleeko
te (otettavaksi) sanakirjaan (sana) wlll
that appear (1. be put) in the dlctlonary?
will that be lncluded among the words In
the riictionary? [no.] tuleeko tt mitn
[\vell,] wlll anythlng come of It? [well,]
are you [is he] golng to (do lt)? (kyke
netk tekemn) can you manage (to do)
tt? can you handle lt? .. tulee olemaan
. . wlll be, . . is (going) to be [huom.
aika on tuleva, folioin onnemme tulet ole
maan tydellinen a tirne will come when
our happlness wlll be complete; ei voi
tiet, mit vastuksia jutussa viti tultt
olemaan one cannot knovv \vhat dirricultles
may yet arlse (1. turn up) In the case];
. . tulee tehd (on tehtv) . . has (1. Is 1.
will have) to be done, . . shall (1. must)
be done [huom. te tulee tehd hyvin va
rovaisesti (mys:) lt is necessary to do it
very cautlously] ; .. tulee tehtvkti (futuurimerkityksess:)..wlll be done [esim.
tulee anntttavakti atetut, jotta . . an ordlnance velli be passed (1. decreed) In
vvlllCh . .], mys = tules tehd; .. tulee
tekemn . . \vlll (In, . . Is golng to do,
. . IS to dO; tule kumppanikseni be my
rompanlon! be my partner! Join me [In..] !
tule meille come up to our (1. my) place
(I. house), come home \vith me, vrt. tuli
katsomaan; tule< ppathan vain, koetappas ~
Just come herc! come on, tr you dare!
tuletko illalla (tnne) are you comlng (1.
do you mean to come) this evening? (ke
hottaen) wlll you come thls evening?
no,] tuletko sin (krsimttmsti:) are
you never comlng? [Weil,] are you com
lng or not? tuletko tina tinnt are you
golng there? do you mean to be there?
tule tnne come (over) here; tuli aamu
the mornlng rme (1. appeared), the day
tuli ilta
the nlght
closed In; taliko kirje [aikanaan] pottiin
\vas the letter malled [In tlme] ? was the
letter taken tn the post-offlce? tuli mit
tuli come (1. happen) what may, whatever
comes (I. happens), whatever may come
(I. may happen); tulin vain tanoakttni (1.
sanomaan), ttt . . I called merely to say
that ..; Jonkin [Jonkun] tuliti (pitisi)
. . should, . . ought to [huom. ttn ti tuliti
ihmetytt kttn lt ought not to surprlse


anybody ] ; tuli" syksy ja . . the Tall came on

and . .; tulkoon kuka tahansa \vhoever (it
Is that) comes, vvhoever may come, I don't
Care WhO ComeS; tulkoon valkeus, ja val
keus tuli (raam.) let tliere be light, and
there xvas llght: - ajatelleekti jotakin
happen (l. come) to thlnk or (1. think
that . .) [huom. kuinka (\. mitta) talit
teltoitta ajatelleekti (mys:) What made
you thlnk of that? what put that (idea,
etc.) Into your head? what suggested that
to you?], vrt. tulla mieleen; Jonkin
alaisekti become subject to, (keskustelun)
come under, come up for, become a sub
ject (I. a toplc) of [dlscusslon] ; Jolle
kulle avukti come to a p.'s asslstance,
(kiiruhtaa) hasten to a p.'s rescue, ny to
a p.'s succor [huom. tule avukseni come
and help me, (hiukkasen) glve me a lirt
(, will you, please), lend me a hand], vrt.
auttaa; ~ ennen kuin . . precede, come
before, (saapua) arrive berore [huom. Aon
tuli tinnt ennen kuin toitet (mys:) he got
there before the others]; ~ entiselleen
be restored (to Its former condition), be
come as it was (1. lt used to be), (tervey
teen nhden) be(come) restored to health.
regaln one's health, recover completely
(from one's lllness); ttillt, eeiin
come forth, come out, (astua) step forth
(1. forward), come forvvard. (nkislle)
appear, makc onc's appearance, put In an
appearancc, prcsent o.s., show up, turn up,
show (ltself), (oikeusjutusta:) be called,
(puheesta, kysymyksest y.m.:)be brought
up, be taken up for dlscusslon, come up,
be mentloned [huom. tulthan ttiin tielt
come out! come out from (under) there!
come on out (of there)! juttu tultt ttillt
ketkiviikkona the case wlll come up (Tor
trial) Wednesday, the case is on the docket
(1. Is llsted) ror Wednesday; juttu tulee
ttillt uudelleen the case Is to come up
agaln (1. Is to be retrled)]; tttttkti
jollekulle (\. jollekin) become an obstacle
to, get In the way Of; ~ hakemaan ks.
tulla noutamaan; heihokti get (1. grow)
weak, vrt. heiket; Aineen get into (a)
persplratlon, become (1. get) sweaty, vrt.
seur. ; hiki: minun tuli hiki I became (1.
I got) sweaty, I began to persplre (1. to
sweat); hulluksi (mys:) become insane, (Jkpv.) go crazy, vrt. tulla mielenvikaan; ~ Auma/aan, hutikkaan, ~ juovuksiin ks. humaltua, pihty; huomaa
maan become aware of, find out, come to
reallze, cnme to know, vrt. huomata;
huomatuksi (havaituksi) be noliced, be
(kuuluisaksi) become wellknown, become promlnont (1. notable);
hyvilleen, hyvitit mielin be(come)
dellghted [\vlth (1. at). Jostakin], bc(come)
pleased [wlth], Tall into a happy mood
[huom. hn tulet varmaan hyvilleen huullessaan . . he will surely be pleased when
he hears ( glad to hear) . .] ; Jonkun
hyvksi be for a p.'s good (I. benefit)
'huom. kenenk hyvksi tm keryt tultt
for whose benerit is thls rnllectlon going
to be taken? who is golng to get the
money from these contrlbutions? ; se tulee
hnen hyvkseen (esim. kerys) it will be
Tor hls benefit, (esim. Jokin tlller) it is
to be credlted to tilrn, he Is to get credlt
for that]; ~ hmilleen ks. joutua; ~ Jol
lekulle hpeksi: te tuli heilit hpeksi
(koitui) It brought shame upon them;
htn come to rescue, vrt. joutua;
ikv: minun tuli ikv tinua I became
lonesome Tor you, I longed to see you

r huom. pojan tuli ikv kaupunkiin the boy juttuun (l. juttuihin) jonkun kanssa get
became (1. grew) lonesome for the city, along (1. get on) (well) with a p.; ~ jl
the boy began to long- for (1. to long to leen nuoreksi (mys:) renew ones youth.
get to) the city] ; ~ Johonkin ikn reach be rejuvenated; jrkiins (Jrkiintya)
(1. arrive at) the age of . . , come to be . . come to one's wits (again), listen to rea
years of age, become . . [huom. kun tulen son, become reasonable (again), mys =
siihen ikn when I get old, \vhen I palata (jrkiins) ; katsomaan come and
reach that age; tultuaan kahdenkymmenen See [huom. tule(han) katsomaan (mys:)
(vuoden) ikn after reachlng the age or (come and) look here! just look! (pistytwenty, after becomlng twenty] ; ilmi dyhn Joskus) come and see us (me),
(jkpv.) look me (us) up! drop in (some
become (1. be) knovvn, be brought to
tiine)]; kauhuihinsa be(come) frightlight, come to llght, be revealed, be disened (1. terriried) [by, jostakin], get a
covercd, be detected, be disclosed, be laid
horror [or], be appalled [at. Jostakin], be
bare, come out, leak out, turn out [huom.
kun totuus tuli ilmi (mys:) when the shocked [at], vrt. kauhistua; ~ jonkin
kautta come (1. pass) through . . , (my
truth leaked out]; ~ iloiseksi be glad (1.
ten) come by (way oD; ~ kipeksi ks.
dellghted) [to hcar (1. when he lieard),
kuullessaan], vrt. tulla hyvillccn; ~ istu
tulla sairaaksi; ~ Johonkin kokemukseen:
maan come to (1. come and) slt down
olen tullut siihen kokemukseen, ett . .
[huom. tule istumaan come (here) and sit I have round out by experlence that . . ,
down!] ; ~ jano: minun tuli jano 1 got (1. I
I have come to reallze that ... I have
became) thlrsty, (Jkpv.) I got dry: ~ jo
experlenced that ..; kokoon come tohonkin (sislle) come (1. get) Into [the gether. gather, assemble; jonkun korviin
room, huoneeseen], (saapua) get to [Eng
reach (1. come to) a p.'s ears [huom. jos
land, Englantiin], reach, arrive In [the
se tulisi hnen korviinsa (myS:) if he
town, kaupunkiin], go to, (esim. Johto
hears or it, ir he should hear or it] ;
ptkseen) come to [a concluslon, etc],
kotiin come (1. arrive) home [huom.
(tulokseen y.m.) arrive at [a result, etc],
tulla kotiin myhn iltaisin (mys:) Stay
(tahriintua) be (1. become 1. get) sollcd out tili late at night(s), (alvvays) be out
wlth, dirty o.s. wlth, be (1. become 1. get)
late; heti kun tulen kotiin (psen) as soon
smeared with, (esim. vereen) be (1. be
as I get home] ; ~ kuhmuille, ~ kuhmuihin
come I. get) stalned with [blood, etc], become (1. get 1. be) battered up, (Iho,
(esim. homeeseen, musteeseen, plyyn, sa
Iskuista) be(come) covered with welts,
veen y.m.) become (1. get) [mo(u)ldy,
(esim. hyttysenpuremista) be(come) swolinky, dusty, clayey, etc], (peitty) be (1.
lcn [Wlth mosqulto-bltes] ; ~ kummiinsa
become 1. get) covered with, get (1. be)
be(come) surprised (1. astonlshed), be
black [white, etc] with, (saada vaatteil
(-come) rilled with wonder (1. with asleen y.m.) get on O.S. [huom. tulla johon
tonishment), be struck with amazcment,
kin johtoptkseen (l. tulokseen) (mys:)
vrt. kummastua; ~ kuuluviin come wtthin
reach a concluslon, conclude; tulla lumeen
earshot (1. within hearlng), (kuv.) make
(mys:) get snow-covered; tulla rapaan
ltseir heard, vrt. pst (kuuluville) ;
get soiled (ali over), be begrimed with
~ kylm get cold, get chilly [huom. alkaa
mud, become dirty; tulla ruosteeseen
tulla kylm (mys:) It is getting cold (1.
(mys.) get rusted, (ruostua) rust; hnen
chilly); minun tuli kylm I became cold,
nuttunsa tuli tervaan (mys:) he got tar
I got cold, I got chilly, (rupesi palelta
onhlscoat]: ~ johonkuhun (esim. itiins)
maan) f began to freeze] ; kysymykseen
take after [one's mother, etc.]; ~ jollakin be thought of, be taken into conslderation.
(esim. laivalla. Junalla) come by [boat,
(virkapaikkoja tytettess) have a chance.
train, etc], (esim. polkupyrll) come on
(Jkpv.) have a Show [huom. sellainen ei
[a bicycle, etc], (esim. krryill) cornein
tule kysymykseenkn such is (entircly)
[a carriage, etc], (saapua) arrive by (1.
out or the question, such is not to be
on 1. In) [huom. minulla ei ole mill ~
thought of, (hylkvn vastauksena) I
I have no \vay to come, (varoja y.m.)
cannot even thlnk or it, (mahdotonta) imI have not the necessary means] ; jossa
poSSlble!]; ~ kysytyksi: tuliko sinulta Cl.
kin (esim. postissa) come by [mall, etc],
smun) kysytyksi flid you happen to ask *
come In . . [huom. minulle tuli kirje pos
(muistitko) did you remcmber to ask?
tissa (tav.) I got a letter by mall; tmn
rtiuom. ei tullut minulta <\. minun) kysy
aamun postissa tuli tieto . .-sta (tav.) this
tyksi (mys:) I neglected (I. I omltted 1.
morning's mall (1. post) brought us news
I ralled 1. I rorgot) toask. I neglected (1. I
(1. Information) or ..]; jostakin come
overlooked) asking] ; ~ kytntn come
from, (laiva) hail rrom, (Johtua) arise
into use, become a practlee, become curfrom (1. out of), spring- (1. proceed) rrom,
rent (1. customary 1. fashionable), come
(Jostakin syyst) be caused by, be due to,
Into rashlnn, come into vogue, vrt. pst
be OWlng to [huom. min sanon, mist se
(kytntn); ~ lapseksi jlleen (vanhuut
tulee (Johtuu) ril teli you the reason
taan) grow (1. become) chlldish [huom.
(why), I'll teli you what causes lt (1. why
hn on tullut lapseksi jlleen he Is in (1.
It is that way); mist se tulee, ett ..
he has come to) his second childhoort (1.
(johtuu) \vhy (1. how) is it that . .? what
hls dotage) ] ; ~ lisksi, lis be added
is the reason that ..? what is lt due to
[to, Johonkin], supervene [huom. ja sitten
that . .? how does lt happen that . .?
tulee viel rahti(mahsu) lisksi and then
mist se tulee, ett sin .. (mys:) what
there are the frelght charges (besides 1. In
makes VOII . .? se tulee siit, ett hn . .
additlon 1. to be added to lt); jlkeenpin
(johtuu) lt (1. that) Is because he . . , It tuli useita lis afterward several more
comes from hls . .-ing . .; irto tulee, ett were added to the origlnal lot,later we re. . (Johtuu) hence (1. thus) it Is that . . , ceived several more: tmn lisksi tulee se
that is (the reason) why . . . rrom seikka, ett . . to uits1 must (l. has to) be
that (1. thls) lt follows that . .] ; ~ julki added the fact that . . . add to this the
become publlc, become known, (paljas
fact that . . , besides (they won't last
tua) be disclosed, be divulged; ~ (hyvin)
long, ne eivt kest kauan), furthermore



. .]; loukatuksi ks. loukkaantua; Jon

kun luodut) come (up) to one, \valk up
to one, (lhesty) approach a p.; lhelle
(Jotakuta) come (l.go) near . . , (lhesty)
approach, (jotakin) come close to [huom.
l tule lhelle don't come near! kecp on:
keep your distance ! ] ; ~ lhemmksi come
nearer, vrt. siirty; ~ lmmin: tuli lm
min (Ilma) lt vvarmed up, the vveathcr
grew warm [huom. minun tuli lmmin I
grew (1. 1 became) \varm (1. hot) ] ; lvitse
come through, pass (through), (pst)
get through, (pudota) Tall through;
maahan (tunkeutua, esim. vihollinen) invade the country; ~ merkitsemn (jou
tua, esim. sana) come to slgnlfy [huom.
se ei tule merkitsemn suuria that \von't
be or any gfeat consequence, that \vlll be
or no great signiricancc] ; jonkun mie
leen enter one's mind, occur to one, come
to one('S mind) [huom. (oli mieleeni, ett
. . lt came to my mind (1. it occurred to
me 1. lt struck me 1. the Idea suggested
itself to me) that . . , I seemed to remember (hearlng 1. to have heard) that ..;
samassa tuli mieleeni jotakin Just then a
thought struck me, Just then .1 happened
to thlnk or somethlng; sellaista ei voisi
tulla mieleenikn (mys:) I should never
even dream of such a thlng], vrt. tulla
ajatelleeksi; mielenvikaan, ~ mielipuo
leksi become Insane, become mentally unbalanced (1. deranged), vrt. tulla hulluksi;
mukaan come (1. go) along [\vith], be
taken along (with the rest). go wlth,
come too, accompany [a p.], follow. Join
the party [huom. tuleeko hn mukaan is
he to go along (1. with US)? tule mukaan
come along (\vlth us), come with me.
come VVlth US: tuletko (sin) mukaan uill
you go (along) wlth us? are you comlng
(along)? wlll you Join us? etk sin uoi
~ mukaan cannot you come along (1. with
us 1. too)? saanko ~ mukaan (mys:) m ay
I be one or the (1. or your) party? may I
Join you? se tuli mukaan (Jokin esine)
lt came too, that came along vvith the rest.
It was taken (1. brought) along] ; ~ muo
tiin become fashlonable (1. the fashion),
coroe Into fashion; ~ myh get late
[huom. alkaa ~ myh (mys:) lt is pet
ting late] ; nahoistaan (kUV.) ShOW OS.
(for what one Is), show one*s true seir,
Show one'S hand; naurunalaiseksi ks.
joutua; noutamaan come for, come after,
call for, come to get; ~ nkyviin, ~ nki
slle come In slght, come Into vlew, be
come vlslble, (mer.) heave In slght, (nk
alasta y.m.:) break (1. burst) Into [a p.'s]
vlew (1. slght), (ilmet) manirest (1. show)
Itself, reveal its presence, present itself,
show, (Ilmesty) appear, peep (out)
[huom. tulia jlleen nkyviin (mys:) reappear; jos hn tulee nkyviini if I get
(1. catch) slght or hlm, If he ever comes
where I can get my eyes on hlm] ;
nlk: minun tulee nlk I am growlng
hungry, (esim. ennenkun pstn perille)
1*11 get hungry: odottamatta come
unexpected(ly), come unsuspected [huom.
se tuli hovin odottamatta lt found me
[us] (quite) unprepared] ; ~ ohitse pass
by, get past [esim. heti kun olette tulleet
kirkon ohitse as soon as you wll! have
passed (by) the Church, as soon as you
get (1. have got) past the Church] ; ~ ole
maan.- folen [tulemme] olemaan I [we]
shall be, I am [we are] golng to be, vrt.
tulee olemaan; ~ omilleen come out even,


nelther Iose nor galn any thlng; Jonkun

osaksi (\. osalle) rall to a p.'s lot, be given
(1. be granted) to a p., be bestowed upon
a p., be allottcd to a p. [huom. .. tulee
tmn vuoden osalle .. \\ 1 1 1 be (1. will constltute) this year's share; kuinka paljon tulee
kunkin osalle bow much comes (1. 1'alls)
to each (or them, etc.)? how much does
(1. will) each or them (or us, etc.) get as
hls Share? kunkin osalle tulee 10 dollaria
each one wlll get 10 dollars (as hls share).
lt wlll amount to a sum of 10 dollar
each: mik hnen osakseen tulee what wlll
be his rate (1. hls lot)?]; ~ pahalle mie
lelle (\. pahoille mielin) jostakin (pahas
tua) take . . amlss, Teel bad (1. sorry)
about, (loukkaantua) Tcel orrended about,
be orrended by (1. at), take orrense at;
~ perille reach (1. arrlve at) one"s [its]
destlnatlon [huom. fcirjfe ei ole tullut pe
rille (mys:) the letter has miscarrled] ;
~ perss comed.go l.walk) behlnd, (Jon
kin matkan pss) come at a distance,
(myhemmin) come later, (seurata) rollow.
succeed, (viipy) lag behlnd [huom. min
tulen perss vhn myhemmin VU be
\vith you (1. I'll Join you) a llttle later;
toinen juna tulee perss (on tulossa)
there is another traln arter this] ; ~ pi
me: tulee pime, alkaa * pime lt Is gettlng dark, it is beglnnlng to get dark
Thuom. fali pime (mys:) darkness set
In]; [Joen;kadun] poikki (mys:) cross
[the rlver; the Street]; ~ poisajetuksi
(huoneesta) be ordered (1. drlven) out or
the room; poisviedyksi be removed, be
taken away; Jonkun puheille come to
call on a p., call (up)on a p.; ~ puhe jos
takin: kun tulee puhe jostakin when a
subject Is brought up, when a questlon
arlses abOUt . . [huom. nest puheen
tultua he havlng been mentloned m our
conversatlon, havlng mentloned (1. spoken
oD hlm], vrt. seur.; puheeksi be
brought up Tor dlscusslon (1. up In the
conversatlon), be mentloned (1. be brought
up) durlng (1. In the course .of) the con
versatlon, be mentloned, be brought up,
be made the subject or conversatlon,
come up (In the conversatlon) [huom.
sen puheeksi tultua talklng or that, SpeakIng or that, lt havlng been mentloned in
our conversatlon, havlng mentloned (1.
havlng spoken or) It, It havlng come up in
our taik (1. our conversatlon)], vrt. edell.;
~ pihdyksiin, ~ pihins ks. pihty;
pistikkaa alas Tall down headlong,
come tumbllng down head rirst; ~
pivnvaloon ks. tulla ilmi & pst (pi
vnvaloon); ~ Jollekin plle (tuulelle)
get Into a . . mood (1. humor), get into a
mood or, he in the mind ror [huom. tulla
pahalle plle (mys:) get cross, be put
out; kun hn tulee sille plle (myS:)
when the whlm (1. the rancy) takes bim,
\vhen the mood strlkes hlm, when he gets
the Spell] ; ~ raivoihinsa ks. raivostua; ~
ratkaistuksi be solved, (sovitteluilla y.m.)
bc(come) settled; ruvelle ks. ruvettua;
saamaan come to get [huom. hn tulee
saamaan odottaa he \vill have to Walt;
kuhaan el tule saamaan tilaisuutta sanoa . .
nobody wlll get (1. shall have) a chance to
say . . , It shall not be sald ... I don't
\vant any one to be able to say . .; poika
tulee saamaan isns nimen the boy is to
be named (1. be called) arter bis rather] ;
~ sairaaksi get (1. be taken 1. fall) slck,
fali (1. be taken) m, become slck, slcken



