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Procter Consultancy Ltd

Stuckpipe Mechanism


Written by
O.C.T.G. Procter Consultancy Ltd
21 Rubislaw Terrace
AB10 1XE
Copyright Notice
2000, O.T.C.G. Procter Consultancy Limited
No part of this document shall be reporduced in any materials (including photocopying or storing it by electronic means) without the
prior written permission of O.T.C.G Procter Consultancy Limited,
except as permitted by then Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.

1 Sticking Mechanisms ..................................................................... 1
1.1 Helpful Definitions ....................................................................... 2
1.2 Poor hole cleaning ...................................................................... 6
1.3 Barite Sag ................................................................................. 10
1.4 Hole collapse ............................................................................. 12
1.5 Unconsolidated formation/boulders ........................................... 14
1.6 Fractured rock ........................................................................... 15
2.0 Differential Sticking .................................................................... 16
2.1 Wire line Differential Sticking Issues ......................................... 19
2.2 Casing/Liner Differential Sticking Issues ................................... 20
2.3 Coil Tubing Drilling Differential Sticking Issues ......................... 23
3. Geometry - String / Hole incompatibility ...................................... 24
3.1 Dogleg & Stiff Assembly ............................................................ 24
3.2 Ledges ...................................................................................... 25
3.3 Undergauge Hole in Salt ........................................................... 26
3.4 Key-seat .................................................................................... 26
4 Junk .............................................................................................. 27
4.1 Metal Junk ................................................................................. 27
4.2 Cement Chunks ........................................................................ 28
4.3 Losses ....................................................................................... 29
4.3.1 Natural losses ........................................................................ 29
4.3.2 Induced losses - formation fracture pressure exceeded ........ 30
5. Available tools used to observe stuckpipe & tight hole ............... 31
5.1 Paper BHA Model ..................................................................... 31
5.2 Drag Charts ............................................................................... 32
5.3 Doglegs Severity v Depth Chart ................................................ 33
5.4 Cuttings Monitoring Systems ..................................................... 33
6. Coiled tubing drilling for the rotary driller. .................................... 38
6.1 What is coil tubing. .................................................................... 38
6.2 Hole Cleaning with coil tubing ................................................... 40
Appendix 1 ...................................................................................... 42

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Sticking Mechanisms

This Chapter discusses the mechanisms by which the drill string (including
coil tubing, casing, liner and wire line logging tools in open hole) can become stuck.
Stuck! What does this mean? The Shell Expro ABC of Stuck Pipe (Ref 1)
defines stuck as : the situation in which a sticking mechanism prevents
movement of the string.
Similarly a sticking mechanism is . the condition that causes force to be
transferred between the wellbore and the string.
The Stuck Pipe Plus Team divided sticking mechanisms into the categories
shown below:














Undercut Lowside

Fig. 1 - Sticking Mechanisms Hierarchy


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

1.1 Helpful Definitions

Fig. 2 - Sandstone viewed under a microscope


Figure 2 shows a thin section of sandstone that has been impregnated with
blue stained resin and ground flat.
The blue shaded gaps in between the particles of sandstone shown here are
called pores. When a formation has pore spaces it is said to have porosity.


When the pore spaces are interconnected, fluid can flow through the formation and the formation is said to have permeability.

Formation pressure

The pressure of the fluids that exist in the pore spaces of a formation is called
the formation pressure.

Fluid loss

When a formation with permeability is exposed to a wellbore fluid, with a

higher pressure than the formation!, the filtrate from the mud system may
flow into the formation. This increases the formation pressure. If the differ2

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

ential pressure is excessive, mud may be lost to the formation due to fracturing.

Filter cake

When a wellbore fluid flows into the formation, the solids from the fluid
remain on the surface of the formation as they are too large to enter the pores.
This layer of solids is referred to as the filter cake. The properties of the filter

Fig. 3 - A thinsection of sandstone viewed under a microsocope

cake are dependent upon the chemical content and solid content of the mud
system as well as the overbalance. A thin impermeable and tough filter cake
is desired. This minimises fluid loss to the formation and will minimise the
risk of the string becoming stuck (contact area).
Figure 3 shows a thin section of sandstone that has had drilling fluid passed
through it under pressure. The white speckled area at the top is the resin used
to set the sandstone before cutting it into thin layers. The dark area below it is
the filter cake.
As can be seen the filter cake has formed on the surface of the sandstone and
has not entered further than the outer pores of the rock. The blue resin used to
show porosity can be seen filling the pore spaces.

Stuck Pipe Mechanism


The overbalance is the difference between hydrostatic pressure of the mud

column and the formation pressure. In most drilling operations overbalance is
maintained to prevent formation fluid entering the wellbore (a kick!). For
thick formations the overbalance can vary considerably with depth. In wells
where depleted reservoirs exist the overbalance can be over 3000psi in one
formation and as low as 200psi in the adjacent formations.

1.2 Poor hole cleaning

It is strongly recommended to read the ABC of Stuck Pipe - Supplement 2,

Hole cleaning (Ref 5). The results of industry experiments using flow loops
show that hole cleaning difficulty peaks between 45 and 60 degrees. This is
because the solids bed is unstable and may slide down the hole. Above 60 - 65
degrees the solids bed becomes stable and hole cleaning becomes more predictable if not slightly easier. Figure 4 shows the mud characteristics that
would give the best hole cleaning for each range of angles as well as showing
hole cleaning difficulty vs hole angle. Often choices are compromised by
ECD limitations.
This causes us to look at hole cleaning in three phases, low angle (0 - 30
degrees), deviated with dynamic solids bed (40 - 65 degrees) and deviated
with static solids bed (65 - 90 degrees). Wells with greater inclinations than
90 degrees will be covered later, in the 21st century!

Static Solids Bed

The string becomes stuck in a static solids bed which has built up on the low
side of the hole.
The solids bed will have formed due to a combination of low annular velocity, inappropriate mud properties and insufficient rotation and circulation to
clean the hole (for example during motor drilling and coil tubing drilling).
Sticking of a drill string in a static solids bed most often occurs in the 65-90
degrees section while pulling out of hole after drilling. It can occur whether in
open hole or in casing. Although the assembly may be pulled out of the hole,
leaving an unclean hole does not mean the subsequent casing will be easily
run in.

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Thin M ud

Thick M ud

T hin M ud

H ole
C leaning
D ifficulty








H ole Inclination

Fig. 4 - Hole Cleaning difficulty variation with inclination

Design team prevention points

Optimise the well trajectory design to

reduce the risk of hole cleaning problems. (Run cutxport or other hole cleaning computer model.)
Plan the correct mud gradient to prevent hole collapse.
Stress the 30k o/p rule in the well programme.
Do not plan to backream out, only use Fig. 5 - Solids settling in an
backreaming as a last resort unless recent local experience suggests differently.
Plan to use a PWD sub (Pressure While Drilling) if long oriented drilling
sections are expected.

Dynamic Solids Bed

The string becomes stuck in a solids bed which is moving down on the low
side of the hole. This is called avalanching1 and it can occur somewhere in the
well between 40-60 degrees both when the pumps are off as well as while
circulating. It can occur when the string is moving or is stationary.
The Video footage in the stuck pipe course illustrates avalanching and the topic is explained in the Shell
Expro Booklet - ABC of Hole Cleaning, page 27. Anyone who has seen television pictures of a snow
avalanche will know that avalanches can move very quickly. The same mechanism is involved in a solids
avalanche in a wellbore.

