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Lusosex Gender and Sexuality in the Portuguese-Speaking World (aca) Susan Canty Quinlan and Fernando Arenas, Editors vey of Minna Ps A Aonldpnens sy of Garg and the Departement of Spanish and Prtepese Std 2 the Uniersity of Minnesot. ly we wok! ike to thank chant Morris, who brought his support ad experi to this projet om the very sac, and Fesah "ackiote coger wih our anonjoous ders who provided able Sights comes, coecins. nd suggestions inldig Hie debates shout the tile, Anal qusriamos 8 chamra tengo. tens, ey Lag, Minopoi Introduction Fernando Arenas and Susan Carty Quinlan Frameworks snd Boundaries Svc she 986 in the English speaking word prtubly i the United Snes thre bs oes a explosion of sein the harman, most ota in te id of era and clurl studies, that place eel the ceniefthsr analeof human sj inact and rod ‘rn sects a wel tinction claret, Ths exploon has led ‘othe formation ofthe academe dsiline Known as gay and lesbian studi The pid expansion and consolation a this dpi ae ‘ts politcal and conceptaleoson hae J 0 the i of queer theory sigalg an ition enon of gy and leaned ies Theanalses of sexuality under the purview of py andes tl ies and que theory have shown nich originality intellect cure, and plc wgeny-o the point of wansforming the humanities. and, toacerin dg, the soi sciences, Geopltial sping however, ‘only cel ve ie of eat devoted ther tenton cules ‘comida peripheral in elatorabip to the wold exami, pola, ‘orca centers ofthe lie tweceth and lenis centre, ‘Wid Lee iho gap with ard the place ocepied by sexy —ss i of aka inguiny—inPoruguesespeakng soci. Tas ocses on representations of exalt throught the Laso= phone (ortgueespeaking) word in the fds of Utrature, isa, Popol extra modern dance Teter axophonsinces hore ‘ation states nd commntes sunning several continents, where oe tuguse is currently poke, and where Portage spiking cures uve ply a major ele! th says includ in this cileson invest sate the tnycad way in wh eaaty intersect wih tionhood and fender iene within Portaghes-spaking cutee nthe Americs (Gad barope orig) and Afis (Angola and Cape Verde) The ‘bun-Lasopone carter f his volume rings a portly igo, ich and ee ptr night give he cola pci 5 tral as heterogencty of ec ofthe ition i encompass Simltane ‘ay adress the Riera od cultural sna that these ns ‘ons real among ech tera rest ofthe experience of elim, [Ate ae time there at important productive dietenes between ‘hem owing to contating toil palit and socioeconomic ‘cmsancen wl varying gop Ietions todays lobe {acd word, With egret seit, Poetgal Bray a Lasopone sia peciealyCape ere nd Anos) do share, dering ees, {Wester ado: Chrstn aur tri tht hastened ‘tudes and ble about acces of sex and sexu sit of he hegemony hisorialy exe by this European mats there are aso ey nonce stemming fm Amesndan, Bantu, and Sodanese ‘ein the cate of Bra Nest Afian clues Cape Verde, ad a vide specrum of Cente Southern African etnies ia the case of angola’ ‘Unt no vii atrtion has boon devoted o thestdy of se slityin she elf tazophone atures, with the exception of rs! ‘Senay a etal ate for literary and clara inguyhasbeen ply ares in the sty of Enlih-spesking soit, and eo 3 ‘rain degre in French aa Francophone tds More een his hasbeen dhe civ in the lof Hsp stds (devoted 1 Spain nd ‘Spanish-speaking America} Wit ead wo Bra, discussions af sex aly have taken place prs satvopologi, storie. cal ‘url sui y sth sh at Malena Charani aie Ct, Roberto Da Mata ibe ee, eer By Janes Gren, Davi ig, Helos Burgue