[Wlth, jostakin] ; sanoneeksi happen

to say, let Tall I huorti. tulin sanoneeksi
sopimattoman sanan (mys:) an improper
Word escaped me; olen pahoillani, ett tu
lin sen sanoneeksi (tav.) i am sorry that I
ever sald that] ; ~ jonkun seuraan: hn
haluaa ~ meidn seuraamme he wants to
Join us (1. our company), he wants to
come (1. to go) with us; ~ Jonkun silaan
(astua) take a p.'s place, supercede a p.;
~ Jonkun silmin eteen: l koskaan en
tule silmini eteen never show your face
here agaln, never let me see (1. let me set
eyes on) you agaln; sislle, isn
come In, get In, enter [Into, Jonnekin; at
(1. by 1. through) the door, ovesta], (as
tua), step In; ~ sli jotakuta: minun tulee
hnt sli I plty hlm, I am (1. I reel)
sorry for hlm (1. for the poor rellovv),
I reel plty (1. feel compasslon) for hlm, he
excltes my plty (1. my sympathy), vrt.
kyd (sliksi), sli; ~ snnksi liecome (established as) a rule; ~ tahto
maan joltakulta jotakin come to ask a p.
for . . [huom. min en tule tahtomaan h
nelt mitn korvausta (futuurlmerkityksess:) I shall not (1. I am not golng to)
ask hlm Tor any compensatlon] ; ta
juunsa kS. palata; ~ takaisin POme back
[to, Johonkin], get back, rcturn [to],
(toistamiseen) come agaln, (kymn) call
agaln [huom. tulen pian takaisin (mys:)
I shall soon be back ; hn ei koskaan tullut
takaisin (mys:) he was never heard of
(1. never seen) agraln (1. any more); hn
meni, eik koskaan tullut takaisin (mys; )
he left us never to return (agaln)], vrt.
palata; tapaamaan (jotakuta) come to
meet, (jonkun luo) call upon [huom. fulemme siis tapaamaan kello 6 \ve aro, then,
to meet (1. \ve wlll, then, meet) at 6
o'clock; then lt's settled that we are to
meet at 6 o'clock]; ~ Jollekulle [hyvn]
tarpeeseen be [greatly] needed by, (olla
tervetullut) be [very] vvelcome to a p.,
come [very] handy to a p. [huom. se tulee
hnelle hyvn tarpeeseen (tav.) he needs
(1. he has needed) lt greatly (1. very
hadly)]; ~ tavaksi become (I. grow Into
1. get to be) a hablt, (kytntn) become
a practlce (l. a prevalent custom), become
current (1. customary 1. fashionable).
come Into fashlon, (Jollekulle) grow habttual wlth a p. [huom. hnelle on tullut
tavaksi pistyty siell ohikulkiessaan lt
has become a hablt or hls (1. has become
hls hablt) to drop In there while passlng
by, lt has become habltual with hlm (1.
become hls custom) to drop In]; ~ tehneeksi jotakin happen to do, chance to do
[esim. en tullut kysyneeksi I dld not hap
pen to ask] ; ~ tekemisiin jonkun kanssa
ks. joutua; ~ terveeksi get well, be restored to health, be(come) cured, recover
(one's health),
(Jkpv.) plck up;
[paljon] terveemmksi get [much] better, lmprove [greatly]; ~ tiedoksi be
come (1. get to be 1. come to be)
(generally 1. publlcly) known rhuom. tulla
yleisesti tiedoksi (mys:) become common
(1. publlc) property] ; ~ jonkun tietoon
become (1. be made) known to a p., come
to (1. under) a p.'s notlce [huom. tietoon
on tullut, ett.. lt has been learned that..;
mikli (minun) tietooni on tullut from
what has reached me (1. my ears), from
what I have learned (1. have heard 1. have
found out)]; ~ tietyksi (tunnetuksi) be
come kno\vn. rome out. get out. be publisbed abroad, be noised around [huom.


se tulee pian tietyksi that wlll soon be

known, the knowledge or lt will soon
spread] ; - tietmn come (1. get) to
know [about. Jostakin], arrlve at a knowledge or, mys = saada tiet, ks. saada;
toimeen get along, (manage to) get on,
do (well enough), (ansaita toimeentulon
sa) get (1. make 1. earn) one's llving, gain
nne^s llvelihood, make (1. flght) one's ay
(In the World), vrt. saada (toimeentulon
sa) [huom. tulla hyvin toimeen be doing
well, be gettlng on wcll, be comronable.
have a comrortable llving, be in easy circumstances, have a liberal competence,
vrt. tulla juttuun; tulla omillaan toimeen
depend on o.s., depend on one's own resources, stand on one's own reet; tulla
omin neuvoin toimeen (oman onnensa no
jassa) shirt for o.s., get along on one-s
OWn resources; tulla toimeen ilman jotakin
(manage to) do without, get along without] : toiselle mielelle come to have
dirrerent (1. other) ldeas [concerntng],
come to think dirferently [about (1. concernlng), Johonkin nhden], change one's
mlnd [huom. hn tulee toiselle mielelle
(mys:) he will be or a dirrerent mlnd,
he will think dirferently] ; ~ toisen nki
seksi change In looks (1. in appearance),
become changed in appearance, be changed,
vrt. muuttua; ~ tomuksi turn to dlist;
toteutetuksi be carrled out, be reallzed,
materialize; tulvilleen be (1. become)
fllled (1. crowded) [wlth people, vke];
~ tulvimalla come pouring (1. streamtng)
[into, Johonkin], pour [huom. kansaa tuli
tulvimalla kaupunkiin (mys:) there was a
rush or people (ln)to the city] ; - tunnot
tomaksi ks. menn; tuntemaan (juku)
make [a p.'s] acqualntance, get (1. come
1. learn) to know, become (1. get) acqualnted with, (vain asioista:) become ramillar wlth, learn, (ksittmn) realize.
conceive, (kokemaan) e.xperience, rind out
[huom. tulet sen aikaa voittaen tuntemaan
you wlll rind lt out (I. you wlll come to
know lt) in (the course or) tlme, you wUJ
experlence lt some tlme] ; ~ tuntoihinsa
come to one's senses, recover (1. regatn)
consciousness, come to (o.s.); ~ tyydyte
tyksi be(come) satisried, grow satisried,
be(come) contented, (esim. uteliaisuus)
be(come) gratiried, (esim. nlk) be(come)
appeased, (himo y. m.) be(come) satlated, (saada kyllkseen) get enough;
tyteen get rull, be fllled [huom. ihmisi
tuli sali tyteen (mys:) the hali was
crowded with people] ; tytetyksi be
ruirilled, be accompllshed, be reallzed, (to
teutua) come true, prove true; tytntnpannukst be put Into erfect, be carrled
into exccution (1. into errect), be carrled
out, take (practlcal) shape; ~ ummelte
be(come) constipated; uni: minun tuli
uni I became (1. grew I. got) Sleepy (1.
drowsy); ~ uudestaan valituksi be relected; Jotakuta vastaan come to
meet a p. [at the depot, asemalle], meet,
(Jotakuta kohden) come toward a p.;
~ vastakkain meet (each other), (esim.
taistelukentll) encounter (each other),
come raco to face (wlth each other),
mys " trmt yhteen, ks. trmt;
vieraaksi [ (useammasta:) vieraiksi] joilehulle, ~ vieraisille jonkun luo pay a Vislt
to a p., pay a p. a vislt, (make a) call
upon a p., come to Vislt a p.; ~ voimak
kaammaksi ks. voimistua; ~ vliin come
between, injervene, Inferfere [huom. o-



Uin tulleiden esteiden vuoksi on accoullt

of lntervenlng (l.of unroreseen) obstacles] ;
~ vsyksiin become (1. grovv 1. get) tlred
(1. vveary), vrt. vsy; ~ yleiseksi become
populin-, (tavaksi) come into general (1.
common) use, become a general (1. a com
mon) practlce, (vakiintua) become cstablished, become prevalent, galn (1. flnd)
unlversal favor wlth; ~ yli(tse) get (1.
come) over (1. across), (esim. Joen) cross
[a rlver] ; tullee olemaan Is (very) llkely
to be, vvlll most probably be; tullen ja
mennen = mennen tullen, ks. menn; tul
lessaan \ tullessa ni, -si Jne.] uln-ll be [I,
you, etc] came, wbile he [I, you, etc]
was comlng (1. vvas on the road 1. was on
the vvay), (mukanaan) wlth htm [me, you,
etc], wlth lt, along [huom. hnen sisn
tullessaan uh. -n (1. as) he entered, at (l.
Upon) hlS entrance; hn toi .. tullessaan
he brougbt . . vvlth him, he brought (1. he
had) . . uitti hlm when he came; laiva
toi tullessaan . . the Shlp brought (along 1.
over 1. In) ... the shlp had on board . . ,
there vvas . . on board (the shlp), (vain
lastista puhuen:) part of the cargo carrled
by the vessel was (1. consisted of) . .;
kotiin tullessani liilt (I vvas) comlng
home, whlle on the (1. on my) way home,
when I got (1. I arrlved) home, at my arrlval (home) ; tao kirja tullessasi brlng the
book along (l.wlth you) (vvben you come),
brlng the book when you come] ; tullut
kS. haku S.; tultuaan tultuani, -sl Jne.]
upon hls [my, your, etc] comlng (1. arrival), upon havlng reached . . [he, I, you,
etc], after he [1, you, etc] had come (l.
had got 1. had reached 1. had arrlved)
junan tultua
as soon as the traln had arrlved, upon
the arrlval of the traln] ; ajan tullen vvhen
the tlme comes [has come], at the proper
(1. rlght) tlme; ei hnest tule hullua vii
saammaksi one [1] cannot make him out,
he Is a puzzle to me, he puzzles me,
I cannot fathom hlm; eihn sinusta vain
tule pappia you aiv not golng to be a mlnlster, are you? ei siit tule mitn (val
mista) lt won't come to anything, nothing
wlll come of it, (on rauennut) lt won't
come off, lt has tallen througli, (et se ky
pins) lt won't vvork, It (1. that) vvoiVt
do; hnelle tuli suuri tappio tie suiTered a
great loss, he lost a great deal; hnest
tuli [tulisi] kelpo sotilas he made [vvould
make 1. would become] a good soldier;
hnest tuli kirjailija he became an author;
hnest voi viel ~ rehellinen mies he
may turn out (to be) an honest rello\v
yet, he may stlll become au honest rellow;
hn odotti mit tulisi tapahtumaan he
vvalted to see \vhat \vould happen (I. vvhat
was to come); hn on tullut he has (1. he
Is) come, he Is here, (saapunut) he has
arrlved; hn tulee heti he vvill bc here (1.
be in) dlrectly (1. presently 1. right a\vay
1. In a fevv mlnutes); hn tulee sinne
mys he vvill be there tuo, he is golng
(there) too; hn tuli junaan A:ssa he got
on at A he boarded the traln at A.; hn
tuli laivaan he came ahoani; johonkin tu
lee hometta [ruostetta y.m.J something
gets mo(u)ldy [rusty, etc], something
will mo(U)ld [rust, etc]; joka ensiksi tu
lee he vvho comes rirst, the rirst-comer;
. . joka tulee sit yrittmn (l. koetta
maan) . . \vhoever shall (1. Is golng to)
attempt it; jd tulematta (sovitulle
paikalle) fall to appear (at the appolnted


Place); kantaja tulee (teatt.) porter enters.enter a porter; kevt on tullut (mys:)
the Sprlng is here; kilpailusta tulee suu
renmoinen lt (1. that) is golng (to turn
OUt) to be a great race; kun pakkanen tu
lee when lt gets cold, vvhen the cold
vveather sets in; kun tulee syksy \vhen Tall
comes (1. sets in), when autumn days.
come; mik hnelle on tullut vvhat has
come (1. has happened) to hlm? (mik
hnt vaivaa) what is the matter with
him? \vhat alls hlm? (riivaa) vvhat possesses hlm? mik hnest on tullut wbat
has he become? vvhat Is he? mik pojasta
tulee (esim. islt kysyttess:) \vliat Is
the boy (golng) to be? mik sinun tuli
uhat (has) happened to you.' (esim. kun
sellaisen tyhmyyden menit tekemn)
vvhat possessed you? (mik sinun on)
uhat 's the matter \vlth you? mik tuli
what happened? vvhat was lt? vvhat was
that? minulle tuli vieraita soine people
came to see me, some friends dropped in,
(sain seuraa) company came; mit hnen
edistymiseens tulee (esim. oppilaan, kou
lussa) as rar as hls work Is concerned, in
regard to hls work; mit minuun tulee as
far as I am concerned, as for me, for my
part; mit siihen tulee as for that, as to
that, in regard to that, as far as that Is
concerned (1. that goes), for that matter;
mit siit tuli what came of lt? hovv
dld lt come out? vvhat was the outcome
(of lt)? how did lt end? mit tst tulee
\vhat Is this (golng) to be? vvhat Is to be
the outcome or thls? what Is to cdme out
or thls? (mihin tm vie) vvhat vvlll thls
lead to? niinpiankuin tuli kylmt ilmat
as soon as the cold vveather came on (1.
set In), as soon as it got cold; niit tulee
kaksi (tulee olemaan) there will be tvvo of
them, there'll be tvvo; nyt se tulee (mys:)
there it IS! nyt tulee kaunis ilma taas novv
the \veather is gettlng fine agaln, no\v it
Is gettlng to be nice vveather agaln; .. on
niinkuin tuleekin (\. tulisikin) . . Is as lt
should (I. It ought to) be; on tullut tieto
news has arrlved (1. has come 1. has
reached here) [of hls comlng, hnen tu
lostaan; that ... ett . .] ; palkinto tulee
(annettavaksi) hnelle the prlze VVlll be
avvarded to hlm, the prlze goes to hlm;
paras on viel tulematta the lirsl Is yet to
come; ie siit tuli (sanoinhan sen) I told
you (it \VOUld be) SO! se siit tuli, kun et
totellut minua that'3 \vliat you got for (1.
vvhat came of your) not obeylng me;
siihen juuri halusin ~ that'3 Just vvhat I
vvanted to come to, (Jkpv.) thafs Just
uliat 1 vvas drivlng at; siit tulee hnelle
ansio he Is to be given credlt for (1. to be
credlted vvlth) that; siit tulee meille apu
that vvlll be a help to us; siit tuli hauska
ilta it turned out to be a pleasant evening;
siit tuli yleinen riemu that caused general
nti M ti, (nauru) ali began to laugh (at
that) ; silloin tuli heille toinen ni kelloon
(Jkpv.) they began to slng another tune
then; sinne on helppo ~ it can bc reached
easily, lt is easy of access; sinne tulee
paljon vke there vvlll be a great many
people there, (Jkpv.) a Iot of people
vvlll go there, (heille) they vvlll have a
large company (Jkpv.: a great crovvd)
there; sinne (nlm. kokoukseen) tuli paljon
vke (mys:) the meetlng vvas vvell at
tended; sinusta ei tule (koskaan) miest'
you vvill never be a man (at ali), there Is
not the making of a man in you, you vvlll



never amount to anything; tm tulee si

nulle thls goes (l. comes) to you, tms is
your share, thls is what you get; yrityk
sest ei tullut mitn the enterprise came
to nothlng (1. to naugbt), the enterprise
rell tbrough (1. railed 1. mlscarried), vrt.
raueta (tyhjiin); yn tullen when the ntght
sets in (1. comes on), when (the) darkness
sets in; l tule minua vaivaamaan don't
come botherlng me (now)!
tullaamaton . . not entered at the customhouse; . . on which duty (1. tariff) has not
(yet) been pald. tullaaminen examlning
at the custom-house Jne., ks. seur. tullata
examine at the custom-house; (et. varas
tossa olevaa tavaraa Ja laivanlasteja) clear
la shlp's cargo], (vied tullattavaksi) declare (. . at the custom-house); (maksaa
tullia) pay (custom-house) duty [on (l.
Tor), Jotakin] ; jokin tullataan . . Is (1. will
be) examlned at the custom-house, (on
tullinalainen) . . is subject (1. liable) to a
duty; onko tavarat tullattu (tarkastettu)
have the goods been examlned? (onko tulli
maksettu) is the duty pald? has the duty
been pald? onko teill jotakin tullattavaa
have you anythlng to declare? tullaus
examlnatlon at the custom-house; clearance; declaratlon; vrt. tullaaminen, tullauttaa declare; have . . examlned (by the
customs offlcers).
tulli customs; (-maksu) duty, customs
duty, impost; tarlfT; (-portti, esim. keski
aikaisen kaupungin) toll-gate, (tulliportilla
peritty maksu) toll; kolme dollaria tullia
a duty of three dollars, three dollars'duty;
maksaa tullia pay duty (1. tarirr) [on (1.
1'or), Jostakin]; skille on korkea there
Is a heavy duty on sllk, silk is subject (1.
liable) to a heavy duty (1. tarirr).
tulli- (yhd.) custom-house [esim. -asema
custom-house statlon (1. post); -kirjuri
custom-house clerk; -leima 1. -merkki cus
tom-house stamp(l.seal)] ; customs [esim.
-piiri customs dlstrict; -tarkastus cus
toms lnspectlon], tarirr [esim. -olot tarirr
condltlons]; revenue [esim. -lippu revenue
rlag (1. enslgn)]. -alus revenue cutter.
-asetus custom-house (1. customs I. tar
irr) regulation; (-laki) tarirr law. -hallitus
(1. v. Yhdysv.) Customs Administration
Board. -huone custom-house. -kamari
1. -konttori customs oirice; custom-house.
-kavallus (case oO derrauding the cus
toms. -kuitti customs recelpt, roceipt
1'or duty pald. -kustannukset customhouse charges; duty. -ksittely 1. -kyt
tely ks. tullaaminen, tullaus. -lainsdnt
tarirr (l. customs) leglslatlon. -laitos cus
toms department; customs servlce. -laiva
revenue cutter. -luettelo declaratlon ror
the custom-house. -maksu duty; (-maksu
luettelossa) rate or (customs) duty; tulli
maksutta . . free from duty, (maksettuna)
. . duty pald. -mies custom-house employee; vrt. tullivirkamies. -mr rate or
(customs) duty.
tullin alainen dutlable, . . subject (1. liable)
to (customs) duty. -hoitaja collector (1.
ruceiver) or (the) customs; (satamakau
pungin) collector or the port. -kaitsija
tullintarkastaja. -kanto 1. -hoito collectlng
of (the) customs (l. dutles). -puolustaja
1. -ystv tarirr advocate. -tarkastaja inspector or customs, custom-house inspector.
tullillnuusklja searcher. -pakkahuone cus
toms vvarehouse, bonded \varehouse. -pal
velija mlnor orricial in the rustoms, cus-

torn-house employee. -peruutus rerunding
or customs dutles; (konkr.) drawback.
-petos Talse declaratlon; mys = tuilikavallus. -politiikka politics concerned wlth
tarirr qucstlons. -portti toll-gate. -puomi
toll-bar. -selvitys clearance. -sopimus
tarirr trealy. -sota reud (1. war) over
tarirr. -snt customs regulation. -taksa
tarirr, Schedule or (customs) dutles.
-toimi (system or) customs; (-laitos)
customs Service.
tulliton rree(l.exempt) rrom (customs) du
ty, duty-rree. tullittomuus ks. tullivapaus.
tulli | tulot custom-house reeeipts, customs
revenue. -vahtimestari mlnor customhouse orricial; custom-house porter. -val
vonta guarding against smuggllng; (Engl.)
preventive Service, -vapaa = tulliton,
-vapaus exemption rrom (customs) duty
(1. dutles). -vene revenue cutter. -verotus
taxatlon In the rorm or customs (l.duties).
-verj toll-gate. -virkamies customhouse (1. revenue) orricer.
tullut come, arrived; laivalla tulleet matkus
tajat passengers arrivlng by (1. on the)
boat, the arrlvals on the boat; vrt. tulla.
tulo (tuleminen) coming; (saapuminen) arrival; (sisn-) entraucc; (alkaminen)
settlng-ln, commencement; (raha-) Income, (et. yleinen) revenue; (voitto) gain,
pront; (Jonnekin tulvaamlnen) lnriow, lnriux, (runsas virtaaminen) arriuence;
(mat.) product; vrt. lumen, sivu y.m.;
tulossa oleva approaching, advanclng.nearing, rorthcoming, (Jostakin uhkaavasta:)
lmminent, lmpendlng [huom. kohta tulossa
oleva . . close (1. near) at hand] ; tulot income, reeeipts, (Jostakin kertyvt) proceeds, returns, (esim. valtion) revenue(s),
(ansiot) earnlngs [huom. tulot ja menot
lncome and expendltures, (kauppak.) re
eeipts and disbursements, deblt(s) and
credit(s); tulot konsertista the proceeds
rrom (1. or) tbe concert; hnell on tuloja
rl. hnen tulonsa ovat) 1,000 dollaria vuo
dessa (mys:) he is making 1,000 dollars
a year; . . josta hnell ei ole mitn tuloja
(mys:) . . rrom \vhlch he has no materia!
gain] ; oria tulossa be coming, (matkalla)
be on the way, be on the road, be on the
march, (lhesty) be drawlng near (1.
nigh), be coming on, be nearlng, be at
hand, be approaching, be advanclng, (kuv..
jostakin uhkaavasta:) be lmminent, be lm
pendlng, (olla tekeill) be going to happen, be brewing [huom. anomuksia on tu
lossa (mys:) appllcations are to be expected, appllcations wlll be at hand; ilta
on tulossa (the) evening is closlng in,
night dra\vs on, night Is beginning to rall,
(piv on kulumassa loppuun) the day begins to Tade, the day is rar spent; jonkin
loppu on tulossa (mys:) . . Is approaching
(1. drawlng near) the end; loppuni on tu
lossa (mys:) my life is (well nigh) ended,
my Iire is dra\ving to a close; meille en
tulossa vieraita company Is (1. vlsitors are)
coming (to see us), \ve are going to have
company, (odotamme) we expect vlsitors
(1. company)]; rahan lnfIow (I. lnflux)
of money; tulvan the coming (l. the
setting-in) or the Winter; veden oli an
karaa (satoi ankarasti) the raln came In
torrents (1. came down In sheets), it was
raining hard (1. heavily), lt was Just pourIng, vrt. veden, -aika tlme ol arrlval;
time or the coming [or]. -arvio estimate
or the income (1. or the revenue); tulo- ja
menoarvio (talous-) budget. -asema (Ju-



nain) station (1. shed) for Incoming trains.

