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Anticipation Guide

Place an (I)next to any

innovation that you think was

made by someone in the
Islamic World during their
golden era.

Purified drinking water

Street lamps
Litter collection
Mechanical clocks
Paper mill
Sugar refinery
Fountain pen
On/off switch

Do Now:
Question: on a scrap piece of paper,

make a list of all the things you did

yesterday. What you used, where you
went, and what you ate to name a few

Learning Goal 7
Students can analyze the

achievements and
contributions associated with
the Islamic Golden Age.

Golden Age of Islam 700-1500

During the Golden age, Muslim traders

and merchants grew rich because of

Arabias strategic location between the
civilizations of Africa, Asia, and Europe.
Muslim merchants would try to trade
with new areas, and both the leaders
and citizens of these new places would
realize that converting to Islam would
help them economically

Muslim Advancements
Muslim thinkers were responsible

for many important advances in

medicine, math, navigation and
sciences. Doctors and pharmacists
were required to pass qualifying
examinations before they could
practice their professions.

Connection to Do Now
Read over the handout on Muslim

inventions and discoveries during

their Golden Age.

How many things that you did

yesterday were influenced by Muslim


Ranking Achievements
With your group, please take the

list of Muslim Achievements and

make a Top 10 list of
achievements that have had the
biggest impact on the world. Be
prepared to defend your choices.

Create an advertisement for of the

new inventions above. You will do this
on a colored piece of paper. It must
be mainly visual (with graphics) but
must include bullet points of at least 4
reasons why they should buy your
product. Be ready to present and
convince your classmates!

Writing Prompt Assessment

Use the information you

have gathered today and

respond to the writing

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