de Holds, Doo Kick, Rath Landes, Lia Zapata Machado, Le Mat, Rca Parr Margaret Rago, Noy Soheper Hughes and Joo Sivéo eis, apong others? “Thee contained in hvu de wth various ean ne ‘er bi and homosenliy (though the empha cel ier om he ae) Some sy at informed bytes of qe theory others are hoped bythe sue awa peso cae pol ancesand cperences Usplaying dear points of entiation wit quer thee, ‘ehether o nt the is diced ate epi there. Some of ‘heesay del with authors or Mera and altars meri that ee yr uc” ses; thers donot? Where ost sys do co ‘erg in thelr queining ofthe “rteraliation” of sxc and ener «geste tat Hes te eat of gute heoryacording to ‘nse ge! At these nell ents inthis clltion pst sexy ints varios exprenonn oa traitonaly marginalized ca tur sie tht nevertheless chflenges and eens the Boundats of ratlcod at varios historical moment. Some essays work from ‘thin othrogh the theresa feos of Laanianpaychouny si, New Hisar, deconstrction, feminism, andor postcolonial ‘theory, bt ethers keep a ceria distance fom the meted nd eon cept eperaizea contemporary canonical sade thor In some sy he eiiphinary protocols of tear ad clara ets ate imbued wih slf ‘ly chaging ice he 90s withthe organization of "gy pie” et ‘als and prides AIDS marches, lesan abd ay Si fetal nd so ‘on. These events hav rough widespread mada tention tthe poi ical agenda of sewual minorities a well st thet curl pesnce vin Portugese society, Tete ae oscil gy maguins 2 velas Websites catering ta GLBT intrest, ccs eying ts Ive taken place in sor ofthe incion of "exaltation" inthe rnoncrimination clas the Portogueseconsitton aswel for theleslization of "domestic prinerbip”™ Like Ror Bras 00 eperineed 3 long ditto, between toy and os. The auhoritaan agen of rapid modernization and ‘sonic expansion produced x yperatoalisic discourse alongside ‘epee mesures again the pla and estral opession. Air tart came the aber, a period that sted until 985 during hich eserahip an ober epee eechanis moe progres ited This tansionl pei fr dices te democracy su masie nen moblionion, a wellartbe formation of gramoot orion: (ot women Indians, lanls peasants andoter) Lesbian and gay ization in Brat ame oie daring this period. The ft waste {roup Somos, in 379. Soon afer, ober groups were formed: Grupo (Goydos (which ow houses the largest achive of newspapers ma sais, ad other printed materia om the hikory of homosexuality Latin Americ) and the Grupo Lébic Feminist, hich ate became Gro Aso ibis Fein signaling the important intection be ‘ween women’s ssh and labia ses. Today there re more han seventy GLE and AIDS serve onpniations throughout the count” Seer ay magizines and Web ses cater to GLAST interes. In adi- ‘hn, seal minors in Bra ve ane ret dao media ego ‘sue though bug pupa novela py pide celebrations ad ‘ade, abd carnivals a wel AIDS marches, 08 imporan sx Fern Amatan Ste Canty Qn esis (named MIX Bras) in both Rio de Js and Go Pao” ‘The vit of openly ay curl and intleta ged the ie son of gy and esi ighsis the platorm ofthe Pate dos Tabs adores (Weer Paty, one ofthe gps ports in Bea, tre examples of ether importsot developments There veo been once este ots oleae ited version oy mariage Despite he substantial priest made by sexual minoces n Bray howevec theres agent deco poner. corruption, violence, nd mpi in the society at lage. The mnt mega sets among. sand esbins (Uranevestites sex workers and workings gy ia eer are onl arsed and sometimes ile, Trough the ‘980s and goes, there wee numerous rept of human right viola ins against esis and gays in Baia seein Ltin America, For example in Colombia and Meso” Meanie ia he United tates th scale of sbi nl gay studies or queer tus hs ben timated by the phenomenal roth of queer politcal movement ine the msi matches in Washington ing7. 