-r-ra Item of Income; (klrjanp.) entry on
the debit side.
tuloinen (yhd.) . . with a . . Income [eslm.
suuri~ . . with a large income; vh~,
niukka~ . . with a small (1. a scanty) In
come]; Vrt. rims. i*-.
tuloisa . . yielding good returns (1. pro
ceeds), lucrative [position, toiml], remu
nerative, profitable.
tulokas newcomer, new arrival; (eslm. tehtaassa) new hand.
tulokaUelmus Inspection (upon assuming a
position 1. upon entering an office).
tulokielllnen . . which brings results, . .
giving results, effectual, effective; (onnistunut) successful, tulokaeton . . with
out result(s). Ineffectual, Ineffective, . . to
no effect, . . to no purpose, . . of no avail;
(turha) futile, vain; fruitless; (epaonntstunut) unsuccessful; olla tulokttton
(myos:) be a failure; vrt. turha. tuloksettomuus lack of result; poor result (s);
Ineffectually, Ineffectiveness; futility;
frultlessness; lack of success; yrityhttn
tulokstttomau* (rnyos:) the failure (1. tile
poor success) of the enterprise, the fruit
less enterprise.
tulo|] lande source of Income, resource; (an
sio-) means of earning a livelihood, [a
p. 's] business, -malja toast of welcome;
aoda lonkan tnlomalja drink 8 toast in
welcome of a p. -merkki signal of ap
proach; Signal Of arrival; antaa tulomerhki
(esim. lalva) signal Its arrival, -mairi
amount (1. sum) of income, amount of
revenue; (kokonals-) total Income.
tulonmerkkl sign of the coming [of]; (ennp) omen [of], tulopuoli (klrjanp.) debit
side [of an account, tillssa], debtor side.
lulos result; (loppu-) outcome. Issue, up
shot; (seuraus) consequence, sequel, (valkutus) effect; (tuotto) return, yield;
(Jostakln yrityksesta y.m.) proceeds;
(voltto) gain; (hedelma, kuv.) fruit:
(mat.) product, answer; tulok.,,!!> without
result, to no purpose, to no effect, of no
avail, (turhaan) fruitlessly. In vain; antaa
hyv ~ bring good results, yield a good
return, (sato, myos:) return (1. bring
In) a gooil yield; onkin (taottama) ~
the result brought about by, the result of;
ketkuttelun tulokf*na ofi, ,;.',, .. the re
sult (I. the outcome) of the discussion
was that . . , the discussion resulted In . .;
mikhn tafia on tulokitna I wonder what
will he the result of this (1. what this will
result In 1. what all this will come to 1.
where this will end 1. what will be the end
of all this)? fiit ei lt mitn tulo*ta
It will bring (about) no result(s), It will
result In nothing, nothing will come of It;
vaalin tulokset returns of the election,
election returns; vrt. seurau.
tulosl kirja book of answers, answer book.
-tau i u table of answers; vrt. edell.
tulovero Income tax.
tulpaani (kasv.) tulip.
tulpata plug (up), stop (up); bung (up)
ia barrel, tynnyrl]; (korkata) cork (up).
tulppa plug; stopper; (tynnyrin) bung;
(korkki) cork.
tulta suitsuava 1. -luitseva . . spitting forth


rush, Influx, run. Inflow; (tungos) con

course; (runsaus) abundance [of] ; fu/ca
nean In streams, In torrents, vrt. vuotaa;
tuluillaan (1. tult'an vallasta) oltvat **adat
the flooded (1. the Innndated) tracts; htrjauiten ~ torrent of abuse (1. of Invec
tives); hmi*~, ihmitten ~ flood of hu
manity, crowd (1. rush 1. concourse 1.
afflux) of people; kirjotutttn - abun
dance (1. flood 1. flow) of writing (1. of ar
ticles) ; of/a fa/van vallatsa be flooded, be
Inundated [huom. petto on tu/van vallassa
(myos:) the river (the lake, etc.) has
overflowed the Oeld] ; olla tulvillaan (eslm.
Jokl) be flowing over, be flooding, be at
its flood, (parrastasalla) be brimful; <>t,,jum ~ flow (1. run 1. rush) of custom
ers; uutisasuhhaidtn ~ Influx (1. flocking
in) of settlers; vrt. kyynel , sana y.m.
tulvahiekka alluvial sand, tulvahtaa flow,
overflow; vrt. tulvia. tulvallla ks. tulvia.
tulvainen flooding, overflowing, tulvanaika flood time, flood season, time (1.
season) of floods (1. of high water), tulvaniltty bottom(-Iand). tulvaiavi alluvial
clay, tulvata ks. tulvia. tulvavetl flood,
overflowdng water); ptlto on taluavtdtn
callana the field Is flooded (1. Is Inun
dated 1. Is overflowed).
tuivehtia be streaming, be flowing; (aaltollla) be surging, surge; vrt. seur.
tulla (esim. Jokl) overflow, be overflow
ing, now over, rise and overflow Its
banks; (vlrrata) stream; (vala) flow;
(Juosta) run; (Johonkln, kuv.) pour [in
to], come pouring [Into], (syksy) rush
[Into], (tungeksia) throng [Into the hall,
Sallln] ; ~ maahan (kUV.) pour Into the
country, flood the country; ~ yll(tmt)
flow (1. run) over, overflow, brim over;
Ihmitia tulvi (alo*) kirkotta people came
pouring out Of Church; viim* kevn oki
tatol tova/futa enemman last spring the
river ran higher than usual; vahea taloii
people come pouring (1. streaming) [Into
the city, kaupunklln; to see the exhibition,
katsomaan nyttely], people pour fl.
swarm) [Into], people come [Into . .] In
crowds, tulviminen overflowing Jne., ks.
turna (solu-) nucleus [of a cell].
tu m ma dark [color, vari; complexion, kasvojen vari]; darkish, dusky [hue, Iho].
swarthy; var (voimakas) deep color.
tumma- (yhd.) dark-, . . with dark . .
[eslm. -tilm&intn dark-eyed . . with dark
eyes; -tuhhaintn dark-haired, . . with dark
tummahko, tummahtava dusky, darkish.
tummaihoinen dark-complexioned, dark, . .
of a dusky hue, dusky, swarthy.
tu m man- (yhd.) dark, deep [eslm. -horma,,
dark (1. deep) gray; -' dark (I.
deep) blue], -punainen dark (I. deep)
red; wine-colored, claret, -ruikea dark
brown; (kellertilvan) tawny, -varinen . .
of a dark color, dark-colored.
tumma!! pinlainen ks. tummaihoinen. -verikko dark-complexioned person, -verinen

tummennus darkening, tummentaa darken,

make dark(er). tummentua, tummeta
darken, become (1. grow) dark(er).
tummuui darkness, duskiness, swarthlness;
hnen ihonta (myos:) his dark (1.
tulukiet tinder-box.
swarthy) complexion, his dusky hue; wo
tulva flood, Inundation; overflow, (suurl) rin ~ the deepness of the color, the deep
deluge, (kllvas) torrent; (joessa, yht'kkl- color.
nen) freshet; (kuv., myos:) flow(lng); tumppu mitten.



tundra (maant.) tundra.

tungeksia be crowdlng [the streets, ka
duilla], crowd, be thronglng, tbrong; vrt.
seur. tungeskella, tungetella 1. edell.;
S. (pakkautua, kuv.) lntrude, force o.s.
[to], obtrude o.s. [upon], (ahdistella) be
importunate, be troublesome; (olla ujos
telematon) be lntruslve, be obtrusive, be
rorvvard, be impertinent; tungetella jonkun
teuraan (try to) intrude (1. force o.s.)
upon, force (1. obtrude) one's company
(up)on; tungetella jonkun tuottoon (atternpt to) force o.s. Into a p.'s favor, try
to lnslnuate o.s. Into a p.'s favor, try to
lngratlate o.s. vvlth a p. tungetteleminen


trench) upon the domaln or the school;

lpi, ~ lvitse penetrate, break through,
(esim. vkijoukon), rorce (1. push 1. thrust
1. elbovv) o.s. (1. one'3 way) through, (ah
taasta palkasta) squeee (o.s.) through,
(lvist) plerce, (nestemisist aineista,
ilmasta, valosta y.m.:) permeate, (neste
misist aineista ja kuv.) pervade [huom.
tunkeutua vkijoukon lpi (mys:) edge
(1. thread 1. pick) one's way (along)
through a crovvd]; tolatta rorce themselves (1. make thelr way) through the
pass, penetrate the pass; syvlle enter
deep, make Its [thelr] way rar (I. deep)
into: toisen maalle Cl. alueelle) Intrude
(1. trespass) upon another's domaln, en
croach (l.trespass) upon another's proper-

tungetteleva(inen) importunate, trouble

some; intruslve, obtrusive; Impertinent ty; sankkoja savupilvi tunkeutui (ulos)
[questlon, kysymys]; (ujostelematon) ror- ikkunasta heavy clouds or smoke forced
ward. tungettelevaiauu* importunlty, ln- thelr way out (1. poured out) or the vvlntruslveness, Intruslon, obtruslveness; im- dOW; valo tunkeutui oven raosta the lighl
pertinence; forvvardness. tungettelevasti penetrated (1. tound Its way) through a
Importunately; lntruslvely, obtruslvely; chlnk In the door, (huoneeseen y.m.) the
lmpertlnently; In a forward manner, tun
llght entered [the room, etc] through a
gettelija lntruder; Importunate (1. lntru
Chlnk In the dOOr; vihollinen tunkeutui
slve 1. impertinent) person, tungettelu maahan (mys:) the enemy lnvaded the
crovvdlng, thronglng; pressin?, pushlng;
country, tunkeutuminen Torcing o.s. jne.,
(Jonkun seuraan y.m.) forcing (1. obtrudks. tunkeutua; penetration; (lpi-) pering)o.s.; intruslon, obtruslon; Importunlty. meatlon, pervaslon; (luvaton) Intruslon.
tungos cro\vd, throng; (kova) crush; tun
gokseen otti tynn crowded (1. packed) tunkio (rikka-) rubbish-heap, heap or rub[vvlth people, ihmisi], .. filled to over- blsh (1. or garbage 1. of reruse), garbageflovving; (Joskus:) overcrowded [vvlth]; heap; (sonta-) dunghlll. -kasa rubbishvrt. veren*, ven~.
heap, garbage-heap.
tunkea I. (v.) press (1. push 1. rorce 1. tunkka(lnen) musty [smell, haju] ; stale.
drive) [a\vay (1. out of the way), pois tunne (kylmn, nln, kiitollisuuden y.m.)
tielt; forward (1. on), eteenpin]; (tyr
feellng [or cold, or hunger, or gratitude,
kt) stiove; (ahtaa) crowd, pack; (ahtaa
etc], sense; senslblllty; (etup. aistimukseen palkkaan) squeeze (. .) ln(to), Jam sellinen) sensatlon [of cold, or hunger] ;
into; (tynt) thrust [In, sislle]; (tun
(mieliala) sentlment; (liikutus) emotlon;
keutua) penetrate, rorce one's [its] way epmiellyttv ~ a dlsagreeable (1. an un[through .., Jonkin lpi]; lvitse, pleasant) reellng (1. sensatlon); jokainen,
lpi ks. tunkeutua; ~ Joku [Jokin]
jolla hiukankaan on inhimillisi tunteita
tieltn (\. syrjn) rorce . . out or hls povessaan anyone who has even a trace or
[its] place, rorce (1. elbovv) .. out, brush human reellng in his heart; syyllisyyden
(1. edge) . . aslde, rorce (1. push) . . aside ~ sense (1. reellng) or guilt. -ala matter
(1. Into the background), put . . out or the or sentlment; (sydmen-) matter or the
way, dlsplace . . , (Ja Itse astua tilalle) heart. -elm sentimental life. -ihminen
supplant . . , take a p.'s [a th.'s] place, sentimental person, -kuohu great (1. ertake the place or . . , vrt. tynt; ~ ta
Tuslve) dlsplay or reellng (1. or sentikaisin press (1. crovvd 1. rorce) back; ment), erfusion, gush (of reellng).
~ yhteen push (1. press 1. rorce 1. drive) tunneli tunnel; (tie-) subway.
(closer) together, cro\vd (1. pack) to- tunnelma sentlment, reellng; (vaikutelma)
getlier; vrt. tunkeutua.
Impression, errect; atmosphere; (mielen
tunkea II. (a.) tunkka.
tila) humor, mood; spirit; ilta atmos
tunkeileminen -> tungettelu. tunkeilla = phere (1. etrect) or evenlng; jossakin on
runollista tunnelmaa there is a spirit of
tungeskella, tungetella, tunkeminen pressPOetry in . .; siell vallitsi arkipivinen
ing Jne., ks. tunkea, I.
an everyday atmosphere prevailed
tunkeutua rorce (1. press 1. push 1. thrust)
o.s. (1. one's way) [In, sislle]; push In there, people there were In an everyday
(1. In a commonplace) mood (1. hurnor).
[amung the crovvd, vkijoukkoon]; (ah
taaseen palkkaan) squeeze (o.s.) in(to). .; -ihminen ks. tunneihminen, -kuva picture
(I. palntlng) expressive or sentiment.
(menn lvitse) penetrate | Into the tnterlor or the country, sismaahan; (right) -rikas .. rull of feellng, .. full or senti
to the bone, luuhun saakka] : make one's ment. -runous sentimental poetry.
(1. Its) \vay [into]; (menn sislle) enter tunnelmlkas tunnelmarikas. tunnelmoida
be sentimental. tunnelmoiminen sentlmen[the soll, maahan; the lungs, keuhkoihin];
(pst) rind one's [Its] \vay; (Johonkin,
luvattomasti) intrude [upon], encroach tunne, maailma World of sentiment. -pur
[upon] ; eteenpin force (1. make) one's kaus outburst or sentlnientallty (1. of
\vay [through . . , Jonkin lpi], press ror- passion); vrt. tunnekuohu.
\vard, push on |to], edge (1. thread) one's tunnettu (well-)known [person, henkil;
\vay along, push one's way, push along, ract, asia] j (tuttu) famlllar; (huomattu)
Jostle (1. shoulder l. clbow) one's way noted [Singer, laulaja]; (pahassa merk.)
[through], go Jostling along [huom. notorious [thief, varas]; hyvksi ..
tunkeutua tyrkkien eteenpin elbovv O.S. known to be good (1. excellent), . . known
(1. one's \vay) along (1. rorvvard)]; /luo
for its hlgh quality; hn on ~ hyvksi
neeseen rorce one's vvay Into the room; puhujaksi he Is known to be (1. he is rec~ koulun alalle encroach (1. Intrude 1. en
ognlzed as) a good speaker; hn on ylei



sesti ~ laotettavaksi mieheksi he IS gen

erally knovvn as (]. generally known to be)
a dependable man, he has the reputation
or being (1. by general reputation he Is)
a reliable man; jos se tulee tunnetuksi
(tietoon) ir lt becomes kno\vn, ir lt comes
(1. leaks) out; kaikille ~ knovvn to (1.
by) ali (1. everybody); kuten tunnettua
aa lt Is known, as Is well known; olla ~
jostakin be knovvn (1. noted) for; vrt. tun
tea, tunnetuin best knovvn. tunnetumpi
better knovvn. tunnetusti knovvn to be
[good, hyv()]; as Is \vell knovvn; (mi
kli tiedetn) as far as is knovvn; (huo
nossa merkityksess) notorlously [unrellable, epluotettava].
tunnittain (tuntlmaksulla y.m.)by the hour;
(tuntimrin) for hours (and hours); (Jo
ka tunti) hourly, every hour. tunnittainen
. . occurrlng hourly (1. every hour), (tun
ti-) hourly [pay, maksu], . . by the hour.
tunnokas consclentlous, scrupulous; (high-)
prlncipled. tunnokkaastl consclentlously,
scrupulously. tunnokkuua conscientlousness, scrupulousness. tunnollinen = tun
tunnon|!soima 1. -vaiva pangs (1. tvvlnge)
of consolence; eompunction, remorse.
-tarkka consclentlous, scrupulous.
tunnoton unconsclous, lnsenslble, senseless;
(sydmetn) heartless, unfeeling; callous;
cold; (kovasydminen) hardhcarted, relentless; (slimtn) remorseless, pltlless; (kova) hard; (tunnokkuutta vailla
oleva) unconsclentlous, unscrupulous; vrt.
tunteeton, tunnottomasti heartlessly, devolrt of any feellng; callously; coldly; relentlessly; pltllessly; unconsclentlously,
unscrupulously; kiskoa tunnottomasti voit
toja be unscrupulous (1. heartless) In
exactlng proflts.
tunnottomuudentila state or unconsclousness, state of lnsenslblllty; (state of) coma.
tunnottomuus unconsclousness, lnsenslblll
ty; (kuv.) lack or heart (1. or reeling).
heartlessness, callousness; coldness; unscrupulousness; relentlessness; remorselessness; (lk.) ana-sthesla.
tunnus (dlstinctlve) mark, slgn, token;
character; (-sana) pass-vvord, vvatch-vvord.
-kuva symbol; emblem. -lause motto.
-merkki dlstinctlve (1. dlstlngulshlng)
mark. (Jonkin) that vvhlch is dlstinctlve
[for]; character; (kuvaava piirre) distlnrtive (1. characterlstlc) feature, characterlstlc, attribute; (merkki) slgn. token;
(et. sairauden) symptom [or a dlsease] ;
(josta voi Jotakin ptt) crlterlon; sen
tunnusmerkkin on, ett . . ItS dlstinctlve
feature lles in . . , lt is characterlzed (1.
dtstinguished) by (llie fact that) . . . -sana
pass-vvord, vvatch-vvord; (sot.) parole;
(taistelun) slogan.
tunnustaa confess [one's crime, rikoksen
sa; the truth, totuus]; profess [Chrlstlanlty, kristinuskoa]; (tehd tunnustus)
make a conresslon; (omistaa) ovvn fto
being at rault, olevansa vrss], (Jkpv.)
ovvn up to; (mynt) acimit [o. s. to be
(1. that one Is) ... olevansa . .], acknovvl
edge (1. recognlze) [ one's son. Joku
pojakseen], ascrlbe [the rights or ruler
to a p., jollekulle hallltstjaoikeudet] ;
~ Jokin Jonkun ansioksi (lukea) give one
credit Tor, ascrlbe (the merit or) . . to
p.; - Joku etevimmhsi admlt that . . Is
the most capable, arknovvledge . . to be
the foremnst, acknovvledge the supremacy
(I. the preemlnence) or; hairahduksen


sa acknovvledge One'S rault(S); hvin

neens acknovvledge o.s. defeated (1.
beaten), (hvins) acknovvledge one's deTeat; ~ itsens syylliseksi (oikeudessa)
plead gullty [to stealing, varkauteen],
vrt. tunnustaa syyllisyytens; ~ kaikki
conress ali, conress everythlng, make a
complete conresslon; ~ maata, vri
(korttipeliss) Tollovv suit [huom. ei
maata (\. vri) renege, revoke] ; mie
lelln (mys:) freely admlt; Jokin
oikeutetuksi admlt the Justice (1. the
legitimacy) of; ~ olleensa vrss admlt
(1. acknovvledge 1. confess) that one vvas
vvrong, stand corrected; Jokin omak
seen recognlze (1. acknovvledge) . . as one's
ovvn, acknovvledge the ovvnership or; ~
jotakin oppia uskontoa) profess (1. be a
rollovver or 1. be an adherent or) a doctrlne [a religlon]; ~ rakkautensa ks.
(tehd) rakkaudentunnustus; ~ rikoksen
sa, rikos conress (1. admlt) one's (1.
the) crlme, ovvn to the crlme [huom. ei ~
rikosta (kielt tehneens) dlsovvn (1. dlsavovv) the crime, reruse to ovvn the
cbarge, deny the accusatlon] ; suoraan
frankly confess (1. avovv), vrt. suoraan;
~ syntins conress (one's sins), make a
confesslon; ~ syyllisyytens admlt (1.
confess) one'S guilt, plead gullty; vas
taanottaneensa (mys:) acknovvledge the
receipt [or] ; ~ vekseli slgn (1. accept) a
note; hn on yleens tunnustettu hyvksi
maalariksi he Is generally recognlzed as
(1. generally admltted to be) a sklirul
painter; min en tunnusta sille suurta ar
voa I don't conslder it or much value (1. lt
very valuable); yleisesti tunnustetaan, et
t . . It Is generally acknovvledged (1. ad
mltted 1. recognlzed) that . .; yleisesti
tunnustettiin hnell olevan suuria soitan
nollisia lahjoja (mys:) he vvas commonly
credited vvith (havlng) a brllllant muslcal
tunnustaja one vvho confesses [(has) conressed] Jne., ks. tunnustaa; (palvoja, In
nokas kannattaja) devotee; (kannattaja)
adherent; (seuraaja) rollovver; (vekselin-)
slgner [or a note], acceptor; jonkin uskon
~ professor (I. confessor 1. adherent) or
a raith. tunnustaminen conresslng Jne.,
ks. tunnustaa; recognltlon; (vekselin)
signlng, acccptance.
tunnusta (vekselin-) acceptance; slgnature.
tunnustella feel [around, ymprilleen; for,
Jotakin], reel about; (hapuilla) reel one's
vvay, grope [Tor]; (kokeillen) see [lf ...
onko ..]; (kuv.) see hovv the land lles,
sound [a p., Jotakuta]; slft [the matter,
asiaa] ; tunnustelin hnt samaksi miehek
si I thought (1. I vvas Incllned to believe
that 1. lt seemed to me) he vvas the samc
man; ' jonkun mielipidett jossakin
asiassa sound a p. as to hts opinion In a
matter, approach a p. on a subject; ~
taskujaan reel (kopeloida: fumble) In
one's pockets. tunnustelu reeling (about);
(kuv.) soundlng.
tunnustettava . . vvhlch must be admltted
(1. acknovvledged); (tunnustuksen arvoi
nen) . . vvorthy or recognltlon (1. or acknovviedgment).
tunnustin (ellnt.) antenna, Tecler.
tunnustukseton (uskon-) ..vvlthout acreed.
tunnustus conresslon (mys usk.); (etup.
Julkinen) proresslon; (hyvksymys) acknovvledgment, recognltlon; (myntymys)
admission: vrt. synnin , uskon-'; tunnus
tukseksi hnen ansioistaan in recognltlon




