Parents Letter Survey

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Dear Parent/Guardian,

Welcome to Spanish class at Kensington CAPA! I am very excited to work with you and your
student! My name is Sean Carr, and I will be teaching your child this year. With this letter, I hope
to introduce myself as well as give you an idea of my vision and goals for the year. Furthermore,
I have attached a survey to be completed and signed so that I can learn a little bit about you as
To briefly introduce myself, I was born and raised in the Philadelphia area. I grew up in Mayfair
before moving to Glenside. I went to school at LaSalle College High School and then went on to
study Anthropology and History at Penn State University, where I received my Bachelors and
Masters degrees. My experience with Spanish is from both classroom and practical experience. I
studied Spanish as a minor in college, but the majority of my practical speaking experience is
from spending summers conducting archaeological research in Mexico. Outside of the
classroom, I enjoy anything and everything that has to do with Philadelphia and Penn State
It is my role as a Spanish teacher to foster each students academic and personal growth. The
primary objective of Spanish class is to ensure that each student is reading, writing, listening, and
speaking the language at their appropriate level. Furthermore, I view Spanish class as an
opportunity to facilitate each students appreciation of bilingualism as well as social and cultural
diversity in the Spanish-speaking world. Finally, in our Spanish class, each student will develop
as effective communicators and critical thinkers both in Spanish and English.
It is my hope to develop strong academic and personal relationships with both you and your
student. I hope that each students development will occur both in and out of the classroom. As
family members, you play a critical role in your students education. I encourage you to ask them
about something new that they have learned every day. If you speak Spanish, practice with them
at home!
Please feel free to contact me at any time. My contact information is below. Furthermore, in
order for me to learn a little about you, please fill out and sign the survey that I have attached and
return it to school with your student as soon as possible. I look forward to meeting you soon!


Sean Carr (Seor Carr)


Queridos Padres y/o Familia,

Bienvenidos a la clase de espaol, en Kensington CAPA! Estoy muy emocionado de trabajar

con ustedes y con sus hijos/as. Me llamo Sean Carr, y soy el maestro que ensear su hijo/a este
ao. Con esta carta, espero presentarme y explicarles los objetivos de nuestra clase. S que
tendremos un ao exitoso y productivo.
Como una introduccin breve, soy de Philadelphia. Especficamente, nac en Mayfair y ahora
vivo en Glenside. Gradu de LaSalle College High School antes de estudiar la Antropologa y la
Historia en Penn State University donde recib la licenciatura y la maestra. Estudi el idioma en
algunas clases en la Universidad, pero la mayoridad de mi experiencia viene de mi trabajo como
arquelogo in Mxico. Aparte de ser maestro, me encantan los deportes de Philadelphia y Penn
Es mi responsabilidad como profesor de espaol a desarrollar el crecimiento acadmico y
personal de cada estudiante. Mi primer objetivo ser asegurar que los estudiantes puedan escribir,
leer, escuchar y comprender el idioma al nivel necesario. Tambin, vamos a cultivar la
apreciacin de ser bilinges, la diversidad social y cultural, y la importancia que tiene espaol en
el ambiente profesional. Por ltimo, quiero desarrollar la confianza y el liderazgo de los
estudiantes dentro y fuera del saln de clases.
Espero que puedo desarrollar relaciones acadmicos al igual que personales tanto como con mis
estudiantes como con ustedes, ya que los padres y/o familia son muy importantes en el desarrollo
y aprendizaje de nuestros alumnos. Por lo tanto, es importante que el desarrollo del estudiante
ocurra tanto en la escuela como en el hogar. Espero que puedan practicar hablando el idioma
con su hijo/a!
Espero poder hablar con cada uno de ustedes. Por favor si tienen alguna pregunta, preocupacin,
o algn comentario sobre su hijo/a, o sus necesidades, por favor contcteme por telfono o
correo electrnico. Adems, por favor completan la forma con esta carta y frmala para que yo
pueda conocerle mejor. Muchas gracias por su tiempo y su atencin!


Sean Carr (Seor Carr)

Correo electrnico:

Parent Survey
Student name / Nombre del estudiante: ____________________________________________
Parent or guardian name(s) / Nombres de los padre(s) o guardin:
Telephone numbers/ Numeros del telfono:
Home/Casa: ________________________
Cellular/telfono celular: ___________________________
Email/correo electrnico: _____________________________
Best time to call/ Mejor hora para llamarle: ____________________
Do you prefer to speak in English or Spanish or other? / Prefieren hablar en ingls o espaol o
en otro idioma?



As the parent/guardian, you are the one who knows your student best. Please answer the
following questions so that I can best meet your students needs. Como el padre/guardin, usted
es el experto tocante a su estudiante. Por favor, conteste las siguientes preguntas para que yo
pueda servir mejor las necesidades de su estudiante.
1. What subject area you think your child is best at in school / En qu curso piensa usted que
su estudiante es ms exitoso?
2. What subject area does your child find difficult/ Qu curso es ms difcil para su
3. Does your student like reading? In Spanish? Yes or No, Why? / A su estudiante le gusta
leer? En espaol? S o No, Por qu?

Please sign and return the form with your child by Friday. Thank you! Por favor firmar y
devolver este hoja con su estudiante.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Firma de Padre/Tutor


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