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Even with appropriate mud properties and high annular velocities avalanching may still occur. When it does, the effect can be quite dramatic, with stuck
pipe occurring rapidly after the pumps are shut off.
Solids that avalanche down the hole settle out somewhere in the well between
55 and 65 degrees, creating a static solids bed. This may be in open hole or in
casing depending on the well design.

Design team prevention points

Minimise 40 - 60 degree section length in larger hole sizes, e.g. 17.5.

If AVs are likely to be lower than 150 ft/min due to high pressure losses,
consider using larger DP which will allow higher flowrates to be used.
Consult stuck pipe offset data as this sticking mechanism is not formation
Plan in to the well programme adequate time for circulation prior to trips
out of the hole.
Plan for the use of hole cleaning pills (size, composition).

Rig Team prevention points for both static and dynamic

solids beds

The highest risk of a stuck pipe incident due to solids beds is during pulling
out of the hole. Beware of increasing drag, plot drag charts at all times so
you will know when the drag is increasing. NB. Drag may be increasing
even though the measured weight is decreasing.
Do not initially apply more than 30k lbs overpull [ABC of Hole Cleaning Page 40] while pulling out of hole. If
30k lbs overpull is reached go back
down one single or one stand and cirUID
culate the hole clean. If no improvement is observed after resuming tripping, increase the overpull limit with
If the rig team suspect the existence
of a cuttings bed when pulling out of
Fig. 6 - Avalanching Solids
the hole at section TD, then a wiper
trip should be made to prevent stuck or mis-run casing.
Exercise care when running in to an unclean hole or where solids are present.
Subsequent packing off when attempting to start circulation can induce

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

losses. This induced loss zone will lead to lower maximum pump rates and
hence poorer hole cleaning.


Use full drilling flow rates to circulate the hole clean when required.
Use rotation, reciprocation and circulation to clean the hole. Circulate solids
bottoms up, not just fluid bottoms up, this can be 2 - 4 times longer. Slow
rotation, below 80 rpm, will not have a significant hole cleaning effect. A
rotational speed of 120 RPM is desirable for 5 drill pipe (see table below).
Concerns about the maximum rotational speed for a motor with a bent housing (fatigue concerns) should be discussed with the motor supplier.
Hole cleaning pills can be used in conjunction with rotation and reciprocation to clean the hole. (e.g, a viscous pill in near vertical wells). Circulate
pills out of the well before reducing flowrate.


Monitor the volume flowrate of cutting over the shakers - using the minutes
per mud bucket full method - to establish effectiveness of the hole cleaning
methods you are using. Remember, the same methods may not be the most
effective on the next well!
Monitor ECDs (with PWD sub) for indications of a cuttings bed build up.
When tripping out of the hole asses the likely areas for cuttings beds to be
encountered and have a plan in place for removing them.
Mud properties play an important part in preventing this sticking mechanism, ensure they are within the specified ranges by having the mud engineer plot a daily chart of values and acceptable ranges for the important
D P Siz e


































Results - surface contact speed of drill pipe in ft per minutes for given RPM.

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

1.3 Barite Sag

This topic is not covered in the ABC of Hole Cleaning.


Sag is the settling of solids to form a bed of weighting material on the low
side of an inclined wellbore. As with a normal cuttings bed, this bed can slide
or avalanche downwards. Sag is characterised by variations in mud weight
during the first bottoms-up circulation after an extended, circulation free period. Light weight mud is followed by heavy mud, followed by mud of original weight. Mud weight differences as large as 330 pptf have been recorded
in the field.
Although sag is associated with a lack of circulation, it is basically a dynamic
settling problem. The barite (or other weighting agent) bed is formed while
the mud is circulated, especially at low to moderate flow rates. Additional
settling and most of the avalanching occurs during periods when the mud is
static. Some estimates put the contribution from dynamic settling at four times
the static settling rate.
Weight variations are usually not apparent during normal circulation because
the mud system tends to reach an equilibrium. This masks the formation of a
barite bed. The thickness of the bed is a function of the fluid velocity, low
velocities result in thicker accumulations. Beds rarely form when flow is turbulent. The higher the density of the weighting agent, the greater tendency to
form a bed.
As with a normal cutting bed, barite beds have the greatest tendency to avalanche at an inclination between 40 and 50 degrees.

Consequences of Barite Sag

Sag can have a dramatic impact on drilling, cementing and completion operations. It has been associated with incidences of stuck pipe, packing-off, lost
circulation and the failure to run logging tools to td. It can also lead to well
control problems.

Operational Factors

The physics of barite sag is such that even muds with ideal properties cannot
fully suspend barite under all conditions. For example, weighted muds circulated at low flow rates for extended periods usually form barite beds regard8

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

less of the mud properties. Therefore, sag is not solely a mud problem. Failure to use proper drilling practices can easily outweigh the mud factor.
Annular velocity is a key parameter in minimising sag. High annular velocities provide energy to minimise bed deposition and help remove existing beds.
Even short lapses in velocity levels, however, may induce bed formation that
cannot be prevented from avalanching. Drill pipe rotation and reciprocation
enhance the benefits of high annular velocity
Hanson et al (Ref 18) have proposed a number of guidelines to help minimise
sag in the field.
These include:
Monitor mud weight and viscosity every five minutes during the first circulation after trips.
Maintain annular velocities as high as possible for well conditions. Avoid
excessive mud circulation at low flow rates, especially if the pipe is not
Stage to bottom on trips, and circulate bottoms up at each point to reduce
the length of heavy mud column in the annulus.
In addition, the mud properties should be carefully controlled:
Do not thin the mud excessively prior to running and cementing casing.
Avoid overtreatment and excessive dilution.

The Yz Factor

A low shear rheometer is a useful tool in measuring the likelihood of a mud

system sagging and correlation between laboratory measurements and field
conditions have been good to date. However, such equipment is not suitable
for use offshore. Until this equipment is available the Yz factor, calculated as
twice the 3 RPM reading minus the 6 RPM reading, can be used as a crude
indicator of low shear rheology. Maintaining the mud system based on Yz
values rather than yield point is strongly recommended where sag potential is
high. (Ref 19,20 & 21).
A well is considered high risk if:
The inclination is between 60 - 75 degrees
The mud weight is high (greater than 600 pptf)
The mud contains Barite or a similar particle weighting material
Low shear operation will take place (logging, SCRs, running liner).

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

The minimum value of the Yz factor necessary to prevent sag will be dependent on mud density and hole angle but a value of 10 or greater will normally
be sufficient, even in deviated 12 hole sections. Slightly lower numbers
are acceptable in 8 hole. As with many mud properties, trends are often
more important than absolute values and a decreasing trend in Yz values should
be taken as a strong indication of increasing sag potential. In such cases, it is
important that remedial measures are taken quickly. The preferred method of
treatment is normally the addition of sheared premix if available, or
organophilic clay if not.

1.4 Hole collapse

Caving Shale

It is strongly recommended to read the ABC of Stuck Pipe, Supplement 1 Borehole stability in shales.
Approximately 70% of the footage drilled in Shell Expro is through shales.
Experience shows that shales can be problematic to drill. Typical, but not
exclusive, signs of hole collapse in shales are:

Cavings over the shakers,

Overpulls when tripping out of hole,
String holds up when running in hole,
Sudden pack-off when starting circulation.
An accidental sidetrack when washing or reaming past an apparent obstruction.