(1. as an acknovvledgment) of hls merlts;

p.'s trlcks, be [neli] aware ora p.'s trlcks,
tunnustuksen sana a Word of acknovvl
(Jkpv.) be on to a p.'S trick; mielens
edgment (I. or recognltion); Augsburgin
keveksi reel (1. be) care-rree, have a
the Augsburg Conression. -kirja symsensatlon or buoyancy; ~ myttuntoa jo
bollcal book.
takuta kohtaan reel sympathy Tor, sympathlze \vlth, be dravvn tovvard [huom. hn
tunnurUhtl (raam.) slgn.
syv myttuntoa tytt kohtaan
tuntea reel [the errect(s) or, Jonkin vaiku
(mys:) his heart went out to (1. was
tusta; pleasure, nautintoa; the floor sinkdra\vn
tovvard) the glrl]; olevansa reel
lng-, lattian vajoavan; something hard under
[hungry, nlissn; sare, turvassa; well,
one, Jotakin kovaa allaan; that . . , ett..],
terve], rind o.s. [better, paremminvolpa:
have a sensatlon of, be senslble or, be
comrortable, mukavassa asennossa], vrt.
allve to [esim. tuntea jotakin elvsti be
tuntea itsens; ~ omakseen recognize . .
keenly allve to]; (maistaa) taste; (hais
as one's ovvn; (nenssn) palaneen
taa) smell; (tiet) know [a p. by name,
kry notlce a smell or burnin?, smell
Joku nimelt(n)] ; (olla tuttu) be acsomething burning; ~ joku samaksi mie
qualnted wlth [a p., Joku], be ramillar
heksi recognize (1. know) . . to be the
\vith [the customs of. Joittenkin tavat] ;
same man [huom. hn on niin muuttunut,
(jonkin tuntomerkin perusteella) recogett on vaikea ~ hnt samaksi mieheksi
nize; (huomata, ksitt) realize; (kokea)
he is so changed that you could hardly
experience, come to know; (voida sanoa)
teli (1. knovv) he is the same man (l.
be able to teli [by, Jostakin] ; tunne itsesi
could hardly recognize hlm)]; sm-ua
kmiu thyselT! tunnen painosta, ett se on
(I. be) grieved, grieve; toisistaan
lyijy I reel (1. I can teli) by the vveight
(osata erottaa) know . . rrom . . , knovv
that ft is lead; tunnen tulevani sairaaksi
[them] apart, (be able to) teli . . rrom . .;
I can teli (I. I reel) that I am golng to be
tuskaa (ruumiillista) reel pain, be in
sick; tunnetteko te toisenne do you knovv
(ankaraa) surrer severely, (sielun-)
each other? are you acquainted wtth
be palned (1. grieved) [at, jonkin johdos
each other?
have you met berore?
ujoutta reel (1. be) bashrul; ~ jo
tunsin selvsti, ett .. (mys.) the leellng
ku ulkomuodoltaan know a p. by Slght,
was strong upon me that . . ; tunsin hnet
p.'s race; tuntematta ensinkn
heti 1 know hlm (1. I recognized hlm) at
maan oloja vvlthout knovving anything
once (1. at the Tlrst glance); ~ halua jo
about (I. vvlthout any knovvledge or) the
honkin, ~ jonkin halua have (1. leel) a condltlons In the country; tuntien olot
desire ror, be In the mood (1. the humor)
knovving the condltlons, vvith (1. possessfor, reel (1. be) lncllned to [huom. en
ing) (a) knovvledge or the conditions:
tunne siihen mitn halua (myS:) I don't
tuntien oman arvonsa (arvokkuutensa)
rare for it at ali]; ~ helpotusta Teel reconscious or (1. vvith a sense or) one's
lleved, have (1. ree!) a sense or reller, reel
o\vn dignity; tuntien oman mitttmyyteni
reller [Tmm]; [aineensa] hyvin knovv reallzlng
my own \vorthlessness, wlth (1.
[one's subjertl well, be thoroughly ramil
In) a sense oi deep bumllity; tuntien viat
lar vvith [one's subject], be entlrely at
tomuuteni (tieten) with the knovvledge
home In [one's subject] ; ~ hpe reel
or my Innocence, knovving myseir to be
(1. be) ashamed [huom. ihminen tuntee
rree rrom blame, knovving that I am [I
hpe (on kykenev tuntemaan) man
\vas] innocent; en ollut sinua I could
feels (I. is senslble or 1. Is conscious of)
hardly recognize you: en voinut olla tun
shame] ; iloa reel Joy [at betng able to
tematta I could not but reel, I could not
help, voidessaan auttaa], experience Joy,
Tall to reel, I could not help realizing;
rejolce; ~ inhoa jotakuta (\. jotakin) koh
helposti tunnettava . . easlly recognized
taan reel dlsgust (I. abhorrenre) tovvard.
(1. knovvn); hn ei tunne minua he doesn't
detfSt, abhor: ~ itsens loukatuksi reel
knovv me, he is not acquainted with me.
(1. be) oirended (1. annoyed 1. plqued).
am not knovvn to him; hnet tunnetaan
reel hurt, (kovasti) reel Indlgnant, be
Cl. hn on tunnettu) rikkaaksi he is
rilled with (rlghteous) indlgnatlon; ~ it
to he rich; ihminen tuntee kylm
sens nolatuksi reel humlliated, reel small,
[nlk, katumusta, tunnontuskaa] (on
(Jkpv.) reel cheap, (pettyneeksi) reel dlsniden vaikutuksen alainen) man expeappolnted; ~ itsens onnelliseksi leel
rlences a sensatlon (1. man is subject to
happy, be happy; ~ itsens vieraaksi Teel
sensations) or cold [or hunger.or regret, or
llke a stramrer, (seurassa) reel llke an
remorse], vrt. tuntea hpe: mikli min
outsider (I. an intruder) ; itsens [kyl
asiaa tunnen according to my kno\vledge
lin] voimakkaaksi Cl. vkevksi) leel
or the matter, as lar as I knovv (about)
strong fenouRh], reel that one Is strong
the matter; mikli tunnetaan, mikli on
renougn]; ~ joku Cl. jokin) jostakin
tunnettua as rar as (it) Is knovvn, ac
know . . by (1. rrom), be able to teli . . by
cording to the Inrormatlon (recelved); pa
(I. rrom), rooognlze . . by [esim. tunnen
ras mit tunnetaanthe best (that Is) knovvn.
hnet kynnistn I know (1. I can teli)
the best on record; sit en tunne ollen
hlm by hls walk (1. by the \vay he vvalks);
kaan (mys:) I have no knovvledge or it.
tunnen sen selityksist (mys:) I knovv it
rrom the descrlption; tunsin hiuit heti tunteellinen sentlmental, . . rull or reeling;
(herkk mlelenllikutuksille; tunnetta uh
nest (mys:) I recognized hlm at once
kuva) emotlonal [temperament, luonne;
by hls VOice]; ~ katumusta jostakin leel
poem, runo] ; (herkk) sensltive, responrepentance Tor, repent, regret, repent or
havlng done . . . reel sorry Tor; ~ kiinty
sive; (hell) tender, airectlonate: hn on
myst jotakuta kohtaan Teel attarhed to a
kovin ~ she Is very emotlonal (1. sensl
p.; kuin sormensa have. .at one's ringers'
tive), slie shovvs her reelings easlly,
ends; kylm ruumiissaan reel (1. be)
(Jkpv., halveks.) she gushes ali the tlme.
Chllled (I. Chllly); ~ luottamusta jotakuta
tunteellisesti sentimentally, rull or senkohtaan have conndence in, have a reeling
timent (1. or reeling); emotlonally; senor ronridenre tovvard, be rtrawn toward;
sltiveiy; tenderly, arrectlonately. tunteel [hyvin] jonkun metkut knovv [vvell] a



lisuus sentimentallty;' emotlonallsm; sensltlveness; tenderness, affcctionateness.

tunteenpurkaus = tunnepurkaus.
tunteeton . . without (any) reeling, unreelIng, insensate, insensible; apathetic; (paa
tunut) callous; (kylm) cold, .. not responsive; olla - (mys:) have no reeling.
tunteettomasti vvithout (anv) reeling, unreeltngly; apathetlcally; callouslv: coldly.
tunteettomuus unreeling disposition, lack
or reeling; insenslblllty; apatliy; callousness, COldnesS; hnen tunteettomuutensa
takia (mys.) because he has [had] no
tunte(h)lks, tunte(h)lkkaaeti, tunte(h)ikkuus kS. tunteellinen, (ti, -suus.
tuntelnen (yhd.) . . with . . feellngs [esim.
hella . . with tender reellngs] ; vrt
hieno y.m.
tuntematon unknown [celebrity, kuului
[gentleman, herrasmies; name, nimi](Joka ei ole saavuttanut kuuluisuutta) obscure [vvrlter, kirjailija]; (Jota el voi
tuntea) unrecognizable; (Jota ei voi erot
taa) lndistinguishable [in the dark, pi
mess]; (tietmtn) ignorant [or]- (Jo
ta ei ole tutkittu, maa-alueista v.m.) unexplored [country, maa]; - henkil a
strange (1. an unknovvn) person, a stranger
[huom. minulle henkil a person un
knovvn to me] ; - mie* (henkil) unknovvn
man, man vvhose name Is (1. man with
name) unknovvn; - tuuraus a man or
unknovvn greatness; tuntemattomaksi ruh
joutunut . . mangled beyond (1. past) recognltlon; tuntemattomia ihmisia strangers.
unknovvn people; hn on tll - he is
unknovvn (1. is a stranger) here, he is a
stranger to (1. in) tho tovvn; teeskentely
on hnelle tuntematonta (mys:) arrectatlon is rar rrom him (I. is rorelgn to hiin)vrt. outo. tuntemattomuus (Jonkin) unramlllarity [vvith] ; vvant or acquaintanee
[vvith]; (tietmttmyys) ignorance for].
tunteminen reeling Jne., ks. tuntea; recognition; (Jonkin) ramlliarity [vvith], acqualntance [vvith]; (tietminen) knnvviedge [or]. tuntemus (Jonkin) knovvledge
[or], (lheinen) ramlliarity (l. acquaintance) [vvith]; (tieto) inrormatlon; vrt
tunti hour; (opetus-) iesson; (annin ku
luttua arter (the lapse or) an hour,
(vvlth)ln an (1. one) Hour: tunnissa in an
(1. One) hour; tunteja pianonsoitossa (Uv.)
music lessons; tunteja ranskankieless
(mys:) French lessons; antaa tunteja
(tuntiopetusta) glve lessons [to a p in
Jollekulle Jossakin] (kotiopetusta) tutor
[a p. in . .], (yksityis-) coac-h [a p in . 1,
do (private) coaching; joka - (mys:)
nourly; SO sentti tunnilta 50 CentS an (I
per 1. by the) hour; vrt. luku-, opetus-,
vli y.m. -ajo rldlng by the hour, rlding
per hour.
tuntija Judge; (Jonkin) connoisseur [or],
expert [in]; adept [In]; tuntijan silm a
skllled eye, the eye or an expert (1 an
adept 1. a connoisseur); olla jonkin
(mys:) undersland (hovv to) . . , have a
knovvledge or, be skllled in; vrt. asian-,
taiteen y.m.
tuntillkauppa agreement (to vvork) by the
hour; tuntikaupalla by the hour; vrt. tun
tipalkka & seur. -kausi an hourCs tlme) ;
tuntikausia Tor hours (and hours), (ker
rallaan) hours at a tlme. -lasi hour-glass,

sand-glass. -mr number or hours;
tuntimri ks. tuntikausi (a).
tuntinen (yhd.) . . lastlng . . hours, . .
hours', . .-hour [esim. kahdeksan ty
piv a \vork-day lastlng eight hours,
(tav.) eight-hour (vvork-)day; kaksiodotus a tvvo hours' vvalt].
tunti || opettaja teacher (vvho Is) hired (I.
employed) by the hour. -palkka an hour's
vvage(s); vvages per hour, hourly vvages;
tehd tyt tuntipalkalla vvork by the hour.
-palkkaty vvork paid Tor by the hour.
-palkkio remuneratlon by the hour; vrt.
tunto reeling, touch; (-aisti) sense or reel
ing: (tunne) sensatlon [or], sense; (oma-)
consclence; (taju) consciousness; herkk
delicate sense or touch; olla tunnossaan
be in fiill Possession or one's scnses, be
conscious; ottaa jokin tunnolleen be consclentlous about . . , (sydmelleen) take
. . to heart [huom. en halua ottaa sit tun
nolleni I wouldn't vvant (to have) that on
my consclence]; palata tuntoihinsa fl.
tuntoonsa) ks. palata (tajuunsa) ; vrt.
seur. -aisti sense or reeling (1. or touch),
sensitlve rar.ulty; tactile sense. -elin organ
or touch, organ or sensatlon; tactile organ.
-hermo (anat.) sensory nerve.
tunto! nen = tunteinen; hn on hyvin oikeu
den he has a keen sense or justlce (I. or
tuntollmerkki (distincttve) mark; mark or
ldentincatlnn, distingulshlng mark, earmark; (Jollekin ominainen) characteristlc,
distinctlve (1. distingulshlng) reature; attribute; (esim. sairauden) symptom [or
disease]; vrt. tunnusmerkki; tuntomerkit
(selostus, tuntomerkeist)
-sarvi (ellnt.) reeler, antenna; tentacle.
tuntu touch.
tuntua reel ropprcsslvo, tukahduttavalta;
sort, pchmelt], be [(qulte) rerreshing,
(Itsenisesti kytettyn)
be relt, make itseir relt, (esim. haju) be
notlceable; (tehd vaikutus) have (1. make
1. leave) an impression, have an errect,
teli; (maistua) have a .. taste; (haista)
smell or; (nytt) seem, appear; (riit
t) surnce, be enough, be surricient;
hyvlle reel good, vrt. seur. rraasla:
tuntuu hyvlt saada . . lt Is good (1. It
vvlll be a good thing 1. lt does one good 1.
it reels good I. it seems good) to get ...
one has a reeling or satlsraction In [meetlng .., kohdata . .], I am delighted to
have a chancc to . . [huom. tuntuu hyvlt
saada kylpe (mys:) lt is very nice (1.
very rerreshing) to get a bath] j tuntuu
hovin tyhjlt, kun hn on poissa
vve [I] reel berert vvithout him, vve [I]
reel hls loss very much, he is sorelv
missed, he has lert a great blank behlncl
him; tuntuu pahalta (mielessni) I reel
nncomrortable, I reel out or sorts, I reel
ill at easc; tuntuu raskaalta [olla pakotet
tu fl. kun tytyy) . .] It Is hard (1. lt is
trylng 1. it is a burden) [to have to ..];
huhu tuntuu minusta uskomattomalta tho
rumor seems lncredible to me, it seems
to me as ir the rumor \vere not true; hn
tuntui terveelt he seemed to reel vvell.
(nytti) he appeared (to be) vvell: lepo
tuntuu hyvlt fl. suloiselta) [rasittavan
pivtyn jlkeen] rest is vvelcome, lt Is
(1. lt reels) good to get a rest [arter a
StrenuoilS day'S vvork] ; milt kylpy tuntui
hovv did you like the bath? milt! s) tun
tuu hovv does lt reel? (mit pidtte) hovv



do you like It? how does lt suit (1. app 1

tO) you? minusta tuntua lt seems to i. i
las ir (1. as though) .., (lkn)kuin ..;
that . . , ett . .] : minusta tuntuu, ett
hn on .. (mys:) he seems (1. he appeais) to me to be (a . .); minusta tuntuu
naurettavalta It seems to me rldlculous,
it strlkes me as (belng) rldlculous [that
. . , ett . . ] ; niin ett tuntuu SO that lt
\vill be relt. fatmo tavalla, Jkpv.) wlth a
vengeance f huom. anna hnelle niin ett
tuntuu (mys:) let hlm feel lt! make him
Sm&rt! hn sai selkns niin ett tuntui
he got a sound thrashlng (1. bcating)];
rinnassani tuntuu pistosta I feel (1. I have
I. I am consclous ot) a stlnglng pain In my
fhest; saarna, josta ei tuntunut tulevan
loppua a sermon that seemed to have no
end, a seemlngly lntermlnable sermon;
se ei tunnu missn (Jostakin aineesta
puhuen:) thafs only a drop In the bucket;
se ei tuntunut missn that had no elTeCt
(\vhatever), that dld not make ltseir Teit
at ali, that left no impression, vrt. edell.
lausepartta; se tuntuu hajusta you can
teli It by the Odor; se tuntuu ilmassa lt Is
(1. you can feel lt) tn the air; se tuntuu
minun ikisessni lt tells on one (1. On a
man 1. on a person) of my age, lt Is no
Joke (1. no Ilght matter) Tor a man or my
years, (60 -vuotiaassa) I am past 60, remember; tauti tuntuu kuumeelta, tauti
tuntuu olevan kuumetta the lllness seems
to be fevor, lt seems to me as lf the lll
ness \vere fever; vaate tuntuu pehmelt
(mys:) the cloth Is sort to the touch;
vatsani tuntuu tyhjlt (Jkpv.) I feel empty
(1. hollow) Inside; vrt. nytt.
tuntumaton . . not felt, . . whlch can (1.
wlll) not be felt, . . \vhtch does not make
ltself relt, unfelt; (huomaamaton) imperceptlble. tuntumua feellng-; touch.
tunturi (barren) arctlc mountaln (1. htll),
rjeld; (vuori) mountaln. -alue rjeld district. -haukka (elalnt.) gyrralcon, gerfalcon. -Joki strcam among (the) arctlc
hllls; mountaln stream. -Jrvi lake arnong
(the) arctlc hllls, mountaln lake; tarn.
-kasvi rjeld plant. -kasvisto flora of the
arctlc mountalns, fjeld flora. -lakeus
rjeld plateau. -luonto arctlc mountain
scenery, fjeld scenery. -maja hut (1. cottage) In the arctlc mountalns. -purobrook
(1. streamlet) In the arctlc mountalns;
mountaln brook (1. streamlet). -pll
(elalnt.) snowy owl. -seutu arctlc moun
taln region (1. tract). -sopuli (elivlnt.)
tuntuva (tuntoaistilla havaittava) . . whlch
(I. that) can be felt, perceptible (through
the reellngs); (huomattava) consiilerable,
materlal, substantlal [loss]; (suuri, ras
kas) heavy [loss, tappio) ; (ankara) severe [hlow. Isku]; (vaikuttava) telllng,
rorceful, euectlve; hintojen kohoaminen
a dlstlnct rlse In prices, a notireable advance or (1. In) prices; ~ tarve a pressing
need (1. want) [huom. kipesti tarve
a need badly (1. sorely) relt] ; tappio oli
minulle hyvin I relt the loss very much.
tuntuvasti percoptibly; considerably; materially, substantlally; heavlly; severely;
errectively; (paljon) a good deal [ovcr a
hundred, yli sadan], Tar, . . by far, much,
vastly; tuntuvasti enemmn a good deal
more. much more, more by fnr; hinnat
ovat tuntuvasti kohonneet the prices have
advancert (1. gone up) considerably (1.


tuo that [man, mies]; (itsenisen) that

one; tuolleen ks. bakus.; taon tuostakin
(every) novv and then, ever and anon,
tlme arter tlme, repeatedly, (moneen ker
taan) over and over (agaln), agaln and
again, (vh vli) every little while,
(lakkaamatta) incessantly, unceasingly,
(usein) qulte orten, frequently; tuossa
paikassa In a minute, In a second, In a
moment, In an lnstant, on the Instant.
lramedlately, vrt. tuossa tuokiossa, ks.
tuokio; ~ tuolla that one there [huom.
tuo mies tuolla that man there, yonder
man, that man yonder] ; min otan tuon
PH take that one; vrt. nuo.
tuoda bring, (noutaa) retch; take; (kuljet
taa) carry; (kantaa) bear; (perille, esim.
tavaraa, kirje y.m.) dellver; esiin ks.
esiintuoda & seur. fraas.; esille (Il
maista) express [one's opinion, mieli
piteens], glve expression to. (tuoda ilmi)
reveal, dlsclose, (lausua) State [facts.
tosiseikkoja], (esitt) present [the mat
ter to the meetlng, asia kokouksessa] ,
brlng up (Tor dlscusslon), bring (1. put 1.
set) Torth, vrt. esitt; ~ helpotusta bring
(1. glve) reller; ~ ilmi reveal, make . .
known. expose [one's plans, suunnitel
mansa], (Ilmoille) express, give expression to [(the) publlc sentiment, yleinen
mieliala] , glve vent (1. utterance 1. votce)
to rone's lndlgnatlon, suuttumuksensa],
(tulkita) lnterpret [huom. tuoda ilmi aja
tuksensa (purkaa) ease one's mind: tuoda
ilmi tunteensa (mys:) lay bare one's
Teelings]; julki brlng Torth, (Ilmoille)
express, reveal, (Julkisuuteen) make . .
publlc; kotiin brlng (1. take 1. carry)
home, (tavaraa, esim. Jostakin kauppa
liikkeest) dellver; ~ maahan import,
bring Into the country; mukanaan bring
(1. take 1. carry 1. have) (along) with one.
brlng along, (esim. laivasta:) brlng (over).
(kuv. = tuottaa) brlng In Its traln, be attenrled (1. rollowed) by, Involve, entail,
(aiheuttaa) cause, occasion, bring (on).
(tehd vlttmttmksi) necessltate;
nhtvksi (tarkastettavaksi) brlng . . Tor
lnspertlon; onnea bring (good) luck,
(onnellisuutta) bring happiness: sna
jollekulle bring (a) wor<1 to, bring a mes
sage to; takaisin brlng back, return,
restore; terveisi joltakulta brlng greetIngs (1. compllments) from: laiva toi m. m.
dynamiittia (mys:) part or the cargo carrled by the vessel was dynamlte; ruotsa
laiset toivat kristinuskon Suomeen Swedish
people brought (1. Introduced) the Chris
tian raith into Finland.
tuohi birch-bark, (outer) bark or the birch
(-tree). -kattoinen . . wlth a blrch-bark
roor. -kontti wallet (1. knapsack) or
blrch-bark, birch-bark knapsack.
tuohinen I. (a.) . . (made) of blrch-bark,
birch-bark. II. (s.) blrch-bark basket (1.
box); (rove) blrch-bark cup (1. dlpper).
tuohitorvi blrch-bark horn (1. trumpet).
tuohon there: pane se put lt there.
tuohus torch. tuohustaa spear [Nsh] by
spearing [rish] by torch-llght.
tuoja brlnger, (vanh.) retcher; one who
brings (1. \vho retches); (esim. sanan-)
deliverer, bearer [or a message]; rrt.
onnen , sanan , turmion y.m.
tuokio (hetkinen) a (little) vrhlle, a minute.
a rew minutes, a re\v moments; (silmn
rpys) a moment, an instant, a tvvlrikling ;
tuokion kuluttua arter a (little) whlle, af-



ter a few nilnutes (haa elapsed), a sliort

Uine afterwards; tuossa tuokiossa In a
little vvnlle, presently, dlrectly, in (less
tban) no tiine, In tue twinkling or an eye,
in a tvvlnkle, in a twinkling, as qulck as a
riash, In a flash, In a second, in a moment,
in an instant, on the lnstant, in a minute,
in a wblle, this minute, (Jkpv.) right
away, in a jifly [huom. se oli tehty tuossa
tuokiossa (mys:) it was the work of an
instant]. -kuva gllmpse; tuokiokuvia mat
koiltani gllmpses from my travels. -valo
kuva lnstantaneous photograph, (Jkpv.)
tuokkonen blrch-bark basket (1. box).
tuoksahdus fragrance, scent; savor (mys
knv.j; (tubahdus) breath, wart. tuoksah
taa emit an odor, smell; savor (mys
kuv.j; (tuhahtaa) be vvafted; nenni
tuoksahti outo haju (mys:) I got a breath
(1. a \valt) of a strange odor.
tuoksina (melske) tumult; (sekasorto) confUSion, hurly-burly; (touhu) bustle; kau
punkielmn the busy life in a city,
the tumultuous city life, tumult or the city.
tuoksu scent, odor; savor (mys k uv.);
(hyvnhajuinen, raikas) fragrance; (ryydlnhaju) aroina; (haju) smell.
tuoksua smell, be odorous; emit fragrance
(1. odor 1. aroma); be fragrant; (et. kuv.)
savor [or, joltakin], be redolent [of (1.
with) ] ; ~ hyvlt smell good, be fragrant; ruusut tuoksuivat suloisesti the
roses smelled sweet, there was a sweet
odor (1. fragrance) of roses.
tuoksuherns (kasv.) sweet-pea.