18, and 9, whieh ere temas the eu of ers 0 se "Wo tvs centred on ga a lesbian rights nthe oo, ann she 9805 the ong and get response tthe AID criss il li ton presidency wat an important orn llowing« moe favorable cular and pital list twad iia and gay ese in pit of| his heaton regating as in the ltr or poston gay mat "ge I must ls be pied out tht the gretervisblty agus by _pysan lesbian in the Unde Sater hash aprofund ipet brad, Foriculy as societies crs the planeta mare lb inecon net arough the Bglsh language, under the hegemony of US. pop numer snd med eure. Moreover ices poi poe ‘oflsbisns and gaysin the United iter serve—in a prado ay — sa cata to empower“qer people” around the word and to ro rota grater openness tard eal difeence transnational and coeur, Tod, the development of lian an ayo quer sais in nae ni, focasing onthe Prtogucte- and Spnih speaking works, tk Ing place mostly within th lately sf confine of Noth Atercan tuners However there arsigas of change inthe replay adem wih he ongoing sympa oa homoeotiim anderen the Un ‘ersidade Federal Faminense near inde Janeito in 99 2000 and sor subeguen events are promise Isom the vantage pot of ‘or fovorbl poli and carl climate onghost North Amer ea pars of Wiser Brope, and Latin Ameria (tet Bea) that ‘cholate deing openly wth sexual soso werking on 8 vaeey eran sia, o py athor They area rethinking the comet ‘of amtion fom quer perspctie—in geneat—rehaping the elec elf o- Besa or Lasoptone ste, Mapai or ain Aer: ‘can sie We hope that ths ola wl roe to ea vlobl tbat to hit doar ations, Se, and Senualies What are the contours the tile Lasse what tits i Lo "Las wath son of Bach the myc founder ofthe oman province of Lusitania atthe western eo of the teen Peis, where Portal located dy The term oe now dei ater hings Pctaguete orate t the Rortaguse language of Portugusespeshng cultures (e4Las-Beelin Lasophone- Weare ‘ae ots pole neaclonalconntatins in that being ed as 2 umbrella term incorporating forme colonizing and colonized a "ons, From paagiasc standpoint, however we beleve that no other ‘erm isa secne lvphoneto designate the mlpicy of ures that we ae working with There ae unevadable eran in working, muttaneout with ome colonting powers andthe ations thet are ‘he rest of clonal process: imate we wish sts the po uctive esi hat desis fom the wage he te I, a we ad to ithe charged sige sex We consider the jtpostion of thee ‘we clara contracts as an appropriating, aswel subversive "ute by whch we erating he Wore! weigh nd engi implications ofthe teem isa anda the same time we ae cling thence of exalt in Pore peaking societies Nomoto es ‘nti yolume gu tht ight or eft-wig partial egies octgal Bri and Poroguee speaking Aca did nt sues repre sea dese but ther hat scours around see sd seal size mali under them. For stance, daring the portance leapatonaistic dito egime of Antnlo Ole aarti Por ‘up (ps-74)the"ered” Portugues ofLa" fly was be sf pared by ontsining sexuality As As aaa Fete points out in ber a nse ofthe atmpts ofthe Slr reget inte sie, sat md heen an Cay Ql there asin fat proliferation ofa ocesin dhe Portas te sre tht deeded he arate o restate sex sie ‘cto ese male feral section, Histories of Beste ‘The cull and teary ences oHomocrotc desire andlor same sex ot throughout Portuguese and Brain tory hae bee mani {ol One of