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Final production


Costume Character 1
Scene 1
Our idea for what the torturers costume will include as follows; black overall trousers,
walking boots, a dirty apron overall and dirty rubber gloves. This costume is very
effective as our concept is that this torturer is a crazed psychopath who lives away from
society and has excluded himself, therefore him wearing used, old clothing would be
suitable. In creating effect, we thought that choosing these items of clothing could make
a very atmospheric scene because this character is kept very away from society and is
not sane therefore using clothes that do not match and are not co-ordinated can
represent that state of mind. On top of this, these clothing choices cover much skin so
are convenient for carrying out a procedure that could create mess, in this case the

Costume Character 1
Scene 2
Our idea for what the torturers costume will include in the flashback scene consists
again of black overall trousers and walking boots but the difference in this scene is that
he will be wearing black thermal gloves and a black hoodie underneath the overalls and
the hood being up. We hope that this costume design is to be very effective considering
the two changes made, the addition of thermal gloves and the hoodie brings realism
considering this scene takes place outside therefore you would usually where more
layers. Also we hope that the whole outfit being in black creates effect because in this
particular scene the audience Is shown this torturer approaching and kidnapping the
victim therefore black is quite camouflaged, dark and mysterious.

Costume Character 2
Scene 1
Our idea for what the victim will where in scene 1 includes dirty trainers, worn and
slightly dirty trousers and finally a white shirt that is incredibly creased and has dirty
patches on it. We thought that this costume choice would be suitable for the victim
In this scene considering it is the torture scene, this means that this character has
been taken by force and tied up in this chair, the audience will know this as
throughout the opening sequence there will be various flashbacks showing this
character in this similar costume but cleaner to than being kidnapped.

Costume Character 2
Scene 2
Our idea for what the victim will wear includes a long sleeve white shirt, jeans,
trainers, rucksack and a black zipper hoodie. The items of clothing such as the shirt,
jeans and trainers are the exact same items of clothing worn in scene 1 but in a
different condition. The addition of the rucksack and zipper hoodie to the costume is
because scene 2 consists of flashbacks presenting this character walking through the
countryside trekking, therefore he has a rucksack with his belongings in and is also
wearing this extra layer.

Setting 1 Isolated

The setting that will be in scene 1 is going to be the style of an isolated building,
workhouse or cellar. This style of setting has been chosen so there is a very isolated feel
to the scene. The actual physical setting itself where we will be filming is in a countryside
garage, however this is not obvious and could be easily presented and seen by the
audience, for example the scene will be inside of the garage so the only things seen will
be the dark grey brick walls, possibly the wooden roof beams, obviously the dusty
concrete floor and then the table which will hold the tools on and also the chair in which
the victim will be tied to.

Setting 2 Countryside
The setting that is going to be in the second scene will take place in the countryside, an
area with a narrow, open road, surrounding fields and various radio poles beside the
road. We chose this setting due to the idea of the narrative, and also what takes place in
this scene and why.

Setting 3 Cobblestone

There will be a scene in the opening sequence where the torturer is seen dragging the
victim across a cobblestone path, this being the setting in this scene. What will be
presented to the audience as the cobblestone path will actually physically be a driveway
to Jacks home but with use of lighting and framing it will be clear that is a dark
mysterious pathway.

Scene 1
With scene 1 being the scene in which character 1 prepares for enacting a torture the
most consistently seen props will be weapons and tools of such. On the weapon side
of things we are going to use props such as a replica crossbow, replica pistol and
replica combat knife. Then with tools, we plan to use things like an electric drill, a
screwdriver, a sickle, a pair of jumper cables and battery, a pocket knife and various
other tools that could possibly inflict pain on a person.
Another prop used will be duct tape, the role itself will not be used but duct tape will
be on the victims mouth.

Scene 2
Scene 2 has a considerable amount of less props used, this scene being where character
2 is kidnapped by character 1. In this scene character 1 watches character two trekking
across the countryside and then he strikes him with a weapon knocking him out; this
weapon being an aluminium baseball bat. This weapon being suitable for this scene as
the torturers intention is to knock out the victim. A baseball bat being a hard, blunt
object suits this role very well.

Scene 1
In scene there is only really one source of lighting, this being the lights on the ceiling
beams. We thought that this was an effective type of lighting due to the concept that this
scene is the scene in which character 1 prepares to torture his victim in his hidden away
space. The light itself is very white, this almost creating a spotlight effect over the victim
thus putting emphasis on this character and the physical and emotional state he is in.
The type of lighting is also very effective in consideration of the concept of character and
narrative, this being that the torturer character is very isolated, obviously not in a sane
state of mind, the physical lights themselves being dusty, rusted and often flickering
implies that they are old and not fully operational anymore and this reinforces the idea
that character 1 is socially isolated and has little interaction with the outside world. The
lighting type also has effect on the setting, the type of lights that they are and the
condition that they are in suggests that this building has possibly been abandoned a long
time ago and it was actually used for something important-possibly medical due to the
clinical light that is given off.

Scene 2
In scene two only natural light will be used, this being due to the fact that this scene is
outdoors. We plan that scene 2 will take place around 4pm, on a winters day at the time
when the sky is still overcast but It is clear that night draws close therefore only light
used will be that of the sky. We decided to film this scene at his time of day because the
narrative is that character 2 is a trekker, they have been clearly walking across the
countryside and to be still out at this time of day could suggest that this character is lost
and possibly hasnt managed to get to their destination.

Actor 1
In the opening sequence actor 1 will be a male, skinny.
His facial features will not actually be seen in the
opening however his actions and body movement will
be. The way this actor will need to move and is able to
move in the opening sequence is in a very rigid and
basic manor, the character played by this actor being
the torturer is not physically fit due to social isolation
and their state of mind.

Actor 2
In the opening sequence actor 2 is also male, he will
have a broader appearance, well built and curly hair.
As an opposite to actor 1, the face of actor 2 will be
shown, we decided on this to create a tense
atmosphere as this character will be presented as
being terrified in scene 1. We thought that this actor
suited this role because the character he is playing is
a regular male, who is a trekker, he is sociable and
completely healthy. As mentioned, his main points of
focus in regards to acting is the fear and horror shown
in facial expressions in scene 1 where he has realised
he has been tied up and is about to be tortured, then
also in scene 2 his acting will primarily be that of a
trekker, he will seem lost and physically he will be
quite strong and agile.

In the opening sequence there is little use of actual heavy make-up, however, there are
two uses. One of these being the use of actual dirt, dirt will appear on the victims face in
scene 1 and it will also be on his shirt, this was chosen because the audience is shown
these flashbacks of character 2 being kidnapped and the fact dirt appears to be on his
face and shirt implies that it was a struggle for the torturer to get the victim in his
possession, it is also clear where the dirt came from (the countryside floor). Secondly,
another use of make-up or effects will be fake blood, this fake blood will appear on the
victims temple, this showing where the baseball bat impacted, then the fake blood will
also be placed on the cloth that will appear over the table where the tools will be placed,
this creating effect as it connotes that whoever is about to torturer character 2 has
possibly done this before.

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