esiin, poliisi-) [pollce] maglstrate; (rii

danratkaisua) arbltrator, rereree; arblter;
Tuomarein kirja (raaill.) the Book of
Judges, Judges; vrt. ero-, palkinto-,
rauhan, sota, sovinto y.m.
tuomarinljapulainen Judge's asslstant. -is
tuin the (Judges) bench; the Judgmentseat. -ohjeet Judiclary regulatlons. -pyt
the Judgc's desk. -toimi orrice of a Judge,
position or (1. as a) Judge, Judgeshlp. -vala
Judge's oath, oath upon assuming a place
on the bench. -virka tuomarintoimi.
Tuomas, Tuomo Thomas: (Jkpv.) Tom,
tuomaskuonabaslc slag, Thomas's phosphate.
tuomeni: kukka blrd-cherry blossom (1.
-marja blrd-cherry;
Skotl.) hagberry.
tuomi (kasv.) blrd-cherry (tree).
tuominen bringing Jne., ks. tuoda; tuomiset
ks. hakus.
tuomio Judgment, (et. rikosjutuissa) sentence; (lautakunnan antama; mys yi.)
verdlct; (yi. merkit.) doom, condemnation; (-pts) decree, decision (of the
court); (esim. palklntotuomarin antama)
award; vrt. pts; maailman the Judg
ment (1. the opinion) or the world. -Istuin
court (or Justice); trlbunal; (tuomarin-)
Judgment-seat. -Istuintiet through Iegai
channels, by legal proceedlngs, by deci
sion or the court. -kapituli blshop's councll; (dean and) Chapter; tuomiokapitulin
jsen (katoili, kirkossa) Canon; tuomio
kapitulin kokous Chapter, -kirkko cathedral. -kunta Judiclal dlstrlct.
tuomionlllunastus (lunastaminen) taking
out a copy or the decision or the court;
(-maksu) Tee Tor a copy of the decision
or the court. -rikkomus violatlon or the
decision or the [a] court. -torvi doomsday (1. last) trumpet, trumpet or the day
or judgment (1. or the Judgment day).
tuomio! -oikeus Jurlsdlctlon. -piv doomsday, judgment day, day or Judgment (1. or
doom); tuomiopivn pasuuna ks. tuomiontorvi, -rovasti dean; (1. v. katol. klrk.)
canon. -rovastikunta deanery. -valta Ju
diclal po\ver; Jurlsdlctlon. -virhe error In
the decision of a court.

tuoksuinen 1. = tuoksukaa; 2. (yhd.)

. .-scented, . . with a . . fragrance (1. odor
1. smell) [esim. hyv~ sweet-scented,
. . \uth a s\veet fragrance (1. odor 1.
smell)]. tuoksukaa .. rich In fragrance,
fragrant, odorous, aromatlc; savory. tuok
suminen smelllng Jne., ks. tuoksua, tuoksunta scent, smell; fragrance; mys =
tuoli chair; (selknojaton) Stool; vrt. kat
toa, noja, piano , sorvi y.m.
tuolin- (yhd.) . . of a chair, chalr-, (selknojattoman) . . of a Stool, stool- [esim.
-jalka leg or a chair (1. a stool), chair-leg,
stool-leg; -pllys chalr- cover, cover or a tuomisenuhka = noutouhka.
chalr (1. a stool)]. -ksinoja arin oi a tuomiset (home-comlng) presents, good
chair, chair-arm.
things (brought by .. from a place); is
tuolirivi ro\v or chalrs, row.
toi kaupungista tuomisia father brought
tuolla (over) there; (etmpn) yonder, (wlth
hlm) presents from (the) town; vrt.
over yonder, out yonder; ~ alhaalla down tuliaiset.
there, down below; ~ sisll In there,
(rikollinen) sentence [a p. to prison
Inside there; ~ ulkona out there; ~ yl
Tor 10 years.joku vankilaan 10 vuodeksi];
hll above there, up there.
= arvostella) Judge [others
tuollainen I. (a.) such, . . like tliat, sudi a accordlngmys
to o.s., toisia Itsens mukaan] ;
tinan, mies] ; that klnd or . . , . . or the
(Julistaa tuomio) pronounce (1. pass) sen
sort, . . of that sort, . . of the (1. that)
tence [upon a p., Joku]; condemn (mys
klnd, . . of like quallty; (saman-) like, kuv.);
(kuv.) doom, destlne; (kadotuk
slmilar; ~ roisto kuin sin a Villaln (1. a seen y.m.)
(etuja Jollekulle) adrogue) like you. II. (s.) such a one, such Judge [esim.damn;
talo tuomittiin hnelle (kuu
a person, one of those [who, Joka]; one
luvaksi) the house was adjudged to hlm],
like that; minunkin on ostettava 1, too,
a\vard; (sovintotuomarlna) arbltrate;
inust buy one (like that); mitn tuollaista
joku hengilt, Joku kuolemaan sentence
anytblng like that.
p. to death, pronounce a sentence or
tuolleen (noin) thus, so, Uke that; jt se death
upon ai).; hirteen, ~ hirtettvksi
leave lt thus (1. so 1. like that); vrt.
sentence .. to hang (1. to be hanged);
kelvottomaksi Judge . . to be uni it, retuolloin at that tlme, then.
Ject, (esiin, talo) condemn [a house] (as
tuolta from there, from that place, Trom uninhabltable), (esim. suunnitelma) rule
(over) yonder. -pin 1. -kiisin (tuolta out [the scheme] (as umvorkable) ;
suunnalta) rrom that direction.
Jollekulle korvausta jostakin (mynt)
tuomari Judge (mys palkinto- y.m.); Jus- adjudge (1. a\vard) a p. compensation for,
tlce [esim. ylioikeuden justice of the award compensation to a p. Tor; linnaan
supreme court] ; (Engl., alempiarvoinen, ks. tuomita vankeuteen; [Jokin Summa]



jonkun maksettavaksi decide liiat s p.

must pay [the ainountj , ~ Joku menett
mn virkansa, Joku virkansa menett
neeksi condemn one to forfeit (1. to lose
1. to be deprlved of) hls orflce; Joku
rangaistukseen, ~ Joku rangaistavaksi 111riict a penalty upon a p., sentence a p.;
~ joku [sadan dollarin] sakkoihin,
[sata dollaria] sakkoja jollekulle Ime a p.
[100 dollars], irnpose a fine [or 100 dollars] upon one, sentence a p. to pay a fine
[or 100 dollars]; ~ Joku syylliseksi, ~
Joku syypksi pronounee (1. declare) a
p. guilty [of. Johonkin], convict a p.
lofj, condemn a p. [for], (lautakunnas
ta:) flnd a p. guilty [or], pass a verdict
of guilty upon a p., brlng In a verdict or
guilty against; turhaksi Judge . . to be
VVOrtllleSS, condemn; ~ joku vankeuteen
sentence . . to pnson (1. to penal servltude) [liuoin, tuomita joku elinkautiseen
vankeuteen (mys:) pronounee (1. pass)
a life sentence upon a p.] ; kyd (l. lh
te) tuomitsemaan jotakuta Sit in judginent upon a p., Judge a p.; lk tuomit
ko, ettei teit tuomittaisi (raam.) judge
not, tiiat ye be not judged.
tuomitsematon . . waitlng (1. pending)
Judgment (1. sentence); .. not yet sentenced. tuomitseminen sentenclng jne., ks.
tuomita; condemnatlon. tuomitsemishalu
dlsjiositlon (1. desire) to Judge (1. to con
demn). tuomitsija one \vlio Judges (1.
condemns); judge. tuomittava .. to be
condemned, condemnable.
tuomittu sentenced; (kelpaamattomaksi y.
m.) condemned; (Jonkin kolitalon alaisek
si) doomed [to disappear, katoamaan] :
hnelle tuomitut sakot tlie fine lmposed
on lilrn; kadotukseen doomed to perdltion; kelvottomaksi ~ . . judged (to be)
unnt, condemned, (hyljtty) rejected;
kuolemaan ~ sentenced to death, . . under
sentence of death, (sairaasta) past ali
hope; vrt. tuomita.
tuommoinen ks. tuollainen.
tuonansa, tuonaan: anna sen olla ~ leave It
(1. let H stay) like that (1. as It Is); vrt.
tuonela the house of death. tuonenkurki
(ellnt.) (black) stork. tuoni death, Death.
tuonne (over) there, to that place, (Juh
lan.) thlther; (ulommaksi) yonder; alas
down there; ~ sislle In lliere; ~ yls up
there. tuonnemmaksi farther (1. further)
that vvay (1. in that direction); (kauem
maksi) rarttier (1. rurther) away (1. ori');
tykt asia tuonnemmaksi postpone (1. defer) the case (1. the matter) (to some
other tlme 1. to a luture date), put the
matter oIT (tili another tlme). tuonnempaa (from) farther (1. rurther) that way;
myS =^ kauempaa, etmmlt; hn meni
tuonnempaa he \vent (1. he passed) farther
(I. rurther) that way. tuonnempana rar
ttier (1. rurther) that \vay (1. in that di
rectlon); (etiimpn) rarther (1. further)
avvay (1. oil'); (myhemmin) later (on),
rurther on, (seuraavassa, klrjotuksesta:)
In the rollotvlng, (alla) belo\v. tuonnempi
. . lylng (1. located 1. sltuated) rarther (I.
rurther) away (1. orr), rarther, rurther.
tuonnepin that \vay, in that dlrection.
tuonnoin -= taannoin, tuonnoinen
noinen; tuonnoinen vitteeni (mys:) tt)G
statement (\vhlch) I made a \vhlle ago.
tuonnoittain some tlme ago; (skettin)
not long ago, a short time ago, recently.
tuonllpuoleinen . . lylng (1. sltuated 1. lo


cated) on that side, (toisen) . . lyingr (1.

sltuated 1. located) on the other side;
[Jrven] tuonpuoleinen ranta the shore on
that (1. the other) side [oi the lake],
-tapainen . . (somethlng) llke that, . . slmilar to that; such; (Jotakin) luontopalsta
somethlng like that, somethlng to that efrect; vrt. tuollainen.
tuonti = tuominen; (et. tavaran perille-)
delivery; (maahan-) importlng, importation, (konkr.) the Imports. -kielto (tava
ran maahan-) prohibitlon agalnst the im
portlng (1. the importatlon) of . . . -liika
Import trade; (kauppa-) Importlng house
(1. business 1. firm), lmporters. -maksu
charge ror brlnglng; (perllletolmlttamis-)
delivery charge (1. fee) ; vrt. tuontitulli.
-mr amount or Imports. -suhteet conditions ror Importlng (1. importatlon).
-tavara(t) imported goods, imports. -tulli
duty on Imported goods (l. on the Im
ports), import duty.
tuontuostakin ks. tuo.
tuoplttaln (1. v.) by the quart. tuoppi stoop,
stoup; (nestemittana, 1. v.) quart.
tuore fresh; (esim. voista, Joskus:) sweet;
(terve) sound; (kostea) molst, daxnp;
(skeinen) new(ly occurred), recent; ruoreita munia fresh (I. ne\v-lald) eggs;
tuoreita uutisia fresh (1. latest) news;
tuoretta leip fresh-baked (1. newly
baked) bread; ne tapahtumat olivat hnell
viel tuoreessa muistissa thOSe incldents.
were still fresh in hls mind, he stlll had
(1. retained) a lively (1. a vivld) recollection or those events, he could stlll recall
(l.remember) those Incldents \vell; vrt. ve
res, tuoreus freshness; sweetness; soundness; molstness, dampness; vrt. tuore.
tuorstai = torstai.
tuossa there; vrt. tuo; tuossahan tuo menee
(menettelee) pretty rair (, thank you);
same as evcr; I am alrlght; well, thlngs
are moving along pretty smoothly (1. movlng along so-so). tuosta from there, rrom
that place; (asiasta) rrom that, or that;
(kohdasta) at that place (1. point); ruosta
saat (here,) take that! hn meni tuosta ohi
he passed there, he \vent by there.
tuotanto productlon; (mrn nhden)
output; (anti) yleld, returns. -ehto condltion of production. -keino 1. -vlikap
pale means of productlon. -kustannukset
cost of productlon, cost of producing.
-kyky producing capaclty (1. povver); capaclty
(of productlon);
productlvlty. -tapa method of production.
-voima productlve (1. producing) power;
productlve rorce. -vlineet means of pro
-yhdistys Society (organized)
Tor productlon, producing association (1.
tuotattaa ks. tuottaa, I.
tuote product; productlon; (anti) yleld;
(kalu) article; tuotteet (maanviljelys-,
mys:) produce. tuotelma production;
(tuote) product.
tuottaa I. (haettaa) have . . brought (1.
fetched 1. taken) [before one, eteens;
home, kotiin; to . . , Jonnekin]; (lhett
hakemaan; tilata) send for [help, apua;
goods from tlie city, tavaroita kaupun
gista], order (. . brought); (antaa tuoda,
tavarasta, mys:) have .. delivered [to
one's home, kotiin]; ~ jollakulla have one
brlng, have one take \vlth htm; Joku
oikeuteen have . . brought (1. summoned)
berore the court (1. Into court), have . .
summoned before the bar; ulkomailta


import, have . . brought (1. sent) from success, make a th.'s success certain;
abroad, order (1. send for) . . from abroad. ~ voittoa yleld a pront, bring (1. yleld)
tuottaa II. produce; (aiheuttaa) cause [a pront, be prontable, (esim. liike) be on a
p.'s death, kuolema Jollekulle; a p. pain, paying basls, be a paying concern; jonkin
tuottama (aiheuttama) . . caused (1. octuskaa (1. kipua) Jollekulle; loss, tappio
ta], be the cause or. occaslon [expendl- casloned 1. errected 1. brought about 1.
by [huom. kokeiden tuottama tulos
ture, kustannuksia], brlng [. . upon a p.,
the result or the experlments, the result
Jotakin Jollekulle; a p. renown, kuului
through the experlments] ; kuinka
suutta Jollekulle], brlng: on, brlng- about,
pal/on tila ho\v much does the estate
brlng- (1. draw) down [upon a p.. Jolle
kulle]; g-lvo [trouble, hankaluutta], af- bring in? how much revenue does the
rord; (tehd) make [havoc, hvityst], do property yleld? se liike tappiota
(mys:) it Is a losing concern; se hin
[harm, kiusaa], lnriict [. . upon a p., Jol
lekulle Jotakin] ; (synnytt) g-lve rlse to, tansa that vvill pay Tor ltseir, you wlll get
provoke, ralse, rouse, brlng (1. draw) your money out or that; sivistys on tuot
hirtti; (saada aikaan) elfect, \vork [a tanut kauniita hedelmi Civlllzatlon has
change, muutos] ; (tuoda mukanaan) brlng brought rorth (1. has borne) beautirul
. . wlth it, brlng . . in lts traln, be fol- Trults; tehdas hyv tavaraa the Tactory
lowed (1. attended 1. entailed) [by (I. produces (1. turns out) excellent goods;
wlth). Jotakin], involve [a p. In much toimi ~ 2,000 dollaria vuodessa the posi
trouble, jollekulle paljon rettellt], en- tion yields (1. brings in) 2,000 dollars a
tall; (antaa tuloksena) yleld, brlng in, year, the appolntment Is vvorth 2,000 dol
(sljotuksen vastineena) return; (kantaa) lars a year; tm tauti ~ usein kuoleman
bear [rrult, hedelmi]; (luoda) create; this dlsease orten results In (1. causes 1.
ends in) death. tuottaja one who pro
~ haittaa hamper [a p. In hls work, Jolle
kulle hnen tyssn; the progress' of, duces Jne., ks. tuottaa. II; producer; mys
Jonkin edistymiselle], (Jollekulle) make = aiheuttaja, tuottamaton unproductlve,
(1. give) one trouble, inconvenlence one, .. not productlve; (Joka el tuota voittoa)
bother one; ~ Jollekulle harmia cause unprontable, . . not yielding (1. bringing)
annoyance to one, cause (1. make) one prolit. tuottamattomuus unproductlveness,
trouble; ~ helpotusta tuskille brlng (1. unprontableness.
aironi) relief from pain; hyvin (Jokin tuottaminen I. havlng . . brought Jne., ks.
yritys) pay \vell, give a good return, be a tuottaa, I.
good Investment, (maasta:) return a good tuottaminen II. produclng Jne., ks. tuottaa,
yleld; ~ ikvyyksi cause unpleasantness, II; (tuotanto) Production, tuottamiskyky
brlng about trouble, vrt. tuottaa harmia; m tuotantokyky.
Jollekulle iloa give (1. arrord) a p. Joy tuottamus (lak.) causlng; vrt. kuoleman.
(1. dellglit 1. pleasure), dellght a p., brlng tuottava productlve; (tuloja-) prontable,
(1. arrord) a p. happlness [in hls old agc, paying, remuneratlve, (hytyis) lucratlve
[orrice, virka; Investment, rahansljotus] ;
hnen vanhoilla pivilln]; kunniaa
jollekulle brlng honor to, reriect honor on, jotakin bringing . . , causlng.., givlng...
be to a p.'s credlt, do one credlt, reriect tuottavalsuus ks. tuottavuus, tuottavani
productlvely; prontably. tuottavuus pro(great) credlt on a p.; - lohdutusta jolle
ductiveness, productivlty; prontableness;
kulle give (1. arrord) solace (1. comrort)
to one; ~ onnettomuutta jollekin [jolle
kulle] brlng bad luck to, brlng . . bad tuotteliaasti productlvely. tuotteliaisuus
productlveness, productivlty. tuottelias
luck, be dlsastrous to; [suurta (1. pal
jon)] pnvaivaa jollekulle puzzle a p. productlve; vrt. tuottava.
[greatly], perplex one [a great deal (1. tuotto Production; producing; vrt. tuotanto,
very much)], bother one, trouble one tuottoisa = tuottava, tuottokyky tuo
[huom. se ~ minulle pnvaivaa (mys:) tantokyky.
I am perplexed about lt, I am in a quan- tupa (mkki) hut, cabln, cottage; (talo)
dary about (1. over) it J ; ~ runsas sato house; (asuinhuone) llvlng-room, sittingyleld (I. give) a bountlful harvest, return room. tupaantuliaiset housexvarming.
a good yleld, (Jkpv.) give bumper crops; tupakan- (yhd.) . . or tobacco, tobacco
[esim. -haju smell or tobacco, tobacco
siunausta bring blesslngs, brlng a blessing (In it traln); turmio jollekulle smell; -lehti tobacco leaf, lear or tobacco;
smoke of tobacco, tobacco smokej.
cause (1. brlng about) a p.'s ruin, be (the
cause or) a p.'s ruln, lead to a p.'s de- -polttaja smoker (or tobacco). -poltto
(or tobacco). -poro tobacco
structlon, brlng (1. lead) . . to destructlon,
(surma) cause a p.'s death, be ratal to ashes. -taimi tobacco plant. -tuhka to
a p.; vahinkoa cause (1. do) damage, bacco ashes.
(Jollekulle) occaslon a p. loss, InTlict loss tupakarhu one uho does not go out-doors
upon a p.; vaikeuksia (aiheuttaa) cause (much); a stay-at-home.
(1. occaslon 1. brlng about) dirricultles, tupakka tobacco; vrt. panna (tupakaksi).
(tuoda mukanaan) brlng wlth it (I. en- tupakka- (yhd.) tobacco [esim. -laatikko
tail 1. be tollovved by 1. be attended wlth) tobacco box; -sato tobacco harvest; -vero
dirricultles, (tarjota) prescnt dirricultles, tobacco tax]; (tupakan) .. oi' tobacco
(kohdata) encountcr (1. niect wlth) dirri
[esim. -laji klnd or tobacco]; (tupakalle
cultles (1. obstacles), be besct with dir
asetettu) . . on tobacco [esim. -vero tax
ricultles, (jollekulle) ralse dirricultles (1. on tobacco]. -hakkuri block on whicli
put obstacles) In a p.'s ay, make lt dirtobacco leaves are cut. -istutus tobacco
ricult Tor a p , (hankaluuksia) inconvenl
plantatlon. -kauppa (esim. koko maan)
ence, put. .li in) inconvenlence, (kiusaa)
tobacco trade; (-puoti) tobacco shop (I.
give . . trouble, be a trouble to, trouble store),
(Engl.) tobacconlsfs
[huom. se ei tuota meille mitn vaikeuk
-kauppias tobacco dealer; tobacconlst.
sia (mys:) vve won't have any trouble -kukkaro tobacco poucb. -maa tobaicu
about that], vrt. tuottaa haittaa; ~ Jolle
patch. -mies smoker, smoking mau.
kin varma menestys (taata) ensure a tn. 's
-monopoli tobacco monopoly, monopoly



on tobacco. -mlli chevv (1. quid 1. cud)

or tobacco, tobacco quld. -puoti kS. tu
pakkakauppa, -puru kS. tupakkamlli.
-rahat money for tobacco, tobacco money,
-tehdas tobacco factory. -vaunu smoking
car, smoker; (tupakoitsljain osasto vau
nussa) smoking compartment.