Causes of hole collapse

(1) Insufficient mud weight

Shales are generally the weakest formations encountered during drilling. They
need more support from the mud column to keep the hole open than most
sandstones and limestones. This can be achieved by using a sufficiently high
mud weight. Mud weight selection for shales should be based on offset experience and wellbore stability charts.
(2) Hydration

Shales are water sensitive, i.e. they hydrate and slowly disperse in water.
That is why shales are said to be reactive. The reactiveness of a shale can be
quantified by measuring its surface area. When drilling with a water based
mud system KCl needs to be added to the mud to prevent hydration of the
shales around the borehore wall. Polymers need to be added to the mud to

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

prevent hydration of the cuttings while they are transported out of the hole.
An insufficient KCl concentration will cause a gradual deterioration of the
hole condition. When drilling with an oil based mud system, the water phase
salinity needs to be kept at a sufficiently high level to prevent hydration.
(3) Pore pressure penetration

Shales are water bearing with typical permeabilities ranging from 1 to

100nDarcy (sand is in the 0.01 - 1D or 10 million times higher). When drilling with a water based mud system, pressure communication exists between
the water in the wellbore and the water in the pores of the shale. Since nearly
all drilling is overbalanced, the pore pressure will increase with time, thereby
weakening the shale. Silicates or polyglycols need to be added to the mud to
seal off the pore throats and prevent
pore pressure penetration.

Pressure Surges

Starting the pumps slowly and keeping a careful watch on the pressure
gauges will prevent pressure shock
loading of the formation. Use of PWD
subs significantly increases the information available to the driller on
down hole pressures and ECD (Ref 3
- page 31).
Specialist models exist for calculating mud weights required to prevent
failure of the borehole wall (the socalled collapse gradients) of shales
at different depths. These models use
shale strength and in-situ (i.e.
Fig. 7 - Wellbore Collapse
downhole) stresses as input parameters. Shale strength is calculated from correlations with surface area (measured on cuttings) and sonic transit times (from petrophysical logs). The overburden stress is calculated from a density log and the minimum horizontal
stress is estimated from leak-off charts. The collapse gradients are usually
presented graphically versus vertical depth in a wellbore stability chart.
Wellbore stability charts are available for almost all fields operated by Shell
Expro. See Fig 35 for a typical example.

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Usually, a number of collapse gradient lines are shown for different hole
angles (i.e. inclination). The collapse gradient at an intermediate angle may
be estimated by interpolating between the two nearest collapse gradient lines.
Pore pressure and fracture gradient estimates are presented because they give
a good indication of the margins for mud weight selection. The fracture gradients shown in the chart are only valid for low-permeable formations, i.e.
not for sandstones. Collapse gradients can be related to actual formations by
means of the lithology column on the right hand side of a wellbore stability
In the North Sea the overburden stress is greater than the maximum horizontal stress, causing the collapse gradient to increase with increasing inclination. In other words, for a shale at a particular depth the mud weight required
to prevent failure is lowest for a vertical and highest for a horizontal hole.

1.5 Unconsolidated formation/boulders

Shallow formations can often be unconsolidated or contain boulders.

Unconsolidated formations contain loosely packed particles, from sand to
pebble size. The risk of the formation collapsing around the BHA is high, a
similar situation to what would happen if you dug a hole in a beach, but
often as the formation is loose sand the
effect is only a temporary increase in
pump pressure.
Boulders occur at shallow depth and
more frequently near to the coast. Drilling in a boulder area can cause high
vibration levels or an accidental sidetracks as well as stuck pipe.
A standard procedure is often adopted
for top hole sections: If drilled with sea
water pump viscous pills prior to connections, at TD sweep hole clean and
POOH displacing to Bentonite/CMC.
If overpulls are experienced run a
wiper trip and redisplace to Bentonite/
Fig. 7 - Unconsolidated Formation


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Design team prevention points

Unconsolidated formations are present under the Tern platform (consult

Tern engineer for most up to date example procedures).
Consider leaving out large string stabilisers, i.e., larger than 17
A seabed survey can sometimes help identify the characteristics of shallow

Rig Team prevention points

During drilling of an unconsolidated formation and packing off problems

are experienced, drill 30ft then pull back 30ft and wait a couple of minutes
before proceeding to drill. This allows the formation to collapse in on an
empty hole, not on the BHA (as used on the Tern platform).
If a riser is in use a riser booster will improve hole cleaning.

1.6 Fractured rock

Natural fractures can occur in all types of rock, most often in Limestone,
chalk and cemented sandstones, near faults and in areas where there has been
geological activity, e.g, near a salt dome. The presence of these fractures is
often difficult to predict. Although drilling through natural fractures leads to
lost circulation, the string can become stuck when the fractured rock collapses around the string.
Induced fractures are caused by drill string vibration (Ref 4) or by pressure
surges (Ref 3). This mechanism also often leads to

Design team prevention points

Consult offset data for indications of natural fractures.

Consider casing off troublesome zones as soon as

Fig. 8 - Natural Fractures


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Rig Team prevention points

The Critical Speed Analysis (CSA) module under Wellplan for Windows is
available commercially. It can be used to predict rotational speeds that are
likely to cause high vibration levels.
MWD tools are usually fitted with a shock sensor that will detect vibration
in the BHA - ask the MWD operator if this information is available from his
The use of a down hole pressure monitoring tool will assist the rig team in
preventing both pressure shock loading and unintentionally exceeding the
ECD. See Monitoring Tools section - PWD Sub.

2.0 Differential Sticking

This is the differential sticking equivalent of the well known fire triangle.
For differential sticking to occur all four conditions must be present. However, it has been observed from studies of differential sticking cases (Ref 6)
that the most important factor in the above triangle is LACK OF STRING
MOVEMENT. Out of the four required conditions, string movement is the
only factor under the control of the driller!




la n





n ta



When a string is left stationary the filter cake builds up and the string is embedded in the filter cake.

Lack of String Movement

Fig. 9 - Differential Sticking Triangle


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Sticking and freeing forces

The actual differential sticking force that acts on the drill string is calculated
from the overbalance, the contact area and the friction factor of the well. The
contact area is an estimate of the contact length (calculated using the Wellplan
for windows - Wellbore Contact module) multiplied by the contact width
(usually assumed to be 2 to 3 inches). The friction factor (ff) will depend on
the mud type being used but an average value of 0.25 is good enough for
estimating differential sticking forces.
Freeing Force = ff x contact length (inch) x contact width (inch) x overbalance (psi)

This calculation gives the force required at the stuck point to free the string
and does not take into account hole drag.
Example: Calculation of force required to free a differentially stuck string:
overbalance = 700 psi
contact length = 30ft = 360in
Contact width = 3in
friction factor = 0.25
FreeingForce = 0.25 x 360 x 3 x 700 = 189k lbs
The surface freeing force required would be the Freeing Force + Up drag +
additional drag due to the overpulls applied.
Assuming 140klbs string weight above the stuck point, an updrag of 40klbs
and calculating the extra drag due to the increase in tension due to overpull say 30% of overpull lost in extra drag [typical for a horizontal well]
Surface freeing force = 189k lbs*1.43 + 140kl bs + 40k lbs =450k lbs
If you loose 30% of the surface overpull in extra drag, then:
0.7 x surface overpull = 189k lbs
surface overpull = 189klbs / 0.7 = 189k lbs * 1.43
From the above example it can be seen that differential sticking freeing forces
can easily reach very high values that are beyond the limits of grade G and
often grade S drill pipe. Consequently a high proportion of the mechanical
methods for freeing differentially stuck drill strings are relatively unsuccessful. As high freeing forces are required in differential sticking cases prevention is the cure.

