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James !

Trevon James
Dr. Reid
English 101
14 October 2015
Multitasking and Music
Each article was carefully selected to cater to the research paper in a specific fashion.
The paper deals with a two fold argument. Multitasking while studying or completing a task, and
listening to music while studying and its effects on your memory. The most notable genre of
music being pin pointed in this paper is hip hop. Each article was selected to help support a
thesis that will be generated for this paper, some articles were more helpful than others, and
some have key parts in the paper itself.

Pashler, Harold Kang, Sean H. K.Ip, Renita Y. "Does Multitasking Impair Studying? Depends
On Timing." Applied Cognitive Psychology 27.5 (2013): 593-599. Psychology and
Behavioral Sciences Collection. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.

When going through this article it was easy to find the main idea. The authors wrote
about a case study that students were apart of. The study pin pointed the effects of multitasking
when preparing for a quiz or exam. They were told to either read or listen to a reading while
doing another task and then take an assessment of the information that should have been
absorbed. Pashler, Kang, and Renita found that of 109 students 89% said that multitasked on a
regular basis or sometimes (Pashler, Kang, and Renita 3).

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In evaluating Pashler, Kang, and Renitas article it became clear that this would be the
strongest one going into the paper. The authors involved in putting this article together were
credible in that the group showed the findings and proper data behind the experiment. The
experiment helped to understand more the exact effects of multitasking when trying to study. The
testers used 109 students to conduct the test so as to not get inaccurate results. Another
observation made was that the testers conducted the experiment three times three different ways.
This was very important when it came to the out come of the test. This source is reliable, and it
takes a stance only based on the information acquired through the tests.
Overall the article itself is solid in its information and its ability to break down the topic
and simplify it to an experiment. The article does admit that multitasking is
challenging (Pasher, Kang, and Ip) but when in the right situations and settings it can be not
only a non factor., but also positively affective. It fits into the argument of the research paper
when it comes to the idea that multitasking or distractions are bad. This combats that notion and
shows evidence of it doing so.

"5 Reasons To Stop Multitasking." Communication Briefings 33.9 (2014):

2. Business Source Complete. Web. 15 Oct. 2015.

The article as a whole highlighted the cons of multitasking. In any objective it is

important to challenge the normal views. In the article just 5 reasons were given but the
confidence with which the article was written shows that perhaps there are many more. The

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article talks about stress, focus, time, patience, and productivity. These are all things that are a
key factor in multitasking.
The article is short but helpful as stated above, it is important to challenge ones own
views. It isn't entirely credible because it is a bit opinionated, but when that happens it is easier
to bolster the original argument made. Multitasking as a whole is brought up in a very negative
light, which surprisingly is a very key part to any research paper.
The cons of multitasking are highlighted in this article, and that ends up being a vital part
to the research paper because it makes a reader think about both sides of the argument and
whether or not multitasking is helpful. The article helped to show two sides of the argument.
Wieth, Mareike B., and Bruce D. Burns. "Rewarding Multitasking: Negative Effects Of An
Incentive On Problem Solving Under Divided Attention.

" Journal Of Problem Solving 7.1 (2014): 60-72. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15
Oct. 2015.

This article talks mainly about divided attention. Most notably its negative effects. This
article serves the same purpose as the prior in that it highlights the opposite argument in order to
strengthen the main argument. The article goes in depth on the cognitive skills of people when
attention has been impaired.
In evaluating this article it was found that although it isn't all too strong in its ability to
impact the paper immediately it was a good place to start. It served as a piece of information to
gain understanding in the field of cognitive study. The article as a whole will serve as a vital part

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of the main idea of the paper but not entirely generate content inserted into the paper. In other
words; it gave an idea, but no words or ideas from this article are directly inserted into the paper.
Wieth and Burns did a very good job of conveying their points and helping the reader to
understand the immediate negative effects. The two authors again brought to light the points that
can serve as a launching point from an opposite argument.

Aub, WilliamPeretz, IsabelleArmony, Jorge L. "The Effects Of Emotion On Memory For Music
And Vocalisations." Memory 21.8 (2013): 981-990. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Collection. Web. 15 Oct. 2015.

This article started to scratch the surface of the true argument in the paper. The thing this
article did that was unique from all others was show musics effect on a persons memory and the
ability of a person to link music to a specific topic they were studying in order to recall
information. It is quite an interesting article in that it makes a person think of something that may
not have been a previous thought.
The authors do a scholarly type of job in the article when explaining the effects of music
on studying making it credible in its statements. This article relates to multitasking because as a
person studying, both the music and the information being attained are the subjects of focus,
even if that person is not aware.
Overall this was a very helpful article. It made it easy to convey a strong thesis and made
the arguments of the other article almost obsolete because of the fact that music indeed can help

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some one study or complete an academic task. A person can be listening to music while writing a
paper, or studying, or even doing math. It will fit into the very meat of the paper.

Wetter, Olive Emil, Fritz Koerner, and Adrian Schwaninger. "Does Musical Training Improve
School Performance?." Instructional Science 37.4 (2009): 365-374. PsycINFO. Web. 15
Oct. 2015.

This article was another journal study. The article questioned whether or not learning
improves grades. The results leaned toward the fact that it indeed does help. The subjects
listening to music while studying did better on the assessment than the those students that didnt.
This article was helpful and informative, it supported the thesis that will eventually be
formed and actually in many ways strengthened it. The testing and the studies made this article
very informative and provided a view that made it clear that music does indeed help with
academic success, and most notably multitasking with music helps to get tasks done such as
homework and class work.
In all this article was the second best only to the very first article mentioned. This article
had a study that made clear and easy to understand one side of an argument. This will be one that
makes it through the whole research process as a main source that is used.

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