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Week 1 Journal 1

October 8th, 2015

This week was the first week of the TP. I felt excited and nervous, since I will
start to teach at this school and its the first time that Ive entered it. Weve
met with the principle and the English coordinator to set us into different
grade level. Ive been observing my MST for the whole week, and helped her
while assessing the students while they were doing the activity. And at the
first day, I thought that she dont have any strategies or rules to manage the
classroom, but in the second day she started to use it after shed been asked
about it. And the most interesting strategy that she used was ringing the
bell, at first it was interesting how the student left anything in their hands
and paid their attention to her. Also, she encourage the students to
participate while doing the activities so they can understand the lesson. Also,
sometimes she use Arabic to translate a word for the students to understand
it. In my previous practice, there werent any Arabic words that were used,
and Id prefer that for the students own good.

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