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Thick, Soft Filter Cake

Thin, Hard, Tough Filter Cake

Width of
Contact Area

Width of
Contact Area


Fig. 10 - Filter Cake Thickness

Design team prevention points

Use OBM rather than WBM. This reduces the risk of differential sticking
by reducing the water loss to the formation and providing a thin, tough filter
cake. This reduces the contact area as the filter cake will be thinner. (Freeing point - It also reduces the friction factor allowing a greater force to be
applied to the stuck point).
Consider using low torque subs to provide stand-off for BHAs and large
sizes (6-5/8) of HWDP.
Use jars and accelerators fitted with stand-off subs.
A reduction in fluid loss will reduce sticking tendency.
Liquid casing can be used in reducing the risk of differentially stuck pipe
for sealing off potential lost circulation zones (i.e, high permeability).
Agree the surveying time with the survey engineer before taking the survey. Do not allow the survey engineer or directional driller to re-take the
survey if the first one fails, move the string for 10 minutes then re-take the
A further risky time for differential sticking is when rotating with a low
ROP, when the string may not be moving due to stick slip conditions.

Rig team prevention points

Always know when the string is across a permeable formation.
Make connections as quickly and safely as possible.
Agree the surveying time with the survey engineer before taking the survey. Do not allow the survey engineer or directional driller to re-take the

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

survey if the first one fails, move the string for 10 minutes then re-take the
Agree an action plan for when the string becomes differentially stuck.
Develop a flow check procedure that reduces the risk of leaving the string
stationary across a permeable formation.
Have contingency plans in place for
Loss of power - go to non permeable zone
Accidental power loss - maintain circulation if possible.
Put mud weight back up after lowering it to get free unless specified otherwise in the plan
Be aware that each formation is different.

2.1 Wire line Differential Sticking Issues

Contact logging sondes e.g. RFT, MCFT and FMT are, by their nature, in
contact with permeable formations, exposed to an overbalance and stationary. Hence, these tools are very likely to become differentially stuck. Recommendations on maximum sampling time at each sample point should be
made in the logging program. Wire line cables are also prone to getting stuck
differentially as they are often forced into the filter cake across permeable
formation by cable tension. Cable sticking is confirmed by surface and/or
down hole tension measurements not matching; a lack of tension indicated on
the tools internal tension measurement compared with indications of overpull
on the surface tension instrument. The common remedial action for freeing a
stuck wireline tool is to strip over the tool.
This type of sticking should not be confused with mechanical sticking of
formation testing tools and side wall core tools. In this case the sample catchers of the formation testing tool are pressed into the borehole wall of the
formation in order to catch a sample of formation fluid or a pressure reading.
The tools probe can become mechanically stuck in the formation. Sidewall
core tools fire bullets, which are attached to the tool by wire ties. The bullets
can embed in the formation and stick. Freeing can be successful by working
the tool between the maximum working overpull and slack-off for a period of

Rig team prevention points

Establish a maximum time for taking FMT/RFT pressure sample (suggest

15 minutes).
Be aware of cable contact across a permeable formation.

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

2.2 Casing/Liner Differential Sticking Issues

It is often impossible to free a differentially stuck casing string. The contact

area is usually very high and this combined with the weight of the casing/liner
results in poor chances of freeing by force.
Most of the differentially stuck casing incidents in Shell Expro have been due
to secondary differential sticking, occurring only after the casing was caused
to be stationary for another reason.

Rig team prevention points

Consider making a wiper trip for hole cleaning purposes prior to running
the casing.


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Drill Collar - Wellbore Contact : 0 to 3 deg

120 ft

90 ft

17 1/2



12 1/4
8 1/2


5 3/4


60 ft

30 ft









Fig. 11 - Wellbore Contact: 0 - 3 deg

Drill Collar - Wellbore Contact : 30 to 50 deg

120 ft

90 ft

60 ft

30 ft

17 1/2





12 1/4
8 1/2





5 3/4





Fig. 12 - Wellbore Contact: 30 - 50 deg

These tables are based on the typical collar size used for that hole section, i.e,
9 in 17 hole, 4 in 5 hole etc. Above 50 degrees contact does not
increase significantly.


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

In wells with inclination less than 50 degrees the above tables can be used as
a guideline for stabiliser spacing. If this results in more than 4 stabilisers, it is
likely that the BHA is too long and either the WOB required should be reassessed, the collar wt/ft increased or more HWDP used.
In horizontal wells (HWDP instead of DC) unstabilised BHAs with HWDP
are often used as drill collars do not supply the weight on bit in a horizontal
well. As a consequence the BHA may be very short containing only a motor,
MWD, LWD, one or two stabilisers, a jar and a drill collar. This dramatically
reduces the risk of sticking across the
BHA. However, the risk of differential sticking in the drill string above
the BHA can still be high when a permeable formation is drilled in the
build/drop section. This is due to the
relatively high wall contact forces in
these sections of a well. Consideration is often given to running
undergauge string stabilisers and/or
two sets of jars (see Chapter 6).
Combination of the Jar plus one drill
collar is often the longest component
of an unstabilised BHA. Externally
oversized subs can be built into the
jars to provide a reduction in contact
length. (Figure 13). Always check the
length between stabilisers on Motor,
MWD and LWD combinations.

Fig. 13 - Jars with stand-off subs

to prevent differential sticking

Case History

When drilling an S shaped appraisal well for the Shearwater field, the drill
string became stuck across a 150ft sand body (Tay Sand), with 2500psi overbalance at 35 degrees. Although the drill string was freed by pumping a large
base oil pill, the shales above the sandbody collapsed and the well had to be
sidetracked. For the drilling of the production wells this was considered to be
a high risk area and the build/drop section was consequently planned to be as
much as possible above this sand body. Two jars were planned and consideration was given to running undergauge string stabilisers.

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

2.3 Coil Tubing Drilling Differential Sticking Issues

Lack of rotation

Coil tubing drilling is at a disadvantage by not allowing string rotation to

keep the string moving to prevent differential sticking.
Coil cycles

Prevention of differential sticking requires constant coil motion. However,

the life of the coil is considerably shortened by reeling in and out while containing pressure (while circulating). On a recent operation it was necessary to
cut several sections from the coil due to a high number of cycles. A maximum
number of 90 in/out cycles was all the coil could withstand before a section
required cutting off to place a different section of the coil across the gooseneck
and lubricator.
No stabilisation

Coil tubing BHAs often have no stabilisation and there are no tool joints on
the coil. This constant contact with the wellbore results in a high risk of the
coil tubing becoming differentially stuck.
Freeing by flowing the well

An advantage of coil tubing drilling on a platform is that, when differentially

stuck and when planned as an option, the well can be flowed under controlled
conditions to free the string. The maximum allowed reduction in mud weight
should be established during the planning stage of the well. Offset data should
be consulted to establish any potential wellbore stability issues for any shale
formations exposed.
Recent experience

On a recent coil tubing operation the kick-off point was deepened to leave an
overlying shale formation cased off. This was to decrease the risk of wellbore
stability problems if the well had to be flowed to free stuck coil tubing.
Freeing differentially stuck pipe by reducing the mud weight temporarily has
been done in some formations without observing any significant detrimental
effects on shale stability. However, doing this has caused major problems in
other locations and should only be done after consulting offset data and
wellbore stability information for the formations exposed on a case by case
Recent experience of flowing the well to free a differentially stuck coil has
been gained on one of Shell Expros Brent platforms.