tupakoida smoke (tobacco); tupakoitteko te

do you smoke? are you a smoker? tupa
koiminen smoking:, tupakoitsija smoker.
tupanen (srnall) cottage (1. cabin); cot.
tupata 1. (tr. = tunkea) force, press, push;
crowd, throng; (pakata) pack, cram [In
to one's sack, sakkiinsa]; a. (ltr. = tun
keutua) push (1. press 1. crowd 1. throng)
[closcr, lhemmksi], (ahtaasta palkasta)
squeeze [In, sislle], (tuppautua) force
(1. obtrude) o.s., (koettaa pst) try to
get [through, lpi]; ~ jotakin jollekulle
press (1. push 1. force 1. obtrude) . . upon
a p.( press (1. urge) a p. to take; jota
kin jonkun suuhun force (1. cram 1. thrust)
. . Into a p.'s mouth (alas kurkusta: down
a p.'s throat); [Jotakin] tupaten tynn
oleva chock-full [or], crammed rull [of];
minua tuppasi naurattamaan I had a gOOd
mlnd to laugh, I could hardly help (I.
hardlv keep Trom) laughlng, (kovasti) 1
was ready to burst wlth laughter, vrt.
pakata, II.

tupeke (kasv.) sheathing stlpule(s), ocrea.

tupekset sheath (holding a knire); a knire
and lts sheath.
tupellinen . . furnlshed (1. provlded) witb
(a) sheath, sheathed; vaglnate.
tupenll kaltainen 1. -muotoinen tuppimainen. -rapina (kuv. = metakka) row; siit
tulee tupen rapina (1. V.) trouble wlll follow, that vvlll cause trouble.
tuperruttaa (typerrytt) stun, stupefy.
tupertua tumble (down), fali (down); topple over; roll [under the table, pydn
alle]; (lyyhisty) collapse; (typerty) be
stunned, be stupefled; hn *ai niin kovan
iskun, ett tupertui (mys:) he recelved a
blow which knocked hlm down (1. over).
tupertuminen tumbllng (down) Jne., ks.
tupihame short pettlcoat.
tuppaaminen forclng Jne., ks. tupata.
tuppautua push, press, crowd, throng,
squeeze (o.s.) [In, Johonkin], force o.s.;
hn aina tuppautuu meidn seuraamme he
always forces hlmseir (1. hls company)
upon us, he always obtrudes himself upon
us. tuppautuminen pushlng Jne., ks. edell.;
tuppeuma lntussusceptlon [of] , Invaglnatlon.
tuppi sheath; (et. miekan-, mys:) scabbard; (pistoolin-) holster; (kasv.) vagina.
tuppimalnen..resembling a sheath, sheathUke.
tuppillpuukko 1. -veitsi sheath-knife. -suu
sllent (1. quiet 1. inexpresslve) person;
istua tuppisuuna stt as still as a motise
and say nothing; olla tuppisuuna not say a
word, be as still as a rnouse.
tuppo ks. tukko.
tuppurituuli whirlwind.

tuprahdus whirl; (savun y.m.) puff, whlfr;

(esim. tulivuoren) belch; liekkien outburst of names. tuprahtaa whirl, blow up
(l.out); (leimahtaa) Hame (out), blane (up);
(savusta y.m.:) puff, whlff; ply tuprahti
ilmaan the dust whlrled (1. blew) up into
the air. tupru whirl(ing); (savu-) purr
(-lng), whlff(lng). tupruaminen whlrllng
Jne., ks. seur. tupruta whlrl; come (1. go)


\\hiiling around, blow about; (savuta)

smoke; (voimakkaasti) belch; (tulla tuprabduksittaln) puff (out), come out In
purrs, whiff; (plyst y.m., mys:) fly,
dance; (leimuta) blaze, flame (up); lumi
tupruaa the snow is whirling around (1.
blowing about), (on lumipyry) there is a
whirling (1. a drlving) snowstorm [out
side, ulkona] ; piippu tupruaa the pipe is
smoking; ply tupruaa tiell the dust is
(1. there are clouds or dust) blowing
about on the road; savuta) tupruaa (the)
smoke is belchtng out (1. is whirling up),
(dense) clouds of smoke are issutng from
[the ruins, raunioista], tupruttaa, tupru
tella make . . whlrl (1. fly), send up clouds
of . . , belch rorth, send rorth (1. out)
puffS Of [smoke, savua]; polttaa tuprut
taa, tupruttaa piippuaan puff (1. be pufTlng) briskly (l.energetically) at one's pipe.
tupsahtaa: tulla come (1. appear 1. arrive) unexpectedly (1. suddenly), (pudota)
tumble (1. come tumbling) [down, alas).
tupsu tuft; (huonekaluissa, pukineissa y.m.)
tassel; (hius- y.m.) topknot; vrt. tyht.
tupsuinen tufted, tufty; tasseled; (yhd.)
.. with a .. turt (1. tassel), .. with ..
tufts (1. tassels), . .-tufted [esim. puna
. . wlth a red turt (1. tassel), . . with red
tufts (1. tassels), red-tufted].
tupsukas tufted, tufty; tasseled. tupsu
lakki tasseled cap, cap \vlth a tassel (to
lt). tupsumainen tuft-like, tassel-like.
tupsupinen . . \vith a tuft (1. wlth tufts)
on the head, tufted.
turbaani turban. -phlneinen turbaned.
turbiini (tekn.)turblne. -ratas turbine wheel.
turha (tarpeeton) unnecessary, needless,
.. not needed; (hydytn) useless [repe
tition, kertaaminen], . . or no use, Tutlle
[search, etsint; attempt, yritys], vain.
. . or no avail, unavailing; (hedelmtn)
rrultless; (hukkaan mennyt) wasteil;
(tyhj) empty; (aiheeton) groundless, ungrounded; (kuviteltu) imaginary; (liikanainen) superriuous [haste, kiire], undue;
turhaan ks. hakus.; turhaa touhua needless
ado, ado about nothing, useless erfort
(1. exertion); turhaa tyt unnecessary
(1. useless 1. wasted) work; ~ hienostelu
empty arrectatton, unnecessary ceremony,
(jkpv.) roollsh putting on (or airs);
kainous unnecessary modesty, prudery,
prudishness; ~ kohteliaisuus superriuous
pollteness; ~ luulo rutile Idea, roollsh
belief (1. Idea), (foolish) imaglnation;
~ pelko groundless (1. Idle 1. purely imagi
nary) fears; ~ puhe idle (1. vain 1. empty)
taik, trumpery, (jrjetn) nonsense;
tarkkuus undue exactness (1. precision 1.
partlcularity), minuteness, fussiness, pedantry, (saituus) stlnglness, vrt. turhan
tarkka; turhat muodollisuudet (Virkailijan,
mys:) red tape; turhat toiveet vain hopes;
vaiva useless (1. rrultless 1. idle) palns,
vain erforts, useless trouble, labor lost;
~ vetoomus vain (1. rutile 1. unavailing)
appeal; [puhua] turhia [taik] nonsense
(1. rubblsh); turhia verukkeita vain (1.
Idle) excuses ; aivan ~ of no use whatever.
to no erfeet, to no purpose; kaikki yrityk
set osottautuivat turhiksi ali attempts
proved rrultless (1. futile 1. in vain) ;
mit turhaa, mit turhia (l Vlit) never
mlnd! (l puhu silt) don't taik of it:
what's the odds? (l puhu turhia) uh,
don't teli me! (mit Joutavia) HddlestlckS! olla turhaa (prove to) be in vain,
be of no purpose (I. no effect I. no avail).



prove useless (I. rutlle 1. vain) [liuoin, on

turhaa olla ystvllinen hnelle (mys:) ali


(iiuck and) rast, come pourlng, be comlng

as if lt [they] were poured from a coruucopla. -kaulua collar of a fur coat, fur
coat collar; (turkis-) fur collar.
Turkinmaa = Turkki,
turkinllpapu (kasv.) kldney-bean, French
bean. -pippuri red pepper, capslcum;
(mieto) paprika,
turkinsisuste llning of a fur coat.
turklslielln rur-bearing anlmal, fur anlmal; fur gramo. -kappa fur coat, fur
cloak. -kauppa (yleens:) fur trade;
(-puoti) furrler's (shop), -kauppias furrler, fur-merchant. -takki fur coat, fur
Jacket. -tavarat furs; vrt. turkikset.
-vaatteet fur clotblng.
Turkki Turkey; Turkin alamainen Turklsh
subject; Turkin valtakunta (mys:) tbe
O uoman empire,
turkki (elimen) fur, coat, (nyljettyn)
pelt, (nahka) skln; (-takki) fur coat.
-elin turkiselin,
turkkilainen I. (a.) Turklsh [rug, matto];
Turkey; (Joskus:) Ottoman; ~ takki Tez.
II. (s.) Turk.
turkkilais- (yhd.) Turko-, Turco- [esim.
-tatarilainen Turko-Tatarlcj. -sukuinen
(a.) Turklc.
turkki sisuste fur llning. -elsusteinen furllned.
turkkuri furrier; (nahkaln muokkaaja)
turkoosi (slnlklvl) turquolse.
turma ruin, destructlon; (onnettomuus)
dlsaster; (kuolema) ratal end, death; vrt.

kindness Is lost (up)on Muu j ; l turhatta

tuutu don't get angry Tor nothlng (1.
angry \vltliout a cause). turhaan in vain,
vainly, fruitlessly, to no purpose, to no
errect; (tarpeettomasti) unnecessarlly,
needlessly, uselessly; (Ilman syyt) without a cause; (kun el ole ainetta) vvnen
there Is Lwas] no occaslon; kuluttaa ra
hojaan turhaan (mys : ) tnrovv one's money
avvay; vrt. turhanpiten.
turhamainen vain; frlvolous; (koreileva)
shovvy, ostentatlous; (pikkumainen) incan;
(turhantarkka) too particular, rastidious;
turhamaieen tarkka ks. turhantarkka, turhamaisesti vainly; frlvolously; In a shovvy
manner (1. way), ostentatlously; vrt. tur
hantarkasta, turhamaisuus vanlty; (hen
kiln, mys:) frivolity; (komeilu) show,
(vain) dlsplay, parade; (pikkumaisuus)
turhamielinen valn(glorlous); frlvolous;
showy, ostentatlous.
turhanaikainen -= turhanpivinen, -hve
lis 1. -kaino prudish; turhankaino Ihminen
(mys:) a prude. -piten (tarpeettomasti)
unnecessarlly, needlessly, uselessly; (il
man syyt) without a cause; (aiheetta)
. . vvhen there Is no occaslon; vrt. suotta,
-pivinen (tarpeeton) unnecessary, needless; (hydytn) useless; (lllkanainen)
superriuous; (mittn) trifllng, trivial,
silght, lnsignlficant, unlmportant. . . ot
no lmportance. -pivisesti unnecessarl
ly, needlessly; uselessly; superfluously. turmio.
-pivisyya needlessness; uselessness; su- turmelematon unspolled, undamaged; uninperfluousness; trlvlality; turhanpivi
Jured, unburt; untalnted, uncorrupted.
syyksi trifles, tririlng matters, ldle turmeleminen spolllng Jne., ks. turmella;
thlngs, thlngs of llttle moment. -tarkasti corruption, depravation, demorallzation.
\vith undue (1. needless) exactness (1. turmeleva(inen) pernlclous, rulnous, dcparticularity); mlnutely; punctlllously; structive; (moraalisesti) demorallzlng,
pedantically; (Illan) too rigorously, (ss
noxlous [example, esimerkki]; (vahin
telisti) parslmonlously, stlnglly; vrt. goittava) injurlous, baleful. turmeleseur. ^tarkka too particular, overpartic- va(ise)stl
ular; minute; too exact [about. Johonkin noxiously; lnjurlously. turmelevaisuus pernhden] ; (pikkumainen) overnlce, russy, ntclousness, destructlveness; noxiousness,
dalnty, flnicky, minclng; (Jota on valkea lnjurlousness, balefulness; (moraalinen)
tyydytt) . . hard to satisfy; (jrjestyk
demorallzlng character (1. quallty) [or].
sess, tavoissa y.m.) punctilious; (koulu- turmella (pilata) spoll [one's eyes, silmn
mestarlmainen) pedantlc; (liian vaativa) s] ; (vahingoittaa) damage, do (1. cause)
unduly rigorous, too exactlng [master, damage; mar [trees, puita; a p.'s prosIsnt J; (liian arka) overscrupulous; (lil
pects, Jonkun suunnitelmat], hurt, lnjure;
an sstelis) parsimonious, nlggardly; (tuhota) ruin [a p.'s happlness, jonkun
(ahne) stlngy, close; turhantarkka henkil onni], destroy, blast, bllght [the crops,
(koulumestarimainen) pedant; ei sen suh
vilja], (murskata) shatter, vvreck; (esim.
teen tarvitse olla niin turhantarkka lt 13 tartunnasta:) taint [the blood, veri]
not such a particular matter, you need (mys kuv.), vitiate: (moraalisesti) cornot be so very particular (1. so exact) rupt, deprave, deflle; demoralize; deabout it; olla turhantarkka pikkuasioissa
bauch; (murtaa) break [a p.'s health,
(mys:) stand on trifles. -tarkkuus ks. jonkun terveys]; (tehd kykenemtt
turha (tarkkuus), -ylpe overproud, vain
mksi) disable [a ship, laiva]; itsens
glorious; (Jkpv.) stuck-up, blgh and liiallisella tyll overvvork O.S.; tervey
tens injure one's health, (kokonaan) ruin
turhasti = turhaan.
(1. shatter) one's health [by overvvork,
turhuus (turhamaisuus) vanlty; (tarpeetto
liiallisella tyll], (lilaksi Itsen rasitta
muus) needlessness, superriuousness, su- malla) overtax (1. squander) one's
perriuity; (hydyttmyys) uselessness, fu- strength; varsansa derange (1. ruin)
tillty, ITultlessness; (tyhjyys) emptiness. one's dlgestton, get one's stomach out or
order [by eatlng ... symll Jotakin];
turilas (cllnt.) cockchafer, May-bug.
turina murmur; (surina) buzz. turista se on turmellut hnen tulevaisuutensa tilat
has rulned (1. has spolled) his vvhole fumurmur; (surista) buzz; l turise (Jkpv.)
ture (1. ali his prospects), that has unshut up!
hlm; vrt. pilata.
turkanen hang lt! confound lt! the deuce!
turmeltua be (1. become 1. get) spolled, be
turkasen hyv (Jkpv.) deucedly good.
turkikset furs; (muokkaamattomat) pelts, (1. become 1. get) damaged, be marred, be
(tuhoutua) be blasted, be
turklnjhlha sleeve of s fur coat, rur-coat blighted, be shattered, be \vrecked, (esim.
Sleeve; tulta kuin turkinhihasta be comlng verest:) be tatnted (mys kuv.), be vi

tlated; (moraalisesti) be corrupted, be turmion || palva fatal (1. 111-starred) day;
depraved, be denied; be demorailzed; disastrous day, day of calamily; (kuv.)
black day. -tuoja who [vvhicb] brlngs
(murtua) be broken; (tulla kykenemtt
[brought, etc] dlsaster (1. ruln), vvhicb
mksi, esim. laivasta:) be dlsabled; (pa
hentua) decay. turmeltumaton (Joka el brlngs ruln (1. destructlon) in lts train.
evil star.
ole turmeltunut) unspolled, undamaged;
unhurt, uninjured; untainted; . . not cor- turnailla tllt, Just, Joust, tourney.
rupt(ed), uncorrupted, lncorrupt, unde- turnailu tourney, tournament; just(lng),
praved; . . not decayed; (Joka ei turmellu) Joust(lng), tllt(ing). -keihs lance (used
. . which (1. ttiat) will (1. can) not be In tournament). -kentt the llst, riekl <>r
spolled; lncorruptlble; turmeltumaton nuo
tourney (1. of tournament).
rukainen an undepraved youtli, a youtb or turnajaiset tournament, tourney. turnaus
good (1. of untainted) morals. turmeltu- ~- turnailu.
mattomuus uncorrupted state, freedom turnipsi (rehunaurls) turnlp.
from corruptlon; lncorruptlbillty; sen tur- turpa nose; (kuono) snout, (esim. hevosen)
meltumattomuus (mys:) the laet that It muzzle. -Jouhi: turpajouhet (esim. kissan)
whlskers. -suitset (kuv., jkpv.) muzzle.
is not spolled (1. is not corrupted).
turmeltunut spolled, damaged; lnjured; turpea (phttynyt) bloated, suolien; (putalnted; (moraalisesti) corrupt, depraved, hlnen) turgld; (tytells) plump.chubuy.
demorailzed, abandoned, reprobate; (rap
(paksu) podgy, pudgy; turpeat aivot
peutunut) degenerate; (pahentunut) de
bloated (1. svvollen) race; turpeat kdet
cayed; (pilalle mennyt) rulned; hn on pudgy (1. podgy) hands; turpeat posket
aivan turmeltunut be is entlrely demorai
chubby (I. pudgy) cheeks, (luonnottoman)
lzed (1. utterly depraved), he Is a moral bloated cheeks.
vvreck. turmeltuva pilaantuva, turmelut turpeenpusklja (leik.) "sod-turner", (mouk
(tapain- y.m.) corruptlon, depravatlon, ka) clodhopper. turpeikko sod; patch of sod.
depravity, demorallzation; (jonkun, mys:) turpeus bloated (1. s\vollen) condition; turcorrupt(ed) morals;
(turmeltunelsuus, gldlty, turgidness; plumpness, chubbiesim. veren) talnt, vltiatlon; (rappio) de
ness; pudginess; vrt. turpea.
cay, decline, decadence; (huonontuminen) turpoa ks. turvota, turpoama snelllng; lndegradation, (Ihmisten, suvun y.m.) de- tumescence.
gcneratlon, degeneracy; (tuho) ruln; tur turruttaa (puuduttaa) make . . numb, bemeluksen tielle eksynyt . . strayed from numb; (Jykist) make . . stifr, slirfen;
the narrow path, . . gone astray, . . gone (kuv.) make (1. render) . . dull (1. inert 1.
wrong; turmelus levisi kuin rutto kaikkiin apathetlc), dull, stupery; (kuolettaa)
kansankerroksiin (the) corruptlon spread deaden.
llke a plague through ali strata of Society, turska (ellnt.) cod, codflsh.
like a pestilence the corruptlon permeated
|| maksa cod-llver. -maksa rasva 1.
ali classes or soclety; ajan turmelus the turskan
-ljy cod-llver oli. -pyynti cod-rishing.
corruptlon or the tlmes, the (general) de
benumbed; (tunnoton) insenpravity or the age.
slble; menn turraksi become (1. grott)
turmio ruln, (hvitys) destructlon; (kado
lose lts reellng; olla
tus) perdltion; (turmeleva vaikutus)
turtana be numb, be benumbed, be insen
bllght, bane; (rappiotila) decay, decline;
(nivus:) has lost
(vahinko) damage, injury; turmiota en
lts reellng].
nustava cvll-bodlng, . . bodlng 111 (1. dls- turtua
become (I. grovv) numb, be be
aster), omlnous, threatening, slnlster,
(menn tunnottomaksi) lose Its
black [look, katse], (uhkaava) .. teemlng numbed;
(Jykisty) become (I. grow)
(1. pregnant 1. Traught) wlth evil; tur
(kuv.) become (1. grow)
miota tuottava ruinous, destructlve, dis(1. Inert 1. apathetlc), be(come) dulled
astrous, (et. kuoleman tuottava) fatal, dull
(1. stupefled 1. deadened). turtuminen bebaneful, vrt. turmeleva, turmiollinen; olla coming
jne., ks. edell. turtunut be
turmioksi jollekulle (pahaksi) be bad (1. numbed,numb
numb, . . whtch has lost Its feel
be harmrul) Tor a p., be of evil conseing;
Inert, apathetlc, stupe
quence to a p., be ruinous ror a p., be a fled; (kankea) slil'1'.
p.'S ruln; se vei hnet turmioon, se tuotti turturikyyhkynen
(ellnt.) turtle-dove.
hnelle turmion it was the ruln or hlm, it
(suojelus) protectlon, saleguard;
proved to be hls ruln, it rulned hlm, it was turva
(varma paikka) Se
disastrous to hiin; toimettomuus on nuo
curity; (suoja) shelter, cover; (turvapaik
rison ldleness Is the bane of youth. ka)
turmiolintu (turmiota ennustava) blrd of UI asylum; (turvallisuus) safety; (tuki)
port, prop; turvassa In sarety, safe, seturmiollinen pernlclous, noxious; (vauriota cure, (suojeltuna) protected, (pelotta)
tuottava) detrimental; (vahingollinen) in\vlthOUt Tear [huom. hyvss turvassa
Jurlous, harmrul, baleCul, hurtrul, mlswell protected, \vell sheltered, sare, sechievous [doctrine, oppi]; (turmiota tuot
cure; olla turvassa joltakin (mys:) be
tava) ruinous, destructlve, disastrous; (et. safeguarded from, have shelter rrom;
kuoleman tuottava) fatal (1. banerul) [to, siell ei ole henki turvassa one's life is not
jollekin (1. jollekulle)]; (moraalisesti) de- sare (1. not secure) there, one Is risking
moralizing, corruptlng, depraving; (onne
hls life (by golng) there] ; etsi turoon
ton) ralamltous; - vaikutus pernlclous (1.
seek protectlon [\vltli a neighbor, naapu
detrimental 1. harmini) inriuence; vrt.
rinsa luona (1. luota)], go to . . Tor shelter
turmlolllaesti pernlclously;
(1. for sarety I. ror protectlon), seek shel
injuriously, ter (1. re(uge) [at a p.'s nouse. Jonkun
harmrully; destructively; fatally; vrt. vai
talosta], take reluge [In], vrt. paeta (jon
kuttaa, turmiollisuus pernlclous (I. noxious kun turviin); jonkun [jonkin] turvissa
1. detrimental 1. harmrul 1. destructlve)
under a p.'s protectlon, under the protec
tlon of, (esim. lain) protected by [the
character; noxlousness; harmrulness; delaw], (saattamana) under the convoy of,
structlveness; fatallty, banerulness.


