Capstone C Profession Letter

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575 E. Tienken Rd
Rochester Hills, MI 48306-4342
248-726-5700 248-726-5705 248-726-5707
Main Office

Cathryn Skedel, Ph.D.




John R. Kelley
Assistant Principal

Amanda McKay, Ph.D.

Assistant Principal

Vocabulary Acquisition/Department English Goal

Dear Amanda,
I would like to acknowledge your hard work and dedication as a language arts (912) classroom teacher in RCS for the last four years. You have been involved in a
number of successful building projects, and this years language arts department goal
on vocabulary acquisition has served you quite well. Regarding the English department,
you have been collaborating with one another to help with the vocabulary acquisition
and are building strategies to increase vocabulary development in each student. As your
evaluator and Assistant Principal, I see that your department goal is going to continue
for the 2015-2016 school year with setting specific context skills for each grade level to
master in order to be successful with vocabulary development. Just within this past
school year, I have seen how hard you worked with your action research project and the
department goal in order to succeed on obtaining vocabulary attainment within every
student. Looking at the data and all of the research you have conducted it has been
shown that students in our language arts courses have demonstrated an increase of 5%
or more in their ACT score, and pre/post vocabulary assessment. Personally, I know you
have always based your decisions on what you believe is in the best interest of all
students. Your evaluation and data has been very informative and I know everything you
have created and also collaborated with to show success with all of our students is quite
To conclude, at Stoney Creek High School, I believe it is important for families,
community resources, and schools to work together in supporting student success. I
personally value family and community partnering for all students. I want our students
to know the importance of schools, families and community members together
supporting their work at school. I have great confidence for implementing vocabulary in
context in the language arts area (grades 9-12) for next school year as well. Thank you
for all your hard work with vocabulary acquisition and the research you have collected.
John Kelley

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