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Shell Expro have used under-balance techniques to free a stuck liner on a

platform well drilled with coil tubing. This was done due to the liner getting
differentially stuck while being run in.

Rig team prevention points

Have a contingency plan in place.

Check the coil string is free by moving the coil every 30mins if the ROP is
less than 5ft/hr.
Preventative maintenance on equipment will prevent unscheduled stationary time.
Consider the effect on operations of platform shutdown procedures.
Use constant running speeds, pump pressure, WOB etc., to standardise across
shift changes. This will simplify the identification of deviations from normal trends in drilling parameters.
In coil tubing drilling differential sticking can occur when putting weight
on bit due to increased contact forces (buckling). This is less of a risk with
a drill string as a drill string is not usually buckled when motor drilling.

Initial Response when stuck with a coil tubing string.

The procedure now used in the event of becoming differentially stuck with
coil tubing is:
Circulate to base oil and put well on balance.
Flow the well (have an agreed procedure for this operation) long enough
to free the string. Cleaning the well up may take a number of days after
freeing operations.

3. Geometry - String / Hole incompatibility

3.1 Dogleg & Stiff Assembly

The BHA becomes stuck in a dogleg. A dogleg in this context is a dogleg over and above the planned dogleg. The consequence of a dogleg can
vary greatly depending on the type
of section being drilled.
When running in with a stiffer BHA
than the previously used more weight

Fig. 14 - Stuck BHA


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

will be required to push the string through the dogleg. The BHA can get stuck
or cause an unintentional sidetrack.
Stabilised rotary assembly after a steerable assembly.
Turbine after a steerable assembly.
Bit and Stabilisers undergauge on previous BHA
This mechanism can also occur while running casing, liners and pre-packed
screens which will often be stiffer than the assemblies used for drilling the
hole. Beware that if the drill string had to be reamed out of the hole problems
may be experienced while running casing.

Design team prevention points

Minimise steering requirements when designing the well trajectory.

Rig team prevention points

Ream doglegs.
Sticking to the directional drilling planned line should be balanced against
reducing doglegs
Use caution when running in through a build section after a BHA change.
After backreaming, perform a conventional check trip and wipe any areas
of overpull prior to running casing.

3.2 Ledges

When interbedded formations are drilled,

ledges can form which may cause the BHA to
hang up. Ledges are formation related. Ledges
may also be formed with a steerable assembly when circulating in one place. This is referred to as undercut lowside and is not formation related.

Design team prevention points

Consult offset data if formations are likely

to give rise to ledges and highlight this in
the drilling program.

Fig. 15 - Ledges

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Rig Team prevention points

The use of a paper BHA model (see Monitoring Tools Section) will assist in
locating which part of the BHA is hanging up.
Rotate slowly while pulling the BHA past ledges.
Do circulate in one place when a steerable assembly is being used.
Ream ledges.

3.3 Undergauge Hole in Salt

Some formations, mainly salt, deform plastically

when a hole is drill through them. The salt may
slowly flow into the hole and reduce the hole
diameter. This will often increase torque or stick
the string by squeezing in on drill pipe or cause
problems when pulling out of the hole.
Salt can be dissolved in fresh water. If mobile
salt is causing problems it can be washed away
by pumping fresh water. Beware of any other
formations that may cause problems later by
being exposed to freshwater (e.g. reactive shales)

Design team prevention points

High light the presence of mobile salt in the

drilling programme

Fig. 16 - Keyseating

Ensure sufficient fresh water is available

Rig Team prevention points

Have fresh water ready to pump when drilling mobile salt formations.

3.4 Key-seat

A key seat is a slot cut into the wellbore by the drill pipe. The resulting shape
of the wellbore is that of a keyhole. Key-seats develop where the wellbore
contact forces are high and/or where the number of rotations of the string
against the wellbore wall is high.
Doglegs high up in a well or in a build / drop area result in high contact forces
between the drill string and the wellbore. Slow drilling with high RPMs may
create a keyseat even when the contact force is low.


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Calliper logs have shown that slow drilling in horizontal wells can result in a
groove being cut by the drill pipe in the
low side of the horizontal section.
Casing shoes can be damaged in this
manner when a solids build up pushes
the string into the highside of the casing.
Since detailed records began in 1987 no
stuckpipe case due to key seating has
been recorded.

Fig. 17 - Stuck Casing

Rig Team prevention points

When pulling out of hole a keyseat may cause a flicker on the weight indicator every time a tool joint is pulled past it (every 30ft). When this is observed reduce the tripping speed. This will reduce the sticking force should
the drill string get caught in the keyseat.

4 Junk
4.1 Metal Junk

The BHA can hang up on junk or junk can

get trapped between the BHA components
and the borehole wall, causing the string to
become stuck.
Sources of junk:
Material dropped down hole (spanners,
BHA equipment failures (parts of MWD
tools, cones from bit).
Milling operations (window or fish).
Casing centralisers (during cement cleanout run after pulling casing which failed
to get to bottom or after a liner hanger
failed to release).
Fish (when sidetracking).
Fig. 18 - Metal Junk

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Sticking due to metal junk often causes very erratic torque. Reduction of the
torque limit is advised if erratic torque is experienced, this will help prevent a
drill string twist-off.

Design team prevention points

Consider ditch magnets.

BHA inspection criteria should include parts that are likely to form junk
after failing (internal MWD parts).
Plan to use mud with sufficient carrying capacity.

Rig Team prevention points

Good housekeeping.
Use correct handling equipment on surface.
Note that chrome completion tubing / casing (which is non-magnetic) will
not be collected by ditch magnets.
Use junk baskets.
Note the weight of any milled material recovered.

4.2 Cement Chunks

Cement chunks can get trapped between

BHA components and the wellbore wall
causing the string to become stuck.
Likely sources of cement chunks:
The casing shoe area.
A plugged back hole.
Cement from behind casing where a window has been cut.
Cement from a kick-off plug.
Fibre cement minimises the risk of this
mechanism occurring. Fibre cement binds
the cement together even when it is fractured. However, it is sometimes difficult
to mix and pump without the fibres all
ending up at the top of the cement column
This mechanism can be caused by reciprocating / rotating at one point ( e.g, in the

Fig. 19 - Cement Chunks

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

shoe area while running the next casing string). This may cause chunks of
cement to drop off and wedge the casing.
Acid soluble cement is sometimes used in workover operations. This type of
cement can be acidised afterwards and hence minimise formation damage.
Acid soluble cement can also be dissolved if sticking occurs.

Design team prevention points

Consider fibre cement.
Consider acid soluble cement

Rig Team prevention points

Slow down when tripping the BHA past any areas containing exposed cement, e.g, window areas and casing shoe areas.

4.3 Losses
4.3.1 Natural losses

When drilling through formations that

have fractures and vugs (small caverns) or a very high permeability, mud
can flow into the formation. The various solutions for losses are well documented (Ref 14) and are covered
briefly in this booklet.
Loss rate

Fig. 20 Natural Losses

1-5 bbl
6-50 bbl/hr
51-250 bbl/hr
>250 bbl/hr

Reduce the ECD or Mud wt if possible + add LCM while drilling

Pump a 10-20bbl LCM pill
Pump a 50bbl LCM pill
Pump a large LCM pill >100bbl

Table 2 - Loss rates

For formulation of LCM pills consult your local mud specialist. Ensure that
any LCM formulation will not destabilise overlying formations (e.g, reactive

Design team prevention points

Provide the rig with LCM formulations based on local experience.