escorted by, convoyed by; laittautua tur
Johonkin]; (luottaa) trust [In a p., Johon
vaan get to a place or sarety, put o.s. out kuhun] ; vrt. turvata; jonkun apuun
or harm'3 way, provlde safety Tor o.s.; go (l. appeal) to . . for ald (1. for asslsottaa joku turviinsa take . . under one's tance), seek ald from, ask . . for ald;
protectlon (1. one's wing); vanhuuteni pakoon resort (1. take recourse) to
[tuki ja] ~ the support oi' my old age, rilght, seek sarety in rilght, take to rilght;
the prop [and stay] of my declining yaars. meidn on turvauduttava muihin keinoihin
turvaamaton unprotected; . . not safe- wc must resort to (1. must flnd some)
guarded. turvaaminen protecting Jne., ks. other means.
turvata; protectlon; tfreservation.
turve (ruoho-) turf; sod; (maanpintaa
turva, joukko escort, convoy. -kaino means peittv, mys:) sward; (suo-) peat; tur
oi protectlon; (-toimenpide) protectlvo peeseen kiinnitetty (kuv.) . . attached to
measure. -kirjo letter of safe-conduct. the soll (1. the glebe). -katto sod roof.
-koti 1. -laitoa asylum [for orphaned chil- -kattoinen . . \vlth a sod roor. -kerros
dren, orvoiksi Joutuneita lapsia varten;.
(-tuma) layer of peat; layer of turf.
turvallinen safe [harbor, satama; distance, -kuokka grub(bing) hoe. -lanta manure
vlimatka]; (varma) secure; (suojattu) mixed wlth peat. -lapio peat-spade; turfprotected; ~ paikka safe place, place of spade. -maa boggy ground; (aineena) bogsarety. turvallisesti safely, \vith safety, earth, peat mo(u)ld.
securely; (luottamuksella) trustfully, wlth turvemalnen . . like (1. resembllng) peat,
confldence; nukkua turvallisesti sleep sare peat-llke; turf-like.
and sound. turvallisuus safety, Security. turve maja turf hut, turf cottage; sod hut,
turva1, lupaus (assurance oi) safe-conduct. sod house. -multa peat mo(u)ld. -pehku
-paikka (place of) refuge (1. shelter), moss Utter, -pehkupuristin moss-lltter
re-sort; place of safety, place of Security;
press (1. baler). -pehkutehdaa moss-lltter
retreat; (pyh) sanctuary; (pakolaiselle factory. -peitteinen . . covered wlth turf
(1. wlth sod), turf-covered, sod-covered.
annettu, mys -koti) asylum; etsi turva
-penger sodded terrace; terrace of sod.
paikkaa ^ etsi turvaa, ks. turva.
turvata (suojella) protect (1. preserve 1. -penkki turf bench, sod bench, bench or
defend) [one agalnst (1. from). Jotakuta turf. -suo peat-bog, peat-moor, peat-bed.
Joltakin], safeguard (1. guard) [agalnst]; turvottua (saada turvepeite) be(come) cov
(suojata) cover, shelter, shield; (luottaa) ered with turf (1. \vith sod 1. wlth sward),
become (1. grovv Into) sod, form sod,
trust [in God, Jumalaan; to a tn., Johon
kin], conflde [In]; (tehd varmaksi) make (esim: suosta:) form peat. turvettumlnen
(1. render) . . safe (1. secure), make . . formatlon or sod [of peat], growlng into
sure, secure, assure; (vakuuttaa) ensure sod.
(1. guarantee) ia th. to a p., jokin Jolle turvonnut . . swollen into shape; mys =
kulle] ; (turvautua Johonkuhun) nestle turvottunut.
up to, attach o.s. [ltself] to; ~ itsen turvos: olla turvoksissa be swolIen (up).
joltakin guard (1. secure) o.s. agalnst; ~ turvota (esim. tynnyri) swell (so as to stop
oikeuksiaan guard one's rights [agalnst]; leaklng), swell Into shape; mys = seur.
~ rauha safeguard (1. preserve) peace, turvottua swell (up 1. out), become swolmake sure that peace vvill be preserved; len (1. dlstended 1. purfed up); bulge
Jollekulle (1. Jonkun) vapaus ensure (1. out; (Joskus:) lntumesce. turvottunut
guarantee) a p.'s Uberty; ~ vapautta be suolien (up), bloated, turgld; turvottuthe safeguard of Uberty, safeguard the neet kasvot bloated lace, (paisuneet)
Uberty; lain turvaama . . protected by swollen face.
law; olla turvattu joltakin be protected (1. tusina dozen; kaksi tusinaa two dozen.
preserved 1. safeguarded 1. guarded) tusina- (yhd.) (Jokapivinen) common agalnst, be sheltered (1. shielded) from, place [esim. -ihminen commonplace pet-be safe from; vrt. turvautua.
son] ; (vhptinen) petty [esim. -ruAriturvaton unprotected, defenseless, . . vitli- nas petty prlnce]. -kauppa: tusinakauout protectlon (1. shelter); (vailla kotia palla by the dozen. -ty poor (1. bad 1.
ja ystvi) frlendless and homeless (1. careless 1. botched) work.
shelterless); (Ilman holvaa) unprovlded tusinoittain dozens of . .; . . In dozens;
(1. uncared) for; (avuton) helpless; ~
U u salakaupalla) by the dozen.
lapsi a chlld wlthout protectlon, (koditon) tuska (kipu) pain; ache; (ankara, mys
homeless chlld, (orpo) orphan, \valf; ~ kuv.) pang, twlnge (of pain), throe; (ht)
tila exposed (1. helpless) condltlon, de
agony, anguish; (kidutus) torment, torfenseless state.
ture: (krsimys) surfering; (sielun-)
turvatti \vard, protege(e); cllent.
grler, afriiction, woe, distress; (huoli) anturvattomuus unprotected condltlon, de- xlety; (vaiva) worry; (vastus) trouble;
fenselessness; helplessness; (epvarmuus)
(vaikeus) dlfficulty; tuskaa ja vaivaa
lack of Security, lnsecurity; turvattomuu
trnuble and hardshlp; tuskaa lievittv,
den tunne feellng (1. sense) of lnsecurity, tuskia lieventv soothlng, paln-killing,
feellng of being defenseless (1. unpro, . i anodyne; tuskaa lievittv lke
tected), feellng or uncertalnty Tor the Tu- anodyne; tuskia tuottava . . whlch causes
ture; hnen turvattomuutensa (mys:) the pain, painful; tuskin ks. tin; krsi tus
fact that she was without protectlon (1. kia (]. tuskaa) SUffer pain: olla tuskissaan
was defenseless).
be In agony (1. in anguish), surfer agony,
turvautua resort to [excuses, tekosyihin; be in throes or agony, (levottomana) be
lying, valehteluun; flghting as a last re- anxlous; Tantaluksen tuskat the torment
course, lopulta tappeluun], take recourse (1. the torments) of Tantalus; vrt. oman
to, Tall back upon; (etsi turvaa) go to . . tunnon-', sielun, synnytystuskat y.m.
for protectlon, seek protectlon (1. safety) tuskaantua -= tuskautua. tuskailla (olla
[wlth a nelghbor, naapuriinsa], take (1. krsimtn) be Impatient, lose (ali) paseek) refuge [In prayer, rukoukseen], tlence; (olla levoton) be (1. Teel) anxlous
(suojaa) seek shelter at (1. in) . . , go to . . (1. alarmed) [about, Jostakin]: alarm d.
tor shelter; (pit kiinni) bold to [a th., distress) o.s. [about]; (olla huolissaan)



worry (1. rret o. s.) [over (1. about)].

tuskailu impatience; (levottomuus) anxiety; xvorrying (1. iretting o.s.) lover] ;
(tuska) angulsb.
tuskainen, tuskalta (krsimtn) lmpatlent,
rretrul, (malttamaton) mtolerant (or delay); (levoton) anxlous; (tuskassa oleva)
. . rilled wlth agony, agonlzed [expresslon,
Ilme], .. full or angulsh; (suuttunut)
exasperated; vrt. tuskallinen; kvell tus
kaisena edestakaisin vvalk lmpatiently back
and rorth, walk back and forth In great
anxiety (1. in great agony). tuskaisesti
lmpatiently, fretfully; anxlously; (tuskas
sa) in an agony; (tuskaisella Ilmeell)
with an agonlzed expression. tuskallinen
painiul [dealh, kuolema; sllence, vaitiolo;
impression, vaikutus], .. attended wlth
palli; (kiusottava) agonlzing [doubt, ep
tieto; suspense. odotus]; (sietmtn)
excruclatlng [pain, kipu] ; (mielelle) dlstresslng; (valkea) dirflcult; (kiusallinen)
troublesome; vrt. tuskainen, tuskallisesti
agonlzingly; excruelatingly.
tuskallisuus palnrulness; palnrul (1. ago
nlzing l. exasperatlng 1. tormentlng) cliaracter; troublesomeuess ; vrt. tuskallinen.
tuskan||hiki persplratlon or agony; cold
svveat. -huuto cry of agony.
tuskastua become (1. grow 1. get) lmpatlent
[at tuu delay, viivytykseen; under one's
surreriug(s), krsimyksiens jobdosta] ;
get out oi patlence, lose (ali) patlence;
(arsytty) ua-ome (1. grow) lrritable;
(hermostua) become (1. get 1. grow)
nervous; (suuttua) become (1. get) exas
perated. tutkattu m inen becoming impatient Jne., ks. edell.; mys seur. tut
kattua linpatlence; irrltation; (hermostus)
nervousness. tuskastuttaa make . . lmpa
tlent, make . . lose patieuce; (hermostut
taa) make . . nervous; (rsytt) lrrltate;
(suututtaa) exasperate. tuskastuttava . .
that makes one lose patlence; (rsyttv)
irrltatlng; (kiusallinen) palnrul [sllence,
vaitiolo] ; (kiusottava) agonlzing. excru
clatlng; (suututtava) exasperaling.
tutkaton palniess. tutkattomatti painlessly,
uitliout pain. tutkattomuut painlessness,
freedom rrum pain.
tutkautua be overcome \vitli agony, be
agonlzed; (tulla levottomaksi) become (l.
get 1. grow) anxlous ; mys tuskastua.
tutkin bardly
[posslble, mahdollista],
scarcely [two days, kahta piv], scarce;
barely, narrovvly; (vaikeasti) with (some)
dlfllculty; not vory well; ~ [olin pssyt
perille], kun . . scarcely [had I arrlved
there] when..,iw sooner . . than . .; mil
loinkaan hardly (1. scarcely) ever; ~ nht
v barely (1. scarcely 1. hardly) vislble (1.
perceptlhle); ~ saan enemp 1 s lm u hard
ly get any more, lt \vlll be dlflicult for me
to get (any) more, lt is not llkely that I
shall get any more; noin sit tehd I
cannot do lt vory Weil, (esim. lainata) I
can UI (1. hardly) afrord lt; hn ~ para
nee he \vill hardly recover, lt 13 not likely
that he wlll recover, he is not likely to
recover, there is no great chance or hls
recovery; meill on ~ kymment minuut
tia aikaa e have less than (1. we have
barely 1. we have scarcely) ten mlnutes
left (1. to spare); se on luultavaa lt is
hardly (1. lt is not very) probable, lt Is
not likely (to happen), 1 hardly tliink so,
there is no great chance or it; vrt. hdin
tuskin & tin (tuskin).


tusklstua = tuskastua, tuskitella tus

kailla, tuskittelu = tuskailu,
tusthi India lnk. -kuppi (1. v.) patnt-cup.
-muste tusshi. -piirustus India-lnk
tutina (trin) shake, shaking; Joltlng;
quake, quaking; (vrin) qutver(lng);
shlver(lng); (vaplstus) trembllng, tremor.
tutiseminen shaking Jne., ks. seur. tutista
(trist) shake. Joit, quake; (v&rlstt)
quiver, shlver, tremble; vrt. trin, tutisuttaa make . . shake (1. quake 1. quiver 1.
shlver 1. tremble); shake [a tb.. Jotakin];
glve . . a Joit.
tutkailla: jotakin atiaa joltakulta lnquire
or a p. about a matter, question (1. sound)
a p. about a matter.
tutkain point; (raam.) prlck(s); vrt. tyls,
tutkaitta lnquire [or a p., joltakulta] (curlously); ask (about . .) [curiously, ute
tutkia examlne [a patlent, potilasta; tne
prlsoner, vankia; (into) a case, Juttua];
lnvestigate [the matter, asiaa; the cause
or, Jonkin syyt], searcb [the Scriptures,
raamatulta; one's own heart, sydntn],
lnquire (1. look) Into [a p.'s conduel,
Jonkun kytst; one's arrairs, asioitaan],
look over [a list, listaa; a coat, takkia];
(tehd tutkimuksia) make Investlgations
[into], (et. tieteellisi) do researcfi\vork [In]; (tarkkaan) scrutlnize; (jonkin
laatua y.m.) probe; (tarkastaa) inspect,
survey; (et. opiskella) study [a Bdence,
jotakin tiedett], make a study or [bees,
mehilist], be a student or [popular customs, kansan keskuudessa vallitsevia tapujaj, work at [chemistry, kemiaa]; (ot
taa selv) rind out; (lak., mys:) try (1.
hear) [a case, Juttua]; (kuulustella) interrogate, question; (kem. & kuv.) analyze, test; (tuntemattomia maa-alueita)
explore; asemaa, ~ maaper (kuv.)
lnvestigate (1. survey) the ground, (jkpv.)
tind out how the land lies; - itsen
examlne o. s.; ~ jotakuta examlne a p.,
put a p. through an examlnatlon, (udella)
question (1. interrogate) a p.: kasveja
study (the) plants, make a study (1. be a
student) or plants; ~ jo(ta)kin perinpoh
jin CL perusteellisesti) make a thorougn
examlnatlon or, lnvestigate . . thoroughly,
go to the bottom or, sirt [the matter] to
the bottom, look thoroughly Into, searcb
out, ratbom, subject . . to a searchlng Mqulry (I. scrutiny); ~ rikosta lnquire into
the criine, examlne the detalls (1. the clrcumstances) or the crlme; ~ tarkkaan
look over closely, scrutlnize; ~ uudelleen
examlne . . (over) again, reexamine; hifhittuamme asiaa upon InveStigatlon Of (1
upon examlnatlon or I. upon inquiry into)
the matter (1. the case); /ontua /ankan
tutkittavaksi be examined (1. be questloned 1. be tried) by a p.
tutkiella study; (Jotakin) make a study of:
tarkkaan (mys:) make a close study
or: vrt. tutkia, tutkielma study, (brief)
survey; (tutkimus) research.
tutkija investlgator; examlner; questloner;
(Jonkin) student [or], one who carries on
study (1. research work) [in] ; (tiede
mies) Scientist; (tutkimusmatkailija) explorer; vrt. historian, muinais- y.m.
-kunta Investlgatlng commlttee, committee to lnvestigate. -lautakunta board or
examlners, examlnlng board; (lak.) Jury
at an inquest.
tutkljaniialku prospeativ (1. buddlng 1. fu-


ture) scientist, scientist In embryo. -katae tuttava I. (s.) acquaintance; (Jkpv. ysI. -silma: tutkjan,itmtl \uth a critical tavu) friend; hSn on hyvS ~ perhteita
eye: vrt. tuntija(n sllm).
he is well acquainted with (1. Is very In
tutkimatou (Jota el ole tutklttu) unexam- timate with 1. is a very Intimate friend of)
Ined, uninspected; . . not Investigated; the family; on mcnun vanha tuttavani
(maa-alueista:) unevploreii; (jota el voi he [she] Is an old acquaintance of mine;
kaikkien ~ acquainted (1. Intimate) with
tutkla) unsearchable, Inscrutable; Impen
everybody, (kalkllle) known by every
etrable [mystery, salalsuus) ; . . past rind
ing out. tutklmattomuui Inscrutability; body; minulla oil sidlu monta tuttavaa
Impenetrableness. tutkiminen examining I had many acquaintances there, I knew
many of them. II. (a.) tuttu, I.
jne., ks. tutlda.
tutkimu 1. (tutklnto) examination; Inves tutiavallinen familiar, Intimate; (luottava)
tigation; Inquiry, Inquest; Inquisition; confidentiel; ~ euru(/u intimated. conn
(olkeudelllnen) trial; (kuulustelu) near- dentlal) Intercourse; ~ too free (and
Ing; (et. maantleteelllnen) exploration; easy), unduly familiar; olla tattavalliiitta
(et. tlcteelllnen) study, research; (etsinvleitt jonkun bantta be familiar (1. be
t) search(lng); (tarkka) scrutiny; (tar- on Intimate terms l. have Intimate rela
kastus) Inspection, survey; (erlttelevii) tions) with a p. tuttavallUMtl In a fa
analysis; 2. (-klrjotus) treatise, essay, miliar manner (1. way), familiarly; In
paper [on ..]; ionbin ~ (mys:) an ex
timately; confidentially. tuttavalllsuui
amination Into, an investigation into (1. as familiarity, Intimacy.
to) ; kuolemamyijen coroner's inquest. tuttavapliri (Jonkun) circle of [one's] ac
-ala field (1. sphere) of (l. for) research quaintances, [one's] friends, [one's] set;
(I. study), -harraatui Interest In (1. for) hnen lhin tattavapiirins (myS:) his
research work, interest for study (1. for circle of nearest acquaintances, his (most)
exploration); spirit of research (1. or ex
Intimate friends, tuttavuut acquaintance;
ploration), -matka exploring expedition,
(lahelnen) familiarity. Intimacy; (yst;i-matkailija explorer, -poytikirja records vyys) friendship.
of an of the] investigation (l. examina tutti nipple.
tion 1. Inquiry 1. inquest), -retki exploring tuttu I. (a.) familiar (1. acquainted) [with]:
(tunnettu) known; (tuttavalllnen) Inti
expedition; tuthimutrtthi pohjoisnavaU*
arctic expedition, -retkikunta exploring mate; jokin on tul t tin foUekalle a th. Is
expedition; scientific expedition, -tapa familiar to a p., a p. Is familiar (1. is at
home) with a th.; olttttho tuttuja (toismethod of research (1. of study), -ty re
tenne kanssa) are you acquainted (with
search work; study.
tutkinu tutklmu, 1; myg tutkiminen; each other)? do you know each other?
vrt. tutkinto. -atiakirjat documents drawn have you met before? tapatin titila tutun
up In connection with an investigation (1. perheen I met there a family that I know
an Inquiry 1. an Inquest), -poytaktrja (1. that I am acquainted with); vrt. tun
-vankeue custody nettu. II. (S.) = tuttava, I: talon vanha ~
(pending trial); Joutaa tutkintauankeutten an old acquaintance (1. friend) of the fam
be committed to Jail (1. to prison) for ily, tutunomainen familiar, Intimate; vrt.
trial, -vanki prisoner held over for trial, tuttavallinen. tutunomaliesti familiarly,
-vankila prison to which those awaiting tutustaa (joku Johonkln) make one ac
quainted with, (perehdytta) make one
trial are committed; jail.
tutkinto examination; vrt. tutkimui. -Jir- familiar with, familiarize one with, make
Jeetelma system of examination, examin
. . known to a p., (eslm. salalsuuteen)
ing system, -lautakunta board of exam
initiate one Into [a mystery, etc.]; (esltiners, -pliva (esim. koulussa) examina
14ft) Introduce [him to them, hanet hettion day; (oikeudessa) day of the trial, hln], present; ~ oka johonkin talaituuday of (1. day set for) the hearing, tetn (mys:) let one into a secret, (Jkpv.)
-todletu certificate (of examination); put a p. on to It. tutustua become (1. get)
(tav. ylioplstosta saatu) diploma, -vaatl- acquainted (1. familiar 1. familiarized)
[with], become (1. get) versed [In], come
mu request (1. demand) for an examina
tion; demand that an investigation (1. an to know . . , (tutustaa Itseaftn) familiarize
[with], make o.s. at home [In], (teninquest) be held (1. be conducted),
-vankeus, -vanki, -vankila ks. tutkinta-. da tuttavuutta) make [a p.'s] acquain
tance; (oppla) learn; tutustua johonkin
tutkistelemus (mtetlskely) reflection, con
(1. iohonkuhun) iahemmin Come (1. learn)
templation, meditation, tutkletellja ob
server; one who contemplates: vrt. tutki- to know . . better, become more familiar
(-ized) with, become better (1. more
ja. tutkiitella be studying jne., vrt. tut
lda; study, search fthe Scriptures, raa- closely) acquainted with, familiarize o.s.
matulta] ; make Investigations [into, Jo- better with; ~ toitiinta llahemmln] get
takln]; (mietlskella) contemplate, reflect,
[better] acquainted (with each other),
meditate upon, consider, think over, pon
come to know one another [better].
der (1. over); mina tuthittelcn atiaa tutustuttaa ks. tututtaa.
lah*mmin I shall study the matter fur tuudinta rocking, tuudltella, tuudittaa rock
tutkistelu study. Investigation;
fthe child to sleep, lapsl uneen; a cradle,
mys <= tutklitelemu.
kehtoaj; (hyssyttaa) lull [to sleep, uneen;
tutkltuttaa (Jotakln) have . . examined (I. Into a sense of security, turyalllsuuden
Investigated jne., ks. tutkia); (jollakullu) Uneen] ; antautna tyhjien t nive iden tuujibave [a p.] examine (1. Investigate Jne.). teltavakfi indulge in (I. lull O.S. Into)
raise hopes (I. false expectations), tuudltutkiva searching [glance, katse], critical
tui rocking; lulling.
[eye, sllma], examining; Inquiring; scru
tinizing; (utellas) curious [disposition, tuuhea bushy [tall, hant4; beard, parta:
luonne] ; *1 ~ komitta the committee hair, tnkkaj; (tlhe4) thick; (levea, laaja)
tho matter.
tutklvasti spreading [elm, Jalava] ; (rehevS) luxu
riant; (lehtevu) leafy, . . rich In (I. thick
searchlngly, Inquiringly; scrutinizing!!';
with) foliage; (varjolsa) shady [tree,