the riches soir of information onthe sje i he a ‘counts of the Portugese ngsion, it eae its pol to obser record cota intr, casi sen wei ouside of pre {rhe orn and estore a cated by Catholic chute dogma in ‘the Portus meter wel asin ts ere coloil possesion Tn fact the aches of the Porteguese Inqustion are today the most ‘rensive in Eatpe and ste hosed at she Tae do Tarbo National “Archives Lisbon ig 990). These acount fave ean widely 1 ‘eased by Beinn anol Lis Mot The ngusion archives ‘te one of ery ow source infomation padi ame sex praccs in casi modern Props an onal Bea. The Europeun chronicles of icyerycomguest. and stent of Brin the sitet etary tho provide invalsbe formation rearing sex! practices among ‘Amerindian, nis ey published bere fo the st tine in Engl Jodo Siberia "Tevian dines ec] prcties and ently among Broan fin ae as ined ough une iterate ad eh opie wcounts om te sstecth entry ued toy Th nterneeeth entary Bee teratre, several novel ‘eet ares seat and gender qoeione with dee of opeaness ‘nsen in previo entre. Raul Pomp’ O ten published in ‘8, eelshomoeoicubtent that amples through the socioc tural strato of the boing choo of the same mame a this nove gender Melogy serves a-he prim forewing sexual, which cess tothe feminization (nd encetntdevaoration) of male ome sexual within pata sey Alo Cains Bom pals Teh ino, is coder landmark et in the history of modern tiurryeoresenatons of messes dese forts evezt heat es ‘ent of homoenultyinthe contest of rosacea and cos gene ‘Sonal lionship. In hs novel the naretor wares beoween a rank ‘dso sympathetic ports af he eatonsip beeen the 9 mle overs apd pathologiation of omosetaliy swell a of the ‘ickrace™ The repetition of anim s nother "insane human pthlog is shee a liso Aacwed'sovel sore (sg0) (Te San Nov) —acathing maui pret of intent In Portage erate one of the ale novel in whch the pot eros around the exp homoteuaity of the main carer was bled ino Abel Bote tural work, O Bare de Leo This hovel bongs to Bone tied Pani ca O Bato de Laas ‘ets oot describe mintly ad with deep acintion —throgh the ‘medical ad cet prism of theme esd —the homsxtlu ‘eewold ofa nineteenth- entry Lisbon By the early went century ie Pot, Moereist pote maui Amaia Bot’ Canes (oy) reprteted nef the mot overtly (homo eel bodies of work inthe isory of Poctaguese tert, creating much controversy and seal, Hove i itrry mei were peal rethadowed by hit ‘bere “out publi persons, wel by he weight of hit mach ‘ester own line Modernist Miso de 8-Careire and Fernanda soa, rt readings of t-Curciro and Pessoa onthe other hin, hae invariably dowapled or ignored questions of suit that we lieve tobe ey inorder o understand ther xine Te ontlogia cri tthe Rear of thea prodcton i ge ‘exe comeced io 2sem of uoeazed(hosc)ertic desi eas be ued that hose desi or The anguish ive fom its ipos ily key ving force within Portaguese Modernism, one of Bx rope’ mos scinatng evant gde movemeats In this volume wen clude he iste eve to explore the posit fy hetero” ‘rete by Fenando Peston (Richard Zenith’ "Perma Fess Gay Heteonye etre previously unpaisied poem i which Pesea seals mos overly and unambiguously with bomoeoue desi) Sane ‘exer ha contin play an important lin the production of merous male poets in Porta beyond the Moderns (Mério Ce sac, Eugini de Andrade, l Berto, asim Mansel Maas, 90 Miguel Fernandes Jone, Helder Moura Pei, Las Miauel Nava, Gasio ‘Cruz, Pulo Ter, and Edasrdo Pits, among he) Ia fee ES ‘und Prado Coho pons ot tht homosenaty as ees one othe icest and most ecrent herein contenporry