Tenth Grade English Syllabus

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Bishop 10th Grade Syllabus


Dear Students and Families,

Welcome to tenth grade English! Im excited about the opportunity to get to know you, and Im
looking forward to a happy and productive school year with each student putting forth their best
effort. Below is a list of the course requirements, policies and procedures. Please take the time to
review the class syllabus and sign, date and return the attached lower sheet.
The class website link www.BishopELA.weebly.com will provide you with access to up to date
homework assignments, newsletters, and updates for your class.
Note: The focus of this class is depth rather than breadth. While every effort will be made to
address all aspects of the syllabus, time constraints, student absences, and unforeseen
circumstances may require revisions to the syllabus as the school year unfolds. The learning
goals of each unit should be addressed; however, some pieces may be removed or revised.
Please check the class website for the weekly schedule.

Students will build a solid foundation of knowledge, skills, and strategies that will be refined,
applied, and extended as students engage in more complex ideas, texts, and tasks. Students will
be introduced to various genres of classical and contemporary narrative and informational texts,
while developing and enhancing their grammar and writing skills.
Course Description:
In this course we will cover:
Some of the important British, American, and world literature
Some major authors
Some of the important and representative literary genres
Appropriate history and history of ideas helpful in understanding and
enjoying this literature.
By participating in this course, you will have opportunities to:
Interpret written materials flexibly; understanding that although multiple
meanings are possible, textual evidence needs to support individual
interpretations of the literature being read as well as the implications
drawn from it.
Write expository prose responding to questions abut the literature
Through reading and writing about literature, learn to become reflective
and lifelong learners.
Primary Learning Goals:

Ms. Bishop 10th Grade Syllabus

By the end of the semester, students will:

Learn to appreciate literature by reading aesthetically and not just efferently (simply to
glean information);
Analyze, compare and evaluate various works of literature read between the lines;
Understand that effective authors of fiction, nonfiction and poetry carefully consider
their stylistic choices as they pertain to purpose and audience;
Discern and analyze the rhetorical strategies authors employ and consider applying some
of these strategies to enhance their own writing when appropriate;
Demonstrate serious engagement with the readings through close reading and analytical
Participate in active class analytical discussions / seminars;2
Express analysis and practice writing skills through academic writing assignments and
in-class essays;
Express themselves through creative writing and free writing;
Apply steps of the writing process as they write;
Apply spelling, proofreading, basic grammatical and editing skills to augment their
Continue to develop sophisticated sentence structures and syntax subordination and
Demonstrate a knowledge of the basic design and types of multi-paragraph essays;
Transcend the five-paragraph essay form;
Improve their vocabulary skills primarily in the context of the literature;
Develop and apply the study and research skills necessary for academic success;
Develop and apply oral and presentation skills;
Develop and apply listening skills;
Arrange writing conferences for individual instruction;
Demonstrate their comprehension of the material through regularly scheduled quizzes
and tests
Develop test-taking skills through multiple-choice quizzes and constructed responses
Understand strategies necessary for Pre-AP, strategies applicable to the AP English
Language and Composition as well as the AP Literature and Composition courses.
Materials: loose-leaf paper, 2 inch binder, composition notebook, dividers, sheet protectors,
colored pencils, blue or black pens, pocket dictionary, pencils
Textbook: __________________________________________
Every Monday will be dedicated to a portion of Greek Mythology.
Every Tuesday will be dedicated to African-American Literature component.


General Rules:

Ms. Bishop 10th Grade Syllabus

Student Expectations:
Prepared for class
Assignment completed by expected due date
Respect classmates and Midfield staff
Follow student handbook rules
Progressive Discipline will be used, including the following, but not limited to:
Verbal Warning
Parent Contact
Lunch or after school detention
Parent/administrator/ teacher conference
Students are not allowed to bring food, drinks (except water) into the classroom.
According to school policy, cell phones must be turned off during class time. Any cell
phone use during class time may result in disciplinary action.
I reserve 20% of a student's grade for attitude, behavior, achievement, and
I use the standard grading scale: 90-100 A, 80-89 B, 70-79 C, 60-69 D, 59 and below F.
Students are allowed three passes per semester for personal reasons. Students may not
leave the class for more than 10 minutes. If your student has a physical problem that
requires more than three passes, please discuss this with a counselor or me.
All students will remain in their seats until the bell rings.
The MHS conduct code will be strictly enforced including the Zero Tolerance Policy
concerning cruelty, harassment, excessive teasing, discrimination, violence, and
intimidation. Foul language, derogatory remarks, and disrespect toward classmates,
teachers and school staff will not be tolerated.
Cheating and plagiarism on schoolwork will result in a zero on the assignment and
could result in suspension.
Lack of respect toward the property of others (including writing on or defacing desks),
and disruptive behavior (including talking out of turn) could result in removal from the
classroom and a referral.
Grading Policies:
Homework: Each student is responsible for turning his or her work in on time. If the homework
is late the assignment will only be given half the points. If the assignment is not turned in a week
after the due date then the assignment automatically becomes a zero. Any accommodations in
students IEPs will be met.
Note Taking: In English class students are responsible for taking notes during class lecture.
These notes will help the student prepare for tests or quizzes. Any accommodations in students
IEPs will be met.
Tests and Quizzes: Tests and quizzes are given on a regular basis and points vary according to
the chapter covered. If students score below 70% they have the option of retaking the test or
quiz. Any accommodations in students IEPs will be met. Retakes must be set up with the
teacher for after school or lunch time.

Ms. Bishop 10th Grade Syllabus

Late Policy:
o Homework: Every day that an assignment is not handed in will result in the
grade lowering 5 points. If a documented problem occurs, I must be contacted
before the due date in order to arrange an option that is fair to all students.
o Workbook Pages (Vocabulary & Speech): These must be handed in on the day
that they are due. I will not accept them late. If the workbook is not handed in,
it will result in a 0%.
o Excused Absence (medical, death in the family, court appearance): you are still
responsible to complete any missed work, assignments, or assessments with an
allowance of time equal to the days of absence.
o Unexcused Absence (Vacations): Homework is due at the students return to
school. The student should also be prepared to take any tests or quizzes that
were missed. A three day notice is required if the student wishes the teacher to
prepare work for them to take with them.
o There will be a Missed Work bucket that will have missed assignments; you
can also check the class website for missed assignments.
Work Requirements and Policies:
- All work is to be typed, double spaced, well written, and proofread unless otherwise
- All writing must adhere to MLA formatting. Assignments not written according to
MLA formatting are incomplete, therefore they will be returned for completion.
- All graded assignments will be stored in the portfolio that is kept in the classroom.
Assignments will be added weekly.
- All work is to be handed into the homework box the morning the assignment is due.
- If reading was assigned for homework, be prepared for a quiz on that material during
the following class period.
- Class participation is required. Many opportunities for involvement and student input
will be included in each class. It is the students responsibility to be prepared and
involved in his/her own learning experience.
- Plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty will result in an F for the exercise
and other consequences outlined in the MHS handbook may occur. Parents will also be
- If a student is in need of assistance, please see me at the last period of the day or email

Student Name: ____________________________ Period: _________ Date Returned: ________

Ms. Bishop 10th Grade Syllabus

I have read the class syllabus and understand what is required of me for tenth grade English.
Student Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________
I understand what is expected of my child for tenth grade English.
Parent Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________
Preference for Contact______________________________ Preference for Time_____________
Please return by Friday, December 4, 2015

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