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Script- Middle man

Steve- Main character
Extra 1
Extra 2
Extra 3
Extra 4
Extra 5
Extra 6
Extra 7
The action will take place in an urban area
Act 1Shot 1Black out on screen. Background noise of sirens, crash/ break
noise of a car..
Shot 2Steve walking down (subtle footstep noises) the street with
headphones in. Extras running in the background.
Shot 3Close up of Steves face (showing no injuries)
Shot 4Zoom out shows Steve walking.
Shot 5Zoom on the other sides of Steves face (side with injuries)
Shot 6Steve sees Extras running past.
Shot 7-

Script- Middle man

Steve peers over the Extras and walk towards the accidents
which is at the bottom of the set.
Shot 8Steve stands outside the gathered crowd of Extras trying to
look in on the accident.
Shot 9Background dialog
Extra 1: Did you see the crash?
Extra 2: Yeah!
Extra 1: So cool, did you see his face?!
Extra 2: So gross you mean?
Steve checks the normal side of his face, feels its fine. Then
checks the other side to realise hes injured.
Shot 10Shot of bloody hand. Shocked that he has blood on his face and
now hand. Ping noise of notification going off. Steve takes out
his phone to see what the notifications are about.
Shot 11Close up of Steves face showing him shocked/ confused about
the messages.
Shot 12Steve puts phone away, looks at bloody hand, and walks over
to the body.
Shot 13Steves arms shakes the dead body.
Shot 14Steve: (Speaking to Extra 4) whats happening?
Steve: (Walks over to another Extra 5) Hello? Waves

Script- Middle man

Steve: Who is that dead person? (Raised voice towards all the
Extras just have blank faces and not responding
Steve: WHY WONT ANYBODY ANSWER ME? (Steve tries to
communicate with the Extra 7)
Shot 15Steve steps back, camera shots on his face.
Shot 16
Zooms into face- Voiceover screaming.
Shot 17Black screen (heartbeat noise)
Shot 18Zoom into Steves eye
Shot 19Zoom out of Steve at a high angle

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