Prague pty. Fen Ar a Sun Ct Quin 1m the cay went entry, Balan Modernism provides one fits most complex and praia st: Miri de nade’ ace uma his toe or raped asthe author defines), Bazan ‘sional entity is posited imial—locata in space betwen race, ‘ulures. and even sexualities Seay in Macinatappests uh Pembina fal nal polynnphonly pervs Mo frm women wie alnexpored seta ey themuteng x Tieton, prositation, and see dese Laua Vilas Verge) ella Nogueira Cobra (Viginade iit Vigndade ant-igite tin also or "Pag" (Purge Fi nds ark) and he oct f Gika Machado? Sine the os, ambiguus sults and peer ienites—whch ae ros eptonied by the annua a of saunivl—have lecomea ape of Brazian poplar slur a refed inmosc pup tion, nd elvis, er instance, thoughout he oe snd ety 1905, male-female transteroal Roberta lose wis popu lay coniered the mostbesutifl woman is Bra MPB.o Brian opular Masi as rr lf a one of he ish its for sea ambi and Maes tough many of repent, suchas Caetano Vela, Ny Moog, Gal Cota, ibe Gil Maria thins Simone Marin Lia, 2 ous ad Milton Nose Jn ‘meas to Fetal whee the contemporrythmatization f sn se desi as tale plc alot exclave wits the elm of poet wren by mens in Brush thematiaton hs taken place in both etry and prose Fon rode by women wat such ae Lyi Fa unde Teles Mizca Derry, Ans Cratina Csr Le Miso Tal Mia Alves among oer ay numerous mae we ding Cao eran As, Sian Seating, Herala Cara, Int Svtio Trevisan, ert Daniel and Vado Mott, ln the contest of contemporary Portuguese speaking Aca cl tures—moe spect. posindgpendene Again nd Cape Verde Teature—~the theta of snl i sent development Da ing se struggles or indesndence in the 1968 and ery 1705, qe ‘ions eng he ody er occ deste were almost completly absent from teary production, to sy thing of oil pti decoures on he prin Mars gn tat nt he seein h ‘pendence movernsnts an pol prt tht wou eventual go ‘en ostdpendence Argos Mosambique, Cape Verde Gnesi ‘uy ad So Tomé and Pini” Purthenmor, the ortrcted i ars in Angola and Morambiqe with wel knows tragic consejence for both rations, were not conducive fr the thematation, le sone ‘he problematiation, of nonateral comers Yt ahandfl of fton writers end pots have bee exploring ise rated a erties and heterojsensliy.s they ueston the boundari of national etre poll dicouse and trary production, cosy hough not exch sry om the peripectv of worn: Aglan were poets At Ps Twat, nde Sata, and Mara Alerandre Distal longi ‘ion writers Repeal, Jodo Mel, and Rosi Siva ination te ets Jest Cravsiahe and Vera Dut, fom Morambique ad Cape “Verde repeal. asses dtd at four sestions at, Ealy Sores of Desi? ‘ogg chronologel rameworkwherbyall sys ftured focus mary on tts sithors or histori prods pir tthe Stonewall Fotin New Yor Cryin 1969 Thess marked the begining of he ntmporry gy an ian movement inte United Sess well as ‘hroughout the wo. The say here deal ost with various mod is of male same-sex dese hat ae expressed in cla an stor caleontentsin pte ering the ft of near iby tahoe an tr ilgitiney, nis say "Tie, the Man withthe Broken Bt Same Sex Prac tices among Baan Indians oso Sei Teva pints tothe oo tinued cok ap between seca ses prevalent ong indigo Bazin andthe vex pradigns of Weterized “white” Bran, zoel ap that er oo he momen ofthe Portuguese a tial the New Wold in 500" Tn" Machado de Anis and Gralla Ramo Spacltions on Sex and Sera” fohe leon focuses on to of the preset Baran novels ko wrote prior to so: Machado de As (tered the ‘ost orginal atin American write ofthe nneeenth entry) ane Sracano Ramos (he famed eginais and sacl elit