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Meet Scooter

The Cross Curricular Board Game

Brought to You By: Ms. Fletcher and Mrs. Stoup

What is Meet Scooter?

This is a cross-curricular board game designed for the Senior AP English class. Students will
be asked to incorporate their knowledge of English, History, Math, Science, and Music into
one activity. Each question answered correctly earns the student another piece of the code to
input into Scooter. They will be answering questions based on the JFK Inauguration Speech,
scientific questions about the galaxy, and the solving of simple linear equations or
inequalities. The game will also prompt them to create a short tune using the robot. The
student who gets all pieces of the code first wins bonus points for a future assignment.

Why is Meet Scooter Important?

We believe that students should be able to take what theyve learned in one class and
remember it in another class. Using the Finch Robot is a fun and constructive way to get our
students thinking and applying concepts from outside of the English classroom into one
interactive lesson.

English Class is Evolving

Standards Applied from Language Arts: 2.1.a., 2.1.b., 2.2.a., 2.2.b., 2.2.d., 2.3, 2.4.a., 2.4.b.,
2.4.c., 3.2, 4.2.b.
Students will be able to identify literary devices, historical content, and the

effects of both of these on the meaning of the JFK Inauguration Speech.

Standards Applied from World Human Geography: 1.A.1., 2.A.1.C.
Students will be able to link context of passages to literary devices as the JFK

Inauguration Speech moves along.

Standards Applied from Mathematics: 2.2.a., 2.2.b., 2.2.c.
Students will be able to solve systems of linear equations and inequalities

using various methods and tools.

Standards Applied from General Music: 4.1., 4.2., 4.4.
Students will be able to compose a small piece of melodic and rhythm with or

with the use of numbers and letters.

Standards Applied from Earth and Space Science: HS-ESS1-2
Students will be able to answer questions about the suns place in relation to

the Milky Way galaxy and the distribution of galaxies and galaxy clusters in the

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