Develop procedures based on offset experience.
Consider cheap mud.

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Rig Team prevention points

Be prepared when entering a formation with a high risk of natural losses.

4.3.2 Induced losses - formation fracture pressure exceeded

These losses are created by the actions of the rig team or as a consequence of
a down hole problem.
Reasons for induced losses are:
A pack-off occurs and the formation fracture pressure is exceeded before
the pump pressure can be reduced.
High ECD due to poor hole cleaning.
Starting circulation too rapidly.
Running in the hole to rapidly (Pressure surges).
When losses occur there is a risk of the string packing-off as solids fall back
down the hole due to low or negative annular velocity (top hole drilling).

Design team prevention points

Consult offset data to asses the risk of borehole instability, induced losses
and optimum mud gradient.
Consider downhole PWD sub.
Provide the rig with LCM formulation.

Rig Team prevention points

Keep the hole clean to minimise ECDs.

Fig. 21 The Enhanced Pre-Spud (EHP) Chart (Planning Tool)


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Bring pumps up slowly.

5. Available tools used to observe stuckpipe & tight hole

This Chapter discusses methods used to monitor a well for signs of stuck
pipe and the passing on of this information in a driller friendly manner. After
reading this chapter the rig team members should have a clear understanding of the monitoring tools available and how they can be applied to reduce
stuck pipe problems.

5.1 Paper BHA Model

Create a large-scale printout of the

wellbore lithology. On the same
scale, create a strip of card or paper
to simulate the BHA with all relevant
components, MWD, stabilisers, jar
etc, marked on the strip of paper.




O/p 10 k

By sliding the BHA up and down

against the lithology printout any
problem depths can be interpreted.

O/p 10 k

Often the driller will have a list of bit

depths where problems occurred. It
is very difficult to tell what is causing these problems if there are more
than one or two problem depths. If
the BHA has three stabilisers and
there are 3 ledges in the hole there
are nine possible bit depths which
may cause overpulls or set down
weights to occur.


O/p 10 k


O/p 30 k (stab 1 at ledge above)

O/p 30 k (stab 2 at ledge above)

If the BHA is changed the new problematic bit depths can be seen easily
Fig. 22 - Paper BHA
using the model. The driller can be
briefed either just as he goes on tour
or while he is on the rig-floor at a convenient moment.


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

5.2 Drag Charts

The theory behind drag charts was explained in Chapter 1. Understanding a

Drag Chart is important for drillers. The creation of actual drag charts by the
drill floor team should be encouraged as this is a key monitoring tool.

Design Stage Drag Charts

During the well design phase the Well Engineer will create a drag chart to
predict the torque and drag in the well. This will be used to select DP grade,
weight and length. The drag chart will also be used to set MOP (margin of
overpull) and to evaluate the risk of buckling in the string.
A drag chart should be created to ensure casing and liners will get to bottom
without buckling and locking up (lock up is when buckling prevents the string
being run in any further and has happened in the past in the blank pipe between pre-packed screens).
Coil tubing drilling operations require more accurate drag information as coil
tubing is more susceptible to buckling and locking up than drill pipe. Special
software and onsite continuous monitoring is used for coil tubing operations.

Drilling Stage Drag Charts

During the well creation phase the data used to make the predicted drag chart
is updated with actual data. It is recommended that data be collected after
every stand drilled.
The data required being:-

Bit depth.
Up weight, Down weight, Rotating weight.
BHA Run Number.
Pumps on/off.

If data loggers are being used data can be obtained via their computers. This
data should be verified with the drillers tally book record.
The actual data drag chart is the one that should be used to evaluate the
existence of problems while POOH. If the up weight line while tripping does
not follow the up weight while drilling there may be a problem in the well and
investigations should be made. Similarly when tripping in, if the down weight
is less than when drilling -investigate the cause.


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Actual information can be plotted by data loggers after each trip - this information will be useful to the Well Design Engineer on subsequent wells.

5.3 Doglegs Severity v Depth Chart

The DLS v depth chart will enable the driller to obtain an overview of potential hang-up depths with BHAs and casing. This chart should be displayed on
the drill-floor.

Fig. 23 - Dogleg severity versus depth graph

5.4 Cuttings Monitoring Systems

Specially designed cuttings volume monitoring equipment is available and

can be fitted to most shale-shakers. If your rig is not fitted with such equipment a rough estimate of volume rate of cuttings returning to the shakers can
be made by the Shakerman. This is done by holding a bucket under the area
of the shakers giving the most cuttings and timing how long the bucket takes
to fill. This time can be recorded at intervals of say 30 minutes or one hour
depending on requirements. Although not very accurate it can help to optimise
hole cleaning actions such as rotation, reciprocation and circulation rates, and
is better than judging volume rates by eye.


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Time Keeper

A simple mechanical old style stopwatch can be used to time survey times or
someone can be allocated the task, especially when the driller is performing
some other task while the string is stationary. The timekeeper can remind
everyone how long the string has been stationary every five minutes or every
three minutes depending on risk. This might sound bit like overkill or a bit
simplistic but Differential Sticking in 1996 caused the highest stuck pipe cost.
In ref 6 (WIEN 727 Page 39 Chapter 7.2.4. Learning point 22.) excessive
static time was identified as the main cause of differential sticking incidents.

Pressure while drilling sub (PWD sub)

The pressure while drilling sub is a down hole addition to the MWD system
that can provide surface readout of down hole pressures and can record down
hole pressures during all operations when a PWD-MWD is included in the
drill string.
By using the results of the pressure recording tool to calculate and plot the
ECDs, information about down hole pressure conditions can be accurately
There are two methods of using PWD subs, real time and recorded. Real time
information is only available when the pumps are on. Recorded data is retrieved once the tool is returned to surface.



Fig. 24 - PWD Readout showing downhole pressures after fast drilling


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

PWD tools have been used to gather information in the following areas:
LOT/FIT test recording
verification of Hydraulics software results
down hole pressure changes due to string movement
- Rotation, Surge, Swab, Reaming
down hole pressure changes due to braking gels
Mud weigh fluctuations
Hole cleaning / cuttings loading
In Fig 58, the increase in down hole pressure due to fast drilling followed by
working the string up and down due to overpulls can be seen. Note that all the
pressures during these operations are up to 45 pptf above the FIT test limit.


Fig. 25 - PWD2

Fig 24 illustrates the pressures seen when starting the pumps after running to
TD. The initial surge could be due to breaking the mud gels or barite sag and
the following undulations in mud weight are due to the mud becoming conditioned, possibly due to Barite sag.
Increases in pressure are observed when the string is rotated. This occurs for
two reasons, 1) the fluid path becomes longer as it spirals up the hole. This
affect is most prominent in wells with small hole sizes and high mud weights.
2) Any cuttings on the low side of the hole are likely to be stirred up when
rotation is started. This increases the effective mud gradient (s.g. of drilled
solids = 2.6, more solids per unit volume exist therefore an increase in mud
density is observed)


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Rotary drilling

Cuttings are stirred up and influence ECD.

Sliding mode

Cuttings settle forming cuttings beds and have less effect

on ECD

Fig 26 illustrates the pressure differences experienced between rotary and

oriented drilling. Pressure spikes due to surge can also be clearly observed.
Fig 27 shows the same pressure spike shown in Fig 26 on an expanded scale.