who woe ecu the sand 395). leon argues that bth Machado ta ‘Gracias in difering wy fer lac nights inte compe ine ‘hese nd contrary prevalent egies of thee eet his ‘oneal moment-both author preset sb and ivy under stated) ooins of view revardine the endeoinnngs of vex desire fo feunde estan Son ty sian sel et rn pli pene tonal Senay Teh Zits “enendo Ret Gay Hetero nde ra one cw el prey ep ‘ejnatentrpony tee writen om omar Sse amt umbeed psa cay mle he se fr ‘msn bn a te denting oe ose irene fe pest Prog ny cr ge a ie ‘emt cannyar welcome mem ptf aoe rh ules den niga stares oe ate porte wast Pe bt ea pons” “Soen mest cntadony ote cer Tee Tow epesin fy sd ger pt on the Poe “Soros damn enema he mn of he noe Fees Tne ey,“ Hote Cal Satan nite ne tin ob ee ass Aro Src ie foon! wo of wetsconed Brie acon Shoe ree aos atone pesos end ato ini ens chron ering th ‘Sovlrrgmans ote pnd da res homo Sint camel ys ncomplp oe ost ar probes ccc end fl on fala a Fn of eine Ce Lig Le Carn and Lapua eran to ber eee dams cma eis od err rc die Sh Dental tn cigs cine Uns perc seo Ry Sg nuh Balle Uesubor eames cole bowen Cae Lipo {dc Gad. —tropomseat enttenaywer—a ‘rma et enn ov ee oe iy reocioa ow ey na ieDe econo wt oer ontop aoe hy rbot is vapose rua of poet ran le ‘fom heen esp Leig Ste Ln Prtoer in Wome i ae tbe Neonat Cae tae aia tothe snbe te epraentsioerf ae elon ships be sate contoled “womens ava the 508 and 4080 Solizar’s Porta In these novels ts possible to detec subversive ide ‘log introns tat sek to undermine the hegemonic consi of tint propagated by te ortuguese ses sate Feels say ‘hip depicted within thee nowy ecnstet el enity Regarding Aan tion writers Prius, Ruste, Hen tos ea, “Not Fst for Love, Pleure,o Posen: Eco Rail Socopotal and Mystic Mythial Dacourses of Seasityn Pept ‘A ger da tp” aces hove ene nd sexual Sally se {ng incorportd in the curt dats sound atonal Key in the once Baglin Merit Leinst ateof Angeli “Boréer Writing esteem and Cra iene inthe Wor of ls Aa Pips Perseus Cepe edn sort star wit Orland Amari "hvouph the lensas of pstsnia bor err fini, Dia pa ering and border wring to dsces the mie yer sab fect encountered in Amari female characters Pres provides an ln-depthbacgsound tothe history of Cape Verdes eter, 38 welt docs naif quetons persningo Cape Verda migration, teri fea sujet. and sexe. nth fin ein Pa I, Wit Bs Femi La oge’s "The Aturearing Cone" Ronald W, Sou anaes the conterporary Portugese novel Acs dos murmci Soua observer ho feral arate ze blip e fce noon teen capa meses Within «heteoseal elatiocahip (i hs case, elon Morin Dig nthe soo bt ln how ty ae fed to cope wit iin secs ofthe lf. demonstrated bythe ambient eat dese ‘etd other women, Looking a oeteolatanar and colonials For ‘gues national entity, oun ey examines ho sera reo ‘multe or reconfigure oll pace ‘The to esp i ae IL, “Bean Prorat” anal the efomative pcs enny— pen ome cute emit nd geod theory. wel qe theory sme tie now prt laser of he infence of thay wor ft Baar Tm, ‘rough the atentin pid to the perormative aspects of Being, one wines the nario” of ender and sau, The esas lade hee—ove focusing on popular msc and the ote on cont porary lterature—explore wht happens to the das of matintood (in sh Fern Area Son Cnt Ouse ‘hiscase, rain nationood) when confonted eth the inst of gee and sexu det MPD (Bean Popul: Mai) har proven be rich ste forthe exploration of gender and sexual anbiguty nd id Wettie among ‘emt epeenatie arta sucha Catan Vos or Chico Bung !opong many others. In Supermen and Chiquita Banas Daughters Teansgendeed