Russia Ukrainian Conflict

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Russia Ukrainian


World Cultures Theme


Learning Goal
Social Reasoning- How events can affect a society; empathy for
individuals; How do diverse communities (Russia, Ukraine, U.S.) view
these events?
How does nationalism affect the populations of both Russia and the

Having extreme pride in, or loyalty to, ones own country.
Examples you might find of nationalism in your own country?
How might war be an example?

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


Russian Republics

Soviet Union Statistics

Russian is largest country in terms of area (2.5 times U.S.)
Over 100 ethnicities, mostly East Slavs
Strongest military next to the U.S.
Descendant of the Russian Empire of the Tsars, early 1900s.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Consisted of 15 republics, including the Ukraine.
Military superpower (and the cost of this) with the United States
Gorbachev, Glasnost, and Perestroika
Soviet Union dissolves as geopolitical entity in 1991
How might Russians feel about the collapse of the Union? Why? Social

Russian National Anthem

Fall of the Soviet Union

Essay as artifact for Social Reasoning

Russia and the Ukraine

Ukrainian independence in 1991; now an independent country.
Whats next?

Ukrainian Independence
Central Players
Viktor Yuschenko
Yulia Tymoshenko
Viktor Yanukovych

Gained independence in 1991

Had to elect a new leader (Kavchuk)

Leonid Kuchma-1994-2005
Economic boom, but Russian interests

Corruption was rampant
Ties to Russia?
Economic strife
A divided Ukraine (East vs West)

Orange Revolution
In 2005, Yanukovych wins presidency

Orange Revolution
Voter fraud is suspected. People are angry.
Challenge led by Yulia Tymoshenko.
New election happens.
Remember these two!!!

New president, Viktor Yuschenko.
Move to the West (EU)
Political opponents take issue.

Assassination attempt.
New president coming.

Remember me?

Yanukovych wins, but does not forget about...

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