Fig. 26 - PWD 3

Fig. 27 - PWD 4

For more information and a full report see Shell/KCA report: Results, Dunlin
DA 26 S4 8 section, Results, Dunlin DA 26 S5 8 section, 30 March

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

These days there are a number of hole sections which are very risky. If losses
are induced causing a fracture it may prove impossible to drill. If pump rate is
compromised by losses then hole cleaning becomes a secondary problem.
The following recommendations are offered:
Bring the pumps up slowly.
Clean the hole after drilling in sliding mode.
These two recommendations will help prevent stuck pipe due to induced losses.

Surface Monitoring tools

There are a number of surface monitoring tool that interpret the signals from
the down hole MWD subs, such as PWD and DWOB, and set of alarms when
the indications of a stuckpipe case or other problems are observed. Mostly
these tools are in the early stages of development and require the dedicated
resources of data loggers to keep them operational and help with interpretation.


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

6. Coiled tubing drilling for the rotary driller.

Coil tubing has been used extensively for
workover operations and most drillers will be familiar with it being used in this manner. Recently
coil tubing has also been used for drilling sidetracks or multi-lateral wells. The coil tubing operator and rotary driller have been working closely
together on the rig site. The coil tubing operator
combining his knowledge of the tubing string with
the drillers knowledge of downhole problems and
the drilling rig.

6.1 What is coil tubing.

Coil tubing is a length of steel tubing (Fig. 28)

Fig. 28 - Coil Tubing
that is produced in sections 3500ft long. The tube
is manufactured from flat steel strips and is welded longitudinally. Each 3500ft
section is welded together using a bias weld. Several sections are welded
together to create a full reel which can be up to 21000ft long depending on the
reel size used. Reels of this length are usually tapered. Coil tubing is available
in various sizes. The OD and ID can be specified as
can the material from which the tubing is made. The
Coil can also contain cables and control lines (Fig
29) to enable down hole equipment to be operated
remotely and allow MWD / LWD signals to be sent
to surface.
The tubing is fed into the well by a set of tracks
(Fig 30) that both straighten the tubing and hold the
weight of the tubing in the well.
Below the tracks is the lubricator that contains well pressure,
Fig. 29 - Hepta cable
even while the tubing is being
& control lines
fed in and out. (Similar to stripping operations with drill pipe). As coil tubing has a small
cross sectional area the tensile yield strength is low. For 2
tubing the yield will be between 64k and 100k lbs (depending on material used). This limits the amount of
overpull that can be applied in a stuck situation.

Fig. 30 - Injector head tracks

Stuck Pipe Mechanism


When the coil tubing is being run into a deviated hole it can easily be buckled,
more so than drill pipe which is much stiffer. Coil tubing has a limit, called
lock up, where the tubing helically buckles causing an increase in side
wallforces and hence drag. When this situation occurs the string cannot be
run any further into the hole. If the drag in the well is higher than originally
expected lockup (buckling) can occur before reaching TD, this is similar to
motor drilling. In a rotary drilling situation the string can be rotated to turn
drag in to torque enabling the string to be rotated to bottom. Coil tubing cannot be rotated and drilling is always performed using a motor.

Pressure & Combined Tension on Coil Tubing

The term bending cycle refers to the tubing being bent from straight or being
straightened from bent. Coil tubing passes through six bending cycles between leaving the reel, entering the well and returning to the reel. This does
not include any bending cycles it experiences while in the well. The number
of bending cycles the coil tubing can handle without risk of failure decreases
if the pressure inside the tubing is higher than the external pressure. Every
time the tubing is cycled with pressure inside it deforms slightly. Ultimately
the tubing will increased in ID, the wall thickness will decrease and the tubing become weaker. To combat this pressurised lubricators are currently under design but at present are not yet available.

Fig. 31 - Illustration of the pressure effects on coiled


Fig. 31 shows the cross-section of a piece of tubing, cycled to failure with

various pressures. The higher the pressure the less cycles before failure.


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

The consequences of this cycling phenomena is significant for coil tubing

drilling. In conventional rotary drilling working the drill string in and out of
the hole with full circulation is a routine operation for good hole cleaning (the
drill string is usually being rotated as well!). This practice can not be done
with coil tubing (for rotation is not yet practical!) and if the circulating pressures are high, say 5000psi, working the tubing in and out of the hole will
shorten tubing life dramatically.
Coil tubing operators have a set of curves for each tubing string. The curves
specify the allowable pull with simultaneous pressure.

6.2 Hole Cleaning with coil tubing

Part of coil tubing drilling operations often takes place inside liner, completion strings or casing. This can give rise to low annular velocities. The pictures below illustrate the relative sizes of a 2 coil inside various casing strings.

2 Coil Tubing in 3.75 Hole

2 Coil Tubing in 7 Liner

2 Coil Tubing in 5 Liner

Fig. 32 - Relative sizes of coil and liner

Annular Velocity ft/min

2 Coil inside 7 liner is the same relative size as 5 DP inside 17.5.

2 Coil inside 5 liner is approximately the same relative size to 5 DP inside
2 Coil inside 3.75 hole is approximately the same relative size to 4.5 DP
inside 8.5.

.24 Bbl/m in


2.38 Bbl/m in


3.57 Bbl/m in

7" Liner

5" Liner

3 3/4 Hole

Fig. 33 - Annular Velocity resulting from

various flow rate and tubing sizes

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

The annular velocities for a given flow rate can be seen in Fig. 33. In coil
tubing operations the flowrate is usually measured in BPM (barrels per
minute). To convert GPM to BPM simply divide by 42.
If good hole cleaning practices are used problems with solids in the open hole
section can be overcome. The illustrations in Fig 34 and 35 illustrate how a
small cuttings bed in the open hole section of a 3.75 hole can have a significant effect on the drag in the well due to building up around the tubing. However, this process is self limiting, as the cuttings build up around the tubing
the remaining cross-sectional area decreases causing an increase in the AV
which scours away the cuttings from
around the tubing.
The AV when this occurs is called the
critical velocity. The area where hole
cleaning problems are likely is in the upper section of the old hole where the liner
may be 7 or even 9 5/8 casing. Here
the AV will fall dramatically. These are
areas where cuttings accumulate.
Fig. 34 - 10% Solids bed illustrated in
a 3 hole without the coil.

When pulling out of the hole, changes in

ID from large, where the cutting accumulate, to small may cause problems if cuttings are dragged into the smaller
section by the BHA. Time should be spent
circulating before the BHA is pulled into
these areas. This is very specific to coil
tubing as in conventional drilling this
change in hole ID from large to small is
rarely encountered. When this situation
does occur in conventional drilling - e.g.
washouts, it often leads to significant hole
cleaning problems.
Fig. 35 - 10% Solids bed illustrated in
a 3 hole with 2 coil in the hole.