puu], umbrageous ; tuuheat kulmakarvat

bushy eyebrows. -hntinen . . wlth a
bushy tali. -karvainen . . wlth bushy (1.
thlck) liair. -latvainen . . \vltti a spreadlng
top. -metsinen . . thlekly vvooded [shore,
ranta], -rlpsinen .. il li a thlck rrlnge
of bair; (esim. silmluomi) . . wlth thlck
tuuheus bushlness; leafiness; thlckness;
shadlness. tuuhistua become (1. grow)
(more) bushy (1. leafy 1. shady); become
(1. grow) thlck(er).
tuulahdella blow gently; merelt tuulahtelee virkistvin rerreshlng brcezes are
blowing (l.are coming) from the sea, there
Is such a dellclously cool breeze from the
tuulahdus pufr or \vlnd, (gentle)
breath or wind, breath (1. whirr) of
air. tuulahduttaa air, gtve . . an alring;
vrt. tuulettaa, tu ulahtaa hlnvv gently; me
nin tuulahti there was a breath of wind
from the sea, a puff of vvlnd (1. a gentle
breeze) came from the sea.
tuulas ~* atrain, tuu lastaa (kaloja) fish
wlth a spear, spear.
tuulen ajama . . driven by (I. berore) the
wlnd. -henki I. -henkys breath or air;
breath (1. puff) of wind; breeze; vrt. tuu
lahdus, -kaatama . . lelled by the vvlnd.
. . blovvn down. -kestv . . vvhlch wlll
stand the (Torce oT) the vvlnd (1. the
storm). -leyhk breath (1. pum or wind
(I. or air); breeze. -pain vvind-pressure;
(-voima) rorce or the wlnd. -piekaij 1.
-pleksj blusterer, (Jkpv.) vvinrtbag; (pe
tollinen) humbug. -pieksnU blustering;
humbug. -puoli windward (1. vvlndy)
side, the side toward the wiiid; (mcr.)
\vlndward; tuulenpuolella, tuulenpuolelle
to (the) vvlndward [or, jotakin], -puoli
nen \vlnd\vard. -puuska gust (or vvlnd),
blast (or Wlnd), squall; joutua tuulen
puuskan ksiin be caught in a squall.
-pyrre vvhlrl or wind, whirlwlnd. -suoja
shelter (rrom \vind); (mer.) lee: olla tuu
lensuojassa be sheltered rrom the -vvlnd.
-suunta dlrectlon or the \vlnd. -tupa
castle In the air, air castle, castle In Spaln.
-viuhka breeze; \vhirr or vvlnd (1. or air);
(mer.) catspa\v. -voima rorce or the vvind.
tuuletella be out ror an airlng (1. ror a
breath or rresh air), get il. have) a
change or air, get (1. take) the air, tako
an airlng. tuulettaa air, glve . . an alring;
(vaihtaa Ilmaa) ventllate, let some rresh
air ln[to a room, huonetta]; tuulettaa
itsen ks. tuuletella, tuulettaja ventllator.
tuulettaminen airlng; vuntllattng. tuulet
tua become (1. be) alreil (1. ventilated);
have (1. get) a change or air. tuuletus
alring; ventllatlng, ventilation; change or
air. tuuleutua tuulettua, tuuleutus
tuuli \vlnd; (heikko) breeze; (ankara) gale;
(myrsky) storm; (ilma) air; (kuv.) mood,
humor, splrits, temper, rrame or mind;
tuulella ia tyvenell In storm or in calm;
tuulen ajelemana drlftlng (at the mercy or
the vvlnd), driven by (1. berore) the \vind;
Ikokonaan] tuulesta temmattu . . vvlth no
roundation [vvhatever],.. fentlrely] vvitliout (a) roundation, [totally] lmaglnary;
on pohjoisesta the vvlnd Is rrom the
north, there is a northerly \vlnd, It blovvs
rrom the north, (mer.) the vvind Is in the
north, vrt. etel & it; - tyyntyy (mys:)
It is calmlng down; kaikilla tuulilla no
matter rrom vvhat dlrectlon the \vtnd
comes; mill tuulella hn on (nyt) in what


mood (1. humor 1. rrame or mlnd) Is he

no\v? mistpin ky rrom vvhat dlrec
tlon Is the wind b!owlng, (etup. mer.)
how does the wlnd He? olla huonolla (l.
pahalla) tuulella be in a bad humor, be In
no laughlng mood, (rtyisn) be In a
rretrul mood, be In an irritable rrame or
mind, be rrettlng, rret, be moody, (Jrotta&) sulk, be sulklng, be sulky, (alakuloi
nen) be In low splrits, be low-splrlted.
be out or sorts, (vaivautunut) Teel (1. be)
uneasy (I. uncomrortable); oHa hyvili
tuulella be In a good humor, be In gooir
(1. In high) splrits, be or good cheer, be
or good comrort, (Iloisella) be as merry
as a cricket: olla surullisella tuulella be in
a sad humor, reel sad; olla tuulen alla be
In a position where the vvlnd blovvs tovrard one, be In the wtnd.
tuuli- (yhd.) \vind- [esim. -pyr wlnd\vtieelj. -ajo: joutua tuuliajolle be east
adrirt (mys kuv.); olla tuuliajolla drin
with the wind, be adrirt, be drirtlng (I
the mercy or the wlnd), be driven by (I.
berore) the vvlnd, (kuv.) be adrirt (1.
loosc) upon the World, -hattu (kuv.) rickle
person, weathercock. -kannel 1. -kantele
/Eollan harp. -mittari wind-ga(u)ge, anemometer. -mylly vvlndmlll. -myllynsiipi
sali (1. arm) or a vvlndmlll.
tuulinen wlndy, gusty; (heikommin) breezy:
(tuulille altis) . . exposed to the wlnd(s).
bleak [shore, ranta]; s windy (1.
gusty) weather.
-tuulinen: olla hyv [huono] olla hy
vll 'huonolla] tuulella, ks. tuuli.
tuulisp blast or vvlnd, squall (on the
lake, jrvell]; (tuulenpyrre) whlrl oi
vvlnd, \vhlrlwlnd (mys kuv.).
tuuliviiri vveather-vane, vane: (kukonmuotoinen)
rock on the vveather-vane, weathercock.
tuulla blnvv; tuulee it Is blovvtng. It Is
vvlndy [huom. tuulee kylmsti there is a
cold vvlnd, a cold vvlnd is blovvlng, the
vvlnd Is cold; tuulee vinhasti there Is a
brlsk vvlnd, a brisk vvlnd is blowing] ;
~ kumoon blow down, be blown down;
uikaa ~ the vvlnd is beglnnlng to blow
(1. Is comlng up 1. Is rising); vrt. tuuli.
tuuma I. (ajatus) thought, Idea; (suunni
telma) pian, scheme, project; (aikomus)
tntent(lon), niin: tuuman takaa purposely,
deliberately; vvlth calculation; tuumasta
toimeen no sooner said than done [huom.
ryhty tuumasta toimeen set abOUt carrying out one's plans]; suuria tuumia
great thoughts, great schemes.
tuuma II. (mitta-) lnch; tuumalleen to (1.
vvithin) an lnch; tuumalta lnch by lnch,
by incheS; kolmen tuuman korkuinen three
inrhes lilgh.
tuumaaminen thlnklng jne., ks. tuumata.
tuumailla be thlnklng Jne., ks. tuumata;
tuumailkaamme asiaa yhdess let US think
(1. taik) lt over together, let us reason
together, (neuvotelkaamme) let us conrer
(1. consult 1. advlse) wlth each other
about the matter; kun tuumailen asiaa
(lhemmin) upon thlnking the matter
over, upon a closer consideration or the
matler; mit in tuumailet what are you
thlnklng about (1. pondering over 1. muslng on)? vvhat are you meditating (1. reriectlng) upon? olen tuumaillut lhte I
have thought or (I. have contemplated)
leavlng, I have been contemplating leavlng, I have intended to leave. tuumailu
medltatlon, reriectlon, contemplatton; con



dellberatlon ;
mys tuumaaminen.
-tuumainen (ytid.) . . inches long-, . .-lnch
t.'*lm. viisi~ flve inches long, rive-lnch;
kymm*n~ kanuuna ten-lnch gun] ; vrt.
mys: sukkela y.m.
tuuman! korkuinen .. an (1. one) lnch high,
. . or tlie helght of an lnch. -levyinen . . an
(1. one) lneli Wide (1. broad), lnch-wide.
-leveys the breadth or an lnch. -mitta
Inch-rule, inch-measure; (niveliks) carpenter's rule. -pituinen . . an (1. one) lnch
long, . . of the length or an Ineh.
tuumantakainen premedltated, thought out,
dellberate; studied.
tuumanverta the breadth [the length] oran
lnch; (noin) about an lnch. tuumapuu
tuumau (ajatella) thlnk, be thlnklng;
(mietiskell) meditate (1. reriect) [(up)on
(1. about), Jotakin], contemplate, (syvl
lisesti) ponder [over (]. upon), Jotakin],
muse [on], make reriectlons; (aikoa) lntend, mean, propose; (olla Juuri alkeissa)
he going [to] ; (suunnitella) pian (1. de
sign) [a th., Jotakin]; (harkita) consider,
dellberate [upon (1. about). Jotakin; \vlth
a p., Jonkun kanssa], reason; (punnita)
weigh (in one's mind), debate . . In one's
(o\vn) mlnd, debate wlth o.s. [whether
or not one should . . , pitisik vai ei . .],
(neuvotella) conrer [\vlth a p. upon, Jos
takin Jonkun kanssa], take counscl [together, yhdess], Consult [wlth a p.],
take the advlce or [a p. upon a question,
jonkun kanssa Jostakin asiasta], advlse
[wlthj : tuumaatko jd are you thlnklng
or staying? are you conslderlng staying?
(aiotko) are you golng to stay? do you
Intend (1. mean) to stay? ~ asiaa thlnk
the matter over [huom. tuumata asiaa tri
puolilta, tuumata asiaa sinne tnne con
sider dirrerent phases or the matter, con
sider the matter rrom dirrerent angles;
min tuumaan asiaa (mys:) IMI thlnk
or lt] ; matkaa pian (1. contemplate)
a Journey; ~ tehd jotakin thlnk or
(1. about) doing . . , contemplate (1. medi
tate on) dolng . . , (aikoa) intend to do . . ,
mean (1. propose) to do ... purpose to
do . . , purpose dolng . . , (suunnitella)
pian (l. design) to do . . [huom. mit hn
nyt tuumaa tshd (mys:) vvhnt lS he
thlnklng or no\v? what Is he contemplatIng now? what Is to be hls next move? ] :
mit sin tuumaat asiasta uhat do you
thlnk or (1. about) lt (1. the matter)?
what Is your opinion In (l. oO the matter?
olen tuumannut muuttaa I haye been
thlnklng or (1. about) movlng (away), I
have heen contemplatlng movlng; vrt.
tuumia tuumata, tuumailla, tuuminta
ks. tuumailu, tuumiskella, tuumitella ks.
tuumituin by the lnch, by Inches; Inches
or . ..
tuupata push, glve . . a push (1. a shove),
shove; (heikosti, tyrkt) glve . . a Jog
(I. a poke I. a nudge), jog, poke, nudge;
(Joskus, vahvasti:) knock; ~ kumoon
shove over, upset, (tarkotuksella, mys:)
knock over (1. down); vrt. syst, tyn
t, tuuppaista ks. tuupata, tuuppia be
pushing, be shovlng; push (and shove);
(esim. vkijoukosta:) jostle.burret; (hiljaa,
esim. kylkeen) Jog. poke, nudge, dlg.
prod; tuuppia sinne tnne knock . . about,
push .. hither and thlther [In the crovd,


vkijoukossa], JOStle, burrct; tuuppia toi

siaan push (1. Jostle) each otber, be pushlng (1. be Jostllng) each other, (tungok
sessa) elbow and Jostle; pst tuuppimal
la eteenpin elhow o.s. (1. one's way) tuuppiko minua <ion't push me!
tuura (J-) lce-chlpper.
tuutti slap on the race; burret.
tuutain (ellnt.) tench.
tuuti hushaby. tuutia ks. tuudittaa.
tuutlnki sling. -laai tumbler (Tor a sling).
tuutti (myllyn-) Tunnel.
tuutulaulu ks. kehtolaulu.
tuvallinen a houselul [or people, vke],
the nouse Tuli [or].
tyhjeneminen = tyhjentyminen.
tyhjennyt emptying; dralning; exbausting.
-aika tlme Tor emptying, time to empty
(1. to ilrain).
tyhjentyminen becomlng empty Jne., ks.
tyhjenty, tyhjentymttmyye lnexhaustlbleness, lnexhaustlblllty. tyhjentymtn
tnexhaustlble, exhaustless.
emptled, dralned;
empty. tyhjenty become empty, be emp
tled, hecome exhausted, become (I. be)
dralned, draln.
tyhjentminen emptying Jne., ks. tyhjent,
tyhjentv (kuv.) exhaustive, comprehensive, thorough. tyhjentvsti (perinpoh
jin) exhaustlvely, thoroughly.
tyhjent empty [the glass, lasi; one's
pockets, taskunsa]; empty out, turn thlngs
out or [a drawer, laatikko]; (Ime, Juoda
y.m. kuiviin) draln [the polsoned cup,
myrkkymalja: a well (dry), kalvo]; (et.
kuv.) exhaust [a supply, varasto] -, (kaa
taa) pour orr (1. out), (kuorma y.m.)
dump, tip over; (purkaa) unload, dlscharge; vold; (pumppuamalla) pump dry,
(esim. vene) ball out; (et. lk.) evacuate [the bowels, vatsa]-, (asukkaista y.m.)
vacate [a bulldlng, rakennus]; (raivata
puhtaaksi) clear; malja(nsa) empty (1.
draln) a (1. one's) cup, empty one's glass ;
pohjaan (mys:) drlnk (I. draln) to the
dregs, draln; ~ pyt (ruoista) clear the
table; ~ sydmens jollekulle pour out
one's heart to a p. ; Jonkun taskut empty
(1. ririe) a p.'s pockets, (Jkpv.) clean a p.'s
pockets; ~ vssi vtnssst ball out the boat.
tyhjet = tyhjenty.
tyhjlinjuotu emptled, dralned.
tyhji (rys.) vacuum, vold.
tyhjyydentunne Teellng or emptiness, emp
ty reellng, sense or vold.
tyhjyye emptiness; vacancy, vold, blank.
tyhj I. (a.) empty [space, tila]; vacant
[seat, Istuin], vacuous; (Joutilas) unoccupled; (paljas) blank [shot, laukaus;
space, tila], bare, (et. kuv. Ja Juhlallises
sa puheessa:) vold; (autio) desolate [lire,
elm] ; (hyljtty, asumattomaksi Jtetty)
deserted; (Jotakin vallia) destltute (1.
strlpped 1. denuded) [or. Jostakin], (et.
henkisesti) devold [or]; (turha) Truitless,
Tutile, . . or no avall; (Joutava) ldle [taik,
puhe], vain [excuse, veruke]; (lyh)
loose (1. vague) [supposltlon, olettamus];
(aiheeton, perusteeton) unTouncled, baseless, groundless, ralse [alarm, hlyytys] ;
(tarpeeton) unnecessary, needless; (kuvi
teltu) Imaglnary (rear(s), pelko]; vrt.
turha; II. (s.) nothlng, naught; (tyhji)
vold; tyhjilln olsva empty, varant, vacated, deserted, abandoned, . . lert waste,
desolate, (lastitta) unloaded; tyhjin ksin
wlthout a penny In hls porket (ne could
call hls own), w!thout a (single) penny;



rhn palasi J tyhjin toimin [he returned]

vvithout havlng accompllshed hls purpose
(1. wlth hls errand unaccompllshed), [he
came backj empty-handed; ~ arpalippu
blank (lottery tlcket); avaruus empty
space, vaeancy; ~ epily (aiheeton)
groundless (i. unproved) susplclon;
huhu unrounded (1. baseless) rumor;
huone empty (1. vacant) room; tyhjksi
rystetty strlpped (or everythlng), robbed
(Jkpv.) fleered, cleaned (up); lupaus
empty (1. ralse 1. vague) promlse; tyhjn
thden for nothing, (suotta) unnecessarlly, vlthout a eause (1. a reason), needlessly, vrt. turhaan; ~ talo vacant (1. unoccupled 1. deserted) nouse; ~ toivo (tur
ha) vain (1. futlle) hope, (petollinen) falsc
(1. deluslve) hope, (luulottelu) ldle fancy;
tyhjt seint blank (1. barc) walls [esim.
puhua tyhjille seinille preach to the bare
(1. blank) walls]; ~ vaiva useless efforts,
unnecessary (l. useless) trouble; tyhj
puhetta empty (I. ldle 1. loose) taik [huom.
se j (vain) tyhjksi puheeksi that \vlll
amount to nothing but ldle (1. but empty)
taik, nothing \vlll come of lt]; aivan tyh
j a merc hothlng, a mere trlfle; ei tyh
jst mitn tule one (1. you) can't make
somethlng out or nothing; henkisesti ~
ks. tyhjajatuksinen; Juoda lasi tyhjhsi
empty a glass; mits tyhj nothing or
tlie klnd (1. the sort)! not at ali! never!
olla jostakin be empty or . . , be
vtlthout . . , be vold of . . , be destltute of
. . [huom. tori on ~ ihmisist the marketplace Is deserted, there Is no one on the
market]; sali on saatava tyhjksi the hali
must be emptlert (1. vacated 1. cleared);
sin suret tyhj (suotta) you are worryIng unneecssarlly (1. over nothing), there
Is no reason (Tor you) to worry. -ajatukInen . . devoid of ldeas; empty-headed,
bralnless, \vltless.
tyhjn aikainen ks. turhanpivinen, -ar
voinen . . of no value, valueless, vvorthleSS. -pivinen = turhanpivinen; tyh
jnpivist puhetta ldle (1. loose) taik.
-pivisesli, -pivisyya ks. turhanlpivisesti, -pivisyya. -tarkka ks. turhan
tarkka, -tarkkuus ks. turha (tarkkuus),
-toimi slnecure, easy position, -toimittaja
ldler, loaror, lounger, loltercr, a p. wlth
(1. or) no occupation. -toimitus (life or)
Idleness, idllng, loaring.lonnglng, lolterlng.
tyhmeliini ks. tollo.
tyhment make . . (mnre) stupld (1. sllly
1. roollsh 1. diili Jne., ks. tyhm), tyhmet
beeome (1. grow) (more) stupld (1. sllly
1. roollsh 1. dull Jne., ks. tyhm); vrt.
seur. tyhmisty = tyhmet; (hmmenty)
bo(rome) conrused (I. ronTnunded 1. be\vllriered 1. perpleved I. puzzled); vrt.
tyrmisty, tyhmyri ks. tuhmuri. tyhmyys
Rtupldlty, absurdlty, rolly, roollshness.
sllllness; (tylsyys) dullness, obtuseness;
(yksinkertaisuus) slmpllclty; lack or wlsdom; (Jrjettmyys) nonsense; (tyhm
teko) blunder; mit tyhmyyksi tm on
what nonsense (1. rubblsh) Is tlils? puhua
tyhmyyksi taik roollshness, taik nonsense,
vrt. puhua (puuta hein); l nyt tee
tyhmyyksi now don't be stupld (1. be absurd)! now don't make a Tool (1. an ass)
or yourscir! no\v don't be a goose! vrt.
tyhm stupld; rnniish, sllly: (tyls) dull,
obtuse; (jrjetn) absurrt; (yksinkertai
nen) slmple, slmple-mlnded; (epviisas)


umvlse, vrt. tuhma; ~ mies stupld (1.

sllly 1. roollsh) rellow [huom. hn ei ole
mikn ~ mies (mys:) he Is no rool,
(lievemmin:) he Is pretty sensible] ; tyhmf neitsyet (raam.) the ten roollsh maidens (l.vlrglns); ~ ylpeys stupld (1. Torcert)
prlde, pompousness, (ryhkeys) arrogance; tyhm jaaritusta stupld prattle,
(sturi and) nonsense; niin min en sen
tn aie I am not so stupld as ali that:
oi, n kun tein sen I \vas Stupld (1. was
roollsh) to do it.
tyhmni kaino sheepish. -rohkea roolhardy,
rash. -ylpe stupldly proud, pompous;
(ryhke) arrogant.
tyhmpinen ks. tyhm, tyhmsti stupldly,
roolishly, absurdly; unvvlsely; puhua tyh
msti taik Itke a rool, taik Hl-advlsedly,
(ajattelemattomasta) taik rashly; tein tyh
msti, kun [menin sinne ] I was roollsh to
[go there].
tykin Jyrin 1. -Jyske boomlng (1. thunder
1. roar) or (the) eannon, roar or the
(heavy) guns, cannonade. -laukaus ririnp
or a gun (I. a eannon), cannon-shot, gunshot, (merkki-) gun. -kuula 1. -luoti ean
non -ball, cannon-shot.
-ruoka eannon
rodder, rodder ror cannons. -suu moulti
or a eannon, muzzle or a (heavy) gun.
tykint = tykytys.
tykist artlllery, [raskas, heavy] ordnance.
-mies artllleryman

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