Voices in alan Popule Muse” Cae Brag Pinto cxplores notions of genera sexless wells perforant ine ofthe worlds ms: dyamicpopur musi senes As ienity reveal if x porformance, he repetition ofthe performance map le een the prone’ identity: The esa not sph acne. ‘ment of sealed amaguous ersctatons. ater the performance ofa placed serua ent enables new inerpretatons forthe reappropation of seemonic identity aegis witha Braz ian cure In°Cros-drensing Sian Santa Picton Pesrmance Susan Canty Quinlan explores Sivino Santiago's works Sle Monty and eth Jaret no le Noe Quinlan dass antag subversion of der a6 seal dentybinai vel ahs ego the eral stereotypes that these bins perpetuate. Furthermore, she obsres ow he performative spe f gener and eat pint othe rob lemate ssc with cating ton and aesthetic dnt inthe rose work of the renown elt ite ‘The final tion ofthisbook, “Quce Nation in Portage” pay cokes the US-tased ait oruiation Queer Nation» group that ‘merged in 99038 an oft ofthe rac AIDS group At, whic Stage serie of pola “hppenings doringhe 99s Ques: Nation forced mnsvear soe to coon the vet expres faker ‘oe sels andr gente ents, hee inet posed 2 ‘ose-iral an tensions “quee eat” Among ae hg the emays in Prt 1V appropiate andesite the notion of quer” tnd wondet to what ene it may or oy at speak for the earl ‘pestis of Bilan Frugal In "Sl ppm nt Night ofthe Wold: The Writing of Caio enan Abe Femands Arenas examine the wings af oe othe fiat rein nests thematie AIDS and oe of he sto spoke altura gure aeted byte dee Areva sn tells. on the ini toured Wy he subject and the nation i Ae tion he contontd bythe cltrl markers of (and homosexuals, swell by ADS, Not only does Cai Fernand Abe problema ‘Sse ond stati notions of individual lective sujet Inthe ako reonfgues and vneptine Bess ultra and geopalt ia location in the ite treat entry. Andie Tres Lepecki fers a quer ein of contemporary Poe tugusse dance choreography in "he lnpossible Body: useing the Nation in ModeenPoragutse Dance’ ocsing on the work of ris Francs Camacho. epek argc tht Camacho choreography rad ical disrpts normative and pedagogic dicouses om gees seal ly, ation and isory fring the dance spectator (petbap forthe fst ne) int a rica sensorial and semantic rethinking Fhe cl ‘ure and slimage of Portugal acoonal power “Minto César Lagerinbo, "Al Bet In Menor: The aso Queer Principle” onthe other hand, fe genealogy of representations of samesex desire mong modern and conterporry Pogues gy male ows prising the pty ofA Berto ae mest el xpresion. ‘Throng a theoretical "cnodalisic geste Lagatiho aterm ‘ularly consume trance, and asin he coset of "ie for Bortaguese peking cultures bearing in ind the pop com Pees af such move butalotpromise, cs sepsis only a Degg oe ne sebalahip onthe Po ‘ges speaking weed in the els of itrry and curl sf casing on erly—in al fs manietations-—ae a racial element forthe ondetsandiag of ele, both nationally and transnational, ‘iver aye arg priisvey forthe inposbty of dsasocting sexuality rom gender ens they infor india nd clit subjestiites fo addition, the nisi harogenety of the clues hare the objet ofa here becnmes most evident when witnetng the ditinct phases in which dicsion 0a seca in themes today as oe move om Breit Portal oro Lasohone Ae. Ae Lasse was coming ints shape, we gant mite sige of he emer tence in Bani of gay and lesbin studs ad quer theory saree of seademicinuiy Focusing on Brian and Portuese national el ties. This sa welcome developmen em which meat sig ‘at acholrtcontebutons nthe ns fate Sill eee more to