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Appendix 1

Preventing stuck pipe is an integral part of designing and building a well. It is

a balance between risk and no risk decisions. Most decisions made by the
well designers and the well creators impact on the risk of getting stuck. Consequently information on preventing one particular stuck pipe mechanism is
only useful when that mechanism is showing signs of becoming a problem.
In drilling a well two groups of people are involved, the designers and the
creators. The two groups must communicate effectively so that the creators
create what the designers designed and the designers learn from the experience of the creators. Prevention of stuck pipe is so linked to the process of
drilling that it must occur at every stage of the well planning and creation


1. (By Hole Section)

Plan stuck pipe out of the well
2. (By operation)
Conduct procedures and operations so as to avoid stuck pipe
3. (By operation)
Monitor for signs of stuck pipe
4. (Initial reaction)
React appropriately when stuck pipe occurs
5. (after getting stuck - freeing)
Correct use of freeing equipment once stuck


Initial actions - Pack-off

The following paragraphs contain suggested actions to take in the first 30
minutes of a stuck pipe case. These may or may not be relevant to each individual incident. It is recommended that each rig should have these types of
procedures in place as it reduces the chances of incorrect actions being taken
during the initial stages of a stuck pipe case.
Because hole cleaning is not location specific offset data may not be any help
in determining the likelihood of hole cleaning problems.

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Drill String Pack-off

To recover from a pack-off situation one must first attempt to visualise the
situation down hole. The pictures in the ABC of Hole Cleaning may help with
this. In the majority of drill string pack-offs the string is moving up whereas
for casing pack-offs the string is usually moving down.
To free the string several things must be done:
1. Create a flow path through the packed-off solids
This can be done by applying torque to the string then letting it off again
(torsional cycling). This attempts to create a path down the side of the stabiliser. This is best attempted with some pressure under the pack-off. This pressure will bleed off when the path is created indicating to the driller when he is
successful. It will also assist in the creation of the path by forcing its way
If a flow path is not created using a low pressure (say 500 psi) then a higher
pressure can be used (say 1500psi). If using a higher pressure consider the
effect of the pressure on the formation, both fracturing and wellbore stability.
2. Reduce the amount of compacted solids with high flow rate.
Once a flow path is created gradually increasing the flow rate will scour away
the solids causing the pack-off. Care should be taken in doing this as a high
flow rate combined with mechanical agitation can cause further pack-off problems.
3. Regain movement of the string
It is better to regain rotation prior to reciprocation as this is less likely to cause
a further pack-off. It is also important to begin moving the string in the opposite direction to which the pack-off occurred. This not always easy to determine as consideration must be given to how the string packed-off, and this is
not always known. If packed-off whilst POOH then the initial direction should
be down. If avalanching has cause the pack-off then down movement would
be less likely to compact the solids further.
Once movement of the string is regained a positive effort to clean the hole
must be made. This may involve pumping pills and circulating several hole
volumes until the shakers are clean. See section 5 of the ABC of Hole Cleaning for further information on hole cleaning techniques.
An important point to reiterate is that the only solids returning over the shakers may be large amounts of fines. These are reground cuttings commonly

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

seen in ERD wells. The presence of large volumes of fines confirms a hole
cleaning problem has existed and is now being cleaned up.

Casing Pack-off

When running casing into a hole containing a solids bed it is possible to hang
up or pack-off. A drag chart (Fig 36) for casing can be created in advance
using the friction factors from the drilling phase of the well. This will as an
early warning if the casing runs into a restriction.
M easured Weight at Surface

Trip In
Trip Out
Min W eight Plastic
Min W eight Buckle

Depth [ft]












M easured W eight [kip]

Fig. 36 - Casing Running Drag Chart


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Packed-off with coil tubing.

Due to the nature of coiled tubing no rotation is possible. If a pack-off occurs

the mechanical means of recovery are very limited. The string should be
worked as much as possible to maximum up and down weights.
If neither movement nor circulation is regained the only option is to release
the coil and fish or sidetrack.

Wireline Logging Tools - Solids sticking

Sticking in solids with wireline tools most often shows up as the inability to
get logs to TD. Time spent cleaning the hole prior to running logs is sometimes considered a waste. If good hole cleaning practices are used when pulling out prior to running logs problems of this type are less likely to be encountered.

Initial Actions - Differentially Sticking

Once it has been determined that the sticking mechanism is differential sticking the following initial response can be used:

Initial Response when stuck with a drill string

The initial response to a differential sticking incident should be applied as

soon as possible after sticking occurs.
1. Maintain circulation at drilling flowrate.
2. Apply 50% of make up torque and slack off string weight to below the
down weight. Use a short sharp jarring action as would be used with a
bumper sub. This is to attempt to work the torque down to roll the string
off the wall of the hole.
3. If string does not come free pick up to the up weight and try again. Apply
80% of make up torque and try again.
4. Pull to safe limit of string if slumping and torquing does not work.
5. Pump a pipe release agent and allow to soak for 24hrs. Slump and torque
and/or jar during this time.
6. If differentially stuck while using WBM consider circulating to OBM.
This method freed a drill string that had been stuck for 5 days.
7. Utube the well if rig / platform considerations permit.


Stuck Pipe Mechanism

Initial response when differentially stuck with wire line

logging tools.

Determine the stuck point by comparing tension applied to the cable with
tension measured at the tool. If the cable is stuck then care should be taken in
applying tension as the weak point is below the stuck point.
Logging companies have procedures for freeing stuck logging tools. These
should be implemented after discussion with the rig team .


The main point with differentially stuck casing is that except in the case of a
liner on coiled tubing it cannot be under-balanced to free it.

Initial actions for Mechanical (Geometry) Sticking

This sticking mechanism is due to a mis-match between the size and shape of
the BHA and wellbore. The string should be moved in the opposite direction
to which it was moving prior to getting stuck.
1. Maintain Circulation.
2. If there is no risk of differential sticking, then spend some time working
out what the problem is being caused by, consider all the options - see
Sticking Mechanism Section.
3. Work string in opposite direction in which sticking occurred.
4. Jarring should commence with light blows initially.

Pipe Release Agents

When differentially stuck it is sometimes appropriate to pump a pipe release

agent (PRA).
The best application guideline is not to get into a situation where a spotting
fluid is needed at all. Stuck pipe can often be prevented by maintaining good
drilling-fluid properties and drilling practices.
Planning is an essential part of the success of any spotting-fluid application.
This first involves having everyone associated with the task aware of the
steps to be taken when stuck pipe occurs. If sticking is caused by differential
pressure, having sufficient supplies of spotting-fluid concentrate on the rig to
allow quick mixing and placement enhances the chance of success. Mud circulation is recommended while mixing and making preparations to place the
spot. The spot must be placed properly and enough volume must be used to
cover the entire stuck interval. The spotting-fluid density should be equiva44

Stuck Pipe Mechanism

lent to that of the mud to prevent upward migration out of the stuck interval
during the soaking time. Once in the hole, the pill must be allowed to soak for
enough time to allow it to work. This time may be as long as 48 hours. If there
is no willingness to let the spot soak for a sufficient length of time, a spotting
fluid should not be used.
The PRA can be weighted or un-weighted depending on whether a reduction
in hydrostatic head is required.
An example formulae for WBM is:
For a reduction in hydrostatic head:
Base oil + 2.5 U.S. Gal / bbl Mudban (or Pipelax) (gradient 370 pptf)
If a weighted fluid is required use:
Base Oil + 2.5 U.S. Gal/bbl Mudban (or Pipelax) + 12 - 15 lb/bbl Geltone
(or equivalent viscosifier) + 7% seawater + Bayrite.
If stuck in OBM use:
50 - 70 bbls of over-treated mud based on the following formulae:
50 - 70 bbls of mud + 55 gal Emulsifier + 40 - 50 gal fluid loss reducer
Displacement of the pill

Displace a large pill of PRA slowly around the to the stuck zone. Once the pill
is across the stuck zone pump 5 bbls/30 mins soak.


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