Unit 4

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Unit Four

Giving the Right Gift!

Test 1
60% ( 4 )
1. Sarah is c
t that she will pass the exam because she has studied it for two
international 2. The i
l marathon is held in Taiwan annually and attracts runners from all
over the world.
3. It is i
e to talk with your month full of food.
4. The notable () actor passed away a few days ago, and many celebrities
went to his f
5. Jeffery was asked about his family b
d in a job interview.
6. It m
rs a lot to children whether their parents spend time with them or not.
7. During the seventh lunar month, the Taiwanese a
d saying the word
8. The police u
ed anyone who saw the car accident to contact them right
9. Victor is very f
d of playing online games. He can play them all day
without a rest.
10. Firefighters ( ) should be h
red for their courage since they
always risk their lives helping others.
11. Sally got all dressed up in order to a
d her cousins wedding.
12. Louis is a successful salesperson whose c
ts are satisfied with his service.
13. What you said is really
(offend) to women.
14. Alan finds it hard to act
(normal) when he talks to the girl he likes.
embarrassed 15. Kelly felt
(embarrass) when her phone rang during the movie in the
Idioms & Phrases
40% ( 5 )
Thank you for helping me out. I will always
2. Nancy
the heavy rain, Nancys mother still took her to
school by scooter.
3. Irene
Irene is suffering from diarrhea. It is
that she looks so pale.

Test 2
60% ( 6 )
Giftgiving customs are very different around the world. 1 , people in Taiwan often avoid
2 clocks as gifts since giving a clock in Chinese sounds like 3 a funeral. In India,
cows are regarded 4 sacred animals. Therefore, giving any leather gift to Indians is 5 .
Besides, it is important to know 6 chrysanthemums are not a suitable gift for the French
because in France those flowers carry the 7 of death and 8 for funerals only. Above all,
always keep cultural differences 9 . Before giving a gift to foreigners, we should 10 some
time studying their giftgiving customs.
(C) 1. (A) As a result
(B) No wonder
(C) For example
(D) In spite of
(B) 2. (A) to give
(B) giving
(C) given
(D) gave
(D) 3. (A) bending
(B) lending
(C) offending
(D) attending
(C) 4. (A) to
(B) to be
(C) as
(D) like
(A) 5. (A) offensive
(B) embarrassed
(C) confident
(D) pleased
(B) 6. (A) what
(B) that
(C) which
(D) whose
(A) 7. (A) meaning
(B) tradition
(C) offense
(D) confidence
(D) 8. (A) using
(B) which used
(C) used
(D) are used
(C) 9. (A) in surprise
(B) in need
(C) in mind
(D) in sight
(C) 10. (A) cost
(B) take
(C) spend
(D) pay
40% ( 5 )
(A) also
(E) honor

(B) However
(F) matter

(C) with
(G) In addition

(D) considered
(H) fond

When it comes to giving presents, there are a lot of things that one should be aware of. In fact,
not only do the gifts 1 , but the way to present a gift is 2 important. In many Western
countries, people are 3 of opening a gift right away so as to 4 the giver. 5 , in some
Asian countries, people rarely do so because it is 6 impolite to open a gift immediately in front
of the giver. It is better to ask for the givers permission beforehand. 7 , in order to show respect
for the receiver, in Japan, a gift should be presented 8 both hands.
5. B

Test 3
Grammar in Use
40% ( 5 )
It + be + + that....
1. The man stole ten million dollars from the bank last night.
that stole ten million dollars from the bank last night.
It was the man
that the man stole from the bank last night.
It was ten million dollars
that the man stole ten million dollars last night.
It was from the bank
that the man stole ten million dollars from the bank.
It was last night
2. My daughter made a cake in the kitchen on Mothers Day.
that made a cake in the kitchen on Mothers Day.
It was my daughter
that my daughter made in the kitchen on Mothers Day.
It was a cake
that my daughter made a cake on Mothers Day.
It was in the kitchen
that my daughter made a cake in the kitchen.
It was on Mothers Day
32% (8)
It + be + Adj + of sb + to V....
1. silly/of/It/Amanda/was/to/believe a stranger
It was silly of Amanda to believe a
2. Sam/smart/think of this idea/It/was/of/to
It was smart of Sam to think of this
3. share a joke/humorous/of/with us/to/It/Jimmy/was
It was humorous of Jimmy to share a joke with
4. It/answer her students questions/patient/the teacher/of/to/is
It is patient of the teacher to answer her students
Extensive Reading
28% ( 7 )
Giftgiving customs are very different from country to country. As an
American, I always treat a bottle of wine as a perfect gift when visiting a friend.
However, I noticed that the French prefer to serve their own wine when they
invite friends over for dinner. For them, bringing wine as a gift is not the best
choice. In fact, it is better to bring a bouquet of flowers or a box of candies as a
gift in France.
On the other hand, flowers, in Italy, are only used in funerals. To avoid such
embarrassment (), buying wine is a safer decision there. In addition, the

British love and expect candies when their friends return from vacation. As a
result, when I pay a visit to a British friend, I often bring a box of chocolates
with me. Before traveling abroad, I believe it is important to have a basic
understanding of the local cultures so as not to offend the local people.
(A) 1. The writer is a(n)
(A) American
(B) French
(C) Italian
(D) British
(C) 2. Who will NOT enjoy a bouquet of flowers as a gift?
(A) The Americans. (B) The French.
(C) The Italians.
(D) The British.
(D) 3. The word expect in the second paragraph () probably means
(A) to keep in mind (B) to dress up as
(C) to take care of
(D) to look forward to
(D) 4. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
(A) A bottle of wine is a perfect gift in France.
(B) The writer may come from Britain.
(C) The Americans often bring candies to funerals.
(D) Sending flowers as a gift in Italy is offensive.

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