Be done in aes sucha lm, poetry, het, popule mse vial and 2 Famoco Ae lS Coy ian performance at digital clue, biography, and history, to name some ofthe mos obvious. Tha alo continues to be «relative sch of sade eset asin on lebian or bil sits 09 anger deed ene in the Lnophone worl as opposed ote inzessing ‘mounts wrk ocusigon gay ale dese We nope tat ase Instigate ne esearch and open op spaces or gtr dog side td eatide of academia en some of the more conten and aie. ing topics of ur ims ashy bear upon the Portage pking wok anda thy become inten shaped by tention of lel tional nd global fore. Notes ‘achat hdne tc tes Se arp nga ot fugue lst riage Oa a the er apne ego) nd ho a esses fasion othe ems Fr ‘ons gp Espns ew spied ad er Festung Nn nhc os pop cel fel fet ‘iy wher then perio awl Ane Rinse ‘todas hme al tine aed aed om ok “esmolol Pegc Fy ‘ig Gin nen nS alee npn Eat oe ‘rote Lnpton mantener Gonna Ts rina ‘Shing the be of enter nai npr orl les 3: Thea oss amy eel ste et Acedia igor pac yhoo oe pe ‘li ine ste fBYohlrmepsedot he rater y {icone Cael fe me mio, Lace ene). FO (hand eo “Rtn ass ot a nt) sn |b dering the nsutinn. 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The to Pr aaa ont ev er ee 0 ma oli vane al nn den Ba ld rer gig ‘eens min he ow mat ik nsgentersyCAEHUS Cn Akio desde Hames neo ener mea es fh Unvey Pn cad {cn igi ds Conertac se oro atu eer {3 lace sero ar ge fn pte ‘Siting ant itr tase ee ar ‘ow fhe semy et ear). The See of toed er thn th al pte ie eta eer ete oe ‘ening tia tog nts Ino at mtd sna a he ys gpon eget ae ‘nthe ormeton oth rast fC, Leds an te sth some ot ain ronson he oun a Gen a, Ine hn for sth one pes ba nae. hn Blin i) Fra dcson a ego he nin asd ecient) oes hove rt cl tad yl nt Ee ttan frin raoih) Devo po eed {iS bough op toda a pail by Eto Bed i ye “Sten een cen hee ee rove oman os domes fpr sn agi Fortra ns of Bois se For" Cama "tn ot, 1 SF Py Caho wit de mand ai) 1 Neto be contd wi Spc Seren Woden oe ing alan cnn era i a te, “sae nde woes by lo Ale be shot sory 0 fst de ‘aimee he acon Cai) Mn eA hs ey Pdr emeatcgnyplaed pd om ae ‘ne he Sart ey" hme eee an tals as Smo omit ocr, eT vt ee ‘at Ferman fenton Catan usando Li (Ce dC Assi oe ane Ite oer ats es wy prune tect Nomen ot "Nye contepery arg owe nec t eo ‘homer Se Ra Nase oss (Genoa an Ae Pate oe mos anes sta ‘Gln iad ohne der aa Tester ‘hangar tases ns ee a sia Temes ai imran Wan a a Ltt ens Woe ‘and Lalo Theta! Sut! el sae eee si fee women est Sn ui, Tee te Ce ey Bases i op foam cane a ss nen fo ‘nto ans ches eenpeneomas deter Sra omar. nnn ‘lms (Arg, Menmigne and Gunes) pe a nese ‘hong oi was tar adi cya Alero ‘ng Capen ond St oe nip omc mpm ‘easement ‘Soy eee tsanbar became merger wh ca ‘tated ul snes pe ean a gn Se Nombre» toma fro fas ene ‘orton polit sab mn powth etic ge ‘pc at at toh ating partie sed he ns Dore {AIA (Union forthe Tel Independen of Ang lender fw Sn war ‘Sed gerne ops. Feet aga an its posing ‘ge my eon hey ey i iallnopone cena dasa anomie arms eligi teaionomrd caret ees 50. Renee naa cae le Sv Ton psc at "etd hace sary omen ees as ‘Sin ins (Demon pu ss orks Ged 00 Gl ec Cag Unk Chee Pe, ‘Ass code ps Beg denn he i eh WM kon Seen TiS Ne am Devi oes Ox Ne ork sont alo tenia pdt ote eno: ‘Serge Land Pl ln Soh, os. fiend Dura, NC sutra chy Hahn 99 Oa se Dahan NC prin ten Cra tiae Rode Els Anke Gu en ore tea ph Lon ‘Onl sini, Homa Beaming Mal: & Ce Cai ct lta ra gt a ma i inges Nacnl Cn re Canty inn Pc The ay of oa ft ing pa der

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